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Paragraph A is the best one of all the choices.

It is well structured, unlike paragraph B that begins with a

title which is wrong. Furthermore, paragraph C has many grammar mistakes such as a lot of run-on
sentences and the supporting points are not strong. Moreover, paragraph A has good supporting
sentences which make the paragraph stronger. In addition, paragraph A contains connectors which a
good paragraph must contain in order to connect ideas. One example is “‘Firstly’, teachers were forced
to adhere to online teaching which they have not been trained for;” “‘as a result,’ they faced problems
in using learning platforms.” Another example is “‘Secondly’, the students have had similar problems on
how to use digital learning resources and other learning platforms.” All these points show how the ideas
are connected in the paragraph. Eventually, the paragraph ends by saying “Summing up…” which is a
proper connector for concluding ideas.

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