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Iriga City

Feb. 6, 2022


1. What is curriculum? Give at least three issues in our present curriculum in this time
of pandemic. How did you adjust to the situations? Discuss in 250 words.
The word curriculum is defined from Latin which means “race”. curriculum is the
body or selection of content and also the way of achieving objectives. The curriculum
identifies the learning outcomes, standards and core competencies that students must
demonstrate before advancing to the next level. it is planned and guided by the school
management to the pedagogue and learner. it is not just the set of content but it does
matter on the success of individual or group. if the curriculum is good so the individual or
group’s skill will be remarkable and worth of attention.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has had huge disruptive effects on normal life,
difficult as it already was in many countries. For schools, students and parents, the impact
of closed schools and children stuck at home with little or no access to learning, the effect
has been devastating. Experts estimate that a whole year of learning could be lost,
meaning a whole cohort of students could be permanently lagging behind in their
learning. But despite of all these challenges, we in the Department of Education tried our
best and did something so that we can still deliver quality education and no children will
be left behind in this challenging time. As the pandemic hit the world, our education
system has been changed. The new school year comes with new modes of learning, a
“new normal” in education established as a precaution against the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic. And this new normal affects millions of students, teachers and non-teaching
staff. In an effort to ensure that the needs of learners are not neglected in this so-called
new normal, the Department of Education (DepEd) has implemented a series of
adjustments, which has now been simply referred to as “blended learning.” This blended
learning puts together two forms of alternative education options into a “blend,” in order
to better serve students who have been forced to stay at home because of the pandemic
but blended learning is “more difficult” than the regular face-to-face setup. Some parents
have shared that the current system, although schools provide printed materials and
online support, tends to require students to study by themselves. Other mothers and
fathers end up taking on the role of teacher at home, which is especially difficult for those
who are not full-time houseparent’s. These challenges, however, are not limited to
parents and learners. Educators have also been dealing with the difficulties blended
learning has presented, particularly those related to the country’s information
communication technology (ICT) infrastructure, which still leaves much to be desired.
Most especially to those areas don’t have access in the internet. DepEd has promised to
improve its implementation of the blended learning system for the coming school year,
amid calls from some sectors to slowly reintroduce face-to-face classes.
COVID-19, came like a storm. Too soon, too fast, not without a warning but not
enough time to prepare. But this we cannot say to our learners, whatever we do for them
will be their inheritance, their foundation and decisions for the future. With this in mind,
our school came up with a plan which will be used not just during this time of pandemic

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but whenever the situation calls for remote learning and services. Our LCP is anchored in
DepEd’s Learning continuity plan. The BE-LCP is consistent with the mandate of
Section 1, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution for the state to protect and promote the
right of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and to take appropriate steps to make
such education accessible to all. Under Section 6, Chapter 1 of Republic Act No. 9155, or
the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, DepEd is vested with the authority,
accountability, and responsibility for ensuring access to, promoting equity in, and
improving the quality of basic education. Hence, the BE-LCP aims to ensure the health,
safety, and well-being of the learners, teachers, and personnel in the time of COVID-19,
while finding ways for education to continue amidst the crisis. In particular, the BE-LCP
has been designed with a legal framework responsive to the “new normal,” keeping in
mind the constitutional mandate to uphold the right of all citizens to quality education at
all times. In line with this the learning delivery modalities that our schools adopt is the
Modular Distance Learning based from the survey form that we gathered during
enrollment period. In this modality, our students use self-learning modules (SLMs) in
print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable in the context of the
learner, and other learning resources like Learner’s Materials, textbooks, activity sheets,
study guides and other study materials. And we, the teacher takes the responsibility of
monitoring the progress of our learners. If our learners have questions or whenever they
need assistance from us, they can call or text us. And sometimes, we do home visits to
learners needing remediation or assistance following the safety protocols. Every Monday
is the distribution of modules wherein the parents are the one who will get in the
respective area in our school. And every Friday is the retrieval of modules, and this is the
time when we give feedbacks to the parents about the progress of their children.

2. Enumerate the Skills and Qualities of an effective supervisor. Describe each.

A good supervisor is an important part of maintaining employees’ productivity and
morale. Individuals who are successful in this role often possess a combination of
interpersonal and management skills, as well as an approachable, confident and supportive
personality. A great supervisor strives to continually learn, to build upon their strengths and
to identify areas of weakness in which to improve. Effective supervisor should have good
communication skills, social skills, management skills, approachable, empathetic, adaptable,
confidence, positivity, transparency, teamwork, willingness to learn, resourcefulness,
determined, and respectful.
As a supervisor, you should be able to clearly communicate processes, expectations and
goals to your team so they can do their jobs effectively, which will also reflect positively on
your performance. Keeping your employees constantly informed about the team’s progress,
potential hurdles and future plans will make each team member feel engaged and valued.
A good supervisor works closely with their team and should be easily accessible when
questions, conflicts or issues arise. As a supervisor, you will need to listen when your
employees come to you with workplace complaints or suggestions. This requires important
social skills such as empathy and emotional intelligence (being aware of your own emotions
as well as those of others).
Supervisors are first and foremost responsible for the productivity of their team. This
includes managing employees’ schedules, making sure everyone meets deadlines and
assigning tasks to the appropriate team members. Supervisors must be able to keep their team
functioning smoothly and efficiently.
No list of good supervisory skills is complete without mentioning the ability to think and
react quickly and efficiently. You may need to be able to strategize and make decisions based
on an individual situation, rather than trying to follow a rigid protocol. Be flexible and
creative in your problem-solving, and do not be afraid to implement new ideas. Doing so can
give your team more confidence and trust in your ability to lead.

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Your attitude and demeanor are contagious and can greatly influence the atmosphere in
your workplace. Try to approach each day and situation with positivity and optimism. Also,
focus on showing confidence both in yourself and your team. As much as possible, show
passion for the company and its objectives and inspire your team members can share that
Being a great supervisor means being honest and direct with your employees. Share with
your staff any department or organization successes, failures, opportunities or concerns, as
you deem appropriate. Whenever possible, give them immediate feedback and encourage
open dialogue. Also, have the humility to accept responsibility for any project failures or
poor choices. This type of transparency and honesty can help boost your team’s respect for
you as a leader.

3. What are the 4 major functions of Supervision? Explain each.

The four major functions of a supervisor are the following: inspection, training, guidance,
and evaluation. Supervisor should examine or checked on the schools’ facilities, materials, or
infrastructure to ensure that each meets the required quality standard. He should also supervise
training of the employees. He should choose which training to be implemented and who should
be trained to ensure quantity and quality performance which will achieve efficiency in the
pedagogical process. Another one is supervisors should guide their employees. He should be a
good listener and give advice on how to deal with issues regarding work properly. He should
also evaluate the purpose, processes, the effectivity of programs, trainings, and other educational

4. Explain how proactive measure to prevent litigation during the hiring process.
The saying anticipation is superior than remedy goes well with this address. Proactive
measures clear way to errors, debate among worker and manager indeed within the contracting
prepare. On the off chance that the boss puts a enrollment handle that might legitimately
distinguish potential person who are fit for the work, at that point there will be no issue since if
the enlistment prepare is obvious on its targets at that point there’ll be no misconception. The
criteria utilize is based on discernible measures at that point the administration and the
candidates can comprehensibly see the comes about without any questions. Having clear and
justifiable composed assertions and taking after such understandings will undoubtedly prevent
such debate. In case ever debate happen, arranging could be a way to dodge case. Talking almost
the issue legitimately to create an justifiable, reasonable agreement and not through case.
5. Describe the problem areas for novice teachers. Why is it necessary to address their
Novice teachers faced various challenges in teaching, planning and implementation,
classroom management, relations with society and adaptation to the physical environment,
relations with colleagues, administrators, parents, and mentor teachers and the lack of physical
infrastructure of the school in the first year of the profession in face to face or in modular
instruction. Why is it necessary to address the needs of novice teachers? Teacher organizations,
education specialists; state and local officials; school principals, students, and parents -all need to
be included. To ensure the professional development for beginning teachers, the partnership
between the schools and university trainers should be provided.An effective teacher
preparation program can solve the problems of novices. Solutions to these problems must be
searched and implemented in teacher induction program. This program is expected to be more
practical, with sufficient practical guiding and support, not a theoretical one. Teachers in their
first years must be well supported by colleagues and administrators. These first years must not be
in the nature of ‘sink or swim’ for teachers. The Peer-coaching method is an effective way to
overcome the discussed challenges.
As is true for beginners in any profession, novice teachers need time, support and guidance to
improve their skills. Providing novice teachers with adequate assistance and guidance in their
initial years is key to developing individual teachers – and to improving teaching as a profession.

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6. Differentiate formative evaluation from summative evaluation? Why is there a need
to evaluate classroom instruction?
The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing
feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve
their learning. More specifically, formative assessments:
help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work, help
faculty recognize where students are struggling and address problems immediately. Formative
assessments are generally low stakes, which means that they have low or no point value.
Examples of formative assessments include asking students to: draw a concept map in class to
represent their understanding of a topic; submit one or two sentences identifying the main point
of a lecture and turn in a research proposal for early feedback. While the goal of summative
assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it
against some standard or benchmark. Summative assessments are often high stakes, which means
that they have a high point value. Examples of summative assessments include: a midterm exam,
a final project, a paper or a senior recital. Information from summative assessments can be used
formatively when students or faculty use it to guide their efforts and activities in subsequent
courses. Classroom instruction needs to be evaluated from time to time so as to check whether it
continually provide the desired information and knowledge to its target clientele.

7. What is classroom observation? Give at least 5 types of observation. Explain each

A classroom observation is a formal or informal observation of teaching while it is taking
place in a classroom or other learning environment. The fundamental purpose of classroom
observation is to improve student outcomes by improving the instructional prowess of the
teacher. There are 5 types of observation namely: Structured Observation, Ecological
Observation, Ethnographic Observation, Observation Based on an In-Class Rating Scale and
Informal Observation.
 Structured Observation -requires the use of an instrument that limits the focus of
observation on the items specified in the measurement tool. This is intended for
summative evaluation of instruction as one of the bases for arriving at an informed
administrative decision regarding the faculty.
 Ecological Observation involves observing and recording classroom conditions, all
learning events, and all types of interaction between teacher-student, as well as student-
student, whether verbal or non-verbal, that take place during the entire observation
period. It is used for deciding an appropriate developmental supervisory plan for the
target teachers.
 Ethnographic Observation- entails the selective recording of information based on what
the observer considers at the time of the monitoring as significant and worth noting. It is
used as a guide in devising a developmental supervisory program for individual teachers.
 Observation Based on an In-Class Rating Scale- uses an instrument focused on
predetermined aspects of the teaching-learning process.
 Informal Observation or the Kangaroo observation walk-through or management by
wandering around (MBWA). Informal Observations are very different from formal
CLASS observations, which require certification, official score sheets, and codes to be
assigned for each cycle. An informal observation is conducted by a coach, school head or
supervisor, and is an opportunity for the coach to focus exclusively on the behaviors a
teacher is currently practicing, for the total 10-30 minutes of observation. They do not
require pre-and post- observations conferences.

8. What makes evaluation of teaching performance a difficult and complex process?

Discuss briefly.

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Teacher evaluation is a necessary component of a successful school system, and research
supports the fact that “good teachers create substantial economic value.” Ensuring teacher
quality with a robust, fair, research-based, and well-implemented teacher evaluation system can
strengthen the teacher workforce and improve. But what makes it a difficult and complex
process? One reason is Validity. Many people both inside and outside of education question
whether current systems are valid or whether they work at all to ensure effective teaching.
Principals, master teachers or supervisors often observed teachers three or four times a year so
they give feedback only once. A lack of meaningful and actionable feedback to teachers. Write-
ups and notes from administrators often include scripted parts of lessons and observations
without necessary judgments or specific advice about how to improve teaching and learning. A
meaningful evaluation system should benefit both teachers and students not only for the sake of
complying with requirements. How might we leverage evaluation to build systems of support
that not only help teachers reflect upon and improve their practice but also ensure that all
students are leaving our schools with the knowledge and skills they need to live the lives they
deserve? The students in our classrooms deserve the best teaching that we can provide, and their
teachers deserve our best thinking and support.

9. Define STAR Observation technique? Give an example of a STAR-way observation.

STAR Observation Technique is a supervisory tool which is useful to collect information
from the actual teaching-learning activity in the classroom. The STAR method is a structured
manner of responding to a behavioral-based interview question by discussing the specific
situation, task, action, and result of the situation you are describing



10. Give 3 topics that you liked in this subject? How did it influence your perspective as
a teacher and a leader? Explain in 200 words or more.
Actually, there are lots of topics that I liked yet I will narrow them into three. They are as
follows: Changing Views: New Emphasis on Constructivist Teaching and Learning,
Supervision, and Psychological Dilemma and Frustrations. As constructivist teachers I
always encourage my pupils to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain

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understanding. By questioning themselves and their strategies, pupils in the constructivist
classroom ideally become "expert learners." This gives them ever-broadening tools to keep
learning. With a well-planned classroom environment, the students learn HOW TO LEARN.
This topic emphasizes that pupils learn best when they actively construct their own
understanding. I am always inclined to theories that promote learner-centered ways of
teaching. The next topic is all about supervision. I was just thrilled by the idea that this is my
first time studying supervision. This topic helps me a lot in understanding the roles of being a
supervisor. This also clear my mind that I am also a supervisor in my classroom. It’s very
interesting to know the roles that we played as learning supervisors. As a supervisor I believe
one must be a master of the skills and knowledge needed to lead a school.
And the third topic that I like is about and Psychological Dilemma and Frustrations. I like the
third topic not because of its title but because it’s one of the timely topic during pandemic in
which we face many dilemmas. All of us teachers are human, and, no matter how patient we
might be, occasions arise when we feel frustrated. Learning about psychological dilemma I
learned about the ways on mediation strategies to deal which I could share with my co-
workers and to the parents. And by taking some responsibility and teaching students a better
way of reacting, we can help eliminate frustrations and honor all of our students.



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