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Guest 1 & 2 : Alright, no thanks you

Receptionist :Alright, may i know your name Miss and Mr, pleas?

Guest 1 :My name is David and my wife’s name is Jessie

Receptionist :Could you speel you name pleas Miis and Mr?

Guest 1 :Ah yeah D-A-V-I-D

Guest 2 :And i J-E-S-S-I-E

Receptionist :Airight, thank you Mr David and Miss Jessie

Guest 1 and 2 :You’re welcome

Receptionist :Excuse me Miss and Mr, my i borrow your pasport?

Guest 1 and 2 :Alright, yes pleas, this is my pasport

Receptionist :Walt a moment pleas i would like to check it for you

Guest 2 :Alright

Receptionist :Thank you for waiting Miss and Mr. and this is your pasport

Guest 1 and 2 : Alright

Receptionist :Pleas fill the registrational from and this is your pen

Guest 1 :Alright thank you

Guest 2 :We’re done

Receptionist :Thank you Miss and Mr

Guest 1 and 2 :You’r welcome

Receptionist :Do you havea remarks

Guest 1 :No thanks you

Receptionist :How about your payment?By cash or credit card?

Guest 1 :We pay by cash pleas, and how much the total?

Receptionist :The total price is USD 150 and the rupiah is Rp. 2.170.000. My i have your money pleas?

Guest 1 :Alright, this is my money, pleas

Receptionist :Thank you Mr and wait a moment pleas, i want to check your money and make your cash receipt

Guest 1 : Yes please

Receptionist :Thank for your waiting Miss and Mr, and your money is erough, this is you cash recelpt and his you
guest card for you identity stay in our hotel and sign here pleas

Guest 2 :Alright

Receptionist :Ok, wait i wiil take you to your room

Guest 1 and 2 :Thank you

Receptionist :Well Mr david and Miss jennie thank you so much, i hape you will enjoy stay in our hotel, have
a nice day an have a nise stay

Guest 1 and 2 :You’re welcome, Good bye

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