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User Guide to Access Engineering

Environment at Perfect VIPs

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1. Objective...........................................................................................................................................3
2. How to access the Network of Perfect VIP Data Centre located at Bangalore:...............................3
3. To Access UNIX Engineering Environment:...................................................................................4
3.1 Compute Machines:.......................................................................................................................4
3.2 Unix Home Directory Access....................................................................................................6
3.3 Project Directories.....................................................................................................................7
3.4 To access Open source development tools................................................................................7
4 To Access Tools and Environment settings:....................................................................................7
4.1 Environment settings.................................................................................................................7
4.2 How to use modules command to access EDA tools................................................................8
5 How to access PVIPS Grid...............................................................................................................8
5.1 Environment Setup....................................................................................................................8
5.2 Job Types...................................................................................................................................9
5.3 Resources Flags.........................................................................................................................9
5.4 Job Status/deletion...................................................................................................................10
5.5 Output Redirection of jobs......................................................................................................10
5.6 Job Submissions......................................................................................................................10
5.6 Memory Requirements............................................................................................................11
6 Support Calls/CCT:........................................................................................................................11

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1. Objective

This objective of the document is how to access Perfect VIP Data Centre resources located at Bangalore.

2. How to access the Network of Perfect VIP Data Centre located at Bangalore:

2.1 Users working from Bangalore office:

1. Use Putty, Mobaxterm or VNC viewer for accessing the server
2. If suppose you are using Mobaxterm then
Type this command “ ssh username@server IP address “
Example – ssh sunand@
3. Enter your password to access the server


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2.2 Users working from remote site or home other than Bangalore office :
 Download and install OpenVPN software form below mention link.

just extract the file and import ovpn config file in below mention path location.

C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config

 Just open the OpenVPN software and click button on the right top corner.

 Select your OVPN config file and enter your user ID & Password for connect.

 Once it will be connected that symbol changes to the Green.

3. To Access UNIX Engineering Environment:

3.1 Compute Machines:

1. Users can download putty and VNC viewer to access servers. Below the details of accessing VNC
are shown as example.
2. Following are the five servers users can access using ssh/rsh/rlogin
a) vgpvip2 (

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b) vgpvip3 (
c) vgpvip4 (
d) vgpvip5 (
e) vgpvip6 (
3. Following hosts are configured under GRID (for bnormal project)
a) vgpvip2
b) vgpvip3
c) vgpvip4
These machines are execution hosts and all jobs submitted will run on these hosts.
4. Following hosts are for user’s interactive sessions and are not in GRID.
a) vgpvip5
b) vgpvip6
5. Login name and password is same as Synopsys user ID and password initially.
6. Changing password at Synopsys MV will not sync locally.
7. To change your password please login to host”” and change your password using
“passwd” command. Password will sync with other hosts once in 30 minutes.
Please note: Use this host only to change your password.
8. For command line you can use putty as a ssh client.
9. For GUI you can use VNC and following procedure will help you to start a VNC session, how to
access and kill VNC session.

a) Start VNC session:

 Login to linux machine using putty through ssh (ex: vgpvip5 or 6)
 In the login prompt type command “vncserver”(first time it asks for the password)
 This will generate a session ID for your login.
 Following is the example of how to start a VNC session.

-bash-3.2$ vncserver
You will require a password to access your desktops.
Would you like to enter a view-only password (y/n)? n
xauth: creating new authority file /remote/pviphome01/sateesha/.Xauthority
New 'X' desktop is vgpvip5:1
Creating default startup script /remote/pviphome01/sateesha/.vnc/xstartup
Starting applications specified in /remote/pviphome01/sateesha/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /remote/pviphome01/sateesha/.vnc/vgpvip5:1.log

b) How to access a VNC session:

 From your windows client open a VNC viewer and enter the host name and session
 Ex: hostname:1
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 Following is the example of how to connect a VNC session.
 Following is the example of how to connect a VNC session.

Click “ok” then it will prompt for password.

c) How to kill a VNC session

 Login to the host where your vnc session is running (ex:vgpvip5)
 Type vncserver –kill :session-ID
 Following is the example to kill VNC session.

-bash-3.2$ hostname
-bash-3.2$ vncserver -kill :1
Killing Xvnc process ID 2726

With the new VNC session you get “twm” as your Window Manager. You can customize your VNC
window manager (to gnome), width, geometry and etc. For these you can look at the man pages.

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3.2 Unix Home Directory Access

All users have home directory setup as /remote/pviphome01/userid


The quota is set for Home directory is 5GB

3.3 Project Directories


3.4 To access Open source development tools

Gcc, Editors [gvim/vi/emacs], binutils, perl can be used from /depot which is available across all
compute machines.

4 To Access Tools and Environment settings:

4.1 Environment settings

For csh/tcsh shell:

Source /global/etc/pvip.cshrc

For bash/sh shell:

source /global/etc/pvip.profile

Note: This file is already available in your $HOME dir depending on your $SHELL


Following EDA Tools are installed and you can access using modules


vcs/2012.09 vcs/2014.03 vcs/2013.06

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VIP tools are not under modules are accessed by tools setup file:

amba_svt => Version 2.45a

mipi_svt => Version 2.25a

mphy_svt => Version 1.25a

pa => Version 1.95a

pcie_svt => Version 1.80a

sata_svc => Version 6.30a

usb_svt => Version 4.20a

4.2 How to use modules command to access EDA tools

 module avail
------------------------ /global/etc/modules/files/eda -------------------------
dw/latest vcs/2012.09 vcs/2014.03
dw_tools/latest vcs/2013.06

 module load vcs/2012.09

 module list

which vcs


5 How to access PVIPS Grid

5.1 Environment Setup

In order to set up your environment to use the Grid Cell at Perfect Vips, you will have to source
one of the following files.

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$ source /remote/sge/default/pvips/common/settings.csh


$ . /remote/sge/default/pvips /common/

5.2 Job Types

Sun Grid cells support the following types of jobs.
 Batch[bnormal project]
 Interactive[iheavy.ilight project]

Batch Jobs: The batch jobs will be spawned to CPU's that are allocated for batch processing. Each
batch job takes "one" job slot and each batch CPU has been configured to take only "one" job per
CPU. In this way each batch job can fully use the CPU allocated to it without concern that another job
may be using the CPU and cycle stealing.

Please use vgpvip5 and vgpvip6 for interactive sessions/jobs ex: vi, xterm and etc.

Projects Job Type

Bnormal Batch

bnormal: This is the all batch jobs that are submitted without no max number per user.

5.3 Resources Flags

Grid allows the use of resource flags to request different types of nodes. This allows the users submitting
the jobs to pick and choose a certain type of node. The flags can be used by most Grid command by the
following method.
$ <Grid command> -l “resource flags type”=”resource flag definition”
To find the available exec hosts (compute resources) in a Grid cell, run this command.
$ qhost
The command can be tailored to show a certain class/set of hosts
$ qhost –l arch=glinux
The flag glinux will request a listing of Linux operating systems. In order to get a listing of the hosts
running Linux with QSC-A compliance, you can use the following resource flags.
$ qhost –l arch=glinux,qsc=i

To find out if you can submit to a certain cell from your machine, you should first make sure that
your machine is a submit host.
$ qconf –ss | grep <hostname>

5.4 Job Status/deletion

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Grid keeps a running record of all the running jobs and maintains a history for all the submitted
jobs into a cell. A unique identifier called JOBID identifies each job. You can get the job details by
issuing the following commands. You can also find out if your job is an error state due to any number of

$ qstat
$ qstat –j JOBID
$ qstat –u <UserID> [Show all the jobs for user UserID

Users can only delete jobs that are owned by them. Users cannot delete jobs that was not
submitted by them/ or their group.

$ qdel JOBID
$ qdel –u <UserID> [delete all jobs for user UserID]
$ qdel -f JOBID [forcefully delete a job]
$ qdel –f –u <UserID> [forcefully delete all jobs for UserID]

5.5 Output Redirection of jobs

The queuing system can do automatic logging of the batch and some types of interactive jobs.
The options are to write to a text file, using the -o [STDOUT] and –e [STDERR] options. If you do not
choose a file to write the STDOUT or STDERR, output is any will be written to your $HOME
direCIOry or current working direCIOry (with the –cwd option) in the format as follows.
STDOUT o.example_job.JOBID
STDERR e.example_job.JOBID

5.6 Job Submissions

 Batch Jobs
qsub: This is the command to submit batch jobs into the Grid cell. By default it is expect you submit a
shell/perl script into Grid. If you need to submit a binary type job such as /bin/date or EDA binaries, you
can add ‘-b y’ option to qsub
a. qsub –P bnormal /path/
qsub -> submit the /path/ into a batch node
b. qsub –P bnormal –b y /bin/date
qsub -> directly submit a binary job
c. qsub –cwd –P bnormal –l arch=glinux,mem_free=2G ./

qsub -> queue a batch job

-cwd -> stay in current working direCIOry
-P bnormal -> select the normal batch project
-l -> signifies machine resource flags
arch=glinux -> resource flag for architecture
mem_free=2G -> at least 2GB physical memory available
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d. qsub -cwd -l arch=glinux -r y -o output.log

<contents of>
source ~/.cshrc
module load syn/2003.03-2 # this command may not be available
dc_shell -f scripts/scan.scr # at all location.

<alternate contents of>

export LM_LICENSE_FILE=27000@raz:27000@daman
export PATH=/remote/release/2003.03-3/sparc64/syn/bin:$PATH
dc_shell -f $HOME/scripts/scan.scr

qsub -> queue a batch job

-cwd -> stay in current working directory
-P bnormal -> select the normal batch project
-l -> signifies machine resource flags
arch=glinux -> resource flag for architecture
-r y|n -> allows for job re-run the job if the job was
aborted without leaving a consistent exit state
-o output.log -> write the output file to output.log

hostname=”hostname” -> use the host with name “host-name”

5.6 Memory Requirements

Users can specify memory requirements during job submission. Two resource flags are popular
mem_free is the flag to target a machine that has the amount of free machine before the job can land
onto the machine.

6 Support Calls/CCT:

Please send all support calls to with the following information attached.

User ID accessing the farm

Compute Server Name (if reporting isolated problem. optional)
Submit host
Job Statistics (if applicable)

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