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Department of Commerce & Business Management

Faculty of Management & Research

Integral University, Lucknow SUMMER TRAINING REPORT ON


Undertaken at

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


Integral University, Lucknow

Under the guidance of Submitted by



Roll No. 1701029112

Session 2019-20

This is to certify that PRATIBHA NEGI, student of Bachelor of Business

Administration, batch of 2019-20, Department of Business Management, Integral
University bearing Enrollment No. 11701029112, has undertaken the Summer Training
at PR HYUNDAI from June to July, 2019 under my supervision guidance. She has
conducted a study & completed the Project on “ TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT




I, Pratibha Negi , hereby declare that the project titled “TRAINING AND

DEVELOPMENT are original and bonafide. Work carried out by me during the time
period 4 weeks, under the able guidance of Dr. Shujauddin Khan
in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor in Business Administration at

I also declare that this project is a result of my effort and no part of this project has been
published earlier or been submitted as a project by me for any degree or diploma for any
institute or university.

As we know that research work needs hard work, keen insight and patience with

scholarly vision based on constant operation, it needs inspiration from the subject and

assistance from the expert was really fortunate.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those people who helped me in

research work. I would like to thank Dr. Shujauddin Khan the Depot staff who helped

me at every step.

I would also like to thank my faculty member for guiding me throughout my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank all my friends for their support and help.

Pratibha Negi
BBA V Semester
Roll No.: 170129112

 Certificate from the Organization

 Acknowledgement

1. Introduction
2. Company profile
a. About organization

3. Objectives of the study

4. Research Methodology
a. Data Source
b. Sample design
c. Sample size
d. Method of data collection
e. Statistical tools to be used
5. Data Analysis & Interpretations
6. Findings
7. Limitation
8. Suggestions
9. Conclusion
10. Bibliography
11. Appendix


Concept & Definition

In the field of human resource management, TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is the

field concerned with organizational activity

Aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings.

It has been known by several names, including employee development, human resource

development, and learning and development.

After the selection of people for various jobs, the next function of Management is to

arrange for their training. This is because a successful candidate placed on the job needs

training to perform their duties effectively. The aim of training is to develop new skills,

knowledge or expertise of the employees at all levels, particularly in a world of fast

changing technology and environment.

An employee who is prepared in terms of skills, knowledge and orientation is in a far

better position to tackle the job assigned to him, than one, who has to learn the hard way.

The employees at all level be it a worker, supervisor, manager &executive need to be

developed in order to enable them to grow and acquire maturity of thought and actions.

The purpose of both training and development is similar. The main difference between

the two is in respect of levels of employees for whom these are meant, and the contents

and techniques employed.

Training is a short-term process utilizing a systematic and organized Procedure by which

non-managerial personnel acquire technical knowledge and Skillsfor a definite purpose.

It refers to instructions in technical and mechanical operations, like operation of some

machine. Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills.

It is designed primarily for non-managers, it is a short duration, and it is for a specific

job-related purpose.

According to Dale S. Beach, “Training is the organized procedure by which learn

knowledge and skill for a definite purpose.”

1. Training And Development

Training is one of the most important tools for developing human resource. Hence,

identification of training competency profile in terms of Vision, Mission of the Company

would be the strategic point of the training and development strategy of the Company.

The following objectives have been set in this regard:-

 To provide training to all employees at regular intervals in a plan Period of 5 years. 

 Training to become an integral component of individual professional evolution by

updating knowledge to avoid obsolescence enhancing professional creativity and

enabling employees to shoulder higher responsibility creating business trend and strategic

thinking to take up new business challenges (creation of Centre of Excellence, etc)

The goals of training will be to progressively achieve 7 days training per employee per

year with a budget of 2% of annual Wage Bill.

Keeping in view the organizational requirement and goals and objectives of training, the

following have been identified as the key focus areas of training:

 Technology

 Tooling

 Quality

 Information Technology

Further, to facilitate the development of soft skills (change of mind-set, managerial

development etc.) training would be imparted on a continuous basis. Tie-ups with Centers

of Excellence like IITs, NDC, FIAS France etc. for imparting training would be given

prime importance.

2. Man Power Planning

Out sourcing of low tech and medium tech jobs.Fresh induction only in critical / highly

specialized areas based onrequirements due to increase in work load and

superannotationprofile(Annexure-II). In the Workmen Cadre, induction will be restricted


Improving the existing qualification profile by focusing on  inductionofprofessionally

qualified personnel and diploma holders

Hence focus of recruitment would be to recruit people with a combination of Knowledge,

skill, experience and attitude in line with the organizational requirementthrough

appropriate manpower plan both short term (contract appointments) andlong term

recruitment programmer.

3. Performance Appraisal:

Appraising people for meeting the Company's goal would be the prime focus of

Performance management. The new Performance Appraisal System based on

workplanning and commitment (mutually agreed tasks) , self-review and

performanceanalysis, performance review and feedback would ensure that the focus

would be onvalue adding activities rather than on routine activities which bear no

relationshipwith the Organization’s goals and objectives.

Identification of low performers and resultant corrective action throughout the Company

would be given priority. Similarly, faster career growth opportunity would be provided to

high performers.

4. Reward System

The focus of the reward system in the Company is to promote team work and Cultivate a

sense of achievement and excellence in the Organization. This is in addition to the

existing scheme of reward for an individual who innovatively and creatively makes

exemplary contributions in the key thrust areas of the Company that would lead to its

achieving overall excellence. Coupled with the above, schemeslike "Inter Divisional

Competition" and "Profit Sharing Scheme" have been institutionalized in the Company

for team reward.

5. Scheme For Learning And Certification ForExecutives

A "Learning Organization" is essential for survival in the present era of Liberalization,

Privatization and Globalization. Therefore, "Knowledge" is the only core competence of

Organizations for copies with changes. Since individual knowledge is the starting point

for organizational knowledge, it is only the employees who can convert knowledge into

efficient actions. Line with the above philosophy, among other initiatives like

institutionalizing Learning Centers in Divisions etc., PR HYUNDAI has also

introduced the scheme for Learning and Certification for executives as a starting point for

building individual knowledge.

The scheme inter-alias provides an opportunity for the Junior and Middle Management

Cadre Executives to broaden their perspective by not only learning about all functions

and procedures in their respective disciplines but also in related areas and overall

knowledge about the Organization and its environment. So far, approximately, 45% (both

for "O" & "A" level) of executives have been certified(Annexure IV). It is proposed to

expand the coverage of this scheme further, ifrequired, by linking the scheme to some

kind of reward mechanism.Lastly, the HRD Plan will also include time-to-time OD

Interventions to address specific requirement of the Company.

Training and development encompasses three main activities:

Training, education, and development.

Institute of Training and Development, note that these ideas are often considered to be


However, to practitioners, they encompass three separate, although interrelated, activities.


This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an individual

currently holds.


This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in the future,

and is evaluated against those jobs.


This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization employing the individual, or

that the individual is part of, may partake in the future, and is almost impossible to




The economic scenario in India has undergone a tremendous change over the last few

years. The process has been hastened by the initiatives of the government to liberalize the

economy and integrate it with the global environment. Liberalization and globalization

have caused a lot of change in different organizations, which is their response to the

changing conditions. In this scenario, any organization is faced with the challenges of

coping with the change and preparing the enterprise, so that it can adapt adequately to

environmental (external)changes.

One of the important elements of this dynamic environment is our Human resources who

can and will play an important role in constantly adopting new developments and making

change work. Of all the complicated machinery that the modern industry employs the

most complicated is the man who operates the other machines. With the rapid

advancement of technology all the other machines are replaced one day. However, no

technology has been and probably will ever be able to replace man.

Human resources is an inevitable part of any organization and particularly their training

is an aspect which organizations have to attend for future success. In view of the

increased pressure to stay competitive, organizations and individuals have to reorient

their training systems. The demands of industry and commerce are continually changing

and are reflected in the activities of the training department and the training programmes.

New approaches, skills, operations and procedures require either new training

programmes or modifications of existing ones. This in turn affects the members of the

training department-planners, designers, trainers, and administrators who have to develop

different programmers.

The training process is complex and starts at a decision making event. The success of

training professionals in the developed and industrialized countries is indicated by the

fact that training got more respect and was seen as the main HRD tool. A well planned

training programmer assists people at work to achieve organizational goals while at the

same time develop their individual potential. In order to achieve this, need assessment of

training and analysis has to be properly conducted which can have a profound impact on

the organization and its performance in any economic scenario. It improves the quality of

training programmes as well as the effectiveness of the training function. In other words,

a proper need assessment improves an organizations performance by discovering training

and non-training problems and their areas of influence.

Today, the work place and the work force are going through many changes. IN Terms of

work place, the increased use of high technology, the continuing shift from a

manufacturing to a service economy and the increasingly global business world

necessitates ongoing employees training programme. In terms of the changing work

force, the increasing number of immigrants with limited educational back ground as well

as continuing problems in the primary and secondary educational systems compels the

organizations to provide for training programmers’. To make the organization productive,

it is essential that the individual skills be developed to achieve and fulfill the

organizational needs. In this critical context, training has an important role to play.

Training is also essential for maintaining global competitions. In India training needs

continue to be assessed less seriously and in the primitive ways in most organizations.

The effectiveness of training is very rarely assessed. Itis because of this context of

training in India today. I have been encouraged to see and identify training needs, their

evaluation, existing training programmes and the effectiveness of training programmes in

“SRM MOTORS ”. The findings provide insights into the current status of the training

function at SRM MOTORS and also the information on the benefits of training.

1. Training is different from education:

Education is theoretical learning in classroom. Training is the act of increasing the

knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. It is concerned with

imparting specific skills for a particular purpose. It attempts to improve the employees

performance on the current job or prepare then for an intended job. On the other hand,

education is a broader term concerned with increasing the knowledge and understanding

of the employee’s total environment.

Education develops a rational and educational mind that can determine relationships

among pertinent variables and thereby understand phenomena. It is theoretical learning in

class rooms which involves a range of skills and expertise which can beprovided only by

education al institutions.

Training and education differentiated

S.No. Training Education

1) Application Theoretical Orientation

2) Job experience Class room learning

3) Specific tasks General concepts

4) Narrow perspective Broad perspective

2. Training is also different development:

Development refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

Development is a long-term educational process utilizing a systematic and organized

procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for

general purpose. It is not primarily skill oriented instead;itprovides general knowledge

and attitudes which will be helpful to employees in high positions. Efforts towards

development often depend on personnel drive and ambition. Development activities, such

as those supplied by management development programmers are generally voluntary.

Inputs In Training And Development

Any training and development programme must contain inputs which enable the

participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look in to

the distinct future. In addition to these, there is a need to impart ethical orientation,

emphasis on attitudinal changes and stress upon decision-making and problem solving


Need for basic purposes of training:

 To increase productivity.

 To improve quality and quantity of production.

 To help a company fulfill its future personnel needs.

 To improve organizational climate.

 To improve Health and Safety.

 Obsolescence prevention.

 Stability in organization.

Training objectives:

Every programme and every nominee to an external programme should have a clearly

designed objective. The objectives are statements of purpose and will give anyone who

reads it, a clear indication of the planned achievement. Clarity of purpose at that time of

formulation is necessary, in order that both participants and the respective departments

are clear as to the benefits that will derive as a result of the training.

Two of the most commonly stated objectives of the training process in a work

organization are –

 To assist workers to perform at the optimum level in current jobs.

 To develop employees for future jobs.

An often stated aim is to strengthen the organization’s ‘culture’ by developing a broad

understanding of the way that we do things here.

Training Policy:

To ensure that the organization’s workforce is effective, every company or organization

should have a well-established training policy. Such a policy represents the top

management’s commitment to the training of its employees, and comprises rules and

procedure governing the standards of scope of training. A training policy is considered

necessary for the following reasons:-

 To indicate a company’s intention to develop its personnel; to provide Guidance in the

framing and implementation of programmers’ and to provide information concerning

them to all concerned.

 To discover critical areas where training is to be given on a priority bases ;

 To provide suitable opportunities to the employees for their own betterment.

The training process:

Since training is a continuous process and since it consumes time and Entails much

expenditure, it is necessary that trainingprogrammed or policy should be prepared with

great thought and care, for it should serve the purpose of the establishment as wells the

needs of employees.

A successful training programmer presumes that sufficient care has been taken to

discover areas in which it is needed most and to create the necessary environment for its


The selected trainer should be one who clearly understands his job and has professional

expertise, has an aptitude and ability for teaching, possesses a pleasing personality and a

capacity for leadership, is well versed in the principles and methods of training in relation

to an enterprise.



Successfully measuring effectiveness in management training and development can be a

difficult task. Design of a valid measurement programme should include evaluation in

key areas; including emotional reaction and knowledge gain measured

After training interventions.Behavioral change and organizationalimpactMeasurements

should be used on a longer time horizon to evaluate the progress and currency of the

management development programme. Finally, research shows that maintaining a

balance of the above measurements is the final key to success in measuring the

effectiveness of management training and development. Over a four year period, starting

July 2004, four measures have been implemented:

Measure 1:

Language training program including English second language training for francophone

professionals in each region, French second language training for English-speaking

professionals working in a francophone institutional milieu and development of distance

educational materials to support language instructors and learners;

Robyn Albers, from Gatineau’s Heritage College, uses innovative techniques in her

Classroom to improve the English language skills of the region’s health careworkers.

Measure 2:

Retention and distance professional and community support initiatives to encourage

English-speaking professionals and English-speaking students to move to or stay in

the regions;

In 2008, eight students participated in community nursing internships at four

Englishschools in Montreal’s East End. From left to right starting from the front row:

Valerie Rea, Clara Lauture, Julie Crépeau-Boisvert, Julie Laliberté; second row: Rebecca

Yeung, PerleArcand-Lussier, Elizabeth Murphy-Lavallée, Mayari Linares Recinos.

Measure 3:

Seminars and conferences are intended to suppportmoney amongprofessionals and share

best practices;

In September 2008, participants in Measure 1 (Language Training Program) and Measure

2 (Retention and Distance Professional and Community Support Initiatives) of the

McGill Training and Human Resources Development Project gathered in Montreal for a

seminar aimed at reviewing the Project’s prospectus for the years 2008-2013.

Measure 4:

Measure 4 consists of an innovation fund supporting local and regional initiatives

involving projects for retaining English-speaking personnel in the regions.

The Magnetic English-speaking Community Development Corporation (MCDC) Team,

directed by Suzanne Aubre, has put in place a very successful internship Program in

collaboration with the McGill Project. From left to right – first row: Peter With comb,

Ann Marie Powell, Maureen Small, AlineVisser; second row: Hélène Doré, Julie Gagné;

back row: Suzanne Aubre, MyriamGayrard.

This project is financed by Health Canada as part of its program to support Quebec

initiatives with a view to improving access to health and social services for English-

speaking people. A global budget of $11.9 million is allocated to develop, apply and

evaluate these measures.


Training programmes offered by staff college are conducted by experienced and

Qualified faculty of the college supported by eminent faculty drawn from reputed

management institutes such as IIMS,ITI. Etc.A mix of conventional methods of lectures

and seminars as well as modern methods Such as case study, management games etc are

used in training.

1. Effectiveness Of Training

To know it on the last day of the programme every participant has to givepresentation

and prepare action plan which they could implement on their on their return to work


2. Training Outside

The company also nominates employees officer on a selective basis for external

Trainingprogrammes, Seminars for this purpose GMs & MDs have been empowered.

Senior &Top executives are sent to advance management courses

Conducted by IIM, AIMA, IIT, ISTD, ISI, XLRI, TISS etc.

Training Abroad

 Training at the work of company collaborations.

 Research courses & conferences abroad

 Training at academic institutions abroad like – Birmingham University, UK,

Canfield Institute of Technology.

 Selected personnel of the company are deputed for training abroad according to

company needs. The company utilizes opportunity provided by GOI, BPEs and

organization such as National Productivity Council.

3.In House Programmes (At Divisional Centre)

This refers to the training within the division. Most of the programmes change every

year. The Technical Training Centre (TTC) organize training programme for thegrade II

& I officers and the workmen. In certain cases they conduct courses for middle & high

level executives.

Objectives Of Divisional Training Centre

 To impart knowledge and skills of the divisional man-power in order to increase


 To impart apprenticeship training to the trade apprentices ITI / Diplomaholder /

Graduates under the Act.

Activities Of Divisional Training Centre

 Providing professional advice on HRD matters in general and training matters in


 Conducting training programme for Junior functional executive and workmenin

functional areas of management such as Management

Development,SupervisoryDevelopment, Technical Development & Workmen

Development Programmes.

 Processing nomination for training programmes.

 Activities relating to training of MTs.

 Conducting literacy classes for illiterate workmen.

 Customer Training.

 Apprentices Training under Apprenticeship act 1961.

 Co - ordination with Internal and external agencies on training matters.

 Practical Training of / Project work for student.

The training programmes of TTC are classified as:

a) Core programmes.

b) Functionalprogrammes.

Core Programmes

These programmes cut across functional boundaries and are “priorities areas” for

The divisional training centers to concentrate on these areas:

 Advance Management

 General Management & Development

 Leadership and Motivation

 Shop for Management etc.

Functional Programmes

In these programmers’, participants from specific functional areas only participate.

Few functional programmes are:

 Production Management

 Quality control

 IR and Labour law

 Financial Management

Induction training is also provided to newly appointed executives.

The DTC has been organized as two wings for purpose of training.

 Apprentice Training Wing.

 Management Training Wing.

Apprentice Training Wing

Presently suitable ITI certificate holder in 17 different trades are being testedInducted and

trained for ½ year after successful completion of apprenticeshipTraining they are eligible

to appear for NCVT Examination. Diploma/Graduate apprentices are also being

conducted under the Act for a period of one year.

Management Training Wing

With a view to induct high caliber manpower with good academic records to fill

Management positions the company started recruiting management trainees in various

disciple (Tech / Non. Tech.)Who are given 78 weeks of Training atDivisional Training


Techniques And Approaches In Training

The choice of the method, would be governed by a combination of factors:- the

objectives, the contents – whether it is knowledge based or process based, the level in the

organization and the education profile of the participants. Training methods have been

broadly classified into two:-

1. On the job training - Provided at the work site.

2. Off the job training- Conducted away from the work site.

On the job training:

Under this technique, an employee is placed on a new job and is told how it may be

performed. Employees are coached and instructed by skilled co-workers, by supervisors,

by the special training instructors. They learn the job by personal observation and

practices as well as occasionally handling. It is learning by doing and it is most useful for

jobs that can be learned quickly by watching and doing. Another feature of this method is

that it takes less time to provide braining to the workers and also directly adds to the

production. There are several methods in vogue which makes use of on-the-job training

concept. Some of them are as follows:

1. One to one instruction:

In this method, a person who serves as a trainer for the organization meets with the

employee at the work place and explains the operation with relevant aids. The instructor

then shows the learner how the process works, ensuring as far as possible there

understands. Finally the trainee practices the process under the supervision of the


2. Coaching:

This learning at work is achieved by the use of actual work, as opposed to the more

artificial nature of training course activities.

There are many occasions for which the coaching method is most usefully applied:-

 When an employee demonstrates a new skill or ability?

 When an employee expresses interest in a different job within the organization?

 When an employee seeks feedback?

 When an employee seeks help with a new skill following a formal training


 When an employee is violating company policies or having performance


3. Job Rotation:

Job rotation is a formal planned programme that involves assigning trainees to various

jobs in different parts of the organization. The purpose of job rotation is to provide

trainees with a larger organizational perspective and agreater understanding of different

functional areas, as well as better sense of their own objectives and interests. In terms of

advantages, job rotation appears to improve the participant’s job skill, increase job

satisfaction, and provides valuable opportunities for networking within the organization.

4. Vestibule Training or Training-centre Training:

It involves classroom training imparted with the help of equipment and machines

identical to those in use such at the place of work. Theoretical training is given in the

classroom, while practical work is conducted on the production line. It is often used to

train clerks, bank tellers, inspectors, machine operators, typists, etc.

5. Apprenticeship / Internship:

An apprenticeship is a formal programme involving a combination of classroom

instruction and hands – on practice and training. This method is generally used to impart

skills requiring long period of practice as found in trade, crafts and other technical fields.

Internship is a programme that provides work experience to students prior to

graduation from an academic programme. The object of this type of training is to bring

about a balance between theoretical and practical knowledge. It is usually applied to

managerial personnel & provides wide variety of job experience, often involving job


This method involves the creation of a separate training centre within the plant

itself or training is conducted away from the work site for the purpose of providing

training to the new employees.

1. Lectures (or class – room instruction):

Lectures are regarded as one of the simplest ways of imparting knowledge to the trainees,

especially when facts, concepts or principles, activities, and theories and problem –

solving abilities are to be taught. Lectures are formal organized talks by the training

specialist. The expert may encourage discussion and question, but the majority of the

information is delivered through one way communication. The lecture method can be

used for large groups which are to be trained within a short time, thus reducing the cost

per trainee.

2. Conferences and seminars:

Often an executive is deputed to attend conference, seminar or workshop to receive a

quick orientation in various areas of management with which he might be unfamiliar.

One advantage of this type of training is that all the participants coming from different

organization get an opportunity to pool their ideas and experiences in attempting to solve

mutual problem. The attitude is one of the joint exploration. This encourages cross

fertilization of ideas.

3. Case studies (Learning by doing):

The ‘case’ is a set of data (real or fictional) written or real miniature description and

summary of such data that presents issues and problems calling for solutions or action on

the part of trainee. When the trainees are given cases to analyze, they are asked to

identify the problem and recommend tentative solution for it . The case study is

especially valuable as a technique of developing decision – making skills and for

broadening the perspective of trainee. Some companies write their own cases to make

them relevant to their own industry or to specific problems.

4. Role playing:

In this method, the instructors assign parts taken from case materials to group members.

The role players attempt to act the parts as they would behave in a real life situation,

working without script or memorized lines and improvising as they play the parts. Role

playing is especially useful in providing new insight and in presenting the trainee with

opportunities to develop interaction skills.

5. T – Group Training:

This usually comprises association, audio - visual aids, and planned reading

programmes.Members of a professional association receive training by it in new

techniques and ideas pertaining to their own vocations. Through a regular supply of

professional journals and informal social contacts or gatherings, members are kept

informed of the latest development in their particular field.

Audio – visual aids, records, tapes, films are generally used in conjunction with

other conventional methods. Planned and supervised reading programmes are conducted.

Technical publications and the latest journals are kept in the library for the use of the


6. Computer Based Training:

This training has a major impact on business and the organization. The employees can

now use multimedia presentations to train employees, and the flexibility allows for

different learning and provides a great deal of feedback to the trainees. Computers are

used to present material to trainees either at their own place or in their offices. In terms of

speed however, research indicates that computer based training results in faster learning

time than a traditional lecture approach.


Any training and development programmed must contain inputs which enable the

participants to gain skills, learn theoretical concepts and help acquire vision to look into

the distant future. Skills: Training is imparting skills to employees. A worker needs skills

to operate machines, and use other equipments with least damage and scrap. This is a

basic skill without which the operator will not be able to function. Employees,

particularly supervisors and executives, need interpersonal skills.

Education: The purpose of education is to teach theoretical concepts and develop sense

of reasoning and judgment.

Development: It is less skill-oriented but stresses on knowledge. Knowledge about

business environment, management principles and techniques, human relations, specific

industry analysis is useful for better management of a company.

Ethics: There is need for imparting greater ethical orientation to a training

anddevelopmentprogramme. Ethical attitude help managements make better decisions

which are in the interests of the public, the employees and in the long term-the company


Attitudinal Changes: Attitude represents feelings and beliefs of

individualstowardsothers. Attitude affects motivation, satisfaction and job commitment.

Negative attitude need to be converting into positive attitude. Attitude must be changed

so that employees feel committed to the organization, are motivated for better

performance, and derive satisfaction from their jobs and the work environment.

Decision making and problem solving skills: It focus on methods and techniques for

making organization decision-making and solving work related problems.

Objectives of the Training

The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the

availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization.

In addition to that, there are four other objectives:

 Individual

 Organizational

 Functional

 Societal.

 Individual objectives – help employees in achieving their personal goals, which

in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization.

 Organizational Objectives – assist the organization with its primary objective by

bringing individual effectiveness.

 Functional Objectives – maintain the department’s contribution at a level

suitable to the organization’s needs.

 Societal Objectives – ensure that an organization is ethically and socially

responsible to the needs and challenges of the society.

Importance of the Training

It helps to develop human intellect and an overall personality of the employees.

 Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the

productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to

achieve its long-term goal.

 Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of

team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in

inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.

 Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to develop and

improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in

creating the learning culture within the organization.

 Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building the

positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get

these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

 Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality

of work and work-life.

 Healthy work-environment – Training and Development helps in

creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good

employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational


 Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in improving the

health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

 Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the

work force.

 Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate


 Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved profitability

and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

 Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e.

Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It

helps in understanding and carrying out organizational policies

 Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills,

motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful

workers and managers usually display.

 Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and Development

helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the

employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual


 Development of Human Resources – Training and Development helps to

provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human

resources’ technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps

the employees in attaining personal growth.


HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY is a Korea-based company principally engaged in the

manufacture and distribution of automobiles and automobile parts. Along with its

subsidiaries, the Company operates its business through three segments. The Vehicle

Segment manufactures automobiles mainly under the brand names of Genesis, Tucson,

Equus, Veloster, Azera, Sonata, Elantra, Accent. This segment also produces

commercial vehicles including trucks, buses, special vehicles and others, as well as

automobile components. Meanwhile, it also involves in providing automobile

maintenance services. The Financial Segment mainly provides financial services

including automobile retail loans and auto-leasing, and it also engaged in issuing and

managing of credit cards. The Other Segment is mainly engaged in the manufacture of

railway vehicles and systems, and also provides the train maintenance services.


Employees follows the philosophy to establish and build a strong performance

driven culture with greater accountability and responsibility at all levels. To that
extent the Company views capability as a combination of the right people in the right
jobs, supported by the right processes, systems, structure and metrics. The Company
organizes various training and development programs, both in house and at other places
in order to enhance the skills and efficiency of its employees. These training and
development programs are conducted at various levels for officers.



Research methodology is a way to scientifically solve the research problem. It may be

understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the

various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem

along with the logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the

research methods / techniques but also the methodology. It defines what the activity of

research is, how to proceed, how to measure progress, and what constitutes success.

It helps to understand not only the products of scientific inquiry but the process itself. It

aims to describe and analyze methods, throw light on their limitations and resources,

clarify their presuppositions and consequences, relating their potentialities the twilight

zone at the ‘frontier of knowledge’

Benefit of Research Methodology:

 Advancement of wealth of human knowledge.

 ‘Tools of Trade’ to carry out research; provide tools to looks at things in life


 Develops a critical and scientific attitude, disciplined thinking or a ‘bent of mind’ to

observe objectivity (scientific deduction and inductive thinking); skills of research

will pay off in long term particularly in the ‘age of information’(or too often of


 Enriches practitioner and his practices; Provides chance to study a subject in depth;

Enable us to make intelligent decisions; Understand the material which no other kind

of work can match.

 Doing research is the best way to learn to read and think critical

Objectives of the Research

• To analyze the existing training practices, its effectiveness and recommend

measures to improve the training practices in PR Hyundai .

• To study the frequency of training, training methods and their effects on the
trainees and recommend certain measures for improvement.

• To study the employee awareness towards training program offered at PR


Research Design

The formidable problem that follows task of defining the research problem is the

preparation of the research project, popularly known as the ‘research design’

“The research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data

in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in


The study used a Descriptive Research design for the purpose of getting

an insight over the issue. Descriptive research design includes survey & fact finding

inquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of

state of affairs as it exists at present.


• Research Type: I have used Descriptive research methodology for my report

“Training & Development at PR Hyundai”.

• Research Design: To undertake the study, Questionnaire method was used to

collect the data. The questions were asked exclusively to the employees of PR
Hyundai unit in Lucknow.

• Sample Size: 30 employees from PR HYUNDAI, Lucknow

• Sampling Technique: The technique of Random Sampling has been used in the
analysis of the data/Random sampling.

• Data Collection Method: Primary & Secondary Both type of data has been used.

• Universe: Lucknow

• Statistical Tools: Pie/Bar Charts & Tables

• As an intern in PR Hyundai, I was given different kinds of work like to know the
training process & impact of training on employees, and that I did with the help of
questionnaire. I did survey of approx. 30 employees of PR Hyundai.

• Other than that I also learnt about the HR department working system in PR

• I came to know about their employees selection, their training and their
satisfaction level as well as but Training & development was my topic hence I
mainly focused on training processes and development process of employees.

• Monitoring and reviewing the progress of trainees through questionnaires and

discussions with managers.


1. Is there any training program conducted by the organization?

• Yes 100%

• No 0%



100% employees said that there is training program conducted by the organization.

2. If Yes, Training is provided by Internal Trainer or External Trainer agency
is hired to provide any type of training?

• Both 13.33%

• External Trainer 30%

• Internal Trainer 56.6%


. Interpretation:

• 56.66% employees said that training is provided by Internal Trainer.

• 30% employees said that training is provided by External Trainer.

• 13.33% employees said that training is provided by both Trainers.

3. Which method of training is more accepted and successful?

• In House 0%

• Off the Job 13.33%

• On the Job 86.66%

On the job
In house
Off the job


• 86.66% employees said that on the job training is more accepted and successful.

• 13.33% employees said that off the job training is more accepted and successful.

4. How frequently training program are organized?

• Monthly 46.66%

• Quarterly 30%

• Half yearly 10%

• Yearly 13.33%

half yearly

. Interpretation:

• 46.66% employees said that frequently training program are monthly.

• 30% employees said that frequently training program are quarterly.

• 13.33% employees said that frequently training program are yearly.

• 10% employees said that frequently training program are half yearly.

5. How much training are compulsory in a year?

• More than Four 53%

• Four 26.66%

• Three 13.33%

• Two 6.66%

More then four


. Interpretation:

• 53% employees said that more than four trainings are compulsory in a year.

• 26.66% employees said that four trainings are compulsory in a year.

• 13.33% employees said that three trainings are compulsory in a year.

• 6.66% employees said that two trainings are compulsory in a year.

6. In your view training helps to develop-

• Skills 10%

• Knowledge 13.33%

• Etiquettes 0%

• All of these 76.66%

• None of these 0%

All of the above

• Interpretation:

• Most of the employees (76.66%) said that Training helps to develop the skill,
knowledge and etiquettes.

• Some employees (13.33%) said that Training helps to develop the knowledge

• Few employees (10%) said that Training helps to develop the skill.

• No employees (0%) said that Training helps to develop the etiquettes.

7. Are you satisfied with training provided by SRM Motors?

• Yes 96%

• No 4%



• 90% employees satisfied with training provided by PR Hyundai.

• 10% employees not satisfied with training provided by PR Hyundai.

9. Are there any standard parameters for giving nomination for training?


10. Interpretation:

11. 93.33% employee said yes about the standard parameters for giving nomination
for training.

12. 6.66% employees said no about the standard parameters for giving nomination for

10 .Which factors attracts the employees?

• Salary 10%

• Growth Opportunity 23.33%

• Incentives 0%

• Facility Provided 0%

• Company Brand 6.66%

• Proper Training 0%

• All of These 60%

Salary Growth Op-

Incentives Facility
Company Brand Proper Training
All of theses

. Interpretation:

• 60% employees said that Proper Training, Company’s Brand, Facility Provided,
Incentives, Growth opportunity, Salary all of these are attract the candidates to
apply for the job.

• 23.33% employees said that Growth opportunity attracts the candidates to apply
for the job.

• 10% employees said that Salary attracts the candidates to apply for the job.

• 6.66% employees said that Company’s brand attracts the candidates to apply for
the job.

10. Does your organization provided vestibule training?

 Yes 26.66%

 No 73.33%


• Interpretation:

• 26.66% employees said yes that the vestibule training is provided by PR


• 73.33% employees said no that the vestibule training is not provided by PR



• No proper feedback given by trainees to the departments.

• Organization has to bear losses if the nominated employee doesn’t attend the
external training.

• No proper time management during conduction of training.

• During training, some trainee’s have faced problems like- product knowledge and
communication problem.

• Mostly employees are interested for the Level- 1 training.

• Maximum employees are not aware about vestibule training.

• Employees are not much aware of skill enhancement.


The study has been undertaken with full dedication and under the guidance of

experienced personnel yet certain limitations were perceived in spite of all the best efforts

against it, which are-

 As the time was limited and organization was so large, view of all the Employees

could not to be taken. Thus a random sample was taken. Therefore the findings may not

exhibit the accurate figures but they give a fair idea of opinion of employees.

 Some employees were reluctant & hesitant to give their views.

 As some respondents (technical persons) were not able to fill the questionnaire due to

time constraints the information collected from them verbally, which might have affected

the results to some extent.


In my point of view the measures of training & development in the PR

HYUNDAI is optimum. The process adopted in the organization is given in the project


In PR HYUNDAI the measures of training & development are easy and well

planned and I saw that the workers are very qualified. I realized that the training &

development process is very systematic and its rules are put up by highly skilled persons

which are legal in accordance to government.

I concluded that the highest posts are filled mostly by promotion on the basis of

experience and performance. And lastly I would like to conclude that the processes and

working of PR HYUNDAI as a whole is very good and preplanned.


Following suggestion is based on the feedback and information collected from the

employees of PR HYUNDAI,During the measures of training and development it

already maintain its standards. PR HYUNDAI training and development programmers a

good process but also require time to time situational modification.

2) - Methods of training need assessment / identification should be made more clear and

known to employees, so that they don’t feel biasness in nomination of participants for

training programmed.

3)-Employee’s suggestion should be given more importance while arranging need Base

training programmed, then they will try hard to fulfill the purpose of training.



 Human resource management by RAO, V.S.P

 Research methodology by KOTHARI C.


 Employee Handbook


 News papers - business standard

 Monthly magazines

 business world

 Front line






NAME: …………………………….
DESIGNATION: …………………..
DEPARTMENT: ……………………

1. Is there any training program conducted by the organization?

Yes No
2. If Yes, Training is provided by Internal Trainer or External Trainer agency
is hired to provide any type of training?
Both External Trainer Internal Trainer
3. How frequently training program are organized?
Monthly Quarterly Half yearly Yearly
4. How much training are compulsory in a year?
More than Four Four Three Two
5. Trainings are provided at Lucknow or anywhere else?
Lucknow Out of Lucknow
7. In your view training helps to develop-
Skills Knowledge Etiquettes
All of these None of these
8. Are you satisfied with training provided by PR HYUNDAI ?
Yes No
9. Which factors attracts the most to the employees?
Salary Growth Opportunity Incentives
Facility Provided Company Brand Proper Training
All of These
10. Does your organization provided vestibule training?
Yes No


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