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Turn Restrictions

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Fixing explicit Turn Restrictions

Turn Restric on Error Summary

There are traffic signs at intersec ons that restrict certain maneuvers. A turn restric on error happens when a driver is routed through these
turn restric ons, this is illegal and not safe. Usually this is caused by lack of correct a ribu on in OSM. Since there is no turn restric on on
the road segments, there was no way for the rou ng engine to know that drivers could not make that maneuver. We remedy this by iden fy-
ing which segments at the intersec on have the restric on and a ribute them accordingly. Edits have to be supported by satellite imagery
(lane markings) and street level imagery. Otherwise we might be blocking off access to a street that is navigable. This can hurt rou ng mes
and upset the OSM community. Research must be thorough before commi ng to adding a turn restric on.

All errors have the same type of resolution methods in OSM.

1. Rabbit Feedback Reported Errors (entire intersection)

2. Errors Generated from Maps Learning (only highlighted turn)

If you are adding a turn restric on, inves gate the all possible turns in that intersec on in Rabbit feedback reported cases and only look for
highlighted turns while solving errors generated from map learning. Do not go farther than that intersec on.

Task Checklist 1/22
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Did you check all map imageries?

Did you review the street level imagery?
Did you check the Mapillary Traffic Sign Overlay data layer?
Did you inspect all possible turns at the intersection?

Editing turn restriction error in OSM:

Every turn restriction is a relation made of ways and node.
A turn restriction is a type of relation which should have a minimum of three members: from, via and to.

The from member is the way which represents driver’s is initial location.
The to member is the way which represents driver’s possible end location.
To drive from the from way to the to way a driver would pass through the via member, which can be
either a way or node based on current road geometry.

Fixing turn restriction errors require thorough inspection of aerial imagery and/or additional resources such as street view
imagery and Traffic Signs available on OSM via Mapillary and OpenStreetCams and Bing. The following examples will
cover those scenarios. Be diligent when looking for turn restriction signs at intersections. Their location can vary. They
may even appear several feet before the intersection itself. They generally the will look like the following.

Make sure whenever you are evaluating a potential edit, check the to way to make sure it is not a one way. If the osm seg-
ment is already attributed as a one way the driver will never be routed down this road. There is no need to add a turn re-
striction on the maneuver. It would be redundant at that point.

Regular turn restric ons

Sign Meaning

No right turn

No left turn

No straight on 2/22
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No turns or Only straight on

No U turn

No U turn nor left turn

Only right turn *

Only left turn *

No straight on ( Lane markings are

useful while restric ng turns, based
on lane markings in the picture we
can restrict straight on since the road
is allo ed only for turn right and le

Editing Simple turn restrictions: 3/22
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image 1 image
Image 1 is the Turn Restric ons editor on the side bar ac vated by selec ng the via node in the map view panel(OSM).

Image 2 shows the restriction of left turn from highlighted segment, by clicking on green arrow in image 1.

Restricting simple U turns:

image 3
Image 3 shows the restriction of U turn at the intersection from the highlighted segment, by clicking on U turn symbol in
Image 1.

Restricting Left or Right turn at dual carriageway intersections: 4/22
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Steps to follow:
Select the via node in the map view panel to activate the Turn Restric ons editor on the side bar.
Select the from way in the Turn Restric ons editor.
Select the arrow pointing left for the road where the restriction exists.

Image 4 Image 5

Image 4 shows turns from a segment at a dual carriageway intersection and in image 5 shows the restricted left turn from
the highlighted segment.

Note: As mentioned earlier turn restriction is a relation and needs to be added from direct segment to direct segment as
shown in the above picture. In the above case we also restricted U turn, this is because whenever there is a left turn re-
striction at dual carriageway intersection it is safe to avoid U turn as well.

Adding U turn restriction at dual carriageway intersections:

Inspect the existing road geometry, if it is a dual carriageway, Follow below steps to add no_u_turn restriction
where via will be way.

Steps to follow:
Select the node which connects the to way and via way to activate the Turn Restrictions editor on the side bar.
Select the from way in the Turn Restric ons editor.

Select the to way in the Turn Restric ons editor.

Click on the arrow of the U turn relation. 5/22
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C c o t e a o o t e U tu e at o

Image 6 Image 7
Image 6 shows turns from a segment at a dual carriageway intersection and Image 7 shows the restricted U turn from
highlighted segment.

Adding Left and U turn restriction at dual carriageway intersections:

When you encounter multiple turn restrictions contained within a single sign, it should be mapped as two separate restric-
tion relations. In the case of No U Turn nor Left Turn, first create a no U Turn Relation, then create a No Left Turn relation.

Check the to way to ensure that it is not a oneway.

If a oneway exists which prohibits travel down the road in the way the turn restriction sign prohibits, mapping turn re-
striction is not necessary.
Only add No U Turn restriction.

Steps to follow:
Select the node which connects the to way and via way to activate the Turn Restrictions editor on the
side bar.
Select the from way in the Turn Restric ons editor.
Select the to way in the Turn Restric ons editor.
Click on the arrow of the U turn restric on.
Finally click on the arrow of No Left Turn. 6/22
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Image 8 Image 9

As mentioned earlier Image 8 shows restriction of U turn first and similarly, image 9 shows restriction of left turn from the
highlighted segment. The above mentioned method is proper way to restrict no U turn nor left turn.

Adding No straight on at dual carriageway intersection:

Steps to follow:
Select the node of the road where restriction exist.
Select the highlighted segment in the turn restriction editor.

Image 10 shows all possible turn from highlighted segment and in image 11 shows straight on restriction from high-
lighted segment highlighted segment.

Adding "only" turn restrictions: (only straight on): 7/22
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Steps to follow:
Select the via node in the map view panel to activate the Turn Restrictions editor on the side bar.
Select the from way in the Turn Restric ons editor.
Select the straight on arrow.
Select the straight on arrow again to change no_straight_on to only_straight_on relation.

Image 12 Image 13

Image 12 shows turns from a segment at a dual carriageway intersection and in image 13 shows the restriction of all turns
except straight on.

Conditional turn restrictions:

Some turn restrictions are only applicable under certain conditions. The most common conditions are:

vehicle type(s)
traffic signal
vehicle weight/height

Day, time, weight, height based conditions should be mapped, while traffic signal based conditions should not be mapped.
Below image shows the restriction directly related to traffic signal, which is dynamic. We shouldn’t be mapping these type
of restrictions into OSM.

For all conditional restrictions you map the restriction as you would for a regular restriction. After regular restriction is
mapped add the conditions to the tags. The general structure of a conditional turn restriction tag looks like:

restriction:conditional=<regular restriction name> @ <condition>

Time Conditions:

Conditional turn restrictions sign sometimes list time(s) along with day(s). When no particular days are listed you must
include Mo-Su in the tag to specify that the restriction applies throughout the week. 8/22
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c ude o Su t e tag to spec y t at t e est ct o app es t oug out t e ee
Time conditions are tagged using the 24 hour clock format .

Separators used in conditional turn-restriction syntax :

When sign has sequence of day(s) mentioned, separate the day(s) range with - (Example - Mo-Su).
Use - to separate individual time ranges and , to separate multiple time ranges (Example - 07:30-09:00,14:00-
Use ; to list exception days after specifying day
and time ranges (Example - 07:30-09:00,14:00-16:00; SH off).
Note - Give extra space while separating between <days> <time> and <exception days> after separator symbol.

The basic syntax of a day/time conditional turn restriction is as follows:

restriction:conditional=<regular restriction type> @ (<day(s)-day(s)> <time-time>,<time-time>; <exceptional days>,

<>exceptional days>)

Day Abbrevia on

Monday Mo

Tuesday Tu

Wednesday We

Thursday Th

Friday Fr

Saturday Sa

Sunday Su

Syntax for Time restrictions

Sign Sign Type Turn Restriction Tag


No Le Turn 7AM-9AM restriction:conditional=no_left_turn @ (Mo-Su

3:30PM-5:30PM 07:00-09:00,15:30-17:30)

No Right Turn 11 PM-6 AM restriction:conditional=no_right_turn @ (Mo-Su

Nightly 23:00-06:00)

No Le Turn Monday-Friday restriction:conditional=no_left_turn @ (Mo-Fr

7AM-9AM, 07:00-09:00,14:00-16:00; Su 05:00-17:00)
Sunday 5AM-5PM 9/22
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Sunday 5AM 5PM

No Le Turn School days - restriction:conditional=no_left_turn @ (Mo-Tu

Monday-Friday 14:15-15:00; Th-Fr 14:15-15:00; We 07:30-
08:15,12:05-12:50; SH off)
Wednesday -

Thursday,Friday -

No Right Turn 11PM-6AM restriction:conditional=no_right_turn @ (Mo-Su

Nightly 23:00-06:00)

No Le Turn and No Monday-Friday restriction:conditional=no_u_turn @ (Mo-Fr

U Turn (August to 7:30AM-9:30AM, 07:30-09:30,13:30-15:30; SH
June is school aca- 1:30PM-3:30PM off) and restriction:conditional=no_left_turn
demic year - school @ (Mo-Fr 07:30-09:30,13:30-15:30; SH off)
days are off)

No Le Turn Saturday, Sunday & restriction:conditional=no_left_turn @ (Sa-Su;

(Public) Holidays PH)

No U Turn 7AM-8:30AM, restriction:conditional=no_u_turn @ (Mo-Fr

2:30PM-3:30PM 07:00-08:30,14:30-15:30; SH off)
on School days

No Le Turn 7AM-6PM restriction:conditional=no_left_turn @ (Mo-Sa

except Sunday and 07:00-18:00; PH off)
Public Holiday 10/22
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No Right Turn 7AM-9AM restriction:conditional=no_right_turn @ (Mo-Fr

except Sunday, Saturday 07:00-09:00; PH off)
and Holidays

Adding time restrictions in OSM:

Syntax for adding me restric on needs to be perfect and must follow the exact descrip on men oned above. It is advised to copy
paste the above syntax in OSM and make changes to it accordingly.

Steps to follow:
Add turn restriction by using normal procedure we initially discussed.
Scroll down to all relations at the bottom and click on the respective relation.
Convert the restriction into conditional restriction by adding restriction:conditional tag to the restriction.
Add conditions in the below mentioned format.

Image 14 Image 15

Image 14 shows the normal left turn restriction and in image 15 it is converted into a restriction by adding
restriction:conditional tag along with proper syntax.

Vehicle Type Condi ons:

Occasionally you will find signs that specify that a par cular vehicle type is excluded from signed turn restric on. In these cases you
must add an addi onal except=<vehicle type> tag.
Vehicle types allowed under except tag are
psv - Public service vehicles
hgv - Heavy goods vehicles

commercial vehicle 11/22
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co e c a _ e c e

PSV stands for Public Service Vehicles. More specific tag may be needed if only some specific public vehicles are
vehicles used in a passenger service (no matter how many seating positions they might have)
light vehicle used in passenger service (about 8 to 16 passenger seats)
share taxi
vehicles with more than 12 seating positions (whether they're used for hire or reward or not)
a bus acting as a public service vehicle


Note: Fire truck, police car, ambulance all can be given as emergency

Sign Turn Restriction Condition Tag


No Right Turn 6-9 AM, restriction:conditional=no_right_turn @

4-7 PM (Mo-Su 06:00-09:00,16:00-19:00)
except School except=school_bus

No Left Turn except Commer- restriction:conditional=no_left_turn

cial Vehicles except=commercial_vehicle

No Right Turn 6-9 AM, 4-7 PM restriction:conditional = no_right_turn @

except School (Mo-Su 06:00-09:00,16:00-17:00)
Buses except=school_bus

No Left Turn except Commer- restriction:conditional=no_left_turn

cial Vehicles except=commercial_vehicle

No Left Turn except buses restriction=no_left_turn

and taxis except=bus;taxi 12/22
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a d ta s e cept bus;ta

No Left Turn except buses, restriction=no_left_turn

taxis, bicycles except=bus;bicycle;taxi;commercial_vehicle
and commercial

No Left Turn except MUNI restriction=no_left_turn


MUNI is a public transport vehicle in San


Steps to follow:

Select the added relation.

Click on ➕ to add the except tags listed in the sign.
Add the vehicle type as excep on per shown in the sign. Use ; to separate mul ple vehicle types. Note : bus, metro vehicle
types are classified as psv.

Note: Only above mentioned tags should be used to add exceptions while restricting turns. If we encounter other
exceptions, those cases should be escalated.

Turn restrictions for board stating Except transit :

In presence of the board stating EXCEPT TRANSIT as shown in image 8 we will restrict the turn with an exception for
buses as shown in image 9. 13/22
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Lane based turn restrictions:

Some turn restrictions are only meant for specific lane of the road. These type of restrictions should not be mapped into
OSM. 14/22
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In the above example it is clear that two different lanes are present one is for turning le , traffic entered in this lane must take le
turn and should not go straight and other lane is for going straight

Similarly in this example traffic in le most lane can take U turn and le turn but next lane can’t. We shouldn’t be mapping these type
of restric ons into OSM.

Turn restrictions due to the presence of physical median:

Turn restrictions errors sometimes get reported due to the presence of physical median. The editor can change service
and below roads into a dual carriage way. Be cautious while splitting the roads do not leave roads disconnected,add dir-
ections based on driving side of the country, add all via segments between dual carriageway.

OSm Link: 15/22
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For all the roads of higher classification i.e residential and above do not split the road into a dual carriage way, please
mark the task as bad data (If that’s the only error to be fixed) and select the @physicalmedian check box in the template.
also add the reference such as node/way link in the comments.

Adding implicit turn restrictions:

Explicit turn restrictions are restrictions indicated by a street sign or post. Implicit turn restrictions are turn restrictions
that are implied by local laws, safe driving norms, or the real-world physical layout of roads, but are not accompanied by
explicit signs. 16/22
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In the above example there is a dedicated lane to take right turn (highlighted with blue line) but without any proof we
shouldn’t be restricting highlighted turn in the above picture. Presence of lane markings can be considered as evidence, in
the second picture lane markings are clearly guiding vehicles into respective turns.

In this example even though there is a dedicated lane for turning right, lane markings are absent at the intersection. We
shouldn’t be adding restrictions in these type of cases.

Legal median:

Do not add a dual carriageway when a legal median is present, simply add turn restrictions in these cases.
Only split the road into a dual carriageway when physical median is present.

No U turn along the length of the road: 17/22
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Red line in the below picture represents 74 yard length where taking U turn is restricted, in these scenarios add U turn re-
striction at highlighted intersections. If intersections are absent along the given length ignore the case, do not make any

Self U turns restrictions at dual carriageway intersections:

While restricting self U turns at intersections follow these steps.

Step 1: Restrict U turns from connecting segment.

Step 2: Restrict U turns at connections with dual carriageway as highlighted in the picture.

Via way restriction:

In this case vehicles leaving motorway link(expressway exit) are restricted from taking left turn at Lockwood Avenue(highlighted
in image 1). In order to restrict required turn, we employ Via way restriction. In image 2 restriction is present between From
segment(motorway link) and To segment(Lockwood Avenue) Via primary road.

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Crossing Highway Bridge:

Crossing highway bridge means, faulty connection between bridge and the road underneath it. This will lead to turn restriction
errors and route failures.

Whenever you observe this type of error, please disconnect the faulty connection between the roads to fix the error.

No left and sharp left turn sign:

The below mentioned sign means no left and sharp left are allowed, genrally these signs are seen in junctions with multiple
sharp angle road intersections (please refer to image 2).

Resolution is to add turn restrictions in the above manner (refer image 3).

Note: Please do not confuse above men oned sign with no le and U turn sign. Figure 1 and Figure 4 are clearly different and
serves different purpose. 19/22
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serves different purpose.

Turn restrictions with unknown exceptions

Currently in our SOP we have exceptions in turn restrictions for the following vehicles.

psv - Public service vehicles

hgv - Heavy goods vehicles

But this sign says, DO NOT ENTER except govt vehicles, for which we don’t have a tag to add. Going forward we will add turn
restric ons, along with notes in OSM. The notes should describe the ground situa on, should be in the manner of asking for

What is the notes in this case? “Hi, we have identified missing turn restriction in this location, which we added. But,
there is an exception for govt vehicles, which we are not able to find in the existing OSM wiki. It would be great someone
with sufficient knowledge add this “exception” tag and let us know what can be done here.”

Where to add notes? After adding turn restriction in the correction portal, go to view mode in OSM. The highlighted por-
tion in the below picture is notes feature, click on it. 20/22
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Drag the pointer to the location of turn restriction, in this case intersection between East Vineyard Road and South 36th
Street and add notes in the specified manner.

Turn restrictions from main road and service road:

The blue line represents main road here and yellow one represents the service road, as mentioned in the sign board.
Clues to identify these type of roads: these roads exist parallel to motorways and they share common name as highlighted
in the picture.

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Tags: 22/22

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