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International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44

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Game-based combined cognitive and neurofeedback training using Focus

Pocus reduces symptom severity in children with diagnosed AD/HD and
subclinical AD/HD
Stuart J. Johnstone a,b,⁎, Steven J. Roodenrys a,b, Kirsten Johnson a, Rebecca Bonfield a, Susan J. Bennett a,b
School of Psychology, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Early Start Research Institute, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Previous studies report reductions in symptom severity after combined working memory (WM) and inhibitory
Received 23 May 2016 control (IC) training in children with AD/HD. Based on theoretical accounts of the role of arousal/attention mod-
Received in revised form 21 February 2017 ulation problems in AD/HD, the current study examined the efficacy of combined WM, IC, and neurofeedback
Accepted 24 February 2017
training in children with AD/HD and subclinical AD/HD. Using a randomized waitlist control design, 85 children
Available online 28 February 2017
were randomly allocated to a training or waitlist condition and completed pre- and post-training assessments of
overt behavior, trained and untrained cognitive task performance, and resting and task-related EEG activity. The
AD/HD training group completed twenty-five sessions of training using Focus Pocus software at home over a 7 to 8-week
Training period. Trainees improved at the trained tasks, while enjoyment and engagement declined across sessions. After
Inhibitory control training, AD/HD symptom severity was reduced in the AD/HD and subclinical groups according to parents, and in
Working memory the former group only according to blinded teachers and significant-others. There were minor improvements in
Neurofeedback two of six near-transfer tasks, and evidence of far-transfer of training effects in four of five far-transfer tasks. Fron-
EEG tal region changes indicated normalization of atypical EEG features with reduced delta and increased alpha activ-
ity. It is concluded that technology developments provide an interesting a vehicle for delivering interventions and
that, while further research is needed, combined WM, IC, and neurofeedback training can reduce AD/HD symp-
tom severity in children with AD/HD and may also be beneficial to children with subclinical AD/HD.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the electroencephalogram, or EEG). Electrodes on the scalp measure

the EEG with online processing of the raw signal allowing simplified
Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) feedback about that ongoing activity to be provided to the user (e.g.,
show developmentally inappropriate levels of hyperactive, impulsive, current level of attention displayed numerically, in a bar graph, or as
and inattentive behavior (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). an engaging visual display).
Two non-pharmacological and technology-based approaches to reduc- Recent meta-analytic studies in the cognitive training (Cortese et al.,
ing symptoms are cognitive training and neurofeedback training. Cogni- 2015; Rapport et al., 2013; Robinson et al., 2014; Rutledge et al., 2012;
tive training aims to improve particular psychological abilities (e.g., Sonuga-Barke et al., 2013; Sonuga-Barke et al., 2014) and
attention, memory) with practice via purpose-designed computer soft- neurofeedback (NF) training areas (Arns et al., 2009; Arns et al., 2013;
ware often in the form of games. These games must balance engage- Holtmann et al., 2014; Lofthouse et al., 2012; Micoulaud-Franchi et al.,
ment/fun (which assists with training compliance) with challenge/ 2014) report mixed outcomes following both approaches and point to
learning, and typically include performance feedback with task difficul- the need for improvement in study designs, control conditions, and
ty level varied according to performance. Neurofeedback training aims sample sizes. The vast majority of studies are single-component, in
to promote awareness and control of psychological “state” factors that that they investigate the efficacy of an intervention made up of only
can be measured non-invasively through brain electrical activity (i.e. one “active ingredient” (e.g. diet, working memory training, attention
training, slow-cortical potential NF training). Given the heterogeneous
nature of AD/HD, multicomponent approaches may result in increased
⁎ Corresponding author at: School of Psychology, University of Wollongong, efficacy. Interventions that target multiple training components may re-
Wollongong, NSW, Australia.
E-mail addresses: (S.J. Johnstone),
sult in enhanced outcomes and optimize the transfer of effects from
(S.J. Roodenrys), (K. Johnson), cognitive deficits to symptoms, and indeed stronger effects have been
(R. Bonfield), (S.J. Bennett). reported for multi-component training (Cortese et al., 2015). Previous
0167-8760/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44 33

multi-component training studies in younger children (4–5 years) generalization to domains that are considerably different from the train-
targeting inhibitory control, working memory, attention, visuo-spatial ing task) (Barnett and Ceci, 2002) was examined via behavior rating
abilities, planning, and motor skills (Halperin et al., 2013), and atten- scales and resting EEG tasks. Resting EEG is considered far-transfer as
tion, working memory and impulsive behaviors (Re et al., 2015), have this ability/process is not trained by the neurocognitive training ap-
reported encouraging outcomes. Studies examining multi-component proach, but is a measure that reliably differentiates children with AD/
training in older children with AD/HD are limited. One study examined HD from controls (Barry et al., 2003) and shows sensitivity to behavioral
working memory, inhibition, and cognitive flexibility training using a change brought about by various treatments (Johnstone et al., 2012b;
double-blind placebo controlled design, and reported improvement on Jiang and Johnstone, 2015).
visuospatial short-term memory and working memory (WM) in a In addition to children with diagnosed and clinically significant AD/
“full-active” condition and improved inhibition and interference control HD, we wanted to examine the efficacy of the intervention for those
in both the full-active and partially-active (i.e. primarily training inhibi- with milder symptoms or sub-threshold AD/HD. These children display
tion and cognitive-flexibility) conditions, but no improvements for mild to moderate attentive and/or hyperactive-impulsive problems but
teacher- or parent-rated AD/HD behaviors (Dovis et al., 2015). do not meet diagnostic criteria for AD/HD, with a prevalence rate in
Our training approach aims to reduce the symptoms of AD/HD by non-referred samples estimated to be 30–50% (Althoff et al., 2006;
improving processes that underpin the symptoms. It targets multiple Kóbor et al., 2012). These mild cases have problems in their day-to-
components; fundamental cognitive processes such as WM and inhibi- day lives and may need therapeutic help (Kóbor et al., 2012). Non-phar-
tory control (IC), and psychological state factors such as attention and macological interventions are of particular importance to this group as
relaxation via NF (Johnstone, 2013), and hence is termed they are unlikely to be recommended a pharmacological treatment
“neurocognitive” training. Our earlier cognitive training studies exam- and early intervention may reduce the impact of the mild symptoms
ined two of these components (WM and IC) and reported positive influ- and/or prevent further functional decline.
ences on AD/HD symptoms (Johnstone et al., 2012b; Johnstone et al., For children in the training condition, it was predicted that there will
2010). That work built on findings showing that training cognitive pro- be (a) improved performance on the training tasks, and (b) stable en-
cesses in those with below par ability can result in improved day-to-day joyment and engagement across sessions and behavioral improvement
behavior; e.g. WM training for AD/HD (Holmes et al., 2010; Klingberg et across sessions, as indicated by within training evaluations by parents -
al., 2005); IC training for behavioral control issues, such as alcohol con- in both the AD/HD and subclinical groups. For training outcomes, it was
sumption and eating behavior (Allom et al., 2016). Here we examine a predicted that both the AD/HD and subclinical groups in the training
multi-component approach to AD/HD symptom reduction which is sup- condition compared to the waitlist control condition would show (c)
ported by the cognitive energetic model (CEM) of AD/HD (Sergeant, improvement in AD/HD symptoms post-training as indicated by the
2000). The CEM highlights the role of state-regulation dysfunction hin- Conners 3rd Edition Parent and ADHD-RS scales, (d) improvement in
dering efficient engagement of computational/cognitive processes and general behavior as indicated by the Child Behavior Checklist, (e) im-
executive functions. According to this model, increased control over provement in cognitive task performance on lab-based tasks involving
psychological/arousal states should provide the necessary foundation similar processes to the training tasks, and (f) EEG normalization - in
for effective engagement and use of cognitive processes, such as inhibi- the child AD/HD context, increased fast wave and decreased slow
tion and working memory, to guide behavior. Our training targets (i.e. wave activity - as indicated by resting EEG tasks.
psychological state and cognitive processes) were chosen based on evi-
dence supporting them as core issues for the majority of children with 2. Methods
AD/HD and the dynamic interplay between these factors suggested by
the CEM, with empirical support (Sergeant, 2005). Although, like all 2.1. Participants
models of AD/HD, the CEM model is based on the correlations between
cognitive functions and AD/HD symptoms, intervention studies can pro- Parents of 132 potential participants expressed interest in the study,
vide evidence for the causal nature of the relationship. Given the with 25 excluded based on strict exclusion criteria, as outlined below. A
established relationship between deficits in levels of the CEM and AD/ total of 107 participants were randomized and completed the initial as-
HD symptoms, our training approach targets multiple levels of the sessment session, with 22 (10 from the Training condition and 12 from
model to improve abilities with subsequent behavioral implications. In- the Waitlist condition; M = 9.42 years) ceasing participation due to
deed, NF training itself may have an influence at several levels; “the slow training rate, change in family circumstances, illness, or other com-
neurophysiological (enhancement of regulation capability of different mitments. There were no significant differences between the 22 chil-
EEG parameters), neuropsychological (executive functions), and the dren who dropped out and the 85 children who completed the
cognitive-behavioral (e.g. enhanced self-regulation by positive rein- training on the full-scale or subscale scores of the WIAT-II, Conners 3-
forcement of goal-directed behavior)”, with training effects likely due P, or CBCL. The final sample consisted of 85 children; 44 children with
to a combination of these variables (Albrecht et al., 2015, p. 5). These au- a previous (within previous 24 months) professional diagnosis by a clin-
thors argue that cognitive deficits (e.g. preparation, response inhibition) ical psychologist or child psychiatrist of AD/HD based on DSM-IV criteria
and resting-state abnormalities may be improved with NF training, and (22 in Training condition, 22 in Waitlist condition; 31 male; M =
also that developing self-regulation skills may help with motivational 9.81 years; range 7.3–12.8 years) and 41 children without a diagnosis
problems, another problem area for children with AD/HD (Sonuga- but displaying similar behavior, termed the Subclinical group (22 in
Barke, 2011). Our group has recently published case-study data of mul- Training condition, 19 in Waitlist condition; 33 male; M = 9.53 years;
tiple children supporting this combined WM/IC/NF approach in children range 7.4–12.6 years). Children in the Subclinical group scored in the
with AD/HD in China (Jiang and Johnstone, 2015). The current study borderline range on both the Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity
seeks to extend previous research by considering the efficacy of the subscales of Conners 3-P. Children were randomly assigned to a Waitlist
neurocognitive training approach (i.e. combined cognitive and NF train- control (WL) or Training (TR) condition, based on a random permuta-
ing) using a randomized controlled design in a large sample. tion calculator ( Fig. 1 shows the CON-
In addition to expected improvement in the training tasks, we were SORT flow diagram. Twenty-five children from the AD/HD group were
interested in the effect of the training on tasks involving similar process- taking medication as treatment for the disorder, with 9 in the TR condi-
es but sharing few surface features. Thus, near-transfer (i.e. extension of tion (3 Ritalin, 3 Dexamphetamine; 2 Concerta, 1 multiple medications)
training-related improvements to related, but not trained, tasks) was and 16 in the WL condition (6 Ritalin, 4 Dexamphetamine; 1 Strattera, 5
examined via the auditory Go-Nogo, auditory oddball, visual Counting Concerta). None of the children in the Subclinical group were on any
Span, verbal Digit Span, and active EEG tasks, while far-transfer (i.e. similar or other significant medications.
34 S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44

Fig. 1. CONSORT flow diagram. Stage-wise representation of the progress of participants through the RCT. T1 = time 1, T2 = time 2.

Participants were excluded if they had suffered epileptic seizures, CBCL correlate highly with the DSM-IV checklist for AD/HD symptoms
periods of unconsciousness, serious head injuries, had a significant psy- (r = 0.80) (Achenbach and Rescorla, 2001).
chological disorder, and/or displayed lower than expected academic The Wechsler's Individual Achievement Test 2nd edition Australian
abilities as measured by the WIAT-II or did not display behaviors similar Abbreviated (WIAT-II) was employed to assess achievement in Word
to AD/HD. Participants were recruited from the Illawarra and southern Reading, Numerical Operations, and Spelling. The WIAT-II has been
Sydney region via advertisements in primary school newsletters, emails shown to hold high internal consistency (total composite corrected
to various groups (e.g. university staff, psychology students, private psy- r = 0.97) and test–retest stability (total composite corrected r =
chologists), promotional flyers placed in university psychology clinic, 0.97), with moderate to high construct- and criterion-validity
and a local newspaper article. The University of Wollongong (UOW) (Wechsler, 2007).
and Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District Health and Medical
Human Research Ethics Committee (HE12/420), and State Educational
Research Approval Process, approved the research protocol prior to 2.2.2. Experimental tasks
the commencement of data collection. The research was conducted in A battery of tasks to measure cognitive abilities and resting/active
accordance with the approved guidelines, and each participant's par- EEG were administered at the pre- and post-training sessions. All exper-
ent(s) gave written informed consent. imental tasks were presented on a 17″ computer monitor located 1 m
from the child at eye level. An auditory Go-Nogo (10 practice trials,
2.2. Materials 100 experimental trials, 30% Nogo stimuli, inter-stimulus-interval
1250 ms, “Press to frequent Go tone”), and auditory oddball task (10
2.2.1. Behavior rating instruments practice trials, 100 experimental trials, 70% Non-target stimuli, inter-
The ADHD Rating Scale IV (ADHD-RS) was used to assess AD/HD stimulus-interval 2150 ms, “Press to infrequent target tone”) were com-
symptom severity (DuPaul et al., 1998), has sound psychometric prop- pleted, followed by a visual Counting Span (Engle et al., 1999) and audi-
erties (Zhang et al., 2005), and is closely related to AD/HD DSM-IV diag- tory Digit Span task. There were four EEG tasks. The resting eyes-open
nostic criteria. Our modified ADHD-RS consisted of 18 items, drawn (“fixate on smiley face on-screen”) and eyes-closed tasks (“close eyes
from the symptom listings in DSM-IV (American Psychiatric until told to open them”) lasted for 2 min each, while the focus (“con-
Association, 1994), with frequency ratings made on a 5-point Likert centrate as hard as possible on the smiley face”) and relax (“keep your
scale (0 ‘Never’ to 4 ‘Always’), and a score range of 0–72. This instru- eyes open and try to relax”) tasks lasted for 1 min each.
ment was completed by three sources (two blinded) at pre-training
and post-training.
The 43-item Conners 3rd Edition Parent School Form (Conners 3-P) 2.2.3. EEG recording (pre- and post-training)
measured characteristic behavior as perceived by a parent. The Conners A 14-channel wireless EEG headset device (Emotiv EPOC®
3-P is a widely used measure for assessing parental reports of problem- Neuroheadset) was used to record continuous scalp EEG at 128 Hz
atic behaviors and other concerns for children 6–18 years (Conners, from 12 sites (AF3, F7, F3, FC5, T7, P7, P8, T8, FC6, F4, F8, and AF4) of
2008), and has high internal consistency (α = 0.89) and test-retest re- the 10–20 system at the pre- and post-training assessment sessions.
liability (r = 0.86) (Conners, 2008). The device was modified to provide stimulus markers for ERP analysis,
The Child Behavior Checklist 6–18 years (CBCL) was used to measure which will be reported elsewhere, sacrificing the O1 and O2 channels
emotional and behavioral problems as rated by their parent(s). The (Badcock et al., 2013). The device has been validated in adults and chil-
CBCL has high test-retest reliability (r = 0.95), sound internal consisten- dren and produces auditory ERP components highly comparable to re-
cy (all subscales N α = 0.78), strong content validity (p b 0.001 all sub- search-grade EEG systems in adults (Badcock et al., 2013) and
scales), and both the AD/HD and Attention problems subscales of the children (Badcock et al., 2015).
S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44 35

2.2.4. Data quantification 256 Hz, with on-board conversion of the raw signal from the time- to
Raw EEG data from the EPOC device was divided into 2 s epochs the frequency-domain via a fast Fourier transform to allow calculation
which were baseline corrected using Scan Edit software (Scan 4.5, of EEG power in the delta, theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands. Pro-
Compumedics NeuroScan). Epochs containing values exceeding prietary algorithms calculated values representing two independent
±100 μV were automatically rejected, and remaining epochs were visu- psychological state dimensions of “Attention” (low to high; highly cor-
ally inspected for any movement and/or muscle artifact or noisy chan- related with power in the beta EEG band) and “Relaxation” (tense to
nels – if identified, these were removed from future processing. These calm; highly correlated with power in the alpha EEG band). These mea-
epochs were Fourier transformed using a 10% Welch window, to obtain sures were presented as a value between 0 and 100, enabling the provi-
absolute spectral power in four frequency bands: delta (0.5–3.75 Hz), sion of generalized feedback about ongoing brain activity in a form
theta (3.75–7.5 Hz), alpha (7.5–12.5 Hz) and beta (12.5–25 Hz). Rela- understood by children, and a robust, universal, index of ongoing EEG
tive power was calculated by dividing each band into the total of the activity that does not require individual calibration. An additional
four bands. Four regions (Left Frontal: AF3, F3, FC5, F7; Right Frontal: index, termed “Zen”, was calculated in the software by averaging the at-
AF4, F4, F8, FC6; Left Temporal–Parietal: T7, P7; Right Temporal- tention and relaxation indices. These indices were sent to the computer
Parietal: T8, P8) were formed for analysis. or iOS device wirelessly via Bluetooth for use by the software.
The device measured EEG during the entire training session and was
2.3. Procedure used to (a) control game-play during NF games and (b) quantify atten-
tion level during WM and IC games. The device measured attention level
Recruitment strategies resulted in parents of potential participants during the WM and IC games and categorized the game average as
downloading an information pack from a university website. Those in- low, medium, high, or very-high as a multiplier for game points
terested completed an initial contact form via a secure online survey, achieved (× 1, × 2, × 3, or × 4, respectively). The device constantly
and were contacted to determine the participant's suitability. Following monitored electrode impedance and provided an ongoing numerical
verbal consent, parents were informed of the condition to which their representation of its quality; if sub-standard impedance occurred at
child had been randomly assigned and an initial assessment session ar- any point (e.g. device was removed, or vigorous head movement) the
ranged. Two researchers were present at each testing session taking game was paused until acceptable impedance was achieved.
place in a quiet single-purpose laboratory at the university or in a The device EEG shows sensitivity to psychological state variations
quiet location at the participant's home. relevant to the NF training goals, i.e. high compared to low attention
and high compared to low relaxation (Johnstone et al., 2012a;
2.3.1. Pre-training assessment (Time 1) Johnstone et al., 2012b), is reliable and valid when compared with re-
Each participant was individually assessed during a session taking search-grade equipment (Johnstone et al., 2012a), and shows good
1.5 h. Participants taking medication for AD/HD were asked to abstain test-retest reliability (Rogers et al., 2016).
for 24 h prior to the session. The procedure was explained to the par-
ent/caregiver and participant and informed written consent was obtain- Software. Focus Pocus is a themed training software package de-
ed. The parent/caregiver completed a demographics sheet, the CBCL, veloped by Neurocognitive Solutions Pty Ltd. (Australia) using intellec-
Conners 3-P, and ADHD-RS. Two additional ADHD-RS forms were pro- tual property licensed from UOW. NF, WM, and IC training games are
vided for the child's classroom teacher and a “significant-other” (indi- embedded in a themed game environment, where the player is a “wiz-
vidual with regular contact with the child – typically a grandparent, ard in training” working to improve important wizard skills such as
aunt/uncle, neighbor), with a coversheet instructing parents not to re- broomstick racing, transformation, potion making, etc. Each training
veal information about the study and/or condition allocation. Thus, all session consisted of 14 mini-games presented in random order with
efforts were made to ensure that the teacher and significant-other four WM, four IC, and six NF games. In each training session, two NF
were blind to condition membership. games were driven by Attention, two by Relaxation, and two by Zen
The WIAT-II, Digit Span, and Counting Span tasks were completed, feedback; in a random order. The WM games involved holding informa-
followed by fitting the EEG headset (positioned in accordance with tion in memory with subsequent recall to complete an action; difficulty
the 10–20 electrode system). Adequate electrode impedance, as indicat- level was adaptive, decreasing by 1 the number of items to be remem-
ed by the Emotiv Control Panel software ( Premium), was obtain- bered and recalled for less-than-perfect performance on the previous
ed prior to recording. The Go-Nogo and oddball task were then WM game, and increasing by 1 the number of items to be remembered
completed (counterbalanced order) followed by the four EEG tasks and recalled for perfect performance on the previous WM game. The
(counterbalanced order), with different presentation orders at the lowest level of difficulty - the starting level - was 4 items. The IC
pre- and post-assessment sessions. games were based on the Go/Nogo paradigm and involved a press/tap
response to frequently presented visual “Go” stimuli and withholding
2.3.2. Computerized training of response to infrequent “Nogo” stimuli; difficulty level was adaptive,
During the pre-training session for the TR condition, or post-training increasing or decreasing the time available to inhibit the prepotent Go
session for the WL condition, the training hardware and software were response by 50 ms based on 1 or more commission errors or no com-
installed on the participant's computer, and demonstrated to the partic- mission errors, respectively, in the previous IC game. The lowest level
ipant and their parent(s). Participants were asked to complete 25 ses- of difficulty - the starting level - was 1000 ms. The NF games aimed to
sions at home over a period of 6 to 8 weeks at a frequency of 3 to 4 promote awareness and control of brain activity with practice. During
sessions/week, consistent with previous studies (Dovis et al., 2015; NF games, device EEG was sent to the software via Bluetooth providing
Jiang and Johnstone, 2015; Johnstone et al., 2012b; Johnstone et al., the participant real-time feedback of Attention, Relaxation, or Zen level
2010). Each training session took approximately 20 min to complete, and as a percentage value on a bar graph and in an engaging visual form. For
took place in a designated quiet location in the participant's home - example, the player's wizard character's levitation speed in a levitation
typically, the child's bedroom or a study - to minimize distractions. game was dependent on the level of relaxation above that particular
player/games current threshold level. The threshold level increased by Hardware. The portable, dry-sensor, “Mindwave” EEG device 5% after successful completion of the previous level and decreased by
consisted of microchips, embedded firmware, a 10 mm active electrode, 5% if the previous level was not successfully completed; the lowest
and ear-clip reference ground electrode (ThinkGear, Neurosky, San Jose, level of difficulty – the starting level - was 5% and the highest was
California, USA) contained within a headset (MindWave, Neurosky, San 95%. For each of the 3 game types (and specifically for Focus, Relaxation,
Jose, California, USA). EEG was recorded continuously from site Fp1 at and Zen within the NF games), level of difficulty was tracked and carried
36 S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44

forward into subsequent training sessions. Each of the eight NF games respectively (Cohen, 1992). Only statistically significant or near-signifi-
could be dependent on feedback of Attention, Relaxation, or Zen level, cant results are reported.
giving twenty-four unique game types. Performance feedback occurred
after each game in the form of a star (0–5) rating system, and was tied to
accuracy and reaction time (RT) in the IC games, accuracy in the WM 3. Results
games, and time above threshold in the NF games.
3.1. Group characteristics
2.3.3. Post-training assessment (Time 2)
The post-training session took place 7–9 weeks after the initial test- 3.1.1. Pre-training behavior ratings
ing session. Participants were instructed to abstain from any stimulant Table 1 shows means and statistical effects for the WIAT-II and
medication for 24 h prior to testing. All tasks were identical to Time 1, Conners 3-P. The AD/HD group scored lower than the Subclinical
excluding the WIAT. Parents completed the ADHD-RS, Conners 3-P group on the WIAT-II Composite and Reading Comprehension sub-
and CBCL. Parents of participants in the TR condition completed an eval- scales. For the Conners 3-P, the AD/HD group scored higher than the
uation of their child's engagement (e.g. “My child was engaged by the Subclinical Group on Inattention, Learning Problems, and Executive
training games”), enjoyment, and behavior during training sessions 1– Functioning.
6, 7–12, 12–18, and 19–25 using a 5 point Likert scale from 1 Strongly Table 2 shows means and statistical effects for the CBCL and ADHD-
Disagree to 5 Strongly Agree. Additionally, the same classroom teacher RS. For the CBCL, the AD/HD group scored higher than the Subclinical
and significant-other were asked to complete the ADHD-RS again. group on Attention Problems, Aggressive Behavior and Externalizing,
while increased Thought Problems approached significance. A Condi-
2.3.4. Statistical analysis tion main effect revealed that the WL condition scored higher than the
For behavior ratings and cognitive task performance variables, Con- TR condition on the Withdrawn subscale. A Group × Condition interac-
dition (TR, WL) and Group (AD/HD, Subclinical) differences at Time 1 tion indicated that Anxious/Depressed subscale scores were slightly
were examined using ANOVAs. To assess the effect of training, ANOVAs lower for the WL than TR condition for the Subclinical group, but higher
considered Condition and Group effects at Time 2, with Time 1 as a co- for WL than TR condition for the AD/HD group. Scores from the parent
variate. Relative EEG power in each frequency band was examined ADHD-RS were higher in the AD/HD than Subclinical group, with no dif-
using repeated measures ANOVAs with between-subjects factors of ferences present for the teacher and significant-other ratings.
Condition and Group and within-subjects factors of Time (1, 2), Sagittal
(frontal, tempo-parietal), and Lateral (left, right) for the EC, EO, Focus,
and Relax tasks separately. Polynomial planned contrasts for the Sagittal 3.1.2. Pre-training cognitive task performance
factor compared frontal with tempo-parietal, and for the Lateral factor Digit Span (M = 5.14, SD = 0.97) and Counting Span (M = 4.10,
compared left with right hemisphere, to assess the topographic distri- SD = 1.49) did not show any significant Group, Condition, or interaction
bution of each component. For the TR condition only, parent evaluations effects at Time 1. For the oddball task, RT to target stimuli (M = 552.98,
were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVAs (separately for Enjoy- SD = 85.48 ms) and percentage of correct target responses (M = 93.48,
ment, Engagement, Improvement) with Time (1–6, 7–12, 13–18, 19– SD = 7.31%) did not show Group, Condition, or interaction effects. The
25) as a within-subjects factor (with planned polynomial contrasts for percentage of correct non-target responses was higher in the TR
the Time factor). Planned comparisons were specified a priori and crit- (M = 95.3, SD = 5.2%) than WL (M = 91.6, SD = 8.7%) condition
ical values were corrected using a Bonferroni correction, therefore, (F[1,81] = 5.442, p = 0.022, partial η2 = 0.07). For the Go-Nogo task,
post hoc alpha adjustments were not required (Tabachnick and Fidell, RT to Go stimuli (M = 489.19, SD = 80.10 ms) and percentage of correct
1996). Eta squared (partial η2) was calculated as a measure of effect responses to both Go (M = 85.21, SD = 12.57%) and Nogo (M = 60.43,
size, with .01, .06, and .14 representing small, medium, and large effects, SD = 21.34%) stimuli did not show effects.

Table 1
WIAT-II and Conners 3-P scores for each Group and Condition at Time 1, with Group effect statistics. WIAT-II scores are standard scores. T-scores are shown for Conners 3-P; T-scores N64
are considered to be in the clinical range, 57–63 are considered to be in the borderline clinical range, b57 are considered to be in the normal range.

Measure Condition Group Group effect

AD/HD Subclinical

WIAT-II TR 87.2 (13.0) 97.6 (13.6) 89.7 (13.7) vs. 97.5 (14.1), F(1,81) = 6.648, p = 0.012, partial η2 = 0.08
Composite WL 92.2 (14.2) 97.4 (15.0)
WIAT-II TR 91.1 (13.9) 100.9 (14.6) 93.3 (14.3) vs. 102.1 (13.7), F(1,81) = 8.446, p = 0.005, partial η2 = 0.09
Reading comprehension WL 95.5 (14.7) 103.4 (12.7)
WIAT-II TR 84.9 (19.0) 94.1 (12.7) Ns
Numerical operations WL 87.4 (15.5) 91.2 (17.7)
WIAT-II TR 88.2 (11.3) 98.2 (15.3) Ns
Spelling WL 95.5 (16.1) 96.7 (16.4)
Conners 3-P TR 80.8⁎ (8.4) 76.7⁎ (10.0) 79.8⁎ (9.1) vs. 74.9⁎ (10.1), F(1,81) = 5.913, p = 0.017, partial η2 = 0.07
Inattention WL 78.9⁎ (9.9) 72.8⁎ (10.1)
Conners 3-P TR 74.0⁎ (15.1) 74.8⁎ (15.5) Ns
Hyperactivity/impulsivity WL 78.2⁎ (13.7) 68.9⁎ (15.2)
Conners 3-P TR 70.8⁎ (12.9) 65.6⁎ (14.6) 69.8⁎ (12.2) vs. 63.2# (12.8), F(1,81) = 6.133, p = 0.015, partial η2 = 0.07
Learning problems WL 68.7⁎ (11.8) 60.4# (10.1)
Conners 3-P TR 73.3⁎ (12.8) 68.9⁎ (10.4) 71.8⁎ (11.2) vs. 66.9⁎ (11.7), F(1,81) = 4.105, p = 0.046, partial η2 = 0.05
Executive functioning WL 70.3⁎ (9.3) 64.7⁎ (12.9)
Conners 3-P TR 66.0⁎ (17.8) 58.2# (16.1) Ns
Aggression WL 64.8⁎ (17.5) 62.8# (16.0)
Conners 3-P TR 70.8⁎ (15.7) 70.3⁎ (17.3) Ns
Peer relations WL 76.4⁎ (17.5) 66.9⁎ (19.8)

Note: #Borderline, ⁎Clinical, Ns not significant.

S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44 37

Table 2
CBCL and ADHD-RS scores for each Group and Condition at Time 1. CBCL T-scores N70 are considered to be in the clinical range, 67–70 are considered to be in the borderline clinical range,
and b67 are considered to be in the normal range. ADHD-RS scores are presented as raw scores – the score range for this scale is 0 to 72.

Measure Cond. Group Group effect Condition effect G × C interaction

AD/HD Subclinical

CBCL TR 58.5 60.2 (8.9) Ns Ns F(1,80) = 4.191,

Anxious/depressed (8.2) p = 0.044, partial
WL 64.4 58.2 (7.8) η2 = 0.05
CBCL TR 55.7 54.4 (4.7) Ns 55.1 (5.8) vs. 58.8 (12.1), F(1,81) = 3.988, Ns
Withdrawn (6.7) p = 0.049, partial η2 = 0.05
WL 58.9 58.8
(9.8) (12.1)
CBCL TR 56.7 58.3 Ns Ns Ns
Somatic (6.0) (14.7)
complaints WL 61.1 58.4 (7.2)
CBCL TR 60.3 61.0 (8.4) Ns Ns Ns
Social problems (7.6)
WL 63.7 59.7 (9.0)
CBCL TR 63.6 59.9 (6.5) 64.8 (10.0) vs. 61.0 (7.7), F(1,81) = 3.464, Ns Ns
Thought problems (9.8) p = 0.066, partial η2 = 0.04
WL 65.9 62.3 (8.8)
CBCL TR 69.9# 68.5# 71.5⁎ (9.5) vs. 66.4 (10.2), F(1,81) = 6.020, Ns Ns
Attention (7.5) (10.2) p = 0.016, partial η2 = 0.07
problems WL 73.2⁎ 64.1
(11.1) (10.0)
CBCL TR 60.0 56.8 (7.8) Ns Ns Ns
Rule-breaking (9.1)
behavior WL 62.2 59.1 (7.1)
CBCL TR 65.3 60.3 (9.0) 66.6 (11.9) vs. 60.7 (9.2), F(1,81) = 6.111, Ns Ns
Aggressive (11.3) p = 0.016, partial η2 = 0.07
behavior WL 67.8# 61.2 (9.8)
CBCL TR 56.3 59.2 (9.5) Ns Ns Ns
Internalizing (9.8)
WL 62.6 57.0
(10.1) (12.0)
CBCL TR 62.6 57.9 63.4 (10.4) vs. 58.3 (10.9), F(1,81) = 4.769, Ns Ns
Externalizing (10.2) (10.4) p = 0.032, partial η2 = 0.06
WL 64.2 58.6
(10.7) (11.7)
ADHD-RS TR 41.7 38.6 43.4 (11.9) vs. 36.9 (13.1), F(1,81) = 5.400, Ns Ns
Parent (11.5) (12.6) p = 0.023, partial η2 = 0.07
WL 45.3 35.3
(12.3) (13.7)
ADHD-RS TR 26.3 32.9 Ns Ns Ns
Teacher (17.0) (14.7)
WL 22.7 27.3
(16.9) (13.2)
ADHD-RS TR 32.7 28.3 Ns Ns Ns
Significant-other (13.1) (14.4)
WL 37.1 33.6
(14.2) (15.7)

Note: Cond. Condition, #Borderline, ⁎Clinical, Ns not significant. Italicized effect descriptions indicate approaching significance.

3.1.3. Pre-training EEG parietal N frontal distribution for the AD/HD group, but a frontal N
For the EC task, delta was frontally maximal, theta was equipotential tempo-parietal distribution for the Subclinical group (due to their in-
in the sagittal dimension, and alpha and beta were maximal in the creased activity frontally and reduced activity in the tempo-parietal
tempo-parietal region. For the EO and Focus tasks, delta was equipoten- region).
tial across regions, theta frontally maximal, and alpha and beta maximal
in the tempo-parietal region. For the EC, EO, and Focus tasks there were 3.2. Training data
no main effects or interactions for Group or Condition. For the Relax
task, alpha and beta were maximal in the tempo-parietal region. A The 25 sessions of training were completed in an average of
Sagittal × Group interaction (F[1,81] = 12.679, p = 0.002, partial 67.3 days, at an average rate of 2.65 sessions/week with no difference
η2 = 0.36) indicated that relative delta had a frontal N tempo-parietal between Groups.
distribution for the AD/HD group, but a tempo-parietal N frontal distri-
bution for the Subclinical group (due mainly to their increased tempo- 3.2.1. Training effects on trained tasks
parietal activity). A Sagittal × Group interaction (F[1,81] = 8.762, p = Game difficulty level (actual game level divided by the maximum
0.007, partial η2 = 0.28) indicated that relative theta had a tempo- potential level [WM: 14, IC: 20, NF: 20] × 100) was used as a proxy of
38 S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44

task performance and quantified as an average in sessions 1–5, 11–15,

and 21–25. Difficulty level increases were based on perfect performance
at the lower difficulty level. As difficulty increased, the child was re-
quired to put in more effort and ability to maintain the cognitive pro-
cesses and/or psychological state factors to complete the task at a high
level. As shown in Table 3, the difficulty level of the WM and IC tasks in-
creased from sessions 1–5 to 11–15 and plateaued to sessions 21–25.
The difficulty level of the Focus, Relax, and Zen NF tasks showed slight
decreases from sessions 1–5 to 21–25.

3.2.2. Within-training evaluations by parents

As shown in Fig. 2, behavioral improvement showed a Time main ef-
fect of borderline significance (F[3,38] = 2.63, p = 0.054) with planned
contrasts revealing a near-significant linear increase (F[1,40] = 3.783,
p = 0.060, partial η2 = 0.10) in behavioral improvement (sessions 1–
6: M = 4.3, SD = 1.1 vs. sessions 19–25: M = 3.7, SD = 1.34) and no in-
teraction with Group. Engagement showed a Time × Group interaction
(F[3,38] = 5.749, p = 0.003, partial η2 = 0.35) with planned contrasts
revealing a larger linear reduction (F[1,40] = 11.425, p = 0.000, partial
η2 = 0.31) in enjoyment for the AD/HD (sessions 1–6: M = 4.7, SD =
0.47 vs. sessions 19–25: M = 3.5, SD = 1.54) than Subclinical group
(sessions 1–6: M = 4.6, SD = 0.77 vs. sessions 19–25: M = 4.3, SD =
1.10). Enjoyment showed a near-significant Time main effect
(F[3,38] = 2.628, p = 0.067) with planned contrasts revealing a linear
reduction (F[1,40] = 6.535, p = 0.015, partial η2 = 0.16) in enjoyment
(sessions 1–6: M = 4.3, SD = 1.1 vs. sessions 19–25: M = 3.7, SD =
1.34) and no interaction with Group.

3.3. Pre- versus post-training comparisons

Each variable showing a significant Group effect at Time 1 was con-

sidered as a co-variate in the analyses reported below, and was not
found to alter the pattern of significance in the reported results.

3.3.1. Behavior ratings

For the subscales of the Conners 3-P, Condition main effects were
significant for Inattention (F[1,80] = 5.375, p = 0.023, partial η2 =
0.07), Hyperactive/Impulsive (F[1,80] = 9.571, p = 0.003, partial
η2 = 0.11), and Executive Functions (F[1,80] = 12.122, p = 0.001, par-
tial η2 = 0.14), with each showing lower scores at Time 2 for the TR
than WL condition, with Time 1 as a covariate (see Fig. 3). There were
no interactions with Group.
For the subscales of the CBCL, Condition main effects were significant
for Attention Problems (F[1,80] = 5.821, p = 0.018, partial η2 = 0.07),
Aggression (F[1,80] = 5.612, p = 0.020, partial η2 = 0.07), and Exter-
nalizing (F[1,80] = 10.127, p = 0.002, partial η2 = 0.12), with each
showing lower scores at Time 2 for the TR than WL condition, with
Time 1 as a covariate (see Fig. 3). There were no interactions with
As shown in Fig. 4, the parent ADHD-RS showed a Condition main ef-
Fig. 2. Within-training evaluations of (a) behavior, (b) training engagement, and (c)
fect (F[1,80] = 18.370, p = 0.000, partial η2 = 0.20) with lower scores training enjoyment by parents.
in the TR than WL condition at Time 2 with Time 1 as a covariate, and no

Table 3
Training effects on the difficulty level in the training tasks, across Group.

Task Session 1–5 Session 11–15 Session 21–25 Time effect Contrasts within Time

WM 20.36 (5.25) 25.71 (7.2) 26.07 (6.78) F(2,39) = 26.166, p = 0.000, partial η2 = 0.41 Linear F(1,40) = 54.044, p = 0.000, partial η2 = 0.59
Quadratic F(1,40) = 8.660, p = 0.006, partial η2 = 0.18
IC 14.62 (5.98) 23.0 (19.67) 22.62 (24.78) F(2,39) = 5.286, p = 0.007, partial η2 = 0.12 Linear F(1,40) = 4.860, p = 0.034, partial η2 = 0.12
Quadratic F(1,40) = 6.775, p = 0.013, partial η2 = 0.15
Focus 49.88 (8.24) 45.73 (5.48) 44.95 (5.33) F(2,39) = 7.689, p = 0.002, partial η2 = 0.29 Linear F(1,40) = 13.044, p = 0.001, partial η2 = 0.26
Relax 53.53 (5.50) 51.68 (3.53) 51.0 (3.37) F(2,39) = 3.383, p = 0.045, partial η2 = 0.16 Linear F(1,40) = 6.947, p = 0.012, partial η2 = 0.16
Zen 51.03 (4.73) 48.75 (3.43) 48.13 (3.62) F(2,39) = 6.966, p = 0.003, partial η2 = 0.27 Linear F[1,40] = 13.008, p = 0.001, partial η2 = 0.26

Note: WM working memory; IC inhibitory control.

S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44 39

Fig. 3. Conners 3-P and CBCL effects. Significant Condition differences at Time 2 with Time 1 as a covariate for Conners 3-P (a) and CBCL (b).

interaction with Group. Teacher ADHD-RS showed a significant Group × while the WL condition showed a very similar tempo-parietal N frontal
Condition interaction (F[1,80] = 4.331, p = 0.046, partial η2 = 0.13) topography at Time 1 and 2. These effects are shown in Fig. 5.
with follow-up testing of the Condition effect in each Group separately For the EO task, no significant Time × Condition interactions, or fur-
showing a significant reduction at Time 2 for the AD/HD (F[1,40] = ther interactions with Group, Sagittal, or Lateral, were present.
8.682, p = 0.009, partial η2 = 0.34) but not Subclinical group For the Focus task, a Time × Condition × Sagittal interaction
(F[1,40] = 0.210, p = 0.656, partial η2 = 0.01). Significant-other (F[1,81] = 4.545, p = 0.050, partial η2 = 0.29) revealed a change
ADHD-RS showed a Group × Condition interaction (F[1,80] = 5.311, from a near equipotential (frontal = tempo-parietal) distribution of rel-
p = 0.030, partial η2 = 0.18) with follow-up testing of the Condition ef- ative delta at Time 1 to a tempo-parietal N frontal distribution at Time 2
fect in each Group separately showing a marginally significant reduc- for the TR condition (due to a large reduction in the frontal region), but a
tion at Time 2 for the AD/HD (F[1,40] = 4.31, p = 0.057, partial η2 = similar tempo-parietal N frontal distribution at Time 1 and 2 for the WL
0.25) but not Subclinical group (F[1,40] = 0.540, p = 0.48, partial condition (due to reduction of a similar magnitude in both regions). This
η2 = 0.05). effect is shown in Fig. 4.
For the Relax task, no significant Time × Condition interactions, or
3.3.2. Cognitive task performance further interactions with Group, Sagittal, or Lateral, were present.
There were no effects of Group or Condition or interactions for the
Digit Span and Counting Span memory tasks, oddball task, and 2 of
the 3 Go-Nogo task variables. A near-significant Condition main effect 4. Discussion
indicated that the percentage of correct Go stimuli was increased at
Time 2 for the TR condition (M = 88.31, SD = 15.46) compared to the The current study used a randomized waitlist control design and a
WL condition (M = 83.14, SD = 20.41) (F[1,80] = 3.483, p = 0.066, range of outcome measures to examine the potential efficacy of a
partial η2 = 0.05), with Time 1 as a covariate. neurocognitive training approach for symptom reduction in children
with AD/HD and Subclinical AD/HD.
3.3.3. EEG Group differences evident pre-training indicated that the AD/HD
For the EC task, a Time × Condition × Sagittal interaction (F[1,81] = group was more severely affected than the Subclinical group. The AD/
4.450, p = 0.048, partial η2 = 0.18) revealed a change from a frontal N HD group displayed poorer overall academic achievement and reading
tempo-parietal distribution for relative delta at Time 1 to a tempo- comprehension (WIAT-II), and more substantial issues with inattention,
parietal N frontal distribution at Time 2 for the TR condition (due to a re- learning problems, and executive functions (Conners 3-P), attention
duction in the frontal region and a large increase in the tempo-parietal problems, aggressive behavior, and externalizing behaviors (CBCL).
region), while the WL condition showed a similar frontal N tempo-pari- There were no group differences in cognitive task performance. EEG dif-
etal distributions at Time 1 and 2. A similar near-significant interaction ferences were evident in the relax task, with the Subclinical group
(F[1,81] = 3.753, p = 0.067, partial η2 = 0.16) revealed that relative showing increased tempo-parietal delta activity and increased theta ac-
alpha power had a tempo-parietal N frontal distribution at Time 1 that tivity frontally and reduced activity in the temporal-parietal region. The
was reduced in magnitude at Time 2 for the TR condition (due to an in- resting state EEG literature would suggest increased delta and theta ac-
crease in the frontal region and decrease in the tempo-parietal region), tivity in an AD/HD group compared to a control group (Barry et al.,
40 S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44

Fig. 4. ADHD-RS effects. Significant Condition or Group × Condition differences at Time 2 with Time 1 as a covariate for Parent ADHD-RS (a), teacher ADHD-RS (b) and significant-other
ADHD-RS (c).

2003), but this was a Subclinical group during an active task requiring previous study (Johnstone et al., 2012b), and extend those results to a
spontaneous (i.e. no guidance or feedback) relaxation. Subclinical group. The NF training tasks did not show across-session im-
Children in the TR condition showed substantial improvement from provement according to level of difficulty. This is an unexpected result,
the early- to mid-sessions on the trained WM and IC tasks, with a pla- and may be a consequence of substantial improvement in the first five
teau over the mid- to late-sessions. These findings are in line with our sessions (game started at lowest level of difficulty, effectively 5%)
S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44 41

Fig. 5. Significant effects for the EEG tasks. Training versus Waitlist difference as a function of Time for (a) the EC resting task and (b) the Focus task.

resulting in an average difficulty level of above 50% for each Focus, 13 years, with a fully integrated themed environment, variety in each
Relax, and Zen and maintenance of that moderate level of difficulty training session, and industry-standard gaming features such as un-
across subsequent sessions. The within-training evaluations by parents locks, achievements, and performance feedback. While the gamification
revealed that while they saw behavioral improvement across sessions was assumed to be intrinsically motivating, our findings suggest that
(which plateaued over the 3rd and 4th quarters), there were reductions the “fun factor” and motivational factors may need to be reconsidered.
in engagement with the training (larger reduction for AD/HD than Sub- A form of extrinsic motivation should be considered for future studies,
clinical) and enjoyment of the training across sessions. The training soft- perhaps in the form of a token economy or personal best goal-setting,
ware was designed to be engaging and enjoyable for children aged 8– as in other studies (Dovis et al., 2015). Further, taken together the
42 S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44

training performance and evaluations findings may suggest that 25 ses- engagement in and enjoyment of training carried over to affect motiva-
sions of training are excessive and affects motivation to train and devo- tion and effort during Time 2 data collection for those in the TR group,
tion of full energy and resources to training after a period of time. resulting in no improvement compared to Time 1.
Alternatively, it could also be argued that 25 sessions may not be Training related changes in EEG were isolated to the eyes-closed
enough to give an observable effect on some of the tasks (Rapport et resting and active Focus task. For the EC task, relative delta activity in-
al., 2013) (e.g. to transfer to the other cognitive tasks) given this training creased in the temporal-parietal region and decreased in the frontal re-
approach targets three components (but see below on possible con- gion post-training, and relative alpha activity decreased in the
found in the Time 2 session data). Assessing the impact of these factors temporal-parietal region and increased in the frontal region post-train-
on engagement and outcomes should be a focus of future research. ing for those in the TR condition (both AD/HD and Subclinical groups).
The central training outcome measure was AD/HD symptom severi- In the Focus task, relative delta activity decreased in the frontal region
ty as rated by parents, teachers, and a significant-other. ADHD-RS re- post-training for the TR condition, for both the AD/HD and Subclinical
sults indicated that symptom severity was reduced after training, with groups. We have previously reported increased relative delta power
the reduction being of a similar magnitude for the AD/HD and Subclin- (largest in the central region), decreased relative theta power in the
ical groups according to parent ratings, and isolated to the AD/HD central region, and decreased relative alpha power globally after train-
group according to teacher and significant-other ratings. The AD/HD ing (Johnstone et al., 2010). The topographically specific changes re-
group findings support our previous studies that examined combined ported here provide evidence of training related changes in EEG under
WM and IC training (Johnstone et al., 2012b; Johnstone et al., 2010) resting and task conditions, and the frontal region changes could be
and the neurocognitive approach used in the current study (Jiang and interpreted as support for normalization of the atypical EEG features
Johnstone, 2015). Symptom severity reductions were specific to the in AD/HD with reduced delta and increased alpha activity (Barry et al.,
AD/HD group according to teachers and a significant-other who were 2003).
blinded to condition allocation. Non-blinded raters are likely to be influ- These results indicate minor improvements in two of the six near-
enced by an expectation bias, and therefore their ratings are not as ob- transfer measures (Go-Nogo and Focus EEG). The limited evidence of
jective as the blinded ratings. These findings are similar to our near-transfer makes it difficult to assess what the underlying mecha-
previous randomized studies in this area, with more specific and isolat- nisms of improvement might be and leaves open the possibility of pla-
ed training effects revealed by blinded or probably-blinded raters cebo-type factors – although the latter are not supported by the
(Johnstone et al., 2012b; Johnstone et al., 2010). Results from the teacher and significant-other ADHD-RS effects. It may be the case that
Conners 3-P and CBCL completed by parents revealed more specific be- near-transfer is indeed limited, or that the near-transfer tasks were
havioral/emotional changes post-training, and indicated significant im- not appropriate or optimal, but it is possible that the decline in engage-
provements in inattention, hyperactivity-impulsivity, executive ment in and enjoyment of training extended to affect the Time 2 data,
functions (Conners 3-P), as well as attention problems, aggression, masking any real near-transfer effects. Far-transfer of training effects
and externalizing behaviors (CBCL). Similar CBCL effects were reported was found for four (ADHD-RS, Conners 3-P, CBCL, EC resting EEG) of
by parents and teachers in our multiple case study (Jiang and Johnstone, the five far-transfer tasks. The blinded behavior ratings indicated that
2015). These results indicate that the neurocognitive training approach children in the Subclinical group did not show reductions in symptom
has had an influence on core behaviors that are particularly characteris- severity, while the training-related improvement in the trained tasks
tic of AD/HD in clinical or Subclinical form. Dovis et al. used a random- and changes in cognitive task performance (significant and descriptive)
ized double-blind placebo controlled design with multi-component and EEG were the same for both groups.
gamified training (visuospatial WM, inhibition, and cognitive-flexibili-
ty) and reported no improvements in parent-, teacher-, or child-rated 5. Limitations of the study
AD/HD behaviors, executive functions in daily life, motivational behav-
iors, or general problem behaviors (Dovis et al., 2015). These outcome The results of the current study should be interpreted in light of cer-
differences could result from many factors, including differences in ex- tain limitations. There was no active control group, and therefore it is
perimental design, the cognitive components targeted for training, the possible that the training effects found here may be attributable to
method and duration of training of each component. Hawthorne/placebo effects – however, note that the blinded ratings
The four cognitive tasks were included to examine the near-transfer from teachers and significant-other argue against this. Secondly, it is
of training effects from the gamified (all visual) training tasks to tasks unresolved whether the training effects reported here last beyond the
involving similar processes but sharing few surface features. There training period, and if so, for how long. While two previous studies
were no significant changes post-training for the Digit Span and provide evidence for cognitive (Johnstone et al., 2012b) and
Counting Span memory tasks, or the attentional oddball task. Although neurocognitive (Jiang and Johnstone, 2015) training effects lasting
not statistically significant in most cases, condition means were in the beyond the end of training, this should be investigated in future studies.
direction expected for performance measures in the Go-Nogo (e.g. the Thirdly, while children were not on any medications at the pre- and
speed-accuracy trade-off index, as per Johnstone et al., 2012b, was post-training assessment sessions, 57% of children in the AD/HD group
more positive indicating slower more accurate responding for TR but were on their normal course of AD/HD treatment medication during
stable for WL condition) and oddball task (e.g. increased accuracy for training, so there may be an interaction with medication for the training
non-target stimuli in TR but not WL condition) after training across effects. Ideally, subsequent studies could use medication naive children.
groups. Other indices showed almost identical descriptive effects for Fourthly, we did not determine if teachers and significant others
both the TR and WL conditions (e.g. stable accuracy to target stimuli remained blind to condition allocation leaving open the possibility
in the oddball task; reduced RT to Go stimuli in the Go-Nogo task; that they were “unblinded” by the child or parent - this should be
minor increase in accuracy to Nogo stimuli in the Go-Nogo task). For addressed in future research. Finally, the children's engagement with
the inhibitory Go-Nogo task, the TR condition showed a near-significant and enjoyment in the training declined across sessions. Future studies
increase in accuracy for Go stimuli post-training compared to the WL should include a reward system to motivate children to improve and
condition. After cognitive training, we have reported improvements in play at higher levels of difficulty.
accuracy of responding to attentional targets in the oddball task, reduc-
tions in RT to incongruent stimuli in the Flanker task - similar findings 6. Conclusions
have been reported using a Stroop task (Dovis et al., 2015) - and in-
creased Counting Span memory capacity in children with AD/HD A pragmatic conclusion from the study relates to the efficacy of new
(Johnstone et al., 2012b). It is possible that the overall decline in technology as a vehicle for delivering interventions. Although
S.J. Johnstone et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 116 (2017) 32–44 43

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