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Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Landslides and Sinkholes (Module 6)

(Grade 11)

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students must have;

1. identified the nature and types of landslide;

2. discussed how to reduce risks and prepare for a landslide;
3. explained the nature and formation of sinkholes;
4. created an landslide preparedness plan; and
5. appreciated the importance of knowing landslide preparedness through a

II. Subject Matter

Topic: DRRR: Volcanic Eruption
: Module 5 Volcanic Eruption of Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
of Central Mindanao University Laboratory High School.
: Luna, E.M.(2017). Saving Lives, Protecting Communities: Disaster
Readiness and Risk Reduction in Philippine Setting for Senior High School.
CE & E Publishing, Inc.

Materials: Laptop/Computer, PowerPoint Presentation

Strategy: Cooperative learning and Inquiry based learning

III. Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity

Learning Activities

I. Preparatory

“Good morning class!”

“Good morning ma’am/sir”

“How are you today? Are you all good?”

“Yes ma’am”
That’s good to know!

Before we start I would like to remind

you our house rules or classroom


1st Raise your virtual hand if you want

to recite or say something.

2nd Listen if someone is talking

3rd Make sure to mute your mic unless

you are acknowledge to speak

4th Respect is a must.

I would also like to remind you class that,

yes you are not required to join the class
but you are encouraged, however I will
give points for those students who are
present and I will also give points to those
students who participates in the class.

Are we clear class?

“Yes ma’am/sir”

Very Good!

A. Prayer

“Before we start our discussion for

today, let's have our prayer first, may I

request Adelaide, to please lead the

prayer for us.”
Adelaide: “our gracious heavenly
father Lord.......Amen”

“Thank you Adelaide”

B. Attendance

“And now for your attendance I will

call your last name and then say

present if you are called or you can also

make use of the chat box if your mic is not

“Yes ma’am/Sir”

“So can we have Morales?”


“All of you are called right?”

“Yes ma/am,sir.”


Last meeting we’ve discussed about?

ADRIAN: “As I remembered
ma’am/sir. Last meeting we
discussed all about Volcanic
“Yes, Very Good Adrian”

“Now what about Volcanic Eruption


ALYSSA: We’ve discussed about

the contributions of volcano Ma’am,
this includes the tourism and
industry, also the its benefits on the
Yes, very good Alyssa!”

We also discussed about its geothermal

component that benefits our energy

How about Izabella?

IZABELLA: We’ve also discussed
about the formation of volcano
ma’am it is where the two plates
converge and the volcano is formed
and why do volcanoes erupts caused
by the pressure inside when the
gasses accumulate, the volcano
erupts because the pressure rises
within the chamber as it cannot
contain the magma.

“Very good, Izabella, thank you!

Lastly Dun?
DUN: We’ve discussed about the
classifications of volcano classified
as the Active volcano where it still
shows signs of eruption, Partially
inactive is one which has erupted and
then entered a long period of
inactivity, and the inactive volcano
one that has not shown any sign of
activity for a long period of time.
We’ve also discussed about the
hazards of volcanic eruption, this
includes Lava Flow, Pyroclastic
Flow, Tephra falls, Ballistic
Projectiles, Volcanic Gas, Lahar.
We’ve also discussed the volcanic
eruption warning signs and also what
to do before, during and after a
volcanic eruption.

“Wow, thank you Dun, you’re all very

impressive I guess you’ve really listened
and take down notes during the
discussion. Very Impressive.”

D. Motivation
Since we are done discussing the topic
volcanic eruption I want you to pay
attention closely to our next topic. But
before that let’s have a warm up activity

I want you to guess this jumbled words

and define it in your own. Are we clear?

STUDENTS: Yes Ma’am!

Okay for our first word


Yes Kyth? (Kyth Raised her hand)

KYTH: Landslides ma’am,

Very good! And?
KYTH: It is the movement mass of
rock, debris, earth down a slope.

Very Good! The correct answer is

landslide! How about this next word?


Yes Adelaide?
(Adelaide raised her hand)
Yes, very good and? ADELAIDE: Sinkholes ma’am,
You’re correct very good! ADELAIDE: cavities in the ground
that form when water erodes an
E. Lesson Proper underlying rock layer.

“Our lesson for today is all about

Landslides and Sinkholes.”

“Dun! What is Landslide?”

DUN: It is the movement mass of
rock, debris, earth down a slope.
Landslides occur when ground on
slopes becomes unstable. The
unstable ground collapses and flows
down the side of a hill or mountain,
and can consist of earth, rocks, mud
and any debris which may be caught
in its wake.

“Very Good! Thank you Dun!”

Landslide is the downward movement of

soil, rocks, and earth materials along a

This can be triggered by typhoons,

earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.
Rainfall weakens the earth.

What do you think are the triggers of

Landslides? Adrian?
ADRIAN: The causes of landslide
ma’am are rainfall, snowmelt,
changes in water level, stream
erosion, changes in ground water,
earthquakes, volcanic activity,
disturbance by human activities, or
any combination of these factors.
Very Good! Thank you Adrian!
Those are the triggers of Landslide, aside
from there are also causes of a Landslide,
this includes the slope movement mainly
caused by the gravity.

Izabella! Can you guess what are the

different types of landslides? Or do you
have any idea of any of the type of


IZABELLA: I don’t have any


(Dun raised his virtual hand)

Yes Dun?
DUN: There are 6 types of landslides
ma’am and these are the Creep,
Slump, Rock debris and slide, Rock
fall, Debris flow and Mud flow.

Very Good Dun! Thank you!

There are 6 types of landslide and these

are Creep, Slump, Rock debris and slide,
rock fall, Debris flow and Mud flow.

“Now I will be showing a series of

pictures and I want you to identify what
type of landslide it is”


For our first picture STUDENTS: YES, ma’am

Mae Ann! From the mentioned types of

landslide what do you think is the type of
landslide the picture shows?
MAE ANN: I think its Slump
Thank you Mae Ann let’s see if your
The answer is CREEP! Thank you for

How do you define creep Adelaide?

ADELAIDE: it is the slowest kind of
landslide ma’am, basically it
happened mostly when clay in the
soil on a hillside absorbs water, it
will expand, causing the soil to
swell. As the clay dries and
contracts, the particles settle slightly
in the downhill direction.

Thank you Adelaide, very good!

For our second picture

Can we have Maynard to guess what the

type of landslide is this.
MAYNARD: I think its a Slump

Thank you Maynard let’s see if you got

the correct answer. And the answer is
SLUMP. Very good Maynard you got the
correct answer.

Now can somebody from the class define

what is a slump landslide?
Yes Kathy? KATHY: a landslide consisting of a
mass of material moving downs lope
as a unit, usually along a curved
plane of failure. The removed mass
of soil and rock leave an abrupt
drop-off at the top of the landslide
known as a scarp.
Very good Kathy, Thank you!

For our third Picture.

Warren, can you guess what type of

landslide the picture shows?

WARREN: It’s Rock fall ma’am

Let’s see if you got the correct answer.

The correct answer is ROCK DEBRIS

Thank you Warren for trying!

Eurika what is rock debris and slide?

EURIKA: The rocks tumble
downhill, loosening other rocks on
their way and smashing everything
in their path. Fast-flowing rock slides
or debris slides behave similarly to
snow avalanches, and are often
referred to as rock avalanches or
debris avalanches.

Thank you Eurika, Very good!

For our fourth picture.

Casey! What do you think is the type of

landslide the picture shows?

CASEY: I think ma’am it’s a rock

Let’s see if your answer is correct.
The answer is ROCK FALL you’re
Now Casey what is rock fall?
CASEY: Its is a newly detached
mass of rock falling from a cliff or
down a very steep slope. Rockfalls
are the fastest type of landslide and
occur most frequently in mountains
or other steep areas during early
spring when there is abundant
Thank you Casey, Very good!
For our 5th picture we have here

Eric! Can you guess what type of landslide

this picture shows?

ERIC: Mudflow ma’am!

Let’s see if your answer is correct.
The answer is DEBRIS FLOW thank you
for trying Eric!
Now Kyth what is debris fall?
KYTH: Debris flows are fast-moving
landslides that are particularly
dangerous to life and property
because they move quickly, destroy
objects in their paths, and often
strike without warning.
Very good. Kyth! Thank you!

For our last picture we have here

Now Mikhail, I want you to guess for our

last picture. What do you think is the type
of landslide the picture shows?
Let’s see if your answer is correct.
The answer is MUD FLOW you are
correct Mikhail!
What is mud flow?
MIKHAIL: is a mass of water and
fine-grained earth materials that
flows down a stream, ravine, canyon,
arroyo, or gulch.

Very good everyone, those are the types of

landslides. Anyway class don’t worry
answered the question wrong you’ll still
have a points for your participation. For
those who weren’t able to answer don’t
worry there are still a lot of questions to be
answered. Understood class?
Yes ma’am!

Thank you! Moving on to our discussion

we’ve already discussed the types of
landslides. Now it’s time for us to know
how can we prepare in case any of this

Based on your understanding class or your

prior knowledge and commonsense how
can you be prepared when a landslide

Yes, Alekzhander?
ALEKZHANDER: Be calm ma’am
and think of any escape if inside the
Thank you Alekzhander.
How about Karlo?
KARLO: Listen for any unusual
sounds that might indicate moving

MIKHAIL: 1. Monitor the daily
weather condition and evacuate as
soon as possible if your area is prone
to landslide and is experiencing
continuous rainfall.

2. Know the location of your

evacuation centers and escape routes.

3. Get involved with the disaster risk

management programs of the
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction
Very good everyone!.
Now Let us discuss Landslide
According to DENR-MGB (2007),
following are the signs of an approaching

But before that What do DENR stands

for? (Izabella raised her hand)

Yes Izabella?

IZABELLA: Department of
Environment and Natural Resources
Very good Izabella! Thank you!

Moving on.

The following are the signs of an

approaching landslides.

1. Leaning door jambs and windows

2. Cracks in concrete floors and windows

3. Open spaces between walls and

between stairs

4. Cracks in roads "'which gradually

increase in size

5. misalignment or snapping of. buried


6. bulges 0n the ground at foot slopes

7. emergence of springs or seepages

8. leaning trees, poles, and retaining walls

9. rumbling sound which may increasingly

become louder.

There are also measures to mitigate the

impact of landslides.

1. Sturdy retaining walls can be built

along the roads near mountain slopes. Nets
can also

be used to prevent rocks from falling.

2. The slopes of the mountains can be

strengthened through the use of wire
mesh, rock bolts, and shotcrete.

3. Another way to prevent landslides is to

flatten the slope and strengthen the soil.

4. To minimize the possibility of a

landslide due to heavy rainfall, canals can
be constructed along the slope to serve as
additional waterways.

Does anyone whom the class knows what

to do before a landslide?

(Adelaide raised her hand)

Yes Adelaide?

ADELAIDE: 1. Monitor the signs of

an impending landslide

2. Monitor the daily weather

condition and evacuate as soon as
possible if your area is prone

to landslide and is experiencing

continuous rainfall.

3. Know the location of your

evacuation centers and escape routes.

4. Get involved with the disaster risk

management programs of the
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction

“Very good! Thank you Adelaide! So

those are the proper way on what to do
before a landslide, How about during
Yes Dun?

DUN: 1. When indoors in a landslide

area and there is no time to evacuate,
stay inside and hide under a sturdy
and stable object like a table.

2. When caught outdoors:

a. Stay away from the path of the


b. Go to the nearest higher ground

away from the landslide.

c. Run towards the direction of the

back of trees or buildings when you
see approaching rocks and soil

d. If it seems impossible to avoid the

landslide, assume a fetal position and
cover your head.
Thank you Dun, Very Good. Those are the
proper way on what to do during a
landslide. Now how about after landslide
ALYSSA: 1. Stay away from the
landslide area. Secondary landslides
and flooding can occur.

2. Know if there are casualties or

people trapped near landslide areas
and report to proper

authorities. Initiate rescue operations

if capable.

3. Listen to the radio or watch

television for the latest bulletin about
the landslide.

4. Inspect power and water supply

lines for damages and inform the
proper authorities.

5. Inspect building foundations and

adjacent lots for damages and do
remedial work.

6. Consult experts on landslides for

additional information and advice.
Wow, Very good Alyssa thank you!
So class, those are the things that you need
to remember or at least familiarize when
you encounter landslide.

Lastly here in our module who can guess

what is this?

Yes Eurika?

EURIKA: Sinkhole ma’am!

Yes very, good this picture is a sinkhole.
What is Sinkhole Marc?

MARC: cavities in the ground that

form when water erodes an
underlying rock layer.
Thank you,
Yes Kyth?
KYTH: geologic formations caused
by exposure to water, erosion, and
ground movement
Yes Very Good!
How is it formed?
Let’s watch this short video

From the video played , what causes

Izabella give one?
IZABELLA: Human activities

Thank you!
Dun! give one!
DUN: Acidic water
Thank you!
Kyth, give one!

KYTH: Earthquake
Alyssa! Give one!

ALYSSA: Heavy weight on soft soil

Thank you!

Indeed class there are a lot of causes why

do sinkholes are formed. That’s why we
always have to be careful in everything
that we are doing and be mindful of our

Now class do you have any questions with

regards to the topics that we’ve discussed


“Now that we have already discussed

landslides and sinkholes let’s have a

The lesson discusses the following salient

1. Landslide is the downward movement
of soil, rocks, and earth materials along a
2. Landslides can be triggered by natural
hazards (e.g., typhoon, earthquake,
eruption) and human activities (e.g.,
mining, deforestation).
3. Here are the types of landslide, as
identified by DENR-MGB.
a. Creep - a slow or gradual movement of
b. Slump - the downslope flowage of soft
and unconsolidated materials
c. Rock and debris slide - the slow to rapid
downslope movement of unconsolidated
soil and rock debris
d. Rock fall -the free falling movement of
massive rocks from a cliff or steep slopes
e. Debris flow - rapid flowage of debris
and other rock materials
f. Mudflow -the mass movement
characterized by a flowing mass of mud
along the flank of a volcano

4. Sinkholes are geologic formations that

are formed by erosion of bedrocks
composed of soft minerals and rocks.
They can also be formed due to the lack of
water that supports thin earth surface and
human activities that change the form of
the land surface.

IV. Evaluation

1. Which of the following best describes creep?

A. Downslope flowage of soil C.The rapid flowage of debris
B. A slow or gradual movement of soil D. Free falling movement of massive rock

2. What are the the three main cause that triggers landslide?
I. Tornado
II. Earthquake
III. Human Actions
IV. Volcanic Eruption

A. I only C. IV and II only

B. II and III only D. II, III, and IV
3. What is the best thing to do when a sinkhole occurs?
A. Play beside the hole C. Jump towards the hole
B. Stay away from the whole D. None of the above

4. Which of the following are the signs of approaching landslide?

I. Leaning door jambs and windows
II. Emergence of springs or seepage
III. Bulges on the ground at foot slopes
IV. Leaning trees, poles and retaining walls

A. I only C. II and III only

B. I and II only D. I, II, III, and IV only

5. Which of the following is the best thing to do after a landslide?

I. Run towards the direction of the back of trees or buildings
II. Consult experts on landslide for additional information and advice
III. Listen to the radio or watch television for the latest bulletin about the landslide.
IV. Inspect building foundations and adjacent lots of damages and do remedial work.

A. I only C. II only
B. II, IV, and III only D. I, II, III and IV

6. Which of the following is the best thing to do before a landslide occurs?

I. Stay away from the path of landslide.
II. Monitor the signs of an impending landslide.
III. Go to the nearest higher ground away from the landslide.
IV. Know the location of your evacuation centers and escape routes.

A. I only C. I, II, and III only

B. II and IV only D. I, II, III and IV

7. What do you call the movement of soil rocks and earth materials along a slope?
A. Tornado C. Landslide
B. Sinkhole D. Earthquake

8. Which of the following natural disaster can be triggered by earthquake, typhoons

and volcanic eruption?
A. Tornado C. Landslide
B. Sinkhole D. Earthquake

9. What do you call the mass development characterized by a flowing mass of mud
along the flank of a volcano?
A. Debris C. Mudflow
B. Rockfall D. Rock and Debris
10. What do you call a natural disaster that can also be formed due to the lack of
water that supports thin earth surface?
A. Tornado C. Landslide
B. Sinkhole D. Earthquake

11. Which of the following is usually formed by erosion of bedrocks composed of soft
minerals and rocks such as salt and limestone?
A. Tornado C. Landslide
B. Sinkhole D. Earthquake

12. What is the best way to do before landslide?

A. Stay away from the landslide area
B. Initiate rescue operations if capable
C. Monitor the daily weather conditions
D. Hide under a sturdy and stable object like a table

13. Which of the following best describes slump?

A. The rapid flowage of debris
B. Slow or gradual movement of soil
C. Free falling movement of massive rocks
D. Downslope flowage of soft and unconsolidated materials.

14. Which of the following is the best way to do during landslide, EXCEPT?
A. Stay away from path of the landslide
B. Run towards the direction of landslide
C. Go the nearest higher ground away from the landslide
D. When there is no time to evacuate, stay inside and hide under a sturdy and stable
object like table

15. Which of the following is the best way to mitigate the impacts of landslide?
A. Bulges on the ground
B. Leaning door jambs and windows
C. Cracks in concrete floors and windows
D. Flatten the slope and strengthen the soil

Directions. For your assignment you are going to work on you module activities to be
submitted on April 11, 2022.
Score 25 20 15 10
Criteria All information information is Some Information
is detailed, detailed, information lacks detail, is
accurate, accurate, is detailed, inaccurate,
relevant and relevant and accurate, irrelevant,
properly cited; properly cited; relevant and/or
layout is Layout is and/or improperly
aesthetically generally clear properly cited; layout
pleasing and and appropriate cited;layout may be
appropriate for for topic. may be confusing,
topic somewhat messy, and/or
clear and/or irrelevant to
appropriate topic.
for topic.

Prepared by:

Botilla, Jerson
Jacinto, Rafael
Laguitao, Angelica C.
Nombreda, Meljoy
Omboy, Reina Laarni
Pahayac, Exzel Jhon
Tabamo, Daryl Jane C.

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