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PTactica No D1

AIM |1se the relevant fo1mat foz_inviting the



- an uOTkintiated of Pwo Tt is
necessars o prepare Qr0posaloi p0ject
The dept sitte the ropo sal Considerinq_
all ulhen it is found that he p7oject
i sfeasible _importantthe adminstrative
approva done
ARter administrative approva done the dept
prepayed detailed estimatedrauinq desiq0
ithinthe ulesSpecification techoical
Sanction is done
- The authoutygtudy theestimate drauina
desiqn uwithinmules 9pecification
technical Sanctio20- isdone.

Thexe ae threeMain tage io the initiatio

fauork namel
DAdministyatio0 appaoya_
Technical Sanction
whan a OTk_other thop_petty wmk|
O Tepair IS eq by dopt he respánsible
licerof that dept should in fist-
instantobtaio the requesition appro va to
its execution from CampleteauthorityThe
Cencuance ot_Competent authorltis
temed dsadministaiive_approval
hen mank is Teqto be executed
by the AHe,D the responsible officen f
that deptshall obtain the adninist1ativ
agmoval om the_compctent authritu
Revised administrative agprovalnt
the Camprtenk cuuthority Shouldhe obtain
)Administnasive appaoval has been given_on
the basiSa astage-l estimake, he amoun
detailed estimate_ inCase of woTk in_
the expenditue onwoTk 10 o04
he expenditne Dn0arl exceed_Ar is
ikoly to exceed the amount ahendu Aptd
bymore thnd 20,
Adminissaat ive oppoVLl has been a/c on_
the stage2tinate the expenditure!
NCe Ed o isikelyo exceed theamout
2 Technical Sanction
tOnRVEy work a panpeds detailed
est uss bE_T2pred tor &nction_ot
+he Competent Authoriy, ThisSonction is
kaaen as Technical Sonction" zo h
Al Sanction estimate should be
CuXIIded in the divisiooofice
The_amount_odetoailed_esiesiMUst aiot
eaceed the agount included in ihe
expenditure 3anction_
Does es Nat Oppls tn estact Part of1
indinzisua StuctMre
Tn Case work executed by PW.D
be ttal ef_al Sanction by lorerautho
Tiyhllno exceed thefinancial imit|
the technical anctioned 1ested in_
Budget Provision ox flppzopriate_d fund-
echnical 3unction a eportis prepared
mention materia 01aanisation tupE
tofa Amount
eq Toy execution d rolect
Lalso VaTIOus Dethods a1e used in_ PwD
fo initiatinq WOYk

DContaact Method
Tem a t e p UNrL iceMethod
Item plus fix Method.
Dept Method
Rate list_mefhod.
Price WoTk Methad.
wOTk method
fmployin abouyMethod
Questions Answers_
WTt.e short note oeo Compaidive stsatemest|
CompaTativeStatement S also e rmed|
as Consolidated Completion epovt
Common cemen worlk Completed is
geneially aepared ewaTded Ryers Morth
is Case Du blic elated Unit iketúker
O abouy

3tate tupeof pay ment Mode to

1Iote1rim ument
2Advance payMeDt
3ecuTed advance
51 Pirst inal _paymeNt.
Retention money.
Reduce rte pament

eline Ioterim_pument
A portion PauLmen Qiventothe
Contiactor Monthl tox worls in_oqness
Supplyin_mdaToMMe undPrthe
Contract is _called as intyim
State type of advance anted to
D Secured ad vance
)Pettyy adyance
3 Mobization_adyance
4) On account payment

5Define-Secured advance
H_aclvancepay men b mode to the
Cent actor on basis of securiby_of
Materia broughtbs Contructnr to site
of work under Lonsist 1is Called_
SecuTed dvance

Explaiathe e r m o t pay_ment
An electric payment is_defined ass
ayingtororqaods r SeTYiCe_ to Contracto
in internet
Ttincluded all inancial0peration
Usina ele ctronic devices SUchaS Compu-
e sMartphone tablet

MaTksL Obtained Dated

Process_related Product related_Total

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