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Possible Defense Questions

1. In a few sentences, can you tell us what your research study is all about? (general to, or
can be in background, sop)
2. What is your motivation or inspiration to do this study? (General)
3. How will you relate your research study to the current situation of the education system?
(Background, rrl)
4. How will you relate online gaming to the intellectual property of students? (Sop, rrl, rrs)
5. How will this study of your group can contribute to the existing body of knowledge about
online gaming and academic performance? (Gap bridge)
6. What methods or sampling technique will you employ in this study? Why choose that
method? (Data collection)
7. How can your research study be put into practice? (Pwede under gap bridge)
8. What are your research variables? (general)
9. Kindly state again and explain your theoretical framework stated in the conceptual
framework of your study. (Conceptual framework)
10. Where did you based all the stated questions on your statement of the problem? Do you
have any related literature which also stated some of the questions stated in your
research? (Sop)
11. What makes your research study unique to previous studies which are also parallel to
your area of specification? (Gap bridge)
12. How did your formulate your scope and limitations? (Scope)
13. What are the crucial research decisions you have made? (Can be in sop like focusing on
main problem)
14. Did you encounter some problems in creating this research paper of yours? (General)
15. Is your review of related literature and studies up to date? (Rrl, rrs)
16. Why did you chose to use descriptive statistics for your data analysis? (Data analysis)
17. What is your expected relationship for your correlated variables? (Hypothesis)
18. What is the population of your sample for this research? (Sample)
19. What is the sample of your research? (Sample)
20. Where did you get your conceptual framework? Did you formulate it or is it based from
rrl or rrs? (Conceptual framework)
21. Is there any mediating variables in your research? (General)
22. What is the most challenging part of doing this research? (General)
23. In your rrl, what is your primary and secondary source of data? (Data Collection)
24. What is the significance of conducting this research of yours? (Significance)
25. Did your research bridge any gap from existing or previous studies parallel to your study?
(Gap bridge)
26. Explain your dependent, independent and control variable presented in your conceptual
framework. (Conceptual framework)
27. How will you relate your research to other studies presented in your related literature and
studies? (Rrl,rrs)
28. How do you think descriptive statistics can help your research present it’s findings and
conclusions? (data analysis)
29. What specific details or learnings from your rrl did you incorporate in the process of
creating your research paper? (Rrl, rrs)
30. Explain the behavioral theory proposed by John B. Watson and it’s connection to your
study. (Conceptual framework)
31. How will you relate the beneficial importance of your study to the arrival of the
pandemic? (Can be in gap bridge or significance)
32. Is your study worth conducting? Why? (Can be in gap bridge, significance)
33. Why did your research study became correlational? (Can be under sop)
34. What is your specific target respondents for this research? (Sample)
35. How will you gather your r data for this research? (Data Collection)
36. How will you use descriptive statistics to formulate your interpretation and data? (Data
37. Why use snowball sampling? Why not purposive sampling or other sampling method?
(Data Collection, instrument)
38. What ethical considerations will you consider in conducting your research? (General)

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