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Area of learning: Year Group Primary and secondary

 Religious Education Grouping Mixed ability

Short-term lesson plan
 Personal and social Date --/--/----
Learning lesson pathway (topic): Duration Assembly: 20mins
Ramadan Classroom: an hour

Curriculum Strand: Welsh Curriculum Standards

Religious Education
 Human Identity
 Meaning and purpose of life
 Authority and influence
 Search for meaning
o Knowledge and experience of nonmaterial and spiritual.

Personal and social education

 Develop respect for themselves and others
 Value families and friends as a source of mutual support
 Value diversity
 Explore their personal values
 Show sensitivity to the value of others
 How cultural values and religious beliefs shape the way people live
 People differ in what they believe is right and wrong.

Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson you should be able to:
 describe the origins of Ramadan
 explain why Muslims fast in the month of Ramadan
 discuss the importance of observing Ramadan in the UK.
Progression of learning and teaching:
Key teaching points
Lesson hook: Slide 3 (5 minutes). Points to remember: Key learning and teaching
Learners are to make a list of all the food they ate the day before. This lesson could be given as an Assembly or a
classroom lesson.
Teaching suggestions: you could do this verbally, on post- its, as a Think-
pair-share activity. Resources

Please be sensitive to learners who may have an eating disorder. Key vocabulary
 Ramadan
 Islam
 Qur'an
 lunar calendar
 Eid al-Fitr
 Night of Power
 fasting

Key questions

 Would it be difficult to give up food?

 Can you explain what a lunar month is?
 If you were God would you accept a fast at another
 Compare Eid to Christmas
 Is it easier to observe Ramadan in a Muslim
country than it is the UK.
Main teaching

Slide 4 (5mins): Take learners through the information of how Ramadan began. This is also a very basic overview of Islam.

Assessment for Learning: Can you explain what a lunar month is? This could be a good opportunity for Islamic learners to take
the lead and share some of their culture with their class.

Slide 5: (5 mins) Take learners through the reasons and focus of fasting. There is a link to a great article about how athletes stay in peak
performance while also observing Ramadan.

Teaching tip: I have not mentioned pregnancy or periods on the slide so it can be used at a KS2 level however if you are delivering this
to KS3 or 4 please make mention of this to your class to bring awareness of the allowance for women.

Assessment for Learning: If you were God would you accept their fast at another time? This could be a good opportunity to push the
idea that the blessing from the fast is not just because they performed the act of fasting but because their heart and attitude was about
getting focussed on God.

Slide 6: (10 min) Take learners through the breaking of the fast and the festival of Eid.

Teaching tip: If you have a particular restless class I would suggest jumping straight to the script read through. This gives learners the
opportunity to ‘step in someone elses shoes’ as they act out the little scene.

Assessment for Learning: Comparing Eid and Christmas. This would be an opportunity for learners to look at the things that bring us
together rather than the things that separate cultures.

Slide 7: (20mins) Task: Learners decide if they agree or disagree with the statement.

Teaching tip:

Key Stage 2: Break the question down and do verbally.

- What countries are mostly Muslim?

- Is it easier to do something if everyone else is doing it?
- Why or why not?
Key Stage 3 and 4: This is adapted from a long answer exam question. Have learners create a Venn diagram of reasons why it is and
why it isn’t (3 for each) and then have the learners turn that into a paragraph answer on paper.

Plenary: Assessment methods:

 Think- pair – share
Slide 8 (3mins) Run through L.O.’s again and highlight when they were  Extended writing
achieved through the lesson.  Whole class AFL with traffic lights/ thumbs up or
down/ mini whiteboards.
Slide 9: (5 mins) Run through a quick quiz to hit home the key facts about  Targeted Questions.

Evaluation / Next Steps


Learners will write a diary entry from the perspective of a person who has some challenges in fasting for Ramadan.

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