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Decoding Why are temple

Rs. 50

An insight into

rat consumer protection the Battle thefts escalating
Ye in ancient India of Plassey in Odisha?

Vol. xII, No. 27-28, Delhi, september 05-11, 2021 empowering the nation
Published on 28th August 2021, Released on 30th August 2021,,
The Taliban Tragedy : An Elegy to
SEPTEMBER 11, 2021

Democracy and Humanism

The million-dollar question is: Was the outcome prearranged or was it completely unexpected?
Going by the might of American surveillance system and military power it appears quite naïve to
think that USA was unaware of the outcome and was blind to the gathering momentum. The next
point is that it was known to USA that the Ghani government had lost both its moral and military
authority then was it prudent on its part to pull out from Afghanistan plunging it to the depth of
chaos, anarchy and destruction? Was the CIA and security establishment at Pentagon was hell
bent on leaving Afghanistan irrespective of the political situation and abandoning its policy of
democratic intervention?
Unruly and ugly scenes in Parliament and state assemblies have become an order of the
P-20 day. It is wisely said that when a person goes bankrupt of arguments and logic, he comes
to yelling, abusing and, finally to blows. This may or may not be true of the frequent hap-
penings in the temple of democracy, Parliament. Yet the sanctity of this temple needs to
be maintained. Ours is a ‘secular’ country. That is why, it looks, ‘secular’ people do not
find any obnoxious in playing politics in the precincts of this temple at the cost of the
common man Why should the rebellious individual not be held responsible for the loss
and made to compensate the state exchequer. The Chief Justice of India has also
expressed his dismay at the goings-on in Parliament.


Beginning of
an Empire? 31

regular Feature

UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

P-31 48 rEvIEw
50 EdITor’s NoTE
Cover Page Photo Courtesy:

Published on 28th August 2021

Released on 30th August 2021
Total No. of Pages+Cover=52

Shri Hanumate Namah MAILBOX National Gau Sewa Samridhi Parivar
To galvanize these glaring problems, the Ministry of Youth and Sports has
been proactive in recent years, creating a myriad of initiatives for the gen-
eral upliftment of India's sporting situation. The Khelo India Program intro-
ª´¤ Ÿæè âéÚUØñ Ù×Ñ
Editor-in-chief: Prakash Nanda
Editor: Deepak Kumar Rath
duced in 2018 has been one of the most comprehensive policies, the country
news Editor: Ashok Kumar
has seen for Sports. Designed with the aim to revive the Sports culture in
Legal Editor: Prasanna Kumar Nanda
Bureau chief: Nirmal Jain,
India at the grassroot level by building strange framework for all Sports
played in our country and establish India as a great Sporting nation, Khelo # !
Special correspondents: Joydeep Dasgupta (Kolkata)
India was divided into 12 Verticals focusingon increased participation and
Senior correspondent: Manish Shah (Ahmedabad), Satish
competitions, increase in rural sport awareness while honing talent, and
Sharma (Bhuvaneshwar)
strengthening of infrastructure at national level. The Central government
Graphic Designer: Suraj Sharma
has been trying to enlarge the talent pool through its project Khelo India
Photographer : Subhash Kumar Sharma
Games, meant for Competitors upto age 21. For the next two Olympics
Cycles, over 250 athletes have already been identified through the Khelo
India platform.
Advisers: Dr HR Nagendra, Swadeshpal Gupta
Manager (communications & PR ): Sangeeta Bisht
Business Manager : Mahendra Rout (Surat),
Sohan Kadel (Hyderabad)
AUGUST 28, 2021

Office : B-84, West Vinod Nagar, I.P. Extension,


Delhi-110092. Ph.: 011-46102482/83

The current Government at the Centre has ini-

tiated a slew of policy modifications and addi-

Bengaluru Office : No. 11, Second Floor, KSV Complex,
tions including Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (an,

Millers Road, Bengaluru-560052, integrated scheme for school education)

16th August 2021,

Ph. No.: 080-41472201-02, Fx: 080-22201704 Khelo India Program is certainly the other
Released on

Hyderabad Office : Kadel Marketing Pvt. Ltd, 401, Mogul one, Fit India Movement and the National
Published on 14 August 2021,

Court, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500001, Talent Search Scheme, the Eklavya Model

Ph. No: 040-23237563, +91-9849033200, +91- Residential School, Centre of Excellence for
9392233200 Sports, Specialized State-of-the-art facili-
Ahmedabad Office : F-204, Anurag Residency, ties for one identified- individual- sport and
Nr. IOC Petrol Pump, Memnagar, Ahmedabad, one- group- sport in each State. Now the
Ph. No: +91-9898038451 need is to industrialize Sports; it would prove to be a fitting complementary
Jaipur Office: 128 Vasundhra Colony, Tonk Road, Jaipur, boost to the eco-system. All these will make India attain a place in the top-
Rajasthan, Ph. No: +91-9649939888 10 by 2028 Olympics.
For Subscription & Advertisement:
011-22479306-07, +91-8800396718, +91-8800396719
Navneet Parihar by email
Dear friends
Published, printed and edited by Deepak Kumar Rath from It is our age-old culture to promote and develop Indian breed cows. We worship Mother
E-256, Saraswatikunj Apartment, 25 I.P. Extension, Delhi- Rising stars Cow and offer the first roti from our kitchen to her. Now, our Indian breed cows are
92, and owned by Upali Aparajeeta Rath India’s performance at Tokyo Olympics was nice. Sports experts felt that the
facing the real threat of their survival. So, we have decided to promote the Mother Cow
as a noble mission. We request you to kindly donate only One Rupee per day on part
current batch of Indian hockey players was mentally very strong. This was
Printed at MP Printers, B-220, Phase-II, Noida,
quite visible in the bronze medal match as the Indian players were never sub-
Dist. Ghaziabad, UP
dued throughout the entire duration. Although there were lots of ups and of each of your family member. We have dedicated teams of volunteers and professionals
downs, the players rose to the occasion and demonstrated the will to get the
for carrying out research & development, for supervising health and hygiene of Mother
Cow. Let’s build a Rashtriya Gau Sewa Samridhi Parivar and be a proud Bharatiya.
Mohan Malviya, Bengaluru

Taming the Dragon " !

UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

The current central government is in no mood to bow down to the pressure
tactics frolicked by China. Many initiatives have already been taken to counter
China and strong mechanisms being developed in defense forces, trade, inter-
national diplomacy, technological advancements are on the cards. The biggest ) ! !"' #
©All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited.
international diplomacy is “QUAD” (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue). India, !
USA, Japan and Australia stalwartly joined hands together and this new way of
The contents of this publication reflect the views of writers and (% !$ "!
diplomacy has taken china on a backseat. China will think 100 times before any
contributors, not necessarily those of the publisher and editor. All
disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent misadventure; will lead to more damage to China economically and militarily.
courts and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only Ankit Bhargav, Lucknow $% ''' & )! !"' %# !


Why Biden’s Afghanistan Taliban-control following his deadline

of the withdrawal of the US troops has
raised questions, rightly though, over
“We went to Afghanistan almost 20
years ago with clear goals: get those
who attacked us on September 11th,

when the Americans leave his ability to lead the free world. His
decision has confounded the allies and
tarnished the faith that the US has
military and economic might to defend
2001, and make sure al Qaeda could
not use Afghanistan as a base from
which to attack us again.
“We did that. We severely degrad-

is different from Bush’s

the democratic values of the world ed al Qaeda in Afghanistan. We never
and that the US is a reliable ally. gave up the hunt for Osama bin

ne of the important poll-cam- Biden's America is not the same as the Laden, and we got him. That was a
paign planks of US President America under President George decade ago.

Afghanistan when they came Joe Biden was that President

Donald Trump did incalculable dam-
age to the United States' global stand-
Bush when the US trroops had
entered Afghanistan.
In fact, a careful reading of the
“Our mission in Afghanistan was
never supposed to have been nation
building. It was never supposed to be
ing by abdicating the leadership of the reasoning that were cited by the then creating a unified, centralized democ-
Free World in general and Western President George Bush when the US racy.
allies in particular. As a Presidential attacked the then Taliban-led “Our only vital national interest
candidate he promised to restore the Afghanistan on October 7, 2001, thus in Afghanistan remains today what it
ledership role by restoring the confi- officially launching what was said has always been: preventing a terror-
dence among the allies of the US capa- “Operation Enduring Freedom”, sug- ist attack on American homeland.”
bility and intentions. He promised to gests that the incumbent President However, a little research reveals
the allies that Unlike President Joe Biden was being economical with that US military intervention in 2001
Trump, he would consult more and the truth in his first public comments was not for counter terrorism alone in
more with the allies and take a coolec- on August 16 since the Taliban a superficial way. Nor was it a war for
tive or joint decision on important regained full control in Kabul. America alone. It was a global war on
global issues. terror, involving as it, other countries
But the speed at which Biden said , among others, the fol- as well.
Afghanistan has come under the lowing: In fact, the U.S. bombing cam-
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

6 7

Thus, it was not American inter- was poured in Afghanistan towards 8 denying further sponsorship, sup-
vention alone but a global endeavour, its reconstruction and development. port, and sanctuary to terrorists by con-
with both military and financial com- All this, it was recognised, was highly vincing or compelling states to accept
ponents, that saw in the first 100 days imperative to isolate the terrorists. their sovereign responsibilities. We will
the collapse of the Taliban and the “Reconstructing Afghanistan” and also wage a war of ideas to win the bat-
escape of Osama bin Laden to “a Constitution for Afghanistan” were tle against international terrorism.
Pakistan. And what was more impor- in the priority of President Bush’s
tant, after the fall of Kabul in scheme of things. This includes:
November 2001, the United Nations The aforesaid features of the 8 using the full influence of the
invited major Afghan factions, most American intervention in Afghanistan United States, and working closely
prominently the Northern Alliance figured prominently in National with allies and friends, to make clear
and a group led by the former king Security Strategy of the United that all acts of terrorism are illegiti-
(but not the Taliban), to a conference States, released in September 2002. mate so that terrorism will be viewed
in Bonn, Germany. in the same light as slavery, piracy, or
On December 5, 2001, the factions It said clearly that “We will dis- genocide: behavior that no respectable
signed the Bonn Agreement, endorsed rupt and destroy terrorist organi- government can condone or support
by UN Security Council Resolution zations by: and all must oppose;
1383. The agreement, reportedly 8 direct and continuous action using 8 supporting moderate and modern
reached with substantial Iranian all the elements of national and inter- government, especially in the Muslim
diplomatic help because of Iran’s sup- national power. Our immediate focus world, to ensure that the conditions
port for the Northern Alliance faction, and ideologies that promote terrorism
installed Hamid Karzai as interim do not find fertile ground in any
paign against the Taliban forces works getting closed down. The U.S. administration head.
ON DECEMBER 5, 2001, nation;
began with the British support. And blocked more than $33 million in It may be noted that in this war THE FACTIONS SIGNED 8 diminishing the underlying condi-
the same day (October 7), Canada,
THE U.S. GOVERNMENT CREATED assets of terrorist organizations. against terror, the Bush THE BONN AGREEMENT, tions that spawn terrorism by enlist-
Australia, Germany, and France THREE NEW ORGANISATIONS -- THE Other nations also blocked another Administration was equally emphatic ENDORSED BY UN ing the international community to
pledged future support to the FOREIGN TERRORIST ASSET $33 million. that defeating the terrorists and their focus its efforts and resources on
American forces. Subsequently, it On November 7, 2001, the U.S. and leaders was only the easier part of the
SECURITY COUNCIL areas most at risk; and
grew to become international security its allies closed down operations of two task. The real challenge was the 8 using effective public diplomacy to
forces (ISAF) that fought in GREEN QUEST AND THE TERRORIST major financial networks – al-Barakaat “nation-building”, particularly in AGREEMENT, REPORTEDLY REACHED promote the free flow of information
Afghanistan, of course under the FINANCING TASK FORCE. THESE NEW and al-Taqwa – both of which were “failed states” like Afghanistan that
WITH SUBSTANTIAL IRANIAN DIPLO- and ideas to kindle the hopes and
American leadership and mostly with ORGANISATIONS WERE MEANT TO used by al-Qaeda and Osama Bin were more vulnerable to terrorism. aspirations of freedom of those in soci-
NATO forces (Japan also contributed). Laden as sources of income and mecha- President Bush believed that “state- MATIC HELP BECAUSE OF IRAN’S eties ruled by the sponsors of global
The NATO assumed full control of
HELP FACILITATE INFORMATION nisms to transfer funds. On December weakness” in Afghanistan should be SUPPORT FOR THE NORTHERN terrorism.”
the expanding NATO/ISAF’s role SHARING BETWEEN INTELLIGENCE 4, President Bush froze the assets of a isolated and kept distant so as to ALLIANCE FACTION, INSTALLED Viewed thus, if we go by President
across the country on August 8, 2003. AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES U.S.-based foundation – The Holy Land ensure peace and security and keep ter- Bush, who intervened in Afghanistan,
In fact, it was NATO’s first opera- Foundation for Relief and Development rorism away. For him, preventing
HAMID KARZAI AS INTERIM ADMINIS- fight against the terror in Afghanistan
tional commitment outside of Europe. -- that was funneling money to the ter- states from failing, and resuscitating was “global” needing global coopera-
For these military operations in
TO IDENTIFY, DISRUPT, AND DEFEAT rorist organization Hamas. those that do fail, were America’s tion and that preventing the terrorists
the first 100 days, the then US TERRORIST FINANCING NETWORKS. Similarly, the U.S. government equally vital strategic and moral will be those terrorist organizations of from returning by nation-building was
President George Bush had met at created three new organisations -- the imperatives. global reach and any terrorist or state as important was defeating them.
least 51 different countries to help shot in the war on terrorism with the Foreign Terrorist Asset Tracking Bush, therefore, invoked the sponsor of terrorism which attempts to President Biden, who is withdraw-
build support. As many as 136 coun- stroke of his pen to seize terrorist Center (FTAT), Operation Green Marshall Plan (American help in gain or use weapons of mass destruc- ing from Afghanistan, does not think
tries offered a range of military assis- financial assets and disrupt their Quest and the Terrorist Financing reconstructing Europe after the World tion (WMD) or their precursors; so, it seems. He believes that the fight
tance. The U.S. received 46 multilat- fundraising pipelines. The world Task Force. These new organisations War II) in declaring that America will 8 defending the United States, the in Afghanistan was America’s fight,
eral declarations of support from dif- financial community moved swiftly to were meant to help facilitate informa- help Afghanistan to develop “a stable, American people, and our interests at that it was an isolated fight without
ferent organizations. starve the terrorists (be it the Taliban tion sharing between intelligence and free government, an educational sys- home and abroad by identifying and any linkages elsewhere, that for leav-
As many as 89 countries have or Al Qaeda founder Osama bin law enforcement agencies and encour- tem, and a viable economy.” destroying the threat before it reaches ing Afghanistan he does not need to
granted over-flight authority for U.S. Laden) of their financial support. age other countries to identify, dis- Promotion of human rights, freedom our borders. While the United States seek the approval of the countries or
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

military aircraft. As many as 76 coun- As many as 196 countries support- rupt, and defeat terrorist financing of speech and expression, including will constantly strive to enlist the sup- those who had fought along with the
tries granted landing rights for U.S. ed the financial war on terror; 142 networks. emancipation of the women were to be port of the international community, US, and that reconstructing
military aircraft. And as many as 23 countries acted to freeze terrorist Accordingly, the Financial Action firmly incorporated in an inclusive we will not hesitate to act alone, if Afghanistan is not America’s business.
countries agreed to host U.S. forces assets; and in the U.S. alone, the Task Force -- a 29-nation group pro- constitution of Afghanistan which necessary, to exercise our right of self- Clearly, President Biden has dis-
involved in offensive operations. assets of 153 known terrorists, terror- moting policies to combat money laun- would guide the future Afghan gov- defence by acting pre-emptively appointed many of his friends and
Secondly, the war was fought not ist organizations, and terrorist finan- dering -- adopted strict new standards ernments. against such terrorists, to prevent supporters.
only militarily but also financially. In cial centers got frozen. All this result- to deny terrorist access to the world That is how massive international them from doing harm against our
fact, President Bush fired the first ed in the major terrorist financial net- financial system. assistance, including financial aid, people and our country; and (

8 9

The Taliban Tragedy

petroleum-based vehicles to electric ic Muslimsacross the globe including
vehicles would mean use of lithium CALL IT A CONSPIRACY THEORY, political establishment at Turkey,
batteries and that depends on ade- Daesh, Islamic brotherhood but weak-
quate use of thorium which is avail-
BUT HOW COME A TRAINED ARMY en and destroy moderate practitioners
able abundantly in Afghanistan. OF. 3 LAKH WITH SOPHISTICATED WEAPON of Islam thus creating binary opposi-

An Elegy to Democracy and Humanism Needless to add, most of these batter-

ies are made in China. The Taliban
controlled Afghanistan will suit China
tion between Muslim and Non-
Muslims. The concept of Ummah and
the distinction between Dar-Ul- Herb
and an indicator of times to come. The pected? Going by the might of and would ensure free supply of lithi-
BAND OF 80, 000 MILITANTS? and Dar- Ul- Islam become sharper
event has received varied responses American surveillance system and um. Is it a loss to Tesla or will benefit IT’S A BLOODLESS COUP IF I CAN exhorting the radicals to suppress,
from different quarters resulting in a military power it appears quite naïve it as cost of production will increase USE THE EPITHET. IT ONLY HAPPENS covert and eliminate the non-believers.
sharply divided opinion and assess- to think that USA was unaware of the and so will the selling price? There are This will indeed give a fillip to
ment of recent events. The naysayers outcome and was blind to the gather- lot of unanswered questions on this Huntington’s theory of ‘’Clash of
often take refuge by completely ignor- ing momentum. The next point is that count. Has Biden lost the dice and DRUMS, ABSOLUTE LACK OF RULE OF Civilization”, and probably will make it
BY PROF. TAPAN R. MOHANTY eing the event thinking albeit falsely it was known to USA that Ghazi gov- sold Afghanistan to China via LAW AND A SIMMERING DISCONTENT a reality to the horrors of the world.
that it is not going to change much of ernment has lost both its moral and Taliban? If there was a link between AMONG THE RANK AND FILE COUPLED But in the chess bord of religion,
current geo-political alignment and military authority then was it pru- Putin and Trump election and there is politics and culture, the hapless vic-
would least affect the neighborhood in dent on its part to pull out from a better nexus between Biden and
WITH SOFT RADICALIZATION. tims will be the women in general and
“Twenty years is a long time general and India in particular. The Afghanistan plunging it to the depth China. We have to wait for another minorities in particular. Women, in
but not long enough to turn a difference emanating from various of chaos, anarchy and destruction? wiki leak or a more academic explana- issue that there is nothing good or bad traditional and patriarchal religious
Roman nose to a pug one”. political and ideological standpoints Was the CIA and security establish- tion from venerable Prof. Noam in Taliban, its pure evil. Period. societies suffer from doble disadvan-
(O’Henry, After Twenty Years) further limits the possibility of mak- ment at Pentagon was hell bent on Chomsky. It is needed to be understood that tage of poverty and marginalization.
The capture of Afghanistan sans ing a fair assessment of the situation leaving Afghanistan irrespective of Call it a conspiracy theory, but how did Taliban sustained itself for The only way they could express
Panjshir by Taliban in mid -August for a common man. It is in this con- the political situation and abandoning how come a trained army of 3 lakh twenty year without arms, ammuni- themselves and realize their potential
has caused a global uproar and has text; the present piece intends to pro- its policy of democratic intervention. with sophisticated weapon and armed tion and shelter when American is through access to education, labour
largely undermined the ability and vide a perspective and outlook to the What surprised me was that if demo- vehicles surrendered to a rag tag band administration wanted them to turn market and other cultures but
influence of USA in a largely unipolar sordid event unfolding in our neigh- cratic intervention was the ethos of of 80,000 militants? It’s a bloodless into cinders. This could not have been Taliban is complete negation of this.
world. However, the imminent dan- borhood. There are geo-political, secu- international law for a superpower coup, if I can use the epithet. It only possible without internal and external Yet, our liberals and leftists in India
ger is not about the failure of USA but rity, military and economic angles but which led its to fight the gulf war then happens when the political system is help. Certainly, USA was not sleeping like American bureaucracy fail to see
the plunging of the world in general I will try to focus only on socio-eco- why the same principle was thrown in doldrums, absolute lack of rule of when both China and Pakistan were the reality. Women will be pushed to
and South Asia in particular to the nomic dimensions while briefly touch- out of window in case of Afghanistan? law and a simmering discontent giving lifelines and support both open- the wall and wail under the debris of
abyss of death, despair and devasta- ing legal and political sub points. If oil was the secret determining fac- among the rank and file coupled with ly and secretly. It means that irre- medieval mentality, and the macabre
tion. The naked dance of death in the The million-dollar question is tor in Iraq war then narcotics should soft radicalization. I would not blame spective of change of executive in USA machoism exhibited by Taliban will
streets of Kabul and Kandahar bears whether the outcome was pre- be the lucre of American interest. Biden alone for the fiasco though it is there were no apparent policy shift in monstrously murder liberalism, free-
both testimony to the terror of Taliban arranged or it was completely unex- Further, the movement from oil and fair to blame him in particular as the US foreign policy. It was expected that dom and autonomy of women. This
buck stops with him. But it’s a monu- there will be a tectonic policy shift in has happened not to Biden who inci-
mental failure of American foreign USA during Trump administration dentally only a part but as Hamza
policy and a victory for the axis of but nothing of that happened nor Alavi said in a different context, that
China-Pakistan and Iran. It is golden Pakistan was taken to task despite there has been an attempt to democ-
crescent of poppy trade that will bol- the existence of mountain of evidence. ratize the state but no attempt was
ster the revenue of Taliban, Iran and If Pakistan was expected to provide a made to democratize the society which
Pakistan while destroying the life of leverage to USA against China, then resulted in the resurgence of Taliban
millions of youths in Latin America, it is an error of monumental propor- and to me it’s the biggest failure of
Europe and India, the twin scourges tions. But this plain truth is difficult global community, USA, Europe and
of mankind terrorism and drugs will to percolate through the thick blinds India included, I do not put China and
reappear with vengeance and bleed of security administration. This also Pakistan because one is a failed socie-
nation-states across the world inter- shows power of bureaucracy against ty and another is a failed state. Being,
nally, slowly and surely. the soundness of reality. The iron of a permanent optimist however, I
The liberals often tend to believe bureaucracy and its steel frame has believe the sight of the light at the end
that the current Taliban is not the ensured that the rigidity and foreign of the tunnel and I have tremendous
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

same, and time has changed it moder- policy fixity remains steady even 30 faith in the antidote i.e. India and its
ating it internally and sobering its years after the end of cold war. dynamic political leadership.
praxis. Alas! They fail to understand However, the victims of this (The writer is Dean,
tigers never change their stripes. As tragedy will be the silent majority of Department of Distance
the good cop-bad cop spy story orches- peace-loving people across the world in Education, and Professor of
trates the objective of extracting infor- general and people of Afghanistan. The Sociology of law at National law
mation form a spy, same is the story radical Islam prophesied and practiced Institute University, Bhopal. The
with the good and bad Taliban. The by Taliban may suit Wahabi and fanat- views are personal.)

10 11

ing role vis-à-vis interference of plies, including ammunition and air Taliban and India, for example the
Pakistan and China which have indicat- power, possibly via the Iranian route. Taliban’s role in giving safe passage to
ed that they might recognize the Islamic Third, India can decide to accelerate hijackers of an Indian Airlines Plane in
Emirate, adds to India’s concerns. contacts with the Taliban. However, this 1999. India can also think of extending
In the last two decades, trade is unlikely to give India much leverage, support to Panjshir Valley Resistance
between India and Afghanistan has reg- given the Pakistan factor, as well as the which stands strong against the
istered an unprecedented growth; this fact that all regional and donor coun- Taliban.
has prompted a reimagination of land tries have already done so. Fourth, India The change is not all good for China
routes in the two countries. Afghanistan could simply wait and watch, until the and Pakistan too. China has economic
is situated at the cross-roads of the chaos of conflict reveals a winning side, interests in Afghanistan, which can ful-
North-South and the East-West connec- and weigh its options accordingly. This fil its ever-growing need for minerals,
tivity networks in the Asian Heartland. option seems expedient, but it also but more importantly it can pressure
Instability in Afghanistan threatens denies India’s relevance at the “high the Taliban to ban the East Turkestan

Return of Taliban
regional connectivity projects. table” where Afghanistan’s future is Islamic Movement, which it blames for
Therefore, the change in guard in Kabul being discussed. This was evident when unrest in its Muslim-dominated Xinjian
may affect India’s trade with the region, the Modi government accepted the province, to operate on Afghan soil. On
at least in the short term. Besides, there Qatari invitation to join “regional talks” the other hand, Taliban’s victory is a
is the threat of growing radicalization with the Talibanin Doha, but the strategic win for Pakistan is a simplistic
for pan-Islamic terror groups in India’s Ministry of External Affairs delegation view, for the Pashtun-led Taliban has
neighborhood. This happened in South found itself cut out of the opening ses- never recognized the border between
National Security Concern for India Asia in the aftermath of the last pullout
by foreign troops in Afghanistan, when
sion that included the US, China,
Pakistan, Uzbekistan and the UK, as
Afghanistan and Pakistan, creating dis-
comfort for Islamabad. In such a sce-
the US backed Mujahideen defeated the well as the Troika-plus talks of Russia- nario, China and Pakistan “would pig-
Soviet army in the 1980s. It also gave US-China-Pakistan, and was instead gyback on each other” in Afghanistan.
India must maintain a vigil against a resurgence of cross-border terrorism, particularly the rise to Al-Qaeda and IS after the US included in the session with Germany, Taliban’s victory portends geopoliti-
Wars in Iraq, and then subsequent pull- Norway, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and cal realignment which could change
return of Taliban in Afghanistan, that could quickly destabilize Kashmir as is evident from the out from West Asia, especially after Turkey. things upside down; this has necessitat-
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)’s “politics of hatred” whose leader Mehbooba Mufti went on 2011. India’s worry is also the Taliban The fact of the matter is that for the ed India’s close vigil on the growing ties
asking the Centre to take a lesson out of Afghanistan, and escalate conflict in South Asian governed Afghanistan itself. Taliban’s first time in decades, India will no between China and Pakistan. India’s
past record in power has been the histo- longer have a friendly government in concerns for cross-border terrorism have
region. New Delhi must deal with the internal separatist and communal forces with a stern ry of erosion in women’s and minority Afghanistan. But India has significantly mounted with the return ofTaliban rule
hand sending them a message that India is a powerful country and capable of destroying terror rights, the overturning of a democratic bolstered its borders in the past half- in Afghanistan. But India is better pre-
groups like Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e- Mohammad (JeM) and Hizbul system and the imposition of the decade, and therefore, there is no fear of pared than before in dealing with the
Taliban’s brutal form of justice. the repeat of the 1990s when the foreign Pakistan challenge, including the
Mujahideen to maintain the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. The lesson of the Delhi had also perhaps overestimat- fighters flowed into Kashmir from instrumentalization of Islamist move-
Reemergence of Taliban for the citizens of a Country, vis-à-vis India is that Nation is primary; if ed the domestic political support in Afghanistan to fuel an insurgency. ments to foreign-policy ends. The eco-
Washington for a strong posture against However, Taliban’s return will be a nomic balance has overwhelmingly
the Nation exists, its people exist, and therefore the National Unity be guarded at every cost.
the Taliban and the Biden morale booster for Pakistan based titled in India’s favor-at nearly $3 tril-
Administration’s ability to manage the groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish- lion, India’s GDP is now about 10 times
end-game of its plan to withdraw all e-Muhammad and Tehrik-i-Taliban larger than Pakistan’s. Further, as a
to establish the Islamic Emirate of noted here that India has provided troops from Afghanistan. While a post- Pakistan. It may be projected as psycho- non-permanent member of United
Afghanistan. Currently, India and humanitarian and development assis- mortem of the developments in logical victory by the terrorist groups Nations’ Security Council (UNSC),
Tajikistan are the only two regional tance of over $3 billion to Afghanistan in Afghanistan must take place at an and they will use the situation to beguile India will have a voice in shaping the
countries that are not formally engaged the last two decades. appropriate time, India’s current focus more youth in places like Kashmir. international debate on the situation in
with the Taliban in talks.The recent Undoubtedly, the region has arisen must be on addressing the immediate It is true that India will have to walk Afghanistan. India also chairs the
chaotic developments including the national security concerns for India. In challenges confronting it in a diplomatic tightrope in dealing with Taliban Sanction Committee of the
recent attack on Salma Dam, the fall of the past, anti-India elements have often Afghanistan. India has four options, Afghanistan. The biggest challenge UNSC and will have an important role
By Dr SureSh Kumar agrawal
Zaranj which connects Chabahar Port in used the ungoverned border areas near none of which are easy, nor without India will face is whether to recognize in framing the international response to
Iran, Taliban sizing MI-24 attack heli- Durand Line to run terrorist training repercussions. First, India continues to Taliban Government or not. It shall get the Taliban’s demands for the lifting of

he recent dramatic events in copter, and the absence of invitation for camps. Considering the history of stick to its principle of backing only a more tough if Moscow and Beijing all sanctions against its leaders. For
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Afghanistan have shocked India, some multilateral meetings on Afghanistan and the character of democratically-elected government in decide to acknowledge the Taliban this, India must also step up its diplo-
which seemed quite unprepared Afghanistan have been seen as a failure Taliban as an Organization, India’s Kabul, and provide political and human- Government; Islamabad is likely to offi- matic outreach to ensure policy coordi-
like much of the world for a precipitous of India’s Afghan strategy.Likewise, the legitimate security concerns will persist. itarian support to it till that lasts. cially accept the Taliban Government as nation in responding to the “dynamic”
collapse of the Government headed by genuine warmth for the Afghan people Further, the withdrawal of American Second, despite Taliban spokesperson it did in 1999. The best option at the situation in Afghanistan.
Ashraf Ghani. and a deep commitment for their wel- troops and the closing of Consulates will Suhail Saheen’s threatening of facing moment seems to keep a channel of com-
The fall of Kabul as a result of the fare might have prevented India from deprive India of vital Intelligence, consequences, India must go ahead and munication open with Taliban. But it (The writer is Professor & Head,
Taliban’s swift military operations has recognizing the weaknesses of the Surveillance and Reconnaissance capa- supply the Afghan National Defense shall certainly be an uneasy relation- Department of English, Maharaja
cleared the path for the insurgent group Government in Kabul. It should be bilities. On the other hand, the increas- and Security Forces with military sup- ship considering the history between Ganga Singh University, Bikaner.)

12 13

US leaves
Afghanistan in chaos
located 150 KM north of capital, that US and NATO armies present in
dares to defy Islamist Taliban rule Afghanistan soil backed by USS
now a la the same did under leg- Ronald Reagan in north Arabia Sea -
endary war-lord and guerrilla fighter sailed to the region from her base in
Ahmed Shah Massoud under banner Japan to support Afghanistan evacua-
of Northern Alliance during earlier tion- remain silent spectators.
BIMAL PRASAD MOHAPATRA phase of Taliban rule from 1996 to There is no doubt that either there
2001. was a complete intelligence failure on
In the meanwhile, First Vice the part of the US or Biden

ifficult to digest that within a President in deposeed Ashraf Ghani Administration knowingly allowed
week of Biden government, Amrullah Saleh, an eth- Taliban conquest or both. But this
Administration’s open admis- nic minority Tajik, former spy and author assumes that it is a complete
sion that ‘Taliban might capture native of the valley, has reached the intelligence failure on the part of US
Kabul within three months’; the ter- valley and has announced that as per which was present in Afghanistan for
ror outfit could reach the Afghanistan Afghanistan Constitution, he is right- two decades and had forecasted
capital that houses country’s 12 per- fully ruler of the country post-flee of Taliban win in three months while the humanity and loss of image of Super their(Taliban) born dreaded ally
centage population and took over the President though no ally of Ghani same happened in a week time. Three Power, which leads democratic move- THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT Pakistan -having dubious vested
control of the same in four to five regime give due importance to his months time and one weak time are ment in the world, remain unrecov- EITHER THERE WAS A COMPLETE interest in the region- which waited
days. Taliban strength is 60 to 70 statement. But, he is a force to reckon two big different numbers in war ered forever. for two decades for today’s moment.
thousands fighters spread over the with along with his ally Panjshir strategy formulation. And, at the Here, the world Super Power,
INTELLIGENCE FAILURE ON THE PART OF Now, the entire Afghanistan and
entire country of 38 million popula- Valley’s present de-facto ruler Ahmad same time, this author assumes that which gives lecture on liberal demo- THE US OR BIDEN ADMINISTRATION world are aghast of Taliban take over.
tion in over massive 0.65 million Sq Massoud, the son of Ahmed Shah the US allowed Taliban to capture the cratic value and human right, should KNOWINGLY ALLOWED TALIBAN CON- While within Afghanistan there are
KM. By the time Kabul takeover was Massoud. hapless country despite pronounce- not forget that a country’s entire pop- pockets of resistance including in
complete, Taliban fighters have Going further, it is also difficult to ment of its administration that the ulation for more than four decades Panjshir Valley, there are huge cry on
almost captured the landlocked believe that three lakhs strong US same will happen in three months. suffers or paying price for none of ASSUMES THAT IT IS A COMPLETE the part of Afghanis to get out of their
nation’s other major cities and rural and its allies trained and built Afghan Of course, with the passing of their fault. The US cannot simple say INTELLIGENCE FAILURE ON THE PART OF motherland which means Taliban and
geography but Panjshir Valley. National Army with modern war time, the truth will come out. But, in ‘we cannot fight and die in a war that US WHICH WAS PRESENT IN its sponsor are not so popular in the
Panjshir Valley is a small piece of gears could surrender to 60-70 thou- between, due to above development, Afghan forces are not willing to fight country. Clearly, they have taken over
land near Hindu Kush, strategically sand Taliban within a month. And the the lives lost, misery done to the for themselves’ and leave in mid-night
AFGHANISTAN FOR TWO DECADES AND the country at gun point. The resist-
when there is allegations, and in some HAD FORECASTED TALIBAN WIN IN ance could have been well exploited
case, there are proofs of Pakistan -a THREE MONTHS WHILE THE SAME HAP- for building an orderly Afghanistan
former US ally in her so-called war PENED IN A WEEK TIME. without safe haven for terror. But,
against terrorism- provides moral and this was not done for reasons best
materials support to Taliban taking known to Super Power. India shows
advantage of porous border. nation building or establishing democ- the way though with a small invest-
Where there is no internal strife? racy’. "It has always been our decision ment compare to West’s trillion dol-
But, it is Afghanis who suffer for gen- to get those who had attacked us and lars but mocked. The goodwill India
eration. In fact, Afghanis are victims we did it. We got Osama," said the US won has been reaped during evacua-
of external interferences. First, it was President. Here, he is reminded that tion of its diplomats, security forces
due to the USSR. After the collapse of you were there to defeat Red Army. and citizens’ post-Taliban take over.
USSR, things would have been differ- After Red Army retreat, you left So question arises: Is there a vested
ent were the US not trained and unconcern of poisonous snakes you interest on the part of West like
equipped Pakistan ISI backed built till the latter bite you in style Britain, a constituency of Western
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Mujahidin (now called Taliban) to and manner Americans never forget. forces in Afghanistan, had when they
fight Red Army, part of Cold War Now, you are leaving the snakes much left India pushing the region into
between two Super Powers, and after sophisticated but without loss of 1996- chaos and bloodshed which haven’t
the collapse of the USSR, were the US 2001 instinct and with latest arms yet subsided even after seven and half
not left poisonous snake to rove free and ammunitions, and above all, two decades of self-rule?
till 2001. formidable allies such as Russia and (The writer is Research Fellow
Now, President Biden says that China, who are now at severe logger- at DRaS and Asst. Professor at
‘we did not go into Afghanistan to head with West, apart from TGI-Bhubaneswar.)

14 15

Afghan soil as their principal objective.

IN A DRAMATIC REVERSAL Nobody is to ask why they did not quit
in 2003 when the Taliban were on the
OF FORTUNES, THE MIGHTY run. Realising that the Taliban were
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA steadily gaining ground, at the expense
WAS REDUCED TO SEEKING of the Afghan National Army,
THE TALIBAN’S SUPPORT IN President Joe Biden decided on an
abrupt pull-out, believing that there
EVACUATING ITS NATIONALS would be a respectable gap before
AND THE VULNERABLE AFGHANS Kabul fell to the Islamic zealots. That
WHO HAD SUPPORTED THE AMERICAN barely had the US forces quit, when on
August 15 President Ashraf Ghani was
MISSION, OUT OF THE COUNTRY. AS OF seen welcoming and embracing
NOW, AN ESTIMATED 10,000 AMERICANS Taliban fighters in the Presidential
AND 60,000 AFGHANS ARE YET TO BE Palace, stunned the world. It also
FLOWN OUT TO SAFETY. HERE MANY meant that the American intelligence
had failed miserably. As the allies bit
ALARMING QUESTIONS ARISE. their tongue and the widespread
refrain of ‘told you so’ gained currency,
once again. They were virtually hand- the American credibility as a reliable
ed over the keys of Kabul when the US partner is once again being called into
announced its decision on February 29, question.”
2020, to quit Afghanistan by May 30, Afghans have broken the “shackles
2021, provided the Taliban did not of slavery”, pronounced Imran Khan,
attack the US forces in the interim. the ‘noble’ Prime Minister of Pakistan,
The elected Afghan government was shamelessly while women and children
kept out of the negotiations and com- along with elderly were being tortured
pletely undermined in the process. The by the Talibs. It was no surprise that
countdown thus began for the Taliban Rawalpindi and Beijing are seen cele-
and their minders in Rawalpindi.” He brating the swift capture of power by
further berates US and says “ after a the Taliban after twenty years in the

Reengaging The Enemy

two-decade-long engagement in wilderness. But the pertinent question
Afghanistan, which cost the US dearly which arises here is thst would the
in human lives and treasure, it was Taliban actually abide by the norms of
ready to declare “mission accom- the world? What is the real agenda of
plished" and pull out of the highly the Taliban 2.0?
unpopular “forever war". Washington Experts are not even clear on one
kept shifting the goalposts but eventu- thing that who actually calls the shots
ally settled for elimination of the ter- and whether Mullah Haibatullah
By NilaBh krishNa
da in Afghanistan is well known, why rorist threat to their country from Akhundzada, said to be the Taliban’s
has China too thrown its hat in the

few weeks back a process of full recognition from major powers, the country has avoided major ring? Are the Talibs, seen sweating out
taking over of Afghanistan by including the US, China, Russia and destruction so far. in the presidential Palace gym in
the Taliban began is now the European Union. Kabul, a moderate and mellower ver-
almost complete with only the excep- The way they have swept What was the rush US? sion of their earlier 1995-2001 avatar,
tion of Panjsheer area remaining Afghanistan in a matter of days, one In a dramatic reversal of fortunes, the as claimed by some of their leaders and
free. All those who worked for a dem- cannot fathom that there will be any mighty United States of America was supporters? Former Ambassador
ocratic Afghanistan for the last 20 chance of an imminent civil war. On reduced to seeking the Taliban’s sup- Vishnu Prakash correctly describes the
years under the tutelage of the August 15th, Afghanistan President port in evacuating its nationals and situation, while writing for News 18.
United States are going to face a Ashraf Ghani and his top official fled the vulnerable Afghans who had sup- He says “The completely avoidable
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major setback. This includes not just the country and the last fort of Kabul ported the American mission, out of Afghanistan tragedy had been scripted
NATO allies of the US, but also also went into the hands of the the country. As of now, an estimated by an indifferent United States, jihadi
India. It doesn’t take a rocket science Taliban. With this the Taliban has 10,000 Americans and 60,000 Afghans Pakistan, opportunistic China and a
to see that today’s strategic environ- control of virtually the whole of are yet to be flown out to safety. Here corrupt Afghan leadership.
ment surrounding Afghanistan is Afghanistan, and all the border cross- many alarming question arises. After Expediency, side deals, coercion, disin-
very different from the 1990s and ings. The way the Afghan National being invested in Afghanistan for 20 formation, deceit, tribal royalties,
2001. In all probability, the Taliban Forces have crumbled along with years, why was the US in such a hurry inducements and much more have
are ready to rein in Afghanistan with negotiated deals with local leadership, to cut and run? While Pakistan’s agen- gone into installing Taliban in Kabul

16 17

third supreme commander, has the de ed the Indian mission to continue in

facto authority? Through the press Kabul and had assured its safety.
conference done by the Taliban after Given their track record, and that two
the capture of Kabul, the Taliban lead- of India’s shuttered consulates were
ers were seen telling the world that reportedly overrun by them recently, it
they are different; that excesses will was not possible for India to take any-
not be committed; that women will be
allowed to work and study; that they
will not be revengeful and that while
Afghanistan will not be a democracy, THE TALIBAN AS A GROUP THAT
the application of Sharia laws will be WAS BROUGHT TO POWER WITH THE
humane. Is it possible to trust them? ACTIVE SUPPORT OF ITS ARCHRIVAL
Can they rein in their cadres who have
gone on a rampage in some areas
under their occupation? Can a leopard MENT POLICY WITH THE TALIBAN WAS
change its spots? The honest answer is FIRST TESTED DURING THE HIJACKING OF
that nothing can be ruled in or ruled
out at this point of time. This leads to a
crucial questions that where does ACCUSED A PAKISTAN-BASED JIHADI
India, the most popular country in GROUP OF ORCHESTRATING IT. THE PLANE
Afghanistan, figure in the new scheme WAS TAKEN TO KANDAHAR,
of things? New Delhi had kept the
Taliban at an arm’s length but for
back-channel contacts in recent ROUNDED BY TALIBAN FIGHTERS.
months. Reportedly, they had request- thing at face value. Indian personnel in India, which remained close to the weight behind a democratic order in
Kabul, in the prevailing circum- Soviet Union while the former super- NOW AS PER THE EXPERTS, Afghanistan, it fell behind on engaging
stances, would have been hostage to power had a military presence in with the Taliban. It would have taken
the Taliban’s whims and fancies. Afghanistan in the 1980s, saw its influ-
THE SITUATION IN AFGHANISTAN its cue in the matter from the US itself,
ence dwindle in the country during the COULD POTENTIALLY SET OFF which refused to directly talk with the
History of Mistrust Afghan civil war in the early 1990s. It A DOMINO EFFECT IN THE militants for most of its time in the
India has always looked at the had almost no influence in INDIAN SUBCONTINENT. AS country, changing its approach only in
Taliban as a group that was brought Afghanistan when the Taliban ruled 2018. Thereafter, the speed with which
to power with the active support of its the country from 1996 to 2001.
KABUL FALLS DOWN TO TALIBAN, US first signed the peace accord with
archrival Pakistan in 1996. India's no- INDIA NEEDS TO BE CLOSELY the Taliban, in 2020, and then went
engagement policy with the Taliban The Road Ahead LOOKING AT HOW AFGHANISTAN’S ahead with pulling back its troops from
was first tested during the hijacking Now as per the experts, the situation in the country meant India had little time
of an Indian aircraft in 1999. New Afghanistan could potentially set off a to make a policy pivot to face the new
Delhi accused a Pakistan-based jihadi domino effect in the Indian subconti- PAKISTAN. FOR ONE, HISTORY SUGGESTS ground realities. “This is why the
group of orchestrating it. The plane nent. As Kabul falls down to Taliban, THAT A TALIBAN-CONTROLLED Narendra Modi government’s decision
was taken to Kandahar, Afghanistan, India needs to be closely looking at how AFGHANISTAN HAS CONTRIBUTED TO MIL- to formally reach out to the Taliban
and was quickly surrounded by Afghanistan’s relationship evolves with was such a game-changer,” Kugelman
Taliban fighters. Pakistan. For one, history suggests
ITANCY AND CONFLICT IN KASHMIR. says. “And it ended up becoming more
"The aircraft thereupon came with- that a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan important than India could have imag-
in the control of the Taliban authori- has contributed to militancy and con- Afghanistan, but also its two biggest ined, given the Taliban’s rapid rise to
ties, whom we do not recognize and flict in Kashmir. As per a report in rivals deepening their footprints in a power.”
with whom we have no official contact. Quartz India, the nexus between the country where India has many equities, India’s best bet is to allow the dust
This, however, was not permitted to Taliban and Pakistan’s “anti-India mil- investments, and close ties with non- to settle down, and then make an
stand in the way of our dealing with itant” training camps has been chroni- Taliban political leaders,” he says.” informed decision. This may take
them," Jaswant Singh, India's external cled in a series of declassified US gov- But it is also likely that India fore- weeks or even months. We have little
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affairs minister at the time, said in a ernment documents. “With China saw the Taliban taking on a key role in or no leverage with the Taliban.
statement. being a close ally of Pakistan; it could Afghanistan once US troops exited. However, if they walk the talk, there
According to reports, the Taliban soon get “ugly” for India, according to According to a report in <The Hindu>, is no reason for India to shun them.
became mediators between the hijack- Michael Kugelman, deputy director Qatari envoy Mutlaq bin Majed Al Engaging with the Taliban does not
ers and India in a bid to draw media and senior associate for South Asia at Qahtani claimed that in June Taliban necessarily mean an endorsement of
attention. The negotiations ended with the US-based Wilson Center. “This representatives were hosted by India their philosophy or behaviour; it is
India exchanging three militants in its means that India faces the reality of in Doha. India neither confirmed nor just a recognition that they are in
custody for the plane passengers. not only a Taliban government in denied this meeting. As India threw its effective control.

18 19

The erstwhile princely states sur- Before the session commenced a at public cost.

Are Ugly Scenes in Parliament rendered their properties and lands

running into tens of crores of rupees to
integrate with the Union of India. In
section of members had left no one in
doubt that they were determined not
to let both the houses of parliament to
What was the signal the parlia-
mentarians sent out to children,
young, adults and the elders of the

Mandated by Electorate and return, the then government at the

Centre promised to pay them privy
purses in token of nation’s gratitude
function. The meetings the Prime
Minister, Lok Sabha Speaker and the
Rajya Sabha Chairman held with the
country and other democracies of the
world? It seems, they think that it is
their divine political right to create

Sanctioned by Constitution? to them. The amount of privy purses

to them ranged from `5000 to `one
and two lakhs annually. Only five-six
opposition leaders on the eve of the
session for a peaceful going proved of
no consequence. The Prime Minister
ugly and rowdy scenes not to let par-
liament function.
The disruptions in parliament
Unruly and ugly scenes in parliament and state assemblies have become an order of the day. erstwhile rulers, like Hyderabad and and other ministers in the house and have left the public exchequer to bleed
Patiala, were given a privy purse of outside declared that they were ready from two sides. One, the public repre-
It is wisely said that when a person goes bankrupt of arguments and logic, he comes to about `42 lakh, later reduced to ` 20 to discuss and debate any issue in the sentatives hold a tamasha at the cost
yelling, abusing and, finally to blows. This may or may not be true of the frequent happenings lakh. The late PM Indira Gandhi abol- house. As the session commenced the of the people as they continue to draw
in the temple of democracy, the Parliament. Yet the sanctity of this temple needs to be main- ished this constitutional obligation opposition looked united not to let the full pay, allowances and perks. Two,
altogether. parliament function and discharge its by not allowing the house to conduct
tained. Ours is a ‘secular’ country. That is why, it looks, ‘secular’ people do not find any According to reports, the obligation towards the people. The its legislative business the state
obnoxious in playing politics in the precincts of this temple at the cost of the common man Parliamentarians are given `50,000 question arises: Did the people give exchequer, this time, was put to a fur-
Why should the rebellious individual not be held responsible for the loss and made to com- (increased to one lakh, but reduced by their mandate to their representatives ther loss of `144 crore, i.e. `2.5 lakh
30% for a year because of Covid-19 per minute.
pensate the state exchequer. The Chief Justice of India has also expressed his dismay at the pandemic) as monthly salary, elec- THIS SITUATION This situation also raises the ques-
goings-on in Parliament. The Supreme Court should ipso facto take cognizance of the hap- torate allowance of `40,000, `15,000 RAISES THE QUESTION tion whether what they do in the
as office expenses and `30,000 as house has the mandate of the people
penings and consider whether the MPs have the mandate of the people for such acts in the WHETHER WHAT THEY DO
Secretarial assistance expenses, who elected them. Does it also have
Parliament and whether such acts violate or not the letter and spirit of the Constitution. which works out to a total of `1,40,000 IN THE HOUSE HAS THE the sanction of the Constitution? Or
per month to each person. In addition, MANDATE OF THE PEOPLE does this unruly conduct in the house
they are also provided with 34 free form a part of their parliamentary
journeys by air and unlimited rail and privileges?
road journeys across a year. Above all ALSO HAVE THE SANCTION OF THE However, there has been an
this is `5 crore placed at their disposal CONSTITUTION? OR DOES THIS UNRULY exception too. A public representa-
every year as Local Area Development CONDUCT IN THE HOUSE FORM A PART tive from Biju Janta Dal, Shri Jai
Fund. Panda, did declare that he will not
India adopted the UK’s
OF THEIR PARLIAMENTARY PRIVILEGES? accept the salary for two months
BY AMBA CHARAN VASHISHTH Westminster style of parliamentary since parliament has not been able to
democracy. The main functions of the for the conduct they exhibited in the work for the welfare of the people
UK — and Indian — Parliament are house? during this period.

n ancient times in India, there (1) to check and challenge the work of Outside the house, the leaders Amidst the ugly scenes and sloga-
was hardly an instance of raja- the Government (scrutiny); (2) to alleged that the ruling party was neering some bills were passed by the
maharajas having been an auto- make and change laws (legislation); denying them their right to speak but parliament. This has attracted the
crat and cruel to his subjects. If there (3) to debate the important issues of in the house it was just uproar and ire of the Chief Justice of India
was any, he was dethroned sooner the day (debating); and to check and nothing else. Justice NV Ramana over bills hur-
than later. The parliamentary institu- approve Government spending (bud- A section of the parliamentarians riedly passed without debate and dis-
tions and elections, like the ones in morality and ethics. The rulers too much as did their subjects. get/taxes). demanded repeal of the CAA, cussion. This raises another ques-
the present times, were something held them in high esteem. At times, That is why the erstwhile rulers The way the two houses of National Register of Citizens (NRC) tion: Can a minority in a house hold
unknown, unheard of then. they even overruled the king who and their dynasties, though not in Parliament — the Lok Sabha and and the three agricultural laws. A the majority to ransom preventing
The institution of village panchay- accepted their opinion without power now for the last over 75 years, Rajya Sabha — functioned during the minority of parliamentarians seems to the parliament from performing its
ats did exist much earlier. People had protest. They were there not just as still continue to be held in high just concluded Monsoon session — be trying to impose their will on the constitutional functions? If it can,
great faith and respect for this institu- courtiers shaking their heads always esteem by their people. In elections and earlier sessions too — leaves no majority, a negation of the spirit of then it will mean minority sitting
tion and its members who were hailed in agreement with whatever the king to state assemblies and parliament one in doubt that parliamentarians in democracy. They accuse the ruling lord over the majority, a negation of
as panch parmeshwar. thought and wanted. Though not they, in a majority of cases proved India have just the rights to pay, party of being fascist. But the boot the spirit of democracy.
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The raja-maharajas discussed elected by the people, yet they always their sway among the people. perks, privileges and other facilities seems to be in the other leg. It is time to remedy the situation
every matter concerning their state in had their fingers at the pulse of the On the other hand, those who but no duties at all either towards the They don’t have with them the lest we are rendered a laughing stock
an open court where the wazirs (min- people. They enjoyed people’s faith begged for peoples’ votes with folded country and the people who voted for strength of majority or logic but only of all. The honour and prestige of the
isters), the saintly aacharyas, heads of and respect. hands during election campaigns them. The conduct of a section of par- the road-roller weight of shouting, country and the future of democracy is
the army and elders were always The rulers were always one with become masters (with very few excep- liamentarians in the temple of democ- unruly and rowdy behavior on their at stake.
there for advice. The holy gurus com- the joys and sorrows of the people. In tions) of the people once they get elect- racy, the parliament, has not made side. Further, the house of parliament (The writer is a
manded great respect as their advice times of natural calamities, like ed. They luxuriate at the cost of the the people of the country to raise their is not the place where political parties Delhi-based political
was in accordance with the tenets of drought, famine etc., they suffered as people. heads with pride. should promote their political agenda analyst and commentator)

20 21

End of an Era
By dr krishna chandra sahu

alyan Singh is no more now.
Breathed his last on 21st Aug Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh paying tribute to the departed soul
2021 in Lucknow.But his
work and ideas will never die. A tiger ment! He was dismissed unconstitu- mosque on the other side of Sarayu istered well in UP on various parame-
himself, had the courage of taking role tionally by the then union river. Though he meant it for a peace- ters like good education, able and effec-
and responsibilities on his own shoul- Government. But he was not regret- ful and amicable solution of the issue tive administration, peace, harmony
der for all the misadventures resorted ful then nor afterwards. Rarely peo- but people from other side rejected his and social justice. He was also archi-
by Karsevaks on 6th December 1992. ple can kick their chair for a national pleas. Later on Honourable Supreme tect of BSP and BJP coalition before
Entire country was agitated with both cause. He was the king of people’s court on its verdict directed the same Mayavati ditched BJP and caused her
exultation in one world and anguish heart, a lion of the masses with steely formula in a unanimous voice. The own downfall. Though for two years he
on the other side. He stood tall and nerve. nerve of the total movement was on his was out of BJP, but later returned to
declared in front of a hostile media I am lucky enough to be associated fingertips and he had well measured its fold like a child coming back to
that, he himself was solely responsible with the Ram Janma Bhoomi move- the pulse of the communities then. A mother’s lap and mother lovingly
for what ever had happened on that ments since Unlocking the doors and quarter century later, the same formu- embracing the child. Till his last
fateful day in Ayodhya, neither the through Shilapujan, Ramjyoti, la was the key to settle the centuries breath, he was in BJP like a soldier
Karsevaks, nor the officials like police Demolition of the disputed structure, old issue forever. and statesman.
or beaurocrats. An act, admission and dismissal of four state Govornments, A son of a common man, Kalyan Ram-janma Bhoomi movement
acceptance, which is rare in the mud- Arrest of BJP President and other RSS Singh was a teacher before he jumped owes a lot to him including Lal
slinging present day politics. Sar Sangha Chalak, Verdict of into an ocean called RSS and got Krishna Advani, Late Ashok Singhal,
"I will not shoot bullets” he Allahabad High court, Supreme Court groomed in its ideology and activities Late Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindhia,
chanted thrice in front of the nation- decision and of late Shilanyas by and dedicated himself to the cause of Uma Bharati, Shadwi Ritumbara,
al and international media and hounrable PM Narendra Modi. I have the Rashtra and Rastriyata (Nation Binay Katiyaar and off course Sri P V
informed the same to the then Union not seen such a straight, simple, truth- and Nationalism). In RSS he gradually Narasimha Rao, who have overtly or
Home minister candidly. Took full ful, and mass leader like Kalyan rose step by step in the hierarchy covertly helped in this national
responsibilities. What a brave state- Singh, who never hesitate to call a before joining Politics. In politics too he yagna. Today if Hindutva ideology is
spade a spade. came up gradually till the chief minis- vibrant and visible, the credit goes to
He left BJP and came back too. ter’s chair, which is rare in dynasty Kalyan Singh and Lal Krishna
His emotional statement that, I will based political parties unlike a cadre Advani equally.
like to die with BJP flag wrapped on based party like BJP. He will continue to be in the heart
my body, a bold statement whose He spent around 2 years in Jail and soul of a billion Hindus worldwide
love for his party, public and poor during the Emergency imposed by as “Hindu Hridaya Samrat”. His death
was well displayed. Indira Gandhi in 1975. After returning has caused an irreparable loss to
His statements and speeches were from Jail he worked more vigorously Hinduism and selfless politics in the
keenly awaited and watched by the for the party and the nation. The mas- country. A desh bhakta (patriot), lok
press nationally and globally. His voice sacre of Karsevaks in Ayodhya by kalyan kari neta ( benovelent leader),
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was so encouraging to crores of Mulayam Singh, diverted people’s Daksha prasashak (an able adminis-
Rambhaktas throughout the world attention towards Kalyan Singh to trators), a rashtra nitigna (a states-
that he was in the heart of the youth of lead the caste, criminal and religion man) – All in one was Kalyan Singh.
the nation. He suggested the Muslim affected Uttar Pradesh. A year later Lord Ram bless the departed soul.
community to forget Janmasthan and BJP won Uttar Pradesh with Kalyan This is the prayer of billion Hindus of
in turn he would build a gigantic Singh as the chief minister. He admin- the world.

22 23

thefts in Odisha and illegal exports of Norway, The Swedish Royal Palace,

RISING TEMPLE idols. It has urged the government for

framing a holistic policy and taking
legal measures to deal with the men-
museums in Durham and Cambridge
and the Chateau de Fontainebleau
have all been burgled in recent years,
ace. The prevailing laws intended to allegedly by Chinese operatives who

THEFTS IN ODISHA prevent idol thefts and burglary are

inherently ineffective and a holistic
national heritage protection policy and
system should be put in place. There is
have broken in and taken only items of
Chinese heritage. Such has been the
brashness of the Chinese in these mat-
ters that the government has even pub-
no objective database of antiques – both INCOMPLETE. NEW LEGISLATION licly displayed some of the relics that
stone and metallic idols -- in the AND AMENDMENTS ARE A NEED OF THE were stolen from the European muse-
approximately 22,000 ancient places of ums.
worship in Odisha. Inconsequential India on the other hand, has taken
and weak legislations like the SEPARATE WING TO DEAL WITH SUCH a far softer route of using diplomacy to
Antiquities and Art Treasures Act, The CRIMES. THE STATE ARCHEOLOGY AND request for the return of our stolen
Ancient Monuments and THE ASI SHOULD ADOPT METHODS AS ancient wonders. During Prime
Archaeological Sites and Remains Act Minister Narendra Modi’s initial
and the Ancient Monuments
PER INTERNATIONAL NORMS. tenure, the nation saw several such
Preservation Act, 1904 are ineffective diplomatic repatriations, with the US
to curb these crimes. There is an police stations malkhanas and the vowing to return 200 statues, Tony
absolute lack of awareness and gross Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) Abbott’s return of the Nataraj, the
apathy regarding the intrinsic value of godowns. These idols should be Canadian Prime Minister Justin
antique idols that represent the rich returned back to the temples from Trudeau’s gift of several smaller figures
cultural heritage of the state. where they were stolen. They are not and German Chancellor Angela
More than 95 per cent of the objects of art, they are deities which Merkel’s return of a stone carving of
antique idols in the State remain legal- were worshipped. Goddess Durga. The Durga carving,
ly unregistered as the National Mission The practice of collecting Indian which Merkel returned to India, was
By Anil Dhir on Monuments and Antiquities ancient statues can be dated back to traced back to a small temple in
remains incomplete. New legislation the British Raj, when our colonizers Pulwama, Kashmir, giving rise to the

ver the past few decades of them, only ingots were recovered antique stone idols were stolen from and amendments are a need of the hour took back with them several artifacts of question as to how did it get smuggled
Odisha has endured several along with five other idols. Last year, the famous Chandrasekhar Jew temple and the police should have a separate historical importance. China too has out the country and land up in
temple thefts in each of the dis- the STF recovered two brass idols from at Kapilash in the same year. In 2014, wing to deal with such crimes. The been a notable victim of this, particu- Germany.
tricts. In total, the number of idols lost the Jadupur on the outskirts of the chlorite Jain idol of Adinatha Deb state Archeology and the ASI should larly when the Europeans stole from its The British museums are nothing
is estimated to be close to a staggering Bhubaneswar. I had gone to see the was stolen from the Grameswar temple adopt methods as per international famed Summer Palace during the siege more than chor bazaars. The only offi-
10,000. Antique dealers have for idols at the STF office, the Sp told me at Nivarana village under Niali Police norms. Metal idols should have laser of Peking in 1860. However, in its typ- cial body responsible for bringing back
decades targeted Odishan temples and that they had deployed a decoy, who Station. It was regarded as one of the markings and the stone ones should ical fashion, China resorted to a quick all our ancient idols is the ASI, but they
smuggled such items out of the country was asked to pay a crore for them. Last rarest Jain statues of Odisha. The 2.5 have metallic engravings as evidence of solution to bring back its lost heritage, have not been able to accomplish much
to rake in big bucks by selling them to year, Burglars broke into a Shiva tem- feet height black-stone statue was later ownership. There have been many they reportedly hired professional of what is expected of them. We need to
museums or auctioning them at inter- ple in Malikeswarpur village in recovered, but the thieves had pruned instances where recovered stolen idols agents and thieves to bring back many first come up with a central database.
national auction houses. There is hard- Kendrapada and decamped with an it considerably and it was half its size could not be traced back to their origi- of their stolen antiques from museums We do not even have photos or dimen-
ly a day when idol thefts are not report- idol of Goddess Laxmi from the outer when recovered. nal places, and are lying in different across Europe. The KODE Museum in sions of the statues because they’re con-
ed in the media. Odisha has become a wall of the shrine. The idol, made from While working on the Prachi Valley sidered sacred, and measuring them
major hub for stolen idol export. The black chlorite was three feet high and project, in the course of two years, I was seen as unholy. There should be a
thriving industry of stone sculptures in weighed around one quintal. The theft came to know of nearly 50 temple thefts state-wise anti-smuggling wing that
the state gives easy access to export of an 11-century-old idol from the in the jurisdiction of four police sta- specialises in ancient heritage.
stolen idols along with the newly Marichi temple at Ayodhya in Nilgiri tions. Idols which were photographed Countries like the US and China
carved ones. December 26 2019 was solved with the and documented by scholars in the last have enacted heritage protection laws
In January this year, five old metal- arrest of Suresh Yadav from of Etah three decades have vanished. Both the so have not-so-prosperous countries
lic idols from the Sri Gopinathdev district in Uttar Pradesh. locals and the police themselves admit- like Jordan and Mexico. Its saddening
Temple at Kakudia near Pipili were In March 2017, an Ashtadhatu idol ted that many more thefts have been when a culture rich country like India,
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stolen. In April, thieves broke into the of Lord Krishna valued at around a unreported. Surprisingly, only one sin- chooses not to. Ironically, there are
Mausi Maa temple, just 500 metres crore was stolen from the 300-year-old gle recovery has been made, the rest of some lobbyists within our country, who
away from the Jagannath temple at Dadhibabanjew temple in Choudkulat the precious idols have been lost forev- have invested heavily in our national
Puri. Last year, miscreants barged into village. The miscreants also stole brass er. There were 20 cases of idol theft in treasure and want to amend the
the sanctum sanctorum of the 800- idols of Lord Hanuman and Goddess the last decade in Bhadrak, but not a Antiquities Laws. It leaves one wonder-
year-old Daksha Prajapati temple in Durga. In 2015, six rare antique idols single recovery has been made. ing if we as people truly want to sup-
Banpur town of Khurda and took away were stolen from the Varahanath tem- Intach had repeatedly expressed its port the cause of protecting our millen-
22 Ashtadhatu idols. They melted six ple in Jajpur. Three 13th century concern over rising cases of temple niums-old ancient heritage.

24 25



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Plassey: Beginning
of an Empire?
by Dr UDDipan MUkherjee

t’s true that Amartya Sen ning of the paragraph, it is so ger- same day, much after sunset.
requires no introduction. mane to cross swords with him as he As India celebrates 75 glorious
However, all that he writes, may nears the end of his statement: years of independence from British
not always be true. In a deftly articu- “British forces……convincingly imperialism, it is not impertinent at
lated piece (for the Guardian) entitled defeated it.” all to probe into the details of perhaps
‘Illusions of Empire’, on 29 June 2021 Dr Sen, it’s indeed a loose state- the most significant battle that
Sen states: ment, abruptly coming out of the scab- opened the floodgates of British impe-
The British empire in India was in bard, and incidentally painting a rialistic venturesin the sub-continent,
effect established at the Battle of wrong history of the sub-continent. and more so when of late a person of
Plassey on 23 June 1757. The battle The word ‘convincingly’ hides innu- Dr Sen’s stature mentions it and that
was swift, beginning at dawn and end- merable realities pertaining to the too in a 200 year old British media
ing close to sunset. It was a normal battle. website.
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monsoon day, with occasional rain in Yes, the battle began early on the
the mango groves at the town of 23rd of June 1757, no doubt; not quite A long time before Plassey
Plassey…... It was in those mango at dawn per se, but to be particular at One of the more compelling reasons
groves that the British forces faced around 8 AM. And the battle just which led to the accretion of European
the Nawab Siraj-ud-Doula’s army and didn’t end at sunset; though the writ- explorers in the sub-continent was
convincingly defeated it. ing was on the wall much before the that in Europe in the 15th and 16th
Without confronting what the battle was actually fought. The battle centuries, there was a great demand
Nobel Laureate wrote at the begin- finally ended at around 8 PM on the for spices, which were used to mask

30 31

the taste of vast amounts of salt used emphasised that the Company was to ther). Siraj captured Fort William in
for preserving the food through long restrict itself to trade and not to Calcutta and was also wrongly alleged
winters. Furthermore, writes Roy attempt colonisation or conquest. to have been responsible for the death
Moxham in his lucid composition ‘The EICwas to be managed by a governor due to suffocation of a large number of
Theft of India’, pepper was used by and 24 directors. William Hawkins Europeans in the so-called ‘Black Hole
the rich in Europe as an item of fash- captained the ship HECTOR and Tragedy’.
ion! reached India at the largest of the Watson was least interested in
Merchants of Italy controlled the Mughal ports – Surat. As Hawkins moving towards Bengal and defend
trade with the sub-continent from anchored offshore on 24 August 1608, the interests of the EIC because he
Alexandria, Cairo, Beirut, and began an era of British mercantilism was representing the Crown directly
Constantinople. Constantinople was in India which later transformed into and wished to remain in Madras since
captured by the Ottoman Islamic capitalistic imperialism. he was sent for that purpose.
Turks as they defeated the Byzantine Close to 150 years flew past. However, Clive prevailed upon the
Christian Empire in 1453. Naturally, Council members of the English East
markets of Alexandria and Cairo Shortly before Plassey India Company (EIC) at Madras and
became more important for the With the contemplation of war in finally succeeded in persuading
Europeans. Since Arabs were in con- America and Europe between the arch Watson to accompany him to Bengal.
trol of the sea trade to India’s Malabar rivals England and France, Robert Clive was a far sighted individual and
region, they siphoned off the profits Clive and his three regiments of Royal knew that Bengal was a repository of
and price of spices inflated as they wealth and could bail him out of his
finally reached Europe. financial difficulties he was facing at
Moxham tells us that Italian trav-
IT TOOK ALMOST TWO MONTHS FOR THE that juncture due to his investments
eller Nicolo Conti travelled to India in EIC TO GET READY FOR THE INVASION OF in EIC stocks.
the middle of the 15th century and his BENGAL. FINALLY, AS DALRYMPLE It took almost two months for the
travelogue was published in 1492. The WRITES, ON 13 OCTOBER 1756, AN EXPE- EIC to get ready for the invasion of
publication encouraged the Bengal. Finally, as Dalrymple writes,
Portuguese explorers, which led to the DITIONARY FORCE OF ‘785 EUROPEAN on 13 October 1756, an expeditionary
voyage by Vasco da Gama in 1498. TROOPS, 300 MARINES AND 940 INDIAN force of ‘785 European troops, 300
In 1553, exactly hundred years SEPOYS’ SET SAIL TOWARDS BENGAL. BY marines and 940 Indian sepoys’ set
after the conquest of the apparently sail towards Bengal. By the middle of
impregnable Constantinople, some
THE MIDDLE OF DECEMBER 1756, ONE OF December 1756, one of the ships
English merchants planned a voyage THE SHIPS KENT ANCHORED AT FULTA IN Kent, anchored at Fulta in Bengal –
to reach ‘Indies’ through the north of BENGAL, WHERE THE ENGLISH SUR- where the English survivors of
Russia. They however reached VIVORS OF SIRAJUDDAULA’S ATTACK ON SirajudDaula’s attack on Fort
Moscow – met the Tsar – and got trad- William in Calcutta in June 1756 –
ing rights in Russia. They couldn’t
FORT WILLIAM IN CALCUTTA IN JUNE had taken shelter. In fact, by then,
make it to India. 1756 HAD TAKEN SHELTER. almost 50 per cent of the original sur-
One Thomas Stephens, son of a vivorshad died of fever.
wealthy London merchant, turned Clive sent an ultimatum to
priest and reached Goa in 1579. He artillery were sent from London as a Manikchand, who had been entrusted
wrote to his father about the life and pre-emptive measure in securing the Fort William and Alinagar (as
riches of Goa. These stories, writes business interests in the sub-conti- Calcutta was renamed by Siraj).
Moxham, induced excitement and nent. Clive’s entourage arrived at Fort However, the latter did not pay any
curiosity among London merchants St David (near Tamil Nadu’s heed to Clive’s warning. On 27
about India. Finally, on 24 September Cuddalore of today), along with the December 1756, Clive decided to
1599, as William Dalrymple dramati- warships led by Rear Admiral moved upriver. Near the Fort of
cally tells us in his Anarchy, that a Watson. The force however, was sup- Budge Budge, Manikchand in a sur-
motley group of London merchants posed to take on the French. prise move attacked Clive’s retinue.
along with the Mayor of the city sub- Providence nonetheless had different Clive was about to order a retreat as
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scribed anything between 100 to 3,000 plans for them. he was taken aback by this sudden
pounds each and collected 30,000 In June 1756, Bengal’s new attack. However, field artillery and
pounds to plan an expedition to the Mughal governor, SirajudDaula rapid firing of the Brown Bess mus-
East Indies. In the process was attacked EIC settlements in Calcutta kets saved the day for Clive.
formed the English East India since the latter did not stop their for- Manikchand was shot through the
Company (EIC). tifications even after repeated turban.
The Charter was signed on 31 requests by the former Mughal gover- On 02 January 1757, Clive and
December 1600 whereupon it was nor Alivardi Khan (Siraj’s grandfa- Watson’s forces reached Fort William.


Manikchand relinquished his position settlements in Calcutta Roger Drake their Fort d’Orleans. Nonetheless, in a reaction of the Bengal nobility close what force you have – even a thou- unsure of the intent of Mir Jafar and
after a brief skirmish. The very next was to be removed as the Governor of single day’s fighting, the French lost to Alivardi if Siraj was displaced in a sand horse will be sufficient, and I’ll his lackeys. By then, Siraj’s army of
day, Clive declared war on Siraj in the Calcutta about 200 men killed or wounded. coup led by them. The plot was sim- engage to march immediately with 50,000 had reached the mango planta-
name of the EIC.Watson too did the The last point was a personal The Director of the French factory ple. Let Clive and EIC be the con- you to Murshidabad. I prefer conquer- tions of Plassey (or Palashi, about 150
same in the name of the Crown. This demand of Siraj, which was duly com- at Kasimbazar (near Plassey), Jean tract killers and let Jafar and his ing by open force.” km north from Kolkata). And without
was indeed a historic event. A mer- plied with by the EIC since Drake was Law wrote: sidekicks Yar Latif Khan, Raja Rai This definitely showed the charac- Mir Jafar’s express commitment, this
cantile company declared war against already unpopular and was utterly “…with the fall of Chandernagore, Durlabh Ram enjoy the booty. ter of Clive vis-à-vis the treacherous decision was very crucial for Clive.
a sovereign authority. inefficient in defending the EIC settle- the gate to the entire country was In this enterprise, Jafar was not Jafar Ali Khan and his cohorts. At Nine of Clive’s senior officers
However, Siraj appeared stern ments in 1756 against Siraj’s attack. thrown open to the English.” the sole mastermind. The Oswal mer- least Clive true to his spirit and char- voted. Seven of them were against
and not to give up so easily. As he was Drake’s removal was a face saving Law hit the bull’s eye. It was only chants from Rajasthan, the so-called acter, wished to fight Siraj. On the immediate military action and only
basking in the glory of defeating the measure for Siraj which he demanded another European contingent which JagatSeths or the ‘Bankers of contrary, Mir Jafar and his co-conspir- two were in favour. Out of eight junior
EIC last year, he gathered an army of in order to satisfy his ego since in could have taken on the EIC. Bengal’Mahtab Rai and Swaroop ators were mere opportunists. officers, five were in favour. So, total
60,000 soldiers and attacked Calcutta 1756 Drake had fled and Siraj could Especially the French, since they had Chand spearheaded the ‘revolution’ Perhaps, they were outrageously seven officers were in favour of taking
once more.Though Clive initially not get him by the scruff of his neck. shown their military muscle in 1746 insofar as idea, planning and finances rational beings, trying to exact maxi- on Siraj at Plassey, whereas the
wanted to settle the issue with Siraj On 23 February 1757, Clive wrote in the battle of Adyar (near Madras) were concerned. A diplomatic blunder mum benefit out of the money offered majority wanted to back out. Amongst
through discussions, the latter treated to his father: by defeating the Mughal governor’s of slapping Mahtab Rai and threaten- to the EIC. They possibly had in their the junior ranks, Eyre Coote was most
Clive’s negotiators with utter disre- son Mahfuz Khan and the latter’s ing him of circumcision in open court vocal as he reasoned that any delay
gard. 10,000 strong force. by SirajudDaula sparked the outrage. might dampen the spirits of the sol-
As a reaction and true to his char-
AS A REACTION AND TRUE TO HIS CHAR- Meanwhile, Siraj remained indeci- BY 19 MAY 1757, MIR JAFAR diers since they had already captured
acter, Clive decided to retaliate in a ACTER, CLIVE DECIDED TO RETALIATE IN A sive. He sent a relief force towards Nearing Plassey AGREED TO PAY THE EIC A the Fort of Katwa, and consequently
night attack against Siraj. Clive took NIGHT ATTACK AGAINST SIRAJ. CLIVE Chandernagore, but later withdrew it. On 01 May 1757, a Secret Committee SUM OF 1 MILLION POUND should move on. Coote was of the opin-
about 500 sailors from Watson in TOOK ABOUT 500 SAILORS FROM WATSON On 24 March, Sirajgifted two leopards made up of senior EIC officials in ion that they were on a victorious
order to carry the ammunition and to Clive and congratulated him on his Bengal formally resolved to join the
STERLING AS COMPENSATION spree from the Battle of Budge Budge
draw the artillery guns. About 4 am IN ORDER TO CARRY THE AMMUNITION victory.Siraj in fact had alienated plot of dethroning Siraj. However, the FOR THE LOSS OF CALCUTTA onwards and hence ought to continue
on the 5th of February 1757, Clive and AND DRAW THE ARTILLERY GUNS. ABOUT many military commanders of sum assured was raised to 3 million AND ANOTHER 0.5 MILLION POUND STER- their journey.
his troops were marching towards 4 AM ON THE 5TH OF FEBRUARY 1757, Alivardi’s regime.Most disgruntled pound sterling – the entire annual LING AS COMPENSATION TO THE At the same time, Clive received a
Siraj’s camp at the outskirts of north was Mir Jafar Ali Khan, who was revenue of Bengal. In addition, letter from Jafar [Moxham, p 222]
Calcutta.Clive’s men reached the cen-
CLIVE AND HIS TROOPS WERE MARCHING sidelined by Siraj even after being Rs 1,10,000 a month were to be
tre of Siraj’s camp after a brief resist- TOWARDS SIRAJ’S CAMP AT THE OUT- instrumental in the victory over the given for the payment of troops of DUE TO THE ATTACK ON FORT WILLIAM “When you come near, I shall be
ance by the latter’s forces. By 11 am SKIRTS OF NORTH CALCUTTA.CLIVE’S MEN EIC in Calcutta in 1756. EIC. Furthermore, the EIC was to get LAST YEAR. FINALLY, ON 13 JUNE, CLIVE able to join you…..When I am arrived
on that day, Clive after having lost REACHED THE CENTRE OF SIRAJ’S CAMP Mir Jafar was a shiamuslim from the zamindari rights near Calcutta. SENT AN ULTIMATUM TO SIRAJ-UD- near the army, I will send you private-
about 150 soldiers returned to Fort Najaf in Iraq. He was unhappy Moreover, by 19 May 1757, Mir ly all the intelligence….”
William a despondent man.Since
AFTER A BRIEF RESISTANCE BY THE LAT- because the governorship of Calcutta Jafar agreed to pay the EIC a sum of DAULA ACCUSING HIM OF DISHONORING Clive’s confidence was relatively
there was thick fog on that day Clive’s TER’S FORCES. was granted to Manikchand though it 1 million pound sterling as compensa- THE TREATY OF ALINAGAR. bolstered and he immediately pro-
forces were unsure of hitting their tar- was Jafar who led the avantegarde of tion for the loss of Calcutta and anoth- ceeded towards Palashi and reached
get. Siraj’s forces against the Company in er 0.5 million pound sterling as com- the place at 1 AM on 23 June 1757.
Siraj on the other hand, lost about “I expect to return very shortly to capturing Calcutta. Out of frustration pensation to the European inhabi- mind the simple arithmetic that in When Clive and his troops arrived at
2,000 men. Siraj’s closest aide and the coast [Madras], as all is over as well as greed, Mir Jafar planned to tants who suffered due to the attack return to the hefty sum dished out to Plassey, writes Chakravarti [p 262],
commander Dost Mohammad Khan here.” offer the EIC a sum of Rs 2.5 crores if on Fort William last year. Finally, on Clive and his men, they expected the ‘they were stunned to discover that
was disabled in the battle. In fact, However, as the 7 years’ war the EIC in turn helped him to remove 13 June, Clive sent an ultimatum to entire fighting to be done by the EIC Siraj’ army had got there well before
Clive too lost his secretary in the erupted in full blaze and under the Siraj. Siraj-ud-Daula accusing him of dis- and minimum harm was to be inflict- them….”
fight. Siraj nonetheless was petrified command of EIC directors from The interesting aspect here is not honoring the Treaty of Alinagar.On ed on the native troops of Jafar and Nonetheless, Clive’s forces posi-
and retreated 10 miles away. London, Watson declared war against why Mir Jafar and others conspired the same day, Clive along with an Co. tioned themselves in a large mango
Just the next day, Siraj sent an the French in Bengal. As fallout, against Siraj, who was by no means army of 2,200 Telingasepoys, 800 Clive however was not satisfied orchard, surrounded by a ditch and a
ambassador to Clive for inking a Watson planned to attack the French a worthy candidate for being the Europeans and 8 cannons, marched with Jafar’s commitment, which high bank. Clive occupied a hunting
peace deal. This too was true to the settlement atChandernagore (today’s Subahdar (governor) of Mughal towards Murshidabad, a town about appeared to him to be equivocal. lodge [used earlier by Siraj] between
character of Siraj – a man of extremes. Chandannagar, about 50 km from Bengal, but why they sought the 200 km up north from present day Hence, he wrote a letter requesting the orchard and the Bhagirathi river.
He showed strength and cruelty to the Kolkata). help of Clive to dislodge Siraj– an Kolkata. support from Raja of Bardhaman – It was tactically advantageous
weak whereas the moment his oppo- On 8 March 1757, with an army of act which they could have done Nevertheless, Clive did not receive Tilak Chand. Clive actually needed because he could have kept a watch on

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nent would counter him the hard way, 2,700Clive and Watson began their themselves. Probably, they were any clear signals nor information of cavalry. Clive also wrote on 20 June to the proceedings of the battle from the
he would turn meek. Three days later, march towards Chandernagore. quite awestruck at the military intent from Mir Jafar. Clive kept on the nawab Assad-uz-Zaman of rooftop of the lodge.
the Treaty of Alinagar was signed. Interestingly, Siraj did not intervene, prowess of the EIC and the leader- sending missives to Jafar elaborating Birbhum requesting for cavalry, EIC’s official historian of the peri-
According to it: with the tacit assurance of the EIC ship ability of Clive that they were his intent and expectations. But the informs journalist Sudeep od, Robert Orme has estimated that
All trade privileges of EIC were that they will help him if the Afghan unsure if they attacked Siraj, then latter remained unusually silent. In Chakravarti in his book Plassey. Siraj’s army numbered about 35,000
restored All EIC goods were exempted marauder Ahmad Shah Abdali EIC might come to his rescue invok- one of the letters, Clive wrote: On 21 June 1757, Clive called a to 40,000 infantry, armed mainly with
of taxes EIC was allowed to establish attacks Bengal. The French at the ing the Treaty of Alinagar. They “Come over to me at Plassey or Council of War to decide whether to matchlock guns, swords, pikes, rock-
a mint EIC was allowed to fortify their other end had 700 soldiers to defend were perhaps circumspect of the any other place you judge proper with continue with the campaign as he was ets. There were about 18,000 Pathan

34 35

cavalry too. Also, artillery consisted of Interestingly, occasional explo- Company.

50 cannons, mostly 24 and 32 pounder sions of ammunition amongst Siraj’s Chief of Artillery Mir Madan was
field guns. These guns, along with artillery wing were heard. Lack of effi- killed. Nauwe Singh Hazari- captain
their gunners were carried on six feet ciency of Siraj’s artillery was palpable. of artillery – also lost his life. Bahadur
high platforms being driven by a Moreover, casualties went down con- Ali Khan, commander of musketeers,
group of 40-50 oxen and at times siderably for EIC since they took posi- died. Siraj was unnerved, for the sec-
pushed by elephants from behind tions behind the embankments. ond time in his brief period of show-
when they were stuck. The battle reached some sort of a down with the EIC.
A small artillery detachment stalemate. Clive called a meeting of Siraj in a very humble tone, bowed
under the command of St Frais his staff at around 11 AM. It was down in front of Mir Jafar, even
(Sinfray) and 50 French soldiers took decided to continue with the artillery placed his turban in front of him
position beside the water tank nearest firing till the evening and attempt to attempting to invoke his emotions so
to the mango grove. Siraj, interesting- attack Siraj’s camp at midnight, uti- that Jafar helps him save his honour.
ly ‘waited inside his tent at the back of lizing the element of surprise and However, nothing happened to that
his formation….shielded by the bulk speed at which Clive was such an effect. Jafar answered in a cold tone
of troops loyal to him’, writes expert. that since the day was about to end,
Chakravarti [p 272] However, the crucial turn around there was no time for an attack. So, it
Mir Madan, the Superintendent of for Clive took place at 12 pm with the was prudent to order a retreat, in
Artillery of Siraj’s forces, told him onset of the monsoon rains. Siraj’s order to fight the next day.
that ‘the English were coming at the artillery wing was so careless that Conspirators Mir Jafar, Raja Rai
instigation of Mir Muhammad Jafar, they did not bother to bring adequate Durlabh and Yar Latif Khan, who
and ….therefore it is expedient to fin- covers for the ammunition. At the among themselves were marshalling
ish Mir Muhammad Jafar, and if he is other end, Clive’s forces were disci- troops to the tune of 35,000 and could
killed, the English would not have the plined enough to cover their guns and have decided the fate of the war, coun-
daring to approach this side.” ammunition with tarpaulin. selled Siraj to withdraw from the battle-
However, Siraj did not pay any Without much critical thought field by playing on his fears of the
heed to this counsel of Mir that Clive’s troops might have had English. They goaded Siraj to quit and
Madan.Why? Was Siraj that big a their ammunition intact, the latter escaped on camel back to
fool? One reason could be that Mir Siraj’sotherwise brave cavalry com- reach Murshidabad early next morning.
Jafarhad already taken an oath of the mander Mir Madan advanced towards The three traitorous generals then
Quran and pledged loyalty to Siraj. In the Company forces, assuming that started retreating from the battle-
that sense, Siraj was a bit relieved too. field. Such a sight created confusion
Historian Sushil Chowdhury attempts AT 8 AM ON THE 23RD OF JUNE amongst the remaining rank and file
to provide an answer [p. 153, 1757, SIRAJ’S ARTILLERY STARTED of Siraj’s forces. Mohan Lal and St
PalashirOjanaKahini]. Chowdhury Fraishowever continued the fight, but
quotes Jean Law:
FIRING AT THE EIC. IN FACT, IT WAS ST it was already a lost battle.
“Perhaps, since Mohanlal(Siraj’s FRAIS WHO OPENED UP THE FIRE. IN 30 IAS officer and author
confidante) was indisposed, Siraj was MINUTES OR SO, CLIVE LOST 10 NitishSengupta in his book ‘Land of
unable to trust anyone. That’s why he EUROPEANS AND 20 SEPOYS. Two Rivers’ writes that Mohan Lal
tried to show his enemies that he was and St Frais fought valiantly till 5 pm
believing them. So that his enemies be
IMMEDIATELY, CLIVE ORDERED HIS and thereafter left Palashi [p 171,
beside him for the time being as he TROOPS TO TAKE DEFENSIVE POSITIONS. Sengupta]. By that time, the EIC were
deals with the EIC. Thereafter he will SIRAJ’S SOLDIERS THOUGHT THE EIC MEN in possession of the whole entrench-
pounce upon the conspirators at an WERE RETREATING AND HENCE KEPT ON ment of the Nawab’s forces as well as
opportune moment.” his camp.By 8 pm, the battle of
At 8 am on the 23rd of June 1757, FIRING AT THEM BY MOVING UP THEIR Palashi was over, with Clive’s forward
Siraj’s artillery started firing at the HEAVY GUNS. BUT THE SHOTS MISSED forces chasing the left over
EIC. In fact, it was St Frais who THE EIC, RATHER THEY HIT THE TREES. Siraj’smatchlock men and paltry
opened up the fire. In 30 minutes or French forces into historical obscurity.
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

so, Clive lost 10 Europeans and 20 The victory made the EIC virtual
sepoys. Immediately, Clive ordered his enemy’s guns were also disabled masters of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha,
his troops to take defensive positions. like his, due to the downpour. Soon he opines Colonel Malleson in his The
Siraj’s soldiers thought the EIC men was surprised to find a cannon ball hit Decisive Battles of India.
were retreating and hence kept on fir- his stomach and his elite 5,000
ing at them by moving up their heavy Afghan cavalry face a barrage of can- Conclusion
guns. But the shots missed the EIC, non balls and array of bullets from the Now the questions that crop up are:
rather they hit the trees. musket wielding infantry of the Would Siraj have won the day at


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! 68.+.*)
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5*6743&1 3)*6
93)*6 ! &3)
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*,.78*6*) .8- !!!
;.8- !!! 664:.)*)
4:.)*) ! 0.11 *:*1452*38
!0.11 *:*1452*38
(*37*) 93)*6
93)*6 ! (8
(8 446*
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8-*3 1.*387
1.*387 " 6&.3.3, 84
"6&.3.3, 84 &6493)
3 **1-.
1-. &6=&3&
&6=&3& +642 **386&1
+642 386&1 !8&8*
!8&8* *1-.
*1-. & 3).)&8*7 9
&3).)&8*7 3)*6
93)*6 $%
&/&78-&3 9
&/&78-&3 3/&' #
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.-&6 4:87 !#7
4:87 !#7 475.8&17
475.8&17 &3)
&3) # 3)*6 ;&=
#3)*6 ;&= 8484 ! 0.11
!0.11 84
!8&8* 4+4+ 88-* &68 **(4,3.>*)
-* &68 (4,3.>*) !0.11!0.11 5 6.: :&8* 77*(846
56.:&8* *(846 ,.&387
,.&387 ;.8-
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&3).)&8*7 5 5*6 *&6 9
*6 = 3)*6
*:*1452*38 (&)*2= (&)*2= ..3 3 **1-.
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! (-*2* 4+ 4+ $%
*,.78*6*) $ $"" ; .8-
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! *(96.8=
& (.1.8= #8.1.8=
Plassey if his artillery wing had been there was a possibility of Sirajturning "6&.3.3,
" 6&.3.3, !0.11 *:*1452*38
!0.11 *:*1452*38
disciplined enough to cover their EACH OPTION HAS ITS OWN the tables against Clive. But alas, 437918&3(=
ammunition with tarpaulin? Siraj did not show any mettle whatso- .6*
.6* &3)
&3) !&+*8= 3,.3**6.3,
!&+*8= 3,.3**6.3,
Would Siraj have been victorious if
PROBABILISTIC OUTCOME. INDEED, ever. He turned out to be a coward 475.8&1.8=
Mir Jafar and his associates have WITH HIS ARTILLERY INTACT, and inept general. &354;*6
& 354;*6 !9551=
fought with their infantry? SIRAJ’S ARMY WOULD HAVE What transpires is the defeat in !5*(.&1=
!5*(.&1= " "6&.3*)
Would the results have been dif- the Battle of Plassey were among oth-
2 &354;*6 ++46 )*514=2*38
46 )*514=2*38
ferent if Siraj held his ground and not ers, due to the following factors:
3 93)*6,6493) 2.3*7
93)*6,6493) 2.3*7
fled the battlefield but led his forces Lack of proper training and disci-
"6&++.( &68.&1
valiantly? pline of Indian forces
& 30 7 & &7-
7- $&3
$& 3
Each option has its own proba- HIGHER THAN THAT OF TRADITIONAL Lack of development of artillery
bilistic outcome. Indeed, with his corps in mid-18th century India
artillery intact, Siraj’s army would
INDIAN CANNONS’ ONCE IN 15 MINUTES Lack of generalship by Sirajud
have fought on till the evening, with EFFICIENCY. THEREAFTER, CLIVE’S NIGHT Daula
the EIC field guns’ rate of fire of 5 to 6 RAID COULD HAVE BEEN INTERESTING TO Conspiracy by three commanders
times per minute being much higher WATCH OUT. SIRAJ’S DEFEAT WAS DEFI- of Siraj
than that of traditional Indian can- At a fundamental level, it is clear
nons’ once in 15 minutes efficiency.
NITELY ONE OPTION IN THAT RAID. that defeat at Plassey was by no
Thereafter, Clive’s night raid could means a ‘convincing victory’ (as Dr
have been interesting to watch out. of the EIC, yet overall the march of Sen would persuade us to believe) by
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

Siraj’s defeat was definitely one infantry of around 35,000 appears to Clive and the EIC, which however
option in that raid. be a ‘mowing down’ of around 3000 sol- came much later in a series of battles
If Jafar and his men would have diers with only 2 field guns. from 1759 to 1857.
fought, there was a high chance that With Siraj leading his forces by (The writer writes on history,
they could have outnumbered Clive’s example would have surely embold- insurgency, counterinsurgency,
forces, howsoever efficient and trained ened the spirits of his soldiers. And physics and foreign policy.
they were. Large casualties could have with St Frais and Mohanlal still fight- Any opinion expressed in this
been expected from the field gun firing ing, though of low probability, yet piece is author’s own.) UTTAR PRADESH | MADHYA A PRADESH | BIHAR

Tokyo Olympics
Lessons to Indian Youth
means to keep the body healthy. One of the main problems in our
Scientists also believe that playing in society is the age-old notion of show-
open fields like parks increases the ing sport as inferior to education.
body's immunity. This develops Most parents believe that sports are
human values as well as develops col- just a means to pass the time. The
lective consciousness through sports result of this mindset is quite evident
By Dr. Brajesh Kumar Tiwari because the basic spirit of the game is in our generation, especially at a time nor doctors nor engineers and scien- is definitely some talent in everyone
not to play alone but in a group. when virtual and mobile gaming tists; They are players. Everyone whether it is in studies or sports. The

healthy mind resides in a Sports teach us a lot in the process devices have occupied a large part of appreciates and loves them too, but sports market is vast, and the oppor-
healthy body. Sports are an of playing, which also serves as an one's life. Be it children or youth, con- how many of us can muster up the tunities are limitless. There is also a
important part of our life. In essential factor in our physical, men- stantly playing games or video games courage to be like them? In the con- bright future in sports and a lot of
the playground itself, we can develop tal and personal development. It on mobile is becoming a habit of peo- text of India, the game is usually asso- career options too, youth can make a
a healthy mindset by taking lessons teaches us valuable qualities like time ple today. ciated with cricket, where most par- career on-field by becoming a profes-
from defeat and victory. In the Indian management, leadership, confidence Kapil Dev, Sachin Tendulkar, ents areengaged in making children sional player or coach and off-field in
way of life, thousands of years ago, building, learning from mistakes, tak- Neeraj Chopra, PT Usha, Mary Kom, Sachin. They do not think that even sports management fieldSuch as
sages understood the importance of ing responsibility, teamworkand Hima Das, PV Sindhu, Saina Nehwal, the spear of Maharana Pratap can sports teacher, sports coach, sports
Yogasanas. It is also written in the enthusiasm.These are some intangi- Mirabai Chanu and the list goes on. become a Neeraj Chopra and domi- journalism, sports management,
Upanishad Sharimadyam Khalu ble benefits of games that cannot be These are some of the names that we nate the world. sports engineering, sports science,
Dharmasadhanam, which means that explored in books or virtual gaming often mention in our daily life. Who Most of the students think that sports marketing, sports sponsorship,
sports and exercise are the main devices. are they? They are neither IAS-PCS getting the highest marks in the sports tourism, sports broadcasting,
examination will lead to further suc- fan development, event and venue
cess in life, whereas the truth is not management, sports psychology,
like this. Today, when big companies sports PR and fitness experts, etc. If a Chanu, it can be said: "There is victo-
come to the campus placements to person has an analytical mindset, ry in front of excuses."
select the youth for their company, the then he can also indulge in sports ana- The need of the hour is to create a
topper of the college is also not select- lytics. Youth can contribute to sports sports culture, Youth use these turbu-
ed, the biggest reason is the lack of in a number of factors. Sports lent times of covid as a learning
overall development of personality, Authority of India is also doing all moment, India's youth is the future of
which can be complete only with the possible help for the players, today Indian sports. Our country is project-
help of sports. there are many opportunities for the ed to become the youngest country in
Thenature of sports is to be unit- players to get jobs in both government the world by 2025, with 62% of the
ed. Sport is equal for all, it does not and private sectors.Government insti- population being youth.The youth
discriminate between daughter and tutions like Railways, Air India, have to think about how they can con-
son, every gender should get equal Bharat Petroleum, ONGC, IOC- as tribute to positive change. In fact,
recognition, but this is not happening well as private groups like Tata sports are as important as education
in the society. Indira Gandhi became Academy, Jindal Group are also for success in life.Sports, as a sector,
the first woman Prime Minister of involved in the development of sports can contribute to a country's Gross
India in the 1960s. Then in 2007, in and sportspersons. Domestic Product (GDP). The key is to
our country, Pratibha Patil became Talent can emerge from any- change the mindset towards sports. It
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

the first woman President of the coun- where Our country has many hidden starts with the society and goes to the
try. But can we claim a safe, equal talents especially in rural areas, government.
and empowered society for women which if provided a platform and
today? The mood of the same society training, they can make India proud (The writer is Associate
becomes primitive as soon as the girl in various national and international Professor, Atal Bihari Vajpayee
is known in the womb. It is a sin to level events like Olympics, School of Management &
deprive someone of the right to life. Commonwealth etc.Looking at the Entrepreneurship, JNU. Views
We should understand that there struggle of Hima Das and Mirabai expressed are personal)

40 41

plainant and threatening him that if petitioner has gone into hiding and that there is a likelihood of her flee-

Case Of

photo courtesy:

their demands are not met a case of she has surfaced only when the co- ing from justice and that she would
rape would be filed against the com- accused, Nikhil Bhattal, was granted not cooperate with the investigation.
plainant. FIR No.118/2021 dated bail by this Court. She further states The probability of the petitioner and

Honey Trap 10.04.2021 was registered at Police

Station South Rohini for offences
punishable under Sections 328, 389
and 34 IPC.
that the investigation is at a very
nascent stage, qua the petitioner, the
petitioner is alleged of an offence
under Section 328 IPC for which the
the co-accused, Nikhil Bhattal,
extending threats to the complainant
cannot be ruled out at this stage.”
As a corollary, the Bench then
On the one hand, the Bench dis- petitioner can be punished with up to holds in para 12 that, “In view of the
Delhi HC Denies Anticipatory closes in para 5 that, “Mr. Viraj Datar, ten years of imprisonment. She above, this Court feels that this is not

Bail To Woman Who Allegedly learned Senior Counsel appearing for

the petitioner states that the fact that
states that the conduct of the peti-
tioner shows that she can abscond
a fit case where the petitioner should
be granted bail in the event of
Threatened Man Of Filing False the petitioner was trying to prepare
her defence and therefore the fact that
and therefore the petitioner ought
not be granted anticipatory bail.”
Finally, it is then held in para 13
Rape Case she did not join the investigation does Adding more to it, the Bench then that, “Accordingly, the petition is dis-
not mean that the petitioner was states in para 7 that, “Mr. Rahul missed along with the pending appli-
absconding. He states that the peti- Chandlok, the learned counsel for the cations, if any.”
By Sanjeev Sirohi
tioner had gone to the Police Station complainant supports the case of the No doubt, whenever a woman is
and her statement under Section 164 prosecution and states that the peti- found to be brazenly indulging in any

e see day in and day out (Putting person in fear of accusation er lives with Nikhil Bhattal. It is Cr.P.C was recorded in the complaint tioner and the co-accused have con- such act whereby she deliberately and
endless debates, discus- of offence, in order to commit extor- stated that the petitioner offered a filed by her against the complainant stantly threatened the complainant maliciously tries to falsely implicate
sions and deliberations in tion) and 34 (common intention) IPC. soft drink to the complainant. It is on allegations of rape. He states that and have demanded money. He the men in a fake case, she must be
various news channels, news portals To start with, the Single Judge stated that after consuming the drink the mere ipse dixit in the Status states that it is a case of honey trap denied anticipatory bail and dealt with
and so also in other sources of media Bench of Justice Subramonium the complainant started feeling Report that the petitioner is abscond- and anticipatory bail ought not to be most strictly. It is the bounden duty of
on how women suffers immeasurably Prasad of Delhi High Court who dizzy. It is stated that the said Nikhil ing does not hold water. He states given to the petitioner.” our law makers to deliberate most seri-
at the hands of men and strident cho- authored this brief, brilliant, bal- Bhattal asked the complainant to that the Police have not taken any Most significantly and also most ously on this increasing misuse of penal
rus of voices demanding the most anced and bold judgment sets the take rest and he left the room. It is steps/action against the petitioner by remarkably, what forms the corner- laws against men and act promptly in
strictest punishment for such men ball rolling by first and foremost put- stated that after Nikhil Bhattal left filing applications before the con- stone of this notable judgment is that this direction by inserting strictest
who dare to indulge in crimes of any ting forth in para 1 that, “The peti- the room the petitioner herein came cerned Court to declare the petitioner the Bench then envisages eloquently in punishment in all such cases when she
kind against women. But what when tioner has filed the instant petition close to the complainant and started a proclaimed offender. He further para 8 that, “A reading of the FIR is found to be falsely indulging in the
women makes a hell of men’s life and under Section 438 Cr.P.C. for grant rubbing his head and thereafter the states that other than taking voice shows that this is a case of honey trap. same for greed of money or some other
coerces him to meet all her utopian of bail in the event of arrest in FIR complainant became unconscious. It samples there is no necessity for The allegation against the petitioner is vested interest! Women is now match-
demands? Mostly she escapes very No.118/2021 dated 10.04.2021 regis- is stated that when the complainant arresting the petitioner and therefore that she has threatened the com- ing shoulder to shoulder with men in
easily and we rarely ever get to see tered at Police Station South Rohini regained consciousness he was the petitioner should be granted antic- plainant and has demanded money. all fields then why should she be given
any protest! for offences punishable under shocked to see that the petitioner was ipatory bail.” Material on record shows that only a blank cheque even now also to harass,
Simply put, we don’t see the same Sections 328, 389 and 34 IPC.” rubbing his private part. It is stated On the other hand, the Bench when the complainant filed the instant humiliate and harangue men to the hilt
happening here when men is pun- To put things in perspective, the that the complainant went outside then reveals in para 6 that, “Per con- FIR, the petitioner filed her complaint whenever she wants, wherever she
ished most wrongly. But his leading Bench then enunciates in para 2 the room. It is stated that when tra, Ms. Kusum Dhalla, learned APP under Section 376 IPC against the wants and whatever manner she
case is an exception! We must note that, “The brief facts leading to this Nikhil Bhattal came back, the com- contends that the petitioner was not complainant herein. Investigation is at wants?
here how in this learned, latest, laud- bail application are as under: plainant narrated the incident to available at her residence when the a very nascent stage. The petitioner is It goes without saying that
able and landmark judgment titled a) A complaint was filed by one him. It is stated that on hearing Police went there and the petitioner accused of an offence under Section women also must be made to face
Ishu vs The State in Bail Appln. Rishab Jain (Complainant) stating about the incident Nikhil Bhattal got had not joined the investigation. She 328 IPC which permits for imprison- the music and suffer jail term as
2837/2021 delivered just recently on that he has a business of marble and furious and broke the phone of his also states that the FIR was lodged ment up to four years.” also made to pay a heavy penalty for
August 16, 2021, the Delhi High tiles and he runs a Shop at B-81, girlfriend. It is stated in the com- on 10.04.2021 and the Police did not No less significant is what is then defaming men and implicating him
Court has denied anticipatory bail to a Marble market, Mangolpur Kalan, plaint that thereafter demands for a rush to the court by moving an appli- pointed out in para 11 that, “Charge- without any sufficient cause! This is
woman who allegedly threatened a opposite Indian Bank, New Delhi. He mobile phone, a TV and Rs.2,00,000/- cation without taking all efforts to sheet qua the petitioner is yet to be the crying need of the hour also! The
man of filing rape case against him if stated that on 01.04.2021, one Nikhil in cash were made and the com- ensure that the accused against filed. The petitioner’s voice sample earlier this is done, the better it
he failed to meet her demand of Rs 2 Bhattal, whom the complainant plainant was threatened that if whom allegations are made joins the has to be taken and the investigation shall be in the larger interests of our
lakhs. It also commendably observed knew, came to his shop and asked for demands are not met the petitioner investigation. She states that the has also to be conducted as to country as no women would be able
that, “This is a case of honey trap.” It some good quality marble stones/tiles herein would file a case of rape present case is one of honey trap and whether there are any other cases in to make a hell of the life of an inno-
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

must be also apprised here that the for renovation of his residence and he against the complainant. It is stated the fact that the petitioner gave her which the petitioner is involved and cent men as per her own whims and
Single Judge Bench of Justice insisted that the complainant must that after the incident the com- statement under Section 164 Cr.P.C. as stated earlier the investigation is fancies! We all know too very well
Subramonium Prasad of Delhi High visit his house. It is stated that when plainant was called more than 25 would have no relevance because the at a nascent stage. The petitioner is that how many women blatantly
Court was dealing with the anticipa- the complainant visited the house of times for payment of money. The first step in a case of rape is to record accused of an offence under Section misuse anti-dowry laws against men
tory bail filed by a woman accused for the said Nikhil Bhattal, he intro- complainant also produced various the statement of the prosecutrix 328 IPC, which is a serious offence. and so also misuse domestic vio-
offences punishable under Section 328 duced the complainant to his girl- voice recordings to substantiate that under Section 164 Cr.P.C. She fur- There is some justification in the con- lence laws apart from other laws
(Causing hurt by means of poison etc friend, lshu @ Bobby (the petitioner the petitioner and Nikhil Bhattal are ther states that the moment the com- tention of the learned APP that the enacted for their benefit against
with intent to commit an offence), 389 herein). It is stated that the petition- demanding money from the com- plainant filed the instant FIR the conduct of the petitioner does show men. This must end!

42 43

recovery of debts, deposits, sale and which he had agreed to convey to its

National Pride
purchase, partnership, resumption of MANY OF THE PROVISIONS destination, was to give away sixth
gifts, non-payment of wages and non part of the wage. When the merchan-
performance of agreements. Manu
OF ARTHSHASTRA ARE SIMILAR dise was damaged by the carriers’
Smriti (between 8th and 6th century TO THOSE OF THE SMRITIS. fault, he was to make good every loss.
B.C.), Narada Smriti (between 1st THE STRIKING CORRESPONDENCE
and 2nd century AD) and Brihaspati BETWEEN ARTHSHASTRA AND THE Sale and Purchase of Goods
Smriti (from 200 AD to 400 AD) lay According to Manu Smriti, adulter-
Consumer Protection in Ancient India down various codes to guide rulers,
officers, businessmen and consumers
ation of commodities was severely
punishable Dishonesty with customer
regarding the conduct of economic TURNED THE METRICAL RULES OF was heavily fined. Ancient Indian
activity. The total number of Smritis society highly effective in n regulat-
is quite large and the commentaries ing the many wrongs of the market
on them larger still. The commen- MOREOVER THE RULES THAT WERE EAR- place. When a seller showed one thing
taries not only explain the Smritis LIER TREATED AS THE TENETS OF but delivered other with blemishes,
but also considerably modify their DHARMA BECAME ADMINISTRATIVE LAW he was to pay twice the value to the
doctrines in order to bring them in purchaser and an equal amount as
line with the changed conditions of
THROUGH ARTHSHASTRA. fine. A person misrepresenting the
society. Arthshastra written by quality or quantity of commodity was
Vishnugupta or Kautilya was the weighing, substitution, interchange, fined eight times the value of product.
work of Maurya period during fourth knocking off or cutting out, scratching According to Narada and Brihaspati,
century BC. The ancient Indian out and rubbing out of precious met- a man who knowingly sold a blem-
jurists regarded law as a branch of als and the punishments and fines in ished product, was to pay twice its
Dharma whereby law and Dharma such cases are prescribed. Goods value to the purchaser and a fine of
were not differentiated. Dharma entrusted to artisans for repair or the same amount to the king.
meant the aggregate duties and obli- making were covered by a guarantee Sale of articles such as timber,
gations- religious, moral, social and from appropriate guild. The work was iron, brilliant stones, ropes, skins,
legal and based all dealings on mutu- to be completed within stipulated earthenware, threads, fibrous gar-
al good and right of one party was the period. Every artisan or craftsman ments and woolen clothes as superior
responsibility of the other. Deviation was responsible for compensating the though they were really inferior was
from the rules of fair conduct meant owner if the entrusted article was lost punished with a fine of eight times
going away from the path of Dharma. or destroyed, unless that was due to the value of the articles sold.
The rules governing these were for- sudden calamity.
mulated by Dharmashastras or Consumers were protected from Rescission of Purchase
Smritis which lay down a comprehen- the malpractices of service providers. If the purchaser was not satisfied
sive code to regulate human conduct. Manu Smriti provides that a washer- with the quality of the commodity it
Many of the provisions of man shall wash gently on a smooth could be returned to seller within 10
Arthshastra are similar to those of board of Salmaliwood, he shall not days, according to Manu Smriti, but
the Smritis. The striking correspon- return the clothes of one person as Narada Smriti provides that when a
dence between Arthshastra and the those of the other, nor allow any body purchaser, after having purchased an
Smritis may as well be taken to lead but the owner) to wear them. article for a certain price thinks he
thing new in India because the need trade. Production and exchange were to the inference that Kautilya turned Similarly, Kautilya provides that if a has made a foolish bargain, he may
for consumer protection was recog- facilitated through the institution of the metrical rules of Dharmashastras washerman does not wash clothes on return it to the vendor on the same
nized by our law makers even in guild (sreni) or the ancient Indian into prose and more over the rules wooden planks or smooth stone he day, in an undamaged condition.
ancient times. The ancient Indian law corporations. With the increase of that were earlier treated as the tenets shall be fined six panas (silver coin) When the purchaser returns it on the
codes regulated not only social condi- economic activity, the need to make of Dharma became administrative and shall pay compensation equal to second day, he shall lose a thirtieth
tions but also the economic life of peo- rules and regulations for the protec- law through Arthshastra. Our the damage. Disputes about dyeing part of price. He shall lose twice as
BY DR PRATIBHA GOYAL ple by establishing human values and tion of consumers was felt. In Dharmashastras teach dharma, and were adjudicated by experts. much on the third day. After that
code of trade practices to protect the Mahabharata, Maharsihi Ved Vyas regard deviation from it as sin. The Arthshastra gives minute details of time, the purchaser was to keep it.
interests of buyers. The evidences clearly highlights the importance of Arthshastra lays down rules and time limit and quality of services. Arthshastra provides that goods with
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

onsumer satisfaction holds a regarding this are clearly available in protecting consumers against the regards transgression of law as crime Failure to render a promised serv- inherent defects or those devoid of
great significance in the area many shastras such as Manu Smriti, unethical practices of business. to be punished by government. ice was termed as breach of contract. quality could be returned by purchas-
of commerce and business Narada Smriti, Brihaspati Smriti and Indian Dharamashastras or smri- According to Manu, in case a service er. If the article was without any flaw
management. Supply of quality goods Arthshastra. tis formed the basis of the Hindu law Control over Services provider failed to deliver goods at a and still the customer tried to return
and services at the right place, right In the post-Vedic India (1000-600 which was adopted by the Protection of interests of consumers given place and time as promised, no it, he was liable to pay a fine of 12
time, in right quantity can make BC) trade and commerce was quite Englishmen in India. The Smriti lit- was an essential part of welfare of money was to be paid by the cus- panas.
industry grow and flourish. developed. Introduction of money and erature and kautilya’s Arthsastra people. In case of goldsmiths, details tomer. According to Narada Smriti
Realization of this fact is not some- markets intensified commercial give detailed provisions regarding are given about possible frauds in one who abandoned merchandise Non-Delivery of Goods

44 45

Narada Smriti provides that if a man When the consumer purchased at a

sells property for a certain price, and PRICE OF ALL MARKETABLE fair price announced by the kind there
does not hand it over to the purchas- was nothing wrong about it but he
er, he shall have to pay its produce, if
GOODS WERE BASED ON ORIGIN, who made a fraudulent purchase was
it is immovable, and the profits aris- DESTINATION, TIME TAKEN TO considered a thief. According to
ing on it, if it is movable property. If PRODUCE, TIME SPENT IN Narada Smriti in such a case, the pur-
there has been a fall in the market STORAGE AND THE PROBABLE chaser was as guilty as the seller. A
value of the article in question (in the purchase from unknown or suspicious
interval, the purchaser) shall receive PROFIT AND THE PROBABLE OUTLAY. seller was one fault of the consumer,
both the article itself, and together NARADA STATES THAT IT IS FOR THE SAKE want of care in keeping the article was
with it the difference (in point of OF GAIN THAT MERCHANTS ARE IN THE another and these two faults were
value). This law applied to those who viewed as legitimate grounds of loss to
were inhabitants of the same place;
HABIT OF BUYING AND SELLING MER- each party. As per Brihaspati, the
but in case of those who traveled CHANDISE OF EVERY SORT FOR PROFIT. purchaser was supposed to examine
abroad, the profit arising from (deal- THE QUESTION OF FAIR PRICE WAS CON- product carefully and show it to others
ing in) foreign countries was made SIDERED IMPORTANT SO THAT IT MIGHT and when after examining and
over (as well). If the article (sold) approving it he accepted it, he was not
should have been injured, or
NOT HARM THE CONSUMERS. at liberty to return it again. If a blem-
destroyed by fire, or carried off, the ish in cloth was discovered after wear-
loss shall be charged to the seller, tion of traders to cut prices to the ing and washing it once, the eighth
because he did not deliver it after it detriment of competitor was an part of the price was lost by consumer;
had been sold by him. Similarly if a offence, which was punishable by the in case of washing it second time one
man sold something to one person highest amercement. Hoarding was fourth price was lost, the third part or
and then delivered it to another per- prohibited. Only authorized persons the third time washing and half was
son he gave as compensation twice its could collect and store merchandise. lost at the time of its being washed
value and the same amount as a fine Collection of commodities without four times. Manu writes that a sensi-
to the king. permission was confiscated by super- ble man should make a deposit (only)
intendent of commerce. with a person of good family, of good
Regulation of Price conduct, well acquainted with the law,
Price of all marketable goods were Weights and Measures veracious, having many relatives,
based on origin, destination, time In ancient Indian period, in order to wealthy and honourable.
taken to produce, time spent in stor- protect consumers from wrong prac-
age and the probable profit and the tices of merchants, all weights and Conclusion
probable outlay. Narada states that it measures were duly marked. Manu’s India has ancient history of consumer
is for the sake of gain that merchants law provided that weights and meas- protection. It was an integral part of
are in the habit of buying and selling ures be examined by the officers of the culture and formed the core of
merchandise of every sort for profit. king once in six months. Arthshashra administration during those times
The question of fair price was consid- provides for appointment of superin- when such rules and regulations were
ered important so that it might not tendent of weights and measures missing in the other parts of the
harm the consumers. Exploitation of (pautavadhyaksha) by the king. It world. Sale of commodities was
consumer was considered adharma or was the duty of superintendent to get organized in such a manner that a
immoral practice. Kautilya enjoined weights, measures and balances as timely quality service was provided.
upon the state to have a special per the prescribed standards. A trad- Minute details in possible deficiencies
department for supervising market er using the weights and measures of services and defects in goods and
and ensuring that artisans did not was to get them stamped by the punishments thereof were given. In
cheat citizens. The superintendent of superintendent who used to charge ancient Indian society business was
markets (samsthadhyaksha) was four mashas for stamping. Any kind based on Dharma or moral values. In
appointed to safeguard against fraud- of cheating in weights and measures present times when erosion of human
ulent trade practices. was punished. values has taken place, we need to
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

Trade combinations aiming at keep in mind the national glory and

bringing about artificial rise or fall in Consumer responsibilities refrain from unfair materialistic prac-
prices were severely punished. The Ancient Indian law expected the con- tices. Our conduct should be fair, hon-
trade practices which destroy compe- sumer to act in a responsible manner. est and in the mutual interest of the
tition were highly condemned. It was wrong on the part of consumer business and consumer.
Predatory practices such as sales to purchase at unreasonably low price (The writer is Professor,
below cost were prohibited. Code of or in a secret manner or outside the Punjab Agricultural University,
Vishnu provided that illegal combina- village or from a dishonest person. Ludhiana, Punjab.)


happened to be the Vice Principal! the issues. Any steps taken by the gov-
As with most IAS officers, life offers ernment to for alleviating poverty
such a wonderful kaleidoscope of without tackling corruption will only be

It never rains! It pours

postings,assignments, travel destina- cosmetic .I endorse Jatish’s view that
tions,mid-career training opportunities , political corruption needs to be dealt
and most if all a ring side view of the devel- with first before we can hope to achieve
opments in the political and administrative any real progress .
space. All this is covered, but more than Thus fight against corruption ,
that, Bonsai is also a tale of the family man integrity in public life, humane
Luther – as he records the birth of his chil- approach to administration, innovation
the ne professional opportunities that opened up to the dren, as well as their disappointments with in governance through technology inter-
educated Punjabis. Lahore was not just the Paris of Punjab the parents for not ‘parenting them’ when it ventions and public service for public
– but also like Jerusalem -a city as hotly contested between was most needed: thereby leading to good have been covered in simple , easy
Muslims on one side and Hindus and Sikhs on the other. wounds which were most difficult to heal. to read anecdotal forays which keep the
Even in schools, the contest between the competing ideolo- But finally, they did, especially in the case reader immersed in the book. It is the
gies of Congress and the ML came into the daily discourse of Rahul, who was in and out of the Rehab personal stye of narration which makes
BY SANJEEV CHOPRA of friends and teachers. Luther sums up the dilemma of for substance abuse. This is also a remark- the reader feel like an engaged partici-
Punjab when he says ‘Starting with the epic war of able tale of their daughter -in -law pant in the conversation.
Mahabharata, the Punjab seems to have been the divinely Rajeshwari whom they loved more than Rahul, and in one of It’s a valuable addition to the now distinct and distin-

uring my visit to Hyderabad last week in connec- designated battleground of India for ages. The land of five the unique, perhaps unparalleled stories, Rahul remarried guished genre of memoirs by civil servants . By their very
tion with organizing the vertical on Translations rivers has seldom seen two generations without witnessing her after a divorce! Together they set up an upmarket rehab nature they offer a ringside view of governance , especially
from Bhashas to English and writings for Young any conflict. It was about to create a record of sorts of a centre Hope Trust – which is now a value proposition by in the context of the state in which the officer has served .
Adults, I had an opportunity to meet and interact with century of comparative peace since its annexation by the itself! In a way, it also marks the difference in the training meth-
Jatish Chandra Mohanty whose book Breaking Through British in 1849, when the unprecedented bloodbath of the Luther’s tryst with writing and books began when he ods and pedagogy between the Metcalfe House and the
New Earth is, in the words of D Subba Rao, the ex- partition of the province ensued in 1947. After taking got ‘dumped’ into the Department of Rehabilitation with LBS National Academy of Administration. Be that as it
Governor of RBI ‘refreshingly unorthodox and touchingly refuge in the Chakla cantonment from August to October two and a half files. This gave him the chance to give vent may, the experiences of an officer in the first few years –
honest’. I was delighted to have a copy of his book, which m the family undertook a train journey from 18 th to 21 st to his creative muse. He wrote his travelogue to America in especially district training leave an imprint on the way an
we will launch at the Hyderabad edition of VoW. I had October - four days to cover a distance of less than seventy Urdu – Hawai Columbus, and then a full-length book on officer's professional growth trajectory takes off. Right
lunch with the Telangana ideologue and academic Gautam miles. The description so reminds one of Khushwant Mohammad Quli:prince, Poet, Lover, Builder – which set from his days as an Assistant Collector in Anantapur,
Pingle, who also presented me two books: The fall and the Singh’s Train to Pakistan -to whose extended family Bindi in motion his love affair with the city of Hyderabad. After when he was under the tutelage of the Collector TK
Rise of Telangana, and The Formation and History of belonged. Both ended up in the same college in hanging his boots as the Chief Secretary of the state, he Dewan, he learnt to put people first. Unlike in the days of
Telangana: A collection of nine critical essays. Both have Hoshiarpur, and fell into love, But of the times, and the decided to devote his time to full time writing – an the Raj, when governance was an end in and for itself –
been published by Orient Black Swan, and give a histori- way they met, Luther writes ; ‘take our two separate sto- absolutely rewarding experience! This reviewer holds the post 1947, and especially in the eighties when ‘welfare and
cal, sociological, economic and political insight into the for- ries, and sprinkle them liberally with abductions, rapes same view that post superannuation , it is best to work on development interventions’ became the top priority for the
mation of the 29 th state of India in 2014. In the evening I and murders. Multiply them a million times and you get a that which gives one pleasure and joy , rather than run political executive. The chapter on elections and electoral
met Rahul Luther, who presented me a copy of A Bonsai glimpse of partition of the Punjab and of the horrible facet after money and power which create ‘greater dependency ‘ policy also shows how the electoral system in India is often
Tree: An Autobiography of his legendary father narendra of India’s independence…Partition was Punjab’s holocaust and lesser freedom ! ‘gamed’ by the political leaders. The introduction of EVMs
Luther, who made his mark both as an administrator as ..our communal cleansing was carried out with a degree of We now come to Breaking through new Earth by Jatish has to be read with the caveat that ‘technology does not
well as a scholar and columnist. brutality matching Nadir Shah and Ahmad Shah Abdali C Mohanty, an officer of the 1979 batch. Jatish wanted to translate into efficiency, unless people are equipped to use
In taking all these books together, there are many con- we read about in history..’ be a geologist , but a chance encounter with a professor at the technology effectively’. Mohanty argues that the entire
nections other than the very obvious one of Joining the IAS in 1955 – with Andhra University made him sit for the IAS exam, which focus of political economy reform should be on the electoral
Hyderabad being at the pivot. We will take fifty others, including ten from the he cleared after a brief stint in the IPS. While police train- process, rather than on the Lok Pal – for while Lok pal can
up Luther’s book first – he is the most senior Indian Foreign service, we get a ing taught hm the value of discipline, the scientific temper act only as a deterrent post fact, a clean and transparent
of the three authors – and traversed the glimpse of what life was in the had already been honed into him, and though he missed electoral system will give us better people to begin with.
journey from Budh Goraya in Sialkot district Metcalfe House Delhi before the IAS the Humphrey Fellowship, he applied for and received the Many IAS officers join academia or the corporate world
(now in Pakistan) to Hyderabad via training school was shifted to World Bank Fellowship to pursue his doctoral studies on or hold post retirement sinecures. Other join political par-
Hoshiarpur, Simla, Dharam Pura (a suburb Charleville at Mussoorie – and later environmental health and risk analysis, Written with ties – and become MPS and Governors. The instance of an
of Lahore), Lahore and Delhi. This book is named the LBS National Academy of Mona Ramavat, a Hyderabad based film maker and jour- IAS officer leaving the Service to establish a political party
different from most other autobiographies Administration . Many of us have nalist, this is a story of Jatish Mohanty’s life in the IAS and with the specific purpose of abolition of poverty and setting
UDAY INDIA september 11, 2021

UDAY INDIA september 11, 2021

because it weaves the personal and the pro- been trying to trace when the service beyond. ‘Like a bunch of eclectic pebbles off the beach, up candidates for Parliamentary and Assembly elections
fessional – and Luther does not hesitate in got Yoga Karmasu Kaushalam as our there are several small and big, insightful, sometimes for two terms is a unique feat. That Samrudha Orissa the
sharing the tough times he and his soul and motto. Now one knows that it was cer- amusing moments that I have collected over my three party founded by Mohanty on the birthday of Utkal Mani
life mate Bindi has had with their son tainly there in 1955- the search is decades of service and thereafter.’ That the book starts Gopa Bandhu Das could not continue its journey is not as
Rahul, and his daughter Sandhya. his pater- therefore narrowed down to the seven with a Foreword from Anna Hazare gives us an idea of the important as the effort itself. But the author also pints out
nal and maternal grandfathers' name were years from 1948 to 1955! The theme themes that are likely to be covered. how difficult it is to make an entry into the world of politics
named Kripa Ram and Kripa Sagar (respec- was expounded by R B Vaghaiwala Writes Hazare ‘As a crusader against corruption, I also without the backing of powerful caste organizations and/or
tively) – and both had made their mark in from the last batch of the ICS who deeply resonate with corruption being the root cause of all corporate houses.

48 49


resident Joe Biden's decision to withdraw all its have to think systematically about what to do against the
troops from Afghanistan, after two decades of mili- Taliban who are hungry for power and money.
tary presence in the region, has been met with Against this backdrop, it is apt to mention that it is a
uncertainty over the fate of Afghanistan. In fact, the inva- matter of happiness that there is a safe return of Indian
sion of the Taliban in Afghanistan raises many questions nationals from Afghanistan. The Government of India
related to incidents of inhumanity, brutality and bar- woke up late but now it is showing a lot of promptness.
barism. After struggling under the shadow of American Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated that Hindus and
and Allied forces for almost Sikhs of Afghanistan and
twenty years, Afghanistan's Afghan brothers and sisters
passing into the clutches of are welcome in India. By say-
dark shadows of inhuman ing this, he has given new
Taliban is not only worrying heights to the CAA law. What
for the whole world, but it is is more, Prime Minister
also a harsh attack on human- Narendra Modi spoke to
ity. What the Taliban is doing German Chancellor Angela
to establish a so-called Islamic Merkel and Russian President
power will hardly be admired Vladimir Putin over the issue
in any corner of the world. of the unfolding situation in
The world is shocked and Afghanistan. Our representa-
countries like India are hurt tives at the United Nations
even more. The big question and the International Human
is, why did American forces Commission also clarified
leave Afghanistan after fight- India's point of view. Our
ing the Taliban in this coun- Prime Minister and represen-
try for twenty years? The tatives did not mention the
question is also that why are Taliban in their talks and
the superpowers, advocating speeches. Our PM said some-
for the protection of humanity thing very important. He said
in the world, maintaining a that we expect the government
studied silence on this occa- of Kabul would not give shel-
sion? India has always been ter to terrorism at all; it would
an advocate and protector of not allow the land of
human values. Afghanistan Afghanistan to be used
was once a part of India, not against any country. All these
UDAY INDIA September 11, 2021

on the basis of it, but on the things that have been said
basis of humanity, it has from our side are absolutely
invested heavily there in the last twenty years. What will correct. India, unlike China, has not blamed the US for its
happen to India's investments made in humanitarian aid, haphazard withdrawal and anarchy, nor has it launched
education, development, construction and energy sectors? any attack on Pakistan, although Pakistan has been using
No one has faith in the Taliban and right now everyone's the Taliban against India in the past. The right policy for
focus is on saving their citizens, and in the coming days, we India at this time is to be constructive and cautious.

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