Orat The Tender Qiven: by Adopting The Process of E Tencdering

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ProcticalNo 0s

AIM Orat the tender notice for the qiven

type ot
o P Construction work to be exeuted
by adopting the process of E tencdering.

Ther Ggoveinment Of Maharasta

Public Wovls Department
Detailed E-tendley notice
Name of works
Constnuction of distict court build
ing at C.6.0 belapur Navi Mumbai - 'st

Online percentoge rute tenders in - I

form are invited by the Executiae Engineer
Speclal prDject (g.W) Division Thene for
the following wore 4om Contractors eg
in appropTiate clasg of the public work
dept t Tmqatjon Qept. ot ahavashta
State The name of woTk estimated
Cost fMD Secuvity deposittime Limit
to Completion ete. Ce aS unde
S Name of Fst.Cost Mo Security |classTime
NeWo CRs| Ldeposít ot cont. limit

p Constvucbion Rs
of dishies Cu16,94 1sp Cla ss
buid os 0voilable 8SD.00068.00,000 B 24
C-8 belgapu ost Ra above Montda
Naw Mumbail6,07,79,
Dist have 236
Tenderfom Condition Df contract
Specif ica tion Contaact_ drawing Can be
downloaded tróm of
e-tendering portal
pu blic works Dept GovernmeD &sMaha-
oshro i.e. http // Pwd maha ras hrtra
e- tender in after entering the details
poument of Rs. 25,000/ in the form
of 00/pay 0rder of sched ules or
nationalized bank in ta vour of executive
enog. special
engg project CPw 0) Thane as
per tender Schedule. Further infovmation
ve.gardiog the womk Can be obtained town
the above oflice.
The tende tovm fee. in fo ot DDA
pay der daawn in the name of executive
na Specia project PW.0 Thane Ahtested
MD Pxplempt ion
Should be submitted by eqisteved Post
CourieT gervice Sealed covers 0ddressed
o the superinteding Engg. PW circle,hane

Tendesing Proceduve

Blank tender form

Tende foTms Can be downloaded
fhom the P-tendering po1tal of P.W.D
goveTnment of Maharashtra j httpl/
pwdmaharashaa e-tender in after
entering the details of payment towards
tenders fees as per tendérSchedule.

Pre tender Com'erence

s Guidlines to bidders on the operatjon of

electwonic tendeTI09 System of Pw
0) Pre- requisites participte in the
tende rocess ed b
by PwO
Steps to be follouwed by contvactors to
pavticipote in the e-teDler processed
by PWD

4 Civil woTs C fnvelope No. 1) DoCument

5envelope No. 2 ender financial 8id )

Submission otende
Opening of Tende
on the dote, specified in the tende
schedule follouing pTocedure will be ado
pted fo0 opening0f tender
AA Enyelope No1 COocument)
fnoelope No.2 CRinancial eid)

8Earnest Money
Eonestmon shoulo be paic in Stot
bank of Iodia oreyensebanle of Tndio
Oany Goyammens meas ury unde the head
8443 Reveue Depesit ¢ the recipted
ohallan should be Submitted as per
tender Schedule

9Secuity deposit
Conclition or poyment ot additiona
Secuty oleposit offer quoted by
tende is is lesser than helow Lhe
Cost put to tende

1 Tssue of fovms
Tntormation reqaTding
Cont vact as
well as well_as blank tender forms Can be
downlooded from the e-tendesimgwebsite
upon providinq the detoils bt payment of
Cost CS detailecd in the NT.
uestion Answer

xplain schedule A also state use ot it

D Schedule A is statement shbwing detor1s
of materials Supplied to Contra(tor by
PwO Store t h e Tate at which mateiials|
ae to be changed
The particulazs tommonly shown in sched
ule A 0ve
@ DescTptjon of Materia to be Supplied
Approximate quantity
The Tates o f which the mateaials will
be charged.
The place of de.livery omater jal
Give meanin Dt tme limt
1) foony work it should be Completed
wthi ix period beypnd has peniod
ContnactoT is lioble for penalsy
The Contacto includes the time of
Completion Specitying the date Month ?
o 0f woTking
aGive meaning of time extension

b1 Some extension ContractoY hs to

Submit an applicatio to Ex, f ng
aivin al the pavticulars eaSons to
deloy before one weelsof expi
xplain delect liability period.
It is period in which Contra ctor
Supp osed Dremedy al defect due to
falty materials bod uworkmanship
as 12 nonte|
perrod is qemeyally adopted
ofter Comple4jon

Whot is unbalanced tender2

Sometimes Contractov tries o Submit
unbalonced tender heMCAy guote higheg
yaie foT those items hose quantities
isSehedule B aTe under Estimated
e sse Tute toT quantities those are
Ove estimated sich tha t total
amou n f tender.

Manlssohtained 1Oated
ocesaaelaied_Proruck oelated otal sin.

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