CFO or Treasurer or VP Treasury Operations or VP Finance or Dire

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4283 Shoreview Lane - Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 - C: 810.334.5338 E-mail:
Senior-Level Executive with extensive hands-on experience in management, busines
s leadership, andworking with Boards of Directors, Banks and Attorneys. An exper
t in enhancing cost profitability, developing strategic financial transformation
initiatives and growing each segment of a high-quality operational structuring
and organizational design. Very knowledgeable of change and project management c
onsulting and proven track record of implementing the necessary controls to ensu
re compliance. Dedicated to maintaining a reputation built on quality, service a
nd uncompromising ethics. Certified Treasury Professional (CTP).

Financial & Strategic Planning - Complex Business Issues - Crisis Management
Business Expansion - Budget Development & Management - Facilities Management
Accounting & Financial Operations - Staff Management & Development
Treasury Operations - AP/AR - Long-Term Debt Issuance - Operations Management
HR Management - Negotiations
Monarch Quilts, LLC, Brighton, MI 2006 - Present
Retail and wholesale sales operation featuring fabric, quilting supplies and mac
hine sales and support.
Chief Financial Officer/Treasury Advisor
Initiate, develop and direct administrative operations providing quality assuran
ce and control. Demonstrated organizational and negotiations skills and the abil
ity to prioritize multiple and complex tasks, often with conflicting deadlines.
Oversee management and direction for all financial operations (A/R, A/P, short
-term financing, short-term investments, accounting operations, treasury managem
ent, budgeting, facilities management, etc.). Extensive strategic experience wit
h vendor management and supply chain expertise.
CZYK & Associates, Tulsa, OK & Brighton, MI 1995 - Present
Privately held professional speaking, training and consulting firm.
Principal & Owner
Responsible for the integrity of financial information, systems and consultancy
for this full-service training and consulting provider. Oversee financial and t
reasury operations, debt and investment management strategies and initiatives.
* Provide professional speaking services as a keynote speaker for a number of co
mpanies and professional/industry associations nationwide.
* Perform change management and process and procedures consulting for retail sto
re operations, payment and collection systems, treasury operations, cross border
payment processes, ACH operations and anti-fraud initiatives.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 2000 - 2006
A world-renowned research university with more than $6B in assets and working ca
pital cash flows of more than $600M monthly.
Assistant Treasurer
Recruited to build a robust treasury operational unit with a focus on developing
and administering University-wide treasury management initiatives, policies and
processes. Provided problem-solving and consultative services expertise regardi
ng bank products/services and liquidity/cash flow issues across all business uni
ts, colleges and medical operations on campus. Developed the first University w
ide liquidity forecast for financial and strategic planning purposes.
* Managed a variety of University financial relationships, i.e., banks, rating a
gencies, foreign currency exposures/hedging/trading, debit/credit card vendors,
ATM administration, etc.
* Performed key financial objectives including capital/liquidity management aver
aging $600M for the entire University and medical center and served as a senior
member of Internal Bank Steering/Management Committee.
* Oversaw credit card processing for entire campus and hospital operations with
more than 600 merchant accounts and more than 250,000 transactions quarterly and
performed consultancy role for the P-Card program.
Central and South West Services, Inc., Tulsa, OK
Centralized operating services company formed to support all operating subsidiar
ies of Central & South West, a holding company based in Dallas, Texas.
Associate Vice President, Vendor Relations
Established, maintained and managed relationships with all service providers in
the employee benefits and human resources group, administrating the thrift plan
and 401(k) investment of retirement funds along with the vision, dental, and per
formed vendor negotiations concerning drafted proposals for benefit plans.
* Negotiated all contracts for value of services of more than $250M annually and
conducted vendor search qualifications and selection for a variety of benefit p
lan areas.
* Performed operations and maintenance budget responsibilities of more than $25M
and managed a staff of more than 60 clerical and professional personnel. Suppor
ted administrative benefit plans and benefit claims as well as a benefit call ce
Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO), Tulsa, OK
A $1.8B asset-sized electric utility subsidiary of Central & South West serving
more than 400,000 customers throughout the state of Oklahoma.
Assistant Treasurer & Director
Managed all treasury operations for entire company and held position of Interim
Treasurer for over two years. Developed and maintained relationships with over 2
00 commercial banks, rating agencies, the investment community and shareholders.
* Active involvement with Oklahoma Corporation Commission on rate case and legis
lative issues. Served on Capital Planning/Budgeting committee, O&M budget respo
nsibilities of more than $60M.
* Successfully coordinated refinancing of more than $1.5 billion in first mortga
ge bonds resulting in interest savings of more than $40M over 20 years.
* Executed and managed issuance of long- and short-term debt and investments, ma
naged Financial Planning/Analysis group and had functional responsibility for Ac
counts Receivable, Billing, Security and headquarters operations and facility ma
* Worked extensively in the redesign of central purchasing process to enhance in
ventory availability and managed all reporting processes relating to interest pa
yments, indentures, credit facilities and debt schedules.
Cash Manager & Senior Financial Analyst - (PSO), Tulsa, OK


Oklahoma State University
Master of Business Administration, Finance - Dean's List
Bachelor of Science, (Marketing/Economics)
Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) - current
Salvation Army, Board of Directors, Tulsa Area Command - United Way of Tulsa Gra
duate School of Banking Faculty - Treasury Institute for Higher Education, Direc
tor of Education - Mid-America Payment Exchange (now EPCOR) Corporate Advisory
Board, Marquis Award Recipient - Oklahoma Central Credit Union Board of Director
s, Past Chairman - Association for Financial Professionals, Board of Directors

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