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1. Under what conditions is the sum of two complex numbers and

a) A purely imaginary number
b) A real number?

( )
2. a) Simplify ( )( )

b) Evaluate ( )

3. Express the complex numbers in polar form.

4. a) Find cube roots of unity.(3 distinct cube roots) ;

b) Also compute 6th root of unity.

5. If is an imaginary cube root of unity then compute: ( )

7. a) State De Moivre’s theorem.

b) Represent and ̅ geometrically.

8. Find three cube roots of

9. Show geometrically why | | | | | |

10. If are the roots of find

11. Sketch the following set in the complex plane C and determine whether they are open, closed, or
neither; bounded; connected. Briefly state your reason: |z+3| < 1.

12. Compute ( )

13. Compute

14. Find the principal value of ( )

15. Determine if and where the functions ̅ and are analytic.

16. a) Define harmonic functions and conjugate harmonic functions.

b) The real function ( ) obviously satisfies Laplace’s equation. Find its conjugate
harmonic function, and write the function ( ).

17. Define a) smooth curve b) contour c) Jordan curve

18. When is invertible mapping conformal and why is conformal important? Explain with the help of an

19. Consider the function f(z) = (z − 4) 1 2 , where f(8) = 2. If the branch cut for f is the interval on the real
axis (−∞, 4], determine the value of the following, explaining your results ( )

20. Evaluate the integrals ∮( )

and ∮ around the circle |z| = 2.

21. Let . Is it true then that also

22. State :

a) Cauchy criterion

b) D’ Alembert criterion

c) Raabe criterion

23. Explain Cauchy’s integral theorem.

24. Determine the value of real integrals of ∫ ( )

25. Find the inverse mappings for the following functions:

( )
a) b) c)
( )

26. Find the Taylor series expansion of ( ) by expanding about the point z = 1.

27. Solve the equation

28. Examine the conformality of functions a) ( ) ; b)

29. Find a power series expansion in a neighbourhood of zero for the following functions and find their
radiuses of convergence.

a) b) ( )

30. Find the Tayloe series representation of ( ) given that

( ( )

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