Ladato Si

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Jessica Holliday

Apr 4, 2022

I was assigned Chapter Five: Lines of Approach & Action V. Religions in dialogue with
science. The main purpose of this section is teamwork of religion and science. Pope
Francis begins the section by stating that science is not the only answer. Humans must use
their faith to also guide themselves towards making better decisions regarding the critical
state of our planet. In this section, Pope Francis details how we must look to religion to
explain the meaning of life. Essentially, science does not have all of the answers. "This
would be to breach the limit imposed by its own methodology". If we only look towards
science we miss the possibilities to fully understand the ultimate meaning of life and the
purpose of things. It is simplistic to only think about science, but a rather in-depth view is
seen when meshing the two together. Pope Francis focuses on how any technical and
scientific solution will not be able to change humanity. We must use our motivation and
listen to God in order to change the state of our planet. While these scientific solutions
may have a temporary effect they will not become permanent. The believers of faith must
challenge themselves to live within their faith and not be contradicted by one's actions.
Though, in this section Pope Francis is not trying to discredit science. He is trying to join
religion and science to work towards the common goal of saving the environment.

The meaning of this passage by Pope Francis is so simple yet so complex. He is asking us to
use our hearts and be guided by our faith. One quote sticks out the most when exploring
this meaning "Any technical solution which science claims to offer will be powerless to
solve the serious problems of our world if humanity loses its compass, if we lose sight of
the great motivations which make it possible for us to live in harmony, to make sacrifices
and to treat others well. " Pope Francis is urging us to look beyond science and think with
both our brains and hearts. We must see humanity in saving the planet. I believe this quote
is telling us to use faith as our compass. If that is lost and we only focus on science we will
never restore the earth to its most beautiful form. The purpose is using our religion and
faith to motivate us to make a change. While saving the planet and environment is
essential one must also realize that we are saving humanity as well. Believers must also
confess the sins we have accumulated by not treating our earth with the care and kindness
God has taught us too. " If a mistaken understanding of our own principles has at times led
us to justify mistreating nature, to exercise tyranny over creation, to engage in war,
injustice and acts of violence, we believers should acknowledge that by so doing we were
not faithful to the treasures of wisdom which we have been called to protect and
preserve." Pope Francis is calling us to confess our sins and make them right. We are
committing sins by engaging in war and violence towards God's creation. By
acknowledging these downfalls we can help protect and preserve as God has called us to
do. Pope Francis is describing a lot within this passage, but the main point is that he does
not work towards discrediting science. He is working towards using science and faith as a
common force working towards the same goal. "This should spur religions to dialogue
among themselves for the sake of protecting nature, defending the poor, and building
networks of respect and fraternity. Dialogue among the various sciences is likewise
needed, since each can tend to become enclosed in its own language, while specialization
leads to a certain isolation and the absolutization of its own field of knowledge." We must
work as one if we hope to ever fix what we have destroyed.

The videos assigned as part of last week's module and the Laudato Si preface work hand in
hand. Most importantly, within the Greta Thunberg video. " Young people demand change.
They wonder how anyone can claim to be building a better future without thinking of the
environmental crisis and the sufferings of the excluded" (Pope Francis 13). The ideas and
thoughts of young Thunberg are engulfed by this quote. As an eighteen year old she
demands change not only for herself, but for her future. We as the young generation are
fighting for a change to ensure that we have a future on this planet as well as our children
and so on after that. Our ancestors have strayed and left us with the remains. We are
angry and fighting for a safer, cleaner future. The messages of Pope Francis also tie greatly
into those of Rachel Carson. Though Carson was primarily focused on the effects of
insecticides she was thinking about humanity. The section I read within Silent Spring
focused on the effects on humanity primarily on wildlife and other animals. Within section
201 Pope Francis discusses protecting nature. While wildlife is not considered "humanity"
animals are still a part of this planet and deserve a safe environment. I believe Pope
Francis would have the same thoughts.

After these last two modules I know I must change myself. In reference to the section I
was assigned within Laudato Si especially. I tend to think more scientifically than faithfully.
This has caused me to always be the person looking towards scientific change believing it
would fix all of these environmental problems, but now I know that is not true. I must work
towards looking at the humanity aspect of these issues. Nothing will change without the
help of everyone, but no one will help if they do not understand the effect it has on
humanity. I want to focus on the effect it has on humans and the poor and vulnerable.

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