Activity 5 Module 5 My Personal Plan 1

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This activity will help you transfer into real-life situations the knowledge and skills

you have gained or learned from the Module-5.

Activity 4: My Personal Plan

Directions: Create your personal plan using the worksheet

Write your Strategic plan, Tactical and Operational Plan for your life.

1. Studies


2. Career

3. Professional Development

4. Finances

5. Family
Types of Plans
In each managerial level, different skills are required for attainment of its functions.
Top-level managers require conceptual skills, middle-level managers of human
skills and lower-level managers require technical skills. Strategic Planning begins
with “the end in mind” which means drawing picture of the organization’s future. It
is done by top-level managers over a long period of time. The Tactical Planning is
being completed by the middle-level managers over one-to-two-year period. The
frontline managers perform the Operational Planning which pertains to meticulous
and thorough short-term plans. There are three types of plans and how it carried
by the different level of management in every organization to be shown in the
illustration below:

Managerial Level of Time

Level Detail Horizon

Strategic Top Low Long Term (3-

7 years)

Tactical Middle Medium Medium (1-2


Operational Frontline High Short ( Less

than 1 year)
1. Strategic plans will be designed and executed by the top management
level in the organization; this plan is about looking ahead to what the
entire organization is heading in the next 3-7 years. The top management
will design plans based on the organization’s mission in mind, it’s a long
term plan for the long term goals. The establishment of mission, vision
and goals of an enterprise require careful and meticulous preparation as
effective mission/vision statements inspire and motivate the stakeholders
of an enterprise of organization.
Vision, shows the future and long-term prospects of the enterprise. It
answers the question, “Where do we want to go?” Vision statement is
an affirmation of what the enterprise wants to become.
Mission, shows the basic purpose of setting up the enterprise and defines the
scope of the enterprise’s operation in product, market and service.
Goals are more specific than the vision and mission statements and
should be measurable, achievable and time-bounded.

2. Tactical Plans designed by the middle management concerned about

the responsibility and functionality of the lower-level departments. It will
support the strategic plans by creating more specific plans for the
different areas in the organization.

3. Operational Plans pertains to meticulous and thorough short-term

plans that are made by the frontline managers or the lower level
managers. There are two types of operational plan, namely:

1. Standing plans are plans used repeatedly to handle frequently

recurring events. It is designed to be used again and again.
Examples include policies, procedures, and regulations. The
advantage of standing plans is that they foster unity and fairness
within an organization and help to support stated organizational
values. It also saves time because managers know in advance how
to address common situations. Lastly, it aids in the delegation of
work, because employees are already familiar with the procedures
and regulations followed by the organization;

2. Single-use plans refer to plans that address a one-time project or

event. The length of plans varies, but the most common types are
budgets and project schedules. The obvious advantage of single-use
plan is that it can be very specific in how it addresses the needs of
a particular situation.

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