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Bhakti Śāstrī
Student Handbook
For Nectar of Instruction

First Edition, Oct 2020

Organizer: Bhaktivedanta Gurukula and International School

Ajhai-Khurd, Dist. Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
website: email:

International Society For Kṛṣṇa Consciousness

Founder–Acharya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Śrīla Prabhupāda

Dedication 3
Nectar of Instruction Overview 5
Nectar of Instruction – Analogies & Examples 8
Nectar of Instruction – Key Terms 9
Nectar of Instruction Question Bank 11
Nectar of Instruction Essay Questions 15
Themes in Nectar of Instruction 16
Verses at a Glance 17

Dedication to

yasya deve parā bhaktir

yathā deve tathā gurau
tasyaite kathitā hy arthāḥ
prakāśante mahātmanaḥ

“Only unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the Lord and the
spiritual master are all the imports of the Vedic knowledge automatically revealed.”
(Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad 6.23)

In this way you have to understand, by studying carefully the philosophy. We

have got so many books now and I want all of my disciples to read them carefully.
Soon we shall be instituting Bhakti-sastri examinations and all brahmanas will have
to pass. So utilize whatever time you find to make a thorough study of my books.
(Letter from Srila Prabhupada to Upendra, 7th July 1976)

Dedication to

The six Goswamis

nana-sastra-vicaranaika-nipunau sad dharma-samsthapakau
lokanam hita-karinau tri-bhuvane manyaou saranyakarau
radha-krsna-padaravinda-bhajananandena mattalikau
vande rupa-sanatanau raghu-yugau sri-jiva-gopalakau

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvamis, namely Sri Rupa Gosvami,
Sri Sanatana Gosvami, Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami,
Sri Jiva Gosvami, and Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, who are very expert in scrutinizingly
studying all the revealed scriptures with the aim of establishing eternal religious
principles for the benefit of all human beings. Thus they are honored all over the
three worlds and they are worth taking shelter of because they are absorbed in the
mood of the gopis and are engaged in the transcendental loving service of Radha and
(Sri Sri Sad-Gosvamy-Astaka, Verse 2)

Nectar of Instruction Overview
The Nectar of Instruction can be divided into three broad divisions, as shown below:
Verses 1–7: vaidhī-sādhanā bhakti
Verse 8: rāgānuga-sādhanā
Verses 9–11: bhāva-bhakti and prema-bhakti

Section 1 - Vaidhī-sādhanā bhakti (Texts 1–7)

Preface – the goal of Kṛṣṇa consciousness and the means to attain it

To reach perfection in Kṛṣṇa consciousness one must follow the instructions of the Six
Gosvāmīs of Vṛndāvana by controlling the mind and senses as instructed by Śrīla Rūpa
Gosvāmī in the Upadeśāmṛta.

Text 1 – controlling the six urges

This verse elaborates on the prerequisites for spiritual life described in the third main
point of the Preface — the necessity of controlling the mind and senses. A person who has
mastered these prerequisites is fit to be a guru.

Text 2 – obstacles to devotional service

Text Two describes the implications of not controlling the mind and senses.
By his own choice, the conditioned soul has fallen under the jurisdiction of the
material energy of the Lord. Under its influence, he has to meet the demands of the body,
which is a product of this energy. Text Two further explains how to meet these basic
demands in a way that fosters spiritual progress rather than material entanglement.

Text 3 – principles that aid devotional service

Six principles are given that help us progress on the path of pure devotional service.
But before discussing them, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī explains exactly what pure devotional
service is.

Text 4 – six loving exchanges

In previous lessons we mentioned that one’s desires and ambitions developing
according to the company one keeps saṅgāt sañjāyate kāmaḥ. Therefore, if we want to
progress in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, we must associate with devotees.

Text 4 explains what association consists of. It also begins to explain how one should
associate with devotees. Further instructions on how to associate with different types of
devotees are found in texts 5 and 6.

Text 5 – association according to levels of advancement

In order to properly apply the six loving exchanges described in the previous verse,
one must select proper persons with whom to reciprocate. What kind of Vaiṣṇava should
be selected as a friend and how one should deal with different kinds of Vaiṣṇavas is the
subject matter of this verse. All devotees should be respected, but in order to make
spiritual advancement we must associate with serious devotees and distance ourselves
from casual association.

Text 6 – associating with the pure devotee

Text 6 discusses further how we should associate with devotees - especially with the
spiritual master, who is understood to be transcendentally situated.

Text 7 – chanting the holy name

In order to come to the platform of uttama-bhakti, we must first cleanse our
consciousness of the materialistic contamination that covers the mirror of the heart. By
carefully chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra every day, we gradually become cured
from the jaundice of ignorance and revive knowledge of our blissful constitutional
position as Kṛṣṇa’s servant.

Section 2 - Rāgānuga-sādhanā-bhakti – Text 8

Text 8 – spontaneous devotional service in practice

In this verse, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī gives the essence of all advice: to fix one's mind on
Kṛṣṇa without deviation by constantly hearing and chanting about Him and remembering
His pastimes.

Section 3 - Bhāva-bhakti and prema-bhakti – Texts 9–11

Text 9 – the hierarchy of the material and spiritual worlds

Text nine describes the hierarchy of the different regions of the Lord's creations with
Rādhā -kunda as the topmost place.

Text 10 – the hierarchy of different types of human beings
Text ten describes the hierarchy of the different types of human beings within the
creation and Rādhā-kunda is the place of residence for the topmost human beings.

Text 11– the glories of Rādhā-kunda

Text eleven perfectly illustrates the point that the cultivation of spiritual life is a
gradual process. In the same way as one is meant to read the first nine cantos of
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam before approaching the Tenth Canto, one must assimilate the first
ten verses of Nectar of Instruction before approaching Rādhā-kunda. If one fails to do so,
one is sure to misunderstand the instructions given herein and ruin one's spiritual life.

Nectar of Instruction - Analogies & Examples
➢ Failure of atonement: thief who continues to steal, elephant bath, Christians who
confess their weekly sins.

➢ Vāco vegaṁ: toad croaking in a field invites snake of death

➢ Sun dispels darkness: Kṛṣṇa dispels Māyā

➢ Atyāhāra: bag of rice

➢ Everything belongs to Kṛṣṇa: Hundred dollar bill lying on street

➢ Utsāhān niścayād dhairyāt: A newly married girl naturally expecting offspring

➢ Ṣaḍ-vidhaṁ prīti-lakṣaṇaṁ: Businessman contacting another businessman.

➢ Disclosing our minds to the Māyāvādīs and atheists: feeding a snake milk and bananas.

➢ Hātī-mātā: an offense at the lotus feet of a Vaiṣṇava.

➢ One should overlook a devotee’s physical imperfections: Bubbles, foam and mud in
the ever-pure Ganges.

➢ Jaundice and sugar candy: disease of ignorance and it’s remedy (Krishna consciousness)

➢ Vikarmīs: engaged in sense gratification like dogs and hogs.

Nectar of Instruction – Key Terms
Text I
Vegaṁ Urge
Prāyaścitta Atonement
Avirodha-prīti unrestricted attachment
Virodha-yukta-krodha Anger arising from frustration
Gosvāmī master of the senses

Text II
Atyāhārah overeating or too much collecting
Prayāsaḥ overendeavoring
Prajalpaḥ idle talking
Antaraṅga- śakti the internal potency
Taṭastha- śakti the marginal potency
Bahiraṅga- śakti the external potency
Durātmā a cripple-minded person
Adhidaivika-kleśa sufferings caused by the demigods, such as drought,
earthquakes and storms
Adhibhautika-kleśa suffering caused by other living entities like insects or
Adhyātmika- kleśa sufferings caused by one's own body and mind, such as
mental and physical infirmities

Text III
Sato vṛtteḥ following in the footsteps of the previous ācāryas
Viśuddha-sattva the platform of pure goodness

Text IV
Dadāti gives charity
Guhyaṁ confidential topics

Text V
Śraddhā faith in Kṛṣṇa
Mahā-bhāgavata an advanced devotee
Text VI
Avyabhicāriṇī bhakti unalloyed devotion
Hātī mātā the mad elephant offense

Text VII
Durāśraya false or bad shelter
Anartha-nivṛtti cleansing of unwanted things
Bhāva preliminary awakening of dormant love of Godhead

Siddha-puruṣa a spiritually, perfect soul
Śravaṇa-daśā the stage of hearing
Varaṇa-daśā the stage of acceptance
Smaraṇāvasthā stage of remembering
Smaraṇa-daśā uninterrupted and unceasing remembrance of the Lord
Sampatti-daśā the perfection of life
Rāgānuga-bhakti spontaneous devotional service
Śānta-rasa Neutral devotional
Dāsya-rasa service to the lord in mood of servant
Sakhya-rasa friendly relation with the lord
Vātsalya-rasa parental affection for the lord
Mādhurya-rasa conjugal love

Text X
Vikarmīs gross materialists who act without the guidance of the
Vedic knowledge
Karmīs gross materialists who work under the guidance of Vedic

Nectar of Instruction – Question Bank
1. Why it is important to follow in the footsteps of six Gosvāmīs?
2. What is the special position of Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī?
3. What is the significance of Upadeśāmṛta?
4. Describe the steps of advancement in spiritual life mentioned in the preface?
5. Explain the following statement in your own words “Advancement in Krishna
consciousness depends on the attitude of the follower.”

Text 1
6. Define the word ‘Gosvāmī’ according to text 1.
7. What are the four types of persons Śrīla Prabhupāda mentions in the beginning of the
purport in regard their respective ways of understanding?
8. Explain how atonement (prāyaścitta) is ultimately useless in removing sinful reactions.
Describe 3 analogies/examples Śrīla Prabhupāda gives in this regard?
9. Compare the standard process of real atonement with the easy process of real
atonement as suggested by Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī.
10. What is Rūpa Gosvāmī’s intent in writing this sloka (TEXT 1) at the beginning of
11. Which urge is most important to control?
a. according to you (personal application)
b. according to the purport
12. Explain the danger of engaging in nonsense talk. Give an analogy
13. Explain how the urge to speak can be utilized and what is the benefit of that?
14. Explain the 2 divisions of the agitation of the mind. What is the best way of controlling
the mind? Give an analogy.
15. Explain the best way of utilizing one’s anger. What examples does Śrīla Prabhupāda
16. Explain the interdependency of the tongue, belly and genitals. How can the urges born
from these be controlled?

Text 2
17. Compare the activities of the mahātmā and durātmā? What are their respective

18. Explain the three kinds of suffering a living being is subjected to under the control of
19. (a) Define Atyāhāra (b) Explain how it has disturbed the natural balance?
20. Define prayāsa and explain Śrīla Prabhupāda’s concept of plain living and high thinking.
21. List the activities which are included under prajalpa.
22. Explain the two fold meaning of niyamāgraha.
23. Explain the entanglement of the living entity in the context of the Lord’s three energies.
24. Explain the analogy of the “100-dollar bill” and its significance.

Text 3
25. Define utsāha, niścaya and dhairya and explain how they are related to each other.
26. Explain the meaning and describe the activities of tat-tat-karma-pravartanāt.
27. Define sato vṛtteḥ. Explain how it helps one achieve the state of viśuddha-sattva.
28. Why is ISKCON opening centres? What is the value of attending morning programme in
29. Why does Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Thākur say that “the cultivation of knowledge
by philosophical speculation, the collection of mundane opulence by the advancement of
fruitive activities, and the desire for yoga-siddhis, material perfections, are all contrary to
the principles of devotional service.”

Text 4
30. Explain the six symptoms of love. How does Śrīla Prabhupāda suggest ISKCON devotees
practice each of these, so they foster Krishna consciousness?
31. After retiring from duty, in what proportion did Rūpa Gosvāmī distributed his income?
32. Drawing from various purports in Upadeśāmṛta, describe how Śrīla Prabhupāda defines
ISKCON’s purpose.
33. List the four means by which we can develop our devotional service and dormant
Krishna consciousness.

Text 5
34. Explain the characteristic features of the three kinds of devotees? How should one
approach them?
35. Why is it important to distinguish among the three levels of devotees and deal with
them accordingly?
36. Śrīla Prabhupāda writes,” one should not remain a kanishtha adhikārī, one who is
situated on the lowest platform of devotional service …” What essential activity must one
perform in order to attain the madhyama stage?
37. An Uttama-adhikārī’s heart is completely devoid of the propensity to criticize others.
But Śrīla Prabhupāda used to criticise/scold his disciples. Does that mean that Śrīla
Prabhupāda was not an Uttama-adhikārī? Explain.
38. Explain the characteristic features of pṛākṛita sahajiyās?
39. Explain the importance of dīkṣā (initiation) in spiritual life.
40. Write two qualifications of a person willing to be initiated.

Text 6
41. How is it disastrous to deal with a Vaiṣṇava based on his external appearance?
42. Explain the analogy of bubbles, foam and mud in the Gangā.
43. Explain the sentence, “The Gosvāmī title is actually the monopoly of the pure
44. Why has Caitanya Mahāprabhu described an offense at the lotus feet of a Vaiṣṇava as
the mad elephant offense?
45. What are four offensive behaviors toward an advanced Vaiṣṇava?
46. How does one distinguish a superior Vaiṣṇava from an inferior Vaiṣṇava?

Text 7
47. Explain the 3 steps of chanting.
48. Describe the progressive stages of bhakti as described in the purport to text 7.
49. What is the symptom of the material disease? Explain the related analogy of a person
suffering from jaundice. Include the remedy and the result of implementing it.

Text 8
50. According to Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī what is the essence of all advice?
51. Define the terms: Sādhaka-rūpa and siddha-rūpa.
52. Describe the gradual development from shṛavaṇa dashā to sampatti dashā.
53. Write the name of the different rasas one can serve Kṛṣṇa in and give examples of
eternal associates of Kṛṣṇa serving in those moods?

Text 9
54. Explain the hierarchy of places mentioned in verse 9.
55. Why has Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī emphasized the importance of Rādhā Kuṇda?

Text 10
56. List the hierarchy of the different people mentioned in verse 10.

57. Explain the sentence, “Materialists who work hard like dogs and hogs simply for sense
gratification are actually mad.”
58. Explain why a jñānī is better than thousands and millions of ignorant people.
59. Explain why a devotee who has developed love of Godhead is on an exalted position
compared to a jñānī?
60. Explain why among all the devotees of Kṛṣṇa, the glories of the Gopīs are greater.

Text 11
61. Why is Rādhā Kuṇda so exalted?
62. When is a devotee ready to reside on the banks of Rādhā Kuṇda and what should be
his/her activities?

Nectar of Instruction – Essay Questions
Maximum marks: 100 (20x3 + 40)

A Answer any three of the following questions in ½ to ¾ page. (Include pertinent slokas or passages
from Upadeśāmṛta in your answer)
(20 points each)

What response would you give to a devotee who makes the following statement:

1. I am always applauded for leading good kīrtana so I try to lead every chance I get.

2. My reason for taking to take initiation from H.H Kanhaiyā Mahārāj is that he is 98 years old and has
lived in Vṛndāvan as a sannyāsī for more than 40 yrs.

3. How would you encourage a devotee who tells you the following: “I have been trying to develop love
of God for the past 15 years and have not made much progress. I am beginning to wonder if the process

4. I am experiencing some difficulties in my spiritual life, but I am afraid to express them to anyone.

5. In order to avoid vaiṣṇava aparādha I am going to treat everyone as if they were a pure devotee.

6. I want to get a Bhakti Śāstrī degree as that qualifies me to teach all over the world.

B Answer one of the following questions in 1 ½ pages:

(40 points)
1. Explore one or more of the present challenges ISKCON is faced with with reference to the many
references to ISKCON and the Krishna consciousness movement Śrīla Prabhupāda makes in his purports to
Upadeśāmṛta. How will you, through your own practice of Krishna consciousness, help win over this/these

2. Defeat, based on Rūpa Gosvāmī’s and Śrīla Prabhupāda’s teachings in Upadeśāmṛta, the argument that
“American Gosvāmīs” are not bonafide. Also explain how all kinds of Gosvāmīs (or devotees in general)
may either rise or fall from their spiritual position.

3. In the preface to Upadeśāmṛta, Śrīla Prabhupāda writes, “advancement in Krishna consciousness

depends on the attitude of the follower.” What drawbacks can you observe in your own attitudes in
devotional life, and what hints did you find in this book that will help you progress forward? Include an
effective plan of action for personal rectification.

Themes in Nectar of Instruction
Key : Ω : Major Reference
ф : Minor reference

Mind Devotees
Guru Bhakti
& ISKCON’s Sadhu (Kinds,
Themes Attitude and (Stages &
Sense Purpose Sanga Behavior &
Disciple Development)
Control qualifications)
Preface ф ф ф ф ф
Verse 1 Ω ф Ω ф
Verse 2 Ω ф Ω ф ф
Verse 3 Ω ф ф Ω
Verse 4 ф Ω Ω ф ф
Verse 5 ф ф Ω Ω ф
Verse 6 ф Ω ф Ω Ω ф
Verse 7 ф ф ф ф
Verse 8 ф ф ф ф Ω
Verse 9 ф
Verse 10 ф Ω Ω
Verse 11 ф

Verses at a Glance
Mind & Sense ISKCON’s Guru and (Kinds,
Themes Attitude Sadhu-Sanga (Stages &
Control Purpose Disciple Behavior &
•The goal of DS in
• first duty
•Determines the •Guru: Follower of Lord Caitanya's line:
Preface • Goodness first, then •Goswamis
progress Srila Rupa Goswami Entering Kṛṣṇa's
conjugal pastimes
•6 urges:
•Quality of guru: self
V1 •Tolerating •Tolerance •Goswamis
•Def. of
•Simplicity (simple •Sat-sanga & asat-sanga
•6 faults due to no
living) awakening of love of • Purpose of •Mahatmas
V2 •Broad-mindedness, God sat-sanga •6 faults to avoid

•Mahatma &
devotion •Systematic 3 types of persons •Isavasya
•Principle-based education & peace whose association
is asat
•Uttama bhakti
• Allows hearing •9 angas
•Favorable attitude •6 favorable
V3 from pure devotee & •Asat-sanga tyaga •Eligibility
•Submissiveness principles
engagement in DS •6 favorable
•Callousness toward
Success is assured
jnana & yoga
•Give and take
•To facilitate 6 loving •6 types of •Natural awakening
V4 exchanges exchanges •6 loving dealings Nama as means to
•Teaches love of God Asatsanga cultivate bhakti
•Loving attitude
•Service attitude •Eligibility for diksa •3 types of
V5 according to levels •Diksa
•Non-critical •Grades of gurus devotees
of devotees
Verses at a Glance
Devotees Bhakti
Mind & Sense ISKCON’s Guru and
Themes Attitude Sadhu-Sanga (Kinds, Behavior (Stages &
Control Purpose Disciple
& qualifications) Development)
•How to relate with •Qualities of pure
•Meant for • Suddha-bhakti
guru •Association with devotees
V6 •Non-enviousness paramahansas free • Falldown from
•Guru is not obliged the pure devotee • Goswami, not by
from jealousy bhakti by offenses
to others birth
•To dispel avidya,
Anartha-nivrtti; Ruci
ignorance •Eligibility for diksa
•Seriousness, •Cleansing by
V7 •Facilitates •Diksa as bhajana
attentiveness chanting
chanting the holy kriya
•Sraddha to prema
•Taking shelter of
an advanced •Raganuga bhakti
•Is mind a friend or

•Surrender, •To train the mind devotee •Stages of self-
V8 enemy?
dependence to think of Kṛṣṇa •Achieving the realization in bhakti
•Change of body
eternal guidance of •5 bhakti rasas
a ragatmika
•Bhajan in
V9 Radha-Kunda
•Gradations of
bhajan•Developing a
V10 •Eagerness spiritual body
•The topmost
surcharged with
devotee-Sri Radhika
Perfection of DS:
serving Sri
Radha-Kunda /
Becoming an
V11 assistant of Sri Radha
under the guidance
of the

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