Efficient Weighted Threshold ECDSA For Securing Bitcoin Wallet

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Efficient Weighted Threshold ECDSA for Securing

Bitcoin Wallet
Pratyush Dikshit Kunwar Singh
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering
National Institute of Technology National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu - 620015 Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu - 620015
pratyushdikshit.pd@gmail.com kunwar2081@gmail.com

Abstract—Bitcoin is a digital currency based on cryptographic correct with high probability.

algorithms. All the transactions of this currency are recorded
and stored in a publically available database called blockchain. More technically, bitcoin is an electronic-cash system
Since, these transactions are available to everyone, bitcoins must
be stored in a secured wallet. These bitcoin wallets can be opened based on cryptographic algorithms. Although, similar in
only by its secret key. And if once the secret key of the wallet functionality and purposes, bitcoin transactions are different
is lost, it cannot be recovered because of the irreversible nature from traditional banking system in many ways, such as -
of bitcoin transaction. To root out this problem, Goldfeder et al.
[4] proposed a solution of threshold signature scheme compatible • Irreversibility: Once a Bitcoin transaction is updated in
with bitcoins signature by using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature the ledger of block chain, that transaction is irreversible
Algorithm (ECDSA) providing security policy of shared control of even if it is shown later that the transaction is not
a wallet in which each player gets only a single share. Considering correct. (e.g., a stolen private key was used).
an important point of priority/weightage of players, Dikshit and
Singh [12] first proposed a scheme in which each payer is
given one or more shares of the secret key according to his • Automation: Unlike traditional banking transaction
weightage/priority. This scheme has a drawback of managing system, bitcoin transaction of any size can be fully
and handling many keys by each player. Suppose a player has automated and can be authorized only with a digital
weightage w, then he possesses w different shares of secret key. signature.
This problem is resolved in the proposed scheme in this paper.
We propose a scheme in which all the players get single share
and can accomplish the requirements of concept of weightage. • Pseudonymity: Traditional transaction system carries
We extend the weighted threshold ECDSA scheme in order to same name of the user for multiple transactions. In
realize efficient weighted threshold ECDSA scheme. bitcoin context, users transact with different addresses
Index Terms—Cryptography, Shamir secret sharing, bitcoin, that make them pseudonym. And to achieve privacy,
threshold signature scheme, ECDSA, Bitcoin wallet
bitcoin addresses transactions do not link together.
• Low Transaction fees: On traditional transaction
Bitcoin was introduced in a self-published paper by Satoshi
system, merchants can charge transaction fee that can
Nakamoto in October, 2008[2]. Bitcoin is a decentralized
range from 0.5% to 5%, for each transaction made.
system which requires no central authority. In recent years,
Bitcoin transaction can be made at a negligible cost or
bitcoin has become increasingly accepted and used in many
none at all, as bitcoin fees are based on the amount of
fields in place of physical cash.
bitcoin sent.
Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network of nodes that distribute
• Financial fairness: Inflation can have a huge impact on
and record transactions [3]. Bitcoin transaction is a statement
traditional banking system, but it doesn’t affect bitcoin
that Player 1 (address 1) would like to transfer some bitcoin
system at all.
values v to Player 2 (address 2), signed by Player 1 by his
private key. Transactions are verified by network nodes and
• Financial freedom: Bitcoin provides freedom to users
confirmed in a public distributed ledger called the block
regarding their financial status because of decentralization
chain. The block chain consists of a series of blocks in which
of bitcoin network, unlike traditional banking system
each block contains the hashed value of subsequent block.
which is totally centralized.
Every bitcoin block contains a set of verified transactions
that are collected from the bitcoin broadcast network. It is One of the key components of bitcoin is Bitcoin Wallet.
assumed that the majority of nodes in the bitcoin network By name, it seems that ’wallet’ stores bitcoins, but due to
is honest. This makes the verification done by the nodes is the nature of bitcoin transaction, only the details of bitcoin
transaction can be saved but not the bitcoin. So, one can to weightage/priority w, that makes the scheme more realistic.
describe the bitcoin wallet as a software or a hardware that Each player gets one or more shares. Any access structure of
stores the digital credentials for his bitcoin holdings and subsets of shares can have access to sign the documents. That
allows him to access (and spend) them. All the necessary scheme deals with the subsets of shares instead of players.
information to transact bitcoins are stored in a wallet. Bitcoin
uses public-key cryptography, in which basically two keys, Our contribution is to provide a scheme which is
one public and one private, are generated. Fundamentally, more practically acceptable and applicable in real world.
bitcoin wallet is a collection of these keys. In practical environment, people has different priorities
according to their posts or ranks in an organization. Dikshit
By using elliptic curve cryptosystem, wallet generates and Singh [12] first proposed a scheme in which each payer
private keys and then derives the corresponding public is given one or more shares of the secret key according to his
keys. These public keys are then converted into hashed weightage/priority. This scheme has a drawback of managing
values. These hash values are the addresses of wallet. Wallet and handling many keys by each player. Suppose a player has
monitors for outputs spent to those addresses, creates and weightage w, then he possesses w different shares of secret
signs transactions spending those outputs, and broadcasts the key. This problem is resolved in the proposed scheme in this
signed transactions. paper. We propose a scheme in which all the players get
single share and can accomplish the requirements of concept
Bitcoin wallet can be accessed only by the specific of weightage. In this scheme, all the players are divided
private key. The one who has that private key, can only open into groups of different weightages. The players belong to
the wallet and construct a transaction. But the main problem one group possess same weightage. Every group has its own
is if the private key is lost, it cannot be recovered because threshold value. Any subset of players having more than or
there is no authority to control the details of keys. Wallets equal to the threshold value of that group can reconstruct
have been attacked by adversaries many times. And because the key, but any subset of players having lesser players than
of irreversibility, these attacks pose many security problems. threshold value cannot get any information about the secret.
This results into the decreasing user confidence in bitcoin For example, suppose there are 3 different levels in the
transaction as well as in bitcoin wallets and could prevent the hierarchy of an institution. These are Professors, Associate
digital currency from going mainstream. Various solutions Professors and Assistant Professors. All the faculty members
of this problem has been proposed by many researchers till are categorized in either of these levels. These three levels are
date, such as 2-factor authentication, 3-factor authentication, clustered to form 3 different groups - GROUP 1 (professors),
cold storage, multi-signature, etc. But these schemes have GROUP 2 (associate professors), GROUP 3 (assistant
serious problems regarding anonymity and privacy, which is professors). Suppose, there is a key to open the laboratory.
undesirable for the goal of bitcoin. This key is shared among players of each group by using
shamir secret sharing scheme. There are, say n1 , professors,
So, the appropriate solution to the problem of bitcoin out of which only t professors are needed to open the
wallet security, maintaining the requirements of anonymity laboratory. Similarly, there are n2 (> n1 ) associate professors
and privacy, is to have joint control on bitcoin wallet, i.e., in the institutions, out of which 2t associate professors are
combination of multiple participants/players. Before the needed to open the laboratory. In the same way, 3t assistant
signature is considered valid, multiple players construct their professors are needed out of n3 (> n2 ) assistant professors
signatures to form a joint control. Joint control is very much to open the laboratory. In the same way, this hierarchical
beneficial to eliminate the risk of internal fraud as no one level can go on beyond the levels considered here. According
alone gets the full access of signing. to above situation, only t professors are needed against 2t
associate professors and 3t assistant professors. This implies
Goldfeder et al.[7] proposed a scheme as a solution that GROUP 1 has the highest weightage because this group
to the problem of bitcoin wallet. That scheme uses elliptic needs the least number of players to construct the signature.
curve digital signature algorithm using threshold signature Similarly, GROUP 3 has the least weightage. This practical
protocol. In threshold signature scheme, the access of scenario can be realized by using proposed scheme.
constructing a signature is distributed among n players. Each
player receives a share of the private signing key. Out of n In this scheme, the dealer D selects R different random
players, any t or more players are required to sign. Threshold polynomials f 1 , f 2 , ..., f R of degree t − 1, 2t − 1, ..., Rt − 1
signature scheme distributes the signing power among n respectively. The dealer keeps the same free term in all the
players called authorized subsets of players such that any polynomials. That is, the secret key to be constructed is same
subset of t can jointly sign, but any t − 1 or smaller subset, for all the groups. All the players possess a single share.
called unauthorized subsets of players, cannot. The collection Suppose, there are n1 players in GROUP 1, n2 players in
of all authorized subsets is called the access structure. GROUP 2, and so on. The dealer calculates the share of all
Dikshit and Singh [12] proposed a scheme in which each the players as f 1 (x1 ), f 1 (x2 ), ..., f 1 (xn1 ) and sends secretly
player is given one or more shares of the secret key according to player 1, players 2, ..., player n1 respectively of GROUP
1. Likewise, he calculates the shares for players of GROUP each transaction. Everyone on the network knows about a
R as f R (x1 ), f R (x2 ), ..., f R (xnR ) and sends secretly to transaction, and one can get the history of transaction back
player 1, player 2, ..., player nR of that group. Then, any t to the point where the bitcoins were produced.
or more players of the same group can construct the signature.
To transfer bitcoins from one address to another, a
Paper Outline: Section II explains the preliminaries transaction is constructed that specifies one or more input
and work related to the proposed scheme. This section addresses from which the funds are to be sent, and one or
contains an overview of bitcoin and some existing methods more output addresses to which the funds are to be received
for the security of bitcoin wallet in two different subsections. [1]. Bitcoin transactions are digitally signed by the private
Section III describes secret sharing in detail. This section key associated with each input address in order to make the
flows with the explanation of shamir secret sharing and secret transaction valid. If player 1 wants to send some bitcoins to
sharing in threshold signature manner. In further subsection, player 2, the transaction will have three pieces of information:
different techniques of sharing secret, joint random secret
sharing (JRSS) without a dealer, protocol for reducing the
• An input: record of transaction containing address of
degree of a polynomial from 2t to t and secure reciprocal
player 1 (he received bitcoins from his friend, player 3).
protocol have been explained. Then the last subsection
gives a brief information about standard elliptic curve
• An amount: the amount of bitcoins that player 1 is
digital signature algorithm. Section IV explains the proposed
sending to player 2.
scheme of this paper. This part gives a detailed scheme of
our contribution. Section V concludes with the emphasize
• An output: bitcoin address of player 2.
towards the work being done in this paper and the limitations
of the proposed work. This section also includes future work
to be done on the basis of proposed scheme to overcome the To send bitcoins, one needs two things: a bitcoin address
limitations discussed. and a private key. A bitcoin address is a randomly
generated alphanumeric sequence. The private key is another
alphanumeric sequence. The private key is kept secret, unlike
A. Bitcoin the bitcoin address. Each output of a bitcoin transaction
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency with no central is actually the input of the next transaction. Thats why,
authority or bank [5]. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology it is needed to spend whole output at a time. If someone
to operate. Bitcoins are assigned to (and redeemed from) wishes to spend a part of the output that was received
transactions and not addresses, but conceptually they can in a previous transaction. This can be done by means of
be thought of as belonging to the addresses named in those a change address where one mentions his own address
transactions. Actually, bitcoins do not exist anywhere, even as one of the output addresses of that transaction. For
on a hard drive. Someone has bitcoins does not mean that he example, if player 1 received 10 bitcoins in a transaction
has some coins collected in digital form. There is no digital and wants to transfer 7 bitcoins to player 2, he constructs a
bitcoin held in bitcoin addresses, like traditional currency held transaction in which he transfers 7 BTC to the address of
in bank account. Instead, there are only records of transactions player 2 and the remaining 3 BTC to his own changed address.
between different addresses, with balance information that
can increase and decrease depends on transaction. Every Bitcoin address can be thought of as a safe deposit
transaction that ever took place is stored in a huge public box with a transparent glass front. Everyone can see what is
ledger called the block chain. If someone wants to find out inside the safe, but only the person having private key of that
the balance of any bitcoin address, he won’t find balance at safe can unlock it. When player 1 wants to send bitcoins to
that address, instead he must reconstruct it by looking at the player 2, he uses his private key to do signature on a message
block chain. with the input (the source of transaction(s)), amount (number
of bitcoins), and output (address of player 2). Then, player 1
Bitcoin transactions are sent from and to electronic sends the mentioned amount from his bitcoin wallet to the
bitcoin wallets [3]. Bitcoin wallets are a software abstraction bitcoin network. From there, some specified nodes on the
that can manage multiple addresses. Users just see their network verify the transaction and putting it into a transaction
total balance, and when they want to transfer bitcoins to block. New block is added into block chain through a rigorous
another address, they specify the amount to be transferred. competition among nodes which are actually, called bitcoin
The bitcoin wallet software chooses the input addresses and transaction verifiers. This competition requires each node or
change addresses and constructs the transaction. The standard set of nodes to solve a puzzle called proof-of-work. This
bitcoin wallet implementation generates a new change address activity is called mining and the miners are rewarded with
for every transaction. The main purpose of choosing this transaction fees and newly created bitcoins. If the block is
change address is anonymity. Adversary cannot link different valid, then the new block is accepted as the head of the block
transactions of a single user having unique address for chain.
Miners work on a distributed consensus system that is used with threshold signatures, change addresses will not be
to confirm already constructed transactions by including them linkable by the adversaries when sending bitcoin to any
in the block chain. People send bitcoins to each other over regular(single-key) address or other threshold address.
the bitcoin network, but a system needs to keep a record of For example: In a 3-out-of-5 threshold signature scheme,
all these transactions so that people would be able to keep the ability to construct a signature is distributed among
track of who had paid what. The bitcoin network deals with different devices (for example an office computer, a
this by aggregating all of the transactions made during a set home computer, a smartphone, etc.), and each device
period (around 10 minutes) into a list, called a block. Then it receives a share of the private signing key. Here, any
is the responsibility of miners to confirm those transactions, three devices together can construct signature. So, any
and update them into a general ledger. As soon as a particular two compromised devices cannot put the money at risk.
transaction is added to the block chain, it is called successful
B. Existing Methods for the Security of Bitcoin Wallet
A. Shamir Secret Sharing
There are some existing methods for the security of bitcoin
wallet [1][7] used in present situation. Some of them are Liu considered the following problem. Eleven scientists
explained below: are working on a secret project. They wish to lock up the
documents in a cabinet so that the cabinet can be opened if
• 2-factor authentication schemes: [3] In addition to and only if six or more of the scientists are present. What is
the password, the user is required to provide at least the smallest number of locks needed? What is the smallest
one more authentication step, either by replying to an number of keys to the locks each scientist must carry? [8]
email or using a messaging service on cell phone. But, Answer of these problems are 462 locks and 252 keys per
this will be accomplished at the cost of anonymity and scientist. Obviously, this is not a practical solution to these
privacy of users. kind of problems.

• 3-factor authentication scheme: Users can use Shamir’s secret sharing scheme gives the solution for
biometrics methods such as retina scan, fingerprint scan, generalization of above problem. Shamir’s secret sharing
etc. But again, anonymity is compromised. considers the secret as some data D and divides the data D
into u pieces in such a way that at least t- pieces are required
• Cold storage: Cold Storage defines keeping the main to construct the data D but no information about data D is
bitcoin wallet on an offline device i.e., the device which revealed from t-1 pieces or less. Shamir’s secret sharing is
is not connected to the Internet, and moving only the based on the following theorem.
funds needed for frequent use to online storage, i.e.,
Hot Storage. Often it seems too much of a hassle, and THEOREM:
obviously, it takes much more time to transact which is Given t points in the 2-dimensional plane (x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xt , yt )
not in favor of goals of bitcoin. with distinct x’s, there is one and only one polynomial of
degree t − 1 such that q(xi ) = yi for all i.
• Multi Signature [4][7]: Multi-signature (multisig) wal-
lets offer a better solution. A multisig transaction requires a) Shamir’s sharing protocol.: Our goal is to create u-
the agreement of the required number of authorized secret shares of the secret s such that at least t shares are
signatories, for example a 3-of-5 transaction will require required to compute D.
three signatories out of five. However, the paper shows
1) Dealer D pick a random t − 1 degree polynomial
that multisig transactions have some serious usability
q(x) = a0 + a1 x+, . . . , +at−1 xt−1 in which a0 = s.
problems, and anonymity and confidentiality drawbacks.
Here all coefficients ai (0 ≤ i ≤ t − 1) are from field
To preserve the anonymity, there are some existing tech-
(Fp : prime p).
niques like Mixcoin, CoinJoin, and the use of change
addresses. The problem is none of these techniques
2) Dealer D computes q(1), q(2), . . . , q(u) and secretly
are compatible with multisignatures, while they all are
distributes each player j the share q(j). Hence the shares
compatible with threshold signatures.
are denoted as q(1), q(2), . . . , q(u).
Suppose a player uses multisignature-based security and
constructs a transaction at an online store. Then the From these t- points we can construct polynomial q(x) of
spending address (address of player) and change address degree t-1 and can find secret s = q(0). One can construct
will all have the same t-of-n access control structure, polynomial by using Lagrange interpolation.
whereas the destination address (address of store) most
likely will not. This provides clues to adversaries to link b) Lagrange polynomial.: Given t points in the 2- di-
player’s input and output addresses. On the other hand, mensional plane (x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xt , yt ) with distinct x’s, then
the unique polynomial passing through these points in the the secret key. Because of this adversary cannot produce
Lagrange form is a linear combination signatures without a threshold sized group.
q(x) = L(x) = yi li (x) C. Sharing Secret : With Dealer vs. Without Dealer
Here, dealer is the third party which is an authorized and
of the Lagrange basis polynomials: trusted system who manages the distribution of secret. Here,
Y (x − xm ) (x − x1 ) (x − xt ) it is described how shares are generated and distributed.
li (x) = = ...
(xi − xm ) (xi − x1 ) (xi − xt )
1≤m≤t,m6=i One way to do this is by using a trusted dealer who
has a randomly generated key [9]. He generates the shares
and distributes them to each player. But, this scheme has
c) Properties of Shamir’s secret sharing:
a major drawback of dependency on a single point for all
1) Perfect Security: Adversary with knowledge of t − 1 shares. A more sophisticated scheme eliminates the use of
shares or less cannot find any information regarding trusted dealer and allows the players to generate shares of a
secret. key in a distributed manner without ever constructing the key
2) Ideal: Size of each share is exactly the same as the size in the process.
of the secret.
3) Extendable: By calculating the polynomial in additional Both the approaches have their own strengths and
points, additional shares may easily be created. weaknesses. None of them is strictly better than the other.
4) Homomorphic Property: Although having a trusted dealer is a weakness, but in some
• If we add/multiply a constant to all secret shares (y- cases it is strictly necessary. A dealer less protocol allows the
values) then this constant will be added/multiplied parties to generate a new key, but it does not allow players
to the secret to get new secret. to distribute an already existing key. In the Bitcoin context,
• Suppose we have two secrets s and t. Their corre- if someone already has an address and later he wants to
sponding shares are f (1), . . . , f (n) for polynomial add threshold security to that address, he needs a trusted
f (x) and g(1), . . . , g(n) for polynomial g(x). Now dealer protocol to generate shares from the existing secret key.
we define j th share as f (j) + g(j), (j ∈ [1 . . . n]).
New secret will be s + t for new function h(x) = However, when generating a new address, a dealer
f (x) + g(x) since h(0) = f (0) + g(0). less protocol is generally superior. This explains the need
B. Threshold Secret Sharing of the proposed scheme to include both approaches in two
different levels.
Threshold secret sharing is a scheme to distribute a secret
value into shares that can be given to different players, with
D. Joint Random Secret Sharing (without a dealer) [JRSS]
the following two properties [4]:
JRSS provides freedom to the players to choose their
(1) any subset of shares of size equals or more than secrets on their own. This scheme doesn’t require a dealer
threshold can reconstruct the secret or a third party to generate shares of a secret. Each player
(2) any subset of shares smaller than this threshold together chooses secret using Shamir Secret Sharing. Then all n -
yields not a single bit of information about the secret. players distribute the shares to all other players. Finally, t
(threshold) players with their shares can compute combined
The secret can be framed as a polynomial of degree secret key. This protocol is free from single point of failure.
t − 1 and a randomly selected point on the polynomial It also verifies the correctness and consistency of shares
is given to each of n players, any t-of-n can be used to of the players without sharing original secret to anyone.
reconstruct the polynomial using Lagrange Interpolation. The proposed solution is preferable when generating a new
Secret sharing schemes are fundamentally one-time Firstly, All the players agree on the following setup:
use. In that, once the secret is reconstructed, it is known to
all the players who took part in reconstructing it. A more [9] Given an elliptic curve E defined over field Zp (prime
general approach is threshold cryptography, where a threshold p). The base point G ∈ E(Zp ) of large cyclic sub-group of
number of shares would be needed, out of all the shares, to order r (prime r) that divides the number of points in E(Zp ).
reconstruct the secret. A (t, n)-threshold signature scheme Given a threshold t and the total number of players n ≥ 2t+1.
distributes signing power to n players. Any group of at least
t players can generate a signature, whereas a group of less Now, each player Pi does the following:
than t cannot. The main property of threshold signatures
is that the secret key need not ever be reconstructed. Even A. Secret Sharing among all the players:
after repeated signing, adversary cannot learn anything about
1) selects a random polynomial fi (x) of degree t, Since B is not singular (because bi s are distinct), we have
such that fi (0) is the secret value. for example, S(B −1 P B) = R, but A = B −1 P B is some fixed constant
fi (x) = ai0 + ai1 x + ... + ait xt . Here ai0 is the secret of matrix. This proves our claim.
player i, where i ∈ [1, ..., n]
F. Simple Reciprocal Protocol
2) secretly sends fi (j) to player Pj , ∀j = [1, ..., n] Following is the protocol to calculate the share of inverse
of secret.
3) Compute yi = aik G, ∀k = [0, ..., t] .
1) A secret x mod r is shared among n players.
2) Generate shares of x−1 modr without revealing any
4) Compute zi = fi (j)G, ∀j = [1, ..., n] .
information about x or x−1 .
3) Each player Pi has a share xi of x on a polynomial of
B. Verification of shared secret by all the players: degree t.
4) The players run the JRSS protocol [9], ending up with
1) For verification purpose, each player Pi broadcasts yi each player Pi having share ei of a random secret e on
and zi to all other players . a polynomial of degree t.
Pt 5) Also, the players run the JZSS [9] such that each player
2) Each Pj6=i verifies that k=0 j yi = fi (j)G or not, Pi has a share zi of a zero secret on a polynomial of
and that fi (j)G is consistent with his share. For degree 2t.
example, player 2 verifies the share of player 1 on 6) Each player Pi locally computes and broadcasts, ui =
a polynomial of degree t = 2. Player 2 computes xi ei + zi .
f2 (1) = (a20 + a21 + a22 )G. Player 2 also computes 7) Players can interpolate the polynomial of degree 2t and
P 2 k 2
k=0 1 ak G. Since both the values come out to be compute u.
equal, player 2 accepts the signature as valid. 8) All the players can compute u−1 modr.
9) Each player Pi computes his share of x−1 as Ci =
If any player is found guilty, then the decision would be taken ei u−1 on a polynomial of degree 2t.
on the basis of majority voting. Once the above scheme is
completed successfully, each player Pi can safely calculates G. Standard ECDSA
his share as j=1 fj (i) mod r. Firstly, the usual ECDSA signature generation scheme is
presented below.
The combined secret key of n-players is a10 + a20 + ... + an0 .
Out of n-players, any t-players with their shares can compute Parameters
the combined secret key.
Given an elliptic curve E over Zp (prime p) [2]. Given
E. The Degree Reduction Protocol base point G of order n, the private key d, and the message
This protocol shows that a polynomial of degree 2t can m to be signed.
be reduced to polynomial of degree t while keeping the free
coefficient unchanged [11]. Signature Generation
Let h(x) = a0 + a1 x + ... + a2t x2t and let si = h(bi ) = 1) Compute e = SHA-1 (m). Convert e to an integer
f (bi )g(bi ), for i = 0, ..., n − 1 be the shares of h(x). Each using the method in ANSI X9.62. With reference to
player Pi holds an si . So, h(x) can be truncated to be k(x) = ANSI X9.62, given an input message, SHA-1 gives the
a0 + a1 x + ... + at xt and ri = k(bi ) for i = 1, ..., n − 1 This output in the form of hexadecimal which can be further
can be proved as follows: converted into integer easily.
CLAIM: Let S = (s0 , ..., sn−1 ) and R = (r0 , ..., rn−1 ) then
there exists a constant nXn matrix A such that R = S.A 2) Select a random integer k such that 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1
Let H be the n-vector H = (h0 , ..., ht , ..., h2t , 0, ..., 0) 3) Compute (x1 , y1 ) = kG.
and let K be the n-vector K = (h0 , ..., ht , 0, ..., 0).
Let B = (ci,j ) be the nXn (Vandermonde) matrix, where 4) Convert x1 to an integer using the method in ANSI
ci,j = bij for i, j = 0, ..., n − 1. Furthermore, let P be the X9.62. Compute r = x1 modn . If r = 0, return to step
linear projection 2.
P (x0 , ..., xn−1 ) = (x0 , ..., xt , 0, ..., 0).
We have 5) Compute s = k −1 (e+dr)modn. If s = 0, return to step 2.
H.B = S
H.P = K 6) The signature for m using the key d is the pair (r, s).
K.B = R
IV. PROPOSED SCHEME constructed is same for all the groups. All the players possess
a single share. Suppose, there are n1 players in GROUP 1,
Now, the proposed scheme for efficient weighted threshold n2 players in GROUP 2, and so on. The dealer calculates the
signature using ECDSA is explained below: share of all the players as f 1 (x1 ), f 1 (x2 ), ..., f 1 (xn1 ) and
sends secretly to player 1, players 2, ..., player n1 respectively
Our Scheme : Efficient Weighted Threshold ECDSA of GROUP 1. Similarly, the dealer calculates the share for
players of GROUP 2 as f 2 (x1 ), f 2 (x2 ), ..., f 2 (xn2 ) and
Our proposed scheme is similar to the scheme explained sends secretly to player 1, player 2, ..., player n2 , (n2 > n1 )
by Goldfeder et al. [4] and Dikshit and Singh [12]. The key respectively. Similarly, he calculates the shares for players
difference is that the scheme given by Dikshit and Singh of GROUP R as f R (x1 ), f R (x2 ), ..., f R (xnR ) and sends
[12], each player is given shares according to his weightage. secretly to player 1, player 2, ..., player nR of that group.
If player i has weightage wi , then player i is given wi shares. The value of share of player i of GROUP k is given by
In our weighted threshold ECDSA scheme, each player is dki = f k (xi ).
given only one share.
Public Key for GROUP k is Qk = i=1 di G, where
In proposed scheme, all the players are divided into nk is the number of players in GROUP k.
groups of different weightages. The players belong to one
group possess same weightage. Every group has its own Once this is complete, each group separately can do
threshold value. Any subset of players having more than or signature on message m. Here, we have provided the scheme
equal to the threshold value of that group can construct the of signature generation for one group with n players, out of
signature, but any subset of players having lesser players than which any t (threshold) payers are required to construct their
threshold value cannot construct the signature. signatures.

This scheme is divided into two phases - setup phase Signature Generation
and signature generation phase. The set up phase is totally
handled by a dealer to distribute the shares of each player First Part of Signature: This part of signature is computed
secretly. without using the shares issued by the dealer.

Signature generation phase is further divided into 1) Since m is public, each player computes e = SHA-1(m)
two sections. First section calculates the value of first part and then e is converted to an integer using ANSI X9.62.
of signature i.e., r. Dealer does not have any information
about the value of individual shares of players. The second 2) Players run Joint Random Secret Sharing without a
section of this phase calculates the value of second part of Dealer [Refer section III.D] as follows:
signature i.e., s with the help of secret shared by the dealer.
Combining both the parts, we get the required signature i.e. This section does not include the role of secret
(r, s). Signature can be constructed by any number of players shared by the dealer. Every player i computes
of one group whose combined shares equals or more than the f i (1), f i (2), ..., f i (n) and gives to players 1, 2, ..., n.
threshold (t) value. For example, a player P2 selects a random polynomial
such that f 2 (x) = (a20 + a21 x + ... + a2t xt ). Then
The base condition for this scheme is that total number of he calculates f 2 (1), f 2 (2), ..., f 2 (n) and distribute to
players in each group must be twice more than the threshold players 1, 2, ..., n. The free term a20 is the secret of
value, i.e., n ≥ 2t + 1. player 2.
• Each player Pi selects random polynomial f i (x)
Parameters of degree t such that his chosen secret is the free
term of the polynomial. For example, for player P2 ,
An elliptic curve E defined over field Zp (prime p). f 2 (x) = (a20 + a21 x + ... + a2t xt ). The free term a20 is
A base point G ∈ E(Zp ) is a generator of large cyclic sub the secret of player 2.
group of order r (prime r) that divides the number of points
in elliptic group E(Zp ). • Each player computes shared value for all
other players and send to respective players,
Setup Phase ki = f 1 (xi ) + f 2 (xi ) + ... + f n (xi ), where ki is
the shared secret of player i.
Let the number of groups be R. The dealer D selects
R different random polynomials f 1 , f 2 , ..., f R of degree 3) Each player i computes the value of the Lagrange basis
t − 1, 2t − 1, ..., Rt − 1 respectively. The dealer keeps the same polynomial
free term in all the polynomials. That is, the secret key to be
player selects random polynomial f i (x).
bi (x) = j6=i,j∈B j−i
But in order to consider the free term of polynomial, • zi is the secret of player i, where zi = a=1 fa (i) .
put x = 0 in above equation
5) Now, each player i locally computes and broadcasts
Q j
bi (0) = j6=i,j∈B j−i vi = ki ci + zi

B is the set of indices of any number of players 6) Players can interpolate the polynomial of degree 2t and
out of n players. compute v. And then, all players can compute v −1 mod
4) Each player i computes yi = bi ki .
7) Each player i computes his share of k −1 as li = ci v −1
5) Each player i broadcasts Vi = yi G = bi ki G . on a polynomial of degree 2t . So, apply secure degree
It is very hard to find out yi from Vi because of elliptic reduction protocol [Refer section III.E] to reduce the
curve discrete logarithm problem. degree of polynomial from 2t to t.

6) According to the homomorphic property of Shamir 8) Players now run secure reciprocal protocol and compute
secret sharing, if we add/multiply a constant to all the shares of wi = di ki−1 over a degree 2t polynomial
secret shares then this constant will be added/multiplied by multiplying their shares of d and k −1 . They run
to secret to get new secret [Refer section III.A]. All secure degree reduction protocol, to reduce the degree
players can now compute of the polynomial back to t [Refer section III.E].
(x1 , y1 ) = kG = i∈B Vi , where k = a10 +a20 +...+an0
mod n . 9) By applying homomorphic property of Shamir Secret
Sharing [Refer section III.A], each player now computes
7) Convert x1 to an integer using the method in ANSI the share
X9.62. Then, compute r = x1 mod n. If r = 0, then si = ki−1 e + rwi = ki−1 e + r(di ki−1 ) = ki−1 (e + di r)
return to setup phase. Players, then, can run secure degree reduction protocol
to reduce the degree of the polynomial sharing s back
to t [Refer section III.E].
Second Part of Signature:
1) It is required to compute k −1 mod n from shares of k 10) Players can now interpolate their shares of s to recover
without revealing any information about k . s = k −1 (e + dr).
If s = 0, then return to setup phase.
2) The players run the Joint Random Secret Sharing
protocol [Refer section III.D] to distribute 11) Hence, (r, s) is the required signature on message m
a share ci of c to each player i, where using key d.
ci = f 1 (xi ) + f 2 (xi ) + ... + f m (xi ). Since the secret key d is same for all the groups, t of
GROUP 1, 2t of GROUP 2, ..., Rt of GROUP R can generate
3) A simple multiplication protocol can be employed here, the signature.
such that ui = ci ki . But the result is automatically Signature Verification
a share on a polynomial of degree 2t. Moreover, the
resulting polynomial is not completely random which Verification to the signature obtained in threshold ECDSA
may weaken the security of the scheme. Consequently, scheme is almost the same as that of standard ECDSA
the Joint Random Zero Secret Sharing is employed to verification procedure. For authenticating signature, one must
add a sort of randomization to the process. have a copy of dealer’s public key Q. One can verify Q is
valid curve point as follows:
4) Players for each share run the Joint Random Zero
1) Check that Q is not equal to the identity element O.
Secret Sharing. This scheme is a special case of JRSS.
In this scheme each player for each share chooses his
2) Check that Q lies on the curve.
secret as zero. Hence for all the players in this scheme
must agree with a0 G = 0 ∀i = {1, ..., n}. The stepwise
3) Check that n X Q = O. Here, n is the order of elliptic
procedure of this scheme as follows:
curve chosen by dealer.
• Each player i selects a random polynomial f After this, follow these steps:
of degree 2t subject to zero as its free term, i.e., 1) Check that the two parts of signature obtained above, r
f (x) = 0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + ... + at xt + ... + a2t x2t . Each and s are integers and r, s ∈ [1, n − 1] .
[3] Transactions
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InCircuits and Systems, 2003 IEEE 46th Midwest Symposium on 2003
supposed to have equal weightage/priority. But practically, Dec 30 (Vol. 1, pp. 276-280)
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We have extended weighted threshold ECDSA in order to [12] P Dikshit, K Singh Weighted Threshold ECDSA for Securing Bitcoin
address efficient weighted threshold ECDSA. We explained Wallet National Workshop on Cryptology (2016)
that our proposed scheme can be implemented in any orga- [13] H Ghodosi, J Pieprzyk, R Safavi-Naini Remarks on the multiple assign-
ment secret sharing scheme Information and Communications Security
nization according to its internal hierarchical level. We have (1997): 72-80
given a scheme on how to use weighted threshold ECDSA
scheme to realize bitcoin wallets effectively. Our technique
has the potential to dramatically improve bitcoin security. We
have removed the drawback of scheme proposed in [12] that it
requires more space for storing secret share of each player. In
our scheme, all the players are divided into groups according to
similarity in weightages. The players belong to the same group
have same weightage. A group with higher weightage can
have access to reconstruct the key just by t out of n players.
Whereas, group of lesser weightage can reconstruct the secret
by T (> t) out of N (> n) players. Each player has to store
only one share. Here, each player possesses one share which is
represented by a polynomial value. This gives an advantage of
storing only one polynomial no matter what the weightage the
player or the group possesses. The limitation of this scheme,
we can say, is that the scheme will not work securely if players
come together from two or more different groups to reconstruct
the key. That is, if players from different groups take part
in reconstructing secret, this scheme does not work properly.
Our future work includes the distribution of shares to all the
players in such a way that players from another group can also
take part in secret reconstruction securely without affecting the
already existing condition.

[1] Deterministic Wallet
accessed: 2014-02-11
[2] Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm
accessed: 2014-02-11

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