CAA Pr. No. 3

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Practica No.


ATM ramine ony

any five tender notice publishedd
to wTite withComments
news papeTs your
Teterence to yariouS Constitu ents otP
tender notice

Read understand the propositions.
Collect tender notices from newspaper
for vanious civil na9 works
Study the notice covefully enlist
salientfeatures of each
4)Collect the CoTTigendum for reason
changes in oiqinal tender nDtice.
5) Caleulase the percentage of earnest
money Seuriy depos/ in each
tendernotices variouJ wOTks
foT Notice 1

DNome of Newspaper odian Epress

3)Tendes Inviting Authovity* Fmployes state
nsuTance Corporat/a
3 Tende notice no 81--1)/1/Congtn. /2o/6
4) Type of Tender -tender
5 ) Namme of Work General Pest
past Control
treatment af Ro, Bo f staff quart
fstimated Cost Rs. 7,38,753,
larnest Money Rs 14 ,7S
Secuity deposite- 937 1
Rs 96.
Lost date o
off Sale of tender -17/o2/20 20
1Losi date of accepting tende-17/02/20o20

Oote ot opening tende'182/2020

Costof o blanle tender form Rs sso
) Completion peviod 36S days.
4 Tender accepting9 Authovity
tyReqjonal direcbo
| Tender calling uthorjty: Employees state
Insurance Coporcution Mumba
1) Additiona data gny https/eprocure.govi
for Notice 2
Nome of Newspaper - Times of Indio
Tender Tnviting Authovity- Subhadas k
fducational society CsneP ehawun Pune)
Tende Netice No
Name of worl -

Construction o
8uilding for SNBP A Bawcho
stimated Cost - Rs 2,00, 00 000/
EaTnest Money Rs o ,0o, o00/
Securityy deposib-Rs ooo,ooo/-
Lagt dáte of Sale of tende -os/oa/2020
Lost date of occepting tendes-1262/202o
a t e of Dpening tender--12/02/2020
Cst of 8lank tende Porm -10.0o0/-
Completion peiod - 4 months.
Tender accepting9 Authoity fbunder chaiv man
D7 D.k. Bhosale
14 Tenden cellin9 Authority Suh adaas 0
Peutational Socieiy
fos Notice 3

D Name Df Newspaper- Times of Tndia.

Tender Tnviting Authority Tamilnadu police
Hoúsing Conp. Ltd.
ende Notice No 34/%19 -a2
ype of Tende fTender
5Name of Work -Construction of 236 Pe /He
QuanteYS tor TSP x Bettalian
stimated CostRs.286. 39 akh
7 farnest Money -Rs.5372, Do0
Security deposite -Rs. 14,180,000
Last dafte of sale of tende - 25/62/202o
1 Last dade ot opening tende 27 /62/2020
- 27/02/02
Dabe opening tende
12 Cost of blank tenden form 10,000/-
13 Completion peniod -8 Month
14 Tender acceptin9 Authority Sup. Engg
South circle
Tender caling Authority -Temilnade polfce
hoúsing Corp 3d.
16Additiona data Www.tntenders tovs in.
foT Netice - 4

Name of Newspaper Tndian

eTe ndey invi ting Authority-Depi fAtomic
Tender notice No.NPCJeM
ype of Teode - Public Tende
Name otWrk -

Collection Safe disposal of

assotedwoste from NPC
stimated Cost -Rs. S3,06, 6lo/
tarnest money-Rs. , 66, 132/-
Secuit deposife Rs 26s330/
date o of Scale of tende -17/02/2620
16Lostdade ofoccepting tender - 24/%/2 20
Dte of Opening fepder 24 o/20 20
Cat tenden fom Jooo Rs
3Compleaion peviod 12 mortihs.
4) Tender aecepiing AuthoviBy_- AGM,Em Secsion
Tenderr CallingAuthom Depi f A*omic

1Additional data www.npepin

FoT Notice5
Name of Newspape
Tmes_of Tndia.
Tender Tnvi tin Authoviby PwO
.Tender notjce No GIPR 2o1g-2pa/4678
pe Jende -Tender
Nomeof of ork Extension , Construebion
Dt protection wall.
estimatedCast Rs 22265 64
Secu deposibc R 4S 89 - f Rs 34532/-
EaxnestMoney Rs. 2800 ReAsdoo/
9 Lost dade of Sale of tende - 1/6/ Doo
Lasb of occepting tender
date of I1/62/ 2020

Date opening ten der13/02/252o

Cost of blank bender form - Sdo Rs
13Completion_period 4 Months
Tender aceepting Authoity Hovbou7 ng
15Tenden calling Authoyity Pwo
t Additional dota. www.maha tenders.go in.
)Tenden notice ove published in newspoper
fr inviting Contractors
) Geneyally pecctage oP EMO povide s
9. hat of Securi ty depeuitei

Whas are the objectives f Collecting
M at the time of lling f tender
While Submitting fender,Contrac o
has odeposite Cextarh money obous
Is2 of estimated Ct of work fo
dep as PMD as QuaTantee of the tender
So that tontracto m na refuseo
Occept Wor 0 TUn Quv ay from wo
ugh iligal y
whot is the puspose f colleceting
Secuity depoai te fom a tender hen
i i Colected
TP Contactor oils t ful he oak
CS per tenms Conditions bi's whole
b port of Securiby deposit is
by clepartment Ater acceptan ee of of
tenden by Contractor hen he ha fo
deposite Certain amount with dept
3 Suggest the type oP tender invited Ar
following work
Patchwork o Toad bt two Sposs
Skm lenpth
>Lo cal tender
Cnstruction of flyover bridpe.
Globel tender
Consiruction of lake tapping in
eservoj fo hydro pou projeci
LocalGlobal tender
4 What aTe Vomiou clas ses ot Cortracto
Mention their mits 0f works.

Closs ot Contracfoy Limits oT Lnork_

No limt
upto 3 Crore
upto Crore
upto So lakh
upto Slakh
upto Satkh
pto lalkh
5J Discuss ecent development in tende
proceSS Ce-tendering
-Tender notice re published in
name of' ork
newspaper Mentioning
For the other details websitesot
Coneend o-ice igiven in the
NoticeTnterested Contracsors are
excepted o Search websites tor
details viz. imp. dases, amount of
ecnes mony,secury clepost
Compleion perlbo

Marks obtained Ooted

Process relatecd Produet rclased Tosal Sign

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