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Learning Task 1
1. Describe/ give your impressions of a unique or interesting person (real-life character)
that you know. Use literary devices you are most comfortable with.
The unique or interesting person I chose is my mother. A mother is the one who
has the most impact on everyone's life. No one can ever replace her. Being a mother is
the most wonderful sensation a woman can experience in her life. The mother is the
only one who can provide her infant with all of the necessary comforts. A child attempts
to absorb life lessons from his or her mother at various stages. The love a mother has
for her kid is unfathomable. Even if her child is unable to communicate effectively, a
mother may quickly identify each of her child's desires.

2. Compose a rap of at least four (4) lines about this person you described in # 1
No one can convey how much a mother loves her kid.
In an intense devotion, sacrifice, and suffering is where it built.
There’s no love like a mother's,
Her heart is filled with love and care.

3. Describe the tone/ overall feeling/ mood of his life in the current. Expound on reasons
for that impression you have.
Currently, my mother is the bravest woman I know. Her love effortlessly guides
her child down the path of truth and honesty. The one person who puts the most effort
into a person's accomplishment is the mother. The love of a mother might help her child
change his or her bad habits. Even if we didn't tell her about our concerns, Mother
always understood. She gives us hope that we will be able to solve the problem. She is
always there for us, whether we are happy or unhappy. Mothers work without complaint
around the clock to keep us happy. She is always concerned about her family members
before pursuing her own objectives.

4. Give a theme/ general statement about his outlook in life.

The theme or general statement about my mother’s outlook in life is her love.
Everyone who has a mother is the luckiest person on the planet because he or she
understands the value of a mother's love. A mother is that one-of-a-kind gift that God
bestows to a person. It is the only relationship that cannot be replaced by another.

Performance 3.7 WHAT CAN I DO?

Elections are the process through which leaders and governments are chosen.
We can hold leaders and governments accountable through elections, though with
various degrees of effectiveness. We can ensure that citizens' interests and demands
are represented in the democratic process through elections, albeit this is not always
the case. Most significantly, we get to exercise our right to vote during elections, even if
we don't always choose to do so. Political parties usually play a significant role in
elections. During elections, a political party fields candidates and guarantees that they
win. Winning an election entails gaining control of the government. The more a party's
dominance over decision-making procedures, the more seats it gets. Political parties in
the Philippines have never received a perfect score for relevance and utility during
elections. Political parties fail to aggregate all interests and socialize voters to pick on
the basis of party platform, ideology, or performance when votes are based on
candidates and personalities rather than party ideas, values, and social issues. Citizens
must resort to developing "people's movements" at various levels of participation where
they may create public spaces and rally support for their candidates in the absence of
traditional politics and with the stakes much higher in the impending 2022 presidential
election. Citizens expect that through participating in these people's movements, they
will be able to extend the political space available to them and put their everyday
problems into the mix.

Performance 3.8 MY FICTIONAL STORY



Elections are the process through which governments and leaders are chosen.
Elections can be used to keep leaders and governments responsible, though to varying
degrees of success. Elections can be used to ensure that voters' interests and desires
are represented in the democratic process, albeit this is not always the case. Most
importantly, we have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote during elections, even
if we do not always do so. In most elections, political parties play a crucial role. During
elections, a political party nominates candidates and ensures their victory. Gaining
control of the government is part of winning an election. The more power a party has
over decision-making procedures, the more seats it receives. During elections in the
Philippines, political parties have never achieved a perfect score for relevance and
utility. When voters vote based on candidates and personalities rather than party
principles, values, and social issues, political parties fail to aggregate all interests and
socialize voters to decide on the basis of party platform, ideology, or performance. In
the absence of traditional politics and with the stakes significantly higher in the
upcoming presidential election of 2022, citizens must resort to forming "people's
movements" at various levels of involvement where they can construct public places
and rally support for their candidates. Citizens hope that by joining these movements,
they will be able to expand the political space available to them and bring their everyday
problems into the mix.

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