Birdflu 666

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AGENDA Wed, 23 Nov 2016 12:02:23 +0000 en 1.2 7620529 4340poland 1uncategorized Thu, 09 Dec
2010 16:59:37 +0000 birdflu666 Because my father
had a doctorate in economics from Vienna University – my mother from University College
Dublin – I have some insight into this system, and I translated the report into English: Franz
Hörmann: Banks create money out of air. In this and other reports, Hörmann explains the
entire fraud. He explains how the fair value accouting market-to-market rule used by the banks
can allow, for example, property companies and banks to value a cottage which cost, say, 10,000
euros to construct for a million euros in a boom market, and book that million euros as an asset
on their balance sheets. He explains how they can then burst the bubble of cheap money, force
the economy on its knees, and then claim a loss of 990,000 euros on that shack or cottage they
valued for a million. Banks can then go their friends in government and say they are broke and
they need government bailouts or tax payer’s help because they are undercapitalised on paper.
Their frends in government – Cowen and Lenihan -- can saddle tax payers with the debt of
990,000 euros for that cottage when the banks lost no capital and it was hugely overvalued in
the first place – as well as the interest on that debt. We are not talking about one cottage, but
about ghost estates hugely overvalued during the boom and positioned in remote locations that
would make them virtually valueless during the bust, maximising the losses on paper to the
banks. Enter Cowen. Cowen underwrote 100% all the bondholders of the banks, equating these
fraudulent, paper losses with the national debt and putting the tax payers on the hook. The
banks shouldhave been split into the unit necessary for the economy to function and the unit
with the debts: that unit should have been pushed into default. Instead, Irish people have to pay
the interest on these 100s of billions of euros of debt that exist only on paper due to fair value,
market to market accounting practises. This is not debt due to money invested in jobs or
education. It is private banking, property, paper debt, manipulated to look now bigger, now
smaller than it is. It was the government that helped create this property boom by funnelling
cheap money to the developers, deregulating banks, allowing them to grossly inflate the value of
their assets, and it was the government that helped them burst the bubble. The reason why no
one knows how much Ireland is in debt to British and German banks is because it all depends on
manipulating the balance sheets. Is it hundreds of billions, as some official figures suggest? Or
are the sums more modest, as many banks insist?  It all depends on the fair value accounting
practices. Will the little cottage in a windswept coast of Ireland be booked as an asset of 50,000
euros, 500,000 euros or a liability of 10,000 euros? According to figures from June, Ireland
owes 139 billion euros of this paper debt to German banks. A 100 billion euros of this debt is
between Hypo Real Estate (HRE) and its own subsidiary Depfra. Hypo transferred most of its
troubled assets to a so-called bad bank known as FMS Wertmanagement. But this has no plans
to release financial statements. That is to say, the Irish tax payer will never find out just where
the debts came from that he or she has to pay for by tax hikes and social welfare cuts. The
government is allowing the foreign banks to extract tax money in return for nothing, no losses,
ensuring them pure profit. Allied Irish Banks is preparing to hand out €40m of bonuses not
inspite of the emergency tax payer funded bailout but BECAUSE of the bailout. The banks have
very little money or capital as Hörmann explains. They lost very little capital in the bust. It is all
zeros on their balance sheets only. While the bankers live in luxury thanks to this scam, it is the
Irish who are supposed to pay, and pay, and pay the interest on this fraudulent debt until they
drop. They are supposed to pay with their work, their houses (they can no longer afford
mortgages so the banks seize them) their health and their futures and their children’s futures.
The sums of wealth being transferred to the mostly foreign banks under the pretext of having to
pay off this fraudulent, paper debt are truly gigantic. Irish banks gave €68.8 billion to senior
bondholders and €1.4 billion to junior bondholders as this paper debt fell due under the two-
year blanket guarantee which ended in September, Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan has said.
The interest rate of 5.8% on this paper debt is so much higher than Ireland’s expected growth
rate of about 1% in these harsh times that Ireland will sink deeper into debt with each year of
this deflationary budget, entering a debt death spiral. In addition, annual tax revenues will
collapse due to the extreme fiscal austerity, which will suck money out of the real economy to
hand it over to the foreign banks. However, the interest rate will remain the same or even rise –
Fitch has just downgraded Ireland three notches from A+ to BBB+ -, forcing an ever greater
proportion of the dwindling tax revenues to be used to service the debt. The result will be
Ireland sinking into every greater poverty, ever growing unemployment, poverty,
homelessnesses. Also, Ireland’s assets – pensions, state owned companies, houses – will be
swallowed up by this black hole of the non existent, gigantic paper debt. At the end of this death
debt spiral, Ireland will be owned by foreign banks. Ireland has now reached the point of pain
where the people are beginning to ask outraged: why should we keep paying for the banks?
Enter the IMF and EU. They have marched in thanks to Cowan, Lenihan and Coughlan and their
ilk and taken over the finance ministry. The IMF and EU now decide on the taxation and
spending. Their four-year budget shows where their allegiance lies. The banks. There is no
question of a default like Iceland and of a fast recovering. A default would mean the robber
banks going empty handed and the whole point of this scam was to fill their coffers with the
produce, labour and assets of the people. To be sure, Iceland still has its own currency and
central bank. But Ireland can reintroduce these if there is the political will. The loss of Ireland’s
currency and central bank has brought the country to this catastrophe in less than ten years. The
EU, the ECB and euro are inextricably linked. The EU has taken off itself mask and shown itself
tob e far to from „good Europeans“ interesting in the welfare of the people. The EU has emerged
as totalitarian bureacuracy, regulating everything – except the banks and the financial sector –
while eroding our basic rights. EU officials dare tell the Irish politicians not to change their four-
year austerity budget. The ECB’s cheap money and regime of fiscal austerity for a government
that has on private debts have contributed to the deflationary budget and catastrophe that
Ireland is in. It is time to recognise the EU slogans about peace and friendship were just that:
propaganda slogans; a front for the banks. If the Irish people would never accept goose-
stepping, jack booted soldiers marching down their streets, robbing them of their houses and
assets after landing on their shores dressed in the uniforms of friendly Irish soldiers, then they
should not accept the EU, ECB and the euro, the soldiers of this economic warfare. And this is
economic warfare. Savage. Brutal. The complicity of the political elite has made it possible for
the foreign banks and their surrogate organisations to take over Ireland lock, stock and barrel.
So what are the options? Waiting for the political parties that have created this mess to get
Ireland out of the mess is quite pointless. The plan is clearly to let the people let off steam in an
election while Fine Gael and Labour continue implementing the IMF/EU budget, claiming they
have no choice. A fresh approach is needed. The people of Ireland could do worse than to join
together in new movement to take power in the Dail and implement a clear agenda with
concrete, measurable goals. Because the eurozone is, anyway, on the verge of collapse in the
opinion many economists, returning to the Irish Punt will be less of a problem than the bank
propagandists say. The banks have miscalculated in their greed on just how much of this paper
debt eurozone economies can support. It is now clear to the markets that not even if Germany –
and with an industrial sector, Germany is one of the few left with substantial assets – can begin
to shoulder servicing even a portion of this gigantic paper debt without committing economic
suicide like Ireland - and the Germans have already made it clear, they have no intention of that.
So default is inevitable, and so its the break up of the eurozone as Germany’s economy strains
under the rising cost of servicing its own national debt in anticipation of its ruin. The time is ripe
to leave the eurozone. Ireland should restore a central bank and print ist own money. It needs to
devalue its currency, and set its own interest ratest to boost growth. Franz Hörmann shows how
China pints money without booking it as a debt to a private bank and lays the foundation for
prosperity. Ireland should do the same. Special meausres have to be taken to control inflation,
set a minimum wage and prevent currency speculators from destroying the currency. But
Ireland had ist own bank and currency for decades and managed better. The government should
put money into circulation in such a way that it rebuilds the economy as well as society by
channelling it to education, the arts, sports, community projects, agriculture, enterprise. Money
should be taken from the pharamceutical sector and the private health sector, for example. The
government could also encourage an economy based more on trading skills and services on the
internet as Hörmann suggests. Naturally, a defence force will be necessary to protect Ireland
from predators. There can be no illusions after this savage economic assault. In addition, the
political system surely needs to be radically reformed to allow more direct democracy as in
Switzerland and ensure more accountability. Surely, the one lesson to be learned from this
catastrophe is that politics and finance is to far important to be left to the Brian Cowens and
Mary Coughlans of the world. Hörmann has no doubt about the complicity of the political elite
in this  fraud. The people of Ireland need to be prepared for a new era of politics involving their
sustained engagement in, and oversight of, the political process. But the effort will be worth it.
Iceland recovered in short time and so will Ireland. A commission or inquiry into the financial
crisis of the kind that took place in Iceland to find out what happened and who is responsible
should also be launched. In Austria, police are investigating fraud at the  Hypo Alpe Adria
(HAA) bank. A Flick family foundation dynasty, the Royal Bank of Scotland were among those
involved in manipulating the balance sheet of the HAA bank in such a way as to make the bank
look more solvent than it was before withdrawing the capital to make the bank look insolvent
and getting billions in tax money from the Bavarian state after HAA was bought by BayernLB on
the basis of the positive but fraudulent balance sheets. The entire management of BayernLB
could be sued for negligence in a bank fraud that is exactly the same as the one that occurred in
1931. No wonder. It is the same people behind it. It is the same people who have to pay.
Ordinary people. And that all around Europe and the USA. The German philosopher Hegel
talked about the right to a revolution in an essay discovered recently: Hegel was subject to
censorship and often did not reveal his real views except in the margins of his works. Hegel recognised that social misery and
poverty were not necessary but was the result of the avarice of the rulers. He warned that
poverty brings „moral degradation“ as well as physical deprivation. Flowing from the right of
every person to live a free, dignified life on an adequate financial basis comes the right to a
revolution in case a government or state denies people the financial basis for a proper life. The
time has surely come for a revolution.  Given the history of Ireland, if there is no political
revolution, a violent revolution will start. And even Hegel, the personification of Prussian
conservatism, would have applauded. Germany’s Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said in
an interview with Der Spiegel on Monday that democracy will be endangered if tax payers are
forced to carry the burden of bank debt’s.,1518,732998,00.html If this is how Germany’s tax
payer’s feel, imagine how Ireland’s people will feel when they are forced to bear the las hof the
IMF/EU budget for four long years. Given the prospect of violent upheaval, it is surely better for
every responsible citizen to become active now in shaping the future of their country. We need,
in my view, a broad movement to gain power in elections to implement very concrete steps to
democracy and prosperty. Such a broad movement could perhaps campaign under a name like
„Good Luck Ireland.“ For luck is what Ireland surely will need to get out of this mess, which has
been engineered by some of the most black, black „characters“ that ever paraded around the
Dail. If Iceland can do it, so can Ireland. It is time for us to put our thinking caps on. The
elections coming up sooner or later need to be won for the people of Ireland. Or the revolution
even Hegel advocated will surely begin. [PS. On another note, I have nothing to do with Jim
Corr, who for reasons known to himself, began to claim I had never filed charges against Baxter
in spite of being in possession of evidence I had, thereby trying to undermine my credibility as
conintelpro agents constantly do and also on the message boards of this blog.]]]> 3854 2010-12-
09 16:59:37 2010-12-09 16:59:37 open open irelands-plight-crime-or-mistake publish 0 0 post 0
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status-downgraded-to-junk-same-as-libya-irish-times-reporter-confuses-readers/ Fri, 10 Dec
2010 14:59:48 +0000 birdflu666 „IRELAND’S
CREDIT rating was cut yesterday to the same level as Libya and South Africa, and three steps
above “junk” status which would force investors to dump Irish bonds.“ The deflationary debt
spiral has begun. The markets know there will no recovery for Ireland such as Iceland is
currently enjoying because Iceland defaulted on bank paper debts that their government tried to
foist on them. On the contrary, by equating astronomical private, fraudulent, bank debts with
the national debt and passing budgets of extreme fiscal austerity, the country has been sold into
debt slavery to those same banks, reducing Ireland to the economic status of a third world
country run by a tinpot oligarcy, Libya. That is what is Ireland really is now, so Fitch is right.
Dan O’Brien of the Irish Times confuses public debt with the bank private debt in his analysis
and that is why this conclusion that the economy will recover is absolutely flawed.
( Austerity
budgets are not the solution if the public debt is not created by the government but by the
private banks. Dan O’Brien fails to address this fundamental fact that everyone with a basic
knowledge of economics knows in yet another one of his pieces furthering the interest of the
banks.]]> 3856 2010-12-10 14:59:48 2010-12-10 14:59:48 open open irelands-bond-status-
downgraded-to-junk-same-as-libya-irish-times-reporter-confuses-readers publish 0 0 post 0
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2010-12-11 05:48:42 2010-12-11 05:48:42 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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debt-slavery-budget-finally/ Fri, 10 Dec 2010 15:01:22 +0000 birdflu666
via=mr]]> 3858 2010-12-10 15:01:22 2010-12-10 15:01:22 open open fianna-fail-agrees-to-
hold-dail-vote-on-eu-imf-debt-slavery-budget-finally publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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by-student-protestors/ Fri, 10 Dec 2010 15:02:47 +0000 birdflu666 Daily Mail Reporter Prince's Rolls Royce set upon
on way to Palladium Camilla cowers in fear as car is hit with paint bombs Met chief hails armed
officers 'restraint' during attack Scotland Yard to hold major inquiry into security lapse
Cameron: Rioters must be arrested and punished Anarchists boast of success and plan more
disruption Student has surgery for blood clot on brain after riot Royal protection officers were
seconds from drawing their weapons after the Duchess of Cornwall was physically attacked by
rioters, it emerged today. Camilla was prodded in the ribs with a stick through the open window
of their Rolls Royce as she and Charles were driven to the Royal Variety Performance at the
London Palladium. One of the vintage car's windows was left open by mistake before the vehicle
was surrounded by a snarling mob of rioting students and activists. The car was kicked, rocked
and hit with paint bombs as up to 20 demonstrators attacked it and chanted 'Off with their
heads!' and 'Tory scum', leaving the couple visibly shaken. One thug managed to lean into the
car through the window nearest to Camilla, who was left terrified by the biggest Royal security
lapse in a generation. Read more:
rioter.html#ixzz17iiubrWL]]> 3860 2010-12-10 15:02:47 2010-12-10 15:02:47 open open
prince-charles-and-camilla-atacked-in-london-by-student-protestors publish 0 0 post 0
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aim-at-the-bankers/ Sat, 11 Dec 2010 16:29:38 +0000 birdflu666 Public fury over the deferred payment of
€40million in bonuses to senior staff at Allied Irish Banks is understandable in current
circumstances. But that is only one aspect of a corrosive culture. Minister for Finance Brian
Lenihan banned the payment of performance-related bonuses at Irish banks in 2008. But a
number of these organisations simply changed the goalposts and paid signing-on and retention
bonuses to senior executives instead. The appalling weakness of the Minister’s position was laid
bare in the Dáil when his intention to impose a tax of 90 per cent on all future bonuses was
announced. The Finance Bill will not become law for a number of months. Read more at:]]> 3862
2010-12-11 16:29:38 2010-12-11 16:29:38 open open irish-times-takes-aim-at-the-bankers
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
central-bank-is-keeping-its-banks-afloat-no-need-for-foreign-capital-after-all/ Sat, 11 Dec 2010
16:31:09 +0000 birdflu666 The statistics paint a
picture of huge flows of central bank support to the banking system in November, at the height
of Ireland's external debt crisis. Funds flowed into the banks from the two central banks as the
market became concerned about the cash position (liquidity) of the main Irish banks,after Bank
of Ireland and AIB revealed details of billions in corporate deposit outflows. Read more at:
2457006.html]]> 3864 2010-12-11 16:31:09 2010-12-11 16:31:09 open open irelands-own-
central-bank-is-keeping-its-banks-afloat-no-need-for-foreign-capital-after-all publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last 10380 2010-12-12 00:39:02 2010-12-12
00:39:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
reject-imfeu-budget-next-wednesday/ Sat, 11 Dec 2010 16:34:51 +0000 birdflu666 “Because of the threat of legal action from Sinn
Féin's Dáil leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin this disastrous deal can still be turned down. “There
are other options available for Ireland such as burning the bondholders and putting in place a
proper recovery programme that stimulates the economy rather than contracting it. “Sinn Féin
has put forward sound proposals to grow the economy while paying off the debt in a longer
timeframe. “We first need to see this disastrous deal defeated in the Dáil next week and I would
call on all TDs who value Irish sovereignty to vote against the deal. “We then need a General
Election which would allow all parties to put forward their respective positions. “Then at least
we would have a Government with a mandate from the people to proceed in the best interests of
the people.” Read more:
against-imf-deal-485310.html#ixzz17obsmP1a]]> 3866 2010-12-11 16:34:51 2010-12-11 16:34:51
open open sinn-fein-leader-calls-on-irish-parliament-to-reject-imfeu-budget-next-wednesday
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
%e2%80%9emadness%e2%80%9c/ Sat, 11 Dec 2010 16:36:19 +0000 birdflu666 th, 1944. Adolf Hitler is inside his bunker in the
centre of Berlin, dictating his final order to his secretary Fräulein Krüger: the battle group
Mohnke is to break out of the government quarters, encircled by Soviet troops, and make their
way, in small groups, through the enemy lines to join up with German forces in the rear. In the
background, the thunder of Russian artillery can be heard. Hitler’s eyes have lost their sparkle.
His face is pale as death. Dark rings hang under his eyes. His left hand is shaking so badly that
he can hardly sign the order. As the sound of machine gun fire can be heard among the
deafening roar and Soviet troops fight their way into the bunker, Hitler announces to his
adjutant Günsche that he intends to take his life together with Eva Braun and retires to his
study, dimly lit by a naked bulb. According to historians and “Das Buch Hitler” ( Henrik Eberle
and Matthias Uhl, Lübbe)., Hitler then killed himself, his body was doused in petrol and burned.
However, it cannot be ruled out that he escaped – and became an employee of the IMF in New
York. IMF and the EU finance group leaders are showing a similar and quite startling delusion,
verging on lunacy when it comes to the measures they expect tax payers to take to prop up the
flailing currency for the profit of the banks. Even Germany’s staid BILD newspaper is asking in a
report today: who can stop this Eurobond “lunacy”? Yes, it is 8 am on December 6th, 2010.
Dominique Strauss Kahn, IMF Chief, is dictating an order to his secretary: the  ECB chief Jean
Claude Trichet and the euro group finance ministers leader Jean Claude Juncker are to insist
that Eurobonds are introduced  to ensure that banks can continue to suck capital out of the
eurozone economies before the whole currency collapses in a heap of ruins under weight of the
astronomical paper debts that the banks have loaded onto governments. All this, so that the IMF
has time to introduce a new global currency on behalf of the bankers. The monetary equivalent
of the legendary V2 rocket is coming to the IMF’s rescue! Just hang in there, Trichet and
Juncker! Just buy us some more time! The V2 rocket will save us all! In the background, the
cracking up of the entire eurozone can be heard. The euro is sinking against dollar on the
currency markets in spite of the biggest ever “bailout” for banks in history. Markets digest the
fact that not even 750 billion euros will be enough to put a dent in the gigantic avalanche of
paper, fractional reserve debt threatening to bury the Europe’s economies – including
Germany’s – forever. Not even the annual tax revenues of all European countries put together
are enough to service the annual interest on government, private bank debt now just as not the
entire population of Germany roped into service in the army or into factories could stave off
defeat in 1945 when Nazi Germany was faced with opponents that had so much more material
and men. Greece and Ireland’s political oligarchy are wrestling to suck money from the
countries to feed to this gigantic debt monster but word is getting out that the countries are
facing a debt deflationary spiral that will destroy their economies and the rating agencies are
downgrading them to junk. Worst of all, Germany doesn’t want to commit economic suicide
along with Greece and Ireland. And introducing Eurobonds would push up the interest Germany
has to pay on its national debt – and 475 billion in Bund bonds have to be rolled over by 2013
alone and each one per cent hike in the interest rate will add 4.75 billion to the bill. The
population is furious at the cuts in budgets and tax hikes to fund the endless bank handouts and
at the prospect of having to bailout every single other European country. Even Bild is calling this
plan “madness” and asking who can stop the lunacy?
nicolas-sarkozy-koennen-sie-den-wahnsinn-stoppen.html Chancellor Angela Merkel and
French President Nicolas Sarkozy for once enjoy support from just about everyone in their
respective countries as they stem themselves against the Eurobond Götterdämmerung that may
slow the meltdown of the eurozone but not stop it as they point out – only to be ignored by the
IMF and EU chiefs in their bunkers. Strauss-Khan’s eyes have lost their sparkle as the
realization dawns the euro zone break up is coming. His face is as pale as death. Dark rings hang
under his eyes. His left hand is shaking so badly that he can hardly sign the fax to Trichet and
Juncker. But he has barely dispatched the order to fight to the end when the news comes in that
the German government and French government have stuck in their heels and in refusing to
introduce Eurobonds , violate their Constitutions and consign their economies to the dustbin.
They are also refusing to expand the bailout already so big that Germany would have to  sell off
its assets as well as give all its tax revenues to the Moloch. The Euro’s doom is sealed. Break up
is inevitable. Soon, very soon, hundreds of millions of people will be asking: just how come this
euro currency resulted in debt slavery and country’s going bankrupt across Europe within only
ten years of its introduction? Where has all the money gone? Soon, hundreds of millions of
people will have figured out their money has gone into the banker’s pocket via a sophisticated
fractional reserve, banking scam aided and abetted by their governments. So much debt has
been loaded onto European governments and the budget cuts needed to pay for this debt are so
draconian that political protests are threatening to get out of control. Prince Charles is nearly
pulled out of his car and lynched on the streets of London by students, furious that so much of
the tax money is going to the banks to pay paper debts that there is nothing left to pay for
university. Key information is spreading on the internet; not even the Wikileaks false flag op can
get the internet shut down fast enough. Fiscal austerity is simply not appropriate if government
debt is not public debt but private banking debt. That just what the EU has been recommending
and people are starting to ask why. Why is the EU asking the people to commit economic suicide
for the banks? And as for the Eurobonds? Madness. Against the law. And ultimately of no use.
Strauss-Khan knows that Eurobonds is craziness but he also knows their introduction will
postpone the day, the hour, the minute when he has to tell his boss, the inevitable. The Globalist
project for conquering the world by economic warfare has failed. Someone badly miscalculated
the amount of debt that economies can service. Servicing that debt is coming apart at the seams
at a speed no one could have predicted. Even little Ireland is starting to give the IMF and EU a
hard time. IMF Gauleiter Brian Cowen is growing ever more isolated. The Irish Time is asking in
a thundering editorial: how come none of the bankers have been hauled before the courts?
Strauss-Khan takes a sip of cold coffee and picks up the phone and dials the number of the
Rothschild banking group, whose head runs the Federal Reserve and the City of London and
who has such influential voice in the Bilderberg group. Beads of cold sweat appear on his
forehead. His voice is weak….]]> 3868 2010-12-11 16:36:19 2010-12-11 16:36:19 open open
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1984/ Sat, 11 Dec 2010 16:41:19 +0000 birdflu666
The “herd” is no longer reading from the 1984 script. The grey “masses” are no longer trudging
back and forth to work in crowded commuter trains to their offices in monolithic buildings to
toil away inside a gigantic bureaucracy, functioning like machines, using double speak and
subservient to Big Brother, depressed, inwardly alienated and hopeless, scrimping for a penny.
And that hell is pretty much the kind of life many people in London nowadays lead. The masses
have reinvented themselves as the  people, morphed into colourful individuals, who are making
up their own minds, taking control of their lives, taking risks, breaking boundaries, and calling
the real architects of their debt slavery to account in direct, personal encounters fraught with
risk and dangers for both sides. This was Shakespeare, not Orwell. This was the robust and
emotionally charges encounters such as those described in Shakespeare's history plays when
villainous monarchs like Richard III and their lords had to confront their wronged adversaries.
For justice in Shakespeare’s plays, at least, is always done. To me, these scenes strongly that
suggests the New World Order mind control matrix has broken down. The system is now open,
not closed. Anything can happen next. In the chaos yesterday, it was very lucky no one was hurt.
Police were wise not to have used their guns: the death of a protestor could have been the spark
to light a bonfire of rebellion,  summoning an even more unpredictable crowd from the ever
shifting configuration of shoppers, protestors and students on the streets, that chaos that made
it so hard for the police to estimate what was likely to happen next. The events yesterday also
suggest that days when the Bilderberg Prince Charles can no longer hide behind pageantry. Not
even the hugely popular Prince William, who surely has the makings of a heroic figure in any
Shakespearean play, wants the Palace involved in his wedding. On his way to a theatrical
extravaganza at the Royal Variety Performance, Prince Charles had to face the stark reality of
the ever growing hostility to him and to his puppet government. He had to face the reality that
there are moments in life that cannot be controlled, calculated; moments when “cold fearful
drops stand on our trembling flesh,”; moments when we ask: what have we lived for? Are we in a
fit state to meet our maker? Moments when the police are not there to shoot down and kill
protestors at the speed a monarch might wish and moments when there is no armoured car or
horse to help him escape the fury of the people who – rightly or wrongly -- feel betrayed by a
villainous, two-faced, conniving “elite”. And the people of England have rediscovered this truth:
they do have the power to restore good government. The last word to Shakespeare: Richard III:
Give me another horse: bind up my wounds. Have mercy, Jesu!--Soft! I did but dream. O
coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me! The lights burn blue. It is now dead midnight. Cold
fearful drops stand on my trembling flesh. What do I fear? myself? there's none else by: Richard
loves Richard; that is, I am I. Is there a murderer here? No. Yes, I am: Then fly. What, from
myself? Great reason why: Lest I revenge. What, myself upon myself? Alack. I love myself.
Wherefore? for any good That I myself have done unto myself? O, no! alas, I rather hate myself
For hateful deeds committed by myself! I am a villain: yet I lie. I am not.]]> 3871 2010-12-11
16:41:19 2010-12-11 16:41:19 open open time-to-tear-up-george-orwell%e2%80%99s-1984
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people-of-england-have-rediscovered-this-truth/ 2010-12-12 04:31:15 2010-12-12
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%E2%80%99s-1984/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 2010-12-12
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defiant-water-canon-could-soon-be-used-says-telegraph/ Sun, 12 Dec 2010 16:00:36 +0000
Camilla-we-wont-be-cowed.html But is that really wise? Is this really such a good idea given the
fact that they came so close to being lynched by an angry mob engulfing their Rolls Royce in
Regents Street on Thursday? Is there is no one in the Palace, like the Queen, to sit down and
have a chat with them and take a firm grip on this pair before they get into a similar situation,
and luck deserts them and they come to real harm? It turns out that Prince Charles was warned
by his bodyguards not to go to the theatrical extravaganza at the London Palladium on Thursday
evening, making his decision to go all the more inexplicable. It is worth recalling the scenes of
chaos, of violent riots, of mayhem probably not seen in the capital since the Blitz – only this
time the anger of the Brits was turned squarely against their own government. Thousands of
police had to be drafted in to stop students from storming Parliament. It was not just the
tripling of student fees that angered protestors. It was the treachery of the Liberal Democrat
Leader Nick Clegg who had pledged not to increase the fees before the election - and who had
collected votes precisely for that reason. His treachery was too much even for his own MPs to
stomach: more than three quarters refused to vote for a bill that will effectively cut off the
bridges to higher education – and a future -- for a generation. When votes don’t count, when
elections change nothing, when parliamentary democracy is fixed, when people can see that the
rulers plan for them to sink into ever more poverty, then they do what the German Philosopher
Hegel said they should do, and must do: they revolt against the elite that has fixed the system
and is depriving them of their natural, God-given right to a free, productive and dignified
futures. The police are a body designed to keep law and order not to deal with a revolution
against a corrupt elite, and there is only so much they can do. The UK banks have received
countless billions from US taxpayers through the Federal Reserve bailouts as well as from
British tax payers, but the FSA has even refused to release a key report on the banking collapse.
Wise. The report will reveal the entire scam for what it is: debts that come from the
manipulation of balance sheets; banks that have not collapsed at all; a false flag financial crisis
designed to capture tax money under the pretext of having to pay interest on nonexistent, paper
debts. Irish Times economics reporter Dan O’Brien is probably the only person who still
confuses public government debt and private bank debt that is saddled on governments. He is
one of the few left, anyone, who doesn’t understand that fiscal austerity is just another word for
robbery of the people when the government debts are private banking debts and not public
debts. The problem in this case is not that taxation and spending have got out of balance:
governments have not spent more than they have earned in the form of taxes. The problem is
that the gigantic, fraudulent bank debts should never have been loaded onto the tax payer in the
first place. The solution is not a deflationary budget and debt spiral but default. The speeches of
the Union Leaders on Parliament Square showed that the people have a clear grasp of the
economic theory underpinning this fraud. It really is as if your boss has borrowed your credit
card, gone on a spending spree and given you the bill to pay. Or rather cut your wages by half to
pay the bill. Protests against magnate Sir Philip Green – who flew into Iceland at the height of
the crisis and bought up companies for a pittance -- were going on in the centre of London at the
same time as the student protests: people are asking how come they have to pay more taxes and
the pet tycoons of the government pay none? Or to put it in another way: why are their wages
being cut in half to pay for the fraudulent credit card debt but not the much higher wages of
their bosses’ best friends? It doesn’t help Bilderberg Prince Charles’ cause when the “elites”
trickery is so transparent. It doesn’t help Charles cause either that his German father Prince
Philip Mountbatten – ( brother was in the Nazi Party) declared that a population of 3 million in
Britain is more than enough, thank you very much. It surely doesn’t help that key government
advisors like Jonathon Porrit said in the Times in March 2009 that the population of the UK
must be reduced to 30 million, roughly the same as in Victorian times, to protect the
environment. This makes it most regrettable that Prince Charles is seen as a figurehead of this
population reduction movement. It is also regrettable that climate change is now widely
considered to be a scientific fraud, and he is its cheerleader. These remarks about population
reduction and saving trees might well start to make the people of England think that they are
superfluous in their own country and the Mountbattens and other Nazi types and bankers in the
City of London want it all for themselves. In this context where the “Endgame” is being played
out, it doesn’t help that the GSK has just tried to give the whole population vaccines with
mercury and adjuvants, proven to cause damage, for a non-existent swine flu pandemic. And
people know it. Nor is it helpful for Charles’ that he has been linked in the minds of the people
with the murder of his popular wife, Princess Diana: she wrote a note saying Charles planned to
kill her in a car crash just before a suspicious car crash… It doesn’t help that Charles is seen as
the ultimate effete and pampered cad with his butlers, valets and aides, the very reincarnation of
Richard III, insecure, suffering from a chip on his shoulder, arrogant, immoral and aggressive.
All these factors made a trip to the theatre in a Rolls Royce when the city is engulfed by riots
inadvisable. But Charles ignored all the warnings, joked about the protests, and stepped into his
highly visible Phantom V Rolls Royce for an enjoyable evening at the theatre. It did not take long
for the first people to recognize him as his Rolls Royce sailed like the Titanic on wheels down
Regent Street. Within seconds, hundreds of people were chasing after the  Rolls Royce,
shouting, waving sticks. Prince Charles actually thought his fans have come to greet him and he
waved through the windows of his Rolls Royce and smiles at the faces pressed against the glass.
The rioters multiplied, called for his head to be cut off, banged their fists on his car, kicked it.
The police officers struggled to keep control and still Charles waved and smiled, apparently
really not aware of the fact he was in the middle of a mob, baying for his blood. A window was
cracked. Camilla got down on the floor, cowering before the chauffeur stepped on the pedal and
drove straight into the crowd in one of the busiest streets of London in truly shocking scenes
that have gone around the world. Is it really wise for Charles and Camilla to continue with
business as usual given what happened? Have they shown good judgment in measuring risks so
far? In their position, I think I would be reinforcing the security of Buckingham Palace and
Highbury with machine gun posts, sand bags and underground bunkers and stocking up on food
and ammo instead. And don’t forget a few water canon trucks at every corner! Is there no one in
Charles’s highly experienced circle of advisors who is ready to take him aside for a quiet one-to-
one chat and explain to him that he is one of the most detested figures in all England and that
going into the crowds that see him as the very personification of the corrupt, City of London,
Bilderberg elite, that has brought so much suffering, oppression and poverty, let alone going
into those crowds, waving highly visibly, is just not advisable? That German police chiefs
explained to their governments that no amount of water trucks and police can quell large-scale
political unrest arising from obvious misrule and corruption? What about the Queen? She seems
like a sensible type of woman? My Mum met the Queen when she was younger and thought she
had her feet still on the ground. Would the Queen not have a heart to heart chat with her son?
Would she not explain to him over a cup of tea that the circle of people who like him -- or at least
suffer him gladly -- has shrunk to her, Prince Philip, his valet, butler, the Rothschilds, George
Soros, Cameron and Blair, the Queen of the Netherlands and the Queen of Spain and the
Hohenzollerns and a few other Globalists. Perhaps she can show him some video clips of the
students waging pitched battles with the police on Parliament Square, of mounted police riding
into crowds and the crowds flinging sticks, and anything they could get their hands on, attacking
police with metal bars, injuring several seriously, to make him understand that going on
Thursday into a city engulfed by unprecedented riots in his Rolls Royce was rather risky. Or a
video of the student taken to hospital with blood on his face, concussed from the truncheon
blows, to show that the people are serious about wanting a change and a revolution is brewing
and the cuts haven’t even begun to bite. After tea and biscuits, she could go over the budget
figures and point out to him that the UK government has just slashed 40 % off the budget to give
money to the banks for fraudulently engineered paper debts. Perhaps she should show him
footage of the parliament in Iceland being stormed because the people refused to pay the banks
debts as evidence that in 2010 things are really not like they used to be in the good old days
when kids went down the coal mines. Who knows if facts will help? It could be that Charles
think plunging into a round of high profile public engagements is a display of defiance that will
impress the hard pressed peasants, suggesting toughness, courage and an arrogant disdain of
dangers by the superman, who is destined to rule the British empire. Perhaps he thinks the
crowds will be inspired by his appearance in a Rolls Royce, waving from the window, as he
trundles down Regents Street guarded by water canon trucks, tanks and armoured vehicles, all
sticking close just in case. Water canon trucks are of limited use when crowds move fast around
a city, splitting into groups. Also, the use of water canon on peaceful protestors in Stuttgart,
Germany, actually multiplied number of people demonstrating on the streets against a railway
project perceived to benefit only a corporate clique. Someone needs to pluck up courage and
explain to Charles that keeping a stiff upper lip generally only wins kudos when people are seen
to be fighting for a higher ideal: for example, the common good, justice, truth. The robbery of a
country via a bank scam to have more valets, butlers is not considered a high ideal. A draconian
reduction of the population so that Charles and Philip have more green space to ride out in is
not considered a statemanslike ideal in a civilization moulded by the ideals of classical Greece
and Rome, and infused by the sensibility of Shakespeare. If Charles has a moment in between
playing polo, skinning or gardening, he could flick through his Plato, and study Plato’s theory of
courage. For someone to be courageous, they have to fight for something that is objectively a
good thing, argues Plato. Otherwise it is not courage, it is stubbornness, folly, delusion. Another
approach to get Charles to open his mind might be to show him the many recent neurological
studies that show that if we think the same thoughts over and over again, these thoughts
configure our brain in such a way that we find it hard to think other thoughts. For example, if we
spend all our time scheming, calculating, plotting, intriguing for our profit, we can find those
parts of our brains that think more altruistic thoughts shutting down for lack of use. Our
thoughts become locked into the neurological circuits that lead to repetition. This appears to be
the neurological roots of obsession, fixation and egomaniacal delusion. If the thought is
speeding around my own brain so fast, it must be real, no? No one Aristotle put so much
emphasis on cultivating the habit of virtue, the habit of justice, of integrity of generosity and of
courage. Who knows what will persuade Charles to consider the many new factors at play, and
adapt his behaviour to the ever changing circumstances, and take sensible precautions for his
own safety? But for his own sake, one of his plentiful and highly paid advisors should surely
make an effort and try to stop him getting into scrap of the kind he got into on Thursday after he
ignored warnings about just how dangerous his jaunt to the theatre would be and found himself
dangerously alone in a mob, and thatno amount of  water canons, tanks and riot police can
protect him or his banker friends if he takes such risks under the influence, it would appear, of
nothing more noble than hubris. The universal law of justice is as simple as it is inexorable: they
who sow the wind of war and bank collapses, shall reap the whirldwind.]]> 3874 2010-12-12
16:00:36 2010-12-12 16:00:36 open open prince-charles-defiant-water-canon-could-soon-be-
used-says-telegraph publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_f0ed6d8d614e947d4f5abdf79dc96b7f 10418 2010-12-13 03:43:51 2010-12-13
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have-been-loaded-onto-tax-payers/ 2010-12-13 16:46:00 2010-12-13 16:46:00 1
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10411 2010-12-12 22:10:04
2010-12-12 22:10:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
profitted-from-madoffs-ponzi-scheme-alleges-new-60-billion-lawsuit/ Mon, 13 Dec 2010
15:40:02 +0000 birdflu666 Madoff Firm Trustee
Seeks $50 Billion as Clawback Window Closes By Bob Van Voris - Dec 13, 2010 6:00 AM
GMT+0100  The trustee liquidating Bernard L. Madoff’s investment firm has filed more than
$50 billion in so- called clawback suits to compensate victims of the con man’s fraud since his
2008 arrest for masterminding the biggest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history. Irving Picard filed
hundreds of lawsuits against banks, feeder funds, investors and others alleged to have profited
from Madoff’s decades-long crime. Among those sued was Madoff’s son Mark, who hung himself
in his Manhattan apartment Dec. 11, the two-year anniversary of his father’s arrest. The deadline
for Picard to file claims expired that day. So far, he has recovered about $2.5 billion. Last week,
he sued Bank Medici AG and its founder, Sonja Kohn, as well as Bank Austria, UniCredit SpA
and dozens of other parties. He is seeking $19.6 billion from them, which could potentially triple
to $58.8 billion under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. It’s the biggest
claim filed by Picard. Kohn, 62, whom Picard called Madoff’s “criminal soul mate,” used a
relationship with the financier that began in 1985 to help build the Vienna-based bank, feeding
more than $9.1 billion of investor money into his company, Picard said in a complaint last week
in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York. “The illegal scheme enriched Kohn, her family, and
scores of other individuals and entities, including the largest banks in Austria and Italy, at the
expense of the BLMIS estate and on the backs of Madoff’s victims,” Picard said in court papers,
referring to Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC. Read more at:
billion-treble-damages-via-rico.html]]> 3880 2010-12-13 15:40:02 2010-12-13 15:40:02 open
open banks-in-austria-profitted-from-madoffs-ponzi-scheme-alleges-new-60-billion-lawsuit
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10440 2010-12-13 21:12:13
2010-12-13 21:12:13 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
eurozone-meltdown/ Mon, 13 Dec 2010 15:44:56 +0000 birdflu666 Increasing the bailout will require government or
private assets to be sold off to raise the extra revenue or else Germany will have to borrow yet
more money. Introducing eurobonds would, on the other hand, saddle Germany with an extra 17
billion bill to pay for its national debt if it abandons Bunds. Also, the interest rates on the
eurobonds are expected to soar sky high as the markets recognise that the amount of fractional
reserve paper debt saddled on European governments is so astronomical that even paying the
annual interest is threatening to destroy the eurozone economies by sending them into a
deflationary debt. Fiscal austerity measures will not help: government budgets are out of
balance not because of government overspending but because of the equation of private bank
debts with souvereign debt. Fiscal austerity in these circumstances will lead to a deflationary
depression and to a debt death spiral as all the money (including pension funds) in the economy
is sucked up by a handful of banks. A closer fiscal union is not possible when the various
eurozone countries have significant economic differences. The shareholders in the major banks
(the British Crown, the Rothschilds etc etc?) refuse to accept that they will not get their pound of
flesh for their paper debts, so the obvious option of defaulting seems to be blocked by the puppet
masters. To prevent a total meltdown, the eurozone will have to break up. Germany, France and
a few other countries might be able to form one euro currency zone while Spain, Portugal, Italy
and Greece could form another, allowing them to devalue, set interest rates and restore jobs and
competitiveness. Only a eurozone break up will restore economic strength to economies so
weakened by the euro that they can now barely stagger on. As the people of Europe wake up to
the fact that the entire economic policy of the EU is being run for the profit of a few families,
who are major shareholders in key banks, shock will give way to anger. More outrage will follow
when they realise this is exactly the same scam as the 1931 German banking crisis and the
economies are beng geared for war just as before. It is impossible to imagine a scenario where
the people of Germany or any other country will accept having all their money, property and
even lives being sacrificed by  corrupt and incompetent political leaders at EU and IMF or at
national government level, and then being sent into some trumped up war based on some false
flag terrorist action. Clearly the time has come for a major renewal of our political institutions
and economies – this time without the malign Bilderberg/Globalist network. You can sign Karin
Kolland’s petition using this link. Imagine a town council deciding to make every single person
in the town responsible for the huge debts of a feckless publican and that is the transfer union in
simpl terms.   http://hanael-]]> 3882
2010-12-13 15:44:56 2010-12-13 15:44:56 open open petition-against-eurozone-meltdown
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10535 2010-12-16
11:11:19 2010-12-16 11:11:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10438
the-petition-against-eurozone-meltdown/ 2010-12-13 18:46:46 2010-12-13
18:46:46 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10468 http://Thankyou! 2010-12-14 20:32:05 2010-12-14 20:32:05 1
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 13
Dec 2010 15:55:56 +0000 birdflu666 Now it seems another wave of swine flu scaremongering
is starting. The Daily Mail says that ten deaths are raising fears of a new swine flu epidemic. But
the report admits that five of the ten people who died took the flu vaccine. This
year, the swine flu vaccine contains the swine flu virus. That is to say,  five of the
ten deaths could even be caused by the vaccine! One thing can be deduced logically
from these figures: taking the flu vaccine did not help five out of ten of the dead
people. In addition, the report admits that it is not known whether the people died
from the swine flu or other underlying conditions. This is the report in the Daily Mail:
Ten deaths raise fears of a new swine flu epidemic By Jo Macfarlane Last updated at 1:25 AM on
12th December 2010 Health Protection Agency (HPA) officials have confirmed the H1N1 virus is
circulating again this winter Ten people have died after contracting the swine flu virus in the
past six weeks. Health Protection Agency (HPA) officials have confirmed the H1N1 virus that
caused last year’s global pandemic is circulating again this winter. The deaths have occurred
across England and most of those affected, although not all, had underlying health problems
before coming into contact with the virus. It is not known whether the victims died as a result of
swine flu or because of complications related to their other conditions. Five of the ten adults had
received the flu vaccine. Read more:
epidemic.html#ixzz180BFY0hQ]]> 3884 2010-12-13 15:55:56 2010-12-13 15:55:56 open open
yet-more-swine-flu-scare-mongering publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_8d11a14cbb13b40575ee89a64f9f9264 _oembed_7dae2bfcd7d56e6c9621bffef31ccb4a
10452 2010-12-14 07:09:38 2010-12-14 07:09:38 1 0 0
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the-flu-vaccine/ 2010-12-13 17:40:28 2010-12-13 17:40:28 1 pingback 0 0
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swine-flu-scare-mongering/ 2010-12-14 13:35:15 2010-12-14 13:35:15 1 pingback
0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10435
mongering/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 2010-12-13 18:17:07
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10512 2010-12-15 16:31:17 2010-
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hike-may-herald-more-bond-buys-or-default/ Tue, 14 Dec 2010 20:12:42 +0000 birdflu666 A person at one of the largest national central banks
in the Eurosystem said the ECB's governing council may decide to boost its capital as early as
Thursday, when its governing council holds a regular meeting. The ECB's headquarters itself
declined to comment. The ECB's governing council is empowered to increase the bank's capital
independently of any government approval, as its shareholders are the 16 national central banks
that make up the Eurosystem. However, if the national central banks cannot meet a cash call
themselves, they may have to ask their shareholders--which for the most part are national
governments--for a capital injection themselves. The basic logic of any kind of capital increase is
the same wherever it may happen: extra capital protects against losses on the balance sheet that
haven't yet been declared, or it allows the bank in question to expand its balance sheet by
making more loans or buying more assets such as bonds. Read more at:]]> 3886 2010-12-14 20:12:42
2010-12-14 20:12:42 open open ecb-watch-capital-hike-may-herald-more-bond-buys-or-default
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_27cb25114550f9d87089089a8a591d1c
euro-crisis-deepens/ Tue, 14 Dec 2010 20:14:21 +0000 birdflu666 Spain sold EUR2.513 billion of 12-month and 18-
month T-bills, comfortably within the EUR2 billion to EUR3 billion target range, but the
average yield on the 12-month T-bills rose 46% to 3.449% from 2.363% at the previous auction,
Nov. 16, while for the 18-month T-bills, it increased almost 40% to 3.721% from 2.664%.]]> 3888 2010-12-14 20:14:21
2010-12-14 20:14:21 open open spain-and-belgian-must-pay-more-for-debt-as-euro-crisis-
deepens publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_bc7ed145dd2132ace2d2d29e67601392
_oembed_d8c0ba7a85b69ff5385ffe4f4e5e8acc _oembed_a13cceacc72db56e7e89cc6cd3dc5de8
charges-in-connection-with-hypo-scandal-bank/ Tue, 14 Dec 2010 20:17:01 +0000 birdflu666 3890 2010-12-14 20:17:01 2010-12-14 20:17:01
open open authorities-announce-first-70-criminal-charges-in-connection-with-hypo-scandal-
bank publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
says-julian-assange-should-be-given-a-medal-by-america/ Tue, 14 Dec 2010 20:20:17 +0000
birdflu666 Furthermore, Assange threatened to
bring down a major US bank by publishing bank data – and so trigger a financial collapse, also
suiting the bankers. Who can still really believe that  Assange, who is feted in the FT and
Economist and whose  lawyer works for a Soros foundation, is really attacking the banking elite?
William Engdahl observes that the Wikileaks story doesn’t add up: “Then the plot thickens. The
250,000 pages end up at the desk of Julian Assange, the 39-year-old Australian founder of a
supposedly anti-establishment website with the cute name Wikileaks. Assange decides to
selectively choose several of the world’s most ultra-establishment news media to exclusively
handle the leaking job for him as he seems to be on the run from Interpol, not for leaking
classified information, but for allegedly having consensual sex with two Swedish women who
later decided it was rape. He selects as exclusive newspapers to decide what is to be leaked the
New York Times which did such service in promoting faked propaganda against Saddam that
led to the Iraqi war, the London Guardian and Der Spiegel. Assange claims he had no time to
sift through so many pages so handed them to the trusted editors of the establishment media for
them to decide what should be released. Very “anti-establishment” that. The New York Times
even assigned one of its top people, David E. Sanger, to control the release of the Wikileaks
material. Sanger is no establishment outsider. He sits as a member of the elite Council on
Foreign Relations as well as the Aspen Institute Strategy Group together with the likes of Condi
Rice, former Defense Secretary William Perry, former CIA head John Deutch, former State
Department Deputy Secretary and now World Bank head Robert Zoellick among others. Indeed
a strange choice of media for a person who claims to be anti-establishment. But then Assange
also says he believes the US Government version of 9/11 and calls the Bilderberg Group a
normal meeting of people, a very establishment view.”
con-job.htm]]> 3892 2010-12-14 20:20:17 2010-12-14 20:20:17 open open ft-journalist-says-
julian-assange-should-be-given-a-medal-by-america publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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prince-william/ Tue, 14 Dec 2010 20:31:51 +0000 birdflu666 Prince William’s declaration of support for the
homeless comes just as Prince Charles was almost lynched by angry students in Regent Streets
last week after the government voted to pass on the full cost of higher education to students
while giving billions to the banks in “bailouts” for paper debt. By making such a declaration of
support for the homeless, Prince William is risking the wrath of the elite whose policies have led
to so much misery for so many. He also took something of a risk when he chose to give his
fiancé, Princess Diana’s ring. He took yet another  risk when he decided to organize his own
wedding against the wishes of the Palace, that appears to wants to use a royal wedding as a
marketing tool and a show of pageantry as a means to increase the popularity and prestige of the
monarchy. And there are signs that Prince Williams is now getting the “Diana treatment”. The
closure of the RAF base he serves at as a Search and Rescue Pilot was announced just one day
after William’s article in the Big Issue appeared. And the RAF based is to be closed for economic
reasons that make absolutely no sense. The
Telegraph at the weekend also carried a piece gently  ridiculing him for wishing to be called
Prince William after his marriage and for desiring for his wife to be to be called Princess
Catherine. For us, commoners, that all makes perfect sense. But to the establishment, it seems,
William and Kate are part of the “firm”, with a place in a hierarchy, a role, a function and their
names need to be changed to impress upon them that fact that they are not masters of their
destiny but subservient to the "family" goals. William is to be called the Duke of Cambridge or
the Earl of Whimsicalthisorthat and Kate is to be called Lady Scullerymaid from the Suburbs or
some such title to make sure she does not get above her station On top of all that, Prince Charles
announced to the world that he hates motorbikes and he is concerned about the fact that his two
sons ride motorbikes.
charles-i-hate-motorbikes/16359.html Such remarks and their timing are bound to bring
something of a shiver to millions of people who read Diana’s note saying that her husband,
Charles, was planning her accident in a car crash just before she died in one in such mysterious
circumstances. Though an inquiry was finally held a couple of years ago, it failed to address
many key questions or to dispel the cloud of suspicion hanging over Prince Charles and Prince
Philip. Following her death, hundreds of thousands of people gathered outside Buckingham
Palace, behaving a little like Hamlet, shocked, puzzled, uncertain, asking how his father, the
noble King Hamlet could have died so suddenly - and chewing over the evidence that it was his
own uncle that killed his father out of ambition and jealousy. But the "Hamlet" moment among
the English people appears to be over as the riots last Thursday showed. The murder of Diana –
for murder, it apparently was – contributed to the destruction of trust in the monarchy. The Iraq
war lies, the murder of weapons scientist David Kelly, the criminal actions of the banks in the
“financial crisis” and the savage budget cuts have increased the alienation of the people of the
UK from their government. Mary Riddell noted the plummeting confidence of the English have
in their institutions: “Anyone who thinks reform of the House of Windsor is a wild extrapolation
from one yobbish episode should study this week's Social Attitudes Survey. Trust in the
monoliths of public life is plummeting, with the BBC, banks and the police held in increasing
disregard. With 78 per cent of people concerned that the gap between high and low earners is
too great, there is no suggestion that any institution dare rely on automatic public fealty. The
greatest contempt, however, is reserved for politicians. Forty per cent, as opposed to one in 10 in
the 1980s, say they do not trust any government to put the nation's interest first,” she writes.
and-the-monarchy-must-change-with-it.html If something were to happen to Prince William or
Harry (motorbike accident? Helicopter accident?), there will be no Hamlet moment in my
opinion, no millions of people standing on the streets, wondering what is going on, was it an
accident or not  no crowds hesitating about what to do if evidence of foul play emerged as was
the case when Diana was killed. There will be action. It seemed impossible that her sons, Prince
William and Harry, could match her popularity. But this has happened. Prince William’s bravery
in risking his life to rescue a man who had had a heart attack on a Welsh mountain by piloting
his helicopter through thick fog is well known. His commitment to the homeless is well known.
So is his love of football and of adventures. It is a tremendous tribute to his strength of character
that he has managed so well given the very difficult circumstances of his life that would have
seen many weaker people crumble. If the Brits were able to choose their king, polls show they
would certainly chose William, who fits the mould of the truly noble and enlightened leader.
But, of course, they will have Prince Charles foisted on them, a man, who in the eyes of many
people in the UK, rightly or wrongly, has the blood of his wife on his hands, and who enjoys
about as much respect as Richard III.]]> 3895 2010-12-14 20:31:51 2010-12-14 20:31:51 open
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states/ Tue, 14 Dec 2010 20:58:52 +0000 birdflu666
p=3898 Soros says EU taxpayers should  hand yet more money over to banks. He acknowledges
that the transfer union is unpopular and suggests governments just hand over more the money
directly to their national banks. The idea that taxpayers should give yet more money to the
banks on a country by country basis  is ludicrous given that the EU share of the 750 billion euro
transfer union is enough to take up almost the entire annual tax revenues of Europe and is
considered too small to cope with more than the banks of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain.
Where is the money supposed to come from to “recapitalize” the banks whether by transfer
union or country by country? Ireland and Greece are already set to enter a debt death spiral of
pay cuts, public spending cuts and tax increases leading to economic contraction, resulting in
smaller economies having to pay off larger debts thanks to Soros's preferred policies. The
solution to this disaster is clearly to default on the fractional reserve banking debt before the
countries are shut out of credit markets, and pushed  towards default.  Ireland, after all, had a
manageable public debt before it took on private banking debt. But Soros does not mention this
perfectly viable solution. He suggests instead that eurobonds should be introduced. However,
creating a large Eurobond market will  do nothing to deter speculation against member states
given the dire economic fundamentals of country’s trapped in a death debt spiral by the banks
and will only push up the borrowing costs of other countries.  Germany already has to pay
higher interest rates on its Bunds. The result of Eurobonds would be a uniformly high and ever
increasing interest rate that will push all states to collapse.
Euro-Anleihen.html There is no attempt to analyze what the implications for millions of people
might be if states collapse under the burden of artificial fractional reserve banking debt that
Soros and other bankers have loaded onto government, and plan to load, or what will happen to
hundreds of millions of people if states are taken over lock stock and barrel by the banks and
IMF/EU  because they are unable to pay the exorbitant interest no matter how many fiscal
austerity budgets they pass or how many assets they sell. Soros’s article also reveals a shocking
and radical view of political system in European Union as being a tool to gain control of  the
entire wealth of the EU states, albeit he hides this reactionary view with great finesse in complex
jargon and convoluted economic phrases. But the assumption is clear - power in the EU bloc is
concentrated in just a few (Bilderberg) hands and that these people should be ready to sacrifice
the well being of 400 million people for the profit of the banks. “The architects of the euro knew
that it was incomplete when they designed it. The currency had a common central bank but no
common treasury – unavoidable given that the Maastricht treaty was meant to bring about
monetary union without political union. The authorities were confident, however, that if and
when the euro ran into a crisis they would be able to overcome it. After all, that is how the
European Union was created, taking one step at a time, knowing full well that additional steps
would be required,” he says. There is no mention of the people or their welfare. Soros talks of
“architects” and “authorities” who are seen as tools for implementing a long term strategy of
debt slavery step by step. There is also no mention of the democratic process, of the need to
open a debate or even to persuade the people of Europe about the need to give ever more money
to the banks to pay off this fractional reserve banking debt that even Günther Lachmann in Die
Welt said today has been created in an “almost criminal way.”
Instead, the article implies a centralised - and indeed privatized power structure serving the
interests of the banking elite only. “The authorities were confident... that if and when the euro
ran into a crisis they would be able to overcome it.,” Soros says. What authorities? With what
mandate? Where were the elections? The referendums? Who agreed to handing over all the tax
money, assets, pensions to the banks for paper debt? Who? There is also no attempt to explain
how the trajectory of European economies has been thrown by the artificially created banking
debt, in the first place. No mention of the police investigations into the criminal actions of the
banks. There is no mention of Iceland and its rapid recovery after defaulting. European Union
officials are treated by Soros in this article as the mere managers of the global power elite to rob
400 million people. In parallel, the USA is being sucked into a debt spiral that could see the IMF
marching in there too. Soros and the bankers are clearly hoping to see a global currency they
control under the IMF replace the dollar and euro.
12-14/imf-says-special-drawing-rights-can-play-bigger-role.html The western economies are on
a trajectory to collapse and the usual way the globalists manage such a collapse is by starting a
war. This piece shows that Soros is out of touch with reality. The “authorities” cannot manage
the crisis of confidence that is engulfing Europe as the people wake up to the fact that all their
wealth is destined for the banks as part of a fraud. Not even the German Finance Minister
Wolfgang Schäuble can push through the Eurobonds idea in Germany as people wake up to the
fact it means only more debt. Not even Chancellor Angela Merkel can risk alienating the people
of Germany by consenting to hand over their wealth to the banks. But Soros is clearly happy to
ignore the the 400 million people in Europe that lie beyond his air conditioned office, his
computer screen, his telephone with preprogrammed numbers to his Bilderberg  minions. He
appears to assumes the reality is a cold, rationally determined concept, drained of all vitality,
made up of numbers, statistics and figures that can be manipulated at will. Inside this world,
there are only a tiny handful of people, the bankers, who have rights and power and people who
don’t have any rights or any power. Those who have the power are the masters and the rest are
the slaves. The bankers have power and they should be rescued – given all the money of all the
states until those states are bankrupt. No mention is made of the people, their dignity, their
rights, of democracy or  justice in this cynical article. Whether he realises it or not, Soros comes
across as a modern-day Ceasar, a new all powerful Emperor, convinced of his divine right to rule
in the name of the banks, penning his piece not for debate or discussion but to stamp his
authority on EU officials and governments. The EU is treated as a technological bureaucracy
staffed with minions whose function is enrich the banks at all costs. The people? Who cares! No
doubt a man as wealthy as Soros has become through his many dealings is used to endless
gestures of respect, adulation and subordination from his employees and other lackeys. The
media help create the cult of his personality that surrounds him and he is no doubt used to
picking up the phone, announcing his will and he is used to seeing EU officials scurry around to
fulfill his every wish. He is used to people huffing and puffing and finally relenting. He is
perhaps used to having a spy network, and portions of the secret services at his beck and call as
well his media hounds to deal with anyone who puts a spanner in his works. But it looks like he
will have to get used to a very different reality. The people of Europe are waking up to the fact
that they are being robbed by the banks. Even Germany’s Die Welt today said that the sovereign
debt loaded onto their governments is private banking debt that has created in an “almost
criminal way.” Even in corrupt Austria where the entire parliament has to push through an
investigation of the Natascha Kampusch paedophile ring following the apparent murder of a
police man , 70 criminal charges were announced today in connection with the Hypo Alpe Adria
scandal. For Soros to suggest without any irony that the interests of a handful of criminal (?)
banks should be put before states of Europe – and the 400 million people who inhabit them –
shows a state of mind that could be classified as delusional in my humble opinion. The very idea
that the interests of 400 million people should be sacrificed for the banks is surely highly
questionable. It is the kind of eccentric idea someone might dream up inside their comfortable
office. In this environment, they may  mistake the delusions of a raving brain for a higher reality,
the empty ceremonies and rituals of his employees for real authority among real people. But on
the streets of Europe, his idea that the entire aim of Europe, its ultimate objective is to rescue
the banks – that is to hand over to the banks all its wealth even to the point where the states
themselves are destroyed – is meeting ridicule and anger. Millions of people are showing by
their protests that they will not allow an artificially created gigantic black hole of fractional
reserve, banking debt sucking in every asset of the Europeans, their money, taxes, state assets,
pensions, and souvereign states. Soros  and the other masters of the universe need only go into a
café in Vienna outside the smart inner circle to hear the words, as I so often. “The time has come
for a revolution.” Greed, the desire for money, material things makes for blindness and delusion
– and of dimensions that are amazing to behold to those who do not suffer from the same
problem. If I , a humble blogger, may offer advice to such an illustrious figure, I would advice
Soros to stop relying on his own and the Rothschild newspapers to form his views or reality. The
corporate controlled media is  designed to manipulate the kind of information reaching people,
to structure they way they perceive reality and to make them follow those courses of action that
serve the elites. But the power of that corporate media is shattered. Soros should read the
alternative media to get some idea of what people really think. He should go onto the streets and
talk to people to get some idea of what is happening. He should even read Die Welt. But then
again, as Nietzsche once remarked, the most common lies are not the lies that others tell us.
They are the lies we tell ourselves. Soros's piece in the FT was perhaps just penned as a note to
himself, after all, a piece of wishful thinking.]]> 3898 2010-12-14 20:58:52 2010-12-14 20:58:52
open open soros-says-europe-should-rescue-banks-before-states publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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photography-in-toronto-5-questions-you-must-ask-before-choosing/ 2010-12-
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afghanistan-in-a-year/ Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:26:24 +0000 birdflu666 3900 2010-12-16 16:26:24 2010-12-16 16:26:24
open open germany-to-withdraw-troops-from-afghanistan-in-a-year publish 0 0 post 0
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Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:31:33 +0000 birdflu666 It
comes as predictions that Berlusconi's days are numbered grow, also, by Michael Day writing
in The Independent:  "Despite a dramatic victory on Tuesday for Italian premier Silvio
Berlusconi in a make-or-break confidence vote, one of his ministerial colleagues was yesterday
predicting that his government would fall by Easter. Mr Berlusconi showed his swaggering side
following his latest political Houdini act, where he won despite accusations of vote-rigging: "I
told you, I knew FLI (the party of centre-right rival Gianfranco Fini) would split," he said,
adding: "I am serene now, just as I have always been." In reality the 74-year-old is scrambling
for votes to prop up his lower house majority which has been slashed from 100 to just three
since the 2008 election. The weakness of Mr Berlusconi's coalition was underlined by one
cabinet colleague. Minister without Portfolio Roberto Caderoli, said: "The government is eating
panettone [a traditional Christmas treat] but I don't think it will eat colomba [Easter cake]."]]>
3902 2010-12-16 16:31:33 2010-12-16 16:31:33 open open berlusconi-faces-challenge-from-new-
alliance publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
poised-to-make-power-grab-for-switzerland/ Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:32:41 +0000 birdflu666]]> 3904 2010-12-16 16:32:41 2010-
12-16 16:32:41 open open eu-poised-to-make-power-grab-for-switzerland publish 0 0 post 0
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accelerates/ Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:34:09 +0000 birdflu666
p=3906 "The aim of the state asset management and privatisation programme, which is in line
with Economic and Financial Policy Programme of Greece, is the inflow of revenue amounting
to 7 billion euro within the 2011-2013 period, of which at least one billion euro in 2011," the
ministry said. Read more at:
docId=CNG.1322a46ceedf9502c2a77c972fbec3d3.af1]]> 3906 2010-12-16 16:34:09 2010-12-16
16:34:09 open open imf-and-eu-stripping-of-greek-assets-accelerates publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_ed6b9ef8653c2c0b5487e6bdbb9eb506 10564 2010-12-16 22:51:30 2010-12-16 22:51:30 1 0 0 jabber_published
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%e2%80%99s-difficulties-%e2%80%93-doherty/ Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:35:44 +0000 birdflu666 Deputy Doherty said all TDs should reject this deal
out of hand tomorrow. He said: “Far from coming to Ireland’s rescue the EU is profiteering on
Ireland’s economic difficulties.  We are now being told that there will be an additional 3% profit
margin, or €5 billion for the EU for the courtesy of Ireland bailing out European banks.“]]>
3908 2010-12-16 16:35:44 2010-12-16 16:35:44 open open eu-profiteering-on-the-back-of-
ireland%e2%80%99s-difficulties-%e2%80%93-doherty publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
contempt-mr-barroso/ Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:42:25 +0000 birdflu666
people-are-holding-you-in-contempt-mr-barroso.html]]> 3911 2010-12-16 16:42:25 2010-12-16
16:42:25 open open nigel-farage-the-people-are-holding-you-in-contempt-mr-barroso publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last 10556 2010-12-16 21:12:22 2010-12-16
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protests/ Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:43:14 +0000 birdflu666
3913 2010-12-16 16:43:14 2010-12-16 16:43:14 open open martial-law-uk-police-chief-mulls-
banning-protests publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
exploding/ Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:44:47 +0000 birdflu666
p=3915 Prison Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Riots are sweeping Europe and the
age of rage continues to intensify as the financial terrorists who caused the economic collapse
now meter out the punishment for their own wrongdoing. Britain, Italy, Russia, and Greece are
all gripped with unrest as 2011 shapes up to be the year of civil disobedience. - The fallout from
last week’s violent student fees demonstrations in London continues to reverberate as
authorities prepare to introduce water cannons as a means of forcibly subduing protesters and
banning protests altogether. Read more at:
europe-is-exploding.html]]> 3915 2010-12-16 16:44:47 2010-12-16 16:44:47 open open riots-
sweep-europe-the-age-of-rage-europe-is-exploding publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
historic-low/ Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:46:00 +0000 birdflu666
3917 2010-12-16 16:46:00 2010-12-16 16:46:00 open open support-for-irelands-government-
plunges-to-a-historic-low publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
political-system-or-market-and-democracy/ Thu, 16 Dec 2010 16:58:50 +0000 birdflu666 German exports especially to southern European
countries are set to dive; these economies are contracting under punishing deflationary budgets
imposed on them to service paper, bank debt. Germany can’t begin to service the gigantic
amounts of paper bank debt saddled on eurozone governments even  when it is growing, never
mind when it slips into recession. Whether eurobonds are introduced or a bigger bail out fund is
created, the end result will be the same: tGermany will be expected to pay the entire outstanding
debt of the eurozone. This is trillions of euros. Not even if Germany makes the deepest cuts in
history, hands over all its tax revenues to banks and bondholders and sells off all its assets, can
it begin to service this astronomical mountain of paper debt. Inevitably, the markets that
demanded the eurobonds to weaken Germany will pounce: the interest it will have to pay to
service its debt (especially if it is denominated in eurobonds) will soar and it will have liquidity
problems. Cue IMF and EU offering a “loan” at an exorbitant interest so that Germany can
stagger on a bit longer in debt bondage by selling off assets, throwing people in the streets etc.
Unless the entire EU financial and economic system is changed, G ermany is set for a complete
economic meltdown and an IMF/EU takeover just like Greece and Ireland and the rest of the
eurozone. Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörmann explained in an interview in Der
Standard how the fractional reserve banking system is a model for fraud, but his analysis also
explains how the euro is now being run as a model for fraud.
Luft The EU is currently running the eurozone like one gigantic bank - and all the Europeans
owe that bank money and have to pay punitive interest rates for paper debts owed by banks to
other banks that no one can keep track on in what amounts to the biggest financial fraud in
European history. Hörmann explains that banks can – thanks to the fractional reserve banking
system -- ask for interest for something that does not exist and so, in effect, rob them. They can
create money out of thin air and pass it on asking for interest payments. Eurozone governments
have equated astronomical amounts of paper debts with souvereign debt - and tax payers are
now being forced pay the interest for these debts that do not exist.  Fiscal austerity budgets are
the mechanism by which the interest payments for this paper debt are being extracted from tax
payers across Europe. Painful cuts in budgets are made, taxes increased – and the banks and
bondholders sit back and watch the money roll in. Italy and Greece already hand over more than
every second tax euro to service these paper debts. Because countries are handing over capital
and getting nothing in return for this, their economies are growing weaker. Tax revenues in
Greece have collapsed by 4 billion euros as a result of deflationary budgets, resulting in a
growing real debt burden. When the political pain of the cuts becomes too great, the IMF/EU
are called in by puppet governments to extract the payments by force as happened in Greece and
also Ireland this month. In Ireland, Fianna Fail and Greens have just voted through legislation
allowing the IMF and EU to take over the essential functions of government. They will have the
power to extract interest payments at a rate of 5.8% from ordinary people as part of a 85 billion
euro “loan”. All this to service paper debts that the very same clique helped the banks create and
saddle onto the tax payer in the first place. The FF and Greens helped to aritifically inflate the
property prices by creating liquidity bubbles in the property market. The same actors helped
burst those bubbles. This allowed the banks to say they were broke and needed “tax payer
bailouts.” Franz Hörmann explains how the fair value accounting rule allows banks to set the
value of their assets almost as they wish. Whether banks are solvent or not can largely depend
on balance sheet trick. Austrian authorities are currently investigating the Flick Foundation for
helping to boost the assets of the Hypo Alpe Adria bank by an accounting trick before it was sold
to Bayernlb. HAA then cheerfully declared itself broke soon after being swallowed by Bayernlb.
Obliging politicians gave the bank – and their private share holders -- 3 billion euros of tax
payer money for paper, property debts. 70 charges have been filed already demanding 300
million euros of tax money back in Austria over the HAA scam.  Why is the EU and IMF not
investigating? While countries like Ireland and Greece do not have substantial assets, there is
only so much the financial elite can suck from them by means of this bank debt fraud. Germany,
by contrst, still has substantial manufacturing assets: stripping it of these is the ultimate
economic prize. This can be accomplished by burying Germans in so much debt from the other
European countries via bail outs and eurobonds that it sinks into a debt death spiral just like
Ireland and Greece and has to accept IMF and EU control and the fire sale of its assets. This is
what the EU and IMF, Germany’s Social Democrats ganging up with the foundations like BMW
clearly want. Otherwise, their push for eurobonds etc is no explicable. The reality is that
eurozone is no longer a modern economy as we understand it. It is a feudal economy. The
peasants or workers toil. The feudal lords extract the fruits of their labour via interest payments
on paper debt. The peasants must labour on and hand over ever more of their produce to the
feudal lords until they drop. In the past, the feudal lords rode out with their armed gangs and
just took the produceor houses by force if the people could not or would not pay. Nowadays,
they send in the IMF and EU to seize the government apparatus and turn it into an instrument
for the extraction of wealth for a financial elite. Because all the money is being drained away into
the pockets of a few, the real economy is suffering from chronic under investment, low domestic
consumption, unemployment. It is grinding to a halt and going backwards. The only sectors
thriving are military related. Southern European economies have suffered most from the euro.
Unable to devalue or set their own interest rates, their economies are now so weak, that they can
easily captured by financial elite for plunder under the pretext of the need to pay interest on
paper debt that they cannot pay. Although every serious economist can see that the way the
eurozone is being run right now is lunacy, EU and IMF officials like Jean Claude Juncker dare
harangue Merkel and Faymann for refusing to hand over more money to banks (eurobonds etc)
and destroy their own economies and the lives of millions of people. We have not only a feudal
economy. We have a feudal political system to match. Unelected EU officials function as the
“authority” mentioned by banker George Soros in his FT piece “Europe should rescue the banks
before the states”. They simply order national governments to implement the “architecture” to
extract the punitive interest payments from their people for paper debts that governments
should never have saddled on the tax payers in the first place. A modest proposal to reduce the
debt burden from 2013 has been watered down by the EU. Only in cases of insolvency – not a
liquidity crisis – are governments to be able to force some banks, bondholders and hedge funds
to stop demanding interest for their paper debts. Seven of the biggest foundations in Germany,
including the Schering, Bertelsmann, Allianz, BMW Herbert Quandt foundation,  – who can use
cash piles to buy up assets in the battered economies for a song – have even placed
advertisements in newspapers todays, urging the introduction of eurobonds showing the
division between the financial elite and the people within the country. That we are in feudal
economy run by feudal lords is, however, becoming transparent to millions of people. People are
losing their jobs, houses, their pensions, and finding their path to higher education blocked.
They are the ones expected to work for low wages until they drop without a pension or adequate
welfare net. And they are asking why. The protests in the UK, Greece and Italy are turning
increasingly violent as people recognise their parliaments are no more than puppets of this
financial elite, passing legislation that will force them to spend their working lives as debt slaves
to banks, bondholders and hedge funders - before their physical lives are sacrificed in some war
for the profit of the same clique. The stage is set for unprecedented and seismic confrontation
between the elite and the people on the European stage. Greece, on Wednesday, came close to a
civil war with cars burning in streets, pitched battles between protestors and police, a top
politician being beaten up by a mob in the worst riots for decades. In Italy, 100s of people as
people’a anger boiled over when the Berlusconi government staggered on in power like Nero
thanks to the corruption of parliamentarians. In Ireland, the Fianna Fail and Greens that
pushed through a €85bn IMF/EU loan is facing a meltdown in elections. Polls yesterday show
support for the government has reached a historic low of 8%. The next government is widely
expected to scrap the deal after fresh elections. Parties like Sinn Fein are gaining support
because their position – default on the debt – makes perfect economic sense. Even opposition
Fine Gael finance chief Michael Noonan criticised the deal. “You have the obscene situation
where the poorest of the poor, through their taxes and welfare cuts, are being asked to guarantee
the speculation of investors in hedge funds. Ireland has no moral or legal obligation to cover this
debt,” he said. In Germany, Foreign minister Guido Westerwelle suggested that Germany might
leave the euro if it is forced into debt slavery along with the rest of the eurozone. “Anyone who
talks about entering a union of financial transfers is putting support for Europe at risk,
especially in the countries that must bear most of the burden,” he said. For sure, the elite have
been expecting trouble. But are they really prepared? Protests over several days and spread out
over a larger geographical area exhaust police resources rapidly. This was shown by the Castor
protests in Germany as well as by the Stuttgart 21 protests. A tiny corporate clique used a
technical, planning procedure  and their friends in parliament to legitimise a hugely expensive
project that brought verifiably few benefits to ordinary people.  Even to this day in spite of
protests and a so called mediation, the people of Stuttgart have still been refused a vote by the
„authorities“ that have links to the companies profitting from the projects. Politicians in the
pockets of corporations continue to make foolish decisions on how to allocate scarce resources
and the tax payer continues to have to foot the bill. Shooting protestors is allowed under the
Lisbon Treaty but could add fuel to the fire. Changing governments in Germany to put in power
more compliant Social Democrat leaders like  Frank-Walter Steinmeier will help little when
people recognise that guaranteeing the outstanding eurozone debt is madness – not being a
good European – and push for real change. Another alternative might be an attempt to start a
false flag Islamic uprising – there are, so I was told by one Austrian, private caches of thousands
of rifles in Vienna – could plunge specific regions into violence but they are unlikely to change
the basic trajectory of the anger of the people across the eurozone as a whole. Artificial wars with
Russia, Iran etc will surely face intense opposition from an alienated people. The Globalist and
Bilderberg’s options are limited. It is highly unlikely that the euro summit in Brussels starting
today will produce any sound proposals to get Europe back on its feet – and out of the grip of
debt imposed on the people by the financial elite. But the real decisions about the future of the
eurozone will very soon not be made at such summits at all. The people are increasingly making
their voices heard. Significant new political alliances are emerging already in Italy and are likely
to wrest power from the elite as part of a broader and peaceful transition to a new system based
on sound economic and democratic principles. If this such alliances do not succeed, a change
will highly likely be accomplished by unprecedented violence on the streets. Even the German
philosopher Hegel accepted that people have a right to defend the financial basis of their lives
from an avaricious elite by launching a revolution if necessary. It is important to remember that
the BMW foundation run by the Quandt family and calling for eurobonds – George Soros
participated in a private discussion on the euro debt cris there in October – belongs to a
company whose save treatment of workers during the second world war, is documented. The
characteristic attitude of the “ elite” is that people are just cattle. An ingrained habit of a lack of
respect for people is the signature of the masters of the universe: whether it is Stuttgart 21 or
Castor or the bank debt, the people are considered too stupid to have a voice, to be given a
referendum as in genuine democracies like Switzerland. But the people are not to stupid to foot
the bill for the elite’s whimsical projects. Europe enjoys the fruits of two thousands years of
civilisation and that is based on a genuine respect for the individual, which is the roots of every
genuine democracy. It will not succumb to economic barbarism imposed on millions by an
arrogant elite. People like Claus von Stauffenberg, the German army officer, who attempted
single handely to assassinate Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, to launch a coup and so end a war lost
anyway – Army Chief of Staff General Ludwig Beck had predicted the precise course of the war
and Germany’s ultimate defeat in 1938 on the basis of knowledge of logistics – personifies the
ideals of justice, integrity, courage and the genuine respect for people, for their intelligence,
their dignity, their rights, that are Europe’s enduring heritage. Freedom and prosperity are
linked: souvereignty and sound economic policies. The euro and EU offer neither freedom nor a
future.]]> 3920 2010-12-16 16:58:50 2010-12-16 16:58:50 open open europe-at-crossroads-
feudal-economy-and-political-system-or-market-and-democracy publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 2010-12-17 04:50:31 2010-12-17
04:50:31 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
spotlights-problems-in-austrian-justice-system/ Fri, 17 Dec 2010 16:33:37 +0000 birdflu666 The agent finally took the stand on Thursday
wearing a black wig in a separate room only to reaffirm by video link that she found no evdence
of any crime committed by the group. The only evidence of any crime so far is a DNA sample
found on a stone that an activist has, however, denied throwing. Law expert Bern Christian Funk
had strong criticism of the trial in Die Presse. And indeed, anyone following this trial has to ask:
how is such a fiasco is possible and just who is appointing people like Judge Arleth? Is this the
generation appointed by far right Freedom Party politician Dieter Böhmdorfer who was Justice
Minister between 2000 and 2004? Unlike other European countries, the justice minister in
Austria can appoint judges directly, leading to excessive political influence on the justice system.
Funk said that the charge levelled at the accused activists of belonging to a criminal organisaton
was „worthy of criticism“ and the regulatons were „vaguely defined.“ He also criticised Judge
Arleth for reformulating – sometimes falsely – every single question posed by the defendents
and for „clearly lacking the freedom from emotion and relaxed attitude that she demanded from
the accused.“ Funk noted the principle that the Courts should make justice „visible“, adding
„there was a big visibility problem in this trial.“
fehlt-Emotionsfreiheit?_vl_backlink=/home/panorama/ This trial could be written off
as one-off, politically-motivated witch-hunt or employment measure of a coterie of lawyers if it
were not for so many other justice scandals engulfing the Alpine Republic. The Austrian
parliament this month launched an inquiry into whether evidence that a paedophile ring was
involved in the abduction of Natascha Kampusch was suppressed by countless state prosecutors
and justice officials and also whether police chief, Franz Kröll, was murdered this summer for
asking too many questions during his investigation. Five leading state prosecutors in Vienna are
being investigated by colleagues in Innsbruck after the parliament became involved in the case,
following an appeal by a former judge. One MP suggested top level politicians could be involved
in the paedophile ring. In addtion, Justice Minister Dr Claudia Bandion-Ortner -- who was
allegedly offered her job by Raiffeisen bank boss Christian Konrad in a cafe in Vienna and who
has she refused to answer parliamentary questions on this – has come under fire for apparently
manipulating the evidence during the well-known Bawag trial, and in such a way that all the
blame was laid on Social Democrat Helmut Elsner while other culprits got away scot free.
Austria’s highest court is to rule on whether Bandion-Ortner’s Bawag trial judgement was flawed
on December 22 and 23rd. An attempt by Bandion-Ortner to appoint a fellow Bawag judge to
the court failed because judges expressed the fear that her appointee could be biased.  If the
ruling goes against Bandion-Ortner, she may be forced to resign. Finally. However, Interior
Minister Maria Fekter, a former Justice Ombudswoman, could replace her. This would be a bit
like removing a Mickey Mouse only to find a Donald Duck taking over. It has, in the meantime,
emerged that Russian secret service agents even have a permanent office in Fekter’s Interior
Ministry in spite of – or because of? -- their well known links to organised crime, including
human trafficking. Die Presse newspaper has argued this week in a comment piece that Austria’s
needs an independent justice system of the kind other countries have. My experience with the
local court at Hietzing in connection with the estate of my late father suggested a total
breakdown of law and order in the country has occurred and on every level. Because
magistrate’s courts in Austria automatically get involved in administering estates, there is
enormous scope for corruption. In Dörnbirn, it has emerged that judges, solicitors and other
justice officials systematically forged the last wills of people to enrich themselves for years. The
first 11 victims to apply for compensation from the government have all been denied it,
parliamentary questions revealed two weeks ago. Like the animal rights activists, I was forced to
expend great energy to clear myself of the false accusation of having „constantly asked for ever
new evaluations of several properties“ – an accusation – trivial as it was -- that could have seen
me stripped of all my rights and seen me placed under a court guardianship by a judge, Michaela
Lauer,  who, according to concrete facts, manipulated files to remove evidence of her
wrongdoing, who has told falsehoods, and who, more recently, may have been involved in
tampering with signatures on docments etc. Criminal charges against Lauer and co this summer
brought no response from any body, not even the highest corruption prosecutor Walter Geyer.
Geyer said I had no evidence of a court guardianship being put on me by a false statement.
However, the Judge in Döbling where I live stopped the court guardianship precisely for that
reason. How come Geyer could not see it? Or any other of the zig judges who reviewed the case?
I had just about managed to get the court guardianship and curator cancelled when Judge
Michaela Lauer slapped the same curator, Dr Philipp Nierlich, on a second time and that even
though I had expressly asked for time to get legal advice about how to proceed.  And no sooner
was he appointed a second time, than Nierlich changed the locks on my father’s house in
Hietzing under the pretext of having to look after it. He refused to give me a key as a
replacement. He told me on the phone that the house belonged to the „estate“ and denied I –
along with my brothers – am the estate in what appeared to be an attempt at intimidation.  The
estate is comprised of the legal heirs under Austrian law and he must surely know that. The
curator has to act for the heirs and in the interests of the heirs under Austrian law and he must
surely know that too. But there is Dr Nierlich actualy telling me that the estate is something
completely separate and I have no rights as an heir; the house is not part of my inheritance. He
also told me  I had to get a lawyer to ask for a key so I can access my own father’s house again.
To cap it all, he said he knew Dr Bandion-Ornter personally. For people who grew up in the UK
like myself, this kind of approach by justice officials is draw dropping and it is completely
unacceptable. But here in Austria, it seems to be the norm in the meantime. If you dare
complain, you are placed under a court guardianship or jailed under a false accusation, it would
appear. Interestingly, Judge Lauer seems to be about the same age – and also apearance -- as
Judge Arleth in her early thirties. Just who was responsible for appointing this generation to
positions of power in the justice system?  Judge Arleth has just shown the entire Austrian media
that too many of them are either incompetent or corrupt or both at the same time.  Is this the
generation appointed by far right Freedom Party Justice Minister Dieter Böhmdorfer between
2000 and 2004? Under the European Arrest Warrant, the poor quality of Austrian justice
officials could become a disaster for all Europeans. Innocents from all over Europe could find
themselves sucked into this whirlpool of legal action such as the animal activists trials
traversty.]]> 3922 2010-12-17 16:33:37 2010-12-17 16:33:37 open open trial-of-activists-
spotlights-problems-in-austrian-justice-system publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
guttenbergs/ Fri, 17 Dec 2010 16:38:48 +0000 birdflu666
Krieg-Quoten-im-Tiefflug.html The cynical, war-mongering TV show marks the second major
media flop for the Guttenbergs. Stephanie zu Guttenberg’s appearance as a moderator on an
RTL show about internet paedophilia drew criticism as well as sparking some pretty good satire. It also emerged that much money in a much
publicised charity for abused children founded by Guttenberg was not used for helping children
but for renumerating various directors. Guttenberg threatened to file charges against the
newspapers that revealed the lack of transparency in the finances of her charity was, but later
stated she would publish accounts. While PR stunts are sinking the reputation of the
Guttenbergs, the sincere efforts of Prince Harry, a serving soldier himself,  to help wounded
soldiers as well as children in need is meeting with huge applause in Germany. Prince Harry is
due to pick up an award tomorrow.]]> 3924 2010-12-17 16:38:48 2010-12-17 16:38:48 open
open germany-honours-prince-harry-shuns-the-guttenbergs publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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17:43:02 2010-12-17 17:43:02 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
eurozone-meltdown-but-can-europe-be-returned-to-growth/ Fri, 17 Dec 2010 16:58:43 +0000
birdflu666 eurobonds and a bigger bailout fund
demanded by the financial elite would have resulted in an overall increase in the debt burden on
the eurozone. The eurozone’s economies are deeply mired in a debt crisis, created by the
requirement to pay interest on astronomical quantities of fractional-reserve, property-related,
paper banking debt that has been equated with souvereign debt by parliaments, who are forcing
tax payers to pick up the bill. To fund the interest payments on this gigantic property debt,
governments are instituting fiscal austerity measures, and, in essence,  “expropriating” the taxes
and assets of countries on behalf of banks, bondholders and hedgefunds and their private
investors. The introduction of eurobonds and bailouts would have only served to increase the
capacity of the financial elite to suck out money for worthless debts from every country, also
from Germany, and so deepened the economic crisis. Because so much capital needed for
investment in jobs and domestic consumption is already being drained away by a financial elite
at such a fast pace, a total economic collapse could, in fact, have resulted from yet more debt.
Already, millions of young people have no job: there is no money for education, no money for
pensions or for welfare benefits. But if the death debt spiral hadn’t been halted on Thursday in
Brussels and the introduction of eurobonds and an expanded bailout fund blocked, the
unemployment, poverty and misery would have increased. In Brussels, Merkel and leaders
agreed to a “permanent crisis or rescue mechanism” to be introduced in 2013. This will
necessitate a change in the Lisbon Treaty and electorates will surely be asking for a vote. The
very name of the fund -- “permanent crisis mechanism” -- underlines its absurdity. The
“permanent crisis” only arises from the fact that capital is being “permanently” sucked out of
real economies to pay fractional reserve banking debt by the mechanism of fiscal auserity
budgets and bank bailout funds such as the permanent crisis mechanism. The result of this is
the “permanent crisis” of contracting economies and debt slavery in downward spiral to doom
that only ends when the elites start huge wars. Merkel managed to impose strict conditons for
financial market accessing the new “permanent crisis” fund. There are even measures to allow
governments to force the bondholders to stop demanding interest for their worthless, paper
debt. This is the obvious solution to this “crisis and would surely have been implemented
already in any truly functioning democracy and truly market driven economy. While
the financial elite have found a very profitable “model for fraud” and “expropriation”, it can only
function as long as they can find control the media and also find enough corrupt or incompetent
politicians  such as in the Fianna Fail party in Ireland. In Brussels, the elite have clearly hit
political granite in the shape of Merkel. While millions of Europeans can breathe a sigh of relief
that there are some people of character and competence, who cannot be bought, bribed or
bullied, still left in positions of power in the eurozone, the financial elite must be wondering
where their next free lunch will come from. Greece has already been virtually picked to the bone
by the financial elite and the IMF/EU and little Ireland with four million people and next in line
for the IMF/EU fiscal austerity regime on behalf of bondholders can only yield so much. In
addtion, political resistance to the bank-engineered heist is growing, making a raid on tax payer
funds ever more risky. Prince Charles was almost attacked in the streets of London a week ago
as the government trippled student fees. The UK is embarking on a 40% budget cut, the largest
since the second world war, in order to fund the billions given to banks for fractional reserve,
accounting debts. The financial elite, also represented by foundations such as the Quandt’s
family’s BMW foundation and with puppets such as the head of the European Central Bank and
International Monetary Fund, pushed hard for the eurobonds. But they now face an austerity
budget of their own. The only short term source of cash for the financial elite now appears to be
the ECB. On Thursday, the ECB said it would nearly double its capital base from €5.8bn to
€10.8bn by the end of 2012 in order to keep buying bonds of countries such as Greece, Ireland
and Portugal. Tax payers will have to fund the 5 billion euro bill via their various central banks.
With foresight, Raiffeisen Bank in Austria relinquished its stake in the national central bank this
summer, leaving Austrian tax payers to foot the entire ECB bill. While the Brussels summit may
go down in history as the Stalingrad of the financial elite, when the advance of their troops of
marauding bankers and bondholders was finally stopped, victory will only be assured when the
economy is geared to growth. Tough decisions about the euro will have to be made if there is
going to any return to sustainable growth. This is because the euro currency strait jacket has
prevented countries like Greece from devaluing and regaining their competitiveness, and so
creating jobs and generating revenue. Unless this problem is addresed by allowing countries to
leave the eurozone or to operate regional currencies in parallel, these countries will sink into
ever deeper debt. Germany’s recent strength due to more investment and more money for
domestic consumption is welcome. But the many eurozone countries like Spain, Ireland and
Greece collapsing into debt slavery to the banks around it will make it more difficult for
Germany to export in the future – and so threaten its economic health too. Clearly, the ideology
of the euro has to be abandoned. Countries must be allowed to leave and devalue their
currencies or introduce regional currencies to enable growth and a recovery. Millions of young
people across Europe have no job or even education prospects because of the incompetence and
corruption of too many of the political and financial elite and the ill conceived euro project.
Millions are unemployed. Millions have to scrape by on starvation benefits. For this to continue
is absolutely unacceptable. As Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörmann explained in an
interview in Der Standard recently, such economic misery is also absolutely unnecessary.
China’s economy is flourishing because the government creates money without booking it as a
debt. Governments in Europe can do the same and also direct the money flows towards culture,
community projects, renewable energy to reinvigorate their societies, create jobs and growth.
Economic growth can be uncoupled from unsustainable consumerism. The people of Europe
have a right to competent economic and political government and to access to a proper
education, jobs etc. They have been outrageously short-changed, and they know it. The eurozone
and EU must be fundamentally and also quickly reformed by governments to serve the
legitimate interests of the 400 million people in Europe who have been railroaded into it mostly
without any voice – or there will surely be a revolution by the people to restore democracy and
sound economic policies.  Growth does not suit predatory bankers and bondholders. But it is
what the people of Europe require. Millions of young people, especially, have a right to a future.
We can only hope that Merkel and other European leaders tackle the key issue of how to restore
growth pragmatically – and plan for countries to be allowed to devalue to regain
competitiveness and add jobs to the economy.]]> 3926 2010-12-17 16:58:43 2010-12-17
16:58:43 open open merkel-prevents-eurozone-meltdown-but-can-europe-be-returned-to-
growth publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
germany-introduce-the-deutschmark-in-2011/ Mon, 20 Dec 2010 17:20:05 +0000 birdflu666 IT IS WEDNEDSAY, JANUARY 19th, 2011. All the
lights in Berlin’s Chancellory are shining in the grey-blue dusk. Extra police are on
duty, checking the identity cards of the journalists, arriving in large numbers.
Chancellor Angela Merkel has called an emergency press conference for 5 pm. The
euro is diving on the currency markets. Capital is flowing out of Germany at an
unprecedented pace. The  masters of the universe are furious that their business model has
broken down. The investment bank’s main engine of profit has been trading on the debt market.
In exchange for worthless, fractional reserve banking, paper debt, they have been getting a
steady stream of revenue from national governments but at the cost of tax payers. Asset
stripping has boosted their profits still more. They have planned for these revenues to continue
for years. But the amazing resistance of Chancellor Angela Merkel to introducing Eurobonds or
an expanded bailout at the Brussels summit on December 22 nd, 2010, has brought their profit-
making machine to a grinding halt. Eurobonds would have made Germany liable for the
euorzone’s entire debt. This would have resulted, eventually, in the collapse of Germany itself,
bringing economic chaos, social unrest and revolution and or war. But what do they care about
millions of mere people? End of year bank bonuses just before Christmas have had to be
unexpectedly slashed by 20% because of the weaker than expected revenues. And 2011 looks
even grimmer. Bonus pools are projected to be down by as much as 95%. The heads of the
investment banks are furious and decide to increase the pressure.  During a teleconference on
Christmas Eve, bankers in New York and London and Germany decide to coordinate an all out
attack on the eurozone. As soon as markets open in January, they will throw the book at the
eurozone. Their controlled media will spread panic. Thomas Mayer from Deutsche Bank has
already declared Germany faces ruin in days unless Eurobonds are introduced. The euro
plunged 10 cents on the currency market versus the dollar on the first day the markets opened.
The capital flight from Germany to Switzerland has pushed the Swiss Franc to a new record.
Gold is soaring. Fear has gripped the country. The press conference on January 19 th has been
billed as the make or break moment in Germany’s post war history. What will Merkel do?
Introduce Eurobonds? Expand the bail out fund? Calm the crazy markets? At 4 pm precisely,
Merkel emerges from a side door. Hundreds of cameras flash. TV crews make their final checks.
Merkel walks up to a microphone and says in a voice that betrays no nerves whatsoever: “Ladies
and gentlemen, The German government feels itself responsible for ensuring that the economy
remains healthy, and that means that the economic fundamentals of growth, jobs, taxation and
spending have to be right. It accepts the responsibility for ensuring economic stability not just
for millions of people in Germany but for the people in all of Europe. It recognizes our
economies are interlinked and that our fates are intertwined. We recognize that keeping an
economy and currency stable is not just a means to an end. History has taught us that the
destruction of an economy because of bank crashes, inflation and currency crisis can pave the
way to dictatorship and war. It was because people understood that a strong economy is also
best for democracy and peace that the Deutschmark was established as a hard currency after the
second world war. The Deutschmark became the symbol of a sound economy and also of a
sound democracy. We wish to assure all the citizens of Germany and Europe that we recognize
our obligation to keep the currency stable, the economy sound, institutions democratic and
Germany and Europe prosperous and free. We recognize democracy , peace and prosperity for
all Europe must be our overriding goal and we have to adjust our economic policy accordingly if
circumstances require it. Right now, the turmoil on the currency and bond markets requires that
we make such an adjustment. I have consulted with the best experts in the country and in the
world. We have considered the various options for ensuring the economy remains strong in the
short term as well as in the long term. We have concluded that the best option for Germany and
Europe right now is to reintroduce the Deutschmark.” Merkel’s speech is interrupted by shouts:
some journalists erupt spontaneously into cheers. Others gasp in amazement. A few shake their
heads in disbelief. All over Germany, people gather around computer screens, TV screens and
coffee machines at work to watch the unfolding events. Merkel continues as the room falls silent
again: “We have concluded that the best course in the current situation not just for Germany but
for all Europe is to restore the Deutschmark currency, and we have begun preparations for
introducing the currency in the next six months. The introduction of the Deutschmark will allow
other countries in the eurozone effectively to devalue and so restore their competitive advantage
and add jobs. This will help the countries to grow and repay their debt. If countries such as
Ireland, Greece and Portugal cannot devalue and grow, they will be accrue ever more debt and
the ordinary people will have to endure ever more fiscal austerity. There is simply no way out of
this debt crisis unless these economies can grow. The end result of if no action is taken could
well be extreme social hardship and unrest. The euro was never meant to be an ideology. It was
meant to be a currency to bring us together in prosperity and to strengthen democracy.
Prosperity and democracy must come first. Germany’s exports may become more expensive as a
result of reintroducing the Deutschmark. but Germany has exported successfully with a strong
Deutschmark in the past and it will continue to do so. In the long term, we need strong
economies in Europe to continue to export so reintroducing the Deutschmark is a win win
situation for everyone. The chronic imbalances in the eurozone have led to capital flowing to
property markets and creating liquidity bubbles in some eurozone countries with disastrous
results. We will direct capital flows to investment and take steps to boost domestic consumption,
and so take in exports from our neighbours. In Germany, there are more than million people
living on Hartz IV. This is an unacceptable number of people living on very low incomes. We
have to address the problem of poverty and unemployment in Germany. It is a very real
problem. Restoring the Deutschmark will lead to more jobs, investment and help lead to more
domestic consumption. We understand that economic growth cannot be achieved at the price of
the environment, we will invest in the newest generation of solar and renewable energy, in
information industries and in the cultural sector. This has been a difficult decision to make. But
the guiding principle of Germany’s economic and foreign policy since the second world war has
been the wish to be a good neighbour to other country’s in Europe and always to contribute to
the creation of a community of nations that enjoy democracy, peace and prosperity. In as far as
the euro currency hampers this goal, we are ready to abandon it. Our economic and foreign
policy will always be guided by realism. We do not want to study market data and abstract
financial models. The German government wants to see prosperity become a reality in the lives
of concrete people all over the eurozone. It wants to see millions of people employed in well paid
jobs, young people with a good education and good job prospects in Greece, in Portugal, in Italy
and in Spain and in Germany. We want to see people once more having faith in their political
institutions and in democracy. We recognize our responsibility is to people and not to an
ideology that clearly is not working in practice. The euro has choked off growth, jobs, tax
revenues in the Southern European countries. The banking crisis has created a burden of debt
on tax payers that cannot be sustained. These are facts. We have to deal with these facts.
Germany’s readiness to introduce the Euro has proven our willingness to cooperate without our
neighbours. And our willingness to abandon the euro offers more proof our commitment to do
what is needed to help our neighbours in Europe stay economically sound. To achieve our
overriding goals of securing democracy, peace and prosperity, and in the certainty we are doing
the best for  all the people of Europe, we are reintroducing the Deutschmark at top speed. In an
ideal world, we may have waited for other countries toconsult and  introduce their currencies
and devalue and also considered a currency union with our northern neighbours, who share
similar economies. But we need to act quickly to restore stability to the markets and the one
helpful action that Germany can take quickly is to introduce the Deutschmark. There is no point
in leaping from the fire into the frying pan, as they say, and introducing Eurobonds to stop short
term speculation. Eurobonds only increase the debt burden and reduce the opportunities for
growth. We also have to confront the truth about a financial sector that was deregulated and
became out of control. We need to reintroduce proper regulations. With the return to the
Deutschmark, we are reaffirming our commitment to economic prosperity and democracy. Not
just for all the people in Germany but for all the people in Europe. It is a first step but a vital first
step. Long term measures we are considering include printing money without creating debt as
China does. Inevitably, the USA and Europe will take this path. To print money while creating
debt puts Europe and the USA at a huge economic disadvantage. Moving to this system of
money creation will help Europe and the USA to stay prosperous - and free. We can assure you
that all the preparations are going well and we expect the introduction to go smoothly. Thank
you.” Merkel finishes her speech, turns and walks out of the room as cameras buzz. Celebrations
break out across the country. People pour onto the streets of Berlin. Fireworks go off. A new era
of prosperity begins. And the people know it. All over Europe, they know it.]]> 3928 2010-12-20
17:20:05 2010-12-20 17:20:05 open open will-germany-introduce-the-deutschmark-in-2011
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f5ade202758e56da3534c3d4fefc23df
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10650 2010-12-20 21:47:16 2010-12-20 21:47:16 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10667 http://Thebeginingoftheendofthefraudulentbankingsystem... 2010-12-21 10:01:19 2010-12-21 10:01:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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stop-imfeu-loan/ Wed, 22 Dec 2010 10:58:04 +0000 birdflu666 It is another foretaste of the political posturing that
we can expect from Fianna Fáil during the election campaign.  Fianna Fáil, the Republican
Party, are trying to make political capital out of the fact that they have bankrupted the country,
and have been forced to seek outside assistance.  Having been reduced to going cap in hand to
the lenders of last resort, they are demanding to know what is the opposition’s alternative.   It is
ridiculous and pathetic. Let us be clear.  Such is the mess that Fianna Fáil have made of the
country that we do need outside help.  The question is what form of external assistance is agreed
and on what terms? Labour’s view is clear.  This is a bad deal for Ireland.  And because it is a
bad deal for Ireland, we will vote against it here, and, in the forthcoming election we will seek a
mandate to re-negotiate it.   Since the deal was struck, a set of Programme Documents have
been published, including a Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies.  This sets out the
objectives of the Programme, and four key elements, namely:         A fundamental downsizing
and reorganisation of the banking sector         Fiscal consolidation         Renewing growth, and
Substantial external financial assistance The Labour Party supports these objectives.  We have
consistently argued over several years that Ireland faces a three-legged crisis – a banking crisis,
a fiscal crisis, and a jobs crisis.  We have supported the target of reducing the deficit to 3% of
GDP in line with our obligations as members of the Eurozone.  We have pointed repeatedly for
the need to restore credit in the economy and to fix the banks at minimum cost to the taxpayer. 
We have said, again and again, that both the fiscal crisis and the banking crisis are linked to the
jobs crisis and that growth is a vital ingredient in the solution to both. Our concerns about the
deal are not with the objectives or the four key elements of the Programme.  Our concerns are
about the overall structure of the deal and the assumptions that underlie it, and with whether it
will work, as well as with individual components within it. This deal was put in place because
Fianna Fáil’s economic policies had resulted in the Irish state being unable to borrow in capital
markets at affordable prices, and because the banking system was unable to fund itself in the
open market.  In simple terms, the markets did not believe that the national debt was
manageable, once the costs of the banking disaster were added onto it, or that the Irish banks
were a good place to put their money. The test of this deal, therefore, is whether, over the period
of the programme, that situation is reversed.  At the end of the three years, will this deal result
in a return in investor confidence to the point that people will lend money to Ireland at
reasonable rates of interest and will the banking system be able to fund itself? In the words of
the Memorandum, Ireland requires a programme that will ‘restore domestic and external
confidence and thus snap the pernicious feedback loops between the growth, fiscal and financial
crises’ That is the stated objective of the programme, but there are strong grounds for doubting
that it can achieve that goal. The Programme itself was constructed in a short period of time,
and in the face of pressure from the financial markets. While Ireland was out of the bond
market, the yield on bonds in other Eurozone economies were increasing, such that there was
pressure to get the deal done quickly.  Because time was short, what we have before us, is, at
best partial and at worst unworkable. The deal has three essential elements Firstly, a process
that will result in further stress-testing, asset-disposal and re-organisation of the banks, with
funding available for re-capitalisation, but no burden sharing with senior bond holders.  
Secondly, an agreement with a discredited out-going Government to stick to the €6billion
budget adjustment that was unwisely agreed with the Commission, some broad statements
about the four year plan, and other measures, such as cutting the minimum wage Thirdly, a fund
to support the State and the banks, including the bulk of the pension reserve fund. It is clear
from the Programme documents that a lot has been left undone – perhaps deliberately, given
that a General Election will be held in the New Year. While the deal met the deadline, and
contained important elements to deal with the immediate crisis, it has not convinced the
markets or economic commentators that it hangs together in a coherent and sustainable way.  
This is reflected in market comment, which has questioned: the interest rate being applied to the
loan; the protection of senior bank debt; the amount, timing and front-loading of the fiscal
austerity, and the bank-restructuring plan, which lacks clarity in respect of what Irish banking
will look like at the end of it. What is being questioned are the two key assumptions on which
the programme is built – namely A.        That Ireland’s present inability to access the sovereign
debt markets is for reasons that can be resolved over a three year period with fiscal
consolidation and bank restructuring, making it possible for Ireland to return to the market by
2014, if not sooner, and B.        That a recapitalization of the banking system will automatically
lead to the banking system being able to access funding within a short space of time without
state or EU/ECB support and that the banks will therefore regain the trust of the markets and
function normally and provide adequate access to credit to businesses and households. If
Ireland is to return to the market, then the market must be convinced that the Irish economy
can manage its debts.  This in turn depends on the  stock of debt that has been built up, the rate
of interest being paid on that debt, and the level of growth that is being achieved.  Growth in
turn depends on the amount of money that is being taken out of the economy through fiscal
austerity, and the extent to which the banking system has been re-organised and can deliver
credit to the economy, as well as growth in the world economy and the development of a
coherent model for post-crisis growth in Ireland. While many comments are made about
Ireland’s flexibility and historic track record of successful fiscal consolidation, it also has to be
noted that, on this occasion we do not have the capacity to depreciate our currency. Moreover,
we will be exporting to markets that are themselves experiencing slower growth and we will be
coming out of a recession induced by a bank crisis, which tend to have a greater long term
impact on trend rates of growth than other types of recession. Growth is critical to the success of
this plan or any viable plan.  That is why Labour has highlighted the need for adequate
investment in the Irish economy through a Strategic Investment Bank.  That is why Labour has
argued that resources must be available for a jobs strategy.  That is why Labour has argued
against the excessive front-loading of austerity in a €6billion budget, while accepting that the
deficit must be brought under control. So weak was the Irish negotiating position, and so much
ground did Government yield on each issue, that, in the end, we are left with a deal that provides
the least possible amount of money, at a high interest rate, with little clarity on how the banking
system is going to lend to the real economy, no bail-in for senior bonds, and an extremely
demanding austerity programme drawn up by people who know they wont be implementing it,
and which is 40% front-loaded.   In fact, it has been reported in the international media that the
IMF themselves have doubts about elements of the plan including the fact that groups of bank
creditors are not sharing the burden.  It has been suggested that they managed to negotiate with
the Commission on the target date for achieving the 3% deficit, achieving an extension of one
more year.   We need to be clear, that this is not an IMF bailout in the normal sense.  While the
IMF are providing funding and expertise, this is primarily a European venture.  It is an
agreement being reached between Ireland and our fellow members of the European Union and
the Eurozone, and hence it must be  judged in the context of nearly 40 years of common
endeavour. In the context, not just of the formal treaties of the European Union, but of the core
principles, written and unwritten, that underpin the union itself. As members of the Eurozone in
particular, we have pooled our sovereignty with others in a way that imposes mutual obligations
on all concerned.  Ireland has duties arising from our membership of the Euro, but European
obligations are a two-way street. This is primarily an Irish problem, and it must be fixed in
Ireland.  But it is also a European problem in which the European Union and the ECB have
responsibilities.  How was it that European banks were allowed to lend into the Irish property
bubble, without intervention from the ECB?  Why is it that European banks are being protected
from losses on senior bonds, while the Irish taxpayer is carrying the can? I do not seek to say
that the Irish Government are not the authors of this mess – they are.  But Europe made its
contribution to the problem, and must also make a contribution to the solution.  Not least
because, until there is a solution to the Irish crisis, there will be no overall solution to the Euro
crisis.  That is the reality of inter-dependence.   It is not good enough, frankly, for the
Commission to treat Ireland as a contagion risk, that has to be contained, no matter what the
cost to the people of Ireland.  It was Fianna Fáil, the bankers and the property developers who
caused this, not the people.  And while it is not unreasonable for the ECB to point to its exposure
to the Irish banks, simply insisting that the banks be downsized and re-capitalised, without any
burden to the senior bondholders, ignores the reality that the fate of the banks, of the sovereign
and of the real economy are inter-linked. The fact that an IMF bailout comes with conditionality
is well known.  It is necessary that, for the next three years, the Irish Government will have to
work with its lenders on economic and financial policy.  That is a deeply unpalatable fact, but it
is a fact nonetheless.  What the IMF has made clear, however, is that it does not remove the
element of democratic choice about how the core objectives of policy can be achieved.   It could
not be otherwise.  It is simply unthinkable that this broken, discredited Government could be
allowed to dictate policy for the next three to four years.  It is not constitutionally or
democratically possible.  Nor, is it feasible for any external organisation to dictate policy
entirely  from outside.  What is also clear is that the next Government will be involved in a
process of continuous negotiation on the detail of the Programme.   That won’t be easy, but it is
a task that Labour is ready to take on.  We will seek a mandate from the people for our vision of
what Ireland’s future can be, and we will engage with the lenders on the basis of our view of how
Ireland can have a prosperous and sustainable economy and a fairer society.  We do not
subscribe to the view, that fairness must always be sacrificed for economic progress.  We do not,
for example, agree that cutting the national minimum wage is the answer to the problems in the
Labour market.  We do accept, that the public finances need to be brought under control, but
this must be achieved in a manner which is consistent with the broader goal of the programme,
which requires  that there be room for economic growth. Fianna Fáil has brought us to the
lender of last resort, and Ireland must apply for a loan.  But the terms and conditions of that
loan must be workable.  The deal must hang together, with jobs and growth a central part of it.
Labour is opposing this motion, because this is a bad deal for Ireland, and in the coming election
we will seek a mandate to re-negotiate it. ENDS   CONTACT LABOUR PARTY PRESS OFFICE
@ 01-6183462]]> 3936 2010-12-22 10:58:04 2010-12-22 10:58:04 open open irish-labour-
party-joins-sinn-fein-in-bid-to-stop-imfeu-loan publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10692
bid-to-stop-imfeu-loan/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 2010-12-22
12:03:27 2010-12-22 12:03:27 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10728 2010-12-22
23:35:39 2010-12-22 23:35:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
face-disciplinary-tribunal/ Wed, 22 Dec 2010 11:00:39 +0000 birdflu666 3940 2010-12-22 11:00:39 2010-12-22 11:00:39
open open irish-bank-bosses-face-disciplinary-tribunal publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last Wed,
22 Dec 2010 11:04:43 +0000 birdflu666 The
alleged fraud was practiced seven years prior to the 2008 collapse, it said in a statement.
According to Cuomo's office, the securities were sold to European banks in return for cash which
was used to pay down debts and improve the balance sheet, "while failing to disclose to the
investing public the obligation to repurchase the securities at a higher price." "This practice was
a house-of-cards business model designed to hide billions in liabilities in the years before
Lehman collapsed," Cuomo said in a statement. Read more at:
?docId=CNG.12330a073a4e5c1c45b564ecbd4f796c.461]]> 3942 2010-12-22 11:04:43 2010-12-
22 11:04:43 open open ernst-young-charged-with-lehman-fraud publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_f48d4e4116e0c9d117699646b89c343c 10727 2010-12-22 23:25:55 2010-12-22 23:25:55 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
scam/ Wed, 22 Dec 2010 11:08:21 +0000 birdflu666
p=3948 BEN PROTESS and LYNNLEY BROWNING Deutsche Bank agreed to pay $553 million
and admit to criminal wrongdoing on Tuesday, settling a long-running investigation into tax
shelter fraud that prosecutors say generated billions of dollars in bogus tax benefits. Read more
million/?partner=rss&emc=rss]]> 3948 2010-12-22 11:08:21 2010-12-22 11:08:21 open open
deutsche-bank-fined-553-million-usd-for-tax-scam publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10699
2010-12-22 13:19:39 2010-12-22 13:19:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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swedish-rape-claims/ Wed, 22 Dec 2010 11:11:29 +0000 birdflu666 Glynnis MacNicol | Dec. 21, 2010, 11:58 AM | 1,049
| 10 Today he took to the Rupert Murdoch-owned Times of London to complain (in the third
person!) about the Guardian. "The leak of the police report to The Guardian was clearly
designed to undermine my bail application. It was timed to come up on the desk of the judge
that morning...Someone in authority clearly intended to keep Julian in prison, and shopped (the
report) around to other newspapers as well." Assange is reportedly "particularly angry with Nick
Davies" the reporter who wrote the Guardian article detailing the leaked rape charges for
"selectively publishing." Read more:
12#ixzz18psDxHAg]]> 3950 2010-12-22 11:11:29 2010-12-22 11:11:29 open open assange-angry-
over-guardian-leak-of-serious-swedish-rape-claims publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10704
2010-12-22 14:31:55 2010-12-22 14:31:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10747 2010-12-23 10:41:52
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untenable-policies-will-lead-to-eurozone-break-up/ Wed, 22 Dec 2010 11:13:09 +0000
birdflu666 Pimco, the world's largest bond fund,
has called on Greece, Ireland and Portugal to step outside the eurozone temporarily and
restructure their debts unless the currency bloc agrees to a radical change of course. By Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard 7:00PM GMT 20 Dec 2010 Andrew Bosomworth, head of Pimco's portfolio
management in Europe, said current policies are untenable in the absence of fiscal union and
will lead to a break-up of the euro. "Greece, Ireland and Portugal cannot get back on their feet
without either their own currency or large transfer payments," he told German newspaper Die
Welt. He said these countries could rejoin EMU "after an appropriate debt restructuring",
adding that devaluation would let them export their way back to health. Read more at:
untenable-policies-will-lead-to-eurozone-break-up.html]]> 3952 2010-12-22 11:13:09 2010-12-
22 11:13:09 open open pimco-says-untenable-policies-will-lead-to-eurozone-break-up publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_5af28c85fcc047d7ef473ca2fbfb7e36
_oembed_ecf78b84b8c683fa8b85451d9dde8a18 10698 2010-12-22 13:08:09
2010-12-22 13:08:09 1 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published
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22:59:59 2010-12-22 22:59:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2010-12-23 00:43:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
supplies-being-poisoned/ Wed, 22 Dec 2010 11:23:30 +0000 birdflu666 only today, despite it being so dense, it sounded
strangely silent...... normally at that hour the traffic sounds loud and impatient,especially on
fridays...but today it sounded strangely subdued...which struck me right away as i came into one
of the busiest streets in much so that i wondered what the matter was and what had
happened...  for the past few days - in fact since tuesday, when the budget was announced- i had
noticed a strange sand-like dust at home on surfaces everywhere ....and also in the pockets of my
jacket after coming back from town... last tuesday,the day the budget was announced, the tap
water was off for a few hours in the afternoon in most parts of the country...and in dublin city
from 7pm-7am every night for the past few nights...the official explanation being that too much
had been used by people letting taps run during the recent period of heavy frost... and like last
winter when that happened i have noticibly excessive and strangely ""sweet""
extremely tired....and the traffic sounds like the drivers were drugged.... -- maybe it,s also of
interest that on that budget day the banking system of Bank of Ireland was down and many of
their ATM,s either not working or giving out MORE - never however  less apparently- than
requested...resulting of course in lots  of people going to those ATM,s...(.vids and pics on various
sites)... the incorrectly dispensed amounts having later being corrected... also a couple of days
ago a few of my grandchildren,aged 3-7, stayed with me overnight with their mother.....they are
normally quite lively and boisterous...but  they struck me as unusually quiet and peaceful and
seemed to have less appetite than usual...also the mother said she had been feeling so tired the
last few days....and she is quite an energetic person that usually stays up with me another few
hours after bringing the children to bed...but this time she fell asleep with them ...and they all
slept without ever budging or changing position until quite late the next morning....about 1 1/2
hrs later than usual...and even then the 7 yr old said his legs were still asleep...normally they get
up before i do... i had checked on them several times as it was so unusual that they were not
getting up...but they were like comatose....and still in exactly the same position as when i
checked on them before i went to bed myself....]]> 3954 2010-12-22 11:23:30 2010-12-22
11:23:30 open open are-our-water-supplies-being-poisoned publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_2a534013a3f826c2f57b01f6d2c66393 10830 2010-12-27 11:46:52
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doomed-eurozone/ Wed, 22 Dec 2010 11:25:17 +0000 birdflu666]]> 3956 2010-12-22 11:25:17 2010-
12-22 11:25:17 open open china-shows-sudden-wish-to-prop-up-doomed-eurozone publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_ca2024efb077151d04f4d7182e805d1e 10701
2010-12-22 13:26:22 2010-12-22 13:26:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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like-the-economic-superpower-china/ Wed, 22 Dec 2010 11:46:10 +0000 birdflu666 China’s rise to economic superpower is largely due
to the fact that it prints money without creating debt  as explained by Vienna Economics
University Professor Franz Hörmann in an interview in Der Standard newspaper called "Banks
create money out of air." The Chinese government creates money  without having to pay
interest, and it also give loans to entrepreneurs without charging interest. As a result of using
this money system, China has experienced phenomenal economic growth, rising standards of
living and huge modernization programmes. Inflation can be easily controlled, as Hörmann
explains, so that money creation need not mean a devaluation through inflation. The USA and
Europe could surely become economic superpowers just like China if they changed over to the
same system of creating money. Right now, they are at a significant economic -- and political --
disadvantage. The Chinese government has established a gigantic low wage sector – some might
say, slave wage sector – to produce goods for export, so earning foreign currency. With ist
pockets full of this cash, China can now go on a buying spree to the USA and Europe, which are
staggering under astronomical amounts of fractional-reserve banking and other debt. This
wealth can also translate into political power. How long until the USA and Europe change their
money system and create money in the same way as China does? German Economics Professor
Bernd Senf explains why the western system of creatign money is inherently destructively and
why we are all doomed by it to descend into ever greater debt - while China is set to soar.
When governments borrow money from private banks, they create a debt that can never be
repaid by definition. This is because for every one unit of money created, one unit of money is 
owed, plus a unit of interest. But where is the money supposed to come from to pay that unit of
interest? More money has to be created. The problem is that that this extra money also carries
interest. The debt, therefore, always outpaces the money available. Senf describes the
exponential craziness of the money system, always growing to pay a debt that can never
arithmetically be repaid. When the USA switched over to this way of creating money in 1913 as
the Federal Reserve was privatised, it resulted in the USA entering a cycle of booms and busts
and wars because this way of managing the inherently instable debt system is extremely
profitable for the banks. On top of this, the private owners of the Federal Reserve use it as a cash
cow for limitless funds while the government sinks into the debts of bailiouts, stimulus packages
etc, which the people have to pay for in a confiscation of wealth. While both the USA and Europe
are handicapped by this catastrophic money system, Europe is currently having to deal with the
added leg-iron of the euro currency. The inherent problems with the eurozone have become so
grave so fast that many people expect countries to have to adopt their own currency and form a
free trade area to avoid major unrest. Imbalances between the „core“ euro zone countries and
the „peripheral“ countries such as Ireland, Italy and Greece, Portugal and Spain (PIIGS) were
significant even before the euro was introduced. The result of the euro currency straitjacket has
been to increase the imbalances because peripheral countries have become more uncompetitive.
Fractional reserve, paper banking debt due to the bursting of a liquidity bubble in the property
market has been equated with souvereign debt, burdening tax payers. Fiscal austerity is leading
not to a rebalancing of taxation and spending but to a deflationary depression. The IMF/EU
loans and bailouts also have such high interest rates that they are driving countries into
insolvency. The peripheral countries are sinking ever deeper into debt and there is no way out of
this debt death cycle, creating massive social unrest. The result is that the core countries are
expected to shoulder the ever growing debt of ever more of their neighbours – or the euro has to
break up. Germany evidently cannot shoulder the debt of the entire eurozone. And may not even
be allowed to as its Constitutional Court  will soon highly likely rule. Without Germany paying
all the debts, the euro has to break up; countries have to adopt their own currencies. Either
Germany introduces the Deutschmark or the peripheral countries leave the eurozone. Only such
a move can restore competitiveness to countries and stop Europe drowning in debt. It clearly
makes economic sense But politicians might be wondering how the people will take the news
that a new currency is needed – or that the old one has to be reintroduced. But people are used
to changing over currencies. What the people of Europe will surely never accept  is seeing their
jobs, education systems, pensions, savings, futures being eviscerated to pay interest on a
mountain of paper debt because their politicians refuse to take the steps so evidently needed to
„restructure“ this debt – ie force the banks to write it off – and also adopt their own currencies
to restore competitiveness. The logical result of the current eurozone system is that 400 million
plus Europeans will be sacrificed for the profit of a handful of banks. And wasn’t this what hedge
funder George Soros argued should in fact happen in a recent report in the Financial Times?
People can see this is where the trainwreck is heading and they are getting understandably
furious. If I were a politician, I would simply bite the bullet and take the steps needed to restore
economic health. That is, allow countries to adopt their own currencies and restructure the debt.
Italians currently see 53% of their taxes going just to pay the interest on their national debt. This
is wealth confiscation on a gigantic scale. There is no money, so says the Berlusconi government,
for education. How can this continue? By adopting the Lira, Italy and other PIIGS countries
could more create jobs and generate tax revenues. A sound economy will provide the basis for
greater democracy, freedom and also peace in Europe. The controlled corporate media may be
suggesting that abandoning the euro is a catastrophe and un-European. But, of course, the
people will not only accept this „correction“, they will expect it. In Europe, there is a political
tradition of democracy and good government that is 2,500 years old and that cultural tradition
cannot be ignored. People just will not put up with seeing all their wealth confiscated by the
banks. If countries in Europe adopt their own currencies and intensify trade in 2011, there will
be a rapid economic recovery. In the long-term, Europe and the USA should, though, surely
switch over to the Chinese method of printing money. Just like China, they would experience an
economic miracle. This method of printing money would also allow the government flexibility to
boost the areas such as culture, the arts, music, community projects as well as to ensure every
person has sufficient money to live in dignity, especaly children and the elderly. So, there could
be economic growth without an increase in industrial consumption. Clearly, there is no need for
a slave wage sector in Europe as long as Europe does not intend to create massive currency
surpluses for use in waging economic warfare against neighbours who are drowning in debt
because they failed to notice the problem with their money system. Europe could actually have
the muscle to really help people in Africa and other countries, also by introducing this money
system. The current money system in the USA and Europe is not only economic suicide, it is not
only totally undemocratic, it is also barbarically cruel to tens if not hundreds millions of people.
In the USA, there is an awareness that the Fed needs to be privatised - not just audited as Ron
Paul says. It needs to be seized back by the government and a new money system has to be
introduced such as China's. However, John F Kennedy seems to have been assassinated to stop
just that happening in the sixties and the battle for the Fed will be tough. In Europe, politicians
seem to be reluctant to abandon the euro because they identify it with Europe and peace - which
the people do not. Let’s hope 2011 be the year that European politicians throw aside the
financial newspapers with their endless columns penned by professors funded by foundatios etc,
and toss aside the bank lobby literature, and reconnect with their people and the real economy.
An effective communications strategy explaining the situation should be enough, especially
including the Chinese model. It could be the beginning of a new economic wonder and also a
cultural revival.]]> 3958 2010-12-22 11:46:10 2010-12-22 11:46:10 open open how-to-save-
europe-and-the-usa-print-money-like-the-economic-superpower-china publish 0 0 post 0
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their-own-money/ 2010-12-27 23:26:18 2010-12-27 23:26:18 1 pingback 0 0
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00:14:09 2010-12-28 00:14:09 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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easiest-to-trade-and-make-the-most-money-out-of.html 2010-12-22 12:39:36
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http://Nottheonlyreason 2010-12-22 16:26:19 2010-12-22 16:26:19 1 0 0
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is-friendly-to-banks/ Thu, 23 Dec 2010 14:49:12 +0000 birdflu666 As Hungary descends into a deflationary
depression, unrest is bound to grow and the government is clamping down and censoring the
media, the first step to dictatorship. The fact that the far right, nationalist parties are just fronts
of the banks and complict in plundering countries has been shown in Austria. It has emerged
that far right leader Jorg Haider was funded by Hypo Alpe Adria, a bank that engineered a multi
billion euro bailout. The Flick foundation linked to the Nazi dynasty was invovled in an
accounting game to make the bank appear solvent before selling it to BayernLb: the bank
promptly declared itself insolvent and raked in billions of tax papers money in return for
fractional reserve, paper debt created by accountancy tricks.. Also, it has emerged that far right
former Finance Minister Karl-Heinz Grasser and Justice Minister Dieter Böhmdorfer were
linked to the shady Buwog scandal. So here, we have a far right party plundering the people
while claming to be their champions and blaming foreigners for problems in the country as a
diversion tactic. As for the EU’s concern about press freedom in Hungary, it is about as credible
as Austrian Justice Minister Dr Claudia Bandion-Ortner pushing through a bill to crack down on
internet paedohilia in Brussels while blocking an investigation the Natascha Kampusch
paedophile ring in Austria.  If Bandion-Ortner really wanted to crack down on paedophilia, she
would investigate evidence that high level politicians are involved in it in her own country. More
on Hungary at:
media-law-puts-EU-presidency-in-doubt.html Hungary's new media law puts EU presidency in
doubt The Hungarian government is facing suspension from the EU over new media laws that
greatly expand the state's power to monitor and penalise private media. 7:00AM GMT 23 Dec
2010 Hungary is due to assum the six-month rotating presidency of the EU on Jan 1, the same
day that the government plans to reintroduce state censorship for all media. But several
European nations have voiced concerns over the sweeping new laws, taking the unusual step of
publicly criticising a fellow EU member. Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg's foreign minister, said
the plans "violate the spirit and the letter of EU treaties." "It raises the question whether such a
country is worth of leading the EU." Germany said it was "a danger for democracy".]]> 3960
2010-12-23 14:49:12 2010-12-23 14:49:12 open open hungary-to-censor-press-authoritarian-
regime-is-friendly-to-banks publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_22cd86c7f9ad5a5aa50d875586f9a60c 10761
authoritarian-regime-is-friendly-to-banks/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 2010-12-23 16:48:31 2010-12-23 16:48:31 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10772 2010-12-23 19:06:49 2010-12-23 19:06:49 1 0 0 jabber_published
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agony-says-top-german-economist/ Thu, 23 Dec 2010 14:51:00 +0000 birdflu666 Leading German economists Peter Bofinger and
Stefan Homburg are split over the euro's chances of survival. In a discussion moderated by
SPIEGEL, they talked about the wisdom of introducing a euro bond and what would happen if
Germany left the common currency. SPIEGEL: Mr. Bofinger, Mr. Homburg, can the euro be
saved? Stefan Homburg: In 1995, the great thinker and European policy expert Ralf
Dahrendorf predicted that the euro would divide rather than unite the continent. At the
moment, we are experiencing the beginning of this process. Political tensions are growing in
Europe, and the Germans are being viewed as taskmasters. For these reasons, it would be better
to bring down the curtain on the euro and return to the deutsche mark. Peter Bofinger: That
would be irresponsible. The euro has been a model of success. It is essential that we preserve it.
The only problem is that the steps taken so far haven't sufficed. What we need now is a bold step
toward more economic integration. SPIEGEL: What do you have in mind? Bofinger: We
should seize upon the proposal of Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker and
introduce common bonds for the euro zone. Such euro bonds would significantly reduce the
interest costs for problem countries, such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal. These countries
would then have an easier time putting their government finances in order with austerity
measures. Homburg: I doubt that. Euro bonds violate the Maastricht Treaty, which stipulates
that no country can be held liable for another country in the euro zone. The euro bonds would
even elevate liability to the level of a principle and force Germany to vouch for the debts of other
countries whose fiscal behavior we cannot control. Our population would not tolerate the tax
increases and reductions in transfer payments that this would necessitate. Read more at:,1518,735812,00.html]]> 3963 2010-12-23
14:51:00 2010-12-23 14:51:00 open open clinging-to-the-euro-will-only-prolong-the-agony-
says-top-german-economist publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_8464295eea9c9dc20b8e3f22d8e83290 10832
2010-12-27 22:21:19 2010-12-27 22:21:19 1 10771 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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12-28 01:19:36 2010-12-28 01:19:36 1 10832 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2010-12-23 18:54:38 2010-12-23 18:54:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
pressure/ Thu, 23 Dec 2010 14:54:01 +0000 birdflu666
p=3965 Andrew Bosoworth from Pimco, the world’s largest souvereign bond investor, said in an
interview with Germany's Die Welt that investors will only return to the European countries
once confidence in their long-term growth has returned. In an interview with the Die Welt, he
said that investors doubt that countries such as Ireland, Greece and Portugal will be able to pay
back debt. This is because the fiscal austerity measures to pay th gigantic, fractinal reserve,
private bank debt are driving their economies deeper into debt, choking growth. "The result:
Investors are trying to sell their bonds from the problem countries, but can't find any buyers
other than the European Central Bank…The interest rates are continuing to climb as a result --
for Spain, Italy and Belgium as well. That makes it more expensive for them to borrow, their
debt increases and so does the threat of insolvency." The ECB has also refused to buy bonds on a
large scale or effectively print money like the Federal Reserve for fears of inflation. In addition,
many economies have lost competitiveness due to the euro strait jacket, and cannot restore that
competitiveness unless they can adopt their own currencies and devalue. Bosomworth said the
only workable solution would be for Greece, Ireland and Portugal to  leave the euro. But the
latest German government ministry draft poposal produced on Thursday  foresees a "European
Stability and Growth Investment Fund” which would do nothing  to address the underlying
problems of debt and a lack of competitiveness and so restore long term confidence. This
proposal is, in fact, just yet another mechanism for the banks to strip assets and suck money out
of the eurozone  under the pretext of interest payment on souvereign, paper debts under
authoritarian regimes. Countries are to lose their souvereignty. The fund should be called the
„Big Bank Stability and Growth Investment Fund“ because the banks are the only ones who will
benefit from this mechanism. They continue to be able to scalp the eurozone economies. A
European bond or or rescue fund or mechanism for banks will lead to ruin. The Germans simply
don’t have enough cash for all these „bailouts“ or rescue mechanisms - and they are the ones
who will have to pay as countries become insolvent. The result: the IMF will take over their
economy too in the end. Germans who have seen their real wages sink by 4.5% since 2000 (the
median income is now only about 1,400 euros) are also highly likely not going to accept cuts just
to bail out big banks throughout the eurozone.  So, there are political risks associated with this
approach too. The euro is deeply unpopular. The idea that maintaining the euro is vital for peace
and democracy in Europe is widely recognised to be propaganda by the political and financial
elite and the media they control. People see the euro has led to a decline in living standards and
an erosion of democracy. Economists like Peter Bofinger who think people have any wish to
preserve the euro and will sacrifice their incomes and future for it are deluding themselves.
People can grasp the facts, and the facts speak for themselves. The euro is the tool of a corrupt
elite. Whether counties leave the eurozone or stay, 2011 is sure to be a dramatic year as the debt
crisis reaches a climax and the people either have to be forced to give their last shirts or the
financial sector has to be brought under control.]]> 3965 2010-12-23 14:54:01 2010-12-23
14:54:01 open open 2011-will-decide-euros-fate-germany-under-pressure publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 10797 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2010-12-24 10:10:43 2010-12-24 10:10:43 1 10769 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Thu, 23 Dec 2010 14:57:22
+0000 birdflu666 Looking around the world in
December 2010, it looks like there hardly a corner of the globe left enjoying any real peace.
Wars, hunger, economic collapse, poverty, suffering and degradation are everywhere. Even
Ireland has fallen under the control of the IMF/EU: its people face new deprivation as their
wealth is confiscated by a financial elite if a correction is not made. However, 2010 has also seen
a tremendous awakening among the people of the world as many commentators have observed.
There is a greater understanding that ever before of nature of the political and economic systems
that are contributing to so much misery. Few leadership figures today are as natually noble as
say Prince William and Harry, and we, the people, clearly have to pitch in much, much more to
ensure a basic minimum of justice and dignity for our fellow human beings. If someone sees a
car driving straight into a crowd of people, that person has a duty to stop that car,  the German
theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer  said. The Globalists are driving a car mindlessly into humanity
– and it is up to us to stop that car. The suffering of so many people has reached a shocking
level: so much needless despair and suffering has become an affront to every single person with
any shred of decency left.  Today, it was reported that a TV techinican in Rumania wearing a T
shirt with the words „You have killed our future“ plunged several metres from a balcony into the
main hall of parliament, thereby endangering his life, just to protest the corruption of Prime
Minister Emil Boc. „This is for you, Boc. You have stolen the money from  children,“ he said,
before jumping off the balcony, breaking several bones.
Parlamentssaal.html  He was clearly gripped by the feeling that so many of us increasingly share
that the obscene greed and corruption of a political and financial elite is an outrage and cannot
be allowed to continue without us all being sucked into a moral quagmire of guilt and shame as
we watch children scavenge for food in rubbish bins in Europe and worse. The ancient Greeks
recognised that we cannot separate our fate from the fate of the state. A just state is the
foundation for people to lead the kind of dignified, happy, creative lives that we are all meant to
lead. At the same, time each of us is individually responsible for being true to our higher self:
fair, truthful, courageous and disciplined. Looking forward to 2011, we can only hope thatthe
transition to better economic systems and a rejuvenation of our democracies can be
accomplished quickly and peacefully. Then we can get on with the business of really living the
kind of lives we wish to, knowing that other people, all around the world in every corner of it,
can also look forward to futures that are free, safe and happy. Right now, as we head into 2011,
all decent people have to be ready -- like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Claus von Stauffenberg -- to
make even the ultimate sacrifice to stop the Globalist car destroying humanity. Many of the elite
have already ruined their own characters, but we should not allow them to undo our characters
by sitting back as they wreck havoc on the lives of millions of innocent people. Stauffenberg said
that his own restless conscience was what made him attempt to overthrow the Nazi regime. At
the end of the day, it is our conscience that counts. It is the spirit within us joined to a higher
force that counts. But for now, a rest up! Merry Christmas! Peace and every luck!]]> 3967 2010-
12-23 14:57:22 2010-12-23 14:57:22 open open merry-christmas publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_a8084aefcb80077172f48fcb069178bf 10796 2010-12-24 07:49:31 2010-12-24 07:49:31 1 0 0
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and-financial-elite/ 2010-12-24 19:55:58 2010-12-24 19:55:58 1 pingback 0 0
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christmas/ 2010-12-25 14:21:14 2010-12-25 14:21:14 1 pingback 0 0
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12-26 06:02:20 1 0 403988 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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happy-new-year-for-the-global-resistance-against-the-nwo/ 2011-01-01 05:42:54
2011-01-01 05:42:54 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10758 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2010-12-23 15:52:29 2010-12-23 15:52:29 1 0 0
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23 19:09:28 2010-12-23 19:09:28 1 0 17125609 jabber_published akismet_result
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http://MerryChristmastoyoufromallofus! 2010-12-23 19:43:57 2010-12-23
19:43:57 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
10777 2010-12-23 21:59:17 2010-12-23 21:59:17 1 0 0
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2010-12-23 23:32:50 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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http://ThePolishdemocraticelection 2010-12-24 22:41:31 2010-12-24 22:41:31 1 0 0
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remains-may-be-exhumed/ Wed, 29 Dec 2010 14:14:56 +0000 birdflu666 Mr Kaczynski, his wife Maria and 94 other
passengers - most of them top state officials - died when their aircraft crashed while trying to
land in thick fog in Smolensk on April 10. Some victims' families are worried they may not have
been given the correct remains for burial by the Russian authorities and are considering
exhumation. Read more at:
section=justin]]> 3970 2010-12-29 14:14:56 2010-12-29 14:14:56 open open smolensk-plane-
crash-polish-presidents-remains-may-be-exhumed publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_bb5472b8a3e8fe7972c75a29681dd3ba 10850
2010-12-30 02:09:01 2010-12-30 02:09:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2010-12-31 18:14:40 2010-12-31 18:14:40 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
central-bank-governor/ Wed, 29 Dec 2010 14:24:16 +0000 birdflu666 th. In spite of the evidence indicating that the
people were not killed as they travelled to a commemoration of the Katyn massacre in the way
the official version states, there has been no proper investigation and there has also been almost
no in-depth media coverage. But today Polish prosecutors have said today that they plan to
publish their own report on the Smolensk plane crash after the Russian report was found to be
russia-news-international-km3lkhccdac.html Nevertheless, few people expect the Polish report
to shed much light on the incident given the evidence that elements in the Polish government
were involved in a cover up. There has been no plausible explanation offered so far for the many
others irregularities, including the sudden appearance of fog at Smolensk airport. A Polish TV
journalist at the crash site has said that he saw no bodies, and his film footage of the incident
was buried in a media vault. Four shots can be heard on an amateur video confirmed to be
authentic by investigators. Poland was the only country in Europe to refuse to activate
pandemic swine flu vaccine contracts in 2009. The Polish health minister, a family doctor,
argued the vaccines were inadeqautely tested. Also, one of the victims of the plane crash was
Polish central bank governor Slawomir Skrzypek, though  it is not clear why he was travelling to
Katyn in the first place. In an  article published posthumously in the Financial Times, Skrzypek
argued in favour of Poland keeping its national currency, the Zloty, rather than adopting the
euro, and for retaining a capacity to devalue. Skrzypek also turned down a credit line from the
IMF. Poland was the only major economy in the eurozone to grow in 2009 underlining just
disastrous the adoption of the euro has been for European economies. Was Skrzypek killed
because he refused to allow Poland to join the eurozone, which is run by the banks for their
profit? Gigantic amounts of national government debt, much created by the banks, are acting, in
effect, as a means of wealth confiscation in the eurozone; finding the money for the interest
payments through fiscal austerity is pushing the eurozone deeper into debt. Unable to devalue
their own national currencies, eurozone countries cannot grow their way out of the debt trap.
The Polish plane crash incident suggests -- just like the death of John F Kennedy before he could
implement plans to re-nationalise the Federal Reserve -- that the financial elite will stop at
nothing to impose their financial model on the world, and any government thinking of leaving
the eurozone would be well advised to take extra security measures for ist members.]]> 3972
2010-12-29 14:24:16 2010-12-29 14:24:16 open open polish-prosecutors-to-publish-own-report-
on-smolensk-plane-crash-that-killed-eurosceptic-polish-central-bank-governor publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last _oembed_76b927f78f3ca856249aa70a8e8ba75c 10860 2010-12-30 16:56:29 2010-12-30 16:56:29 0
0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 10855 2010-12-30 06:07:02 2010-12-30 06:07:02 1 0 0
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the-d-mark-in-germany/ Wed, 29 Dec 2010 14:29:38 +0000 birdflu666
deutsche-wollen-d-mark-wieder-haben.html Two thirds or  67% of the Germans surveyed said
they were worried about the stability of the euro. A huge 77% said that had not benefitted from
the introduction of the euro compared to only 17% who said they had. Just 30% said they would
today vote to adopt the euro and 60 % would vote against such a move. 35% said they would
vote for a political party that promised to adopt the D Mark again. Although Germany’s export
sector has benefitted from the euro, the rest of the economy has not. The poll for Bild by YouGov
Institut underlines the negative impact of the euro for the vast majority of Germans. Real wages
have fallen by 4% compared to the year 2000 while consumer prices have risen. Also, Germany’s
federal and regional governments are mired in unprecedented mountains of debt. Nevertheless,
the financial sector and EU is pressing Germany to accept liability for all of the eurozone’s
outstanding and constantly increasing debt. So, the pain is just beginning for Germans. For
Germany – and other eurozone economies -- to grow again without switching over to a war time
economy, a radical correction is needed and some economists and investors are arguing national
currencies need to be adopted. Politicians in Germany can take heart from the fact that they will
enjoy the support of significant numbers of people if they were to reintroduce the D Mark and
set the eurozone back on the path to growth. Reintroducing the D Mark might even keep the
CDU in power as it has to fight seven regional elections this year.]]> 3974 2010-12-29 14:29:38
2010-12-29 14:29:38 open open poll-shows-strong-support-for-reintroducing-the-d-mark-in-
germany publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_0f99c78ab48c829f919d98126c8fd031 10891 2011-01-05 11:17:39 2011-01-05 11:17:39 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10874 2011-01-01 07:59:37 2011-01-01 07:59:37 1 0 0
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Wed, 29 Dec 2010 14:32:35 +0000 birdflu666 If
you have benefitted from the information on this blog and wish to see the blog continue in 2011,
consider supporting it with a donation. Happy New Year! Bank details: Account name:            
Buergermeister, Jane Account number/ IBAN      AT831100015211533300 BIC / SWIFT
STRASSE,    WIEN   / Österreich]]> 3977 2010-12-29 14:32:35 2010-12-29 14:32:35 open open
help-keep-the-free-alternative-media-free publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10859 2010-12-30 15:58:37 2010-12-30 15:58:37 1 10857 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10857 2010-12-30 14:58:28 2010-12-30
14:58:28 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
10878 2011-01-01 23:39:43 2011-01-01 23:39:43 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10845 2010-12-29 23:04:02 2010-
12-29 23:04:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10848 2010-12-30 01:35:14
2010-12-30 01:35:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10880 2011-01-02 04:37:42
2011-01-02 04:37:42 1 10878 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
about-the-irish-banking-scandal-irish-times-complains/ Wed, 05 Jan 2011 15:19:34 +0000
birdflu666 The right to know The Irish Times Fri,
Dec 24, 2010 THERE WERE only two journalists – both from The Irish Times – in the High
Court yesterday for the hearing that will lead to the effective nationalisation of Allied Irish
Banks. They were the only observers in the public interest witnessing the State takeover of what
was once Ireland’s largest bank at a cost to the taxpayer of a further €3.7 billion. But they were
asked to leave because the application was closed to the media. This was a shameful approach by
the Minister for Finance to a matter of extreme public interest, one of the biggest economic
transactions ever undertaken by this State on behalf of taxpayers. The Government said that
there were issues of “extreme commercial sensitivity” at stake and this was what the judge, Ms
Justice Maureen Clark, was told. The application was heard, unusually, in Court 19 of Aras Ui
Dhalaigh, normally the location of family court hearings in camera. The judge agreed with
counsel for the Government that under the Credit Institutions (Stabilisation) Act 2010, the
journalists must leave. Read more at:]]> 3981
2011-01-05 15:19:34 2011-01-05 15:19:34 open open the-right-to-know-about-the-irish-banking-
scandal-irish-times-complains publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10908 2011-01-06 04:15:25 2011-01-06 04:15:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10903
2011-01-05 20:57:42 2011-01-05 20:57:42 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Wed, 05 Jan
2011 15:22:37 +0000 birdflu666 Mr Lenihan’s
latest contribution via his new powers is to obtain secret court hearings to secure the transfer of
our monies to this zombie institution. The reality is that these hyper bank debts are being
converted into public debt and will be paid back through radically reduced services and welfare,
higher taxes, increased retirement age, etc. It is difficult to envisage a situation more
detrimental to the public interest and yet information on these matters will be given to us on a
need to know basis, via redacted and effectively censored information from court hearings,
which sanction such transfers. Read more at:]]> 3987
2011-01-05 15:22:37 2011-01-05 15:22:37 open open secret-irish-bank-court-hearings publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_75e28688394603652c3ba1ecf9d72703 10922
banksters/ 2011-01-06 23:41:14 2011-01-06 23:41:14 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
hyperinflation/ Wed, 05 Jan 2011 15:23:49 +0000 birdflu666 3989 2011-01-05 15:23:49 2011-01-05 15:23:49
open open video-explaining-why-usa-is-set-for-hyperinflation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_5acedd989cdc5f334e66448d6bd84ae5 10893 2011-01-05 16:35:24 2011-01-05 16:35:24
Hyperinflation Videos]]> 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
prepares-to-exploit-new-swine-flu-scare/ Wed, 05 Jan 2011 15:24:55 +0000 birdflu666 Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday,
January 3, 2011 Big Pharma is licking its lips at the prospect of cashing in on a second round of
the swine flu epidemic, despite the fact that the first outbreak of the virus in 2009 was proven to
be a contrived hoax perpetrated by pharmaceutical companies in concert with the World Health
Organization. Flu experts in Britain are warning that an H1N1 epidemic is weeks away as 9
million children prepare to return to school after the Christmas holiday. There have been 36
deaths from swine flu in Britain since October. However, with skyrocketing numbers of people
in the British Isles refusing to take flu vaccines after their dangers were widely publicized,
prepare for the situation to be swiftly exploited by the establishment who will push fears of a
pandemic to coerce people into taking mercury-laden shots that have been linked with
paralyzing neurological disorders, convulsions, and deaths. A Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe found that the 2009 H1N1 outbreak was exaggerated by pharmaceutical
giants as a ruse to make vast profits from the sale of dangerous and unnecessary vaccines. Chair
of the Council of Europe’s Sub-committee on Health Wolfgang Wodarg said that governments
were “threatened” by special interest groups within the pharmaceutical industry as well as the
WHO to buy the vaccines and inject their populations without any reasonable scientific reason
for doing so. Read more at:
swine-flu-scare-2/]]> 3991 2011-01-05 15:24:55 2011-01-05 15:24:55 open open big-pharma-
prepares-to-exploit-new-swine-flu-scare publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_1ec54a71ae354de356db6b9a0f80f0e6 10896
new-swine-flu-scare/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 2011-01-05
17:20:16 2011-01-05 17:20:16 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10919 2011-01-06 20:43:13
2011-01-06 20:43:13 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10978 2011-01-08 13:57:14
2011-01-08 13:57:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10971 2011-01-08 08:05:03
2011-01-08 08:05:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
scandal-in-germany-is-much-bigger-than-feared/ Wed, 05 Jan 2011 15:30:43 +0000 birdflu666 Update: 3000 tonnes of animal feed additive
poisoned with dioxin is enough to contaminate 150,000 tonnes of animal food when mixed in
together with it, according to the German media. 136,000 eggs exported to The
Netherlands alone could be contaminated with dioxin. It is not clear how the
company could have added dioxin to animal feed. Police and state prosecutors are
investigating. Consumer Protection | 05.01.2011,  Deutsche Welle Dioxin scandal worse than
initially feared  A report from Germany's Agriculture Ministry has revealed that up to 3,000 tons
of an animal feed additive contains traces of the poisonous dioxin. The discovery has triggered
calls to reevaluate food safety rules. Up to 3,000 tons of an animal feed additive has been found
to contain traces of dioxin, according to a report from the German Agriculture Ministry obtained
by the news agency dpa on Wednesday. The poisonous chemical, linked to the development of
cancer in humans, was discovered in eggs and poultry in several German states last week, and it
is believed it was introduced in animal feed contaminated with industrial fats.  Read more at:,,14752483,00.html]]> 3993 2011-01-05 15:30:43 2011-
01-05 15:30:43 open open food-poisoning-scandal-in-germany-is-much-bigger-than-feared
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10907 2011-01-05 23:47:26
2011-01-05 23:47:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10926
poisoned-with-dioxin/ 2011-01-07 05:56:41 2011-01-07 05:56:41 1 pingback 0 0
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2011-01-15 23:19:15 2011-01-15 23:19:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
the-sky-in-sweden-is-an-electromagnetic-weapon-being-tested/ Wed, 05 Jan 2011 15:32:25
+0000 birdflu666 Swedish birds 'scared to death':
veterinarian Published: 5 Jan 11 12:43 CET | Double click on a word to get a translation
Updated: 5 Jan 11 13:15 CET Online: A county
veterinarian has speculated that the birds that fell from the sky in central Sweden
on Tuesday may have been frightened by fireworks, then run over by a car after
landing on the road in the dark. Shortly before midnight on Tuesday, residents found 50 to
100 jackdaws on a street in Falköping southeast of Skövde. The incident echoed a number of
unexplained incidents earlier this week across the southern US. Read more at:]]> 3995 2011-01-05 15:32:25 2011-01-05 15:32:25
open open birds-fall-from-the-sky-in-sweden-is-an-electromagnetic-weapon-being-tested
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_6b632a1c01992afe5cc0d87ebc6489b8
_oembed_46612091794bbfa472709f31ec01ec37 10917 2011-01-06 17:20:04 2011-01-06 17:20:04 1
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10916 2011-01-06 17:10:35
2011-01-06 17:10:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-06 11:50:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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opponents-of-new-media-law-use-it-against-orban-government/ Wed, 05 Jan 2011 15:38:01
+0000 birdflu666 The new laws give power to Hungary’s new media
regulator, all of whose members have been nominated by Orban’s Fidesz, to fine any broadcast,
print and online media for vague offences such as violating "human dignity” just as Hungary
takes over the EU’s rotating six-month presidency. Bayer clearly has no problem with Orban
robbing Hungarians of their private pensions to give to the banks indirectly via interest rate
payments for Hungary’s national debt.
diego/hungary-ireland-and-others-snatch-retirement-accounts-is-california-next Hungary’s
banks’ contribution to Orban’s fund to pay the national debt is, after all, fractional reserve,
paper money, and not real money. Orban might know all about that because won a scholarship
from banker George Soros’ foundation to study in Oxford. The Rothschild-controlled Economist
has defended the new media laws, implying that it could be worse in a report called: “
%C3%A9 This is the same Economist that gave Wikileaks founder Julian Assange an award.]]>
3998 2011-01-05 15:38:01 2011-01-05 15:38:01 open open hungarian-opponents-of-new-media-
law-use-it-against-orban-government publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
nazi-mass-murderer-adolf-eichmann-an-idealist/ Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:12:40 +0000 birdflu666 There is no mention of the fact that Adolf Hitler, the
Nazi leader, himself highly likely had Jewish DNA according to recent tests of relatives. The fact
that Hitler may have been Jewish just shows how absurd the racism of Eichmann was.
Eichmann can surely never be considered "idealistic" in as far as the definction of "ideals" 
includes the notion of an “honorable or worthy principle or goal”. Idealism, therefore, describes the attempt to realise
honorable goals, spiritual ideals, moral or political ideals such as justice, morality and
happiness  in the tradition of European political thought dating from Plato. The mass murder of
Jewish people or any other people on the basis of biology can never ever be counted as idealistic
in the true sense of the word because it is not an honourable goal and no valid moral or spiritual
or even political ideal is realised. The mass murder of people on some spurious genetic grounds
is, in fact, lunacy and, at best, the misapplication of biological principles that are used for the
management of animals on human beings by the seriously deluded. It is disturbing to see a mass
murderer and racist like Eichmann called an “idealist” in a major German newspaper like Die
Welt. My own Dad was forced to join the German army in 1942 on his 18 th birthday (he was not
even allowed to finish his year in grammar school). Because he happened to have blond hair and
blue eyes, he joined an SS mountain troops division and was sent to fight in the Artic circle in
Finland for three years with hardly any leave – and this while his own father was nearly arrested
for being against the Nazis. He only escaped being killed because he was wounded in Finland
and sent to Germany for convalescence. During his time in hospital, his entire division was
wiped out: only a handful of soldiers survived. He spent the end of the war in Bavaria followed
by several years in a prisoner of war camp. By the time he finally got his university degree, he
was well over 30. The whole experience ofleft him severely traumatised – in the meantime, we
know more about post combat traumatic syndromes. He assured me he was not involved in any
crimes against civilians, and this is no doubt true simply because there were no civilians in the
Artic circle. My Dad certainly did not die thinking he had fought for an idealistic cause. He died
convinced he had been robbed of the best year of his life by a criminal elite bent on destroying
the economy and igniting wars for their profit. He recognised the Nazi brain washing with its
half baked slogans that he was subjected to in his youth for what it was: cynical clap trap. Many
German generals like Ludwig Beck knew, after all,  that the second world war would be lost from
the beginning because Germany didn’t have enough materials and manpower to fight all the
enemies it was creating or would create. It was thanks to my Dad that I  realised just how strong
the Nazis are in Austria and I also got an insight into their financial tricks ie how governments
can engineer hyperinflation etc.  My Dad’s friends from this Nazi circle were obviously
dysfunctional and yet, many had high positions in government. So, the Nazi type is being
actively promoted in Austria. We can see them carrying out the same bank collapses as in the
1930s using the same tricks and preparing for the same wars to eliminate the people they have
robbed. I am not sure these people even know what they are doing. As I mentioned, I have the
impression from personal encounters with these Nazi types that they are materially minded and
extremely limited if not actually mentally ill. My Dad’s Austrian family -- with the exception of
his  father, who originally from Germany and who was honest and decent -- was very
dysfunctional, and those members who went through the war were most dysfunctional of all.
Sadly, this kind of dysfunctional thinking seems to be passed on from one generation to the
next. Compared to the people in Ireland, the people in Austria are very strange. Even my Dad
had recognised the superiority of my Irish mother’s family’s ethos and personalities at the end of
his life – and he also became one of my biggest supporters in the fight against the swine flu
pandemic just before he died last year. It makes me very sad to think of how much he suffered
when he was young when he was conscripted into the German army and sent to fight in the Artic
circle forwicked  lunatics like Eichmann. The ancient Greeks called people who did not speak
their tongue or who have their democratic model Barbaros and Posener comes across as a little
bit of barbarian to even use the word idealistic to describe as mass murderer like Eichmann in
my view. A brief acquantaince with the works of the ancient Greek shows that for them politics
-- the polis, city, the arena of citizens -- and bios or biology -- the natural lifeforce of  animals --
were completel distinct spheres. People might be killed in wars as part of a political struggle or
to acquire resources or out of personal animosity. They might ended up enslaved by the Greeks
and used as cheap labour. But the murder of people for biological reasons is not mentioned let
alone sanctioned by the ancient Greeks or Romans. In the Republic, Plato discusses how to
identify and promote the best leaders on the basis of their spiritual qualities, virtue and talents
and not genetic qualities. Plato talks about the need for them to undergo a spiritual initiation to
see the true nature of reality, but also about the need for very concrete virtues, such as justice.
Nowhere in the Republic does Plato argue ever for a selection on a purely biological basis
irrespective of virtues and talents. The Roman empire also readily absorbed nations and races as
long as they followed the Roman law. The type of racism personified by Eichmann is foreign to
the European civilisation and tradition and it is a relatively modern development and so is this
adulation of nature above human beings. Just where did these bizarre ideas come from?]]>
4001 2011-01-05 16:12:40 2011-01-05 16:12:40 open open bizarre-article-in-german-
newspaper-calls-nazi-mass-murderer-adolf-eichmann-an-idealist publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_bf2c19d5af1c7fd2e693cab1fc442873 _oembed_ae0155a096709a371dfc6ed1e08f6c02
10895 2011-01-05 16:53:25 2011-01-05
16:53:25 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10914
german-newspaper-calls-nazi-mass-murderer-adolf/ 2011-01-06 14:02:00 2011-
01-06 14:02:00 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
eurozone-debt-expands-political-influence/ Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:16:30 +0000 birdflu666 China's leadership has launched a charm offensive
aimed at Europe. The country's vice premier, who is visiting Spain and Germany this week, has
promised that Beijing will continue buying up government debt to support the troubled euro
zone. He has also called for more bilateral trade. There may be no end in sight for Europe's
sovereign debt crisis, but at least one country still believes in the euro. The Chinese leadership
has promised its support for the euro zone in its hour of need as part of a charm offensive aimed
at strengthening ties with the European Union. In a guest editorial published in Wednesday's
edition of the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung, Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang promised
that China would support the EU in the fight against the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis.
"China's support of the EU's financial stabilization measures and its help to certain countries in
coping with the sovereign debt crisis are all conducive to promoting full economic recovery and
steady growth," he wrote. Read more at:,1518,druck-737897,00.html ]]> 4003
2011-01-05 16:16:30 2011-01-05 16:16:30 open open china-buys-up-eurozone-debt-expands-
political-influence publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
door-issues-bonds-through-special-fund-without-a-basis-in-law/ Wed, 05 Jan 2011 16:34:57
+0000 birdflu666 - EU issues €5 billion of bonds
through the European Financial Stabilisation Fund in spite of rejection by European leaders at
key Brussels summit in December - Ireland's borrowing costs lower but Germany's
increase - Eurobonds will deepen the eurozone's chronic debt problems caused by
the banks, choke off growth and lead ultimately to Europe's economic meltdown,
economic experts say - European Financial Stabilisation Fund has no basis in EU
law and also violates German constitution   The European Union is starting to issue euro
bonds through the €440 billion European Financial Stabilisation Fund (EFSF) as part of the
IMF/EU  “bailout” for Ireland, according to media reports.
docId=CNG.7f52d5080666c6faeec68359512796af.941 European leaders rejected the
introduction of eurobonds at a key summit on December 22, 2010 in Brussels because
eurobonds will increase the overall debt burden on the eurozone, accelerating its economic
decline. The EU appears to have acted on its own to sell about €5billion ($6.7bn) in five-year
debt underwritten by Barclays Capital, Deutsche Bank and HSBC, BNP Paribas using the ESFS.
The 5 billion is the first part of an estimated €50bn in bonds that will go towards the Irish “bail
out” over the next two years. Economists acknowledge that the souvereign debt of Ireland has
little to do with public debt. Bank engineered, fractional reserve banking debt has been equated
with national debt. It is also the banks who are going to profit from the interest payments on
that debt. The EFSF bond is the first issued by the eurozone and could be the first step towards a
common eurozone bond that will put tax payers throughout Europe on the hook for the
astronomical fractional reserve eurozone souvereign debts. Concern that Germany, one of the
few solvent nations left, may be forced to pay for all the outstanding eurozone debt, including
Ireland’s, is already making itself felt. German bond auctions have hardly drawn enough bids to
cover the amounts on auction in the last few months. While Ireland may initially have to pay
lower rates for the “eurobonds” on its bank-engineered souvereign debt, Germany had to pay
higher interest rates at an auction of German ten year bunds today. It sold 3.9 billion euros of
Bunds at 2.87 % interest rate, up from 2.5% last time, surely amid fears that its economy will be
dragged down by the requirement to service the entire eurozone’s debt via some transfer
mechanism. The move by the EU
and banks to issue eurobonds underlines the increasingly lawless nature of EU institution. A
complaint has been filed against the EFSF at the German  Constitutional Court and a ruling that
such a fund violates the constitution is expected in Spring. In addition, German Chancellor
Angela Merkel is reported to have been accompanied to Brussels on December 22 nd by
Constitutional court judges. This was to underline that transferring German tax payer’s money
to other countries to pay off their debt via direct transfers or eurobonds violates German law.
The little reprted move by the EU to unilaterally issue eurobonds through the EFSF , led by
Klaus Regling who worked for the IMF, comes as the eurozone grapples with an unprecedented
crisis. European states and banks need to rollover a 800 billion of debt in 2011. January is seen
as a key month with about 80 billion euros of eurozone government and bank bonds up for
auction. The costs of govenrment borrowing have been pushed sharply higher recently as
investors realise that the payment of interest on the fractional reserve banking debt will
ultimately push all European economies into permanent a debt deflationary depression and
permanent decline. China has started to buy peripheral eurozone government bonds to prolong
the life of the doomed euro and increase its political influence over Europe. As Vienna
economist Franz Hörmann has pointed out in an interview in Der Standard (“Banks create
money out of air”), China prints money without creating a debt and so enjoys a huge financial
advantage over the USA and Europe. It is this system of creating money that has made China so
prosperous while the USA faces hyperinflation to pay off its gigantic debts and the eurozone
debt deflationary depression. In 2011, Europe will be forced to finally chose between confronting
the criminal banks that have created the financial crisis and that need to permanently suck out
capital from countries to cover up their ownbankruptcy or face social unrest on an
unprecedented scale due to fiscal austerity budgets. Servicing the debt will lead to the economic
and social meltdown of eurozone states as tax money and assets go to pay interest on the black
hole of  souvereign debt that will only grow. It is to hoped there is the political leadership to
force the banks to stop demanding money for their worthless paper debts, to split up
commerical and investment banks and put some banks into an orderly receivership. Given that
the economies of countries like Greece, Portugal and Ireland are being smothered by mountains
of debt that can never be repaid, a souvereign default – and countries perhaps leaving the
eurozone to regain competitiveness -- cannot be ruled out in 2011. Even though Germany’s
Chancellor Angela Merkel said in her Christmas address that keeping the euro was a priority for
Germany, it is hard to see how Europe can be returned to the path of sustainable growth even if
Germany’s manufacturing sector is strong and the EIB lends to debt stricken countries on
favourable terms to boost jobs unless bank debt is restructured on a large scale or countries exit
the eurozone. If countries adopted their own courrencies, they could also set their own interest
rates and also devalue and so grow again. If no action is taken to correct the current trajectory,
the eurozone will end 2011 even more deeply in debt, owned largely by the banks and China , the
people will be stripped of more of their rights and embroiled in various wars against Islam by
the EU's new foreign minister Catherine Ashton.]]> 4005 2011-01-05 16:34:57 2011-01-05
16:34:57 open open eu-introduces-eurobonds-through-the-back-door-issues-bonds-through-
special-fund-without-a-basis-in-law publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_7b2ebc94bd00a03308cfdfcd1a18b8e1 10911 2011-01-06 11:37:05 2011-01-06 11:37:05 1 0 0
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law/ 2011-01-06 23:32:34 2011-01-06 23:32:34 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 10930 2011-01-07 12:35:28 2011-01-07 12:35:28 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
lead-to-the-criminalisation-of-hundreds-of-herbs-in-just-four-months/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011
15:25:45 +0000 birdflu666 It's called the
Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD), Directive 2004/24/EC. The
licensing requirements, however, were intentionally designed to make sure that virtually no
herbs could ever meet them. It costs from $125,000 to $180,000 to license a single herb with
the EU, and since herbs cannot be patented and don't have the monopolistic pricing found in
pharmaceuticals, there's simply not enough profit margin in most herbs to justify such huge
expenditures from any one company. But that's sort of the point. Governments of the world have
been conspiring with the pharmaceutical industry for decades to destroy the competition by
outlawing nutritional supplements, herbal remedies and many other forms of natural medicine.
Learn more:
l]]> 4009 2011-01-07 15:25:45 2011-01-07 15:25:45 open open eu-directive-will-lead-to-the-
criminalisation-of-hundreds-of-herbs-in-just-four-months publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_67066d25cb506dc690b6ddc9078234c9 10995
2011-01-09 07:52:59 2011-01-09 07:52:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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environment-mercury/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:30:09 +0000 birdflu666  Mercury exposure makes people go nuts Mark
Sircus IMVA January 7, 2011  It is very interesting to note that that everyone is concerned in
this video about green house gasses from coal fired plants but nothing is mentioned of the 50
tons of mercury that these plants put into the atmosphere each and every year in the United
States alone. Coal plants put out lots of nasty stuff that have covered the globe but none as
nasty as mercury. Now that the greenhouse gas theory has been run down by increasing
global cooling we do not have to worry about CO2 emissions, unless one wants to worry
because one has nothing better to do, but we do have to worry about many of the other foul
emissions, especially that of mercury. After all without sufficient CO2 we would all be dead. In
a recent Associated Press release we find out that along a stretch of Highway 21, in a pastoral,
hilly region of Texas, is a vegetative wasteland. Trees are barren, or covered in gray, dying
foliage and peeling bark. Fallen dead limbs litter the ground where pecan growers and
ranchers have watched trees die slow, agonizing deaths. Visible above the horizon is what
many plant specialists, environmentalists, and scientists believe to be the culprit: the Fayette
Power Project—a coal-fired power plant that for nearly 30 years has operated mostly without
equipment designed to decrease emissions of sulfur dioxide, a component of acid rain. Jim
Berry, a horticulturalist who owns a wholesale nursery in Grand Saline, Texas describes a 30-
mile stretch of Highway 21 as a place where “The plant community was just devastated. There
was an environmental catastrophe. It wasn’t just the pecan groves. It was the entire
ecosystem that was under duress,” Berry said recently. Pecan grower Harvey Hayek said,
“Everywhere you look, it’s just dead, dead, dead.” Coal is really dirty stuff and we get exactly
what we expect in terms of environmental degradation. Sulfur dioxide is just one of many
pollutants that degrade life forms but in terms of toxicity nothing is as potent per gram as
mercury. Read more at:
nuts/  ]]> 4011 2011-01-07 15:30:09 2011-01-07 15:30:09 open open the-growing-problem-of-
poisons-in-our-environment-mercury publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10945 2011-01-07 21:20:14 2011-01-07 21:20:14 1 0 0
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dioxin-scandal/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:36:15 +0000 birdflu666
panscher-versuchter-mord-koerperverletzung.html  5000 farms and agricultural business have
been closed or affected by the dioxin scandal - and the banks foreclosing on any debts could be
one profiteer. Raiffeisenbank in Austria has developed its business in such a way that it is now
one of the biggest owners of land in Austria.  Tests by the company showed that dioxin levels
were too high in March 2010, but the company failed to report it. More on the plight of the
farms from Deutsche Welle: Agriculture | 06.01.2011 Dioxin scandal threatens farmers'
livelihoods Deutsche Welle Some farmers in Germany say they could go bankrupt after a
chemical contamination in animal feed forced them to close their farms. Now they want the feed
producer to compensate them for their losses. Heiko Franke's 1,600 pigs, many of whom
were scheduled to be slaughtered this week, have been granted a reprieve.   Franke's farm in
Oldendorf in northern Germany is one of more than 1,000 chicken, turkey and pig farms whose
operations were pre-emptively halted after they were linked to animal feed that had been
contaminated with the poisonous chemical dioxin. "We were shocked and surprised when we
got the call that we were being quarantined. No one told us before that there could be something
in the feed," Franke told public broadcaster ARD. Read more at:,,14754005,00.html]]> 4014 2011-01-07 15:36:15 2011-
01-07 15:36:15 open open farmers-pushed-to-edge-of-bankruptcy-by-dioxin-scandal publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 10938 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-01-07 19:02:54 2011-01-07 19:02:54 1 0 0
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additive-poisoned-with-dioxin/ 2011-01-09 19:20:44 2011-01-09 19:20:44 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10963 2011-01-08 02:32:09 2011-01-08 02:32:09 1 0 0 jabber_published
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debt-level-not-raised-says-geithner/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:40:51 +0000 birdflu666 Are the House Republicans and Tea Party trying to
suicide the USA? Why has no one thought up a long-term plan to tackle the debt
mountain, including renationalising the Federal Reserve? Is it wise to allow the
government to default in March bringing economic devastation with no back-up
plan in place? Treasury warns Congress on debt limit By DAVID LIGHTMAN AND KEVIN G.
HALL McClatchy Newspapers WASHINGTON-The federal government could run out of money
as soon as March 31, the Treasury Department warned Thursday, as the Republican-led House
of Representatives resists allowing federal debt to rise further without serious cuts first in
government spending. The Treasury joined the battle in the first fiscal policy showdown of the
new Congress when it said in a letter to congressional leaders that there would be dire
consequences for the U.S. economy if the government's $14.3 trillion debt ceiling is not
increased soon. House Republicans, in a nod to the conservative tea party movement, are
preparing for a fight over that. They want to use the approaching debt deadline as a way to force
the big spending cuts they promised in their campaign document "Pledge to America." Many
new Republicans rode to power on the wave of tea party anger over government spending.
House leaders give only qualified support to raising the debt limit.]]>
4017 2011-01-07 15:40:51 2011-01-07 15:40:51 open open us-government-could-default-by-
march-if-debt-level-not-raised-says-geithner publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_7ea842348656b7342915ba2144fbd48d 10952 2011-01-07 23:27:03 2011-01-07 23:27:03 1 0 0
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2011-01-07 19:13:27 2011-01-07 19:13:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10975 2011-01-08 09:26:43
2011-01-08 09:26:43 1 10952 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
opposed-to-idea-of-eurobonds-govt-spokesman/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:41:53 +0000 birdflu666 "There is a large mutual consent between the
governments of Germany and France to strengthen the European Monetary Union," spokesman
Steffen Seibert said at a regular government press conference here. "Eurobonds aren't playing a
role in these German-Franco considerations," he stressed. "This topic is not on the agenda."
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou on Thursday again backed the introduction of
eurobonds, but not as a "substitute" for fiscal consolidation.]]> 4019 2011-01-07 15:41:53 2011-
01-07 15:41:53 open open germany-still-opposed-to-idea-of-eurobonds-govt-spokesman publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10939 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-01-07 19:08:01 2011-01-07 19:08:01 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10962 2011-01-08 02:09:52 2011-01-08 02:09:52 1 0 0
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save-euro-says-wsj/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:44:58 +0000 birdflu666 Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Berlin
on Thursday on the latest stage of a European tour that began in Madrid. While in Spain, Mr. Li,
who is widely expected to become China's next premier, signed a string of trade and investment
deals. He also vowed that China would continue to buy Spanish government debt, a message
welcomed by Spain's embattled government as a vote of confidence in the country. Read more
at: http://online.wsj.comarticle/SB100014240527487047395045760671524840/03010.html

]]> 4021 2011-01-07 15:44:58 2011-01-07 15:44:58 open open china-pledges-to-buy-spanish-

bonds-but-wont-save-euro-says-wsj publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10937
2011-01-07 18:52:35 2011-01-07 18:52:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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all-time/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:47:31 +0000 birdflu666
p=4023 Irish Leaders Castigated As Greatest Traitors Of All Time Gabriel Donohoe Fools
Crow’s Blog January 6, 2011 The Irish Government has recently passed the harshest budget in
the history of the State with further austerity promised for the next three years and perhaps for
decades. Prime Minister Brian Cowen and Finance Minister Brian Lenihan have steered Ireland
from the booming prosperity of a Celtic Tiger to a ruined shell of a country where
unemployment, poverty, emigration, and despair are proceeding to destroy a once proud,
industrious people. Cowen and Lenihan also bear the ignominy of having brought in the
International Monetary Fund who, along with EU banksters, are now dictating Irish fiscal
policy. The IMF has long had a vulturish reputation for plundering weaker countries by
stripping the flesh of its victims down to the bare bones. This repulsive scavenger is well known
for promoting austerity and misery, grabbing national assets for its bankster and corporate
friends, and leaving the skeleton of a country’s economy in its wake. The first piece of offal to be
plucked from the Irish carcass by this opportunistic carrion eater was the nation’s €20 billion
pension fund, the life savings of working people. As a result of Ireland’s dramatic reversal of
fortune the names of Brian Cowen and Brian Lenihan are now being reviled as the villains who
inflicted horrendous financial disaster upon the Irish people and forced the enslavement of
future generations to a criminal cadre of International Banksters. The words ‘treason’, ‘traitors’,
and ‘treachery’ are being increasingly used not only by ordinary citizens but also by certain
politicians, economists, business leaders, and celebrities. ‘Economic treason’ was a term used by
the leader of the Labour Party to describe Cowen and Lenihan’s blanket guarantee to the banks.
And, incredibly, even the country’s ostensibly non-partisan police association, the GRA, accused
the government of ‘treachery’ and denounced it as a ‘government of national sabotage’. Today,
Cowen and Lenihan are being compared to other traitors in history like Vidkun Quisling, a
Norwegian politician who assisted the Nazis to conquer his native country; General Benedict
Arnold, an American soldier who changed sides during the Revolution and betrayed his country
to the British; and even Judas Iscariot, who betrayed his Master for 30 pieces of silver. In
Ireland, the names of Cowen and Lenihan now evoke the same revulsion as that reserved for
Dermot MacMurrough, a 12th century King of Leinster who has been loathed for over 8
centuries as the man who brought the first English invaders to Ireland. In 1167, after a dispute
with other Irish kings which led to his forced exile, MacMurrough persuaded an English army
under the command of the Earl of Pembroke, known as ‘Strongbow’, to invade Ireland and help
him take his kingdom back. MacMurrough died 3 years later and Strongbow declared himself
the King of Leinster. Thus began the beginning of a British military occupation that would last
for over 800 years and cause countless thousands of Irish deaths and condemn many
generations of Irish men and women to utter misery, slavery, famine, and financial and religious
tyranny. It is not easy for anyone to incite more odium in the hearts of the Irish people than that
of the back-stabber Dermot MacMurrough. And yet Brian Cowen and Brian Lenihan are reviled
with the same detestation as that accorded the traitorous 12th century King of Leinster. What
did Cowen and Lenihan do to earn such public loathing? On September 29th, 2008, a
momentous event occurred. That evening, four of the most senior executives of Ireland’s two
largest high street banks, Dermot Gleeson and Eugene Sheehy of Allied Irish Bank (AIB) and
Brian Goggin and Richard Burrows of Bank of Ireland (BOI), called to Government Buildings for
a hastily convened meeting with the Prime Minister, Brian Cowen, and the Minister for Finance,
Brian Lenihan. Also present was the Irish Attorney-General, Paul Gallagher. The banksters were
frantic. As the property bubble was beginning to burst, their main rival, Anglo Irish Bank, was in
serious trouble and the huge loss of liquidity could bring down the country’s entire financial
system. Like Anglo Irish, AIB and BOI also had massive exposure to the developers and all were
in danger of imminent collapse. The banksters implored the Government to do something,
immediately, before the money markets opened the following morning. Having received such
stark news from the banksters, Cowen and Lenihan knew they had to move quickly and
decisively. They would have to act, and be seen to act, without bias and without favouring any
special interest groups. Their first duty was to ensure the welfare of the nation as a whole and to
safeguard the financial interests of all the Irish people. But in this they failed utterly. One special
interest group, the banksters, prevailed spectacularly over the interests of the Irish people. How
did the banksters manage to wield such inordinate influence over crucial governmental policy?
A key disturbing fact about this meeting was never commented upon in the mainstream media.
On the government side of the table sat Paul Gallagher, the Attorney-General, legal adviser to
the Irish Government. On the banksters’ side of the table sat Dermot Gleeson, the AIB chairman
and himself a former Irish Attorney-General. But, apart from both men holding the senior law
office of the land, a more sinister connection between them remained undisclosed. They were
both Bilderbergers. For those who haven’t heard of the Bilderbergers, they are a brotherhood of
unelected international banksters, corporatists, politicians, and others who meet secretly every
year to formulate and manipulate world policy in finance, economics, trade, and any other area
that they can control for their own selfish, globalist interests. It may well be that the presence of
the two Bilderbergers, Gleeson and Gallagher, was just a coincidence but, considering such
incredibly high stakes, it can be argued that Gallagher’s attendance as Attorney-General at such
a crucial meeting generated a monumental conflict of interest. His Bilderberger connection
clearly compromised him as legal adviser to the Irish Government, especially when his
Bilderberger pal, Gleeson, was about to be on the receiving end of a whopping government
bailout. After a surprisingly short discussion with some members of the cabinet, the Attorney-
General, and top civil servants, Cowen and Lenihan arrived at an ominous decision. They
decided that the Government would guarantee all the liabilities of six Irish banks – not just
customer and interbank deposits but also the full exposure of all bondholders! This amounted to
some 450 billion euro, an astronomical figure which, if ever called upon, would destroy the
country. With the stroke of a pen Cowen and Lenihan shifted hundreds of billions of private
debt incurred by greedy, fraudulent banksters and dumped it onto the backs of the Irish people.
This was an incredible act of treachery against the Irish nation. What could possess these two
politicians to put their people into impossible debt and penury – perhaps for generations – just
to save a few mega-rich banksters from taking a loss on their reckless gambling? Was it utter
ineptitude or was it something more sinister than that? As Marcellus said to Horatio in
Shakespeare’s Hamlet, ‘Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.’ He said ‘Denmark’, but he
might well have been describing present-day Ireland. This bank guarantee deal stinks to high
heaven! Inflicting a risk exposure of €450 billion on the Irish nation was tantamount to state
suicide. The willing and needless placement of an entire people into such peril could only be the
result of criminal incompetence or criminal collusion. There could be no other explanation,
except, of course, criminal insanity. Take your pick. Are Cowen and Lenihan criminally inept,
corrupt, or insane? To put the enormity of the hazard to the nation into perspective let’s
compare it to U.S Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s 2008 bank bailout of $700 billion which
was then strenuously opposed by the great majority of the American people. The Irish bailout
was the equivalent of more than $585 billion dollars, not a far cry from the $700 billion that so
appalled and angered most Americans. Consider that the U.S. has a population of 300 million
while Ireland only has a population of less than 4.5 million, much the same as the state of
Louisiana. At 3.30am the four bankers left. According to Shane Ross, author of Bankers, they
had ‘put the gun to the Government’s head and the ministers had delivered.’ Ireland was aghast.
Cowen and Lenihan said the bailout was necessary to preserve Ireland’s creditworthiness with
‘the markets’. This was hogwash and was said so by many people at the time, including leading
economists. (The fallacy of the ministers’ thinking is borne out by the approach of the plucky
Icelandic people who refused to take on private bankster debt and whose economy is now in a
much healthier position than that of Ireland.) But Lenihan persisted with the bailout declaring
that it would be ‘the cheapest bailout in history’. Those words, like the ghost in Hamlet, would
soon come back to haunt him. Cowen and Lenihan then proceeded to pour taxpayers’ money
into the banks, capitalizing the high street lenders to the tune of some €13.5 billion. This figure
did not even include the requirements of Anglo Irish Bank, the biggest culprit of fraudulent
lending, who Lenihan said could be saved with a €4 billion bailout. As time progressed the
Minister of Finance continually revised his figures upwards, going to €12 billion, €18 billion,
€24 billion, and now the figure is hovering around €35 billion. The Irish people will never see a
single cent of the tens of billions poured into that black hole that is Anglo Irish Bank. This
cannot be described as anything other than an act of outrageous criminality. Another fiasco in
the making, the brainchild of Lenihan and Cowen, is NAMA (National Asset Management
Agency), set up to restore the banks’ balance sheets by buying their toxic loans to the tune of
some €54 billion of taxpayers’ money. This is another huge and needless risk that is likely to go
disastrously wrong and which hangs eternally over Irish taxpayers like the Sword of Damocles.
The slightest miscalculation and the sword falls – with devastating effect. This writer, and many
others, pointed out at the time that there was a much better short-term solution to the Irish
banking problem. The Government could have let the banks fail – that’s what happens in
capitalism when businesses are reckless or make mistakes – and set up a state bank. A state
bank could have created all the credit the country needed with a much, much smaller outlay.
Through fractional reserve lending, a bank can create some twelve and a half times the amount
of credit that it holds in assets. For example, if a state bank is capitalised with €10 billion it can
lend out €125 billion. With only €20 billion in capital a state bank could create and lend out
€250 billion. This would have boosted Irish businesses and given the economy a huge injection
and would have obviated the need to go back to the exploitative money markets. (It is important
to point out that this would be a short-term solution only. The real cause of global financial
chaos and prohibitive national debt is the permitting of private banking cartels to create a
nation’s money, money that is based on debt and bears interest and which makes an immense
fortune for the international banksters – to the impoverishment of the people.) But Cowen and
Lenihan seemed not to be focussed on what was good and efficacious for the people of Ireland
but on how to save a few criminal banksters from incurring gigantic losses. Before the bank
guarantees, Ireland had a manageable sovereign debt. But after taking on the private debts of
reckless, fraudulent banksters Cowen and Lenihan drove Ireland into insolvency. Interest on
Irish government bonds rose dramatically and threatened to destabilise the Euro. Uncertainty
about Ireland’s ability to handle its deficit caused unrest in Portuguese and Spanish bond
markets. There were concerns too about Belgium and Italy. The EU, fearful that panic and
contagion would spread and collapse the Euro, bullied the Irish Government into taking a joint
EU/IMF bailout. The high placed members of the self-serving Brussels elite were willing to
impose hardship and needless austerity upon the people of Ireland in order to save their
precious Euro and to preserve their positions of opulence and power. The Irish economy per se
did not need a bailout, but Irish banks did. The IMF does not lend to banks but only to sovereign
countries. (That way, they can force a country to bleed its taxpayers to get their money back.)
Cowen and Lenihan then proceeded to sell the idea of an EU/IMF loan to the country as a
‘rescue package’ for the Irish nation. This was a complete lie. It was a rescue package mainly for
German, British, and French banks who had recklessly and greedily loaned billions to Irish
banks during the Celtic Tiger boom. David McWilliams, Irish economist, broadcaster, and
writer, says of the IMF, ‘It is not here to bail us out; it is here to bail [the banks] out. The bailout
is a bailout for the banks of Germany and France and the Irish taxpayer foots the bill. It is that
simple. And where will the EU and IMF money come from? It will be borrowed from the very
investment banks that will be bailed out. So they will get interest payments from us, in order
that we pay for their mistakes.’ This view is echoed by Dr. Constantin Gurdgiev, adjunct lecturer
in Finance at Trinity College, Dublin, who likens the ECB/IMF bailout to ‘corporate welfare’ (as
opposed to social welfare). ‘It’s worse than corporate welfare, it’s corporate welfare with a
massive moral hazard loaded on top. This is an undemocratic, corporatist transfer of wealth
from ordinary citizens to a tiny group of people: bank bondholders…’ Just who are these
precious bondholders that Cowen and Lenihan would bind and bankrupt the country in order to
make up their ‘gambling’ losses? Senator and presidential hopeful David Norris tried to read out
their names under parliamentary privilege in the Irish Senate but was quickly silenced. It seems
that Cowen and Lenihan and the Irish Government do not want the people to know that they
have been put into debt slavery for the benefit of some of the wealthiest, most fraudulent
banksters in the world. The names of these bondholders are now a matter of public record,
thanks to investigative journalists like Guido Fawkes ( Some of the more
familiar names among the four score or so major bondholders are Goldman Sachs, one of the
most despised banks on Wall Street whose name is synonymous with greed, sleaze, and fraud.
Max Keiser, broadcaster and former broker & options trader, says, ‘Goldman Sachs are scum. I
mean that’s the bottom line. They have basically co-opted the U.S. Government, they have co-
opted the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve functionality. They’ve co-opted the Obama
administration. And Barack Obama dances to Goldman Sach’s tune. They are really crooked and
abominable in what they’ve done.’ Keiser continues, with remarkable candour, ‘Just remember,
Hank Paulson held Congress hostage, took them in the back room and said give us $700 billion
or we’re gonna crash the market. He’s an arsonist; he’s an outlaw. And yet he’s given praise. If
you go down the list, they’re all Goldman Sachs scum, whether it’s Hank Paulson, whether it’s
Geithner…you know Geithner has very strong ties to Goldman Sachs…and of course all these
banking bonuses are paid out to all their cronies who are Goldman Sachs scum.’ Another Anglo
Irish Bank bondholder is the Rothschilds Bank, Zurich; the Rothschild family are reputed to
have owned half the wealth of Europe a century and a half ago – how much do they own now?
And most of the remaining bondholders are worth an accumulation of some twenty trillion
euro. An Irish default would involve such an insignificant fraction of their wealth that it would
hardly cause them to raise their eyebrows. Yet Cowen and Lenihan forced crippling debt upon
the Irish people for many years to come in order to repay the banksters every single cent of their
reckless investments. One great irony amid all this debt and despair is the great wealth recently
discovered in the gas fields off the west coast of Ireland. The Corrib gas field alone is reckoned to
be worth well over €420 billion, enough to pay off all of Ireland’s debts and make the country
vastly rich. According to the Petroleum Affairs Division there is even more gas and oil off the
west coast, perhaps as much as 13 trillion euro or beyond, enough to make millionaires of every
man, woman, and child in Ireland. What did the Irish Government do with this €420 billion
windfall from the Corrib field? They gave it away to Royal Dutch Shell for nothing. Yes, nothing!
In an incredible move, the government cut the State’s share from 50% to zero on all its offshore
oil and gas and abolished all royalties. Why would they do such a crazy thing? For an answer to
that you’ll have to ask the then minister, Ray Burke, who was later convicted and jailed for
political corruption on other matters. Royal Dutch Shell, with its monthly revenues fluctuating
between $25 billion and $45 billion, certainly doesn’t need the money as much as the Irish
people do. Royal Dutch Shell is a key Bilderberg asset; its principal shareholder is Queen Beatrix
of Holland, a long-time member of Bilderberg which was founded by her father, Prince
Bernhard, a former officer of Hitler’s SS. Giving these plutocrats billions, and perhaps trillions,
in oil and gas for absolutely nothing is criminally obscene and utterly enraging. These energy
resources rightfully belong to the Irish people and it’s not for individual politicians, whether
corrupt or incompetent, to give them away for nothing. Looking forward, there will soon be a
new government in Ireland. It is now time for the Irish people to take a firm stand. In the
coming election campaign they must warn incoming government hopefuls that there HAS to be
radical change. The criminal pledges of an outgoing government of traitors MUST be dismantled
and consigned to the trash can, along with their authors. The people will not stand for more of
the same old bullshit gombeen politics; they are in no mood for mealy-mouthedness or
ineffectual tinkering with a failed system. They demand nothing less than clear, decisive, and
even ruthless change. They demand leaders of integrity, innovation, and courage. And they
demand a decent living for themselves, their children, and future generations yet unborn. There
can be no going back! Actions that should be taken as a matter of urgency: • Defaulting on
private bankster debt which is not a just or proper debt of the Irish people. • Leave the Euro and
return to the Irish Punt. (And consider leaving the EU altogether and take back control of our
seas which have been plundered of hundreds of billions of euro of fish stock by other EU
nations.) • End Fractional Reserve Banking and take the power of money creation back from
private, criminal banking cartels. The Government would then issue debt-free, interest-free
money for the benefit of all the people. • Spend this debt-free money on hospitals, education,
sustainable green energy, ports & harbours, transportation, roads, and infrastructure such as
the 100+ year old water and sewage systems that are about to collapse. • Take full control of all
oil, gas, and mineral deposits on land and within our territorial waters. • Pay a monthly
dividend, or basic income, to every adult and child, such as that described in Social Credit or as
explained in ‘The Cook Plan’ by Richard C. Cook. • Promote organic farming so that we are more
self-sufficient and need to import less and less foreign foodstuffs. • Encourage the use of natural
medicines and natural health therapies so that the people have real freedom of choice. • Reduce
the number of seats in parliament, abolish the senate and useless quangos, and use the internet
more to interface with our politicians and government. • Make the Mainstream Media truly
independent so that they will return to being the proper watchdogs of the people. • Promote the
arts and artists so that we may discover our true spiritual nature and live in peace and harmony
and abundance on this wondrous planet of ours. If a new Irish government implements the
actions listed above, the country will quickly achieve unrivalled prosperity and contentment and
could well become a guiding light for momentous reform in other nations of the world. Pecunia,
si uti scis, ancilla est; si nescis, domina. (If you know how to use money, money is your slave; if
you don’t, money is your master.)]]> 4023 2011-01-07 15:47:31 2011-01-07 15:47:31 open open
irish-leaders-castigated-as-greatest-traitors-of-all-time publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 10961 2011-01-08 01:53:41 2011-01-08 01:53:41 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
bank-goldman-sachs-deutsche-bank/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:51:28 +0000 birdflu666
October 15th, 2010 Anglo-Irish Bondholders Should Take the Losses Is the ECB Forcing Ireland
to Protect German Investments? By Guido Fawkes Anglo-Irish Bank did not represent a
systemic risk to the Irish economy, it wasn’t a high street bank like AIB or the Bank of Ireland. If
it had been allowed to go the way of Lehmans the only losers would have been shareholders and
bondholders. The Irish state stepped in and nationalised a bank that was basically run by crooks
lending to property speculators. The Irish people are taking losses that should rightly have been
shouldered by bondholders. Every child in Ireland is being bequeathed a huge debt at birth to
protect the interests of foreign, mainly German, bondholders – why? Guido was once a bond
trader, it was always understood that sometimes the bond issuer defaults. That is the risk
investors take. So why is Dublin’s political establishment so keen to protect foreign investors at
the expense of future generations? Guido has obtained the list of foreign Anglo-Irish
bondholders as at the close of business tonight. These are the people whom Dublin’s politicians
really seem to care about:]]> 4025 2011-01-07 15:51:28 2011-01-07 15:51:28 open open anglo-
irish-bondholders-include-rothschild-bank-goldman-sachs-deutsche-bank publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_a3afe63167e15a28015b09a1d5db222f 10935
rothschild-bank-goldman-sachs-deutsche-bank/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 2011-01-07 18:31:57 2011-01-07 18:31:57 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 10959 2011-01-08 01:37:16 2011-01-08 01:37:16 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
come-into-force-in-2013/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:54:40 +0000 birdflu666 Europe unveils sweeping plans to govern reckless
banks Brussels has called for sweeping powers for regulators to seize failing EU
banks, sack board members, and impose haircuts on senior bank debt, aiming to
ensure that taxpayers are never again held hostage by high finance. By Ambrose
Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor 5:27PM GMT 06 Jan 2011, The Telegraph The
European Commission’s "Framework for Bank Recovery and Resolution" draws on
Scandinavia’s hard-line approach during their banking crises in the early 1990s. The goal is to
end the pattern of moral hazard and mispricing of risk that generated Europe’s debt woes.
"Banks will fail in the future and must be able to do so without bringing down the whole
financial system," said Michel Barnier, the internal market commissioner Mr Barnier’s
consultation paper will lead to a "legislative proposal for a harmonized EU regime" as soon as
this summer, with an insolvency structure in place by 2012. The final phase will be the creation
of a European Resolution Authority by 2014, adding a fourth pillar to the EU’s new architecture
of financial regulation. EU "authorities" typically have their own permanent staff and powers to
override national bodies. The document said regulators should be given "statutory power" to
write down senior bank debt, by any amount necessary, or to convert debt into equity. "Such a
power would only apply to new debt (or existing debt contracts renewed or rolled over) after
entry into force of the power." Read more at:
sweeping-plans-to-govern-reckless-banks.html]]> 4028 2011-01-07 15:54:40 2011-01-07
15:54:40 open open europe-cracks-down-on-banks-new-rules-to-come-into-force-in-2013
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_70b186a7dd149057d41c6b34100b9a30 10957 2011-01-08 01:26:35 2011-01-08 01:26:35 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666 4030 2011-01-07 15:58:31 0000-00-00 00:00:00
open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
according-to-daily-mail/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 16:14:12 +0000 birdflu666  This, even
though the Daily Mail reported in December that five of the ten of the people who died after
contracting the swine flu virus in the previous six weeks had received flu vaccines. Yes, five out
of ten!
new-epidemic.html "It is not known whether the victims died as a result of swine flu or because
of complications related to their other conditions. Five of the ten adults had received the
flu vaccine," writes the Daily Mail in December. Prime Minister David Cameron has said old
st0cks of pandemic swine flu vaccines could be used because of a shortage of flu vaccines. Even
though they are "slighty different", they have "common characteristcs," he said. Those common
characteristics are, unfortunately, that the pandemic flu vaccine and this year's flu vaccine
are inadequately tested and potentially damaging. The package insert of GlaxoSmithKline's
Flulaval flu vaccine plainly states that there is no evidence at all that the jab helps against flu.
So, why take it? "...there have been no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza
disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL [see Clinical Studies (14)].
ucm112904.pdf While there is no evidence the vaccine helps against flu, there is evidence of
adverse events. "In clinical trials, the most common (10%) local and systemic adverse events
were pain, redness, and/or swelling at the injection site, headache, fatigue, myalgia, low grade
fever, and malaise. The package insert says there are no adequate studies on pregnant women or
children to show it is safe and effective. "There are, however, no adequate and well-controlled
studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of
human response, FLULAVAL should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed."
"Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL in pediatric patients have not been established." The flu
jab is a mix of three strains of virus that do not appear ever to have been tested together as well
as containing mercury and other damaging ingredients. "The strains: A/California/7/2009
NYMC X-179A (H1N1), A/Victoria/210/2009 NYMC X-187 (H3N2) (an A/Perth/16/2009-like
virus), and B/Brisbane/60/2008. Thimerosal, a mercury derivative, is added as a preservative.
Each dose contains 25 mcg mercury. Each dose may also contain residual amounts of egg
proteins (1 mcg ovalbumin), formaldehyde (25 mcg), and sodium deoxycholate ( 50 mcg)."
The package insert states there has been no evaluation of key potential areas of damage.
"FLULAVAL has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment
of fertility."


]]> 4031 2011-01-07 16:14:12 2011-01-07 16:14:12 open open uk-considering-using-pandemic-

vaccine-stockpile-five-out-of-ten-of-victims-in-uk-took-flu-jab-according-to-daily-mail publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_debe602fbb1d37c3d4718f8d6eb07101
_oembed_a2dab01e3c699ed0bcf742aa511cb4d4 11034
2011-01-10 10:16:05 2011-01-10 10:16:05 1 11008 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-01-08 20:28:49 1 10956 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-08 23:43:16 1 10984 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-07 21:10:11 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08:42:47 2011-01-09 08:42:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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vaccinated/ 2011-01-09 19:05:08 2011-01-09 19:05:08 1 pingback 0 0
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2011-01-08 01:11:29 2011-01-08 01:11:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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in-sudden-death-of-jackdaws-argues-blog-reader-from-sweden/ Fri, 07 Jan 2011 16:19:42
+0000 birdflu666 Professor Marianne Elvander
examined five of the jackdaws found in Falkoeping on Tuesday night at the State's Veterinary
Medicine Institution.
visar-mystiska-inre-blodningar  The "sudden death" of so many jackdaws around
midnight appears to be similar to the death of thousands of blackbirds in Beebe, Arkansas on
New Year's Eve. No fireworks or storms were reported in Falkoeping on Tuesday night and no
explanation has yet been put forward as to the environmental factor that impacted on the birds
at midnight and in such a way as to push them together and kill them by internal bleeding.
According to Aftonbladet newspaper the birds in Arkansas died from thrombosis or blood clot.
"Tests in Arkansas have shown that the birds there died after internal damages caused
thrombosis". ("Tester i Arkansas har visat att fåglarna där dog sedan invärtes skador utlöst
blodproppar") A photo taken on a cellphone shows a dense black mass of dead birds lying
together in the snow in a street in the night time.  “Notice the picture where birds seem to
have been "concentrated" by some strange force before they finally dropped dead on the street,”
says the reader from Sweden. “Since all examined birds died from something that caused
thrombosis in their blood circulation system your Swedish reader suggested you that some kind
of deliberate test of micro waves or electromagnetic pulse type of weapon like HAARP
could have been involved in both events.” “Is thrombosis just sort of an euphemism for not
saying head on: They were all liquified with blood inside from external force? - like Alex Jones
put it.” “Beebe in Arkansas is widely known to have millions of migrating blackbirds, and below
link to an article about disturbing jackdaws in swedish towns including Falköping can be found:
9d92-1a443cbc8240&MediaArchive_ForceDownload=true  “Thus, in both cases, there is
advance knowledge of area locations or GPS-positions where big flocks of birds 
normally occur.” “Both circumstances are prerequisites to a) direct an electromagnetic beam
weapon of any kind to a target that has been selected, and b) create a high fear factor in the eyes
of a terrified public by killing hundreds or thousands of birds.” “Another similarity and which
may have some significance is the timing in the middle of the night for these supposedly staged
events.” “The birds (much more sensible to EM waves than humans) may have reacted on a
narrowing "weak" circular wavefront and tried to escape from it, but which just some time later
had rounded them up like a shoal in a 10-15m wide focal point where a "short" high energy
killing burst was finally released.” “Again, please take a look at the photo of the black "fishlike"
shoal of birds over the street and also a look at the attached Falköping map in satellite mode so
you can see surrounding streets, houses, trees and the railway station.”
pts%3E “From attached link below you have access to a pdf file and on page 8 you can clearly
see that Falköping is listed as a municipality with severe problems from jackdaws. This
means there are lots of complaints from people living in this rural town regarding noise
& polluting caused by the bird flock there!” “I think this circumstance with a big flock is absolute
necessary to create a scary scenario when hundreds of them drop down dead from the sky in a
very enclosed area.” “Imagine concentric shrinking circles with a strong micro wave
field between its inner & outer perimeter closing in on Falköping, awakening the unaware
sleeping bird flock and forcing all birds to flee the magnetic field front towards the center of the
circles where they become trapped and finally stressed or cooked to death due to thrombosis in
their blood circulation system.” “It thus seems possible to me someone may have either
experienced this bird problem personally in Falköping or read about it on the internet and
tipped off the evil illuminati guys so they could give the target coordinates to a HAARP crews in
the US (or why not nearby Tromsö in Norway). “
1a443cbc8240&MediaArchive_ForceDownload=true]]> 4034 2011-01-07 16:19:42 2011-01-07
16:19:42 open open evidence-for-use-of-electromagnetic-weapons-in-sudden-death-of-
jackdaws-argues-blog-reader-from-sweden publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_9e66718712dd322a494d5d437cf1aa4a 11030 2011-01-10 08:07:19 2011-01-10 08:07:19 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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2011-01-09 21:38:31 1 11010 0 akismet_result jabber_published akismet_history
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2011-01-08 16:21:10 2011-01-08 16:21:10 1 10977 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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01-09 00:22:33 2011-01-09 00:22:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-08 00:04:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-07 21:51:37 1 10936 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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11:42:52 2011-01-08 11:42:52 1 0 0 akismet_result jabber_published akismet_history
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2011-01-08 09:22:28 2011-01-08 09:22:28 1 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published
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08 04:55:34 2011-01-08 04:55:34 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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pledge-to-deepen-cooperati/ Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:30:20 +0000 birdflu666 4037 2011-01-09 14:30:20 2011-01-09 14:30:20
open open chinese-vice-premier-german-chancellor-pledge-to-deepen-cooperati publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 11021 2011-01-10 00:47:13 2011-01-
10 00:47:13 1 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on
Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:34:47 +0000 birdflu666
DENVER | Sat Jan 8, 2011 1:37pm EST   (Reuters) - A top IMF official warned on Saturday that
the United States must start down a budget deficit-cutting path relatively soon or face crushing
debt service costs as interest rates rise. Read
more:    ]]> 4040 2011-01-09
14:34:47 2011-01-09 14:34:47 open open us-deficit-reduction-critical-says-imfs-lipsky publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_550835a993dc7b6178d6c0f2e228fdcb 11020 2011-01-10 00:38:00 2011-01-10 00:38:00 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
exploiting-giffords-shooting-to-demonize-political-opposito/ Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:35:55 +0000
birdflu666 Paul Joseph Watson
Saturday, January 8, 2010 UPDATE: This is allegedly Jared Loughner’s You Tube Channel. He
lists his favorite books as Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto. There is no evidence of
any Tea Party/Ron Paul/patriot movement affiliation, much to the disappointment of the
Huffington Post, but Fox News and others are hastily building his profile as a nutcase conspiracy
theorist. UPDATE: A second man has been arrested in connection with the shooting, while a
third man is also being sought. UPDATE: Reports suggest that the gunman is a 22-year-old
white male named Jared Loughner, an Arizona native. UPDATE: Amidst a widespread assault
on gun rights, we learn that the gunman was stoppedafter he was shot at by someone in the
crowd exercising their second amendment. UPDATE: Giffords’ father has told the New York
Post that “the entire Tea Party” were enemies of his daughter, suggesting that a Tea Partier was
behind the shooting. However, Giffords is ablue dog Democrat who is pro-border control and
pro-second amendment - an unusual target for a “tea partier”. Political hacks have wasted little
time in exploiting the tragic shooting of Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to
demonize their political opposition despite the gunman’s motivation being completely unknown
at this time. Huffington Post has already blamed the shooting on second amendment activists
who held a meeting last year to discuss ways of politically defeating Giffords. They are also
hyping speculation that a semi-automatic weapon was used. Before it was even clear whether or
not Giffords had survived, neo-lib statists were already shamelessly milking the shocking events
for political gain. Our forum members also report that CNN’s David Fitsimmons is using the
shooting to demonize “fringe” politics. More updates to this story as it develops…… Giffords
was a strong border control advocate and the gunman could have been someone with a
grudge against her immigration policies. Hwoever, she also supported Obamacare and visited
the Copenhagen global warming summit, so the murders could also be blamed on a “right-
wing radical” and used to demonize the patriot movement. The gunman was tackled by
onlookers and arrested by police. He is described as a young man in his teens or early 20′s.
“The man was young, mid-to-late 20s, white clean-shaven with short hair and wearing dark
clothing and said nothing during the shooting or while being held down. He didn’t look like a
businessman, but more of a “fringe character,” reports Gawker. Giffords is still alive and is now
responding to commands, while other victims are in critical condition. Federal Judge John Roll
has been confirmed dead. Statement from Alex Jones: Whatever the motivation for this
shooting, our hearts go out to the the Congresswoman’s family and supporters. It is important to
note that, the anti-2nd Amendment, victim disarmament crowd will undoubtedly try to use this
event to demonize gun owners and further restrictive legislation. Mexico has a total gun ban,
and the worst record forkilled and kidnapped politicians and other high-level figures in the
world. With more than28,000 dead in Mexico from the drug war, it is clear that leaving guns
only in the hands of the cartels and criminals will only make us all vulnerable. Eyewitness report
from man who helped to apprehend shooter, “After shooting Giffords, the gunman opened fire
indiscriminately for a few seconds, firing 20-30 rounds and hitting a number of people,
including a kid no older than 10 years old. Rayle hid behind a concrete pole and pretended to be
dead. When the gunman apparently ran out of ammunition he attempted to flee, but a member
of Giffords’ staff tackled him. Rayle helped hold the gunman down while waiting for the sheriff
to arrive, about 15-to-20 minutes later. The EMS came about 30 minutes later. Rayle said he
was “stunned” by how long it took medical help to arrive.”  ]]> 4042 2011-01-09 14:35:55 2011-
01-09 14:35:55 open open political-hacks-waste-no-time-in-shamelessly-exploiting-giffords-
shooting-to-demonize-political-opposito publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11019 2011-01-10 00:27:17 2011-01-10 00:27:17 1 0 0
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00:11:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
11006 2011-01-09 17:20:42 2011-01-09 17:20:42 1 0 0
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constituents-is-an-attack-on-democracy/ Sun, 09 Jan 2011 14:49:30 +0000 birdflu666 It needs urgently to strengthen the link between
voters and elected representatives. Democratic institutions repaired,  the nation can finally
address the main cause of its current weakness: the private Federal Reserve. Since the Federal
Reserve moved into the hands of private bankers in 1913 through an act of blackmail, the USA
has suffered a cycle of booms and busts and wars that a country, for example. like China that
prints its own money without creating debt has not. As a result of printing money without
creating debt, China has seen huge economic growth. It’s  government has virtually no national
debt and so it is not burdened by the need to make gigantic interest payments. On the contrary,
China owns 100s of billions of foreign debt. By virtue of its low wage, export sector and
favorably weak currency exchange rate, it has acquired  foreign currency reserves of over 2
trillion dollars, positioning it to buy up debt laden US and Europe, where the money supply is
being artificially constricted. Compare China to the USA, now facing hyperinflation and an IMF
take over essentially because of its way of printing money always creating a debt to private
bankers, providing a shaky foundation for the whole economy. The key for the resurgence of the
USA is to regain control of the Federal Reserve and make use of the same method of creating
money and keeping it in circulation as China (in Europe, money is artificially drawn from
circulation to engineer debt). But this will be tough  because the cartel of private bankers do not
want to lose the source of their wealth and have enormous influence on Washington and on the
media. Just a few weeks ago, Julian Assange of Wikileaks – who has won awards from the
Rothschild-controlled Economist – began to leak at random diplomatic cables and secrets
through the New York Times, Spiegel and Guardian among other corporate controlled media.
This threatened to undermine the functioning of the state, and create a climate of mistrust that
would make finding diplomatic solutions to problems even harder. Assange also planned to
release some documents he claimed could bring down a major US bank, creating economic
chaos. In the meantime, we know all about his links to George Soros and the very bankers who
profit from a private Federal Reserve. And now we have a killer who has by his actions has
harmed not just many, man people. He has damaged the very principle upon which a successful
democracy is based –interaction and discussion between elected representatives and voters.
This attack is bound to create more tension,  mistrust and internal conflict not just in the border
town and flashpoint of Tucson, Arizona but inside the whole of the USA. The rhetoric of hatred
will soar, especially on the part of politicians like Sarah Palin and the corporate-controlled
media. Given the reports that a second man drove the killer Jared Loughner to the Safeway
supermarket, it is legitimate to ask if this was another false flag terror operation like the
Wikileaks  to weaken the USA and its institutions as it faces critical challenges. This atrocity will
surely serve to divert Americans from the key issue: saving their money and economy from
meltdown under a burden of national debt created by a profligate stimulus programme which
generated virtually no real, long term employment as well as a trillion dollar bank bailout. The
police are reportedly looking for a second man seen with Loughner and it cannot be ruled out
that this man set up the 22 year old college drop out. It was reported in Germany recently that
an undercover policeman incited a Muslim youth to post a terror video on youtube. Can we be
sure this obviously unhinged killer Loughner was not encouraged to attack the congresswoman
and her constituents by a third party? Who was the man that drove him to the supermarket?
Loughner even described himself as a “terrorist” and an atheist on his own internet pages,
according to the Daily Mail - and we can assume, they were really internet his pages and not
people hijacking his name to create false websites and facebook sites as happened to me. (The
webmaster of the flucase, Johan Niklasson who lives in Switzerland,  hijacked the website and
the question has to be asked why he ever offered to help set up the website in the first place if it
was not just for such an act of sabotage) “A terrorist is a person who employs terror or
terrorism, especially as a political weapon... You don’t have to accept the federalist laws,’ he
wrote on the MySpace page. ‘The government is employing mind-control and brainwashing on
the people by controlling grammar... I can’t trust the current government. No! I won’t pay debt
with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver. No! I won’t trust in God.’
life-suspect-named-Jared-Loughner.html#ixzz1AXo9TdEF He was obsessed with mind control
and read Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Surely, it wouldn’t be hard to prod someone as unstable as
that to undertake an action of such anarchic violence, though it cannot be ruled out that there
were two unhinged men involved. A third man has also been reported. And why did Loughner
kill so many constituents if he hated government? The number of six dead and 13 injured people
would have been higher if two people had not tackled him. Also, why did it take 15 to 20 minutes
for the Sheriff to arrive? And why did it take 30 minutes for medical help to come, according to
an eyewitness? “After shooting Giffords, the gunman opened fire indiscriminately for a few
seconds, firing 20-30 rounds and hitting a number of people, including a kid no older than 10
years old. Rayle hid behind a concrete pole and pretended to be dead. When the gunman
apparently ran out of ammunition he attempted to flee, but a member of Giffords’ staff tackled
him. Rayle helped hold the gunman down while waiting for the sheriff to arrive, about 15-to-20
minutes later. The EMS came about 30 minutes later. Rayle said he was “stunned” by how long
it took medical help to arrive.” Loughner is reported to have come from the supermarket and
shot Giffords in the back of the head. The bullets exited the front, appearing to have damaged
only one hemisphere of her brain, enabling her to survive this brutal and shocking attack. Even
if Tea Party members have nothing to do with this shocking attack,  get ready for the corporate
controlled main stream  media to demonize the Tea Party members as violent, Hitler
worshippers and people on the internet calling for sound money as Infowars says:
after-giffords-shooting/ One of the key demands of the Tea Party is a return to the Constitution
and sound money ie to abolish the private Federal Reserve.]]> 4045 2011-01-09 14:49:30 2011-
01-09 14:49:30 open open shooting-of-arizona-congresswoman-and-constituents-is-an-attack-
on-democracy publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11029 2011-01-10 06:22:57
2011-01-10 06:22:57 1 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11039 2011-01-10 13:10:56 2011-
01-10 13:10:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11092 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-01-11 20:58:41 2011-01-11 20:58:41 1 11090 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11090 2011-01-11 20:05:54 2011-01-11 20:05:54 1 11086 0
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2011-01-11 16:46:39 2011-01-11 16:46:39 1 11039 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-01-10 00:18:36 2011-01-10 00:18:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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14:54:32 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
11024 2011-01-10 03:47:45
2011-01-10 03:47:45 1 11004 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11004 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-01-09 16:59:48 2011-01-09 16:59:48 1 11003 0
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2011-01-09 16:15:18 2011-01-09 16:15:18 1 10999 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11135 2011-01-13 09:26:05 2011-01-13 09:26:05 1 0 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666 4053 2011-01-10 15:09:31 0000-00-00 00:00:00
open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last Mon, 30 Nov
-0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666 4055 2011-01-
10 15:12:13 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
in-australia/ Mon, 10 Jan 2011 15:20:01 +0000 birdflu666
p=4057 All the residents of flood-devastated Esperance know is that their "dawn chorus" of
singing birds is missing. The main casualties are wattle birds, yellow-throated miners, new
holland honeyeaters and singing honeyeaters, although some dead crows, hawks and pigeons
have also been found. Wildlife officers are baffled by the "catastrophic" event, which the
Department of Environment and Conservation said began well before last week's freak storm.
Read more at:
fall-from-sky/story-e6frg6nf-1111112807484]]> 4057 2011-01-10 15:20:01 2011-01-10 15:20:01
open open mystery-as-thousands-of-birds-fall-from-sky-in-australia publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 11057 2011-01-11 00:26:10 2011-01-11 00:26:10
1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11043 2011-01-10 16:28:53 2011-01-10 16:28:53 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11074
2011-01-11 11:34:47 2011-01-11 11:34:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11066 2011-01-11 07:50:58
2011-01-11 07:50:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11076 2011-01-11 13:47:25 2011-
01-11 13:47:25 1 11054 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11054 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-01-10 22:18:43 2011-01-10 22:18:43 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11052 2011-01-10 18:19:42 2011-01-10 18:19:42 1 11043 0
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million-f1-bribe-in-austrian-foundation/ Mon, 10 Jan 2011 15:22:20 +0000 birdflu666 The former risk manager of regional public-sector
bank BayernLB was taken into custody on charges of corruption, tax fraud and breach of trust
toward his former employer, prosecutors in Munich said in a statement. Gerhard Gribkowsky
was in charge of managing the sale of the bank's F1 stake to London-based buyout group CVC
Capital Investment. But prosecutors say he led the bank to sell it "without evaluation of its
current value" which, in turn, earned him "two consultancy contracts totaling $50 million." The
money was paid to firms in Austria that he had set up for that purpose, prosecutors said.
German media on Wednesday widely cited unnamed judicial officials as saying the money had
been paid by firms based in Mauritius and the Caribbean, but prosecutors declined to comment
or to say who had been the source of the payment. Read more at:
KqQ?docId=28e58fdc0e1a43488f451eff470653fa]]> 4059 2011-01-10 15:22:20 2011-01-10
15:22:20 open open bayernlb-banker-arrested-over-alleged-50-million-f1-bribe-in-austrian-
foundation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
armaments-manufacturer-received-secret-hypo-alpe-adria-cash/ Mon, 10 Jan 2011 15:25:59
+0000 birdflu666 Scandal-ridden Hypo Alpe Adria
has been implicated in the manipulation of balance sheets in order to conceal its debts before it
was sold to Bayernlb. A foundation belonging to the heir of the Nazi flick dynasty was involved
in lending shares to the bank included repurchase agreements and that were falsely booked on
the balance sheet as capital. Hypo Alpe Adria later declared itself insolvent, allowing Bayernlb to
collect billions from Bavarian tax payers in return for worthless fractional reserve debts. The
bank was later sold back to Austria where more tax money was collected after Bayernlb pushed
it into a liquidity crisis, according to Profil.]]> 4062 2011-01-10 15:25:59 2011-01-10 15:25:59
open open glock-armaments-manufacturer-received-secret-hypo-alpe-adria-cash publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f5de9e60ff14df1827e868a7d23d6e94
insolvency-to-get-tax-payer-bailout-profil-report/ Mon, 10 Jan 2011 15:32:53 +0000 birdflu666 German bank Bayernlb deliberately pushed its
Austrian subsidiary Hypo Alpe Adria into a  liquidity crisis in November 2009,  facilitating a
multi-billion euro taxpayer bailout in December, according to a report in the magazine Profil.
bayerischen-landesbank Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörmann explained
how banks can create credit – as well as debt – out of thin air in an interview in
Der Standard recently. The taxpayer „bailout“, therefore, resulted in Bayernlb and
Hypo getting real money or capital in return for fractional reserve, paper bank
debt. Bayernlb managers systematically drained more than a billion euros from
the Hypo Alpe Adria accounts from November 2009 onwards, reports Profil.
Bayernlb cut off credit lines and confiscated money in accounts, thereby providing
the justification for the bank to ask for tax money. Furthermore,  Bayernlb
managers issued a warning on November 10th about Hypo’s investment losses –
(fractional reserve, paper losses as opposed to the loss of real capital) – in the
Balkans, precipitating a run on the bank. Customers withdrew half a billion euros,
reports Profil. Shortly after the manufactured crisis, on December 13 and 14th, the
Austrian government Finance Minister Josef Pröll and Bavarian Finance Minister
Georg Fahrenschon sealed the contract -- which Profil has obtained -- to sell Hypo
back to Austrian state  in a rushed meeting that has resulted in a cost of more than
a billion to tax payers in Austria already and that could cost billions more in a
gigantic fraud. (This distinction between worthless fractional reserve banking
sums and real capital does not appear to be understood by the authors of the Profil
report: they assume  Bayernlb pumped six billion euros of real capital into Hypo
and received billions of euros of real capital of tax payer money as a "bailout". But
Bayernlb just expanded its balance sheet on paper using the fractioanl reserve
banking system. The billions of euros of tax payer money, on the other hand, was
real capital with value in the real economy ie for a few bronze coins, they got
tonnes of gold.) Hypo Alpe Adria has been implicated in the manipulation of
balance sheets in order to conceal ist debts before it was sold to Bayernlb. A
foundation belonging to the heir of the Nazi Flick dynasty was involved in lending
shares to the bank included repurchase agreements and that were falsely booked
on the balance sheet as capital. Hypo Alpe Adria later declared itself insolvent,
allowing Bayernlb to collect billions from Bavarian tax payers in return for
worthless fractional reserve debts. In the USA, a change in the fair value
accounting rule also allowed Lehman and other banks to declare itself on the verge
of insolvency and so sucker in tax payer money. The Bayernlb tactics in respect to
choking off the liquidity of Hypo Alpe Adria and pushing it to tax payer bailouts
are also the same as those used by Deutsche Bank to push the IKB bank into
liqudity problems and justify a tax payer bailout. It is also the tactic German
Chancellor Angela Merkel appears to be using to push Greece, Ireland and
Portugal into the tax payer funded  IMF/EU „bailout“, which allows banks to tap
real capital in return for worthless, fractional reserve, banking debts. More on
Deutsche Bank and IKB here:
banks-ackermann-i-did-not-kill-ikb-bank.html „As IKB ran into severe liquidity
difficulties, Deutsche Bank pulled its line of credit from IKB, forcing the bank into
insolvency. The German taxpayers bailed out IKB with more than $12 billion in
funds, while the US taxpayers made good on Deutsche Bank's contract with AIG,
putting $billions in the German bank's coffers.  Yes, it was a splendid deal, and
Deutsche Bank's CEO Joe Ackermann was in high spirits as he testified in a
Duesseldorf courtroom today: Deutsche Bank AG Chief Executive Officer Josef
Ackermann told a Dusseldorf court that the lender wasn’t responsible for the 2007
funding crisis that forced IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG to seek a bailout.
Ackermann testified that IKB’s capital base was in peril before Deutsche Bank cut
IKB’s credit line. Ackermann testified today at former IKB Chief Executive Officer
Stefan Ortseifen’s trial on charges he misled investors.“]]> 4064 2011-01-10 15:32:53
2011-01-10 15:32:53 open open bayernlb-pushed-hypo-alpe-adria-into-insolvency-to-get-tax-
payer-bailout-profil-report publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
hand-portugal-over-to-be-scalped-by-the-banks/ Mon, 10 Jan 2011 15:50:48 +0000 birdflu666 - Germany‘s Chancellor Angela Merkel manoeuvres
Portugal into loss of souvereignty and economic meltdown - Merkel’s remarks have helped
push Portugal’s debt to unaffordable levels, indicates German government
economic advisor Beatrice Weder di Mauro - No debt restructuring mechanism in
place though urgently needed, says Weder di Mauro - Germans and French
pressure Portugal over the weekend to accept IMF/EU control of their budget and
a brutal deflationary depression - Beneficiaries are German and French banks and
insurance companies - German Finance Ministry indicates transfer union fund
will be expanded reversing earlier pledges: transfer union puts all of Europe’s tax
payer’s on the hook for astronomical fractional-reserve banking debts - Portugal’s
Prime Minister resists pressure to give up souveriegnty and go under IMF/EU
control - Top figures such as Foreign Minister Luis Amado have floated idea of
leaving the euro - Spain, Belgium and Italy are next in line - Entire eurozone faces
meltdown if bank created debt burden is not dealt soon: EU plan for 2013 too late
Portugal should *restructure debts on ist own without waiting for the EU plan for
2013 *leave eurozone and print money without creating debt to avoid having to
borrow on international financial markets Economics professor and member of the
German government panel of economic advisors, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, has warned that
mechanisms need to be set up urgently to manage the insolvency of euro- zone states in order to
stabilize monetary union currently facing an unprecedented crisis, according to a report in the
waehrungsfond-soll-schuldenprobleme-loesen Weder die Mauro said plans to "include"
bondholders in debt „restructuring“ were on the right track but were too far off to deal with the 
euro crisis engulfing the eurozone as debt laden countries return to the bond market. She also
accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of making the euro debt crisis worse by laying out
plans for a debt restructuring programme in 2013. This made it harder for Portugal to access the
bond market ahead of a key bond sale on Wednesday. „..Such an announcement [about making
private creditors pay in 2013] makes it the problems bigger in the short-term,“ she said.
Portugal is to issue up to €1.25bn in bonds on Wednesday but it saw interest rates soar on 10-
year bond record to highs of 7.19 per cent on Friday, more than a percentage point higher than
at the start of December and far more than it can afford. If Portugal cannot attract investors on
Wednesday, the euro zone crisis will deepen and move on to Spain, the next country  to be
pushed into the control of the IMF and EU for the profit of the banks. Portuguese politicians
have been discussing the option of leaving the eurozone and they should do so after
restructuring and writing down their national debt themselves without waiting for the EU.
Merkel is a member of the Bilderberg group, a loose network that is seen as playing a key role in
engineering the bank crisis and the destruction of states for the profit of the banks by sadding
governments with huge national debts engineered by banks using the fractional reserve banking
system. Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörmann explained how banks can create credit –
as well as debt – out of thin air in an interview in Der Standard recently. Tax payer bailouts are,
therefore, pure profit as this represents real capital with an exchange value in the real economy.
Weder die Mauro said that a framework should be set up to allow countries to enter into
insolvency when a certain debt level was reached. But there is no sign of any such
default mechanism  being prepared by the EU, leaving Portugal with few options unless China or
the ECB buys its bonds on Wednesday at punishing and unsustainable interest rates. If there is
no mechanism for restructuring its debt, Portugal could be pushed to accept a loan from the the
€450bn European Financial Stability Fund (ESFS), the main pillar of a  €750bn IMF/EU
eurozone rescue funds. Or it will have to leave the eurozone. Taking a loan from the fund would
put Portugal under the control of the IMF/EU , who are set to implement a brutal fiscal austerity
as in Ireland and Greece, resulting  in a deflationary depression as the maximum amount of tax
payer money and assets are sucked out to give to the banks and insurance companies who hold
bonds in Portuguese debt.. The German insurance company Allianz is reported to hold 90% of
all ist investments in the form of souvereign bonds. Also, it was reported that Germany was
pressuring Portugal over the weekend to borrow from the ESFS to pay the banks. The Welt am
Sonntag reported that eurozone finance ministers were calling Portugal’s finance minister
several times a day to pressure him to accept the IMF and EU loan and their control of the
country's budget. Bilderberg German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble also had dinner with
Bilderberg French finance minister Christine Lagarde in Strasbourg on Friday on how to deal
with the eurozone crisis. Portugal has insisted that it can resolve its sovereign debt difficulties
on its own but now that Merkel and the EU have helped push up borrowing costs to record
highs, it is hard to see how unless it quits the eurozone. Portugal’s Prime Minister Socrates has
pointed that the country managed to to reduce the government budget deficit to 7.3% of gross
domestic product in 2010 by growing – something it certainly would not continue to do under
the brutal IMF and EU budget regime. The main profiteers of such a „bailout“ are the German
and French banks who would be able to use the IMF and EU as tools to strip the country of
assets and tax money to keep themselves afloat. Without this stream of revenue, many European
banks would face a liquidity crisis and insolvency. Weder di Mauro’s criticism of Merkel comes
as Merkel made a statement for the third time that pushed up the borrowing costs of countries
in crisis -- Greece, Ireland and now Portugal -- without taking any steps to allow those countries
to default or restructure their debt. Plans published by the European Commission last week will
reduce tax payers bill for the banks fraudulent fractional reservedebts but only in 2013. This is
too late. By this time, the entire eurozone will be under the control of the IMF and EU including
Germany itself which is ultimately supposed to shoulder the outstanding debt under a transfer
union. In December, 2010, Merkel and other European leaders made a theatrical show of
refusing eurobonds for  the general public. Eurobonds will put all tax payers, especially
Germans. on the hook for the outstanding bank debt  in the eurozone. But Merkel remained
silent when eurobonds were issued by the ESFS in January 2011 even though it is impossible to
believe she was not informed by an official in her finance ministry that eurobonds were being
issued through the back door to cover Ireland’s IMF/EU loan. Also, a German government
spokesman today refused to rule out increasing the the size of the ESFS.
rescue-fund-may-be-weakening.html „Germany may be softening its opposition to expanding
the 750 billion-euro ($966 billion) rescue facility for indebted euro nations as investors question
Portugal’s ability to avoid tapping the fund. „ reported Bloomberg. A transfer union is not only
unpopular in Germany but against the constitutional. A complaint filed at the constitutional
court is due to be ruled on in Spring. However, German banks like Deutsche Bank – run by
Bilderberg Josef Ackermann – need to access tax payer’s money and nation’s assets to rollover
their debts and pay out „big bonuses“ to their bosses. Without the constant revenue from tax
payers through one engineered national debt mountain, many European banks risk insolvency.
The Merkel government‘s tactic appears to be to make the eurozone debt crisis worse while
pretending to try to help – but to delay the urgently needed new rules allowing for an orderly
default until it is too late. This tactic allows the Merkel government to present itself to the
electorate as upholding German interests as best it can while being pushed by events out of its
control to forcing tax payers to pay worthless fractional reserve, bank paper debts of other
countries. Merkel may be calculating that whipping up a crisis in Portugal and Spain will be the
best of way of getting Germans to accept that they have been put on the hook for the outstanding
debts of all eurozone nations. Economist Nouriel Roubini also urged Germany to accept a
transfer union to pay the bank debts.
deutsche-sollen-euro-retten Roubini suggested that the introduction of a transfer union would
not cause an economic meltdown in Germany itself, arguing that Germany’s budget was under
control – but Germany’s budget will no longer be under ist control in a transfer union because it
will assume responsibility for all the outstanding debts in the eurozone, debts it can never hope
to repay, leading to economic meltdown there too. Furthermore, Roubini praised Germany’s
tough budget but at the same time urged the country to spend more to stimulate the economy
without attempting to reconcile the contradictory approach. And this is a professor of economics
at New York University? Either he does not under economics or he is  misleading people and
misrepresenting economic facts. Faced with economic take over, Portugal should leave the euro
zone, adopt its old currency and print money without creating debt as China does. Iceland's
economy is already growing one year after defaulting on its fraudulent bank debts. The
alternative is a loss of souvereignty and a brutal depression and the transfer of ist assets to
German and French banks with no relief in sight. Debt restructuring or default and adopting a
national currency clearly have to be done together. There is no point in leaving the eurozone
with a mountain of debts denominated in euros around a nation’s neck. Without the engineered
AIB bank debt, Ireland has a manageable public debt that it could also service outside of  the
eurozone easily. The advantage of leaving the eurozone is that Ireland could take full control of
ist money system cutting ist reliance on big banks., though Ireland could stay in the eurozone
and still function as long as it wiped out the AIB bank debts.]]> 4067 2011-01-10 15:50:48 2011-
01-10 15:50:48 open open euro-crisis-escalates-germany-prepares-to-hand-portugal-over-to-be-
scalped-by-the-banks publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_114e52ae5a1d98d038b6da3f98de5bee _oembed_fc443a81fb1cffcb3be3f2fe7ed08f13
_oembed_2c5cbe100a81133d97039b9d6b7c138b 11065 2011-01-11 07:12:00 2011-01-11 07:12:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
Tue, 11 Jan 2011 13:00:58 +0000 birdflu666 4073
2011-01-11 13:00:58 2011-01-11 13:00:58 open open dioxin-poisoning-in-germany-spreads-to-
pigs publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11129 2011-01-13
06:31:37 2011-01-13 06:31:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
eurobonds-deepening-europes-debt-woes/ Tue, 11 Jan 2011 13:13:59 +0000 birdflu666
beware-euro-bond-risks-ex-cbank-adviser-2011-01-11T075245Z-INTERVIEW Eurobonds were
issued in January by the European Financial Stability Facility (EFS)  inspite of statements by
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European leaders at a Brussels summit in
December 2010, rejecting them. Eurobonds will lead to more solvent countries such as Germany
having to pay higher interest rates to service their own national debt and they usher in what
amounts to an unsustainable transfer union, according to Ifo economist Hans Werner Sinn
talking to Der Standard newspaper.
Oekonom-Deutschland-hat-unter-dem-Euro-extrem-gelitten Because the outstanding eurozone
debt is so gigantic, no country will ever be able to ever repay it. The end result will be the
insolvency of countries like Germany as the last of the eurozone dominoes to fall to the IMF and
EU and banks. The ESFS -- which  issued the eurobonds without any publicity -- is a 440 billion
euro fund that has no adequate basis in any EU treaty. It is backed by European tax payer’s cash,
including more than 200 million euros of German tax payer’s cash.  Because the ESFS allows
for transfer union, it also violates the constitution of Germany. A complaint has been filed at the
country’s Constitutional court and a ruling is expected in Spring. Eurobonds are, therefore, not
only illegal but also without political. It is, therefore, difficult to understand why economist Yu
considers the purchase of eurobonds a safe investment. Buying eurobonds will also make the
eurozone debt crisis worse by draining away buyers from the government souvereign bond
market. Eurobonds are already pushing up the interest rate on Germany’s Bund’s.
says-it-will-buy-euro-bonds.html Yu Yongding’s remarks to Reuters could, therefore, be
interpreted as a sign that China is willingly participating in a gigantic fraud at European
taxpayer’s expense while pretending to help Europe. "On the one hand, we want to provide
support. On the other hand, we need to consider the safety of our assets," said Yu. "In principle,
we support the euro, but we also need to ensure that our investment is safe and generates
returns," he said. "Whether we should buy the European stability fund or national debt is
different. I think it's much safer if we buy the fund as it has a triple-A rating..“]]> 4075 2011-01-
11 13:13:59 2011-01-11 13:13:59 open open china-to-buy-eurobonds-deepening-europes-debt-
woes publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_dc8ad255b4cd96a569fb75d45c7ae10c
_oembed_7237dd51f3fc737ebab9290ca769c134 11104 2011-01-12 09:31:04
2011-01-12 09:31:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
brink-imfeu-loan-or-default-as-german-experts-advise/ Tue, 11 Jan 2011 13:26:49 +0000
birdflu666 *ECB buys Portugal's bonds before key
auction on Wednesday: China buys eurobonds  *German economic advisors recommend
default for debt-laden nations like Portugal in a report buried by the Merkel
government *Why Portugal should default and leave the eurozone or introduce a
parellel, regional currency: pain will be over in a year as with Iceland The European
Central Bank has been buying up bonds from Portugal to ease the pressure on the country
before a Wednesday bond auction that will signal whether Portugal will be able to afford
continuing to raise funds or be forced to turn to the EU and IMF for financial aid. The alternative for Portugal is
defaulting and leaving the eurozone or introducing its currency as a parellel, regional currency.
A default for debt laden countries is also being advised by Germany’s panel of experts advising
the economics ministry, it has emerged. A key report in favour of insolvency mechanisms was
published in November 26, 2010, but was suppressed by the government of German Chancellor
Angela Merkel. The German media only reported on ist existence yesterday after another
advisor to Angela Merkel’s government, Beatrice Weder die Mauro, said in an interview with the
Wirtschaftswoche that mechanisms should be set up urgently to manage the insolvency of euro-
zone states, arguing that the private sector must also be included in debt restructuring if the
euro is to be stablised. In the report, Germany’s leading economic experts make a strong case for
countries defaulting on their debt and taking on loans that have interest rates that alllow them
to continue to grow.
beirat,property=pdf,bereich=bmwi,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf In spite of the short term
difficulties of defaulting on ist souvereign debt and leaving the eurozone, Portugal should take
heart from the example of Iceland that has managed to return to growth within one year of
defaulting on ist engineered bank debt. Special measures can be introduced to stop a bank run
in the event of Portugal defaulting and leaving the eurozone. Also, Portugal could introduce ist
national currency as a parallel, regional currency at first to ease the exit from the eurozone.
Bilderberg Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates may try to manouevre the country into the
IMF and EU loan trap resulting in a brutal debt deflationary depression that benefits the banks.
But political figures in Portugal should follow the advice of Germany’s own leading experts and
default on the debt and pursue policies that allow Portugal to grow and regain the
competitiveness it has lost since joining the eurozone.]]> 4078 2011-01-11 13:26:49 2011-01-11
13:26:49 open open portugal-on-the-brink-imfeu-loan-or-default-as-german-experts-advise
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_718a93ebf45be10a9e73433af9e21335
_oembed_a87d16dca87017fa1df2bbe7c85b93aa _oembed_acbc9195b5ba507c3c1fac2d1c8ad4f2
_oembed_b942619e563cfb28448c486096d54008 11128 2011-01-13 06:09:14 2011-01-13 06:09:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
advisors-recommending-default-for-eurozone-countries/ Tue, 11 Jan 2011 13:39:49 +0000
birdflu666 *Report published in November by a
government panel of experts recommends default as way of preventing the transfer union and
the economic meltdown of the eurozone: German minister only acknowledged it existed
yesterday *Advisors says national governments should take steps
themselves to default on national debt in view of ineffectiveness of EU *Report also
criticises "permanent crisis fund" to be set up in 2013 to save banks and destroy
states Insolvency mechanisms should  be set up to allow eurozone countries to default on their
mountains of national debt, a panel of German economic experts recommended in a report
published on November 26, 2010, it has emerged.
beirat,property=pdf,bereich=bmwi,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf The report was published by
experts who advise the Economics Minister Rainer Brüderle, but was buried by the government
of Angela Merkel, which has been promoting policies that block the insolvency of states and
facilitate an illegal transfer union for the benefit of the banks. The German media only reported
on the existence of the key report yesterday after another advisor to Angela Merkel’s
government, Beatrice Weder die Mauro, said in an interview with the Wirtschaftswoche that
mechanisms should be set up urgently to manage the insolvency of euro states. She argued that
the private sector must also be included in „debt restructuring“ if the euro is to be stabilised. The
panel of leading economic experts, including university professors, strongly criticise the EU for
failing to stop eurozone states from acquiring gigantic amounts of souvereign debt – largely
through the engineered financial crisis.
Staaten-Pleite.html They argue that reforms have to be carried out at an EU and national state
level in view of the ineffectivness of the EU: a key change has to be the introduction of an
insolvency mechanism. An insolvency mechanism is needed as a signal to eurozone states that
they cannot depend on tax payers from other country’s paying the interest on their own inflated
souvereign debt, they say.  „This instrument could make it easier for governments to keep
financial political disciple,“ the report says. Also, more transparency not just on new debt but
also on existing debt is needed, they say. In addition, the experts call for national debt to be
evaluated in relation to growth prospects. The report argues that high interest rates on debt that
choke off growth are not meaningful. Also, plans to coordinate economic policies in the
eurozone – favoured by the Bilderberg bankers – are rejected. Budgets and economic policies
should remain a responsibility of national governments, the report says. Moreover, the experts
argue it was a mistake for funds in the so-called permament crisis mechanism -- due to be
enshrined in an EU treaty in 2013 -- to keep on paying high bank interest rates and stop states
becoming insolvent – which is exactly what Angela Merkel and other European leaders have
planned  the fund to do. The experts also note that no sanctions have been placed on any states
that have created excessive debt and that the European Commission was blocking the
introduction of tougher sanctions. Economics Minister Rainer Brüderle welcomed the report
yesterday but has given no indication that any of ist suggestions are to be implemented. This in
spite of the fact that the eurozone is facing an unprecedented crisis due to the mountains of
unaffordable government debt. The Merkel government is pursuing policies that are the
diametrical opposite of those recommended by their own experts, favouring banks over states, a
transfer union that puts all tax payers on the hook for astronomical fractional reserve banking
debt over default. Eurobonds were introduced by the ESFS in January to finance Ireland’s
bailout with hardly any publicity. Because the ESFS has no basis in any EU treaty, it is not clear
what the legal basis of these eurobonds is. Also, European leaders objected to the introduction of
eurobonds at a Brussels summit in December 2010. The eurobonds will lead to more solvent
countries such as Germany and Austria having to pay higher interest rates to service their
national debt, Ifo economics expert Hans Werner Sinn said in Der Standard.
extrem-gelitten Because of the failure of Merkel and European leaders to introduce an
insolvency mechanism in spite of the recommendation of expert panels, tax payers could soon
forced to hand over almost the entire annual tax revenues of the eurozone to pay the exorbitant
interest rates on the artificially engineered bank debt that governments have equated with
national debt. The suppression of the report strongly suggests the notion that the Merkel
government is actively conspiring to mislead the German public on the best way of handling the
eurozone crisis for the benefit of the banks. Anzeige Der Spiegel wrongly reports that the key
report was unveiled in Berlin yesterday, Monday, when it was published six weeks ago just as
Ireland began to have difficulties in raising money on the bond market.,1518,738706,00.html Instead of following the
advice of ist own economic experts and allowing Ireland to default on its AIB debt created with
the help of a complex financial property fraud by Hypo Real Estate, the Merkel government
pushed Ireland into a loan from the IMF and EU that will see it enter a deflationary depression.
Ireland’s private pensions are to be used to pay the banksters. Hypo Real Estate has given back
state guarantees worth more than 38 billion euros to the German government, and yet the same
bank is sucking in Irish tax payer’s money through Irish state guarantees. is now facing pressure
from Germany to take on an exorbitant IMF and EU loan to pay ist national debt debt. The IMF
and EU will take charge of the national budget in a move that amounts to a coup d’etat by the
private banks and financial elite who control these institutions. The way a key report
recommending insolvency was buried makes it clear that Bilderberg Chancellor Angela Merkel
is systematically ignoring policies and mechanisms -- which are recommended by the
government’s own economic experts --- to stablise the eurozone crisis while promoting
opportunities for the banks to make profits by extracting tax money and assets for artificially
engineered souvereign debt. Deutsche Bank -- headed by Bilderberg Josef Ackermann – is at the
heart of a huge fractional reserve banking fraud and hugely undercapitalised. To keep their
ponzi scheme going, they need to suck ever more quantities of cash from tax payers.
returns-over-capital.html European banks need to roll over more than 400 billion euros of debts
this year and are having to offer their mortgage pools as collateral because they are essentially
insolvent because of their fraudulent dealings.]]> 4080 2011-01-11 13:39:49 2011-01-11 13:39:49
open open scandal-german-government-buried-report-by-advisors-recommending-default-for-
eurozone-countries publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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economic-report/ 2011-01-11 14:40:39 2011-01-11 14:40:39 1 pingback 0 0
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Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:25:52 +0000 birdflu666 Its
title is “The Coming World Government: Tragedy and Hope?".   You can purchase the 101 page
long, “Letter” format, .pdf file for u$s 20, payable into our PayPal account as follows: PayPal: Go To:  “Send Money” section (upper part of site).  Then: Credit Account: Immediately your payment is received, we will E-mail the full Book File
to you. “The Coming World Government: Tragedy and Hope?" offers a unique perspective on
how the Global Power Elite operates, what its interests and long-term objectives are, and how
they have repeatedly collapsed a country like Argentina using it as a Testing Bench for future
actions they then take on a much wider, global scale.   Argentina thus has had first hand
practical experience on “practical globalization”. Please read below or watch my Video
explanation:  “The Coming World
Government: Tragedy and Hope?" addresses the following specific topics: Introduction - Do Cry
for Me Argentina [Some lessons in “Practical Globalization” learned the hard way in recent
decades by Argentina, after undergoing repeated artificially instigated financial, economic,
political and social collapses] Chapter 1 – The World’s Mastermind: Globalization’s Hidden Face
[A Brief description of how the power structures of Globalization really work.  I.e., through
Think Tanks, Money Power, NGO’s…  What they want and how they maneuver long-term to get
what they want] Chapter 2 – Global Power: Whence does it come? Who has it? Where is it
going? [First and foremost, the true nature of Power must be grasped.  Total Power has been
privatized on a global scale.  Private versus Public, where “private” is in no way “democratic” nor
does it focus on the Common Good.  The Erosion of the Nation-State’s Sovereignty, as the key
structure to serve “We, the People…”] Chapter 3 – Democracy: True or False? [Republican
Institutions have been hi-jacked by Money Power through false “democracy”, which is under full
control of the Global Power Elites.  Thus, political leadership function as “Public Managers” for
and on behalf of the Elite.  See things as they are: all our presidents and prime minister are
nothing but Country CEO’s… ] Chapter 4 – Historical Lies as an Instrument of World
Domination [PsyWar.  Identifying fabrications in contemporary history and politics.  Seeing
through gross lies and deception, when real events are distorted and exaggerated so they serve
political interests and objectives. Nothing more dangerous than a half-truth!   Two practical
examples of Political Myth: The “Holocaust industry” and the “Desaparecidos” in Argentina]
Chapter 5 – Death & Resurrection of the US Dollar [Essay written in 2006 which envisions why
and how the US Dollar will be collapsed to the benefit of International Finance.  On a smaller
scale, this happened repeatedly in Argentina with its local currency, the Argentine Peso] Chapter
6 – How the Debt Model Works and How to Beat it [Public Debt as a key weapon of domination
over entire nations.  Argentina is kept in bondage through the enormous weight of an artificially
generated, illegitimate (and for the most part illegal) Public Debt.  Forty years of Caretaker
Governments have increased it exponentially.  A simple proposal to overcome the Debt Model,
applicable to most every country] Chapter 7 – Territory in Jeopardy: The “Patagonia” [Describes
how the immensely rich Patagonia Region in Southern Argentina is being taken over – literally
privatized – by the Global Power Elite.  This is happening in many parts of the world, even in
America…] Epilogue – What we can all do together… [When you understand how the global
power structure really works, why it has made us all bite the dust, then… the way to fight back is:
do/think exactly the opposite of what the Elites want!  This means taking your country back:
founding a Second Republic] You can also help us raise funds to continue building our Second
Republic Project, both internationally and locally in Argentina.   For 2011, we have an ambitious
Action Plan for our Argentine Second Republic Movement (Movimiento por la Segunda
República Argentina) to consolidate it here so that it will function as a rallying point, raising
Citizen Awareness throughout the Americas. If you purchase "The Coming World Government"
and, add a donation to it, you will be helping Second Republic grow as a viable Project, that will
serve to overcome the problems all our nations are facing. Second Republic is poised to become
the first virtual Internet Nation, enabling people from all countries to come together to pool our
efforts, capabilities, synergies and knowledge.  From this work, Second Republics will arise in
each of our nations...   I invite you to visit our site (under construction), Your donation will not only help us to promote this vital
Project, but will also entitle you to receive our guidance and responses to any inquiries you may
have where our team´s knowledge and experience can bring value to the table. I hope you will
join us in building a Second Republic today that will carry us all to a better world tomorrow...
Adrian Salbuchi, Second Republic Project, Buenos Aires - Argentina]]>
4082 2011-01-12 13:25:52 2011-01-12 13:25:52 open open adrian-salbuchis-new-book-now-
available publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11169 2011-01-14
09:31:52 2011-01-14 09:31:52 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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starts-campaign-to-get-britain-out-of-the-eu/ Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:30:51 +0000 birdflu666 The campaign features a
knight with chainmail armour and carrying a shield with the St George's cross - and great
determination and initiative will indeed be needed to pluck the UK from the tangles of the EU
totalitarian bureaucracy run by a financial and political elite that has its clutches on the
UK government.  Karin Kolland has made a video of support in German: Check out her blog:
austreteten.html]]> 4084 2011-01-12 13:30:51 2011-01-12 13:30:51 open open uks-daily-
express-starts-campaign-to-get-britain-out-of-the-eu publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_c1113d8815d73989bc0cb7f6bac67b85 11166
2011-01-14 09:08:13 2011-01-14 09:08:13 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-01-14 09:10:54 2011-01-14 09:10:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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report-scandal/ Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:32:06 +0000 birdflu666]]> 4086 2011-01-12 13:32:06 2011-
01-12 13:32:06 open open polish-lawyer-says-russias-smolensk-crash-report-scandal publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_c8b69813005e475e5d3079d102081e84 11161 2011-01-14 03:43:33 2011-01-14 03:43:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11133 2011-
01-13 08:54:31 2011-01-13 08:54:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-14 12:47:33 2011-01-14 12:47:33 1 11158 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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why-not-let-it-fail/ Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:34:27 +0000 birdflu666
bites-back-at-Treasury-Select-Committee.html]]> 4089 2011-01-12 13:34:27 2011-01-12
13:34:27 open open barclays-chief-says-bank-not-to-big-to-fail-so-why-not-let-it-fail publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last 11181 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-01-14 14:37:08 2011-01-14 14:37:08 1 0 0
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ernst-young-says/ Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:35:50 +0000 birdflu666 By Jeff Black - Jan 11, 2011 7:02 PM GMT+0100
Nearly half of German bankers expect at least one euro region nation to default on its debt,
auditing firm Ernst & Young said, citing a survey. Forty-seven percent of respondents forecast a
default at least “over the medium term,” Ernst & Young said, citing a survey of managers at 120
German banks in December by Bielefeld- based Valid Research. Only a quarter said that such an
event would hurt their institution. Fifty-three percent of bankers surveyed said governments will
meet their obligations. Read more at:
german-bankers-expect-euro-default-ernst-young-says.html]]> 4091 2011-01-12 13:35:50 2011-
01-12 13:35:50 open open half-of-german-bankers-expect-euro-default-ernst-young-says
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11165 2011-01-14 08:59:03
2011-01-14 08:59:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
government-to-slap-higher-levy-on-banks/ Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:37:17 +0000 birdflu666 Financial Industry Slams Plan German Government
to Impose Higher Crisis Levy on Banks Der Spiegel Banks were partly to blame for the
financial crisis of 2008 -- and now they're being asked to pay for it. The German
government wants to extract far higher payments from banks than had been
envisaged so far, according to a report in Financial Times Deutschland newspaper.
The crisis levy the German government plans to impose on banks will be higher than previously
expected, according to a report in Financial Times Deutschland published on Wednesday. The
German Finance Ministry in Berlin had initially said banks would have to pay up to 15 percent of
their annual profit from this year into a restructuring fund with the aim of generating €70
billion ($90.1 billion) with which to pay for future financial crises.,1518,739121,00.html]]> 4093 2011-01-12
13:37:17 2011-01-12 13:37:17 open open german-government-to-slap-higher-levy-on-banks
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11164 2011-01-14 08:45:02
2011-01-14 08:45:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11177 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-01-14 13:43:11 2011-01-14 13:43:11 1 11164 0
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2011-01-14 14:16:23 2011-01-14 14:16:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-01-14 14:36:02 2011-01-14 14:36:02 1 11179 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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01-14 15:20:41 1 11180 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
will-boost-competitiveness-says-michael-butler/ Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:41:17 +0000 birdflu666 UK permanent representative to the EC, has
proposed the introduction of a parallel currency to help countries like Portugal and Greece to
recover their competitiveness in a comment in the FT. Butler points out that the eurozone crisis
is not only caused by the astronomical amounts of national debt accumulated primarily by an
engineered financial crisis. The crisis is also one of competitiveness. Countries such as Greece,
Portugal and Italy have lost competiveness because they have been locked into the euro currency
at rates that were too high. Their increasing lack of competitiveness combined with a gigantic
national debt and correspondingly high interest payments are pushing not just these countries
into depression and default. Their lack of competitiveness threatens the entire eurozone
including Germany with economic meltdown now that the countries are yoked together in a
monetary union especially if a transfer union is introduced. Butler proposes creating a parallel
currency system to allow countries to restore competitives as an alternative to leaving the
eurozone altogether in a comment piece called „Europe Parallel currencies could boost euro.“
„The idea is simple: uncompetitive countries, such as Portugal, would retain the euro for certain
appropriate transactions but would at the same time recreate their national currencies, which
would take part in a managed float against the euro. This would maintain the euro as a force for
integration in Europe and the second most important world currency. But it would allow weaker
European countries to regain some measure of competitiveness by establishing units of account
in the old national currencies, effectively bank accounts denominated in national currency to be
used for trading purposes,“ he says. „In a single currency there is no way that this [lack of
competitiveness] can be cured, except by relatively high inflation in Germany and the other
lower-cost countries, or depression in the uncompetitive countries“ „The third option –
breaking up the euro – would also be highly unpalatable from a political and economic point of
view, as well as technically difficult to achieve.“ A new parallel currency comes would have
managable technical difficulties and it would allow economies to regain competitiveness while
preserving the euro, Butler argues. However, the success of any parallel currency will depend on
whether the eurozone institutions can be reformed in such a way as to stop the accumulation of
excessive national debt, punishing interest rates and debt death spirals by instroducing
insolvency mechanisms as a panel of German economists urged in a report published last
November. For this to happen, the power of the banks over the national governments and EU
institutions has to be ended.]]> 4095 2011-01-12 13:41:17 2011-01-12 13:41:17 open open
parellel-currencies-will-boost-competitiveness-says-michael-butler publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 11134 2011-01-13 09:06:33 2011-01-13 09:06:33
1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11163 2011-01-14 08:01:39 2011-01-14 08:01:39 1 0 0
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2011-01-14 11:29:30 2011-01-14 11:29:30 1 11168 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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than-250-billion-euros-because-of-sweeteners-to-lenders/ Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:48:33 +0000
birdflu666 Jean-Claude Juncker and EU
Commissioner Olli Rehn are believed to have been the driving force behind the creation of this
rule that allows bondholder to make an automatic 20% profit at the expense of the tax payer on
bonds from the ESFS fund.
type=reutersnews&articleid=TRE70A1AO&feed=Bus&action=article Not content with throwing
tax payer's money away at bondholders, Rehn and friends are now arguing that the fund --
which has no basis in any EU treaty --, should be increased, allowing more money to be
squeezed out of tax payers by the banks.
Laender-pruefen-groesseren-Euro-Rettungsfonds.html The EU has left countries indebted by
the machainations of their banks with only two options: either take a bail out from the IMF and
EU and suffer a deflationary depression for years or  persaude the European Central Bank to buy
up the country’s debt in a move that increases overall inflation. The most obvious and urgent
step of compelling banks to take a haircut/allowing countries to default has been missing.
Ireland has been forced to take a loan from the EFSF  fund but the  interest is so high that it will
send Ireland into the very same debt death spiral as Greece. ESFS and EU paid only between 2.5
and 2.9% interest for capital but charged Ireland 5.8% for that capital. According to Germany’s
Die Welt, EFSF is now discussing reducing the interest rate for Ireland – perhaps because the
shamelessness of their robbery of European tax payers is becoming too transparent in the light
of a report published in November 2010 by German economists recommending the introduction
of insolvency mechanisms and loans at low interest rates to allow growth.]]> 4100 2011-01-12
13:48:33 2011-01-12 13:48:33 open open european-stability-fund-cannot-lend-more-than-250-
billion-euros-because-of-sweeteners-to-lenders publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11162 2011-01-14 07:44:27 2011-01-14 07:44:27 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
eurozone/ Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:53:55 +0000 birdflu666
p=4102 He was referring perhaps to the lack of an insolvency mechanism for countries with an
excessive debt, so urgently recommended by a panel of experts in Germany in November.
Portugal’s success  will also ease the pressure on Spain, which auctions bonds tomorrow. Its
situation is less urgent but Spain is widely seen as the next country in the sights of the financial
elite. Portugal has to issue more bonds later this month, but has bought some time to consider
its next move and stopped the unravelling of the eurozone for now. Even though the interest
rates for the sale of bonds today remain punishly high for Portugal, the country’s economic
outlook would have been much worse if it had been forced to take on an IMF/EU loan and hand
over control of its budget. Portugal’s GDP is predicted to shrink by 1.3% this year because of the
impact of austerity budgets. But Greece, which is under the IMF and EU, saw its GDP tumble by
4% in 2010.
in-second-auarter-on-austerity-higher-taxes.html Greece’s economy has contracted for a seven
quarters in a row under a brutal regime of IMF and EU-directed wage cuts, tax increases and
privatisation that is deepening the recession and making it harder to cut the budget deficit. By
2014, Greece is expected to be so deeply in debt that it will need to use ist entire direct tax
revenues just to pay the interest payments to the banks in a downward spiral known as the debt
death spiral. A panel of economists advising the German government published a report in
November outlining a plan to solve the eurozone debt crisis by allowing countries to go into
default and by introducing low interest rate loans that enable countries to continue to grow.
However, the report was buried by the German government and EU and its existence was only
publicised by the media on Monday. Ignoring the economist’s advice, the EU and governments
barred Ireland from defaulting on national debt due primarily to the banks. They also pushed up
the interest rates for national government bonds on the bond market, for example, for Portugal
by introducing eurohonds just before a key auction today. And they are compelling countries to
take loans at punitive rates – all measures designed to push countries into a debt death spiral for
the profit of the banks. Germany and Austria were reported to be driving the push to demand
high interest rates from ireland pay off  fraudulent AIB bank debts that were equated with the
national debt by the Irish government. Portugal is not out of the woods yet. It remains to be seen
if an insolvency mechanism is finally introduced to help the country tackle ist excessive debt.]]>
4102 2011-01-12 13:53:55 2011-01-12 13:53:55 open open portugal-escapes-imfeu-loan-respite-
for-eurozone publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11130
eurozone-1258 2011-01-13 07:23:33 2011-01-13 07:23:33 1 pingback 0 0
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make-growth-and-competitiveness-a-priority/ Thu, 13 Jan 2011 14:58:39 +0000 birdflu666 Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the
eurozone has to make growth a priority. Her statement signals an end to the policy of
allowing countries to get into excessive debt and compelling them to pay interest at
punitive rates that choke off all economic growth, deepening the recession.
Eurozone finance ministers are to meet as early as next week to discuss reducing
Ireland's puntive 6% interest rate on an IMF/EU loan. Merkel
said that „competitiveness and growth are, of course, the best solutions to keep
Europe and the euro stable.“ A focus on growth and competitivness could see the
eurozone moving rapidly recovering, and lifted the sentiment on bond markets
helping both Spain and Italy to hold successful key bond auctions today. Merkel said
a strategy for improving growth should be the focus of European efforts to shore up the euro
following a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvion Berlusconi in Berlin on Wednesday. She
has also indicated that she does not see a need for an increase in the size of the European
stability fund, which creates a transfer union and makes countries responsible for the debts of
other countries in violation of EU and German laws and deepens Europe’s debt woes.
Germany-veto-increase-in-EU-rescue-fund.html Making growth a priority will boost eurozone
economies, and bond markets are already reflecting the improved prospects. Also, eurozone
finance ministers are to discuss reducing the interest rate of nearly 6% that the EFSF has
slapped on Ireland to pay interest on debts created by the banks -- and by fraudulent means -- in
a move that could stop the county entering a debt death cycle caused by ever dwindling revenues
being available to an essentially insolvent country to pay ever higher debts. A panel of
economists advising the German government said insolvency mechanisms that automatically
kick in when debt reaches a certain level should be introduced in the EU. Also, interest rates
should be set so as to allow economies to continue to grow. Introducing parallel currencies
would also help restore the lost competitiveness of the southern European countries, economists
argue. The discussions on reducing Ireland’s interest on ist national debt could be held as early
as next week. Using the right policies to address Ireland’s economic problems should allow a fast
recovery for the besieged country. Italy and
Spain held successful bond auctions today following Portugal’s strong auction yesterday, easing
eurozone debt fears. „Spain and Italy followed Portugal with strong bond auctions on Thursday,
easing immediate concerns about the ability of the euro zone’s weakest members to raise funds
to meet their debts. Spain sold €3 billion, or $3.9 billion, of five-year bonds at a yield of 4.54
percent. That was 97 basis points more than the previous auction in November, but market
expectations had been for a 130 point jump, according to Reuters. The auction was 2.1 times
oversubscribed, compared to 1.6 times last time. Italy, which has been more sheltered from
market pressure than its southern partners, easily sold €6 billion of medium- and long-term
bonds, although it also saw yields creep up,“ reports the New York Times.]]> 4105 2011-
01-13 14:58:39 2011-01-13 14:58:39 open open eurozone-set-to-return-to-recover-germany-to-
make-growth-and-competitiveness-a-priority publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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unleashing-poisonous-space-clouds-linked-to-mysterious-bird-deaths/ Fri, 14 Jan 2011
14:43:49 +0000 birdflu666 the Earth's magnetic
poles are shifting and the numbers previously painted on the runway no longer match up with
the magnetic measurements of sensitive airplane instruments
( Learn more:]]> 4107
2011-01-14 14:43:49 2011-01-14 14:43:49 open open mike-adams-earths-magnetic-pole-shift-
unleashing-poisonous-space-clouds-linked-to-mysterious-bird-deaths publish 0 0 post 0
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authoritarian-leadership-faces-overthrow/ Fri, 14 Jan 2011 14:46:00 +0000 birdflu666 Tunisia: The end of an era By Hashem Ahelbarra on
January 14th, 2011 Those who watched President Ben Ali delivering his most recent speech
noticed a man with a trembling voice saying the opposite of what he stood for. He said that he
was sorry, that he's been duped by his entourage, that now he got the message and that he will
leave power in 2014. Was he genuine or just buying time.? He is definitely in damage control
mode, and while we don't know for sure what his next move will be, it's pretty much obvious
that the glass ceiling of fear has been for ever shattered in Tunisia and that the police state that
Ben Ali created in 1987 when he came to power in a coup seems to be disintegrating. It all
started about a month ago when a public suicide of a frustrated, disillusioned Tunisian grew into
widespread anger. Days later the ink-spot has been ever growing in an unprecedented scope and
magnitude. Read more at:]]> 4109
2011-01-14 14:46:00 2011-01-14 14:46:00 open open tunisias-authoritarian-leadership-faces-
overthrow publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_845dc7e0ca34f9c395560e09589c3bbf 11201 2011-01-14 20:35:33 2011-01-14 20:35:33 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Fri, 14 Jan 2011
14:47:35 +0000 birdflu666 #Tunisia #Tunesien #optunisia #sidibouzid
#jasminrevolt #kisserine #YezziFock #Maghreb  ]]> 4111 2011-01-14 14:47:35 2011-01-
14 14:47:35 open open tunisias-revolution-on-twitter publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
with-underage-callgirl/ Fri, 14 Jan 2011 14:49:12 +0000 birdflu666 A JUDICIAL inquiry has opened into the alleged
sexual affair between Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and an underage callgirl. Italy's
leading newspaper, Corriere della Sera, said last night the probe would consider whether Mr
Berlusconi abused his position on the night of May 28-29 last year by telling police in Milan to
free a callgirl Karima Keyek, "Ruby", who was 17 at the time. The Italian leader attempted "to
hide the fact that he was a client of an underaged prostitute over several weekends at Arcore",
his residence in the north of the country, the daily said. Read more at:
underage-callgirl/story-e6frg6so-1225988106048  ]]> 4113 2011-01-14 14:49:12 2011-
01-14 14:49:12 open open italians-start-probe-into-berlusconis-affair-with-underage-callgirl
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_d829430ea499bf00782224816f928fac
elite-see-it/ Fri, 14 Jan 2011 15:02:46 +0000 birdflu666
fuer-unverzichtbar.html The meting involved the very same corporate and political characters
we are already familiar with from Bilderberg and World Economic Forum meetings – that is,
the very same people who have caused a near economic meltdown of the eurozone were sitting
together around a conference table musing how to solve it. And this group clearly does  believe it
is up to them, and them alone, to solve the crisis while ignoring the political reality that the
people in Germany and Europe want real change, real reform and real democracy even if they
cannot make their voices heard above the elite’s meda propaganda machine any more than they
could in Tunisia where the authoritarian leadership has just been overthrown. The
demonstrations in Greece, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Germany are just a foretaste of what is to
come unless there is a return to democracy and sound economic policies. The days when the
elite could sit around together to decide how to carve up the cake between themselves are
coming to an end whether they like or not. At the meeting in the Axel Springer headquarters,
there was, of course, the honoured guest, Deutsche Bank boss Josef Ackermann, who was
responsible for causing banks to crash, so triggering billions of tax payer bailout in a  fractional
reserve banking fraud. He was smiling and joking clearly because the elite do not care for the
truth or for justice. They care for their bank accounts and if Ackermann filles their bank
accounts, he is welcomed and honoured no mater what his crimes against the people may be.
The people, for sure,  are not impressed by the smiles of people like Ackermann who have only
escaped prison only because the judges are so corrupt - any more than they are impressed by the
likes of Austrian Finance Minister Josef Pröll. Documents show that Pröll assisted Bayernlb in
robbing tax payers in Austria of more than a billion euros by cutting off the liquidity to a
subsidiary Hypo Alpe Adria. Instead of insisting the liquidity be restored, Pröll cheerfully
declared Hypo was insolvent and needed billions of euros from the government – money that is
now missing for schools, universities etc and that Pröll is clawing shamelessly from tax payers
with austerity budgets. Also, the Hypo Niederösterreich – the bank of Austrian federal state
controlled by the Pröll dynasty – received a fine of 50 million euros from financal authorities for
giving more credit to the Ireland property „boom“ than it was allowed to – and so earning more
profit from Irish tax payers for the elite. If the „elite“ think that the people of Ireland will
tolerate 6% interest rates to pay off a national debt created by these same criminal banks for
their profit, then the „elite“ really need to think again. They should take a look at Tunisia and
realise the corruption, authoritarianism and criminality there is not very different from the
situation here. And nor is the media censorship. The extent of the media censorship by  the elite
has been grasped, in the meantime, by the people of Europe. The storm of revolution will come
not appear on the radar of the controlled media in Europe before it is too late as it did not
appear in Tunisia. There is little point in continuing to listen to corporate and bank CEOs to find
out how to solve the problem of corruption and a lack of democracy they caused in the first
place. There is little point in giving much credibility either to the „court“ economists that tell the
elite that insolvency mechanisms are impossible and that countries cannot be allowed to default
on the debt often created by the very same criminal banks. There is no point because the
political reality is that the peopleof Europe are simply not going to continue to pay for the elite
crimes any more with their jobs, savings, pensions and futures. Insolvency is not only possible:
it has been advised by serios German economists and not just by the elite’s court jesters of
economists and CEOs sitting in the Axel Springer HQ. Insolvency for  states immediately is an
important to relieve country’s of their interest paymet burden. And it is important to set a signal
in the future that this kind of excessive debt will no longer be tolerated in the eurozone. It is
importat to set the sgnal to the states - and it is important to set it to the banks that crime does
not pay as it does now thanks to people like the elite’s puppet German Finance Minister
Wolfgang Schäuble. If the banks and insurance companies want to make a profit in the future,
they have to invest in sustainable business – not in fraudulent scams. Schäuble is so far from
seeing the writing on the wall, he even dared to once more push for an expansion of the
European stability fund shamelessly at the meeting yesterday. As if he has not been caught out
red handed in a crooked scheme to issue eurobonds with a 120% guarantee from a fund that
violates EU treaties and that has no political backing behind everyone’s backs in January – and
with China as the main beneficiaries. Or who believes he did not know? This shameless,
shameless man dares to say according to media reports that the people of Europe should give
more money to this illegal fund to help his pals to enrich themselves even more in spite of
German economic experts warning expressly in a report that such a fund should not be used to
provide liquidity to pay bank debts and ruin states. This shameless, shameless finance minister
has presideed over an era where Germany has seen ist national debt grow to unprecedented
levels in spite of the highest taxes, a „financal crisis“ that cost tax payers billions, negative real
income growth, low domestic consumption and extreme poverty for everyone except the elite
and the exporters. He has nearly destroyed the entire eurozone by his insistence that insolvent
states should pay back criminal and fractional reserve banking debts even if the money has to
come from every single tax payer in Europe. The question has to be asked if he is incompetent or
criminal. After all, we now know that a Bayernlb manager who was considered incompetent was
actually accepting bribes of 50 million dollars for his „eccentric“ decrisions.  Whether he is
criminal or incompetent, Schäuble needs to go for his eccentric decisions. In the real economy,
he would have been sacked long ago. But he seems to be somethin like the elite’s court jester and
allowed to amuse Germany and Europe with his whimsical suggestion that more people should
suffer more poverty, more young people should suffer more unemployment, more children,
more hunger so that the elite fat cats can have more luxury yesterday at the conference of the
elite. And the elite, presumably, like to hear that message because they are the ones benefitting
from these crimes. Also present at the meeting was German Family Minister Ursula von der
Leyen, a woman who has been accused of trickery in calculating the starvation levels of the
Hartz IV to keep them low, smiling and laughing to amsue the elite who reward her well for her
plunging millions of hard working Germans into poverty and for destroying the future of a
whole generation of children. Because if the elite think they can pare down the support for
children to 250 euros a month and then have fit and healthy workers who have allegiance to any
government in the future, they are deluding themselves. Penny wise, pound foolish, is an an
ancient proverb. The sight of a penny appears to arouses in the elite so much excitement and so
much desire for possession, that they forget the bigger picture altogether. Calculating how to
increase their profits is not the same as governing a state, after all. The elite also seem to think
they can continue to push their toxic vaccines on young people and expect people to have faith
in their puppet government, but they are deluding themselves. The only sensible person at the
conference yesterday seemed to be the Chancellor Angela Merkel: she seems to be able to learn
from past mistakes, something that most the rest of the elite are not. Merkel said yesterday that
growth and competitiveness need to be restored to Europe, and though we hav yet to see the
concrete policies, she has, at least, grasped the problem and put her finger on the solution.
wirtschaftlichem-Mittelmass.html Also, she again signalled her opposition to expanding the
stability fund, a first step to stopping the economic meltdwn of the eurozone engineered by the
banks for their profit. However, it is not clear she will get much backing from the elite or
whether she will be pressured to go along wth the other lemmings heading for a cliff while
thinking they are about to reach an El Dorado. The very first lesson, surely, that the elite should
have learned was to start asking serious economists how to get out of this mess they created and
inviting them to the conference table instead of their cronies given that the time left to repair
their errors is so short. Merkel, at least, seems to have grasped that there is oonly a small
window of opportunity left to introduce reforms that will stablise economies in Europe and
return them  growth before the continent ends up in flames like Tunisia due to an economic
meltdown caused by the short-sighted, deluded and complacent elite. If a committment is made
by the elite to keeping the flawed euro currency in spite of the people, then the steps needed to
stablise the euro have been outlined by experts and they need to be taken immediately: -         an
insolvency mechanism as suggested by the government’s own economic advisors in a report
cynically buried to allow Deutsche Bank and co to continue to milk tax payers -         a low
interest rate  on any loans to allow countries to grow -         a fund that buys up government
souvereign debt and not just provides liquidity for interest payments on that debt -         an end
to the issuing of eurobonds that make it harder for country’s to refinance their souvereign debt
by drawing away investors -         a default by countries like Ireland on their fraudulent bank
debt, which is rewarding banks for crimes and punishing the ordinary people -         a parallel
currency to allow the southern European countries to regain competitiveness -         investment
in job creating industries – and not just property for the elite to create profitable financal scams
-         fnancial regulation of the banks to ensure the money goes into investments that bring a
real return in the economy and not on financial tricks -         an end to the lobbying that allows
the financial elite to write laws and put their court jesters into positions as government advisors
A coordinated economic approach only makes sense if there are concrete measures taken to
improve growth and competitiveness throughout the eurozone, given the „elite“ are determined
to keep the people yoked inside the currency.  Only real growth, jobs, prosperity will satisfy the
people and the markets. In the long term, the eurozone should surely to adopt the same
monetary system as China.  As Vienna Economy Professor Franz Hörmann, explained in an
interview in Der Standard, China’s current boom is based on printing money without creating
debt, giving loans to businesses without asking for interest and keeping money in circulation to
prevent artificial shortages leading to debt.  The German elite especially will have to accept the
painful reality that they either move with the times – or they will be removed by the people as is
happening now in Tunesia and possibly much sooner than they think as happened to the
Tunesian elite. Alas, alas, the
conference at the Axel Springer HQ yesterday suggested the German elite have yet to grasp the
precariousness of the situation that they too are in given that their corruption, criminality and
incompetence has been all too vividly on display. As the budget cuts that the elite and their
minions are imposing on the hardpressed people to transfer money to them bite yet more, the
danger of a revoltion will grow. The English are supposed to accept a 40% budget cut to make
money for the banks. Unions have announced huge strikes in April. It looks like false flag ops,
mass poisoning of the people, murder of honest politicians (Smolensk) and wars in the Middle
East and other opportunistic and cunning schemes such as the attempt by the Tunesian
authoritarian president blame unrest on terrorists will not save the self styled „elite“ this time.
People want genuine economic and democratic reform. They don’t want to read about phantom
reform or propserity in the elite’s newspapers any longer or to read the views of the elite’s court
economists and journalists. We can only hope the elite see the writing on the wall and introduce
reforms soon.]]> 4116 2011-01-14 15:02:46 2011-01-14 15:02:46 open open the-writing-on-
tunisias-wall-do-the-german-elite-see-it publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_1e42aaaa1fdb5cfde119b98fee45ac65 11210 2011-01-15 11:19:46
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up-to-reality/ 2011-01-19 06:40:42 2011-01-19 06:40:42 1 pingback 0 0
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along-with-everything-else-including-europe-by-buying-up-eurobonds/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011
14:20:25 +0000 birdflu666 Jeremy Warner
Economics Last updated: January 17th, 2011, The Telegraph China is constantly telling the West
to stay out of its internal affairs, but it rarely seems shy in complaining about the way the US
manages itself, particularly in the field of economic policy. Ahead of his official visit to the White
House, President Hu Jintao has been at it again. In written responses to questions from
the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, he has again criticised the recent stimulus
measures adopted by the US Federal Reserve. Here’s the relevant quote: “The monetary policy
of the US has a major impact on global liquidity and capital flows and therefore, the liquidity of
the dollar should be kept at a reason and stable level”. Read more at:
takeover-the-fed-along-with-everything-else/]]> 4119 2011-01-17 14:20:25 2011-01-17 14:20:25
open open china-seems-to-want-to-takeover-the-fed-along-with-everything-else-including-
europe-by-buying-up-eurobonds publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
honest-people%e2%80%99-new-book-by-nicolas-shaxson-lifts-lid-on-offshore-banks/ Mon, 17
Jan 2011 14:21:43 +0000 birdflu666 12 January
2011 Andrew Goodall Offshore tax havens are undermining elected government, hollowing out
its tax base and corrupting its politicians but are still ‘growing fast’, according to a new book
serialised in The Guardian. In ‘Treasure Islands: Tax Havens and the Men who Stole the World’,
published by Random House, Nicholas Shaxson argues that ‘offshore is how the world of power
now works’. He defines a tax haven as a place that ‘seeks to attract business by offering
politically stable facilities to help people or entities get around the rules, laws and regulations of
jurisdictions elsewhere’. Shaxson, an independent journalist and associate fellow at Chatham
House, observes that the City of London has become ‘the world’s biggest international – and
offshore – financial hub’. Many wealthy foreigners and companies are attracted by UK tax laws
and ‘a culture of don’t ask, don’t tell’, he writes. Read more at:]]> 4121 2011-01-17
14:21:43 2011-01-17 14:21:43 open open tax-havens-%e2%80%98have-declared-war-on-honest-
people%e2%80%99-new-book-by-nicolas-shaxson-lifts-lid-on-offshore-banks publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last
blame-for-dioxin-scandal/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 14:26:56 +0000 birdflu666 Merkel referees dioxin scandal bickering Published:
17 Jan 11 08:27 CET Online: As
Germany tries to cope with the dioxin animal feed scandal, Chancellor Angela
Merkel has stepped in to settle bickering over the issue between Agriculture
Minister Ilse Aigner and Lower Saxony premier David McAllister. Merkel spoke with
both politicians, who belong to her conservatives, in an attempt to reach “peace,” daily Bild
reported on Monday. The chancellor persuaded Aigner to retract angry calls for “personnel
consequences” in Lower Saxony for the closure of 1,000 farms at the weekend. Aigner has
accused the state of grave failures in preventing the spread of the carcinogenic industrial fat to
farms across the nation. Aigner called for Lower Saxony's state premier David McAllister to be
tough, saying, “This is a scandal within a scandal.” He was told to deliver a full report by
Saturday afternoon, and to enforce punishments on those responsible by that evening. The
embarrassing news of further farm closures came after Aigner had visited the Lower Saxony
state consumer protection and food safety office on Friday and was emphatically reassured that
everything was being done to get the dioxin scandal under control. Read more at:]]> 4123 2011-01-17 14:26:56 2011-01-17
14:26:56 open open is-lower-saxonys-government-to-blame-for-dioxin-scandal publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last
spain-to-clean-up-banks-prevent-imfeu-bailout/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 14:29:50 +0000 birdflu666 The prime minister of Spain, Jose Luis Rodriguez
Zapatero, has been doing all that he can as he initiated the “second round” of restructuring for
the cajas. Bankers in Madrid say it is not clear how recapitalisation will work in practice,
although one possibility would be for the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring, or Frob, to take
equity in a problematic caja rather than continue to extend credit. After this process, described
by one banker as akin to “partial nationalisation”, the Frob could eventually sell the institution
or its assets to domestic or foreign buyers.
restructures-their-cajas-4997/]]> 4125 2011-01-17 14:29:50 2011-01-17 14:29:50 open open
germany-and-france-pressure-spain-to-clean-up-banks-prevent-imfeu-bailout publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last _oembed_2307fe1662225a0896d5971d6992ecc9
support-banks/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 14:31:42 +0000 birdflu666 Central Bank steps up its cash support to Irish banks
financed by institution printing own money Emergency loan programme of €51bn is By Donal
O'Donovan, Irish Independent Saturday January 15 2011 EMERGENCY lending from the ECB
to banks in Ireland fell in December, the first decline since January 2010, but only because the
Irish Central Bank stepped up its help to banks. The Irish Independent learnt last night that the
Central Bank of Ireland is financing €51bn of an emergency loan programme by printing its own
money. ECB lending to banks in Ireland fell from €136.4bn in November to €132bn at the end of
December, according to the figures released by the Irish Central Bank yesterday. At the same
time, the bank increased its emergency lending by €6.4bn, bringing the total it is owed to €51bn.
The latest data does show a levelling off in demand for the loans. Emergency lending to banks
shot up €16bn in November, but overall demand for the loans only increased by €2bn in
December when ECB and Irish Central Bank figures are combined. However, the figures also
provide the latest evidence that responsibility for funding Ireland's broken banks is being
pushed increasingly back on to Irish taxpayers. The loans are recorded by the Irish Central Bank
under the heading "other assets". Read more:
banks-financed-by-institution-printing-own-money-2497212.html]]> 4127 2011-01-17 14:31:42
2011-01-17 14:31:42 open open irish-central-bank-prints-own-money-to-support-banks publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_d200e988f25689dec20221fee61412ec
condemning-country-to-economic-turmoil-say-experts/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 14:33:14 +0000
birdflu666 Interest rate on rescue deal was 'a slap in
face' Economic experts agree that the terms of the bailout must be renegotiated, writes Daniel
McConnell By Daniel McConnell Sunday January 16 2011 EU countries have "run out of sticks
with which to beat Ireland", and the interest rate being levied on the €85bn bailout fund is no
more than a "slap in the face", one leading international economist has said. Several other
leading financial commentators have said this weekend that the EU should halve the interest it
is charging Ireland on the bailout or risk condemning the country to continued economic
turmoil. Eminent Citigroup economist and commentator Willem Buiter declared in Dublin that
the "crazy feature" of the European Commission, ECB and IMF bailout for Ireland was the 5.8
per cent interest rate imposed by our partners in Europe. Read more at:
2497972.html]]> 4129 2011-01-17 14:33:14 2011-01-17 14:33:14 open open imfeu-interest-rates-
are-a-slap-in-the-face-condemning-country-to-economic-turmoil-say-experts publish 0 0 post 0
interest-payments-will-total-more-than-eu-evr-gave-to-ireland/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 14:34:59
+0000 birdflu666 Bailout will total more than the
EU ever gave us Noonan says interest rate must be renegotiated by next government By
DANIEL McCONNELL Chief Reporter,  Irish Independent Sunday January 16 2011 THE €85bn
IMF-EU bailout will come to more than the total amount of payments received since we joined
Europe in 1973, the Sunday Independent can reveal. Fine Gael's Michael Noonan said yesterday
that this stark fact showed why the interest rate levied on Ireland must be renegotiated and that
any new government's hand will be strengthened by this revelation. In cash terms, Ireland has
received €63.7bn from Europe in various agricultural, social and cohesion funding -- far less
than the bailout forced on the Irish by Jean Claude Trichet's European Central Bank in late
November. When those payments are adjusted for inflation, they total €99bn -- that is
fractionally more than the total cost of the bailout when the penal interest rates are factored in.
When Ireland's payments to Europe are subtracted, our net receipts from the EU budget
amount to €41bn, of which no more than about €20bn could be classified as in any sense
discretionary. In 1973, Ireland received funds totalling just €47.1m from the then EEC, but by
1984 that figure had shot up to more than €1bn a year. Read more:
2498065.html]]> 4131 2011-01-17 14:34:59 2011-01-17 14:34:59 open open enforced-imfeu-
loan-to-pay-bank-interest-payments-will-total-more-than-eu-evr-gave-to-ireland publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 11263 2011-01-17 22:37:37 2011-01-17
22:37:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
minister-on-the-spot/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 14:36:29 +0000 birdflu666 Fianna Fail fury as Cowen's Anglo 'think-tank'
exposed By ine Kerr and Fiach Kelly Thursday January 13 2011, Irish Independent FIANNA
FAIL ministers were fuming with Taoiseach Brian Cowen last night after he was caught out on
failing to give full details of his contacts with Anglo Irish Bank chiefs. A full four days into the
controversy over his round of golf with former Anglo head Sean FitzPatrick, Mr Cowen was
forced to admit holding an economic think-tank with a total of three figures connected with the
bank. Gary McGann, a former director and chair of the bank's audit committee, joined Mr
Cowen, ex-Anglo director Fintan Drury and Mr FitzPatrick for dinner after their round of golf in
Druid's Glen in July 2008 -- just months before the Government introduced the blanket state
guarantee. But Mr Cowen failed to mention Mr McGann's Anglo connection when he was forced
to disclose the information under Dail questioning.  Read more at:
exposed-2494398.html]]> 4133 2011-01-17 14:36:29 2011-01-17 14:36:29 open open golf-trip-
with-aib-bankers-puts-irish-prime-minister-on-the-spot publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
challenge-on-tuesday-junior-ministers-line-up-to-force-cowen-to-quit/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011
15:02:17 +0000 birdflu666 Cowen expects
to win the vote but opposition is growing even within his own Fianna Fail party, the equivalent
of Tunisia's Trabelsi Clan, which enginered an unprecedented property boom and bust in
Ireland and then equated the gigantic fractional reserve, fraudulent bank debts with the national
debt. Pressure has grown on Cowen after details of a golf round in Druids Glen in July 2008
with key bankers emerged. The Glen Druids golf club was built near Mount St Kennedy
in Wicklow in 1995, has a bar called "The Thirteenth", and a golf course with a Celtic Cross
marking the location where druids allegedly turned back St Patrick.... The luxurious club is a far
cry from the old style Irish golf clubs where people carry arond their own clubs in the rain and
wind for 3 to 4 hours because they have  passion for the game itself but it clearly appealed to the
Leila Trabelsi of Ireland, Brian Cowen, offering comfort and privacy to plan his business deals.
Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörmann explained in an interview in Der Standard called
"Banks create money out of air" how banks can create credit and debt by changing figures on
their balance sheet and manipulating accounting rules. In return for worthless, paper
debts, banks and their bondholders can get tax payer money - as long as they have friends in
government, that is. More at: Junior ministers line up to force Cowen out 17/01/11, 12:57 pm 60
A NUMBER of ministers of state in Brian Cowen’s government have this lunchtime called on
their fellow Fianna Fáil TDs to vote against the leader in tomorrow’s motion of confidence.
Science minister Conor Lenihan – the younger brother of finance minister Brian – has said
Cowen is seen as a “dead man walking” by the party grassroots, and said his party needed to
acknowledge the public appetite for change. In a comment piece written for today’s Evening
Herald, Lenihan argued: “There is a real fear that the party is facing extinction and will not
continue to exist after the election. “Few that I spoke to over the past weekend believe he can
win us votes in the General Election.” The piece, which effectively outlines Lenihan’s opposition
to Cowen’s continued leadership, may reveal underlying tensions within the Lenihan family –
Conor’s aunt, Mary O’Rourke, refused to tell Morning Ireland how she would vote in tomorrow’s
crucial secret ballot, while Cowen has himself said he enjoys the full support of Brian Lenihan,
Conor’s brother. Read more:
cowen-out-2011-01/]]> 4136 2011-01-17 15:02:17 2011-01-17 15:02:17 open open irish-prime-
quit publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_7f4a9a805da56463c75fbac8bc694c5a 11261 2011-01-17 22:31:21 2011-01-17 22:31:21 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
minister/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 15:03:45 +0000 birdflu666
p=4138 Slovak Finance Minister Ivan Miklos said new rules that could require private investors
to share the costs of any rescue efforts after 2013 risk "increasing pressure for markets to shift
the whole burden onto taxpayers before then." Read more:]]>
4138 2011-01-17 15:03:45 2011-01-17 15:03:45 open open bailouts-are-failing-says-slovak-
finance-minister publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11259
2011-01-17 22:20:08 2011-01-17 22:20:08 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
republic-fueled-by-social-media/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 15:05:33 +0000 birdflu666 Tunisia: A media led revolution? Are we
witnessing the birth of the second republic fueled by social media? Noureddine
Miladi Last Modified: 17 Jan 2011 12:47 GMT Al Jazeera Contrary to civil unrests in
Tunisia during the last few years, the dramatic death of 26 year old university graduate
Mohamed Bouazizi sparked off angry protests in many parts of the country and have attracted
international media attention thanks to social media networks. The dramatic events have
escalated into more riots in Bizerte, Jandouba, Gasserine, Baja, Sfax, Nabeul, Hammamet, and
even in the capital Tunis, among other towns and cities. This emergency situation has compelled
the government to say that they will swiftly kick-start development projects, namely in the
southern deprived areas of the country. President Ben Ali initially pledged 5 billion Tunisian
dinars for the development of Sidi Bouzid and other towns. He then promised the creation of
300,000 new jobs for the next two years. In another major step, he sacked key ministers from
the cabinet in an attempt to calm down his critics and buy time to bring the country back to
order. Faced with even more growing unrest (and in a latest move) the president promised to
open up freedom of expression in the media, to free up political life, to bring to justice corrupt
politicians and above all free the media and remove all restrictions on the internet. Yet all these
measure came in the eleventh hour. The mounting pressure, which turned into a revolution, has
forced the president to flee the country. The role of new media In light of the dramatic
development of events, on a considerable scale, it has become evident that new media have been
playing a key role this time around in keeping the momentum going, and bringing the voices of
the disengaged Tunisian youth to the attention of world media, and hence to international
public opinion. Mobile phones, blogs, YouTube, Facebook pages and Twitter feeds have become
instrumental in mediating the live coverage of protests and speeches, as well as police brutality
in dispersing demonstrations. The internet in this case has assumed the role of a very effective
uncensored news agency from which every broadcaster and news corporation have been able to
freely source newsfeeds, raw from the scene. Such developments have proven very significant in
changing the rules of the game, of journalism production and dissemination of information in a
country where the government historically keeps tight control on the media and where almost
no platform is available for opinions critical of the political elite. Decades of state media
control Article 1 of the Press Code in Tunisia provides for "freedom of the press, publishing,
printing, distributing and sale of books and publications". The Tunisian constitution asserts that
the "liberties of opinion, expression, the press, publication, assembly, and association are
guaranteed and exercised within the conditions defined by the law". Yet as early as 1956, with
the birth of the first republic under the leadership of President Habib Bourguiba, the ruling
government gained control over the press - and later over broadcasting. As a result almost all
the media outlets remained propaganda tools in the hands of Bourguiba's government and
ruling party. Under Ben Ali (who came to power through a coup in 1987) the media and
government relationship got even worse. For a short period of time a few independent
newspapers appeared, but their existence was short lived. Television and radio have remained
state controlled and primarily serving the ruling government. The Tunisian Radio and
Television Establishment (ERTT) is state-run and operates Tunis 7 (satellite channel), and
Canal 21 (terrestrial channel). However, the audiovisual landscape witnessed the launch of the
first private TV channel (Hannibal TV) headed by Larbi Nasra on February 13, 2005. The
channel broadcasts via satellite and terrestrially, and is aimed at expanding the audience's
choice by producing a variety of programmes. Increase of state-owned radio channels
Read more at:]]> 4140
2011-01-17 15:05:33 2011-01-17 15:05:33 open open are-we-witnessing-the-birth-of-the-second-
republic-fueled-by-social-media publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11258 2011-01-17 22:11:27 2011-01-17 22:11:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11265 2011-01-17 23:32:16
2011-01-17 23:32:16 1 11258 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ousted-tunisian-president-wreck-havoc-swedish-and-german-agents-caught/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011
15:11:53 +0000 birdflu666
president.html]]> 4144 2011-01-17 15:11:53 2011-01-17 15:11:53 open open gunmen-loyal-to-
ousted-tunisian-president-wreck-havoc-swedish-and-german-agents-caught publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 11241 2011-01-17 15:44:13
2011-01-17 15:44:13 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
split-on-increasing-eus-bail-out-fund/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 15:13:29 +0000 birdflu666 "Only a small part of the fund has been used, so
there is no need to talk about increasing it," he said, adding that any further aid must come on
stringent terms. The FDP's finance spokesman, Otto Solms, said the party's parliamentary group
would oppose an expansion of the fund, and warned that it must not become a "bad bank" by
purchasing EMU bonds pre-emptively. Read more at:
increasing-EUs-bail-out-fund.html]]> 4147 2011-01-17 15:13:29 2011-01-17 15:13:29 open open
german-coalition-split-on-increasing-eus-bail-out-fund publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
soon-says-financial-times/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 15:30:28 +0000 birdflu666 Full story at
The EU commission though unelected and without political backing simply does whatever the
banks wish. The simple solution to the debt crisis engulfing the eurozone is to allow country's to
default on their debts. Ireland's gigantic national debt is largely due to Allied Irish Bank's fraud.
But this is the on thing the EU commission and the mainstream media rarely if ever mention
default. The solutions put on the table are always solutions that increase the profits of the banks
at the expense of the real economy. "Bankers say they have rarely seen such demand for debt
with some of the wealthiest sovereign and private funds eager to snap up the bond designed to
help fund the Irish bail-out," says David Oakley of the FT. Of course. These bonds have the
safety of triple A credit guarantees at a gigantic extra cost to all European tax payers. They are
probably underwritten with the possessions and savings of every single European. I wouldn't be
surprised if there is some clause saying the holders of eurobonds can seize houses, companies
and land if governments fail to honour the generous terms to investors out of annual tax
revenue. And the eurobonds will continue to push the eurozone down into a spiral of debt that
allows banks and souvereign wealth unds and private investors to buy up the continent for a
pittance.]]> 4149 2011-01-17 15:30:28 2011-01-17 15:30:28 open open banks-to-market-
eurobonds-to-be-named-soon-says-financial-times publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11256 2011-01-17 21:39:36 2011-01-17 21:39:36 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
crisis-over-euro-debt-proposals/ Mon, 17 Jan 2011 15:41:34 +0000 birdflu666
Bruch-der-Koalition.html Linder said that the FDP would reject any increase in the the
European Union's €440 billion bank bailout fund or any form of transfer union. He also pushed
for faster tax cuts, an earlier withdrawl of German troops from Afghanistan and an end to plans
to strengthen data storage rules. Linder singled out Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and
Defence Minister Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg for especial criticism. Early elections would give
the German electorate a chance to express their opposition to the European bail out fund and a
transfer union. It has been calculated that Germany's share of the 440 million euro bail out fund
for German and French banks in addition to the sum it has to pay on its own staggering national
debt as well as the Greek bailout amounts to virtually the entire annual tax revenues of the
country.]]> 4151 2011-01-17 15:41:34 2011-01-17 15:41:34 open open germanys-coalition-
government-faces-new-crisis-over-euro-debt-proposals publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11243
faces-new-crisis-over-euro-debt-proposals/?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 2011-01-17 16:10:54 2011-01-17 16:10:54 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11255 2011-01-17 21:29:48 2011-01-17 21:29:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11295 2011-01-18 18:20:41
2011-01-18 18:20:41 1 11255 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
greater-threat-to-human-health/ Tue, 18 Jan 2011 16:11:31 +0000 birdflu666  - Published:  18 January, 2011 A project to create
the world’s first genetically modified (GM) chicken that does not spread avian flu has been
criticised. The scheme by scientists at Edinburgh University, which was unveiled last week,
“poses a greater threat to human health”, according to the Soil Association. However, the team
behind the initiative believe their work demonstrates it is possible to create a variety of GM farm
animals resistant to viral diseases. The research team inserted an artificial gene into chickens;
this introduces a tiny part of the bird flu virus into chicken cells. These birds become infected,
but render the virus harmless to other poultry. The news of the GM chickens, which came in the
Science journal, follows the launch of a similar experiment for pigs in Canada called Enviropig –
which limits the amounts of nitrate the animals produce. Read more at:
t_to_human_health_.html]]> 4154 2011-01-18 16:11:31 2011-01-18 16:11:31 open open gm-
chickens-pose-greater-threat-to-human-health publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11294 2011-01-18 18:14:37 2011-01-18 18:14:37 1 0 15863804 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
Tue, 18 Jan 2011 16:12:47 +0000 birdflu666 He
used magnetic resonance imaging to compare the brains of 44 obese individuals with those of 19
lean people of similar age and background. He found that obese individuals had more water in
the amygdala – a part of the brain involved in eating behaviour. He also saw smaller
orbitofrontal cortices in obese individuals, important for impulse control and also involved in
eating behaviour. … Eric Stice at Oregon Research Institute [in] Eugene thinks that the findings
strengthen the ‘slippery slope’ theory of obesity. ‘If you overeat, it appears to result in neural
changes that increase the risk for future overeating,’ he says.” From:
brain/article1873603/]]> 4156 2011-01-18 16:12:47 2011-01-18 16:12:47 open open junk-food-
shrinks-brain-reports-new-scientist publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11289 2011-01-18 17:32:00 2011-01-18 17:32:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11293 2011-01-18 18:03:06
2011-01-18 18:03:06 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11318 2011-01-19 00:23:01
2011-01-19 00:23:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
register-all-new-babies-on-the-planet-for-vaccines/ Tue, 18 Jan 2011 16:14:20 +0000
birdflu666 "The key thing, the most important fact
that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is
the thing that reduces population growth," he said. "That sounds paradoxical. The fact is that
within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children." Learn
more:]]> 4158
2011-01-18 16:14:20 2011-01-18 16:14:20 open open bill-gates-wants-to-register-all-new-babies-
on-the-planet-for-vaccines publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11285 2011-01-18 16:41:21 2011-01-18 16:41:21 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11291 2011-01-18
17:56:42 2011-01-18 17:56:42 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11292 2011-01-18 17:59:17
2011-01-18 17:59:17 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11308 2011-01-18 22:45:14
2011-01-18 22:45:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11317 2011-01-19 00:05:36
2011-01-19 00:05:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11333 2011-01-19 05:35:53
2011-01-19 05:35:53 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11337 2011-01-19 08:44:43 2011-
01-19 08:44:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11348 2011-01-19 12:59:52
2011-01-19 12:59:52 1 11341 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
concedes-that-change-in-peoples-attitudes-to-vaccines-is-permanent/ Tue, 18 Jan 2011
16:31:28 +0000 birdflu666 Unfortunately, fears
about vaccines are based on verifiable, unambiguous facts, documents and evidence.
This spread on the alternative media because the controlled mainstream media omitted to
mention key information, giving a misleading picture about the threat of the swine flu pandemic
and the benefits of the vaccine. The result of this hyped pandemic was to discredit not just
WHO, governments and the pharmaceutical industry but also most of the media. In response
to so much uneasiness, governments in Europe did not launch flu vaccine campaigns this year.
This season's flu vaccine contains a mixture of three virus that appear to be responsible for
creating a new, more serious mutation. The Daily Mail reported in December that 10 people in
the UK who had died from this more lethal strain had had the flu vaccine. “This is a worrisome
new trend that needs to be addressed," said Chan.  Does "addressed" include bullying doctors,
scientists and journalists like myself who were forced to go onto the alternative media because
no mainstream newspaper or medical journal would publish vital information and who have
since been virtiolically defamed etc?  „[A relcutance to take vaccines] is probably the reason the
vaccine industry now appears so frantically desperate to destroy the careers of any doctors or
scientists who question conventional vaccine dogma. The recent series of outrageous attacks on
Dr Andrew Wakefield -- by an industry that is itself steeped in corruption and fraud -- is
perhaps the most relevant example," says Mike Adams. "But even their most desperate attempts
to deny scientific reality will ultimately fail, and I predict the vaccine industry as we know it
today will ultimately be revealed as the greatest medical fraud ever perpetrated on the
human race. Before long, seasonal flu vaccine pushers will rightly be labeled "quacks" are
derided as unintelligent, non-scientific lapdogs of the vaccine industry," he says. In spite
of the criticism, WHO is pushing ahead with a new meningitis vaccine “that has the potential to
end devastating epidemics in Africa’s meningitis belt.” The vaccine has been funded also by the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Chan said that countrywide vaccination campaigns have
been launched in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.]]> 4161 2011-01-18 16:31:28 2011-01-18
16:31:28 open open whos-dr-chan-concedes-that-change-in-peoples-attitudes-to-vaccines-is-
permanent publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11392 http://www.carlitos- 2011-01-21 13:47:52 2011-01-21 13:47:52 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11290 2011-01-18 17:37:41 2011-01-18 17:37:41 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11305 2011-01-18 21:30:45 2011-01-18 21:30:45 1 0 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11328 2011-01-19 02:27:44 2011-01-19 02:27:44 1 0 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11347 2011-01-19 12:10:21 2011-01-19 12:10:21 1 0 15863804 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11356 2011-01-19 15:29:24 2011-01-19 15:29:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-01-19 22:46:37 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11375 2011-01-20 21:11:04 2011-
01-20 21:11:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
monster-eurozone-bailout-reinforcing-failure/ Tue, 18 Jan 2011 16:33:09 +0000 birdflu666 Nigel Farage on the eurozone bailout madness:]]> 4165 2011-01-18 16:33:09 2011-01-18
16:33:09 open open nigel-farage-on-monster-eurozone-bailout-reinforcing-failure publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 11296 2011-01-18 18:24:52
2011-01-18 18:24:52 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
wary-over-boosting-bailout/ Tue, 18 Jan 2011 16:35:17 +0000 birdflu666 Germany drags its heels as EU pushes eurozone
towards economic meltdown for the profit of a handful of banks. JANUARY 18, 2011 By
debated Monday how to beef up their giant rescue fund for troubled euro-zone countries but
ended the first day of a two-day meeting without reaching a firm resolution on how to do it,
amid German reluctance to open the doors to more and bigger bailouts. Germany's
disinclination to speed ahead dovetails with what European diplomats describe as a momentary
air of calm that has descended on the bloc's sovereign debt crisis. "Although the markets remain
volatile, the latest developments are encouraging," said Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourg
prime minister and head of the group of euro-zone nations. Read more at:]]>
4167 2011-01-18 16:35:17 2011-01-18 16:35:17 open open germans-remain-wary-over-boosting-
bailout publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11387 2011-01-21
08:25:24 2011-01-21 08:25:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11297 2011-01-18 18:29:01
2011-01-18 18:29:01 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
argues-swedish-reader/ Tue, 18 Jan 2011 16:38:12 +0000 birdflu666 These examination results were reported in
newspapers as well as on this blog a few days ago. However, there are few or no objective
observations of circumstances that may have contributed and helped to explain why so many
animals could die at the same time apart from the newsclip in this link: The weather radar
recordings on New Years Eve from Arkansas shows a mysterious stationary echo in the sky
above Beebe at the time the blackbirds there fell down stone dead. Since the birds reportedly
flew low that night after the clouds with precipitation had passed through this area, the echos
must have come from something other than rain respectively high flying birds. As the clip above
suggests at the end, there could have been a temporary stationary plasma cloud above Beebe
that particular night which, just by its disturbing presence, initially affected the birds to take off
to escape from. While all birds were airborne, shock waves induced by heavy beating
electromagnetic field bursts could have punched them hard (or cooked them internally like in a
micro wave owen).  About a year ago this videoclip below with a strange visual sighting in the
sky above Haiti was uploaded on Youtube:
The footage appears to be taken from a position at the eastern outskirts of Port au Prince
towards  compass direction ~WSW, and shows what might very well be a plasma with a focal
point in the centre and discernible circles/spirals separated by a dark background in between.
For sure this is not "voodoo magic" or a Carribean sunset and approximately 30 persons can be
seen down below on the screen watching the strange light phenomena at night when the video is
frozen 00:01 to 00:02 seconds from start, but rather "man made" and related to what this link
shows: Notice the visible
circular/spiral pattern of what no doubt is an electromagnetic phenomena rather than a failing
russian missile; in this case an ascending beam on its way up to the ionosphere, while the other
more yellowish one likely is a bounced descending beam with its high power focal point in the
centre. Enough said now. Check it out for yourself and check the position from Google satellite
photos where the vidoclip from Haiti must  have been recorded the night before the devastating
earthquake. Start out from Port au Prince airport runway, go ~7300 feet south east from rwy 28
threshold, zoom in and compare with the silhouettes of the  buildings seen in the video. That
skyline with open areas around is nowhere else to be seen in this shanty town! !]]> 4169 2011-
01-18 16:38:12 2011-01-18 16:38:12 open open weather-radar-suggests-dead-birds-fell-from-
sky-due-to-eclectromagnetic-%e2%80%9epunch%e2%80%9c-argues-swedish-reader publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_02119970cb931d21000e41cb4f0a4222

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%e2%80%99un-%c2%ab-coup-de-poing-%c2%bb-electromagnetique/ 2011-01-
25 00:17:43 2011-01-25 00:17:43 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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vergiftigen-miljoenen-vogels-en-andere-dieren-toe/ 2011-01-28 15:00:55 2011-01-
28 15:00:55 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11299 2011-01-18 18:45:15
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01-18 23:57:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11349 http://you-me-and-the- 2011-01-19 13:00:14 2011-
01-19 13:00:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-20 18:30:22 1 11373 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-23 22:12:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
only-printing-its-own-money-now-to-give-to-the-banks/ Tue, 18 Jan 2011 16:45:29 +0000
allows-ireland-to-counterfeit-51-billion-euros-2011-1 He is absolutely wrong. It is not
counterfeit money. It is money being printed the way Thomas Jefferson envisaged it being
printed ie without creating debt or borrowing from the Federal Reserve paying interest. It is
money acting as a medium of exchange for economic transations as it was originally intended to
do before bankers hijacked the money creation process to turn printing money by governments
into a loan from a private bank requiring interest payments. It is money being printed the way
the Chinese government today prints money – as a medium of exchange to facilitate economic
growth and wothout creating debt or the need to pay interest. No wonder Sheldrake consistently
misinterprets Chinese economic developments in his column: he has not understood this
difference between the way China and the USA print money today and how it impacts on their
economies. The lion’s share of the 51 billion euros Irish central bank’s money appears to be
flowing to the bondholders of the Anglo Irish Bank demanding interest payments from an
essentially insolvent bank that should have been allowed to fail and should never have been
nationalised, according to figures in a report FT.  However, the money could be printed by the
Irish central bank to pay for all of the government debts and indeed to keep the entire economy
going as in China. Because Ireland’s economy is so small relative to the eurozone, it would cause
little inflation even if the money was printed as euros and not as punts. In addition, the Irish
economy is being artificially drained of money by the need for payments on interest on the
gigantic fractional- reserve banking debt running at nearly 6% and sending the country into a
debt spiral, allowing banks to clean up on assets, so it absorb a lot of money without inflation
domestically. There is no economic
reason why Ireland or say the USA does print their own money. There is only a political reason.
The private banks profit from printing money as debt and they have their puppets in
government, controlling monetary policy. And Michael Sheldrake perpetuates the myth that
only money borrowed against a loan is real money, helping the banks continue their fraud.
According to the FT, central banks in the eurozone can only print their own money to finance 
banks under the current regulations – regulations, which the EU itself tears up whenever it suits
the banks (for example, by creating the European stability fund). „In other words, providing that
the Central Bank of Ireland is not buying debt directly from government or quasi-government
institutions — it is perfectly able to buy debt or create overdraft facilities for private credit
institutions,“ says the FT.
of-irish-euro-printing/ But why are central banks not allowed to buy debt from government
directly if they can buy debt from banks? There is only one reason: to allow banks and their
bondholders to profit from the interest on aritificially created debt! Vienna economics professor
Franz Hörmann’s explained in a report in Der Standard how China prints its money without
debt and why this is the basis of its current economic strength. A new Irish government should
change the law to allow the central bank to print money without creating debt or lend to the
government without interest as China does.  Sheldrake is either ignorant of this basic fact or
guilty of misinformation when he writes: “Ireland central bank counterfeited 51 billion Euros
out of thin air. The amount is not backed by government bonds. Nor was it a loan from the ECB
or anyone else. The money is counterfeit in every sense of the word. Please consider the facts as
depicted in Central Bank steps up its cash support to Irish banks financed by institution printing
own money. The Irish Independent learnt last night that the Central Bank of Ireland is financing
€51bn of an emergency loan programme by printing its own money. The figures also provide the
latest evidence that responsibility for funding Ireland's broken banks is being pushed
increasingly back on to Irish taxpayers. The loans are recorded by the Irish Central Bank under
the heading "other assets". A spokesman for the ECB said the Irish Central Bank is itself creating
the money it is lending to banks, not borrowing cash from the ECB to fund the payments. The
ECB spokesman said the Irish Central Bank can create its own funds if it deems it appropriate,
as long as the ECB is notified. Other Assets? What Other Assets? Read more:
1#ixzz1BOppyCZT]]> 4171 2011-01-18 16:45:29 2011-01-18 16:45:29 open open why-is-ireland-
only-printing-its-own-money-now-to-give-to-the-banks publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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2011-01-18 17:21:27 2011-01-18 17:21:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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on-constitution-avenue/ Wed, 19 Jan 2011 13:37:39 +0000 birdflu666 Kurt Nimmo January 18, 2011 On
Tuesday night, Obama followed the script closely. He sat down to what the corporate media
describes as “an unusual and intimate dinner” with Hu Jintao, the CEO of the sprawling slave
labor gulag and globalist dream come true in China. After dinner, Hu Jinato and Obama
attended a “pomp-filled gala” designed to celebrate with sickening pageantry what is in essence
a planting of the Chinese flag on American soil. The Associated Press admits the lavish affair
with its over-the-top entreaties is designed to “soften the American public’s suspicions about
China,” a nation that detains and tortures individuals for exercising their rights to freedom of
association, freedom of religion and freedom of expression. According to the corporate media,
Obama will lecture China on the persecution of Tibetans, Uhgurs, Falun Gong, environmental
degradation, currency manipulation, theft of intellectual property, imbalance of and unfair trade
practices, human rights violations and the release of Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel Prize winner
imprisoned by China’s authoritarian leadership. Read more at:]]> 4175 2011-01-19
13:37:39 2011-01-19 13:37:39 open open china-plants-flag-on-constitution-avenue publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 11389 2011-01-21 09:40:55 2011-01-21
09:40:55]]> 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11473 2011-01-
25 07:46:25 2011-01-25 07:46:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11388 2011-01-21 09:23:59 2011-01-21 09:23:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11353 2011-01-19 14:12:00
2011-01-19 14:12:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
chileans-tell-him-he-will-fail/ Wed, 19 Jan 2011 13:38:41 +0000 birdflu666 NWNoticias YouTube January 17, 2011 Together
with his good-old friend Agustin Edwards Eastman, Mr. Rockefeller takes a quick vacation
almost every year in the south of Chile. Both are well known for working with the CIA during the
1973 coup against Salvador Allende and manipulating public opinion through a newspaper
called “El Mercurio”. Edwards is also known for being a descendant of (Chilean elitist) Agustín
Edwards McClure, who served as President of the League of Nations from 1922-23 and also ran
El Mercurio. Check out the video on:
v=GFWzDFjBKUw&feature=player_embedded Read more at:
government/]]> 4177 2011-01-19 13:38:41 2011-01-19 13:38:41 open open rockefeller-owned-
chileans-tell-him-he-will-fail publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11395 2011-01-21 14:16:53 2011-01-21 14:16:53 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11352 2011-01-19 13:59:37
2011-01-19 13:59:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
economic-treason-of-banks/ Wed, 19 Jan 2011 13:39:37 +0000 birdflu666 Bob Chapman The International Forecaster January
18, 2011 Between now and the end of the year, most likely in the fall, we’ll see major financial
and economic problems in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Belgium, Spain and Italy. Those events will
sorely test Germany, France, Holland and Austria. Over and over we hear announcements from
Brazil of trade wars. Brazil is deliberately reining in their currency, the real, due to its strength.
They have imposed reserve requirements on domestic banks’ foreign exchange positions. These
are taxes on investments and de facto currency controls. Such actions are very good moves that
cause indirect higher gold prices. In Ireland harsh measures are being taken. Public spending
will be cut 12%. Added to that is a tax increase that would be a reduction of $7.8 billion. Public
services and the minimum wage will be cut as well. The wealthy will pay more and child support
payments will fall. While the above troubles manifest themselves the US goes merrily on its way
like nothing was wrong. Americans have been pre-propagandized, as they were under stimulus
– one into believing a recovery is in progress. We don’t share that prediction. The Irish and
others understand their problems, but Americans cannot come to grips with them. Read more
4179 2011-01-19 13:39:37 2011-01-19 13:39:37 open open debt-bondage-the-economic-treason-
of-banks publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11393 2011-01-21
14:15:25 2011-01-21 14:15:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11368 2011-01-20
06:30:29 2011-01-20 06:30:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11416 2011-01-21 23:00:19
2011-01-21 23:00:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11418 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-01-21 23:28:53 2011-01-21 23:28:53 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11427 2011-01-22 09:28:42 2011-01-22 09:28:42 1 0 15863804 jabber_published
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prolongs-the-inevitable-demise/ Wed, 19 Jan 2011 13:42:12 +0000 birdflu666 Cowen and Lenihan clinging to power after it
emerged that he had concealed details about a key golf meeting with Anglo Irish bankers. Cowen
even had the cheek to threaten to sue Sinn Fein for questioning him about his failure to mention
these contacts in the parliament, which is what opposition parties are supposed to do. Sinn Finn
should surely compile the considerable evidence of wrong doing by Cowen and insist on a police
investigation into Cowen’s role in the equation of Anglo Irish Bank debts with national debts.
Read more at:
irish-pm-brian-cowen-threatens-to-sue-over-golfgate-claims-15058211.html]]> 4181 2011-01-19
13:42:12 2011-01-19 13:42:12 open open brian-%e2%80%9etrabelsi%e2%80%9c-cowen-
prolongs-the-inevitable-demise publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11369 2011-01-20 07:51:08 2011-01-20 07:51:08 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
greece-and-ireland/ Wed, 19 Jan 2011 13:44:21 +0000 birdflu666
schuldenkrise-regierung-in-berlin-bereitet-sich-auf-griechenland-pleite-vor/50216835.html,1518,740361,00.html The German government is
preparing an emergency plan to deal with the impact of a default on ist banks, according to
media sources. German and Austrian banks are among the main beneficiaries of the revenues
flowing from Greece and Ireland under the pretext of the need to pay interest on the staggering
mountain of national debt. A drop in these revenues could leave the overleveraged banks facing
liquidity problems. A restructuring of Ireland’s debt is also being considered, according to the
media. Economists agree that the debt burden of Greece, Ireland and most other European
countries is unsustainable - and unjust and only for the profit of banks. The only alternative to
restructuring is for Germany and more solvent countries to make gigantic transfers payments to
Greece and Ireland to enable the country to continue to make interest payments to banks on its
national debt even though the countries are essentially insolvent. This path could lead to the
economic meltdown of all Europe, sacrificed for a handful of banks.  An EU summit on March
24-25 is expected to present a long term plan to save the eurozone from the twin problems of a
staggering debt and a lack of competitiveness.. The staggerign debt in Ireland is due to the
catastrophic decision of the government to equate gigantic, fractional-reserve private banking
debts with public debts that tax payer have to pay. EU’s Stability Pact is not designed for  private
banking debt equated with national debt but to reign in public finances.. Fiscal cuts to fund the
bank interest payments are destroying economies. Every second euro goes to pay the national
debt in Italy. There is no money for investment, jobs, education  Debt restructuring is the only
way out. But a debt moratorium will not be enough. Steps need to be taken to increase the
competitiveness of southern European countries devaluation. This can be accomplished either
by the Germans introducing the D Mark, by a split into two of the euorzone currency, by
country’a adopting their own currency or the introduction of a parallel regional currency.
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel ruled out a return to the D Mark or a split of the eurozone
in two today. It is, therefore, not clear how the southern European countries are to be enabled to
return to competitiveness. Locked into a eurozone exchange rate that was too high and unable to
control their interest rates, Portugal, Spain, Greece and Italy have lost competitiveness, and
suffered a property boom and bust funded largely by cheap German money.]]> 4183 2011-01-19
13:44:21 2011-01-19 13:44:21 open open germany-considering-debt-restructuring-of-greece-
and-ireland publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11394 2011-01-
21 14:16:06 2011-01-21 14:16:06 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11367 2011-01-20 05:42:18
2011-01-20 05:42:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
chilcot-inquiry-live-blog/ Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:03:46 +0000 birdflu666
Chilcot-inquiry-live-blog.html]]> 4185 2011-01-21 17:03:46 2011-01-21 17:03:46 open open
tony-blair-at-chilcot-inquiry-live-blog publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_dbdeb85db2282e01676aa562998d0881 11414 2011-01-21 21:36:30 2011-01-21 21:36:30 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11415 2011-01-21 22:49:02
2011-01-21 22:49:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
welcome-to-the-reservation/ Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:04:54 +0000 birdflu666 4187 2011-01-21 17:04:54 2011-01-21 17:04:54 open
open russell-means-welcome-to-the-reservation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11417 2011-01-21 23:15:29 2011-01-21 23:15:29 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
mass-animal-deaths/ Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:07:31 +0000 birdflu666 200 cows dead in Wisconsin the latest in mass
animal deaths More disturbing news of a large number of animals found dead come out of
Wisconsin after a farmer reported that he found over 200 cows dead in one of his pastures last
week.   The Portage County police arrived at the Stockton farm pasture last Friday after the
owner reported finding his heard of cows dead according to the Wausau Daily Herald Continue
reading on 200 cows dead in Wisconsin the latest in mass animal deaths -
Cincinnati Pop Culture |
mass-animal-deaths#ixzz1Bg4JETRv]]> 4189 2011-01-21 17:07:31 2011-01-21 17:07:31 open
open 200-cows-dead-in-wisconsin-the-latest-in-mass-animal-deaths publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_c6d4a0c80ccccd518c83986b884d4df6 11425 2011-01-22 08:25:42
2011-01-22 08:25:42 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11444 2011-01-23 02:58:35
2011-01-23 02:58:35 1 11437 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11426 2011-01-22 09:23:51
2011-01-22 09:23:51 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11428 2011-01-22 10:01:47
2011-01-22 10:01:47 1 11425 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11430 2011-01-22 10:25:27
2011-01-22 10:25:27 1 11428 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11437 2011-01-22 22:16:00
2011-01-22 22:16:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
delusional-cowens-downfall-in-public-irish-independent/ Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:09:25 +0000
birdflu666 Angry TDs plot 'delusional' Cowen's
downfall in public

Prospect of wipeout at polls brings fresh revolt

By Fiach Kelly Political Correspondent, Irish Independent Friday January 21 2011 FIANNA Fail
was on the verge of tearing itself apart last night over the cabinet reshuffle fiasco, with the
prospect of another heave against Taoiseach Brian Cowen being discussed within Leinster
House. Just two days after Mr Cowen survived a motion of confidence in his leadership, cabinet
ministers were openly briefing against him in the halls and ashen-faced TDs admitted they are
facing electoral Armageddon. The level of debate within the party also became increasingly
bitter and rancorous as people sought to apportion blame for the latest calamitous episode in
recent Fianna Fail history. TDs once again openly talked about replacing Mr Cowen by
assembling 18 names to trigger a motion of no confidence in him but many decided to simply
return to their constituencies and fight for their seats.
Read more at:
]]> 4191 2011-01-21 17:09:25 2011-01-21 17:09:25 open open angry-tds-plot-delusional-cowens-
downfall-in-public-irish-independent publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
forces/ Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:16:44 +0000 birdflu666
The captain and his crew held a party two days after the death of the cadet in callous disregard
for their victim, according to the media. Demoralized cadets have also reported being subjected
to theft and sexual harassment, bullying and threats. A team of investigators is to be sent out to
the ship following reports of a mutiny and is expected to arrive on Thursday. The picture that
emerges from the Gorch Fork is not of a naval ship but of a prison ship. Armies have spent
centuries trying to figure out what makes for good leadership and codifying it. In the meantime,
there is a pretty wide consensus that moral character, competence, knowledge, physical
strength, mental agility and resilience are desirable as well as good communication, empathy
and personnel skills. This, so that leaders can interact with soldiers and keep up morale, the
most vital ingredient of all. Soldiers who have no confidence in their leaders and see no purpose
in their mission usually loose. The captain of the Gorch Fork does not appear to have fulfilled
even the minimum requirements of leadership defined in this way, and it has to be asked how he
could ever have been appointed of rsuch a job, let alone kept his position for so long. The deaths
of trainee cadet falling from the mast point to a lack of knowledge about what is required to
prepare cadets for the challenges at sea as well as an inability to draw up an adequate training
programme, surely a basic task for any training ship. The near mutiny of the cadets signals a
breakdown of communication, respect and trust, the sine qua non for all military missions. In
media reports, the crew appear to mock and belittle the cadets and even to take a sadistic
pleasure in inflicting pointless hardships and dangers on them, suggesting significant
psychological defects clouding understanding and leading to a confusion between brutal
repression and healthy discipline. This kind of brute force seems to be to the taste of
Guttenberg, however. He famously saw no problem with the massacre of civilians at Kunduz, at
first, but later alleged he had been misled. His personal style was compared to Rumpelstilzchen
when he tried to hammer through the end of conscription. But Guttenberg is the darling of the
German corporate media and they never cease to hype his “charisma” and print polls suggesting
all of Germany worships Guttenberg even though only a million people could be  bothered to
tune in to his talk show in Afghanistan recently. To be sure, Prince Charles may see a “crisis of
perception” as the root of our problems today in his book “Harmony” ( perhaps even more
muddled than Helena Blavatsky’s Hidden History?). But many people tend to see a “crisis of
character” of our “elite” as the central issue facing us today. Shakespeare realized that moral,
intellectual and emotional defects can be magnified when people have power and they can wreck
havoc on societies. Just look at his play “Richard III.” This was also something Plato realized
which is why he spent so much time drawing up a “leadership manual” in the Republic. In 2011,
we face a dearth of real leaders – not least, because when figures capable of true leadership do
appear like Princess Diana, they are murdered by the clique that has usurped power in our
societies under a veil of deceit but who do not measure up by the classical standards.]]> 4194
2011-01-21 17:16:44 2011-01-21 17:16:44 open open crisis-of-leadership-in-the-german-armed-
forces publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_21ce75ad559da19662c463a7b709aac4
_oembed_cb99720a91ef3e2a7c10e52888d5eabf 11400 2011-01-21 18:14:54 2011-
01-21 18:14:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11411 2011-01-21 21:22:26
2011-01-21 21:22:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
euro-stability-fund/ Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:26:15 +0000 birdflu666,1518,740458,00.html Calling a referendum on the
euro stability fund would allow the people of Germany to vote on an issue of historical
proportions. Nothing less than the economic survival of Germany -- and the eurozone -- is at
stake.  The 440 billion euro stability fund is a creature of the EU and the banks; it is
exacerbating, not solving, the eurozone’s debt crisis. This is because the fund introduces a
transfer union to help essentially insolvent nations continue to service bank debts at a
punishingly high interest rate.  Tax money from the more solvent core countries is being
transferred to the insolvent peripheral countries to pay the interest on artificially-engineered,
fractional reserve banking debt while the obvious solution of allowing the countries to default is
being blocked by the EU officials. And so much money is to be transferred that the more core
countries will soon also become insolvent. The proposal that the insolvent peripheral states give
cash to the fund will only mean they go even deeper into debt. Not even if Germany and all the
solvent eurozone countries pledged five or ten trillion euros would it help plug this black hole of
souvereign debt that is dragging down the eurozone – quite apart from the fact that the markets
know the eurozone has nothing like this amount of money. The debt death spiral and economic
suicide of Europeans might be a welcome business opportunity for the banks as wellas the
Chinese and Russian souvereign funds to buy up indebted Europe for a pittance as they are
buying up debt laden USA for a pittance. But is this what Europeans want? A referendum would
give the people of Germany a chance to put their foot down – and polls show the overwhelming
majority of Germans are against the transfer union. It would create a political argument against
the transfer union of a magnitude that not even the EU officials would dare overlook. It would
give a political push to a debt moratorium and other measures urgently needed to stablise the
euro, including allowing southern European countries to restore competitiveness devalue either
by adopting their own currencies or by introducing a parallel regional currency. These huge
steps can only be taken with the backing of the people. Right now, it seems that national
governments are unable to reign in an unelected EU bureaucratic. This clique has introduced
eurobonds in spite of opposition by Germany’s Chancellor and European leaders at a  December
summit precisely because they are only yet another vehicle for transferring tax money from all
Europe to the banks caught in criminal machinations. Behind the bluster of the EU eurocrats,
stand the heavy financial guns of the banks.  The „rating agencies“ working hand in glove with
the banks stand ready to downgrade any country or company that dares protest. Off the radar
trading on the Chicago futures exchange can push up the cost of vital raw materials, food stuffs
as well as oil, of course,  fuelling inflation in spite of debts and so damaging the real economy.
The people have to get together to stand up to this kind of financial bullying from the EU
officials held captive by the banks,  and a referendum is a good way to achieve this kind of
solidarity. Professor Feld is a big fan of Switzerland’s model of direct democracy, according to
the media, and a referendum on the stability fund should surely be just the start of more direct
democracy in Germany. Studies regularly rank the
Swiss economy as the most competitive, innovative and dynamic in the world. Much of that has
surely to do with the fact that Switzerland continues to have the highest amount of citizen
participation in government. In many cantons, citizens have to approve new government
spending in a vote.  Direct democracy promotes responsibility, accountability, transparency and
efficiency. It also promotes a sense of community, social cohesion and an appreciation of
freedom and democracy. The Swiss genuinely care about their freedom. A high quality of life,
high wages – which increases domestic demand satisfied by Swiss producers – and a free society
are the happy result of direct democracy in spite of the presence of gigantic and corrupt banks
and increasingly inadequate bureaucracy.  The EU by contrast is in precipitous decline with
staggering debts and soaring unemployment.  The decline in direct proportion to the
centralization of power in the hands of an unelected and unaccountable clique in Brussels. The
current crisis flows from the flawed policies of the EU – if these actions merit the word „policies“
rather than „crime” as ever more ways are found to channel money to the banks.  A referendum
would help national government stand up to the massed ranks of the eurocrats, bankers and
their corporate media - and not just when it comes to the euro stability fund.  In addition, a fiasco
such as Stuttgart 21 would never have happened in Switzerland as Feld points out. A clearly
biased mediator and dodgy polls in the very same newspapers that have consistently
misrepresented the facts allow this catastrophic waste of money to continue and a mafia-style
clique to squeeze down the people of Stuttgart.  Also, a referendum would have prevented the
gigantic waste of money due to the subsidies for solar energy in Germany. Billions are spent
subsidizing 30 year old technology and funding marginal improvements while virtually no
money is being invested in the new generation of solar cells. When I wrote about this as
Renewable Energy World correspondent, 163 million euros was being invested in tinkering with
out of date solar panels in spite of a turnover of about 20 billion euros due to the largesse of the
tax payer. It is left to the Chinese to do the forward-looking research.  The Swiss would never
have approved such a waste if it had been put to a referendum.  Direct democracy will do much
to ensure an efficient allocation of resources and responsible government.  Welcome as a
referendum on the euro stability fund surely is, there are two issues that have to be dealt with.
Will it be fair?  And will the people be informed about what is at stake? Or will they derive their
information from the clearly biased media?  The two recent referendums on the Lisbon Treaty in
Ireland give grounds for concern when it comes to the fairness of referendums.  The first
referendum was held under police guard and produced a „no“ vote. The police had mysteriously
disappeared for the second vote. Ballot boxes were seen to be removed from polling stations.
The vote was widely believed to have been rigged to get the „yes.“  Measures, therefore, have to
be taken to ensure the vote is fair if there is a referendum on the euro stability fund in Germany.
Also, an information campaign surely has to be conducted to counteract the propaganda of the
media. The word „Rettungsschirm“ or „saving umbrella“ screams out from every German and
Austrian newspaper even though the euro stability fund is actually a parachute to economic
doom. The Orwellian media fixes opinion polls and also slants coverage to create an information
environment where people think that voting for their own economic meltdown is the only way
out of a crisis the same clique created. The alternative media is also largely in the hands of this
same clique.  The people of Germany have to be given accurate information about the euro
stability fund from the government or other bodies. It has to be explained to them how much
they are expected to pay, what proportion of the annual tax revenue it is and where the money is
going (to the banks) and why there payments will have no end (elevated bank interest rates).  It
is easy to manipulate economic statistics and facts. The corporate controlled media does it every
single day. The government or other bodies have to make sure people are given objective
information.  In the longer term, Europe needs to switch over to the Chinese method of printing
money without creating debt, making cheap loans and controlling inflation.  Direct democracy
and the Chinese method of printing money could be a winning combination for Europe in the
future.]]> 4197 2011-01-21 17:26:15 2011-01-21 17:26:15 open open why-the-new-economics-
fund publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11412 2011-01-21
21:26:09 2011-01-21 21:26:09 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
to-continue-as-the-usa-and-europe-collapse-under-debt/ Fri, 21 Jan 2011 17:32:36 +0000
birdflu666 Société Générale fears China has lost
control over its booming economy and risks a bust over the next year. But is this fear justified
given the fact that China prints its money without creating debt, placing its economy on a
different foundation from the USA and Europe and so facing a very different economic scenario?
China-hard-landing.html  “In a report entitled The Dragon which played with fire, the bank's
global team said China had carried out its own version of "quantitative easing", cranking up
credit by 20 trillion (£1.9 trillion) or 50pc of GDP over the past two years,” reports The
Telegraph. Unlike the USA where the privately owned Federal Reserve prints money as debt
with interest, China prints money without creating debt as explained by Vienna economics
Professor Franz Hörmann in a recent interview in Der Standard called “Banks create money out
of air”, China’s printing of money is, therefore, very different from the “quantitative easing” of
the Federal Reserve as Soc Gen hints. The Fed is currently printing gigantic quantities of money
just to pay the interest on the country’s staggering debt in a move that will lead to
hyperinflation. China’s government. on the other hand, has almost no national debt and it is
printing money to invest in the real economy – and creating so much money for investment and
without a debt that it is leading to a boom and economic growth of more than 10 % in 2010. As
Professor Hörmann pointed out, controlling inflation is a task that the Chinese government has
to face given that it is creating the money in the first place. It has various tools to do this,
including prince controls and setting interest rates. “…the regime has resorted to price controls
on energy, water, food and other essentials. The regulators pick off those goods rising fastest,”
reports The Telegraph. There is no danger of a bust in China of the kind in Europe or the USA
even if money is drained off to control inflation because there is nothing like the same debt,
something that SocGen does not explain like The Telegraph. Since neither the Chinese
government, Chinese companies nor the Chinese people individually are deeply indebted, the
result of draining away money will be more moderate growth and lower inflation. It will not be a
dramatic bust as in the USA and Europe where there is a need to make gigantic interest
payments on debts with lower tax revenue, leading to fiscal austerity and a debt death spiral
and/or hyperinflation when central banks start buying up the government's own bonds. China
faces inflation but the USA and Europe currently face both inflation and debt, a truly lethal
combination. The hard landing that Soc Gen envisages for China is growth at 5 % in 2012, a
dream rate for Europe and the USA. “Charles Dumas, Lombard's global strategist, said the
Chinese and emerging market boom may end the same way as the bubble in the 1990s. "The
basic strategy of the go-go funds is wrong: they risk losing half their money like last time,”
reports The Telegraph. But so what if the go go funds lose the money created by the
government? They have fulfilled their function. They have stimulated growth and
competitiveness by putting into circulation enough money as a medium of exchange to promote
trade etc. The Telegraph also report that Chinese banks loaned out more money than the UK’s
entire public debt for the second year.
by-near-1-trillion-of-loans.html  “Their extraordinary largesse helped the Chinese economy
maintain the 10pc growth level it has recorded each year, on average, for the last two decades,”
reports The Telegraph. This largesse is possible because the government creates money without
debt. It could never hope to borrow this kind of money on the international markets.  “It is not
difficult to grow at double digits if you are pumping money into the economy like there is no
tomorrow,” said Alistair Thornton, an economist at IHS Global Insight in Beijing. So why don’t
Europe and the USA do the same? Why do they only pump money created as debt into the
economy with high interest rates? And why does it seem to only flow only into property bubbles?
Europe and the USA only have themselves to blame for this economic disaster. “The banks are
lending more than twice as much as they were before the financial crisis and they are also
printing new money - money supply is up 50pc from a couple of years ago,” reports The
Telegraph. Great! There is no debt, only growth. The banks off the balance sheet loans amount
to nearly £1 trillion more than the UK’s entire public debt of £863bn as of November 2010,
according to the Telegraph. Even though the Chinese banks must bring all of their hidden
liabilities back on to their books this year, the government can write down their debts because it
can print the money. “China turned on the flow of easy credit in the wake of the financial crisis,
when banks were ordered by the Communist party to lend as much money as possible,” says the
Telegraph. “The banks were keen to do so - for many of them, their business model depends on
the growth of their loanbook. The Chinese central bank has set interest rates on deposits at
2.75pc and on loans at 5.81pc, giving the banks the difference between the two in profit.” “They
are making automatic profits,” reports The Telegraph. So, here we have a system that rewards
growth and not debt as in Europe and the USA. The result is a booming economy with inflation
that can be kept under control. The only question is why do Europe and the USA not switch to
this system of printing money immediately? Right now, China has the booming economy, the
trillions of foreign currency reserves and it is poised to buy up the USA and Europe, which are so
deeply in debt simply because of the way the financial system works that they can never hope to
escape. The USA and Europe need to switch over to the creation of money without making a
debt as soon as possible. There needs to be a debt moratorium and default to wipe the slate
clean. A large amount of federal government’s US debt has been created by the Fed as part of
illicit loans and fraud, anyway. Someone in Congress should introduce legislation to nationalise
the Fed. If Washington cannot act, then states might be able to anchor a clause in the
constitution, enforcing the creation of money without debt as Thomas Jefferson envisaged. This
is the essential advantage of the gold standard. It is money that has a set unit of value and can be
put into circulation without creating a debt and an interest on that debt.]]> 4199 2011-01-21
17:32:36 2011-01-21 17:32:36 open open chinas-boom-is-set-to-continue-as-the-usa-and-
europe-collapse-under-debt publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_53e9f6a118be43daefff07bb9a497f1f 11456 2011-01-24 09:58:52
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sharpens-his-carving-knife-retail-and-investment-banking-could-be-separated-in-the-uk/ Mon,
24 Jan 2011 19:12:52 +0000 birdflu666

By Margot Patrick
Whether the big U.K. banks are hacked to pieces or carved elegantly into separately-capitalized
units, one thing is clear: lower profits. Bloomberg John Vickers, chairman of the Independent
Banking Commission John Vickers, chairman of the Independent Commission of Banking, who
has been tasked by the government to come up with recommendations to make the U.K.
banking sector safer and more competitive, on Saturday laid out a series of possibilities for
separating banks that combine retail and investment banking. These banks include the U.K.’s
country’s biggest–Barclays, RBS and HSBC, so his recommendations and their potential
adoption into law have massive ramifications for the banks’ shareholders. The upfront and
ongoing costs of capitalizing investment banking units separately from retail banks will almost
certainly be significantly affected by any form of separation, and U.K. banks’ competitiveness
with peers across the rest of the world would be strongly impaired.
    ]]> 4202 2011-01-24 19:12:52 2011-01-24 19:12:52 open open john-vickers-sharpens-his-
carving-knife-retail-and-investment-banking-could-be-separated-in-the-uk publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 11465 2011-01-24 22:39:47 2011-01-24
22:39:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 24
Jan 2011 19:17:33 +0000 birdflu666
ueber-Waffenarsenal.html]]> 4204 2011-01-24 19:17:33 2011-01-24 19:17:33 open open
weapons-found-in-barn-in-germany publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11483 2011-01-26 00:45:14 2011-01-26 00:45:14 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
account-details-to-julian-assange-of-wikileaks/ Mon, 24 Jan 2011 19:22:15 +0000 birdflu666 4206 2011-01-24 19:22:15 2011-01-24 19:22:15 open
open swiss-banker-hands-over-offshore-bank-account-details-to-julian-assange-of-wikileaks
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11492 2011-01-26 14:38:07
2011-01-26 14:38:07 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-24 22:31:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-25 10:01:13 2011-01-25 10:01:13 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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tricks-to-channel-money-to-the-banks/ Mon, 24 Jan 2011 19:29:02 +0000 birdflu666 4208 2011-01-24 19:29:02 2011-01-24 19:29:02
open open economist-warns-against-the-ever-new-euro-tricks-to-channel-money-to-the-banks
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11482 2011-01-26
00:35:54 2011-01-26 00:35:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
Mon, 24 Jan 2011 19:31:56 +0000 birdflu666
Bilderberg Owned Publication The Economist: Yes, Powerful “Globocrat” Elites Are Running
Things, It’s Not A Conspiracy Agenda for global centralized control system is public
and out in the open Steve Watson Friday, Jan 21st, 2011 We have referred
many times to the push for a centralized world government control system as the “open
conspiracy”. Groups such as Bilderberg, The Trilateral Commission and The Council on Foreign
Relations are kingpins of this agenda, shaping the policies of the politicians and power brokers
that they have effectively bought. A rather bizarre article in The Economist today
addresses this power structure and far from dismissing it as a conspiracy theory, simply
reaffirms the fact that “the cosmopolitan elite” do indeed “flock together” at such gatherings and
elusive clubs to shape the world that the “superclass” wishes to inhabit. Of course, The
Economist is a perfect avenue for the open conspiracy to be flaunted, given that its editor is a
regular attendee at the annual Bilderberg conference, an admission the piece proudly discloses
in its opening paragraphs. Read more at:
running-things-it%e2%80%99s-not-a-conspiracy/]]> 4210 2011-01-24 19:31:56 2011-01-24
19:31:56 open open economist-admits-globocrat-elites-are-running-things-denies-they-
engineered-bank-crisis-in-spite-of-evidence publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11487 2011-01-26
04:47:49 2011-01-26 04:47:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11481 2011-01-26 00:15:41
2011-01-26 00:15:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
Mon, 24 Jan 2011 19:38:56 +0000 birdflu666
Europe profiting from our misery -- ex-NTMA boss Somers hits out at action from our euro
partners By RONALD QUINLAN Sunday January 23 2011 THE former chief executive of the
NTMA, Dr Michael Somers, has slammed claims made by EU President Jose Manuel Barroso
that Ireland has only itself to blame for its banking problems. Asked by the Sunday Independent
for his reaction to Mr Barroso's angry rebuke of Socialist MEP Joe Higgins' critique of the terms
of the so-called EU/IMF bailout in Strasbourg last Wednesday, Dr Somers said: "I was quite
surprised by the heat of his remarks, especially coming from a man from a country which itself
has problems [Portugal], I was quite surprised at the level of hostility that he seemed to project
towards an elected Irish representative [Joe Higgins], whether you agree with that
representative of not." Commenting on Mr Barroso's claim that the EU was in no way
responsible for Ireland's difficulties, and was only now involved "as part of the solution", Dr
Somers said that in lending us money our European partners "were only supporting
themselves". He said: "The money that they claim they are lending to us; that's
money to replace the money that was lent to us on the interbank market by other
banks within Europe. So all they are doing is giving the Irish banking system
money to pay back other banks in Europe. "No money has disappeared out of the
system or anything. Whether they like it or not, if they wanted to do something about it, they
should have looked at it earlier on to see why was the Irish banking system taking so much
money out of the rest of the European banking system? If they knew about it, what did they do
about it? And if they didn't know about it, why didn't they know about it? God knows the
statistics were there." Commenting on the punitive levels of interest being charged on the money
being borrowed by Ireland under the €85bn EU/IMF bailout, Dr Somers said it wasn't the
"behaviour you would expect of your European partners". He contrasted the loan penalties now
being imposed on Ireland by the EU with the subsidies its precursor, the EEC, had given to
encourage us to join the European Monetary System (EMS) in 1978. On this, he said: "I
remember very clearly when the major countries in Europe were trying Read more at:
2507485.html]]> 4212 2011-01-24 19:38:56 2011-01-24 19:38:56 open open irish-ceo-says-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11463 2011-01-24
22:06:45 2011-01-24 22:06:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
oppose-move-to-offensive-armed-forces/ Mon, 24 Jan 2011 19:41:37 +0000 birdflu666,541501 Conscription is a
guarantee that the Austrian army remains a defence force. A professional army can be used in
offensive wars. There is a EU push currently underway to abolish conscription as part of a
militarization of the EU and it is to be condemned. Maintaining a defense force is a legitimate
concern of any state. Conscripts can also help out in natural disasters. Planning offensive wars
and setting up offensive armies for the profit of a political and financial elite that has just
wrecked the economy is immoral and illegitimate. Such wars are crimes. It is to be hoped the
Austrians reject the move to a professional army and remember the lessons of history.]]> 4214
2011-01-24 19:41:37 2011-01-24 19:41:37 open open austrias-generals-oppose-move-to-
offensive-armed-forces publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11490 2011-01-26 13:57:36
2011-01-26 13:57:36 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-01-25 20:07:28 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
military-training-for-failure-on-the-gorch-fork/ Mon, 24 Jan 2011 20:04:25 +0000 birdflu666
der-Wehrbeauftragte.html# For the events on the Gorch Fock point not just to personality flaws
in virtually the entire crew from the captain and training officer all the way down to the regular
sailors. Extraordinarily, they point to a training culture purposefully geared to make cadets fail.
In spite of two destructive world wars, the German military seems to have learned little about
military training. In November 2010, a cadet fell to her death from a mast after being bullied
into climbing the mast even though she was exhausted and not trained to negotiate the
challenges. Another 18-year-old cadet died during her night watch in 2008 Her parents are now
filing charges alleging that sexual harassment resulted in her death because of suspicions
awoken by emails their daughter sent.
0AFB5913216801B62~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html The „Gorch Fork“ has earned the
sobriquet „a swimming brothel“ and George Fuck, so prevalent was sexual harassment ob board.
The day after the fall of the cadet, the crew held a „sex party.“ Seeing no need to learn, evolve or
change -- probably because he knew there would be no investigation and indeed there wasn’t
any -- , Schatz told the cadets that accidents happen, planes and cars crash and cadets fall to
their death from masts. Outrage resulted in a near mutiny. Schatz and the crew appear to have
resorted to threats and bullying – much like Juncker’s method of handling Germany when it
comes to the euro stability fund (perhaps calculating  on encountering the same victim mindset
inured to failure?) It is  known that adequate rest, sleep and food increase performance. But the
cadets on the Gorch Fork were systematically deprived of sleep and rest and even the
opportunity to have a meal in comfort. They had to sleep in hammocks and were allowed only
four hours sleep a day. Cadets were told they had to stand when they ate in the cantine.
Communication decreases stressful events. But the cadets were deterred from speaking to each
other. If two cadets were found talking together, they were accused of mutiny.  The activities on
the ship appear to have had little purpose: cadets report that they were made to clean the ship
with a tooth brush. Because there appears to have been no meaningful training programme, no
clear goals and, therefore,  no way of measuring success in attaining those goals, the cadets
could not built up their confidence or resilience. They were exposed to severe stress by being
given difficult tasks on the 3 mast sailing ship they were bound to fail at simply because they
have never been instructed on how to perform them. One cadet reported that he broke two
fingers when his hand became tangled in rope after he clambered up the mast to unfurl sails on
the first day without being given any instructions on how to do it. How can cadets not feel
physically threatened as they hang 30 metres from a mast with the crew shouting at them to
perform tasks more quickly when no one has taught them to perform the tasks in the first place?
How can they not feel intense fear, inadequacy and hopelessness in this situation? And yet the
normal reaction of fear was treated as abnormal. Cadets who were reluctant to put their life on
the line on the whimsical order of the crew were threatened with the end of their career. The
crew are reported to have shouted constantly at the cadets, adding yet more stress. The result of
privations, dangers, physical exhaustion, and so much constant stress without adequate periods
of rest is predictable: it is burn out, overload, accidents and loss of effectiveness. One cadet
reported in dpa that cadets cried themselves to sleep. Bear in mind these are young and
inexperienced people, many only 18 or 19 and they are supposed to be being trained to
command ships. But the Gorta Fork „training“ appears to be designed for one thing only: failure,
the readiness to endure pain pointlessly and without complaining, and a willingness to commit
suicide on a whimsical order under pressure. The cadets are being trained to be the next
generation of cannon fodder – and probably for world war three that the Globocrats so want.
What, after all, do cadets learn in the environment of ships like the Gorch Fork about leadership,
cooperation, competence and honour let alone success? This treatment teaches them that their
commanders do not want them to be in good or safe hands. They learn they cannot expect a
training programme to build up skills and knowledge or resilence. They learn that they are to
blame for the failures of their superiors. If they cannot perform a task quickly enough, it is their
fault even though they have not been given the necessary technical training or the proper
instructions. They learn that when they are stripped of their human dignity and rights and
subjected to danger, theft and sexual assaults that they not allowed to ask for help or
communicate with their fellow soldiers. That those senior in rank flagrantly abuse their power.
They learn there is no honour, no integrity among their leaders. They cannot have confidence in
them. They cannot serve as a role model to inspire them. Power is there to be abused cynically
and shamelessly. They learn that there is no meaningful measure of performance, and that risks
are never calculated. They learn that their lives can be put at risk on the whim of some officer
who does not have their best interests in mind and that they can be killed and yet there is no
investigation or inquiry. They will even be mocked. They learn that mindless obedience even to
the point of total self destruction is what is required of them – and absolutely nothing more.
Intense fear is the norm, that death and degradation could come at any moment but they must
ask why or complain. And they learn that nothing  has changed. Brutality and stupidty is
rewarded. Guts and responsibility punished. Der Spiegel´ identified the fatal flaw in German
military thinking when it said that a readiness to obey orders under all circumstances was the
alpha and omega of military discipline. Der Spiegel even appears to subtly praise German
soldiers who obeyed orders and went to their certain death, running into machine gun fire in
world war one and in fighting in hopeless combat situations in world war two. The fact that
Germany lost both wars is not mentioned by Der Spiegel. In fact, winning is usually considered
the alpha and omega of military action, at least, not outside Germany. Armies train to win. The
up side of this culture is that armies do not engage in wars that cannot be won, so sparing the
world a lot of devastation. The same cannot be said of Germany, promoting a victim culture.
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, after all, was told by generals that the German army could not win the
war he envisaged before it even started. Germany simply did not have the resources or
manpower for „total war“ on several fronts, which Hitler’s plans pointed too. But Hitler, a
corporal in world war one, insisted on unconditional obedience and iron discipline. The result?
Disaster! Tens of millions dead in a war whose outcome was accurately predicted by General
Ludwig Beck in 1938 simply on the basis of logistical considerations. Formulating a clear
strategy, deploying resources, determining tactics, training soldiers, taking care soldiers,
civilians and prisoners: these things are even more important to an army than discipline.
Training cadets was given as high a priority in the Irish army as in the British or American army.
I can say that for a fact. My Mum grew up in the Curragh military camp in Ireland: her Dad
taught cadets among his many duties. Until the second world war, Ireland only had 7000
regular soldiers. Tiny though the army was, it was pretty professional and had a great deal to do
to keep the young Republic safe and neutral in the second world war. The aim of the training
was always to empower cadets to do their jobs. They were shown models of behaviour and given
the skills, competence and knowledge they needed to perform their task at their level of the
organisation – in this case, as lieutenants in the army. Of course, there were instances of
bullying and abuse but it was not fostered and promoted by the higher ups. The ideal officer did
not have a victim mentality with an inbuilt expectation of death, suffering and degradation but a
positive, can do attitude to obstacles and difficulties with the expectation of success.
Maintaining a positive outlook during difficulties, facing setbacks with confidence were basic
parts of the training. Anyone paralysed with fear, exhausted, and without technical knowledge,
skills etc is a danger to himself and others. But this knowledge which even the little Irish army
had so many decades ago appears to be too advanced for the mighty German army in 2011 under
the „charismatic“ Guttenberg and his conveniently “chaotic” ministry of defence. If the naval
high command did not know about the problems on the ship, they should have known given the
two deaths occurred. But no investigation appears to have been carried out. The Captain was
never even questioned.  And no attempt has been made to alter the culture of blind obedience,
bullying, terror and destructive failure that appears to pervade the German military culture
today as much as it during world war one and two.  Unfortunately, it appears that the entire
German nation is being trained for failure. The Norbert Schatz of the EU, Jean Claude Juncker,
is bullying Germany to sign the longest economic suicide note in history in the form of a
commitment to hand over every last cent to the euro stability fund. This will mean meltdown not
just for Germany but for all the eurozone countries. The obvious solution is an insolvency
mechanism with political reform (direct democracy) to reduce corruption etc. Die Welt recently
reported companies threw out university graduates because they were not able to do practical
tasks. No mention of training the graduates as you would expect.  This week Der Spiegel has
brought out a special edition focusing on burn out, stress and overload among the German
population. „People of exhaustion,“ pipes Der Spiegel. „The world in the 21st century is fast,
challenging and unpredictable – and is leading to burnout among millions of Germans. Behind
this epidemic is often a clear depression. In special clinics those affected learn to live more
healthily and to avoid stress.“  Germans don’t need special clinics. They need proper training
and proper salaries, rest and respite like everyone else. They need a leadership that knows how
to make the economy grow by boosting domestic spending on German products and switching
to the Chinese method of printing money without interest, promoting a high quality economy
and culture and not a leadership that confines itself to budgets of savage fiscal austerity to pay
the interest on Germany’s national debt – and indeed the entire eurozone’s gigantic debt.  They
need a leadership that stands up and says no to the bullying of the Norbert Schatz’s of the
eurozone. They need a leadership that says: insolvency mechanisms are what are needed;
political reform; direct democracy throughout Europe etc It is hopeful that the young cadets did
stand up to Norbert Schatz and so show a capacity for independence and responsibility and
above all self respect. If human dignity is important for others, it is also important for us. The
hopeful sign from Berlin is that the government has so far stood up to the bullying, blackmailing
ways of the eurocrats and bankers and refused to fall on the sword of Damocles and commit to
unlimited funding for the banks . An economic meltdown increases the chances of a third world
war – and with the kind of training the cadets on the Gorch Fork are getting, it could be as
pointless, prolonged, devastating as the other two wars.  Germany should say a collective “No”
to a destructive mindset and a culture enamoured of pointless death. It needs to stand up tall
and show some self respect and draw a line in the sand like the cadets on the Gorch Fork.  They
did not to succumb to the victim culture and allow themselves to be trampled all over just to
satisfy the sadistic whims of their higher ups. The military culture should be about courage
when it is required, the capacity for defense when it is required, sparing life whenever possible.
It is actually about life and about preserving life. It is about winning and the real winner in any
conflict is always the one who preserves the most life and the freedom and happiness and well-
being of a people and state against aggressive threats. This is also the political culture we so
badly need in the eurozone being run like the Gorch Fork or rather The Titanic. We need a new
mindset, a positive attitude, a life-affirming spirit. We need to print money like the Chinese –
but obviously without the totalitarian culture. This two things do not necessary belong together
as the Founding Fathers understood, a little detail some readers of this blog have failed to
grasp.]]> 4216 2011-01-24 20:04:25 2011-01-24 20:04:25 open open the-german-military-
training-for-failure-on-the-gorch-fork publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11489 2011-01-26 13:55:16 2011-01-26 13:55:16 1 0 15863804 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11461 2011-01-24 21:42:37 2011-01-24 21:42:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11466
military-training-for-failure-on-the-gorch-fork-case-about-bird-flu 2011-01-24
23:10:15 2011-01-24 23:10:15 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11536 2011-01-28
07:07:05 2011-01-28 07:07:05 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
the-fed-and-convert-to-gold-as-money/ Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:19:27 +0000 birdflu666 David Redick Activist Post January 26, 2011 Now
that Rep. Ron Paul (R, TX-14) has become Chairman of the House Financial Services
Subcommittee, which provides congressional oversight of our central bank, the Federal Reserve
System (Fed), the managers at the Fed are facing the dreaded time when they may have to reveal
the secret dealings that they use to help their political and banking friends worldwide. Vanity
and job security are a big part of what guides Fed managers. They love the power and prestige of
their jobs, and do whatever is needed to please the politicians who put them there. Of course,
most of them are ‘true believers’ in the need for their control of ‘monetary policy’, despite the
horrible record of the Fed, which has caused the US Dollar to lose over 95% of its value
(purchasing power) causing prices to rise (price inflation) since the illegal, unconstitutional,
creation of the Fed in 1913.  The main reason for this decline is expansion of the money supply
(monetary inflation) caused by creation of fake ‘fiat’ money; where ‘face value’ is decreed by the
government, even though the material it is made of may have more or less market value. Most
countries have central banks, but ours is the only one that is a private corporation owned by
other banks; more on that below. Rep. Paul has made his concerns and solutions clear in his
popular September, 2009 book End the Fed, as I have in my December, 2010 book Monetary
Revolution-USA. As in these books, this essay will show why sound money (coins made of, or
paper backed by, a commodity such as gold or silver) ends the so-called need (and means) for
the counter-productive meddling of ‘monetary policy’ and fake money by the Fed in our nation’s
economy. Read more at:
gold-as-money/]]> 4220 2011-01-26 16:19:27 2011-01-26 16:19:27 open open how-to-abolish-
the-fed-and-convert-to-gold-as-money publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
of-living-to-plunge-at-fastest-rate-since-1920s-as-banks-confiscate-wealth/ Wed, 26 Jan 2011
16:20:56 +0000 birdflu666 Robert Winnett, Deputy
Political Editor 9:41PM GMT 25 Jan 2011 Families will see their disposable income eaten up as
they “pay the inevitable price” for the financial crisis, Mervyn King warned. With wages failing
to keep pace with rising inflation, workers’ take- home pay will end the year worth the same as
in 2005 — the most prolonged fall in living standards for more than 80 years, he claimed. Mr
King issued the warning in a speech in Newcastle upon Tyne after official figures showed that
gross domestic product fell by 0.5 per cent during the final three months last year. The
Government blamed the unexpected reduction — the first since the third quarter of 2009 — on
the freezing weather that paralysed much of the country last month. Read more at:
King-standard-of-living-to-plunge-at-fastest-rate-since-1920s.html]]> 4222 2011-01-26
16:20:56 2011-01-26 16:20:56 open open bank-of-england-chief-mervyn-king-standard-of-
living-to-plunge-at-fastest-rate-since-1920s-as-banks-confiscate-wealth publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 11512 2011-01-27 09:38:58
2011-01-27 09:38:58 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
twitter-both-blocked-in-egypt-amind-unprecedented-protests/ Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:22:03
+0000 birdflu666 Facebook and Twitter Both
Blocked in Egypt  by Sarah Kessler 8# As security forces in Egypt attempted to break up protests
on the street using water cannons and tear gas Wednesday morning, it appears that Egypt also
took further efforts to quell opposition online. The government has now apparently blocked
Facebook, in addition to Twitter. Several reports on Tuesday indicated that Twitter had been
blocked in order to prevent videos, photos and other details from the protests from being
broadcast. Twitter confirmed Tuesday evening that the site had been blocked in Egypt starting
at about 8 a.m. PST. Now, many are reporting on Twitter, and in e-mails sent to Mashable, that
Facebook is also blocked throughout the country. Facebook has consistently been reported to be
blocked since Wednesday morning, according to HerdictWeb, a site by the Berkman Center for
Internet & Society at Harvard University that crowdsources reports of inaccessible websites.
Facebook, if it is blocked, is an unsurprising target for censorship. Anti-government activists
used the social network to plan the protests, gathering the support of 90,000 users who agreed
to attend the event. Read more at:
egypt/#]]> 4224 2011-01-26 16:22:03 2011-01-26 16:22:03 open open facebook-and-twitter-
both-blocked-in-egypt-amind-unprecedented-protests publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11511 2011-01-27 09:35:48 2011-01-27 09:35:48 1 0 15863804 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11506 2011-01-27 04:17:57 2011-01-27 04:17:57 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11524 2011-01-27 19:11:38
2011-01-27 19:11:38 1 0 16942710 akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published
fired-for-daring-to-give-his-opinion-on-armys-future/ Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:25:30 +0000
birdflu666 must support an EU war. So, Austrians
and others in the EU could soon have the worst of both worlds: conscription and service in an
offensive army abroad] Austrian defence minister sacks top general over army reform
(Roundup) Jan 24, 2011, 20:40 GMT Vienna - Austrian Defence Minister Norbert Darabos
relieved his top general Monday in a bid to reestablish his authority among officers who have
been opposing plans for ending compulsory military duty. Chief of the General Staff Edmund
Entacher was ousted after publicly criticizing Darabos' plan for a professional army. The plans
unveiled last week are popular with the public, but Entacher and the officers' association had
called on the minister to resign. 'Because of these public comments and the resulting loss of
confidence, I felt compelled to relieve the chief of the general staff today, Monday,' the Social
Democratic minister said in a statement. Read more at:
defence-minister-sacks-top-general-over-army-reform-Roundup]]> 4226 2011-01-26 16:25:30
2011-01-26 16:25:30 open open austrian-general-fired-for-daring-to-give-his-opinion-on-
armys-future publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11519 2011-01-
27 16:22:56 2011-01-27 16:22:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11510 2011-01-27 08:38:20
2011-01-27 08:38:20 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ombudsman-says-big-changes-in-training-and-leadership-needed/ Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:27:42
+0000 birdflu666 The 70-page report said
inappropriate behavior and disparaging remarks often go unrecognized and unpunished, citing
a hazing scandal in the mountain infantry of the Bavarian town of Mittenwald uncovered in
early 2010. "This case on the one hand shows a lack of understanding among the soldiers
involved that their actions were wrong," Königshaus wrote. "On the other hand it shows deficits
in supervision." To avoid similar cases in the future, the report calls for measure to improve
troop conduct and to better prepare and make visible the officers responsible for discipline.
Read more at:,,14786221,00.html]]> 4229 2011-01-26
16:27:42 2011-01-26 16:27:42 open open germanys-military-ombudsman-says-big-changes-in-
training-and-leadership-needed publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
imminent-euimf-financial-dictatorship/ Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:31:38 +0000 birdflu666 4231 2011-01-26 16:31:38 2011-01-26 16:31:38 open
open irish-keep-flame-of-freedom-alive-under-imminent-euimf-financial-dictatorship publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last 11499
utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2 2011-01-26 20:04:09 2011-01-26
20:04:09 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ireland-should-seek-to-renegotiate-6-debt-death-spiral-interest-rates-for-loans/ Wed, 26 Jan
2011 16:34:07 +0000 birdflu666 This contrasted
with the loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which involved terms that were
identical across all countries. He said it was the view in some quarters in Europe that there
should be negotiations on the rates. Europe did not want to make it easy to access the
emergency funds but it also did not want Ireland to default. ---- Prof Whelan said it was his view
that the interest rate charged on the European money would be a bit higher than an earlier
estimate from the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA). The IMF rate would be
lower for the first three years but would then rise. Also the loans were variable and interest rates
were likely to rise. He said if the NTMA sought to hedge against the IMF loans it would be
charged a rate of 5.7 per cent. It was his estimate that the European mechanism loans would
cost approximately 6.1 per cent and the European facility loans about 6.45 per cent. Over an
extended period the cost of the EU and IMF loans would be broadly similar. The IMF loans are
designed to get more expensive as time passes. --- He pointed out that if a country was paying 6
per cent on its debt and had no deficit, it would have to grow by a nominal 6 per cent per year to
achieve debt stabilisation. When it was put to him that Ireland’s debt situation was worse in the
late 1980s, he said the type of economic growth that helped Ireland then was unlikely to re-
emerge. “We got out of jail in the late 1980s with an outcome that is not likely to be repeated.”
Brendan Howlin of Labour said the conditions attached to the European loans were more akin
to the punishing attitude taken to the Germans after the first World War than to the more
generous attitude that led to the foundation of the EU after the second World War. Senator
Pascal Donohue of Fine Gael said he believed the terms were “flawed” but he did not believe
they where animated by the outlook of the Treaty of Versailles. Prof Whelan told Michael
Mulcahy of Fianna Fáil that the NTMA estimate on the interest rates was correct at the time it
was made.]]> 4233 2011-01-26 16:34:07 2011-01-26 16:34:07 open open committee-told-
ireland-should-seek-to-renegotiate-6-debt-death-spiral-interest-rates-for-loans publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last 11509 2011-01-27 08:29:17 2011-01-27
08:29:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
enforced-euimf-loan-only-for-the-banks/ Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:38:27 +0000 birdflu666 Published Date: 25 January 2011 By Carolyn Farrar ----- "I think it's absolutely scandalous what's happening here," Deputy
Doherty said. He said the opposition parties should have "the government on the ropes" but are
instead "offering to allow them to stay on and give legal effect to the harshest budget in the
history of the state." Instead, he said, Sinn Féin has argued that "this government has no
mandate to introduce the measures that it has done." But Labour and Fine Gael "are allowing
them to push it through. It's absolutely incredible and has exposed Labour and Fine Gael for
what they are." "If you disagree with the bill, if disagree with the budget and you have an
opportunity to finish the likes of this government, then you would do so," Deputy Doherty said.
The Gaoth Dobhair-based deputy also said it was "nonsense" to believe that Ireland would be
penalised by the European Union for letting an election take its course. "The idea that the EU
commission would punish Ireland because the government collapsed and we had to have an
election is laughable," he said. "As long as the parameters of what is set down in the IMF/EU
deal are met, then they will not have an issue with what is being proposed." The Donegal South-
West deputy also repeated Sinn Féin's contention that Ireland does not need the finance
package. "The reason we need the package at the minute is that 35 billion euro is going to the
banks," he said. "We argue that we should not be putting any more money into banks and we
have enough in our own resources to address the structural deficit." Deputy Doherty said
Ireland has a deficit of about 18 billion euro and available cash reserves of about 30 billion euro.
"If we don't put any more money into the banks -- and Sinn Féin is unique in that -- then we
don't need the bailout," he said. Read more at:]]> 4236 2011-01-26 16:38:27 2011-01-26 16:38:27 open open sinn-fein-
correctly-says-ireland-needs-no-enforced-euimf-loan-only-for-the-banks publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 11522 2011-01-27 17:57:17
2011-01-27 17:57:17 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11508 2011-01-27 08:07:37
2011-01-27 08:07:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11742 http://null 2011-02-06
19:00:22 2011-02-06 19:00:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
wars-that-eurozone-could-implode-soon-under-debt-burden/ Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:44:25
+0000 birdflu666
grossen-knall-1.1050774-2 He said in an interview in Der Sueddeutsche Zeitung that the
financial crisis had become a political crisis after governments had equated bank debt with
souvereign debt and that the eurozone could soon implode. He said the only way to end this
crisis was for a debt moratorium or default and by liability for this debt being limited to
individual countries and not expanded to the whole eurozone as is currently occuring under the
the euro stablity fund, eurobonds, and also plans for more economic coordination. Sinn said
banks should be forced to pay for their own mistakes by being forced to default on their debts
that are so big that they have driven states into solvency. Banks should not be allowed to suck
tax payer’s money to pay interest on the fractional-reserve banking debts they created in the first
place. He also said that Greece should arrange ist own default with ist banks and the euro
stability fund should not be used as this just creates a transfer union and pushes up costs [unless
perhaps bondholders get 1% not 70% as the euro stabilty fund head has suggested?]. His
remarks come as German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European leaders are disscuing
creating more economic coordination to deal with the debt crisis. A return to sustainable public
finances is not possible with the high rate of interest on the loans being given by the IMF and
EU because they destroy economies and reduce tax revenues, sending them into a debt death
spiral. Greece's debt is growing in spite of ever deeper fiscal cuts and will absorb every tax euro
by 2014.]]> 4238 2011-01-26 16:44:25 2011-01-26 16:44:25 open open german-economist-wars-
that-eurozone-could-implode-soon-under-debt-burden publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_a7c26517ed43a4cb77043ecebe3c7187 11507
2011-01-27 07:49:19 2011-01-27 07:49:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
on-message-at-davos/ Wed, 26 Jan 2011 16:49:49 +0000 birdflu666 Read more at: Davos
forum faces joblessness, revolutions Aerial Photo of Davos, the Alpine Host City of the World
Economic Forum, captured before the Annual Meeting 2011 of the World Economic Forum in
Davos, Switzerland, January 17, 2011. Davos is in the middle of Swiss Alps and the city for
holidays, sports, congresses, health, development and culture. (photo ©2011 World Economic
Forum/ by Andy Mettler) Geneva, Switzerland (GenevaLunch) - All
eyes switch to Davos, as the offices of the host, the World Economic Forum in Geneva, empty
out for the annual meeting of business and political leaders at the Swiss resort in canton
Graubuenden. Newspapers and magazines are filled with Davos “news” which so far consists
mainly of journalists’ descriptions of the pretty road or train ride from Zurich airport to the hills
of Davos, where it has been snowing. Some essential and non-essential Swiss facts about Davos:
The theme for 2011 is “Shared Norms for the New Reality”. This officially covers four topics:
Responding to the New Reality; The Economic Outlook and Defining Policies for Inclusive
Growth; Supporting the G20 Agenda; Building a Risk Response Network. Unofficially, it is 
likely to include anything and everything on people’s minds, from wiki leaks to unemployment
and elections and revolutions in Africa. Swiss military forces are spending CHF1.5 million and
putting 4,000 soldiers on the ground and in the air to protect and help the 2,500 guests at the
forum. They’re using 18 km of protective barriers and 1,000 kg of sand to ensure helicopter
landing pads and trains no matter what the weather. Media people make up 420 of the foreign
visitors, with 80 Swiss journalists. Bilateral agreements are likely to be on the agenda at
meetings between the Swiss minister for the economy, Johann Schneider-Ammann, and
German Minister of Economics and Technology Rainer Brüderle, Austrian Vice Chancellor and
Finance Minister Josef Pröll, and French Minister for Economy, Finance and Industry Christine
Lagarde.]]> 4241 2011-01-26 16:49:49 2011-01-26 16:49:49 open open global-elite-use-twitter-
and-youtube-to-stay-on-message-at-davos publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11513 2011-01-27 10:36:23 2011-01-27 10:36:23 1 0 15863804 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
at-only-20/ Thu, 27 Jan 2011 16:28:59 +0000 birdflu666
p=4244]]> 4244 2011-01-27 16:28:59 2011-01-
27 16:28:59 open open trust-in-government-in-ireland-hits-new-lows-at-only-20 publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last
revolutuon-is-a-lesson-for-any-authorities-to-learn/ Thu, 27 Jan 2011 16:32:57 +0000
transcript/]]> 4246 2011-01-27 16:32:57 2011-01-27 16:32:57 open open medvedev-says-
tunisian-revolutuon-is-a-lesson-for-any-authorities-to-learn publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
unprecedented-protests/ Thu, 27 Jan 2011 16:35:48 +0000 birdflu666  Protesters torch Egypt police post Aljazeera
Police post in city of Suez burnt down as angry protests continue to erupt despite
security crackdown. Last Modified: 27 Jan 2011 14:41 GMT Angry demonstrators in
Egypt have torched a police post in the eastern city of Suez, where violence between police and
protesters has racheted up amid a security crackdown. Police fled the post before protesters
used petrol bombs to set it on fire Thursday morning, witnesses told the Reuters news agency.
Police in Suez responded to other demonstrators by firing rubber-coated bullets, water cannons
and teargas. Dozens of protersters gathered in front of a second police post later in the morning,
demanding the release of relatives who were detained during a wave of unprecedented protests
that authorities have failed to quell since they began on Tuesday. Meanwhile, activists calling for
the outser of Hosni Mubarak, who has served as Egypt's president for 30 years, clashed with
police in the capital, Cairo, in the early hours of Thursday. While the situation had calmed later
in the morning, the protests are likely to gather momentum with the arrival of Mohamed
ElBaradei, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning former head of the United Nations' nuclear watchdog,
and a potential presidential rival to Mubarak Read more at:]]> 4252
2011-01-27 16:35:48 2011-01-27 16:35:48 open open egyptians-defy-ban-to-continue-
unprecedented-protests publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
debt-restructuring/ Thu, 27 Jan 2011 16:37:51 +0000 birdflu666 Read more at:]]> 4254 2011-01-27 16:37:51 2011-
01-27 16:37:51 open open german-government-adviser-mep-urge-greek-debt-restructuring
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_8b0d67bc6a01694c1df8afe1e214a56d
restructuring-investment-in-a-manufacturing-base-and-reform-of-fed-urgent/ Thu, 27 Jan 2011
16:39:50 +0000 birdflu666 It also comes as
Congress soon decides on raising the federal government's $14.3 trillion debt ceiling, a move
some Republicans are resisting unless it is accompanied by major spending cuts from the
administration. The Associated Press notes that the higher deficit estimate reflects "bipartisan
legislation passed in December that extended Bush-era tax cuts, unemployment benefits for the
long-term jobless and provided a 2 per cent payroll tax cut this year. That measure added almost
$400 billion to this year's deficit, the CBO says." Read more at:
budget-deficit-this-year/1]]> 4256 2011-01-27 16:39:50 2011-01-27 16:39:50 open open us-
reform-of-fed-urgent publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_ac8d8ad3be9a5ac4219d86287899de4e 11547
2011-01-29 02:29:43 2011-01-29 02:29:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
commission/ Thu, 27 Jan 2011 16:50:17 +0000 birdflu666
p=4258 With Goldman Sachs fined 500 million dollars for its role in the subprime fraud, rating
agencies facing criminal probes, much points to a deliberate crime carried out using the special
features of the fractional reserve banking system and accountancy tricks and with the collusion
of figures in government and media in virtually the same manner as the banking crisis of the
1930s. Europe has produced no such report into its financial crisis which has also become a
souvereign debt crisis and a political crisis. You can read the US report at: An excerpt: "We conclude this financial crisis was avoidable.
The crisis was the result of human action and inaction, not of Mother Nature or computer
models gone haywire. The captains of finance and the public stewards of our financial system
ignored warnings and failed to question, understand, and manage evolving risks within a system
essential to the well-being of the American public. Theirs was a big miss, not a stumble. While
the business cycle cannot be repealed, a crisis of this magnitude need not have occurred. To
paraphrase Shakespeare, the fault lies not in the stars, but in us. Despite the expressed view of
many on Wall Street and in Washington that the crisis could not have been foreseen or avoided,
there were warning signs. The tragedy was that they were ignored or discounted. There was an
explosion in risky subprime lending and securitization, an unsustainable rise in housing prices,
widespread reports of egregious and predatory lending practices, dramatic increases in
household mortgage debt, and exponential growth in financial firms’ trading activities,
unregulated derivatives, and short-term “repo” lending markets, among many other red flags.
Yet there was pervasive permissiveness; little meaningful action was taken to quell the threats in
a timely manner. The prime example is the Federal Reserve’s pivotal failure to stem the flow of
toxic mortgages, which it could have done by setting prudent mortgage-lending standards. The
Federal Reserve was the one entity empowered to do so and it did not. The record of our
examination is replete with evidence of other failures: financial institutions made, bought, and
sold mortgage securities they never examined, did not care to examine, or knew to be defective;
firms depended on tens of billions of dollars of borrowing that had to be renewed each and every
night, secured by subprime mortgage securities; and major firms and investors blindly relied on
credit rating agencies as their arbiters of risk. What else could one expect on a highway where
there were neither speed limits nor neatly painted lines? CONCLUSIONS OF THE FINANC IAL
CR I SI S INQUIRY COMMISSION xvii • We conclude widespread failures in financial
regulation and supervision proved devastating to the stability of the nation’s
financial markets. The sentries were not at their posts, in no small part due to the widely
accepted faith in the selfcorrecting nature of the markets and the ability of financial institutions
to effectively police themselves. More than 30 years of deregulation and reliance on self-
regulation by financial institutions, championed by former Federal Reserve chairman Alan
Greenspan and others, supported by successive administrations and Congresses, and actively
pushed by the powerful financial industry at every turn, had stripped away key safeguards,
which could have helped avoid catastrophe. This approach had opened up gaps in oversight of
critical areas with trillions of dollars at risk, such as the shadow banking system and over-the-
counter derivatives markets. In addition, the government permitted financial firms to pick their
preferred regulators in what became a race to the weakest supervisor. Yet we do not accept the
view that regulators lacked the power to protect the financial system. They had ample power in
many arenas and they chose not to use it. To give just three examples: the Securities and
Exchange Commission could have required more capital and halted risky practices at the big
investment banks. It did not. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and other regulators could
have clamped down on Citigroup’s excesses in the run-up to the crisis. They did not. Policy
makers and regulators could have stopped the runaway mortgage securitization train. They did
not. In case after case after case, regulators continued to rate the institutions they oversaw as
safe and sound even in the face of mounting troubles, often downgrading them just before their
collapse. And where regulators lacked authority, they could have sought it. Too often, they
lacked the political will—in a political and ideological environment that constrained it—as well
as the fortitude to critically challenge the institutions and the entire system they were entrusted
to oversee. Changes in the regulatory system occurred in many instances as financial markets
evolved. But as the report will show, the financial industry itself played a key role in weakening
regulatory constraints on institutions, markets, and products. It did not surprise the
Commission that an industry of such wealth and power would exert pressure on policy makers
and regulators. From  to , the financial sector expended . billion in
reported federal lobbying expenses; individuals and political action committees in the sector
made more than  billion in campaign contributions. What troubled us was the extent to
which the nation was deprived of the necessary strength and independence of the oversight
necessary to safeguard financial stability. • We conclude dramatic failures of corporate
governance and risk management at many systemically important financial
institutions were a key cause of this crisis. There was a view that instincts for self-
preservation inside major financial firms would shield them from fatal risk-taking without the
need for a steady regulatory hand, which, the firms argued, would stifle innovation. Too many of
these institutions acted recklessly, taking on too much risk, with too little capital, and with too
much dependence on short-term funding. In many respects, this reflected a fundaxviii FINANC
IAL CR I SI S INQUIRY COMMISSION REPORT mental change in these institutions,
particularly the large investment banks and bank holding companies, which focused their
activities increasingly on risky trading activities that produced hefty profits. They took on
enormous exposures in acquiring and supporting subprime lenders and creating, packaging,
repackaging, and selling trillions of dollars in mortgage-related securities, including synthetic
financial products. Like Icarus, they never feared flying ever closer to the sun. Many of these
institutions grew aggressively through poorly executed acquisition and integration strategies
that made effective management more challenging. The CEO of Citigroup told the Commission
that a  billion position in highly rated mortgage securities would “not in any way have
excited my attention,” and the cohead of Citigroup’s investment bank said he spent “a small
fraction of ” of his time on those securities. In this instance, too big to fail meant too big to
manage. Financial institutions and credit rating agencies embraced mathematical models as
reliable predictors of risks, replacing judgment in too many instances. Too often, risk
management became risk justification. Compensation systems—designed in an environment of
cheap money, intense competition, and light regulation—too often rewarded the quick deal, the
short-term gain—without proper consideration of long-term consequences. Often, those systems
encouraged the big bet—where the payoff on the upside could be huge and the downside limited.
This was the case up and down the line—from the corporate boardroom to the mortgage broker
on the street. Our examination revealed stunning instances of governance breakdowns and
irresponsibility. You will read, among other things, about AIG senior management’s ignorance
of the terms and risks of the company’s  billion derivatives exposure to mortgage-related
securities; Fannie Mae’s quest for bigger market share, profits, and bonuses, which led it to
ramp up its exposure to risky loans and securities as the housing market was peaking; and the
costly surprise when Merrill Lynch’s top management realized that the company held 
billion in “super-senior” and supposedly “super-safe” mortgage-related securities that resulted
in billions of dollars in losses. • We conclude a combination of excessive borrowing,
risky investments, and lack of transparency put the financial system on a collision
course with crisis. Clearly, this vulnerability was related to failures of corporate governance
and regulation, but it is significant enough by itself to warrant our attention here. In the years
leading up to the crisis, too many financial institutions, as well as too many households,
borrowed to the hilt, leaving them vulnerable to financial distress or ruin if the value of their
investments declined even modestly. For example, as of , the five major investment
banks—Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley—
were operating with extraordinarily thin capital. By one measure, their leverage ratios were as
high as  to , meaning for every  in assets, there was only  in capital to cover
losses. Less than a  drop in asset values could wipe out a firm. To make matters worse,
much of their borrowing was short-term, in the overnight market—meaning the borrowing had
to be renewed each and every day. For example, at the end of , Bear Stearns had
xix equity and . billion in liabilities and was borrowing as much as  billion in
the overnight market. It was the equivalent of a small business with , in equity
borrowing . million, with , of that due each and every day. One can’t really
ask “What were they thinking?” when it seems that too many of them were thinking alike. And
the leverage was often hidden—in derivatives positions, in off-balance-sheet entities, and
through “window dressing” of financial reports available to the investing public. The kings of
leverage were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two behemoth government- sponsored
enterprises (GSEs). For example, by the end of , Fannie’s and Freddie’s combined
leverage ratio, including loans they owned and guaranteed, stood at  to . But financial
firms were not alone in the borrowing spree: from  to , national mortgage debt
almost doubled, and the amount of mortgage debt per household rose more than  from
, to ,, even while wages were essentially stagnant. When the
housing downturn hit, heavily indebted financial firms and families alike were walloped. The
heavy debt taken on by some financial institutions was exacerbated by the risky assets they were
acquiring with that debt. As the mortgage and real estate markets churned out riskier and riskier
loans and securities, many financial institutions loaded up on them. By the end of ,
Lehman had amassed  billion in commercial and residential real estate holdings and
securities, which was almost twice what it held just two years before, and more than four times
its total equity. And again, the risk wasn’t being taken on just by the big financial firms, but by
families, too. Nearly one in  mortgage borrowers in  and  took out “option
ARM” loans, which meant they could choose to make payments so low that their mortgage
balances rose every month. Within the financial system, the dangers of this debt were magnified
because transparency was not required or desired. Massive, short-term borrowing, combined
with obligations unseen by others in the market, heightened the chances the system could
rapidly unravel. In the early part of the th century, we erected a series of protections— the
Federal Reserve as a lender of last resort, federal deposit insurance, ample regulations—to
provide a bulwark against the panics that had regularly plagued America’s banking system in the
th century. Yet, over the past -plus years, we permitted the growth of a shadow banking
system—opaque and laden with shortterm debt—that rivaled the size of the traditional banking
system. Key components of the market—for example, the multitrillion-dollar repo lending
market, off-balance- sheet entities, and the use of over-the-counter derivatives—were hidden
from view, without the protections we had constructed to prevent financial meltdowns. We had
a st-century financial system with th-century safeguards. When the housing and
mortgage markets cratered, the lack of transparency, the extraordinary debt loads, the short-
term loans, and the risky assets all came home to roost. What resulted was panic. We had reaped
conclude the government was ill prepared for the crisis, and its inconsistent
response added to the uncertainty and panic in the financial markets. As part of our
charge, it was appropriate to review government actions taken in response to the developing
crisis, not just those policies or actions that preceded it, to determine if any of those responses
contributed to or exacerbated the crisis. As our report shows, key policy makers—the Treasury
Department, the Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York—who were
best positioned to watch over our markets were ill prepared for the events of  and
. Other agencies were also behind the curve. They were hampered because they did not
have a clear grasp of the financial system they were charged with overseeing, particularly as it
had evolved in the years leading up to the crisis. This was in no small measure due to the lack of
transparency in key markets. They thought risk had been diversified when, in fact, it had been
concentrated. Time and again, from the spring of  on, policy makers and regulators
were caught off guard as the contagion spread, responding on an ad hoc basis with specific
programs to put fingers in the dike. There was no comprehensive and strategic plan for
containment, because they lacked a full understanding of the risks and interconnections in the
financial markets. Some regulators have conceded this error. We had allowed the system to race
ahead of our ability to protect it. While there was some awareness of, or at least a debate about,
the housing bubble, the record reflects that senior public officials did not recognize that a
bursting of the bubble could threaten the entire financial system. Throughout the summer of
, both Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson
offered public assurances that the turmoil in the subprime mortgage markets would be
contained. When Bear Stearns’s hedge funds, which were heavily invested in mortgage-related
securities, imploded in June , the Federal Reserve discussed the implications of the
collapse. Despite the fact that so many other funds were exposed to the same risks as those
hedge funds, the Bear Stearns funds were thought to be “relatively unique.” Days before the
collapse of Bear Stearns in March , SEC Chairman Christopher Cox expressed “comfort
about the capital cushions” at the big investment banks. It was not until August , just
weeks before the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, that the Treasury
Department understood the full measure of the dire financial conditions of those two
institutions. And just a month before Lehman’s collapse, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
was still seeking information on the exposures created by Lehman’s more than ,
derivatives contracts. In addition, the government’s inconsistent handling of major financial
institutions during the crisis—the decision to rescue Bear Stearns and then to place Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac into conservatorship, followed by its decision not to save Lehman Brothers and
then to save AIG—increased uncertainty and panic in the market. In making these observations,
we deeply respect and appreciate the efforts made by Secretary Paulson, Chairman Bernanke,
and Timothy Geithner, formerly president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and now
COMMISSION xxi many others who labored to stabilize our financial system and our economy
in the most chaotic and challenging of circumstances. • We conclude there was a systemic
breakdown in accountability and ethics. The integrity of our financial markets and the
public’s trust in those markets are essential to the economic well-being of our nation. The
soundness and the sustained prosperity of the financial system and our economy rely on the
notions of fair dealing, responsibility, and transparency. In our economy, we expect businesses
and individuals to pursue profits, at the same time that they produce products and services of
quality and conduct themselves well. Unfortunately—as has been the case in past speculative
booms and busts—we witnessed an erosion of standards of responsibility and ethics that
exacerbated the financial crisis. This was not universal, but these breaches stretched from the
ground level to the corporate suites. They resulted not only in significant financial consequences
but also in damage to the trust of investors, businesses, and the public in the financial system.
For example, our examination found, according to one measure, that the percentage of
borrowers who defaulted on their mortgages within just a matter of months after taking a loan
nearly doubled from the summer of  to late . This data indicates they likely
took out mortgages that they never had the capacity or intention to pay. You will read about
mortgage brokers who were paid “yield spread premiums” by lenders to put borrowers into
higher-cost loans so they would get bigger fees, often never disclosed to borrowers. The report
catalogues the rising incidence of mortgage fraud, which flourished in an environment of
collapsing lending standards and lax regulation. The number of suspicious activity reports—
reports of possible financial crimes filed by depository banks and their affiliates—related to
mortgage fraud grew -fold between  and  and then more than doubled
again between  and . One study places the losses resulting from fraud on
mortgage loans made between  and  at  billion. Lenders made loans
that they knew borrowers could not afford and that could cause massive losses to investors in
mortgage securities. As early as September , Countrywide executives recognized that
many of the loans they were originating could result in “catastrophic consequences.” Less than a
year later, they noted that certain high-risk loans they were making could result not only in
foreclosures but also in “financial and reputational catastrophe” for the firm. But they did not
stop. And the report documents that major financial institutions ineffectively sampled loans
they were purchasing to package and sell to investors. They knew a significant percentage of the
sampled loans did not meet their own underwriting standards or those of the originators.
Nonetheless, they sold those securities to investors. The Commission’s review of many
prospectuses provided to investors found that this critical information was not disclosed.]]>
4258 2011-01-27 16:50:17 2011-01-27 16:50:17 open open financial-crisis-was-avoidable-says-
us-commission publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11520 2011-
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cant-renegotiate-bailout-but-irish-twitter-their-own-thoughts/ Fri, 28 Jan 2011 15:59:58 +0000
ecb-ireland-cant-renegotiate-bailout Judging by the reaction on Twitter, the Irish public think
the ECB's Lorenzo Bini Smaghi is the one who doesn't grasp what happened in November's
bailout Political attempts in Ireland to get the IMF/EU bail out deal renegotiated were
dismissed by the European Central Bank last night which warned that reneging on the deal was
not an option. Fine Gael and Labour, the two parties expected to form the new Irish
government, have both made renegotiation of the deal an election issue. But Lorenzo Bini
Smaghi, an executve board member of the ECB, last night said it was not possible. He also said
Ireland's case was made more difficult because it refuses to raise its corporate tax-rate from 12.5
per cent. "What looks strange is that Ireland wants to stick to its own tax system but then
doesn't want the taxpayer to pay for it when things go wrong...I think it's right that Ireland
should choose its own tax system but then it has to have the ability to stand by it when things go
wrong, when corporation tax collapses because of a crisis," he told RTE's Primetime which can
be seen here. When asked if a new Irish government could get a better deal on the interest rate
paid on the European part of the bail-out, Bini Smaghi said: "No, there are standard procedures
again. It went through the democratic process. It doesn't happen when you have a change of
government that the next government reneges on commitments. The programme has been
signed and it has to be implemented." He also said that defaulting on even a portion of senior
bondholder debt - something Fine Gael also want to do - would be undesirable as it would
prompt "a run on the banks". Bini Smaghi's remarks came amid growing speculation that the
EU will reduce the interest rate paid by Ireland and Greece. Fine Gael last night suggested Bini
Smaghi was a lone voice and not to be heeded. Communications spokesman Leo Varadkar said it
was ecofin - European finance ministers - who set the interest rate not the ECB. "He is only one
person, he doesn't speak for the ECB itself. The rules of the EFSF and EFSM are made not by the
ECB and the ECB doesn't set the interest rate. It's made by ecofin," said Varadkar. Judging by
the reaction on Twitter last night, the Irish public weren't too impressed with Bini Smaghi
either. Here's a sample: GTCost Constantin Gurdgiev @mediabite #rtept was informative - a
window into the soul-less, distorted world of European policy-makers' thinking. Esp Barroso
clip johnjoechad John Finucane #rtept this polished dude, who is in charge of a broke
institution, yes the ECB are broke, telling us what to do eh? gibbonsleo Bernard Gibbons
#rtept trail of money leads back to Germany banks and other Europe banks they lent to the likes
of Anglo & I as a tax payer am to blame TalentCoop TalentCoop Lorenzo Bini Smaghi the
European Central Bank worth watching - Europes not for turning - so Ireland may have to - #rtept mcj66 Morgan C.Jones by TrichD To those who scoffed at the
suggestion that the Lisbon Treaties left too much open to hijack by the EU - thanks, you're
*great* #rtept liamooo Wills Duffy by ajc110 #rtept WTF, hello, the Irish taxpayer is
paying !!!!!! theresemurphy Therese Murphy by athlonegay The German banks recklessly lent
and we're paying for it. End of.#rtept 18 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply maosco Mike
Sullivan @declanganley @GTCost have is on v good authority that all major UK & EU banks are
expecting Ireland to default at 6% #rtept #vinb#ge11, 18 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
sdempsey Shane Dempsey #rtept with respect, why is Miriam asking is a rate cut realistic? The
ecb sets the rate & will do anything to avoid euro collapse tomfinnerty tom finnerty
@tomfinnerty Go Sinn Fein! Can't believe I said that but there it is.....#rtept rkkx Ray Kenny
@MaryTCon @liamooo Because our stupid Minister of Finance guaranteed the banks, on our
behalf. We are now the target, not banks #rtept And proof that Ireland is still suffering crisis-
fatigue: PotatoInsertion Paul Kennedy Y'know what? This is bliss. I haven't watched the
news, little radio, no #rtept. Just the odd glance towards Twitter. I'm so calm. aine_gannon
Aine Gannon Decided to watch shameless USA instead of #rtept. Going by tweets, shameless is
less depressing]]> 4260 2011-01-28 15:59:58 2011-01-28 15:59:58 open open ecb-says-ireland-
cant-renegotiate-bailout-but-irish-twitter-their-own-thoughts publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
siege-of-leningrad-by-nazi-german-troops/ Fri, 28 Jan 2011 16:01:40 +0000 birdflu666 He noted that yesterday was the anniversary of the
lifting of the 900-day siege of Leningrad by the German army during the second World War.
Life went on in the city even as 650,000 people died. “In a sense, the people of Ireland have
been under siege. Though in our case, there was no enemy bombardment. Instead it was friendly
fire: the banks, property developers, ‘experts’, watchdogs, the Government. “But still we endure.
For too many of us, life has changed. Changed utterly. But, still, life goes on.” Read more at:]]> 4262
2011-01-28 16:01:40 2011-01-28 16:01:40 open open irish-fine-gael-leader-compares-ireland-
to-siege-of-leningrad-by-nazi-german-troops publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_6ceb6e17eb0379d7794d404a36ee36aa 11571
2011-01-31 00:47:14 2011-01-31 00:47:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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foot-the-eurobond-bill-for-irelands-debt/ Fri, 28 Jan 2011 16:03:59 +0000 birdflu666 By Joe Brennan and Dara Doyle - Jan 28, 2011 1:01
AM GMT+0100 Jan. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Billionaire investor George Soros talks about the
European sovereign debt crisis, the outlook for commodities and the U.S. deficit. He speaks with
Erik Schatzker on Bloomberg Television's "On The Move" from the World Economic Forum
meeting in Davos, Switzerland. (Source: Bloomberg) Irish bondholders may have another 51
billion reasons to worry. Figures published by the central bank this month showed it lent as
much as that sum in euros, equivalent to $70 billion, to commercial banks. Unlike the 132
billion euros the European Central Bank is using to prop up the country’s financial system, the
government may be on the hook for it. Ireland has the fourth-highest debt level in Europe. “The
increased liability of the state makes it more likely that senior bank bondholders will be forced
to take a hit,” said Juergen Michels, lead euro-region economist at Citigroup Inc. in London.
“While we don’t currently see a restructuring of sovereign bonds, the risk increases the higher
the aggregated general government debt level goes.” Investors are shunning Irish government
and bank bonds because of concern that the bill for saving the financial system is still untallied.
The extra yield investors demand to hold Irish 10-year bonds rather than German securities of
similar maturity climbed 18 basis points to 593 points yesterday. That’s nine times the average
of the past decade. Read more at:]]> 4265
2011-01-28 16:03:59 2011-01-28 16:03:59 open open why-german-taxpayers-will-ultimately-
have-to-foot-the-eurobond-bill-for-irelands-debt publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_6ceb6e17eb0379d7794d404a36ee36aa 11554
2011-01-29 07:00:23 2011-01-29 07:00:23 1 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
to-dictators-fate/ Fri, 28 Jan 2011 16:05:47 +0000 birdflu666  * Egypt's military aloof from protest drama so far *
Armed forces at heart of power for 60 years * Military "ready to intervene" - security source By
Alistair Lyon, Special Correspondent BEIRUT, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Egypt's military has kept out
of this week's clashes between police and protesters demanding the ousting of 82-year-old
President Hosni Mubarak, but it could eventually decide his fate, echoing events in Tunisia. A
Tunisian army general's refusal to back Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali's crackdown on protesters is
widely regarded as a turning point that forced the former president to quit Tunisia on Jan. 14
after weeks of popular protests. Egypt's military might not react in the same way, but after
watching the interior ministry's police and security forces struggle to contain four days of
unprecedented street protests, the generals may well be considering their options. Read more
pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0]]> 4267 2011-01-28 16:05:47 2011-01-28
16:05:47 open open egyptian-army-financed-by-usa-will-hold-key-to-dictators-fate publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 11553 2011-01-29 06:51:00 2011-01-29
06:51:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
mubarak-as-protester-shot-dead-in-egypt/ Fri, 28 Jan 2011 16:06:44 +0000 birdflu666 Paul Joseph Watson January 28,
2011 The Obama administration expressed its support for under fire Egyptian dictator Hosni
Mubarak even as footage emerged of a protester being shot dead by Mubarak’s security forces in
Cairo, as the government shut down the Internet, land lines and the mobile phone network in a
desperate bid to cling on to power amidst widespread rioting. Read more at:
shot-dead-in-egypt/]]> 4269 2011-01-28 16:06:44 2011-01-28 16:06:44 open open obama-
administration-expresses-support-for-mubarak-as-protester-shot-dead-in-egypt publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 11542 2011-01-28 20:47:43 2011-01-28
20:47:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
11552 2011-01-29 06:43:41 2011-01-29 06:43:41 1 0 0
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continue/ Fri, 28 Jan 2011 16:08:27 +0000 birdflu666
p=4271 Spencer Ackerman January 28, 2011  |  8:48 am  |  Protesters have flooded the streets of
Alexandria and Suez. In Cairo, they’re publicly praying in the thoroughfare. And the Egyptian
government can’t seem to stop them, despite the crackdown on internet access and cellular
communications. The past four days’ worth of protests in Egypt, spurred by those that
dethroned the Tunisian government on Jan. 14, have been accelerated by social media. The
#Jan25 hashtag gave the leaderless revolt an internal organizing tool and global
communications reach. So it shouldn’t be surprising that the Mubarak regime responded by
ordering the withdrawal over 3,500 Border Gateway Protocol routes by Egyptian service
providers, shutting down approximately 88 percent of the country’s Internet access, according
to networking firm BGPMon. But the so-called “Day of Wrath” is uninterrupted. On al-Jazeera a
few minutes ago, a functionary from Mubarak’s National Democratic Party called the uprising
“unprecedented” and conceded that the government needs a “non-traditional way of dealing
with this,” including “action against corruption, against poverty… [giving] more freedoms.” He
said all this while police and the Army are firing tear gas at the demonstrators. Read more at:
stop-mass-protests/#]]> 4271 2011-01-28 16:08:27 2011-01-28 16:08:27 open open egypt-
shuts-down-internet-but-protests-continue publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_f3ea56cae23279cc45826607fc007d53 11543
2011-01-28 21:10:52 2011-01-28 21:10:52 1 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published
akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11551 2011-
01-29 06:33:14 2011-01-29 06:33:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
gathers-on-the-internet/ Fri, 28 Jan 2011 16:09:58 +0000 birdflu666 and save]]> 4273 2011-01-28 16:09:58 2011-01-28 16:09:58 open open irish-resistance-
gathers-on-the-internet publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11550 2011-01-29 06:23:17 2011-01-29 06:23:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Fri, 28
Jan 2011 16:29:38 +0000 birdflu666 The scandals
on the German navy's flagship Gorch Fock suggest a military that is *not effective *not
under political control *not in alignment with civilian culture. These scandals are
provoking a much needed debate about what kind of army is likely to emerge out
of the radical reforms being pushed by Defense Minister Karl Theodor zu
Guttenberg to transform the army into a professional arm that can also be
deployed on offensive wars overseas. The German army is expected to be the pillar
of a new EU military force. Under the Lisbon Treaty conscription for all Europeans
can be introduced in the event of the EU declaring a war with the exception of
Ireland, which achieved an exemption during their second vote on the Lisbon
Treaty. In spite of knowing about the short-comings on the Gorch Fock and
elsewhere, the Defence Minister failed to address them, suggesting an army that is
being systematically and deliberately trained for brutality and failure - worrying in
view of Germany's recent military history and also EU plans for a stronger military
engagement in the Middle East and elsewhere. ---- Irish army cadets formed the honour
guard at President John F Kennedy's funeral in 1963. For a foreign nation to form the honour
guard was a landmark event in American history. Kennedy had been so impressed by a silent
funeral drill performed by cadets from the military college when he made his last official visit to
Ireland that he asked for a film of the drill to be sent to him when he returned to Washington.
The senior cadets had, in the meantime, moved on to other duties. Army leaders decided not to
disrupt their careers. Instead, they entrusted the task to the junior cadet class. The
cadets practised the drill for four weeks alongside their regular classes and training until they
had mastered the complicated drill perfectly and a film was made and sent to Kennedy. When
Kennedy was assassinated,  Jackie Kennedy asked the Irish cadets to perform the drill at her
husband’s funeral. At very short notice, the cadets flew over to Washington where they
performed the drill perfectly under the glare of the world’s media. In a documentary, the cadets
talk about how they felt like a family and team, all together and supporting each other. Though the Irish army today is still tiny –
about 10,500 soldiers – it is continues to be considered to be a very good: the soldiers are
trained to a high standard, are motivated, show discipline and initiative and can operate
effectively as a team at whatever level of the organisation they are assigned. How to achieve that
kind of competence in an army is not a secret. Those familiar with the army know there is a
whole culture and body of knowledge built around training disciplined, effective, motivated
soldiers just as there is a body of knowledge about how to train football teams, golfers or boxers
effectively. There are countless institutes, universities, military colleges adding to the existing
body of knowledge about what makes an army effective and what doesn’t, though a lot is just
common sense. Just as a boxing trainer aiming for success, for example, would never send a
young and inexperienced trainee boxer into a ring with four men with iron bars, in the same
way, Irish army leaders did not make cadets learn a complicated „flaghsip“ drill for the US
president in two or three days. The Irish army leaders wanted success and they recognized
success comes from proper training and education, the right values and ethos, the right
environment and the right army culture. The culture on the Gorch Fock ship that emerges from
reports and even a video produced by the German army is clearly very poor, and most
worryingly, it has emerged that the German Ministry of Defence knew all about it and did
nothing at all to correct the failings. The
culture is  characterized by a poor environment for training that contributed to
underachievement and stress among cadets (four hours sleep a night in hammocks, cadets
sleeping on the deck during the day from exhaustion); a formal education programme that is
unsuitable and does not develop skills and competencies needed for future leaders (repairing
ropes, polishing brass); trainers who fail to motivate or set standards, can not see talent or
employ it (dictating orders, bullying, little collaboration, communication); inconsistent rules
and polices where the officers can behave one way (massive alcohol consumption, walk around
in swimming trunks, sunbathe on the deck, sail towards storms and wild seas in order to break
records, go water skiing) while the cadets are expected to behave in another way (obey every
order without questioning; follow regulations to the detail, scrub the vomit of the officers from
decks); a  system of reward and punishment that reinforces poor behavior (no investigation into
thefts, deaths); an unhealthy  competitiveness between the crew and the cadets (death threats,
insults, bullying, demeaning initiation rituals including kissing the Captains feet while he was
dressed in a blond wig and having their heads dunked in sludge mixed with vomit); a right wing
ideology (members of the “Aryan brotherhood)”; officers who believed they can violate laws with
impunity (sexual harassment in showers, theft, threats to kill cadets while intoxicated); and the
assumption that obedience is the priority and a failure to obey an order however meaningless
will not be tolerated under any circumstances; and also a vague doctrine of “inner leadership”.
Honestly, I can’t imagine a single one of the above mentioned transgressions would have been
tolerated in the Irish army for one day , let alone all of them and for months and years on end.
An investigation would have been launched and the culprit discharged immediately. Drunken
officers threatening cadets was unheard of as were thefts and bullying. My own grandfather
never touched a drop of alcohol on duty or off at the Curragh camp, and he would acted
immediately to punish anyone who behaved like this to cadets. These shockingly poor standard
of behaviour are the responsibility of the leadership. A comparison with training on a similar
three mast ship, the Sagres, belonging to the Portuguese navy, makes it clear that the problem is
not with the Gorch Fock sailing ship itself but with the personnel and the training - elements are
all well within in the control of the Defense Ministry and the naval high command. According to a media report,
there is a permanent crew that is large enough to sail the ship on its own, relieving Portugeuse
cadets of the pressure to climb masts as soon as they board the shop. The cadets are integrated
into the ship’s routine gradually. The officers observe the cadets and their performance. Those
less physically fit or able are given easier tasks to do until they have built up their physical
strength, skills and confidence to tackle the more difficult tasks. An accident that nearly killed
two cadets led to a voyage being cut short in the recognition that a period of evaluation was
required. By contrast, the permanent crew of the Gorch Fock is so small that the cadets are
under tremendous pressure to climb the masts and set sails simply because there are not enough
crew to sail the ship without them. The cadet who died in November 2010 had just flown in from
Germany to the ship located in Sotuh America. The following day, she had to climb the mast
seven times under pressure from her instructor though she was only 1.55 m tall. The night
before, a drunken crew member had burst in to the cadet's quarters and threatened cadets with
death. The captain Norbert Sachtz says in an ARD video that working on the masts requires high
concentration. And yet the army video shows cadets sleeping exhausted on the deck at one
o’clock in the afternoon because they get so little sleep in their hammocks at night (four hours).
Sleep and an ability for oncentration go hand in hand. Cadets have to go up the rigging without
safety lines, and can only attach safety clips on to the masts when they take in or set the sails. A
momentary failure of concentration can, therefore, be fatal unlike a training exercise that takes
place on a field or water for example. Lieutenant Captian Uwe Sonntag said in an interview in
the German media that cadets nowadays are often in poor physical shape, implying they were to
blame.  But at the same time the training before the cadets go on the Gorch Fock ship has been
reduced from three weeks to two. Problem solving is what the military is all about. Problems
should not be identified just to be ignored. Captain Schatz also appears to be unable to recognize
a problem or take corrective action. "As a boy, I used to climb the cherry trees in our neighbor’s
garden but I was always down quick enough when he came out. Young people don't sit in cherry
trees any more, they sit in front of computers,” he said. He also said “accidents happen” when
the sixth cadet on the ship died in November. True, accidents can always happen even in the
best run ship. But the factors in the environment that increases the likelihood of accidents can
be controlled. In the Gorch Fork, the factors increasing the likelihood of an accident
(exhaustion, poor training) were systematically increased not decreased as they should have
been. An ARD television clip with a segment of Captain Schatz talking suggests a limited
capacity for communication and even reasoned decision making. Schatz  says he makes his
decisions partly using intuition and partly using his head. Where is the evidence of any head? He
fails to address the obvious problem by setting goals for the cadets that are more realistic given
their training, poor physical fitness and exhaustion or by disciplining his crew which appears to
be totally out of control. Theft and sexual harassment can be stamped out immediately by a
commanding officer who takes the right action. The end result of the training on the Gorch Fock
by such poor quality leaders is predictable: it will be more poor quality leaders without the role
models, skills or values needed to be successful. Worryingly, the German Defence Ministry has
known about these problems on the Gorch Fock for years but did nothing at all. The Ministry
commissioned a study from the “sozialwissenschaftliche Institut der Bundeswehr“ on the basic
training for sailors for a year.  Every army has a systems of evaluation in order to check whether
the training is having the desired result, identify problems and correct them. The capacity to
change, adapt to a constantly changing environment is considered central t an army’s success. In
their analysis, the sozialwissenschaftliche Institut der Bundeswehr identified massive failures.
Although the study recommended changes be made to improve the training on the Gorch Fock,
nothing was done and the decline in the quality of the training was precipitous.
asFirstTeaser/-/index.html Unlike Ireland, the UK and USA, they are no military colleges in
Germany. The cadets go on to the German armed forces university. So the fatally flawed
attitudes they carry with them from the Gorch Fock will not be corrected. The scandals on the
Gorch Fock suggest an army being trained for failure, a parliament that does not know what is
going on in the military and a right-wing culture at odds with the civilian culture. The fact that
the Defence Minister only took action and suspended the captain of the Gorch Fock after the
media reported on the scandals suggests a lack of understanding of what is required in a
modern, professional army and strongly suggests he is unfit for the job. Guttenberg suspended
the captain only after he got a call from Bild newspaper, warning him about more poor media
coverage when he was driving to a function one Friday evening with a Bild journalist,
underlining the way Guttenberg and Bild work together to promote incompetence and failure in
the military, the financial sector and in all branches of government for the profit of a political
and financial elite. People like Captain Schatz and Uew Sonntag may be just useful idiots who do
not know they are undermining the navy culture and training cadets for failure and even for
action against their own people. But the higher ups surely know. The German army is being run
into the ground just like the economy deliberately. Guttenberg claimed he wanted to save money
by abolishing conscription and yet he asked for billions more for armaments. Who profits? The
military industrial complex that financed the rise of Hitler? The same companies that funded
the Nazis like BMW, Deutsche Bank, Thyssen and Krupp? Looking at the state of the German
army, one thing looks certain: a defeat in any world war three is the preferred option of the
Globocats for Germany and Europe.]]> 4275 2011-01-28 16:29:38 2011-01-28 16:29:38 open
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government-using-agents-provocateur-to-justify-a-crack-down-on-the-protesters/ Mon, 31 Jan
2011 15:20:18 +0000 birdflu666 Washington’s Blog
January 30, 2011 Al Jazeera reported today: [Al Jazeera reporter] Ayman Mohyeldin reports
that eyewitnesses have said “party thugs” associated with the Egyptian regime’s Central Security
Services – in plainclothes but bearing government-issued weapons – have been looting in Cairo.
Ayman says the reports started off as isolated accounts but are now growing in number. The
Telegraph reports: “Thugs” going around on motorcycles looting shops and houses, according to
Al Jazeera. They say they are getting more and more reports of looting. More worryingly, one
group of looters who were captured by citizens in the upmarket Cairo district of Heliopolis
turned out to have ID cards identifying them as members of the regime security forces.
Similarly, Egyptian newspaper Al MasryAlyoum provides several eyewitness accounts of agents
provacateur: Thugs looting residential neighborhoods and intimidating civilians are
government-hires, say eyewitnesses. In Nasr City, an Eastern Cairo neighborhood, residents
attempting to restore security told Al-Masry Al-Youm that looters were caught yesterday. “They
were sent by the government. The government got them out of prison and told them to rob us,”
says Nameer Nashaat, a resident working alongside other youths to preserve order in the
district. “When we caught them, they said that the Ministry of Interior has sent them.” In Masr
al-Qadeema, another district, scrap metal dealer Khaled Barouma, confirmed the same account.
“The government let loose convicts. They let them out of prisons. We all know them in this
neighborhood,” he said, adding that the neighborhood’s youth is trying to put the place in order
by patrolling its streets with batons. “The government wants people to believe that this is an
uprising of convicts, which is not the case. The government is the one that is a criminal,” Khalil
Fathy, a local journalist covering the events closely, said. In Rehab City, a wealthy gated
community in New Cairo, masked thugs broke through a civilian barricade in a truck and were
caught by a neighborhood watch that has been guarding the city this evening. “Even though we
caught the ones we saw, now that they’re in, we know that more will be coming and we’re all
running to protect our families and houses,” said Karim el-Dib, one of the men guarding the
community. Meanwhile, protestors caught two police informants attempting to rob a bank in the
Mediterranean city of Alexandria. Ayman Nour, opposition leader and head of the Ghad Party,
told Al-Masry Al-Youm that his fellow party members have caught several thugs who work
forthe Interior Ministry. After capturing them in downtown Cairo and Heliopolis, Nour’s
followers found ministry of interior IDs on them, Nour said. “The regime is trying to project the
worst image possible to make it clear to people that they have only one of two alternatives:
either the existing order or chaos,” he said. Scores of looting incidents have been reported since
yesterday. Many residential neighborhoods have been attacked by thugs and ex-convicts, despite
military presence. Bikyamasr reports: Eyewitnesses reported that one plain clothed man
attempted to loot and destroy private property, and when confronted he was shot. Bystanders
then took his identification out and revealed that he was a police officer, leaving a number of
demonstrators to argue that the government has told police to instigate looting and unrest. And
American intelligence service Stratfor provides the following unconfirmed report today: Security
forces in plainclothes are engaged in destroying public property in order to give the impression
that many protesters represent a public menace. As I noted in 2008: When agents provocateur
commit violence or destroy property at peaceful protests, they are carrying out false flag
terrorism. Wikipedia defines false flag terror as follows: False flag operations are covert
operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed
to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military
concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. False flag
operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in
peace-time; for example, during Italy’s strategy of tension. If intelligence agencies or federal,
state or local police themselves commit acts of violence against people or property, and then
blame it on peaceful protesters, that is – by definition – false flag terror. *** Read this to see
how eagerly the mainstream media are to pin acts of violence on peaceful protesters, instead of
the thugs who actually committed them. And if you don’t know about agents provocateur, read
this statement about Burma: “They’ve ordered some soldiers in the military to shave their heads,
so that they could pose as monks, and then those fake monks would attack soldiers to incite a
military crackdown. The regime has done this before in Burma, and we believe they would do so
again.” And see this news from Canada, and this Wikipedia discussion. And as I pointed out last
• United Press International reported in June 2005:

U.S. intelligence officers are reporting that some of the insurgents in Iraq are using recent-
model Beretta 92 pistols, but the pistols seem to have had their serial numbers erased. The
numbers do not appear to have been physically removed; the pistols seem to have come off a
production line without any serial numbers. Analysts suggest the lack of serial numbers
indicates that the weapons were intended for intelligence operations or terrorist cells with
substantial government backing. Analysts speculate that these guns are probably from either
Mossad or the CIA. Analysts speculate that agent provocateurs may be using the untraceable
weapons even as U.S. authorities use insurgent attacks against civilians as evidence of the
illegitimacy of the resistance.

• Quebec police admitted that, in 2007, thugs carrying rocks to a peaceful protest were
actually undercover Quebec police officers

• At the G20 protests in London in 2009, a British member of parliament saw plain clothes
police officers attempting to incite the crowd to violence

Similarly, an Indonesian fact-finding team investigated violent riots which occurred in 1998,
and determined that “elements of the military had been involved in the riots, some of which
were deliberately provoked”.]]> 4277 2011-01-31 15:20:18 2011-01-31 15:20:18 open open is-the-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11578 2011-01-31 17:04:18
2011-01-31 17:04:18 1 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published
elbaradei-prepares-to-hijack-egyptian-revolution/ Mon, 31 Jan 2011 15:21:49 +0000 birdflu666 Prison Monday, January 31, 2011
Zbigniew Brzezinski has called for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down as globalist
stooge Mohammed ElBaradei prepares to act as the pied piper for a revolution that has been
hijacked by the global elite. Speaking with fellow CFR member Christiane Amanpour, Brzezinski
told ABC News’ This Week that Mubarak must be convinced by “outside advice” that “It is in his
interest as well as in Egypt’s interest that he goes and that he sets in motion a process which
facilitates that.” Although Brzezinski warned of a “global political awakening” during a CFR
meeting last year that threatened to topple the existing international order, it is unsurprising
that Brzezinski is calling for the ousting of Mubarak despite the fact that he has been a dutiful
servant to the new world order elite. It became known in Brzezinski’s globalist circles at least
three years ago that Egypt was teetering on the edge of revolt and that another political entity
would fill the inevitable vacuum of power if the elite didn’t get ahead of the game. That’s why the
American Embassy trained rebel leaders to infiltrate opposition groups from the very beginning,
as the Telegraph revealed on Saturday. The geopolitical maneuverings of the US military-
industrial complex don’t take away from the fact that the revolt in Egypt is driven by genuine
grievances relating to spiraling food prices, high unemployment, policy brutality and the grass-
roots drive to unseat a 30 year dictatorship. However, if they allow globalist carpetbagger
Mohammed ElBaradei to seize power, demonstrators are ensuring that their actions are in vain
and ultimately worthless. Addressing protesters in Cairo yesterday, ElBaradei demanded
Mubarak step down and promised “change within days”. “You are the owners of this revolution.
You are the future,” ElBaradei declared. “Our essential demand is the departure of the regime
and the beginning of a new Egypt in which each Egyptian lives in virtue, freedom and dignity.”
Egyptians may be the owners of the revolution, but the owners of ElBaradei himself are busy
hijacking that revolution by installing a puppet that will be just as compliant with Egypt
continuing as a globalist client state as Mubarak has been for the past 30 years. Meet the new
boss, same as the old boss. Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (AD)
Won’t get fooled again? ElBaradei serves on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis
Group, who on Friday issued a press release protesting the decision on behalf of Egyptian
authorities to place ElBaradei under house arrest. International Crisis Group is a shadowy NGO
(non-governmental organization) that enjoys an annual budget of over $15 million and is
bankrolled by the likes of Carnegie, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
as well as George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Soros himself serves as a member of the
organization’s Executive Committee. In other words, this is a major geopolitical steering group
for the global elite. The fact that their man ElBaradei is being primed to head up the post-
Mubarak government should set alarm bells ringing in the ears of every demonstrator who is
protesting in the name of trying to wrestle Egypt away from the clutches of new world order
control. Indeed, even Mubarak himself is now seemingly catching on to the understanding that
his usefulness to the global power elite has run its course, remarking during a national address
Saturday that the protests were “part of a bigger plot to shake the stability and destroy the
legitimacy” of the political system. ElBaradei is the central figure in a long term plot to subvert
and steer the outcome of a revolution that the global elite knew was coming three years ahead of
time. Although his installation as puppet president may see political freedoms temporarily
restored as a symbolic gesture, Egypt’s destiny will still be firmly under the control of the same
parties that have pulled Mubarak’s strings for the past three decades. Sham Afghanistan-style
rigged elections will ensue where the Egyptian people are given the false decision of choosing
between two globalist-controlled puppets. The international media will hail the event as a
momentous occasion for democracy in the Middle East and broadcast endless images of purple
fingers, but the true legacy of the revolution will be eviscerated and Egyptians will eventually
realize that they were the victims of a cruel deception. ********************* Paul Joseph
Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos.
Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many
publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most
listened to late night talk show. ]]> 4279 2011-01-31 15:21:49 2011-01-31 15:21:49 open open
globalist-stooge-elbaradei-prepares-to-hijack-egyptian-revolution publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
11583 2011-01-31 18:21:07
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together-at-cairo-rally-shunned-by-egyptians/ Mon, 31 Jan 2011 15:27:49 +0000 birdflu666
Promoted by the western media, including Al Jazeera, as a key opposition figure in, he appeared
today at a rally in central Cairo together with the extremist, false flag“ Muslim Brotherhood“ –
whose website was the only one not shut down during the recent internet ban – claiming to have
a mandate to negiotiate for the people. But no one paid attention to him, according to reports. It
looks like a stooge government made up of Mubarak, ElBaradei and the Muslim Brotherhood is
preparing to take power, presenting themselves as a government of national reconciliation but
that the people of Egypt are not being fooled.]]> 4281 2011-01-31 15:27:49 2011-01-31 15:27:49
open open elbaradei-and-muslim-brotherhood-appear-together-at-cairo-rally-shunned-by-
egyptians publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_189d24f71363e9840f7960e7f1ee7711 11584 2011-01-31 18:44:19 2011-01-31 18:44:19 1 0 0
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hijacked/ Mon, 31 Jan 2011 15:31:25 +0000 birdflu666
p=4283 It isn’t the first time that some of our highest authorities are officially questioned, either
- to no avail, and to the dutiful silence of the press.  The proposed " fiscal package" the official
party proposes is also strongly opposed, as is the inexorable sale of our country's assets.  But no
results are to be seen in -most of- the courts or relevant institutions... and much less in the
media. The exception to this is Carlos Salazar, editor from the daily who has
consistently given a thorough and comprehensive following to all of these issues -and many
more.  Now a different type of scandal appears: this week, Salazar won a national award -which
was politically removed, minutes before its official signature!  Still, this issue suggests that the
media in Costa Rica are slowly changing -and that the pressure on corrupt politicians is growing
-as is the public awareness... …. One scandal on top of another: the wannabe future President
Rodrigo Arias Sánchez (brother of the ex President), not at his first charge of corruption -caught
on a couple of million dollars by 4 economic-crime District Attorneys... only to have a "sudden
change of Attorney General", and the new one having the motion removed after a phone call
from the Security Minister (his cousin!)  Instead of explaining himself, now the new Attorney
General wants the head of the official who leaked this “annoyance” to the press.  Arias is also in
question because he is attempting to be the official candidate -without bothering to do a
convention, to which end he had a massive reunion with the mayors of the country…  Business
as usual for the “elite”. Yet untiringly, the newswire has been covering daily and
extensively on all of this, as they had over the trial against the gold mine in Crucitas (we won, by
the way, and the Tribunal Contencioso actually recommended to charge the then president,
Nobel Prize Oscar Arias Sánchez (the brother) for knowingly using false data to implement a
decree of National Interest, among other crimes -and several state institutions.  The beauty is
that the company is appealing -with the help of the government and its institutions!  Meaning,
now WE are supposed to pay their attorneys... to defend THEm against US!)  But the Tribunal
Contencioso’s recommendation, as well as other criminal charges on the Arias brothers over
time -have not been followed upon by the Courts. The daily also gives a great coverage
of everything the press normally "covers up", such as all the scandals going on –which they half-
heartedly cover one day and then dutifully forget- and international news, which are completely
overlooked by the local controlled media.  As a -rather encouraging, in the circumstances-
result, its editor-director, Carlos Salazar, was nominated for a free-press national award.  This
was voted for -the jury chose him- but the official act was yet to be signed, when... Translation of
the email conversation: (Email from the National Award group: Attention journalists 
<>  “Journalism Association, on orders from Raul Silesky,
manhandles Pío Víquez award 2010.  January 26, 2011, 08:14 pm A summary of the story;
journalists: draw your own conclusions The jury of the National Award of Journalism Pio Víquez
agreed to give the award to the journalist Carlos Salazar, director of the daily; the vote
act was written and left to sign in the last session; but in the last session, the representative of
Colegio de Periodistas (the Journalism Association) informed he was under orders of not
signing the act, because some in the Colegio did not agree that Carlos Salazar got the award
(justification, he is not an associate); discussions come and go; the Colegio proposes another
journalist from a written media; the other jurors oppose and they finally decide, as a mediation
point, to give it to Gerardo Chavarría of Canal 15; all of this in the last session, when supposedly,
they were just to sign the act of the vote already passed, writtten and justified -in favor of Carlos
Salazar.  It seems that many people of the political subworld felt quite uncomfortable by this
award to an “opposing” media, and  Silesky, quite the politician, gave the order to veto the
people of Thus being, the manhandled prize was given to Gerardo Chavarría of
Canal 15 of the Universidad de Costa Rica.  Though Gerardo is an excellent worker…)” …
(Response from Carlos Salazar: “Greetings. For your information, I received this email from a
colleague.  I believe that the best recognition is the one you don’t get, and for us, the growth of is all that matters.  I believe I would be more worried if it had been given, which would
make us suspect we were doing something wrong -like Don Pepe said, one time that La Nación
spoke well of one of the measures of his government. In, “We fundamentally have a
committment to the truth and to the right to free information; to the access to information for
all the citizenship.  Today, many journalists and media have lost that North, by defending and
protecting the interests of the dominant economic sectors". “That is the reason of our existence,
and we believe that the spirit of our origins will stand the test of time, as long as we keep
counting with the support of our readers, of academic and professional sectors, of honest and
patriotic businessmen, of social organizations, and of the least favoured sectors of the
population, and of those who help with our funding”. Best regards, Carlos Salazar) …   (Email
from Javier Solís, journalist, former deputy and diplomat. “Congratulations.  Some awards are a
dishonor.  Those who collect them are little more than a list of master-serving mediocres.  El
país will grow.”) … Just so you see: the political control of EVERYTHING is the agenda these
days –and that’s everywhere.   Of course, it doesn’t help that several people of our government
are in Davos these days… they sure would not relish the award being given to !  In an
alternative radio show yesterday, it was actually said that a certain phone call was made to Oscar
Arias about the award.  I have no proof of this, yet it certainly fits the norm of how this
“democracy” is handled.  Sadly, I believe this will ring a bell in other countries as well. Anyway, I
hope that by sending what is going on with this issue, the TRUE recognition will still go to the
rightful winner, even if it is not officially recognized.  Because (of course), the controlled media
have not piped one word about it… Thank you very much for your attention. Claudia Calvo
Louward  (Tour guide, translator and citizen journalist- Cédula 1-758-609)]]> 4283 2011-01-31
15:31:25 2011-01-31 15:31:25 open open costa-rican-journalism-award-politically-hijacked
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reports-daily-mail/ Mon, 31 Jan 2011 15:32:45 +0000 birdflu666 Last night the team's leader, Dr Stephen Walker,
said: 'Of the handful of results we have in so far, all are vaccine strain and none are wild
measles. 'This research proves that in the gastrointestinal tract of a number of children who
have been diagnosed with regressive autism, there is evidence of measles virus. 'What it means
is that the study done earlier by Dr Wakefield and published in 1998 is correct. That study didn’t
draw any conclusions about specifically what it means to find measles virus in the gut, but the
implication is it may be coming from the MMR vaccine. If that’s the case, and this live virus is
residing in the gastrointestinal tract of some children, and then they have GI inflammation and
other problems, it may be related to the MMR.' The 1998 study by Dr Wakefield, then a reader
in gastroenterology at the Royal Free Hospital in North London, and 12 other doctors claimed to
have found a new bowel disease, autism enterocolitis. At the time, Dr Wakefield said that
although they had not proved a link between MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and autism, there
was cause for concern and the Government should offer the option single vaccines - instead of
only MMRs - until more research had been done. The paper - and the confused interpretation of
its findings - caused uproar and led to many parents withdrawing their co-operation for the
triple jab. Ten of the paper's authors also signed retractions on the interpretation but stood by
the science. This is the second independent study to back up Dr Wakefield. In 2001 John
O'Leary, Professor of Pathology at St James's Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, replicated
his findings. Last night Dr Wakefield said: 'This new study confirms what we found in British
children and again with Professor O'Leary. The only exposure these children have had to
measles is through the MMR vaccine. 'They were developing normally until they regressed. They
now suffer autism and bowel disease. 'The Department of Health and some of the media wanted
to dismiss our research as insignificant. The excuse was that no one else had the same findings
as us. What they didn't say is that no one else had looked.' A spokesman for the Department of
Health said they had not read the American report, but added: 'MMR remains the best form of
protection against measles, mumps and rubella.' Read more:
autism.html#ixzz1Ccgm0Z1c]]> 4285 2011-01-31 15:32:45 2011-01-31 15:32:45 open open us-
scientists-fear-vaccine-link-to-autism-reports-daily-mail publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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fear-vaccine-link-to-autism-reports-daily-mail/ 2011-02-02 06:57:03 2011-02-02
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Mon, 31 Jan 2011 15:35:31 +0000 birdflu666
ibly_a_mistake_2326931.html?origin=rss  Health Official: Swine Flu Vaccinations for Children
Possibly a Mistake published today 04:40 PM, updated today 04:45 PM The Chief Medical
Officer of Finland's National Public Health Institute has conceded that children and young
people should possibly not have been vaccinated against swine flu. Dr Terhi Kilpi told the Väli-
Suomi newspaper group's Sunday newspaper supplement that the vaccine perhaps should not
have been given to 5-20 year-olds. Kilpi said that she would no longer recommend the
vaccination for this age group. She added that if she had known of the potential consequences,
she would have not inoculated 5-20 year-olds. "A year ago, the current understanding was that
the swine flu was a danger specifically for the young. At that time there was not yet any reason to
suspect serious side effects to the vaccine," said Kilpi. The vaccine is now suspected to be linked
to an increase in the number of cases of narcolepsy affecting children and young people in
Finland, Sweden and Iceland. In Finland, 54 children have been diagnosed with narcolepsy.
Even though it is under suspicion, the vaccine has been reintroduced in the UK where a new
swine flu epidemic has caused the deaths of some 200 people. Dr Kilpi added that the negative
publicity surrounding the swine flu vaccine is not worrying. "Most people understand that
vaccinations prevent serious, fatal diseases. The benefits they provide outweigh the
disadvantages many times over." Finland's National Public Health Institute is to publish an
interim report on the links between narcolepsy, the swine flu, and the vaccine this coming
Tuesday. YLE]]> 4287 2011-01-31 15:35:31 2011-01-31 15:35:31 open open finlands-chief-
because-of-damage-they-cause publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_71b45fee100b034072a24891ac3adc9c 11580
2011-01-31 17:22:54 2011-01-31 17:22:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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george-vi-and-ciceros-theory-of-the-just-war/ Mon, 31 Jan 2011 16:07:34 +0000 birdflu666 
King George VI proved to be just such a brave and resolute spirit, caring for his people and for
the principles of justice and freedom, and so earning the respect of all people around the world.
His speech shows him to be a leader firmly within the tradition of classical western civilisation,
which is the basis of our political system, democracy, and which puts honour and the law above
brute force and the will to power. Though Rome was a significant military empire, there was a
great deal of debate about wars etc: Cicero was the first person to formulate a just war theory.
The Roman army also had a tough but realistic training programme aiming to build up resilence
and skills progressively, as well as a consistent, fair and gradual scale of punishment. For
training, recruits had to learn to run 20 Roman miles in 5 hours; when they reached this goal,
they trained to run 40 Roman miles in 12 hours; only when they reached this goal did they have
to learn run 20 Roman miles in 5 hours but carrying their equipment this time ; then, they
moved onto weapons training, using first wooden swords against posts and so until they
mastered all the skills needed for a soldier under pressure in war. The German army could do
worse then get a copy of De Officiis and also a Roman army training manual to fgure out how
what is going so radically wrong with its military. The notion that "might is right", that tough
training means mobbing, harrassment and sadism by higher ranks and terror and death for
lower ranks or that the idea that this is the way to prepare for "the reality of war" is immoral
nonsense and an incitement to anarchy, lack of discipline, failure on the battle field and war
crimes. This is King Geoge VI's speech: "In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in
history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this
message, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were
able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself. For the second time in the
lives of most of us, we are at war. Over and over again, we have tried to find a
peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our
enemies; but it has bee in vain. We have been forced into a conflict, for which we
are called, with our allies to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to
prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world. It is a principle which
permits a state in the selfish pursuit of power to disregard its treaties and its
solemn pledges, which sanctions the use of force or threat of force against the
sovereignty and independence of other states. Such a principle, stripped of all
disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right, and if this
principle were established through the world, the freedom of our own country and
of the whole British Commonwealth of nations would be in danger. But far more
than this, the peoples of the world would be kept in bondage of fear, and all hopes
of settled peace and of security, of justice and liberty, among nations, would be
ended. This is the ultimate issue which confronts us.  For the sake of all that we
ourselves hold dear, and of the world order and peace, it is unthinkable that we
should refuse to meet the challenge. It is to this high purpose that I now call my
people at home and my peoples across the seas, who will make our cause their
own. I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial. The task
will be hard.  There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to
the battlefield, but we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently
commit our cause to God.  If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for
whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, then with God's help, we shall
prevail. May He bless and keep us all. ]]> 4289 2011-01-31 16:07:34 2011-01-31 16:07:34
open open the-kings-speech-george-vi-and-ciceros-theory-of-the-just-war publish 0 0 post 0
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for-reform-but-is-it-too-little-too-late/ Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:49:24 +0000 birdflu666 Germany's resistance to expanding a euro zone
bailout fund and easing Greece's debt burden seems to be softening as it scents a grand bargain
in which European states would commit to tough German-style economic reforms. Berlin
officials still insist in public there is no need to increase the size of the European Financial
Stability Facility (EFSF), and reject the possibility that Greece may be forced into some form of
debt restructuring. But in private they are setting out the negotiating position for what Berlin
sees as a package deal to be agreed in March, ranging from altering the terms of Greek debt to
ambitious reforms of European pay and pensions. Senior German officials tell Reuters the
government is now actively discussing practical options for expanding the role of the EFSF to
alleviate Greece's debt dilemma.
germany-position-idUKLNE71100O20110202]]> 4291 2011-02-02 14:49:24 2011-02-02
14:49:24 open open germany-prepares-for-reform-but-is-it-too-little-too-late publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_1687fcd1dcd4b34960e154d375f0bd67
_oembed_5f10cf428b0fcf849078b6b8304ab68a 11663 2011-02-03 23:29:27 2011-02-03 23:29:27 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Wed, 02
Feb 2011 14:51:31 +0000 birdflu666 More than 100
injured as pro-Mubarak supporters attack protesters seeking president's ouster in Egyptian
capital. Last Modified: 02 Feb 2011 13:24 GMT

Clashes have broken out between pro- and anti-government demonstrators in the Egyptian
capital Cairo. Protesters from both sides threw stones at each other in Tahrir Square, the
epicentre of ongoing opposition demonstrations against President Hosni Mubarak. Al Jazeera
correspondents, reporting from the scene, said that more than a 100 people were injured in the
clashes and in a stampede that started when trouble broke out. Earlier, witnesses said thousands
of pro-Mubarak supporters had entered the square. Opposition groups said Mubarak had sent in
thugs to suppress the protest. Read more at:]]> 4295
2011-02-02 14:51:31 2011-02-02 14:51:31 open open clashes-break-out-in-tahrir-square publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11679 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-02-04 21:56:25 2011-02-04 21:56:25 1 11662 0
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undercover-egyptian-police/ Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:52:12 +0000 birdflu666 Leila Fadel The Washington Post February 1, 2011
CAIRO – Human Rights Watch confirmed several cases of undercover police loyal to Egyptian
President Hosni Mubarak’s regime committing acts of violence and looting in an attempt to
stoke fear of instability as demonstrations grew stronger Tuesday against the autocratic leader.
Peter Bouckaert, the emergency director at Human Rights Watch, said hospitals confirmed that
they received several wounded looters shot by the army carrying police identification cards.
They also found several cases of looters and vandals in Cairo and Alexandria with police
identification cards. He added that it was “unexplainable” that thousands of prisoners escaped
from prisons over the weekend. Read more at:
undercover-egyptian-police/]]> 4297 2011-02-02 14:52:12 2011-02-02 14:52:12 open open
looters-included-undercover-egyptian-police publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
odds/ Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:56:12 +0000 birdflu666
Today, some of his 1,500,000 strong police and security apparatus attacked protestors and even
journalists in Tahrir square, charging them with horses and camels, beating them with clubs,
resulting in more than a 100 injuries. The Egyptian army yesterday pledged not to fire on „the
great people of this great country.“ And in the last few days, the Egyptians have shown ever new
facets of that greatness. Unifying around a sensible programme of reform, rejecting all forms of
extremism and violence, the young and old, rich and poor, Muslim and Christian have brought
the country to a halt to send out a message a clear message: that the time has come after 30
years of misrule for Mubarak to go. They braved curfews, an internet ban, a brutal crackdown by
the police to come out in force in all parts of the country. They also organsied their own
protection against the secret police thugs and agents provacateurs, setting up check points to
find weapons. The army arrested one group with a cache of weapons heading for Tahrir Square
yesterday. By not bowing to the demands of the protestors, which even the army conceded were
legitimate, Mubarak has made more confrontation and chaos inevitable. Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak's pledge to stand down in September isn't enough and he should go
immediately, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday, marking his
second intervention in as many days in support of opposition protesters. "The [Egyptian] people
expect a very different decision from Mubarak," Mr. Erdogan told Turkish journalists during a
visit to Kyrgyzstan, the news channel NTV reported. "The current administration does not
inspire trust so far as the democratic change wanted by the population is concerned." Germany’s
foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle also insisted that Mubarak must begin the transition to
democracy now. By not insisting that this discredited dictator leave office immediately, the
Obama Administration has forfeited what little credibility it had left as a champion of freedom
in the region. The US government has failed to demonstrate a committment to freedom and
democracy, and so marginalised itself in the new era of freedom that is opening up, carried
forward by a well informed, disciplined and courageous people who have simply had enough of
the corruption and the greed of their rulers. The real alternative is not between the US puppet
Muslim Brotherhood, which was the only political organisation whose website kept functioning
during the internet black out, and Mubarak, as John Bolton implied. The real
alternative is between the forces of freedom and democracy and the Globalist elite that props up
autocrats because they require them for their new world order and plans for war in the Middle
East, among other things.
egypt-protests# It next question is whether the Egyptian army sides with the president Mubarak
and how far the army is prepared to go to prolong the power of an autocrat with no future and
against the will of the entire people. Whatever happens, Egypt and the world will surely never be
the same again having witnessed this new and wonderful phenomena: a united people battling
with so much courage, intelligence and restraint and against such odds for freedom. A brave and
united people have shown that they can defeat a security apparatus with 1,500,000 vicious thugs
and bring a brutal tyrant to the edge in spite of an internet black out, terror on the streets and a
controlled media.  Not even the army can return power to Mubarak if the people do not wish it.
On Friday, another major demonstration is expected. It is to be hoped that the people of Egypt
finally remove the autocratic tyrant who has impoverished them, oppressed them and terrorised
them for 30 years and enjoy the freedom they have so deserve. It is somehow appropriate the
people of the most ancient civiliation in this region of the world, Egypt, should be the first to
manifest that a new political consciousness that looks like it could be the foundation of a new
era of genuine freedom, good government and respect for human rights.]]> 4299 2011-02-02
14:56:12 2011-02-02 14:56:12 open open egypt-on-the-way-to-democracy-against-all-odds
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_c559fb47e0c070c811d74675f07a9a58
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emerge-proving-autism-scientist-dr-andew-wakefield-innocent/ Wed, 02 Feb 2011 14:57:40
+0000 birdflu666 (NaturalNews) New documents
have emerged that clear Dr Andrew Wakefield of the allegations of fraud recently made by the
British Medical Journal and its reporter Brian Deer. This new evidence “completely negates the
allegations that I committed scientific fraud. Brian Deer and Dr. Godlee of the British Medical
Journal (BMJ) knew or should have known about the facts set out below before publishing their
false allegations,” says Dr Andrew Wakefield (see sources, below). Newly-revealed documents
show that on December 20th, 1996, a meeting of The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study
Group based at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School featured a presentation by Professor
Walker-Smith on seven of the children who would later become part of the group of patients Dr
Wakefield wrote about in his 1998 The Lancet paper (which was later retracted by The Lancet).
Remember, Dr Wakefield has been accused of completely fabricating his findings about these
same children in his 1998 paper, but these documents reveal that fourteen months before
Dr Wakefield’s paper was published, two other researchers — Professor Walker-
Smith and Dr Amar Dhillon — independently documented the same problems in
these children, including symptoms of autism. Thus, Dr Wakefield could not have
“fabricated” these findings as alleged by the British Medical Journal, which now finds itself in
the position of needing to issue a retraction, or it must now expand its accusations of fraud to
include Professor Walker-Smith and Dr Dhillon… essentially, the BMJ must now insist that a
“conspiracy of fraud” existed among at least these three researchers, and possibly more, in order
to back up its allegation that Dr Wakefield’s study results were fabricated.

The smoking-gun evidence

Professor Walker-Smith’s 1996 presentation at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School was
entitled, “Entero-colitis and Disintegrative Disorder Following MMR – A Review of
the First Seven Cases.” His presentation notes began with the following text: “”I wish today,
to present some preliminary details concerning seven children, all boys, who appear to have
entero-colitis and disintegrative disorder, probably autism, following MMR. I shall now briefly
present their case history [sic].” He then went on to detail the clinical history of these seven
children as derived from his medical team as well as senior pathologist Dr Amar Dhillon.
Importantly, Dr Andrew Wakefield was not part of this investigation. This means that Dr
Wakefield’s findings were independently replicated by another medical research team. The
British Medical Journal’s accusations against Dr Wakefield — that he fabricated his findings —
are therefore false. The mainstream media accusation that Dr Wakefield’s findings have “never
been replicated” is also blatantly false. Here are the notes on the seven children, as presented in
1996, 14 months BEFORE Dr Wakefield published his landmark paper in The
Lancet: Child 1. Immediate reaction to MMR with fever at 1 [corrected, illegible]
Rapid deterioration in behaviour – autism Histology active chronic inflammation in caecum
Treated Asacol INDETERMINATE COLITIS** (1) Child 2. MMR at 15 months – head
banging 2 weeks later. Hyperactive from 18 months. Endoscopy – aphthoid ulcer at hepatic
flexure Caecum: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia with erythematous rim and pale swollen core.
Histology, Ileum mild inflammation, colon moderate inflammation Acute and chronic
inflammation. Treated CT3211 [a dietary treatment] INDETERMINATE COLITIS** ? CROHN’S
DISEASE Child 3. ? dysmorphism – chromosomes and normal development MMR at
5 months [sic] Measles at 2.5 years* – 1 month later change in behavior Hyperactive with food
Colonoscopy – granular rectum, normal colon and lymphoid nodular hyperplasia.
Histopathology: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia. Increased eosinophils 5/5 mild increase in
inflammatory cells (Dhillon) Routine normal LYMPHOID NODULAR HYPERPLASIA
INDETERMINATE COLITIS** [* correction: he received measles vaccine first at approximately
15 months of age and MMR at 2.5. years] Child 4 (2). Reacted to triple vaccine 4 months
– screaming and near cot death (DPT) MMR at 15 months – behaviour changed after 1
week. “measles rash” week before Endoscopy – minor abnormalities of vascular pattern
Histology – non-specific proctocolitis** Treated INDETERMINTE PROCTOCOLITIS
LYMPHOID NODULAR HYPERPLASIA Child 5 (3). MMR at 14 months. Second day after,
fever and rash, bangs head and behaviour abnormal thereafter. Endoscopy – Lymphoid nodular
hyperplasia Histopathology: Marked increase in IEL’s [intraepithelial lymphocytes] in ileum
with chronic inflammatory cells in reactive follicles. Increase in inflammatory cells in colon and
6(7). MMR – 16 months – no obvious reaction 2 years behavioral change – 2.5 years Screaming
attacks – / food related Endoscopy – Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia terminal ileum Histology –
Prominent lymphoid follicles Dhillon: moderate to marked increase in IEL’s, increase in chronic
inflammatory cells throughout the colon – superficial macrophages not quite granuloma
INDTERMINATE COLITIS Child 78. MMR 14 months 16 months “growling voice” 18 months –
behavioural changes – autism diagnosed at 3 years Barium [follow through X ray] 5 cm tight
stricture [proximal] to insertion of terminal ileum Endoscopy- prominent lymphoid follicle in
ileum Mild proctitis with granular mucosa Histology Ileum – reactive follicles Colon – bifid
forms, increased IEL’s Slight increase in inflammatory cells INDETERMINATE COLITIS ?
CROHN’S DISEASE NOTES: (1) Inflammation that is not diagnostic of either Crohn’s disease or
ulcerative colitis (2) Child 6 in The Lancet paper. The chronological order was corrected for the
final Lancet paper. (3) Child 3 in The Lancet paper

BMJ caught in its own fraud

These documents reveal that the British Medical Journal has been caught in its own fraud for
willfully ignoring this evidence, which was presented to it long before its recent publication of
Brian Deer’s article calling Dr Wakefield a fraud. The BMJ willfully ignored this evidence and
simply decided to destroy Dr Wakefield’s professional reputation by any means necessary. As Dr
Wakefield explains: “In allowing itself to become the vehicle for Brian Deer’s particular brand
of journalism; in circumventing the process of due diligence in its enthusiasm to “kill the
beast”, the BMJ has taken a huge risk. As the document presented above shows, this was a
mistake. Medicine, presented with the possibility of an iatrogenic catastrophe, has boarded a
dissonant bandwagon and has gone after those who have concerns – genuine concerns – that
childhood vaccines may be responsible, at least in part, for the autism epidemic. The relevant
science has been grossly misrepresented, crushed beneath the wheels of a Public Relations 16-
wheeler that is out of control. In the meantime a relentless tsunami of damaged children
claims this land.”

Brian Deer caught as a liar

It has also been revealed that journalist Brian Deer, the author of the BMJ article condemning
Dr Wakefield as a fraud, is himself a liar. In attempting to gather evidence for his article in the
BMJ, he lied about his identity and entered the home of one of the parents of the autism
children. Specifically, he claimed he was working for The Sunday Times even though he
was never a Sunday Times employee. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the outright deception
that has been used by the BMJ and Brian Deer in their attempt to silence a doctor whose only
“crime” was publicly expressing concern about the safety of MMR vaccines. That the BMJ and
its writer Brian Deer have now been caught ignoring evidence and engaging in their own fraud
gives credence to the idea that MMR vaccines may, indeed, not only be dangerous; but that they
may be so dangerous that the top medical journals have to lie about the facts in
order to protect them. What’s clear here is that the BMJ has strayed so far from the realm of
evidence-based scientific thinking that it can no longer be called a reputable medical journal at
all. Its callous disregard for the truth — and its politically-motivated witch hunt against a
researcher who only sought to protect the health of children — exposes it as a danger to the
scientific community and the world of conventional medicine. As this truth unfolds,
these revelations will rock the medical world and expose these science journals as
the frauds they truly are. Think about this: While these medical journals are taking money
from vaccine manufacturers (who pay their ads), they are ignoring any scientific evidence they
don’t like in order to vilify anyone who threatens the profits of these very same vaccine
companies! And yet, these medical journals never admit that their very existence depends on the
financial flow of money from these vaccine manufacturers who are strongly impacted by their
editorial decisions! There is fraud taking place in the vaccine industry today, of course, and the
medical journals are the point men who push their distorted disinformation into the minds of
doctors, journalists and anyone they can reach with their scientific distortions. At stake is the
future of the vaccine industry, which is of course a multi-billion-dollar industry that thrives on
misinformation and the ongoing scientific censorship of the facts surrounding the health
risks posed by vaccines.

Read the book Callous Disregard

Dr Andrew Wakefield is the author of Callous Disregard, the book that exposes the truth behind
conventional medicine’s political witch hunt. The book is sold everywhere, including… Sources for this story include:…
emerge-proving-autism-scientist-dr-andew-wakefield-innocent/]]> 4301 2011-02-02 14:57:40
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2011-02-02 22:16:12 2011-02-02 22:16:12 1 11638 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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23:49:01 2011-02-08 23:49:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
to-increased-neurological-damage-admits-finnish-national-health-institute/ Wed, 02 Feb 2011
14:59:02 +0000 birdflu666 The association of
Pandemrix-vaccination and narcolepsy was studied using extensive registry based data. Data
gathered from hospital discharge registries on patients fallen ill with narcolepsy during years
2009-10 was linked with data from primary care records on pandemic vaccination. The
observed association is so evident that it is unlikely that other so-called confounding factors
could fully explain the phenomenon. In Finland during years 2009–10, 60 children and
adolescents aged 4-19 years fell ill with narcolepsy. These figures base on data from hospitals
and primary care, and the review of individual patient records by a panel of neurologists and
sleep researchers. Of those fallen ill, 52 (almost 90 percent) had received Pandemrix® vaccine,
while the vaccine coverage in the entire age group was 70 percent. Based on the preliminary
analyses, the risk of falling ill with narcolepsy among those vaccinated in the 4-19 years age
group was 9-fold in comparison to those unvaccinated in the same age group. This increase was
most pronounced among those 5–15 years of age. No cases were observed among those under 4
years of age. Also, no increase in cases of narcolepsy or signs of vaccination impacting risk of
falling ill with narcolepsy was observed among those above 19 years of age. In addition to
Finland, increase in cases of narcolepsy observed only in Sweden and Iceland In 2009, among
countries using similar pandemic vaccine as was used in Finland, an increase in cases of
narcolepsy has been observed only in Finland, Sweden and Iceland. Contrary to the observations
in Finland, narcolepsy has occurred in greater numbers than expected also among unvaccinated
children and teenagers in Iceland. The association between narcolepsy and PandemrixR vaccine
requires more investigations During the coming months, these preliminary register based
results will be confirmed in Finland.  In further investigations, special attention will be given to
infections and other stimuli in close time association with the pandemic vaccination. The
significance of the possible joint effects will be explored. In addition, other significant co-factors
contributing to the onset of narcolepsy will be evaluated in epidemiologic, immunologic and
genetic studies planned. The main aim of the immunologic studies is to clarify, whether the
immunological responses to the different components of the Pandemrix® vaccine and to the
A(H1N1) virus among those children and teenagers with genetic disposition to narcolepsy and
those fallen ill with narcolepsy differ from the immunological responses of other children and
teenagers not belonging to these risk groups. It is also of utmost importance to find out whether
the association is observed also elsewhere than in Finland. At present, Finland is participating in
the ECDC contracted, VAESO led narcolepsy background incidence and case control studies
which are being conducted in 9 European Union countries by pharmacovigilance researchers
from Public Health Institutes, Regulatory Agencies and Universities. These studies will evaluate
the contribution of the pandemic vaccines and other risk factors in the onset of narcolepsy, and
confirm whether increase in incidence in narcolepsy is seen in other countries. The outcomes of
these studies will be reported during early summer 2011. By January 24, 2011, 56 notifications
of narcolepsy in association with Pandemrix® vaccination have been received by the National
Vaccine Adverse Events Register maintained at the National Institute of Health and Welfare in
Finland. Of these, 54 cases belonged to the age group of 4–19 years. Among most of the notified
cases, the onset of symptoms of narcolepsy had started approximately two months following
Pandemrix® vaccination. The final report from the National Narcolepsy Task Force will be
released by 31st August 2011. Further information Terhi Kilpi Director of Department of
Vaccines and Immune Protection, Chairman of the Task Force National Institute of Health and
Welfare, THL tel +358 20 610 8678 Hanna Nohynek Vaccine Safety Officer, Secretary of the
Task Force National Institute of Health and Welfare,THL Tel +358 20 610 8246 Short address: Updated 1 Feb 2011]]> 4303 2011-02-02 14:59:02 2011-02-02
14:59:02 open open pandemrix-linked-to-increased-neurological-damage-admits-finnish-
national-health-institute publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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2011-02-03 08:16:03 2011-02-03 08:16:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-03 03:34:55 2011-02-03 03:34:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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federal-reserve-chief-to-the-devil/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 16:41:48 +0000 birdflu666 4306 2011-02-03 16:41:48 2011-02-03 16:41:48
open open head-of-worlds-largest-bond-fund-compares-federal-reserve-chief-to-the-devil
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11658 2011-02-03
23:06:32 2011-02-03 23:06:32 1 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published
fortune-estimated-at-40-billion-euros/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 16:43:05 +0000 birdflu666 This from the National Post. “Like most dictators,
Mr. Mubarak is accused of feathering his nest — and that of his family. His fortune, estimated at
US$30-billion, is stashed offshore in the usual secret bank accounts in the U.S., Switzerland and
Britain. There is also the pricey real estate that includes a Georgian townhouse in London,
handy for shopping at Harrods, and properties in Los Angeles, Washington and New York. Back
home there’s a luxurious villa in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el Sheikh. Much of the loot is in the
name of Mr. Mubarak’s wife, Suzanne, who has a British passport. Unto the sons His sons,
Alaa and Gamal, both initially followed a career in finance. While Alaa, the elder, maintained a
relatively low profile and showed no interest in politics, Gamal, now 47, has long been seen as
the heir apparent. He began a career in investment banking, working for the Bank of America in
Egypt and later London. He is married to Khadiga, who is 20 years his junior. His political
career began in 2000 when his father appointed him to the General Secretariat of the National
Democratic Party.” Read
4308 2011-02-03 16:43:05 2011-02-03 16:43:05 open open mubarak-family-fortune-estimated-
at-40-billion-euros publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_5f91e9dd3433bbef0359be1efe622e9e 11657
2011-02-03 22:55:58 2011-02-03 22:55:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-03 20:47:01 2011-02-03 20:47:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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02-03 16:52:16 2011-02-03 16:52:16 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-02-04 17:49:12 2011-02-04 17:49:12 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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at-40-billion-euros/ 2011-02-06 01:44:29 2011-02-06 01:44:29 1 pingback 0 0
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11765 2011-02-07 17:58:08
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11766 2011-02-07 17:59:52
2011-02-07 17:59:52 1 11765 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ambitious-plan-to-reform-euro-zone-says-wsj/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011 16:45:03 +0000 birdflu666 said Joerg Asmussen in an interview with Dow
Jones Newswires, in which he cited the European Council meeting on March 24-25 as a deadline
for a package of reforms by euro-zone member countries. Changes would include new
commitments to "fiscal consolidation and growth-enhancing structural reforms," Asmussen
said. Germany also wants alterations to the Stability and Growth Pact--the euro zone's basic
fiscal rulebook--under which "national fiscal frameworks" would be implemented. Read more
at:]]> 4310 2011-02-03 16:45:03
2011-02-03 16:45:03 open open germany-has-ambitious-plan-to-reform-euro-zone-says-wsj
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
report-on-neurological-damage-caused-to-17-year-old-by-swine-flu-vaccine/ Thu, 03 Feb 2011
16:50:17 +0000 birdflu666 Got an unusual illness
after vaccination  From Sweden's Expressen When Frida Sivermark,17, came home from school,
she sat down in the couch and fell asleep. - How nice she can finally relax, her mother said about
her otherwise so active daughter. Because her parents didn't suspect that Frida had been hit by
an unusual sleeping illness/narcolepsy, probably trigged by the swineflu vaccine. Read the
report in Swedish at:
vaccineringen Aftonbladet also states squalene suspected to be the cause of increased numbers
of narcolepsy: "When the vaccinations started this year the substance squalene has been
removed, The substance was included in last year's vaccin against swineflu and has been
suspected to be behind the increased numbers of narcolepsy. Squalene amplifies the effect of the
vaccine, and when the demand was high last year this substance was used in order to make
enough quantities of vaccine in short notice," reports Sweden's Aftonbladet.]]> 4312 2011-02-03 16:50:17 2011-
02-03 16:50:17 open open swedish-media-report-on-neurological-damage-caused-to-17-year-
old-by-swine-flu-vaccine publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_1fcf74b76802fe823a503525ef631e1a 11680
2011-02-04 22:14:25 2011-02-04 22:14:25 1 11672 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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vaccin-contre-la-grippe-a/59622 2011-02-09 05:03:19 2011-02-09 05:03:19 1
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11653 2011-02-03 17:49:38 2011-02-03 17:49:38 1 11652
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11652 2011-02-03 17:11:52 2011-02-03 17:11:52 1 0 0
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2011-02-04 09:33:55 2011-02-04 09:33:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11667 2011-02-04 03:26:53 2011-02-04 03:26:53 1 0 0
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2011-02-05 08:21:45 2011-02-05 08:21:45 1 11680 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-08 00:00:49 2011-02-08 00:00:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-08 10:05:11 1 11768 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-02-08 21:36:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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flailing-the-current-pro-vaccine-campaign-promotes-new-autism-myths/ 2011-
02-13 22:05:18 2011-02-13 22:05:18 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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investigation/ Sat, 05 Feb 2011 14:26:25 +0000 birdflu666
p=4314 Global Fund Against Aids cracks down on fraud The UN-backed Global Fund
Against Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria has announced it is strengthening
financial safeguards following corruption claims. The fund, with a budget of almost
$22bn (£13.6bn), said the new measures would include a panel of independent experts to review
financial procedures. Last week, Germany, the fund's third-largest contributor, said it was
suspending its financial support. Media reports speculate that billions of dollars may have been
siphoned off. The experts will look at the fund's ability to prevent and detect fraud and misuse in
its grants. Read more at:
print=true]]> 4314 2011-02-05 14:26:25 2011-02-05 14:26:25 open open un-backed-global-
health-fund-in-fraud-investigation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_cf0454e2f0f84fb88d66a9d4bfb60cc8 11755 2011-02-07 09:47:59
2011-02-07 09:47:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11710 2011-02-05 23:41:25
2011-02-05 23:41:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11711 2011-02-05 23:42:28
2011-02-05 23:42:28 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11726 2011-02-06 07:44:52
2011-02-06 07:44:52 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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10:39:16 2011-02-07 10:39:16 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11761 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-02-07 11:54:58 2011-02-07 11:54:58 1 11759 0
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2011-02-07 12:14:09 2011-02-07 12:14:09 1 11761 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-07 23:51:01 2011-02-07 23:51:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-08 13:11:21 1 11774 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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reports-the-telegraph/ Sat, 05 Feb 2011 14:27:27 +0000 birdflu666 A possible increase in narcolepsy among children
given the swine flu vaccine is being investigated by Finnish health officials.

By Stephen Adams, Medical Correspondent 6:25PM GMT 01 Feb 2011 They have found
evidence of an increased risk of the disorder - in which people fall asleep without warning or
sleep excessively in the daytime - among those aged four to 19 given the Pandremrix vaccine.
They say a preliminary study indicated there was an "observed increase in incidence of
narcolepsy" among those given the vaccine. The study, published by Finland's National Institute
for Health and Welfare, said that "the most likely explanation for the findings is that the
increase in narcolepsy is by joint effect of the vaccine and some other factor". However, the
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which regulates medicines in
Britain, emphasised there was no confirmed link between vaccination and narcolepsy. A
spokesman said: "This signal has not been seen outside of Scandinavia and the exact reason why
more reports of narcolepsy have been identified in Finland needs further scrutiny. Read more
investigated.html#]]> 4316 2011-02-05 14:27:27 2011-02-05 14:27:27 open open swine-flu-jab-
narcolepsy-link-investigated-reports-the-telegraph publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 11695
2011-02-05 18:59:26 2011-02-05 18:59:26 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_rechecking
akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 11685 2011-02-05 15:13:24 2011-02-05 15:13:24 1 0 0
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of-vaccines-in-naturalnews-interview/ Sat, 05 Feb 2011 14:28:28 +0000 birdflu666 assumed safety and efficacy of vaccines is actually
quite shocking. Today, Dr Sherri Tenpenny speaks out in an interview with the Health Ranger,
posted on NaturalNews.TV: In that interview, Dr
Tenpenny says, "It seems as though the pharmaceutical industry looks at children as nothing
more than a repository of their products, whatever those products are... whether they are a
vaccine, an artificial coloring from the food industry, something in a pill such as a medication,
and we see these kids, they're not healthy, they're pale, they just don't look healthy. And then the
pharmaceutical industry paints these happy pictures that we have to keep vaccinating these kids
to keep them healthy. And the pediatricians say because these kids are sick, we need to vaccinate
them more!" Dr Tenpenny also calls out the huge conflicts of interest across the vaccine
industry and pushers of vaccination policies, saying: "The money isn't really to be made in the
vaccine industry. The money is made by Big Pharma with all of the drugs that are given to treat
and address all the illnesses that are subsequent to the side effects of the vaccines." "If we could
cut vaccination by 90 percent and get everybody's vitamin D levels up between 60 and 80 [ng /
dl], we wouldn't have this health care problem that we have to tax everybody to death to try to
take care of people. People would be healthy." About the underlying assumption that vaccines
are a valid approach to health, Dr Tenpenny questions that, too, saying: "True health cannot
come from a needle. Injecting people with something to try to keep them well is a 200 year
mistake." Speaking on the executives of the vaccine companies who have knowingly released
contaminated vaccines that harmed and killed innocent children, Dr Tenpenny says, "Some of
them will go to jail. Because I'm sure that some of them know absolutely what's going on." She
goes on to compare the behavior of the vaccine companies to ENRON. Here's what else you'll
hear about in this interview • Why parents are waking up to the truth about vaccine dangers. •
Why vaccines are related to our epidemic of asthma and allergies. • Why "vaccines are the
backbone of the entire pharmaceutical industry" because they create lifelong disease requiring
expensive medical treatments. • How vaccines are made with 63 different chemicals that may
pose a grave risk of harm to human health. • Why there's no profit to be made in keeping people
healthy, leading to the drug companies actually working to keep people stuck in a cycle of
degenerative disease. • Why infection and temporary illness is actually an important part of
boosting long-term immunity and health. • Why psychiatric drugs can cause young males to
grow "man boobs." • Why there have never been any legitimate randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled studies on vaccines. Hear the full interview at:
v=4CD1F... Learn more about Dr Sherri Tenpenny at her clinic's website: Learn more:]]>
4318 2011-02-05 14:28:28 2011-02-05 14:28:28 open open sherri-tenpenny-warns-parents-
about-safety-of-vaccines-in-naturalnews-interview publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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2011-02-05 14:43:40 2011-02-05 14:43:40 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-05 23:16:38 2011-02-05 23:16:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-06 07:31:54 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ruled-unconstitutional-states-embrace-limits-on-federal-power/ Sat, 05 Feb 2011 14:30:27
+0000 birdflu666 protect existing law as written in
the United States Constitution. Three years ago, even President Obama would have agreed with
Judge Vinson's decision. In arguing against the idea of an individual mandate in government-
run health insurance, President Obama said in 2008, "If a mandate was the solution, we can try
to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house." Obama's quote demonstrates
the ludicrousness of the federal government requiring people to buy certain products or services
in order to solve what the government perceives as a problem. If the government is allowed to
dictate commercial behavior by forcing citizens to purchase things they don't want to
purchase, then it won't be long before Washington starts forcing everybody to buy a U.S.-made
automobile each year to support the auto industry... or pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and other
products and services the government wants to push onto the people. Judge Vinson cited this
same argument in his 78-page ruling, in fact, writing: "Congress could require that everyone
above a certain income threshold buy a General Motors automobile -- now partially
government-owned -- because those who do not buy GM cars (or those who buy foreign cars)
are adversely impacting commerce and a taxpayer-subsidized business." In a demonstration of
the ridiculousness of governments forcing citizens to buy things, five South Dakota lawmakers
have introduced legislation that would require all residents of that state to buy a firearm to
provide for their own self defense. ( The bill is, of
course, being put forth solely to make a point: That governments have no business forcing
citizens to buy things they don't personally want or even believe in. But if Obama can force you
to buy health insurance, there's no reason why someone else in Washington couldn't force
everybody to buy a firearm, or a pound of broccoli each week, or a water filter, or anything else
the government says is "for your own good." The federal government has no power to force
Americans to buy stuff In light of the potential for runaway federal abuse of the Commerce
Clause, Judge Roger Vinson correctly ruled that the U.S. Constitution does not grant the federal
government the power to engage in "market dictatorship" activities such as requiring people to
buy health insurance. Such power was never granted to the federal government in the U.S.
Constitution (no, not even in the Commerce Clause, which was written to prevent states from
enacting tariffs, not to grant the federal government power over all commerce), and therefore
the federal government has no legal basis from which to enforce such mandates. Congress, of
course, rarely abides by the limitations on federal power as enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
That's why Congress passed Obamacare in the first place, even though the law blatantly violated
the Constitution in requiring people to purchase a product many of them were ethically opposed
to purchasing. (How many of us really want to be forced by Washington to send money to Big
Pharma and the conventional medical industry?) Congress, it seems, wants the federal
government to essentially be able to have absolute power over the American people; to tell them
what to buy, how they're supposed to react to tragedy (Giffords shooting), and even what they're
not allowed to read (health claims on nutritional products). And yet, the primary purpose of the
U.S. Constitution is to place limits on federal power, and it is the proper role of federal
judges to strike down laws when such laws clearly attempt to undermine the Constitution by
engaging in unjustified expansions of federal power. On to the Supreme Court The ultimate
legality of Obama's health care law will, of course, be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, and
it's anyone's guess how the Supreme Court will rule on the constitutionality of the individual
mandate (or the law in its entirety). Through American history, the U.S. Supreme Court has
made some rather wild and seemingly-irrational decisions that supported federal government's
power grabs, such as the case of Wickard vs Filburn as we reported here on NaturalNews: At other times, the U.S. Supreme Court has limited
the power of the federal government in the context of the Commerce Clause. It seems that the
high court's decisions in these matters rest on whether it believes the federal government has "a
compelling interest" in the matter which would, in the opinion of the Court, justify what is
obviously the federal government's attempt to establish vast overreaching powers that would
intrude upon individual liberties. This case may not even be heard until 2012, and until that
time, Obamacare rolls forward, causing steady increases in health insurance premiums and an
ongoing loss of jobs as U.S. corporations move their operations to other countries where health
care mandates don't bankrupt them. In order to protect its favorite corporations and unions, of
course, the Obama Administration has now granted over 700 waivers to various business
organizations ( Recipients of the waivers include
PepsiCo and various unions. This brings up the obvious question: Obamacare is so good that
Americans have to be forced to buy it while PepsiCo -- a company whose products actually
contribute to health care costs in America through obesity and diabetes -- is exempted from
participating? How is it that powerful corporations are getting waivers from such a "great"
health care system, but individuals get a knock on the door from the IRS if they try to opt out?
This is how tyrannical governments work: They pass oppressive, overreaching mandates and
then exempt their own buddies and corporate supporters from any such requirements. Everyday
working people, meanwhile, are locked in and actually penalized by tax authorities if they try to
avoid buying a health insurance product they never even wanted in the first place! Efforts under
way to repeal Obamacare in the Senate So far, 26 states have filed suit against the federal
government to halt Obamacare. They're doing this because Obamacare threatens to
bankrupt the states. These states are, in essence, fighting for their financial survival.
Anticipating the devastating financial consequences on states if Obamacare remains law, Senate
Republican Leader Mitch McConnell announced yesterday that he plans to attach an Obamacare
repeal effort to an upcoming funding bill that's pending in the Senate. This effort reportedly has
the support of all 47 Republican senators. Any such attempt to repeal Obamacare, of course, is
almost certain to be vetoed by President Obama. The federal government is fighting hard to
force the American people -- and the states -- to accept this Washington power grab that actually
feeds right into the monopolistic (and health-harming) business practices of the conventional
medical industry, Big Pharma, the vaccine industry and even the cancer industry. Obamacare
care is, in effect, the law that guarantees a Big Pharma medical monopoly by forcing people
to financially support it even if they would rather support natural medicine or the healing arts.
Yet another reason for the states to distance themselves from Washington In the end, I believe
this issue will provide yet more justification for states to consider distancing themselves from
Washington's runaway power grab efforts. When the federal government attempts to enact
measures that will financially ruin the states, those states have little choice but to reject and
nullify such federal mandates. That's exactly what we're seeing right now with the rapid growth
of the Tenth Amendment Center ( and its efforts to
encourage states to protect themselves from the financially and ethically bankrupt policies of
Washington. States have the power to simply say NO to Washington and refuse to implement
unconstitutional laws, especially when those laws would cause financial devastation. In fact, it is
not merely a state's right to resist such tyrannical laws, but a state's duty to resist. This is why
the Tenth Amendment clearly spells out, in plain language, that those powers not granted to the
federal government are reserved for the states or the People.
( Nowhere in the Constitution was the federal
government given the power to force the American people to buy health insurance, or
automobiles, or vaccines, or pharmaceuticals for that matter. Washington's attempt to force the
American people to make purchases they do not wish to make is un-American at its core, and
almost certainly illegal as well. Might does not make right. Even while Washington attempts to
bully states into accepting this ill-considered law, those states are increasingly resisting it out of
a sense of financial sanity if nothing else. Those states that wish to go along with every loony
idea that comes out of Washington will, in due time, suffer the same fate as the federal
government itself: Outright bankruptcy followed by serious political destabilization. Remember:
You cannot force people to buy health insurance they don't want and often don't need. And you
can't stick a high-dollar IRS fine in someone's face and tell them they're free if they don't
"voluntarily" buy into the government's health insurance scheme. Freedom means we have a
choice, and the Obama administration doesn't want Americans to have a choice on this matter.
They want Americans to basically sit down, shut up, and do what they're told. As even Egyptian
dictator Mubarak is learning all of a sudden, ruling over a country is a whole lot easier when
people don't fight back. Sources for this story include: Learn more:]]>
4320 2011-02-05 14:30:27 2011-02-05 14:30:27 open open with-obamacare-ruled-
unconstitutional-states-embrace-limits-on-federal-power publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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2011-02-05 23:04:49 2011-02-05 23:04:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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and-weapons-supplier-germany/ Sat, 05 Feb 2011 14:36:21 +0000 birdflu666 From IRNA: "German-made weapons are being
used by the Mubarak regime to suppress the ongoing pro-democracy protests in Cairo, a senior
German legislator of the opposition party The Left said on Thursday. The deputy head of The
Left faction, Jan van Aken said there were images and videos showing the deployment of water-
cannons produced by the German MAN company. Van Aken said total German arms sales to
Egpyt since 2000 has reached more than 270 million euros, among them tanks, 1726
submachine guns and 606 rifles. 'Whoever delivers arms to dictators is being an accomplice to
the repression, censorship and human rights violations,' according to the radical leftist
lawmaker. 'Although the federal (German) government was aware of severe human rights
violations, it approved arms exports to Egypt year for year,' the MP said. Van Aken stressed
Berlin had not only ignored human right breaches in Egypt but 'actively supported it through
massive arms deliveries.'
ml]]> 4322 2011-02-05 14:36:21 2011-02-05 14:36:21 open open dictator-mubarak-might-flee-
to-strong-ally-and-weapons-supplier-germany publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_bd59682ff0df3d8fe5dcd1e7f527e65e 11704
2011-02-05 22:55:35 2011-02-05 22:55:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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and-weapons-supplier-germany/ 2011-02-06 20:21:09 2011-02-06 20:21:09 1
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11855 2011-02-12 11:31:27 2011-02-12 11:31:27 1 11704 0 jabber_published
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egyptians-can-learn-from-the-stuttgart-21-protests/ Sat, 05 Feb 2011 15:24:04 +0000
ml But it looks as if they are being maneuvered into having to choose between two evils that will
preserve the status quo. The Globalists are trying to take control of the authentic, grass roots
movement by positioning their puppets UN Chief Mohammed El Baradei and the Muslim
Brotherhood to be its leaders, succeed Mubarak and continue with the same policies as was
discussed by Alex Jones and George Noory in a radio interview on Infowars. When it comes to
working out fresh strategy to build a lasting democracy, Egyptians could learn some lessons
from the recent protests in Stuttgart, Germany, when a dispute was also "settled" by an interim
"mediator" called in after extreme violence by the police. The dangers of any such a mediator,
interim president and period of transition were underlined by the remarks of German
Chancellor Angela Merkel Merkel at the Munich Security Conference today. She said that regime
change in Egypt must be properly "organised", citing her own experience in German
reunification in 1990. Merkel was herself a member of the communist party and a leader of a
unit for agitation and propaganda in East Germany, and has been implicated as a spy for the
secret services, so she should know all the tRicks when it comes to undermining legitimate
citizen's movements. Some of these tactics appear to have been used to undermine gigantic,
grassroots protests in Stuttgart, Germany, this autumn, providing a learning opportunity. The
key lesson from Stuttgart is for Egyptian protestors to ignore any mediator figure or interim
president and use the time for strengthening the political organisation of their grassroots
democratic movement. Protestors need to stay decentralized and create strong political units at
local level, hold local meetings, local elections, and appoint local candidates. These local units
can be the foundation blocks to support a strong candidate in a national election and allow for a
completely independent government. Also, the pro democracy movement needs to build up an
effective communication network and set up their own blogs, websites, newspapers, newsletters
etc. Just as in Egypt, the Stuttgart protests started organising through the social media. In
Stuttgart, a few websites also had a key role in organising protests and keeping people informed.
Just as in Egypt, too, the protestors were attacked aggressively by police using water canon
when they reached a critical mass. The chaos and violence that the Stuttgart police engineered
was used as an excuse to call for "mediation". In Egypt, too, an interim president or mediation
solution is being proposed following savage violence initiated by Mubarak. But the mediator in
Germany acted so as to undermine the gigantic, grassroots protest against a new railway station
in Stuttgart that will cost taxpayers billions and bring little benefit to the local people. A former
CDU politician, Heiner Geissler was presented in the media as a neutral and „wise elderly“
statesman. He was appointed an official "mediator" and given the task of listening to all the
factions and their arguments in a series of panel discussion with a view to finding a long-term
solution. Geissler appeared to be sympathetic to the protestors concerns at first to win over their
support. The assumption that crystallized as the talks went on was that Giessler's final
„decision“ would be binding on everyone. People were pressurized to accept this eccentric and
authoritarian assumption. The panel discussions went on for weeks, and Geissler shifted his
position slowly but subtly in favour of the project in spite of the facts and evidence that showed
it was a huge waste of money while all the time taking care to appear to be critical enough to
keep the protestors engaged. At the end of the „mediation“ period, Geissler declared to the
astonishment of everyone that he supported an even more lavish and absurd Stuttgart 21 station
project, strongly suggesting the notion that the mediation was all a show. There was never
any offer of a referendum that the people had asked for. Throughout the talks, the controlled
media printed polls that appeared to show that more and more people were convinced by the
arguments of those in favour of the Stuttgart 21 station. But anyone who has worked in the
media as I have knows just how easily such polls can be „adjusted“. Blogs that had been covering
the Stuttgart 21 protests suddenly stopped just before Geissler made his controversial „decision“
in favour of the new railway project, leaving protestors up in the air and disorganised at a crucial
time. The grassroots protestors were also split into groups and infiltrated. In this way, the
mediation process was used to buy time to undermine the protestors movement. All these tactics
can be used in Egypt when it comes to an interim president as well as intimidation, arrests and
murder. At first, the interim president whether it is Omar Suleiman or ElBaradei will probably
look sympathetic to the protestors, and appear to be even handed like Geissler to engage
protestors and give them hope that something good will come out of the process. But he will
highly likely use his term to give the extremist Muslim Brotherhood and other stooges every
opportunity to raise their profile and strengthen their power base behind the facade at first of
being even-handed. The more moderate and authentic voices will be gradually marginalized
with the help of the mainstream media that will either ignore them or defame them. By the time
the elections come, the Egyptians will find themselves presented with the choice of the Muslim
Brotherhood and a few other stooges. This new puppet regime will then manoevure Egypt into
alignment with the Globalist plans: war, instability, extremism and conflict. The Globalists want
to engineer a third world war - and the puppet „extremist“ Muslim Brotherhood will give them
the perfect chance to do just that as well as to launch „false flag“ terror operations in the Middle
East and Europe. The Muslim Brotherhood was the only organization apart from the stock
exchange whose website was allowed to stay online during the recent internet blackout by the
Mubarak government. Twelve journalists work for the extremist Muslim Brotherhood's
newspaper, and it is the largest independent paper in Egypt. In the meantime, the Stuttgart 21
protestors have reorganised but they lost a lot of momentum by relying too much on the
mediation. Egyptians should ignore the interim president and keep organising at grass roots
level. That is the lesson of the Stuttgart 21 protests.]]> 4324 2011-02-05 15:24:04 2011-02-05
15:24:04 open open how-to-beat-the-globalists-the-lessons-egyptians-can-learn-from-the-
stuttgart-21-protests publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_00a43874e109bc5d36e977455c4fe00a 11754 2011-02-07 09:41:17
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lessons-egyptians-can-learn-from-the-stuttgart-21-protests/ 2011-02-06 01:29:16
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mubarak-might-flee-to-strong-ally-and-weapons-supplier-germany/ 2011-02-06
20:21:12 2011-02-06 20:21:12 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-02-15 08:21:44 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-02-18 20:59:06 2011-02-18 20:59:06 1 11978 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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onto-the-market-come-under-fire/ Sat, 05 Feb 2011 15:26:33 +0000 birdflu666 Tracy Staton Think FDA gets lots of flak from U.S.
critics? Take a look at the blowback in France. Patients are suing and politicians are calling for
public inquiry over the withdrawn diabetes drug Mediator. Critics say French regulators knew
about the serious risks of Mediator as long as 12 years before finally taking action in November
2009. They waited to act even after the drug was withdrawn in Spain in 2003 and Italy in 2004,
the critics say, and now the drug has been linked to some 500 deaths since 1976. Opposition
politicians are making hay out of the controversy, saying that the current government is too cozy
with drugmakers and that it failed to protect patients. Politicians also are pressing regulators to
explain why they didn't act sooner. As InPharm reports, health minister Xavier Bertrand told Le
Figaro that there have been "serious failures" in the country's drug licensing system. Regulators
will strengthen their safety monitoring, he promised. Meanwhile, the fight has moved to court.
In September, one court found that drugmaker Servier committed misconduct and levied
€210,000 in damages to a patient who developed heart problems. Now, more patients and their
families are suing Servier: Victims' association AVIM filed legal complaints on behalf of 116
Mediator patients yesterday. The association's lawyer said the organization plans to file a total of
about 1,000 claims. Read more: French patients, pols attack gov't over Mediator - FiercePharma
12#ixzz1D5dqlixP]]> 4327 2011-02-05 15:26:33 2011-02-05 15:26:33 open open french-
regulators-who-allowed-deadly-drugs-onto-the-market-come-under-fire publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_9c0f12c6b9b1712081304b2fc9af3393
_oembed_a20e3463dee06d194bd704725b9e21e4 11720 2011-02-06 06:26:38
2011-02-06 06:26:38 1 11705 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-02-06 08:45:17 1 11702 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
wakefield-says-bmj-has-been-hijacked-by-false-journalism/ Sat, 05 Feb 2011 15:38:19 +0000
birdflu666 [Personel note: soon after I found out
that Baxter had contaminated 72 kilos of vaccine material with the deadly bird flu virus in their
biosecurity lab in Austria in 2009, I contacted the BMJ and offered to write a report since I had
written for them regularly before.  Knowing how the media operates, I wasn't surprised when
editor Annabel Ferriman turned the report down, claiming the bird flu had been covered so
often by the BMJ that the story was boring. Because none of the media responded, not the
Lancet, not Profil in Austria, I was forced go onto the alternative media to spread the
information that a pharmaceutical company was apparently deliberately triggering a
pandemic. My reward? I was axed from my job as European Correspondent of Renewable
Energy World soon after I appeared on Coas to Coast with George Noory a couple of months
later. In autumn 2009, Austrian Profil columnist Michael Lingens wrote a defaming report on
me and my criminal charges, omitting to mention that the police had started an investigation
and my credentials working for The Scientist, Nature etc. Only later on, when it became clear
Austrians were rejecting the swine flu jab en masse did Profil change its tune.]   Friday,
February 04, 2011 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger  (NaturalNews) In a video interview with
NaturalNews, Dr Andrew Wakefield, the doctor accused by the British Medical Journal of
falsifying the data in a study questioning the safety of MMR vaccines, asserts that the BMJ has
been "hijacked" by a politically-motivated journalist making utterly false allegations. Dr
Wakefield has been grilled in the mainstream media in a series of interviews which largely
consist of uninformed journalists like Anderson Cooper and George Stephanopoulos hurling
rapid-fire accusations without giving Dr Wakefield an opportunity to answer any of them. The
mainstream media interviews have taken on the resemblance of theatrical productions
rather than serious journalism. In an effort to give Dr Wakefield a fair opportunity to answer his
critics, we invited him for an interview on NaturalNews. He graciously accepted, and we filmed a
series of three conversations which will be aired here on NaturalNews via our popular video
website www.NaturalNews.TV The first of these three is available right now at: "An investigation will be forced upon them." In this
video interview, Dr Wakefield says that BMJ is factually incorrect in accusing Wakefield of
falsifying the study data in his 1998 paper published in The Lancet. "[The data] were faithfully
reproduced in the Lancet paper, and they were made in the most scrupulous, meticulous way.
Those are the facts. Brian Deer knew those facts. When he made his allegations to the BMJ, he
knew those facts. Did he disclose them to the BMJ? More importantly, did the BMJ, as a peer
reviewed scientific journal, did they check the facts? Because the facts were fully available to
them in the book Callous Disregard." Dr Wakefield also explains how this desperate move by
the BMJ to attack Dr Wakefield has eroded the credibility of the publication: "They have been
hijacked by a freelance journalist who is not expert in any of these fields. They have handed
over their journal to this man and allowed him to publish knowingly false allegations, and
they have gone along with it. In my opinion, they [the BMJ] have blown their scientific
credibility. In their desperation... their fundamental belief that vaccines must be safe, [they
say] please don't tell me this terrible disease has been caused by the physician, don't tell me
that. Tell me anything but that, and we will take any information, even information from
Brian Deer, that will convince us it's safe, and we will publish that, because that conforms with
our belief system. That makes us feel more comfortable. That makes us feel that we, as a
profession, are not culpable in this extraordinary disorder." In this interview, Dr Wakefield
also discusses the motivation for the BMJ to grasp at any effort to discredit those who
question the safety of vaccines: "They are so keen to prove me wrong, to prove the parents
wrong, and to exonerate the medical profession, their political friends, their pharmaceutical
friends, whoever it is, that they have gone ahead in this reckless way and done this. And now,
based upon the clear, unambiguous, historical factual records, then I can come out and talk to
you like this and say this without any fear of retribution from the BMJ because they've got
themselves into this mess. The facts are the facts." He goes on to say about the BMJ, "An
investigation will be forced upon them." Why the mainstream media won't conduct an honest,
intelligent interview with Dr Wakefield What struck me in this experience of interviewing Dr
Wakefield is that this man has deeply-held compassion for the lives of children, and he
combines that with rare courage and a commitment to real scientific thinking that dares to
ask unpopular questions in the search for the truth. A true scientist is one who pursues the
evidence without regard to the political climate. Facts are stubborn things, as John Adams
famously said, and Dr Wakefield has been accused of falsifying them simply because the facts he
discovered were not to the liking of those who run today's medical monopoly. I see in Dr
Wakefield the kind of thinker who has historically played a key role in scientific revolutions,
when one era of outmoded "scientific thinking" was replaced with a new era of deeper human
understanding. Dr Wakefield was also very polite, thoughtful and kind in our interactions.
Experiencing this myself, I find it astonishing that people like Anderson Cooper never had the
journalistic honesty to give Dr Wakefield an opportunity to tell his story in a fair interview. Then
again, we all probably know why the mainstream media isn't interested in the actual scientific
facts here: All the major media outlets are funded in large part by the pharmaceutical interests!
Dr Wakefield speaks on this issue, saying: "Will the mainstream media now take this real
story, the real facts, and actually do their job as journalists and report the facts? Will they
report the truth? I doubt it. Why? Because they're owned. Their salaries are paid, albeit
indirectly, in large part by pharmaceutical revenues. And the first thing that will happen
when they try and do a story which deconstructs these arguments, the BMJ's arguments, and
actually reconstructs them in light of the truth, [is that] there will be a call from their
advertisers, saying [no]. So what will the mainstream media do? Will it live up to its job, its
duty to the people to report the truth, or will it show complete disinterest? Anderson Cooper
has been presented with the same nine questions. What was your story based upon? Show us
the facts. Did you do your homework? Now are you going to pay similar attention to these
documented historical facts? We shall see." Watch the full interview yourself at: Remember, this is only the first in a series of three
interviews with Dr Andrew Wakefield. We intend to publish the other two interviews next week
here on NaturalNews. There is much more to this story than is being dumbed down in the
conventional press -- this story may ultimately turn out to reveal the BMJ engaging in the most
colossal mistake in the history of peer-reviewed "science" publications. The editors
of BMJ must be sitting in a room right now, reviewing the facts of the case, with their jaws
dropping to the floor as they realize they've been had by Brian Deer. There were duped --
exploited by an individual with a political agenda -- to engage in the printing of outright
falsehoods in the name of the British Medical Journal. As you will see in these three interviews,
the BMJ has given us a milestone in the history of the end of the dark chapter of chemical-based
medicine: This "scientific" publication has revealed, for the whole world to see, that the Emperor
of Vaccines wears no clothes, and that those who defend the Emperor will stoop to any level to
defend their fictions, even at the cost of revealing their own lack of scientific credibility. To
debate with the conclusions of a physician is one thing; to outright destroy the career and
reputation of a man engaged in what can only be called "unpopular" but important scientific
investigation is the action of a dogmatic, unscientific institution which can tolerate no real
questions at all. That's not science. It's dogma. And in its desperation to vilify Wakefield, the
BMJ has proven to the whole world, once and for all, that the vaccine industry is so afraid of the
weakness of its position that it must resort to publishing false accusations in the name of
science in order to try to fend off real scientific skepticism. In seeking to destroy Dr Wakefield,
in other words, the British Medical Journal, we will shortly observe, has only succeeded in
destroying its own credibility. This story continues in the weeks and months ahead... Watch this
video interview now at: Learn more:]]> 4329
2011-02-05 15:38:19 2011-02-05 15:38:19 open open dr-andrew-wakefield-says-bmj-has-been-
hijacked-by-false-journalism publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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symptoms/bill-gates-andrew-wakefield-attacks-and-the-community-the-s-safety-vaccine/ 2011-02-05 17:49:15 2011-02-05 17:49:15 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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hijacked-by-false-journalism/ 2011-02-06 04:22:01 2011-02-06 04:22:01 1
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the-community-of-vaccine-safety/ 2011-02-07 01:29:32 2011-02-07 01:29:32 1
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11701 2011-02-05 22:05:25 2011-02-05 22:05:25 1 0 0
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unscientific-institution/ 2011-02-06 10:29:42 2011-02-06 10:29:42 0 pingback 0
0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history 11758 2011-02-07 10:31:13
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current-media-frenzy-attacking-m-possible-vaccine-autism-be-counter-productive-links/ 2011-02-07 10:45:39 2011-02-07 10:45:39 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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19:00:31 2011-02-08 19:00:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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vaccine-campaign-promotes-new-autism-myths/ 2011-02-13 22:05:13 2011-02-
13 22:05:13 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
pensions-welfare-and-taxes-in-eurozone-to-be-controlled-by-new-unelected-central-body/ Sat,
05 Feb 2011 15:56:05 +0000 birdflu666 *Germany
and France to control all wages, taxes, pensions and welfare benefits across the eurozone under
new plan unveiled in Brussels *Economic coordination will result in  a planned
economy and ineficiency, economic experts say *People of Europe will have no say
in the transfer of control over their pensions, wages and taxes to central authority,
national leaders to decide A plan by Germany and France to enforce the same labour,
welfare, pension and economic policies across the entire eurozone by decree was unveiled in
Brussels on Friday. Economist Hans-Werner Sinn from Germany’s Ifo said that the attempt to
introduce new binding agreements on labour costs, taxes and pensions that would apply to every
single citizen in every single country in the eurozone, amounted to introducing a planned
economy that will promote inefficiency.
wie-in-einer-Planwirtschaft The plans set out by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the
French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for the harmonization of the corporate-tax base, the
abolition of indexing pay rises to inflation, and also for the linking to pension ages to
demographics ie the pension age to be raised across the eurozone. Merkel and Sarkozy are
pushing for an agreement in March. They claim their push for economic convergence in the euro
monetary union without a political union and without any opportunity by the people of Europe
to have a say and also without any adequate basis in an EU treaty will allow economies in
Europe to overcome the financial crisis and grow faster. But experts say their plan is a way of
introducing through the back door the transfer union and Eurobonds benefitting banks at the
expense of ordinary people . The plan also includes a binding indicator for labour productively
and labour unit costs across Europe ie the amount of money every person earning working in a
specific job sector is to be set centrally across Europe. Labour cost units do not anyway address
the problem of gigantic and growing unemployment in the eurozone as a result of the failed
policies of Merkel and Sarokzy and EU, especially in countries in the southern European zone
where many jobs have been lost because they joined the eurzone at an exchange rate that was
too high and so became uncompetitive. To regain competitiveness, the countries need to be able
to devalue their currency or introduce a regional, parallel currency, experts say. However, there
is no mention of devlaution in the Merkel/Sarkozy plan. Crucial also to a buoyant economy is
the demand for products. Germany, for example, was prosperous in the 1980s because people
earned enough money to be able to buy German products, creating a virtuous economic circle of
demand and production. Today, Germany’s domestic demand is small because real income is
barely enough to cover essentials, and the new plan does nothing to change that. In fact,
Germans along with the rest of Europeans are set to have even less money if the new pact is
agreed in Brussels in March with wages and pensions set to be slashed in real terms. Scrapping
the link between annual wage increases and inflation will mean that wages will fall in real terms
across Europe, leaving people with even less money to spend and so fire up the economy. Far
from boosting the economy, the measures unveiled will, in fact, accelerate Europe’s
transformation into a centrally planned, labour Gulag such as in China. It has been estimated
that more people in the developing countries will have an income of 10,000 dollars a year than
in Europe and the USA together in five years time, underlining just how steep the drop in the
real incomes in Europe and the USA has been. Charities have calculated that the minimum
required to live in Germany is about 1000 euros a month. That means almost 80% of the
Germans are now already living on or close to the minimum needed to exist. According to Die
Welt, more than 20% of Germans have less than 1070 euros a month and another 60% of
Germans earn between 1070 bis 2350 euro a month. Only 3% earn more than 7,000 euros a
Mittelschicht.html The long-term unemployment benefit Hartz IV is 350 euros or only about 7
times more than the poorest Egyptians have to live on a month in spite of much higher costs in
Germany. The Hartz IV benefit is set to rise by only 5 euros this year on the insistence of Merkel,
far below inflation, further eroding the real purchasing power and driving millions deeper into
poverty. It is not just in Germany but all across Europe that salaries have been decimated. Gone
are the days not so long ago when professions such as young teachers for example earned 30
times more than their average cost of accommodation in a major cities. In Greece, for example,
the average pension is just 600 euros. The next logical step for Merkel and Sarkozy is to float
plans to send millions of Europeans to live in barracks and work in factories or roads with a
bowl of soup and bread until they are 90  or drop dead as in the 1930s after a similar engineered
financial crisis. I can’t see people of Europe allowing a centralised bureaucracy set up by
governments in Berlin and Paris to cut their pensions and wages in order to give yet more to the
banks and corporations – not after these same governments aided the banks in an engineered
financial crisis that wrecked economies, and plunged nations into debt. Merkel has said that the
rest of Europe has to keep up with the “best”, implying the low wage, slave labour concentration
camp that Germany has become with its corrupt financial sector, corrupt corporations caught
bribing its own and foreign politicians(Siemens in Greece)  is in some way to be emulated. I
suspect Europeans will share that view. Not the Irish for sure. Even tame politicians and
newspapers like Enda Kenny and the Irish Times are comparing the brutal take-over of the Irish
economy by the German and EU bankers via an enforced 85 billion euro loan with the armed
conflicts of Leningrad and the Easter Rising. How much longer will the people of Europe put up
with this? After helping the banks wreck the European economy in front of everyone’s eyes and
pushing toxic vaccines on their populations, Merkel and Sarkozy pair up in a flagrant bid to steal
pensions etc instead of presenting a serious plan. How dare they?]]> 4331 2011-02-05 15:56:05
2011-02-05 15:56:05 open open all-wages-pensions-welfare-and-taxes-in-eurozone-to-be-
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to-get-out-from-e-u-oligarchy/ 2011-02-05 17:12:05 2011-02-05 17:12:05 0
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commander-implicated-in-cover-up-of-the-death-of-a-cadet/ Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:21:56 +0000
most senior naval commander Admiral Axel Schimpf yesterday admitted during parliamentary
hearings that are being held to investigate the death of a cadet on a training ship in November
2010 that he could not back up his statement that the cadet was overweight. Schimpf had
claimed on the basis of an autopsy by Kiel state prosecutors that naval cadet Sarah Lena Seele
had weighed 83 kilos or 13 stone at the time when she fell to her death on the Gorch Fock
training ship, implying she had fallen from the rigging because she was unfit for duty and not
because of the sadistic actions of an NCO in charge. But according to a report into the incident
dated January 24th, 2011, and authored by a parliamentary ombudsman Hellmut Könighaus,
the cadets were ordered to climb the rigging seven times in a row and many were physically
exhausted. The female cadets reported that their arms had started to shake. While
the ombudsman’s report has not been made available to the public, an excerpt can be read when
pages are flashed onto the screen as part of a documentary by ARD called „Gegenwind - Gorch
Fock in schwerer See.“ If you stop the second
part of the video „Gegenwind 2/2“ at 2 minutes and 27 seconds, you can read a section that
flashes onto the screen at 2 minutes and 33 seconds, saying the cadets were sent up to climb the
rigging seven times in a row. This, in spite of the fact that the cadets had just arrived on board
the sail training ship after a transatlantic flight and had had little sleep the night before, only
getting to their hammocks at 2 am. They had to get up at 6 am and at 8 am the cadets started
training exercises, which involved climbing up the rigging seven times in a row with only one
break in between of 15 to 20 minutes. „Before the seventh climb many were physically
exhausted. The female cadets reported…that their arms were partly shaking and their hands
were slippery from sweat and sun cream,“ says the report. Cadets have also said that they were
subjected to sexual molestation. In addition, a drunken member of the permanent crew had
burst into their quarters, and threatened to kill them the night before the accident. „A cadet
reported that the permanent crew had a party on Saturday evening. A crew member came into
their sleeping quarters that night and held a drunken monologue. He said that he hated cadets
and wanted to kill them all,“ says the ombudsman’s report. The evidence, therefore, suggests
that Seele did not fall from the mast because she was unfit as Schimpf implied. She fell because
of the incompetence and sadism of the NCO in charge who forced her and the other cadets to
keep climbing high up into the masts however many times was required until one of them
dropped down dead from exhaustion. Such an approach might be acceptable on a playing field
when exhausted cadets just fall to the ground, but it is surely not acceptable when they have to
climb up into masts, when their safety harnesses can only be used some of the time, putting
them in a life and death situation for no valid training reason. The motive for the NCO’s actions
are even clear: the cadets were actually threatened with death by a drunken crew members, who
expressed an irrational hatred of them. Seele’s  mother has said her 25-year-old daughter
weighed only about 60 kilos and was extremely fit. The cadet’s weight was also determined at 62
kilos for a routine check in March 2010. Seele was only
158 centimetres or 5 foot 2 inches tall so if she put on so much weight in such a short time, it
would have been very noticeable  It looks, therefore, as if Schimpf, and the state prosecutors in
Kiel were trying to mislead the public about the true cause of her death, and have had to admit
their claims have no basis in fact. But Admiral Schimpf is not the only one involved in lies and
cover up. Germany’s Bild newspaper repeated the lie that Seele weighed 83 kilos. When
challenged by the mother and other sources, Bild cited a bizrarre report in the Hamburger
Abendbaltt in support.
erster-politiker-fordert/segelschulschiff-sofort-stoppen.html This report was published on
January 31st, 2010, and purports to be an „exclusive“ interview with Seele conducted when she
took her oath in August 2010, three months before she joined the Gorch Fock. The report --
copied and pasted in at the end -- mentions her alleged concerns about being overweight.
Passieren-kann-ueberall-etwas.html However, Seele signed up for eight years of service in the
navy in 2009, according to Bild. She had seen active service as part of a mission in Africa to
protect shipping against „pirates.“ I sent an email
to the Hamburger Abendblatt this morning and asked for an explantion about the apparent
inaccuracy but have received no reply. The report by the Hamburger Abendblatt looks very
much like a piece of fiction printed simply to mislead the public about the scandalous events on
the ship. The death of cadet Seele is just the latest one on the Gorch Fock. Six cadets have died
on the flagship training ship since it came into service in 1958. One 18-year-old cadet
disappeared mysteriously on night watch in 2008. Complaints about the ship have apparently
increased since it has been commanded by Captian Norbert Schatz. But it has emerged the
complaints were systematically ignored by the naval high command and the Defence Ministry,
keen to promote a culture of brutality and blind obedience it would seem. It has emerged that
the NCO in charge of the cadets on the Gorch Fock was not given any instructions on how to
handle the cadets  – that is to say, he was given a blank check to treat them sadistically, which he
did, causing the death of a cadet. Under the pretext of having to train them to be tough for a
wartime scenario, he put them into a life and death situation, ignoring clear signs of their
exhaustion and the risk of an accident. Following the death of the cadet, the crew held another
party and Captain Schatz told the cadets that „accidents happen". Cadets who refused to accept
the sadistic treatment were classified as unfit to be officers, sparking a mutiny. The permament
crew appear to subscribe to an extreme right-wing ideology. Cadets report that some crew
identified themselves as members of the Aryan Brotherhood. After sending a whinging letter
complaining that they were being unfairly treated by the media, the permanent crew also
displayed a banner in support of the captain with the words „One commander, one crew, one
ship“ recalling the Nazi posters „One people, one leader, one  kingdom.“ But leadership deficits
are confined not just to the German navy: the parliamentary ombudsman reported in his annual
review of the military that those in a higher rank often could not tell when their actions crossed
the line and became criminal. The incident on the Gorch Fock is just the most blatant sign that
standards in the German military have deteriorated to the point where military service
resembles a pub brawl with the higher ranks abusing the lower ranks in a criminal fashion while
the army command covers up the abuse. In another recent case, a German soldier shot and
killed a „friend“ in Afghanistan, and another NCO from the same unit threatening a soldier with
a weapon. The death of Seele is shocking enough, but the blatant lies and cover up by high
ranking naval commanders and state prosecutors are even more worrying. The scandals are
sparking a much needed debate about what kind of army Germany will have when it switches
over from conscription  to a professional army able to conduct offensive wars for the first time
since the second world war. The German army has a history of the brutal treatment of soldiers
and also of civilians. During the second world war, German soldiers and officers who did not
follow often criminal orders or who wanted to retreat because their position was so hopeless
were shot on the orders of Adolf Hitler. German soldiers also participated in many barbaric
crimes against civilians, prisoners of war and Jews. Following the atrocities of the second world
war, the German army committed itself to professional standards of training and to an ethos
based on a respect for the individual human being. The lies and cover up surrounding the death
of Sarah Seele on the Gorch Fock suggest the German army has made little progress. This is the
report from the Hamburger Abendblatt copied and pasted in because some people are having
trouble accessing it since late this morning. ----

• 31. Januar 2011, 06:00 Uhr

Gorck Fock
Sarah Lena Seele: "Passieren kann überall etwas"
Volker ter Haseborg, Lars-Marten Nagel und Sabine Regele Drei Monate vor ihrem Tod auf der
"Gorch Fock" gab Sarah Lena Seele in einem Interview Einblick in ihr Leben als
Offiziersanwärterin. Hamburg. Die Sonne scheint über der Marineschule Mürwik in Flensburg.
Das Marinemusikkorps Nordsee spielt Märsche. Der Bundespräsident ist da. Christian Wulff
sagt: "Was Sie erwartet, sind die Gefahren der See und die vielfältigsten Herausforderungen des
Einsatzes." 250 Marineoffiziersanwärter werden an diesem 13. August 2010 vereidigt. Auch
Sarah Lena Seele. Sie ist eine hübsche junge Frau, blond, etwas kräftig. Sie steht aufrecht, sie
schaut selbstbewusst. Vor ihr liegt die Offiziersausbildung bei der Marine. Es ist eine
Begegnung, die im Nachhinein betroffen macht. Es ist das letzte Gespräch mit einer
Journalistin, dessen Inhalt jetzt exklusiv im Abendblatt veröffentlicht wird. Am Tag der
Vereidigung kann Sarah Lena Seele die "Gorch Fock" sehen, denn das Ausbildungsschiff liegt
zur Feier des Tages vor der Marineschule Mürwik. Am 7. November 2010 wird Seele auf diesem
Schiff sterben. Der Tod der 25-Jährigen und weitere Vorkommnisse an Bord werden dazu
führen, dass Kapitän Norbert Schatz von Verteidigungsminister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
seiner Pflichten entbunden wird. Und dass der Minister selbst in Bedrängnis gerät. "Ich habe
hart gekämpft, um dahin zu kommen, wo ich nun bin", sagt Sarah Lena Seele am Tag ihrer
Vereidigung. Sie ist im niedersächsischen Bodenwerder aufgewachsen, hat eine Lehre in einem
Supermarkt gemacht. Doch das Regale-Einräumen langweilte sie. Danach hat sie eine
Ausbildung zur Kommunikationskauffrau gemacht. "Bild am Sonntag" berichtet, dass sich Seele
2009 für acht Jahre bei der Marine verpflichtet hat, im vergangenen Jahr diente sie zum ersten
Mal auf einem Marineschiff, im Einsatz gegen somalische Piraten. Für die Offiziersausbildung
zugelassen zu werden sei nicht einfach gewesen, sagt sie. Die Ausbilder hätten an ihrer Fitness
gezweifelt, weil sie zuletzt 15 Kilo zugenommen habe. Dass sie es trotzdem geschafft habe, sei für
sie eine Bestätigung. "Mein Leben war nicht einfach." Ihre Mutter war alleinerziehend, Sarah
Lena wuchs bei ihr und der Großmutter auf. Während viele ihrer Kameraden bei der
Vereidigung von ihren Familien begleitet werden, ist Seele allein. "Ich habe mich vorher schon
von meiner Mutter verabschiedet", sagt sie. Der Gefahren auf See ist sie sich bewusst.
Schließlich hat es damals schon mehrere Todesfälle auf der "Gorch Fock" gegeben, zuletzt war
die 18-jährige Offiziersanwärterin Jenny Böken im Jahr 2008 von Bord gegangen und
ertrunken. Ob sie Angst hat? "Nein. Passieren kann überall etwas. Und ich habe mich mit Leib
und Seele dafür eingesetzt, hierher zu kommen", sagt sie. Sie will sicher wirken, aber man merkt
ihr dennoch eine gewisse Unruhe an. "Soll ich jetzt noch umkehren?", fragt sie. Sie kann nicht.
Was Seele an Bord der "Gorch Fock" erlebt, hat der Wehrbeauftragte des Bundestags, Hellmut
Königshaus, in Gruppen- und Einzelgesprächen mit ihren Kameraden später so genau wie
möglich rekonstruiert. Am 5. November 2010 geht Sarah Lena Seele mit anderen Kadetten in
Salvador da Bahia, Brasilien, an Bord der "Gorch Fock". Erst um 2 Uhr dürfen sie schlafen. Am
Tag danach müssen sie praktische Übungen machen, darunter das Aufentern in die Wanten -
also das Aufsteigen in die Takelage. "Aufgrund der Gesamtumstände (Jetlag, schlechter Schlaf
im Flugzeug und in den Hängematten, klimatische Umstellung) sei dies sehr anstrengend
gewesen", steht in dem Bericht. Als der Unfall geschieht, sind die Kadetten bereits sechsmal auf-
und abgestiegen, unterbrochen nur von einer 15- bis 20-minütigen Pause. "Vor dem siebenten
Aufentern seien viele körperlich erschöpft gewesen. Die weiblichen OA (Offiziersanwärter, d.
Red.) berichteten in der gesondert geführten Gesprächsrunde, die Arme hätten teilweise
gezittert, die Hände seien durch Schweiß und Sonnencreme glitschig gewesen." Beim siebten
Mal Aufentern stürzt Sarah Lena Seele aus 27 Metern ab und prallt aufs Deck. Erst am nächsten
Tag erfahren die Kadetten, dass ihre Kameradin tot ist. Kapitän Norbert Schatz sei aus einem
Urlaub auf die "Gorch Fock" zurückgekehrt. Er habe ihren Tod mitgeteilt und den Unfall mit
einem "Autounfall oder Flugzeugabsturz verglichen". Die Kadetten müssen das Holz entsorgen,
auf das sie gestürzt war. Die Mutter von Sarah Lena Seele erhebt schwere Vorwürfe. "Wie
konnten die Vorgesetzten Sarah so hoch in die Wanten schicken, obwohl sie noch gar nicht
richtig angekommen war?", sagte Angelika Seele dem "Spiegel". Die letzten Worte ihrer Tochter
an sie: "Weihnachten sehen wir uns wieder." Sarah Lena Seele wollte bald mit der Seefahrt
aufhören. Bei ihrer Vereidigung hat sie gesagt, sie könne sich vorstellen, Leuchtturmwärterin zu
werden. Weil sie das Meer so liebt. Das Schlafzimmer ihrer Wohnung in Schleswig-Holstein hat
sie blau gestrichen. Die Farbe des Meeres.]]> 4336 2011-02-10 14:21:56 2011-02-10 14:21:56
open open germanys-naval-commander-implicated-in-cover-up-of-the-death-of-a-cadet publish
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2011-02-14 08:10:59 2011-02-14 08:10:59 1 11917 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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02-14 11:19:27 2011-02-14 11:19:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Fri, 11
Feb 2011 17:55:51 +0000 birdflu666 Egyptian
president stands down and hands over power to the Supreme Council for the
Armed Forces. Last Modified: 11 Feb 2011 17:05 GMT Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian
president, has resigned from his post, handing over power to the armed forces. Omar Suleiman,
the vice-president, announced in a televised address that the president was "waiving" his office,
and had handed over authority to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. Suleiman's short
statement was received with a roar of approval and by celebratory chanting and flag-waving
from a crowd of hundreds of thousands in Cairo's Tahrir Square, as well by pro-democracy
campaigners who attended protests across the country on Friday. The crowd in Tahrir chanted
"We have brought down the regime", while many were seen crying, cheering and embracing one
another. Mohamed ElBaradei, an opposition leader, hailed the moment as being the "greatest
day of my life", in comments to the Associated Press news agency. "The country has been
liberated after decades of repression,'' he said. "Tonight, after all of these weeks of frustration, of
violence, of intimidation ... today the people of Egypt undoubtedly [feel they] have been heard,
not only by the president, but by people all around the world," our correspondent at Tahrir
Square reported, following the announcement. "The sense of euphoria is simply indescribable,"
our correspondent at Mubarak's Heliopolis presidential palace, where at least ten thousand pro-
democracy activists had gathered, said. "I have waited, I have worked all my adult life to see the
power of the people come to the fore and show itself. I am speechless." Dina Magdi, a pro-
democracy campaigner in Tahrir Square told Al Jazeera. Read more at:]]> 4341
2011-02-11 17:55:51 2011-02-11 17:55:51 open open hosni-mubarak-resigns-as-president publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_782673e8a4611372274cec2e67f852ee
_oembed_37d85878a76475b697bb9e57364391fe 11967
2011-02-17 11:44:15 2011-02-17 11:44:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-02-18 10:00:52 2011-02-18 10:00:52 1 11975 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-11 18:57:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-02-11 19:42:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-02-11 20:23:27 2011-02-11 20:23:27 1 11838 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-02-14 16:44:29 1 11840 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 11974 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-02-17 14:51:47 2011-02-17 14:51:47 1 11967 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Fri, 11 Feb 2011
18:02:03 +0000 birdflu666 Much still has to be
done to establish the kind of free nation the Egyptians want. The resignation of Mubarak is only
the first step on a long journey. Their revolution can still be hijacked by the same sinister forces
that have oppressed them for years, now reappearing in new disguises. But the Egyptian people
have shown that they are very well informed and aware of the risks and dangers ahead and that
they have a good, concrete and realistic plan to reach their goal of freedom and democracy. They
have expressed their determination to stay engaged in politics from now on – and not leave the
game of power to  a handful of parties, personalities and secret lobbies again. Young and old,
rich and poor, Muslim and Christian worked together, marched together, fought together and
suffered together and now they celebrate together. After Tunisia and Egypt, who knows what
country in the Arab world will gain its freedom. Who knows when the spark of freedom will flare
up in Europe and inspire a revolution here? How much longer will we, the people of Europe,
stand by and allow our rights, our freedoms and our futures to be destroyed by a globalist
oligarchy and the EU under the pretext of fighting terrorism? How much longer will we stand
idly by and watch while governments give vaccines known to cause autism and other damage to
people? How much longer will we stand by as our food and water and air is poisoned? How
much long will we watch from the side as the banks loot our economies, leave millions homeless,
young people without a chance of an education or jobs? How much longer will stand by and
watch the preparations for more wars and more conflicts? How much corruption will we tolerate
from the judges? And how much longer will we listen to the lies of the controlled corporate
media? If we dare to dream as boldly as the Egyptian people dared to dream, we can also change
the direction of our societies in a few short, stunning days just as the people of Egypt did by
their bravery and determination. If we organize and persevere, we can also turn our dreams of
freedom into reality. If we unite and work together across Europe from Greece to Sweden, from
Germany to Spain, from Finland to Ireland, we can create a future of good government, justice
and prosperity. The people of Egypt have reminded us that our dreams can come true as long as
we deserve them. We can also share in the same atmosphere of euphoria and celebrate with the
same verve the end of years of repression, intimidation and lies if we are ready willing to face the
truth of our situation, the reality that we, the people of Europe like the people of the USA, are
ruled by a financial oligarchy and governments – the supranational governments of the EU. UN,
IMF and WHO – that are increasingly similar to the Mubarak regime. We can turn a new page.
We can have a future. We can live the kinds of lives we always wanted to. We can learn to walk
straight again and hold our heads up high. We can achieve great things together. The people of
Egypt have shown us the way.]]> 4343 2011-02-11 18:02:03 2011-02-11 18:02:03 open open
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egypt-have-shown-us-the-way/ 2011-02-12 05:27:14 2011-02-12 05:27:14 1
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prendono-un-grosso-abbaglio-sulla-cosiddetta-rivolta-degitto/ 2011-02-17
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people-of-egypt-%e2%80%a6-and-disgusted-with-the-people-of-america-and-europe/ Sat, 12
Feb 2011 16:54:33 +0000 birdflu666 Washington’s
Blog Feb 12, 2011 America’s founding fathers stood up for their freedom, winning it from the
British (with the help of the French). The Egyptian people have stood up for their freedom,
winning it from the Mubarak dictatorship (with the help of the army, which refused to fire a shot
at the people, and may even have helped convince Mubarak to leave. See this and this). The
Egyptian people found their courage even when Mubarak’s thugs flew fighter jets low over their
heads, beat and murdered protesters, and otherwise threatened violence. But the American
people today have been cowed into passivity by an irrational fear of terrorism, laziness and
mindlessness. Comparisons But obviously, the American government is nothing like the
Egyptian dictatorship, right? Let’s compare: There is a stunning amount of inequality in Egypt.
But America is even worse Mubarak stole billions from his people, while the American oligarchs
may have stolen trillions. See this, this, this and this Egypt have been living under a state of
emergency for 30 years. But Americans have been living under a continuous state of emergency
for 10 years straight Mubarak was supported by the military. But the military -industrial
complex has taken over America as well (moreover, there is a tradition in countries like Turkey
for the military to ensure that religious fanatics do not take over the country) Mubarak ignored
the wishes of his people. But the American government hasn’t been listening to it’s people
either. For example, a 2010 Rasmussen poll found that “just 21% of voters nationwide believe
that the federal government enjoys the consent of the governed”. A 2010 Gallup poll determined
that nearly half of all Americans believe “the Federal government poses an immediate threat to
the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens”. Poll after poll shows that “both national parties
are deeply unpopular with an electorate looking for something new and different”. Polls reveal
that 82% of all Americans wanted Wall Street to be reined in in a substantial and meaningful
manner, and yet nothing has really changed, and the government has let Wall Street have it’s
way on all the important issues. Polls find that Americans want the big financial players who
acted with fraud to be punished, and yet the government has let all of the big fish off the hook.
And the government has ignored many other desires of the American people, including
investigations into torture and spying on Americans, impeaching George W. Bush if he lied
about Iraqi WMDs (which he did) Mubarak repressed his people and stifled dissent. Bush and
Obama have haven’t been all that protective of liberty either Mubarak murdered and tortured
people without following the rule of law. America hasn’t been wholly saintly in this regard over
the last 10 years either (and see this) Stock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect
(AD) I’m not saying that America is Egypt. I am saying that America today has a lot of problems
also. (And if you think those problems started on 9/11, remember that virtually all of the current
domestic and foreign policies were already in place or planned before 9/11.) But unlike the
Egyptian people, Americans have become scared of their own shadow. We have forgotten that
courage and hope are choices – which do not have to come from John Wayne levels of
testosterone, but can simply arise from loving something enough to want to protect it. How Did
We Turn Into the Oppressor? England oppressed America. We were the downtrodden who
broke free. But now, America has helped to repress the Egyptian people (and see this and this).
How did we get on the wrong side of history? The Egyptian People Have Changed the World
Minister Jim Wallis writes in an open letter to the Egyptian protesters today entitled “The
Egyptian People Have Changed the World — It’s Their Turn to Lead”: You have changed the
world. *** Remember, the United States was not talking about democracy in Egypt, not
advocating it, not saying a transition is necessary and urgent, UNTIL you risked your security,
safety and lives for the sake of democracy. You changed the conversation, and the conversation
would be the same as it has been for decades if you hadn’t done what you did. Your generational
peers are now watching what you are doing in countries across the Arab world, and beyond. This
is the moment for you and for us. *** You represent a new generation, a new leadership, and a
new hope for the possibility of real democracy. Keep leading. My government, which still calls
itself the beacon of freedom, has sacrificed democracy in your region of the world (and many
other places) for American “interests.” And our foreign policy around the globe has put our
interests before our principles. But they are not really the interests of the American people, but
of oil companies, big banks and corporations, and rich and powerful people. Their interest in
stability is very different from ours in democracy. So don’t be fooled, don’t listen to the so-called
“wise” voices that have been part of the old reality and want to now thank you for your service to
democracy, but are offering to take it from here. Don’t let them. Keep demanding democracy —
real democracy. Because, for the rest of us, democracy is the best defense of our “interests,” and
the best path to genuine “stability.” And, for our part, we will do our best to stand with you. That
will likely take sacrifice from all of us, because real change always does. The Founding Fathers
would be proud of the Egyptian people, just as they supported the French revolution. They
would be disgusted at the spineless sheep that the American people have become. Note: I love
America and have lived here all my life. I criticize my country because I want to save her from
the self-destructive, anti-American path that Bush and Obama have put us on. Just as the
Egyptian people felt a need to speak out, so do I. “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” -
Thomas Jefferson “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the
president or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the
country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic
not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to
stand by the country.” – Teddy Roosevelt “To announce that there must be no criticism of the
President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and
servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” – Teddy Roosevelt “This country,
with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the
existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their
revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.” - Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural “These
economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America. What they
really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American
institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power. In vain they seek to hide behind the
flag and the Constitution. In their blindness they forget what the flag and the Constitution stand
for.” - Franklin Roosevelt “Those who give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.” - Ben Franklin]]> 4345 2011-02-12 16:54:33 2011-02-12
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european-mentality-and-the-alliance-marx-muhammad/ 2011-02-13 06:50:32
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Sat, 12 Feb 2011 16:59:59 +0000 birdflu666 Live
blog Feb 12 - Eye on Algeria
By Al Jazeera Staff Middle on February 12th,
in East 2011.

From our headquarters in Doha, we keep you updated with reports from our staff across the
country and further afield.  Live Blog: Feb 12 Eye on Algeria - Photo Timeline - AJE Live
Stream  (All times are local in Algeria, GMT+1 ) 4:38pm The AP reports that according to
the Algerian League for the Defense of Human Rights, 400 people have been arrested in today's
protests. Ali Yahia Abdenour, who heads the group, says that 28,000 security forces have been
deployed in Algiers. 2:40pm Twitter is buzzing with reports of the role of women in today's
protests in Algiers, with some saying that police are tageting and arresting women.]]> 4347
2011-02-12 16:59:59 2011-02-12 16:59:59 open open follow-the-algerian-revolution-on-aljazeera
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_abe360a2bd81caa408540af85d91f2ec
_oembed_c4adc8a2fb7b8307686579e8509d0992 12032 2011-02-24 10:41:02
2011-02-24 10:41:02 1 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published
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reopen-the-baxter-case-and-take-more-legal-action-in-austria/ Sat, 12 Feb 2011 17:01:32
+0000 birdflu666 The breakdown of the justice
system and of law and order in Austria is not just a local concern. The Baxter incident was of a
magnitude to change the course of history, devastating populations, ruining economies and
weakening nation states according to the WHO’s and government’s own predictions. It was a
crime against humanity. The pandemic vaccine contained squalene, which was banned in the
USA by a Federal Judge because of the evidence it caused so much damage in US veterans who
were given the anthrax injection for the Gulf War. Under special international health regulations
drawn up by the UN health body WHO in 2005, people can be forced to take an untested vaccine
or to go into quarantine in the event of a pandemic emergency level six being declared.
Meticulous plans were even drawn up to dispose the bodies of victims in mass graves and
crematoriums. Supercomputers in the WHO pandemic control room in Geneva to track the
spread of the virus were linked to UN security forces. As soon as WHO declared a pandemic
level six emergency in June 2009, the world switched to de facto state of martial law. Billions of
people would have been affected by an outbreak of the deadly bird flu. The World Health
Organization (WHO) – which also supplied Baxter with the deadly bird flu virus -- predicted
staggering numbers of deaths in the event of such a pandemic. Vaccination plans were put in
place by WHO in 2005 to cover six billion people, that is, almost the entire population of the
world. And yet the  Austrian government opened no investigation into the contamination of 72
kilos of seasonal flu vaccines with the bird flu virus in Baxter’s facilities in Orth an der Donau in
February 2009. It did nothing to investigate this case of a pharmaceutical company attempting
to trigger a pandemic. Baxter facilities have appeared on a top secret list of key US government
sites abroad published by Wikileaks. It is clearly a dual purpose bioweapons plant. As
mentioned, I only filed the charges in a last ditch effort to prevent a repeat of the contamination
of vaccine material in Baxter’s labs. Just ten days later, the swine flu pandemic broke out close
to another Baxter facility in Mexico City. From the start, I said the swine flu pandemic was
hyped by the media and governments, especially the supranational government body, the UN’s
health watchdog, WHO.  I was proved right by subsequent events and investigations. However,
the reality is that no one has been called to account. And far from being rewarded for my efforts,
I was fired from my job after doing some radio shows in the USA to spread the word about the
fake pandemic, defamed by the mainstream media that played a large role in hyping the
pandemic and persecuted by the very justice officials in Austria that allowed Baxter off the hook
and almost stripped of all my civic rights and imprisoned on the basis of a lie by a judge this
summer. My experience shows that Europe is no longer a free society. We no longer have
anything like honest or accountable government. Our governments are as corrupt as any regime
in Egypt or Algeria and the time has come for us to take action to restore good government and
justice. The victory of the Egyptians is precarious – and they know it. The same sinister forces
that propped Mubarak up – including the US and EU governments – will seek to undermine
their revolution. There is still a long way to go before they set up the kind of government that
brings real freedom and prosperity. There will be no point in looking to Europe for inspiration.
Switzerland is about the only country left with a functioning democracy: people there still
control their local governments through oversight of their budgets and spending plans. But even
in Switzerland, more and more powers have been annexed by an unaccountable bureaucracy.
Plans were also in place in many cantons in Switzerland to force people to take the pandemic
vaccine at special vaccine centres. What kind of freedom do we have when we can be forced
under national pandemic plans to take a vaccine with adjuvants known to cause autoimmune
diseases? How far have we come? How can long can we continue to tolerate such a flagrant
abuse of power by our governments? The neurological damage to young people due to the
pandemic vaccine adjuvant that is now being reported in Finland was entirely predictable – and
it is just the tip of the iceberg. The Finnish health authorities reporting these cases themselves
recommended the pandemic vaccine with adjuvants and they also have close financial ties to the
manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline. The Finnish Ministry of Justice has even opened an
investigation into whether bribes were given to officials. Some of the Finnish scientists were
caught trying to hide the evidence of damage. An immunity clause was so important to
pharmaceutical companies that they refused to renegotiate it with the Polish Health Minister
Ewa Kopacz. A family doctor, Kopacz recognized that the vaccines were not adequately tested
and she insisted on the pharamceutical companies taking responsibility for any damage, arguing
that if the vaccines were that sake, the pharma companies would have no problem with this. But
the pharma companies preferred no contracts to contracts were they were held responsible for
the damage. It was because the pharmaceutical companies knew all about the damage their
vaccines would cause that they insisted on the immunity clause. The governments knew all
about the damage the vaccines would cause. The adjuvants had been banned in the US and UK
for that very reason. The then French Health Minister Roselyne Batchelot had to go to a court in
Paris to answer the charge of mass poisoning of the French people by vaccine in January 2010.
She – or rather her lawyers - could not give answers to the charges put to her as part of a civil
process and the next day, she announced the end of the vaccine campaign. All across Europe
with the exception of Poland, governments marched in lockstep to hype the pandemic and give
their populations the toxic pandemic vaccine. All across Europe, governments have tried to bury
the evidence of what was actually a deliberate attempt at mass poisoning of the population. How
long can we tolerate a situation where our own governments, the health ministers and justice
ministers, and the regulators act in concert with pharmaceutical to give toxic vaccines to their
people? Yes, even force them on people? How long can we tolerate a situation where it is left to
ordinary citizens to scramble to warn others of the dangers while the corporate and state media
systematically misinform the public of the facts? It is a great testimony to the sense of
responsibility of so many people that the information spread so fast in so many countries. As a
result only 1% of the Spanish and Italians took the jab, only 4% of the Austrians and 6% of the
French and Germans. Still, far too many people took this vaccine. Far too many people have
suffered damage such as the young people in Finland. Much more damage will emerge with
time. This year, the flu vaccine contained three separate viruses that seemed to have promoted a
more lethal mutation. A report in the Daily Mail in December admitted that 5 of the ten people
in the UK who died from the more lethal mutation had gotten the flu vaccine. This year even
fewer people have taken the flu vaccine, showing that the recognition that these jabs are
potentially  dangerous is growing. Only 36,000 people in Vienna have taken the jab so far, a tiny
percent of the total population. Information is spreading on the alternative media and the
internet is increasingly under attack from governments in the USA and Europe, afraid of losing
their control over the information we receive that they have had through their grip on the
mainstream media. What kind of freedom of the media do we enjoy in Europe after all when a
science journalist like myself who has written for Nature, The Scientist and the BMJ, cannot get
the Baxter story printed anywhere - and has to resort to going onto the alternative media to
spread information? What kind of freedom and protection of human rights do we still have
when someone like me who takes this initiative is then fired from their job, defamed by the
mainstream media and harassed by the same justice officials that failed to investigate the Baxter
incident? When kind of justice system do we have when an Austrian judge, Judge Michael Lauer
was found to have flagrantly lied in order to have me put under a court guardianship in the
summer which would have seen me stripped of all my civil rights and pyschiatrised? What
action has Bandion Ortner taken against Lauer? None. Even today the same Judge Lauer
continues the same flagrant lies and with the help of the curator Dr Philipp Nierlich has locked
me out of my father’s house against the law and these two dare tell me it is legal when it is
plainly not legal. From next week I am going to start legal action to bring Baxter and justice
officials like Bandion Ortner, Lauer and Nierlich to justice. It is time that they are held to
account for the way they have undermined justice in Austria. I will begin by asking for the
Baxter case to be reopened and also I will allege I am being persecuted by the Justice officials in
Hietzing with the full knowledge of Bandion Ortner because I filed charges against Baxter. The
curator Philipp Nierlich even said he knew her personally. It is actually quite shocking to think
that the criminal charges of a science journalist, who happens to be based in Austria, were the
closest thing to an investigation into this extraordinary event that there was in spite of the
tremendous impact it could have had on all people in the EU and the globe by unleasing a global
bird pandemic as stated by the Times of India in March. It is even more shocking that the
Austrian government, and specifically, the Justice Minister Claudia Bandion-Ortner allowed the
investigation to be stopped in September 2009. If the Justice Minister was not informed by
April 8th, 2009, at the latest, about the evidence that Baxter had deliberately triggered a
pandemic endangering the people of Austria, Europe and the world, then the state prosecutor
would have informed her under Austrian laws that oblige prosecutors to inform the Justice
Ministry about so called “sensitive” cases. Thirty six people had to be treated preventatively for
the bird flu in hospitals in Austria – the Otto Wagner Spital in Vienna -- and in the Czech
Republic, underlining the danger to human beings. Far from investigating the incident, the
Austrian government has consistently downplayed the risks to people, stating the contaminated
material -- much of which was later returned to Baxter -- was “experimental material” and only
a danger for animals. The charge that Baxter attempted to start a pandemic deliberately is based
on an examination of the facts. The bird flu virus, an organism that can damage humans, has to
be kept in a lab that adheres to strict biosafety level 3 or 4 like all other such viruses, according
to EU directives. It is not at all clear why Baxter had this bird flu virus at its regular flu
production facilities in Orth an der Donua in the first place. An examination of patents shows
that Baxter has actually modified this virus artifically. When it comes to biosecurity level 3 or 4,
we are talking about a separate lab with extra security precautions such as double doors,
electronic access codes, special clothing for lab technicians who manipulate the virus in a
cabinet and so on. These rigorous safety conditions make an accidental contamination of 72
kilos of seasonal flu  virtually impossible. The contamination of 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine
in such a lab implies a plan and intent at the highest levels to subvert all existing safety
procedures and spark a worldwide pandemic. Contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine
with the bird flu virus and sending it to 16 labs in four countries inside the EU, including
Austria, Slovakia, Germany and the Czech Republic, for injection as an experimental flu vaccine
material was an action that threatened humanity. It was only the quick thinking of a technician
at the Czech lab of BioTest, which stopped a bird flu pandemic in February 2009. The technician
tested the Baxter material on ferrets who became sick and had to be put down. It later emerged
that material sent to all 16 labs by Baxter via a company that Baxter has since bought up, namely
Avir in Vienna, was contaminated. So close did the world come to a bird flu pandemic that Sony
issued a special order to staff to return families to Japan immediately on the alert being raised.
It is clear who is set to profit from triggering such a pandemic: the pharmaceutical companies.
Baxter, the very company that nearly triggered the bird flu pandemic in February 2009, had
sealed contracts with the Austrian government in 2005, among other governments, to supply
the vaccines in the event of a pandemic outbreak. These lucrative contracts for gigantic
quantizes of pandemic vaccine material to cover everyone in the country had no break clauses,
guaranteeing Baxter and other pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis and GSK and CSL
undreamt of profits. These profits have since become the focus of scrutiny by various
invesigations including the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly investigation. It was
these very same contracts that were activated shortly after the near bird flu outbreak by the
“swine flu” pandemic declaration by WHO on the advice of experts, many of whom have turned
out to have links to pharmaceutical companies as is documented by inquiries that have taken
place such as the report by UK MP Paul Flynn. Few people in Austria or other countries around
the world were aware that the national pandemic plan from 2005, like other such national plans
in Europe implementing WHO’s International Health Regulations, also contained provisions for
forced vaccination and quarantine. The pandemic plan actually makes being potentially infected
by the swine flu a criminal offence. Police are allowed to use deadly force against criminal
suspects. Given the impact such a pandemic could have had on people’s civil rights throughout
Europe, the Austrian government should have conducted a thorough investigation into what
happened at Baxter’s facilities. WHO, which supplied Baxter with the deadly bird flu virus,
which is bioengineered in a US weapons lab according to a report in Der Spiegel, also failed to
conduct a proper investigation into this extraordinary incident in spite of announcing one such
investigation. As mentioned, the very existence of the strict biosafety rules offer the strongest
proof that this incredible event was a deliberate attempt to spark a worldwide pandemic with
the potential to kill millions, devastate economies and even destroy the remnants of the
sovereignty of nations. The Austrian government along with other governments and the EU
hyped the dangers of the swine flu virus, which appeared mysteriously in Mexico just a couple of
weeks after the Baxter incident. The government also hyped the need for people to take the
inadequately tested swine flu vaccine with officials appearing on TV to give large estimates of
the number of dead expected. Is it not acceptable in my view that more than one year later, there
has still been no investigation into the Baxter incident in Austria or in Europe even though it
could have triggered a far worse pandemic than the swine flu, and resulted in mass deaths,
economies collapsing, social upheaval in many nations in different continents, and even in the
introduction of martial law. It is not acceptable that people like me are so flagrantly persecuted.
If justice officials can persecute me like this so flagrantly and get away with it, we do not live in a
free and functioning society. We live in a dictatorship. We live under a regime like the Mubarak
regime in Egypt where corrupt officials do as they please with impunity. Almost every day, there
is a new justice scandal in the media: the forging of wills by judges in Voralberg: the apparent
murder of a police man investigating the Natasha Kampusch paedophile ring and a cover up by
state prosecutors; the persecution of animal rights activists; the obstructions to investigations
into the crimes of Hypo Alpe Adria banks and corporations. No one is safe in this country with
this corrupt justice system. Yes, Austria’s corruption poses a danger to the whole world as the
Baxter case shows. I am going to do my bit by devoting the next few weeks to legal action against
Baxter, Bandion Ortner, Lauer and Nierlich. If justice is not done, then we, like the people of
Egypt, have to recognize the truth about the extent of corruption of our governments – and
insist on a restoration of democracy, freedom and justice like the people of Egypt.]]> 4349 2011-
02-12 17:01:32 2011-02-12 17:01:32 open open why-i-will-try-to-reopen-the-baxter-case-and-
take-more-legal-action-in-austria publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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02-13 06:19:34 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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Here is a list of the major stock holders of Baxter (Company, Shares): Barclays Global Investors
UK Holdings Ltd 29,957,962 STATE STREET CORPORATION 24,740,249 FMR LLC
21,991,429 3 VANGUARD GROUP, INC. (THE) 20,649,171 AXA 19,281,506 GOLDMAN SACHS
MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO 12,975,694 An investigation into these
companies reveal a tale of corruption, crime and swindles:]]> 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12002 2011-02-20 13:47:06
2011-02-20 13:47:06 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
hyperinflation/ Thu, 24 Feb 2011 16:28:36 +0000 birdflu666 Tuesday,
February 15, 2011 - 05:59 EU Juncker:EMU Losing Strong Stability Defender In Axel
Weber By David Barwick and Johanna Treeck BRUSSELS (MNI) - Europe is losing a strong
defender of stability with the withdrawal of Bundesbank President Axel Weber, but stability is
not so much a question of personalities than of convictions, Eurogroup head Jean-Claude
Juncker told Market News International on the margins of the Eurogroup meeting. Weber "was
a strong defender of the stability policy inside the euro area. I don't know the deeper reasons
why he made the decision he has made, but we are losing in the European framework someone
who was very important," Juncker said. From:
eurozone-risk-we-re-all-in-this-together-aren-t-we A big headache for Angela Merkel The
fact that the ECB is going beyond its mandate and engaging de facto in QE, despite numerous
denials that it is not, is also in direct violation of the treaty ratification which established the
ECB, and it has led to the resignation of Bundesbank president Axel Weber who was seen by
some as an eventual successor to Jean Claude Trichet. Angela Merkel is really not to be envied
for the position she occupies now with regard to this matter and probably has plenty of
paracetamol nearby to help her through the coming months. The question that really needs to be
confronted by Trichet and his successor is – given that the ECB is now expanding its balance
sheet and incurring obligations on behalf of the citizens of the Eurozone’s member states - who
stands behind the debt of the ECB?]]> 4351 2011-02-24 16:28:36 2011-02-24 16:28:36 open
open german-bundesbank-chief-exits-as-ecb-purchase-of-souvereign-debt-bonds-paves-way-
for-hyperinflation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
reduce-interest-payments-on-debt-reintroduce-drachma-to-avoid-more-civil-disorder/ Thu, 24
Feb 2011 16:31:45 +0000 birdflu666 "Hans-Werner
Sinn, head of Germany’s Ifo research institute, said that Greece is likely to be forced into
restructuring its debt because other options for overcoming the crisis aren’t feasible. European
Union governments won’t flood Greece with financial aid, exiting the euro would wreck Greece’s
banking system and a 20- to 30-percent cut in domestic wages to restore competitiveness would
trigger civil disorder, Sinn said. “I see a general opinion now that Greece will not be able to
service its debt,” Sinn in Brussels on Tuesday. “We have to help here via a haircut.” Read more
4353 2011-02-24 16:31:45 2011-02-24 16:31:45 open open german-economic-expert-says-
disorder publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
reser/ Thu, 24 Feb 2011 16:34:27 +0000 birdflu666
Ireland's ruling party heading for worst ever defeat Angry voters on remote Irish islands
have gone to the polls two days early in national elections likely to bring the worst
election defeat ever for Ireland's ruling party after a huge popular backlash
against an EU-IMF austerity programme. By Bruno Waterfield, Arranmore Island
6:00AM GMT 24 Feb 2011 Voting in Ireland's general election began yesterday on the remote
windswept islands off the rugged Atlantic coasts of Donegal, Mayo and Galway because of
potential bad weather delays to getting ballot boxes back to the mainland. Polling released as the
islanders went to vote predicted that the Fianna Fail-led government will suffer an
unprecedented and historic defeat to become the first eurozone administration to be punished
after the EU's debt crisis. Read more at:
ruling-party-heading-for-worst-ever-defeat.html  ]]> 4355 2011-02-24 16:34:27 2011-
02-24 16:34:27 open open irelands-ruling-party-heading-for-worst-ever-defeat-after-saddling-
payments-on-fraudulent-fractional-reser publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12075 2011-02-26 14:06:33 2011-02-26 14:06:33 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
humanitarian-cover/ Thu, 24 Feb 2011 16:35:43 +0000 birdflu666 Kurt Nimmo February 23, 2011 In a
speech delivered earlier today with Secretary of State Clinton at his side, Obama announced that
the government of the United States will soon intervene in Libya with its globalist partners
under the threadbare cover of humanitarian aid and respect for human rights. Read more at:
cover/]]> 4358 2011-02-24 16:35:43 2011-02-24 16:35:43 open open globalists-prepare-libyan-
intervention-under-humanitarian-cover publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12049 2011-02-25 10:17:13 2011-02-25 10:17:13 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12054
2011-02-25 13:17:37 2011-02-25 13:17:37 1 12049 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12072 2011-
02-26 13:47:39 2011-02-26 13:47:39 1 12049 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12073 2011-
02-26 13:57:35 2011-02-26 13:57:35 1 12063 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12074 2011-
02-26 14:03:24 2011-02-26 14:03:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12085 2011-02-27 16:02:04
2011-02-27 16:02:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12083 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-02-27 09:43:36 2011-02-27 09:43:36 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12082 http://- 2011-02-27 07:44:32 2011-02-27 07:44:32 1
12080 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12060 2011-02-25 16:41:45 2011-02-25 16:41:45 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12062
2011-02-25 18:35:13 2011-02-25 18:35:13 1 12060 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12063 2011-02-25 19:44:43
2011-02-25 19:44:43 1 12062 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12064 2011-02-25 21:16:40
2011-02-25 21:16:40 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 12066 2011-02-25 21:46:33 2011-02-25
21:46:33 1 12063 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12076 2011-02-26 16:41:35
2011-02-26 16:41:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12077 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-02-26 18:54:10 2011-02-26 18:54:10 1 12076 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12078 http://- 2011-02-26 19:12:10 2011-02-26 19:12:10 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12079 2011-02-26 21:04:55 2011-02-26 21:04:55 1 12078 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12080
2011-02-26 23:09:21 2011-02-26 23:09:21 1 12079 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12081
2011-02-26 23:35:39 2011-02-26 23:35:39 1 12077 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
sued-for-defective-vaccines/ Thu, 24 Feb 2011 16:37:19 +0000 birdflu666 Maureen Martino In a six to two decision, the
Supreme Court has ruled that families can't sue drugmakers if their children suffered adverse
effects from a vaccine. A 1986 law designed to encourage development of vaccines protects
companies from such suits; rather, they are heard in what's known as a "vaccine court." "The
vaccine manufacturers fund from their sales an informal, efficient compensation program for
vaccine injuries," wrote Justice Antonin Scalia for the majority. "In exchange they avoid costly
tort litigation and the occasional disproportionate jury verdict." Read more: Supreme Court:
Drugmakers can't be sued for defective vaccine - FierceVaccines
vaccine/2011-02-23#ixzz1EtSQerTc]]> 4360 2011-02-24 16:37:19 2011-02-24 16:37:19 open
open us-supreme-court-rules-big-pharma-cant-be-sued-for-defective-vaccines publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last _oembed_04af5f6a9ab1cdaaa077731dad8249f9
_oembed_5438a36e2bd170c93bae884e25674265 12051 2011-02-25 12:13:47 2011-02-25 12:13:47 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12036 2011-02-24 17:05:02 2011-02-24 17:05:02 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12052 2011-02-25 12:14:49
2011-02-25 12:14:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12053 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-02-25 12:44:12 2011-02-25 12:44:12 1 12052 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12047 2011-02-25 09:35:18 2011-02-25 09:35:18 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12057 2011-02-25 16:04:38 2011-02-25 16:04:38 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12059 2011-02-25 16:19:42 2011-02-25 16:19:42 1 12057 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
by-election-campaign/ Thu, 24 Feb 2011 16:40:12 +0000 birdflu666
v=VXwNoaOpDMw 2) Details of my private prosecution against John Key over Tranz Rail
before the 2008 election:
3) From the past - ex-Mayor Dick Hubbard having me arrested on International World Water
Day 22 March 2007:]]> 4362
2011-02-24 16:40:12 2011-02-24 16:40:12 open open penny-bright-powers-ahead-in-new-
zealand-by-election-campaign publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
of-his-academic-title-in-plagiarism-scandal/ Thu, 24 Feb 2011 16:57:02 +0000 birdflu666 - Germany's Defence Minister Karl Theodor zu
Guttenberg stripped of his doctor title by Bayreuth University because of plagiarism -
Guttenberg gave Bayreuth University 750,000 euros to set up a chair in medicine
management: professor appointed was swine flu pandemic scare mongerer -
Bayreuth to investigate whether Guttenberg deliberately misled examiners;
criminal charges virtually inevitable given the evidence 20% of doctoral thesis is
plagarised - Guttenberg refuses to resign; Bild newspaper claims almost 90% of
Germans support him; Spiegel poll suggests two thirds want him to go - Chancellor
Angela Merkel throws her weight behind Guttenberg German Defence Minister Karl
Theodor zu Guttenberg has dismissed demands that he resign after he was stripped of his doctor
title because of plagiarism, underlining the extent to which corruption, fraud and lies has
become the norm of political life in Germany. According to media, Guttenberg gave Bayreuth
almost 750,000 euros during the time he was working on his doctorate, which earned him the
highest grade in 2006, sparking accusations the doctorate was bought. http://www.rp-
haben_aid_968931.html Guttenberg’s money financed a professorship in medicine
management held by Eckhard Nagel who later joined in the swine flu pandemic scare-
mongerering. Andreas Fischer-
Lescano, a University of Bremen law professor who was the first to identify plagarised passages,
said in an interview to appear in the newspaper Tagesspiegel tomorrow that Guttenberg had
deliberately plagarised whole chunks. 'Basically, you can only rule out deliberateness in this
intellectual fraud if you decide the author was mad,' he said. Bayreuth University has also
announced that it will investigate evidence that Guttenberg deliberately misled examiners,
opening the door to criminal charges, and reversing a decision yesterday to let the matter drop.
moeglichen-Taeuschungsvorsatz.html Far from showing any remorse over perhaps the most
blatant act of personal fraud in modern German politicial history, Guttenberg put on a show
which psychologist Ulrich Sollman characterised as "arrogant, full of contradictions and
dangerous" when he answered questions in the German parliament yesterday.
freiherrn-zu-guttenberg_aid_602853.html Guttenberg even had the chutzpah indirectly to
threaten one MP who asked him about his personal oath assuring the university of Bayreuth that
his doctorate was all his own work -- apart from where sources were mentioned -- with
defamation charges. This, in spite of the fact millions can see the long list of plagiarised passages
for themselves, including the introductory paragraphs copied word for word from a report in the
Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung, on an internet plattform set up to uncover the fraud. More
than 20% of the doctoral thesis is estimated to be plagiarised. Briefing papers prepared by
parliamentary staff at the expense of the tax payer were even used in the thesis on the US and
European constitution. Guttenberg claimed
overwork led to “mistakes” over the seven year period he worked on his doctorate. But surely 7
days would be sufficient to copy and paste together an academic work like this. Guttenberg’s
carefully crafted media image of a man of honour and probity is now in tatters. But Bild
newspaper, which has close links to the minister, is still insisting that almost 90% of the
Germans want him in office on the basis of a poll that comes straight out of Nazi Germany’s
propaganda machine. An online poll by Spiegel magazine suggested about two thirds wanted
Guttenberg to resign over the scandal. Guttenberg insisted that his fraud in relation to his
academic title had nothing to do with his job as defence minister. But a man who lies about his
doctoral thesis in such a blatant way will clearly find it hard to persuade the public he can be
relied on to tell the truth in connection with his government duties. Guttenberg has received
strong backing from Chancellor Angela Merkel, something that serves to reinforce the
impression that the German government has been captured by a clique of con artists who
commit blatant crimes with impunity. Guttenberg has been the driving force behind the move
to transform the German army from a conscript-based one into a professional force that can
conduct operations abroad. He has also just proposed recruiting foreign mercenaries on a large-
scale for the German army. Such a force of foreign merceneries will certainly come in useful
when Germans wake up to the extent to which the banks and government have confiscated all
their tax money under the pretext of having to pay interest on artificially engineered, fractional
reserve banking debts. The ECB is currently buying up souvereign debt, stoking hyperinflation.
The Bundesbank is owed another 300 billion by various EU zone central banks -- and German
tax payers are all liable in addition to a similar amount fo the so called EU stability fund.
Waiting in the wings to take over from the battered conservative coalition government and
Guttenberg – touted as the next Chancellor – is SPD leader Olaf Scholz, who gained an election
boost in Hamburg this week, and who attended a Bilderberg meeting in Spain last year and who
appears to be part of a false right/left paradigm. Merkel and the CDU/CSU appear to be hoping
they and Guttenberg can cling on to power during a year full of regional elections - long enough
perhaps to be crowned a monarch or indeed the Anti Christ according to some internet jokesby
the Pope who is due to speak to the Bundestag next September. After this scandal, uncovered
largely by the alternative media, no one in Germany can continue to believe their government is
in very safe hands.]]> 4364 2011-02-24 16:57:02 2011-02-24 16:57:02 open open german-
defence-minister-guttenberg-stripped-of-his-academic-title-in-plagiarism-scandal publish 0 0
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signal-to-governments-planning-to-lock-their-countries-into-an-euimf-loan/ Mon, 28 Feb 2011
19:30:45 +0000 birdflu666 But the Fianna Fail
leader -- only in the job for five weeks -- had the unmistakable air of a condemned man
approaching the gallows. Inside Cork City hall, he faced news that would make any party leader
wince. And he would have to face it in the full glare of the media spotlight. Fine Gael used to
jokingly call Mr Martin 'the Dauphin', in a grudging nod to his obvious leadership credentials.
And there was more than a whiff of guillotine in the air as the scale of the FF massacre unfolded.
Read more at:
armageddon-for-fianna-fail-2559044.htmlBy NIAMH HORAN and Daniel McCONNELL]]>
4370 2011-02-28 19:30:45 2011-02-28 19:30:45 open open electoral-armageddon-for-fianna-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
government-leader-pledges-banking-inquiry/ Mon, 28 Feb 2011 19:32:24 +0000 birdflu666 Enda Kenny, has vowed to lift the lid on the manner
in which the outgoing Government made hugely important decisions on bank policy and other
controversial issues. And he also gave the strongest indication yet that he plans to go into
Coalition with Labour. In an interview last night, Mr Kenny opened up a potentially significant
new approach to the bank crisis, with possible political repercussions, when he said it would be
his Government's intention to find out what went on and "who benefited on this". He said he
would have loved to have found out about these matters before now. "I will do my damndest to
make that happen. We will re-open and restore that. I think the people are entitled to know how
their country has been run, or not run, as the case may be. "And in respect of the banking
inquiry, whatever has to be done, make the truth known to people. "There is a line of inquiry.
We're going to have to open that up, if that be so. "We're going to find out what went on, who
benefited on this, what decisions were made and the way they were made and to tell that to the
Irish people," he said.
analysis/kenny-i-will-lift-lid-on-bank-deal-2558177.html]]> 4372 2011-02-28 19:32:24 2011-
02-28 19:32:24 open open new-irish-government-leader-pledges-banking-inquiry publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_2e59ec068ff00559af074135cdc57393
2012/ Mon, 28 Feb 2011 19:34:24 +0000 birdflu666
p=4374 Bruno Waterfield, Dublin 8:30PM GMT 26 Feb 2011 The Telegraph Exit polls and early
tallies from Ireland's general election heralded political annihilation for Fianna Fail (FF), the
party which has ruled Ireland for more than 60 years of the Irish Republic's eight decades of
independence. The unprecedented and historic defeat, Fianna Fail's worst result in 85 years,
makes the Irish government the first eurozone administration to be punished by voters in the
aftermath of the EU's debt crisis. Voter turn-out was exceptionally high at more than 70 per
cent, indicating public anger at the government and the EU. Late last year, Ireland was forced to
accept a £72 billion EU-IMF bailout to cover huge public debts that were ran up to save failed
Irish banks. The bail-out was designed to prevent financial contagion that threatened the
existence of the euro, but according to economic forecasts, the cost of servicing Irish bank debt
and the EU-IMF bank loans will consume 85 per cent of Ireland's income tax revenue by 2012, a
burden that a majority of voters find intolerable. Read more at:
government-on-a-collision-course-with-EU.html#]]> 4374 2011-02-28 19:34:24 2011-02-28
19:34:24 open open irelands-new-government-on-a-collision-course-with-eu-85-of-tax-
revenues-to-go-to-servicing-national-debt-created-by-banks-by-2012 publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 12094 2011-02-28 19:47:50 2011-02-28
19:47:50 1 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on
william-on-his-wedding-day-cheer-for-the-irish-in-grim-times/ Mon, 28 Feb 2011 19:38:15
+0000 birdflu666 newly married couple as they
leave Westminster Abbey on April 29. "The Irish Guards will have pride of place on the big day
-- one of the biggest honours for the whole wedding," said a senior royal source, quoted in the
newspaper The Mirror. "William is immensely proud that his regiment will be represented at
Westminster Abbey." This is privilege is being bestowed upon the regiment just a few weeks
after William was made colonel of the Irish Guards. A small number of Guards have been chosen
for the tribute, including their commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Ghika. The
regiment is currently on a six-month tour in Afghanistan, but is due back in England before the
wedding date. Read more at:
wedding-prince-williams-regiment-irish-guards-salute/story?id=13019591]]> 4376 2011-02-28
19:38:15 2011-02-28 19:38:15 open open irish-guards-will-be-first-to-salute-prince-william-on-
his-wedding-day-cheer-for-the-irish-in-grim-times publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_86ad484c5877fd4e93614a0025c4b6ff Mon, 28 Feb 2011
19:41:32 +0000 birdflu666 John Bowman
concluded, 'Long may we choose power in Ireland with a ballot paper in one hand and a pencil
in the other' THEY left their houses in their hundreds of thousands, in the sun and in the rain.
They travelled from the Inishowen peninsula, the Wicklow hills; they journeyed along winding
roads in Skibbereen, Emyvale, Ballyheigue, Banagher, and down the broad streets of Cork city
and the narrow ones of Wexford town. They made their way through the capital's sprawling
suburbs from Rathfarnham to Dun Laoghaire to Drumcondra and Ballyfermot. They poured
into 6,000 polling stations across the country, simmering and seething, racked with rage,
gripped by heartache and hellbent on revenge. They'd waited months and months for this day as
they watched shops in their towns and villages boarded up, dole queues lengthen and their
children leave. They'd bided their time after Anglo imploded and took the economy with it, and
when the men from the IMF took away our sovereignty one snowy winter's night. They didn't
light fires or storm parliament or do bloody battle on the streets. Instead, armed with that
humble little weapon so sneeringly dismissed by a former Taoiseach as "our stupid oul' pencils",
they rained down vengeance on the Government. With over 2.2 million strokes and ticks and
marks they struck down the mighty party of power, stabbing into its heart over and over to
ensure it didn't rise again. As the tempests of change howl and swirl across the Middle East, we
too held our own uprising on Friday, February 25, when we unleashed our Pencil Revolution.
And what a dramatic, heart-stopping new picture all those pencils have created, redrawing the
map of Irish politics, perhaps forever. Read more at:
revolution-2559045.html]]> 4380 2011-02-28 19:41:32 2011-02-28 19:41:32 open open
irelands-pencil-revolution publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12110 2011-03-01 14:08:39 2011-03-01 14:08:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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as-euimf-conduct-economic-blitzkrief/ Mon, 28 Feb 2011 20:04:43 +0000 birdflu666 Ireland's election called a "transformative moment"
in nation's history: a "pencil revolution" at the ballot box - The Fianna Fail party has been
annihilated at the polls: the party locked Ireland into an 85 billion euro loan from
the EU/IMF at an interest rate of  6% and relinquished sovereignty - New
government has just days to stop transfer of tax payer money to foreign
bondholders following draconian EU/IMF budget passed in December - 85% of the
income tax revenue will be used to service the EU/IMF loan by 2012 in an
economic Blitzkrieg - EU insists Ireland must pay banks setting stage for
"collision" with new Irish government - Spirit of independence of 1916 awakening
as country faces crushing taxation without representation by imperial-style EU
administration Irish voters have delivered “electoral Armageddon” to the Fianna Fail
government that saddled tax payers with the obligation to pay interest on a mountain of private
bank debt. Interest on the national debt is set to consume a 85% of the country’s income tax
revenues by 2012, according to The Telegraph. Fine Gael won the most seats in the 166-seat Dáil
at 76 and looks set to form a government with the Labour party, which won around 37 seats.
Sinn Fein trebled its seats to win 15, including Donegal South West. Fianna Fail was relegated to
the wilderness with 20 seats in an annihilation of historical proportions for the first government
in the eurozone to lock its people into an EU/IMF loan. The stunning ousting of the country’s
ruling party that has ruled for 61 of the past 80 years has been called the “pencil revolution” and
compared with the uprisings in the Middle East but without bloody street battles.
uprising-brought-down-ff-with-pencil-revolution-2559045.html Fine Gael and Labour leaders
met today to discuss at top speed how to deal with the interest payments on the EU/IMF loan.
Money will be taken from the Irish tax payers very fast in an economic “Blitzkrieg”. The EU/IMF
have plans to repay 60 per cent of holders of unguaranteed, unsecured senior bonds by the end
of 2012, with bondholders getting €5.7bn this year and €7bn in 2012. Banks have already
received €53bn, or 33 per cent of GDP, since 2008. At the same time, GDP contracted by 11 per
cent between 2007 and 2010. The high voter turn-out at the election of 70% and the wipe out of
FF at the polls suggests that the population has understood that corruption among the Irish and
EU political and financial elite have caused the worst economic collapse in modern Ireland’s
history, and want a government that shows the steely spirit of 1916 to rescue the country. Polls
show huge numbers of voters described themselves as “very angry” and “outraged at what is, in
effect, the biggest transfer of wealth from the people of Ireland to foreign entities in history
under the pretext of having to pay interest on a paper debt. Vienna Economics Professor Franz
Hörmann explained in a report in Der Standard how banks can create money-- and also debt --
out of thin air using the fractional reserve banking system. He also explained how they can use
the fair value accounting rule to amass fraudulent losses on their books that can also be used as
a pretext to suck real capital from taxpayers along as government leaders acquiesce in the fraud.
The FF government and ECB helped fuel a property bubble by easy credit and they subsequently
burst the bubble. The ensuing property losses gave the banks a pretext to declare themselves in
liquidity problems and get billions in real capital in the form of tax payer money in return for
paper losses. The EU and IMF are insisting that Irish taxpayers hand over their money to
foreign bondholders at a brutal pace, leaving a new government little time to reverse the biggest
transfer of wealth from the country to foreign entities in history before key summits in March.
“The cost of servicing Irish bank debt and the EU-IMF bank loans will consume 85 per cent of
Ireland's income tax revenue by 2012, a burden that a majority of voters find intolerable.,”
reports Bruno waterfield. An average Irish family will have to pay about £3,900 a year in extra
taxes , and most to the banks.
government-on-a-collision-course-with-EU.html# This burden comes after the FF leadership
saddled the Irish people with private bank debt obligations which amount to about 135 billion in
a backroom deal. In November, 2010, FF locked the country into an 85 billion euro loan from
the EU/IMF at an interest rate of about 6%. They also relinquished sovereignty to the EU and
IMF  and passed an EU/IMF budget in December 1010 to raise taxes by 5 billion and cut
spending by 10 billion euros. This triggered early elections and the wipe out of the FF party at
the polls last Thursday in a warning to the EU and IMF and banks that voters have had enough.
Enda Kenny is set to attend at an EU summit on March 11, and on March 24 and 25. Kenny has
said he will try persuade his European counterparts to cut the interest rate on the EU loan. But
it is not clear how this will help Ireland significantly given the size of the national debt and the
pace at which it is being repaid. According to EU officials, the Irish voters have no say, however,
report the media. There will be taxation without representation in a development that puts the
EU on the same footing as the colonial British empire. The German and French government are
pressing for an embryonic EU fiscal union, which is just another method for looting EU
taxpayers who are increasingly opposing the extraction of their money by banks via the
European Stability Fund. The Irish people will never acquiesce in the open looting of their
economy by the EU, German and French officials on behalf of the banks in what can only be
described as an economic “Blitzkrieg” setting the scene for a collision, as the Telegraph reports.
Labour could reject Fine Gael and its polices on privatisation, austerity and income cuts and
form a government with Sinn Fein and Independents and make a fresh start. German economist
Hans-Werner Sinn recently said that Greece should readopt the Drachma, recognizing that
there is no way out of  a eurozone country caught in the EU/IMF bank debt trap other than
setting up a new currency and detaching a country’s economy from the blood sucking banks that
control the apparatus of the EU government. It should conduct an inquiry into the banking
crisis and bring those responsible to account. This was an economic crime comparable in the
devastation it has wrecked to a war crime. Ireland should strike out on a new path with full
confidence, showing leadership and giving an example to the downtrodden people and tax slaves
in the EU empire . It freed itself from the grip of the British empire – and this is the same
whatever mask or name the EU and IMF may give to their robbery of the Irish people. With its
back against the wall, Ireland has nothing to loose as it is.  Following the EU and IMF path will
result in the rapid and total destruction of the country. The spirit of courage and independence
of 1916 is surely required to make a clean break. Any new Irish government should surely write
off the paper bank debts, restructure the banks to separate the commercial from the investment
or property arms and if it brings the eurozone currency built on debt to its knees in doing so, all
the better. Ireland is already entering a so-called debt-death spiral with soaring unemployment,
falling tax receipts, growing mortgage defaults and banks requiring ever more bailouts, forcing
the government to borrow more until it is finally pushed into a default. Given the fact that euro
is set to disintegrate anyway under inflationary pressures created by the way the ECB’s buying
up the souvereign bonds of the growing numbers insolvent eurozone nations, Ireland would be
advised to leave the euro altogether and adopt the punt again, something that would bolster its
already strong export sector.]]> 4382 2011-02-28 20:04:43 2011-02-28 20:04:43 open open
ireland-faces-biggest-test-in-modern-history-as-euimf-conduct-economic-blitzkrief publish 0 0
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altogether/ 2011-02-28 23:15:20 2011-02-28 23:15:20 1 pingback 0 0
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bevorstehende-katastrophe-durch-polsprung/ Tue, 01 Mar 2011 16:55:19 +0000 birdflu666
polsprung-pole-shift/ wie
schon im letzten Newsletter bekannt gegeben wird mit einer sehr bald kommenden globalen
Katastrophe gerechnet, die unser Leben nachhaltig verändern wird, vielleicht sogar auslöschen
könnte. Neueste Infos von vergangener Woche lassen schlimmstes befürchten. Massive
Sonneneruptionen der Grösse M5 haben die Erde erreicht, führten bei einigen Personen zu
plötzlichen Sonnenbränden, ein Jugendlicher wurde von einem ca. 25.000 km schnellen Erbsen
grossen Objekt tödlich getroffen, die Kompasse stimmen nicht, Wanderer warnten vor
Irreführung, Sichtungen der „zweiten Sonne“ nehmen zu, auch aus Europa. Die US-Regierung
plant am 04. März die Einstellung der Regierungsgeschäfte, der US-Kongress soll angeblich im
März Ferien nehmen, der deutsche Bundespräsident ist zu einer Auslandsreise aufgebrochen,
Obama hat am Freitag unkommentiert von den Massenmedien den nationalen Notstand
ausgerufen, was jetzt quasi alles erlaubt, d. h. Kriegsrecht, Ausgangssperren etc…, der
Illuminaten-Flughafen Denver Airport berichtet vom Ausbruch der „Masern“ – Vorwand für
eine Sperrung, damit die „Elite“ ungestört von der Öffentlichkeit dorthin einfliegen kann um
sich in die unterirdischen riesigen Bunkeranlagen zu begeben? Jeden Tag passieren mehrere
Erdbeben, die grösser als 4,0 auf der Richterskala sind, auch Vulkanaktivitäten nehmen zu. Ist
die grösste Gefahr die Erhitzung der Erd-Magma durch die starke Strahlung und die Zugkraft
des heranrasenden Planeten X (Nibiru, Comet Elenin, Nemesis, Tyche)? Alles das wird Thema
der 2-stündigen Radiosendung am 01. März 2011 von 16 – 18 Uhr. Gast wird Niels Neumann
von sein. Er beschäftigt sich seit über 13 Jahren mit dem Thema.
Fragen, Kommentare können vorab hier zugesandt werden und wir werden versuchen auf diese
einzugehen: Hier wird die Sendung übertragen:  Ausserdem habe ich die Wake News
Schuldnervereinigung gegründet, bei der jeder gratis und ohne Verpflichtungen mit machen
kann, wer sich dort einträgt erhält immer die neuesten Infos: Bitte unterstützt uns, informiert Familie,
Freunde, Bekannte und macht die Aktionen bitte bekannt! Wer noch keine Nachrichten direkt
von uns erhält und sich auf den Verteiler (Email unsichtbar) setzen lassen möchte, sendet bitte
eine Email an: Helfen Sie bitte alle mit, dass wir die Menschenrechte
in der „Bundesrepublik“ und international unterstützen, Verstösse aufdecken und dem
souveränen Volk wieder die Zügel in die Hand geben können. Auf Wunsch einiger Leser unserer
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Mittel vorhanden sind, jeder Beitrag hilft und wenn es nur 5 Euro/Franken/Dollar oder
Rheingold sind: Mit freundlichen Grüssen Yours
sincerely D. Hegeler Redaktion"]]> 4386 2011-03-01 16:55:19 2011-03-01 16:55:19 open open
01-marz-2011-heisses-thema-bevorstehende-katastrophe-durch-polsprung publish 0 0 post 0
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fast-buck-the-hypo-alpe-adria-bank-scam-is-the-model-for-the-euimf-loan-to-ireland/ Tue, 01
Mar 2011 16:57:36 +0000 birdflu666 Though you
had no cigarettes to begin with, the deal has resulted in you getting two cigaretes out of thin air.
This is a trick canny investors can play with the fractional reserve banking system as described
by Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörman. And it is this trick that was used in the Hyp Alpe
Adria fraud and is also being used in the EU/IMF loan fraud to Ireland. It emerged that a canny
group of  investors borrowed money from Hypo Leasing at a rate of 4% and lent it to  Hypo Alpe
Adria with specal agreements that resulted in a repayment at 6.25%. In an extra layer of
fraud, the lent money was booked as capital to give the impression that Hypo Alp Adria was
highly leveraged and not weighed down by illiquid assets worth far less than inflated market
values to ensure a sale to Bayernlb. Barely sold to Bayernlb, Hypo Alpe Adria declared itself
bankrupt and the investors were able to milk 3 billion of bailout money from Bavarian tax
payers, making investors a pure profit. In the next step of the scam, Bayernlb sold Hypo Alpe
Adria to the Asutrian government only to cut of liquidity. In December 2008, Hypo cheerfully
declared itself bankrupt and got another 900 million, this time from Austran tax payers – just in
time for the canny investors to loot the bank in January 2010 by using their secret repurchase
agreement with Hypo. This is basically how the EU/IMF loan to Ireland is working – and it is
the same group profitting. The money is being borrowed cheap and lent to Ireland at a mch
higher, indeed an exorbitant rate – and the difference is being pocketed by canny investors.]]>
4388 2011-03-01 16:57:36 2011-03-01 16:57:36 open open how-to-make-a-fast-buck-the-hypo-
alpe-adria-bank-scam-is-the-model-for-the-euimf-loan-to-ireland publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_1f3ae264f272865eca31e4c111ae6220 12130 2011-
03-02 05:54:05 2011-03-02 05:54:05 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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minister-guttenberg-resigns-over-plagiarised-doctorate/ Tue, 01 Mar 2011 17:00:15 +0000
birdflu666 Considered to be the real power behind
Chancellor Angela Merkel, Guttenberg occupied one of the most important ministries in the
German government and treated the Bundeswehr as his own private, imperial army. The
defence minister has supreme command over the German armed forces, and as part of his
radical reform project, Guttenberg further strengthened his control by introducing a new
command structure under a new, almost omnipotent General Inspector who, in turn, has the
power to appoint the general staff. Guttenberg has been the driving force behind the reform of
the army, paving the way for a military solution to the financial  and bankign debt crisis that the
same elite have engineered and which is engulfing the eurozone and threatening to shatter
German society itself. The revelation that Guttenberg plagiarised his doctoral thesis has
damaged not only Guttenberg but also weakened the media empire that has promoted him. The
idea of Guttenberg’s charisma is a largely invention of the newspapers such as Axel Springer’s
mass circulation Bild and other media group such as the Pearson’s The Financial Times and the
Economist. These have promoted the myth of Guttenberg as a political sensation predestined to
be the Chancellor. They have projected the image of him as a man of aristocratic honour,
patriotism and old fashioned values which his plagiarism has so clearly revealed to be a fiction.
His popularity among the people measured in doubtful Bild polls has been used to legitimise his
monarchial-style rule. Now that his popularity this has fallen away so dramatically and so
demonstrably due to his obvious personal corruption and opportunism, the Guttenberg model
of monarchial government rule with the help of doubtful Bild polls is no longer sustainable. By
staying on in office, Guttenberg would have demonstrated to the German people that there is no
more democracy or law in the highest levels of the government. Guttenberg’s popularity
plummeted so steeply that not even the heavy guns of Bild propaganda could plaster over the
reality. Online poll after poll in newspapers such as the Sueddeutsche Zeitung and FAZ showed
that the overwhelming majority of Germans wanted Guttenberg to resign. Even a Bild online
poll found that 55% wanted Guttenberg to resign.,1518,747445,00.html Bild’s solution was to hold a
special phone and fax poll and appeal to CSU voters: this way Bild got the bizarre result that 81%
of Germans wanted him to stay on in office. Bild’s propaganda in favour of Guttenberg was so
obvious that it has finally discredited a major tool in the Globalist media war. Without the
backing of Bild, Guttenberg has to face an angry German people head on – and it is clearly
unpleasant for him. “I was always ready to fight, but I have reached the end of my strength,”
Guttenberg said, giving a rare glimpse of the torment this ambitious and vain man must feel to
know that millions of Germans now know all about his shameless lies and betrayal. Guttenberg’s
2006 thesis, which won him a summa cum laude from Bayreuth Universty, contains more than
270 pages of plagiarised text. Even the opening paragraphs are lifted verabtim from the
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. He applied for a special to obtain the right to put the academic
title before his name early so that he could deceive people about his qualities. His failure to offer
any apology and his obvious lack of an conscience after the extrent of his plgiariasm became
known further cemented the impression of a “fraud” as one law professor called him. Opposition
politicians have been calling for his resignation. Academics called for his resignation in an open
letter, which has now been signed online by more than 50,000 people. The University of
Bayreuth has revoked Mr. zu Guttenberg's doctorate last week and a criminal inquiry is in the
pipeline. Guttenberg is such a key player for the Globalists that efforts will, no doubt, be made to
get him back into high political office -is wife, Stephanie, may even be wheeled out as a
replacement. However, his image is now so sullied that Guttenberg will never have the same
credibility. The German government now has to push through a radical military reform and
carry out further looting of the economy by the banks without the special cover that Guttenberg
gave and also at a time when the goverment is facing crushing defeat in a series of regional
elections. Baden-Württemberg – the scene of the Stuttgart 21 protests over a corrupt railway
project -- is due to elect a new regional parliament on March 27th. Recognising the electorate
were turning against the CDU/CSU, the Bilderbergs and Globalists have manouevred their men
Olaf Scholz and Sigmar Gabriel into key positions for a new government. The Black Baron, as
Guttenberg was nicknamed, appears to belongs to clique of Hohenzollern, Bismarck and other
dynasities  who set up the first holy roman empire, the second holy roman empire (Kaiser
Wilhelm Hohenzollern and Chancellor Bismarck, the third Nazi empire (Hitler was often
portrayed as a teutonic knight with their cross), and this clique appear to be setting the stage for
setting up the fouth holy roman empire. The Teutonic knigths were a group of robber knights
who were thrown out of the Holy Land by the Arabs and moved to Prussia, where they formed
the core of the future Prussian empire led by the Hohenzollerns. The Teutonic Knights as well as
the knights Templars who specialised in banking morphed into the freemasons after the
Catholic Church issued a ban following evidence of the kind of paedophilic and other kind of
Satanic rituals that also appear to be practicised by the highest grade Freemasons today. It is
rumoured that only the highest 33 degree freemasons receive an invitation to the Bilderberg
conferences. Hitler was supported by the group, the Thule society, and a fan of Wagner’s operas,
which feature black masses, according to academics. This eccentric group believes in the
existence of an Aryan superrace but including the British Israelis and read books such as Book
of Enoch.]]> 4391 2011-03-01 17:00:15 2011-03-01 17:00:15 open open german-defence-
minister-guttenberg-resigns-over-plagiarised-doctorate publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_11d3d51c51abd7ddef571f72de0a53e4 12133 2011-03-02 10:36:34
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12157 http://- 2011-03-03 06:13:25 2011-03-03 06:13:25 1
12131 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12122 2011-03-01 23:40:23 2011-03-01 23:40:23 1 0 0
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2011-03-03 15:50:17 1 12157 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
impossible-debt-load-but-so-does-germany/ Tue, 01 Mar 2011 17:01:26 +0000 birdflu666 But
the people of Ireland are not the only ones being asked to shoulder an impossibly high 
fractional reserve banking debt. Ever more liabilities and interest payments are being piled on
Germany’s workforce: there is the 220 euros billion for the European Stability fund; the 338
billion  euros the Bundesbank has lent to other central banks; billions more lent to private
banks;   a soaring national debt of well 1.8 trillion euros etc etc. Germany is set to suffer the
same fate of insolvency as Greece and Ireland – only there will be no EU/IMF loan big enough
to give the appearance of liqudity. The ECB will have to buy up the German bonds. The ECB is
already buying up gigantic amounts of souvereign bonds of the indebted eurozone governments
because countries can no longer begin to service their national debts caused by the banking
crisis. This is also the same  method Germany used to finance the first and scond world war as
former Central Banker Helmut Schlesinger noted. He said that the ECB’s version of the Federal
Reserve’s Quantitive Easng will  lead to hypernflation or a currency reform – and the IMF is
indeed preparing a new currency to suit the bankers.
Imminent hyperinlation or currency collapse was no doubt part of the reason why German
Bundesbank president Axel Weber decided to rule himself out as the ECB chief as originally
planned. Far from even attemoting to pay the saveage loan that the EU and IMF have imposed
on Ireland in a backroom deal, the new government should take steps to exit the country from
the eurozone and set up the punt before the whole houseof cards collapses based on such
unsound money collapses. It should pass emergency legislation to introduce hairucts to
bondholders, repeal te EU/IMF budget,  remove the EU and IMF team that has taken over the
finance ministry and modify the monetary rules to let the governmet borrow money directly
from its national bank and prepare to re introduce the punt.]]> 4393 2011-03-01 17:01:26 2011-
03-01 17:01:26 open open ireland-faces-impossible-debt-load-but-so-does-germany publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 12205
money-and-us-2/ 2011-03-06 23:58:17 2011-03-06 23:58:17 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
shelf/ Wed, 02 Mar 2011 17:54:02 +0000 birdflu666
p=4395 Government, industry, and doctors throw the full weight of their resources and clout
behind two new books that take a hard line against vaccination choice and the people who
promote vaccine safety: Offit's Deadly Choices and Mnookin's The Panic Virus. The books are
covered by a wide range of mainstream media outlets. Vaccination Choice: 2 Vaccine
Epidemic is released. Our book enters second printing just one week after its
release, and climbs the charts on the power of grassroots support [Feb 9]. The
dissent is the answer. The vaccine safety movement welcomes two powerful allies: Justices
Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Read the Supreme Court's decision, including their
dissent HERE. Two of eight justices -- twenty-five percent of the Court -- dissented. The Court is
a microcosm of the raging national debate: 25% believe vaccines cause autism and 89%
prioritize vaccine safety as the top pediatric healthcare concern. Vaccine Epidemic Responds
Mary Holland goes on Fox & Friends to discuss Bruesewitz decision [Feb 26] Habakus and
Holland call press conference to demand apology from Bill Gates [Feb 24] Vaccine Epidemic
book launch at NYU School of Law draws over 300 [Feb 18] Media coverage of Vaccine
Epidemic accelerates. Publisher's Weekly reviewed our book! Scroll down for more details on
each. Mary Holland on Fox & Friends Vaccine Epidemic co-editor and legal analyst Mary
Holland was invited on Fox & Friends on Saturday, February 26, to discuss the Supreme Court's
landmark decision regarding Brusewitz v Wyeth, in a debate wtih Fox medical correspondent,
Dr. Mark Siegel. Click HERE to watch the 4 minute clip. Mary Holland tells America that they
have slammed the courthouse doors shut on the vaccine injured. Dr. Siegel says Americans
should be more afraid of the diseases than the vaccines. He agreed with Mary, however, that
"there's something going wrong with the court system." They ran out of time, just as they started
to discuss vaccination choice versus the need for mandates. If you want more coverage on Fox
News, send them an email and let them know! Vaccine Epidemic Editors Demand Apology from
Bill Gates On Thursday, February 24, advocates, parents, and professionals gathered for a press
conference at Microsoft's executive offices in midtown Manhattan to demand an apology from
Bill Gates. The event was covered by WPIX Channel 11 news. Click HERE to view the video clip.
While interviewed on CNN earlier this month, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said that people
who engage in anti-vaccine efforts "kill children." We know, and he knows, that the anti-vaccine
community he references is the pro-vaccine safety movement. Mr. Gates called the people who
advocate for safer vaccines, including the parents of children who were harmed and died from
vaccines, child killers. We told Bill Gates that we reject his cruel, thoughtless, and misguided
rhetoric of intolerance against those who question vaccine safety. We told Bill Gates that we
demand an apology informed by an understanding of our perspective. We asked Mr. Gates to
read our book, Vaccine Epidemic. Mary Holland read searing remarks from three families with
vaccine-injured children who were denied justice by the courts: Russ and Robalee Bruesewitz,
Theresa and Michael Cedillo, and Rolf Hazlehurst. All human beings, including parents whose
children were injured and died from their vaccines, are entitled to speak out about vaccine safety
and affirm that vaccination choice is a human right. No one, including our wealthiest citizens
and corporate leaders, should be permitted to publicly insult this right. To see photos and read
the remarks, click HERE. Vaccine Epidemic Book Launch Rocks NYU School of Law Over 300
people filled NYU School of Law's Tishman Auditorium for a two-hour program. Twelve
contributing authors participated in three panels moderated by editors Mary Holland (law and
ethics), Kim Mack Rosenberg (personal narratives) and Louise Kuo Habakus (medicine, science,
and health). And during the book signing, before and after the program, dozens of attendees
purchased stacks of books to share with family, friends, and colleagues. The event was filmed by
Hollywood film production company, Ambush Entertainment and the new weekly autism news
program, Autism File TV. Here's a ten-second no-audio pan of part of the audience. Stay tuned
for video clips of the event. For photos, click HERE. Publisher's Weekly Reviews Vaccine
Epidemic In their review of our book, Publisher's Weekly highlights a wide range of possible
adverse events associated with vaccines covered in Vaccine Epidemic including the devastating
neurological damage post-Gardasil-HPV vaccination, the link between anthrax vaccination of
the military and Gulf War Illness, paralysis caused by the flu shot, and more. While their
reviewer is skeptical, PW acknowledges that our "effort should... prove useful to anyone
suspicious of present policies." Know anyone who falls into that camp?]]> 4395 2011-03-02
17:54:02 2011-03-02 17:54:02 open open vaccine-epidemics-new-book-flies-from-the-shelf
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12169
2011-03-04 05:57:34 2011-03-04 05:57:34 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12176 2011-03-05 06:07:11
2011-03-05 06:07:11 1 12143 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-03-02 21:28:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history
have-resurrected-a-nazi-style-justice-system-that-is-a-danger-to-every-citizen/ Wed, 02 Mar
2011 17:57:26 +0000 birdflu666 Biosecutiry level 3
precuations at Baxter make an accidental contamination impossible, and I will try to get the case
reopened. When the judges in Austria are not busy helping banks and big pharma commit
crimes against the people, many are themeslves plundering citizens such as in Dörnbirn or in
Vienna  where I have myself experienced such attempts at plunder  in connection with my
inheritance. In Austria, the local magistrate court always administers a deceased person’s estate.
Every citizen who owns any property or is due to inherit any property is a sitting duck for
corrupt networks. No private property is safe anymore in the country. Dörnbirn is everywhere. I
will leave the country as soon as I get my inheritance wrapped up. We have crossed the
threshold from a functioning justice system into a Nazi-style system where officials are blatantly
prosecuting people who do not share their extreme right-wing ideology. This autumn came the
illegal interrogation of journalists by state prosecutors, sparking the journalist association to set
up a hotline. More recently, University of Linz law professor Petra Velten who criticised the trial
of 13 animals rights activists in a newspaper interview found herself slapped with defamation
charges by the judges association, the highest body of judges in the country.
Kritiker Judge Werner Zinkl said that freedom of speech has to stop if it damages the
„reputation“ of the justice system. The judges themselves have, however,  ruined their own
reputation in case after case, from the Helmut Elsner trial to the Natascha Kampusch
paedophile ring investigation where a police inspector who asked too many quesitons appears to
have been murdered. A public outcry forced Zinkl and the judges association to accept they
cannot just punish a law professor for giving a professional and factual critique of their
lawlessness. But how long until these judges start ordering critics to be arrested under some
pretext or another? 13 animal rights activitists have been on trial under a special anti terrorism
paragraph for over a year but there is absolutely no evidence they have committed any crime. An
undercover police woman submitted a report that cleared tem – but her report was removed
from the file. In spite of the fact there is no evidence they have commited any crime, they have to
regularly attend court in Wiener Neustadt to be harrangued by judge Sonja Arleth regularly.
Velten dared to tell the truth:“ That the accused are getting a fair trial can hardly be believed by
anyone,“ she said.
kritik-rechtsexpertin.story Arleth treated the ( so far verifiably  innocent) activists as if they
were „saboteurs.“ Her approach was of an „inquistor“ trying to stop the accused from being able
to mount a proper defence. The judge reformulated all the questions of the defence and also put
the answers in their mouths -  if they were allowed to answer at all. These are the methods of the
Nazi judges. A trial is being used to silence, intimidate and punish people who do not share a
right wing ideology. This show trial is  meant to terrorise Austrians into silence in the face of
economic and political crimes. It is designed to destroy the freedom of speech. It is there to
punish political convictions – not criminal actions because the activists have not been found to
have done anything wrong. The Eureopan Arrest Warrant makes Austrian judges a danger to all
people in the EU. The animal rights activits trial was initiated on the intervention of an Austrian
company Kleiderbauer. The Justice Minister Dr Claudia Bandion-Ortner herself was appointed
after a meeting with the head of Raiffeisen Bank Christian Konrad. She refused to answer
parliamentary questions on the meeting, raising concerns Raiffeisen and the corporations are
behind the persecution of journalists and activists. The catastrophic state of the Austrian justice
system has prompeted SPO justice spokesman Hannes Jarolim to call for an independent
oversight of judges – something Austria does not have.
aufstockung-der-korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft Justice Minister Dr Claudia Bandion-Ortner
says she cannot intervene to stop this traversty of justice that wastes so much tax payer money
and makes the anyway infamous Austrian justice system a laughing stock. A functioning justice
system is the sine qua non of any civilised contry, but Austria is now a banana republic where no
honest business or person will soon be able to live let alone prosper. My own experience in
connection with my inheritance underlines that no private property is safe from these networks
of judges. I have had to engage a lawyer to stop the blatant robbery, manipulation of documents,
intimidation and smear campaign organised, it seems, by the judge in charge of winding up the
estate of my father. When I finally wind up my inheritance and get what I is my due, I will leave
Austria. I am convinced anyone who lives here risks having cntaminated vaccines as well as their
property pillaged  by judges and whoever among their relations is corrupt enough to join in.
Who wants that? I might be able to leave Austria but millions cannot. They are stuck here with a
dangerous Nazi-style justice system that is all too familiar from recent history. Enough is
enough. Austrians must stand up now to stop the judges „who are against them all.“ The animal
rights activist trial is just the beginninif this is not stopped. The Nazi judges were put on trial in
1947 at Nürnberg for persecuting political opponents using the justice system. It is time to put
judges like Sonja Arleth on trial using the same legal basisas the Nürnberg trial because she is
doing the same things with the sanctioning of the justice minister, closely linked to the banks
and corporations. „Und now it’s over for the justice. We have to punish the judges finally, lock
them up in jail because they are all against us.“ This quote about Nazi judges comes from the
Austrian Minister for Home Affairs Friederich Stockinger and it dates from 1937 before Nazi
leader Adolf Hitler even annexed the country. That Austrian justice offcials are against every
citizen in the country today is clear. They were the ones who allow companies like Baxter to
contaminate and release 72 kilos of vaccine material with the deadly bird flu virus with
impunity. In protecting pharmaceutical corporations and covering up their crimes of
contamination of vaccine material, Austrian justice officials are threatening the health of
everyone in the country – indeed far beyond. Biosecutiry level 3 precuations at Baxter make an
accidental contamination impossible, and I will try to get the case reopened. When the judges in
Austria are not busy helping banks and big pharma commit crimes against the people, many are
themeslves plundering citizens such as in Dörnbirn or in Vienna  where I have myself
experienced such attempts at plunder  in connection with my inheritance. In Austria, the local
magistrate court always administers a deceased person’s estate. Every citizen who owns any
property or is due to inherit any property is a sitting duck for corrupt networks. No private
property is safe anymore in the country. Dörnbirn is everywhere. I will leave the country as soon
as I get my inheritance wrapped up. We have crossed the threshold from a functioning justice
system into a Nazi-style system where officials are blatantly prosecuting people who do not
share their extreme right-wing ideology. This autumn came the illegal interrogation of
journalists by state prosecutors, sparking the journalist association to set up a hotline.  More
recently, University of Linz law professor Petra Velten who criticised the trial of 13 animals
rights activists in a newspaper interview found herself slapped with defamation charges by the
judges association, the highest body of judges in the country.
Kritiker Judge Werner Zinkl said that freedom of speech has to stop if it damages the
„reputation“ of the justice system. The judges themselves have, however,  ruined their own
reputation in case after case, from the Helmut Elsner trial to the Natascha Kampusch
paedophile ring investigation where a police inspector who asked too many quesitons appears to
have been murdered. A public outcry forced Zinkl and the judges association to accept they
cannot just punish a law professor for giving a professional and factual critique of their
lawlessness. But how long until these judges start ordering critics to be arrested under some
pretext or another?  13 animal rights activitists have been on trial under a special anti terrorism
paragraph for over a year but there is absolutely no evidence they have committed any crime. An
undercover police woman submitted a report that cleared tem – but her report was removed
from the file. In spite of the fact there is no evidence they have commited any crime, they have to
regularly attend court in Wiener Neustadt to be harrangued by judge Sonja Arleth regularly.
Velten dared to tell the truth:“ That the accused are getting a fair trial can hardly be believed by
anyone,“ she said.
kritik-rechtsexpertin.story Arleth treated the ( so far verifiably  innocent) activists as if they
were „saboteurs.“ Her approach was of an „inquistor“ trying to stop the accused from being able
to mount a proper defence. The judge reformulated all the questions of the defence and also put
the answers in their mouths -  if they were allowed to answer at all. These are the methods of the
Nazi judges. A trial is being used to silence, intimidate and punish people who do not share a
right wing ideology. This show trial is  meant to terrorise Austrians into silence in the face of
economic and political crimes. It is designed to destroy the freedom of speech. It is there to
punish political convictions – not criminal actions because the activists have not been found to
have done anything wrong. The Eureopan Arrest Warrant makes Austrian judges a danger to all
people in the EU. The animal rights activits trial was initiated on the intervention of an Austrian
company Kleiderbauer. The Justice Minister Dr Claudia Bandion-Ortner herself was appointed
after a meeting with the head of Raiffeisen Bank Christian Konrad. She refused to answer
parliamentary questions on the meeting, raising concerns Raiffeisen and the corporations are
behind the persecution of journalists and activists. The catastrophic state of the Austrian justice
system has prompeted SPO justice spokesman Hannes Jarolim to call for an independent
oversight of judges – something Austria does not have.
aufstockung-der-korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft Justice Minister Dr Claudia Bandion-Ortner
says she cannot intervene to stop this traversty of justice that wastes so much tax payer money
and makes the anyway infamous Austrian justice system a laughing stock. A functioning justice
system is the sine qua non of any civilised contry, but Austria is now a banana republic where no
honest business or person will soon be able to live let alone prosper. My own experience in
connection with my inheritance underlines that no private property is safe from these networks
of judges. I have had to engage a lawyer to stop the blatant robbery, manipulation of documents,
intimidation and smear campaign organised, it seems, by the judge in charge of winding up the
estate of my father. When I finally wind up my inheritance and get what I is my due, I will leave
Austria. I am convinced anyone who lives here risks having cntaminated vaccines as well as their
property pillaged  by judges and whoever among their relations is corrupt enough to join in.
Who wants that? I might be able to leave Austria but millions cannot. They are stuck here with a
dangerous Nazi-style justice system that is all too familiar from recent history. Enough is
enough. Austrians must stand up now to stop the judges „who are against them all.“ The animal
rights activist trial is just the beginninif this is not stopped. The Nazi judges were put on trial in
1947 at Nürnberg for persecuting political opponents using the justice system. It is time to put
judges like Sonja Arleth on trial using the same legal basisas the Nürnberg trial because she is
doing the same things with the sanctioning of the justice minister, closely linked to the banks
and corporations.]]> 4397 2011-03-02 17:57:26 2011-03-02 17:57:26 open open why-i-will-
danger-to-every-citizen publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_576de4708624b84c9a4d9931f87f4aee 12156 2011-03-03 05:11:11
2011-03-03 05:11:11 1 12149 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12140 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-03-02 19:14:24 2011-03-02 19:14:24 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12141 2011-03-02 21:08:06 2011-03-02 21:08:06 1 0 0
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2011-03-02 21:48:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12146 2011-03-02 21:55:07 2011-03-02 21:55:07 1
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12147 2011-03-02 22:36:21 2011-03-02 22:36:21 0 0 0
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2011-03-02 23:28:08 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 12149
austria-into-a-nazi-state/ 2011-03-02 23:44:32 2011-03-02 23:44:32 1 pingback 0
0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12162 2011-03-03
11:19:58 2011-03-03 11:19:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
abruptly-stopped/ Fri, 04 Mar 2011 13:44:09 +0000 birdflu666 - Bizarre trial of animal rights' activists in Austria
abruptly stopped - Judge Arleth makes unexpected announcement on Thursday that
a ruling is to be issued by April - Year-long trial has drawn criticism from legal
experts for evident similarities to Nazi-era, show trials - Animal activists accused
of no crimes, put on trial under special anti-terrorism paragraph - People all over
Europe could be summoned to similar trials under provisions of the European
Arrest Warrant The trial of German second world war resistance heroes Sophie and Hans
Scholl had one plus poin: it was short. Nazi Judge Roland Freisler  sentenced them to death in
1943 in a few short hours for their „crime“ of distributing leaflets calling  for freedom. The trial
of 13 animal right’s activists in Austria for engaging in a similar civil rights activities, on the
other hand, has been going on since March 2, 2010, under a special anti-mafia and terrorism
paragraph 278a. The regular news bulletins on the bizarre show-trial announced to Austrians
that a new era of universal repression by the state had started. Coupled with plans for a massive
expansion of the surveillance state through data monitoring and storage, it opens the door to a
return of a Nazi-style terror regime by the state. Under the European Arrest Warrant, people all
over Europe could find themselves being summoned to face such trials in Austria. However, the
notorious animal right's trial seems finally to be coming to an end. Yesterday, Judge Sonya
Arleth announced without warning that she had abandoned plans to call in another 200
witnesses and would give her ruling in April. Activists believe they will be freed because so far
none of the 100 or so witnesses called against them has implicated them in any crime and the
witnesses called in their defence have not been allowed to take the stand so far. The heavy police presence at the court in Wiener Neustadt
was also wound down on Thursday. The abrupt end to the trial is a sign that there are forces in
Austria still committed to the rule of law and able to stop the slide into a terror regime. Clearly,
any person or activist who commits a crime should be punished. But in as far as people have not
engaged in any crime, they should never be put on trial as individuals or as part of a group.  It is
to hope  paragraph 278a is rapidly modified to stop a repetition of the kind of trial in Wiener
Neustadt and that reforms are introduced to get a grip on an increasingly renegade justice
system. In September, Vienna state prosecutors conducted illegal interrogation of journalists
investigating bank scandals underlining the fact that justice system has become part of a
corporate-controlled state apparatus and that  is itself engaging in blatantly criminal actions. In
addition, state prosecutors in Graz a few weeks ago ordered the arrest of the brother of police
inspector Franz Kröll for no other reason than authorities believed he was about to hand  over to
politicians and the media evidence that his murdered brother had found out that the Natascha
Kampush peadeophile ring was much larger than portrayed. The trial of the animal right’s
activist’sl had, however, the greatest potential for damage because this mode can be scaled up to
conduct large-scale show trials in future against political opponents and also to pass far more
drastic sentences. Apparently moddeling herself on Roland Freisler himself, Judge Arleth used
every opportunity to demonstrate her bias against activists and to humiliate them in breach of a
code of behaviour that judges should try to be fair. Her manner brimming with personal scorn
and mistrust appeared to be part of a psychological warfare against the activists – and, indeed,
the people of Austria. She seemed to go out of her way to make it clear to everyone that justice,
fairness and objecitivty would have no place in an Austrian court room when citizens were found
to be guilty under this obscure paragraph of engaging in civil rights activities that the
government did not like. Following Freisler, she perfected a technique of intervening to ensure
she posed all the questions - and also virtually answered all of them herself, leaving the hapless
victims with little room to mount their own defence.  Of the 105 witnesses called so far by her,
100 have been against the animal rights activists while only 5 have been for the activists, further
underlining the bias against them.  Awkward evidence that they had committed no crime – in
the form of a report by undercover police agent „Danielle Durand“ – was simply removed from
the file by Arleth. Also, Judge Arleth was swift to make it known she would not tolerate any
criticism of her methods. Law professor  Petra Velten who said the trial departed radically from
conventional law standards in a newspaper interview in December found herself facing
defamation charges issued by the body representing judges in Austria. This show trial cost
Austrian tax payers 5 million euros. But the activists themselvs found their livelihoods ruined.
Four lost their jobs but were barred from claiming unemployment benefits because of the
requirement to attend the trial, leaving them in a financial no man’s land all too familiar to any
who dares cross the path of the corporations. The trial of the animal right’s activits  trampled on
every principle of international law and has done much damage to the reputation of the Austrian
justice system among the people. It has opened the door to compensation claims by animal
rights activists. The judges’s themselves could not seem to care less what the ordinary Austrian
people think: they seem to share the arrogant mindset that they are above the law, the people
are all fools anyway, and as long as they stick together n their far right-wing networks, they can
break any law. But the judges may find out to their surprise that if the new model German army
under Chancellor Guttenberg? does not march into Austria soon in a repeat of 1938, the prison
doors could be swinging shut on them as they would have swung shut on them in 1937 if Home
Affairs Mininister Friederich Stockinger had had his way. As it was, Hitler marched in in 1938,
annexed the country, and the Austrian judges played an instrumental role in gathering up,
imprisoning and killing 200,000 anti Nazis on a special political hit list within ten days. Who
knows if they also made out special court orders to grab their property? The plundering of
private property that falls into justice officials hands as part of their duty to wind up an
inheritance under Austrian law -- in the UK magistrates courts are not automatically involved as
in Austria -- seems to be widespread phenomena today anyway as the Dörnbirn scandal and my
own nightmare experience shows. resulting in my having, anyway, to spend much time and
money now on legal action to finally put a halt. It is really is time for Austrians to stand up to
this small, nepotistic clique of judges, who are misusing their positions to violate the standard
principles and practises of international law to facilitate corporate and other crimes and to
persecute their critics, and who are operating like a "state within a state" against the people of
Austria.    ]]> 4400 2011-03-04 13:44:09 2011-03-04 13:44:09 open open austrian-show-trial-
of-animal-rights-activists-abruptly-stopped publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_8bed40a64905327ecccfee99e107b73f 12173 2011-03-04 22:19:31 2011-03-04 22:19:31 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12195 hhdhgl@dkjjj.bbb 2011-03-06 13:05:35 2011-
03-06 13:05:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
Mon, 07 Mar 2011 16:37:28 +0000 birdflu666 "Will
Fine Gael and Labour be able to agree on the pace of deficit reduction?" And, "Who will be the
new Minister for Finance?" In this script, there's always a will-they-won't-they moment, when a
"stand-off" over some negotiating point allegedly threatens to upset the deal. There's also a
tradition of incoming politicians telling us the figures are shockingly worse than the outgoing
politicians admitted. This time, even the politicians seem half-hearted about the script, though
the media continues hyping the drama. No need, folks. I can exclusively reveal that the incoming
Government will be an EU/IMF/FG coalition. The attachment of Labour or someone else was
always about taking the bare look off it. Read more at:
2567595.html]]> 4405 2011-03-07 16:37:28 2011-03-07 16:37:28 open open irish-poet-sees-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
irish-government-betray-every-election-promise-on-imfeu-deal/ Mon, 07 Mar 2011 16:38:51
+0000 birdflu666 Voter betrayal: FG/Labour to
ditch pledges on economy They will brazenly follow Fianna Fail's four-year austerity plan as
Labour protects public sector By JODY CORCORAN Sunday March 06 2011 The Fine
Gael/Labour coalition Government is to implement in detail the outgoing Government's four-
year austerity plan as approved by the EU-IMF, the Sunday Independent can reveal. In what will
amount to the most barefaced breach of election promises ever perpetrated by an incoming
Government, the coalition partners' programme for government will cause uproar when it is
published today. While an attempt will be made to dress up the programme as a new plan by a
new Government, when it is analysed it will be seen for what it is -- the continuation of the
economic policies of Fianna Fail and the Greens, virtually in minute detail, as laid down by the
EU-IMF. If anything, Fine Gael will be seen to have capitulated
economy-2567686.html]]> 4407 2011-03-07 16:38:51 2011-03-07 16:38:51 open open newly-
elected-irish-government-betray-every-election-promise-on-imfeu-deal publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 12207 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-03-07 18:18:12 2011-03-07 18:18:12 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
criminal-prosecution/ Mon, 07 Mar 2011 16:41:33 +0000 birdflu666 Earlier in the day, Guttenberg was formally relieved
of all ministerial and parliamentary duties after he proffered his resignation Tuesday, following
revelations that he had copied large sections of his PhD thesis without citation. State prosecutor
Reiner Laib said the investigation 'will be initiated, there are no ifs and buts.' Read more at:
investigate-plagiarism-charges-against-ex-minister]]> 4413 2011-03-07 16:41:33 2011-03-07
16:41:33 open open german-defence-minister-guttenberg-to-face-criminal-prosecution publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_b3b146367932680da4338a5d10c54067 12208
guttenberg/ 2011-03-07 18:51:21 2011-03-07 18:51:21 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12219
2011-03-08 12:35:03 2011-03-08 12:35:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
actually-do-more-harm-than-good/ Mon, 07 Mar 2011 16:44:49 +0000 birdflu666 Vaccines may have increased swine flu risk By Annie
Guest From: Updated Fri Mar
4, 2011 7:37pm AEDT There is renewed controversy surrounding influenza vaccines, with some
studies showing people immunised against the seasonal flu might have been at greater risk
during the swine flu outbreak. Infectious diseases expert Professor Peter Collignon has called for
a review of Australia's flu vaccine policy in light of the new research, but the Federal
Government has defended its vaccination program.... "What was a bit surprising when we
looked at some of the data from Canada and Hong Kong in the last year is that people who have
been vaccinated in 2008 with the seasonal or ordinary vaccine seemed to have twice the risk of
getting swine flu compared to the people who hadn't received that vaccine," he said. ANU
microbiologists say it is the opposite of what vaccines should do. Professor Collignon says the
findings of the study also highlight the benefits for healthy people who are exposed to some
illnesses. "Some interesting data has become available which suggests that if you get immunised
with the seasonal vaccine, you get less broad protection than if you get a natural infection," he
said. "It is particularly relevant for children because it is a condition they call original antigenic
sin, which basically means if you get infected with a natural virus, that gives you not only
protection against that virus but similar viruses or even in fact quite different flu viruses in the
next year. "We may be perversely setting ourselves up that if something really new and nasty
comes along, that people who have been vaccinated may in fact be more susceptible compared to
getting this natural infection." The Government's National Immunisation Program (NIP) targets
those most likely to have a poor outcome from flu, with the seasonal flu vaccine recommended
for anyone over six months old. Professor Collignon says that in light of the study, the Australian
Government and health policy makers need to look at whether vaccines actually do more harm
than good, particularly in people who otherwise have not got risk factors. But the Federal
Government's chief health officer, Professor Jim Bishop, says the evidence is patchy. "There's a
study from Canada which might suggest in that direction but there are other studies which
contradict it as well, so I don't think that the evidence is clear about the effect of prior vaccine,"
he said. Professor Bishop says the Commonwealth's flu vaccination program has been effective
and beneficial. He said IUC admissions were cut from 700 during the first outbreak of swine flu
down to about 60 admissions last winter as a result of the vaccination program. "Secondly, the
number of admissions were about one-tenth of what they were the previous year, so that was in
the face of a new strain, a new type of virus," he said. While Mr Bishop says there is no evidence
having the flu vaccine is a bad thing, Professor Collignon blames influential drug companies and
frightened politicians for what he says is the overuse of flu vaccines in healthy people. The
World Today requested an interview with Health Minister Nicola Roxon, but she was
unavailable.]]> 4415 2011-03-07 16:44:49 2011-03-07 16:44:49 open open data-shows-flu-
whether-vaccines-actually-do-more-harm-than-good publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_af18bd261c2276c59502db33d7acd20e 12213
1304 2011-03-08 06:29:32 2011-03-08 06:29:32 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12220 2011-03-08 12:41:01 2011-
03-08 12:41:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12248 2011-03-10
21:32:49 2011-03-10 21:32:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
than-sudan-my-experience-with-the-justice-officials-in-vienna/ Mon, 07 Mar 2011 17:07:38
+0000 birdflu666 The scandalous way judges steal
the property of the rightful beneficiaries is not confined to Dörnbirn, currently making the news
after a single honest state prosecutor uncovered the ring that had been operating for years with
the knowledge of the state prosecutors. My experience shows a criminal network controls the
magistrate’s court at Hietzing and acts with complete impunity in ripping off people. I now have
to attempt to file more legal action  because the way Judge Lauer and other officials violate the
law is only becoming more blatant, not less, every time they are caught. Even my Austrian
neighbours, who are used to this kind of thing from „officials“ are shocked at my case. Not only
was my Dad was a victim of a false court guardianship in 2009 but so was my Aunt – and by the
same Judge Lauer. My Aunt, who lived as part owner with my Dad in the same house in
Hietzing, said she wanted a living relative to accept the responsibility of guardian in 2010. But
Judge Lauer appointed an outsider to administer the estat,  Mag Ehrlich, even though another
official from Hietzing court assessed her and concluded she was mentally fit. My Aunt was very
unhappy indeed at the thought she would end up in the clutches of another Lauer colleague, and
asked me to file an appeal against this on her behalf as she was in hospital at the time. She
signed the appeal in her own handwriting and wrote she wanted a living relative to be her court
guardian in her own handwriting extra at the bottom as anyone who looks at the appeal in July
can see. But when the judgement of the higher court was delivered to her in her new abode, an
old person’s home, I happened to see the copy of her appeal sent to her. I saw her signature and
handwriting had been removed. The document had been so altered as to make it look as she had
never personally signed the appeal and never asked extra for a living relative to be her guardian
in her own handwriting. A carer on the old prson’s home told me that Judge Lauer had said that
no living relative was ready to accept the responsibility. That was why an outsider had to be
appointed.  This is probably also the reason why Judge Lauer and the higher court judges felt
the need to photocopy the original appeal – which everyone can read at Wake News on the
internet and see my Aunt’s handwirting – and remove my Aunt’s handwriting expressing the
contrary wish. The court guardianship was imposed on her by Judge Lauer and Dr Stefan
Pflugbeil from the Krankenhaus Hietzing – which has strong links to a Rothschild foundation -- 
clearly only to get a hold of her assets. What my aunt wished was irrelevant. If she said she
wanted a living relative in the event of a guardianship, so what? Judge Lauer was going to get
one of her „gang“ appointed, and she knew how to manipulate all the documents to justify this
with the help of countless other justice officials, even, apparently, in the upper, supervising
courts who reviewed the appeal, which was rejected. I suspect this network in Hietzing has been
operating for many years from what happened to my Dad and Aunt when they went to Hietzing
Krankenhaus. As soon as I filed the appeal for my aunt at the beginning of July, I found out Dr
Pflugbeil had closed down the whole ward unexpectedly and without warning for two weeks.
This strongly suggested the notion to me that the personnel may have decided to sanitize files of
the patients in case an investigation. But when I filed criminal charges, Walter Geyer and his
colleagues at the corruption state prosecutors saw no evidence of any crime. But then again
Walter Geyer and his colleagues saw no evidence I had been put under a court guardianship by
the dalse claim of the Judge Lauer in summer in spite of the fact it had to be stopped for the very
reason it was a fabrication. Geyer constantly complains about overwork, according to the media.
But he and his colleagues returned their faulty verdict on my case in record time of a few days,
clearing the way for me to be striped of my civil rights and psychiatrised on the basis of a judge’s
false statement. It is especially important to investigate what is going on at Hietzing hospital in
my view given the terrible scandal there. Altogether. 42 patients were killed there between 1983
and 1989 by injections by nurses. No explanation was ever found as to why the nurses would
want to systematically kill patients at the hospital then called Lainz in this way. I am pretty sure
it was to get their property after the experiences my Dad and Aunt had at the same hospital. It
cannot be ruled out many of the murdered patients were under court guardianships.  Killing the
patients would have allowed justice officials total control over the assets of the deceased.
Hietzing is a relatively wealthy Vienna suburb and many of the people are elderly and some may
have no living relatives or relatives who live far away. So, it would be a profitable business. The
investigating justice officials may have suppressed the evidence that their colleagues in the
magistrate’s court in Hietzing themselves were involved in the demise on the patients and
focussed only on the nurses to deflect attention. At any rate, no motive was given for these
systematic murders. Aside from what happened to my Aunt and Dad in Hietzing, the evidence a
criminal netwrk is operating is so flagrant in connectin with the distribution of the inherited
proprty that the Austrian justice system is more like Sudan or North Korea. In theory, the judge
has to present documentation showing everything in the estate has been settled and the rightful
beneficiaries and heirs have got the property due to them but the higher ups in the court clearly
could not care less about proper documentation or how much evidence of crimes there may be.
In Hietzing is Dr Ursula Kovar, the head of the Vienna section of the Austrian judges
association, which has just made headlines by trying to slap criminal charges on a critic of the
animal activits trial. You would think Dr Kovar would exercise some control. But no. Judge
Lauer manipualtes the documents  flagrantly as I found out when I went to the court in June
2010 to take a look at the file. In theory, the court should have settled outstanding debts, made
inventory and obtained property evaluations and distributed the remaining estate assets to
heirs. This is what happened in London when my mother died and her house had to be sold. Her
solictor acted as the executor and performed all the duties, filing the necessary documents at the
court, paying ongoing bills, and distributing inheritance assets to beneficiaries.  And all this for a
bill of only 5000 UK pounds. Far from doing their duty, the local magistrate’s court in Hietzing
has done everything to sabotage the proper winding up of the estate for the express aim of
ripping it off, and it is as plain as daylight to anyone who looks at the file. Outstanding bills are
not being paid; the insurance for my Dad’s house was cancelled by one of my brothers in
November 2009 even though he did not even have the authority.  As a result, a single family
house on 812 square metres of garden and worth about 600,000 euros was left uninsured for
about five months in winter time with the full knowledge of the judge and estate administrator.
If a pipe had burst or something like that, the house would have been seriously damaged and yet
there would have been no insurance to cover the damage -- and arranging a burst pipe is a
favourite trick, so I have heard, for courts to claim property owners are not fit. I had to
reactivate the insurance in March 2010 when I was first informed about the lack of insurance by
Mag Freiderich Hutz, the adminstrator appointed by Lauer. I had just signed by declaration of
inheritance. Hutz, all of a sudden, appeared surprised when his glance fell on a piece of paper.
As recalling something, he told me insurance had been cancelled in November. He gave me the
number of an insurance rep and told me to get a new one urgently – or the house would have to
be up for forced auction: insurance was vital! I rang up the insurance company, Uniqua, the next
day and pointed out the policy should never have been allowed to have been cancelled. They
reactivated it immediately. There was no need to spend thousands on a new policy. The old one
simply should not have been cancelled. The new annual insurance premium was due to be paid a
few months later on July 1st. But Hutz and Lauer had made no provisions to pay for it from the
executor’s bank account even though there was more than enough money, and as I had expected
them to do as a part of their core duties. I only found out they had not paid when I saw the file at
the end of June. I rushed to pay for the insurance in cash otherwise the house would again have
not been insured. Making sure property in an estate is insured is a basic requirement of a judge
and estate administrator. If they cannot do it themselves, they should give the heirs the
information that the insurance has not been paid. Another basic requirement is to set up and
run an executor’s bank account properly and transparently. But the impression is my Dad’s
executor’s bank account is run for their private benefit only. Hutz and Lauer also failed to apply
for 62,000 UKP that my Dad had in Lloyds bank in England. They claimed falsely that Lloyds
had not responded to their requests. But Lloyds sent a letter stating they had received no
request. As a result of the failure to get this money, the estate was tecnically in the red when it
came to liquid assets because my Dad had a small sum outstanding on a property of about
30,000 euros. The need to pay this sum could have justified a forced auction of the house at a
knock down price at top speed. I found out that this was were the court was  heading after Hutz
had sabotaged the property appraisals, and was blaming me for it. I had asked for the two
inheritanc property be appraised at the same time if a second appraisal was done. Hutz is
obliged to carry out a second appraisal of both properties. Instead, he kept asking me the same
question – if I agreed to an appraisal of only one property -- and I kept repeating the request for
both to be done at the same time for accuracy. This went on for months until suddenly at the
end of June the whole process was broken off, Hutz handed the file at top speed to Lauer, who
instantly appointed a curator, claiming, we the heirs, could not agree. Hutz was especially
insulting towards me in the file, part of a bigger smear campaign I am all too familiar with.
Because I could see trouble brewing, I went to the Hietzing court at the end of June, found the
manipulated documents. I faxed that same afternoon the missing documents to the court. I also
paid the insurance in cash when I found out they had omitted to pay the bill or inform me. The
next moring I went down to the court to hand in the receipt showing I had paid the insurance
because I could see the lack of insurance would be the pretext to sell the house for a pittance at
top speed now that Lauer had appointed the curator Dr Philipp Nierlich, who has extra powers.
My faxed cocuments were missing. Lauer  must have been taken by surprise because I did find
her handwritten note requesting I be put under a court guardanship on the top of the file. I am
sure if they had known I was coming, thenote would have been removed , and I would have been
left clueless about the trap about to be sprung on me and unable to defend myself effectively as I
would not have known what I was accused of. I was very lucky. I was able to photocopy Lauer's
note – and document the proof that  I had not asked for ever new evaluations of several property
as she had claimed. I had only ever asked for both properties to be appraised at the same time
after Hutz had asked me the same question over a period of months. This autumn managed to
get the court guardianship stopped and Dr Nierlich cancelled as curator  - but not before he had
flown to London to get the money from Lloyds at our expense when Lloyds said it was only
necessary to appoint a solicitor in England. The executors bank account seems to be depleted
although the admnistrators do not appear to pay the basic bills associated with the properties
like the insurance. I get no reply to requests for informatin about where the money has gone etc.
Hutz has presented a bill of 11,000 euro for his work – yet he has not done the most basic duties
of maintaining the insurance or paying the bills. I have no idea how this bill can be justified and
there will be more costs no doubt. You might think after what happened in summer, Judge
Lauer, Hutz and Nierlich would have taken pains to stick to the law. Not at all. In November,
Nierlich was reappointed on some flimsy pretext because my brother said a curator was
necessary to look after the house in winter – as if I cannot do that! Though this relative had a
key to the house, Nierlich changed the lock and refused to give me a key. Nierlich told me on the
phone that I had no right to a key because I was not an heir or rightful beneficiary and the
inheritance property was administered by the court separately from me and the other heirs. The
principle of private property is at stake here. Either private property is protected by Austrian
laws or it is not and corrupt justice officials can take it over. I asked Nierlich to put that in
writing: Of course, he did not dare put down a blatant lie in an email. He wrote instead that I
could only get the key if my brother agreed. The same brother, it turns out, who has scented a
chance to gang up with Nierlich and Lauer to get my share of the property. It is not Nierlich’s
private prperty; he is not an heir and yet he has taken over the whole house and sets conditions
for rights as if it is his private property and he is the rightful owner. The principle of private
property is being destroyed.  Next, Nierlich will be selling the house and telling me I can only get
my share if my brother agrees. And my brother, it looks like, will never agree if he can see some
way of getting a bigger share of the estate by ganging up with Nierlich. It is a time of universal
betrayal: that my own Austrian relatives should behave like this and take advantage of my
disfavour with justice officials should not surprise me. In the meantime, neighbours are ringing
me up and telling me they are worried that the house is looking neglected. Spring is coming and
the garden needs to be taken care of etc. The neighbours are shocked at what has happened and
advise me to change the locks and lock Nierlich out. The general view is Nierlich wants the
house for himself and could not care less that the house is deteriorating and may even be
suffering damage. Just so long as he is the only one with the key! And can keep it that way!
Finally, a week or so ago, I asked a lawyer to write a letter requesting Dr Nierlich to arrange for
me to be given the key. Not only do I have to look after the house and garden, I also have private
property in the house. The lawyer told me that Dr Nierlich has no basis for refusing me a key
and that it is very odd that he is now the only one to have a key. Only if there was evidence I was
going to damage the property might Dr Nierlich have been able to argue it was reasonable to
refuse me a key, the lawyer advised me. In fact, I have been the only one consistently to look
after the property, repairing the damage done by others by restoring the cancelled insurance,
paying the new insurance premim, doing the gardening etc. To my amazement, Dr Nierlich sent
an email on Friday in reply to the letter from the lawyer, again saying he would only give me the
key if my brothers agreed.  But Dr Nierlich is not the owner of the house and he cannot lock me
or any of the rightful heirs out and he certaily cannot set conditions for getting the key back. He
is just a offcial appointed to look after the property and distribute the property according to the
law. I will need to file a special action (Ablehnungsantrag) to remove Judge Lauer finally given
the evidence of far from equitable treatment and the endless breaches of the law, and I will post
this legal document up on the internet. If a document does not go up on the internet,  it appears
to be so altered by the courts to the point where it becomes unrecognisable. In the case of my
Aunt's appeal, the document was altered and her signature removed in spite of being on the
internet. I will also try to file criminal charges this time with the help of a lawyer after the justice
ombudsman once more refused to help just as in summer. Walter Geyer and his troop will do
their best to cover up the activities of the Lauer gang. But with pressure, they may be brought to
account  - and I will post up my new legal actions for everyone to see alongside my appeals from
the summer. If an estate can be wound up without problems by a solicitor in London, why
should a magistrates court in Austria with sate appointed judges that  has jurisidciton over these
affairs be allowed to pillage victims like this? Why is there no independent control at all? And if
the justice officials can do this to someone like me, my Dad and my Aunt, who in Austria is safe
when they find themselves tangling with such a corrupt network? Magistrates’ courts are
involved in all kinds of legal actions in Austria, including marriages and divorces. Unless a big
push is made to deal with corrupt justice officials soon, the damage may be irreparable.
Following my experence, it is especially necessary to investigate the activities of Walter Geyer –
who even sits on Transparency International, the best place for a wolf among the sheep.]]> 4417
2011-03-07 17:07:38 2011-03-07 17:07:38 open open is-austria-worse-than-sudan-my-
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12280 http://www.carlitos-amsel-vom- 2011-03-13 20:55:24 2011-03-13 20:55:24 1 12279 0
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defamation-charges-against-me-but-failed-because-of-my-proof/ Wed, 09 Mar 2011 14:53:39
+0000 birdflu666 - THE AUSTRIAN MINISTRY
Austrian Ministry of Justice failed to bring defamation charges against me because my evidence
that Judge Lauer was corrupt was so overwhelming, it has emerged. The Ministry of Justice
asked Vienna state prosecutors in December 2010 to open defamation charges against me after I
brought legal action against Judge Michaela Lauer in summer for making false statements to
place me under a court guardianship and for other acts of corruption in connection with my
inheritance property. But the prosecutors were forced to drop the defamation charges on
February 18, 2011 because I provided such overwhelming proof that Judge Lauer and other
justice officials were guilty of placing me under a court guardianship making a false statement
and of other criminal acts. In an interview with the justice official Viktor Eggert Eggert who
brought the defamation charges against me at the Ministry of Justice today, I also learned that
the ministery supervised the investigation of my charges against Judge Lauer by the corruption
state prosecutr Walter Geyer – and deliberately overlooked the evidence that I was being placed
under a court guardianship due to a false statement in yet more proof that I am being
persecuted by the highest justice officials. Eggert admitted the defamation charges had had to be
dropped because my proof that Judge Lauer had acted criminally was so convincing. In August,
the Judge in Döbling stopped the court guardianship because of the very same evidence that
Judge Lauer had made a false statement. Instead of charging Judge Lauer as they should have,
the ministry of justice chose to continue their persecution of me and to bring defamation
charges against me. If found guilty of defamation I would have faced a jail sentence of fine.
Austrian law professor Petra Velten was recently faced similar defamation charges for writing a
critique of the animal right’s trial. The judge’s association that brought the charges had to drop
them. The use of defamation charges by justice officials against anyone who criticises their
corruption and lawlessness publicly is another sign that the country is moving into an era of
Nazi-tyle repression. A document informing me that the charges were dropped (037 8 St
27/11m-4) states that the charges were dropped because there was no legal basis for following
them. The document states that the charges of defamation §297 (1) StGB were brought against
me by the Ministry of Justice/Bundesministerium für Justiz, Museumstrasse 7, 1070 Vienna,
Wien. I will now explore what legal action I can take against the Ministry of Justice. The
evidence that the Ministry of Justice knew about -- if it was not actually behind the attempt -- to
place me under a court guardianship, psychiatrise me and attempt to rob me of my freedom and
perhaps even damage or murder me is growing.]]> 4420 2011-03-09 14:53:39 2011-03-09
14:53:39 open open austrian-justice-ministry-tried-to-bring-defamation-charges-against-me-
but-failed-because-of-my-proof publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_4a841a4c9253521f41d2a9987bda5d4a 12265
2011-03-13 08:37:17 2011-03-13 08:37:17 1 12252 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-03-20 08:56:11 2011-03-20 08:56:11 1 12327 0 akismet_history akismet_result
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2011-03-12 05:49:42 1 0 0 akismet_history akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12257 2011-03-12 02:39:49 2011-03-12
02:39:49 Jane, Get a load of this mainstream media rubbish Response of WHO to Swine Flu Is
Criticized New York Times ... the World Health Organization's handling of the 2009 epidemic of
H1N1 swine flu, though it found no evidence supporting the most outlandish accusation
made against the agency: that it exaggerated the alarm to help vaccine companies get rich. ... ]]>
1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12241 2011-03-
10 17:04:51 2011-03-10 17:04:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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05:42:27 2011-03-19 05:42:27 1 12301 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07:48:45 1 0 13225472 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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deliberate-act-by-baxter-to-start-a-flu-pandemic/ 2011-03-09 18:48:55 2011-03-
09 18:48:55 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12245 2011-03-10 18:29:28 2011-
03-10 18:29:28 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-03-11 12:49:40 2011-03-11 12:49:40 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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03-11 15:19:59 2011-03-11 15:19:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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03-13 11:44:12 1 12266 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12294 2011-03-14 22:28:36 2011-03-14 22:28:36 1 12252 0
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2011-03-15 13:11:07 2011-03-15 13:11:07 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-03-15 20:47:23 1 12298 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12305 2011-03-16 12:44:46
2011-03-16 12:44:46 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
a-glimpse-of-corruption-in-austria-british-journalists-trap-mep-in-cash-for-laws-sting/ Mon,
21 Mar 2011 18:26:25 +0000 birdflu666
v=MOZzjfVOYA8 Strasser was the interior minister between 2000 and 2004, and he was
instrumental in introducing “reforms” as part of an ÖVP and FPÖ coalition that is implicated in
the large-scale looting of tax payers . A recent report in “Profil” estimated that about 60 million
euros had flowed into private pockets as consultancy contracts as part result of privatizations
and other government activities during the coalition.  More recently, the Hypo Alpe Adria scam
has cost Austrians a billion euros and Bavarians 3 billion euros. Justice officials have
taken little or no action and so allowed corruption to flourish and reach the point where it
threatens the viability of the country, according to News reporter Kurt Kuch. Kuch’s new book
“Country of thieves” (Land der Diebe), which was published on Monday, is a hard-hitting
inditement of the whirlpool of corruption in Austria.
Kuch/dp/3711000096/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1300715693&sr=8-1 “There are countries
that are still in a very early stage of fighting corruption. Police and state prosecutors are weak in
personnel, dependent and strongly politicized. There is no anti corruption programme by the
government. Political support can lead to an accelerated career in justice and executive.
Personal friends without qualifications are heaved into the highest offices. Even Ministers
secure financial advantages for themselves. Politicians avoid criminal prosecution by authorities
skillfully and shamelessly. The citizens of the country are being systematically robbed. No sector
is immune,” says the book description. The “lobbying” activities of Strasser at EU level  give a
glimpse of the kind of activities some ploliticians are engaging in and so explain how come the
tax revenues of the people of Austria and the EU are  currently being plundered by private banks
and how come people are being subjected to  mass pandemic vaccination programmes with
inadequately tested jabs at great profit for the very  pharmaceutical companies which have also
been caught red-handed trying to trigger pandemics. The amendment that Strasser was pushing
would have damaged the interests of bank customers across the EU because it involved
weakening a planned provision to protect deposits ahead of another brewing financial crisis. The
amendment was eventually introduced but by another route. ÖVP MEP Othmar Karas refused to
push the amendment forward in spite of pressure from Strasser. Karas is poised to take over the
leadership of the ÖVP fraction in the European Parliament, offering a glimmer of hope. It was
up to British journalists to secure the evidence and publicize the blatant corruption of an
Austrian MEP, who is ready to sell out the interests not only of the people who voted for him in
Austria but also of all Europeans for a bribe. Only the pressure resulting from the videos by the
Sunday Times forced Strasser -- a close friend and protege of the powerful Erwin Pröll -- to
resign. Once more the Austrian media and parliament proved ineffective in removing even the
most blatantly corrupt politicians from power. The corruption state prosecutor’s office has
announced an investigation but in spite of the evidence in the form of a video, few people expect
any action to be taken. Typically, the prosecutor allows cases against corrupt politicians and
banks to drag on for years. So far, the parliament has not demanded any substantial inquiry into
the justice system in spite of the scandals reaching a dimension where some even get a mention
in the country’s extremely tame mainstream media. Austria’s media landscape is characterized
by a heavy concentration of mainstream media in a few hands, and is directly under the
direction of the government or under the influence of economic interests. Raiffeisen Bank, for
example, owns half the shares in the popular Kurier newspaper. The virtual absence of any
investigate journalism or alternative media  creates an environment where the few journalists
who report on the multitude of scandals become an easy target for repression by the state
apparatus. News reporter Kurt Kuch reporting on the Hypo Alpe Adria scandal was  summoned
to an illegal interrogation by Vienna state prosecutors in autumn in a clear act of intimidation as
the Austrian justice system increasingly morphs into a terror regime. A year-long show trial of
13 civil rights activists raised fears that criticising the government would soon become illegal in
Nazi-era tyle special courts. Linz law professor Patricia Velten who criticized the trials because
they have no basis in international or national law was slapped with defamation charges by
judges. The trial was abruptly halted and the charges were dropped in February as a result of a
public outcry. In another scandal, a police inspector Franz Kröll investigating evidence that a
paedophile ring was involved in the Natascha Kampusch kidnapping is widely believed to have
been murdered this summer with justice officials covering up the evidence. Kröll’s  brother was
imprisoned last week after a judge accused him of stealing 5000 euros from his brother’s flat
even though the court could only have known about the existence of the cash if it had made an
inventory. But as part of an inventory, the court also removes all cash and valuables from the
property of a deceased person. A former judge Johann Rzeszut turned to parliament in the
Kampusch case to try to initiate an inquiry after justice officials at all levels acted to protect the
possible paedophile ring, but the parliament is struggling to get to the bottom of this and other
scandals . My experience offers yet more evidence that justice officials are acting as part of the
organized crime syndicate and systematically and deliberately persecuting whistleblowers, and
misusing national laws for criminal purposes. I was one of the few people in Austria to publicize
information about a scandal in which Baxter contaminated 72 kilos of vaccine material with the
deadly bird flu virus in its biosecurity 3 lab in Austria. More worryingly, I was also the only one
to initiate an investigation by filing charges into an incident that could have triggered a world-
wide pandemic in February 2009, ensuring huge profits for Baxter and other pharmaceutical
companies. The state prosecutor dropped the investigation in September 2009 just before a
large-scale pandemic vaccine campaign was due to start in spite of the overwhelming evidence
that the contamination must have been deliberate due to the existence of the strict biosecurity
level 3 procedures that Baxter itself has said it adheres to. Just a few days after I filed charges on
April 8th, 2009, the swine flu pandemic mysteriously appeared not far from another Baxter
facility close to Mexico City, suggesting that a  plan to start a pandemic had been adjusted to
take account of the fact the police had started an investigation in Austria. Only 4% of the
Austrians took the swine flu pandemic jab. This in spite of media hype from the ORF and other
media in Austria about the dangerous pandemic virus – and the media hype stopped only when
it became clear that no one was taking the vaccine anyway due to the information circulating on
the internet. After blocking the investigation into Baxter, Austrian justice officials at every level
of the justice apparatus including the Ministry of Justice, then misused national laws in an
attempt to place me under a court guardianship misusing the enomrous powers Austrian law
gives local courts to administer the estate of a deceased person. Justice officials deliberately
sought to find a reason to strip me of my civil rights. A solicitor appointed by the local court
asked me repeatedly the same question as to whether I wanted both properties to be evaluated a
second time or just one property. When I gave the same answer each time to the same questions,
stating I wanted an evaluation of both properties at the same time, they falsely accused me of
asking for “ever new evaluations of several properties”. This trivial and blatantly false lie could
have resulted in my losing all my civil rights and also my inheritance, which was poised to be
auctioned off for a pittance by a curator appointed by the judge in a clock and danger action, and
gives some glimpse of the methods judges here use and why they are to be classified as
criminals. When that attempt to silence me using the methods of the Soviet Union failed, the
Minister of Justice slapped a defamation charge on me in December 2010 in a clear act of
intimidation. This had to be dropped in February due to the overwhelming evidence that the
justice officials are misusing the laws for criminal purposes. Officials are now engaging in a
cover up. State prosecutor Bernhard Löw, who opened the defamation investigation against me
on the instruction of the Ministry of Justice, allowed me on Friday to see only my written
request to see the file, and no other papers in the file, in  a clear bid to hide evidence of the
misuse of laws for intimidation. Löw even told me I should count myself lucky the defamation
charges were dropped, though they should never have been initiated in the first place. The
shamelessness of the justice officials me is such I am amazed I am not arrested at my home on
some manufactured pretext or other. The implications of a criminal and rapacious justice
system in Austria that is also characterized by an extreme right-wing ideology and unchecked by
a parliament or a media for the local people and the rest of Europe are pretty dire. Instruments
such as the European Arrest Warrant mean that people from all over the European could
potentially be sucked into the whirlpool of Austria’s corrupt justice system. A justice system that
is actually inventing reasons to find people guilty and that has no effective independent judicial
review of cases is especially for anyone who is dragged from another country to face one of these
Austrian courts. I am currrently preparing submissions to the Austrian parliament and
European parliament on my case because it highlights the staggering scale of the corruption.
Corruption in the justice system and legislative is also at the heart of the gigantic banking
scandal now threatening to destroy Eurozone economies.]]> 4426 2011-03-21 18:26:25 2011-03-
21 18:26:25 open open outside-world-gets-a-glimpse-of-corruption-in-austria-british-
journalists-trap-mep-in-cash-for-laws-sting publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_e959842ce574adb36f04df2578f4f8e6 12332
2011-03-21 21:20:29 2011-03-21 21:20:29 1 12331 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-03-21 20:17:38 2011-03-21 20:17:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12342 2011-03-22 22:41:06 2011-03-22
22:41:06 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
12337 2011-03-22 10:59:53 2011-03-22 10:59:53 1 0 0
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to-resign-in-cash-for-laws-sting/ 2011-03-22 08:05:34 2011-03-22 08:05:34 1
pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published akismet_history
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12333
women-with-tnbc-benefit-from-chemo/ 2011-03-22 07:42:55 2011-03-22
07:42:55 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
meet-in-switzerland/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:37:03 +0000 birdflu666 American Free Press March 21, 2011 The shadowy
group known as Bilderberg will be gathering this year for its annual meeting at the resort city of
St. Moritz, in southeastern Switzerland, June 9-12, but they will have a lot of company. St.
Moritz is a short distance from Davos, the site of the regular high-priced meeting of thousands
of bankers, political leaders and other notables called the World Economic Forum. But unlike at
Davos, where the press is always welcome, Bilderberg still tries to maintain absolute secrecy.
Bilderberg has met in Switzerland four times over the years but never in the same city.
Normally, when their sibling in crime, the Trilateral Commission (TC), meets in North America,
Bilderberg does, too. This year, the TC will meet in Washington on April 8 to 10, but the
Bilderbergers are avoiding the United States, in what may be an effort to fool the press. Read
more at:]]> 4428 2011-03-23
16:37:03 2011-03-23 16:37:03 open open bilderberg-to-meet-in-switzerland publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 12417
meeting-set-in-st-moritz-switzerland/ 2011-03-30 04:08:18 2011-03-30
04:08:18 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
banks-set-to-continue/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:38:39 +0000 birdflu666 Toxic Assets

German Politicians Have Failed to Fix State-Owned Banks

By Christoph Pauly and Anne Seith, Der Spiegel, 03/15/2011 During the financial crisis,
problems with Germany's state-owned banks brought the country's financial
system to the brink of collapse and received billions in bailout funds. But they are
still in terrible shape. Now, the billions in toxic assets still on their balance sheets
could be passed onto taxpayers. And little is being done about it. Günther Merl had
actually already gone into retirement. His days were to be filled with walks, bike rides and lazy
days at his farmhouse on the banks of the Bavarian lake Chiemsee. But now Merl, the former
head of the German government's Special Fund for Financial Market Stabilization (Soffin), is
having trouble putting the past behind him. Read more at:,1518,druck-750982,00.html]]> 4430 2011-03-
23 16:38:39 2011-03-23 16:38:39 open open large-scale-looting-of-german-tax-payers-by-
banks-set-to-continue publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
the-anglo-irish-bank-heist-from-police/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:40:13 +0000 birdflu666 Massive probe into Anglo Irish at 'wrap-up' phase --
gardai By Tom Brady Security Editor, Irish Independent Wednesday March 23 2011 THE
massive investigation into financial irregularities at Anglo Irish Bank is now entering its final
phase. The Director of Corporate Enforcement, Paul Appleby, and senior gardai confirmed last
night that 90pc of their inquiries are complete. Files on the main issues -- the €7.2bn 'back-to-
back' deposit arrangement between Anglo and Irish Life and Permanent in September 2008 and
the involvement of the so-called 'Maple Ten' group of investors -- were sent to the DPP before
Christmas.]]> 4432 2011-03-23 16:40:13 2011-03-23 16:40:13 open open public-prosecutor-in-
ireland-receives-file-on-the-anglo-irish-bank-heist-from-police publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_160fdd8d898d110d3677de285002ef77 12368
2011-03-26 13:37:10 2011-03-26 13:37:10 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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engineered-a-bank-fraud-that-will-destroy-the-countrys-economy/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:43:29
+0000 birdflu666 Default or not to default? Now
that's a no-brainer

Ireland must tell investors who gambled on our banks where to

get off, says Daniel McConnell
Sunday March 20 2011, Irish Independent In less than two weeks' time, the results of the stress
testing of the Irish banks will be published. The new Finance Minister Michael Noonan has
publically admitted that the planned €10bn capitalisation will not be enough to cover the ever
increasing losses in our banks. Some, even at the head of that new Government, fear the amount
needed could be substantially more than that. Last Sunday, in a front-page story, I put that
figure at €25bn. This is on top of the €46bn already committed in bailout funds from the
taxpayer and €30bn in Nama bonds and a further €70bn or so from the Central Bank in
emergency funding. Once again the Irish taxpayer is being called on to bail out those banks
which through their own hubris and insanity during the past decade have brought this country
to its knees. Let us never forget that the actions of 100 people or so at the top of Irish banks have
brought this country to the point of financial ruin.
2586280.html]]> 4434 2011-03-23 16:43:29 2011-03-23 16:43:29 open open irish-economist-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12367 2011-03-25 23:48:46
2011-03-25 23:48:46 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
court-checks-deutsche-banks-fraud-involving-rigged-interest-rates/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:46:45
+0000 birdflu666 For reasons of data protection
and privacy, your IP address will only be stored if you are a registered user of Facebook and you
are currently logged in to the service. For more detailed information, please click on the "i"
symbol. The amount of money at stake is peanuts for a bank that made over €2.3 billion ($3.3
billion) in profit last year. But the repercussions of the €541,074, plus interest, that Deutsche
Bank will now have to pay in compensation to Ille Paper Service could be large enough to keep
financial executives awake at night. The bank's lawyer even went so far as to warn of a "second
financial crisis." Read more at:,1518,752712,00.html]]> 4438 2011-03-23
16:46:45 2011-03-23 16:46:45 open open germanys-highest-court-checks-deutsche-banks-
fraud-involving-rigged-interest-rates publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_dc6de0de9f2bd78167053b00769cf5fc 12350 2011-03-24 23:42:36 2011-03-24 23:42:36 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12366 2011-03-25 23:36:49 2011-03-25 23:36:49 1 12350 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
created-by-same-banks/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:49:53 +0000 birdflu666 European finance ministers agreed on funding
sources for a new, permanent eurozone rescue fund at a Monday meeting in Brussels. The
European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is effectively a 700-billion euro ($995-billion) rainy-day
kitty, set aside to help any eurozone countries struggling with national debt. Member states will
provide 80 billion euros in hard currency and 620 billion in either "on-call capital" or state
guarantees. These reserve funds would only be liquidated when required. The ESM is meant to
be able to provide half a trillion euros of emergency loans, if necessary. Read more at:,,14933845,00.html]]> 4440 2011-03-23 16:49:53 2011-
03-23 16:49:53 open open taxpayers-to-stump-of-700-billion-euros-for-new-eurozone-cash-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
judge-obama%e2%80%99s-illegal-war-in-libya/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:52:19 +0000 birdflu666 March 23, 2011 No difference
between Republicans and Democrats — both are addicted to war. Check out the video on:]]> 4446 2011-03-23
16:52:19 2011-03-23 16:52:19 open open ron-paul-and-the-judge-obama%e2%80%99s-illegal-
war-in-libya publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_8e0b1879cb2da994e7a25bacff6cdc56
_oembed_4a841a4c9253521f41d2a9987bda5d4a 12370 2011-03-26 21:10:11 2011-03-26 21:10:11 1
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12365 2011-03-25 23:27:27 2011-03-25 23:27:27 1 0 0
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21:43:04 2011-03-26 21:43:04 1 0 13225472 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
three-uk-minister-says-war-could-last-30-years/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:54:06 +0000 birdflu666 Who's in charge? Germans pull forces out of NATO
as Libyan coalition falls apart By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 1:32 AM on 23rd March

• Tensions with Britain as Gates rebukes UK government over suggestion

Gaddafi could be assassinated
• French propose a new political 'committee' to oversee operations
• Germany pulls equipment out of NATO coalition over disagreement over
campaign's direction
• Italians accuse French of backing NATO in exchange for oil contracts
• No-fly zone called into question after first wave of strikes 'neutralises'
Libyan military machine
• U.K. ministers say war could last '30 years'
• Italy to 'take back control' of bases used by allies unless NATO leadership put
in charge of the mission
• Russians tell U.S. to stop bombing in order to protect civilians - calls
bombing a 'crusade'

Deep divisions between allied forces currently bombing Libya worsened today as the German
military announced it was pulling forces out of NATO over continued disagreement on who will
lead the campaign. A German military spokesman said it was recalling two frigates and AWACS
surveillance plane crews from the Mediterranean, after fears they would be drawn into the
conflict if NATO takes over control from the U.S. The infighting comes as a heated meeting of
NATO ambassadors yesterday failed to resolve whether the 28-nation alliance should run the
operation to enforce a U.N.-mandated no-fly zone, diplomats said. Read more:
Libyan-coalition-falls-apart.html#ixzz1HRAvLXXz]]> 4448 2011-03-23 16:54:06 2011-03-23
16:54:06 open open germany-pulls-out-of-military-action-against-libya-italian-minister-issues-
warning-about-start-of-world-war-three-uk-minister-says-war-could-last-30-years publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 12349 2011-03-24 23:31:06 2011-03-
24 23:31:06 1 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on
libyan-coalition-falls-apart-mail-online/ 2011-03-23 23:44:43 2011-03-23
23:44:43 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_result jabber_published akismet_rechecking akismet_history
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03-25 22:50:34 2011-03-25 22:50:34 1 12349 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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mep/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 16:56:02 +0000 birdflu666
Mandatar_ist_selbst_Lobbyist-Krone-Interview-Story-252294 The cynical way the ÖVP has
moved to appoint another lobbyist to replace disgraced MEP Strasser underlines how political
office in Austria is now brazenly used to further business interests and how parties have
discarded even the appearance of representing the interest of voters. In Austria, accepting secret
payments to shape laws for business interests is not even illegal. This is thanks to legislation
introduced by the very same parliamentarians who day in and day out shamelessly put the
interests of business. The virtual legalisatin of corruption prompted Kurt Kuch to call Austria a
lobbyist’s paradise in his new book „Land of Thieves“. Financial links between companies and
parliamentarians and parties do not have to be declared. Between 2000 and 2006, at least 60
million euros followed into a series of payments for consultancy services around government
contracts and privatisations, some of it into the pocket of well known weapons lobbyist Alfons
His wife, former ÖVP Health Minister Maria Rauch-Kallat, sugned the national pandemic plan
into force in 2005, guaranteeing the pharamceutical company Baxter gigantic profits from a
governmet contract to buy 16 million vaccines in the event of a pandemic. In February 2009,
Baxter’s lab in Austria nearly started just such a world-wide pandemic. It contaminated 72 kilos
of vaccine material with the deadly bird flu virus and sent it to 16 labs in four contries – an
action that was almost certainly deliberate given the existence of biosecurty level 3 rules. I was
the only one to intitiate an inquiry by filing criminal charges into this brazen attempt by a
pharmaceutical company to start a world-wide pandemic: the investigaion was dropped in
September 2009. Rauch-Kallat has said she intends to keep working for her lobbying firm
Public Interest when she returns to politics to take over the ÖVP parliamentary faction after
another well-known crony Ursula Plassnik moves on to a position in the Austrian embassy or to
head the OSCE: In Austria, many of the
parliamentarians work directly for business in addition to earning „consultancy“ fees. Raiffeisen
Bank has so many parliamentarians working for it  in a part time capacity that it is short of just
one to form its own fraction, reports Kleinezeitung. This explains why the Austrian government
is so willing to hand over billions to the banks – money which is raised by implementing fiscal
austerity budgets that leave little money for schools and universities]]> 4450 2011-03-23
16:56:02 2011-03-23 16:56:02 open open ovp-nominates-lobbyist-to-replace-disgraced-mep
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_397f7ddd007cf58e40afc1bf32a1ab1a
_oembed_5a48ced224c8fa980af42dfcebae45d0 12351 2011-03-25 01:56:24 2011-03-25
01:56:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
new-power-of-alternative-media/ Wed, 23 Mar 2011 17:00:33 +0000 birdflu666  Some people may receive defamation charges
from the Austrian Ministry of Justice and feel a little dejected. After all, such charges carry a jail
setence. However, for me, it was a moment of

great pride. This is because the defamation charges underlined that the alternative media is now
a force that has become so powerful that it has broken the stranglehold of the mainstream media
controlled by a small clique in Austria.

Indeed, the independent media is clearly now so influential that it the whole machinery of
repression has to be wheeled into action to crush the freedom of speech of a  blogger, including
the mighty Ministry of Justice.

The desire to crush, silence and destroy a critic, however, collided with the immovable granite of
fact and evidence - and facts are what count even in an Austrian court of law in the new
environment of transparency created by the internet.  As a result, state prosecutor Bernhard
Löw was forced to drop the defamation carges. Law Professor Petra Velten also received similar
defamation charges after criticising the animal right’s trial; they were dropped about the same
time  as mine. In my case, I not only received the defamation charges, I was also a victim of a
cynical and brazen state-organsied attempt to silence me. Justice officials at every level
conspired to try to place me under a court guardianship this summer – and it is worth asking
whether Raiffeisen Bank itself and other corporations like Baxter and their pet politicians like
Maria Rauch Kallat had a hand in this given the enormou influence they have on the
government. The company Kleider Bauer initiated the animal rights trial, it was emerged. Rauch
Kallat and her husband, armaments lobbyist Mensdorff-Pouilly, also took legal action against
the activists, it has emerged.,565102 A
court guardianship would have resulted in my being stripped of all my civil rights, and reduced
to the status of a slave of corrupt justice officials and their corporate paymasters. I would have
been stripped of the right even to access my own bank account. A court guardian would have
had the authority to run all my affairs and could even have consigned me to a pyschiatric asylum
for forced medication in an action reminiscent of the Nazi era. It has turned out that the
Ministry of Justice gave instructions to the corruption state prosecutor and other judicial bodies
to allow Judge Michaela Lauer to engage in a criminal misuse of her position to place me under
this court guardianship - and so has been caught red-handed in criminal activity itself. It has to
be asked: who gave the Ministry of Justice the instructions? It is a well known fact that the
political and business influence on the Ministry of Justice is huge. On December 10th, the same
ministry slapped defamation charges on me, though I had escaped the court guardianship at the
end of August because of the clear, incontrovertible evidence that the statement being used to
impose it was false. Someone very powerful wanted me out of the way – and it may not have
been just Baxter and Rauch Kallat. Rauch Kallat as ÖVP Health Minister signed the Austrian
pandemic plan into law in 2005 that guaranteed Baxter huge profits from government pandemic
vaccine contracts if Baxter triggered a pandemic. In February 2009, Baxter then nearly did
trigger just such a pandemic by circumventing all the biosecurity procedures in place – a fact
that points to a deliberate action and sparked an investigation by state prosecutors following my
criminal charges in April 2009. Rauch Kallat’s pandemic plan foresees provisions for making
vaccination with th pandemic jab compulsory. Since September this blog has largely focussed on
the bank crisis scam, and some banks may also be happy to see my blog end. Banks  have lost no
real capital in this financial crisis, and yet they have received billions in tax payers money.
Thanks to the way the fractional reserve banking system and fair value accountin rule works,
banks can create money – and phantom debts – out of thin air as Vienna Economics Professr
Franz Hörmann explained in an interview in Der Standard in October. Banks like Hypo Alpe
Adra and Hypo Niederösterreich have sucked billions from Austria tax payers by creating paper
losses and persuading their friends in political office to pass legislation to nationalise the banks,
putting tax payers on the hook. Austrian taxpayers were forced to pick up the bill in 2009 for the
nationalisation of Hypo Alpe Adria because the gigantic phantom losses it made were ten times
more than the budget of the  federal state of Carinthia at 1.8 billion, which had guaranteed
Hypo’s losses. In the same way, the way is now being paved for tax payers in the eurozone to
pick up the bill for the gigantic phantom losses of banks in countries like Ireland that are far
higher than anything the country can ever hope to repay even if it hands over all its tax revenue
and sells off all its assets.. The new perrmanent European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is
effectively a 700-billion euro ($995-billion) fund for banks. The scale of the looting will leave
states with too little money to pay pensions, unemployment or fund schools etc – and the
solution being planned is clearly a major war. Military intervention in Libya is being led by
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, one of the key players in the looting of tax payers by banks.
Given the scale of the looting, banks like Raiffeisen can surely not be too happy about a blogger
like myself circumventing the  mainstreammedia Raiffeisen largely controls. Raiffeisen
dominates the Austrian media and holds shares in or has financed a huge list of local media
companies including Kurirer, News, profil, Format, Österreich, APA, SAT 1 Österreich and ORF
subsidiary ORS. Indeed, Raiffeisen is the biggest company in Austria, according to Hans Weiss
(Schwarzbuch Landwirtschaft). It  is active in just about every sector, even enjoying generous
subsidies from the European Union for its growing agricultural arm. "Whoever confronts
Raiffeisen has to reckon with being intimidated,“ says Weiss (page 105, Schwarzbuch
Landwirtschaft). Raiffeisen boss Christian Konrad threatened to sue parliamentarians who
wanted to hold an inquiry into ist Eastern European business operations in 2006, and they
abandoned the plan. Weiss calls Konrad „allegedly the most powerful man in Austria“ and
maintains that Raiffeisen Bank pulls the strings of the ÖVP party. There are so many ÖVP
parliamentarians who also work for Raiffeisen, that they are just need one more member to
form a fraction in parliament on their own. Justice Minister Dr Claudia Bandion-Ortner was
appointed after a meeting with Raiffeisen boss Christian Konrad. What was discussed during
this meeting is not clear: Bandion Ortner has refused to answer parliamentary questions. Given
this context, it is reasonable to ask whether a call from Raiffeisen prompted the extraordinary
and well documented attempt by justice officials to rob me of my liberty and inheritance in
broad daylight, and it is reasonable to ask whether, when that failed Raiffeisen intitiated the
extraordinary defamation charges in a brazen attempt to silence me?  „Crow, black moloch and
green Mafia – these are just sme of the many names for Raiffeisen,“ says Weiss. ‚Foolish’ might
be another word that springs to mind given the evidence of a state-organised crime in my case
and the question that is bound to be asked about just who had the motivation to silence me and
who the power over the state apparatus to do it in this specific way. 

]]> 4452 2011-03-23 17:00:33 2011-03-23 17:00:33 open open defamation-charges-against-me-

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reinforce-impression-of-a-cover-up-in-the-natascha-kampusch-investigation/ Fri, 25 Mar 2011
16:08:49 +0000 birdflu666 th, 2009, the state
prosecutor in charge Dr Thomas Mühlbacher describes in detail how a witness saw two men
involved in the kidnapping of the then 8-year-old girl - and not just Wolfgang Priklopil. The witness also
described what happened in a video reconstruction in 2006. Mühlbacher’s report explains that Priklopil stopped
in an isolated woods and made phone calls in an excited state after abducting Kampusch. He
gave Kampusch to understand that there were “others” involved, but they had not shown up.
Finally, Priklopil drove her back his own house and created a make-shift prison for Kampusch
because he had made no preparations to keep her. A few days later, 500,000 schillings was
transferred to Priklopil’s account. The transfer of such a large sum of money strongly suggests
the notion that a group had paid him (and his business partner?) to  kidnap Kampusch, and that
something had gone wrong at the last moment, but that the cash rich group had decided to
honour an agreement given the fact Kampusch had, in fact, been kidnapped and was being held
captive. Priklopil drove a BMW 850 and owned a large house and it is not clear where his money
was coming from. But there is absolutely no sign the state prosecutors ever asked any questions
about his income stream. Mühlbacher states that Priklopil could not have had much of an
income from his business and that his share was estimated as worthless by a court on his death,
but he does not pursue the question of where Priklopil was getting the money to buy luxury cars
and such like from. That Priklopil was involved in regularly kidnapping children for a
paedophile ring is the obvious answer. In spite of the seriousness of the crime, there is no
indication that Mühlbacher ordered bank accounts to be opened or investigated payments made
to Priklopil and his partner in previous years or attempted, for example, to correlate any such
payments with dates when children were  reported to have disappeared. There is no sign that
any  inquiry was made to find out where the 500,000 schillings paid to Priklopil ultimately came
from. In 2008, evidence emerged that Priklopil was a member of a sado masochistic milieu but
no attempt appears to have been made to further these inquiries. Mühlbacher admits in his
report that “there is a suspicion that Wolfgang Priklopil carried out the kidnapping on the
orders of or together with one or more other actors, but the plan failed in the final moment.” But
the statement is left hanging in the air. The final reports by Muhlbacher from December 2009
adds virtually nothing new to the body of existing knowledge in spite of the vast range of tools
that police can use to further their inquiries such as questioning suspects, examining bank
accounts, phone records, surveillance etc. It also ignores the open questions. Mühlbacher’s concluding
report, which appears to have been used to justify dropping the investigation, reads like nothing
more than a brief summary of what witnesses and the victim said at the beginning of the
investigation – and even at this stage the evidence collected was limited. A diary kept by
Kampusch vanished into a safe.  Inquiries were blocked into photos and computer records found
in Priklopil’s house.
deutschem-zeugen-noch-unklar.story The police inspector Franz Kröll appointed to carry out
the investigation had a long list of valid questions that are not mentioned or addressed by
Mühlbacher. The questions include: -          Why did Priklopil phone so many people just after
Kampusch finally escaped in 2006 and just before he died? Who did he phone? Why were all
these people apparently never questioned? -          Why
did Priklopil’s partner forge his suicide note? -          Did Priklopil really commit suicide or was
he killed and thrown in front of the train given the many inconsistencies surrounding the nature
of his death and injuries? -          Why did the police not conduct forensic tests of his body
temperature when they were informed by a phone call just one minute after Priklopil was
allegedly killed by a commuter train? According to accounts, Kröll said he had been put under
extreme pressure not to carry out a proper investigation and that a cover up was underway. And
far from putting an end to “adventurous conspiracy theories” as lawyer Richard Soyer
maintains, the reports released deliver concrete proof of just such a cover up. Bizarrely, the state
prosecutors under fire appeared to think that releasing these reports displaying incompetence
and inadequate inquiries in every single page would exonerate them. This in an age where every
second person in Austria watches police TV dramas like Tatort and is familiar with all the basic
steps of a police investigation. If the Austrian people set about gathering evidence on the
Kampusch case using an internet platform such as Wikikampusch, it’s a fair bet that they would
have more success in finding the real culprits in one week than Mühlbacher had in four years.
The people of Austria would probably also find out what happened to Kröll more efficiently. On
June 25, 2010,  Kröll was found shot dead on the balcony of his flat in Graz. Even though he was
right-handed, the police report from June 27th stated he shot himself with his left hand,
something considered to be highly improbable.
von-Ermittler-und-Priklopil-werfen-Fragen-auf?seite=2 At the beginning of 2010, state
prosecutors coolly wrapped up the Kampusch investigation and it was left to retired judge
Johann Rzeszut to make a dramatic intervention and write to parliamentarians this year,
pointing out that there had hardly been any investigation. The failure by state prosecutors to
investigate evidence of crimes is becoming a depressing pattern, also in regard to Hypo Alpe
Adria. The  Kampuschcase has now been handed over to a judge in Innsbruck – and we can only
hope this judge has been offered extra protection. In another bizarre twist, the brother of Kröll
was jailed this month, charged with stealing 5000 euros from his brother’s flat as well as the
evidence Franz Kröll had collected that a paedophile ring was involved. However, anyone who
has had to undergo the obligatory local court’s listing of a deceased person’s assets in Austria, as
I have in connection with the death of my own father,  knows that the court official takes all cash
and valuables with them, and keeps  them until the estate is settled (or until the heir is put
under a court guardianship or framed and jailed before being robbed by the above officials).
Where did this 5000 euros come from? How did the court know about it if it was not by
conducting an inventory? And why, if an inventory was conducted, was the cash left in the flat?
It cannot be ruled out that he was being framed by the very same justice officials who have
expended so much effort in covering up evidence that a dangerous paedophile ring was involved
in the kidnapping of Kampusch and that this group has excellent contacts to leading state
prosecutors and judges.]]> 4456 2011-03-25 16:08:49 2011-03-25 16:08:49 open open secret-
kampusch-investigation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_3baea39cc0977aa0fd00c6d9f337c447 _oembed_51293f16c791a361b7627a2c2c1ff4c7
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_oembed_f9cb795c65d3299551507ff651944f58 12362 2011-03-25 21:37:40 2011-03-25 21:37:40 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12397 2011-03-28 19:14:19 2011-03-28 19:14:19 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Sat,
26 Mar 2011 16:13:17 +0000 birdflu666 The 
earthquake and tsunami in Japan was caused by HAARP and not by solar or other natural
activity argues a Swedish reader in his report below. A look at the induction magnetometer
charts from last year's earthquake in Haiti as well as from the recent earthquake measuring 9.1
on the Richter scale that triggered a tsunami and destruction on the Japanese east coast show
surprising similarities that point to an artificial cause and the use of HAARP technology. In the
case of Haiti, low frequency signals of 2,1 Hz were detected for 40 hours before the earthquake
occurred while in the case of Japan something similar happened. Low frequency signals of 2,5
Hz were detected for about 55 hours before the earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan as
well as for 4 hours afterwards.  Check out the time-frequency spectrograms at this link for actual
dates:  Viewing these charts, it
is reasonable to ask if the low frequency (LF) or more specifically extreme/ultra low frequency
(ELF/ULF) magnetic flux induced signals of about 2 to 2,5 Hz really emanated from solar
activity and other such natural sources or whether they were, in fact, caused by HAARP
activities either in Gakona or Poker Flats facilities. A steady signal lasting for so many hours at
such a low frequency is highly likely not caused by natural activity in space but by some type of
artificial ”human-made” activity. It is especially interesting that this signal stopped abruptly at
full swing on January 11 at ~01:00 hrs UTC only to resume with full amplitude again at ~03:30
hrs UTC as if it had been switched off and on at full power! Check out that episode
at: Also the pulse
analysis and text in this link: with 
HAARP signal content of 2.100 respectively 2.500 Hz recorded by an amateur is interesting
because it happens to be exactly a multiple of x1000 of that which can be seen on the charts
when the Haiti and Japan earthquakes occurred. (The signal was recorded in 2000 when 1000
times higher frequencies may have been used.) So does HAARP work to produce an earthquake?
Imagine a ”virtual” mirror is created in the ionosphere (before transmission starts of the ELF
waves) by heating up the ionosphere to a plasma with very high frequency (VHF ~2-10 MHz)
signals in order to lift part of the ionosphere higher up and shape a bulged reflecting mirror for
ELF pulsating signals. Mirror sustaining VHF signals of short duration are then followed by a
long ELF portion in a combined pulsating wave train. The ELF waves are bounced back to earth
where a selected area is affected in a push pull mode or repeatedly ”hammered” from above.
Compass direction and elevation of beam from A to B is carried out by applying phased array
firing technique on grid arranged groups of antennas at the facility. Check out this illustration: Bernard Eastlund explored beaming High
Frequency (HF) and Extremely High Frequency (EHF) waves, of extremely high power (over a
billion watts), directly at a point on the ionosphere. As a result, the ionosphere became heated
from the accumulating electrical energy. You might think of it as “cooking” the atmosphere.  The
heated portion of the ionosphere expands like heated plastic and is lifted to a higher altitude,
causing an atmospheric “bulge.” Eastlund discovered that this bulge was highly reflective when
it came to radio waves. Because of its altitude, it could bounce high frequency radio signals to
points well beyond the horizon. Even efficient ELF and microwaves signals, which normally
would pass through the ionosphere into space, could be deflected without much loss of strength.
He called this heated “bulge” the “lens effect.”     Check out this
link: The ELF signals
illustrated above are very similar in their effect to "Woodpecker" burst waves and close to the
earth's own natural resonant frequency, the Schumann resonance frequency at around 10 Hz. It
is well known from physics that if a body (or system) of any kind is excited continuously in its
own resonant frequency (or multiples thereof), the swing amplitude will increase until the body
disintegrates. Unfortunately there is, and for obvious reasons, not so much literature with
schematic illustrations to better understand and explain the technique and procedures for
various warfare applications which HAARP is said to be capable of. However, this Scalar
Wars article is informative: There is
also an informative audio clip on this topic with Leuren Moret from
HAARP.mp3 If we have any instinct for self preservation, we must all learn more about these
silent almost invisible and versatile stealth weapons capable of mass destruction. We need to
raise awareness of them and talk about them with friends, and engage in fact-based discussion
about whether the catastrophes and fearmongering we have been seeing lately are natural or
not. For normal persons with a heart and a brain – and studies show that even babies are
naturally altruistic -- it is hard to believe that some greedy superrich people forming networks in
civilized western ”democratic” countries could be willing to stage events which will kill
thousands or millions of humans. But the naivete and altruism of people is exactly what these
evil satanists know and take advantage of, and they use the mainstream media which they
largely control to keep up the deceit. History shows us that tyrants of all sorts have always
existed and tried to expand their influence at the cost of their enslaved or ruined subjects.
Today's weapon and computer technology along with moral decay and controlled media in our
countries have given the globalists a golden opportunity to conquer the whole world and control
everything in it especially if a cashless society is also introduced. Even our economy is being
laden with artificial debt and being used as weapon against us to suck out all our money and
drive us into poverty. Ever since it became clear to me that the events of 9/11 when the 3 tall
WTC buildings collapsed at free fall speed couldn't be explained in a convincing way
with structural weakening by the impact of a plane and the moderate heat that burning jetfuel
from two crashing airplanes caused, I have also become reluctant to accept the theory of ”human
made” global warming fearmongering.   With the knowledge I have acquired today after much
research, I have no problems to consider finance and stockmarket crashes, deadly
contamination of 72 kilo H1N1 vaccine raw material along with vaccination hysteria, production
of toxic GMO food, the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico  and now the devastating earthquake
in Japan with nuclear reactor core meltdowns as most probably "man made" and deliberate. A
pattern appears and these events happening at an accelerating tempo can be linked to the
inscriptions on the Georgia guide stones, which talk about a reduction of world population by
five sixths. In this context a famous statement by Prince Philip who said that ” he wanted to
reincarnate as a deadly virus”, after his death should perhaps not be taken only as a poor joke.
Could it be so ominous that aging illuminati operators are in a hurry to see their dream of a
depopulated earth be fulfilled before they close their own eyes for good?   Our children's and
grandchildren's future as free citizens in sovereign states demands that we adults with more life
experience begin to act as one and support alternative media ”info warriors” against New World
Order enslavement!]]> 4460 2011-03-26
16:13:17 2011-03-26 16:13:17 open open did-haarp-cause-the-earthquake-in-japan publish 0 0
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on-haarp/ 2011-04-02 17:38:33 2011-04-02 17:38:33 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12408 2011-03-29 13:55:53 2011-03-29 13:55:53 1
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12386 2011-03-28 09:16:43 2011-03-28 09:16:43 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12387 http://d 2011-03-28 09:53:49 2011-03-28 09:53:49 1
12385 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12388 http://d 2011-03-28 10:15:04 2011-03-28 10:15:04 1
12384 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12389 2011-03-28 10:34:38 2011-03-28 10:34:38 1 0 0
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akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 12371
r-p-caused-japanese-earthquake/ 2011-03-26 21:21:57 2011-03-26 21:21:57 0
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12415 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12439 2011-04-01 12:07:28 2011-04-01 12:07:28 1 12435 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12437 http://d 2011-04-01 10:04:45 2011-04-01 10:04:45 1
12436 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12438 http://d 2011-04-01 10:13:35 2011-04-01 10:13:35 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12436 2011-04-01 09:05:31 2011-04-01 09:05:31 1 0 0
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0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12409 2011-03-29 14:38:29 2011-03-29 14:38:29 1 0 0
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japan-earthquake/ 2011-04-04 05:58:38 2011-04-04 05:58:38 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12369 2011-03-26 18:26:15 2011-03-26 18:26:15 0 0 0
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 12379 http://d 2011-03-27 16:40:11 2011-03-27 16:40:11 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12376 2011-03-27 14:34:45 2011-03-27 14:34:45 0 0 0
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 12378 2011-03-27 15:08:35 2011-03-27 15:08:35 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12407 2011-03-29 13:03:03 2011-03-29 13:03:03 1 12403 0
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australia-exactly-like-ones-seen-by-thousands-in-january-2010/ 2011-03-29
07:54:27 2011-03-29 07:54:27 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12401 2011-03-29 06:44:00
2011-03-29 06:44:00 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 12421 http://d 2011-03-30 09:29:18
2011-03-30 09:29:18 1 12406 0 akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published
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09:27:00 2011-03-30 09:27:00 1 12407 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result
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gun-haarp/ 2011-03-30 07:08:12 2011-03-30 07:08:12 1 pingback 0 0
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12419 2011-03-30 09:25:05
2011-03-30 09:25:05 1 12396 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-03-30 03:13:51 1 12374 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07:06:19 2011-03-31 07:06:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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11:07:23 2011-03-31 11:07:23 1 12426 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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01 07:54:10 2011-04-01 07:54:10 1 12396 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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21:53:29 2011-03-26 21:53:29 1 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12381 2011-03-27 18:34:42 2011-03-27 18:34:42 1 0 0
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2011-03-27 21:50:04 1 12383 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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22:24:37 2011-03-27 22:24:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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28 18:20:56 2011-03-28 18:20:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-03-28 20:31:29 1 12395 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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http://d 2011-03-30 13:48:44 2011-03-30 13:48:44 1 0 0 jabber_published
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03-30 18:11:31 2011-03-30 18:11:31 1 12382 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12440 2011-04-01
14:43:26 2011-04-01 14:43:26 1 12424 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-04-03 20:25:13 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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videos.html#post1115965 2011-04-04 13:36:52 2011-04-04 13:36:52 1 pingback 0
0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12477
2011-04-04 20:59:29 2011-04-04 20:59:29 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-04-05 13:04:00 2011-04-05 13:04:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-04-05 14:23:02 2011-04-05 14:23:02 1 12391 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12528 2011-
04-07 15:57:26 2011-04-07 15:57:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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japonie/ 2011-04-09 10:24:47 2011-04-09 10:24:47 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
mep-forced-to-resign-in-new-corruption-scandal/ Sat, 02 Apr 2011 13:23:21 +0000 birdflu666 In response to the scandals, Austrian Justice
Minister Dr Claudia Bandion-Ortner has launched an initiative to tighten up lobbying activities
but she appears to be getting little support from the parliamentarians who profit  from the
"lobbying paradise" that is Austria. The laws for "lobbying" are so lax in Austria that a blogger,
for example, could pay an MP about 10,000 euros to get a clause in the government press
subsidary changed to include support for that bloggers at 500,000 euros a year for five years on
the grounds that the new media has to be supported, allowing that blogger to defraud taxpayers
of 2,500,000 euros. Rather than working hard and paying taxes, Austrians would be much
better off getting together a pile of cash and "lobbying" an MP to give them a share of the tax
revenues under some scam or other following the example of the banks, who are using the
fractional reserve banking system and the fair value accounting rules to create artificial crisis
and debts and suck tax payers dry via interest payments. "State capture" is a term used to
describe how tax payer revenue is scammed off by banks and corporations with the help of
corrupt MPS. Read more about Ranner here:
Austrian-EU-legislator-steps-down-in-new-scandal]]> 4464 2011-04-02 13:23:21 2011-04-02
13:23:21 open open second-austrian-mep-forced-to-resign-in-new-corruption-scandal publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_8f1c70fe54ff020f3c0aca9a5b04d721 12456
mep-forced-to-resign-in-new-corruption-scandal/ 2011-04-02 21:24:16 2011-04-
02 21:24:16 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
paedophile-ring-investigator/ Sat, 02 Apr 2011 13:38:12 +0000 birdflu666 Vienna state
prosecutors ordered Austrian Green Party MP Peter Pilz to appear before a judge for breaching a
criminal  law on "forbidden publication" carrying a six-month prison sentence because Pilz
posted extracts from a secret police protocol on his website, showing that  a police chief was
ordered by interior ministry officials to halt his investigation into a paedophile ring.
auslieferung-von-pilz-wegen-kampusch Vienna police commander Karl Mahrer stated that
Franz Lang, the current head of the federal police authority, was one of two interior ministry
officials who ordered him to stop his inquiries. The action against Pilz underlines the extent to
which Austrian justice system have been taken over by organised crime who are intent on
facilitating paedophile rings and who are misusing laws to intimidate and persecute  MPs,
journalists and investigators.]]> 4468 2011-04-02 13:38:12 2011-04-02 13:38:12 open open
austrian-judge-slaps-gag-action-on-kampusch-paedophile-ring-investigator publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 12444 http://- 2011-04-02 16:55:04 2011-04-
02 16:55:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
12443 http://- 2011-04-02 16:32:08 2011-04-02 16:32:08
1 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12455
slaps-gag-action-on-kampusch-paedophile-ring-investigator/ 2011-04-02
21:22:06 2011-04-02 21:22:06 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
explained-by-irish-independent/ Sat, 02 Apr 2011 14:03:39 +0000 birdflu666 In the case of Hypo Alpe Adria, purchasers of
a special share issue in 2006, including the Flick Foundation, held a secret repurchasing
agreement. They withdrew their "hot money" as soon as the bank had been sold to BayernLB
and tax payers were on the hook for losses racked up by a suddenly "undercapitalised" bank. As
long as state guarantees are in place thanks to corrupt politicians, there is a big incentive for a
bank to declare itself bankrupt and so trigger a wealth transfer scheme. The next stage of the
scam is for partner banks to lend money to the government at high interest rates to get tax
payers to pay for the debts of the bankrupt bank... In a report in Die Presse, economist and
banker Wilfried Stadler explains how the banks crashed the economy in the first place, driving
businesses and home owners into debt -- and so able to collect the underlying assets.
from=suche.intern.portal Beginnen wir beim Stresstest. As Oliver points out, it is the Irish tax
payers who once more will be stripped of their money for this "bank stress test" fraud. In
Austria, a similar stress test exercise with the Hypo Alpe Adria has unsurprisingly revealed that
tax payers have to pour yet more money into the bank, nationalised in 2009 after the Bayernlb
cut off liquidity. The doubtful assumption underlying the Hypo Alpe Adria stress test  appears to
be that the hugely overinflated prices for the bank's property portfolio in the Balkans are the
correct one and that tax payers have to subsidise the bank until these prices can be realised on
the market, which of course they don't. The bank should sell the property at a market price or
change the value it assigns to the property on the asset column of its balance sheets. "As we have
seen from previous stress tests on the Irish banks, modelling for loan losses in financial
institutions is a notoriously inexact science.," writes Oliver. "Virtually no regulator who carries
out such exercises ever gets them exactly right. It's not just regulators who find their models
don't work as they expected -- bank executives themselves are rarely good judges of how their
own balance sheets will perform. For instance, in 2008 Anglo Irish Bank thought a puny €500m
would be sufficient to get it through the first three years of the property crash. And it's not just
Irish banks and regulators that get it wrong. Regulators in Europe produced stress test figures
last year that hugely lacked authority. On that occasion, the Committee of European Banking
Supervisors certainly didn't find that AIB and Bank of Ireland were critically under-capitalised
-- but now we are told they are. " Considering how uncertain the science is, it is puzzling that the
Europeans are placing their trust in this piece of work. Even Financial Regulator Matthew
Elderfield and Central Bank Governor Patrick Honohan have made it clear how uncertain the
exercise actually is: "It is not an economic forecast: it employs hypothetical scenarios,'' they
pointed out a few weeks ago. We are told this will finally "draw a line in the sand'' on the Irish
banks and their catastrophic loan losses. This is supposed to give the EU Commission, the ECB
and the IMF the kind of certainty they want to potentially tweak the €85bn rescue programme
and clean up the mess that is the Irish banking system. But, of course, a stress test is only as
good as the economic assumptions underpinning it. And those types of assumptions -- such as
house prices, inflation, GDP growth, domestic demand and exports -- are notoriously hard to
predict. Property prices, even when they stabilise, are arguably the hardest of all indicators to
anticipate. Economists tend to get it wrong when house prices are in decline and they tend to get
it wrong again when prices are recovering. What economists crucially miss are what are called
"turning points", those tipping points in a market when the curve starts to move upward
permanently. We have no idea when the turning point will come for the Irish property market
and, as a result, the stress test assumptions being used are inherently unstable. In that context,
they may not draw this mythical line everyone, including Europe, is hoping for. TO get an idea of
just how inexact stress testing is, consider this: Under the "baseline" or optimistic scenarios
being used by Mr Elderfield and Mr Honohan, the economy will grow this year by 0.9pc; under
the adverse or pessimistic scenario, it will shrink by 1.6pc. This is a significant margin of error
and highlights how little economists really know about our economic prospects. If Ireland ends
up on the wrong side of this margin of error, it could be very expensive. If the stress test
assumptions are too benign, the banks will need more money in the future yet again and the
entire system may become completely nationalised. If the tests are too severe, we could end up
with over-capitalised banks. In other words, public money unnecessarily channelled into the
banks could have been deployed more productively elsewhere, or not spent at all. Over-
capitalisation would also markedly increase the scale of the national debt. While the European
authorities and the IMF are increasingly driving the stress test process from a distance, it is Irish
taxpayers who will pay the price if they are badly wrong. - Emmet Oliver Deputy Business Editor
Seine Übungsannahmen bezogen sich in erster Linie auf einen Einbruch beim
Wirtschaftswachstum, auf einen außergewöhnlichen Zinsanstieg und auf Wertverluste bei
Staatsanleihen. Jene Risken jedoch, die ursächlich für die aktuelle Finanzmarktkrise waren,
blieben ausgeklammert. Deren auslösende Ursache lag ja keineswegs in konjunkturellen
Schwankungen. Der massive Einbruch der Realwirtschaft war vielmehr in umgekehrter
Reihenfolge die Konsequenz eines eklatanten Systemversagens der Finanzwirtschaft. Dieses
kulminierte nach der Lehman-Insolvenz in einem Zusammenbruch des Vertrauens in die
Bonität von Banken und deren Möglichkeiten, sich auf den Kapitalmärkten zu refinanzieren.
Diese Erschütterung erst führte zu katastrophalen Kapitalverlusten in den Büchern der Banken.
Die nachfolgende Kreditverknappung und die Verunsicherung der von hohen Verlusten
getroffenen Anleger ließen die Realwirtschaft einbrechen.]]> 4471 2011-04-02 14:03:39 2011-
04-02 14:03:39 open open stress-test-fraud-explained-by-irish-independent publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_9cb2b0bae3c82ed4cfc88a15cbab8ae0
_oembed_7b27c52cb2a6f4e2db6a55e5df7416d9 12454
explained-by-irish-independent/ 2011-04-02 21:19:42 2011-04-02 21:19:42 1
pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
banks-should-be-allowed-to-fail-criticises-tax-payer-funding/ Sat, 02 Apr 2011 14:06:26 +0000
birdflu666 "The failure of a bank is as normal as the
success of a bank," Weber said in a panel discussion at a banking conference here. "I do not
think it is necessary to give a blank guarantee" for banks, he stressed. Commenting on the
sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone, Weber reaffirmed his opposition against purchases of
government bonds by the ECB, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) or the future
European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Read more at:]]>
4473 2011-04-02 14:06:26 2011-04-02 14:06:26 open open former-german-central-bank-head-
says-irish-banks-should-be-allowed-to-fail-criticises-tax-payer-funding publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_e0a25689bab4f8ba6604f50bec4cb61b
_oembed_6735a840d52c66deb8fed2a160e89c81 12452
central-bank-head-says-irish-banks-should-be-allowed-to-fail-criticises-tax-payer-funding/ 2011-04-02 21:17:42 2011-04-02 21:17:42 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12453
to-fail-criticises-tax-payer-funding/ 2011-04-02 21:17:45 2011-04-02 21:17:45 1
pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
precarious-as-ireland-follows-iceland/ Sat, 02 Apr 2011 14:19:26 +0000 birdflu666 If Ireland is forced into bankruptcy by the criminal
banks acting through the ECB and IMF, then the tab will ultimately have to be paid by Austrian
and German tax payers, among others, via the enlarged european stability fund. ---
Bondholders' position now looking precarious  By Emmet Oliver and Donal O'Dovovan
Wednesday March 30 2011 , Irish Independent The ECB seemed to yet again block any attempt
to make senior bondholders share the burden of bank recapitalisation last night. But other key
players were taking a different view. Juergen Stark, an ECB board member, warned in an
interview that solving problems by making bondholders pay would not work and would only
cause uncertainty elsewhere in Europe. Stark also described reports of a new medium term
liquidity deal for Irish banks as "just a rumour'', indicating differences over such a deal remain.
Meanwhile, some of the most influential players in the bond market are now expecting haircuts
to be applied to those holding Irish bank bonds, particularly in Anglo Irish and Irish
Nationwide. ... Losses Andrew Bosomworth, one of the fund's European strategists, said
bondholders needed to face "bail in'' arrangements in the Irish banks, code for forcing some
losses on these investors. "I am reasonably concerned,'' he said. He added the Government
would have to break the unwritten code that senior bank debt in Europe could not be touched.
The current policy had not worked. "This is fuel for moral hazard,'' he said. "Look, Ireland is
closing kindergartens to pay senior bondholders -- ethically that is a very questionable policy.
Some of the senior bondholders have got to be bailed in here,'' he said in an interview with
Bloomberg. Read more at:
now-looking-precarious-2599965.html   ]]> 4475 2011-04-02 14:19:26 2011-04-02 14:19:26
open open position-of-bondholders-in-irish-banks-looks-precarious-as-ireland-follows-iceland
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12450
burgermeister-reportbondholders-in-irish-banks-facing-empty/ 2011-04-02
21:15:35 2011-04-02 21:15:35 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history
akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12451
irish-banks-facing-empty/ 2011-04-02 21:15:40 2011-04-02 21:15:40 1 pingback
0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12458 2011-04-02 23:54:35
2011-04-02 23:54:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
wealth/ Sat, 02 Apr 2011 14:30:41 +0000 birdflu666
p=4477 Austria's Erste  bank was the heaviest bank borrower of the Federal Reserve's discount
window during the financial crisis - Erste was the single biggest bank borrower over the
week that Lehman brothers failed, receiving 5.4 billion dollars in low interest
loans - Germany's Hypo Real Estate and its Irish property vehicle, Depfa, at the
centre of the property collapse scam, borrowed tens of millions of dollars on a
daily basis well into 2009 - Federal Reserve forced to reveal identities of banks
benefitting from one of its many secretive wealth transfer scheme for the first time
since the US central bank was priviatised in 1914  following a court order on
Thursday. Read more at:
45/6946-documents-fed-showered-money-on-foreign-banks "According to news reports about
the newly released bailout details, at the peak of Fed discount-window bailouts on October 29,
2008, more than $110 billion was shoveled at banks in a single day. Almost half of that went to
just two European banks. The discount window was just one of many programs used to transfer
American wealth to big banks via the Fed — essentially a cartel-like institution owned by private
interests, but with the power to create public money out of thin air and charge interest on it.
Other bailout programs operated by the central bank doled out trillions more. Disclosures from
December of last year, mandated by a provision in the financial-reform bill, also revealed
startling details about the Fed’s wealth-transfer schemes. Under the guise of saving the financial
system, the central bank bailed out big firms including countless foreign banks with more than
$10 trillion in “emergency” funds."]]> 4477 2011-04-02 14:30:41 2011-04-02 14:30:41 open
open austrian-and-german-banks-among-main-beneficiaries-of-a-secret-federal-reserve-
scheme-to-transfer-wealth publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12447
wealth/ 2011-04-02 21:12:45 2011-04-02 21:12:45 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12448
wealth/ 2011-04-02 21:12:52 2011-04-02 21:12:52 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12449
federal-reserve-scheme-to-transfer-wealth/ 2011-04-02 21:12:57 2011-04-02
21:12:57 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12465 http://d 2011-04-03 15:29:30 2011-04-03 15:29:30 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12486 2011-04-04
23:37:45 2011-04-04 23:37:45 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
bounced-into-disastrous-bank-guarantee/ Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:23:19 +0000 birdflu666 Cabinet got no say on guarantee: Willie O'Dea By
DANIEL McCONNELL Chief Reporter Sunday April 03 2011, Irish Independent Former
Defence Minister Willie O'Dea has revealed for the first time how the last Cabinet was bounced
into issuing the bank guarantee, which has given a "blank cheque" to holders of senior bonds in
Irish banks. Mr O'Dea said a 'fait accompli' on the disastrous €440bn guarantee was presented
by then Taoiseach Brian Cowen and Finance Minister Brian Lenihan to other ministers at 1am
on the night in question. Read more at:
no-say-on-guarantee-willie-odea-2607504.html]]> 4483 2011-04-04 15:23:19 2011-04-04
15:23:19 open open irish-cabinet-bounced-into-disastrous-bank-guarantee publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_4f04922ac782002b3d4426f329fa552d 12485
independent-articles-on-ireland-and-bank-crisis/ 2011-04-04 22:57:52 2011-04-
04 22:57:52 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
writer-says-country-must-snub-frankfurt-brussels-axis-and-introduce-new-currency/ Mon, 04
Apr 2011 15:25:31 +0000 birdflu666
eurobabble-and-just-say-no-2607418.html]]> 4485 2011-04-04 15:25:31 2011-04-04 15:25:31
open open irish-independent-writer-says-country-must-snub-frankfurt-brussels-axis-and-
introduce-new-currency publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_77ff020ce16feecbd56975c734b79556 12483
independent-articles-on-ireland-and-bank-crisis/ 2011-04-04 22:57:46 2011-04-
04 22:57:46 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
can-save-financial-system-from-complete-meltdown/ Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:26:48 +0000
complete-meltdown-2607412.html]]> 4487 2011-04-04 15:26:48 2011-04-04 15:26:48 open
open only-a-miracle-can-save-financial-system-from-complete-meltdown publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_4e83d0656aebfd0741615e29264dcbbe 12484
independent-articles-on-ireland-and-bank-crisis/ 2011-04-04 22:57:52 2011-04-
04 22:57:52 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12494
http://d 2011-04-05 06:08:13 2011-04-05 06:08:13 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12501 2011-04-05 20:44:18 2011-04-05 20:44:18 1 12494 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-04-06 14:15:12 2011-04-06 14:15:12 1 12501 0 jabber_published
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acting-for-banks-says-irish-independent/ Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:28:35 +0000 birdflu666
power-now-truly-complete-2607419.html]]> 4489 2011-04-04 15:28:35 2011-04-04 15:28:35
open open ireland-is-occupied-ruled-by-a-vichy-regime-acting-for-banks-says-irish-
independent publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_da405e12b0f62a2606ea8bb0a1c14fe9
12479 2011-04-04 22:54:46 2011-04-04 22:54:46 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12482
independent-articles-on-ireland-and-bank-crisis/ 2011-04-04 22:57:43 2011-04-
04 22:57:43 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666 4491 2011-04-04 15:30:58 0000-00-00 00:00:00
open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
is-a-very-long-time-in-the-disastrous-world-of-irish-banking-irish-independent/ Mon, 04 Apr
2011 15:32:15 +0000 birdflu666
world-of-irish-banking-2607411.html]]> 4492 2011-04-04 15:32:15 2011-04-04 15:32:15 open
open a-week-is-a-very-long-time-in-the-disastrous-world-of-irish-banking-irish-independent
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_3784e612c1c3c09f38107c69ac6b8be7 12481
independent-articles-on-ireland-and-bank-crisis/ 2011-04-04 22:57:17 2011-04-
04 22:57:17 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
german/ Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:36:04 +0000 birdflu666
p=4494 4494 2011-04-04 15:36:04 2011-04-04 15:36:04 open open ralph-barligea-explains-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_1d3d46f39eb1c6ebcb4e324c21aa85f5
_oembed_e93ba0c673bb619ee876471b365c3b6d 12493 http://d 2011-04-05 06:01:56 2011-04-05 06:01:56 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12518
http://d 2011-04-06 17:47:18 2011-04-06 17:47:18 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12548 2011-04-08 04:14:43 2011-04-08 04:14:43 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
michael-mross-german/ Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:38:07 +0000 birdflu666 Mit immer größerer Geschwindigkeit rollte die
globale Währungskatastrophe auf uns zu. Politiker sind hilflos, Notenbanken lügen,
Massenmedien ignorieren das Problem. Michael Mross über sein neues Buch „Der
Währungscrash kommt“ Noch vor fünf Jahren hätte ich nicht im Traum daran gedacht, dass ich
einmal Autor eines solchen Buches werden würde. Damals war die Welt noch in Ordnung, ich
stand an der Börse und redete über höhere Kurse. Read more at:]]> 4496
2011-04-04 15:38:07 2011-04-04 15:38:07 open open the-coming-currency-crash-new-book-by-
michael-mross-german publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_539c00c70a4721030c29efbe9dc28845 12492 http://d 2011-04-05 05:59:26 2011-04-05 05:59:26 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12546 2011-04-08 03:55:36 2011-04-08 03:55:36 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12567 2011-04-09 11:48:35 2011-04-09 11:48:35 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
corruption-laws-launches-media-offensive/ Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:46:21 +0000 birdflu666
korrupte-Politiker/21911548 In addition, a ban is set to be imposed on MPs promoting a cause
in which they have a financial interest. Also, new anti-corruption laws will carry a 10-year jail
sentence for MPs to accept cash to change laws. In a separate move, Social Democrat Parliament
President Barbara Prammer is pushing for MPs to declare income from second jobs, adopting a
model used by the German parliament to draw attention to potential conflict of interests. Green
Party MP Peter Pilz said that new rules did not go far enough and that a clamp down on illegal
financing of political parties was also needed. Bandion-Ortner also launched a media offensive
this weekend following criticism that the justice system has fallen prey to corruption. The
Justice Ministry is to use facebook and twitter, underlining the importance of the new social
media. Bandion-Ortner said  after a meeting with a select group of journalists that justice
officials need to “communicate what they investigate” -  though many Austrians may prefer to
see results and some arrests of the many brazenly corrupt politicians and justice officials than
read endless commiques. Without concrete action, the Ministry of Justice surely faces an uphill
battle to restore public trust and confidence in the justice system, however much it tweets.
Justice officials have been accused of interfering with the cases against politicians and bank
managers to slow down or stop charges. Five senior state prosecutors are also currently being
investigated for their role in covering up evidence that a paedophile ring were involved in the
abduction of Natascha Kampusch. A former judge had to appeal to parliament to reignite an
inquiry after police chief Franz Kröll investigating the abduction was apparently murdered in
June 2010 for asking too many questions. An attempt by one of the state prosecutors to dispel
criticism ahead of a probe by a judge in Innsbruck into judicial corruption backfired when a
closer reading of documents released to the public confirmed suspicions of an inadequate
investigation into evidence that several people were involved in the abduction. Justice officials
have also recently been accused of misusing the law to persecute, intimidate and criminalize
journalists, law professors and civil rights advocates, violating human rights and press freedom.
The use of methods reminiscent of the Nazi era is a development sure to spark concern across
Europe now that the European Arrest Warrant and other instruments have expanded the
jurisdiction of Austrian justice officials, many of which are sympathizers of the far right
Freedom Party members following appointments by Freedom Party Justice Minister Dieter
Böhmdorfer, who served between 2000 and 2004. While Bandion-Ortner has shown a laudable
toughness  in drafting new anti-corruption laws, it is not clear whether she has the power or will
required to uproot the network of powerful justice officials, politicians and business elite who
violate the law in a way that is far more brazen in Austria today even than Italy. It is also not
clear whether she can implement the kind of reform of the justice system that will halt this
corruption. To succeed in this goal, Bandion-Ortner would surely be advised to start her own
blog and speak directly to the people of Austria. They will certainly support any sincere effort to
clean up this system in the form of real evidence and facts and actions but few believe there will
be much of these to celebrate in the near future.]]> 4500 2011-04-04 15:46:21 2011-04-04
15:46:21 open open austrian-justice-minister-drafts-anti-corruption-laws-launches-media-
offensive publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_1090770c2b90f9717f9dc459f6a18b75
_oembed_84d70cb619a492af6c1af3dcfdc5d078 12491 http://d 2011-04-05 05:56:57 2011-04-05 05:56:57 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12478
nzs/ 2011-04-04 22:44:49 2011-04-04 22:44:49 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12480
independent-articles-on-ireland-and-bank-crisis/ 2011-04-04 22:57:15 2011-04-
04 22:57:15 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12566 2011-04-09
11:08:32 2011-04-09 11:08:32 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
terrified-witness-of-kampusch-paedophile-ring-into-silence/ Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:52:12 +0000
birdflu666 Ishtar A. who witnessed the abduction of
Kampusch as a school girl had consistently reported seeing a second man sitting in the van
beside Wolfgang Priklopil during the kidnapping of Kampusch in March 1998. But during a key
encounter with Kampusch arranged by the police in December 2009, she suddenly altered her
statement, surprising even her own mother. Police chief Franz Kröll criticized the meeting as a
stunt to allow the investigation into a paedophile ring to be halted by the state prosecutors. And
indeed, shortly afterwards, state prosecutors did zoom in on the statement by Ischtar A on
December 3, 2009, to justify stopping inquiries while ignoring the many other occasions the
witness – considered reliable in all other respects -- had reported seeing two men. In addition,
Ishtar A was not questioned about the second man during the meeting, where pressure was
exerted to give a pre ordained answer. State prosecutors belittled and played down the
testimony and evidence presented by experienced judges that a paedophile ring was involved in
the abduction. Kröll, who believed that a ring was involved, was compelled to drop his inquiries.
He was found dead in June 2010, apparently having shot himself. A judge in Innsbruck is set to
question the five state prosecutors involved in the case but few people expect anything but a
whitewash to emerge. It has been speculated that fear of a paedophile ring with connections to
powerful politicians is also the reason why Kampusch herself has kept silent on the evidence
that several people were involved in her abduction.]]> 4502 2011-04-04 15:52:12 2011-04-04
15:52:12 open open austrian-police-terrified-witness-of-kampusch-paedophile-ring-into-silence
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_4bf85e22e87c601c455fe8144899b314 12490 http://d 2011-04-05 05:49:59 2011-04-05 05:49:59 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12497 2011-04-05 11:43:39 2011-04-05
11:43:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
12510 http://d 2011-04-06 10:53:56 2011-04-06
10:53:56 1 12497 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12545 2011-04-08
03:38:07 2011-04-08 03:38:07 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12551 http://d 2011-04-08
05:06:20 2011-04-08 05:06:20 1 12545 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12559 2011-04-08 17:12:33
2011-04-08 17:12:33 1 12551 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
technologies/ Mon, 04 Apr 2011 15:54:31 +0000 birdflu666
an-Entire-Home-72156.html]]> 4504 2011-04-04 15:54:31 2011-04-04 15:54:31 open open
renewable-energy-technologies publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_b9af8e5e077cc230340a0d4c98a82766 12488
2011-04-05 05:26:43 2011-04-05 05:26:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12489 http://d 2011-04-05 05:40:40 2011-04-05 05:40:40 1 12488 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12475 2011-04-04 17:30:02 2011-04-04 17:30:02 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12476 2011-04-04 19:40:31 2011-04-04 19:40:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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06 01:30:17 2011-04-06 01:30:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12509 http://d 2011-04-06
10:45:25 2011-04-06 10:45:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12544 2011-04-08
03:26:29 2011-04-08 03:26:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12549 http://d 2011-04-
08 04:15:17 2011-04-08 04:15:17 1 12544 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12558 2011-04-08 16:56:43
2011-04-08 16:56:43 1 12544 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001
00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666 4507 2011-04-06
14:48:25 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last Wed, 06
Apr 2011 14:49:31 +0000 birdflu666
2612382.html]]> 4508 2011-04-06 14:49:31 2011-04-06 14:49:31 open open elderly-given-
inappropriate-drugs publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_0e53d2e2a2f951b9e11b5fde6392a502 12562 2011-
04-09 04:34:18 2011-04-09 04:34:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12563 http://d 2011-04-09
07:09:38 2011-04-09 07:09:38 1 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12682 2011-04-14
08:16:22 2011-04-14 08:16:22 1 12543 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12520 2011-04-06 19:45:29
2011-04-06 19:45:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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03:16:57 2011-04-08 03:16:57 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08:18:56 2011-04-14 08:18:56 1 12563 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ireland-now-suffering-from-narcolepsy-after-getting-vaccine/ Wed, 06 Apr 2011 14:50:50
+0000 birdflu666 Rise in sleep illness cases linked
to swine-flu jab By JEROME REILLY EXCLUSIVE, Irish Independent Sunday March 27 2011
EIGHT Irish people who received the swine-flu vaccine have developed narcolepsy -- the
potentially devastating ailment that causes sudden daytime sleep attacks, the Sunday
Independent has learnt. It means that the number of suspected cases of the debilitating sleeping
disorder linked with one particular swine-flu vaccine in Ireland has doubled since the beginning
of the month. The Irish Medicines Board (IMB) said: "The IMB has received a large number of
suspected adverse-reaction reports and queries in association with the pandemic-influenza
vaccines since October 2009, the vast majority of which were consistent with the expected
pattern of adverse events for the vaccines. "Eight reports of narcolepsy-type sleep disorders have
been notified in relation to Pandemrix, most of which have been very recently received and are
currently being followed up for additional information." Last August, the vaccination of children
and adolescents in Finland with Pandemrix was suspended until a link to narcolepsy had either
been ruled out or detected. Read more at:
sleep-illness-cases-linked-to-swineflu-jab-2596283.html]]> 4510 2011-04-06 14:50:50 2011-04-
06 14:50:50 open open eight-people-in-ireland-now-suffering-from-narcolepsy-after-getting-
vaccine publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12541 2011-04-08
02:56:51 2011-04-08 02:56:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12555
dangerous-swine-flu-vaccine-causes-narcolepsy/ 2011-04-08 08:57:04 2011-04-
08 08:57:04 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history
jab/ Wed, 06 Apr 2011 14:54:00 +0000 birdflu666
Lydia Warren, Daily Mail Last updated at 12:04 AM on 2nd April 2011 He used to love nothing
more than a giggle with his friends. But now five-year-old Joshua Hadfield is afraid to laugh
because, since developing a rare sleeping disorder, it causes him to lose control of his body and
nod off for hours. His mother Caroline believes he has contracted narcolepsy with cataplexy
after having a swine flu vaccination. It is the first case of its kind to be made public. Within days
of having the Pandemrix jab in January last year, Joshua began sleeping for 18 hours a day and
falling over when he felt a strong surge of emotion. Read more at:
sickness-causes-lose-control-body.html]]> 4514 2011-04-06 14:54:00 2011-04-06 14:54:00
open open boy-in-uk-develops-narcolepsy-after-swine-flu-jab publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_c7f48eb3f3acff5973f690cd85f8cc21 12542
2011-04-08 03:10:55 2011-04-08 03:10:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12554
causes-narcolepsy/ 2011-04-08 08:56:29 2011-04-08 08:56:29 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12636 2011-04-12 07:21:32 2011-04-12 07:21:32 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12745
war-crimes-imperialism-economics-state-sponsored-terrorism-health-corruption-much-more/ 2011-04-18 15:47:22 2011-04-18 15:47:22 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
belonged-to-nazi-party-killed-100s-of-1000s-of-germans-says-study/ Wed, 06 Apr 2011
15:00:11 +0000 birdflu666   45% of doctors in
Germany belonged to Nazi Party, says study - Doctors were involved in the murder of
300,000 Germans in hospitals and psychiatric institutions and in a programme of 
forced sterilisation of 400,000 people from 1934 onwards - Germany's Robert
Koch Institute, which promoted the swine flu jab, played a key role in Nazi medical
crimes Almost every second doctor in Germany -- or 45% -- belonged to the Nazi Party,
according to a new study commissioned by German Chamber of Doctors.
der-NSDAP.html# Doctors were involved in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Germans
as part of Nazi government programmes. 300,000 Germans were murdered in  pyschiatric
institutions and hospitals alone. Another 400,000 people were sterilised by force from 1934
onwards by doctors working for government health offices such as in Jever, Friesland.
Zwangssterilisationen-auf-Dachboden-entdeckt.html In addition, doctors conducted
experiments against concentration camp inmates, infecting them with various diseases. At the
end of the second world war only a tiny fraction of the doctors who actively participated in
euthanasia, human experiments and eugenics and the murder of concentration camp victims by
medical means were put on trial on the Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial in 1946. The Robert Koch
Institute, founded in 1891 and with strong links to the chemical and pharmaceutical industry,
played a central role in the Nazi medical crimes, but continues to be the central federal
institution responsible for disease control and prevention. The Robert Koch Institute hyped the
mild swine flu virus into a pandemic and recommended swine flu jabs when there was verifiable
evidence that it would cause damage.
beteiligt.html The swine flu jab in Germany contained an adjuvant, squalene, banned in the US
and UK because and known to cause damage in vets. No one in the
medical field can be surprised by the reports that the adjuvant squalene is causing narcolepsy in
Sweden, Finland and Ireland – cases that are just the tip of the ice berg as the damage becomes
apparant over time and there is hardly an adequate pharmacovigilance system in place. There is
no question that there are many doctors who are genuinely committed to human rights and
healing in Germany and Austria. But anyone who has worked, as I have, for a medical journal
here in Vienna and had regular interaction with top Austrian doctors as part of my jobs knows
just how acceptable openly discussing eugenics is today. Unlike in the UK, doctors who apply to
medical school in Germany and Austria do not have to undergo any interview testing their
character and morals. This is one small change that could be made to identify the Josef
Mengele’s of today on time and protect people from their eugenic schemes. The new study
underlines the extent to which the medical profession in Germany and Austria took on the
perverse role of killing 100s of thousands of their own people under one pretext or another
during the Nazi era, but it is important to see the continuity not just in some of the institutions
but also in their aims and means.]]> 4517 2011-04-06 15:00:11 2011-04-06 15:00:11 open open
germans-says-study publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_a4f156d36f185abb413a37fc2224b1c4 _oembed_9e2ee8ee0412ff7fd3562e0be18c22fc
_oembed_5cf2c9239b16b704995795755e893259 12524 http://d 2011-04-07 08:16:11 2011-04-07 08:16:11 1 12522 0 jabber_published
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07 00:57:00 2011-04-07 00:57:00 1 12522 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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19:54:09 2011-04-07 19:54:09 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
12550 http://d 2011-04-08 04:51:41 2011-04-08
04:51:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
vaccine-causes-narcolepsy/ 2011-04-08 08:56:09 2011-04-08 08:56:09 1
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study/ 2011-04-10 03:31:38 2011-04-10 03:31:38 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_result
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vaccines-over-narcolepsy-fears/ Wed, 06 Apr 2011 15:02:28 +0000 birdflu666  GPs must return flu vaccine over narcolepsy

Scientists have linked drug to sleep disorder

By JEROME REILLY, Irish Independent Sunday April 03 2011 The Heath Service
Executive (HSE) will remove all stocks of the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix from
GPs' surgeries, the Sunday Independent has learned. The vaccine has been linked
to the disabling sleep disorder, narcolepsy. Last week, this newspaper revealed
that eight people who received the swine flu vaccine in Ireland have developed the
devastating disorder, with most of the cases involving teenagers and young adults.
Now, the HSE has taken the decision to visit GP surgeries around the country and
collect the vaccine made by pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. Read more at:
narcolepsy-fears-2607513.html]]> 4519 2011-04-06 15:02:28 2011-04-06 15:02:28 open
open irish-doctors-ordered-to-return-swine-flu-vaccines-over-narcolepsy-fears publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last _oembed_b400954a5968fd4a50009d62974caf1a 12560 2011-04-09
02:46:41 2011-04-09 02:46:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12540 2011-04-08
02:31:02 2011-04-08 02:31:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12516 2011-04-06 15:47:17 2011-04-06 15:47:17 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12519 2011-04-06 19:18:36 2011-04-06 19:18:36 1 0 0
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12540 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12552
causes-narcolepsy/ 2011-04-08 08:55:47 2011-04-08 08:55:47 1 pingback 0 0
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handed-down/ Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:44:27 +0000 birdflu666
p=4523 Baldue Gudlaugsson, former permanent secretary at the Ministry of Finance,
committed serious crimes, the judge said;adding that his sentence is particularly harsh because
he abused his position as a civil servant. Read more:
handed-down/#ixzz1J200eYLl]]> 4523 2011-04-09 13:44:27 2011-04-09 13:44:27 open open
first-iceland-bank-crash-prison-sentence-handed-down publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12568 http://d 2011-04-09 14:12:05 2011-04-09 14:12:05 1 0 0
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2011-04-10 03:24:44 2011-04-10 03:24:44 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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bank-crash-prison-sentence-handed-down/ 2011-04-10 03:24:51 2011-04-10
03:24:51 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12588
bank-crash-prison-sentence-handed-down/ 2011-04-10 03:24:56 2011-04-10
03:24:56 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
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guttenberg-guilty-of-plagiarism-deliberate-deception/ Sat, 09 Apr 2011 13:50:01 +0000
untersuchung-veroeffentlichen-1672868.html Bormann said Guttenberg’s attempts to block the
report stood in diametrical opposition to statements he made in public, stressing that he desired
to bring full clarity to the allegations that he had committed plagiarism deliberately. In a
separate development, Spiegel reports that the state prosecutors in Hof have dropped their plan
to press criminal charges against Guttenberg in spite of his violation of laws and in spite of the
fact he deceived voters by decorating himself with the  doctor title when he had no right to carry
strafrechtlichen-folgen-fuer-guttenberg-1672794.html A failure to prosecute Guttenberg will
demonstrate to Germans just how corrupt the justice system has become and do little to
rehabilate the disgraced Guttenberg in the eyes of voters.]]> 4525 2011-04-09 13:50:01 2011-04-
09 13:50:01 open open german-university-says-ex-defence-minister-guttenberg-guilty-of-
plagiarism-deliberate-deception publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_7f9117521c37cc77944e6f7fc9aa8b74 _oembed_cb90122f9d2404822cac49f775377ca0
_oembed_c3dcc911ae0a40dd9dfbe49dd8f02a2d 12585 2011-04-10 02:03:48 2011-04-10 02:03:48 1 0 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-04-09 14:18:32 2011-04-09 14:18:32 1 0 0 jabber_published
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14:57:25 2011-04-09 14:57:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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18:36:38 2011-04-09 18:36:38 1 12572 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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um-doktorarbeit-gutachten-guttenberg-hat-absichtlich-abgeschrieben/ 2011-04-
10 08:10:50 2011-04-10 08:10:50 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history
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04-10 09:17:56 2011-04-10 09:17:56 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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theodor-zu-guttenberg/ Sat, 09 Apr 2011 14:44:32 +0000 birdflu666
fest.html At a time when so many of our beliefs and ideals have been shattered, when the
cynicism and corruption of the elite -- including the disgraced former German Defence Minister
Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg -- is becoming increasingly plain, when so many people
live blighted lives, riddled with doubts, the sight of Prince Harry, and his brother Prince
William, passionately caring about others, standing up for those who have been abandoned and
fighting for a good cause with so much vitality and sober common sense is inspiring, and also
a wake-up call to us all. An old Irish blessing is the hope that someone has the will to fight the
good fight when times require it. It is considered a good, good thing to show a fighting spirit - as
long as the fight is for what is good, that is. Prince Harry, who has served in Afghanistan
himself, is showing just such a willingness to fight the good fight when he accompanied soldiers
on a gruelling expedition to the North Pole to raise two million pounds to help fund
programmes to reintegrate wounded military personnel into society, a cause the UK government
should be funding but is not, leaving many injured soldiers facing enormous hardship. The UK
government is giving billions to the banks in the form of interest payments for a fractional
reserve debt which those same banks created while implementing a drastic fiscal austerity
budget in what is in fact the biggest wealth transfer and looting of the people since the 1930s
and 40s. By downplaying the human cost of war, Die Welt is following in the tradition of  the
likes of Kaiser Wilhelm, Bismarck, Hitler and also George Bush and Guttenberg. It is a known
fact, for example, that Hitler personally ordered scenes of wounded soldiers to be omitted when
he edited the weekly Wochenschau propaganda films. The cruel, barbaric and terrible injuries,
the mutilating, maiming, torture, burning, rape, shooting, hanging, starving, beating, gassing of
tens of millions of people that Hitler himself helped incite were not to appear in the sanitised
and glorified version of war presented to the German public. Bush also instructed US media not
to show images of wounded and dead soldiers. The terrible human cost of a war that both
soldiers and civilians have to bear is something that every society must always keep in the
forefront. There may be cases when a war is justified, unavoidable and right. However, war for
the profit of the military industrial and banking complex is certainly never justified and it is
never right. And yet these protracted, costly, industrialised wars without a clear strategy or exit
plan characterise the twentieth century. World war one, world war two, Vietnam, Afghanistan
and Iraq all share the same odd features: no strategy or a poor strategy (such as putting boots on
the ground to wander around aimlessly in dangerous enemy territory before withdrawing them
without an lasting or discernible tactical or strategic gain), and no exit plan. These wars are, in
fact, created by a political and financial elite who run a military, industrial and banking complex
for their profit. General Dwight D Eisenhower warned the Americans about this military
industrial complex when he was president. But the military, industrial and banking complex
existed much earlier also in Prussia where its destruction potential accelerated under the
machination of people like Bismarck and his banker Gerson von Bleichröder. Bleichrörder was
not only Bismarck’s private banker, thinking up insider trading schemes to satisfy the insatiable
greed for personal wealth of the egomaniac Bismarck; he also controlled the press, bribed
journalists, and even funded the Robert Koch institute in secret, according to Fritz Stern’s book
“Gold and Iron”. Germany's central banker Hjalmar Schacht put his name at the top of a
petition asking for Hitler to be made Chancellor in 1932 in the full knowledge that something
had to be done with the masses of people whose pensions and jobs had just been robbed by the
banks via the 1931 bank scam that resulted in 600 million RM being given to banks like
Commerzbank paid for by savage fiscal austerity under Chancellor Brüning. What better
solution than a long, drawn out war? This also profitted his friends in industry, desperately in
need of state armament contracts following the contraction in the domestic economy due to the
banks machinations. Schacht financed Germany's rearmament using the fractional reserve
banking system's ability to produce credit. And we know that the Nazis engaged not only in
convential warfare but also in biological warfare waged with viruses and vaccines and in covert
against civilians.and institutes such as Robert Koch played a key role. Dividends from banks and
the military industrial companies continue to fund the elite’s life of leisure on their country
estates today just as they funded Bismarck’s rapacious appetite for country estates and personal
wealth and the German elite's luxurious life during the second world war. Former German
Defence Minister Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg also followed in this long line of war mongerers,
beating the drum for military action for companies like Bayer -- a successor of IG Farben (which
made the second world war possible according to the Nuremberg war trials)  -- ready to detect a
portential enemy or territorist on every continent and anxious to start  another world war not
limited by any clearly defined national defence strategy. Guttenberg did his military service in a
mountain troop regiment known for conducting odd, secret rituals involving dead skulls and for
the ceremonial humiliation of soldiers, but then went on to study law, a fitting subject for the
scion of one of the wealthiest families in Germany, descended from "robber knights."
Guttenberg's rise to become Defence Minister was truly meteoric but his glitzy televsion talk
show in a German military camp in Afghanistan together with his wife this autumn was
criticised as a war-mongering publicity stunt. Just in time to stop the greenlighting of yet
another futile world war  in Libya, Guttenberg was, however, forced to  resign following the
revelation that he had plagiarised his doctorate. By spotlighting the very real suffering of
soldiers in the warzone, Prince Harry has broken new ground and has shown the many fine
qualities, moral courage and leadership of his mother, the late Princess Diana. Far from being a
“tour” of the Artic, Prince Harry undertook a physically and emotionally demanding expedition
full of hardship and danger. He had to return to the UK on Friday - but not to live the self
indulgent life of one of the political and business elite, whose time is divided between fantasies
of ruling the world, checking their share portfolios, riding out in nature to soothe their nerves
frazzled by the need to think of ever new ways to stimulate and satisfy their endless appetites.
He returned to his training as a pilot of an Apache helicopter, a job requiring determination,
skill and discipline. Whatever the doubts about the war in Afghanistan, the soldiers themselves
are not to blame for politicians’ decisions. Especially characteristic qualities of Prince Harry and
William are their humility – a quality that paradoxically makes them appear all the greater as
human beings. When Prince Harry said he had gone to the Artic to support the wounded
soldiers, everyone could see he meant it.  This was not a man out to put on a show, impress
people or get media attention. When Prince William says he wants to do his part in a team of an
RAF helicopter rescue crew to help those in trouble, everyone can see he also really means it.
Both William and Harry have the rare and elusive gift of Diana of filling people with enthusiasm,
inspiring them and of helping them to find the strength to overcome difficulties. This is true
leadership. Compare, for example, the genuine enthusiasm that people in Australia and New
Zealand showed to Prince William when he went there to demonstrate his solidarity with the
victims of floods and earthquakes with the absolute lack of interest people showed in the
German equivalent, the Baron Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg. Caught plagiarising his doctorate
and now potentially facing criminal charges, Guttenberg was forced to resign his position as
defence minister and MP this February. In a final bid to rally the public behind him and cling to
power, an appeal was sent out via facebook and backed by the CSU party, asking people to
march for Guttenberg. But no one turned up. The indifference of the public was embarrassing
for a “media star” like Guttenberg. The largest rally in his support was in the village of his father,
the composer Enoch zu Guttenberg, and that numbered only a couple of thousand people. Some
of the largest rallies in all Germany were trumpeted for Berlin, Hamburg and Munich, but only a
hundred or so people actually came onto the streets. Many of those who did show up were
actually critics, poking fun at Guttenberg. Although newspapers like Die Welt and Bild have
been telling people that Guttenberg is the most popular and charismatic politician in the country
day in, day out, ad nauseam, the people of Germany know in their heart that Guttenberg does
not care for their interests and is a cynical politicians ready to sacrifice their well being for profit
- and they are not ready to lift one finger for him. As if by magic, the people recognise the
genuinely good leaders. People recognise the sincere ideals, strength of character, fine qualities
of the heart that Prince William and Harry show by standing up for the abandoned, the
exploited and the marginalised, and they respond with genuine warmth, gratitude and
enthusiasm. Perhaps Guttenberg should take a leaf out of their book and attempt some
substantive project to help others involving some real sacrifice like helping wounded German
soldiers. This would go some way to repair his image as a man of arrogant immorality,
vanity, titanic ambition covered in media tinsel, and it might also bring him some elusive,
personal happiness. The ancient Greeks, after all, argued that virtue is not only desirable in
itself: virtue is also the path to lasting happiness. But hmany of us can put our hands on our
hearts and say when we were ready to stand up and fight for a good cause without cynicism or
fear because it was the right thing to do? In 2011, with humanity facing so many problems, every
person has plenty of opportunities for demonstrating their many fine qualities. We also have to
find in ourselves the strength to stand up and fight the good fight without cynicism and without
fear - and Prince Harry and the four soldiers marching to the North Pole for their comrades act
as inspiration for us all.]]> 4528 2011-04-09 14:44:32 2011-04-09 14:44:32 open open who-is-
the-better-leader-prince-harry-or-karl-theodor-zu-guttenberg publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_a0bdf6b395ec18ebca62c68b8de97eba 12584 2011-04-10 01:25:28 2011-04-10 01:25:28 1 0 0 jabber_published
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04-10 11:13:40 2011-04-10 11:13:40 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
government-a-bank-operation-says-lyndon-larouche/ Sat, 09 Apr 2011 14:51:36 +0000
larouche-exposes-the-face-of-evil/ The US national debt – just like the sovereign debt of the
eurozone – was engineered artificially by the bankers as a method of confiscating national
wealth via interest payments paid by taxpayers on a fractional reserve bank debt which the
government assumed as sovereign debt. Vienna Economist Franz Hörmann explained in an
interview in Der Standard how banks can create credit and also debts out of thin air using the
fractional reserve banking system. He explained how they engage in expropriation when they
ask for interest payments in return for nothing ie for a paper, non existent debt. LaRouche
argues that closing down the US government and leaving the country ruderless under the
pretext of having to balance the national budget when the bankers themselves are let off scot
free is a covert act of warfare aimed at the people of the USA. This event has to be understood as
part of a much larger, centuries-old battle waged between powers like the USA that want to use
money as credit and powers -- specifically, the London-centred financial imperium -- that want
to use money as debt, says LaRouche. LaRouche proposes reintroducing the Glass-Steagall Act
to separate out the trillions of fractional-reserve, private bank paper debt from the national debt
and to reform the banking system so that it can once more serve the real economy. He argues
that President Obama, who is consistently furthering the interest of the bankers, needs to be
removed from power by impeachment. He points out that one of Obama's major  funders,
George Soros, actively helped Nazis confiscate the property of Jews in Hungary before the Jews
were sent to their deaths in concentration camps, and asks: what kind of a character is that? The
eurozone is suffering under the same smothering mountain of artificially and fradulently
engineered, fracitonal reserve banking debt - and the  solution here too is insolvency or some
other mechanism to separate out the paper, private bank debt from the national debt. This has
to be done urgently or the eurozone will undergo a similar financial meltdown to the USA.
Adopting old currencies might be another way out. Certainly, the new embryonic global
currency and SDRs being proposed by George Soros and the IMF is just a continuation of the
debt system that has brought so much misery in the form of  booms and busts and wars since it
established itself in the USA after the Federal Reserve was privatised in 1913.]]> 4531 2011-04-
09 14:51:36 2011-04-09 14:51:36 open open shutdown-of-us-government-a-bank-operation-
says-lyndon-larouche publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_00a4fad287e0f74c9d2a65f6313df0d8 12583
2011-04-10 01:11:38 2011-04-10 01:11:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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shutdown-of-us-government-a-bank-operation-says-lyndon-larouche/ 2011-04-
11 13:20:51 2011-04-11 13:20:51 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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people-of-the-usa/ 2011-04-11 15:07:19 2011-04-11 15:07:19 1 pingback 0 0
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2011-04-13 16:55:48 2011-04-13 16:55:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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death-of-producer/ Mon, 11 Apr 2011 16:12:48 +0000 birdflu666 Eichinger, who also has a home in Munich, acquired
the film rights to the story in May 2010 and visited Vienna several times, including the cellar
where Kampusch was kept. He said he wished to portray "what really happened using film,"
according to local media. Constantin film has said it will aims to start filming in 2012 but it is
not clear who will finish the script. Read more at:
Startschuss-fuer-den-Film/22776675]]> 4536 2011-04-11 16:12:48 2011-04-11 16:12:48 open
open kampusch-film-project-to-continue-in-spite-of-death-of-producer publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 12681 2011-04-14 07:45:42 2011-04-14
07:45:42 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12628 2011-04-12 02:23:03 2011-04-12 02:23:03 1 0 0
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thirds-of-poles-have-questions-only-8-think-crash-was-an-accident/ Mon, 11 Apr 2011 16:14:50
+0000 birdflu666  A new poll reveals that two
thirds of Poles believe that the Smolensk disaster has not been thoroughly
explained and almost the same number do not think that there are chances it will
be in the nearest future. The poll, which was undertaken by TNS OBOP, shows that only 21
percent believe that an explanation is forthcoming. Read more at:
for-an-answer.html]]> 4538 2011-04-11 16:14:50 2011-04-11 16:14:50 open open one-year-after-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_7f6594210b48ade4bd35a2aceddacc63
_oembed_414572633ffab3130340ec15a9bb6f39 12618
2011-04-11 21:49:15 2011-04-11 21:49:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12622 2011-
04-11 23:30:59 2011-04-11 23:30:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12627 2011-04-12 02:14:25
2011-04-12 02:14:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12644 2011-04-12 14:38:09
2011-04-12 14:38:09 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08:37:02 2011-04-13 08:37:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-04-14 11:39:05 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-04-17 08:46:16 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
explains-why-hyperinflation-in-the-usa-and-eurozone-is-inevitable-german/ Mon, 11 Apr 2011
16:16:10 +0000 birdflu666 Anlässlich des neuen
Buches "Der Währungscrash kommt" Interview mit Michael Mross beim DAF.
Inflation und Hyperinflation unausweichlich. Notenbanken und Staaten drucken
weiter Geld. Deshalb ist Gold immer noch billig.

]]> 4540 2011-04-11 16:16:10 2011-04-11 16:16:10 open open michael-mross-explains-why-

hyperinflation-in-the-usa-and-eurozone-is-inevitable-german publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_e3d67aefb08a5984bd3078c81a759f90 Mon, 11 Apr
2011 16:18:39 +0000 birdflu666]]> 4544 2011-04-11
16:18:39 2011-04-11 16:18:39 open open the-vultures-on-burg-guttenberg publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 12637 http://d 2011-04-12 07:43:33 2011-
04-12 07:43:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
the-faust-syndrome/ Mon, 11 Apr 2011 16:30:46 +0000 birdflu666 There is only one soul in Guttenberg’s breast. And
his brazen und undiluted cynicism has now reached the point where even the mainstream media
recoil in shock at the way the controversial Guttenberg continues as if it is "business as usual".
Stern expresses indignation at how Guttenberg is trying to muzzle the University of Bayreuth
and stop it from publishing a report concluding that he intentially plagiarized his doctorate
thesis. Even Chancellor Angela Merkel has, in the meantime, intervened to rap Guttenberg.
stillgehalten-ihr-professoren-1673528.html Anyone just needs to glance at the Guttenplag
website and see that there is hardly a single page without a passage that has not  been lifted from
another source. The opening paragraphs are copied word for word from a major newspaper. In fact,  a kingly 63.8% of the text is
plagiarized. How could on earth can Guttenberg, therefore, expect anyone to believe this
plagiarism was an accident? How can someone accidently plagiarize almost two thirds of their
doctorate? Given the fact that all Germany is in the know, in the meantime, what option does
the University of Bayreuth have if it wants to salvage its reputation except to acknowledge that
most of the doctorate is plagiarized, and it could only have been deliberate in its official report.
What does the university have Guttenberg to thank for except a scandal and funds for a medical
professor who hyped the swine flu pandemic? How can Guttenberg’s lawyers seriously argue, as
they appear to be trying to do according to the FAZ, that the university cannot take steps to deal
with Guttenberg’s blatant fraud because Guttenberg is no longer technically a student at the
university? Or that his privacy rights have more weight than the rights of the university as well
as the rights of the electorate to comprehend the element of purpose in such a serious deception
by a senior politician?
97070EF30304A0D8~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html Guttenberg’s volte face is especially
cynical since he himself stated would do everything to help clear up the issue to demonstrate his
good intentions when he was forced to resign as Defence Minister in March over the scandal. To
make matters worse, the lawyer Guttenberg has sent in to muzzle Bayreuth University turns out
to be Alexander von Kalckreuth, the same Kalckreuth rumoured to have defended the extreme
rightwing Neo Nazi magazine, “Junge Freheit.”
22Jungen_Freiheit.22# He appears to be related to Eberhard von Kalckreuth, who signed a
petition in 1932 asking President Paul von Hindenburg to make Adolf Hitler Chancellor along
with German central bank President Hjalmar Schacht and other bankers and industrialist Fritz
Thyssen. Alexander von Kalckreuth is
married to a presenter  for RTL television, so there is little danger of indiscrete reporting from
RTL. But this is the internet age and the alternative media does exist beside the controlled
mainstream media. “There are two medias, alas, in Germany today and one gives all the game
away,” might be Faust’s refrain in 2011. While Faust may have sympathized with Guttenberg for
acquiring the doctor title using fraud, few others do. Guttenberg clearly desperately needed an
academic title to varnish over the fact that he actually has no track record whatsoever other than
a job in a company belonging to his own family  managing the family’s share portfolio. Somehow
the voters of deeply conservative Bavaria had to be persuaded that Guttenberg was not an empty
fly-by-night but a serious, political heavy weight and eminently qualified to be economics
minister and defence minister of the country in his mid-thirties. From somewhere a doctorate
title had to be conjured up to be placed squarely and loudly before his name to magically suggest
the appropriate academic weightiness, hard work and solidity and awe persuade the voters he
was not selected just because he was the scion of a wealthy family for his telegenic appearance in
order to capture the “state” for the profit of a small group of bankers and industrialists, So
necessary was the academic title considered to be to make Guttenberg palatable to conservative
voters that he made an extra application to use his title before he was allowed to according to the
rules. Armed with his doctor title, Guttenberg presented himself as an honest, honourable and
upright “aristocrat” of the mind and spirit, a shining ray of light in the darkness and corruption
the German Federal Republic. His friends in his media empire, especially in Bild, did the rest.
But the  fact that the emperor had no clothes was revealed on the internet, illustrating its power.
In an action unprecedented in its speed, people pieced together the original of the many parts of
the plagiarized doctorate on the internet. A major protest by students in Berlin further stirred
the pot. Finally, Bayreuth law professor Oliver Lepsius called Guttenberg a brazen fraud on
mainstream TV. An attempt by Guttenberg
to use facebook to suggest a huge up swell of popular support was exposed as yet another
illusion. An appeal sent out for people from all over Germany to march one Saturday to show
their support resulted in a handful of people turning up in Berlin and other cities, almost
outnumbered by the bemused camera crews who had been led to expect millions of protestors.
Only his father, the imposing conductor Enoch zu Guttenberg in the style of Karajan, appeared
to be able to muster half of the people living within a 10 kilometre radius of his castle to stand
around in the cold to listen to him harangue the people who were smearing his son. Facing
criminal charges for infringement of copywrite and bereft of all support among the people,
Guttenberg was forced to resign. The last the general public glimpsed of the “charismatic”
“messiah figure”, was in March when Guttenberg smirked as a military band played “Smoke on
the water” at his request during a formal ceremony to mark his departure. This was held in the
Bendlerblock, the highly symbolic building where German army resistance hero Claus von
Stauffenberg was shot at midnight on July 20th after returning to Berlin following an
assassination attempt against Adolf Hitler to start a coup.
v=wzkueuywybQ Little did we suspect that Guttenberg’s destructive and apocalyptic streak is
actually targeted towards himself. The dust has hardly settled on the scandal, and Guttenberg is
making headlines again for his brazen attempt to bully the university, whose reputation he has
ruined, into silence over his fraud. Keeping up the appearance of being humble and honest and
law abiding is clearly straining for Guttenberg, and his patience may have snapped, but no all
decisions taken in a fit of fury are good. Someone needs to tell “KT” that we no longer live in
Prussia and under the jackboot of Kaiser Wilhelm, and sending in troops to besiege the
University of Bayreuth is no longer an option before we wake up to headlines like: “Police raid
Bayreuth University”; “Lepsius thrown into jail.” Members of the Munchener Herrenclub may
be amused by such antics. But these fat-cat Fausts in their leather chairs might be better off
watching the door for the entrance of Mephistopheles because the days of mass (media) illusion
they have relied upon are over.]]> 4547 2011-04-11 16:30:46 2011-04-11 16:30:46 open open
guttenberg-and-the-faust-syndrome publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last

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narcolepsy/ Mon, 11 Apr 2011 16:34:47 +0000 birdflu666
p=4551 The Local A new Swedish study shows an increased risk of developing the
sleeping disease narcolepsy for children vaccinated with swine flu vaccine
Pandemrix, a drug manufactured by pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. The
study, presented Tuesday by the Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket), showed that
children and adolescents under 20 vaccinated with Pandemrix could be up to four times as likely
to develop narcolepsy than those not inoculated. That means three cases out of every 100,000
that could be linked to the vaccination. These results are similar to those presented by a recent
Finnish study, which found that the risk of children suffering from narcolepsy was nine times
higher for those vaccinated with Pandemrix. Read more at:]]> 4551 2011-04-11 16:34:47 2011-04-11 16:34:47
open open new-swedish-study-links-swine-flu-vaccine-to-narcolepsy publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_d6ae84f5e2289e3b901867290daa89fa
_oembed_8b93396b3c857725f1f0191076cbeb47 12626
2011-04-12 01:52:33 2011-04-12 01:52:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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nimmo-infowars/ Tue, 12 Apr 2011 13:38:49 +0000 birdflu666 60 percent of voters opposed the shakedown while
40 percent said the country should give in to bankster intimidation. Iceland did something
unthinkable in the United States – it went after the banksters and their minions. In early March,
Sigurdur Einarsson, former chairman of the defunct Icelandic bank Kaupthing, was arrested in
London. The the Special Prosecutor’s Office in Reykjavik ordered the police to raid the homes of
other bank principals. Ivar Gundjonson of Iceland’s failed Landsbanki bank was also arrested.
Predictably, the corporate media has under-reported Iceland’s efforts to arrest and prosecute
bankers. Following the outcome of Saturday’s referendum, Iceland Prime Minister Johanna
Sigurdardottir warned that the banksters will declare war on the tiny island nation. “We must do
all we can to prevent political and economic chaos as a result of this outcome,” she said. The
court of the EFTA Surveillance Authority, the European trade racket overseeing Iceland’s
cooperation with the globalist European Union, will now take up the issue. “My estimate is that
the process will take a year, a year and a half at least, Finance Minister Steingrimur Sigfusson
told a news conference. “Ever since Iceland decided to stop pandering to banker interests, and
transfer its country’s wealth to banks from Europe and Holland, its economy has in fact been on
a constant upward trajectory,” Zero Hedge wrote on Sunday. The website provides two charts to
show how telling the bankers to stuff it has benefited the country. Stock up with Fresh Food that
lasts with eFoodsDirect (Ad) “And so a nation of 320,000 once again takes the baton of bankster
liberation, while a country of 320 million continues to refuse to care, even as with each passing
month another $150 billion in debt is added to the public debt total.”]]> 4554 2011-04-12
13:38:49 2011-04-12 13:38:49 open open iceland-rejects-bankster-shakedown-by-kurt-nimmo-
infowars publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_abc19e0ea2a1f25bbb570b5de6a99a7b
Object 51 ]]>

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bankster-shakedown-by-kurt-nimmo-infowars/ 2011-04-12 23:41:16 2011-04-12
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bankster-shakedown-by-kurt-nimmo-infowars/ 2011-04-12 23:41:20 2011-04-12
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turning-into-caped-crusader/ Tue, 12 Apr 2011 13:57:08 +0000 birdflu666
article=eGMmOI8V2HIz4GhFlNTliCy7FOOmDnUk3oZndLd&img=&text=&mode= After
announcing she would personally issue instructions on the many delayed, non-existent and
dropped investigations into multi-billion-euro mega crimes that are hanging around the neck of
the Alpine Republic like an albatross, she marched off, leaving the journalists wondering
whether her metamorphosis was a stunt or the real thing. Hours later, the answer seemed to
come. At eight o’clock on Monday evening, police belonging to a special Cobra unit smashed in
the door of the house of flamboyant neo Nazi Gottfried Küsserl and hauled him off to jail as part
of the biggest razzia against neo Nazi scene in years. One could
almost see Bandion-Ortner rubbing her hands with satisfaction, but there is a long way to go. In
view of the potential for the misuse of the European Arrest Warrant by right wing Austrian
justice officials, it is to be hoped that Bandion-Ortner really is willing and able to tackle the neo
Nazi beast that has spread its tentacles deep into the justice ministry since the FPÖ formed a
partner in coalition government in 2000. Küsserl is a key figure in the neo Nazi website alpen-, which has been operating with complete impunity in spite of an alleged
investigation by state prosecutors. A crack down in 2010 left the website online. No doubt,
Kusserl was as amazed as everyone else in Austria that action had finally been taken on Monday
night on Bandion-Ortner’s intervention. Enjoying, it would appear, the patronage of far right
FPÖ luminaries like Johann Gudenus – the Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg of Austria –  the
Habsburgs, as well as FPÖ puppet master Martin Graf, the was run out of a
location in Wien Leopoldstadt without being disturbed. The kid-glove treatment meted out by
justice officials to Küsserl needs to compared with the persecution of the journalists who
actually uncover scandals. News reporter Kurt Kuch and five other journalists were hauled in for
illegal interrogations by Vienna state proseuctor this autumn in a clear act of intimidation. A
Croatian journalist who reported on the contamination of 72 kilos of vaccine material with the
deadly bird flew virus at Baxter’s facility in Orth an der Donau in autumn 2009 was visited
within weeks by police in her office in another act of intimidation. Local Austrian police, in
fact, pursued the entire camera crew, including myself, around Orth. As for the way I was almost
put under a court guardianship by the entire justice machinery and then slapped with
defamation charges by Viktor Eggert from the Ministry of Justice when I complained in public,
well, that is a story fit for a Kafka novel. The 13 innocent civil rights activists hauled before
Judge Sonja Arleth is yet another surreal chapter. underlining the precarious state of civil
liberties in Austria today. That said, Küsserl has something special that the rest of us lack,
namely, an anti-human, neo Nazis ideology and connections to the powers and
Burschenschaften and other shadowy networks that run the country and so are able to pull the
strings needed to loot tax payers of billions through one scam after another and with the
complicity of justice officials. Baxter, Mensdorff-Pouilly, Eurofighter, Kampusch…who can keep
track of all the justice scandals? Predictably Bandion-Ortner's pledge to clean up met with
hostitlity from the state prosecutors, who have been the enablers of the elite's crime spree. The head of a state prosecutor association Gerhard Jarosch
called Bandion-Ortner „naive and far from reality“ for expressing the wish to see investigations
into the long-drawn out Buwog scandal to be completed by July. FPÖ and ÖVP financie minister
Karl-Heinz Grasser has been under an interminable investigation for his role in selling off
government real estate involving the payment of kickbacks. It recently emerged the state
prosecutors did not even asked for key bank accounts in Liechenstein to be opened. Grasser has
also been linked to the collapse of Hypo Alpe Adria bank in 2008, which cost tax payers in
Bavaria and Austria billions as part of a fractional-reserve bank scam. No action has been taken
against Sonja Kohn or  Bank Austria which acted as feeder funds for Bernhard Madoff’s Ponzi
scheme, defrauding investors of billions. An investigation into whether Julius Meinl misled
investors and sucked in cash into Meinl European Land before collapsing the stock price and
scamming investors has been dragging on for years. So has the investigation into the collapse of
the real estate fund, Immunofinanz. But Bandion-Ortner said yesterday she would
require weekly reports in a new push to force progress into these investigations. In response to
her initiative, state prosecutor Jarosch complained that writing weekly reports would be so
arduous that there would be no time to do any actual investigative work Indeed, a glance at the thin report produced by chief state
prosecutor Dr Thomas Mühlbacher into the Kampusch kidnapping does suggest that the state
prosecutors in Austria have a very low bar when it comes to a work ethic. Given such absurdly
low performance targets, a half-page report every week on all they have not done over the past
five days might well over tax them. Better by far, though, might be to send all these the fat cat
chief state prosecutors into early retirement or jail, and appoint some honest replacements. It is
surely Jarosch who has misread the mood of the country and is naive and far from reality to
think the people of Austria are going to tolerate the blatant criminality of justice officials and the
political and financial elite for much longer. ÖVP party chief Karlheinz Kopf was right to hit
back against Jarosch and accuse justice officials of acting like a „state within a state“ that
urgently needs to be controlled by parliament.
attackiert-Staatsanwaelte?from=gl.home_politik Bandion-Ortner can be sure to have the
support of 99% of the people of Austria if she cleans up the swamp of corruption. Polls may
show her to be the among the least popular ministers right now - but that is because she is
perceived as contributing to this mess by sitting back and doing nothing in spite of scandal after
scandal. The idea that Bandion-Ortner will be perceived as interfering poltically in an
independent justice system if she finally rolls up her sleeves and cleans up the evident
corruption in the discredited ranks of the justice officials, as Katrin Burgstaller argues in Der
Standard, is absurd. To ensure the justice system functions is her job. It is her duty to intervene
in view of the evidence of so much assistance to rampant crime by justice officials. The justice
system in Austria has broken down. Who else is responsible for fixing it if not the minister? If Bandion-Ortners
gets concrete, verfiable results, and finally breaks up the network of corrupt justice officials
implicated in the endless scandals and even puts a good number of them in jail, her popularity
will surely soar. As the British TV comedy programme „Yes, Minister“ underlined, civil servants
are often more powerful than ministers themselves. With the appointment of far right FPÖ
Justice Minister Dieter Böhmdorfer in 2000, the justice ministry seems to have been taken over
by far right justice officials that are proving a menace. Key justice official and state secretary
Georg Krakow has been linked by media reports to the cover up of evidence that a paedophile
ring was involved int he cover up of Natascha Kampusch abduction ring. Krakow is also a
former employee of Kika, whose chief Herbert Koch participated in a controversial share issue
by Hypo Alpe Adria in 2006 involving hidden repurchase agreements that allowed the bank to
appear to have more capital than it did. Koch along with arms producer Gaston Glock allegedly
are big funders of the FPÖ, the party of the rich, the scammers, the frauds and, it would appear,
also of the paedophile protectors. To take on this bunch, Bandion-Ortner will need more than a
red superman cape. She will need the support of the people of Austria – and she will surely get
that if she cleans up this mess, especially if she communicates her actions and her results
effectively to them.]]> 4557 2011-04-12 13:57:08 2011-04-12 13:57:08 open open austrian-
justice-minister-stuns-country-by-turning-into-caped-crusader publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_c37bce9668648409fad6d3a41a1c3b01 12660 2011-04-13 02:09:54 2011-04-13 02:09:54 1 0 0 jabber_published
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chancellor-resigns-to-make-way-for-next-banker-puppet/ Thu, 14 Apr 2011 14:08:40 +0000
Spindelegger Beaming, he marched off to a new job in Raiffeisen Bank, in the latest blatant
example of the revolving door between government and big banks.
gehandelt He had done his job, Pröll said on Tuesday, before stepping aside to allow another
puppet of the banksters, the current Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger to take over in
what looked, to all appearances, like a coup improvised to preempt any serious challenge to the
mafia-like leadership that has wrestled control of the conservative People’s Party ( OVP) at a
time when their scandalous shenanigans are coming under increasing criticism. And Pröll is
right. He has done an excellent job as the head of the junior  partner in a coalition with the
Social Democrats (SPÖ) of looting the Austrian tax payers on behalf of the banks. The reward of
being made the head of the dominant bank, Raiffeisen Bank for his efficiency, therefore, seems
commensurate. Pröll oversaw the transfer of billions in tax payer money to Hypo Alpe Adria and
Raiffeisen Bank under the pretext of a bailout for a financial crisis those same banks engineered
as the Finance Minister. In addtion, Pröll put Austrian tx payer’s on the hook for a share of the
eurozone bailout fund, happy to violate every law as well as the EU constitution to ensure the
banks can continue their shake down. By blocking a lower interest rate for Greece and for
Ireland on its EU/IMF package, Pröll has helped set the countries on the path to default,
ensuring that the banks can eventually move on suck the pool of  German and Austrian tax
payers money under the pretext of having to be paid outstanding debts. Because the souvereign
debt of the eurozone countries is so gigantic and growing all the time, the ECB will end up
buying up the souvereign bonds in an act of printing money on a scale that will lead to
hyperinflation in a parallel development to the hyperinflationary measure of quantitive easing
taken by the Federal Reserve in the USA. Hyperinflation will wipe out people’s pensions,
salaries, savings. For his role in what could be argued is a deliberate economic crime against
400 million people in the eurozone, Pröll should be put on trial. But as all Austrians know, in
the meantime, the justice ministry is completely in the hands of the mafia. Far right Freedom
Party leader Jörg Haider called the banks „ a huge mafia“ responsible for the current financial
crisis in what proved to be his last major television appearance before he died in a mysterious
car crash, giving further weight to his claim. Backed by Pröll’s uncle, the governor of Lower
Austria, Spindelegger  is a lawyer and the ultimate „grey mouse“ produced by the nepotistic and
secretive networks of far-right fraternities which put a premium on ambition and subservience,
and he is also a member of the same freemason order of  as the Italian Prime Minister Giulio
Andreotti, who had was embroiled in scandals over his contacts to the mafia.
Spindelegger seems poised to purge the ÖVP of whatever people are left in its depleted ranks
that want the party to represent the interests of the people and not the banks as the country
faces the prospect of hyperinflation. A key position to be filled in a reshuffle is the Finance
Minister, who has the job of continuing to extract money from tax payers by breaking down the
resistance of the powerful regional governments, who have a big say over local budgets, in order
to push through new wave of austerity budget cuts and tax increases. Interior Minister Maria
Fekter or Bawag banker Stephen Koren are being touted as Pröll’s successor. Justice Minister Dr
Claudia Bandion-Ortner is widely expected to go. Her sudden announcement on Monday that
she intended to press for investigations into the many scandals involving politicians and banks
may even have played a role in Pröll’s unexpected decision announced on Tuesday at 8 am that
he intended to to resign at 11 am that same day because it paves the way for her to be removed
from her post. Georg Krakow, the powerful state secretary implicated in endless justice scandals,
is being touted as a possible replacement, but this choice is sure to meet with criticism. Pröll’s
protege MEP Ernst Strasser had to resign after being filmed accepting 100,000 euros in cash to
change draft EU bank laws, only to be replaced by another well-known lobbyist, showing claims
that the ÖVP is serious about cleaning up corruption to be empty propaganda. Spindelegger’s
claims of a new era have the same hollow ring. The ÖVP clearly hopes to transfer as much
wealth to the banks from the tax payers as it can before ushering into power the far right
Freedom Party in the next election. Plus ca change, plus c’est le meme chose. Yet, even if the
political parties are not changing their corrupt ways, there are signs that the people of Austria
are increasingly weary of the theatre and are abandoning the parties for new political
movements and that the plan to draw the people into endless conflicts and wars with the
Muslim world is not going to work.]]> 4559 2011-04-14 14:08:40 2011-04-14 14:08:40 open
open austrian-vice-chancellor-resigns-to-make-way-for-next-banker-puppet publish 0 0 post 0
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2011-04-14 14:23:00 2011-04-14 14:23:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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chancellor-resigns-to-make-way-for-next-banker-puppet/ 2011-04-15 00:04:02
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says-goldman-sachs-misled-clients-and-congress-over-subprime-mortgages/ Thu, 14 Apr 2011
16:24:41 +0000 birdflu666 4561 2011-04-14
16:24:41 2011-04-14 16:24:41 open open senate-chairman-says-goldman-sachs-misled-clients-
and-congress-over-subprime-mortgages publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12696
burgermeister-reportsenate-chairman-says-goldman-sachs-misled-clients-and-congress/ 2011-04-15 01:18:13 2011-04-15 01:18:13 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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congress-says-top-lawmaker-recommending-indictment-for-the-banks-executives/ 2011-04-15 00:35:27 2011-04-15 00:35:27 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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europe-set-to-foot-bill-for-greeces-inevitable-default/ Thu, 14 Apr 2011 16:35:18 +0000
F0EBF1047029B6CA0A1~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html Abandoning all pretence at
performing its function of being a guardian of sound monetary policy along the lines of the
Bundesbank, the ECB has been buying up Greek and other government debt even when it is
rated as junk. Feld said that he thought the ECB chief Jean Claude Trichet wanted to postpone
an inevitable default by Greece until he had left the bank in October so that the 77 billion euro
cost of servicing national debts that have accrued to eurozone tax payers -- after bondholders
have made a fast exit with the profits -- would not appear on the bank’s balance sheets before
then. Economists have said that Greece, Ireland and Portugal and other eurozone countries are
not suffering from liquidity problems and the solution is, therefore, not to make money available
to them to service their souvereign debts by creating a transfer union inside the eurozone.
Instead, economists argue the southern peripheral European countries and Ireland are
insolvent, and unable to service the levels of fractional-reserve debt their governments have
assumed, and so need to undergo an orderly default. The IMF and EU “loans” at punitive
interest rates are only sucking out gigantic quantities of money and assets from the various
countries, paving the way for their final economic collapse. Greece’s debt has soared to 340bn
and is predicted to reach 158% of GDP by 2012 as a result of the bank-engineered scam. A fiscal
austerity package imposed on Greece by the IMF and EU has led to higher unemployment and a
recession, as the Guardian points out.
of-default The  average family in Greece has seen its disposable income drop by up to 40% as a
result of rises in tax and pay and pension cuts, reports The Guardian. The recession has reduced
the tax revenues available to service the national debt To meet the interest payments, Greece has
to borrow money, leading to an increase in its overall debt and forcing Greece to borrow ever
more money, resulting in a downward debt death spiral. As the flow of assets and tax money
coming from Greece has run dry, the ECB has started to buy up the bonds, leaving the
bondholders with the profits and the European tax payers with the losses when Greece finally
makes its inevitable bankruptcy declaration. The tax payer bill for Greek souvereign debt is,
however, just the tip of the iceberg as the ECB prints money to support souverign bonds and
banks. Following Greece ‘s 110 billion euro bailout from the European Union and IMF nearly a
year ago, Ireland received a bailout in November to fund interest payments on an astronomical
quantity of bank engineered debt which the government of Fianna Fail equated with souvereign
debt. Last week, Portugal also asked for a bailout which could reach 80 billion euros. Just like
Greece, Ireland and Portugal have been forced to implement unsustainable and ruinous fiscal
austerity budgets to service the high interest payments. German government economic advisor
Beatrice Weder di Mauro has warned of a domino effect as one eurozone country after the other
collapses economically under the debt burden, and the debts are passed on to be paid by the
core countries. Economist Hans Werner
Sinn has warned that Germany cannot pay its expected share and it’s pensions are at risk as the
government prepares to throw ever more money into the black hole of interest payments on
bank engineered fractional reserve banking debt.
Chef_Sinn_warnt_Deutschland_vor_zu_grossen_Finanzhilfen.html?cid=29948712,1518,753023,00.html A recommendation by a
panel of German government advisors that insolvency mechanisms are introduced for the
eurozone was brushed aside by the government. Acting in the interests of the banks, eurozone
governments moved at an EU summit in March to expand the pool of tax payer funds that banks
and bondholders can drawn on to get interest payments on their fraudulent debt with Germany
and other countries having to pay in cash for the first time. Governments also put in place an
embryonic EU economic government that can slash government budgets by setting pensions
and salaries centrally. Given the astronomical scale of the artificial fractional reserve bank debt
loaded onto the eurozone’s national governments by the banks, the ECB will have ultimately to
buy up the bonds, resulting in hyperinflation. A European Stability Mechanism to be introduced
in 2013 has a provision that mean that governments can ask some investors to take losses on
souvereign bonds but the bar for this has been set very high, Weder die Mauro has warned. She
argued that an insolvency mechanism should be installed that is triggered automatically when
debt levels get too high to be sustainable. Anyone with a basic knowledge of economics can now
see that the banks and their puppet governments are engaged in the looting of tax payers on an
unprecedented scale, violating laws and ignoring economists' recommendations. The idea that
the EU is run by a shadowy group of banksters is no longer a conspiracy theory; it is a verifiable
fact.]]> 4563 2011-04-14 16:35:18 2011-04-14 16:35:18 open open tax-payers-of-europe-set-to-
foot-bill-for-greeces-inevitable-default publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_66c39d32c67f0575eab2d6f03a098d35 12698
europe-set-to-foot-bill-for-greeces-inevitable-default/ 2011-04-15 01:21:55 2011-
04-15 01:21:55 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12697
europe-set-to-foot-bill-for-greeces-inevitable-default/ 2011-04-15 01:21:48 2011-
04-15 01:21:48 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12703 2011-04-15 09:46:48 2011-04-15 09:46:48 1 0 0 jabber_published
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2011-04-15 13:18:41 2011-04-15 13:18:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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more-than-its-tax-revenue-in-march/ Fri, 15 Apr 2011 17:30:46 +0000 birdflu666 - US Government Spent More than Eight Times its
Monthly Revenue - US Govermnent paid $1.0528 trillion in monthly bills on only
$128.179 in monthly tax revenue Roni Deutsch blog According to new data from the
Treasury Department, the federal government grossed $194 billion in March, paid out nearly
$66 billion in refunds, netting $128 billion in tax revenue. However, the Treasure paid out a
total of $1.1187 trillion in federal expenses. From CNS That $1.0528 trillion in
spending for March equaled 8.2 times the $128.179 in net federal tax revenue for the month.
The lion’s share of this federal spending went to redeem Treasury securities that had matured
during the month—most of which were short-term Treasury bills that have terms of one-year or
less. In fact, during March the Treasury redeemed $705.3 billion in Treasury securities of which
$623.9 billion were short-term bills with a term of one year or less. After the disbursements
made to pay off the $705.3 billion in loans that came due in March, three of the other top four
federal spending items for the month were entitlements programs. The other top item was
payments to defense contractors. The Treasury paid $49.8 billion in Social Security benefits in
March, $47.4 billion in Medicare benefits, and $22.575 billion in Medicaid benefits. It also paid
$37.9 billion to defense contractors. To help pay off its $1.0528 trillion in monthly bills on only
$128.179 in monthly tax revenue, the Treasury turned primarily to new borrowing. During the
month, according to the Treasury statement, the government sold $786.5 billion in new
securities. It also drew down its cash balance from $190.6 billion at the beginning of the month
to $118.1 billion at the end of the month. It also reaped $18 billion from the sale of assets in the
Troubled Asset Relief Program. Read more at:
government-spent-more-than-eight.html]]> 4565 2011-04-15 17:30:46 2011-04-15 17:30:46
open open us-debt-orgy-government-spent-eight-times-more-than-its-tax-revenue-in-march
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12712
in-march/ 2011-04-15 21:53:53 2011-04-15 21:53:53 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12719 2011-04-16 05:56:14 2011-04-16 05:56:14 1 0 0
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12719 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12863
alzheimers-disease/ 2011-04-24 16:50:08 2011-04-24 16:50:08 1 pingback 0 0
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bank-subprime-fraud-to-be-referred-to-us-justice-officials/ Fri, 15 Apr 2011 17:32:43 +0000
birdflu666 Friday 15 April 2011, The Telegraph

US Senate panel urges Goldman 'mis-selling' investigation

A US Senate Subcommittee has called on authorities to examine whether Goldman Sachs mis-
sold mortgage related securities and misled Congress, as it released the findings of a two-year
investigation into the financial crisis.

Carl Levin, the Democratic chairman, wants the Department of Justice and the Securities and
Exchange Commission to see if Goldman broke the law when selling collateralised debt
obligations (CDOs) to clients without disclosing that the bank believed they would fall in value.

"In my judgement, Goldman clearly misled their clients and they misled Congress," Mr Levin
said at a press conference in Washington late yesterday.

Read more at:


]]> 4567 2011-04-15 17:32:43 2011-04-15 17:32:43 open open evidence-of-goldman-sachs-and-

deutsche-bank-subprime-fraud-to-be-referred-to-us-justice-officials publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_286dd59284c19166290cb4efa569ef22 12713
goldman-sachs-and-deutsche-bank-subprime-fraud-to-be-referred-to-us-justice-officials/ 2011-04-15 22:07:33 2011-04-15 22:07:33 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12718 2011-04-16 05:40:50 2011-04-16 05:40:50 1 0 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-04-18 08:04:34 2011-04-18 08:04:34 1 12718 0
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subprime-fraud-concludes-senate-panel/ Fri, 15 Apr 2011 17:33:58 +0000 birdflu666
names-culprits-in-financial-crisis-149439?pfrom=home-Business&cp]]> 4570 2011-04-15
17:33:58 2011-04-15 17:33:58 open open deutsche-bank-knowingly-deceived-clients-in-
subprime-fraud-concludes-senate-panel publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_60e5fde634cdfb09a36de08b4cf81bd8 12717
2011-04-16 05:25:58 2011-04-16 05:25:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12716 2011-
04-16 02:58:47 2011-04-16 02:58:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12714
senate-panel/ 2011-04-15 22:17:10 2011-04-15 22:17:10 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12721 2011-04-16
21:04:53 2011-04-16 21:04:53 1 12716 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
grab-by-puppets-of-banks-backfires-in-austria/ Sat, 16 Apr 2011 15:35:08 +0000 birdflu666 A lawyer by training, Fekter could do worse than
study the recent report by a Senate panel which found banks such as Goldman Sachs and
Deutsche Bank to be responsible for causing the financial meltdown by using a fraud involving
subprime mortgages. If she has any spark of conscience, she might institute a panel similar to
the Senate panel in Austria to explore the role of Raiffeisen and other banks in the financial
meltdown that has cost Austrian tax payers billions and meant cuts in education etc. She might
also take time out to study a video clip seen of far right leader Jörg Haider accusing Raiffeisen
and other banks in Austria of deliberately destroying the financial system using subprime
mortgages and then google on the internet for all the evidence that Haider was murdered shortly
after his interview. An interview by Franz Hörmann in Der Standard explaining how banks can
use the fractional reserve banking system to create money and debt out of thin air and how
charging interest for nothing is actually a form of wealth confiscation or expropriation is all the
economic theory Fekter requires to reverse course and start closing down the banks. Senator
Carl Levin has referred the report to US justice officials for possible criminal proceedings
against the banks – something that would be unimaginable in Austria where there is evidence
that the justice officials are actively covering up fraud by banks. Justice Minister Dr Claudia
Bandion-Ortner  was axed on Friday after announcing on Monday that she intended to take
tough measures to clean up corruption in the justice system. Within hours Josef Pröll
announced his surprise resignation, paving way for her removal and the removal of other critics
of corruption among justice officials in a dramatic reshuffle. For Pröll to have fired the minister
he had supported so unequivocally for so long the very moment she got tough on corruption
might have raised eyebrows. The speed of his action will raise questions about whether an
investigation into some of the scandals could implicate himself or his allies. A replacement for
Bandion-Ortner could be Christoph Herbst, a lawyer associated with the Skylink scandal and the
controversial Josef Fritzl paedophile case. Just as is the case in the kidnapping of Natascha
Kampusch, there is evidence that a paedophile ring was involved in the imprisonment and rape
of Elisabeth Fritzl in a dungeon in her father’s house in Amstetten over a period of many years.
As a “defender” of the victim -- and especially appointed by Lower Austria governor Erwin Pröll
-- Herbst will feel at home in the Justice Ministry where State Secretary Georg Krakow has also
been linked with the cover up of evidence that Kampusch was abducted by a paedophile ring.
Five Vienna state prosecutors are currently under investigation for their potential role in the
Kampusch cover up. Bandion-Ortner is to be sent to work in a minor position as a judge of petty
criminals, according to local media reports, underlining how there is no space left in the justice
system for any judge who is even remotely honest. She may, however, end up glad not to be
associated with a government coalition party that has plunged to historical lows in polls even
before it has started its work. As Austrians brace themselves to hear about the scandals that are
still not being investigated by Herbst or whatever other puppet is appointed, they will realize the
culpability for the country’s slide into a mafia-style corruption did not lie with her. Perhaps to
head off too much media coverage on the many scandals, Pröll’s successor Michael Spindelegger
met up with the boss of RTL Gerhard Zeiler in Luxemburg to support his bid to become head of
the country’s state run TV, the ORF, in August.
Luxemburg/24212433 Considered to be one of the most soporific TV stations in Europe, the
ORF has still clearly gone too far for the Globalists’ liking in its reporting on the many scandals
involving high level politicians such as Karl-Heinz Grasser. Under a new regime run by Zeiler –
who has quit his job in the RTL , which is associated with controversial German political figures
such as Stephanie zu Guttenberg --, it is to be expected that the ORF will attempt to shape public
opinion in favour of the banks and also promote conflicts to divert the attention of the people
from the large-scale looting of their tax funds.]]> 4573 2011-04-16 15:35:08 2011-04-16
15:35:08 open open brazen-power-grab-by-puppets-of-banks-backfires-in-austria publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_11bd3c792fc6551d95434765cdb59db5
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_oembed_7c51ddecac5c1a9c589737abe5afac88 _oembed_fa7ce266440e37d4513fc1cfd4bd61e6
_oembed_f9c8201611162ceaa045c8caf12089ba 12741 http://d 2011-04-18 07:49:33 2011-04-18 07:49:33 1 12737 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12727
grab-by-puppets-of-banks-backfires-in-austria/ 2011-04-17 00:44:50 2011-04-
17 00:44:50 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12728
burgermeister-report-brazen-power-grab-by-puppets-of-banks-backfires-in-austria/ 2011-04-17 00:44:58 2011-04-17 00:44:58 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking
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12737 2011-04-17 21:17:32 2011-04-17 21:17:32 1 0 0
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enslavement-of-mankind/ Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:36:17 +0000 birdflu666 Sartre April 18, 2011 “The rising
powers must be present at the creation of this new system in order to ensure that they will be
active supporters.” – George Soros Charges of a conspiracy theory are a convenient pretext to
dismiss criticism when the global financial elites meet to shape the next evolution of centralized
control of all economic activity. When Mayer Amschel Rothschild admitted, “Give me the power
of the money and it will not matter anymore who is commanding”, he exposed the true nature
of international finance. The new front man for the shadow masters of money is George Soros.
His visibility is used to deflect attention away from the supra national circle of recluse
manipulators, who set the agenda for globalism. The history of world politics is really the
chronicle of money, debt and banking. Only by understanding this clash of titans, can one
interpret the language of worldwide finance. It is not often that you get to look into the window
of the future before it takes place. The obsession with the political posturing of the torturous
grinding process that produces a kosher sausage product causes acute indigestion. Banking is
one such example and the INET, The Institute for New Economic Thinking, who sponsored the
Bretton Woods II conference is the Neshama gourmet version of ground up animal flesh.
Funneling the herd into the corral of a new world currency openly discussed, as the panacea for
the coming collapse of international finance, is the height of totalitarian arrogance. Soros, in The
Alchemy of Finance wrote, “To put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god or an
economic reformer like Keynes…. As I made my way in the world, reality came close enough to
my fantasy to allow me to admit my secret, at least to myself.” Some of the attendees and
speakers at the INET conference included:

• Gordon Brown, former U.K. Prime Minister.

• Paul Volcker, former Fed Chairman and chairman of President Obama’s Economic
Advisory Board.

• Economist Jeffrey Sachs, director of The Earth Institute.

• Joseph E. Stiglitz, former senior vice president and chief economist for the World
Bank and Nobel Prize winner in Economics.

• INET Executive Director Rob Johnson, former managing director at Soros Fund

Columbia professor Jeffrey Sachs, who sits on the board of INET is known for his ‘Shock
Therapy’. Aaron Klein reports in WND. “Sachs is, a special adviser to U.N. Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon, is founder and co-president of the Soros-funded Millennium Promise Alliance. He
has been a World Bank consultant who formerly directed Harvard’s Institute for International
Development, which he turned into a major conduit advocating for World Bank and
International Monetary Funds use for structural adjustment programs in the Third World and
beyond”. Read more at:
mankind/]]> 4578 2011-04-18 13:36:17 2011-04-18 13:36:17 open open bretton-woods-ii-
%e2%80%94-the-final-enslavement-of-mankind publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12755 2011-04-18 23:46:30 2011-04-18 23:46:30 1 0 0
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people-have-no-money-left-after-paying-monthly-bills/ Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:38:38 +0000
birdflu666 Despite some reports that people are
putting more of their money aside during the downturn, the tracker shows almost half can’t do
that because they’ve no money to save. Chief Executive of the ILCU Kieron Brennan says it’s
clear many Irish families are seriously struggling. With rising mortgage and fuel costs, and cuts
in social welfare, he believes this year will be one of the most difficult for Irish people trying to
manage their finances.
ends-meet-ilcu-survey/]]> 4580 2011-04-18 13:38:38 2011-04-18 13:38:38 open open eu-imf-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_799d29869e2af43c2ab575df41910de7
_oembed_dbab7c2324d10ba182aeaae8722608eb 12748 2011-04-18 16:47:14 2011-04-18 16:47:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-04-18 23:33:41 2011-04-18 23:33:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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says-irish-independent-writer/ Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:42:14 +0000 birdflu666 Gene Kerrigan: Let's get this horror show on the

We should bring the battle for our futures right to the door of the EU bully boys, says Gene
Sunday April 17 2011 It's time to invade Europe. Last week, the EU goons -- led by Lorenzo Bini
Smaghi and Jürgen Stark -- became more strident and openly contemptuous in their bullying.
Our timid Taoiseach didn't dare reply. His cabinet members kept their heads down, seeking
softer targets. Striking back at the EU tough guys won't solve our problems, but ignoring what's
happening will certainly make things worse. We are governed by an EU/IMF/Fine Gael/Labour
coalition. The first two parties to this government are the senior partners. They're primarily
concerned with the health of the euro, as well as protecting the private German and French
banks -- who recklessly lent billions to the likes of Sean FitzPatrick and the geniuses at AIB and
Bank of Ireland. For three years, Fianna Fail policy was based on restoring the Irish banks to
their "former greatness", as Brian Lenihan put it. This virtually bankrupted the country. We now
have an EU/IMF-led government, fixated on protecting German and French banks. The real
economy, and the lives of the army of unemployed, the fleeing emigrants, the cystic fibrosis
patients, the special needs kids, the low- and medium-income families -- they can go hang. Our
leaders have other priorities. Read more:
horror-show-on-the-road-2621726.html]]> 4582 2011-04-18 13:42:14 2011-04-18 13:42:14 open
open it-is-time-to-invade-europe-in-economic-war-says-irish-independent-writer publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 12751 2011-04-18 23:10:23 2011-04-
18 23:10:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
12830 2011-04-21 22:43:34 2011-04-21 22:43:34 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
banker-puppets/ Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:45:12 +0000 birdflu666 The brazen way the new leader of the scandal-
ridden ÖVP party Michael Spindelegger fired Bandion-Ortner and dropped plans to tighten
anti-corruption laws will strengthen his image as Don Corleone rather than Don Giovanni. It
is not surprising that Salzburg ÖVP chief Wilfried Haslauer turned down Spindelegger's
poisoned chalice of the offer of Justice Minister, according to Die Presse. Haslauer will surely
not want to suffer the same fate as Bandion-Ortner of being fiercely criticised by the people for
doing so little to tackle corruption and of being fired by her party as soon as concrete action is
taken. Even Johanna Mikl-Leitner, a pedestrian ÖVP party official from Lower Austria, is
reported to be thinking twice before she joins Spindelegger on the ÖVP Titanic as interior
Justizminister_Wien-darf-ruhig-Rom-werden]]> 4584 2011-04-18 13:45:12 2011-04-18
13:45:12 open open anti-corruption-laws-put-on-ice-in-austria-by-banker-puppets publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 12750 2011-04-18 22:49:16 2011-04-
18 22:49:16 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
leader-aims-to-leave-eurozone-before-its-inevitable-collapse/ Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:48:45
+0000 birdflu666 Sonio expressed sympathy for
Ireland, whose economy is currently being destroyed by the billions in euros that is being sucked
out to pay the interest on a fraudulently created, fractional reserve bank debt - a debt which the 
Fianna Fail government equated with national debt and without consulting parliament or the
people. “The Irish people have my every sympathy,” says Mr Soini, a regular visitor to the
country. His opposition to the Irish bailout, he says, stems from a situation “where the IMF and
EU come ... and tell you what to do, and that is what is happening now”. “For me economic
monetary union does not function and cannot function with so many different economies. In the
end default is inevitable in Ireland, and also in Greece and Portugal,” he said. “What I am afraid
of is that this new economic governance is the federal structure, and that’s not what I want. I
want to go back to the Stability and Growth Pact, which would have worked if France and Greece
hadn’t breached it themselves.” Soini said, just as 100s of economists in the meantime, have
said, that the „bail-outs clearly have not been working.” Portugal was the latest country forced to
seek a ruinous loan from the EU and IMF to pay high interest on souvereign debt in spite of
being insolvent and not illiquid. The fiscal austerity measures imposed on Greece, Ireland and
also Portugal by the IMF and EU have led to a deepening economic recession, as German
government advisor Peter Bofinger has also pointed out. The 80 billion euro package for
Portuguese bondholders will have to be paid for by tax payers across the eurozone. It will result
in Portugal being forced to default like Greece and Ireland and far more deeply in debt than
before the country's started implementing fiscal austerity measures that were supposed to clear
them of debt. The disastrous state of the IMF and EU-controlled economies is highlighted by the
exploding interest on souvereign bonds.
wahre-finne-kippt-den-euro The mainstream media is trying to stamp the True Finns party as
extreme right wing and xenophobic but AFP says mmigration was never mentioned during
rallies. "These people are asking about pensions, about work, about this European Union crisis
and really down-to-earth issues," Mr Soini said afterwards. "Nobody is asking about asylum-
seekers." According to the media, the EU is looking at a way to circumvent the need for a
Finnish vote next month in another blatant violation of laws and treaties to create a transfer
union benefitting banks,]]> 4587 2011-04-18 13:48:45 2011-04-18 13:48:45 open open anti-
collapse publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f096d4fe2a9851366f227ce535159098
_oembed_7dc859e36714d3f60913be1a10c4437b 12767 2011-04-19 16:17:59 2011-04-19 16:17:59 1 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published
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2011-04-19 16:11:51 2011-04-19 16:11:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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05:51:09 2011-04-19 05:51:09 1 12756 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-04-19 00:02:07 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-04-19 20:24:52 2011-04-19 20:24:52 1 12756 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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04-19 21:35:29 2011-04-19 21:35:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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20 11:49:37 2011-04-20 11:49:37 1 12784 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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20 11:53:46 2011-04-20 11:53:46 1 12783 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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collapse-under-debt-burden-german/ Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:06:39 +0000 birdflu666 4589 2011-04-20 16:06:39 2011-04-20 16:06:39
open open influential-banker-predicts-germany-will-collapse-under-debt-burden-german
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12857
at-barefoot-running-online/ 2011-04-24 03:41:56 2011-04-24 03:41:56 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
12804 2011-04-20 23:57:03 2011-04-20 23:57:03 1 0 0
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transparency/ Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:07:39 +0000 birdflu666 However, even the most generous estimate of the
spending cut passed this week – $38.5 billion – is a paltry 3.5% of the $1.05 trillion in spending
through the next 5 months. This hardly makes a dent in our government’s mountain of debt.
Even worse than that, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stripped away the
accounting sleights of hand and scored it as only $352 million in cuts, which works out to less
than half of one percent of spending. Still, the tiniest cut is better than the massive increases we
have become accustomed to in federal budgets. Of course, our disastrous wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq are not even included in this budget as they are considered emergency spending. They
constitute $3.3 billion in spending in the same period of time, so they more than cancel out any
small cuts the warmongers may crow about. Read more at:
cuts-are-meaningless-without-fed-transparency/]]> 4591 2011-04-20 16:07:39 2011-04-20
16:07:39 open open budget-cuts-are-meaningless-without-fed-transparency publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_5d4603fba5d76c89b799f229459beb86 12805 2011-04-21 00:13:07 2011-04-21 00:13:07 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12816
meaningless-without-fed-transparency/ 2011-04-21 06:06:29 2011-04-21
06:06:29 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
peoples-party-coalition-team-fails-to-dispel-image-of-cronyism/ Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:13:41
+0000 birdflu666
direct=649938&_vl_backlink=/home/ Mercifully for Kurz, no one
knows what this new position entails, not even Spindelegger, so it will be almost impossible for
the young law student  to fail. Some of his anti-Islam statements, however, suggest that he might
well  manage to fail in this sensitive post nevertheless. Spindelegger openly said Kurz was
selected because he was „young.“ If youth is a criteria, we could be seeing five years old as
ministers next? With his blonded locks and outszanding styling, Kurz has clearly been picked to
appeal to middle-aged women in the provinces. The young laws student from Hietzing is
supposed to „speak the language of the youth“, but the Austrian youth are actually pretty cool
outside of Hinterbrühl and Hietzing!
Geilomobil? Taking over as Interior Minister was the right
hand of Lower Austrian Governor Erwin Pröll, Johanna Mikl-Leitner. The earnest expression on
her face during the first press conference betrayed  a fierce determination to fight on against the
odds. Beatrix Karl was appointed the new Justice Minister as an „emergency measure“ after so
many others sensibly refused the job, according to local media. Having left the Education
Ministry in worse shape than when she arrived, Karl will not need to worry about ruining her
reputation as political cronies loot the country with the complicity of justice officials. Finally,
Maria Fekter  has been appointed the new Finance Minister, charged with pushing through
fiscal austerity budgets for the profit of the banks. She stressed she was qualified because she
had studied  business and tax law as part of her training as a lawyer. It is doubtful whether  this
will have prepared her to cope with the looming collapse of the euro, the banks and
hyperinflation, all of which are considered to be approaching by economists like Franz
Hörmann. Fractional reserve banking are the kind of concepts that Fekter,  who enjoys the
sobriquet„Schottermuzzi“ (Penny Pincher), will have to wrap her mind around. Of course, the
aim is for these new  ÖVP troop to be decimated in elections in 2012 or 2013 and so allow the far
right FPÖ to gain votes by default. The sudden reappearance of the Neo Nazi website alpen
donau info on Hitler's birthday , 20th April, shortly after it was taken off line by Justice Minister
Dr Claudia Bandion Ortner, who was prompty fired shows how history is set to repeat itself.
Including the Volkssturm.]]> 4593 2011-04-20 16:13:41
2011-04-20 16:13:41 open open austrias-new-peoples-party-coalition-team-fails-to-dispel-
image-of-cronyism publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_9c6f70fc0f371c24f009ffc8b6ccd0af _oembed_f0122ce8feaeb56402cf7637f6d9a0b5
vaccination-push-for-kids/ Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:15:50 +0000 birdflu666 The report also recommends that the government
make children's enrollment at early childhood centres and schools dependent on parents
producing proof of their children's vaccination status and – even more ominously – suggests
that government consider linking "existing parental benefits" to vaccination. If the government
accepts the recommendations in the report, it appears that parents will be forced to choose
whether their child has no vaccinations – or all vaccinations on the schedule.  Moreover, it is
also possible that parents who do not comply with this "all or nothing" approach to vaccination
(for example those who want their children to have some vaccines, but not others) may face
financial penalties.   The report represents a significant attack on parents' rights to make health
care decisions for their children. We are in an election year; if you disagree with the
recommendations in the report,  please act now to let all political parties know that you find this
unacceptable. Please forward this message widely and visit the
website  as soon as you can for more information and for ideas  on
how you can help with the campaign to resist the erosion of human rights threatened by this
Report.]]> 4595 2011-04-20 16:15:50 2011-04-20 16:15:50 open open new-zealand-
government-plans-big-vaccination-push-for-kids publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12870 http://d 2011-04-25 14:47:11 2011-04-25 14:47:11 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12802 2011-04-20 23:21:32 2011-04-20 23:21:32 1 0 0
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government-plans-big-vaccination-push-for-kids/ 2011-04-21 06:10:18 2011-04-21
06:10:18 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12822 2011-04-21 12:27:32
2011-04-21 12:27:32 1 12802 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ground-invasion-of-libya/ Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:17:40 +0000 birdflu666 Obama & co. started the bombings in
Libya with a U.N. resolution and a supposed “no fly zone.” It was supposed to be a humanitarian
crisis and not a war, then a “kinetic” military action and not a war. The West said from day one
that there would never be ground forces used; but now that it’s official policy, Orwellian terms
are used to mask its reality. This latest deception is all part of the imperial world government’s
new favorite tool of revolution- one that amounts to first backing rebels, then following with a
UN or NATO backed ground force and plenty of propaganda. This invasions and acts of war &
aggression will not stop until we speak out against it. The New World Order is intent on
swallowing up rogue nations with independent central banks; it is intent on rolling back
sovereignty and reigning-in even first world nations with debt and economic ruin. For the U.S,
this is only worsened by an overstretched military now engaged in three ground “wars” and a
free falling dollar.]]> 4597
2011-04-20 16:17:40 2011-04-20 16:17:40 open open eu-prepares-for-ground-invasion-of-libya
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_7f59f845cb19412f258d0f323f73ffd1
_oembed_ae3db6ad9e71f291b8c1b7e84ab1d1a4 12801
2011-04-20 23:02:31 2011-04-20 23:02:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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ground-invasion-of-libya/ 2011-04-21 06:14:34 2011-04-21 06:14:34 1 pingback
0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 12819
prepares-jane-burgermeister-report-for-ground-invasion-of-libya/ 2011-04-21
06:14:39 2011-04-21 06:14:39 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history
akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12821 2011-04-21 11:14:04 2011-04-21 11:14:04 1 0 0
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system-about-to-collapse/ Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:19:16 +0000 birdflu666 
And: Das Ende des Geldes
– Buchpräsentation    1:49 Minuten
v=65wRghrXxAQ&NR=1     Das Ende des Geldes  Franz Hörmann & Otmar Pregetter  Teil 1: 
14:59  Minuten Teil 2:   
15 Minuten Teil 3 .....  bis
Teil 7, alle rund 15 Minuten]]> 4599 2011-04-20 16:19:16 2011-04-20 16:19:16 open open
austrian-economics-professor-warns-financial-system-about-to-collapse publish 0 0 post 0
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0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12803 2011-04-20 23:55:05 2011-04-20 23:55:05 1 0 0
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defend-ideas-and-not-physical-territory/ Wed, 20 Apr 2011 16:25:12 +0000 birdflu666 The idea that foreign states and governments and
their armies or terrorists pose the biggest threat to a country needs to be revised. We can see
how limiting such an idea is by observing what is happening in the USA. The US military
continues to be strong and engaged in traditional warfare and counterterrorism and resource-
control operations in many theatres around the world – albeit with almost no military success
and in a financially unsustainable way. But on the most vital economic front of all, the US is
about to collapse – and the financial and economic collapse could destroy the political and social
system of the country. The budget cuts proposed by Republican Paul Ryan will do nothing to
stop this dynamic and will only punish ordinary Americans. While China is printing money
without creating debt and growing at a phenomenal pace, the US is being destroyed by a private
banking cartel that controls the Federal Reserve and prints money as debt. There are organised
groups that are engaging in types of activities that could be classified as warfare or terrorism,
specifically, economic warfare or financial terrorism. They have an objective, a plan and they are
acting to engineer not just the collapse of the American financial system but also the European.
The definition of war has, therefore, to be broadened to include these types of activities. Because
the nature of warfare has changed so substantially, the military has to change. The new military
in German should not define itself through its role in defending territory. It should define itself
in relation to an ideal. The ideal should be the protection of what is commonly considered to be
a “good” state,  ie a constitutional republic or a parliamentary democracy. The military should
work out all the potential threats to the functioning of a good state and its economic, political,
social and educational life systems. Once these threats are defined, task forces need to be set up
to deal with the specific threat whether it is weather modification systems or computer hacking
or the implications of the fractional reserve banking system. It is interesting to note that
Germany has been engaged in two major world wars just after banks reduced their capitalisation
requirements from 14% before 1913 or so to about 3% after 1918 and (Prussian) state debt rose
dramatically. Extreme financial instability is clearly a major factor in causing global wars with
dire consequences. Today, for example, Germany is again heading for hyperinflation,  which will
have devastating implications for its political and social structures. To cope with any possible
hyperinflation is not only a national security issue, it is also a humanitarian issue. A new
German military would have to have the capacity to deal with such a threat effectively, either by
being able to stop the hyperinflation in the first place or by being able to mitigate its impact by,
for example, setting up a new financial system. To meet such challenges, the army has to acquire
capabilities far beyond those associated with traditional wars. There have to be, for example, a
team of economic experts who work out a plan to reach a strategic objective, for example, how to
enhance economic stability and protect against hyperinflation by introducing a new financial
system or adopting a new currency. These task forces should be able to deploy assets from
across the military to accomplish the goal whether those assets are in the form of computer
programmers, logistics and transport units, or traditional security personnel. Such task forces
could be sent abroad to help other countries ravaged by the financial crisis to set up a new
financial system without the involvement of private banks. For example, Libya or Egypt.
Germany can redefine its international commitments to focus on installing economic and other
social or political infrastructure that allows a country to get on its own feet and tackle its own
problems (insurgents, rebel former government forces etc). The military would needsto engage
in a continuous dialogue with parliament and also people – via internet, the arts, books? -- to
accomplish its objectives and it will fulfil the role assigned to it by Plato in the Republic as
defenders of the state. All people in the military would have to be ever vigilant to corruption,
have regular courses in ethics and always be ready to act to protect a parliamentary democracy
or constitutional republic if any of its life systems – economical, political, medical, judicial – are
so damaged that they become threats to the state. To recruit young people into this new military,
a campaign with a simple and strong appeal to people’s very real idealism, desire to do
meaningful jobs and have some excitement in their lives could be launched. Models such as
Claus von Stauffenberg and Marlene Dietrich, who volunteered to sing in the front line for US
troops in 1944, could be given as examples of the new, creative, multi tasking military. Pools of
recruits could be found in Hartz IV offices and among Stuttgart 21 and other civic protest
movements, many of which have an almost military character with many military features such
as training for road blockades, drum music accompanying marches etc. Why not? Physical
fitness, stamina and discipline will always be the characteristics of a successful military and also
the basis of an incorruptible character that can resist the temptations of the appetites and ego,
and these will also have to be cultivated in the new military. However, the traditional system of
training can be modified to accomplish these objectives in a different way. Given the poor level
of physical fitness of so many young people, the army could have 12 week pre-training course,
for example. These would be run almost like the real army courses but be divided into modules
of say sports, music and the arts and engineering, and ongoing soldiers could chose their
preferred activities to motivate them to get into good physical shape. At the end of the 12 weeks,
all applicants would have to undergo a fitness test and score a high average mark to progress to
the basic military training and join those who are already git. Those who fail could be allowed to
spend four extra weeks on their own training to get up to speed as long as they show
determination. Basic military training could remain more or less the same as it is now but with
one group placing more weight on strength and speed and the other on stamina. All soldiers
would have to learn to march, use weapons, read maps etc. NCOs would have to have high
standards of conduct and be punished for sadistic forms of bullying. After the basic training is
finished, soldiers could spend a year of intense study of subjects including philosophy, politics,
economics, history and ethics. Soldiers who do not meet minimum requirements of writing,
reading, analytical thinking would not pass the course even if they are physically fit. The
emphasis would be on physical and mental fitness. Soldiers would also have to do well in a
practical exercise of humanitarian help. They would be sent to a place such as Africa to realise a
specific project that helps a community (building a bridge, a school, solar panels etc, growing
organic food, filtering water). They would have to show social skills and communication skills as
well as the ability to use their initiative and organise. Communities could submit their projects
and the soldiers could vote for their preferred one. After a period of say two years of training like
this, the soldier will have a range of capabilities and also the values and attitudes needed to be
successful. Clear ethical standards and a rigorous point system that punishes violation so that
lying, theft etc would be effectively sanctioned . But the natural idealism of young people would
be encouraged so that the soldiers adhere to the ethical code of their own free will. Having done
their basic training, soldiers could then go on to different roles, some going into traditional
military roles such as the infantry or armour or airforce. Others could go into one of the new
“divisions” such as the economic division or the “information” division. These staffs would need
to constantly monitor economic and other potential threats to the state (weather modification
weapons such as HAARP) and develop contingency plans and practice implementing them in
training exercises resembling real life. One exercise could simulate hyperinflation in a large
eurozone country and how to prevent it, ensure food supplies are maintained etc It is clear as we
look at the disastrous state of the USA and the eurozone that our current political system needs
effective support from a military or security force to deal with the threats that come not from
states or governments, armies or terrorists but from actors who are using a broader range of
weapons, including economic warfare and (EU and UN) treaties to further their aims.
Supporting all aspects of the architecture of a constitutional Republic, enhancing economic
stability and prosperity, ensuring a minimum of corruption, encouraging high education
standards and transparency could be the objectives assigned to military task forces and they
could report regularly to the parliament and the people. Soldiers could also be sent on “career”
attachments to ministries to implement projects. Continuous training opportunities will be
available so that soldiers take valuable skills into the economy when they leave. Sound strange? 
That is the way the ancient Greek armies functioned, as protectors of specific communities. It
was the Romans who developed the imperial model of armies that has served as the basis for the
modern German army, among others, and that has proved to be ruinous in human and financial
terms. In 2011, it is time to stop thinking in terms of defending territories. It is ideas, and above
all the idea of the goo, well ruled, democratic, law abiding state that needs to be defended – and
with especial determination and skill.]]> 4601 2011-04-20 16:25:12 2011-04-20 16:25:12 open
open why-we-need-a-new-military-designed-to-defend-ideas-and-not-physical-territory publish
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new-military-designed-to-defend-ideas-and-not-physical-territory/ 2011-04-21
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the-eurozone-transfer-union/ Tue, 26 Apr 2011 12:28:53 +0000 birdflu666 4603 2011-04-26 12:28:53 2011-04-26 12:28:53
open open michael-mross-on-the-eurozone-transfer-union publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 12891 2011-04-27 04:40:58 2011-04-27 04:40:58 1 0 0
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shakespeare/ Tue, 26 Apr 2011 13:14:55 +0000 birdflu666
p=4605 Diana’s strong bond with the ordinary people was an echo of Shakespeare even if the
monarchy in Britain today no longer has the same political power. She commiserated with the
people when they were sick, homeless, endured crushing work schedules, crushing bills, wept
with the people, laughed with the people, comforted the people, inspired the people, shared
their joys and hopes in a very direct, person to person way. At the same time, she was capable of
more than the average person. She was more generous, more compassionate, showed more
courage, more discipline and was more intelligent than most, earning the respect of the people.
Of course, Diana had her foibles. But the people of England are used to royal figures of
Shakespearean complexity. They noted her clarity, vigour and idealism and her love of children.
They sympathized with her pain, seeing the pressure she was under and the way she was
marginalized in her own marriage by her husband and his mistress. They admired the way she
kept persevering in helping others. They were saddened by her disappointments and
embarrassed by her embarrassments. Above all, they made up their own mind and ignored the
media circus just as Diana did. She would often go out at night time to avoid the photographers
and to meet the ordinary people in homeless shelters. In Hamlet , Shakespeare expresses this
idea that the leader or king figure is joined to the people, the body politic, in an organic,
emotional way. At the same time, the king is apart from the people,  a kind of superessential
entity, and displaying, ideally, higher virtues (spirit) that allow the king to mediate between God
and the people. “The body is with the King, but the King is not with the body. The King is a
thing,” says Hamlet. When a king is virtuous and in alignment with divine and natural law, then
the people fall into line of their own free will, and there is peace and harmony between all the
parts of a society, according to Shakespeare's Rennaissance wordl view. This idea of the virtuous
and just leader can also be found in Plato. But as in some nightmare play by Shakespeare, the
virtuous leader Diana was brutally killed in a car crash . The kingdom had been usurped and
seized by villains. Diana’s sudden death -- or murder as there were grounds for believing it to be
-- was an act of such brazen cruelty that it marked the country with a permanent trauma. The
body politic had been infected by a disease, a “gallstone” as Shakespeare put it in Macbeth. A
brazen bunch of cynics had shown they were ready to stoop to any deceit and crime to eliminate
a rival. In the days following Diana’s death, it was as if all the barriers and walls between the
people in the UK had broken down. Everyone who was in London surely experienced that
amazing period of time when the millions of English people seemed to become transparent to
each other as they acted, thought and felt as a single “body politic”. Here was a people unified by
one consciousness – the consciousness of betrayal and a violation of what was right by the
monarcby; and moved by one emotion – sadness; and desiring one thing - justice for their
murdered leader. As someone who grew up in London and who was in London at the time, I
personally will never ever forget the incredible way the people of England came together in
defense of a woman murdered in such a cruel way. By their protests, the people made their
values and standards clear. They issued an ultimatum to the monarchy to either live up to those
standards and adhere to basic virtue or ship out. The people of England made it clear they are
not willing to be ruled by just anyone – and certainly not by hoodlums. It was a very
Shakespearian moment. The people march to the palace and tell the monarchy to shape up.
Some may have expected this kind of “tragedy” to occur under the watch of the highly unpopular
Queen Mother, Prince Philip or  Prince Charles. But who expected such an outrage to happen
when the Queen was in charge? For a few days, it looked as if all the hard work that the Queen
and her father, George VI, had done to silence the  many critics of the monarchy, even the
limited monarchy, all the trust and respect they had gained through their sacrifices and service
in the cause of freedom and in the fight against Nazi Fascism would count for nothing. The
Queen had made a disastrous miscalculation. She had, it seemed, believed the media coverage of
Diana – the very media that her own Mother, the Queen Mum, was so adept at manipulating so
cynically. The Queen had lost touch with the ordinary people and also with the basic altruism
and virtue. She had failed to grasp that the people of England simply would not tolerate such a
brazen crime, and she had failed to grasp that any monarch that departs from the path of basic
virtue shakes their kingdom to the core in ways that are unforeseen and very hard to repair.
Huge and angry crowds formed outside Buckingham Palace in an unprecedented confrontation.
Finally, the Queen relented and gave a speech which acknowledged the respect that the people
felt for Diana, and so defused some of the tension. But according to media reports, there was so
much anger at Diana’s funeral, that Charles was advised to walk with his sons to avoid being
lynched. Many years have passed since those momentous days that Shakespeare would surely
have turned into major plays if he were alive, but the same Shakespearian dynamics apply to the
relationship between the king and the people as before, in my view, now that Prince William is
about to marry. The mainstream media continues to poison the relationship between the
monarchy and the people and distort it with tedious commentaries, whimsical polls, absurd
comparisons, also for example, between Diana and Kate Middleton, while skimming and
missing the essence. Luckily for the monarchy in 2011, Prince William and Harry are two leaders
who are able to win the affection and respect of the people and can relate them on an emotional
level just as their mother did - and this is the essence. Like Diana, William and Harry also
display qualities that put them a little above the average person in terms of their competence,
discipline and courage and empathy and such like, awakening the respect of the people. The
signs all point to William and Harry as leaders who will having a very, very happy, fruitful and
productive relationship with the people. William looks set to be a splendid king. If there is one
thing that William could perhaps learn, then it is, to my mind, to be more articulate. In his
engagement interview, he seemed almost lost for words at times. The capacity to express himself
well in words is a very powerful tool for any leader, and especially a leader in the UK, and with a
bit of practice and study William can surely get a good enough command of language to
communicate more effectively with the people. After all, Diana was astonishingly articulate.
Even at the age of 19, she was able to articulate in clear, strong, simple language what she valued
in life and what she wanted. It is baffling why the media keep repeating the old chestnut that she
lacked confidence. Just listen to Diana at 19! The Queen is also able to deliver her Christmas
message with a steely steadiness and dignity. To use language well is an asset. Although the
mainstream media sings the praises of Kate Middleton day in and day out and describes her as
confident, during her engagement interview she seemed incredibly insecure and nervous, and
was far more inarticulate even than William. To burden someone who has yet to find their own
authentic voice and their identity with expectations of being the second Diana as the
mainstream media does is cruel. Kate Middleton appears to be the kind of sincere, dutiful young
woman who wishes above all else to please others, specifically her mother, generally viewed as a
relentless social climber. Inherent in the striving of the mother to rise on the social ladder is,
perhaps, the idea that people who live in council flats as Carole Middleton did as a child are not
quite “valuable”. The status of belonging to the working class is somehow a stigma that has to be
negated by advancing up the hierarchy to the very top. If Kate Middleton has this idea in her
mind, however, subconsciously, then it will clearly muddy her relationship with the people,
filling it with the edge of condescension and artifice. It would wonderful to think that she comes
out of the whole experience recognizing that people who grow up in council flats like her mother
are essentially no different from her new royal in-laws. The inner qualities and character of a
person are what count. Valuing people irrespective of their social standing is, of course, more
common in Ireland than in Britain where a rigid hierarchical thinking is inculcated. But if Kate
Middleton is to be successful in her role and enjoy it, I believe she has to take a genuine pride in
being the person she is. She has her own unique strengths and should play to them. She should
not try to please the media or watch the polls or imitate Diana. She should be herself. She will be
judged on her own merits by the people and the people will look at her actions and character
and not her background. The only real dangers to the strangely successful institution of the
British constitutional monarchy in the foreseable future are surely connected with Prince
Charles. In his book, Harmony, Prince Charles talks a great deal about nature, trees, the
environment and also about his messianic sense that he has to rescue “nature” and the “save the
Conspicuously absent in his rambling book are The People. This could be a problem. Prince
Charles is set to be King of The People and not of woods, forests etc. after all. It would be nice if
he spent some time reflecting on what makes the people tick and how to improve their lives. But
largely absent from his book appears to be a concern for the problems affecting ordinary people,
such as poverty, war, hunger, dictatorship etc. There is a sense The People are actually
superfluous in the grand scheme of things instead an integral part of it. But God created not just
nature. He also created people. Absent too in Charles’ book is a sense of humility. It is a great
thing, to be sure, to aspire to save the world as he does – as long as he recognizes that he is
embedded in a complex decision making process called a constitutional monarchy and
parliament democracy and The People have a say. Lacking any such interest in politics, culture
and in civilization (who can imagine Charles reading Shakespeare?), and devoted piously to
nature, the environment and a messianic vision of himself as a world saviour, Charles book
reads like the kind of eulogy to nature with fantastical egomania that could have been penned by
the SS Fuhrer Heinrich Himmler himself. This is not surprising given that his father, Prince
Philip, is a German and many of his relatives were in the Nazis party etc etc While the views of
Charles may raise a quizzical eyebrow as long as he is still the Prince of Wales, they might spark
a revolution if he is ever to be made king. The people of England do not see themselves as
inferior to trees as Charles clearly does, or prefer a walk in a forest to a good play at the theatre
or a good TV programme, and it will be hard to find common ground. The people of England
surely also show no signs of being willing to be sacrificed on the altar of some pseudo-scientific
theory of climate change that Charles clings to -- it must be assumed -- more for psychological
reasons caused perhaps  by his traumatic time at Gordounstoun when his trust to his fellow
human was so permanently damaged that he decided trees were better companions. While
Charles does not trouble to hide his contempt for the people of England, he is not averse to
having them slave away to keep him in the pampered style he sees as fitting for such a
“messianic figure”. His deep empathy for trees alone legitimizes his demand that everyone else
endures cut backs while he lives in the lap of luxury, it would seem. The extravagance of
Charles’s life style could reach vulgar proportions if he were to be made king, and the sight of
dozens of valets and butlers accompanying him on his every trip (to bless natural parks; snuggle
up to oak trees; throw families out of cottages to make way for grassy meadows?) could light the
fuse to the keg of glycerine that the views in Harmony represent and could finally blow away the
Charless-secret-20-year-campaign-make-richest-king-history.html For myself, I share the
widely held view that Queen should hang on for as long as possible and pass the throne straight
on to William. He has proven that he can relate to the people in the way that is required for the
monarchy to enjoy solid support. When it comes to their future duties, I also really hope that
William, Harry, Kate, Chelsy and The Queen are  not be too hard on themselves. If they can say
that they went out to open a charity or talk to people when they were feeling grumpy, tired or
just wanted to put their feet up and watch the footie on TV, then that is already enough. The
people know that the job of the monarch is hard, grueling, thankless and the media is constantly
harassing them, and they appreciate every sincere effort to raise the game. Also, they should not
worry about having photos of them enjoying a drink or a dance or having some good, natural,
wholesome fun splashed all over the media with big cricitisms. A drink, a dance, some fun is
something the English people can relate too. The sour grapes German branch of the royal family
is something the English cannot relate too. With their earnest desire to save nature, their
contempt for ordinary people, for literature, culture and civilisation, their brazen cynicism and
criminal energy, these are the “gallstone” in the body politic. Prince Philip’s wish to return in a
future reincarnation as a virus to kill people and depopulate the earth seems misplaced. He
already is a virus in the body politic in this life time and need not wait for any reincarnation. If
Philip had ever been made king, his reign would probably have lasted two days. Very soon this
particular example of the Aryan master race would have found the rug pulled from under his
feet. The authoritarian and hierarchical Germanic style does not resonate with the people of
England – and the support of the people, as the Queen wisely recognized, is the sine qua non of
the continuation of the monarchy in England. The recipe for successful leadership in any field is
to be found in the plays of Shakespeare. These  plays have proved to be a great deal more
relevant to understanding  the dynamics of modern Britain than people like me who had the
luck to be able to study them at university could ever have imagined. When I look back, I feel I
was very, very lucky to have had the opportunity to study those great plays. Great plays for a
great  and civilised people. It is foolish to underestimate the English.]]> 4605 2011-04-26
13:14:55 2011-04-26 13:14:55 open open the-royal-wedding-why-its-time-to-bring-back-
shakespeare publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_d9aa5febe0dc145ebe5114a8bb51a589
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zealand-infringe-parents-rights/ Wed, 27 Apr 2011 13:37:52 +0000 birdflu666  If the government accepts the recommendations in
the Report, one of the penalties that parents (and children) could face if they do not comply with
the new vaccination policy is lack of access to education.  One of the recommendations on the
report proposes that children will only be able to enrol in an early childhood centre or school if
their parents can produce a certificate stating the the child is fully vaccinated for their age or a
signed statement that they have decided against vaccinating their child.  Moreover, continuing
access to 20 Hours Free ECE could be made dependent on children's vaccination status.  The
report also recommends that the government consider linking children's vaccination status "to
exisiting parental benefits", which suggests that parents whose children have not had all the
recommended vaccines could potentially face loss of government benefits such as Family
Support payments. The government has six weeks from the release of the report to decide
whether or not it will accept the recommendations, including a recommendation to adopt the
"Six star plan" presented to the Health Select Committee by Dr Nikki Turner.  Dr Nikki Turner is
the Director of the Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC). Until 2010, IMAC's website
disclosed that the organisation received funding from the Ministry of Health as well as five of
the major manufacturers and distributors supplying vaccines to the NZ market.  IMAC's site
now states that the organisation receives some funding from "private industry" for "special
projects". END This press release has been produced as a public information service by the
editors of The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine.  Please email for more information or to request an interview.]]> 4612 2011-
04-27 13:37:52 2011-04-27 13:37:52 open open new-vaccination-plans-for-kids-in-new-zealand-
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falsely-accuse-the-parents-of-shaken-baby-syndrome/ 2011-05-02 12:12:57
2011-05-02 12:12:57 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
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of-radioactive-contamination/ Wed, 27 Apr 2011 13:39:24 +0000 birdflu666 WHO) in Geneva on April 26th for the way it is
failing in its duty to protect the victims of radioactive contamination. For more information,
check out the website:
Independent-WHO-OMS#inter2]]> 4614 2011-04-27 13:39:24 2011-04-27 13:39:24 open open
protest-over-whos-failure-to-protect-victims-of-radioactive-contamination publish 0 0 post 0
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_oembed_3673f1d94abb87efce64b4e33716d9f6 12899
2011-04-27 13:52:35 2011-04-27 13:52:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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familys-links-to-nazis-and-eugenicists-alex-jones-reports/ Wed, 27 Apr 2011 13:56:06 +0000
british-royalty-eugenicists-nazis-and-neo-feudalists/ Two of Prince Philip's German relatives
invited to the royal wedding on Friday, Philipp zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg and Markgraf Max
von Baden, belong to families, who had many members in the Nazi party, according to a German
website. They are no different from
the Hohenzollerns , a dynasty descended from the Teutonic Knights and robber knights who
founded Prussia. The Hohenzollerns actively supported the rise of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler
after their tyrannical and racist Emperor Wilhelm was removed from power in 1918. Also, Prince
Charles' favourite Uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten,  who was killed by a bomb blast on a boat off
the coast of Sligo in Ireland in 1979, was rumoured to have been abusing boys from Kincora
home and also a 15 year old Irish boy on the boat at the time. Mountbatten's wife and other Brits
under Cromwell had plundered the land of the Irish people and left millions to die in an
artificially created famine in one of the most brutal chapters in colonial conquest in history.
Check out Alex Jones' full report on:
eugenicists-nazis-and-neo-feudalists/ "Prince Philip serves as a telling link between the modern
day royal family and it’s despicable history. He has made so many racist remarks in public, that
they literally fill an entire book. In 1984 he asked a Kenyan woman “You are a woman, aren’t
you?”. In 1986 he told British students in China ”If you stay here much longer, you will go home
with slitty eyes.” In 1998, during a tour of Papua New Guinea, he told another British student,
”You managed not to get eaten then?” While on a tour of a company near Edinburgh, Scotland,
he saw a poorly wired fuse box. “It looks as though it was put in by an Indian,” he remarked.
During a small town visit in Scotland, in a brief conversation with a driving instructor, he asked,
“How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to get them through the (road) test?” In
a 2002 visit to Australia, Prince Philip asked an Aborigine, “Still throwing spears?” Also, he once
told a group of deaf children standing near a Jamaican steel drum musician, “Deaf? If you are
near there, no wonder you are deaf.” The list goes on and on. While the media often laugh the
remarks off as “gaffes”, they take on a more serious nature when Philip’s background and the
organizations he is involved with are more carefully examined. It is well documented that
Prince Philip’s sister, Sophia, was married to Christopher of Hesse-Cassel, an SS colonel who
named his eldest son Karl Adolf in Hitler’s honour. Indeed, all four of Philip’s sisters married
high-ranking Nazis. The prospect of the former Nazis and Nazi sympathisers attending his 1947
wedding to the future Queen of England meant he was allowed to invite only two guests. Two
years ago, more revelations of Philip’s Nazi links emerged in a book that featured never
before published photographs of Philip aged 16 at the 1937 funeral of his elder sister Cecile,
flanked by relatives in SS and Brownshirt uniforms. Another picture shows his youngest sister,
Sophia, sitting opposite Hitler at the wedding of Hermann and Emmy Goering. Philip was
forced to concede that his family found Hitler’s attempts to restore Germany’s power and
prestige ‘attractive’ and admitted they had ‘inhibitions about the Jews’. Philip also helped start
the World Wildlife Fund in 1961 with former Nazi SS Officer Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, who is closely affiliated with the founders of the Bilderberg international power
group, and Sir Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley’s brother, who was also the President of the British
Eugenics Society. In the past, Philip has also attended the ultra secretive ritualistic meeting of
elites at Bohemian Grove, where he “stole the show” with an “amusing but salty speech” in 1962,
according to the Grove’s own literature (pictured below). Philip was also trained in the Hilter
Youth. His belief in Nazi ideology is clear when one looks atwhat he has said on the subject of
overpopulation. In the foreword to his 1986 book If I Were an Animal, Prince Philip wrote,
“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to
contribute something to solve overpopulation.” Borrowing the idea from American scientists
who pioneered the field in the 1930′s, the Nazis advanced the pseudo-science of eugenics and
incorporated it into Adolf Hitler’s dream of the Aryan super-race. Bearing in mind Philip’s Nazi
connections, his views on the subject of overpopulation are unsurprising, but shocking
nonetheless. Just last year he reiterated these views, announcing that there are too many people
in the world, and attacking large families in a television interview, despite the fact that
Prince Philip himself has four children and eight grandchildren. His son, Charles, the next King
of England, has continued such ideology as he tours the world in private jets lecturing about the
impact of climate change and how too many people are killing the planet. Charles, who has
inherited the entire Duchy of Cornwall estate, which stretches over 135,000 acres across 23
counties mainly in the south-west of England, is also a “patron” of the genocidal Optimum
Population Trust, a notorious UK-based public policy group that campaigns for a gradual
decline in the global human population to what it sees as a “sustainable” level. Charles’ fellow
patrons at the OPT include Futurist and top Eco-Fascist James Lovelock, who recently called
for the ending of freedom in order that an overriding global power made up of “a few people
with authority” can oversee the radical stemming of the planet’s human population in order to
combat climate change. Charles and the OPT are closely affiliated with The Royal Society, a
350 year old elitist institution granted royal charter status by King Charles II. The Royal Society
is also crawling with eugenics enthusiasts and depopulation fanatics. John Sulston, currently
heading a major Royal Society global population study, most famously played a leading role in
the Human Genome Project, the effort to identify and map the thousands of genes of the
human genome. Sulston worked under James D. Watson, a notorious eugenicist who has
previously argued that black people are inherently less intelligent than whites and
has advocated the creation of a “super-race” of humans, where the attractive and physically
strong are genetically manufactured under laboratory conditions. Watson is also affiliated with
the Royal Society, indeed, in 1993 he received the society’s Copley Medal of honour for
“outstanding achievements in research in any branch of science, and alternates between the
physical sciences and the biological sciences”. All of these neo-feudal elitist groups, posing as
environmental groups have made it their raison d’etre to introduce hefty carbon taxes on the
populations of the developed world and to literally de-develop the industrialized world by
cutting carbon emissions by over 90%. It is therefore no surprise that the royals are willing
participants. The royals’ zeal to thin the population of undesirables has little to do with so-called
“green credentials,” as is fatuously argued by the corporate media. As Alex Jones documents in
his seminal documentary End Game, this mindset is endemic amongst the elite. Skip to the
bottom of this article for a vast selection of similar quotations from Prince Philip, all advocating
culling the “surplus” human population. Racism within the Royal family is not restricted to
Prince Philip, however. In early 2005 Philip’s grandson, Prince Harry, was forced to publicly
apologise for donning full Nazi regalia including a badge of the German Wehrmacht and a
swastika armband. Pictures of Harry wearing the uniform were taken at a friend’s birthday party
in Wiltshire, which had the fancy dress theme “colonial and native”. In 2008 Harry was once
again forced to issue an apology for referring to an Asian army colleague as “our little Paki
friend” and joking with another that he “looks like a raghead”, an offensive term for an Arab. In
the same week Harry’s father and Philip’s son, Prince Charles, caused another race row after it
emerged that he had been calling an Asian friend by the nickname “Sooty”. In 2004 a
rather disgusting story emerged in the U.S. media regarding Princess Michael of Kent, who is
the wife of Queen Elizabeth’s first cousin. Princess Michael’s father, Baron Gunther von
Reibnitz, was also exposed in the 1980s as a former Nazi party member and SS officer. The
Princess reportedly turned to a table of black New Yorkers in a busy restaurant and chided them
for being noisy, adding “You need to go back to the colonies.” When asked to explain her
comments by one of the diners the Princess reportedly said “I didn’t say go back to the colonies,
I said, Remember the colonies,” adding that “In the days of the colonies there were rules that
were very good.” Just think about it. A German-born British aristocrat — whose father was in
the Nazi SS — in the United States telling African Americans who have been here for centuries to
“remember the colonies”? The LA Times noted. The late Queen mother was also said to be
virulently racist by close aids, last year Edward Stourton, the presenter of the BBC’s flagship
radio program Today, described her as “a ghastly old bigot”. According to others, the
Queen mother referred to black people as “nig-nogs” or “blackamoors”, opposed all forms of
immigration, and thought black Africans incapable of running their own countries. She backed
white minority rule in Rhodesia and lamented that former apartheid leader P.W. Botha got bad
press. The Queen mother also criticised Lord Mountbatten, viceroy of India, “for giving away the
empire” and his wife because “her mother was half-Jewish”. Despite all of this the media
consistently referred to her the as “nation’s favourite granny”. But it gets worse… Before the war
began the Queen Mother was a supporter of making concessions to Hitler and the Nazis, a
feeling shared by a large number of British aristocrats who admired the way Hitler was dealing
with the Communists. For some 50 years royal documents were held in vaults at Windsor Castle
that detailed the abdicated king Edward VIII’s relations with Hitler and the Nazis. They
included captured German documents describing the Windsors’ meeting with Hitler in 1937 and
plans to restore Edward, the Duke of Windsor to the throne if the Nazis won the war. Some of
these documents still remain hidden from the public. While many have described the Edward
VIII and his wife as known sympathisers of the Nazis and their policies, relatives of Wallis
Simpson, the American woman whom Edward had an affair with, and the reason for his
abdication, have suggested that in fact Edward was excommunicated by the rest of the royal
family because he wasn’t friendly enough with the Nazis. Throughout the Twenties and Thirties,
George V and George VI were steadfastly opposed to conflict with their ancestral fatherland. The
modern royal family was founded in 1840 when Queen Victoria married Albert of Saxe-Coburg,
a Germany duchy, creating The House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Such was the ill-feeling towards
all things German during the First World War that in 1917 Victoria’s grandson King George V –
an honorary Field Marshal in the German army – thought it prudent to renounce the German
name and titles and adopt that of Windsor, the name of a small town in the home counties of
England. Today many people in Britain suggest that all these facts are no long relevant because
the royal family has very little power. This is a huge myth. The Queen is the head of state and as
such she can simply replace the British government at any time she chooses, should she wish to
do so. The royal family still owns vast swathes of land throughout Britain and the rest of the
world, and the Queen still presides as head of state in Canada and Australia. ****** Prince
Philip, In His Own Words: We Need To ‘Cull’ The Surplus Population Here is a re-
cap of some of the things “HIS ROYAL VIRUS”, Prince Philip has said in public concerning
“culling the population” Reported by Deutsche Press Agentur (DPA), August, 1988. In the event
that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something
to solve overpopulation. Prince Philip, in his Foreward to If I Were an Animal; United Kingdom,
Robin Clark Ltd., 1986. I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal
whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would
be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere
to exist…. I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly
virus. Press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on the occasion of the
“Caring for Creation” conference of the North American Conference on Religion and Ecology,
May 18, 1990. It is now apparent that the ecological pragmatism of the so-called pagan religions,
such as that of the American Indians, the Polynesians, and the Australian Aborigines, was a
great deal more realistic in terms of conservation ethics than the more intellectual monotheistic
philosophies of the revealed religions. Address on Receiving Honorary Degree from the
University of Western Ontario, Canada, July 1, 1983. For example, the World Health
Organization Project, designed to eradicate malaria from Sri Lanka in the postwar years,
achieved its purpose. But the problem today is that Sri Lanka must feed three times as many
mouths, find three times as many jobs, provide three times the housing, energy, schools,
hospitals and land for settlement in order to maintain the same standards. Little wonder the
natural environment and wildlife in Sri Lanka has suffered. The fact [is] … that the best-
intentioned aid programs are at least partially responsible for the problems. Preface to Down to
Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988, p.|8. I don’t claim to have any special
interest in natural history, but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the
number of game animals and the need to adjust the “cull” to the size of the surplus population.
Lecture to the European Council of International Schools. Montreaux, Switzerland, Nov. 14,
1986. The great difficulty about “life” is that we humans are part of it, and it is therefore almost
impossible to study objectively…. It therefore tends to be anthropocentric and gives scant
attention to the welfare of all the other life-forms which share this planet with us. …|When the
Bible says that man shall have “dominion” over God’s creation, the choice is between
understanding dominion as in “having power over,” or dominion as “having responsibility for.”
“Conflict Between Instinct and Reason” Fawley Foundation Lecture. Southampton
University, Nov. 24, 1967. The conflict between instinct and reason has reached a critical stage
in man’s affairs, largely because the explosion of facts has revealed the instincts for what they
are and at the same time it has undermined traditional philosophies and ideologies. The
explosion of facts has effectively altered mankind’s physical and intellectual environment and
when any environment changes, the process of natural selection is brutal and merciless. “Adapt
or die” is as true today as it was in the beginning. Introduction to “Exploitation of the Natural
System” section of Down to Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988. It took about
three and a half billion years for life on earth to reach the state of complexity and diversity that
our ancestors knew as recently as 200 years ago. It has only taken industrial and scientific man
those 200 years to put at risk the whole of the world’s natural system. It has been estimated that
by the year 2000, some 300,000 species of plants and animals will have become extinct, and
that the natural economy, upon which all life depends, will have been seriously disrupted. The
paradox is that this will have been achieved with the best possible intentions. The human
population must be properly fed, human life must be preserved and human existence must be
made safer and more comfortable. All these things are obviously highly desirable, but if their
achievement means putting the survival of future generations at risk, then there is a pressing
obligation on present generations to apply some measure of self-restraint. Address to Edinburgh
University Union, Nov. 24 1969. We talk about over- and underdeveloped countries; I think a
more exact division might be between underdeveloped and overpopulated. The more people
there are, the more industry and more waste and the more sewage there is, and therefore the
more pollution. The Fairfield Osborne Lecture, New York, Oct. 1 1980. If the world pollution
situation is not critical at the moment, it is as certain as anything can be that the situation will
become increasingly intolerable within a very short time. The situation can be controlled, and
even reversed; but it demands cooperation on a scale and intensity beyond anything achieved so
far. I realize that there are vital causes to be fought for, and I sympathize with people who work
up a passionate concern about the all too many examples of inhumanity, injustice, and
unfairness; but behind all this hangs a deadly cloud. Still largely unnoticed and unrecognized,
the process of destroying our natural environment is gathering speed and momentum. If we fail
to cope with the challenge, the other problems will pale into insignificance. Introduction to “The
Population Factor” section of Down to Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988.
What has been described as the “balance of nature” is simply nature’s system of self-limitation.
Fertility and breeding success create the surpluses after allowing for the replacement of the
losses. Predation, climatic variation, disease, starvation–and in the case of the inappropriately
named Homo sapiens, wars and terrorism–are the principal means by which population
numbers are kept under some sort of control. Viewed dispassionately, it must be obvious that
the world’s human population has grown to such a size that it is threatening its own habitat; and
it has already succeeded in causing the extinction of large numbers of wild plant and animal
species. Some have simply been killed off. Others have quietly disappeared, as their habitats
have been taken over or disturbed by human activities. Humans are the Greatest Threat to
Survival Interview with HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in People Dec. 21, 1981 titled
“Vanishing Breeds Worry Prince Philip, But Not as Much as Overpopulation.” Q: What do you
consider the leading threat to the environment? A: Human population growth is probably the
single most serious long-term threat to survival. We’re in for a major disaster if it isn’t curbed–
not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more
resources they’ll consume, the more pollution they’ll create, the more fighting they will do. We
have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase
in disease, starvation and war. Address to the Joint Meeting of the All-Party Group on
Population and Development and the All-Party Conservation Committee in London, March 11,
1987. I do believe … that human population pressure–the sheer number of people on this
planet–is the single most important cause of the degradation of the natural environment, of the
progressive extinction of wild species of plants and animals, and of the destabilization of the
world’s climatic and atmospheric systems. The simple fact is that the human population of the
world is consuming natural renewable resources faster than it can regenerate, and the process of
exploitation is causing even further damage. If this is already happening with a population of 4
billion, I ask you to imagine what things will be like when the population reaches six and then 10
billion…. All this has been made possible by the industrial revolution and the scientific explosion
and it is spread around the world by the new economic religion of development. Address at the
Salford University Degree Ceremony, July 16, 1973. There may be disagreements about the time
scale, but in principle there can be little doubt that the population cannot go on increasing
indefinitely. Resources presently being used will not last for ever and pollution in its broadest
sense, unless severely checked, is bound to increase with population and industrial activity.
Address to All-Party Conservation Committee in London, Feb. 18, 1981. I suspect that the single
most important gift of progress to conservation has been the development of human
contraception techniques. The survival of the “most important” Interview with HRH
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in People magazine, Dec. 21, 1981 titled “Vanishing Breeds
Worry Prince Philip, But Not as Much as Overpopulation. Q: Is birth control part of the
solution? A: Yes, but you can’t legislate these problems away. You’ve got to get people to
understand the need for it: the more important people, the ones who have responsibilities have
got to do it because they’re at the receiving end. They’ve got to accept the measures. The
Chancellor’s Lecture, Salford University, June 4, 1982. As long ago as 1798, Malthus explained
what happens when the factors limiting the increase in any population are removed. One of the
factors noticed by Darwin was that all species are capable of producing vastly greater
populations than can be sustained by existing resources; populations did not increase at the rate
at which they are capable was the basis for his theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. The
relevance to natural selection of this capacity for overproduction is that as each individual is
slightly different to all the others it is probable that under natural conditions those individuals
which happen to be best adapted to the prevailing circumstances have a better chance of
survival. Well, so what? Well, take a look at the figures for the human population of this world.
One hundred fifty years ago it stood at about 1,000 million or in common parlance today, 1
billion. It then took about a 100 years to double to 2 billion. It took 30 years to add the third
billion and 15 years to reach today’s total of 4.4 billion. With a present world average rate of
growth of 1.8%, the total population by the year 2000 will have increased to an estimated 6
billion and in that and in subsequent years 100 million people will be added to the world
population each year. In fact it could be as much as 16 billion by 2045. As a consequence the
demand on resources of land alone will mean a third less farm land available and the
destruction of half of the present area of productive tropical forest. Bearing in mind the constant
reduction of non-renewable resources, there is a strong possibility of growing scarcity and
reduction of standards. More people consume more resources. It is as simple as that; and
transferring resources and standards from the richer to the poorer countries can only have a
marginal effect in the face of this massive increase in the world population. Speech at the
Margaret Pyke Memorial Trust Dinner in London, Dec. 14 1983. So long as they [birth control
methods] … remained taboo subjects the chances of making any impression on the human
population explosion were that much more remote. In the introduction to the IUCN Red Data
Books which list all animals and plants under threat of extinction, it says that virtually
everywhere the major threat to a wild species is loss of habitat to a rapidly increasing human
population requiring more space in order to build villages and cities and grow more food. But
starvation and poverty cannot be eradicated solely by increased food and resources at the
expense of what remains of the natural world. Any increase in the provision of food and
resources must be accompanied by a drastic reduction in the rate of increase in the human
population. Address on Receiving Honorary Degree from the University of Western Ontario,
Canada, July 1, 1983. The industrial revolution sparked the scientific revolution and brought in
its wake better public hygiene, better medical care and yet more efficient agriculture. The
consequence was a population explosion which still continues today. The sad fact is that, instead
of the same number of people being very much better off, more than twice as many people are
just as badly off as they were before. Unfortunately all this well-intentioned development has
resulted in an ecological disaster of immense proportions. The Chancellor’s Lecture, Salford
University, June 4, 1982. The object of the WWF is to “conserve” the system as a whole; not to
prevent the killing of individual animals. Those who are concerned about their conservation of
nature accept that all species are prey to some other species. They accept that most species
produce a surplus that is capable of being culled without in any way threatening the survival of
the species as a whole. A Question of Balance by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh,
Michael Russel (Publishing) Ltd., 1982. It is curious how many philosophers from Plato to
Keynes’ time have believed in and advocated the control of society by “philosopher kings.”
According to Plato, “its kings must be those who have shown the greatest ability in philosophy,”
but–realistically–he added, “and the greatest aptitude for war.” Such people may exist in the
imagination and occasionally someone with the necessary qualities may briefly dominate the
stage of history, but it is a naive appreciation of human nature to imagine that such processed
paragons can be invested with the necessary powers and not be tempted to take advantage of
their situation."]]> 4616 2011-04-27 13:56:06 2011-04-27 13:56:06 open open the-british-royal-
familys-links-to-nazis-and-eugenicists-alex-jones-reports publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12904 2011-04-27 17:52:59 2011-04-27 17:52:59 0 0 0
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to-autism-indicted-by-doj-in-alleged-fraud-scheme/ Fri, 29 Apr 2011 15:13:55 +0000
birdflu666 Thimerosal and the occurrence of
autism: negative ecological evidence from Danish population-based data.
( This paper concludes that thimerosal, the mercury-
based preservative used in vaccines around the world, has no statistically significant link to
autism. It is one of the key papers used by vaccination proponents who argue that thimerosal is
safe to inject into young children. That Poul Thorson's credibility is now being called into
question by a federal indictment of fraud and money laundering will, of course, have ripple
effects throughout both the vaccine industries and autism support groups (more about that
below). Be sure to see our "Web of Alleged Fraud" chart which accompanies this article: Learn more:]]> 4618 2011-04-29
15:13:55 2011-04-29 15:13:55 open open cdc-vaccine-scientist-who-downplayed-links-to-
autism-indicted-by-doj-in-alleged-fraud-scheme publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_abd4e9ae53dea8e9b77fcc42321a6c3b 12938
fraud-scheme/ 2011-04-30 08:24:01 2011-04-30 08:24:01 1 pingback 0 0
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department-of-justice-in-alleged-fraud-scheme/ 2011-04-30 08:23:51 2011-04-
30 08:23:51 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_result jabber_published akismet_rechecking
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child%e2%80%9d/ 2011-04-30 17:03:32 2011-04-30 17:03:32 1 pingback 0 0
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uniform-ahead-of-queens-historic-visit-to-ireland/ Fri, 29 Apr 2011 15:40:09 +0000 birdflu666
1381816/Royal-Wedding-2011-Prince-William-Harry-don-military-uniforms.html The red tunic
also added an elegant dash to a stunning, harmonious and happy occasion, watched by an
estimated one million people in London and by many more on TV and the internet around the
world. Much has been made of the wedding costs to a cash-strapped UK. But I am sure the
money will be recouped many times over in terms of tourism revenue alone. Unpopular as the
war in Afghanistan rightly is with the British, the people can distinguish between the soldiers
who demonstrate bravery and discipline in a war zone and the often criminal governments
which engineer those wars for the profit of corporations, and it will certainly have given a big 
boost to soldiers and their families to see that William has not forgotten them on his wedding
day. The Chilcot inquiry and other investigations have shown the extent to which the then Prime
Minister Tony Blair deceived the public and parliament on the grounds for the need to go to war
against Afghanistan and Iraq. I, for one, thought it was a good thing that this war criminal was
not invited to the royal wedding. Blair was snubbed along with his partner in crime, Gordon
Brown,  who helped engineer the collapse of the financial system for the profit of the banks.
Unfortunately, the current Prime Minister David Cameron, who is continuing with their
policies, attended the royal wedding but his exclusion would have been unrealistic by any
measure. William’s  decision to wear the uniform of the Irish Guards may “also reflect the Royal
family’s wish to demonstrate the strengthening of ties between London and Dublin ahead of the
Queen’s historic state visit to Ireland next month;” according to The Telegraph. Certainly, the
visit by the Queen is taking place at a very difficult time in Ireland’s history when it has just lost
its sovereignty yet again  - and this time to the EU, IMF and a banking cartel imposing a
crushing and penal forced loan.   However, it is very clear to the people of Ireland that the
culprits who must bear the ultimate responsibility for this disaster are Irish as anyone can see
who reads the Irish media. It is the outrageous personal corruption and cynicism of 100 or so
leading figures in Irish banks, government, media and regulators which have played the biggest
role in the impoverishment and subjugation of Ireland. The Irish must surely press for a proper
inquiry into the bank scandal as Joan Burton proposes. Finance
Minister Brian Lenihan and his crony in the Irish Times Dan O’Brien have recently tried to pin
the sole blame on the ECB for forcing the penal loan on Ireland. But as Fionnan
Sheahan points out in the Irish Independent, Lenihan was responsible for many of the decisions
that led to the disastrous EU and IMF intervention, and he has also consistently misled the
public. Cowan, Lenihan, Noonan, Kenny – these are the names that are already written down
the book of history for their incredible act of treachery, and it is high time for a proper
sheahan-brian-crying-wolf-well-after-pack-has-arrived-2628601.html The current banking
crisis in Ireland underlines the fact that just because someone is Irish does not make them
automatically a saint or even a patriot. Likewise, just become someone is a member of the
British royal family, it does not make them automatically a villain.  The Queen’s father George
VI did not have to go to war against Nazi Germany, for example. His older brother would have
been quite happy to have made a pact with Adolf Hitler, it appears. It was George VI’s character
that determined his decision to fight for the cause of freedom, and it would be unfair to refuse
someone the respect that they deserve because of their own actions just because of their
ancestors or their relatives. Anyone, surely, with any sense of fair play must also recognise that
William is a man of great strength of character with a good heart and good mind. In this day and
age, when the world is suffering from such a dearth of leaders of integrity and intelligence,
William stands out. He may not have political power but as a future king he does have great
symbolic power. The proper function of a leader is to inspire people. This is what William does.
Prince Philip made a cynical remark that it was naive of Plato not to realise that the “elite”, the
philosopher kings,  the “processed paragons” as he called them, would not take advantage of
their power, thereby showing the world that he has never read The Republic or understood a
word of it. If he had really read The Republic, he would know the entire book is, in fact, about
this very problem. Half the book is about how to produce and create incorruptible characters
and the other half about the devastation that leaders with corrupted characters wreck on their
states. Philip has failed to grasp the distinction between a character that has not been corrupted
simply because it has not had any opportunities  to indulge itself and an incorruptible character
that is so strong and so unwavering in its commitment to a higher purpose that it will never
succumb to corruption under any circumstances. This distinction is what Plato’s book is all
about. The closest we can see to such an inspiring figure in a prominent leadership position
today, in the UK at any rate, is William, and it would be very unfair to refuse to acknowledge his
merits simply because he is a member of the British monarchy.  The Brits are rightly proud that
they have produced such a great potential leader because it is not self evident. Just look at the
equivalent in Germany, Karl-Thedor zu Guttenberg, currently facing a criminal probe because
he cynically plagiarised his doctoral thesis. And the Irish can take a pride, too, in William
choosing to wear the uniform of the Irish Guards together with the country's symbols of a
shamrock and harp. William serves in the RAF as a search and rescue pilot, but he is also an
honorary colonel in the Irish Guards just as the Queen is. For the Irish right now, there is no
more urgent task than holding those leaders in the government, banking and
regulators responsible for the current financial disaster to account -  and as soon as possible.
Let’s hope Irish nationalists do not divert attention from this gigantic financial crime by huffing
and puffing about the Queen’s historic visit next month, the first by a British monarch since the
Irish Republic was founded. I am sure the Irish are much too fair minded not to show the Queen
the courtesy and respect she deserves on the basis of her own actions and service during her visit
to the country next month. If there is one strength of the Irish, then it  is surely that they
recognise that whether a  person of integrity is a char woman or a Queen, they deserve respect in
equal measure .]]> 4620 2011-04-29 15:40:09 2011-04-29 15:40:09 open open prince-william-
marries-in-irish-guards-uniform-ahead-of-queens-historic-visit-to-ireland publish 0 0 post 0
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_oembed_eacad7ff50a67a19d995240bd0761ad2 12929 2011-04-29 23:14:14 2011-04-29 23:14:14 1 0 0
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0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12935 2011-04-30 03:03:42 2011-04-30 03:03:42 1 0 0
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12956 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12998 2011-05-02 04:40:09 2011-05-02 04:40:09 1 12935 0
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12929 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 12939 2011-04-30 09:42:37 2011-04-30 09:42:37 0 0 0
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2011-05-02 05:04:55 1 12935 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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enforces-media-embargo-against-australia-to-prevent-nazi-jokes/ Sat, 30 Apr 2011 15:33:27
+0000 birdflu666 Paul Joseph Watson April 29, 2011 Still think the British Royal Family has no power and fulfils merely
a ceremonial purpose? Think again. In order to prevent an Australian comedy show from
making jokes about Prince Philip being a Nazi during the Royal Wedding, the Royals ordered
broadcasters in Britain to enforce a media embargo that would have completely severed live
coverage to Australia’s biggest broadcaster if they refused to cancel the satirical show. After
Prince Charles’ Clarence House found out that Australian broadcaster ABC planned to run a
satirical commentary of the Royal Wedding alongside the regular feed, Charles demanded ABC
cancel the show, and then ordered broadcast suppliers BBC, Associated Press, Sky and ITN to
cut off the feed to Australia, a command which they instantly obeyed. That’s right – the Royals
have the power to enforce media embargoes between Britain and other major countries of the
world. If this doesn’t indicate how much influence and power they still retain then nothing does.
The Royal Family threatened to deny Australia’s national broadcaster access to the Royal
Wedding after they announced plans to run a satirical show called Chaser, which would have
featured comedians providing light-hearted commentary over live pictures of the marriage of
Prince William and Kate Middleton.  Read more at:
enforces-media-embargo-against-australia-to-prevent-nazi-jokes/]]> 4622 2011-04-30 15:33:27
2011-04-30 15:33:27 open open royal-family-enforces-media-embargo-against-australia-to-
prevent-nazi-jokes publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_ab32b27392702a9dcd97f2a5aafec97f 12964
2011-05-01 01:45:48 2011-05-01 01:45:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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05-02 04:28:58 2011-05-02 04:28:58 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
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05-02 04:31:58 2011-05-02 04:31:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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05-04 10:10:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-04-30 21:04:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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04 12:34:32 2011-05-04 12:34:32 1 13067 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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prince-william-northern-irish-baronetcy-a-sign-of-reviving-imperialism/ Sat, 30 Apr 2011
15:41:05 +0000 birdflu666
new-william-link-15148816.html Carrickfergus is the town in which the King of England and the
Netherlands, William of Orange landed in 1690 with an army of mercenaries drawn from many
different countries, including Germany, Holland, Italy, Norway and Poland. The victory of
William at the Battle of Boyne ushered in brutal persecution of the Irish Catholics. Picking this
highly charged title for Prince William ahead of her visit to Ireland is an unhappy signal by the
Queen, given the fact that Irish Catholics have until very recently been largely excluded from
political power in Northern Ireland by the very same Protestant colonials planted in the region
by King William. Northern Ireland was only left to the UK because removing by force the many
Protestants who had been planted there as colonial overlords was impracticable and including
them in a new independent, Irish Republic unwise. Prince William’s popularity is sure to suffer
a steep decline among the Irish if he is perceived to be just the front for a revival of the British
Monarchy’s political ambitions in Ireland, though giving him a barony in Northern Ireland may
find approval among the local Protestants. During her visit in May,
the Queen is to lay a wreath at Dublin’s Garden of Remembrance in honour of IRA resistance
fighters in a welcome gesture. It is to be assumed that the Queen knows why these resistance
fighters were so necessary in the first place and why there was an uprising against the savage
British rule and land grab, which halved the Irish population.
takes-post-bank-holiday-weekend-herself.html?ito=feeds-newsxml The Queen will need a great
deal of tact and diplomacy to turn her visit to Ireland into a triumph given the historically
troubled relations between the two countries. With so many titles to give, the Queen could have
picked another one for William alongside the Duke of Cambridge. Because the British Monarchy
has a better track record in England than in Ireland, and because Diana was so popular, giving
William a few English titles would have been popular with the locals.]]> 4624 2011-04-30
15:41:05 2011-04-30 15:41:05 open open queen-gives-prince-william-northern-irish-baronetcy-
a-sign-of-reviving-imperialism publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_cbe52e33606efc20d3d7bc20b364c148 12963 2011-05-01 01:14:24 2011-05-01 01:14:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-05-01 02:23:03 2011-05-01 02:23:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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05-02 03:25:21 2011-05-02 03:25:21 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-05-02 03:29:06 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-05-01 07:31:57 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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01 08:47:48 2011-05-01 08:47:48 1 12970 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-05-02 05:09:19 1 12963 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-05-02 05:24:10 1 12963 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13036 2011-05-03 06:05:03
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have-little-or-no-trust-in-eu-and-euro-says-poll/ Sat, 30 Apr 2011 15:49:29 +0000 birdflu666
deutsche-mehrheit-gegen-eu-und-euro Only a minorty believe that the eurozone stability fund
will save the euro currency, showing that the German public is well informed about the true
purpose of the transfer union and about its destabilising impact on the euro currency. In a
separate development, German economist and head of the Ifo Institute Hans Werner Sinn has
warned that a "tsunami of debt" is about to engulf Germany. Sinn is embarking on a series of
talks to inform the general public about the extent of ticking euro private bank debt crisis. He
calculated that EU citizens already have to guarantee 1,500 billion euros of debt with the
Germans having to guarantee 400 million alone.  Read more in German at MMnews:
| Drucke
Deutsche Mehrheit gegen EU und Euro
n  |


Allensbach-Umfrage: 67 Prozent der Deutschen vertrauen der EU nicht oder

kaum. „Dass sich bisher keine antieuropäischen Ressentiments Luft machen, hat
vor allem damit zu tun, dass sich in Deutschland bisher keine Partei zu ihrem
Sprachrohr macht ." Die Schuldenkrise zeigt Wirkung: Nach neuen Allensbach-Umfragen
haben zwei Drittel der Deutschen (67 Prozent) nur noch geringes oder gar kein Vertrauen in die
Europäische Union. „Das Vertrauen in die EU und die europäische Währung hat seit Anfang
2010, als die Probleme Griechenlands eskalierten, massiv gelitten“, schreibt Allensbach-Chefin
Renate Köcher in einem Gastbeitrag für die WirtschaftsWoche. „Läuft die Wirtschaft wieder
schlechter, könnten sich hierzulande antieuropäische Ressentiments verstärken.“ 2005 waren
laut Allensbach noch 62 Prozent der Bürger überzeugt, dass Europa und die europäische
Integration die Zukunft Deutschlands seien – jetzt sind es nur noch 41 Prozent. Köcher: „Dass
sich bisher keine antieuropäischen Ressentiments Luft machen, hat vor allem damit zu tun, dass
sich in Deutschland bisher keine Partei zu ihrem Sprachrohr macht – und dass die Bürger
zunehmend vom Aufschwung profitieren. Wie weit der Rückhalt für Europa ernsthaft gefährdet
ist, wird sich im nächsten Abschwung zeigen.“ Nur eine Minderheit sei zudem überzeugt, dass
der europäische Rettungsschirm dazu beiträgt, den Euro langfristig zu stabilisieren. Zwei Drittel
der Bürger äußern daran Zweifel, so Köcher.
Sinn: Deutschland droht Schulden-Tsunami | Drucke
n  |


Angesichts der Billionen-schweren Euro-Rettungsaktionen will Prof. Hans-

Werner Sinn den Deutschen nun die Augen öffnen und geht auf Vortragstour. Dort
referiert der ifo-Chef über ein zukünftiges Horrorszenario: "Warum Deutschland
ein Schulden-Tsunami droht." Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn will den Deutschen nun die Augen
öffnen und geht auf Vortragstour. Thema: Warum Deutschland ein Schulden-Tsunami droht.
Der erste Vortrag ist in Berlin, 9. Mai 2011 geplant, wo der ifo-Chef vor einem zukünfitigen
Schulden-Horrorszenario mit all seinen Folgen warnt. So heißt es im Ankündigungstext
wörtlich: Noch sonnt sich Deutschland im Aufschwung, doch rund um den Euro baut sich
bereits ein gigantischer Schulden-Tsunami auf. Die GIPS-Staaten Griechenland, Irland,
Portugal und z.T. auch Spanien können nicht nur ihre eigenen Anleihen nicht mehr
refinanzieren, auch ihre Rechnungen im Außenhandel werden mittlerweile von den
europäischen Zentralbanken übernommen und gestundet (sog. Target2-Forderungen). Über
Jahre haben die südeuropäischen Staaten über ihre Verhältnisse gelebt, nun werden sie weiter
mit Milliarden subventioniert. Die Zeitbombe der anschwellenden Haftungssummen von
mittlerweile bereits 1 500 Milliarden Euro tickt. Allein auf Deutschland entfallen knapp 400
Milliarden Euro. Tendenz steigend. Längst hat auch der Deutsche Bundestag die Brisanz des
europäischen Rettungsschirms ESM erkannt und pocht auf sein Budgetrecht. Immer mehr
Abgeordnete kündigen an, dass sie den zusätzlichen Haftungsrisiken nicht zustimmen werden.
Die Gesetze zur Einführung des ESM sollen im Sommer durch den Bundestag gebracht werden.
Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn, Präsident des ifo Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität
München, wird in seinem politisch brisanten Vortrag die Hintergründe und Risiken der
gegenwärtigen Euro-Krise erläutern und Auswege aus dem drohenden Schulden-Tsunami

]]> 4626 2011-04-30 15:49:29 2011-04-30 15:49:29 open open 67-of-germans-have-little-or-no-

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of-known-nazis-with-persecution-of-animal-rights-campaigners/ Mon, 02 May 2011 14:17:53
+0000 birdflu666 . *Show-trial of civil right's
activists in Austria comes to an end *Judge finds all 13 animal rights activists innocent
of all charges. Nine activists had to spend 3 months in jail. Show trial lasted 14
months, broke all legal norms, activists persecuted for political views and not for
crimes, said experts. Law Professor who criticised trial in a newspaper report was
slapped with defamation charges. *While animal rights activists are listed as
extremists by Austrian Interior Ministry, there is no mention of the many Nazis,
reports Irish Times on Sunday *Simon Wiesenthal Centre says on Sunday that
Austria "refuses in principle to investigate, let alone prosecute, suspected Nazi war
criminals." *An extreme right-wing and corrupt justice system poses danger to all
Europeans in an era of the European Arrest Warrant *Honest former Justice
Minister Bandion-Ortner given minor job after being fired following her
instructions to arrest a known Nazi *Controversial Georg Krakow allowed to stay
in his position, candidate for head of corruption state prosecutor's office
reinforcing impression of rampant corruption The first show trial of political activists in
Austria since the second world war came to an end today when the judge acquitted thirteen
animal rights activists this morning. Judge Sonja Arleth found the activists not guilty of the
charge of belonging to a criminal organisation, sparking scenes of jubilation in the courthouse in
Wiener Neustadt.
Photoblog-Jubel-und-Freude-bei-den-Tierschuetzern Nine of the activists had had to spend 3
months in jail in spite of the absence of any credible evidence that they had violated a law. All
the activists had their lives left in shambles after they had to attend court for 14 months in a trial
costing tax payers 7 million euro. Judge Sonja Arleth was praised by the activists for showing
“backbone” by bringing the monstrous political trial to a swift end today after she summed up
with a brief and objective evaluation of the facts. Credit must also go to former Justice Minister
Dr Claudia Bandion-Ortner who showed a willingness to defend the rule of law and the concept
of judicial independence – only to be axed from  her job immediately after launching a vigorous
anti corruption campaign. Bandion-Ortner has been sent to work in a minor position in a court
but it is not clear if she will take up the post on May 1st or take sick leave. By contrast, justice
state secretary Georg Krakow kept his position in the justice ministry even though he has been
implicated in many of the controversial trials such as the Bawag trial. Krakow is also being
touted as the next head of the corruption state prosecutors when Walter Geyer retires in a sign
that corruption has run rampant in the justice system and that parliament is unwilling to take
effective action.  Why can’t Bandion-Ortner have this job? Police chief Erich Zwettler also came
under criticism for his role in the trial that was criticised by Law Professor Petra Velten for
departing so radically from legal norms. Velten promptly had defamation charges slapped on
her by the association of judges. But these were dropped after a public outcry. The harsh
persecution of civil right’s activists by justice officials compares unfavourably to the pass given
to known Nazis. Neo Nazis such as Gottfried Küssel were allowed to run a website broadcasting
Nazi propaganda virtually untouched, and apparently even enjoying the support of elements in
the Freedom Party. Küssel was only arrested by Bandion-Ortner on the 12 th of April just days
before she was fired. “The Austrian interior ministry’s
annual reports into political extremism in the country devote considerable attention to animal
rights extremists but make no reference to meetings between FPÖ figures and neo-Nazis, filled
with Hitler salutes and Nazi symbols,” reports the Irish Times. Austria was
among nine countries where Nazi war criminals are not being brought to justice, the Simon
Wiesenthal Center said on Sunday.  “These nations
either “refuse in principle to investigate, let alone prosecute, suspected Nazi war criminals
because of legal (statute of limitation) or ideological restrictions,” or their “efforts (or lack
thereof) have resulted in complete failure during the period under review, primarily due to the
absence of political will to proceed and/or a lack of the requisite resources and/or expertise,”
according to the center’s annual report card examining efforts to track down perpetrators of
crimes against Jews during World War II,” according to the Jerusalem Post.  Far right politician
Dieter Böhmdorfer was Justice Minister between 2000 and 2004. A corrupted and ideologically
right-wing justice system in Austria poses a danger not just to Austrians but to people all over
Europe in the age of the European arrest warrant.]]> 4628 2011-05-02 14:17:53 2011-05-02
14:17:53 open open political-show-trial-of-civl-rights-activists-in-austria-ends-in-acquittals-
campaigners publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_3c44d0aa9b5a3b22a5b1b8c1ec238f4b
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trial-of-civl-rights-activists-in-austria-ends-in-acquittals/ 2011-05-03 01:08:20
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trial-of-civl-rights-activists-in-austria-ends-in-acquittals/ 2011-05-03 01:08:03
2011-05-03 01:08:03 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
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prince-william/ Mon, 02 May 2011 15:09:43 +0000 birdflu666 *Germany's Bild newspaper splashes sensitive
security details of Prince William and Catherine's home on Angelsy all over their website after
10 million Germans watch wedding on TV *Bild also publishes false report of a prenup
agreement, portraying William as a scrooge in smear campaign *Bild, part of the
Axel Springer group, has strong links to controversial political figures such as
disgraced former Defence Minister Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg facing criminal
charges for plagiarising his doctorate Prince William and Princess Catherine are expected
to return to their home in Anglesy after celebrating their wedding – but they may find
unwelcome attention from the press after Germany’s Bild newspaper ran a story which revealed
precisely where they live and even sketched out the best routes to reach the location. The report
features a picture of the highly popular couple's rented farmhouse in Angelesy, and also gave the
name of the closest village, the name of the previous owner and the specific security features
around their home. In another report today, Bild admits that the locals do everything to try to
keep the location secret from strangers to help the couple to protect their privacy and also boost
their safety. But reporter Peter Michalski has ignored all such security concerns and posted a
report on May 1 on Bild’s website that even gave the best route from Germany to the couple’s
home: a flight to Birmingham, a train journey to Holyhead and a taxi ride etc. The report gave
the impression that he had been to the home before because he observes that the security has
been strengthened and visitors can no longer go straight up to the house as was the case a couple
of months ago. Michalski also lists places the couple sometimes visit such as supermarkets and
pubs. The report is bound to raise security concerns – and yet Bild has blithely ignored the
obvious risks to William and Catherine by publishing  details of their home on their website.
Bild newspaper is a part of the Axel Springer Verlag and has strong links to political figures such
as Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg. Media outlets of the Axel Springer Verlag such as Bild and Welt
as well as RTL also published a false report that William had compelled Catherine to sign a
prenuptial agreement in what looks like an attempt to smear the popular couple who married on
Friday in a ceremony watched by ten million Germans on TV. The smear campaign comes as the
great-grandson of the discredited Hohenzollern Emperor Wilhem appeared on German TV to
suggest the time had come to restore the (absolutist model of Prussian) monarchy. If there are
any such plans, I strongly suggest that the German people vote to have Prince William as their
limited constitutional monarch! Prince Harry was a huge hit with Germans when he attended a
fund raising gala in Berlin before Christmas and I am sure Germans would also vote for him as
monarch before Guttenberg or a Hohenzollern. After all, don't EU employment laws guarantee
equal chances for any position for people irrespective of their nationality? Perhaps fearing that
Prince William and Harry are outshining them on every score, the German elite have decided to
train their heavy media guns on  William. According to the report by Bild, which has since been
removed from their website but which can still be found elsewhere on the web, the prenuptial
agreement was “Knuckle hard” with the “advantages only and solely for the royal circle.” “Kate
Middleton had to sign this agreement before she was allowed to marry Prince William,”
maintains Bild before listing a set of conditions that make William look like a cruel ogre and
Scrooge. Bild maintained there was even a seven digit fine agreed if Kate revealed the details of
the prenuptial agreement.
knallharte-Ehevertrag-fuer-William-und-Kate.html However, the Daily Mail reports that
William did not sign a prenup and never even considered signing one.
Kate-Middleton-Prinz-William.html Fortunately, no one in Germany listens to Bild. Bild was at
the centre of the swine flu pandemic vaccine hype - and yet only 6% of Germans took the jab.
Bild is also at the centre of the eurozone rescue fund hype and yet a recent poll shows that 67%
of Germans recognise the fund for what it is - a distabilising transfer fund for the banks. Finally,
Bild hyped Guttenberg and even manipulated polls to suggest he was more popular than he was
as well as encouraging supporters of Guttenberg to take to the streets and demonstrate when he
was about to be fired for plagiarising his doctoral thesis - and no one in Germany turned up.
Axel Springer chief Friede Springer is due to appear in court after Leo Kirch accused Deutsche
Bank chief Rolf Breuer of driving his media company into bankruptcy by making negative
statements in an interview -- allowing Friede Springer to gobble up a big part of the Kirch media
group for a pittance. This is the same trick
now being played by banks and media on a national scale when it comes to Greece and Ireland
and Portugal.]]> 4633 2011-05-02 15:09:43 2011-05-02 15:09:43 open open is-germanys-bild-
newspaper-gunning-for-prince-william publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_dc017a57f2db3cbe3e5d47474e0fed97 13018 http://d 2011-05-02 18:12:12 2011-05-02 18:12:12 1 0 0 jabber_published
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financial-times-deutschland/ 2011-05-13 22:48:16 2011-05-13 22:48:16 1
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woche-in-berlin-ich-war-in-horst-seehofers-eisenbahn-keller-bild-de/ 2011-05-15
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telephone-numbers/ Mon, 02 May 2011 15:53:49 +0000 birdflu666
Garda Siochana headquarters in Dublin’s Phoenix Park also has the 666 number of the Beast of
the Book of Revelation in its telephone number, and the current economic meltdown of
Ireland does indeed look eschatological. According to the Garda Review of 2003, every single
police station has a 666 number (page 10).
garda_review_february_2004.pdf+garda+review+2003&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&source=www.g For those who dismiss the 666 number as a coincidence, it should be noted that
swine flu vaccinations were also listed on biomedical databases as belonging to biodefense
stockpiles numbered 666. Regulatory/Status Index: biodefense stockpile (U.S.) biodefense
stockpile, European countries controlled/gov’t distribution in European counties
controlled/gov’t distribution in U.S. EU200 Currently Approved in EU EU666 Biodefense
stockpile UM100 Controlled/Gov't Distribution in US US666 Biodefense stockpile EM160
Controlled/Gov't Distribution in EU]]> 4638 2011-05-02 15:53:49 2011-05-02 15:53:49 open
open all-police-stations-in-ireland-have-666-in-telephone-numbers publish 0 0 post 0
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_oembed_726f65cd9b5754cc276ed25453a5ec0f 13070 http://d 2011-05-04 12:13:26 2011-05-04 12:13:26 1 0 0 jabber_published
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safe-when-she-goes-to-ireland-asks-the-irish-independent/ Mon, 02 May 2011 16:01:50 +0000
2634436.html Jody Corcoran notes that the Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny is spending
significant time on marginal issues while ignoring important national interests, including
organising sufficient security for the visit of the Queen,  and at a time when there is a danger of a
resurgence of the so-called Real IRA terrorist group and when Sinn Fein is demanding a
referendum on a unified Ireland while burying a much needed referendum on the EU/IMF
"bailout". The last thing Ireland now needs is a security incident involving the Queen. But in the
chaos currently gripping Ireland such a risk, it seems, cannot be ruled out. “[] ...a meeting with
the Garda Commissioner would be particularly important these days [for Kenny] -- not just
because of security concerns that surround the imminent arrival of Queen Elizabeth and
President Barack Obama, but in the face of a further threat. The resurgence of terrorist activity
among the so-called Real IRA, and its various criminal off-shoots, is of real concern, and will
remain so after the Queen has gone home, hopefully safe and well. It is important that the
Taoiseach be briefed on these matters, that he and the Minister for Justice, and the Cabinet,
may help form an appropriate response based upon the best available intelligence, carefully
assessed,” says Jody Corcoran. The Queen’s visit comes as Sinn Fein is whipping up trouble with
a plan for a referendum for a unified Ireland. Just how a unified Ireland is supposed to work in
2011 when it had no prospect of working in 1921 is beyond most people, but clearly Sinn Fein 
wants to look like it is doing something even though it is doing nothing as the country is
engulfed in an unprecedented economic crisis following a penal EU and IMF loan to pay interest
on a private bank debt.  Today, as back then, there are a large number of Protestant colonialists
in Northern Ireland who simply do not want to be a part of a unified Catholic Ireland. The best
that can be achieved for the foreseeable future is some form of power sharing in Northern
Ireland. Even that is precarious. Also, by the time any such referendum takes place – 2016? --,
there will be nothing much left of Ireland. Sinn Fein has failed to notice that wealth of Ireland is
currently being transferred to international banks by the machinery of the Irish bureaucracy
under the guidance of the EU and IMF and a Vichy Irish government at such a pace that the
country will be economically shattered. But where is the Sinn Fein proposal for a referendum on
the EU and IMP penal bailout? Such a referendum is what is really needed right now, not an
irrelevant plan that will only stir up acrimony and accomplish nothing. Also needed, as Maeve
Dineen says in the Irish Independent, is a proper inquiry into the banking crisis.  “Former
Finance Minister Brian Lenihan commissioned Nyberg and set such tight terms and conditions
that we always knew we'd learn nothing. But Mr Noonan can change this. He can demand that
200,000 documents collected by the Nyberg commission of investigation be revisited and a
meaningful reportproduced with names, dates and the activities they were involved in. It's
appalling that these documents will be kept on a computer server for the next 30 years, their
contents remaining confidential. They are mostly emails and internal bank documents -- and the
only organisation that could gain access to them would be any future tribunal into banking. The
last thing we need is another tribunal. We need the Nyberg report to be revisited, but this time
done properly and promptly,” she writes.
dineen-give-us-nyberg-again-with-all-the-inside-details-2634933.html Every day the media
reports new details of this financial crime, such as Brendan O’Connor and yet the Irish people
have yet to find an effective response after elections put a party into power that broke all its
election promises and is complicit in the crime in exactly the same way as Fianna Fail. “Story
two is Dan O'Brien's extraordinary analysis of how the ECB behaved in terms of the EU/IMF
bailout. O'Brien, who is our premier authority on this right now, pointed out last week that there
are serious questions about how the ECB acted in terms of our bailout. He says that these
questions also underline the ECB's lack of accountability in general. Without hopefully doing
O'Brien a disservice, because his piece was carefully weighed up, let's just go over some of his
findings about the ECB. O'Brien says Brian Lenihan told him the ECB governing council briefed
the media in an uncontrolled and damaging way around the bailout. Lenihan said the ECB also
misdiagnosed Ireland's economic problems and had limited engagement with the Irish
authorities on addressing these problems before the bailout (shades of what Regling admitted
above). This led, Lenihan said, to ill-thought-out measures being included in the bailout,
measures that were unimplementable. O'Brien goes on to point out that either the ECB had not
told the European Commission about the bailout or else Commissioner Olli Rehn just didn't
mention it when he was in this country just 48 hours before the ECB decided to implement the
bailout. O'Brien says it is unlikely that Rehn was being duplicitous and that in fact it seems,
staggeringly, the Commission actually didn't know the ECB was about to move in. More
generally, O'Brien points out the ECB is barely answerable to even the European Parliament. So,
what have we got so far? We have Europe being hugely negligent, "failing", in Regling's words, in
their job of supervising our economy. Next, we have the ECB, without apparently consulting any
of the governing bodies of Europe, acting completely off its own bat and forcing a bailout on our
country, without ever engaging with us to resolve our problems. When this bailout was enforced,
a two-year-old could have told you it was unsustainable, and this, we now know, is because the
ECB did not properly diagnose the country's problems, and therefore did not offer a suitable
solution. And this is because the ECB didn't discuss Ireland's issues with anyone in Ireland.
Basically we were invaded by a completely autonomous foreign power, literally an economic
dictator, and we were told it was for our own good. The ECB took on the white man's burden.
And as O'Brien also points out, there was no need for them to come so aggressively at us,
because Ireland had been a willing and compliant partner to the EU and the ECB, and had been
happy to acquiesce to most policy demands. And then we come to part three, our own
Government's part in the stitch-up. It also emerged last week that on Tuesday, November 16,
2010, five days before the Government gave away our sovereignty, there was discussion at a
cabinet meeting about "the Minister for Finance's engagement with the IMF, ECB and European
Commission" and a "secret" decision was discussed regarding further engagement. Yet Brian
Cowen told the Dail the next day the Government was still not in negotiations about a bailout.
So while Europe was stitching us up, our own Government was lying to us about the impending
threat of what we now know was an economic invasion. In fact, while our Taoiseach was lying to
us, the members of the invading troika were already in Dublin, presumably having chats with
the Minister for Finance. What makes all this particularly infuriating is that our Government
had already secretly ruined the country when it colluded with the EU to introduce our unlimited
bank guarantee. Neither the cabinet, the parliament, nor the people were consulted on this
decision, the most disastrous economic one ever made in this country and one that we will all
pay for for decades to come. It's almost as if the last Government, like the ECB, had decided
democracy was too clunky and slow, and they knew best what had to be done and it had to be
done quickly without the tiresome business of consulting the rest of us,” writes Brendan
swindle-2634440.html]]> 4640 2011-05-02 16:01:50 2011-05-02 16:01:50 open open will-the-
queen-be-safe-when-she-goes-to-ireland-asks-the-irish-independent publish 0 0 post 0
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13024 2011-05-02 21:16:23 2011-05-02 21:16:23 1 0 0
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13115 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13138 2011-05-06 00:49:32 2011-05-06 00:49:32 1 13059 0
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hoax/ Wed, 04 May 2011 13:42:32 +0000 birdflu666
4647 2011-05-04 13:42:32 2011-05-04 13:42:32 open open alex-jones-special-broadcast-on-the-
bin-laden-hoax publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_017ab4e1f66ffb485adcc72d0d28e2b9
13125 2011-05-05 13:36:24 2011-05-05 13:36:24 1 0 0
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pakistan-up-for-us-attack/ Wed, 04 May 2011 13:43:33 +0000 birdflu666 Webster Tarpley May 4, 2011 In an
interview with RT, author and researcher Webster Tarpley says the CIA has announced the next
false flag terror op will be blamed on Pakistan’s ISI, China backs Islamabad in looming
confrontation, and the collapse of the U.S. empire brings a heightened danger of general war.
Check out the interview on:
pakistan-up-for-us-attack/]]> 4649 2011-05-04 13:43:33 2011-05-04 13:43:33 open open
alleged-death-of-pseudo-bin-laden-sets-pakistan-up-for-us-attack publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_e76b1149b1a7c18073fb5e876b23cc12 13182 http://d 2011-05-07 07:53:41 2011-05-07 07:53:41 1 0 0 jabber_published
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05-06 22:50:47 2011-05-06 22:50:47 1 13153 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-05-07 08:59:34 1 13182 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
insider-bin-laden-died-in-2001-911-a-false-flag/ Wed, 04 May 2011 13:47:04 +0000 birdflu666 Paul Joseph
Watson May 4, 2011 Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man
who held numerous different influential positions under three different Presidents and still
works with the Defense Department, shockingly told The Alex Jones Show yesterday that Osama
Bin Laden died in 2001 and that he was prepared to testify in front of a grand jury how a top
general told him directly that 9/11 was a false flag inside job. Pieczenik cannot be dismissed as a
“conspiracy theorist”. He served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different
administrations, Nixon, Ford and Carter, while also working under Reagan and Bush senior,
and still works as a consultant for the Department of Defense. A former US Navy Captain,
Pieczenik achieved two prestigious Harry C. Solomon Awards at the Harvard Medical School as
he simultaneously completed a PhD at MIT. Read more at:
government-insider-bin-laden-died-in-2001-911-a-false-flag/]]> 4651 2011-05-04 13:47:04
2011-05-04 13:47:04 open open top-government-insider-bin-laden-died-in-2001-911-a-false-
flag publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_d69b87f7386447c238ef4802b20aaa88
_oembed_18e1cb0477774bb51258e2eb6b405ac1 13149
2011-05-06 19:26:52 2011-05-06 19:26:52 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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04 16:40:17 2011-05-04 16:40:17 1 0 18246150 jabber_published akismet_result
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deutsche-bank-of-swindling-us-taxpayers-out-of-400-million-in-mortgage-fraud/ Wed, 04 May
2011 13:49:15 +0000 birdflu666 Deutsche Bank of
duping a US government-backed mortgage insurance program -- and fleecing hardworking
taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars in the process. The hard-charging civil suit,
brought by US Attorney Preet Bharara in Manhattan federal court yesterday, blasted Deutsche
Bank and its mortgage subsidiary, MortgageIT, claiming they methodically selected mortgages
they knew were toxic and bound to implode in a decade-long fraud. The scheme saddled US
taxpayers with a whopping $386 million bill, based on claims paid out so far by the US
Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, insurance program, according to the
complaint. Bharara is seeking treble damages, or about $1 billion. Read more:
O7rrrSp]]> 4653 2011-05-04 13:49:15 2011-05-04 13:49:15 open open feds-accuse-deutsche-
bank-of-swindling-us-taxpayers-out-of-400-million-in-mortgage-fraud publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_67f122f29bdc05c7f1562abc0983e868 13088 2011-05-04 19:45:39
2011-05-04 19:45:39 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13093 2011-05-04 22:07:10 2011-05-04 22:07:10 1 0 0
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loan-eurozone-crisis-accelerates/ Wed, 04 May 2011 13:58:18 +0000 birdflu666
The trend is, therefore, clear: Greece is sinking ever deeper into debt at an incredible pace:
Greece’s debt has galloped since it had to accept a penal EU/IMF loan in 2010 just as Ireland’s
national debt is now galloping away for similar reasons and it will be the tax payers of the
eurozone who will have to foot the bill before enduring hyperinflation. Greek government
revenues are falling because of the austerity budgets that are being imposed by the IMF and EU.
These are choking off economic growth and tax revenues, making it harder for Greece to service
its national debt. Greek Gov. Revenues: 2006 = 39.3% of GDP, 2007 = 39.7%; 2008 = 39.1%;
2009 = 36.9% While revenues are falling, the government is spending more money on financing
its souvereign debt. Gov. Expenditures: 2006 = 43.2% of GDP; 2007 = 45%; 2008 = 46.8%;
2009 = 50.4%;
The growing gap between revenue and expenditure is leading to a growing debt pile that the
country has to  finance by borrowing. In April, the Greek finance ministry unveiled plans to
make 26 billion euros worth of public spending cuts and to raise 50 billion euros through the
sale of infrastructure, telecoms and gambling assets. These moves will benefit only the
bondholders of souvereign debt and the banks, leaving the country’s economy even weaker.
Right now, Greece is borrowing from the ECB – ie from all eurozone tax payers – to fund the
gap between the interest it can afford to pay and the interest it must pay under the EU and IMF
loan and its borrowing for this purpose is set to increase. The Greek economy contracted by 4.5
percent in 2010, and the IMF forecasts that it will shrink a further 3 percent in 2011. Greek banks were frozen out of
capital markets in 2009 because of successive downgrades of souvereign debt ratings –  by the
very same rating agencies that are under investigation in the USA for their links to the banks
which profit from those downgrades and which triggered the Lehmann crash. After being frozen
out of the bond markets, Greece became dependent on ECB funding. As happened in the case of
Ireland, the ECB just had to threaten to cut off liquidity to force the country to take on a punitive
loan and accept the installation of an EU and IMF junta to administer the transfer of national
wealth to the bondholders. Peter Bofinger, who serves on the German government's council of
economic advisors, has said that Greece should be allowed to write off some of its debt because
it is in a debt death spiral and cannot hope to repay it. “Greece's European peers could show
solidarity with the troubled Mediterranean country by cutting the interest rate at which it lends
to Greece. This would provide some relief at a time when the country is going through a vicious
cycle of needing both to slash wages and salaries, thus throttling output while at the same time
trying to cut debt,” he said according to the WSJ. “Just as private households can see their debts
reduced when they become unmanageable, the same must be considered for Greece. "I believe
in Greece there is no way around" a reduction of its debt burden, he said. Peter Bofinger says
eurobonds are the solution, arguing that the interest rate for these eurobonds will remain low.
He is absolutely wrong. The interest rate of euroboands will sky rocket because the economic
fundamentals of the eurozone are so dire and also because the banks and rating agencies are
profiting from driving countries into debt and can do so with impunity because the regulators
and governments are in their pockets. None of the eurozone countries, including Germany. can
ever begin to pay off the mountain of fractional reserve, banking debt smothering the eurozone
even if the entire wealth of 400 million people and all their pensions, taxes and assets are used
for this purpose. Even Austria is now having to finance its growing national debt by borrowing
money. And yet the eurozone tax payers are expected to hand over all their money to the banks
via a eurozone stability fund that even violates the EU constitution. To keep this Ponzi scheme
going, the ECB is buying up national debt and booking it as debt in an act that is in effect is the
printing of money. The ECB will continue to buy up the eurozone government’s  debt and print
money until hyperinflation takes hold as Vienna Professor of Economics Franz Hörmann has
said. By the time this heist ends, the banks will have all the tangible assets of the eurozone and
the people will have nothing, no jobs, no pensions, just worthless money and hyperinflation.
Andrew Bosomworth of Pimco has said that the only way for Greece to deal with this debt is for
it to notch up real economic growth or through transfers from the eurozone, the route now being
taken. “These sort of structural reforms are yielding positive results, but at the end of the day the
country needs nominal economic growth,” Pimco’s Andrew Bosomworth told CNBC. “Greece
can only succeed in one of two ways – through its own merits, and that could include massive
privatization proceeds… or nominal economic growth; or it could succeed through transfers.” The easiest way for Greece to return to nominal or real
growth is to reintroduce the Drachma and devalue ist currency to regain competitiveness. It also
needs to restructure its gigantic and artifically engineered mountain of national debt. But these obvious solutions have been blocked by the
banking cartel that clearly controls the EU, ECB and governments.]]> 4655 2011-05-04 13:58:18
2011-05-04 13:58:18 open open greece-is-sinking-into-debt-under-eu-and-imf-loan-eurozone-
crisis-accelerates publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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13092 2011-05-04 21:56:09 2011-05-04 21:56:09 1 0 0
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portugal/ Wed, 04 May 2011 14:06:23 +0000 birdflu666
bailout-1363445.php#ixzz1LOBnnPC2 Portugal is insolvent and not illiquid because ist
economy cannot finance its growing souvereign debt. It, therefore, needs a mechanism for a
managed insolvency as top German economists have argued and not a loan. This will only keep
the country on its feet long enough to transfer wealth to banks it cannot afford to under the
pretext of having to pay the penal interest rate on its „loan“ for ist national debt. Ultimately, all
eurozone taxpayers will have to pay this debt, also by the onset of hyperinflation, and it is
this realisation that has led to the success of the anti euro True Finn party in elections last
month. Portugal is now third eurozone country after Greece and Ireland to have such a penal
loan enforced on it by EU, ECB and IMF, and Spain is next in line. Portuguese banks were cut of
capital markets because of successive downgrades of Portugal’s sovereign debt ratings by the
very same rating agencies that are under investigation in the USA for their links to the banks
which profit from the downgrades. Like Ireland, Portugal has become dependent on ECB
funding as a result and the ECB just has to threaten to cut off liquidity to force the country to
take on this punitive loan and accept an EU and IMF junta. Portugal has to cut its budget deficit
to 3% from 9% by 2013 under the terms of the loan. This will involve more cuts in
unemployment benefits and more taxes as well as the sale of its assets in a wave of privatisation.
The austerity programme mandated by the IMF has already led to a 2% contraction in Portugal’s
economy. More fiscal cuts will lead to a further drop in economic growth and revenue, forcing it
to use an ever greater proprtion of its taxes to pay the interest on its national debt, choking off
more growth and sending it into the same debt death spiral now gripping Ireland and Grrece.
Portugal will end up in even greater debt by 2013 and this debt will be transferred to all
eurozone tax payers via the European stability fund along with the debts of Greece and Ireland.
There are consumer protection laws and debt brakes allowing private people and even
companies to reduce their debts when they are unmanageable: creditors are not supposed to be
able to take that person’s last cent from their bank account, sell all their assets or to seize their
earnings for the next twenty years. Yet this is what is happening on a national scale with
Portugal.]]> 4659 2011-05-04 14:06:23 2011-05-04 14:06:23 open open can-finland-block-the-
planned-euimf-loan-to-portugal publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_c9834ab38a82fe148f3c2731e67d544d 13103
2011-05-05 07:23:43 2011-05-05 07:23:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-05-04 21:50:21 2011-05-04 21:50:21 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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foreclosed-homes-to-slide-into-slum/ Fri, 06 May 2011 12:49:05 +0000 birdflu666 The lawsuit, filed by the office of City Attorney
Carmen Trutanich on Wednesday, depicts the German lender as the city's largest slumlord and
seeks hundreds of millions of dollars in reimbursement for the city and compensation for
hundreds of tenants. The 312-page complaint focuses on 166 properties and accuses several
Deutsche Bank subsidiaries of breaking laws governing housing conditions, including state
public nuisance laws and vacant building ordinances. Homes left empty after foreclosure have
allegedly led to squatting, graffiti, crime and unsanitary conditions. "They hurt the most
economically vulnerable people in the city," Trutanich said at a press conference. "They failed to
make necessary repairs and tenants were condemned to live in substandard conditions." Read
more at:,,15050918,00.html]]> 4661 2011-05-06
12:49:05 2011-05-06 12:49:05 open open la-sues-deutsche-bank-over-allowing-foreclosed-
homes-to-slide-into-slum publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_a8434363f5d192c2908ab61edcfa69cf 13154 http://d 2011-05-06 19:46:30 2011-05-06 19:46:30 1 0 0 jabber_published
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bank-over-allowing-foreclosed-homes-to-slide-into-slum/ 2011-05-07 21:12:23
2011-05-07 21:12:23 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
civil-rights-activists-allege-justice-officials-tried-to-frame-them/ Fri, 06 May 2011 12:58:21
+0000 birdflu666
beweise]]> 4664 2011-05-06 12:58:21 2011-05-06 12:58:21 open open freed-austrian-civil-
rights-activists-allege-justice-officials-tried-to-frame-them publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_b141b22d0ee62dd6b588d881730691ae 13202
civil-rights-activists-allege-justice-officials-tried-to-frame-them/ 2011-05-07
21:14:21 2011-05-07 21:14:21 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
finance-minister-used-500000-euro-secret-cash-fund-for-hypo-share-deal/ Fri, 06 May 2011
13:04:34 +0000 birdflu666 The revelations will deal a fresh blow to the
credibility of Grasser, a former far-right Freedom Party politician who went on to become a
Finance Minister for the conservative party under Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel. Grasser is also
under investigation for allegations of corruption in connection with the privatisation of state
property. Grasser paid 500,000 euros which he brought into the Austria in cash into a bank
account at Meinl bank after hours but did not get a receipt.
bargeldtransport-auf-bankgeheimnis-471098/ The Hypo share deal
made Grasser and Giori-Lhot a profit of 284,000 euros. The collapse of Hypo Alpe Adria cost
tax payers in Bavaria and Austria billions of euros.
bisher-14-Mrd-Euro? Grasser told investigators that the
cash came from his mother-in-law Marina Giori-Lhota, and said she was seeking to test his
capability at making investments. However, Grasser could not explain why she had chosen to
give to him in cash rather than send it to him using a bank transfer. Bringing money across
international borders was not illegal in Austria at the time. Large cash transports are often the
focus of special investigations as they are linked with the activities of organised crime such as
drug smuggling and human trafficking.]]> 4666 2011-05-06 13:04:34 2011-05-06 13:04:34
open open austrias-former-finance-minister-used-500000-euro-secret-cash-fund-for-hypo-
share-deal publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_b2e3ef77eae566e38a39c21dab83b478
_oembed_c48baa1977f3769b1397d287476a6197 13146
2011-05-06 17:44:26 2011-05-06 17:44:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13152 http://d 2011-05-06 19:38:39 2011-05-06 19:38:39 1 13146 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13203
2011-05-07 21:16:25 2011-05-07 21:16:25 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-05-07 21:16:34 2011-05-07 21:16:34 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history
akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
on-ireland/ Fri, 06 May 2011 13:06:31 +0000 birdflu666
p=4668 Economist blames ECB for precipitating a 'run' on Irish banks By Brendan Keenan,
Irish Independent Thursday May 05 2011 THE former president of the German Bundesbank,
Axel Weber, resigned partly because he disagreed with the pressure put on Ireland to repay all
bank debts to bondholders, a prominent economist claims in today's Irish Independent. Mr
Weber was favourite to take over the presidency of the European Central Bank and his sudden
resignation sent shockwaves through the European financial and political systems. The job is
now expected to go to Italian central banker Mario Draghi, which will add to the political
difficulties of German Chancellor Angela Marckel. Read more at:
ireland-2638027.html]]> 4668 2011-05-06 13:06:31 2011-05-06 13:06:31 open open
bundesbank-chief-resigned-after-pressure-put-on-ireland publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_c7225d98470f90496d35bfd38553adac 13145
2011-05-06 17:05:24 2011-05-06 17:05:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13205
resigned-after-pressure-put-on-ireland/ 2011-05-07 21:19:01 2011-05-07 21:19:01
1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13206
resigned-after-pressure-put-on-ireland/ 2011-05-07 21:19:05 2011-05-07
21:19:05 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
bondholders/ Fri, 06 May 2011 13:07:47 +0000 birdflu666
p=4670 Union backs bondholder inquiry Wednesday, 4 May 2011, Belfast Telegraph A senior
university academic is heading up an independent investigation into the mystery bondholders
behind Ireland's crushing national debt. The probe, backed by leading trade union Unite as well
as debt and justice campaigns, is expected to report preliminary findings by the end of next
month. A team of three researchers, led by Dr Sheila Killian, head of the department of
accounting and finance at the University of Limerick, are hoping to uncover who is owed the
massive banking debts taken on by Irish taxpayers. Jimmy Kelly, regional secretary of Unite,
said while they expected some non-co-operation in the early stages, they would pursue every
avenue to reveal the identities of those being paid out of the public purse. "Three years after the
Irish government bought a 'pig in a poke' proffered by senior bankers, all of whom are now gone
with massive pay offs, we still do not know to whom we owe this debt," he said. "Everyone who
is being forced to pay for the mistakes of a small elite will at least know who is being funded by
their pay cuts, tax increases and austerity." Read more at:
bondholder-inquiry-15151079.html]]> 4670 2011-05-06 13:07:47 2011-05-06 13:07:47 open
open irish-academic-to-investigate-identity-of-bondholders publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_c8e26020c4923b2f6cea52ce3deb7753 13150 http://d 2011-05-06 19:28:35 2011-05-06 19:28:35 1 13144 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13144 2011-05-06 16:42:15 2011-05-06 16:42:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13180 http://d 2011-05-07 07:17:16 2011-05-07 07:17:16 1 13164 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13254 2011-05-10 21:07:04 2011-05-10 21:07:04 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13156 2011-05-06 19:55:24 2011-05-06 19:55:24 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13161 2011-05-06 20:41:48 2011-05-06 20:41:48 1 0 0
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investigate-identity-of-bondholders/ 2011-05-07 21:20:41 2011-05-07 21:20:41 1
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academic-to-investigate-identity-of-bondholders/ 2011-05-07 21:20:52 2011-05-
07 21:20:52 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
returns-home/ Sat, 07 May 2011 10:48:05 +0000 birdflu666 While many might have paid good money to cruise
around the waters off the coast of South America, the Gorch Fock's latest jaunt was hardly a
pleasure trip for those on board. The Gorch Fock, a military training ship where hard work and
drills are part of the everyday for the marines on board, has been used by the German military
since it was built by Blohm + Voss in Hamburg in 1958. Since then the ship has logged almost
750,000 nautical miles, or a distance equivalent to about 35 times around the world. More than
14,500 officers and officer candidates of the German navy have trained at sea on the Gorch
Fock. Last August, the vessel set off on its current journey, its 156th training trip. On November
7, off the coast of Bahia, Brazil, tragedy struck. A 25-year-old cadet was killed when she fell 27
meters (89 feet) to the deck. Read more on:,,15054413,00.html]]> 4672 2011-05-07 10:48:05 2011-
05-07 10:48:05 open open death-and-scandal-german-navy-training-ship-returns-home
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_02cb0a7e28d13207317740f4116c8110 13209
scandal-german-navy-training-ship-returns-home/ 2011-05-07 21:23:54 2011-
05-07 21:23:54 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
guttenberg-deliberately-plagiarised/ Sat, 07 May 2011 10:53:39 +0000 birdflu666 Germany's former defence minister "deliberately"
plagiarised his doctoral thesis, a committee has found.

6 May 2011, BBC Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg resigned in March after admitting to "serious
mistakes" in his 2006 legal dissertation, but denied cheating. An investigation by Bayreuth
University found the 39-year-old had "grossly violated standard research practices and in so
doing deliberately deceived". "It was obvious that plagiarism was involved," the committee
concluded. Read more at:]]> 4675 2011-
05-07 10:53:39 2011-05-07 10:53:39 open open germanys-guttenberg-deliberately-plagiarised
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f01acc91c4d6d4f2424f25a9bed8d5bc
_oembed_2cd54ec50470bcf9ee02e9eb6ffc39ad 13210
guttenberg-deliberately-plagiarised/ 2011-05-07 21:26:17 2011-05-07 21:26:17 1
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jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13263
2011-05-11 16:12:16 2011-05-11 16:12:16 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
2011-scotland-to-vote-on-leaving-uk-after-nationalists-surge-to-overall-majority/ Sat, 07 May
2011 10:54:55 +0000 birdflu666
majority.html]]> 4677 2011-05-07 10:54:55 2011-05-07 10:54:55 open open scottish-election-
2011-scotland-to-vote-on-leaving-uk-after-nationalists-surge-to-overall-majority publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_6fbd7eecb0857468acbb07283a7ac003 13195
independence/ 2011-05-07 13:52:38 2011-05-07 13:52:38 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13211
surge-to-overall-majority/ 2011-05-07 21:28:21 2011-05-07 21:28:21 1 pingback 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
eurozone-exit-plans-deutsche-bank-major-player-in-euro-ponzi-scheme/ Sat, 07 May 2011
10:56:20 +0000 birdflu666 Jonathan Chen
Benzinga Staff Writer Read more:
on-greek-debt-worries-db#ixzz1LexQEhNb Shares of Deutsche Bank (NYSE: DB) are down
more than 2% on news that Greece may leave the Eurozone. German banks, including Deutsche
Bank , hold the majority of Greece paper, and if the Greeks leave the Eurozone, Greek paper
would almost certainly blow up. At last check, 7,353 puts on Deutsche Bank have traded, which
is more than 12 times its average daily volume. Read more:
db#ixzz1LexN6dST]]> 4679 2011-05-07 10:56:20 2011-05-07 10:56:20 open open deutsche-
scheme publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_1ae9d98d07b4d22097e61e7b3f5ad54b
_oembed_afba56e82ce3751c1dc2fe5babd3eb85 13212
shares-fall-amid-greek-eurozone-exit-plans/ 2011-05-07 21:30:59 2011-05-07
21:30:59 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ditch-euro-emergency-talks-in-eu/ Sat, 07 May 2011 10:57:51 +0000 birdflu666 EU in emergency talks over claim Greece will ditch
euro By Emmet Oliver Deputy Business Editor, Irish Independent Saturday May 07 2011 TOP-
LEVEL EU finance officials were locked in emergency talks last night to avert a full scale euro
crisis after reports Greece was on the brink of default. The meeting was called to address what
appeared to be a new threat that Greece could leave the eurozone. The implications of such an
unprecedented move would be serious for all countries in the single currency, including Ireland.
The Department of Finance here said they weren't aware of the meeting being held in
Luxembourg and attended by officials from Germany, France, Holland and Finland. Markets
reacted nervously to the news -- first highlighted by a respected German magazine -- with the
euro falling by most in a year against the dollar.
in-emergency-talks-over-claim-greece-will-ditch-euro-2640332.html]]> 4681 2011-05-07
10:57:51 2011-05-07 10:57:51 open open greece-plans-to-ditch-euro-emergency-talks-in-eu
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13213
burgermeister-reportgreece-plans-to-ditch-euro-emergency-talks-in-eu/ 2011-
05-07 21:32:58 2011-05-07 21:32:58 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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ditch-euro-emergency-talks-in-eu/ 2011-05-07 21:33:07 2011-05-07 21:33:07 1
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jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
are-a-ponzi-scheme-in-the-financial-times/ Sat, 07 May 2011 11:00:02 +0000 birdflu666 Gregory White | May 6, 2011, 8:26 AM | 737 |
Business Insider Former IMF official and governor of Argentina's central bank Mario Blejer
says Europe resembles a "Ponzi Scheme" in the way it's funding bailouts. From The Financial
Times: Here is where this situation resembles a pyramid or a Ponzi scheme. Some of the original
bondholders are being paid with the official loans that also finance the remaining primary
deficits. When it turns out that countries cannot meet the austerity and structural conditions
imposed on them, and therefore cannot return to the voluntary market, these loans will
eventually be rolled over and enhanced by eurozone members and international organisations.
Blejer argues that, because Greece is Greece and not Chad, it will not be punished for missing its
austerity goals outlined by the EU and IMF. Instead, because this plan is funded by public rather
than private investors, it could go on forever, that is until it is opposed by domestic political
constituencies. But in the end, Blejer argues it will be taxpayer who is at the bottom of the
pyramid, left with the losses, while many of the original bondholders will already be paid off.
Read more:
5#ixzz1Lew65RdR]]> 4683 2011-05-07 11:00:02 2011-05-07 11:00:02 open open former-imf-
official-admits-eurozone-bailouts-are-a-ponzi-scheme-in-the-financial-times publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_350a9c51fc4172c2823ff74d087c1756 13246 2011-05-09 10:18:50 2011-05-09 10:18:50 1 13190 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13188 2011-05-07 11:17:27 2011-05-07 11:17:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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http://d 2011-05-07 12:03:23 2011-05-07 12:03:23 1 13190 0 jabber_published
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official-admits-eurozone-bailouts-are-a-ponzi-scheme/ 2011-05-07 21:35:42
2011-05-07 21:35:42 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
public-sector-ponzi-scheme/ Sat, 07 May 2011 11:25:22 +0000 birdflu666 Blejer points out that the eurozone bailouts violate
the EU constitution and a central principle of the euro. In effect, the no bail-out clause acts as an
insolvency mechanism that limits the damage to other eurozone country's of any one member
going into unsustainable debt. The eurozone bailouts, on the other hand, allow country's to
build up unstainable debt burdens and to pass the financing of these debt burdens to other
eurozone tax payers. The profiteers of this public sector Ponzi scheme  are the bondholders and
the banks as Franz Hörmann explains in his report "How banks create money out of air". Blejer
points out that this "public sector Ponzi scheme" is more "flexible" than a private sector Ponzi
scheme such as Bernie Madoff's because complicit governments can find more ways to collect
eurozone tax payer money and expropriate assets to feed into this Ponzi scheme. “One of the
pillars upon which the euro was established was the principle of “no bail-out”. When the
sovereign debt crisis hit the eurozone this principle was ditched. As Greece, Ireland and
Portugal were unable to service their unsustainable levels of debt, a mechanism was instituted to
supply them with the financing necessary to service their obligations," Blejer writes. Blejer
points out that the EU and IMF have imposed crushing conditions on servicing the souvereign
debt,  sending countries like Greece, Ireland and Portugal into a so-called debt death spiral.
"This financing was provided, supposedly, in exchange for their implementing measures that
would make their, now higher, debt burdens sustainable in the future. Yet the mode adopted to
resolve the debt problems of countries in peripheral Europe is, apparently, to increase their level
of debt. A case in point is the €78bn ($116bn) loan to Portugal. It is equivalent to more than 47
per cent of its gross domestic product in 2010, possibly increasing Portugal’s public debt to
about 120 per cent of GDP,” Blejer writes in the FT. Blejer notes that the “countries’ debts will
increase (as a percentage of GDP the debts of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain are expected
to be higher by the end of 2012 than at the start of the crisis).” Blejer observes that the
bondholders are picking up the assets of Greece while transferring the growing portion of
unserviceable debt onto the tax payer’s of Europe. “The share of debt owed to the official sector
will also increase (in addition to the bond purchases by the European Central Bank, which
reportedly owns 17 per cent of these countries’ bonds with a much higher percentage held as
collateral),” Blejer writes. He notes that Greece, Ireland and Portugal are insolvent and that the
narrative that they are illiquid is a "fiction" allowing banks and bondholders to hoodwink
taxpayers as they carry on looting. Tha bailout is “based on the fiction that this is just a
temporary liquidity problem and that the official financing helps the countries involved to make
the reforms that will allow them to return to the voluntary market in normal conditions. In other
words, the narrative is that the recipient countries could and would outgrow their debt," he
writes. Debt figures are manipulated, he says, but “the fact is that this situation is only
sustainable as long as additional amounts of money are available to continue the pretence.
Blejer could not be more explicit: “Here is where this situation resembles a pyramid or a Ponzi
scheme," he says in the FT. "Some of the original bondholders are being paid with the official
loans that also finance the remaining primary deficits. When it turns out that countries cannot
meet the austerity and structural conditions imposed on them, and therefore cannot return to
the voluntary market, these loans will eventually be rolled over and enhanced by eurozone
members and international organisations. " "Moreover, this “public sector Ponzi scheme” is
more flexible than a private one. In a private scheme, the pyramid collapses when you cannot
find enough new investors willing to hand over their money so old investors can be paid. But in
a public scheme such as this, the Ponzi scheme could, in theory, go on for ever. As long as it is
financed with public money, the peripheral countries’ debt could continue to grow without a
hypothetical limit.” Blejer notes that political opposition is growing to this criminal activity. “We
are starting to observe public opposition to financing this Ponzi scheme in its current form, but
it could still have quite a way to go. It is apparent that, if not forced sooner by politics, the
inevitable default will only be allowed to take place when the vast part of the European
distressed debt is transferred from the private to the official sector. As in a pyramid scheme, it
will be the last holder of the “asset” that takes the full loss. In this case, it will be the taxpayer
that foots the bill, rather than the original bondholders that made the wrong investment
decisions," he says.]]> 4685 2011-05-07 11:25:22 2011-05-07 11:25:22 open open europe-is-
bailouts-are-a-public-sector-ponzi-scheme publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_f4fbb170e76e1c25b2b2841d8ea260fa 13247
2011-05-09 11:04:34 2011-05-09 11:04:34 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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05-10 20:52:32 2011-05-10 20:52:32 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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times-admits-eurozone-bailouts-are-a-public-sector-ponzi-s 2011-05-07 21:38:10
2011-05-07 21:38:10 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13217
times-admits-eurozone-bailouts-are-a-public-sector-ponzi-s 2011-05-07 21:38:13
2011-05-07 21:38:13 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13249 2011-05-09 15:08:04
2011-05-09 15:08:04 1 13247 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-05-10 21:46:15 1 13253 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13261 2011-05-11 07:58:34
2011-05-11 07:58:34 1 13249 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
leave-eurozone-economic-arguments-for-drachma-are-clear/ Sat, 07 May 2011 12:01:14 +0000
birdflu666 Greece is planning to ditch the euro,
according to German media reports, in a sign that the eurozone  is becoming increasingly
fragile. The economic arguments in favour of Greece reintroducing the Drachma
are overwhelming. Greece has nothing to gain from staying in the euro and  everything to
lose. The euro is being run as giant Ponzi scheme for the benefit of bondholders and banks such
as Deutsche Bank -- as the former central bank governor Mario Blejer stated in a report in the
Financial Times on May 5th -- and Greece was the first "victim" to be drained of its assets.  The
crushing of the Greek economy by the "fixers" of the Ponzi scheme is ongoing, leaving Greece
facing the prospect of economic annihilation if it stays inside the eurozone. The fiscal austerity
measures being imposed by the EU and IMF on Greece as part  of a penal "loan" have resulted in
a stinging economic recession and they will result in yet more  wage cuts, tax increases and
welfare cuts and in yet more privatizations unless Greece defaults and adopts its own currency. 
The longer Greece stays inside eurozone, the bigger its debt burden will become. It will grow to
truly astronomical levels – and be passed on to other eurozone tax payers after the bondholders
have made off with the assets in the next stage of the Ponzi scheme as Mario Blejer points out.
Greece might as well exit now while it still has parts of its economy left to save. Sooner than
later, the eurozone Ponzi scheme is going to collapse anyway. Vienna Economics Professor
Franz Hörmann has said he expects the eurozone financial system to collapse in a year or so. If
Greece leaves the euorzone, the new drachma will fall in value making it competitive. It can
export more products, add jobs and increase tax revenues. The introduction of the drachma will
also give a huge boost to the country’s tourism industry as visitors flock to Greece, and so
enable Greece to earn valubale foreign currency. This cushion of foreign currency will allow
Greece to continue importing goods, even when these will become more expensive following
the adoption of the drachma and a devaluation. Many imports can also be substituted by
domestic manufacturers, providing an additional boost to the Greek economy and to jobs. The
Greek government can make the switch by starting to pay salaries in drachma, spurring the
private sector to follow, under one suggestion. Standards of living will drop slightly in the event
of the reintroduction of the drachma but they are going to drop anyway and the drop will only be
temperorary  if Greece leaves the eurozone rather than steep and permament if it does not.
Greece will also have to write off its gigantic mountain of national debt, which has been piled on
it largely by fraudulent means. This write down would affect banks such as Deutsche Bank,
which are the main beneficiaries of this giant Ponzu scheme but Deutsche Bank and Goldman
Sachs should learn the lesson like Bernie Madoff that a Ponzi schemesis a scrime that does not
pay. Why should Greece, Ireland, Portugal and ultimately the German tax payers pay for the
Bernie Madoff style Ponzi scheme of Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs and big banking figures
such as the Rothschilds and George Soros? The Greek central bank should also start to print the
new drachma without creating debt as China does and so allow Greece to enjoy the same boom
as China in the long term. If Greece leaves the eurozone, it can be sure of widespread public
support among Europeans. A recent poll showed that two thirds of Germans recognise that the
eurozone is being run in a way that makes it doomed and that they will end up footing the bill.
Der FDP-Finanzexperte Frank Schäffler hält einen Austritt Griechenlands aus der Eurozone für
sinnvoll. „Wenn Griechenland den Austritt will, dann ist es die autonome Entscheidung
Griechenlands, die wir positiv unterstützen sollten“, sagte Schäffler dem Nachrichtenmagazin
FOCUS. FDP finance expert Frank Schaeffler told Focus magazine that it made economic sense
for Greece to leave the eurozone. "If Greece wants to leave the eurozone, then it is its
autonomous decision that we will support in a positive way," he said. The German government
coalition may not even be able to find a majority to pass laws on the future 700 billion European
Stability Mechanism, or ESM, when parliament votes on it later this year, according to
MMnews. The 700 billion euro ESM fund is just a public sector feeder fund into the eurozone
Ponzi scheme benefitting private banks, which has been analysed by central bank governor
Mario Blejer in a report in the FT. If Greece leaves the eurozone, then Ireland will hopefully
follow. The euro has been a catastrophe for Ireland just as it has been for Greece. Both countries
have de facto lost their souvereignty and are under the economic dictatorship of EU and IMF
officials, who are looting the country, assuming the role of the public sector interface for
a  private Ponzi scheme of historical poportions. Greece introduced the euro in 2002 and in a
period of less than ten years, it has been destroyed economically. Greece used the Drachma
currency for more than 2000 years since the time of Plato and Sophocles and it never suffered
an economic disaster of this nature in all that time. It is to be hoped Greece leaves the
eurozone as soon as possible and its people regains their freedom and future. If it does, it can be
assured of great public support from Europeans as polls show - irrespective of what the
controlled mainstream media says.]]> 4688 2011-05-07 12:01:14 2011-05-07 12:01:14 open
open greece-plans-to-leave-eurozone-economic-arguments-for-drachma-are-clear publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 13251 2011-05-10 13:51:41 2011-05-10
13:51:41 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history
13252 2011-05-10 19:33:43 2011-05-10 19:33:43 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13197 http://N/A 2011-05-07 16:54:52 2011-05-07 16:54:52 1
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13200 2011-05-07 21:05:26 2011-05-07
21:05:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
leave-eurozone/ 2011-05-07 21:43:01 2011-05-07 21:43:01 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13248 2011-05-09 12:28:25 2011-05-09 12:28:25 " Greek Prime
Minister George Papandreou said the report of a possible euro exit was made up and the
government was handling the country’s debt in the best way possible, Kathimerini newspaper
reported. Abandoning the euro would have “catastrophic” consequences, Greek Finance
Minister George Papaconstantinou told Italian newspaper La Stampa. Public debt would double,
consumer spending power would be “shattered” and the country would sink into a “war-like
recession,” he said. See EU To Greece: "We Want To Help You Help Yourself"... And We Want
To Own You After You File For Bankruptcy]]> 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13255 2011-
05-10 21:38:57 2011-05-10 21:38:57 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
euro-or-face-civil-war-says-top-german-economist/ Wed, 11 May 2011 15:48:40 +0000
birdflu666 Sinn's comments came a day after a
private meeting of select eurozone finance ministers in Luxembourg that focused on the future
of the currency in the face of Greece's inability to solve its sovereign debt crisis. Jean-Claude
Juncker denied a report published on Germany's Spiegel Online news website that the talks
were held to discuss the possibility, raised by Athens, of Greece withdrawing from the 17-
member eurozone, as well as the idea of restructuring Greece's 327-billion-euro ($470-billion)
sovereign debt. "We have not been discussing the exit of Greece from the euro area," he told
reporters. "This is a stupid idea. It is an avenue we would never take." Juncker said that a
meeting of all eurozone finance ministers on May 16 would discuss whether Greece needed a
further economic plan, beyond the 110-billion-euro bailout Athens was granted by the EU and
IMF in May last year. "We think that Greece does need a further adjustment program," Juncker
added at the close of the meetings. Germans opposed to Greek bailout In response to the
Luxembourg meeting,  as well as to the media reports suggesting Athens' exodus from the euro,
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou urged "the EU in particular, to leave Greece in peace
to do its job," while Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou later warned that Athens may
need more hard cash support. Without naming its source, French business daily Les Echos said
on Sunday that the Greek government could receive another 20-25 billion euros from the EU if
its series of austerity measures, including cuts and accelerated state sell-offs, failed to generate
necessary capital. Meanwhile, a survey published on Sunday indicated that the German people
were widely against the bailout of Greece one year after it was agreed by the EU and the
International Monetary Fund. German daily Welt am Sonntag showed that only one in five
Germans believed the bailout was acceptable. Forty-seven percent of those asked said the move
was "false," and 33 percent were undecided. Author: Gabriel Borrud (AFP, dpa) Editor: Toma
Tasovac,,15058930,00.html]]> 4690 2011-05-11
15:48:40 2011-05-11 15:48:40 open open greece-must-exit-euro-or-face-civil-war-says-top-
german-economist publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_0077da003aaefe00744672bf2ff480f2 13277 http://d 2011-05-12 08:14:08 2011-05-12 08:14:08 1 0 0 jabber_published
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again/ 2011-05-11 18:33:45 2011-05-11 18:33:45 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13267
burgermeister-reportgreece-must-exit-euro-or-face-civil-war-says-top-german-economist/ 2011-05-11 19:51:01 2011-05-11 19:51:01 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13405
bankruptcy-imf-to-inject-a-further-eur100-billion-in-bailout-money/ 2011-05-15
17:08:09 2011-05-15 17:08:09 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
torpedo-irish-economy-by-vetoing-haircut/ Wed, 11 May 2011 15:52:29 +0000 birdflu666
ireland-121510004.html]]> 4692 2011-05-11 15:52:29 2011-05-11 15:52:29 open open timonthy-
geithner-helped-torpedo-irish-economy-by-vetoing-haircut publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_55741afbe91b4d8ebf05428ba0d557e8 13268
helped-torpedo-irish-economy-by-vetoing-haircut/ 2011-05-11 19:53:20 2011-
05-11 19:53:20 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
warnings-of-civil-war/ Wed, 11 May 2011 15:56:58 +0000 birdflu666  National strike paralyses Greece *60-80% of tax
revenues used for servicing national debt already *Economy contracted by 6.1% in
4Q of 2010 as Greece sinks into debt death spiral *Debt growing all the time:
Germans increasingly oppose footing the bondholer's bill *Civil war or euro exit? A
24-hour strike paralysed Greece today as one of Germany’s top economists warned that the
country is facing civil war if it continues to implement fiscal austerity cuts imposed by the EU
and IMF. It is estimated that 60% to 80% of Greece’s tax revenue will be needed in the next few
years to make interest payments of between 30 to 40 billion euros on the country’s souvereign
debt. However, the Greek economy contracted by 6.6% year-
on-year in the fourth quarter of 2010, according to the Hellenic Statistical Authority, sliding
deeper into recession after it  contracted by 5.1 percent in the third quarer. month,
The Greek government is planning to pass more cutbacks of euro 23 billion and also hold a fire
sale of the country’s assets to meet interest payments. But more cuts will lead to a swathe of
bankrupties among local companies, reducing the country’s tax revenues still further, warns
Sinn. He warned that imposing lower unit labour costs of 20 to 30% as part of a so called
internal devaluation to make Greek products more competitive and allow for an increase exports
would bring the country to the edge of civil war. "If Greece were to exit the euro, it would be
able to devalue its currency and thus become competitive once again," Sinn said in the Sunday
edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper,“ writes Michael Hennigan. “[Sinn] said Greece was
heading for a banking crisis whether it kept the euro or not. If the country remained with the
euro, the economist said that there would be no way to rescue the economy in the long run. "If
Greece decides to attempt a so-called internal devaluation - - that is by cutting salaries and
prices within the country - - it would risk setting off civil war," Sinn said. "Greece is heading
for economic crisis in either scenario. But if it stays in the Eurozone, Athens will kill off the
companies that make up its economy." Sinn said that Greece should leave the eurozone and
reintroduce the Drachma to regain competitiveness.
kleinere-uebel-1.1094500 While  a public sector deficit can be reduced by fiscal austerity, 
Greece’s current account deficit and souvereign debt is not due to excessive spending in the
public sector. The average pension in Greece is only 600 euros and the average public salaries
are also low. The country’s gigantic and growing deficit and  national debt is due to the amount
it has to spend in interest to service its souvereign debt as well as  to a loss of competitiveness
due to the introduction of the euro. The Greek interest rate was pushed to artificial heights by
the actions of rating agencies as well as by the use of CDS by Goldman Sachs in 2009, forcing
the country to seek a penal IMF/EU „bailout.“ Experts acknowledge that Greece will default
sooner or later because ist national debt is unsustianable and growing. Even Time has admitted
that „Greece is just falling deeper into a hole.” “In fact, Greek government debt, as a percentage
of GDP, keeps growing, and is now around 140%,” Time said.
matters-again/#ixzz1M3cZhvAI “The government in Athens has to run large primary surpluses
over a significant number of years to stabilize and then bring down the level of debt, and that
looks nearly impossible” – unless the country readopts the Drachma as Sinn said. If the
bondholders like Deutsche Bank refuse to take the losses, then eurozone taxpayers and even UK
taxpayers will have to pick up the bill in what Argentinian central bank governor Mario Blejer
has called a giant Ponzi scheme. Sinn has embarked on a tour of the country warning German
tax payers of a tsunami of debt. „The time bomb of the swelling amount of liabilities of now
€1.5trn is ticking. Of this Germany will have to cover €400bn, with a growing trend,“ writes
Michael Hennigan.]]> 4695 2011-05-11 15:56:58 2011-05-11 15:56:58 open open eurozone-in-
crisis-strike-paralyses-greece-warnings-of-civil-war publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_a8e33053de5e050a63dcfd64eda05fdd 13286 http://d 2011-05-12 16:43:23 2011-05-12 16:43:23 1 13285 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13283
http://d 2011-05-12 11:35:07 2011-05-12 11:35:07 1 13272 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13285 2011-05-12 14:58:28 2011-05-12 14:58:28 1 13272 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13264 2011-05-11 16:25:37 2011-05-11 16:25:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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crisis-strike-paralyses-greece-warnings-of-civil-war/ 2011-05-11 19:54:50 2011-
05-11 19:54:50 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13272 2011-05-11 21:26:10
2011-05-11 21:26:10 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
autism-vaccine-link-hearings-amind-growing-evidence/ Wed, 11 May 2011 15:59:19 +0000
birdflu666 For over 20 years, the federal
government has publicly denied a vaccine-autism link, while at the same time its Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program (VICP) has been awarding damages for vaccine injury to children with
brain damage, seizures, and autism. This investigation, based on public, verifiable government
data, breaks new ground in the controversial vaccine-autism debate. The investigation found
that a substantial number of children compensated for vaccine injury also have autism. Based
on this preliminary investigation, the evidence suggests that autism is at least three times more
prevalent among vaccine-injured children than among children in the general population.
Vaccine Epidemic co-editor Louise Kuo Habakus said, “Parents are fed up with unanswered
questions. Congress must investigate what appears to be a cover-up on vaccines and autism.
People should read Vaccine Epidemic, because it explains how and why this could have
happened and offers proposals for constructive change.” Vaccine Epidemic, a critique of the U.S.
vaccine program that is both thoughtful and passionate, includes chapters explaining the
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the Vaccine Bubble and the Pharmaceutical Industry,
the Role of Government and the Media, an overview on vaccine advice books, and more. You can
learn more about the newly released report and the book at]]>
4697 2011-05-11 15:59:19 2011-05-11 15:59:19 open open congress-to-hold-autism-vaccine-link-
hearings-amind-growing-evidence publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_efd07eb74313349c7f58f2b0d6641bbc 13281 http://d 2011-05-12 10:01:02 2011-05-12 10:01:02 1 13280 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-05-12 09:41:34 2011-05-12 09:41:34 1 13276 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13276 2011-05-12 08:10:08 2011-05-12 08:10:08 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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autism-vaccine-link-hearings-amind-growing-evidence/ 2011-05-11 19:57:38
2011-05-11 19:57:38 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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in-the-vaccineautism-coal-mine/ 2011-05-12 22:50:34 2011-05-12 22:50:34 1
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ad-warning-of-dangers/ Thu, 12 May 2011 18:11:39 +0000 birdflu666 By Barbara Loe Fisher April 25,
2011 It is a short 15 second public service message on the CBS Jumbotron on Times Square in
New York City that encourages everyone to make informed vaccine choices. The message is
sponsored by the nonprofit charity, the National Vaccine Information Center, and made possible
by a donation from It has been shown hourly since March 22, 2011 alongside
much bigger ads for a variety of products marketed by large corporations.1 AAP Strong Arms
CBS On April 13, the President of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) sent a letter to CBS
containing misinformation about NVIC in an attempt to strong arm the network into taking the
vaccine education message down before it was scheduled to end on April 28. The AAP letter was
provided to bloggers,2 , 3 who orchestrated an online smear campaign against NVIC and created
a petition drive to increase pressure on CBS. Mainstream media outlets like The Guardian in
Great Britain republished the AAP’s attack and added more disinformation.4 AAP: Follow the
Money The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is a trade association with 60,000
pediatrician members that publishes guidelines for giving vaccines to children. In recent years,
the public has learned that the AAP has been taking lots of money from vaccine manufacturers
and refusing to disclose to the media just how much money it gets from Big Pharma.5 In the
early 1980′s, the AAP lobbied Congress to give pediatricians and drug companies liability
protection from vaccine injury lawsuits while parents of DPT vaccine injured children worked
hard to get vaccine safety and informed consent provisions in the National Childhood Vaccine
Injury Act of 1986,6 which has already paid out more than 2 billion dollars in federal
compensation to children and adults harmed by vaccines.7 Today, when a pediatrician
continues to vaccinate a child after the child has experienced vaccine reactions that get worse
after each round of shots, that pediatrician is not held liable in a civil court of law when the child
ends up brain damaged or dead because of the pediatrician’s negligence. AAP: Censoring
Vaccine Information This, together with the fact that in February 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court
gave drug companies a bigger shield8 from vaccine injury lawsuits – even if the company could
have made a safer vaccine – means that the only power Americans have left to protect ourselves
from vaccine injury is to arm ourselves with information and defend the legal right to make
vaccine choices.9 But, clearly, that is getting harder to do when doctors and organizations paid
by the pharmaceutical industry are trying to censor vaccine information and block all public
conversation about vaccination, while lobbying to take away the human right to informed
consent to medical risking taking.10 , 11 , 12 , 13 Dr. Paul Offit: Follow the Money One of those
doctors paid a lot of money by Big Pharma is Dr. Paul Offit.14 He creates new vaccines and has
made a career out of denying vaccine risks and defaming people,15 , 16 , 17 , 18 who disagree
with his unscientific opinions like his cavalier insistence that it would be safe to give a child
10,000 vaccines at once.19 He delights in spreading misinformation about parents of vaccine
injured children,20 doctors helping those children,21 and journalists trying to cover both sides
of the vaccine safety debate. Offit spent a large part of his new book demonizing me and NVIC
with the half witted, zealous obsession of a stalker.22 Just this week, a newspaper in Orange
County, CA published a retraction23 for printing Offit’s defamatory accusation that veteran CBS
journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, lied when she accurately reported in 2008 that Offit failed to inform
CBS about exactly how much money he and his employer, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
are paid by Merck. Merck is the manufacturer and marketer of Vioxx and a whole slew of
vaccines, including Offit’s rotavirus vaccine and Gardasil, hepatitis B, chicken pox, shingles and
MMR vaccines.24 Doctors Demanding We Must Trust Why should we care about influential
doctors, who take big money from Big Pharma, and then spend a lot of their time viciously
attacking anyone daring to suggest that vaccines and vaccine policies could be made safer? We
should care because doctors don’t just ask but, increasingly, demand that we trust them with our
health and the health of our children. Many pediatricians, who are now giving children six dozen
doses of 16 vaccines starting on the day of birth,25 throw parents out of their office if they dare
to ask too many questions about vaccination or ask for fewer vaccines to be given at once.26 ,
27 , 28 While the AAP is promoting the idea that every child must live in a “family-centered
medical home” so pediatricians can “oversee” children’s health,29 including giving children
three times as many vaccinations as children got three decades ago, there are hundreds of new
vaccines in the research pipeline.30 , 31 New Vaccines, New Mandates, Big Profits How many of
these hundreds of new vaccines will be fast tracked by the FDA32 , 33 and mandated for
children as soon as they are licensed?34 Probably most of them, because that is how drug
companies with no liability make big profits – by making sure that every vaccine they make and
sell is legally required to be used by every child. And adults are not exempt from the vaccine
mandate creep either, just ask American health care workers, who are being fired if they don’t
get an annual flu shot,35 as well as lots of other vaccines. Doctors Should Partner With Parents
to Prevent Vaccine Reactions But what about the children, for whom the risks of vaccination are
100 percent? What about them? Aren’t their lives worth saving, too? Shouldn’t organizations
like the American Academy of Pediatrics be doing everything they can to teach their members
about how to be partners with parents in preventing vaccine reactions instead of throwing
families out of their offices and attacking organizations like NVIC representing families, whose
loved ones have suffered life-altering vaccine reactions? Thirty years ago, when I took my
healthy, precocious two and a half year old son into his pediatrician for his fourth DPT shot, I
was told nothing about how to recognize a vaccine reaction. He had experienced an extremely
severe local reaction after his third DPT shot but I did not understand the significance of that
and neither did my pediatrician. So another DPT shot was given and I watched my child suffer a
convulsion, collapse, and experience many hours of unconsciousness shortly after his
vaccination and did not realize he was experiencing a brain inflammation that would change his
life and mine forever. Brain Inflammation: From Infections and Vaccines Brain inflammation36
is one of the most feared complications of vaccination and has been since the first vaccines –
smallpox and rabies vaccines – were created and given to humans. 37 , 38 Doctors have known
for more than a century that brain inflammation,39 whether it is caused by an infection or a
vaccination,40 , 41 , 42 can cause different kinds of permanent brain dysfunction that ranges
from multiple learning disabilities to medication resistant seizure disorders, mental
retardation43 and, yes, sometimes can result in a constellation of brain dysfunction symptoms
that are labeled by doctors as “autism.” 44 , 45 In the book, DPT: A Shot in the Dark, published a
quarter century ago, there are many case histories of children, whose pediatricians did not tell
mothers about how to recognize the symptoms of vaccine reactions and those children were
revaccinated over and over again until they were permanently brain damaged or died.46 A
number of these children came from families with strong medical histories of allergy and
autoimmunity, like my family,47 which the pediatricians dismissed as unimportant. Writing Off
Vaccine Reaction Symptoms Is Dangerous Too often doctors today – just like doctors back in
the 1980′s – are not telling parents about what to look for after vaccines are given. Too many
pediatricians today are listening to the advice of Paul Offit48 , 49 and, instead of adhering to the
precautionary principle, are dangerously writing off symptoms of vaccine reactions as a
“coincidence” without having a clue about whether that is true for an individual child. At the
National Vaccine Information Center, where we have been collecting information on vaccine
reactions since 1982, it is clear to us that more than 50 percent of all vaccine injuries and deaths
could potentially be prevented if doctors and parents were educated about what a vaccine
reaction looks like and if pediatricians were much more cautious about re-vaccinating children
when a child gets sicker and sicker after each round of shots.50, 51 , 52 Learn How to Make
Informed Vaccine Choices Because your pediatrician may not tell you how to recognize a
symptom of a vaccine reaction, you can download the brochure “If You Vaccinate, Ask 8
Questions” from NVIC’s website. It contains a list of vaccine reactions to look for like high
pitched screaming and collapse/shock and seizures.53 At NVIC’s website, you can also access
vaccine product information published by the vaccine manufacturers and the FDA, as well as do
your own research about vaccine reactions reported to the federal government.54 You can
access a Vaccine Ingredient Calculator that educates you about vaccine components and how to
make informed vaccine choices.55 And remember, if your child suffers symptoms of marked
deterioration in physical, mental or emotional health after vaccination, you need to make sure
your pediatrician writes down those symptoms in the child’s permanent medical record. One
Size Does Not Fit All America’s children would be better served if the American Academy of
Pediatrics leadership educated its membership about how to be intelligent, compassionate
partners with parents in preventing vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths rather than write off
symptoms of vaccine reactions as a “coincidence” and bully parents into submitting to one-size-
fits-all vaccine policies that are not safe for every single child. People are not all the same and we
do not all react the same way to pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines.56 Some children are
genetically and biologically at higher risk for suffering life-altering vaccine reactions.57
Pretending that is not true is both intellectually dishonest and cruel. No child is expendable and
no pediatrician should be encouraged to be a zealous implementer of state vaccine policy first
instead of, first, doing no harm. Click here to read NVIC’s April 25, 2011 Businesswire press
release. Click here to read the April 18, 2011 Letter from Barbara Loe Fisher, President, National
Vaccine Information Center, to O. Marion Burton, MD, FAAP, President of the American
Academy of Pediatrics. l 18, 2011 Letter from Barbara Loe Fisher, President, NVIC, to Leslie
Moonves, President, CBS.]]> 4700 2011-05-12 18:11:39 2011-05-12 18:11:39 open open vaccine-
makers-move-to-block-times-square-ad-warning-of-dangers publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
Object 81 ]]>

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05-12 22:46:39 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
bin-laden-death-another-gov%e2%80%99t-lie/ Thu, 12 May 2011 18:18:18 +0000 birdflu666  Alex Jones &
Aaron Dykes TheAlexJonesChannel May 12, 2011 Alex Jones debunks the legacy of lies that fill
the pages of the phony War on Terror narrative– killing bin Laden, 9/11, Iraq, all of it– in a
special video address. This “war” which has consumed our society is nothing more than a
dramatized narrative meant to frighten the simple, captive public into accepting greater societal
control. Bin Laden was a strawman-villain concocted by the Western intelligence apparatus to
take the blame for the orchestrated terror that is scripted and carried out by the globalist-allied
factions. The Phantom Osama bin Laden was a skeleton key opening the door to foreign
intervention in the middle east or anywhere al Qaeda might be. The motive is simple– ever-
expanding wars for the military industrial complex, and the often more lucrative periods of
reconstruction (i.e. you break it, you buy it). The occupation continues here at home with the
creation of a police state supposedly meant to combat terrorism. So rotten is the
“big lie” of the War on Terror, that the most iconic events of the period are the most contrived.
The official story about the killing of bin Laden disintegrated in mere days, as no one could keep
the story straight. But it’s just the latest episode of a fairy tale that’s been sold to the public for
nearly a decade; this story, told with a straight face, is not simply riddled with lies, but wholly
subsists of them. Everything has been lie– cooked-evidence about WMDs in Iraq, bogus claims
about mobile weapons labs & yellow cake, the Hollywood-scripted Jessica Lynch-incident, the
shameful murder of Pat Tillman, the false-flag attacks on 9/11, sticking it to the victims’ families
& first responders, manufacturing links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, false-flag
scenarios in the Downing Street memos, planted flash mobs at the White House & Ground Zero
cheering ‘We got him’ to boost appeal for Obama, phony bin Laden videos faked by assets at
SITE and the Intel Center, Osama’s CIA identity Tim Osman, secret backing for the Taliban in
1979, fake terror alerts– all of it. Alex appeals to the facts in the historical record and an
instinctual rejection of the pure lies put out by the establishment. You don’t want to miss this
video; hopefully you can use it to reach those who felt “renewed” by reports of bin Laden’s death
and are accepting the big lies all over again for the thrill of celebrating “the kill.” It’s a shoddy
hoax to bolster public support, but even that illusion is falling apart. The L.A. Times reports that
Obama’s “bin Laden bump” has already fallen back to Earth with the rate of gravity. After all, the
system has no credibility, and cheap lies about bin Laden have minimal value. Such easily
exposed lies can be dumped on Obama as political baggage just as easily as it can boost him in
the polls. The persistence of the Left-Right paradigm allows Obama & Bush alike to be dumped
on for the failures & frauds of the system, actually giving cover to the continuity of government
agenda, which milks power from the perceived need for greater “safety” measures as well as
failed leadership.]]> 4702 2011-05-12 18:18:18 2011-05-12 18:18:18 open open alex-jones-proof-
bin-laden-death-another-gov%e2%80%99t-lie publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last

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05-12 19:26:36 2011-05-12 19:26:36 1 13288 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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before-obamas-visit-in-his-beast-limo/ Thu, 12 May 2011 18:24:43 +0000 birdflu666
men-arrested-2645898.html President Barack Obama is set to visit the Ireland in his special
armoured limousine called The Beast – after a figure of evil in the Book of Revelation? – shortly
after the Queen.
obama-visit-to-uk-1.1099425 The last thing Ireland can now afford is for something to happen
to the Queen  and it is the national interest to ensure everything is done for her visit to go off
smoothly. Will Ireland be won over by the Queen? Asks Mary Kenny, noting that polls show 81%
of the people in favour of her visit and only 19% are against. „It will be a historic, sometimes
controversial and certainly extremely interesting event. Whatever else, it will be different from
the other 380 state visits Queen Elizabeth has made in the course of her reign, and that, in itself,
may carry its own rewards,“ writes Mary Kenny.
True. Just as long as the Queen gets home safely. The famously frugal Queen who lives off the
civil list entitlement is certainly not behind the heist of Ireland’s assets by the political and
financial elite in the City of London, Brussels and Frankfurt. More responsible for Ireland’s
current plight, surely, is President Barack Obama and his US treasury secretary Timothy
Geithner, who forced the penal EU/IMF bailout on Ireland, it has emerged.]]> 4704 2011-05-12
18:24:43 2011-05-12 18:24:43 open open ireland-steps-up-security-for-queen-just-before-
obamas-visit-in-his-beast-limo publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_335492593eb4e3c0808d1c6405934ef5 13323 http://d 2011-05-13 11:30:11 2011-05-13 11:30:11 1 13317 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-05-13 10:56:51 2011-05-13 10:56:51 1 13299 0 akismet_history
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akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13295
stato-di-elisabetta-ii-e-barack-obama/ 2011-05-12 21:17:45 2011-05-12 21:17:45 0
pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history 13297 2011-05-12 21:28:03 2011-05-12 21:28:03 1 13292 0
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the-wall-street-journal-gets-record-views/ Thu, 12 May 2011 18:26:42 +0000 birdflu666 The Wall Street Journal is the most widely read
online article this week From:
e+article+this+week/1135266091349  The opinion piece written by MP Timo Soini, leader of
the True Finns party, which appeared in the business newspaper The Wall Street Journal on
Monday, has been the paper's most widely-read article on the Web during the current week and
month.       According to the statistics of the US newspaper, Soini’s op-ed outdoes all news,
including the news on Microsoft’s Skype acquisiton, in terms of weekly and monthly statistics.
However, in the series of the most widely read daily news, the Microsoft acquisition surpasses
Soini’s commentary.       The recognised American business newspaper reports that a total of 20
million readers visit its pages every month.       Soini’s commentary was published last Monday,
in other words it has been available on the Web less than a week.       In his op-ed, entitled "Why
I Don't Support Europe's Bailouts" , Timo Soini rails against the practice of shovelling money at
countries that have got themselves into trouble and writes: "In a true market economy, bad
choices get penalized. Instead of accepting losses on unsound investments — which would have
led to the probable collapse of some banks —it was decided to transfer the losses to taxpayers via
loans, guarantees, and opaque constructs such as the European Financial Stability Fund. The
money did not go to help indebted economies.]]> 4706 2011-05-12 18:26:42 2011-05-12
18:26:42 open open true-finn-leaders-anti-euro-commentary-in-the-wall-street-journal-gets-
record-views publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13305
anti-euro-commentary-in-the-wall-street-journal-gets-record-views/ 2011-05-12
23:07:06 2011-05-12 23:07:06 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
calls-euro-bailout-a-ponzi-scheme-and-extortion-racket-in-wsj-commentary/ Thu, 12 May 2011
18:29:22 +0000 birdflu666 TIMO SOINI, Wall
Street Journal
When I had the honor of leading the True Finn Party to electoral victory in April, we made a
solemn promise to oppose the bailouts of euro-zone member states. Europe is suffering from the
economic gangrene of insolvency—both public and private. Unless we amputate that which
cannot be saved, we risk poisoning the whole body. To understand the real nature and purpose
of the bailouts, we first have to understand who really benefits from them. At the risk of being
accused of populism, we'll begin with the obvious: It is not the little guy who benefits. He is
being milked and lied to in order to keep the insolvent system running. He is paid less and taxed
more to provide the money needed to keep this Ponzi scheme going. Meanwhile, a symbiosis has
developed between politicians and banks: Our political leaders borrow ever more money to pay
off the banks, which return the favor by lending ever more money back to our governments. In a
true market economy, bad choices get penalized. Instead of accepting losses on unsound
investments—which would have led to the probable collapse of some banks—it was decided to
transfer the losses to taxpayers via loans, guarantees and opaque constructs such as the
European Financial Stability Fund. The money did not go to help indebted economies. It flowed
through the European Central Bank and recipient states to the coffers of big banks and
investment funds. Further contrary to the official wisdom, the recipient states did not want such
"help," not this way. The natural option for them was to admit insolvency and let failed private
lenders, wherever they were based, eat their losses. That was not to be. Ireland was forced to
take the money. The same happened to Portugal. Why did the Brussels-Frankfurt extortion
racket force these countries to accept the money along with "recovery" plans that would
inevitably fail? Because they needed to please the tax-guzzling banks, which might otherwise
refuse to turn up at the next Spanish, Belgian, Italian or even French bond auction.
Unfortunately for this financial and political cartel, their plan isn't working. Already under this
scheme, Greece, Ireland and Portugal are ruined. They will never be able to save and grow fast
enough to pay back the debts with which Brussels has saddled them in the name of saving them.
Setting up the European Stability Mechanism is no solution. It would institutionalize the system
of wealth transfers from private citizens to compromised politicians and failed bankers, creating
a huge moral hazard and destroying what remains of Europe's competitive banking landscape.
Fortunately, it is not too late to stop the rot. For the banks, we need honest, serious stress tests.
Stop the current politically inspired farce. Instead, have parallel assessments done by regulators
and independent groups including stakeholders and academics. Trust, but verify. Insolvent
banks and financial institutions must be shut down, purging insolvency from the system. We
must restore the market principle of freedom to fail. If some banks are recapitalized with
taxpayer money, taxpayers should get ownership stakes in return, and the entire board should
be kicked out. But before any such taxpayer participation can be contemplated, it is essential to
first apply big haircuts to bondholders. For sovereign debt, the freedom to fail is again key.
Significant restructuring is needed for genuine recovery. Yes, markets will punish defaulting
states, but they are also quick to forgive. Current plans are destroying the real economies of
Europe through elevated taxes and transfers of wealth from ordinary families to the coffers of
insolvent states and banks. A restructuring that left a country's debt burden at a manageable
level and encouraged a return to growth-oriented policies could lead to a swift return to
international debt markets. This is not just about economics. People feel betrayed. In Ireland,
the incoming parties to the new government promised to hold senior bondholders responsible,
but under pressure they succumbed, leaving their voters with a sense of disenfranchisement.
The elites in Brussels have said that Finland must honor its commitments to its European
partners, but Brussels is silent on whether national politicians should honor their commitments
to their own voters. I was raised to know that genocidal war must never again be visited on our
continent and I came to understand the values and principles that originally motivated the
establishment of what became the European Union. This Europe, this vision, was one that
offered the people of Finland and all of Europe the gift of peace founded on democracy, freedom
and justice. This is a Europe worth having, so it is with great distress that I see this project being
put in jeopardy by a political elite who would sacrifice the interests of Europe's ordinary people
in order to protect certain corporate interests. Mr. Soini is chairman of the True Finn Party in
Finland.]]> 4708 2011-05-12 18:29:22 2011-05-12 18:29:22 open open true-finn-leader-calls-
euro-bailout-a-ponzi-scheme-and-extortion-racket-in-wsj-commentary publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_8d97a7497ac8f2ce8a2fc7d628c0f645 13324 2011-05-13 11:39:47 2011-05-13 11:39:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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12 21:20:41 2011-05-12 21:20:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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in-wsj-commentary/ 2011-05-12 23:09:45 2011-05-12 23:09:45 1 pingback 0 0
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take-control-of-greece/ Thu, 12 May 2011 18:33:46 +0000 birdflu666 He said that 200 EU officials should be installed in
key positions in the Greek government to rule the country under a bureacratic, Orwellian
dictatorship, ostensibly in power to administer grants from a 20 billion-euro regional fund.
Griechenland-uebernehmen.html Chatzimarkakis clearly hasn’t noticed that the Greeks
managed very well with their Drachma currency for more than 2,500 years and their economy is
only currently undergoing a meltdown as a result of joining the euro in 2002 and as a
consequence of a penal EU and IMF „bailout“. Just how likely are Greeks to welcome 200 EU
bureacrats to dictate to them when anger in the country is already at boiling point under an
EU/IMF economic dictatorship?]]> 4710 2011-05-12 18:33:46 2011-05-12 18:33:46 open open
german-politician-calls-for-200-eu-officials-to-take-control-of-greece publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_983492de09d14c7d6d95afc8fc3447b2 13289
http://d 2011-05-12 19:17:34 2011-05-12 19:17:34 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13320
http://d 2011-05-13 10:34:32 2011-05-13 10:34:32 1 13293 0 jabber_published
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politician-calls-for-200-eu-officials-to-take-control-of-greece/ 2011-05-12
23:18:15 2011-05-12 23:18:15 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
expert/ Thu, 12 May 2011 18:44:05 +0000 birdflu666
p=4712 The EU, ECB and ESMF are taking over increasing amounts of Greek public debt, and
preparing to use this to collect more money on the bank’s behalf from the rest of the eurozone
taxpayers – especially from the German tax payers. Steffel should take his own words to heart.
„Think of the end.“ Just think of what is going to happen when German taxpayers find
themselves facing hyperinflation or having to pay for  an estimated 1.5 trillion euros or more in
Greek, Portuguese and Irish debt on top of their national debt. And that, when Germans never
ever got a chance to vote on the introduction of the euro or wanted it in the first place and when
the eurozone „bailouts“ are violating the Lisbon Treaty. If Germany’s top economist Hans
Werner Sinn is warning of civil war in Greece, just imagine what will happen in Germany if this
transfer of the country's wealth to the banks is not stopped.
bundesregierung/4166300.html Nineteen MPs belonging to Germany's centre-right coaltion
government have so far signalled that they will not vote for the planned european stability
mechanism, which is a de facto fund drawn from the pockets of all eurozone taxpayers for the
profit of the banks and which violates the Lisbon Treaty. In the meantime, even  mainstream
media outlets such as Reuters are reporting that tax payers money is flowing into the pockets of
the banks under the "misdiagnosis" that Portugal, Ireland and Greece are illiquid and not
insolvent. Simon Tilford, chief economist of the Center for European Reform in London told
Reuters that Portugal, Greece and Ireland are in a solvency crisis.  "Quite clearly, the problem in
the case of Greece, Ireland and Portugal is that investors have justified doubts about the ability
of those countries to grow sufficiently quickly to service their debts," said Tilford. "In Portugal,
the EU sees this as a liquidity crisis, but it's really a solvency crisis."
idUSTRE74836T20110509 „From the start they have misdiagnosed the problem -- they haven't
come clean about what the problem is and hence the medicine is all wrong," said Simon Tilford,
chief economist of the Center for European Reform in London. „While it has always been about
sovereign debt, it is also about troubled banks, particularly those in France and Germany which
have large amounts of Greek, Irish and Portuguese bonds on their books. If a government
defaults or the debt is priced down, the repercussions could be huge. It is also not really about
"bailouts," which gives the impression that Greece, Ireland and Portugal are being written blank
checks they need not repay. They are actually getting financing, albeit at interest rates way
below what the market would demand -- effectively being leant more money to get over their
debt problems. [more accurately: sink into deeper debt to be rolled over onto all eurozone tax
payers]"]]> 4712 2011-05-12 18:44:05 2011-05-12 18:44:05 open open german-government-
could-fall-over-new-euro-bailout-triggering-total-euro-crisis-says-cdu-finance-expert publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last 13290 http://d 2011-05-12
19:20:47 2011-05-12 19:20:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13318 2011-05-13 08:53:46
2011-05-13 08:53:46 1 13311 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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10:18:46 2011-05-13 10:18:46 1 13311 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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expectancy/pericardial-mesothelioma-symptoms-and-misdiagnosis%c2%a0%c2%a0.html/ 2011-05-12 19:45:18 2011-05-12 19:45:18 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13308
expert/ 2011-05-12 23:20:26 2011-05-12 23:20:26 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13311 2011-05-13 00:39:42 2011-05-13 00:39:42 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Fri, 13 May 2011
11:25:59 +0000 birdflu666 4714 2011-05-13
11:25:59 2011-05-13 11:25:59 open open switzerland-says-no-to-euro publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 13340
reportswitzerland-says-no-to-euro/ 2011-05-13 20:35:35 2011-05-13 20:35:35 1
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poll-reports-bloomberg/ Fri, 13 May 2011 11:27:47 +0000 birdflu666  

By Simon Kennedy - May 13, 2011 6:00 AM GMT+0200, Bloomberg  International investors
view a sovereign default by a euro-area nation as more likely than not with more than four-fifths
betting Greece will eventually fail to pay off its debt. Eighty-five percent of those surveyed this
week said Greece probably will default, with majorities predicting the same fate for Portugal and
Ireland, which followed Greece in seeking European Union-led bailouts, a new Bloomberg
Global Poll shows. The outlook for all three countries deteriorated since January. “All these
countries will go bust at some stage,” said Wilhelm Schroeder, a poll participant who helps
manage the equivalent of about $172 million for Schroeder Equities GmbH in Munich. “I just
can’t see a scenario in which these countries get out of their debt problems.” Read more at:
in-global-poll-of-investors.html]]> 4716 2011-05-13 11:27:47 2011-05-13 11:27:47 open open
greece-default-anticipated-by-85-in-investor-poll-reports-bloomberg publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 13332 http://d 2011-05-13 14:20:08 2011-05-
13 14:20:08 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666 4718 2011-05-13 11:28:21 0000-00-00 00:00:00
open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
spreading-warns-imf/ Fri, 13 May 2011 11:31:09 +0000 birdflu666 Turmoil in Greece, Ireland and Portugal may engulf
the wider eurozone despite [...because of...] the billions of pounds already spent in emergency
aid [....being given to the banks...], according to the International Monetary Fund. It urged
European leaders to fix the banking system and slash national deficits to restore confidence to
the region. In its latest report on Europe, it said economically weak countries could still drag
their stronger neighbours down. Read more:
1386566/EU-debt-crisis-danger-spreading.html#ixzz1ME3Xo9ND]]> 4719 2011-05-13 11:31:09
2011-05-13 11:31:09 open open european-union-debt-crisis-is-in-danger-of-spreading-warns-
imf publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13331 http://d 2011-
05-13 14:12:10 2011-05-13 14:12:10 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13342 2011-05-13 20:42:45 2011-05-13 20:42:45 1 0 0
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debt-crisis-is-in-danger-of-spreading-warns-imf/ 2011-05-13 20:43:13 2011-05-
13 20:43:13 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13344
debt-crisis-is-in-danger-of-spreading-warns-imf/ 2011-05-13 20:43:17 2011-05-
13 20:43:17 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13407 2011-05-15 18:57:00 2011-05-15 18:57:00 1 13331 0 jabber_published
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year-and-166-in-2012-as-country-crushed-by-euro-ponzi-scheme/ Fri, 13 May 2011 11:33:18
+0000 birdflu666 European Union has said the
debt loads of Greece, Ireland and Portugal will be much bigger than previously forecast, adding
to fears that international bailouts are failing to solve the region's crisis. In its biannual
economic forecast, the EU said Greece's debt will reach 157.7% of economic output this year and
jump to 166.1% in 2012. That is up from 150.2% and 156% forecast last autumn. Ireland's debt is
expected to hit 112% of gross domestic product this year before rising to 117.9% in 2012. That is
up from earlier forecasts of 107% and 114.3% respectively. Portugal's debt will likely stand at
101.7% of GDP in 2011 and increase to 107.4% next year. That is up from 88.8% and 92.4%
previously. Press Association
bigger-than-predicted-2646457.html]]> 4721 2011-05-13 11:33:18 2011-05-13 11:33:18 open
open eu-admits-greeces-debt-will-soar-to-157-this-year-and-166-in-2012-as-country-crushed-
by-euro-ponzi-scheme publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13345
debt-will-soar-to-157-this-year-and-166-in-2012-as-country-crushed-by-euro-ponzi-scheme/ 2011-05-13 20:46:29 2011-05-13 20:46:29 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13346
country-crushed-by-euro-ponzi-scheme/ 2011-05-13 20:46:37 2011-05-13
20:46:37 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
getting-billions-of-eurozone-bailout-money-not-greece-portugal-or-ireland/ Fri, 13 May 2011
11:42:43 +0000 birdflu666,1518,762097,00.html  "[The bailouts] are first and
foremost not about the problem countries but about our own banks, which hold high amounts of
credit there," he said. Well, Peter, I do think more many people in Germany realise that
Deutsche Bank and co are making record profits because of the money it is sucking out of the tax
payers of Greece and Germany. But I don't think it is going to be of much cheer up to Germans
already fed up with having to hand over their money to Deutsche Bank and co via national
bailouts to find out that the rest is going to Deutsche Bank and co via international eurozone
bailouts that violate the Lisbon Treaty.]]> 4723 2011-05-13 11:42:43 2011-05-13 11:42:43 open
open german-economic-advisor-admits-banks-getting-billions-of-eurozone-bailout-money-not-
greece-portugal-or-ireland publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_150a5dfb727356ee4750a69bd53385cf 13325
admits-banks-getting-billions-of-eurozone-bailout-money-not-greece-portugal-or-ireland.html 2011-05-13 13:08:47 2011-05-13 13:08:47 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13366 2011-05-14 16:57:35 2011-05-14 16:57:35 1 13336 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13330
http://d 2011-05-13 14:08:34 2011-05-13 14:08:34 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13335 2011-05-13 17:21:28 2011-05-13 17:21:28 1 13330 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-05-13 17:28:38 2011-05-13 17:28:38 1 13335 0 jabber_published
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ireland/ 2011-05-13 20:48:15 2011-05-13 20:48:15 1 pingback 0 0
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right-finance-minister-grasser-kickbacks-used-for-fraudulent-hypo-share-scheme/ Fri, 13 May
2011 11:55:14 +0000 birdflu666 As then Finance
Minister, Grasser paid 10 million euros as a kickback to a friend Peter Hochegger who  then
funnelled the money into various offshore bank accounts, including to accounts in Liechenstein
So far no formal charges have been brought against Grasser, highlighting the corruption of the
Austrian justice system. And then people like Andreas Mölzer  wonder why Far right Freedom
Party leader Heinz Christian Strache does not want to be seen at a gathering of neo Nazis at the
Heldenplatz? The corruption and flagrant looting of the Austrian tax payers of far right
politicians like Grasser and their cynical attempt to divert anger to harmless foreigners is simply
not washing with the electorate.
Spur-zu-Grasser]]> 4726 2011-05-13 11:55:14 2011-05-13 11:55:14 open open secret-bank-
hypo-share-scheme publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_57bacb58e771107f8fce1aa7d59fbd88 _oembed_f8e99b1225d43a9b0a8e49fe11f96bae
_oembed_b3fe36b35880312dc46aa7aa0eb27f93 _oembed_a64f9a0c41c6b3aff6f9a92b71cf1162
_oembed_c0748907d5f4d803ebf43f38bd540ad4 13327 http://d 2011-05-13 13:51:52 2011-05-13 13:51:52 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13328 http://d 2011-05-13 13:59:25 2011-05-13 13:59:25 1 13327 0 jabber_published
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20:36:44 2011-05-13 20:36:44 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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kickbacks-used-for-fraudulent-hypo-share-scheme/ 2011-05-13 20:50:36 2011-
05-13 20:50:36 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
politicians/ Fri, 13 May 2011 12:09:20 +0000 birdflu666
p=4728 Assange vowed to publish them at a press conference in the next few days. But we have
heard nothing so far of those names. The CD contained information from three Swiss banks,
including Julius Bär, collected between 1990 and 2009. The question is: did Assange actually
use the information to blackmail members of the German political and financial elite into going
along with the euro Ponzi scheme? It was amazing how resistance in Germany to the expanded
eurozone bailouts collapsed in February and March. Soros turned up at the Munich Security
Conference, cheerfully predicting that there would be a fiscal union in the eurozone, allowing
the bankers to wring more money out of tax payers as part of a Ponzi scheme. According to a
report, Assange is holding back the sensitive information because Swiss authorities are prepared
to release Elmer if the CDs are returned. How likely is this? Either Assange gives the CDs back
and frees Elmer or he publishes them. Months drag on and Assange and Soros have in their
possession information they can use for blackmail purposes. There needs to be investigation
into Assange and whether this information was used for blackmail purposes.
oeffentliche-dieb-1.1047461]]> 4728 2011-05-13 12:09:20 2011-05-13 12:09:20 open open what-
blackmail-politicians publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_6f83324cffc6e555183ed668a4195416 13370
2011-05-14 17:30:11 2011-05-14 17:30:11 1 13329 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13371 2011-
05-14 17:35:36 2011-05-14 17:35:36 1 13370 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13372 2011-05-14 17:48:51
2011-05-14 17:48:51 1 13371 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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details-use-them-to-blackmail-politicians/ 2011-05-13 20:57:38 2011-05-13
20:57:38 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
about-soros-ties-to-over-30-major-news-organizations-asks-fox-news/ Fri, 13 May 2011
12:14:33 +0000 birdflu666 Read more:
organizations/#ixzz1ME8m42B3 Are the financial links to Soros and other bankers the real
reason why so much of the mainstream media lies to the general public day in, day out, giving
false information about issues like the swine flu pandemic, the vaccines causing autism, the true
origians of the financial crisis and the war on terror? "Why does it all matter? Journalists, we are
constantly told, are neutral in their reporting. In almost the same breath, many bemoan the
influence of money in politics. It is a maxim of both the left and many in the media that
conservatives are bought and paid for by business interests. Yet where are the concerns about
where their money comes from? writes Fox News. Fred Brown, who recently revised the book
“Journalism Ethics: A Casebook of Professional Conduct for News Media,” argues journalists
need to be “transparent” about their connections and “be up front about your relationship” with
those who fund you. Unfortunately, that rarely happens. While the nonprofits list who sits on
their boards, the news outlets they work for make little or no effort to connect those dots.
Amanpour’s biography page, for instance, talks about her lengthy career, her time at CNN and
her many awards. It makes no mention of her affiliation with the Center for Public Integrity. If
journalists were more up front, they would have to admit numerous uncomfortable connections
with groups that push a liberal agenda, many of them funded by the stridently liberal George
Soros. So don’t expect that transparency any time soon," says Fox News, mistakenly calling it a
leftist agenda when it is a Globalist agenda being promoted. Is this why we never hear of the
movements of George Soros, for example, in Greece where  he led speculators in a major attack
on the country's currency in 2009 and 2010 and helped created the debt death spiral? Why don't
we hear about Soros' visit to his friend  Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou  last month
for a cosy, private chat? Why does no one investigate the links between these men?

]]> 4730 2011-05-13 12:14:33 2011-05-13 12:14:33 open open why-dont-we-hear-about-soros-
ties-to-over-30-major-news-organizations-asks-fox-news publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13350
asks-fox-news/ 2011-05-13 21:01:35 2011-05-13 21:01:35 1 pingback 0 0
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biowarfare-on-africa-and-us-e 2016-10-03 08:48:13 2016-10-03 08:48:13 0
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reports-irish-independent/ Fri, 13 May 2011 12:29:06 +0000 birdflu666 Read more:
suicide-2644478.html With pressure for criminal justice proceedings reported to be building
against Goldman Sachs in the USA and the eurozone facing a Ponzi style meltdown, it will not be
long before the major players will also be brought to trial. They have robbed too many people,
ruined too many lives and been too flagrantly corrupt and criminal – and in front of the whole
world. Even the mainstream media is reporting on the financial crimes. The banker's disinfo
agents Jim Corr and Ian Crane now touring Ireland to obtain information on the opposition
must realise by now the opposition is far too vast for them to begin to comprehend it. Irish
memories are very long. And every fat cat, criminal bankster who stuffs themselves with the
food that should be on the plate of an Irish person will be held to justice.  Banks are 'hounding
borrowers to suicide' High Court chief breaks silence to highlight crisis of personal debt By
Dearbhail McDonald and Tim Healy Thursday May 12 2011 BANKS are driving some borrowers
who can not pay their debts to suicide, the Master of the High Court warned last night. Ed
Honohan, brother of Central Bank Governor Patrick Honohan, told the Irish Independent he
decided to speak out against the banks and other creditors because he had dealt with several
debt cases where the borrowers had subsequently taken their own lives. He added that he also
decided to speak out as many borrowers who can not repay their loans, such as mortgages,
credit cards and personal loans, are being pursued by banks who have already written off the
debts. This was leading to "meaningless accountancy exercises" that were driving some people to
suicide, he said. In an extraordinary intervention on the deepening debt crisis, Mr Honohan
strongly criticised banks and other creditors for pursuing "to the bitter end" debtors who cannot
pay judgment mortgages. Banks are still required to chase debts and maximise recovery from
borrowers even if they have written them off in their books. Mr Honohan, a barrister, said most
of the debt cases arose due to circumstances beyond the control of borrowers -- because the
economy shut down as a result of the banking collapse. Read more:
suicide-2644478.html]]> 4735 2011-05-13 12:29:06 2011-05-13 12:29:06 open open banks-
are-hounding-borrowers-to-suicide-reports-irish-independent publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
13375 2011-05-14 18:36:45 2011-05-14 18:36:45 1 0 0
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system-as-happened-in-1931/ Fri, 13 May 2011 12:49:11 +0000 birdflu666 An Austrian bank could, therefore, be the institution
that could collapse and send shockwaves across the system just as in 1931, as Alex Brummer in
the Daily Mail fears. "The pressures on the banking system have been anticipated but the great
fear is that, as was the case during the Lehman disaster, there is some institution out there,
which no one has thought about, which is heavily exposed and could fail, sending shock waves
across the system," he writes. Read more:
deepens.html#ixzz1ME3IGG9G When the Rothshield-linked Credit-Anstalt shut up shop at
short notice in 1931, it triggered financial chaos in Europe and the world. Austrian banks were
the main beneficiaries of a secret funding programme run by the US Federal Reserve at US tax
payer's expense during the financial crisis, underlining the strong links between the privately-
owned Federal Reserve and an engine in this current financial meltdown and Austria. Even
banks with a major exposure to Greek debt -- and in Austria it is only a 3 billion euros -- can be
put into a managed insolvency to avoid causing havoc. Also, banks like Die Erste can simply ask
the Fed to borrow money under the discount window programme as they did before if they are
short. There is, therefore, absolute no reason for any Austrian bank to shut up shop if Greece
declares a default. However, robbing customers under the cover is just what the Globalists wish
for. Austria is  a "corruption paradise", embroiled in financial scandals and with an ineffective
and corrupt  justice system - and so the ideal spot for a 1931-style theatrical bank crash to rob
customers. The current Finance Minister Maria Fekter is a consummate political insider who
was Interior Minister when the secret plans to shut banks were drawn up. http://info.kopp-
bestaetigt.html;jsessionid=69905A60894F78020A295D0BA59DDE7A]]> 4738 2011-05-13
12:49:11 2011-05-13 12:49:11 open open will-an-austrian-bank-try-to-bring-down-the-system-
as-happened-in-1931 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_7b202527a814ca062ff060ce657e1ee3 13351
bank-try-to-bring-down-the-system-as-happened-in-1931/ 2011-05-13 21:07:57
2011-05-13 21:07:57 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
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criminal-lawsuit/ Fri, 13 May 2011 12:52:07 +0000 birdflu666 Goldman Sachs shares fell their most in a year after
an analyst said the pressure for US authorities to bring charges against it was building, and the
writer who described the bank as “a giant vampire squid” renewed his attack.  By Richard
Blackden, US Business Editor 6:00AM BST 13 May 2011, The Telegraph Richard Bove, who
covers Goldman for Rochdale Research, said in a note on Thursday “it now appears pressure on
the Justice Department to bring a criminal lawsuit against Goldman is building to a high pitch”.
He cut his target for Goldman’s shares to $120 from $163. The Wall Street bank was one of
several targeted in a report last month by the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on
Investigations. The report argued Goldman misled its clients, something the bank denied. Carl
Levin, the Democrat who chairs the committee, passed the 650-page report onto the
Department of Justice to investigate. Mr Bove cited an article in Rolling Stone magazine this
week by Matt Taibbi, the writer who in 2009 called Goldman, “a giant vampire squid wrapped
around the face of humanity”. This week’s article focuses on the Senate. Read more
on: .
Sachs-shares-fall-on-talk-of-possible-criminal-lawsuit.html]]> 4740 2011-05-13 12:52:07 2011-
05-13 12:52:07 open open goldman-sachs-shares-fall-on-talk-of-possible-criminal-lawsuit
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_5f12fe76c01a67a48e5179b3542bf8e6
_oembed_2425c631c0e5669fe095b5a5ad586afb 13326 http://d 2011-05-13 13:29:39 2011-05-13 13:29:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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05-14 18:00:58 2011-05-14 18:00:58 1 13369 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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burgermeister-reportgoldman-sachs-shares-fall-on-talk-of-possible-criminal-lawsuit/ 2011-05-13 21:12:10 2011-05-13 21:12:10 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
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confront-bankster-ben-bernanke/ Sat, 14 May 2011 13:49:29 +0000 birdflu666 May 13, 2011 Federal Reserve boss
Ben Bernanke was clearly miffed at Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change, who had the gall to grill
the globalist minion on the elite’s plan to wreck the economy. Check out the video at:]]> 4742 2011-05-
14 13:49:29 2011-05-14 13:49:29 open open we-are-change-confront-bankster-ben-bernanke
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_c48036cf773b207f93be9a3c5d3511d9 13380 http://d 2011-05-14 19:48:59 2011-05-14 19:48:59 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Sat, 14
May 2011 13:50:40 +0000 birdflu666 Jay Root
Associated Press May 13, 2011 Texas Rep. Ron Paul announced Friday that he will run for the
GOP nomination for president in 2012, the third attempt for the man known on Capitol Hill as
“Dr. No” for his enthusiasm for bashing runaway spending and government overreach. “Time
has come around to the point where the people are agreeing with much of what I’ve been saying
for 30 years. So, I think the time is right,” said the 75-year-old Paul, who first ran for president
as a Libertarian in 1988. Paul made his announcement in an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning
America” from New Hampshire, where he planned his first event for his presidential campaign
on Friday.  Check out the video at:
run/]]> 4744 2011-05-14 13:50:40 2011-05-14 13:50:40 open open ron-paul-announces-
presidential-run publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_2a52693522166dbe9d5d2eedfda6ddb9 13379 http://d 2011-05-14 19:46:55 2011-05-14 19:46:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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president-in-2012/05/13/2011 2011-05-18 23:15:07 2011-05-18 23:15:07 1 pingback
0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
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2011-05-15 16:24:32 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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very-much-alive-in-car-wreckage/ Sat, 14 May 2011 13:51:44 +0000 birdflu666
controversial-Diana-film-Unlawful-Killing.html]]> 4746 2011-05-14 13:51:44 2011-05-14
13:51:44 open open film-shows-diana-very-much-alive-in-car-wreckage publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_15f118ea5a021b44b6e5ab6954cc4be5
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political-disaster-behind-what-could-be-solutions/ Sat, 14 May 2011 13:55:57 +0000 birdflu666
Bundeswehrreform.html It is tempting to do some out of box thinking about possible solutions.
One way to attract recruits might be to offer a special four week “army light” course for the
country’s six million unemployed. Anyone who signs up would be able to get a taste of military
life but in a “lighter” form. A bonus payment of, say, 300 euros could be an extra motivation.
Among the benefits for the military of such an army “light” course would be that army bases can
get used to handling intakes of volunteers. The personnel could observe how the courses go,
issue questionnaires and use the information to design better programmes for the new army.
Also, army bases would not be left idle and skills unused until a new plan is worked out. For
every unemployed youngster who signs up for the army, the government would save money in
terms of benefits. To implement such an army “light” course need not involve huge bureaucracy
or take much time.  Unemployment offices could feature the course prominently. Army bases
could be sent a general outline of what is required and left to design their own courses.
Inspectors would ensure standards and suggest improvements where needed. For the army light
course, volunteers, for  example, could be asked to get up at eight o’clock and not six o’clock
each morning and be allowed to wear more casual army issue clothes. A morning of fun physical
exercise, sports or playing “army” games in the forests would aim to get volunteers motivated to
get into better physical shape.  The volunteers could be separated into groups so that those who
are more fit don’t get bored. The afternoon, on the other hand, could be devoted to doing work
around the army base like gardening, cooking or repairing vehicles or helping with
administration depending on what each army base needs . But the training should always be
done in such a way that the volunteers can learn new skills which will help them to integrate into
the workforce. Time should be taken to listen to what each person really wants to do and what
each person is most motivated to do. All honest effort would be rewarded with praise and
everyone who completes the course to a reasonable standard would get a certificate etc. Those
volunteers who seek to abuse the course or misbehave, for example, by bullying others would be
sent home without their bonus – simply because such people demotivate a group and the
experience has to be positive. At the end of the army “light” course, some people might be
motivated to join up for a “special” six month contract which is slightly more intensive and more
focussed in terms of training (guard duty) and also has a better level of pay. From this pool,
some might eventually be persuaded to sign up for a regular contract in the new army at much
higher levels of pay. Those who do not sign up for the army, on the other hand, could be helped
to go on to do training and so integrate into the workforce. It is nonsense to say Germany needs
2 million more workers from abroad. It needs to start to train its own workforce properly. Such
an approach would also help strengthen the bonds between the new army and society.]]> 4748
2011-05-14 13:55:57 2011-05-14 13:55:57 open open guttenberg-leaves-a-military-and-
structural-political-disaster-behind-what-could-be-solutions publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_d70ddc63456d5c3d3ad8b069965d2087 13376 2011-05-14 19:01:56 2011-05-14 19:01:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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new-eurozone-fund-grows/ Sat, 14 May 2011 14:01:51 +0000 birdflu666 A study for the Bundestag has warned Germany's tax
payers could face a bill of 100s of billions of euros as a result of a planned new euorozone bailout
fund . The study also warned that the permanent European Stability Mechanism (ESM) could be
violating the debt brake provision that is now a part of the Constitution. The stark warning that
German taxpayers could be left on the hook for virtually unlimited eurozone debts looks set to
fuel a growing back bench revolt against  ESM legislation. Focus magazine reports that as many
as 50 lawmakers from the ruling coalition government may now vote against the ESM.
risiken-beim-euro-rettungsschirm-_aid_627182.html Germany has pledged 21 billion euros in
cash and 80 billion euros in guarantees as part of the ESM due to come into effect in 2013. 
However, solvent eurozone countries appear be on the hook to take over the contribution of
insolvent countries. That means Germany would have to make good the shortfall in the ESM for
Greece, Ireland, Portugal and other countries that go into default , something that is inevitable
given the IMF/EU conditions attached to penal loans. FDP lawmaker Frank Schäffler said that
the eurozone bailouts were making the debt crisis worse. “At some point, it’s going to reach us,”
he said. He said a managed insolvency mechanism was needed for deeply indebted countries
like Greece. He also said that countries should be allowed to reintroduce their own currencies.
Die Welt estimates that the Greek economy has 270 billion euros of assets, leaving Greece with a
shortfall of 70 billion euros to pay off its debts. With no more assets, a ruined economy, those 70
billion euros will soon burgeon given the gigantic interest Greece would have to pay on the bond
market. The Ponzi scheme that is an unprecedented transfer of wealth from tax payers to to
banks would be postponed if Greece sold all its assets but it would roll on, leaving parts of
Europe facing meltdown, civil war and the euro project and political elite finally discredited.
Greece needs a managed default and to introduce a regional currency at the very least to restore
competitiveness lost since it introduced the euro. High oil costs will be manageable as people
automatically cut back and improvise as happened with the Drachma. The reality is that after
the bank’s ravaging of the eurozone, there is no money available in Germany and Austria to pay
for the eurozone’s debt and it would have to be “serviced” by ECB buying up bonds, creating
hyperinflation and impoverishing everyone. Austria with 8 million people and a debt of 210
billion euros and the national debt per person is not much lower than Greece with 13 million
people and a debt of 340 billion euros. The national debt per capita of Austria is 28,000 euros. The national debt per capita of Germany is 24.894 euros.]]> 4751 2011-05-14 14:01:51 2011-05-
14 14:01:51 open open german-bundestag-revolt-against-planned-new-eurozone-fund-grows
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_1a3d5625af0cefc918009a83cbdf28e1
_oembed_f7f4698bdc558b13e8f2c3dfd6c51915 13393
2011-05-15 07:11:22 2011-05-15 07:11:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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marshall-plan/ Sat, 14 May 2011 14:24:52 +0000 birdflu666 A first step to reform would be probes into the
banking crisis and criminal charges against banks like Deutsche Bank. There can be no genuine
economic progress in Europe until the criminal commercial and central banks are finally
brought under control, so paving the way for the establishment of a new financial system not
based on debt and the exploitation of the fractional reserve banking system by the banks.
Bringing the banks under control is, in fact, possibly the biggest political, economic and social
challenge facing both the USA and Europe today. But although Europe is facing the same
problem as the USA in respect of rogue banks, the USA has made more progress. Both the
Congress and Senate have produced hard hitting reports on the artificially engineered financial
crisis and pressure is building for criminal charges against Goldman Sachs. Presidential
candidate Ron Paul is able to focus public attention on the role of the private Federal Reserve in
the USA’s current economic meltdown. Though just a start, the USA so far has managed to
produce more effective political answers than Europe to the central problem facing the world
today – how to deal with an organised, international and criminal banking cartel that is
destroying the real economy for their profit. There are no comparable probes or political figures
in Europe as yet other than Timo Soini, the newly elected leader of the True Finn party. Not only
Europe’s economy but also its political credibility is at stake when banks set about destroying
the euro currency with blatantly criminal means before the eyes of the word. The banksters also
openly plan to replace the euro  and the dollar with another disastrous IMF currency to start yet
another Ponzi scheme. Will the EU and USA/NAU pledge to guarantee each other’s state debt in
any new “uno” IMF currency bloc? You bet! In fact, all five continents, of Asia, Africa, the EU
and North and South America, will, no doubt, pledge to guarantee each other’s bloc debt in a
new global “uno” IMF/UN  currency setting the stage for a global Ponzi scheme if the banksters
can get away with it. Criminal proceedings against Deutsche Bank and other European banks
would be a good way to begin restoring confidence in the euro currency because it would signal
there is political will to deal with the root problem. Probes should also include the role of the
ECB, which is acting like the Federal Reserve and engaging in quantative easing by buying up
increasing quantities of worthless bonds of countries such as Greece - the Ponzi scheme
element. But such probes are not enough. A Marshall plan is needed to put large numbers of
banks into managed insolvency while minimizing disruption to the real economy and lay the
foundations for a new financial system that is not based on money as a private debt to banks
and therefore inherently unstable. The gigantic amount of artificially-engineered, private bank
debt now smothering European governments is like a black hole. It is the financial equivalent of
the Anti Christ, a fractional-reserve banking system zero and null that is nevertheless able to
suck the life blood out of any real economy because by the destructive impact of interest
payments foisted on all tax payers by complicit politicians. Vienna Economics Professor Franz
Hörmann has described the mechanics of wealth confiscation by the banks using the fractional
reserve banking system. This allows banks to create money out of thin air. He explains why
paying interest on this debt is really a form of expropriation. He has also explained why our
current financial system is constructed with a fatal flaw and so inevitably heading for a
meltdown. If the euro currency is to have any future, it has to be thoroughly reformed to serve
the needs of the real economy and its citizens. The institutions, policies and rules which have
allowed the currency to become the plaything of the banks and a tool for a Ponzi scheme also
have to be replaced by new ones. China demonstrates that money can be printed by a
government  without creating a debt to a private bank and the consequent interest payment
obligations which make an eventual collapse a mathematical certainty.  China is now enjoying
phenomenal rates of economic growth precisely because it prints money without creating debt,
invests in technology and also manages to drain away excess liquidity efficiently to avoid
inflation. Europe's future lies in this direction. Even if eurozone countries do not leave the euro,
a regional currency, at the very least, is also vital to restore the competitiveness of countries
such as Greece. The economic gap between southern and northern Europe have been
exacerbated by the euro. While Greece and Portugal have lost competitiveness, German has
turned into a highly competitive exporter. Only its gigantic export surplus is being used to pay
off its burgeoning national debt. Meanwhile, there is little inward investment and the German
workforce increasingly subsists on slave wages and are burdened by high taxes. Germans also
pay for the criminal banks by risible Hartz IV benefits and “one”-euro government subsidised
slave jobs. To get Europe back on track, a Marshall plan is  needed. The world needs to see
European politicians have a credible, long term plan for sound money and a sound economy.
Hörmann makes an imaginative proposal for a new money system assigning value to spiritual
ideas and focussed around rewarding creativity and good qualities. Now that would be a
perspective - but perhaps a longer term one once the eurozone meltdown is brought under
control.]]> 4755 2011-05-14 14:24:52 2011-05-14 14:24:52 open open does-the-eurozone-need-
an-economic-marshall-plan publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13377
http://d 2011-05-14 19:32:57 2011-05-14 19:32:57 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13390 2011-05-15 03:39:30 2011-05-15 03:39:30 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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05-15 07:05:10 2011-05-15 07:05:10 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-05-15 09:40:35 1 13392 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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says-irish-independent/ Mon, 16 May 2011 13:54:59 +0000 birdflu666 Visit proves we're friends and equals Monday May
16 2011 QUEEN Elizabeth's arrival in Dublin tomorrow will be heartily welcomed by the
overwhelming majority of this country's citizens. It symbolises, to quote British Prime Minister
David Cameron, "the strong partnership and friendship" between Ireland and the United
Kingdom. That partnership and that friendship do not prevail only at the levels of politics,
administration or commerce, but to every aspect of the two islands' life. Family ties are closer,
social intercourse more numerous, than in any other pair of countries. No wonder. We speak the
same language. We watch the same television programmes. We read the same authors. We share
much of a long history -- too much, indeed. Too many "old, unhappy, far-off things and battles
long ago". Read more at:
friends-and-equals-2647905.html]]> 4757 2011-05-16 13:54:59 2011-05-16 13:54:59 open open
queens-visit-proves-were-friends-and-equals-says-irish-independent publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_c1c74e599e40ebb8996d43cfeca7925d 13474 2011-05-18 17:05:38 2011-05-18 17:05:38 0 13432 0 akismet_result
akismet_history akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13475 2011-05-18 17:12:08 2011-05-18 17:12:08 1 13432 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13466
http://d 2011-05-18 05:34:10 2011-05-18 05:34:10 1 13459 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13470 2011-05-18 11:16:24 2011-05-18 11:16:24 1 13441 0 jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13471 2011-05-18 12:47:24
2011-05-18 12:47:24 1 13470 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13482 http://d 2011-05-19
08:23:15 2011-05-19 08:23:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13418 http://d 2011-05-16
15:54:03 2011-05-16 15:54:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13426 2011-05-16 20:52:26
2011-05-16 20:52:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13432 2011-05-16 22:59:37
2011-05-16 22:59:37 1 13426 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13441 2011-05-17 06:40:39 2011-05-17 06:40:39 1 13426 0
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time-with-the-bilderberg-beatrix-of-the-netherlands/ Mon, 16 May 2011 14:01:23 +0000
birdflu666 McAleese
should not be telling her pal Beatrix fibs. The Irish are very, very furious as she must know,
Beatrix must know and anyone who reads John Drennan's piece in the Irish Independent on the
"angry, radical" voices can gleam for themselves:
rainbow-must-heed-three-wise-men-2647446.html]]> 4759 2011-05-16 14:01:23 2011-05-16
14:01:23 open open why-is-president-mcaleese-spending-so-much-time-with-the-bilderberg-
beatrix-of-the-netherlands publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_94f6b09d2813e55437b629a875444cff 13472 2011-05-18 14:54:16
2011-05-18 14:54:16 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
bloomberg-showing-origins-of-greek-and-eurozone-souvereign-debt-crisis/ Mon, 16 May 2011
14:06:31 +0000 birdflu666 ECB Asks Court to Bar
Greek Swap Disclosure, Cites Market-Disruption Risks By Elisa Martinuzzi and Gabi Thesing-
May 13, 2011 7:40 PM GMT+0200, Bloomberg The European Central Bank asked the European
Union’s General Court to dismiss a lawsuit seeking the disclosure of documents showing how
Greece used derivatives to hide loans and triggered the region’s sovereign debt crisis. The ECB
has complete discretion to decide what it should publish in the public interest, according to its
defense to a lawsuit filed by Bloomberg News. Releasing the papers could damage the
commercial interests of the ECB’s counterparties, hurt the region’s banks and markets, and
undermine the economic policy of Greece and the EU, the central bank said. The documents
don’t “provide information that would assist in informing the public debate in any meaningful
manner,” the ECB said in its lawsuit. The files “contain ECB’s staff assumptions and hypotheses
which were intended to feed the internal deliberations,” the ECB said in papers served today.
The notes “were as such made on the basis of partial elements available at the time and not fully
accurate information.” ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet is withholding the documents as EU
finance chiefs prepare to meet next week to discuss additional support for Greece, which
received a 110 billion-euro bailout ($155 billion) last year. More than four in five institutional
investors say Greece will probably default on its debt, according to a Bloomberg Global Poll
published today.]]> 4765 2011-05-16 14:06:31 2011-05-16 14:06:31 open open ecb-refuses-to-
crisis publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
michael-lauers-bill-of-40000-euros-for-her-criminal-inheritance-proceedings/ Mon, 16 May
2011 14:19:14 +0000 birdflu666 Dr Nierlich did
nothing but cause damage, also by changing the locks of my father's house and refusing to give
me a key against the law, allowing the house to fall into disrepair, asked for 40,000 euros in his
bill on the basis of some emails and phone calls. He suggested in an email that reducing his
share of the bill to 19,500 euros was generous in spite of the fact he owes me damages for the
little he did. Judge Lauer has glossed over all her  own crimes and his and is ready to hand over
40,000 euros in cash to her friends and has ordered us to pay it. Perhaps she is due to get a slice
of it as we all know, in the meantime, from a smiliar case involving former Finance Minister Karl
Heinz Grasser that he gave generous contracts to his friends for no real reason only to get some
of that money transferred to secret back accounts. There is absolutely nothing Lauer, Nierlich or
Hutz did to justify such a huge bill and it is another example of the flagrant criminality of
Austrian judges. Anyway, as a result, I now have to devote more time and energy to filing
appeals and charges against Lauer, Nierlich and Hutz, and will not be able to do so much on my
blog. Please consider that this blog can only run as long as I have money and I have to borrow
money myself to keep going. If you wish to consider donating, please do so to my bank account
or contact me at:]]> 4767 2011-05-16 14:19:14 2011-05-16 14:19:14
open open judge-michael-lauers-bill-of-40000-euros-for-her-criminal-inheritance-proceedings
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13467 2011-05-18 07:38:00
2011-05-18 07:38:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-05-18 08:35:39 1 13467 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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19 16:43:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
13417 http://d 2011-05-16 15:50:30 2011-05-16
15:50:30 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
13422 2011-05-16 19:22:57 2011-05-16 19:22:57 1 13417
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13430 2011-05-16 22:27:23 2011-05-16 22:27:23 1 0 0
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criminal-inheritance-proceedings/ 2011-05-16 22:31:45 2011-05-16 22:31:45 1
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banksters-plans/ Mon, 16 May 2011 14:44:51 +0000 birdflu666 The arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on
sexual-assault charges represents a seismic blow to the efforts of the global financial elite to
bury the euro and dollar currency blocs and replace the dollar-demoninated global monetrary
system with an IMF and UN-run currency. The arrest in New York on Sunday prevented
Strauss-Khan from going to Europe to participate in key meetings and press for a ruinous policy
of penal IMF/EU bailouts and the arrest also comes at a time when the dollar bloc is facing a
default or hyperinflation due to the size of its national debt and replacement by the IMF's new
currency. The US has to increase its $14.3trn debt ceiling once more to prevent the government
defauling -- and allow time to be bought to seize the Federal Reserve back from the bankers? --
and the eurozone and IMF finance chiefs have to decide how to deal with the imminent problem
of an insolvent Greece amid growing opposition to more bailouts, increasingly recognised as a
covet wealth transfer scheme. Whatever is decided could either hasten the collapse of the dollar
and the euro and so pave the way for the introducion of a super souvereign IMF/UN currency
controlled by the banks and usher in a new era of global repression and poverty. Or, it could
stop the bankster's plans for wrestling control of the globe's currency in their tracks. Strauss-
Kahn has been a key figure in the creation of an IMF currency on the margins and his arrest
leaves a power vaccuum in the bankster's IMF at a crucial time for their plans. Right now, the
IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) are still only an internal accounting unit for governments
to denominate their foreign exchange reserves, but the SDR is set to have a more central role
and the UN is also already producing bullion coins called the „uno“ to give flesh to the currency.
The replacement of the dollar with the IMF/UN currency has been a long-term goal of the
bankers and China and plans are reaching a decisive phase in parallel to the disintegration of the
dollar and euro. Reuters reports that China’s central bank governor  Zhou Xiaochuan sketched
out its ambitions to replace the dollar with the IMF's SDR in 2009. The SDR basket currently
comprises the U.S. dollar, British pound, euro and Japanese yen. But moves are a foot to include
the Chinese currency.At the beginning of May, the head of China's foreign exchange authority,
said the IMF should include the Yuan at the earliest possible opportunity and by 2015 at the
latest. „The IMF should consider including currencies of the BRICS countries and other
emerging economies when it next reviews its Special Drawing Right (SDR) system by 2015, the
head of China's foreign exchange authority said in remarks published on Thursday,“ says
Reuters on May 5th. „Yi Gang, who is also a deputy governor of the People's Bank of China
(PBOC), called on the International Monetary Fund to kick off a research of a "shadow SDR"
this year, the semi-official China Business News reported.“ Reuters points out
that  the dollar and euro are set to crash while China’s economy booms – due to the fact the
government prints money with involving private banks who charge interest – and so the IMF
currency is set to be heavily weighted in favour of China as well as private banks who ultimately
control the IMF. Strauss-Kahn was instrumental in a report in January 2011 calling for a bigger
role for the IMF’s SDR, prompting some commentators to say this was a call for a "new world
currency that would challenge the dominance of the dollar",”
Before the IMF/UN currency can, however, take over as the global currency, ushering in a new
era of repression and poverty for the people of the world under the banks, the dollar and euro
need to be destroyed.  And Strauss-Khan has played a key role in pushing through the penal
IMF/EU bailouts that are destroying the euro currency and he was due to attend vital meetings
in Germany and Brussels on Sunday and Tuesday. Strauss-Khan, who also helped bring France
into the euro, was set to resign his position as the IMF chief in the next few to launch a bid for
the French Presidency in 2012. Strauss-Khan is needed to ensure that the banksters continue
their political grip on France, a country that is driving the disastrous IMF/EU bailouts and a
major player in the ECB.  Christine Lagarde, the current French finance minister, is set to take
over as IMF chief and to push forward the banker's agenda of a global IMF/UN currency. The
arrest of Strauss-Khan, therefore, throws the Globalist plans back on several key fronts,
loosening their grip of the IMF, the French Presidency and ECB and the IMF/eurozone bailouts
– --  at a crucial time when deadlines are looming on how to deal with the US and eurozone debt
burden and when the eurozozone is waking up the fact that the bailouts are nothing more
than conduits for the transfers of tax money and assets to private banks Whatever the charges
against Strauss-Kahn for assaulting a chambermaid who had been cleaning his hotel suite, he is
a known womaniser: French writer Tristane Bandon said she had to fend off Kahn with punches
and kicks, according to The Telegraph. Interesting, though, was the speed at which he was
arrested and arraigned. His career is surely over even if he is found not guilty, which seems
highly unlikely. The IMF’s number 2 John Lipsky is set to leave in August, paving the way for a
new leadership in the IMF that is more supportive of the dollar and euro and less suportive of
the IMF’s SDR as one faction of the IMF already is. The big fear of the Globalists and bankers
must now be that they lose their control of the IMF leadership and their plans for an IMF/UN
currency will be put on ice and that the eurozone can use the absense of Strauss Kahn at the
negotiating table to push through a much needed managed default of Greece. Without Strauss
Kahn, who is a friends with the complicit Greek government, it will be harder to win especially
Germany's approval for more tax money to be shovelled into the black hole of Greek national
debt for the profit of the banks. In the meantime, it is clear that the IMF and EU „bailout“ is
failing: Greece’s overall national debt rising and no sign of it being able to tap the market’s
liquidity anytime in the next decade let alone next year. All the economic fundamentals point to
the need for Greece to undergo a managed default – something that the Globalists dread
because it will reveal the ECB  and the IMF to be what they are – incompetents and/or crooks –
and so finally derail their plans for the implosion of the eurozone under a mountain of
transferred debt. More information on the SDR from Anthony Rowley at Business Times:,4574,438635,00.html „So, if the US
dollar is in danger of being 'terminated' in its role as global currency of first and last resort, and
no other single currency is eager to take over the role, who or what is going to do the job? The
answer is something that is not a currency as such (yet anyway) but a unit of account for
governments to denominate their foreign exchange reserves in, and maybe to issue their debt in,
but which is not created at the whim of any single country as is the case with the US dollar. The
only candidate able to fit the bill is the IMF's Special Drawing Right (SDR), known as a 'fiat'
currency because it can be created at official will. It is a pale shadow of the global monetary unit
'Bancor' proposed by John Maynard Keynes after World War II but it is the best we have. The
problem is that the basket of currencies that make up the SDR (dollar, euro, pound and yen) is a
remnant of days before the emergence of China and other powers onto the international scene,
and in this sense it is far from being a representative, let alone universal, currency. Enter France
which, as chair country of the G-20 group of advanced and emerging economies this year, is
bent on making long-overdue reforms to the international monetary order, including moving
the world away from dependence upon an increasingly shaky US dollar standard. French
President Nicolas Sarkozy can take credit for conceptualising such reforms but he certainly did
himself no harm by appointing Ms Lagarde as the lady charged with implementing them. She
proved herself in Hanoi to be a 'charmer' able to woo support for the cause. In what might be
called 'operation outreach', she briefed finance ministers and central bank senior officials from
the globally influential Asean+3 group on what is afoot in the G-20, without appearing to
undermine the US dollar. What is afoot is to try to get the renminbi included in the basket of
SDR currencies, something which would make the currency more representative of a changing
global economic order and as a reserve and transaction currency when the day comes for it to
assume such a role. No one described these moves as designed primarily to get China's currency
into the SDR basket. But Ms Lagards noted in Hanoi that 'the prime candidate is more likely to
be the renminbi than any other currency'. Once the door has been opened, other currencies
could enter more easily. China might see inclusion of the yuan in the SDR as a ploy to make it
more susceptible to market forces (appreciation); but the move would enhance the currency's
global status, and maybe provide Beijing with political capital to demand a greater voice in
international bodies.“]]> 4770 2011-05-16 14:44:51 2011-05-16 14:44:51 open open arrest-of-
imf-chief-threatens-to-derail-banksters-plans publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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threatens-to-derail-banksters-plans/ 2011-05-18 18:08:22 2011-05-18 18:08:22
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chief-threatens-to-derail-banksters-plans/ 2011-05-16 22:19:17 2011-05-16 22:19:17
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chief-threatens-to-derail-banksters-plans/ 2011-05-16 22:19:21 2011-05-16 22:19:21
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operational-rules-can-save-the-euro/ Mon, 16 May 2011 15:17:58 +0000 birdflu666 A change to a single article of the ECB’s operational
rules is all that is required to solve the eurozone's debt crisis by allowing the ECB to give money
directly to insolvent countries such as Greece at no interest until a managed default can be
arranged for Greece. Article 21. 1 of „THE STATUTE OF THE EUROPEAN SYSTEM OF
printing money and giving it to central governments , thereby forcing countries like Greece to
tap markets for liquidity to pay the interest on their national debts. Because Greece can no
longer tap those markets at sustainable interest rates, it has been forced to accept a penal
EU/IMF loan - also at unustainable interest rates and so pushing the country into a debt death
spiral. Article 21. 1 allows the ECB only to give liquidity to private banks. This article is the
reason why the entire money creation process in the eurozone is going so very wrong, allowing,
as it does, money to be printed only as as debt to banks and excluding central governments
from obtaining central bank liquidity with disastrous consequences as explained by Vienna
Economics Professor Franz Hörmann. A simple rule change allowing the ECB to give money
directly to the central government at no interest can fix this problems and allow the eurozone to
print money without creating debt as China is doing, allowing it to boom.  This easy solution will
stop the eurozone debt crisis in its tracks: change article 21 and allow the ECB to finance Greece
and other insolvent country's national debt directly at no interest until haircuts for bondholders
are arranged and countries and banks are put through a managed insolvency.  The
current rules mean that ECB can give liquidity  only to the 6,300 eurozone banks. These banks
then lend the money to national governments at much higher interest rates to finance their
national debt, creating the absurd and dangerous debt death spiral that the eurozone is now
locked in today. When the banks and their friends, the rating agenices, refuse to lend to national
governments such as Greece except at extortionate interest rates, then the ECB and IMF move
in and lend money at penal interest rates, driving those countries into a debt death spiral while
rolling over the excess debt onto the rest of the eurozone tax payers via eurozone bailouts in
what former Argentinian central bank governor Mario Blejer called a huge Ponzi scheme in a
report in the FT. The double standards of the ECB are shown by the way it refuses to just give
liquidity to governments at zero interest rates and so allow them to finance their national debts
without burdening tax payers. But, at the same time, the  ECB is prepared to give de facto
liquidity to Greece by buying up its bonds. The significant difference here is that, in this case,
the ECB knows that Greece can never repay the money and is preparing to book the bond
purchases as debt on its balance sheet, forcing eurozone tax payers, once more, to stump up for
the losses or to pay for them by the onset of hyperinflation as the ECB buys ever more worthless
bonds from insolvent eurozone countries. A few changes in the operational rules of the ECB
bank would be enough to stop the eurozone debt crisis, stop hyperinflation and also switch the
entire method of creating money in the eurozone bloc over to a system of printing money
without creating debt which is currently used by China and which is the cause of its bomming
economy because it has adequates measures to control inflation. If Article 21 were to be
amended to allow the ECB to give liquidity directly to central governments at no interest,
governments like Greece, Ireland and Portugal would no longer need to tap the banks and
markets for liquidity at ever higher interest rates – and these are the very same banks that are
being given the liquidity by the ECB at virtually zero interest rates. It is true that Article 21 leans
on an article in the Lisbon Treaty but the ECB is violating the no bailout clause of the Lisbon
Treaty anyway. What worth is the Lisbon Treaty when it is violated all the time by the ECB? The
ECB has been giving banks unlimited liquidity since the Lehmann Brothers crisis two years ago
at the expense of tax payers - now it can give it to central governments. There is no need for
governments to be held hostage by banks, who are threatening to strike at the next bond auction
if they don't get a eurozone bailout.  The only issue – if this analysis is correct -- is how to get
this rule change pushed through? It is clear that the current ECB leadership, specifically Jean-
Claude Trichet, will never make the change required itself because the ECB is a key player in
running the eurozone as a Ponzi scheme for the profit of those same banks that benefit from the
asymmetrical treatment from the ECB whereby they get liquidty but governments don't. To
amend Article 21, some out of the box thinking is required. According to many economists, the
eurozone is being run as a Ponzi scheme. This is a crime. Warrants need to be issued on the
basis of the evidence that the ECB chief is running a Ponzi scheme and the ECB chiefs arrested.
Once the ECB leadership has been replaced, this new leadership can change Article 21 at a
stroke of a pen because the ECB seems to be able to do what it pleases. The Lisbon Treaty can be
amended later or scrapped altogether and the ECB does not pay any attention to it anyway as its
violation of the no bail out clause shows..  Since the Treaty is being violated anyway, why not
violate it in a way that benefits the eurozone for a change? Alternatively, national anti-terrorism
laws can be activated, asserting this is not just a crime but a national security issue involving
financial terrorism adn threatening the very security and viability of the eurozone, and authority
can be given to police on the basis of these emergency laws to enter the ECB and take charge of
the operation and change article 21. Once a team is installed in the ECB, the rule changes can be
made to allow the central bank to give liquidity to central governments such as Greece at zero
interest as well as to banks until  a plan is worked out to put countries and the banks into
managed insolvency. There should be a prohibition on all banks, especially Austrian banks,
taking advantage of the ECB rule change to declare themselves bankrupt and close up shop. All
banks must be forced to undergo an managed insolvency to minimise the damage to real
economy. Data and documents in the ECB can also be collected for eventual criminal trials of
the various players in this Ponzi scheme. The same steps could be used to bring the dollar crisis
under control. Some one just needs to go into the Federal Reserve with the authority on the
basis of criminal or terrorism legislation and amend the bank’s statutes to allow the bank to give
money directly to the US government without charging interest as was the case under the
original constitution and the Founding Fathers. The gigantic amount of US fractional reserve
debt has to be written off and the banks put into managed insolvency just as in Europe. Such
action requires an honest admission of what the problem is. It requires cutting through the
Orwellian 1984 language in the mass media that is concealing the nature of the Ponzi scheme
from the eurozone’s and US citizens so that they will be decieved into giving their tax money and
assets to private banks. Government in Europe have to be prepared to tell their citizens the
truth, namely, that the ECB chiefs have to arrested because there was evidence that billions of
euros of the eurozone bailout money was being misappropriated by private banks with their
help. The rules of the ECB are disintegrating into a total chaos, anyway. Ireland’s central bank
has been printing ist own very euros, it emerged in January. If mayhem is ruling at the ECB,
then all the more reason to seize control of  the ECB  – and the Federal Reserve. If changing a
few simple rules is all that is required to stop hyperinflation and the eurozone meltdown, surely
it has to be done.
euro-printing/ This is the ECB rule that looks like it is the key rule allowing money to be created
as debt in the euro zone:
BANKS AND OF THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK Operations with public entities
21.1. In accordance with Article 123 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
overdrafts or any other type of credit facility with the ECB or with the national central banks in
favour of Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies, central governments, regional, local or
other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of Member
States shall be prohibited, as shall the purchase directly from them by the ECB or national
central banks of debt instruments. 21.2. The ECB and national central banks may act as fiscal
agents for the entities referred to in Article 21.1. 21.3. The provisions of this Article shall not
apply to publicly owned credit institutions which, in]]> 4772 2011-05-16 15:17:58 2011-05-16
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Fri, 20 May 2011 14:58:52 +0000 birdflu666 The
Queen’s recognition of the suffering of the people of Ireland was a necessary step for the
creation of a new basis of understanding and cooperation that moves beyond the „command and
obey or else“ structures of the past. It was her evident sincerity that soaked her words in a
special magnetism, and gave them such impact, sparking a standing ovation in Dublin castle.
Even Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams recognised the sincerity and integrity of the Queen. "I hope
some good will come from this visit and I particularly was taken by Queen Elizabeth's sincere
expression of sympathy to all those who had suffered in the course of the conflict,” he said.
2653411.html The truth was, there was nothing really to be gained through the visit in financial
terms for either the UK or the Queen. But the benefits to the people of Ireland, also in terms of
tourism and exports are incalculable, especially at this time, as Eamon Gilmore pointed out.
“After three years of negative coverage about Ireland in the international media, "this was a
week in which the stories universally about Ireland all over the world and the coverage about
Ireland all over the world was huge," Mr Gilmore said.
irelandrsquos-image-ndash-tanaiste-2653026.html It was a generous, personal gesture by the
Queen to make such a trip full of risks when there were so few apparent rewards and when she
could so easily have chosen to stay at home and put her feet up, the advantage of being a
constitutional monarch as opposed to an elected president. To be sure, UK Prime Minister
David Cameron kindly tried to inflate the economic importance of Ireland to the UK by saying
that the UK exports more to Ireland than to Russia, Brazil, India and China. But the comparison
only underlined just how little the UK exports to those countries. Ireland is a country with a tiny
population of 4 million, and with the best will in the world, there is only so much that can be
exported to a country with so few people. This was a visit motivated by the desire to help the
people of Ireland at a particularly sticky period in their history when they have fallen under the
thumb of the new imperialists and empire builders, the EU, IMF, ECB and Federal Reserve
banksters. Dry history books will surely not capture the human feelings, the impact of the
Queen’s visit. Before her speech, the UK and the Irish were still trapped on a psychological level
in the master and slave relationship of the colonial past. Ireland may well have liberated itself
politically by an act of revolution from the bondage of British rule, but it had not liberated itself
pyschologically. It was not even really in the power of the Irish to completely liberate themselves
because this relationship was imposed on them against their will from an outisde force and only
the outside force could allow for a transformation of that relationship. It takes two to tango. The
Queen’s speech effected that transformation. Her credible expression of respect for the reality of
what the people of Ireland experienced, her sincere wish to understand the other point of view,
her real desire to open a new dialogue moved the relationship to a new level, the level of
friendship and partnership between equals. It is something of a paradox perhaps that the
Queen, a monarch, has proved to be a catylst for a very democratic development. The will to
understanding is what characterises free and democratic societies as opposed to totalitarian and
imperial societies. The free and democratic society is based on people meeting as equals to
debate and discuss the best way forward with a view to the common interest. That a society
naturally orders itself around the principles of justice and virtue is something that even Plato
recognised – which is why he put so much emphasis on virtuous and just leaders as the central
ordering principle of a state. In imperial and totalitarian societies, the will to understand anyone
else is entirely subsumed to the will for money. The will to power dominates. The will to self
gratification at the expense of others. The relationship is one of a master and slave: the master
commands and the slave must obey or face violence, either threatened or actual. The master has
no desire to register the suffering he inflicts on the slave by his exploitation. Interaction with the
slave on a human level would make such exploitation much more difficult. This is why societies
based on the imperial model put so much emphasis on training the new generations of masters
in heartlessness, as exemplified by people like Prince Philip. Poor man, he simply no longer has
the capacity connect with people, even if he wanted to as his remarks at the Guiness brewery
showed. For exploitation and subjugation damages both the master and slave pyschologically.
The master may gain material advantages but he must pay with his humanity. The price he must
pay is his soul. The slave must pay a high psychological price in terms of a sense of humiliation,
living a small life overshadowed by violence and deprivation. Both master and slave are debased
and diminished by such a dysfunctional and warped relationship, which is why imperial and
totalitarian societies are also barren and cultural and spritual wastelands. To move beyond the
master and slave paradigm to the higher level of friendship between people, it is necessary for
there to be understanding, respect and a sense that there is a value in human beings, and a
richness in human relationships that is worth far more than some material benefit to be gained
by enslaving others. This recognition is where civilisation starts. It opens the door to the arts,
literature, creativity and to fruitful political systems such as a parliamentary democracy. In all
these fields, progress is made through the interaction of people on the basis of free cooperation.
The Queen’s speech buried the barren past and threw open the door to this richer level of
human interaction – and it is no surprise that the rest of her trip was characterised by so much
evident enjoyment on both sides of music and sport and such like. The Queen even went to visit
Kilcullen where my Mum grew up. The value of such a restructuring of Ireland’s national psyche
at this crucual time when the country is being subjugated by an utterly villainous ECB and the
banks is incalculable. The Queen’s visit was a big morale boost. Like her father, King George,
touring East London during the Blitz, the Queen’s appearance in Ireland in the midst of so much
trouble gave people a big lift, a thrill. It was a reminder to the Irish of their own creativity and
achievements as well as a reminder to the world of what Ireland really is - minus the corrupt
political and financial elite. It will be interesting to see how this intangible but vital factor of
morale and so much new energy plays out in the next few weeks in respect of the country’s
confrontation with ECB, EU and IMF over the penal „bailout“. It is no exaggeration to say
Ireland is facing a desperate fate. Just take a look at the economic desolation of Greece only one
year after the penal EU and IMF bailout, and the growing impoversishment of the people with
shops closed, and old people going to soup kitchens. The country is teetering on the brink of
collapse. Its overall debt burden has increased in spite of the transfer of gigantic amounts of the
country’s wealth to the banks in record time at an absolutely incredible pace as is foreseen in
Ireland. Even as I write this, more millions are leaving the country. Now the ECB is openly
threatening Greece: either hand over the last of your remaining government assets to the banks
or we will cut off your liquidity and plunge the country into a default. Of course, a default would
also be politically ruinous for the ECB. The billions of euros of worthless Greek souvereign
bonds it has bought up to keep the Ponzi scheme going and which have been dumped on the tax
payer would have to appear on ist books much sooner that it wishes, puncturing the myth that
the ECB is not monetizing the debt and opening people’s eyes to the huge Ponzi scheme that will
be paid for ultimately by hypeinflation. Countries like Germany and Austria could no longer
pretend that the bill for Greece was only a hypothetical reality and that Greece would eventually
be able to pay ist own debts. The debts would show up on their national budgets as their share of
the ECB’s losses if Greece defaulted. Tax payers would begin to understand the extent of the
fraud being perpetrated on them when they see national deficits soar overnight and their own
countries inch closer to insolvency as all these guarantees turn into demands for astronomical
payments. What is needed in the case of Greece is a managed insolveny and the re introduction
of Drachma as German economist Hans Werner Sinn stressed once more yesterday. As for
Ireland, I propose a swift and surgical operation as desperate times require desperate measures.
The police or the military police march into the finance minister and arrests the officials of EU
and IMF troika, sucking Ireland dry to be able to keep the Ponzi scheme going, as even
Argentina’s former central bank governor Mario Blejer called it in the Financial Times. Someone
has to take out a pen and strike out the statues which say Ireland cannot print its own money
and supply liquidity to ist own banks and write in that the central bank can give the banks and
government directly without charging interest or creating a debt on the central banks’s balance
sheets. The pen is mightier than the sword when it can change the operational rules of central
banks. Once the liquidity is assured, the banks can be put into a managed insolvency. It is a
radical step – but the plundering of Ireland is also radical. Now that Ireland has liberated itself
pyschologically from the chains of the colonial oppression of the past, it should use that new
found freedom and energy to confront the colonialists of the present and stop them with
slapping criminal charges on their desks and hauling them off for trial. The arrest of about 100
people running the Irish branch of the Ponzi scheme and rebooting the programme of the
central bank is all that is needed. One thing is for sure: the day will never ever come when any of
the ECB, EU or IMF president comes to Ireland to give a speech expressing regret at this
outrageous looting. The time to act is now. After a tremendously successful visit, a little time,
sure, should be used for justified self satisfaction. A fantastic security operation ensured that
there was no incident during the Queen’s visit. Wherever the Queen and the people of Ireland
made direct contact – whether looking together at the Book of Kells, horses or a concert – there
was genuine warmth and enthusiasm. People lined the streets of Cork and gave the Queen a
rousing send off. For almost the first time ever in the history of the two islands, a new chapter of
cooperation has opened and each side has much to give. But, after patting itself on the back, the
people of Ireland should recognise it is a big mistake to allow this new set of imperialists in the
form of the ECB to subjugate and plunder the country and drive people into poverty and
immigration under the lie of helping out in a banking and liquidity crisis, that the very same
ECB created. At the very least, the Queen’s visit will put into perspective the outrageous
behaviour of the EU and IMF Gauleiters, who have installed themselves in the heart of the
machinery of government and who are coolly transferring the people’s money via taxes and asset
seizures into the pockets of the bondholders, and all this with the help of a Vichy government. It
is the imperialism of the past, only in a new, deceitful guise of friendship and efficient
administration. The Queen came in real friendship. We all saw the difference. When Obama jets
in on Monday to drive over in his „Beast“ limo to Moneygall where his great, great, great, great,
great, great grandfather Falmouth McBanker O’Bilderberg lived, and does his same old, same
old „I love Ireland so much“ routine, let’s hope the only welcome he gets is people telling him
that it is real a gall that his financial secretary, Timothy Geithner, is taking all their money. I
suggest the security be scaled back dramatically and the people of Ireland be allowed to directly
line every road so that they can fly flags with slogans such as „Our money, your gall“, „Why
aren’t you in St Moritz with Queenie Beatrix?“ and „Don t be so shy about belonging to a
monolithic and ruthless conspiracy“. The brazen bankster puppet should be turned back at the
airport along with the EU and IMF officials the next time they try to land.]]> 4777 2011-05-20
14:58:52 2011-05-20 14:58:52 open open queen%e2%80%99s-visit-transforms-the-nations
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monolithic-and-ruthless-conspiracy-in-1961/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:00:19 +0000 birdflu666 "For we are opposed around the world by a
monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of
influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation
instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has
conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient
machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political
operations. "No President should fear public scrutinity of his program. For from that scrutiny
comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are
necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your
help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete
confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed. I not
only could not stifle controversy among your readers-- I welcome it. This Administration
intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said: "An error does not become a
mistake until you refuse to correct it." We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and
we expect you to point them out when we miss them. Without debate, without criticism, no
Administration and no country can succeed-- and no republic can survive. That is why the
Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that
is why our press was protected by the First (emphasized) Amendment-- the only business in
America specifically protected by the Constitution-- not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to
emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not to simply "give the public what it wants"--but to
inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises
and our choices, to lead, mold educate and sometimes even anger public opinion. "And so it is to
the printing press--to the recorder of mans deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his
news-- that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what
he was born to be: free and independent."]]> 4782 2011-05-23 13:00:19 2011-05-23 13:00:19
open open john-f-kennedys-speech-to-the-us-press-on-a-monolithic-and-ruthless-conspiracy-
in-1961 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13557 2011-05-23 17:42:47 2011-05-23 17:42:47
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13550 2011-05-23 15:13:31 2011-05-23 15:13:31 1 0 0
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funding-media-organizations/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:02:55 +0000 birdflu666 By Dan Gainor, Foxnews Published May 18, 2011 | It's a scene journalists dream about - a group of coworkers toasting a Pulitzer
Prize. For the team at investigative start-up ProPublica, it was the second time their fellow
professionals recognized their work for journalism's top honor. For George Soros and
ProPublica's other liberal backers, it was again proof that a strategy of funding journalism was a
powerful way to influence the American public. It's a strategy that Soros has been deploying
extensively in media both in the United States and abroad. Since 2003, Soros has spent more
than $48 million funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news - journalism
schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations. And that number is an
understatement. It is gleaned from tax forms, news stories and reporting. But Soros funds
foundations that fund other foundations in turn, like the Tides Foundation, which then make
their own donations. A complete accounting is almost impossible because a media component is
part of so many Soros-funded operations. This information is part of an upcoming report by the
Media Research Centers Business & Media Institute which has been looking into George Soros
and his influence on the media. Read more at:
]]> 4785 2011-05-23 13:02:55 2011-05-23 13:02:55 open open why-is-soros-spending-over-48-
million-funding-media-organizations publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_bd8123343a7ff50aa13f381a58fcb215 13569 2011-05-24 02:49:35 2011-05-24 02:49:35 1 0
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spending-over-48-million-funding-media-organizations/ 2011-05-24 03:51:35
2011-05-24 03:51:35 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
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his-beast-limo/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:05:09 +0000 birdflu666 Monday, 23 May 2011 It may be a flying 24-hour
visit -- but US President Barack Obama is not travelling lightly. A multi-million dollar entourage
of 500 staff, a fleet of decoy helicopters and amour-plated limousines will move towards the
Aras after Air Force One touches down this morning. His White House cavalcade -- complete
with 200 Secret Service staff and a six-doctor medical team -- accompany him on every overseas
trip. Among the staggering mass of hi-tech security equipment is the $300,000 presidential
limousine, known as 'The Beast'. It is fitted with night-vision cameras, reinforced steel plating
and a tear-gas cannon. 'The Beast' has its own respiration system in case of chemical attack. The
armoured petrol tank fills with foam if the car is hit to stop it from exploding. It also houses a
private phone system, so no matter what country Mr Obama is in, he can direct-dial America.
Air Force One, a Boeing 747-200B, is fitted with its own gym, electronic defence units and
shielding to protect its communication devices from the radiation of possible nuclear blasts.
Among the officials on the flight will be a military officer carrying America's nuclear missile
launch codes. A second 747 filled with staff and media will fly behind his plane. Cargo planes
carrying a fleet of helicopters arrived last week. The planes also carry all food and drink for the
trip and Mr Obama's road transport, which includes two, five-tonne, bullet proof Cadillac
DeVilles and 30 other motorcade cars. Mr Obama's helicopter, Marine One, is fitted with flares
that can be fired to confuse heat-seeking missiles and always flies in groups containing several
identical decoy helicopters. While in town, Mr Obama will be guarded by more than 200 US
Secret Servicemen -- easily identifiable by their shirt-cuff radios and Ray-Ban sunglasses. And
should anything befall him, a White House medical unit will be on hand to provide emergency
care. The team consists of surgeons, nurses and other medical personnel, and carries supplies of
the blood type AB, Mr Obama's blood group. At the same time, Mr Obama will be constantly
minded by his personal aide, Reggie Love, who dials his BlackBerry and supplies him with
snacks and Nicorette gum. For mealtimes, a team from the White House kitchen will travel with
Mr Obama to prepare all of his food. Communication with the outside world will not be a
problem -- Air Force One is equipped with 85 telephones, 19 televisions Read more:
visit-multimillion-dollar-team-of-500-staff-16003052.html#ixzz1NAuVkjbW]]> 4787 2011-05-
23 13:05:09 2011-05-23 13:05:09 open open soros-puppet-obama-arrives-in-ireland-with-his-
beast-limo publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_7da9a0fcdb0f0c8a2d2441dcf8a66f66 13549 2011-05-23 14:59:24 2011-05-23 14:59:24 1 0 0
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obama-arrives-in-ireland-with-his-%e2%80%9cbeast%e2%80%9d-limo/ 2011-
05-24 03:54:38 2011-05-24 03:54:38 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published akismet_history akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
thanks-to-deals-in-covered-bonds-irish-tax-payers-millions/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:08:15
+0000 birdflu666 „At € 118 million, this effect was
particularly pronounced at the DEPFA sub-group, where the profit from the repurchase of
covered bonds in particular was offset by a € 19 million loss realised upon the sale of assets no
longer included in cover. Including these non-recurring effects, the DEPFA sub-group posted €
125 million i profit before taxes (Q1 2010: € -117 million); like the HRE Group overall, the
subgroup has therefore been profitable for the second quarter in a row.“ So Depfa has somehow
magically swung from a loss of 117 million euros in Q1 2010 to a profit of 118 million euros this
quarter in spite of a crushing property downturn – thanks to the Irish tax payers presumably.
HRE – which incidentally are also the intials of the Holy Roman Empire -- has cost German tax
payers billions in the financial crisis subprime fraud. The shareholders were paid tax money for
paper fractional reserve banking losses engineered on the balance sheet by manipulating the
property values using the fair value accounting system. The Federal Republic of Germany, acting
through the Financial Market Stabilization Fund (SoFFin), is intending to submit a voluntary
public takeover offer to the shareholders of Hypo Real Estate AG (HRE). - The offer price of
EUR 1.39 per HRE share represents a premium of approximately 10% to the statutory minimum
offer price of EUR 1.26. - This provides an opportunity for HRE shareholders to sell their
investment at an attractive price. - SoFFin is aiming to acquire 100% of the outstanding shares -
though no minimum acceptance level. - This takeover offer is an important step towards
stabilising the German financial market.
per-hre-share-007.htm Including these non-recurring effects, the DEPFA sub-group posted €
125 million in profit before taxes (Q1 2010: € -117 million); -The level of results was supported
by non-recurring effects, such as the early redemption of liabilities. -At EUR118 million, this
effect was particularly pronounced in the DEPFA sub- group, where the profit from the
repurchase of covered bonds in particular was offset by a EUR19 million loss realized upon the
sale of assets no longer included in cover. -Including these non-recurring effects, the DEPFA
sub-group posted EUR125 million in profit before taxes, up from a loss of EUR117 million.
outlookswings-to-1q-pretax-profit]]> 4789 2011-05-23 13:08:15 2011-05-23 13:08:15 open open
millions publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_8c2b2dacf2b4c9674132bee598061715
_oembed_471899a1042f17c959bc9f8c9fd1eb94 _oembed_117f87dc76898138f3e398f225f5af69
_oembed_5733694212d2aa39ec785b4b564edd5b 13574
%e2%80%99-millions/ 2011-05-24 03:58:43 2011-05-24 03:58:43 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
downgrades-forecast/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:09:58 +0000 birdflu666 The credit rating agency Standard & Poors has
downgraded its forecast for Italy from "stable" to "negative," citing a weak economy and poor
prospects for reducing Rome's massive debts. The negative forecast implies that there is a one-
and-three chance Italy's credit rating could be downgraded within the next 24 months. A
downgrade of Rome's credit rating may raise fear among investors that the debt crisis which has
gripped Greece, Ireland and Portugal will spread to Italy, the eurozone's third largest economy.
"In our view, Italy's current growth prospects are weak and the political commitment for
productivity-enhancing reforms appears to be faltering," Standard & Poors said in a statement.
Read more at:,,15095847,00.html]]> 4791 2011-05-23
13:09:58 2011-05-23 13:09:58 open open debt-crisis-spreads-to-italy-credit-agency-
downgrades-forecast publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_07974159235d6b0939d265be33a0b215 13543 2011-
05-23 13:30:33 2011-05-23 13:30:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13575
burgermeister-reportdebt-crisis-spreads-to-italy-credit-agency-downgrades-forecast/ 2011-05-24 04:01:35 2011-05-24 04:01:35 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking
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europe-deeper-into-another-vietnam/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:12:31 +0000 birdflu666
grilling-over-incompetent-EU-policy.html  BEIJING, May 23 (Xinhuanet) -- EU foreign policy
chief Catherine Ashton has reiterated that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi must relinquish
power. She was speaking from the rebel stronghold Benghazi, where she also promised to offer
long-term support to the Libyan opposition. Catherine Ashton gave Libya's embattled
opposition a boost on Sunday. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said, "Gaddafi must
leave. And we must have a future for Libya that belongs to the people of Libya and moves
forward as they would wish." Ashton also announced the opening of EU's office in Benghazi, an
effort to support the opposition. Catherine Ashton said, "By opening the office of the European
Union, I bring the commitment of the European Union 27 Member States -- and all of the
institutions --  in support of the people of Benghazi and of the people of Libya."]]> 4793 2011-
05-23 13:12:31 2011-05-23 13:12:31 open open eus-ashton-opens-office-in-libya-to-suck-europe-
deeper-into-another-vietnam publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_87694ff96c743ffa84a6f3bc7312d001 _oembed_c742fdb76c76ed150ff180b1b8d222ea
_oembed_edbf54b7aea32dc0c112b4f3262b3ae4 13551
2011-05-23 15:15:15 2011-05-23 15:15:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13576
2011-05-24 04:04:52 2011-05-24 04:04:52 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published akismet_history akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
favourite-to-head-imf/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:20:48 +0000 birdflu666
to-replace-Dominique-Strauss-Kahn-at-IMF.html Dominique Strauss-Kahn openly called for a
new world currency that would end the dominance of the dollar. He also pushed penal bailouts
on the eurozone countries such as Greece and Ireland that were insolvent and not illiquid. It is
true the IMF charged an interest rate that was lower at 3% than the EU's. But the IMF had to
overcme political opposition to get a foot in the door of Europe and so buddy up with the EU in
running the biggest public sector Ponzi schemes ever as Mario Blejer called it. The fact that
Lagarde is set to replace Strauss-Kahn at the IMF underlines that they were on the same page
and how interchangeable the banker puppets are moving one post to the next at the behest of
their masters. Christine Lagarde seen as 'shoo-in' to replace Dominique Strauss-Kahn at IMF
Christine Lagarde is seen as a shoo-in as the next managing director of the International
Monetary Fund, after leading European states swung their support behind France's 'golden girl'.
By Roland Gribben 7:15AM BST 23 May 2011 The French finance minister has emerged as the
runaway favourite to become the first woman to lead an organisation looking to quickly repair
the damage caused by the resignation of Dominique Strauss-Kahn. She faces opposition on the
grounds of nationality rather than ability from a group of IMF member states headed by
Australia, South Africa and Switzerland, who want to break the tradition of the job going to a
European. China, India and Brazil have also called for an end to Europe's 65-year
monopolisation of the top job. But the EU has stolen a march by quickly mobilising support for
Ms Lagarde. George Osborne led the way, declaring her the "outstanding candidate" for the
post. Germany and Italy followed quickly while in France President Sardozy maintained a
discreet silence at the prospect of losing his most able minister. At least European leaders can
agree on Christine Lagarde, France’s finance minister, as the next managing director of the
International Monetary Fund. But behind this display of unity, a war is raging over how to solve
the Greek debt crisis as we enter the most dangerous phase of the crisis yet.]]> 4795 2011-05-23
13:20:48 2011-05-23 13:20:48 open open french-finance-minister-and-hawk-is-favourite-to-
head-imf publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_9e9e3c543bdee677e37cee09fcaca686 13586
dominique-strauss-kahn/ 2011-05-24 05:18:51 2011-05-24 05:18:51 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13546 2011-05-23 14:36:42
2011-05-23 14:36:42 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13577
burgermeister-reportfrench-finance-minister-and-hawk-is-favourite-to-head-imf/ 2011-05-24 04:09:19 2011-05-24 04:09:19 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking
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make-pact-against-more-banker-bailouts/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:27:41 +0000 birdflu666 Read more in German at:
deutschland-ist-gescheitert/ "Das täte ihnen, Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert und
Nationalversammlungs-Vorsitzendem Bernard Accoyer, echt furchtbar leid. “Aber das wird
nicht reichen”, so Lammert. (2) Es gäbe im Bundestag leider keine Mehrheit für eine
“Generalermächtigung” des Finanzministers Wolfgang Schäuble und der Kanzlerin Angela
Merkel, die wochenlang dem Bundestag nicht einmal einen Vertragsentwurf über den
geforderten Europäischen Währungsfonds, nein, “Europäischen Stabilisierungsmechanismus”
vorgelegt hatten. Schäuble hatte erst diesen Dienstag den Abgeordneten einen Vertragsantwurf
geschickt. Der Vorsitzende des Europa-Ausschusses des Bundestages, Gunther Krichbaum,
hatte dies bereits Anfang Mai von Schäuble gefordert. (3)"]]> 4797 2011-05-23 13:27:41 2011-
05-23 13:27:41 open open heads-of-german-and-french-parliaments-make-pact-against-more-
banker-bailouts publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_2c6f30db2816666a6fba3da7c27f0ab8
2011-05-24 04:11:31 2011-05-24 04:11:31 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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the-capital/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:31:15 +0000 birdflu666
p=4799 Google translation by Truthfrequencynews. Greece: Athens prepares army deployment
in the capital Udo Ulfkotte In Athens, the domestic political situation gets out of
control, obviously. After increasingly frequent violent clashes, the government is
now information from the environment of the Prime Minister to use the army in
Athens after. For the first time since the military dictatorship in the Greek capital
could again deploy the military. This conjures up unpleasant memories. Last
weekend, reported the Greek weekly newspaper Proto Thema , citing adviser to the socialist
Greek Prime Minister Papandreou (PASOK party), chairman of the Socialist International at the
same time that this military use its own people in the capital against considering. The
background is the growing street violence (especially in Athens and Thessaloniki) and the
migrants rampant crime. Many Greeks have not forgotten the civil war between the Popular
Front left and conservative groups nor the military dictatorship ended only in 1974. Today, in
the context of the national bankruptcy and to social cuts in Greece once more groups, which take
ever more violent against each other: trade unions, anarchists, immigrants, ordinary citizens,
police and security authorities. While the German media as the mirror, the Greeks increasingly
one-sided as “racists” represent, in Athens in blind rage hunting foreigners, now, the situation is
somewhat different local dar. It’s across the political spectrum (with the exception of the ruling
Socialist Party) acknowledged that the government instructed police get, the of, as brutal act
against demonstrators who protest against the austerity, and this violence to disperse. Lives do
not matter anymore. There are many independent witnesses from various political tendencies,
which consistently confirm that. Also secured is that the state apparatus provocateurs infiltrated
the ranks of the demonstrations, which then attack from the crowd and deliver the state police
power as a pretext, brutal strike. Over all party lines, the out (with the exception of the
Socialists) for a Wutstau under the growing number of Greeks who are dissatisfied with the
situation. Prime Minister Papandreou jealous now clearly his longtime friend from the ranks of
the Socialist International, the former Egyptian dictator Mubarak, the party at the end of his
term and did not know what else to do. Totally uncontrollable situation in Greece, however, by a
second level of Wutstaus: The socialist Papandreou had left more than a million Muslim
refugees into the country, living in the past as a day laborer. For them there is now no more
work. Many of those young male Muslims live in the Athens urban areas Kypseli, Patisia, Agios
Panteleimon, and where there from dusk now the state of emergency. The migrants who have no
work nor receive social benefits, then go on a rampage, attacked passers-by, stand out
immediately with a knife. It is not about isolated incidents, but now to the standard case. And
not only in the infamous sixth Athens Municipality. Even those Greeks who are economically
not (yet) affected by the crisis experience in the urban areas today, an unprecedented wave of
crime unknown. One finds hardly a business that was not covered already and more about
immigrants who have so now finally live on anything, but by the EU and the IMF “in the” rescue
packages so far have been overlooked. The explosion of the situation, it was a few days ago, as a
Greek in Athens filmed his pregnant wife, who was on his way to the maternity hospital. They
were his last recordings. Three North Africans stabbed the man, “just so” in order to rob him of
his camera. A security camera filmed the migrants – the pictures brought the explosive barrel in
Greece’s back. Since then, more and more Greeks can no longer intimidated by the raids of
hungry migrant gangs making now together in this brutal hunt. The migrants have now found
allies among Greek autonomous, providing them with shelter and protect them. Now you access
to all those together, the state of Greece are still visible to ( a Greek flag carry about ) and fight –
just like on the other hand, the police – people “just so” half dead In this explosive situation, it
now reads: Caution civil war! . Europe is just before the crash, not only in Athens . Papandreou
and prepared once before the army deployment. That would have thought four weeks ago, no
one. Wrong: In just under a year, we have here reported that the development just will not come
otherwise. We referred, including through the EU Commission President Barroso, who was then
before in Greece, and before the return of military dictatorship in Athens warned of civil war .
Not a German-language journalist has taken up the quality. Is it any wonder then, when the
obvious reality completely overwhelmed mirror editors the Greeks to today suddenly mutated
racists see?]]> 4799 2011-05-23 13:31:15 2011-05-23 13:31:15 open open greece-athens-
prepares-army-deployment-in-the-capital publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_eada41a4d7f0f1f2cc1d8ae133df0ab9 13553
2011-05-23 16:12:48 2011-05-23 16:12:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13544 2011-05-23
13:41:56 2011-05-23 13:41:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-05-24 04:16:50 2011-05-24 04:16:50 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking akismet_result
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austerity-cuts-reports-express/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:34:58 +0000 birdflu666 “What happened to Argentina [when it collapsed
economically] could happen to us, and it will be worse than an ancient tragedy.” In Europe’s
capitals, fears are growing that the Greek drama may already have entered its endgame. A year
after receiving 110billion euros in international emergency loans, the biggest bailout in western
history, the country is becoming increasingly explosive. By last week, the epic battle with the
country’s 340billion euros debt, the largest of any debt load on the Continent, had turned into a
battle for public order in the heart of Europe’s oldest capital. Amid rising violence and runaway
crime, crisis-hit Athens resembled a “boiling cauldron”, a far cry from the orderly city that held
the 2004 Olympics. With many citizens too scared to leave their homes, and even its mayor
saying he felt unsafe walking its drug-infested streets at night, the socialist government
announced a series of emergency measures. It has dispatched thousands of armed police to
guard neighbourhoods below the majestic ancient Acropolis. “We will not allow Greece to
become trapped in a vicious cycle of lawlessness,” said citizen protection minister Christos
Papoutsis. “The message is zero tolerance for violence wherever this may come from.” The
authorities put police on round-the-clock patrols and have pledged a massive sweep of illegal
immigrants, sending them to detention centres at unused military bases. As the country tackles
its worst economic crisis in modern times, it has also found itself at the receiving end of a huge
influx of third-world refugees exploiting its porous sea and land borders. Their arrival in Athens
has exacerbated the toxic mix of deepening poverty, prostitution and drug peddling that has
turned entire areas within walking distance of prime tourist sites into no-go zones. “The flow has
become uncontrollable,” added Mr Papoutsis. “Last year some 128,000 migrants tried to enter.
We are in crisis. We cannot cope. Greece has to stop being seen as the dumping ground for all
these people in Europe.” Greek officials increasingly liken the country to a “sinking ship”, the
image evoked by Prime Minister George Papandreou a year ago when he announced that the
debt-choked nation had no option but to turn to the EU and IMF for aid.  The fatal stabbing in
Athens of a 44-year-old Greek man, targeted for his video camera as he was about to take his
wife to hospital to give birth, has unleashed a climate of fear, with far-Right vigilantes taking
over neighbourhoods and staging reprisal attacks. Ten days ago, a 21-year-old Bangladeshi was
found stabbed to death in a squalid Athens apartment as self-styled neo-Nazis grabbed
immigrants from buses and beat them up. “What we are seeing are Ku Klux Klan tactics, I can’t
believe Greeks are doing this,” said Anna Dalara, minister responsible for immigration. The
breakdown of law and order is such that an unprecedented 15,000 migrants last week
announced that they would return home. Officials say the voluntary repatriations, mostly to Asia
and Africa, will be overseen and funded by the state. “I’d rather be in Afghanistan,” said Jamal,
21, who made the long trek to Greece last year. “There are no jobs here, even the Greeks don’t
have work. This place is not Europe. It is about to explode.” Mayor Yiorgos Kaminis admits “the
image of Athens is deplorable”. Since he took office in January, he says, draconian belt-
tightening measures have had a brutal effect and organised crime has assumed a greater hold.
“Not since the German occupation during the Second World War, has Athens been in such a
dreadful state,” he added. “It is a reflection not only of the economic crisis but of years and years
of inadequate policing and other policies.” The Greeks know that things are likely to get a lot
worse before they get better. The outcry prompted by the rise in violent crime comes against a
backdrop of anger towards the EU and international creditors. Instead of rescuing their
economy from bankruptcy, the bailout has all but failed, with a second financial lifeline looking
increasingly likely in the weeks ahead. Read more:
crisis-The-Greek-tragedy#ixzz1NAklq8eP]]> 4802
2011-05-23 13:34:58 2011-05-23 13:34:58 open open greece-is-descending-into-lawlessness-
due-to-austerity-cuts-reports-express publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_964ec953c4dc124e5f8c851ba4ba463b 13590 2011-05-24 07:43:30 2011-05-24 07:43:30 1 0 0 jabber_published
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descending-into-lawlessness-due-to-austerity-cuts-reports-express/ 2011-05-24
04:21:38 2011-05-24 04:21:38 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
reports-der-spiegel/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:37:27 +0000 birdflu666 The bailed out countries of Greece, Ireland and
Portugal but Spain as well have provided as collateral asset-backed securities that are unfit for
central bank loans because they have such low or non-existent debt ratings, according to the
report. Providing the collateral allowed the countries to receive more financial support, Dow
Jones said the magazine reported in the preview of an article due for publication later Monday.
The ECB had no comment, Dow Jones reported.]]> 4804
2011-05-23 13:37:27 2011-05-23 13:37:27 open open ecb-has-put-100s-of-billions-of-euros-of-
worthless-debt-on-its-books-which-tax-payers-will-have-to-pay-for-reports-der-spiegel publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_d0effd4c9cf9008c93dc2337a180aa73 13581
for-reports-der-spiegel/ 2011-05-24 04:26:07 2011-05-24 04:26:07 1 pingback 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
upheaval/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:41:33 +0000 birdflu666
p=4806 By Judy Macinnes and Fiona Ortiz, Reuters. MADRID, May 23 (Reuters) - Spain's
ruling Socialists reeled on Monday from stinging losses in local elections and now have to
balance voter anger over high unemployment and investor demands for austerity measures. A
week of protests by Spaniards fed up with the stagnant economy and the EU's highest jobless
rate preceded Sunday's elections, which left the Socialists out of power in most of the country's
cities and almost all of its 17 autonomous regions.]]> 4806 2011-05-23 13:41:33 2011-05-23
13:41:33 open open spains-austerity-measures-trigger-election-upheaval publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 13583
spain%e2%80%99s-austerity-measures-trigger-election-upheaval/ 2011-05-24
04:40:26 2011-05-24 04:40:26 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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government-ban/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:43:07 +0000 birdflu666 Spanish Revolution live tv Tens of thousands young Spaniards throughout the

country, resist an official ban on gatherings ahead of this Sunday’s municipal elections and keep
their street  protest. “Spanish Revolution” spreading via Twitter and Facebook. It is reminiscent
of the 1968 French student movement, which caused  an unprecedented social and moral
overhaul in Europe and throughout the world. Some commentators say the Arab Spring has
arrived in Spain 15-M movement – the name referring to the day protesters start occupying
Plaza del Sol in Madrid, – is calling for political and economic reform in Spain and has spread to
166 Spanish cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Cordoba, Murcia, Valencia, Zaragoza, Tarragona,
Salamanca, Sevilla, Malaga, Cadiz, Oviedo, Santander and Bilbao to name a few) and to other
parts of Europe. Similar plaza takeovers have been organized through online social networks in
Italy and Argentina. At more than 21 percent, Spain has Europe’s highest unemployment rate
and is also suffering from its worst economic crisis in decades, compounded by a series of
draconian austerity measures. One of every two people of working age under 25 is jobless in
Spain. They are called “the lost generation”. Young Spaniards are fleeing to other European
capitals to find work. Experts, though, say this movement is not just about work, but about
feeling alienated and misrepresented. Leaders of the Popular Party, who expect to win the
Sunday’s elections leading to the victory  in the 2012 general elections, have criticized the
movement, while the government and Socialist Party have tried to capitalize on the resentment
– although apparently without much success.
]]> 4808 2011-05-23 13:43:07 2011-05-23 13:43:07 open open spanish-revolution-continues-in-
spite-of-government-ban publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_895b96a777ae74afcf4d5612cc42f2a9 13587 2011-05-24 06:43:20 2011-05-24 06:43:20 1 0 0 jabber_published
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revolution-continues-in-spite-of-government-ban/ 2011-05-24 04:42:11 2011-
05-24 04:42:11 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13700 2011-05-30 08:19:37 2011-05-30 08:19:37 1 0 8162884 jabber_published
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against-bankers-and-politicans-and-for-real-democracy/ Mon, 23 May 2011 13:46:54 +0000
birdflu666 Watch occupation of Madrid square by
protestors on livestream: Check out the video
in English on:

Manifesto (English) We are ordinary people. We are like you:
people, who get up every morning to study, work or find a job, people who have family and
friends. People, who work hard every day to provide a better future for those around us. Some of
us consider ourselves progressive, others conservative. Some of us are believers, some not. Some
of us have clearly defined ideologies, others are apolitical, but we are all concerned and
angry about the political, economic, and social outlook which we see around us:
corruption among politicians, businessmen, bankers, leaving us helpless, without
a voice. This situation has become normal, a daily suffering, without hope. But if we join forces,
we can change it. It’s time to change things, time to build a better society together. Therefore, we
strongly argue that:

• The priorities of any advanced society must be equality, progress, solidarity, freedom of
culture, sustainability and development, welfare and people’s happiness.
• These are inalienable truths that we should abide by in our society: the right to housing,
employment, culture, health, education, political participation, free personal
development, and consumer rights for a healthy and happy life.
• The current status of our government and economic system does not take care of these
rights, and in many ways is an obstacle to human progress.
• Democracy belongs to the people (demos = people, krátos = government) which means
that government is made of every one of us. However, in Spain most of the political class
does not even listen to us. Politicians should be bringing our voice to the institutions,
facilitating the political participation of citizens through direct channels that provide the
greatest benefit to the wider society, not to get rich and prosper at our expense, attending
only to the dictatorship of major economic powers and holding them in power through a
bipartidism headed by the immovable acronym PP & PSOE.
• Lust for power and its accumulation in only a few; create inequality, tension and
injustice, which leads to violence, which we reject. The obsolete and unnatural economic
model fuels the social machinery in a growing spiral that consumes itself by enriching a
few and sends into poverty the rest. Until the collapse.
• The will and purpose of the current system is the accumulation of money, not regarding
efficiency and the welfare of society. Wasting resources, destroying the planet, creating
unemployment and unhappy consumers.
• Citizens are the gears of a machine designed to enrich a minority which does not regard
our needs. We are anonymous, but without us none of this would exist, because we move
the world.
• If as a society we learn to not trust our future to an abstract economy, which never
returns benefits for the most, we can eliminate the abuse that we are all suffering.
• We need an ethical revolution. Instead of placing money above human beings, we shall
put it back to our service. We are people, not products. I am not a product of what I buy,
why I buy and who I buy from.

For all of the above, I am outraged. I think I can change it. I think I can help. I know that
together we can.I think I can help. I know that together we can.]]> 4810 2011-05-23 13:46:54
2011-05-23 13:46:54 open open manifesto-of-spanish-revolution-movement-against-bankers-
and-politicans-and-for-real-democracy publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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come-to-call-the-ecbs-bluff-and-end-this-euro-ponzi-scheme/ Mon, 23 May 2011 14:16:17
+0000 birdflu666 The ECB is threatening to cut
liquidity off to banks and wreck financial mayhem in the event that Greece defaults or
restructures its debt. This in spite of the fact that Greece is set to run out of cash on July 18 th
and is sliding into lawlessness because of the very austerity measures which the ECB is
advocating yet more of. The time has come to call the ECB's bluff. The ECB has much
more to lose by a default and by cutting off liquidity to banks than the people of
Greece or Europe. It would mean the moment when the criminal actions of the
ECB -- which has been hiding 100s of billions of euros of worthless loans on its
books to milk taxpayers -- would become apparent to everyone and so spell the
political end of the ECB chiefs and the public-sector  Ponzi scheme they have been
running with the euro currency.  A change to the ECB’s operational rule to
authorise the bank to give liquidity directly to governments and banks at no
interest and without booking a corresponding debt n the balance sheet is all that is
needed to resolve this eurozone debt crisis. Once the ECB chiefs are removed, the
rebooting of the eurozone economy could start immediately. The Greek and other
governments could be given liquidity from the ECB directly to allow managed
insolvencies and fund a Marshall Plan for economic growth. ECB chiefs appear to
be terrified of a Greek default for purely personal reasons. They know that if
Greece defaults or restructures its debt, then hundreds of billions of euros of
worthless loans that the ECB should never have made in the first place will have to
be placed on its books and the tax payers of Europe will wake up to the fact they 
are the ones expected to pay, and there will be political mayhem. Their role in this
crime puts them at the front of the firing line. The ECB clearly hopes that it can
keep up the illusion that it will get the money it loaned to Greece, Ireland and
Portugal back and the country's are illiquid and not insolvent until the new
eurozone fund comes into place in 2013 to provide a mechanism to suck yet more
money from the tax payers as part of this historical Ponzi scheme as Mario Blejer
called it. If the ECB has to put the losses onto its books before then, then the ECB
debts will have to be paid up by national governments. Tax payers will feel the
huge bill fast, and they will be very angry. Credit rating agencies could even start to
downgrade Germany, the main paymaster, when it becomes clear that not even
Germany can manage the outstanding ECB debt let alone the whole eurozone debt
when this Ponzi scheme has run its course. The turmoil caused by the ECB and
banks wrecking financial mayhem now in the event of a Greek default when they
can easily supply liquidity -- making it absolutely clear that this is blackmail -- will
be far less than the total economic, financial, social and political breakdown of the
eurozone in a year, and it will put an end to the Ponzi scheme once and for all. The
ECB is already the biggest holder of Greek souvereign debt but its share of
worthless souvereign debt is growing all the time and it is set to take on Irish and
Portuguese debt. No one seems to know just how much debt the ECB has put on
the shoulders of tax payers. The ECB has„"skeleton" risks on ECB’s balance sheet
amounting to several hundreds of billions of euros, reported Der Spiegel this
weekend. ECB has been giving money to banks in return for collateral asset-
backed securities that low or non-existent debt ratings, knowing the tax payer will
have to pick up the huge bil. The illusion that Greece can meet its debt obligations
and is only illiquid would be destroyed as soon as the country defaults.  Greece
would have to be put into a managed insolvency as would Ireland and Portugal
because they are also insolvent.  It is clear that Grece is going to have to default
very soon anyway. A year after Greece got a €110-billion ($159-billion) bailout
from its euro partners and the IMF, it is clear to everyone that the tax hikes, public
spending cuts have pushed the country deeper into debt while the bailouts have
generated astronomical profits for the banks. The ECB has been lending the banks
money to buy Greek bonds at 0% interest. Thanks to the penal EU/IMF bailout
interest rates, banks have seen a steady return of tax payer money of about 6% on
those bonds that cost them nothing to buy - and so been able to loot hundreds of
billions from tax payers with the complicity of the ECB and governments. The
ECB’s role in triggering Greek souvereign debt crisis also needs to be examined.
The ECB is now demanding that the Greeks sell billions in state assets but it is
clear to everyone that the country is completely broke and according to German
media, Greece has only got enough money to pay ist bills until July 18th. Simply
taking over the country to force sales as Jean Claude Juncker advocates is
unacceptable politically and will only postpone the inevitable default and make it
worse. The FT reports that even hospitals are no longer able to pay their medicines
bills. “The pharmaceutical industry says only 30 per cent of €1.2bn in payments owed by public
hospitals since the start of last year have been made. Of debt due from the start of 2011, just 1
per cent has so far been paid.,” writes the FT.
11e0-afcb-00144feabdc0.html?ftcamp=rss#axzz1NAjup1to The army is set to be deployed
in Athens for the first time since military rule ended in 1974, according to Greek
media, as the country slides into lawlessness. The country is already slipping into
anarchy and civil war and a failure to stop this development will lead to a political
emergency in the eurozone to match the financial crisis. The country is insolvent.
The looting must be stopped. The ECB must be stopped. http://info.kopp-
armeeeinsatz-in-der-hauptstadt-vor.html A default by Greece would force the ECB
to acknowledge that it will never get the money back, and compell it to put the
losses on its books. The euro “public sector” Ponzi scheme which is based on the
narrative that Greece, Ireland and Portugal are only being loaned money by the
ECB and the tax payers will never have to pay would come to a shuddering halt
before more damage is done. The ECB is behaving like a street criminal pulling out
a switch knife to rob a victim by threatening to cut off liquidity to banks and create
financial mayhem. The ECB can give banks as much liquidity as they need - and it
can also give governments as much liquidity as they need at no interest. It is
profitable for the banks for the ECB to give them money to loan to governments.
But it is ruinous for the people. All that is needed to reboot the eurozone economy
is a change in the operational rules to allow the ECB to give liquidity to
governments and banks at zero interest rate and without booking a debt. The
gigantic euro debt crisis is an illusion, a swindle. There is no crisis. It is artificially
created by the ECB and the banks and governments. It can be solved immediately
by changing the liquidity rules to include governments. The euro zone could switch
over to the Chinese way of printing money without creating debt and enjoy a
similar boom. There is nothing to be gained by allowing this Ponzi scheme to
continue. The ECB's bluff should be called. Let it cut ff liquidity - and pay the
political price, which will be the end of the ECB and the banker puppet masters. It
is unacceptable for the people of Europe to be looted by the ECB and a criminal
underbelly in governments. Is this what Europe is all about? Oppression under the
bankers? Open looting and the jackboot? Are the tanks going to be sent in to mow
millions down? The time is rapidly approaching when all of Europe will be
engulfed in civil war. And there will not be enough tanks in the world to contain
the anger of the people when the ECB and their politicians loot their last euro on
behalf of the bankers. Look at the anger Spain. Look at the anger in Ireland. Look
at the anger in Greece. The people have had enough. They want a return to law and
order. They want sound money and an end to the looting by bankers and complicit
politicians, the finance ministers, central bankers. The time to act is now. Greece
has to go into default. If the ECB cuts off liquidity, then the chiefs are removed
pending trial and the operational rules changed to reboot the liquidity including
liquidity to governments. The solution is crystal clear and very simple. All that is
lacking is the political will. We, the people, have the will to end this looting. ]]>
4813 2011-05-23 14:16:17 2011-05-23 14:16:17 open open the-time-has-come-to-call-the-ecbs-
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african-countries-says-expert/ Tue, 24 May 2011 12:09:12 +0000 birdflu666
This is the report by Greg Palast: *by Greg Palast for *The Guardian Now that I've
dispensed with the obvious and obnoxious teaser headline, let's drop the towel and expose
Dominique Strauss-Kahn's history of arrogant abuse. The truth is, the grandee of the IMF has
molested Africans for years. ** On Wednesday, the *New York Times* ran five – count'em, FIVE
– stories on Strauss-Kahn, Director-General of the International Monetary Fund. According to
the Paper of Record, the charges against "DSK," as he's known in France, are in "contradiction"
to his "charm" and "accomplishments" at the IMF. *Au contraire, mes chers lecteurs.* Director-
General DSK's cruelty, arrogance and impunity toward African and other nations as
generalissimo of the IMF is right in line with the story told by the poor, African hotel
housekeeper in New York City. Let's consider how the housekeeper from Guinea ended up here
in New York. In 2002, this single mother was granted asylum. What drove her here? It began
with the IMF rape of Guinea. In 2002, the International Monetary Fund cut off capital inflows
to this West African nation. Without the blessing of the International Monetary Fund, Guinea,
which has up to half the world's raw material for aluminum, plus oil, uranium, diamonds and
gold, could not borrow a dime to develop these resources. The IMF's cut-off was, in effect, a
foreclosure, and the nation choked and starved while sitting on its astonishing mineral wealth.
As in the sub-prime mortgage foreclosures we see today, the IMF moved quickly to seize
Guinea's property. But the IMF did not seize this nation's riches for itself. Rather, it forced
Guinea to sell off its resources to foreign corporations at prices much like the sale of furniture on
the lawn of a foreclosed house. The French, Americans, Canadians, Swiss (and lately, the
Chinese) came in with spoons out and napkins tucked in under their chins, swallowing the
nation's bauxite, gold and more. In the meantime, the IMF ordered the end of trade barriers and
thereby ruined local small holders. As a result of the IMF attack, Guineans who could, fled for
freedom and food. This week, then, marked the *second* time this poor African was molested by
the IMF. Now we have the context of how these two, the randy geezer of globalization and the
refugee ended up, in quite different positions, in that New York hotel room. Since taking over
the IMF in 2007, erstwhile "Socialist" Strauss-Kahn has tightened the screws in an attempt to
maintain the free-market finance mania that ruined this planet in the first place. *[That's worth
a story in itself – and that's coming. Our team has a stack of inside documents from the IMF that
we will be releasing in my new book in the Fall.]* DSK's lawyers say the relationship with the
housekeeper was "consensual." But DSK says that about all IMF agreements with nations over
whom it holds life and death powers. That's like saying a bank robbery is consensual so long as
you don't consider the gun. Whether it was agreed-upon sex or brutal rape, it could only have
been "consensual" in the same way that the people of Guinea consented to IMF-ordered
financial rapine. The Times article quotes an IMF crony of Strauss-Kahn saying DSK gets his
way by "persuasion" not "bullying." Tell that to the Greeks. It was DSK who, last year, personally
insisted on brutal terms for the so-called bail-out of Greece. "Strong conditionality" is the IMF
term. Strauss-Kahn demanded not just a devastating cut in pensions and a deliberate increase in
unemployment to 14%, but also the sell-off of 4,000 of 6,000 state-owned services. The DSK
IMF plan allowed the financiers who set the financial fires of Greece to pick up the nation's
assets at a fire-sale price. The Strauss-Kahn demands were not "tough love" for Greece: The love
was reserved solely for the vulture bankers who received the IMF funds but were not required to
accept one euro in lost profit in return. DSK, despite the advice of many, refused to ask the
banks and speculators to reduce their usurious interest charges that were the root of Greece's
woes. Requiring Greece to sell assets, drop trade barriers, and even end the rule that Greek ships
use Greek sailors has nothing to do with saving Greece, but everything to do with DSK's
commitment to protect every banker's balance sheet from unwanted violations. I do not
consider it a stretch to say that a predator in the bank boardroom suite assumes his impunity
applies to the hotel suite. ***** *Forensic economist and journalist Greg Palast, author of the
New York Times bestsellers, *Armed Madhouse* and *The Best Democracy Money Can Buy*,
has investigated the IMF and World Bank for BBC Television Newsnight and the Guardian
Newspapers (London) and Democracy Now! (New York). *]]> 4819 2011-05-24 12:09:12 2011-
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by-making-the-devils-sign/ Tue, 24 May 2011 12:12:09 +0000 birdflu666 4822 2011-05-24 12:12:09 2011-05-24 12:12:09
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2011-05-25 09:18:11 2011-05-25 09:18:11 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Tue,
24 May 2011 12:28:53 +0000 birdflu666
Beast-scuppered-ramp-Ireland-Lets-hope-doesnt-hit-London.html And yet when „The Beast“
emerged out of the shadows of the compound of the US embassy in Dublin, it did not get
very far. Like a reptile, its long-slung silhouette moved forward on four squat, wide-spaced
wheels across the compound heading for the exit ramp and gates. The black limo slide along, its
hard metal shell glinting in the sunlight with darkly tinted glass alllowed no one to see the
occupanets or even the drivers, trained in every art of escape and evasion.  The limo mounted
the ramp, ready to move onto the streets of Dublin and strut ist stuff, exuding arrogance and
power in every angle. „The Beast“ had been transported over from the USA just for a one-day
visit to Ireland and now it was to be unleashed as the centrepiece of a conquering procession
through the country to the town of Moneygall. The US and Irish flags flying from the bonnet hid
the fact the limo's occupant is actually creatures of the banks which are pushing Ireland, the US
and the eurozone into debt-death slavery. The Beast limo paused to check the way was clear and
then started to slide down the other side of  ramp, ready to strutt its thing as the king of a
motorcade cruising over  to the town where Obama’s great, great, great, great grandfather in was
born and stake a claim to ownership. Reggie Love, Obama’s devoted aid, was  in the back
ready to supply Obama with snacks, dial his blackberry and perform any other acts of service the
Prez might wish for. A staff of 1,500 had planned every detail of the visit and covered every
aspect of the security – or so they thought. But when The Beast limo started to roll down the
fruther side of the ramp and thrust its bonnet out with a sneer onto the streets of Dublin, ready
to hog the road to itself, there was, all of a sudden, the noise of scraping metal. The Beast came
to a sudden and dramatic halt. The crowd gasped to see the limo flailing around, wondering
what had happened. Then there was laughter. As it turns out, a metal riser about an inch high
had snagged the underbelly of The Beast. The cruel creature was not able to set one of its squat
tyres reinforeced with Kevlar steel onto the streets of Dublin. Busted! Too much f its own
armour! Incapacitated, The Beast sat there, immobilised, its illusion of invincibility punctured.
It flipped from being an object inspiring fear and awe to a  reminder of the pretensions and
arrogance of the political and financial elite. Here, they are staking out their turf on Irish soil
and looting the country– and yet they were not even able to get their limo out of the US
compound. A staff of 1,500 calculating, planning, estimating, pouring over every detail , the
ultimate in control freaks, where unable to get The Beast on the road in Dublin because they had
overlooked an inch-high metal riser. It took three hours for thecar to be hauled away. To block
the embarassing sight of the occupants exiting the Beast as mere mortals, a mini bus and then a
bus were driven in front of the Cadillac. The way the Beast was felled by nothing more than a
metal riser is highly symbolic of the hollowness and illusion of power of leading politicians and
of the bankers. Obama pretending to be Irish with 3% of his ancestors from Moneygall is like the
fractional reserve banks pretending to be flush with cash money when they have only a capital
reserve of 3%. The way The Beast was bested by a ramp blew away the illusion of power. The
Beast is all huff and puff. The entire motorcade was a spectacle designed to intimidate the
people of Ireland and make them doff their caps and fawn over the new Masters and also to had
over their tax money when they owe the private banks no debt and the banks have lost no
capital. The property losses exist only on the bank's balance sheets and they can easily be
manipulated due to the fair value accounting rule as Vienna economics professor Franz
Hörmann explained. When we cease to be intimidated by the show of power and look at the
facts, then we can clearly see that we are the victims of a so called psy op. All we have t do is
take back our power and march into the central banks and amend the rules to allow banks to
print money and give it directly to governments, the entire debt burden and banks will be cut
down to size. Like The Beast cadillac, it takes remarkably little to stop the current euro debt
disaster. A tiny rule change is enough. The current situation is absurd. It is like a person
agreeing to give up the right to breathe air directly and to only use air through an oxygen mask
supplied by a company which charges ever more money. When the person can no longer afford
it, the company threatens to stop supplying the oxygen tanks and kill the client. All is solved, if
the person remembers they don’t need the oxygen tanks. They can breathe air directly and for
nothing  In the same way, Ireland does not need to borrow money from banks at punishing
interest rates. It can print its own money for nothing. James Delingpole captured the fraud that
is Obama, the bankster’s number one puppet and warmongerer after George Bush,  very well
when he wrote: "Ah Bejaysus and Begorrah! Oi’ll be swearin’ boi the auld shrine to the Vorgin
with the shamrocks growin’ round it next to the hill where Cuchullain slew the Great
Leprechaun of Kildare on St Patrick’s Day that Barack Seamus O’Toole Flaherty Joyce O’Bama is
the most Irish US president that ever set foot on the Emerald Oisle, so he is, so he is. Except,
when he’s in Africa, of course, when he disappears into the dry ice and re-emerges with a grass
skirt and a bone through his nose and declares himself to be Mandingo, Prince of the Bloodline
of the Bonga People, Drinker of Cattle Urine, Father of A Thousand Warrior Sons, Keeper of
King Solomon’s Mines, Barehanded Slayer of Lions, Undaunted Victim of the Evil Colonial
British Empire. And in the Middle East, where he is Al-Barak Hussein Obama, Protector of the
Holy Shrine, Smiter of the Kuffar, Lion of the Desert, Tent-Loving-Aficionado-of-the-
Oversweetened-Coffee, Chomper of Sheeps’ Eyeballs, Restorer of the Caliphate. Etc." Enough of
the doffing of caps to a fraud.
against-britain-2011-edition/]]> 4824 2011-05-24 12:28:53 2011-05-24 12:28:53 open open the-
beast-is-bested-by-a-ramp-in-dublin publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_5f17d269e60813ea1aa3b72eb0cc9d62 13622
2011-05-24 22:49:39 2011-05-24 22:49:39 1 13619 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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05-24 21:05:15 2011-05-24 21:05:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13612 http://Yahoo 2011-
05-24 16:49:04 2011-05-24 16:49:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
drink-buckingham-palace-mineral-water-on-his-state-visit/ Tue, 24 May 2011 12:31:17 +0000
presidents-staff-wont-risk-London-tap-water.html]]> 4828 2011-05-24 12:31:17 2011-05-24
12:31:17 open open obama-refuses-to-drink-buckingham-palace-mineral-water-on-his-state-
visit publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_93b39f61c0b87bb7ea4446876bcd297f
_oembed_9007d31d797ebe446c149c2f67d5f1a6 13672
relationship-with-the-united-kingdom/ 2011-05-27 15:31:36 2011-05-27 15:31:36
0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 13600 2011-05-24 14:55:35 2011-05-24 14:55:35 1 0 0
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obamas-state-visit-to-uk-a-big-hit/ 2011-05-24 22:58:54 2011-05-24 22:58:54 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13606
http://iagree 2011-05-24 15:32:44 2011-05-24 15:32:44 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13610
http://Yahoo 2011-05-24 16:29:47 2011-05-24 16:29:47 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13680
http://iagree 2011-05-27 21:56:20 2011-05-27 21:56:20 1 0 0 jabber_published
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over-eu-euro-and-uk-decision-to-pull-troops-from-afghanistan/ Tue, 24 May 2011 12:40:43
+0000 birdflu666
push-for-early-Afghanistan-withdrawal.html Bankster puppet Obama is also a big support of
the EU and euro Ponzi scheme, says The Telegraph in another report, and is warning Britain
against withdrawing from the EU. "The Obama administration’s relentless and wrongheaded
support for the creation of a federal Europe, from backing the Treaty of Lisbon to the European
Security and Defence Policy, is a slap in the face for the principle of national sovereignty in
Europe. British sovereignty is non-negotiable, and Obama’s willingness to undermine it is both
insulting to Britain and self-defeating for the United States. While the Bush Administration was
divided over Europe, the Obama team is ardently euro-federalist. Hillary Clinton described the
Lisbon Treaty as “a major milestone in our world’s history”, and in an interview with The Irish
Times in 2009 stated: “I believe [political integration is] in Europe’s interest and I believe that is
in the United States’ interest because we want a strong Europe.” And in May last year, Vice
President Joe Biden described Brussels as the “capital of the free world.” And the US
Ambassador to London, Louis Susman, has warned Britain that “all key issues must run through
Europe.” According to a report by The, in a private meeting with British MEPs
at an event in the European Parliament in January, Susman called for a stronger British
commitment to the EU, emphatically warning against British withdrawal."]]> 4830 2011-05-24
12:40:43 2011-05-24 12:40:43 open open obamas-visit-to-uk-clouded-by-differences-over-eu-
euro-and-uk-decision-to-pull-troops-from-afghanistan publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_572b0a3012d52f6f27248420eafb3178 13629 2011-05-25 13:18:28 2011-05-25 13:18:28 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13601 2011-05-24 15:09:54 2011-05-24 15:09:54
1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13611 2011-05-24 16:45:17 2011-05-24 16:45:17 1 13609 0
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0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
while-obama-speaks-and-keeps-on-going/ Wed, 25 May 2011 14:47:56 +0000 birdflu666 4833 2011-05-25 14:47:56 2011-05-25 14:47:56
open open scots-guards-start-playing-national-anthem-while-obama-speaks-and-keeps-on-
going publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_c472a29a4c16ac91706bae35cea7c9dc
_oembed_74f4434138d371d6cb2771452e5f2ab2 13670 http://d 2011-05-27 08:17:51 2011-05-27 08:17:51 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13671 2011-05-27 10:28:06 2011-05-27 10:28:06 1 13667 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-05-27 17:34:43 2011-05-27 17:34:43 1 13674 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-05-28 06:00:44 2011-05-28 06:00:44 1 13679 0
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akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13692 2011-05-29 08:25:53 2011-05-29 08:25:53 1 13689 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13656 http://d 2011-05-26 11:04:13 2011-05-26 11:04:13 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13657 http://d 2011-05-26 11:07:20 2011-05-26 11:07:20 1
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13664 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13665 2011-05-27 07:02:40 2011-05-27 07:02:40 1 0 0
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1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13644
computing-event-hosted-by-microsoft-and-telegraph-co-uk/ 2011-05-25
20:28:32 2011-05-25 20:28:32 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
13645 2011-05-25 21:07:49 2011-05-25 21:07:49 1 13640
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13646 http://d 2011-05-25 22:40:13 2011-05-25 22:40:13 1
13645 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13649 http://d 2011-05-25 23:40:04 2011-05-25 23:40:04 1
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13661 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13664 http://iagree 2011-05-26 22:36:18 2011-05-26 22:36:18
1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13678 2011-05-27 20:14:31 2011-05-27 20:14:31 1 13664 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13679 http://iagree 2011-05-27 20:23:24 2011-05-27 20:23:24
1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13684 2011-05-28 13:19:53 2011-05-28 13:19:53 1 13682 0
akismet_history akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13685 2011-05-28 13:36:03 2011-05-28 13:36:03 1 13684 0
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Wed, 25 May 2011 14:49:10 +0000 birdflu666 4835
2011-05-25 14:49:10 2011-05-25 14:49:10 open open brits-resist-growing-power-of-eu-
bilderberg publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13639 http://Yahoo 2011-05-25 18:13:21 2011-05-25 18:13:21 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
inevitable/ Wed, 25 May 2011 14:51:40 +0000 birdflu666
p=4837 The subject is especially sensitive. Greece was the first euro country to receive an
international bail-out last year, but its attempts to agree austerity measures have lagged, leading
to mounting concerns that it will default. The Greek economy is in deep recession, and fledgling
austerity measures demanded by international creditors are smothering any recovery.
Economists say that without growth, the Greek government will struggle to repay what it owes.
Mr Cable said: “You can’t just deal with this by cutting, cutting, cutting – it’s wrong, and it does
not work. Attacking the debt, and dealing with it in a more pragmatic way, is the way out of this.
I think in practice what will happen – people are already discussing this – is a negotiated
rescheduling.” Read more at:
No-10-as-he-stirs-euro-crisis.html]]> 4837 2011-05-25 14:51:40 2011-05-25 14:51:40 open open
uk-minister-says-greek-rescheduling-inevitable publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_3a0ccc641d7231ff9c54046bd2075f60 13643
computing-event-hosted-by-microsoft-and-telegraph-co-uk/ 2011-05-25
20:28:29 2011-05-25 20:28:29 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
worthless-collateral-to-get-a-loan-from-the-ecb/ Wed, 25 May 2011 14:55:18 +0000 birdflu666 Joseph Cotterill on May 24 17:10. Stunning
disclosures on sovereign exposure and ECB collateral from Alpha Bank, one of Greece’s bigger
lenders, on Tuesday. This is rare detail on the real pressure points that are arising from a Greek
debt restructuring. The disclosures are found within Alpha’s first-quarter results — in particular
this investor presentation. We’ll start with bond exposure to the government. Here’s a slide
where Alpha Bank tries to spin its holdings of Greek government bonds as “only” €3.7bn… (click
to enlarge, red highlight ours) But that excludes €0.9bn related to government preference
shares. And it’s still 80 to 100 per cent of the bank’s capital, as another slide shows: Read more
collateral/]]> 4842 2011-05-25 14:55:18 2011-05-25 14:55:18 open open ft-explains-how-one-
greek-bank-uses-worthless-collateral-to-get-a-loan-from-the-ecb publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last Wed, 25
May 2011 14:57:13 +0000 birdflu666 Andrew Lilico
Economics Last updated: May 20th, 2011 Telegraph It is when, not if. Financial markets merely
aren’t sure whether it’ll be tomorrow, a month’s time, a year’s time, or two years’ time (it won’t
be longer than that). Given that the ECB has played the “final card” it employed to force a
bailout upon the Irish – threatening to bankrupt the country’s banking sector – presumably we
will now see either another Greek bailout or default within days. What happens when Greece
defaults. Here are a few things: - Every bank in Greece will instantly go insolvent. - The Greek
government will nationalise every bank in Greece. - The Greek government will forbid
withdrawals from Greek banks. - To prevent Greek depositors from rioting on the streets,
Argentina-2002-style (when the Argentinian president had to flee by helicopter from the roof of
the presidential palace to evade a mob of such depositors), the Greek government will declare a
curfew, perhaps even general martial law. - Greece will redenominate all its debts into “New
Drachmas” or whatever it calls the new currency (this is a classic ploy of countries defaulting) -
The New Drachma will devalue by some 30-70 per cent (probably around 50 per cent, though
perhaps more), effectively defaulting 0n 50 per cent or more of all Greek euro-denominated
debts. - The Irish will, within a few days, walk away from the debts of its banking system. - The
Portuguese government will wait to see whether there is chaos in Greece before deciding
whether to default in turn. - A number of French and German banks will make sufficient losses
that they no longer meet regulatory capital adequacy requirements. - The European Central
Bank will become insolvent, given its very high exposure to Greek government debt, and to
Greek banking sector and Irish banking sector debt. - The French and German governments will
meet to decide whether (a) to recapitalise the ECB, or (b) to allow the ECB to print money to
restore its solvency. (Because the ECB has relatively little foreign currency-denominated
exposure, it could in principle print its way out, but this is forbidden by its founding charter.  On
the other hand, the EU Treaty explicitly, and in terms, forbids the form of bailouts used for
Greece, Portugal and Ireland, but a little thing like their being blatantly illegal hasn’t prevented
that from happening, so it’s not intrinsically obvious that its being illegal for the ECB to print its
way out will prove much of a hurdle.) - They will recapitalise, and recapitalise their own banks,
but declare an end to all bailouts. - There will be carnage in the market for Spanish banking
sector bonds, as bondholders anticipate imposed debt-equity swaps. - This assumption will
prove justified, as the Spaniards choose to over-ride the structure of current bond contracts in
the Spanish banking sector, recapitalising a number of banks via debt-equity swaps. -
Bondholders will take the Spanish Banking Sector to the European Court of Human Rights (and
probably other courts, also), claiming violations of property rights. These cases won’t be heard
for years. By the time they are finally heard, no-one will care. - Attention will turn to the British
banks. Then we shall see…
happens-when-greece-defaults/]]> 4844 2011-05-25 14:57:13 2011-05-25 14:57:13 open open
what-happens-when-greece-defaults publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_04a5bf93392b5ec7b4c29ecc22db18b3 13654
bag/ 2011-05-26 09:40:41 2011-05-26 09:40:41 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published akismet_history akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13638 http://Yahoo 2011-
05-25 18:05:12 2011-05-25 18:05:12 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13697
the-greeks-default/ 2011-05-29 16:05:13 2011-05-29 16:05:13 1 pingback 0 0
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jabber_published akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
Wed, 25 May 2011 14:59:08 +0000 birdflu666
Andrew Lilico Economics Last updated: May 24th, 2011  The Telegraph Article 125 of the EU
Treaty states: The Union shall not be liable for or assume the commitments of central
governments, regional, local or other public authorities, other bodies governed by public law,
or public undertakings of any Member State… A Member State shall not be liable for or
assume the commitments of central governments, regional, local or other public authorities,
other bodies governed by public law, or public undertakings of another Member State
Everyone knows that this Treaty article was violated by the Greek, Irish and Portuguese bailouts.
Indeed, senior French politicians have not been shy of spelling matters out. For example, in May
last year, French Europe Minister Pierre Lallouche cheerfully declared: “De facto, we have
changed the treaty”. Again, Christine Lagarde – now favourite for the IMF job – stated last
December: “We violated all the rules because we wanted to close ranks and really rescue the
euro zone…The Treaty of Lisbon was very straight-forward. No bailout.” Now if, say, Greece and
Ireland default, then bureaucrats and politicians will have lost lots of my money doing
something forbidden by ratified international treaty. Can I sue them, to get some of it back?]]>
4846 2011-05-25 14:59:08 2011-05-25 14:59:08 open open so-whom-do-i-sue-over-ecbs-rule-
violations publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13632 2011-05-25
15:23:32 2011-05-25 15:23:32 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13637 http://Yahoo 2011-
05-25 17:58:51 2011-05-25 17:58:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
account-deficit-since-2007-etc/ Wed, 25 May 2011 15:02:04 +0000 birdflu666 Hans-Werner Sinn] The ECB’s secret bailout
strategy 2011-05-06 19:07 MUNICH ― Why did Greece, Ireland, and Portugal have to seek
shelter under the European Union’s rescue umbrella, and why is Spain a potential candidate?
For many, the answer is obvious: international markets no longer want to finance the “PIGS.”
But that is only half true. In fact, international markets have not financed any of them to a
considerable extent for the past three years; the European Central Bank has. The so-called
“Target” accounts, hitherto ignored by the media, show that the ECB has been much more
involved in rescue operations than is commonly known. But now the ECB no longer wants to do
it, and is urging eurozone members to step in. Normally, a country’s current-account deficit
(trade deficit minus transfers from other countries) is financed with foreign private capital. In a
currency union, however, central-bank credit may play this role if private capital flows are
insufficient. This is what happened in the eurozone when the interbank market first broke down
in mid-2007. Read more at:
newsMLId=20110506000678]]> 4848 2011-05-25 15:02:04 2011-05-25 15:02:04 open open
current-account-deficit-since-2007-etc publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
including-480-billion-euros-of-abs-loans/ Wed, 25 May 2011 15:05:09 +0000 birdflu666 ECB's Balance Sheet Contains Massive Risks By
Matthias Brendel and Christoph Pauly, DER SPIEGEL While Europe is
preoccupied with a possible restructuring of Greece's debt, huge risks lurk
elsewhere -- in the balance sheet of the European Central Bank. The guardian of
the single currency has taken on billions of euros worth of risky securities as
collateral for loans to shore up the banks of struggling nations. On the green fields
near Carriglas, halfway between Dublin and Ireland's west coast, the wind whistles eerily around
rows of half-finished houses. Most of these buildings are roofless, leaving their bare walls
unprotected against the elements. Even the real estate brokers' for-sale signs and the project
offices are gone. Hardly anyone in Carriglas believes that the houses will ever be finished. Read
more at:,1518,764299,00.html]]> 4850 2011-
05-25 15:05:09 2011-05-25 15:05:09 open open ecbs-balance-sheet-contains-massive-risks-
including-480-billion-euros-of-abs-loans publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_2818546c7df89c1fd8aca0f469685e38 13636 http://Yahoo 2011-05-25 17:40:29 2011-05-25 17:40:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
banking-system/ Wed, 25 May 2011 15:06:40 +0000 birdflu666 May 24, 2011 The American Dream is
a 30 minute animated film by Tad Lumpkin & Harold Uhl that shows you how you’ve been
scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for
the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther
away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices
skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it
affects you every single day? The American Dream takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at
how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have
warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today.
You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this
nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our nation back on track. Check out the video on:]]>
4852 2011-05-25 15:06:40 2011-05-25 15:06:40 open open alex-jones-endorses-new-film-
exposing-secret-banking-system publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_dd012b105da5f1a9bb2c12290939d69b 13673
2011-05-27 16:42:41 2011-05-27 16:42:41 1 13651 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13662 http://yahoo 2011-05-26 18:04:04 2011-05-26 18:04:04 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13651 2011-05-26 07:29:21 2011-05-26 07:29:21 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13738 2011-06-01 06:10:49 2011-06-01 06:10:49 1 13651 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13739 2011-06-01 06:12:41 2011-06-01 06:12:41 1 13738 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13635
http://Yahoo 2011-05-25 17:21:23 2011-05-25 17:21:23 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Wed, 25 May
2011 15:33:54 +0000 birdflu666 The debate over a
Greek default has put the spotlight on the European Central Bank and specifically on the way
the ECB has violated rules to become an enormous "bad bank" with hundreds of billions of bad
loans on its books - loans which  tax payers will be obligated to pay for in addition to the sums
arising from the staggering EU bailouts. And it is the ECB's  systematic violation of rules
on collateral and bail outs that could well be the final nail in the coffin and
Götterdämmerung of the Frankfurt-based central bank as Greece lurches ever
closer to default and the eurozone approaches financial meltdown. But what rules
exactly has the ECB violated? Germany's Der Spiegel revealed this week that the ECB violated
one set of rules by giving banks in Greece, Ireland and Portugal as well as Spain a
stupendous 480 billion euros against collateral of little or no quality. To have some idea of what
this means in the language of ordinary people, take, for example, a situation where someone like
myself goes to a national central bank or the ECB with a scrap of paper saying I have 1 billion
euros worth of “Guiness Emerald Jewels from County Maquire in Greece” and. on this basis and
without checks, gets a 1 billion euro loan at 0% interest? Can I do this? Can you? Emphatically
no. Can I then -- when the time comes for me to repay the billion euro “loan” -- hand in another
note to the ECB saying, oh, so sorry,  the market in “Guinesse Emerald Jewels” collapsed, and I
now have...errr.... only 1 million euros worth of them. And give my apologies to the tax payer
about the missing 999 million euro. Oh, and by the way, thanks so much, boys, for the 100
million or so I pocketed from my investment in Greek and Irish bonds at that nice interest
payments of 6% you kindly arranged for me with that EU/IMF loan thing. Don’t think I would
get away with this scam. But if you are bank, it seems, you can, because the ECB has been
violating strict rules on the quality of collateral as well as the no bailout principle. Breaching the
rules, a bank can hand in a scrap of paper as collateral, and the ECB will accept it at face value
and not bother checking whether there are  substantial assets behind it, Der Spiegel has
revealed.  The ECB will hand out billions and billions of euros, in fact 480 billion euros in
liquidity, without adequate collateral, knowing the tax payers will have to stump up, in what is
in effect an act of looting on a gigantic scale. Der Spiegel reports that at the core of this
collaterial fraud bing run by the ECB are the very same subprime property loans that are at the
core of the bank crisis, in the first place, and the subject of criminal probes in the USA. As
Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörmann pointed out, fair value accounting rules can allow
banks to assign virtually any value to, say, a house or some other property, and so give the
appearance collateral. For example, an Irish property developer might borrow money from a
bank and invest 10,000 euros of actual money in building a house. The bank, however, might
book the house as an asset of 1 million in a property boom. When the boom collapses, and the
shell of a house stands around unsold, the bank can then go to a complicit government, which
has guaranteed all bank “losses”, and ask for the difference of 990,000 euros between the actual
cost of the house and the value of the house on its books because this is its loss on paper. This
fair value accounting fraud is the basis of the truly stupendous property losses of Depfa Bank
and other banks in the property market that tax payers are now expected to make good.
Complicit governments, specifically the Irish government, have saddled tax payers with these
gigantic, accounting losses from banks usch as Depfa when the banks themselves have lost little
or no actual capital. Under the pretext of having to pay interest on these fractional reserve,
paper debts, taxpayers in countries like Ireland and Greece are being looted of money and assets
by their own governments and the EU and IMF, which has forced countries to take on a penal
loan to make these interest payments to banks. Der Spiegel reports that central banks – and so
ultimately the ECB – did not bother to check on the value of the ABS collateral that Depfa, for
example, was handing in to get cash that taxpayers will have to stump up for when the collateral
turns out to have fallen dramatically in value from the false and artificial value on the ECB's
accounting books. “The ECB accepted so-called asset-backed securities (ABS) as collateral. At
the beginning of the year, these securities amounted to €480 billion. It was precisely such asset-
backed securities that once triggered the real estate crisis in the United States. Now they are
weighing on the mood and the balance sheet at the ECB,“ writes Der Spiegel. „For example,
Depfa Bank, the Irish subsidiary of the scandal-ridden German bank HRE, had 78 securities
placed on the ECB's list of investment-grade securities in February. According to documents
SPIEGEL has obtained, 25 of those securities appear not to have been sufficiently discounted.
An inquiry about these incorrectly valued securities elicited the following nonchalant response
from the Central Bank of Ireland: "Thank you for the information. The discount for
XS0226100310 should be 46 percent. We will apply this discount in the next few days." This
meant that the owners of the security could borrow about 20 percent less money from the ECB.“,1518,764299,00.html ECB violated all the
rules not just in accepting the worthless asset based securities – the focus of the subprime
probes. Andrew Lilico pointed out in The Telegraph yesterday (“Whom should I sue?)  that the
EU Lisbon Treaty rule book explicity says that countries at risk of economic collapse should not
be propped up by other countries. And yet that is what the ECB has been doing at a cost of 100s
of billions of more to the tax payers. “Everyone knows that this Treaty article was violated by the
Greek, Irish and Portuguese bailouts. Indeed, senior French politicians have not been shy of
spelling matters out. For example, in May last year, French Europe Minister Pierre Lallouche
cheerfully declared: “De facto, we have changed the treaty”. Again, Christine Lagarde – now
favourite for the IMF job – stated last December: “We violated all the rules because we wanted
to close ranks and really rescue the euro zone…The Treaty of Lisbon was very straight-forward.
No bailout.” Now if, say, Greece and Ireland default, then bureaucrats and politicians will have
lost lots of my money doing something forbidden by ratified international treaty. Can I sue
them, to get some of it back?“ he asks. Ralph Atkins explains in the FT how the ECB tore up the
rule book to prop up collapsed economies.  “The ECB helped persuade eurozone political leaders
to assemble a €750bn rescue plan with the International Monetary Fund. It also took action
itself. For Greece, it suspended the minimum rating requirement for government-backed
collateral used in its liquidity offers, a concession since granted to Ireland. Greek banks could
continue to tap the ECB for funds, no matter how far the country was downgraded by rating
agencies (it has now reached “junk” status). For the eurozone as a whole, the bank stepped up
the provision of unlimited liquidity,” writes Aktins. The ECB attracted far more controversy
when it decided to start buying eurozone government bonds.” Indeed, some 70 billion euros of
Greek bonds, according to some reports. “By declaring it would act as a backstop in bond
markets, the ECB bought the eurozone time. A year later, however, the securities markets
programme has failed. The debt crisis has spread to Ireland and Portugal, both now subject to
ECB-backed international bail-out plans,” writes Aktins. The ECB knows very well they money
would never be repaid by Greece and that the EU/IMF bailouts were really nothing more than a
means for the government to keep on making interest payments to banks and while the size of
the EU and IMF bailout interest payments would actually crush the real economy. The way the
Greek economy has collapsed and the national debt has soared was predictable. Equally
predictable is the that the current plan to sell off the last of family silver in Greece now will only
postpone the default of Greece and make the economic collapse even more costly. It has
emerged that the ECB liquidity made it possible for Greece to get so deeply into debt in the first
place. The ECB has been giving the Greek and other banks liquidity in a  “secret bailout” to the
tune of 365 billion euros to finance Greece’s growing deficit, explains  German economist Hans
Werner Sinn. Until mid-2007, the Target accounts were close to zero, but since then, they have
grown by about 100 billion euros ($148 billion) per year. For example, the Bundesbank’s Target
claims ballooned from 5 billion euros in 2006 to 323 billion euros by March 2011. The
counterpart to these claims were the PIGS’ liabilities, which had grown to about 340 billion
euros by the end of last year. Interestingly, the PIGS’ cumulative current-account deficits from
2008 through 2010 were of roughly the same order of magnitude ― 365 billion euros, to be
precise. Had the ECB failed to finance these deficits, the PIGS would have had a hard time
finding the money to pay for their net imports. If they succeeded at all, high interest rates would
have induced them to tighten their belts, and their current-account deficits, which in the case of
Greece and Portugal exceeded 10 percent of GDP, would have diminished,“ writes Sinn. As soon as
Greece or Ireland or Portugal defaults, the ECB will be forced to abandon the accountant fiction
that bonds and collateral on their have not fallen massively in value. It will be forced to come
clean and admit that it has put 100s of billions of bad loans on its books in violation of all the
rules to protect tax payers from just this kind of  scam. Germany’s central bank, the
Bundesbank, provides 27 percent of the ECB’s capital, which means that it would have to pay for
more than a quarter of all losses and this could amount of 100s of billions for German tax payers
alone. On top of that comes the 100s of billions of euros for the EU bailout funds. The ECB will
be not only insolvent. The ECB will also be potlicially finished along with the political and
financial elite that have allowed this scam to reach such an incredible scale. Europe’s citizens
will be confronted with the stark facts that point to the reality that the ECB is a criminal
enterprise, violating all the rules to suck money from taxpayers on a scale unknown in history
and with the complicity of a political elite. Luckily, awareness of the nature of the ECB scam has
spread fast and prevented the ECB, EU and IMF from introducing eurobonds and also from
pushing forward with a fiscal union. Awareness that the ECB is running a Ponzi scheme also
makes approval from the German parliament for the new 750 billion bailout fund due to come
into effect in 2013 increasingly unlikely. The ECB and the political and financial elite clearly
know they are running out of options and are doing everything to block a default by Greece,
which will end the scam. The ECB is so desperate it has even threatened to cut Greek banks off
from liquidty if the will cut Greek banks off from its liquidity supply, pushing Greece into
financial collapse. The threat has escalated the crisis, writes James Mackintosh in the FT.
00144feabdc0.html#axzz1NMkaqvSR There can be little doubt, though, that the ECB would
come out worse from a Greek default, which is facing certain ruin  anyway under the current
bailout terms and has nothing left to lose. Greece would ultimately recover from a default. The
ECB would not. What is a financial crisis will turn into a full blown political crisis as people start
to ask how the ECB, could have been allowed to waive all the rules and give unlimited liquidity
to the banks knowing it was up to the tax payers to stump up? What were the regulators doing?
What were the finance ministers doing while the ECB created this mountain of debt that will
allow banks to suck so much from the tax payers on the grounds they have to honour a debt on
paper for, for example, 1 billion euros for Guiness Emerald Jewels from County Maquire in
Greece, which has fallen in value by 990 million euros? ABS securities are hardly more
substantial than this. The question would be asked: why, if the ECB can throw all the rules over
board to funnel money to the banks at the tax payer’s expense, cannot it throw the rules over
board to save the tax payer from expense? Why can’t the ECB just give liquidity to banks without
booking a debt as China’s central bank does, so allowing for its current boom as Hörmann
explained? A Greek default would, therefore, spell the end of the ECB, and the financial and
political elite who have organised and run this blatant scam. If the Greeks don’t default, it is my
personal wish, as an Irish citizen and holder of an Irish passport, that Ireland pulls the rug from
underneath the ECB Ponzi scheme and defaults – and soon. Of course, it means marginalising
Enda Kenny,  a man, who, it seems, did not even dare ask President Barack Obama about the
penal IMF/EU loan on his recent trip to visit, and who is also supporting financial Gauleiter
Christine Lagarde as the new IMF chief. But the voters put in Kenny to deal with the banks not
grovel to them. He cannot just be allowed to hog a seat and block meaningful action by the rest
of the political parties. If Ireland manages to bring down the ECB financial looting machine, it
will be a great historical feat and also a great honour for the country, comparable with single
handedly defeating the Nazi war machine during the second world war. Ireland should default
on its EU and IMF loan as soon as possible and start printing its own money to give it space to
sets about the task of putting the banks into a managed insolvency. Ireland will not only save its
own citizens, but all the citizens of Europe from the imperial ambitions of the ECB. Indeed, the
ECB’s address in Frankfurt is even the Kaiserstrasse - Kaiser as in Kaiser Wilhelm
Hohenzollern. But the honour of collapsing the imperial financial machinery of conquest can
now go to Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Every “victim” now in the belly of beast also has the
power to bring the beast down, a fact that is clearly giving ECB bankers severe anxiety.]]> 4854
2011-05-25 15:33:54 2011-05-25 15:33:54 open open gotterdammerung-over-the-ecb publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_232be6126c1ecec3d469a9430ee634bd
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06-05 14:12:47 2011-06-05 14:12:47 1 13833 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 May
2011 14:59:26 +0000 birdflu666 But fasten your
seatbelts. Here I go again. My excuse is that this crisis keeps surprising the unwary. There is so
much to say that I will have to have several bites. Before we can find solutions, which I will
discuss at a later date, first the causes. Why is the euro in crisis? Because it was fundamentally
flawed at its inception. Only good luck, strong economic growth and enlightened economic
management could keep it together. In fact, the eurozone has had to suffer the opposite of all
three. Giving up sovereign currencies is a serious challenge. Exchange rates act as a safety valve.
When you remove them, the pressure either has to be reduced or it will find some other way out.
In a fixed exchange rate system, such as the ERM, currency speculation could and did break the
system. Advocates of the euro project drew comfort from the fact that, by contrast, a full
monetary union is immune from such attacks. Read more at:
and-pray-but-the-euro-is-running-out-of-time.html]]> 4856 2011-05-30 14:59:26 2011-05-30
14:59:26 open open euro-is-running-out-of-time publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13719
out-of-time/ 2011-05-31 02:11:10 2011-05-31 02:11:10 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
money-from-the-eu-and-imf/ Mon, 30 May 2011 15:04:31 +0000 birdflu666 Leo Varadkar said in an interview with The Sunday
Times that Ireland will need another emergency loan from the European Union and IMF.
Varadkar is absolutely right as Tom Molloy points out in The Irish Independent. The penal EU
and IMF bailout to pay interest on private bank debt that the government assumed without
asking the people or parliament is crushing the Irish economy as it crushed the Greek economy.
"Leaving politics aside, it is difficult to quibble with Varadkar's analysis. It is almost impossible
to imagine a situation where the National Treasury Management Agency could return to the
markets next year to borrow money on our behalf. The problem is that we must either borrow
money from the markets or from Europe because the present bailout fund will run out in 2013 at
the latest and we still show no great appetite for changing our lifestyle to live within our means,"
writes Molloy. "Optimists inside government note that we may not need to return to the markets
next year even if we are committed to doing so. They believe the banks won't require all of the
€35bn that has been set aside to bulletproof their balance sheets under the bailout deal. This
could leave the Government with as much as €11bn to shell out on the day-to-day expenses
linked with running the country. Even accepting that the nasty surprises from the banks are a
thing of the past, such a scenario only brings us sometime into 2013 before the cash runs dry.
Running out of money in late 2013 will force us to borrow from Europe and the International
Monetary Fund once again but under very different political and financial circumstances.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will probably both
have been kicked out of office, victims of the general dissatisfaction with politicians throughout
Europe and their own voters' worries about the bailout of Greece, Portugal and ourselves.
Anybody who believes their socialist successors will be any more flexible than Sarkozy or Merkel
lives in cloud-cuckoo land. A far harsher tone, like the one coming from Finland these days, is
much more probable." Read more at:
molloy-time-to-face-home-truths-as-leo-states-the-obvious-2660893.html]]> 4858 2011-05-30
15:04:31 2011-05-30 15:04:31 open open irish-minister-admits-ireland-will-need-more-money-
from-the-eu-and-imf publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13720
admits-ireland-will-need-more-money-from-the-eu-and-imf/ 2011-05-31
02:14:45 2011-05-31 02:14:45 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking akismet_result
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ecb-and-german-government-over-the-future-of-the-euro/ Mon, 30 May 2011 15:07:44 +0000
birdflu666 The Haircut War Tensions Worsen
Between Berlin and European Central Bank By Christian Reiermann and Michael Sauga,
Der Spiegel What's best for Greece and Europe -- a soft debt restructuring or billions
of euros in loans for years to come? Berlin and the ECB are deeply divided over the
best way to handle the crisis. A number of influential Germans fear the threat of
austerity measures could be greater than a "haircut" of Greek debt. It wasn't all that
long ago that Europe's top monetary policy experts and the leader of the European Union's most
important member state were politely exchanging compliments. Jean-Claude Trichet, president
of the European Central Bank (ECB), praised German Chancellor Angela Merkel for having
made Germany into an "example for all of its neighbors." Merkel, for her part, thanked the
Frenchman for his decidedly "successful actions." A few years and a crisis later, the relationship
has cooled off considerably. Merkel feels that the Frankfurt-based monetary watchdogs are
pressuring her inappropriately, while Trichet and his fellow bankers have taken to
characterizing the Berlin government's proposals as "incorrect," "illusory" or simply as a
"catastrophe." Today, members of the German government and the ECB seem to have trouble
spending time in the same room together. At a recent meeting of finance ministers in
Luxembourg, Trichet stormed out of the room after being confronted with yet another crisis
plan from Germany that he didn't like. The controversy revolves around the future of the
common currency, which instruments ought to be used to rescue the euro and, not least, a
workable plan to support ailing Greece. While Merkel has long advocated a cautious
restructuring of Greece's debt, Frankfurt-based Frenchman Trichet categorically rejects any
form of debt deferral for Athens. Read more at:,1518,765601,00.html]]> 4860 2011-05-30
15:07:44 2011-05-30 15:07:44 open open der-spiegel-reports-on-titanic-battle-between-ecb-
and-german-government-over-the-future-of-the-euro publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_93143521414489c6e39ef64a217d2093 13721
reports-on-titanic-battle-between-ecb-and-german-government-over-the-future-of-the-euro/ 2011-05-31 02:17:59 2011-05-31 02:17:59 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking
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13712 2011-05-30 19:09:11 2011-05-30 19:09:11 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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2011-06-04 06:45:18 1 13769 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
default-and-ecb-insolvency/ Mon, 30 May 2011 15:29:44 +0000 birdflu666 European Central Bank (ECB) board member
Lorenzo Bini Smaghi told the Financial Times that the idea a Greek debt restructuring could be
carried out in an orderly way is a "fairytale" as the confrontation between the ECB and the
eurozone escalates. Last week, it emerged that the ECB has abandoned all attempt to
run a conventional monetary policy for the eurozone and handed out, instead,
hundreds of billions of euros in loans to insolvent Irish, Portuguese, Spanish, and
Greek banks in exchange for collateral which was hugely inflated in value, and that
the ECB would have to own up to gigantic losses if Greece defaulted. Bini Smaghi
admitted in the interview with the FT on Monday that it is the tax payers who will
have to pick up this multi-billion euro losses that the ECB has accumulated
because of its illegal activities because tax payers have to fund the eurozone
national central banks, the source of ECB funding.  “But Mr Bini Smaghi points out
that the impact would fall largely on eurozone national central banks, rather than
the ECB, and ultimately on taxpayers.”  The insolvent banks used the gift of ECB
loans at 0% to buy souvereign bonds of insolvent countries, which were compelled
to accept a penal EU and IMF bailout, so enabling those banks to make gigantic
profits from the 6% interest paid by tax payers as part of the very same „bailouts“
and hold country's hostage. Breaching rules, the ECB is, therefore, playing a key role in
what former Argentian central bank governor Mario Blejer called a public sector Ponzi scheme:
it is allowing insolvent banks to make astronomical profits at the expense of the tax payer and
then transfer the losses onto the tax payer’s shoulders. If Greece restructures its debt, the ECB
will be forced to write down the value of its credits and own up to these gigantic losses and the
Ponzi scheme will come to a halt. The losses could amount to 100s of billions of euros. The FT
reports that the ECB has bought 45 billion euros of souvereign Greek bonds. “The ECB has
bought about €45bn ($64bn) in Greek government bonds in emergency market support
operations in the past year – which would see losses if Greece defaulted.” But the ECB also
handed out 145 billion euros of loans to insolvent Greek banks in exchange for securities that
were significantly overvalued.  Even with the most creative of accountancy  – ECB chief Jean
Claude Trichet had to face an inquiry in France for accounting irregularities at Credit Lyonnais
– the ECB is facing astronomical losses when it has to write down the value of these and other
credits in the event of a Greek default, and German tax payers will be very unhappy because they
have to foot the lion's share of the bill. A default by Greece is also expected to have a knock on
effect on Ireland and Portugal and also on the value of the ECB’s vast holdings of securities from
insolvent Irish and Portuguese banks. According to a report in the Irish Independent, insolvent
Irish banks now hold 21.8 billion of insolvent Irish government bonds.
2660640.html The Irish banks appear to have obtained the money to buy these bonds from the
ECB in exchange for hugely overvalued asset based securities.  Irish banks appear now to be in
the process of transforming their holdings of Irish bonds and sovereign debt into a revenue
stream thanks to the tax payer’s of Ireland, and also getting ready off load the bonds onto the
ECB for the tax payers of Europe as soon as Ireland is picked bare and the revenue runs dry. An
interactive graphic in The Telegraph shows the way private bank debt is being shoved onto
public banks. While the transfer of private bank debt to the ECB and public banks is largely
finished in Greece, the graphic shows how it is just starting in Ireland, the latest recipient of the
penal EU and IMF bailout. By the end of the year, the "bank exposure to Ireland" graphic will no
doubt also show the predominantly orange colour having flipped over to blue as the ECB
increasingly holds onto the worthless debt unless public outcry forces the banks to dump it in a
"bad bank." This is what should have happened long ago.
The Irish Independent reports that German banks also hold €13bn worth of Irish debt with
Hypo Real Estate and Landesbank BW. A Greek default could impact not only on the value of
the credits the ECB holds from insolvent Irish banks but also on the credits of Portuguese banks.
The ECB has been violating rules in handing out billions of euros to insolvent banks and
insolvent governments, a fact that pushed Axel Weber to resign as head of Deutsche
Bundesbank in February.  ECB chief Bini Smaghi is, however, still refusing to accept the fact
that Greece is insolvent and that te ECB will have to write down the credits, perferring to try to
keep up the illusion Greece is just illiquid and wring money from Greece as long as possible.
“Germany’s Otmar Issing, the bank’s chief economist until 2006, who warned that Greece was
insolvent and unlikely ever to repay its debts. But Mr Bini Smaghi a former Italian finance
official who has an economics PhD from the University of Chicago, insists he is wrong,” writes
the FT. It was also reported today that Greece is considering setting up a Spanish-style "bad
bank" to clean up its lenders' accounts from "toxic" Greek bonds. It looks as if ECB recognises it
can no longer hide the bonds from insolvent Greek governments and banks on their balance
sheet due to growing media attention, and banks are scrambling for some other method to deal
with the debts. The confrontation between the ECB and the eurozone tax payers comes amid
growing warnings of unrest and civil war. A commentary in the Suedduetsche Zeitung with the
headline „Restructuing of Greece: relinquish dogma, save Europe“ indicated that „peace“ in
Europe was at risk from the ECB’s „policies." It said time was running short.
retten-1.1102207]]> 4863 2011-05-30 15:29:44 2011-05-30 15:29:44 open open ecb-
increasingly-isolated-in-resisting-greek-default-and-ecb-insolvency publish 0 0 post 0
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isolated-in-resisting-greek-default-and-ecb-insolvency/ 2011-05-31 02:24:21
2011-05-31 02:24:21 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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02:50:35 2011-06-01 02:50:35 1 13707 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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05-30 18:05:50 2011-05-30 18:05:50 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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money-by-davis-mc-williams/ 2011-05-30 19:08:53 2011-05-30 19:08:53 1
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of-a-revolution-over-penal-eu-imf-bailout/ Mon, 30 May 2011 15:47:02 +0000 birdflu666 The likelihood of a default by Greece -- a trigger for
the insolvency of the ECB -- has grown after IMF inspectors are reported to be preparing to say
this week that  Greece has failed to meet all its fiscal targets and to withhold the IMF's share of a
fifth tranche of a €110bn EU and IMF bailout. Without an injection of cash, the Greek
government could run out of money as early as June. A default and a
reintroduction of the Drachma could see Greece returning to a rapid economic
recovery similar to Iceland and so help avert social unrest but a default will lead to
the insolvency of the ECB with a major impact on the euro. Bild newspaper says
that Greece is verging on a “revolution” as tens of thousands of people camp in
Athens squares.
sprechen-schon-von-revolution-18135900.bild.html A fact finding mission by lawmakers of the
German Bundestag has uncovered the scale of the impoverishment of the Greek people due to
the EU and IMF penal bailout, according to a report by AFP. "I've clearly realised how Greece is
making it really tough for its citizens" by implementing austerity measures, said Steffen Bilger, a
member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) who would not
normally be suspected of mollycoddling what some here condemn as spendthrifts. His CDU
colleague Juergen Klimke said he found Athens "in an awful state," adding that this was "far
from being my best trip to Greece." For Kai Gehring, a member of the opposition Greens whose
party advocates restructuring the Greek debt, "I think it would be impossible to force new
reforms" on them. "Greece has really asked a lot of its citizens," the Green delegation
representative said. He also deplored that the German press "does not really speak of the efforts
made by the Greeks and of the reform programme which crushes both public spending and
investment", said AFP. German economist Hans Werner Sinn has said Greece faces civil war due
to the policies of the EU and ECB.  „Economists agree that Greece will not emerge from its crisis
without a debt restructuring. To become competitive again, the country would have to reduce
prices and wages by 20 to 30 percent," says Ifo President Sinn. This would correspond to the
devaluation that occurred in Germany in the early 1930s as a result of the emergency decrees of
then Chancellor Heinrich Brüning. "This sort of thing works in theory, but in practice it leads to
the brink of civil war.",1518,765601-2,00.html
Greek EU official  Maria Damanaki said on Friday a return to the Drachma was being
considered, according to the media. Greece can take heart from Iceland if it defaults. Iceland’s
economy is growing as a result of the jettisoning a demand to pay huge amounts of interest to
banks for an artificially inflated national debt, and many economists expect Greece to stage a
fast recovery too in the event of a return to the Drachma. The UK was able to devalue its
currency by 25% since 2008, allowing it to avoid much of the financial pain of Greece. In a last
ditch effort to stop a Greek default – which will shatter the ECB balance sheets and make it
insolvent --, the  EU and  European Central Bank , ECB, appear to be trying to spring in for the
IMF and find extra cash for Greek banks. But a new "bailout" package would require
parliamentary approval, and German, Finnish and Dutch parliaments are increasingly
recognising that Greece and its banks are insolvent and not illiquid and will never be able to
repay its debt. Otmar Issing  former European Central Bank Chief Economist said that Greece
will „probably be unable to meet its obligations as the euro region’s most-indebted nation is
economist-issing-says-correct-.html CDU/CSU lawmaker Michael Fuchs said Germany should
not pay more money to Greece if the IMF withholds payments. FDP lawmaker Rainer Brüderle
also expressed doubts over giving more money as baillouts to insolvent governments and banks. An Irish Minister at
the weekend also cast more doubt on the ECB, EU and IMF "bailout" strategy for the eurozone
by saying Ireland will also need  a second "bailout" next year, opening the prospect of limitless
demands for bailuts for insolvent governments and banks across the eurozone in the near
future. Many economists agree that the EU and IMF “bailout” has piled more debt onto the
existing mountain of debt driving the economy into recession and sending the budget deficit out
of control. Greece’s debt burden nw stands at around €330bn. The ECB plan for a  privatisation
programme in Greece will not solve the debt problem, said the FT. “The core issues are how to
fund Greece over the next two years and whether to restructure its debt. No amount of
privatisations will make these burning questions go away.”
ftcamp=rss#axzz1NpyTsVWa The fire sale of government holdings in utilities, banks,
telecommunications companies and other businesses could be overseen by ECB and EU officials
in a new level of economic pillaging of the kind last seen in Europe when Nazi German
Gauleiters entered conquered countries and removed all the assets by force. „ Newspaper
reports that Athens will have to surrender authority on tax collection, sell-offs The Financial
Times reported on Monday that European leaders are negotiating a deal that would lead to
unprecedented outside intervention in the Greek economy, including international involvement
in tax collection and privatisation of state assets, in exchange for new bail-out loans for
Athens.“ .
The plundering of Greece by the ECB, EU and private banks is also taking place against growing
political turmoil as opposition parties refuse to support the “austerity” measures demanded by
the ECB and EU.  ]]> 4865 2011-05-30 15:47:02 2011-05-30 15:47:02 open open greek-default-
nears-as-bild-reports-stirrings-of-a-revolution-over-penal-eu-imf-bailout publish 0 0 post 0
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nears-as-bild-reports-stirrings-of-a-revolution-over-penal-eu-imf-bailout/ 2011-
05-31 02:28:36 2011-05-31 02:28:36 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_rechecking akismet_result
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1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13742 2011-06-01 09:52:06 2011-06-01 09:52:06 1 0 0
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04 06:54:12 2011-06-04 06:54:12 1 13813 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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shady-financial-dealings-involving-cds/ Sat, 04 Jun 2011 15:13:06 +0000 birdflu666 Accusations of Treason in the Greek Parliament
From Covering Delta Leaving aside for a moment the obvious questions of criminality and
treason that have arisin from the details of the Memorandum of Understanding between the
Greek government and the Troika (IMF/EU/ECB), which concedes total sovereign authority of
the Greek state over the fate of its own citizens to foreign banks, let us turn to recent allegations
made in Parliament against the Prime Minister of Greece himself, George Papandreou. Recently,
in an interview on Greek television, Member of Parliament for New Democracy, Mr. Panos
Kammenos, made allegations that if true, could very well constitute treason for the
Greek Prime Minister, members of his staff and possibly members of his own
family. These allegations were repeated by Mr. Kammenos on the floor of parliament and given
support by the leader of LAOS, Mr. George Karatzaferis. These allegations are therefore, not
made lightly, and have now been plainly put forth before the Greek people. They can no longer
be ignored, and the Prime Minister is obliged to respond to them. The gist of the allegations
rest on the charge by Mr. Kammenos, that the Greek Prime Minister, Mr. George
Papandreou and members of his team, presided over the sale of 1.3 billion dollars
worth of credit default swap contracts (CDS on Greek sovereign debt) on or
around December of 2009, shortly after coming to power. The 1.3 billion dollars
worth of insurance protecting against a Greek default was bought during the
spring and summer of the same year, by the Hellenic Postbank, a public banking
arm of the Greek government. It is unclear what the intentions of the Postbank were when
it purchased the credit protection. Clearly, the previous government that was in power at the
time (New Democracy or N.D.) understood that Greece was headed towards a fiscal crisis,
otherwise they would not have purchased the insurance. Read more at:
parliament/]]> 4868 2011-06-04 15:13:06 2011-06-04 15:13:06 open open is-the-greek-prime-
minister-involved-in-shady-financial-dealings-involving-cds publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_57bd45ffa4f1e186b095c96f88d37297 13820
contracts/ 2011-06-04 21:58:52 2011-06-04 21:58:52 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
Sat, 04 Jun 2011 15:17:28 +0000 birdflu666
Without a material cut in loan values, hedging instruments, known as credit default swaps
(CDS), can remain untouched. CDSs act as a form of insurance against a bond default by a
company or country. Reid said: "The most important thing is whether a restructuring of Greek
debt constitutes a credit default swap trigger. Among the biggest buyers of CDSs are Greek
banks as well as French and German ones. So the authorities are not going to let a downgrade
hit them, even if S&P goes ahead. The deal will be crafted so the values of the loans remains at
par, which means there won't be a CDS trigger." Read more at:]]>
4870 2011-06-04 15:17:28 2011-06-04 15:17:28 open open credit-strategist-hints-at-
accountancy-tricks-for-ecb-to-avert-insolvency-over-190-billion-euros-of-greek-bonds publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13821
over-190-billion-euros-of-greek-bonds/ 2011-06-04 22:01:41 2011-06-04
22:01:41 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
economist-hans-werner-sinn-says-greece-needs-more-money-not-less/ Sat, 04 Jun 2011
15:19:36 +0000 birdflu666
den-geldhahn-zu-468454/]]> 4874 2011-06-04 15:19:36 2011-06-04 15:19:36 open open
german-economist-hans-werner-sinn-says-greece-needs-more-money-not-less publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last
ponzi-europe-mario-i-blejer/ Sat, 04 Jun 2011 15:22:02 +0000 birdflu666 By Mario I. Blejer  May 31, 2011 1:00 AM
GMT+0200 May 30 (Bloomberg) -- One of the undeniable features of the European debt crisis
is the tendency to obscure, verbally and politically, the real issues at play. Euphemisms,
statistical gimmicks, meaningless institutional squabbling, undecipherable acronyms, and plain
double talk proliferate as part of the debate. In my experience as central-bank governor in
Argentina during the worst financial crisis in our history, at the beginning of this century, I
learned how useful it is to cut through the fog in order to rebuild credibility and to allow a more
lucid evaluation of the outlook. While there are few similarities between Greece’s present debt
situation and Argentina’s in 2002, it is possible to reduce the recent talk of a default to four
basic issues and make some predictions. The nature of the debt problem in peripheral Europe is
structural. Since it doesn’t reflect a temporary liquidity squeeze, the approach adopted so far
can’t resolve it. The strategy in progress has been to pile new debt upon the existing stock. New
loans are used to pay old debt, in addition to financing remaining fiscal gaps. This is why the
Ponzi scheme analogy is appropriate. And while the pyramid is growing, the share of peripheral
debt held by state-owned institutions also keeps getting bigger. This means that when it all
finally collapses, it is the taxpayers of Europe, and the world, that will bear the full cost. Read
more at:
ponzi-europe-mario-i-blejer.html]]> 4876 2011-06-04 15:22:02 2011-06-04 15:22:02 open open
greek-day-of-reckoning-looms-in-ponzi-europe-mario-i-blejer publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
of-reckoning-looms-in-ponzi-europe-mario-i-blejer/ 2011-06-04 22:04:57 2011-
06-04 22:04:57 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
with-haarp-carolyn-dunning-investigates/ Sat, 04 Jun 2011 15:24:38 +0000 birdflu666 4878 2011-06-04 15:24:38 2011-06-04 15:24:38
open open what-is-going-on-with-haarp-carolyn-dunning-investigates publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_ba9dd782f0985bcaf2462f4ae53219f9
_oembed_3d866c186a1bbe7d2bba94d38258a811 13818 2011-06-04 20:02:23 2011-06-04 20:02:23 0 0 0
akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13824
on-with-haarp-carolyn-dunning-investigates/ 2011-06-04 22:23:58 2011-06-04
22:23:58 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13889 2011-06-07
22:10:18 2011-06-07 22:10:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14018 2011-06-13 16:07:51
2011-06-13 16:07:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
postpone-greek-default-at-the-price-of-their-credibility/ Sat, 04 Jun 2011 15:53:12 +0000
birdflu666 *EU, IMF and ECB disburse bailout
funds to Greece, postponing default *New package will drive Greece deeper into debt
*Failure to acknowledge Greece is insolvent undermines credibility of EU, IMF and
ECB * German and Greek lawmakers rebel amid growing social unrest in Athens,
financial crisis turns into political crisis *Frankfurther Allgemeine Zeitung carries
scathing commentary on EU, IMF and ECB for concealing the insolvency of Greece
and violating rules for the benefit of the banks, says ECB is only looking after
interests of banks Speculation that Greece would be forced to default on its government debt
in July because it hadn't met the targets needed for the next installment of a €110bn Greek
bailout ended yesterday when the EU and the IMF breached rules to disburse the funds anyway
in a move which has postponed a default by Greece but at the price of diminishing EU and IMF
credibility. After conducting a review of Greece's economic progress, officials from the troika of
IMF, EU and ECB said 12 billion euros would be disbursed in spite of the fact that Greece has
met none of the fiscal targets set as part of a bailout deal. Plans for a new 65 billion euros of tax
payer money to cover  maturing Greek debt over the next two years were also announced. The
failure of the IMF/EU and ECB to address the widely recognised fact that Greece is insolvent
and not illiquid has led to a hardening of the negative perception of the EU/IMF and ECB not
just in Greece but also in Germany. “Only who believes that?” asked Holger Steltzner in a piece
in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which listed many of the reasons why so many people
now have difficulty believing a word the EU, IMF and ECB say about the Greece bailout. What is
new is to see  a piece of furor teutonicus directed against the EU, IMF and ECB bailout scam in
one of Germany’s leading newspapers.
scheitern-in-hellas-30430754.html “The International Monetary Fund is not allowed according
to its own rules to pay out the next slice of credit because Greece cannot service its own creditors
in the next twelve months,” he said. The justification used by the IMF, EU and ECB for giving
these astronomical sums of money to banks is that Greece is suffering a temporary liquidity
problem when it is  insolvent as noted by  German FDP lawmaker Frank Schäffler in Stern
today. “Greece became insolvent long ago but no one has the courage to look the truth in the
face," he said, adding he thought the German parliament should vote against the new bailout
fuer-athen-1692154.html+ The distinction between liquidity and solvency is crucial. If Greece is
just illiquid, then the bailouts are indeed a form of credit: tax payers will get their money back as
soon as a government carries out reforms to balance its budget. But if Greece is insolvent, then
tax payers will never get their money back while the banks holding the Greek bonds enjoy
bumper profits at those tax payer's expense. One year after an 110 billion euro bailout, there is
no prospect of Greece being able to finance its growing debt burden on the bond market in the
next ten years, let alone next year. Greece's credit rating cut to Caa1 by Moody's the same as
Cuba. Moody's said Greece will not meet the deficit reduction targets set as part of its EU and
IMF  bailout deal. Moody's said there was now a 50% chance of the country defaulting on its
debts. The markets, therefore, have concluded Greece is insolvent. Engaging in an act of deceit
yet again, the IMF and ECB and EU, however, said yesterday that Greece is only suffering a
liquidity problem – and once more it its money or the tax payer’s money that is to be used to
keep up the fiction that  Greece is not insolvent because the markets have long since realized
what the troika refuse to acknowledge, namely that Greece is suffering a solvency problem, and
are wisely avoiding their bonds. In the meantime, it has become increasingly clear that not only
the economic analysis of EU, IMF and ECB concerning whether Greece is illiquid or insolvent
has been widely inaccurate. The solution of the troika has also been catastrophic for Greece itself
. The penal interest rates attacjed to the "bailout" for banks and the austerity measures
implemented to fund them  have significantly added to the malaise of Greece by increasing its
mountain of debt to 160& of the BIP and its interest payments while crushing the economy.
Greece’s debt is now so large in proportion to its annual tax revenues – about seven or eight
times – that Greece has no prospect of ever repaying its debt. Continuing to pay the penal
interest payments is destroying the economy. And yet more of the same disastrous policies are
just what the IMF, EU and ECB are proposing for Greece. Under the new plan put forward on
Friday, Greece is to make more cuts amounting to €6.4bn in 2011 and also conduct a fire sale of
state assets at rock bottom prices to raise 50 billion euros. Banks and corporations will for sure
cherry pick the best assets – the one’s generating much needed revenue for the Greek state –
and leave the Greek people totally and utterly impoverished in their own country, facing an ever
growing mountain of debt they can never ever begin to repay with an ever declining economic
base. The decision to disburse the funds has postponed the default of Greece but the price the
EU, IMF and ECB have had to pay is the last vestiges of their credibility. “The next cash injection
is assured but the future of Greece isn’t by any means; after the disbursement of new billions the
battle with default goes on,” says Der Spiegel. The
problem the IMF/EU and ECB are now facing is that virtually everyone can now it is acting for
benefit of the banks as part of a public sector Ponzi scheme by former Argentinian central
banker Mario Blejer and mistrust is reaching new levels. Steltzner expresses the growing fury at
the scam looting not just Greeks but also Germans and Irish and indeed virtually every citizen
in the eurozone. “In the “donor” countries the rejection of the EU is growing and in Greece the
fury at Brussels,” he says.  Steltzner notes that the deceit of the EU, IMF and ECB.  “The “bailout
Europeans” have cleverly concealed a violation of the Maastricht Treaty by disguising financial
help between states prohibited by the treaty as credit,” writes Steltzner. “Now everyone can see
it: Greece is insolvent and cannot repay its debts.” Steltzner noted. “Of course a state bankruptcy
of Greece or its exiting the currency union would be bad for the country and the eurozone. But
the eternal bailouts are also bad.” Steltzner puts his finger into the growing credibility gap of the
political and financial elite. „The bailout politicians have broken their word. The bailout will not
cost any money, it is only a question of credit that will be paid back, promised saviours like
Wolfgang Schäuble. Now the Finance Minister is preparing with other “bailout” Europeans the
next help package. Fresh money is supposed to be given only for reforms again. Who is
supposed to believe that?”  “That is a dangerous signal. Breaking the rules is going to be
rewarded again.” Steltzner also focuses on the role of the ECB in shuffling Greek bonds around
in such a way that the banks get the profits while the tax payer’s get the losses. “ECB President
Jean Claude Trichet has turned the central bank into a giant bad bank. He is looking to save
himself when he proposes a finance ministry. The financial crisis was created because European
finance ministers didn’t adhere to the rules anchored in contracts and institutions. How that is
supposed to get better under the formation of a European Super Finance Ministry is Trichet’s
secret,” says Steltzner. “The sums are in the meantime so huge that they even threaten the euro
system of the central banks. The European Central Bank has been buying up Greek bonds on the
market party at moon prices to the delight of the banks and insurance companies. To supply
Greek banks with liquidity, the ECB threw its own security standards overboard and accepted
even garbage bonds as collateral for refinancing. The result of the double violation of taboos is a
monetary political catastrophe. The ECB has dubious bonds from Greece in the volume of about
half the Greek state debt in its books. On top of that come the dubious papers from other crisis
countries. Additional billion euro risks are buried in the bilances of other state banks such as
KfW, HRE or in the regional banks.”  “In the meantime, it is estimated that two thirds of the
Greek state debt are in public hands. Out of concern for banks and insurance companies, the
“bailout” Europeans want to buy more time with new credits to transfer the debts. When the
time comes for the inevitable hair cut, it will be the tax payer above all who has to bleed," he
says. The problem is that the ECB, IMF and EU has got it wrong not just with Greece but also
with Ireland and Portugal. The outstanding debt of Greece – and of Ireland and Portugal – is
being rolled over onto all the remaining eurozone tax payers by the EU and IMF and ECB via
various funds that breach EU treaties. “A single, gigantic European tax pot, free of all
parliamentary control, which EU bureaucrats can dip into without being held to account by the
voters of the tax payers – that is an old Brussels dream,” says Steltzner.  The new plan of the
IMF, EU and ECB for Greece still has to be approved by parliaments in Germany and Greece,
and it may not be so easy. 16 Greek lawmakers from the ruling PASOK party have already
written to Giorgos Papandreou demanding a debate on the new plan as public fury mounts over
the wage cuts, pension cuts and tax increases to fund the bank “bailouts.” The inability of the
troika of the EU/IMF and ECB to base their decisions on the solid ground of facts or to adhere to
the rules has just destroyed its last vestiges of credibility and is undermining the last vestiges of
faith of Europeans in the eurozone political institutions. What was a financial crisis has, in the
meantime, become a full blown political crisis. For once in European history, the people of
Greece, Germany, Ireland, Spain and Finland are all united in a common cause – because they
are all victims of this multi layered Ponzi scheme by the ECB, EU and IMF and their various
finance ministers and central bankers.]]> 4881 2011-06-04 15:53:12 2011-06-04 15:53:12 open
open ecb-eu-and-imf-postpone-greek-default-at-the-price-of-their-credibility publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_6b4fa8b385ca9a308124a3ce8958e289
_oembed_3fc0983b83a9cdd60e70055233c2c945 13842 2011-06-06 10:02:20 2011-06-06 10:02:20 0 0 0 akismet_result
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m-f-e-u-and-e-c-b-that-greece-is-insolvent/ 2011-06-04 18:36:59 2011-06-04
18:36:59 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13819
2011-06-04 20:47:39 2011-06-04 20:47:39 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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postpone-greek-default-at-the-price-of-their-credibility/ 2011-06-04 22:13:48
2011-06-04 22:13:48 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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06-05 04:11:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-05 15:09:34 1 13817 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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16:09:20 2011-06-05 16:09:20 1 13831 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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00:48:58 2011-06-06 00:48:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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what-is/ 2011-06-06 13:18:53 2011-06-06 13:18:53 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13848 2011-06-06
15:59:39 2011-06-06 15:59:39 1 13836 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-06 18:57:57 1 13848 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13862 2011-06-06 21:24:30
2011-06-06 21:24:30 1 13836 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
talked-frankly-only-in-confines-of-us-embassy-us-diplomatic-cables-show/ Mon, 06 Jun 2011
13:48:49 +0000 birdflu666 Kerrigan: Gilmore
hasn't a shred of credibility left The Labour leader's two-faced approach to a second vote on
Lisbon is shocking, writes Gene Kerrigan Sunday June 05 2011 EAMON Gilmore's reputation
was severely damaged last week -- and few seemed to notice or care. Given the further dreadful
things about to be done to this country, it's hard to get worked up about the slings and arrows
afflicting a here-today-gone-tomorrow politician -- even a Tanaiste. But what has been revealed
about Gilmore is shocking and his reputation was exploded by his own words. His efforts last
week to claim he did nothing wrong dug him a deeper hole. When the Irish Independent began
running extracts from US State Department cables, released by Wikileaks, who'd have thought
the leader of the Labour Party would feature in dispatches from the US Embassy? There he was,
a confidant of Uncle Sam -- caught explaining in private that his "public posture" was the
opposite of what he truly believed and intended doing. But it was "politically necessary". Read
more at:
gilmore-hasnt-a-shred-of-credibility-left-2666664.html]]> 4885 2011-06-06 13:48:49 2011-06-
06 13:48:49 open open irish-politician-talked-frankly-only-in-confines-of-us-embassy-us-
diplomatic-cables-show publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13854
2011-06-06 20:40:34 2011-06-06 20:40:34 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
be-happen-soon-says-irish-independent/ Mon, 06 Jun 2011 13:50:34 +0000 birdflu666 Those are the views of Larry McDonald, former
Lehman Brothers vice president turned international best-selling author, who was in Dublin last
week speaking at the Irish Funds Industry Association. McDonald was, until September 2008,
vice president of distressed debt and convertible securities trading at Lehman Brothers. He was
heralded by many colleagues at Lehman for both his early 2006 call on the subprime crisis and
the $46m in trading profits realised from it. I sat down with him on Friday afternoon last in the
heart of the IFSC to discuss his take on Ireland's future. And while his stark outlook may shock
many, his candid, no-nonsense pronouncements are exactly what we need to see more of from
our Taoiseach Enda Kenny and his government ministers. Read more at:
2666661.html]]> 4888 2011-06-06 13:50:34 2011-06-06 13:50:34 open open ireland-will-
default-anyway-so-better-for-it-to-be-happen-soon-says-irish-independent publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 13855
ireland-will-default-anyway-so-better-for/ 2011-06-06 20:42:58 2011-06-06
20:42:58 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13876 2011-06-07
09:13:23 2011-06-07 09:13:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
bank-had-slush-fund-to-pay-killers-of-foreign-leaders/ Mon, 06 Jun 2011 13:53:54 +0000
birdflu666  It was a payment instruction on order of
a foreign secret service written by hand giving the order to pay a certain amount to a person who
killed the top leader of a foreign country. And it was not the only case. We received several such
hand written letters coming from foreign secret services giving the order to payout cash from
secret accounts to fund revolutions or for the killing of people. I can confirm what John Perkins
has written in his book “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”. There really exists just a system
and Swiss banks are involved in such cases.  Q: Perkins book is also translated and available in
Russian. Can you tell us which bank it is and who was responsible?  A: It was one of the top
three Swiss banks at that time and it was the president of a country in the third world. But I
don’t want to give out to many details because they will find me very easily if I say the name of
the president and the name of the bank. I will risk my life.  Q: You can’t name any person in the
bank Read more at:]]> 4890 2011-06-06 13:53:54 2011-
06-06 13:53:54 open open insider-says-swiss-bank-had-slush-fund-to-pay-killers-of-foreign-
leaders publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13856
swiss-bank-had-slush-fund-to-pay-killers-of-foreign-leaders/ 2011-06-06
20:45:21 2011-06-06 20:45:21 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13877 2011-06-07
09:32:23 2011-06-07 09:32:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
springer-verlag-chief-as-bilderberg-meeting-in-switzerland-nears/ Mon, 06 Jun 2011 14:03:44
+0000 birdflu666
groesste-Herausforderung.html]]> 4892 2011-06-06 14:03:44 2011-06-06 14:03:44 open open
kissinger-visits-springer-verlag-chief-as-bilderberg-meeting-in-switzerland-nears publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 13909 2011-06-09 10:40:31 2011-06-09
10:40:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
springer-verlag-chief-as-bilderberg-meeting-in-switzerland-nears/ 2011-06-06
20:47:15 2011-06-06 20:47:15 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13875 2011-06-07
09:01:03 2011-06-07 09:01:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13880 2011-06-07 11:07:43
2011-06-07 11:07:43 1 13875 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13881 2011-06-07 11:20:18
2011-06-07 11:20:18 1 13880 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
introduced-for-wef-in-austria-this-week/ Mon, 06 Jun 2011 14:08:22 +0000 birdflu666  ]]>
4894 2011-06-06 14:08:22 2011-06-06 14:08:22 open open border-controls-introduced-for-
wef-in-austria-this-week publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13858
introduced-for-wef-in-austria-this-week/ 2011-06-06 20:48:51 2011-06-06
20:48:51 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13873 2011-06-07
05:12:36 2011-06-07 05:12:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
emerges-that-european-e-coli-superbug-was-bioengineered-to-produce-human-fatalities/ Mon,
06 Jun 2011 14:09:33 +0000 birdflu666 So if you're
curious about the origins of such a strain, you can essentially reverse engineer the genetic code
of the e.coli and determine fairly accurately which antibiotics it was exposed to during its
development. This step has now been done (see below), and when you look at the genetic
decoding of this O104 strain now threatening food consumers across the EU, a fascinating
picture emerges of how it must have come into existence. Read more at:]]> 4896
2011-06-06 14:09:33 2011-06-06 14:09:33 open open forensic-evidence-emerges-that-
european-e-coli-superbug-was-bioengineered-to-produce-human-fatalities publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 13908 2011-06-09
10:14:37 2011-06-09 10:14:37 1 13884 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13865 2011-06-07 01:04:42
2011-06-07 01:04:42 1 13864 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13866 2011-06-07 01:14:57
2011-06-07 01:14:57 1 13865 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13859
bioengineered-to-produce-human-fatalities/ 2011-06-06 20:53:20 2011-06-06
20:53:20 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13863 2011-
06-06 22:37:50 2011-06-06 22:37:50 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13864 2011-06-06 23:30:56
2011-06-06 23:30:56 1 13863 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13872 2011-06-07
04:53:25 2011-06-07 04:53:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13874 2011-06-07 06:52:56
2011-06-07 06:52:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13883
e-coli-superbug-was-bioengineered-to-produce-human-fatalities/ 2011-06-07
14:34:16 2011-06-07 14:34:16 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history
akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13884 2011-06-07 14:42:44 2011-06-07 14:42:44 1 13874 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13885 2011-06-07 15:08:49 2011-06-07 15:08:49 1 13883 0
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financial-crisis-was-engineered-by-the-mafia-and-complicit-politicians/ Mon, 06 Jun 2011
14:18:02 +0000 birdflu666
Mafia.html  ]]> 4899 2011-06-06 14:18:02 2011-06-06 14:18:02 open open top-eu-anti-
politicians publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13860
and-complicit-politicians/ 2011-06-06 20:56:40 2011-06-06 20:56:40 1 pingback
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13871 2011-06-07 04:22:33 2011-06-07 04:22:33 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14301 2011-06-19 20:35:26 2011-06-19 20:35:26 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history hc_post_as hc_avatar hc_foreign_user_id
between-greek-people-and-eu-and-imf-led-government-turning-into-a-revolution/ Mon, 06
Jun 2011 15:10:17 +0000 birdflu666 *Greece
at historical crossroads; make or break week for country, faces economic and political
obliteration *500,000 people attend protests in Athens over new EU, IMF and ECB
austerity measures; these will destroy what remains of Greece's economic base
and plunge millions of Greeks into life-threatening poverty; national debt will
increase under new plans; EU and IMF officials set to take over fire sale of state
assets; country to be reduced to status of EU and IMF protectorate *Head on
confrontation between the Greek people and government turning into a revolution
*EU anti fraud expert indicates it is the people who must act; no valid economic
reason for Greece not to be prosperous; current depression only due to the
corruption and mismanagement of elite *Calls for fresh elections and debate about
adopting the Drachma growing *Drachma will allow for devaluation and boost
exports and jobs, and bring more tourists; Greek central bank can supply liquidity
to economy to return country to prosperity *Greek, Irish and Portuguese debt
crisis could result in Germany being administered by the IMF and EU; tsunami of
debt rolling towards Germany; country faces same fate as Greece in near future
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou’s plans to impose years of austerity on a Greece are
meeting increasing resistance with 500,000 people demonstrating in Athens yesterday.
protestieren-gegen-lohnkuerzungen_aid_634413.html The new austerity measures being
planned will accelerate the total destruction of the financial basis of the lives of millions of Greek
people and will increase the country’s overall national debt. In addition, new plans foreseee EU
and IMF with officials organising the sale of state assets, making Greece a de facto economic
protectorate . „We didn’t run up any debts and we’re not paying,“ say protestors who have
poured onto the central square of Athens. Falsely labelled as a "rescue package" by the
corporate-controlled mainstream media, the new austerity plans will, in fact, put the final nail in
the coffin for the Greek economy, which has already contracted significantly due to fiscal
measures mandated by the IMF and EU as part of penal bailout in May 2010. The additional
austerity measures will drain away from the economy whatever little liquidity is left and so help
push the remaining businesses into bankruptcy. Unemployment will soar even higher. Tax
receipts will plummet even further. Greece’s overall debt will increase as the country is forced to
borrow more money to meet the gigantic interest payments due to banks in the coming years.
The sale of key state assets including historical ports at rock bottom prices will deprive the
government of sources of revenue. If the Greek government has no more revenue because the
country's economic base has been destroyed and because those state assets that generate a
revenue have been sold off, then there will be no money to pay the benefits of the soaring
numbers of unemployed people, leaving millions of people in Greece with no option but to
launch a revolution against the corrupt financial and political elite or endure life-threatening
poverty. To argue as Lorenzo Bin Smaghi is doing that the fact that the Greek government still
has property to sell means it is solvent is absurd. Even if Greece sold all ist assets  -- to which
Smaghi assigns the totally unreaslistic value of 300 billion --, it would not be enough to pay off
ist debt of 330 billion euros. Greece is insolvent. A default is inevitable.
crisis_8501723.html The ECB is behaving like a bailiff asking a person to hand over all their
income, sell their house and even their clothes until they have nothing left at all to pay for a
fraudulently engineered debt. The ECB appears to have actively helped engineer this gigantic
debt of Greece by funding a trade deficit and by dealings with CDS. Its 2010 bailout package
involving austerity measures and penal interest rates on a compulsory loan to pay private banks
have sent Greek national debt soaring. German economist Hans Werner Sinn argues that the
best option for Greece is to reintroduce the Drachma and he is certainly right.
aus-euro-zone_aid_629203.html The ECB, IMF, EU are resisting a default by Greece and the
Drachma only out of self interest. On a default, the the scale of the losses that tax payer’s --
especially in Germany -- have to bear as a result of an intricate Ponzi scheme that the ECB is
running -- analysed by former Argentinian central banker Mario Blejer -- will become apparent.
Research by Germany's Der Spiegel revealed that banks are involved in complex accountancy
manoeuvres with the ECB, eurozone central banks and government-owned banks such as the
German Landesbanken to shuffle the costs of Greek, Irish and Portuguese bonds onto tax payers
just as the revenue stream from the bonds in the form of interest payments is drying up as
Greece goes bankrupt, leaving German tax payers, especially, sitting on debts of hundreds of
billions of euros of debt.
hunderttausende-protestieren-gegen-lohnkuerzungen_aid_634413.html The extent
to which the Merkel government is now acting as the long arm of the corporations was
underlined by the appointment of Lars-Hendrik Röller as the new chief economic advisor.
Röller’s business school is funded by Deutsche Bank and Allianz, Daimler and BMW, and Eon
and RWE, according to the FT. Surely, this is a clear cut case of a conflict of interest? Hans
Werner Sinn has warned that a tsunami of debt is rolling onto German taxpayers from deeply
indebted Greece, Ireland and Portugal and on scale that could well see Germany itself placed
under an IMF and EU administration in the near future. After all, Germany has a per capita
national debt which is only a little lower than Greece’s and yet Germany will be expected to foot
the bill for hundreds of billions of euros of debts run up by the ECB and by the EU and IMF
funds as part of the Greek, Irish and Portuguese „bailouts“. It only requires rating agencies to
start downgrading Germany and it will sink into the same debt death spiral as Greece. Will the
EU and IMF be sending in officials to help with the "technical process" of stripping the country
of state assets in the near future? Hans Werner Sinn has presented figures in connection
with illegal activities of the ECB that suggest that the financial architecture of the eurozone is set
to collapse very soon anyway. If Greece does not exit the eurozone now, it will face more turmoil
down the road. The arguments for introducing the Drachma are clear. The Drachma will also
allow for new rules at the central bank to ensure that the Greek economy flourishes in the long-
term. Greece can turn this crisis into an opportunity if it addresses the issue of central bank
liquidity properly. The Greek central bank should be allowed to supply liquidity to governments
and also businesses and enterprises directly and without booking a debt on its balance sheet or
charging interest to avoid a repeat of the instability that results from the interest-based
fractional reserve banking system, which is being so ruthlessly exploited by banks right now for
their enrichment. As long as the liquidity is used to produce tangible goods and services (and
does not flow into property or other bubbles), then there will be little danger from inflation.
Inflation arises only when money is printed or the money supply is increased but there is no
corresponding increase in goods or services. This is the reason why a central bank which prints
money to service the interest on a national debt creates inflation and hyperinflation. Nothing is
being produced. Inflation targets can be set as in China, which is booming due to the fact the
government prints money without creating debt as Vienna economics professor Franz Hörmann
explained. A devaluation due to the reintroduction of Drachma will also give a boost to exports
and jobs. Although a devaluation will make imports more expensive, many of these imports can
be substituted by local products. Greece will also become a more attractive tourism destination
with the competitive Drachma, allowing the Greek government to earn foreign currency to pay
for oil imports and other vital goods.  Perhaps the Queen of England or other members of the
royal family could be persuaded to pay a state visit. The Queen’s visit to Ireland certainly
provided a huge boost to the country’s tourism industry and general image. Greece can take
heart from the example of Iceland, which is forging ahead. Iceland is now on the road to
economic recovery after defaulting on the private bank debt and after devaluing its currency.
There is a lot of scare mongering about such a move in the controlled media, and no doubt there
will be turmoil, but the long term prosperity of Greece will be secured. Millions of Greeks now
have access to independent sources of information and they understand that the mainstream
media has being given false information and that the so called austerity measures are nothing
more than a mechanism for looting them. So far, the Greek parliamentarians appear to have
failed to grasp the economic fact that the Greek people are being looted, and to comprehending
that the people have grasped this fact, creating the potential for a head on confrontation and
revolution in the next few weeks in Greece. A revolution is bound to lead to the overthrow of the
tiny minority who are profitting from the looting of the vast majority. „The development of the
spirit without a parallel development of institutions so that one comes into a conflict with the
other is the source not only of discontent but of a revolution,“ said the German philosopher
Georg Friederich Hegel. Either the
Greek – and German -- parliaments take sensible  measures to stop the looting of the eurozone
by banks and complicit politicians or there will surely be a revolution not just in Greece but
across Europe. Fresh elections in Greece are needed as soon as possible to give people the
chance to debate the alternatives to destitution and the extinction of Greece as state such as
reintroducing the Drachma. The Greek central bank can at any time reintroduce the Drachma
and start to supply liquidity to the economy as it did for 2,500 years. The current disastrous
state of the Greek economy is due to the fact that it relinquished ist currency to join the euro
zone and that eurozone is in the grip of a financial mafia as OLAF anti corruption expert
Wolfgang Hetzer says. The time has come for people in other parts of Europe to show solidarity
with the Greeks. Greece is all our futures if we do not act now. Even Hetzer suggests that a
peaceful revolution is needed to restore competent and democratic government because the
corruption is now so deep. A revolution is not just a necessity given the illegal looting by political
institutions such as the EU and IMF, it is a right as Hegel argued. Every single person has a right
to life and a society must be so organised that people enjoy the right to life, says Hegel. He
interpreted the right to life in the wider sense of a right to fulfilment, adequate work and
freedom. „What is reasonable must become reality,“ Hegel said in his essay. It is reasonable for
people to expect that the government they elect will run the economy with a mininum of
competence and honesty, and the people will make such a government a reality. The EU, IMF
and ECB had an opportunity last week to be reasonable ie follow facts and reason and begin to
put Greece into managed insolvency as is required by an objective and impartial analysis but
they failed to do so. They produced a report instead which was conspicuous for the absence of
any truth or facts and which was virtually incomprehensible from the financial point of view in
order to have an excuse to continue to suck the last cent from tax payers of Greece and Europe
and expropriate their assets. The entire eurozone is impacted by this financial meltdown. The
debts saddled on tax payers by politicians complicit with banks are so immense that they can
never be repaid. The interest payments cannot be met even if the entire tax revenues of the
eurozone are confiscated just for this purpose  This is a Ponzi scheme that is designed to end in a
huge implosion and in a take over by EU and IMF of the entire eurozone. It is better for Greece
and Ireland to adopt another currency as soon as possible to insulate themselves from the
impact of this collapse and beat a path for the other countries. In the future, European nations
may decide to join in a monetary union but if they do, it has to be on a sound basis and with a
competent and honest central bank. The ECB is incompetent or criminal. The euro is being run
into the ground for the profit of the banks.]]> 4901 2011-06-06 15:10:17 2011-06-06 15:10:17
open open confrontation-between-greek-people-and-eu-and-imf-led-government-turning-into-
a-revolution publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_ee51a197f702a7459c0bc3b9a79f6ac2
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_oembed_32015c46a375c848caab02bb22cf176b 13928 http://- 2011-06-10 04:44:50 2011-06-10 04:44:50 1 13903 0 akismet_result
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between-greek-people-and-eu-and-imf-led-government-turning-into-a-revolution/ 2011-06-06 21:02:03 2011-06-06 21:02:03 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
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04:10:04 2011-06-07 04:10:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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and-imf-led-government-turning-into-revolution/ 2011-06-07 17:48:44 2011-
06-07 17:48:44 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13887 http://- 2011-06-07 19:51:12 2011-06-07 19:51:12 1 0 0
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22:21:31 2011-06-07 22:21:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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threatens-global-currency-agenda-reports-infowars/ Wed, 08 Jun 2011 15:49:14 +0000
birdflu666 Paul Joseph Watson Infowars Tuesday,
June 7, 2011 A top Bilderberg member has revealed that globalists are panic-stricken about a
potential eurozone crisis caused by a Greek debt default that could precipitate the collapse of the
Euro and also derail the wider agenda for multi-regional currency unions and eventually a
global currency system. Appearing on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, veteran Bilderberg sleuth
Jim Tucker said that the Euro will again be the subject of crisis talks at this years globalist
confab in San Moritz, Switzerland, with power brokers desperate to rescue the single currency
from a collapse that numerous financial analysts see on the horizon. “They’re afraid of the Euro
going down and afraid the Euro will simply disappear,” said Tucker, noting that several
European countries’ intention to abandon nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster could
cause a crisis for the single currency. During last year’s Bilderberg conference in Sitges Spain,
when the Euro was in free fall following the austerity riots in Greece, globalists were panicked
that the single currency could face a total collapse. Read more at:
agenda/]]> 4904 2011-06-08 15:49:14 2011-06-08 15:49:14 open open eurozone-collapse-
threatens-global-currency-agenda-reports-infowars publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_ec4b429f4e9bc6f5cb7b182320adea87 _oembed_1795f105c1c1f5fee0c0729af47791ab
13904 2011-06-09 00:28:35 2011-06-09 00:28:35 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13921
collapse-threatens-global-currency-agenda-reports-infowars/ 2011-06-09
21:34:27 2011-06-09 21:34:27 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-10 12:14:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
bank-risks-being-wiped-out-by-greek-reprofiling-or-default/ Wed, 08 Jun 2011 15:57:09 +0000
birdflu666 In a report published on Monday
entitled A House Built on Sand?, Open Europe has calculated that the ECB has a total exposure
of about €444bn (£397bn) to "struggling eurozone economies". The bank is now "23 to 24 times
levered" as a result of bailing out Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. The London-based think
tank argued: "Should the ECB see its assets fall by just 4.23pc in value . . . its entire capital base
would be wiped out." Open Europe said: "Hefty losses for the ECB are no longer a remote risk."
It added: "The ECB is ultimately underwritten by taxpayers which means there is a hidden – and
potentially huge – cost of the eurozone crisis to taxpayers buried in the ECB's books." Read
more at:
risks-being-wiped-out-by-bail-outs.html]]> 4906 2011-06-08 15:57:09 2011-06-08 15:57:09
open open european-central-bank-risks-being-wiped-out-by-greek-reprofiling-or-default
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13912 2011-06-09
14:52:03 2011-06-09 14:52:03 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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23:44:45 2011-06-08 23:44:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
government-insists-on-greek-reprofiling-warns-of-insolvency/ Wed, 08 Jun 2011 15:58:32
+0000 birdflu666 Sven Böll and Philipp Wittrock,
Der Spiegel In a letter sent to the European Commission, the European Central Bank, the
International Monetary Fund and euro-zone countries, Germany's finance minister warns of the
possibility of a Greek bankruptcy and concedes the current bailout plan has failed. Instead he is
calling for a de facto debt restructuring. Resistance within Merkel's conservatives is stewing. The
German government has conceded for the first time that Greece will soon need billions of euros
in fresh aid and a restructuring of its debt in order to prevent bankruptcy. In a letter dated June
6 and obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE, sent by Wolfgang Schäuble to his European Union
counterparts, the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), Economic Affairs
Commissioner Olli Rehn and acting International Monetary Fund (IMF) head John Lipsky, the
German finance minister admits that the current EU, ECB and IMF rescue plan for Greece has
failed. In the letter, the finance minister states that private investors and banks should take over
part of the cost of stabilizing Greece. The letter states that the private sector should make a
"quantifiable and substantial contribution." The finance minister's preferred course would be a
bond swap in which old government bonds would be exchanged for news ones with more
favorable terms. Investors would be asked to exchange all the Greek bonds currently in their
portfolios for new ones with maturities extended by seven years. Investors would get their
money later, but they would still get the full amount. Read more at:,1518,druck-767371,00.html]]> 4908 2011-06-
08 15:58:32 2011-06-08 15:58:32 open open german-government-insists-on-greek-reprofiling-
warns-of-insolvency publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13900 2011-06-08 23:16:23 2011-06-08 23:16:23 1 0 0 jabber_published
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german-government-insists-on-greek-reprofiling-warns-of-insolvency/ 2011-06-
09 21:30:03 2011-06-09 21:30:03 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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as-a-trojan-horse-to-buy-time-for-banks-to-offload-more-greek-debt-onto-tax-payers/ Thu, 09
Jun 2011 13:41:39 +0000 birdflu666
468339/ FDP politician Franz Schäffler called the proposal a „Trojan horse" to win the backing
of sceptical German lawmakers for a new 90 billion euro Greek  "bailout" on Friday, which has
been put forward only to buy time for the banks to transfer all of Greece’s debts to tax payers.
07509868722 His comments come as it emerged that the Bundesbank has bought up billions of
euros of Greek bonds from German banks in violation of rules.
banken-verkaufen-griechische-anleihen_aid_635467.html According to a report in the
Financial Times Deutschland, banks in Germany have offloaded a third of their Greek
souvereign bonds onto the Bundesbank for which tax payers will ultimately have to pay since
May 2010. German banks held only 10,3 billion euros of bonds n January and February 2011
compared to 16 billion euros of bonds at the end of April 2010. It is left to journalists to comb
through the Bundesbank accounts to detect the growing pile of debt being put on the shoulders
of the tax payers by stealth.  The banks are transferring the debts to tax payers by stealth
because this breaches the rules governing eurozone central banks, responsible for price stability,
not for handing out billions of euros to banks for collateral that is highly inflated. The German
government is failing to inform the general public about what is going on, putting it in danger of
losing its credibility. Frank Schäffler notes that the Bundesbank and ECB are giving billions of
euros in loans to banks at 1.25% interest -- or even 0% interest – in return for doubtful assets as
collateral. These banks then use the loans from the ECB to give loans to the insolvent
governments but at much higher, penal interest rates, ensuring astronomical profits for the
banks at the expense of the tax payer in what is a truly outrageous scam. French and Luxemburg
banks are among the main beneficiaries of this scam and their governments are opposing any
reduction in Greece's debt burden, also Schäuble's proposal which would knock 30 billion euros
off Greece's bill for interest payments. For the Bundesbank and  ECB to argue as they do that
reducing Greece’s debt burden will jeopardise the financial system only underlines the point.
Reducing the debt burden on Greece can only jeopardise the financial system because insolvent
banks are being propped up with the help of the Bundesbank and the ECB with tax payer money
even when it is explicitly against all the rules. For the IMF, EU and ECB Troika to conclude that
Greek banks are fundamentally  sound -- and so "bailout" funds should keep being funnelled to
Greece when the bond markets are asking 25% interest rate on Greek debt -- is an obvious
falsehood given the facts and given ECB's own implicit admission that Greek banks can only
keep going because of tax payer money. It is time to put these insolvent banks into managed
insolvency and also to put  the obviously insolvent Greek and Irish governments into managed
insolvency. Schäuble has put forward no plan to achieve this objective. It is not just Greece but
also Ireland which is locked into an unsustainable debt burden at penal interest rates, according
to leading Irish economists. Portugal has just entered a similar debt death spiral and it will not
be long before Spain is sucked in to generate enough revenue to keep this public-sector Ponzi
scheme, as Argentinian former central bank governor Mario Blejer called it, going. Hans Werner
Sinn estimates that 400 billion euros of liabilities out of 1,5 trillion are rolling onto the German
tax payer from the various bailout funds alone. This, at a time, when Germany has a per capital
public debt only slightly lower than that of Greece and its exports are slowing down. For the
Bundesbank and ECB to keep financing insolvent banks in Greece, Ireland and Portugal in
return for doubtful collateral while drawing down the corresponding credit or money available
for the more competitive economies not only violates all the  rules. It is also happening on such a
huge scale that it is going to make the euro financial system unviable in just two years, according
to Hans Werner Sinn. In just two years, the entire money supply in the European central bank
system will be used for financing insolvent banks and governments if the ECB continues to
direct flows of central bank money at the same pace in the same direction. This is, therefore, a
financial Ponzi system designed to crash very soon to allow a new IMF global currency. The euro
has no future if this Ponzi scheme continues. It is time for the German Bundestag to act
as responsible lawmakers and reject the plan of Wolfgang Schäuble as insufificient to address
the key issue – how to get Greece back to solvency and give lasting relief to the tax payers and
put the euro financial system on a sound footing again. The lesson of Germany’s recent past is
that it is not enough for the political functionaries  to obey mindlessly the higher ups while
parroting abstract slogans about “European unity” and the euro as a symbol of peace when the
facts show that they are passing laws that are bringing financial armageddon to the people of
Europe as well as social unrest and possibly civil war, and German economists are telling them
this, black and white, day in, day out. The economists are issuing crystal clear warnings about
the impending debt tsunami, and it is up to the Bundestag to address these facts, draw the
consequences and stop this looming disaster by blocking the legislation that is leading to an
accelerating financial meltdown as well as political and social breakdown across the eurozone
even if Schäuble is not pleased. It is the function of parliaments in a democracy  to act as an
effective check on an out of control Chancellor and Cabinet complicit with bankers. Lawmakers
in a democracy are not slaves or servants. They are not lackeys and blind followers who are there
only to please the higher ups. They are people who have responsibilities, including the
responsibility to look around them and uphold the law. German lawmakers also have that
responsibility if the country really is a democracy. Greece is the future of Germany if nothing is
done. Greece is today with unemployment soaring, with car sales collapsing by almost 60% and
industrial output by 11% in April alone will be Germany in one or two years when the
creditors start to demanding ever higher payment for all the guarantees the German parliament
has so generously given to Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain without bothering to consult, inform
or act in the interests of the people. Look at the people who are homeless in Greece, who have no
jobs, no future, who are filling the squares, who are calling for a revolution because the banks
have looted their country with the help of a corrupt local political elite. Is it acceptable that the
German political and financial class should once more be the motor of this act of looting of their
European neighbours under the thin veil of slogans about “Europe”? Does the German political
and financial class realise what the symbols of the Swastika and Nazis mean to their former
victims? Do they realise in Berlin what it means when people who have been subjected to Nazi
terror and mass murder from the German and local Gauleiters once more get out the flags of the
Swastikas and wave them openly in squares in Athens? When even the mainstream media of
Ireland which  has never been in a direct war with Germany, refer to their financial fixers as
Gauleiters? Do the lawmakers in Berlin realise that people will not accept their jackboot for
long, not their  military jackboot and not their jackboot? Do they remember recent history when
the German class cruised along thinking victory was so close and found their country in ashes
and could not figure how come victory had eluded them, after all? Do they remember the
arrogance and indifference, the immorality and lies of the German political and financial class of
the past and what was the long term consequence for them, too, when the people rose against
them? It is time for Bundestag to show the world that Germany has reached political maturity,
functions as a genuine parliamentary democracy and that the parliamentarians  have made a
break with a history of total and abject self interested servility to even the most brazen and
corrupt of powers, including Adolf Hitler. Hitler did not abolish the Reichstag. He didn't need to
bother. The parliamentarians were ready to betray every principle and violate every law if they
could get some advantage out of it. The hour has come when the Bundestag needs to show that
lawmakers in Germany understand the responsibilities as well as the privileges of their office in
a democracy as opposed to a dictatorship. The responsibility for each individual, single
lawmaker who choses to take on this job of their free will and who is paid handsomely by the tax
payers is to look at the facts impartially, and make the decision that is in the interest of the
people of Germany and Europe – and not just in their own callous interests, succumbing to the
threats of the higher ups in their political party. Hans Werner Sinn has said the German
politicians are acting in a way that is “irresponsible.” It is an open question whether the
Bundestag members are responsible or not and whether they will defend the rights of the
people,  the principle of law and order and spirit of true democracy for once in history or
whether the German political and financial class succumb to the same old, same old greed and
are so doomed to make the same mistakes over and over in their arrogance and immorality
along with the rest of this international financial mafia in France, Luxembourg, the City of
London and New York and Washington, whose activities were analysed by anti corruption
expert Wolfgang Hetzer. This time the people of Germany will not be behind the corrupt
political and financial class any more than the people of Greece or Ireland because the people of
Germany are also the victims of this Ponzi scheme along with everyone else in the eurozone.
There will be no divide and conquer tactics, no false flags, no ruses that will stop the awareness
among the people of Europe from creating the kind of honest government that is needed for a
prosperous and democratic future for all people in the eurozone. Schäuble's proposal may
modify but it nevertheless perpetuates the Ponzi scheme in the eurozone. It must be rejected if
teh Bundestag is to have any credibility left.]]> 4911 2011-06-09 13:41:39 2011-06-09 13:41:39
open open german-finance-ministers-proposal-dismissed-as-a-trojan-horse-to-buy-time-for-
banks-to-offload-more-greek-debt-onto-tax-payers publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_addf5e8312db31613beefa28e501121e _oembed_f54276fb2674f39ca8aaa6bf628012ac
_oembed_b9cce92bb4ea0bba1342f1d00ebbb1f1 13927
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%e2%80%9ctrojan-horse%e2%80%9d-to-buy-time-for-banks-to-offload-more-gr 2011-06-09 22:27:51 2011-06-09 22:27:51 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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globalist-loan-sharking-operation-at-world-bank/ Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:05:15 +0000 birdflu666 Kurt Nimmo June 10, 2011 The
corporate media is rife was rumors that the current Secretary of State will leave her post next
year and honcho the World Bank. Read more at:
globalist-loan-sharking-operation-at-world-bank/]]> 4915 2011-06-10 14:05:15 2011-06-10
14:05:15 open open clinton-to-head-globalist-loan-sharking-operation-at-world-bank publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_1329c1e744d0a23d3a9ff517e10092e0 13939 2011-06-10 14:36:04 2011-06-10 14:36:04 1 0 0
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globalist-loan-sharking-operation-at-world-bank/ 2011-06-10 23:25:25 2011-06-
10 23:25:25 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:10:15 +0000 birdflu666]]> 4917 2011-
06-10 14:10:15 2011-06-10 14:10:15 open open greece-economy-contracts-5-5-reports-reuters
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_dc7c5d34fcc9fe6b436a227bb12c3859 13956
contracts-5-5-reports-reuters/ 2011-06-10 23:28:14 2011-06-10 23:28:14 1
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Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:13:18 +0000 birdflu666]]> 4921 2011-06-
10 14:13:18 2011-06-10 14:13:18 open open greek-default-is-inevitable-says-mario-blejer publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last 13953 2011-06-10 21:56:23 2011-
06-10 21:56:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 13957
burgermeister-report-greek-default-is-inevitable-says-mario-blejer/ 2011-06-
10 23:31:14 2011-06-10 23:31:14 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history
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challenge-to-bailouts-in-july/ Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:20:12 +0000 birdflu666
finanzhilfen-fuer-griechenland/ If the court rejects the lawsuit and allows the bankster bailouts
to continue, the credibility of the judiciary will be undermined along with the credibility of the
executive and legislative. If the court upholds the law, on the other hand, payments by the
German government to banks via Greek, Irish and Portuguese bailouts would have to stop,
putting an end to the Ponzi scheme being run by the ECB. Paul Quintaro, Benzinga, discusses
how a court ruling against the bailout could force a default by Greece and an exit from the
eurozone in a report called: How a German Court Ruling Could Affect the Entire Global
Economy and Destroy the Euro ByRead more:
econ#ixzz1OsH74ZsL]]> 4923 2011-06-10 14:20:12 2011-06-10 14:20:12 open open highest-
court-in-germany-to-hear-legal-challenge-to-bailouts-in-july publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_ec82ac183abf86c2c13dc83329fd839e 13958
germany-to-hear-legal-challenge-to-bailouts-in-july/ 2011-06-10 23:33:56 2011-
06-10 23:33:56 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on Fri,
10 Jun 2011 14:31:41 +0000 birdflu666 Infowars Friday, June 10,
2011 Thanks to the fantastic work of Bilderberg activists, journalists and the Swiss media, we
have now been able to obtain the full official list of 2011 Bilderberg attendees. Routinely, some
members request that their names be kept off the roster so there will be additional Bilderbergers
in attendance. Infowars will be on the scene identifying other attendees not on the list.

• Coene, Luc, Governor, National Bank of Belgium

• Davignon, Etienne, Minister of State
• Leysen, Thomas, Chairman, Umicore


• Fu, Ying, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs

• Huang, Yiping, Professor of Economics, China Center for Economic Research, Peking


• Eldrup, Anders, CEO, DONG Energy

• Federspiel, Ulrik, Vice President, Global Affairs, Haldor Topsøe A/S
• Schütze, Peter, Member of the Executive Management, Nordea Bank AB


• Ackermann, Josef, Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive
Committee, Deutsche Bank
• Enders, Thomas, CEO, Airbus SAS
• Löscher, Peter, President and CEO, Siemens AG
• Nass, Matthias, Chief International Correspondent, Die Zeit
• Steinbrück, Peer, Member of the Bundestag; Former Minister of Finance

• Apunen, Matti, Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA

• Johansson, Ole, Chairman, Confederation of the Finnish Industries EK
• Ollila, Jorma, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
• Pentikäinen, Mikael, Publisher and Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat


• Baverez, Nicolas, Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

• Bazire, Nicolas, Managing Director, Groupe Arnault /LVMH
• Castries, Henri de, Chairman and CEO, AXA
• Lévy, Maurice, Chairman and CEO, Publicis Groupe S.A.
• Montbrial, Thierry de, President, French Institute for International Relations
• Roy, Olivier, Professor of Social and Political Theory, European University Institute

Great Britain

• Agius, Marcus, Chairman, Barclays PLC

• Flint, Douglas J., Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings
• Kerr, John, Member, House of Lords; Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell
• Lambert, Richard, Independent Non-Executive Director, Ernst & Young
• Mandelson, Peter, Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel
• Micklethwait, John, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
• Osborne, George, Chancellor of the Exchequer
• Stewart, Rory, Member of Parliament
• Taylor, J. Martin, Chairman, Syngenta International AG


• David, George A., Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.

• Hardouvelis, Gikas A., Chief Economist and Head of Research, Eurobank EFG
• Papaconstantinou, George, Minister of Finance
• Tsoukalis, Loukas, President, ELIAMEP Grisons

International Organizations

• Almunia, Joaquín, Vice President, European Commission

• Daele, Frans van, Chief of Staff to the President of the European Council
• Kroes, Neelie, Vice President, European Commission; Commissioner for Digital Agenda
• Lamy, Pascal, Director General, World Trade Organization
• Rompuy, Herman van, President, European Council
• Sheeran, Josette, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme
• Solana Madariaga, Javier, President, ESADEgeo Center for Global Economy and
• Trichet, Jean-Claude, President, European Central Bank
• Zoellick, Robert B., President, The World Bank Group


• Gallagher, Paul, Senior Counsel; Former Attorney General

• McDowell, Michael, Senior Counsel, Law Library; Former Deputy Prime Minister
• Sutherland, Peter D., Chairman, Goldman Sachs International


• Bernabè, Franco, CEO, Telecom Italia SpA

• Elkann, John, Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
• Monti, Mario, President, Univers Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
• Scaroni, Paolo, CEO, Eni S.p.A.
• Tremonti, Giulio, Minister of Economy and Finance


• Carney, Mark J., Governor, Bank of Canada

• Clark, Edmund, President and CEO, TD Bank Financial Group
• McKenna, Frank, Deputy Chair, TD Bank Financial Group
• Orbinksi, James, Professor of Medicine and Political Science, University of Toronto
• Prichard, J. Robert S., Chair, Torys LLP
• Reisman, Heather, Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. Center, Brookings


• Bolland, Marc J., Chief Executive, Marks and Spencer Group plc
• Chavannes, Marc E., Political Columnist, NRC Handelsblad; Professor of Journalism
• Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary
Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
• H.M. the Queen of the Netherlands
• Rosenthal, Uri, Minister of Foreign Affairs
• Winter, Jaap W., Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek


• Myklebust, Egil, Former Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, sk Hydro ASA
• H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
• Ottersen, Ole Petter, Rector, University of Oslo
• Solberg, Erna, Leader of the Conservative Party


• Bronner, Oscar, CEO and Publisher, Standard Medien AG

• Faymann, Werner, Federal Chancellor
• Rothensteiner, Walter, Chairman of the Board, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG
• Scholten, Rudolf, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische
Kontrollbank AG


• Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime
• Ferreira Alves, Clara, CEO, Claref LDA; writer
• Nogueira Leite, António, Member of the Board, José de Mello Investimentos, SGPS, SA


• Mordashov, Alexey A., CEO, Severstal Schweden

• Bildt, Carl, Minister of Foreign Affairs
• Björling, Ewa, Minister for Trade
• Wallenberg, Jacob, Chairman, Investor AB


• Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter, Chairman, Nestlé S.A.

• Groth, Hans, Senior Director, Healthcare Policy & Market Access, Oncology Business
Unit, Pfizer Europe
• Janom Steiner, Barbara, Head of the Department of Justice, Security and Health,
• Kudelski, André, Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group SA
• Leuthard, Doris, Federal Councillor
• Schmid, Martin, President, Government of the Canton Grisons
• Schweiger, Rolf, Ständerat
• Soiron, Rolf, Chairman of the Board, Holcim Ltd., Lonza Ltd.
• Vasella, Daniel L., Chairman, Novartis AG
• Witmer, Jürg, Chairman, Givaudan SA and Clariant AG


• Cebrián, Juan Luis, CEO, PRISA

• Cospedal, María Dolores de, Secretary General, Partido Popular
• León Gross, Bernardino, Secretary General of the Spanish Presidency
• Nin Génova, Juan María, President and CEO, La Caixa
• H.M. Queen Sofia of Spain


• Ciliv, Süreyya, CEO, Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.

• Gülek Domac, Tayyibe, Former Minister of State
• Koç, Mustafa V., Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
• Pekin, Sefika, Founding Partner, Pekin & Bayar Law Firm


• Alexander, Keith B., Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency

• Altman, Roger C., Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.
• Bezos, Jeff, Founder and CEO,
• Collins, Timothy C., CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
• Feldstein, Martin S., George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University
• Hoffman, Reid, Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn
• Hughes, Chris R., Co-founder, Facebook
• Jacobs, Kenneth M., Chairman & CEO, Lazard
• Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
• Jordan, Jr., Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
• Keane, John M., Senior Partner, SCP Partners; General, US Army, Retired
• Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
• Kleinfeld, Klaus, Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
• Kravis, Henry R., Co-Chairman and co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis, Roberts & Co.
• Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.
• Li, Cheng, Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center,
Brookings Institution
• Mundie, Craig J., Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
• Orszag, Peter R., Vice Chairman, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.
• Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
• Rockefeller, David, Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank
• Rose, Charlie, Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose
• Rubin, Robert E., Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the
• Schmidt, Eric, Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
• Steinberg, James B., Deputy Secretary of State
• Thiel, Peter A., President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
• Varney, Christine A., Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust
• Vaupel, James W., Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
• Warsh, Kevin, Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board
• Wolfensohn, James D., Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC

]]> 4926 2011-06-10 14:31:41 2011-06-10 14:31:41 open open bilderberg-2011-full-official-

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2011-06-13 09:08:30 2011-06-13 09:08:30 1 14010 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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full-official-attendee-list/ 2011-06-10 23:39:53 2011-06-10 23:39:53 1 pingback 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13968 2011-06-11 10:13:17 2011-06-11 10:13:17 0 13947 0
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trataran-de-entrar-a-la-fuerza-a-bilderberg/ 2011-06-11 10:28:32 2011-06-11
10:28:32 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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12:17:40 2011-06-12 12:17:40 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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14 19:38:35 2011-06-14 19:38:35 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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deutsche-bank-ceo-and-greek-finance-minister-attend-the-bilderberg-meeting/ Fri, 10 Jun
2011 14:42:43 +0000 birdflu666 Trichet is also
blocking the involvement of private creditors in reducing Greece’s unsustainable debt burden as
well as stopping Greece's exit from the eurozone or managed insolvency by making threats
about collapsing the financial system, and so is allowing the looting of the country to continue
for the profit of the banks. Trichet’s actions in giving so much central bank credit to crisis hit
southern European countries are steering the entire eurozone financial system towards collapse,
according to German economist Hans Werner Sinn. Present in St Moritz is also Josef
Ackermann, the CEO of Deutsche Bank, one of the main beneficiaries of the Ponzi scheme being
run by the ECB in breach of rules. Commercial banks like Deutsche Bank are receiving money
from insolvent governments forced to pay penal interest rates in return for EU and IMF loans -
and loans made by the country's insolvent banks borrowing money from the ECB at benchmark
rates via the emergency liquidity programme of the ECB... When you consider all these
shenanigans and circuitous ways of looting tax payers with the help of the ECB and central
banks, it starts to become clear why so much secrecy surrounds the Bilderberg meetings. Could
they dare discuss openly such blatantly criminal actions? Also attending is Peter Steinbrück,
German finance minister between 2005 and 2009, underlining that the SPD are just as much a
front for the banks as the CDU/CSU and FDP and the right/left political paradigm is a smoke
screen.. At St Moritz too is George Papaconstantinou, the Greek finance minister. He keeps
insisting that the Greek government and Greek banks are just illiquid and can repay the tax
payer guaranteed loans when bond markets, investors and economists agree Greece is insolvent,
and Greek banks are largely insolvent, capitalised as they often are only by souvereign debt
bonds from the insolvent Greek government....making tax payers the inevitable milk cows. In
tow is European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, who will chair the EU summit in
Brussels on June 23-24, to agree a new bailout for banks under the front of helping Greece that
is expected to total 120 billion euros until 2014, including 30 billion from privatisation of
government assets at knock down prices. And now it turns out George Osborne, who is looting
UK taxpayers  in much the same way by imposing fiscal austerity measures to deal with private
banking debt saddled on the public, is also attending, said The Guardian. Even if these
individuals themselves can’t join the dots and see the way their actions are contributing to
bankrupting the eurozone in an intricate public sector Ponzi scheme, as well as the UK and
USA for the profit of the banks , the rest of the world clearly can. What are these politicians
doing meeting with bankers and corporate leaders in caldnestine in St Moritz  when they are
public figures responsible for hundreds of billions of tax payer money? Why can they not given
an open account of their discussions given the overwhelming evidence they are engaged in a
gigantic white collar financial crime operation? The people attending the Bilderberg conference
are just part of a huge network including so many more bankers, hedge fund managers, media
figures and royalty but the forum is clearly crucial for their plans. Why else would people like
Trichet and Ackermann all take time off to attend when they have so much else to do,
especially right now?]]> 4928 2011-06-10 14:42:43 2011-06-10 14:42:43 open open ecb-chief-
deutsche-bank-ceo-and-greek-finance-minister-attend-the-bilderberg-meeting publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last 13960
reportecb-chief-deutsche-bank-ceo-and-greek-finance-minister-attend-the-bilderberg-meeting/ 2011-06-10 23:45:00 2011-06-10 23:45:00 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13978 2011-06-11 21:39:24
2011-06-11 21:39:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
government-votes-for-new-greek-bankster-bailout-with-private-creditor-involvement/ Fri, 10
Jun 2011 14:44:43 +0000 birdflu666 Also,
lawmakers failed to insist on some measure to impose losses by force on private creditors given
the evidence that German banks have offloaded Greek souvereign bonds onto the Bundesbank
breaching a voluntary gentleman’s agreement to keep the bonds. Lawmakers also failed to
address the concern that „winning time“ in this context just means giving commercial banks
more time to offload all debt onto tax payers. Greek, Irish and Portuguese and Spanish banks
also are receiving hundreds of billions of euros of special financing from the ECB under the
pretext that they are just illiquid -- emergency liquidity assistance operations – when in fact
these banks are also largely insolvent and will not be able to repay the loans made to them by
German banks. The tax payers of the eurozone who will have to stump up for the losses incurred
by euro system of central banks when these banks fail because the collateral they have handed in
in return for their loans is of significantly overvalued and while the German and French banks
once more make off with all the profits. Even the UK will have to stump up for the ECB losses
under the so called emergency liquidity assistance operations in proportion to the UK’s central
bank share capital though the UK is not even in the eurozone. Above all, the Germans
lawmakers failed to address the evidence that the governments Greece – as well as Ireland and
Portugal --  are insolvent or the fact that conditions connected with the EU and IMF bailout
have driven Greece deeper into debt and the current „bailout“ is set to increase Greece’s debt
burden, paving the way for the need for limitless bailouts by tax payers. They failed to address
the flagrant violation of the no-bailout clause, which was a precondition for Germany’s
agreement as pointed out by the FAZ.
euro-retter-auf-der-falschen-spur-30436011.html They failed to insist on any insolvency
mechanism being introduced to manage the insolvency of Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Given
the reality that the ECB and banks only means of keeping this Ponzi scheme going is the
constant threat of a disorderly default (a preferable option), there is all the more reasont o insist
on an insolvency mechanism. Where is it? The lawmakers failed to address the increasingly dire
consequences of continuing on this ruinous path not just for Greece but also for Germany when
the creditors demand the guarantees the government has given are paid up.. The implications of
these many breaches of rules and fog of misinformation for the operation of the EFSF due to be
voted on in autumn are significant, the FAZ noted. Bernd Lucke writing in the FAZ  warned of
the erosion of the political parties’ credibility. The warning that the current Ponzi scheme was
instable if it were stopped by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble seemed to be the
ultimate cuircular argument but it was enough to get the German lawmakers to vote Europe
deeper into the Ponzi scheme albeit it with the condition that private creditors should somehow
participate in the next bailout for Greece after the first one failed so disastrously. Irish
lawmakers were also warned of imminent peril and turmoil in the capital markets if they did not
agree to a truly ruinous bailout. How long will lawmakers go along with this selling of the
eurozone into debt slavery? The longer they back these bankster bailouts, the worse the
inevitable exit will be. Now, is the time to cut the losses and exit. Now is the time to plan for a
managed insolvency. It is abundantly clear, in the meantime, that time is running out and a
peaceful revolution in Europe is needed to combat the looting of eurozone tax payers by the
banks and complicit politicians before the entire eurozone’s financial system melts down with
potentially disastrous political and social consequences as warned by German economist Hans
Werner Sinn. If the people of Europe do not unite across the eurozone around a sensible
programme for competent government and sound money then the eurozone could slip into the
hands of the far right, funded by the very same banks involved in the looting of taxpayers and
driven to a futile war in Libya and the Middle East. After all, as Plato said in The Republic, if a
rapacious clique in government impoverishes people, it has to find a way to get rid of ist
impoverished and angry victims.]]> 4930 2011-06-10 14:44:43 2011-06-10 14:44:43 open open
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_4438328bbd14f217beeadf6f72b64386 13980 http://- 2011-06-12 06:44:33 2011-06-12 06:44:33 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13950 2011-06-10 21:40:49 2011-06-10 21:40:49 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666
chef-sinn-immer-mehr-geld-hilft-nicht-468339/    “The danger goes far beyond the danger to
individual countries,” Sinn said.
abschwung-der-weltkonjunktur-469131/   The German Bundesbank is the main creditor inside
the eurozone bank system but it is highly unlikely it will ever see much of the money it has lent
again.   In breach of ECB rules, Greek, Irish and Portuguese and Spanish banks have been
receiving hundreds of billions of euros of special financing from the ECB under the pretext that
they are just illiquid -- emergency liquidity assistance operations – when these banks are largely
insolvent like their governments and highly likely cannot repay the loans made to them by
German, French and other commercial banks.   Much of the collateral they have offered in
return for loans at benchmark interests is extremely overvalued, research by Der Spiegel
revealed.   These banks have, in turn, lent the money to insolvent governments at penal 6%
interest rates imposed on countries by the EU and IMF. The banks are using their profits, it
seems, to repay debts owned to German and French banks in a huge scam.   In the event of a
default or credit event by Greece, Ireland or Portugal, the ECB will have to write down the losses
and face the ire of tax payers.   The tax payers of the eurozone are set to stump up for the losses
amounting to hundreds of billions of euros incurred by the euro system of central banks when th
insolvent commercial banks attached to insolvent governments eventually fail.   Even the UK
will have to stump up for the inevitable losses to insolvent under the so called emergency
liquidity assistance operations in proportion to its central bank share capital even though the
UK is not even in the eurozone. The ECB and eurozone governments seem to be trying to draw
out the moment of collapse as long as possible but a failure is inherent in the Ponzi scheme
structure that is emerging. “By shifting so much of the eurozone’s money creation towards
indirect finance of deficit countries, the system has had to withdraw credit from commercial
banks in creditor countries. Within two years, he states, the latter will have negative credit
positions with their national central banks – in other words, be owed money by them. For this
reason, these operations will then have to cease,” explains Martin Wolf in the FT.  Or else  the
ECB will have to print money to cover the external deficits of the GIPS countries, creating
inflation. Eurozone coins and notes in circulation account for just 9 per cent of broad money
(M3) supply. Almost all of the money in a contemporary economy consists of the liabilities of
financial institutions inside the eurozone central bank system.]]> 4932 2011-06-10 14:46:21
0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
collapse-says-german-economist/ Fri, 10 Jun 2011 14:49:56 +0000 birdflu666
chef-sinn-immer-mehr-geld-hilft-nicht-468339/ “The danger goes far beyond the danger to
individual countries,” Sinn said.
abschwung-der-weltkonjunktur-469131/ The German Bundesbank is the main creditor inside
the eurozone bank system but it is highly unlikely it will ever see much of the money it has lent
again in the name of tax payers. In breach of ECB rules, Greek, Irish and Portuguese and
Spanish banks have been receiving hundreds of billions of euros of special financing from the
ECB under the pretext that they are just illiquid -- emergency liquidity assistance operations –
when these banks are largely insolvent like their governments and highly likely cannot repay the
loans made to them by German, French and other commercial banks. Much of the collateral
they have offered in return for loans at benchmark interests is extremely overvalued, research by
Der Spiegel revealed. These banks have, in turn, lent the money to insolvent governments at
penal 6% interest rates imposed on countries by the EU and IMF. The banks are using their
profits, it seems, to repay debts owned to German and French banks in a huge scam. In the
event of a default or credit event by Greece, Ireland or Portugal, the ECB will have to write down
the losses and face the ire of tax payers – one reason the ECB is opposing a default. The tax
payers of the eurozone are set to stump up for the losses amounting to hundreds of billions of
euros incurred by the euro system of central banks when th insolvent commercial banks
attached to insolvent governments eventually fail. Even the UK will have to stump up for the
inevitable losses to insolvent under the so called emergency liquidity assistance operations in
proportion to its central bank share capital even though the UK is not even in the eurozone. The
ECB and eurozone governments seem to be trying to draw out the moment of collapse as long as
possible but a collapse is inherent in the Ponzi scheme structure that is emerging.  “By shifting
so much of the eurozone’s money creation towards indirect finance of deficit countries, the
system has had to withdraw credit from commercial banks in creditor countries. Within two
years, he states, the latter will have negative credit positions with their national central banks –
in other words, be owed money by them. For this reason, these operations will then have to
cease,” explains Martin Wolf in the FT. Or else  the ECB will have to print money to cover the
external deficits of the GIPS countries, creating inflation. Eurozone coins and notes in
circulation account for just 9 per cent of broad money (M3) supply. Almost all of the money in a
contemporary economy consists of the liabilities of financial institutions inside the eurozone
central bank system.]]> 4933 2011-06-10 14:49:56 2011-06-10 14:49:56 open open eurozone-
financial-system-heading-for-collapse-says-german-economist publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_ee57630b6566983555a0d11ef452253f 14013
2011-06-13 09:32:30 2011-06-13 09:32:30 1 0 24167454 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13942 2011-06-10 16:58:54 2011-06-10 16:58:54 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 13961
financial-system-heading-for-collapse-due-to-ecb-actions-says-german-economist/ 2011-06-11 00:19:03 2011-06-11 00:19:03 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14050 2011-06-14 22:04:16 2011-06-14 22:04:16 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14067
http://d 2011-06-15 10:41:08 2011-06-15 10:41:08 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Tue,
14 Jun 2011 16:24:08 +0000 birdflu666 Paul
Joseph Watson June 14, 2011 Image: Wikipedia Commons The Bilderberg
Group’s plan to rescue the eurozone and preserve future plans for a global currency is in tatters,
as the Greek debt crisis spirals out of control and the return of national currencies to replace the
euro becomes a real possibility. Bilderberg were successful in achieving their objective of saving
the single currency from collapse following last year’s conference in Spain, but their efforts this
year appear to be in vain, with economic analysts increasingly predicting the demise of the euro
and a return to national monetary sovereignty. Writing in the Financial Times, economist
Nouriel Roubini predicts that the eurozone is heading for a break up, forecasting a return to
national currencies and the death of the euro following a period of five years. “The way to
restore competitiveness and growth for members on the periphery, said Roubini, would be to
abandon the euro, restore their national currencies, and “achieve a massive nominal and real
depreciation.” While some may doubt the prospect of countries abandoning the euro, such as
scenario “may not be so far-fetched five years from now, especially if some of the periphery
economies stagnate.” The European Central Bank’s exposure to struggling European economies
could send the ECB into bankruptcy, especially if Greece defaults on its debt which many see as
a likely scenario. According to ratings agency Moody’s, “Greece is 50% likely to default on or
restructure its debts in the next five years.” Read more at:]]> 4936 2011-06-14
16:24:08 2011-06-14 16:24:08 open open bilderberg-plan-to-save-eu-falling-apart publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 14041
report-bilderberg-plan-to-save-eu-falling-apart/ 2011-06-14 20:30:35 2011-06-
14 20:30:35 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14059 2011-06-15 09:17:56 2011-06-15 09:17:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
with-bilderberg-society/ Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:26:13 +0000 birdflu666 Bilderberg. Read more at:  ]]>
4939 2011-06-14 16:26:13 2011-06-14 16:26:13 open open swiss-lawmaker-in-historical-
confrontation-with-bilderberg-society publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_87fc425d783d7192268743ec7b1b091d 14054 2011-06-15 02:09:57 2011-06-15 02:09:57 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14037 2011-06-14 19:23:28 2011-06-14 19:23:28 1 0 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14042
in-historical-confrontation-with-bilderberg-society/ 2011-06-14 20:38:03 2011-
06-14 20:38:03 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14049 2011-06-14
21:48:05 2011-06-14 21:48:05 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14060 http://d 2011-06-15
09:25:20 2011-06-15 09:25:20 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14069 2011-06-15 11:20:21
2011-06-15 11:20:21 1 14060 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
black-hole/ Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:27:54 +0000 birdflu666
?docId=CNG.c515d3c8aac6fb58b852a63f5c0bba6b.3c1]]> 4941 2011-06-14 16:27:54 2011-06-
14 16:27:54 open open us-senators-move-to-force-imf-to-comply-with-regulations-safeguard-
taxpayers-money-from-eurozone-debt-black-hole publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_8f4cefd1afaa5a27fde0176817c64d73 14043
eurozone-debt-black-hole/ 2011-06-14 20:41:23 2011-06-14 20:41:23 1 pingback
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14048 2011-06-14 21:35:45 2011-06-14 21:35:45 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14136 http://d 2011-06-16 14:56:03 2011-06-16 14:56:03 1
14048 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
chancellor-tomorrow/ Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:34:31 +0000 birdflu666 Peter Guest Geir Haarde, Iceland's former prime
minister, has been charged with criminal negligence over his part in the collapse of the country's
banking sector in 2008, the first credible attempt to hold a head of government accountable for
the failures in oversight that led to the global financial crisis. The banking crisis and economic
downturn has brought down governments - most recently Portugal - and seen others lose at the
ballot box. However, none to date has been hauled before a court. "This is of course a unique
thing here for us, and would have been absolutely inconceivable before the crisis," Eirikur
Bergmann, director of the Centre for European Studies at Bifrost University in Iceland told Read more at:]]> 4943 2011-06-14 16:34:31
2011-06-14 16:34:31 open open icelands-ex-premier-charged-today-germanys-chancellor-
tomorrow publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_b284d778c74e821322aceded447171a1 14044
%e2%80%99s-ex-premier-charged-today-germany%e2%80%99s-chancellor-tomorrow/ 2011-06-14 20:43:57 2011-06-14 20:43:57 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14047 2011-06-14 21:18:51 2011-06-14 21:18:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
bankster-bailout/ Tue, 14 Jun 2011 16:42:10 +0000 birdflu666 The
protests mark the latest escalation in the confrontation between the IMF/EU and ECB and a
Vichy government with 25% of the population now participating in demonstations against the
bailouts benefitting only American, German and French banks. “Last month, social participation
in all kinds of events and forms of protest more than doubled from 12 to 25 percent, which
equates to about 2.2 million citizens,” says Ekathimerini.  25% of the
population is now actively calling for an end to the looting of their country by foreign banks with
the help of complicit politicians. 25% of the people is a lot. But that number will surely grow.
The national debt is standing at 160% of the GDP one year after the ECB7IMF and EU forced on
the country a punitive bank tax that they claimed would solve the debt problem. And the
national debt is projected to soar. Greece now has the lowest credit rating in the world. Thank
you, IMF, EU and ECB. The debt will soar - but the economy will continue to shrink if the fiscal
austerity measures are implemented. 100s of thousands of people are set to lose their jobs;
pensions will be cut yet more savagely; state assets sold to German and American and French
companies for a pittance. The EU/IMF and ECB have destroyed the lives of millions of people,
destroyed their jobs, taken their homes, taken their savings. They have told lie after and the now
the people of Greece have had enough. They have had enough of the lies surrounding the new
round of  fiscal austerity or bank tax being proposed by the IMF and EU and complicit
politicians for the benefit of the  American, German and French banks. What remains of the
Greek economy will be crushed. The new measures will leaves millions of people destitute and
living like serfs in their own country. The people have had enough of being told they have no
choice but to sell the airport in Athens or the airport in Thessaloniki first, to have another 20%
reduction in pay or a 20% hike in taxes first so that the American, German and French bankers
can make more profits. The road to recovery for Greece is clear. Iceland is the example. The
Icelanders had to storm their parliament to get a referendum on whether to pay the crushing
bank debts that their corrupt politicians were happy to force on them in stealth and with lies and
threats. The people rejected the plan. Today Iceland is on the road to recovery. Iceland's GDP is
growing, employment is stronger. Iceland had a currency it could devalue, helping it readjust.
Greece needs to default, nationalise all banks and reintroduce the Drachma as soon as possible
to escape economical and political annihilation.]]> 4945 2011-06-14 16:42:10 2011-06-14
16:42:10 open open a-quarter-of-the-greek-population-are-participating-in-protests-against-
the-eu-and-imf-bankster-bailout publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_8b0f5df8b15cbe5315d739c8e815f54c 14056 http://- 2011-06-15 06:30:54 2011-06-15 06:30:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14053 2011-06-15 02:05:35 2011-06-15 02:05:35 1 0 0
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greek-population-are-participating-in-protests-against-the-eu-and-imf-bankster-bailout/ 2011-06-14 20:47:48 2011-06-14 20:47:48 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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_elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001
00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666 The Financial Road to
Serfdom           FHow Bankers use the Debt Crisis to Roll Back the Progressive Era by Prof.
Michael Hudson Global Research, June 13, 2011 Financial strategists do not intend to let today’s
debt crisis go to waste. Foreclosure time has arrived. That means revolution – or more
accurately, a counter-revolution to roll back the 20th century’s gains made by social democracy:
pensions and social security, public health care and other infrastructure providing essential
services at subsidized prices or for free. The basic model follows the former Soviet Union’s post-
1991 neoliberal reforms: privatization of public enterprises, a high flat tax on labor but only
nominal taxes on real estate and finance, and deregulation of the economy’s prices, working
conditions and credit terms.             What is to be reversed is the “modern” agenda. The aim a
century ago was to mobilize the Industrial Revolution’s soaring productivity and technology to
raise living standards and use progressive taxation, public regulation, central banking and
financial reform to distribute wealth fairly and make societies more equal. Today’s financial aim
is the opposite: to concentrate wealth at the top of the economic pyramid and lower labor’s
returns. High finance loves low wages.             The political lever to achieve this program is
financial. The European Union (EU) constitution prevents central banks from financing
government deficits, leaving this role to commercial banks, paying interest to them for creating
credit that central banks readily monetize for themselves in Britain and the United States.
Governments are to go into debt to bail out banks for loans gone bad – as do more and more
loans as finance impoverishes the economy, stifling its ability to pay. Yet as long as we live in
democracies, voters must agree to pay. Governments are sovereign and debt is ultimately a
creature of the law and courts.             But first they need to understand what is happening. From
the bankers’ perspective, the economic surplus is what they themselves end up with. Rising
consumption standards and even public investment in infrastructure are seen as deadweight.
Bankers and bondholders aim to increase the surplus not so much by tangible capital
investment increasing the overall surplus, but by more predatory means, headed by rolling back
labor’s gains and stiffening working conditions while gaining public subsidy. Banks “create
wealth” by providing more credit (that is, debt leverage) to bid up asset prices for real estate and
enterprises already in place – assets that either are being foreclosed on or sold off under debt
pressure by private owners or governments. One commentator recently characterized the latter
strategy of privatization as “tantamount to selling the family silver only to have to rent it back in
order to eat dinner.”[1]             Fought in the name of free markets, this counter-revolution
rejects the classical ideal of markets free of unearned income paid to special interests. The
financial objective is to squeeze out a surplus by maximizing the margin of prices over costs.
Opposing government enterprise and infrastructure as the road to serfdom, high finance is
seeking to turn public infrastructure into rent-extracting tollbooths to extract economic rent
(the “free lunch economy”), while replacing labor unions with non-union labor so as to work it
more intensively.             This new road to neoserfdom is an asset grab. But to achieve it, the
financial sector needs a political grab to replace democracy with financial technocrats. Their job
is to pretend that there is no revolution at all, merely an increase in “efficiency,” “creating
wealth” by debt-leveraging the economy to the point where the entire surplus is paid out as
interest to the financial managers who are emerging as Western civilization’s new central
planners.             Frederick Hayek’s Road to Serfdom portrayed a dystopia of public officials
seeking to regulate the economy. In attacking government so one-sidedly, his ideological
extremism sought to replace the checks and balances of mixed economies with a private sector
“free” of regulation and consumer protection. His vision was of a post-modern economy “free” of
the classical reforms to bring market prices into line with cost value. Instead of purifying
industrial capitalism from the special rent extraction privileges bequeathed from the feudal
epoch, Hayek’s ideology opened the way for unchecked financial power to make a travesty of
“free markets.”             The European Union’s financial planners claim that Greece and other
debtor countries have a problem that is easy to cure by imposing austerity. Pension savings,
Social Security and medical insurance are to be downsized so as to “free” more debt service to be
paid to creditors. Insisting that Greece only has a “liquidity problem,” European Central Bank
(ECB) extremists deem an economy “solvent” as long as it has assets to privatize. ECB executive
board member Lorenzo Bini Smaghi explained the plan in a Financial Times interview: FT:
Otmar Issing, your former colleague, says Greece is insolvent and it “will not be physically
possible” for it to repay its debts. Is he right? LBS: He is wrong because Greece is solvent if it
applies the programme. They have assets that they can sell and reduce their debt and they have
the instruments to change their tax and expenditure systems to reduce the debt. This is the
assessment of the IMF, it is the assessment of the European Commission.             Poor
developing countries have no assets, their income is low, and so they become insolvent easily. If
you look at the balance sheet of Greece, it is not insolvent.             The key problem is political
will on the part of the government and parliament. Privatisation proceeds of €50bn, which is
being talked about – some mention more - would reduce the peak debt to GDP ratio from 160
per cent to about 140 per cent or 135 per cent and this could be reduced further.[2]               A
week later Mr. Bini Smaghi insisted that the public sector “had marketable assets worth 300
billion euros and was not bankrupt. ‘Greece should be considered solvent and should be asked to
service its debts,’ … signaling that the bank remained firmly opposed to any plan to allow Greece
to stretch out its debt payments or oblige investors to accept less than full repayment, a so-called
haircut.”[3] Speaking from Berlin, he said that Greece “was not insolvent.” It could pay off its
bonds owed to German bankers ($22.7 billion), French bankers ($15 billion) and the ECB
(reported to be on the hook for $190 billion) by selling off public land and ports, water and
sewer rights, ownership of the telephone system and other basic infrastructure. In addition to
getting paid in full and receiving high interest rates reflecting “market” expectations of non-
payment, the banks would enjoy a new credit market financing privatization buy-outs.            
Warning that failure to pay would create windfall gains for speculators who had bet that Greece
would default, Mr. Bini Smaghi refused to acknowledge the corollary: to pay the full amount
would create windfalls for those who bet that Greece would be forced to pay. He also claimed
that: “Restructuring of Greek debt would … discourage Greece from modernizing its economy.”
But the less debt service an economy pays, the more revenue it has to invest productively. And to
“solve” the problem by throwing public assets on the market would create windfalls for distress
buyers. As the Wall Street Journal put matters bluntly: “Greece is for sale – cheap – and
Germany is buying. German companies are hunting for bargains in Greece as the debt-stricken
government moves to sell state-owned assets to stabilize the country’s finances.”[4]            
Rather than raising living standards while creating a more egalitarian and fair society, the ECB’s
creditor-oriented “reforms” would roll the time clock back to oligarchy. Not the post-feudal
oligarchy of landlords owning land conquered militarily, but a financial oligarchy accumulating
banking claims and bonds growing inexorably and exponentially, leaving little over for the rest
of the economy to invest or consume.   The distinction between illiquidity and insolvency            
If a homeowner loses his job and cannot pay his mortgage, he must sell the house or see the
bank foreclose. Is he insolvent, or merely “illiquid”? If he merely has a liquidity problem, a loan
will help him earn the funds to pay down the debt. But if he falls into the negative equity that
now plagues a quarter of U.S. real estate, taking on more loans will only deepen his net deficit.
Ending this process by losing his home does not mean that he is merely illiquid. He is in
distress, and is suffering from insolvency. But to the ECB this is merely a liquidity problem.
The public balance sheet includes land and infrastructure as if they are surplus assets that can
be forfeited without fundamentally changing the owner’s status or social relations. In reality it is
part of the means of survival in today’s world, at least survival as part of the middle class.            
For starters, renegotiating his loan won’t help an insolvency situation such as the jobless
homeowner above. Lending him the money to pay the bank interest (along with late fees and
other financial penalties) or stretching out the loan merely will add to the debt balance, giving
the foreclosing bank yet a larger claim on whatever property the debtor may have available to
grab.             But the homeowner is in danger of being homeless, living on the street. At issue is
whether solvency should be defined in the traditional common-sense way, in terms of the ability
of income to carry one’s current obligations, or a purely balance-sheet approach taken by
creditors seeking to extract payment by stripping assets. This is Greece’s position. Is it merely a
liquidity problem if the government is told to sell off $50 billion in prime tourist sites, ports,
water systems and other public assets in order to pay foreign creditors?             At issue is
language regarding the legal rights of creditors vis-à-vis debtors. The United States has long had
a body of law regarding this issue. A few years ago, for instance, the real estate speculator Sam
Zell bought the Chicago Tribune in a debt-leveraged buyout. The newspaper soon went broke,
wiping out the employees’ stock ownership plan (ESOP). They sued under the fraudulent
conveyance law, which says that if a creditor makes a loan without knowing how the debtor can
pay in the normal course of business, the loan is assumed to have been made with the intent of
foreclosing on property, and is deemed fraudulent.             This law dates from colonial times,
when British speculators eyed rich New York farmland. Their ploy was to extend loans to
farmers, and then call in the loans when the farmer’s ability to pay was low, before the crop was
harvested. This was indeed a liquidity problem – which financial opportunists turned into an
asset grab. Some lenders, to be sure, created a genuine insolvency problem by making loans
beyond the ability of the farmers to pay, and then would foreclose on their land. The colonies
nullified such loans. Fraudulent conveyance laws have been kept on the books since the United
States won its independence from Britain.             Creditors today are using debt leverage to force
Greece to sell off its public domain – having extended credit beyond its ability to pay. So the
question now being raised is whether the nation should be deemed “solvent” if the only way to
carry its public debt (that is, roll it over by replacing bad old loans with newer and more
inexorable obligations) is to forfeit its land and basic infrastructure. This would fundamentally
alter the relationship between public and private sectors, replacing its mixed economy with a
centrally planned one – planned by financial predators with little care that the economy is
polarizing between rich and poor, creditors and debtors.   The financial road to serfdom            
Financial lobbyists are turning the English language – and economic terminology throughout
the world – into a battlefield. Creditors are to be permitted to take the assets of insolvent
debtors – from homeowners and companies to entire nations – as if this were a normal working
of “the market” and foreclosure was simply a way to restore “liquidity.” As for “solvency,” the
ECB would strip Greece clean of its public sector’s assets. Bank officials have spoken of throwing
potentially 150 billion euros of property onto the market.             Most people would think of this
as a solvency problem. Solvency means the ability to maintain the kind of society one has, with
existing public/private checks and balances and living standards. It is incompatible with scaling
down pensions, Social Security and medical insurance to save bondholders and bankers from
taking a loss. The latter policy is nothing less than a political revolution.             The asset
stripping that Europe’s bankers are demanding of Greece looks like a dress rehearsal to prevent
the “I won’t pay” movement from spreading to “Indignant Citizens” movements against financial
austerity in Spain, Portugal and Italy. Bankers are trying to block governments from writing
down debts, stretching out loans and reducing interest rates.             When a nation is directed to
replace its mixed economy by transferring ownership of public infrastructure and enterprises to
a financial class (mainly foreign), this is not merely “restoring solvency” by using long-term
assets to pay short-term debts to maintain its balance-sheet net worth. It is a radical
transformation to a centrally planned economy, shifting control out of the hands of elected
representatives to those of financial managers whose time frame is short-term and extractive,
not long-term and protective of social equity and basic needs.             Creditors are demanding a
political transformation to replace democratic lawmakers with technocrats appointed by foreign
bankers. When the economic surplus is pledged to bankers rather than invested at home, we are
not merely dealing with “insolvency” but with an aggressive attack. Finance becomes a
continuation of war, by economic means that are to be politicized. Acting on behalf of the
commercial banks (from which most of its directors are drawn, and to which they intend to
“descend from heaven” to take their rewards after serving their financial class), the European
Central Bank insists on a political revolution to replace democratic government by a
technocratic elite – not of industrial engineers, but of “financial engineers,” a polite name for
asset stripping financial warriors. If Greece does not comply, they threaten to wreak domestic
financial havoc by “pulling the plug” on Greek banks. This “carrot and stick” approach threatens
that if Greece does not sign on, the ECB and IMF will withhold loans needed to keep its banking
system solvent. The “carrot” was provided on May 31 they agreed to provide $86 billion in euros
if Greece “puts off for the time being a restructuring, hard or soft,” of its public debt.[5]             It
is a travesty to present this revolution simply as a financial exercise in solving the “liquidity
problem” as if it were compatible with Europe’s past four centuries of political and classical
economic reforms. This is why the Syntagma Square protest in front of Parliament has been
growing each week, peaking at over 70,000 last Sunday, June 5.             Some protestors drew a
parallel with the Wisconsin politicians who left the state to prevent a quorum from voting on the
anti-labor program that Governor Walker tried to ram through. The next day, on June 6, thirty
backbenchers of Prime Minister George Papandreou’s ruling Panhellenic Socialist party (Pasok)
were joined by some of his own cabinet ministers threatening “to resign their parliamentary
seats rather than vote through measures to cut thousands of public sector jobs, increase taxes
again and dispose of €50bn of state assets, according to party insiders. ‘The biggest issue for the
party is stringent cuts in the public sector ... these go to the heart of Pasok’s model of social
protection by providing jobs in state entities for its supporters,’ said a senior Socialist
official.”[6]             Seeing the popular reluctance to commit financial suicide, Conservative
Opposition leader Antonis Samaras also opposed paying the European bankers, “demanding a
renegotiation of the package agreed last week with the ‘troika’ of the EU, IMF and the European
Central Bank.” It was obvious that no party could gain popular support for the ECB’s demand
that Greece relinquish popular rule and “appoint experienced technocrats to half a dozen
essential ministries to implement the EU-IMF programme.”[7]             ECB President Trichet
depicts himself as following Erasmus in bringing Europe beyond its “strict concept of
nationhood.” This is to be done by replacing elected officials with a bureaucracy of cosmopolitan
banker-friendly planners. The debt problem calls for new “monetary policy measures – we call
them ‘non standard’ decisions, strictly separated from the ‘standard’ decisions, and aimed at
restoring a better transmission of our monetary policy in these abnormal market conditions.”
The task at hand is to make these conditions a new normalcy – and re-defining solvency to
reflect a nation’s ability to pay debts by selling the public domain.             The ECB and EU claim
that Greece is “solvent” as long as it has assets to sell off. But if populations in today’s mixed
economies think of solvency as existing under existing public/private proportions, they will
resist the financial sector’s attempt to proceed with buyouts and foreclosures until it possesses
all the assets in the world, all the hitherto public and corporate assets and those of individuals
and partnerships.             To minimize opposition to this dynamic the financial sector’s pet
economists understate the debt burden, pretending that it can be paid without disrupting
economic life and, in the Greek case for example, by using “mark to model” junk accounting and
derivative swaps to simply conceal its magnitude. Dominique Strauss-Kahn at the IMF claims
that the post-2008 debt crisis is merely a short-term “liquidity problem” and one of lack of
“confidence,” not insolvency reflecting an underlying inability to pay. Banks promise that
everything will be all right when the economy “returns to normal” – as if it can “borrow its way
out of debt,” Bernanke-style.             This is what today’s financial warfare is about. At issue is the
financial sector’s relationship to the “real” economy. From the latter’s perspective the proper
role of credit – that is, debt – is to fund productive capital investment and spending, because it
is out of the economic surplus that debts are paid. This requires a financial regulatory system
and tax system to maximize growth. But that is precisely the fiscal policy that today’s financial
sector is fighting against. It demands preferential tax-deductibility for interest to encourage debt
financing rather than equity. It has disabled truth-in-lending laws and regulations to keeping
interest rates and fees in line with costs of production. And it blocks governments from having
central banks to freely finance their own operations and provide economies with money. And to
cap matters it now demands that democratic society yield to centralized authoritarian financial
rule.   Finance and democracy: from mutual reinforcement to antagonism             The
relationship between banking and democracy has taken many twists over the centuries. Earlier
this year, democratic opposition to the ECB and IMF attempt to impose austerity and
privatization selloffs succeeded when Iceland’s President Grímsson insisted on a national
referendum on the Icesave debt payment that Althing leaders had negotiated with Britain and
the Netherlands (if one can characterize abject capitulation as a real negotiation). To their
credit, a heavy 3-to-2 majority of Icelanders voted “No,” saving their economy from being driven
into the debt peonage.             Democratic action historically has been needed to enforce debt
collection. Until four centuries ago royal treasuries typically were kept in the royal bedroom, and
loans to rulers were in the character of personal debts. Bankers repeatedly found themselves
burned, especially by Habsburg and Bourbon despots on the thrones of Spain, Austria and
France. Loans to such rulers were liable to expire upon their death, unless their successors
remained dependent on these same financiers rather than turning to their rivals. The numerous
bankruptcies of Spain’s autocratic Habsburg ruler Charles V exhausted his credit, preventing the
nation from raising funds to defeat the rebellious Low Countries to the north.             The
problem facing bankers was how to make loans permanent national obligations. Solving this
problem gave an advantage to parliamentary democracies. It was a major factor enabling the
Low Countries to win their independence from Habsburg Spain in the 16th century. The Dutch
Republic committed the entire nation to pay its public debts, binding the people themselves,
through their elected representatives who earmarked taxes to their creditors. Bankers saw
parliamentary democracy as a precondition for making sound loans to governments. This
security for bankers could be achieved only from electorates having at least a nominal voice in
government. And raising war loans was a key element in military rivalry in an epoch when the
maxim for survival was “Money is the sinews of war.”             As long as governments remained
despotic, they found that their ability to incur more debt was limited. At this time “the legal
position of the King qua borrower was obscure, and it was still doubtful whether his creditors
had any remedy against him in case of default.”[8] Earlier Dutch-English financing had not
satisfied creditors on this count. When Charles I borrowed 650,000 guilders from the Dutch
States-General in 1625, the two countries’ military alliance against Spain helped defer the
implicit constitutional struggle over who ultimately was liable for British debts.             The key
financial achievement of parliamentary government was thus to establish nations as political
bodies whose debts were not merely the personal obligations of rulers, but truly public and
binding regardless of who occupied the throne. This is why the first two democratic nations, the
Netherlands and Britain after its 1688 dynastic linkage between Holland and Britain in the
person of William I, and the emergence of Parliamentary authority over public financing. They
developed the most active capital markets and became Europe’s leading military powers. “A
funded debt could not be formed so long as the King and Parliament were fighting for the
mastery,” concludes the financial historian Richard Ehrenberg. “It was only after the [1688]
revolution that the English State became what the Dutch Republic had long been – a real
corporation of individuals firmly associated together, a permanent organism.”[9]             In sum,
nations emerged in their modern form by adopting the financial characteristics of democratic
city-states. The financial imperatives of 17th-century warfare helped make these democracies
victorious, for the new national financial systems facilitated military spending on a vastly
extended scale. Conversely, the more despotic Spain, Austria and France became, the greater the
difficulty they found in financing their military adventures. Austria was left “without credit, and
consequently without much debt” by the end of the 18th century, the least credit-worthy and
worst armed country in Europe, as Sir James Steuart noted in 1767.[10] It became fully
dependent on British subsidies and loan guarantees by the time of the Napoleonic Wars.            
The modern epoch of war financing therefore went hand in hand with the spread of
parliamentary democracy. The situation was similar to that enjoyed by plebeian tribunes in
Rome in the early centuries of its Republic. They were able to veto all military funding until the
patricians made political concessions. The lesson was not lost on 18th-century Protestant
parliaments. For war debts and other national obligations to become binding, the people’s
elected representatives had to pledge taxes. This could be achieved only by giving the electorate
a voice in government.             It thus was the desire to be repaid that turned the preference of
creditors away from autocracies toward democracies. In the end it was only from democracies
that they were able to collect. This of course did not necessarily reflect liberal political
convictions on the part of creditors. They simply wanted to be paid.             Europe’s sovereign
commercial cities developed the best credit ratings, and hence were best able to employ
mercenaries. Access to credit was “their most powerful weapon in the struggle for their
freedom,” notes Ehrenberg, in an age whose “growth in the use of fire-arms had forced them to
surround themselves with stronger fortifications.”[11] The problem was that “Anyone who gave
credit to a prince knew that the repayment of the debt depended only on his debtor's capacity
and will to pay. The case was very different for the cities, who had power as overlords, but were
also corporations, associations of individuals held in common bond. According to the generally
accepted law each individual burgher was liable for the debts of the city both with his person
and his property.”             But the tables are now turning, from Icelandic voters to the large
crowds gathering in Syntagma Square and elsewhere throughout Greece to oppose the terms on
which Prime Minister Papandreou has been negotiating an EU bailout loan for the government
– to bail out German and French banks. Now that nations are not raising money for war but to
subsidize reckless predatory bankers, Jean-Claude Trichet of the ECB recently suggested taking
financial policy out of the hands of democracy.             But if a country is still not delivering, I
think all would agree that the second stage has to be different. Would it go too far if we
envisaged, at this second stage, giving euro area authorities a much deeper and authoritative say
in the formation of the country’s economic policies if these go harmfully astray? A direct
influence, well over and above the reinforced surveillance that is presently envisaged? …              
At issue is sovereignty itself, when it comes to government responsibility for debts. And in this
respect the war being waged against Greece by the European Central Bank (ECB) may best be
seen as a dress rehearsal not only for the rest of Europe, but for what financial lobbyists would
like to bring about in the United States.   Notes  [1] Yves Smith, “Wisconsin’s Walker Joins
Government Asset Giveaway Club (and is Rahm Soon to Follow?)” Naked Capitalism, February
22, 2011. [2] Ralph Atkins, “Transcript: Lorenzo Bini Smaghi,” Financial Times, May 30, 2011.
[3] Jack Ewing, “In Asset Sale, Greece to Give Up 10% Stake in Telecom Company,” The New
York Times, June 7, 2011. [4] Christopher Lawton and Laura Stevens, “Deutsche Telekom,
Others Look to Grab State-Owned Assets at Fire-Sale Prices,” Wall Street Journal, June 7, 2011.
[5] Landon Thomas Jr., “New Rescue Package for Greece Takes Shape,” The New York Times,
June 1, 2011. [6] Kerin Hope, “Rift widens on Greek reform plan,” Financial Times, June 7, 2011.
[7] Ibid. See also Kerin Hope, “Thousands protest against Greek austerity,” Financial Times,
June 6, 2011: “‘Thieves, thieves ... Where did our money go?’ the protesters shouted, blowing
whistles and waving Greek flags as riot police thickened ranks around the parliament building
on Syntagma square in the centre of the capital. … Banners draped nearby read ‘Take back the
new measures’ and ‘Greece is not for sale’ – a reference to the government’s plans to include
state property and real estate for tourist development in the privatisation scheme.” [8] Charles
Wilson, England’s Apprenticeship: 1603-1763 (London: 1965), p. 89. [9] Richard Ehrenberg,
Capital and Finance in the Age of the Renaissance (1928), p. 354. [10] James Steuart, Principles
of Political Oeconomy (1767), p. 353. [11] Ehrenberg, op. cit., pp. 44f., 33.   ]]> 4948 2011-06-15
16:17:59 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
hudson/ Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:23:58 +0000 birdflu666
p=4952]]> 4952 2011-06-15
16:23:58 2011-06-15 16:23:58 open open the-financial-road-to-serfdom-by-michael-hudson
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_23b7c738f597bd299e36fdee2645bff7 14095
road-to-serfdom-by-michael-hudson/ 2011-06-15 23:34:24 2011-06-15 23:34:24
1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
imfeu-mandated-debt-death-spiral-of-greece/ Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:29:08 +0000 birdflu666 Germany was locked in an embarrassing public spat
with the European Central Bank last week over who should pay the price for a new Greek
bailout, fresh evidence was emerging of the impact of the savage cuts Athens has already
imposed on its increasingly restive citizens. The number of people unemployed has shot up by
40% over the past 12 months; the jobless rate now stands above 16%. Among young people it's a
devastating 42%, representing extraordinary human and social cost. Yet the government's latest
plans envisage another four years of slash and burn, taking the deficit from 7.5% of GDP this
year to 1% by 2015. It's extreme fiscal masochism, and it isn't going to work. Growth is suffering:
the economy expanded by a miserable 0.2% in the first quarter of 2011, official figures revealed.
Over the past year, it has contracted by a total of 5.5%, and forecasters – including Greece's
creditors, the IMF and the ECB – are expecting a further catastrophic decline of more than 3%
over the coming 12 months. Read more at:
reckless-banks]]> 4954 2011-06-15 16:29:08 2011-06-15 16:29:08 open open uks-observer-
explains-the-economics-of-the-imfeu-mandated-debt-death-spiral-of-greece publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_08e95d0b42996adde1795f80928738d4 14096
2011-06-15 23:36:18 2011-06-15 23:36:18 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history
akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14111 2011-06-16 06:00:24 2011-06-16 06:00:24 1 0 0
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0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
billion-euros-in-may-up-11-billion-euros/ Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:33:25 +0000 birdflu666 *The number of ECB loans to Spanish banks
increased by 11 billion euros in May, up from 42 billion in April to 53 billion euros
*what quality of collateral are Spanish banks offering? Will tax payers have to
bleed again? *Spanish banks are borrowing directly from the ECB because of the
higher costs of financing for banks that increasingly look like they are insolvent
*Large-scale lending to flagging banks by the ECB strongly suggests Spain is the
next victim of a eurozone, public sector Ponzi scheme; same ECB  lending patterns
as in the case of Greece, Ireland and Portugal June 14 (Bloomberg) -- Spanish banks'
loans from the European Central Bank jumped 26 percent in May as growing expectations of a
Greek default increased lenders' financing costs. Spanish banks borrowed 53 billion euros ($77
billion) from the ECB in May, up from 42 billion euros in April, the Bank of Spain said on its
website today. That compares with a peak of 130.2 billion euros in July. Spanish banks have
been using ECB funds as contagion from the sovereign debt crisis pushes up borrowing costs for
the government and companies. Francisco Gonzalez, chairman of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya
Argentaria SA, Spain's second-largest lender, said yesterday Spain "continues to be a cause for
concern" for the bank's creditors. Read more at:
LMRVW60UQVI901-4KHMG3CT5I0D0HF444LGQMPG8C.DTL]]> 4956 2011-06-15 16:33:25
2011-06-15 16:33:25 open open ecb-increases-loans-to-spanish-banks-to-53-billion-euros-in-
may-up-11-billion-euros publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_2460845856843e846747b2b84b16467b 14081
2011-06-15 17:19:10 2011-06-15 17:19:10 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14094
union/ 2011-06-15 22:43:12 2011-06-15 22:43:12 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14097
billion-euros/ 2011-06-15 23:37:50 2011-06-15 23:37:50 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14134 http://d 2011-06-16 12:55:56 2011-06-16 12:55:56 1
14081 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14147 2011-06-16 20:34:54
2011-06-16 20:34:54 THE DOCTRINE OF ODIOUS DEBT This is a century-old legal principle
The Doctrine of Odious Debts was created to further international finance by limiting the ability
of governments to repudiate debts. Three conditions had to apply before a sovereign state could
repudiate a debt: (1) The debt must have been incurred without the informed consent of the
citizenry of the state. (2) The debt must not have benefited the citizenry of the state. (in my
book, this would include expenses relating to attending or executing BILDERBERGER or CFR
agendas) (3) The lender must have been aware of conditions (1) and (2) at the time that the loan
papers were signed. (I am sure that the ECB, Goldman Sachs and the rest of those involved in
this "impoverish the world scheme" were quite clear on what they were doing.) If a despotic
power incurs a debt which is manifestly not for the needs of the State, or not in the plain interest
of the State, but is a debt incurred solely to strengthen the position the despotic cabal as a self-
serving faction within that State, the debt is odious. The debt is not an obligation for the nation;
it is a cabal debt, a personal debt of the cabal which incurred it. And the debt falls with the fall of
the cabal. The Doctrine of Odious Debts not only promotes accountability, it promotes
democracy in the debtor state as, one by one, the nature of the inherited debts are articulated in
a public legislature. The Doctrine of Odious Debts also promotes democracy in creditor
states.]]> 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
14160 2011-06-17 03:21:20 2011-06-17 03:21:20 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
who-should-pay-greek-debts/ Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:35:09 +0000 birdflu666 4958 2011-06-15 16:35:09 2011-06-15 16:35:09
open open germany-and-ecb-continue-stand-off-over-who-should-pay-greek-debts publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 14098
2011-06-15 23:39:31 2011-06-15 23:39:31 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14110
2011-06-16 05:44:29 2011-06-16 05:44:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
banks-and-how-socgen-has-been-able-to-offload-greek-bonds-since-march/ Wed, 15 Jun 2011
16:37:16 +0000 birdflu666 Joseph Cotterill on Jun
15 08:52.
argentine-deja-vu/ "One question here, by the way — how could SocGen possibly have reduced
Greece exposure in any significant way after March 2011? Liquidity in Greek bonds (and
hedging via CDS we guess) has collapsed in recent months," askes Cotterill. With the help of the
ECB?]]> 4961 2011-06-15 16:37:16 2011-06-15 16:37:16 open open fts-alphaville-discusses-
march publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_a02b1b385354ff92d4ef7c535ba5c49a 14099
since-march/ 2011-06-15 23:41:45 2011-06-15 23:41:45 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on Wed, 15 Jun
2011 16:46:30 +0000 birdflu666 Now the
authorities have sent you a letter telling you that you owe Redmill Bank 10 million euros/dollars
and they are collecting it on the bank’s behalf. Your neighbour is not insolvent but illiquid and
just needs a loan to tide him over and you have to contribute to that fund to pay his billion
euro/dollar bank debts whether you like it or not, you learn. Because you do not have the 10
million euros you are expected to pay into the fund, the local authorities tell you that they have
arranged for a loan from Bank Redmill at 6%. You calculate that the 6% interest rate amounts to
600,000 euros/dollars a year. And you only have total assets of an apartment/house and annual
income of 300,000 euros. You point out the funding gap to the local authorities. They write
back, telling you that their cooperative bank will lend you the 300,000 euros/dollars to make up
the difference. It turns out your neighbour should never have been given this billion euro loan
by Redmill bank because they had far too little collateral consisting only of their
apartment/house valued at, say, 200,000 euros/dollars. Instead of writing down the losses as
banks are required to do when they make bad loans, the banks have somehow gotten the local
authorities to force everyone else in the neighbourhood to pay off the loans they should never
have made in the first place. Not only that, the banks have somehow secured an arrangement
with the local cooperative community bank whereby they can hand in as security the very same
apartment or house owned by your neighbour valued at 200,000 euros for another billion euro
loan – and because you are a shareholder in your local community bank, you have to pay for that
billion euro loan too. If any local authority tried to behave like this, everyone in the
neighbourhood would agree this is an incredible fraud. But this is exactly what is happening
today on the bigger stage of the eurozone. The violation of the no bail out clause in the EU
Lisbon Treaty allows national governments to claim all the tax payers in a particular nation are
liable for the debts of their neighbours when they are not. The violation of article 123 in the ECB
statues is allowing the ECB, the equivalent of the community bank to become a bad bank,
stuffing its balance sheet with bad loans while handing out hundreds of billions to Redmill
Bank. The EU/IMF and ECB have falsely diagnosed a series of eurozone countries as illiquid
when they are really interminably insolvent just as the neighbour with a debt of a billion
euros/dollars and assets of just 200,000 euros/dollars was falsely diagnosed as illiquid and not
insolvent. Instead of the debts being managed through an insolvency procedure, everyone in the
neighbourhood (the entire eurozone) is being compelled to pay the astronomical debt off.
German government economic advisors even wrote a report in autumn 2010 telling the
government that an insolvency mechanism was urgently needed in the eurozone to deal with
countries like Greece and Ireland which have unsustainable debts. But this key report was
buried by the German and other eurozone governments. Now in June 2011, the eurozone is
descending into a mixture of a comedy, farce and tragedy as the local authorities (Chancellor
Angela Merkel and President Nicolas Sarkozy) tell one untruth after the other to wring money
from the eurozone tax payers. As apartment after apartment/house after house is being
possessed in the neighbourhood by the local authorities and the people are being thrown on the
street, it is becoming increasingly clear that the original debtor was not illiquid but insolvent
and that the debt the rest of the neighbourhood is expected to pay is also so huge that everyone
else is insolvent. And yet, the eurozone finance ministers, the ECB president, the banks and
much of the media continue the farce. Day in, day out, we are told that Greece which now has
the lowest credit rating of the 131 countries in the world, is not insolvent but illiquid. Eurozone
tax payers are told they have to either keep paying or risk a disorderly default which will destroy
the equivalent of the community cooperative bank and all their savings. The fact that these same
politicians have buried the policy initiative of an insolvency mechanism is conveniently
forgotten by them. Money, money, money. They want your money. The money you need to live,
to eat, to work. They want your house, your apartment. They want the tax money that goes to
pay for schools, universities, roads and medical care. They want it all. Money, money, money.
They want your money and they will lie, trick and threaten you to get it. It gets worse. Finally,
the authorities come in with the boot and kick everyone out and claim ownership of the
apartment block. A eurozone country is taken over by the IMF/EU/ECB troika. Like a bailiff
sent in by the local authorities on behalf of Redmill bank, they come and just throw you on the
street and wiped their hands. You go to your local authorities and ask for some soup and shelter.
They tell you, they have no money left. Their entire budget is also going to pay off the losses of
the community bank. You are left as a serf. You have been stripped of your rights. You have been
lied to, cheated, threatened and impoverished by a ring of thieves. This is the truly outrageous
situation the European and American tax payers are now in – and it the biggest violation of the
laws since European integration as the Mannheim economist R said in an article in the FAZ.
How long before the parliaments in Berlin, in Vienna are surrounded by crowds like the
parliaments in Rejkavik and Athens? How long before the people put their politicians on trial as
they have done in Iceland for their role in this crime? How long till there is justice? How long till
the leaders of our government and of the eurozone central banks responsible for this crime have
to stand trial for violating all the laws in order to loot tax payers? This year? Next year? When
will the millions of people who have had their lives destroyed have justice? For a long time, the
political and financial elite have relied on their control of the mass media. But while the Axel
Springer Verlag continues to give cynical misinformation to their readers day in day out, other
newspapers are becoming more frank. The Financial Times Deutschland called German
politicians liars, “lying through their teeth to such a degree that one hardly knows who should
point the finger at first.” "When it comes to the construction of the next bailout for Greece, all
the stakeholders are lying through their teeth to such a degree that one hardly knows who one
should point the finger at first. The thing that unites them is that none of them want a solution
that will really involve private creditors, irrespective of whether you want to call that a default,
rollover or debt restructuring." "The decision in favor of another rescue package is based more
on political will than on a sober analysis of the data. To their shame, the troika did not even try
to find out whether the conditions that they had previously set for help have been fulfilled. In
theory, an analysis should provide information about whether Greece has any chance of getting
back on its feet in the medium term with the help of loans. The fact that the troika has so far
avoided carrying out that analysis can only mean one thing: The rescuers do not want to know
the answer, because they fear the consequences of an inconvenient outcome.",1518,767919,00.html Lies, lies and more lies
from the political elite. An analysis in the FAZ looks at the many violations of the laws by
eurozone politicians to carry out this looting.
Rainer Hank points out that article 123 of ECB statutes prohibits the ECB from purchasing 
government debt instruments. Hank notes that the ECB has been purchasing Greek
souvereign bonds on the secondary market but calls this a legal ruse. The ECB is
there to ensure the stability monetary but has become a bad bank of Greece “in an underhand
manner”. „It’s independence is gone,“ writes the FAZ. The estimated 70 billion euros of Greek
debt purchased by the ECB have very little real value as they are backed by an insolvent
government – indeed, one which now has the worst credit rating in the whole world. If Greece
now defaults on its debt as it must because it is insolvent, the ECB will have to write down the
losses and these will have to be born by tax payers yet again. “Under Jean-Claude Trichet, the
ECB purchased Greek sovereign bonds on a large scale, bonds which are now rapidly losing
value. It would have been better to have left the rescue effort to national governments because it
has resulted in the ECB becoming a stakeholder with interests of its own to protect, just like the
Greek government or Deutsche Bank,” writes Hank. "Faced with the question of whether a
restructuring of Greek debt will help the country recover from the crisis or unleash a firestorm
across Europe, ordinary people need help from those whose opinions are independent because
governments and commercial banks are pursuing their own interests. But the ECB is no longer
independent. As one of Athens' major creditors, a haircut on Greek debt would cost it a lot of
money. As a result, it’s warning about a debt restructuring are not credible." Hank notes that the
no bailout clause in the eurozone is crystal clear. However, governments are violating this law
flagrantly to collect and on behalf of the banks, trillions and trillions, unimaginable sums, that
will bring our societies to collapse. Banks ran up a debt far in excess of their collateral but for
some reason, everyone has to pay except them.  “The balance after one year of European
solidarity is bitter: billions of European and American tax payer money destroyed, Greece is still
not saved, but Europe is badly damaged. “It is the most flagrant violation of the law in the
history of the European integration,” said the Mannheim economist Roland Vaubel. In addition
to the damage done by breaching contracts and the rules of institutions, comes a loss of
democracy. Greece de facto lost its autonomy a year ago. The only choice is has is to sell either
the harbour of Piraeus first or the harbour of Thessaloniki  “Greece has entered into a serf like
status in the EU in return for money like in the Middle Ages,” says the economist Vaubel.” „That
country in which democracy was invented has allowed ist democracy tobe bought off by
supposed helpers, who are behaving like debt collectors,” says Hank. The EU/IMF and ECB are
behaving worse than bailiffs because they are acting outside an insolvency mechanism, which
would put some limits to their looting of the Greek people. Under insolvency laws, a debtor is
usually left enough to live on. The German government buried a report last autumn by it a panel
of government economic experts calling for an insolvency mechanism for eurozone countries
whose debts are so huge they cannot hope to repay them. The German government cynically
buried, hid, concealed this vital recommendation from their own experts. They deceived the
public, hoodwinked them, lied to them over and over brazenly to continue this act of outrageous
looting. Everytime some economist now calls for a debt restructuring, German and French and
US government officials (Obama) appear on TV and warn the people of “dire consequences”, of
“financial meltdown”, of another “Lehman.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel Germans either
pay up or face a disorderly default that will crash banks and destroy your finances. That is not
the alternative. The alternative is an insolvency mechanism. A disorderly default is certainly the
lesser of these evils compared with the complete looting and political subjugation of tax payers
were are witnessing. But the ECB, which has lent an estimated 350 billion euros to Greek, Irish
and Portuguese and Spanish banks, and which is continuing these reckless practises, would be
forced to write down the losses on its huge mountain of illegal debt before the Ponzi scheme has
run its course. A default would pave the way for putting the political and financial elite on trial
as the people of Iceland have put their former Prime Minister on trial for his role in exacerbating
the financial crisis and increasing the debt burden of the people.]]> 4964 2011-06-15 16:46:30
2011-06-15 16:46:30 open open 4964 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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euro-zone-is-already-a-transfer-union/ 2011-06-15 22:43:03 2011-06-15
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history%e2%80%9d-the-economics-made-simple/ 2011-06-15 23:43:57 2011-06-
15 23:43:57 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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end-game-sixth-set/ 2011-06-17 12:58:46 2011-06-17 12:58:46 1 pingback 0 0
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daily-mail/ Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:49:52 +0000 birdflu666
• Riot police clash with protesters outside parliament in Athens
• EU Commission warns Greece may need an extra £17.6billion to avoid
economic meltdown
• Rating agency downgrades Greek to 'CCC' - bottom of 131 countries
• Labour unions set to cripple services as 24-hour strike takes hold
• €110bn bailout from May 2010 not enough to prevent country defaulting on

Protesters have hurled stones and yoghurt at Greek riot police during angry protests in the
capital Athens. Read more:
Police-tear-gas-protesters-hurl-Greek-yoghurt.html#ixzz1PMB9bMNs]]> 4969 2011-06-15
16:49:52 2011-06-15 16:49:52 open open anti-austerity-clashes-erupt-in-athens-reports-daily-
mail publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f6257e40ad143c855597d73b153277dd 14101
clashes-erupt-in-athens-reports-daily-mail/ 2011-06-15 23:50:21 2011-06-15
23:50:21 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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making/ 2011-06-16 00:34:34 2011-06-16 00:34:34 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14235 2011-06-18
10:31:08 2011-06-18 10:31:08 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
to-ecb-taliban-reports-irish-times/ Thu, 16 Jun 2011 19:16:10 +0000 birdflu666 Greek row makes ECB the Taliban of banking for
Germany Derek Scally The ECB is making life difficult for Germany – the state which ensured its
independence, writes DEREK SCALLY in Berlin THESE ARE interesting times for Berlin’s
relationship with the European Central Bank. The Frankfurt-based institution has Germany to
thank for its prized independent status – intended to free it from satisfying the whims of
politicians. Read more at:  ]]> 4971 2011-
06-16 19:16:10 2011-06-16 19:16:10 open open germans-stand-up-to-ecb-taliban-reports-irish-
times publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f0c668ef0816685ea1c44f3b92660453 14149
up-to-ecb-taliban-reports-irish-times/ 2011-06-16 20:53:09 2011-06-16
20:53:09 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
new-flank-in-battle-with-ecb-and-banksters/ Thu, 16 Jun 2011 19:18:39 +0000 birdflu666
LMVLOU07SXKX01-0KFHDFI678QGT2Q2L0E39GOLE5.DTL#ixzz1PT1lc47W]]> 4973 2011-
06-16 19:18:39 2011-06-16 19:18:39 open open ireland-opens-up-new-flank-in-battle-with-ecb-
and-banksters publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_2ed1b3c4c3bb88f2cc32c0d462b1fc1e
opens-up-new-flank-in-battle-with-ecb-and-banksters/ 2011-06-16 20:50:26 2011-
06-16 20:50:26 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
goldman-sachs-banker-draghi-for-top-post-in-ecb/ Thu, 16 Jun 2011 19:21:04 +0000
4976 2011-06-16 19:21:04 2011-06-16 19:21:04 open open key-meps-back-goldman-sachs-
banker-draghi-for-top-post-in-ecb publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_c3cf2d454653deef63a4981669684a1c 14146 2011-06-16 20:25:05 2011-06-16 20:25:05 1 0 0
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goldman-sachs-banker-draghi-for-top-post-in-ecb/ 2011-06-16 20:55:10 2011-
06-16 20:55:10 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking
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http://d 2011-06-17 10:26:14 2011-06-17 10:26:14 1 14146 0 jabber_published
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that-greek-people-have-lost-faith-in-mainstream-media/ Thu, 16 Jun 2011 19:24:35 +0000
birdflu666 And I will repeat the point about
hostility to the media: it's not a problem for me and my colleagues to be hounded off demos as
"representatives of big capital", "Zionists", "scum and police informers" etc. But to get this
reaction from almost every demographic - from balaclava kids to pensioners - should be a
warning sign to the policymaking elite. The "mainstream" - whether it's the media, politicians or
business people - is beginning to seem illegitimate to large numbers of people. As one old
bloke put it to me, when I said: "Don't you want us to report what's happening to
you?" - "No." He was quite calm and rational as he waved his hand in my face: "It's
too late for that."  ]]> 4978 2011-06-16 19:24:35 2011-06-16 19:24:35 open open bbc-
media publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 14213 http://-
2011-06-18 05:16:33 2011-06-18 05:16:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14151
makes-astonishing-admission-that-greek-people-have-lost-faith-in-mainstream-media/ 2011-06-16 20:57:57 2011-06-16 20:57:57 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14208 2011-06-17 23:57:17 2011-06-17 23:57:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-06-18 09:57:41 2011-06-18 09:57:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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victory-against-authoritarian-imfeuecb/ Thu, 16 Jun 2011 19:36:33 +0000 birdflu666 The banker’s Satrap, American-born Greek Prime
Minister Giorgos Papandreou faced an angry rebellion from his own party, PASOK, when he
appealed to them yesterday in parliament to support legislation due to be voted on this month
on a €28 billion austerity package mandated by the EU and IMF. Two PASOK lawmakers
resigned over plans to slash 150,000 jobs from the public sector and sell off government assets
to foreign companies at rock bottom prices. PASOK controls just 155 seats in the 300-member
parliament. Papandreou further incensed lawmakers when he went on to suggest that a
technocratic authoritarian ruler should take over the government to push through the punitive
IMF and EU fiscal measures. Facing so many angry lawmakers in his own party, Papandreou
scrambled and made a cloak and dagger offer to the leader of the main opposition party New
Democracy, Antonis Samaras, to form a “unity government” to push through fiscal austerity -
only to be rebuffed. Outside the parliament, tens of thousands of people from all walks of life
and of all ages gathered in the Syntagma Square to protest peacefully the way the IMF and EU
austerity package was impoverishing the country. Within the space of just twenty days, a protest
movement by ordinary citizens called the Outraged or Indignatos has swelled to the point where
it has the power to block the next round of legislation needed for the looting of Greece by the
EU. IMF and ECB. Not even the violence by a fringe group,  agents provocateurs and riot
police firing tear gas canisters could stop the ordinary people from assembling to give voice to
their demand for a return to a competent government for the people. Economists including
Germany’s Hans Werner Sinn say that Greece will be far better off if it defaults on its
unsustainable mountain of national debt, reintroduces the Drachma and devalues its currency.
Not only will Greece recover its economic future, it will also regain its political sovereignty if it
returns to the Drachma. Greece is a de facto vassal state of the IMF and EU at the moment with
the parliament given only choice to rubber stamp - agree to more fiscal austerity for the profit of
the banksters or else. The truth is Greece does not need the euro, at all. It is the ECB, EU and
IMF need Greece to loot as part of a public sector Ponzi Scheme run by the banks as described
by Mario Blejer. A default by Greece will be far worse for the ECB than for Greece, which can
move rapidly to nationalise its banks and reintroduce the Drachma, insulating it from the worst
effects of a monstrous and fracturing eurozone. Greece will needs some time to recover from the
financial assault it has suffered at the hands of the ECB and bankers. But the country is rich in
natural resources, in history and beauty and will surely soon prosper under good leadership.
And as Papandreou loses his grip on government, a genuine political debate and genuine
political choices are once more possible . Papandreou has called a vote of confidence in his
leadership on Sunday in an attempt to quell the growing turmoil within his party, but there is
uncertainty about whether he will win it. Local analysts say he is on his "last legs." Pressure is
also mounting on his Finance Minister, George Papaconstantinou to quit. Papaconstantinou
attended the Bilderberg meeting in Switzerland last week together with bankers from Goldman
Sachs, Deutsche Bank and Raiffeisen Bank. But the bankers and ECB, EU and IMF must be
upset not only by what is happening in Greece. Their plans suffered another blow when the Irish
Finance Minister Michael Noonan said that he favoured imposing haircuts on senior
bondholders. In addition, the German government, which is facing an increasingly angry
electorate, refused to back down from its demand that private creditors are involved in any new
Greek bankster bailout, putting it at loggerheads with the ECB and the French. Unable to find
any ground for an agreement, the German government wants the deadline to hammer out a
second Greek bankster bailout to be put back to September. The German Constitutional Court is
set to rule on the no bail out clause in  autumn. Yesterday was not just  a tremendous victory for
the people of Greece and the Greek parliament against the financial oligarchy. It was a victory
for all people in Europe and the world who value freedom, democracy, human dignity and who
oppose the authoritarian banker’s agenda.]]> 4980 2011-06-16 19:36:33 2011-06-16 19:36:33
open open greek-people-and-parliament-score-historical-victory-against-authoritarian-
imfeuecb publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_c34581267b1bde8f13712acc6c3f3dd7
_oembed_a85833ebb1083ad46ab345fe13c972cf 14145 2011-06-16 20:20:35 2011-06-16 20:20:35 1 0 0
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and-parliament-score-historical-victory-against-authoritarian-imfeuecb/ 2011-06-16
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17 14:38:34 2011-06-17 14:38:34 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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kind-of-war-making/ 2011-06-24 18:38:04 2011-06-24 18:38:04 1 pingback 0 0
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on-the-hook/ Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:53:14 +0000 birdflu666
p=4986,1518,768788,00.html  ]]> 4986
2011-06-17 13:53:14 2011-06-17 13:53:14 open open greek-banks-offload-bonds-onto-ecb-
taxpayers-on-the-hook publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 14204
offload-bonds-onto-ecb-taxpayers-on-the-hook/ 2011-06-17 21:23:26 2011-06-17
21:23:26 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08:53:20 2011-06-18 08:53:20 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
spreads-hysteria-about-bank-crashes/ Fri, 17 Jun 2011 13:57:24 +0000 birdflu666 But the fact is, it is the ECB and state run banks that
now hold the overwhelming majority of Greek bonds and not private banks. The few commercial
banks that still hold some of these bonds like Deutsche Bank can easily afford to write off their
losses. And if they can’t they should go into a managed insolvency. There should be no more tax
payer money wasted on this scam. We all know the banksters want an excuse to crash a banks
because they need their second bust or double dip recession to really clean out the eurozone tax
payers. Added pressure for a bank crash soon comes from the bankster’s need to divert attention
from the way the ECB has become a huge bad bank against the rules. In fact, the ECB now has so
many bad loans from Greek, Portuguese, Italian and Spain banks on ist books that it is
threatening the financial system of the eurozone. The dynamics inherent in the public sector
Ponzi scheme and loan sharking operation run by the ECB, EU and IMF mean that the ECB
must keep on taking onto their books the garbage collateral in return for giving banks good
money. The banksters hope that by engineering private bank to go bankrupt, the general public
will be so confused they will not notice the ECB is insolvent because of its role in this scam. An
Austrian bank could highly likely be the one that declares itself bankrupt, causing financial
mayhem. We know that the Austrian interior ministry hammered out a secret plan for a Greek
default and bank crash one year ago.  In 1931, it was an Austrian bank, Creditanstalt, which fell
on ist sword and wrecked the financial system. Max Keiser is the banker’s tool. But why does he
keep appearing on the Alex Jones show to spread hysteria on behalf of the bankers after his
abysmal record?
warn-of-global-armageddon-scenarios/]]> 4988 2011-06-17 13:57:24 2011-06-17 13:57:24 open
open max-keiser-spreads-hysteria-about-bank-crashes publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_7b1a9f7127ee995a629c2ae1659a9553 14212
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spreads-hysteria-about-bank-crashes/ 2011-06-17 21:26:54 2011-06-17 21:26:54
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14260 2011-06-18 21:49:16
2011-06-18 21:49:16 Giving Bank Banks... [...] ng all sides of any equation. The same question
comes up time and again in the c [...]...]]> 1 trackback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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06-19 00:21:54 2011-06-19 00:21:54 1 14234 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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ministrys-greek-debt-policy-ard-documentary-reveals/ Fri, 17 Jun 2011 14:05:59 +0000
birdflu666 The Deutsche Bank
document called “Proposal for Greek liability management exercise – burden sharing without
haircuts” insisted, not surprisingly, on a voluntary participation by banks. The revelation that
the Finance Ministry in Berlin just takes over the contents of policy papers of Deutsche Bank
offers yet more proof that Chancellor Angela Merkel and Wolfgang Schäuble are puppets of the
commercial banks. Merkel and Deutsche Bank CEO Josef Ackermann attended this year's
Bilderberg conference in Switzerland and would have had ample opportunity to discuss ways
and means to expropriate yet more money from the tax payers under one pretext or another.
The Deutsche Bank plan brings no real relief to Greece from the loan sharking operation run by
the EU and ECB, which, acting like the Federal Reserve, flooded the Greek economy with cheap
money in a boom phase before helping to ignite a bust, allowing banks like Deutsche Bank to
call in the debts, seize collateral and imposing loans at penal interest rates which tax payers
across the eurozone have to pay. Also, Deutsche Bank itself broke a voluntary agreement to
retain Greek souverein bonds, offloading them in stealth on the ECB. The ECB holds billions of
dubious Greek debt against the rules and it is the tax payer's who will have to pay. What worth
are voluntary agreements when Deutsche Bank breaks them? The proposal by Schäuble was a
PR stunt to hoodwink the electorate and the increasingly restive German parliament, worried
that the scenes in Athens might soon be repeated in Berlin. Yet another theatrical PR stunt was
the announcement by Merkel at a joint press conference with Nicholas Sarkozy today that
Germany is not going to insist on private creditors reducing their interest rates for Greece, after
all. What a surprise!]]> 4990 2011-06-17 14:05:59 2011-06-17 14:05:59 open open deutsche-
bank-writes-german-finance-ministrys-greek-debt-policy-ard-documentary-reveals publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_4e48709f22065fcc5cf6c442de4dd1a4 14182 2011-06-17 16:54:05 2011-06-17 16:54:05 1 0 0
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writes-german-finance-ministry%e2%80%99s-greek-debt-policy-ard-documentary-reveals/ 2011-06-17 21:30:53 2011-06-17 21:30:53 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14220 2011-06-18 08:05:38 2011-06-18 08:05:38 1 0 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-06-18 20:30:05 2011-06-18 20:30:05 1 14246 0
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terrorism-laws-reports-kiwisfirst/ Sat, 18 Jun 2011 15:11:46 +0000 birdflu666
pageID=2145845331 And:]]> 4992 2011-06-18 15:11:46
2011-06-18 15:11:46 open open new-zealand-citizens-face-show-trials-under-terrorism-laws-
reports-kiwisfirst publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_8e0b1879cb2da994e7a25bacff6cdc56 14308 2011-06-20 02:10:07 2011-06-20 02:10:07 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
kenneth-rogoff/ Sat, 18 Jun 2011 15:14:36 +0000 birdflu666  ]]> 4996 2011-06-18 15:14:36
2011-06-18 15:14:36 open open the-euro%e2%80%99s-pig-headed-masters-by-kenneth-rogoff
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f0e9c3f4205e1a4725069ffa8c6fb510 14306 2011-06-20 01:32:13 2011-06-20 01:32:13 1 0 0
akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14261
%e2%80%99s-pig-headed-masters-by-kenneth-rogoff/ 2011-06-18 22:39:51
2011-06-18 22:39:51 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
wing-diva-heinz-christian-strache-stakes-claim-to-be-next-chancellor-of-austria/ Sat, 18 Jun
2011 15:30:38 +0000 birdflu666 For Strache to
claim that he stands for freedom and law and order is like a wolf claiming he is vegetarian to get
into the sheep pen. Strache stokes hatred for anyone who does not agree with his neo-
Nazi coloured world view. Far from representing a break with the current politics, Strache’s new
Freedom Party line up is comprised of the ultimate insiders in the shady far right scene so often
linked with criminal ventures. Strache obviously thinks that people in Austria have a
memory hole and have forgotten already that they were looted by the last predatory far right
government led by Jörg Haider. In fact, the new faces in the proposed far right cabinet make
former far right Finance Minister Karl Heinz Grasser -- who was found to have been lugging
suitcases full of cash to invest in dodgy bank deals at the cost tax payers -- look squeaky clean.
Karl Heinz Grasser is married to Fiona Swarowski, scion of the super rich Swarowski clan, and
along with the Flick Foundation reaped significant profits paid thanks to the  tax payers in a
shady Hypo Alpe Adria deal he has never been held to account for by justice officials. Among the
collection of eccentrics and outsiders in the far right cabinet, there is Johan Gudenus, the Karl
Theodor zu Guttenberg of Austria. The scion of wealthy, far right family, Gudenus is not known
to have held any job at all - perhaps because looking after his hair style and going to parties is
too time consuming. After graduating in law from Vienna university and undergoing a short
stint as a trainee at a local court, Gudenus seems to have gone straight into the Freedom Party,
where he has lived the life of one of the pampered political elite ever since, appearing only now
and then to stoke hostility towards asylum seekers. No sensible policy intitiative has ever been
heard of from Gudenus - and yet he is supposed to be the next foreign minister. Gudenus made
headlines after he was caught brawling outside a beer tent and in a disco as part of the Opera
ball, and the ability to pick fights will be very useful for a warmongering minister. Others may
have to shed their blood in Libya and the Middle East for Gudenus, who can put his feet up and
count his increased revenue from his family investments in corporations and banks. Gudenus
along with Martin Graf and other members of the far right fencing fraternities also attended a
ceremony on May 8th in the Heldenplatz in Vienna to mark Nazi Germany’s capitulation in the
second world war, and Austria and Germany will be head for their third major defeat in any
world war under the brazenly cynical bankster puppets like this if they ever get into power.]]>
4998 2011-06-18 15:30:38 2011-06-18 15:30:38 open open extreme-right-wing-diva-heinz-
christian-strache-stakes-claim-to-be-next-chancellor-of-austria publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_f678b2b3c14b78c3ab6eed67850e3714 14305 2011-06-20 01:18:50 2011-06-20 01:18:50 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14254
http://d 2011-06-18 19:12:36 2011-06-18 19:12:36 1 0 0 jabber_published
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2011-06-18 22:44:39 2011-06-18 22:44:39 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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continue-after-papandreou-reshuffles-cabinet-snap-elections-soon/ Sat, 18 Jun 2011 15:38:10
+0000 birdflu666 “Thousands of Greeks marched
on parliament on Saturday in a show of unabated public anger after Prime Minister George
Papandreou reshuffled his cabinet and vowed to push on with a belt-tightening campaign,”
reports Reuters.
idUSTRE75E0ZS20110618 Papandreou moved Bilderberg Finance Minister George
Papaconstantino to the energy ministry. The privatisation of energy companies is part of a
package of €80 billion or so of pension and public sector job cuts, tax increases and asset sales.
Though Greece’s public sector and energy companies undoubtedly need to undergo some reform
and become more efficient, Greek lawmakers just have to look at the privatisation of British
energy and transport companies to see an example of failed privatisations, which
allowed corporations carte blanche to milk captive customers and double and tripple bills while
slashing investment, and reducing services to a minimum. If this is how Greek energy
companies and other state assets are to be privatised, it is sure to add fuel to the social protests.
Alan Mattich in the WSJ argues the case for Greece defaulting and devaluing its -- new
Drachma? -- currency to reignite growth.
mod=WSJ_hp_us_mostpop_read]]> 5000 2011-06-18 15:38:10 2011-06-18 15:38:10 open
open protests-in-greece-continue-after-papandreou-reshuffles-cabinet-snap-elections-soon
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_4554c408874c0c5f36c224ae80bf7b24
_oembed_7252671768c3ace93ccdc1583d5c9172 14253 http://d 2011-06-18 19:07:39 2011-06-18 19:07:39 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14263
greece-go-on-as-papandreou-reshuffles-cabinet-snap-elections-soon/ 2011-06-18
22:50:23 2011-06-18 22:50:23 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001
00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666
60066259.html   The German government buried a policy document by a panel of government
economic experts in autumn 2010 urging an insolvency mechanism be introduced to help
country’s that are burdened with an unsustainable debt, as reported on this blog.   Instead of
following the recommendation of experts and putting Greece through a managed insolvency,
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble are spreading
hysteria about a disorderly default and a worldwide financial system crash to frighten tax payers
into agreeing to put limitless money into the giant debt hole of Greece as well as Ireland and
Portugal.   The choice being offered to the people of the eurozone should include the option of a
manged insolvency of Greece, Ireland and Portugal.   Merkel and Schäuble are falsely
misrepresenting the choice as being between a disorderly default and a bank crash and limitless
bankster bailouts.   Schäffler estimates that Greece’s existing debt of 350 billion euros would
grow ever year by another 30 billion euros as the economy continues to contract under fiscal
austerity measures prescribed by the EU, IMF and ECB.   Greece’s national debt is set to
increase to 470 billion euros by 2015. By that time, the commercial banks would have been able
to offload the last of their Greek bonds onto the ECB, leaving the tax payers having to shoulder
all the losses when Greece eventually defaults or reprofiles while the private banks have taken all
the profits.   Because Germany has a 28% share in the ECB, tax payers would have to contribute
130 billion euros of the 470 billion euros, Schäffler calculated.   Assuming (somewhat
optimistically) a haircut of 50%, the loss for German tax payers in 2015 would amount to 65
billion euros.   A debt reduction for Greece now would cost German tax payer’s only 15 billion
euros, Schäffler says.   The German government has not only ignored the advice of experts to
create an insoilvency mechanism to keep the bankster bailout’s flowing.   It has also violated the
no bail out clause of the Lisbon Treaty, it has also allowed the Bundesbanbk and the ECB to
violate Article 123 of the ECB rulebook prohibiting the ECB from buying debt instruments of
governments.   The ECB is estimated to have 75 billion euros of Greek souvereign debt on its
books. In addition, the ECB has hundreds of billions of loans to Gree, Irish, Portuguese and
Spanish banks against shaky collateral under an emergency liquidity programme.   The ECB has,
in fact, so many bad loans that economist Hans Werner Sinn estimates that it will be in debt to
itself in just two years if it continues at this pace.   How can the eurozone central bank money-
making machine destroy so much capital so fast that it will actually be in debt to itself in just two
years?   As Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff notes Greece’s economy is being run into the
ground.  “Today’s strategy, however, is far more likely to lead to blowup and disorderly
restructuring. Why should the Greek people (not to mention the Irish and the Portuguese)
accept years of austerity and slow growth for the sake of propping up the French and German
banking systems, unless they are given huge bribes to do so? As Stanford professor Jeremy
Bulow and I showed in our work on sovereign debt in the 1980’s, countries rarely can be
squeezed into making net payments (payments minus new loans) to foreigners of more than a
few percent for a few years. The current EU/International Monetary Fund strategy calls for a
decade or two of such payments. It has to, lest the German taxpayer revolt at being asked to pay
for Europe in perpetuity,” he writes.]]> 5003 2011-06-18 15:40:21
0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
euros-for-the-greece-bankster-bailout-says-fdp-finance-expert/ Sat, 18 Jun 2011 15:49:54
+0000 birdflu666
60066259.html The German government buried a policy document by economic experts in
autumn 2010 urging an insolvency mechanism to be introduced to help country’s that are
burdened with an unsustainable debt, as reported on this blog. An insolvency mechanism is
what is required for Greece - and yet there are still no plans for one. Instead of following the
recommendation of economic experts and putting Greece through a managed insolvency,
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble are spreading
hysteria, warning about a disorderly default and a worldwide financial crash to frighten
lawmakers into putting limitless money into the giant debt hole of Greece as well as Ireland and
Portugal. The choice being offered to the people of the eurozone should include the option of a
managed insolvency of Greece as well as Ireland and Portugal. Merkel and Schäuble are falsely
misrepresenting the choice as being between a disorderly default and a bank crash or limitless
bankster bailouts. Schäffler estimates that Greece’s existing debt of 350 billion euros is set to
grow ever year by another 30 billion euros as the economy continues to contract under fiscal
austerity measures prescribed by the EU, IMF and ECB. Greece’s national debt I, therefore,  set
to increase to 470 billion euros by 2015. By that time, the commercial banks would have been
able to offload the last of their Greek bonds onto the ECB, leaving the tax payers having to
shoulder all the losses when Greece eventually defaults or reprofiles while the private banks
have taken all the profits. Because Germany has a 28% share in the ECB, tax payers would have
to contribute 130 billion euros of the 470 billion euros, Schäffler calculates. Assuming
( optimistically) a haircut of 50% on Greek bonds in 2015, the loss for German tax payers in
2015 would amount to 65 billion euros. Germany has an annual tax revenue of about 250 billion
euros right now in a boom time for its economy – one which has benefitted corporate
shareholders and not low paid workers, however. Added to the amount Germans will be
expected to pay for Greece, will come billions more for Ireland, Portugal and possibly Spain and
Italy by 2015. A debt reduction for Greece if it were carried out today would cost German tax
payer’s only 15 billion euros, Schäffler says. However, there is no sign that the German
government is going to stop the gigantic sums of money flowing from tax payers to American,
German and French banks as part of the bankster bailouts. The German government has not
only ignored the advice of experts to create an insolvency mechanism to keep the bankster
bailout’s flowing.It has also violated the no bail out clause of the Lisbon Treaty, it has also
allowed the Bundesbanbk and the ECB to violate Article 123 of the ECB rulebook prohibiting the
ECB from buying debt instruments of governments. The ECB is estimated to have 75 billion
euros of Greek souvereign debt on its books. In addition, the ECB has hundreds of billions of
loans to Gree, Irish, Portuguese and Spanish banks against shaky collateral under an emergency
liquidity programme. The ECB has, in fact, so many bad loans that economist Hans Werner Sinn
estimates that it will be in debt to itself in just two years if it continues at this pace. How can the
eurozone central bank money-making machine destroy so much capital so fast that it will
actually be in debt to itself in just two years? As Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff explains
how Greece’s economy is being run into the ground.  “Today’s strategy, however, is far more
likely to lead to blowup and disorderly restructuring. Why should the Greek people (not to
mention the Irish and the Portuguese) accept years of austerity and slow growth for the sake of
propping up the French and German banking systems, unless they are given huge bribes to do
so? As Stanford professor Jeremy Bulow and I showed in our work on sovereign debt in the
1980’s, countries rarely can be squeezed into making net payments (payments minus new loans)
to foreigners of more than a few percent for a few years. The current EU/International Monetary
Fund strategy calls for a decade or two of such payments. It has to, lest the German taxpayer
revolt at being asked to pay for Europe in perpetuity,” he writes. http://www.project-]]> 5004 2011-06-18 15:49:54 2011-06-18 15:49:54
open open german-tax-payers-face-a-bill-of-65-billion-euros-for-the-greece-bankster-bailout-
says-fdp-finance-expert publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_f8338c62c51139fd50a612757c9d192e _oembed_f0e9c3f4205e1a4725069ffa8c6fb510
14337 2011-06-21 02:56:39 2011-06-21 02:56:39 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14252 http://d 2011-06-18 19:05:31 2011-06-18 19:05:31 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14264
payers-face-65-billion-euro-bill-for-the-greece-bankster-bailout-says-fdp-finance-expert/ 2011-06-18 23:06:57 2011-06-18 23:06:57 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-06-19 07:26:20 2011-06-19 07:26:20 1 14276 0 jabber_published
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army-out-of-libya-and-syria/ Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:18:11 +0000 birdflu666 The US has been critical of Germany for not
supporting NATO in the mission in Libya. SPIEGEL spoke to German Defense Minister Thomas
de Maizière about Berlin's skepticism of getting involved in Libya and Syria, and about the
future of the NATO alliance. SPIEGEL: Minister de Maizière, during his recent speech on the
future of North Atlantic Treaty Organization, outgoing US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said
that there are two categories of NATO partners: those who fight and those who dig wells. Which
category is Germany in? Thomas De Maizière: In Afghanistan, we're demonstrating that the
Bundeswehr (eds. note: the German military) is a fighting army whenever it has to be.
SPIEGEL: When it comes to NATO's mission in Libya, Gates recently said that Germany, among
others, wasn't doing enough. What is your response? De Maizière: Our decision to not
participate in the military part of the Libya mission was based on carefully considered reasons.
It remains correct. But that doesn't put us in the category of mere well-diggers, as you put it.
SPIEGEL: Have you no bad conscience at all, given that your NATO partners in Libya are
running out of steam and munitions? De Maizière: The Americans did ask us for military
assistance again at the most recent NATO meeting. We turned them down. But we have made
things easier for the alliance by allowing German AWACS planes to participate in the mission in
Afghanistan. And there's one thing I'd like to add: When you start something, you of course
always have to know how long you can keep it up. SPIEGEL: On the eve of the first NATO
airstrikes, you said on German public broadcaster ZDF: "Could the fact that we are suddenly
intervening now have something to do with oil? We can't get rid of all the dictators in the world
with an international military mission." Would you still say the same thing? De Maizière: Yes.
The "responsibility to protect" a country's civilian population if its government violates human
rights is firmly anchored in international law. But does that mean we are allowed to intervene?
Or does that mean we're actually required to? I believe that each military operation must be
analyzed to determine whether its goals can be achieved with appropriate means and within an
appropriate time frame as well as how one gets out at the end. Every one. SPIEGEL: You are
dodging the question. You have insinuated that Germany's NATO allies are only intervening in
Libya because of oil. De Maizière: No, I wasn't insinuating that at all. I strictly formulated that
as a hypothetical. SPIEGEL: But your formulation still implies it. De Maizière: During the
interview, I was pointing out that there have to be criteria for each and every decision about
humanitarian intervention -- even if that presents me with a number of dilemmas. If I say yes
once, then I'll have to justify why I say no the next time. Refraining from action is also a
decision. One must make a decision, but one can't expect that -- no matter what the decision is
-- that one can always emerge from this kind of matter with clean hands. I have to live with that.,1518,769339,00.html  ]]> 5007 2011-06-20
15:18:11 2011-06-20 15:18:11 open open sensible-german-defence-minister-keeps-army-out-of-
libya-and-syria publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_e0c2a880b9eeaafe790c69e7691ec434
_oembed_0bb505d8bac77b3f8ec5b252a483e002 14328
2011-06-20 18:11:50 2011-06-20 18:11:50 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14330
2011-06-20 19:48:39 2011-06-20 19:48:39 1 14328 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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defence-minister-keeps-army-out-of-libya-and-syria/ 2011-06-21 12:44:33 2011-06-
21 12:44:33 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
abandon-eurozone-over-greek-default-fears/ Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:19:32 +0000 birdflu666 Harry Wilson, Telegraph 9:30PM BST 18 Jun 2011
Senior sources have revealed that leading banks, including Barclays and Standard Chartered,
have radically reduced the amount of unsecured lending they are prepared to make available to
eurozone banks, raising the prospect of a new credit crunch for the European banking system.
Read more at:
abandon-eurozone-over-Greek-default-fears.html]]> 5009 2011-06-20 15:19:32 2011-06-20
15:19:32 open open uk-banks-abandon-eurozone-over-greek-default-fears publish 0 0 post 0
says-downing-street/ Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:21:29 +0000 birdflu666
Greek-bailout-delays.html    ]]> 5012 2011-06-20 15:21:29 2011-06-20 15:21:29 open open
britain-wont-bail-out-greece-again-says-downing-street publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_b2ee52da3bc27a0cc5914b6261df03fa 14345
%e2%80%98won%e2%80%99t-bail-out-greece-again%e2%80%99-says-downing-street/ 2011-06-21 12:50:49 2011-06-21 12:50:49 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result jabber_published
greece-default-on-its-debts-and-leave-the-euro/ Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:22:59 +0000 birdflu666 Britain will NOT be part of bailout, says Downing
Street Single currency is responsible for ‘exacerbating’ the international financial
crisis, says London Mayor In Spain thousands have flooded the streets blaming
bankers and politicians for painful spending cuts By Daniel Martin Last updated at 3:21
PM on 20th June 2011 Boris Johnson said Britain should refuse to contribute to another bailout
of Greece Greece should be allowed to default on its debts and leave the euro, according to
London Mayor Boris Johnson. Read more:
2005499/Boris-Johnson-Let-Greece-default-debts-leave-euro.html#ixzz1PpSdPXlT    ]]> 5014
2011-06-20 15:22:59 2011-06-20 15:22:59 open open boris-johnson-let-greece-default-on-its-
debts-and-leave-the-euro publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 14346
greece-default-on-its-debts-and-leave-the-euro/ 2011-06-21 12:52:44 2011-06-21
12:52:44 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
break-up-by-2013-on-bailout-strains-cebr-says/ Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:23:55 +0000 birdflu666
LMXYA20YHQ0X01-3VF67JI15BL0PJA8INI84TR86P.DTL#ixzz1PpT4Hr4c]]> 5016 2011-06-
20 15:23:55 2011-06-20 15:23:55 open open euro-area-may-break-up-by-2013-on-bailout-
strains-cebr-says publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 14347
break-up-by-2013-on-bailout-strains-cebr-says/ 2011-06-21 12:54:34 2011-06-21
12:54:34 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
government-rebels-against-merkel-sarkozy-greek-debt-plan-and-its-leniency-on-banks/ Mon,
20 Jun 2011 15:25:58 +0000 birdflu666]]> 5018 2011-06-20 15:25:58
2011-06-20 15:25:58 open open german-coalition-government-rebels-against-merkel-sarkozy-
greek-debt-plan-and-its-leniency-on-banks publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_10df5f510a04aa5927ea9d50e16d0def 14348
government-rebels-against-merkel-sarkozy-greek-debt-plan-and-its-leniency-on-banks/ 2011-06-21 12:56:59 2011-06-21 12:56:59 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
real-democracy/ Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:27:40 +0000 birdflu666
rallies.html#ixzz1PpRXX7fR]]> 5020 2011-06-20 15:27:40 2011-06-20 15:27:40 open open
100000-people-march-in-spain-demanding-real-democracy publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_aa20472bf902a332c45ae6d52bcee286 14335 2011-06-21 02:01:01 2011-06-21 02:01:01 1 0 0 jabber_published
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march-in-spain-demanding-real-democracy/ 2011-06-21 12:59:27 2011-06-21
12:59:27 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_rechecking akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
bbc/ Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:30:05 +0000 birdflu666
Gavin Hewitt, BBC For more than three weeks protesters have occupied the square opposite the
Greek parliament. They have pitched their blue and grey tents and hung their slogans from the
orange trees. "We got the solution. Revolution," declares one poster. "Rise up people of the
world," urges another.  Read more at:]]>
5022 2011-06-20 15:30:05 2011-06-20 15:30:05 open open greece-crisis-revolution-in-the-
offing-asks-bbc publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_883f4e377ab2df96cf4b66b8c44d966a
14334 2011-06-21 01:56:53 2011-06-21 01:56:53 1 0 0
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revolution-in-the-offing-asks-bbc/ 2011-06-21 13:03:37 2011-06-21 13:03:37 1
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14377 2011-06-22 13:36:38 2011-06-22 13:36:38 1 14334
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
parliament-in-make-or-break-week-for-eurozone/ Mon, 20 Jun 2011 15:42:03 +0000
birdflu666 The ministers said they expected to pay
the latest tranche of a 110bn euro EU and IMF aid package by mid-July. But its release depends
on the Greek government surviving a vote of confidence on Tuesday. Parliament then must also
pass 28bn euros worth of new spending cuts and economic reforms. Greeks have already seen
wages and pensions cut and there have been regular, mass demonstrations - even riots - in
protest. The latest public opposition to the cutbacks involves Greek workers at the state-owned
electricity company, who are on the first day of a 48-hour strike. At a press conference on
Monday, Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourg's prime minister who chairs the meetings of the 17
eurozone finance ministers, said he felt for the Greeks: "This is something that affects me
greatly. You look at the reaction of the people on the streets. You see they are rebelling. I
understand that and I'm touched by that." Letting Greece default in a disorderly, uncontrolled
way would probably be a good deal worse for the global economy than Lehman's collapse."]]> 5025 2011-06-20 15:42:03 2011-06-20
15:42:03 open open eurozone-increases-pressure-on-greek-parliament-in-make-or-break-week-
for-eurozone publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_883f4e377ab2df96cf4b66b8c44d966a
14338 http://- 2011-06-21 04:53:04 2011-06-21 04:53:04
1 14327 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14336 2011-06-21 02:21:12 2011-06-21 02:21:12 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14325 2011-06-20 16:58:32 2011-06-20 16:58:32 0 0 0
akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14326 2011-06-20 17:08:50 2011-06-20 17:08:50 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14327 2011-06-20 17:40:05 2011-06-20 17:40:05 1 14326 0
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akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14331 2011-06-20 20:09:18 2011-06-20 20:09:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14341 http://d 2011-06-21 10:11:12 2011-06-21 10:11:12 1 14338 0 jabber_published
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http://d 2011-06-21 11:19:25 2011-06-21 11:19:25 1 14336 0 jabber_published
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2011-06-21 13:06:15 2011-06-21 13:06:15 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
agencies/ Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:26:59 +0000 birdflu666
p=5029 *SEC investigates role of ratings agencies Moody's and Standard & Poor's ahead of the
financial crisis  Read more at:
agencies-Moodys-and-Standard-and-Poors-ahead-of-the-financial-crisis.html * US regulator
sues JPMorgan, RBS in subprime probe (AFP) NEW YORK — A US regulator on Monday sued
Wall Street bank JPMorgan Chase and Britain's Royal Bank of Scotland, seeking to recover more
than $800 million in losses incurred during the subprime mortgage crisis. In its lawsuit, the
NCUA charged the securities firms of the two banks had violated federal and state laws and
made misrepresentations in the sale of hundreds of securities. The regulator vowed to sue other
banks that had sold credit unions mortgage-backed securities which plummeted in value during
the financial crisis, without specifying which banks would be targeted. "We expect to file
additional actions and seek a total amount of damages in the billions of dollars," Metz said. Read
more at:
CroazkHBk3Y25JhD0PZ9A?docId=CNG.f6e4cf8f7bcbf9e0be98991770b9f79b.cb1]]> 5029
2011-06-21 13:26:59 2011-06-21 13:26:59 open open jp-morgan-and-rbs-face-800-million-
lawsuits-over-subprime-fraud-regulators-probe-ratings-agencies publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_09d8c6192dcca853847fb13a8e48e8b4 14359
rbs-face-800-million-lawsuits-over-subprime-fraud-regulators-probe-ratings-agencies/ 2011-06-21 22:39:26 2011-06-21 22:39:26 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14371 2011-06-22 00:21:21 2011-06-22 00:21:21 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Tue,
21 Jun 2011 13:28:47 +0000 birdflu666
bust.html]]> 5032 2011-06-21 13:28:47 2011-06-21 13:28:47 open open uk-treasury-plans-for-
greece-to-go-bust publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_4c241e17ff108530b52b2ce6dee9bba3
14372 http://d 2011-06-22 09:34:22 2011-06-22
09:34:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
plans-for-greece-to-go-bust/ 2011-06-21 22:44:18 2011-06-21 22:44:18 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
14370 2011-06-22 00:10:30 2011-06-22 00:10:30 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
by-2014/ Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:32:47 +0000 birdflu666
could-push-eurozone-bill-to-1450-per-household.html By 2014, 64% of all Greek debt or  250
billion euros could be held by European tax payers, the ECB and IMF, up from 85 billion euros
at the start of 2011, Open Europe told Bloomberg.]]> 5034 2011-06-21 13:32:47 2011-06-21
13:32:47 open open second-greek-bail-out-could-push-eurozone-bill-to-e1450-per-household-
european-tax-payers-will-have-to-foot-bill-for-250-billion-euros-by-2014 publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_5341a70c06f47f7c5d9e946aab9300f4 14361
foot-bill-for-250-billion 2011-06-21 22:48:38 2011-06-21 22:48:38 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14369 2011-06-22 00:00:13 2011-06-22 00:00:13 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
rejected-by-european-parliament-after-drug-scandals/ Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:37:35 +0000
birdflu666 Danish professor Peter Gøtzsche of the
Nordic Cochrane Centre at the National Hospital in Copenhagen has personally experienced,
how medicines agencies, that ideally are set in the world to protect it’s citizens, are in reality
more concerned with the interests of thepharmaceutical industry.  For three years he fought
with EMA to obtain clinical studies of several other slimming products, that were withdrawn
from the market.  But he was rejected on grounds of “the commercial interests of the
companies”.  Not until the European Ombudsman interfered, the surveys were delivered: 'EMA
puts the profit of the pharmaceutical firms above the interests of patients and above their lives
and health, "writes Peter Gøtzsche and a collegue, doctor Anders Jørgensen, in British Medical
Journal. Gøtzsche finds it satisfying, that the European Parliament has decided to look closer at
the funding of EMA and the conflicts of interest among that body’s employees. Danish member
of the European Parliament's Budgetary Control Committee, the danish social democrat Christel
Schaldemose, agrees. She says, that it is "highly unusual" that the parliament votes so clearly
against the adoption of an accounting. Only four MPs would approve the EMA's accounts, while
637 would not.]]> 5036 2011-06-21 13:37:35 2011-06-21 13:37:35 open open accounts-of-
european-medicines-agency-rejected-by-european-parliament-after-drug-scandals publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 14357 2011-06-21 22:10:57 2011-06-21
22:10:57 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
of-european-medicines-agency-rejected-by-european-parliament-after-drug-scandals/ 2011-06-21 22:56:41 2011-06-21 22:56:41 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14368 2011-06-21 23:53:46 2011-06-21 23:53:46 1 0 0 jabber_published
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cause-more-deaths-yet-uk-to-pledge-814-million/ Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:43:44 +0000 birdflu666 Source: David Cameron pledged £814 million  to
GAVI (the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunisation) linked to Bilderberg Bill Gates in
addition to the existing funds of £680 million between 2011 and 2015 to prevent diarrhoea and
pneumonia in the poorest countries. Read more at:
that-will-be-felt-all-over-the-world.html  ]]> 5038 2011-06-21 13:43:44 2011-06-21 13:43:44
open open study-shows-unicef-vaccination-programmes-cause-more-deaths-yet-uk-to-pledge-
814-million publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_6da03bcb0dab49047b3bda2fc56bcfaf
_oembed_23a7112653872bf9319e6f1c21f482f0 14363
unicef-vaccination-programmes-cause-more-deaths-yet-uk-to-pledge-814-million/ 2011-06-21 23:03:07 2011-06-21 23:03:07 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14367 2011-06-21 23:43:15 2011-06-21 23:43:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14379 2011-
06-22 14:06:08 2011-06-22 14:06:08 1 14367 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14380 2011-
06-22 14:12:57 2011-06-22 14:12:57 1 14379 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-06-22 23:43:19 2011-06-22 23:43:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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06-25 07:38:25 2011-06-25 07:38:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
japan-heated-rapidly-before-earthquake-new-nasa-research-points-to-haarp/ Tue, 21 Jun 2011
13:45:07 +0000 birdflu666
connection-in-japan-earthquake-tsunami/]]> 5040 2011-06-21 13:45:07 2011-06-21 13:45:07
open open atmosphere-above-japan-heated-rapidly-before-earthquake-new-nasa-research-
points-to-haarp publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_b7cba3e2c3d8d83f63dba86350937bd6
_oembed_e9f6841bd7e2ccd02a8f3a55ed97f3e3 _oembed_53f7fdad5f5db29023cffd7084cc3b2f
_oembed_c9016d31eef8e2ab70ac2ede789053f8 14400
2011-06-23 01:28:03 2011-06-23 01:28:03 1 14399 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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06-21 15:58:26 2011-06-21 15:58:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14356 2011-06-21 22:09:31 2011-
06-21 22:09:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14358 2011-06-21 22:24:38 2011-
06-21 22:24:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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research-points-to-haarp/ 2011-06-21 23:04:51 2011-06-21 23:04:51 1 pingback
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14366 2011-06-21 23:38:13 2011-06-21 23:38:13 1 0 0
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0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14397 2011-06-23 00:25:06 2011-06-23 00:25:06 1 0 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14408 http://none 2011-06-23 10:37:51 2011-06-23 10:37:51 1 0 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14413 2011-06-23 13:26:50 2011-06-23 13:26:50 1 0 0
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jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14420 http://d 2011-06-23 19:10:01 2011-06-23 19:10:01 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14421 2011-06-23 19:28:24 2011-06-23 19:28:24 1 0 0
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0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14430 2011-06-24 06:19:15 2011-06-24 06:19:15 1 0 0
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prepares-to-hold-vote-on-prime-minister-and-austerity-legislation/ Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:53:56
+0000 birdflu666
Power cuts hit Greece as protests grow
By ELENA BECATOROS Associated Press
ATHENS, Greece June 20, 2011 (AP)
Greece was hit by rolling blackouts Monday as employees at the main power utility began 48-
hour rolling strikes to protest the company's privatization, part of austerity plans needed to
avoid a national debt default.
Read more at:
]]> 5044 2011-06-21 13:53:56 2011-06-21 13:53:56 open open protests-continue-as-greek-
parliament-prepares-to-hold-vote-on-prime-minister-and-austerity-legislation publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last _oembed_b5b227ceb0be7e83d2efed75633184e7

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2011-06-23 02:18:07 2011-06-23 02:18:07 1 14401 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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06-21 15:01:47 2011-06-21 15:01:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-22 14:27:32 1 14378 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-22 16:07:05 1 14384 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-22 17:02:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-22 23:35:02 1 14387 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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23:36:04 2011-06-22 23:36:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-22 23:39:37 1 14393 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-23 11:37:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-24 11:36:06 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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13:43:26 2011-06-25 13:43:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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13:57:15 2011-06-25 13:57:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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13:59:19 2011-06-25 13:59:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-25 15:15:00 1 14439 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-25 15:53:30 1 14471 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-03 04:20:17 2011-07-03 04:20:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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opposition-party-vows-to-fight-fiscal-austerity-laws/ Wed, 22 Jun 2011 17:34:23 +0000
9cd1-11e0-bf57-00144feabdc0.html#ixzz1Q1fIrbFl “Mr Samaras said his main objection to the
government’s policies was that they were squeezing demand out of the economy by increasing
the tax burden while Greece was still in deep recession. This was demoralising the public,
already suffering from high unemployment and wage cuts, and was causing businesses to shut
down, evade taxes or flee the country.” “Liquidity is the top, top, top problem of the economy.
Imagine what happens in the real economy when there is no private spending, no government
spending and no foreign direct investment. Everything is closing down. There is a brain drain,
educated people are leaving the country,” Samaras said. Even if Papandreou manages to push
through legislation for a €28bn austerity plan next Tuesday, it seems unlikely that the
government can implement measures through given the growing opposition among the people.
Thousands of demonstrators who have been gathering outside parliament have said they will
continue their protests. Live stream of the protests on Syntagma square yesterday night showed
thousands of people demonstrating peacefully in front of the parliament as well as a heated
debate between politicians inside the building.
syndagmatos-athen-sie-sehen-was-hier-passiert/#more-56749 Unions have also pledged to
block the privatisations, adding to the political volatility. The Greek government plans to form a
privatisation agency to administer the privatisation of €50bn of state assets. It is not clear if
Pasok will pass the fiscal austerity measures on Tuesday even if Papandreou won the vote of
confidence after reshuffling the cabinet to quell a rebellion.]]> 5047 2011-06-22 17:34:23 2011-
06-22 17:34:23 open open greek-prime-minister-wins-vote-of-confidence-opposition-party-
vows-to-fight-fiscal-austerity-laws publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_eaed45d2c3c05955f1609cbf5257afa5 _oembed_7af24ec0795fa28bd179bec78291ecfc
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_oembed_2a09cb250db1ac7328cdf4af99116a87 14454 http://d 2011-06-25 03:53:51 2011-06-25 03:53:51 1 0 0 jabber_published
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2011-06-24 21:27:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-24 22:03:30 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-24 22:55:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-24 23:15:17 1 14448 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-25 07:59:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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09:24:24 2011-06-25 09:24:24 1 14458 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-25 10:05:46 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-25 10:19:19 1 14461 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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11:14:00 2011-06-25 11:14:00 1 14462 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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14:45:08 2011-06-25 14:45:08 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-06-26 20:04:27 2011-06-26 20:04:27 1 14452 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-06-26 20:06:08 2011-06-26 20:06:08 1 14454 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-06-26 20:09:41 2011-06-26 20:09:41 1 14458 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-06-26 20:10:51 2011-06-26 20:10:51 1 14498 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-06-26 20:15:35 2011-06-26 20:15:35 1 14441 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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06-26 20:28:45 2011-06-26 20:28:45 1 14470 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-06-26 21:14:19 2011-06-26 21:14:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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06-26 23:48:55 2011-06-26 23:48:55 1 14500 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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06-27 00:35:43 2011-06-27 00:35:43 1 14506 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-07-01 11:52:43 2011-07-01 11:52:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:19:02 +0000 birdflu666
Andrew Lilico, The Telegraph, June 24th, 2011 David Cameron may have won his battle to keep
Britain out of a second EU bail-out for Greece – but that doesn’t alter the long-term inevitability
of Greece’s departure from the eurozone. ...The first myth is that Greece would gain nothing
from leaving the euro because its debts are denominated in euros. But that claim misses the
point. Leaving the euro would take the form of the government passing a law to redenominate
all Greek debts (at least all government and banking sector debt, but quite possibly all private
sector debts) into “New Drachmas” (or whatever the new currency would be called). Such a
redenomination of debts is, of course, a default. Indeed, it is one of the classical forms of
sovereign default. ....part of the deficit is the interest payments on debts, and after default these
interest payments will be smaller because the stock of debt will be smaller.  The main reason is
that a country with its own currency can pay for a budget deficit by printing money.  That was,
for example, how the UK used to fund much of its deficits in the mid-1970s.  Now there would
be an inflationary cost to doing that on too large a scale over the longer-term.  But as a short-
term expedient that would be by no means an unattractive option for Greece at the moment. 
The Greek money supply has actually been falling at about 10 per cent a year.  So a monetary
injection, delivered by the government printing money to fund its budget deficit, could even be a
positively useful policy response.  And politically, of course, it would allow a smoother reduction
in the budget deficit. Thus it’s perfectly feasible – as well as, of course, ultimately inevitable –
for Greece to redenominate and default. Indeed, given that it is bound to do so eventually (if not
of its own choosing, by 2013 when it gets ejected from the euro anyway), from the Greek point of
view it would be better to act quickly. Delay might arguably (under some, albeit misguided,
policy concepts) be to the benefit of the eurozone. But the question remains why the Greek
people should feel much obligation to a eurozone that is going to eject it in the end anyway – or
do they still believe that a decades-long transferunion might yet be on the cards?
out-of-the-eurozone-whatever-happens/]]> 5052 2011-06-27 11:19:02 2011-06-27 11:19:02 open
open how-greece-can-redenominate-and-default publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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2011-06-29 02:10:57 2011-06-29 02:10:57 1 14576 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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06-28 20:32:29 2011-06-28 20:32:29 1 14573 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-06-29 16:51:29 2011-06-29 16:51:29 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666
idUSLDE75Q0JR20110627]]> 5056 2011-06-27 11:23:13 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open
draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
says-imf/ Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:27:31 +0000 birdflu666
p=5057 The usurious conditions of the Greek bailout reveals Brussels' colonial mindset – but
Athens is showing citizens can resist

• Costas Douzinas and Petros Papaconstantinou

•,Monday 27 June 2011 07.00 BST

After months of attacks on the supposedly feckless Greeks, the western media, intellectuals such
Amartya Sen and Jürgen Habermas and the United Nations have finally woken up to the fact
that the catastrophic austerity imposed on Greece is unsustainable. It was about time. This is an
unprecedented and morally odious type of collective punishment imposed on a majority of
Greeks, who did not see a penny from the profligacy of their rulers and who live close to the
poverty line. ... 1. The bailout of Greece is not a gift or grant but a loan bearing high interest.
Crucially, bailout funds are not used to pay civil servants' salaries and pensions, but to pay off
debt held by German and French banks. According to IMF estimates, Greece will pay
€131bn in refinancing and interest payments between 2009 and 2014, far more
than the initial bailout loan of €110bn. In a magician-like sleight of hand, German and
French workers are forced to bail out their national banks, not directly as in the 2008-9 banking
bailouts but through the mediation of Greece, which inevitably becomes the target of populist
outbursts. The Greek government, on the other hand, was ordered to provoke an economic and
social meltdown unimaginable in western Europe in peacetime in order to receive the loans. 2.
This unprecedented punishment led to an increase in debt and to permanent economic
depression. The European governments now propose to offer a second loan, if Greece accepts an
even more odious set of measures and sells off the family silver. Acceptance of these measures
has been made a precondition for the payment of the fifth instalment of the initial bailout. This
is blackmail worthy of a backstreet loan shark. The privatisation plan includes the sale of 17% of
the public power corporation, the engineroom of growth, which will remove the state's
controlling interest. Under the new plan, foreign emissaries will be assigned to the main
ministries and the company set up to privatise public wealth. The market value of this stake is
just €400m, because of the stock exchange decline. But the corporation owns 15 power plants
and the budget for a new plant about to be built is €1.3bn. This post-Soviet style privatisation
will pass valuable public assets to private hands. 3. The loss of economic sovereignty is
accompanied by unprecedented attacks on the political and legal integrity of the country. IMF
and EU inspectors visit the country on a regular basis, examine the records and dictate policy.
Under the new plan, foreign emissaries will be assigned to the main ministries and will run the
companies that will privatise the public wealth. Government capitulation is not enough. The
European authorities demand that all political parties should accept the new austerity measures
before the next loan instalment is paid. Surreptitiously, a new type of colonialism is emerging, in
which the Brussels elites treat the European south as undeserving poor or colonial subjects to be
reformed and civilised. Read whole article at:  ]]>
5057 2011-06-27 11:27:31 2011-06-27 11:27:31 open open greece-is-standing-up-to-eu-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_73784bb368c13b935dbb6eed3100fa75 14616
2011-06-29 16:51:19 2011-06-29 16:51:19 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon,
30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666
%2Fk6NxUt&via=reuters* Dep FinMin expects Greek lawmakers to OK austerity plan * But says
Europe must prepare in case of 'no' vote * Says euro in danger of losing credibility BERLIN,
June 27 (Reuters) - Euro zone policymakers battling to keep a lid on the region's debt crisis
must be ready to respond if Greek lawmakers block the country's new austerity measures,
Germany's deputy finance minister said on Monday. The poll by German newspaper, the
Frankfurter Allgemeine, found 71 per cent had "doubt", "no trust" or thought there is "no future"
for the euro. Only 19 per cent expressed "confidence" in it. Sixty eight per cent said they did not
think the emergency bail-out of Greece would work. A separate poll last week showed more than
half of Germans thought that Greece should be thrown out of the euro.]]> 5059 2011-06-27
11:32:18 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
german-government-plans-for-greek-default/ Mon, 27 Jun 2011 11:43:11 +0000 birdflu666 5060 2011-06-27 11:43:11 2011-06-27 11:43:11 open
open 71-of-germans-say-euro-has-no-future-german-government-plans-for-greek-default
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_79d61cb00e807e4ca040375214470c6c
_oembed_8e150ea960cb049f0c69b103f54eac9d 14550 http://d 2011-06-28 05:13:54 2011-06-28 05:13:54 1 0 0 jabber_published
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year/ 2011-06-28 15:50:24 2011-06-28 15:50:24 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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measures-in-historical-vote-on-wednesday/ Mon, 27 Jun 2011 12:02:34 +0000 birdflu666 *Greek Prime Minister's  majority cut to one ahead
of crucial IMF and EU austerity vote in parliament on Wednesday *Rejection of austerity
package will lead to a default by Greece and eurozone exit *Greece is set to spend
131 billion euros on interest payments to banks between 2009 and 2014 according
to IMF *Germany's Die Welt says Germans would rise up in rebellion if they had to
accept equivalent austerity measures *Protests and strikes intensify in Athens
ahead of historical vote on Wednesday that could spell the end of the euro
currency Four Greek lawmakers from the ruling PASOK party have indicated they will vote
against the new EU and IMF austerity package in parliament on Wednesday.  If the Greek
parliament votes against the legislation, it would pave the way for Greece to default on its debt
to foreign banks and exit the eurozone in an historic victory for democracy. Greece is set
to pay a staggering €131bn in refinancing and interest payments to American, German and
French banks between 2009 and 2014 , the IMF has estimated. Prime Minister George
Papandreou’s socialist PASOK party has a slim majority of only 155 deputies in the 300-member
parliament. The defections of any more lawmakers may mean the government not be able to
pass the new austerity measures and an implementation law on Wednesday and Thursday,
which the EU, IMF and ECB are insisting on to enable the next interest payments to be made to
banks on time. The main opposition leader, Antonis Samaras, has said the austerity measures
are a “medicine that is worse than the sickness they are meant to cure” and that he will not vote
for them. The draconian package of latest tax hikes and budget cuts include measures forcing
people earning as little as 8000 euros a year to pay 10% in taxes to help the government meet
the multi-billion euro interest payments to banks while universities close due to funding cuts.
“Crucially, bailout funds are not used to pay civil servants' salaries and pensions, but to pay off
debt held by German and French banks. According to IMF estimates, Greece will pay €131bn in
refinancing and interest payments between 2009 and 2014, far more than the initial bailout
loan of €110bn,” reports The Guardian. The new austerity package is so harsh that if it were
implemented in Germany, the people would rebell, Germany's Die Welt newspaper admitted.
The new Greek austerity measures would be the equivalent of German government cutting 117
billion euros from the budget and selling assets worth 555 billion worth of euros, estimated Die
Griechenland.html Even the Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos said over the weekend
that the measures were “hard and unfair.” The austerity measures would drain the economy of
the last of its liquidity and bust those businesses that are still solvent. Andrew Lilico points out
that the Greek money supply has  been falling at about 10 per cent a year. The new IMF, EU,
ECB austerity package comes on top of cuts that resulted in shrinkage in the economy and an
increase in the country’s mountain of debt. Greece’s debt is set to rise to 170% of the GDP next
year. A 48-hour general strike is to be held in Athens tomorrow and Wednesday against the
privatisations and austerity package. Protesters outside the parliament in Syntagma Square,
have said that they will block lawmakers from entering the building and voting on the austerity
measures. Greek lawmakers began debating the new austerity plans today. If Greece does not
pass the package, it will not receive a 12 billion euro installment of loans from its international
bailout plan to make payments to banks in the USA, Germany and France forcing it into a
disorderly default. A recommendation by German economists to introduce an insolvency
mechanism for the eurozone in autumn 2010 was buried by the German government. The threat
of a disorderly default and financial disaster is being used by banks and eurozone officials to
pressure the Greeks to accept the transfer of  wealth to the banks and acceopt the loss of their
souvereignty. A disorderly default would, however, pave the way for a rapid recovery of Greece's
economy outside the eurozone. Papandreou faced down a rebellion by lawmakers this month
after making a cabinet reshuffle and changing his finance minister, but the protests by people
are continuing to put pressure on parliamentarians. Even Überbankster George Soros -- who
has held regular private meetings with Papandreou and who called on eurozone governments
and continue to loot the tax payers to save the banks in an article in the Financial Times -- was
forced to admit at a discussion yesterday in Vienna that the collapse of the euro currency is
likely. The euro collapse will spell the end of the bankster’s financial eurozone empire and
ambitions to loot the assets and taxes of the 400 millioon people under the pretext of having to
pay the debts of governments and banks that are actually insolvent and should have been put
through insolvency mechanism long ago. The discussion on “liberal democracy” attended by
Soros was hosted by Der Standard whose editor is Bilderberg attendee Oscar Bronner. Der
Standard and Bilderberg Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann is indirectly trying to boost the
popularity of far right extremist Christian Strache by portraying him as the head of the anti EU
and eurozone movement. In fact, Austria’s grassroots movement against the EU and eurozone
banksters rejects the racism and hysteria of the banker’s shoe-shine boy Strache as much as it
does the transfers, fiscal union and billions given to the bankers by the puppets who lead the two
main parties, Faymann and Spindelegger.]]> 5062 2011-06-27 12:02:34 2011-06-27 12:02:34
open open greek-parliament-may-reject-euimf-austerity-measures-in-historical-vote-on-
wednesday publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_e608b50a118aef5b2e2d2cadf0cfdb5f
_oembed_1dc2d9d50dd5164e387115be29aae2a0 14533 2011-06-27 17:43:33
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hc_avatar hc_foreign_user_id _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14535 2011-06-27 18:25:05 2011-06-27 18:25:05 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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as-protests-continue-next-clash-with-eu-and-imf-pre-programmed-in-september/ Wed, 29 Jun
2011 17:04:30 +0000 birdflu666
utm_source=lsplayer&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=footerlinks A vote is to be held
tomorrow on enabling legislation to allow the sale to foreign corporations of Greek government
assets by a special agency overseen by EU, IMF and ECB officials. The passage of this legislation
will clear the way for the next interest payment on the country’s astronomical national debt to
be made to American, French and German banks  in July. Greek souvereign debt is set to rise to
170% of the GDP next year after IMF, EU austerity measures mandated in 2010 crushed the
economy, and the new cuts will only deepen Greece’s dire economic situation. Greece already
has with the lowest credit rating in the world and is considered by rating agencies, bond markets
and economists to be insolvent and not illiquid. But a recommendation to create an insolvency
mechanism for over indebted eurozone countries such as Greece was buried by the German
government in autumn 2010. According to an IMF report, Greece is set to spend 131 billion
euros on interest payments and refinancing on its national debt between 2009 and 2014 as part
of  the fiction that Greece is just illiquid. But
it is not just the Greeks who will be forced by their complicit governments to give money they
cannot afford to the banks for engineered fractional-reserve banking debts. The cost of the
Greek bankster bailout is set to rise to 1,450 euros for each household in Europe, according to a
report by Open Europe.
Greek-bail-out-could-push-eurozone-bill-to-1450-per-household.html The Greek socialist
government pushed through the austerity package demanded by the EU and IMF by fanning
fears of bankruptcy after failing to take steps to prepare for an orderly insolvency of the country
and in spite of the fact that the example of Argentina showed that a default, even a disorderly
default, can return a country to rapid growth. Only one PASOK lawmaker voted against the
measures which will burden the poorest section of society with new “bank” taxes so brutal that
Die Welt newspaper admitted they would lead to uprisings if implemented in Germany. All
members of the main opposition conservative party voted against the package apart from one
lawmaker. In spite of the passage of the legislation, a default and the demise of the euro is
almost certain given the economic facts, which will push people into resistance. The IMF, EU
and ECB are due to undertake their next review of Greece’s progress in implementing the
austerity measures in September. By that time the impact of  savage salary cuts and job cuts, tax
increases and spending cuts will begin to make itself  felt, making even stiffer opposition from
the people of Greece and unions to any further measures certain. In addition, the staggering
costs of the Greek bank bailout will become clearer to eurozone taxpayers, especially German tax
payers, it will become clear there is no end in sight to the bailouts. “Even if Greece gets its
bailout and its economy rebounds, the government would have to run a budget surplus,
excluding debt-service costs, of 5 percent of GDP for about three decades to bring down debt to
the 60 percent maximum allowed by euro- area rules," reports Bloomberg.
unsavory-choices-view.html Greek banks have received almost €100bn in loans from the ECB
under an emergency liquidity assistance programme in spite of the fact the banks are insolvent
and their finances are set to further deteriorate, meaning eurozone tax payers will have to pick
up the bill. The ECB has burned so much capital by supporting insolvent Greek, Irish,
Portuguese and Spanish banks that it is set to become a net debtor to itself in just two years,
German economist Hans Werner Sinn has calculated. Sinn called the way the EECB offered
loans to banks for junk collateral an invitation to the banks to “self service.” The ECB has
resisted a default by Greece to avoid having to declare these losses on its books. As the social and
economic meltdown that is resulting from transferring so much money to banks becomes
apparent, resistance to the bankster bailouts is set to grow across the eurozone. The EU, IMF
and ECB financial empire has taken off its mask and made an unprecedented grab for the assets
and taxes of the people of Greece and in this lie the seeds of its own defeat.  “All warfare is based
on deception,” said Sun Tzu. “The general, unable to control his irritation, will launch his men to
the assault like swarming ants, with the result that one-third of his men are slain, while the town
still remains untaken. Such are the disastrous effects of a siege.” The Bilderberg elite have
launched their Troika to assault Greece like swarming ants and the result is that they have
nearly been defeated already in the Greek parliament and at a fairly early stage in theircampaign
of financial warfare against Europe. Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Germany are all still
in earlier stages of the eurozone debt slavery entrapment than Greece. There will be no more
swift victory for the elite, just a prolonged campaign finishing in the demise of the euro given the
degree of awareness already existing among people across Europe of how the banks are looting
tax payers with the help of complicit governments and much of the mainstream media.]]> 5068
2011-06-29 17:04:30 2011-06-29 17:04:30 open open greek-parliament-passes-austerity-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_91990cb03017dfbfb2b8f750a5d612a9
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imf-as-us-debt-ceiling-debate-heats-up/ Thu, 30 Jun 2011 12:49:38 +0000 birdflu666 5071 2011-06-30 12:49:38 2011-06-30 12:49:38
open open euro-gauleiter-lagarde-to-become-head-of-the-imf-as-us-debt-ceiling-debate-heats-
up publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 14730 2011-07-02
09:00:47 2011-07-02 09:00:47 1 14728 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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outrages-uk/ Thu, 30 Jun 2011 12:51:42 +0000 birdflu666
grab-close-aides-ask-time-Britain-quit-Europe.html#ixzz1QlGxEiYx]]> 5073 2011-06-30
12:51:42 2011-06-30 12:51:42 open open new-eu-tax-grab-outrages-uk publish 0 0 post 0
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14778 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14848 2011-07-03 01:53:13 2011-07-03 01:53:13 1 14832 0
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dangerous-as-that-of-german-nazis/ Thu, 30 Jun 2011 12:54:02 +0000 birdflu666
future]]> 5075 2011-06-30 12:54:02 2011-06-30 12:54:02 open open greeks-view-euro-
financial-occupation-as-dangerous-as-that-of-german-nazis publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_e0288ac81cb9627949cdda747913b657 14733
2011-07-02 09:27:20 2011-07-02 09:27:20 1 14672 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14734 2011-
07-02 09:29:49 2011-07-02 09:29:49 1 14674 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-07-02 07:59:23 2011-07-02 07:59:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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07-03 01:40:15 2011-07-03 01:40:15 1 14775 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14646 2011-
06-30 13:03:59 2011-06-30 13:03:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14649 http://d 2011-06-
30 14:03:10 2011-06-30 14:03:10 1 14646 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14650 2011-06-30 14:07:56
2011-06-30 14:07:56 1 14649 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14659 2011-06-30 14:55:23
2011-06-30 14:55:23 1 14650 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14660 http://d 2011-06-
30 14:56:29 2011-06-30 14:56:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14663 2011-06-30
16:45:45 2011-06-30 16:45:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14667 http://d 2011-06-
30 17:51:04 2011-06-30 17:51:04 1 14663 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14672 2011-06-30
19:30:31 2011-06-30 19:30:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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20:11:41 2011-06-30 20:11:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14740 http://d 2011-07-
02 10:24:45 2011-07-02 10:24:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14749 2011-07-02 13:09:23
2011-07-02 13:09:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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16:04:07 2011-07-02 16:04:07 1 14749 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14773 http://d 2011-07-02
16:44:52 2011-07-02 16:44:52 1 14646 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14774 http://d 2011-07-
02 16:45:19 2011-07-02 16:45:19 1 14663 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14775 http://d 2011-07-02
16:46:32 2011-07-02 16:46:32 1 14649 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14776 http://d 2011-07-
02 16:47:48 2011-07-02 16:47:48 1 14733 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14777 http://d 2011-07-02
16:48:55 2011-07-02 16:48:55 1 14749 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14796 http://d 2011-07-
02 17:19:25 2011-07-02 17:19:25 1 14646 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14810 http://d 2011-07-
02 18:01:04 2011-07-02 18:01:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14821 http://d 2011-07-
02 19:20:18 2011-07-02 19:20:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14831 http://d 2011-07-
02 19:26:18 2011-07-02 19:26:18 1 14650 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
brutality-injures-more-than-500-protestors-of-the-euro-bank-tax/ Thu, 30 Jun 2011 13:06:39
+0000 birdflu666 Germany's Der Spiegel estimated that
if Germans had to implement the equivalent austerity measures of 450 billion euros, it would
lead to a "total collapse of the economy" and Germany would become "ungovernable".,1518,771396,00.html "Whoever drains an
economy of so much money in such a short time kills everything," Gustav Horn, head of the
Institute for Macroeconomics and Conjuncture Research (IMK) told Der Spiegel. Red Cross
doctors said about 500 people were treated for injuries and breathing problems after riot police
drenched crowds in tear gas, and chased, cornered and attacked peaceful protestors.  Police also
threw tear gas canisters into a subway station where crowds had run for shelter. An assault by
police also forced the Red Cross doctors to flee the main square outside the Greek parliament. A video
of riot police shielding several men carrying iron bars offers further proof that undercover police
are acting as agents provocatuers and provoking violent confrontations to justify the use of
massive police brutality against people demonstarting peacefully against austerity measures
passed by the Greek parliament yesterday. Greek
people compared the police brutality to that experienced in the era of the military dictatorship.
In an interview with Russia Today, financial journalist Demetri Kofinas talks about the
„financial occupation“ of Greece, the need for a restoration of „national autonomy“ so that the
country can adopt economic policies that benefit the people of Greece and not American,
German and French banks. In spite of all the
overwhelming fact that Greece is insolvent and cannot afford to continue to make gigantic
interests payments to banks and needs urgently to be put through an orderly default, the Greek
socialist party PASOK greenlighted drastic austerity cuts for the banks yesterday, deepening the
division between the people and the parliament and setting the stage for ever more violent
confrontations. Riot police and under cover police  agents attempted to systematically terrorise
demonstrators against the bank tax in a pattern that could also be used in Ireland, Portugal and
other countries that are set to fall into the eurozone bank debt death trap. Today, the ECB chief
Jean-Claude Trichet said the ECB would raise interest rates, further choking off the Greek, Irish
and Portuguese economies even though most of the inflation in the eurozone is being caused by
futures trading in commodities. The ECB holds an estaimted 70 billion euros of Greek
souvereign debt and has lent more than 400 billion euros to essentially insolvent Greek, Irish,
Portuguese and Spanish banks against junk collateral. If Greece were to default and the trickle
of interest payments dry up, the ECB would have to write down these losses, become insolvent
and the eurozone tax payers would be confronted with the astronomical bill for the bank's
profligacy.]]> 5077 2011-06-30 13:06:39 2011-06-30 13:06:39 open open greek-police-
brutality-injures-more-than-500-protestors-of-the-euro-bank-tax publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last

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_oembed_010a14fe56c7f49dc3a256a9cc140b04 14681 http://d 2011-07-01 05:25:08 2011-07-01 05:25:08 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14846 2011-07-03 01:15:13 2011-07-03 01:15:13 1 14647 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14647 2011-06-30 13:22:09 2011-06-30 13:22:09 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14648 http://d 2011-06-30 13:59:48 2011-06-30 13:59:48 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14652 2011-06-30 14:22:40 2011-06-30 14:22:40 1 14648 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14654 2011-06-30 14:28:00 2011-06-30 14:28:00 1 14652 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14655
http://d 2011-06-30 14:34:20 2011-06-30 14:34:20 1 14652 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14657 2011-06-30 14:41:58 2011-06-30 14:41:58 1 14655 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14658 2011-06-30 14:44:51 2011-06-30 14:44:51 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14675 2011-06-30 20:29:44 2011-06-30 20:29:44 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14769 http://d 2011-07-02 16:41:30 2011-07-02 16:41:30 1
14648 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14770 http://d 2011-07-02 16:42:19 2011-07-02 16:42:19 1
14658 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14771 http://d 2011-07-02 16:43:42 2011-07-02 16:43:42 1
14654 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14772 http://d 2011-07-02 16:44:26 2011-07-02 16:44:26 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14794 http://d 2011-07-02 17:17:57 2011-07-02 17:17:57 1
14647 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14795 http://d 2011-07-02 17:18:33 2011-07-02 17:18:33 1
14655 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14808 http://d 2011-07-02 17:58:50 2011-07-02 17:58:50 1
14794 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14809 http://d 2011-07-02 18:00:02 2011-07-02 18:00:02 1
14770 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14820 http://d 2011-07-02 19:19:52 2011-07-02 19:19:52 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14830 http://d 2011-07-02 19:25:38 2011-07-02 19:25:38 1
14808 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
banks/ Fri, 01 Jul 2011 16:27:04 +0000 birdflu666
Parliament indicts ex-minister  Majority of MPs vote to indict Akis Tsochatzopoulos
over sub bribes Parliament’s plenary session on Friday decided to indict Defense Minister,
Akis Tsochatzopoulos, who has been accused of accepting bribes in order to approve a
submarine procurement deal. Only 242 of the House's 300 MPs participated in the secret ballot
with 216 of those voting for the former minister to be indicted on charges of bribe-taking and
215 voting for his indictment on money laundering charges. Read more:]]
> 5087 2011-07-01 16:27:04 2011-07-01 16:27:04 open open greek-ex-minister-to-be-charged-
country-to-the-banks publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_9b1a49627bb2da282a760ec6b0c0a2fb 14702
2011-07-01 21:20:12 2011-07-01 21:20:12 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14738 http://d 2011-07-02 10:22:29 2011-07-02 10:22:29 1 14702 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14768
http://d 2011-07-02 16:41:06 2011-07-02 16:41:06 1 14738 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14793
http://d 2011-07-02 17:17:19 2011-07-02 17:17:19 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14807
http://d 2011-07-02 17:58:25 2011-07-02 17:58:25 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14819
http://d 2011-07-02 19:18:57 2011-07-02 19:18:57 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14829
http://d 2011-07-02 19:24:43 2011-07-02 19:24:43 1 14738 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14835 2011-07-02 21:58:36 2011-07-02 21:58:36 1 14738 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14841 2011-07-02 23:58:54 2011-07-02 23:58:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14845 2011-
07-03 00:54:31 2011-07-03 00:54:31 1 14829 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
to-singapore/ Fri, 01 Jul 2011 16:28:12 +0000 birdflu666
p=5089 Goldman to Embark on Hiring Spree in Singapore By Charlie Gasparino Published
June 27, 2011 | FOXBusiness As Goldman Sachs (GS) plans major job cuts in the United States,
the firm is planning to expand overseas with a major hiring spree in Singapore and taking the
unusual step of alerting Congress before even it's widely known to its own shareholders, the
FOX Business Network has learned. Read more:
singapore/#ixzz1Qs55pOax]]> 5089 2011-07-01 16:28:12 2011-07-01 16:28:12 open open
goldman-sachs-to-move-centre-of-operations-to-singapore publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_73b85af2c361147b45391fe26bad0c28 14696
2011-07-01 20:47:38 2011-07-01 20:47:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14700
2011-07-01 21:11:43 2011-07-01 21:11:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14737 http://d 2011-07-02 10:18:49 2011-07-02 10:18:49 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14748 2011-07-02 13:02:23 2011-07-02 13:02:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14759 http://d 2011-07-02 16:15:23 2011-07-02 16:15:23 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14767
http://d 2011-07-02 16:40:19 2011-07-02 16:40:19 1 14748 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14791
http://d 2011-07-02 17:15:11 2011-07-02 17:15:11 1 14696 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14792
http://d 2011-07-02 17:15:41 2011-07-02 17:15:41 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14800
http://d 2011-07-02 17:26:26 2011-07-02 17:26:26 1 14737 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14805
http://d 2011-07-02 17:56:43 2011-07-02 17:56:43 1 14791 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14806
http://d 2011-07-02 17:57:14 2011-07-02 17:57:14 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14818
http://d 2011-07-02 19:18:33 2011-07-02 19:18:33 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14828
http://d 2011-07-02 19:24:20 2011-07-02 19:24:20 1 14791 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14844 2011-07-03 00:32:37 2011-07-03 00:32:37 1 14791 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
dollar/ Fri, 01 Jul 2011 16:29:32 +0000 birdflu666
Geithner may leave Treasury post after debt talks Updated 7:15 p.m. ET, CBS PHILADELPHIA
-- A person familiar with his thinking says Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is considering
leaving the administration following the current round of budget negotiations. The source spoke
to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity Thursday to discuss private deliberations.
CBS News has also learned that Geithner recognizes there is a window for him to leave after
talks but he has not yet made a final decision and is focused on deficit talks for now.  Read more:]]> 5091 2011-07-
01 16:29:32 2011-07-01 16:29:32 open open geithner-prepares-escape-after-destroying-us-
dollar publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 14723 2011-07-02
07:37:57 2011-07-02 07:37:57 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14703 http://d 2011-07-01
21:23:37 2011-07-01 21:23:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14736 http://d 2011-07-
02 10:11:43 2011-07-02 10:11:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14744 http://d 2011-07-
02 11:49:18 2011-07-02 11:49:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14766 http://d 2011-07-
02 16:39:47 2011-07-02 16:39:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14789 http://d 2011-07-
02 17:14:06 2011-07-02 17:14:06 1 14723 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14790 http://d 2011-07-
02 17:14:30 2011-07-02 17:14:30 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14803 http://d 2011-07-
02 17:55:06 2011-07-02 17:55:06 1 14789 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14804 http://d 2011-07-
02 17:55:58 2011-07-02 17:55:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14817 http://d 2011-07-02
19:18:05 2011-07-02 19:18:05 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14827 http://d 2011-07-
02 19:23:56 2011-07-02 19:23:56 1 14703 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14842 2011-07-03 00:07:02
2011-07-03 00:07:02 1 14827 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
payers/ Fri, 01 Jul 2011 16:32:05 +0000 birdflu666
mod=googlenews_wsj]]> 5093 2011-07-01 16:32:05 2011-07-01 16:32:05 open open denmark-
tax-payers publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 14735 http://d 2011-07-02 09:54:38 2011-07-02 09:54:38 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14731 2011-07-02 09:02:43 2011-07-02 09:02:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14692 2011-
07-01 18:12:20 2011-07-01 18:12:20 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14697 2011-07-01 20:55:44
2011-07-01 20:55:44 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14701 http://d 2011-07-01
21:17:06 2011-07-01 21:17:06 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14745 2011-07-02 12:21:14 2011-
07-02 12:21:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14746 http://d 2011-07-
02 12:47:47 2011-07-02 12:47:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14747 http://d 2011-07-
02 12:50:07 2011-07-02 12:50:07 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14750 2011-07-02 15:00:51
2011-07-02 15:00:51 1 14731 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14751 2011-07-02 15:07:59
2011-07-02 15:07:59 1 14750 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14752 2011-07-02 15:22:33
2011-07-02 15:22:33 1 14745 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14754 2011-07-02 15:39:20
2011-07-02 15:39:20 1 14752 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14765 http://d 2011-07-
02 16:38:16 2011-07-02 16:38:16 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14787 http://d 2011-07-
02 17:12:56 2011-07-02 17:12:56 1 14752 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14788 http://d 2011-07-
02 17:13:23 2011-07-02 17:13:23 1 14692 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14799 http://d 2011-07-
02 17:24:44 2011-07-02 17:24:44 1 14751 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14802 http://d 2011-07-
02 17:54:26 2011-07-02 17:54:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14816 http://d 2011-07-
02 19:17:41 2011-07-02 19:17:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14826 http://d 2011-07-
02 19:23:35 2011-07-02 19:23:35 1 14788 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14839 2011-07-02 23:21:27
2011-07-02 23:21:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 14840 2011-07-02 23:44:52
2011-07-02 23:44:52 1 14826 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
cut-off-all-funding-for-the-eu/ Fri, 01 Jul 2011 16:38:43 +0000 birdflu666 5095 2011-07-01 16:38:43 2011-07-01 16:38:43
open open why-it-is-time-to-cut-off-all-funding-for-the-eu publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_7f43d2efe953bb10c0756524ae37a842 14694
2011-07-01 20:43:32 2011-07-01 20:43:32 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14698 2011-
07-01 21:09:30 2011-07-01 21:09:30 1 14694 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14699 http://d 2011-07-01 21:11:23 2011-07-01 21:11:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14743 http://d 2011-07-02 11:07:10 2011-07-02 11:07:10 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14764
http://d 2011-07-02 16:36:25 2011-07-02 16:36:25 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14785
http://d 2011-07-02 17:10:54 2011-07-02 17:10:54 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14786
http://d 2011-07-02 17:11:51 2011-07-02 17:11:51 1 14698 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14812
http://d 2011-07-02 18:29:41 2011-07-02 18:29:41 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14815
http://d 2011-07-02 19:17:16 2011-07-02 19:17:16 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14825
http://d 2011-07-02 19:23:08 2011-07-02 19:23:08 1 14786 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14838 2011-07-02 23:17:56 2011-07-02 23:17:56 1 14786 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
economist/ Fri, 01 Jul 2011 16:52:38 +0000 birdflu666
p=5099 *Greek TV station shows video proving  police used agents provocateurs to ignite
violence against peaceful protestors *Photos show Greek police hurling stones and
missiles *German economist warns Greek economy will collapse due to EU and
IMF austerity measures, says revolution is possible *Next 12 billion euro IMF and
EU tranche will not be enought to meet Greece's bank interest payments in July, 
forcing the country to take on more debt *Outline of  a plan for liberating the
eurozone from EU and IMF financial occupation A Greek TV station has shown a video
proving that the police used undercover agents masquerading as anarchists to inflame violence
outside the Greek parliament and discredit peaceful protestors amid warnings from German
economists that the new IMF and EU-measures will destroy the Greek economy, potentially
sparking a revolution.
polizei-einheiten-in-zivil-als-militante-im-einsatz/ The video shows undercover police men
dressed in casual clothes and carrying iron bars slipping behind police lines and engaging in a
discussion with police wearing  full riot gear before returning to their work of causing mayhem,
setting fires, smashing windows -- and so giving a pretext to police to use massive violence
against peaceful protestors.
maskierte-polizei-einheiten-in-zivil-als-militante-im-einsatz/ Photos on the Gmargari blog
show police throwing rocks and missile into  crowds and also wielding iron bars in actions
comparable to the secret service thugs who protected the ruthless Mubarak regime in Egypt. The widespread use of teargas by police was also called
dangerous by the head of the Greek Pharmacists Union. The violence by police against
protestors comes  as a top German economist is warning that the new austerity measures
imposed on the country by the IMF, EU and ECB will lead to a collapse of the economy and
possibly to a revolution. Professor Gustav Horn told Bild newspaper that the next 12 billion euro
tranche of IMF and EU, ECB funding – paid for by tax payers – will not be even enough to meet
the interest payments due in July on the country’s 340 billion euro debt - forcing the country to
borrow yet more money. “The austerity package is above all not viable in the short term,” he
said. “These measures will accelerate the collapse of the Greek economy.”
sparpaket-beschleunigt-den-absturz-18606206.bild.html Horn said that he did not think that
the sale of Greek assets would bring in as much money as expected given the speed they were
being carried out.  Horn said a revolution in Greece was possible in view of the lack of support
for the austerity measures among the people. “The Greek politics is about to undergo a
fundamental change. Whether the existing parties will still exist in five years is doubtful in view
of their failures,” he said. The elite have often tried to engineer and hijack revolutions, pushing
personalities rather than policies to divert attention from their activities. To avoid this trap, the
people of Greece – and Europe – need to unite around a programme with practical measures to
restore prosperity and freedom and they need to check the concrete progress made in
implementing them. Measures urgently needed for Greece include the introduction of a national
or regional currency to return liquidity to the economy; the nationalisation of banks; capital
controls; a reasonably low exchange rate for the Drachma to encourage exports and tourism; a
plan to build up a domestic manufacturing base  (machine tools) and to substitute as many
exports as possible with domestic products; cut off funding to the EU and leave the EU. Greece
is the victim of a savage financial assault by the EU, IMF and ECB and the main weapon is the
euro currency and interest payments on euro denominated debt. The return to the Drachma is
the best means of defence in this economic war being conducted against the people of Greece
with the complicity of Greek politicians. Greek academics are even to be subjected to a new form
of censorship under new government plans, reports Ekathimerini. According to
an IMF report, Greece is set to transfer 131 billion euros to American, French and German banks
in the form of interest payments on its national debt between 2009 and 2014. Ekathimerini
reports that Greek souvereign bondholders have enjoyed record profits while the Greek people
sink into utter  poverty and suffer violent beatings from riot police when they protest. Not just
Greece  is being forced into an unprecedented transfer of its taxes and assets to banks. The
entire eurozone is being sucked into the vortex of a debt death spiral due to high national debts
as well as “bailouts” to countries like Greece, Portugal and Ireland which are already insolvent
and being pushed into deeper debt by austerity measures. In addition, the eurozone central
bank has destroyed at least 440 billion euros of tax payer’s money by propping up insolvent
Greek, Spanish and Irish banks with hundreds of billions of euros. And now, it has emerged
eurozone tax payers will have to fund the completion of Greek government assets before they are
sold off to the private sector at knock down prices. Kathimerini reports that Greek Prime
Minister Giorgos Papandreou asked for money from the EU to help finish the construction of
airports, harbours and other government assets just as they are about to be sold to corporations
for a pittance by a special agency run by EU and IMF officials. That means eurozone tax payers
will have to pay three times – via government bailouts for banks, via loans to insolvent banks by
the ECB and in the form of subsidies for public sector projects that are about to be sold to
private investors. To avoid false flag conflicts and revolutions led by agents provocateurs, the
people of Europe need to unite around a concrete programme that does not depend on
personalities. Measures to restore Europe to liberty and prosperity must include: - changing
Article 123 of the ECB statutes to allow the central bank to give money without interest to
governments in the same way as the Chinese central bank does. Currently, the ECB gives money
only to the eurozones 6,300 banks at benchmark low interest reates and these banks lend it to
governments at high interest rates. - introducing national or regional currencies to return
southern European countries to competitiveness - introducing and implementing insolvency
mechanisms for overly indebted nations and banks - cutting off funding to the EU. Without
money from the tax payers of Europe and without its own capacity to levy taxes, the EU beast
will wither. - introducing direct democracy with regular referendum as in Switzerland - rolling
back emergency anti terrorism legislation which allows eurozone governments to grant its
citizens fewer human rights than prisoners of war  - focussing on sustainable economic growth
with an emphasis on the research into the latest solar and other renewable energy technology.
The German solar industry currently pushes 30 year old solar panels costing billions in
subsidies while investing negligible amounts in research into the new generation of solar
technology, not surprising given the fact that the solar industry is controlled by the same people
who control the nuclear energy, and they do not want competition. In addition, nuclear reactors
serve a dual purpose as a potential weapon to black mail governments. The use of Haarp to
destroy the Fukushima nuclear plant may have been one reason why Chancellor Angela Merkel
rushed to close down nuclear reactors in Germany. In the US, surging rivers and wildfires have
recently threatened a number of nuclear power plants. In the long term, Europeans and
Americans should push for more advanced monetary systems of the type proposed by Vienna
economics professor Franz Hörmann to encourage the development of human character,
creativity and responsibility.]]> 5099 2011-07-01 16:52:38 2011-07-01 16:52:38 open open
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0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14860 http://d 2011-07-03 10:35:48 2011-07-03 10:35:48 1
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euro-itself-faces-doom-because-of-ecb-activities/ Mon, 04 Jul 2011 16:26:32 +0000 birdflu666 Some 90% of the refinancing debt that the
commercial banks of the GIPS countries (Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain) hold with their
respective national central banks served to purchase a net inflow of goods and assets from other
eurozone countries. Two-thirds of all refinancing loans within the eurozone were granted within
the GIPS countries, despite the fact that these countries account for only 18% of eurozone GDP.
Indeed, 88% of these countries' current-account deficits over the last three years were financed
via the extension of credit within the Eurosystem. By the end of 2010, ECB loans, which
originated primarily from Germany's Bundesbank, amounted to €340 billion. This figure
includes ECB credit that financed capital flight from Ireland totaling €130 billion over the past
three years. The ECB bailout program has enabled the people of the peripheral countries to
continue to live beyond their means, and well-heeled asset holders to take their wealth
]]> 5105 2011-07-04 16:26:32 2011-07-04 16:26:32 open open german-economist-hans-werner-
sinn-says-euro-itself-faces-doom-because-of-ecb-activities publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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rescue/ Mon, 04 Jul 2011 16:28:14 +0000 birdflu666
p=5107]]> 5107
2011-07-04 16:28:14 2011-07-04 16:28:14 open open rating-agency-throws-doubt-on-greece-
bailout-rescue publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_214711f2c05e8bc2d52bc3f49be57722
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2011-07-04 17:41:51 2011-07-04 17:41:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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07-04 17:49:21 2011-07-04 17:49:21 1 14889 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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supreme-court-like-germans/ Mon, 04 Jul 2011 16:31:03 +0000 birdflu666 A Europe of judges By John O’Brennan 07-04-
2011 17:08 MAYNOOTH, Ireland ― As the Greek financial drama reaches its sorry denouement,
another crisis looms for the European project ― this time in Germany, beginning with a case
now before Germany’s Constitutional Court. Read more at:]]> 5109 2011-07-
04 16:31:03 2011-07-04 16:31:03 open open irish-groups-likely-to-challenge-bailouts-in-
supreme-court-like-germans publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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14896 http://d 2011-07-04 16:58:31 2011-07-04
16:58:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
14890 http://d 2011-07-04 16:48:07 2011-07-04
16:48:07 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
15024 http://d 2011-07-09 05:58:04 2011-07-09
05:58:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
14906 2011-07-04 17:39:57 2011-07-04 17:39:57 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14912 2011-07-04 17:48:49 2011-07-04 17:48:49 1 14890 0
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0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15016 2011-07-08 18:11:53 2011-07-08 18:11:53 1 15005 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15034 2011-07-09 08:44:16 2011-07-09 08:44:16 1 0 0
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0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15046 http://d 2011-07-09 09:30:21 2011-07-09 09:30:21 1 0 0
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04 Jul 2011 16:33:47 +0000 birdflu666 Jean-Claude
Juncker told Germany's 'Focus' magazine in the interview released yesterday. "One cannot be
allowed to insult the Greeks. But one has to help them. They have said they are ready to accept
expertise from the eurozone," the Luxembourg prime minister added. Like the Irish, the Greeks
are acutely sensitive to any infringement of their sovereignty and any suggestion that foreign
"commissars" might become involved in running the country is an incendiary political issue and
could trigger more street protests. Read more:
its-sovereignty-2812141.html      ]]> 5112 2011-07-04 16:33:47 2011-07-04 16:33:47 open open
irish-ponder-future-under-eu-jackboot publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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_oembed_7ca54334afb171b9d8e2aedeec0e6971 14895 http://d 2011-07-04 16:57:59 2011-07-04 16:57:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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http://d 2011-07-05 06:58:50 2011-07-05 06:58:50 1 0 0 jabber_published
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07-04 17:48:19 2011-07-04 17:48:19 1 14891 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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killed/ Mon, 04 Jul 2011 16:36:41 +0000 birdflu666]]> 5114
2011-07-04 16:36:41 2011-07-04 16:36:41 open open greek-mp-told-vote-for-imf-eu-austerity-
or-be-killed publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_214711f2c05e8bc2d52bc3f49be57722
_oembed_93b2f34b577669715200daeaacfe64d6 14894 http://d 2011-07-04 16:57:23 2011-07-04 16:57:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-07-04 17:47:40 2011-07-04 17:47:40 1 14892 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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against-eu-and-imf-regime/ Mon, 04 Jul 2011 16:51:20 +0000 birdflu666 Greeks continue to protest banker bailouts as  police
order more tear gas following riots leaving 300 injured *Greek MP says he was threatened
with death if he did not vote for the EU, IMF and ECB austerity measures
*Economist Hans Werner Sinn warns that the eurozone bailouts for banks will
cost Germans their pensions *Only escape from financial meltdown for Germany
now is to reintroduce Deutschmark says economist Markus Kerber *EU Gauleiters
tell Greece to accept massive loss of souvereignty and the presence of EU officials
to administer state asset sales and tax collection Protestors are continuing  to gather in
Athens’s main square, Syntagma Square , for the firth successive week, defying police who made
use of brutal force to disperse demonstrators against EU, IMF and ECB austerity measures last
Wednesday. Ekathimerini reports that Greek police placed a fresh order of 900,000 euros for
more tear gas with France, USA and Israel on Thursday as tensions continue to build over the
austerity measures. According to
an IMF report, Greece will spend 131 billion euros on  bank interest debt and refinancing
payments between 2009 and 2014 alone while the people slip into Third World poverty with
no money left for hospitals, schools, pensions and unemployment soaring. Riot police used tear
gas, stun grenades and truncheons to attack peaceful crowds after the Greek parliament
narrowly passed the IMF, EU and ECB bank bill last Wednesday. Police acting as agents
provocateurs were caught on camera wielding iron bars in a brutal crackdown that left 300
people injured and about 150 people with broken arms and legs or head wounds, it has been
reported. Protestor Foula Farmakides reported in The Guardian being beaten by police.
The news that one of the Greek lawmakers who voted for the IMF, EU package on Wednesday
only did so because he was threatened with murder will fuel fears that Greece is now under a 
EU and IMF dictatorship acting as the bailiff for criminal American, German and French banks. Socialist
lawmaker Alexandros Athanassiadis said he had received death threats, and had voted for the
EU and IMF austerity measures for this reason. Another lawmaker complained there was no
point in his voting in parliament because he was just expected to rubber stamp an austerity
programme designed by the IMF, EU and ECB, which is so harsh that Der Spiegel admitted it
would lead to rebellion among the people of Germany if it were implemented there. The next
payment to the banks of 12 billion euros will be made in July using tax payer money from all of
Europe because Greece alone cannot meet all its staggering bank debt payments, making an
eventual default inevitable and also very much more costly for the eurozone tax payers. German
economist Hans Werner Sinn today warned that Germany’s contribution to the Greek, Irish and
Portuguese bankster bailouts destablise the finances of Germany and cost Germans their
sieht-renten-wegen-euro-rettung-in-gefahr_aid_642676.html Another German economist
Markus Kerber said that Germany has no choice but to leave the eurozone to insulate itself from
the tsunami of debt that is converging on the country. Though portrayed as an “über nationalist”
by the Irish Independent – the corrupt Irish elite are also soaking Irish and German tax payer’s
money – Kerber has simply pointed out that reintroducing the Deutschmark will alllow the
German people can escape the same financial armaggedon as the Greek, Irish and Portuguese
people are currently undergoing at the hands of American, German and French banks. If
Icelanders were able to protest against debt slavery, even gaining praise for their stance, why
can’t Germans protest without being labelled “über nationalists” by the controlled mainstream
verlassen-sollte/4347586.html Reinforcing the notion that democracy is ceasing to function in
Europe, Eurogroup chairman Jean-Claude Junker said in an interview with Germany’s Focus
magazine that the soverignty of Greece would be “massively limited” in order to implement the
austerity measures. He also said that officials from the eurozone would supervise the sale of
Greek state assets such as airports, ports and energy companies, and the collection of taxes. But
the idea of modelling the new private agency on the Treuhand privatisation agency used to sell
off East German state assets was criticised even by Reuters. They pointed out that the Treuhand
managed to lose billions on the sale of East Germany’s state companies. These were wound
down after the Deutschmark was introduced, making East German products less competitive in
their eastern European markets at a stroke. „But the fire sale of communist East German
industry -- 14,000 companies were sold in four years -- may not be such a shining example for
Greece because the Treuhand ended up $170 billion in debt instead of an anticipated $900
billion profit.“
privatisations-idUSLDE7630IR20110704 The reunification of East and West Germany was so
mismanaged by Bilderberg Helmut Kohl that it left East Germany an industrial wasteland
dependent on transfers and pushed West Germany deep into debt. But the EU, IMF and ECB
appear to be aiming for the same result – the destruction of Greece’s economic base making it a
permanent drain on the rest of the EU and necessitating limitless transfers that deepen the debt
burden of the eurozone. The Greek economy is set to contract by another  3.75 per cent in 2011
as Greece sinks deeper into the debt death spiral. The country now has the lowest credit rating
in the world but the EU, IMF refuse to declare it insolvent or put it through an orderly
insolvency. Greece now has a fractional reserve banking debt of 350 billion euros. If banks had
lent real capital amounting to 350 billion euros to Greece, it would be awash with money and
able to repay the high interest demanded. But the loans exist mostly only on the bank balance
sheets, serving as an excuse to demand interest payments. The role of the ECB in pushing up the
yields on national debt is being probed by Bloomberg, which has applied through a Freedom of
Information Act to see key bank documents. Among a tiny group of 18 Greek economists signing
a declaration, urging the Greeks to adopt the deadly austerity measures and spreading fear was
Professor Christopher Pissarides from the London School of Economics linked to George Soros,
the hedge fund investor believed to have made a huge profit from the Greek debt crisis, who also
has paid several low profile visits to Greek Prime Minister Giorgos Papandreou. Another  LSE
academic Professor Elias Mossialos, Brian Abel-Smith Professor of Health Policy and Director of
LSE Health is already a member of the new Greek cabinet, focussing on health ie vaccines.]]> 5117 2011-07-04
16:51:20 2011-07-04 16:51:20 open open greeks-defy-police-crackdown-to-protest-against-eu-
and-imf-regime publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_fe325128027695e168dd56b2624deb0f
_oembed_10ac7679641470f9eef8dfb3bbbf2ba0 14900
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05 13:42:11 2011-07-05 13:42:11 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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05 22:05:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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bailouts-outrageous-anti-taxpayer-scam/ Thu, 07 Jul 2011 16:43:26 +0000 birdflu666
"RussiaToday--Jul 6, 2011--Europe's ongoing struggle to save the Euro has been dealt another
blow as Portugal has had its debt downgraded to junk status. Moody's, the credit rating agency
behind the move, says a default is likely unless the country is given another bailout. Many
analysts have questioned the logic of saddling struggling economies with more debt as
speculation grows over whether the EU is ready to come to Portugal's rescue again. And the
direction the EU and the IMF are taking in solving this crisis may well lead to severe
consequences - that's according to Douglas Carswell, an MP from the British Conservative
Party."  ]]> 5124 2011-07-07 16:43:26 2011-07-07 16:43:26 open open portugal-junked-bailouts-
outrageous-anti-taxpayer-scam publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 15025
http://d 2011-07-09 06:02:23 2011-07-09 06:02:23 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 14983
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07-07 20:08:18 2011-07-07 20:08:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08 08:18:32 2011-07-08 08:18:32 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-08 18:09:21 1 15006 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-09 08:39:09 1 15025 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-09 13:16:15 1 15047 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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There was a small systems error. Please try refreshing the page and
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bailouts-pointless-greece-needs-haircut/ Thu, 07 Jul 2011 16:47:16 +0000 birdflu666
forscher-fordern-teilpleite-in-griechenland/ In spite of these obvious facts, the EU, IMF and
ECB are continuing to cling to the fiction that Greece is merely illiquid and not insolvent, and
there are now even plans afoot to ban ratings agencies because these will inevitably have, at
some point, to acknowledge reality and classify Greece as in default. Portugal is also entering the
same debt death spiral as Greece due to the terms of the EU, IMF and ECB bailout and rating
agencies and markets know this. It is plain to everyone that the EU, IMF and ECB are acting in
the interests of the banks who are getting all the eurozone bailout money – not the Greeks – in
what is increasingly recognised as one of the biggest financial scams in history. Even now, the
ECB is continuing to accept collateral from insolvent Greek banks, and is misusing the fractional
reserve central banking system to create a gigantic public debt, and so transfer yet more wealth
from eurozone tax payers to the private banks. If Greece were to default, the ECB would have to
write down ist enormous losses, become insolvent and questions would be asked about the
illegal way it has replaced private capital with public money to fund insolvent banks and
governments. The German Constitutional Court is aiding and abetting the banks in the biggest
looting of German tax payer’s in history by refusing to enforce the law when it is there precisely
to do that.]]> 5126 2011-07-07 16:47:16 2011-07-07 16:47:16 open open top-german-economic-
institute-says-eurozone-bailouts-pointless-greece-needs-haircut publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_fff0e4be3725284a8499fb6f1bac847a 14982 http://d 2011-07-07 17:37:23 2011-07-07 17:37:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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07-07 19:58:36 2011-07-07 19:58:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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in-english-and-german-by-bernd-karwath/ Thu, 07 Jul 2011 16:50:08 +0000 birdflu666 A potential of immeasurable abundance is waiting
for humanity to discover it. The few whose obsession is global control only can think of one way
to thrive: sucking the life blood out of others and exploiting the earth’s riches and financial
systems. People everywhere are fed with lies and of being told what to think. These lies have
grown ever bigger and more estranged from the truth so that the media resembles polished
propaganda. „There is no truth“, say people who want to establish this as a truth, conveniently
for themselves. But what would happen if people start to think independently again? The wheel
of history would take a turn for the better. A few weeks ago when I was sitting down trying to
give shape and expression to a  dream, this poem came to me and with it, the sharp awareness
that the time has come to move. Our growing consciousness and our power as people who unite
for change is an unbeatable force for truth, justice and the creative development of our lives to
fulfill our highest potential.  Revolution By Bernd Karwath   The spaceship has levelled its polar
axis. The ring containing propulsion units Surrounds the mighty sphere: A tilted metal
mountain, Like a mill's rotating cogwheel, Connected inconceivably With a center unseen In the
vastness of space, A space too big for suns to fall, So they float, a wealth of colors, Yet empty of
feeling, In boundless distance, Forever, it seems.   Only the isle of bluish steel Is not floating. Its
rotations are of a kind That screws nothingness to the idea Of immeasurable mass and
importance. It is revolving against an invisible resistance, It digs, it grinds with the steadiness Of
an unknown destiny, Turning volcanic within. From its core comes, Through every pore of
compacted skin, A red, magmatic glow And a flickering of finest tongues, Suggesting a rustling
sound That rises to the rush of winds And cosmic storms And tremors in space and time.   This
spaceship Reveals itself to the eye, Drawing it towards elemental forces, Something created by
man To face the all-embracing Hole Ever hungry for seas of existence, To make it stop at its own
reflection In the mirror of saying no.  ]]> 5128 2011-07-07 16:50:08 2011-07-07 16:50:08 open
open revolution-a-poem-in-english-and-german-by-bernd-karwath publish 0 0 post 0
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11 09:45:03 1 15073 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-07 19:52:46 1 14986 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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the-lives-of-70-million-americans/ Wed, 13 Jul 2011 12:41:12 +0000 birdflu666 The plan of
Ron Paul to wipe off the books the  $1.6 trillion in federal bonds owned by the Federal
Reserve would buy time for legislation to be introduced to nationalise the Fed. Cutting the social
security budget to keep on making interest payments on an absurd national debt will only
postpone the US's default given the astronomical size of that debt and it could kill lots of
Americans in what is actaully a gigantic financial crime against humanity. This is an excerpt
from CBS: Pelley: Can you tell the folks at home that no matter what happens, the Social
Security checks are gonna go out on August the third? There are about $20 billion worth of
Social Security checks that have to go out the day after the government is supposedly gonna go
into default? Mr. Obama: Well, this is not just a matter of Social Security checks. These are
veterans' checks, these are folks on disability, and their checks. There are about 70 million
checks that go out each month. Pelley: Can you guarantee, as president, those checks will go
out on August the third? Mr. Obama: I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August
3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers
to do it.]]> 5132 2011-07-13 12:41:12 2011-07-13 12:41:12 open open obama-threatens-the-lives-
of-70-million-americans publish 0 0 post 0 _oembed_b61d00035640da6695da11de91dad490
_edit_last _oembed_4b26102118357a8be16abc1becb1e622
_oembed_a7baef973a65bb82218a44cbd4813c88 15142
2011-07-14 16:03:08 2011-07-14 16:03:08 1 15127 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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15146 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15218 2011-07-17 10:05:50 2011-07-17 10:05:50 1 0
0 akismet_result jabber_published akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15220 2011-07-17 12:08:47 2011-07-17 12:08:47 1 15218 0
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blueprint-for-greece-doubles-cost-to-taxpayers-reports-the-guardian/ Wed, 13 Jul 2011
12:46:46 +0000 birdflu666 Ian Traynor in Brussels
and Larry Elliott The Guardian,Wednesday 13 July 2011 A new rescue plan for Greece being
negotiated by Europe's policy-makers is likely to cost twice as much as previously expected if it
is agreed, EU officials have signalled as fears grew in the financial markets for the fate of the
euro single currency. Senior EU officials admitted that the cost of bailing out Greece and
slashing its debt levels would add tens of billions to the loans granted by the eurozone countries
while Willem Buiter, a former member of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee,
warned that the eurozone was facing an "existential" moment . After a fresh day of market
turmoil that saw bond yields in Italy briefly hit 6%, officials involved in drafting the new
blueprint for Athens said that it was accepted among most of the 17 eurozone states that Greece
would be the first country using the common currency to be declared in "selective default" on its
debt. Read more at:
double]]> 5134 2011-07-13 12:46:46 2011-07-13 12:46:46 open open new-bailout-blueprint-for-
greece-doubles-cost-to-taxpayers-reports-the-guardian publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_8ead509b467f7d1d17e6bc7b54a65e35 15113 http://d 2011-07-13 15:42:05 2011-07-13 15:42:05 1 0 0 jabber_published
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admits-germanys-bild-newspaper/ Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:10:18 +0000 birdflu666 Italy offers the prospect of staggering profits if the
banks can push up interest rates and then oompel eurozone tax payers to top up the soaring
debt payments on Italy's 1.6 trillion euro debt. Italy has the third largest bond market in the
world after America and Japan, and servicing its soaring debt payments on top of Greece,
Ireland, Portugal will take a large chunk of the pension money, savings, welfare payments of the
people of the eurozone and also of the people of The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Finland
combined. Austria’s Finance Minister Maria Fekter appears to be one of the main drivers
behind more bailouts for banks. As a result of this tsumani of debt, the eurozone is indeed
raching the endgame. The astonomical fractional reserve banking debts being saddled on tax
payers are threatening to impoverish everyone. Worse, the ECB has also taken so many bad
loans onto its books to allow public money to replace  private liquidity for insolvent Greek, Irish
and Portuguese and other banks that the ECB risks collapse in just two years. The eurozone is
reaching a crisis point. But the European politicians appear to be using this crisis to prepare a
financial coup d’etat. The elite are pushing for eurobonds and a fiscal union allowing them to
control the tax money and budgets without having to answer to voters. This will allow unelected
EU officials in the pocket of the banks to slash pensions, welfare and give money to their pet
causes – the banks and the military-industrial complex. The elite are blocking a default by
Greece and a return to the Drachma in spite of economists like Hans Werner Sinn arguing this is
the best way to restore competitiveness and prosperity and stop the so called financial
contagion. It seems incredible that the elite think they can get away with this brazen robbery in
the internet age at a time when so many people are informed about the true nature of the crisis.
But then again, the elite also thought they could get away with a mass forced swine flu
vaccination campaign. The euro project is now so discredited that it will not surely survive
whetever happens. Virtually everyone must now see how European politicians brazenly violate
the no bail out clause to hand banks a pool of tax money drawn from every eurozone nation to
make debt payments on fractional reserve baking debt while ignoring the obvious solution of
insolvency mechanisms. And the high interest rates that the economies of the country’s who
receive these compulsory EU, IMF and ECB loans have to pay guarantee that the country's will
descend into a deflationary debt spiral, making the need for a second bailout inevitable. Ireland
will be the next candidate after Greece for a second bailout. Even if Ireland gets a 1% reduction
on its penal EU, IMF and ECB loan and continues to grow at a rate of 1.5% due to a strong
export sector, it will hardly be enough to make the staggering interest payments on private bank
debt which the government under Brian Cowen guaranteed without consulting the  voters. In
the latest twists, rating agencies which  act to finallyclassify the evidently insolvent countries as
in default are threatened with a ban by eurozone officials in brazen sinister financial repression
as The Telegraphs’ Ambrose Evans-Pritchard noted. To contain this souvereign debt crisis,
countries should be allowed to become insolvent if they cannot make interest payments. A
default is something the markets will not want and so they will have no more incentive to
artificially increase interest rates using  various financial instruments. Italy should also be
allowed to become insolvent if the markets go crazy as many economists now think. Instead, EU
politicians are planning to enlarge the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) to allow for sky
rocketing interest payments to be made on Italy’s national debt of 120% of the GDP. French
banks are reported to have an exposure of about 400 billion euros to Italian debt and they will
just waiting to dip their paw into the EFSF honey pot yet again. Italy’s problems have been
around for years, and economists have pointed out there is no economic reason for the bond
yields to start soaring as they suddenly have done in the last few days. Tight fiscal budgets have
meant that Italy’s revenues actually exceed its expenditure before interest payments are taken
into account. Moreoever, most bond maturities are long-term and 55% percent of the bonds are
also in national hands. In spite of losing competitiveness since joining the euro in 1999 and
a low growth of only 7%, Italy is chugging along albeit at an anaemic level. There has always
been political turmoil in Italy. So what is new? New is that the bankster and their puppet
politicians see a way to press yet more money out of the tax payer’s of Italy and the eurozone
and push forward their agenda for fiscal union claiming this is the solution to the crisis when
fiscal union will make the crisis far worse. Italy will have to pay €73 billion of interest in 2011 on
its debt assuming a 4% rate. But if the interest payments rise to 6%, Italy will have to pay
another €35 billion a year. Italy has to refinance €500 billion of debt by the end of 2013.What
could be easier profits for the banks than pushing up the interest and dipping into a bigger
eurozone fund fed by centrally set EU budgets? In the end, everyone in the eurozone will have to
pay for this largesse to the banks with their pensions, savings and jobs in the most outrageous
financial heist in history. Italy is already of a size to make disaster inevitable even with fiscal
union if the course is not changed and countries are not allowed to become insolvent. The public
sector Ponzi scheme is  reaching its endgame but the political credibility of the EU elite who
created the euro has also come to an end. It has surely become plain to just about everyone that
any euro collapse will be due solely to the criminal activities of the elite. The elite openly state
they plan to introduce an IMF/SDR global currency on the ruins of the euro to begin the next
round of boom and bust and loan sharking operations. National currencies offer the best shelter
from this tsunami of euro denominated debt threatening to impoverish 400 million people. We
can no longer rely on compromised politicians – many perhaps blackmailed with Swiss bank
account information held by Wikileaks? – to stand up for our interests. We cannot count either
on banker-funded puppets such as  far right Viktor Orban in Hungary and Freedom Party
member Heinz Chrisitan Strache in Austria to do anything more than hand money over to the
banks while smashing the opposition to banker fascism. With close links to hedge funder George
Soros, Orban is actually ensuring record returns for Hungarian bondholdrs according to a report
in the Financial Times and handing over private pensions, slashing welfare, introducing
compulsory work camps while smashing the independent voices in the media. We, the people,
have to organsie across Europe to put restore our economic and democratic rights. Specifically,
we need - a way of printing money that does not create money as a private debt to the banks in
the way that the ECB and Federal Reserve currently do - more direct democracy in future to
control governments spending at a federal and local level - the reintroduction of national
currencies - a break up of the bank cartel who are subverting all market mechanisms The
current political parties have failed us. It is up to us, the people, to take responsibility if we want
a better future.]]> 5137 2011-07-13 13:10:18 2011-07-13 13:10:18 open open italy-debt-crisis-
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like-greece-second-bailout-virtually-certain/ Fri, 15 Jul 2011 12:29:20 +0000 birdflu666 *IMF report confirms Ireland is sinking into the
same debt death spiral as Greece; second bailout virtually certain *Ireland's national debt
could reach 151% of GDP by 2016, says IMF *Tax revenues have collasped by a
third, unemployment is soaring *Irish banks increeasingly insolvent and
dependent on ECB's emergency liquidity programme *Eurozone lurches from one
disastrous bankster bailout to the next; German lawmaker warns savings of
Germans are at risk IMF, EU and ECB officials have heaped praise on the Irish government
in  their quarterly review of the country's €67.5bn bailout deal, saying that their fiscal
programme was “on track”. "There are signs of growth and stability in the economy after five
years of wrenching cuts," enthused IMF  Ajai Chopra. Ireland’s deputy Prime Minister Eamon
Gilmore was even more ecstatic. “Ireland is meeting its targets. That was the assessment
yesterday of our partners in the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF
at the conclusion of their third quarterly review of our funding programme,” he wrote in The
Telegraph, arguing in favour of  an enlarged European Financial Stability Facility.
adversity-has-been-called-an-inspiration-to-others.html There is only one little problem. None
of it is true. A close reading of the actual IMF report shows that Ireland’s national debt is
soaring, making a second bailout is virtually certain. A second bailout is indeed already
pencilled in to the IMF’s report’s projections. Under a so-called „debt shock“
scenario Ireland’s „debt would reach 151 percent of GDP by 2016 and be on an upward path,“
writes the IMF. According to the IMF report, the Irish government’s general gross debt as per
centage of GDP was just 25% in 2007 before the financial crisis. The debt has ballooned because
of the sheer amount of money the government is giving to the banks after guaranteeing their
losses and without consulting the people. National debt grew from 25% in 2007 to 44% in 2008,
65% in 2009.  When Ireland took on the penal EU, IMF and ECB bailout in 2010,  it lept again
to 96% of the GDP. The IMF predicts Irish national debt will increase to 111% in 2011 and 120%
in 2013 in  optimistic scenarios. No sign then of Ireland returning to the bond market anytime
soon. A report in the FT Lex says a debt to GDP ratio of 60% is needed to restore Greece’s
solvency and allow it to return to the markets – and the same ratio of 60% is undoubtedly also
required in Ireland. The
recognition that Ireland’s debt is growing and it’s economy is getting weaker as the country is
caught in exactly same debt death spiral as Greece (and Portugal) because of the EU, IMF and
ECB policies is what prompted Moody’s to downgrade Irish debt to junk this week. It is great
cheer  to know that the ECB, EU and IMF medicine is destroying the economy not only of
Greece but also of Ireland just as the debt crisis spreads beyond Portugal to Italy and Spain, the
third- and fourth-biggest economies in the euro area. Even the ECB has to admit that Greece’s
debt will soar to 161% next year. German
lawmaker Frank Schäffler is rightly warning that the savings of Germans are at risk because of
these eurozone bankster bailouts which pile more debt on existing debt in a brazen transfer of
wealth to American, French and German banks. It will be
very comforting for the eurozone tax payer’s also to know that not only is Ireland’s government
increasingly insolvent, so are its banks. Borrowing by Irish banks from the ECB under a second
„stealth bailout“ is increasing dramatically. „[…] reliance on Eurosystem liquidity support has
risen to about €145 billion at end-March 2011, including Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA)
provided by CBI,“ writes the IMF (page 4). The EU. IMF and ECB has chosen to implement
public finance cuts known to cause debt deflation. For the IMF to feign surprise that
unemployment is soaring and domestic demand declining (imports have collapsed by 50%) is
very strange. „The combination of slower growth and higher unemployment rates, together with
higher bond  spreads and rating downgrades, have increased downside risks, especially risks to
regaining  market access,“ says the IMF report, turning „certainties“ into „risks“ in Orwellian
1984 speak. Cutting public sector spending when a  large chunk  of it is comprised of  interest
payments on fractional-reserve banking paper private bank debt does not lead to a balancing of
the budget in any meaningful way, but to a declining economy as liquidity is sucked out.
Businesses go bust, tax revenues plummet and the government has to spend an ever greater
proportion of those dwindlling tax revenues on servicing its national debt in a downward spiral
leading to a deeper depression. Of course, a government can also balance a budget by simply
giving all of its revenues to the banks – and this is where Ireland and Greece are heading,
causing massive social upheavel. The IMF report and economic indicators show that Ireland is
behaving no differently from Greece when it comes to displaying the signs of the death debt
spiral. Tax revenues in Ireland were 49.7 billion in 2007, but fell by a third to 33 billion in 2010.
They are forecast to rise only marginally to 36 billion in 2011. Ireland’s GDP has fallen  from 177
billion in 2006 to 153 billion in 2010. Unemployment is set to climb to 14.5% in 2011, according
to the IMF report. The ECB, IMF and EU statement on the progress Ireland is making has about
as much truth in it as a report in a Nazi German newspaper in 1943 about the battle of
Stalingrad - Germans were also told victory was imminent, a tiny pocket of Red Army resistance
just had to be overcome and then the Wehrmacht would sweep into Asia etc etc And then in
February 1943, Germans woke up one morning to be told that the entire Sixth Army had been
captured. In the same way, eurozone tax payer’s are going to wake up to find that far from
making progress as the IMF and mainstream media pipe, Ireland is sinking deeper into debt and
they will be expected to make endless transfers to it as well as to Greece, Portugal etc The ECB,
EU and IMF report is like a doctor saying all is well with a patient who has just lost their head in
a car crash because the patient still has two legs attached to the body. The economic indicators
the ECB, IMF and EU present in their brief statement are not the relevant ones. They are, in
fact, a fraudulent misrepresentation of the real economic situation of Ireland as a result of the
penal EU, IMF and ECB loan in order to sucker more tax money into a black hole of debt for the
profit of the banks - and the IMF’s own more detailed report shows the truly miserably state of
the Irish economy. Michael Mross warns that Europeans will lose not only all their pensions,
savings and jobs but also the last vestiges of their democratic rights as the bank-controlled state
apparatus moves to crush uprisings by the people they have impoverished. Indeed,
not only do we have bankster puppet Viktor Orban in Hungary planning to put the unemployed
in gulags, banker minion Giorgios Papandreou in Greece is now also setting about establishing a
„Blackwater“-style army of private detectives to chase elusive taxes while marginalising the
court system. Some key excerpts from the IMF report on Ireland:  2008 2009 2011 National accounts
(constant prices)    GDP 5.6 -3.5 -7.6 -0.2 -1.0 0.6       Domestic demand 5.4 -5.1 -13.9 -4.1 -5.6 -
3.5          Private consumption 6.4 -1.5 -7.0 -1.4 -1.2 -1.6          Public consumption 6.9 2.2 -4.4 -
2.0 -2.2 -4.4          Gross fixed investment 2.8 -14.3 -31.0 -21.1 -27.8 -13.5       Net exports 1/ 0.8
1.5 3.8 3.5 3.4 3.5          Exports of goods and services 8.2 -0.8 -4.1 5.8 9.4 6.0          Imports of
goods and services 7.8 -2.9 -9.7 2.2 6.6 3.0 Gross national saving (in percent of GDP) 21.7 16.4
11.5 10.0 10.6 12.2 Private 18.6 24.2 33.3 24.7 30.6 30.5 Public 2.7 -7.8 -21.8 -14.8 -20.0 -18.3
Gross investment (in percent of GDP) 27.3 22.3 14.1 11.8 10.8 10.8 Private 22.5 16.8 9.9 7.0 7.0
7.9 Public 4.8 5.5 4.2 4.7 3.8 2.9 Prices, wages and employment    Harmonized Index of
Consumer Prices (annual average) 2.9 3.1 -1.7 -1.6 -1.6 1.0    Average wages, all economy 5.2 3.5 -
1.0 -3.7 -2.2 -1.2    Employment 3.6 -1.1 -8.1 -4.5 -4.2 -1.4    Unemployment rate (in percent) 4.6
6.3 11.8 13.5 13.6 14.5 Money and credit (end-period)     Irish contribution to euro area money
supply: M3 12.1 -0.6 -5.9 ... -19.6 ...    Irish resident private sector credit 2/ 17.0 7.3 -7.6 ... -5.3 ...
Financial and asset markets (end-period)    Three-month interbank rate 4.6 3.0 0.6 ... 0.9 ...    
10-year government bond 4.5 4.4 4.9 ... 9.2 ...    ISEQ index -26.3 -66.2 27.0 ... -3.0 ...    House
prices (permanent tsb index/ESRI) -6.9 -8.8 -18.5 ... -10.8 ... Public finance (in percent of GDP)
General government balance 0.1 -7.3 -14.3 -32.0 -32.4 -10.6    Primary balance 0.9 -6.3 -12.2 -
29.0 -29.2 -6.7    General government debt  25.0 44.4 65.5 98.9 96.2 111.1 External trade and
balance of payments    Balance of goods and services (percent of GDP) 9.9 9.0 15.0 19.0 18.6
21.0    Current account (percent of GDP) -5.3 -5.6 -3.0 -2.4 -0.7 0.5 Effective exchange rates
(1999:Q1=100, annual average)    Nominal 107.2 112.0 113.1 ... 108.4 ...    Real (CPI based) 119.2
123.8 121.9 ... 112.5 ... Memorandum items:    Population (in millions) 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5    
GDP per capita (in euros) 43,645 40,702 35,801 35,014 34,433 34,969    Sources: Department of
Finance; Central Bank of Ireland; IFS; Bloomberg; and Fund staff calculations.    1/
Contribution to growth. However, the data for exports and imports of goods and services are
annual growth rates.    2/ Adjusted change, which includes the effects of transactions between
credit institutions and non-bank international     financial companies and valuation effects
arising from exchange rate movements.   Real GDP 5.6 -3.5 -7.6 -0.2 -1.0 0.6 1.9 2.4 2.9 3.3 3.3
Real domestic demand 5.4 -5.1 -13.9 -4.1 -5.6 -3.5 0.1 0.8 1.4 2.8 2.9 Real final domestic demand
5.5 -4.3 -12.4 -5.3 -6.5 -3.9 0.1 0.8 1.4 2.8 2.9   Private consumption 6.4 -1.5 -7.0 -1.4 -1.2 -1.6 0.1
0.8 1.2 2.2 2.2   Public consumption 6.9 2.2 -4.4 -2.0 -2.2 -4.4 -1.9 -1.5 -1.5 0.0 0.0   Fixed
investment 2.8 -14.3 -31.0 -21.1 -27.8 -13.5 3.1 4.0 6.0 9.0 9.0   Change in stocks 1/ 0.0 -0.8 -1.4
1.1 0.9 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Net exports 1/ 0.8 1.5 3.8 3.5 3.4 3.5 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.2 1.2   Exports
8.2 -0.8 -4.1 5.8 9.4 6.0 5.2 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9   Imports 7.8 -2.9 -9.7 2.2 6.6 3.0 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.9 4.9
Current account 2/ -5.3 -5.6 -3.0 -2.4 -0.7 0.5 1.2 0.7 0.5 0.0 -0.1 Gross national saving 2/ 21.7
16.4 11.5 10.0 10.6 12.2 12.2 11.9 12.0 11.9 12.4 Private 18.6 24.2 33.3 24.7 30.6 30.5 26.2 23.3
18.4 17.4 17.4 Public 2.7 -7.8 -21.8 -14.8 -20.0 -18.3 -14.0 -11.4 -6.5 -5.5 -5.0 Gross investment 2/
27.3 22.3 14.1 11.8 10.8 10.8 10.8 11.0 11.2 11.7 12.3 Private  22.5 16.8 9.9  7.0 7.0  7.9  8.1 8.3 8.8
9.4 9.9 Public  4.8 5.5 4.2  4.7 3.8  2.9  2.7 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 Prices Consumer prices 2.9 3.1 -1.7 -1.6
-1.6 1.0 0.6 1.4 1.3 1.7 1.7 Wages 5.2 3.5 -0.1 -3.7 -2.2 -1.0 -0.1 0.7 0.7 1.1 1.2 Labor market
Employment 3.6 -1.1 -8.1 -4.5 -4.2 -1.4 0.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.7 Average unemployment rate 4.6 6.3
11.8 13.5 13.6 14.5 13.9 13.2 12.3 11.3 10.5 Public finance    General government balance 2/ 0.1 -
7.3 -14.3 -32.0 -32.4 -10.6 -8.9 -7.4 -4.9 -4.4 -4.2    General government structural balance 3/ -
7.3 -11.5 -9.8 -8.8 -8.9 -6.7 -5.7 -4.8 -3.0 -3.1 -3.1    General government gross debt 2/ 25.0 44.4
65.5 98.9 96.2 111.1 116.7 120.1 119.8 118.7 117.4 Output gap 3/ 6.5 2.2 -5.6 -6.3 -6.6 -6.4 -5.1 -3.7
-2.4 -1.1 0.0   Current account balance -10.2 -4.9 -1.1 0.8 1.9 1.1    Balance of goods and services
16.1 24.0 28.6 32.8 36.4 39.9 Trade balance 23.8 32.4 37.1 39.7 43.0 46.4          Exports of goods
81.0 77.0 83.9 88.2 92.9 97.5          Imports of goods -57.2 -44.7 -46.7 -48.6 -49.9 -51.1      
Services balance -7.7 -8.4 -8.5 -6.9 -6.6 -6.5          Credit 67.9 66.6 73.3 79.1 85.3 91.2          Debit
-75.6 -75.0 -81.8 -86.0 -92.0 -97.7    Income balance -25.2 -27.9 -28.6 -32.1 -34.4 -38.6          
Credit 84.0 54.5 56.8 59.2 60.3 60.9          Debit -109.2 -82.4 -85.3 -91.3 -94.8 -99.4    Current
transfers (net) -1.2 -0.9 -1.2 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 Capital and financial account balance 16.2 -4.6 13.1 -
39.3 -20.9 -11.1    Capital account balance 0.0 -1.3 -0.7 -0.1 -0.4 -0.4      Access to market
funding: this has been the clearest set-back since· program  approval, where despite strong
policy implementation in both the financial and fiscal  areas, the availability of cash and
program financing, and the resolution of political  uncertainty, ratings have been downgraded to
the bottom tier of investment grade,  spreads have widened, and access to markets has not been
regained. A continued  inability to regain market access for the sovereign, and hence for the
banks, would  impede growth, and, if prolonged, would result in a rising share of official
financing  in total public debt that could itself lead to wider spreads and undermine the ability
to  regain market access. In this context, deepening financial stress for other euro area 
periphery countries presents a critical yet largely exogenous risk that needs to be  addressed
through a more comprehensive European plan.    35.      The debt outlook, however, remains
fragile. Debt is projected to peak at  120 percent of GDP in 2013, and to then decline gradually.
The debt path is below the one  projected in the initial program by about  5 percentage points of
GDP, primarily  because the recapitalization cost (net of  LMEs) is now assumed to be about 
€19 billion, less than the program’s  contingency funding for banks of  €35 billion. Debt would
reach about  117 percent of GDP by 2016 under the  planned fiscal consolidation path. Higher 
market interest rates and downsides to  medium-term growth prospects represent  key risks to
putting the debt ratio on a  downward path (Annex). Responding to  downside shocks by
accelerating the  already substantial fiscal adjustment that  has been programmed in the
medium term  would not mitigate these risks as it would further retard growth in an already
weak economic  environment.      Risks to the program, already high at approval, have risen in
some respects. The  combination of slower growth and higher unemployment rates, together
with higher bond  spreads and rating downgrades, have increased downside risks, especially
risks to regaining  market access. At the same time, some risks, such as those from the financial
sector and  political uncertainty would appear to have diminished. But these positive elements
have had  limited or temporary benefits in a context where external developments, such as the 
introduction of the forthcoming European Stability Mechanism or developments in other  24
eurozone periphery countries, drive financial markets and the perception of the probability of 
default.    However, recent growth and interest rate developments points to risks to the debt 
outlook. The alternative scenarios and bound tests illustrate important sensitivities to growth 
and interest rate assumptions: 1  A negative shock to the baseline growth rate could put debt on
an upward· path.  With  a permanent shock of one-third standard deviation, debt would increase
to  136 percent of GDP by 2016. A one-third standard deviation shock reduces the  average
growth rate from 2¾ to 1½ percent over 2011–16. The size of the shock,  which depends on
deviations from the average, is affected by the sharp boom and  bust of the Irish economy over
the past years.    The debt outlook is sensitive to interest rate developments. Since· program
approval,  market interest rates have persisted at high levels. However, Irish government debt 
has predominantly fixed interest rates, hence higher market interest rates would only  affect
interest payments on new borrowings. Therefore, assuming that interest rates  on new
borrowing remain at current levels is equivalent to assuming a ½ percentage  point higher
average interest rate on the full debt stock. In this scenario, debt would  peak at 121 percent of
GDP in 2013, then decline slowly to 120 percent by 2016.    The planned fiscal consolidation,
which is projected to deliver a primary· surplus of  2 percent by 2016, is essential to put debt on
a declining path. In the absence of fiscal  consolidation, debt would reach 151 percent of GDP by
2016 and be on an upward  path.      ]]> 5145 2011-07-15 12:29:20 2011-07-15 12:29:20 open
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e-u-and-e-c-b-are-lying-about-irish-economic-recovery/ 2011-07-15 19:08:56
2011-07-15 19:08:56 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
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15179 http://d 2011-07-15 19:59:21 2011-07-15 19:59:21
1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15180 2011-07-15 20:10:41 2011-07-15
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15182 2011-07-15 20:20:47 2011-07-15 20:20:47 1 15178
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15184 2011-07-15 21:28:45 2011-07-15 21:28:45 1 15179 0
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15172 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15209 2011-07-16 22:18:29 2011-07-16 22:18:29 1 0 0
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15195 0 akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15217 2011-07-17 08:18:46 2011-07-17 08:18:46 1 0 0 jabber_published
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07-18 00:07:34 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-18 20:18:27 1 15254 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-19 19:23:32 1 15271 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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better-driver 2014-11-23 08:38:49 2014-11-23 08:38:49 play whilst traveling IMF
VIRTUALLY CERTAIN | Case About Bird Flu]]> 0 trackback 0 0 akismet_history
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%e2%80%99s-all-greek-to-me/ Mon, 18 Jul 2011 16:11:28 +0000 birdflu666 Andrew Gavin Marshall July 17, 2011
Introduction In late June of 2011, the Greek government passed another round of austerity
measures, ostensibly aimed at getting Greece “back on track” to economic progress, but in
reality, implementing a systematic program of ‘social genocide’ in the name of servicing an
endless and illegitimate debt to foreign banks. Right on cue, protests and riots broke out in
Athens against the draconian measures, and the state moved in to do what states do best:
oppress the people with riot police, tear gas and bashing batons, leaving roughly 300 people
injured. Is Greece simply a case of a country full of lazy people who spent beyond their means
and are now paying for their own decadence? Or, is there something much larger at stake – and
at play – here? Greece is, in fact, a microcosm of the global economy: mired in excessive debt,
economically ruined, increasingly politically repressive and socially explosive. This report takes
a look at the case of the Greek debt crisis specifically, and places it within a wider global context.
The conclusion is clear: what happens in Greece will happen here. This report examines the
Greek crisis, as well as the larger global economic crisis, including the origins of the housing
bubble, the bailouts, the banks, and the major actors and institutions which will come to
dominate the stage over the next decade in what will play out as ‘The Great Global Debt
Depression.’ Read more at:      ]]> 5147
2011-07-18 16:11:28 2011-07-18 16:11:28 open open the-great-global-debt-depression-it
%e2%80%99s-all-greek-to-me publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_5e2c99dc5cabe7599e4db022a6d28b8f 15305 2011-07-20 09:33:42 2011-07-20 09:33:42 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15306 2011-07-20 09:51:50 2011-07-20 09:51:50 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15307 2011-07-20 10:22:02
2011-07-20 10:22:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15308 2011-07-20 10:26:53
2011-07-20 10:26:53 1 15306 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15310 2011-07-20 14:41:24
2011-07-20 14:41:24 1 15307 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15281 2011-07-19 11:26:06
2011-07-19 11:26:06 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15284 2011-07-19 12:18:10
2011-07-19 12:18:10 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15289 http://homeschoolingresource- 2011-07-19 15:37:19 2011-07-19 15:37:19 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15290 2011-07-19 16:05:51 2011-07-19 16:05:51 1 15289 15863804 jabber_published
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uprisings-will-end-euro/ Mon, 18 Jul 2011 16:16:48 +0000 birdflu666
2012]]> 5149 2011-07-18 16:16:48 2011-07-18 16:16:48 open open german-financial-expert-
predicts-popular-uprisings-will-end-euro publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_bfbc85de9dc14a31e1f33dd41eea5fb8 _oembed_efaccf42846231269065492ffcbc4d1b
15247 2011-07-18 17:12:23 2011-07-18 17:12:23 1 0 0 akismet_history
jabber_published akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15318
http://- 2011-07-21 07:45:10 2011-07-21 07:45:10 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15316 2011-07-21 05:17:49
2011-07-21 05:17:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15321 2011-07-21 09:54:52
2011-07-21 09:54:52 1 15318 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15302 2011-07-20 07:18:46
2011-07-20 07:18:46 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15303 http://- 2011-07-20
07:41:08 2011-07-20 07:41:08 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15304 2011-07-20 08:25:45
2011-07-20 08:25:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15298 2011-07-20
02:02:23 2011-07-20 02:02:23 1 15279 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15277 2011-07-19 09:49:34
2011-07-19 09:49:34 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15278 2011-07-19 10:17:04
2011-07-19 10:17:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15279 2011-07-19 10:36:46
2011-07-19 10:36:46 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15605 2011-07-28
08:28:57 2011-07-28 08:28:57 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
germany-wrecks-havoc-with-elite-plans-for-an-eu-financial-union/ Mon, 18 Jul 2011 16:33:57
+0000 birdflu666 * ECB, EU and IMF increase
preasure on Germany to agree to EU treasury, debt pool and tax collection *Widespread
popular opposition in Germany to the eurozone bankster bailouts has reached
critical mass: German financial expert predicts end of the euro currency bloc
brought about by popular uprisings or the markets *Cost of insuring Germany's
national debt soars to new heights as eurozone debt crisis laps at Germany's
borders *EU summit on Thursday sets scene for new confrontation; elite and
people split ways Plans by the elite to use the growing debt crisis engulfing the eurozone to
push through an EU treasury, tax system and bigger debt pool are meeting tough resistance
from the people in Germany, where scepticism about the euro and the bankster bailouts has
reached new heights. Thanks in large part to the independent media, a critical mass of people in
Germany and elsewhere across Europe have come to understand that the eurozone bailouts are
a subterfuge for transferring the wealth of tax payers to American, German and French banks
under the pretext of having to make interest payments on fractional-reserve, paper banking
debts. Financial expert Dirk Müller is even a predicting popular uprisingsto end the euro
experiment. Reuters reports that the grassroots opposition in Germany is so strong that it
limiting the options of the autocratic German government led by Angela Merkel to sideline the
people and parliament ahead of a key summit on Thursday to decide what to do about the
growing debt crisis in Greece. “Recent opinion polls suggest three quarters of Germans have
little confidence in the euro currency, compared to less than half in 2008 before the sovereign
debt crisis took hold. Two thirds either oppose more aid for Greece or think it won't work,” says
Reuters. Reuters points out that the spectrum of people opposing the bailouts encompasses all
groups of society. “Such views are supported not just by populist politicians or the tabloid press,
but university professors like those who are now challenging the legality of the euro-zone
bailouts in the German Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe.” So vocal is the opposition
that even mass circulation Bild has been forced to give space to the arguments of economists like
Hans Werner Sinn -- who went on a talking tour and hired a PR expert to spread the message --
to retain a last vestige of credibility among readers. “Hans-Werner Sinn, head of the Ifo think-
tank that compiles Germany's top economic indicator, warned in Bild -- a tabloid read by 12
million of Germany's 80 million people -- that Greek and Portuguese aid "will be at the expense
of Germans' living standards." "German pensioners will be among the first victims of these
bailouts," said Sinn. This grassroots opposition in Germany is making it impossible for the elite
arrogantly to alter the political and financial architecture of the EU in summits to enable it to
become a financial super state collecting taxes without any accountability to voters. Financial
expert Dirk Müller in an interview with Michael Mross predicted the imminent collapse of the
eurozone, arguing that the point has been reached where people will no longer tolerate the taxes,
low wages, low standards of living being piled on them by the elite for their profit.  He said that
either the financial markets or an uprising by people would put an end to the transfer of wealth
under the pretext of having to pay interest. It is measure of anger felt in Germany that a sober
financial expert like Dirk Müller is openly talking about an uprising by the people against the tax
burden imposed by the brazenly criminal elite. The German government has already committed
68% of  tax payer revenue for debt and refinancing payments for American, German and French
banks as part of the various eurozone bailout funds so far. But there is wide spread recognition
that not even this sum will be enough to stem the tsunami of demand by private banks for
interest to be paid on fractional reserve, paper bank debt. Faced with a refusal by German
people to guarantee more eurozone debt and sign up for Eurobonds and enlarged European
financial stability facility, the EU, IMF and ECB officials are scrambling to find some way of
keeping the transfer of wealth to the elite going by inventing new subterfuges and stepping up
the bullying of an increasingly reluctant Chancellor Angela Merkel, who can see the political
writing on the wall and who is in coalition with a more eurosceptical FDP. In a drastic attempt
to keep the show on the road, elite puppet and Bilderberg SPD shadow finance minister Peer
Steinbrück today offered cross-party SPD support for the disastrous eurobonds and EU financial
government, underlining the way the left/right political paradigm has become obsolete: party
chiefs across the political spectrum all dance to the tune of the banks and corporations. Pressure
is also being piled on the German coalition government to give the go ahead to the
establishment of a centralised finance ministry and Eurobonds EU at an emergency summit this
Thursday by the European Central Bank. Yesterday, the ECB again threatened to cut off liquidity
to insolvent banks in Greece if a default or debt restructuring occurs there . Default or
restructuring is considered necessary by economists to allow Greece to recover economically but
a default will stop the transfer of wealth to an super rich elite under the pretext of the need to
pay interest on debts. The ECB threatened to cut off liquidity to bounce Ireland into penal EU
and IMF “debt death spiral” bailouts at high interest rates, which are choking off economic
growth and burdening eurozone tax payer. And the ECB ordered Portugal’s central bank to cut
off liquidity to banks force the Portuguese government into an EU, IMF bailout . Under the
terms of the bailout, EU and IMF officials also install a financial bureaucracy of occupation to
suck out the taxes and assets of a country, leaving eurozone tax payer’s to make up the interest
payments to banks when the country’s themselves are so economically wrecked that they cannot
afford them. Last week, the eurozone debt crisis underwent a massive escalation when it moved
beyond the peripheral countries of Greece, Ireland and Portugal to the core economies,
engulfing Italy and lapping even at Germany’s borders. The cost of protecting German national
debt soared this week to new heights in a sign that the markets have grasped  that Germany’s
economy is facing a meltdown due to the sheer amount of eurozone debt it is expected to
service. German economist Hans Werner Sinn said Greece is  insolvent – and the current
measure of piling debt on more debt is just prolonging Greece’s inevitable insolvency. So far,
Denmark – not part of the euro currency bloc and with a relatively low national debt -- is the
only country in Europe to have put failed banks through an insolvency procedure. Financial
expert Dirk Müller said a break-up of the eurozone into two blocs could be a way out of the debt
crisis, which has its roots in the loss of competitiveness and deindustrialisation of the southern
European countries. These joined the euro at an exchange rate which was too high to remain
competitive. High ECB interest rates are now further squeezing the southern European
economies. Ireland’s gigantic souvereign debt is solely due to the guarantees that the
government gave for the losses of insolvent banks. A break up of the eurozone into two currency
blocs of comparable economies could allow for a recovery in competitiveness as long as
measures are taken to put failed banks into insolvency and reorder the financial system. Another
alternative to a euro zone break up would be for Germany to quit the eurozone and adopt the D
Mark. The Germans -- who never had a chance to vote for the euro or the Lisbon Treaty --
clearly will not accept the establishment of a financial union serving only the interests of a
tiny elite. With so little political support, it is impossible to see how the ECB, EU and IMF can
continue with their euro project in its current form. Their brazen violation of no bailout out and
debt purchases clauses as well as their dictatorial style has undermined the political credibility
of the ECB, EU and IMF. It has become plain even to supporters that the EU has nothing to do
with peace, solidarity or equality. It is bank controlled machine for looting the people.  No
amount of false flag ops, false flag right wing nationalist parties stoking wars with Arabian
countries and no amount of Europol secret police are going to contain the anger of 400 million
people who see their pensions, savings, jobs being taken from them by a brazenly criminal elite.
The few people apart from tourists attending the pompous state funeral in Vienna, Austria, on
Saturday of EU puppet master Otto Habsburg underlined the lack of any popular support for the
elite’s project of a fourth Holy Roman Empire as a front for a bank and corporate take-over of
Europe. The Habsburg empire was built on a  totalitarian bureaucracy, secret police and
propaganda much like the EU today - but the Habsburg's could never find the alchemical
formula to persuade the people  for any length of time that lumps of clay were gold. To err is
Habsburg.]]> 5151 2011-07-18 16:33:57 2011-07-18 16:33:57 open open people-power-in-
germany-wrecks-havoc-with-elite-plans-for-an-eu-financial-union publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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07:56:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
15334 2011-07-22 10:29:12 2011-07-22 10:29:12 1 0 0
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2011-07-22 14:10:03 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-22 13:35:16 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-22 14:19:09 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-22 14:22:31 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-24 05:48:10 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-19 07:40:09 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-19 06:05:37 1 15261 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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05:16:59 2011-07-19 05:16:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-20 22:18:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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21 17:26:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
15309 2011-07-20 13:12:30 2011-07-20 13:12:30 1 0 0
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2011-07-19 08:27:41 1 15265 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-19 09:33:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-19 14:08:49 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-22 18:20:28 1 15355 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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say-german-economists/ Fri, 22 Jul 2011 12:38:59 +0000 birdflu666 *Greece defaults but default arranged in such a way
that tax payers will pay more *All of the 109-billion euro new Greek bailout will go for
financing Greek debt until 2014 *ESF to be able to buy debt on secondary market
and issue bonds; transfer union cemented *Key issues of Greek insolvency and
lack of competitiveness not addressed *Outright EU fiscal union and eurobonds
avoided due to pressure from German parliament and electorate *Eurozone
continues on unsustainable trajectory of debt, low growth; next crisis
preprogrammed Thursday's eurozone summit was hyped as a make or break moment for
single currency bloc. But if the aim was to provide ease for eurozone tax payers, who are seeing
an ever greater proportion of their taxes being transferred to an elite under the pretext of having
to pay interest payments on fractional-reserve bank debt, it largely failed. Clearly worried that
the German parliament and electorates will rebell, the elite have pulled back from the brink of a
creating an outright fiscal union and seem to be resorting, instead, to an ever more elaborate
and subtle system of smoke and mirrors to pursue the same objetive -- looting tax payers - albeit
a little less aggressively, thereby allowing the eurozone to limp along a little longer as it is sucked
deeper into a debt death spiral. German economist Hans-Werner Sinn swept aside the hype and
today strongly criticised the new Greek bailout package “as bad news for tax payers”, according
to The Telegraph. “Germany and France should not make policies that lead to the
collectivisation of debts in Europe. The financial markets are reacting very positively to
yesterday's agreements. As this is a conflict of apportionment between Europe's tax payers
and investors, this is bad news for tax payer,” Sinn said in an interview with Reuters TV. "The
socialisation of losses goes on  as merrily as before: the extra money which is being given to the
Greeks virtually as a present will never been seen again,“  Sinn told Die Welt. Reiner Holznagel,
vice president of Germany’s League of Taxpayers, also criticised the new eurozone bailout deal.
“There has to be improvement in this respect so that taxpayers aren’t constantly faced with
new liability risks,. The EU decision that the bailout fund in the future can buy debt of states in
crisis by itself seals the transformation into a liability union,” he said.
griechenland-zusagen/4421612.html True, a precedent was set: a eurozone country was allowed
to default on their debt. But Greece’s default was arranged in such a way that it will actually cost
tax payers more money. Greece is to get a new bail out of €109 billion – and all of this will end
up in the pockets of the banks.   According to Austrian media, 88 billion will be used for
refinancing Greek souvereign debt until 2014.  Greece is set to spend 30 billion euros plus every
year until 2015 on debt refinancing; in 2015 , a staggering  75 billion euros will be required by
Greece to pay the interest. Where is the much vaunted involvement of the private sector when
interest payments of virtually the same size are to continue to be made under the new second
Greek bailout as were planned under the first Greek bailout? True, the Brussels summit on
Thursday saw plans for the introduction of eurobonds dropped. But the transfer union was
introduced by another door. The 440 billion eurozone bailout fund, the ESF, is to be
transformed into a new European-style Monetary Fund, able to intervene on the secondary
market to buy the debt of insolvent governments and able to issue its on bonds, which all
eurozone countries are liable for. Indeed, 20 billion of the new Greek bailout fund of 109 billion
euros will be used to buy Greek souvereign bonds  from banks. Banks will get 50% of the
nominal value for bonds. Because the banks borrowed money from the ECB to buy the bonds,
they are making a huge profit. This measure appears to aim at recapitalising insolvent banks.
There is no sign that eurozone leaders are ready to address the fundamental problems created
by so many insolvent banks – and by a financial system based fractional reserve banking and
money creation as debt. There seem to be just more creative ways of funnelling money to the
banks to hoodwink angry citizens. In spite of the hype, the eurozone summit also failed to
address the key issue of the insolvency of Greece. True, interest rates for Greece, Ireland and
Portugal are to be reduced from about 6% to 3.5% and maturities on Greece’s debt are to be
extended from the current 7.5 years to somewhere between 15 years and 30 years, a welcome
move. But what use is such a reduction if the countries still cannot return to the markets to
finance their own debt and so will depend on transfers indefinitely? What was needed was a
substantial haircut of Greek debt by two thirds or so to 60% of GDP not an overall reduction of
only about a quarter. Ireland is to to pay 800 million less in interest rates a year under the new
deal but budget cuts of 3.6 billion are being planned in December , and the people of Ireland will
continue to see their wealth transferred to foreign creditors while domestic demand is crushed.
A strong export sector may see Ireland able eventually to servicve its debt at lower interest rates
- but why should all the current account surpluses Ireland generates go to pay foreign creditors
even if Ireland manages this unlikely feat? There is virtually zero prospect of Greece ever being
able to service ist staggering mountain of debt no matter how low the interest rate is.
Handicapped by corrupt government elite working hand in hand with a complicit EU elite, it is
not clear whether how much or any of the EU funds to be mobilised for a “a comprehensive
strategy for growth and investment“ for Greece will end up diverted into offshore bank accounts.
No measures to address the fundamental problems of the eurozone countries sinking under a
mountain of fractional reserve banking debt have been introduced. There are no plans to allow
countries like Greece to regain competitiveness and generate more income by introducing the
Drachma. The new package does little to stop the transfer of wealth from eurozone taxpayers to
an elite under the pretext of having to pay interest on fractional reserve debts. It just creates new
mechanisms for doing so at a somewhat slower pace. Terrified of angry citizens, the EU elite
have not dared to embark on full scale fiscal union and eurobonds. They have not dared to
continue with their flagrant looting of tax payers as before with penal interest rates, crushing
economies. They have been forced to make some concessions to tax payers, such as introducing
the possibility of a default for an indebted country. But a closer look at the new Greek bailout
shows that behind all the smoke and mirrors, tax payers will see only a little less of their money
being transferred to banks as interest payments on debt. We need real defaults, real haircuts for
bondholders and real mechanisms for dealing with insolvent and uncompetitive countries – DM
or Drachma? -- that lead to a unambiguous and verifiable reduction in the amount of tax money
going to banks in the eurozone. In the long term, the entire financial system based on debt has
to be overhauled. The results of the summit -- a default by Greece and lower interest rates --
offer a glimmer of hope that continuing pressure by citizens will bring about meaningful action
to reduce the debt burden on the eurozone.]]> 5157 2011-07-22 12:38:59 2011-07-22 12:38:59
open open new-greek-bailout-is-bad-deal-for-tax-payers-say-german-economists publish 0 0
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_oembed_dd4c4cb83cbfae4eedc6e76c533d6dfc 15337 2011-07-22 12:58:54
2011-07-22 12:58:54 1 0 15863804 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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debt-ceiling-or-is-it-actually-a-national-bankruptcy-floor/ 2011-07-28 19:28:05
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pandemrix-warning-due-to-narcoplepsy/ Mon, 25 Jul 2011 12:45:48 +0000 birdflu666
warning.html  ]]> 5163 2011-07-25 12:45:48 2011-07-25 12:45:48 open open ema-issues-
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2011-07-26 06:02:17 2011-07-26 06:02:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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pandemrix/ Mon, 25 Jul 2011 12:49:59 +0000 birdflu666
p=5165 William Newton did a splendid journalistic job in researching and documenting Mr.
Murdoch’s other financial interests, especially pharmacology, and vaccines in particular.
Personally, if I could, I’d nominate William Newton for the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism for his article “Murdoch and Vaccines – Exposure of Murdoch’s Crimes Open Up A
Much Larger Story,” which was published July 17, 2011 . This article explains, in my opinion, how the
pharmaceutical industry and money interests ‘play the game’. I hope Mr. Newton doesn’t mind
my quoting his article, but I could not have said it any better and I certainly don’t want to take
his thunder. He’s done a fantastic job, which I applaud, and want to spotlight.  First, Newtown
sets up the piece with some histrionics: A 2010 exposure of Murdoch’s Times of London
revealed that it had published forged documents purporting to show that Iran planned to do
nuclear experiments for an atomic weapon, and as Michael Collins at Oped News points out, it
was Murdoch’s “drumbeat of misinformation” that helped mislead people into believing that
Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attack, supporting Bush’s invasion of Iraq, though
intelligence was “unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent.” Senate Intelligence
Committee Unveils Final Phase II Reports on Prewar Iraq Intelligence June 5, 2008. From there
Newton moves on to the media circus that was created around fabrications regarding Dr.
Andrew Wakefield’s work evaluating digestive problems in autistic children. Some of the
London Times headlines that attacked Dr. Wakefield were:  Callous, unethical and dishonest: Dr
Andrew Wakefield MMR scare doctor Andrew Wakefield makes fortune in US Andrew
Wakefield MMR – the investigation – by Brian Deer MMR doctor Andrew Wakefield ‘abused his
position of trust’ Furthermore, reporter Brian Deer of the Sunday Times [Murdoch-acquired,
1981] took it upon himself to bring a case against Dr. Wakefield regarding ‘fitness to practice
medicine’ before the UK General Medical Council, which then revoked Wakefield’s license to
practice medicine. However, here’s an aside about the Times: That newspaper is managed by
Murdoch’s son, James, who is on the board of directors of GlaxoSmithKline, the British
pharmaceutical company that manufacturers the MMR vaccine, which Dr. Wakefield was
suggesting be not given as a combination vaccination because of possible negative health
implications for infants and toddlers. Wakefield suggested that until further studies, that the
measles vaccine be given as a separate vaccine rather than in combination as the MMR
(Measles, Mumps, Rubella). He did not suggest that children not take a measles vaccine, only
that there be caution until the MMR was investigated further. This reasonable suggestion was
met immediately by the single measles vaccines being taken off the market. Incidentally, Dr.
Wakefield wrote a paper about his finding on digestive problems in autistic children that was
published in The Lancet in 1998. Let’s fast-forward to 2010 when Brian Deer started his
campaign to get Wakefield’s Lancet article retracted, which it did stating that it was ‘fraudulent’
(…proven to be false). The question
medicine and pharmacology ought to be asking is how much damage has ensued as a result of
the skullduggery involved in destroying Dr. Wakefield’s legitimate findings, as he is a
gastroenterologist, by not taking into consideration mitochondrial information with regard to
autistic children. As Newton points out, Mitochondrial dysfunction has been confirmed by other
studies but taking down Wakefield in a big way became a means of discrediting anyone
questioning vaccines. Wakefield was cast as a fraud and so all those voicing concerns were
dismissed by reference to him. But that’s where The Lancet or the UK General Medical Council’s
Fitness to Practise Panel made a BIG mistake, in my opinion, and as Newton says, Children with
autism are far more likely to have deficits in their ability to produce cellular energy than are
typically developing children, a new study by researchers at UC Davis has found. The study,
published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found that cumulative
damage and oxidative stress in mitochondria, the cell’s energy producer, could influence both
the onset and severity of autism, suggesting a strong link between autism and mitochondrial
defects. From my research in vaccines over numerous years, I’ve come to the conclusion that
mitochrondrial disease may be latent in many infants and toddlers, and neurotoxic and
poisonous adjuvants, excipients, and media in vaccines just may be the trigger that pushes
mitochrondrial disease into full gear activity in children. I’ve even come to the conclusion that
maybe it would be wise to develop a blood test that ascertains if a child has mitochrondrial
tendencies be administer to all children before any ‘routine scheduled’ vaccinations are given. If
the results are positive or even questionable, DON’T vaccinate that child under any
circumstances, as there will be grave lifelong damage to him or her. Now here just may be the
crux to this entire Wakefield-Murdoch-Vaccine entanglement.  Newton points out that In
opening up the issue mitochrondrial dysfunction and urging a shift back to a single measles
vaccine (an earlier vaccine), Wakefield may have stumbled onto something explosive. For the
MMR vaccine appears to be the third generation of vaccines, what are called DNA vaccines.
They involve shooting genetically engineered material into the body, often using gene guns that
were used into the genetic engineering of seeds, in order to achieve DNA “uptake.” …  And what
is meant by DNA uptake? Does it mean as it sounds, that genetically engineered material is
taken up by the DNA of those being injected with it? And if so, does that mean that these
vaccines are genetically altering (or “engineering”) those receiving the vaccines? Is it possible
that the mitochrondrial dysfunction seen in autistic children is a result of their DNA having been
compromised? The new DNA vaccines derive from failed gene therapy. Are the new DNA
vaccines a continuation of experiments in genetic engineering, being conducted on millions of
children? It should be noted that 23 of the new DNA vaccines have been linked to autism. Can
they, in effect, be the real ‘smoking gun’ cause of autism? Now here’s where all the above ties up
into a huge red bow: Rupert Murdoch has hefty financial interests and ties to the
pharmaceutical industry, international banking connections, and stock market power brokers
who hold the world’s financial interests in their ‘covetous’ hands. Newton says that Members of
this group, along with George Soros-directed assets, virtually monopolized the genetics industry
during the 1990s, culminating in the corporate privatization of the Human Genome Project. Of
course, everyone knows that George Soros is a backer of U.S. President Barack Obama’s agenda.
Topping off all this is the fact that Rupert Murdoch’s son, James—heir apparent, according to
Newton, oversees GlaxoSmithKline, another major H1N1 vaccine maker. Many more of Rupert
Murdoch’s business associates sit as members of the boards of directors of Merck & Company;
Kolberg, Kravitz, Robertz & Company (KKR); and even one of KKR’s top echelon personnel was
one of the founders of the Coalition to Advance Healthcare Reform (CAHR) now known as
“ObamaCare.” It sounds like Rupert Murdoch is akin to an octopus with tentacles far reaching
and some very deeply, especially in pharmaceuticals and the global media, i.e., radio, television,
newspapers, and other print media. Let’s see how far the inquiry goes into the British cell
hacking fiasco and if it will cross the pond into the United States. If what we are hearing about
what went on at his newspapers multiplies, we can only imagine what has been going on behind
closed doors in the world of pharmaceuticals.  One indication of how nasty the vaccine agenda is
becoming is the sad article about 131 Children vaccinated at gunpoint in Nsanje [Africa]
What’s going on that everyone has to be vaccinated—even at gunpoint?  If I were on the
Parliament’s panel questioning the Messrs. Murdoch, I would ask them that question.
06_17_2011_Autism_2011&utm_medium=email]]> 5165 2011-07-25 12:49:59 2011-07-25
12:49:59 open open murdoch%e2%80%99s-vaccine-world-james-murdoch-sits-on-board-of-
gsk-manufacturer-of-pandemrix publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_d2af1139e6a66b1fac67cfd5c99f228d _oembed_3823f4dca2ff35a37c0a58127f61aaa5
40158 2015-04-16 06:08:57 2015-04-16 06:08:57 0 0 30565386
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history email_notification_jobid
email_notification_queued akismet_result akismet_history 40166 2015-04-16 20:11:11 2015-04-16 20:11:11 Real News
Australia.]]> 0 0 40063977 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history
email_notification_jobid email_notification_queued reblog_ping akismet_history 15492 2011-07-26 06:49:07 2011-07-26 06:49:07 1 15491 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15493 2011-07-26 07:10:51 2011-07-26 07:10:51 1 15492 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15491 2011-07-26 06:26:33
2011-07-26 06:26:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-26 08:22:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-25 13:13:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-25 13:32:13 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-25 18:20:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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22:08:43 2011-07-25 22:08:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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00:36:22 2011-07-26 00:36:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-26 08:34:08 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-27 08:37:46 1 15488 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 08:45:25 1 15488 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15805 2011-07-31 06:35:37 2011-07-31 06:35:37 1 0
0 jabber_published hc_post_as hc_avatar hc_foreign_user_id _elasticsearch_indexed_on
15900 2011-08-01 18:19:53 2011-08-01 18:19:53 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15901 2011-08-01 18:24:09
2011-08-01 18:24:09 1 15608 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 40157 2015-04-16 06:08:33 2015-04-16
06:08:33 dianedraytonbuckland and commented: Murdoch Daily Telegraph initiating (and
sustaining) pro-vaccination lobby campaigns Murdoch Media No Jab No Play and No Jab No
Pay Campaigns This brings me to ‘No Jab No Play’ and No Jab No Pay’. The No Jab No Play
campaign was initiated by the Murdoch Daily Telegraph. Yes, a newspaper whose function I
understand to be reporting news, not initiating campaigns.
kids-from-childcare-centres-and-preschools/story-fncynjr2-1226635256015 James Murdoch
was a Director of Glaxo Smith Kline one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world. He
decided not to stand for re-election as a Director in 2012, that’s the public story.
board_n_1236256.html One could wonder why a drug and vaccine company needed the skills of
a media expert on its board. Clearly they have felt threatened by the trend of more people
questioning vaccines. By 2012 my assessment is that GSK and the industry’s media strategy had
been born, now it would serve GSK better if Murdoch was not tied to them, ‘Plausible
Deniability’ they call it in the game. The mood has definitely altered on the issue in Australia
and there is now a vehement element of the public who have taken as granted the Murdoch
Campaign’s one sided painting of vaccines as free from risk and the only responsible decision for
every disease for every person. The Murdochs were successful in having NSW State Law passed
on the strength of supposed public support that had to a large degree been manufactured by the
Murdoch Press for ‘No Jab No Play’. Under this law children could not be enrolled in Preschools
if they had not been vaccinated. Now our Prime Minister Tony Abbott has announced a policy
that parents receiving social security benefits for their children will only receive it if their
children have been vaccinated in accordance with the recommended public health
recommendations (‘No Jab No Pay’). Movement into mandating vaccination and taking away
parental rights to make a decision considering the welfare of their child is a worrying step.
Vaccination is not black and white and parents do have the right to weigh up evidence. ]]> 0 0
30565386 _elasticsearch_indexed_on email_notification_jobid email_notification_queued
reblog_ping akismet_history akismet_result akismet_history 39224 2015-02-04 03:04:10 2015-02-04 03:04:10
ingaorama and commented: Just a reminder...Money matter all over the lace vested interests! Is
it possible that the mitochrondrial dysfunction seen in autistic children is a result of their DNA
having been compromised? The new DNA vaccines derive from failed gene therapy. Are the new
DNA vaccines a continuation of experiments in genetic engineering, being conducted on
millions of children? It should be noted that 23 of the new DNA vaccines have been linked to
autism. Can they, in effect, be the real ‘smoking gun’ cause of autism? Now here’s where all the
above ties up into a huge red bow: Rupert Murdoch has hefty financial interests and ties to the
pharmaceutical industry, international banking connections, and stock market power brokers
who hold the world’s financial interests in their ‘covetous’ hands. Newton says that Members of
this group, along with George Soros-directed assets, virtually monopolized the genetics industry
during the 1990s, culminating in the corporate privatization of the Human Genome Project. Of
course, everyone knows that George Soros is a backer of U.S. President Barack Obama’s agenda.
Topping off all this is the fact that Rupert Murdoch’s son, James—heir apparent, according to
Newton, oversees GlaxoSmithKline, another major H1N1 vaccine maker. Many more of Rupert
Murdoch’s business associates sit as members of the boards of directors of Merck & Company;
Kolberg, Kravitz, Robertz & Company (KKR); and even one of KKR’s top echelon personnel was
one of the founders of the Coalition to Advance Healthcare Reform (CAHR) now known as
“ObamaCare.” It sounds like Rupert Murdoch is akin to an octopus with tentacles far reaching
and some very deeply, especially in pharmaceuticals and the global media, i.e., radio, television,
newspapers, and other print media. Let’s see how far the inquiry goes into the British cell
hacking fiasco and if it will cross the pond into the United States. If what we are hearing about
what went on at his newspapers multiplies, we can only imagine what has been going on behind
closed doors in the world of pharmaceuticals. One indication of how nasty the vaccine agenda is
becoming is the sad article about 131 Children vaccinated at gunpoint in Nsanje [Africa]
What’s going on that everyone has to be vaccinated—even at gunpoint?]]> 0 0 19749501
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history reblog_ping akismet_history
email_notification_jobid email_notification_queued 40175 2015-04-17
13:00:25 2015-04-17 13:00:25 fifa 15 android d pad Murdoch’s Vaccine World - James Murdoch
sits on board of GSK, manufacturer of Pandemrix | Eugenics and pandemics]]> 0 trackback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history
flag/ Tue, 26 Jul 2011 13:24:34 +0000 birdflu666
Kurt Nimmo July 23, 2011 Prior to the events in Norway, the Department of
Homeland Security released a propaganda video characterizing white middle class Americans as
terrorists and members of white al-Qaeda, a term designed to conflate the image of the CIA-
created Islamic terror group and “rightwing extremists” in America. The DHS video is part of
the government’s “See Something, Say Something” mass hysteria campaign and follows its
report leaked to the media in 2009 designating libertarians and Second Amendment advocates
as terrorists and right-wing extremists. The alleged perpetrator in the Norway bombing and
shooting is being described as a right-wing extremist who was a former member of a popular
political party that regards itself to be a “libertarian people’s party” with an ideology based on
classical liberalism. Anders Behring Breivik was at one time a member of the Progress Party,
according to news reports. He was a member from 2004 to 2006 and in its youth party from
1997-2006 through 2007. The Progress Party platform preamble identifies the organization as
populist libertarian and its main declared goal as a reduction in taxes and government
intervention. The CFR says the Progress Party and similar political parties in Sweden and
Finland represent a European Tea Party movement on the rise. In the U.S., the Tea Party has
opposed government bailouts to the banksters and has called for ending the Federal Reserve.
The EU, the IMF and the international bankers are worried about growing populism in Europe.
“Rising political populism around Europe, driven by public anger over the impact of the
financial crisis, threatens to make solving the euro zone’s debt woes increasingly difficult,”
Reuters reported in April. Millions of Europeans are opposed to raiding their treasuries to pay
for debt contrived by the bankers and have turned in large numbers to political parties such as
the True Finns. The True Finns’ main campaign plank is opposition to funding a bailout for
Portugal. In April, the Finnish party emerged from relative obscurity and moved into the
political limelight. Its sudden popularity took the European establishment by surprise. The false
flag attack in Norway arrives as populism grows in Germany, Europe’s reluctant paymaster for
the contrived debt-based economic crisis. Establishment politicians in Germany have balked at a
second bankster bailout. “We did it once, and we cannot do it a second time, we simply can’t,”
said Jochen Sanio, head of the German financial market watchdog BaFin. Sanio said if the
government raided the German treasury again the “taxpayers would come and hang all of us.”
The EU and the European political establishment are beholden to the bankers and their “free
market” – as in free to loot and plunder – neoliberal policies and have now pulled out all the
stops in an effort to crush resistance to endless bailouts designed to crash local economies and
destroy national sovereignty. Read more at:
terror-attack-a-false-flag/  ]]> 5169 2011-07-26 13:24:34 2011-07-26 13:24:34 open open
evidence-shows-norway-terror-attack-a-false-flag publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_d55d11e21592d2e2507ebb5ad7bfb1fb 15503 http://- 2011-07-26 14:40:25 2011-07-26 14:40:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15507 2011-07-26 15:15:22
2011-07-26 15:15:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-26 16:44:27 1 15503 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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17:20:36 2011-07-26 17:20:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-26 17:33:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-26 17:35:43 1 15510 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-26 21:55:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-27 06:34:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-27 11:18:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-27 11:35:48 1 15551 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15556 2011-07-27 12:26:17
2011-07-27 12:26:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
gunman%e2%80%99s-name-before-arrest/ Tue, 26 Jul 2011 13:26:47 +0000 birdflu666 Paul Joseph Watson Monday, July 25,
2011 Despite being portrayed by the media as inept due to the length of time it took them to
reach the island of Utoeya, it has now emerged that police knew the name of gunman Anders
Behring Breivik before they even arrested him, a startling admission that prompted one of
Britain’s top news anchors to question how authorities were aware of the gunman’s identity in
advance. During his Channel 4 News broadcast on Friday evening, host Jon Snow asked “why
police knew the killer’s name by the time they had arrived on the island,” reported the Telegraph
live blog. “He surrendered the moment police called his name 3 minutes after they arrived.
What we don’t know is how the police knew the terrorist’s name before they arrested him,” said
Snow, who is recognized as one of Britain’s most trusted news anchors, and cannot be dismissed
as a “conspiracy theorist”. Snow also posed the question on his official Twitter page. How
authorities knew the gunman’s identity before his slaughter of young Norwegians on the island
of Utoeya had even come to an end, and while the overwhelming speculation still centered
around Islamic terrorists, is a mystery, as is the question of why the cops didn’t shoot Breivik
immediately. Read more at:
arrest/]]> 5171 2011-07-26 13:26:47 2011-07-26 13:26:47 open open police-knew-gunman
%e2%80%99s-name-before-arrest publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 15525 2011-07-26 21:34:42 2011-07-26 21:34:42 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15537 2011-07-27 08:09:18
2011-07-27 08:09:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15584 2011-07-28
00:04:20 2011-07-28 00:04:20 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15600 2011-07-28 07:49:47
2011-07-28 07:49:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
reserve-made-16-trillion-in-secret-loans-to-their-bankster-friends/ Tue, 26 Jul 2011 13:28:06
+0000 birdflu666 The American Dream July 25,
2011 A one-time limited GAO audit of the Federal Reserve that was mandated by the Dodd-
Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has uncovered some eye-popping
corruption at the Fed and the mainstream media is barely even covering it.  It turns out that the
Federal Reserve made $16.1 trillion in secret loans to their bankster friends during the financial
crisis.  You can read a copy of the GAO investigation for yourself right here.  These loans only
went to the “too big to fail” banks and to foreign financial institutions.  Not a penny of these
loans went to small banks or to ordinary Americans.  Not only did the banksters get trillions in
nearly interest-free loans, but the Fed actually paid them over 600 million dollars to help run
the emergency lending program.  The GAO investigation revealed some absolutely stunning
conflicts of interest, and yet the mainstream media does not even seem interested.  Solid
evidence of the looting of America has been put right in front of us, and yet hardly anyone wants
to talk about it. Many Americans have a hard time grasping just how large 16.1 trillion dollars is. 
It is an amount of money that is almost inconceivable.  It is more than the GDP of the United
States for an entire year.  It is more than the U.S. government has spent over the last four years
combined. The Federal Reserve was just creating gigantic piles of cash out of thin air and
throwing them around with wild abandon. One of the only members of Congress that has
wanted to talk about the GAO audit has been U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders.  The following is a
statement about this audit that was taken from his official website…. “As a result of this audit,
we now know that the Federal Reserve provided more than $16 trillion in total financial
assistance to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States
and throughout the world” So precisely who got this money? Well, a recent article on Raw Story
named some of the big Wall Street banks that got some of this money…. Out of all borrowers,
Citigroup received the most financial assistance from the Fed, at $2.5 trillion. Morgan Stanley
came in second with $2.04 trillion, followed by Merill Lynch at $1.9 trillion and Bank of
America at $1.3 trillion. But it just wasn’t U.S. banksters that were showered with nearly
interest-free loans.  It turns out that approximately $3.08 trillion went to foreign financial
institutions all over Europe and Asia. So who in the world gave the Federal Reserve permission
to bail out financial institutions all over the world? Nobody did. But under our current system
the Federal Reserve doesn’t have to get permission.  They literally get to do whatever they want.
On his website, Senator Sanders expressed his outrage over these foreign loans…. “No agency of
the United States government should be allowed to bailout a foreign bank or corporation
without the direct approval of Congress and the president” So should we expect Congress to
approve legislation that would reduce the power of the Fed? Of course not. We all know that is
not going to happen. The Federal Reserve is run like a dictatorship.  They get to do what they
want and nobody can stop them. Not only did the Fed dish out over $16 trillion in secret loans to
their friends, but they also paid their bankster friends over 600 million dollars to help them do
it. Read more at:
loans-to-their-bankster-friends/  ]]> 5174 2011-07-26 13:28:06 2011-07-26 13:28:06 open open
the-federal-reserve-made-16-trillion-in-secret-loans-to-their-bankster-friends publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last _oembed_f424d87bb99ca0fbbbe4aa6cb524f747
_oembed_6e3b559adbf7fbcd6f9354082dfebafd 15589 http://- 2011-07-28 04:44:11 2011-07-28 04:44:11 1 15559 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15504 2011-07-26 14:42:25 2011-07-26 14:42:25 1 0 0 jabber_published
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2011-07-26 16:13:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-26 21:24:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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06:04:56 2011-07-27 06:04:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-27 08:14:30 1 15524 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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energy-400-billion-dollar-secret/ 2011-07-27 09:02:15 2011-07-27 09:02:15 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
15558 http://- 2011-07-27 12:40:40 2011-07-27 12:40:40
1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15559
2011-07-27 13:15:51 2011-07-27 13:15:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15560 2011-07-27 14:35:51 2011-
07-27 14:35:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15561 2011-07-27 15:35:08
2011-07-27 15:35:08 1 15560 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15733 2011-07-30 00:50:35 2011-07-30 00:50:35 1
15504 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15734 2011-07-30
00:51:24 2011-07-30 00:51:24 1 15538 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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15589 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 15770 2011-07-30 10:13:36 2011-07-30 10:13:36 1 0 0
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reserve-do-you/ 2011-08-06 21:03:20 2011-08-06 21:03:20 1 pingback 0 0
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2011-08-08 11:43:15 2011-08-08 11:43:15 1 15770 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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masons%e2%80%99-patsy%e2%80%99/ Tue, 26 Jul 2011 13:49:58 +0000 birdflu666
behring-was-masons-patsy/ Breivik was a freemason belonging to the St Johannes lodge
according to some media sources and  he also mentioned terror cells in Austria in his so-called
manifesto.  The funeral of freemason Otto Habsburg in Vienna recently was attended by high-
ranking elite freemasons including Prince Michael of Kent from England and freemason
royalty from Luxembourg. Indications that Breivik carried out a false flag terror attack in
Norway to allow for the roll out of a police state are numerous and include: *Police took 90
minutes to arrive on Utoya island *Police knew the name of Anders Behring Breivik before they
arrested him *Police allegedly used tear gas: no shoot to kill policy more usual for gunmen in
similar situations *Brevik was allowed past security check point after a phone call to the
island youth camp organisers informing them a police officer would carry out an inspection
following the bomb explosion in Oslo, says Norway's  Dagbladet *Security guard Simon
Braenden Mortensen allowed Brevik onto Utoya: a fake ID?
polizei-und-geheimdienst-auf-utoya/ *A police officer should have been on the island due to a
visit by former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland on Friday *Brevik carried out the
executions of his victims with military planning and precision; evidence of others involved *
Breivik registered a company employing more than 700 people, contradicts official version of
him as a failure *Breivik's manifesto is largely taken from 1995 una bomber Theodore Kacyznski
*Christian added to his facebook profile after the terror attack to justify profiling Christians as
terrorists and arresting them preventatively >
behring-breivik-facebook-profile-a-fake/ *Austrian Interior Minister Johann Mikl-Leitner today
used the Breivik false flat attack to call for anti terror laws similar to the emergency laws
introduced by Adolf Hitler in 1933 to allow for the large scale arrest of political opponents as a
"preventative measure". The European Arrest Warrant would allow Austrian judges to arrest
political opponents throughout EU. Laws are illegal under the principles condified under
the Nuremberg Judges Trial of 1947.  Austria was the only country to support a proposal by the
EU to raise its own taxes.    

]]> 5176 2011-07-26 13:49:58 2011-07-26 13:49:58 open open alex-jones-%e2%80%98anders-
behring-was-masons%e2%80%99-patsy%e2%80%99 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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07-28 07:04:46 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 07:37:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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28 08:06:07 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 08:20:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 08:26:30 1 15593 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 08:45:13 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 09:01:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 09:43:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 10:23:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 11:43:00 1 15617 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 12:37:08 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-28 12:39:12 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 12:39:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 12:48:18 1 15620 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-28 13:59:52 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 14:06:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 15:04:39 1 15595 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 15:12:28 1 15597 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 15:16:05 1 15601 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 15:23:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 15:28:29 1 15623 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 16:03:14 1 15629 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 16:21:45 1 15618 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 16:42:29 1 15620 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 17:03:44 1 15634 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 17:09:15 1 15632 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 17:36:13 1 15635 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 17:45:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 18:10:06 1 15630 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 18:23:46 1 15636 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 18:29:12 1 15638 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 18:38:32 1 15636 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 18:41:28 1 15641 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 18:49:40 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 19:02:13 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 19:27:51 1 15645 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 19:51:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 19:54:36 1 15614 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 20:03:39 1 15648 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-28 21:00:03 1 15615 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 08:10:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-29 08:20:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 08:56:52 1 15659 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 09:06:31 1 15660 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-29 09:07:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 09:19:12 1 15662 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-29 09:23:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 09:28:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-29 09:32:42 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 09:33:03 1 15664 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 09:41:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-29 09:45:20 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 10:12:57 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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29 10:29:05 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 10:45:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 10:54:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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29 12:49:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
15675 2011-07-29 12:50:09 2011-07-29 12:50:09 1 15664
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2011-07-29 15:12:18 1 15682 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 15:17:11 1 15674 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 15:22:09 1 15678 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 15:36:16 1 15684 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 15:58:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 16:36:55 1 15676 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 16:47:29 1 15687 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 17:03:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 17:21:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 18:17:50 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 18:34:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 18:38:02 1 15696 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 18:40:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 18:40:48 1 15687 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 18:56:00 1 15698 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 18:58:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 19:23:42 1 15710 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-29 20:03:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 20:23:51 1 15712 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 20:26:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 20:29:48 1 15716 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 20:32:12 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 20:41:47 1 15715 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 20:53:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-29 21:25:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-29 21:31:35 1 15716 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 21:38:57 1 15723 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 21:50:50 1 15725 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 22:01:02 1 15726 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 22:02:37 1 15635 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 22:20:27 1 15592 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-29 23:50:40 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 00:13:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 07:41:58 1 15565 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 07:45:52 1 15569 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 07:51:49 1 15575 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 07:58:05 1 15583 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 07:59:45 1 15591 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 08:02:17 1 15729 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 08:07:51 1 15596 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 08:11:50 1 15602 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 08:33:36 1 15716 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 08:38:24 1 15723 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 08:42:09 1 15731 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 08:54:35 1 15738 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:02:20 1 15740 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:02:50 1 15702 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:05:11 1 15706 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:08:18 1 15725 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:10:20 1 15741 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:23:24 1 15627 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:26:40 1 15752 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:28:50 1 15628 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:34:52 1 15649 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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09:42:34 2011-07-30 09:42:34 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 09:51:06 1 15755 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 10:01:23 1 15767 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 10:27:13 1 15769 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 11:22:27 1 15762 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 12:20:52 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 12:35:46 1 15774 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 12:39:11 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 13:55:32 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 14:02:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-30 17:29:06 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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17:59:30 2011-07-30 17:59:30 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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18:42:48 2011-07-30 18:42:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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30 20:12:50 1 15783 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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21:38:20 2011-07-30 21:38:20 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-30 22:32:20 1 15772 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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31 05:19:11 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
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2011-07-31 05:54:14 1 15801 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 06:08:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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31 06:57:48 1 15803 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 07:42:56 0 15806 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
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2011-07-31 07:58:23 1 15804 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 10:09:18 1 15785 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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31 10:30:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 11:05:00 1 15813 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 11:18:16 1 15814 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 11:39:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 11:56:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 12:04:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 12:05:20 1 15802 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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31 12:15:34 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
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2011-07-31 12:42:09 1 15817 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 12:43:35 1 15821 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 12:56:36 1 15825 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 13:04:20 1 15825 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 13:14:01 1 15827 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-31 14:25:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 14:39:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 15:22:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 15:36:45 1 15832 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 16:19:50 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 16:35:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 17:04:31 1 15835 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 17:24:30 1 15836 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 17:38:57 1 15838 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-31 19:05:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 19:42:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 19:48:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 19:52:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-31 19:54:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 20:05:34 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-31 20:10:28 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-31 20:15:10 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 20:17:51 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 20:28:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-31 20:58:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 21:08:13 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 21:32:09 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 21:47:40 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 21:54:23 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-07-31 22:00:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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07-31 22:06:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 08:57:33 1 15863 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 09:14:30 1 15868 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 09:24:57 1 15863 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 09:29:17 1 15868 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 09:31:56 1 15868 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 10:03:08 1 15875 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 10:06:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 10:14:33 1 15876 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 10:32:41 1 15876 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 11:00:16 1 15876 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 11:27:28 1 15876 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 11:46:42 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 11:57:05 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 12:35:56 1 15876 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 12:52:20 1 15876 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 13:04:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 15887 2011-08-01 13:19:38
2011-08-01 13:19:38 1 15876 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 14:12:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 15:42:07 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 15:48:30 1 15889 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 20:03:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 20:22:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-01 23:09:57 1 15905 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-02 08:58:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-02 09:44:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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02 20:18:54 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history
15945 2011-08-03 07:46:30 2011-08-03 07:46:30 1 15944 0 jabber_published
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08-03 09:27:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-03 09:40:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-03 09:52:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-03 09:53:53 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-03 09:54:07 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-03 10:11:12 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-03 10:12:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-03 12:49:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-03 21:06:26 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-03 21:30:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-03 21:49:44 1 15978 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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05 14:33:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16034 2011-08-05 20:33:52 2011-08-05 20:33:52 1 0 0
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akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16038 2011-08-05 21:40:31 2011-08-05 21:40:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16064 2011-08-06
09:58:45 2011-08-06 09:58:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-06 10:06:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-06 10:09:39 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-06 11:23:32 2011-08-06 11:23:32 1 16051 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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08-06 13:27:22 2011-08-06 13:27:22 1 16048 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16081 2011-08-06 14:04:46
2011-08-06 14:04:46 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-07 10:51:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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akismet_history 16106 2011-08-07 17:35:41 2011-08-07
17:35:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16107 2011-08-07 18:00:18 2011-08-07 18:00:18 1 0 0 jabber_published
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2011-08-08 15:08:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-08 21:16:30 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-09 06:22:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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09 11:47:56 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
falsifications-of-clinical-trials/ Mon, 08 Aug 2011 13:53:27 +0000 birdflu666 Page Last Updated: 07/26/2011 The
FDA is notifying pharmaceutical companies that bioanalytical studies conducted by Cetero
Research, Houston, Texas (Cetero) between April 2005 and June 2010 in support of marketing
applications may need to be repeated or confirmed. Cetero is a contract research organization
(CRO) that performs bioequivalence and pharmacokinetic testing for a number of
pharmaceutical companies.  The FDA is asking drug sponsors to identify those tests conducted
by Cetero during the designated time frame that were used to support New Drug Applications
(NDAs) and Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs). Drug sponsors will need to
determine whether any of the testing performed by Cetero should be re-done.       Also, the FDA
will send letters to drug sponsors with pending applications, requesting that they either repeat
the bioequivalence testing done by Cetero or retest drug samples using a different test
laboratory or contractor.   It is unlikely that these concerns relating to data integrity affect the
overall safety and efficacy of drugs already on the market and, at this time, there is no evidence
of problems with the safety, quality, purity or potency of drugs already approved. However, as a
precautionary measure the FDA is asking drugsponsors to review the testing in question
conducted by Cetero to make sure that data are completely reliable.       FDA is taking this action
as a result of two inspections of Cetero’s bioanalytical facility in Houston, Texas conducted in
2010, as well as the company’s own investigation and third party audit.  The inspections and
audit identified significant instances of misconduct and violations of federal regulations,
including falsification of documents and manipulation of samples.       The pattern of misconduct
was serious enough to raise concerns about the integrity of the data Cetero generated during the
five-year time frame.  FDA concurs with the assessment of Cetero’s independent auditor who
stated, “This misconduct appears to be significant enough to cast doubt on the data generated…
If the foundation of the laboratory is corrupt, then the data generated will be also.”  As noted in
a letter FDA sent to the company, Cetero also failed to conduct an adequate internal
investigation to determine the extent and impact of the violations and failed to take sufficient
measures to assure data integrity within the 5 year time frame.       As noted in the July 26 letter
sent to Cetero, “FDA has reached this conclusion for three reasons: (1) the widespread
falsification of dates and times in laboratory records for subject sample extractions, (2) the
apparent manipulation of equilibration or ‘prep’ run samples to meet pre-determined
acceptance criteria, and (3) lack of documentation regarding ‘prep’ runs that prevented you
from conducting an adequate internal investigation to determine the extent and impact of these
violations.”]]> 5178 2011-08-08 13:53:27 2011-08-08 13:53:27 open open pharmaceutical-
companies-massive-falsifications-of-clinical-trials publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 16198 2011-08-09 05:54:39 2011-08-09 05:54:39 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16199 2011-08-09 05:56:33
2011-08-09 05:56:33 1 16172 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16127 2011-08-08 14:17:54
2011-08-08 14:17:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16132 2011-08-08 15:36:37
2011-08-08 15:36:37 1 16127 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16134 2011-08-08 15:48:55
2011-08-08 15:48:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16135 2011-08-08 15:54:03
2011-08-08 15:54:03 1 16134 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16136 2011-08-08 16:02:07
2011-08-08 16:02:07 1 16134 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16138 2011-08-08 16:07:49
2011-08-08 16:07:49 1 16135 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16139 2011-08-08 16:09:00
2011-08-08 16:09:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16140 2011-08-08 16:12:26
2011-08-08 16:12:26 1 16138 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16143 2011-08-08 16:22:58
2011-08-08 16:22:58 1 16139 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16155 2011-08-08 17:26:37
2011-08-08 17:26:37 1 16143 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16172 http://- 2011-08-08
20:06:14 2011-08-08 20:06:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16174 http://- 2011-08-08
20:08:20 2011-08-08 20:08:20 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16177 2011-08-08 21:30:01
2011-08-08 21:30:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16200 2011-08-09 06:09:51
2011-08-09 06:09:51 1 16199 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
millions-mount-in-danish-autism-fraud-case/ Mon, 08 Aug 2011 13:54:37 +0000 birdflu666   This latest revelation, appearing in Danish daily
“Information”, means the amount of money lost as part of  the the scandal about research
money from the US-based health agency CDC to Danish research institutions has grown
considerably in size sinceAarhusUniversityissued a statement about the discovery of a
“considerable shortfall” concerning the American funding of Danish epidemiological autism
research in January 2010.   Last winter several Danish newspapers reported the amount of
money missing to be around 10 million DKK.   However by July 2011 the millions of DKK that
has disappeared seem to be piling up and the red numbers at the buttom line to have doubled.  
AarhusUniversitymisses 8.7 million DKK due to Poul Thorsen. Danish vaccine manufacturer,
Statens Serum Institute, reported last spring, that Poul Thorsen was suspected of fraud for up to
two million DKK.   Add to these sums the separate Danish case of gross tax evation.   In this case
the Danish autism researcher is charged with accusations of having evaded income for 6.6
million DKK – and thereby cheating Danish tax authorities “SKAT” of 3.4 million DKK.   On top
of these amounts comes the four to five millions now reported missing
atOdenseUniversityHospital.   According to news agency AP, in April 2011 the American state
attorney Sally Quillian Yates fromAtlantaUSAclaimed danish Poul Thorsen extradited for fraud
concerning research grants worth one million US D.   Although there may be some overlapping
concerning the missed one million US D and the four to five million DKK missing at Odense
University Hospital in Denmark, it seems evident, that the money missing in the Poul Thorsen
fraud case is around the double of what was originally admitted by Danish Aarhus University.  
Concerning Dr. Poul Thorsen himself, the Danish news media aren’t exactly booming with news
about his whereabouts, but according to the police ofEastern Jutland, as late as April 29, 2011 
he had not been heard by Danish police about the missing research grants.   Two years ago, in
May 2009, the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI)
andAarhusUniversityin unison reported the case to the police for the first time. This spectacular
step took place, after the discovery of  irregularities concerning the funding of danish autism
research.]]> 5181 2011-08-08 13:54:37 2011-08-08 13:54:37 open open disappearing-millions-
mount-in-danish-autism-fraud-case publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 16126
2011-08-08 14:13:54 2011-08-08 14:13:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16131 2011-
08-08 15:26:38 2011-08-08 15:26:38 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16133 2011-08-08 15:41:54
2011-08-08 15:41:54 1 16131 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16183 2011-08-08
22:05:52 2011-08-08 22:05:52 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16203 2011-08-09 06:29:53
2011-08-09 06:29:53 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 30 Nov -0001
00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666 5183 2011-08-08
13:56:31 0000-00-00 00:00:00 open open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
gets-40-000-signatures-already/ Mon, 08 Aug 2011 16:29:23 +0000 birdflu666
referendum.html "Support for our petition to force a vote smashed through the 40,000 barrier
yesterday. We have already had a massive response since the e-petition launch on Saturday
demanding a referendum on EU membership."]]> 5185 2011-08-08 16:29:23 2011-08-08
16:29:23 open open nigel-farages-e-petition-on-eu-referendum-gets-40-000-signatures-already
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_462ef455f8f8c0b19a424e8325a26c50
_oembed_0e396b9adc29bff13d26e63addeb2bea 16197 2011-08-09 05:48:46
2011-08-09 05:48:46 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16195 http://- 2011-08-09
04:55:28 2011-08-09 04:55:28 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16194 http://- 2011-08-09
04:53:30 2011-08-09 04:53:30 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16146 2011-08-08 16:42:41
2011-08-08 16:42:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16147 2011-08-08 16:44:11
2011-08-08 16:44:11 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16148 2011-08-08 16:47:26
2011-08-08 16:47:26 1 16146 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16156 2011-08-08
17:42:25 2011-08-08 17:42:25 1 16147 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16181 2011-08-08 21:56:04
2011-08-08 21:56:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_history akismet_history
akismet_rechecking akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16223 2011-08-09 17:40:25 2011-08-09 17:40:25 1 16194 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
scam/ Mon, 08 Aug 2011 16:31:28 +0000 birdflu666
p=5188 5188 2011-08-08 16:31:28 2011-08-08 16:31:28 open open irish-blog-fools-crow-
informs-people-of-debt-scam publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_2fe718b68b6d18a13353b63096750c32 16144 2011-08-08 16:38:30
2011-08-08 16:38:30 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16178 2011-08-08 21:36:03 2011-08-08
21:36:03 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16180 2011-08-08 21:50:06 2011-08-08 21:50:06 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16208 2011-08-09 07:09:36 2011-08-09 07:09:36 1 16178 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16209 2011-08-09 07:23:36
2011-08-09 07:23:36 1 16180 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
collapse-could-be-only-weeks-away-says-austrian-economist/ Mon, 08 Aug 2011 16:48:02
+0000 birdflu666
finanzexperte-frank-schaeffler-fordert-weltfinanzgipfel-25509.html The events of the past
couple of weeks show that the USA and eurozone countries can no longer find sufficient money
to pay even the interest on their national debts even as they go about expropriating their people.
The souvereign debts are utlimately set to grow because of the very nature of our financial
system in which money is created by private banks as interest-bearing loans. Eventually, the
credit and debt reach a mathematical limit.
DEBT-CRISIS-HO-by-Ellen-Brown-110607-905.html Because such a limit is an inherent feature
of our financial system as it exists today under the control of private banks who earn interest
everytime they create money, the current crisis is not a temporary one as the controlled
mainstream media maintains. The limit has now been reached. The stock markets may well rise
a few times after they tumble. But eventually, the markets will recognise there is nothing to back
up the gigantic amount of debt existing in the world today. In Europe, specifically in Germany,
people are simply not going to give up what remains of their pensions, welfare benefits, jobs and
so on to make interest payments on the giant black hole of fractional-reserve banking debt.
Making two or three trillion euros available to service Italian and Spanish debt as the „markets“
and banks demand is not a political option. The final collapse of the financial markets and the
dollar and euro currencies, which create money as an interest-bearing loan to private banks,
could come in a just a few weeks, according to Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hörmann. He
advises people to stock up on supplies for 2 to 3 weeks in preparation for an economic
meltdown, which could result in banks shutting down, in liquidity being sucked out of the real
economy and in jobs being lost in a new depression. As the economic cycle grinds to a halt, it
could affect the supply of products to shops. Hörmann warns that any emergency food supplied
by the government might not be enough. If the people in the USA and Europe are ever going to
be able to escape from this misery, they have, however, to do more than pile up food. They have
to change to the fractional-reserve financial system – where banks can print money out of thin
air in return for interest -- and stop the money system being manipulated by a tiny elite for their
profit. The people in the USA and the eurozone are working in a different financial system that
is loaded against them. No matter how hard the majority work, how much creativity they show,
a time will come when there are no jobs, no manufacturing production, no affordable houses
simply because the products of the entire real economy have been used by one rabbit trick or
another to pay off the gigantic interest on an ever growing, non-existent, virtual, paper,
fractional reserve banking debt which governments have burdened tax payers with.  The elite
hope to use this crisis to impose their own new order on the USA and eurozone. The imposition
of a new IMF/SDR currency by the financial elite will permanently brand the US and European
economy with a third world status. To avoid this fate, people in the USA and Europe need to
unite and exert pressure for the establishment of a new democratic financial system that
abolishes the creation of money by private banks as loans and interest bearing debt. Legislation
needs, for example, to be introduced in the USA to renationalise the Federal Reserve, for
example, to put the USA back on track. This is a critical juncture in the history of humanity.
Either people work together and implement measures to change the financial system by putting
the Federal Reserve and the ECB back under public control. Or the people of the USA and
eurozone face debt slavery, poverty and authoritarianism, wars and conflicts engineered by the
banksters. The signs are very hopeful that this crisis can be our opportunity to put our
economies on a sound basis once and for all by reforming our financial and currency systems.
Each one of us can play a part in this historic push to reform the financial and currency systems.
At stake is also our freedom and democratic political systems. The private banking control of our
money system is the root not only of the booms and busts which have scarred the last 100 years
or so but also of the world wars and the loss of our freedom and democracy. A police state is
required whenever most of the produce of any economy goes to banks as interest payments in
return for paper debt, for money printed out of thin air. The need for a police grid is something
that Adolf Hitler’s central banker Hjalmar Schacht himself recognised, urging Hitler to create a
strong dictatorship after the 1931 banking crisis which resulted in savage austerity measures
being imposed on Germans to allow for interest payments to be made to banks for losses they
had engineered then as now. Only people power can bring about this much needed change of
our financial and political system and create more direct democracy, more direct control of
government spending. And Hörmann urges people to start campaigning actively – and outside
of the established political parties -- to bring about a lasting improvement to our financial
systems, for example, by painting banners with slogans such as „Democracy begins with a
democratic financial system!“.
durchgaenge-dann-kollabieren-die-maerkte-endgueltig.html The USA, UK and eurozone took a
giant stride towards placing their peoples into debt slavery in 2008 when their governments
gave gigantic bailouts funded by tax payer money to banks and financial institutions for their
fractional-reserve, paper bank losses. They borrowed more money from banks on a wasted
„stimulus“ which was not spent on restoring the decimated manufacturing base. As a result
governments everywhere have reached their borrowing limit. Since 2008, every imaginable trick
hs been used by the US government and private Federal Reserve to keep making unaffordable
interest payments to banks on a staggering national debt at the expense of the real economy.
„ Zero policy rates, QE1, QE2, credit easing, fiscal stimulus, ring-fencing, liquidity provision to
the tune of trillions of dollars and bailing out banks and financial institutions – all have been
tried. But now we have run out of rabbits to reveal,“ says Nouriel Roubini in the FT. The USA is
now going to have to print more money and launch QE3 leading to yet more inflation to keep
paying the interest to bondholders on its national debt. After much political theatre and
financial blackmail concerning raising the debt ceiling at the start of August, the US government
– or rather a super congress consisting committee of 13 – is empowered to slash public
spending. Americans will no longer lose their houses, jobs and health so interest payments can
be made to bondholders of national debt. They will lose their lives. Food stamps could be axed
and the last benefits which stand between many Americans and total starvation could soon
disappear. While the USA has resorted to printing money to pay the interest on ist national debt,
setting it on the road to hyperinflation – one form of expropriation of the entire population -- ,
the eurozone governments have adopted austerity measures, which are now widely recognised
to have failed. Austerity measures cause not only social harship and unrest. They also shrink an
economy and the pool of money available to pay the interest on an – ever increasing – national
debt as money has to be borrowed to allow interest payments to follow on interest payments.
Austerity measures mandated by the ECB, IMF and EU in Greece, Portugal and Ireland have
just increased the overall national debt. UCD Professor Morgan Kelly estimates Ireland’s debt
will rise to 250 billion euro in 2015.
703663.html The crisis engulfing Italy this week can largely be explained as part of the attempt
by the financial elite to bounce Germany and the eurozone into agreeing to a 2 or 3 trillion euro
fund for banks and also to an EU fiscal union, treasury and tax policy to provide the
administrative architecture needed suck out the last available cent from citizen’s pockets across
the eurozone. In an outrageous new power grab for this ever decreasing pool of tax money, the
financial elite have pushed through a Super congress of 13 to determine spending in the USA. A
special council is set to control the new European Financial Stablity Facility (EFSF) fund in
Europe, and it will have similar powers.
staatlicher-haushaltssouver%E4nit%E4t.html Alarmist messages from EU officials such as
Manuel Barroso heaped pressure on the German government to summon parliament for a
summer emergency session to rubber stamp an open ended new bailout fund for banks under
the pretext that Italy hast o be saved. However, the blackmail bid has so far largely failed.
According to Der Spiegel, a German government spokesman said that Germany did not have the
amount of money needed to fund Italy’s 1.8 trillion euro debt. Markets would realise Germany is
on the verge of insolvency itself given the scale of its eurozone obligations. Germany could
indeed soon end up in the same position as Greece - a vassal state of the IMF, EU and ECB and
in the yoke of forced „bailout“ to help it make the interest payments to banks fort he entire
eurozone debt. To circumvent parliament and the people yet again, the ECB today started to buy
Italian bonds on the secondary market – and in spite of oppostion from the German central
banker. This stealth bailout could cost eurozone, mainly German, tax payers 1.2 trillion dollars,
estimates the WSJ in „creeping fiscal union.“ The activities of the ECB could also only stave off
the collapse of the euro for three weeks because at some point the markets will have to accept
that the German parliament and people has a say, says Evans-Pritchard. „As for boosting it
further to €2 trillion or more – as suggested by Citigroup, RBS, and the European Parliament –
we face a little local difficulty across the Rhine. Bavaria’s Social Christians said they will not
back one bent Pfennig for extra bail-outs, and the FDP Free Democrats are almost of the same
mood. Angela Merkel’s CDU base is more mutinous by the day. In any case, such an expansion
of the EFSF would set off its own chain-reaction as France and then Germany lost their AAAs
and slithered into the swamp. So, obviously markets will turn very nervous once ECB purchases
approach the level that corresponds to the EFSF ceiling. They know that the ECB’s Teutons will
die in a ditch rather than cross that line, taking the bond risk directly onto the ECB’s own
balance sheet. That moment could come within three weeks,“
postponed-again-as-ecb-gains-three-weeks/ The purchase of Italian bonds violates ECB rules
and will further undermine support for the euro currency bloc. In return for bonds of doubtful
value, private banks are getting a trillion euros in cash, guaranteed by tax payers, when there is
no money for schools or pensions. A poll last week showed that 60% of Germans are now aware
that the country’s exploding national debt is the top threat to their future. Economics expert
Hans Werner Sinn pointed out in mass circulation Bild newspaper recently that the tax payer
money for the eurozone bailouts goes straight into the pockets of financial institutions. Why
should tax payers be involved in paying off private bank losses at all? He asked. Also, German
central bank chief Jens Weidmann issued a warning that the decision to allow the ESF to buy
the bonds of countries was leading to joint liability and a transfer union. The German
parliament was so far not been recalled over summer to beef up the bailout fund in a sign of
resistance. The main coalition partners of the governing CDU party led by Chancellor Angela
Merkel, the FDP and CSU, have said they do not favour increasing the EFSF. SPD leaders such
as Bilderberg Peer Steinbrück have offered cross party support to get the bankster bailout
through parliament. That he is working for the banks is crystal clear. Julian Assange of
Wikileaks presented a disc allegedly with the details of secret offshore bank accounts of German
politicians in Switzerland, underlining the corruption of many of the political class. Assange
never published the information and there has been no plausible explanation of why Assange –
who has links to hedge funder George Soros failed to put the information in the public domain
or hand it to the police. It is not hard to see how such information could be used to blackmail
politicians, also Green Party and SPD politicians to sell out their people to the banks and
support eurozone bailouts. It is legitimate to ask whether Steinbrück was among the politicians
with a secret offshore bank account given his support for the banker bailout. When the endless
stream of tax payer cash that banks have relied on to fund their fractional-reserve lending does
dry up, banks will have to write down the losses on the hugely inflated active income of their
balance sheets bringing them to the edge of failure. Many will have to close, wrecking havoc with
the real economy unless steps are taken immediately. The Royal Bank of Scotland last week said
it had to write down 733 million pounds from the money it expected to get from Greek bonds.
more-writedowns-euro-credit.html France’s Societe General is rumoured to be close to failure
already because it has to factor in lower streams of revenue coming from Greek interest
payments. Under the current fractional reserve banking system banks have no money
themselves. They only have the illusion of money. This illusion of money comes from the way
they can borrow cash so easily from the privately controlled central banks. To keep together the
tiny capital core of actual money which banks need to stay in business, banks rely on the
revenues generated by a constant stream of interest payments and even a small interruption or
loss can be fatal. The banks have smothered the world in 550 trillion dollars of notional
derivative debt . This is a 100% times greater than the total gross domestic product of the world
at 57 trillion dollars, notes Otmar Pregetter. Whatever happens, the banks are going to collapse
soon because even if they do suck in every cent belonging to every human being on the planet, it
is not enough to pay the interest on the fractional reserve debt they have on their books.
grauens-die-maerkte-werden-noch-weiter-nachgeben.html Given the imminent financial
collapse, it is to be hoped the German government has made preparations to reintroduce the
German DM or to form a smaller core euro currency with The Netherlands and Finland,
countries with similar current account surpluses. As one of the few countries left in the eurozone
with a strong manufacturing base, Germany still has products to trade in the real economy.
True, a stronger DM II currency could lead to fewer exports in the short term, but this is not
necessarily the case. Germany exported successfully with a strong D Mark. In fact, Germany’s
share of exports have remained the same under the euro as under the strong Deutschmark at
40%, suggesting that the euro as a factor explaining Germany’s strong exports has been
exaggerated. Increasing domestic demand by raising the miserably low German salaries could
serve to boost manufacturers struggling with exports. The fastest road to economic recovery for
the eurozone is to break up into more managebale units and to establish a new, democratic and
sound financial system which serves the real economy and sustainable growth. China’s
phenomenal economic growth in the past few years is due to the fact that the central bank prints
money not as a loan bearing interest as Hörmann explained. Hörmann noted that corruption
among the Chinese elite has led to central bank money flows being channelled into property
bubbles rather than into the manufacturing sector. Nevertheless, this is a fault of the people in
power rather than the system. In the USA and eurozone, the fault is inherent in the financial
system. It is up to us, the people, to act to reform the financial system. We must start to do so
today if we want a future.]]> 5198 2011-08-08 16:48:02 2011-08-08 16:48:02 open open dollar-
and-euro-collapse-could-be-only-weeks-away-says-austrian-economist publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_b509acdeb51d1fbf2e9936b15b1c56df
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_oembed_81932683672fe6a29bf82a4590bc0503 16650
2011-08-16 07:29:32 2011-08-16 07:29:32 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16196 2011-08-09 05:44:02
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18:25:44 2011-08-08 18:25:44 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-08 18:54:31 1 16162 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-08 19:16:36 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-08 19:22:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-08 21:41:11 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-09 06:22:11 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-09 07:05:14 1 16201 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-09 07:28:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-09 13:05:01 2011-08-09 13:05:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-09 13:15:16 1 16213 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-09 16:58:38 1 16210 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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17:23:31 2011-08-09 17:23:31 1 16165 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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in-saving-the-european-dream-and-austerity-politics-in-the-west/ 2011-08-13
00:57:05 2011-08-13 00:57:05 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
law/ Tue, 09 Aug 2011 17:50:49 +0000 birdflu666
Paul Joseph Watson Tuesday, August 9, 2011 Following numerous reports of
failures on behalf of police to arrest looters or adequately respond to the riots in London that are
now sweeping across the entire UK, curfews and troops on the streets are now being readied as
authorities prepare to enforce martial law to quell massive civil unrest. BBC News twice
reported this morning that troops were being readied. The statement was first made by a
reporter at 8:30am and then repeated by a Metropolitan Police representative who said “all
options were on the table”. U.K. Home Secretary Theresa May confirms that the government is
considering “military support for the police”. Curfews are also being discussed as authorities
prepare to transform Britain into a locked down police state. “Armoured vehicles have been
brought in to clear the streets for the first time by police to tackle what senior officers say is the
worst rioting and looting in living memory,” reports the Guardian. Read more at:    ]]>
5200 2011-08-09 17:50:49 2011-08-09 17:50:49 open open uk-riots-government-prepares-
troops-martial-law publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 16226
2011-08-09 18:14:48 2011-08-09 18:14:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16227 http://- 2011-08-09 18:23:14 2011-08-09 18:23:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16228 2011-
08-09 18:32:26 2011-08-09 18:32:26 1 16227 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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08-09 18:38:53 2011-08-09 18:38:53 1 16228 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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08-09 22:08:24 2011-08-09 22:08:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-09 22:18:21 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16262 2011-08-10 06:27:36
2011-08-10 06:27:36 1 16239 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
aaa-credit-rating/ Tue, 09 Aug 2011 17:51:48 +0000 birdflu666 5202 2011-08-09 17:51:48 2011-08-09 17:51:48
open open threat-to-frances-aaa-credit-rating publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 16253 2011-08-10 05:28:18 2011-08-10 05:28:18 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16382 2011-08-11 09:08:19 2011-08-11 09:08:19 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16398 2011-08-11 11:36:54
2011-08-11 11:36:54 1 16382 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16439 2011-08-11 21:25:35
2011-08-11 21:25:35 1 16382 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16458 2011-08-12 06:03:07
2011-08-12 06:03:07 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-12 07:20:11 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-12 08:57:26 1 16458 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-12 23:12:31 1 16461 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-13 00:52:22 1 16480 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16532 2011-08-13 07:54:35
2011-08-13 07:54:35 1 16512 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
unicredit-rumoured-to-be-on-the-verge-of-collapse/ Tue, 09 Aug 2011 17:52:49 +0000
birdflu666 5204 2011-08-09 17:52:49 2011-08-09
17:52:49 open open socgen-and-unicredit-rumoured-to-be-on-the-verge-of-collapse publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_6d8473cf1dc744410e1e59b831e48fc3
_oembed_5863ac9a70fda13a356ea6d6373d6a63 16252 2011-08-10 05:24:49
2011-08-10 05:24:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16254 http://- 2011-08-10
05:49:08 2011-08-10 05:49:08 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16255 2011-08-10 06:03:25
2011-08-10 06:03:25 1 16254 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16379 2011-08-11
08:49:43 2011-08-11 08:49:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16399 2011-08-11 11:40:52
2011-08-11 11:40:52 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16403 2011-08-11 14:23:01
2011-08-11 14:23:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16440 2011-08-11 21:29:58
2011-08-11 21:29:58 1 16254 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16457 2011-08-12 06:02:45
2011-08-12 06:02:45 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16462 2011-08-12 07:26:24
2011-08-12 07:26:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16479 2011-08-12 08:53:46
2011-08-12 08:53:46 1 16457 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16535 2011-08-13 09:35:08
2011-08-13 09:35:08 1 16479 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ecb-director-blasts-taxation-without-representation/ Tue, 09 Aug 2011 17:54:13 +0000
birdflu666 He’s right, of course. Europe is on a
slippery slope to a common European bond that will force up interest rates in the surplus
nations required to underwrite it. Meanwhile the fiscally irresponsible will become free riders.
There could scarcely be a more open door to moral hazard. As Mr Issing puts it: “Lack of fiscal
discipline is rewarded, while fiscal solidity is punished. The implied transfer of taxpayers money
would also take place without the the involvement of national parliaments – a clear violation of
the fundamental democratic principle of “no taxation without representation”. In order to save
the euro, Europe is drifting towards a kind of fiscal union for which its political institutions are
wholly unready. This lack of democratic accountability in use of taxpayers’ money is almost
certain to end badly. Read more at:
fiscal-union/]]> 5206 2011-08-09 17:54:13 2011-08-09 17:54:13 open open former-german-ecb-
director-blasts-taxation-without-representation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 16521 2011-08-13 02:35:17 2011-08-13 02:35:17 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16249 2011-08-10 05:11:12 2011-08-10 05:11:12 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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2011-08-11 08:31:02 2011-08-11 08:31:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16400 2011-08-11 11:49:19
2011-08-11 11:49:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16456 2011-08-12 06:02:20
2011-08-12 06:02:20 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16463 2011-08-12 07:29:29
2011-08-12 07:29:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16478 2011-08-12 08:48:44
2011-08-12 08:48:44 1 16456 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16531 2011-08-13 07:50:09
2011-08-13 07:50:09 1 16521 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16536 2011-08-13 10:16:16
2011-08-13 10:16:16 1 16531 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16543 2011-08-13 12:36:52
2011-08-13 12:36:52 1 16536 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16552 2011-08-13 14:54:46
2011-08-13 14:54:46 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16555 2011-08-13 16:03:35
2011-08-13 16:03:35 1 16552 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16556 2011-08-13 16:25:15
2011-08-13 16:25:15 1 16555 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16558 2011-08-13 17:11:59
2011-08-13 17:11:59 1 16556 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16568 2011-08-13 18:24:06
2011-08-13 18:24:06 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
minister-take-your-vaccines-or-have-your-benefits-cut/ Tue, 09 Aug 2011 17:55:10 +0000
birdflu666 Joan Burton: ‘Adminis(traitor) and
Facili(traitor) of Irish Depopulation’: Take Your Vaccines or Have Your Benefits Cut! Neil
Foster The Sovereign Independent August 8, 2011 In an article in Friday’s Irish Independent,
current Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton, outlined plans to link child benefit
payments to school attendance and, wait for it, vaccinations!
2834761.html This is nothing less than the role out of a program of FORCED vaccination of the
nation’s children, particularly from poor families, who rely heavily on such benefits The theory
is that parents should be ‘incentivised’ to vaccinate their children through the threat that their
child benefit will be stopped should they fail to do so. It would now appear that parents are to be
given one of options, namely, to either deny the government the right to have your child injected
with toxic chemicals widely proven to be detrimental to their health and face the consequences
of starving your children due to dire poverty or imply going along with these psychopathic
control freaks and killing your own children by allowing the government, as a proxy of big
pharma to carry out their population control program on your family. Read more at:
cut/]]> 5208 2011-08-09 17:55:10 2011-08-09 17:55:10 open open irish-social-minister-take-
your-vaccines-or-have-your-benefits-cut publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_2e0cae6b08dc8e63a810163553e83046 16247 2011-08-10 05:01:54
2011-08-10 05:01:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16621 2011-08-15 10:29:25 2011-08-15
10:29:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16620 2011-08-
15 10:09:18 2011-08-15 10:09:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16619 2011-08-15 10:01:35 2011-08-15
10:01:35 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history
16224 2011-08-09 18:04:27 2011-08-09 18:04:27 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16229 http://- 2011-08-09 18:34:07 2011-08-09 18:34:07 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16251 2011-08-10 05:18:29 2011-08-10 05:18:29 1 16224 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16256 2011-08-10 06:03:35 2011-08-10 06:03:35 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16257 2011-08-10 06:10:45 2011-08-10 06:10:45 1 16256 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16260 2011-08-10 06:20:53 2011-08-10 06:20:53 1 16257 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16261 2011-08-10 06:24:42
2011-08-10 06:24:42 1 16256 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16263 2011-08-10 06:38:56
2011-08-10 06:38:56 1 16251 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16281 2011-08-10 12:45:59
2011-08-10 12:45:59 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 16441 2011-08-11 21:34:41
2011-08-11 21:34:41 1 16260 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16455 2011-08-12 06:01:48
2011-08-12 06:01:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16464 2011-08-12 07:33:00
2011-08-12 07:33:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16471 2011-08-12 07:59:44
2011-08-12 07:59:44 1 16455 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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10:40:58 2011-08-14 10:40:58 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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11:06:45 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history
16588 2011-08-
14 11:46:02 2011-08-14 11:46:02 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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11:49:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16591 2011-08-
14 11:58:32 2011-08-14 11:58:32 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
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08-14 13:56:50 2011-08-14 13:56:50 1 16585 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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germany-soon-lose-aaa-credit-rating-due-to-stealth-fiscal-union/ Tue, 09 Aug 2011 17:57:57
+0000 birdflu666 It now costs more to insure
German debt than UK debt. “The cost of bankruptcy protection on German debt has nearly
doubled from the start of July from 40 basis points to 82 as of lunchtime today. People are
realising ultimately it’s Germany that’s underwriting all the risk. ...Marchel Alexandrovich,
economist at Jefferies, told Bloomberg. It’s the Bundesbank that’s going to be doing 30pc of all
the buying as part of the ECB’s Securities Market Program. “ Jeremy
Warner in The Telegraph says that the drift towards fiscal union” means that Britain is now
more creditworthy than Germany. The UK’s economy may be being wrecked as it is by the same
austerity and QE measures but it is not happening as fast as the wrecking of Germany’s
economy. “It is because as the eurozone moves towards a eurobond and shared responsibility for
sovereign debt, Germany is becoming less so. According to calculations circulating in the
German press, an interest rate 1 percentage point higher than otherwise would cost the German
taxpayer around £20bn annually, or approximately equivalent to the fiscal transfer that still
takes place between West and East Germany. Do the Germans want to subsidise the rest of
Europe to that degree. I don’t think so.” Warner notes that the German taxpayer’s money is
being spent without their consent: “See this brilliant Otmar Issing commentary for the most
powerful articulation I’ve yet seen of what may loosely be described as the German view.
European Central Bank intervention may temporarily have succeeded in depressing Italian and
Spanish bond yields, but the political debate on Europe’s now unmistakable drift to fiscal union
has yet to be had. How long can even the mighty Germany maintain its triple A rating once it
assumes responsibility for Italy’s debts? This is a crisis which is going to run and run.”
union-britain-is-now-more-creditworthy-than-germany/ The ECB is already overleveraged 23
to 24 times with a capital and reserves of 82 billion euros and an exposure to struggling
eurozone economies (the so-called PIIGS) of around €444bn, Open Europe estimated. The
purchase of a significant amount of Italy’s debt – it could beas much as a trillion euros -- by the
ECB means that even bigger risks have now been transferred to the taxpayers, who ultimately
underwrite the ECB. Der Spiegel reports on the ECB’s actions and the risks of inflation and loss
of independence.,1518,779183,00.html “The
next taboo has already been broken in Europe, with the European Central Bank now buying up
Italian bonds. With its interventionist policies, the ECB is becoming increasingly similar to the
US Federal Reserve. It's a path fraught with serious risks,“ writes Stefan Kaiser.]]> 5210 2011-
08-09 17:57:57 2011-08-09 17:57:57 open open ecb-morphs-into-federal-reserve-could-
germany-soon-lose-aaa-credit-rating-due-to-stealth-fiscal-union publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_ecc8e2c0a0a36f2995eb93748496bdeb 16243 2011-08-10 02:13:09 2011-08-10 02:13:09
1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16241 2011-08-10 01:46:31 2011-08-10 01:46:31 1 0 0
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pritchard-euro-is-unsaveable/ Wed, 10 Aug 2011 15:20:04 +0000 birdflu666
unsaveable.html]]> 5212 2011-08-10 15:20:04 2011-08-10 15:20:04 open open aambrose-
evans-pritchard-euro-is-unsaveable publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_21fb74823a410240ca977217ac68034a 16298 2011-08-10 17:21:04
2011-08-10 17:21:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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22:00:19 2011-08-10 22:00:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 22:42:02 1 16338 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-12 06:01:25 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-12 07:40:19 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-12 08:34:49 1 16454 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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away-at-france-and-germany-too/ Wed, 10 Aug 2011 15:21:13 +0000 birdflu666
and-Germany-too.html    ]]> 5214 2011-08-10 15:21:13 2011-08-10 15:21:13 open open bail-outs-
chip-away-at-france-and-germany-too publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_46fc955bd6cbde58f67fa2df2d587131 16453 2011-08-12 06:00:57
2011-08-12 06:00:57 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 17:13:18 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 17:24:27 1 16297 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 17:31:20 1 16300 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 17:51:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-12 07:43:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-12 08:14:56 1 16453 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-13 00:19:41 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
offered-money-to-start-riots/ Wed, 10 Aug 2011 15:22:16 +0000 birdflu666 Paul Joseph Watson Wednesday,
August 10, 2011 As massive unrest plaguing the United Kingdom spread from London to other
cities last night, claims emerged that individuals calling themselves journalists were offering to
pay youths to start riots, suggesting an effort to provocateur some of the violence. According to
Tweets sent by people who were in the city of Leicester last night trying to secure their
communities, kids were being told to cause mayhem in return for cash. Leicester was hit by
violence later that night, as youths attacked buildings in the city center. “There were swarms of
hooded Asian, black and white youths in their 20s, and some as young as 12, being hounded out
of Leicester city centre at around midnight,” nightclub owner James Cockerill told the BBC.
Read more at:]]> 5216
2011-08-10 15:22:16 2011-08-10 15:22:16 open open claim-youths-offered-money-to-start-riots
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_184c9dcc31531199faf14d47f75014d2 16362
2011-08-11 05:54:18 2011-08-11 05:54:18 1 16356 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16356 2011-08-11 01:39:11 2011-08-11 01:39:11 1 0
0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16452 2011-08-12 06:00:29 2011-08-12 06:00:29 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16294 2011-08-10 17:03:52
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arsonists-looters-are-criminals-not-revolutionaries-says-alex-jones/ Wed, 10 Aug 2011 15:23:06
+0000 birdflu666 August 9, 2011
BlackBerry organized flash mobs bent on rampant property destruction, looting, robbery, arson
and assault are not revolutionaries. They are plundering criminals. Check out the video at:  ]]> 5218 2011-
08-10 15:23:06 2011-08-10 15:23:06 open open plundering-arsonists-looters-are-criminals-not-
revolutionaries-says-alex-jones publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_624997b672d412b69f759ad9371beca0 16361 2011-08-11 05:52:52
2011-08-11 05:52:52 1 16354 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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right-to-condemn-the-uk-rioters/ Wed, 10 Aug 2011 16:17:14 +0000 birdflu666 Both groups are showing the same callous disregard
for the well being of others, the same short-sighted greed and the same vapid consumerism and
materialism. Whether it is the yobs on the street with their stolen cache of flat screen TVs or
cans of coke plundered from stores or the yobs in the bank  boardroom with their stolen cache of
flash cars, flash suits, flash villas on Caribbean islands and flash super yachts with discos and
swimming pools, plundered from taxpayers via the scam bailouts and souvereign debt, we’re
facing the same age-old problem discussed by Plato in The Republic. Greed and selfishness.
What do you do when greed and selfishness run rampage in a society? The riot thugs are
following no political agenda – just a criminal agenda. For sure, many of those involved in the
riots have legitimate grievances about economic conditions and zero educational opportunities.
But they also have the responsibility to push for a reform of the political and financial system in
a constructive way, for example, by making placards, banners, youtube videos, organising
marches to Parliament and so on. It is patronising to claim they are capable of nothing more
than a mindless crime spree in their own communities. The losers are ultimately these young
people themselves. They are damaging the communities they have to continue to live in. They
will see no improvement in their lives unless they take constructive action to get the better
economic conditions, educational and employment opportunities which they have a right to
because the banker thugs seem to control parliament and are only interesting filling their own
pockets at the expense of 99.9% of the people in the UK. Simply mirroring the behaving of the
boardroom yobs will not bring any change.  A common problem shared by the riot thugs and the
financial thugs appears to be an  absence of any proper upbringing and moral standards. We
often hear about poor parenting among low income groups but the problem of poor parenting
among high income groups is just as real and has just a serious social consequences.  This
was  very evident, for example, in the case of German defence minister Karl Theodor zu
Guttenberg who was caught plagiarising his doctorate as part of a political power grab. His
father, Enoch zu Guttenberg,  defended his son's actions and attacked the journalists who had
publicised the plagiarism. How is anyone supposed to learn sound values when they get
soundbites like this from their own father suggesting that uncovering a fraud is worse than
committing the fraud itself? Enoch zu Guttenberg, a single, divorced parent, later revealed in an
interview given to Bild newspaper that he was an absent parent who had been warned by friends
that his neglect of his sons could harm them. He admitted to being too busy with his career to
accept his responsibilities as a single parent, perhaps thereby giving his children the
subconscious message at an early age that money and prestige and the applause of others was
more important than they were, concern for others and substantial and sincere achievements.
wiegt-der-name-18796872.bild.html Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg also complained in May that
he was under enormous pressure from his family to rake in cash and honours or face
humiliation – implying that he had been taught the end justified any means, including
plagiarising a doctorate.  It is yobs who  treat their kids like consumer  objects without instilling
in them any moral values or sense of self worth, so condemning them to live as pariahs in society
because the anti social behaviour that flows from this attitde is damaging and so unacceptable to
the majority.  Both these groups at the rich and poor end of the thug culture also share a
tendency to form tight gang-like structures and mix mainly among themselves, unable, by virtue
of their anti social attitudes and values, to integrate into main stream society. They even exalt
their own "special status" as pariahs, reinterpreting it as a sign of superiority over the "sheeple"
and twisting reality and misrepresenting ancient history to suit their selfish purposes ("Aryan
777 "solar cult" etc)  Like packs of wolves, these thugs are condemned, solely by virtue of the anti
social values they espouse, to exist on the edge of society, looking in with hungry eyes, ever
ready to prey on victims when they are most helpless like the shocking case of a group of rioters
mugging a heavily bleeding young man in London. In Monaco, Prince Albert could barely get his
bride to stop crying during the wedding -- his ice cold demeanour as he looked on explained why
there so many tears -- and he was rumoured to have to pay her a large sum to stop her from
running away after the wedding following her discovery of "unsavoury facts" about his past.
What kind of an attitude is this to marriage and family? Why is Prince Albert apparently so
unable to win affection from his wife on his own terms? Why does he apparently think he can
bully and buy a wife and still expect his marriage to go well and his children to be well balanced?
What example does he set by so obviously coercing a woman into marriage in 2011 with reports
of the confiscation of her passport? And where did he get his billions from in the first place when
his father was so broke? How could tiny little Monaco generate  an income like this by adding
real value?  The victims of these mindless thugs at the top and bottom of the social spectrum are
the vast majority of decent people who try to get on with their lives responsibly, and who add
value to their community at whatever level of society they operate on.  Yet, the police seem
unable  to protect the vast majority of decent people from the thuggery of a small minority of
rioters and the rampaging banksters. The question is: why?  A failure by the police to tackle
speicifically these rioters in the UK could soon become a political problem.  There have even
been claims that thugs in Leicester were paid money to encourage them to riot by “journalists.”
Will false flag riots be used in the future to justify deploying EU police or military on British
soil? It is not in the interests of the people in the UK – or in countries like Germany -- to have so
many cutbacks in police that there is a chance that EU police or private security forces like
Blackwater will be called in to deal with riots, especially if these can be so easily engineered.  In
another sign of the increasing  brutality in UK politics, there has been a new push for a return to
the death penalty. It may be perfectly understandable for people who are victims of crimes to
desire revenge but it cannot be condoned when such a desire leads to violence rather than to
legal action. For a state to go ahead and execute criminals raises significant moral issues
connected with the value of reason and respect for human dignity which a civilised state is
supposed to embody and which sets a modern, enlightened state based on law and order apart
from primitive emotions and the brute reflexes all too common among people organised into
tribes.  In addition, studies in the USA show that the death penalty is ineffective as a deterrant to
crime. It is the likelihood of being caught which deters a criminal. Also, studies show that the
death penalty in the USA is overwhelmingly applied to ethnic minorities and blacks, indicating
strong and unacceptable racial bias.  Furthermore, there are often miscarriages of justice, which
cannot be rectified if the victim is executed. After all, humanity is supposing to be developing.
What was acceptable 3000 or 500 years ago is not acceptable now - and the idea of development
and evolution among humanity is even in implicit in ancient calendar's like the Mayan calendar.
Rather than calling for the death penalty, MPs like UKIPs Godfrey Bloom should call for  an end
to the cutbacks in the UK police and also for a proper investigation into the shocking case of
Holly Grieg in Scotland or of Natascha Kampusch in Austria. In both cases, there is evidence
that paedophilia is being carried out by or being covered up by high ranking politicians and
justice officials. Five top-ranking state prosecutors in Vienna are currently being investigated by
prosecutors in Innsbruck for allegedly covering up evidence that more than one person was
involved in the kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch.
Visier_Nun-entscheidet-Ministerin?_vl_backlink=/home/panorama/ Who knows how
many other children who are listed as vanished in Austria are actually still alive and being
abused today while state prosecutors are busy burying the evidence and blocking their rescue?
How barbaric can a state get when its justice officials systematically aid and abet in the
despicable crime of paedophilia as is happening --  so clear evidence indicates -- in Austria? Is it
surprising Austrians started or were heavily in the first world war, the 1931 bank crash and the
second world war - not to mention the near ignition of  a worldwide birdflu pandemic and mass
vaccination campaign with the doubtful pandemic jab  in 2009? The vast majority of people all
over the world have moral values and can differentiate between thuggery and legitimate political
and economic movements and are ready to take constructive action to achieve a much needed
reform of the financial and political system to make it more democratic. Until recently, they
were misinformed all too often by the mainstream media. But now thanks to the alternative
media, the blinkers are coming off. People are able to comprehend what is going on and to take
united, constructive and effective action. Indeed, they must if they want to see their lives
improve.  ]]> 5220 2011-08-10 16:17:14 2011-08-10 16:17:14 open open why-alex-jones-is-right-
to-condemn-the-uk-rioters publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_6949265f43c84134dc7aa1f13117d3eb _oembed_48fd69faae9a10fb37710d31ec03c78e
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16702 2011-08-17 13:27:04 2011-08-17 13:27:04 1 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16699 2011-08-17 10:04:40 2011-08-17 10:04:40 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16363 2011-08-11 06:03:41
2011-08-11 06:03:41 1 16350 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16364 2011-08-11 07:10:49 2011-
08-11 07:10:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16365 2011-08-11 07:20:01
2011-08-11 07:20:01 1 0 0 akismet_result jabber_published akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16366 2011-08-11 07:21:57
2011-08-11 07:21:57 1 16365 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16350 2011-08-11 01:16:42 2011-08-11 01:16:42 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16450 2011-08-12 05:59:34
2011-08-12 05:59:34 1 16438 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16618 2011-08-15 09:25:30 2011-08-15 09:25:30 1 0 0 jabber_published
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08-16 06:03:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-17 06:16:24 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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16:46:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16292 2011-08-10 16:55:19 2011-08-10 16:55:19 1 0 0 jabber_published
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2011-08-10 18:12:10 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 18:27:17 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 18:35:26 1 16314 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 18:39:46 1 16318 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 18:50:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 19:08:39 1 16316 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 19:35:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 21:09:04 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 21:22:21 1 16331 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 21:44:45 1 16333 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 22:15:16 1 16337 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-10 23:39:53 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16348 2011-08-11 00:12:16
2011-08-11 00:12:16 1 16346 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16371 2011-08-11 08:11:19
2011-08-11 08:11:19 1 16364 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16373 2011-08-11 08:20:27
2011-08-11 08:20:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 08:25:41 1 16373 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08-11 08:26:27 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 08:34:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16378 http://- 2011-08-11
08:39:59 2011-08-11 08:39:59 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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08:52:49 2011-08-11 08:52:49 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 08:56:42 1 16380 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16383 2011-08-11 09:12:09
2011-08-11 09:12:09 1 16378 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16384 2011-08-11 09:15:08
2011-08-11 09:15:08 1 16375 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 09:19:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 09:23:36 1 16383 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 09:29:49 1 16385 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 10:02:51 0 16378 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 16390 2011-08-11 10:04:05 2011-08-11
10:04:05 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16391 2011-08-11 10:08:03 2011-08-11 10:08:03 1 0 0 jabber_published
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akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16393 2011-
08-11 10:10:02 2011-08-11 10:10:02 1 16391 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16396 2011-08-11 10:35:54
2011-08-11 10:35:54 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 11:01:16 1 16393 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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14:53:34 2011-08-11 14:53:34 1 16386 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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15:07:44 2011-08-11 15:07:44 1 16392 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 17:18:26 1 16397 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 17:22:25 1 16405 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 17:24:00 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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17:27:40 2011-08-11 17:27:40 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 17:38:15 1 16412 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 17:45:02 1 16415 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16422 2011-08-11 17:57:15
2011-08-11 17:57:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16425 2011-08-11 18:08:50
2011-08-11 18:08:50 1 16422 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 18:25:20 1 16425 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 19:46:55 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 20:01:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16432 2011-08-11 20:10:15
2011-08-11 20:10:15 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 20:16:01 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 20:24:09 1 16433 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 20:35:11 1 16434 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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2011-08-11 20:47:10 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16437 2011-08-11 21:01:44
2011-08-11 21:01:44 1 16435 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16438 2011-08-11 21:08:57
2011-08-11 21:08:57 1 16436 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16459 2011-08-12 06:57:42
2011-08-12 06:57:42 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16472 2011-08-12 08:06:28
2011-08-12 08:06:28 1 16450 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16473 2011-08-12 08:06:43
2011-08-12 08:06:43 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16481 2011-08-12 09:02:33 2011-
08-12 09:02:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16482 2011-08-12 09:05:44 2011-
08-12 09:05:44 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16486 2011-08-12 10:37:56
2011-08-12 10:37:56 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 16489 2011-08-12 10:42:42 2011-08-12
10:42:42 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16492 2011-08-12 11:58:20 2011-08-12 11:58:20 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16499 2011-08-12 15:58:05 2011-08-12 15:58:05 1 16492 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16500 2011-08-12 16:07:28 2011-08-12 16:07:28 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16586 2011-08-14
11:01:31 2011-08-14 11:01:31 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16594 2011-08-14 13:02:14 2011-08-14
13:02:14 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16596 2011-08-
14 13:23:33 2011-08-14 13:23:33 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16597 2011-08-14 13:36:48 2011-08-14
13:36:48 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history
16601 2011-08-14
14:14:12 2011-08-14 14:14:12 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16622 2011-08-15 11:11:47 2011-08-15 11:11:47 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16623 2011-08-15 11:14:58 2011-08-15 11:14:58 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16625 2011-08-15 13:16:29 2011-
08-15 13:16:29 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16626 2011-08-15 14:01:48 2011-
08-15 14:01:48 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16627 2011-08-15 14:11:37
2011-08-15 14:11:37 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 16629 2011-08-15 15:21:26
2011-08-15 15:21:26 0 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 16630 2011-08-15 15:42:22 2011-08-15
15:42:22 1 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16631 2011-08-15 16:42:51 2011-08-15 16:42:51 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16651 2011-08-16 08:28:56 2011-08-16 08:28:56 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16659 2011-08-16 16:13:36 2011-08-16 16:13:36 1 16651 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16668 2011-08-16 17:05:06 2011-08-16 17:05:06 1 16651 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16669 2011-08-16 17:08:56
2011-08-16 17:08:56 1 16668 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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guttenbergs-abschied-auf-zeit/ 2011-08-16 23:00:02 2011-08-16 23:00:02 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
16704 2011-08-17 14:44:49 2011-08-17 14:44:49 1 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16705 2011-08-17 15:13:47 2011-08-17 15:13:47 1 16704 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16706 2011-08-17 15:23:27 2011-08-17 15:23:27 1 16704 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16708 2011-08-17 15:34:35 2011-08-17 15:34:35 1 16706 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16709 2011-08-17 15:37:57 2011-08-17 15:37:57 1 16708 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 16710 2011-08-17 15:38:05
2011-08-17 15:38:05 1 16705 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
disabled/ Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:25:53 +0000 birdflu666
p=5228  ]]> 5228 2011-08-16 13:25:53 2011-08-16 13:25:53
closed open comments-section-disabled publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
billion-euros-of-government-bonds/ Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:28:32 +0000 birdflu666
buys-record-22-billion-euros-of-government-bonds/articleshow/9613544.cms]]> 5230 2011-
08-16 13:28:32 2011-08-16 13:28:32 closed open eurozone-debt-crisis-ecb-buys-record-22-
billion-euros-of-government-bonds publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
sinn/ Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:31:02 +0000 birdflu666
euro crisis were explained by Ifo President Hans-Werner Sinn today during the annual congress
of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), being held at Ann Arbor, Michigan, from
August 7 through 11. The IIPF is the world organization of Public Finance economists.   As Mr.
Sinn explained, the euro area suffers from a severe balance of payment crisis that is due to
structural imbalances and not, as claimed by politicians, merely to speculative attacks. The euro
brought about a convergence in interest rates, lowering all euro members’ borrowing costs down
to German levels. This triggered massive capital flows to the euro zone’s periphery, in particular
to Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain (GIPS), fueling a decade-long boom in those countries.
Read more at:]]> 5233 2011-
08-16 13:31:02 2011-08-16 13:31:02 closed open the-real-cause-of-the-euro-crisis-hans-werner-
sinn publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_fc1213d0e3e9cc621b735d35d008e579
autism-researcher-deepens/ Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:35:28 +0000 birdflu666 His permit has evidently not been withdrawn even
though Poul Thorsen is now suspect of theft and money laundering in the grand style
concerning CDC-research grants earmarked for Danish autism research. The title of the
controversial study in which Poul Thorsen appearently is still involved is “ADHD – a long term
investigation of children treated  with central stimulants”. The study is a long-term follow-up of
all children aged 4-15 who  were treated with central stimulant medicine at Odense University
Hospital in Denmark during the period 1969-1989. Based on data drawn from Danish
Psychiatric Central Register, the Danish Crime Register, the Cause of Death Register and
Statistics Denmark, the prognosis for these persons is being investigated. Poul Thorsen is
performing this study in collaboration with medical doctor, ph.d. Søren Dalsgaard, who is “
responsible for the data ” and project leader. According to the database of Danish Data
Protection Agency the researcher handling data has an address at NANEA, Institute for
Epidemiology and Social Medicine at Aarhus University and the investigation is not set to be
finished until on September 1, 2015.  According to the research data bank, the project does meet
the GCP rules, and this seems to explain why it has been necessary to obtain a permission from
the National Police Commissioner. The controversial project which Poul Thorsen is involved in
deals with data about racial and ethnic background, about trade union affiliation and
information about health and abuse of stimulants, crime and considerable social problems.
Information about how many persons are actually participating in this project is obscured by a
code. According to the blank, the number of participants is “N=208”. Furthermore, according to
the research blank in Danish Data Protection Agency, the disgraced Danish autism researcher
Poul Thorsen has access to a complete copy of the Danish Crime Register! And in addition data
about the participating subjects’ psychiatric hospitalisations and outpatient contacts, the
researcher furthermore has access to cause of death and date of death concerning the persons
investigated. If you want to see the documentation for yourself, it can be found at the homepage
of The database in question is called “Fortegnelsen”. According to data
previously mentioned in Danish daily “Information” Poul Thorsen and his research center
NANEA has received a total of 16 million US D in research grants from US CDC.]]> 5235 2011-
08-16 13:35:28 2011-08-16 13:35:28 closed open poul-thorsen-the-scandal-of-the-vaccine-and-
autism-researcher-deepens publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
mutiny/ Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:36:53 +0000 birdflu666
p=5237 German Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition partners are threatening a withdrawal
from government if she agrees to eurobonds or any form of fiscal union to prop up southern

A YouGov poll showed 59pc of Germans oppose all further bail-outs, and 44pc want Germany to
withdraw from EMU  By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph 7:58PM BST 15 Aug 2011
The simmering revolt in the Bundestag makes it almost impossible for Mrs Merkel to offer real
concessions at Tuesday's emergency summit with French president Nicolas Sarkozy. "We are
categorical that the FDP-group will not vote for eurobonds. Everybody must understand that
there is no working majority for this," said Frank Schäffler, the finance spokesman for the Free
Democrats (FDP). Oliver Luksic, the FDP's Saarland chief, told Bild Zeitung the survival of
Germany's coalition was now rests on the handling of this issue. "Eurobonds are a sweet poison
that leads to more debt, rather than less. Should the government endorse a common European
bond and with it take the final step towards a long-term debt union, the FDP should seriously
ask whether the coalition has any future." Read more at:
eurobond-mutiny.html]]> 5237 2011-08-16 13:36:53 2011-08-16 13:36:53 closed open
germanys-angela-merkel-faces-eurobond-mutiny publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
euro-foreign-capital-flows-should-be-charged-interest-as-deterrence/ Tue, 16 Aug 2011
13:43:56 +0000 birdflu666 strengthening Swiss
franc and potentially an opportunity to enter back into the EUR/CHF downtrend at better
levels. Read more at:
peg-or-price-target/]]> 5239 2011-08-16 13:43:56 2011-08-16 13:43:56 closed open swiss-
deterrence publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_8f540f777c7463e49deedea8b648bcfd
being-tight-fisted-and-violent/ Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:33:19 +0000 birdflu666 Daniel Bates In New York Last updated at 3:10 AM
on 14th August 2011 Speaking out: Adriana Ferreyr who had a five-year relationship with
financier George Soros claims he became cruel towards her The woman suing billionaire George
Soros for £31 million has spoken for the first time of the moment he ‘snapped’ and allegedly
throttled her while they were in bed. Brazilian soap opera star Adriana Ferreyr told of her terror
during a row over property with the financier, 81. She claimed he became violent when she
asked why he had given the £1.2 million apartment he is said to have promised her to another
woman, telling her: ‘I don’t care.’ Read more:
lover.html#ixzz1VIparb9g]]> 5241 2011-08-17 16:33:19 2011-08-17 16:33:19 closed open ex-
girlfriend-of-george-soros-accuses-him-of-being-tight-fisted-and-violent publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_07108a6f5aa15eef3f0e9f462dec3141
policy-to-rest-of-europe-and-introduce-eurobonds/ Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:34:49 +0000
birdflu666 In a SPIEGEL interview, billionaire
investor George Soros criticizes Germany's lack of leadership in the euro zone, arguing
that Berlin must dictate to Europe the solution to the currency crisis. He also argues in favor of
the creation of euro bonds as a way out of the turbulence. For reasons of data protection and
privacy, your IP address will only be stored if you are a registered user of Facebook and you are
currently logged in to the service. For more detailed information, please click on the "i" symbol.
SPIEGEL: Mr. Soros, we currently see a global banking crisis, a currency crisis and a sovereign
debt crisis. Has the financial dilemma become too big to handle? How can politicians on both
sides of the Atlantic be expected to solve such a multitude of crises? Soros: The politicians have
not really tried to fix any crisis; they have so far tried only to buy time. But sometimes time
actually works against you if you refuse to face the relevant issues and explain to the public what
is at stake. Read more at:,1518,780189,00.html
]]> 5243 2011-08-17 16:34:49 2011-08-17 16:34:49 closed open soros-tells-germans-to-dictate-
economic-policy-to-rest-of-europe-and-introduce-eurobonds publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
reserve-to-get-votes/ Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:36:20 +0000 birdflu666 Kurt Nimmo August 17, 2011 If Rick
Perry is going to preempt Ron Paul and hijack the liberty vote, it will mandatory for him to copy
Paul’s philosophy, including abolishing the Federal Reserve. He did this on Monday at an event
in Cedar Rapid, Iowa. “Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American
history is almost treacherous — or treasonous in my opinion,” Perry said about the Fed . “I know
there’s a lot of talk and what have you about if this guy prints more money between now and the
election. I don’t know what y’all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly
down in Texas.” Read more at:
fed-cartel/]]> 5245 2011-08-17 16:36:20 2011-08-17 16:36:20 closed open rick-perry-joins-in-
attack-on-the-federal-reserve-to-get-votes publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:37:45 +0000 birdflu666
national debt seems to have taken a new and faintly alarming turn. The lead article on the front
page of yesterday’s Le Monde was headlined: “States and their debts: a brutal struggle since the
Middle Ages”. In a sub headline, the paper proclaimed: “Declare war or liquidate your creditors
…some historic methods of freeing yourself from debt.” Read more at:
world/2011/08/whither-sarkozys-ancien-regime/#ixzz1VIpteAIz]]> 5247 2011-08-17 16:37:45
2011-08-17 16:37:45 closed open le-monde-declare-war-or-liquidate-your-creditors-
%e2%80%a6some-historic-methods-of-freeing-yourself-from-debt-%e2%80%9d publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_31a802dc49d51c349e08332df53b025f
to-eu-superstate-and-eurobonds-force-elite-to-huff-and-puff/ Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:39:45
+0000 birdflu666]]> 5249 2011-
08-17 16:39:45 2011-08-17 16:39:45 closed open resistance-by-german-people-and-parliament-
to-eu-superstate-and-eurobonds-force-elite-to-huff-and-puff publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
crackdown/ Fri, 19 Aug 2011 12:16:28 +0000 birdflu666
crackdown/]]> 5261 2011-08-19 12:16:28 2011-08-19 12:16:28 closed open alex-jones-london-
riots-a-pretext-for-internet-crackdown publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
inaction-during-utoya-massacre/ Fri, 19 Aug 2011 12:31:17 +0000 birdflu666 *Heavily armed police stood and watched shooting
spree of Anders Behring Breivik for half an hour; police were only 600 metres from Utoya island
with plenty of boats available, say witnesses *Police tried to stop tourists from rescuing
teenagers swimming for safety of shore *Video shows police anti terrorism unit
arriving at the camping site, turning around and heading off again for more
distant camp site *Video confirms police set off to make unnecessarily long 3.6 km
journey in small boat *Military helicopter was available *Breivik rang police ten
times to surrender *Breivik said he was carrying out his mission for the Knights
Templar of Europe, knew which operations leader to contact   Police in Norway are
coming under growing criticism after it emerged that they could have stopped the shooting
spree of Anders Behring Breivik much sooner. Breivik killed 69 people during a massacre on
July 22 on the island of Utoya which lasted 61 minutes in addition to killing another 8 people as
part of a bomb attack in Oslo. He surrendered as soon as the police arrived on the island at
18:25. Local police armed with machine guns and wearing protective body armour arrived at the
camping site opposite the island of Utoya at 17:52 but stood and watched idly while Breivik
carried out his shooting rampage, it has emerged. According to
the Norwegian broadcaster, NRK, there were plenty of private boats available to transport the
police to the island, which was located only half a kilometers away. But far from attempting to
cross the 600 metres to the islands in the boats, the police even tried to stop tourists from going
to the rescue of teenagers trying to swim to shore to escape being shot. A German holiday maker
Marcel Gleffe braved gunfire to make four to five trips on his motorboat to pull teenagers out of
the water and he is credited with saving 30 lives. Gleffe said police stopped his rescue efforts
when they arrived, telling him it was too dangerous. The police gave as the reason for their
decision not to cross to the island in spite of being so heavily armed and trained for just this
kind of situation, the false information that there were seven gunmen on Utoya. This, even
though campers who had made it to safety had confirmed there was only one gunman. The local
police arrived 25 minutes after receiving a call concerning the shooting rampage at 17: 27, and
waited for reinforcements from the anti terrorism police unit. A video shown on NRK shows a
Delta anti terrorism police vehicle finally arriving at the camping site, stopping and then turning
around and driving off to head further up the coast, to a boat site which was 3.6 kilometres
away, so wasting at least another 15 minutes.
oslo-und-utoya-kritik-an-der-norwegischen-polizei-waechst-30486704.html No explanation
has been offered for why the police took this unnecessary detour. Officers of the anti terrorism
unit finally got into a rubber boat which was too small and sprang a leak, forcing the police to
commandeer two private boats to get to the island. An amateur video shows the bizarre attempt
to cross to the island by professionally trained police forces and at a time when every minute
counted. The Delta police unit used a vehicle to
go to the scene of the shooting in spite of the availability of a military helicopter. A military
helicopter which had transport victims from the Oslo bombing to hospitals was available for use
immediately. The police gave as the reason for not using the helicopter the need for an overhaul
or refurbishment to make it more purpose fit. The crew of the police helicopter were all on
holiday. In addition, it has emerged that Breivik – who was dressed in a police uniform – called
the police ten times offering to surrender to the authorities.
ei_an_1.11884125.html Police officials released transcripts of two phone calls on the request of
Breivik’s lawyer. One call was made at 18:01 or half an hour before the shooting spree was ended
when police finally arrived at the island. In a second call at 18:26 Breivik asks to be transferred
to “Delta’s operations leader”. Breivik says that he has completed his mission on behalf of the
European Knight’s Templar organisation.
breivik-called-twice-broke-communication/ How did Breivik know that the head of the Delta
police unit was the one which was, in fact, assigned to capture him if he did not have insider
information? Why do the Norwegian police continue to maintain that Breivilk was a lone wolf
when he himself stated that he was working for the well known Knights Templer organisation?
Why did the Delta anti terrorism unit take 61 minutes to get to the island when they could have
used a helicopter to make the journey in ten minutes? The police and government clearly prefer
the narrative of a loner who planned and carried out the massacre on his own or with
accomplices which will fit in with the “right-wing Christian extremist” narrative, allowing
authorities to target critics of bank bailouts and repressive government, and they are
manipulating the evidence accordingly. It does not suit the official narrative that Breivik had
accomplices – and that all the evidence points to these being inside the police and government.
Breivik clearly had qualms about killing so many young people in cold blood and tried to shorten
the mission by calling his contact in the police to surrender. But his handlers apparently wanted
the biggest possible number of deaths to stir up public outrage and ram through their agenda or
repression. Evidence suggests that the police went out of their way to find reasons not to reach
the island to stop the massacre until the body count had reached a staggering 77 young people.
However, the scandal concerning the massacre on Utoya is now engulfing the police itself with
mounting criticism of their actions in the media and among general public. In an attempt to
prevent scrutiny of the shocking incident, the government has postponed the trial of Breivik for
a year – and it cannot be ruled out that Breivik will be “shot” in a “Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey
Oswald” style incident to silence him if his fixers think that he might give too much information
away. The way police routinely stand aside to allow violence to spiral out of control to justify a
crack down on freedom of speech was underlined by the events surrounding the UK riots. The
parallels with the UK riots and the Brevik massacres are startling. Both were only possible
because of police inaction. It was police inaction which led to a situation where thugs were able
to rampage through London burning houses, murdering people and looting. It has emerged that
the UK police were ordered to stand down, so allowing the violence to intensify. Instead of firing
the police officers responsible for such a catastrophic security lapse, the UK government has
launched a crackdown on free speech and protests. The corruption endemic in the police force
was highlighted by a parliamentary inquiry, which revealed some of shadowy links between
police officers, the media empire of Rupert Murdoch and politicians, including David Cameron.
In Norway, there is now clear evidence of elements inside the government and police conspiring
to engineer police inaction in an extreme security situations to facilitate the murder of citizens
in order to justify restricting civic rights.]]> 5264 2011-08-19 12:31:17 2011-08-19 12:31:17
closed open norwegian-police-come-under-fire-for-inaction-during-utoya-massacre publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_c41f736b619d7da7151283272143be4d
vaccine-by-swedish-doctor/ Fri, 19 Aug 2011 17:15:30 +0000 birdflu666 *A DOCTOR IN SWEDEN HAS FOUND THE
inSwedenhas found traces of the toxic metals arsenic and tin in GlaxoSmithKline’s swine flu
Pandemrix vaccine. The consultant anaesthetist at aUniversityHospitalsaid he was surprised to
find “quite robust amounts of colloidal or nano-sized heavy metals” when he conducted an ICP
analysis of GSK’s swine flu vaccine. He found the following concentration in Pandemrix: arsenic
[As] = 2.421 ppm and tin [Sn] = 1.511 ppm. There was no indication on the product details
supplied by GSK that the Pandemrix vaccine with the ASO3 adjuvant contained these toxic
compounds. Colloidal or nano-sized arsenic is a strong and active haemolytic agent. In addition,
both arsenic and tin are known to be carcinogenic, to disturb DNA and to be deadly poisonous.
It has been documented in scientific literature that colloidal or nano-sized arsenic and organotin
(a toxic form of tin), can pass easily bypass the placenta, the blood-brain barrier as well as cell
membranes and access to the central nerve system, where they can give rise to conditions
imitating both Guillain Barrés Syndrome (GBS) and narcolepsy. The doctor said that the arsenic
and tin can only have been added to the vaccine deliberately or accidentally. Both options are
frightening, he said. The doctor, who wished to remain anonymous, said he informed the
Swedish authorities but got little reaction. He said he was worried that the contamination of
vaccines and medicines with toxic metals could be a world wide problem and was anxious to get
the word out on the independent media since other aventues appeared to be blocked. The
scandal comes after a drug known as Mediator inFranceremained on the market killing between
500 to 2000 people in spite of warnings over its side effects. At the end of 2010, the EU agreed new
rules on pharmacovigiliance but it is not clear how effective these are when a Swedish doctor
says that he found such obvious signs of toxic metals not just in the vaccines but in other drugs. The doctor conducted tests on the Pandemrix vaccine as part of a
personal investigation after one of his patients complained about pain at the injection site. After
having been injected with Pandemrix   as part of the swine flu mass vaccination in 2009, the
patient, her husband and their three children all developed intense pain at the site of injection.
The vaccine was administered by mixing antigen and adjuvant from two separate glass vials
before injecting it into the muscle. On a hunch, the doctor analysed the content of the vials to
see if fragments of rubber or plastic material from the lid of the vials had become attached to the
tip of the needle and had triggered "a foreign body reaction" at the injection site.  Instead, he
found toxic metals had been added to the vaccine. In February 2009, Baxter contaminated 72
kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with the bird flu virus and sent it to labs in 4 different countries,
nearly triggering a global bird flu outbreak. Because the contamination of the vaccine occurred
in a biosecurity level 3 lab, an accidental contamination can be virtually ruled out. After I filed
charges in April 2009 against Baxter, the police inAustriastarted an investigation. The charges
were dropped in September 2009 shortly before the mass swine flu vaccine campaign began.
Baxter’s swine flu vaccine was eventually given a licence but it did not have the adjuvant or
thiomersal, mercury, linked to autism. In Austria, only 4% of the population took the swine flu
vaccine. In Italy and Spain only 1% of the people took the jab. About 200 doctors in Spain
launched blogs to warn people that the vaccine was not adequately tested. 6.1 million people
took the swine flu vaccine inSweden; 30 million took it inEuropealtogether. Pandemrix has been
linked with narcolepsy inFinland,Sweden,NorwayandFrance.  ]]> 5268 2011-08-19 17:15:30
2011-08-19 17:15:30 closed open toxic-metals-found-in-pandemrix-swine-flu-vaccine-by-
swedish-doctor publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_224fde661cc7003d428ed37a5abd5e32
_oembed_a20c1ad3eb551745a49181113d851445 16996 2011-08-26 16:51:34
2011-08-26 16:51:34 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 17095
vacuna-pandemrix/ 2011-09-01 18:43:09 2011-09-01 18:43:09 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 17061 2011-08-31 08:37:42 2011-08-31 08:37:42 1
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and-ecb-bond-buying/ Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:17:36 +0000 birdflu666
of-EU-bail-outs.html    ]]> 5270 2011-08-23 13:17:36 2011-08-23 13:17:36 closed open
bundesbank-questions-legality-of-eu-bail-outs-and-ecb-bond-buying publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_0ff0d5fb32a62671945246e7ebf140f8 Tue, 23 Aug
2011 13:20:33 +0000 birdflu666 5272 2011-08-23
13:20:33 2011-08-23 13:20:33 closed open merkel-says-nein-to-eurobonds publish 0 0 post 0
issue-of-collateral-for-greek-bailout/ Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:22:43 +0000 birdflu666 Stephen Brown and Gernot Heller BERLIN |
Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:49am EDT BERLIN (Reuters) - A minister in Angela Merkel's conservative
party propelled Germany into a debate about guarantees on bailout payments to Greece, backing
a demand from Finland for collateral, but Berlin distanced itself from her comments. Read more
idUSTRE77M2DZ20110823]]> 5274 2011-08-23 13:22:43 2011-08-23 13:22:43 closed open
german-minister-is-latest-to-raise-issue-of-collateral-for-greek-bailout publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_ecb8cfb7e3fe89384dd6184db3e711df
austerity-measures-media-and-government-feign-surprise/ Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:25:11 +0000
shrink-more-than-expected.html]]> 5276 2011-08-23 13:25:11 2011-08-23 13:25:11 closed open
surprise publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_6c685e1e2e97ab6a3134dbc4fb06bfcc
creation/ Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:28:04 +0000 birdflu666
p=5278 The financial crises of the recent past are
rooted in the monetary system as it stands today. This system creates excessive credit which
inevitably feeds speculative bubbles, asset and consumer price inflation, and results in over-
indebtedness. In order to work properly, the economy needs to rely on a stable and just
monetary system. That is why we call for 1. the full re-establishment of the public prerogative of
creating money 2. an end to the creation of money by means of commercial bank credit 3.
spending new money into circulation debt-free through public expenditure. Money makes the
world go round. Who makes the money go round? Everybody uses money as though it were self-
evident. But the actual functioning of the monetary system remains just as nebulous as its
characterisation as ‘fractional reserve system’ or ‘multiple credit creation’. This works to the
benefit of the banks. They have in effect usurped the prerogative to create money by crediting
80-95 % of the means of payment into circulation in the form of demand deposits on current
accounts. An increasing part of the money supply has of late fueled mere financial transactions
which had no benefit for the real economy, but have caused much real damage to it. The barely
restrained creation of credit drives business cycles and the stocks and securities markets into
irrational exuberance - wildly overshooting in boom periods, while resulting in over-
indebtedness and severe undersupply of money in ensuing crises. If banks themselves go bust,
their customers’ deposits and savings are at risk. If the state then intervenes to bail out the
banks and vouch for deposits, governments in effect privatize banking profits, while passing the
losses on to the public. Banks act as individual companies. They are duty bound neither to
macro-economic goals nor to the common interest. Leaving to them the weighty prerogative of
creating the official means of payment is untenable. Money and the monetary order represent
concerns of constitutional importance. Nationalization of money, not of banking All money
should exclusively be created by an independent public authority. In the European Monetary
Union this role falls to the European Central Bank and its national member bodies. They ought
to be seen as the fourth power in the state: the monetary power, to complement the legislative,
executive and judicial powers. As with the latter, the monetary power must be independent and
answerable only to the law - independent from governments’ and parliaments’ appetite for
money as well as from self-serving interests of the financial sector and other industries. In such
a monetary regime, local complementary currencies and co-operative clearing systems can co-
exist. The monetary reform envisaged here is simple: Bank-money on account (today’s demand
deposits) would be declared to be legal tender just like coins and banknotes. The system of
public central banks - the monetary power - would exclusively be authorized to create these
official means of payment and regulate the quantity thereof. Money on account would thus be
nationalized in the same way as banknotes were nationalized over a hundred years ago. At that
time, privately issued banknotes were phased out in favor of public banknotes issued by the
central bank. Today the crux of the matter is to replace the debt-laden, unstable and unsafe
bank-created demand deposits by a public money base which is free of debt and interest.
Today’s partially nationalized money base (5-15% coins and banknotes) would fully be
nationalized, not however the banks. Government and parliament would have no say in the
central bank’s independent decisions on how much money it deems necessary. The discretionary
additions to the money supply would be transferred free of interest from the central bank to the
government that spends it into circulation under normal budgetary procedures. In recent years
this has involved 200-350 billion euros p.a. within the European Monetary Union. This
represented an overshooting supply, but even less money still represents very much money
foregone to the public purse. Banks and financial markets should be able to freely pursue all but
one of their current activities: that of creating money by crediting it out of thin air into
customers’ current accounts. Banks would have to operate purely within the means which they
have obtained as earnings or taken up at the money market or from their customers. Banks
would hold that money in cash or non-cash in their account with the central bank. Putting an
end to the banks’ ability to create demand deposits can be achieved in a technically rather
simple and smooth way: Customers’ current accounts would be taken off the banks’ balance
sheet and run separately in their own right. Making money creation fit the public interest Such a
reform would bring about five big advantages. First, money on account could no longer
disappear and would thus be safe. If banks failed there would be no reason for a run on those
banks, and cashless money transfer would not be in jeopardy. Governments and the public
would thus no longer be at the mercy of the banks’ survival as is the case today. Second, bounds
would be set on the banks’ procyclical over- and undershooting of the money supply. Before
running into a stage of ‘irrational exuberance’ markets would run short of fuel in the form of all
too cheaply available credit. Money flows would be steadier, and real and financial business
cycles more moderate. Third, the central bank would have full control of the quantity of money
and would thus be able to prevent inflation by managing the money supply in accordance with
real economic potentials - unlike today’s credit creation by the banks which is prone to asset and
consumer price inflation or to overt demonetization in times of economic stress. Fourth,
seigniorage would fully benefit the public purse and no longer be an undeserved banking extra
profit. A non inflation-accelerating growth rate of the money supply is in line with the
expectable growth rate of the real economy. By today’s standards 1-2 per cent of GDP growth in
the European Monetary Union (about 9.100 billion euros in 2008) involves an additional money
supply, and thus seigniorage, of about 90-180 billion euros. This amounts to about 2-4 per cent
of the total budget of EMU member states. Fifth, and of particular importance today,
governments would have the one-time chance of reducing public debt by half in a no-noise no-
pain transition to the new system. The reason is that the reform substitutes central bank money
on current accounts for banks’ demand deposits. Most of the replacement would happen within
a time span of about three to five years as old bank credits are paid back and replaced by new
loans fully made out in central bank money. The necessary means for this one-time substitution
can originally also be brought into circulation by way of transfer from central bank to
government. Governments in turn can use the corresponding amounts of one-off transition
seigniorage to redeem public debt. Demand deposits within the EMU amounted to 3.200 billion
euros in 2008, in fact half of total public debt at about 6.000 billion euros. Monetary business-
as-usual is no longer acceptable. Ever more regulation and bureaucracy is not desirable either.
What we now need is: replacement of bank-created demand deposits by central bank money, in
finally establishing public central banks as the independent fourth power, the monetary power.]]> 5278 2011-08-23 13:28:04 2011-08-23 13:28:04
closed open ending-the-stealth-privatisation-of-money-creation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
energiewende-sondern-auch-eine-geldwende/ Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:30:47 +0000 birdflu666 Euro-Bonds und EU-Wirtschaftsdiktatur
23.08.2011 Die Schuldenkrise bildet  die Drohkulisse, um den nächsten 
„unausweichlichen“ Schritt hin zu einer politischen Union vom Bürger
abzufordern. - Nicht die Staaten sind in Wahrheit bankrott, sondern das
Fundament unseres heutigen Finanzsystems. Dieses System kann nicht gerettet
werden. Je schneller wir das Unausweichliche akzeptieren, desto schneller
können wir beginnen, ein besseres, nachhaltigeres und gerechteres
Operativsystem für unsere Marktwirtschaft zu schaffen. von Yoshi Frey Zur Lösung
der Verschuldungskrise in den Euroländern wird immer wieder die Schaffung von Eurobonds
vorgeschlagen.  Bisher hat die deutsche Regierung aus gutem Grunde der Versuchung einer
Vergemeinschaftung der Haftung für die Schulden der Euroländer widerstanden. Nun muss sie
aber langsam einsehen, dass eine gemeinsame Haftung praktisch sowieso schon durch die
Einführung des Euros eingetreten war. Der Weg zurück zu Nationalwährungen ist nämlich mit
der Bildung einer Währungsgemeinschaft verwehrt, da die politischen und ökonomischen
Kollateralschäden eines Auseinanderbrechens der Eurozone grösser erscheinen, als die etwaigen
höheren Zinskosten, die eine vergemeinschaftete Bonität aller Euroländer für die
Bundesregierung bedeutet. Folgen wir dieser Logik, so zwingt die gemeinsame Währung die
Euroländer zur Bildung einer gemeinsamen Wirtschaftsregierung und letztendlich zur Bildung
eines neuen Souveräns. Und das war auch die politische Absicht hinter der Bildung der
Währungsunion. Read more at:
bonds-und-eu-wirtschaftsdiktatur#13141046784841&if_height=8039]]> 5280 2011-08-23
13:30:47 2011-08-23 13:30:47 closed open deutschland-braucht-nicht-nur-eine-energiewende-
sondern-auch-eine-geldwende publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
autism-researcher-poul-thorsen/ Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:34:35 +0000 birdflu666 Given Aarhus University's remarkable "To whom it
may concern" statement of January 22, 2010, the question is now whether managing director
Jørgen Jørgensen and Rector Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen from Aarhus University forgot to inform
the president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barrosso, and the members of the
European Commission about the "considerable shortfall" the university discovered in 2009? A
financial deficit in the budget that the university itself associates with Poul Thorsen's doings as
Danish US-CDC-funded autism researcher. One could also ask whether it would have made any
difference, if Aarhus University had blown the whissle when Thorsen resigned in March 2009?
Why did the university choose to wait nearly a year to do so? Was it was a deliberate delay or
not, in this way sufficient time was left for the ENSACP Project Final Technical Meeting to take
place. According to the minutes of this meeting it was here that "PT" or Pul Thorsen reminded
all present that he was now working full time o the ENSACP project on February 20, 2010 .]]>
5283 2011-08-23 13:34:35 2011-08-23 13:34:35 closed open eu-funds-new-project-of-disgraced-
vaccine-autism-researcher-poul-thorsen publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
drive-uk-towards-recession/ Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:03:48 +0000 birdflu666 Philip Aldrick, The Telegraph 5:30AM BST 23 Aug
2011 The revelation from the international think-tank will pose fresh questions for Chancellor
George Osborne, who is already under pressure to bolster his economic strategy in the face of
flagging growth. Politicians from his own Conservative Party as well as Labour are demanding
more stimulus, predominantly through tax cuts, to help the recovery regain momentum. Angela
Eagle MP, Labour's Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, said: "These figures show that the
British recovery was choked off well before the current global uncertainty. Far from being a safe
haven, the Chancellor's decision to cut too far and too fast has made Britain highly vulnerable to
the problems we are seeing." Read more at:
leading-economies.html]]> 5286 2011-08-24 15:03:48 2011-08-24 15:03:48 closed open
bilderberg-george-osbornes-austerity-cuts-drive-uk-towards-recession publish 0 0 post 0
the-soviet-rouble-bloc/ Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:05:31 +0000 birdflu666 The big-picture EZ-USSR parallel is not perfect, not
least because it’s in a reverse sequence: The Soviet Union was a fiscal federation—and indeed
more unitary than federal compared to most other fiscal federations, the last major example of a
multi-nation/purportedly multi-state monetary union in which political union broke down,
followed by a breakdown of the fiscal union, and a partial and gradual, yet disorderly, monetary
disunion. Even so, the Soviet analogy is a cautionary tale both for the political-economy reasons
to which Stephen refers as well as others, and more specific monetary signals. This may seem a
bit absurd at first blush, but there is actually far more to it than meets the unaided eye, which is
why we referred to this example of monetary disintegration in last year’s EZ Does It! Part 1:
Eurozone Engdame Scenarios. Read more at:
precedent-for-the-ez-eur-hsbcs-king-and-rges-ez-does-it/]]> 5288 2011-08-24
15:05:31 2011-08-24 15:05:31 closed open is-the-eurozone-set-to-collapse-like-the-soviet-
rouble-bloc publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
ecb-sterilisation-of-bond-purchases-aggravate-the-economic-downturn/ Wed, 24 Aug 2011
15:11:17 +0000 birdflu666 Have I missed
something? Doesn’t this mean the ECB is set to take possibly hundreds of billions of euros out of
central bank money supply circulation as part of the “sterilisation” programme, potentially
wrecking  havoc with credit flows in the real economy? Private banks are also refusing to lend to
each other in what looks like a concerted plan to starve the eurozone of liquidity and so strangle
economies. The ECB has already “supported Greece, Portugal and Ireland ‘on a massive scale’,
holding up to 20 per cent of their respective total debt stocks.”  “If the ECB went on to hold that
much of Italy, it would hold about €320bn (Spain €115bn),” says Cotterill. The Bundesbank 
noted in its latest report that there is no economic justification for the ECB’s bond purchasing
programme for Italy. The interest on Italy’s bonds today is still  much lower than when the
interest Itay was paying when it joined the eurozone. “It’s not an imaginative leap to consider
billions of fresh Italian bond purchases coming in per week, especially because there are already
billions of debt coming fresh to secondary markets each month from Italy’s heavy auction
schedule. There are probably ways to extend sterilisation if the ECB wanted — they’ve hinted at
using 30-day debt certificates before, and there’s always the model of the Fed’s Term Deposit
Facility for longer-term deposits. But is it too much to argue that this would only perpetuate
liquidity traps in the eurozone? It’d create places for banks to park cash but not encourage them
to put it into (eg.) peripheral debt. It’s maybe a small concern (and Eonia has long come under
policy rates, so it’s not a new one either) but we think the potential scale of ECB buying of Italy
renews it somewhat,” writes Cotterill.]]> 5290 2011-08-24 15:11:17 2011-08-24 15:11:17 closed
open will-ecb-sterilisation-of-bond-purchases-aggravate-the-economic-downturn publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last
legality-of-ecb-bond-purchases/ Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:19:10 +0000 birdflu666 Saving the Euro German President Questions
Legality of ECB Bond Purchases German President Christian Wulff blasted the
European Central Bank's policy of buying up bonds from indebted euro-zone
countries on Wednesday, saying it runs counter to European Union laws. His
comments highlight just how controversial efforts at propping up the common
currency have become. German President Christian Wulff on Wednesday publicly
questioned the legality of the European Central Bank's program of buying bonds of debt-ridden
EU countries as a way of propping up their economies. Speaking at a conference of economists
in the Bavarian town of Lindau, Wulff said: "I regard the massive acquisition of the bonds of
individual states via the European Central Bank as legally questionable." He referred to an
article in the EU's fundamental treaty which bars the ECB from buying bonds directly from
governments. Because of the article, the ECB has been purchasing bonds on the secondary
market. The ban, Wulff said, "only makes sense if those responsible don't circumvent it with
comprehensive purchases on the secondary market." Growing Opposition Wulff holds a
largely ceremonial post as president, but as a member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's
Christian Democratic Union (CDU) his comments show how controversial the issue of
supporting the debt-ridden EU countries has become in Germany and in Merkel's own party.
Wulff must also sign off on German legislation, including laws aimed at propping up the euro.
Read more at:,1518,782171,00.html  ]]> 5292
2011-08-24 15:19:10 2011-08-24 15:19:10 closed open german-president-questions-legality-of-
ecb-bond-purchases publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
bailout-scam/ Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:33:46 +0000 birdflu666
Verfassungsrichter-vor-Gericht.html The constitutional court is set to rule on September 7th on
the eurozone bailouts - more than a year after the first complains were filed over the brazen
violation of the no bail out clause in the EU Lisbon Treaty.
griechenland-urteilen-_aid_658021.html Economist Hans Werner Sinn noted that not even in
the federal states in the USA are liable for the debts of other states. The bailouts are an incentive
to reckless spending and will encourage debt, he said. Markus C. Kerber said that the way the
judges of Germany's highest court have abandoned any semblance of upholding the no bailout
clause has undermined law and order and democracy in Germany, including the right to a fair
trial and the right to protection of property. Kerber is part of a group taking legal actions against
the judges at the European Court of Human Rights. The violations of the no bailout clause have
become progressively worse as the judges have sat on the sidelines with new plans for a
monstrous special commission to take control of a new euro bailout fund in September 2011.
Germany's highest court has shown a blatant sympathy towards the German government in its
goals of looting citizens to prop up banks. At most, commentators expect the court will rule that
the parliament should have more say on September 7th. Clearly, the German parliament does
not have the right to abolish the constitution either. Constitutional courts are not established to
give parliaments the right to abolish the constitution. Constitutional courts have no other
purpose than to uphold the constitution irrespective of political pressures. Comparable would be
a situation where the US Supreme Court failed to rule in favour of the second amendment one
year after the US government effectively abolished the second amendment by confiscating
all guns  or where the Supreme Court ruled that Congress could decide whether guns were
confiscated or not. The US Supreme Court would never get away with this. The judges of
Germany's constitution court are acting in the same brazenly politicised way as the judges in
Nazi Germany. If it was possible to put the judges of Nazi Germany on trial in 1947 for
undermining law and order and human rights, why can't the German judges be put in trial in
2011 for ruining the public finances of the country for the profit of banks?
Verfassungsrichter-vor-Gericht.html]]> 5294 2011-08-24 15:33:46 2011-08-24 15:33:46 closed
open german-judges-to-face-legal-action-over-euro-bailout-scam publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_d37670f9ab8c537b954dfc51daf1ff5a _oembed_606f3014dde9799ff6f7c1f9b497c23d
dictatorial-euro-bailout-fund-leaked/ Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:57:20 +0000 birdflu666 *LEAKED LAW REVEALS GERMANY S FINANCE
GERMAN PARLIAMENT IN SEPTEMBER Germany's Finance Minister Wolfgang
Schäuble plans to create a special commission with dictatorial powers to tax citizens and so
establish the eurozone equivalent of the monstrous,  all-powerful new “Super Congress” in the
USA, a leaked draft of a law on the new euro bailout fund has revealed.
bundestag_aid_658355.html Schäuble proposes giving the new euro region’s bailout fund
blanket powers to expropriate citizens to prop up Europe’s insolvent banks in the most brazen
attempt yet to marginalise parliaments and people. “Citing a “secret” ministry document, the
Handelsblatt said Schaeuble wants the bailout fund, called the European Financial Stability
Facility, to assume “general powers” to carry out rescues, sidestepping German budget laws.,”
reports Bloomberg. Recapitalising financial institutions is stated as a goal of the new euro
bailout fund in the top secret paper. The balance sheets of Europe's banks are in a far worse
state than public finances. But instead of allowing banks to fail and finally reforming the
fractional-reserve banking system once and for all, eurozone governments are funneling tax
payer money to the banks to allow them to continue to pay their elite creditors. The sums
involved as so huge that they are ruining public finances and destroying the solvency of nations.
Ireland saw its souvereign debt sky rocket after the government guaranteed bank losses in
secret. In a move that will erase the last vestiges of democracy in Germany and the eurozone, the
new euro bailout fund's special council is to be given virtually unlimited powers to demand
money from governments and spend it on banks and financial institutions without any
accountability at all. Goverments are required to hand over any sum demanded by the
commission in seven days without delay even though they will have no say in how the money is
spent. The establishment of this monstrous and dictatorial new special council of "taxation
without representation" is tucked into legislation setting up the new euro bailout fund,
the EFSF, which Schaüble is tryng to ram through the German parliament on 23 September
2011 at top speed so that lawmakers do not have the time to debate the issues. The extraordinary
plans are meeting with resistance from the German parliament. “Norbert Lammert, a member
of the ruling Christian Democrats and parliament’s most senior lawmaker, said a report in the
newspaper today citing plans by Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to pass parliamentary
control over bailouts to the fund would “definitely not happen.”, said Bloomberg. But Social
Democrat and Bilderberg Peer Steinbruck has already said he will give cross party support for
the bankster bailout. It is not clear why a social democrat should be so eager to hand over the
money needed for pensions and social welfare to the banks and Steinbruck's actions surely raise
questions about bank lobbying and even possible corruption. According to Freiewelt, dangerous
provisions in the new laws include the power for the new special governing council to order
governments to hand over funds within 7 days without any questions being asked or any delay
allowed (Article 9).
%E4t.html There is also provision to allow the governing council to unilaterally raise the size of
the fund currently at 700 billion euros to an unlimited amount ( Article 10). Absolutely no
external or independent control is envisaged apart from a set of accounts to be approved by the
same governing council (Article 25). The members of the commission are to be immunity from
all legal prosecution (Article 27).  To create this monstrous body which will operates out of all
democratic control and the rule of law is clearly itself illegal. The German constitution gives
citizens the right to resistance if any attempt is made to abolish democracy (Article 20). The
time to resist has certainly come.]]> 5298 2011-08-24 15:57:20 2011-08-24 15:57:20 closed
open plans-of-germanys-finance-minister-for-a-dictatorial-euro-bailout-fund-leaked publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_bfa98408478f538d7aeb750d45146f82
_oembed_7ef2f658aa1911cd809727b7966aa864 16979 2011-08-25 18:01:11
2011-08-25 18:01:11 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
confirm-drill-identical-to-breivik%e2%80%99s-attack/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011 14:36:10 +0000
birdflu666 Kurt Nimmo August 26,
2011 The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports today police sources have confirmed that
hours before Anders Behring Breivik launched his deadly attack at a political summer camp on
Utøya island on July 22, police had conducted a drill for a “practically identical scenario.” Read
more at:
attack/]]> 5300 2011-08-29 14:36:10 2011-08-29 14:36:10 closed open norwegian-police-
confirm-drill-identical-to-breivik%e2%80%99s-attack publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
fema/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011 14:36:43 +0000 birdflu666
p=5303 Fox News Sunday Monday, August 29, 2011 Ron Paul explains why FEMA is a failure of
central economic planning. Check out the video at:
we-dont-need-fema/]]> 5303 2011-08-29 14:36:43 2011-08-29 14:36:43 closed open ron-paul-
why-we-don%e2%80%99t-need-fema publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
for-murder-of-rich/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011 14:42:40 +0000 birdflu666
oesterreichische-politiker-fordern-massenmord.html]]> 5305 2011-08-29 14:42:40 2011-08-29
14:42:40 closed open austrian-social-democrat-makes-barbaric-call-for-murder-of-rich publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_a29444588b4fb1297e46728b07627743
fake-facebook-page-running-under-my-name/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011 14:54:48 +0000 birdflu666 Since I began my campaign to warn people about
the way Baxter had contaminated 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with the deadly bird flu virus
in its biosecurity facilities in Orth an der Donau in spring 2009, I have been the target, like so
many other whistleblowers, of an orchestrated smear campaign, involving also the theft of my
identify with fake comments posted under my name on websites, fake websites carrying my
name, fake facebook sites and my own website, the flucase, being hijacked by Johann Niklasson.
The Austrian justice ministry dropped the investigation into the scandalous incident at the
Baxter facilities in September 2009 after a six month police investigation and instead launched
an illegal and outrageous campaign to put me under a court guardianship and destroy my
reputation. The Austrian Ministry of Justice had to drop a defamation charge against me earlier
this year because their outrageous and illegal actions can be seen by anyone who studies the
documents. Is Austria fit to be a part of the euro zone or any new bloc of norther countries in a
euro zone? Is the country, a well known corruption oasis where right wing extremism runs
rampant, up to the standards of  the rest of Europe when it comes to its judiciary and
government? I would argue, no.  ]]> 5308 2011-08-29 14:54:48 2011-08-29 14:54:48 closed
open why-i-will-be-taking-legal-action-against-the-fake-facebook-page-running-under-my-
name publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
authorities-highly-likely-knew-about-incest-rape-victims-ordeal-lasting-41-years/ Mon, 29 Aug
2011 15:04:02 +0000 birdflu666
A Daily Mail report:
Sisters-raped-41-years-father-slowly-went-mad.html#ixzz1WQecGSxx    ]]> 5310 2011-08-29
15:04:02 2011-08-29 15:04:02 closed open austrian-authorities-highly-likely-knew-about-
incest-rape-victims-ordeal-lasting-41-years publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_7ec45eaabb9fce17d3128d82f7b6c6a0 _oembed_9e7d2f77c6f9046e3ec41ff6f128ee41
attack-german-foreign-minister-for-staying-out-of-unpopular-libya-war/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011
15:06:03 +0000 birdflu666 In handing Libya to Al
Qaeda, the line has been forever crossed Tony Cartalucci Land Destroyer Monday, August 29,
2011  First – let’s not labor under any delusions. Obama, Cameron, and Sarkozy are heads of
state in name only. It is the depravity and megalomania amongst the banks, corporations, and
the institutions they have contrived, that are responsible for the most egregious betrayal in
Western history. For 10 years the West’s leadership have stirred up hatred and fear amongst
their populations to justify a lengthy and very costly global war that has sent US, British,
Canadian, German, French, and many other troops, around the world, into dangerous adversity,
and ultimately to their graves to fight “the forces of terror.” Read more at:]]> 5312 2011-08-29 15:06:03 2011-08-
29 15:06:03 closed open libya-the-greatest-betrayal-controlled-media-attack-german-foreign-
minister-for-staying-out-of-unpopular-libya-war publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
wedding-in-prussia-pope-gives-special-blessing-to-imperial-couple/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011 15:18:07
+0000 birdflu666
232966/ Who knows? Among those watching the livestream may even have been the
scriptwriters of Captain American: First Avenger, looking for material for a new film on Kaiser
junior. A report in the Daily Mail on the  Hohenzollern wedding ceremony and some of the
guests at:
German-aristocracy-millions-watched-William-Kate-tie-knot.html#ixzz1WQb8gHYz]]> 5315
2011-08-29 15:18:07 2011-08-29 15:18:07 closed open only-160000-germans-watch-
hohenzollern-wedding-in-prussia-pope-gives-special-blessing-to-imperial-couple publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_696a0555c7af0e8d827ff070a1970916
_oembed_2473dd6ae47beb71f42c2356b269a7a0 _oembed_5691ceff3f11e6f79ad030e33f037ff1
2011-08-30 17:39:43 2011-08-30 17:39:43 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
assistance-opposed-in-germany/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011 15:21:00 +0000 birdflu666 5318 2011-08-29 15:21:00 2011-08-29 15:21:00
closed open imf-chiefs-demand-for-compulsory-bank-assistance-opposed-in-germany publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last
eurozone-and-usa-competitiveness/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011 15:23:21 +0000 birdflu666 Cannes : France | Aug 26, 2011 Source: The Globe &
Mail EDT Columbia University's Robert Mundell , whose thinking contributed to the intellectual
foundation of the euro zone, is in high demand here at the Lindau Meeting on Economic
Sciences for obvious reasons. He's taking advantage of the attention to propose a new
international monetary system. Read more at:
search-for-a-new-global-monetary-system]]> 5321 2011-08-29 15:23:21 2011-08-29 15:23:21
closed open godfather-of-disastrous-euro-currency-floats-proposal-for-global-currency-will-
planned-exchange-rate-destroy-eurozone-and-usa-competitiveness publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_c27572063852997af361c8403a224203
germany-merkel-undermined-by-globalists-kohl-and-von-der-leyen/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011
15:26:26 +0000 birdflu666
hysteria-sweeps-Germany.html]]> 5323 2011-08-29 15:26:26 2011-08-29 15:26:26 closed open
and-von-der-leyen publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
with-nurofen/ Mon, 29 Aug 2011 15:29:37 +0000 birdflu666 Sunday, 28 August 2011 The regulator of medicines
is investigating whether there has been a systemic failure in the way healthcare products are
repackaged as the Nurofen Plus recall widened to a police investigation into sabotage. Read
more at:
investigate-how-healthcare-products-are-repackaged-2345327.html]]> 5325 2011-08-29
15:29:37 2011-08-29 15:29:37 closed open uk-police-investigate-large-scale-tampering-with-
nurofen publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_339bab297f95698b6a2a80fd82d4cc42
vaccinations-on-school-kids/ Thu, 01 Sep 2011 12:53:37 +0000 birdflu666 Kurt Nimmo August 30, 2011 In
addition to pushing junk food – chock full of saturated fats, hydrogenated fats and refined sugar
– McDonald’s is now pushing dangerous vaccinations on school kids, as the photo below sent by
an reader reveals. The corporate propaganda effort is called “Immunize for
healthy lives” (sic) and is set to coincide with the start of a new year of government
indoctrination at public schools. Read more at:
dangerous-vaccinations-on-school-kids/]]> 5327 2011-09-01 12:53:37 2011-09-01 12:53:37
closed open mcdonald%e2%80%99s-pushes-dangerous-vaccinations-on-school-kids publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last
guard/ Thu, 01 Sep 2011 12:54:46 +0000 birdflu666
p=5329   The State of Maryland has now turned to Gestapo tactics to force its medical will upon
the People, stripping parents of any right to decide how they wish to protect their own children
from infectious disease. Health authorities there have already announced their intent to
essentially kidnap parents and throw them in jail, removing them from their children for up to
thirty days if they continue to refuse to have their children vaccinated. This will all be conducted
at gunpoint, with armed personnel and attack dogs at the ready, making sure nobody steps out
of line, and suppressing any attempt at public dissent against the Orwellian vaccination policies.
The entire campaign against these parents is blatantly illegal. There is no law in Maryland
requiring the vaccination of children, thus parents who refuse to do so may not be legally
charged with violating any law. Instead, Maryland health and school authorities are using
Gestapo-like tactics, threatening to charge the parents with child truancy violations,
criminalizing them for daring to protect their children from the dangerous chemicals found in
vaccines (including thimerosal, a chemical additive containing a neurotoxic form of mercury).    
The desperation of organized medicine is becoming increasingly apparent As more and more
parents are becoming informed about the dangers of vaccinations and their link to autism, state
health authorities are increasingly turning to "Gunpoint Medicine" to force the People to submit
to the poisons of conventional medicine. Parents who attempt to save their children from deadly
chemotherapy chemicals are being arrested and having their children kidnapped by Child
Protective Services (see  ), and
oncologists who used to be armed only with radiation machines and chemotherapy injectors and
now arming themselves with U.S. Marshals and other local law enforcement authorities who are
using loaded firearms to enforce "the will of the State" against parents who resist.   Even the
American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) announced its strong opposition to
the Maryland "Gunpoint Medicine" vaccination campaign. In a press release published Nov. 16,
the AAPS states:   The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons today condemned the
"vaccine roundup" executed in Prince George's county Maryland this week, and promised to do
everything it can to support parents who refuse to immunize their children.   "This power play
obliterates informed consent and parental rights," said Kathryn Serkes, director of policy for the
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), one of the few national physician
groups that refuse corporate funding from pharmaceutical companies.   In a scenario
reminiscent of cattle round-ups, the state's attorney has issued summons to more than 1600
parents of children who have not provided certificates of immunization for their children. But
instead of toting a cattle prod, this state's attorney chooses to wield a syringe to keep the "herd"
in line.   Read the rest of the press release at:
Gunpoint Medicine: Why drug pushers must now rely on Gestapo tactics Conventional
(pharmaceutical) medicine is the only system of medicine in the world that is so unpopular with
informed consumers that it must be administered at the barrel of a gun. There is no other
system of medicine anywhere in the world that resorts to such tactics to recruit patients.   At the
Nov. 17th event in Maryland, activists Jim Moody and Kelly Ann Davis from SafeMinds
( were able to get in front of TV news cameras and voice their opposition to
the coerced vaccination policy. Yet, amazingly, most parents just lined up like cattle ready to be
branded, not bothering to question the sanity or legality of the very system in which they were
now agreeing to participate.   A health freedom blog called Center for the Common Interest
( also covered the event, and it reports that a local activist named
Donovan Hubbard videotaped the event and plans to make the video available online.
(NaturalNews would like to contact Donovan and / or publicize his video. If you know of a way
we can contact him, please call us at (520) 232-9300 to let us know...)     What's next for
Gunpoint Medicine? As the truth continues to emerge about the extreme dangers of
vaccinations and pharmaceuticals, Big Pharma is becoming increasingly desperate to coerce the
public into relying on its products. It is now working closely with state authorities (including
Governors of several states) to mandate the use of vaccinations on young children. This results
in the criminalization of parents who refuse to subject their children to these dangerous
chemicals.   In effect, Big Pharma is hoping to turn natural health followers into criminals.   The
FDA has already criminalized nutritional supplement companies who dare to tell the truth about
the health benefits of their supplements. (Read the true history of armed FDA raids on vitamin
companies here: )   Next, parents who refuse to
subject their children to the chemical pharmaceuticals proposed by Big Pharma will be
criminalized, rounded up and incarcerated for "refusing to comply with public health policy."
This is all being done by the State in the name of "protecting the children" from their own
natural health parents. (Insane, isn't it, to think that protecting your child from toxic chemicals
is now a criminal act in the United States?)   The end game of all this is to apply Gunpoint
Medicine tactics to everyone: Adults and senior citizens included. Anyone suffering from high
cholesterol, for example, who does not submit to Big Pharma's statin drugs could be arrested,
strapped to a table and medicated against their will. People with cancer could be arrested for
choosing to treat that cancer with safe and effective botanical medicines instead of patented,
high-profit Big Pharma drugs. If you think the prisons are full enough right now from all the
arrests for marijuana possession and other victimless crimes, just wait until the State starts
arresting all the natural health moms and dads across the country who refuse to participate in
the utterly insane and extremely harmful system of medicine that now dominates U.S. health
care today.   The State is very clear about medicine: If you want to remain a free citizen, you
must submit to the synthetic drugs made by the very same corporations that now control
government health regulators. Any person who resists such "treatments" will be branded a
threat to public health -- a designation just beneath "terrorist" in the eyes of many government
bureaucrats. As such, they believe there is no limit to the level of force they may use to coerce
such people into submitting to Big Pharma's chemicals. Today, it's armed guards with attack
dogs. Tomorrow, it might be water boarding or other torture methods. Think that's impossible?
Think again: Just five years ago, nobody in their right mind would have thought that parents
who did not want to get their children vaccinated would end up in prison, their children
kidnapped by state authorities and forced to subject themselves to dangerous chemical
injections at gunpoint. Yet that is precisely what is happening right now in the state of
Maryland. It happened on Saturday, in fact.     Where is the outrage? What's most interesting
about this issue of using the threat of imprisonment to force vaccinations upon children is not
necessarily who is speaking out against it, but who has chosen to remain silent.   The American
Medical Association, for example, has said nothing in opposition to the policy. Neither has the
Food and Drug Administration. Where is the outrage from the Maryland Hospital Association?
None of these organizations seem to have a problem with Gunpoint Medicine. The idea of
rounding up parents and coercing their children into receiving injections of toxic chemicals does
not seem to bother these organizations. And why should it? All of these organizations are closely
tied to Big Pharma. They're all in favor of vaccinations for all, it seems, and I have no doubt that
some individuals in these organizations (especially the AMA) are strongly in favor of the
Gunpoint Medicine coerced vaccination policy being played out in Maryland right now.  
Organized medicine believes the People are too stupid to be allowed to make their own health
decisions. Bureaucrats and physicians should be the ones making these decisions, we're told,
and any person who disagrees with such decisions should be labeled a criminal, arrested and
prosecuted. This is no exaggeration. It is, in fact, a shockingly accurate description of Maryland's
current vaccination policy.   It wasn't too long ago that Americans would have stood up and
rallied against this kind of medical tyranny. The major news networks would have denounced
Maryland's vaccination policy with strong language and harsh accusations. People would have
been marching in the streets, demanding their health freedom. But today, it's a different
America. The People are drugged up on pharmaceuticals and dosed on fluoride. They're too
intoxicated to think straight, and they're frightened into submission by a fear-based government
that invokes domestic tyranny at every opportunity to control and manipulate the People into
doing whatever it wants.   The "free" America we all once knew is long gone, and it has been
replaced with The United States of Corporate America, where police tactics are now used to
enforce hazardous public health policies, and the people who run the State no longer think
there's anything wrong with rounding up the population at gunpoint and performing large-scale
medical experiments on their children. That's what modern vaccines are, after all: A grand
medical experiment whose effects will only become known after a generation of mass poisoning
has come and gone.   Learn more:]]
> 5329 2011-09-01 12:54:46 2011-09-01 12:54:46 closed open children-herded-like-cattle-into-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
germanys-industrial-federation-admits-euro-was-the-biggest-mistake-of-his-life/ Thu, 01 Sep
2011 12:56:38 +0000 birdflu666
West-as-confidence-crumbles.html]]> 5331 2011-09-01 12:56:38 2011-09-01 12:56:38 closed
open former-head-of-germanys-industrial-federation-admits-euro-was-the-biggest-mistake-of-
his-life publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
cabinet-greenlights-bankster-shakedown-of-germans/ Thu, 01 Sep 2011 12:58:19 +0000
birdflu666 5333 2011-09-01 12:58:19 2011-09-01
12:58:19 closed open merkel-cabinet-greenlights-bankster-shakedown-of-germans publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 17243
there/ 2011-09-08 15:05:02 2011-09-08 15:05:02 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
action-against-the-efsf-bankster-shake-down-now/ Thu, 01 Sep 2011 13:14:35 +0000
beschweren.html Politicians across all political parties are joining hands to offer a pool of tax
money money to the banks without any parliamentary control  - a pool of money which is so big
at 711 billion euros, it will, moreover, ruin the public finances of Germany , wreck the economy
and cause impoverishment.  76% of Germans now have either no or hardly any faith in the euro
currency according to the latest Allensbach poll. 34% believe that the country would have been
better off outside of the banking looting scam, the euro. According to MMNews, Germany's
finance minister and debt king Wolfgang Schäuble and his cronies in the  most incompetent,
corrupt and discredited government in post war German history seriously believe they can
destroy their country, wreck the economy of the eurozone and then leave the euro and the
people will follow them? They days of lying and looting will end  - but with them facing a new
style Nuremberg trial for their financial crimes if they are fortunate enough to be put on trial
and not lynched by angry mobs.]]> 5335 2011-09-01 13:14:35 2011-09-01 13:14:35 closed open
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
political-movement-for-sound-money-to-be-launched-in-vienna/ Thu, 01 Sep 2011 14:19:19
+0000 birdflu666 *NEW  POLITICAL 
economics professor Franz Hörmann and economics expert Otmar Pregetter yesterday about
their new political movement to reform our money system across the eurozone, and I urge
everyone to become involved in this exciting, new movement. Few people in the eurozone realise
that they have to pay interest on every single euro note and coin they use. They are using private
money without knowing it – and using a private service always comes with a price tag. 97% of all
the money in the eurozone is created by private banks as an interest bearing loan. The Eurozone
central bank, ECB, supplies the notes and coins – the liquidity – for the day to day transactions
of this privatised monetary system. By supplying notes and coins, the ECB helps to conceal from
people the true nature of the money they use. People look at the notes and coins and wrongly
assume the money they use is issued by government as a free service made available for
economic transations. In reality, the money is private and its use comes with a price tag:
everyone has to pay private banks simply for using the privatised, low quality money at all. A
central service of governments -- supplying money -- has been privatised and it has been done in
stealth in the wastern world, in the USA, the UK and the eurozone. The statutes of the ECB even
prohibit the central bank from giving money to governments directly and without charging
interest . The ECB is only allowed to give money directly and without charging interest to the
eurozone 6,300 private banks. These private banks use their monopoly on the public money
supplied by the ECB to issue loans bearing interest using the fractional reserve banking system.
They earn interest on these loans even though they have lent no actual capital. Almost everyone
pays the interest on the eurozone’s private money supply either directly to the banks who issue
the loans to them for houses, cars and such like or indirectly in the form of taxes to the
government. Every single time you use a euro or dollar note or coin,  you have to pay interest
just for using that note or coin. Only the people do not realise this fact and they use their notes
and coins as if they were a free service of their government. Any government which has switched
from public money creation to private money creation must have a steady stream of revenue to
pay the inevitable bill on the money it puts into circulation on behalf of private banks. And that
is why federal taxes were introduced in the USA at the same time as the Federal Reserve was
privatised by stealth in 1913. The fact that our money is created with interest logically,
necessarily and unavoidably leads to a collapse of the financial system after a certain period of
time. China is the only major economy right now printing money without charging interest - and
that is why China's economy is booming and there is no end in sight to that boom. The root
cause of the debt smothering the eurozone and the USA is the way our money system has been
privatised by stealth. The controlled mainstream media conceals who the real winners from
privatising our money supply are from the public. The media also conceals the fact that such a
privatised money system is necessarily doomed to collapse. To pay the interest to private banks
on the money  they have created, yet more money has to be created – but this money also has a
price tag in the form of interest. This requires yet more money to be printed by private banks
which ups the price tag in an infinite circle. Eventually such astonomical sums of money are
needed to pay for the interest on the private money in circulation that it results either in
hyperinflation or in brutal austerity cuts. At some point, the system reaches ist
mathematical limits and collapses.  We have already experienced such a collapse before in
Europe and the USA in 1930s. Only at that time, the true cause of the collapse of the economic
and political systems was concealed from the general public. Wars and conflicts were started by
the very same elite who profit from our private money system as a diversion from the real cause
of the bust. After the second world war ended, the financial systems were rebooted and the
whole boom and bust cycle, which a privatised money supply entails, started again. In 2011, we
are again at the end of another boom and bust cycle and are facing another bust. Debt in the
USA, UK and eurozone is reaching astronomical levels. The central banks are responding as
privately controlled banks could be expected to do. They are giving all the public money to the
banks via bailouts, emergency liquidity assistance, monetary stimulus etc As the banks take
more and more, the rest of the people have less and less. The standard of living of everyone in
the USA and eurozone has been declining. Pensions have fallen to just 135% of the social
welfare, for example, in Germany – and social welfare has also shrunk, according to new figures.
Wages also have declined in Germany in real terms when it comes to purchasing power since
Germany joined the eurozone. Never in modern history have there been so many millions of
impoverished Germans on benefits or working poor. Never have people had to pay so many
taxes, direct and indirect. Only the elite are exempted from taxes. They have used their lobbying
groups to obtain tax exemptions on their gigantic sums of money and on their corporations. And
never has the state been so in debt while spending so little on its people. Where is all the money
going? To the banking cartel. Only the stealth privatisation of our money system means people
are being hoodwinked. We are facing an historic task. Never before in peace time has a society
had to switch over ist money system in such a short time to avert a castrophe. The total collapse
of the eurozone and dollar are inevitable. The elite are planning a new SDR/IMF currency,
which promises to be even more disastrous. The time to change over our money system so that
we finally have financial democracy is now. The euro collapse is coming. There is talk of a two
speed euro or of countries leaving the eurozone. No change will benefit the people if the new
currencies are also introduced as private money with interest bearing loans. We have to reform
our money system root and branch. We have to switch to public money which is free for
everyone to use. Money has to be a public service supplied by the government for free again. It is
up to the ordinary people to carry out this change. It is the vast majority of people – 99% -- who
will gain the most from creating money as a public entity to be used for jobs, employment and
education.  It is up to us to carry out this change fast to avoid total impoverishment as the
banking cartel with the help of a corrupt political class allow the financial system to implode. 
That is why a new political platform has been launched with one central aim: sound, public
money and direct democracy. Too long the true nature of our financial system has been
concealed from the general public. The mainstream media, governments and academia has been
complicit in concealing from people who it is who really profits from privatising our money
supply. They have concealed from people how using private money with interest instead of
public money put in circulation as a government service for free inevitable results in ever
growing mountains of debt, which logically can never be paid off. They have concealed from the
people how the interest payments on this debt inevitably result in the destruction over time of
the real economy. A bust is inevitable as virtually the entire produce and good of an economy are
used to make the interest payments. They have preferred violence, lies and deceit to faciliate the
looting of their people to doing their duty as politicians elected to represent the people. The
latest example is the way the German government is pushing the monstrous EFSF facility to
shakedown and impoverish the people. Of course, not even the 711 billion euro facility will be
enough to pay the interest on the astronomical eurozone, fractional reserve banking debt. The
politicians know this, they know the system will collapse but they hope to continue looting until
the end, untill they have wrecked the lives of every single person.   There are rumours the
German government is thinking of leaving the euro zone. But only after the economy has been
utterly wrecked by the corrupt clique of politicians in Berlin. Not before. Leaving the eurozone is
not enough. The money system has to be reformed. There must never again be this stealth
privatisation of public money. People must be able to use euros and dollars and pounds without
paying a stealth price tag. Our money has to become a free service supplied by our governments
once more. Thomas Jefferson  issued a dire warning of what would happen if America's money
supply was privatised - and he has been proved to be right. The privatisation of the Federal
Reserve is the root cause of the wreckage of the US economy and dollar today.  Today, is the
time to organise, print leaflets, inform others, prepare to stand for elected office in your town,
city and state on a clearly defined platform of sound money and direct democracy. We, the
people, have to get the legislation through parliaments ourselves –  or face total
impoverishment, violence and more lies.  We, the people, have to work together across the
eurozone, the USA and UK to save our financial system and our democracies. Our goal is: money
for the people, sound money, financial democracy and direct democracy, a future of dignity,
freedom and prosperity for all people. Join us today in our new political campaign. Make the
single most important step you will ever make in your life to ensure you have a prosperous and
peaceful future and your children do too. Help reform the money system. Make sure you are
soon using euros and dollars which have no stealth price tag attached. A new pamphlet
explaining how our privatised money system is the root cause of the poverty, unemployment
and debt in USA, Europe and the UK is due to be published in the next few days by Franz
Hörmann and Otmar Pregetter.  Stay tuned for updates.    ]]> 5337 2011-09-01 14:19:19 2011-
09-01 14:19:19 closed open red-alert-new-political-movement-for-sound-money-to-be-
launched-in-vienna publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 17119
world-order/ 2011-09-02 23:13:44 2011-09-02 23:13:44 1 pingback 0 0
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sound-money-to-be-launched-in-vienna-%c2%ab-case-about-bird-flu/ 2011-
09-02 21:18:22 2011-09-02 21:18:22 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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money-to-be-launched-in-vienna-%c2%ab-case-about-bird-flu/ 2011-09-02
20:57:17 2011-09-02 20:57:17 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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for-sound-money-to-be-launched-in-vienna/ 2011-09-02 20:31:06 2011-09-02
20:31:06 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 17102
dmocracy-has-been-launched-in-vienna-1380 2011-09-02 05:47:28 2011-09-02
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political-movement-for-sound-money-to-be-launched-in-vienna-via-case-about-bird-flu/ 2011-09-03 06:14:31 2011-09-03 06:14:31 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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britain-dear/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 15:25:57 +0000 birdflu666
p=5340 Daily Mail Comment Last updated at 12:50 AM on 6th September 2011 The sickeningly
cosy relationship between the Tony Blair government and the murderous Gaddafi regime has
long been a stain on Britain’s conscience. As this paper has consistently argued, the former
Prime Minister was desperate for oil contracts and, in order to secure them, abandoned any
remaining claim to be running an ‘ethical foreign policy’. But, even given all we already know
about the Machiavellian antics of this most slippery politician, the documents being unearthed
in the ransacked offices of Gaddafi’s former torturer-in-chief, Musa Kusa, are deeply shocking.
Read more:
Britain-dear.html#ixzz1XBZBJ9LJ]]> 5340 2011-09-06 15:25:57 2011-09-06 15:25:57 closed
open blair%e2%80%99s-torture-legacy-will-cost-britain-dear publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
minutes-to-stop-utoya-massacre/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 15:28:18 +0000 birdflu666 5342 2011-09-06 15:28:18 2011-09-06 15:28:18
closed open police-helicopter-in-norway-was-available-in-minutes-to-stop-utoya-massacre
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
discloses-the-reasons-behind-chinas-shadow-gold-buying-spree/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 15:29:18
+0000 birdflu666 Tyler Durden on 09/03/2011
17:22 -0400 Wondering why gold at $1850 is cheap, or why gold at double that price will also be
cheap, or frankly at any price? Because, as the following leaked cable explains, gold is, to China
at least, nothing but the opportunity cost of destroying the dollar's reserve status. Read more:
buying-spree]]> 5344 2011-09-06 15:29:18 2011-09-06 15:29:18 closed open wikileaks-
discloses-the-reasons-behind-chinas-shadow-gold-buying-spree publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
resigns-over-corruption-scandal/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 15:31:26 +0000 birdflu666,,15365075,00.html]]> 5346 2011-09-06 15:31:26 2011-
09-06 15:31:26 closed open former-austrian-chancellor-wolfgang-schussel-resigns-over-
corruption-scandal publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
crisis/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 15:33:04 +0000 birdflu666
Independence Party by ousting it in the 2009 elections. Read more:]]> 5348 2011-09-06
15:33:04 2011-09-06 15:33:04 closed open ex-premier-of-iceland-on-trial-over-bank-crisis
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 17393 2011-
09-14 02:33:09 2011-09-14 02:33:09 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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backed-assets-fraud/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 15:35:27 +0000 birdflu666,,15365075,00.html]]> 5350 2011-09-06 15:35:27 2011-
09-06 15:35:27 closed open british-probe-deutsche-bank-over-mortgage-backed-assets-fraud
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_e6666ffad642804bb73ce98b2e8fffc3 Tue, 06 Sep 2011
15:36:56 +0000 birdflu666]]> 5353 2011-09-06
15:36:56 2011-09-06 15:36:56 closed open italy-strikes-over-austerity publish 0 0 post 0
subprime-fraud/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 15:39:29 +0000 birdflu666 Posted: 12:02 AM, September 3, 2011 A Us regulator
sued 17 large banks and financial institutions yesterday over losses on about $200 billion of
subprime bonds, which may hamper a broader government settlement of the mortgage mess left
over from the housing crisis. The lawsuits by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which
oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, came as a surprise to the market and weighed on bank
shares. ... The FHFA accused major banks, including Bank of America Corp., its Merrill Lynch
unit, Barclays, Citigroup and Nomura Holdings of selling bonds backed by mortgages that
should have never been packaged into securities. Read more:
35ogMspWK6K#ixzz1XBUllTcW]]> 5355 2011-09-06 15:39:29 2011-09-06 15:39:29 closed
open us-sues-mega-banks-over-subprime-fraud publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
in-gardasil-vaccines/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 15:42:25 +0000 birdflu666 5358 2011-09-06 15:42:25 2011-09-06 15:42:25
closed open recombinant-hpv-dna-contamination-found-in-gardasil-vaccines publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 17458
contaminated-with-recombinant-dna/ 2011-09-17 04:17:27 2011-09-17 04:17:27 1
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17439 2011-09-16 09:45:02 2011-09-16 09:45:02 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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to-save-democracy-in-emu-endgame/ Tue, 06 Sep 2011 15:44:19 +0000 birdflu666 Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business
Editor, The Telegraph 6:03PM BST 04 Sep 2011 It bankrolled French farmers through the
Common Agricultural Policy, that disguised tithe for war reparations. It then bankrolled
Spanish farmers as well. It funded each new wave of EU expansion, though reeling itself from
the €60bn annual cost of its own reunification. It gave up the cherished D-Mark, the anchor of
German economic stability. We are so used to German self-abnegation for the sake of Europe
that we can hardly imagine any other state of affairs. But the escalating protest against EMU
bail-outs by Germany’s key insistutions go beyond the banalities of money. The fight is over
German democracy itself. Those who talk of a Fourth Reich or believe that EMU is a "German
racket to take over the whole of Europe" – as Nicholas Ridley famously put it -- have the matter
backwards Read more:
endgame-for-EMU-draws-ever-nearer.html]]> 5361 2011-09-06 15:44:19 2011-09-06 15:44:19
closed open uk-journalist-recognises-germany-is-fighting-to-save-democracy-in-emu-endgame
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
euro-german-lawmakers-revolt-as-public-opinion-hardens-against-more-bank-bailouts/ Tue,
06 Sep 2011 16:07:27 +0000 birdflu666 More than
19 lawmakers yesterday refused in a test vote to support legislation for the European Financial
Stability Facility with new powers to hand hundreds of billions of euros directly to banks.
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats, the Christian Social Union, and their coalition
partners, the Free Democrats, have a parliamentary majority of only 19 votes, putting in doubt
the key 29th September vote on the new eurozone bank fund. German public opinion and many 
of the country's elite, including bodies representing manufacturing companies, are opposed to
further bailouts for banks on the grounds that they place gigantic bank debts on to the  taxpayer,
ruining the public finances and wrecking the real economy. A new poll shows that 90% of people
now oppose plans oppose the new fund because the eurozone bailouts do not help solve the debt
problem. 85% said that banks should be forced to take a hit if a country becomes insolvent.
rettungsaktionen_aid_662426.html The Emnid poll was organised by a body called “Jungen
Unternehmner” representing part of Germany’s powerful “Mittelstand” companies. The
country’s strong manufacturing base fearing bankruptcy in the event of a bank engineered
financial meltdown are at the forefront of opposition to the bankster bailouts. In addition, more
than 100,000 people have already signed a grassroots petition protesting the new eurozone
fund, which would also abolition of the country’s democracy by establishing an unelected super
commission to allocate tax payer's money to banks without any supervision.
und-den-esm-vertrag.html A video has been circulating widely on the internet explaining the
monstrous dimensions of the money grab by banks and complicit politicians. Demonstrations have also been held in Stuttggart and Frankfurt
against the euro dictatorship as the grass roots movement gathers momentum in the face of the
biggest single threat to the country’s democracy, public finances and social cohesion since the
rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933. Further political pressure was piled onto the Merkel coalition by a
fourth state election humiliation in a row in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on Sunday. Widely
criticised for failing to stand up more vigorously to tbe bank bailouts, the Free Democrats (FDP)
are facing  a fight for political survival after getting just 2.7% of the votes, failing to reach the 5%
hurdle to enter the regional parliament. A further complication ahead of the parliamentary vote
on September 29th is a ruling from the Germany’s  constitutional court expected tomorrow on
the scope for parliament in the management of the eurozone bailout fund. Under the original
plans drafted by Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, the parliament had no say how any of
Germany’s 250 billion euros of money was to be spent on private banks. The  judges so far have
failed to enforce a clear, unambigious “no bail out” rule, sparking legal action for bias and few
believe the judges will dare to continue to disregard so brazenly the constitutional rights of
Germans given the public blacklash. A comparable situation in the USA would be if the Supreme
Court failed to rule for a year in the event that the Federal broke the constitition and made all
the states in the USA  jointly liable for each other’s debts, used virtually all federal tax revenue
for the purpose of paying interest on the bank debts, pledged to allow none of the states to go
into default no matter how huge their debts were – and all this in the name of “solidarity”
and maintaining the USA as an economic superpower in a “market emergency”. The bid by the
coalition government to expand the bankster bailout fund comes as the failure of the current
policy of piling debt onto the debt on already insolvent states like Greece becomes apparant.
German lawmaker Peter Gauweilter said the bailouts were just funnelling money to investment
mir-suspekt.html A Greek  parliamentary financial panel last week concluded that the country’s
debt was running out of control due to the economic contraction caused by austerity measures
mandated by the ECB, EU and IMF. More voices within the German coalition government are
calling for Greece to be allowed to reintroduce its own currency at a competitive rate in order to
stimulate economic activity, noting that austerity measures alone will never revive the Greek
economy. The competitiveness gap among eurozone countries has been exacerbated by the
introduction of the euro at the wrong exchange rates. It has been estimated Greece would have
to undergo an internal devaluation of 40% to regain competitiveness, something considered
impossible without a revolution. In addition in Italy, the country’s biggest union has called a
general strike today to protest austerity measures judged vital by the ECB to avert a default. The
ECB is running a highly criticised and illegal programme to prop up insolvent banks and states
at the tax payer’s expense, and has acquired €115bn in Italian  government debt in the past few
weeks. German commentators say the ECB is simply bailingout the banks yet again. In another
blow to the EU elite, it has emerged that any eurobonds, a bond pooling credit risk across the
EU, would get a CC rating from S&P if they were introduced.  The CC rating, the lowest possible
above a default rating, underlines the way the euro has accelerated the total collapse of the
eurozone’s financial system and economy.
p-warns-over-euro-area-bond-weakest-link-effect.html Within ten years of being imposed
without a vote on the people of Europe, the euro currency bloc is the weakest in the world.
Struggling with debt, record unemployment, poverty and a lack of competiveness, the euro
Titanic has hit the iceberg of economic facts and popular anger in Germany as elsewhere. The
eurobond CC credit rating also underlines the lack of judgement of the elite and the mainstream
media who have been touting eurobonds as a solution to the crisis in spite of the fact that
eurobonds would simply mean piling more liabilites on eurozone tax payers for an astronomical
fractional reserve banking debt. The EU elite is pushing for a more centralised European
government with the authority to collect taxes and impose budgets – thereby ensuring more
revenue for the banks. In spite of receiving hundreds of billions of bailouts from the ECB stealth
bailout and taxpayer bailouts, Europe’s mega banks have failed to recapitalise, preferring
instead to give bumper bonuses and windfall profits to creditors. Now that the deficits of the EU
project has become so plain, the search has begun in Germany for a way to transition the
country and eurozone  into a more stable economic environment. Solutions proposed include
introducing a parallel regional currency in Germany and northern countries with current
account surpluses; creating a north/south euro; or allowing Greece and other struggling
countries like Italy and Ireland to readopt their currencies. Hans Olaf Henkel, former president
of Germany’s industrial association, has said he plans to launch a campaign to create a north
and south euro this autumn.
zum-einheitseuro-henkel-sieht-potenzial-fuer-eine-neue-partei With under three weeks to go to
the key vote on the new bailout, there is no sign that the people of Germany will reduce the
political pressure for a fundamental reorientation of the eurozone away from a bankster debt
union towards a sustainable economy.        ]]> 5363 2011-09-06 16:07:27 2011-09-06 16:07:27
closed open endgame-for-euro-german-lawmakers-revolt-as-public-opinion-hardens-against-
more-bank-bailouts publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_5d379f74f2103af61dfb61a5efcf2468 _oembed_1a65a99bf1249b48f5357a06ebc472c8
_oembed_0c075cec0fb147268adb537ada411028 17502
distruggendo-la-civilta-occidentale/ 2011-09-19 07:08:40 2011-09-19 07:08:40 1
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17220 2011-09-08
01:56:50 2011-09-08 01:56:50 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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dallinferno-stanno-distruggendo-la-civilta-occidentale/ 2011-09-15 08:00:56
2011-09-15 08:00:56 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 17489 2011-09-18 19:32:35 2011-09-18 19:32:35 1 pingback
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p=9726 2014-09-19 15:16:52 2014-09-19 15:16:52 0 pingback 0 0
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declaration/ Fri, 16 Sep 2011 13:04:35 +0000 birdflu666
p=5370 5370 2011-09-16 13:04:35 2011-09-16 13:04:35 closed open revolt-against-banksters-
sparks-maori-declaration publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
compulsory-vaccinations/ Fri, 16 Sep 2011 13:06:17 +0000 birdflu666 Was also die Impflobby samt ihren Gehilfen in den
staatlichen Gesundheitsämtern trotz Panikmache bei der Schweinegrippe nicht erreichten, soll
nun also per Gesetz möglich werden. Dass Impfungen, ganz allgemein, Risiken bergen ist
allgemein bekannt. Bei Impfstoffen, welche mit Nervengiften wie Aluminiumhydroxyd oder
Quecksilber durchsetzt sind, wie bei der Schweinegrippeimpfung, sind Risiken und
Nebenwirkungen nicht nur möglich, sondern garantiert. Sie haben auch die angenehme
Nebenwirkung für die Pharmaindustrie, durch Kurz- und Langzeitschäden, weitere
Medikamente einsetzen zu können. So wie viele Experten und die Gesundheitsämter ständig
beteuern, die Rückstände der Impfstoffe seien völlig harmlos und müssten nicht mal untersucht
werden, so klar beteuern andere Experten, ohne diese Gifte gäbe es keine Impfreaktion. Soll sich
impfen wer dies bei vollem Bewusstsein und ohne irgendwelchen Druck von aussen freiwillig
will! Eine Zwangsimpfung von Menschen hingegen, stellt für mich einen unerhörten Eingriff in
unsere Grund- und Freiheitsrechte dar und dies müssen wir mit allen legalen und politisch
verfügbaren Mitteln verhindern. Dies heisst Arbeit für uns alle! In erster Linie wollen wir Euch
also wieder zu vermehrter Wachsamkeit bezüglich dieser Sache aufrufen. Bringt das Thema in
Eurem Bekanntenkreis zur Sprache, redet auf Social-Media-Plattformen darüber und verweist
vielleicht hie und da auf unseren Blog, den wir jetzt wieder vermehrt mit Infos füttern wollen: Unsere Homepage ist und bleibt ein wichtiges
Archiv für bisher gesammelte Informationen: Nach
unseren Möglichkeiten, versuchen wir auch hier die Dinge zu aktualisieren. Eure Mund-zu-
Mund-Propaganda ist ein hilfreicher Beitrag. Natürlich könnt Ihr uns auch weiterhin per Mail
auf entsprechende Zeitungsartikel aufmerksam machen. Seid uns nicht böse, wenn wir nicht auf
jedes Mail antworten, oder wenn die Beantwortung eine Weile dauert. Wir tun unser Bestes und
danke Euch im Voraus für Euren Einsatz. Urs Hans, Landwirt und Kantonsrat
nalratskommission_fuer_impfobligatorien_1.12297733.html ps: Um diese Missstände auch
politisch mehr ins Bewusstsein zu rücken, habe ich mich entschlossen auch für den Nationalrat
zu kandidieren. Wer sich also nicht impfen lassen will, der schreibt am besten zweimal meinen
Namen auf seine Liste.]]> 5372 2011-09-16 13:06:17 2011-09-16 13:06:17 closed open
switzerland-opens-door-for-new-laws-allowing-compulsory-vaccinations publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_6309f77f56d430aa1b8f4ea5675d4eaf
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Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666  
David Marsh speculates about the apperance of a radically new money system in Europe in the
near future, and it looks highly likely that Germany itself will soon adopt a new currency.   In
fact, Germany, Europe’s strongest economy, has little choice but to break away from the 
eurozone before Germany itself collapses under the fractional-reserve debt obligations being
foisted on it by the eurozone’s banking and souvereign debt crisis.   The real economy is also
suffering from shrinking pool of  liquidity being made available to the real economy because of
the ECB’s machinations. “The ebb and flow of German central bankers mirrors the political
vicissitudes of an extraordinary century. Germany has had three fundamental monetary reforms
since the 1920s: the currency stabilisation after the ruinous 1923 inflation; the replacement of
the Reichsmark by the D-Mark in 1948; and the replacement of the D-Mark by the euro between
1999 and 2002. Perhaps a fourth is now on the way. Mr Stark’s decision heralds a new period of
uncertainty for European money: the euro system in force for 12 and a half years may change
shape radically in the near future, with the splitting off of either creditor or debtor countries into
a new monetary constellation,” David Marsh writes. The resignation of German economist
Jürgen Stark from the ECB board last week underlines the extent to which the ECB – and euro –
has lost all credibility in Germany. Economist Hans Werner Sinn even suggested Germany
should boycot the ECB for pursuing policies that just pile up the debt on Germany for the profit
of banks.   The coalition govenrment of Chancellor Angela Merkel government looks set to fall
over the vote scheduled for 29th September for a new gigantic new pool of money for the banks.
The creation of the so-called  EFSF pool will ruin Germany’s public finances and the real
economy. It will also introduces brazenly authoritarian power structure.   The head of the FDP
Philip Rösler has proposed an orderly insolvency for Greece – and promptly seen support for his
party climb above 5% . Faced with the choice of support ingthe CDU, oblivion and  revolution
and political survival, the FDP may well choose to abandon the coalition.   Members of the CSU
are talking openly about Greece leaving the eurozone, straining the coaltion.   If the German
parliament passes this bankster bailout, it could open lead to a full scale revolution in the
country as happened in Iceland.   Even passing the legislation for the expanded banker’s ppot of
money, the EFSF, in Austria is proving difficult with the parliament deciding yesterday to delay
a vote.
rettungsschirm-verzoegert-sich_154922.html   The desperate push on Wednesday by EU
commissioner Jose Manual Barroso to introduce eurobonds in spite of their rejection by the
German people, parliament and constitutional court could be the final straw, leading to an exit
by Germany.   Eurobonds could have a credit rating as low as CC, Standard and Poor has
warned. Their introduction would push up Germany’s interest rates overnight and edge the
country over to insolvency itself.   US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has flown from the
USA to participate in a meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Poland today to add a voice
pressurising the German government to pass legislation for the EFSF.   Geithner naively
imagines that such a measure ruining the country’s public finances, real economy and
democracy can be passed in spite of the opposition of the overwhelming majority of German
people and significant parts of the parliament.   The first country, ironically, to escape the
imploding euro Ponzi scheme may be ist first victim.   Greece is due to run out of money in just a
few days and it is clear to everyone that its national debt has ballooned as a result of the
disastrous fiscal austerity measures ordered by the ECB, EU and IMF, throwing into doubt a
continuation of the bailout programme.   Germany’s Bild newspaper today laid out in detail the
steps for Greece  in the event of announcing default, including plans to give eurozone notes a
special stamp until New Drachma’s are available – something the Greek government should
have started printing long ago because a default was inevitable.   Once Greece has left the euro
currency union, it can set its own interest rates, restore liquidity and regain competitiveness and
recover rapidly as happened in Argentia after it defaulted.   Any new money reform in  Greece
and Germany has to allow governments like Germany to print money without charging interest.
The root problem of the eurozone’s debt crisis is the fact that the eurozone money has been
privatised without people realising it.   The souvereign debt crisis, the bank crisis – all these
come from the fact that the money in the USA and europe has been privatised and we have to
pay interest for using it via our taxes or inflation or directly to the banks.
programmiert#13161730343102&if_height=6627   The ECB lends money exclusively to private
banks at 0% or 1% interest rates.   These banks, in turn, lend to governments and customers at
3%, 4%, 5% and 6% interest etc. The banks are, therefore, able to make automatic profit at the
expense of everyone else.   The fractional reserve banking system means that banks lose no
actual capital when they report huge losses on their balance sheets for example due to a property
bust.   If they can get complicit governments to give them huge bailouts, the money is pure profit
for them and the bankers can live it up on the bonus pool and the creditors can get even richer
on their dividends.   That is the financial incentive for a bank like Goldman Sachs to commit
balance sheet fraud when it came to the subprime mortgages and declare itself close to
insolvency.   The fractional reserve banking system allows banks to operate with virtually no
capital.   Many of Europe’s banks have souvereign bonds from insolvent states as their core
capital.   As soon as the stream of revenue stops flowing to banks via the tax payer bailouts, the
mega banks face almost instant collapse as Hans Werner Sinn noted.   This absurd arrangement
has allowed the mega banks to blackmail governments for far too long.   Splitting off the
investment from the retail parts will reduce the bank’s ability to continue to blackmail tax
payers.   Within just days of it becoming clear that the German governmentitself could collapse
over any continued support for eurozone banker bailouts, French banks are facing a downgrade
and a possible nationalisation, underlining how low their level of capital is.   In response, the
ECB and other central banks yesterday announced they would give unlimited loans to Europe’s
insolvent banks to keep them liquid. Once more the tax payer has been put on the hook.   Even
hedge funder George Soros has seen the writing on the wall. Soros last year wrote an article in
the Financial Times arguing that European states should be sacrificed to save the banks. All of a
sudden, he has changed tune and said that Greece, Portugal and Ireland should leave the
eurozone to reduce the debt burden on the other governments.   Soros maintains that a fiscal
union and austerity are needed for the rest of the eurozone. Nothing could be further from the
truth.   A fiscal union, a centralised tax collecting system and austerity will cause the very
recession he predicts.   The only people to profit from such a fiscal union will be banks and
hedge funders like himself.   Germany’s best move is to leave the eurozone before it collapses
into pieces.   Reliable sources, including Professor Franz Hörmann from Vienna University, say
the Bundesbank has already printed the new Deutschmark or D Mark.   Issues being considered
are believed to include whether to cap the amount of D Marks people can exchange for the euro
at a level of 3000 euros or so. Clearly, there should be no such cap because a cap is just yet
another artitifical method of impoverishing everyone which only the financial elite could favour.
To function, the real economy needs liquidity: consumers need to have money in their pockets
before they can buy products.   If everyone’s money is taken via bailout scams, low wages, or
central bank machinations, even a first class economy will inevitably collapse.   Germany needs
not only to ensure enough liquidity if and  when it undertakes a monetary reform.   It also needs
to shift towards creating domestic demand to compensate for fewer exports because of the
inevitable financial turbulence associated with a monetary reform on this scale in the short-
term. This means much higher wages.   The policies of the financial fascist Wolfgang Schäuble
do not serve the interests of the real economy because austerity, low wages etc starve an
economy of liquidity.    Low wages etc serve the interests of the banks, trying to crush a real
economy, bankrupt companies so they can buy up everything for a song.   As the eurozone
titanic sinks beneath the waves, the question arises of what to do with the debris.    The ECB has
torn up the rule book and become a gigantic bad bank packed with debts for insolvent banks and
states. The scale of the debts is so mind boggling that no one in Europe can be expected to pay
them. Nor is there any moral obligation to pay the fraudulent banks.   One solution might be just
to rewrite the treaties and make the European Commission solely liable for all the ECB losses.  
In this way, Europeans can kill two birds with one stone. They can consign the European
Commission together with its monstrous monetary arm, the ECB, to history, chaining them
together in the very same a debt embrace from hell they designed for others. Now that would be
poetic justice!]]> 5374 2011-09-16 13:09:04 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_27ef1af355b8470e2b92157800c13cb7
financial-times/ Fri, 16 Sep 2011 13:17:56 +0000 birdflu666
00144feabdc0.html#axzz1Y702KJbe David Marsh floats the idea that a radically new money
system in Europe could appear in the near future, and it looks increasingly likely that Germany
itself will leave the eurozone. In fact, Germany, Europe’s strongest economy, has little choice but
to break away from the  eurozone before the country itself collapses under the fractional-reserve
debt obligations being foisted on it by the eurozone’s banking and souvereign debt crisis. In
addtion, the real economy is also set to suffer  either from inflation or from the shrinking pool of
liquidity being made available because of the ECB’s actions in propping up the financial sector
using the central bank's balance sheets. “The ebb and flow of German central bankers mirrors
the political vicissitudes of an extraordinary century. Germany has had three fundamental
monetary reforms since the 1920s: the currency stabilisation after the ruinous 1923 inflation;
the replacement of the Reichsmark by the D-Mark in 1948; and the replacement of the D-Mark
by the euro between 1999 and 2002. Perhaps a fourth is now on the way. Mr Stark’s decision
heralds a new period of uncertainty for European money: the euro system in force for 12 and a
half years may change shape radically in the near future, with the splitting off of either creditor
or debtor countries into a new monetary constellation,” David Marsh writes. The resignation of
German economist Jürgen Stark from the ECB board last week underlines the extent to which
the ECB – and euro – has lost all credibility in Germany. Economist Hans Werner Sinn even
suggested Germany should boycot the ECB for pursuing policies that just pile up the debt on
Germany for the profit of banks. The coalition govenrment of Chancellor Angela Merkel
government looks set to fall over the vote scheduled for 29th September for a new gigantic new
pool of money for the banks. The creation of the so-called  EFSF pool will ruin Germany’s public
finances and the real economy. It will also introduces brazenly authoritarian power structure.
The head of the FDP Philip Rösler has proposed an orderly insolvency for Greece – and
promptly seen support for his party climb above 5% . Faced with the choice of support ingthe
CDU, oblivion and  revolution and political survival, the FDP may well choose to abandon the
coalition. Members of the CSU are talking openly about Greece leaving the eurozone, straining
the coaltion. If the German parliament passes this bankster bailout, it could open lead to a full
scale revolution in the country as happened in Iceland. Even passing the legislation for the
expanded banker’s ppot of money, the EFSF, in Austria is proving difficult with the parliament
deciding yesterday to delay a vote.
zustimmung-zum-euro-rettungsschirm-verzoegert-sich_154922.html The desperate push on
Wednesday by EU commissioner Jose Manual Barroso to introduce eurobonds in spite of their
rejection by the German people, parliament and constitutional court could be the final straw,
leading to an exit by Germany. Eurobonds could have a credit rating as low as CC, Standard and
Poor has warned. Their introduction would push up Germany’s interest rates overnight and
edge the country over to insolvency itself. US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has flown
from the USA to participate in a meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Poland today to add a
voice pressurising the German government to pass legislation for the EFSF. Geithner naively
imagines that such a measure ruining the country’s public finances, real economy and
democracy can be passed in spite of the opposition of the overwhelming majority of German
people and significant parts of the parliament.   The first country, ironically, to escape the
imploding euro Ponzi scheme may be ist first victim.   Greece is due to run out of money in just a
few days and it is clear to everyone that its national debt has ballooned as a result of the
disastrous fiscal austerity measures ordered by the ECB, EU and IMF, throwing into doubt a
continuation of the bailout programme. Germany’s Bild newspaper today laid out in detail the
steps for Greece  in the event of announcing default, including plans to give eurozone notes a
special stamp until New Drachma’s are available – something the Greek government should
have started printing long ago because a default was inevitable. Once Greece has left the euro
currency union, it can set its own interest rates, restore liquidity and regain competitiveness and
recover rapidly as happened in Argentia after it defaulted. Any new money reform in  Greece
and Germany has to allow governments like Germany to print money without charging interest.
The root problem of the eurozone’s debt crisis is the fact that the eurozone money has been
privatised without people realising it. The souvereign debt crisis, the bank crisis – all these come
from the fact that the money in the USA and europe has been privatised and we have to pay
interest for using it via our taxes or inflation or directly to the banks.
programmiert#13161730343102&if_height=6627 The ECB lends money exclusively to private
banks at 0% or 1% interest rates. These banks, in turn, lend to governments and customers at
3%, 4%, 5% and 6% interest etc. The banks are, therefore, able to make automatic profit at the
expense of everyone else. The fractional reserve banking system means that banks lose no actual
capital when they report huge losses on their balance sheets for example due to a property bust.  
If they can get complicit governments to give them huge bailouts, the money is pure profit for
them and the bankers can live it up on the bonus pool and the creditors can get even richer on
their dividends. That is the financial incentive for a bank like Goldman Sachs to commit balance
sheet fraud when it came to the subprime mortgages and declare itself close to insolvency. The
fractional reserve banking system allows banks to operate with virtually no capital. Many of
Europe’s banks have souvereign bonds from insolvent states as their core capital. As soon as the
stream of revenue stops flowing to banks via the tax payer bailouts, the mega banks face almost
instant collapse as Hans Werner Sinn noted. This absurd arrangement has allowed the mega
banks to blackmail governments for far too long. Splitting off the investment from the retail
parts will reduce the bank’s ability to continue to blackmail tax payers. Within just days of it
becoming clear that the German governmentitself could collapse over any continued support for
eurozone banker bailouts, French banks are facing a downgrade and a possible nationalisation,
underlining how low their level of capital is. In response, the ECB and other central banks
yesterday announced they would give unlimited loans to Europe’s insolvent banks to keep them
liquid. Once more the tax payer has been put on the hook. Even hedge funder George Soros has
seen the writing on the wall. Soros last year wrote an article in the Financial Times arguing that
European states should be sacrificed to save the banks. All of a sudden, he has changed tune and
said that Greece, Portugal and Ireland should leave the eurozone to reduce the debt burden on
the other governments. Soros maintains that a fiscal union and austerity are needed for the rest
of the eurozone. Nothing could be further from the truth.   A fiscal union, a centralised tax
collecting system and austerity will cause the very recession he predicts. The only people to
profit from such a fiscal union will be banks and hedge funders like himself. Germany’s best
move is to leave the eurozone before it collapses into pieces. Reliable sources, including
Professor Franz Hörmann from Vienna University, say the Bundesbank has already printed the
new Deutschmark or D Mark. Issues being considered are believed to include whether to cap the
amount of D Marks people can exchange for the euro at a level of 3000 euros or so. Clearly,
there should be no such cap because a cap is just yet another artitifical method of impoverishing
everyone which only the financial elite could favour. To function, the real economy needs
liquidity: consumers need to have money in their pockets before they can buy products. If
everyone’s money is taken via bailout scams, low wages, or central bank machinations, even a
first class economy will inevitably collapse. Germany needs not only to ensure enough liquidity
if and  when it undertakes a monetary reform. It also needs to shift towards creating domestic
demand to compensate for fewer exports because of the inevitable financial turbulence
associated with a monetary reform on this scale in the short-term. This means much higher
wages. The policies of the financial fascist Wolfgang Schäuble do not serve the interests of the
real economy because austerity, low wages etc starve an economy of liquidity.    Low wages etc
serve the interests of the banks, trying to crush a real economy, bankrupt companies so they can
buy up everything for a song.   As the eurozone titanic sinks beneath the waves, the question
arises of what to do with the debris.  The ECB has torn up the rule book and become a gigantic
bad bank packed with debts for insolvent banks and states. The scale of the debts is so mind
boggling that no one in Europe can be expected to pay them. Nor is there any moral obligation
to pay the fraudulent banks. One solution might be just to rewrite the treaties and make the
European Commission solely liable for all the ECB losses. In this way, Europeans can kill two
birds with one stone. They can consign the European Commission together with its monstrous
monetary arm, the ECB, to history, chaining them together in the very same a debt embrace
from hell they designed for others. Now that would be poetic justice!]]> 5375 2011-09-16
13:17:56 2011-09-16 13:17:56 closed open eurozone-endgame-is-upon-us-admits-financial-times
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_27ef1af355b8470e2b92157800c13cb7
english-with-austrian-economics-professor-franz-hormann/ Fri, 16 Sep 2011 13:28:42 +0000
birdflu666 5378 2011-09-16 13:28:42 2011-09-16
13:28:42 closed open coming-soon-special-video-interview-in-english-with-austrian-
economics-professor-franz-hormann publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 17759
money-partners-in-crime-our-government-and-the-banks/ 2011-09-29 16:32:29
2011-09-29 16:32:29 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
record-highlighted-by-parents/ Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:01:21 +0000 birdflu666 Open Letter to Dr. O. Marion Burton, president,
American Academy of Pediatrics Re: Heart-broken moms offended by statements of
AAP on Gardasil® September 16, 2011 Dear Dr. Burton: On behalf of the thousands of
parents who have either lost their perfectly healthy teenage daughters, or been left to endure the
physical/mental/emotional and financial hardship of being forced to deal with the permanent
disabling effects of Gardasil® vaccination, SANE Vax Inc. is offended by the thoughtless,
ignorant and offensive press release issued from the office of the American Academy of
Pediatrics (AAP) on September 13, 2011. The press release criticizes the comment made by
Republican presidential candidate, Michele Bachmann regarding Gardasil® side effects as ‘false
statements’; and instead stated authoritatively ‘…it (Gardasil®) has an excellent safety record.’
Are you still practicing pediatrics? Physicians in the U.S. look to the AAP for guidelines yet the
AAP seems to be oblivious to the latest Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. VAERS
statistics clearly show that HPV Vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix, have been associated with 22,
619 adverse reactions; 8,926 of those reports requiring emergency hospitalization; and 4,616
cases where the victim did not recover. Death reports stand at 102. Read more at:
statements-on-merck-gardasil.html]]> 5381 2011-09-17 15:01:21 2011-09-17 15:01:21 closed
open gardasils-shocking-record-highlighted-by-parents publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 17616 2011-
09-23 23:44:09 2011-09-23 23:44:09 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
billion-euros-ifo/ Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:02:31 +0000 birdflu666 BERLIN (Reuters) - Amendments to the EFSF
rescue fund, which the German parliament will vote on later this month, could push up
Germany's liability to 465 billion euros ($640 billion), according to a study by the country's Ifo
economics institute. Read more at:
efsf-ifo-idUSTRE78G14M20110917  ]]> 5383 2011-09-17 15:02:31 2011-09-17 15:02:31 closed
open efsf-could-make-germany-liable-for-465-billion-euros-ifo publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
banker-bailouts-says-professor/ Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:04:49 +0000 birdflu666
Professor  Zoe Georganta said that Eurostat, the European Commission body responsible for
eurozone finance statistics led by Walter Radermacher, forced Greece to artificially inflate its
public debt figures in 2009.
budget-cuts The debt of public sector companies was accounted for  but not their income,
skewering the debt. The revelation will fuel speculation that EU authorities, including the ECB,
worked hand in hand with Goldman Sachs and complicit Greek politicians to trigger a debt
event which would allow banks, which actually have tiny levels of capital under the fractional
reserve system, to suck hundreds of billions of euros out of tax payer’s pockets on behalf of their
clients. The ECB has asked the European Union’s General Court to dismiss a lawsuit  from
Bloomberg seeking documents on  how Greecee used derivatives to hide loans and triggered the
region’s sovereign debt crisis.
bar-greek-swap-disclosure-cites-market-disruption-risks.html More on twitter from FT and
Economist „truth hound“ Matina Stevis!/MatinaStevis]]> 5385 2011-09-17
15:04:49 2011-09-17 15:04:49 closed open scandal-greece-inflated-debt-in-2009-to-get-banker-
bailouts-says-professor publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_1de7b04fa72250f35b2cf1fbb3d182c7 17646
2011-09-25 08:09:33 2011-09-25 08:09:33 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 17560 2011-09-21
19:40:32 2011-09-21 19:40:32 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
swine-flu-jab-link-to-narcolepsy/ Sat, 17 Sep 2011 15:09:11 +0000 birdflu666
colepsy/1135269021444  Now, the Irish health authorities are being forced to examine the link
between the vaccine and narcolepsy following pressure from the parents of children who have
been damaged by the jab, reports The Irish Times.  The Irish Times - Saturday, September 17,
2011 Parents claim child narcolepsy linked to swine flu vaccine PAMELA DUNCAN THE
MINISTER for Health is to meet a group of parents who say their children developed a chronic
sleeping disorder having received the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix.   Although the Department
of Health and Irish health authorities have stressed that clinical research into a potential link
between the vaccine and narcolepsy has not yet concluded, the HSE is carrying out a study of all
cases of the disorder in Ireland. Read more at:    ]]> 5388
2011-09-17 15:09:11 2011-09-17 15:09:11 closed open ireland-probes-swine-flu-jab-link-to-
narcolepsy publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last Mon,
19 Sep 2011 13:10:47 +0000 birdflu666  University
funding reduced by 90 percent State funding for universities and technical colleges (TEIs) will
be 90 percent lower than originally planned, the Education Ministry admitted Friday. The
institutions were due to receive a combined total of 144 million euros by the end of the year but
this figure has been whittled down over the last few months as a result of constant adjustments
to the national budget. Read more at:]]> 5391
2011-09-19 13:10:47 2011-09-19 13:10:47 closed open greece-slashes-university-funding-by-90
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
referendum-on-occupying-force-eu/ Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:13:04 +0000 birdflu666 Andrew Porter, Political Editor, The Telegraph
10:00PM BST 18 Sep 2011 Mark Pritchard, the secretary of the 1922 committee of Conservative
MPs, is the most senior Tory yet to demand a vote on Britain’s membership of the European
Union following the eurozone crisis. Read more at:
referendum-on-Europe.html]]> 5393 2011-09-19 13:13:04 2011-09-19 13:13:04 closed open uk-
mps-call-for-referendum-on-occupying-force-eu publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
referendum-says-german-judge/ Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:14:43 +0000 birdflu666
richter-eu-wirtschaftsregierung-gegen-verfassung#13164309427502&if_height=9112]]> 5395
2011-09-19 13:14:43 2011-09-19 13:14:43 closed open no-eu-economic-government-without-a-
referendum-says-german-judge publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
rout/ Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:18:55 +0000 birdflu666
coalition-suffers-Berlin-poll-rout.html]]> 5399 2011-09-19 13:18:55 2011-09-19 13:18:55 closed
open angela-merkel-coalition-suffers-berlin-poll-rout publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
war-says-cable/ Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:21:52 +0000 birdflu666 Guardian's fringe event: "The whole existence of
Europe is in jeopardy." Read more at:
Party-Conference-2011-live.html]]> 5401 2011-09-19 13:21:52 2011-09-19 13:21:52 closed open
financial-crisis-is-the-economic-equivalent-of-war-says-cable publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
financial-meltdown/ Mon, 19 Sep 2011 13:33:12 +0000 birdflu666
4590890.html German government economics advisor Beatrice Weder di Mauro admitted
yesterday on the Günther Jauch show that the government had no plan to deal with the crisis.
“The basic problem is that bridges are being built but it is not completely clear where they are
leading. What is on the other shore? How does it look?” she said. Not good, is the answer. In this
surreal and scary time which invites satire,  I would like to draw your attention to a German TV
series called: “The fantastic adventures of the ECB” focusses on the amazing antics of the
eurozone central bank which has abandoned all conventional monetary police to head into
unexplored, financial space. For those readers who don’t speak German, this is a brief
explanation. In the first clip, we see members of the ECB board rushing to a meeting. Next, a member of the ECB bank gives
instructions to expand the programme of souvereign bond purchases and plug a dollar funding
gap for the eurozone. “Base 104. Prepare to purchase €1,000bn of Italian bonds; 150 billion
euros of Greek bonds; 200 billion euros of Spanish bonds and 300 billion of Irish bonds,” she
says. “Clear the balance sheets zone of the for lift off of the ECB into new bad loan territory no
central bank has ever gone into before.” In the background, the members of the ECB board rush
to the bridge of space ship to prepare to blast off into financial outer space. The chief sits down
at the controls of the ECB space ship while a member of the crew counts the amount that the
ECB is overleveraged as the purchases of bad loans continues in the background: “23, 24, 25, 26,
27..43 times....” In the next clip, we see an inebriated banker who has filled his pockets thanks to
the illegal bond purchases of stroll up to the bar of the ECB and talk to an ECB board member. The dialogue  can be
translated into  Englishsomething like this: Inebriated Banker: Thanks for the 100 billions
today. ECB board member: It can’t go on like this much longer. When are you going to have
enough? Banker: I know. I have to stop. What did you ask me? ECB board member: I asked you,
when you are going to have enough? Banker: I have to stop or Angela will be angry. ECB board
member: Rightfully so. Banker: I have to go to Berlin and see Angela. Come with me. ECB board
member: Oh dear, has it come to this again? Banker: I promised her I would only take 20 billion
from the tax payers. ECB board member: How often have you promised her. Does she still
believe you? Banker: You have to talk to her. Without you, I don’t dare go to Berlin. ECB board
member: Can I have the bill, please?  Banker: You’re not going to leave me in the lurch. ECB
board member: I just might.”    ]]> 5404 2011-09-19 13:33:12 2011-09-19 13:33:12 closed open
incredulity-sweeps-germany-on-eve-of-financial-meltdown publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
banks-set-to-tumble/ Mon, 19 Sep 2011 14:06:40 +0000 birdflu666
lies-in-ruins.html The stark figures of the bank balance sheets show why a bank crash is
now inevitable and underline the urgent need to set up a new financial system by the end of the
year or the beginning of next year at the latest. If nothing is done to reset Europe's financial
button, the result could be an economic depression far worse than the 1930s as banks go bust
and jobs are lost. The 91 largest eurozone banks in the eurozone need about €4000 billion or
four trillion euros to roll over their debt or funding in the next year alone , according to the FT.
The total GDP of the eurozone is about 12 trillion euros. That means, the largest banks need one
third of the total GDP of the eurozone to remain solvent for just one more year. Money markets
have now frozen out eurozone banks so that the money to keep banks rolling over their
debts has to come from the tax payers through eurzone bailouts or the build up of liabilities on
ECB balance sheets n what is a stealth eurobond.  The ruin of the real economy is certain if a
third of the eurozone GDP is fed to the fractional reserve banks in one year. “Morgan Stanley,
for example, calculates that of the €8,000bn funding that is currently in place for the largest 91
eurozone banks, some 58 per cent needs to be rolled over in the next two years. More startling
still, some 47 per cent of this funding is less than a year in duration. Much of that is in euros.,”
writes Gillian Tett in the FT.
00144feabdc0.html#axzz1YOenQ77v To clarify, the largest 91 eurozone banks need to refinance
about €5000 billion or 5 trillion of their funding in the next two years and €4000 billion in the
next year alone. These are sums that are many multiples of the planned 700 billion EFSF
facility, which itself  is a significant amount of entire annual tax receipts of eurozone
governments. The entire EFSF facility could, therefore, be used up to recapitalise banks in just
three months.   The ECB is engaging in a souvereign bond buying programme and in a dollar
funding programme, replacing the gap left by a lack of private credit with public money,
knowing tax payers will have to pay for their bad loans. Private creditors are not giving money to
the banks because they have no capital. Much of the core capital of the eurozone banks is in the
form of the souvereign bonds of insolvent states. The ECB gave banks the money to buy these
bonds at 0% interest and without demanding any collateral. The banks were able to make a 6%
profit on the interest generated by various eurozone bailouts. Now Greece looks like it is about
to default, the ECB and eurozone banks will have to write down their losses and they will
become insolvent because they have only junk collateral. The Greek cabinet called a crisis
meeting on Sunday and signed off on an emergency Greek central bank liquidity programme for 
commercial banks as the eurozone ministers come under political pressure to continue pouring
money into the black hole of Greek bankster debt. Because the bankster bailout money is drying
up, the fractional reserve monster of a banking system is now entering  its death throes. The
only question now is: how much of the real economy will the banks gobble up before they go
down? „The ECB is ultimately underwritten by taxpayers, which means that there is a hidden –
and potentially huge – cost of the eurozone crisis to taxpayers buried in the ECB’s books,“ notes
Open Europe. A new poll shows
85% of the Germans reject the euro EFSF bailout and another 50% would now vote for a euro
sceptic party. Who can be surprised? This catastrophe is not necessary. It is time to reform the
fractional reserve banking system and bring the banks under public control by nationalisation.
Under the current rules, the ECB is allowed to lend money only to private banks and it does this
at 0% or low interest. These banks then lend money to governments and people but charging
with interest. The accumulation of interest owed to banks due to the privatisation of the money
supply is the root cause of the debt of banks, states and people. More money has to be printed to
pay the interest on the existing privatised money leading to ever larger amounts of money in
circulation and ever higher interest payments. Eventually, the mathematical limits of the
system are reached. A bust is preprogrammed after 70 to 80 years and we are now reaching just
such a bust where vast amounts of the real economy are going towards paying interest to banks.
We need a new financial system – and now! Banks need to be nationalised and our money
supply changed to public money. This disaster can be avoided if governments take the right
action and reset the financial system.]]> 5406 2011-09-19 14:06:40 2011-09-19 14:06:40 closed
open eurozone-prepares-for-massive-jolt-insolvent-banks-set-to-tumble publish 0 0 post 0
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government-and-the-banks/ 2011-09-29 16:32:12 2011-09-29 16:32:12 1 pingback
0 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on
banks-reuters-says/ Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:16:10 +0000 birdflu666 By Bloomberg News - Sep 20, 2011 10:26 AM
GMT+0200 Bank of China Ltd. has stopped trading foreign-exchange forwards and swaps with
several European banks on concerns about the region’s debt crisis, Reuters reported, citing
three unnamed people. Read more:
china-halts-forex-trade-with-europe-banks-reuters-says.html    ]]> 5408 2011-09-20 13:16:10
2011-09-20 13:16:10 closed open bank-of-china-halts-forex-trade-with-europe-banks-reuters-
says publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 17757
108-winning-forex-trades-0-losses/ 2011-09-29 15:36:36 2011-09-29 15:36:36 1
pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on Tue, 20 Sep 2011
13:17:46 +0000 birdflu666 bank two weeks ago and
put it in the European Central Bank, Britain's Financial Times daily reported late Monday. Read
more at:
Siemens-withdrew-over-0-5-billion-euros-from-French-bank]]> 5410 2011-09-20 13:17:46
2011-09-20 13:17:46 closed open french-banks-on-the-brink publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
purchases-increase-incentive-for-debt/ Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:19:12 +0000 birdflu666 By Rainer Buergin - Sep 19, 2011 11:54 AM
GMT+0200 Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann said he’s critical of the European Central
Bank’s bond purchases. Read more:
says-bundesbank-is-critical-of-ecb-bond-purchases.html  ]]> 5412 2011-09-20 13:19:12 2011-
09-20 13:19:12 closed open bundesbank-chief-lambasts-ecb-says-bond-purchases-increase-
incentive-for-debt publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
yet-more-bonds-onto-taxpayers/ Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:21:16 +0000 birdflu666]]>
5414 2011-09-20 13:21:16 2011-09-20 13:21:16 closed open ecb-uses-doubtful-italy-downgrade-
to-load-yet-more-bonds-onto-taxpayers publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
eurostat-inflated-greek-national-debt/ Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:22:30 +0000 birdflu666 Prosecutor to probe ex-statisticians’ claims
Investigation to determine whether deficit figure for 2009 was falsely inflated Top prosecutor
Grigoris Peponis on Monday ordered a preliminary investigation into claims by a former
employee of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), Zoe Georganta, according to which
Greece’s deficit for 2009 was artificially inflated so the country could qualify for a bailout. Read
more at:]]>
5416 2011-09-20 13:22:30 2011-09-20 13:22:30 closed open greek-justice-officials-to-
investigate-claims-eurostat-inflated-greek-national-debt publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_51cdafda598e976683a2c680312c4a54 44023 2016-01-09
16:47:56 2016-01-09 16:47:56 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history
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scandal-video/ 2011-09-25 10:08:59 2011-09-25 10:08:59 1 pingback 0 0
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2011-09-25 08:09:41 2011-09-25 08:09:41 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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payments/ Tue, 20 Sep 2011 13:24:29 +0000 birdflu666
p=5418 By Alan Crawford - Sep 20, 2011 10:37 AM GMT+0200 Germany’s lower house of
parliament must in future approve each payment made by the European Financial Stability
Facility or changes to the fund, Bild reported, citing an agreement made by the ruling coalition
parties. Read more at:
must-agree-to-all-efsf-payments-bild-says.html]]> 5418 2011-09-20 13:24:29 2011-09-20
13:24:29 closed open german-parliament-must-agree-to-all-efsf-payments publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_b7e5af12644611b438d1fca293a95ee6
greek-government-revenue-damage-to-greece-could-be-higher-than-second-world-war/ Tue,
20 Sep 2011 13:34:28 +0000 birdflu666
Lohn.html Greece is, therefore, going to be forced to take up new debt because it is following
thevery package of fiscal austerity coupled with staggering interest payments on its souvreign
debt rolled out by the EU, IMF and ECB . The shortfall to Greek creditors has to be met by
eurozone tax payers. Die Welt reports that 2 billion euros of interest payments to
Greek bondholders are due in September; 3.65 billion euros in October and 3.3 billion in
November. In December, 10 billion euros are due to be paid to fractional reserve banks. But the
Greek government only generates a monthly revenue from taxes and other income of 3.75 billion
euros, leaving it short. Greece says it has enough cash to cover pension and salaries until the
middle of October and is waiting for the next „installment“ of eurozone tax payer money to
continue to make interest payments of 19 billion euros to creditors and also keep some of the
functions of a state going by paying salaries and pensions. The next installmet of a 110 billion-
euro ($151 billion) bailout will only keep Greece going until the end of the year. How is Greece
ever going to get out of this deepening debt death spiral? More austerity is not going to help
Greece and for German and other politicians to suggest otherwise is an outright lie. If  I was able
to explain accurately the economics of the debt death spiral on this blog one year ago and
predict what is now unfolding, government economists could certainly have. Axing state-
employed workers – something demanded by the EU/IMF and ECB -- will only reduce debt if
they are thrown on the street with no unemployment benefits – and with no jobs in sight that is
a recipe for a revolution. Greece has lost competitiveness since joining the euro currency zone
and become semi deindustrialised. In fact, as German economist Hans Werner Sinn has pointed
out, Germany has actually subsidised its imports into Greece over the ECB system in the last few
years. When Greece defaults, eurozone tax payers will also have to meet the losses of the ECB
which has been buying Greek bonds from commercial banks and just as the flow of interest
generated by these bonds is set to dry up. It is not clear how many tens of billions if not
hundreds of billions of euros will have been squeezed out of Greece by the time
this unprecedented act of financial warfare by the EU, IMF and ECB comes to an end but the
damage to the Greek economy by the banks and complicit politicians could exceed that of a real
war. Die Welt recently reported that the damage inflicted on the Greek economy by the German
army in the second world war -- including a forced bank loan -- was 70 billion euros in today's
terms. The damage inflicted on Greece by the EU/IMF and ECB financial assault on behalf of
the mega banks  will certainly be higher.]]> 5420 2011-09-20 13:34:28 2011-09-20 13:34:28
closed open payments-to-bondholders-now-exceeds-all-of-greek-government-revenue-damage-
to-greece-could-be-higher-than-second-world-war publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
contamination/ Wed, 21 Sep 2011 15:25:54 +0000 birdflu666 The Gardasil vaccine has been licensed for use in
the EU since 2006. The IMB together with the EMA continue to monitor the benefit-risk profile
of Gardasil.” This is particularly good news for medical consumers in the 27 countries belonging
to the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the
United Kingdom). An ‘immediate risk assessment’ should mean the marketing authorisation
holder must now: Determine the extent of the contamination Determine any potential health
risk that could result from HPV rDNA attached to aluminium adjuvant being injected into the
human body The critical issue here is not that the vaccine has residual DNA in it, but that the
contaminating HPV DNA is genetically modified and firmly attached to the aluminium adjuvant
– making it an unknown quantity as far as potential health risks. Is recombinant (genetically
engineered) HPV DNA, or adventitious DNA, capable of altering human DNA potentially
initiating cancer, or a host of autoimmune disorders? The manufacturer of Gardasil™, Merck,
went to great lengths to assure government health authorities around the world there was no
viral DNA in the vaccine.[ii] [iii] Merck repeatedly told health authorities that this vaccine only
contained virus-like particles manufactured from the L1 protein – NO HPV DNA. Recognizing
the potential health risks of residual DNA, government health officials relied on this assurance
when they approved the vaccine for use in their countries. The SANE Vax team believes the
solution is simple. Gardasil™ does not meet the specifications the manufacturer put forth to
gain approval for the use of their HPV vaccine. Therefore, Gardasil™ use should be discontinued
until such time as the manufacturer can either remove all residual HPV DNA from the vaccine,
or prove the residual HPV rDNA attached to the aluminium adjuvant poses no health risks when
injected into the human body. SANE Vax Inc would like to thank the EMA and IMB for ‘stepping
up to the plate.’ We believe demanding an immediate risk assessment be performed by the
authorisation holder is the only reasonable avenue available. Medical consumers around the
globe will be watching and anxiously awaiting the outcome of your investigations into this
matter. SANE Vax Inc notified the FDA about the discovery of HPV rDNA contaminants in
Gardasil™ before anyone else was informed.[iv] Why does this government agency remain
strangely silent regarding the contamination of Gardasil™? Has the Food and Drug
Administration in the United States ‘dropped the ball’? Could it be that since the FDA failed to
require the manufacturer to test for, evaluate and quantify the risks of residual recombinant
HPV DNA in Gardasil™ before granting approval for marketing the vaccine, they just decided to
take their toys and go home? Medical consumers deserve better than that.  ]]> 5422 2011-09-21
15:25:54 2011-09-21 15:25:54 closed open ema-to-investigate-gardasil-vaccine-contamination
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 17615
against-our-children/ 2011-09-23 23:43:55 2011-09-23 23:43:55 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_history akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
sabotaged-by-defence-ministry/ Wed, 21 Sep 2011 15:31:53 +0000 birdflu666
Sabotage-an-Entachers-Dienstauto General Entacher was fired from his position early this year
after he expressed opposition to plans to abolish conscription by Defence Minister Norbert
Darabos. Conscripts are not allowed to take part in large-scale wars outside of Austrian
territory. Entacher’s driver registered a problem with the Volvo car while driving the general
from Vienna to Villach on September 13. He stopped and saw that the screws of the wheels had
been loosened, narrowly averting an accident. The car had been kept in a garage in military
barracks in Vienna. The Ministry of Defence has issued a statement denying that they were
involved in any plot to sabotage Entacher’s car and so cause injury to the general. Both Entacher
and Darabos belong to the same Social Democrat party. On a personal note, I can say that after
all I have gone through in Austria after filing charges against Baxter for contaminating 72 kilos
of vaccine material with the bird flu virus in 2009 and, thereby, nearly causing a pandemic,
anything is possible given the scale of the corruption in Austria, even for defence ministry
officials to brazenly manipulate the car of a general and cause him to have an accident on a
motorway.]]> 5424 2011-09-21 15:31:53 2011-09-21 15:31:53 closed open car-of-austrian-
general-in-conscription-row-sabotaged-by-defence-ministry publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
bundestag-ahead-of-key-eurozone-bailout-vote/ Wed, 21 Sep 2011 15:44:24 +0000 birdflu666 The speech is facing a boycott from lawmakers who
oppose the classification of the Pope as a head of state rather than the head of a religion. The pope’s
visit is also coming a few days before a key vote on September 29th in the Bunestag on a new
eurozone bailout which, so economic experts have warned, could  ruin the country’s public
finances and wreck the real economy, leading to social upheaval and creating – so the banksters
seem to  hope – the political space for an extreme right wing saviour in the style of Adolf Hitler
to take charge of the authoritarian structures of the EU. The bankers and the Vatican were
among the first and most prominent supporters of Adolf Hitler. In April 1938,  for example,
Austrian Cardinal Theodor Innitzer ordered that all Austrian churches fly the swastika flag in
honor of Hitler's birthday, illustrating the links between the Catholic church and the banker
funded Nazi party. The new 700 billion bankster EFSF fund could  be used up very fast to
recapitalise insolvent banks if it is approved by the Bundestag  because, as the FT’s Gillian Tett
reported, the eurozone’s 91 largest banks need 5 trillion to rollover their debt in the next two
years. The IMF today reported the weakest eurozone  banks need 300 billion  euros for an
urgent recapitalisation in the event of a Greek default. The IMF has called for mandatory
recapitalisation ie for  governments to compell tax payers to pour another 300 billion into the
black hole of fractional-deserve banking debt.
hedge-against-euro-crisis.html It seems like the inevitable default by Greece is now being
delayed by the IMF/EU and ECB just long enough to get the vote on the new bailout fund
through the German parliament so that the banks can tap the fund immediately. The fractional-
reserve banking system is loaded with trillions of debt and it  set to collapse as it did in the
1930s and the elite know it. Their exit appears to be conflicts such as those  in the 1930s to
distract people from the real causes of social and economic breakdown. A conflict is needed and
a figure all Europeans can unite behind and this is where the Pope may play a role, especially in
any world war between Europe and the USA and the Arab speaking world. FT commentator
Gideon Rachman is openly cynical about the need for a common identity and hero in Europe to
help people forget  the austerity caused by the euro bailouts. “If you want to understand why the
euro is in such trouble forget, for a moment, debt and sovereign bonds – and take a look at the
bank notes. The images on euro notes are of imaginary buildings. While national currencies
typically feature real people and places – George Washington on the dollar bill, the Bolshoi
theatre on the Russian rouble – European identity is too fragile for that. Selecting a place or a
hero associated with one country would have been too controversial. So the European
authorities chose vague images that represented everywhere and nowhere. Now, a decade after
euro notes first emerged from cash machines across the continent, this lack of a common
identity is the fatal flaw that may sink the common currency.,”  he says. Rachman is brazen
about the need for secrecy when it comes to setting up an authoritarian EU. “There is another
possibility that might work, however. I have always believed that steps towards deeper
European unity work best when they are technical-sounding, hard to understand and not
subject to the approval of voters.,” he says. The European Central Bank’s current programme to
buy Greek, Italian and Spanish bonds – as endorsed by my colleague Martin Wolf last week –
meets this description perfectly. “ The ECB’s programme also meets the description of looting
perfectly - and the Germans have noticed. “But there is a problem,” notes Rachman. “Germany
is that rare country where central banking actually arouses deep political passions. A senior
member of the Merkel government told me recently that the ECB’s bond-buying programme is
already controversial in Germany – and he did not believe that it was sustainable for very long.”
Unlike the 1930s,  many millions of Germans are now aware of the bank scam and the way the
bailouts are going directly to the banks – and not to Greece or Ireland. And they are also aware
that they are next in line. What they need is a new financial system, not another war.
Nevertheless, the Globalists may believe „the game is not over yet“ given their naive view of
humanity as mindless sheeple. They may mistakenly believe  Pope Ratzinger is suited to uniting
Europe  behind the cause of Christianity in the event of another false flag terror event such as
that in Norway by Knights Templar Anders Breivik when nothing could be further from the
truth. My tip: the Pope’s speech in the Bundestag will be about the need to defend the
„Christian“ faith .. . Revelations about paedophila by priests in Germany as well as of a
subsequent cover-up have, however, undermined the credibility of the Catholic church to act as
a moral authority across Europe. The brother of the pope hit the headlines after it emerged that
children were abused by priests at his cathedral choir in Regensburg. Even a Catholic like
myself  - I  went to the same convent school as relatives on both sides of  my Irish and Austrian
families (and had positive personal experiences) – can scarcely imagine there is a single
religious institution in the world today which is more associated with corruption than the
Catholic church especially under Hitler Youth member Josef Ratzinger who uses his first visit to
the USA to celebrate mass on Hitler’s birthday in a sport’s stadium. Interestingly for a man so
unwilling to face up to paedophila in the ranks of his priests, Ratzinger will be staying in
Neukölln, a part of Berlin which hit headlines in 2010 after the apparant suicide of a local judge
who had pioneered a fast track legal process to send minors into institutions.
der-Berliner-Richterin.html Luckily for the children in Neukölln in case there are any
paedophiles about, a namesake of Stephanie von Guttenberg nee Bismarck, a doctor Sylvester
von Bismarck, is a leading figure in a Neukölln centre fighting child abuse.
Kinderschutzgruppe_Neukoelln_-von_Bismarck.pdf A case such as that in Austria where a
judge and doctor colluded in paedophilia can therefore be ruled out.
haft.story The 17-year old victim who reported the abuse „died“ in hospital in Austria in May in
mysterious circumstances. Watch out, too, for the Pope bright  red Saturn hat when he  steps off
the plane in Berlin tomorrow. On his visit to New York, the Ratzinger  wore just such a striking a
red Saturn hat. The Saturn hat is  a freemason reference to the Greco-Roman myth that there
was a golden age of god-like people under Saturn and Chronos who indulged in paedophila,
murder, orgies etc, a myth later revived by the Aryan Nazis. According to Virgil’s Aeneid,  a
descendent of this super race is destined to rule in a new golden age.  Virgil identified this figure
with the Roman emperor Augustus.  The Aryan Nazis identified this king-like figure with Adolf
Hitler.  In fact, Hitler saw himself as a new-style Holy Roman emperor, setting up a Third Holy
Roman empire. He even liked to depict himself as a Christ-like figure, a Knight Templar. The
myth of a Aryan and Hebrew super race –  Talmudist and the Nazis share exactly the same racist
views – destined to rule the world has sustained the freemasons in their bid to set up a new
world order under a Hitler-style figure in a second coming of their version of „Christ“. During
his visit to New York in 2007,  Pope Bededict also made a speech to the United Nations on April
18 2007. The UN’s HQ in New York was built on land donated by Bilderberg John D Rockefeller
and has a masonic Luciferian church chapel listed at the address: 777 United Nations Plaza. 777 is a secret code of the
Illuminati, forming a bent Swastika or sun.]]> 5426 2011-09-21 15:44:24 2011-09-21 15:44:24
closed open pope-josef-ratzinger-to-give-speech-to-bundestag-ahead-of-key-eurozone-bailout-
vote publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_9dc985d16ddd2458bd97d3753b01bcb3
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_oembed_5e91a57bc527a4a6b1b9a7c8ecfcbf5d 17594
world-war-3/ 2011-09-23 03:01:56 2011-09-23 03:01:56 0 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history akismet_result Sat, 24 Sep 2011 15:19:37
+0000 birdflu666 Flyin skirts of green and             
gold Flamin hair and eyes that rove Reels and jigs and hornpipes gay Faster Fiddler Faster play!
Fasster Faster Fiddler play!  Shevawn O’Hara]]> 5429 2011-09-24 15:19:37 2011-09-24 15:19:37
closed open poem-the-feis publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last Sat, 24
Sep 2011 15:24:19 +0000 birdflu666 Reign supreme
above the world Of beasts and human beings, Rule by violence and loan. Only shadows of the
masses Climb the slopes and grope for light, But the nest of noble gold Breeds a pale farewell to
might. The lake, a pool of silence, Treasures waters deep and cool, Lies are ready for the
drowning, Swim will only what is true. Torches tattoo sparkling scriptures On the background of
the firs, And the hour stirs the souls Of those who left their huts, With new and strange
emotions, Yet hearts resolved are bold And everywhere at home. Stars respond in ghostly
twinkle To the fires on the shore, And while they meet and mingle, Dark and gnarled the
mountains stand, Tarred with trees and dim with trolls, Guards of ancient ages, But lightning
polls of whisper Under veil of day and sun Have shed all the superstitions, And the shapes that
ring the waters Swear the oath of things to come.

]]> 5432 2011-09-24 15:24:19 2011-09-24 15:24:19 closed open poem-the-torches-by-bernd-

karwath publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 17807 2011-
10-01 19:03:37 2011-10-01 19:03:37 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666
5434 2011-09-24 15:28:47 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last Sat, 24 Sep 2011 15:36:17
+0000 birdflu666 Ein Weg Findet sich für jeden,
der bereit ist Den Weg zu gehen ist federleicht Ein Weg an vielen alte Dinge vorbei Dem
Finstere, Schattiger, Schwerer Das unseren Blick verstellt für das Wesentliche Der Eintrittsgeld
ist gar nicht so teuer Er wird bezahlt mit Reichtum Aus unserer Geist Aus den Talente, die wir
entwickelt haben Dem Leben, das wir gespendet hat Den Handlungen für anderen Nur so
gelangt man In das neue Reich Wo nur das Licht, Schein, Glanz, Leuchten Herrschen Und alle
Schattigen, Schwerer, Dustere Draussen bleibt Die Lüge und die Betrüger haben‘s nie mehr
leicht Von allein werden sie den Weg nicht wählen Der Widerstand ist nicht zu umgehen Im
Weg steht ihr ganzes Wesen Die Goldbarren, die Krisenfürsorge Die Titel und geheimen Konto
Werden ihnen nicht helfen Sondern in der Waagcchale Liegen wie Blei Schwere Zeugen des
eigentlichen Ungelebten Der Weg kommt wie Blitz aus dem Nichts Der Himmel leuchtet auf
Und schon sind wir dort Der Übergang ist mühelos geschafft In einer neuen Wahrheit Werden
wir unsere Weg fortsetzen Und einiges Neues sehen Und viel Schönes erleben Vor uns und
hinter uns, Rechts und links von uns, das Reine und Leuchtende Güte, Liebe, alles Lebendige
Aus einem Alptraum erwacht Werden wir das Eigentliche, Das Licht Unsere Heimat wieder
sehen.]]> 5437 2011-09-24 15:36:17 2011-09-24 15:36:17 closed open poem-on-transitions
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
found-by-cern/ Sat, 24 Sep 2011 15:37:48 +0000 birdflu666 Neutrinos may have traveled faster than the speed
of light By Elizabeth Flock, Washington Post Scientists at CERN, the world’s largest physics lab,
announced a startling finding yesterday that would be enough to make Albert Einstein roll over
in his grave: Subatomic particles, called neutrinos, have been found to be traveling faster than
the speed of light. Read more:
than-the-speed-of-light/2011/09/23/gIQAo04HqK_blog.html]]> 5439 2011-09-24 15:37:48
2011-09-24 15:37:48 closed open god-particle-found-by-cern publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
world-war-bernd-karwath-and-the-esm/ Sat, 24 Sep 2011 15:40:31 +0000 birdflu666 Von einer Politik, der die mächtige Lobby der
Finanzwirtschaft in den Ohren liegt, ist nicht zu erwarten, dass sie die dringend erforderliche
Reform des Geldsystems anpackt. Stattdessen handelt sie wie ein Sprachrohr der Banken und
will einen ESM-Gouverneursrat einrichten, der das, was die griechische Wirtschaft vor aller
Augen schädigt wie zuvor nur der II. Weltkrieg, zum System erhebt, das angeblich
"stabilisieren" soll, aber nichts anderes ist als ein Garantiemechanismus für Zinszahlungen an
Banken, die Griechenland aus eigener Kraft schon längst nicht mehr leisten könnte. Und es gibt
andere Länder, deren Verschuldung bald ähnliche Formen annimmt - ein sinkendes Rating
führt sofort zu höheren Zinsen bei den Staatsanleihen, was die Kredite immer teurer macht,
während die Schulden zugleich auch immer größer werden. Ein Schwarzes Loch an
Staatsverschuldung hat sich aufgetan, und die Transferunion, die mit dem ESM Gestalt
annähme, würde allen noch einigermaßen leistungsstarken Volkswirtschaften immer mehr von
ihrem Bruttoinlandsprodukt entziehen und diese realen Gelder im Schlund von Banken
verschwinden lassen, die aufgrund ihrer gewagten Anlagen mit Rechengeld nach dem
fraktionellen Reserveprinzip - Geld nicht aus Spareinlagen, sondern erfundenes Geld, das
behandelt wird wie echtes - auf tönernen Füßen stehen und die Zinszahlungen von
Schuldenländern oder Geberländern brauchen wie der Junkie seinen "Schuss". Was hier per
Gesetz Wirklichkeit werden soll, ist nichts anderes als ein Verfahren, die Eurozone letztlich in
eine Schuldenzone zu verwandeln, in der IWF, EZB und EU den zahlungsunfähigen Staaten das
Budget diktieren werden, wie sie es jetzt schon in Griechenland tun. Das wäre das Ende der
Demokratie und nationalen Selbstbestimmung und der Anfang einer zentralistischen Diktatur -
europaweit. Die Abstimmung am 29. September 2011 ist eine Abstimmung über die
demokratische Zukunft unseres Landes. Es geht bei den Transferzahlungen um solche Summen,
dass die dadurch bewirkte Mehrverschuldung in Verbindung mit einem sinkenden Rating selbst
ein Land wie die Bundesrepublik in relativ kurzer Zeit in Griechenlands Lage versetzen könnte -
wenn wir zulassen, dass der Bundestag dem ESM-Vertrag zustimmt. Jeder kann sich zu dem
Thema informieren und Informationen an andere weitergeben. Man kann sich mit
Abgeordneten per email, Brief oder telefonisch in Verbindung setzen und seine Meinung zum
Ausdruck bringen. Oder es gibt die Möglichkeit, sich bei "Abgeordneten-Check" an mail-
Petitionen zu beteiligen:
Innerhalb von einigen Wochen sind hier die Teilnehmerzahlen förmlich 'explodiert'. Aber auch
der Druck der Partei-Oberen auf die Abgeordneten nimmt zu, sodass der vom Volk ausgehende
Widerstand ebenfalls mehr Nachdruck benötigt. Persönlich habe ich fast allen Abgeordneten
der Grünen-Fraktion die unten aufgeführte email zugeschickt, die im Einzelnen noch deutlicher
macht, worum und um wie viel es geht. (Sorry, mir fehlt die Zeit, JEDEN Abgeordneten
anzuschreiben! ;-) ) Der ESM-Gouverneursrat würde bei Annahme des Vertrages mit einer
Macht ausgestattet werden, an der niemand mehr rütteln könnte, da ihm, seinem Personal und
Eigentum per Vertrag Immunität zugesichert ist und seine sämtlichen Räumlichkeiten und
Archive als unverletzlich gelten, d.h. keiner Untersuchung oder Durchsuchung zugänglich
wären! Der Gouverneursrat kann das Grundkapital des ESM von 700 Milliarden Euro auf jede
von ihm gewünschte Höhe anheben ... Zwar hat der Bundestag laut BVG-Urteil theoretisch das
Recht, dem die Zustimmung zu verweigern, doch die Art und Weise, wie Abgeordnete jetzt
schon dazu neigen, der Argumentation der Finanzlobby zu folgen, macht es unwahrscheinlich,
dass sich das Parlament widersetzen würde, wenn es hieße: "Wir brauchen ein Mehr an
Solidarität, um die Stabilität der Eurozone zu gewährleisten und eine wirtschaftliche
Katastrophe zu verhindern, die letztlich alle noch sehr viel teurer käme." Dabei ist die
vielbeschworene "Stabilität" eine reine Fiktion und die "Solidarität" ein Begriff, der wie ein
Gewissensappell wirkt, um Opferbereitschaft zu erzeugen. Diese jedoch würde einzig und allein
den Banken nützen - und die Volkswirtschaften ruinieren. Der ESM-Vertrag ist pures
ökonomisches Gift, mit einer irreführenden Aufschrift. Wir brauchen eine Reform des
Finanzsystems, kein 'Heilmittel', das todkrank macht.  Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland - aber
auch die anderen Euroländer - stehen an einem Scheideweg. Bis zum 29.9.2011 haben wir als
Volk noch Einflussmöglichkeiten, um unsere Parlamentsvertreter zu einer Ablehnung des ESM-
Vertrages zu bewegen. Nehmen wir diese Gelegenheit nicht wahr, sieht alles danach aus, als
näherten wir uns wirtschaftlichen Verhältnissen, in denen zerstört werden könnte, was nach
1945 industriell wie politisch so mühsam aufgebaut wurde. Eine Gefährdung unserer
demokratischen und ökonomischen Lebensordnung wie die jetztige hat es über sechs
Jahrzehnte lang nicht gegeben. Herzliche Grüße, Bernd 72127 Kusterdingen-Mähringen   Sehr
geehrtes Mitglied der GRÜNEN im Bundestag! Unten finden Sie in Kopie meine Antwort auf
eine email von Frau Caroline Ilawa in Sachen ESM. 'Energisches Vorgehen' gegen
Krisensymptome? Das hat den Schwung von Tatendrang. Aber was, wenn es die eigentlichen
Ursachen der Krise verkennt und energischen Kräften finanzwirtschaftlicher Manipulation das
Feld zur Beherrschung der Politik eröffnet, die den Tiger für einen Mediziner hielt? Ja, wir
brauchen Europa als Bewusstsein friedlicher Nachbarschaft. Es existiert: als faszinierend
vielfältig kommunikativ integrierter und bereits vor Euro-Einführung wirtschaftlich engst
verflochtener Kontinent, UK und Island inclusive, dessen Menschen sich in einem anregenden
geistigen und seelischen Austausch befinden, der keiner gemeinsamen Währung als
Voraussetzung bedarf. Wird diese aber als Voraussetzung betrachtet, um von den Menschen
Europas Schaden abzuwenden, dann bleibt das Grundgesetz der Gradmesser, an dem sich
entscheidet, ob ein Schritt, der die Währungsunion erhalten soll, in dem, was er mit sich
brächte, richtig wäre. Und lautete die Antwort "Nein" aus einer Erfahrung, die weiter gespannt
ist als Ihre oder meine, hätten wir das zu beachten und über Alternativen nachzusinnen. Es
könnte durchaus konstruktiv sein, einen Schritt zurückzugehen, um von einem Punkt nicht auf
das Zeitgeistheute fixierter Möglichkeiten aus einen Weg zu suchen, der von der klaren
Durchdringung ökonomischer Zusammenhänge und daraus zu ziehenden logischen Schlüssen
ausgeht und nicht von medialen Formeln und Floskeln, vorschnell für historisch gehaltenen
Prämissen oder der 'Expertise' des IWF, über die Länder wie Argentinien, Indonesien oder
Ecuador etwas zu sagen wüssten. Die Umstände geben Folgendes zu bedenken: Eine
Finanzwirtschaft, die sich verselbständigte, hat ihre überbordenden Mittel nicht mehr
sinnträchtig investitionsfördernd in der Realwirtschaft angelegt, sondern einen megalomanen
Derivatenzirkus eröffnet, der virtuelle Fantasiegeschöpfe immer fieberhafter durch die
Profitmanege jagte, bis das Zelt einbrach. Dies wurde als Weltuntergang verkauft, worauf die
Politik apokalyptisch erschüttert den Schuldigen ein neues Zelt gab, um die Vorstellung
fortzusetzen. Seither geht das "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" im Interbankenhandel weiter,
und statt hier endlich den Tanz auf dem Vulkan des fraktionellen Reserveprinzips entschlossen
zu beenden, geben Stimmen aus der Nähe der Schimärenorgie die Losung aus, nicht der
Hokuspokus sei das Problem, sondern Risse im Währungsverbund. Dabei traten die Risse
zwangsläufig auf, infolge eines Geburtsfehlers, an dem das ganze Projekt krankte. Der rasende
Hokusp00000000000000kus dagegen hat sich in Komplizenschaft mit Ratingagenturen seine
eigenen Regeln geschaffen. Des Rätsels Lösung ist nicht, Risse zu kitten, sondern gegen Tollwut
zu impfen. Dies zu beachten und dabei allein Ihrem Gewissen zu folgen: um mehr will ich nicht
bitten. Schöne Grüße nach Berlin, Bernd Karwath Lkr. Tübingen     Sehr geehrte Frau Ilawa,
danke für die Deutlichkeit, mit der Sie Position beziehen. Ich möchte durchaus nicht recht
haben, auch nicht nach Recht-Schreibreform. Die Folgen, recht zu haben, können manchmal
unangenehmer sein als die Folgen, sich zu irren. Gern greife ich Ihre Anregung auf, den
Dämpfen in der Gerüchteküche ein Fenster zu öffnen und für etwas Transparenz zu sorgen. Und
bevor wir in Besorgniserregung verfallen, legen wir die Hand an den Puls des Faktischen, um
womöglich nicht nur herauszufinden, was auf dem Spiel steht, sondern sogar, was gespielt wird.
Am 02.09.2011 14:53, schrieb Info - GRÜNE Bundestagsfraktion: Sehr geehrter Herr Karwath,
vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail. Sie haben Recht - die Ereignisse in der Eurozone und die
Entwicklung der Verschuldungs-, Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise sind besorgniserregend. Der
wahrscheinlich größte Fehler der Bundesregierung ist, dass sie den Menschen nicht genug
erklärt, was auf dem Spiel steht. So entstehen auch Gerüchte, die nicht der Wahrheit
entsprechen. Punkt 1: Der ESM bedeutet keine Übertragung von nationalen
Haushaltsrechten an Brüssel Der Europäische Stabilitätsmechanismus (ESM) stellt Kredite
für Staaten zur Verfügung, die zeitweise Schwierigkeiten haben, am Kapitalmarkt Geld zu
bekommen. "Der Europäische Stabilitätsmechanismus (ESM) stellt Kredite für Staaten zur
Verfügung, die zeitweise Schwierigkeiten haben, am Kapitalmarkt Geld zu bekommen." Soll der
nicht nur zeitweise Relativsatz in semantischer Union mit dem Rest des Satzes die
Schwierigkeiten Griechenlands mittragen? Wie zeitweilig sind denn die Schwierigkeiten der
Hellenen? Griechenland trat in die Währungsgemeinschaft ein - halb zog sie es, halb sank es hin
-, weil es mit Circes Künsten statistisch glaubhaft machen konnte, ökonomisch eurokompatibel
zu sein. Doch mit dem Glauben - oder den Statistiken - ist es so eine Sache. Manchmal glaubt
man seinen Augen nicht zu trauen. Denn seiner ökonomischen Beschaffenheit nach war und ist
Griechenland als Teil der Eurozone weder zeitweise noch sonstwie wettbewerbsfähig. Das
Einheitswährungsgewand war von Anfang an zu groß. Es schlotterte, doch Kredite stopften es
aus, daher fiel es so wenig auf wie Circe in der Statistik. Unterdessen fand ein unregulierter =
furios hemmungsloser Interbankenhandel mit toxischen Schrottpapieren und fair-value-
prinzipiellem Segen der Ratingagenturen statt, was heißt, dass in den Bankbilanzen die
Kaninchen-aus-dem-Ärmel-Papiere nach ihrer Bühnenwirkung, sprich, dem Handelswert an
den Interbankenmärkten bewertet wurden, als hätte dieser die Beständigkeit versteinerter
Dinosauriereier. Damit bewegten sich die numerisch entfesselten Bilanzen in Korpulenzmaßen
von mehrfachen hunderttausend Milliarden Dollar - bis das strohige Freudenfeuer den
Akteuren den Allerwertesten versengte und ausging. Die werten Bankdirektoren wussten zwar,
was sie taten, aber nicht, was Verantwortung ist, denn Skrupeldefizite hatten sie noch
reichlicher als Derivate. Und die Politik, die diesem Blocksbergtreiben verlängerter
Walpurgisnacht  tatenlos zugesehen hatte, sah es als Beweis ihres Verantwortungsgefühls und
ihrer Handlungsfähigkeit an, dass sie trotz knapper Kassen den Wettlauf der Gier mit Güte
belohnte, sprich, die privaten Verluste der Akrobatteure in kraftsportlichem Umfang
verstaatlichte, um einen vermeintlichen Zusammenbruch der Finanzwirtschaft au total zu
verhindern. Die wahrscheinlich größte Leistung der Bundesregierung war, dass sie mit der
Verstaatlichung privater Spielschulden zur Erzählerin finanzwirtschaftlicher Märchen wurde, in
denen es Banken gab, die nicht pleitegehen durften. Es war einmal: "too big to fail" ...!   Und
wenn sie nicht gescheitert sind, gewinnen sie noch heute ... Gewichtige Krisenverursacher
wurden aufgefangen, gehätschelt, getätschelt und aufgepäppelt. Dies ungeachtet der Tatsache,
dass Banken es erstens verstehen, mit erfundenem Geld zu finanzieren, und zweitens
Bilanzverluste bei eigentlich wertarmen Grundstücken so beziffern können, dass ihnen der
Marktpreis zur Zeit des dopingartigen Immobilienbooms zugrunde liegt: ein magischer Beitrag
zur Buchungskreativität. Und prompt geht es um liquide Solidarität gegen apokalyptische
Flächenbrandvisionen, die eine neuartige Feuerwehr staatlich garantierter 'Freiwilliger' mit
übergroßen Opferspritzen für den Nero-Zündel-Fall erfordern, frei nach dem Motto 'Rom ist
überall'. Die Wasserrechnung geht an Staat und Steuerzahler - und das Spiel mit dem Feuer geht
weiter! In der Praxis sieht das so aus, dass der Staat, um krisengeschüttelten Profiteuren die
Rechnung für ihren krisenerzeugenden Wahn zu zahlen, Kredite von Geschäftsbanken
aufnimmt. Banken kaufen also Staatsanleihen und kassieren dafür 3, 4, 5 oder 6 % Zinsen. Das
Geld für diese Staatsanleihen bekommen sie von den Zentralbanken zu einem Zinssatz von 0 bis
1 %. Manche Bank verdient so doppelt: bei Staatsanleihen und mit aufgehaltener Hand unter
dem "Rettungsschirm". Das sind die Gewinner vor der Krise und nach der Krise. Die Verluste
machen die anderen - die, die an Märchen glauben. Die anderen verdienen märchenhaft.
Während große Geldinstitute weich fielen und federnd ins Showbusiness zurückkehrten, ging
für das kleine Griechenland das dolce vita auf Pump zu Ende. Hinter den schönen Statistiken
von einst trat ungeschminkt die Wahrheit hervor und sagte, was auch jetzt noch niemand hören
will: dass Griechenland nämlich seit Euroeinführung zu überhöhtem Wechselkurs nicht
wettbewerbsfähig ist und somit auch seine Handelsbilanz nicht verbessern und seine Schulden
nicht verringern kann. Gehör findet stattdessen die Troika EU-EZB-IWF: Wenn Griechenland
spart, z.B. am Bildungssystem, wenn es Löhne senkt, öffentliche Bedienstete entlässt, wenn es
Infrastrukturprojekte streicht, Steuern erhöht, sich von Tafelsilber trennt und weitere Kredite
aufnimmt, dann fällt, aus dem Augenwinkel betrachtet, seine Zahlungsunfähigkeit auch weiter
kaum auf, und es  kann, während seine Schulden zinsensicher zum Berg anwachsen, die
nächsten Zinszahlungen leisten ... Ist schon mal jemand nüchtern geworden, dem man weiteren
Wein einschenkte? Der IWF ist in Sachen neoliberaler Schocktherapie zur sog.
"Wirtschaftssanierung" ein ausgesprochener Kenner. Joe Stiglitz, einstiger Chefökonom der
Weltbank, kennt die Krankengeschichten von 'Patienten' des IWF und der Weltbank und wie sie
ausgingen: mit kaputter Wirtschaft, kaputter Regierung, kaputten Schaufenstern. Die
Augenbrauen der Schuldenärzte wanderten bei solchen Folgen faltenknirschend nach oben, die
Wirtschaftsindikatoren unbeirrt nach unten. Anscheinend darf man kein IWF-Experte sein, um
voraussehen zu können, dass bei Erhöhung der Abgaben in einer Rezession die Kaufkraft weiter
abnimmt, die Wirtschaft schrumpft und mit der Wirtschaft auch das Steueraufkommen, sodass,
oh Weltwunder für die Weltbank, zum stillen Jubel der Banken die Schulden des Staates
steigen. Aus Dokumenten, die Stiglitz nach seiner Entlassung im Jahre 2000 mitnahm, geht
hervor, dass IWF und Weltbank die betreffenden Länder zwangen, eine Reihe ökonomisch
destruktiver Schritte zu unternehmen sowie Schlüsselvermögen zu verkaufen: Wassersystem,
Gas, Strom, Eisenbahngesellschaften, Telefonfirmen, staatliche Ölgesellschaften usw. Bei einer
Weigerung wären diese Länder von allem internationalen Export und Import gezielt und
vollständig abgeschnitten worden. Nun liegt
also der Patient Griechenland auf dem Tisch, und die 'Diagnose' von IWF & Konsorten lautet:
'Illiquid. Therapeutischer Bedarf an Geldtransfusionen, Abgabenerhöhung und
Ausgabensenkung.' Die Kredite als angeblicher Heilungsbeitrag kommen jedoch nicht beim
griechischen Staat an, sondern bei den Banken. Auch IWF-Kredite an Entwicklungsländer
flossen nicht in deren Realwirtschaft, sondern gingen an Konzerne, die in diese Länder gingen
und dann an die Ressourcen. ( Was in
Griechenland - wie in den Entwicklungsländern - ankommt, sind die Schulden. Mit jedem
Kredit nehmen sie zu. Der Patient kann diese Schulden nicht restrukturieren, solange er als
Mündel der Troika in der Eurozone bleibt. Er kann nicht zur Drachme zurück, kann seine
Wirtschaft nicht beleben und bleibt klinisch tot. Doch wird er weiterhin nur für "illiquid"
erklärt, sodass man ihm trotz Schulden jenseits aller Rückzahlbarkeit weitere Kredite unter dem
Deckmantel der "Hilfe" geben kann, was die Zinslasten, auch wegen des sinkenden Ratings,
höher und höher treibt. Länder wie Argentinien, Indonesien und Ecuador sind mit diesem
modernen Vampirismus, der am liebsten noch ein rotes Kreuz auf weißem Grund trüge, zu
ihrem Leidwesen vertraut. Das ist der Punkt, der folgenden Satz zur Augenweide macht: Sollte
es absehbar sein, dass der Staat seine Kredite nicht zurückzahlen kann, darf der ESM kein Geld
mehr geben und der Staat muss Insolvenz anmelden. Es war, ob mit oder ohne Brille, Monokel
oder Fernglas, schon vor dem ersten Kredit an Griechenland absehbar, dass der Staat seine
Schulden nicht würde zurückzahlen können, mehr noch, dass Kredite nichts anderes bewirken,
als den Schuldenstand zu heben. Illusionistisch wird mit eurokratischer Suggestion und
Beschwörung der Staatsbankrott geleugnet, die Insolvenz negiert. Der Patient liegt in Troika-
verschriebener Natronlauge zur sarkophaggerechten, eurointegrativen Zustandserhaltung, mit
dem amtlichen Gütesiegel 'Auf dem todsicheren Weg zur Besserung'. In Zahlen ausgedrückt:
Von September bis Dezember 2011 werden die griechischen Staatseinnahmen etwa €15
Milliarden betragen - die fälligen Zinsen €19 Milliarden.
Lohn.html Aber nicht 'nur' das Schuldenloch des Empfängerlandes wird nach Troika-Art noch
tiefer, sondern auch das der Geberländer - Europa hat seinen Preis! Europa? Oder doch eher die
91 Großbanken, die innerhalb des nächsten Jahres geschätzte €4000 Milliarden benötigen, um
zahlungsfähig zu bleiben - ein Drittel des Bruttoinlandsprodukts der Eurozone.
00144feabdc0.html#axzz1YOenQ77v Der Realwirtschaft bringen die Transferzahlungen nichts,
der Finanzwirtschaft viel. In Deutschland machte sie in den letzten 25 Jahren zwischen 40 und
60 % aller in der Wirtschaft gemachten Gewinne. Sie ist der Magier der Neuzeit! Doch ihre
Zauberkünste gehen an der Realwirtschaft vorbei. Erst wenn wie 2007 die Vorstellung auf ihrem
Höhepunkt mit dem größtmöglichen Vertrauenseinbruch endet, wird die Realwirtschaft zur
Kasse gebeten, um die abgesägten Bankenbeine durch Prothesen zu ersetzen. Der finanzielle
Hokuspokus kommt auch zum Ausdruck, wenn man sich die Entwicklung des Geldvermögens in
Deutschland 1998 bis 2009 ansieht. 1998
bis 2009 stieg das Geldvermögen selbst nach Abzug der Staatsschulden statistisch um €10.000
(zehntausend) pro Kopf!  Real waren es allerdings wenige Köpfe, auf die der statistisch mit
Staatsschulden verrechnete Vermögenssegen niederging. Ein Drittel (1/3) des von 2002 bis
2007 neu hinzugekommenen Geldvermögens entfiel auf das reichste Prozent (1 %) der
Bevölkerung. 70 % der Bevölkerung erfuhren so gut wie keinen Vermögenszuwachs. Die
Verluste der Großbanken jedoch, die vor 2007 Gewinne häuften und seit Jahren wieder, wurden
verstaatlicht und jener Masse von Steuerzahlern beschert - oder sollte man sagen: verkauft? -,
die keinen Vermögenszuwachs erlebt hatten. "Rettungsschirm" Nr. 1: 'Hartz IV' für Banken, die
sich bis zur Krise mit reinen Finanztricks schwindelerregend bereichert hatten. Zum Vergleich:
Die Arbeitslosengeld-II-Ausgaben des Bundes für Langzeitarbeitslose betrugen 2006 €26,4
Milliarden Euro. ( Die 2008 von Bundestag und
Bundesrat gebilligten Regierungspläne für Bürgschaften und Kapitalhilfen ans Krisen
erzeugende Finanzgewerbe hatten einen Gesamtumfang von knapp 500 Milliarden Euro.
Dennoch gelten nicht die Banken als Ballast am Bein der Gesellschaft, sondern die Arbeitslosen,
obwohl deren Transferleistungen in die Realwirtschaft fließen, z.B. in den Lebensmittelhandel,
und dort Arbeitsplätze erhalten, statt sie zu vernichten. Nach Einführung des Euros taten die
Großbanken für die Realwirtschaft nichts, schädigten sie durch die Folgen des 'Seifenblasen'-
Handels und betrogen sie auch noch durch Verstaatlichung ihrer Privatschulden raubritterlich
feudal. Dennoch gelten Banken als Säulen und Stützen des Abendlandes, und die Arbeitslosen,
deren Arbeitsplätze wie auf Fliegenden Teppichen teils in Sklavenlohnländern landeten, als
dekadente Parias.  Dem "Rettungsschirm" für die Gralshüter der Rendite soll der
"Rettungsschirm" Nr. 2 folgen: der "Euro-Rettungsschirm". Ein Euphemismus par excellence.
Wieder werden Gelder nicht zum Nutzen der Realwirtschaft transferiert, sondern ausschließlich
zum Gewinn der Finanzwirtschaft. Wer aber reguliert diese Finanzwirtschaft effizient, um zu
verhindern, dass sie mit virtuellem Geld und wildem Treiben die nächste Krise herbeiwettet?
Der deutsche Mittelstand mahnt nicht erst seit heute die effiziente Regulierung der Banken an.
Kompakt_Bankenregulierung.pdf) Wo bleibt sie? Mehrere Ihrer KollegINNen aus dem Europa-
Parlament stellten am 21.6.2010 fest: "Wir, die für die Regulierung der Finanzmärkte und des
Bankgewerbes zuständigen europäischen Abgeordneten, stehen täglich unter dem Druck des
Finanz- und Banksektors, der das Ziel hat, den für die Branche geltenden Rechtsrahmen stärker
zu beeinflussen. Es ist durchaus korrekt, dass die Unternehmen dieser Branche ihre
Standpunkte bekannt machen und regelmäßig mit dem Gesetzgeber Gespräche führen. Aber das
Ungleichgewicht zwischen dieser Lobby" und dem "Mangel an Gegenexpertise erscheint uns" als
"Gefahr für die Demokratie.  (...) [Das Ungleichgewicht] findet in einem Kontext statt, in dem
die politische und Finanzelite sich sehr nahe stehen. Die enge Verbindung zwischen Goldman
Sachs und der Bundesverwaltung in den USA ist kein Geheimnis. In Europa ist diese
Verflechtung genauso hoch. (...) Diese Nähe trägt indessen zu einer stärkeren und einseitigen
Berücksichtigung der Belange des Finanzsektors bei und schränkt mit Sicherheit die Fähigkeit
der politischen Verantwortlichen ein, unabhängige Entscheidungen zu treffen."
finanzlobby-003272) Aus Ihrer Befürwortung des "Euro-Rettungsschirms" "unterm Strich"
scheint die Hoffnung zu sprechen, die Entscheidung darüber sei trotz der engen Verflechtung
von Finanzsektor und Exekutive von den einseitigen Lobby-Interessen ausgenommen, die Ihre
Brüssler KollegINNen mit solchem Nachdruck hervorheben. Vielleicht gibt uns ein Blick auf die
Modalitäten, wie der "Rettungsschirm" aufgespannt werden soll, einen Hinweis, ob die
Hoffnung begründet ist. Verteilen soll die Gelder eine Behörde, der Gouverneursrat des
Europäischen Stabilitätsmechanismus, oder kurz ESM. Fürs Erste beträgt das ESM-
Grundkapital 700 (siebenhundert) Milliarden Euro (ESM-Vertragsentwurf, Art. 8, Ziffer 1).
Doch der ESM kann eigenmächtig das Grundkapital der ESM-Mitglieder ändern, sprich
erhöhen - eine Obergrenze gibt es nicht (Art. 10, Ziffer 1). Art. 9, Ziffer 3 bestimmt: "Die ESM-
Mitglieder sagen hiermit bedingungslos und unwiderruflich zu, bei Anforderung jeglichem ...
durch den Geschäftsführenden Direktor an sie gerichteten Kapitalabruf binnen 7 (sieben) Tagen
nach Erhalt dieser Aufforderung nachzukommen." Wer aber kontrolliert den ESM-
Gouverneursrat bei der Ausübung einer derartigen Machtfülle? Wer kann ihn für die
Verwendung des abgerufenen Kapitals zur Verantwortung ziehen? Wer kann eine vom ESM
beschlossene Erhöhung des Grundkapitals mit triftigen Gegenargumenten verhindern oder auch
nur in Frage stellen? Niemand. Auch kein Gericht, weder ein lokales, nationales noch
europäisches, könnte den Gouverneursrat in Schranken weisen oder mit Straftatbeständen
konfrontieren. Art. 30, Ziffer 1 bestimmt: "Gouverneursratsmitglieder, Direktoren und
Stellvertreter und Personal genießen Immunität von der Gerichtsbarkeit hinsichtlich ihrer ...
Handlungen." Der "ESM" genießt "umfassende gerichtliche Immunität" (Art. 27, Ziffer 3) - so
als wären ESM-Personal, Direktoren, Stellvertreter und Gouverneursratsmitglieder vom Volk
gewählte Abgeordnete. Aber es geht noch weiter. Nicht nur Personen sind immun, sondern auch
das "Eigentum [des ESM], seine Finanzmittel und Vermögenswerte genießen unabhängig von
ihrem Standort und Besitzer umfassende gerichtliche Immunität" (Art. 27, Ziffer 3). Und die
Rechnungsprüfung? Sie erfolgt durch Rechnungsprüfer, "die vom Gouverneursrat bestätigt
werden" (Art. 25). Der zu Prüfende bestimmt also darüber, wer ihn prüft und wer nicht. Dann
ist die Bezeichnung "unabhängige externe Rechnungsprüfung" (Art. 25) ein Akt der
Berechnung. Sollte dennoch etwas ans Tageslicht kommen, das Anlass zu einer Untersuchung
gäbe, würde es zu einer solchen Untersuchung nicht kommen. Der Zugriff auf Beweismaterial
bliebe ausgeschlossen. Art. 27, Ziffer 5: "Die Archive des ESM und alle ihm gehörenden oder in
seinem Besitz befindlichen Dokumente im Allgemeinen sind unverletzlich." Und Ziffer 6: "Die
Räumlichkeiten des ESM sind unverletzlich." Und Ziffer 4: "Das Eigentum, die Finanzmittel und
Vermögenswerte des ESM sind unabhängig davon, wo und in wessen Besitz sie sich befinden,
von Zugriff durch Durchsuchung, Beschlagnahme, Einziehung, Enteignung und jede andere
Form der Inbesitznahme, Wegnahme oder Zwangsvollstreckung durch Regierungshandeln oder
auf dem Gerichts-, Verwaltungs- oder Gesetzeswege befreit."
beendigung-staatlicher-haushaltssouveraenitaet-11714446/ Der von allen kleinlichen
Untersuchungsmöglichkeiten befreite ESM hat also Zugriff auf unvorstellbar große
Kapitalsummen, die er eigenmächtig noch erhöhen kann. Die ESM-Mitglieder sind
hochverschuldete Staaten, die nicht einfach aus dem Steueraufkommen Dutzende Milliarden
Euros zahlen können - sie sind auf Kredite angewiesen. Von vornherein ist also der geplante
ESM darauf angelegt, dass es bei Transfers auch immer, wenn nicht sogar ausschließlich, um
Kredite geht - und das in der Größenordnung von insgesamt hunderten Milliarden Euros.
Angesichts der innigen internationalen Verflechtungen zwischen Finanzwirtschaft und
Regierungen gehört keine besonders ausgeprägte Fantasie dazu, sich vorzustellen, dass bei
Anbahnung, Aushandlung und Abwicklung dieser Kredite der ESM die Hauptrolle spielen wird.
Womit Art. 17, Ziffer 1 seine besondere Sinnigkeit erlangt. Der ESM, heißt es da, ist ermächtigt,
auf den Kreditmärkten "Kredite von Banken, Finanzinstituten und sonstigen Personen oder
Einrichtungen aufzunehmen." Dabei werden die "Modalitäten der Kreditaufnahme ... vom
Geschäftsführenden Direktor … bestimmt" (Art. 17, Ziffer 2). Zu gut deutsch: Der ESM ist bei
allen Finanzgeschäften im Zusammenhang mit Kapitaltransfers federführend in Kontakt mit
"Banken, Finanzinstituten oder sonstigen Personen oder Einrichtungen", wobei der
"Geschäftsführende Direktor" selbst bestimmt, zu welchen Konditionen, sprich Zinsen, Kredite
vergeben werden. Doch weder der Geschäftsführende Direktor noch die anderen
Gouverneursratsmitglieder oder das Personal sind bei derartigen Finanzaktionen mit
Riesensummen wirklich kontrollierbar und überprüfbar. Weder zum ESM gehörende Menschen
noch Sachen unterliegen der Möglichkeit einer gerichtlichen Untersuchung. Der ESM lässt sich
von niemandem 'in die Karten schauen' - es sei denn nachträglich durch einen von ihm
bestätigten Rechnungsprüfer. Und zur Verantwortung ziehen lässt er sich schon gar nicht. Wie
Götter des Olymps würden seine Gouverneure über den Niederungen irdischer Gerichtsbarkeit
thronen.   Damit ist dem ESM ein Freibrief für Handlungen ausgestellt, die sich jeder
wirksamen Kontrolle entziehen und von daher an die Handlungssphäre der Banken zu
Derivaten-Hoch-Zeiten erinnern. Mit seiner Bestimmungsgewalt über die Höhe der
Transferzahlungen würde der ESM das Budgetrecht als "eines der wesentlichen Instrumente
parlamentarischer Regierungskontrolle" (BVG, 14.2.2007,
einschränken. Und wozu? Um "ein Herausbrechen einzelner Staaten" aus der Währungsunion
zu verhindern? Vielleicht. Doch eines wäre der ESM mit Sicherheit nicht: ein Instrument zur
Entschärfung finanzieller Probleme. Im Gegenteil, er würde die bestehenden Probleme zu einer
neuen Größenordnung führen. Alle Euroländer kämen letztlich in eine ähnliche Lage wie das
heutige Griechenland. Die einzigen Nutznießer dieser Entwicklung wären die Finanzwirtschaft
und die EU - aber nicht deren Bevölkerung, sondern die Brüssler Bürokratie. Denn als Folge der
Destabilisierung würde sich der zentralistische Zugriff auf nationale Wirtschaftsstrukturen mit
dirigistischen Mitteln verstärken und Volksvertretungen und Regierungen de facto entmachten.
Selbst wenn man den ESM-Vertrag mit dem Glorienschein der 'Euro-Rettung' und
'Krisenbewältigung' ausstatten und für 'obligatorisch' halten wollte: Seit wann macht man den
zweiten Schritt vor dem ersten? Nach den historischen Erfahrungen von 2007 und 2008 wäre
der logisch zwingende erste Schritt, dem sozial gewissenlosen, aber Risiken erfolgreich auf die
Gemeinschaft abwälzenden Derivatenhandel der Großbanken den längst überfälligen Riegel
vorzuschieben - und die Verantwortlichen der Finanzkrise zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Bei einer
wirksamen Regulierung des Interbankenhandels hätte keine exorbitante Kreditblase entstehen
können, die dem Finanzsektor traumhafte Gewinne bescherte, bevor sie vorhersehbar platzte.
Das ökonomisch Unverzichtbare wurde politisch nicht getan. Das von der Realwirtschaft völlig
entkoppelte rauschhafte Agieren auf den Finanzmärkten hatte freie Fahrt in die Krise - und
setzte sich  nach der Krise fort! Statt das Versäumte nun endlich nachzuholen, soll mit dem ESM
ein Instrument gebilligt werden, das aufgrund seiner finanzdirektiven Machtfülle bald schon
politische Strukturen instrumentalisieren könnte, da eine großflächige Schuldensteigerung in
der Eurozone Handlungsimperative erzeugt, die sich den politischen Willen gefügig machen.
Anstatt also die Wurzel des Übels, die unkontrollierte Bankenmacht, anzugehen, soll eine
letztlich ähnlich unkontrollierte Behörde entstehen, die von jeder Untersuchung und
strafrechtlichen Verantwortung ausgenommen ist und aus Quellen ihrer Wahl Kredite
aufnehmen kann, damit Zahlungen erfolgen, die gar nicht in der Realwirtschaft ankommen,
aber die Verschuldung der Staaten forcieren. Sie kennen die Redewendung "Den Teufel mit dem
Beelzebub austreiben" ...? Darum: keine auf Kosten der Realwirtschaft praktizierte europäische
Integrationsmumifizierung, kein ESM mit heilsversprecherischem Zukunftshüftschwung
lieblicher Geldströme, sondern eine Schuldenrestrukturierung Griechenlands und seine
Entlassung aus der Einheitswährung. Das bringt zwar Turbulenzen mit sich, aber Gläubiger
werden sich pragmatisch zukunftsorientiert auf eine neue Situation einstellen, in der
ökonomisch klares Vorgehen die Weichen zur Erholung der griechischen Wirtschaft stellt - einer
Erholung, die unter der 'Ägide' von IWF, EZB und EU so wenig absehbar ist wie das
Aufwärtsfließen eines Flusses. Schuldenstapelei, Wirtschaftsabbau, Abwürgen auch der letzten
Wachstumsimpulse und dazu der Verkauf jener staatlichen Unternehmen, die noch relativ
profitabel sind: Das soll die EU-'Hilfe' bzw. deren Wirkung für ein Mitgliedsland sein? Eine
'Hilfe', die wirtschaftliche Schäden anrichtet, wie sie Griechenland seit dem II. Weltkrieg nicht
erlebt hat? Ein Gouverneursratsdiktat, unter dem Europa ausbluten würde, während
Großbanken sich über riesigen Zinszahlungen und dem Verkauf nationalen Tafelsilbers die
Hände rieben? Es lebe der Euro - der Nationalstaat ist tot ... Aber vielleicht betrachten Sie den
Nationalstaat als ausgedientes, demnächst abgewirtschaftetes Auslaufmodell der Geschichte?
Frau Dr. Merkel sagte am 16.6.2005: "... wir haben wahrlich keinen Rechtsanspruch auf
Demokratie und soziale Marktwirtschaft auf alle Ewigkeit." (
v=unT_MBgavog; 0:05) Weil Demokratie kein Hindernis sein darf für "eine starke und
handlungsfähige EU", die "den globalen Herausforderungen begegnen" kann? Aber eben das ist
der Sinn eines Grundgesetzes, dass es den verfassungsrechtlichen Rang einer demokratischen
Grundordnung gegenüber jeder zeitbestimmten politischen Perspektive und Prioritätensetzung
auch dann behauptet, wenn für den Zweck - z.B. 'supranationales Gewicht in einer globalisierten
Welt' - fast jedes Mittel recht erscheint. Wir sind uns doch bewusst - oder nicht? -, dass
Volksvertreter aus dem Europa-Parlament vor einer sehr ernstzunehmenden Gefahr für die
Demokratie warnten, die von der Nähe finanzwirtschaftlicher Lobbyinteressen zur Politik
ausgeht und von der unzureichenden Wahrnehmung alternativer Expertisen. Wollen Sie unter
solchen Bedingungen genau den Empfehlungen folgen, die der Finanzsektor mit täglichem
Druck (s.o.) an die Politik heranträgt und die, wie das Beispiel Griechenlands zeigt,
wirtschaftlich katastrophal sind? Und was steckt hinter Mantra-artig beschworenen integrativen
Stärkungszielen wie 'globaler Wettbewerbsfähigkeit', 'Mitsprache im Konzert der Großen' usw.?
Ja, Mitsprache im Konzert globaler Konzerne vielleicht - als erste oder zweite Geige spielendes
Vorstands- oder Aufsichtsratsmitglied. Was bliebe im Märktefeld solcher Weltunternehmen von
Wettbewerb übrig? Wo Produktion in Länder mit Löhnen am Existenzminimum verlagert wird,
findet kein Wettbewerb im Rahmen fairer Bedingungen statt, sondern eine Etablierung
menschenunwürdiger Zustände durch den Missbrauch von Macht als Werkzeug krankhafter
Gier. Das ist kein Wettbewerb, sondern eine Aushöhlung von Wettbewerb durch Unterbietung
von Konkurrenten unter menschenverachtenden Produktionsumständen. Eine globale
Unternehmenslandschaft im Konzentrationsprozess zur multinationalen Kartell- und
Monopolwelt, wie Sie Ihrer 'expansiven' Eurofreude vorzuschweben scheint, zeichnet sich
gerade nicht durch Wettbewerb aus, sondern trägt ihn zu Grabe - teilt Märkte auf und hält sich
ans Credo John D. Rockefeller Seniors, der Wettbewerb eine "Sünde" nannte. Sie wollen die
europäische Einheitswährung ausdrücklich zu Zwecken einer 'globalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit'
unterstützen? Aber Wettbewerbsfähigkeit setzt funktionierenden Wettbwerb voraus und damit
die Rückführung monopolistischer und kartellartiger Marktverhältnisse - und kein 'Euro, Euro
über alles', das nur die finanzwirtschaftliche und korporative Hypertrophie fördert. Sie müssten
erst einmal in einer von krebsartigen Kartell- und Monopolstrukturen durchwucherten Welt um
Bedingungen ringen, unter denen Wettbewerb wieder mittelstandsstärkenden Stellenwert hätte.
'Deutschland' in internationalen Kartell- und Monopolgewässern besser mitschwimmen lassen
zu wollen, ist kein an Wettbewerb und Marktwirtschaft orientiertes Ziel, sondern bloß ein
Hinwirken auf die Stromlinienförmigkeit korporativer Existenzerleichterungen zwecks
Integration von Unternehmen in ein nicht konkurrierendes und nicht Innovationen förderndes,
sondern die Märkte beherrschendes Konglomerat von Konzernen. Wenn in der EU die Stärkung
zentralistischer Kräfte der Krisenbewältigung oder Krisenprophylaxe dienen soll: Was sind das
für Krisen, auf die die Antwort angeblich nur lauten kann, immer mehr und noch mehr
Integration? Die europäische Integration hat den ungehemmten, sozial verantwortungslosen
Interbankenhandel erleichtert, der mit der Komplizenschaft von Ratingagenturen zur
Finanzkrise führte. Wegen der europäischen Integration sind gut zwei Drittel der Ersparnisse
nicht mehr in Deutschland geblieben, sondern wurden innerhalb der Eurozone investiert. Die
Folge war eine Kreditverknappung für den Mittelstand, weil Ersparnisse in den Handel mit
Wertpapieren flossen und solchen, die sich so nannten. Großunternehmen verfügen über einen
hohen Eigenkapitalanteil oder können sich Kapital an der Börse besorgen. 98,8 % aller
deutschen Firmen sind dagegen auf teuer gewordene Bankkredite angewiesen: eine enorme
Wettbewerbsverzerrung. (Vgl. Wilhelm Hankel, in: Focus Money Nr. 8, 25.7.2011, S. 13; Aus diesem Grund
ist seit Einführung des Euros die Investitionsquote in Deutschland drastisch gesunken und steht
jetzt an letzter Stelle der Euroländer! Und die griechische Wirtschaft ist durch ihren Beitritt zur
Eurozone in eine nicht wettbewerbsfähige Lage geraten und hat einen beträchtlichen Teil ihrer
industriellen Kapazität verloren. Eine Erholung ist nicht abzusehen, solange Griechenland nicht
aus dem Währungsverbund ausschert und seine Währung abwertet. Ähnliches gilt für Irland,
Spanien, Portugal und Italien. Der sog. "Euro-Rettungsschirm" hat Griechenlands Verschuldung
drastisch erhöht und seine ohnehin schon ausgezehrte Wirtschaft in Verbindung mit
Abgabenerhöhungen und Kaufkraftentzug zur Kontraktion verurteilt. Für Irland, Spanien,
Portugal und Italien wird dasselbe gelten. Es herrscht also kein Mangel an Krisenfaktoren, die
nicht durch mehr Integration zu beheben wären, sondern die im Gegenteil in einem
ursächlichen Zusammenhang mit der 'EuroScope-Agenda' stehen. Gern wird argumentiert,
Deutschland sei das Land, dem der Euro am meisten gebracht habe, also müsse es für den Euro
auch etwas tun. Das Exportgeschäft war jedoch schon vor Euro-Zeiten mehr als gut. Dagegen ist
der Euro gegenüber der DM alles andere als gut. Er ist keine stabile Währung, auch wenn die
erheblichen Inflationstendenzen statistisch so unauffällig bleiben wie 'Circes' Handschrift vor
der griechischen Euroisierung. Wegen der Inflation des Euros sind die realen Einkommen und
Renten in Deutschland markant gesunken, weshalb das Inlandsgeschäft stagniert. Das hat der
Euro Deutschland gebracht: gegenüber DM-Zeiten ein Schwinden von Kaufkraft und
Binnenkonsum, und der Mittelstand leidet unter Kreditverknappung. Was spricht bei all diesen
Nachteilen, die der deutschen Wirtschaft wie auch anderen Volkswirtschaften durch den Euro
entstanden sind, realwirtschaftlich für den Euro? Ökonomisch gesehen nichts. Nur aus der Sicht
der Finanzwirtschaft ist der Euro ein 'Muss'! Eine starke Wettbewerbsungleichheit in der
Eurozone hat als 'Geburtsfehler' die Verschuldungsprobleme ihrer Mitgliedstaaten wie auch
schon die Fata Morgana der Transferunion vorprogrammiert. Die Eurozone mit ihren hohen
Staatsverschuldungen ist für die Finanzwirtschaft zum lukrativen Einnahmequell geworden.
Aber sie kann auf diese Einnahmen auch nicht mehr verzichten. Zu sehr haben die Großbanken
das fraktionelle Reserveprinzip ausgereizt und dadurch den Boden unter den Füßen verloren.
Statt mit Spareinlagen realwirtschaftliche Investitionen zu fördern, haben sie mit Geldern
operiert, die fast nur auf dem Papier oder im Computer standen, ohne Gegenwert an
realwirtschaftlicher Leistung. Bei vielen Banken bilden Staatsanleihen kaum noch
zahlungsfähiger Länder das Kernkapital. Ohne die Zinszahlungen verschuldeter Staaten oder
derer, die für sie einstehen, müssten viele Banken sehr bald schließen. Und dieses
Damoklesschwert, das sie über sich gehängt hat, macht die Finanzwirtschaft zu ihrer Waffe. Sie
drängt die Politik dazu, den Eurozug als zusammenhängende Wagenkolonne so lange wie
möglich weiterfahren zu lassen und dafür eine 'steuernde' zentralistische Behörde wie den ESM
mit entsprechender Macht auszustatten. Denn nur eine Eurozone, in der die Schulden des einen
zur Verpflichtung des anderen werden können - wie schon 2008 die Schulden von Banken zur
Verpflichtung von Staaten und Steuerzahlern wurden -, nur eine solche geschlossene Eurozone
garantiert den wankenden Banken reale Geldzugänge aus dem Bruttoinlandsprodukt Zinsen
zahlender Staaten. Wo Argumente, die von jeder ökonomischen Vernunft abweichen, nicht
zugkräftig sind, kommt zur Beeinflussung der Politik die Angst zum Zug, aufgrund einer in
Sorge gehüllten Drohung. Ausgerechnet diejenigen, die aus einem enormen
Finanzierungsvolumen durch Fehlanlage an der Realwirtschaft vorbei eine Finanzkrise
machten, d.h. durch verantwortungsloses Vermehren letztlich viel verheerten, vor allem
Vertrauen, ausgerechnet diese Kreise wollen nun ihre Befindlichkeiten zur Voraussetzung
machen, um eine weitere Krise zu verhindern! Wenn der Eurozug nicht weiterfährt oder sogar
zurückfährt, so die Botschaft, werde die EU von einer zweiten Finanzkrise 'überrollt'. Das sagen
Banken, die vor der Krise niemand zügelte und nach der Krise auch nicht. Jetzt sind sie auf
Zinsen von Staaten angewiesen, wie der Teufel Sünden braucht, um die Hölle zu betreiben.
Diplomatisch gesprochen, meldet sich die "Sensibilität" der Finanzmärkte zu Wort und mausert
sich zum 'Mentor' der Politik. Sich auf diese 'Expertise' zu berufen, ist ja so viel einfacher und
bequemer, als ein Bankensystem zu reformieren, das virtuelles 'Geld aus Luft' verleiht und dafür
reale Zinsen kassiert. Das wäre die Trockenlegung des Sumpfes, aus dem in der Tat jederzeit die
nächste Krise wie ein urzeitliches Ungetüm kriechen kann. Aber diese Herkulesarbeit bleibt
liegen, weil sich die Parteien wie Pygmäen auf den Knien der Banken gebärden. Der Bock legt
die Gartenschürze an, und das Plenum ist ganz Ohr: "Wollt ihr die totale Krise nicht? Dann
haltet die Eurozone kompakt und geschlossen und gebt dem Gouverneursrat das Grundkapital."
Folgt die politische Perspektive dem ausgestreckten Arm der Finanzwirtschaft, dann endet das
europäische Projekt auf dem Prokrustesbett der Troika - mit ökonomischer Verstümmelung.
Der ESM, das amtlich gewordene Credo vom fiktiven Segen des Euros, behauptet, für Stabilität
zu sorgen, und wird doch die Wirtschaft der Länder, die er zur Kasse bittet, genauso
zugrunderichten wie die der Länder, die er zu 'sanieren' vorgibt: Der vermeintliche Heilsgarant
ist in Wirklichkeit ein Totengräber, der mit dem wirtschaftlichen Gefüge der Mitgliedstaaten
auch deren Demokratien zugrunderichtet. Und doch lautet die Frohe Botschaft: Wir brauchen
den ESM und "mehr Integration", um aus "der Krise" herauszukommen. Wir brauchen mehr
Therapien aus dem finanzpharmazeutischen Repertoire von IWF, EZB und EU. Und wir
brauchen weniger vom Lissabon-Vertrag, wo er sich der Beruhigungspillen bediente, um
parlamentarische Akzeptanz zu finden. (Art. 125 AEUV, No-bail-out-Klausel). Und das
Wichtigste: Dem europäischen Gleichschritt unter den Augen des gerichtlich immunen
Gouverneursrats darf nichts im Wege stehen, auch keine Verfassung. Die Beruhigungspillen der
neuen Generation liegen schon bereit. Brave New World, be welcome. Schöne Grüße aus dem
europäisch-alemannischen Süden, Bernd Karwath Lkr. Tübingen Punkt 2: Der ESM enthält
verbindliche Regeln zur enerBeteiligung von Banken Im ESM-Vertrag ist festgelegt,
dass ein überschuldeter Staat erst dann Kredithilfen aus dem ESM bekommt, wenn die privaten
Gläubiger  (zum Beispiel Banken) beteiligt werden. Das ist richtig, denn wer Wertpapiere eines
Landes kauft und Zinsen kassiert, muss auch das Risiko eines Ausfalls tragen. In den
vorgesehenen Klauseln zu einer möglichen Umschuldung (Collective Action Clauses), die nun
bis Ende des Jahres ausgearbeitet werden sollen, wird ein Verfahren zur Beteiligung des
Privatsektors festgeschrieben. Solch eine verbindliche Insolvenzordnung ist ein zentraler
Schlüssel zur Stabilisierung der Eurozone. Zudem muss der ESM gegenüber anderen Gläubigern
- so wie im ESM-Vertrag bereits vorgesehen - im Falle eines Bankrotts des betroffenen Staates
bevorzugt werden. Damit haben Steuergelder immer Vorfahrt vor privaten Geldern.  Punkt 3:
Die umfassende Beteiligung des Deutschen Bundestages an den Entscheidungen
des ESM ist möglich Die Regierung zankt seit Monaten mit ihren Fraktionen, wir Grüne
sagen wie es geht: Die bereits bestehenden Gesetze über die Mitwirkung und Beteiligung des
Deutschen Bundestages in Angelegenheiten der EU (EUZBBG und IntVG) müssen als Vorbild
für die künftige Parlamentsbeteiligung beim ESM herangezogen werden:  Art und Höhe der
deutschen Beiträge werden durch Gesetz bestimmt und können nur nach einem
Änderungsgesetz verändert werden. Ebenso muss der Bundestag zustimmen, wenn dem ESM
weitere Handlungsinstrumente zur Verfügung gestellt werden sollen. Darüber hinaus soll die
Bundesregierung vor jeder Anwendung des Rettungsschirms Einvernehmen mit dem Bundestag
herstellen. Der Bundestag muss sich zu ESM-Aktionen positionieren, ein Schweigen reicht nicht
aus! Unterm Strich wird die Grüne Bundestagsfraktion der Errichtung des ESM zustimmen. Wir
glauben, dass er hilft, die Eurozone zu stabilisieren und den Weg für mehr europäische
Integration bereitet. Das kostet Geld und Mut. Aber die Kosten des Nichthandelns wären
größer. Viel zu eng ist inzwischen die wirtschaftliche Verflechtung zwischen den
Mitgliedstaaten, als dass ein Herausbrechen einzelner Staaten ohne massiven Schaden für alle
Beteiligten möglich wäre. Und politisch brauchen wir eine starke und handlungsfähige EU, um
den globalen Herausforderungen begegnen zu können. Deutschland allein hat in einer
globalisierten Welt auf Dauer kein Gewicht – wir brauchen Europa. Deshalb kann die Antwort
auf die Krise nur heißen: mehr Integration. Mehr Integration heißt für die Grüne
Bundestagsfraktion: Der ESM kann nur ein Element der finanzpolitischen Zusammenarbeit in
Europa sein. Wir brauchen einen starken Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt mit klaren Regeln zur
Vermeidung von übermäßiger Verschuldung, eine Wirtschaftsregierung, die Fehlentwicklungen
in einzelnen Staaten frühzeitig erkennt und eine Kultur finanzpolitischer Verantwortung. Dafür
muss sich die Bundesregierung in Brüssel einsetzen – ohne Wenn und Aber. Mit freundlichen
Grüßen Caroline Ilawa]]> 5441 2011-09-24 15:40:31 2011-09-24 15:40:31 closed open the-most-
dangerous-law-since-the-second-world-war-bernd-karwath-and-the-esm publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_0a7801cdaa4ce03fc1a8198822f7f820
gros/ Sat, 24 Sep 2011 15:43:17 +0000 birdflu666
00144feabdc0.html#axzz1Z0HeDTms The eurozone’s largest 91 banks need 4 trillion euros next
year alone to roll over debt but money markets are increasingly refusing to give European banks
credit, leaving eurozone tax payer’s to plug the gap unless the banks are nationalised. “Morgan
Stanley, for example, calculates that of the €8,000bn funding that is currently in place for the
largest 91 eurozone banks, some 58 per cent needs to be rolled over in the next two years. More
startling still, some 47 per cent of this funding is less than a year in duration,” writes Gillian
Tett. The FT
reports that senior officials – EU, ECB, IMF? – are withholding from lawmakers vital the
information about the size of the mega banks debt to pass this monstrous EFSF legislation,
which will give banks virtually an unlimited pool of tax payer money. “Because increasing the
size of the fund has proved controversial in many creditor countries – particularly Germany,
Finland and the Netherlands – senior officials have tried not to discuss options publicly for fear
of spooking parliamentarians who must approve the new powers in a matter of weeks,” writes
Peter Spiegel. The amounts will ruin public finances and drag down states in the eurozone,
admits the FT.  “For some countries, bigger contributions to the EFSF will add huge pressure to
their already strained public finances,” writes Peter Spiegel. France could be the first over the
edge. “Such an increase would mean France, whose triple A rating is essential to the market
credibility of the EFSF, would see its debt levels rocket, at a time when its bond rating is already
under scrutiny. “It’s just not conceivable to have a much larger EFSF and still have France as
triple A,” said Mr Gros.” The sum of €440bn for the EFSF is clearly far too small, concedes the
FT. But the 4 trillion euros required to keep the insolvent banks over water for just one year
amounts to a third of the eurozone’s entire GDP of about 12 trillion euros. The whole of the
eurozone will soon look like Greece if parliaments agree to the EFSF. All the Greek government
tax revenues are now not enough to pay even the interest on the souvereign debt. Under brutal
new measures, Greek pensioners on an income of a little more 4000 euros who own a flat will
have to pay tax. Here we have looting on a scale not seen since world war two  - and it is fitting
to ask if the Greeks are not the new Jews. The EU, IMF and ECB are a monstrous machine
designed to pick the last cent out of Greek pockets for a financial elite who pay no taxes
themselves. Germany will also end up in the hands of this monstrous EU. IMF and ECB looting
machine unless radical action is taken soon. Germany may have a triple A rating but it has a
national debt of about 2 trillion euros. In 2011, Germany will have to pay 38,1 billion euros in
interest payments. Interest payments are, in the meantime, the second largest item in the
country’s budget.
billigt-spar-etat-1580707.html The debt of Germany along with that of all the other eurozone
countries is set to soar. The total volume of money that eurozone banks need to raise in the
wholesale and interbank markets, which is currently around €8,000bn is also set to increase.
Aware that the people of Europe are not going to tolerate the brazen looting by banks much
longer through bailout funds, the Financial Times reports that there are plans to turn the EFSF
into a bank, „allowing it access to unlimited ECB funds in case of emergency.” The plan is, in
fact, for EFSF to operate like the Federal Reserve and simply print trillions of euros and hand
them to the banks. The result will be inflation and hyperinflation of the kind now occurring in
the USA due to the Fed’s QE programmes. “Opposition has come primarily from Germany,
where hostility to the ECB’s own bond-buying programme is strongest. Jens Weidmann, head of
the Bundesbank, told the German parliament this week that the scheme for turning the EFSF
into a bank was “very dangerous”, since it would give politicians access to the ECB’s currency
printing press – a power normally allowed only to central bankers,” writes Peter Spiegel “A
March ECB legal opinion also called into question the legality of the arrangement, but Mr Gros
argued that other EU institutions, such as the European Investment Bank, already rely on the
ECB for backstopping and such legal hurdles could be cleared if national leaders agreed to
change regulations”. The real cause of the eurozone and US debt crisis is our privatised money
system. Privatised money and interest is a mathematical system with an exponentional function.
Interest and debt grow exponentially. The solution is to
reform the money system and nationalise the banks. Some responsible politicians in Germany
have to act now and present a viable plan to the electorate of how to escape financial
armaggedon without further delay. Anyone who thinks that a secret budget committee in the
German parliament is going to stop the banks siphoning off all the money in the EFSF is naive.
As soon as Greece defaults, the first trillions will be needed and the German parliament will
hand it over just as it has handed over all the money the banks have ever asked for so far. The
result will be the economic ruin of not just of Germany, but all the countries in the euorzone, a
depression worse than the 1930s, soaring unemployment, conflict, war and revolution.
Economist Kenneth Rogoff said in an interview with the FAZ that it was “a mistake” that the
banks did not use all the bailout money they have received so far to recapitalise but for bonus
pools and for their clients. It is certainly a mistake to give these same bankers yet more money
in the form of any EFSF fund. The time has come to take the trough of EFSF bailout funds,
eurobonds and ECB money away from the bankers. The only solution to this crisis is a radical
reform of our money system and the nationalisation of the banks.  ]]> 5443 2011-09-24 15:43:17
2011-09-24 15:43:17 closed open efsf-needs-to-be-4-trillion-euros-says-daniel-gros publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_1bccce21940f896497c9066a44fa0c78
financial-system-works/ Fri, 30 Sep 2011 12:44:06 +0000 birdflu666   No doubt, the bulk of the responsibility for these
debacles falls squarely on the shoulders of caretaker governments in these countries that are
subordinated to Money Power interests and objectives. In country after country, that comes
together with embedded corruption, particularly evident today in the UK, Italy and the US.   As
we assess some of the key components of today’s Global Financial, Currency and Banking Model
in this article, readers will hopefully get a better understanding as to why we are all in such a
crisis, and that it will tend to get much worse in the months and years to come. Foundations of a
Failed and False Model Hiding behind the mask of false “laws” allegedly governing “globalised
markets and economies,” this Financial Model has allowed a small group of people to amass and
wield huge and overwhelming power over markets, corporations, industries, governments and
the global media. The irresponsible and criminal consequences of their actions are now clear for
all to see. The “Model” we will briefly describe, falls within the framework of a much vaster
Global Power System that is grossly unjust and was conceived and designed from the lofty
heights of private geopolitical and geo-economic1 planning centres that function to promote the
Global Power Elite’s agenda as they prepare their “New World Order” – again, Newspeak for a
Coming World Government.2 Specifically, we are talking about key think tanks like the Council
on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and other similar
entities such as the Cato Institute (Monetary Issues), American Enterprise Institute and the
Project for a New American Century that conform an intricate, solid, tight and very powerful
network, engineering and managing New World Order interests, goals and objectives. Writing
from the stance of an Argentine citizen, I admit we have some “advantages” over the citizens of
industrialised countries as the US, UK, European Union, Japan or Australia, in that over the last
few decades we have had direct experience of successive catastrophic national crises emanating
from inflation, hyper-inflation, systemic banking collapse, currency revamps, sovereign debt
bond mega-swaps, military coups and lost wars… Finance vs the Economy The Financial system
(i.e., a basically unreal Virtual, symbolic and parasitic world), increasingly functions in a
direction that is contrary to the interest of the Real Economy (i.e., the Real and concrete world
of work, production, manufacturing, creativity, toil, effort and sacrifice done by real people).
Over the past decades, Finance and the Economy have gone their totally separate and
antagonistic ways, and no longer function in a healthy and balanced relationship that prioritises
the Common Good of We the People. This huge conflict between the two can be seen, amongst
other places, in today’s Financial and Economic System, whose main support lies in the Debt
Paradigm, i.e., that nothing can be done unless you first have credit, financing and loans to do it.
Thus, the Real Economy becomes dependent on and distorted by the objectives, interests and
fluctuations of Virtual Finance.3 Debt-Based System The Real Economy should be financed with
genuine funds; however with time, the Global Banking Elite succeeded in getting one Sovereign
Nation-State after another to give up its inalienable function of supplying the correct quantity of
National Currency as the primary financial instrument to finance the Real Economy. That
requires decided action through Policies centred on promoting the Common Good of We The
People in each country, and securing the National Interest against the perils posed by internal
and external adversaries. Thus, we can better understand why the financial “law” that requires
central banks to always be totally “independent” of Government and the State has become a
veritable dogma. This is just another way of ensuring that central banking should always be fully
subordinated to the interests of the private banking over-world – both locally in each country, as
well as globally. We find this to prevail in all countries: Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Mexico, the
European Union and in just about every other country that adopts so-called “Western” financial
practice. Perhaps the best (or rather, the worst) example of this is the United States where the
Federal Reserve System is a privately controlled institution outright, with around 97% of its
shares being owned by the member banks themselves (admittedly, it does have a very special
stock scheme), even though the bankers running “Fed” do everything they can to make it appear
as if it is a “public” entity operated by Government, something that it is definitely not. One of the
Global Banking Over-world’s permanent goals is – and has been – to maintain full control over
all central banks in just about every country, in order to be able to control their public
currencies.4 This, in turn, allows them to impose a fundamental (for them) condition whereby
there is never the right quantity of public currency to satisfy the true demand and needs of the
Real Economy. That is when those very same private banks that control central banking come
on scene to “satisfy the demand for money” of the Real Economy by artificially generating
private bank money out of nothing. They call it “credits and loans” and offer to supply it to the
Real Economy, but with an “added value” (for them): (a) they will charge interest for them
(often at usury levels) and, (b) they will create most of that private bank money out of thin air
through the fractional lending system. At a Geo-economic level, this has also served to generate
huge and unnecessary public sovereign debts in country after country all over the world.
Argentina is a good example, whose Caretaker Governments are systematically ignorant and
unwilling to use one of the sovereign state’s key powers: the issuance ofhigh power non-interest
generating Public Money (see below for a more detailed definition). Instead, Argentina has
allowed IMF (International Monetary Fund) so-called “recipes” that reflect the global banking
cartel’s own interests to be imposed upon it in fundamental matters like what are the proper
functions of its Central Bank, sovereign debt, fiscal policy, and other monetary, banking and
financial mechanisms, that are thus systematically used against the Common Good of the
Argentine People andagainst the National Interest of the country. This system and its dreadful
results, now and in the past, are so similar in so many other countries –Brazil, Mexico, Greece,
Ireland, Iceland, UK, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Indonesia, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine… that it can
only reflect a well thought-out and engineered plan, emanating from the highest planning
echelons of the Global Power Elite. Fractional Bank Lending This banking concept is in use
throughout the world’s financial markets, and allows private banks to generate “virtual” Money
out of thin air (i.e., scriptural annotations and electronic entries into current and savings
accounts, and a vast array of lines of credit), in a ratio that is 8, 10, 30, 50 times or more
largerthan the actual amount of cash (i.e., public money) held by the bank in its vaults. In
exchange for lending this private “money” created out of nothing, bankers collect interest,
demand collateral with intrinsic value and if the debtor defaults they can then foreclose on their
property or other assets. The ratio that exists between the amount of Dollars or Pesos in its
vaults and the amount of credit private banks generate is determined by the central banking
authority which fixes the fractional lending leverage level (which is why controlling the central
bank is so vital strategically for private banker cartels). This leverage level is a statistical reserve
based on actuarial calculations of the portion of account holders who in normal time go to their
banks or ATM machines to withdraw their money in cash (i.e., in public money notes). The key
factor here is that this works fine in “normal” times, however “normal” is basically acollective
psychology concept intimately linked to what those account holders, and the population at large,
perceive regarding the financial system in general and each bank in particular. So, when for
whatever reason, “abnormal” times hit – i.e., every time there are (subtly predictable) periodic
crises, bank runs, collapses and panics, which seem to suddenly explode as happened in
Argentina in 2001 and as is now happening in the US, UK, Ireland, Greece, Iceland, Portugal,
Spain, Italy and a growing number of countries – we see all bank account holders running to
their banks to try to get their money out in cash. That’s when they discover that there is not
enough cash in their banks to pay, save for a small fraction of account holders (usually insiders
“in the know” or “friends of the bankers”). For the rest of us mortals “there is no more money
left,” which means that they must resort to whatever public insurance scheme may or may not
be in place (e.g., in the US, the state-owned Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation that
“insures” up to US$250,000 per account holder with taxpayer money). In countries like
Argentina, however, there is no other option but to go out on the streets banging pots and pans
against those ominous, solid and firmly closed bronze bank gates and doors. All thanks to the
fraudulent fractional bank lending system. Investment Banking In the US, so called
“Commercial Banks” are those that have large portfolios of checking, savings and fixed deposit
accounts for people and companies (e.g., such main street names as CitiBank, Bank of America,
JPMorganChase, etc.; in Argentina, we have Standard Bank, BBVA, Galicia, HSBC and others).
Commercial Banks operate with fractional lending leverage levels that allow them to lend out
“virtual” dollars or pesos for amounts equal to 6, 8 or 10 times the cash actually held in their
vaults; these banks are usually more closely supervised by the local monetary authorities of the
country. A different story, however, we had in the US (and still have elsewhere) with so-called
global “Investment Banks” (those that make the mega-loans to corporations, major clients and
sovereign states), over which there is much less control, so that their leveraging fractional
lending ratios are far, far higher. This greater flexibility is what allowed investment banks in the
US to “make loans” by, for example, creating out of thin air 26 “virtual” Dollars for every real
Dollar in cash they held in their vaults (i.e., Goldman Sachs), or 30 virtual Dollars (Morgan
Stanley), or more than 60 virtual Dollars (Merrill Lynch until just before it folded on 15 Sept
2008), or more than 100 virtual Dollars in the cases of collapsed banks Bear Stearns and
Lehman Brothers.5 Private Money vs Public Money At this point in our review, it is essential to
very clearly distinguish between two types of Money or Currency: Private Money – This is
“Virtual” Money created out of thin air by the private banking system. It generates interests on
loans, which increases the amount of Private money in (electronic) circulation, and spreads and
expands throughout the entire economy. We then perceive this as “inflation.” In actual fact, the
main cause of inflation in the economy is structural to the interest-bearing fractional lending
banking system,even among industrialised countries. The cause of inflation nowadays is not so
much the excessive issuance of Public Money by Government as all so-called banking experts
would have us believe but, rather, the combined effect of fractional lending and interest on
private banking money. Public Money – This is the only Real Money there is. It is the actual
notes issued by the national currency entity holding a monopoly (i.e., the central bank or some
such government agency) and, as Public Money, it does not generate interest, and should not be
created by anyone other than the State. Anybody else doing this is a counterfeiter and should
end up in jail because counterfeiting Public Money is equivalent to robbing the Real Economy
(i.e., “we, the working people”) of their work, toil and production capabilities without
contributing anything in return in terms of socially productive work. The same should apply to
private bankers under the present fractional lending system: counterfeiting money (i.e., creating
it out of thin air as a ledger entry or electronic blip on a computer screen) is equivalent to
robbing the Real Economy of its work and production capacity without contributing any
counter-value in terms of work. Why We Have Financial Crises A fundamental concept that lies
at the very heart of the present Financial Model can be found in the wayhuge parasitic profits on
the one hand, and catastrophic systemic losses on the other, are effectively transferred to
specific sectors of the economy, throughout the entire system, beyond borders and public
control. As with all models, the one we suffer today has its own internal logic which, once
properly understood, makes that model predictable. The people who designed it know full well
that it is governed by grand cycles having specific expansion and contraction stages, and specific
timelines. Thus, they can ensure that in bull market times of growth and gigantic profits (i.e.,
whilst the system, grows and grows, is relatively stable and generates tons of money out of
nothing), all profits are privatised making them flow towards specific institutions, economic
sectors, shareholders, speculators, CEO and top management & trader bonuses, “investors”, etc
who operate the gears and maintain the whole system properly tuned and working. However,
they also know that – like all roller coaster rides – when you reach the very top, the system turns
into a bear market that destabilises, spins out of control, contracts and irremediably collapses,
as happened to Argentina in 2001 and to the better part of the world since 2008, then all losses
are socialised by making Governments absorb them through the most varied transference
mechanisms that dump these huge losses onto the population at large (whether in the form of
generalised inflation, catastrophic hyperinflation, banking collapses, bail-outs, tax hikes, debt
defaults, forced nationalisations, extreme austerity measures, etc). The Four-sided Global
“Ponzi” Pyramid Scheme As we know, all good pyramids have four sides, and since the Global
Financial System is based on a “Ponzi” Pyramid Scheme, there’s no reason why this particular
pyramid should not have four sides as well. Below is a summary of the Four-side Global “Ponzi”
Pyramid Scheme that lies at the core of today’s Financial Model, indicating how these four
“sides” function in a coordinated, consistent, and sequential manner. Side One – Create Public
Money Insufficiency. This is achieved, as we explained above, by controlling the National Public
entity that issues public money. Its goal is to demonetise the Real Economy so that the latter is
forced to seek “alternative funding” for its needs (i.e., so that it has no choice but to resort to
private bank loans). Side Two – Impose Private Banking Fractional Lending Loans. This, as we
said, is virtual private money created out of thin air on which bankers charge interest – often at
usury levels – thus generating enormous profit for “investors,” creditors and all sorts of entities
and individuals who operate as parasites living off other people’s work. This would never have
been the case if each local central bank were to flexibly generate the correct quantity of Public
Money necessary to satisfy the needs of the Real Economy in each country and region. Side
Three – Promote a Debt-Based Economic System. In fact, the whole Pyramid Model is based on
being able to promote this generalised paradigm that falsely states that what really “moves” the
private and public economy is not so much work, creativity, toil and effort of workers, but rather
“private investors,” “bank loans” and “credit” – i.e., indebtedness. With time, this paradigm has
replaced the infinitely wiser, sounder, more balanced and solid concept of corporate profit being
reinvested and genuine personal savings being the foundation for future prosperity and security.
Pretty much the way Henry Ford, Sr. originally grew his most successful company. Today,
however, Debt reigns supreme and this paradigm has become entrenched and embedded into
people’s minds thanks to the mainstream media and specialised journals and publications,
combined with Ivy League universities’ Economics Departments that have all succeeded in
imposing such “politically correct” thinking with respect to financial matters, especially those
relating to the proper nature and function of Public Money. The facts are that this Model
generates unnecessary loans so that banking creditors can receive huge profits, which includes
promoting uncontrolled, unwarranted and often pathological consumerism, which goes hand in
hand with the increasing abandonment of the traditional value of “saving for a rainy day.” Such
debts having political and strategic goals rather than merely financial ones, are usually given a
thin layer of “legality” so that they may be imposed by the creditor on the debtor (i.e., in the case
of The Merchant of Venice, the bond entered into between Antonio and Shylock giving the latter
the legal right to a pound of the former’s flesh; in the case of chronically indebted countries like
Argentina, such “legality” is achieved through a complex public debt laundering6 mechanism
carried out by successive formally “democratic” Caretaker Governments to this very day). Side
Four – Privatisation of Profits/Socialisation of Losses. Lastly, and knowing full well that, in the
long run, the numbers of the entire Cycle of this Model never add up, and that the whole system
will inevitably come crashing down, the Model imposes a highly complex and often subtle
financial, legal and media engineering that allows privatising profits and socialising losses. In
Argentina, this cycle has become increasingly visible for those who want to see it, because in our
country the local “Ponzi” Pyramid Cycle lasts on average 15 to 17 years, i.e., we’ve had successive
collapses involving brutal devaluation (1975), hyperinflation (1989) and systemic banking
collapse (2001), however in the industrialised world, that cycle was made to last almost 80 years
(i.e., three generations spanning from 1929 to 2008). Conclusions The fundamental cause of
today’s on-going global financial collapse that exerts massive distortions over the Real Economy
– and the ensuing social hardship, suffering and violence – is clear: Virtual Finance has usurped
a pedestal of supremacy over the Real Economy, which does not legitimately belong to
it.Finance must always be subordinated to, and in the service of, the Real Economy just as the
Economy must heed the law and social needs of the Political Model executed by a Sovereign
Nation-State (as we back-engineer this entire system, we thus understand why it is necessary for
the Global Power Elite to first erode the sovereign Nation-State and to eventually do away with
it altogether, in order to achieve its monetary, financial and political ends). In fact, if we look at
matters in their proper perspective, we will see that most national economies are pretty much
intact, in spite of having been badly bruised by the financial collapse. It is Finance that is in the
midst of a massive global collapse, as this Model of “Ponzi” Finance has grown into a sort of
malignant “cancerous tumour” that has now “metastasised,” threatening to kill the whole
economy and social body politic, in just about every country in the world, and certainly in the
industrialised countries. The above comparison of today’s financial system with a malignant
tumour is more than a mere metaphor. If we look at the figures, we will immediately be able to
see signs of this financial “metastasis.” For example, The New York Times in their 22 September
2008 edition explains that the main trigger of the financial collapse that had exploded just one
week earlier on 15 September was, as we all know, mismanagement and lack of supervision over
the “Derivatives” market. The Times then went on to explain that twenty years earlier, in 1988,
there was no derivatives market; by 2002 however, Derivatives had grown into a global 102
trillion Dollar market (that’s 50% more than the Gross Domestic Product of all the countries in
the world, the US, EU, Japan and BRICS nations included), and by September 2008, Derivatives
had ballooned into a global 531 trillion Dollar market. That’s eight times the GDP of the entire
planet! “Financial Metastasis” at its very worst. Since then, some have estimated this Derivatives
global market figure to be in the region of One-Quadrillion Dollars… Naturally, when that
collapse began, the caretaker governments in the US, European Union and elsewhere,
immediately sprang into action and implemented “Operation Bail-out” of all the mega-banks,
insurance companies, stock exchanges and speculation markets, and their respective operators,
controllers and “friends.” Thus, trillions upon trillions of Dollars, Euros and Pounds were given
to Goldman Sachs, Citicorp, Morgan Stanley, AIG, HSBC and other “too big to fail” financial
institutions… which is newspeak for “too powerful to fail”, because they hold politicians,
political parties and governments in their steel grip. All of this was paid with taxpayer dollars or,
even worse, with uncontrolled and irresponsible issuance of Public Money bank notes and
treasury bonds, especially by the Federal Reserve Bank which has, in practice, technically hyper-
inflated the US Dollar: “Quantitative Easing” they call it, which is Newspeak forhyperinflation.
So far, however, like the proverbial Naked Emperor, nobody dares to state this openly. At least
not until some “uncontrolled” event triggers or unmasks what should by now be obvious to all:
Emperor Dollar is totally and completely naked.7 When that happens, we will then see bloody
social and civil wars throughout the world and not just in Greece and Argentina. By then,
however, and as always happens, the powerful bankster clique and their well-paid financial and
media operators, will be watching the whole hellish spectacle perched in the safety and comfort
of their plush boardrooms atop the skyscrapers of New York, London, Frankfurt, Buenos Aires
and Sao Paulo…   Notes 1. The concept of “Geoeconomics” was coined by the New York-based
Council on Foreign Relations, through a studies group honouring Maurice Greenberg, the
financier who was for decades CEO of American International Group (AIG) which collapsed in
2008 and had strong conflict-of-interest ties with major insurance and reinsurance broker
Marsh Group whose CEO was his son Jeffrey. Both father and son were indicted for fraud by
then New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer. Spitzer would later pay a very heavy price for
this after becoming Governor of New York State when someone “discovered” his sex escapades
which were quickly blown up into a major scandal by The New York Times… 2. We have
described the basic Global Power Elite structure, model and objectives in our e-Book The
Coming World Government: Tragedy & Hope?, available through 3. For
more information, see the Third Pillar of the Second Republic Project “Reject the Debt-Based
Economy” on 4. Some notable exceptions: Today: Libya, Iran,
Syria, China; In the past: Peron’s Argentina, Germany and Italy in the 30’s and 40’s…. Are we
seeing a pattern here? 5. See The New York Times, 22 September 2008 6. See White Paper
comparing Debt Laundering mechanisms to Money Laundering mechanisms, lodged under
Pillar No 3 “Reject the Debt-Based Economy” of Second Republic Project   7. This is more fully described in the author’s book   The
Coming World Government: Tragedy & Hope?, in the chapter “Death & Resurrection of the US
Dollar”. Details on Also available upon request by E-mail:   Adrian Salbuchi is a political analyst, author, speaker and radio talk-
show host in Argentina. He has published several books on geopolitics and economics in
Spanish, and recently published his first eBook in English: The Coming World Government:
Tragedy & Hope? which can be ordered through his web site, or details
can be requested by E-mail to Salbuchi also works as strategic
consultant for domestic and international companies. He is also founder of the Second Republic
Project in Argentina, which is expanding internationally (visit:   The above article appeared in New Dawn No. 128
(September-October 2011).  ]]> 5446 2011-09-30 12:44:06 2011-
09-30 12:44:06 closed open must-read-adrian-salbuchi-explains-how-our-financial-system-
works publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
nein-and-the-death-of-eu-fiscal-union/ Fri, 30 Sep 2011 12:45:52 +0000 birdflu666 By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Economics Last
updated: September 30th, 2011

The Telegraph

Judging by the commentary, there has been a colossal misunderstanding around the world of
what has just has happened in Germany. The significance of yesterday’s vote by the Bundestag
to make the EU’s €440bn rescue fund (EFSF) more flexible is not that the outcome was a "Yes".

Read more at:


]]> 5448 2011-09-30 12:45:52 2011-09-30 12:45:52 closed open nein-nein-nein-and-the-death-

of-eu-fiscal-union publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
ressourcen/ Fri, 30 Sep 2011 12:51:09 +0000 birdflu666
p=5451 Die Prosumenten-Ökonomie geht vom Letztverbraucher aus, der alle
Wertschöpfungsketten im System bezahlt, und in dessen Rolle wir uns letztlich auch alle
befinden (auch die Bewerter, Banker und Unternehmenseigentümer sind im Privatleben
Konsumenten!). Prosumenten erzeugen in Kooperation die Dinge, die sie benötigen bzw.
verwenden wollen und kooperieren dazu freiwillig und transparent, da auf diese Art und Weise
am schnellsten neue Methoden verbreitet und gelernt werden können. So gelangen wir über die
Kooperations- auch in die Wissensgesellschaft.  Während das heutige Geldsystem auf der
kapitalistischen Maximierung positiver Werte basiert, um welche sich dann ein Kampf entfaltet
(Knappheitsdenken, Konkurrenz), liegt dem neuen ökosozialen Bewertungssystem die
Minimierung schädlicher Aspekte der Produktion zugrunde. Für die Wünsch und Ansprüche der
Menschen gibt es keine Obergrenze, die Ressourcen des Planeten sind aber sehr wohl begrenzt.
Wenn wir aber anstatt Positives zu maximieren, Negatives zum Verschwinden bringen, dann ist
Null die natürliche Grenze. Die Reduktion unerwünschter Produktionsaspekte (anstrengende
menschliche Tätigkeiten, Umweltbelastungen, Raubbau an Ressourcen, Bedrohung von Tier-
und Pflanzenwelt etc.) wird somit zur Grundlage der neuen quantitativen Bewertungsfunktion
der ökosozialen Gesellschaft. Der kapitalistischen Maximierung (mit Verknappungsfolgen)
halten wir die ökosoziale Minimierung (mit Überfluss für alle als Konsequenz) entgegen!
Reduzieren wir unnötige Arbeiten, erhöht sich automatisch für alle Menschen die Freizeit.
Vermindern wir den Schadstoffausstoß, erhöht sich automatisch die Umweltqualität etc. Wir
messen nur das, was wir minimieren wollen, im Ergebnis ergibt sich zwar keine Maximierung
(die ohnehin an der Endlichkeit der Ressourcen scheitern muss), aber jedenfalls die
bestmögliche Verbesserung für die gesamte Gesellschaft.   Aus der Kombination der
unterschiedlichen ökologischen (Ressourcen- und Umweltschonung) und sozialen (Reduktion
sinnloser und schädlicher Arbeit) Bewertungen ergibt sich sodann ein neuer,
mehrdimensionaler Preis als Grundlage der Verteilung der Produkte und Dienstleistungen in
der Gesellschaft. Sinnlose Arbeit und Schadstoffe will niemand besitzen, daher wird es nicht zu
Gier und Verteilungskämpfen kommen. Eigentum wird nebensächlich, da alles, das ökosozial
produziert wird prinzipiell auch allen Menschen zur Verfügung gestellt werden kann. Anstatt
ans Haben zu denken (kapitalistische Maximierung) werden die Menschen erkennen, dass sie
durch ihre Fähigkeiten und ihre Kreativität mehr für die Gesellschaft und damit auch für sich
selbst bewirken können (ökosoziale Minimierung), wodurch sie sich dem Sein (i.S. Erich
Fromms) zuwenden werden.   Auch in der von uns vertretenen Abstimmungsmethode (dem SK-
Prinzip, siehe werden nicht Pro-Stimmen maximiert, sondern
Kontra-Stimmen minimiert um zu einer optimalen Konsenslösung zu gelangen (systemisches
Konsensieren). Dieser Grundsatz ist im Bereich des neuen ökosozialen Rechnungswesens
ebenfalls gültig.   Die erste quantitative Messung in der Ökonomie waren die durch den Einsatz
von Dampfmaschinen eingesparten menschlichen Arbeitsstunden. Auch hier wurde daher schon
das Minimierungsprinzip angewendet. Die Idee durch Arbeit im Gegenzug Kaufkraft zu
erwerben ist unsinnig und schädlich, da die Menschen so von Tätigkeiten, die im Zeitablauf
nicht mehr benötigt werden, weil etwa schnellere oder billigere Maschinen erfunden werden,
dennoch einkommensmäßig davon abhängig sind. Nutzlose Tätigkeiten immer noch aufrecht zu
erhalten um den Menschen ein Einkommen zu garantieren ist daher zur vordringlichen
Tätigkeit politischer Lobbies geworden.   Menschen sollten aber tätig werden, weil die Tätigkeit
selbst sie inspiriert (sie etwa in ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung weiterbringt) oder weil sie für
andere nützlich ist. Keinesfalls sollte eine Arbeitsleistung als Tauschobjekt verwendet werden.
Tauschen ist Täuschen – nicht umsonst besitzen diese Wörter den gleichen Stamm! Wer
tauscht, der maximiert immer die erhaltene Gegenleistung, niemals seine eigene Leistung, die er
dem anderen (Tauschpartner) zur Verfügung stellt. Dieses Täuschungsverhalten ist so
vollkommen in die heutigen Wirtschaftsabläufe integriert, dass es von uns als völlig normal
wahrgenommen und auch nicht mehr kritisiert wird.   Wir unterscheiden in Zukunft daher auch
nicht mehr zwischen Arbeits- und Freizeit (die im heutigen System eigentlich eine „Konsumzeit“
ist), sondern zwischen selbstbestimmter und fremdbestimmter Lebenszeit. Die fremdbestimmte
Lebenszeit gilt es zu minimieren, dann wird die selbstbestimmte automatisch wachsen. Und
wenn wir die negativen Einflüsse auf unsere Gesundheit minimieren werden, dann wird sich die
Lebenszeit und –qualität automatisch erhöhen, auch wenn wir sicher nicht ewig leben werden.
Die Maximierung positiver Aspekte in einem begrenzten System ist ein gefährlicher Unsinn, die
Minimierung der negativen Aspekte hingegen ein empirisch überprüfbares Erfolgskonzept.   Die
naive, kapitalistische Definition des Paradieses lautete: „Das Paradies ist dann erreicht, wenn
sich alle Menschen alle ihre materialistischen Wünsche erfüllen können.“ Es leuchtet ein, dass
dies bei begrenzten Ressourcen unmöglich ist, daher muss sich dieses Paradies auch ewig im
Jenseits befinden. Wenn wir seine Definition jedoch ändern: „Das Paradies ist dann erreicht,
wenn es für keinen Menschen mehr negative Aspekte in seinem Leben gibt.“, dann ist es
jederzeit im Hier und Jetzt erreichbar – und wir können schon heute mit seiner Erschaffung
beginnen!   Erklärung der gesellschaftlichen Bewertungsfunktion: Alle Individuen in einer
Gesellschaft orientieren sich an bestimmten Attributen, welche als äußere Zeichen für etwas
Erstrebenswertes verwendet werden. Reiche Menschen "erkennt" man üblicherweise an ihren
dickeren Autos, schickeren Anzügen sowie am forscheren Auftreten ("Durchsetzungskraft").
Diese Attribute signalisieren "materiellen Erfolg" und dieser soll in unserer Gesellschaft
maximiert werden. Darüber haben sich die Menschen zwar kaum bewusst Gedanken gemacht -
obwohl, wenn man Edward Bernays kennt, vielleicht ist's ja doch eine geplante Konstruktion?
Unser "Erfolg" in der Zukunft ist das Vermeiden schädlicher Aspekte: ich mach' mich selber
arbeitslos, wenn meine Tätigkeit öd, blöd, ungesund, anstrengend, umweltschädlich oder sowas
ist und erzeuge aber dennoch den gleichen Nutzen. Wir sparen Material oder Energie in
Produktionsprozessen, wir reduzieren Schadstoffe in Lebensmitteln, wir lassen mehr Pflanzen
und Tieren ihren Freiraum etc. etc. Alle diese "Helden" werden mit Kaufkraft (Gutscheinen, die
auf tatsächliche Güter oder Dienstleistungen lauten) belohnt. Wenn der Gutschein ausgegeben
(bzw. eingebucht) wird, erhält der Empfänger sofort Zugriff auf die Prozesskette, die seine
Belohnung produziert. Er sieht dann auch gleich, woran es liegt, dass er z.B. sein Automobil erst
in 6 Monaten erhalten kann (also den Engpass). Alle Konsumenten erhalten nämlich mit den
Warengutscheinen auch Zugriff auf die Prozesskette (sind damit also Prosumenten) und können
Vorschläge einbringen, die dann auch transparent diskutiert und dokumentiert werden. So
werden die Prozesse laufend mit neuem Wissen angereichert, das dann zu
Strukturveränderungen der Prozesse führt. Wenn unser "Held" also dann einen Vorschlag
liefert, wie der Engpass überwunden werden kann, er also schneller zu seinem Automobil
gelangt, dann erhält er dafür sofort den nächsten "Belohungsgutschein" - mit Zugriff auf die
nächste Prozesskette, die er auch wieder verbessern kann.   Natürlich gibt's dann auch sowas
wie "Deutschland sucht den Superstar", aber nicht nur für Sänger und Tänzer, sondern für
Menschen, die einfach die besten gemeinschaftsnützlichen Ideen haben. Die werden vorgestellt
und "über Nacht zum Star". Wir wissen nämlich aus der Hirnforschung, dass für die meisten
Menschen Ruhm noch attraktiver wirkt als Einkommen.   Und damit wir unsere "Helden" (Role
Models) auch in der Öffentlichkeit erkennen, werden wir ihnen optische Zeichen mitgeben:
witzige Hüte, bunte Halstücher, whatever. So wie wir heute instinktiv beeindruckt sind, wenn
jemand im Maßanzug aus einem dicken Mercedes steigt und dabei grimmig dreinschaut und
sich rücksichtslos vordrängt, so werden wir in Zukunft jene insgeheim beneiden, die mit einem
bunten Schal besonders hilfsbereit und höflich sind und zusätzlich, als Erkennungsmerkmal  
der neuen Elite, immer ein Lächeln im Gesicht tragen. Es ist nur eine Frage der Übung, bis sich
diese neuen sozialen Spielregeln massenhaft in der Gesellschaft verbreiten.   Durch die
praktische Übung dieses Verhaltens erwerben die Individuen dann ein Gefühl dafür. Sie
orientieren sich an den sozialsten, hilfsbereitesten, kreativsten und freundlichsten
Mitmenschen. Nicht mehr der "Starke", der "unbeirrt seinen einsamen Weg geht" wird zum
Vorbild (wie die alten Wildwest-Stars, wo Gewalt und Rücksichtslosigkeit dann gerechtfertigt
war, wenn man "im Recht" war), sondern Mitmenschen, die sich wirklich für andere da sind um
deren Sorgen zu teilen, ihnen zu helfen sich weiterzuentwickeln, die Welt zu verstehen und sie
zum Positiven zu verändern.   Das Minimumgesetz von Justus Liebig passt dann sehr gut mit
meinem "ökosozialen Minimieren" zusammen, wenn man die "Schädlichkeit" als Differenz
zwischen dem gewünschten Wert und dem tatsächlich vorhandenen Wert interpretiert und
dann diese Differ...enz zu minimieren trachtet. Dann passt es genau, das stimmt ;-) Auf diese
Art und Weise kann man dann auch positive Aspekte durch "ökosoziales Minimieren" erhöhen,
indem eben die Differenz zwischen Optimum und Ist auf Null reduziert (Achtung: immer
"Optimum" und NIE "Maximum"!).]]> 5451 2011-09-30 12:51:09 2011-09-30 12:51:09 closed
open franz-hormann-das-paradies-bei-begrenzten-ressourcen publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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reichsdeutsche-art/ 2011-10-12 10:29:24 2011-10-12 10:29:24 1 pingback 0 0
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lawmakers-during-bankster-bailout-vote/ Fri, 30 Sep 2011 12:54:27 +0000 birdflu666 CDU politician Wolfgang Bosbach said he was
thinking of quitting politics after party bosses pressured him to support a bill, which gives yet
more free lunches to the bankers and super rich elite. Two opponents to the bill FDP lawmaker
Frank Schäffler and CDU Klaus-Peter Willsch were refused permission to address the
parliament by their own parties in spite of the fact that a recent poll showed that 75% of the
German people oppose more banker bailouts. A new Emnid poll for Focus shows that every
second German now wants the D Mark back. Even 52% of the voters of the extreme left wing
Linke party want the D Mark back showing the depth of support across society for an end to the
bankster’s euro currency, sold by the mainstream media under the cynical slogan of "European
solidarity". The president of the German parliament Norbert Lammert had to use special powers
for the lawmakers to be able give their speeches only to be mobbed himself in scenes
reminiscent of the Reichtstag in the 1930s.
In his address, Frank Schaffler dared to point out the obvious fact that the new banker bailout
violated laws. He also dared note that any government which violates laws is actually no better
than a band of robbers – a remark which surely did not sit well with the ranks of yesmen
masquerading as representatives of the people. Schäffler listed the history of deceit and cynical
lies of the coalition of Chancellor Angela Merkel when it came to telling the parliament and
people the true facts about the bailouts and their costs. Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance
Minister Wolfgang Schäuble shifted around uncomfortably in their seats,  knowing that the
speeches were being streamed live to a large audience over the internet. CDU politician Willsch
pointed out that Germany does not have the money for all these bailouts and criticised the fact
that these astonomical sums were going to subsidise interest payments to banks,  resulting in
debt slavery for future generations. The bill increased Germany's guarantees from €123bn to
€211bn — the biggest among eurozone states, but some economists have calculated the real cost
could be 800 billion euros. FDP lawmaker Otto Fricke attacked Lammert for allowing two
opponents of the eurozone bailout the floor to make their criticisms of the banker bailout –
something which the globalists like to portray as an extreme left-wing view when it is actually
held by the overwhelming majority of German people. Linke party lawmaker and former
Communist party member Sarah Wagenknecht from an East German and Iranian background
later played her role to perfection and gave a speech on the baikout in a style so over the top it
was almost a parody of a Marxist activist. In the end, a total of 523 lawmakers voted in favour of
the bill, 85 against and there were three abstentions. The fact that about 85% of the lawmakers
voted for a monster bailout which will ruin public finances and wreck the real economy and
which 75% of the Germans oppose has created a dangerous new split in German society and
increases the chances of civil unrest. After the disturbing scenes in parliament with the brazen
attempts to muzzle opponents of the banker bailout, many Germans will surely now  be
wondering whether the new powers given to lawmakers by Germany’s Constitutional Court  to
control future bailouts will simply mean more brazen bullying and thuggery. Many more such
scenes are on the cards in the brave new world that is Europe in 2011. The vote on the expanded
EFSF yesterday was only the first of a series of votes on banker money pools, including a vote on
a second bailout for Greece and a vote permanent pool of tax money for banks to drain called the
ESM, which is set to be established in 2012. The passage of the EFSF will clear the way for the
insolvency of Greece -- it looks like the EU will make Greece go insolvent inside the eurozone
creating more hardhsip -- and for the banks to tap hundreds of billions as long as parliaments in
Slovakia and The Netherlands can be bullied into equal submission by the bankster fixers.
Slovakia is not due to vote until October 17th. Because European banks have been allowed to
engaged in vast amounts of profitable lending without adequate capital and spent all their
bailout money on bonuses, they are once more conveniently on the edge of „collapse“. European
banks are requiring refinancing costs of as 4 trillion euros (4000 billion) next year alone.
Instead of nationalising the fractional reserve banks and charging banksers for the crimes,
complicit governments are clearly ready to hand over the entire wealth of Europe. Given the
growing resistance in Germany to the bailouts, the banksters appear to have resisgned
themselves to having eventually to use the ECB and EFSF to print money,  riskig hyperinflation
as Die Presse reported.
Hyperinflation In a cynical report in the FT today, Bilderberg journalist Martin Wolf said that
the time had come to consider printing money.
e61c-11e0-960c-00144feabdc0.html „It is the policy that dare not speak its name: the printing
press. The time has come to employ this nuclear option on a grand scale. The alternative is likely
to be a lost decade. The waste is more than unnecessary; it is cruel. Sadists seem to revel in that
cruelty,” he said. He must be referring to the bankers who are clearly going through an
agonising roller coaster of emotions wondering whether their free lunches will continue or not
and who are indeed facing a “lost decade” if the banks are abandoned by tax payers.. Wolf is
certainly not thinking about ordinary people who will see their money eviscerated by inflation
and hyperinflation. The real recipients of the printing press largesse will, of course,  be the
banks yet again. Wolf talks openly about making gilt  purchases on the secondary markets to the
tune of 100 billion, but it is clear, the bankers are thinking in terms of trillions of euros.]]> 5453
2011-09-30 12:54:27 2011-09-30 12:54:27 closed open germans-shocked-by-brazen-bullying-of-
lawmakers-during-bankster-bailout-vote publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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for-democracy/ Mon, 03 Oct 2011 17:44:21 +0000 birdflu666
der-Polit-Senioren.html]]> 5455 2011-10-03 17:44:21 2011-10-03 17:44:21 closed open powder-
keg-austria-elderly-politicians-fight-for-democracy publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 17869
augen-zu-streuen/ 2011-10-05 04:30:14 2011-10-05 04:30:14 1 pingback 0 0
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austrian-justice-ministry/ Mon, 03 Oct 2011 17:45:52 +0000 birdflu666
%C3%A4fts-+und+personaleinteilung+sowie+gesch%C3%A4ftsordnung.pdf Instead, he is now
the second in command of „ABTEILUNG PR 3, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Bürgerservice und Statistik“ , the public relations
department and public complaints section. He also appears to be playing a key role in a new media
offensive, which has been trumpeted by Justice Minister Beatrix Karl as a sign that the ministry
has become more open, more transparent and more honest after so many scandals. It is amazing
that Karl did not think to issue a press release about Krakow's new job when there is so much
public interest Krakow and she has also made increasing transparency a central pledge. What a
surprise!]]> 5457 2011-10-03 17:45:52 2011-10-03 17:45:52 closed open georg-krakow-moves-
to-pr-department-of-the-austrian-justice-ministry publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
funded-by-baxter-tried-to-have-me-confined-to-an-asylum-in-2010/ Mon, 03 Oct 2011
17:49:42 +0000 birdflu666 The strict security of a
biosecurity 3 laboratory makes an accidental contamination virtually impossible. The police
started an investigation into the incident, but this was dropped in September 2009. The timing
of Kenner's attempt to have me confined to a lunatic asylum is particularly cynical. By January
2010, the first parliamentary inquiries into the fake swine flu pandemic were starting to get well
underway, especially in the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The final
report in June by PACE rapporteur Paul Flynn confirmed many of my claims that the pandemic
fears hyped by big pharma for profit. My website, the flucase, soared to within the top 15,000 of
the Alexa web ranking within weeks of going online in autumn 2009. The fact that so much
trouble was taken to hack and hijack and then take down the website underlines what a reliable
and factual source of information it was for so many people. A winzip file of the website is here: But the extraordinary steps that have been taken
to silence me should also act as a warning that the situation for whistleblowers is getting worse,
not better.  In the meantime, the swine flu adjuvant has also been linked to increased
neurological damage in children in Finland and by the very same health authorities which are
largely funded by the vaccine's manufacturers, albeit only after pressure from parents from
children who were damaged.
oms+/1135261489933 By January 2010, only 4% of the Austrians had taken the Baxter
pandemic jab – and perhaps this was the real motivation for Kenner to try and eliminate me
using a well known method in Austria for silencing whistle blowers.  As a doctor and researcher,
Kenner should have been able to to see that I supported my claims with documents and hard
evidence in keeping with my training and work as a medical journalist who has written for the
BMJ, Reuters Health, The Scientist etc. However, in scenes worthy of a black comedy, Kenner
approached a psychologist whom he knew very well and expressed his fears that I was „mad“
and „paranoic“. He said I needed urgently to be confined to a lunatic asylum. He pressed her to
write an appropriate recommendation to see me dispatched as soon as possible.  The
psychologist in question pointed out to him that he had never met me and so couldn't diagnose
me with paranoia – especially as he himself was something of a „case“ for concern. Next, Kenner
sent my own brother, whom he had met only once, to the psychologist to ask for me to be
confined.  After meeting my brother, the psychologist concluded that he just wanted me out of
the way to get my share of the inheritance and pyschiatrisation is also quite a common method
to achieve this goal in Austria, it seems. My father died in September 2009 and the rather small
inheritance of a flat and house was due to be divided up with my two brothers.  The psychologist
became suspicious, rang me and met me and then decided that I was normal and my brother
was the one who was mentally ill and an ice cold psychopath, an „asocial paranoid“ as she
described it. She wrote a letter of recommendation for him to be confined to an asylum and the
police doctor duly visited him a few days later.  He was not confined, unfortunately, leaving him
to continue his life of partying – according to his own account – with illustrious people like
Franceska von Habsburg and an artist, who recently received an award ffrom top Austrian
politician Heinz Fischer and of drinking „three bottles of champagne a day“ – so he tells others.
A black and surreal story so far, you might think? But it gets worse. When the psychologist
refused to confine me, Kenner then immediately tried to have the psychologist confined to a
lunatic asylum – and failed.  Kenner appears to have a launched a smear campaign to discredit
the psychologist. I have now pressed charges to get justice..  Let's see if the very same justice
officials who failed to investigate the Baxter incident which endangered the lives of millions of
people in Austria – and indeed in Europe and the world – by almost triggering a pandemic, will
probe the brazen crimes of this Kenner and his„network“. Let us see if they will also probe the
evidence of the vastly inflated bill for my inheritance, especially the 20,000 euros charged by the
curator Dr Nierlich who did little more than change the lock of my father's house and refuse me
a key – this in spite of the fact my brother had a key so it was a clear act of intimidation without
any basis in the law.  My appeal from May 2011 was rejected by Dr Stummvoll, Schuch and
Wagner from the higher court and I was told I have no right to a further appeal in spite of the
manifestly inadequate arguments which form the basis of their decision. Under European law
and under the Austrian constitution, I have the right to free speech and the right to a fair legal
proceedings. I have a right to tell the facts the way they are. I have a right to a proper
investigation and I have the right to a conviction of guilty parties if my evidence of their guilt is
persuasive as it is otherwise I would not write this on my blog.  I insist on my rights under the
law. I insist on action against the corrupt justice officials as I am entitled to in a law-abiding
country. I insist on a fair evaluation of my evidence. I insist on proper legal arguments being
brought against my evidence. My story may seem bizarre and surreal to people outside Austri,
but those who live here will find it all too familiar. To get some idea of how the country which
produced Nazi leader Adolf Hitler operates, they should look at the film „The Third Man“
starring Orson Wells. The same subterrean networks concealing crimes criss cross Vienna today
as they did back then. My case shows it. It also shows that the situation is getting worse and not
better. The only difference is that the people are much better informed than before thanks
largely to the alternative media and they no longer have the same tolerance for a corrupt elite
network which tramples all over democracy, their rights and law and order.   My story shows
that the situation is getting worse and worse.                                                    ]]> 5460 2011-10-03
17:49:42 2011-10-03 17:49:42 closed open how-a-cancer-researcher-whose-institute-is-funded-
by-baxter-tried-to-have-me-confined-to-an-asylum-in-2010 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
involved-in-sadomasochistic-abuse/ Mon, 03 Oct 2011 17:51:38 +0000 birdflu666 The
name was mentioned during a conversation between Kröll and a fellow police officer,
investigating prostitution and human slavery on March 23rd 2010. After the call, Kröll jotted
down in a note book the name of an „important Austrian politician“ - name is known to the
Kurier newspaper but blanked out in the report . Kröll added the key words: „Sadomaso-scene.
Danger that the media find out about it. Tell her about my own uncertainties!“ Three months
Kröll died in mysterious circumstances, found shot in his appartment on June 24 2010. While
the police maintain he committed suicide, his brother believes he was murdered. „Franz said to
me and to one of his colleague just before his death: „I am going to get these criminals. I am
going to solve the case, then go into pension!“ the Kurier quotes his brother as saying. Kröll
came to be convinced that a paedophile ring – and not just one man – orchestrated the
kidnapping of Kampusch and he continued his probe even after he was pressured to close the
case by higher ups in the justice ministry in January 2010. Five Vienna state prosecutors are
currently under investigation for overlooking clues that a paedophile ring was involved in the
kidnapping of Kampusch after a dramatic 25-page letter to the parliament by former high court
president Johann Rzezsut on 29 September 2010. Innsbruck state prosecutors are investigating
whether Werner Pleischl, Thomas Mühlbacher, Otto Schneider, Hans-Peter Kronawetter and
GerhardJarosch are guilty of overlooking evidence. A set of parliamentary questions following
the Kurier report refers to a „heavy-weight(y) Vienna politician.“
fall-kampusch-wer-ist-der-schwergewichtige-wiener-politiker The phone call and notes of Kröll
will fuel fears that there are high ranking politicians in Austrian engaged in child and sado
masochistic abuse – which can go as far as torturing a victim to death – and that these are
protected by a „network“ of justice officials, who become active -- and indeed murder -- anyone
who gets too close. A recent OGM poll found that 82% of Austrians have little or no faith left in
their politicians while 75% have no faith left in democracy.
fehlt-Kompetenz.html Former second parliamentary president Heinrich Neisser warned that
Austria's political parties are acting as a cartel and that they are about to lose their last vestiges
of support. He said that groups could form that take control of „destiny in their own hands“,
hinting at a revolution or anarchy.
letzte-Aufgebot-der-Polit-Senioren.html]]> 5463 2011-10-03 17:51:38 2011-10-03 17:51:38 closed open
kurier-sept-27th-is-a-top-austrian-politician-involved-in-sadomasochistic-abuse publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_a7555b59c5da4de474791c912536d464
_oembed_bafba680e9beda88659c6135a3cf5c6c 17868
augen-zu-streuen/ 2011-10-05 04:30:12 2011-10-05 04:30:12 1 pingback 0 0
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september-30th/ Mon, 03 Oct 2011 17:53:11 +0000 birdflu666
5465 2011-10-03 17:53:11 2011-10-03 17:53:11 closed open xel-springer-makes-bid-for-kurier-
on-september-30th publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_dadeae1b52356295d3bf1392d705ffbf 17864
estate-steals/ 2011-10-05 02:04:50 2011-10-05 02:04:50 1 pingback 0 0
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austrias-interior-ministry/ Thu, 06 Oct 2011 15:56:57 +0000 birdflu666
unterm-Hochstand In addtion, Kloibmüller is accused of leaking details of the Telekon Austria
Kabinettschef-verhoert Kloibmüller’s predecessor, Christoph Ulmer, the cabinet chief of
disgraced MEP Ernst Strasser, is also being questioned. In a statement, the Austrian police
union called for the suspension of Kloibmüller. However, Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-
Leitner said that Kloibmüller enjoys her “full trust”. Mikl Leitner heaped pressure on the state
prosecutors to stop the investigation, calling it a “disgrace” and speculation.
KabinettschefVerhoer? The revelation that corruption reaches into
the heart of the Interior Ministry will surprise few people in Austria. Five Vienna state
prosecturos are currently under investigation for their role in covering up the involvement of a
paedophile ring in the kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch. Police chief  Franz Kröll was
pressured to drop his investigation into the kidnapping in January 2010. He died in mysterious
circumstances in June 2010 just three months after making notes about the connection of a  top
Austrian politician with the sado masochistic abuse. A clue that elements in the the Interior
Ministry may be involved in paedophile and sex slavery rings comes from a statement in May
2010 that there were 777 missing people in Austria – 777 is a secret code for Globalists forming a
sind-abgaengig According to the graphic printed with the report, 33 people who had been
missing for ten years or more. 34 people who had been missing for five to ten years. The rest of
the graphic shows the typical number patterns of freemason groups.]]> 5468 2011-10-06
15:56:57 2011-10-06 15:56:57 closed open probe-into-corruption-by-top-official-in-austrias-
interior-ministry publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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germany/ Thu, 06 Oct 2011 16:01:22 +0000 birdflu666
p=5472 Protestors need to occupy the privatised eurozone central bank, the ECB, which also
happens to be in Frankfurt – and stay clear of any organisation with links to fascist Scientology.
Scientology and other Globalist-controlled opposition movements will never bring democracy,
the rule of law and a sound economy. They are trying to hijack the genuine revolution.  ]]> 5472 2011-10-06
16:01:22 2011-10-06 16:01:22 closed open false-flag-occupy-movement-spreads-to-germany
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
against-the-federal-reserve-starts-now/ Thu, 06 Oct 2011 16:03:16 +0000 birdflu666 October 6, 2011 Public sentiment has
shifted– against the trends of Washington and Wall Street– and now, against the private
Federal Reserve bank which controls or influences so much of the world’s finances. Where as
only a few years ago many Americans were unaware of the true nature of the shadowy
organization, recent polls confirm that the public overwhelmingly wants to audit and even
abolish the Federal Reserve bank. The momentum for a second American revolution is stirring,
but the establishment is working overtime to steer the public’s anger into easy controlled
avenues and big government solutions. Instead, by striking at the root of the true problems, we
can attempt to reign in the predatory banking powers that plague our nation and begin to
restore the Republic. The Federal Reserve banking system is at the root of that problem and a
perpetual impediment towards ending the global economic crisis that continues to grow. Join
Alex Jones to “occupy” the Dallas Federal Reserve, or take the message to a Fed branch near you
[see dates and times below]. We must start now by focusing media and political attention on this
issue, and through our presence at these banks, start brushfires in the minds of men that will tip
the momentum in favor of liberty and independence for all. Read more at:]]> 5474
2011-10-06 16:03:16 2011-10-06 16:03:16 closed open the-revolution-against-the-federal-
reserve-starts-now publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
will-still-lead-the-european-super-state/ Thu, 06 Oct 2011 16:04:33 +0000 birdflu666 Belelux and West Germany. Within these three
continental economies is where you did find Europe’s power houses in innovation,
manufacturing, agriculture and finance. But a game-changer happened in 1990, what the
Germans referred to as die Wende (The Turning Point)- the process where the German
Democratic Republic (GDR/East Germany) joined the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG/West
Germany). Currently the EU is comprised of 27 member states, and after some 20 years of
German reunification, it is now the single strongest economy in Europe, and ranks among the
top 5 in the world. It’s manufacturing sectors, tech industries and their export markets are
consistent and solid, and the country also boasts a surplus in its current accounts for both
unemployment and health benefits. Read more:
is-coming-and-germany-will-still-lead-the-european-super-state/]]> 5476 2011-10-06 16:04:33
2011-10-06 16:04:33 closed open the-deutsche-mark-is-coming-and-germany-will-still-lead-
the-european-super-state publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
on-the-eurozone-crisis/ Thu, 06 Oct 2011 16:34:55 +0000 birdflu666 This blog has been at the cutting edge of the infowar
when it comes to describing the eurozone meltdown so far and how our financial system really
works. It needs your support to give regular updates. If you wish for more
information, if you wish to stay in the loop,  then help shoulder the costs by
donating today.  Otherwise, blogging will be the domain of the rich or the false flag
alternative media who are supported by hedge fund wizards like George Soros. On
this blog you read the latest insider information – that Germany is printing the
Deutschmark and preparing to leave the eurozone now repeated by other
alternative media.  It’s up to you to decide what value you put on this kind of information.
The value has to be expressed not just in terms of praise etc but in terms of real, hard cash. I
cannot live on praise and  this blog does not operate outside the law of real world economics. I
have to pay bills and focus on those activities that enable me to pay my bills like everyone else. If
you value the information on this blog and regular updates, you have to dig into your pocket,
recognising that no Globalists, who fund most media, will support this blog. This is a blog for the
people and it is the people who find it useful. who need to shoulder the financial burden if they
find regular updates useful. Germany's exit would be an earthquake in the global financial
markets if it were to happen - and Germany really has few options left if it wants to avoid the
ruin of its public finances and the wreckage of its real economy, social upheaval and the end of
its democracy. A key issue is: how would it be arranged? Will the reintroduction of the
Deutschmark be hijacked by the Globalists? The false flag Occupy Frankfurt movement driven
by Anonymous suggests the Globalists are determined to undermine opposition to the
bankster's euro currency by controlling it. More than a year ago, this blog also explained the
economics which make a default by Greece inevitable, why eurobonds are madness and why the
mobilisation of people power in Germany against the ECB and EU fiscal union was inevitable in
this internet age where people are informed about what the banksters are up to.  The break up of
the eurozone was not a part of the Globalists plan. The Globalist plan was to fold the failed
dollar and the euro bloc into a new IMF/SDR currency. The EU and euro are the creation of an
international elite who control the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank  – and not
just a German elite. Illustrating this, disgraced fromer German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor
von Guttenberg has gone to the USA to take up a position in a Washington think tank, the
Center  for Strategic and International Studies with links to Globalists like Zbigniew Brzezinksi
and Henry Kissinger. The euro was designed from the beginning to be a faulty currency union
and its eventual collapse is supposed to pave the way for fiscal union, a EU superstate and,
eventually,  a new global currency. An exit of Germany from the sinking eurozone is a triumph of
people power and the internet. It gives hope for democracy, the rule of law and the real economy
in Europe. The Globalists may well try to hijack the process and force a German exit on bankster
terms. Telegraph journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard was the only mainstream commentator to
get it right when he said the sudden upsurge in feeling in Germany this summer was a game
changer. If Germany returns to the Deutschmark, it is to save its economy and democracy from
the kind of assault by the financial elite controlling the EU, ECB and IMF, which Greece and
Ireland are currently having to endure. The Globalists want to destroy all nation states and
national currencies and replace them with supranational states and currencies. This summer
there have been very few regular updates because I now have to turn my attention to writing
books to earn some money. I have no problem with that – it’s you who could be missing out. I
am also not part of the Alex Jones Infowars network which can raise millions in donations and
which has a fixed list of guests including people like Max Keiser who admitted on a  radio show
that he gave up his office in the WTC just before the 9/11 attacks, strongly suggesting he had
inside information. Max Keiser’s view that Germany always planned to return to the
Deutschmark is absurd. It is either a sign of deliberate misinformation or of someone who
cannot grasp basic economics and finance. I strive to be as accurate as I can with no hidden
financial or political interests. This blog is genuinely independent. I am genuinely committed to
the rule of law and democratic models of government which first emerged in Athens in ancient
Greece, when the overwhelming majority of citizens (albeit only male) were involved in day to
day political decisions and when the ruling class considered having enough leisure for politics an
ideal. There was no such thing as an elite business man who was too wealthy or too busy to
attend the democratic forum and join in the debate. To be actively involved in politics was the
social ideal. Only "idiotes" were not interested in politics in the view of ancient Greeks.
Nowadays, politics is all too often the preserve of political parties who are complicit with the
bankers. The controlled mainstream media encourages people to be "idiotes." It is lavishly
funded in a way blogs like mine can never dream of. If you want to stay up to date on this issue,
make donations to this blog today, tomorrow, next week, next month. No contributions, and you
may well miss out on regular updates, vital reports and developments such as: Will Germany
leave the eurozone? on what terms? Will it be the only country? Will Slovakia’s parliament reject
the EFSF? Or fall? Will a Greek default lead to a meltdown of Europe’s banks or not? Will an
Austrian bank such as Unicredit throw itself on its sword, shut up shop and drag down the
entire banking system? Will there be hyperinflation in the eurozone? What will happen with the
ECB? Will it support Europe’s banks? How? Will a false flag, bankster controlled movement like
„Occupy Frankfurt“ subvert the ongoing people’s revolution in Germany and hijack the
Deutschmark exit process? You can donate via paypal or directly to my bank account if you wish
to see more regular updates. Paypal Bank account:
Buergermeister, Jane Kontonmmer/ IBAN      AT831100015211533300 BIC / SWIFT code        
WIEN   / Österreich]]> 5478 2011-10-06 16:34:55 2011-10-06 16:34:55 closed open support-
this-blog-today-for-regular-updates-on-the-eurozone-crisis publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last Sat, 08
Oct 2011 13:32:00 +0000 birdflu666 5480 2011-10-
08 13:32:00 2011-10-08 13:32:00 closed open fda-stops-gardasil-for-older-women publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last 17987
week-has-been-launched/ 2011-10-10 20:04:24 2011-10-10 20:04:24 1 pingback
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
nationalise-the-federal-reserve/ Sat, 08 Oct 2011 13:33:42 +0000 birdflu666 Dennis Kucinich You Tube October 6, 2011
Washington D.C. (October 4, 2011) — Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released the
following video and statement in support of the protestors on Wall Street and around the
country who have identified themselves with the hashtag #OccupyWallStreet. ...  “We need a
government of the people and for the people. We need a financial system that is of the people
and for the people. It is time we take our nation back and take our monetary system back from
the big banks. “I recently introduced H.R. 2990, the National Emergency Employment Defense
Act, to put the Federal Reserve under the Treasury, to end the practice of fractional reserve
banking and to take control of our monetary policy and make sure it works for the people. “We
can use our Constitutional authority to coin money and spend it into circulation to put millions
of Americans back to work in a way that is noninflationary. The time for bold change is now.
“We are the American people. Our dream of freedom and prosperity is too big to fail.”
reserve/  ]]> 5482 2011-10-08 13:33:42 2011-10-08 13:33:42 closed open dennis-kucinich-
introduces-key-bill-to-nationalise-the-federal-reserve publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_d76d28d835f2d4c0c60270a2b888f11f 18019 2011-10-12 10:37:10 2011-10-12 10:37:10 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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Sat, 08 Oct 2011 13:43:17 +0000 birdflu666
This  just as the fractional reserve banking system is about to collapse. European banks alone
having to raise 4 trillion euros this year to keep the fractional reserve banking Ponzi scheme
going for a little while longer. The grassroots protest movement against the Federal Reserve  is
gathering momentum at tremendous speed in the USA and it represents another historical
turning point and help push through legislation to finally nationalise the Federal Reserve. There
have already been protests outside many of the Federal Reserve’s branches. Vital
legislation to end the private issuance of currency by the Fed has just been introduced. Printing
public money is the key issue for an improvement in the economy. Congressman Dennis
Kucinich has introduced a bill, H.R. 2990, the National Emergency Employment Defense Act, to
put and end to the Federal Reserve under the Treasury, and end the fractional reserve banking.
The false flag Occupy Wallstreet movement is failing to take the steam out of the real protests
against the banksters and complicit politicians because there is too much awareness about what
is going on.  Attac, which is linked to hedge fund wizard George Soros, is helping to organise OW
protests in Germany.
sich-nach-Europa-ausbreiten.html We can all see the script: the OW movement turns violent on
cue  as soon as Greece defaults to create chaos. There is a crackdown on the activists and the
internet…. A bank like Unicredit – 44 billion euros of ist core capital is made up of Italian
sovereign bonds!!! -- collapses itself in one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, Austria ,
setting off a domino chain of bank failures and plunging Europe into chaos. Far right leaders
and bankster puppets like Heniz Christian Strache rise to the fore and stoke conflicts and wars.
The trouble is the Globalists no longer control the script. The people have rewritten the script
and the final chapter will flow inevitablity from the pen of the people. The Globalists have
fundamentally flawed view of humanity and are using flawed models of bevioural science based
on flawed assumptions to try to regain the initiative,  including the assumption that 1.)    people
can be programmed at will by the media and are hierarchical when it comes to obeying orders
2.)    there is no such thing as good and evil; it all depends on your point of view 3.)    there is no
such thing as God The current wave of protests show that people cannot be programmed at will,
for example, by the OW movement, which is obviously more style than substance. People can be
misinformed, brought to take actions that are injurious to them by deceit. But when people
acquire more complete information through sources such as the alternative media, they are
capable of making good choices ie taking actions which benefit them and not the elite. Among
the Occupy Wall Street movement, there are clearly plenty of people who are well able to
differentiate between precise targets like the mega banks and targets which are imprecise ike
„capitalism“ and „corrupt systems“ andalso to use the movement for their ends. In fact, the
Occuy movement has already galvanished a wave of protests against the very Federal Reserve
the banksters wished to spare as people wake up to the methods the banksters use to control
opposition. It is also clear that more and more people are taking responsibility and the intitiative
and not waiting to join larger organisations or sitting around passively. Now more people have a
fuller understanding of who their real enemy, they can act more effectively instead of expending
their energy on windmills. It obviously doesn’t take that many to make a real difference.  The
Globalist behavioural model does not factor in the impact of a proactive and creative individual.
A powerful emotion shaping the protests is outrage at the banksters’s crimes and outrage is a
moral force of tremendous energy, which Globalists do not understand.  People have an innate
and natural sense of good and evil - and this energises them in the fight against evil and
injustice. Studies show that even babies can distinguish between good actions ie good for others
and bad actions at a very early age and they are very consistent in their judgements. The
Globalists do not have the natural instinct for good and evil. They are brainwashed in their
freemason and other lodges to parrot the slogans of the higher ups. These are designed to
condition them to be part of global crime gang rather than recognise reality for what it is.
Globalists also mistake creativity for subjectivity.  Rejuggling reality to fit in with the little ego’s
views is not the same as creativity or inspiration which comes from a higher force and which
follows iron laws of its own, including iron law of universal justice. The events of the summer
and autumn show the Globalists can no longer control the opposition. Protests are also gaining
traction in Europe with FDP euro rebell Frank Schäffler calling for insolvency for banks and
states - rather than limitless money. Euro rebell CSU lawmaker Peter Gauleiter was almost
elected to the board of the CSU in Bavaria today, failing by just 21 votes to beat Transport
Minister Peter Ramsauer. Gauweiler got 419 votes or 48.8% to Ramsauer’s 440 votes.,1518,790679,00.html There is speculation that
the CSU may drop out of the government rather than approve more bailout money for banks.    
]]> 5484 2011-10-08 13:43:17 2011-10-08 13:43:17 closed open federal-reserve-protests-gather-
momemtum publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_09a78840737567b25397c24d8b500b15
deutschmark-grow/ Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:24:48 +0000 birdflu666 Jeder weiß es, mittlerweile müsste es auch der
dümmste Politiker begriffen haben: Die Probleme in der Eurozone sind ursächlich auf die
Konstruktion der Gemeinschaftswährung zurückzuführen. Der Euro-Crash ist programmiert –
so sehr sich auch Politiker dagegen stemmen. Kein Rettungspaket kann am Ende die
Katastrophe verhindern. Die dem Euro immanenten Sprengsätze entfalten ihre Wirkung – da
helfen auch keine Billionen. Staatspleiten, Bankenpleiten, Firmenpleiten – kein Rettungspaket
der Welt kann das Ende des Euros aufhalten. Letztlich aber ist der Euro nur ein Symptom des
übergeordneten Geldsystems. Da dieses ebenfalls in der Endphase ist, trifft es die Schwächsten
zu erst: Griechenland, Portugal, Irland – demnächst auch die komplette Südschiene. Die
Schuldenuhr gleicht einer Zeitbombe, sie tickt unerbärmlich. Was wir erleben sind die letzten
Zuckungen des Euro und damit auch des Geldsystems. Es kann nur eine Lösung geben: Der
Austritt Deutschlands. Und es mehren sich die Zeichen, dass ein solcher Schritt tatsächlich
„alternativlos“ ist. Ich will hier nicht auf die unsägliche Diskussion eingehen, dass einzelne
Länder austreten könnten. Dies ist währungstechnisch unmöglich. Linderung im Euro-Drama
bringt einzig der Austritt Deutschlands. Das bedeutet schwierige Zeiten – aber wir werden es
überleben. In der Zwischenzeit haben die abgewerteten „Rest-Euro-Länder“ (also alle außer
Deutschland) mit dem schwachen Euro wieder eine Chance, im internationalen Wettbewerb zu
bestehen. Read more at:
wieder#13182563901192&if_height=8541  ]]> 5488 2011-10-10 14:24:48 2011-10-10 14:24:48
closed open mainstream-media-reports-on-return-of-deutschmark-grow publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_82f9de681d91506037298cf455000abf
hijacked/ Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:26:27 +0000 birdflu666
p=5490 October 7, 2011 Media spokesmen for the Occupy Wall Street
demonstrations claimed that their operation is totally transparent, with everything subject to
democratic discussion in a general assembly of all comers. But eyewitness reports from
experienced observers on the ground in lower Manhattan indicate a much different reality
behind these bland assurances. Forces appeared to be at work behind the scenes to manipulate
the protest movement into a posture of supporting the presidential candidacy of Wall Street
puppet Obama. Read more at:
hijack-the-movement/  ]]> 5490 2011-10-10 14:26:27 2011-10-10 14:26:27 closed open occupy-
wall-street-a-movement-being-hijacked publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_c438c279cd40e8a44db47c0234a1b293 18000 2011-10-11
14:07:30 2011-10-11 14:07:30 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 17998
occupy-wall-street-has-for-president-obama/ 2011-10-11 09:51:03 2011-10-11
09:51:03 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 17985
protesters/ 2011-10-10 19:25:54 2011-10-10 19:25:54 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_history akismet_result jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 17991 2011-10-10 22:18:48 2011-10-10
22:18:48 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 18141 http://seo 2011-10-18 18:53:02 2011-10-18
18:53:02 [...]Sites of interest we have a link to[...]…... [...]usually posts some very interesting
stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[...]…...]]> 1 trackback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 18128
meeting-151011/ 2011-10-18 00:51:24 2011-10-18 00:51:24 1 pingback 0 0
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neurological-damage-says-finland-s-government/ Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:30:40 +0000 birdflu666 Mike Adams Natural News Sunday, October 9, 2011
(NaturalNews) The nation of Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine
“conclusively” causes narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people
uncontrollably fall asleep. The Finnish government, in acknowledging this link, says it will pay
for “lifetime medical care” for 79 children who have been irreparably damaged by the swine flu
vaccine. (…) Narcolepsy isn’t the only side effect now
admitted to be caused by swine flu vaccines: 76 of the 79 children also suffered hallucinations
and “paralyzing physical collapses,” say Finnish researchers. Remarkably, even though the link
between swine flu vaccines and permanent neurological damage in children is now
openly admitted by the Finnish government, there is absolutely no talk about halting the utterly
unscientific ritual of injecting children with flu vaccines in the first place. Not only are flu
vaccines harmful to children (as is now admitted), but flu vaccines don’t even work! A
simple daily dose of vitamin D would do far more to halt influenza than any vaccine
]]> 5493 2011-10-10 14:30:40 2011-10-10 14:30:40 closed open conclusive-proof-swine-flu-
vaccine-causes-neurological-damage-says-finland-s-government publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_1705c662c8d0a2a07cfbdd976d831678 17989
2011-10-10 21:26:17 2011-10-10 21:26:17 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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the-occupy-austria-movement-genuine/ Mon, 10 Oct 2011 14:51:23 +0000 birdflu666 Is  the
Occupy movement really a people’s movement as the organisers claim? Or is there a more
sinister reason why it is gaining so much support from the very same „establishment“  of
politicians, media and NGOs who have been silent for so long about the fractional reserve
banking system and the disastrous euro currency? Has it appeared all of a sudden because more
and more Germans are reasling Germany must reintroduce the Deutschmark to escape financial
armageddon at the hands of the banksters?
wieder#13182563901192&if_height=8541 It is important to know the answer because joining
Occupy Austria or Frankfurt facebook sites and also some protests could have unpleasant
consequences if it is, indeed, just a false flag  controlled opposition.!/OccupyAustria?sk=info Even Axel Springer’s Bild
is giving favourable coverage to the „ young and pretty women“ „changing the world“  in the
Occupy Wallstreet movement and praising  „protest icon“ Communist student leader Camilo
Vallejo in Chile.
veraendern-die-welt-20353948.bild.html Does that make you suspicious? It certainly should do
given the record of misinformation of Bild. Why did the swine flu vaccination campaign get no
such support when the health of millions of Austrian, German, Chiliean, Greek, Irish children
was at stake, I wonder? In the meantime, a study in Finland has confirmed that the swine flu
pandemic vaccines are the cause of significant neurological damage to children.  No one can say
any longer I was exaggerating or deluded. Here is the scientific proof for my claims.
nervous-system-disorders/ This is the very same Finnish health body that recommended the
vaccines – a health body also largely financed by vaccine manfacturers. Imagine what the real
damage of these vaccines are in the population when even such a body in Finland is forced to
admit they are responsible for neurological damage among children? The damage is not
surprising given the scientific evidence. The adjuvants were prohibited in the USA and UK
because they were associated with the damage caused to US and UK vets by the Iraq war anthrax
vaccines. The pandemic swine flu vaccines are classified as biodefence weapons on EU pharma
databases. The EMA documents admitted there were no adequate clinical trials on them. The
shocking thing was that I was virtually the only person in Europe anyway going out there to give
this information to people in April 2009 and I had to do it virtually all on my time, my money
and at my considerable risk. There was no help from any NGO, not from Attac or any other
NGO. There was no centrally organised facebook movement. There was just an improvised
scramble to get the information out by any means possible. By a miracle, the news spread.
People all over the world took the initiative and spread the information in their social media
networks. Fortunately, the facts were plain, easily checked and the information spread fast. Only
4% of the people in Austria eventually took a vaccine known to cause neurological damage. I
only began myswine flu vaccine information campaign because I realised no government body
or NGO  would give this information to people. After I found out that Baxter had contaminated
seasonal flu vaccine with the deadly bird flu virus in a biosecurity lab in Orth an der Donau
February 2009, I first thought others would take action to prevent the danger of a repetition of
such a disastrous event. After all, here was a pharma company starting a global bird flu
pandemic – and positioning itself to profit from the sale of vaccines due to that same pandemic.
What could be more scandalous? I contacted the Austrian political parties. No reply. None apart
from Dagmar Belakowitsch-Jenewin who told me in a conversation far right leader Heinz
Christian Strache had told her not to press the Baxter matter. What does that say about Strache
and his concern for the people of Austria? I contacted Attac several times and asked for help. No
reply. I contacted the BMJ for which I have written countless reports over the years. The BMJ
editor Annabel Ferriman rejected the story, too boring she said. Of course, I was used to the
control in the mainstream media and was not surprised. I also rang and emailed Austria’s Profil
magazine at the start of April 2009 about the Baxcter incident. Profil’s reporter Emil Bobi wrote
a report a few weeks later – after having all the information in my criminal charges and my
phoning several times – in which he described the contamination in the Baxter plant as a tiny
error due to a small tube containing a sugar solution which had been accidentally infected. The
details are in my second set of criminal charges. This explanation made no sense. As it turned
out, it was 72 kilos of seasonal vaccine material which was contaminated. In addition, such a
deadly virus has to be kept in biosecurity level three lab which means double doors, access with
an electronic code etc. This is the reason, no doubt, why the police began to investigate the
incident after I filed charges.  Biosecurity three procedures mean that the Baxter lab should be
like Fort Knox. Also, there is no explanation why the bird flu virus, a virus bio engineered in a
US weapons lab, was in the lab in the first place. In December 2010, documents leaked by
Wikileaks revealed that Baxter in Austria  was a top security site for the US government. A
bioweapons lab as I first claimed? My campaign took off surprisingly when I began to appear on
radio shows in the USA in April 2009 already. By June I was on major radio shows like Rmour
Mill News. Tens of millions of US mainstream radio listeners were getting the information
within months. Eventually, even the controlled alternative media in Europe – yes the Globalists
got there long ago – had to  surf the wave which had become too big.  By autumn 2009, the
Baxter incident was back in Profil. This time I was smeared in person by Profil reporter Michael
Lingens in  recognition of the way the swine flu vaccine campaign had come to be associated
with me. Lingens failed to mention I have a degree from a top university (Edinburgh) and have a
proven track record as a science journalist, having written for Nature, The Scientist, The British
Medical etc or the biosecurity 3 procedures or his colleage Emil Bobi’s lies in his report. The
impression was some mentally unstable idiot had filed charges against Baxter which were fit for
the waste paper basket – but, Lingens, had to admit an incredible 72 kilos had been
contamianted. Only when it became clear no one was taking the vaccine did Profil suddenly
change sides and publish criticism of the swine flu campaign.  I was smeared also by Josef Gepp,
the society reporter from Falter, whose email to me showed he had not the slightest interest in
the facts or the facts of the contamination of 72 kilos of vaccines with the bird flu virus. He
wanted to meet me for a coffee and a chat. I refused because I know Falter. Predictably, he wrote
his smear report as he was paid to do. He has never retracted it or apologised. Interestingly,
Falter supports Occupy Austria. I was also savaged
by Bild – „A woman from Vienna did not file charges“ -- and Le Monde Diplomatique.  The
whole of the Austrian mainstream media was silent on the Baxter incident, hyped the swine flu
virus and encouraged people to take the vaccine in spite of the overwhelming evidence it was
damaging with very few exceptions. So when I see the same mainstream media focussing on the
Occupy Wallstreet/ Frankfurt/Austria movement and even Bild praising Communist Camila
Vallejo, I am pretty sure it is a false flag movement, established to deflect attention from the real
cause of our problems, our privatised money system, the mega banks and the ECB.  In spring
2009, I contacted Attac and begged for help in publicising the swine flu jab’s dangers. No reply.
So when I see Attac behind Occupy Wallstreet movement, I suspect it is another false falg
movement to serve the banksters and not the people. What could have been more important
than to warn the population that a damaging vaccine was about to be given to people? And that
pandemic plans even allowed for forced vaccinations? Attac did not lift a finger  I will never join
this Occupy movement or facebook group because I know how easy it is to be framed in
cybersapce. All it takes is for a few people to post messages of hatred on the facebook site – the
organisers will all have dropped out by then – and everyone on the Occuy Austria or Occupy
Frankfurt facebook site could be hauled in and imprisoned under new draconian, anti terror
laws just passed by the Austrian government. This trick was also used on  me. My own website,
the flucase, was hijacked by Johann Niklasson who started posting inflammatory appeals. I had
been locked out of my own website and had nothing to do with these posts. But I would have
been held accountable for them if I had not had my old blog to go back to and had not been able
to distance myself from Niklasson. Facebook groups were set up in my name by people had
never met and I had no access to them and yet was held responsible for their content. I have no
facebook group and no website or blog other than this one.  It is not just the facebook group
which is a problem. A few agent provocateurs can easily cause violence during  a protest
organised by Occupy Austria or Occpy Frankfurt  and everyone associated with the group could
be in trouble and the target of a crackdown. Creating a false flag socialist or communist
movement to fight a false flag right wing movement is an old tactic of the Globalists. The same
bankers funded Nazi Adolf Hitler and Communist Josef Stalin. The corruption of the Austrian
government is becoming plainer every day. This current coalition knows it will not be able to last
much longer. Plans are  clearly in the works to hold and new electionsoon  and far right FPÖ
leader and bankster puppet Heinz Christian Strache hopes to seze  power – and play the right
wing off against the left wing. Optimal from the Globalists point of view is if a few banks crash in
Austria, wrecking economic havoc. The banks are going to crash very soon anyway. The world’s
top 1000 banks have balance sheets three times bigger than the total economic product of the
world. Europe's banks have to raise 4 trillion next year alone to refinance the debts. The
fractional reserve Ponzi euro scheme is  collapsing sooner than later because the Germans
refused to keep on handing over all their tax money to the banks via eurozone bailouts. There is
now increasing talk of a return to the Deutschmark even in the mainstream media. A D Mark
will shelter ordinary people from the worst effects of the banking collapse.
wieder#13182560743912&if_height=8109  The Globalists know this and they know they need to
control the opposition if they want to keep on scamming at the expense of the tax payers. All of a
sudden, a movement like Occupy Wallstreet/Frankfurt/Austria appears.  We need to avoid the
traps and false flag movements of the Globalists. By all means, join Occupy protests – but I
believe from my own experience it is better to avoid the facebook sites. Make it clear with your
posts on the facebook sites, if you do decide to join, that you oppose violence and hatred, make
sceenshot  copies of your posts in case they are taken down by the administrator as evidence in
case the police investigate the movement at some point in the future because of some alleged
„hate speech.“ Make sure you have hard evidence that you really do not have these views. If your
posts opposing violence disappear from the facebook site, email the administrator and keep a
copy of the email. When I spoke to Viktor Eggert in charge of  the criminal section in the
Austrian Justice Ministry, he accidently revealed that I was on his criminal data base because I
had signed a petition supporting the animal right’s activists during their show trial. Eggert was
also the official who filed defamation charges against me after I protested the way I was being
persecuted by justice officials -- much as law professor Petra Velten was charged with
defamation after criticising the animal right’s activists trial and  the Telekom Austria chief was
threatened with defamation charges by the Cabinet Chief of the Interior Ministery after he
protested being threatened for publicising Mensdorff Pouilly’s role in TA scandals. Eggert is
moving up the ranks and is now a very senior figure in the justice apparatus. Let no Austrian
have any illusions about which private interests the justice officials serve – Baxter, Mensdorff
Pouilly etc Focus always on the main
objective – ending our privatised money supply and restoring democracy and law and order.
99% of the Austrians share the same problem – the banks, the privatised money supply, our
complicit politicians and a controlled mainstream media – and an out of control pharma
industry.  Let’s not forget, the pandemic plan of Maria Rauch Kallat – the wife of Alfons
Mensdorff Pouilly -- envisaged vaccinating 100% of the Austrian population with the swine flu
jab. The people need to unite and protest peacefully for a sound money and direct democracy in
Austria, in Europe, in the USA. Remember always your basic rights under the Austrian
constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights. The right to free speech cannot be
violated. The right to a free trial cannot be violated by any government. Governments who
violate our basic rights are criminal governments and any members of such criminal
governments need to be held to account for their individual criminal actions in Nuremberg style
trials as happened at the end of the second world war. Above all, people need to wake up and
realise there is no „good parent figure“ out there who will fight the fight for us. We, the people,
have to stop behaving like babies and believing there is someone out there in government or in
NGOs or in the controlled media to look after us. We have to grow up and shoulder
responsibility for shaping our own futures if we want a better future, at all. It will be served to us
on a plate by any facebook movement or any NGO.  I discovered this the hard way during my 
swine flu vaccination information campaign. The forces and networks ranged against anyone
who stands up like me against mass vaccination campaigns are incredibly strong and organised.
They have been practising infiltrating movements and destroying whistleblowers for years. We,
the people, have to wise up to the Globalist tactics.    ]]> 5495 2011-10-10 14:51:23 2011-10-10
14:51:23 closed open is-the-occupy-austria-movement-genuine publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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occupy-wall-street-staged-rebellion-going-worldwide/ 2011-10-13 18:53:33
2011-10-13 18:53:33 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
Wed, 02 Nov 2011 17:56:27 +0000 birdflu666 The
decision by the Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou to call a national referendum on the
country’s next EU bail-out package has won praise across the eurozone, fanning the flames for
freedom even in the dark depths of oppressed Germany. German SPD chief Frank-Walter
Steinmeier called it a “courageous” action - very courageous and very hopeful, too,
for the 400 million other eurozone slaves currently languishing under the whip of
the monstrous EU super state facing taxation without represenation.
Entscheidung-als-mutigen-Weg Papandreou’s decision to put the interests of his
people before the banks also resulted in an all too predictable round of bullying by
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European governments.  
Papandreou has been summoned to the G20 summit in Cannes this evening to be
interrogated by the EU overlords on his decision to put the next EU austerity
measures to the popular vote as the leaders of the EU brazenly display their
contempt for the people and the democratic process. EU Commissioner Manuael
Barroso threatened Greece with consequences worse than austerity if the Greek
government dares to allow the people to decide their fate, reject the next round of
bankster taxes and leave the eurozone.
It’s hard to see how there can be anything worse for Greeks than the austerity
already mandated by the EU, ECB and IMF, though the EU overlords will, no
doubt, do their best. German economist Hans Werner Sinn has identified the
European Central Bank as the real power in the eurozone, which is going about
subjugating, crushing and subordinating every parliament and people under its
wahre-wirtschaftsregierung-der-euro-zone-487235/ The latest bailout for the
Greeks ordered by the ECB, EU and IMF and their masters, the mega banks, has
nothing to do with “saving” Greece.  “Greece has been subjected to the greatest fiscal
squeeze ever attempted in a modern industrial state, without any offsetting monetary stimulus
or devaluation,” writes Amrbose Evans-Pritchard.
sovereign-nation/ “The economy has so far collapsed by 14pc to 16pc since the peak –
depending who you ask – and is spiralling downwards at a vertiginous pace. The debt has
exploded under the EU-IMF Troika programme. It is heading for 180pc of GDP by next year.
Even under the haircut deal, Greek debt will be 120pc of GDP in 2020 after nine years of
depression. That is not cure, it is a punitive sentence.” Greeks will only have to face yet
more draconian cuts to salaries, pensions and welfare, more poverty, more
misery, more unemployment. At the insistance in  particular of Germany, the
Greeks will also are to have submit to  permanent monitoring and a „budget
police“. This fiscal occupation could very well soon turn into a military occupation.
Who has any more illusions? During her speech to the Bundestag before last
Wednesday’s eurozone summit, Merkel herself mentioned the possibility of war in
the eurozone if the bankster euro bailout packages fail. It is clear the bailouts are
destroying the eurozone’s economy. They involves taking virtually the entire tax
revenues of the eurozone and handing them to the banks. In effect, Merkel was,
therefore, threatening the people of the eurozone with war if they refused to go
along with the bailout looting. In doing this, she crossed a red line. As it is, Greece
is already being forced to make monthly interest payments to souvereign
bondholders which exceed its entire tax revenues, forcing it to borrow more
money and driving it deeper into debt. German economist Hans Werner Sinn has
urged Greece to reintroduce the Drachma to restore competitiveness.
wirtschaftsregierung-der-euro-zone-487235/ But will the Greks be allowed? Will
Papandreou even be allowed to hold a referendum? Will the Greeks be allowed to
vote „No“? If not, what then? Given the number of protests already sweeping
Greece,  it is hard to see how the next round of belt tightening planned can be
implemented without a large-scale military presence. The prospect of a military
coup by Greek generals, who are willing to deploy their troops as mercenaries for
the profit of Germans and eurozone banks, may well have prompted the surprise
sacking of the Greek army chiefs yesterday. Merkel is understandably nervous at
the idea of a referendum given the fact it could mean an end to the eurozone
domination by the banksters and also given the extent to which support has
plummeted for her and her bankster bailouts in Germany itself. Every second
German now wants Merkel not to run for a third term as Chancellor, according to
the latest poll. 87% do not have any faith in the bankster bailout which she
negotiated at last Wednesday’s eurozone summit.
rueckhalt-im-volk-1746108.html Some German newspapers like the Frnkfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung are already asking: why can’t the German people have a
11515257.html The democratic deficit is all too clear following the latest disastrous
bailout deal. The €440bn in the EFSF was leveraged last week in a rushed parliamentary vote
in Berlin to fund trillions of euros worth of purchases of bonds from southern
European countries, including Italy and Spain. Germany’s central bank gold
reserves have been put up as collateral in the event of losses – inevitable given the
deteriorating fiscal positions of Italy, Spain and Greece, which have lost
competitiveness since joining the EU. The debt deflationary austerity measures
mandated by the EU, IMF and ECB are deepening recessions. Against this grim
economic backdrop, the ECB is not acting as a sensible lender of last resort by
buying up souvereign bonds. It is acting as an engine of hyperinflation, though
even that might be preferably to crushing austerity. Germany's highest court had
to rush to issue a a temporary injunction on Friday last week banning a nine-
person secret committee from spending the trillions in the newly leveraged EFSF
fund on the purchase of Italian and Spanish bonds after two SPD lawmakers had
the quickness of mind to file legal action.,1518,794578,00.html The secret
committee was due to meet on Friday morning, and a few trillion euros would
highly likely already have been handed to the banks by Friday afternoon via bond
purchases pointless from any financial point of view. Go Greece! Freedom,
prosperity beckon. Light the torch. Lead the way!]]> 5497 2011-11-02 17:56:27 2011-11-
02 17:56:27 closed open greek-referendum-gives-hope-to-eurozone publish 0 0 post 0
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eu-power-grab-continues/ Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:49:04 +0000 birdflu666 *CAMERON AND MERKEL AGREE TO EU
EURO A new  variation of the false Left/Ring wing paradigm to distract people from the
bankster take-over of the eurozone and the UK has dominated newspaper headlines today. A
false conflict between UK Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela
Merkel  has been manufactured by the mainstream media to deflect attention from the way both
leaders are actually furthering the interests of the mega banks and accelerating the
transformation of the eurozone into a totalitarian super state. Bankers have already replaced
elected governments in Greece and Italy as Europe morphs in to the  „United States of Goldman
Sachs“ . Elected governments across the eurozone are now set to lose the power to determine
their national budgets altogether under new plans for a „stablility union“ agreed by Merkel and
Cameron in Berlin today. The mainstream media has lamely attempted to disguise the fact that
Cameron is acting as a puppet for the UK side of the global offshore banking cartel by portraying
Cameron’s agreement to this totalitarian „stability pact“ as a concession made in exchange for
something important for the UK. What might that be? What does the UK really have to gain
from allowing Brussels or a Greater Germany to set the national budgets across the eurozone,
extinguishing the last flame of democracy in Europe, and fanning the flames of war?  Cameron
has given an EU superstate the greenlight in return for promises by Germans to drop a pseudo
push for a tax on financial transactions on the City of London. In fact, a financial transaction  tax
would probably be far less expensive for the UK taxpapyers  than the billions being given in
bailouts to the UK and eurozone banks. A financial tax would help put an end to the bankster
machinations which are sending interest rates on national debt spiralling out of control across
the eurozone and pushing up the cost of bailouts UK tax payers are expected to fund. A financial
tax would do much to stabilise the eurozone and keep it democratic and prosperous. It might
also lead to the UK rebuilding its manufacturing base. The UK economy needs an unregulated
City of London like it needs a hole in the head. When will the people in England finally wake up
to the fact that the mega banks and privatised money are ruining their country’s economy?
When will they realise that the austerity budget pushed through by Bilderberg George Osborne
will drive the country deeper into debt – and leave it without a functioning police force, army or
higher education system. The Telegraph was quick to dismiss the statement by German Finance
Minister Wolfgang Schäuble that the euro will be foisted on the Brits sooner than they think as a
comedy turn. “[Schäuble] told the paper that he thought Europe would one day be united under
a single currency, though it would take a little while longer. But he added: "It will probably be
sooner than many people believe today in the British Isles." It's a fascinating insight into the
view from Berlin. But critics may say the comments make Herr Schäuble Europe's Comical
Ali - the Iraqi information minister who against all evidence insisted there were no American
troops in Baghdad,” writes The Telegraph. The reality is far less cheerful. The UK economy is on
its death bed – and Osborne is administering the final lethal doese of poison. Some currency has
to replace the pound after it has been destroyed. The Bank of England cannot keep printing
money to pay the interest on the souvereign debt forever. At some point, there will be
hyperinflation and bankruptcy.  If the pound is not going to be replaced by the euro, then just
what will replace it? In view of the fact that Cameron refuses to stand up for the rights of any
other eurozone country to decide their own national budget, there is little reasont o hope that he
will stand up for the right of the people in the UK to determine their national budget in
parliament or their own currency at some future date. Cameron is forced to put on a theatre to
hoodwink the Tory backbenchers, falsely portraying himself as a protector of national interest. 
Merkel is also obliged to put on a piece of theatre for her rebellious electorate, increasingly
aware of the scale of criminality and incompetence of the EU elite. As Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
points out, the Germans will have to pay the lion’s share of the trillions of euros associated with
the inevitable bankruptcy of the eurozone - either directly by austerity  or indirectly by
hyperinflation. And bankruptcy is inevitable.
debt-on-EMU-chaos.html The US government declared itself bankrupt 20 years after the 1913
Federal Reserve Act authorized a private central bank to loan money to the government at
interest. The eurozone could become bankrupt
much sooner. In fact, bankruptcy looms just 12 years after the euro and eurozone central bank,
the ECB, was set up authorised to give liquidity only to 6,300 private banks. These commercial
banks create 97% of the eurozone’s money supply out of thin air and they charge interest. That
means, 97% of the money used in the eurozone is owed to private commercial banks and it has
to be paid back with interest.   The only way to  pay that interest is to increase the money
supply by borrowing more from the same private banks at interest, leading to an ever
growing mountain of debt and also inflation.  Charles Crawford explained the exponential
way debt grows in any private money system based on interest and compound interest and
the catastrophic impact of a high interest debt burden on Italy at a time when its economy has
virtually stopped growing.
germans-bluffing-or-not/ Artur P Schmidt estimated that Italy’s debts are set to double every
ten years if it has to pay an interest rate of 7% on its souvereign debt at a time when its economy
is faltering. Greece’s debts are also set to double every 3.5 years at an interest rate of 20%.
Instead of addressing the root cause of the mountain of debt smothering the eurozone --  the
disasterous impact of the privatised money supply on the economies of Europe, the UK – as well
as the stifling straitjacket of the euro currency on the southern eurozone economies, Cameron
and Merkel plan to give the bankers a blank cheque to bypass elected governments, draw up
budgets and extract as much money as they want from the people across the eurozone under the
pretext of the need for fiscal restraint. They hope that people are clueless about how the elite
manipulate public opinion, and clueless about how the fractional reserve banking system really
works. The pair of banker puppets seem to be purposefully stirring up war in the eurozone to
deflect attention away from their role in the coming collapse. War has been a favourite means of
the elite to eliminate populations they have impoverished. To finance a really large scale global
war, the ECB will have to be allowed to print money. My bet this will happen soon as the elite get
more desperate to start a major conflict to divert from the collapse of the eurozone and USA. But
a local, regional eurozone conflict can be funded by Germany. It can also borrow money at a
comparatively low interest rate to boost ist weapons manufacturers and army. FDP lawmakers
Burkhard Hirsch and Frank Schäffler today warned that establishing a centralised government
for the eurozone risks fanning the flames of war in Europe.
europa#13192093309532&if_height=342 It is inconceivable that the Greeks, Italians, Spaniards
and Irish, let alone the Germans, will tolerate banker puppets in Brussels setting austerity
budgets and looting their economies for much longer with the complicity of local political elites.
CDU politician Volker Kauder has been provocatively declaring that the whole eurozone now
„speaks German.“ The reality is, he has lost control of large parts of his own party along with
Merkel. Even Die Welt admits, the grassroots members of the CDU have launched an
unprecedented rebellion against the authoritarian and incompetent leadership.
der-CDU.html Stock market expert Dirk Müller noted that 50% of the Germans now own only
4% of the country’s total wealth while 2% own 40% of the economy. Low wages, welfare benefits,
high unemployment and national debt characterise Germany’s economy in 2011. The
accumulated capital of the country’s phenomenal export success has been directed by the ECB
into the southerrn eurozone countries creating credit and property bubbles. German economist
Hans Werner Sinn notes that Germans may never see any of the ECB Target2 payments of 450
billion euros again. An internal putsch to remove Merkel, Schäubel and other bankster puppets
in Germany by the grassroots members of the CDU and CSU cannot happen too soon to avoid a
collapse of the eurozone and major conflicts. The brutal removal of Greek Prime Minister
Andreas Papandreou from office for daring to propose a referendum and the installation of a
central banker Lucas Papademos -- who played a key role in doctoring Greece’s national
accounts -- should be a warning to everyone, including the Germans and Brits. More riots swept
Athens yesterday as Greece’s economy shrunk by another 5.5 in 2011 and unemployment has
reached 15.4%, under the EU, ECB and IMF austerity budget. All of the eurozone, and the UK,
will soon look like Greece if Cameron and Merkel get their way. The time has come for the
people of Europe, the UK and the USA to unite and demand sound public money. If we don't, we
may soon be forced to pay for these national debts with our lives.]]> 5500 2011-11-18 16:49:04
2011-11-18 16:49:04 closed open german-lawmakers-warn-of-war-in-eurozone-if-eu-power-
grab-continues publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_a29fd9cd2ad84dfe1c482725a0a908ea
_oembed_022994c3f9a64750d545457d1f1df1fd Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:13:45
+0000 birdflu666 5508 2011-11-
27 18:13:45 2011-11-27 18:13:45 closed open the_fourth_empire_preview inherit 0 0
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the__fourth__empire__-__1/ Sat, 03 Dec 2011 17:57:06 +0000 birdflu666 5522 2011-
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the__fourth__empire__-__1-2/ Sat, 03 Dec 2011 17:57:29 +0000 birdflu666 5523 2011-
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__11.pdf _wp_attached_file _wp_attachment_metadata Sat,
03 Dec 2011 18:11:54 +0000 birdflu666 It’s ready!  
The political thriller “The Fourth Empire” explains the secrets of how our financial
system really works, and it is ready for you to order today.  The book strips back
the veil to show you how finance is being used by a global elite to drive the people
of Europe, the USA and UK into debt slavery. Read the first chapter of this ground-
breaking thriller  here. THE__FOURTH__EMPIRE__-__1 Order your copy now.
Have  “The Fourth Empire" delivered straight to your inbox. No censorship by publishers or by
Amazon. Experience truly independent publishing. If you want to understand what is really
happening in the debt crisis engulfing the western world, it is crucial for you to read this book
and tell others about it. The “Fourth Empire” is set in June 2011, when top bankers, corporate
CEOs and members of royal families meet in secret in a ski resort in Switzerland to plan the
most daring crime in history. Among them is Jean Renard, the head of the eurozone central
bank, and a key figure in elite plans. This thriller takes the reader inside the conference of the
global elite in their luxurious hotel in the mountains. We hear them at dinner discussing their
plans for the financial subjugation of Europe – and the world. We see them in private
discussions at the bar. We watch their conflicts and challenges, and we see their fears and hopes.
The book uses the liberties of fiction to portray characters seeking world domination. While the
characters portrayed have no relation to people in real life, the issues discussed in this book are
very real and relevant. The history of humanity has been a brutal struggle between creditors and
debtors. Revolutions, including the French Revolution and the American Revolution, were
triggered by debt slavery and the burden of taxation without representation. A banking crisis in
Germany in 1931 paved the way for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party and World War
Two. Free humanity is once more engaged in one of the most intense conflicts between creditors
and debtors ever in history. The stakes could not be higher. The freedom of whole countries and
continents hangs in the balance. This work of conspiracy fiction focuses on how our financial
system works and how it can be used to put us all into debt slavery. This thriller also highlights
the way many of the key political decisions today are made by an elite during off site meetings,
raising questions about our democracies. This thriller is a departure from Jane Burgermeister’s
usual work as a journalist. Born to an Irish mother and an Austrian father in Switzerland, she
has an MA  in English Literature from Edinburgh University, Scotland. She has written for
Nature, The Scientist and the BMJ among other publications. In 2009, she focused on the hyped
swine flu pandemic and the potential damage associated with the swine flu vaccine – damage
which has since even been confirmed by the Finnish government. To explain the complex world
of finance in an entertaining way, she has turned to fiction. ORDER YOUR COPY OF THIS
FAR ABOUT THE BOOK: “A tremendous read Jane, really!  I loved how you used the
metaphor of Jason and the ghost warriors to parallel what banksters and elites do. 
This thriller should not only keep readers’ eyes riveted to each page, but also fire up their
imaginations and convey the brutal truth of the great peril the whole world is now in.  The
Fourth Empire should be a hugely successful and a desperately needed wake up call!” “ It is
extraordinarily interesting stuff, with an admirable input of creative energy, both associatively
and analytically - a rare combination destined for 'longevity'!” ORDER BY EMAILING JANE
AT831100015211533300 BIC / SWIFT code         BKAUATWWXXX
2011-12-03 18:11:54 closed open the-fourth-empire-order-your-copy-today publish 0 0 post 0
today/the__fourth__empire__-__1-3/ Sat, 03 Dec 2011 17:58:21 +0000 birdflu666 5524 2011-
12-03 17:58:21 2011-12-03 17:58:21 closed open the__fourth__empire__-__1-3 inherit 5521 0
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the__fourth__empire__-__1-4/ Sat, 03 Dec 2011 18:01:00 +0000 birdflu666 5526 2011-
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prevent-financial-meltdown-of-euro-zone/ Mon, 05 Dec 2011 11:23:44 +0000 birdflu666
ganz-Europa.html About 50 billion euros of its core capital consists of the sovereign bonds of
Italy and other southern European states. A default by Greece, Italy or any euro zone state
would have an immediate knock on effect on Unicredit and send shockwaves throughout
Europe: states, banks, companies and private households would be pushed into insolvency
creating potentially the worst financial disaster in history. This domino effect can be stopped by
a simple change in accountancy rules and the creation of a new set of financial instruments. The
only question is whether the financal regulators and governments which have been complict in
this euro disaster have the desire to defuse the euro currency bomb by changing the accountancy
rules. First, how exactly does a bank system collapse under current accountancy rules? A bank
becomes insolvent when a specific set of conditions is met under current accountancy rules ie it
has too little core capital in relation to its loans. The European Central Bank gives liquidity or
banknotes to solvent banks. As soon as a bank becomes insolvent under current financial
regulations, the liquidity dries up. No more money comes out of the cash machines. The
economy collapses How can we keep the European  banks solvent on paper, money flowing from
the banks and the economy stable? To keep banks solvent,  a new financial instument, a weapon
of mass wealth creation, could be created – and very fast. Right now, the world’s banks are laden
down with 500 trillion dollars worth of paper debt. The banking system has become a huge debt
creation machine. Banks make money by passing this debt onto tax payers and, when they can
no longer pay, seizing assets. Accountancy rules have been set up to suit their needs. The banks
are interlinked in this debt creating machine and arranged their finances in such a way that if
one mega banks goes, all the others collapse so holding the world hostage.  We need a quick
change in accountancy rules to suit our needs and the needs of the real economy. The strongest
argument for keeping the euro right now is that it is too dangerous to dismantle. With some
creative accountancy, the euro bomb could easily be defused. How might such a new
accountancy rule look which could defuse the bomb of 500 trillion in debt? Under new
accountany rules, banks should have to list expected future earnings (EFE). The banks would
insure their expected future earnings with credit profit swaps (CPS) ie on paper they are
guaranteed these future earnings. The total value of the credit profit swaps would be the equal to
the 500 trillion in debt in the form of credit default swaps (CDS) and other financial gimmicks
on on their books. Banks would insure their EFE buying CPS from other banks, just as they now
insure each other’s debt or CDS. To give some basis to the EFE, some expert can write some note
or other testifying to EFE from a future gas field or such like. Italian bank Unicredit, for
example, is exposed to about 50 billion in Italian and other souvereign bonds. If any of these
countries default, Unicredit has to write down the losses on its bonds and it becomes insolvent.
The ECB no longer gives it liquidity. It has to close shop. Unicredit has branches in Munich and
Vienna and an exposure to other banks. One bank after the other would become insolvent, shut
up shop and the economy would collapse.   Austria’s banks have aggregate balance sheets four
times larger than the country’s total  annual economic output. FAZ notes that they are a risk to
the state.
zum-staatsrisiko-11525610.html Using EFE and CPS, Unicredit could enter gigantic sums as
active income and portfolio income. The bank  would remain solvent on paper even if it had to
write down ist losses on sovereign bonds. The ECB would continue to deliver liquidity. People
might object that this is all an outrageous sleight of hand.. But it is no more outrageous than the
current accounting system when banks can create 500 trillion in debt. This would only be a
short term solution to buy time for the entire euro currency bomb to be defused.]]> 5534 2011-
12-05 11:23:44 2011-12-05 11:23:44 closed open change-in-accountancy-rules-is-needed-to-
prevent-financial-meltdown-of-euro-zone publish 0 0 post 0
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_oembed_0e013656391f1a95ed8762a8f83d8583 19785 2011-12-09 10:32:09
2011-12-09 10:32:09 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
to-this-historical-day/ Fri, 09 Dec 2011 21:28:59 +0000 birdflu666 READ THE FOURTH EMPIRE PREVIEW
today's summit, financial forces are set to tear the eurozone apart. Flows of hot money are
moving around the currency union in search of profits in the form of interest on sovereign debt -
and the banksters now see that they are not going to get what they want. The European Central
Bank is not going to print money to buy up the bonds of indebted nations in the way the central
banks of the UK and USA  do, causing hyperinflation. The eurozone is now an anomaly: its
money creation system has been privatized but its central bank  has not been. No eurobonds are
going to be introduced to spread the pain of the inexorably rising debt due largely to our
privatised money system. The bailouts are peanuts in comparison with the astronomical
fractional reserve banking debt weighing on the eurozone.  The stresses have reached breaking
point. The weight of debt is destroying the southern European countries first because they have
the largest current account deficits and have to refinance on the international bond markets. 
But even Germany's creditworthiness is slipping. Germany's Bundesbank has been financing the
southern European current account deficits by selling assets - and it has no more money left. Europe is absolutely broke.
BYet ond markets and credit rating agencies are and manipulating interest rates and ratings to
drive Europe ever deeper into debt. The European Central Bank is contracting the money supply
to drive the eurozone deeper into recession. The solution pushed by Merkel for strict controls on
deficits and debt is hardly workable and will lead to social upheaval. They also spell the end of
taxation with representation. The eurozone is set to become a feudal vassal state run by a
technocratic elite if the markets do not wreck it first. A dramatic appeal by Alex Wilks at Avaaz
shows the very real concerns for democracy in the eurozone if the new proposals go through.
Från: Alex Wilks - [] Skickat: den 8 december 2011 20:08
Till: Ämne: 24 hours to save our democracy Dear friends,   In 24 hours our leaders may wave
through a terrifying Merkel/Sarkozy plan that would permanently ban vital public spending --
all to appease big banks. But we live in a democracy and should have the right to vote on any
permanent changes to how Europe operates. Join the call now to save our democratic rights and
stop this damaging plan for good:   In 24 hours, our leaders may wave through a terrifying
Merkel/Sarkozy plan that would abolish our right to choose sane economic policies. But,
together, we can stop our leaders trashing our democracy and our jobs. Panicked by big banks,
Europe's governments want to change our constitutions and the EU treaty to permanently ban
vital public spending. This is nuts: in the 1930s such spending was precisely what allowed
Europe and the US to escape the Great Depression. Europe needs to toughen up and regulate
the banks, not tie our governments' hands to make them happy. We live in a democracy -- so
Europe's leaders should not be able agree to this plan themselves -- they need to come up with
solutions that have the approval of the people or our Parliament. We only have 24 hours to save
our democracies from this attack -- our massive call today can force leaders to respect
democracy, regulate the banks, reject austerity, and invest in our future. Our demands will be
delivered to the leaders and media outside tomorrow's meeting. Click below to sign and send to
everyone you know before the meeting: The Merkel/Sarkozy plan bans
governments from deficit spending over 3% of GDP. This is common practice of almost all
governments and a needed tactic to allow for stimulus spending in hard times. It's true that a
few Eurozone countries have taken this too far and seriously over-spent, and Europe needs to
stop that happening again. But the tough economic decisions Europe needs must be taken by
strong, democratic, accountable institutions, not rammed down our throats during an economic
crisis. Even Germany has repeatedly violated its own promises to limit its debt and deficit.
Keeping those promises would have only made things worse in a tight economy. The big banks
who have the power to buy government bonds and bring calm to the markets, have already
toppled three European governments -- let's make that the limit. If Germany allows it, the
European Central Bank can do what other central banks do -- intervene to guarantee
government bonds and face down the markets. Since Italy isn't bankrupt the bank can even
make money on this. If the ECB buys time the EU can find a more sensible and democratic way
out of the current crisis. Some of the Merkel Sarkozy proposals -- for example a tax on financial
speculation -- start us off in that direction. They should build on that and rewrite the package.
This is about the survival of the European welfare state, which represents our core values and
helps stabilise our economies when recessions hit. If the new constitutions and treaties are
agreed to this week, some government would face referenda or Parliamentary votes, but others
would simply implement the changes. This means many of our governments would have to keep
cutting spending on unemployment insurance, pensions and health, worsening the recession.
It's a no brainer. For the sake of our democracies, our societies and our economies, we have to
say no now, before it's too late. Sign the petition: Reasonable people can disagree
about the best way to protect us all from national overspending and crippling debt. But
imposing austerity measures that we already know won't work and tying the hands of our
democracy is not the answer. Over and over again, our community has stood up and won real
accountability from our leaders when they have tried to bypass us -- now we must come together
and demand to be heard once again. With hope, Alex, Emma, Ricken, Jamie, Pascal, Giulia,
Stephanie, Laura and the rest of the Avaaz team. More information: Germany’s Denial, Europe’s
Disaster (New York Times)
europes-disaster.html?_r=2&hp Merkozy EU Treaty plan faces obstacles (Der Spiegel),1518,802221,00.html Eurozone warned of credit
downgrades after Germany and France strike deal (The Guardian)
france?INTCMP=SRCH Killing the Euro (New York Times)
_r=2&hp Is the euro zone’s flaw fatal? (Washington Post)
src=ISMR_AP_LO_MST_FB]]> 5537 2011-12-09 21:28:59 2011-12-09 21:28:59 closed open
the-fourth-empire-read-the-background-story-to-this-historical-day publish 0 0 post 0
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to-this-historical-day/the-fourth-empire_e-book-preview/ Fri, 09 Dec 2011 20:56:11 +0000
preview.pdf 5538 2011-12-09 20:56:11 2011-12-09 20:56:11 closed open the-fourth-empire_e-
book-preview inherit 5537 0 attachment 0
fourth-empire_e-book-preview.pdf _wp_attached_file _wp_attachment_metadata
case/ Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:50:14 +0000 birdflu666
Paedophilia is all about a world where power is abused; where the vulnerable are ruthlessly
exploited by chilling and calculating predators. "Tatort" managed to convey the atmosphere of
horror associated with such a crime. Echoing the Kampusch case, the inspector in charge,
Charlotte Lindholm (Maria Furtwängler), found a hidden underground cellar in an isolated
house in the countryside. It was a place of unimaginable ugliness and claustrophia made all the
more hideous by the callous touches of children’s toys for purposes of manipulation only. In one
of the most powerful scenes, Lindholm brought the wife of the murdered paedophile down into
the cellar and slammed the iron door shut to allow her to experience the roller coaster of
emotions that her husband’s victims nust have – only to find she couldn’t get out either.
Inspector Sigrid Malchus (Inka Friederich) rescued the pair but not before the viewer felt all the
horror of being locked in a cellar of these dimensions. Also echoing the Kampusch case was the
curious double life of the paedophile perpetrator, living in superficial respectability in a soulless
and hostile village. But unlike the Kampusch case, the inspectors in Tatort showed a real
committment to solving the case. They also made an arrest at the end with refreshing
determination. Maria Furtwängler gave a convincing performance as the idealistic and
straightforward inspector Lindholm, who actively searches for the truth, analysing data,
researching the background, finding links, and who finally cracks the case. Inka Friederich was
believable as her dedicated and emotional colleague, grappling with the horrors of paedophilia.
The same dedication certainly cannot be attributed to Austria’s state prosecutors, who have been
accused of actively covering up evidence a paedophile ring was involved. Though cleared by their
colleagues in Innsbruck of a cover up, five Vienna state prosecutors continue to be subject to
scrutiny for failing to follow up all the leads showing severl people were involved in the
Kampush kidnapping case. While the Tatort inspectors can be seen considering different
hypothesis, the same cannot be said of any of the Austrian state prosecutors who have resolutely
stuck to the view that a single perpetrator kidnapped Kampush irrespective of the evidence,
selecting facts to serve their preferred version of events. This was the accusation made by police
inspector Franz Kröll who died in mysterious circumstances in summer 2010. Innsbruck
prosecutors, for example, dismissed a report by a witness who saw two men kidnapping
Kampusch as an error due to psychological factors. But an alternative explanation that the
witness is indeed telling the truth and that Kampusch is lying because the other accomplices are
still around and able to “get her” is never entertained. One of the phone numbers saved on the
mobile phone of Wolfgang Priklopil’s accomplice H.; turns out to have been a high ranking
colonel in the militia and member of the rotary club Peter B.,. Phone calls to this number were
followed by phone calls to a sex shop. Coincidence? The issue of how far paedophile rings are
protected by high ranking politicians and officials state prosecutors was not a part of the Tatort
episode. Instead, it showed us a world where the forces of moral courage and goodness are still
willing and able to confront and triumph over the forces of darkness. It was a moment of
catharsis to see people actually looking for the truth – albeit only vicariously on the screen - in
such a shocking case and having success. And yet heroism is not only on the screen. In spite of
the best efforts to bury the case, the Kampusch investigation has once more became the subject
of a special inquiry in parliament though by a top secret committee. The heroic efforts of retired
judges Johann Rzeszut Ludwig Adamovich as well as the of the pressure from some politicians
such as Dr Dagmar Berlakowitch-Jenewein has ensured the case remains alive.
Kampusch.html Even far right leader Heinz Christian Strache is making waves. For once, he will
have wide support. New revelations suggest that Kampusch may have had a baby in captivity;
her sister works in a youth camp together with a local policeman; and several children in the
social circle of Kampusch’s mother appear to have disappeared. In addition to the mysterious
death of Kröll, there has also been the strange demise of Liesel Prokop, the Interior Minister at
the time, who died on an one and half hour trip in an ambulance to St Pölten hospital. A young
woman who gave convincing evidence that she was subjected to sexual abuse by a judge in Graz
was confined, tried to “commit suicide”, put under anesthesia in hospital and killed by an
overdose this summer, it has emerged from answers to parliamentary questions.
NarkoseUeberdosierung As for my particular case, I have some hope. A police inspector has
filed charges with the state prosecutor against Professor Lukas Kenner from the Ludwig
Boltzmann Insitute in Vienna for attempting to have me confined in February 2010 A researcher
who published in a Rockefeller University Press journal, Kenner had never even met me when
he set about trying to have me confined in spite of the fact that my claims about the swine flu
vaccine were all based on evidence and have since been vindicated. Thankfully, a psychologist put a stop to his
attempt. Kenner is not only a reseacher for an institute funded by Baxter and the government.
He is also a pathologist at Vienna’s main hospital, and presumably in charge of autopsies, a
highly worrying thought. I very much hope this case comes to court soon and I get some redress.
If so, it will be only because there were enough people in Austria with moral courage and
integrity left, after all. For that, I, personally, am extremely grateful. Bravo to the Tatort crew for
reminding us of the better side of human beings.]]> 5546 2011-12-12 14:50:14 2011-12-12
14:50:14 closed open german-tv-crime-series-focuses-on-kampusch-case publish 0 0 post 0
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appointed-special-eu-advisor/ Wed, 14 Dec 2011 14:25:52 +0000 birdflu666 To give this man the job of protecting the freedom
of the internet is to propel the EU Commission into the wild realms of farce. “High-class
plagarist als internetsheriff” mocks Austria’s Der Standard.
Both Guttenberg and his wife have been at the forefront of a push for censoring the internet
under the pretext of controlling paedophilia. Germany’s Hamburger Abendblatt calls the
decision to hire Guttenberg as a special advisor on internet freedom grostesque.
grotesk.html Many Germans have been brainwashed by mainstream media propaganda into
thinking that the EU Commission is a solid organisation defending freedom. To see the most
discredited and fraudulent politician appointed a special advisor to the EU Commission in an
area for which he is least qualified will change their minds very fast. It also underlines the way
the EU Commission has become the haunt of the failed Global Elite. It was only a couple of
weeks ago, after all, that Guttenberg entertained us all with his hilarious interview book  “Vorest
gescheitert” or “For now, have failed.”
vollkommen-unveraendert-11545387.html The book showed an astonishing capacity to deny the
obvious. In page after page, Guttenberg insists he was not aware that he was engaging in
plagiarism when about 80% of his doctorate is verifiably lifted from other sources. He lashes out
at a professor in Bayreuth University who called him a “fraud.” Profiling himself as a Europhile,
a man of the people and a moralist, he accuses his own party of being out of touch and floats the
idea of founding his own party. Some of the staff working for Bild newspaper may well sign up.
But how many others are going to join Guttenberg in his new proletarian army marching to the
tune of the bankster Global elite? The criticism in the German mainstream media of
Guttenberg’s book was so fierce, it made blogs like this seem tame. “A dangerous man” wrote
The farcical twist was that this book was supposed to restore his credibility  and smoothe his
return to politics in Germany next year after a brief exile in the USA working for a globalist think
tank. It did the opposite. Barely had the state prosecutor in Hof announced no criminal charges
were to be filed against Guttenberg, than he made an explosive return, finally burning all his
bridges to a political position in Germany as long as there is a smudgen of representative
democracy left. What does a disgraced German politician do who desperately needs to get hold
of the levers of power  to push the agenda of his clique? He goes to the EU Commission. In spite
of having absolutely no qualifications, the Bilderberg network has given him a position. EU
Commissioner for the internet and Bilderberg  member Neelie Kroes said it was her idea to
appoint Guttenberg during the interview. In the same interview, she admitted she had made
many big mistakes during her career. Appointing Guttenberg was another big mistake. The
amazing thing is that EU Commission doesn’t even seem to realise it can no longer afford to be
patrons of Guttenberg now that polls show Germany increasingly turning against the puppet
masters in Brussels.
auferstehung-dank-bilderberger]]> 5550 2011-12-14 14:25:52 2011-12-14 14:25:52 closed open
discredited-german-defence-minister-appointed-special-eu-advisor publish 0 0 post 0
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_oembed_c70be11fcd88b3821991cd565531a207 20005
holocaustleugnung-beamtenbeleidigung-ist-das-uberhaupt-noch-strafbar-in-der-brd/ 2011-12-16 14:16:17 2011-12-16 14:16:17 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
against-president-wulff/ Thu, 15 Dec 2011 11:52:24 +0000 birdflu666 *COUP AGAINST GERMAN PRESIDENT
FOR PRESIDENT  Germany's President Christian Wulff is the being pressured to resign as
part of a smear campaign being spearheaded by Bild newspaper. The accusations by Bild
newspaper that Wulff misled lawmakers over a mortgage loan have proven to be untrue.
Nevertheless, they are being used by Bild newspaper to try to force popular President Christian
Wulff from his position and allow him to be replaced by Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble,
one of the Global elite, who has made his contempt for democracy and for the German
Constitution clear. The push to remove Wulff comes as the German Bundestag prepares to pass
a law transferring the right to decide on taxes, budgets and spending to Brussels in flagrant
violation of the German Constitution. Schäuble was described by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard as
the most dangerous man in the world,.for driving the eurozone into a depression by „imposing a
reactionary policy of synchronized tightening on the whole eurozone...that has no record of
success without offsetting monetary and exchange stimulus.”
Europes-arc-of-depression.html Schäuble recently also threatened the UK with the euro. At the
European Banking Congress in Frankfurt in November 18th, Schäuble made statements
showing his total lack of respect for the rule of law and the German constitution.
amt-entfernt-werden/ "[I am] pretty convinced that we can change the European rules within
24 months so much that we can lay the foundation of a fiscal union,“ Schäuble said. He said that
the concepts of nation states, soveriegnty and international law belonged to an „absurd“ old
order. The old order may be absurd in the eyes of the Global elite but the German Constitution
guarantees the souvereignty of the German people and that the Bundestag to set taxes, budgets
and spending. The Constitution can only be changed by a referendum and the agreement of the
people.  The German Constitutional Court ruled in 2009 that the Bundetsag is prohibited from
transferring power away from the people to another body by the guarantees for popular
souvereignty in the Constitution. The Constitution was adopted in 1949 and designed as a
safeguard against another dictator like Adolf Hitler emerging. It forbids a repeat of the Enabling
Act of 1933 when the parliament passed laws which abolished democracy and gave Adolf Hitler
dictatorial powers. The attempted coup against Wulff comes at a time when the German
government plans to transfer the right to set taxes, budgets and spending to the EU without a
popular referendum in violation of the Constitution. The Bundestag has already signalled that it
will allow this transfer of power leaving the President as the only political force still able to block
the law by refusing his signature. The fiscal austerity planned by Brussels is not only
unconstitutional. It will also destroy the German economy and lead to mass unemployment and
social upheaval. The events of 2008-2011 parallel the events of 1931-33 in Germany when an
engineered banking crisis was followed by draconian austerity. President Field Marshall Paul
von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 in response to pressure from
bankers and industrialists in spite of the fact the Nazis gained only about 30% of the share of the
vote in the elections. The head of Commerzbank Friedrich Reinhart – a banker bailout recipient
in 1931 --and the head of the German central bank Hjalmar Schacht were among those who
signed a letter in November 1932 asking Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor. The 1931 banking crisis was engineered in a
very similar way to the 2008 banking crisis. Another
signatory of the letter calling on Hindenburg to make Hitler Chancellor was Eberhard Graf von
Kalckreuth, a relation of Alexander von Kalckreuth, who is Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg’s lawyer.
Guttenberg has strong links to Bild newspaper which is spearheading the smear campaign
against Wulff. Bild gave full backing to Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg when he was caught
plagarising most of his doctorate, showing that Bild has no interest in ethics. The aim is to
smear Wulff and to remove a rival and obstacle to achieving total control over Germany’s
political bodies. Bild newspaper started an investigation in August into a 500,000 euro
mortgage loan deal which Wulff closed with the wife of wealthy businessman, Egon Geerkens in
2008 when he was premier of Lower Saxony. At a later point, Wulff was asked whether he had
business links with Geerkens. At the time when Wulff answered the parliamentary questions, he
did not have any more dealings with Geerkens because the mortgage had been cancelled. His
spokesman is right to say a “truthful 'no' was given to a non-ambiguous question.”,,15600096,00.html It can be argued that Wulff did not
give the lawmakers the whole history of the mortgage loan but this fault is trivial compared to
the plagarism by Guttenberg. It is certainly no reason for him to resign. Wulff as president is a
much stronger guarantee that Germany will remain democratic than if he is forced out and
replaced by Schäuble. Support Wulff! Stop the unconstitutional transfer of power to Brussels!]]>
5555 2011-12-15 11:52:24 2011-12-15 11:52:24 closed open democracy-in-danger-in-germany-
coup-against-president-wulff publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_de1527a74a4e925a3e8d08cecee666a0 Sat, 17 Dec
2011 13:08:32 +0000 birdflu666 5561 2011-12-17
13:08:32 2011-12-17 13:08:32 closed open heroic-cameron-deserves-respect publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_1764cfedf25beab3a43c0594887dbf8e
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_oembed_38e6130d0c9060fa01ca93481b43dd93 _publicize_job_id
continues/ Sat, 17 Dec 2011 13:10:53 +0000 birdflu666
criticism-15162157 No sooner did Wulff make a statement yesterday clarifying that the loan
came from Geerkens wife, than Geerkens claimed it came from him. In an interview to the
Spiegel yesterday, Geerkens went out of his way to chose language which suggested that Wulff
was getting cash from him for illegitimate purposes. Surely, he must be aware he can be charged
for bribery if this is true and for slander if it is not true? "And I didn't want some bank trainee to
see that so much money was flowing from me to Wulff." Thus an anonymous Bundesbank check
was issued and given to Wulff to cash,” Geerkens says. Time to file charges against Geerkens,
no? In fact, the check was not anonymous but from the account of Geerkens’s wife, something
Geerkens’ own lawyer admits. So why is Geerkens going out of his way to make false statements
about his dealings with a so-called friend? Does he have a concealed motive? Does he have links
to Bild newspaper, to Guttenberg, to the banksters? Furthermore, the media is making the
absurd claim Wulff got a cheap credit. Wulff was getting a mortgage at 4% interest rate to buy a
house, about the rate everyone else had to pay in 2008 for a mortgage. Any bank would have
given him a mortgage at that interest rate. It was very foolish of Wulff to take this money from
Geerkens, which was probably offered to him over and over, when he could have walked into any
bank and gotten a mortgage at 4%. After all I experienced, I know the lengths the Globalists will
go to to smear people. Johan Niklasson, for example, pressed his help upon me to set up the
flucase website. But in the end, he turned out to be an utter fraud, not transparent about
donations, crashing the website and finally hijacking it. In retrospect, it was clear that this was
intention from the very beginning. When the flucase website went down in April 2010 during
the Smolensk plane crash for about three weeks, Niklasson lied to me over and over and claimed
the website had been hacked and he was doing everything he could to restore it. Later, I found
out from the hosting company GoDaddy that Niklasson had  himself cancelled the website. I
could write a book about all the cointel pro tactics used against me. The Globalists have been
using these tactics for decades to undermine people. Wulff is another victim. He dared criticize
the eurozone bank fraud and now Bild newspaper and the Globalists want him out of the way.
The current coalition in Germany between the CDU/CSU and FDP is on the verge of collapse
and the Globalists appear to be manouevring to bring in Bilderberg Peer Steinbrück as the new
finance minister in a new grand coalition with Wolfgang Schäuble moving up to become
president, a disastrous combination for Germany and the eurozone. Support Christian Wulff!
Call for a criminal investigation into Geerkens!]]> 5564 2011-12-17 13:10:53 2011-12-17 13:10:53
closed open scandalous-hounding-of-german-president-continues publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_642cddb3fd573ac17505640cbbf391e6 _oembed_edff4d13ef723711f10f4e4f76173eaf
mongering-by-media/ Wed, 21 Dec 2011 18:51:51 +0000 birdflu666
tells-scientists-to-censor-flu-research-6279888.html  “Return of bird flu” screams the Daily
chickens-H5N1-virus-city-market.html The reports can easily recognizable as yet more
pandemic virus propaganda similar to that of 2009, which is designed to instill fear and prepare
the audience to take a bird flu vaccine under the mistaken impression they are under a great
threat from this super killer mega bird flu virus. The report in Germany's Bild newspaper is
clearly all huff and puff and carries the terrifying headline “This Dutchman has developed a
deadly supervirus” above a picture of Ron Fouchier smiling in a sinister way to reinforce
stereotypes of mad “Dr Strangeglove” scientists out to wreck the world.
biowaffen-terror-21686054.bild.html Bild says that the genetic sequence of this new bird flu
virus is so dangerous that the US has prohibited its publication. Is this so special? We still don’t
know the genetic sequence of the bird flu virus that Baxter used in 2009 to contaminate 72 kilos
of seasonal flu vaccine material before distributing it via Avir Greenhills Biotechnology to 16
labs in four countries. We do know it came from WHO and that the bird flu virus was
engineered in a bioweapons lab. “US researchers revive killer virus,” reported Der Spiegel in
2005.,1518,378217,00.html By mixing the bird
flu virus with a regular seasonable flu virus, Baxter made the bird flu virus more easily
transmissible between people. We still don’t know if WHO sent the physical bird flu virus to
Baxter in 2009 or just a genetic plan which technicians could use to reconstruct the virus in a
biosecurity lab 3 in Orth an der Donau. The fact we do not know the genetic plan of the new
super killer virus is, therefore, not unusual. The Bild report suggests it is. The virus is so
dangerous that if it were known to others than it could cause the death of millions, suggests the
report. If so, why is Fouchier constructing it? For a vaccine? But we heard all this before in 2009
during the last bird flu and swine flu scare. Bild tells us this super killer virus is kept in the cellar
of the university medical center of Rotterdam behind “lock and key”, increasing our anxiety.   In
fact, an EU Directive states that any virus that is capable of killing people has to be kept in a lab
of a biosecurity level 4 or 3 standard. That means, double doors, special electronic codes for
entrance to the lab, special clothing, special containers for the virus, negative pressure to ensure
no virus escape through the air etc etc. According to Bild, some experts are complaining that the
virus should have been created in “a place where it was better able to be controlled.” In fact, a
deadly virus can only be created in such a place according to the law. If this virus really is being
kept in a cellar of a university behind lock and key, Fouchier is breaking the law and should be
arrested along with the same old network driving the 2009 fake pandemic. Bild was also at the
forefront of the pandemic scaremongering in Germany in 2009, though in the end only 6% of
the Germans took the jab. Bild has links  to disgraced former defence minister Karl Theodor zu
Guttenberg, who helped finance a chair in medicine at the University of Bayreuth. The professor
appointed also hyped the swine flu virus threat. Fouchier is still promoting pandemic vaccines
with adjuvants together with Ab Osterhaus, a key figure in the last swine flu vaccine campaign. In the meantime, the
damage done by the swine flu vaccine and adjuvant has been confirmed by the Finnish
children-injured-by-swine-flu-permanently/ “Recently in September officials in Finland from
national narcolepsy task force determined that swine flu or H1N1 vaccine is to blame for causing
narcolepsy among children. The swine flu vaccine was developed by giant drug specialist
GlaxoSmithKline. The Finnish government in response to the disease has taken the
responsibility to treat the affected children.” Clearly, the Globalists hope no one has noticed.
Interestingly, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology based in Vienna has produced a new type of
vaccine which can be given as a nasal spray or orally.
die-innovativen-impfloesungen-in-nasenspray-und-oraler It cannot be ruled out that someone
will try to spark a fresh pandemic, but this time by putting a virus into circulation in air-
conditioned offices, trains or supermarkets. a container of swine flu virus being transported by a
technician belonging to the Swiss national flu lab burst on a Swiss train in April, 2009, spraying
the passengers.
l Once more, the best protection in the event of some virus being sprayed around is colloidal
silver, a face mask, vitamins certainly not any pandemic vaccine with an adjuvant.]]> 5568
2011-12-21 18:51:51 2011-12-21 18:51:51 closed open new-wave-of-bird-flu-pandemic-scare-
mongering-by-media publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_836aac0fed978015f567ef3f600b0683 _oembed_cff6df2ec51d1fc66b6aa32f155a048e
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_oembed_9b6cf4a7635c7713b80e3f9baae086a8 _oembed_b1e5f00fb9173cce1cbfbab9fa05dc47
the-killer-h5n1-flu-virus/ 2011-12-21 22:33:17 2011-12-21 22:33:17 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on
collapse/ Fri, 23 Dec 2011 16:26:54 +0000 birdflu666
p=5576 Grundlach could
find certainty in one point: politicians are not telling us the truth – just like the bankers. ECB
economist Jürgen Stark, who resigned presumably to avoid being on the euro ship when it sinks,
has dared to claim the euro is a stable currency in an interview with Die Welt.  In his interview,
Stark sounds like Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg when he denied an obvious plagiarism fraud out
of personal interest.
ein-schiefes-Gleis-geraten.html Fact is, the euro was an unstable union from the beginning. The
instability has been compounded by the actions of the Bundesbank, ECB, the eurozone’s banks
and national governments putting together gigantic bailout programmes for bondholders. The
plans for fiscal union are no solution to the private money, fractional reserve debt crisis. They
are just more evidence that the euro currency is a wheeze designed to profit a tiny elite. In
Austria, controversial state prosecutor Georg Krakow is about to be appointed by the finance
ministry as overseer of the Hypo Alpe Adria bank, just as it is sucking in 100 billion of cheap
liquidity from the ECB. I wonder where that money will go? The real solutions like shifting the
money supply from private to public money are nowhere to be seen. The elite are, just like
Guttenberg, in denial about the speed with which their construction built on lies is collapsing,
destroying the livelihoods, jobs, savings and efforts of millions of innocent people in the process
in what is possibly the biggest financial crime in history. Christmas provides us with a breathing
space from this protracted nightmare. This Christmas will be slightly different from all others
before it because physicists have confirmed the discovery of a God Particle. An Edinburgh
University scientist Peter Higgs argued that the way the universe is designed is evidence of a
great intelligence. Everything somehow fits together. If we see a bridge or hear a music
symphony, we know a human consciousness produced that bridge or piece of music. We cannot
see that consciousness but the order and purpose of the bridge and music are evidence that a
mind produced these things by planning, calculating, estimating and so on.  Higgs posited there
must be some physical trace of any greater intelligence, an elementary particle holding the
whole universe together. The particle was named the Higg’s Boson and the focus of CERN
research efforts.
theory-wins-city-award/ 2011 ends with scientists having found the physical evidence of this
greater intelligence controlling and monitoring all aspects of the universe, a neutrino.  The neutrino travels faster than
light, suggesting it leaves our space-time continuum to go someplace else in between. The fact
that neutrinos can travel faster than light means whatever intelligence is operating the universe
– God -- can also see into the future. This characteristic of neutrinos, therefore, give a solid
scientific basis to the prophecies in religious books, for example, in the Bible. In the Gospels, we
can read about the “End Days”, days of unimaginable chaos, selfishness, greed and evil. That
sounds pretty accurate to me, especially for the Eurozone. We can read about the advent of a
new age and the return of Christ.  Who is to say we know better than the neutrino or the Gospels
as the eurozone collapses around us offering the most spectacular proof ever of the corruption,
greed and lies darkening the minds of the European elite, their inability to see the writing on the
wall and change track before the system they created collapses on top of them.  Unfortunately,
greed, love of money and meanness have spread to all sections of society, setting the stage for
potentially explosive conflicts in the short term as everyone scrambles to save themselves and
get into the lifeboats and push the others overboard. Love of the truth, love of others, love of
God is in short supply in the Eurozone in 2011 and the real cause of the many disasters befalling
us. This Christmas the only secure ground is God’s ground, God’s Word, and the mysterious and
magical neutrinos.  ]]> 5576 2011-12-23 16:26:54 2011-12-23 16:26:54 closed open the-god-
particle-chaos-and-the-euro-currency-collapse publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_ff890bfb27fe1652e2dd5f3bc0c75afb _oembed_dfe3eb397c114de139c3d39515ab6a13
in-spring/ Fri, 23 Dec 2011 16:33:02 +0000 birdflu666
p=5578 The Polish edition of "The Fourth Empire" will be available from the Polish publishing
house "OFICYNA "AURORA" in spring . The Fourth Empire will also be available on
Amazon and Kindle shortly. Don't miss out on this financial thriller explaning why
the eurozone's collapse is inevitable, what role the privatised money supply plays -
and what the solution is. A sequel is coming in the New Year. The Fourth Empire:
Part 2 "Lords and Overlords" focusses on the emergence of a totalitarian super
state in the eurozone - something barely reported on by the mainstream media.
Read this exciting new political thriller in the New Year. Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year! Please note: I have no facebook page, no website, no blog other
than this blog and the Fourth Empire blogspot.]]> 5578 2011-12-23 16:33:02 2011-12-23
16:33:02 closed open polish-edition-of-the-fourth-empire-available-in-spring publish 0 0 post 0
president-would-be-unthinkable-in-the-uk/ Tue, 03 Jan 2012 15:04:53 +0000 birdflu666 WHY GERMANY'S  PRESIDENT CHRISTIAN
Wulff  threatened Bild newspaper with legal action if it published details of a loan he made, it
has emerged.  Wulff should now carry out that threat and file charges against Bild and Springer
Verlag for launching a media campaign designed to discredit him and force him from office for
political reasons. There is a difference between the right of the media to report facts and a smear
campaign mounted by the media to remove a politician for political reasons.  A comparison of
the way the UK media handled a similar story concerning the Prime Minister David Cameron
makes the difference absolutely clear. The controlled mainstream German media does not seem
to comprehend the difference between reporting facts and smearing a politician. They should
look at the UK and learn from a country with a much longer tradition of press freedom than
Germany's. In November, it was reported by the Telegraph that David Cameron was rebuked for
not disclosing a land deal with one of Britain's largest lobbying and public relations companies.
“Lord Chadlington, the chief executive of the Huntsworth Group, which owns a number of
public affairs firms, bought the house and land neighbouring Mr Cameron’s constituency home
for £715,000. The Conservative peer then sold Mr Cameron the land for £137,000, while the
house appears to be empty. Cameron did not disclose the deal.”
have-declared-land-deal-with-party-donor-says-former-watchdog.html There were a couple of
reports on this in the UK media and the subject was dropped. Compare the hundreds if not
thousands of reports in the Springer Verlag alone in the fast few weeks on an issue which is
exactly the same. Also, the UK media reported that Cameron, for example, made use of a French
military helicopter and French government residence during a trip to France to visit his dying
father. Why did the UK press not hound
Cameron about these issues, publishing story after story day after day, demanding his
resignation as the German media, especially the Springer Verlag, hounds Wulff? The answer is
simple: they would not dare. The UK media would not dare to abuse their power to remove an
elected official from power by a smear campaign in the way the Springer Verlag does dare. The
UK has a tradition of press freedom which is far older and more honourable than the German
press tradition and the UK media knows they would not get away with smearing politicians. The
UK parliament does not hesitate to investigate the dirty tricks of powerful media corporations
like News Corps and MPs even summoned both Rupert Murdoch and his son, James, this
autumn to give evidence. “Murdoch and his 80-year-old father Rupert appeared before the
powerful parliamentary committee in July to explain how people working for the News of the
World had hacked the phones of thousands to generate stories.”
Germany can dream of the day the Bundestag holds an inquiry into the outrageous antics of
Springer Verlag. There is no parliamentary control over the German media at all. Springer
Verlag is the most flagrant example of media as propaganda since the second world – in fact
Axel Springer, its founder, was a propagandist for the Nazi media during the second
world. Springer  uses its media outlets to push through its political and economic agenda - not
inform readers as its handling of the swine flu vaccination campaign showed. Springer is
undermining democracy in Germany by these selective smear campaigns – just compare
Springer’s treatment of its darling Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg to see the difference. If Springer
gets away with removing Wulff, no politician can be safe who dares to cross its path. Springer
will be revealed as the uncrowned ruler of Germany. Media propaganda will triumph over
factual resporting as it did under Nazi ruler Adolf Hitler, himself a stakeholder in a major
German publishing house. Wulff is being hounded by Srpinger because he dared speak out
against the eurozone financial mess and criticize the ECB and because he is one of the few
politicians who genuinely cares about democracy. This politically motivated campaign has the
potential to destabilize democracy in Germany. Sigmar Gabriel is right to say this there will be a
crisis if Wulff is forced to resign because of an unacceptable smear campaign by Springer Verlag. It is time for Wulff
to take action and file charges against Springer Verlag and Bild for bringing his name into
disrepute by a smear campaign of a kind that would be unthinkable in the UK. It is time for the
Bundestag to do what the UK parliament did – call an inquiry into Springer Verlag and
standards of German journalists and ask if they comprehend what is required in a democracy or
not. Wulff should make use of every legal avenue to protect himself since his phone calls failed
to stop Springer from their smear campaign. Springer even has the brazen audacity to claim the
phone calls were an unjustifiable interference in the freedom of the press when they were a very
justified complaint about how he is being hounded by Springer. Just look at the way David
Cameron is treated by the UK press for a  standard for how a more free and responsible press
acts.]]> 5582 2012-01-03 15:04:53 2012-01-03 15:04:53 closed open smear-campaign-against-
german-president-would-be-unthinkable-in-the-uk publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
and-narcolepsy/ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 17:18:21 +0000 birdflu666 Richard Alleyne 6:56PM GMT 12 Dec 2011 Caroline
Hadfield claims her six-year-old son Josh developed the condition just three weeks after being
given the jab. She has set up a website to see if other children have developed the symptoms
after taking the drug called Pandemrix. But the makers claim there is no evidence of any
connection and point out that only seven children have developed the syndrome from six million
doses of the vaccine in the UK.
between-flu-vaccine-and-narcolepsy.html]]> 5593 2012-01-08 17:18:21 2012-01-08
17:18:21 closed open uk-parents-claim-link-between-flu-vaccine-and-narcolepsy publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_4c8c4ec3f34f104fc153768fd30792a6 20880
p=1957 2012-01-12 15:10:32 2012-01-12 15:10:32 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_result
akismet_history jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
supply/ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 17:19:56 +0000 birdflu666
p=5596 BRÜSSEL (taf). EU-Gesundheitskommissar John Dalli zieht Konsequenzen aus den
Vorgängen rund um die Schweinegrippe im Jahr 2009. Künftig soll die Impfstoffbeschaffung
EU-weit koordiniert und die Zusammenarbeit der EU-Mitgliedsländer bei
grenzüberschreitenden Gesundheitsgefahren stärker koordiniert werden.
koordinieren.html]]> 5596 2012-01-08 17:19:56 2012-01-08 17:19:56 closed open eu-to-split-
away-from-who-over-vaccine-supply publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
critics/ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 17:21:04 +0000 birdflu666
p=5598 study proposed a long-discredited link between autism and the measles, mumps and
rubella (MMR) vaccine is to sue for damages following accusations made a year ago that his
research was fraudulent.
mmr-vaccine-and.html?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=online-news]]> 5598 2012-01-08
17:21:04 2012-01-08 17:21:04 closed open doctor-linking-mmr-vaccine-and-autism-sues-critics
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_b768281585694b4983731e4d4e50e703 20747
vaccine-and-autism-sues-critics.html 2012-01-09 00:39:58 2012-01-09 00:39:58
1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 20972 2012-01-15 15:59:17 2012-01-15 15:59:17 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
flu-mutation/ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 17:22:13 +0000 birdflu666
p=5601 Researchers in the Netherlands have manipulated the virus to make it more
transmissible among humans, and it could potentially kill millions if released into the public.
flu-mutation/]]> 5601 2012-01-08 17:22:13 2012-01-08 17:22:13 closed open who-deeply-
concerned-by-lab-created-bird-flu-mutation publish 0 0 post 0
_oembed_7c94505d09fb89a7e6ab10458f9ee5d3 _edit_last
china/ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 17:23:09 +0000 birdflu666
idUSTRE8010UF20120102]]> 5605 2012-01-08 17:23:09 2012-01-08 17:23:09 closed open
bird-flu-virus-doesnt-jump-between-humans-china publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
vaccinations/ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 17:26:27 +0000 birdflu666
Impfstopp an Schulen: Ärzte mahnen Stadt IRIS BONAVIDA (Die Presse) Nach dem
Krisengespräch mit der Erzdiözese: Für die Ärztekammer liegt die Verantwortung
bei der Stadt Wien. Die Gespräche mit der Stadt werden „in der nächsten Zeit“
beginnen, so Moser-Zoundjiekpon.
Schulen_Aerzte-mahnen-Stadt]]> 5609 2012-01-08 17:26:27 2012-01-08 17:26:27 closed open
some-of-austrias-schools-suspend-vaccinations publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_e7d958d8ba51c479697f3af542e5618f 20736
das-deutsche-reich-besteht-fort-klopapier-bei-lidl-gekauft/ 2012-01-08 19:02:10
2012-01-08 19:02:10 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_result jabber_published
mans-attempt-to-smear-me-backfires/ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 17:31:07 +0000 birdflu666 German police man George McKenzie claimed I had
sent him 100s if not thousands of emails and sms in the period in autumn as part of an
harrassment campaign and spat at him in public. I didn’t. I was summoned to the police for
questioning on Thursday and gave my evidence.   McKenzie produced none of the emails to
substantiate his charge of harrassment and no witnesses to support his charge of spitting. The
word of a police man employed by the German government is not enough to convict me of
harrassment. There have to be facts. If McKenzie cannot supply emails, witnesses and proof, I
cannot be convicted. McKenzie has been caught out making false charges deliberately, and not
out of error, and he has to be convicted. McKenzie told me he had concealed from the Baden
Württemburg police medical treatment he had in Vienna in order to be able to obtain a position
as a life long civil servant - a fact I recalled, prompting McKenzie to intensify a smear
campaign.]]> 5611 2012-01-08 17:31:07 2012-01-08 17:31:07 closed open german-police-mans-
attempt-to-smear-me-backfires publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
springer-over-wulff/ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 17:39:48 +0000 birdflu666 A society has to be protected from overly powerful
media barons as much as journalists need to be protected from interference. For example, I
accurately predicted the damage of the swine flu vaccine in 2009 – something now proven by
the Finnish government. The difference between factual reporting and a smear campaign can
also be seen clearly from  recent reports in the UK media on a similar issue. In November, the
UK media reported that UK Prime Minister David Cameron had been involved in an unusual
land deal. The report was printed after a former parliamentary watchdog -- body recognised as
an authority on the subject --  said Cameron should have disclosed the land deal. That is to say,
there was a factual basis to the accusation that Cameron had not played by all the rules in form
of a judgement or evaluation by an independent body. This was the basis of the newspaper
reports. "David Cameron should have declared his purchase of land neighbouring his
Oxfordshire home from the chief executive of one of Britain’s biggest lobbying companies, the
former parliamentary standards watchdog said on Wednesday," reported The
Telegraph. There was no such complaint by any official body in Germany concerning Wulff’s
mortgage deal which would have been the legitimate basis of a facutal report. Instead, Bild and
Springer have taken it upon themselves to not just do the research  and print the facts. They
have given their own evaluation of the events and implied a violation where there was none to
discredit Wulff. Of course, the media is allowed to research people’s private affairs, ask
questions and probe. But it is also obliged to respect facts and restrain from smear campaigns to
influence the political process. Day after day, Springer Verlag’s reporting of the Wulff mortgage
deal suggests an infringement of the rules has taken place when there has been none. Rules on
press freedom are there to guarantee reporters can research facts and report facts – not
whimsical claims and opinions. By conducting this incredibke smear campaign, the Springer
Verlag is exerting pressure for Wulff to resign for political reasons. If Wulff resigns because of
this smear campaign by Bild, it will be the end of any legitimacy of any political institute or
politician in Germany. The German public will know that only those politicians who actively
promoted the interests of Springer Verlag can stay in power, including Sigmar Gabriel. The
people’s voice does not count. The voice of the people has been replaced by thevoice of Bild,
which is dressing up premanufactured opinions serving the interests of the elite as “public
opinion.” A mere campaign by Bild will be enough to topple any elected politician and change
any policy. It matters that politicians are allowed to voice opinions and push through laws that
are different from those promoted by the Springer Verlag if there is to be any really democracy
or policy choice in the country. That Bild has no interest in factual reporting is crystal clear to
everyone who followed Bild’s role in promoting disgraced German Defence Minister Karl
Theodor zu Guttenberg. I am another victim of Bild’s smear campaign. On 11 November 2009, a
report appeared in Bild newspaper implying that I had not filed charges in relation to the swine
flu pandemic scam and the contamination of 72 kilos of vaccine material by Baxter. The Vienna
state prosecutors were quoted by Bild reporter Tim Sausen as saying no charges had been filed
by me.
theorien/im-internet-bild-klaert-auf.html Though I was not named, it was clear I was the
person meant. When I sent Bild proof I had filed the charges that same day in the form of a
letter from the health ministry attached to an email to Katharina Bedie  and asked for a
correction, they did not reply. They had proof they had made a false statement and refused the
correction. So much for press freedom. There is no press freedom in Germany. There is only the
freedom of Bild to lie and smear. Hinausschrift BMG-92400_0049-
I_B_8_2009_20.05.2009_Burgermeister, Jane[1] Bild made false statements to discredit me,
knowing they were false in order to influence public opinion in Germany to take a toxic and
untested vaccine. At that time, a youtube clip I made in German was getting unusually large
numbers of hits. The number of people taking the swine flu vaccine was very low in Germany.
The Vienna state prosecutors also told a lie in November 2009 to discredit me. The alternative
that Bild invented the statement by the Vienna state prosecutors can be virtually excluded. The
newspaper would not have risked being sued by the Vienna state prosecutors. Bild and the
Vienna state prosecutors were complicit in trying to discredit me as part of a campaign to
persuade the general public to take a vaccine which was known to cause neurological damage.
The verifiable, scientific evidence I presented pointing out that the swine flu vaccine adjuvant
was potentially dangerous and unneccesary because the virus was mild was presented by Bild’s
report as a conspiracy theory in ist report of November 2009 in order to discredit anyone who
told the truth. Fortunately, the people of Germany have more brains than Bild. Only 6% ended
up taking the swine flu vaccine in spite of the hype and propaganda from Bild and the rest of the
media. But even though the percent of the population who took the jab was low, in absolute
numbers it still amounts to millions of people. Those responsible for any damage they suffered
need to be held to account and that includes Bild. Bild newspaper is fiction, not fact - and it is
dangerous fiction. To this day, Bild has not reported the fact that the finnish government has
offered compensation to young children who have suffered from the swine flu jab.
by-swine-flu-permanently/ Yet Bild is once more hyping the bird flu virus. Because there is no
sign of any parliamentary inquiry into the Springer Verlag or any end to the Springer Verlag’s
smear campaign against Wulff, I have decided to take action myself as a journalist with a proven
record in my field, also of investigative journalism involving personal risk and a smear
campaign: It is time for the issue of Springer Verlag’s influence on political processes to be
addressed. I hope my charges will oo anything to help address this vital question of what
constitutes press freedom and what constitutes a smear campaign by the media it will be worth
it. If there is any justice, Bild chief and Springer Verlag chief and perhaps even Friede Springer
herself will actually be charged. As a major share holder she can and must exercise influence on
an out of control media in the way Fox News shareholders exercised influence during the
hacking scandal.]]> 5615 2012-01-08 17:39:48 2012-01-08 17:39:48 closed open why-i-will-
press-charges-against-bild-and-springer-over-wulff publish 0 0 post 0
_oembed_bce44f5b1cc2433cb81124a575e94ee3 _oembed_9fffa415c878f78b20a4638a17e350ca
_edit_last _oembed_88c0bb4403a48790262d8a06107f5bde
_oembed_836aac0fed978015f567ef3f600b0683 20773
gesetz-aufgehoben-wurde/ 2012-01-09 17:23:19 2012-01-09 17:23:19 1 pingback
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 20735
das-deutsche-reich-besteht-fort-klopapier-bei-lidl-gekauft/ 2012-01-08
19:02:06 2012-01-08 19:02:06 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_result
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 20871
grundet-bald-eine-padophilenpartei-zur-erforschung-der-padophilie/ 2012-01-
12 09:22:08 2012-01-12 09:22:08 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
2009_burgermeister-jane1/ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 17:44:03 +0000 birdflu666
i_b_8_2009_20-05-2009_burgermeister-jane1.pdf 5619 2012-01-08 17:44:03 2012-01-08
17:44:03 closed open hinausschrift-bmg-92400_0049-i_b_8_2009_20-05-
2009_burgermeister-jane1 inherit 5615 0 attachment 0
i_b_8_2009_20-05-2009_burgermeister-jane1.pdf _wp_attached_file
rears-its-ugly-head-in-germany-and-austria/ Wed, 18 Jan 2012 11:58:24 +0000 birdflu666 *Facebook protests Vienna Professor Franz
Hörmann's links to Anti Semititic movement *Hitler's Mein Kampf to reappear on
German newsstands *German politics professor praises Hitler's racist trash as
proof of "systematic thinker in Die Welt Vienna University Professor Franz Hörmann has
given an analysis of how our privatized money system really works.
20150451 He has now come under criticism for aligning himself with a movement, the Human-
Weg-Partei, which is associated with anti semitic views. And rightly so.  Facebook users
protested Hörmann’s appearance s a speaker at an Occupy Austria event on Sunday in the heart
of Vienna.
protestierten-am-Wiener-Stephansplatz Hörmann – who has strong links to Globalist corporate
executive Frank Stronach – must know that the perpetrators of the local financial bank scam
crisis are to be found in right wing Austrian and German circles. It was people like Ingrid Flick
of the Nazi German Flick dynasty and Karl-Heinz Grasser, former far right Freedom Party
Finance Minister, who were investors and players in the Hypo Alpe Adria bank scam, which cost
tax payers in Austria and in Bavaria billions.
unterlassen-Karl-will-vorerst-abwarten.html Orchestrating the current financial crisis are a
global, international elite who belong to all nationalities and religions. These people have only
one common denominator - and that is greed. It is unacceptable to reawaken stereotypes of the
“Jewish bankers” when the culprits are an international corporate crime syndicate, many of
whom are in the Nazi corner. The fact that Hitler’s outrageous piece of racist trash “Mein
Kampf” is reappearing for the first time since the second world war on newsstands is bad
alle.html Worse is that Die Welt has given Professor Barbara Zehnpfennig a whole interview to
express her praise of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” . She calls the tripe proof of a systematic thinker
driven by a “burning passion.” Nowhere does she condemn the barbaric murder of millions of
Jewish people in concentration camps by Hitler and the Nazis during the second world war.
Zehnpfennig says cynically that Hitler deliberatelyhid his plans for the extermination of the
Jews because “small spirits could only cope with small goals.” Sorry, Zehnpfennig , but civilized
people can only cope with civilized goals. The barbaric racist murder of Hitler and the Nazis is
beyond the pale of civilization, decency, reason and ethics. If the Germans start this murderous
anti Semitism again, they will find their popularity plummeting in Greece, Spain, Italy and
Ireland but all around the world. Small spirits like herself who cannot grasp what systematic
thinkers, passion and real greatness consists of should just read Plato’s Republic where the
perfect human being and the perfect state is described in purely ethical terms of justice, courage,
virtue, compassion etc. The ancient Greeks called people who did not share the Greek language
and culture the barbaroi, the barbarians (Greek for “babblers”). The distinguishing privilege of
the ancient Athens city state was citizenship or political rights. None of the racist babble and
murderous trash of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” from the cradle of civilization ancient Athens.
systematischen-Denker.html Given this increasingly inflammatory atmosphere, it is especially
unacceptable for Hörmann to associate himself with a movement known for its anti Semitism.
Otmar Pregetter, the co-author with Hörmann of a book about our money system works, felt so
strongly about Hörmann’s views and his association with HuMan leader, Hans Jürgen
Klaussner’s, views that he ended cooperation with Hörmann.
ende-des-geldes-der-zusammenarbeit-r1049227938.htm After talking to Hörmann a couple of
times myself, I can understand why Pregetter started to get so alarmed. Especially clear in my
memory is the moment when I asked Hörmann whom he thought had created the universe, the
sun, stars, moon, the sea, mountains, people etc if not a God? Hörmann answered with complete
certainty: “We, humans, created the universe.” Reality is just a chemical reaction in our brain.
As someone who studied philosophy at university, I know there is no philosophical, logical or
scientific basis for the view that there is no God. There are arguments for and against the
existence of God. I personally believe in the existence of God but on the basis also of sound
arguments.]]> 5624 2012-01-18 11:58:24 2012-01-18 11:58:24 closed open anti-semitism-rears-
its-ugly-head-in-germany-and-austria publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_07c9090e9b00307722f2c9f32042ebe7 21086
freiheit-das-deutsche-reich-besteht-fort-klopapier-bei-lidl-gekauft/ 2012-01-19
08:08:38 2012-01-19 08:08:38 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon,
30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666
20150451 He has now come under criticism for aligning himself with a movement, the Human-
Weg-Partei, which is associated with anti semitic views. And rightly so. Facebook users
protested Hörmann’s appearance s a speaker at an Occupy Austria event on Sunday in the heart
of Vienna.
protestierten-am-Wiener-Stephansplatz Hörmann – who has strong links to Globalist corporate
executive Frank Stronach – must know that the perpetrators of the local financial bank scam
crisis are to be found in right wing Austrian and German circles. It was people like Ingrid Flick
of the Nazi German Flick dynasty and Karl-Heinz Grasser, former far right Freedom Party
Finance Minister, who were investors and players in the Hypo Alpe Adria bank scam, which cost
tax payers in Austria and in Bavaria billions.
unterlassen-Karl-will-vorerst-abwarten.html Orchestrating the current financial crisis are a
global, international elite who belong to all nationalities and religions. These people have only
one common denominator - and that is greed. It is unacceptable to reawaken stereotypes of the
“Jewish bankers” when the culprits are an international corporate crime syndicate, many of
whom are in the Nazi corner. The fact that Hitler’s outrageous piece of racist trash “Mein
Kampf” is reappearing for the first time since the second world war on newsstands is bad
alle.html Worse is that Die Welt has given Professor Barbara Zehnpfennig a whole interview to
express her praise of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” . She calls it proof of a systematic thinker driven by
a “burning passion.” Nowhere does she condemn the barbaric murder of millions of Jewish
people in concentration camps by Hitler and the Nazis during the second world war.
Zehnpfennig  says cynically that Hitler deliberatelyhid his plans for the extermination of the
Jews because “small spirits  could only cope with small goals.” Sorry, Zehnpfennig , but civilized
people can only cope with civilized goals. The barbaric racist murder of Hitler and the Nazis is
beyond the pale of civilization, decency, reason and ethics. If the Germans start this brutal
murderous anti Semitism again, they will find their popularity plummeting in Greece, Spain,
Italy and Ireland but all around the world. Small spirits like herself  who cannot grasp what
systematic thinkers, passion and real greatness consists of  should just read Plato’s Republic
where the perfect human being and the perfect state is described in purely ethical terms of
justice, courage, virtue, compassion etc. The ancient Greeks called people who did not share the
Greek language and culture the barbaroi, the barbarians (Greek for “babblers”).  The
distinguishing privilege of the ancient Athens city state was citizenship or political rights. None
of the racist babble and murderous trash of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” from the cradle of civilization
ancient Athens.
als-systematischen-Denker.html Given this increasingly inflammatory atmosphere, it is
especially unacceptable for Hörmann to associate himself with a movement known for its anti
Semitism. Otmar Pregetter, the co-author with Hörmann of a book about our money system
works, felt so strongly about Hörmann’s views and his association with HuMan leader, Hans
Jürgen Klaussner’s, views that he ended cooperation with Hörmann. After
talking to Hörmann a couple of times myself, I can understand why Pregetter started to get so
alarmed. Especially clear in my memory is the moment when I asked Hörmann whom he
thought had created the universe, the sun, stars, moon, the sea, mountains, people etc if not a
God? Hörmann answered with complete certainty: “We, humans, created the universe.” Reality
is just a chemical reaction in our brain. As someone who studied philosophy at university, I
know there is no philosophical, logical or scientific basis for the view that there is no God. There
are arguments for and against the existence of God. I personally believe in the existence of God
but on the basis also of sound arguments.           Germany’s main corporate media smear
machine, the Springer Verlag, has failed to oust President Christian Wulff from his position.
Springer’s news outlets, Bild and Die Welt, launched an unprecedented barrage of attacks
against Wulff on December 13th, 2011, blowing a small house credit deal out of all proportion
and accusing him of infringing rules when he had not. For almost four weeks, Germans were
bombarded with texts full of venomous and provocative language about a harmless credit deal in
a brazen attempt by the Springer Verlag to arouse public resentment against a president, who
has shown more commitment to the constitution and democracy than most of his predecessors.
Wulff was also critical of the European Central Bank in a landmark speech in summer,
something which appears to have prompted the establishment to use their media machine to
force him from power. Bild reporters immediately began to inquire pointlessly into his private
affairs, turning every harmless episode into a front page scandal. The insistent drumming of the
mainstream media, however, had a different impact upon the public opinion than the
establishment imagined. Wulff enjoyed an unprecedented upsurge of solidarity as corporate
media insider, Jakob Augstein, was forced to concede.,1518,808663,00.html Augstein admitted that the
German mainstream media can not only not mould public opinion – it has now completely lost
touch with public opinion altogether. The discredited media it is now perceived as being a part
of the establishment, unwilling to perform the function of a genuinely free press, Augstein
conceded in a remarkably frank report. Meanwhile, state prosecutors in Stuttgart announced
Wulff’s house credit deal was not worthy of an investigation. Also, prosecutors in Berlin refused
to press charges against Wulff for harassment because of a phone call he made to the editor of
Bild newspaper Kai Diekmann to make a justified complaint about the fact that he wasn’t being
given a fair opportunity to comment on his house credit deal. To do my bit to neutralize the
smear efforts of Springer Verlag, I also emailed charges to the state prosecutor in Berlin on
Friday evening for violating a special law which makes it a criminal offence to deliberately
damage the reputation of the German president. While press reports, meeting the standards set
for the press, enjoy protection under the German constitution, smear texts don’t, I argued. I also
forwarded an email I sent to Bild in November 2009, highlighting a report in which Bild and the
Vienna state prosecutors colluded to misinform the public about my criminal charges against
Baxter for contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with the deadly bird flu virus in their
biosecurity 3 facilities in Orth an der Donau. Bild and the Vienna state prosecutors were caught
out in a smear campaign against me, a journalist, who was giving accurate information about
the potential damage of the pandemic swine flu vaccine. This is copy of my email to the Berlin
State prosecutors on Friday charging some of the Springer Verlag higher ups with launching a
smear campaign against President Wulff for political purposes.  
Fri, Jan 13,
jane burgermeister <> 2012 at 8:08


"katharina.bedei" <>,,,,,,
Michael Mross <>,, info@dw-,
  An die Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin,   Anbei finden Sie eine Anzeige wegen § 90 Strafgesetzbuch
Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten. Ich bin eine englisch-sprachige Journalistin, die für the
British Medical Journal und The Scienist und Nature u.a, geschrieben habe, und ich möchte eine
Anzeige wegen Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten Christian Wulff erstatten.
hl=en&q=jane+burgermeister&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=&as_vis=0 Entscheidend für den
Tatbestand Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten durch den Springer Verlag ist die Frage ob die
„Texten“ von Bild Zeitung, Die Welt und andere Medien des Springer Verlages über das Haus
Kredit Deal von Bundespräsident Christian Wulff die allgemein anerkannte Anforderung, die an
eine Berichterstattung gestellt sind, erfüllen. Wenn Texte die Grundregel der Berichterstattung
missachten, dann sind diese Texte nicht als Presseberichte zu bewerten, selbst dann nicht wenn sie
in Zeitungen erscheinen. Sie genießen daher auch kein besondere Schutz vor einer Strafverfolgung
unter § 90 StrGB mit Berufung auf die Pressefreiheit. In meiner Anzeige unten nutzte ich meine
Erfahrung als eine Journalistin um genau aufzuzeigen wo die Texte von Bild, Die Welt und
Springer Verlag über Wulffs Haus Kredit gegen die Grundregel der Berichterstattung verstoßen
und warum sie als Propaganda und eine öffentliche Verunglimpfung oder Präsidenten-Bashing zu
bewerten sind. Ich habe auch einige Erfahrungen  mit der unsachgemässen Texte der Bild Zeitung
gemacht. In einer Kampagne in Frühling 2009 fing ich an, Menschen davor zu warnen, dass die
Schweinegrippe Impfstoff schädlich war nachdem ich die Fakten, Beweise und Dokumente
studierte. Es gab auch Ärzte in Deutschland, welche die Menschen vor dem Pandemie Impfstoff
warnten. Die finnische Regierung hat mittlerweile den Zusammenhang zwischen das
Schweinegrippe Adjuvans und neurologischen Schaden in Jugendliche zugegeben und die
Opfer finanzielle Kompensation zugesichert.
time-medical-expense-for-children-injured-by-swine-flu-permanently/ In der UK machen Eltern
auch Druck wegen dem Schaden, der den Impfstoff ihrer Kinder zugefügt hat.
vaccine-and-narcolepsy.html Mehrere Untersuchungen wie vom Council of Europe haben die
Schweinegrippe Impfkampagne als ein großer Fehler und Überflüssig beschrieben wie ich es auch
von Anfang an sagte.
firms-encouraged-world-health-body-exaggerate-swine-flu-threat.html Vor ich diese Kampagne
anfing, hatte ich auch ein soliden Ruf als eine Journalistin. Kaum fing ich an die Menschen vor der
Impfstoff zu warnen aufgrund von Fakten und Dokumenten, schon wurden die Internet mit lauter
Blödsinn, Vorwürfe und Verleumdungen überschwemmt als nur ein Teil einer ungeheuerlichen,
vielseitige und andauernde Aktion um mich zu diskreditieren und ruinieren. Bild Zeitung hat auch
falsche Information über mich absichtlich verbreitet um die öffentliche Meinung zu manipulieren
als es klar wurde, dass viele Deutschen das Impfstoff nicht nehmen wurden und meine
Information sich über das alternative Medien verbreitete. Anfang April 2009 habe ich eine
Anzeige gegen Baxter wegen der Kontaminierung von 72 kilo Grippeimpfstoff mit den tödlichen
Vogelgrippe Virus in Baxter’s Anlage in Orth an der Donau eingereicht. Die Staatsanwaltschaft
Wien veranlasste eine Ermittlung. Dieser wurde im September 2009 eingestellt und zwar kurz vor
der großen Schweinegrippe Impfaktion. Das Vorhandensein von strengen Biosicherheitsrichtlinie
3 schließt eine zufällige Kontaminierung aus. Außerdem ist es nicht klar warum Baxter die
Vogelgrippe Virus, die einem Biowaffenlabor hergestellt wurde -- wie man selbst in Der Spiegel
lesen kann,1518,378217,00.html -- in seiner
Anlage überhaupt hatte. Fest steht, Baxter war einer der Hauptprofiteur einer Pandemie durch
vorverhandelten Verträge um eine Pandemie Impfstoff zu verkaufen. Bild Zeitung veröffentlichte
ein Text in November 2009, worin es stand dass ich keine Anzeige gegen Baxter erstattet als Teil
einer öffentlichen Verumglimpfung.
internet-bild-klaert-auf.html Ich hatte einen Beweisstück im Form eines Briefes vom
Gesundheitsministerium in Wien. Der Brief war online. Ich schickte ihn aber  an Bild am gleichen
Tag mit einer Bitte um eine Korrektur. Siehe Email unten. Bild hat nie geantwortet. Fakten sind
Bild Zeitung vollkommen egal. Bild sprach von einer Verschwörungstheorie in Zusammenhang
mit der Schweinegrippe Impfstoff. Fakt ist alles was ich sagte war wissenschaftlich begründet und
die Zeit hat mich Recht gegeben. Ich arbeite akkurat und sachlich und halte die Grundregel des
Journalismus ein wie viele andere Kollegen. Nur 6% der Deutschen nahmen die Grippe Impfstoff
trotz viel Pandemie Hype von Medien wie Bild Zeitung. Bis heute hat Bild nichts über den
Impfschaden berichtet. Die Verunglimpfung Aktion von Bild war für mich aber sehr gefährlich. Es
hat dazu beigetragen, meinen Ruf zu ruinieren. Drei Monaten nach dem Bild Bericht wurde ich
fast in Wien, wo ich wohne, eingewiesen von einem Forscher, der für  die Ludwig Boltzmann
Institut, eine Einrichtung, die auch vom Baxter mitfinanziert ist arbeitete. Außerdem publizierte
der besagte Forscher Professor Lukas Kenner in einem Journal vom Rockefeller University Press. Kenner ignorierte alle Beweise und Fakten, die
mich dazu bewog, die Menschen vor der Schweinegrippe Impfstoff zu warnen. Er betrieb aktiv
meine Ausschaltung und wollte mich einweisen ohne mich einmal zu treffen. Wie in Zeiten der
Soviet Union oder Nazi Deutschland sollte eine ungeliebte Zeugin von einem Verbrechen – ich
wähle das Wort , weil es am ehesten zutrifft – ausgeschaltet sein. Der Versuch scheiterte an die
Psychologin, die mich für vollkommen normal erklärte und eine Einweisung durchzuführen
weigerte. Dieser Fall kommt bald vor Gericht: eine Anzeige gegen Kenner und einigen anderen
wurde in Oktober von der Polizei in Wien erstattet. Ich kann aus eigener Erfahrung also sagen,
Bild ist gefährliche Propaganda und nicht Fakt. Insofern, dass Bild Zeitung jetzt Propaganda gegen
den Bundespräsidenten betreibt und seine Würde beschädigt stoßt Bild aber gegen ein Gesetz.
Bild Zeitung und Die Welt können sich nicht auf die Pressefreiheit berufen wenn ihre Texte die
Grundregel der Berichterstattung, wie ich in dieser Anzeige nachweise, missachten. Deswegen
erfüllen die Springer Verlag Texte die Voraussetzungen für den Strafbestand § 90 StGB.
Nachrichten soll Nachrichten sein. Politik soll Politik sein. Der Springer Verlag versucht mit einem
einmaligen "medialer Hinrichtung" ein Staatsoberhaupt zum Rucktritt zu zwingen und die Politik
von Deutschland zu beeinflussen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Jane Bürgermeister MA (Hons)
Edinburgh University Gentzgasse 14/9/12, 1180 Wien, Österreich -------- ANZEIGE Ich möchte
eine Anzeige gegen     Kai Diekmann Chefredakteur Bild Zeitung   Jan-Eric Peters Chefredakteur
der WELT-Gruppe   Matthias Döpfner Vorstandsvorsitzender des deutschen
Medienunternehmens Axel Springer   Friede Springer Besitzerin von 7 % der Aktien der Axel
Springer AG, und 90% der Gesellschaftsanteile der Axel Springer Gesellschaft für Publizistik
GmbH & Co., welche wiederum mit 51,5% an der Axel Springer AG beteiligt ist   Wegen   § 90 § 90
Strafgesetzbuch Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten Christian Wulff erstatten.           Die oben
angeführten Personen haben durch die öffentliche Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten, unter
dem Nimbus oder Tarnung der Journalismus, den Ansehen des Bundespräsidenten Christian
Wulff beschädigt, die öffentliche Meinung gegen ihn aufgebracht, Druck auf ihn aufgebaut
zurückzutreten, und ihn in der Ausübung seines Amtes beeinträchtigt. Eine mediale Hinrichtung
oder Verletzung der Würde von dem Bundespräsidenten ist besonders strafwürdig weil der
Präsident „größtenteils repräsentative Funktionen wahrnimmt und wirkt nahezu ausschließlich
durch die besondere Würde seines Amtes,“ sagte Dr. Andrea Grotemeier.
comeback-der-majestaetsbeleidigung/ Die öffentliche Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten
erfolgt zwar in die Zeitungen vom Springer Verlag. Diese Schriften oder Texte haben aber nicht die
Merkmale, die eine Berichterstattung von einem gewöhnlichen Kommentar oder Text
unterscheiden wie ich in dieser Anzeige darstellen werde. Die Grundregel der Journalismus, so wie
ich Tag ein, Tag aus als eine Journalistin, die auch für The British Medical Journal, Nature, The
Scientist, The Guardian, Observer, European Voice, American Prospect usw angewendet habe,
werden nicht einhalten.
q=jane+burgermeister&hl=en&btnG=Search&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp=on Entscheidend für den
Tatbestand Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten ist deswegen die Frage ob die „Texten“ von
Bild, Die Welt und andere Medien die allgemein anerkannte Anforderung, die an eine
Berichterstattung und die Presse gestellt sind, erfüllen oder nicht. Wenn Texte die Grundregel der
Berichterstattung missachten, dann sind diese Texte nicht als Presseberichte zu bewerten, selbst
dann nicht wenn sie in Zeitungen erscheinen. Sie genießen daher auch kein besondere Schutz vor
einer Strafverfolgung unter § 90 StrGB mit Berufung auf die Pressefreiheit. Die Bedeutung der
Öffentlichkeit und Medien für die demokratische Meinungsbildung der Öffentlichkeit und der
demokratischen Kontrolle von Staat und Regierung hat dazu geführt, dass die Meinungs- und
Pressefreiheit ein besonderer Schutz unter Artikel 5 des Grundgesetztes genießt. Ein Text oder Schrift muss aber tatsächlich die
Anforderung, die allgemein an eine Berichterstattung gestellt wird, erfüllen um auf den Schutz der
Pressfreiheit berufen zu können. Eine Analyse zeigt, dass die Springer Verlag „Texte“ nicht als
Berichterstattung zu bewerten sind. Die „Schriften“ vom Springer Verlag sind am ehesten die
Gattung Kommentar oder „Kampagne“ unterzuordnen. Sie sind gegen den Bundespräsident
gerichtet. Sie verunglimpfen den Bundespräsident öffentlich und beschädigen sein Ansehen. Diese
Verunglimpfung ist absichtlich. Druck wird aufgebaut um den Bundespräsident zu einem
Rücktritt zu zwingen. Deswegen sind die Texten  vom Springer Verlag Schriften im Sinne von § 90
Strafgesetzbuch. Diese Schriften erfüllen Tatbestand §90 und die Verantwortlichen sollen zu
Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Die Grundregel der Berichterstattung werden alle angehenden
Journalisten vermittelt. Dieser Grundregel und Fertigkeiten werden in Journalistik Studien in
Universitäten und Fachhochschulen und andere Lehrgänge vermittelt. http://www.studis- Die Pressearbeit unterscheidet sich
von anderen Gattungen wie PR und Werbung durch ihren Informationsgehalt. Fakten,
Objektivität, Neutralität und Fairness sind Merkmale der Presse, sagt, zum Beispiel, „The
Journalism Handbook“ of New York University. „A journalist's mission is to serve the public by
seeking and reporting the facts as accurately as possible.” “Reporters critique the activities of other
people and institutions, and what they publish can have a profound impact on the people,
businesses and institutions they cover, as well as society at large. Journalists must live up to the
highest standards of integrity, and by integrity we mean: truth, fairness, sincerity, and avoiding
the appearance of a conflict of interest,“
Students.pdf Außerdem gibt es Praktika in Redaktionen um die Grundregeln und Fertigkeiten zu
lernen und der Handwerk Praxisnah anzuwenden. The New York Times gibt detaillierte
Anweisungen an ihre Journalisten in einen „Handbook of Ethical Journalism“ weiter. Dass jede Presse eine
Kontrollinstanz braucht um den Einhalt der Grundregel und Gesetzte zu Überwachen wird auch
durch die News Corps Hacking Skandal deutlich.
newscorp-quickguide-idUSTRE76H5SA20110718 Reporters haben sowohl ein Grundregel der
Pressearbeit als auch das Gesetz gebrochen und Mailboxes gehackt. Rebekah Brooks, News
International's Chief Eexecutive und damalige Chefredakteur der News of the World müsste ihren
Hut nehmen. News Corps Chef Rupert Murdoch und sein Sohn James Murdoch mussten vor
einem parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschuss in der UK Antworten über die Ethik und
Standards ihrer Medienorganisation abgeben. Aktionäre sind gerichtlich gegen News Corps
hervorgegangen. In
Deutschland eignet sich der Tatbestand §90 als eine Kontrollinstanz um die unsauberen
Machenschaften der Medien zu kontrollieren. Springer Verlags Kunst besteht darin aufzutreten,
als ob ihre Berichterstattung über das Hauskredit von Christian Wulff Regelkonform sind, und
vom Nimbus und den Rechten, die der Journalismus in dieser Gesellschaft genießt, zu profitieren,
ohne aber die Grundregeln einzuhalten, die allein eine Berichterstattung von anderen Gattungen
wie PR und Werbung unterscheidet. Grundregel der Journalismus, welche die Bild Zeitung und
Die Welt verletzt haben sind unter anderen:   1)      Der Grundregel, dass die Presse nicht grundlos
in der Privatsphäre von Menschen forscht: "We do not inquire pointlessly into someone’s personal
life.” (New York Times guidelines for journalists)
times-coe.html#A1 “A2. How We Gather the News 21. We treat news sources fairly and
professionally. We do not inquire pointlessly into someone's personal life. We do not threaten to
damage uncooperative sources, nor do we promise favorable coverage in return for cooperation.”
Damit drückt The New York Times aus, dass die Zeitung sich dazu verpflichtet fühlt, die
Öffentlichkeit über relevanten Themen und Ereignisse zu informieren. Bild Zeitung hat gegen
diesen allgemein anerkannten Grundregel verstoßen. Bild Zeitung hat grundlos in der
persönlichen Leben von Christian Wulff geforscht und gewühlt. Bild Reporter fingen minutiös
Recherche in der Privatsphäre von Wulff in August 2011. Sie waren offensichtlich auf der Suche
nach Material um eine Verunglimpfung und Hetz Kampagne durchzuführen. Transparenz soll
vorhanden sein wenn es um Themen und Ereignisse, die relevant für die Öffentlichkeit sind, geht.
Der Ruf nach Transparenz wird aber hier als Tarnung für eine grundlose Forschung und
Eindringen in der Privatsphäre durch Bild benützt. Das Recht auf eine Privatsphäre ist auch
gesetzlich verankert. Wulff hat gute Grund zu glauben, dass Fragen und Antworten zu seiner
Kredit- und Medienaffäre als "Steinbruch für eine Fortsetzung der Kampagne" gegen ihn benutzt
werden konnte.
medien-wulff-unter-zugzwang-setzen-1.1256679 Ein Vergleich mit der Berichterstattung über ein
Land Deal des UK Premier Minister David Cameron verdeutlicht den Unterschied zwischen
grundlos in der Privatsphäre eines Politikers Forschungen anzustellen und ein Hinweis
nachzugeben die eine Veröffentlichung („newsworthy“) würdig ist. Am November 23, 2011,
berichtete The Telegraph, dass ein ehemaliger Vorstand einer parlamentarischen Kontrollorgan,
Sir Alistair Graham, former chairman of the Committee of Standards in Public Life, gesagt hat,
dass Cameron hätte Einzelheiten über  ein Land Dead veröffentlichen müssen.
have-declared-land-deal-with-party-donor-says-former-watchdog.html The Telegraph hatte also
die Beurteilung einer anerkannten Autorität in diesem Gebiet als die Grundlage für eine
Berichterstattung benutzt. Hier ging es nicht um eine „grundlos Forschung“ seitens der Zeitung in
das Land Deal usw. Hier ging es um eine „newsworthy“ Beurteilung eines Experten. Es gibt gar
keine vergleichbare Beurteilung im Fall von Wulff’s Haus Kredit Deal und keinen offensichtlichen
Verstoß gegen das Gesetz wie im Plagiatskandal von Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg. Kein
parlamentarisches Kontrollorgan hat das Haus Kredit Deal bis jetzt verurteilt oder als ein Verstoß
gegen den Regel oder Gesetz bewertet. Diese Bewertung des Haus Kredits stammt von Springer.
Springer Verlag forscht  nicht nur „grundlos“ in der Privatsphäre des Bundespräsidenten sondern
bewertet auch die Entdeckungen und verstoßt somit gegen den Grundregel der Objektivität und
Neutralität, welche eine Berichterstattung auszeichnen soll.   2)      Fakten checken, objektiv
bleiben, neutral berichtet: das ist ein Grundregel der Pressearbeit.   The Telegraph hat eine einzige
Berichterstattung über das Land Deal von Cameron veröffentlicht. Die Redaktion entschied, dass
die Information zwar wichtig war und veröffentlicht werden sollte aber ein einziger Bericht war
angemessen angesichts des relativ kleinen Verstoßes von Cameron. Es ist nicht zu erklären warum
die Redakteure von Bild und Die Welt Tag ein, Tag aus seit Dezember 13, 2011, ihre Blätter mit
jeden Einzelheit vom Wulffs Hauskredit usw. erfüllen wenn es nicht um eine Hetzkampagne geht.
Die spärliche Information ist ein Bericht wert aber nicht mehr. Im Fall Wulff geht es um eine sehr
eigenwillige und ungewöhnliche Entscheidung der Redakteure Diekmann und Peters. Das Ziel ist
klar. Es geht nicht um „newsworthy“ Information zu veröffentlichen. Es geht um die
Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten und die Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung. Mit
provokative, giftige Sprache, die immer wiederholt wird, Tag ein, Tag aus, soll die Öffentlichkeit
gegen Wulff aufgebracht sein. Es geht hier um Botschaften und nicht Informationen. Diese
Botschaften werden ständig wiederholt um die gleiche Wirkung zu entfalten wie Propaganda. Die
Springer Medien liefern ein verzerrtes Bild der Wahrheit. Wulff hat gegen kein Gesetz oder Regel
mit seinem Hauskredit Deal gestoßen. Aber die mediale Hinrichtung hat den Eindruck erweckt, er
hat etwas Gravierendes getan. Von einer neutralen, unvoreingenommen Berichterstattung kann
keine Rede sein. Es geht darum eine Stimmung in den Leser hervorzurufen, Emotionen
hervorzurufen und zwar Emotionen von Verachtung, Feindseligkeit und Geringschätzung
(„Witzfigur“ usw.).   3)      Quellen fair zu behandeln.   „The Times treats news sources just as fairly
and openly as it treats readers.” (New York Times guidelines for journalists)   Bild Zeitung hat auch gegen den
Grundregel verstoßen, der sagt, dass man seine “Quelle” fair behandeln muss und die Gelegenheit
geben muss, Vorwürfe zu beantworten vor einem Bericht gedrückt wird. The Telegraph hat David
Cameron bzw. sein Sprecher die Gelegenheit gegeben seine Stellungnahme zum Land Deal
abzugeben vor der Veröffentlichung des Berichtes. „Fairness also means adhering to the "no
surprises" rule when writing critically of someone: affording the source the opportunity to answer
allegations or criticisms before publishing the work,” sagt die NYU Journalism Handbook (page 5)
Students.pdf Wulff wurde die Gelegenheit verweigert ein Stellungname zu seinem Haus Kredit
abzugeben. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass er im Ausland war, hatte er durchaus das Recht um eine
Aufschiebung des Berichtes zu bitten um die Gelegenheit zu haben eine Stellungnahme rechtzeitig
abzugeben. Keine besondere Eile mit der Veröffentlichen der spärlichen Information mit dem
Haus Kredit war geboten. Die Information hätte mühelos in einer Woche gedrückt werden können
wenn es überhaupt ein Berichterstattung wert war. Wulff war schlecht beraten, als er sich für
seinen Anruf bei Diekmann, Peters, Döpfner und Friede Springer als einen Eingriff in die
Pressefreiheit bewertete und sich dafür in einem ARD Fernsehen Interview entschuldigte. Er ist
aber kein Journalist und kennt die Grundregel nicht. Diekmann, Peters und Döpfner kennen die
Grundregel schon. Hier wird ein ahnungslose Mensch eingeredet, dass seine berechtigter
Anspruch fair behandelt zu sein und seine Stellungnahme zu Vorwürfe vor dem Drucken eines
Berichtes abzugeben, einen Eingriff in die Pressefreiheit ist. Der Springer Verlag verstoßt auch
gegen das Fairness regeln in den sie ihre vorläufigen Rechercheergebnisse in der Privatsphäre von
Wulff nicht für sich behalten, sondern in aller Öffentlichkeit gegen den Wunsch von Wulff
präsentieren in einem einmaligen Vorgang  in der deutschen Pressegeschichte. „Alle Anfragen zu
Wulffs Privatdarlehen, zu seinem BW-Bank-Kredit, zu Zinskonditionen und Urlaubsreisen, zu
Unternehmerfreundschaften, Grundbucheinträgen, Sicherheiten, zu eventueller
Steuerhinterziehung, zu Überweisungen, Daueraufträgen und Tilgungen werden veröffentlicht“
egal ob sie „newsworthy“ sind oder nicht.
bundespraesidenten-wie-die-medien-wulff-unter-zugzwang-setzen-1.1256679 Mit diesem Schritt
hat der Springer Verlag die Würde des Bundespräsidenten besonders verletzt und seine Rechte
mit Füssen getreten.   4)Genau zitieren ist ein Grundregel des Journalismus.   Die Redakteure
Diekmann und Peters haben Wulff falsch zitiert als sie behaupteten, dass er die Berichterstattung
verhindern wollte. Es stellte sich heraus, dass er in eine Nachricht auf dem Mailbox nur um eine
Aufschiebung bat so dass er die Gelegenheit hatte eine Stellungnahme abzugeben wie z. B. David
Cameron bzw. sein Sprecher es hatte. Diekmann und Peters nährten den falschen Eindruck, dass
Wulff in die Pressefreiheit eingriff und beschädigte absichtlich seine Würde und Ansehen.     Zum
Schluss:   Die Texte vom Springer Verlag über Wulffs Haus Kredit missachten die Grundregel der
Journalismus und sind als öffentliche Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten zu bewerten unter
Tarnung der Pressfreiheit auch wenn sie in Zeitungen erscheinen. Mit provokative Sprache und
Lüge wird die öffentliche Meinung manipuliert und Emotionen wie Verachtung für den
Bundespräsident werden gezielt hervorgerufen. Das Ziel ist der mediale Druck zu steigern und der
Bundespräsident zum Rucktritt zu zwingen und somit mehr Kontrolle über die nationale Politik zu
bekommen. Das zu einem Zeitpunkt als der Bundespräsident wichtige Gesetzte, die
möglicherweise gegen die Verfassung stoßen, unterschreiben werden müssen. Mathias Döpfner
und Friede Springer sind die Kontrollinstanzen, welche diese öffentliche Verunglimpfung
ermöglichen. Sollte der Springer Verlag und die Medien den Bundespräsident zu einem Rücktritt
zwingen durch solche eine dreiste öffentliche Verunglimpfung wird der Amt des Bundesamtes
irreparable beschädigt. Der Bundespräsident ist dem Volk und der Verfassung verpflichtet – nicht
einem Medienkonzern, der eng mit anderen Wirtschaftsinteresse verflechtet ist. Nachrichten ist
Nachrichten. Politik ist Politik. Hier macht Springer Politik nicht Nachrichten. „Man hat den
Eindruck, Bild will ihn vernichten. Das ist keine Demontage. Das ist Vernichtungswille. Es hat
doch einen merkwürdigen Charakter,“ sagte Journalist Gunter Wallraff. http://www.berliner-,10809188,11423300.html
Die einmalige Vorgehensweise und mediale Hinrichtung des Bundespräsidentes durch Akteuren
der  Springer Verlag verdient eine einmalige Strafe und zwar die Strafe „Verunglimpfung des
Bundespräsidenten.“           ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: jane burgermeister
<> Date: 2009/11/16 Subject: Fwd: Hinausschrift To:, Freeman <>, "Ihre Wake News (C)"
<>,, Johan Niklasson
<> Sehr geehrte Katharina Bedei,   In Bezug auf dem
heutigen Bericht in Bild von Tim Sausen, schicke ich diesen Email mit einem Brief von der
Gesundheits Ministerium in Österreich, der bestätigt, dass ich eine Anezige gegen Baxter und Avir
bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien eingereicht habe.
internet-bild-klaert-auf.html   Ausserdem ist der Verfahren gerade eingestellt geworden wie
Chriatian Pawle, der zuständige Staatsanwalts in Korneuburg und eine Polnische Journalistin
bestätigen kann. Aber ein Verfahren kann nur dann eingstellt sein wenn es einmal angefangen
hat....   Dr Apostol, der Staatsanwalt in Wien, kann sicher bestätigen, dass die Anzeige
eingegangen ist.   Ich habe Emails, die ausserdem beweisen, dass ich eine Anzeige gegen Barack
Obama usw bei der FBI in der Botschaft der USA eingereicht habe.   Ich verlange, dass Sie den
Fehlinformation, dass keine Anzeige von mir eingereicht war, in ihren morgigen
Augabe korrigieren und zwar so, dass alle Bild LeserInnen es sehen können. Wenn Sie das nicht
machen, dann muss ich vor Gericht gehen. Ich werde schnell handeln.   Mfg, Jane      
Schweinegrippe: Todes-Chip & Bio-Terrorismus Immer mehr irre Verschwörungs-Theorien
16.11.2009 - 09:29 UHR Von TIM SAUSEN Aktuell   4000 Tote in USA Drive-In-Impfung
Schweinegrippe Schweinegrippe Ist die Schweinegrippe eine riesige Verschwörung? Im Internet
kursieren die irrsten Grusel-Szenarien rund um das Virus. Viele Menschen fragen sich: Ist da doch
was dran? BILD ging den Verschwörungstheorien nach. Die irrste Behauptung: Mit der Impfung
wird ein Spionage-Chip oder „Todes-Chip“ injiziert. Die Wahrheit: Völliger Unsinn – und
technisch auch nicht möglich. Prof. Dr. Albrecht Rothermel (50), Experte für Mikroelektronik an
der Uni Ulm: „Allein von der Größe her unmöglich. Es gibt keine Mikrochips, die durch eine
Impfnadel passen würden.“ Behauptung: H1N1 wurde angeblich verbreitet, um einen Großteil der
Weltbevölkerung zu töten. Wahrheit: Natürlich frei erfunden. Prof. Dr. Frank Torsten Hufert,
Virologe von der Uni Göttingen erklärt: „H1N1 ist für den Menschen selten tödlich. Um die
Weltbevölkerung zu dezimieren, bräuchte man ein viel aggressiveres Virus. Das würde sich nur
dann als effektive Biowaffe eignen, wenn es gegen Grippemittel und Impfstoff resistent wäre.“
Behauptung: Der Wirkverstärker Squalen ist wie Gift. Er verursacht Rheuma bei Ratten und das
Golfkriegssyndrom. Wahrheit: Eine Sprecherin des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts: „Die Menge, die
Versuchstieren verabreicht wurde, ist bis zu 2000-mal höher als die, die bei der Schweinegrippe-
Impfung zum Einsatz kommt. Daher ist der Befund nicht aussagekräftig.“ Behauptung: Eine Frau
behauptet, sie habe wegen „Bio-Terrorismus“ die WHO, Barack Obama und die österreichische
Regierung angezeigt. Sie zeigt ein Schreiben mit dem Stempel der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien.
Wahrheit: Eine Sprecherin der Staatsanwaltschaft: „Die Anzeige ist bei uns nicht eingegangen.“
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: Wed, May 20,
2009 at 3:59 PM Subject: Hinausschrift To:  
2 attachments
    Hinausschrift BMG-92400_0049-I_B_8_2009_20.05.2009_Burgermeister, Jane.pdf 57K

    Anzeige §90.doc 59K

                 ]]> 5627 2012-01-18 12:01:29 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_6175d321623134229ccb72511434d732
president/ Wed, 18 Jan 2012 12:03:08 +0000 birdflu666
p=5628 th, 2011, blowing a small house credit deal out of all proportion and accusing him of
infringing rules when he had not. For almost four weeks, Germans were bombarded with texts
full of venomous and provocative language about a harmless credit deal in a brazen attempt by
the Springer Verlag to arouse public resentment against a president, who has shown more
commitment to the constitution and democracy than most of his predecessors. Wulff was also
critical of the European Central Bank in a landmark speech in summer, something which
appears to have prompted the establishment to use their media machine to force him from
power. Bild reporters immediately began to inquire pointlessly into his private affairs, turning
every harmless episode into a front page scandal. The insistent drumming of the mainstream
media, however, had a different impact upon the public opinion than the establishment
imagined. Wulff enjoyed an unprecedented upsurge of solidarity as corporate media insider,
Jakob Augstein, was forced to concede.,1518,808663,00.html Augstein admitted that the
German mainstream media can not only not mould public opinion – it has now completely lost
touch with public opinion altogether. The discredited media it is now perceived as being a part
of the establishment, unwilling to perform the function of a genuinely free press, Augstein
conceded in a remarkably frank report. Meanwhile, state prosecutors in Stuttgart announced
Wulff’s house credit deal was not worthy of an investigation. Also, prosecutors in Berlin refused
to press charges against Wulff for harassment because of a phone call he made to the editor of
Bild newspaper Kai Diekmann to make a justified complaint about the fact that he wasn’t being
given a fair opportunity to comment on his house credit deal.  To do my bit to neutralize the
smear efforts of Springer Verlag, I also emailed charges to the state prosecutor in Berlin on
Friday evening for violating a special law which makes it a criminal offence to deliberately
damage the reputation of the German president. While press reports, meeting the standards set
for the press, enjoy protection under the German constitution, smear texts don’t, I argued. I also
forwarded an email I sent to Bild in November 2009, highlighting a report in which Bild and the
Vienna state prosecutors colluded to misinform the public about my criminal charges against
Baxter for contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with the deadly bird flu virus in their
biosecurity 3 facilities in Orth an der Donau.   Bild and the Vienna state prosecutors were caught
out in a smear campaign against me, a journalist, who was giving accurate information about
the potential damage of the pandemic swine flu vaccine.   This is copy of my email to the Berlin
State prosecutors on Friday charging some of the Springer Verlag higher ups with launching a
smear campaign against President Wulff for political purposes.      
Fri, Jan 13,
jane burgermeister <> 2012 at 8:08


"katharina.bedei" <>,,,,,,
Michael Mross <>,, info@dw-,
  An die Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin,   Anbei finden Sie eine Anzeige wegen § 90 Strafgesetzbuch
Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten. Ich bin eine englisch-sprachige Journalistin, die für the
British Medical Journal und The Scienist und Nature u.a, geschrieben habe, und ich möchte eine
Anzeige wegen Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten Christian Wulff erstatten.
hl=en&q=jane+burgermeister&as_sdt=0%2C5&as_ylo=&as_vis=0 Entscheidend für den
Tatbestand Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten durch den Springer Verlag ist die Frage ob die
„Texten“ von Bild Zeitung, Die Welt und andere Medien des Springer Verlages über das Haus
Kredit Deal von Bundespräsident Christian Wulff die allgemein anerkannte Anforderung, die an
eine Berichterstattung gestellt sind, erfüllen. Wenn Texte die Grundregel der Berichterstattung
missachten, dann sind diese Texte nicht als Presseberichte zu bewerten, selbst dann nicht wenn sie
in Zeitungen erscheinen. Sie genießen daher auch kein besondere Schutz vor einer Strafverfolgung
unter § 90 StrGB mit Berufung auf die Pressefreiheit. In meiner Anzeige unten nutzte ich meine
Erfahrung als eine Journalistin um genau aufzuzeigen wo die Texte von Bild, Die Welt und
Springer Verlag über Wulffs Haus Kredit gegen die Grundregel der Berichterstattung verstoßen
und warum sie als Propaganda und eine öffentliche Verunglimpfung oder Präsidenten-Bashing zu
bewerten sind. Ich habe auch einige Erfahrungen  mit der unsachgemässen Texte der Bild Zeitung
gemacht. In einer Kampagne in Frühling 2009 fing ich an, Menschen davor zu warnen, dass die
Schweinegrippe Impfstoff schädlich war nachdem ich die Fakten, Beweise und Dokumente
studierte. Es gab auch Ärzte in Deutschland, welche die Menschen vor dem Pandemie Impfstoff
warnten. Die finnische Regierung hat mittlerweile den Zusammenhang zwischen das
Schweinegrippe Adjuvans und neurologischen Schaden in Jugendliche zugegeben und die
Opfer finanzielle Kompensation zugesichert.
time-medical-expense-for-children-injured-by-swine-flu-permanently/ In der UK machen Eltern
auch Druck wegen dem Schaden, der den Impfstoff ihrer Kinder zugefügt hat.
vaccine-and-narcolepsy.html Mehrere Untersuchungen wie vom Council of Europe haben die
Schweinegrippe Impfkampagne als ein großer Fehler und Überflüssig beschrieben wie ich es auch
von Anfang an sagte.
firms-encouraged-world-health-body-exaggerate-swine-flu-threat.html Vor ich diese Kampagne
anfing, hatte ich auch ein soliden Ruf als eine Journalistin. Kaum fing ich an die Menschen vor der
Impfstoff zu warnen aufgrund von Fakten und Dokumenten, schon wurden die Internet mit lauter
Blödsinn, Vorwürfe und Verleumdungen überschwemmt als nur ein Teil einer ungeheuerlichen,
vielseitige und andauernde Aktion um mich zu diskreditieren und ruinieren. Bild Zeitung hat auch
falsche Information über mich absichtlich verbreitet um die öffentliche Meinung zu manipulieren
als es klar wurde, dass viele Deutschen das Impfstoff nicht nehmen wurden und meine
Information sich über das alternative Medien verbreitete. Anfang April 2009 habe ich eine
Anzeige gegen Baxter wegen der Kontaminierung von 72 kilo Grippeimpfstoff mit den tödlichen
Vogelgrippe Virus in Baxter’s Anlage in Orth an der Donau eingereicht. Die Staatsanwaltschaft
Wien veranlasste eine Ermittlung. Dieser wurde im September 2009 eingestellt und zwar kurz vor
der großen Schweinegrippe Impfaktion. Das Vorhandensein von strengen Biosicherheitsrichtlinie
3 schließt eine zufällige Kontaminierung aus. Außerdem ist es nicht klar warum Baxter die
Vogelgrippe Virus, die einem Biowaffenlabor hergestellt wurde -- wie man selbst in Der Spiegel
lesen kann,1518,378217,00.html -- in seiner
Anlage überhaupt hatte. Fest steht, Baxter war einer der Hauptprofiteur einer Pandemie durch
vorverhandelten Verträge um eine Pandemie Impfstoff zu verkaufen. Bild Zeitung veröffentlichte
ein Text in November 2009, worin es stand dass ich keine Anzeige gegen Baxter erstattet als Teil
einer öffentlichen Verumglimpfung.
internet-bild-klaert-auf.html Ich hatte einen Beweisstück im Form eines Briefes vom
Gesundheitsministerium in Wien. Der Brief war online. Ich schickte ihn aber  an Bild am gleichen
Tag mit einer Bitte um eine Korrektur. Siehe Email unten. Bild hat nie geantwortet. Fakten sind
Bild Zeitung vollkommen egal. Bild sprach von einer Verschwörungstheorie in Zusammenhang
mit der Schweinegrippe Impfstoff. Fakt ist alles was ich sagte war wissenschaftlich begründet und
die Zeit hat mich Recht gegeben. Ich arbeite akkurat und sachlich und halte die Grundregel des
Journalismus ein wie viele andere Kollegen. Nur 6% der Deutschen nahmen die Grippe Impfstoff
trotz viel Pandemie Hype von Medien wie Bild Zeitung. Bis heute hat Bild nichts über den
Impfschaden berichtet. Die Verunglimpfung Aktion von Bild war für mich aber sehr gefährlich. Es
hat dazu beigetragen, meinen Ruf zu ruinieren. Drei Monaten nach dem Bild Bericht wurde ich
fast in Wien, wo ich wohne, eingewiesen von einem Forscher, der für  die Ludwig Boltzmann
Institut, eine Einrichtung, die auch vom Baxter mitfinanziert ist arbeitete. Außerdem publizierte
der besagte Forscher Professor Lukas Kenner in einem Journal vom Rockefeller University Press. Kenner ignorierte alle Beweise und Fakten, die
mich dazu bewog, die Menschen vor der Schweinegrippe Impfstoff zu warnen. Er betrieb aktiv
meine Ausschaltung und wollte mich einweisen ohne mich einmal zu treffen. Wie in Zeiten der
Soviet Union oder Nazi Deutschland sollte eine ungeliebte Zeugin von einem Verbrechen – ich
wähle das Wort , weil es am ehesten zutrifft – ausgeschaltet sein. Der Versuch scheiterte an die
Psychologin, die mich für vollkommen normal erklärte und eine Einweisung durchzuführen
weigerte. Dieser Fall kommt bald vor Gericht: eine Anzeige gegen Kenner und einigen anderen
wurde in Oktober von der Polizei in Wien erstattet. Ich kann aus eigener Erfahrung also sagen,
Bild ist gefährliche Propaganda und nicht Fakt. Insofern, dass Bild Zeitung jetzt Propaganda gegen
den Bundespräsidenten betreibt und seine Würde beschädigt stoßt Bild aber gegen ein Gesetz.
Bild Zeitung und Die Welt können sich nicht auf die Pressefreiheit berufen wenn ihre Texte die
Grundregel der Berichterstattung, wie ich in dieser Anzeige nachweise, missachten. Deswegen
erfüllen die Springer Verlag Texte die Voraussetzungen für den Strafbestand § 90 StGB.
Nachrichten soll Nachrichten sein. Politik soll Politik sein. Der Springer Verlag versucht mit einem
einmaligen "medialer Hinrichtung" ein Staatsoberhaupt zum Rucktritt zu zwingen und die Politik
von Deutschland zu beeinflussen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Jane Bürgermeister MA (Hons)
Edinburgh University Gentzgasse 14/9/12, 1180 Wien, Österreich -------- ANZEIGE Ich möchte
eine Anzeige gegen     Kai Diekmann Chefredakteur Bild Zeitung   Jan-Eric Peters Chefredakteur
der WELT-Gruppe   Matthias Döpfner Vorstandsvorsitzender des deutschen
Medienunternehmens Axel Springer   Friede Springer Besitzerin von 7 % der Aktien der Axel
Springer AG, und 90% der Gesellschaftsanteile der Axel Springer Gesellschaft für Publizistik
GmbH & Co., welche wiederum mit 51,5% an der Axel Springer AG beteiligt ist   Wegen   § 90 § 90
Strafgesetzbuch Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten Christian Wulff erstatten.           Die oben
angeführten Personen haben durch die öffentliche Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten, unter
dem Nimbus oder Tarnung der Journalismus, den Ansehen des Bundespräsidenten Christian
Wulff beschädigt, die öffentliche Meinung gegen ihn aufgebracht, Druck auf ihn aufgebaut
zurückzutreten, und ihn in der Ausübung seines Amtes beeinträchtigt. Eine mediale Hinrichtung
oder Verletzung der Würde von dem Bundespräsidenten ist besonders strafwürdig weil der
Präsident „größtenteils repräsentative Funktionen wahrnimmt und wirkt nahezu ausschließlich
durch die besondere Würde seines Amtes,“ sagte Dr. Andrea Grotemeier.
comeback-der-majestaetsbeleidigung/ Die öffentliche Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten
erfolgt zwar in die Zeitungen vom Springer Verlag. Diese Schriften oder Texte haben aber nicht die
Merkmale, die eine Berichterstattung von einem gewöhnlichen Kommentar oder Text
unterscheiden wie ich in dieser Anzeige darstellen werde. Die Grundregel der Journalismus, so wie
ich Tag ein, Tag aus als eine Journalistin, die auch für The British Medical Journal, Nature, The
Scientist, The Guardian, Observer, European Voice, American Prospect usw angewendet habe,
werden nicht einhalten.
q=jane+burgermeister&hl=en&btnG=Search&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp=on Entscheidend für den
Tatbestand Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten ist deswegen die Frage ob die „Texten“ von
Bild, Die Welt und andere Medien die allgemein anerkannte Anforderung, die an eine
Berichterstattung und die Presse gestellt sind, erfüllen oder nicht. Wenn Texte die Grundregel der
Berichterstattung missachten, dann sind diese Texte nicht als Presseberichte zu bewerten, selbst
dann nicht wenn sie in Zeitungen erscheinen. Sie genießen daher auch kein besondere Schutz vor
einer Strafverfolgung unter § 90 StrGB mit Berufung auf die Pressefreiheit. Die Bedeutung der
Öffentlichkeit und Medien für die demokratische Meinungsbildung der Öffentlichkeit und der
demokratischen Kontrolle von Staat und Regierung hat dazu geführt, dass die Meinungs- und
Pressefreiheit ein besonderer Schutz unter Artikel 5 des Grundgesetztes genießt. Ein Text oder Schrift muss aber tatsächlich die
Anforderung, die allgemein an eine Berichterstattung gestellt wird, erfüllen um auf den Schutz der
Pressfreiheit berufen zu können. Eine Analyse zeigt, dass die Springer Verlag „Texte“ nicht als
Berichterstattung zu bewerten sind. Die „Schriften“ vom Springer Verlag sind am ehesten die
Gattung Kommentar oder „Kampagne“ unterzuordnen. Sie sind gegen den Bundespräsident
gerichtet. Sie verunglimpfen den Bundespräsident öffentlich und beschädigen sein Ansehen. Diese
Verunglimpfung ist absichtlich. Druck wird aufgebaut um den Bundespräsident zu einem
Rücktritt zu zwingen. Deswegen sind die Texten  vom Springer Verlag Schriften im Sinne von § 90
Strafgesetzbuch. Diese Schriften erfüllen Tatbestand §90 und die Verantwortlichen sollen zu
Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Die Grundregel der Berichterstattung werden alle angehenden
Journalisten vermittelt. Dieser Grundregel und Fertigkeiten werden in Journalistik Studien in
Universitäten und Fachhochschulen und andere Lehrgänge vermittelt. http://www.studis- Die Pressearbeit unterscheidet sich
von anderen Gattungen wie PR und Werbung durch ihren Informationsgehalt. Fakten,
Objektivität, Neutralität und Fairness sind Merkmale der Presse, sagt, zum Beispiel, „The
Journalism Handbook“ of New York University. „A journalist's mission is to serve the public by
seeking and reporting the facts as accurately as possible.” “Reporters critique the activities of other
people and institutions, and what they publish can have a profound impact on the people,
businesses and institutions they cover, as well as society at large. Journalists must live up to the
highest standards of integrity, and by integrity we mean: truth, fairness, sincerity, and avoiding
the appearance of a conflict of interest,“
Students.pdf Außerdem gibt es Praktika in Redaktionen um die Grundregeln und Fertigkeiten zu
lernen und der Handwerk Praxisnah anzuwenden. The New York Times gibt detaillierte
Anweisungen an ihre Journalisten in einen „Handbook of Ethical Journalism“ weiter. Dass jede Presse eine
Kontrollinstanz braucht um den Einhalt der Grundregel und Gesetzte zu Überwachen wird auch
durch die News Corps Hacking Skandal deutlich.
newscorp-quickguide-idUSTRE76H5SA20110718 Reporters haben sowohl ein Grundregel der
Pressearbeit als auch das Gesetz gebrochen und Mailboxes gehackt. Rebekah Brooks, News
International's Chief Eexecutive und damalige Chefredakteur der News of the World müsste ihren
Hut nehmen. News Corps Chef Rupert Murdoch und sein Sohn James Murdoch mussten vor
einem parlamentarischen Untersuchungsausschuss in der UK Antworten über die Ethik und
Standards ihrer Medienorganisation abgeben. Aktionäre sind gerichtlich gegen News Corps
hervorgegangen. In
Deutschland eignet sich der Tatbestand §90 als eine Kontrollinstanz um die unsauberen
Machenschaften der Medien zu kontrollieren. Springer Verlags Kunst besteht darin aufzutreten,
als ob ihre Berichterstattung über das Hauskredit von Christian Wulff Regelkonform sind, und
vom Nimbus und den Rechten, die der Journalismus in dieser Gesellschaft genießt, zu profitieren,
ohne aber die Grundregeln einzuhalten, die allein eine Berichterstattung von anderen Gattungen
wie PR und Werbung unterscheidet. Grundregel der Journalismus, welche die Bild Zeitung und
Die Welt verletzt haben sind unter anderen:   1)      Der Grundregel, dass die Presse nicht grundlos
in der Privatsphäre von Menschen forscht: "We do not inquire pointlessly into someone’s personal
life.” (New York Times guidelines for journalists)
times-coe.html#A1 “A2. How We Gather the News 21. We treat news sources fairly and
professionally. We do not inquire pointlessly into someone's personal life. We do not threaten to
damage uncooperative sources, nor do we promise favorable coverage in return for cooperation.”
Damit drückt The New York Times aus, dass die Zeitung sich dazu verpflichtet fühlt, die
Öffentlichkeit über relevanten Themen und Ereignisse zu informieren. Bild Zeitung hat gegen
diesen allgemein anerkannten Grundregel verstoßen. Bild Zeitung hat grundlos in der
persönlichen Leben von Christian Wulff geforscht und gewühlt. Bild Reporter fingen minutiös
Recherche in der Privatsphäre von Wulff in August 2011. Sie waren offensichtlich auf der Suche
nach Material um eine Verunglimpfung und Hetz Kampagne durchzuführen. Transparenz soll
vorhanden sein wenn es um Themen und Ereignisse, die relevant für die Öffentlichkeit sind, geht.
Der Ruf nach Transparenz wird aber hier als Tarnung für eine grundlose Forschung und
Eindringen in der Privatsphäre durch Bild benützt. Das Recht auf eine Privatsphäre ist auch
gesetzlich verankert. Wulff hat gute Grund zu glauben, dass Fragen und Antworten zu seiner
Kredit- und Medienaffäre als "Steinbruch für eine Fortsetzung der Kampagne" gegen ihn benutzt
werden konnte.
medien-wulff-unter-zugzwang-setzen-1.1256679 Ein Vergleich mit der Berichterstattung über ein
Land Deal des UK Premier Minister David Cameron verdeutlicht den Unterschied zwischen
grundlos in der Privatsphäre eines Politikers Forschungen anzustellen und ein Hinweis
nachzugeben die eine Veröffentlichung („newsworthy“) würdig ist. Am November 23, 2011,
berichtete The Telegraph, dass ein ehemaliger Vorstand einer parlamentarischen Kontrollorgan,
Sir Alistair Graham, former chairman of the Committee of Standards in Public Life, gesagt hat,
dass Cameron hätte Einzelheiten über  ein Land Dead veröffentlichen müssen.
have-declared-land-deal-with-party-donor-says-former-watchdog.html The Telegraph hatte also
die Beurteilung einer anerkannten Autorität in diesem Gebiet als die Grundlage für eine
Berichterstattung benutzt. Hier ging es nicht um eine „grundlos Forschung“ seitens der Zeitung in
das Land Deal usw. Hier ging es um eine „newsworthy“ Beurteilung eines Experten. Es gibt gar
keine vergleichbare Beurteilung im Fall von Wulff’s Haus Kredit Deal und keinen offensichtlichen
Verstoß gegen das Gesetz wie im Plagiatskandal von Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg. Kein
parlamentarisches Kontrollorgan hat das Haus Kredit Deal bis jetzt verurteilt oder als ein Verstoß
gegen den Regel oder Gesetz bewertet. Diese Bewertung des Haus Kredits stammt von Springer.
Springer Verlag forscht  nicht nur „grundlos“ in der Privatsphäre des Bundespräsidenten sondern
bewertet auch die Entdeckungen und verstoßt somit gegen den Grundregel der Objektivität und
Neutralität, welche eine Berichterstattung auszeichnen soll.   2)      Fakten checken, objektiv
bleiben, neutral berichtet: das ist ein Grundregel der Pressearbeit.   The Telegraph hat eine einzige
Berichterstattung über das Land Deal von Cameron veröffentlicht. Die Redaktion entschied, dass
die Information zwar wichtig war und veröffentlicht werden sollte aber ein einziger Bericht war
angemessen angesichts des relativ kleinen Verstoßes von Cameron. Es ist nicht zu erklären warum
die Redakteure von Bild und Die Welt Tag ein, Tag aus seit Dezember 13, 2011, ihre Blätter mit
jeden Einzelheit vom Wulffs Hauskredit usw. erfüllen wenn es nicht um eine Hetzkampagne geht.
Die spärliche Information ist ein Bericht wert aber nicht mehr. Im Fall Wulff geht es um eine sehr
eigenwillige und ungewöhnliche Entscheidung der Redakteure Diekmann und Peters. Das Ziel ist
klar. Es geht nicht um „newsworthy“ Information zu veröffentlichen. Es geht um die
Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten und die Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung. Mit
provokative, giftige Sprache, die immer wiederholt wird, Tag ein, Tag aus, soll die Öffentlichkeit
gegen Wulff aufgebracht sein. Es geht hier um Botschaften und nicht Informationen. Diese
Botschaften werden ständig wiederholt um die gleiche Wirkung zu entfalten wie Propaganda. Die
Springer Medien liefern ein verzerrtes Bild der Wahrheit. Wulff hat gegen kein Gesetz oder Regel
mit seinem Hauskredit Deal gestoßen. Aber die mediale Hinrichtung hat den Eindruck erweckt, er
hat etwas Gravierendes getan. Von einer neutralen, unvoreingenommen Berichterstattung kann
keine Rede sein. Es geht darum eine Stimmung in den Leser hervorzurufen, Emotionen
hervorzurufen und zwar Emotionen von Verachtung, Feindseligkeit und Geringschätzung
(„Witzfigur“ usw.).   3)      Quellen fair zu behandeln.   „The Times treats news sources just as fairly
and openly as it treats readers.” (New York Times guidelines for journalists)   Bild Zeitung hat auch gegen den
Grundregel verstoßen, der sagt, dass man seine “Quelle” fair behandeln muss und die Gelegenheit
geben muss, Vorwürfe zu beantworten vor einem Bericht gedrückt wird. The Telegraph hat David
Cameron bzw. sein Sprecher die Gelegenheit gegeben seine Stellungnahme zum Land Deal
abzugeben vor der Veröffentlichung des Berichtes. „Fairness also means adhering to the "no
surprises" rule when writing critically of someone: affording the source the opportunity to answer
allegations or criticisms before publishing the work,” sagt die NYU Journalism Handbook (page 5)
Students.pdf Wulff wurde die Gelegenheit verweigert ein Stellungname zu seinem Haus Kredit
abzugeben. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass er im Ausland war, hatte er durchaus das Recht um eine
Aufschiebung des Berichtes zu bitten um die Gelegenheit zu haben eine Stellungnahme rechtzeitig
abzugeben. Keine besondere Eile mit der Veröffentlichen der spärlichen Information mit dem
Haus Kredit war geboten. Die Information hätte mühelos in einer Woche gedrückt werden können
wenn es überhaupt ein Berichterstattung wert war. Wulff war schlecht beraten, als er sich für
seinen Anruf bei Diekmann, Peters, Döpfner und Friede Springer als einen Eingriff in die
Pressefreiheit bewertete und sich dafür in einem ARD Fernsehen Interview entschuldigte. Er ist
aber kein Journalist und kennt die Grundregel nicht. Diekmann, Peters und Döpfner kennen die
Grundregel schon. Hier wird ein ahnungslose Mensch eingeredet, dass seine berechtigter
Anspruch fair behandelt zu sein und seine Stellungnahme zu Vorwürfe vor dem Drucken eines
Berichtes abzugeben, einen Eingriff in die Pressefreiheit ist. Der Springer Verlag verstoßt auch
gegen das Fairness regeln in den sie ihre vorläufigen Rechercheergebnisse in der Privatsphäre von
Wulff nicht für sich behalten, sondern in aller Öffentlichkeit gegen den Wunsch von Wulff
präsentieren in einem einmaligen Vorgang  in der deutschen Pressegeschichte. „Alle Anfragen zu
Wulffs Privatdarlehen, zu seinem BW-Bank-Kredit, zu Zinskonditionen und Urlaubsreisen, zu
Unternehmerfreundschaften, Grundbucheinträgen, Sicherheiten, zu eventueller
Steuerhinterziehung, zu Überweisungen, Daueraufträgen und Tilgungen werden veröffentlicht“
egal ob sie „newsworthy“ sind oder nicht.
bundespraesidenten-wie-die-medien-wulff-unter-zugzwang-setzen-1.1256679 Mit diesem Schritt
hat der Springer Verlag die Würde des Bundespräsidenten besonders verletzt und seine Rechte
mit Füssen getreten.   4)Genau zitieren ist ein Grundregel des Journalismus.   Die Redakteure
Diekmann und Peters haben Wulff falsch zitiert als sie behaupteten, dass er die Berichterstattung
verhindern wollte. Es stellte sich heraus, dass er in eine Nachricht auf dem Mailbox nur um eine
Aufschiebung bat so dass er die Gelegenheit hatte eine Stellungnahme abzugeben wie z. B. David
Cameron bzw. sein Sprecher es hatte. Diekmann und Peters nährten den falschen Eindruck, dass
Wulff in die Pressefreiheit eingriff und beschädigte absichtlich seine Würde und Ansehen.     Zum
Schluss:   Die Texte vom Springer Verlag über Wulffs Haus Kredit missachten die Grundregel der
Journalismus und sind als öffentliche Verunglimpfung des Bundespräsidenten zu bewerten unter
Tarnung der Pressfreiheit auch wenn sie in Zeitungen erscheinen. Mit provokative Sprache und
Lüge wird die öffentliche Meinung manipuliert und Emotionen wie Verachtung für den
Bundespräsident werden gezielt hervorgerufen. Das Ziel ist der mediale Druck zu steigern und der
Bundespräsident zum Rucktritt zu zwingen und somit mehr Kontrolle über die nationale Politik zu
bekommen. Das zu einem Zeitpunkt als der Bundespräsident wichtige Gesetzte, die
möglicherweise gegen die Verfassung stoßen, unterschreiben werden müssen. Mathias Döpfner
und Friede Springer sind die Kontrollinstanzen, welche diese öffentliche Verunglimpfung
ermöglichen. Sollte der Springer Verlag und die Medien den Bundespräsident zu einem Rücktritt
zwingen durch solche eine dreiste öffentliche Verunglimpfung wird der Amt des Bundesamtes
irreparable beschädigt. Der Bundespräsident ist dem Volk und der Verfassung verpflichtet – nicht
einem Medienkonzern, der eng mit anderen Wirtschaftsinteresse verflechtet ist. Nachrichten ist
Nachrichten. Politik ist Politik. Hier macht Springer Politik nicht Nachrichten. „Man hat den
Eindruck, Bild will ihn vernichten. Das ist keine Demontage. Das ist Vernichtungswille. Es hat
doch einen merkwürdigen Charakter,“ sagte Journalist Gunter Wallraff. http://www.berliner-,10809188,11423300.html
Die einmalige Vorgehensweise und mediale Hinrichtung des Bundespräsidentes durch Akteuren
der  Springer Verlag verdient eine einmalige Strafe und zwar die Strafe „Verunglimpfung des
Bundespräsidenten.“           ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: jane burgermeister
<> Date: 2009/11/16 Subject: Fwd: Hinausschrift To:, Freeman <>, "Ihre Wake News (C)"
<>,, Johan Niklasson
<> Sehr geehrte Katharina Bedei,   In Bezug auf dem
heutigen Bericht in Bild von Tim Sausen, schicke ich diesen Email mit einem Brief von der
Gesundheits Ministerium in Österreich, der bestätigt, dass ich eine Anezige gegen Baxter und Avir
bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien eingereicht habe.
internet-bild-klaert-auf.html   Ausserdem ist der Verfahren gerade eingestellt geworden wie
Chriatian Pawle, der zuständige Staatsanwalts in Korneuburg und eine Polnische Journalistin
bestätigen kann. Aber ein Verfahren kann nur dann eingstellt sein wenn es einmal angefangen
hat....   Dr Apostol, der Staatsanwalt in Wien, kann sicher bestätigen, dass die Anzeige
eingegangen ist.   Ich habe Emails, die ausserdem beweisen, dass ich eine Anzeige gegen Barack
Obama usw bei der FBI in der Botschaft der USA eingereicht habe.   Ich verlange, dass Sie den
Fehlinformation, dass keine Anzeige von mir eingereicht war, in ihren morgigen
Augabe korrigieren und zwar so, dass alle Bild LeserInnen es sehen können. Wenn Sie das nicht
machen, dann muss ich vor Gericht gehen. Ich werde schnell handeln.   Mfg, Jane      
Schweinegrippe: Todes-Chip & Bio-Terrorismus Immer mehr irre Verschwörungs-Theorien
16.11.2009 - 09:29 UHR Von TIM SAUSEN Aktuell   4000 Tote in USA Drive-In-Impfung
Schweinegrippe Schweinegrippe Ist die Schweinegrippe eine riesige Verschwörung? Im Internet
kursieren die irrsten Grusel-Szenarien rund um das Virus. Viele Menschen fragen sich: Ist da doch
was dran? BILD ging den Verschwörungstheorien nach. Die irrste Behauptung: Mit der Impfung
wird ein Spionage-Chip oder „Todes-Chip“ injiziert. Die Wahrheit: Völliger Unsinn – und
technisch auch nicht möglich. Prof. Dr. Albrecht Rothermel (50), Experte für Mikroelektronik an
der Uni Ulm: „Allein von der Größe her unmöglich. Es gibt keine Mikrochips, die durch eine
Impfnadel passen würden.“ Behauptung: H1N1 wurde angeblich verbreitet, um einen Großteil der
Weltbevölkerung zu töten. Wahrheit: Natürlich frei erfunden. Prof. Dr. Frank Torsten Hufert,
Virologe von der Uni Göttingen erklärt: „H1N1 ist für den Menschen selten tödlich. Um die
Weltbevölkerung zu dezimieren, bräuchte man ein viel aggressiveres Virus. Das würde sich nur
dann als effektive Biowaffe eignen, wenn es gegen Grippemittel und Impfstoff resistent wäre.“
Behauptung: Der Wirkverstärker Squalen ist wie Gift. Er verursacht Rheuma bei Ratten und das
Golfkriegssyndrom. Wahrheit: Eine Sprecherin des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts: „Die Menge, die
Versuchstieren verabreicht wurde, ist bis zu 2000-mal höher als die, die bei der Schweinegrippe-
Impfung zum Einsatz kommt. Daher ist der Befund nicht aussagekräftig.“ Behauptung: Eine Frau
behauptet, sie habe wegen „Bio-Terrorismus“ die WHO, Barack Obama und die österreichische
Regierung angezeigt. Sie zeigt ein Schreiben mit dem Stempel der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien.
Wahrheit: Eine Sprecherin der Staatsanwaltschaft: „Die Anzeige ist bei uns nicht eingegangen.“
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <> Date: Wed, May 20,
2009 at 3:59 PM Subject: Hinausschrift To:  
2 attachments
    Hinausschrift BMG-92400_0049-I_B_8_2009_20.05.2009_Burgermeister, Jane.pdf 57K

    Anzeige §90.doc 59K

]]> 5628 2012-01-18 12:03:08 2012-01-18 12:03:08 closed open springer-smear-machine-fails-

to-oust-german-president publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
Thu, 19 Jan 2012 14:33:38 +0000 birdflu666 Thanks to Claudia for the code!
script type="text/javascript">var a=new
script> "Tomorrow, g18th, 2012, will be the largest internet protest in history. Thousands of
sites across the internet, including some of the biggest in the world, will be blacking out and
directing people to contact Congress to kill the web censorship bill, SOPA and PIPA. We want to
get you involved. Join us on the historic day by blacking out your site. Copy the code
below and paste it into the header of your theme (Wordpress users: use the SOPA Strike plugin)
to black your site out in protest of SOPA/PIPA. It will activate automatically on Jan. 18th,
displaying this page and directing visitors to contact Congress, and will deactivate at the end of
the day.

<script type="text/javascript">var a=new


In just 7 days, the Senate will vote on forever altering the free and open internet by instituting a
new regime of extra-judicial, corporate-led website takedowns. This is a fundamental fight about
who has power in society -- the people with the means to communicate freely or the
governments and corporations that feel threatened. For the full state of play on the
censorship bills, take a look at this infographic we've put together. Click here. The
clock is ticking, and we're still 35 senators short of the number we need to kill the bill. If you're
on Facebook or Twitter, please use these links to spread the word about the protest:]]> 5631
2012-01-19 14:33:38 2012-01-19 14:33:38 closed open sopa-internet-black-out-code-for-
bloggers publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
plan-to-sue-the-austrian-government-and-baxter-before-i-leave-austria/ Thu, 19 Jan 2012
14:53:59 +0000 birdflu666 *Government paid
researcher at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute (LBI) tried to have me confined in February
2010 without ever having met me *Presisdent of the LBI is Raiffeisen banker Christian
Konrad *Former health minister sits on the board of LBI *Vienna state
prosecutors involved in efforts to smear me and eliminate me Before I leave Austria --
I am in the process of selling my flat --, I am going to sue the Austrian government and Baxter 
and also Raiffeisen Bank for ruining my finances, my reputation and much of my life. It is one
thing for the Austrian government to give people a harmful swine flu pandemic vaccine as they
did in 2009. It is another thing for the  government to collude with corporations and banks to
make brazen attempts to eliminate me, an experienced medical journalist who had scientific
reasons for warning people about the damaging effects of the vaccine.  The Finnish government
has, in the meantime, admitted the link between the vaccine and severe neurological damage to
children. Anyone who took a few minutes to study the documents could see that the swine flu
vaccine was dangerous. No doubt,  that is why so few people took it, especially among doctors
and nurses. But in February 2010, just as the swine flu campaign furore started to die down, a
researcher employed by the Austrian government and working in a leading government-funded
research institute, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, approached a psychiatrist he knew and put
pressure on her to have me confined. While I was busy trying to protect people from damage
through the swine flu vaccine, an Austrian government employee tried to eliminate me using
methods all too familiar from the Nazi era. Christian Konrad, the former head of Raiffeisen
Bank, and president of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, knows all about the crimes committed
by medical personnel belonging to the instutute during the second world war, including torture.
He officially apologised for them in 2001.
zugefuegte-leid Also on the board of the institute is Dr Franz Löschnak, a former government
health and interior minister, as well as Christain Reiner, the publisher of „profil“ , a magazine
which gave false information about a Baxter contamination scandal in the spring of 2009 and
also printed a smear report about me in autumn of 2009 when it became clear people were
listening to what I was saying and refusing the vaccine.
Professor Lukas Kenner had never met me. I had never heard of him. We can rule out any
personal motive for wanting to confine me. It is reasonable to conclude that Kenner was acting
on behalf the pushers of the swine flu vaccine – the government and Baxter, which also funds
his institute. What other motive could he have for making so much effort to have me confined? I
was a witness to a state sponsored corporate crime. I had to be eliminated before the damage
became evident. State functionaries set about their work protecting the interests of big pharma
and banks. I was also the person who pressed charges against Baxter in April 2009 for
contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with the bird flu virus, and so nearly starting a
worldwide pandemic, and my charges triggered a police investigation. Yet Bild newspaper
quoted the state prosecutors in Vienna as saying that I had not filed charges in a report in
November 16th, 2009, denying the swine flu vaccine was dangerous. Bild highly likely would not
have risked legal action from the Vienna state prosecutor over a false quote in Germany’s
popular newspaper unless Bild editors had had some understanding with the prosecutors office
that it was okay to use their name to misinform people and smear me in order to persuade
Germans to take the vaccine. So, here is another example of an Austrian government body
involved in ruining my reputation by making false statements. Then in July 2010, a judge in
Hietzing tried to place me under a court guardianshi pby making a false statement claiming I
had asked „for ever new evaluations of the properties in my inheritance“ – a fate I only escaped
by making my case public. Everyone could read my legal action on the internet showing that I
had been set up by Judge Michaela Lauer – everyone, that is, except the Vienna state prosecutor
chief Walter Geyer, who in record time, dismissed my claims, paving the way for me to be
stripped of my rights and confined in August 2010. The public outcry made it impossible for me
to be placed under a court guardianship by an obvious lie. But then in December 2010,
defamation charges were slapped on me by the justice ministry for stating the obvious – I was
being persecuting relentlessly by justice officials. The defamation charges were dropped in
February 2011 again under public pressure. Apart from all the damage to my reputation, to my
future job prospects, there was also the potential damage to my bit of inheritance through these
diverse attacks. During this staggeringly brazen persecution, not a single Austrian
parliamentarian has contacted me or offered me help. The parliament has not held any inquiry
into the hyped swine flu pandemic either unlike that of the UK and France. The Austrian
lawmakers take all the money and perks. But they could not care less about performing their
most basic duties towards their own people. It is more important for them to stay on the good
side of the banks and corporations than to stop a dangerous vaccine campaign. Under the 2006
pandemic plan signed by Maria Rauch-Kallat, 100% of the people in Austria were supposed to
take the harmful swine flu vaccine, and there were even provisions for forced vaccination. In the
pandemic plan having pandemic flu counts as a criminal or felony offence in the pandemic plan
– and police can use deadly force against felony suspects. The Austrian Health Minister Alois
Stöger activated contracts for 16 million doses of pandemic vaccine from Baxter in 2009,
enough for everyone to be vaccinated twice over. The vaccines were delivered to vaccine centres
by the Austrian military – they are classified as bioweapons on bio databases, after all.
Moreover, the government funded state broadcasting institute, the ORF,  was -- and still is --
completely silent about the harmful effects of the vaccine. The ORF journalists have just
whipped themselves up into a frenzy  over one of the more outrageous political appointments. Yet it is well known that virtually everyone in the ORF
only gets their jobs through party connections. In return for a big salary and perks, the
journalists there keep silent during one scandal after the other, including the swine flu vaccine
scandal. The local journalists union has told me I have to fill out forms and join before they will
consider my case.  Joining an association of Austrian hacks is not my career goal. I want to stay
credible in my field. Though I have had phone calls from newspapers outside Austria, not a
single Austrian journalist has contacted me, though two wrote smear reports in the vein of Bild
newspaper. There I was, doing my civic and journalistic duty and warning people about a
dangerous vaccine – and press freedom and freedom of speech is supposed to be guaranteed by
the state – and the very government giving the harmful vaccine to people was trying to destroy
me in collusion with corporations and banks. Amazingly, they thought they would get away with
it in spite of the fact we are now in the internet age. In fact, their actions have magnified the
damage to them by many multiples. Globalists, in general, seem to be stunningly unable to judge
situations and public reaction as the case of Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg shows.  In addition, the
world now knows just how these networks operate. Activists and investigative journalists can
learn from the experiences of someone like me. Of course, there are good and honest people in
Austria who try to do their job even in these challenging political conditions. But their efforts are
overshadowed by a degree of deep-seated institutional and personal corruption which is
staggering and a danger to everyone in Austria. The Austrian Finance Minister Maria Fekter is
currently agonising over where to cut a few billion from the budget. Imagine the problems the
state finances would have had if 100% of the people had taken the swine flu jab as planned. An
ever greater proportion of them would have become sick and ill and unable to work, leading to a
steepening drop in tax revenue and a huge rise in health care costs. Eventually, the entire
country would have collapsed. I look forward very much to moving soon to Ireland. The
Globalists are also there. Yet the people are different, more engaged in the world, more
community-minded. But before I do leave Austria, I am determined to get compensation from
the government and Baxter, and also Raiffeisen Bank given that their chief is President of the
Ludwig Bolltzmann Institute, for the many outrages committed against me as I tried to warn
people about a damaging effects of a vaccine. Justice is justice. I have suffered significant
financial and other damage through no fault of my own. I am not going to keep paying for the
rest of my life just because I was one of the few people who did their civic and journalistic duty.
Baxter, Raiffeisen Bank and the government will pay for their crimes. Not me. If necessary I will
go through all the courts of appeal.]]> 5634 2012-01-19 14:53:59 2012-01-19 14:53:59 closed
open why-i-plan-to-sue-the-austrian-government-and-baxter-before-i-leave-austria publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_7c86c019607c3bda36d8497a0df4ead7
_oembed_a5410bcd780fdcdecaa5e997c46ab362 21127
thomas-zu-guttenberg-hodendino-de-silva-fachanwalt-fur-wichsrecht/ 2012-01-
21 07:14:32 2012-01-21 07:14:32 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
cuatro-imperio/ Thu, 19 Jan 2012 22:00:42 +0000 birdflu666 READ  THE
LINK. For donations to support Claudia's work, please contact: May Claudia's book in Spanish spread information about the
banking system and Globalist euro financial scam far and wide around the globe and move
people to take action. That is my wish on my birthday, which happens to be today.]]> 5641
2012-01-19 22:00:42 2012-01-19 22:00:42 closed open now-avaliable-the-fourth-empire-in-
spanish-el-cuatro-imperio publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
defended-christian-wulff/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 15:46:53 +0000 birdflu666
kerkeling-meine-seite-wurde-von-facebook-gesperrt/  ]]> 5644 2012-01-23 15:46:53 2012-01-
23 15:46:53 closed open facebook-blocks-german-entertainer-who-defended-christian-wulff
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f203bff6c85336b835ea2e5d766c5111
Mon, 23 Jan 2012 15:48:07 +0000 birdflu666
Savita Verma, Last updated at 12:03 AM on 22nd January 2012, Daily Mail The famous swine
flu drug that triggered a race among countries for stockpiling it and which earned billions of
dollars for its manufacturer may be based on sloppy clinical evidence and may not be effective, a
new investigation has revealed. The drug Oseltamivir, sold under the brand name Tamiflu by
Swiss drug manufacturer Roche, earned huge profits during the 2010 pandemic flu. India, too,
had stockpiled 30 million doses of Tamiflu. The investigation, done by the British Medical
Journal, says the drug's effectiveness is not backed by publicly available evidence, while
accusing the manufacturer of breaking successive pledges to make full study reports available.
Read more:
 ]]> 5646 2012-01-23 15:48:07 2012-01-23 15:48:07 closed open new-study-questions-tamiflus-
effectivenes publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_bd6fbf4659f1de03a2c3a31c3940139a
who/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 15:55:57 +0000 birdflu666
[Editor's note: in this Canadian Press report bird flu virus researcher Ron Fouchier makes it
clear just why I was right to accuse Baxter of deliberately trying to trigger a worldwide pandemic
in 2009 when it contaminated 72 kilos of seasonal vaccine material with the deadly bird flu virus
in their biosecurity level 3 facilities in Orth an der Donau.  Fouchier is quoted as saying
that there has never been a  lab accident involving the bird flu virus in any
biosecurity level 3 lab, underlining just how secure they are. Questions not yet
answered are: why was the bird flu virus in the Baxter facility in the first place?
What type of virus was it? How did it get to contaminate 72 kilos of seasonal
vaccine material? How could the contaminated material be sent out of the facility
irradiated? Why is the Baxter facility listed as a site of especial interest to US
security on diplomatic cables leaked by Wikileaks] Updated: Sat Jan. 21 2012 15:39:10
The Canadian Press A small -- in relative terms -- group of technical experts will be invited to
Geneva in mid-February to begin the difficult task of trying to break an impasse arising from the
proposed publication of controversial bird flu research, the World Health Organization revealed
Saturday. The controversy was ignited when a U.S. government panel recommended two
scientific journals be asked to withhold parts of studies that reportedly show how the H5N1 flu
virus can be made more transmissible. ..... Another issue that will likely be on the table is
whether future work with these viruses should be limited to labs with the highest biosafety and
biosecurity designations, known as BSL4 laboratories. Fouchier and the American team, from
the University of Wisconsin-Madison, did their work in labs with BSL3-plus designations.
Neither team has a BSL4 lab at their institution. And Fouchier has insisted upping the
requirement is neither necessary nor helpful. He said dozens of researchers have worked with
H5N1 viruses in BSL3-plus labs since 1997 -- when the first outbreak in people occurred -- and
there have been no lab accidents involving the virus. "If we move this up to (BSL) 4, the research
will suffer," he said in an interview Friday. Fukuda suggested a larger follow-up meeting
involving a more varied cast of players might be arranged later, depending on the outcome of
the February gathering. He wouldn't give a time frame for that larger meeting, which would
likely have the international involvement that flu scientists have been calling for.
120121/20120121/?hub=EdmontonHome]]> 5648 2012-01-23 15:55:57 2012-01-23 15:55:57
closed open meeting-to-address-bird-flu-research-impasse-who publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_42c1f07dea9599e25f79154df650e072 21230
could-kill-hundreds-of-millions/ 2012-01-26 15:21:18 2012-01-26 15:21:18 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
compensation-for-permanent-harm/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 15:57:24 +0000 birdflu666 HELSINGIN SANOMAT Those patients who have
been diagnosed with narcolepsy after getting the H1N1 vaccination are dissatisfied with the
compensations they have received. They say that the compensations do not correspond to the
damage caused. Read more at:
+harm/1135270209284]]> 5651 2012-01-23 15:57:24 2012-01-23 15:57:24 closed open finnish-
swine-flu-jab-victims-demand-compensation-for-permanent-harm publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_e5df162c38cd79b94d169b218fb68ad8
shots-in-finland/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 15:58:22 +0000 birdflu666 HELSINGIN SANOMAT The National Institute for
Health and Welfare (THL) has received 69 reports of narcolepsy or catalepsy attributed to last
winter’s vaccine campaign against the H1N1, or swine flu virus. In all, THL has received around
900 reports of complications arising from the flu shots, nearly 200 of which have been
categorised as serious. Read more at:
1135264564296]]> 5655 2012-01-23 15:58:22 2012-01-23 15:58:22 closed open hundreds-of-
reports-of-harm-from-swine-flu-shots-in-finland publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
at-government-cover-up/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 15:59:36 +0000 birdflu666 Disappointment at HSE on narcolepsy progress
Updated: 12:26, Friday, 13 January 2012 Families who believe their children developed the
sleeping disorder narcolepsy after vaccination are disappointed with how little progress has
been made. 1 of 1 The group representing families who believe their children developed the
sleeping disorder narcolepsy after vaccination are disappointed with how little progress has
been made. They believe their children developed narcolepsy after getting the human swine flu
vaccine Pandemrix in late 2009 and early 2010. Read more at:    ]]> 5658 2012-01-23 15:59:36 2012-01-
23 15:59:36 closed open irish-swine-flu-vaccine-victims-disappointed-at-government-cover-up
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_ab129e4f16be9d386882af14c0d6a63e
november-2009-concerning-swine-flu-jab/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 16:02:33 +0000 birdflu666 Your recent e-mail concerning the safety of vaccines
given to children. 1 message

Minister' <Minister'>

26 November 2009 Ms Jane Burgermeister Dear Ms Burgermeister The
Harney, T.D., has asked me to thank you for your recent e-mail concerning the safety of vaccines given
for a pandemic, the European Commission (EC) and the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and all
member states introduced a procedure to allow the submission and evaluation of “pre-pandemic” va
leading to licences which could only be used during an officially declared pandemic (World Health
approach was agreed with all the scientific committees of the EMEA which includes the Vaccine ex
committee and the Safety Committee.  These committees are made up of medical and scientific expert
principles applied when licensing these vaccines are based on the close similarity between the stra
pandemic vaccine: The immune responses to a specific mock-up vaccine containing a strain to which
immunologically naïve is expected to predict responses to the same vaccine construct containing an alt
alternative subtype of influenza A in a comparable population. The safety data generated with a speci
expected to predict the safety profile observed with the same vaccine construct containing an altern
alternative subtype of influenza A in a comparable population. The pre-pandemic influenza vaccin
pandemic influenza vaccine in terms of its composition construct (antigen content, excipients, and ad
and control. The mock-up vaccine is produced in the same way as is intended for the final pandemic
from the actual pandemic strain. There was prior experience with the manufacturing processes and for
These have been, where possible, based on, or in many respects are similar to, established methodol
vaccines. The use of established processes has the advantage that the manufacturers’ experience and
completely novel manufacturing processes and formulations. On the basis of these underlying princip
allowed for insertion of the pandemic strain into a vaccine construct and enabled approval of the pand
with the corresponding pre-pandemic vaccine together with specific data relating to the pandemic str
public health threat, the aim of the European agency and its Scientific committees was to ensure va
possible based on a robust assessment of the data, before the beginning of the Northern hemisphere
three vaccines approved each of the three vaccines approximately 500-5,000 subjects were studied
campaigns ongoing in the European Union since mid-October, a minimum of 5 million people have
includes approximately 100,000 pregnant women and 100,000 children. The European Agency, toge
all EU competent authorities, are continuously monitoring the safety profile of the vaccines. To date, th
mild symptoms such as fever, nausea, headache, allergic reactions and injection site reactions, confi
three vaccines. A large amount of information is available regarding the licensing and safety profile o
and a Q and A in relation to the Pandemic vaccine is available on the Irish Medicines Board webs
Medicines Agency website at The Faculties of Obstretrics and Gynaecology an
Physicians have issued statement supporting the use of the vaccines in the interests of patients’ health
you. Yours sincerely Darragh Scully Private Secretary
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]]> 5661 2012-01-23 16:02:33 2012-01-23 16:02:33 closed open irish-health-ministrys-e-mail-

to-me-in-november-2009-concerning-swine-flu-jab publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
children-diagnosed-with-narcolepsy-after-swine-flu-jab/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 16:04:25 +0000
birdflu666 Deborah Condon]
A group of parents who believe their children developed the serious sleep disorder, narcolepsy,
as a result of receiving the swine flu vaccine, Pandemrix, has officially launched a new support
group. SOUND (Sufferers of Unique Narcolepsy Disorder) is made up of the families and friends
of children who have been diagnosed with this disorder. Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological
disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep/wake cycles normally. There is no cure
for it and symptoms can include excessive daytime sleepiness , cataplexy (sudden loss of
muscular/postural tone), vivid hallucinations during sleep or after wakening and brief episodes
of total paralysis at the beginning or end of sleep. However, according to Mairead Lawless,
SOUND is aimed specifically at those who believe they developed it as a result of the flu
vaccination. She claimed that over the last year, more than 20 children in Ireland have been
formally diagnosed with narcolepsy and all received Pandemrix. The children are aged between
six and 18. The Irish Medicines Board has confirmed that it has received a number of reports of
children who have developed narcolepsy and who were vaccinated with Pandemrix. Read more
at:]]> 5664 2012-01-23 16:04:25 2012-01-
23 16:04:25 closed open irish-parents-organize-to-get-justice-for-their-children-diagnosed-
with-narcolepsy-after-swine-flu-jab publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
also-for-psychological-distress/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 16:09:59 +0000 birdflu666 Only the professionalism and integrity of 
psychiatrist saved me from what highly likely would have been a pretty horrible fate As a
journalist with a proven track record of accurate medical and scientific reporting I warned
people that the swine flu jab in 2009 was dangerous. And my warnings have since proven to be
correct. Professor Lukas Kenner, the LBI researcher, is himself a doctor, a pathologist and a
cancer researcher. He was fully able to comprehend the nature of his acts when he approached a
psychiatrist who had never met me either and pressured her to have me confined in February
2010.  The police would have been at my door and confined to an institute within hours where a
pretty gruesome fate would have met me. The LBI  is associated with the Nazi death doctor
Heinrich Gross. Gross committed countless
murders, brutalities, cruelties, tortures, atrocities, and other inhuman acts on children in
Vienna during the second world war. Gross killed many children with lethal injections while
telling the parents of the victims that their child had died through a fall or from pneumonia. He
continued his research on the brains of 700 children he had murdered during the war in a
special institute given to him in 1968 by the LBI. Gross was also the child doctor at Schloss
Wilhelminenberg after the second world war. Witnesses have reported forced child prostitution,
mass child rape, abuse, torture and murder involving thousands of victims and going on until
the late 1970s.
schreien-nach-Aufklaerung One woman said she saw Gross take children from the home.
43682365 Gross was also the main psychiatric expert used by the Austrian government to
decide whether someone was able to stand trial or not. Between 1980 and 1989, he issued
12,000 psychiatric assessments. At a rate of about two a day, he confined people to psychiatric
homes. How many of the people are still alive, I wonder? How much of this is still going on in
Austria? Did I have a lucky escape? Altogether three attempts were organized by the
functionaries of the Austrian state, justice officials and medical researchers, working in collusion
with companies and banks, to confine, silence and eliminate me in 2010 alone. In other
countries, you hire hit men. In Austria, you get the justice officials and government employees to
do it because half the government seems to be part of an organized crime network in the
meantime. The thought of having lethal injections applied to me in some psychiatric institute in
Austria is stomach churning. No doubt, my death certificate would asserted pneumonia or a fall.
People who are willing to risk the death of women and children by giving them swine flu jabs
highly likely would have no compunctions about murdering a journalist who is warning those
people about the vaccine if they have acquired total power over them. With me around, the
clique cannot claim they did not know the swine flu vaccines were dangerous. A criminal trial
becomes a very real prospect as the evidence of mass poisoning in Finland, Ireland, Sweden and
Germany increases. It has taken a some  time for me to recover from these traumatic
experiences. It’s one thing to watch TV films involving these kinds of adventures. It’s quite
another thing to be in the middle of a hornet’s nest. But I now intend to seek compensation from
the Austrian government for what I have gone through and for the way my reputation, my
finances and future have been ruined. I will also be writing to the Council of Europe and other
anti-corruption bodies and urging them to investigate evidence that a Nazi clique has not only
survived the end of the second world war, it actually controls the government in Austria. This
government is committing crimes recognized as crimes under all modern systems of law. It is a
danger to its own people and everyone else in the world. Not only did this clique in Austria try to
start a world-wide pandemic deliberately by contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine
material with the deadly bird flu virus in Baxter’s biosecurity level 3 facilities in Orth an der
Donau. Not only did they try to administer vaccines now proven to cause autoimmune diseases
like narcolepsy to people under the pretext of a pandemic in 2009. They also conspired and
acted to eliminate a medical journalist who took to the alternative media to publicize the
material concealed from the public by the government and corporate media showing that the
verifiable evidence that the swine flu jab was dangerous.    ]]> 5667 2012-01-23 16:09:59 2012-
01-23 16:09:59 closed open why-i-will-be-suing-the-austrian-government-also-for-
psychological-distress publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_6ff9134650f621443fdc8436efb5237e _oembed_1901d2ec06dcabcca79f3ad1ed28ae8f
swine-flu-jab-link-proven-in-finland/ Mon, 23 Jan 2012 16:15:46 +0000 birdflu666 *ONE IN SIX VICTIMS DIAGNOSED WITH
CARLEY IN 2009 A staggering 50,000 Germans now suffer from the sleeping disorder
narcolepsy, according to Die Welt.
000-Deutsche-leiden-unter-Schlafanfaellen.html An increase in cases of narcolepsy in Finland
has been linked to the swine flu vaccine.
id=26352 Even the World Health Organization has admitted the link between narcolepsy and
the swine flu jab.
narcolepsy_statement/en/ Professor Birgit Högl and colleagues at the University of Innsbruck,
Austria, have confirmed that narcolepsy, a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's
inability to regulate sleep, is an autoimmune disease triggered by the adjuvant, squalene. The Finnish government has started
to compensate children for the damage caused by the swine flu vaccine following 900 reports of
1135264564296 Axel Springer’s Die Welt newspaper does not connect the huge increase in cases
of narcolepsy in Germany  with the swine flu vaccination programme in 2009 or mention the
link confirmed in Finland between narcolepsy and the adjuvant in its report. Die Welt quotes
sleeping disorder specialist Sandra Overmann from Köln as saying that every sixth victim being
diagnosed with narcolepsy – or about 8,300 of the 50,000 -- is a child. Children are more
vulnerable and show symptoms faster. The average age of a narcolepsy victim is between 15 and
25 years old, Overmann said. The incidence of narcolepsy has soared in Germany. A study in
2002 by the German society for sleep research and sleep medicine, the Deutschen Gesellschaft
für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, estimated the prevalence of narcolepsy to be 2 or 3
among 100,000 young people under 18 years of age.
pandemische-influenza-ah1n1v-und-dem-auftreten-von-narkolepsie-.html There are about 11
million people in under 14 years of age or about 16 million people under 18 years of age in
Germany. There should only be about 300 people suffering from narcolepsy in that age group
according to the 2002 study. Only 6% of the Germans took the swine flu jab in 2009. If 60% of
the population, for example, had taken it, there might now be 500,000 people in Germany
already showing the signs of narcolepsy and other diseases. All the evidence points to the swine
flu vaccine being responsible for the 30 to 40 times increase in narcolepsy among young people
in Germany. The Paul Ehrlich Institute launched an epidemiological study in May 2011 to see if
there is a link between the increase in narcolepsy cases and the swine flu vaccine.
pandemische-influenza-ah1n1v-und-dem-auftreten-von-narkolepsie-.html The scientific
evidence that the swine flu vaccine was dangerous was unambiguous.]]> 5671 2012-01-23
16:15:46 2012-01-23 16:15:46 closed open 50000-germans-now-suffer-from-narcolepsy-swine-
flu-jab-link-proven-in-finland publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_6432c113b3f04b62cd5958faefaf0c91 _oembed_61e85ad854bbc1fa517c30a0e11dc03f
_oembed_f7db75df6578dfd6fc680197b5866cde 21364
50000-germans-experience-same/ 2012-02-02 12:47:57 2012-02-02 12:47:57 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
treaty/ Fri, 27 Jan 2012 17:39:41 +0000 birdflu666
Rady Ananda January 27, 2012 Today, the European Union and 22 member
states signed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), Japan’s Ministry of Foreign
Affairs announced. They have now joined the US and seven other nations that signed the treaty
last October.]]>
5673 2012-01-27 17:39:41 2012-01-27 17:39:41 closed open eu-signs-acta-global-internet-
censorship-treaty publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_d50408061ee4c77669cadf7e2fae528a
_oembed_5d90f1f9826d897516eaf5017aaca4a1 _oembed_a33cfabfcb1ccb66cb3b0dc1a3781b77
_oembed_f76edd5497238aff6ffcf0a5d926c9a4 _oembed_13defe275e9c12dce5ebd5575e477649
health-economist/ Fri, 27 Jan 2012 17:42:10 +0000 birdflu666
Aerztekammer-Diskussion-Die-Kammer-sind-echte-Nazis “Ever heard about psycho terror and
the suppression of free speech! A real fascist association!” he said. The Austrian Chamber of
Doctors was one of the main pushers of the swine flu jab. Leading doctors helped draw up the
catastrophic pandemic plan signed by then Health Minister Maria Rauch Kallat in 2006. When I
gave people accurate information about the damaging side effects of the swine flu jab in 2009, I
found myself nearly confined twice by a doctor and researcher working for the Ludwig
Boltzmann’s Institute in Vienna, Professor Lukas Kenner. It doesn't stop there. One of my
Austrian acquaintances, a biologist who spread information about AIDS, told me she was
deliberately  misdiagnosed with cancer by a doctor just so doctors would have an excuse to give
her health destroying injections. As a biologist, she realized the X rays purporting to show she
had cancer did not belong to her. In fact, she really did not have cancer. Argentine president
Christine Kirchner was recently also diagnosed with cancer – only to be found to be free of it
after more tests, sparing her a risky treatment.
christina_kirchner_does_not_have_cancer_and_is_now_home Like many doctors in
Germany, Nazi doctors in Austria were also involved in horrific experiments and the murder of
thousands of children in euthanasia programmes in Schloss Hartheim and in Spiegelgrund
during the second world war.!86032/
Those male youngsters who were judged by local police doctors to be fit and healthy did not
have a better fate. They were sent off to join the army or SS divisions and to a virtually certain
death fighting at one of the many fronts Hitler had opened up. Also, IG Farben and big pharma
gave 400,000 Marks to fund the Nazi Party before it came to power in 1933 according to
testimony during the Nuremberg Trials. Pharmaceutical companies funded experiments with
vaccines and other drugs in Nazi concentration camps. But while Austria continues to be a nest
of Nazis, who go about their brazen business without a care in the world, Germany is
successfully opposing a resurgence of Nazi ideology. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and
President Christian Wulff attended the speech of Polish ghetto survivor and literary critic Marcel
Reich-Ranicki in the German parliament today.
2751112.php German Parliament President Norbert Lammert called on Germans to redouble
their efforts against neo Nazi terror. Wulff also gave a speech
recalling the victims of the Holocaust on January 20th at Wannsee.
opfer-des-holocausts/6090184.html As popular German entertainer Thomas Gottschalk noted
-- albeit it the far more flippant context of his new ARD show last night --, learning to take
responsibility for the mistakes we make is a necessary step if we are to move on and create a
better future. In Austria, by contrast, a habit of denial is deeply entrenched, though
controversial state prosecutor Georg Krakow told fellow Globalist Eric Frey in an interview in
Der Standard that more corruption was coming to light even to this country. Krakow was
pushed out of the government only to take up a position in Baker & McKenzie, identified by the
late Christopher Story as a Globalist nest.
my]]> 5676
2012-01-27 17:42:10 2012-01-27 17:42:10 closed open vienna-chamber-of-doctors-are-nazis-
says-health-economist publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_4a8ec75fea41bebc0f3bc29ee721cecd _oembed_063ca42ff6e38f7327dceabc036b7e41
_oembed_9b9245a773dbbbcb3be5f41522abebba _oembed_c422f91197711bef88413ca71c52af1f
action-over-his-holocaust-doubts/ Fri, 27 Jan 2012 17:46:22 +0000 birdflu666 *Economics University Professor Franz Hörmann
faces legal action over Holocaust denial *Vienna Economics University says it will
suspend Hörmann if remarks questioning Holocaust are authentic *Is Hörmann a
Globalist provocateur designed to discredit the sound money movement? Vienna
Economics University has said it plans to file charges against Professor Franz Hörmann if
statements attributed to him questioning the Holocaust prove authentic. Hörmann played a key
role in starting up the Occupy Austria facebook group this autumn, but he has since emerged as
a provocateur undermining the movement from within by brazen Nazi sympathies. These have
not only discredited a movement calling for sound public money. They have also  given Austrian
state prosecutors an excuse to take action against members.
wegen-Wiederbetaetigung In spite of this crackdown, Hörmann himself has cheerfully
continued to make provocative statements calling into question the murder of 6 million Jews in
gas chambers and concentration camps, apparently feeling himself to be untouchable as
provocateurs indeed typically are. When I mentioned Hörmann’s link to an Anti Semitic
movement on a recent post on my blog and also emailed him in private to express my
disappointment, Hörmann dared to make brazen threats of legal action against me in an email
on January 20th. I reminded Hörmann there is such a thing as free speech. The statements
attributed to Hörmann in a report in Der Standard clearly call into question the Holocaust – a
barbaric crime testified to by countless witnesses, documents and film footage. “For the
Economics Professor Frnaz Hörmann the “question of the genocide at the time of the National
Socialism has not been definitively solved because there are no objective and ideology free
discussions about this question,” writes Der Standard. Hörmann also refused to confirm the
existence of Nazi gas chambers. “All we have are the remains of buildings, photos and
descriptions,” he is reported to have said. In fact, there is overwhelming evidence of the murder
of six million Jewish people in gas chambers and concentration camps. Anyone who studies the
history of that period can find it. It is up to Hörmann to make a clear statement condemning the
Holocaust. Hörmann also co-founded from the Human Way Partei in 2011 together with Hans-
Jürgen Klaussner and nine others. Klaussner perpetrates the stereotype of the Jewish bankers
controlling world finance on his webpage. The reality is that German and Austrian financial and
political elite played a key role in not only crashing the financial system in 1931 and funding the
rise of the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler. The same international crime syndicate comprising
people of all nationalities and nominal religions also crashed our financial system again in 2008
using subprime loans. The subprime loan and bailout crisis has since become the souvereign
debt crisis wrecking the Eurozone through gigantic interest payments. Hörmann is cynically
trying to scapegoat the Jews as the Nazis did to divert attention away from the responsibility
played b an international elite, including an Austrian and German elite such as Ingrid Flick from
the Nazi Flick dynasty involved in the Hypo Alpe Adria financial scam. Many of the people who
joined Occupy Austria are genuine activists trying to effect a much needed shift from private
money to public money. The problem is that they are being coopted into working under the
control of figures who are serving the interests of the Global elite which the protestors are
supposed to oppose. In fact, I found out that Globalist and auto parts mogul and Magna Chief
Frank Stronach was one of the main backers of Hörmann and the Occupy Austria movement.
When I was invited by Hörmann to one of the first meetings of the Occupy Austria group at the
end of August, I heard Hörmann say that he would pass on ideas for spreading information by
documentaries etc about our money system to Frank Stronach to see if he would fund them. The
sums being bandied around were huge.  There was talk of taking out advertisements in heute
and other Austrian newspapers. The meeting of the so-called “creative group” of the new protest
movement was attended by students, people working for the Austrian media such as the ORF
and Der Standard as well as by the management of the German singer Konstantin Wecker and
sect leader Heinrich Benedikt. Austrian-born Canadian businessman Stronach is a friend of
Raiffeisen Banker Christian Konrad and other Globalists in Austria.
s4jpI7QhMhE/Christian+Konrad Stronach made no secret of his plans to fund a new opposition
movement during a speech to students in Graz in November after it became clear that the
Occupy Austria movement was petering out.
politischen-bewegung.story I hope my blog postin October warning people that the movement
was a false flag played a role. Stronach predicted there could be massive social upheaval when
our financial system collapses, and told students he was ready to fund a new party – a party
which he could, then, presumably totally control and which would function as a “pressure-
release valve for any issue too radical for the traditional platform.” Patrick Henningsen
described the tactic the Globalist elite use to seek to own the opposition in a recent comment in
The Guardian.
“Alongside this is the threat of being infiltrated. Scores of declassified documents, along with
accounts from veteran activists, will reveal many stories of members who were actually
undercover police, FBI or M15. In the worst cases of infiltration, undercover agents have acted
as provocateurs. Such incidents normally serve to radicalise a movement, thus demonising it in
the eyes of society and effectively lessening its wider political appeal.” As some one who began to
warn people about the damaging side effects of the swine flu jab in 2009, it soon became clear to
me that there is a dense network of Globalist foot soldiers operating to deflect, derail and
destroy any whistleblower. Many of them are in the alternative media. Many email use facebook
pages to hijack your identity or even infiltrate operations like mine to hijack websites like
Johann Niklasson did. Typically of provocateurs, Hörmann was not interested in spreading
information about the financial system but in setting up an opposition movement which he and
the Globalists could control. His energy was invested in starting up a facegroup opposition
movement. Hörmann undermined my efforts to help him spread his information about the way
our financial system really works.  In August 2011, he announced the imminent publication of a
pamphlet about changing our financial system that they would be published. I offered to
translate it into English – but nearly five months later we are still waiting for the pamphlet. IN
summer, I arranged a couple of interviews with him on US radio – but Hörmann never
contacted the radio hosts. He kept insisting he was very anxious to spread the information in the
English- speaking world and said he was eager to make a video interviews in English with me
but nothing came of the interviews. There was never any explanation of why nothing came of
any projects from him. It was just left in the air. Hörmann appears to have hoped I would join
his controlled opposition movement and get so involved in building it up, I would forget the
need to spread factual information. However, as soon as I realized the movement was funded by
Stronach and Hörmann had no interest in spreading accurate information about our financial
system, I distanced myself from it. I could write a book about cointelpro tactics after my
experiences in the last three years.]]> 5678 2012-01-27 17:46:22 2012-01-27 17:46:22 closed
open university-threatens-hormann-with-legal-action-over-his-holocaust-doubts publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_13738927606a809377b282983130b766
ireland-and-germany/ Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:20:35 +0000 birdflu666 In Germany,
Ferdinand Kirchhof, the vice president of the country's Constitutional Court, has called for
referendum over the transfer of the powers to tax and spend to unelected and unaccountable
officials in Brussels.
Volksabstimmung-ueber-Euro.html]]> 5681 2012-02-07 20:20:35 2012-02-07 20:20:35 closed
open calls-for-referendum-on-eu-fiscal-treaty-in-ireland-and-germany publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_1cb445073bcc679e0aafd45f1fed6d02
infowars/ Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:27:42 +0000 birdflu666
p=5684 5684 2012-02-07 20:27:42 2012-02-07 20:27:42 closed open madonnas-illuminati-
symbolism-analyzed-by-infowars publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_567ef45dccdd48cc2771217541831500 21505 2012-02-09 02:15:52 2012-02-09 02:15:52 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
gardasil-for-boys/ Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:28:56 +0000 birdflu666 5686 2012-02-07 20:28:56 2012-02-07 20:28:56
closed open cdc-recommends-gardasil-for-boys publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
actually-reported-if-reporting-is-not-mandatory-penny-bright-investigates/ Tue, 07 Feb 2012
20:32:58 +0000 birdflu666 Penny Bright  
(Attached)  How many adverse reactions and deaths are actually reported - if reporting is NOT
mandatory? Interesting how there were 1524 reported deaths from adverse reactions to
pharmaceutical drugs in 1998 - but there are apparently far less now? Natural medicines – the safest way to
avoid death Thursday, 12 October 2006, 3:20 pm Press Release: Coroner's Council 12 October
2006 Natural medicines – the safest way to avoid death A report just released by the Acting
Chair of the Coroner’s Council has shown natural medicines have the lowest fatality rate of all
medical treatments in this country. Despite extensive research, coroner Dr Wallace Bain found
no deaths have occurred in this country due to natural medicines such as vitamins, minerals and
herbal products. Dr Bain, who is also a trained pharmacist and lawyer, undertook the study in
light of growing opposition to new legislation that will see New Zealand’s natural health industry
come under Australian laws. The safety of natural products is often sited as a reason for the
need for such a move. The Labour government plans that the Australia New Zealand
Therapeutic Products Authority (ANZTPA) will soon replace the current Medsafe agency as part
of a `trans-Tasman harmonisation’ push. Opponents fear this move will decimate New
Zealand’s natural health industry as has already occurred in Australia. At present lack of support
from New Zealand First, the Maori and Green parties is the only thing stopping the legislation
coming into effect. Says Dr Bain: “In my capacity as Acting Chair of the Coroner’s Council, I
enquired of all Coroners as to whether or not from a search of their Coronial findings they could
find any instances where there had been a problem with any of these natural products. “They
were asked to provide any information from inquests where these products had been involved
whether or not a death had resulted. At the same time the Coronial records held by the Ministry
of Justice in Wellington were searched at my request by ministry staff.” Dr Bain’s study returned
a finding of zero deaths from natural remedies. His only findings were: - A three-year-old child
who choked to death on a vitamin tablet in 2003 that was too large for the child to swallow - A
woman who terminated her third pregnancy after a scan showed the foetus had spina bifida. The
woman had been taking 300mg of folic acid a day rather than the recommended 800mg per day
- A man who died from non-viral hepatitis of unknown origin who also had a pre-existing
prostrate cancer condition. The man had been taking an Indian herbal product K4. The Corner’s
report said despite no certainty of a link with the herbal product, the remedy such be banned
until more was known about its effects on liver toxicity - Some ongoing inquests into party pills
In contrast, deaths in 1998 (the last year of detailed official statistics available) caused by
adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs killed 1524 New Zealanders and deaths associated
with medical injury (mistakes by doctors and medical staff) killed 4222 New Zealanders. Says Dr
Bain: “A recent Australian study shows that 1 in 10 patients presenting to a general practitioner
had an adverse pharmaceutical drug event in the preceding six months with 50% of those being
in the moderate to severe range and 8% requiring hospitalisation. “A New Zealand study
reported in July of 2006 and referred to Parliament’s Health Committee pointed to previous
research suggesting problems such as hospital acquired infection, drug error and staff mistakes
are costing this country around $870 million a year. This prompted the Health Minister to
ensure that District Health Boards gave priority to reducing such adverse events – most clearly
identified as being drug induced.” Also in Dr Bain’s report is mention of a US study that puts
complications resulting from medication errors in American hospitals at $US1.5 billion dollars
per year. Studies also show that prescription drug errors double a person’s risk of dying in
hospital. Another study put the cost of a single adverse drug event to a hospital in the US at
$US2,500. “The estimate of costs incurred by US hospitals as a result of drug-related injury or
death was put at $US76.6 billion which was three times the cost of all diabetes care in the
United States,” says Dr Bain. “What is ironic here is that what is being held out as a justification
for high regulation and compliance in the area of complementary medicines and natural
products in New Zealand is public safety and risk. Despite a diligent search of Coronial records
and the literature, no instances have been found to demonstrate that in fact these products have
any serious public health issue or risk. “The problem is clearly with prescription and other
drugs,” says Dr Bain. “The Coronial and literature searches in so far as natural products are
concerned and linkages to public safety and risk can be described legally as De minimis no curat
lex. That is – of minimal risk importance. “The law does not and should not concern itself with
such trifles.” Dr Bain’s report has been sent to Annette King. cheers! Penny   On Tue, Feb 7,
2012 at 1:05 PM, CARM - Centre For Adverse Reactions
Monitoring <> wrote: Dear Penny Attached is a file with two tables
covering the years 2006 to 2011. Reports The first table shows the total number of REPORTS
received per year by CARM and these have been shown in three categories -:   MEDICINES –
This includes all therapeutic regulated medicines and ‘Over The Counter’ products such as
paracetamol   VACCINES  -  All vaccines administered in New Zealand   CAMs –
Complementary and Alternative Medicines which includes ‘Natural Products’, ‘Herbal
remedies’, Health Food products   Causal Deaths The second table shows the number of cases
per year where the patient died and the death has been assessed as ‘related to the adverse
reaction’ or ‘the medicine may be contributory’.  These are the two groupings used to indicate a
‘Causal’ association between the death and the medicine.   If you need any clarification, my
contact details are below.   Regards Janelle   Janelle Ashton Manager Information Systems NZ
Pharmacovigilance Centre DDI:    +64-3-4799043 FAX:   +64-3-4797150
Email:       From: Penny Bright [] 
Sent: Thursday, 19 January 2012 6:11 p.m. To: CARM - Centre For Adverse Reactions
Monitoring Cc: Penny Bright Subject: Re: OIA REQUEST: REPORTED DEATHS FROM
SUPPLEMENTS   19 January 2012 Hi Janelle,  "Can you confirm that the number of deaths
assessed as related to the medicinal product groups you have listed, from 2005 to 2011,
presented on a year by year basis, will meet your requirements." That will be fine . Thanks!
Penny Bright Ph: (09) 8469 825 021 211 4 127 On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 5:41 PM, CARM - Centre
For Adverse Reactions Monitoring <> wrote: Dear Penny This is
acknowledgement of receipt of your email. I have had a brief discussion with our Director today
when he returned from leave and he advised me that you had also left a message on his phone.
We are going to discuss further tomorrow as I am not sure if your phone message came before
or after your discussion with myself.   Looking at the detail you have requested, I will be able to
provide the data from 2005 reasonably quickly but going back to 1999 to collate will take a bit of
time and as I indicated on the phone, while this is not a major issue, it would have to wait till
mid February when I have finished the reports required by the Ministry for the Medicines
Adverse Reaction Committee meeting.   Can you confirm that the number of deaths assessed as
related to the medicinal product groups you have listed, from 2005 to 2011, presented on a year
by year basis, will meet your requirements.   Thank you Regards Janelle   Janelle Ashton
Manager Information Systems NZ Pharmacovigilance Centre P O Box 913 DUNEDIN, NZ 9054  
DDI:    +64-3-4799043 FAX:   +64-3-4797150 Email:    
From: Penny Bright []  Sent: Thursday, 12 January 2012 4:15
p.m. To: CARM - Centre For Adverse Reactions Monitoring Cc: Penny Bright Subject: OIA
2012 Junelle Ashton Manager Information Services (?) CARM OIA REQUEST: REPORTED
PRODUCTS/ DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS Hi Junelle, Thanks for your helpful and informative
phone discussion today. As discussed, I am requesting the following information: REPORTED
PRODUCTS/  DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS,  on an annual basis. It would be GREAT to have these
figures on an annual basis  from 1999, but I do understand that is probably a lot of work.
However, in order to send this information in the form of a submission on the Food Bill, if
necessary directly to the Minister Kate Wilkinson, I would like to be able to compare reported
deaths from food-bourne illnesses to reported deaths from adverse reactions to medicines,
vaccines, natural products and dietary supplements? Given that there are Annual Reports on
food bourne illnesses from 2005, (including reported deaths)  it would be REALLY helpful to
have the comparable figures of reported deaths from adverse reactions to medicines, vaccines,
natural products and dietary supplements from 2005 on an annual basis? Hopefully that won't
be so much work! There is a lot of public interest in this matter.
160-2/1301   ) Thanks! Kind regards, Penny Bright Ph (09) 846 9825 021 211 4 127  

]]> 5690 2012-02-07 20:32:58 2012-02-07 20:32:58 closed open how-many-adverse-reactions-

publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_32858b5d685e09fedad2f9ddb5837e8a
hormann-for-holocaust-denial/ Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:36:07 +0000 birdflu666
Franz-Hoermann-suspendiert.html The university has also filed charges against Hörmann for
Holocaust denial in a welcome sign that standards of academic rigour have been placed above
political influence. Hörmann – who has close links with Globalist Frank Stronach -- shocked
supporters by using his high profile as a critic of the fractional reserve banking system and a
founder of the “Occupy Austria” movement to cast doubts on the Holocaust, an event which has
been comprehensively documented by historians. Members of the globalist financial elite like
Financial Times and Der Standard journalist Eric Frey attempted a lame defence of Hörmann’s
Holocaust denial – but without success.
Krisenfrey-Irrtuemer-ueber-Grasser?_blogGroup=1 Hörmann’s attempt to associate legitimate
criticism of the fractional reserve with extreme right wing views came at a time when the
Austrian justice officials are closing the net on former far right Freedom Party Finance Minister
Karl Heinz Grasser. Grasser apparently received a 500,000 euro bribe as a finance minister,
which he ploughed into the Hypo Alpe Adria financial scam in 2006, earning almost 300,000
euros more at the expense of the Austria tax payer.
bringt-Grasser-in-Erklaerungsnot.html,809905 The Hypo Alpe Adria
financial scam exploits the ignorance of the general public about the nature of the fractional
reserve banking system, which Hörmann explained in a ground breaking interview in Der
Standard.   Other beneficiaries of the multi-billion euro tax payer scam include a foundation
belonging to the Nazi Flick dynasty.]]> 5693 2012-02-07 20:36:07 2012-02-07 20:36:07 closed
open vienna-economics-university-suspends-franz-hormann-for-holocaust-denial publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_4eb277d12676cafe0ea877b966d17667
exit-soon/ Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:39:59 +0000 birdflu666
p=5695 Greece’s finance minister
Evangelos Venizelos this week rejected a German plan for the eurozone to impose a budget
commissioner on the country, saying it “ignores some key historical lessons” – including, of
course, the occupation and pillaging of Greece by Nazi Germany during the second world war.
Today, the sinister duo of German Chancellor Angela and French President Nicolas Sarkozy
proposed that all Greek tax revenues be paid into a special account which the Greek government
did not have access to. Merkel was talking at a press conference in Paris after the German
Chancellor took the unprecedented step of campaigning for the re-election of unpopular
Globalist Sarkozy. “The German leader said she also backed the idea of having the interest
payments earmarked to an 'extra account' so as to "make sure that Greece will steadily make this
money available." The Telegraph points out that €110bn of
interest payments are due to be made by Greece in the next three years on the country’s
spiraling fractional reserve. This amounts to more or less the entire tax revenues over the three-
year period unless there is a sweeping debt restructuring. “A reminder of Greece's debt
redemptions. The country has €14.435bn of debt maturing on March 20, a total of €32bn
maturing in 2012, and €110bn maturing over the next three years.”
talks-live.html The German government also said today that elections in April should be
postponed to allow for a technocratic government to administer the country – on behalf of the
banks. Just when does Germany and the EU plan to send in the military to crush the Greeks?
And the Portuguese, Spanish and Italians trapped in the same debt death spiral? Confiscating
the entire tax revenues to pay German, French and US banks, suspending democracy and
crushing the economy is surely bound to lead to an uprising. Greeks are increasingly aware they
are the victims of a loan sharking banker’s scam. Greece’s statistics chief Andreas Georgiou is
facing life in prison for exaggerating the country’s fractional reserve paper debt in order to lock
the country into a punitive EU bankster bailout and push up the interest payments to banks. Greece has
seen its national debt more than double s since it was forced into the EU bailout programme in
2010. The austerity cuts have destroyed the economy but enriched the banks. Plans to cut a total
of 150,000 public sector jobs by 2015 will not reinvigorate the economy because the money
saved by the cuts with be drained from the real economy to pay foreign creditors. “[ ] cuts to the
minimum wage will have a knock-on effect because they will lead to a 1.3-billion drop in tax
revenues and a 2.4-billion reduction in social security contributions. This means the
government will have to make up for these losses. Furthermore, Papandreou, Samaras and
Karatzaferis are also being asked to agree to scrap the law that allows terms of collective
contracts to apply even after they have expired, meaning employers will have the ability to
negotiate new deals based on lower wage structure,” admits The Telegraph.
talks-live.html The growing fury of the Greeks about the way their country has been shaken
down by the euro banksters could spell an exit from the euro by March. The Greek government
has started to hand out food coupons in schools because so many children are becoming
undernourished. The suicide rate has soared.
Lebensmittelcoupons-an-Schueler.html Tensions between Germany and Greece have forced the
eurocrats to admit that Greece could exist the eurozone. German economist Hans Werner Sinn
has pointed out that the only way out for Greece is to exit the euro zone, reintroduce the
drachma and so regain competitiveness.
griechenland-bleibt-nur-austritt_aid_681507.html Argentina’s former central bank government
Mario Blejer has also urged Greece to default on its mountain of national debt. “In an interview
with Germany's Der Spiegel published over the weekend, Mr Juncker said the possibility of a
Greek default could not be ruled out. He said: “If we were to establish that everything has gone
wrong in Greece, there would be no new programme, and that would mean that in March they
have to declare bankruptcy,” writes The Telegraph. As a leader of the Greek party pointed out, a
default by Greece could cost Germany 500 billion – and destroy the Globalist German
government. The German people would ultimately be very grateful because they will be the
biggest victims of the ongoing Globalist bankster and fiscal treaty scam as Sinn also has pointed
deutschland]]> 5695 2012-02-07 20:39:59 2012-02-07 20:39:59 closed open greeks-rebel-
against-german-overloads-euro-exit-soon publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_5f1ca1c842c207988dce2accb18fe4a7 _oembed_c26eb10d6468bf6bfbd398f2297f5ac1
karwath/ Tue, 07 Feb 2012 20:44:43 +0000 birdflu666
p=5698 Alex und Darrin hoben hervor, dass Aspartam eigentlich eine künstlich erzeugte
Ausscheidung ist. Die kostengünstigste Methode zur Herstellung von Aspartam besteht nämlich
darin, genmodifizierte Kolibakterien große Mengen an Phenylalanin erzeugen zu lassen – im
Wesentlichen eine bakterielle Ausscheidung – und es mit Aminosäure zu verbinden. Dies kam
1999 bei Recherchen der britischen Zeitung Independent zu Monsanto ans Licht, nachdem G8-
Mitglieder eine Untersuchung zur Sicherheit gentechnisch veränderter Lebensmittel eingeleitet
hatten. Dass Ausscheidungen genveränderter Bakterien als Süßstoff dienen, mag einem zuwider
sein, doch die Gesundheitsrisiken sind geradezu tödlich. Zum Beispiel ergab eine Studie, dass
Aspartam krebserregend ist. In der Studie haben von 48 Ratten, an denen Experimente
vorgenommen wurden, bis zu 67% aller weiblichen Ratten etwa golfballgroße oder größere
Tumore entwickelt. Den männlichen Ratten erging es nicht viel besser: 21% von ihnen bekamen
ähnliche Krebsgeschwüre, schrieb Patrick Gallagher letzten Oktober für NaturalSociety.
Aspartam kann nicht nur Krebs erzeugen, sondern eine ganze Reihe neurologischer Symptome
zur Folge haben, darunter Kopfschmerzen, Müdigkeit, Sehtrübung, Verdauungsstörungen und
Angstzustände. Trotz der gut dokumentierten Gesundheitsrisiken darf Aspartam auch weiter bei
einer Vielzahl von Nahrungsmitteln eingesetzt werden, darunter sogar in Bonbons für den
kindlichen Verzehr. Die Zulassung durch die Behörde FDA erfolgte 1981, nach eineinhalb
Jahrzehnten Ablehnung, auf Invervention des damaligen Geschäftsführers von
Süßstoffhersteller G.D. Searle & Company, Donald Rumsfeld. G.D. Searle & Company wurde
1985 von Monsanto übernommen. Infowars Nightly News Segment Reveals Deadly Dangers of
Aspartame By Kurt Nimmo Appearing on Infowars Nightly News on January 31, reporter Darrin
McBreen talked with Alex Jones about the immense health danger posed by the deadly
excitotoxin aspartame. Marketed as a "sugar substitute," aspartame is put in a large number of
food products. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, aspartame accounts
for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA . Many of
these reactions are very serious and include seizures and death. Alex and Darrin noted in the
report that aspartame is in fact synthetic excretion. The most cost effective method for
manufacturing aspartame is to have genetically modified E.coli bacteria produce large amounts
of phenylalanine – in essence, bacteria excretion – and combine it with amino acid. This process
was revealed in 1999 when the Independent newspaper in Britain investigated Monsanto after
G8 leaders launched an inquiry into the safety of genetically modified food. The thought of using
GMO bacteria excrement as a sweetener may be distasteful, but it pales in comparison to the
downright deadly health effects of the product. For instance, a study revealed that aspartame is
a cancer-producing substance. The study showed that of 48 rats experimented on, up to 67
percent of all female rats developed tumors roughly the size of golf balls or larger. The male
population didn't do too well either with 21 percent of the males developing similar cancerous
growths, Patrick Gallagher wrote for NaturalSociety last October. In addition to cancer,
aspartame is host to a number of neurological effects, including headaches, fatigue, blurred
vision, digestive distress, and anxiety. Despite the well documented health risks, the FDA has
continued to allow aspartame to be used in a wide variety of food produces, most sinisterly in
candy marketed to children. Its ultimate acceptance by the government agency after a decade
and a half of disapproval by the FDA came in 1981, thanks to the intervention of Donald
Rumsfeld , then CEO of G.D. Searle Company, a "life sciences" corporation ultimately sold to
Monsanto. The Infowars Night News segment is worth watching for two reasons – first, for the
wealth of background information provided on aspartame, and second for McBreen's man-on-
the-street interviews with people in Austin, Texas. The interviews show that many people know
about the dangers of aspartame and actively try to avoid the deadly substance, although now
that aspartame is included in a large number of products that effort has become more difficult. | P.O. Box 19549 | Austin, TX 78760   ]]> 5698 2012-02-07 20:44:43 2012-02-
07 20:44:43 closed open die-todliche-gefahren-von-aspartam-bernd-karwath publish 0 0 post 0
collapsed-by-almost-20-in-2011-due-to-austerity-measures/ Wed, 08 Feb 2012 18:03:39 +0000
birdflu666 Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Last updated:
February 8th, 2012 The Telegraph Will Greece comply with the Troika's diktats? Very quickly:
some of you will have seen that Greece’s tax revenue from VAT collapsed by 18.7pc in January
from a year earlier. Nobody can seriously blame tax evasion for this. It has happened because
60,000 small firms and family businesses have gone bankrupt since the summer. …. This is a
damning indictment of the EU-imposed strategy. Greece is chasing its tail. The budget deficit is
stuck near 8pc to 9pc of GDP because the economic base is shrinking so fast. Read more at:
for-brussels-a-blush/]]> 5700 2012-02-08 18:03:39 2012-02-08 18:03:39 closed open greeces-
tax-revenue-from-vat-collapsed-by-almost-20-in-2011-due-to-austerity-measures publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last
products/ Wed, 08 Feb 2012 18:09:42 +0000 birdflu666
zeichnet-nazi-merkel-bilder-22528808.bild.html Join the boycott against German products!
Show solidarity with Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ireland. Stop buying goods made in
Germany!  ]]> 5702 2012-02-08 18:09:42 2012-02-08 18:09:42 closed open greeks-to-boycott-
german-products publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_44f1c4daa7c3bce0c0d74ac72bdaddfd
austria/ Wed, 08 Feb 2012 18:13:10 +0000 birdflu666
p=5704 th district in Vienna. She had put into nappies and given injections, she said. She said
she thought herself lucky to have come out alive. I didn't find out her name and was not able
follow up but her account sounded authentic. Wilhelm Jäger said he believed staff at Vienna’s
General Hospital injected him with malaria in 1964 as a punishment for running away from care
homes. Another victim has said that at least two or three other children were also injected with
malaria at the same time as he was.
Malaria-als-Therapie-in-Wien-Weiteres-Opfer-meldet-sich A 57 year old
woman has said that she was subjected to experiments with injections and tablets that resulted
in her going blind for a several hours when she was in care in the Wilhelminenberg where
thousands of girls were allegedly subjected to serial rapes and even killed.
stundenlang-blind.php The head of an Innsbruck psychiatric clinic for children, Maria Nowak-
Vogl , injected girls as young as eight or nine with a drug commonly used by vets to treat cows
until the 1980s, it has emerged. Nowak-Vogl injected girls with a drug called Ephiphysan,
known to cause damage to human beings, to stop “their sexual desire”, according to the
Innsbruck historian Horst Schreiber. He said that Nowak-Vogl was “obsessed with stopping
every sexual impulse.” She classified children from the working class as “genetically inferior.”
“She frequently  used Nazi terminology,” he said.
Tiroler-Heimkindern.html A boy of five was subjected to high doses of radiation by Nowak-Vogl
because he was prone to fits of anger. Schreiber described the treatment meted out to children
who were in the care of Nowak-Vogl  as brutal. The daughter of a judge, Nowak-Vogl also had an
important role acting as an assessor of children’s mental health for courts in Innsbruck and
Feldkirch. Countless children were placed into care as a result of her verdicts. Nowak-Vogl
remained the head of the clinic until 1987. In 1987, she was awarded the Grand Cross of the
Order of St Sylvester by the Catholic church - the same order that was given to Otto von
Habsburg and the Major William Joseph Donovan, the “father” of the CIA.
BA&ved=0CB8Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=nowak%20vogl%20p%C3%A4pstliche&f=false]]> 5704 2012-02-08 18:13:10 2012-02-
08 18:13:10 closed open new-medical-experiment-scandal-shocks-austria publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_4c0639cb32074d8a8c23c66954fc335a
_oembed_252a72f5c53cb77dc724add4ed0b9413 Wed, 08 Feb
2012 18:34:18 +0000 birdflu666 STIMULATING 
THE  MINERALS,  VITAMINS  AND  PROTEINS  WE  NEED Doubts about the effectiveness of
Big Pharma's drugs and vaccines have become mainstream. Many doctors have also confided in
me they prefer to use  methods of natural healing. Our immune system is, in fact, one of the
most effective protective systems against sickness there is. That is why it is vital to keep it in
good repair by supplying it with the right minerals, vitamins and protein. A car can only run if it
has petrol or diesel. A human body also needs the right fuel to  function. In the next few weeks, I
am going to be sharing  information on this blog about a method of natural healing which
involves supporting our innate ability to heal ourselves. The focus of this method is on ensuring 
we get the minerals, vitamins --  (not synthetic vitamins made in a lab!) -- and proteins we need
for our biological systems to function well. I will be posting up translations describing this
natural healing method developed by Lilly Gschwendtner in English in the next few weeks.
German speakers can check out the website here:]]> 5706 2012-02-08
18:34:18 2012-02-08 18:34:18 closed open new-natural-healing-method publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_4ca4024624e0fe30f05479dc518f44c3
rules-uk-court/ Fri, 10 Feb 2012 14:36:26 +0000 birdflu666
libel-battle.html]]> 5710 2012-02-10 14:36:26 2012-02-10 14:36:26 closed open daily-mail-can-
call-rothschild-puppet-master-rules-uk-court publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
in-austria/ Fri, 10 Feb 2012 14:39:31 +0000 birdflu666
p=5714 5714 2012-02-10 14:39:31 2012-02-10 14:39:31 closed open medical-experiments-on-
people-still-possible-in-austria publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_067c262e71c6f9e6a4cc3ee7b5eb50e0 Fri, 10 Feb
2012 14:43:51 +0000 birdflu666 5718 2012-02-10
14:43:51 2012-02-10 14:43:51 closed open the-kampusch-kidnapper-murder publish 0 0 post 0
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_oembed_7ffa130f06b2af4148c696eab8fcf9c7 _oembed_80791991f47877d0d0b13bbbcc57f5d0
medical-treament-by-ray-weisling/ Fri, 10 Feb 2012 14:47:21 +0000 birdflu666  Comment by Ray Weisling
I read your posting about vitamins and other nutritional approaches to health
care, citing the work of Lilly Gschwendtner. This is just the veritable tip of the
iceberg. Many have travelled this path before and have suffered the fate of
rigorous orthodox medical authoritarianism and monopolism. The FDA in the
USA and other regulatory bodies work hard to cripple these attempts. The WHO is
especially guilty in this, with the Codex Alimentarius that would make vitamins
prescription drugs and limit their potency. If we could "reboot" the health care
industry and start all over again, there would be no need for 95% of what Big
Pharma produces. Other alternatives such as colloidal silver, Jim Humble's MMS
(chlorine dioxide) and even kerosene have a proven track record in subduing
many diseases, including viral pandemic ones. There is no need to immunize the
body by injecting foreign biologic substances. What is vital is that people push for
the right to choose their own modality in treating their own body. The Flexner
report (1910, sponsored by Carnegie) in the USA greatly limited the scope of
"legitimate scientific" medical training to pharmaceutical/drug/chemical
modalities, and effectively outlawed bioelectromagnetic research. A few daring
doctors like Robert O Becker in the 1960s did work in bioelectric effects and with
great success, but in general the better work in these areas was done in Eastern
Europe and in the former USSR. The USA is now probably the worst place to be if
you get a disease. The FDA recently raided health food stores who were selling
unpasteurized milk (raw milk), with agents bearing firearms. [WTF!]. Don't forget
the pioneering work of Willhelm Reich, Gaston Naessens and in Pasteur's time,
Antoine Bechamp. I see that Gschwendtner cites Guenter Enderlein, who is in the
same league with these same names I mention.]]> 5722 2012-02-10 14:47:21 2012-02-10
14:47:21 closed open why-we-should-have-the-right-to-choose-our-medical-treament-by-ray-
weisling publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
police-threaten-to-arrest-troika-as-budget-row-escalates/ Fri, 10 Feb 2012 15:02:45 +0000
seeking an arrest warrant for the “Troika” officials belonging to the European Commission, the
European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The Greek police federation sent
a letter to ECB, the IMF and the EC, warning them that the arrest of the Troika could be
imminent in a letter, which was also published in the Greek press.
Polizei-droht-EU-Gesandten-mit-Verhaftung.html The police accuse the Troika of
undermining democracy, jeopardizing the survival of the Greek people and looting the country.
No doubt there is one honest judge left who will be ready to sign the arrest warrant if the police
really need one. After all, police just nab burglars and put them in jail even without a warrant.
This blogger has argued all along that the Greek penal euro bailout is a gigantic crime scene and
those individual who are responsible should be held to account. The Troika are key figures in the
EU bankster bailout scam, but the investigation needs to be widened. European Arrest Warrants
should be issued for the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the French President Nicolas
Sarkozy as well as the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, among others. Firstly,
Merkel played a crucial role in burying the recommendation by German economists for an
orderly insolvency mechanism to be introduced in 2010, leaving Greece facing the prospect of a
chaotic default inside the eurozone if it does not agree to paying penal interest rates to foreign
creditors on a staggering and growing national debt. Secondly, Merkel  bullied Greek Prime
Minister Andreas Papandreous into dropping a referendum on the euro bailout scam according
to Bild newspaper, which celebrated her as “Merkules”. “The open threats worked,” writes Bild,
brazenly admitting the thuggery of Merkel. How long are people in Europe going to tolerate this
mafia in power?
merkel-20811288.bild.html German citizens, who are also victims of the same bankster bailout
scam – plans are afoot to raise the pension age to 75 or 80 -, should do their civic duty and
support the arrest of this clique before Germans suffer the same fate and austerity cuts as the
euro Ponzi scheme runs its course. The Greek police threat to arrest the Troika comes as people
are rising up against a new wave of austerity cuts. More legal action should be launched by
Greece to sue the EU, IMF and ECB for compensation. In 2010 already this blog explained that
the austerity measures being implemented by the Troika would lead to a death debt spiral.
Greece is sinking deeper and deeper in debt  precisely because it is doing what the Troika says.
The mainstream media turn cause and effect on their head and claim Greece is in trouble
because it is NOT carrying out austerity measures. Greece is in a death spiral, Ambrose Evans-
Pritchard wrote in the Telegraph yesterday. “Another normal day at the Hellenic Statistical
Authority. We learn that: Greece's manufacturing output contracted by 15.5pc in December from
a year earlier. Industrial output fell 11.3pc, compared to minus 7.8pc in November.
Unemployment jumped to 20.9pc in November, up from 18.2pc a month earlier. I have little
further to add. This is what a death spiral looks like,” he writes.
accelerates/ “It is what can happen if you join a fixed exchange system, then take out very large
debts in what amounts to a foreign currency, and then have simultaneous monetary and fiscal
contraction imposed upon you,” he writes. This is what happens 1)  if you join a fixed exchange
system at a  rate which makes your domestic industry uncompetitive 2)  then are allowed to run
up a huge current account deficit in stealth by courtesy of the ECB and Bundesbank using the
Target 2 payments system, 3) then have statisticians in the EU and Greek exaggerate your
national debt to declare a national souvereign debt crisis,  4) and then have a brutal corset of
interest payments to the banksters imposed on you, and also simultaneous monetary and fiscal
contraction. 108 Pasok MPs have now called for an investigation into the statistics fraud. What this
looting means for ordinary people in Greece is explained by Daniel Neun.
menschenschinder-geostrategische-hintergrunde/ 500,000 people in Greece, in the meantime,
have no more funds at all. They can’t claim support from the state and they can’t get a job.
15,000 people are already homeless. The unemployment rate among people under 25 is 50%.
Children are collapsing in schools due to a lack of nourishment. 250,000 people depend on the
church and charity for a daily meal. The Orthodox church feeds 30,000 people a day. Half the
apartment blocks in the poor districts of Athens were not heated this winter. Half a million
people have gone to eke out a living in the country. One million people are threatened with
having their electricity cut off because they cannot pay the property tax which is being collected
by electricity companies. Every fifth business in Athens has closed down. And the new round of
cuts has not even begun to take effect. Minimum wages will be cut by 22%. The wages of state
employees to be frozen. 150,000 officials are to be axed by 2012. Power, infrastructure and real
estate is to be sold off to foreign companies for a song under a special trust agency. The banks
are to receive 40 billion euros as recapitalization. To
accelerate the looting of Greece, Merkel and Schäuble proposed setting up a “Gauleiter” or
budget overseer with control over the entire tax revenues of the country. Another proposal is to
set up a special account to service the foreign creditors which the Greek government has no
access to. A German lawmaker has even called for Greece to be given a new name. Georgios
„Jorgo“ Chatzimarkakis said that the country needs  to be given a new constitution – perhaps
one enshrining Angela Merkel as the new Queen.
umbenennung-griechenlands_aid_710678.html Is it any wonder that the country is now on the
brink of a revolution with wildcat strikes and the occupation of ministry buildings? Only in the
studios of ARD Globalist puppet Thomas Gottschalk do the voice of the Greek people not count.
Gottschalk portrays the Greeks as children who need supervision of their economy because they
can’t manage it themselves by adults like much of the rest of the mainstream German media,
including Bild newspaper. Germans should run the Greek economy because Greeks are too
infantile to manage it. Democracy has no more role to pay. That is the patronizing message of
Gottschalk crammed into the first week of his new early evening propaganda show. The
Telegraph calls the comments of far-right party leader, George Karatzaferis inflammatory, also
strongly suggesting an independent political view has no more place in the new Greek bankster
colony. “The Greek far-right party leader, George Karatzaferis, said he could not vote in favour
of the €130bn proposed bailout package proposed for the country. In inflammatory comments
made at a press conference, Mr Karatzaferis also said the IMF mission chief for Greece should
be persona non grata in the country. I explained to the other political leaders that I cannot vote
for this loan agreement. If we want things to go forward, Poul Thomsen must be declared
persona non grata for Greece. We are not going to vote. Humiliation was imposed on us. I do
not tolerate this. And I do not allow it, no matter how hungry I might be. Ouch.” The Greek
parliament is expected to vote through the EU package this Sunday as it has voted through all
the other austerity cuts so far. However, even Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos has
been forced to recognise that the country is at a turning point and must make a decision about
whether to chose the euro or the Drachma. Especially if the Drachma is introduced as public
money printed by the government with no interest attached, a return to the Drachma should
prove to be the start of a recovery for Greece, attracting tourists, making its industry competitive
again and allowing liquidity to flow through the economy.
 ]]> 5726 2012-02-10 15:02:45 2012-02-10 15:02:45 closed open greek-police-threaten-to-
arrest-troika-as-budget-row-escalates publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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budget-row-escalates/ 2012-02-15 10:12:44 2012-02-15 10:12:44 1 pingback 0 0
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every-friday/ Fri, 10 Feb 2012 15:05:25 +0000 birdflu666
p=5729 5729 2012-02-10 15:05:25 2012-02-10 15:05:25 closed open check-this-blog-every-
friday publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
grow-of-greek-coup-to-overthrow-banksters/ Fri, 17 Feb 2012 18:36:26 +0000 birdflu666 *Shock and consternation after German Finance
Minister calls for Greece to postpone elections in April and install a technocratic government
*Greek President rejects aggressive German power grab over country; “default
better than a German pistol at head” *Hopes grow that the Greek army will
overthrow bankster puppet government in a coup, restore democracy and sound
economy *Former NATO General Harald Kujat threatens Greek military over
putsch, warns Greeks to capitulate to Troika jackboot  or face NATO
Stormtroopers *German government divided over Greek bankster bailout *CSU
leader Horst Seehofer calls for veto of Greek bailout *German President Christian
Wulff forced to resign to clear way for new bankster puppet after criticizing
austerity without investment on recent trip to Italy *Outrage at EU imperial
overreach grows among German general public, who will have to foot the lion’s
share of the public sector bailout Ponzi scheme *Economist Hans Werner Sinn
calls for Greeks to be given support in reintroducing the Drachma   A momentous
week in European politics culminated with hopes of military coup in Greece to overthrow the
bankster puppet government after Greek president Karolos Papoulias criticized Germany at a
meeting with army officers.
militaer-putsch-22671206.bild.html A veteran of the Greek resistance to the Nazis during
the Second World War, Karolos said that he would not accept the humiliating treatment of
Greece at the hands of the German and Troika any longer. Facing economic chaos and political
disarray under a technocratic government headed by an unelected banker appointed by the EU,
Greece has few alternatives and a coup may be the best one if it is carried out in the same spirit
as the coup by Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg against Nazi Leader Adolf Hitler in 1944 only
with more success. Among its miserable choices, Greece can accept another crushing austerity
programme which will result in the collapse of the country and mass impoverishment of its
people and probably in a foreign military occupation to enforce that austerity; accept the
suspension of elections by outside powers; or a revolution or a coup. A coup might be the best
alternative as long as the army is disciplined, has a clear time table for elections, a good
communication strategy -- one which reaches out to people across Europe -- can put together a
transition government made up of political figures from all parties and competent experts, and
has a viable plan to reintroduce the Drachma and start to restore economic competitiveness.
UKIPs MEP Nigel Farage pointed out that the current Greek government is not elected:
democracy has already been suspended in Greece. The current government has no democratic
legitimacy. The Troika junta have attempted to reconfigure Greek society from the top to the
bottom and impose brutal austerity in the service of foreign creditors. They have imposed
economic policies which have resulted in an unprecedented redistribution of wealth from the
mass of ordinary Greek people to foreign and domestic creditors. They have with callous
inhumanity condemned millions of Greek people to crushing taxes, poverty, unemployment and
despair. They have taken the futures of the young people. They have ignored, and they continue
to ignore, the social impact of their policies. They have reopened the old and historic wounds
between the Greeks and the Germans by the brutality of their power grab and brought the
countries to the brink of open conflict with a German NATO general daring to suggest NATO
troops will be sent in to prop up the discredited Troika junta. Who does Harald Kujat think he
is? NATO is not a private army belonging to the banks and propping up undemocratic bankster
puppets is not in its mandate or its mission. The Troika junta has dismantled government
institutions by setting up a technocratic government and special agencies run by unelected
officials to control the budget and carry out privatizations. They have attempted to replace
elected government with a bureaucracy controlled by foreign officials which is penetrated from
top to bottom by criminality and which has only one purpose: to collect money from the Greeks.
Their imperialistic ambition for elections to be suspended and an escrow account to be set up to
control all tax revenues have caused outrage throughout Europe. Peter Oborne called the
treatment of Greece by the Troika a “social and moral disaster” in The Telegraph.
callous-cruelty-of-the-EU-is-destroying-Greece-a-once-proud-country.html “[…] by
this Christmas, Greece’s depression will have been twice as deep as the infamous economic
catastrophe that struck Britain 80 years ago,” he writes. The economic catastrophe engulfing
Greece is a direct result of the Troika’s misconceived austerity policies. These have wiped out
businesses, sent unemployment soaring, reduced tax revenues and increased the overall
national debt. The measures have sent Greece into a debt death spiral predicted by this blog in
2010. The road to this disaster was paved by the actions of the EU and Germany. The Greek
economy became uncompetitive due to introduction of the euro at too high a rate – this, at the
insistence of Germany. The German Bundesbank and ECB financed Greece’s growing current
account deficit by stealth using the target 2 system. The ECB appears to have helped banks and
hedge funds manipulate CDS to push up the interest on the national debt. The national statistics
were also manipulated to exaggerate Greek debt and force it to make punishing interest
payments to foreign creditors as part of a penal “bailout” programme. The ECB is at the heart of
what former Argentinian central banker Mario Blejer called a euro Ponzi scheme which leaves
all European tax payers having to pick up the bill when the Greeks can no longer keep paying.
Richard Parker writing in the FT was admitted that the clichés about an incompetent
government are largely untrue. “But almost none of the moralizing clichés were true. Greek
taxes were more than a third of gross domestic product, near the European average. And if
Greeks were anti-business, why then were there more small entrepreneurs per capita than
anywhere else in Europe? Government was not bloated in terms of employees – at a fifth of the
labour force, it was about the European average. Corruption was clearly a problem, but our data
showed it was concentrated – incomprehensibly to non-Greeks – in the health sector, where
minor “gifts” to doctors secured early scheduling of surgeries,” he wrote this week.”
00144feabdc0.html#axzz1meCeyPUe Oborne describes the shattering impact of the
Troika junta’s policies on Greece. Indeed, the damage inflicted on is similar to that which the
country would have suffered if it had been in a real war and is comparable with the second world
war. “Perhaps 100,000 businesses have folded, and many more are collapsing. Suicides are
sharply up, homicides have reportedly doubled, with tens of thousands being made homeless.”
“This is only the start, however. Matters will get much worse over the coming months, and this
social and moral disaster has already started to spread to other southern European countries
such as Italy, Portugal and Spain. It is not just families that are suffering – Greek institutions
are being torn to shreds.” Oborne expressed the shock at the brutal arrogance of the EU Troika
and German junta. “What is more striking by far is the sheer callousness and inhumanity of EU
commissioners such as Mr Rehn, as they preside over a Brussels regime that is in the course of
destroying what used to be a proud, famous and reasonably well-functioning country,” he
writes. He finishes by calling on the UK to come to the assistance of Greece. “Thus far only one
British political leader, Ukip’s Nigel Farrage, has had the clarity of purpose to state the obvious
– that Greece must be allowed to default and devalue. Leaving all other considerations to one
side, humanity alone should press David Cameron into splitting with Brussels and belatedly
coming to the rescue of Greece.”
callous-cruelty-of-the-EU-is-destroying-Greece-a-once-proud-country.html German
ffinancial expert Dirk Müller spoke for millions of decent people when he said that he was
shocked at stories of Greek mothers having to hand their children in to care because they had no
money to feed them on the Ann Will TV talk show. The German general public is well informed
about the euro Ponzi scheme thanks to the efforts of economists like Hans Werner Sinn. Sinn
has repeatedly called for Greece to be allowed to default, reintroduce the Drachma, devalue and
regain its competitiveness. More people in Germany are informed today about what is really
going on than at any time before and the Germans will not accept the EU junta’s jackboot either
or the transfer the control of their budget to Brussels without a referendum. The strains in the
German government were apparent when Horst Seehofer threatened to veto the Greek bailout
Rettungspaket-mit-Veto.html German President Christian Wulff resigned today after an
unprecedented smear campaign launched largely by the Springer Verlag, simply because he
dared criticize the banks. As a report on MMNews points out, Wulff’s violations of the law, if
there have been any, have been tiny in comparison to figures like Globalist Helmut Kohl who
was caught taking bribes.
ruecktritt-nachfolger-was-steckt-hinter-der-affaere The Greek military should launch a swift
coup accompanied by a communications exercise which reaches out to people throughout
Europe explaining the facts about where all their tax money has gone – not to the Greeks but to
the banks. Lessons that Greeks can be learned from the assassination and coup attempt by
Stauffenberg against Hitler are: - appoint a civilian government from all political parties and
competent experts to gain broad support among the people - have a good communications
strategy that reaches out to the people of Greece and Europe to counteract the propaganda in
the mainstream media especially the German media, explain where the money has gone -
maintain law and order by arresting the bankers and the Troika junta - have a clear plan for
reintroducing the Drachma as a public money and not private money; setting up a public atate
bank like China and not a national bank supplying liquidity to private banks, which actually
produce the money charging interest and compound interest - put the money in circulation to
stimulate business, investment and trade; use regular questionnaires to get feedback from the
population on how they spend their money to adjust monetary policy and fiscal stimulus early to
avoid inflation; set up special agencies to support new busineses increasing - increase earnings
from exports and tourism; encourage tourism: “Visit a free country! Vist Greece!”; avoid putting
troops and tanks on the streets for PR reasons; sending in a platoon of soldiers together with
some police to arrest bankers and EU officials should be enough - appoint a commission to
investigate the financial crisis - press criminal charges against guilty parties - default on all
foreign debt; nationalizing the banks and writing off all private debt, including mortgage debt -
sue the guilty parties for 100s of billions of euros in compensation - change the law to give every
Greek a basic minimum immediately - reduce imports, also by rationing oil - use the foreign
exchange surplus to invest in businesses - substitute imports with domestic production - form
new trade partnerships with non European countries - forge new political alliances with
countries such as the UK - return businesses and homes to their former owners - set up a
commission to consider reforming the democratic process to allow for more direct democracy -
consider allowing referendums on the budget as in Switzerland - reform the education system so
that children learn the basics of finance and economis in school - encourage Greeks to celebrate
their liberation from EU domination by holding street parties - launch art festivals, music
festivals, roundtable discussions with academics, policy makers and artists to stimulate a lively
debate about the financial crisis and to set trends for the future - switch hospitals from
expensive and largely useless drugs to homeopathic treatment - employ experts from Germany
and Argentina to advise the government The Greeks should not wait decades to ask for
reparations for the damage inflicted on their economy by the Troika of the kind which occurred
during the world war two. They should ask for reparations immediately from those responsible.
A first step would be to jail hundreds of bankers and also set up a commission just as the
government in Iceland did to investigate the financial meltdown of the country. Law is a body
which constantly evolves and financial crimes against humanity need to be taken much more
seriously in future. Those who are found guilty of crushing the Greek economy for their profit
should be charged and/or sued. The threat by former German general Harald Kujat that NATO
will send in Stormtroopers to fight the Greek army in the event of a coup will backfire on NATO.
fuer-denkbar-1787636.html NATO does not have the resources needed to occupy and hold
down Greece or the rest of Europe – as it will have to -- for any period of time against the will of
the people any more than Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany did. There will boycotts of German
products and the products of any other countries involved in placing their jackboot on Greece.
The German economy will be in tatters. Germany is already burdened with a mountain of
national and EU bailout debt obligations. A boycott of German exports would accelerate the
decline. If NATO or the EU attempts to use force to crush a return to Greek democracy and a
sound economy in Greece –a folly the German tax payers will ultimately have to pay for --,
NATO will overreach and find the move backfires disastrously. Modern debt collecting on this
scale can only work if the Greeks are persuaded to hand over the cash to their creditors. The rest
of Europe has to believe that the debts of the Greeks are legitimate and it is acceptable to strip
them of democracy to force them to pay. There is no such belief. The EU and Germany are
perceived as out of control bullies who have gone too far. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard turns to
Greek history to underline the point, “Athens (then the big bully on block) wanted control over
the little island of Melos as a strategic asset in its quarrel with Sparta. It gave the Melians an
ultimatum: either submit to Athenian control or face annihilation. The Melians chose defiance.
They were crushed. Those men captured were slaughtered. The women and children were sold
into slavery. But the Athenian treatment of the Melians caused horror across the Greek world; it
marked the moment of Athenian overreach and the beginning of their decline, as vulnerable city
states allied with Sparta to protect themselves. Athenian arrogance backfired disastrously. In the
end, Melian exiles retook their island.”

       ]]> 5731 2012-02-17 18:36:26 2012-02-17 18:36:26 closed open hopes-grow-of-greek-coup-

to-overthrow-banksters publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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online-opportunities.html 2012-02-18 08:33:15 2012-02-18 08:33:15 1 pingback
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akismet_history Fri, 24 Feb 2012
15:33:44 +0000 birdflu666 Thirty-three cases of
narcolepsy have been reported in Skåne in Sweden after Sweden's massive vaccination
campaign against swine flu in 2009. Swedish doctor
Steffan Sylvan said that themass swine flu vaccine campaign had led only to side effects, calling
it a medical tragedy. "If the results are true for the whole country and the vaccine campaign only
led to side effects, then the only thing this massive vaccination campaign resulted in is a medical
tragedy ", says Staffan Sylvan, doctor for  contagious disease protection in Uppsala who wants to
see an independant review of the effort as soon as possible.
tragedi_6859885.svd Full report below translated by Björn: Doctor at contagion protection
wants to see an independent investigation Josefin Pehrson, SvD In Uppsala county the
vaccination campaign turned out to have no effect at all. "If the results are true for the whole
country and the vaccine campaign only led to side effects, then the only thing this massive
vaccination campaign resulted in is a medical tragedy ", says Staffan Sylvan, doctor for 
contagious disease protection in Uppsala who wants to see an independant review of the effort
as soon as possible. The swine flu got same effects in Australia and New Zeeland, where no one
was vaccinated, as in Uppsala county where a mapping of the flu has been done recently. - We
see no difference at all in the results and can therefore not see that the vaccination has had any
effect here says Staffan Sylvan, doctor at contagion protection in Uppsala. "A medical tragedy" is
his description of effects from the vaccination. - If the results are general for the whole country
and have only resulted in side effects, then is a medical tragedy the only thing this massive
vaccination campaign resulted in.  Stefan Sylvan among others wants just like Göran Stiernstedt
at Swedish Municipalities and County Councils see an independent review of the campaign. -
The commission must be appointed very soon, and it has to be an entirely independent, not like
the one where The National Board of Health and Welfare on their own paid for a consultant to
do. It must not be bound to authorities which have been involved in this. He hopes that a
commission not just shall show what went wrong in the process leading up to the vaccination in
2009, but also give guidelines for coming pandemics. Already at an early stage Staffan Sylvan
questioned the effort internally, which SvD's reviw last Sunday showed, where an email from
him to other doctors at contagion protection and Anders Tegnell, then chief at the contagion
protection unit of The National Board of Health and Welfare, was cited. He underlined then that
the flu which had reached Sweden was "a milder variant" than what one had anticipated and
wrote "I think that one should reflect a little before one enters into such a costly and uncertain
project" but got the answer there wasn't any freedom for action. Do you regret today you just
questioned the effort internally? - I do not question vaccinations. On the contrary, they are the
best means of protection we have against disease and death. What I initially questioned was the
fact the procurement of 18 millions of doses were so locked. I mean this was miserably and that
it was so pressed to decide that there was no freedom to act [otherwise]. That I stand firm for.
To go out with one's hesitation in that situation wouldn't have affected anything, means Staffan
Sylvan. - There was no possibility of influence, the contracts were written. We were never
involved in any discussion about how one should write these contracts, then we could have been
in another situation. Before/prior to new negotiations about procurement of vaccine he turns
decidedly against having contracts linked to the WHO classifications of pandemies. - No that
isn't possible. Rule number one is to plan for the worst but have flexibility. That we didn't have
then. Apart from appointing an independent commission as soon as possible he thinks the most
pressing thing in today's situation is to take care of those who have suffered from the side effects
of the vaccine. - Is that fundamently a political decision, which it likely is to a certain part, then
politicians must take responsibility for what has happened. The indemnity question must get a
satisfactory solution for the individuals who have gotten their lives ruined. 

]]> 5740 2012-02-24 15:33:44 2012-02-24 15:33:44 closed open 5740 publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_49bc1a732ccc31e5659fcd4eb4afc598
austerity/ Fri, 24 Feb 2012 15:47:22 +0000 birdflu666
p=5743 As the media in Sweden discusses the damage done by the mass swine flu vaccine
campaign in 2009, it is worth remembering that Greece was the first country to annouce
mandatory swine flu jabs for all 12 million citizens . "We decided that the entire
population, all citizens and residents, without any exception, will be vaccinated
against the flu," Health Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos said after a ministerial
meeting to Reuters in August 2009.
idUSTRE56U3VV20090731 Is it a coincidence that Greece is also the first country
to have been absorbed into the European Union superstate? After the latest
agreement, 300 EU officials are to direct the activities of all Greek ministries,
presumably also the army and police.
Griechenlands-Souveraenitaet?direct=729840&_vl_backlink=/home/wirtschaft/  The Troika and Germany have announced another
round of austerity measures for Greece while admitting that the austerity
measures will send the country deeper into a debt death spiral.  Unemployment
and poverty is set to soar.
shocking-prescription-for-greece/ "Greece has already suffered among the worst
losses of output from financial crises in the 20th and 21st centuries, says the
CEPR. Even if the economy starts to recover, Greece will have lost 15.8pc of GDP
since its peak.," writes Louise Armitstead in The Telegraph.
default-and-exit-the-euro.html But there is no end to the pain in sight. The budget
cuts and tax hikes will continue for the profit of the banks and also to prevent a
default from revealing to German tax payers that they are on the hook for almost a
trillion euros if the Target 2 payments are included. "Greece will be subject to
increased external control and scrutiny in exchange for the bailout. Euro-zone
finance ministers agreed that a task force by the European Commission will have
an "enhanced and permanent" presence in Greece to ensure that the country
implements a raft of painful reforms attached to the deal. In addition, Greece
undertook to transfer its debt servicing payments into a blocked account one
quarter in advance. It also promised to enact legislation giving priority to debt
servicing over other government spending within the next two months and to
enshrine that principle in its constitution as soon as possible.," writes the WSJ. A new poll shows
that  77 percent of the people in Greece agree with the notion that German policy
aims to establish a “Fourth Reich.’’
members-greece-poll-respondents         http://www.deutsche-mittelstands- Greece will be subject to increased external
control and scrutiny in exchange for the bailout. Euro-zone finance ministers
agreed that a task force by the European Commission will have an "enhanced and
permanent" presence in Greece to ensure that the country implements a raft of
painful reforms attached to the deal. In addition, Greece undertook to transfer its
debt servicing payments into a blocked account one quarter in advance. It also
promised to enact legislation giving priority to debt servicing over other
government spending within the next two months and to enshrine that principle in
its constitution as soon as possible.
Greece-should-default-and-exit-the-euro.html Washington’s Center for Economic
and Policy Research (CEPR) has just published a note comprehensively kicking the
Greek rescue plan - and the international leaders driving it. The note is called
“More Pain, No Gain for Greece: Is the Euro Worth the Costs of Pro-Cyclical Fiscal
Policy and Internal Devaluation?” but the authors’ answer is clear: Greece would
be far better off defaulting and quitting the euro. Unlike the troika’s messy efforts,
the CEPR’s arguments are clear and compelling. Greece has already suffered
among the worst losses of output from financial crises in the 20th and 21st
centuries, says the CEPR. Even if the economy starts to recover, Greece will have
lost 15.8pc of GDP since its peak.
  Joachim Gauck Atlantik Brücke
       ]]> 5743 2012-02-24 15:47:22 2012-02-24 15:47:22 closed open greeks-first-to-get-swine-
flu-jab-and-troika-austerity publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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2012-02-25 01:18:44 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result
death-toll-in-the-usa-in-2010-may-top-500000-alone/ Fri, 02 Mar 2012 19:15:13 +0000
birdflu666]]> 5750 2012-03-02
19:15:13 2012-03-02 19:15:13 closed open sleeping-pill-death-toll-in-the-usa-in-2010-may-top-
500000-alone publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f76dbff21b6249e1b4ca98e56c823d0d
cover-up/ Fri, 02 Mar 2012 19:22:37 +0000 birdflu666
narcolepsy-185120.html Clearly, the HSE is not making much effort to find out what damage the
jab caused perhaps because of fears of compensation claims or even criminal charges.  A report
in the Austrian newspaper Die Presse last Friday underlined the link between the swine flu jab
and narcolepsy in Sweden and Finland where 60 and 50% of the population, respectively, took
Impfung-gegen-Schweinegrippe?_vl_backlink=/home/ "As a result of this deficit, the
HSE decided to write to all neurologists, sleep clinics, respiratory physicians, and paediatric
psychiatrists to request that they trawl their records for recent cases of narcolepsy. Up to 90
letters were sent but only 19 consultants responded, eight of whom reported diagnosing
narcolepsy since 2005.," writes Catherine Shanahan Why did the HSE not make a response
compulsory. Why is there no compulsory reporting of the side effects from the swine flu vaccine
as might be expected? The HSE says about 30 cases of narcolepsy have been identified so far.]]>
5752 2012-03-02 19:22:37 2012-03-02 19:22:37 closed open irish-health-authories-in-swine-
flu-vaccine-cover-up publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
of-referendum-on-new-eu-fiscal-treaty/ Fri, 02 Mar 2012 19:40:35 +0000 birdflu666
After repeated attempts to silence him , Vincent Browne asked Klaus Masuch of the ECB -- a
man whom the Greek police union also want to arrest --  in a voice of controlled anger.  "This
isn’t, this isn’t good enough… You people are intervening in this society causing huge damage by
requiring us to make payments not for the benefit of anybody in Ireland but for the benefit of
European financial institutions. Now, could you explain why the Irish people are inflicted with
this burden?” he said.
transcript/ "The middle classes, the very backbone of Ireland, are being driven into revolt," said
Carol Hunt in the Irish Independent as anger over the crushing bank taxes grow.
theres-nothing-left-to-take-from-us-3016993.html "Under the current arrangements Ireland
must pay €31bn over 10 years to cover the cost of the promissory notes issued to meet the cost of
winding up Anglo and Irish Nationwide. With interest that cost will rise to €47bn."
debt-3037045.html The burden of paying the bankster bailout is falling on the poorest while the
super rich are seeing their tax burden fall, the Department of Finance has admitted. The
Irish government has announced a referendum on the new fiscal EU treaty transferring the
power to tax and spend to Brussels. If the vote is honest, the Irish people will certainly reject the
treaty and hopefully also exit the eurozone. Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny said the EU
leaders were hugely "understanding" about the upcoming Irish referendum. Wait till they see
the result! Ireland had better start equiping a home army.
CO-20120302-704206.html In the UK, the House of Commons is to debate whether the
decision of most EU countries to agree to a treaty on  fiscal unity is legal, reports the BBC. The treaty isn't legal. The German
constitution prohibits such a transfer of budget control to the EU in the same way that the Irish
Constitution does - but the Germans are not being given a referendum on the issue. This a
transcript of the interaction between Vincent Browne and the Troika, which has prompted
Vincent Browne fan T shirts: Participants: Klaus Masuch, head of EU Countries Division at the
European Central Bank Istvan Szekely, director of economic and financial affairs at the
European Commission Craig Beaumont, mission chief for Ireland at the IMF. Barbara Nolan,
head of the European Commission representation in Ireland. Early in the conference, Istvan
Szekely [correction: Klaus Masuch] said: “I’m impressed by the depth of the discussion in
Ireland and the understanding of complex, economic financial-sector issues, which is revealed
by looking into the Irish place, looking into the discussion. But also when I come from the
airport with the taxi driver they are often very very informed I must say, very very informed.”
[LATER] Vincent Browne: “Klaus Masuch, did your taxi driver tell you how the Irish people are
bewildered that we are required to pay unguaranteed bondholders billions of euros for debts
that the Irish people have no relation to or no bearing with, primarily to bail out or to ensure the
solvency of European banks? And if the taxi driver had asked you that question,hat would have
been your response? That’s my first question.” Barbara Nolan: “Well, well, well, can we take a
couple together? Can you ask the second question?” VB: “Well, my second question is a
completely different issue and it may have a follow-through if Mr Masuch doesn’t answer the
question in a way that would illuminate the taxi driver’s understanding of all this, I would have a
follow-through question.” Nolan: “Right, can I ask you then to pass the mic, and we’ll come back
to you for the second question?” Browne: “Well, if you don’t mind, that’s a way of breaking up
the exchange, and I would prefer if it went this way: We’ve a tradition in Irish journalism that
we pursue issues and that when somebody doesn’t ask [answer] a question we follow through on
it and I hope that tradition will be respected on this occasion. So could you answer the
question?” Masuch: “I have answered a very similar question of you – I think it was two reviews
ago – and can…” Browne: “[inaudible] the question” Masuch: “… and I answered it. I can
understand that this is a difficult decision to be made by the government and there’s no doubt
about it but there are different aspects of the problem to be, to be balanced against each other
and I can understand that the government came to, came to the view that, all in all, the costs for
the, for Irish people, for the, for the stability of the banking system, for the confidence in the
banking system of taking a certain action in this respect which you are mentioning could likely
have been much bigger than the benefits for the taxpayer which of course would have been
there. So the financial sector would have been affected; the confidence of the financial sector
would have been negatively affected, and I can understand that there were, that there was a
difficult decision but that the decision was taken in this direction.” Browne: “That, that… Well,
that doesn’t address the issue. We are required to pay, in respect of a defunct bank – that has no
bearing on the welfare of the Irish people at all – we are required to pay in respect of this
defunct bank, billions on unguaranteed bonds in order to ensure the health of European banks.
Now how would you explain that situation to the taxi driver that you talked about earlier?”
Masuch: “I think I have addressed [looking to Barbara Nolan] the question.” Browne: “No you
haven’t addressed the question because you referred to the viability of the Irish financial
institutions. This financial institution I’m talking about is defunct. It’s over. It’s finished. Now,
why are the Irish people required, under threat from the ECB, why are the Irish people required
to pay billions to unguaranteed bondholders under threat from the ECB?” Masuch: [silence]
Browne: “You didn’t answer the question the last time so maybe you’ll answer it this time.”
Masuch: [mutters to Barbara Nolan] Nolan: “Well, I think he doesn’t have anything to add to
what he’s already said. Can I.. [pointing at another questioner]” Browne: “Well, just a minute
now. This isn’t, this isn’t good enough… You people are intervening in this society causing huge
damage by requiring us to make payments not for the benefit of anybody in Ireland but for the
benefit of European financial institutions. Now, could you explain why the Irish people are
inflicted with this burden?” Manusch: “Well, I think I have addressed the question.” Browne:
“You’ve nothing to say. There’s no answer, is that right? Is that it? No answer?” Manusch: “I
have given an answer” Browne: “You have given an answer that didn’t address the question.”
Nolan: “That’s your view.” Browne: “That is my view and I think it would be the view of the taxi
driver and a few of our viewers tonight.” Nolan: “Right. Can we please move on?”]]> 5754 2012-
03-02 19:40:35 2012-03-02 19:40:35 closed open irish-fury-at-bankster-bailouts-grows-ahead-
of-referendum-on-new-eu-fiscal-treaty publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 22016 2012-03-03 16:22:19 2012-03-
03 16:22:19 Legal Aid... Irish fury at bankster bailouts grows ahead of referendum on new EU
fiscal treaty « Case About Bird Flu...]]> 1 trackback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
scandal/ Fri, 02 Mar 2012 19:47:33 +0000 birdflu666
SUSPENDED Swiss media organization, 20 Minuten Online, has astonishingly accused the
Austrian media of deliberately ignoring the evidence that a second man was involved in the
kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch. After publishing a series of disturbing articles on the
Kampusch case, including a photograph of the body of captor Wolfgang Priklopil strongly
suggesting he had been murdered -- his head was neatly severed from his body --, 20 Minutes
online asked why the Austrian media has not been so silent. “[…] the people of Austria either
don’t have any confidence in their media to do what it should or any confidence whatsoever. The
silence of the Austrian fourth estate and the obvious inability to carry out research is creating
great mistrust, which is mirrored in the many comments on 20 Minuten Online,” observes the
Swiss news portal.
vermarktet-12619417 The Austrians lack of confidence in their  media was underlined in 2009
when only 3% of the population took the swine flu vaccine in spite of an unprecedented wave of
swine flu pandemic and vaccine hype by the media, especially the state-run ORF. Die Presse last
week became the first newspaper in the German-speaking world to report on the damage caused
by the swine flu jab in Sweden and Finland.
Impfung-gegen-Schweinegrippe?_vl_backlink=/home/ The ORF has failed to make a
single report on this issue. 20 Minuten also featured an interview with the brother of police
inspector and Kampusch investigator Franz Kröll, who died in mysterious circumstances in the
summer of 2010. Karl Kröll criticized the Austrian state TV, the ORF, for failing to report on the
Kampusch case, saying it was “blocked” for “political reasons.” He says that he had a personal
talk with head of the popular Kronen Zeitung, Hans Dichand, but that the newspaper did not
publish any new information. The question is: why are the ORF and Kronen Zeitung so
interested in concealing evidence that a paedophile ring was involved in kidnappying Kampusch
- and together with virtually the entire judiciary in the country? Are the people involved that
powerful? In an unprecedented move, Werner Amon, the head of an Austrian parliamentary
inquiry into the Kampusch case has asked the FBI and German police experts to help in a new
investigation of the case.
aufgerollt.php Amon has said that the evidence does not support the theory that Priklopil acted
alone as reported by the Irish Times. “Central to the
accomplice claims are photographs of Priklopil’s dead body, found on a railway track hours after
Ms Kampusch escaped. According to police, Priklopil killed himself by lying down in front of a
train. Mr Amon says Priklopil was beheadedcleanly, and with few of the secondary injuries usual
in such cases. The railway employee who found the body was never questioned, according to Mr
Amon, nor was a full autopsy performed on the body before it was cremated,” writes Derek
Scally. “The investigator has expressed doubts that Priklopil wrote the farewell letter attributed
to him, suggesting that handwriting samples match those of a close friend, Ernst Holzapfel.” The
overwhelming evidence of a cover up has even prompted one police inspector in Vienna to seek
to obtain DNA from a child believed to belong to Natascha Kampusch on his own initiative.
There are grounds for believing the child was born to Kampusch eight years ago when she was
still in captivity from her own statements. The father is believed to be the accomplice of Priklopil
Ernst Holzapfel - and so would have similar DNA to the sister of Holzapfel who is the official
mother. Holzapfel admits visiting Kampusch when she was held captive by Priklopil and also to
being the last person to see Priklopil. During the investigation it also emerged that Holzapfel
contacted a Colonel in the Austrian militia and senior figure in the international Rotary club
Peter Birkmeyer.
So much of the evidence has been falsified or suppressed by the investigators that the police
inspector probably thought that obtaining and carrying out an independent DNA analysis was
the only way of bringing light into the darkness of this hideous crime. German magazine Focus
which spread only propaganda, lies and disinformation about the swine flu vaccine scandal, the
euro banker heist, was quick to brand the people who believe a paedophile ring was involved in
the kidnapping of Kampusch as “conspiracy theorists.”  That means 99% of the people in Austria
99% are now “conspiracy theorists” in the view of Focus and other media complicit in the  cover
up of a case they purport to give objective facts about.
geheimbund-angebliche-kampusch-tochter_aid_719960.html The police inspector should be
promoted for showing some initiative and trying to solve a crime, which is being covered up by
the highest levels. Instead he now faces punishment while the state prosecutors who have so
obviously failed to do their duty get off scot free. Clearly, if police inspectors do their job and
investigate the Kampusch case, many powerful people are going to be in trouble. Punishing any
conscientious police officer who conducts research into the case is a last desperate effort to keep
the lid on the scandal, which would otherwise result in mass arrests among the financial and
political elite. Priklopil is not the only mysterious murder in the Kampusch case. Kröll is widely
believes his brother was murdered because he was too committed to finding the truth. His notes
potentially implicate a high ranking politician in a sex scandal. The then Interior Minister Liese
Prokop also died in mysterious circumstances as the end of 2006, prompting a series of
parliamentary questions about whether she had been murdered, perhaps because she had found
out too much about the Kampusch case.
Tod-von-Liese-Prokop/42861971]]> 5757 2012-03-02 19:47:33 2012-03-02 19:47:33 closed
open break-through-in-kampusch-cover-up-scandal publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_3c57371993fb1a40672dd37eaacfbdc4 _oembed_611ee311cb71c7cb83ba52533675fc18
_oembed_48f4ff79aa373c3c945024cecc70c738 _oembed_af9613af1f1e69272556550fa86c7c31 Fri, 02 Mar 2012 19:49:21 +0000
birdflu666 5762
2012-03-02 19:49:21 2012-03-02 19:49:21 closed open stauffenberg_and_hitler inherit 0 0
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in-2012/ Fri, 02 Mar 2012 20:02:31 +0000 birdflu666
p=5763 Stauffenberg_and_Hitler_ebook[1] UPDATE: The Stauffenberg ebook is now available
with a cover showing an iconic image of Claus von Stauffenberg standing just a few feet away
from Adolf Hitler in the Wolf’s Lair in 1944.  A few tweaks to the text have also been made for
historical accuracy. In the background of the original photograph now in the German Federal
Archives one of the colossal bunkers of the Wolf’s Lair can be seen.
%C3%BChrerhauptquartier,_Stauffenberg,_Hitler,_Keitel_crop.jpg Hitler’s secretary and fixer
Martin Bormann lived in bunker number 11 and Adolf Hitler lived in bunker number 13 –
numbers familiar from international freemasonry. Hitler’s bunker also had six entrance doors to
the north. Few people realise the extent of freemasonry/occult connections to the Nazis. One
example: Hitler took the Spear of Destiny from Vienna’s main art museum when he marched
into Austria in 1938 and had it transferred to Nürnberg, which incidentally, belonged to army
district 13 or Wehrkreis 13. (Other typical freemasonry numerological sequences are 369 as in
Natascha Kampusch's book "3096 Days") Research
into the rise to power of the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler  reveals that Hitler was a puppet of the
bankers and mainstream media. Hitler rose to power after the German banking crisis of 1931
and austerity measures which shattered the German economy, Hitler has come to personify evil
and the will to power. Today, we are facing the same constellation of forces, the same banking
crisis, the same austerity measures to fund bankster bailouts and the same imposition of a police
state. We are facing the same evil in mass vaccination campagins with a swine flu jab known to
cause damage. We are facing the same lies day in, day out in the media. But do we have the
fighting spirt and energy of Stauffenberg? Do we have his passion for fairness, justice and truth?
Do we have his readiness to confront the will to power run wild? “Power is not a means, it is an
end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the
revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The
object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.“]]> 5763 2012-03-02 20:02:31 2012-
03-02 20:02:31 closed open the-lessons-we-can-learn-from-stauffenberg-in-2012 publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_dfa466049a582316e0ab5694a176caa7
_oembed_0db4b326d57be411b36c0bb0babb56ab 22009
wartenburg/ 2012-03-03 12:23:04 2012-03-03 12:23:04 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
in-2012/stauffenberg_and_hitler-2/ Fri, 02 Mar 2012 19:56:32 +0000 birdflu666 5764 2012-03-
02 19:56:32 2012-03-02 19:56:32 closed open stauffenberg_and_hitler-2 inherit 5763 0
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in-2012/stauffenberg_and_hitler_ebook1/ Mon, 05 Mar 2012 16:20:57 +0000 birdflu666 5770
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4-trillion-rescue-bill-looms/ Fri, 09 Mar 2012 20:15:03 +0000 birdflu666 5775 2012-03-09 20:15:03 2012-03-09 20:15:03
closed open dutch-freedom-party-pushes-euro-exit-as-e2-4-trillion-rescue-bill-looms publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last
against-being-struck-off/ Fri, 09 Mar 2012 20:16:20 +0000 birdflu666 5777 2012-03-09 20:16:20 2012-03-09 20:16:20
closed open mmr-doctor-wins-battle-against-being-struck-off publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
on-kampusch-backfires/ Fri, 09 Mar 2012 20:29:09 +0000 birdflu666 th  on the ORF. (Incidentially, anyone who
accidentally types in the web address into the browser instead of arrives
at a sinister looking adult sex site Coincidence?) During the
ORF interview, Kampusch made a series of absurd claims, brazenly contradicting statements
she had given in official protocols immediately after she escaped from the dungeon of Wolfgang
Priklopil. Asked by Feuerstein why at her first medical examination she had inquired how long a
pregnancy could be proven, Kampusch said: “It simply interested me because biology interests
me.” As lawmaker Dr Dagmar Belakowitsch-Jenewein pointed out, Kampusch followed this
question to the doctor with a remark that her pregnancy had happened  “long ago” according to
the official protocol.
vereint-19318747 The existence of a book on baby care and a lock of hair was explained away in
an equally implausible manner. Kampsuch alleges Priklopil made her shave off all her hair to
avoid having any incriminating evidence of her in his house whenever she had to do chores
upstairs. However, many witnesses have reported seeing Kampusch walking around openly with
Priklopil, so little was his fear of being caught. Billionaire financier Nathaniel Rothschild
recently aroused the ire of a UK High Judge by giving “unrealistic” answers to his relationship
with Peter Mandelson and a Russian oligarch, but Kampusch’s answers seemed even more
High-Court-libel-battle.html Kampusch also dismissed claims that she can be seen on a video
distributed by a retired militia officer as the hurtful fantasy of the general public. Anyone would
have been forgiven for thinking that she had spent eight years in a convent school or holiday
camp and not in the dungeon of a paedophile. Exploiting children for sex and money is the core
motive of paedophiles and the Satanic freemasonry element of the New World Order - see
Aleister Crowley's books like 777. Priklopil also lived in a large house and owned an expensive
car but was without a visible source of income. It is reasonable to assume some of his income
derived form his captive Kampusch and some could have come from videos, especially in view of
the photos showing her as a scantily dressed child. Feuerstein seemed more interested in ad
hominem attacks leveled against people seeking the truth about the Kampusch paedophile ring
than in the facts, and in creating an hysterical atmosphere paving the way for Kampusch ‘s
lawyer Gerard Ganzger to sue anyone who calls the official version into doubt. In a remark
which appeared to come straight from a pre written script, Kampusch told Feuerstein she would
never lie because she would do everything to try to prevent other children having the same fate. 
Unfortunately, Kampusch has been caught out giving false information over and over already
and has little credibility left. Kampusch herself is a victim. The same cannot be said of state
prosecutor Werner Pleisch who appeared in the same  ORF interview and made the same claim
he was committed to uncovering paedophile ring when even Der Spiegel admitted that
significant facts have been ignored.,1518,818862,00.html Pleisch also asked with studied
naivete why he would want to cover up pedophilia, echoing Kampusch. The obvious answer is
because he is also engaged in it or has personnel or financial links with people engaged in it.
What other motive would he have for consistently ignoring all the evidence of a paedophile ring
as he plainly as he has done? Continuing the hysterical mainstream media offensive,
disinformation magazine Falter printed a report by Innsbruck prosecutor Gabriele Ginther-
Schöll, making personal attacks against judges Johann Rzeszut and Ludwig Adamovich.
phantastische-Theorien-im-Fall-Kampusch Ginther-Schöll accused the respected judges of
“speculation”, “fantastic theories” and “conspiracies” when they actually presented systematic
evidence of a cover up by state prosecutors of a paedophile ring. The hysterical and obviously
biased accusations of Ginther-Schöll  clearly aim  to intimidate anyone who dares to question
the official discredited version. The top justice officials, in the meantime, have compromised
themselves so much in the Kampusch case that they should be suspended, at least, until the final
investigation is completed. Their incompetence, bias and/or criminality certainly bode ill for any
other of the hundreds of children who go missing every year in Austria. In addition, state
prosecutors clearly cannot be relied on to investigate potential problems with the ever growing
numbers of children who are being removed from their parents by judges often on flimsy
pretexts and placed in care if they cannot investigate the Kampusch case. Parents have even
started to demonstrate against the way the sinister child protection department of Vienna city
MA 11 is removing children from homes and confining them in Colditz-style isolation.  There are
even claims of children being taken abroad for sex slavery.
jugendaemter&catid=1:erstaunliches Allegations as serious as these need a proper
investigation especially given the recent, shocking scandals at other children's homes. None of
the current leading state prosecutors in the country have any credibility left in view of their
repeated failure to pursue significant clues in the Kampusch kidnapping case. It is time to
suspend them from their positions until the new Kampusch investigation is completed. This will
allow for the actions of the individual state prosecutors to be scrutinised in a neutral and
objective environment. The Globalists may well try to do all in their power to stop the truth
coming to light. But the Globalists need to understand the Kampusch inquiry is one of those rare
cases where 97% of Austrians are united, and murdering and smearing more people who are
trying to uncover the truth simply will not be tolerated any more. In a country of shocking levels
of corruption, I am sure all Austrians will give complete backing to the parliament in its
Kampusch inquiry and support lawmakers from any party who seek to uncover the truth.    ]]>
5780 2012-03-09 20:29:09 2012-03-09 20:29:09 closed open austrian-medias-campaign-of-
disinformation-on-kampusch-backfires publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
spot-the-parallels-with-today/ Fri, 09 Mar 2012 20:45:45 +0000 birdflu666 Stauffenberg_and_Hitler_Ebook_2 Merkel and
Hitler share a similar taste in tunics and trousers. But can you see any other similarities? Test
your ingenuity and imagination. Also, test your knowledge of freemasonry by spotting
freemasonry symbolism hidden in the Wolf’s Lair complex. Senior Freemason, Nigel Brown,
Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England, has just attempted to debunk the myth
that the freemasons have any power – there is a Bank of England lodge! -- and have any links to
Adolf Hitler. Brown implies that Hitler cannot have been a freemason because he put so many
freemasons into concentration camps.
the-Freemasons.html In fact, Hitler also put millions of Jews into concentration camps and yet
he was highly likely Jewish according to DNA tests of his living relatives.
reveal.html The Stauffenberg Ebook is a work of fiction based on historical fact. Like all fiction,
it is meant to stimulate us to reflect on how much of our own character is like the tiny-minded
egomaniac Hitler and how much is like the more magnanimous and heroic Stauffenberg. It is
not meant to encourage mindless violence. It is only if each and every one of us improves, that
the world will improve, as Leo Tolstoy said - and for those readers who are under the age of 18,
Leo Tolstoy is not the name of a new App or a character in Angry Birds.]]> 5783 2012-03-09
20:45:45 2012-03-09 20:45:45 closed open stauffenberg-and-hitler-read-chapter-two-and-spot-
the-parallels-with-today publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_344f9d1903d5ff86616c664f55d11abb _oembed_1c121d93e20c7396f76f41684b6c5abf
spot-the-parallels-with-today/stauffenberg_and_hitler_ebook_2/ Fri, 09 Mar 2012 20:43:27
+0000 birdflu666 5784
2012-03-09 20:43:27 2012-03-09 20:43:27 closed open stauffenberg_and_hitler_ebook_2
inherit 5783 0 attachment 0
_wp_attached_file _wp_attachment_metadata
racism-in-the-talmud-not-ban-the-crucifix/ Fri, 16 Mar 2012 18:00:58 +0000 birdflu666
2113639/Lynne-Featherstone-launches-assault-right-wear-cross-work.html#ixzz1pInD6ZW2  If
Muslim can wear headscarfs, Sikh turbans, Jews skullcap why should Christians not be able to
wear crucifixes at work? The push to ban the crucifix has nothing to do with equality. It is part of
the Globalist freemason’s agenda. The website of freemason orders like the Ordo Templi
Orientis openly praise Satanist and child murderer Aleister Crowley, who wrote “qabbalistic”
works like 777 and worshipped the pentagram or five-pointed star, also the symbol of the EU. Instead of banning the Crucifix, Featherstone should take a
look at whether her own religion, Judaism, should be prohibited for encouraging racism,
specifically parts of the Talmud which mirror the Nazis vile racial creed. I emailed her and asked
her if she thought that she should show some especial sensitivity to the religious symbols of
Christians given the fact she is a Jew and also given the improbability that any Christian
equalities minister in Israel would ever be allowed to ban the skull cap. I also asked her whether
she herself was influenced by Talmudic views on Christianity, and for her comment on the
following extracts from the Talmud, which can be compared to the Nazi racial ideology. No
reply. Not good enough. "A Jew must not associate himself with gentiles." - Hilkoth Maakhaloth,
Ch. IX. "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but
beasts." - Saba Mecia, 114, 6.   "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew
would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form,
and condemned to serve the Jew day and night." - Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L.   "It is permitted
to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces." -
Schuichan Qruch, Choszen Hajpiszpat jog   "Thou shalt not do injury to thy neighbor (Bible), but
it is not said, 'Thou shalt not do injury to a Goy.' " - Mishna Sanhedryn 57.   "All property of
other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it
without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards
people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in
general." - Schalchan arach. Choszen Hasisxpat 348.   "The Jew is not permitted to consider the
goyim as human beings." - Schulchan Oruch, Orach Chaiw 14, 20, 32, 33, 39. TaIDud Jebamoth
61.   "To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the
killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly." -
Libbre David 37.   "Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare
with the Jew like a monkey to a human." - Schene luchoth haberith, p. 250 b   "If you eat with a
Gentile, it is the same as eating with a dog." - Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b   "It is the law to kill
anyone who denies the Torah. The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah." -
Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5   (Jesus Christ was) illegitimate and conceived during
menstruation. Mother a Prostitute. - Kallah 1b. (18b)   Christian birth rate must be diminished
materially. - Zohar (II 64b):   Jews must always try to deceive Christians. - Zohar (1 160a)   Jews
are not to prevent the death of a Christian. - Choschen Ham (425 5):   Do not save Christians in
danger of death, instructed to let die. - Hilkkoth Akum (x,1):   Even the best of the Goim
[Christians] should be killed. - Abhodah Zarah (25b)T   If Jew kills a Christian he commits no
sin. - Sepher Or Israel 177b   Extermination of Christians necessary. - Zohar (11 43a):   Make no
agreements and show no mercy to Christians. - Hilkhoth Akum (x,1):   Christians are idolaters. -
Hilkhoth Maakhaloth   Christians have intercourse with animals. - Abhodah Zarah (22a):  
Female Jews contaminated when meeting Christians. - Iore Dea (198, 48):   Innocent of murder
if intent was to kill a Christian. - Makkoth (7b)   Christians likened to cows and asses. - Zohar II
(64b):   Psalmist compares Christians to beasts. - Kethuboth (110b):   Sexual intercourse with
Christian same as intercourse with beast. - Sanhedrin (74b)   The seed [children] of Christians
valued same as the seed of a beast. - Kethuboth (3b):   Those Jews who do good to Christians
never rise when dead. - Zohar (1, 25b)   Jews are to hide their hatred for Christians. - Iore Dea
(148, 12H):   Christian property belongs to the first Jew claiming it. - Babha Bathra (54b):   Keep
any overpayment Christians make in error. - Choschen Ham (193, 7):   It is permitted for a Jew
to deceive Christians. - Babha Kama (113b):   Jew may deceive Christians. - Iore Dea (157, 2) H:  
Jew may lie and perjure himself to condemn a Christian. - Babha Kama (113a):   The name of
God is not profaned when a Jew lies to Christians. - Babha Kama (113b):   Jew may perjure
himself when lying about Christians. - Kallah (1b, p. 18):   Jews may swear falsely by the use of
subterfuge wording. - Schabbouth Hag (6d):   Jews must always try to deceive Christians. -
Zohar (1, 160a):   Christians who are not Jews' enemies must also die. - Iore Dea (158, 1):     ---      
1.    "An Aryan must not associate himself with Jews." – Adolf Hitler 2.    "The Aryans are human
beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts." – Adolf Hitler 3.   
"Jehovah created the non-Aryan in human form so that the Aryan would not have to be served
by beasts. The non-Aryan  is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve
the Jew day and night." Adolf Hitler 4.    "It is permitted to kill An Aryanish denunciator
everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces." - Adolf Hitler 5.    "Thou shalt
not do injury to thy neighbor (Bible), but it is not said, 'Thou shalt not do injury to a Goy.' "
Adolf Hitler 6.    "All property of other nations belongs to the Aryan nation, which, consequently,
is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An Aryan is not bound to observe principles of
morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself
or to Aryans in general." Adolf Hitler 7.    "The Aryan is not permitted to consider the Jew as
human beings." Adolf Hitler 8.    "To communicate anything to a goy about our religious
relations would be equal to the killing of all Aryans, for if the goyim knew what we teach about
them they would kill us openly." - Libbre David 37. 9.    "Although the non-Aryan has the same
body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Aryan like a monkey to a human." Adolf Hitler
10.    "If you eat with a Jew, it is the same as eating with a dog." - Adolf Hitler 11.    "It is the law
to kill anyone who denies the Torah. The Jews belong to the denying ones of the Torah." -
Coschen hamischpat 425 Hagah 425. 5 12.    (Jesus Christ was) illegitimate and conceived
during menstruation. Mother a Prostitute. - Kallah 1b. (18b) 13.    Jewish birth rate must be
diminished materially. - Zohar (II 64b): 14.    Aryans must always try to deceive Jews. - Zohar (1
160a) 15.    Aryans are not to prevent the death of a Jew. - Choschen Ham (425 5): 16.    Do not
save Jews in danger of death, instructed to let die. - Hilkkoth Akum (x,1): 17.    Even the best of
the [Jews] should be killed. - Abhodah Zarah (25b)T 18.    If Aryan kills a Jew he commits no sin.
- Adolf Hitler 19.    Extermination of Jews necessary. – Adolf Hitler 20.    Make no agreements
and show no mercy to Jews. Adolf Hitler 21.    Jews are idolaters. - Hilkhoth Maakhaloth 22.   
Jews have intercourse with animals. Adolf Hitler 23.    Female Aryans contaminated when
meeting Jews. - Iore Dea (198, 48): 24.    Innocent of murder if intent was to kill a Jew. -
Makkoth (7b) 25.    Jews likened to cows and asses. – 26.    Psalmist compares Jews to beasts.
27.    Sexual intercourse with Jew same as intercourse with beast. - Adolf Hitler 28.    The seed
[children] of Jews valued same as the seed of a beast. - Kethuboth (3b): 29.    Those Aryans who
do good to Jews never rise when dead. - Zohar (1, 25b) 30.    Aryans are to hide their hatred for
Jews. - Iore Dea (148, 12H): 31.    Jewish property belongs to the first Aryan claiming it. - Adolf
Hitler 32.    Keep any overpayment Jews make in error. - Choschen Ham (193, 7): 33.    It is
permitted for An Aryan to deceive Jews. - Babha Kama (113b): 34.    Aryan may deceive Jews. -
Iore Dea (157, 2) H: 35.    Aryan may lie and perjure himself to condemn a Jew. - Babha Kama
(113a): 36.    The name of God is not profaned when An Aryan lies to Jews. - Babha Kama (113b):
37.    Aryan may perjure himself when lying about Jews. - Kallah (1b, p. 18): 38.    Aryans may
swear falsely by the use of subterfuge wording. - Schabbouth Hag (6d): 39.    Aryans must always
try to deceive Jews. - Zohar (1, 160a): 40.    Jews who are not Aryans' enemies must also die. -
Iore Dea (158, 1):      ]]> 5786 2012-03-16 18:00:58 2012-03-16 18:00:58 closed open why-the-
uk-government-should-investigate-racism-in-the-talmud-not-ban-the-crucifix publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last _oembed_1bf21dcdbd0661f24528dfe5e8621d86
_oembed_80d1d4ca1ad468cab3e8c174d28dfcde 22511 2012-03-19 08:02:30 2012-03-19 08:02:30 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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and-narcolepsy/ Fri, 16 Mar 2012 18:02:29 +0000 birdflu666 5788 2012-03-16 18:02:29 2012-03-16 18:02:29
closed open irish-parents-call-for-report-on-swine-flu-jab-and-narcolepsy publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_97cbd13ea7dba63526fe4bd182d7c9b9
into-exams-without-back-up/ Fri, 16 Mar 2012 18:03:19 +0000 birdflu666 Students suffering from narcolepsy face into exams
without back-up

By Evelyn Ring Friday, March 09, 2012, Irish Examiner Children who developed narcolepsy
after receiving the swine flu vaccine are facing exams with no supports in place, it has emerged.
Read more:
into-exams-without-back-up-186516.html#ixzz1pIqI8K9J]]> 5790 2012-03-16 18:03:19 2012-
03-16 18:03:19 closed open irish-students-suffering-from-narcolepsy-face-into-exams-without-
back-up publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_8ed63607cf64820aa7487edb170cc4a1 Fri, 16 Mar
2012 18:14:01 +0000 birdflu666 *Globalists latest
ploy against me fails as miserably as all the others *Vienna state prosecutors forced to
drop charges for embezzlement and harrassment against me because absolutely
no evidence - something that should have been noticed at the start of the
investigation, allowing me to sue for false accusations *Why I look forward to
cross examinating Professor Lukas Kenner in court about his attempt to have me
confined in February 2010 *Why I will try to cross question then Raiffeisen Chief
Christian Konrad about what he knew about Kenner's attempt in view of Konrad's
position on the board of directors of Kenner's research institution After I filed
charges against Baxter in April 2009 for contaminating 72 kilos of vaccine material with the
deadly bird flu virus in their biosecurity 3 lab in Orth an der Donau, initiating a police
investigation into this brazen attempt by big pharma to trigger a pandemic, and then warned
people about the swine flu jab, my life changed. I have  lost count of the attempts made to smear
me, and confine me and, more recently, it seems, to fine or imprison me on a trumped up
charge. What amazes me is that Globalists keep trying so hard when it must be clear by now
every attempt to frame me just gets them into deeper trouble. If an ability to adapt to reality is a
mark of intelligence, then to keep doing the same thing over and over again when it fails is
surely a mark of stupidity.  Cunning is not intelligence. A one-sided technical ability is not
intelligence either. I'm going to tell you about the latest (failed) smear attempt in this post
because it  speaks volumes about the Globalists low IQ level. In January I was summoned by the
Austrian police to an interrogation after a police man living in Vienna and working in Germany
accused me – without any evidence – of embezzlement and harassment. For the first time in my
life I found myself  formally called the guilty party (“Beschuldigter”) in a police investigation --
much like Werner Amon --  even though I had done absolutely nothing and there was no
evidence. All there was were the verbal statement of the police man with no evidence to back up
anything he said in the way of bank account details or emails or other documents. All the same, I
was put in a position where I was forced to prove my innocence. I had to go to my bank to get
old bank statements, send in my phone records and insist on the police asking for the evidence
of my alleged harassment. On March 2nd, the state prosecutors in Vienna were forced to drop
the charges against me because as they stated there was no evidence – something they should
have noticed right at the start of their investigation.  I am now going to sue the police man for
false accusations. The notion that innocent people in Austria have nothing to fear from justice
officials floated by Der Standard puppet journalist Alexandra Foederl-Schmid in another one of
her “sage” commentary pieces this week is ridiculous as my own experience shows.
Schuss-ins-Knie The only reason Foederl-Schmid has never been subjected to the same
harassment is because she has never investigated any scandal. On the contrary, she is a willing
propaganda tool forwarding the Globalist agenda. If Foederl-Schmid lost her job in the event of
justice officials opening an investigation against her, however little or no evidence there might
be, she would be the first to complain and see the potential for abuse. Foederl-Schmidt and the
rest of the puppet journalists are one of the main reasons why the corruption in Austria has
reached such dramatic levels. In autumn 2009, there were plans to vaccinate the entire Austrian
population with the toxic swine flu jab now proven to cause autoimmune diseases such as
narcolepsy .  The country’s pandemic plan, like all others, even envisaged forced vaccinations
and quarantines administered by the same corrupt justice officials implicated in the Kampusch
paedophile ring cover up. The Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger had even bought two doses
of pandemic vaccine for every single person, so determined was he that all Austrians should get
their jab. In the end only 3% of Austrians took the jab thanks to enormous efforts of the
alternative media while journalists like Foederl-Schmid remained silent.  In 2010, I was almost
psychiatrised/put under a court guardianship three times.  Each attempt failed. One attempt by
a judge in Hietzing, who made a false statement, failed and two attempts to confine me by
Professor Lukas Kenner, who had never met me, also failed. A pathologist at Vienna’s main
hospital, the AKH, and a government-employed researcher working for the Ludwig Boltzmann –
former Raiffeisen Bank chief Christian Konrad and Profil chief Christian Rainer sit on the board
– Kenner made two attempts to have me psychiatrised in early 2010.  It seems that
psychiatrising -- and murdering -- whistle blowers is standard practice in Austria. Retired judge
Martin Wabl wrote in Der Standard today that he was arrested and then sent to be psychiatrised
by state prosecutors for offering Natascha Kampusch’s mother assistance. The psychiatrist
decided he was normal as happened in my case.  To get upset about injustice is actually perfectly
normal and healthy. It is admittedly very dangerous in a society full of injustice and lies but it is
not a sign of mental instability. As time passes, all these attempts to silence me are turning out
to be much more dangerous for the Globalists. Every failed attempt to smear me just draws
attention to the lawlessness of the state prosecutors and highlights the threat they are to
everyone’s security. I look forward very much to the upcoming court case with Lukas Kenner
and to calling people like Raiffeisen chief Christian Konrad and Profile chief Christian Rainer as
witnesses. I would very much like to cross question them myself in the court. Then the party is
really going to start. They should have foreseen the consequences. The Globalists flatter
themselves about being exciting thinkers and strategic long-term planners but all the evidence
suggests that they cannot even plan one move ahead or consider alternatives if things go wrong. 
Instead, they always resort to the usual murder and smear attempts which just get them into
deeper trouble now that they don’t have the cover from their media propaganda machine. Yawn,
yawn, Globalists. You are not only evil. You are also boring, tedious and predictable perhaps the
even bigger crime.        ]]> 5792 2012-03-16 18:14:01 2012-03-16 18:14:01 closed open why-do-
the-globalists-keep-trying publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
cover-up/ Fri, 16 Mar 2012 18:21:51 +0000 birdflu666
p=5795 *Vienna State Prosecutors try to smear Werner Amon ahead of key report highly likely
to recommend new investigation into Kampusch paedophile ring *Amon hits back, accusing
state prosecutors of political justice, and threatening to sue them *Kampush's
father to bring civil case against Ernst Holzapfel but still no criminal charges
against Priklopil accomplice An obvious attempt by state prosecutors in Austria to smear
Werner Amon, the head of the parliamentary committee investigating the cover up in the
Kampusch paedophile kidnapping case, has drawn angry reactions. Amon accused the state
prosecutors of “political justice” for opening an investigation into him for money laundering on
a paltry pretext on Tuesday. The state prosecutors attempt to smear Amon and have him
removed from his position as the principal Kampusch investigator comes just a couple of weeks
before the parliamentary committee he chairs is expected to recommend a new investigation
into the Kampusch kidnapping, involving the FBI.
KampuschVerschwoerung The move also came just days after a slick propaganda interview
featuring Natascha Kampusch failed to silence researchers who have evidence that a paedophile
ring was involved in the kidnapping. During the ORF interview Kampusch told at least one
obvious lie concerning her pregnancy - presumably under pressure from the very same
paedophile network which held her captive in one of the most distasteful disinformation acts in
the mainstream media ever. At least, one member of that paedophile ring, Ernst Holzapfel, is
walking around free, and so in a position to threaten Kampusch. There is also evidence that
Holzapfel killed Wolfgang Priklopil, Kampusch’s main captor. It’s astonishing that Kampusch
hasn’t been given police protection in view of the danger she is in of being murdered or
“suicided” like inspector Franz Kröll now that the paedophile ring sees she can no longer act as a
cover for their crimes and now that Kampusch is to appear as a witness in a civil case brought
against Holzapfel by her father. Why is this woman not under 24 hour witness protection? The
notion that the state prosecutors investigated the Kampusch kidnapping can no longer be
sustained in view of the civil case that Kampusch’s father is bringing against Holzapfel, and
which stands a good chance of success. “[…]numerous leaks of court documents revealed
Natascha’s father Ludwig Koch was set to file a civil case for damages against his daughter’s
kidnapper's best friend Ernst Holzapfel who he accused of knowing about the crime,” reports
The Daily Mail. “A team of lawyers working for Mr Koch are said to have discovered a
'mountain' of evidence against Holzapfel - a close acquaintance of Wolfgang Priklopil who
snatched Natascha Kampusch off the streets when she was 10 and kept her in a cellar for eight
years before she escaped in 2006.” Read more:
truth.html#ixzz1pHxqKnUf The Daily Mail points out what a bizarre legal situation it is when
there is a civil case against Holzapfel pending but no criminal case. “If Koch is successful in the
action, it will mean that Holzapfel will have been convicted of involvement in a criminal offence
in a civil court but not in a criminal court, in an echo of US footballer OJ Simpson. In 1995
Simpson was acquitted of the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman but two
years later – in a civil case against Simpson he was ordered to pay relatives 33.5 million dollars
for the murders.” In the Koch case the difference is that Hozapfel has never been tried in a
criminal court,” observes the Daily Mail. The fact that Ludwig Koch’s lawyers could collect
enough evidence to file against Holzapfel in a civil court raises the question why the state
prosecutors were not able to collect the evidence, and why they did not file criminal charges
against him long ago. I asked these questions in an email to State Prosecutor office
spokesperson Michaela Schnell -- see copy at the end of this report – but got no reply. What is
the point of the Minister of Justice paying the salary of a media spokes person and spending
large sums on a new media offensive when journalists and bloggers like me get no answer to
legitimate questions? Holzapfel made numerous phone calls to a retired colonel in the militia
who allegedly distributed paedophile videos featuring Kampusch. Who knows who else is
involved? According to the notes of murdered inspector Kröll, he suspected high ranking
politicians of bestial acts in Vienna’s sado-masochism scene. The Kampusch kidnapping case
could be just the tip of an ice berg of abuse of children by child protection agencies and
psychiatric hospitals and others. Desperate to prevent a scandal, the state prosecutors appear to
have decided to use a well known ploy to discredit Amon and block a new Kampusch
investigation. However, the intention to smear was so transparent that it has sparked massive
criticism. ÖVP party chief Karl Heinz Kopf openly accused the state prosecutors of targeting
Amon because of his role in the Kampusch investigation. Certainly, Amon’s alleged crime pales
in comparison to the crime of Holzapfel. How come the state prosecutors can find the time and
energy to pursue Amon over a trivial matter dating from 2007 but not find the time to file
charges against Holzapfel for a much more serious crime? The leniency of Austrian judges
towards paedophiles is well known. A judge in a youth court in Salzburg who was found to have
vast amounts of child pornography on his computer was given a fine of just 2,250 euros and a
five month suspended jail sentence last year. It
has emerged the judge has since been given a five year ban but has appealed against it. Even if
the ban is implemented, the guilty judge could be back at work at 52 years of age, handling
sensitive cases involving the futures of young people. How many kids has this judge put into child care
or custody or psychiatrised? What has happened to them there? Who is investigating? The
lengths that the state prosecutors will go to stop anyone coming close to the truth about
Kampusch were further underlined by a report in Der Standard by a now retired judge Martin
Wabl. Wabl said he was arrested and almost psychiatrised on the orders of the state prosecutors
after he dared to offer assistance to the mother of Natascha Kampusch when she first
disappeared at the age of ten.
Kampusch Amon is a brave man entering dangerous waters and being targeted because he is
pushing for a fresh look at the evidence that a paedophile ring was involved in the kidnapping of
Kampusch – something which polls show the overwhelming majority of Austrians want. Amon
said he could press charges against the prosecutors for abuse of office, pointing out that the
usual practice is to invite people as “witnesses” in the event of a 10 000 euro sum being booked
on an organization’s accounts without a corresponding receipt being found. Instead, he was
named as the guilty party even though there is no evidence of any crime, let alone the crime of
money laundering. The only crime is a missing receipt for 10,000 euros transferred to a
conservative party organization, the ÖAAB, in 2007 when Amon was General Secretary - if that
is a crime. Not surprisingly, the controlled mainstream media, which has conspicuously failed to
report the evidence pointing to a Kampusch paedophile ring cover up was quick to attack Amon
with commentators calling for him to resign. The state-run ORF ran the story in a prominent
place on their webpage on Tuesday even before the parliamentary parties were informed to
allow for the maximum opportunity to discredit Amon. Academics like Peter Filzmaier from the
Globalist hotspot, the University of Krems, accused Amon of being a “conspiracy theorist” when
Amon just pointed out the obvious connection between the paltry charge and his investigation
into the cover up by the state prosecutors into the Kampusch case.
KampuschTheorie-der-OeVP?_vl_backlink=/home/politik/innenpolitik/732496/ Austrian Justice Minister Beatrix Karl also dismissed Amon’s concerns
that he was being smeared, calling for the state prosecutors to investigate. It is a shame she does
not show the same rigour when it comes to the Kampusch case. The latest poll shows that
confidence in the justice system has reached an historical low.
In my view, the entire top layer of state prosecutors and justice officials in the Ministry of
Justice need to be suspended and replaced pending a full investigation into their role in the
Kampusch case as well as the Baxter and the swine flu vaccine case. But with a dossier
circulating with the names of high ranking politicians that does not seem very likely. Copy of
email of my questions to Michaela Schnell, press officer at the Vienna State Prosecutors – the
same ones who lied to Bild newspaper about my criminal charges against Baxter in 2009.  
Unfortunately, the lines have become squashed in the act of cutting and pasting, but German
speakers will get the idea.    jane burgermeister Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM To:,   Sg Michaela Schnell, Ich heisse
Jane Bürgermeister und betreibe eine englisch-sprachige Blog -- birdflu666 -- in Österreich und
berichte regelmässig über den Kampusch Fall.Ich habe auch für The Guardian, the BMJ, Nature
usw berichtet (Googeln Sie meinen Name in Google Scholar nach). Heutzutage gelten Blogs als
eine wichtige Medien, die oft viel belesen werden. Ich habe folgenden Fragen zum Fall
Kampusch und zum Bericht auf der ORF, dass Werner Amon als Beschuldigter von der
Staatsanwaltschaft Wien aufgeführt wurde. Diese Information ersuche ich für ein Blogeintrag
am Freitag. Mein Deadline für eine Antwort ist Donnerstag. Sollten Sie nicht antworten werde
ich diese Tatsache auf mein Blog erwähnen und eine Kopie diese Email hineinstellen. Hintergrund: Werner Amon ist bekannt als der
Treibenden Kraft hinter einer neuer Parliamentarischen Untersuchung zum Kampusch Affäre,
die zur dieser Zeit eine neue Krisen Höhepunkt erreicht. Die FBI wird einberufen um versäumte
bzw fragwürdige Ermittlungsschritten der Staatsanwaltschaft nachzuholen. Die Rolle der
Staatsanwaltschaft wird immer mehr kritisch betrachtet. Im Ausland berichtet man jetzt über
den einzigartigen Fall wonach mutmassliche Täter Ernst Hözapfel zivil angeklagt wird aber
nicht kriminell. Siehe ein Bericht der Daily Mail von gestern.
called-probe-claims-Austrian-police-covered-truth.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Meine Fragen an
Sie gliedern sich in zwei Teile: A. Fall Kampusch 1. Wie kann es dazu kommen, dass der Vater
von Kampusch die Beweise über Holzapfel sammeln musste wenn es die Aufgabe der
Staatsanwaltschaft Wien solche Beweise zu sammeln ist? 2. Hat die Staatsanwaltschaft Wien die
Beweise über Holtzapfel gehabt oder nicht? 3. Wenn nicht, warum nicht? Was sind die Aufgaben
der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien? 4. Wenn ja, warum gabe es von der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien keine
Anzeige gegen Holzapfel? Wird es bald eine Anzeige geben? Wenn nicht, warum nicht? 5. Die
Staatsanwaltschaft wird vorgeworfen eine Paedophile Ring zu vertuschen. Ihre Stellungnahme
bitte. 6. Der leitende Staatsanwalt Werner Pleisch hat unmissverständlich sein Wünsch in
mehreren medien Interviews geässuert, dass der Kampusch Fall rührt. Wieseo wenn es noch so
viel zu klären gibt, dass eine Zivilklage von dem Vater von Kampusch eingebracht wurde? B. Fall
Amon 7. Der Staatsanwaltschaft unter Pleischl erhebt jetzt auf einmal schwere Vorwürfe gegen
Werner Amon, der Aufdecker. Ist das ein Versuch Druck auf Amon zu üben? 8. Diese genannte
Summe soll im Jahr 2007 - 2008 betätigt werden. Welche Datum genau? 9. Der Kern der
Vorwurf ist, 10,000 euro wurde an eine Presseverein überwiesen ohne Gegenrechnung bzw
Gegenleistung. Was hat Herr Amon genau damit zu tun? Hat er die Überweisung betätigt bzw
angeordnet? Wieso ist er als Beschuldigter aufgeführt? 10. Karlheinz Kopf behauptet nach dem
ORF Bericht, dass es ein Inserat als Gegenleistung gab. Haben Sie Gegenbeweise? Welche? 11.
Wie üblich ist es, dass die Staatsanwaltschaft Wien Geldflüsse von 2007 - 2008 überprüft? Geht
es hier um alles zu untersuchen um Amon in Bedrängnis zu bringen vor der Verjähungsfrist
auslauft? 12. Der lang zuruckliegende Zeitpunkt und die scharfe Vorwürfe über eine kleine
Summe erwecken den Eindruck, dass die Staatsanwaltschaft nach Grunde sucht um Amon jetzt
auszuschalten und unglaubwürdig zu machen mit Hilfe von Verbündete in der Medien, die ORF,
usw, die neulich von einer Schweizer Medien als Vertrüscher im Fall Kampusch. Was sagen Sie
dazu? Ist der Zeiptunkt Ihrer Anklage jetzt in Zusammenhang zu sehen mit den Drohenden
Skandal über Holzapfel/Kampush und die Untätigkeit der Staatsanwaltschaft zu sehen? Können
Sie nachvollziehen warum so viele Menschen zu dieser Meinung kommen wurde wenn statt
Holzapfel anzuzeigen, Sie zeigen Amon, der Aufdecker an? 13. 92% der Österreicher/Innen
haben in Umfrage den Wunsch geässuert nach neuer Ermittlungen im Fall Kampusch. Das
Vetrauen in der Justiz ist auf einen neidrig Punkt erlangt. Glauben Sie die heutige Aktion gegen
Amon bzw Untätigkeit Holtzaäfel gegen das Vetrauen stärken wird oder nicht? 14. In einer Zeit
von knappen Resourcen warum geht die Staatsanwaltschaft Wien gegen Amon vor über eine
relative Belanglosigkeit, wenn überhaupt ein Gesetzverstoss vorliegt, und zeigt Holzapfel immer
noch nicht an trotz zivilklage? Ist das nicht ein schiefe Optik über die Benützung von
Ressourcen? Paedophile sind es nicht wert zu verfolgen ist der Signal, dass die
Staatsanwaltschaft Wien gibt. Warum? 15. Haben Sie als Mediensprecher die Auskunft über die
neue Ermittlungen gegen Amon durch eine Pressesendung ausgeschickt? zu welcher Zeitpunkt?
An wem? 16. Wie viele Frage sind schon der Österreichischen Medien zum Thema Amon
eingegangen? Wann? von Wem? Zeigt die Medien Interesse an Forschungen und Hintergrund
oder nicht? Es sind viele Frage aber ich hoffe, dass sie zumindest die wichtigste bis Donnerstag
Abend antworten können. Ich werde diese Liste von Fragen auf mein Blog stellen und Ihre
Antworten bzw nicht Antworten. Nochmals mochte ich mich auch beklagen über die Art und
Weise in der Sie ihre Email Adresse nicht richtig am Telefon aussprach und dann rude den
Hörer auflegte. Mfg, Jane Bürgermeister MA Hons Edinburgh University]]> 5795 2012-03-16
18:21:51 2012-03-16 18:21:51 closed open more-twists-in-kampusch-paedophile-ring-cover-up
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donaumonarchie/ 2012-03-29 22:31:45 2012-03-29 22:31:45 1 pingback 0 0
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beseitigen-packen-wir-es-an-von-r-w-v-neutitschein/ 2012-03-22 06:10:56
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zionistischen-propaganda-durch-meine-person-richard-wilhelm-von-neutitschein/ 2012-03-28 09:39:45 2012-03-28 09:39:45 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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von-inaugural-dissident-richard-wilhelm-von-neutitschein/ 2012-03-28 12:11:38
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Fri, 16 Mar 2012 18:42:39 +0000 birdflu666
*Canada is the USA's largest exporter of oil, supplying 25% of all US oil imports, admits EIA
*49% of all US oil imports come from the western hemisphere *Only 18% comes
from the Persian Gulf, Straits of Hormuz almost irrelevant to US oil imports *12%
of US oil imports come from Saudi Arabia, country can use ports outside the
Persian Gulf to ship oil to the USA *President George Bush banned Canada's heavy
oil in 2007 to artificially inflate price and increase reliance on Saudi Arabia and
Persian Gulf *Congress restricted development of US tar sands *EU also set to ban
Canada's oil imports on spurious climate change reasons The U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA) admits that US’s dependence on oil imports is declining “no matter how
you measure it", that Canada is by far the largest exporter of oil to the USA, and that only 18% of
the US oil imports come from the Persian Gulf. These facts won't,
however, stop UK Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama trying to use
oil to ignite a third world war with US naval ships already lurking off the coast of Iraq to protect
the USA's "vital" oil supply in the Straits of Hormuz. According to the mainstream
media propaganda, the situation is so dire that emergency oil stocks need to be tapped in the
USA and UK. “Britain has decided to cooperate with the United States in a bilateral agreement
to release strategic oil stocks, two British sources said, in an effort to prevent high fuel prices
derailing economic growth in a U.S. election year,” reports Reuters But the
facts suggest this is all hype. Only 18% of US imports of crude oil and petroleum products come
from the Persian Gulf countries of Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab
Emirates. That means even if the straits of Hormuz were blocked by Iraq -- highly unlikely -- it
would hardly make much difference to the USA, especially as the principal exporter Saudi
Arabia could easily ship oil from other ports. Also, US domestic crude oil
production is about 7 million b/d, or 35 percent of the total consumption - that is, twice as much
as comes from the Persian Gulf countries.
AD=ADA502264 In fact, only two Arabian countries, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, are among the top
15 oil exporters to the USA, according to the EIA data. African countries Nigeria and Angola
exported about the same amount of oil to the USA than both Iraq and Saudi Arabia in 2010 -
something which might explain why the Globalists are so keen to invade Africa, starting with
Uganda using a propaganda Kony video.
current/import.html Few realise that Canada is the US leading crude oil supplier because the
mainstream media lies to people about oil as it lies to them about swine flu vaccines and the
banking crisis. The USA imports 25% of the crude oil it needs from Canada, more than twice as
much as it imports from Saudi Arabia at 12%. Nigeria supplies 11%, Venezuela 10% and Mexico
9% of the US oil imports.
The EIA admits in its own documents that “49% of U.S. crude oil and petroleum products
imports came from the Western Hemisphere (North, South, and Central America, and the
Caribbean including U.S. territories) during 2010.” Not surprisingly, the Globalists have been
doing everything to cut off the glut of oil from the peaceful western hemisphere just so they have
a pretext to keep oil prices artificially high – with the help of murky oil futures trading on the
Chicago futures market – and ignite a war in the Middle East. In December 2007, then
President george Bush signed into law the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
(EISA) which actually prevented the federal government from buy oil from Canada’s oil and tar
sands on spurious climate change reasons. According to the Alberta Department of Energy,
Alberta’s oil sands contained more than 1.7 trillion barrels of oil as of 2007. The lowest estimates
say that only around 10 percent are proved reserves, which can be tapped in a cost efficient
manner. Even if this were accurate, these reserves of 173 billion barrels constitute the second
largest oil reserves in the world behind those of Saudi Arabia. Globalist Arnold  Schwarzenegger
banned Canadian oil sands from California under the pretext of protecting the climate -
something the EU is now also trying to do.
INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487 Not content with banning Canada’s oil sands, Congress enacted
measures to stop the develop of oil sands in the USA. The in-place tar sands oil resources in
Utah are estimated at 12 to 19 billion barrels. There also are deposits in Alaska, Alabama,
southwest Texas, California, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Missouri. United States tar sands
resources are primarily concentrated in Eastern Utah, mostly on public lands. Simple measures
like legislating to introduce 30% more fuel efficient engines for cars would dramatically reduce
the amount of oil consumed in the USA, and not affect the ease of transportation. And then
there is the enormous, untapped potential of renewable energy. Instead of investing in the third
generation of solar, wave and other technology, Globalist governments expend vast sums on
inefficient and out dated solar technology or on wind turbines to keep us dependent on oil and
nuclear energy. I used to be in favour of wind turbines but the evidence shows that they are not
as efficient as thought. Still, there are plenty of other promising renewable energy technologies.
Just one example. The Department’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) showed
that that 17 percent of the United States’ imported oil for transportation could be replaced with
American-grown biofuels from algae.
us-oil-imports Oil is just a pretext for igniting the third world war. The Globalists have robbed
the western world through their central bank and private money scam, the euro is set to collapse
or hyperinflate, hundreds of millions will be impoverished, including the Germans. War is a
tried and tested method the Globalists use to eliminate angry and impoverished people.   ]]>
5797 2012-03-16 18:42:39 2012-03-16 18:42:39 closed open oil-is-pretext-for-the-usa-to-go-to-
war-with-iraq-eia-data-shows-us-has-no-need-to-protect-straits-of-hormuz publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_7eecf1235ee13775e2d054f08769ec6c
_oembed_eb52abcbc1a6207c2a0115bffc764c35 22461
growth-and-crisis/ 2012-03-17 20:03:15 2012-03-17 20:03:15 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
with-iran/ Fri, 23 Mar 2012 18:11:16 +0000 birdflu666
p=5802 [Note: EIA data shows that the USA imports only about 8% of ALL the oil it consumes
from the Persian Gulf.] EO is designed to combat imminent interruption in oil supplies Paul
Joseph Watson Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Some analysts fear that the Obama
administration’s recently passed executive order represents more than just a power grab and
could in fact be part of preparations for a war with Iran.
executive-order-preparation-for-war-with-iran/]]> 5802 2012-03-23 18:11:16 2012-03-23
18:11:16 closed open obama-executive-order-preparation-for-war-with-iran publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_23526715bf8974c57f37e9caf3310c99
_oembed_bd790f684c15ae028e62c72dffc09432 22661
fed-reserve-in-1963-secret-memo-shows-president-signed-executive-orders-eo-11-and-eo-110/ 2012-03-24 07:13:51 2012-03-24 07:13:51 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
system-with-george-noory/ Fri, 23 Mar 2012 18:11:56 +0000 birdflu666 Alex Jones Breaks Down the Martial Law System
with George Noory March 22, 2012 Alex explains the threat posed by Obama’s
National Defense Resources Preparedness executive order.
jones-breaks-down-martial-law-system-with-george-noory/]]> 5804 2012-03-23 18:11:56 2012-
03-23 18:11:56 closed open alex-jones-breaks-down-the-martial-law-system-with-george-noory
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_c8abb3535e43b6edf74f20cdc857fe9d
extremist-websites/ Fri, 23 Mar 2012 18:12:57 +0000 birdflu666 Kurt Nimmo March 23, 2012 French
president Nicolas Sarkozy didn’t wait long to exploit the terror rampage of Mohammed Merah.
Soon after Merah’s death in a stand-off with police, Sarkozy said French citizens who visit
“extremist” websites should be treated the same way as those who look at child pornography.]]>
5806 2012-03-23 18:12:57 2012-03-23 18:12:57 closed open sarkozy-prosecute-and-imprison-
readers-of-extremist-websites publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
children-into-care/ Fri, 23 Mar 2012 18:14:46 +0000 birdflu666
• Dr George Hibbert could be struck off over his conclusions that hundreds of parents had
‘personality disorders’
• Millionaire is now being investigated over shocking suggestions he distorted the
assessments to fit the view of social services
• Lib Dem MP writes to Justice Secretary Ken Clarke demanding a full parliamentary

• By Katherine Faulkner
• PUBLISHED: 22:41 GMT, 16 March 2012 | UPDATED: 09:24 GMT, 17 March 2012

Read more:

Psychiatrist-damned-hundreds-unfit-parents-faces-GMC-probe.html#ixzz1pxREGRIy]]> 5808
2012-03-23 18:14:46 2012-03-23 18:14:46 closed open uk-doctor-issued-reports-for-money-to-
get-children-into-care publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
parliamentary-report-due-at-the-end-of-march/ Fri, 23 Mar 2012 18:19:23 +0000 birdflu666
Ende-Maerz-angekuendigt?_vl_backlink=/home/panorama/oesterreich/ The report is
expected to be focus on the way state prosecutors and police failed to act on evidence that a
paedophile ring was involved in the kidnapping of Kampusch when she was ten years old.
Charges were never filed against a major suspect, Ernst Holzapfel, in a ruse seemingly designed
to allow Kampusch to avoid testifying under oath in court, notes Andreas Unterberger.
staatsanwaltschaft-ordentlich-8249/ Kampusch's father has filed civil charges against Holzapfel
in an extraordinary legal move. In a last ditch effort to prevent a new inquiry which could
uncover a paedophile ring with connections to the political and financial elite as well as justice
officials and media personalities, complicit  journalists and Green Party members – none of the
Green Party examined the new Kampusch evidence – have gone into overdrive trying to
discredit Werner Amon, the head of the parliamentary inquiry. State prosecutors last week
launched an unexpected investigation into Amon for money laundering – unexpected because
there is absolutely no evidence of money laundering. There is only evidence of a bank transfer to
a political organization without a receipt, something which does not amount to a crime in
Austria. The absence of solid facts did not, however, stop Austria’s media spinning countless
dramatic headlines implying Amon had violated a law and calling for Amon to resign from the
Kampusch inquiry.
arbeitet-die-staatsanwaltschaft-ordentlich-8249/ Profil magazine also published a lengthy piece
attempting to portray people who have done research on the Kampusch scandal and the cover
up by state prosecutors as conspiracy theorists.
staatsanwaltschaft Profil in an open alliance with the state prosecutors put its spin on a so-called
confidential 600 page report, claiming to be the fullest investigation yet by state prosecutors. As
expected, the state prosecutor’s report just glosses over the considerable evidence that
Kampusch was held by a paedophile ring, and that Wolfgang Priklopil visited sado-maso clubs
in Vienna and Kampusch herself was forced to perform sado-masochistic acts in chains for her
heartless and depraved captors in her dungeon. The state prosecutor’s report just gives a list of
all the witnesses who have withdrawn their statements – presumably under pressure. A police
dog handler who identified Priklopil as a likely suspect just after Kampusch was kidnapped was
visited by two police officers six days after she reemerged from captivity in August 2006 - and
warned not to mention the crucial information he gave ever again. A girl, Ischtar A, who saw two men pulling
Kampusch into a van only retracted her story under pressure in an off the record meeting with
Kampusch organized by state prosecutors. Ischtar A. has repeated her version ever since to the
media. It is interesting that the editor and
publisher of Profil, Christian Rainer, also acts as the deputy treasurer of the board on the
Ludwig Boltzmann institute. One of the researchers, Professor Lukas Kenner, tried to have me
confined in 2010 without ever having met me, which begs the question of the motive. Who
ordered it? Who stood to gain?
style=style Profil is spreading disinformation not only about the Kampusch case but also about
the swine flu vaccination. Robert Buchacher this week claimed in a pseudo investigative piece
that there was no evidence of any causal link between the swine flu vaccination and hundreds of
new cases of narcolepsy in Sweden and Finland. In fact, a
Finnish study has confirmed the link.
vaccine-linked-narcolepsy.html Another member of on the board of the Ludwig Boltzmann
Institute is Markus Beyrer, the CEO of the OIAG, who went on hunting trips at the invitation of
Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, the husband of Maria Rauch-Kallat. Rauch Kallat signed the national
pandemic plan – envisaging mass vaccination with the toxic jab --  into law in 2006 as then
health minister.
heute-auf-dem-spielplan-jagdausflug-mit-dem-grafen-511699/ Clearly, Rauch-Kallat would, therefore, have a motive for having me
confined and eliminated as a witness to a crime of mass poisoning she was involved in. The
Kurier reports that an Austrian, Erhard Pichler, was psychiatrised by the police in 1969 after he
uncovered evidence of a massive scandal at the state-run railways and filed charges. The police
doctor confined him and he was given  electro shocks and chained to his bed, and counts himself
lucky to have survived.
geisteskrank-abgestempelt.php Who knows how many whistle blowers in Austria have been
eliminated this way and are still being eliminated this way?    ]]> 5810 2012-03-23 18:19:23
2012-03-23 18:19:23 closed open new-kampusch-probe-expected-soon-parliamentary-report-
due-at-the-end-of-march publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_bb3cc4b7e7df7de89763c32cd652fc29 _oembed_afc70dfcbc75df4fe215ed8aaa1c0d4a
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read-chapter-three/ Fri, 23 Mar 2012 18:36:25 +0000 birdflu666 Stauffenberg_and_Hitler_ebook_3 Take a moment
to sit back and reflect on which characters in this chapter you identity with most. When you are
faced with a set back, do you persevere, improvise, redouble your efforts? Or do you panic
and throw in the towel? Could you improve your coping strategies? How? Do you have a life plan
or mission? What values or ideals guide you if any? Stories are not only  fun. They are also a way
of helping us to get to know ourselves.]]> 5812 2012-03-23 18:36:25 2012-03-23 18:36:25
closed open the-stauffenberg-and-hitler-assassination-plot-read-chapter-three publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last
assassination-plot-read-chapter-three/stauffenberg_and_hitler_ebook_3/ Fri, 23 Mar 2012
18:30:04 +0000 birdflu666 5813
2012-03-23 18:30:04 2012-03-23 18:30:04 closed open stauffenberg_and_hitler_ebook_3
inherit 5812 0 attachment 0
_wp_attached_file _wp_attachment_metadata
system/ Fri, 23 Mar 2012 18:46:54 +0000 birdflu666
p=5815  Money should serve as a means of exchange to stimulate economic activity. Without
“sound” money no economy can flourish over time, no matter how hard people work or how
ingenuous they are. Financial regulations need to reformed so that the central bank can give
money directly to governments charging no interest. Also, private banks should only be able to
lend as much money as they actually have as capital – ie they have to have a capital ratio of
100% . Right now, banks have a capital ratio of about 3%, though Basel is pushing this up to a
paltry 9% (and at tax payer's cost). Private banks have been creating the rest of the money they
put into circulation out of thin air – charging interest – because they have lobbied our
governments in secret for this spectacular and lucrative privilege. The eurozone central bank
just supplies private banks with notes and coins. It does not create the actual money. Tax payers
have been duped into paying for this privatized money supply without knowing. In 2008,
governments took responsibility for private bank subprime losses, sending souvereign debt
levels soaring and interest payment obligations sky high. Slashing government spending to
make interest payments on souvereign debt has crushed economies from Greece to Portugal to
UK and Ireland while enriching the banksters. The interest payments are gigantic and growing
ever larger due to the nature of the privatized, fractional reserve money system. As an
emergency measure, the eurozone central bank allowed banks to print an extra three trillion
euros to buy souvereign debt just before Christmas, thereby avoiding a total meltdown of the
banking system but fuelling hyper inflation. The Bank of
England has carried out more quantitive easing. The amount of interest that Germany alone has
pledged to pay banks for eurozone souvereign debt via pools of money such as the European
Stability Mechanism and the European Financial Stability Facility now equals 290 billion euros,
almost as much as the annual government budget. Germany will soon look like Greece!
teurer-werden.html In addition, Germany’s Bundesbank has lent more than 865 billion euros
since 2007 largely to insolvent eurozone countries. It has done this using the Target 2 eurozone
central bank payment system, prompting the German association of tax payers to warn of a
“financial atom bomb.” It turns out German tax payers have been paying for German exports to
other countries! And the Bundesbank didn't notice? No wonder Axel Weber and Jürgen Stark
were so anxious to quit. Current Bundesbank president Jens Weidmann has said Germany
needs deeper budget cuts to pay the interest – but such cuts will only crush the economy. To
shake down every last citizen in the eurozone, power is now being centralised and an
authoritarian United States of Europe is being erected. The new ESM permanent bail-out fund is
controlled by a group of unelected governors. They nevertheless have the authority to order
governments to hand over billions for the interest payment on souvereign debt. Germany’s
President Christian Wulff has been hounded out of office and replaced by Globalist puppet
Joachim Gauck just in time to sign off on the new ESM bail out fund and fiscal compact, which
violate the German constitution. The solution is simple: we need sound, public money! Act to
end the privatised money system in the eurozone, UK and USA! Or risk complete destitution.]]>
5815 2012-03-23 18:46:54 2012-03-23 18:46:54 closed open it-is-time-to-end-our-privatised-
money-system publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_523e518135be3b03d5584b79879d0cc2
banker-property-tax/ Fri, 30 Mar 2012 14:50:13 +0000 birdflu666 The  €100 household tax is to be replaced a higher
property tax next year on the behest of the EU/IMF/ECB  Troika. As in Greece, the Irish
government has threatened to deduct the property tax from electricity bills or cut off electricity
from those who refuse to pay. A series of show trials are also planned for people who refuse to
pay the banker tax. People are deliberately not paying a tax because they know their money is
going to banksters and bondholders, who  inflated the country's national debt. A complicit
government has compelled the people of Ireland to pay a private bank debt. The household tax
revolt indicates that the people of Ireland will overwhelming reject the new fiscal pact in a
referendum on May 31st - as long as the police guard the voting boxes and the referendum is
honest. There is a growing awareness about the government manipulates figures on a whole
range of issues. The fiscal pact is just another household tax on an EU-wide scale. It will strip
the people of the right to any say in how their tax money is spent and allow for limitless taxation
by unaccoutable bodies. Meanwhile in Spain, hundreds of thousands of people have
demonstrated against banker austerity.
adopt-austerity-budget-despite-protests Read more about the household tax revolt on the
WUAG blog:

Massive Boycott of the Household Tax

March 21, 2012 by Workers and Unemployed Action Group Support the National Protest Rally
at the National Stadium, Dublin on Saturday next, 24 March 2012 from 1pm to 4pm  “We
welcome the massive Boycott of the Household Tax that is evident from the huge figure of
1,576,000 that have not registered out of 1,800,000 households that the government says must
do so. While we know that the numbers who register will increase somewhat, we believe that a
massive cohort of ordinary householders will refuse to do so and that the March 31 deadline will
pass with mass opposition evident for all to see. Hundreds of thousands of householders do not
take lightly a decision to engage in mass peaceful civil disobedience. The strength of opposition
in this case does not surprise us, however, as, when we addressed public meetings of the
Campaign right around the country in the last ten weeks, we could see from the thousands who
attended that there is a major determination among ordinary people to fight this new tax. We
could see that they know it represents the beginning of the process of constructing a new tier of
taxation that would quickly reach €1,000 and beyond. We also note how the Household Tax is
linked in the minds of those opposing with the billions being paid from taxpayers’ funds to bail
out bankers and speculators for bad private gambling debts and with the swingeing austerity
being imposed which people see as highly destructive of services and society generally.” Deputy
Healy reiterated his support for the Boycott Campaign. He urges people to stand in solidarity
and not to be intimidated by government threats. He believes that the people power being
evoked in opposition to the Home Tax cannot be ignored and calls on the government to
withdraw it now. He calls for a tax on the super wealth of the very richest, which in the case of
the foremost 300, grew by €5 billion in one year alone from March 2011 to 2012 (€57 billion to
€62 billion according to Sunday Independent ‘Rich List’) Deputy Healy strongly supports
SATURDAY, MARCH 24 and urges a very large turnout. Seamus Healy T.D. 56 Queen
Street, Clonmel. Tel : 087 2802199 16/3/2012]]> 5822 2012-03-30 14:50:13
2012-03-30 14:50:13 closed open two-thirds-of-irish-households-refuse-to-pay-banker-
property-tax publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_a01e5cef6460e9e537dbffb1b98aef05
_oembed_1f92bbc32ec10ed4ee1ec125b61d69cc _oembed_eee830b97520c1c99dc35fe7fc80f9ba
_oembed_2dddb02a6ab2fd977640d1eddc7651c9 22897 2012-04-03 08:43:06 2012-04-03 08:43:06 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 22841
2011-a.html#post5132885 2012-03-31 10:26:02 2012-03-31 10:26:02 1 pingback 0
0 jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
obama-indefinite-detention-law/ Fri, 30 Mar 2012 14:54:28 +0000 birdflu666 Judge asks government lawyers if NDAA can be
used on ordinary citizens Steve Watson March 30, 2012   A Federal court in
New York heard arguments Thursday for a preliminary injunction against the National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA), the bill signed by Obama that legislates for the ‘indefinite detention’
of American citizens without trial. U.S. District Judge Katherine Forrest heard testimony from
seven witnesses including MIT professor Noam Chomsky, Pentagon Papers source Daniel
Ellsberg and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, author and Middle East expert Chris Hedges.
Hedges himself filed the class action lawsuit claiming that the ‘indefinite detention’ provision of
the legislation, otherwise known as the ‘Homeland Battlefield Bill’, could see him sent to
Guantanamo Bay simply for doing his job, and at the very least would have a “chilling effect” on
the work of journalists and activists. The controversial legislation, signed into law by Obama on
New Years Eve, allows American citizens to be abducted and held in a detention camp anywhere
in the world without trial under section 1031. Although Obama indicated in a signing statement
attached to the bill that he would not use it to indefinitely detain American citizens, it was the
Obama administration itself that requested the provision be worded so it would apply to
US citizens. “If there is no rolling back of the NDAA law, we cease to be a constitutional
democracy. Totalitarian systems always begin by rewriting the law,” Hedges said. “They make
legal what was once illegal… Foreign and domestic subjugation merges into the same brutal
mechanism. Citizens are colonized. And it is always done in the name of national security.”
detention-law.html    ]]> 5826 2012-03-30 14:54:28 2012-03-30 14:54:28 closed open court-
hears-arguments-in-lawsuit-against-obama-indefinite-detention-law publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 22895
in-court/ 2012-04-03 08:02:18 2012-04-03 08:02:18 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 22904
being-transformed-into-a-gulag-by-military-industrial-complex/ 2012-04-03
18:39:59 2012-04-03 18:39:59 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 22845
media-silent-on-lawuit-over-ndaa-being-used-to-silence-journalists/ 2012-03-31
15:48:13 2012-03-31 15:48:13 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
autism-in-the-usa-linked-to-vaccines-daily-mail-disinformation/ Fri, 30 Mar 2012 15:00:59
+0000 birdflu666  

PUBLISHED: 19:45 GMT, 29 March 2012 | UPDATED: 09:00 GMT, 30 March 2012 Daily
Mail Autism cases appear to be on the rise again in the United States, but experts say the
country's highest ever rate could be a result of wider screening and the disorder's expanding
definition. The rate of U.S. cases of autism and related disorders rose to about one in 88
children. An increase of nearly 25 per cent on the previous estimate was 1 in 110 in 2006. This
new number means autism is nearly twice as common as officials said it was only five years ago,
and likely affects roughly 1 million U.S. children and teens. Read more:
disorder.html#ixzz1qbkZRGfb The rise in autism is linked to vaccines - it is not due to better
screening as the Daily Mail claims. Prof John Walker-Smith carried out research with Dr
Andrew Wakefield showing a link between autism and the  jab for measles, mumps and rubella.
The study caused a fall in vaccination rates, and triggered a witch hunt against the doctors.
Walker-Smith lost his licence to practise in May 2010, along with Dr Andrew Wakefield. A UK
judge has exonerated Walker Smith and condemned the GMC panel.  A comment from the Age
of Autism: The welcome decision to exonerate Prof. Walker-Smith is a clear indication that the
GMC's case against the Royal Free doctors was manufactured to discredit any association
between bowel disease, autism conditions and some of the parents' reported link to the MMR
vaccine. The allegations levelled at Prof. Walker-Smith and the Royal Free team now have to be
viewed with total scepticism as nothing more than a witch hunt by vested interests at the highest
level in Government, media and the pharmaceutical industry.
mmr-case.html  ]]> 5829 2012-03-30 15:00:59 2012-03-30 15:00:59 closed open huge-
increase-in-autism-in-the-usa-linked-to-vaccines-daily-mail-disinformation publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_f1dca909dd47dbebc58e16c6e7e31876
_oembed_11fb8204339142d94296b7f17e6992fb 22863 2012-04-01 16:53:07 2012-
04-01 16:53:07 Hellseher... Huge increase in autism in the USA linked to vaccines: Daily Mail
disinformation « Case About Bird Flu...]]> 1 trackback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
linked-to-narcolepsy/ Fri, 30 Mar 2012 16:02:58 +0000 birdflu666
cases.html?ito=feeds-newsxml  Research showed it was associated with the Pandemrix vaccine,
given to children to protect them against H1N1 swine flu. One study found that the incidence
rate of narcolepsy among children and teenagers under the age of 17 shot up 17-fold after the
vaccinations. In contrast, the incidence rate for adults over 20 was unchanged. The study
compared narcolepsy rates between 2002 and 2009, and 2010. During the first period, the rate
for children was 0.31 per 100,000 individuals. After swine flu vaccination, it rose to 5.3 per
100,000. A further study involving the same researchers, led by Dr Markku Partinen from the
Helsinki Sleep Clinic, collected narcolepsy and vaccination data for children born between
January 1991 and December 2005. It found that narcolepsy incidence for vaccinated individuals
was 13 times higher than for those who were unvaccinated. Read more:
Scientists-probe-link-drug-increase-cases.html#ixzz1qcV8tsNR]]> 5832 2012-03-30 16:02:58
2012-03-30 16:02:58 closed open mainstram-media-reports-swine-flu-jab-linked-to-narcolepsy
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_fe6c4740ed12dd23f46051f5ab4b7e38
_oembed_f3b8ef09cb1a8a1bcc820e01725e16e7 _oembed_bfcecefd0aa210db2f56ac858f9819b3
to-decide-on-mercury-use-treaty/ Thu, 05 Apr 2012 15:38:15 +0000 birdflu666
vaccines/  Chile Stops Use of Mercury in Vaccines Decision Comes as WHO Meets to
Discuss Global Treaty on Mercury Use WASHINGTON, April 3, 2012 /PRNewswire-
USNewswire/ -- Chile has become the first developing country to stop the use of mercury in
vaccines. In meetings with the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD) held last week
in Santiago, Chile, the current Vice President of the Chilean Senate, Alejandro Navarro Brain,
committed to adopting legislation in the Senate that would prohibit the mercury-based
preservative Thimerosal from vaccines. Thimerosal, which is 49% mercury by weight, continues
to be used as a preservative in vaccines and other drugs worldwide, despite the fact that it is a
human neurotoxin and that safer, less toxic alternatives are readily available. Chile's decision
comes as the World Health Organization (WHO) meets today in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss
a global, legally-binding treaty on mercury use. That meeting will examine alternative vaccine
preservatives, as well as the economic, programmatic, and manufacturing implications of
moving to single-dose, preservative-free vaccines. While applauding the WHO for giving the
issue of mercury use in vaccines the urgent attention it merits, CoMeD expressed serious
reservations about WHO's decision to meet in closed-door session. Noting that past closed-door
sessions have led to "repeated and, we believe, untrue declarations that there is no evidence of
harm from the use of Thimerosal in vaccines," the Reverend Lisa K. Sykes, President of CoMeD,
states, "Such unfounded assertions have led to the establishment of two standards of vaccine
safety, one which is predominately mercury-free for developed, western countries and one that
is mercury-preserved for developing countries." As a result, Rev. Sykes continues, "The most
vulnerable among us continue to be intentionally exposed to mercury from Thimerosal in
childhood vaccines. This exposure is entirely avoidable, and must be stopped." Dr. Mark R.
Geier, a CoMeD Director, agrees, adding, "Recent statements by those holding national and
global responsibility for vaccine safety are difficult to reconcile with the known and published
toxicity of Thimerosal." According to CoMeD, numerous scientific studies and extensive peer-
reviewed scientific and medical papers have all concluded that Thimerosal poses a significant
health risk. Thimerosal manufacturers also acknowledge that the preservative can cause mild to
severe mental retardation in children. For additional information about CoMeD and its work to
ban mercury from drugs, including vaccines, worldwide, visit    ]]>
5835 2012-04-05 15:38:15 2012-04-05 15:38:15 closed open chile-stops-use-of-mercury-in-
vaccines-who-to-decide-on-mercury-use-treaty publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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chapter-3/ 2012-04-17 15:11:57 2012-04-17 15:11:57 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
branches-uk-and-eu-merger/ Thu, 05 Apr 2012 15:40:14 +0000 birdflu666 5837 2012-04-05 15:40:14 2012-04-05 15:40:14
closed open rothschilds-to-unite-english-and-french-bank-branches-uk-and-eu-merger publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last
anti-semite-for-criticizing-the-israeli-governments-war-mongering/ Thu, 05 Apr 2012 16:07:20
+0000 birdflu666 *German novelist Günter Grass
smeared as anti Semite for pointing out the Israeli government is a risk to world peace by Bild
and Die Welt *Europeans could be face compulsory conscription in the event of the
EU declaring war * Only Irish are exempt from little-known f0rced conscription
measure contained in Lisbon Treaty *Abolition of draft in Germany in 2010
opened way to forced conscription for foreign wars *Israeli people victims of the
same Globalist war mongering as the rest; Israelis given the same toxic swine flu
jabs with adjuvants in 2009; only 3% of Israelis took the jab; in spite of this, Le
Monde Diplomatique still smeared me as an anti Semite in 2009 for giving the
facts about the jab After I publicised the risks of the swine flu vaccine in 2009, Le Monde
Diplomatique called me an anti-Semite as part of a familiar mainstream media smear tactic now
being used against German novelist Günter Grass for pointing out in a poem that Israel is
threatening Iran - not vice versa. Fact is the people of Israel were being given exactly the same
swine flu toxic jab with adjuvants as the people of Germany and Austria. It is worth pointing this
out because the Globalists are always trying to play one nation off against the other when we are
all victims of the same tiny clique. If you criticise Israeli government policy, the mainstream
media pretends you are attacking the ordinary people and rush to smear you as an anti
Semite.  Yet when I criticised the Israeli government's swine flu vaccine policy, I was actually
helping the ordinary people of Israel - and people all around the globe -- and trying to save them
from a verifiably  toxic jab. How Le Monde Diplomatique can call me an anti Semite for this
beats me - just as it beats me how Günter Grass can be called an anti Semite for criticisng the
Isreali government's aggressive war mongering which could also cost the lives also of many
young Israelis. Thanks to a campaign involving Israeli doctors and also Jewish activists such as
Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane only about 225,000 people out of seven million people in Israel
took the swine flu jab thanks to the efforts of people like me on the alternative media. That is
about the same percentage as in Austria.
Schweinegrippe The damage the swine jab adjuvant caused is now become apparent in Sweden,
Finland and also in Ireland in spite of a cover up by the Irish government of the many new cases
of narcolepsy among young people.,1518,824311,00.html Haaretz reports that the
Israeli “ministry bought enough vaccine to immunize all seven million Israelis” with this toxic
jab. These facts show beyond a doubt that the ordinary people of Israel are as much a victim of
the Globalist bankster cabal inside their own  government as the people of Germany, Austria,
Ireland, UK, Sweden, Australia, Algeria and so on are victims of their Globalist government
puppets. German novelist Günter Grass is being attacked as anti Semite because he published a
poem in a mainstream newspaper yesterday criticizing the aggressive stance of the current
Israeli government towards Iran and warning of a Third World War. He called the Israeli
government a threat to an "already fragile world peace". Absolutely right! Israeli historian Tom
Segev defended Grass.
aussenpolitik/ Meanwhile, Germany’s Die Bild and Die Welt -- the media which lied to
people, also the people of Israel, about the swine flu jab -- are the first to viciously attack Grass
as an anti Semite for pointing out the simple facts. In a poem called “Was gesagt werden muss”
or “What needs to be said” Grass notes the fact that Iran does not have a nuclear bomb. This is
the conclusion of the CIA, Mossad as well as the IAEA.
950/ The claim by Bild that Iran has nuclear weapons is false just as its claims about the safety
of the swine flu vaccine were false. The mainstream media has inverted the roles: they portray
Iran as a threat when it is no such thing. In the meantime, we all know that the US President
George Bush and the UK Prime Minister Tony Blair deliberately exaggerated the threat of Iraq
weapons of mass destruction with the help of the complicit media to justify the war in Iraq.
Blair-lied-and-misled-Parliament-claims-Clare-Short.html Clearly, the Globalists think they can
get away with the same ruse and tell a bunch of lies about Iran’s nuclear programme and the
people will swallow it. They won’t. It is as plain as daylight that Israel, which is armed to the
teeth with nuclear weapons, is the aggressive party, threatening Iran with a first strike. And it’s
the young generation of Israelis who will be the canon fodder in any Middle East conflagration.
Anyone who thinks the Globalists want a thriving Israel just needs to look at the seven million
doses of swine flu vaccines with adjuvants purchased by the Israeli health ministry in 2009. The
Isreali government is relying on help from Globalist puppets in the governments of the USA, UK
and Europe to ignite a massive Third World War. The EU is taking control of EU foreign policy,
opening European Union embassies around the world, and preparing to swing behind Israel in
the event of an attack on Iran.
embassies-open-across-the-world.html The Lisbon Treaty which came into force in 2010 also
foresees forced conscription in Europe in the event of the EU declaring a war. Ireland is the only
country to have wrung a concession in its second vote on the Lisbon Treaty. That means, the
young generation of Europeans – as well as Americans and Brits -- could find themselves in
uniform and sent into a combat zone in the Middle East if Israel does attack Iran and the EU
declares solidarity. Just in time to send millions of Germans into a Third World War, Globalist
puppet and German former Defence Minister Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg abolished the
national service in 2010. Under the German constitution, the draft had to be done inside
Germany – creating an obstacle to reckless foreign wars. Grass knows first hand what a brutal
machinery of destruction a modern industrial scale war is because he fought in it as part of the
Waffen SS as my own father did. My Dad got his call up papers in 1942 on his eighteenth
birthday together with his Matura certificate because he would not be allowed to finish school. It
was a case of join up or be shot. Because he was blond and blue eyed, he was sent to the Waffen
SS and served in Finland in the Artic circle as part of a mountain regiment after only brief
training. Most of his division was wiped out and my father was eventually captured in Bavaria
and spent a couple of years in a US prisoner of war camp.  He assured me he was not involved in
any war crimes. All the same, he was definitely a combat traumatized individual, who was very
bitter that he had been put through such a pointless nightmare at such a young age. Meanwhile,
his own father, anti Nazi, was faced with arrest several times. Grass is to be praised for standing
up as a voice of peace and reason and trying to prevent another global conflagration which will
costs the lives of tens of millions of people. For what? Because the banksters have robbed all the
tax money and there is no more money for schools, universities, pensions or jobs? We are now
facing a similar financial and economic collapse to the 1931 because of the Globalist banksters –
and they plan to engineer another world war to reduce surplus population. Europe is turning
into a tinder box. Violence erupted in Greece yesterday after a 77-year-old man killed himself
outside the parliament in Athens because he was so poor he could no longer see a way of living
in dignity. All the money that used to be spent on pensions is going to pay interest on an inflated
national debt.
debt-suicide Ambrose Evans Pritchard of The Telegraph cynically blames only the Germans for
the debt plight of Greece. Evans Pritchard has the cheek to call the recent haircut imposed on
the banks for their Greek souvereign debt “the biggest act of expropriation and theft in history.”
It’s the people of Greece who are the victims of the biggest theft in history – not the banks. At
the same time, Evans Pritchard wants to appear to be the champions of the Greeks against the
Germans. Either he is in favour of debt slavery for the Greeks or not. He can’t expect to
contradict himself so blatantly and still have credibility as a journalist. Perfidious Albion did
never did win much respect. The UK and German government are working together to promote
the Globalist agenda. The City of London and the banksters are at the heart of expropriating the
people of Greece, Spain, Ireland and Italy.
pritchard/100016038/german-ideology-emu-and-the-wolfson-break-up-prize/ German
politicians like Gerhard Schröder, feted in February 2012 by the City of London, are the ones
calling for a totalitarian structure in the EU. In the
UK, the people are being hammered with inflation and new taxes. Pensioners, the last stable
anchors for many families, are to be slapped with new taxes also on their homes. So many debts
have been burdened on Germany that it also facing a financial meltdown. The solution to the
financial crisis consists in abolishing privatised central banks and cancelling all debt. It is
nowhere in sight. The Globalists are facing billions of impoverished people. That was why they
were in such a hurry to give so many the swine flu jab in 2009, including the Israelis.]]> 5839
2012-04-05 16:07:20 2012-04-05 16:07:20 closed open is-gunter-grass-really-an-anti-semite-
for-criticizing-the-israeli-governments-war-mongering publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_4df54e407f2ca4f410011c016e6fb294 _oembed_3c69cfe414121dad12985fb66cdb670f
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_oembed_54efa4edfd8e6a55bef4ed2cf120f215 _oembed_f5b567234a33aca3f3bb212dca2750eb
tax-protestors/ Fri, 13 Apr 2012 15:23:33 +0000 birdflu666
3079497.html    ]]> 5842 2012-04-13 15:23:33 2012-04-13 15:23:33 closed open irish-politician-
flees-into-church-to-escape-tax-protestors publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
up/ Fri, 13 Apr 2012 15:25:21 +0000 birdflu666
5844 2012-04-13 15:25:21 2012-04-13 15:25:21 closed open irish-mother-battles-swine-flu-
vaccine-cover-up publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666   In praise of Günter Grass   An old man Face like knotty oak
Puts down his pipe And writes 69 lines And adds a full stop At the end A small dot   Next, an
earth quake rumbles The foundations of his house shake The roof trembles Pieces of rubble
crash onto his desk And knock over the tea things Havoc!   Journalists set up camp Outside his
gate TV lights glare day and night In accusation Prizes once awarded are to be stripped away He
cannot set foot on this or that soil again As befits a “persona non grata”   After wiping away some
of the dust With his tweed sleeve He picks up his pipe, lights it up Sits and stares out through
the wisps of blue smoke At the bluer wastes of the sky beyond Beyond his fence He sees ordinary
people Young and old, Rich and poor, Of all colours Walking past on their way To the sand
dunes and the sea Nothing special They are going to play, to walk, to swim, To sail, to dream, to
learn, to grow, To be Like everyday   It is the everyday, he muses The terrible beauty of everyday
life Of the ordinary people That needs to be protected   Protected from the lust for power Of
Prime Ministers and Presidents Bankers and corporate CEOs Popes and princes Media moguls
and all their puppets   Protected from those who can calculate, But not appreciate Who want to
stamp, File and number the people, Put them into uniforms, send them to war, Tax them, inject
them, Use them and abuse them    ]]> 5846 2012-04-13 15:29:52 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed
open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
praise-of-gunter-grass/ Fri, 13 Apr 2012 15:44:01 +0000 birdflu666 I also wrote a short
poem about the  media furore which has accompanied Günter Grass' poem.   My few lines makes
no pretension to be a Shakespearean sonnet. They're just a bit of fun, though the subject is
serious enough.   Face like knotty oak An old man Puts down his pipe And writes 69 lines And
adds a full stop. Next, earth quake! The foundations of his house shake The roof trembles Pieces
of rubble crash onto his desk And knock over the tea things.  Journalists set up camp Outside his
gate TV lights glare day and night In accusation He cannot set foot on this or that soil again.
After wiping away the dust With his tweed jacket sleeve He lights his pipe Stares through the
wisps of blue smoke At the bluer wastes of the sky beyond. Beyond his fence He sees ordinary
people Young and old, Rich and poor, Of all colours Walking past on their way To the sand
dunes and the sea Nothing special They are going to play, walk, swim, To sail, dream, learn,
grow, To be. It is the everyday, he thinks. The terrible beauty of everyday life Of the ordinary
people That needs to be protected. Protected from the lust for power Of Prime Ministers and
Presidents Bankers and corporate CEOs Popes and princes Media moguls and all their puppets.
Protected from those who can calculate, But not appreciate Who want to stamp, File and
number the people, Put them into uniforms, send them to war, Tax them, inject them, Use them
and abuse them. Perhaps that is all he wanted to say It’s the terrible beauty Of the ordinary
people that stirred him.]]> 5848 2012-04-13 15:44:01 2012-04-13 15:44:01 closed open poem-
in-praise-of-gunter-grass publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_6146c53e627a09aaeee0496f79142cb4 Fri,
13 Apr 2012 16:08:01 +0000 birdflu666 In the past
couple of weeks, emails have surfaced showing how top Austrian justice officials put pressure
on judges in Innsbruck to curtail inquiries into a cover up by five state prosecutors in Vienna. The head
of the parliamentary committee, Werner Amon, is also being brazenly harassed by justice
officials and the media. In the meantime, more shocking
details concerning the Kampusch case have surfaced, including evidence that doctors at Vienna's
main hospital, the AKH, were complicit in covering up the links of Ernst Holzapfel, the alleged
accomplice of Wolfgang Priklopil, to Kampusch.
nataschas-vater-will-weiterkaempfen.php Kampusch's father has brought a civil case against
Holzapfel but there is still no sign of criminal charges being  against him by the state
prosecutors. The Kampusch cover up is rapidly becoming one of the biggest scandals in Austria
in recent  times , and a  poll conducted by Swiss media 20 Minuten Online showed that 83% of
the people want a new investigation.
den-Fall-Kampusch-neu-aufrollen-17761083  The need for an inquiry is all the more pressing as
it emerged that 84  children in Austrianstate run homes have been sent abroad to countries such
as Germany Greece, Poland, Spain and Namibia, where the condition of children's homes is
often castastrophic.
heimen.146007.php Some of the children in Germany have reported experiencing violence in
their new care homes. Tune in tomorrow for an update on the groundbreaking Kampusch report
and whether its publication has once more been delayed or not.]]> 5850 2012-04-13 16:08:01
2012-04-13 16:08:01 closed open update-tomorrow-on-the-kampusch-case publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_2bb3d1ccb5271aba306886242af4b1e7
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case-today-insist-on-a-new-investigation/ Sat, 14 Apr 2012 18:29:15 +0000 birdflu666 The Network E Book There is a lot of evidence that
kidnapper Wolfgang Priklopil was not working alone when he kidnapped Kampusch in 1998 but
was part of a much bigger network involving top people - people  who will stop at nothing to
prevent the case being investigated,  ready to murder even a minister of interior and
a police inspector.
umgebracht/ This appears to be the same international network operating behind the swine flu
vaccine scam, which also targeted children.  And it's the young who have been the first to
suffer severe effects from the swine flu adjuvant. Personally, I enjoy writing fiction but I didn't
enjoy writing about the Kampusch paedophile  ring even in a fictional form.  It's like looking 
into an abyss.  But can we turn a blind eye any longer to this Globalist network which is
wrecking havoc to our society, our economy, our health and our children?  It is hard to look evil
in the face but can we afford to ignore this evil any longer?]]> 5852 2012-04-14 18:29:15 2012-
04-14 18:29:15 closed open read-a-fictional-account-of-the-kampusch-case-today-insist-on-a-
new-investigation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_c2661ec177ecf369b356594fbb9814b3
case-today-insist-on-a-new-investigation/the-network-e-book/ Sat, 14 Apr 2012 18:13:30
+0000 birdflu666
5853 2012-04-14 18:13:30 2012-04-14 18:13:30 closed open the-network-e-book inherit 5852 0
attachment 0
_wp_attached_file _wp_attachment_metadata
a-million-euros-in-spare-time/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:27:30 +0000 birdflu666 5855 2012-04-20 14:27:30 2012-04-20 14:27:30
closed open former-german-finance-minister-earns-up-to-a-million-euros-in-spare-time
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
banned-flu-jab-to-children-jab-causes-seizures/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:29:12 +0000 birdflu666
excuses-for-giving-banned-vaccines-to-children/3963220]]> 5859 2012-04-20 14:29:12 2012-
04-20 14:29:12 closed open doctors-give-banned-flu-jab-to-children-jab-causes-seizures
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_938d3e9a5a93ddcef6e9300a6c04ed02
reactions/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:32:06 +0000 birdflu666
Read more about the effect of Lariam on German soldiers -- the drug is not given to  pilots -- at:
soldaten-im-auslandseinsatz-videos/]]> 5861 2012-04-20 14:32:06 2012-04-20 14:32:06 closed
open soldiers-given-lariam-drug-suffer-adverse-reactions publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
scandal-in-germany/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:34:30 +0000 birdflu666 5864 2012-04-20 14:34:30 2012-04-20 14:34:30
closed open prosecutors-sweep-on-big-pharma-bribery-scandal-in-germany publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_90cfd2e61ab166413697b2bca80173eb
20112012-got-the-flu/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:39:24 +0000 birdflu666 The fact that more than half the people who took
the flu vaccine got the flu strongly suggests the notion that the vaccine is causing the flu. There
does not seem to be a control group of people who did not take the flu vaccine to serve as a
comparison. The study proves beyond a doubt the ineffectiveness of flu vaccines.
1.2796554]]> 5866 2012-04-20 14:39:24 2012-04-20 14:39:24 closed open study-57-of-people-
who-took-flu-jab-in-20112012-got-the-flu publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 23197 2012-
04-24 05:22:19 2012-04-24 05:22:19 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
natascha-kampusch/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:42:26 +0000 birdflu666  ]]> 5868
2012-04-20 14:42:26 2012-04-20 14:42:26 closed open northern-irish-globalist-actor-to-play-
natascha-kampusch publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
campaign/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:45:03 +0000 birdflu666
p=5870 The purpose of the meeting was not to decide anything, but to debate it.  The
governments of Sweden and Denmark were terrific.  Most governments were silent.  The most
disappointing government:  the U.K.   Your government raised every objection it could think of. 
So we have our work cut out for us. One of Britain’s lead activists against amalgam, Becky
Dutton of Stratford upon Avon, offers to be the central resource for our work to educate your
government.  Becky can be reached at ; her website is We ask for you to join our letter to UK government.  We need
organizations and NGOs.  We need health professionals.  We need consumers and victims –
from all over the United Kingdom.  If you wish to have your name or your group’s name on,
write “yes to the UK letter” and send to; give us your name and
city (or village, county, or whatever).  I do not want full addresses, and I don’t need your
signature.  We will send the letter at the end of April or early May.  Join us! The letter is below. 
Thank you! Charlie Brown 7 April 2012 P.S.---please send this email to your friends and
colleagues.   Charles G. Brown President, World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry National
Counsel, Consumers for Dental Choice 316 F St., N.E., Suite 210, Washington, DC 20002 USA
Tele. [1] 202.544-6333; fax [1] 202.544-6331,    
World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry l'Alliance Mondiale pour une Dentisterie Sans
Mercure 世界无汞牙科联盟 Alianza Mundial por una Odontología Sin Mercurio ‫التحالف العالمي لطب‬
‫ أسنان خال من الزئبق‬Всемирный альянс за стоматологию без ртути                                                                     
c/o Ms Rebecca Dutton Mistletoe Barn Snitterfield Road, Bearley Stratford upon Avon CV37
0EX ENGLAND     The Right Honorable Caroline Spelman MP, Secretary of State The Hon
Richard Benyon MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Lord Taylor of Holbeach,
Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Mr Bronwyn Hill, Permanent Secretary Defra, 2A Nobel
House 17 Smith Square, Westminster SWIP 3JR London United Kingdom (x) April 2012  
Subject: Support ending dental mercury use by 2018   Dear Madame Secretary and Messieurs
Undersecretaries:   We urge the government to support ending the use of dental mercury in
Europe by 2018, as recommended by the consultant hired by the E.U. to advise on its amalgam
decision.    The long-awaited draft report by BIO Intelligence Service[i] presents three options
for what the European Union’s Environment Commission may do to address dental mercury
pollution. Option 3, the full phase-out of amalgam, “seems necessary to achieve mercury-related
requirements of EU legislation on water quality,” says the report.[ii]  The full phase-out by a
date certain is especially needed in the UK, one of the largest users of dental mercury in the EU.
[iii]   For the following reasons, we urge our government to support BIOIS’s Option 3, stopping
the use of dental mercury by 2018:    Dental Mercury Pollution   According to United Nations
Environment Program, the use of dental amalgam fillings constituted a global mercury
consumption of about 313-411 tons annually, thus being among the largest consumer uses of
mercury in the world.[iv]  The demand for dental mercury is higher than the demand for almost
all other mercury products – more than lighting (only 120-150 tonnes), measuring devices (only
300-350 tonnes), and electrical devices (only 170-210 tonnes). [v]  As other mercury products
are being phased out, amalgam is fast becoming the largest source of mercury pollution from
products.    While it is claimed that a properly-maintained separator can catch the small amount
of mercury that would go down the drain in dental clinics, most dental mercury walks out of the
clinic in people’s mouths.  >From there, dental mercury enters the environment by numerous
unsound pathways.  For example, dental mercury is polluting:   •       water via dental clinic
releases and human waste; •       air via cremation, dental clinic emissions, sludge incineration,
and respiration; and •       land via landfills, burials, and fertilizer.[vi]    Once in the environment,
dental mercury converts to its even more toxic form, methylmercury.[vii]  From there, the
environmental health effects of amalgam are well known: brain damage and neurological
problems, especially for children and the unborn babies of pregnant women.[viii]   
Environmentally-Responsible Alternatives are Effective, Available, and Affordable   Dental
mercury is not necessary because the non-mercury alternatives to amalgam are effective,
available, and affordable.    •       Environmentally-Responsible Alternatives are Effective: 
Amalgam requires the removal of a large amount of healthy tooth matter which permanently
damages tooth structure; then its expansion after placement fractures teeth.[ix]  These problems
create the need for expensive future dental work, such as crowns and extraction.  But modern
non-mercury filling materials – including composites, compomers, and glass ionomers –
preserve tooth structure and even strengthen teeth by bonding to the tooth structure.  As
explained in a 2011 WHO report, “Adhesive resin materials allow for less tooth destruction and,
as a result, a longer survival of the tooth itself.”[x]  Researchers studying composite confirm this
finding, concluding “These tooth-friendly features of resin-based composites make them
preferable to amalgam…which, we believe, now should be considered outdated for use in
operative dentistry.”[xi]  The people of the UK deserve this modern dental care – not primitive,
mercury-based fillings that damage teeth.   •       Environmentally-Responsible Alternatives are
Available:  The alternatives to amalgam are now so widely available, amalgam use is rapidly
decreasing around the world.  For example, amalgam only accounts for less than 4% of
restorations in Japan,[xii] 5% or less in Finland, Estonia, Italy, and Denmark,[xiii] less than
10% in the Netherlands[xiv] and Switzerland, [xv] 10% in Mongolia,[xvi] and 20% in
Singapore[xvii] and Vietnam.[xviii]  Some countries, like Sweden[xix] and Norway[xx]
successfully phased out amalgam altogether.  If other nations can phase out dental mercury and
use alternatives, a developed nation like the UK can too.   •       Environmentally-Responsible
Alternatives are Affordable: Due to the high costs of this environmental hazard, amalgam is now
recognized as “more expensive than most, possibly all, other fillings when including
environmental costs.”[xxi]  Even when environmental costs are not taken into account,
alternatives can still be the same price – or even less expensive – than amalgam.  For example,
atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) only costs half as much as amalgam restorations[xxii]
and small composite fillings are already less expensive than small amalgam fillings in many
nations.  The labor costs are the same because it takes a properly-trained dentist the same
amount of time to place a composite as it takes to place an amalgam.  Considering the high
environmental costs to taxpayers and the government, the UK cannot afford to rely on dental
mercury any longer.       To protect our environment, the UK government needs to act now to
stop dental mercury.  The non-mercury alternatives are here today.  We ask that you join us, the
undersigned non-governmental organizations, in supporting Option 3 to end dental mercury use
by 2018.     Sincerely,   Names of organizations, health professionals, and citizens Give NAME
plus CITY or VILLAGE or COUNTY Residents of United Kingdom only        
________________________________________ [i] BIO Intelligence Service, Study on
the potential for reducing mercury pollution from dental amalgam and batteries, draft final
report (5 March 2012),
%20final%20report.pdf   [ii] BIO Intelligence Service, Study on the potential for reducing
mercury pollution from dental amalgam and batteries, draft final report (5 March 2012),,
p.102 [iii] BIO Intelligence Service, Study on the potential for reducing mercury pollution from
dental amalgam and batteries, draft final report (5 March 2012),,
p.179 [iv]
df. p.20 [v] UNEP, Mercury-Containing Products Partnership Area Business Plan (2011),
Products/tabid/3565/language/en-US/Default.aspx [vi] See Michael Bender, Mercury Policy
Project, Facing Up to the Hazards of Mercury Tooth Fillings: A Report to the U.S. House of
Representatives Government Oversight Subcommittee on Domestic Policy (8 July 2008),
pdf [vii] See United States Environmental Protection Agency, News Release (27 September
a640db2ebad201cd852577ab00634848!OpenDocument [viii] See United States Environmental
Protection Agency, News Release (27 September 2010),
a640db2ebad201cd852577ab00634848!OpenDocument [ix] Davis MW, Nesbitt WE. The wedge
effect: structural design weakness of Class II amalgam.  AACD J 1997;13(3):62-8, [x] World Health Organization, Future
Use of Materials for Dental Restoration (2011),, p. 16  [xi]
Christopher  D. Lynch, Kevin B. Frazier, Robert J. McConnell, Igor R. Blum and Nairn H.F.
Wilson, Minimally invasive management of dental caries: Contemporary teaching of posterior
resin-based composite placement in U.S. and Canadian dental schools, J AM DENTA ASSOC
2011; 142; 612-620, [xii] Bio Intelligence
Service/European Commission, Review of the Community Strategy Concerning Mercury (p.213-
14), 4 October 2010,
[xiii] BIO Intelligence Service, Study on the potential for reducing mercury pollution from
dental amalgam and batteries, draft final report (5 March 2012),,
p.178    [xiv] World Health Organization, Future Use of Materials for Dental Restoration (2011),,p.21 [xv]Letter,
Federal Office for the Environment to Francesca Romana Orlando (8 August 2011), [xvi]World Health Organization, Future Use of
Materials for Dental Restoration (2011),, p.23 [xvii] World
Health Organization, Future Use of Materials for Dental Restoration (2011),, p.23 [xviii] World
Health Organization, Future Use of Materials for Dental Restoration (2011),, p.23 [xix] World
Health Organization, Future Use of Materials for Dental Restoration (2011),, p.21 [xx] World
Health Organization, Future Use of Materials for Dental Restoration (2011),, p.21 [xxi] Lars D.
Hylander & Michael E. Goodsite, Environmental Costs of Mercury Pollution, SCIENCE OF THE
TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 368 (2006) 352-370. [xxii] Pan American Health Organization, Oral
Health of Low Income Children: Procedures for Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (PRAT)
(2006), (“The costs of
employing the PRAT [procedures for atraumatic restorative treatment] approach for dental
caries treatment, including retreatment, are roughly half the cost of amalgam without
retreatment.”).   ]]> 5870 2012-04-20 14:45:03 2012-04-20 14:45:03 closed open support-
becky-dutton-and-the-anti-mercury-campaign publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
pharmas-greed-lies-and-damage-on-mainstream-german-tv/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:50:46 +0000
Patientenleid-Pharmariesen-Hass.html Frank’s book is called: „Schlechte Medizin: Ein
Wutbuch“ or „Bad medicine: A book of anger.“
e396472.rhd?sdi=true Frank goes as far in his criticism as anyone would be allowed by the
mainstream media, which has helped cover up all these scandals. Frank’s book describes how
millions of people in Germany are given inappropiraite treatment. Millions of often healthy
people are given therapies and drugs with high rates of adverse reactions on the basis of false
diagnosis. He explains in his book how the criteria for blood sugar, chloresterine and blood
pressure are systematically  lowered just in order to declare millions of health people sick and
give them drugs, allowing big pharmanceutical companies to earn billions.
Hass.html This assault on the people's health is occuring with the complicity of university
professors and medical experts. Data in clinical studies are manipulated and falsified. Adverse
reactions are ignored. Greed, ideoloty and incompetence are taking over from what Frank calls
„good medicine“ – medicine which actually cures sick people. Frank describes how big pharma
and the medical associations are now promoting preventative treatments for life-style diseases.
If fear-mongering does not persuade people to take damaging drugs then new strategies for
compulsory treatment are being implemented, Frank says.]]> 5873 2012-04-20 14:50:46 2012-
04-20 14:50:46 closed open doctor-gives-damning-critique-of-big-pharmas-greed-lies-and-
damage-on-mainstream-german-tv publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_cefe075610694e75ff1f4a587285e74c _oembed_f83a104bfd4bf7079849f3ef6095679d
swine-flu-jab-admits-irish-government/ Fri, 20 Apr 2012 14:54:41 +0000 birdflu666 *Irish government confirms Pandemrix swine flu
jab caused narcolepsy *24 children and adolescents diagnosed with sleeping disorder
*2,2000 people in Ireland could be living with the condition, admits government
expert *47% of all Irish children under four received toxic jab *Irish government
criticised for taking on liability from the pharmaceutical companies *Irish in
northwest and west especially hard hit by swine flu jab damage An Irish government-
commissioned report has linked an increase in narcolepsy among young people since 2009 with
the vaccine Pandemrix. The report shows that those who received the Pandemrix swine flu jab
are 13 times more likely to develop narcolepsy than those who were not vaccinated - in line with
similar results in Sweden and Finland. The report was commissioned after parents of young
people who were diagnosed with narcolepsy set up a campaign group imploding a government
cover up. One mother only realised her son had narcolepsy after reading about the symptoms –
sudden onset of sleep, loss of muscle control and hallucinations – in the newspaper. Narcolepsy
is an autoimmune disease of exactly the kind predicted to occur foremost in young people in the
event of their being injected with an adjuvant banned in the USA and UK. Twenty four children
and adolescents have been confirmed in Ireland as having narcolepsy after the flu jab. But the
parents fear that the number of people who have developed narcolepsy could be much higher.
Dr Darina O'Flanagan admitted that about 2,200 could be living with narcolepsy in Ireland,
although the majority are unaware that they have it. Her study also apparently contains wilful
definition s of symptoms to reduce the number of vaccine related cases of narcolepsy. „Of 30
vaccinated cases, 25 had received a pandemic vaccination before the recalled onset of the first
narcolepsy symptom (24 with Pandemrix and 1 with Celvapan). Five cases had received
pandemic vaccination after the first symptom onset and were considered as unvaccinated in the
analysis.“ Three adults who got the vaccine have a confirmed diagnosis and three more children
with possible symptoms are being assessed. One of these affected received the other swine flu
jab, Celvapan. The adjuvant used in the swine flu jab has been associated with many other types
of autoimmune diseases, and narcolepsy might be just the most severe diseases impossible to
cover up. 900,000 doses of the swine flu jab were administered in Ireland in 2009 and 2010 in
spite of the overwhelming scientific and veritifiable evidence of the damage that it would cause.
This represents 22% of the overall population but the vaccine uptake was much higher among
young people with about 47% of the children under 4 years of age being given the jab. Data from
the study (Figure 5) shows that the incidence rate of narcolepsy is higher in northwest and west
Ireland although the overall vaccine uptake in these areas was lower. Those who developed
narcolepsy often had the allele DQB1*‐0602.
_Committee.pdf?direct=1 The group’s
chair, Mary Fitzpatrick, called on the Government to follow the Finnish government’s moves to
compensate children and meet their ongoing needs. A demand
for compensation from the pharmaceutical companies which made jab seems to be blocked. The
Irish government signed – in spite of all the evidence that the jab was unsafe – a contract which
removed liability for adverse reactions from the pharmaceutical companies.
swineflu-sleep-disorder-3087071.html  The parents are reported to be considering their options.
Filing civil and criminal charges for deliberate mass poisonong of the population is surely one
option they should consider. The damage the Irish government and complicit medical
profession have done to the people with this pandemic vaccine ranks as one of the major crimes
in Irish history. The true extent of the damage will only become apparent in years in
unnecessary sickness, suffering and death.  People were knowingly and deliberately given a jab
known to cause autoimmune diseases in response to a media hyped swine flu pandemic in an act
of cynicism and even evil which defies words.]]> 5877 2012-04-20 14:54:41 2012-04-20
14:54:41 closed open 2200-people-could-have-narcolepsy-due-to-swine-flu-jab-admits-irish-
government publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_0f0a2fefb68b97c78d199cd6a5a7e0a2
hype-signal-trouble/ Fri, 27 Apr 2012 18:15:33 +0000 birdflu666 H5N1 Flu Virus Could be ‘Engineered’ to Put
Hundreds of Millions at Risk Scientist Tells Homeland Security Committee Melanie Hunter CNS
News Friday, April 27, 2012 If H5N1 bird flu, which has a 60-percent fatality rate, were
engineered to spread like seasonal flu, hundreds of millions of lives would be at risk, a scientist
told the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Thursday.
security-committee/      ]]> 5879 2012-04-27 18:15:33 2012-04-27 18:15:33 closed open does-
another-wave-of-pandemic-bird-flu-hype-signal-trouble publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
parents-consent-outrageous/ Fri, 27 Apr 2012 18:18:50 +0000 birdflu666 *New Zealand health officials use social media to
promote vaccination to teenagers *Vaccination of underage teenagers without consent
By Katherine Smith Natural Medicine, New Zealand The report on TV3 news on April
24 that health officials are using social media to promote vaccination to teenagers, and then
vaccinate underage teenagers without their parents' consent, "should ring serious alarm bells",
says Katherine Smith, spokeswoman for No Forced Vaccines. "Parents make decisions about
vaccination with the best interests of their child at heart, taking into account issues such as
family history and lifestyle factors that may make some people more or less likely to develop
particular illnesses" Smith says, adding that parents' decisions regarding their children's health
"need to be respected." In contrast, Smith says:  "Someone whose job it is to promote
vaccination through social media will not know the child's or family medical history that may
indicate that a teenager they are targeting may be at a higher risk than normal of having an
adverse reaction to a vaccine." Moreover, she adds that if underage teenagers are vaccinated by
someone other than their family doctor or practice nurse, the health professsional who gives the
vaccination is unlikely to have enough information about the child's personal or family history
to know whether or not they are a good candidate for vaccination. "If parents have decided not
to allow their child to have a certain vaccine because he or she had an adverse reaction to a
previous vaccination as a baby or toddler, they might not necessarily have shared that with their
teenager – or if they did,  their teenager may have forgotten."    In the event that an underage
teenager is vaccinated without their parents consent and suffers very serious side effects, "it is
the teenager and their parents who will have to live with the problems," Smith says. "We expect
parents to love and protect their children and take responsibility for their children's health and
development by ensuring they eat a nutritious diet, get enough exercise and sleep, and support
their children to succeed in school and often extra curricular activities as well."  Smith
continues, adding that "when parents neglect or abuse their children, the public is
understandably outraged."   "That the decision of responsible, caring parents not to allow a child
to have one or more vaccinations out of concern that the vaccination could cause serious side
effects is now being so grossly undermined by our public health authorities should be a matter
of national shame." Until such a policy has abandoned, Smith says, parents who have chosen for
their children not to have a particular vaccine because of concern about its potential health
risks, or for any other reason "should talk to their children and explain why they made that
]]> 5881 2012-04-27 18:18:50 2012-04-27 18:18:50 closed open vaccination-of-new-zealand-
children-without-parents-consent-outrageous publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 23296
hundred-years/ 2012-04-30 02:28:29 2012-04-30 02:28:29 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
israeli-government-war-mongering/ Fri, 27 Apr 2012 18:47:18 +0000 birdflu666 *Israeli Prime Minister  hypes Iran threat in
Germany  *Netanjahu attacks Gunter Grass in bid to drum up support for war
*Chancellor Angela Merkel says sole purpose of German state is to serve Israeli
war interests *Austrian-Israeli society pressures Austrian government to
guarantee Israeli security *Neublous notion of collective guilt used as an excuse
for more war atrocities The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanjahu has given an
interview in German newspaper Die Welt on Sonntag attacking writer Günter Grass  for
criticizing the Israeli government's aggressive war mongering towards Iran.
nicht-urteilsfaehig.html Netanjahu’s attack on Gunter Grass is part of a transparent ploy to
drum up support in Germany for an unnecessary attack on Iran on behalf of globalist corporate
interests. The  question is why the Isreali Prime Minister is trying to get security guarantees
from Germany when his own government has just been caught red-handed trying to mass
vaccinate the Israeli population with toxic swine flu jabs. A two-year old child was among those
to die immediately after the jab.
third-israeli-to-die-after-receiving-swine-flu-vaccination-1.3315 Only 3% of the people in Israeli
took the swine flu  jab in the end.
changing-swine-flu-vaccine-in-israel-to-quell-fears-1.1198 Studies by governments in Ireland,
Finland and Sweden have, in the meantime, confirmed the link between the jab and narcolepsy.
Scientists-probe-link-drug-increase-cases.html If the Israeli people want to find out who their
the real enemy is, they need look no further than Netanjahu. He is apparently intent not only
on giving them a toxic jab. He now wants to dragg them into  a pointless and potentially lethal
conflict to deflect attention from genuine events such as the bankster-engineered global
financial meltdown. The eurozone, in particular, is coming close to financial and political
collapse while the USA and UK are heading for hyperinflation due to interest and compound
interest on national debt paid for by printing money.
Germanys-Angela-Merkel-clash-over-euro-austerity-pact.html Netanjahu portrays himself in
Die Welt interview as a protector of the “Jewish state”, a questionable pose given the fact that
Israel is not under threat from Iran and given his own government’s role in promoting the swine
flu vaccination campaign among Israelis. Netanjahu also plays on the notion of the German and
Austria people’s Holocaust guilt - a notion that the younger generation of Germans and
Austrians inherit  guilt for the actions of the older generation who served in the Nazi war
machine – often at the point of a gun. According to this notion, this nebulous burden  guilt
obliges all Germans and Austrians to subordinate their interests to those of the Israeli
government. Specifically, they are called on to provide limitless funds and troops for another
pointless and unaffordable war. During the interview, Netanjahu uses a level of vocabulary
appropriate for an audience of three-year olds, who have little capacity for critical thinking and
who can only make an emotional connection with the idea they are required to make a limitless
sacrifice for the Israeli government including dying on the field of battle fighting in Iran because
they are so inherently worthless. Netanjahu calls Grass’s poem “absolutely scandalous” for
daring to point out that Iran has no nuclear weapons and is no threat to Israel. He connects
Grass – who was forcibly conscripted into the Waffen SS at the age of 17 at the end of the war –
with the Neo Nazi party in a transparent attempt to avoid a factual debate about the verifiable
evidence that Israel, the region's military super power, is war mongering and threatening Iran.
Iran has no nuclear weapons as the CIA and Mossad have confirmed.
Scientists-probe-link-drug-increase-cases.html While Iran submits to the IAEA nuclear
watchdog inspections, Israel does not, as Grass reasonably enough points out. The Israeli war
machine is funded by German and US tax payers and is acting as the motor for sparking a
conflict between the major global powers which could easily widen into a nuclear war, of which
the Israeli people could well be among the main victims. Globalist puppet German Chancellor
Angela Merkel has said that the only purpose of Germany’s existence is to serve Israel.
staatsraeson-377281.html She has implicitly committed Germany to send troops into any
Middle East and to a major escalation of any conflict there under the pretext of some historical
collective guilt which is so great that Germany has ceased to exist as an independent political
nation and parliamentary democracy. Not elections, constitutions or parliamentary decisions
shape Germany’s destiny. No, the Israeli government does on the basis of some emotional
connection to historical guilt, according to the Merkel doctrine. While the German political elite
are  puppets following the same globalist agenda of toxic pandemic jabs and war mongering as
the Israeli elite, the ordinary people of Germany do not want another pointless war. Netanjahu
has teamed up with the Springer Verlag to mount a massive personal attack on Gunter Grass --
the 84 year old poet has been admitted in the meantime to hospital because of heart trouble --
as the Globalists step up their propaganda efforts  for a Third World War. Axel Springer was one
of the few Germans who managed to avoid the draft during the second world war and spent the
war running a part of the Nazi propaganda media machine which failed, among other things, to
inform the German people about the concentration camps. The way the Holocaust is now being
exploited by Netanjahu and Springer Verlag to promote yet more war has backfired and aroused
disgust among Germans. At recent rallies over Easter, German demonstrators overwhelmingly
expressed support of Grass’s anti war stance, undermining Die Welt’s manipulative polls printed
as part of a pro war psy op.
ostermarschierer-staerken-grass-den-ruecken-1811086.html There has also been a massive
backlash against the way the Israeli government has openly racist and brutal policies towards
the Palestinians – whose right to the existence of their own state has repeatedly been called into
question.  Israeli troops have been implicated in war crimes in Gaza strip, begging the question
if it is Netanjahu's whose moral judgement has collapsed, not Grass'.
1.272741 As part of an intensifying world wide propagranda campaign, the Austrian-Israeli
society has also written an open letter criticizing the Austrian government for daring to base
decisions on foreign policy and war on considerations of national interest instead of a nebulous
emotion of collective guilt.
Solidaritaet-mit-Israel-zeigen?_vl_backlink=/home/politik/innenpolitik/ The demand
for the Austrian government to guarantee Israel state security-- signed by Globalist Ulrich
Habsburg-Lothringen among others -- is a cynical attempt to drag Austrian soldiers into a
conflagration in the Middle East. The open letter  is full of highly charged emotional triggers: the
mention of Nazi atrocities is supposed to invoke a sense of personal guilt towards Israel in every
Austrian, even apparently the babies who have never heard of them. The response is supposed
to be a sense of limitless obligation, which includes a readiness to mobilize troops and funds for
a Third World War using the atrocities committed during the Second World War as an excuse.
The false flag notion of historical collective guilt is, however, not supposed to apply to the
Greeks or Russians or any of the other of the tens of millions of victims of Nazi atrocities,
including much of the German and Austrian people themselves, who fought in the resistance.
Three million Russian soldiers alone were starved to death in Nazi German prisoner of war
camps. The death toll from the Nazi occupation of countries such as Poland, The Netherlands
and Greece was also huge. In fact, there is criticism in The Netherlands over the new German
President Joachim Gauck planned visit. It has been noted that the German government has
been silent about the many Nazi atrocities there in sharp contrast to the constant mea culpas
when it comes to Israel.
fuehlen-sich-von-Gauck-Besuch-beleidigt.html According to the Merkel doctrine, when it comes
to Nazi atrocities, the Israeli government has an exclusive right to funds and troops stemming
from this historical collective guilt. The idea that people are guilty as a collective and not
individuals goes against everything in western philosophy, religion and law. The individual and
only the individual can be held responsible for their actions in the tradition of western culture
going back to ancient Greece and beyond which ascribes moral responsibility to the individual
person. The idea of collective guilt of a group of people is a part of the Jewish tradition,
specifically the Talmud (where non Jews by blood are called goyim or cattle) - and not a part of
western culture. The absurdity of the idea of collective responsibility is shown by the fact that
Hitler himself was highly likely Jewish according to DNA samples of his relatives.
reveal.html Collective responsibility, therefore, should mean that Netanjahu and the Austrian
Israeli society sue Israelis and Jews for compensation because highly likely it was a man with
Jewish blood or DNA, Adolf Hitler, who was most responsible for the Holocaust. Instead of
vilifying Gunter Grass, Netanjahu should focus on the next Adolf Hitler, Marina Weisband, the
head of the corporate media-manufactured Pirate Party. Martin Delius from the Pirate Party
openly compared the rapid rise of the Pirate Party to that of the Nazi party in the 1930s. It
uses the same propaganda techniques as Josef Goebels, a fact admitted by members. Many of its
slogans like “total freedom” recall Goebbels. Like Hitler,
Weisband is the darling of the mainstream media, above all the Springer Verlag. Another
uncanny similarity between Weisband and Hitler is her penchant for vacuous commentaries on
art and for the same art galleries as the failed amateur artist Hitler. http://faz-
kunst.aspxoriginates from a country outside Germany (Russia) and is Jewish. Weisband like
Hitler also takes an interest in studying human nature and plans to become a psychologist... In
spite of the obvious parallels between Weisband and Hitler as well as the NSDAP and Pirate
Party, the Israeli government has been silent in condemning this group just as they were silent
in condemning the toxic swine flu vaccinations given to Israelis, Germans and Austrians alike.
Given the fact that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was highly likely Jewish, the time in my view has in
fact come for Germans and Austrian to start suing the Israeli government and the Jewish
community and holding them responsible for the catastrophic Second World War.
reveal.html If there is such a concept of collective guilt, the Israelis have to accept their guilt for
Globalist puppet Adolf Hitler. That means  reparations.]]> 5885 2012-04-27 18:47:18 2012-04-
27 18:47:18 closed open germans-and-austrians-pressured-to-join-in-israeli-government-war-
mongering publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_f29847e1c3f5317285c74896ddf43451
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_oembed_28f0f56f9f71a84fcc90aeb297abbda3 _oembed_f1a806ea3f01bf1156b7c490606a6d3a
abductor-like-kampusch/ Fri, 04 May 2012 15:38:05 +0000 birdflu666 Madeleine McCann may look like today as they said
they had uncovered new information to suggest she could be alive and living with her abductor.
The senior officer leading an investigative review into the disappearance of Madeleine five years
ago is calling on Portuguese police to reopen their inquiry into the case. Read more at:]]> 5890 2012-05-
04 15:38:05 2012-05-04 15:38:05 closed open madeleine-mccann-could-be-living-with-
abductor-like-kampusch publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
Fri, 04 May 2012 15:39:46 +0000 birdflu666 5892
2012-05-04 15:39:46 2012-05-04 15:39:46 closed open israel-calls-snap-elections-over-iran-
policy publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
of-narcolepsy-due-to-swine-flu-vaccine-reported-in-germany/ Fri, 04 May 2012 15:47:24
+0000 birdflu666 *Pandemrix swine flu
vaccine linked to 29 cases of narcolepsy in Germany *Children and teenagers most
affected *Researchers confirm narcolepsy is an autoimmune disease; immune
response destroys brain cells which produce neurotransmitters regulating sleep
*Genetic risk factor associated with narcolepsy more common in northern Europe
Twenty nine cases of narcolepsy linked to the Pandemrix swine flu vaccine have been reported
to the German drug authority, the Paul Ehrlich Institute.
__nnn=true Nineteen children and teenagers and eight adults were reported to have become ill
with narcolepsy after receiving the swine flu jab between October 2010 and April 20 2012.
Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterised by periods of extreme drowsiness, sudden naps and
paralysis. The 19 young people affected range from 8 to 17 years of age and consist of 13 femals
and 6 males. The average age was 12.5 years old. The first symptoms of narcolepsy appeared on
average 86 days after the Pandemrix jab was administered. In one case, symptoms of the sleep
disorder appeared four days after the swine flu jab while another child showed symptoms after
403 days. The ten adults affected were an average of 33.8 years of age. Symptoms took an
average of 147 days to appear after the Pandemrix jab was administered. The spectrum of
symptoms was 36 – 387 days. The Paul Ehrlich institute confirmed a genetic factor associated
with narcolepsy is the HLA-DRB1*1501-DQB1*0602 haplotype in the human leukocyte antigen
region on chromosome 6 98% of the Caucasian narcolepsy patients have the HLA-DRB1*1501-
DQB1*0602 haplotype compared to only 25 to 35% of the people in the rest of the population,
according to the Paul Ehrlich Institute.  This haplotype is more common in
northern Europe. In Ireland, it is more prevalent in the Northwest of Ireland where people are
of Celtic ancestry than in the Southeast of Ireland where people are of Anglo-Norman ancestry. Researchers have confirmed narcolepsy is an
autoimmune disease – exactly the type of disease associated with adjuvants used in Pandemrix.
sein Narcolepsy patients lack oretin or hypocretin neurotransmitters because those cells in the
brain which produce hyprocretin have been destroyed by an auto immune reaction, according to
the Paul Ehrlich Institute. Hypocretin is a neurotransmitter which regulates sleep.. “The brain
contains very few cells that produce orexin: in a human brain, about 10,000 to 20,000
neurons[2] in the hypothalamus.[1]” As predicted by Dr
Rebecca Carley and others early in 2009, children and teenagers have been most severely
affected by the Pandemrix swine flu jab. The adjuvant is known to stimulate a self destructive
immune system response. Because young people have stronger immune systems, the self
destructive response when their immune systems are disturbed by the irritant in an adjuvant is
also stronger. Adjuvants have contributed to the cascade of reactions called “Gulf War
syndrome”, documented in the soldiers involved in the Gulf War who were given the sqaulene
based adjuvant in anthrax vaccines. It was banned by a US Federal Judge in 2004 because there
was so much evidence of damage. The US drug regulator FDA ruled adjuvants could be used
again in 2008. French soldiers who served in the Gulf but did not receive an anthrax vaccine
have much lower illness rates that US and UK soldiers. There is a significant body of scientific
evidence linking the adjuvant to a host of autoimmune diseases, just one of which is narcolepsy,
and the claims by the Paul Ehrlich Institute that they didn’t know about the damaging effects of
adjuvants and don’t understand how the adjuvant could cause narcolepsy do not seem credible.
People were given a vaccine known to cause autoimmune diseases deliberately in spite of the
minimal danger posed by the hyped swine flu.
ingredients/a-glimpse-into-vaccine-adjuvants/  „Adjuvants can break “tolerance”, meaning they
can disable the immune system to the degree that it loses its ability to distinguish what is “self”
from what is foreign. Normally, the immune system ignores the constituents of one’s own body.
Immunologists call this “tolerance”. But if something happens to break “tolerance”, then the
immune system turns relentlessly self-destructive, attacking the body it is supposed to defend.
(6) Scientists theorize that oil based adjuvants have the ability to “hyperactivate” the immune
system, and in doing so, create chaos by inducing such an extremely powerful response that the
immune system literally goes haywire and starts attacking elements it would normally ignore. (6)
Another theory has to do with “specificity”. One of the great distinguishing characteristics of the
immune system is something akin to a highly sensitive innate intelligence that has evolved over
eons to be able to respond very precisely to what it deems to be a threat to the body. Because the
body contains many types of oily molecules and lipids, it may be that when an oil is injected, the
immune system responds to it not only specifically, but with heightened intensity because the oil
adjuvant resembles so closely the natural oils found in the body. A “cross reaction” then
happens, sending the immune system into chaos destroying any oils found anywhere in the body
that resemble the adjuvant oil. Demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis are an example of
this destructive autoimmune process. (6)”]]> 5894 2012-05-04 15:47:24 2012-05-04 15:47:24
closed open 29-cases-of-narcolepsy-due-to-swine-flu-vaccine-reported-in-germany publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_fec6fc674a6ad39c5a54078d43efd0ec
austerity-greece-poised-to-exit-eurozone/ Fri, 11 May 2012 12:01:24 +0000 birdflu666
banks-drachma-idUSBRE84A0DC20120511]]> 5896 2012-05-11 12:01:24 2012-05-11 12:01:24
closed open 7-out-of-10-greeks-vote-against-bankster-austerity-greece-poised-to-exit-eurozone
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 23537
on-fundamental-criteria-for-emergency-preparedness-1 2012-05-15 18:38:04
2012-05-15 18:38:04 sample emergency preparedness plan... 7 out of 10 Greeks vote against
bankster austerity: Greece poised to exit eurozone « Case About Bird Flu...]]> 1 trackback 0 0
akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
media-power/ Fri, 11 May 2012 12:09:08 +0000 birdflu666
p=5898 *Leveson inquiry focuses on "unelected force" of  media executives as part of
groundbreaking inquiry *Murdoch media empire executive Rebekah Brooks
questioned on close links to politicians *James Murdoch forced to quit board of
GlaxoSmithKline -- producer of Pandemrix swine flu jab -- over role in hacking
scandal *The era of the modern corporate media as an propaganda of instrument
draws to an end Former News of the World and Sun editor Rebekah Brooks was questioned
about the “unelected power” of the media during her appearance at the Leveson Inquiry today.
Brooks became a key player in the News International Empire because of her close personal
relationship to Rupert Murdoch and his son, James. She is the Friede Springer of the UK – only
Brooks married the best friend of UK Prime Minister David Cameron and not Cameron or
Murdoch himself. Brooks said today Rupert Murdoch rang her “very frequently”, presumably to
dictatate the spin the newspaper should give to stories such as  the swine flu pandemic of 2009,
which was hyped into existence by the media. The close links between the media and
pharmaceutical companies are underlined by the appointment of media executive James
Murdoch to the board of GlaxoSmithKline, the UK’s largest drugs manufacturer, on February 2,
2009. This was about the same time as Baxter nearly triggered a global pandemic by
contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu with the bird flu in their biosecurity 3 facilities in Austria. The
bird flu scare was quickly followed by the swine flu hype. The beneficiaries of the pandemic hype
were drug makers like GSK, the producer of Pandemrix swine flu jab, which has been linked to
narcolepsy in Finland, Ireland, Sweden and Germany. Mainstream media companies such as
News International and Springer Verlag – founded by Nazi propagandist Axel Springer -- in
Germany played a key role in not only hyping the danger of the swine flu pandemic. Crucially,
they concealed from people the evidence that the swine flu jab was damaging. They also
concealed from the public the existence of national pandemic plans which foresaw a vaccination
coverage for 100% of the population and allowed for the pandemic jab to be given to people by
force under the pretext of an emergency. 31 million people in Europe took the Pandemrix jab.
durch-impfung.7592ba38-9180-43bc-a40e-b6785cde6561.html The mainstream media also
conceals from people key information about how our financial system really works. The fact that
private banks now lend so much money that it makes up virtually the entire money supply of the
UK, USA and eurozone is concealed from people. The fact that the interest and compound
interest on this method of creating money as debt is growing exponentially all the time is
concealed from people. And the inevitability of the collapse of our financial systems under this
debt through hyperinflation or crushing austerity is concealed from people. A veil is thrown over
the solution: governments putting money into circulation without charging interest while banks
are forced to  have 100% capital reserve. Demanding banks have a 9% capital reserve when they
create the entire money supply as they do right now dooms economies to collapse. Economies
cannot function without money. Money is currently is being sucked out of the real economies of
the UK, USA and the eurozone by banks, which are poised to sweep up the assets of the
bankrupted nations and individuals. The modern mainstream media corporations like News
International and Springer Verlag are gigantic propaganda machines serving a malign Globalist
agenda but ppeople are now waking up to the extent of the lies  of the mainstream media. The
fact that only 3% of the Austrians, Israelis, 1% of the Italians and Spaniards and 6% of the
Germans and French took the swine flu jab in 2009 reflects just how dramatic the collapse in
confidence in the mainstream media and also in governments and health regulators and
authorities has been. The Leveson inquiry is a groundbreaking event and could accelerate the
end of the power of media moguls in shaping political events, including wars. James Murdoch
quit the board of GSK in January 2012 because of his role in the industrial-scale spying by the
Murdoch media empire uncovered by the Leveson inquiry.
nonexecutive Rupert Murdoch earlier told the Leveson inquiry that anyone who wanted to find
out his views just had to read the Sun editorial, highlighting just how lacking in independence
Brooks was. Brooks, like Murdoch, has close personal relations with UK Prime Minister David
Cameron, former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Gordon Brown as well as their wives. The
Leveson inquiry has shone the spot light into a very dark network. Thanks to the information
the inquiry has uncovered we can see just how pandemic plans could be implemented and
pandemics hyped by a tiny clique for their own profit and with devastating consequences for
everyone else.      ]]> 5898 2012-05-11 12:09:08 2012-05-11 12:09:08 closed open leveson-
inquiry-probes-modern-corporate-media-power publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last Fri, 18
May 2012 17:24:59 +0000 birdflu666
55056312/1]]> 5901 2012-05-18 17:24:59 2012-05-18 17:24:59 closed open facebook-hype-for-
the-naive-investor publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
fiscal-treaty-if-first-vote-is-no/ Fri, 18 May 2012 17:26:51 +0000 birdflu666
treaty-referendum-551913.html#ixzz1vExSQRxG]]> 5903 2012-05-18 17:26:51 2012-05-18
17:26:51 closed open irish-may-have-to-vote-a-second-time-on-fiscal-treaty-if-first-vote-is-no
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
secretary-urges-germans-to-fight-more-wars/ Fri, 18 May 2012 17:29:25 +0000 birdflu666
Nato-West.html]]> 5905 2012-05-18 17:29:25 2012-05-18 17:29:25 closed open british-defence-
secretary-urges-germans-to-fight-more-wars publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
more-child-protection-austrian-kampusch-investigator-amon-joins-in-cover-up/ Fri, 18 May
2012 17:45:23 +0000 birdflu666
Entwicklungsland.html She also stressed the need to educate and empower children to defend
their rights.  However, if the justice system does not do its part to defend the rights of children,
empowering them to say "No" to the predatroy advances of paedophiles is of limited value
important as it is. The Kampusch case in Austria has brought into focus the failures of police, 
justice officials and politicians to protect children from a high level paedophile ring. The father
of Natascha Kampusch has had to bring a civil case to get justice in respect of a second man
known to have been involved in the Kampusch abduction case. In the latest farcical twist, the
head of the parliamentary committee investigating the Kampusch case, Werner Amon, has
indicated that not only will there be no report urging the case to be reopened. Those members of
the parliamentary committeee who gave material about the Kampusch case which the general
public have a right to know are prosecuted by the very state prosecutors engaged in a cover up.
Does Amon not realise that covering up a serious crime is a crime? Does he not realise members
of parliament have an obligation to uncover such crimes and to give information to the public
about ongoiing crimes? If he doesn't understand the political requirements of an parliamentary
probe, he should look at the Leveson inquiry in the UK.
Zeugnis_fuer_Justiz_und_Kripo-Harte_Polit-Kritik-Story-321572 It is unacceptable for Amon
to back track on all his pledges to reopen the case. If he does so, he will expose himself to the
charge of joining in the cover up of a serious crime for personal gain - a crime. Amon’s dramatic
reversal has come after he was threatened with charges by the state prosecutor.  Judging from
his latest remarks, he seems to have been bought, bulled or bribed into joining the cover up he
said he wished to expose.  Why is Amon not getting more support from the Interior Minister
Johanna Mikl-Leitner -- appointed with the help of Lower Austria Governor Erwin Pröll -- and
the ÖVP leader Michael Spindelegger in reopening the case? I think all Austria knows the
answer.  The friends of paedophiles are in all parties. Amazingly, Amon thinks  they don't. He
seems to think he can have his cake and eat it. He can betray his mandate, lie to the people of
Austria, hound the few honest politicians and escape censor and conviction. He should resign
rather than join in the cover up of a crime and discredit hs reputation and the government yet
more.]]> 5907 2012-05-18 17:45:23 2012-05-18 17:45:23 closed open stephanie-zu-guttenberg-
up publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
supply/ Fri, 18 May 2012 18:31:48 +0000 birdflu666
p=5909 *Emergency plan for Greece to leave the euro, admits European Commission
*Reintroduction of Drachma could be a golden opportunity for wealth creation
*Drachma has to be introduced as free public service supplied by the government
to facilitate trade; stealth privatisation of the money supply needs to be ended
*Hundreds of millions face impoverishment if right steps are not taken
immediately *Bank run in Spain signals eurozone unravelling at very fast pace EU
trade commissioner Karel De Gucht said on Friday the European Commission and the European
Central Bank has drawn up contingency plans for Greece to leave the euro zone as the Greeks
prepare to vote a second time on June 17th .
notfallplaenen-vorbereitungen-fuer-euro-austritt-in-vollem-gange_aid_754874.html The
printer De La Rue is also preparing to print drachma banknotes should Greece exit the euro,
according to a report by Reuters. De La Rue may soon have more custormers because a bank run
has started in Spain in the next step of the unravelling of the eurozone. http://www.deutsche- An exit from Europe's single currency would help Greece restore
its competitivness and reduce its current account deficit. For the past few years, Germans have,
in effect, been paying for Greek imports through the Target 2 central bank system as part of a
gigantic fraud. A devaluation of the Drachma will allow Greek businesses to regain
competitiveness, add jobs and create wealth. But a return to the Drachma could offer another
golden opportunity for long term prosperity for Greece as long as it is done in the right way. If
the Greek central bank puts Drachmas in circulation as a free public service to facilitate
exchange and trade, the country's economy will recover even more quickly. Banks should only
be allowed to lend 100% of their capital reserve in future. The real cause of the UK, USA and
eurozone's current  financial crisis is that banks have acquired a monopoly on the printing of
money. Governments do not put money in circulation for free use to help trade. Banks do.
And they charge a feee in the form of interest and compound interest. Government central
banks lend solvent private banks notes and coins. The notes and coins we use are not public
money. Banks are allowed to have capital requirements of as litle as 3% or even lower. They
create the rest of the money out of thin air and charge interest on that money. In effect, our
money supply has been privatised by stealth. When the money cannot be found from taxes to
pay the interest, the UK and USA print money to pay the banks creating hyperinflation. The
eurozone is in a curious position: it has a privatised money supply and no eurobonds. A collapse
of eurozone banks was avoided in December when the ECB gave virtually limitless liquidity
(notes and coins) to banks irrespective of whether they were solvent or not through an
emergency lending facility. Eventually, this approach too will lead to hyperinflation. For the past
hundred years and longer, the banks in the USA, UK and Europe have been allowed to lend so
much money through the fractional reserve banking system that it makes up virtually the entire
money supply. In the eurozone, the government puts into circulation only 3% of the total
money. Basel 3 requirements for banks to hold more capital reserve are madness when the
banks themselves create virtually all the money. The Basel 3 rules seem to be just another excuse
for the banks to take money out of the economy, crush businesses and nations, so allowing the
banks to buy up assets for a song. A privatised money supply also means that governments do
not have money to fund business start ups or other infrastructure projects as is the case in China
where a state bank puts money into circulation for the economy to use. To prevent inflation,
targets are set by the Chinese authorities. By contrast, governments in the West have to raise
taxes or borrow money from banks to pay for job creation measures - adding to national debts
and increasing interest payments. In the meantime, the interest and compound interest on the
national debts of the various countries in the eurozone has reached the point where the
economies are breaking down. Greece is just the first country where the people have rebelled
against crushing and growing debt slavery voting for anti bailout parties in an election
earthquake two weeks ago. Spain, Italy and Ireland  will surely follow, and very soon, the
Germans and Austrians will also rebell against the growing debt burden. German economist
Hans Werner Sinn has estimated that the euro debacle could cost Germany a trillion euros.  All this money has gone to banks and
investors via interest payments on souvereign debt. Now that the interest payments from
governments have started to dry up, predatory banks like JP Morgan  have begun to rack up
huge multi billion euro losses. Eurozone governments have been complicit in concealing from
the tax payers where all the "bailout money" is going and why a total collapse is inevitable. They
have failed to take the steps needed to put the eurozone's economic system on a sound footing
by ending the privatisation of our money supply and introducing parallel regional currencies or
allowing countries to exit the eurozone to restore competitivness As the eurozone collapses
politically, socially and financially and millions of people face ruin and impoverishment, the
banksters and the politicians may be lucky to escape  lynching.  Thanks to the alternative media,
the general public are very well informed, also about the way the left and right parties all follow
the same Globalist agenda.  That is why the Greek electorate threw out both the Socialist and
Conservative parties at the last election. If the Greeks see no hope soon, it will surely come to a
revolution. Who still believes the future Chancellor candidate being touted by the Springer
Verlag, SPÖ Peer Steinbruck, is anything other than a bankster puppet? Wise is the banker and
politician who sees the writing on the wall and cuts his or her losses while he or she can.  ]]>
5909 2012-05-18 18:31:48 2012-05-18 18:31:48 closed open eurozone-crisis-spreads-from-
greece-to-spain-politicians-fail-to-end-stealth-privatisation-of-our-money-supply publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_167adfcdcff31dbf56ddd8cea90554ac
transmissible-bird-flu-virus/ Fri, 18 May 2012 18:52:54 +0000 birdflu666 *Nature's  publication of method for creating
transmissible bird flu throws spotlight on UK's role in 2009 fake pandemic and mass poisoning
of UK and European people by pandemic vaccines *Largest UK drugs manufacturer GSK
gave Pandemrix jab to 30 million people in UK, Ireland and Europe *Pandemrix
confirmed to cause narcolepsy by four governments in Europe, including so-called
friendly nations Ireland, Norway, Sweden and Finland *UK MP Paul Flynn
involved in cover up of the vaccine damage. Flynn focussed PACE inquiry on the
pandemic hype, left out evidence showing vaccines dangerous *Leveson inquiry
shows close links between UK Prime Ministers and member of GSK board *UK
government now lies about fiancial crisis as it lied about pandemic vaccines The
British science journal Nature has published the first of two research  paper claiming to show
how the bird flu virus can be bio-engineered in a laboratory to make it to spread more easily
between human beings in a move which makes a second pandemic scare -- and mass pandemic
vaccination campaign -- more likely. As a journalist who has written for Nature -- as well as the
British Medical Journal, The Scientist and other publications -- I have had first-hand experience
of this operation and it does not give me great confidence.
finally-published/ A bird flu virus – supplied by WHO -- was used to contaminated 72 kilos of
seasonal flu vaccine in a biosecurity 3 lab belonging to Baxter in Austria in February 2009. By
adding the bird flu virus to the seasonal flu, a powerful bioweapon, which was both deadly and
highly transmissible, was created. The contaminated material was sent to 16 different labs in 4
countries – nearly triggering a global bird flu pandemic. The bird flu virus was bioengineered in
a US weapons lab by Jeffrey Tauebenberger. Though deadly, the bird flu virus is not
transmissible between humans in its current form. The Nature paper claims to show
modifications which make it transmissible and so able to kill millions. In 2005, Germany’s
magazine „Der Spiegel“ reported how US bioweapons scientists resurrected the deadly Spanish
flu virus and modified it to make it more lethal, creating the „bird flu“ viris.,1518,378217,00.html Leaked Wikileaks cables
have since revealed that the Baxter’s facilities in Austria are listed as a crticial US security asset,
fuelling speculation that the contamination at its facilities was deliberate and involved elements
in the US government or CIA. As a result of a police investigation  – initiated by my crimical
charges in 2009 – Baxter appears to decided not to activate many of ist pre negotiated contracts
to supply the pandemic vaccine in 2009 in the event of  world pandemic being declared by
WHO. A pandemic level 6 declaration – made by WHO in June 2009 – allows for forced
vaccination, among other measures. When Baxter pulled out, the UK drug maker GSK stepped
in to supply the Pandemrix vaccine. The Pandemrix vaccine has, in the meantime, been
confirmed to have caused thousands of cases of narcolepsy in Ireland, Norway, Finland and
Sweden. The cases of narcolepsy are just the tip of the ice berg because the adjuvant used in the
Pandemrix vaccine is known to cause autoimmune and other diseases on a large scale. The
confirmation that Pandemrix causes narcolepsy raises questions about the investigation into the
fake pandemic by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in 2010. UK MP
Paul Flynn led the PACE inquiry into the pandemic hype in 2010  – but failed to look at the
evidence that the  pandemic vaccines were damaging.
Flynn focussed instead on the links between the WHO – the central cordinator of the pandemic
vaccine campaign – and Big Pharma. He deliberately excluded the significant body of evidence
showing that Pandemirx and other vaccines caused harm – so serving the interests of GSK and
the UK government. In the meantime, the Leveson inquiry has shown just how close the links
between the Murdoch media empire and UK Prime Ministers Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and
David Cameron were. James Murdoch had a seat on the board of GSK between February 2009
and Janaury 2012. Flynn explained his decision not to look into the risks of Pandemrix
by arguing that WHO and other agencies had assured him the pandemic vaccine was safe.
Strange. Those same bodies had, however,  assured him a pandemic declaration 6 and a mass
vaccination campaign were necessary in 2009 yet he  did not take their word in that case. GSK
made sure to seal immunity contracts with governments in spite of evidence they must have
known how damaging their Pandemrix vaccine was. It is surely
legitimate to ask whether such contracts can be considered legally binding given the fact that
governments were in possession of evidence to know that significant damage would result from
the mass vaccination campaign using Pandemrix and have legal obligations of due diligence in
signing contracts with vaccine makers. Individuals working for the government surely have
liability when they do not carry out their jobs with due diligence. The decision by Nature to
publish the method for creating a transmissible form of the bird flu seems to be just a
smokescreen for another pandemic scare, which can be blamed, this time, on „terrorists“ and
used to initiate another mass vaccination campaign with the same toxic pandemic jabs. Fact is a
virus which is deadly and transmissible in a lab does not necessarily survice outside a lab. If it
does survive outside a lab and spread so easily among people, the lives of the Globalists who
created it will be at risk, something they will not want. A pandemic scare followed by a mass
vaccine campaign with toxic substances allows the Globalists to maintain control of the
situation. The UK drug company GSK has already been caught red handed trying to mass posion
significant numbers of people, including in the UK itself, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and Finland
with the complicty of national governments as part of an overhpyed pandemic campaign. GSK
and the Globalists may think they have nothing much more to lose and might as well be hung for
a sheep as a lamb. The publication of the methodoly for creating a deadly and transmissible bird
flu virus by Nature just underlines who the real bio terrorists are and how they work hand in
hand with the corporate media to pursue their eugenicist and depopulation agenda. The media
snake oil salesmen of the City of London are currently selling the people of Europea poisonous
mix of Eurobonds and quantitive easing and a fascist-style, centralised euro government as a
solution to the euro crisis. Did the City of London – and the other banks – know when the
eurozone would collapse under the weight of debt, and interest and compound interest on that
debt at about this time, and did they try to time their toxic pandemic vaccine campaign  deal
with impoverished and angry populations? If people are dead, they don't need schools, jobs or
pensions, after all. Jeremy Warner in The Telegraph is a typical peddlar of the financial
equivalient of Pandemrix:
to-save-the-euro.html “There are five things that must happen fairly rapidly if the euro is to be
saved. First and foremost, the eurozone’s debts must be mutualised, so that the losses can be
absorbed and shared around all member countries. Second, the European Central Bank must
begin to operate like a proper lender of last resort, by offering to support the system without
limit, thereby ending the speculative attacks in government bond markets and on national
banking systems. It follows, third, that Europe must move with dispatch to a federal banking
system, with a single supervisor, resolution regime and deposit insurance scheme. Fourth,
Germany must be persuaded to live with a much higher rate of inflation than would previously
have been thought acceptable – perhaps as high as 4 to 5 per cent. There is a sense in which, by
sanctioning wage inflation and a consequent boom in consumption, Germany must agree to
become less competitive so that others can become more so. And fifth, a commitment must be
made to the institutions necessary to give all these arrangements democratic legitimacy. “]]>
5911 2012-05-18 18:52:54 2012-05-18 18:52:54 closed open nature-publishes-method-for-
creating-transmissible-bird-flu-virus publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_4d53edceca26329fa5155dff675a9d2f _oembed_975f3e78c54da68ca0f2beba1af89b1d
refer-patients/ Fri, 25 May 2012 17:07:56 +0000 birdflu666 5917 2012-05-25 17:07:56 2012-05-25 17:07:56
closed open german-doctors-given-money-by-clinics-to-refer-patients publish 0 0 post 0
wrong-vaccination-due-to-error-at-pharmaceutical-company/ Fri, 25 May 2012 17:09:26
+0000 birdflu666 5919 2012-05-25 17:09:26 2012-
05-25 17:09:26 closed open 200-children-in-finland-given-wrong-vaccination-due-to-error-at-
pharmaceutical-company publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
help/ Fri, 25 May 2012 17:11:58 +0000 birdflu666
The drug has been withdrawn for anyone aged under 20. Narcolepsy also causes excessive
sleepiness and muscle weakness and is often accompanied by nightmares, hallucinations and
sleep paralysis. Mary is organising a group to take part in the Women’s Mini Marathon on June
4 and would appreciate any help and sponsorship, from any source. Please contact her at “It’s believed the vaccine triggers the condition by wiping out
hypocretin cells in the brain which regulate sleep and 30% of population are predisposed to the
condition. “Children and teenagers are living on stimulants to keep them awake during the day
and you’d have to wonder about the long term side effects,” said Mary. Read more at:]]> 5921
2012-05-25 17:11:58 2012-05-25 17:11:58 closed open irish-victim-of-pandemrix-jab-appeals-
for-help publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
against-vaccines-leads-to-mass-exodus-from-texas-colleges/ Fri, 25 May 2012 17:13:40 +0000
birdflu666  *Young people wisely choose health
over college blackmail

Hundreds of classes cancelled as ACC loses 10,000 students

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Infowars has talked to a whistleblower in a senior position at Austin Community College who
has divulged that enrollment numbers are collapsing due to students refusing to comply with
vaccinations they are told are mandatory in order to take classes.

The ACC administrator told Alex Jones that some 10,000 students have refused to enroll
because of their refusal to take inoculations.

Read more at:


]]> 5923 2012-05-25 17:13:40 2012-05-25 17:13:40 closed open revolt-against-vaccines-leads-

to-mass-exodus-from-texas-colleges publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
scam/ Fri, 25 May 2012 17:25:28 +0000 birdflu666
Facebook's stock marke floatation has become the focus of two congressional inquiries and
multi million dollar lawsuits after the social network shares lost almost 20% of their value in the
first five days of trading.

Michael Mross gives an explanation of how the facebook scam works in German:

First, generate mega hype in the corporate controlled mainstream media.

Second, allow the banks to price the stock at an unrealistic sky high level.

Third, persuade the naive investors the stock is going to go up  in value by manipulating the
report on future earnings. Tell only a close circle the true value of the stock and advice them to

Throw in an extra 100 million shares at the last moment to make more profit.

Sell the millions of overpriced shares at 38 dollars, take the profit  and invest it in something
solid and leave the naive with worthless pieces of paper, whose value is set to plummet.

In the meantime, people are wising up to the stock market scams and it did not take more than a
few days for facebook and the lead banks to face the music. 

]]> 5926 2012-05-25 17:25:28 2012-05-25 17:25:28 closed open facebook-faces-angry-

investors-over-share-scam publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_84458e23f1d79c2e7249ba2f5b0e775f Fri, 25 May
2012 17:27:27 +0000 birdflu666 The Maple
Spring protests were originally staged in opposition to the government’s steep hike in university
tuition fees, and have since exploded into a full-blown political crisis with mass demonstrations
and violent clashes with police taking place throughout Montreal and Quebec City. The
Canadian government’s response to the protests has been to pass the draconian Bill 78, a piece
of emergency legislation that effectively ends freedom of assembly and freedom of expression –
if the government deems it necessary – which it has. As a result of Bill 78, some 500 people were
arrested in Montreal on Wednesday night and 176 people in Quebec City were detained under
the new law. To date, some 2,500 protesters have been arrested, and many others sustaining
serious, and even life-threatening physical injuries at the hands of the Canadian police.]]> 5930
2012-05-25 17:27:27 2012-05-25 17:27:27 closed open student-protests-in-canada-widen
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
bankster-protest-attracts-30000/ Fri, 25 May 2012 17:36:29 +0000 birdflu666 The march attracted
more than 30,000 people. In spite of harrassment by police provocateurs, the demonstration
went off peacefully.  Youtube clips show the cars of protestors transporting copies of the German
Constitutional law guaranteeing the right to free assembly and speech being stopped and
searched by the police. The march is a sign
of the growing anger in Germany at the debt slave policies of the government.  ]]> 5932 2012-05-25 17:36:29 2012-05-25
17:36:29 closed open frankfurt-bankster-protest-attracts-30000 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
vote-approaches/ Fri, 25 May 2012 17:40:02 +0000 birdflu666 Isn't it  amazing the way the leadership of the three
main parties join forces > to offer more money to bankers,EU bureaucracy, lawyers, and top
heavy > boards and quangos-to name just a few areas where our money goes.We > now have
quango kings and queens costing over 10 billion a year.Not > one of them will admit that they're
surplus to requirements and > basically unnecessary;mostly political appointments.We have a
''health > service''costing at least 15billion and people are petrified of any > long term stay in
hospitals after operations,as there's a limit on > outside fresh air from circulating in the wards
and corridors.Look at > the pensions, pay and perks the incompetents get who  squandered our
> money.I'd say vote No before Enda gives away another 11 billion with > absolutely no return
for it.I have a couple of websites set up. >  where I offer free ballads and
songs to people > world wide.The other one is  where I believe we could be >
sovereign again if we all chipped in to create an Irish Sovereign Fund > as an alternative to any
more asset stripping by the Irish Troika of > Fianna Fail Fine Gael and Labour.Yours
sincerely,Thomas O > Donovan,Tarbert, Co. Kerry.]]> 5934 2012-05-25 17:40:02 2012-05-25
17:40:02 closed open irish-grassroots-reject-fiscal-treaty-as-key-vote-approaches publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last
force-expand-in-stealth/ Fri, 25 May 2012 17:42:00 +0000 birdflu666 Since December 2008, the EU has kept five to 10
warships off the Horn of Africa in an operation known as Atalanta. NATO has a similar anti-
piracy flotilla known as Ocean Shield, and other countries — including the United States, India,
China, Russia, and Malaysia — also have dispatched naval vessels to patrol the region … – AP
(5/15/12) Other points on Mr Hollande’s agenda include … plans to promote wider EU defence
co-operation, including the prospect of a Euro Army long resisted by Britain. [He] will also
argue that EU countries should abandon austerity measures to boost growth. – Daily Mail
to the deployment of Eurocorps soldiers to Afghanistan from beginning of January 2012 to
January 2013, the Deputy and Acting Commander of Eurocorps, Major General Walter Spindler,
will give a Farewell Parade on 4 January 2012 for the soldiers. – (12/21/11) EU
ground troops have reportedly been employed in an attack on Somalia. The occasion was a raid
against Somali pirates and EU helicopters were used as well. Didn’t know that the EU had an
army? Welcome to the 21st century. Not only may the EU have placed troops on the ground in
Somalia, but “Eurocorps” – the EU’s standing army based in Strasbourg – has headed over to
Afghanistan for a one-year stint.
somalia-and-afghanistan/]]> 5936 2012-05-25 17:42:00 2012-05-25 17:42:00 closed open new-
eu-army-and-police-force-expand-in-stealth publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
new-austrian-army/ Fri, 25 May 2012 18:00:23 +0000 birdflu666
afghanistan/ Darabos has already recruited prisoners to serve in his new professional army.
Convicted criminals in Styria have been offered the alternative of serving in the army as part of a
pilot project which Darabos intends to expand.
will-weiter-haeftlinge-beschaeftigen.php Do the Israelis really want convicted Austrian
criminals patrolling their streets under the direction of people like Avigdor Liebermann while
significant numbers of Israel's young people serve at some front? The scenario cannot be ruled
out. Darabos' remarks seem to be part of a familiar puppet show designed to inflame hostility
between nations. Right wing Orthodox Jews have, however, an exemption from military service
so they will not be the community to bear the brunt of any war in the Middle East. Darabos
seemed to be willing to go to extreme methods to fire and eliminate General Edmund Entacher,
who dared to criticise plans to end conscription. Entacher's car was sabotaged in a
mysterious incident which triggered an investigation. But the
military industrial complex needs wars to generate mega profits and there will be no world war
three with conscript armies forced to stay on domestic territory....]]> 5938 2012-05-25 18:00:23
2012-05-25 18:00:23 closed open austrian-defence-minister-makes-inflammatory-anti-israel-
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_4b31aaef04c0814cee88312efc64bb66
swindling-90-year-old-lady-of-fortune/ Fri, 25 May 2012 18:15:50 +0000 birdflu666 *FPÖ politician Martin Graz accused
of impoverishing a 90-year-as part of a millioneuro fraud in a new scandal embroiling corrupt
far right cabal *Used million euros to buy building housing his brother's cafe, leaving
the elderly woman with only 5000 euros to live on in 2008 *FPÖ leader Strache
defends brazen fraud of Graf *Cafe Graf in Döbling is also the cafe I unwittingly
met FPÖ health spokesperson Dagmar Belakowitsch Jenewein in 2009 to discuss
the Baxter bird flu contamination case *She said Strache had told her not to probe
Baxter, and I received no help from the FPÖ -- or any other political party -- as part
of my pandemic vaccination warning campaign in spite of FPÖ claims of patriotic
There is a cafe in the Billrothstrasse 17 in Döbling, Vienna, which has hit on hard times. It’s
called the Cafe Graf and happens to be owned by the brother of leading far-right Freedom
politician, Martin Graf. So what does Martin Graf do? A very old woman is persuaded to invest
one million euros in a private foundation which he runs, and he then uses the money to buy the
building in which his brother’s cafe is located, leaving the foundation illiquid, saddled with high
interest payments on a mortgage debt and with virtually no cash left to meet the day-day to bills
of the 90-year old woman.
Anwalt-Graf-hat-Pflicht-als-Vorstand-grob-verletzt Graf is the "third" national parliamentary
president. SPÖ Barbara Prammer, the "first" parliamentary president, was recently touched by
scandal when a dossier naming her -- as well as Austrian President Heinz Fischer -- as part of a
paedophile ring attracted attention in the local media. Gertrud Meschar received just 5000
euros in 2008 and 6000 euros in 2009 from her million-euro fund. She has no way of accessing
her capital. Graf has driven her foundation deep into debt with interest payments obligations
amounting to 156.000 euro. As a result, there is no money left to pay even  for Meschar’s basic
medical expenses. It is a very  ugly story of greed and fraud but no will be surprised that the
cabal of crooked politicians around Martin Graf and Karl Heinz Strache have another scandal on
their hands. Many will think Meschar was lucky she wasn’t put under a court guardianship like
so many others since the „innovations“ and „appointments“ of FPÖ judge Dieter Böhmdorfer
because Justice Minister, and stripped of all her property, confined and eliminated. Meschar’s
lawyer has accused Graf of failing in his primary duty as a head of the foundation – to look after
the financial day to day needs of Meschar. The facts could not be plainer. Nonetheless, far right
leader Strache has looked at the case and concluded his chum was actually serving the interests
of the elderly woman by taking all her money.
Um_Mio._Euro_gebracht-Story-322497 Just how brazenly is Strache ready to lie in the media
to cover up the crimes of his friends? As I know from the past, Strache is willing to allow the
mass poisoning of the entire Austrian population by a toxic swine flu jab to cover up for his
mates. The fact that he defends his chum when he is caught bullying and robbing a vulnerable
old lady can be no surprise. It so happens, it was in the Cafe Graf – yes, I kid you not – that FPÖ
health spokesperson Dagmar Belakowitsch Jenewein told me Strache had told her not to probe
too deeply into the case where Baxter contaminated seasonal flu material with the bird flu in
February 2009. So, it turns out I unwittingly had a meeting about what to do with Baxter in the
belly of the beast itself, in the cafe of the brother of Martin Graf,  a building which was itself even
at that time part of yet another financial scam on a mini scale, this time against Gertrud
Meschar. I am sure Berlakowitsch Jenewein ran straight back to her bosses to give a report on
our meeting. As for actual help, there was none. Far from it. But let me explain how it came to a
meeting with Belakowitsch Jenwein. After I found out about the Baxter incident, I sent an email
to all the political parties in Austria, to media and other organizations begging them to act. None
of them replied - apart from Dagmar Belakowisch Jenewein, that is, and apparently only to
scout out the opposition. And to give her credit where it is due, she, at least, did ask some
probing parliamentary questions about the Baxter case. The answers by Austrian health
minister Alois Stöger were not comforting. They revealed, among other things, that 72 kilos of
the deadly bird flu virus had been used by Baxter to contaminate the seasonal flu vaccine, a
fantastic amount. The sheer amount of deadly virus used strongly suggested the notion someone
in Baxter really desperately wanted to start a global pandemic and sell some of their toxic
jabs….Let’s not forget the biosecurity 3 regulations! At the same time in 2009, the Austrian
magazine Profil – the editor Christian Rainer happens to sit on the board of the Ludwig
Boltzmann Insittute, one of whose researchers tried to ahve me confined twice in 2010 without
ever having met me – claimed that the contamination of the flu material was tiny and
accidental, involving a tube and a sugar solution. In a personal email to me, the Profil reporter
Emil Bobi assured me he had got this information from a confidential source. Perhaps Strache
himself? Or the SPÖ Austrian health minister Alois Stöger who Strache is so eager to indirectly
help? The main thing for Strache and Graf and his brother seems to be that they can both
continue to live the high life at the expense of everyone else. If playing the part of the patriots to
the gullible hoi polloi is needed to fund their life styles, that is what they will do. In in his flash
designer clothes, Strache does not look like a humble dental technician he is or little the pretty
little “Bumsti“ he seemed to be as a child when shoulder length blond hair and big, starey blue
eyes graced his sweet little self. Growing up without a father in a working class district of
Vienna, Strache got used from the age of six to consuming the candies at boarding school which
were given to him as consolation by his mother, who used two thirds of her pay to fund his
school fees and to be shot of the gorgeous little thing.
von-Strache-Aufreger-Buch/500757 The big boys who try to mass poison the whole population
with a toxic swine flu jab seem to be highly likely invited to join him for a flash party at his lavish
villa or luxury offices or out on the town. There is no money, though, for campaigns warning the
Austrian people about the toxic swine flu jab. While the country goes to wrack and ruin because
of the corruption of his political chums, Strache focusses on whipping up hostility against the
poorest of the poor, the immigrants. Strache stomps around with his jackboots boots doing an
impersonation of bully boy George when it comes to helpless immigrants – but when it comes to
his corporate chums. Like other FPÖ figures such as Jörg Haider and Karl Heinz Grasser,
Strache and Graz continue the tradition of what George Orwell would have called politics as pigs
at the trough. In spite of all the efforts of corrupt state prosecutors and the corrupt media, the
shenanigans of the Haider/Grasser cabal are being laid bare. The revelations that Grasser did
not pay his taxes on 8 million euros profit from the Meinl bank scam is just the latest blow to the
battered reputation of a man, who has also been involved in the Hypo Alpe Adria scam and the
Buwog privatisation scam where state owned property sold for a fraction of ist real market price
to Immofinanz. The pretty boy from
Carinthia who rose to be come one of the most corrupt finance ministers ever  -- and who now
owns a penthouse, a ski chalet and other luxury objects -- seems to have been very much closer
to former ÖVP Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel than anyone one of the straight laced people out
there could have imagined. At least, a mysterious protocol of phone call between Schüssel and
Grasser has sparked rumours of a very close, close relationship indeed. The protocol was so
sensitive that the clinging ivy Schüssel had finally to resign from his position in parliament. Let’s
hope Grasser includes some tender romantic scenes in the biography he is allegedly writing even
if the rumours are not true as they apparently seem to be. He could wring a great deal out
recounting an intimate scene with Haider in a bar in Carinthia, and another intimate scene with
Schüssel (the appeal of the older man with an eccentric bow tie) in a bar in Vienna. Perhaps he
do this in between fictional scenes showing a Schüsssel type figure enjoying sessions with a
dominatrix or Strache, also a chummy of Haider until they had a big emotional bust up,
snuggling up to Schüssel. That kind of approach would certainly make politics more interesting.
Interestingly, Schüssel’s then health minister Maria Rauch-Kallat signed the Austrian national
pandemic plan into force. Cheeringly foresaw mass forced vaccination for all Austrians with a
vaccine now proven to be toxic in the event of a pandemic emergency of precisely the kind
Baxter nearly created in 2009. And so the circle of chums closes. Oh, and before anyone feels too
sorry for Michael Graf and his business plight, they should go visit his Cafe. If he is in dire
financial problems he has no one to blame but himself. The Cafe Graz has this cold, gloomy
thing going on. There is nostalgia for a forgotten era of imperial pomp manifested in the
chandeliers and heavy wooden furniture. Who can be surprised no one goes there? The Grafs
should learn to let go – let go of their dreams of money, power and excess and move on. Michael
Graz should take a walk over o his competitor and see what they are doing right. Just one door
down the road at the Billrothstrasse 19 is the Fischerbrau, a place full to the brim almost every
day because it is bright and lively. The Fischerbrau has turned ist backyard into a pleasant beer
garden. The outdoor garden in front of the Cafe Graf is dull and unimaginative. Instead of
swindling old ladies to keep their unpopular cafe and lavish lifestyles alive, the Graf brothers
should develop some flair.]]> 5944 2012-05-25 18:15:50 2012-05-25 18:15:50 closed open far-
right-politician-martin-graz-accused-of-swindling-90-year-old-lady-of-fortune publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last _oembed_517b7ece09c45a353f4b20acfb7220dd
_oembed_3b218b716849878f9482d228d6cc8111 23824
new-benefits-you-did-not-know-exist/ 2012-05-29 23:47:29 2012-05-29
23:47:29 on this site... Far right politician Martin Graz accused of swindling 90-year-old lady of
fortune « Case About Bird Flu...]]> 1 trackback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 23792
2012-05-28 11:16:56 2012-05-28 11:16:56 bloggie duo... Far right politician Martin Graz accused
of swindling 90-year-old lady of fortune « Case About Bird Flu...]]> 1 trackback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 23749 2012-05-26
13:52:15 2012-05-26 13:52:15 here... Far right politician Martin Graz accused of swindling 90-
year-old lady of fortune « Case About Bird Flu...]]> 1 trackback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
national-catastrophe/ Fri, 25 May 2012 18:46:40 +0000 birdflu666 5956 2012-05-25 18:46:40 2012-05-25 18:46:40
closed open alexis-tsiparas-says-bankster-bailout-was-a-national-catastrophe publish 0 0 post 0
_oembed_436f19565438618bbdeeae9aff1d10a4 _edit_last
against-eurobonds/ Fri, 25 May 2012 18:50:42 +0000 birdflu666 Fekter is one of the few finance ministers in the
eurozone who has managed so far to avert a disastrous meltdown of state finances and the social
fabric by a judicious mix of cuts in the bloated public sector, tax cuts to stimulate demand and
also by sharing the burden of the cuts fairly evenly on all sectors of society. On the back of a new
package of measures to improve democracy and transparency, the ÖVP is sure to gain support.
The ÖVP has also tried to tackle the mafia in their own party - unlike other parties. But not even
Fekter using all her skills will be able to find a long term solution to the growing debt problems
of the eurozone caused by a privatised money supply and a loss of competitiveness. The only
people supporting eurobonds are the UK government, the European Commission and the EU
Parliamentary President, France and Belgium. The way the UK government has aligned itself
with eurobonds and plans for a fascist central euro government raises significant questions
about the UK’s government’s commitment to democracy. Every other country in the eurozone
from Sweden to Bulgaria opposes eurobonds. Even the German SPD has recognised that
eurobonds are financial weapons of mass destruction. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has
pointed out yet again that eurobonds are illegal and the path to a „debt union“ is fatal in
comments reported by the New York Times. „Conservative German state politicians from Ms.
Merkel’s bloc put out a statement on Tuesday rejecting euro bonds, calling them “the fatal path
to debt union.” When Germany’s constitutional court signed off on the euro zone bailout fund in
September, it also appeared to rule out taking on collective debt. In her public comments on
euro bonds, Ms. Merkel has not completely dismissed them as a potential long-term solution.
But a senior German official said that there was “no legal basis” for euro bonds and that they
were “explicitly forbidden” by European Union treaties.“ […] say that euro bonds might address
the problem for a few years, but that eventually the overall indebtedness of the bloc would reach
unsustainable levels, and the smaller states would pull Germany under with them.
Even the Netherlands come down firmly against eurobonds, reports The Guardian. The
Netherlands' caretaker prime minister Mark Rutte has said he would continue to block
eurobonds even if Germany changed its mind. He told reporters:]]> 5958 2012-05-25 18:50:42
2012-05-25 18:50:42 closed open austrian-finance-minister-joins-major-front-against-
eurobonds publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_4c8b3a85e66a331fba8e1b03045ea08e
Fri, 25 May 2012 19:03:59 +0000 birdflu666
krieg#13379626148141&if_height=80 Zulauf compared the euro crisis to a war, destroying
"economic structures, companies and existences" in an interview for the WirtschaftsWoche to be
printed on Saturday. He estimated that Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Spain will leave the
eurozone within a year. He predicted that Greece would leave in the second half of 2012. The
eurozone is under siege from the twin evils of a privatised money system controlled
by commercial banks and a loss of competitiveness by many countries due to an inability to
devalue, resulting in growing current account deficits and debts to foreign creditors. Because
banks control virtualy the entire money supply in the eurozone, they can create bubbles and
busts, takig money out of the system and destroying individuals, companies and countries. So
far no politician and no ECB banker has had the courage to switch the money supply back into
public hands. Banks need to return to their original function. They should only be allowed to
lend as much money as they have ie have a 100% capital reserve. Europe's bloated banking
sector has to be nationalised, the debts cancelled and the banks task of creating money as a
means of exchange for trade has to be returned to the people. In addition, eurozone countries
need to be allowed to introduce regional parallel currencies or leave the eurozone to devalue and
regain competitiveness. A suggestion by an economist working for Deutsche Bank that Greece
should introduce a parallel currency made up of promissory debtors notes is a sick joke. If the
eurozone uses the crisis in the right way, it could spell the end of the private money and the
resulting mountain of debt.   ]]> 5960 2012-05-25 19:03:59 2012-05-25 19:03:59 closed open
swiss-expert-compares-euro-crisis-to-a-war publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_9a39e1fca7be48d7b7b73ca3b4740b64 Fri, 25
May 2012 19:11:18 +0000 birdflu666 Check out
Ghis's website at:    ]]> 5962 2012-05-25 19:11:18 2012-05-25
19:11:18 closed open health-a-booklet-everyone-should-read publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
bulbar-als-disease-in-sweden/ Fri, 25 May 2012 19:22:36 +0000 birdflu666 Bulbar ALS is a neurogenerative
disease which leads to death within 2 to 3 years. It has pretty
specific symptoms, including the loss of the ability to speak clearly. Eight people who took the Pandemrix
vaccination in Sweden and who developed Bulbar ALS have been tracked so far on the Swedish
blog but highly likely there are many people with the same disease in other countries like
Norway and Ireland.   Bulbar amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis   What is Bulbar
ALS? • Bulbar ALS destroys motor neurons in the corticobulbar area of the brainstem in the
early stages of ALS. • The corticobulbar area controls muscles of the face, head and neck. •
Bulbar ALS usually progresses faster than limb onset.   Not All People Living with Bulbar ALS
Experience the Same Symptoms • Loss of speech occurs in 93 per cent of people with bulbar
ALS. • Difficulty swallowing occurs in 86 per cent of people with bulbar ALS. • Involuntary
tongue twitching occurs in 64 per cent of people with bulbar ALS. • Vocal cord spasms occur in
19 per cent of people with bulbar ALS. Symptoms Affecting Speech • Changes in voice and
speech. • Harsh, hoarse or strained voice. • Breathy speech pattern. • Poor articulation. •
Decrease in range of pitch and loudness of voice. Other Symptoms • Spasms in muscles of the
jaw, face, voice box, throat and tongue. • Inappropriate excessive laughing and crying. • Brisk
jaw jerks. • Involuntary twitching in the muscles of the tongue. • Vocal cord spasms causing]]>
5964 2012-05-25 19:22:36 2012-05-25 19:22:36 closed open pandemrix-swine-flu-vaccination-
linked-to-bulbar-als-disease-in-sweden publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_8c4c702f1c75e9206fc4b091b5b33e70 _oembed_43ce14ffbc9e38a7df7c4ea02e30fefe
_oembed_606657215fa4713e0bbdf0dfa39142dd Fri, 01 Jun
2012 15:42:37 +0000 birdflu666 5966 2012-06-01
15:42:37 2012-06-01 15:42:37 closed open ireland-votes-yes-to-fiscal-treaty publish 0 0 post 0
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fourth-empire/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:52:22 +0000 birdflu666
p=5968 okladkaCzwarteImperium_20406[1] The English e book can be downloaded here:
THE__FOURTH__EMPIRE_E_BOOK A Spanish translation here:
THE__FOURTH__EMPIRE_SPANISH  The preface to the Polish edition covers the mysterious
death fo the Polish finance minister in the Smolensk plane crash in 2010: Slawomir Skrzypek,
the governor of the National Bank of Poland, wrote a piece for Financial Times arguing against
the euro. He never lived to see it published. Skrzypek was among those who died in the
mysterious Smolensk plane crash on April 10th, 2010. The FT printed his comment on Monday
April 12, 2010. Skrzypek points out that one of the reasons why the Polish economy has been
relatively successful was the zloty. The zloty currency could be devalued to keep Polish goods
competitive and allow for more exports. That creates jobs. Jobs and income reduce the national
debt – and interest payments to foreign banks. "Between 2008 and 2009, Poland’s real effective
exchange rate, allowing for differences in unit labour costs, fell by nearly 20 per cent – a
significant factor behind the narrowing of the current account deficit," he wrote. Countries
which joined the eurozone like Greece can no longer devalue their currencies and regain
competitiveness. They, therefore, sink deeper and deeper into debt and to foreign creditors.
These foreign creditors can manipulate the credit market using instruments such as credit
default swaps to drive up interest rates on that souvereign debt. Jobs are lost; governments
implement austerity to make the interest payments to foreign creditors; economies are ruined;
people become impoverished. "The decade-long story of peripheral euro members drastically
losing competitiveness has been a salutary lesson," wrote Skrzypek. What Skrzypek wrote about
the zloty is true of every currency. "Poland is committed eventually to entering the single
currency. But recent experience – both the problems in the eurozone and our own generally
positive circumstances outside it – make us question whether we should submit quickly to a
rigid exchange rate regime as a pre-condition for entry." In 2012, we are witrnessing one
country after another in the eurozone slide into debt salvery because they are locked into a
currency union and cannot devalue. In addition, 97% of the money created in the eurozone is
created by private banks as is also the case in the USA and UK. That means the people have to
pay huge interest -- and compound interest – just for using money!!! Money needs to be put in
circulation by a government or state bank without any hidden interest payment. China puts
money in circulation in this way. Banks should only be allowed to lend what they actually have
or a 100% capital reserve. Thanks to the fractional reserve banking system banks can now only
have to have 3% of what they lend. And of course, Poland should never join the euro but keep
the zloty to allow for devaluations. This book tries to explain in an entertaining way how our
financial system really works. But as Skrzypek found out, the euro is serious business. Banks
stand to earn trillions by pushing countries into debt, getting huge interest payments and
acquiring assets for a song. All of this is made possible by the euro.]]> 5968 2012-06-01
15:52:22 2012-06-01 15:52:22 closed open polish-publisher-brings-out-edition-of-the-fourth-
empire publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
publisher-brings-out-edition-of-the-fourth-empire/okladkaczwarteimperium_204061/ Fri, 01
Jun 2012 15:44:54 +0000 birdflu666 5969
2012-06-01 15:44:54 2012-06-01 15:44:54 closed open okladkaczwarteimperium_204061
inherit 5968 0 attachment 0
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fourth-empire/the__fourth__empire_e_book/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:45:14 +0000 birdflu666 5970 2012-
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attachment 0
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fourth-empire/the__fourth__empire_spanish/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:45:33 +0000 birdflu666 5971 2012-
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inherit 5968 0 attachment 0
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fourth-empire/the__fourth__empire_e_book-2/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:46:50 +0000 birdflu666 5973
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5968 0 attachment 0
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fourth-empire/the__fourth__empire_spanish-2/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:47:07 +0000 birdflu666 5974
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5968 0 attachment 0
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fourth-empire/okladkaczwarteimperium_204061-3/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:48:06 +0000
birdflu666 5975
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inherit 5968 0 attachment 0
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fourth-empire/the__fourth__empire_e_book-3/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:48:41 +0000 birdflu666 5976
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5968 0 attachment 0
_wp_attached_file _wp_attachment_metadata Fri, 01
Jun 2012 15:53:42 +0000 birdflu666 5978 2012-
06-01 15:53:42 2012-06-01 15:53:42 closed open infowars-covers-bilderberg-meeting publish 0
0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_24c745200ec7a1ee27a37005971df72a
_oembed_f8e7fd18debf40513da0d9604a1af5f2 _oembed_ab2c44f68ea9f2d1cc07347915e3bac6
schoolchildren/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:55:10 +0000 birdflu666
groups.html?ito=feeds-newsxml]]> 5980 2012-06-01 15:55:10 2012-06-01 15:55:10 closed open
uk-government-unveils-plans-to-vaccinate-all-schoolchildren publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
after-all/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:56:45 +0000 birdflu666
_Committee.pdf?direct=1 Celvapan was one of two pandemic vaccine brands used during the
2009/2010 pandemic vaccination campaign in Ireland together with Pandemrix manufactured
by GlaxoSmithKline. Even though Celvapan amounted to a tiny fraction of all the vaccines
administered  – only 2.75 of those aged 5-19 received Celvapan compared to 39.8% who received
Pandemrix -- Celvapan was linked to one of the 25 confirmed cases of narcolepsy. Celvapan was
admitted to the market by the EMEA on 7th October  2009 – but without an adjuvant. Baxter
applied in August 2009 for a licence for Celvapan as a pandemic vaccine following the EMEA
guidelines – which includes an adjuvant. The fact that Baxter’s Celvapan caused narcolepsy
strongly suggests the notion that it was used with an adjuvant in Ireland in breach of drug
regulations. The adjuvant in the pandemic vaccines has been linked with narcolepsy by many
Baxter’s Celvapan contains many toxic ingredients including cell culture from African Green
monkeys which gave the world AIDS. 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine was also found to be
contaminated by the deadly bird flu virus in Baxter#s biosecurity 3 facilities in Orth an der
Donau.]]> 5982 2012-06-01 15:56:45 2012-06-01 15:56:45 closed open did-baxters-celvapan-
contain-an-adjuvant-after-all publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
in-sweden/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 15:58:13 +0000 birdflu666
p=5985 224 people in Sweden
so far have register with medical insurance bodies as suffering from narcolepsy following a
Pandemrix vaccination. All but 30 of them are under 20 years of age. All of the victims were
vaccinated with 12 specific batches. There were no cases of narcolepsy reported for the other 23
batches. It is not clear if the twelve batches were administered at the beginning of the vaccine
campaign or not. There is, however, a strong geographical link. Incidnces of narcolepsy are
higher in Skane, Dalarna and Uppland. Half a million people in Sweden took the swine flu jab in
2009.]]> 5985 2012-06-01 15:58:13 2012-06-01 15:58:13 closed open narcolepsy-traced-to-12-
pandemrix-batches-in-sweden publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
my-case-in-austria-and-claim-compensation/ Fri, 01 Jun 2012 16:00:08 +0000 birdflu666 for more information.
Charges were filed on my behalf against Professor Lukas Kenner who attempted to confine me
in February 2010 without ever having met me. He did this apparently to eliminate a medical
journalist who gave the general public accurate information about the Baxter bird flu
contamination case in 2009 and about the side effects of pandemic vaccines. Doctor and
researcher Lukas Kenner works for Ludwig Boltzmann institute, a government-funded research
body which also receives funding from Baxter and which has many top people on ist board
including the head of Raiffeisen Bank. Kenner is a pathologist at Vienna General Hospital and a
cancer reseacher who has published in a Rockefeller science journal. My case against Kenner is
clear cut: a scientist tried to misuse pyschiatrisation to silence a whistle blower and bury the
damage done by the vaccine and the chances for compensation and justice among victims.
Kenner was charged by a police inspector in Austria. According to a lawyer,  that victims of the
narcolepsy jab can join in my case as victims and apply for compensation as well. Victims of
narcolepsy have been having difficulties getting compensation from governments and
pharmaceutical companies. The manufacturer of the Pandemrix jab, GSK, signed a contract with
governments giving it blanket immunity. In addition, governments have been accused of
offering victims inadequate compensation. In Ireland, there have been reports of families having
to pay thousands of euros out of their pocket for the diagnosis of narcolepsy for their children.
The PACE inquiry led by UK MP Paul Flynn deliberately excluded from ist scope the evidence
that the swine flu jab was damaging. The Irish government recently confirmed one case of
narcolepsy due to Baxter’s Celvapan. In Ireland, only 2.7% of the age group 5-19 were vaccinated
with Celvapan. Celvapan without an adjuvant was admitted to the market on 7th October 2009.
However, it is the adjuvant which is widely believed to cause narcolepsy. This raises the question
of whether adjuvants were used in accordance with the EMEA and WHO guidelines but in
breach of drug rules. Narcolepsy sufferers who have been vaccinated by any pandemic jab, not
just Celvapan, can join my case and apply for compensation. Please spread this information so
that those people affected who wish to have compensation become aware of this option.]]> 5988
2012-06-01 16:00:08 2012-06-01 16:00:08 closed open narcolpesy-victims-of-swine-flu-jab-
can-join-my-case-in-austria-and-claim-compensation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 24082 2012-06-08 15:47:52 2012-06-08 15:47:52 view... NARCOLPESY VICTIMS OF
About Bird Flu...]]> 1 trackback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
headquartered-in-ulm-germany-is-operational/ Fri, 08 Jun 2012 15:35:27 +0000 birdflu666
ulmer-kdoopfue-einsatzbereit/]]> 5990 2012-06-08 15:35:27 2012-06-08 15:35:27 closed open
eu-battlegroup-headquartered-in-ulm-germany-is-operational publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
trials-for-anthrax-vaccine/ Fri, 08 Jun 2012 15:37:41 +0000 birdflu666 Obama administration is asking a presidential
commission to help decide an ethical quandary: Should the anthrax vaccine and other
treatments being stockpiled in case of a bioterror attack be tested in children? "We can't just
assume that what we have for adults works for children," Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius told the panel Thursday. Read more:
w120418D61.DTL#ixzz1xJ8cBYBB]]> 5992 2012-06-08 15:37:41 2012-06-08 15:37:41 closed
open us-panel-to-debate-greenlighting-childrens-trials-for-anthrax-vaccine publish 0 0 post 0
diamond-jubilee/ Fri, 08 Jun 2012 15:40:47 +0000 birdflu666 A free England   Dragged along by sails of red and
gold The wild, grey river surges forward Sensing the horizon Lost behind the mist and rain, The
shadows of so many bridges.   A fleet of a thousand ships Trapped between granite banks The
leaden weight of history Has thrown out an angle to catch the sea, The wide and restless sea
Calling them from the estuary.   Along the Thames the fleet flies Brightening the gloomy day.
The boats bob up and down The waves froth and swirl treacherously Barks and canoes dip under
waves… Currents tug and pull them up and on, On past the Tower of Big Ben, Past the South
Bank meandering like a drunken reveler, Laughing, singing and clinking glasses On a cubic,
crazy, barren shore. Past the London Eye beaming down radiantly, Past the St Paul’s, the
Anchor pub, The worn steps leading up to Threadneedle street The Bank of England and the
City of London, Financiers of Glaxo Smith Kline, And past the wretched tenements of
Southwark.   Undaunted, the fleet sails on Beneath the arms of London Bridge raised in a stiff
salute Leaving all the city’s monuments behind, Far, far behind, Melting in the prism of
raindrops. The fleet speeds on And on towards the open sea. Onwards…   To an England without
a corrupted monarchy The Queen and her side kick Philip wolves tearing into the sheep]]> 5995
2012-06-08 15:40:47 2012-06-08 15:40:47 closed open a-poem-about-the-queens-diamond-
jubilee publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
monarchy-present-a-real-danger-to-the-english/ Fri, 08 Jun 2012 15:48:30 +0000 birdflu666 *Prince Charles has close links to GlaxoSmithKline,
producer of Pandemrix *GSK chief executive awarded knighthood by Charles in May
*UK health authorities refuse to recognize link between Pandemrix and narcolepsy
*Is the new school vaccine programme part of the eugenics programme of the UK
elite? *Queen's cynical attempt to use Jubilee celebrations to promote Charles and
Camilla fail: Queen shows true Globalist colours Prince of Wales presents a real danger
to the monarchy, wrote Allison Pearson in The Telegraph after watching the Diamond Jubilee
Celebrations. But it could be argued, he also presents a danger to the entire UK population given
his close links to GlaxoSmithKline, caught red handed “We know far too much about the Prince
Charles' foibles and past errors to revere him as we revere his mother.,” .
presents-a-real-danger-to-the-monarchy.html We know about Prince Charles foibles - and so
does the Queen. That was why the Queen cynical attempt to use her Diamond Jubilee to
promote Charles and his wife, Camilla, is the surest sign yet that she is also of the Globalist elite
insiders, only more discrete and more practiced in the arts of deceit. There have been warning
signs flashing for a long time that Queen and Prince Charles – not to mention Prince Philip --
are all in alignment when it comes to the Globalist agenda of population reduction, specifically
using virulent viruses and vaccines. But let's focus on Prince Charles. In May, Andrew Witty, the
the chief executive of GlaxoSmithKline, the UK drug company at the centre fo the Pandemrix
vaccine scandal received a knighthood from Prince Charles. Several members of the GSK board
have received knighthoods.
awards.pdf In 2008, Prince Charles’s
business forum showcased GSK. In the meantime, it is clear GSK had a key role in what could
perhaps be described as the biggest murder plot in history. An estimated 30 million people in
the UK and Europe were given the Pandemrix jab in a hyped pandemic in 2009 in spite of the
substantial evidence that the adjuvant in Pandemrix caused significant damage. The number of
people taking the jab would have been would have been much higher if people had not
scrambled onto the alternative media to warn others. I wonder what Prince Philip would have
thought about the biosecurity  level 3 incident in a Baxter lab in Austria, where seasonal flu
vaccine was contaminated by the deadly bird flu virus, nearly triggering a global bird flu
pandemic? Probably, he would have clapped out loud in delight. “In the event that I am
reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving
overpopulation (1988)”
prince-philip In the meantime, four countries in Europe so far have admitted the link between
Pandemrix and narcolepsy, a sleep disorder. The UK health authorities have so far failed to
admit the link. As a result, those families affected with narcolepsy have been left to try to cope
with the consequences on their own. Victims like Carole Hadfield’s son, Josh, are highly likely
just one of thousands in the UK.
19-HOURS-day-reaction-flu-jab.html These victims are not being receiving any more help than
the victims of the regular vaccine have received help. The GPs who should recognize the
problems of the vaccines are the very same ones who administer the vaccines, creating a conflict
of interest. Now, in the latest outrageous move, the UK government is planning to vaccinate
school children in spite of the evidence they cause autism. The UK government pushing vaccines
is also the same government pushing eurobonds and a fascist centralised euro government on
the people of Europe. The English already have the Bank of England ruining their economy and
impoverishing millions with a mix of austerity and Quantitive Easing. The Queen has played a
cunning role in all this, using the popularity of Diana, William, Harry and now Kate, to try to
prop up the despised Prince Charles and Camilla. But her PR stunt over the Diamond Jubilee
weekend failed miserably. Surely, the most brazen stunt came when the Queen invited the most
loathed womanin the UK , Camilla, to ride with her in the carriage after a service in St Paul’s.
The Queen has no positive light to shine. At most, she has been  a cipher, signalling duty. The
emptiness behind the mask was revealed for all during the diamond jubilee weekend. The Queen
and Prince Charles even allowed a convicted sex offender to have a prominent position on their
barge. And we’re really susposed to believe they didn’t know inspite of their many staff and the
routineness of all background checks? Rise up, England! Get rid of the Saxe-Coburg Gothas –
before they get rid of you.]]> 5997 2012-06-08 15:48:30 2012-06-08 15:48:30 closed open why-
the-monarchy-present-a-real-danger-to-the-english publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
control-of-national-bank-before-meltdown/ Fri, 08 Jun 2012 15:50:35 +0000 birdflu666 Responsible for issuing currency, setting interest
rates and determining whether banks can obtain liquidty, the OeNB will play a pivotal role in
dedicing whether the population of Austria undergoes a massive impoverishment - or not. The
OeNB appears currently to be following the Globalist agenda, promoting eurobonds and
liquidity policies potentially facilitating a bank collapse and economic devastation. At the heart
of the international banker power structure is SPÖ national bank board member Werner Muhm,
called the „shadow chancellor“ because of his enormous influence over monetary and financial
policy. Muhm is a key advisor of Bilderberg Globalist puppet Werner Faymann who has been
promoting eurobonds, putting him in conflict with Fekter. Fekter blocked the reappointment of SPÖ
Werner Muhm to the board of the National Bank, triggering  major infighting. A
„champagne socialist“ like Faymann – and health minister Alois Stöger of the deadly pandemic
vaccien fame -- Muhm may be formally the „worker’s „representative on the national bank. The
fact is, he is willing to betray the interest of the people who vote for him to promote the interests
of the ultra rich. That explains why one of Muhm’s most vociferous backers is Christoph Leitl
the head Economics Chamber.
muhm-bleibt.php Faymann was one of the few politicians to attend the annual Bilderberg
meeting of the Global elite in Virginia, USA,  last week. Also attending as one of dozens of top
bankers was Willibald Cemko, the head of Unicredit Bank Austria. Days after the Bilderberg
meeting finished, the international bankers appear to have launched a new attack on the
financial stability of Austria, using Cemko’s Unicredit Bank Austria and Raiffeisen as pawns.  
On Wednesday, Moody’s downgraded the credit ratings of two Austrian banks, Unicredit Bank
Austria and Raiffeisen Bank, by one notch while cutting two notches off the credit rating of Die
Erste, bringing them to closer to the edge of collapse. The downgrade comes just after Fekter refused
to renew the mandate of Muhm and appears to have also conducted a spring cleaning of her
cabinet, removing Raiffeisen advisors. The downgrade could be interpreted as a punishment for
reducing the influence of commerical banks on the finance ministry. Finance Ministry adviseor
Michael Höllerer, a key player, in the bankster bailout scam has returned to Raiffeisen bank,
potentially clearing the way for a new approach to dealing with the banksters.
Bankenexperten?_vl_backlink=/home/wirtschaft/economist/ History has shown us
that the international bank cartel will go to great lenghts to protect their right to issue currency
as a private debt-based money system, set interest rates and determine liquidity because these
are the lifeblood of any economy and the source of wealth, including assassination. Austrians
should get behind Fekter or any one who tries to introduce sound monetary policies – or they
should be ready to face total impoverishment. Unicredit Bank Austria is a likely candidate to go
bust because it is estimated to have about 40 billion in core capital in the form of doubtful
Italian souvereign bonds. This move will enrich the bankers who lose no money due to the way
the fractional reserve banking system works but gain assets. The impoverished people’s assets. If
the European Central Bank at some point, refuses to supply liquidity to Unicredit Bank Austria
and also Raiffeisen because of ist poor credit rating, then these banks could be pushed into
insolvency bringing down the banking system not just in Austria but around the world. A
national bank operating independently of the globalists and in the interests of the people could
spring in and supply liquidity to the banks -- as the Irish and Greek national bank have done --
until steps are taken to put them through an orderly insolvency. Also, Fekter could then have the
power theoretically to allow the Austrian National Bank to put sound money in circulation.
Altough it is not entirely clear what is going on, Fekter has shown she has grasped the problem.
She has spoken out against eurobonds. She said that the European Central Bank should not
operate like the Federal reserve or the Bank of England which conduct savage austerity and also
print limitless amounts of money to make unaffordable interest payments on national debt to
commercial banks, triggering hyperinflation and economic ruin.
modeled-on-fed-boe Eurobonds spell the impoverishment and it will hit the poorest Austrians
on low, fixed incomes hardest. It is in the interest of every single person in Austria for the
national bank to be taken out of the control of the international banks and their puppets.]]>
6000 2012-06-08 15:50:35 2012-06-08 15:50:35 closed open austrian-finance-minister-battles-
to-regain-control-of-national-bank-before-meltdown publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
forced-vaccination-bill/ Fri, 08 Jun 2012 15:52:44 +0000 birdflu666]]>
6002 2012-06-08 15:52:44 2012-06-08 15:52:44 closed open us-congress-blocks-new-
bioterrorism-and-forced-vaccination-bill publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
elite-furious-at-merkel-over-eurobond-rejection/ Fri, 08 Jun 2012 15:55:26 +0000 birdflu666
bilderberg-teilnehmerliste#13391677577962&if_height=7908 In a tweet during the
conference, Trittin confirmed that the Globalists see their euro project of bankster debt slavery
under a centralised feudal government endangered by Merkel. “Too little too late – also by the
Bilderberg Meeting massive criticism of Merkel’s euro politics. Destroying Europe’s integration”
he tweeted. Alles Schall und Rauch: Bilderberger sehen ihr EU-Projekt durch Merkel gefährdet
durch.html#ixzz1xDV7RM8k Ina  separate “interview”, Trittin said he was invited to the
Bilderberg conference by a journalist Matthias Nass of Die Zeit, underlining the role media play
in the Globalist plans.
packt-aus#13391676884061&if_height=80 Many on the alternative media have commented on
the way that the Merkel’s caolition government is in the process of being systematically
demolished, starting with the removal of the President Christian Wolf following a smear
campaign by Globalist media company Springer. Merkel has infuriated Globalists not just by
refusing eurobonds. Merkel also appears to be finally pushing a financial transaction tax, a plan
to make share holders pay for bank losses and a move to allow banks to be shut down in an
orderly fashion. “The European Commission is threatening to use EU competition rules to close
down the failing Greek, Spanish and Portuguese banks that have pushed the eurozone into a
new crisis, with Greece's ATEbank the first in its sights.”
competition-rules-to-close-down-eurozone-banks.html Such an orderly insolvency of
unviable banks is bound to infuriate the banksters – it spells an end to their
interest payments and euro bailout scam at the expense of all European and UK
tax payers. Thanks to the fractional reserve banking system and the privatised money system
with interest and compound interest, indebted banks are acting as black holes serving to suck in
all the money and assets of the eurozone to enrich a tiny elite who alone benefit from the
interest payments and inflation. The Globalists clearly want to see a new coalition in power  in
Germany between the SPD and Greens to carry out their agenda. As a sign of Globalist
displeasure against Germany, Moody’s two days ago also cut the credit rating of six German
banks, including Commerzbank -a bank which played a major role in the 1931 German bankster
bailout scam, the consequent austerity policies of Chancellor Heinrich Brüning and the rise of
Adolf Hitler.
banks-ratings-most-outlooks--PR_247330 The
Globalists will make little headway: the overwhelming majority of Germans or 79% support
Merkel in her tough stance against eurobonds.
835289.html Germany’s economy is deteriorating rapidly with industrial output and exports
plummeting. Very soon even the most optimistic of Germans will realise they cannot afford to
service their own  record mountain of national debt, let alone the national debt of the entire
eurozone. Citizen groups such as the Freien Wähler and Bündnis Bürgerwille have launched
effective ampaigns, informing people about the eurobonds and ESM. http://www.buendnis- The Freien Wähler held their first
protest march in München at the weekend, attended by a 1000 people. The next demonstration is planned in Berlin
today at 8th June.
zivilen-koalition.html Let’s not forget that the youtube view counter is constantly manipulated,
reset to zero or to a tiny numbers to keep videos off the radar and, if all else fails, the same  video
appears on a plethora of sites to stop any one video gaining a large viewing.]]> 6004 2012-06-
08 15:55:26 2012-06-08 15:55:26 closed open bilderberger-jurgen-trittin-confirms-globalist-
elite-furious-at-merkel-over-eurobond-rejection publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_b4f52ffb1c0dcbe211430f6161065b57 _oembed_2c2bf43cfdda6ffd63dca21ebfc34f16
_oembed_1aee93f14f9f6cb415690c2f193ee30e _oembed_f118a14d418203cdef10d90ddba5bbef
_oembed_f6b86489833f6b174c310c3ed13c4593 _oembed_0f7b190bef3c9cf0f885d3ccf311f2fd
_oembed_fcacce71c76bca9df83506e3481327aa _oembed_f63cac54f1ee50ce14fb7d6e53db9a68
at-the-olympics/ Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:10:38 +0000 birdflu666 Note: the WHO's pandemic plans are still in place
with the UK among the few countries to introduce a slight modification. In a meeting in
Geneva  in May 2010, the WHO's advisory committee on vaccines, SAGE,
confirmed that the people of the world will get the same toxic pandemic jabs as
those administer in 2009 in the event of another pandemic emergency level
6 being declared, for example, over a "bioterrorist attack" at the London Olympics.
This in spite of the enormous evidence which has since emerged that they are
damaging. Alex Jones and Infowars  have  played a key role in promoting the false
flag inquiry into the swine flu pandemic by UK MP Paul Flynn and Wolfgang
Wodarg at the Council of Europe. This excluded alle vidence the pandemic vaccine
was damaging and so removed pressure for reform. In a pattern repeated with
Ron Paul and Rand Paul, Alex Jones is consistently promoting figures who are
acting against the interests of the people. He also promotes media mogul Rupert
Murdoch's whose son James sat on the board of GlaxoSmithKline, manufacturer
of the swine flu pandemic vaccine.  In 2009, Alex Jones hyped the swine flu virus
threat and excluded the vaccine threat. Alex Jones is the second layer of globalist
media deceit. The first layer is the mainstream media: Alex Jones is the second
layer of mind control directing action to dead ends. Scenarios" of Sudden Disasters for
Mankind: ‘Are the London Olympics a target for a False-Flag Attack?’ by Adrian Salbuchi Global
Research, June 14, 2012 Russia Today "The two fundamental elements for a successful Strategy
are: Secrecy and Surprise!”, Juan Domingo Perón, Argentine President   It might be wise to take
a closer look at some unnerving indications that the London Olympics might be the stage for a
horrific “False Flag” attack, as part of the Global Power Master’s strategic need to break their
present global political and economic deadlock. “False Flag” attacks happen when a militarily
strong Nation stages a controlled and very high profile military or terror attack on its own
territory and interests, then immediately blaming it on a target foreign power or entity, using it
as an excuse to wage war. Read more at:
context=va&aid=31434          ]]> 6007 2012-06-15 15:10:38 2012-06-15 15:10:38 closed open
will-there-be-a-flase-flag-bioterrorism-attack-at-the-olympics publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_cfa39cac38136f98e1fcebfd5ca254ad 24248
bombing-which-killed-13000/ 2012-06-16 13:44:41 2012-06-16 13:44:41 1
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and-is-unaccountable/ Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:14:48 +0000 birdflu666
neun-entscheiden-%FCber-ihr-geld.html The ESM spells taxation
without representation. It is the end of all democracy. Germans can sign a petition against the
ESM glorified debt collector agency here:
action=petition%3Bsa%3Ddetails%3Bpetition%3D25090%3 The ESM is accountable to no
parliament, no people. It can demand 800 billion euros in its first phase of operation and
virtually unlimited sums thereafter from all eurozone government. It  appears to be authorized
to take not only all the tax money  a government collects. It appears to be able make a grab for
all the assets of a country, including your personal property and other assets. Its staff stand
above all laws. They cannot be prosecuted no matter how great their crime. This is the -- illegal!
--basis of the ESM. It violates the German constitution and the German constitutional court and
parliament are breaking the law by signing this document in clear violation of the constitutional
and recognized legal norms and in violation of the legal principles of the Nuremberg Trial. In
1933, the German parliament also handed over all powers to the dictator Adolf Hitler. The post
war German constitution was designed to prevent the parliament ever again betraying the
people and handing key governmetn powers to an authoritarian body. The power to tax and
spend is a central power of every government. The ESM violates the German constitution.
Taxing and spending are the responsible of parliaments representing the people. A nine person
parliamentary budget gremium acting in secret does not fulfil the criteria in any honest court of
law. The ESM uses the money to make interest payments to banks on souvereign and bank debt.
This is created largely by our privatised money supply with its interest and compound interest,
the corsett of the euro currency and corruption. As such, it functions as a redistributor of wealth
from the many to the few bankers and ultra rich. The money paid out to the super rich will be
gone for ever. The notion any of the creditor states will ever get any money from states forced
into default is a fairytale. Taking the gold reserves and assets of impoverished countries and
populations is politically impossible. It will spell war. The only solution to the current crisis is
sound money. The ECB must be allowed to give money directly and without charging interest to
governments and businesses. This will stimulate economic activity without creating the
excessive debt inherent in a privatised money system. The modern fractional reserve banking
system allows banks to create 97% of the money in the eurozone charging interest and
compound interest even though they only have about 3% capital reserves. The ESM and
Eurobonds must be stopped. The usher in a centralised fascist government controlled by the
banks, impoverishment and civil war of Europe. Act now before it is to late!]]> 6010 2012-06-15
15:14:48 2012-06-15 15:14:48 closed open protest-the-esm-it-can-take-all-your-money-and-is-
unaccountable publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_684655c517802a430dd2fa9eec8b9644
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_oembed_d46012584999a31214603be0b26094c8 24309
2012-06-19 17:17:46 2012-06-19 17:17:46 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
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from-eurozone/ Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:29:52 +0000 birdflu666 th which could see Greece exit from the eurozone.
with-European-leaders-over-financial-crisis.html Bankers can use mathematical
models to calculate when an economic area will collapse under the weight of interest generated
by the fractional reserve banking system, inputting variables such as interest and money supply.
Because they have advance knowledge of when an economy will collapse, the elite have time to
plan wars (Syria, Iran) and pandemics to eliminate the impoverished masses to deflect attention
from the real cause of the crisis. A Greek exit from the eurozone -- as long as the money supply
is nationalised -- will spell prosperity for Greece. It will allow for a devaluation and for
competitiveness. Spain, Italy and other countries should also exit the eurozone. The German
government could to recoup its losses over the Target 2 system by taxing the super rich, the
beneficiaries of this euro fraud. The Globalists could try to promote internal chaos and a military
dictatorship by their own puppets in Greece during the next few dramatic weeks. Whatever the
result of Sunday's election, the revolt of the increasingly impoverished Greeks is sure to
continue if there is no political solution. It could end in civil war or war.. Find out why this
private money system spells disaster and what role the ECB, Bank of England and Federal
Reserve play by reading the Fouth Empire fiction book. Download it here:
THE__FOURTH__EMPIRE_E_BOOK The Fourth Empire is set during a fictional Bilderberg
meeting of the global elite in Switzerland in June 2011 and explains how the financial system
really works in a fun and entertaining way. Have fun and find out why the Germans are against
Eurobonds and the ESM; why the Greeks are set to revolt and leave the eurozone; and why the
elite bankers, mainly in the City of London and Wall Street, want to keep them in chained to the
euro at all costs – or make the Greeks pay as heavy as possible a price for leaving their euro loan
sharking and debt slavery. A key character is Lord Edward Redshield, the head of a fabulousy
rich dynasty which invented the modern fractional reserve banking system as well as the
modern corporate media. This allows banks which have no money – just 3% capital reserve – to
print money and lend it to others charging interest and compound interest. There are now so
many banks able to lend money in the eurozone, that this privatized money supply makes up
97% of all the money in the eurozone. Find out the simple solution to the debt catastrophe. You
can read The Fourth Empire in English, Polish ( a printed edition) and Spanish.
THE__FOURTH__EMPIRE_SPANISH  ]]> 6013 2012-06-15 15:29:52 2012-06-15 15:29:52
closed open greek-elections-on-sunday-could-spell-exit-from-eurozone publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_cc925f5d12fd2720cf172d0e61ae788b
from-eurozone/the__fourth__empire_e_book-4/ Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:18:56 +0000 birdflu666 6014
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from-eurozone/the__fourth__empire_spanish-3/ Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:20:29 +0000 birdflu666 6015
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pandemic-flu-mask-deal-in-2006/ Sat, 23 Jun 2012 15:43:13 +0000 birdflu666
pouilly-wird-angeklagt-275-000-euro-fuer-grippemasken.php Mensdorff-Pouilly -- a relative of
Queen Elizabeth who gave knighthood to the CEO of pandemic vaccine manufacturer
GlaxoSmithKline  in May -- received the payments from Dräger Medical Austria GmbH. The
German company was awarded a contract worth 8 million euros to supply Austria with
pandemic flu masks in 2006. Maria Rauch-Kallat signed the national pandemic plan into law in
2006 allowing for stockpiles of masks, drugs - and also for forced vaccine with a toxic vaccine in
the event of a pandemic emergency level 6 declaration by WHO.!
OpenAgent&p=4C22534C3A72668BC125705B0040978E&fsn=fsStartHomeFachinfo&iif=0 In
2009, Baxter created a similar deadly bioweapon when it contaminated 72 kilos of the
transmissible seasonal flu with the deadly bird flu virus in its biosecurity level 3 facilities in Orth
an der Donau and sent it to 16 labs in four countries. It has since emerged from leaked
diplomatic cables that Baxter’s facilities in Austria are considered critical for US security, raising
the issue of whether the contamination was orchestrated by the US government or secret
services.  ]]> 6018 2012-06-23 15:43:13 2012-06-23 15:43:13 closed open austrian-globalist-
received-kickbacks-over-pandemic-flu-mask-deal-in-2006 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_a78fda735b27c883c27b4511437c8c47 24561 2012-06-24
09:13:04 2012-06-24 09:13:04 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_history
akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 24756
june-25-2012/ 2012-06-26 13:03:03 2012-06-26 13:03:03 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 44580 2016-02-28 02:13:32 2016-02-28
02:13:32 Alojamento Windows Austrian Globalist received kickbacks over pandemic flu mask
deal in 2006 | Eugenics and pandemics]]> 0 trackback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history 42254
followers/ 2015-09-03 18:24:49 2015-09-03 18:24:49 buy fast usa titter
followers Austrian Globalist received kickbacks over pandemic flu mask deal in 2006 | Eugenics
and pandemics]]> 0 trackback 0 0 akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
globalists-plan-new-pandemic-hype-and-vaccination-campaign/ Sat, 23 Jun 2012 15:49:08
+0000 birdflu666  *Video update on the new
pandemic hype coming soon *New pandemic virus hype by controlled media and
Infowars *Threat of a new monolithic mass vaccination campaign as real as in
2009 *Pharmaceutical companies given more influence over WHO pandemic virus
warning system in 2011 Hundreds of reports have appeared in the mainstream media in the
past couple of days hyping the danger of a new bioengineered bird flu virus which is
transmissible between humans as the Globalists try to condition humanity to accept a new
pandemic emergency and a mass vaccination campaign with a toxic pandemic jab.
mutations-away-scientists-show.html Yet again, the people of the world are facing the
monolithic threat of a mass vaccination campaign with a pandemic vaccine now proven beyond
a doubt to cause harm. In 2011, the danger of a new pandemic emergency declaration was
increased when Big Pharma was allowed to get significant control of the WHO pandemic virus
warning system.
404323.htm In a clear conflict of interest, Big Pharma is now in a perfect position to hype a new
virus and also call for speedy vaccinations which the drugs companies also stand to profit the
most from. In 2009, Baxter created a similar type of deadly bioweapon when it contaminated 72
kilos of the transmissible seasonal flu with the deadly bird flu virus in its biosecurity level 3
facilities in Orth an der Donau and sent it to 16 labs in four countries. A police investigation was
halted in September 2009 just before a mass pandemic vaccination campaign with a vaccine
now confirmed by the governments of  Ireland, Sweden, Finland and Norway to have caused
narcolepsy. The way Big Pharma used its financial clout to influence WHO to declare a
pandemic emergency level 6 in 2009 has been well documented. In spite of the scandal, the
world is facing the same national pandemic plans. Once more we are facing forced vaccination
with the same toxic jab and quarantine. The mainstream media and the false flag alternative
media led by Alex Jones are once more hyping the new super virus as a killer and downplaying
the vaccine danger. The new bird flu virus is no killer. The experiment by scientists including
Ron Fouchier and Albert Osterhaus Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands was
done on ferrets. These ferrets were specially treated to allow for an infection and the emergence
of a virus that was more easily transmissible from one ferret to another through the air. Also, all
the ferrets survived the airborne infection.  “The experimental ferrets Fouchier used did not pass
the disease directly to one another, as would occur among humans in a real-world outbreak.
Instead, during the first six of the 10 transmissions, researchers dropped the strain into the
ferret's nose and then later swabbed the nasal area to collect the virus—with any new mutations
—to be given to the next ferret. In the final few transmissions, instead of swabbing the nose,
researchers made each animal sneeze, then collected the contents and placed them directly in
the nose of the next ferret. Follow-up experiments showed that when an uninfected ferret was
placed near one of these infected subjects—sharing air but not able to make physical contact—
the uninfected ferret often caught the illness (looking tired and not eating much) but did not die
from it,” writes Katherine Harmon in Scientific America.
Alex Jones at Infowars has consistently and deliberately excluded evidence the pandemic
vaccine is far more dangerous than the virus. Infowars promoted Wolfgang Wodarg and the
PACE inquiry led by Paul Flynn which also excluded all mention of the evidence that the vaccine
was damaging from its final report. Alex Jones has played a similar role in promoting Ron Paul
and Rand Paul to persuade people that something has changed when nothing has changed. In
the background, the most effective critics of the vaccine have been silenced or intimidated,
including the Polish government, which was the only one in Europe to refuse the pandemic
vaccine. 96 members of the Polish government were killed in events surrounding the mysterious
Smolensk plane crash in April 2010 and the murder can be seen as a warning to other
governments not to refuse the pandemic vaccine. The Smolensk plane crash came only days
after Polish Health Minister Eva Kopacz, a doctor, gave evidence about the vaccine at the second
hearing of the PACE inquiry about why she did not activate the pandemic vaccine contracts in
spite of a pandemic emergency level 6 declaration. The Globalists are facing setbacks on all sides
– the Germans are refusing Eurobonds; the Greeks are seething over austerity – and the
austerity will become more painful now that Greek elections brought pro Euro parties into
power – and nine countries in Europe have now agreed to introduce a tax on financial
transactions. Given the scale of the threat they are facing from a financial meltdown they can no
longer control, the Globalists may well be desperately seeking to start another pandemic scam.
More in the video update coming soon. Stay tuned.]]> 6020 2012-06-23 15:49:08 2012-06-23
15:49:08 closed open emergency-update-signs-globalists-plan-new-pandemic-hype-and-
vaccination-campaign publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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2012-06-25 18:49:06 2012-06-25 18:49:06 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published
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pandemia/ 2012-06-26 00:48:54 2012-06-26 00:48:54 1 pingback 0 0
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june-25-2012/ 2012-06-26 13:03:00 2012-06-26 13:03:00 1 pingback 0 0
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dictating-national-cdc-s-dangerous-mass-vaccinations/ 2012-06-27 09:00:57
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pandemia/ 2012-06-27 22:26:23 2012-06-27 22:26:23 1 pingback 0 0
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pandemia/ 2012-06-27 23:42:38 2012-06-27 23:42:38 1 pingback 0 0
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pandemia/ 2012-06-28 06:54:42 2012-06-28 06:54:42 1 pingback 0 0
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pandemia/ 2012-06-28 16:43:41 2012-06-28 16:43:41 1 pingback 0 0
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06-29 12:56:56 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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june-2012/ 2012-06-29 17:23:03 2012-06-29 17:23:03 0 pingback 0 0
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dont-trust-them/ 2014-11-03 00:35:48 2014-11-03 00:35:48 0 pingback 0 0
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16:30:59 2014-09-17 16:30:59 Hotels in Madinatmotel bargainseleventh hour lodge resort
VACCINATION CAMPAIGN | Case About Bird Flu]]> 0 trackback 0 0 akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 35902 2014-09-28 17:00:19 2014-09-
28 17:00:19 Hotels in Parislodge bargainsmotel specialslate motel hotel deals. EMERGENCY
CAMPAIGN | Case About Bird Flu]]> 0 trackback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history 36087 2014-10-04 04:58:17 2014-10-04 04:58:17 bodybuilding EMERGENCY
CAMPAIGN | Case About Bird Flu]]> 0 trackback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history 43737
straighter-smile-1395840310.html 2015-10-28 17:52:51 2015-10-28 17:52:51 try
VACCINATION CAMPAIGN | Eugenics and pandemics]]> 0 trackback 0 0 akismet_history
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 44392
purse 2016-02-22 17:32:44 2016-02-22 17:32:44 EMERGENCY
CAMPAIGN | Eugenics and pandemics]]> 0 trackback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 35429
a_aid=75628 2014-09-05 17:02:01 2014-09-05 17:02:01 Hotels in Los Angeles
International Airportresort bargainslast minute motel hotel offers. EMERGENCY UPDATE:
About Bird Flu]]> 0 trackback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history akismet_result
akismet_history 37764 2014-
11-08 03:18:27 2014-11-08 03:18:27 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history Fri, 29 Jun
2012 12:22:13 +0000 birdflu666
will-FBIErmittlungen    ]]> 6022 2012-06-29 12:22:13 2012-06-29 12:22:13 closed open
kampusch-case-to-be-reopened publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
contract-to-produce-pandemic-jabs/ Fri, 29 Jun 2012 12:25:19 +0000 birdflu666
awarded-federal-biodefense-contracts?clienttype=printable]]> 6024 2012-06-29 12:25:19 2012-
06-29 12:25:19 closed open texas-am-university-awarded-new-biodefense-contract-to-produce-
pandemic-jabs publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_7d7b059ca0af4f19a58889a4fe8f68e9
Fri, 29 Jun 2012 12:27:51 +0000 birdflu666
pandemics-opens-in-accra  ]]> 6026 2012-06-29 12:27:51 2012-06-29 12:27:51 closed open
africa-is-focal-point-of-new-pandemic-hype publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_f049e1cd176c678ebb6d0ac507b16685 Fri, 29 Jun 2012 12:32:24 +0000
The CDC’s “new graphic novel”, "Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic", underlines the way the
CDC is now firmly in the realm of fantasy and unable to differentiate between fact and fiction. Readers follow (CDC staff?) Todd, Julie, and
their dog Max as a familiar old moral disease involving greed and lies begins spreading, turning
ordinary people working in the CDC and governments into zombies. If you find the CDC comic too tedious, you can order a
„Don’t be a Zombie“ poster in various sizes from the CDC. The poster appears to feature a CDC
staff member, trying to figure out how many people believed the swine flu „pandemic“ hype of
2009 by counting on their fingers.
Taking up the theme of pandemics as pure fiction, Amanda Yesilbas has listed „Novels that
Could Help You Prepare for a Future Pandemic“… http:// „When you think about pants-
wettingly terrifying apocalyptic scenarios, the most horrifying might well be the worldwide
plague,“ pipes Amanda Yesilbas as the world has to face another wave of pandemic hype. Surely,
a far more terrifying apocalyptic scenario involves a group of evil people orchestrating an
artificial  pandemic by contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with a deadly bird flu
virus, spreading fear and intiating a mass vaccination campaign with a poisonous jab. That
happened in 2009. Yes, life can be stranger than fiction. „A deadly disease could spread around
the planet at alarming speed, and kill most of the population before we even knew what was
going on,“ continues the hype,  which does give us a clue about what the Globalists are planning
to do, namely launch a mega hype about any new virus, however harmless it might be. „Luckily,
some of the best novels (and graphic novels) have dealt with the aftermath of a civilization-
ending pandemic…“ Luckily?
a-future-pandemic#134096979037810&{"type":"iframeUpdated","height":1140}]]> 6028 2012-
06-29 12:32:24 2012-06-29 12:32:24 closed open 6028 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_84ed89527f47ecaea15479de9e8f0f5f _oembed_fce1a852b4fd109d179f33859be5c71c
vaccine-law/ Fri, 29 Jun 2012 12:39:35 +0000 birdflu666
1.17133031 More than 40,000 people in Switzerland have so far signed up for a referendum on
the threat of a new centralised and streamlined compulsory pandemic vaccine law. More in
German from Roger Burckhardt: Achtung Impfobligatorium! Auch SIE können gegen ihren
Willen zur Impfung verpflichtet werden. Toxische Zusatzstoffe aus Impfpräparaten finden über
nicht vegane Lebensmittel ihren Weg auch auf Ihren Teller. Nach einem ruhigen Start konnten
wir mit der nachstehend beschriebenen Sammelmethode von Mi 13.6.12 bis Mo 25.6.12 von
10'148 auf über 40'000 Unterschriften zulegen. Das sind rund 30'000 Stimmen in nur 12 Tagen!
Bis am Mo 2.7.12 bleiben noch 7 Tage zum Sammeln. Wir können es schaffen! Zahlreiche
Organisationen und Gruppierung haben kurzfristig ihre Hilfe zugesagt und sammeln mit Ihren
Leuten. Jetzt noch ein entschlossener Endspurt und das Referendum steht! Übergabe der
Unterschriften am 5.7.12 in Bern. Bitte werden SIE selbst aktiv und unterstützen Sie JETZT das
Referendum gegen das Impfobligatorium für unsere Haus- und Nutztiere. Achtung: Bitte
Unterschriftenbögen direkt auf den Gemeinden beglaubigen lassen (Details siehe unten):
Referendumsbögen, Argumente, Flyers, Spenden etc.: Sammeln oder impfen, das ist
hier die Frage. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
UNSERE TIERE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++ Werte MitbürgerInnen Das Impfobligatorium für Mensch und Tier ist
beschlossene Sache (Revision Epidemiengesetz und Tierseuchengesetz). Die Kompetenzen
werden damit beim Bund zentralisiert. Wer impfen will, kann das tun. Ein Impfobligatorium
stellt hingegen eine nie dagewesene und gefährliche Einschränkung unserer Grundrechte dar.
NOCH haben wir die Wahlfreiheit. Nur wenn wir das Referendum zustande bringen, können wir
unsere Autonomie und unser Grundrecht auf persönliche Freiheit sowie auf körperliche und
geistige Unversehrtheit wahren (Bundesverfassung Art. 10). Viele geimpfte Tiere leiden! Die
Behörden verschweigen und vertuschen Impfschäden. Bauernbetriebe werden finanziell
ruiniert. Unsere Nahrungsmittel werden durch giftige Impfzusatzstoffe und Medikamente
belastet bzw. verseucht. Fernsehbeitrag: Biobauer und Kantonsrat Urs Hans vom TSG
Referendumskomitee informiert über schlechte Erfahrungen mit der Blauzungenimpfung,
Nebenwirkungen und die wahre Ursache von BSE: Die berüchtigte Impfung
gegen die Maul- und Klauenseuche wurde in Europa verboten (siehe pdf).
------------------------------------------------------------ Beschleunigtes Unterschriften sammeln
------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Diese Nachricht samt Anhängen
weiterleiten. 2) Den angefügten Referendumsbogen (pdf) ausdrucken, ausfüllen und
unterschreiben; Achtung! Auf einem Bogen dürfen nur Stimmberechtigte der im Titel
genannten Gemeinde unterschreiben. Nicht vergessen, im Titel Kanton, PLZ und Gemeinde
einzutragen. Bitte vollständig und LESERLICH ausfüllen. 3) Weitere Bogen samt
Argumentarium ausdrucken. Bitte unbedingt SELBER 10, besser 20 bis 50 Unterschriften
sammeln, z. B. in Ihrer Gemeinde. 4) Jetzt Turbolader aktivieren und Unterschriftenlawine
unterstützen! Bitte zwei oder mehr MitbürgerInnen ebenfalls zum Sammeln motivieren, z. B. an
öffentlichen Plätzen und Anlässen, vor Ladengeschäften, in Restaurants, im Zug, am
Arbeitsplatz, im Verein etc. Wenn Sie Unterschriften von Stimmberechtigten aus
unterschiedlichen Gemeinden sammeln, dann unbedingt für jede Gemeinde einen separaten
Bogen nehmen. Wenn Stimmberechtigte aus anderen Gemeinden unterschreiben, dann können
Sie ihnen die neu begonnen Bogen samt Argumentarium überlassen und sie bitten, in deren
Wohngemeinden ebenfalls Unterschriften zu sammeln und auf der zuständigen
Gemeindeverwaltung beglaubigen zu lassen. Das Sammeln nach Gemeinden erleichtert den
Gemeindeverwaltungen und dem Komitee die Arbeit enorm. Durch dieses Vorgehen verteilt sich
die Arbeitslast auf immer mehr Personen, was den gesamten Prozess extrem beschleunigt. 5)
Die gesammelten Unterschriften bis spätestens am Do 28.6.12 auf der jeweiligen
Gemeindeverwaltung beglaubigen lassen (notfalls auch bis Mo 2.7.12 morgens, sofern
zuständige Verwaltung offen hat). Achtung: Nur noch beglaubigte Bogen ans Komitee senden,
sonst wird es zu knapp. 6) Die beglaubigten Bogen umgehend selber zur Post bringen oder
durch die jeweilige Gemeindeverwaltung ans Referendumskomitee senden lassen: Adresse
Komitee: Referendum TSG, Postfach, 9470 Buchs SG Achtung: Die Gemeinden sind gesetzlich
verpflichtet die Unterschriftenbogen direkt (ohne den Umweg über das Komitee) und kostenlos
entgegenzunehmen, mittels Stimmregister zu beglaubigen und unentgeltlich ans Komitee
weiterzuleiten. Bitte den Brief Unterschriftenbescheinigung durch Gemeinde (pdf) und ggf. das
Merkblatt (pdf) öffnen, ausdrucken, stellvertretend für das Komitee ausfüllen, auf der Gemeinde
den Empfang der Stimmen quittieren lassen und den Brief zur Kontrolle ans Komitee senden.
So kann das Komitee prüfen, welche Gemeinden die Unterschriftenbogen ans Komitee
weitergeleitet haben und welche nicht. Viel Erfolg und herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung!
Roger Burkhardt, Gemeinderat, parteifrei +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+++++++++++++++++++++++ ANHANG: WEITERE ARGUMENTE ++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nehmen wir mal an, dass
Impfungen nicht krank machen, sondern vor Krankheiten schützen. Weshalb fürchten sich
dann geimpfte und somit (angeblich) geschützte Impfbefürworter vor ungeimpften
Impfkritikern? Und weshalb fürchten sich dann impfende Tierhalter vor den Tieren nicht
impfender Tierhalter? ------------------------------------------------------------ Toxische Zusatzstoffe
und Impfschäden ------------------------------------------------------------ Wussten Sie, dass fast alle
Impfstoffe für Mensch und Tier toxische Zusatzstoffe enthalten und deshalb oft schwere
Nebenwirkungen erzeugen? Sie können sich leicht selbst davon überzeugen, indem Sie auf der
Webseite den Namen des Impfstoffs eingeben, die Information für
Fachpersonen (nicht die Patienteninformation) aufrufen und sich die Zusammensetzung
ansehen. Typische Inhaltsstoffe: 1) Aluminium (-hydroxid, -phosphat, -sulfat): Hirnschäden;
neurologische, skelettale und hämatologische Vergiftungen. 2) Quecksilber (Thiomersal):
Autismus, Alzheimer, Parkinson, Demenz 3) Formaldehyd: Krebs 4) Polysorbat 80:
Unfruchtbarkeit 5) Impfverstärker wie Squalen enthalten zellgängige Nanopartikel; zahlreiche
Nebenwirkungen 6) Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen (GVO): Wirkungen nicht
abschätzbar; in vielen Ländern verboten 7) Antibiotika: Allergien Weiteres über
Impfzusatzstoffe, Nebenwirkungen und Impfschäden: Die angefügte Studie des Neurowissenschaftlers Chris Shaw (pdf)
beweist die Gefährlichkeit toxischer Aluminiumverbindungen. Zusammenhang mit
Golfkriegssyndrom. Was passiert bei einer Seuche? Die Impfung gegen die bei Bauern
berüchtigte Maul- und Klauenseuche MKS wurde in den meisten Ländern VERBOTEN, weil
wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen (Strohmaier & Straub) zeigten, dass gerade die MKS-
Impfungen die häufigste Ursache für den Ausbruch der MKS waren. Die geimpften Tiere
verbreiteten die Seuche! Im Ländervergleich hatten nicht impfende Länder eindeutig mehr
seuchenfreie Jahre als impfende (Quelle: Portal für Tiermedizin Es braucht
kein neues Gesetz, denn ein wirklicher Seuchenfall (MKS) ist durch das bestehende
Tierseuchengesetz vollständig geregelt. Das im revidierten Gesetz enthaltene und durchaus
sinnvolle Hausier-Handelsverbot mit (oft importierten) Hundewelpen kann problemlos per
Verordnung geregelt werden. Teils schwere Nebenwirkungen durch die Schweinegrippeimpfung
schwere-nebenwirkunge.html Schweinegrippe-Impfstoff fördert offenbar Schlafstörung
pandemrix-koennte-narkolepsie-foerdern-a-824311.html Dr. med. dent. Joachim Mutter über
Nano-Technologie und Supergifte Dr. med. Johann Loibner über
Ursprung und Geschichte des Impfens
------------------------------------------------------------ Lobbying und Korruption
------------------------------------------------------------ Die meisten Politiker, Parteien,
Abstimmungs- und Wahlkämpfe werden heutzutage massgeblich durch multinationale
Korporationen finanziert. Was wohl verlangen z. B. internationale Pharma-Multis von den
durch sie finanzierten Politikern und Parteien als Gegenleistung? Überlegen Sie mal. Weshalb
sollten deren Impfstoffe die Gesundheit schützen? Was bringt den Pharmakartellen mehr
Umsatz - gesunde oder kranke Menschen und Tiere? Sie denken vielleicht: DAS können die mit
uns nicht machen! Weshalb nicht? Erscheint ihnen die heutige Politik integer und
vertrauenswürdig? Erinnern Sie sich z. B. an die 2009 von WHO und Pharma ausgehende
massenmediale Angstmacherei um die Schweinegrippe? Die WHO hatte die höchste
Pandemiestufe ausgerufen (für Schweinegrippe ist die zweithöchste Pandemiestufe heute noch
in Kraft). Trotz Medien-Hype liessen sich in der Schweiz nur 12 Prozent und in Deutschland nur
9 Prozent der Bevölkerung impfen. Viele der Geimpften litten danach unter starken
Nebenwirkungen und lagen wochenlang mit Schweinegrippe im Bett. Trotz oder wegen der
kollektiven Impfabstinenz gab es keine Pandemie. Weltweit wurden zig Milliarden an
Steuergelder von der Pharma abkassiert und Berge von ungetesteten Impfstoffen entsorgt. Zum
Glück gab es damals noch kein Impfobligatorium, das hätte missbraucht werden können.
Schweinegrippe und der strenge Geruch der Korruption
und-der-strenge-geruch-der-korrupti.html Schweinegrippe-Skandal: Pharmaindustrie bezahlte
mediale Panikmache
panikmache-.html WHO-Liste nennt Grippeberater mit finanziellen Verbindungen zu
liste-nennt-grippeberater-mit-finanziellen-verbindungen-zu-impfstoffherstellern.html CDC-
Direktorin übernimmt hohen Posten in der Pharmaindustrie
direktorin-uebernimmt-hohen-posten-in-der-phar.html Tamiflu: Pharmafirmen verheimlichen
systematisch unerwünschte Forschungsergebnisse
------------------------------------------------------------ Freiheit bewahren
------------------------------------------------------------ Bist Du nicht willig, so brauch ich
(staatliche) Gewalt: Jetzt wollen Bund und Pharma die uneingeschränkte Macht,
Impfobligatorien für Menschen und Tiere anzuordnen. Wollen Sie einer handvoll Politikern und
Multis wirklich die Macht geben zu entscheiden, was in Ihren Körper und den Ihrer Haus- und
Nutztiere gespritzt wird? Wir SchweizerInnen bilden dank unserer direkten Demokratie den
einzigen echten Souverän auf dem ganzen Kontinent. Unsere politischen Entscheidungen finden
weltweit Beachtung. Wir können die entmachteten Völker zur Rückeroberung ihrer
Bürgerrechte und zur Einführung direkter Demokratie inspirieren. Unsere Vorfahren haben
grosse Opfer gebracht, um die Freiheit zu erkämpfen. Gewissen und
Verantwortungsbewusstsein weisen uns an, für unser Land und unsere Grundrechte
einzustehen und dieses unschätzbare Erbe für die kommenden Generationen zu bewahren.
Zweifeln Sie niemals daran, dass eine kleine Gruppe aufmerksamer und entschlossener
BürgerInnen die Welt verändern kann. In der Tat ist es das Einzige, was die Welt jemals
verändert hat. - Margaret Mead Handeln Sie jetzt und sammeln Sie gemeinsam mit uns
Unterschriften! Das Referendum gegen das Impfobligatorium für Menschen folgt. Weitere
Nachrichten stoppen: Bitte Nachricht mit Betreff "stoppen" und der zu streichenden eMail-
Adresse an den Absender schicken. Liebe Mitkämpfer Vermutlich braucht es noch eine
organisierte Aktion! Die Idee besteht darin, dass wir am kommenden Wochenende uns
(nochmals) in kleineren und grösseren Gruppen auf Festen und Märkten zeigen, um dort in
einer letzten grossen Aktion die restlichen Unterschriften zu sammeln. Wir bitten jede der hier
angeschriebenen Vereinigungen und Einzelpersonen zu melden, wie viele Leute sie mobilisieren
können. Bis Freitag wissen wir genauer, wie der Stand ist. So können wir berechnen, wie viel Pro
Person noch gesammelt werden muss. Bei erreichen der nötigen Anzahl Unterschriften, können
wir eine Gartenparty bei Sepp auf seinem Hof definitiv organisieren. Und das würde uns vom
Komitee natürlich mega freuen, Euch sicher auch. Schaut Euch in Eurer Umgebung um und teilt
Sepp mit, auf welchem Markt, Fest oder sonstigen Veranstaltung wie viele Leute gehen werden.
Nehmt jeweils Couverts und Briefe für die Übergabe an die Gemeinden mit. Am Sonntagabend,
meist vor 17.00 Uhr kann auf dem Bahnhof noch eingeworfen werden für die Zustellung am
nächsten Tag, direkt zu den Gemeinden. Wenn am Sonntag länger gesammelt wird, können
auch am Montag die Unterschriftenbögen direkt den Gemeinden gebracht werden. So sind die
Unterschriften spätestens Dienstag bei den Gemeinden und spätestens Donnerstag bei uns. Also
gerade noch passend um die Unterschriften nach Bern zu bringen. Teilt uns bitte mit, wie viele
Personen ihr habt, die zuverlässig am Samstag und Sonntag mithelfen beim Unterschriften
sammeln. Wenn Ihr am Samstag Abend meldet, wie viel Ihr gesammelt habt, werden wir den
Stand mitteilen, und berechnen, was es noch braucht pro Person. Bitte setzt Euch direkt mit
Sepp Zahner in Verbindung. Er koordiniert die ganze Aktion.
bHVld2luLmNo> Wir sind sehr nahe am Ziel. Es braucht aber noch diese Aktion, damit wir es
auch sicher erreichen werden. Beginnt am besten heute, die Leute anzufragen, damit sie auch
planen können. Wir sind uns sicher, dass alle den Kampfgeist haben, diesen Erfolg
heimzuholen. Besten Dank Euch allen. Euer TSG Referendums Komitee]]> 6036 2012-06-29
12:39:35 2012-06-29 12:39:35 closed open swiss-seek-referendum-over-new-compulsory-
vaccine-law publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_86680af82815af9b7a85608eb31bac46

Object 116 Object 117]]>

pandemic-vaccination-campaign/ Fri, 29 Jun 2012 12:42:26 +0000 birdflu666
v=ebcG_WcsezY& Off the radar screen, the Globalists have been strenghtening
their mass pandemic vaccination machinery under the control of WHO. All that is required is a
new „trigger“, a new wave of „bird flu“ virus hype, and we could again be facing the same threat
of mass vaccination from toxic jabs as in 2009 - and also by force. A WHO pandemic emergency
level 6 declaration continues to open the door to forced vaccination with a vaccine now proven
to have caused severe autoimmune diseases in 2009. If anything, WHO „reforms“ in 2011 have
magnified the threat posed by a false flag pandemic to the globe. In 2011, pharmaceutical
companies became „key stakeholders“ in the WHO pandemic virus early warning system. That
means, Big Pharma now has an unprecedented opportunity to hype any new virus threat at the
very start of a "pandemic" as well as to incorporate especially lethal virus mutations into
pandemic vaccines Plans have also been drawn up to deliver pandemic vaccine faster in the
event of a WHO pandemic level 6 declaration. Forced vaccination laws have been tightened in
countries such as Switzerland and Poland. The world has slept but the Globalists have not. They
have learned the lessons of the failure of the 2009 pandemic vaccination campaign and
tightened the loopholes. The new wave of bird flu virus hype in the mainstream media suggests
the Globalists could be planning a new false flag pandemic emergency soon. Infowars is
promoting the Globalist virus hype -- and mass vaccination agenda -- in step with the corporate-
controlled mainstream media as it did in 2009.
research-published-as-virus-just-mutations-away-from-pandemic/ There can be no more
doubt: Infowars is a Globalist misinformation tool. Not only is it promoting the absurd
„supervirus“ hype, Infowars has been ominously silent on the damage done by the pandemic
vaccine in 2009 which has now confirmed by the governments of Ireland, Norway, Finland and
Sweden. In Sweden, only 29 people died of the swine flu virus in 2009, far less than the 3000
who usually die each year from the seasonal flu. Yet more than 200 young people have already
been confirmed by Swedish health authorities to be suffering from narcolepsy, and the number
is growing all the time. According to Die Welt, 50,000 Germans, mainly young people, are also
suffering from narcolepsy, a huge number considering only about 6% of the Germans took the
pandemic jab in 2009. Infowars has also buried the key story about Baxter contaminating 72
kilos of seasonal flu with the deadly bird flu virus in biosecurity level 3 facilities in Austria in
2009. And it was Infowars which promoted Wolfgang Wodarg and the PACE inquiry led by UK
MP Paul Flynn. PACE omitted all mention of the vaccine damage in ist final report in June
2010, leaving the monolithic mass pandemic vaccination machinery under the control of WHO
in tact. Just days after Polish Health Minister Ewa Kopacz attended PACE hearing in 2010 to
testify on the pandemic vaccine dangers, half the Polish government was wiped out. The
Smolensk plane crash in April 2010 can be seen as a warning to government never again to
refuse a pandemic vaccination campaign. Please spread this message. Warn people to take
action. Press for an end to the national pandemic plans. Do it today. Help dismantle the WHO
mass vaccination machinery before it starts to roll again. Do not look to Infowars to help you.
Do not look to anyone. Take the initiative. It is your health which is at stake. Until we dismantle
these pandemic plans, we could be facing a false flag pandemic vaccination threat every few
years.]]> 6040 2012-06-29 12:42:26 2012-06-29 12:42:26 closed open video-on-risk-of-new-
monolithic-mass-pandemic-vaccination-campaign publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_16dc8632751e2d6c3df0984720c93711 25074 2012-06-29
21:57:38 2012-06-29 21:57:38 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
discovery-of-the-higgs-boson-prove-the-existence-of-god/ Fri, 06 Jul 2012 13:40:19 +0000
birdflu666 The invisible force field was with God in
the beginning of creation. Through the force field all things in the universe were made; without
interaction with the force field nothing was made that has been made. The force field operated
like a word, a command, a structuring language. It created electrons, protons and atoms and
organized atoms into building blocks to form stars and galaxies and life in an “intelligent
design.” When a particle flew through its space, the field made a decision about where to create
mass with intelligence and will. It let some particles whizz on through space but stopped shored
up other particles and created a pop star, a balloon and all the things which did not exist before.
The force field was the hand holding the pencil which sketched the universe. The creator God is
outside the created universe where the Higgs Boson force operates. The Higgs Boson is faster
than the speed of light because it is a part of the Creator’s dimension as well as the universe.
Only by moving in and out of the other dimension or absolute spirit can the Higgs particle be
faster than light, the fastest force in the created  universe. Faster than the speed of light and
time, the Higgs Boson can create the future world before we see it happening and is able to make
accurate prophesies about the way it will end. The force field created, chiseled, shaped all things
in the universe and all the things were beautiful, harmonious and symmetrical and directed by
elegant mathematics. In the force field was life,and that life was the light of all mankind. The
light shines in the darkness,and the darkness has not overcomeit. There was a man sent from
God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that
through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the
light.   The true light and consciousness of God that gives light to everyone was coming into the
world  made flesh as a human being. He was in the world, and though the world was made
through him, the world did not  recognize him. The glory of the superconscious mind who
understands all the workings of the universe and can change the laws at will, turn water into
wine, rise from the dead or show that death is an illusion, came among us as Jesus Christ to
show us the path to true life and raise our consciousness to see who we really are and what really
is. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet  to all who did
receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the  right to become children of God —
*13 *children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of
God and at one with the super consciousness. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling
among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father,
full of grace and truth. We have seen the glory with our intuition and now we see the glory with
our reason. The CERN atom smashers have found the most elusive particle which fits
completely with the theory of creation put forward in the prologue of John and in Genesis. As
the light reveals itself more and more in the world, the shadows shrink. Evil have no place left to
conceal its activities. It is not humans who have created the light which shines into their
activities. It is God who created the Higgs Boson and the light which shines ever more brightly
into all corners of our world and our hearts and souls.]]> 6042 2012-07-06 13:40:19 2012-07-06
13:40:19 closed open does-the-discovery-of-the-higgs-boson-prove-the-existence-of-god publish
0 0 post 0 _edit_last
colluded-in-interest-rate-libor-scam/ Fri, 06 Jul 2012 13:45:11 +0000 birdflu666 The Libor
scandal is focussing attention of parliament for the first time on the banking system and how it
really functions. The fractional reserve banking system, invented by the Rothschild dynasty,
means that modern banks can print money out of thin air and charge interest. However, their
capacity to pull off this scam depends on backing from a central government bank with a
monopoly right to issue legal tender or money to the banks for their day to day business. Central
banks can also print money to keep on making interest payments - bond buying -- when the
country can no longer afford them, sparking hyperinflation. Getting this „money“ for low
interest rate while charging high interest rates allows banks to make huge profits from the
interest rate difference in spite of the fact they have no money. Barclay’s chief Bob Diamond
actually refers to this scam in his email when he notes that the banks do not have to put up any
money up front. The interest bank fixing scam goes far beyond the UK and involves the Federal
Reserve and the ECB.  Involved in the Libor scam are also political figures. While a tiny group of
creditors who understand how this scam work get richer and richer, the UK is descending into a
third world country with mass poverty, hunger, unemployment, and a collapsing university
system and military capability. The UK’s bank balance sheets are four and half times the annial
GDP, notes Liam Halligan in The Telegraph. “Because the UK’s banking sector is absolutely
enormous, with balance sheets totalling more than four-and-a-half times’ annual GDP. In
proportionate terms, this is more than seven times the size of all US banks,” he writes.
euro-battle-but-not-the-war.html  Halligan pleads for genuine banking reform but this may not
be accomplished without root and branch political reform including abolishing the Saxe Coburg
Gotha monarchy, at the heart of the establishment network. Far from being a centre of
democracy and freedom, the UK is emerging as a centre of Globalist corruption far beyond the
City of London and the UK government’s support of a fascist EU government in Brussels. The
UK’s largest drug company GSK caught red handed trying to mass poison the UK and European
population with the Pandemrix jab in a hyped pandemic. The Queen gave a knighthood to the
CEO of GSK in May underlining how deep the personal corruption of the monarch is. Bank of
England chief Mervyn King and many of the other key bankers have also been given
knighthoods. Given the closeness of Prince William to the Queen, it is to be feared that the
genocidal gene goes all the way to the youngest generation. William recently joined a group of
investment bankers financing a major vaccine programme for Africans. The devil is a murderer AND a liar. If Prince
William joins in the tradition of lying as well as murdering, it should not surpise anyone given
the record of his father and his grandparents. It is time for the English to rise up and get rid of
this disastrous Saxe Coburg Gotha freaks so heavily involved in the fractional reserve and
vaccine scams and who apparently want to turn the UK into a 1984-style totalitarian society.]]>
6044 2012-07-06 13:45:11 2012-07-06 13:45:11 closed open bank-of-england-colluded-in-
interest-rate-libor-scam publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_a848bba92e3b638a9b524af495f92741 26523
implodes/ 2012-07-17 20:25:39 2012-07-17 20:25:39 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
end-of-democracy/ Fri, 06 Jul 2012 13:52:42 +0000 birdflu666 *172 GERMAN ECONOMISTS LEAD RESISTANCE
HITLER IN 1933 Leading economists in Germany have called on the citizens to take to the
streets to protest the governments decision to use limitless amounts of tax payers money to pay
creditors of crisis-hit eurozone banks in Wall Street and the City of London.
bankenunion-mit-grosser-sorge-11810620.html 172 top economists, including Hans Werner
Sinn from the Ifo institute, signed an open letter to Angela Merkel warning of a financial
disaster if the permanent ESM and fiscal pact goes ahead.
pact-a-841816.html The letter notes that the debts of the southern eurozone banks are three
times higher than the national souvereign debts and amount to 9 trillion.  Wall Street, the City
of London and a few German investors and banks are the only winners of the decision to
use tax money to shore up failed Spanish and Italian and Irish banks, the economists say. 
Banks must be allowed to fail. Investors who have made poor decisions have to bear the losses if
banks default argues the open letter published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The
economists say that it is delusionary to think the German parliament – or specifically ist tiny
and secretive committee – can control the outflow of funds from the ESM and EFSF to
„recapitalise“ Spanish and Italian banks or buy worthless bonds, lining the pockets of the super
rich. The sums involved are so large they will leave the German state with no money to run the
country, resulting in social breakdown. The money for the bankers in Wall Street, the City of
London and German banks are to be taken from the people and given straight to the bank
bypassing all parliamentary control in a move which financial expert Drik Müller called
„madness.“ A former
justice minister was among those who has already filed a complaint against the taxation without
represenation measure passed by the Bundestag in the blackest day in the country’s modern
history since the empowerment law of Adolf Hitler in 1933. Prof. Karl Albrecht
Schachtschneider: said the ESM and fiscal pact effectively abolishes the constitution and the
German constitutional court and called on citizens to do their duty take to the street if the judges
at the constitutional court fail to stop the abolition of democracy, the rule of law and German
widerstand#13415947140312&if_height=6926 Prof. Wilhelm Hankel warned that the
country was facing poverty and dictatorship. He said that the ESM and fiscal pact
spelled total impoverishment of Europe, a totalitarian government and the end of
western civilisation. Never in modern German history have the people been so betrayed by
their government as today when they were sold into perpetual debt slavery by a corrupt political,
corporate and media elite.  Fortunately, the calls for resistance to the coup d’etat by the
banksters against the democratic constitution has sparked calls for resistance from across
society. Article 20 of the German constitution calls on all citizens to actively resist the abolition
of the constitutional framework safeguarding democracitc order and soverignty of Germany. It
is now the moral duty of every German to learn from the black chapter of Nazi history, rise up
and fight for the constitution and restore law and order and sound money. Among the
opposition emerging to the debt slavery in Germany is an association representing family-
owned companies.
stuetzt-euro-protest#13415922201402&if_height=4837 Not just every German, but every
person in Europe and the UK has to mobilise to stop the bankster take over of our societies. This
is a tiny clique. Their names and identities are known and it is time for citizens to make citizen
arrests of the criminal elite.]]> 6046 2012-07-06 13:52:42 2012-07-06 13:52:42 closed open
german-economists-call-on-citizens-to-resist-end-of-democracy publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
hype/ Fri, 06 Jul 2012 13:54:31 +0000 birdflu666
Mexico declares emergency over new bird flu outbreak
Published: 03 July, 2012, 07:19 RT The Mexican government has declared a national animal
health emergency in the wake of a new outbreak of bird flu that has affected some 1.7 million
fowl, leaving around 870,000 dead.
257/]]> 6048 2012-07-06 13:54:31 2012-07-06 13:54:31 closed open mexico-source-of-new-
bird-flu-pandemic-hype publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_cfc3f1f67d7e713413da56c6852ca753 25700
flu-pandemics/ 2012-07-07 00:51:03 2012-07-07 00:51:03 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
referendum-on-new-forced-vaccine-law/ Fri, 06 Jul 2012 13:57:03 +0000 birdflu666 The time was 9:15 pm. In the final twelve hours
hundreds of signatures were collected in all parts of Switzerland sent by courier to the capital to
make up the required 50,000 signatures. “The Federal Council’s staff office is now in the process
of validating the signatures. As we have been directly working with local administrations, the
quality of the signatures should be high,“ writes Roger Burkhardt in an email. A referendum will
certainly see the new measure allowing for forced vaccination to be ordered by the Federal
Government almost certainly fail. It will be a bitter blow to the Globalists who have been trying
to tighten national vaccine laws behind the scenes in preparation for what appears to be a new
round of pandemic hype possibly centred around the Olympics.]]> 6050 2012-07-06 13:57:03
2012-07-06 13:57:03 closed open swiss-collect-enough-signatures-to-trigger-referendum-on-
new-forced-vaccine-law publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
sunday/ Fri, 06 Jul 2012 14:01:12 +0000 birdflu666
p=6052 6052 2012-07-06 14:01:12 2012-07-06 14:01:12 closed open guest-on-dr-rebecca-
carleys-radio-show-this-sunday publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
austrian-chancellor/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 13:18:54 +0000 birdflu666
Lord-Mandelson-was-purely-pleasure-not-business.html  ]]> 6056 2012-07-13 13:18:54 2012-
07-13 13:18:54 closed open stronach-pushes-rothschild-friend-as-new-austrian-chancellor
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_7329853df50b6b4171eef7527a45c232
spearhead-new-kampusch-investigation/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 13:25:02 +0000 birdflu666
Fragen-?direct=1264598&_vl_backlink=/home/  Let's hope the new
investigation leads to the jailing not only of culprits but also dozens of state prosecutors in
Vienna and Innsbruck, including head of the corruption state prosecutors Walter Geyer, for
their role in the cover up not to mention doctors at Vienna's General Hospital, the AKH, and
ORF journalists. Then Austrian citizens, whistleblowers and even interior ministers and police
inspectors might be able to live without constant fear of persecution and murder. Good luck!
]]> 6058 2012-07-13 13:25:02 2012-07-13 13:25:02 closed open fbi-agent-and-german-police-
chief-to-spearhead-new-kampusch-investigation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_522c8ecfe5305b3103ef3e04fe6e95e5 _oembed_5f597effd53b94c3cc4fa2a4be8af2d4
all-citizens-to-private-companies-in-57-seconds/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 13:29:39 +0000 birdflu666 It took just 57 seconds for a handful of lawmakers
in the German Bundestag to pass a law allowing for the sale of the private addresses of all the
people in Germany to private (Globalist security?) companies.

The furtive vote took place just before the semi final between Germany and Italy and marks a
low point.

]]> 6060 2012-07-13 13:29:39 2012-07-13 13:29:39 closed open german-parliament-sells-

private-address-of-all-citizens-to-private-companies-in-57-seconds publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_2d597d4b6499523b74524ea2c03ded22
high-treason-over-esm-in-just-two-days/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 13:33:21 +0000 birdflu666
die-regierenden/]]> 6063 2012-07-13 13:33:21 2012-07-13 13:33:21 closed open 1000-germans-
file-criminal-charges-alleging-high-treason-over-esm-in-just-two-days publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_b159a70a683d0fcc065bebff93f19a7e
history-court-blocks-esm/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 13:50:47 +0000 birdflu666 *Complaints temporarily block ESM/fiscal pact at
the German constitutional court *Pre revolutionary mood seizes Germany *Former
German judge warns of anarchy if the court continues to undermine the rule of
law *German think tank warns of social unrest *58% of the Germans want return
to the D Mark Complaints by an eclectic mix of  German professors, politicians and activist
citizens, alleging the government's latest "bank rescue" measures are a grave threat to German
democracy, managed to block the implementation of the ESM and fiscal pact on Tuesday. The
litigants including 12,000 citizens in the “More Democracy” movement, a former justice
minister , and a number of economists and lawyers succeeded in forcing Germany's
constitutional court to delay the implementation of the new taxation without representation
measures dreamt up by the banks, the EU, Angela Merkel and her cronies and voted into law by
the Bundestag last Friday.
in-court-battle-to-block-eurozone-bailouts.html The ESM and fisal pact will lead to the
impoverishment of German tax payers and the end of the democratic and souvereignty, say
experts. The Telegraph pointed out that Merkel's latest eurozone deal has no parliamentary
backing.  “While Mrs Merkel seemingly agreed to let the European Stability Mechanism (bail-
out fund) rescue banks directly – starting with Spain – she did not have the authority from the
Bundestag to do so. Indeed, she violated a categorical prohibition by the budget committee or
german-law-on-esm-rescue/ The plaintiffs, who oppose Germany transferring more power to
European institutions, are hoping the Constitutional court will finally do its job and protect the
constitution. Up to now, the German fedral court has allowed endless violations of the law but
under specific conditions. And it cannot be ruled out that the court rules after two months or so
that the ESM and fiscal pact are legal, for example, as long as the President signs the law with an
ink pen with a German flag on it or the signature is made on a rainy day. The judges should read
the verdicts of Nuremberg judges trial to see the legal basis they can be held to account for the
way they are giving an illusion of legality to violations of the basic law. The German basic law or
constitution could not be clearer. Parliamentary approval is not enough to guarantee a
democratic or legitimate decision. The German parliament in 1933 overwhelmingly approved a
measure to make Hitler a dictator under the pretext of an emergecy. To stop the parliament ever
again misusing ist power, including in a so called emergency, the final arbiter of a democratic
and legitimate is the German constitution.  The constitution is crystal clear. Nothing can abolish
the existing democratic order of Germany or its souvereignty. Not even parliament. Not even in
a -- hyped -- emergency The German constitution makes resistance to any attempt to aboklish
the democratic and souverign order a duty. Former constitutional court judge Paul Kirchhof has
warned of social chaos and anarchy if the court continues to undermine the rule of law.
eu-verfassungsnot-11817188.html]]> 6067 2012-07-13 13:50:47 2012-07-13 13:50:47 closed
open on-most-dramatic-day-in-modern-german-history-court-blocks-esm publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_d843bcff34151343d0fd43a336595197
_oembed_8c1659bfac510d7d21c1228e3d8d897f _oembed_f11e3230f63abfc4ccb172c3a40df3fa
_oembed_91e40a571735a1a3ef1d31a1be325e6d _oembed_6cf75a4d3c4263f348f078c65e5eebe7
manipulation/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 13:58:26 +0000 birdflu666
p=6072  Some sums showing
how the UK economy is vanishing into a black hole of interest:  Banks have balance sheets or
loans of  11.16 trillion dollars - 4.5 times the GDP. If they charge 2% interest on their
"loans"  that amounts to 0.2232 billion or 9% of the UK GDP. 4% interest  is 0.4464 or 18% of
the GDP. Etc etc On top of that come the bailouts.  Bank of England is a key player in this fraud
because it gives the banks the legal tender to carry out their privatised money fraud.]]> 6072
2012-07-13 13:58:26 2012-07-13 13:58:26 closed open serious-fraud-office-to-investigate-libor-
manipulation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_2c40ad8ebc03448e214f6acbcc1293dc
purchase-plan/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 16:51:09 +0000 birdflu666
p=6075 6075 2012-07-13 16:51:09 2012-07-13 16:51:09 closed open germans-reject-
compulsory-souveriegn-bond-purchase-plan publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_7a3fbca2fea5a53ca1ec2dd19cd7b8c3 _oembed_27fca4ff093d279fb17bc0f9f4f14878
consumer-fraud-in-history-banks-face-lawsuits-into-billions/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 16:53:36 +0000
birdflu666 : 07:43 GMT, 12 July 2012 As the
investigation into the LIBOR interest rate-rigging in the United Kingdom becomes a financial
scandal of tsunami-like proportions, some analysts are openly wondering whether 16 of the
world's largest banks have perpetrated the biggest fraud in history. Read more:
biggest-consumer-fraud-history.html#ixzz20WSCfMOp It’s time to turn attention to the Bank
of England, the main facilitator of this and the fractional banking fraud, costing the UK
economy hundreds of billions every year....]]> 6077 2012-07-13 16:53:36 2012-07-13 16:53:36
closed open libor-interest-scandal-could-be-biggest-consumer-fraud-in-history-banks-face-
lawsuits-into-billions publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
risk-of-rare-nerve-disorder/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 16:55:08 +0000 birdflu666 swine flu" vaccine given to millions of Canadians
was associated with twice the normal risk of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome — a rare but
potentially paralyzing nerve disorder, Quebec researchers are reporting.
6912586/story.html]]> 6079 2012-07-13 16:55:08 2012-07-13 16:55:08 closed open canada-
swine-flu-vaccine-linked-to-increased-risk-of-rare-nerve-disorder publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
sherri-kane-to-talk-about-the-controlled-alternative-media-the-second-layer-of-lies/ Fri, 13 Jul
2012 16:57:19 +0000 birdflu666 . Vaccination Opponents Protest Alex Jones's and "'True' Ott's"
Propaganda >> for BigPharma.  Honolulu--Exposing how pandemic frights are generated for
profit and >> population control, Sherri Kane's latest interview with Dr. Leonard >> Horowitz
and Jane Burgermeister breaks new ground on how media >> propagandists deceive the public,
including broadcasters Alex Jones and >> "Dr. 'True' Ott" who are complicit with
COINTELPRO--the National Security >> Agency's Counter-Intelligence Program administered
through the FBI and >> CIA--generating fear and disinformation rather than solutions. Leading
>> H1N1 whistleblowers, Horowitz and Burgermeister, share their first hand >> experience of
the "PSYOPS" that defames all legitimate activists to keep >> unwitting populations sick and
enslaved. >> >> VIEW VIDEO NOW!.]]> 6082 2012-07-13 16:57:19 2012-07-13 16:57:19 closed
open guest-on-radio-show-of-len-horowitz-and-sherri-kane-to-talk-about-the-controlled-
alternative-media-the-second-layer-of-lies publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last 26784 2012-07-26
20:09:40 2012-07-26 20:09:40 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published
akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on
the-mysterious-zombie-disease-in-uganda-caused-by-vaccines/ Fri, 13 Jul 2012 17:06:39
+0000 birdflu666 *Listen to expert Dr Rebecca
Carley discuss the latest pandemic hype surrounding a "zombie disease" on Sunday, 15th July,
with myself as a guest *Symptoms of children in Uganda and Tanzania similar to
narcolepsy caused by Pandemrix pandemic vaccine *Vaccine tweaked with rabies
virus could be cause of "zombie disease" *Prince William's Tusk charity funded
rabies vaccination programmes in afflicted region in Tanzania. Coincidence?
*Queen and Charles gave knighthood to Pandemrix manufacturer's CEO in May
*Olympics could be scene of bioterrorist or other false flag operation The mysterious
"nodding disease" afflicting thousands of children in Uganda and Tanzania sounds similar to the
"sleeping disease" narcolepsy afflicting thousands of children in the British Isles and Europe as a
result of the pandemic vaccine. Compare this description of the symptoms of the  children in
children-zombies-Uganda.html With the symptoms of children such as Josh Hadfield, 6, who
developed similar problems after taking the Pandemrix swine flu vaccine in the UK in 2009:
jab.html The UK government is covering up the Pandemrix vaccine scandal. Finland has already
confirmed the link between the sleeping disorder and the vaccine. Granted, the nodding disease seems
to be even more damaging and a vaccine spiked with a tweaked rabies virus could be the reason
according to Dr Rebecca Carley. There have been plenty of mass vaccination programmes
recently in Uganda. A charity connected with
Prince William is supporting a rabies vaccination project in Tanzania, and in a region also
afflicted by the so called nodding disease....
vaccination-project.asp Is this a coincidence? Prince William has supported other vaccine
programmes in association with ARK and the sinister eugenicist Bill and Melinda Gates
partner-ark-works-to-defeat-rotavirus/ All the signs are that Prince William is afflicted with the
same a eugenicist vaccine mindset hidden behind the same façade of lardy dardy as other
members of his family.
y+Attend/A8gPoPqYiff Queen Elizabeth and the rest of the Saxe Coburg Gotha clan thought so
highly of GlaxoSmithKline’s mass poisoning of people of the UK and the world by means of the
Pandemrix jab that she granted GSK CEO Andrew Witty a knighthood in May. This is the same
Queen who refused to give Mick Jagger a knighthood because he was anti Establishment.
Bottomline: It is okay to mass poison millions of people for Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg Gotha the
but not to be against her. I think that makes her look like she has the morality of moll, . Princess
Diana and Harry were never made members of the secretive and sinister order of Garter and
Thistle. It is just William who joins Elizabeth, Philip and Charles of the Saxe Coburg Gothas.
Rise up, England! Clap all the vaccine eugenicist Saxe Coburg Gothas in jail including William –
and do it  before they use the Olympics to stage a false flag terror attack to wrest control of the
UK and turn it into George Orwell’s “1984”. The net is closing in on the multi generational Saxe-
Coburg Gotha crime gang and they might be getting desperate and be willing to try one last roll
of the dice.]]> 6084 2012-07-13 17:06:39 2012-07-13 17:06:39 closed open is-the-mysterious-
zombie-disease-in-uganda-caused-by-vaccines publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_f30feccb97cb648e91c931ecd95eafa5 _oembed_fe2948082314d909f363cc2251adcc7f
_oembed_1e99475c748b112c961c07a122cc4aac _oembed_b21dccf9dc61118d751ec2ea3b9ffac1
_oembed_27449de2c12d861233ac2bb5387dbcd7 26268 2012-07-14 18:32:41 2012-07-14 18:32:41 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_result
akismet_history jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
money/ Fri, 20 Jul 2012 13:20:10 +0000 birdflu666
p=6087 6087 2012-07-20 13:20:10 2012-07-20 13:20:10 closed open uks-biggest-bank-funds-
terrorists-with-drug-money publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
millions-protesting-banker-scam/ Fri, 20 Jul 2012 13:22:57 +0000 birdflu666
cuts-634/]]> 6089 2012-07-20 13:22:57 2012-07-20 13:22:57 closed open spanish-police-use-
rubber-bullets-to-disperse-millions-protesting-banker-scam publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_49bd3b28f4154b3748c15674465b05af Fri,
20 Jul 2012 13:26:34 +0000 birdflu666
EconMatters | Jul. 20, 2012, 6:03 AM Since the Global Community all the sudden seems to be
preoccupied with Market manipulation even though the authorities knew it was a problem for
over 5 years with Libor Rate Fixing. It is high time authorities look at the Crude Oil market
which has been manipulated for the last decade and all the sophisticated participants know it is
rigged or artificially higher than the fundamentals of the economy dictate. Consumers are
paying an easy $35 dollars per barrel over what they would otherwise doll out for a barrel of oil
if fund managers didn`t use the benchmark futures contracts as their own personal ATMs. Read
market-manipulation-is-far-worse-2012-7]]> 6091 2012-07-20 13:26:34 2012-07-20 13:26:34
closed open which-market-rigging-operation-is-worse publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
east-german-communist-did-says-politician/ Fri, 20 Jul 2012 13:32:27 +0000 birdflu666
%22.html]]> 6093 2012-07-20 13:32:27 2012-07-20 13:32:27 closed open german-parliament-
rubber-stamps-laws-like-east-german-communist-did-says-politician publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_32879952da7ef89f2421abd0ef326156
scientists/ Fri, 20 Jul 2012 13:36:35 +0000 birdflu666
p=6098 FDA Lawyers Getting Heat Over Agency Spying on Scientists, Doctors
From Blog of Legal Times The Food and Drug Administration's top lawyers are under fire from
Congress for apparently explicitly authorizing, in writing, a program to conduct surveillance on
agency scientists who expressed safety concerns about medical products. Read more at:
scientists-doctors.html]]> 6098 2012-07-20 13:36:35 2012-07-20 13:36:35 closed open us-
drug-regulator-spied-on-and-fired-critical-scientists publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
even-when-no-pandemic-says-reuters/ Fri, 20 Jul 2012 13:44:12 +0000 birdflu666 Next time, experts say, we need another approach.
Talk is centred on "pre-pandemic vaccination" - immunising people years in advance against a
flu pandemic that has yet to happen, and may never come, rather than rushing to create
vaccines once a new pandemic starts.“  Reuters also says some governments have stockpiled
more of the pandemic vaccines now proven to have caused brain disorders like narcolepsy.
"Scientists and vaccine makers have already produced pre-pandemic H5N1 vaccines and some
are stockpiled by wealthy countries like the United States and European governments for front-
line medical staff. Pharmaceutical companies have also invested heavily in ramping up flu
vaccine production capacity - partly due to the H1N1 pandemic and partly in response to World
Health Organisation (WHO) calls for better preparedness for next time. Annual flu vaccination
programmes have also gained impetus in recent years, with the result that seasonal campaigns
are well-established in many developed and some developing countries and structures therefore
exist to immunise lots of people." Read more at:
feedType=RSS&feedName=globalCoverage2]]> 6102 2012-07-20 13:44:12 2012-07-20 13:44:12
closed open people-to-be-given-pre-pandemic-vaccines-even-when-no-pandemic-says-reuters
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_df57aa3aa38f7738e44f4dc3a21ba6dd 26741
2012-07-25 13:39:59 2012-07-25 13:39:59 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published
akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 26867
millions-of-vaccines-against-future-global-flu/ 2012-07-29 13:32:00 2012-07-29
13:32:00 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_history akismet_result
into-hiding-to-prevent-vaccination-of-son/ Fri, 20 Jul 2012 13:50:22 +0000 birdflu666
against-mothers-right-refuse-vaccination In a
similar case in Canada, Alex Hunter took his children out of school after his son was given a
forced vaccine even after Alex had signed a school form categorically stating he did not want him
to be given any vaccines.   Check out Alex Hunter's shocking story and other information at his
Jokertattooo youtube channel.  ]]> 6104 2012-07-20 13:50:22 2012-07-20 13:50:22 closed open
irish-mother-goes-into-hiding-to-prevent-vaccination-of-son publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
measures/ Fri, 20 Jul 2012 14:00:59 +0000 birdflu666
p=6107 The measures
approved by the Polish Sejm on June 15th 2012 give a clue as what could be in store for the rest
of us in the event of a new pandemic emergency declaration. The Daily Mail is one of the many
mainstream media outlets currently hyping a new pandemic bird flu and zoombie emergency as
well as so-called "pre-pandemic" vaccines which could now be given to us without any pandemic
emergency declaration!
vaccines.html Questionable and illegal are plans to restrict access to information about any
infectious disease or pandemic virus to a small group of institutions and fee paying clients in the
new Polish laws. Even these groups can be denied information under a clause governing the new
information network GIS (Sentinel). Without access to documents and facts, it will be much
harder for bloggers and activists to refute pandemic propaganda as we were able to do in 2009.
It will also be much easier to declare vaccine critics mentally ill, shut down their blogs and haul
them away. Restricting information in this way is surely, however, against the law. There is a
legal right to information. The new Polish laws also loosen the definition of what constitutes an
infectious disease, thereby allowing a pandemic to be declared more quickly. In fact, a pandemic
can be declared with no reason at all and virtually arbitrarily, says Ryszard. In 2009, WHO also
loosened its criteria of a pandemic in order to be able to declare a pandemic emergency level 6,
triggering national pandemic vaccination plans. People can be forced to take not just one
vaccine but several under the new Polish plans. Vague language about who can be subjected to a
forced vaccination allows for compulsion to be extended to all people and not just children. The
new law also contains measures for compulsory vaccination by medical personnel under the
supervision of a doctor. Perhaps negatively impressed by the way half the Polish government
was wiped out in the mysterious Smolensk plane crash – and just after the then Polish Health
Minister Ewa Kopacz gave evidence at the PACE inquiry about her reasons for rejecting
pandemic vaccines in 2009 --, Polish lawmakers are falling over themselves to tighten pandemic
laws in a way favourable to Big Pharma. Fortunately, a massive movement of protest has
started.]]> 6107 2012-07-20 14:00:59 2012-07-20 14:00:59 closed open alarm-over-new-
polish-forced-vaccination-measures publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_edfbb28d413c521be10ad578bf276058 26744 2012-07-25 15:13:11 2012-07-25 15:13:11 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_result
jabber_published akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
hitler-read-new-chapter-of-fiction-book-today/ Fri, 20 Jul 2012 17:26:48 +0000 birdflu666 Stauffenberg_and_Hitler_ebook_4 More coming
soon.]]> 6109 2012-07-20 17:26:48 2012-07-20 17:26:48 closed open anniversary-of-
stauffenbergs-attempt-to-kill-hitler-read-new-chapter-of-fiction-book-today publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_6480c975fff5435f2629294467894262
hitler-read-new-chapter-of-fiction-book-today/stauffenberg_and_hitler_ebook_4/ Fri, 20 Jul
2012 17:16:26 +0000 birdflu666 6110
2012-07-20 17:16:26 2012-07-20 17:16:26 closed open stauffenberg_and_hitler_ebook_4
inherit 6109 0 attachment 0
_wp_attached_file _wp_attachment_metadata
angela-merkel/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:37:25 +0000 birdflu666
p=6115 Merkel has turned Greece into "a concentration camp;"  Greeks treated as the Jews.
Read more in Germany's Bild newspaper:

]]> 6115 2012-07-27 11:37:25 2012-07-27 11:37:25 closed open greeks-file-charges-of-genocide-

against-angela-merkel publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
sharking-debt-scam-has-gone-32-trillion-held-offshore-by-super-rich/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:43:03
+0000 birdflu666 6117 2012-07-27 11:43:03 2012-
07-27 11:43:03 closed open where-has-all-our-money-from-the-loan-sharking-debt-scam-has-
gone-32-trillion-held-offshore-by-super-rich publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
involved-in-libor-interest-rate-manipulation/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:45:26 +0000 birdflu666 Jonathan Russell, Assitant City Editor, The
Telegraph 11:57AM BST 23 Jul 2012 US prosecutors and their European peers are understood to
have contacted defence lawyers representing traders at banks such as Royal Bank of Scotland,
Barclays and UBS to notify them arrests are imminent.
imminent-as-US-authorities-close-in.html]]> 6119 2012-07-27 11:45:26 2012-07-27 11:45:26
closed open criminal-charges-expected-against-bankers-involved-in-libor-interest-rate-
manipulation publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_dfe7b522a48fb026297c72455e39210a
downgraded-industrial-production-collapses/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:48:28 +0000 birdflu666
downgrades-germany-aa 6/26/2012: Federal Republic Of Germany: EJR lowered AA- to A+
(Neg.) (S&P: AAA) (3413Z GR) Stuck - whether or not Greece and other EMU members exit,
Germany will be left with massive, additional, uncollectable receivables. Via the ECB's Target 2,
Germany is owed EUR700B of which perhaps 50% is collectible and then there is the banks'
southern EMU exposures.  Germany's debt to GDP was 87% as of 2011. However, increasing
Germany's debt by EUR700B to EUR2.9T for its indirect exposures raises the adjusted debt to
GDP to 114%." And industrial production in Germany declined 6.6 percent in May of 2012.  ]]> 6121 2012-07-27
11:48:28 2012-07-27 11:48:28 closed open germany-enters-debt-death-spiral-germany-
downgraded-industrial-production-collapses publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:50:25 +0000 birdflu666    ]]> 6123 2012-07-27 11:50:25 2012-07-27
11:50:25 closed open bbc-flu-vaccines-for-all-children-25-july-2012 publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _oembed_789f4096ff6e4c536492a7e90f1ec9f5
of-life-order/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:53:04 +0000 birdflu666
  O=bam-bam Care Highlighted by Page Number    THE CARE BILL HB 3200   JUDGE KITHIL
Judge Kithil of  Marble Falls,  TX -  highlighted the most egregious pages of HB3200 Please    
read this........ Especially the reference to pages 58 & 59    JUDGE KITHIL wrote:   **                
Page 50/section 152:  The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. Residents, even if they are
here illegally. **                 Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an
individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from
those accounts. **                 Page 65/section 164:  The plan will be subsidized (by the
government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as
the Association Of Community Organizations for Reform Now -ACORN). ** Page 203/line 14-
15:  The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax.  (How could anybody in their
right mind come up with that?) ** Page 241 and 253:  Doctors will all be paid the same
regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees. **                 Page 272.
Section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age. **                 Page 317
and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however,
communities may petition for an exception. **                 Page 425, line 4-12: The government
mandates advance-care planning consultations.  Those on Social Security will be required to
attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling..) I ** Page 429, 
line 13-25:  The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order. HAD        
ENOUGH????  Judge Kithil then goes on to identify: "Finally,    it is specifically stated that this
bill will not apply to members of Congress.  Members of Congress are already Exempt from the
Social Security system, and have a well-funded private plan that covers their retirement needs.
If they were on our Social Security plan, I believe they would find a very quick 'fix' to make the
plan financially sound for their future."    -    Honorable David Kithil of Marble Falls, Texas All of
the above should give you the ammo you need to support your opposition to Obamacare. Please
send this information on to all of your email contacts.  

  When Injustice becomes law, Rebellion becomes duty!   When the people fear the government
you have Tyranny." ~Thomas Jefferson,

 ]]> 6125 2012-07-27 11:53:04 2012-07-27 11:53:04 closed open obamacare-dissected-doctors-

can-write-end-of-life-order publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_79b52508ef9a318160badea2c5070450 26998 2012-08-05
02:51:03 2012-08-05 02:51:03 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Fri, 27
Jul 2012 11:54:44 +0000 birdflu666 Planet
Infowars July 16, 2012 and Prison have reported at-length on
potential false flag concerns centering around the 2012 Olympics, most recently in
a whistleblower interview with acclaimed director Ben Fellows who revealed startling plans to
evacuate London during the games. Now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
is using the event to push vaccines.
pushes-measles-vaccine-ahead-of-london-olympics/    ]]> 6128 2012-07-27 11:54:44 2012-07-27
11:54:44 closed open cdc-hypes-vaccines-ahead-of-olympics publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
of-virulent-and-deadly-pandemic-which-did-not-occur-in-2009/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:57:45
+0000 birdflu666 Read about the "deadly"
pandemic scenario killing millions considered plausible in 2012 by the Rockefeller foundation
3deb007cc719.pdf „In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally
hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was
extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly
overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the
global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young
adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both
people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global
supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months,
devoid of both employees and customers. The pandemic blanketed the planet — though
disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus
spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed
countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’s initial policy of “strongly
discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the
virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better —
China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory
quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders,
saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and
enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.“]]> 6130 2012-07-27 11:57:45 2012-07-27 11:57:45
closed open rockefeller-foundation-says-2012-will-be-year-of-virulent-and-deadly-pandemic-
which-did-not-occur-in-2009 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_cfdb41dd690180bd649bfb9479435aa3 27001 2012-08-05
06:12:29 2012-08-05 06:12:29 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Fri, 27 Jul 2012
12:00:10 +0000 birdflu666]]> 6132
2012-07-27 12:00:10 2012-07-27 12:00:10 closed open check-out-sherri-kanes-blog publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _oembed_16e000b75165a474a3bd8f46befee117
vaccine-measures/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:03:36 +0000 birdflu666 "President: Dr J. Jaskowski, Quaestor: MA
Z.Miłkowska, Chancellor: MSc. W.Wesolek The Association is not notified to the United Nations
and the Council of Europe Address: 80-255 Gdańsk, 3 Starowiślna Street   Dear Marshal of the
Senate of the Republic of Poland Dear PT Senators Open Letter on the amendment of the law on
the prevention and suppression of infectious diseases on the basis of parliamentary print
No.293 and 416 Dear Sirs With great surprise we got acquainted with substantiation PT
DeputyRapporteur Alicja Dabrowska on the necessity to amend the named Act in such a
direction as indicated in the Annex.While The DeputyRapporteur was discussing the need to
change the previous Act of 05 December 2009, she misinforms you Deputies and Senators in an
obvious way, to put it mildly. The Deputy already in the first paragraph gives the groundless
assertion that the work on the modification of the law were caused by cit."the need to adapt the
Act to the changing needs of epidemiological surveillance and control of infectious diseases."
The DeputyRapporteur, however, does not specify what epidemiological surveillance problems
in the period of just over two years contributed to this sudden need for modification. What are
the supposed changing epidemiological surveillance situations which emerged after the release
of the previous law? The DeputyRapporteur also stresses: page 9, paragraph 2, that quoted:
"The object of the draft law is outside the scope of EU law." So, supposedly, the European Union
sees no need to get involved and change the legislation, and a group of deputies under the
influence of rather unspecified factor X makes profound changes. Below we would like to give
examples of such changes, contrary both to the current Constitution of the Republic, and other
laws. We shall also present the advantages for certain groups associated with this, after the
Health Commission's proposed changes and the loss for you. The DeputyRapporteur, MD Alicja
Dabrowska, states: page 1, paragraph 2 quoted: "The need for amendment resulted from the
experience gained from the application of law by the representatives of the central government,
the Chief Sanitary Inspector ......... as well as representatives of district and provincial
authorities of the State Sanitary Inspection." The Deputy does not give a single example to
negative "experience" those representatives gave. The Chief Sanitary Inspector did not speak on
any negative experiences of the previous law either. What a terrible experience did GIS
representatives gain that the Act must be amended in deep secrecy? If we analyze the proposed
changes, the unequivocal conclusion raises that they are made under the influence of
szczepionkarskiego lobby! And specifically they must increase their profits. In the following
paragraph The DeputyRapporteur supports the need for changes in the law with the need to
align the terminology with other laws and states that the proposed amendments are of a formal
and legal and do not require new tasks on sanitary epidemiological stations, or cause additional
expenses. Is that true? Unfortunately, MD Alicja Dabrowska, to put it delicately, does not speak
true. Whereas, with almost certain probability, you can clearly say that she does it in a conscious
way. It is difficult to assume that the medical doctor would not understand what is changing the
definition of infectious disease. Article 2 point 1 of the proposed amendment changes the
definition of infectious disease. cit: "Infectious disease - a disease that is caused by biological
pathogenic factors" We have a few problems at this one point, both legal and financial. First, the
definitions of diseases are defined internationally. Neither a single person nor the organization
can change concepts. This is so obvious that it needs no justification. Unless, there is need to
make profit behind this. In Poland, up to now the UN definition was in force. According to the
medical dictionary: Contagious diseases are infectious diseases in other words. Contagious
disease is characterized by the fact that it can be moved very easily between the two individuals.
In case of humans, contagious diseases are mainly caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungus. The
symptoms and treatment will depend directly on the type of the disease. Textbook definition:
CONTAGIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES General: The concept of contagious disease. A
contagious disease is the disease, which is formed under the influence of intrusion and the
development of microorganisms in the human body. According to the NIH website: Definitions
of the cases of contagious diseases in this document are intended to unify the declaration and to
ensure comparability of data collected within the framework of epidemiological surveillance in
Poland and the European Community. Applying of these definitions focuses on the qualification
and registration of cases by the sanitary-epidemiological stations and preparation of reports by
these institutions.... MZ-56 print. In the routine epidemiological surveillance of contagious
diseases in Poland there are three types of definitions: 1. standard definitions of the European
Union 2. definitions of European Union adapted to the needs of supervision in Poland 3.Polish
definitions - in the absence of definitions in force in the European Community It is curious to
which group does the deputy include the proposed changing of the definition? At the same time
a very important question: why in spite of government declarations, the discussed amendment
ignores the fact of Polish membership in the European Union. Is it possible that PT Deputies do
not know the relevant laws, quote: " COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES
having regarded the Treaty establishing the European Community, having regarded /repeated
and it is incomprehensible/ the decision No. 2119/98/EC of the European Parliament and the
Council of 24 September 1998 setting up a network of epidemiological surveillance and control
of contagious diseases [1], and in particular art.3 point a) and c) and art. 8. Contrary to the
opinions stated by Deputy A. Dądrowska, the proposed amendment to the legislation interferes
with the Union legislation and it is so far that it makes it impossible to compare the relevant
documents. If we assume a different definition, all statistical comparisons are not possible, what
yesterday was an contagious disease, now might be something else and vice versa. It is difficult
to presume that a specialist group called the Health Committee of the Parliament of the
Republic would not know about it. For example, it is known that after the vaccination the
measles viruses occur in clods in the digestive tract and can infect for example a family and be
the cause of the disease of vaccinated person. According to the new definition it will not be a
complication after the vaccination but only the new disease. In other words: in this clever way
any postvaccinal complications will disappear. Nobody will be able to claim compensation,
because there are no complications. Of course in statistics. Poland is a signatory to many
international agreements. In those contracts there are defined the terms of infectious diseases.
How would it be possible to fulfill those contracts after the introduction of such legislative
confusion? Besides this, the definition of contagious diseases is the textbook definition of the
subject: infectious diseases. Changing of the concepts of infectious diseases forces the change of
the textbooks. After all, graduates of medical schools, undergraduate rescue studies and nursing
schools, if they are to implement the new law, they must know what we call an infectious disease
and what not. The average study period lasts several years. How these concepts are to be
changed in the textbooks and scripts – the Deputy Rapporteur do not mention. Who is to bear
the costs of such changes? Also nothing. On this subject - silence. Thirdly, as the Deputy
Rapporteur surely knows, we have a body called the Central Statistical Office. One of the tasks of
this state institution is to collect and analyze data. How can you compare the disease with
completely different definitions? How and on what basis the Government will set priorities for
the needs with not knowing whether the incidence is increasing or decreasing? In this regard,
there is also the lack of explanation. All forms of notification of infectious diseases are
inconclusive, according to official definitions. According to current law, all shall be disposed of
as waste paper and new ones should be printed. Of course, at taxpayer expense, because the
Deputy clearly said in a parliament appearance, that the proposed changes do not cause the
financial burden. Another statement is very peculiar: page 2 line 8 from below quoted: "Taking
into account the high costs that would be carried by the stations ...... the rules were abandoned
that have introduced reimbursement of the cost of the notification unfavourable postvaccinal
reactions and illnesses ..... the legal doctors obligations to keep records of applications were
abandoned as well. " Firstly: What high costs? The Deputy A. Dąbrowska would not mention.
Each sanitary and epidemiological stations as well as GIS have official Internet connections.
Similarly, they have health care facilities. What is the cost here of sending information by the
doctor about finding complications after vaccination? This remains a sweet mystery of the
Commission. Secondly, how is a refund of alleged cost of transmission of information by the
doctor relevant here? Which has been shown to be at least an abuse, with the conducting by
given medical institution - the doctor, the summary dossier on the occurrence of complications?
It is clear who and to whom such changes are at hand. It's about the impossibility of proving
complications after vaccination. Thirdly, it is well known that doctors in Poland did not perform
the obligation to report postvaccinal complications. We recall that the law related to
notifications was enacted in 1964. Neither GIS nor the NIH have such documentation and
statistics. We know, based on analysis of scientific literature, e.g. USA, UK, that doctors in these
highly disciplined countries, report about 10% of actually occurring complications. If, however,
in Poland for 50 years it was unable to force on the government officials NIH to keep such
register, what was the reason of complete abandonment of applications? From familiar doctors,
especially in smaller towns, there have been reports of a violent attack of employees of county
and regional sanitary and epidemiological stations on those doctors who report complications.
Employees of Sanitary directly threaten with the closure of the facility alleged to sanitary
reasons. For 20 years it is known that Sanitary sell vaccines and this is a very lucrative dealing.
The last Szczecin case, viewed in the prosecution, showed how the 750 000 zl earned extra was
distributed in the station. This is direct evidence that the whole thing is designed to prevent
tracking of the postvaccinal complications and relevant paragraphs are introduced solely for the
benefit of szczepionkarski lobby. It is important to recall that the profits of the sale of vaccines
by the stations reach to approximately 30% value of the vaccine. At least these estimates are
given in the so-called yellow week. So in one year it is a few hundred million loss for the State
Treasury. The second conclusion derived directly from that formulated rules, is that officials are
granted absolution for buying unnecessary vaccines. As it is known, in Germany the vaccines
against influenza 240 million euro worth, had to be destroyed due the mindless shopping. This
is the amount in our conditions efficient for NHF to cover two months of reimbursement. Also
surprising is the fact of the establishment of a provision giving authority to the lowest degree
Sanitary Station of free introduction of vaccination in the region and use of direct coercion.
Since the days of King Kazimierz Wielki, it is known that in Poland, only the court has the right
to prosecute anyone. As a country we pride ourselves on this fact. And here, contrary to
tradition, in spite of world-wide trend, contrary to the law of the European Union, whose
members we are, what clearly is not seen by members of the committee, the lowest official
standing in the hierarchy can use the direct coercion. Coercion may be used without regard for
anybody or anything. How do you PT senators remember, it was in a sobering-up stations. After
a series of fatal accidents – those places were abandoned. A major mistake at all the proposed
changes is also a combination of control functions GIS with the function of commercial. For two
thousand years, it was tried to ALWAYS KEEP SEPARATE CONTROL FUNCTIONS AND
TRADE FUNCTIONS IN EUROPEAN LEGISLATION. And in this particular case, despite the
pressure from the medical community, the Parliament Health Committee of the Republic of
Poland, combines these two functions in one unit. So, the official will decide what and whom to
sell, what to buy and when to punish for disobedience, as we see right now. Contrary to global
trends there shall be no control, which would be a warning to the institution. So we go back to
medieval Asia and bakshees. It is even hard to assume that members of the Health Committee
would not understand the problem! After the introduction of the amended provisions the
official, who on the basis of telling to the hand and not to the ear, will purchase needless
vaccines, will implement the compulsion of vaccination and everything will be in accordance
with the proposed law! The Deputy Rapporteur with disarming honesty confesses that the
relevant officials for 27 years did not prepare the implementing rules for the Act of 1985 and left
it unrated. So on the one hand we have a bill for over a quarter of a century which is not
implemented, why? and on the other hand, the rapid acceleration of the pace of work without
giving any reason. Why? There are a lot of such biased records. Here we signalise only the
problem which is posed by the new proposal to modify the law. Yet the PT you, as
representatives of the Nation should confront the proposed changes to the most important law
which is the Constitution of the Republic Therefore, we believe that both art.38 and 39 of the
Constitution and art. 68 apply in every situation. These articles are explicit: cit." Article 38: "The
Republic of Poland shall ensure the legal protection of every human life." Article 39: "no one
shall be subjected to scientific experimentation, including medical, without the express of
voluntary consent." Art.68: "1. Everyone has the right to health care. The public authorities are
obliged to provide special health care to children, pregnant women, people with disabilities and
the elderly. In this situation, the other legal acts must be in accordance with this basic
document. So if the Constitution states that every patient has a free will, why a relatively low-
ranking official may, in this case – vaccination, without any legal consequences for himself,
deprive a man of will in the majesty of the law by using the authority of the state? Actually, not
only can deprive people of the possibility to decide for themselves, but at the same time such
official takes no responsibility for this decision. Already in 1984 the World Health Organization
presented a model of the Declaration of Patients' Rights as a guideline for use in respective
countries. The document specifies that EVERYONE has the right to lc: "- Respect for their
human person - Self-deciding [for information about the health and PROPOSED
THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURES along with the risk and anticipated benefit, to decide whether to
consent or refuse consent to medical interventions] -Respect for physical and mental integrity
and a sense of security of person [to REFRAIN FROM MEDICAL ACTION WITHOUT GIVING
CONSENT] unless the person is incapable of giving consent, and immediate medical
intervention is necessary, not to submit to scientific research without consent and assessment of
ethical committee. " We would like to remind that in Poland on the basis of the current
Constitution and the laws THE PATIENT BILL OF RIGHTS was already developed 20 years ago,
which was submitted to the public by the Minister of Health and Welfare. The Law on Health
Care reports that cit. "the patient has the right to give consent to the granting of certain health
benefits, or refuse - after obtaining suitable, sufficient information. As clearly apparent from the
quoted and the applicable rules, the basis of a doctor’s action is the patient's consent to such
medical or other action. This is clearly stated in the Official Gazette of 1997 No. 28 item 152 art.
25, and further, in particular the following articles; Article 33.1.The examination or providing
other health care to the patient without his consent is permissible if it requires urgent medical
attention, and the patient because of health or age can not agree and it is not possible to
communicate with his legal representative or the actual guardian. 2. The doctor should consult
the decision to launch the medical activities in the circumstances referred in paragraph 1 with
another doctor. 3. The doctor notes the circumstances referred to in paragraph 1 and 2 in the
patient's medical records. Article 34.1.The doctor may perform surgery or use a method of
treatment or diagnosis causing an increased risk for the patient, after obtaining their written
consent. 2. Prior to giving the consent by the patient in a situation referred to in paragraph 1, the
doctor is obliged to give them the information in accordance with article 31. 3. The doctor may
perform surgery or use a method referred to in paragraph 1on the minor patient, incompetent or
unable to express an aware written consent, after the consent of his legal representative, and
when the patient does not have a representative or it is impossible to communicate with him -
after obtaining the consent of the guardianship court. 4. If the patient is over 16 years, his
written consent is also required. 5. In the situation referred to in paragraph 1, the provisions of
art. 32 par. 6 6. If the minor patient's legal representative, incompetent or incapable of aware
consent does not agree by the doctor to perform the activities listed in paragraph 1, and needed
to eliminate the danger threatening to the patient's life or serious bodily harm or a serious
health disorder, the doctor may perform such operations after obtaining the consent of the
guardianship court. 7. The doctor may perform the activities referred to in paragraph 1, without
the consent of the patient's legal representative or guardianship consent of the competent court,
when the delay caused by proceeding on the consent would threaten the patient’s life, serious
injury or serious health disorder. In this case the doctor is obliged, if possible, to consult another
doctor, possibly the same specialty. The doctor shall immediately notify the legal representative,
guardian or guardianship court on the performed operations. 8. The circumstances referred to
in paragraph 3-7, the doctor shall make an appropriate annotation in the patient’s medical
documentations. In addition to the legislation the Code of Medical Ethics also regulates the rules
of doctor’s conduct in relation to the patient and in particular art. 13 and 15 quoted: "Art.13 1.
The doctor is obliged to respect the patient's right to conscious participation in making the
decisions concerning their health. 2. The information given to the patient should be formulated
in a way they understand. 3. The doctor should inform the patient about the possible degree of
risk of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and expected benefits related to the
implementation of these procedures, as well as the possibilities of the use of another medical
procedure. " "Art 15 1. The diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive action requires the consent of
the patient. If the patient is not capable of conscious consent, it should be expressed by his legal
representative or the person actually taking care of the patient. 2. In the case of a minor, the
doctor should also try to obtain the consent, provided that this person is able to consciously
express this approval. 3. The initiation of diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive action without
the consent of the patient may be permitted only exceptionally in special cases of a threat to life
or health of the patient or others. 4. The examination without the required consent may be
performed by the doctor also on behalf of an agency or institution approved for that by law,
unless it creates undue health risk to the patient. 5. In case of not obtaining the consent to the
proposed procedure, the doctor should continue, if possible, providing the medical care to the
patient. " The Supreme Court in its judgment of 17 February 1989 [OSNKW 5-6/1989, pos.42]
stated that cit: "the life of every human being regardless of age, health status and level of
knowledge, the state of family life and the real social usefulness, is an universal value which is
subject to the same legal protection. [The patient] giving consent to medical intervention allows
the doctor to breach the integrity in certain area, which is the subject of the consent"
EUROPEAN BIOETHICS COMMISSION provides that cit: "You can not perform medical
intervention without free and conscious consent of the person subjected to it. The person must
be given appropriate information beforehand about the purpose and nature of the intervention
as well as its consequences and risks. The interested person may at any time freely withdraw the
consent. " It is known that Poland, under the Association Agreement with the European Union,
since 1991 has been required to adjust its law to Community law.  It is also known that for a few
years we have been members of the European Union, as politicians particularly often refer to.
There is no argument that the parents bear not only ethical but also legal responsibility for
minor children, unless the final and binding judgment of the court in certain case is different.
Why do Members of the Health Committee not know these rules, or worse, they know them but
pretend they do not apply? In this letter the legal basis for health care operations is clearly
identified. Therefore – the clear decision must be made, whether prophylactic vaccination [not
treatment] is the activities of health professionals according to the law or not. If they are, the
mentioned provisions should be definitely used. If, however, vaccination, enigmatically called
prophylactic, is not treatment or any other form of activities of doctors, the law should be
developed that gives a legal basis for officials to use direct constraint. It is important to keep in
mind the consequences arising from the use of such direct constraint. It is known that at present
only the police have such powers. Now, if as a result of the use of direct constraint, the patient’s
right will be violated, involving the infringement of physical integrity, and occurrence of side
effects such as complications after vaccination, then who bears the responsibility, both legal -
criminal and civil- liability for damages? It is difficult to assume that members of the Health
Committee do not understand this! In other words, who is to pay to the child's family the
compensation and pension, if necessary, and how much? It is known that there are more and
more such cases in recent years. Recent scientific studies leave no doubt about the occurrence of
serious postvaccinal complications. Only after one vaccine Gardasil in the U.S. in the period of
about 3 years there were 30 000 reported complications. Who bears the costs of treatment and
so underestimated health care budget? We emphasize that the case of vaccination called
prophylactic according to the law looks very strange. The decision on the use of vaccination, type
of vaccine purchased is made by the official, not always the highest range and in addition not
being a medical practitioner. [This occurs more often] simply, they are people entirely of non-
medical [vide National Institute of Hygiene], and therefore in case with the performance of this
decision by the doctor, the patient or his family lay claims to a particular health care facility. In
other words, why the doctor has to pay for administrative decisions such as buying an
inadequate vaccine? This is compounded by the fact of mystery, which is lack of informing the
public [not publishing the rules for introduction of certain types of vaccines] on the nature and
principles of introduced vaccination. The diary of so-called compulsory vaccination is
determined in secret by a small group of officials known to no one. The rules of purchase of this
or any other vaccine and the motives for implementing it in the calendar are not published.
Why, even on the Ministry of Health website, are there no justifications for the introduction of
this, and not another vaccine, in this, but not in another month? Why is there no scientific basis
[scientific research] justifying the introduction of such and not other vaccine and the benefits of
using this vaccine? Why is there lack of information about the sums paid to pharmaceutical
companies in connection with the purchase of such, and not any other vaccine? After all the law
on public procurement is open!! In other words, why are experiments with release of this, and
no other vaccine confidential and are not an integral annex to the decision of the Ministry to
introduce a vaccination? It is clearly visible that the legal rules in force in POLAND have been
violated. Civil liberty has been LIMITED in a serious way by abolishing the principle of patient
consent to execute a particular experiment, the surgery on their body. A relatively low-level
official, who do not have substantial competence, takes the decisions for legally incompetent
citizen. This formed situation is an explicit factor favour to corruption of pharmaceutical
companies which are keenly interested in introducing their vaccines on the Polish market
especially after the multibillion-dollar penalties and compensation paid in other countries. In
medical circles it is said explicitly that the release of this and not another vaccine on the market,
it is at least the car keys for class S mercedes car. In this case, presented by the Deputy
Rapporteur Alicja Dąbrowska basis for the amendment clearly shows that some companies
selling vaccines will be the beneficiaries. These companies will make staggering profits without
bearing any costs, thanks to the amendment. Due to the fact stated repeatedly in the media, that
a change in law it is a cost of $ 3,000,000 so called lobbying. In our view this matter definitely
qualifies to examine both by the ISA, CAB and SAO. P. S. Of course we accept the possibility that
this is not a doctor A.Dąbrowska wrote the read text, but we leave it to the assessment of special
services. On behalf of the Association Management Jerzy Jaśkowski Wiesław Wesołek"]]> 6134
2012-07-27 12:03:36 2012-07-27 12:03:36 closed open open-letter-rejecting-new-polish-forced-
vaccine-measures publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
forced-vaccine-measures-in-poland-to-nazi-crimes-at-polish-senate-hearing/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012
12:06:34 +0000 birdflu666 EW: Mister Chairman,
Senators. I am a lobbyst registered with number 197, I’m lobbying on the cause of patient rights,
I guarantee patient rights in accordance with actual medical knowlegde. United Social Tolerance
Experiments have received a notification from more than 600 private civilians. I represent here
ordinary citizens, potencial patients, who will have to obey the polish law. The main problems,
which we are indicating in the law from 15 june, which changes the infectuous disease law,
deserve a special understanding and exposure. On the first eyesight we can see two very
unsettling changes, about which were talking the Senators. These are: introduction of obligatory
vaccination outside of the national protective vaccination program and introduction of
obligatory drug taking - “prophylactically”. What is taking drugs “prophylactically” or a
“pharma-prophylaxis” practice, as Minister said...? Medicine knows a variety of prophylaxis,
starting with avoiding threats, sport, good nutrition and ending on taking supplements, but
vaccines do not protect us from disease - we still could be sick after applicating the vaccine, we
just have better chances of surviving. In my opinion the statement „prophylactically treatment”
was used recklessly and could be used to define a theraphy of chronic patients in order to
prevent futher deepening of the disease. However it cannot prevent a healthy human from
becoming ill. Polish sejm has passed a law that will force healthy people to take vaccines with
substances that we know that have side effects. How is it possible that on this amendment voted
representatives that are medical doctors, including Ewa Kopacz, who earlier has saved us from
unnecessary (as it turned out) vaccines? Supposedly we are missing money for drugs for
patients. So why in such case are we allowing forced application of undefined drugs on healthy
people? What do we do with the articles in Constitution of the Republic of Poland that say, in 38
article: "The Republic of Poland provides life protection for every human by law"? Article 39 of
the polish Constitution: "No one can be subjected to an scientific experiment, including medical
experiment (...)". In this moment the chairman of the commitee interrupts the speaker: - Dear
Madam! Please make a concise speech! EW: - I'm sorry, I have here prepared... The chairman of
the commitee insistently: - One moment, please... I lead this commitee. I’m asking you to make
a concise speeech and talk about this law, and not to make a speech that is absoulutly political
and non-essential. So I would like to see a short, essential speech. EW:-I’m very sorry, I’m not a
senator, nor a lawyer, I’m a sociologist and I represent patients rights. I beg you pardon if I do
not adapt to the convention you are accustomed to. I made my speech as precise as I could and I
ask for patience. Chairman of the committee:-So make a concise speech. EW:-I would like to
appeal to the 40th article of the Polish Constitution: “Nobody can be subjected to torture, nor to
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment. Corporal punishment is forbidden.
Article 41: “Everyone has the righ to personal inviolability and personal freedom. Freedom
deprivation or restriction can be allowed only on the term and procedures scecified in this law”.
And by passing this law that we are debating on, you are allowing to create a possibility of
freedom restriction. What is unsettling about this law in our opinion? Firstly, change of the
definition of infectious disease, about which you were also submiting remarks. This raises
concern about enlargment of vaccination obligation and it gives the right to declare an epidemy
on trivial grounds, and as a result makes vaccination of every citizen an obligation– article
number 2, second law. Secondly in article 5, it sets the obligation of protective vaccination on
every citizen, not only children. The purpose of this change is to merge the laws in respect of
state of epidemy with general law – article 5, first law. There is no compensation if you report
undesiderable side effects – repeal, article 21, law number 9. We see here a attempt to
monopolise and restrict acces to the information about infections, infectuous diseases and
undesiderable vaccination side effects. It is done by registering this information only in the
payable system - “sentinel” and making this system avaiable only to some institutions and prior
to signing an agreement. However even payable acces can be restricted by “GIS” (“Chief Sanitary
Inspectorate”), because this institution foresees a possibility of rejection on grounds not
specified in any way in the project of this law – article 29a. Controversial is the topic of means of
coercion, which was also taken into account by Senators. It is carried out by medical staff under
the supervision of a medical doctor – article 36, law number 2. I really don’t know how will you
execute this. Sixthly - the abolition of the powers of Ministry of Health to issue regulations
respecting the actions of sanitary inspection. Ladies and Gentelman I’m a jewish women, I was
10 years in Israel, I’m one of the authors of therapeutic programs, which are related to the new
medicine, which has roots in the ancient medicine and tries to prevent pharmacy. Enforced
tratment brings to our minds holocaust. A problem is created, then a solution is proposed –
more ultimate than it follows from the misleading assertions.In this times going with the spirit
of miniaturisation and modernisation, natural threats are replaced with microbs grown in a
laboratory, nozzle of showers are replaced with syringes and toxic gas is replaced with living
microbs in vaccines. This progress is easly seen with a naked eye – we are leaving in times of
miniaturisation. And nobody seems interested in medical doctors like doctor Rath from
Germany, who presents the genology of the problem of the pharmaceutic vaccine business,
refering us to the documents publicated in “Profit Over Life”. These are Nuremberg documents
Laidies and Gentelman, where is shown a link between today pharmaceutical companies that
advocate vaccines and concentration camps in Auschwitz, Laidies and Gentelman. There is yet
another difference between old and new ways of “healing” the Earth from the excess of people.
During the holocaust people were led under the shower by soldiers of the enemy. [part of the
sentence is drowned out by the chairman of the committee]. Chairman of the committee:- Dear
Madame, please start coming to the end of your speech. Laidies and Gentelman I’m announcing
5 minutes break. EW:- Today Polish people will be led under the syringe by a national
policemen, under the consent of polish senators and politicians. I’m asking on behalf of ordinary
citizens that this won’t take place. Thank you for your attention. Chairman of the committee:-I
won’t comment on your speech, because, it is, I think, simply scandalous and I think that… Dear
Madame, you don’t have a say right now. You don’t have a say right now, ok?! EW:-This law is
outrageous, almost everyone voted on it – only one representative from “PiS” [two, three words
drowned out by the chairman of the committee] voted against it. I represent patients. We are
talking not about the law, not about pharmacy, not about business, we are talking about human
life. This affects everyone. I’m sorry about my behaviour, but I’m very dissatisfied with today
procedure and talking about human life as if it were just signing agreements.]]> 6136 2012-07-
27 12:06:34 2012-07-27 12:06:34 closed open jewish-holocaust-survivor-compares-new-forced-
vaccine-measures-in-poland-to-nazi-crimes-at-polish-senate-hearing publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last 40978
deniers-hitlers-big-lie-laughable/ 2015-06-17 19:35:39 2015-06-17 19:35:39 0
pingback 0 0 akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history
poland-grows/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:08:38 +0000 birdflu666
p=6138 Just now the parliament (with only one vote against it) is forcing the change in the Act
on Preventing and Fighting Infections and Infectious Diseases in Humans and in The Act on
National Sanitary Inspection. The changes include, among other things, the extension of the
obligation to vaccinate to all Poles (not only children, as has been the case so far), a change of
the definition of an infectious disease (now it will simply be any disease caused by a biological
infectious agent), an extension of the rights of the sanitary inspection to supervise the
performance of vaccinations (so far it has been entitled to general supervision over vaccination),
and changes in the principles of using direct coercion for medical procedures.  Now the
supervision of a doctor and medical staff will be enough, without the police or a court verdict, a
doctor’s decision will suffice.  So far it was the Polish Minister of Health that decided about the
announcement of an epidemic, now the „decision” will come from the general sanitary inspector
at the request of EU institutions managing epidemic safety. The Minister of Health is out of the
picture and the role of the Ministry is reduced to that of a payer of vaccination bills. Moreover,
data concerning the number of cases of infectious diseases will become confidential (payed
access to the data, only for entities which have signed a contract with the sanitary inspection –
the sole administrator of the Sentinel system). The project also eliminates all social and
governmental control over the actions of the sanitary inspection. Registration and storage of
data about infections in hospitals, health centers, and laboratories will cease and all the data will
be kept in the electronic Sentinel system managed by the sanitary inspection. The changes of the
laws also abolish the financing of the doctors’ reports of vaccine adverse effects. The powers of
the sanitary inspection conducting an epidemic inspection will be greater than those of the
army, the police, the prosecutors, and courts, and there will be no control over such actions. The
sanitary inspection will also have the right to inspect all the contacts (including by phone and
electronic) of people suspected of or endangered with contracting an infectious disease (i.e.,
according to the new definition, any disease), to enter a private house, to use force against any
citizen, and all that without the need to apply for a court permit and without any control on the
part of the police.   Sanitary inspection will have powers greater than security services and the
Minister of Health loses the right to issue regulations concerning the work and the inner
procedures of that institution. That change of laws has already been voted over once in the
Parliament (on 15 June, 2012, voting no. 15) and was supported by all parties and parliametary
clubs. Nobody abstained from voting, there was one vote against the change of the laws.,projekt-ustawy-o-zmianie-ustawy-o-zapobieganiu-oraz-
sanitarnej-z-proj Why are they doing it? Ask our Prime Minister Donald Tusk and our President Bronisław Komorowski PETITION
_elswhere/ (I allow to
copy and distribute this text in any media and places, on condition that no changes be made in
it.)]]> 6138 2012-07-27 12:08:38 2012-07-27 12:08:38 closed open resistance-to-new-
compulsory-vaccination-in-poland-grows publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
and-rabies-virus-threat/ Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:10:50 +0000 birdflu666]]> 6140 2012-07-27
12:10:50 2012-07-27 12:10:50 closed open dr-carleys-radio-show-on-poland-olympics-and-
rabies-virus-threat publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:13:26 +0000 birdflu666  The new pandemic
plan claims the information on the internet was erroneous. It refers dismissively to „rumours“.
Ominously, the plan foresees an energetic campaign of „counter information“ on the internet in
the event of a new pandemic emergency declaration. At the same time, the plan admits (1.2) that
only „about“ 350 deaths could be ascribed to the swine flu, proving that the pandemic virus was
hyped, a central claim made by vaccine sceptics. In addition, the governments of Ireland,
Sweden and Finland have all confirmed that the pandemic vaccine has caused narcolepsy among
young people. Most of those who died in France in 2009 were also young adults states the new
French pandemic plan. It does not state whether the victims were vaccinated or not.   „2009
Grippe A(H1N1)v Environ 350 décès3 comptabilisés en 2009, en majorité adultes jeunes
(évaluation plus complète vraisemblablement de l’ordre du millier) moyenne Impact sociétal
moyen (débat sociétal sur les choix relatifs à la vacci“     CE QU’IL FAUT SAVOIR n L’état de
l’opinion peut évoluer très rapidement : fin août 2009, lors de la pandémie, 65% de la
population avait l’intention de se faire vacciner.  Le 15 septembre, ils n’étaient plus que 39% et,
un mois plus tard, seulement 19%15 , n face aux informations erronées ou aux rumeurs qui
peuvent circuler, les informations correctrices  doivent être données immédiatement par les
mêmes canaux, (!) n Internet et les réseaux sociaux représentent aujourd’hui un mode majeur
d’échanges  d’informations et de communication. Ils constituent un forum où les pouvoirs
publics se doivent  d’être présents, n la communication doit se faire également en amont des
décisions, par un dialogue permanent  avec les différents partenaires des pouvoirs publics, n les
professionnels de santé sont des acteurs essentiels et des relais incontournables des 
informations à caractère sanitaire vers la population. A ce titre, ils sont des destinataires 
prioritaires de l’information sur le « pourquoi » des décisions. AXES DE REFLEXION n
L’opinion est-elle en train d’évoluer ?   Y a-t-il des mécontentements qui s’expriment ?   La
population est-elle inquiète ? n Y a-t-il des rumeurs qui circulent ? n Le dialogue des pouvoirs
publics avec ses partenaires est-il suffisant ? n Comment doit s’exprimer la présence des
pouvoirs publics sur Internet ?]]> 6142 2012-07-27 12:13:26 2012-07-27 12:13:26 closed open
new-french-pandemic-plan-targets-internet publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_dce7d1a1a512e3e8a9f1163a30c1fc21 27002 2012-08-05
06:12:32 2012-08-05 06:12:32 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
baxter-was-investigated-by-state-prosecutors-as-pandemic-kickbacks-scandal-widens/ Fri, 27
Jul 2012 12:26:52 +0000 birdflu666
Hinausschrift_BMG-92400_0049-I_B_8_2009_20.05.2009_Burgermeister,_Jane_(1)[1] The
state prosecutor Dr Apostol who initiated the police investigation -- only to allow it to be
dropped in September 2009 -- appears to be the same Dr Stefan Apostol  who is set to act as
judge in the trial of Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly over kickbacks in relation to various government
contracts. A conflict of interest? Mensdorff-Pouilly and his wife, the then health minister, Maria
Rauch -Kallat, are now under investigation for the kickbacks which Mensdorff-Pouilly received
from Dräger in connection with a pandemic flu mask deal.
gegen-RauchKallat Did other kickbacks flow over the Austrian government's award of a three
year contract to Baxter to supply pandemic vaccines which ran out in 2009, just before the
contamination incident? Forced vaccination continues to be possible in the event of a pandemic
emergency under the pandemic plan signed into law by Rauch-Kallat.!
And a new plan for infectious diseases seems to contain wide ranging powers for the sanitation
prohygneu_barrierefrei_29122011.pdf  Excerpts from the two plans here: 6.5. Aufgaben der
Sicherheitsbehörden Die Gesundheitsbehörden können die Organe des öffentlichen
Sicherheitsdienstes ersuchen, sie bei der Ausübung ihrer Aufgaben nach den §§ 6, 7, 15, 17, 22
und 24 (Maßnahmen gegen Weiterverbreitung, Absonderung, Maßnahmen gegen das
Zusammenströmen größerer Menschenmengen, Überwachung bestimmter Personen, Räumung
von Wohnungen und Verkehrsbeschränkungen für die Bewohner bestimmter Ortschaften) bzw.
zur Durchsetzung der dort vorgesehenen Maßnahmen unter Anwendung von Zwangsmittel zu
unterstützen. Erfüllt eine Person den Tatbestand des § 178 StGB ("wer eine Handlung setzt, die
geeignet ist, die Gefahr der Verbreitung einer wenn auch nur beschränkt anzeigeund
meldepflichtigen übertragbaren Krankheit unter Menschen herbeizuführen") (Betroffener ist
über seinen Zustand aufgeklärt und kann durch seine Handlungen potentiell andere anstecken)
oder liegt ein diesbezüglicher gefährlicher Angriff gemäß § 16 SPG vor, dann kommen im
konkreten Einzelfall den Organen des öffentlichen Sicherheitsdienstes auch die Befugnisse zur
Gefahrenabwehr bzw. die Befugnisse nach den Bestimmungen der StPO zu. And from the new
plan: Europäische Zentrum für die Prävention und die Kontrolle von Krankheiten (ECDC) plant
für 2011/2012 eine europaweite Prävalenzerfassung von NI KISS wurde vom Deutschen
Referenzzentrum für Surveillance von Nosokomialen Infektionen (NRZ) als Referenzdatenbank
für NI in Deutschland entwickelt. Die Funktionen des NRZ werden durch das Institut für
Hygiene und Umweltmedizin der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, gemeinsame
Einrichtung von Freier Universität Berlin und Humboldt-Universität Berlin, ausgeübt. Ziel des
Systems ist die Lieferung von geeigneten Referenzdaten zur Orientierung für das
infektiologische Qualitätsmanagement im eigenen Krankenhaus unter Nutzung des Internet.
Basis für das Surveillance-Protokoll sind vor allem die Definitionen des National-Nosocomial-
Infection–Surveillance-(NNIS-)Systems der Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
in Atlanta/USA. Seit Anfang 1997 berichten interessierte deutsche Krankenhäuser (und auch
einige aus Österreich) auf freiwilliger Basis nach einer]]> 6144 2012-07-27 12:26:52 2012-07-27
12:26:52 closed open letter-confirming-my-complaint-against-baxter-was-investigated-by-state-
prosecutors-as-pandemic-kickbacks-scandal-widens publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
hinausschrift_bmg-92400_0049-i_b_8_2009_20-05-2009_burgermeister_jane_11/ Fri, 27
Jul 2012 12:15:10 +0000 birdflu666
i_b_8_2009_20-05-2009_burgermeister_jane_11.pdf 6145 2012-07-27 12:15:10 2012-07-27
12:15:10 closed open hinausschrift_bmg-92400_0049-i_b_8_2009_20-05-
2009_burgermeister_jane_11 inherit 6144 0 attachment 0
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minister/ Wed, 08 Aug 2012 11:14:07 +0000 birdflu666
p=6150 *Frank Stronach, CEO of Magna, rings solicitor handling the proceeds of the sale of my
flat and offers him job as justice minister and chauffeur-driven car *Phone call happens
almost immediately after I sign the contract *Bizarre call comes to light after I
return to sign a second document: Schwechat solicitor tells me openly about it
*Stronach has strong links to Oleg Deripaska and Nat Rothschild *Is Stronach
trying to influence my solicitor. For what purpose? Are there plans afoot
to defraud me of the proceeds of the sale of my flat? Some might think I would be
flattered to know that Frank Stronach, Magna CEO, and friend of Oleg Deripaska and Nat
Rothschild, think so highly of the solicitor handling the sale of my flat in Vienna that he rings
him in person a couple of days after I sign the contract, and offers the solicitor a job as a justice
minister with a chauffeur-driven car. Funnily, it made feel rather queasy. It is a queasiness
mixed with pleasure, though, because Stronach's very unusual phone call to a small town
solicitor based in Schwechat outside Vienna could be construed as an attempt to put out feelers
to see if he could bribe or blackmail the solicitor to defraud me of the proceeds of the sale of my
flat. Back to the beginning of this unlikely tale, which offers yet more insights into how
Globalists and their shadowy network operate and why I have had so many problems in Austria
since I filed charges against Baxter in 2009 for contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine
with the deadly bird flu virus in their biosecurity level 3 lab in Orth an der Donau and since I
warned people the pandemic vaccine recommended by Austrian Health Minister Alois Stöger
was damaging. On Friday, 27th of July,  I signed a contract with a solicitor for the sale of my flat.
The solicitor based in Schwechat, a small town outside Vienna, was chosen not by me but by the
buyer of my flat. On Tuesday, 31 st of July, I had to go back to the solicitor’s to sign another
document – only to find to my amazement that Frank Stronach, the Globalist CEO of Magna
and associate of Oleg Deripaska and Nat Rothschild, had rung in person and offered the very
same solicitor a job as a justice minister and a new chauffeur driven car! The solicitor in
question, a widely respected and competent man, told me openly about the call. That gave me
opportunity to explain to him something about Stronach’s links to Oleg Deripaska , close
associate of Nat Rothschild. I was able to give some useful background in what proved to be a
very interesting chat, and one Stronach probably never imagined would take place. Poor man!
Deripaska, a major stake holder in Stronach's Magna, is a well known friend of Nat Rothschild,
even sharing trips to Russia with him.
Lord-Mandelson-was-purely-pleasure-not-business.html In August 2008, Deripaska and
Rothschild were joined by the ilustrious George Osborne, Peter Mandelson and Rupert Murdoch
during their holiday in Corfu. Deripaska
bought a 1.1 billion euro share of Stronach’s Magna empire in 2007.
konzern-russen Former Magna executive Siegfried Wolf now works for Deripaska. Stronach has
proposed Wolf as the new chancellor.
und-geht-zu-deripaska-437983/ Is it a coincidence that Frank Stronach rings a solicitor
in such an out of the way place as Schwechat so soon after I sign a contract with him to handle
the sale of my flat?  Is it a coincidence that Stronach offers this solicitor a job as a justice
minister and a chauffeur-driven car? I allege it is not a coincidence that Stronach chose to
approach this one solicitor out of the thousands and thousands of solicitors in Austria. I allege it
is not a coincidence he did it just after I have signed a contract allowing the solicitor control of
the funds of my flat.  I allege it is another brazen attempt by Stronach and the Globalists like Nat
Rothschild to exercise undue influence on the solicitor in order to persuade him to sabotage the
money I set to get from the sale of the flat. The motive is clear: Globalists have every reason
want to stop all my funds including the funds from the sale of my flat because my blog exposes
the many crimes of the global elite such as the pandemic vaccine poison and the fractional
reserve banking scam. I have not only exposed the pandemic vaccine and fractional reserve
crimes – I have had to do it at almost all at my own expense, though virtue has its own reward. I
allege Stronach rang on the orders of Nat Rothschild the solicitor to test the waters see if he
would be open to his advances, bribes and promises power and money, and eventually to
whether he would be willing to use  his authority to defraud me of the proceeds of the sale of my
flat. Given all the evidence, I certainly I don’t believe Stronach was seriously looking for a
Justice Minister for his new puppet party. Stronach himself says he will only finance a political
party so long it fulfils his  -- or rather Rothschild’s -- policies. Stronach’s BZÖ has been involved
in every type of corruption, including the Hypo Alpe Adria fractional reserve scam at the
expense of the tax payer. The solicitor seems to be a competent and widely respected man, and
would certainly act a vote catcher.  But what chances does Stronach’s new puppet party  have of
winning significant votes in the next election and putting up the Justice Minister barring
massive voter fraud? Why look for one so early in the middle of the summer holidays? And why
in Schwechat of all places? Stronach never reckoned with the solicitor telling me about the call
when I had to go back to sign a second document at the solicitor’s office on Wednesday.  But
then Stronach and his clique have constantly got it wrong. It was Stronach, after all, who funded
the miserable failure of the Occupy Austria movement according to Stronach's  puppet Professor
Franz Hörmann own statement when I met  him and others in the Cafe Blau Stern in Vienna in
August 2011. As I predicted on my blog, Hörmann took over leadership of a movement for
sound, public money only to discredit it by his “sudden” extreme ring wing views. Hörmann is a
puppet of the Global elite who control the Vienna state prosecutors and that is why Hormann
was not convicted for Holocaust denial, after all, in spite of the overwhelming evidence he did
just that. Stronach is man who has his finger in every pie in Austria. The question is: How many
other people does Frank Stronach ring  behind my back? Did he ring Lukas Kenner, the
government paid researcher, who tried to psychiatrise me twice in 2010 without having met me?
Did he ring Bandion-Ortner or Judge Michaela Lauer to impose a court guardianship in 2010 on
the basis of a lie?  It is time for the Austrian police to investigate. I have a right to be protected
from this criminal ring which has forced me to leave Austria because the country has become so
dangerous to me . Fortunately, there are some in Austria who seem to be drawing the right
lessons.  Police  applying for top jobs in the new police reform will no longer be automatically
excluded if someone files an anonymous charges against them – a favourite tactic of the
Globalists. Chew on that Stronach and co. You can hear the jail doors clanging, can't you?  The
OVP is pushing a genuine democratic reform giving the people a greater voice in politics.
Hopefully, they will vote to tax Stronach and the rest of the super elite at a rate of 99.9% in a
referendum! Take the money they use to corrupt politics and people from them!  The abuse of the court
guardianship process have been recognized and calls are growing for a reform.
Unterstuetzer;art151,403423 I hope someone reads this and draws the conclusion it is time to
investigate the activities of Frank Stronach.]]> 6150 2012-08-08 11:14:07 2012-08-08 11:14:07
closed open frank-stronach-why-did-stronach-recently-ring-the-solicitor-selling-my-flat-and-
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book-today/ Wed, 08 Aug 2012 11:35:11 +0000 birdflu666
p=6157 Stauffenberg_in_the_Wolf_'s_Lair_E_book]]> 6157 2012-08-08 11:35:11 2012-08-08
11:35:11 closed open stauffenberg-in-the-wolfs-lair-read-the-e-book-today publish 0 0 post 0
the-e-book-today/stauffenberg_in_the_wolf_s_lair_e_book/ Wed, 08 Aug 2012 11:23:02
+0000 birdflu666
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globalists-face-euro-meltdown-with-little-political-cover/ Fri, 17 Aug 2012 13:57:31 +0000
birdflu666 The Rand Paul of Austria, Stronach
hopes to channel disaffection now that plans for new pandemic scares have failed and the people
of Israel are anything but willing to serve as sacrificial lambs in a new phase of globalist
engineered war mongering..  The euro crisis has now reached the point where the government of
Finland is openly preparing for the collapse of the eurozone.
of-eurozone.html The count down has started. In the past few days, it has emerged, Stronach
approached Members of Parliament belonging to the ÖVP, offering them lucrative two-year
contracts if they fail to get a seat after the next elections. Only to be turned down.  No one wants to join
the Globalist/Rothschild/Stronach ticket on their ride to oblivion. Only two MPs from the Social
Democrats and Freedom Party have so far succumbed to Stronach’s charms. Recruiting disaffected three MPs would allow Stronach
to avoid the bother of finding the 2,600 signatures required to found a new party, a hurdle
which Stronach may well find hard to reach.  The fans of Austria Wien FAK football club have
made their views of owner „Uncle“ Stronach crystal clear. Stronach enjoys popularity only in the
columns of newspapers and among so called „political experts“.  http://bad-  „Keep on loving your money…Our heart
belongs to Austria Wien,“ one fan page declares. The final plea is „Freedom for Austria Wien“.
Note the picture showing fans holding a banner with the words „Get out Magna.“ To which I
might add: „Keep on evading taxes in Zug, Switzerland, Frank, while cashing all the subsidies
you can in Austria. Get out Magna.“  Or  „Keep on using bribing politicians to give you castles
like Reifnitz far below the market price. Get out Magna.“
am-Woerthersee?from=gl.home_wirtschaft Stronach hopes to lure a third defector from one of
the other parliamentary parties and be able to form his own faction at top speed. And he may
succeed. But one thing he will surely not get is many votes at the next election barring massive
voter fraud.  The Stronach principle of using money to corrupt -- football club, politics ( virtually
every ultra corrupt politician has been associated at some point with
Stronach/Deripaska/Rothschild and Magna) -- is going to go down like a lead balloon with
voters. People in Austria are sick to death of just this very brazen corruption. They are sick and
tired of the established parties too doing nothing to stop this catastrophe. We still have no plan
for an orderly exit from the eurozone and no plan to switch the eurozone money supply to public
money. The Globalists had better get used to the idea that they will not be able to control the fall
out when the euro collapses. We know who they are. We know about our privatised money
system and the interest and compound interest destroying our economies. We know. Get out
Stronach and co. While you can.]]> 6160 2012-08-17 13:57:31 2012-08-17 13:57:31 closed open
political-cover publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _oembed_c6c18bfed0c5c3fd18f97f4572a2e589
_oembed_b3d9ca4e2e30a2dd0329cc07362631cb Wed, 05 Sep 2012 17:58:27 +0000
birdflu666 th birthday in September 1942. I found a
photo of him taken not long after the war when he had started studying economics at Vienna
university, and I think his serious expression says a lot about what he had experienced.

After a short period of basic training in Poland, he was sent to

fight in Finland and one of the few in his Waffen SS Mountain troops division to have survived –
and that only because he was injured and sent to convalesce in Germany. Thanks to him, I got
some glimpse of the  incredibly evil Nazi world – and also how our fractional reserve financial
system really works. May God protect Austria from more financial meltdowns, more wars, more
Globalist opportunists like Frank Stronach and more leaders spouting racist nonsense like
Freedom Party leader and CIA puppets Heinz Christian Strache and brazenly corrupt politicians
like Martin Graf. A big step to protecting Austria is keeping army conscription. Polls show the
majority of Austrians want to keep conscription and an upcoming referendum pushed by
Globalistsis highly likely to result in a vote for conscription.
mehrheit-wehrpflicht-340982 Conscription  places constitutional limits on what soldiers can do
and so ensure an army cannot be used against its own people or sent to fight foreign wars for the
banksters. It is time for every Austrian to mobilize to ensure a positive referendum result and
stop an voter fraud. God helps those who help themselves, is an old proverb. Austrians should
never again ask God to do what they will not do themselves. This is my last post Austria, onto a
new city, a new life and hopefully a new website.]]> 6165 2012-09-05 17:58:27 2012-09-05
17:58:27 closed open 6165 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_oembed_eaa447032461d45aa8fd4fc796c4e2b7 Wed, 05 Sep 2012 17:51:42
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2/ Wed, 05 Sep 2012 17:57:50 +0000 birdflu666 6169 2012-09-05 17:57:50
2012-09-05 17:57:50 closed open my-father-2 inherit 6165 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
_wp_attachment_metadata Mon, 30 Nov -0001
00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666 Austrians vote
overwhelmingly to keep conscription in historic referendum   Mainstream media
propaganda machine suffers blow as new style of political campaign emerges
Politicians use internet to connect with grass roots directly, bypass corporate
media   Austria's debt death spiral deepens: country facing 1930s financial crisis.  
The solution is the IMF's „Chicago Plan“ to switch from private to public money
supply, this should be the next referendum in Austria   Tactical voting needed to
stop Frank Stronach becoming power broker Lower Austria elections on March
3rd?     An overwhelming 60% of the Austrians voted to retain
conscription while only 40% voted for a professional army in a
referendum on Sunday.   The historical referendum spelled a resounding
defeat for Globalist forces in Austria – specifically, the mainstream
media and Bilderberg politicians such as Social Democrat leader Werner
Faymann and Defence Minister Norbert Darabos - who beat the drum
tirelessly for the end of an army filled with conscripts at a time
when the military is set to play an increasing role in the country's
security.   Not just the result was a victory for Austria; the manner of
achieving it was also a tour de force, and hopefully herald a new era
of genuine grass roots, information-based, cross-party political
campaigns free of the propaganda influence of the mainstream media.  
Largely abandoning their traditional reliance on the corporate-
controlled mainstream media, politicians transported facts and
arguments directly to voters using the internet and old fashioned
methods such as leafletting.   Cross-party initiatives such as the
website „Einsatz für Österreich“ mananged to mobilise tens of
thousands of people for the referendum campaign, resulting in a
turnout as high as 70% in some federal states.   http://danke.einsatz-   Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner even spent
the day before what she termed a „year-hundred“ decision handing out
leaflets in the snow.   In the end, the mass circulation Krone newspaper
could not even persuade its own readers to vote for the professional
army. Altogether, 56% of the Krone readers voted for conscription,
evidently themselves recognizing that the Krone and other mainstream
media have about the same truth value as the Ministry of Truth
described in George Orwell's „1984.“
auch-krone-leser-mehrheitlich-fuer-pflicht.story   The Social Democrats
got „it completely wrong when they calculated nothing could go wrong
as long as they had the support of the Krone and the yellow press,“
said public opinion expert Wolfgang Bachmayer in Der Standard.   „So
many people voted against the media campaign,“ he said. „It's a sign
of media political maturity.“
Einstellung-immer-treu-geblieben   He said people were learning to
differentiate between information in the media and media campaigns,
adding the development gave  „democratic political hope.“   As Austria
enters a super election year, it really is to be hoped that similar
campaigns aimed at the grass roots and using fact and arguments to
achieve concrete, pragmatic results will become the norm.   The
arguments and facts in favour of a conscription army were certainly
overwhelming.   First, a shift to a professional army would have
deprived the country of conscripts needed to deal with the aftermath
of natural castrophes such as flooding and heavy snowfalls as well as
thousands of conscientious objectors who provide vital community
services.   Second, and more crucially, a professional army composed of
soldiers and mercenaries would have been able to operate, also on
domestic territory, without the restraints placed on a draft military
by the constitution.   The vote to keep a conscription army, therefore,
means Austrians now have more options for dealing with the impending
financial meltdowm  than during the 1930s when swinging austerity cuts
to meet bankster interest payments led to civil war in 1934.   The
poisonous cocktail of austerity and civil war paved the way for the
annexation of Austria by Deutsche Bank darling Adolf Hitler, the
imprisonment of 200,000 Austrian critics within 10 days, and the
introduction of mass conscription into the Nazi war machine.   A
professional army would also have opened the door to mass conscription
into EU battlegroup forces through little known provisions in the
Lisbon Treaty.   Moreover, a professional army composed of soldiers and
militia mercenaries would also have cost more than a conscription
army, (barely 2 billion euros or 0.6% of the GDP), adding to the
country's spiralling national debt.   For sure, the draft needs to be
reorganized to better meet the needs of the conscripts and the
country, but the current Defence Minister Norbert Darabos has been --
and continues to be -- a significant block to this much needed reform.
aller-und-haslauer-fordern-heer-reform-44133/   In fact, the only real
argument provided by the mainstream media was the doubtful claim that
Austria should keep in step with other European Union nations, who
have virtually all abolished the draft. But the fact that 21 of the 27
European Union countries have done away with a proven system,
including Germany in 2011, does not mean Austrians should display the
same, lemming-like willingness to jump over a cliff, something happily
grasped even by the readers of the Krone.   The abolition of a
conscription military was rammed through in Germany without a
democratic vote by former Defence Minister and disgraced Globalist
plagiarist Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and hyped by Axel Springer's
media corporation, and has proved a major headache.   Germans have only
the extremely competent and sensible new Defence Minister Thomas de
Maiziere and Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle to thank for the fact
they aren't by now embroiled in the beginnings of yet another
Globalist-engineered world war, and call up papers are not already
fluttering through letter boxes calling for service in the Middle East
or Africa or some other region where no one wants them.   Significantly,
two key Social Democrat state governors Gabi Burgstaller (Salzburg)
and Franz Voves (Styria) campaigned pragmatically for conscription and
against the party line.   It is to be hoped Social Democrat voters in
Lower Austria continue a pragmatic approach and see the advantages of
a tactical vote for the ÖVP in state elections on March 2013 to
repulse the assault of Globalist and former Magna boss Frank Stronach.  
Posing as a friend of the people, Stronach and his Chancellor
candidate Siegfried Wolf have close financial and personal ties to
Globalists like Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who in turn, has ties
to Peter Mandelson and Nat Rothschild.
wechselt-von-Magna-zu-Oleg-Deripaska   The eccentric and autocratic
Austro Canadian's reaction when the slavish Austrian ORF mainstream
media hinted at Magna's role in the Eurofighter deal give some idea of
what the elderly manager would be like if he could pay for a mercenary
army to trample all over Austria in jackboots...   Stronach is such a sinister
Globalist puppet that stopping him from winning a tiny but controlling
share of the vote in the Lower Austria has to be a priority for every
strategic thinking Social Democrat and Green Party member who has
their own and their country's interest at heart even if it means a one
off vote for the ÖVP.   Clever tactical voting can stop Stronach
becoming the power broker in Lower Austria, and I really hope Social
Democrats consider this option seriously.   As for the next referendum,
the priority surely has to be a plan to save the country from economic
and financial meltdown and put it to a referendum.   Specifically, the
IMF „Chicago Plan“ to return to public money should be put to the
people of Austria for a yes or no vote at the earliest opportunity.   Even the
Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard admits that adopting the Chicago
Plan and switching from a private to a public money supply would
instantly restore health to the economies of Europe, the US and the UK
- as this blog has long argued.

„One could slash private debt by 100pc of GDP, boost growth, stabilize prices, and dethrone
bankers all at the same time. It could be done cleanly and painlessly, by legislative command, far
more quickly than anybody imagined,“ he says. The conjuring trick is to replace our system of
private bank-created money -- roughly 97pc of the money supply -- with state-created money.
We return to the historical norm, before Charles II placed control of the money supply in private
hands with the English Free Coinage Act of 1666.   Specifically, it means an assault on
"fractional reserve banking". If lenders are forced to put up 100pc reserve backing for deposits,
they lose the exorbitant privilege of creating money out of thin air.“    

A handful of German newspapers have also reported on this simple

solution now validated by modern, mathematical models and a study by
the IMF.
der-chicago-plan-wieder-aufgegriffen/7008170-2.html   Austrians have no
time to lose in adopting the Chicago Plan now that the country is
entering the final, lethal phase of the debt death spiral, inherent in
every privatised money system with its ever increasing interest and
compound interest, resulting in austerity measures which strangle the
economy and money printing and eventually hyperinflation.   The Deutsche
Mittelstands Nachrichten reports that bankster aid has sent Austria's
national debt soaring. In spite of recent brutal austerity cuts, the
debt grew to nearly 190 billion euros last year, sending Austria
deeper into the debt death spiral.   http://www.deutsche-mittelstands-   Austria needs to find repay more than 20 
billion euros in interest on this bankster, fractional reserve debt
this year, and will do so by taking on 20 to 30 billion euros of more
debt...   The Chicago Plan is now a scientifically validated, fact-
based, pragmatic solution which can be presented in a referendum by
cross party group to the people of Austria and so stop Austria fron
spiralling into disaster.   Another much needed measure is increased
taxes on the super rich and a reduction in taxes on the vast majority
of the increasingly impoverished population of the country.   Finally,
it is to be hoped that the evaluation by external police of the
Kampusch case results in the mass arrest of the top 200 or 300 state
prosecutors, judges and Justice Ministry officials in Vienna, who
appear to be at the heart of a monstrous crime syndicate, protecting
not just paedophile rings but also corporate giants such as Baxter
pharmaceuticals. In 2009, Baxter nearly started a global bird flu
pandemic and mass vaccine campaign with an adjuvant known to cause
neurological damage by contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine
with the bird flu virus in its biosecurity facilities in Austria.   The
strict regulations of a biosecurity facility make an accidental
contamination virtually impossible and yet no one has ever been
brought to account for what can only be called a crime against
humanity.   Austrian justice officials have instead focussed all their
efforts on trying to ruin me in a case reminiscent of Gustl Mollath in
Germany, which was the reason why I eventually felt I had no option
but to leave the country.   Austrian police should arrest state
prosecutors like Werner Pleischl for their apparent role in the
Kampusch cover up as a first step in a clean up of the justice system.
Other candidates for arrest, -- my evidence clearly suggests wrong
doing --, are Judge Michaela Lauer, solicitor Freiderich Hutz, Philip
Nierlich and Daniela Ehrlich.]]> 6174 2013-01-21 17:12:16 0000-00-00 00:00:00
closed open draft 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
in-ground-breaking-referendum/ Mon, 21 Jan 2013 17:33:42 +0000 birdflu666 *Austrians vote overwhelmingly to keep
conscription in historic referendum and triumph for direct democracy
*Mainstream media propaganda machine suffers death blow as new
style of political campaign emerges *Politicians use internet to connect
with grass roots, bypass corporate media *Austria's debt death spiral
deepens: country facing 1930s financial crisis. *The IMF's „Chicago
Plan“ to switch from private to public money supply should be the next
referendum - and not just in Austria *Tactical voting needed to stop
Frank Stronach becoming power broker Lower Austria elections on
March 3rd? In a triumph for common sense, an overwhelming 60%
of the Austrians voted to retain conscription while only 40%
voted for a professional army in a referendum on Sunday
January 20th. The historical referendum spelled a resounding
defeat for Globalist forces in Austria – specifically, the
mainstream media and Bilderberg politicians such as Social
Democrat leader Werner Faymann and Defence Minister Norbert
Darabos - who beat the drum for the end of an army filled
with conscripts at a time when the military is set to play
an increasing role in the country's security. But not just
the result was a victory for Austria; the manner of
achieving it was also a tour de force. It will hopefully
herald a new era of genuine grass roots, information-based
political campaigns free of the propaganda influence of the
mainstream media. Largely abandoning their traditional
reliance on the corporate-controlled mainstream media,
politicians transported facts and arguments directly to
voters using the internet and old fashioned methods such as
leafletting. Cross-party initiatives such as the website
„Einsatz für Österreich“ mananged to mobilise tens of
thousands of people, resulting in a turnout as high as 70%
in some federal states. http://danke.einsatz-fuer- Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner even
spent the day before what she termed a „year-hundred“
decision handing out leaflets in the snow. In the end, the
mass circulation Krone newspaper failed to  persuade its own
readers to vote for the professional army. Altogether, 56%
of the Krone readers voted for conscription, evidently
recognizing the Krone has about the same truth value as the
Ministry of Truth described in George Orwell's „1984" if not
/umfrage-auch-krone-leser-mehrheitlich-fuer-pflicht.story The
Social Democrats " made a big misjudgement when they
calculated nothing could go wrong as long as they had the
support of the Krone and the yellow press,“ said public
opinion expert Wolfgang Bachmayer in Der Standard. „So many
people voted against the media campaign,“ he said. „It's a
sign of media political maturity.“
unserer-Einstellung-immer-treu-geblieben He said people were
learning to differentiate between information in the media
and media campaigns, adding the development gave 
„democratic political hope.“ As Austria enters a super
election year, it really is to be hoped that similar
campaigns aimed at the grass roots and using fact and
arguments to achieve concrete, pragmatic results will become
the norm. The arguments and facts in favour of a conscription
army were certainly overwhelming. First, a shift to a
professional army would have deprived the country of
conscripts needed to deal with the aftermath of natural
castrophes such as flooding and heavy snowfalls as well as
thousands of conscientious objectors who provide vital
community services. Second, and more crucially, a
professional army composed of soldiers and mercenaries would
have been able to operate, also on domestic territory,
without the restraints placed on a draft military by the
constitution. The vote to keep a conscription army,
therefore, means Austrians now have more options for dealing
with the impending financial meltdowm  than during the 1930s
when swinging austerity cuts to meet bankster interest
payments led to civil war in 1934. The poisonous cocktail of
austerity and civil war paved the way for the annexation of
Austria by Deutsche Bank darling Adolf Hitler, as well as
the imprisonment of 200,000 Austrian critics within 10 days,
and the introduction of mass conscription into the Nazi war
machine. A professional army would also have opened the door
to mass conscription into EU battlegroup forces through
little known provisions in the Lisbon Treaty. Moreover, a
professional army composed of soldiers and militia
mercenaries would also have cost more than a conscription
army, (barely 2 billion euros or 0.6% of the GDP), adding to
the country's spiralling national debt. For sure, the draft
needs to be reorganized to better meet the needs of the
conscripts and the country, but the current Defence Minister
Norbert Darabos has been -- and continues to be -- a
significant block to this much needed reform.
kel/burgstaller-und-haslauer-fordern-heer-reform-44133/ In
fact, the only real argument provided by the mainstream
media was the doubtful claim that Austria should keep in
step with other European Union nations, who have virtually
all abolished the draft. But the fact that 21 of the 27
European Union countries have done away with a proven
system, including Germany in 2011, does not mean Austrians
should display the same, lemming-like willingness to jump
over a cliff, something happily grasped even by the readers
of the Krone. The abolition of a conscription military was
rammed through in Germany without a democratic vote by
former Defence Minister and disgraced Globalist plagiarist
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg and hyped by Axel Springer's
media corporation, and has proved a major headache. Germans
have only the competent and sensible new Defence Minister
Thomas de Maiziere and Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle to
thank for the fact they aren't by now embroiled in the
beginnings of yet another Globalist-engineered world war,
and call up papers are not already fluttering through letter
boxes calling for service in the Middle East or Africa or
some other region where no one wants them. Significantly, two
key Social Democrat Austrian state governors Gabi
Burgstaller (Salzburg) and Franz Voves (Styria) campaigned
pragmatically for conscription and against the party line. It
is to be hoped Social Democrat voters in Lower Austria
continue a pragmatic approach and see the advantages of a
tactical vote for the ÖVP in state elections on March 2013
to repulse the assault of Globalist and former Magna boss
Frank Stronach. Posing as a friend of the people, Stronach
and his Chancellor candidate Siegfried Wolf have close
financial and personal ties to Globalists like Russian
Oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who in turn, has ties to Peter
Mandelson and Nat Rothschild.
ied-Wolf-wechselt-von-Magna-zu-Oleg-Deripaska The eccentric
and autocratic Austro Canadian's reaction when the slavish
Austrian ORF mainstream media hinted at Magna's role in the
Eurofighter deal give some idea of what the elderly manager
would be like if he could pay for a mercenary army to
trample all over Austria in jackboots... Stronach is such a
sinister Globalist puppet that stopping him from winning a
tiny but controlling share of the vote in the Lower Austria
has to be a priority for every strategic thinking Social
Democrat and Green Party member who has their own and their
country's interest at heart even if it means a one off vote
for the ÖVP. The ÖVP in Lower Austria is emerging as a major
force in battling the Globalist take-over with Mikl-Leitner
spearheading the successful referendum campaign. Clever
tactical voting can stop Stronach becoming the power broker
in Lower Austria and in Vienna after the September federal
elections, and so stop Stronach and far-right Baxter ally HC
Strache forming an unholy alliance). I really hope Social
Democrats and other parties consider this option of tactical
voting to derail Stronach's - and Strache's - election
chances on March 3rd. After the success of this referendum,
the priority surely has to be a plan to save the country
from economic and financial meltdown and put it, too, to a
referendum. Specifically, the IMF „Chicago Plan“ to return to
public money should be put to the people of Austria for a
yes or no vote at the earliest opportunity. Even
the Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard admits that adopting
the Chicago Plan and switching from a private to a public
money supply would instantly restore health to the economies
of Europe, the US and the UK - as this blog has long argued.

„One could slash private debt by 100pc of GDP, boost growth, stabilize prices, and
dethrone bankers all at the same time. It could be done cleanly and painlessly, by
legislative command, far more quickly than anybody imagined,“ he says. The
conjuring trick is to replace our system of private bank-created money -- roughly
97pc of the money supply -- with state-created money. We return to the historical
norm, before Charles II placed control of the money supply in private hands with
the English Free Coinage Act of 1666. Specifically, it means an assault on
"fractional reserve banking". If lenders are forced to put up 100pc reserve backing
for deposits, they lose the exorbitant privilege of creating money out of thin air,"
he writes. A handful of German newspapers have also reported on
this simple solution now validated by modern, mathematical
models and a study by the IMF.
Austrians have no time to lose in adopting the Chicago Plan
now that the country is entering the final, lethal phase of
the debt death spiral, inherent in every privatised money
system with its ever increasing interest and compound
interest, resulting in austerity measures which strangle the
economy and/or money printing and which results
in hyperinflation. The Deutsche Mittelstands Nachrichten
reports that bankster aid has sent Austria's national debt
soaring. In spite of recent brutal austerity cuts, national
debt grew to nearly 190 billion euros last year, sending
Austria deeper into the same debt death spiral as Greece.
Austria needs to repay more than 20  billion euros in
interest on this bankster, fractional reserve debt this
year.It will do so by taking on 20 to 30 billion euros of
more debt... The Chicago Plan is now a scientifically
validated, fact-based, pragmatic alternative to debt
slavery which can be presented in a referendum by cross
party group to the people of Austria and so stop Austria
fron spiralling into disaster. Another much needed measure
is in my opinion is increased taxes on the super rich like
Stronach and a reduction in taxes on the vast majority of
the ever more impoverished population of the country.
Finally, it is to be hoped that the evaluation by external
police of the Kampusch case results in the mass arrest of
the top 200 or 300 state prosecutors, judges and Justice
Ministry officials in Vienna particularly. These appear to
be at the heart of a monstrous crime syndicate, protecting
not just paedophile rings but also corporate giants such as
Baxter pharmaceuticals. In 2009, Baxter nearly started a
global bird flu pandemic and mass vaccine campaign with an
adjuvant known to cause neurological damage by contaminating
72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with the bird flu virus in
its biosecurity facilities in Austria. The strict regulations
of a biosecurity facility make an accidental contamination
virtually impossible and yet no one has ever been brought to
account for what can only be called a crime against
humanity. Austrian justice officials have instead focussed
all their efforts on trying to ruin me in a case reminiscent
of Gustl Mollath in Germany, which was the reason why I
eventually felt for good reason I had no option but to leave
the country. Austrian police shouldn t leave it to this
corrupt clique to investigate their own cover up but act
swiftly and arrest state prosecutors like Werner Pleischl
for their apparent role in the Kampusch cover up as a first
step in a clean up of the justice system. Other candidates
for arrest, -- my evidence clearly suggests wrong doing --,
are Judge Michaela Lauer, solicitor Freiderich Hutz, Philip
Nierlich and Daniela Ehrlich. I am happy to write up a press
release for the Interior Ministry explaining why all
Austrians, and especially the people living in Hietzing,
will benefit from the end of this apparently very well
established mafia clique.]]> 6175 2013-01-21 17:33:42 2013-01-21 17:33:42
closed open austrians-vote-by-two-thirds-for-draft-army-in-ground-breaking-referendum
publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _publicize_pending
fledged-fascist-dictatorship/ Sun, 16 Jun 2013 18:52:06 +0000 birdflu666 GERMANY S DOUBTFUL ROLE IN CLOSING THE
MASTER OBAMA COMING TO BERLIN THIS WEEK About a week ago, I went to the
Topography of Terror in Berlin. One of the exhibitions dealt with the role of the media in
maintaining the Nazi terror regime. Knowledge of history has never been more valuable because
the German government this week once more crossed the red line into flagrant Fascism, using
its power to help shut down the Greek national broadcaster ERT as part of an unprecedented
assault on freedom of the press, democracy and fundamental human rights. The Greek national
broadcaster was taken off air in the middle of a programme on Tuesday night without warning,
without a public debate or a debate in parliament. A brave group of journalits have rebelled and
keep a skeleton service going as a pirate station cheered on by supporters in scenes worthy of a
fascist dictatorship. A poll shows two thirds of the Greeks oppose the closure of their national
broadcaster, paid for by their taxes.
raises-stakes-broadcasters-closure-19405180 But who cares about public opinion in the brave
new world of the Fascist EU and Germany? The ERT was shut down by the police following a
decree -- considered illegal by many -- by the EU/ECB/IMF Troika puppet, Greek Prime
Minister Antonis Samaras. The move was greeted with applause by the German government as
the transcript of a press conference held in Berlin on June 12 which I obtained shows. If this is
possible, anything is possible including the shutting down at gun point of the media in Spain,
Ireland, Italy and France. Make no mistake: the closure of the ERT is a watershed. It marks the
moment when it is no longer hyperbole or sensationalism to talk of a Fascist German
government and a Fascist EU. Fascism is, in fact, now the only accurate description of the
Merkel government and the EU. The criteria for determining whether a government is Fascist is,
after all, not whether it holds democratic elections. Hitler was also elected democratically. No,
the criteria is whether it protects fundamental freedoms, including press freedom. History
shows us what governments do when the last vestiges of the free press are crushed. A media
vacuum is an ideal opportunity to launch mass swine flu vaccine campaigns with a vaccine
known to cause damage - or mass arrests and concentration camps when economies fail due to
austerity imposed by banksters to pay interest on a privatised money system. The freedom of the
press is the benchmark and cornerstone of any democracy. It is a fundamental right enshrined
in Article 5 of the German Constitution. After such
an unprecedented assault on the free media nothing more can be excluded, not even a military
occupation of Greece. Like Greece, Germany is also set for hyperinflation and economic collapse
and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel may well have an interest in concealing the failure of
her austerity polices in Greece because she does not want the Germans to wake up to the
realization that they will soon be as impoverished as the Greeks by those very same policies
ahead of elections in September. The IMF‘s Chicago Plan Revisited advocating a return to public
money has been buried by Merkel, Obama and the rest of the Bilderberg bankster elite in spite
of support by economists.
plan-to-conjure-away-debt-and-dethrone-bankers.html Merkel, the most powerful politician in
Europe according to The Economist yesterday claimed she had no say over the closure of the
ERT. The fact
that Merkel, the most powerful politician in Europe according to the Economist, denies any
responsibility can be no surprise. German Fascist dictators have a history of lying. Hitler lied
about his intention to invade Poland, for example. „“Where is Europe going?” has become
synonymous with: “What do the Germans want?”“ writes the Economist.
europe-needs-rethink-way-it-sees-itself-and he Economist has described Germany as a
reluctant hegemon. There can be no question of reluctance. The German government is actively
applauding the move to prevent Greek journalists from reporting on the deflation crisis and
catastrophic rates of unemployment among the young caused by austerity policies imposed at
the behest of Germany on behalf of the international banksters. Merkel’s fascism is a new
totalitarianism which even seeks to eliminate the media altogether. When the people can no
longer be brainwashed by the mainstream media or the false flag alternative media centered on
the likes of Alex Jones and his cabal like Ron Paul, Daniel Hannan, Wolfgang Wodarg and
Teresa Forcades, now trying to get a false flag Catalonia independence movement off the
ground, then the time seems to come to kill them, it seems. And for that, a total media blackout
is convenient. The organized lying practiced by the German government like all totalitarian
governments reached a nauseating degree during the press conference dealing with the closure
of the ERT on June 12th as can be judged by anyone who reads excerpts of the press conference,
which, according to the German government press officer, is the only significant policy
statement by the German government on the momentous closure of the Greek national
broadcaster by decree. For a complete transcript of lies, fraud and fabrications told during the
conference, please send an email to because there is no other email to send
press inquiries to. Freedom of thought and the press are usually attacked by arguments which
are not worth bothering about, wrote George Orwell. This is certainly true of the arguments
presented bz the German government spokespersons on June 12th as anyone can see who can
be bothered to read the transcript in German. The whole world knows that the current Greek
government had to sign up to the Troika agenda, largely dictated by Germany, before it was
allowed to assume power, and yet the German government press officers insist Germany has no
with-political-chief-Antonio-Samaras-over-refusal-to-sign-austerity-pledge.html It is well
known that Samaris is not a Greek Prime Minister as the German Finance Minister spokesman
Martin Kotthaus maintains. He became a puppet of the Troika and German government when
he was forced to sign a document promising to carry out their austerity police regardless of
Greek public opinion or Greek interests as condition of assuming power in the first place. The
degree of personal interference in Greek affairs was illustrated when Merkel personally
summoned the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou to Cannes and threatened him if he
went ahead with a referendum over the euro.
showdown-greek-pm-faces-bailout-anger Even a a report in the ORF admits that the
unprecedented crushing of the media was desired by key creditors, including Germany. In spite of all these documents and facts, the German
finance ministry spokesman Martin Kotthaus dares to claim that Germany had no influence
over the decision by their puppet Prime Minister to close the ERT. Kotthaus says that shutting
down the remains of the Greek free press is necessary for German-imposed austerity measures,
which have devastated the country. But the very fact that even the national broadcaster has to be
shut down could not offer greater proof of the failure of the austerity policies the German
government advocates, following its own twisted, circular logic. The argument that the ERT is
corrupt and inefficient is correct. It is that way because politicians like Samaras wanted it that
way. The political class made political appointments to influence and manipulate the flow of
information to the public as they do in Germany. The ERT organization is no way as inefficient
as Germany ZDF and ARD, as Der Spiegel points out.
griechenlands-rundfunk-a-905375.html The ZDF and ARD propaganda machine costs each
person in Germany 109 euros a year compared to the mere 26 euros which the operation of the
ERT costs each Greek. Every household in Germany is now compelled to pay an illegal tax to
fund the monstrous propaganda machine of the ARD and ZDF regardless of whether they have a
TV or radio or not, sparking widespread protests.
gebuehr-29631572.bild.html The solution to inefficiency is not to shut down the ERT
broadcaster at the point of a gun. The answer is a reform and a more independent press –
preferably allowed to report on the crimes of the Troika, of Merkel and Samaras. Also, if the
Merkel government really opposed this assault on press freedom, all they would have to do given
their dominance of Europe is make a statement calling on Samaras to reopen the ERT or offer
emergency funds. There is no question of any such thing happening. Merkel’s spokesperson
Steffen Seibert demonstrates the ultimate hypocrisy when he begins the press conference by
stressing the importance of the freedom of speech in Syria to fuel war in the Middle East. But
when it comes to freedom of speech in Greece, he is fully supportive of its eradication. The
German public broadcasts ARD and ZDF are also apologists of totalitarianism. The only
comment posted by an ARD journalist supports the closure of the ERT on cost grounds. The
heads of the ARD and ZDF signed an open letter sent by the European Broadcast Union in
protest at the closure of the Greek state media. But their signatures are hypocritical considering
their complete failure to take effective action against it. The EBU has intervened to allow banned
Greek journalists to continue on air – not the ARD or ZDF.
closure.html The ZDF and ARD appeared to be being expanded with an illegal tax levy to fulfill
the role of the propaganda behemoths of the future Nazi dominated EU. For make no mistake. If
the Germans can have the Greek national broadcaster shut down, they can have the Italian,
Spanish, Irish, French broadcasters shut down. What we will be left with are the ARD and ZDF.,
which lie day and night, lie about the damage of the swine flu vaccine, lie about the privatized
money supply. This will be my last report from a now blatantly Fascist Germany. For the record,
below is a copy of the questions I emailed to the German government press office concerning the
closure of ERT, their reply as well as excerpts of the press conference so that everyone can see
the lies, hypocrisy and fraud of the German government themselves. I have not translated the
relevant portions oft he transcript into English because they are too sickening. As someone
whose father fought in the Waffen SS in Finland during the second world war, I find the re
emergence of a fascist dictatorship in Germany the lies, hypocrisy and fraud of the German
government press officers especially nauseating. They should be put on trial for their role in
destroying the freedom of the press in Germany and Europe against the German constitution –
and one day, I bet; they will be put on trial. Jane Burgermeister 14 June 2013 14:00 To: Hallo, The Greek public service broadcaster ERT has been shut down
allegedly because of the need to make cuts in spending - cuts which the German government has
also been demanding as part of a so called austerity drive. I am an
Austrian/Irish journalist and a blogger and would like to post on this topic. My background
briefly: I have written for publications such as Reuters, The Scientist, Nature and The Guardian
as you can see from Google Scholar.
hl=de&q=jane+burgermeister&btnG=&lr= I gave accurate information about the potential
damage caused by the swine flu vaccine in 2009 - damage now officially confirmed by the
governments of Sweden, Finland and Ireland among others. A Youtube video clip I made in
German received 440,000 views in 2009. I gave accurate Information about the swine flu
vaccines when your government did not. That could be one reason why an increasing proportion
of the population is turning to the alternative media for information. I would like now to post on
the closure of the Greek public state broadcaster. The media is considered to be the "fourth
estate" and crucial for the functioning of a democracy. No public TV and Radio broadcaster has
been shut down by any government in modern European history. The ERT has been operating
since 1938. My specific questions to the German government concerning the sudden shut down
of the ERT state broadcaster in Greece are: 1) What is the view of the German government on
the sudden shut down of the Greek ERT public TV and radio service? 2) Does the German
government believe the shut down of the public broadcaster is a meaningful contribution to
austerity? Or does it share concerns that the sudden closure of the ERT state broadcaster, and
by police force, is an attack on freedom of speech and democracy? 3) Has the German
government or Chancellor Angela Merkel made any statements on this unprecedented event yet
(time of sending of this email) or not? If not, why not? If so, what statements has she made? 4)
Did the German government know about plans to close down the ERT or put pressure on the EU
and Greek government to close ERT? 5) Greece is widely perceived as a country indirectly under
German control because Germany is one of the most powerful members of the EU and has
considerable influence over the EU/IMF/ECB Troika currently running Greece's government.
Germany has also public pressed for austerity in Greece. Does the German government fear that
ist perceived failure to intervene vigorously could be interpretated as signalling a tacit
agreement with this unprecedented attack on the freedom of every single person in Greece and
Europe even if it did not put pressure on the EU and Greek government? 6) Did the heads of
German public broadcaster ARB and ZDF sign an open letter from the EBU calling for the ERT
to be reopened? If not, why not? 7) Does the German government intend to take action to
restore the operation of the ERT such as offering emergency funds? If not, why not?
mletter.pdf 8) Does the German government consider itself to have a special duty to protect the
media and press freedom given the very recent Nazi dictatorship and occupation of Greece?
Many Greeks still living experienced the brutal Nazi occupation and remember atrocities such as
Distomo. Is there a Special burden on Germany to be seen to take action on the ERT by insisting
on ist reopening loudly and publicly? I would appreciate a written answer to my questions as
soon as possible. Please feel free to reply in German. I can post your answers in German with a
translation in English. The General public will judge your answers or lack of them - not me.
Finally, I would like to express my astonishment that the German government press office
appears to have no email address readily available to sk for information. I was told on the phone
by the Chef vom Dienst at the press office that I had to use the Chef von Dienst email address
above. A
written record of all questions to a government, and a written record of all replies by the
government is important for transparency and press freedom. Under the current system,
journalists cannot keep a written electronic copy of their questions - and, therefore, cannot hold
the German government accountable for failures to answer the questions and in a timely
manner. Does the German government intend to change this system and create an email
address for the press office to allow for more transparency for the press or not? I would also
appreciate an answer to this question. Yours, Jane Bürgermeister MA (Hons) Edinburgh
University This email will be posted on my blog together with your answer. When I worked for
the mainstream media -- check my Name under Google Scholar -- I also received replies from
governments within one day. I hope you will treat bloggers, especially bloggers like myself who
have a record of accurate information, equally professionally, Chef vom Dienst 14 June 2013
15:42 To: Jane Burgermeister Cc: Chef vom Dienst Dear Ms. Burgermeister, your questions were
subject at the press-conference 12.6., attached, page 12. This is the position of the German
Government. There is nothing to add. Questions concerning ARD and ZDF should be addressed
to these institutions. Greetings Gebauer Dr. Annekatrin Gebauer Chefin vom Dienst
________________________ Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung
Dorotheenstr. 84, 10117 Berlin Telefon: 03018/272-2030 Telefax: 03018/272-3152 E-Mail: E-Mail: Internet: Unkorrigiertes Protokoll* Ho/Yü/Hü Nur zur dienstlichen
Verwendung PRESSEKONFERENZ 66/2013 (Behandlungsvermerk: zum Teil „unter zwei“)
Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013, 13.00 Uhr, BPK Themen: Situation in der Türkei, Beschluss der Duma
über das sogenannte Gesetz gegen homosexuelle Propaganda, Anpassung der Reise- und
Sicherheitshinweise des Auswärtigen Amtes für Russland, Kabinettssitzung (Hochwasserlage,
Gesetzentwurf zur Änderung des Einkommenssteuergesetzes, Reservekraftwerksverordnung,
Mobilitäts- und Kraftstoffstrategie), NSA-Überwachungsprogramm PRISM, Grundsteinlegung
für das Berliner Stadtschloss, Schließung der griechischen öffentlich-rechtlichen
Rundfunkanstalt ERT, Endlagersuchgesetz, Verhandlungen über ein Handels- und
Investitionsabkommen zwischen der EU und den USA Sprecher: StS Seibert, Peschke (AA),
Kotthaus (BMF), Paris (BMVg), Wieduwilt (BMJ), Teschke (BMI), Küchen (BMAS), Fronczak
(BMELV), Schwartz (BMWi), Maaß (BMU) FRAGE CHILAS: Ich möchte gerne Herrn Kotthaus
fragen. Ich wollte fragen, wie Sie die gestrige Schließung des griechischen öffentlichen
Rundfunks gefunden haben, die aufgrund der Pressionen der Troika und von Spargründen
erfolgt ist. Würden Sie das als Erfolg im Sinne der Umsetzung des Griechenland-Programms
verbuchen und begrüßen? Finden Sie das toll? KOTTHAUS: Lieber Herr Chilas, ich glaube, das
ist nicht die Frage. Darauf, ob wir irgendetwas toll finden, kommt es nicht an. Es gibt ein
Programm, das mit Griechenland verabredet worden ist, in dem die Worte Rundfunk oder
Schließung nicht vorkommen. Das müssen wir einmal festhalten! Zweitens gibt es die Einigung
mit den griechischen Regierungen, dass man im öffentlichen Sektor Personal abbauen soll. Das
ist so verabredet worden, und zwar geht es um insgesamt 150.000 Beschäftigte. Sie wissen auch,
dass dieser Abbau im Wesentlichen nicht durch Kündigungen erfolgt. Bei dem, worüber wir jetzt
gerade reden, ging es um Disziplinarfälle, Sorgfaltsüberprüfungen, Mobilitätsprogramme,
freiwillige Abgänge und Ähnliches mehr. Dadurch wurden bis jetzt 80.000 Stellen abgebaut,
und zwar in einem solchen Maße, dass man auch wieder Leute einstellen kann. Für das Jahr
2014 geht es jetzt um 15.000 Stellen, die bis 2014 abgebaut worden sein sollen, und für das Jahr
2013 um 4.000 Stellen. Zu dieser Klausel: Die ersten 80.000 Stellen wurden im Verhältnis 5:1
abgebaut. Man kann sagen: Für fünf Stellen, die abgebaut werden, kann man wieder eine Stelle
besetzen. Bei den Stellen, die jetzt gerade abgebaut werden, beträgt das Verhältnis 1:1. Mit den
Maßnahmen, die ich gerade beschrieben habe, können auch wieder neue Leute eingestellt
werden, und zwar in Erwartung der griechischen Regierung, dadurch auch die Effizienz zu
steigern. Wie Griechenland das im Endeffekt macht und wie die griechische Regierung das zu
tun entscheidet, das ist die Entscheidung der griechischen Regierung, nicht und schon gar nicht
die Entscheidung von uns. Die Effizienz der Maßnahmen im Rahmen des Programmes muss im
Endeffekt die Troika beurteilen. Aber noch einmal: Wie das gemacht wird, in welcher Art und
Weise und in welcher Form, das steht ganz allein im Benehmen der griechischen Regierung. Es
kommt gar nicht darauf an, was ich hier toll finde oder nicht toll finde, sondern es kommt
darauf an, wie das Programm umgesetzt wird. Diese Detailentscheidungen ich glaube, das ist
den Griechen auch sehr wichtig gewesen werden in Athen gefällt, nicht in Brüssel und schon gar
nicht in Berlin. ZUSATZFRAGE CHILAS: Aber ich habe Sie etwas ganz Konkretes gefragt. Die
Schließung ist, wie gesagt, aufgrund der Pressionen der Troika erfolgt. Die Troika, wenn ich
nicht irre, handelt immer im Auftrag und Interesse der Gläubiger, also auch der
Bundesrepublik. Das ist also keine Entscheidung, die die griechische Regierung aus freien
Stücken getroffen hat. Es geht um etwas ganz Konkretes. Ich frage Sie jetzt, ob Sie vielleicht
konkreter ausführen können, wie Sie das sehen. KOTTHAUS: Herr Chilas, ich kann Ihre
Wahrnehmung nicht teilen; das muss ich ganz ehrlich gestehen. Die Troika gibt keine Details
dazu vor, welche Stelle wo und wie abgebaut werden muss. Die Troika muss darauf achten, dass
das Programm umgesetzt wird. Sie achtet darauf im Interesse Griechenlands, aber auch im
Interesse der gesamten Staaten, die sich mit Griechenland solidarisch gezeigt haben. Die Troika
muss darauf achten, dass die Abbaupfade im öffentlichen Sektor beibehalten werden, weil das
die Verpflichtung ist, die wir alle gegenseitig eingegangen sind. Ich glaube, Ihre Darstellung,
dass die Troika irgendetwas aufoktroyiert hat, ist nach meiner Kenntnis schlicht und ergreifend
nicht zutreffend. Die Troika muss vielmehr darauf achten, dass das Programm umgesetzt wird.
Über die Details in Bezug darauf, wie, wo, in welcher Art und Weise Stellen ab- und auch wieder
aufgebaut werden, entscheidet allein die griechische Regierung in Athen. Das ist auch richtig so,
denn Griechenland ist das Land, das selbst entscheiden muss, wo man wie am besten arbeitet.
Daher sage ich nochmals: Es ist nicht an mir, zu entscheiden, gut zu finden oder nicht gut zu
finden, wie sich die griechische Regierung benimmt. Das Relevante ist, dass das Programm, das
wir alle gemeinsam verabredet haben, umgesetzt wird. Das passiert. ZUSATZFRAGE CHILAS:
Ich habe diesbezüglich auch eine Frage an Herrn Seibert. Herr Seibert, Sie waren bis vor einigen
Jahren aktiver Journalist in einer öffentlichen Anstalt. Wie würden Sie reagieren, wenn Ihre
Anstalt, die öffentliche Anstalt, per Regierungsdekret über Nacht abgeschafft worden wäre? Ich
frage Sie sowohl in Ihrer Eigenschaft als Ex-Journalist als auch als Regierungssprecher. STS
SEIBERT: Ich sitze aber nur in einer Eigenschaft hier, und mein berufliches Vorleben wird
nichts daran ändern, dass ich die Antwort von Herrn Kotthaus für die absolut und einzig
richtige halte. Dies ist nicht eine Sache der Bundesregierung, sondern dies ist eine Sache der
griechischen Regierung, die mit dieser Maßnahme und anderen Maßnahmen Vorgaben erfüllt,
zu denen sie sich in Verabredungen mit der Troika verpflichtet hat. Das gibt es doch in vielen
anderen Bereichen auch. Wenn das Memorandum of Unterstanding beispielsweise
Privatisierungen in einer bestimmten Höhe vorsieht, dann diskutieren wir hier doch auch nicht,
ob es das Staatsunternehmen A oder das Staatsunternehmen B treffen soll. Deswegen muss ich
diese Frage genauso wie Herr Kotthaus beantworten, unabhängig davon, was ich bis 2010
beruflich gemacht habe. ZUSATZFRAGE CHILAS: Meine Frage zielte darauf ab, zu erfahren,
wie Sie das demokratiepolitisch sehen, auch vom Standpunkt der Freiheit der Informationen
aus. Wenn der einzige öffentliche Informationsträger geschlossen wird, ist das dann im Sinne
einer europäischen Innenpolitik und nicht wert, kommentiert zu werden? STS SEIBERT: Ich
habe aus der Berichterstattung nicht den Eindruck gewonnen, dass es sich um eine dauerhafte
Schließung handeln soll. Im Übrigen verweise ich auf die Antwort, die wir hier gegeben
haben. ]]> 6198 2013-06-16 18:52:06 2013-06-16 18:52:06 closed open he-end-of-the-lie-
germany-emerges-as-a-fully-fledged-fascist-dictatorship publish 0 0 post 0
_oembed_c85962475eab7cd4fce8a1e0fd514644 _edit_last
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_oembed_9fef9e1eef24cb2681b4e2a1ebe1cb69 _oembed_60e5145d83c50bc3fc2826bf261e15ca
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_oembed_f88b380ab1f5f525cee65de17d61f078 _oembed_c9fc1fd2ee4f04165db494ab16a6b76f
fascist-dictatorship/ 2013-06-18 16:14:57 2013-06-18 16:14:57 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 32535
athens/ 2013-06-25 22:00:01 2013-06-25 22:00:01 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_history akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 32545
kirschfladen/ 2013-06-26 16:25:45 2013-06-26 16:25:45 1 pingback 0 0
akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on 38655 2014-
12-27 07:37:24 2014-12-27 07:37:24 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
akismet_history akismet_history
care-in-vienna-murder-attempt/ Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:18:53 +0000 birdflu666 *DR VERENA STRAUSZ IN INTENSIVE CARE IN
vaccine-get-60-million-compensation-1438572 *DR STRAUSZ IS THE PYSCHIATRIST WHO


BEEN GIVEN DAMAGING VACCINE *]]> 6211 2014-03-11 12:18:53 2014-03-11 12:18:53 closed
open whistleblower-dr-verena-strausz-in-intensive-care-in-vienna-murder-attempt publish 0 0
post 0 _edit_last _publicize_pending _oembed_3aa495ff79bff03c5e80e1bf90dd17d4
_oembed_01724d9f9cbf8ab8cce46f6882a36f1e geo_public
care-in-vienna-murder-attempt/dr-strausz/ Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:22:43 +0000 birdflu666 6216 2014-03-11 12:22:43
2014-03-11 12:22:43 closed open dr-strausz inherit 6211 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
verena-strausz-in-intensive-care-in-vienna-murder-attempt/howarth/ Tue, 11 Mar 2014
12:26:32 +0000 birdflu666 6218
2014-03-11 12:26:32 2014-03-11 12:26:32 closed open howarth inherit 6211 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
interview-me-by-german-newspaper-points-to-sinister-agenda/ Wed, 12 Mar 2014 18:01:41
+0000 birdflu666 *Sueddeutsche Zeitung emails
me on February 22nd for an interview in Vienna on Smoking: time when Dr Strausz taken to
intensive care in mysterious circumstances *What is going on? Is it just brazen
mainstream media manipulation as historic vaccine compensation claims start ?
Just two days after I abandoned my trip to Austria on February 20th because Dr Verena Strausz,
the psychiatirst who twice refused to confine me on the request of a government and Big
Pharma researcher Professor Lukas Kenner in 2010,  unexpectedly landed in intensive care, a
journalist from one of Germany's major mainstream newspapers, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung,
emailed me and asked me for an interview. Given the "historical" compensation claims being
launched by the victims of the swine flu vaccine -- the UK is to award 60 million pounds to the
first 60 victims -- you might be forgiven for thinking that Sueddeutsche Zeitung journalist
Hilmar Klute wanted to interview me about what reasonably can be called the biggest crime in
human history. But no, Klute  wanted to interview me about smoking... In his email -- see below
-- he says he is planning a page 3 special on smoking in Austria and asks whether I would have
time to to talk to him in Vienna the following week. This message is so urgent, Klute feels the
need to send it from his iPhone.

Rauchen in A

Klute, Hilmar <> 22 February 2014 10:02

To: ""   <>

  Sehr     geehrte Frau Bürgermeister,   Ich     plane für die Seite Drei der Süddeutschen Zeitung
eine Reportage über die     Diskussion über das Rauchen in Österreich. Darin soll es um Fragen
zum     libertären Lebensstil, zu Bevormundung und zum Vorzug Oesterreichs gehen,     das
letzte Raucher Paradies in der EU zu sein.   Da ich     kommende Woche in Wien sein werde,
moechte ich Sie fragen, ob Sie Lust und     Zeit für ein Gespräch haben. Ich     würde mich über
eine Antwort sehr freuen. Mit     besten Grüßen   Hilmar     Klute   Hilmar Klute  
SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG |       Telefon +49 (0)     89.2183-479   Telefax:+49 (0)     89.2183 -
8510   Süddeutsche     Zeitung
GmbH Hultschiner Straße 8, 81677 München Sitz der     Gesellschaft: München. Eingetragen
beim Amtsgericht München unter: HRB     73315 Geschäftsführer:     Dr. Detlef Haaks, Dr.
Richard Rebmann, Dr. Karl Ulrich. USt-IdNr.: DE 81158310   Von meinem iPhone gesendet  

The mainstream media's tactics of misinformation and distortion are well known, but rarely has
a journalist dared to be so brazen in his attempt to divert attention from a matter of gigantic
public interest to a marginal issue. Whatever damage smoking may cause, it surely is nothing
compared to the  potential carnage and slaughter which the mass pandemic vaccination
campaign of 2009 has caused, will cause, and could have caused if people like myself had not
blown the whistle. Also, people have a choice  as to whether to smoke or not.  Under national
pandemic plans, there were provisions for forced vaccination for 100% of the population.
Feigning ignorance of my role in warning people about the pandemic vaccine ,  "prostitute
journalist" or presstitute Klute wants to talk about smoking, a topic I have never written on and
have much to say about. His ignorance about my role in the pandemic vaccine information
campaign is not shared by hundreds of thousands of other German people. A German youtube
clip I made in 2009 got about 440,000 views in a matter of days, a milestone for youtube in
Germany back then. In the end, only about 6% of the Germans and 3% of the Austrians took the
damaging swine flu vaccine. Klute's bizarre misinformation email is not surprising.  After all, the
Sueddeutsche Zeitung was one of the major sources of propaganda about the  pandemic vaccine
campaign, hyping the dangers of a harmless virus while ignoring the scientific, documented and
verifiable evidence of the dangers associated with pandemic vaccine and especially its adjuvant.
Read the first chapter of my book "False Pandemic" written back in 2010 if you wish to refresh
your memory of this nightmare period.False Pandemic The Sueddeutsche Zeitung, like virtually
all other German newspapers, has also been remarkably silent about the damage caused by the
pandemic vaccine as well as the historical compensation claims currently being launched by the
first victims in Ireland, the UK and Norway, to name a few countries.
behalf-of-children-and-adults-injured-as-a-result-of-human-swine-flu-vaccine-pandemrix/ The
Sueddeutsche has also been silent about the documented, repeated and illegal attempts to
forcibly psychiatrize me, a medical journalist who has written for the BMJ, Reuters and Nature
and who reported all facts accurately, by the Austrian government. These "state-organized
murder attempts" by the Austrian government in collusion with the medical establishment -- of
which Dr Verena Strausz, the psychiatrist who kept refusing to confine me, appears to be the
latest victim -- were the reason why I had to leave Austria. at great speed in 2012, in the first
place. When a police inspector filed charges against government -paid researcher Lukas Kenner,
nothing happened precisely because it was a state organized in the first place just as the mass
pandemic vaccine campaign was a state organized crime. Klute feigns ignorance of all these
things. In his haste to talk to me about smoking, he presses me for a talk and just two days after
I was due to go to Austria to press my compensation claims and hold a meeting with a lawyer to
be arranged by Dr Strausz... Thanks, but no thanks, Hilmar. I don't want to end up in intensive
care like Dr Strausz or vaccine critic Christl Meyer. Consuming coffee and other refreshments in
a cosy little establishment picked by Klute could have side effects even more unpleasant than
having to read the moronic articles which seem to be his staple....
Of course, I'm joking. Witty me!  I do not by any means want to give the impression that Klute
hoped to find out my new travel plans and even see me speeding away in an ambulance to the
"Göttlicher Heiland" hospital like Dr Strausz and Christl Meyer. But there is another tiny detail
which merits a mention.  I am just not qualified to give any views on smoking unless puffing a
ciggy once in a while qualifies me as an expert. As for Austria being "the last smoker's paradise"
in the EU, as Hilmar Klute suggests, any Austrian can tell you that is a rather eccentric view.
Laws introduced in 2010 ban smoking in all public buildings, restrict smoking in restaurants
and foresee fines of 1000 euros for lighting up in a non-smoking area. and fines of 10,000 euros
for the publican who allows it. If
Austria is a smoker's paradise, what is the rest like in? Are smokers being marched out of
restaurants and put up against a wall and shot if being fined 1000 euros for lighting up is
considered to be a  sign of a "smoker's paradise" nowadays? It goes without saying, I told Klute
to "F    off" to paraphrase US diplomat Victoria Nuland talking about the EU and Jörg
Kachelmann about the ARD.
the-ard I have no desire to "chat" to a presstitute with about as much credibility as Nazi
propaganda minister Goebbels. Attack dog Klute tried to maul a critic of the nuclear industry
and he may try to maul me in "his commentary", but the toothless yap of a discredited
presstitute is the last thing anyone has to worry about nowadays.
1.1079641 It's actually an honour to be not praised by the mainstream press nowadays.
Johannes Kerner, presstitute for war-mongerer and plagiarist Karl-Theodor von Guttenberg,
was called a "wolf" by a Bavarian businessman when he showed up at the Vienna Opera ball.
The businessman ended up with a gaping wound after a savage punch by one of Kerner's fixers. A petition asking Germany's state-
controlled propaganda channel  ZDF to jettison another presstitute Markus Lanz garnered
233,000 signatures in a matter of days.
markus-lanz-aus-meiner-rundfunkgebuehr]]> 6221 2014-03-12 18:01:41 2014-03-12 18:01:41
closed open bizarre-request-to-interview-me-by-german-newspaper-points-to-sinister-agenda
publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _edit_last
geo_public _oembed_1292b22c4e8c074cb7aa425612366d28
_oembed_ff3862fd6d49ceceedd590a6eeed1f68 _oembed_a091c7e21c261339a1b0f6ec15cc6071
_oembed_1e67fb9a0143022afe1ef7ad49cfda2a _oembed_77b62a8673cc3197cfb46749cd13bda1
newspaper-points-to-sinister-agenda/false-pandemic/ Wed, 12 Mar 2014 18:07:31 +0000
birdflu666 6233 2014-03-
12 18:07:31 2014-03-12 18:07:31 closed open false-pandemic inherit 6221 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
victims-says-never-been-a-case-like-this-before/ Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:38:39 +0000 birdflu666 *Swine flu vaccine damage: First sixty
people in UK submit claims for one million pounds each

*Six are health workers

*Lawyer Peter Todd says "never been a case like this before."

*Six million people in the UK received swine flu jab: how long can medical
establishment continue to deny the potentially vast health damage?

Read the Sunday Times article:

SIXTY people are to receive a multimillion-pound payout from the government after they
suffered brain damage caused by a swine flu vaccine.

Most of the victims are children but they also include six health workers. Peter Todd, a lawyer
representing many sufferers, said the government would face a bill of at least £60m — £1m for
each victim.

And the correction:

The current position is that claims have been submitted. As and when any decision is made, this
will be communicated correctly.

The “brain damage” referred to relates to the loss of c. 70,000 neurons that produce a chemical
that regulates the sleep function. The descriptions of both narcolepsy and cataplexy are
incorrect & misleading.

]]> 6263 2014-03-15 17:38:39 2014-03-15 17:38:39 closed open lawyer-representing-uk-swine-

flu-vaccine-victims-says-never-been-a-case-like-this-before publish 0 0 post 0
_publicize_pending _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id
victims-to-brussels/ Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:10:12 +0000 birdflu666  

An Irish MEP was part of a group representing people injured by the swine flu
vaccine who met with the EU Health Commissioner Tonio Borg.

"Mairead McGuinness MEP for Louth accompanied members of Sufferers of Unique Narcolepsy
Disorder committee (SOUND) to the meeting.

Ms. McGuinness said the meeting was long and emotional. 'Hearing parents describe how their
children have been so badly affected since getting the vaccine - physically, emotionally and
psychologically, one could not but be moved to action. There is need for far greater awareness
and much greater support for these families and their children who are struggling with this life
changing condition.'

'Families had their children vaccinated on the basis of advice about flu prevention and a desire
to protect their children. Some children had a reaction to the vaccine which has and will
continue to have long term health consequences for them.

'They may never be able to work, play or enjoy life as they did up to the time of the vaccination,'
she said."

]]> 6269 2014-03-17 18:10:12 2014-03-17 18:10:12 closed open irish-mep-accompanies-swine-

flu-vaccine-victims-to-brussels publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending _rest_api_published
_rest_api_client_id _oembed_06d040dc4dc0dcab5b190e871f4af064
government-over-swine-flu-vaccine/ Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:12:29 +0000 birdflu666 a “health scandal and disaster”. Read more at:
to-vaccine-249434.html ]]> 6274 2014-03-17 18:12:29 2014-03-17 18:12:29 closed open irish-
lawyers-start-legal-action-againt-government-over-swine-flu-vaccine publish 0 0 post 0
_edit_last _publicize_pending Mon, 30 Nov -0001
00:00:00 +0000 birdflu666  

]]> 6278 2014-03-18 18:41:37 0000-00-00 00:00:00 closed open draft 0 0 post 0
europe/ Tue, 18 Mar 2014 18:44:48 +0000 birdflu666
p=6281 Victims of the swine flu vaccine are organizing across Europe to press their claim for

A new alliance has been formed by victims and lawyers from the UK, Ireland, Norway, Finland,
and Sweden. Read more at:

]]> 6281 2014-03-18 18:44:48 2014-03-18 18:44:48 closed open swine-flu-vaccine-victims-join-

forces-across-europe publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending _rest_api_published
_rest_api_client_id _edit_last _oembed_1292b22c4e8c074cb7aa425612366d28
pandemic/ Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:54:16 +0000 birdflu666
p=6297 All characters appearing in this short story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story portrays an evil elite determined to kill
off whistleblower and psychiatrist Dr Alexandra Schiller in Vienna so they can implement mass
forced vaccination: The Cardinal (The Network Part 2) ]]> 6297 2014-04-01 16:54:16 2014-04-
01 16:54:16 closed open short-story-the-cardinal-and-the-new-ebola-pandemic publish 0 0 post
0 _edit_last _publicize_pending
the-cardinal-and-the-new-ebola-pandemic/the-cardinal-the-network-part-2/ Wed, 02 Apr 2014
06:18:12 +0000 birdflu666
network-part-2.doc 6303 2014-04-02 06:18:12 2014-04-02 06:18:12 closed open the-cardinal-
the-network-part-2 inherit 6297 0 attachment 0
Sat, 05 Apr 2014 15:51:14 +0000 birdflu666 "In
these minutes there is talk about the 72 kilos of contaminated material and an inquiry is
requested. The investigation was initiated and has been adjourned without further explanation." It may be a
very poor translation but the impression she gives is that she obtained the minutes of the
Austrian Parliamentary questions herself when I did and I publicized them on my birdflu666
blog in spring 2009. The enormous quantity of vaccine material contaminated with the bird flu
virus in Baxter's biosecurity facilities in Austria was a key piece of evidence. Also, Forcades gives
the false impression that there was an investigation by the Austrian government when there was
none. I initiated the only investigation into Baxter by filing criminal charges. The Austrian
government covered it up. By conincidence, Forcades gave the interview on 18th February 2010
- the time when I should have been long dead and buried according to the NWO schedule. Three
weeks before she gave the interview, the Baxter and Austrian government researcher Professor
Lukas Kenner went to Dr Verena Strausz and offered her money to have me confined. So,
Forcades started rewriting history in such a way to airbrush the police inquiry into Baxter, my
role in it - and all this at the very time when it was planned for me to disappear into forced
psychiatry and be forgotten by the public forever; at the time when my name was started to be
airburshed from the internet, when my flucase website was hijacked, Facebook accounts close
and, Wikipedia entries vanished in a concerted, wide ranging and systematic attempt by the
NWO to make me an "unperson" -- as George Orwell would have called. I emailed Forcades
about this error after I visited her in her monastery in Spain last year - but she never replied or
gave any explanation. Other evidence Forcades works for the NWO: *she is promoted by the
mainstream media like the Guardian, the BBC and Spanish media.
24079227 *she is also promoted by the fake alternative media like Alex Jones.
Alex Jones championed Wolfgang Wodarg, who fronted the fake European Council pandemic
hype inquiry, which ignored the evidence the vaccine was damaging. Jones also lied about the
way he had cut me out of his show. *Forcades doesn't mentions the damage caused by the
vaccine or the narcolepsy. Again just like Alex Jones and Wodarg *she never mentions the
outrageous scandal concerning the many attempts by the Austrian government to forcibly
confine me - neither does Alex Jones. But then Alex Jones is silent on the large number of
Americans being psychiatrized such as Brandon Raub, arrested and confined for facebook posts:
ward-over-facebook-posts-about-911-2012-8 *Forcades uses facebook : a facebook friend is
none other than Dr Wolfgang Wodarg * she talks about
the need for a new world order * she tried to
set up another the Catalonian independent movement -but only after the original one proved to
be out of NWO control *she is in San Benet de Montserrat close to Montserrat which has the
cryptic number 777 in its phone number So, do I think Catholic churches, hospitals, schools and
other buildings could be used to spread the Ebola virus? Especially given the role of the Catholic
church in promoting Nazism? What do you think?]]> 6306 2014-04-05 15:51:14 2014-04-05
15:51:14 closed open more-evidence-the-catholic-church-is-involved-in-false-pandemics-the-
lies-of-benedictine-nun-teresa-forcades publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending _edit_last
_oembed_f3182536f38dd7245f14ac56905a5cbe _oembed_5947c364276b0955c7e931cff1fc7d41
_oembed_5aab558ea6623e8aa81fae8f693f0a6c 34766
esta-involucrada-en-pandemias-falsas-las-mentiras-de-la-monja-benedictina-teresa-forcades/ 2014-04-17 15:01:12 2014-04-17 15:01:12 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
as-angry-crowds-accuse-treatment-centres/ Sat, 05 Apr 2014 16:46:56 +0000 birdflu666 6308 2014-04-05 16:46:56 2014-04-05 16:46:56
closed open who-admits-man-infected-with-ebola-in-lab-as-angry-crowds-accuse-treatment-
centres publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _publicize_pending
_oembed_221e7451c052ff68c40b82dee1f10a99 _oembed_885e71763b56f4fed3f88efa7a03517e
_oembed_160b65ed9f0677d459c9bbfe18bffc87 _oembed_c1c0b31bc017a4cac5df3ca3411bfc77
_oembed_7a4ac3a30017b7f71e201e7f37e3fc44 _oembed_c9c19e136b8cbcc1967781e8174582b2
pandemic-control-room/ Sat, 05 Apr 2014 16:48:05 +0000 birdflu666 Anzeige Schweiz WHO admitted in an email on
Friday that Ebola can be spread in the air in laboratory conditions. And a high-speed train
compartment -- as well as an airplane -- resemble a laboratory in as far as the air currents and
the temperature inside etc can be calculated in advance and also controlled. I contend, given all
the evidence and past experience, it really cannot be ruled out that WHO health teams are
actively trying to contaminate people with the Ebola virus at key airport terminals today to
spread the epidemic and trigger lucrative contracts for big pharma as well as measures to
control citizens. That is why I appeal to everyone to avoid the WHO health teams at Dulles
airport and Heathrow today and the authorities to remove them or arrest them for suspected
bioterrorism and have them undergo a biological examination. Where are the police when we
need them?]]> 6310 2014-04-05 16:48:05 2014-04-05 16:48:05 closed open who-activates-
african-epidemic-and-pandemic-control-room publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
epidemic-and-pandemic-control-room/anzeige-schweiz/ Sun, 06 Apr 2014 09:26:18 +0000
birdflu666 6315 2014-04-
06 09:26:18 2014-04-06 09:26:18 closed open anzeige-schweiz inherit 6310 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
exchange/ Sun, 06 Apr 2014 11:46:20 +0000 birdflu666
surrounding the new Ebola epidemic was underlined when WHO spokesperson Gregory Härtl
refused to reveal the names of the people who sit on WHO's new key Emergency Committee,
sparking concerns that the UN health body is once more concealing pharmaceutical conflicts of
interests. In an astonishing email exchange on Friday, Hartl not only refused to reveal the
names of key advisors; he also refused to answer simple, factual questions about the Ebola
epidemic unfolding in Guinea. He even denied there were any plans to declare an epidemic - and
trigger "contractual agreements" presumably for pandemic vaccines under new more elastic
"interim" guidelines which apply to pandemics and epidemics. This, in spite of the media hype
about Ebola's rapid spread and danger, the French government putting a plane under
quarantine and the UK government putting hospitals on alert.
Virus Read my email exchange with Hartl on Thursday and Friday at the end of this report.
Crucially, these vaccine contracts now seem to be able to be triggered by individual nations such
as France under the new WHO interim guidelines - and no longerjust by WHO as in 2009.
During the false swine flu pandemic of 2009, WHO was embroiled in a scandal precisely
because it refuse to disclose the names of a clandestine committee responsible for declaring a
pandemic emergency level 6, thereby triggering lucrative pandemic vaccine contracts for
pharmaceutical companies - vaccines which have since been proven to cause narcolepsy. "Key
scientists advising the World Health Organization on planning for an influenza pandemic had
done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from the guidance they were
preparing. These conflicts of interest have never been publicly disclosed by WHOs,” wrote
mainstream media lapdog BMJ in a toothless investigation. WHO is engaging in the same scandalous secrecy
five years, underlining that the inquiries, including the Council of Europe inquiry fronted by Dr
Wolfgang Wodarg and UK MP Paul Flynn, were pieces of theatre, designed to deflect attention
from the way the clandestine machinery of mass biological destruction and vaccination
controlled by WHO was left in place. Highly likely WHO is refusing to name key advisors
because this new Emergency Committee is also packed with representatives from Big Pharma as
it was in 2009. The WHO Ebola consultation document on Ebola posted on its website lists 18
"expert" participants, including Stephan Becker of the Philipps Marburg University, Germany,
which helped Novartis produce the swine flu vaccine in 2009. In August 2013, The
Philipps Marburg University renewed a five year contract with Novartis to produce vaccines. "Top research and vaccine production
[go] hand in hand," Becker said. Becker is also the lead or corresponding author of two research
papers on the Ebola and Marburg virus co-authored by Bettina Hartlieb who works for Baxter --
the company which contaminated 72 kilos of vaccine material with the deadly bird flu virus in its
biosecurity 3 facilities in Austria, nearly triggering a global pandemic in 2009. I just carried out a few minutes of
research on Becker's background because his name is the first on the list in alphabetical order.
Readers are invited to investigate the potential pharmaceutical links of the other 17 WHO Ebola
expert consultants because if 2009 is anything to go by there will be many. WHO's claim that
the question about whether advisors have links to pharmaceutical companies is irrelevant
because there are no vaccines for Ebola is Machiavellian. In spring 2009, we were also all told
there was no vaccine for swine flu - but the pharmaceutical companies like Novartis officially
produced it by the summer... The Swiss newspaper Handelszeitung states that the vaccine
market for Ebola will be much more attractive to pharmaceutical companies now that there are
growing numbers of cases of Ebola. It is, therefore, implicitly recognized by the Handelszeitung
that pharmaceutical companies have a financial motive in starting an Ebola pandemic just as
they had in starting a bird flu pandemic in 2009.
ruecken-zu-589677 A Swiss vaccine producer Okairos -- bought in 2013 by UK pharmaceutical
giant Glaxo Smith Kline -- is working on an Ebola vaccine, says the newspaper. Under the new
"interim" guidelines, WHO still has the power to make the equivalent of a pandemic emergency
Level 6 declaration, though it is now termed a public health emergency of international concern
(PHEIC). The change in the name is apparently to allow for the implementation of global
militarized health care, force vaccination and quarantine in the event of a virus epidemic as well
as an influenza pandemic.   "The term Public Health Emergency of International Concern
(PHEIC) is defined in the IHR (2005) as "an extraordinary event which is determined to
constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease and to
potentially require a coordinated international response". "This definition implies a situation
that: is serious, sudden, unusual or unexpected; carries implications for public health beyond
the affected State’s national border; and may require immediate international action." says
WHO in the interim guidelines. The clandestine Emergency Committee plays a key role : "The
responsibility of determining whether an event is within this category lies with the WHO
Director-General and requires the subsequent convening of a committee of health experts – the
IHR Emergency Committee." And... "The Emergency Committee, which will be formed to advise
the Director General of WHO, will consider all available information, including country
information, assess the risk and provide the necessary advice."   Under the Interim Guidelines
any epidemic or pandemic emergency declaration will be based on "risk assessment."   "In line
with the main focus of the guidance, where risk management actions are based on risk
assessment, the declaration of a pandemic will also be based on risk assessment."
May2013.pdf?ua=1   WHO documents state an emergency declaration or PHEIC may involve
"collective global action" and  it may be a "trigger for certain regulatory actions, or for legal or
contractual agreements to come into effect. "
May2013.pdf?ua=1     It seems the "contractual agreements" activated will be agreements to
supply more pandemic vaccines, but Gregory Hartl refused to clarify this simple issue in our
email exchange. Most national pandemic plans have not changed in spite of the proof the
pandemic vaccines cause narcolepsy and the claims for compensation from victims already
running into millions. When I asked Hartl whether the Austrian national pandemic plan
allowing for forced vaccination is still in place according to all the government websites, Hartl
feigned in his reply to misread Austria for Australia and also pretended not to know who I am in
spite of having had significant contact with me in 2009. An alternative explanation is that Hartl
doesn't know the difference between Austria and Australian, in which he should surely be fired
for incompetence. So, it seems pandemic plans could be used for a mass forced vaccination
campaign or quarantines in the event of an Ebola epidemic just as they could have been used in
2009 for the "swine flu" pandemic. This elastic use of plans designed for an influenza pandemic
seems to be made possible because the concept of a "pandemic level 6 emergency" has been
replaced in the new WHO guidelines by the more concept of an Emergency Concern or PHEIC,
which embraces virus epidemics as well as influenza pandemics. Underlining this, WHO's new
African SHOC Room is managed by WHO AFRO’s Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response
region-gets-its-own-strategic-health-operations-centre There are a range of other measures
apart from mass vaccination such as forced quarantine under pandemic and epidemic plans
which can prove deadly. These plans apply to six billion people on earth. It's time for you to
organize to get these pandemic and epidemic plans cancelled and to ensure that the people
responsible for the Baxter contamination incident and the vaccines causing narcolepsy are held
to account. There is proof enough from the events of 2009 to put the people who are apparently
responsible for the current Ebola outbreak behind bars. Use it!!! If you don't act today -- an
action means much more than posting information on your facebook --, you might not be able to
act tomorrow because you could become a victim very soon. And you won't like it. Also, think of
the risk to others, not just yourself.    
Jane Burgermeister <>


Jane Burgermeister <> 3 April 2014 13:22

Dear Glenn Thomas,  With reference to our phone call, could you please tell me what is the
WH0 pandemic level alert for the Ebola virus outbreak in Guinea? Are their plans to move to
pandemic emergency level 6 soon?   Also, are you aware of any conflicts of interests for the
pariticpants listed in WHO's consultation on Ebola in 2009.   Many thanks
for your help!   Jane Burgermeister

Jane Burgermeister <> 3 April 2014 14:34

To: "Härtl, Gregory Anton" <>,

Dear Gregory Hartl,  I think my query below is more appropriately addressed to you as
spokesperson for epidemic diseases.   Thank you, Jane [Quoted text hidden]

HARTL, Gregory Anton <> 3 April 2014 14:37

To: Jane Burgermeister <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"

Dear Ms Burgermeister – we no longer use pandemic phases 1-6. And we have never looked at
Ebola in that light. Moreover, I do not think there could ever be a scenario where Ebola could
become pandemic. Only airborne viruses have a possibility of that. Ebola outbreaks have only
ever been very localised events.  Thank you,     -------------------------------------------- Gregory
Härtl WHO Spokesperson Coordinator, News, Social Media and Monitoring Department of
Communications Director-General's Office World Health Organization   Tel: +41227914458
Mobile: +41792036715 Email:   Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO Facebook Page Google+ Page
YouTube @worldhealthorganization   From: Jane
Burgermeister [] Sent: 03 April 2014 13:35 To: HARTL,
Gregory Anton; THOMAS, Glenn Raymond Subject: Fwd: Query [Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister <> 3 April 2014 14:47

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>

Thank you. The Austrian national plan is still in force and uses pandemic phases 1 to 6. Can
you explain thi?  What phases do you now use, please? Please send links to the relevant
documments   How do these new phases mesh with existing national pandemic plans?   Also,
there is research showing Ebola can be transmitted by air.   Please do tell if you are aware of
any conflicts of interest among the WHO Ebola experts.   Thank you for Information. [Quoted
text hidden]

HARTL, Gregory Anton <> 3 April 2014 14:59

To: Jane Burgermeister <>Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela"

<>, "GEHNER, Monika" <>, "HUMPHREY, Helena"
<>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>, "JIN, Yan"
<>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"
Please see the following document:   As
for Australia and its phases, you should ask Australia.   Concerning airborne transmission of
Ebola, that is only considered possible in a lab and if there is a lab accident, not from an
infected person in a natural state.   And I am not sure I understand your question about
Conflicts of Interest: how can there be, when there is no vaccine and no antivirals available for
Ebola, and the treatments that are being trialled are from already-existing drugs?   Thank you,    
-------------------------------------------- Gregory Härtl WHO Spokesperson Coordinator, News,
Social Media and Monitoring Department of Communications Director-General's Office World
Health Organization   Tel: +41227914458 Mobile: +41792036715 Email:  
Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO Facebook Page Google+ Page YouTube
@worldhealthorganization   From: Jane Burgermeister []
Sent: 03 April 2014 13:47 To: HARTL, Gregory Anton Subject: Re: Query [Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister <> 4 April 2014 09:25

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>,

"GEHNER, Monika" <>, "HUMPHREY, Helena" <>,
"JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>, "JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari
Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond" <>
Thank you.  According to the new guidelines and the FAQ, WHO still has the power to make
the equivalent of a pandemic emergency Level 6 declaration, now termed a publich health
emergency of international concern (PHEIC).   "The term Public Health Emergency of
International Concern (PHEIC) is defined in the IHR (2005) as "an extraordinary event which
is determined to constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread
of disease and to potentially require a coordinated international response". This definition
implies a situation that: is serious, sudden, unusual or unexpected; carries implications for
public health beyond the affected State’s national border; and may require immediate
international action.3   "The responsibility of determining whether an event is within this
category lies with the WHO Director-General and requires the subsequent convening of a
committee of health experts – the IHR Emergency Committee.   Under the Interim Guidelines
any declaration will be based on "risk assessment."   "In line with the main focus of the
guidance, where risk management actions are based on risk assessment, the declaration of a
pandemic will also be based on risk assessment."
_May2013.pdf?ua=1   The document states this may involve "collective global action" and  be
a"trigger for certain regulatory actions, or for legal or contractual agreements to come into
effect. "
_May2013.pdf?ua=1   An Emergency Committee will advise WHO to make this pandemic
declaration.   "The Emergency Committee, which will be formed to advise the Director General
of WHO, will consider all available information, including country information, assess the risk
and provide the necessary advice."   My questions to you are:   1) what is your risk assessment
of the Ebola Virus at present? 2) has WHO convened the Emergency Committee? 3) does WHO
plan to convene the Emergency Committee and make a PHEIC soon on the Basis of risk
assessment? 4) who are the members of this Emergency Committee? 5) the document
specifically states that a pandemic declaration may legal or contractual agreements. What are
these agreements? Are they agreements to supply antivirals and pandemic vaccines? If so,
please supply full details of all these agreements. (Drug, quantity, pharmaceutical Company)
Please confirm if these are same pandemic vaccines with adjuvants now proven to cause
narcolepsy? 6) given the existence of such agreements, presumably with pharmaceutical
companies, isn t the issue of conflict of interest perinent? Isn t it somewhat ingenious to say
there are no antivirals or vaccines now while ignoring the apparent existence of "contractual
agreements" to supply them at a later stage? However, if you would prefer, I will rephrase the
question: do the members of the Emergency Committee and WHO's Ebola advice committee
have links to pharmaceutical companies? This is something surely of public interest. 7) The
document states the "declaration of a pandemic may be used to communicate the need for
collective global action to manage the risks of a pandemic. " Does this collective global action
include the possibility of forced vaccination, forced quarantine as before? Are the
implementation of national pandemic plans including forced vaccination obligatory in the
event of a WHO pandemic declaration?   I am sure WHO has learnt from the 2009 pandemic
when a perceived lack of transparency did so much to damage its credibility. I look forward to a
productive working relationship where you assist me in accessing relevant and accurate
Information speedily to bolster public confidence in WHO and its decison making process.  
Many thanks! Jane Bürgermeister                 "The responsibility of determining whether an
event is within this category lies with the WHO Director-General and requires the subsequent
convening of a committee of health experts – the IHR Emergency Committee.   May I rephrase
my question if you do not see an immediate conflict of interest.   My question now is:  Are you
aware of any links with pharmaceutical companies of the 16 participants?   Thank you. [Quoted
text hidden]

HARTL, Gregory Anton <> 4 April 2014 09:49

To: Jane Burgermeister <>Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela"

<>, "GEHNER, Monika" <>, "HUMPHREY, Helena"
<>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>, "JIN, Yan"
<>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"
Hello. I will not answer Number 1 except to say that the RA in no way leads us to thinking of an
EC. So some of your questions are not relevant. See answers in to relevant questions in capitals
below. Thank you    -------------------------------------------- Gregory Härtl WHO Spokesperson
Coordinator, News, Social Media and Monitoring Department of Communications Director-
General's Office World Health Organization   Tel: +41227914458 Mobile: +41792036715 Email:   Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO Facebook Page
Google+ Page YouTube @worldhealthorganization   From: Jane
Burgermeister [] Sent: 04 April 2014 08:26 To: HARTL,
Gregory Anton Cc: CHAIB, Fadela; GEHNER, Monika; HUMPHREY, Helena; JASAREVIC,
Tarik; JIN, Yan; SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla; THOMAS, Glenn Raymond Subject: Re: Query  
Thank you.   According to the new guidelines and the FAQ, WHO still has the power to make
the equivalent of a pandemic emergency Level 6 declaration, now termed a publich health
emergency of international concern (PHEIC).   "The term Public Health Emergency of
International Concern (PHEIC) is defined in the IHR (2005) as "an extraordinary event which
is determined to constitute a public health risk to other States through the international spread
of disease and to potentially require a coordinated international response". This definition
implies a situation that: is serious, sudden, unusual or unexpected; carries implications for
public health beyond the affected State’s national border; and may require immediate
international action.3   "The responsibility of determining whether an event is within this
category lies with the WHO Director-General and requires the subsequent convening of a
committee of health experts – the IHR Emergency Committee.   Under the Interim Guidelines
any declaration will be based on "risk assessment."   "In line with the main focus of the
guidance, where risk management actions are based on risk assessment, the declaration of a
pandemic will also be based on risk assessment."
_May2013.pdf?ua=1   The document states this may involve "collective global action" and  be
a"trigger for certain regulatory actions, or for legal or contractual agreements to come into
effect. "
_May2013.pdf?ua=1   An Emergency Committee will advise WHO to make this pandemic
declaration.   "The Emergency Committee, which will be formed to advise the Director General
of WHO, will consider all available information, including country information, assess the risk
and provide the necessary advice."   My questions to you are:   1) what is your risk assessment
of the Ebola Virus at present? 2) has WHO convened the Emergency Committee? NO 3) does
WHO plan to convene the Emergency Committee and make a PHEIC soon on the Basis of risk
assessment? NO 4) who are the members of this Emergency Committee? Not relevant 5) the
document specifically states that a pandemic declaration may legal or contractual agreements.
What are these agreements? Are they agreements to supply antivirals and pandemic vaccines?
If so, please supply full details of all these agreements. (Drug, quantity, pharmaceutical
[Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister <> 4 April 2014 10:47

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>,

"GEHNER, Monika" <>, "HUMPHREY, Helena" <>,
"JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>, "JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari
Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond" <>
Thank you.  In response to your statement that RA in no way leads you to thinking of an EC,
may I simply ask for WHO's current RA of Ebola.   Do you have a RA? If not, why not? If so,
what is it?   It must be asked why does the WHO RA in no way leads WHO to think of an EC
when WHO's own documents state the Basis of an PHEIC your RA?   Also, please answer the
following questions.   1) What is the RA and EC of the nation of Guinea given that each state
now has more Independence to make ist own RA and EC under the Interim Guidelines.   2)
Where can I find out Information about the RA and EC of each nation state on the WHO
website.   3) If Guinea declares an EC, a) does the Guinea national pandemic plan foresee
forced vaccination b) are there concrete plans in place for the implementation of forced
vaccination.     4) As to question 5), you have not answered my question about the contractual
agreements which exist according to your own documents and that is why I must insist on an
answer.   In spring 2009, there were also no vaccines for swine flu we were told - but these
vaccines were quickly produced in summer 2009 because there were contractual ageements to
produce them...   Please answer my question on the contractual agreements specifically. What
are the contractual, legal and other agreements which could be triggered by a PHEIC?   5) Even
if the names of the Emergency Committee are not relevant in your opinion, they proved very
relevant in 2009 when it transpired that the members had links to pharmaceutical companies.
In 2009, WHO also withheld these names and it became a scandal.   Is your claim that the
names are not relevant really true in the light of the Events of 2009? Or is another attempt by
WHO to conceal information of public interest about links to pharmaceutical companies?   On
balance, most people familiar with WHO and ist activities in 2009 will think the later. It is
in WHO s interest to be completely transparent and supply the names of the members of the
Emergency Committee to avoid accusations of hiding conflichts of interest a second time.   6)
As I understand it, under the 2013 Guidelines, a country like France can declare a pandemic
emergency independently of WHO over the Ebola virua and -- eventually when pharmaceutical
companies supply the vaccines as they did in 2009 -- implement voluntary or forced
vaccination. Is this correct?   [Quoted text hidden]

HARTL, Gregory Anton <> 4 April 2014 11:49

To: Jane Burgermeister <>Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela"

<>, "GEHNER, Monika" <>, "HUMPHREY, Helena"
<>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>, "JIN, Yan"
<>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"
The RA is still being finalised.   But let me emphasize that Ebola has nothing to do with
pandemics. It is not a virus which is considered to have pandemic potential.   Thank you, and I
wish you a good day,   Gregory Härtl     -------------------------------------------- Gregory Härtl
WHO Spokesperson Coordinator, News, Social Media and Monitoring Department of
Communications Director-General's Office World Health Organization   Tel: +41227914458
Mobile: +41792036715 Email:   Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO Facebook Page Google+ Page
YouTube @worldhealthorganization   From: Jane
Burgermeister [] Sent: 04 April 2014 09:48 [Quoted text
hidden] [Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister <> 4 April 2014 17:37

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>,

"GEHNER, Monika" <>, "HUMPHREY, Helena" <>,
"JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>, "JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari
Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond" <>
I am afraid you have not answered my questions.  Surely, you do not wish to give the
impression of evasion and of concealment after the scandalous behaviour of WHO in 2009.  
Surely, you wish the public to have confidence that you are acting in their interests - and not in
the interests of pharmaceutical companies as in 2009. Only if you answer the questions
accurately, can the public judge for itself. A refusal to be open in this context will be seen by
many as an indirect admission of guilt.   I insist on an answer because the public has the right
to information given the clear potential with the Ebola virus for a repeat of the false pandemic
of 2009.   France is already ordering special measures to contain the Ebola Virus. Given this
fact, how can you claim the Virus has no pandemic potential?     [Quoted text hidden] <> 4 April 2014 18:47

To: Jane Burgermeister <>

at WHO they have a curious definition of the concept of pandemic potential a virus, the
development of Ebola virus can take quite serious proportions.
04-01-1129730 "Une diffusion très rapide  « Toutes les épidémies d’Ebola sont graves mais, en
Guinée, la dispersion des cas est particulièrement inquiétante », estime Tarik Jasarevic, porte-
parole de l’OMS. Entre quatre et six localités sont concernées. Les autorités, l’OMS et les ONG
doivent redoubler d’efforts pour déployer les équipes" "La montée en puissance du dispositif
médical vise aussi à éviter la propagation au reste de la Guinée et aux pays voisins. Sur les 22
cas testés positivement au virus Ebola – sur les 122 suspects, qui ne sont pas tous testés en
laboratoire –, la moitié a été repérée à Conakry, la capitale guinéenne. La Communauté
économique des États d’Afrique de l’Ouest, qui regroupe quinze pays dont le Liberia et la Sierra
Leone, a parlé de « sérieuse menace régionale ». Néanmoins, ces porteurs du virus détectés
hors de la Guinée forestière étaient tous issus de ce foyer originel. Le Maroc a aussi renforcé
hier son dispositif sanitaire « par mesure de précaution »."
ebola L‘Afrique de l'Ouest tente d'enrayer la fièvre Ebola "La mobilisation contre l'épidémie de
fièvre Ebola qui s'est déclarée dans quelques pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest - Guinée, Liberia et
Sierra Leone - continue de prendre de l'ampleur. Au vu de l'extension des foyers d'infection,
certains pays - Sénégal, Mali, Maroc - se préparent déjà à la lutte contre l'arrivée du virus. À
titre préventif, l'Arabie saoudite a suspendu l'octroi de visas pour les pèlerins de La Mecque
venus de Guinée ou du Liberia." Selon Jane Burgermeister <>:
[Quoted text hidden] > > *From:* Jane Burgermeister [] >
> *Sent:* 04 April 2014 09:48 > > > > *To:* HARTL, Gregory Anton > > *Cc:* CHAIB, Fadela;
GEHNER, Monika; HUMPHREY, Helena; JASAREVIC, Tarik; > > JIN, Yan; SETIOGI, Sari
Priscilla; THOMAS, Glenn Raymond > > *Subject:* Re: Query [Quoted text hidden] > >
*From:* Jane Burgermeister [] > > *Sent:* 04 April 2014
08:26 > > *To:* HARTL, Gregory Anton > > *Cc:* CHAIB, Fadela; GEHNER, Monika;
HUMPHREY, Helena; JASAREVIC, Tarik; > > JIN, Yan; SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla; THOMAS,
Glenn Raymond > > *Subject:* Re: Query > > > > > > > > Thank you. > > > > > > > >
According to the new guidelines and the FAQ, WHO still has the power to > > make the
equivalent of a pandemic emergency Level 6 declaration, now termed > > a publich health
emergency of international concern (PHEIC). > > > > > > > > "The term Public Health
Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) is > > defined in the IHR (2005) as "an
extraordinary event which is determined to > > constitute a public health risk to other States
through the international > > spread of disease and to potentially require a coordinated
international > > response". This definition implies a situation that: is serious, sudden, > >
unusual or unexpected; carries implications for public health beyond the > > affected State's
national border; and may require immediate international > > action.3 > > > > > > > > "The
responsibility of determining whether an event is within this > > category lies with the WHO
Director-General and requires the subsequent > > convening of a committee of health experts -
the IHR Emergency Committee. > > > > > > > > Under the Interim Guidelines any declaration
will be based on "risk > > assessment." > > > > > > > > "In line with the main focus of the
guidance, where risk management > > actions are based on risk assessment, the *declaration
*of a pandemic [Quoted text hidden] > > *From:* Jane Burgermeister
[] > > *Sent:* 03 April 2014 13:47 > > *To:* HARTL,
Gregory Anton > > *Subject:* Re: Query [Quoted text hidden] > > *From:* Jane Burgermeister
[] > > *Sent:* 03 April 2014 13:35 > > *To:* HARTL,
Gregory Anton; THOMAS, Glenn Raymond > > *Subject:* Fwd: Query > > > > > > > > Dear
Gregory Hartl, > > > > > > > > I think my query below is more appropriately addressed to you
as > > spokesperson for epidemic diseases. > > > > > > > > Thank you, Jane > > > > ----------
Forwarded message ---------- [Quoted text hidden]

]]> 6317 2014-04-06 11:46:20 2014-04-06 11:46:20 closed open who-secrecy-over-ebola-

exposed-by-email-exchange publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _publicize_pending
_oembed_a234945b8d846d2738e281bc11beaa3d geo_public
emergency-this-time-over-mers/ Wed, 14 May 2014 16:49:57 +0000 birdflu666 FORCED VACCINES COMING SOON?
AS IN 2009.
]]> 6319 2014-05-14 16:49:57 2014-05-14 16:49:57 closed open who-almost-declares-global-
pandemic-emergency-this-time-over-mers publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _publicize_pending
geo_public _oembed_7cd44eb24cbb95ad39ecb6043ba475a7
ebola-outbreak-evidence-grows-of-false-flag-attack/ Mon, 07 Jul 2014 17:33:11 +0000

 *US government-funded Ebola trial on humans linked to Ebola outbreak

*WHO establishes "Sub regional control centre in West Africa"

*UK GPs put on Ebola alert

*Germany establishes Ebola isolation unit

The US Department of Defense (DoD) funded an Ebola trial on humans which

started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone, it has

The DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical
company, to conduct Ebola research, which apparently involved injecting and infusing healthy
humans with the deadly Ebola virus.

The DoD is listed as a collaborator in a "First in Human" Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715,
which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in

Disturbingly, the US government has an viral fever bioterrorism research

laboratory in Kenema,  a town at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak in West

There has been speculation as to whether a mysterious 5th cohort added to the Tekmira clinical
trial was linked to the outbreak in Guinea.

"Also odd is that according to the old ICON link they added a 5th cohort to the single-ascending
dose part. Only 4 had been planned. I initially thought that maybe due to a good safety profile
they wanted to test an even higher dose than the top dose originally planned...In retrospect, has
this been an emergency cohort they wanted tested before sending over the supplies to Guinea,"
writes a blogger on March 30th.

It cannot be ruled out this "fifth cohort" were people infected in the US bioterrorism laboratory
in Sierra Leone in order to start a pandemic.

Four out of five families who contracted  Ebola in 1979 received the deadly virus
from a local hospital, according to a World Health Organization report from 1983.

"Between 31 July and 6 October 1979, 34 cases of Ebola virus disease (22 of which were fatal)
occurred among five families in a rural district of southern Sudan; the disease was introduced
into four of the families from a local hospital. Chains of secondary spread within the family ..."

Big Pharma and government have a history of conducting secret medical experiements. In 2008,
Polish doctors and nurses were put on trial after 21 homeless people died as a result of a secret
bird flu vaccine trial.

The events in West Africa are eerily similar to the Baxter incident in 2009 when 72
kilos of seasonal flu vaccine were contaminated by the deadly bird flu virus, nearly
triggering a global pandemic and, crucially, pandemic plans allowing for forced
vaccination among other martial law measures.

The fact that this incident occurred in Baxter's biosecurity level 3 facilities virtually rules out an
accident. The Austrian state prosecutors opened an investigation as confirmed in a letter by the
Austrian health ministry to me.

The US government is the main funder of Ebola research and partners with Texas University
and other organizations to develop not only the deadly pathogen but also the vaccine.
The UK's GlaxoSmithKline is also involved in Ebola vaccine research through its
Swiss subsidiary Okairos, bought in 2013 just in time for the Ebola outbreak.

The US government funding of Ebola trials on healthy humans comes amid

warnings by top scientists in Harvard and Yale that such virus experiments risk
triggering a worldwide pandemic.

Also, Lord May,  former president of the Royal Society and chief science adviser to the UK
government recently called the development of a new more deadly airborne flu virus " absolutely
crazy and  "exceedingly dangerous."
flu-virus XX

The Ebola outbreak reeks of yet another false flag outbreak orchestrated by the US
government in order to remove our liberties. Eleven West African countries
affected by the outbreak are being put increasingly under the control of the World
Health Organization, which has established a sub regional control centre in
Guinea to take charge of essential government functions.

Sheltering Ebola victims of infection in hospital has been declared a crime.

This as Ebola patients -- suspecting that they are being infected in the hospitals themselves --
are abandoning the hospitals in droves.

Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world and the Kenema region is one of the
poorest regions with an illiteracy rate of about 50%.

Unscrupulous elements in the US government and Big Pharma may well have decided that this
part of the world is an ideal place to start a pandemic which can then be spread, through forced
vaccinations and infusions, to other parts of the world.

Every GP in the UK has been sent new guidelines to deal with suspected cases of

German media such as Bild newspaper is also hyping the Ebola virus.

A hospital in Munich, Germany, has already installed a special isolation centre to

treat Ebola patients.

]]> 6321 2014-07-07 17:33:11 2014-07-07 17:33:11 closed open emergency-update-us-

government-behind-ebola-outbreak-evidence-grows-of-false-flag-attack publish 0 0 post 0
_publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id
_wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus _wpas_skip_twitter _wpas_skip_linkedin
_wpas_skip_tumblr _wpas_skip_path _oembed_2f26ab39bc1ee227c22bd54afe2ab9e1
_oembed_aea385c126e2631acb6b11db5df0ba77 _oembed_0e63f0c96f8cfe315c1a174a9dee32a3

World Health Organization to establish a Sub-Regional Control Center in Guinea on

Object 119 ]]>
_oembed_dfb6b3f7ff1e4dd713cfe7b9f0340897 _oembed_64174c593a39fabc7a1d53c17353ff26
_oembed_cc87be212b60fc22c8bf725d3176f315 34881 2014-07-09
16:49:36 2014-07-09 16:49:36 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 36297
effect-blood-from-stone-by-aaron-david-ward/ 2014-10-09 16:07:55 2014-10-
09 16:07:55 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
leone-at-the-epicentre-of-ebola-outbreak/ Tue, 08 Jul 2014 20:55:56 +0000 birdflu666
epicentre-of-ebola-outbreak/ *US bioweapons lab with links to the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation at core of Ebola epidemic

*CDC admits hospitals and vaccines cause Ebola

*UK and US mainstream media fuel Ebola hysteria

*The Telegraph hypes Ebola as a threat to Britain

*Epidemic and pandemic plans allow for implementation of martial law

A stunning piece of propaganda in establishment newspaper The Telegraph seems to be

preparing the British public for a false flag Ebola outbreak at the Commonwealth Games
starting in Glasgow on July 23.

The Telegraph buries a key aspect of the Story - the evidence that a US bioweapons lab in Sierra
Leone with links to the Soros and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is likely the origin of the
current Ebola outbreak.

While The Telegraph buries facts about the existence of this hospital bioweapons

research lab and also ignores information in the US Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) Ebola
fact sheet which identifies hospitals as the place where an Ebola outbreak is most likely to occur,
Washington Post reporter Terence McCoy has entered the realm of fairy tales by blaming the
current Ebola outbreak on deforestation,.

"Like most matters involving an Ebola epidemic, chronicling its first horrifying infection is not
an easy endeavor,"  McCoy sighs.

It is easy, Terence. Just read the CDC's  Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Information Packet which
says that Ebola comes from hospitals and vaccinations in most cases.

The CDC Ebola fact sheet admits on the very first page that clinics and hospitals are "frequently"
the places of Ebola outbreaks.

The CDC  fact sheet also states that the first ever Ebola deaths in 1976 were caused by " ...(close
personal contact and by use of contaminated needles and syringes in) hospitals/clinics" .

In the second ever Ebola outbreak in 1976 in Sudan killing 151 people, the "[]Disease was spread
mainly through close personal contact within hospitals," says the CDC in language which could
not be plainer.

McCoy prefers, however, to misrepresent the dry facts concerning Ebola originating in hospitals,

which everyone can read online, to excite fear in readers with entertaining theories.

"But even in circumstances in which details are hard to come by, certain similarities have
emerged," McCoy breathes to create suspense like the best fiction writers. " The first contact
often occurs in remote, rural communities where a victim handles an infected animal carcass,
and things quickly progress downward from there."

His own report quickly spirals downwards by attributing the current Ebola outbreak to
deforestation while providing no evidence.

McCoy also hypes the notion that infected animals cause Ebola, again ignoring the CDC fact
sheet, which admits that in cases when humans came into contact with infected monkeys in US
quarantine facilities, humans did not get sick or die from Ebola.

Local people in West Africa appear to know without having to read the CDC Ebola fact sheet that
hospitals and medical staff are spreading Ebola. The Telegraph reports people wielding knives
surrounded a Red Cross vehicle in Guinea.
The involvement of hospitals would also explain why Ebola has appeared in this part of Africa
for the first time ever and in so many different locations at almost the same time.

Given that the CDC itself admits that hospitals are, in fact, the likely source of any Ebola
outbreak, the question arises which specific hospital could be the origin of the current Ebola

At the epicentre of the current Ebola epidemic is the Kenema Government Hospital in Sierra
Leone, which houses a US a biosecurity level 2 bioweapons research lab with links to the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation and Soros Foundation.

US biodefense scientists have been working at the lab on viral fevers such as Ebola since 2011 at

The partners and people leading the viral fever bioweapons lab inside Kenema Government
Hospital read like a roll call of New World Order organizations.

""The Consortium is a collaboration between Tulane, Scripps Research Institute, Broad

Institute, Harvard University, University of California at San Diego, University of Texas Medical
Branch, Autoimmune Technologies LLC, Corgenix Medical Corporation, Kenema Government
Hospital (Sierra Leone), Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (Nigeria) and various other partners
in West Africa. ...The Consortium intends to expand this program to include other important
infectious agents such as Ebola, Marburg and other Arenaviruses that are of great concern to
public health and bioterrorism," states the bioweapons lab website.

The website admits that Professor Robert F. Garry is " currently managing the consortium of
scientists who are developing modern diagnostics for several biodefense pathogens."

Dr James E. Robinson " is a collaborating investigator in four large consortia projects funded by
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation."

Dr Pardis Sabeti has received fellowships from the Rhodes Scholarship, the Soros Fellowship,
L'Oreal For Women in Science Fellowship, according to the website.

Scientist Stephen Gire has links to the CDC and US military.

He "spent time at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researching vector-borne
infectious diseases. He then moved on to complete a Masters of Public Health at Columbia
University and a three-year fellowship with the United States Army Medical Research Institute
of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). He has researched viruses such as West Nile, Dengue
Fever, Monkeypox and Ebola, and he conducts on-site training in biological techniques to
laboratory staff in the developing world."

Connecting the dots, it is reasonable to ask for an investigation into whether this particular US
bioweapons lab at the geographical epicentre of the current Ebola outbreak actually caused the
Ebola outbreak.

In 2009, Baxter in Austria was caught contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu with the deadly
bird flu virus in its biosecurity level 3 laboratory. It later emerged from documents posted on
Wikileaks that Baxter was a US defense or military asset.

Facts and documents as well as current mainstream media hype point to plans for false flag
Ebola bioterrorism attacks in hospitals and clinics against US and UK citizens using occasions
like the Commonwealth Games in Scotland  to spread panic.

The purpose is to implement martial law measures contained in epidemic and pandemic plans
and so gain total control of the population at a time when the financial system is close to

]]> 6323 2014-07-08 20:55:56 2014-07-08 20:55:56 closed open us-bioweapons-lab-in-sierra-

leone-at-the-epicentre-of-ebola-outbreak publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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10-16 23:48:30 2014-10-16 23:48:30 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
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the-thrust-as-funerals-homes-and-hospitals-prepare-for-the-mass 2014-11-19
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supplies-and-to-install-or-load-live-virus-sprayers/ 2014-11-05 18:24:30 2014-11-
05 18:24:30 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history akismet_history
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flag-imminent-internet-shutdown-in-november/ 2014-11-06 04:33:40 2014-11-06
04:33:40 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history akismet_history
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live-virus-sprayers/ 2014-11-02 20:24:45 2014-11-02 20:24:45 0 pingback 0 0
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part-1/ 2015-05-13 16:25:35 2015-05-13 16:25:35 0 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history akismet_result akismet_history 39757 2015-03-03 14:35:47 2015-
03-03 14:35:47 Freedom Mentor US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone at the epicentre of Ebola
outbreak | Case about Bird Flu]]> 0 trackback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 34907 2014-07-17
15:15:19 2014-07-17 15:15:19 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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17 14:22:16 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
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12-24 04:45:40 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_result akismet_history
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36374 2014-10-11 02:58:22 2014-10-11 02:58:22 0 pingback 0 0
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fondation-bill-et-melin 2014-07-11 15:09:49 2014-07-11 15:09:49 1 pingback 0 0
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ebola-een-grote-hoax-is/ 2014-10-24 15:22:43 2014-10-24 15:22:43 0 pingback 0
0 akismet_history akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 37784
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bill-gates-is-linked-to-ebola/ 2014-10-05 14:10:05 2014-10-05 14:10:05 0
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the-epicentre-of-ebola-outbreak-eugenics-and-pandemics/ 2015-06-14 13:48:17
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gates-wants-to-use-it-as-depopulation-agent-life-altering-video/ 2014-10-01
20:34:39 2014-10-01 20:34:39 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
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videos/first-case-of-ebola-here-proof-bill-gates-wants-to-use-it-as-depopulation-agent-11764/ 2014-11-01 22:40:23 2014-11-01 22:40:23 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result
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23 14:48:31 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history
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11-13 03:59:21 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_result
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warfare-assault-from-george-soros-and-bill-melinda-gates/ 2014-10-13 13:52:15
2014-10-13 13:52:15 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history
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vaccine-agenda-fully-exposed-video/ 2014-10-13 13:18:25 2014-10-13 13:18:25 0
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36515 2014-10-13
10:18:47 2014-10-13 10:18:47 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
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the-thrust-as-funerals-homes-and-hospitals-prepare-fo 2014-10-01 05:33:04
2014-10-01 05:33:04 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
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soros/ 2016-10-30 16:03:55 2016-10-30 16:03:55 0 pingback 0 0
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media/the-ebola-deception-vaccine-agenda-fully-exposed-part-1 2016-02-15
13:30:17 2016-02-15 13:30:17 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_history akismet_result
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davoir-repandu-le-virus-ebola-et-le-sida-avec-des-vaccinations/ 2016-09-06
15:58:08 2016-09-06 15:58:08 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_result akismet_history
conflict-of-interest/ Wed, 09 Jul 2014 18:01:07 +0000 birdflu666
conflict-of-interest/ 6343 2014-07-09 18:01:07 2014-07-09 18:01:07 closed open commercial-
developer-of-ebola-virus-test-in-conflict-of-interest publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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_wpas_skip_path _edit_last _oembed_bc6109efd5b4239cd53fca3316219937 geo_public
_oembed_fec586c297bf75d3e51f1eb08b0d385c 40719 2015-05-29 02:32:37 2015-05-29 02:32:37 0 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history 40716 2015-05-29 02:13:24 2015-05-29 02:13:24 0 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history Wed, 09
Jul 2014 18:03:50 +0000 birdflu666
caught-up-in-ghana-ebola-hype/ American suspected of Ebola infection dies in Ghana

]]> 6344 2014-07-09 18:03:50 2014-07-09 18:03:50 closed open usa-caught-up-in-ghana-

ebola-hype publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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ebola-vaccine-could-endanger-them/ Wed, 09 Jul 2014 18:15:16 +0000 birdflu666
vaccine-could-endanger-them/ Calls for testing an experimental Ebola vaccine in West Africa
have generated a backlash from scientists.

Dr. Heinz Feldmann, an Ebola expert at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, has warned that using an experimental Ebola vaccine in West Africa would be

He said that local  people believe the vaccines will bring Ebola and scientists working in the field
fear the use of Ebola vaccines could trigger dangerous and hostile confrontations.

"He says ‘Anything injectable would be a disaster.’ He thinks the rumour that we’re just
spreading the disease is going to be out there before we even start,” Feldmann says.

Feldmann said he also gets emails from the scientific community essentially asking him if the
Ebola outbreak is a false flag bioterrorism operation,

 “I get emails basically every second day from someone either asking ‘Is there something that
you’re planning?’ or ‘Shouldn’t you?’ And I know I’m not the only one getting those emails,” says
Feldmann, .

]]> 6345 2014-07-09 18:15:16 2014-07-09 18:15:16 closed open scientists-warn-employing-

experimental-ebola-vaccine-could-endanger-them publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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_wpas_skip_path _oembed_5b5fe248f22aba9c42cc85d73e0d012f
_oembed_e75e858c410f89a6f83620de6a1e7449 Calls for testing experimental Ebola vaccine in
West Africa intensifies]]> _oembed_time_e75e858c410f89a6f83620de6a1e7449 40720 2015-05-29 02:33:10 2015-05-29 02:33:10 0 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history 41561
2015-07-10 06:40:21 2015-07-10 06:40:21 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_result
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to-manage-global-ebola-containment/ Wed, 09 Jul 2014 18:21:30 +0000 birdflu666
to-manage-global-ebola-containment/ Once upon a time there was a single big bad SHOC room
in the WHO headquarters in Geneva.

With supercomputers to track and monitor the spread of a virus around the globe linked to UN
military forces , "the SHOC room [served] as the center of the worldwide battle against H1N1,
the swine flu virus," says Der Spiegel.

Global pandemic plans allowing for forced vaccination, quarantine as well as the dissolution of
governments would have been coordinated from this single SHOC room in a Basement of WHO
s headquarters.

Five years later on, this monolithic, centralized SHOC room has begotten a bewildering
multitude of little baby SHOC rooms, which are spread al around the globe and  packed with
ever more sophisticated computer equipment. And the SHOC rooms are proliferating all the

WHO has just established a Sub-Regional Control Center in Conakry, Guinea, to take control
of the Ebola epidemic. This control centre will " act as a coordinating platform to consolidate
and harmonize the technical support to West African countries by all major partners; and assist
in resource mobilization."

An AFRO SHOC Room established in Brazzaville and  in real-time communication with WHO
Headquarters in Geneva has already begotten offspring in Libreville, Ouagadougou and Harare.

Given that WHO foresees a global ebola epidemic and containment effort, look out for a WHO
SHOC room coming to your neighbourhood.

]]> 6347 2014-07-09 18:21:30 2014-07-09 18:21:30 closed open who-implements-new-

decentralized-structure-to-manage-global-ebola-containment publish 0 0 post 0
_publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id
_wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus _wpas_skip_twitter _wpas_skip_linkedin
_wpas_skip_tumblr _wpas_skip_path _oembed_2c8dc25270936aeca3ed4128592d7e36
_oembed_2a3fc63933eb555648d3ccf5c99a34a8 41560
2015-07-10 06:39:12 2015-07-10 06:39:12 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_result
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quarantine-at-french-airports/ Thu, 10 Jul 2014 17:55:10 +0000 birdflu666
quarantine-at-french-airports/ Those who read French can marvel at the military measures
which France's Ministry of Health has put in place at the country's airports and which allow
them to take into custody any passenger presenting a fever of 38.5 degrees in the event of an
Ebola emergency.

No matter that French infectious diseases specialist, Professor Eric Caumes, has said that the
symtoms of Ebola are " misleading and, at the start, look very much like a flu or diarrhoea."

Excerpt from France s Ministry of Health website:

Prise en charge de la maladie à virus Ebola en France

Concernant la France, le scénario envisageable, à ce stade, est celui d’un cas importé avec un
risque nosocomial majeur en établissement de santé. L’évitement de ce risque implique 4
conditions suivantes :

• 1. Une détection précoce : déclaration directe de tout cas suspect auprès du Centre 15.
(message d’information aux passagers en provenance directe de la zone à risque).
• 2. Des précautions maximales doivent être mises en œuvre par les professionnels de santé
lors de la prise en charge du cas (précautions de type « air » et « contact » avec des
mesures barrières renforcées).
• 3. Les services d’accueil d’urgence mettent en place une affiche d’information auprès de
l’infirmière d’accueil et d’orientation (IAO) afin que toute personne répondant à la
définition du cas suspect se déclare dès son arrivée (arrivée inopinée et non régulée par le
Centre 15).
• 4. Aucun rapatriement sanitaire ne peut se faire directement entre la société de
rapatriement et un établissement de santé (circulaire n°DGS/DUS/CORRUSS/2012/188
du 9 mai 2012).

La prise en charge est organisée de la manière suivante : avis du HCSP :

A. Pour les personnes asymptomatiques de retour de la zone à risque : La personne

surveille quotidiennement sa température. Toute fièvre supérieure à 38,5°C doit être considérée
comme cas suspect et la personne doit se signaler au Centre 15.

Aucune mesure d’éviction n’est requise.

Dans le cas où une personne serait considérée comme ayant eu un risque de transmission
particulièrement élevé, cette surveillance doit être accompagnée d’une prise de contact avec le
médecin infectiologue de l’établissement de santé de référence de la zone de défense.

B. Pour les patients symptomatiques :

Tout cas suspect doit se signaler au Centre 15. Il doit être classé (exclu ou possible) le plus tôt
possible par un contact entre le Centre 15, l’InVS et l’ARS selon la définition de cas (qui est
susceptible d’évoluer, notamment dans les zones géographiques concernées). Dans cette
situation, la prise en charge d’un cas suspect, d’autant plus qu’il existe des signes de gravité, doit
prendre en compte un diagnostic de pathologies tropicales endémiques de la zone à risque ou
d’autres maladies cosmopolites (avis HCSP).

Les conditions de prise en charge ainsi que les précautions à prendre sont décrites dans l’avis du

Cette prise en charge doit s’effectuer :

• Pour les cas suspects : dans un établissement de santé doté d’un laboratoire de type L3
(ex P3) ;
• Pour les cas possibles : dans l’établissement de santé de référence de la zone de défense
(service de maladie infectieuse et tropicale). Le transfert du cas doit s’effectuer par la
régulation du SAMU-Centre 15 en mettant en œuvre les mesures d’hygiène décrites dans
l’avis de l’HCSP. Toute hospitalisation d’un cas suspect ou possible doit conduire à la
mobilisation de l’équipe opérationnelle d’hygiène de l’établissement.

Situations non régulées : Si un cas suspect se déclare en dehors du schéma de régulation, la

conduite à tenir est la suivante (dans l’attente d’une régulation avec le Centre 15) :

• concernant le cas suspect : lui mettre un masque chirurgical, l’isoler, ne faire aucun acte
(y compris glycémie capillaire, prélèvement de gorge, etc.), éviter tout contact avec les
liquides biologiques, frictionner les mains avec des solutions hydro-alcooliques ;
• concernant la personne qui s’en occupe : a minima gants, masque chirurgical, frictionner
les mains avec des solutions hydro-alcooliques ;
• concernant l’entourage du cas suspect : relever les coordonnées des personnes ayant eu
un contact étroit avec le sang ou tout autre fluide biologique ;
• obtenir le plus rapidement possible une régulation médicale via le Centre 15 : la conduite
à tenir sera alors précisée.

Réalisation des examens biologiques :

Le diagnostic de maladie à virus Ebola relève de l’expertise du Centre National de Référence de

très haut niveau de sécurité (P4). Tout autre examen biologique réalisé sur un cas suspect,
possible ou confirmé doit être réalisé dans un laboratoire L3. Les examens biologiques, les actes
invasifs doivent être limités au strict nécessaire. Les DASRI lié à un cas confirmé doivent être
inactivés avant leur élimination (avec de l’eau de Javel) ou autoclavés. L’incinération de ces
DASRI est obligatoire.

Il n’existe aucun traitement curatif spécifique validé.

Veille et surveillance de la maladie à virus Ebola en France

C’est une maladie à déclaration obligatoire : tout cas suspect doit être signalé sans délai et par
tous moyens au Centre 15 et à l’ARS.

]]> 6357 2014-07-10 17:55:10 2014-07-10 17:55:10 closed open nonspecific-symptoms-become-

grounds-for-quarantine-at-french-airports publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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to-be-nonspecific-to-the-virus-admits-cdc/ Thu, 10 Jul 2014 18:13:42 +0000 birdflu666
• Impaired breathing
• Persistent diarrhoea
• Persistent vomiting
• Skin rash
• Bruising or bleeding without

previous injury

• Confusion of recent onset
%20Menucci.pdf vIHR(2005)Annex 9 and Convention of Intentional Civil Aviation Annex 9 -
Facilitation H ealth part of aircraft general declaration So, the IHR advises that a temperature
of only 38 degrees and appearing unwell will be enough to make you fail the infection control
inspections at an airport. A temperature which is more or less within normal adult body
temperature fluctuations (
hwid=hw198785) will, therefore, be grounds enough to restrict your movement and compel you
to go to an isolation unit or quarantine zone in a laboratory, hospital or FEMA camp as well as
to trace all your family , friends and work colleagues if the Ebola hype succeeds. It is abundantly
clear that setting a temperature of 38 degrees  and not looking well are criteria which could be
applied to virtually everyone, especially if the thermal imaging equipment used is faulty as TSA
scanners have reported to have been or if the equipment has even a small margin of error.
Especially apt to occur for people on government no fly or "counter terrorism" lists. Anticipating
passengers will protest this whimsical criteria, the IHR has added as another symptom, It
is "Confusion of recent onset." So, if you try to argue with the airport staff, you will,
apparently, be classified as confused about your symptoms - itself a symptom of Ebola according
to the IHR! More about the "infection control precuations" currently in place at US airports can
be read here: Particularly
interesting is this section: "General Infection Control Precautions Personnel should
always follow basic infection control precautions to protect against any type of infectious
disease. For information about these precautions see IATA's Guidelines for Suspected
Communicable Diseases. Guidance for Airline Crews Management of possible
exposure to Ebola virus Crew members on a flight with a passenger who is ill with a fever,
jaundice, and/or bleeding and who is traveling from an area in which Ebola cases have been
reported should follow these precautions:

• Keep the sick person separated from close contact* with others as much as possible.
• Provide the sick passenger with a surgical mask (if the passenger can tolerate wearing
one) to reduce the number of droplets expelled into the air by talking, sneezing, or
• Tissues can be given to those who cannot tolerate a mask.
• Personnel should wear disposable gloves for direct contact with blood or other body
fluids (see IATA's Guidelines for Suspected Communicable Diseases ).
• The captain of an airliner bound for the United States is required by law to report to the
nearest U.S. Quarantine Station any ill passengers who meet specified criteria. The ill
passenger should be reported before arrival or as soon as the illness is noted. Quarantine
officials will help arrange for medical assistance to be available when the airplane lands
and will work with the airline, state and local health department officials, and CDC
headquarters to assist with medical transportation of the patient upon arrival, disease
control and containment measures, passenger and crew notification, surveillance
activities, and airline disinfection procedures.  

   ]]> 6358 2014-07-10 18:13:42 2014-07-10 18:13:42 closed open cdcs-list-of-ebola-symptoms-

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and-cdc-targets-individuals/ Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:37:39 +0000 birdflu666
and-cdc-targets-individuals/ * New WHO and CDC strategy: Targetting individuals for
quarantine at Airports, ports and ground crossings *Draconian measures for
quarantining Ebola suspects and family already in place in US, France, Germany *
US has 20 quarantine stations *Private corporation Air France supplied thermal
camera Equipment to assess passenger body temperature for Guinea Airport
*NGOs joined French medical staff in diagnosing potential Ebola cases in Guinea
in April *An integration of government and corporate databases (no fly lists,
Google, NSA)  with WHO and CDC Ebola surveillance databases could open the
door for the targetting of political opponents at airports. Special report on
this  tomorrow.   In what has been called a "paradigm shift" in handling infectious diseases,
WHO and the CDC plan to target individuals at airports, ports and ground crossings.
Anyone suspected of having the Ebola virus will immediately be compelled to go
into isolation or quarantine in a hospital or quarantine station.
%20Menucci.pdf The CDC's Ebola "General Infection Control Precuation" guidelines issued to
airlines legally obliges aircrew to report passengers who meet specified criteria --  a
nonspecific 38 degrees fever as registered by airport equipment and looking unwell -- to allow
quarantine officials to take these passengers into isolation on arrival. "The captain of
an airliner bound for the United States is required by law to report to the nearest U.S.
Quarantine Station any ill passengers who meet specified criteria. The ill passenger should be
reported before arrival or as soon as the illness is noted. Quarantine officials will help arrange
for medical assistance to be available when the airplane lands and will work with the airline,
state and local health department officials, and CDC headquarters to assist with medical
transportation of the patient upon arrival, disease control and containment measures, passenger
and crew notification, surveillance activities, and airline disinfection procedures. There are
twenty quarantine stations in the US. The new strategy not
only shifts "from control of borders to [...] containment at source" but also "[f]rom diseases list
to all public health threats."
%20Aviation_Daniel%20Menucci.pdf According to the CDC website, Ebola is just one of the
"Quarantinable Diseases by Executive Order" along with Cholera, Diphtheria,
Infectious tuberculosis, Plague, Smallpox, Yellow fever, Viral hemorrhagic fevers,
SARS, New types of flu (influenza) that can now allow for individuals to be forced
into quarantine using martial law measures. The US government poured 45 million
dollars into a new Global Health Security agenda in 2013, which includes strengthening
infectious disease control "prevention" and security measures at airports and other points of
New French public health guidelines also state that anyone who has come from a country
where there has been a case of Ebola in the last 21 days and who registers with a temperature of
38.5 degrees on thermal equipment should be held in an isolation unit at an airport or a hospital
or special zone for at least 8 days.
clefr=414 Suspected cases of Ebola are to be taken to maximum security biosecurity level 3
laboratories. That means, in the event of a case of Ebola being reported in the USA tomorrow,
every person in France who has been in America in the previous 21 days and who registers with
a higher than usual boy temperature after a -- potentially faulty? - thermal scan could face
detention at airports, ports and ground crossings, and their family and work colleagues could
face domestic measures. The WHO and CDC have been spinning the Ebola outbreak
since March to bolster its goal, which is to implement martial law measures
allowed under the Intnernational Health Regulations, and  the new strategy of
targetting people at airports has already been implemented.

On April 4th, a flight from Guinea Conakry was quarantined in

Paris and the plane’s passengers and crew were submitted to
Ebola tests.
French medical teams  the Pasteur Institute and non-government medical organizations
began monitoring passengers boarding at Conakry's International Airport for symptoms of
n72766 Private corporation Air France (Air France-KLM) supplied thermal
cameras to monitor passengers at Conakry airport. "The Ministry of Health of Guinea
has deployed a medical team at Conakry airport to check boarding passengers. Air France
delivered thermal cameras and other equipment so health officials can check the body
temperature of passengers."
RRA-West-Africa-8April2014.pdf On the same day, a false alarm triggered in Berlin Tegel
airport resulting in a quarantine operation by police, fire services and health officials because a
Norwegian woman coming from Sicily complained she was ill.
aus/9718726.html In November of last year, health authorities in Bavaria practiced transporting
patients suspected of having infectious diseases like Ebola from Munich airport in special,
high security convoys to an isolation unit in a hospital.
1.1949349 About 300 people were involved in the operation, including the police and fire
service. As soon as you come under suspicion of having an infectious diseases, the International
Health Regulations 2005 -- the regulations which are being strengthened -- allow airport staff,
medical staff and security personnel to use deadly force and even shoot you if you refuse
cooperation treatment. Once a target is inside such an isolation unit or a sealed
laboratory with a stable atmosphere, Ebola or other deadly pathogens could
actually be delivered to unsuspecting victims giving them the viral hemorrhagic
fever. This scenario cannot be ruled out
given that the CDC itself admits people are most likely to be infected with Ebola in health care
facilities and given that Baxter contaminated 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with the bird flu
virus in a biosecurity level 3 laboratory in Austria in February 2009, and sent it out to four
countries, nearly sparking a global pandemic. Exposing people to large concentrations of
aerolized Ebola can  even occur inside an airplane or a train or any space sealed so that
atmospherically stable conditions allow for viruses or bacteria to remain suspended for a long
enough period for them to settle into the lungs of the victims. Airplane snacks could also be a
way of putting Ebola or other pathogens in circulation, because food comes out of a fridge or is
raw, an ideal environment for pathogens or toxins. Potentially infected passengers are
required to fill out a form giving the contact details of their family  allowing for
them -- and their work colleagues -- to be next on the list for quarantining
Eventually so many people will be appearing on the databases that FEMA camps will have to be
activated for quarantining. In fact, there could soon be so few people in the USA judged not to
be potentially infected that they could be put into a separate FEMA camp for their so called
protection. The most sinister aspect is the possibility for targeting people who resist the
tyrannical new world agenda by integrating corporate, (Google, NSA), government and disease
tracking surveillance databases to coordinate thermal equipment results. A special report on
this tomorrow. Note: National pandemic plans allowing for forced vaccination and quarantine in
Europe have been virtually unmodified since the last swine flu pandemic hype.
uations/Pages/pandemic_2009_evaluations.aspx The IHR (2005) was adopted unanimously
by governments of all WHO Member States during the World Health Assembly in May 2005
Entry into force in June 2007 – One exception: there is a five year phase until 2012 for
(technical) IHR Core Capacities development (Annex 1) Binding international law for the
entire government of - in the meantime - 194 Member States National ratification is not
%20Aviation_Daniel%20Menucci.pdf              ]]> 6365 2014-07-11 17:37:39 2014-07-11 17:37:39
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tracking-database-are-coordinated-with-nsa-and-google/ Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:49:36 +0000
disease-tracking-database-are-coordinated-with-nsa-and-google/ Will the databases of
Google, Facebook, Amazon, the NSA and government no fly lists be synchronized
with WHO Ebola surveillance and tracking databases to target opponents of the
tyrannical new world order for quarantine? An outlandish idea? Leading German
journalist and Frankfurther Allgemeine Zeitung Publisher Frank Schirrmacher
warned of just such applications before his mysterious death from a sudden heart
attack in June.

Check this blog tomorrow for a special report on the potential applications of a
new gigantic sinister global integrated database.

]]> 6367 2014-07-11 17:49:36 2014-07-11 17:49:36 closed open what-if-whos-global-real-time-

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factors-that-might-determine-who-is-quarantined/ Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:27:47 +0000 birdflu666
quarantined/ Just before his death last month, Frank Schirrmacher, the German journalist,
warned that a secret global surveillance system -- established also by Google and the NSA --
could feed information into other information systems to allow for the covert harassment of
people going about their daily business for political reasons.

In an ARD interview published the day after his mysterious death, Schirrmacher predicted that
people will increasingly come to understand that apparently random events -- such as being
passed over for a bank credit, job promotion or being denied entry to countries -- are, in fact,
planned and coordinated and executed according to a political agenda.

"The whole question of what we have up to now called fate or coincidence will change," he says
at time point 7:07 minutes.

His remarks have significant implications for the current Ebola outbreak.

Can we rule out that there is a list of people who will be apparently "randomly" selected by
thermal cameras at airports for quarantine when any high body temperatures which equipment
registers is, in fact, predetermined by external databases?

Will journalists, whistleblowers, infact, anyone who is judged to be capable of resisting the

chilling elite agenda of world tyranny find they are the ones who have the crucial 38 degrees
fever or higher when they pass through thermal screening to catch their flight independently of
their real body temperature?

First, it is well documented that secret databases of political opponents are already coordinated
with US government information systems for purposes of harassment.

Secret corporate or government lists of political opponents already feed into the US IRS tax and
TSA airport information systems, triggering the harassment of individuals or groups
for  other, deceptive reasons.

It is not then a big step to imagine that a secret partnership is already in place for the WHO and
the CDC to supply Google, the NSA, the US, UK and other government and spy networks with
real-time information on movements of designated "political targets" as they travel around the

Crucially, the International Health Regulations 2005 give WHO and the CDC virtually limitless
power for the harassment, quarantine and, indeed ultimately murder, of targets under the
pretext of treating them preventively for Ebola and other diseases.

But could this really be the case? Surely, someone suspected of Ebola or another dangerous
disease has to present clear symptoms?

NO. The WHO and CDC s new strategy focuses on prevention, ie catching people in the early
stages. In fact, having a temperature of 38 or 38.5 degrees and looking unwell are criteria for
having Ebola, according to current WHO and CDC guidelines.

Such nonspecific criteria show a total disregard for medical factors and could apply to almost
every adult.

What is going on? Is there, in fact, another secret level of political criteria for triggering a
thermal camera's red light when a specific individual passes?

For sure, the technology already exists to hack or remote control a thermal camera to get it to
register a high body temperature when predetermined targets -- whistleblowers, journalists --
pass through.
It was after all a private corporation Air France, which supplied thermal cameras to screen
passengers for Ebola in Guinea airport in April. Why is a private corporation allowed to supply
such sensitive equipment and who makes sure it is not faulty or tampered with to communicate,
for example, with other networks -- such as the Air France passenger list database itself
synchronized with other elite databases-- or whether a list of names or faces has been preloaded
onto the thermal camera?

Interestingly, the CEO of Air France-KLM, Alexandre de Juniac, worked for IMF Director
Christine Lagarde. This blog has argued since 2009 that the pandemic plans are actually tools
for controlling populations facing poverty due to the activities of the banksters manipulating the
fractional reserve banking System.

It gets worse. Google, NSA and governments could supply WHO and the CDC with meta data
about the family, work colleagues and friends of a whistleblowers and political opponents. This
would allow for a q target's entire support network to be rounded up and also taken into
quarantine under the pretext of controlling a disease outbreak.

The CDC is using a new software tool called Epi Info viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) to find
"everyone that was exposed to, and possibly infected by, someone with a contagious disease,"
according to a press release.

WHO and CDC have established a gigantic, multi level, global database. There is a WHO Global
InfoBase, an IDS and numerous other information systems. These vast databases, information
systems and networks appear to be  centralized in the SHOC room in the WHO headquarters in
Switzerland. The SHOC room supercomputers appear to interface with other information
systems belonging, for example, to the UN military arm.

But maybe WHO's supercomputers also interface with NSA, Google, CIA, FBI, MI5 and other
spy network databases?

Synchronized and coordinated, the  WHO's, CDCs and NSA's and CIA's information systems
would allow for any target anywhere in the globe to be located and taken into custody and
quarantined as soon as they are designated as potential carriers of a disease or as a person who
has come in contact with a so-called disease carrier.

Networks and data collection points, including petitions and church organizations, could also be
feeding information into a global database of people resisting the New World Order tyranny
ready to activate thermal cameras at Airports.

Alternative media like Alex Jones, Jim Corr, Teresa Forcades and Manfred Petritsch of Alles
Schall und Rauch seem to exist to collect the IP addresses of visitors.

Schirrmacher thematized the issue of the gigantic powers of the new Orwellian surveillance and
control apparatus in a series of groundbreaking articles in his newspaper the Frankfurther
Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).

Shoshane Zuboff warned of the absolute power and all-seeing eye of "Dark Google" in a piece
published in the FAZ in April.
Springer Verlag chief Mathias Döpfner also spotlighted the gigantic´global power of Google.

In his interview just before his death, Schirrmacher issues a stark warning about the secret
influence of the Google, NSA global surveillance system on our lives.

He also berates the ARD journalist interviewing him for biased questions.

Gerhard Wisnewski notes that Schirrmacher had begun to criticize the way the German
government controlled media, the ZDF and ARD, serves as a propaganda tool before his death
and suggests was murdered to intimidate other members of the controlled German mainstream

He observes that Schirrmacher's sudden death from a heart attack was mysterious, especially as
it was played out in a fictional book by a Sueddeutsche journalist two years earlier.

Schirrmacher's death on June 12th just after he conducted this eye-opening ARD interview was 
convenient for former Defence Minister Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg, who addressed a Microsoft
forum in Berlin two weeks later, unencumbered by much needed questions about how a secret,
gigantic, global surveillance System interferes in and micromanages our lives depending on our
political views.

The presstitute journalists, scientists and government and WHO officials who think they are safe
because they do the bidding of the NWO should be aware that they are making the rope which
will hang them too eventually.

]]> 6369 2014-07-12 17:27:47 2014-07-12 17:27:47 closed open hidden-factors-that-might-

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Breaking: Prepper Put on No-Fly List, Stranded in Hawaii

Object 120 ]]>

Justice to Investigate IRS Targeting of Tea Party

Object 121 ]]>

after-anthrax-and-birdflu-contamination/ Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:07:43 +0000 birdflu666
after-anthrax-and-birdflu-contamination/ The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on
Friday closed laboratories and halted shipments samples  contaminated with a deadly strain of
the birdflu virus were sent from a CDC biosecurity level 3 laboratory to the Department of

The CDC is not the only high security lab to have safety problems.

On April 13, the Institute Pasteur in Paris said 2,349 vials containing samples of the deadlist
mutations of the SARS virus had disappeared from  ist top security laboratory .

]]> 6372 2014-07-14 16:07:43 2014-07-14 16:07:43 closed open cdc-closes-down-two-labs-

stops-shipments-after-anthrax-and-birdflu-contamination publish 0 0 post 0
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for-ebola/ Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:16:35 +0000 birdflu666
p=6374 6374 2014-07-14 16:16:35 2014-07-14 16:16:35 closed open scottish-health-authorities-
to-monitor-twitter-for-ebola publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _publicize_pending
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killing-90-of-the-population-using-airborne-ebola/ Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:23:12 +0000
advocates-killing-90-of-the-population-using-airborne-ebola/ Professor's "Kill 90% of
Population" Comments Echo UN, Elite NGO policies

Here is an interview with the award-winning Dr Eric Pianka.
]]> 6378 2014-07-14 16:23:12 2014-07-14 16:23:12 closed open flashback-2006-texas-professor-
advocates-killing-90-of-the-population-using-airborne-ebola publish 0 0 post 0
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kenema-sent-to-death-hospital/ Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:01:05 +0000 birdflu666 escalating conflict between West African people and
Western medical staff, with Reuters even admitting that hospitalization is seen as a death
sentence. The mainstream media has been spinning the wild theory that Ebola is coming from
things like deforestation when the US Center for Disease Control's own Ebola fact sheet admits
it comes from hospitals. There is also
documented evidence that the US Department of Defence in partnership with Tekmira started
to inject healthy adults with the Ebola virus in January. And a cohort, at least, of these
Ebola clinical trials could have been injected in West Africa, thereby, starting the Ebola
outbreak. There is a suitable place in the form of a US bioweapons lab in Kenema hospital,
which is also at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak. Now, it has emerged that checkpoints
staffed with police and health officials have been set up in Kenema. Healthy people
are being taken away to the hospital and die, admits the mainstream media. These
are some of the shocking facts -- stripped of the mainstream media spin -- which are emerging
from the latest mainstream media reports: *In Guéckédou,  in southern Guinea, 24 patients out
of 26 with suspected cases of Ebola fled a Médecins Sans Frontières treatment center "People
see people arrive more or less OK and then they die there. So they start to mistrust the
treatment centre," admitted MSF coordinator Marc Ponsin to Reuters *Eight out of ten healthy
people arriving at the MSF centre die there. *Villages in Guinea’s  Forest Region have started
shutting out medical workers by blocking off roads and downing bridges *Locals armed with
cutlasses, knives, and stones have chased away medical teams *In Kenema, police and health
authorities have set up checkpoints, checking travellers for fever. "People say after they check
you they will take you to the hospital and you will not come out again. So this is why so many
people are afraid, why they will not come here," a fish trader  told Reuters. *Kenema hospital
houses a US bioweapons lab and the country's only Supportive Treatment Centre for Ebola The
picture that emerges from this mosaic of facts is of people desperately fighting for their
lives. They might be illiterate but they are certainly  intelligent enough to understand what is
going on.
6379 2014-07-14 17:01:05 2014-07-14 17:01:05 closed open healthy-people-at-ebola-
checkpoints-in-kenema-sent-to-death-hospital publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
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us-calls-for-vaccines/ Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:01:42 +0000 birdflu666
calls-for-vaccines/ Republican Phil Gingrey calls for mandatory mass vaccinations, citing fears
immigrants could bring Ebola...(and not the CDC!)

]]> 6385 2014-07-15 16:01:42 2014-07-15 16:01:42 closed open republic-congressman-hypes-
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months-ago-coincidence-says-doctor/ Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:06:04 +0000 birdflu666
months-ago-coincidence-says-doctor/ Germany planned a large-scale Ebola emergency drill
carried out in July at Cologne/Bonn Airport months earlier, strongly suggesting the notion that
the current outbreak is orchestrated.

"It was really a coincidence that the exercise happened at the same time as this outbreak,
because it had been planned for months," said Michael Krakau, a senior physician at the

Yes, Michael, it was "really a coincidence", wasn't it?

]]> 6386 2014-07-15 16:06:04 2014-07-15 16:06:04 closed open germany-planned-ebola-

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working-at-kenema-hospital-fuels-fears/ Tue, 15 Jul 2014 16:28:25 +0000 birdflu666
working-at-kenema-hospital-fuels-fears/ US bioweapons scientists working at Kenema
Government Hospital yesterday published an article, saying the Zaire Ebola virus strain has
been in circulation in West Africa since 2006.

This raises the question: what made the Zaire Ebola virus so deadly all of a sudden? How come
hundreds of People have died from it in West Africa the space of a few weeks when there was not
a single death from it in all the preceding eight years? Where did this deadly variation suddenly
come from?

Did the "novel" variant of the Zaire Ebola virus come, in fact, from a US bioweapons laboratory?
Did US bioweapons scientists working at Kenema Hospital give a particularly
lethal, bioengineered, weaponized strain of the Ebola virus to local people as part of the Tekmira
clinical trials, which started in January, involve a Zaire Ebola virus, which seem to have a
missing cohort of healthy humans and which were funded by the Department of Defense?

Read the US bioweapon scientist's new report here:

"These serologic results provide evidence that ebolaviruses are circulating and infecting humans
in West Africa. All of the ebolavirus-reactive samples demonstrated only IgM and no evidence of
IgG, suggesting acute infection. PRNT results indicated that the infecting virus was
most closely related to EBOV, except for 1 SUDV-reactive patient sample. This
finding was unexpected because our assumption was that any ebolavirus would
more likely be TAFV, the only species described in West Africa. Although the
serum samples were able to neutralize EBOV only at a low level (1:40 dilution), it
is possible that the virus is an EBOV genetic variant. This presumptive diagnosis of
EBOV infection extends the ebolavirus geographic region to Sierra Leone and the
surrounding region. The MBGV-reactive samples, similar to the ebolavirus
samples, had evidence only of IgM, suggesting acute infection. Unfortunately, we were
unable to determine whether the samples could neutralize any MBGV because we were unable
to acquire a known neutralizing serum to use as a positive control.

]]> 6388 2014-07-15 16:28:25 2014-07-15 16:28:25 closed open new-article-by-us-bioweapons-

scientists-working-at-kenema-hospital-fuels-fears publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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football-players-caught-in-gauchogate-nazi-controversy/ Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:01:45 +0000
germanys-football-players-caught-in-gauchogate-nazi-controversy/ A "victory" dance by
the German Football team at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin has sparked accusations that the
players are "horrible Nazis".
The question of whether they are Nazis aside for now, the German players desperately need to
learn some cool dance moves.

They could worse than ask this elderly Argentinian gentlemen doing the tango on the streets of
Buenons for a few tips.

Even Gorillas have more rhythm than these five hefferlumps, I think any fair minded judge will
agree on that. And the Gorillas probably more brains too.

Let's face it, if the German team didn't have a man with the dimensions of a goal standing in the
goal as their goalkeeper, they would never win the World Cup.

The sight of theTeuton players doing their heavy, robotic steps on a stage under the
Brandenburg Gate stirs memories of an older generation of Germans who also marched through
the Brandenburg Gate in their coalscuttle helmets and jackboots like robots convinced they
would conquer the world in 1939. And we all know what a tragic overestimation that was.

But the braindead are sadly destined to repeat the same old, same old mistakes, over and over.

The young Nazis in their German Football shirts mouthing the same slogans as the old
Nazis, are much like WHO thinking they can infect the people of the world with Ebola and other
weaponized viruses just five years after their last attempt at global genocide ended in utter
disaster. Now, this discredited bunch think they can make a few tweaks to their global pandemic
plans and they're going to get away with killing six bilion people. They're not.  Their arrogance is
going to backfire on them.

]]> 6390 2014-07-16 17:01:45 2014-07-16 17:01:45 closed open watch-gorillas-do-cooler-steps-

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book-with-us-bioweapons-scientists/ Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:33:43 +0000 birdflu666
book-with-us-bioweapons-scientists/ Stephen Becker, a virologist from the University of
Marburg, who is engaged by WHO as an Ebola consultant, coauthored a book on the Ebola
and Marburg viruse together with bioweapons scientists from the U.S. Army Medical Research
Institute of Infectious Diseases.

The fact that Becker is not just a virologist, but a bioweapons virologist, adds to the growing
evidence that the current Ebola outbreak, which is promoted and spread by WHO, is a covert
biological warfare operation.

The US Department of Defense started  Ebola trials on humans in January just before these
mass deaths from Ebola occurred.

]]> 6398 2014-07-16 17:33:43 2014-07-16 17:33:43 closed open german-who-consultant-on-

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and-war-7_18_2014/ 2014-07-18 11:32:07 2014-07-18 11:32:07 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 35425 2014-09-05 14:31:08
2014-09-05 14:31:08 med in china German WHO consultant on Ebola coauthored book with US
bioweapons scientists | Case About Bird Flu]]> 0 trackback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on
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Thu, 17 Jul 2014 09:11:01 +0000 birdflu666
*The new imperial colonial power in Africa, WHO takes control of Guinea

The World Health Organization (WHO) has established a base in Conakry, Guinea, on Tuesday
to assist it in a regional power grab under the pretext of responding to an Ebola outbreak.

WHO supplied Baxter with the deadly birdflu virus which was used to contaminate 72 Kilos of
seasonal flu vaccine material in Baxter s biosecurity Level 3 lab in Austria in 2009.

*Live smallpox virus found in abandoned US lab: CDC

* US health officials hype mosquito-borne virus from the Caribbean.

*Asian countries should stay vigilant against MERS, says WHO

]]> 6401 2014-07-17 09:11:01 2014-07-17 09:11:01 closed open news-round-up-ebola-mers-

powers publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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_oembed_8ca5841f365f2e37cab5948172bf72d9 _oembed_40cab90ae9560f1fbcfdad744a6febe1
largest-ebola-treatment-center-in-sierra-leone/ Fri, 18 Jul 2014 10:32:52 +0000 birdflu666
ebola-treatment-center-in-sierra-leone/ *Biological warfare waged on this scale is
potentially far worse than nuclear war.

The fingerprints of the US Department of Defense are all over this Ebola outbreak.
First, the DoD funded Ebola trials on healthy adults in January just before the Ebola
outbreak occurred. Second, the DoD has links with a bioweapons laboratory in Kenema
Hospital at the epicentre of the Ebola scourge. It is even possible that these Ebola trials took
place there.

And, it has now emerged that the DoD helped equip the largest Ebola treatment center
in Sierra Leone located in Kailahun Hospital.

A US embassy press release from 2004 states that the US government funded the
rebuilding of Kailahun Hospital, including the morgue, laboratory and water
supply, and that the DoD supplied equipment.

The US government was also involved in the Baxter contamination scandal of

2009, according to Wikileaks documents. 

In the light of all this evidence of the US government's involvement in biological warfare, it is no
exaggeration to Label the US government is an  out of control criminal operation controlled by
corporations. Spreading a lethal, weaponized strain of Ebola throughout Africa and
the world, including the US, is an act of staggering madness. This is biological
warfare taken to a new level of destruction. It's evil.

Wake up, world! Humanity is facing a massive, unprecedented threat.

Infowars is silent on this because Infowars is CIA controlled false flag media like most of the
alternative media.

]]> 6406 2014-07-18 10:32:52 2014-07-18 10:32:52 closed open us-us-department-of-defense-

equipped-largest-ebola-treatment-center-in-sierra-leone publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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april-killed-on-mh17-flight-coincidence/ Sat, 19 Jul 2014 08:49:52 +0000 birdflu666
april-killed-on-mh17-flight-coincidence/ *Flashback: On April 3rd, I first rang and then
emailed WHO media coordinator Glenn Thomas concerning the Ebola outbreak.
See Email string below.

*Yesterday, it was announced Glenn Thomas and leading HIV researchers were
killed in the MH17 plane crash in the Ukraine: A "coincidence" or "fate" as Frank
Schirrmacher called it? Or the targetted assasination of a network resisting the
use of Ebola as a global bioweapon?

*Official narrative of plane crash contradictory, not consistent with evidence in

echoes of Smolensk

*AIDS conference supported by Bill and Melinda Gates, who also have links to the
bioweapons lab in Kenema at the epicentre of Ebola outbreatk

*Stephen Becker, the WHO consultant on Ebola I focussed on in my April report,

has bioweapons background


Dear Glenn Thomas,

With reference to our phone call, could you

please tell me what is the WH0 pandemic level
alert for the Ebola virus outbreak in Guinea?
Are their plans to move to pandemic emergency
level 6 soon?
3 April
Jane Burgermeister
2014 Also, are you aware of any conflicts of interests
13:22 for the pariticpants listed in WHO's
consultation on Ebola in 2009.

Many thanks for your help!

Jane Burgermeister

To: "Härtl, Gregory Anton"

3 April Dear Gregory Hartl,
Jane Burgermeister
14:34 I think my query below is more
appropriately addressed to you as
spokesperson for epidemic diseases.
Thank you, Jane

[Quoted text hidden]

HARTL, Gregory 3 April To: Jane Burgermeister <>,

Anton 2014 "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond" <>
<> 14:37 Dear Ms Burgermeister – we no longer use pandemic phases 1-
6. And we have never looked at Ebola in that light. Moreover, I
do not think there could ever be a scenario where Ebola could
become pandemic. Only airborne viruses have a possibility of
that. Ebola outbreaks have only ever been very localised events.

Thank you,


Gregory Härtl

WHO Spokesperson

Coordinator, News, Social Media and Monitoring

Department of Communications

Director-General's Office

World Health Organization

Tel: +41227914458

Mobile: +41792036715


Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO

Facebook Page

Google+ Page

YouTube @worldhealthorganization

From: Jane Burgermeister

[] Sent: 03 April 2014
13:35 To: HARTL, Gregory Anton; THOMAS, Glenn Raymond
Subject: Fwd: Query

[Quoted text hidden]

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton"

Thank you. The Austrian national plan is
still in force and uses pandemic phases 1 to
6. Can you explain thi?

What phases do you now use, please?

Please send links to the relevant

3 April How do these new phases mesh with

Jane Burgermeister
2014 existing national pandemic plans?
Also, there is research showing Ebola can
be transmitted by air.

Please do tell if you are aware of any

conflicts of interest among the WHO Ebola

Thank you for Information.

[Quoted text hidden]

To: Jane Burgermeister <>

Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>, "GEHNER, Monika"

<>, "HUMPHREY, Helena"
<>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik"
<>, "JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI,
Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"
Please see the following document:
HARTL, Gregory 3 April
Anton 2014  
<> 14:59

As for Australia and its phases, you should ask Australia.

Concerning airborne transmission of Ebola, that is only

considered possible in a lab and if there is a lab accident, not
from an infected person in a natural state.

And I am not sure I understand your question about Conflicts of

Interest: how can there be, when there is no vaccine and no
antivirals available for Ebola, and the treatments that are being
trialled are from already-existing drugs?

Thank you,


Gregory Härtl

WHO Spokesperson

Coordinator, News, Social Media and Monitoring

Department of Communications

Director-General's Office

World Health Organization

Tel: +41227914458

Mobile: +41792036715


Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO

Facebook Page

Google+ Page

YouTube @worldhealthorganization

From: Jane Burgermeister

[] Sent: 03 April 2014
13:47 To: HARTL, Gregory Anton Subject: Re: Query

[Quoted text hidden]

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>

Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>, "GEHNER,

Monika" <>, "HUMPHREY,
Helena" <>, "JASAREVIC,
Tarik" <>, "JIN, Yan"
<>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla"
<>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"
Thank you.

According to the new guidelines and the FAQ, WHO

still has the power to make the equivalent of a
pandemic emergency Level 6 declaration, now
termed a publich health emergency of international
concern (PHEIC).

"The term Public Health Emergency of International

Concern (PHEIC) is defined in the IHR (2005) as
"an extraordinary event which is determined to
constitute a public health risk to other States
through the international spread of disease and to
potentially require a coordinated international
response". This definition implies a situation that: is
4 April serious, sudden, unusual or unexpected; carries
Jane Burgermeister
2014 implications for public health beyond the affected
09:25 State’s national border; and may require immediate
international action.3

"The responsibility of determining whether an event

is within this category lies with the WHO Director-
General and requires the subsequent convening of a
committee of health experts – the IHR Emergency

Under the Interim Guidelines any declaration will be

based on "risk assessment."

"In line with the main focus of the guidance, where

risk management actions are based on risk
assessment, the declaration of a pandemic will also
be based on risk assessment."

The document states this may involve "collective

global action" and  be a"trigger for certain regulatory
actions, or for legal or contractual agreements to
come into effect. "

An Emergency Committee will advise WHO to make

this pandemic declaration.

"The Emergency Committee, which will be formed

to advise the Director General of WHO, will consider
all available information, including country
information, assess the risk and provide the
necessary advice."

My questions to you are:

1) what is your risk assessment of the Ebola Virus at


2) has WHO convened the Emergency Committee?

3) does WHO plan to convene the Emergency

Committee and make a PHEIC soon on the Basis of
risk assessment?

4) who are the members of this Emergency


5) the document specifically states that a pandemic

declaration may legal or contractual agreements.
What are these agreements? Are they agreements to
supply antivirals and pandemic vaccines?

If so, please supply full details of all these

agreements. (Drug, quantity, pharmaceutical

Please confirm if these are same pandemic vaccines

with adjuvants now proven to cause narcolepsy?

6) given the existence of such agreements,

presumably with pharmaceutical companies, isn
t the issue of conflict of interest perinent?

Isn t it somewhat ingenious to say there are no

antivirals or vaccines now while ignoring the
apparent existence of "contractual agreements" to
supply them at a later stage?

However, if you would prefer, I will rephrase the

question: do the members of the Emergency
Committee and WHO's Ebola advice committee
have links to pharmaceutical companies? This is
something surely of public interest.

7) The document states the "declaration of a

pandemic may be used to communicate the need for
collective global action to manage the risks of a
pandemic. " Does this collective global action
include the possibility of forced vaccination, forced
quarantine as before? Are the implementation of
national pandemic plans including forced
vaccination obligatory in the event of a WHO
pandemic declaration?

 I am sure WHO has learnt from the 2009 pandemic

when a perceived lack of transparency did so much
to damage its credibility. I look forward to a
productive working relationship where you assist me
in accessing relevant and accurate Information
speedily to bolster public confidence in WHO and its
decison making process.

Many thanks! Jane Bürgermeister

"The responsibility of determining whether an event

is within this category lies with the WHO Director-
General and requires the subsequent convening of a
committee of health experts – the IHR Emergency

May I rephrase my question if you do not see an

immediate conflict of interest.

My question now is:  Are you aware of any links with

pharmaceutical companies of the 16 participants?

Thank you.

[Quoted text hidden]

To: Jane Burgermeister <>

Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>, "GEHNER, Monika"

<>, "HUMPHREY, Helena"
<>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik"
<>, "JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI,
Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"
Hello. I will not answer Number 1 except to say that the RA in no
HARTL, Gregory 4 April
way leads us to thinking of an EC. So some of your questions are
Anton 2014
not relevant. See answers in to relevant questions in capitals
<> 09:49
below. Thank you


Gregory Härtl
Jane Burgermeister 4 April To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>
<> 2014
10:47 Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>,
"GEHNER, Monika" <>,
"HUMPHREY, Helena" <>,
"JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>, "JIN,
Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla"
<>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"
Thank you.

In response to your statement that RA in no way

leads you to thinking of an EC, may I simply ask
for WHO's current RA of Ebola.

Do you have a RA? If not, why not? If so, what is it?

It must be asked why does the WHO RA in no way

leads WHO to think of an EC when WHO's own
documents state the Basis of an PHEIC your RA?

Also, please answer the following questions.

1) What is the RA and EC of the nation of Guinea

given that each state now has more Independence
to make ist own RA and EC under the Interim

2) Where can I find out Information about the RA

and EC of each nation state on the WHO website.

3) If Guinea declares an EC, a) does the Guinea

national pandemic plan foresee forced vaccination
b) are there concrete plans in place for the
implementation of forced vaccination.

4) As to question 5), you have not answered my

question about the contractual agreements which
exist according to your own documents and that is
why I must insist on an answer.

In spring 2009, there were also no vaccines for

swine flu we were told - but these vaccines were
quickly produced in summer 2009 because there
were contractual ageements to produce them...

Please answer my question on the contractual

agreements specifically. What are the contractual,
legal and other agreements which could be
triggered by a PHEIC?

5) Even if the names of the Emergency Committee

are not relevant in your opinion, they proved very
relevant in 2009 when it transpired that the
members had links to pharmaceutical companies.
In 2009, WHO also withheld these names and it
became a scandal.

Is your claim that the names are not relevant really

true in the light of the Events of 2009? Or is
another attempt by WHO to conceal information of
public interest about links to pharmaceutical

On balance, most people familiar with WHO and

ist activities in 2009 will think the later. It is
in WHO s interest to be completely transparent
and supply the names of the members of the
Emergency Committee to avoid accusations of
hiding conflichts of interest a second time.

6) As I understand it, under the 2013 Guidelines, a

country like France can declare a pandemic
emergency independently of WHO over the Ebola
virua and -- eventually when pharmaceutical
companies supply the vaccines as they did in 2009
-- implement voluntary or forced vaccination. Is
this correct?

[Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister 4 April To: Carolyn Dunning

<> 2014 <>, Christian Cotten -
11:09 Politique de Vie <>,, Sos Justice <contact@sos->
Chers Amis!

Je crois qu il est possible que la France peut

declarer une pandemie emergencie -- il s appelle
aujourd hui Public Health Emergency of
International Concern (PHEIC) ou EC --
independent de WHO Sous le nouvelle plan de
2013. Voirs mes emails avec WHO au dessous.

Alors, il est tres important de voir quelle RA

(assessement de risque) est Emergency Concern
status, la France a pour l Ebola.

Aussi, je veut demander si vous pouvez trouver les

documents sur Ebola  sous ces links, copier et m
envoyer comme texte dans une email.

Je ne peut pas les accesser sur mon computer. Je

crois qu'ils sont bloques pour mon IP addresse.

Excusez ma francais! Jane

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jane
Burgermeister <>

[Quoted text hidden]

HARTL, Gregory 4 April To: Jane Burgermeister <>

Anton 2014
<> 11:49 Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>, "GEHNER, Monika"
<>, "HUMPHREY, Helena"
<>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik"
<>, "JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI,
Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"

The RA is still being finalised.

But let me emphasize that Ebola has nothing to do with

pandemics. It is not a virus which is considered to have
pandemic potential.

Thank you, and I wish you a good day,

Gregory Härtl


Gregory Härtl

WHO Spokesperson

Coordinator, News, Social Media and Monitoring

Department of Communications

Director-General's Office

World Health Organization

Tel: +41227914458

Mobile: +41792036715

Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO

Facebook Page

Google+ Page

YouTube @worldhealthorganization

From: Jane Burgermeister

[] Sent: 04 April 2014

[Quoted text hidden]

[Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister 4 April To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>

<> 2014
17:37 Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>,
"GEHNER, Monika" <>,
"HUMPHREY, Helena" <>,
"JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>, "JIN,
Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla"
<>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"
I am afraid you have not answered my questions.

Surely, you do not wish to give the impression of

evasion and of concealment after the scandalous
behaviour of WHO in 2009.

Surely, you wish the public to have confidence that

you are acting in their interests - and not in the
interests of pharmaceutical companies as in 2009.
Only if you answer the questions accurately, can
the public judge for itself. A refusal to be open in
this context will be seen by many as an
indirect admission of guilt.

I insist on an answer because the public has the

right to information given the clear potential with
the Ebola virus for a repeat of the false pandemic
of 2009.

France is already ordering special measures to

contain the Ebola Virus. Given this fact, how can
you claim the Virus has no pandemic potential?
]]> 6411 2014-07-19 08:49:52 2014-07-19 08:49:52 closed open who-spokesman-glenn-thomas-
i-emailed-in-april-killed-on-mh17-flight-coincidence publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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17-missile-attack/ 2014-07-19 15:20:51 2014-07-19 15:20:51 1 pingback 0 0
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ebola-e-stato-ucciso-nellincidente- 2014-09-20 19:29:00 2014-09-20 19:29:00 0
pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history Sat, 19 Jul 2014 09:08:05 +0000
birdflu666 Dear God,

Before I post any more updates on this blog, I would just like to say a prayer for Glenn Thomas
and all the people killed in the plane crash and in the Ebola outbreak in Africa.

I have come to realize You, Lord, truly are the all powerful Creator, the Sovereign Lord of
History and our best friend. We, human beings, are blind, deaf, dumb and hard of heart. Yet you
do not abandon us. You seek always to help us to find our way back to goodness, to life.

Years of indifference to evil on the part of collective humanity have brought us to this dangerous
point . For the second time in just five years, we, humanity, face global annihilation through
bioweapons implemented under pandemic plans because we refused to care for anything except
our iPhones, flatscreens, beach holidays, football, fashion and bank accounts. We have created
the Matrix, which imprisons us by our selfishness.  We have built the bars, the iron door and the
perimeter walls by our idolization of ourselves and our needs and pleasures.

Help us, O Lord, to rediscover the importance of justice, truth and caring for others. Give us
strength, courage and inspiration to fight this latest evil onslaught.

Place Your shield of love and protection around the soul of Glenn Thomas and all the victims of
the Ebola outbreak. May they be with You always, always enjoy eternal bliss. Amen.

]]> 6418 2014-07-19 09:08:05 2014-07-19 09:08:05 closed open a-prayer publish 0 0 post 0
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vogelgrippe/ Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:39:09 +0000 birdflu666 6422 2014-07-22
12:39:09 2014-07-22 12:39:09 closed open anzeige-vogelgrippe inherit 0 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
glenn-thomas-at-the-media-office-in-april-2009/ Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:41:57 +0000 birdflu666
glenn-thomas-at-the-media-office-in-april-2009/ Anzeige SchweizOn Saturday, April 25th, I
sent an email to WHO officials, including Glenn Thomas at the media office, warning them not
to declare a pandemic emergency level 6 and activate the SHOC room.

You can read the email below.

I recall phoning Glenn Thomas beforehand and asking him to whom I should address my email.
He was the obvious choice of contact as a native English speaker.

In the morning of April 25th, WHO did start to activate its pandemic SHOC room in
anticipation of declaring a pandemic emergency, Der Spiegel admitted a year later.

The pandemic emergency level 6 declaration could have led rapidly to forced vaccinations and

Maybe my email helped stop that move. It was a desperate attempt to do so by addressing my
concerns directly to WHO chief Dr Margaret Chan. I included some WHO media contacts, also
Glenn Thomas'.

At any rate, the Dr Strangeloves who populate the corridors of WHO seem to have decided to
switch tactic. They didn t declare a pandemic emergency, after all, waiting until June. But
the following Monday, a container exploded in an Intercity train in Switzerland spraying
passengers with swine flu viruses.

I filed charges about this incident with the Zurich police on 28th of April. The Austrian police
actually investigated and summoned me to give my testimony.

The charges are here:Anzeige Schweiz

 My first contact with Thomas Glenn and WHO is here:

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: jane burgermeister

<> Date: Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 2:37 PM Subject:
Criminal Charges to be filed against Dr M Chan and WHO for mass murder To:,, Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,

Dear Dr Margaret Chan,

I am sending this email to inform you that I intend to file criminal charges on
Monday Aril 27th against you as well as other employees in the WHO and allied
organisations, for your role in exposing the populations of the world to the risk of
a pandemic virus that could kill billions of people using laws to fight international
racketeering influenced organised crime as well as the UN convention for the
prevention and punishment of genocide.

As a public servant employed in an international organisation, the Director-

General of the World Health Organisation based in Geneva, you have the duty as
part of your official capacity to act at all times in such a way as to safeguard the
health of the world’s population, specifically to prevent the “misuse” of pandemic
declaration by organisations, companies, government bodies or other entities
intent on unleashing a pandemic virus and then carrying through a mass
vaccination programme with contaminated material in order to gain political and
economic advantages from mass murder.

Media reports indicate that your organisation is abusing its administrative

structures, personnel and services to play up the danger of the swine flu virus to
justify just such a mass vaccination programme with an untried and untested

The WHO has ordered all WHO officers to man the "Pandemic Control Room"
24/7 for the 1st time in response to the swine flu cases reported in the media
yesterday, and is about to declare a "pandemic".

The WHO "Pandemic Control Room" is designed to map and track the spread of a
pandemic virus, and is thus equipped with super-computers tied to all U.N.
member government's security forces. 

This "control room" is where any declarations of "pandemic" will originate from,
and I would be grateful if you could list the names of the people working in that
control room. 

When WHO sends such a "declaration" to President Obama, FEMA and the
Department of Homeland Security "Pandemic Task Forces" will be deployed
according to my information.

Each State Governor will be notified that the provisions of the Model State
Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) will be implemented.  This means that

all Americans must consent to mass vaccinations, or be guilty of a FELONY crime.

Would it not, Dr Chan, be better just to ask people who refuse to wear a surgical
mask if there is, indeed, a real danger of a pandemic? Why force through a
vaccination on pain of being shot?

The legal situation is that anyone who refuses the vaccine, and/or resists forced
relocation to a prepared "quarantine compound", can "legally" be shot and killed.
(Justified "deadly force".)   See

You must be aware of this facts.

This is such a drastic scenario that you in your capacity as a public servant must
have real evidence of a dire threat to the population and be prove beyond a doubt
that your actions will address that threat and that there is a good reason why you
don't simply recommend people were surgical masks if they don't want to take the

From media reports, it seems that the new strain of swine flu is a synthetic
structural recombinant, it contains genes from birds, humans, and pigs from
many different continents. It therefore is reasonable to assume it came out of a
laboratory, specifically a bioweapons laboratory.


Wouldn’t the WHO be better advised to investigate the lab that manufactured and
released this synthetic virus and prosecute them or else recommend people wear
surgical masks rather than declare a mass vaccination programme?

According to a report in Fox News below, your assessment of the dangers of this
swine flu is by far the most pessimistic with the CDC recommending just
customary precautions. How do you explain that?

How do explain why you have identified so many fatalities already while the
Mexican government has confirmed only 16 from this new flu strain? What is the
scientific basis for your identification? Are you using a correct procedure? Can you
prove it in court that you are using the correct procedure and that simply
recommending people wear surgical masks is not adequate.

Also, I note that the new strain of the swine flu has appeared in Mexico and
America simultaneously, and under “mysterious circumstances” also indicating a 
deliberate, planned and coordinated release of the synthetic laboratory
engineered viruses. Shouldn't you be investigating such a "mysterious" incident?
Have you declared an investigation? Who are you investigating? Please give

WHO is obliged to exhaust all other avenues before declaring a pandemic and
initiating a mass vaccination programme because you must -- as part of your
duties to be informed as the holder of such an office -- know that the 1976 swine flu
mass vaccination programme  was abandoned by the US government because of
the mounting evidence that the risk to the general public was greater from the
vaccination programme than from the actual swine flu.

It is your especial duty, given this precedent in 1976, to make sure no mass
vaccination programme is implemented unless that causes injury to the general
public is implemented under your auspices by your declaring a pandemic
prematurely and without having adequate safeguards in place to ensure the high
quality and safety of any vaccine material.

You also need to show that recommending surgical masks is not a

viable alternative approach in dealing with any so-called pandemic.

I contend that you are not fulfilling your duty to a) provide accurate information to
the public about the threats posed to them by the swine flu and b) to ensure you do
not declare a pandemic prematurely as a pretext to rush through a contaminated
or faulty vaccine material that could result in death or injury to people as
happened in 1976.

As a public servant whose body is currently investigation the involvement of

Baxter and Avir in the release of bird flu pandemic material in Austria, you are
obliged to be fully aware also of the details of this case and the role that a
pharmaceutical company, namely Baxter, played in almost triggering a pandemic.

You might also be aware of the criminal charges I filed against Baxter and other
bodies, including the WHO, in respect of this case on April 8 th with the Vienna City
Prosecutor since they are available on a blog.

The WHO reference center provided Baxter with the particularly lethal wild type
bird flu virus that ended up contaminating ordinary human flu material and being
distributed to 16 laboratories in Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and
Germany under a false label, and so nearly sparking a bird flu pandemic this
winter in the estimation of experts and the media.

Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic

6 Mar 2009, 0002 hrs IST, AGENCIES

In the Baxter case of this winter, there is therefore a clear, well documented link
between WHO and the release of pandemic bird flu material in Europe this winter.

The WHO is, according to reports, conducting an investigation into Baxter and
Avir’s role in producing and distributing this material, but has so far not made
public the results of its investigation or made recommendations in respect of
stricter biosecurity rules for laboratories working with the highly pathogenic bird
flu virus. Why not?

I contend your failure to conduct a full and detailed investigation into this
incident, and to make those findings public or to make clear recommendations as
to how to prevent a repeat of this incident is not merely a failure to perform your
duty as a public servant but evidence of your role in covering up the real origin of
the pandemic virus, specifically, in WHO’s own reference center.

In my criminal charges filed with the Vienna City Prosecutor on April 8 th, 2009, I
alleged that Baxter deliberately tried to trigger a pandemic with the aim of
profiting from it by sealing in advance lucrative contracts to supply a vaccination
for the bird flu with the Austrian Health Ministry in 2006, specifically the contract
sealed with Austrian Health Minister Maria Rauch-Kallat involved supplying 16
million vaccine shots in the event that WHO declared a bird flu pandemic.

In Germany, a vaccination bird flu shot is mandatory ensuring more profits for

pharmaceutical companies, and adding to the motivation for companies to trigger
a pandemic because they will profit from it, and to take steps to exercise undue
influence on members of WHO to declare a pandemic without adequate reason.

Referring to laws on racketeering influenced crime organisations, I argued that

high offices in organisations such as the WHO have been annexed by criminal
elements who are actually helping to further a criminal agenda of committing
murder with the motive of robbery – albeit using covert bioweapons programmes.

As a result of the actions of Baxter, at least 35 people in Austria and in the Czech
Republic were given preventative treatment against bird flu and the ordinary
human flu in hospital. This underlines that in the professional opinion of the
medical personnel there was a real, concrete and specific danger from Baxter and
WHO’s contaminated material to the health of those individuals, such that
administering medicines was considered necessary. I understand the Czech
laboratory staff who came into contact with Baxter’s contaminated and who first
reported it on February 6th material were placed in quarantine.

Given the fact that this incident happened only a few weeks ago and
your organisation is involved in it in as far as it supplied a) a lethal strain of the
bird flu virus and b) is investigating the incident, it is your duty to be aware of all
details, allegations of criminal intent, evidence for those allegations and
refutations of those allegations because there are so many parallels with this new
"swine flu" case, also involving a synthetic structure that has mysteriously
appeared in two places simultaneously.

In particular, you are obliged to be informed about the fact that Baxter uses
biosafety level 3 regulations when handling the highly pathogenic bird flu virus
that WHO sent the company from its reference center, and that under these
biosafety 3 regulations an accidental contamination of the deadly bird flu virus
strain you sent you’re your reference center to Baxter with a human flu is virtually

You must also be aware of the research of Jeffery K. Taubenberger of the 

Department of Molecular Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology into the
bird flu virus and specifically his reconstruction of the deadly strain of the bird flu
virus from the genetic material retrieved from victims of the Spanish flu pandemic
of 1918-1919.

Although many researchers and NGOs issued warnings that resurrecting this lethal virus was
dangerous to the public, the WHO has been one of the biggest supporters of continuing research
into this bioengineered virus and into its “antidotes” spending millions of tax payers dollars on
research and prevention programmes.

You must be aware that it was only last summer that scientists published in
scientific journals evidence that showed that the bird flu can mix with the human
flu virus to produce a pandemic virus in a laboratory situation.

You must also be aware of the ongoing criminal investigation in Poland into the
deaths of homeless people after they were given a bird flu trial vaccination by
doctors and nurses last summer.

There is therefore, I argue, ample evidence within the public domain to show that
pharmaceutical companies and government organisations and other agents are knowingly and
intentionally creating pandemic virus material and, as we saw in Austria, this winter unleashing
it on the population, and trying to cover up their involvement.

Should you and WHO now declare a pandemic for the swine flu in the USA, and
should people die as a direct result of the vaccination programme you initiate, or
should there be significant evidence of harm or injury to people as a direct result
of the mass vaccination programme you initiate, as happened in 1976, you could
find yourself charged not with a conspiracy to mass murder but with mass murder

Furthermore, the WHO, as far as I am informed, has published a study outlining

the economic impact of a pandemic virus.

If you as part of your office help criminal organisations who have annexed high
offices of state to carry out their crimes, to ignite and then declare a pandemic,
that disrupts the economy, then you, other leading individuals working for WHO
in an official capacity and WHO, as an organisation, could also liable not only for
criminal charges but also for damages flowing from class action lawsuits filed not
just by citizens of American but by citizens or company around the world that see
their revenues decline as a direct result of the pandemic being unleashed, and the
subsequent havoc to the economy.

If there is a pandemic declaration by WHO and mass deaths from the vaccination
programme, I foresee a situation were you and the WHO could find thousands of
people are filing criminal charges but also class action law suits.

I contend there is evidence from the pattern of your activities concerning the
Baxter case that you, under the color of your office while purporting to act in an
official capacity, are actually acting on behalf of hidden crime interests intent on
igniting a pandemic and misusing a declaration of a pandemic to gain political and
financial advantages, a group which I designate as the Illuminati crime gang.

The declaration of a pandemic by WHO has direct political and financial and other
advantages to elements in the US government, especially elements I argue belong
to the Illuminati/New World Order/CIA/Freemason crime gang, who are now
being considered for investigation for sanctioning torture in Guantanamo in
violation of the US and international law, specifically Donald Rumsfeld (who has
financial connections with an anti bird flu Tamiflu producer), Richard Cheney and
Alberto Gonzales.

The imposition of martial law will help anyone suspected of violating laws to

torture to avoid prosecution in the United States, although a case is pending in

I contend that you are abusing your office as Director General of WHO, knowingly
and intentionally, to help the Illuminati achieve their political and financial goals.

I contend there is already today, Saturday, evidence that you are intentionally
manipulating information on the swine flu outbreak that allegedly started
yesterday to play up the danger of a pandemic in order to justify the
implementation of a mass vaccination programme while ignoring and suppressing
information that indicates this response is not proportionate to the risk.

Finally, I ask you to please provide me by Monday 10am April 27 th Central

European Time in the form of email attachments, links, legal memos etc the
following documentation so that I can review it before submitting fresh criminal
charges related to this matter.

Specifically, I ask you to send me or to instruct one of your personnel to send me

1)        the studies you have to date on the swine flu vaccination you intend to
inoculate the US population with, with clear evidence from respected scientific
sources such as clinical trials reported in peer reviewed scientific journals as to
their unequivocal safety:

2)        information as to the genetic sequence of the swine flu strain detected by
WHO in victims of the “swine flu” outbreak in Mexico and America so far;

3)        information as to which companies WHO has contracted to provide a swine

flu vaccination and under what terms and conditions, including quality assurance,
financial terms and conditions;

4)        a detailed account of all the safety procedures and independent reviews that
WHO has put into place for ensuring any vaccination meets recognised standards
of safety and quality;

5)         documents proving that you have the legal authority in the case of a swine
flu to declare a pandemic and enforce mass vaccinations for the swine flu on the
population in the form of legal memos, rulings etc.

Please send all the above documents as email attachments.

If you miss the Monday deadline, I will argue in my submission to the court that
you do not have the documents.

I ask you to make sure you keep a copy of the email to me so that you can prove to a
court that you a) had all the requisite authority and documents and b) that you had
them at hand and available for public and legal scrutiny at short notice in an
emergency situation as is your obligation as a public servant.

I will argue that if you have ordered your WHO officers to man the pandemic
control room 24/7 from Friday April 24, as reported in the media, then you have
an extra obligation to be on duty yourself this weekend and your failure to be on
duty in the event of an emergency you have declared is a violation of the rules of
conduct of your office. 

As you have sufficient personnel at hand, I will argue, you can delegate this job of
collecting the documents and materials I request in 1)-5) to a member of your staff
and still be available to follow the “pandemic” which you claim is occurring.

If you send me these documents after the Monday deadline, please make sure to
keep a copy of the email so that you can prove in a court of law that you had the
necessary authority, and documents proving you had that authority at hand, and
could present them speedily as is required of a public servant in such an

In case you wish to study the criminal charges I have filed on April 8 th and wish to
be able to better comprehend the legal basis for the criminal charges that I will file
on Monday April the 27th, I attach a copy in German.

I can also suggest my blog where I have published the charges in an English
translation, though only the first 20 pages or so have so far been translated.

The introduction on the blog, however, also gives an outline of my evidence and

I am also copying in below two media reports that give substance to some of the allegations I
make in this email, underlining relevant points, including the information indicating this new
strain of a swine flu could be a bioweapon “mysteriously” released.

If you have any comments or would like to point out any facts you think are errors please get
back to me as soon as possible. I would be happy to answer any questions.

Regards, Jane

 Two relevant reports one from yesterday from Fox News and one concerning the
1976 swine flu incident:,2933,517737,00.html

Mexico City closed schools across the metropolis of 20 million Friday after at least
16 people died and more than 900 others fall ill from what health officials suspect
is a new strain of swine flu. World health officials worried that it could mark the
start of a flu pandemic.

The World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland said at least 57 have died
in the outbreak, although it wasn't yet clear if this larger number of deaths was
due to swine flu.

"We are very, very concerned," said Thomas Abraham, a spokesman for the
agency. "We have what appears to be a novel virus and it has spread from human
to human." If international spread is confirmed, that meets WHO's criteria for
raising the pandemic alert level, he added.

Abraham said WHO on Friday raised their internal alert system, allowing them to
divert more money and personnel to dealing with the outbreak. "It's all hands on
deck at the moment." Abraham said.

Mexico's Health Secretary, Jose Cordova, said only 16 of the deaths have been
confirmed to have been caused by the new strain, through testing at the
government's laboratories. Samples from 44 other people who died were still
being tested. The health department put the total number of people sickened at
around 943 nationwide.

Cordova said samples were sent to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, to determine whether it's the same virus infecting
seven people in Texas and California. As of now, tests show the flu is a "new,
different strain ... that originally came from pigs."

"We certainly have 60 deaths that we can't be sure are from the same virus, but it
is probable," Cordova told MVS radio in Mexico City.

Cordova described a chilling new strain that had killed only people among the
normally less-vulnerable young and mid-adult age range. One possibility is that
the most vulnerable segments of the population — infants and the aged — had been
vaccinated against other strains, and that those vaccines may be providing some
But Dr. Anne Schuchat of the CDC said "at this point, we do not have any
confirmations of swine influenza in Mexico" of the kind that sickened seven
California and Texas residents.

All seven U.S. victims recovered from a strain of the flu that combines pig, bird
and human viruses in a way that researchers have not seen before.

Cordova also told MVS radio in Mexico City that Mexican health officials can't be
sure that the deaths "are from the same virus, but it is probable."

Closing the schools kept 6.1 million students home from day care centers through
high schools, and thousands more were affected as colleges and universities closed
down. Parents scrambled to juggle work and family concerns due to what local
media said was the first citywide schools closure since Mexico City's devastating
1985 earthquake.

Lillian Molina and other teachers at the Montessori's World preschool scrubbed
down their empty classrooms with Clorox, soap and Lysol on Friday between
fielding calls from worried parents. While the school has had no known cases
among its students, Molina supported the government's decision to shutter
classes, especially in preschools.

"It's great they are taking precautions," she said. "I think it's a really good idea."

Authorities advised capital residents not to go to work if they felt ill, and to wear
surgical masks if they had to move through crowds. A wider shutdown — perhaps
including shutting down government offices — was being considered.

"It is very likely that classes will be suspended for several days," Cordova said. "We
will have to evaluate, and let's hope this doesn't happen, the need to restrict
activity at workplaces."

Still, U.S. health officials said it's not yet a reason for alarm in the United States.
The five in California and two in Texas have all recovered, and testing indicates
some common antiviral medications seem to work against the virus.

Schuchat of the CDC said officials believe the new strain can spread human-to-
human, which is unusual for a swine flu virus. The CDC is checking people who
have been in contact with the seven confirmed U.S. cases, who all became ill
between late March and mid-April.

The U.S. cases are a growing medical mystery because it's unclear how they caught
the virus. The CDC said none of the seven people were in contact with pigs, which
is how people usually catch swine flu. And only a few were in contact with each

CDC officials described the virus as having a unique combination of gene segments
not seen in people or pigs before. The bug contains human virus, avian virus from
North America and pig viruses from North America, Europe and Asia.

Health officials have seen mixes of bird, pig and human virus before, but never
such an intercontinental combination with more than one pig virus in the mix.

Scientists keep a close eye on flu viruses that emerge from pigs. The animals are
considered particularly susceptible to both avian and human viruses and a likely
place where the kind of genetic reassortment can take place that might lead to a
new form of pandemic flu, said Dr. John Treanor, an infectious disease specialist
at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

The virus may be something completely new, or it may have been around for a
while but was only detected now because of improved lab testing and disease
surveillance, CDC officials said.

The virus was first detected in two children in southern California — a 10-year-old
boy in San Diego County and a 9-year-old girl in neighboring Imperial County.

It's not known if anyone is getting sick from the virus right now, CDC officials said.

It's also not known if the seasonal flu vaccine that Americans got last fall and early
this year protects against this type of virus. People should wash their hands and
take other customary precautions, CDC officials said.


Archie Kalokerinos M.D.

In 1976 I was working in the far north of Australia amongst Aborigines. I observed,
in one community of only a few hundred people, when they were given the flu
vaccine (probably the Victorian strain but this detail does not really matter
because nobody outside a few selected individuals really knows what is in any
particular batch), six men died suddenly soon afterwards. They were not all 'old’.
One was in his early twenties. A few weeks later, in another community I found
that individuals with heart or potential heart problems or diabetes were
particularly likely to drop dead soon after being given the vaccine.

Obviously, there was a problem with some batches of the flu vaccine.

A few months later I was in America. President Ford had been told by his health
advisers that there was going to be a huge epidemic of ‘swine flu’, that this could
kill may thousands and the only way to prevent this catastrophe was to vaccinate
the entire population of America – every man woman and child - with a specific

So the vaccine was manufactured and the biggest vaccination campaign in history
was begun. I was concerned because the vaccine could not be properly tested in a
short period. None of the recipients would know anything about what they were
being injected with and the chances were that many would die suddenly.
Furthermore, it was extremely unlikely that an epidemic of swine flu would occur.
So I spoke out. At first the newspapers got hold of what I said and headlined,
‘Australian Physician Call It Mass Murder’. Then I appeared on Kathy Crosby’s
television program.

Watching that was a man in New York who did not like a gentleman named
Gambino the Mafia boss. Gambino was about 70 years old and had a history of
heart problems. It was a simple matter to get someone to persuade Gambino to
have the flu shot and Gambino obliged by dropping dead. The newspapers got it
right when they stated, ‘Mafia Flu Jab Conspiracy’.

People were dropping dead in the buildings where they received their shots.
Others became paralyzed. The whole program ground to a halt.
President Ford decided to settle the matter quickly. In front of the whole world, on
television, he rolled up his sleeve and ‘had his shot’. I claimed at the time that he
was given a ‘dud’ shot and I am certain that this was actually done. Then President
Ford invited all the news media men and women who were milling around to line
up and have their shots. Only one man volunteered and he happened to be the
White House press secretary. All the others refused the invitation.

There was not a single case of swine flu. There never was going to be an epidemic
of swine flu. How was it that the world’s most powerful man with the world's
greatest department of health got it all so wrong? No one really knows the answer
but what ever it is it is certainly not clean and tidy.

Furthermore, as far as I know I was the only practicing doctor who spoke out
against it and warned about almost certain consequences. How was it that a doctor
with only basic qualifications and not even the possessor of American citizenship
stood out alone? There was at least one researcher, Anthony Morris, who did try to
speak out but he was at the time censored and censored very hard.

This, therefore, is a classical example of how only one man got it right and
everyone else got it wrong. This is an important consideration because, when the
subject of vaccines is discussed the fact that the vast bulk of the medical
establishment states that something is so it is not, in reality, necessarily so. If the
establishment can get something so vast and important as the swine fiu vaccine
campaign so wrong then it is logical to reason that they could also get a lot of other
things wrong. At least it gives reasons to doubt what the establishment claims to be
fact. If doctors and members of the general public considered this fewer errors
would be made and fewer individuals would suffer unnecessarily.

]]> 6423 2014-07-22 12:41:57 2014-07-22 12:41:57 closed open flashback-my-email-to-who-

officials-including-glenn-thomas-at-the-media-office-in-april-2009 publish 0 0 post 0
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2014-five-years-after-my-first-contact/ Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:45:39 +0000 birdflu666

Jane Burgermeister <>

Query25 messages

Jane Burgermeister <> 3 April 2014 13:22

Dear Glenn Thomas,

With reference to our phone call, could you please tell me what is the WH0 pandemic level
alert for the Ebola virus outbreak in Guinea? Are their plans to move to pandemic emergency
level 6 soon?

Also, are you aware of any conflicts of interests for the pariticpants listed in WHO's
consultation on Ebola in 2009.

Many thanks for your help!

Jane Burgermeister

Jane Burgermeister <> 3 April 2014 14:34

To: "Härtl, Gregory Anton" <>,

Dear Gregory Hartl,

I think my query below is more appropriately addressed to you as spokesperson for epidemic

Thank you, Jane

[Quoted text hidden]

HARTL, Gregory Anton <> 3 April 2014 14:37

To: Jane Burgermeister <>, "THOMAS, Glenn Raymond"

Dear Ms Burgermeister – we no longer use pandemic phases 1-6. And we have never looked at
Ebola in that light. Moreover, I do not think there could ever be a scenario where Ebola could
become pandemic. Only airborne viruses have a possibility of that. Ebola outbreaks have only
ever been very localised events.

Thank you,


Gregory Härtl

WHO Spokesperson

Coordinator, News, Social Media and Monitoring

Department of Communications

Director-General's Office

World Health Organization

Tel: +41227914458

Mobile: +41792036715


Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO

Facebook Page

Google+ Page

YouTube @worldhealthorganization

From: Jane Burgermeister [] Sent: 03 April 2014 13:35

To: HARTL, Gregory Anton; THOMAS, Glenn Raymond Subject: Fwd: Query

[Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister <> 3 April 2014 14:47

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>

Thank you. The Austrian national plan is still in force and uses pandemic phases 1 to 6. Can
you explain thi?

What phases do you now use, please? Please send links to the relevant documments

How do these new phases mesh with existing national pandemic plans?

Also, there is research showing Ebola can be transmitted by air.

Please do tell if you are aware of any conflicts of interest among the WHO Ebola experts.

Thank you for Information.

[Quoted text hidden]

HARTL, Gregory Anton <> 3 April 2014 14:59

To: Jane Burgermeister <>

Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>, "GEHNER, Monika" <>,

"HUMPHREY, Helena" <>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>,
"JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn
Raymond" <>
Please see the following document:

As for Australia and its phases, you should ask Australia.

Concerning airborne transmission of Ebola, that is only considered possible in a lab and if
there is a lab accident, not from an infected person in a natural state.

And I am not sure I understand your question about Conflicts of Interest: how can there be,
when there is no vaccine and no antivirals available for Ebola, and the treatments that are
being trialled are from already-existing drugs?

Thank you,


Gregory Härtl

WHO Spokesperson

Coordinator, News, Social Media and Monitoring

Department of Communications

Director-General's Office

World Health Organization

Tel: +41227914458

Mobile: +41792036715


Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO

Facebook Page

Google+ Page

YouTube @worldhealthorganization

From: Jane Burgermeister [] Sent: 03 April 2014 13:47

To: HARTL, Gregory Anton Subject: Re: Query

[Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister <> 4 April 2014 09:25

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>

Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>, "GEHNER, Monika" <>,

"HUMPHREY, Helena" <>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>,
"JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn
Raymond" <>
Thank you.

According to the new guidelines and the FAQ, WHO still has the power to make the equivalent
of a pandemic emergency Level 6 declaration, now termed a publich health emergency of
international concern (PHEIC).

"The term Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) is defined in the IHR
(2005) as "an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public health risk to
other States through the international spread of disease and to potentially require a
coordinated international response". This definition implies a situation that: is serious, sudden,
unusual or unexpected; carries implications for public health beyond the affected State’s
national border; and may require immediate international action.3

"The responsibility of determining whether an event is within this category lies with the WHO
Director-General and requires the subsequent convening of a committee of health experts – the
IHR Emergency Committee.

Under the Interim Guidelines any declaration will be based on "risk assessment."

"In line with the main focus of the guidance, where risk management actions are based on risk
assessment, the declaration of a pandemic will also be based on risk assessment."

The document states this may involve "collective global action" and  be a"trigger for certain
regulatory actions, or for legal or contractual agreements to come into effect. "

An Emergency Committee will advise WHO to make this pandemic declaration.

"The Emergency Committee, which will be formed to advise the Director General of WHO, will
consider all available information, including country information, assess the risk and provide
Jane Burgermeister <> 4 April 2014 10:47

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>

Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>, "GEHNER, Monika" <>,

"HUMPHREY, Helena" <>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>,
"JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn
Raymond" <>
Thank you.

In response to your statement that RA in no way leads you to thinking of an EC, may I simply
ask for WHO's current RA of Ebola.

Do you have a RA? If not, why not? If so, what is it?

It must be asked why does the WHO RA in no way leads WHO to think of an EC when WHO's
own documents state the Basis of an PHEIC your RA?

Also, please answer the following questions.

1) What is the RA and EC of the nation of Guinea given that each state now has more
Independence to make ist own RA and EC under the Interim Guidelines.

2) Where can I find out Information about the RA and EC of each nation state on the WHO

3) If Guinea declares an EC, a) does the Guinea national pandemic plan foresee forced
vaccination b) are there concrete plans in place for the implementation of forced vaccination.

4) As to question 5), you have not answered my question about the contractual agreements
which exist according to your own documents and that is why I must insist on an answer.

In spring 2009, there were also no vaccines for swine flu we were told - but these vaccines were
quickly produced in summer 2009 because there were contractual ageements to produce

Please answer my question on the contractual agreements specifically. What are the
contractual, legal and other agreements which could be triggered by a PHEIC?

5) Even if the names of the Emergency Committee are not relevant in your opinion, they
proved very relevant in 2009 when it transpired that the members had links to pharmaceutical
companies. In 2009, WHO also withheld these names and it became a scandal.

Is your claim that the names are not relevant really true in the light of the Events of 2009? Or
is another attempt by WHO to conceal information of public interest about links to
pharmaceutical companies?

On balance, most people familiar with WHO and ist activities in 2009 will think the later. It is
in WHO s interest to be completely transparent and supply the names of the members of the
Emergency Committee to avoid accusations of hiding conflichts of interest a second time.

6) As I understand it, under the 2013 Guidelines, a country like France can declare a pandemic
emergency independently of WHO over the Ebola virua and -- eventually when pharmaceutical
companies supply the vaccines as they did in 2009 -- implement voluntary or forced
vaccination. Is this correct?

[Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister <> 4 April 2014 11:09

To: Carolyn Dunning <>, Christian Cotten - Politique de Vie

<>,, Sos Justice <>
Chers Amis!

Je crois qu il est possible que la France peut declarer une pandemie emergencie -- il s appelle
aujourd hui Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) ou EC -- independent
de WHO Sous le nouvelle plan de 2013. Voirs mes emails avec WHO au dessous.

Alors, il est tres important de voir quelle RA (assessement de risque) est Emergency Concern
status, la France a pour l Ebola.

Aussi, je veut demander si vous pouvez trouver les documents sur Ebola  sous ces links, copier
et m envoyer comme texte dans une email.

Je ne peut pas les accesser sur mon computer. Je crois qu'ils sont bloques pour mon IP

Excusez ma francais! Jane

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jane Burgermeister


[Quoted text hidden]

HARTL, Gregory Anton <> 4 April 2014 11:49

To: Jane Burgermeister <>

Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>, "GEHNER, Monika" <>,

"HUMPHREY, Helena" <>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>,
"JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn
Raymond" <>

The RA is still being finalised.

But let me emphasize that Ebola has nothing to do with pandemics. It is not a virus which is
considered to have pandemic potential.

Thank you, and I wish you a good day,

Gregory Härtl


Gregory Härtl

WHO Spokesperson

Coordinator, News, Social Media and Monitoring

Department of Communications

Director-General's Office

World Health Organization

Tel: +41227914458

Mobile: +41792036715


Twitter @HaertlG/@WHO

Facebook Page

Google+ Page

YouTube @worldhealthorganization

From: Jane Burgermeister [] Sent: 04 April 2014 09:48

[Quoted text hidden]

[Quoted text hidden]

Jane Burgermeister <> 4 April 2014 17:37

To: "HARTL, Gregory Anton" <>

Cc: "CHAIB, Fadela" <>, "GEHNER, Monika" <>,

"HUMPHREY, Helena" <>, "JASAREVIC, Tarik" <>,
"JIN, Yan" <>, "SETIOGI, Sari Priscilla" <>, "THOMAS, Glenn
Raymond" <>
_oembed_407bb5f7f044bb0d007a42a1f3721589 35649
lespansione-di-ebola/ 2014-09-18 03:24:31 2014-09-18 03:24:31 0 pingback 0 0
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2014/ 2014-10-06 18:29:41 2014-10-06 18:29:41 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_history
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to-intimidate-who-officials-ngos-and-scientists/ Tue, 22 Jul 2014 12:53:06 +0000 birdflu666
intimidate-who-officials-ngos-and-scientists/ *Parallels with Smolensk plane crash of 2010 The
revelation that WHO media officer Glenn Thomas and six AIDS researchers died in the
mysterious MH 17 plane crash in the Ukraine bolsters fears they were assassinated. While fake
alternative media such as Infowars have done a good job in showing the holes in the official
narrative, especially by asking why the MH17 plane was flying over Ukrainian battle space in the
first place when US aviation authorities had prohibited it and European aviation authorities had
placed restrictions, there are a crucial facts Infowars will not report.
down-mh17/ Infowars
will not report that WHO media officer Glenn Thomas was killed on the plane at a time when
WHO is once more in the spotlight for its role in an orchestrated Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Glenn Thomas is the media officer I rang and emailed in April 2014 concerning the Ebola
outbreak attack. I also spoke to him in April 2009 concerning the bird flu and swine flu false flag
pandemic. It is conceivable that Glenn Thomas, who seemed a very sympathetic, open-minded
individual on the phone, had, like other WHO officials, begun to follow my blog, assess the
evidence and become aware of global elite's depopulation agenda and the role WHO was playing
in it. It is possible, in fact, highly likely, ´that Thomas had become aware of the dangerous threat
that the current Ebola outbreak coupled with the International Health Regulations represents. It
is possible he decided to move from being a passive spectator to doing something to stop plans
to use weaponized Ebola to kill large numbers of people. He may have began to circulating
information ignored by the controlled mainstream media and alternative media, to people in the
AIDs network and other networks he worked with in his professional capacity. It may be that
significant numbers of people had become aware that AIDS vaccines are bioweapon and had
resolved to do something to blow the lid on the real cause of the Ebola outbreak. Given the
extent of Google and NSA surveillance of all our emails and phone calls, it is possible that the
elite registered that some of the "minions" whom they rely upon to administer and manage the
Ebola outbreak were no longer responding to the mainstream media brainwashing, and decided
to make an example of them. The obviousness fakeness of the MH 17 plane crash is deliberate.
The government, the Pentagon and the CIA are interested in sending the message -- the same
message they sent in 2010 when they wiped out half the Polish government for being the one
country which refused to activate pandemic plans and inject the population with the swine flu
jab in a fake staged plane crash at Smolensk-- question the government, go off message and you
will be assassinated. At the same time, they want to forward their Third World War agenda. Six
key people in the AIDS research world killed in the MH17 crash, including Joep Lange and his
wife Jacqueline van Tongeren from the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and
Development. Lange was called a "giant" in the AIDS research field, which means that he almost
certainly knew that the HIV vaccine is a bioweapon causing AIDS. He would, therefore, have
understood the implications of unleashing Ebola not just on Africa but on the world through
experimental vaccines as the Wellcome Trust has recently demanded.
+drugs+experts/10013834/story.html Infowars will not report that these six died on their way
to the International AIDS conference in Melbourne which is funded by Bill Gates, one of the
main architects of the elite's eugenicist vaccine programme. The fake alternative media will not
report the facts concerning the US bioweapons lab in Kenema at the center of the Ebola
outbreak, including the funding it receives from the Bill and Melinda Gates and Soros
Foundation. They will not report that global elite puppets Bill Clinton and Bob Geldof are due to
address 12,000 researchers in Melbourne. Geldof's daughter, Peaches Geldof, recently died after
exposing gross acts of paedophilia by singer Ian Watkins as well as her links to the ultra
secretive elite Satanic freemason lodge Ordi Templi Orientis.
Ordo-Templi-Orientis-OTO-How-Peaches-obsessed-occult-spiritual-study.html In reporting the
plane crash, Infowars will not report that the bodies found at the crash site were decomposed
and drained of blood ie perfect material to start a local plague. Neither will they report that large
amounts of blood serum and medical supplies were found at the crash site. By contrast, the
pilot's cockpit was filled with fresh bodies and fresh blood, according to Igor Strelkov's full
statement on  German blogs.
commander-blamed-downing-MH17-says-bodies-aren-t-fresh-claims-corpses-dead-days.html This is similar to the
Smolensk plane crash where video determined to be authentic by experts exists of pilots being
shot in the aftermath of the crash while no bodies of passengers can be seen. Smolensk victim's relatives were later
given body parts which they said they could prove did not belong to their loved ones. It
looks like the elite have used the same trick of switching out the planes and faking a crash. Just
as American architects and engineers for 9/11 truth have complied scientific evidence that the
Twin Towers could not have collapsed from the impact of planes, so Polish scientists have
complied evidence showing that the TU 154 could not have crashed at Smolensk because of an
impact with a birch tree as the official narrative claims.
Szuladzinski-Analysis-Appendix-I-Collision-of-the-Wing-with-a-Tree.html In
addition, the rubble of the MH17 as shown by the mainstream media is not consistent with a
missile strike as Alles Schall und Rauch points out.
Jim Stone has good coverage on the question of these dead bodies. Aside from the mysterious deaths of Glenn Thomas and
key AIDS researchers, Infowars will not report that the Pentagon partnered with Tekmira to
fund clinical Ebola trials on healthy adults just before the outbreak occurred. They will not
report WHO and CDC documents showing that most of the Ebola outbreaks so far have occurred
in hospitals. The elite s new phase of biological warfare using Ebola is the biggest story on the
planet today. But Infowars ignores it - just as it ignored the Baxter contamination scandal in
2009 until it became such a big topic so big on the social media that decided to roll the wave and
direct it into a false flag inquiry at the Council of Europe under Wolfgang Wodarg and Paul
Flynn. Five years later, the elite know they have no such option if their Ebola outbreak goes
wrong. The world will not buy another fake inquiry and white wash because the alternative
media has been exposed to be the second line of defence of lies of the elite.. The victims of the
swine flu jab are demanding compensation and questions will have to be answered about the
2009 pandemic campaign as well as Ebola. Aware they have lost control of the brainwashing
capacities of alternative media, the elite appear to have decided to go for the jugular this time. I
suggest that Glenn Thomas the other AIDS delegates were assassinated to prevent them from
spreading information -- verbally so that Google and the NSA could not monitor it -- at the
Melbourne conference and rallying resistance among scientists. Initial reports also stated that
108 AIDS researchers had died in the MH17 plane crash. That number is the difference between
the media's initial number of victims at 295 and the Malaysian airlines actual number of 188.
manifest/ The discrepancy might or might not be a covert warning to scientists that the elite has
a long death list. I don't know. Looking at all the evidence, the death of Glenn Thomas and AIDS
researchers may well be an attempt to intimidate  and send a message to elements of the WHO
and government and scientists to toe the line just as the death of half the Polish government at
Smolensk in 2009 sent a message to governments. Its time for the scientific community to
flex their muscles. Science can expose the lies of te elite, defend the truth and
resist evil.  ]]> 6426 2014-07-22 12:53:06 2014-07-22 12:53:06 closed open was-who-official-
glenn-thomas-assassinated-to-intimidate-who-officials-ngos-and-scientists publish 0 0 post 0
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liendres-definitivamente 2015-01-19 02:53:24 2015-01-19 02:53:24 nits in head
Was WHO official Glenn Thomas assassinated in MH17 crash to intimidate WHO officials,
NGOs and scientists over Ebola? | Case about Bird Flu]]> 0 trackback 0 0
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reveals-no-boeing-777-engine-harold-saive-veterans-today/ 2014-07-27 04:54:20
2014-07-27 04:54:20 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
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now-airborne/ 2014-10-15 13:39:39 2014-10-15 13:39:39 0 pingback 0 0
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funzionario-dell-oms-glenn- 2014-09-20 18:53:23 2014-09-20 18:53:23 0
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cured/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:35:20 +0000 birdflu666
cured/ "In a study led by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases and
published in Science Translational Medicine, 43 percent, or three out of seven infected
monkeys, recovered in 104 to 120 hours after intravenous treatment."

]]> 6429 2014-07-23 15:35:20 2014-07-23 15:35:20 closed open us-army-study-from-2013-

shows-ebola-ca-be-cured publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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plagues-hitting-us-pushes-quarantine-and-vaccine-agenda/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:40:59 +0000
hypes-plagues-hitting-us-pushes-quarantine-and-vaccine-agenda/ Surprise.

]]> 6431 2014-07-23 15:40:59 2014-07-23 15:40:59 closed open fake-alternative-media-

infowars-hypes-plagues-hitting-us-pushes-quarantine-and-vaccine-agenda publish 0 0 post 0
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The Ten Plagues That Are Hitting America Right Now

Object 122 ]]>


The Ten Plagues That Are Hitting America Right Now

Object 123 ]]>
house-to-be-quarantined/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:02:04 +0000 birdflu666
house-to-be-quarantined/ Does State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf have

Observing Harf admit the US government's M17 evidence is based on youtube clips and social
media posts, she looks like she might have a temperature of 38 degrees (increasingly red face,
perspiration on the forehead etc).

She also looks "obviously unwell."

It, therefore, follows that Harf must have Ebola according to the WHO criteria. A temperature of
just 38 degrees and looking "obviously unwell" are enough to be classified as a suspected case of
Ebola during screenings at airports, ports and border crossings as I documented in an earlier

And if Harf were to argue that she just has a cold or is or uncomfortable (for example, about
lying? to the US public), she would meet the extra, catch-all WHO criteria for having Ebola,
namely of being "confused about recent onset."

Harf illustrates that just about any adult can now meet the criteria for having Ebola, Mers, Sars
or any of the other public health diseases according to WHO. That means, virtually any adult can
be force quarantined and vaccinated.

We are talking here about Dr Strangelove science and General Jack Ripper medicine. It is one of
the most outrageous examples of fake, pseudo science serving a political agenda I have ever
come across.

The criteria for being a carrier of a lethal disease are so loose, they could be used to declare
President Obama to be a suspected case of Ebola: he often looks hot and unwell in media

If Stauffenberg were a Colonel in the US Army today, he would have declared an Ebola outbreak
in the White House, Pentagon and CDC and put those quarters under quarantine before moving
on to WHO and UN headquarters to deal with a "SARS" infection. And what about that MERS
infection at Buckingham Palace?

]]> 6433 2014-07-23 16:02:04 2014-07-23 16:02:04 closed open ebola-outbreak-in-the-state-

department-white-house-to-be-quarantined publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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how-did-they-die/ Wed, 23 Jul 2014 17:29:29 +0000 birdflu666
based-on-youtube-bodies-land-in-the-netherlands-but-whose-bodies-and-how-did-they-die/ A
military plane carrying the bodies of forty victims of the MH17 crash has landed in The

But whose bodies are on the Dutch plane and what was their real cause of death?

Given the parallels with the well documented Smolensk plane crash case in 2010,  reports that
old corpses drained of blood were found at the MH17 crash site cannot be dismissed.

Especially as the official narrative is  falling apart.

The US government was forced to admit its MH17 ‘evidence’ is based on YouTube clips and
social media posts after AP journalist Matt Lee questioned a spokesperson .

US intelligence officials have now also stated they have "no evidence of direct Russian
government involvement in the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17."

A CNN satellite image purporting to show a missile shot down MH17 has been proven to be
faked - like most of the other youtube and social media post serving as so called "evidence".

Including a photograph published by Germany's Bild newspaper.

Furthermore, mainstream media reports showing rebels mocking corpses and stealing wedding
rings have been proven to  be faked, misrepresentations.

And now a curious incident involving the Dutch plane carrying back the Malaysian
"crash" bodies occurred. AP first tweeted that the plane had crash landed in The Netherlands
before issuing a correction.

Maybe it was just an "accidental" tweet by AP. Or maybe the bodies were switched out? I don t
believe government of The Netherlands -- or the Dutch Bilderberg royal family --  have much
incentive to investigate any more than the US government.

Given all the lies, spin and propaganda of the US government and mainstream media over the
MH17 incident so far, it is legitimate to ask what happened to the 188 passengers on the plane?
What happened, in fact, to the MH17 plane? Is this another Smolensk-style assassination?

Top officials in the Polish government and military were assassinated in 2010 just before the
then Polish Health Minister Ewa Kopacz was due to give evidence about the potential dangers of
the swine flu vaccine at the Council of Europe swine flu investigation.

Kopacz, a doctor, was the only health minister in Europe who refused to implement a mass
swine flu vaccination campaign in 2009 citing doubts about its safety.

In the end, the Council of Europe investigation -- promoted also by Wolfgang Wodarg and
Infowars -- focussed only on the influence of the pharmaceutical companies on initiating the
swine flu vaccine campaign and not on the vaccine's dangers.

However, as my email to WHO officials, also to Glenn Thomas, alleged victim of the MH17
crash, showed WHO has made no effort to bring more transparency into its relationship with
pharmaceutical companies. The Council of Europe investigation was, it seems, just theatre.

In the meantime, the first narcolepsy victims of the swine flu jab in the UK alone are set to get
millions in compensation.

Evidence of other side effects, and even deaths, has been buried.

National pandemic plans have been tightened, not thrown overboard.

The pandemic plans allowing for quarantines and mass forced vaccination seem to be the
spearhead of the elite's plan for global control. The elite seemed to be willing to wipe out the key
figures in the only European government which refused the pandemic vaccine in 2009 in a
staged plane crash to keep this plan on track.

I allege the elite now also assassinated Glenn Thomas and other AIDS researchers in the
staged MH17 crash to keep their Ebola pandemic plans on track.

It cannot be ruled out that the MH17 plane was switched out after taking off from Amsterdam
and the people on board, including Glenn Thomas, were killed elsewhere, My tip would be one
of the CIA black sites in Poland used for rendition. I believe, after looking at all the evidence,
the Polish government officials were most likely killed in CIA black sites in Poland and not in

]]> 6435 2014-07-23 17:29:29 2014-07-23 17:29:29 closed open as-us-government-admits-

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_oembed_5ab29752f0ba42e710bb1407c1099b86 „BILD“ zeigt Fake-Fotos vom Angriff auf Flug

Object 124 ]]> _oembed_time_5ab29752f0ba42e710bb1407c1099b86


AP Accidentally Tweets Plane Carrying MH17 Bodies Crash Lands (UPDATED)

]]> _oembed_time_f9574c65c6f83472d11df427df7109aa
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_oembed_6d1b819d6b481e00b5436c9e19a14252 „BILD“ zeigt Fake-Fotos vom Angriff auf Flug
Object 126 ]]>

AP Accidentally Tweets Plane Carrying MH17 Bodies Crash Lands (UPDATED)

Object 127 ]]>

_oembed_a7e779debb17011a8c5cf0aee716fc8f _oembed_dc6b41ac4a1c74a71b9ce0f821924b2b
centre-of-ebola-outbreak-to-be-relocated-tulane-university-to-stop-ebola-testing/ Thu, 24 Jul
2014 13:28:37 +0000 birdflu666
stop-ebola-testing/ In a sign that the Sierra Leone goverment has begun to fight back
against the orchestrated ebola outbreak, The Ministry of Health and Sanitation announced
yesterday it had ordered Tulane University to stop ebola testing and the US
bioweapons laboratory at Kenema to be relocated in response to growing anger
from locals.

The sensational announcement -- posted on the health ministry's facebook page -- strongly
suggests the notion that the diagnosis of Ebola using Tulane University kits at Kenema
have been found to be  false or faked.

The Kenema bioweapons lab is the only testing centre for ebola in Sierra Leona and
holds the highest number of victims. Tulane University conducts bioweapons research on
behalf of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).

The move comes after nurses at Kenema hospital went on an indefinite strike on
Monday following the death of three of their colleagues on Sunday.

The ministry also denied that leading doctor Dr. Shiekh Umar Khan has died from Ebola
as reported by mainstream media. The collapse of medical services is part of the
power grab agenda promoted by WHO in order to justify calling on UN soldiers
and other military forces to carry out a mass vaccination and quarantine

The Sierra Leone government said the US bioweapons lab in Kenema hospital is to be 
moved another location "as requested by health workers and the people of Kenema." In
addition, all new confirmed cases are be admitted to Kailahun hospital, which
means that the US bioweapons lab at Kenema has been effectively closed down.

The fact that the government has also ordered the US "Center for Disease Control (CDC) to
officially send their findings and recommendations from the assessment of the
laboratory and treatment center in Kenema" adds weight to the notion that some kind of
investigation is taking place into this US bioweapons lab .

The move to close down the hospital at the centre of the ebola outbreak comes as even a doctor
working for Doctors Without Borders has been forced to admit that local people's perception
that they will be killed in the hospitals is "understandable."

"We created a hospital, and a lot of people started to get sick and die. It's very difficult for them
to make a connection that we are here to help," said Dr. Tim Jagatic of Doctors Without Borders

In fact, WHO and CDC documents admit that historically most of the ebola victims
have died in hospital because of the activities of medical staff.

In Kailahun, locals have been digging trenches to stop the death ambulances ecorted by
police from entering their communities to snatch more victims.

This is the full text posted on facebook:

Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Sierra Leone

16 hours ago
Ebola outbreak update: As of today, 23rd July 2014, we have 108 cumulative number of
survivors, 427 confirmed Ebola cases and 144 Ebola confirmed deaths. 65 patients are currently
admitted at the Ebola treatment centers in Kenema and Kailahun. The Ministry of Health &
Sanitization and the World Health Organization have established a dedicated Ebola Emergency
Operations Center (EOC) at the WHO... Country Office in Freetown. The EOC is co-Directed by
the Minister of Health, Ms. Miata Kargbo and the WHO Representative for Sierra Leone, Dr.
Jacob Mufunda and consists of leaders and partners involved in our fight against Ebola. The
EOC will serve as the Sierra Leone National Central Command and Control Center for Outbreak
Response activities and meets every day. The EOC members under the leadership of the
Honourable Minister of Health and Sanitation unanimously decided at the July 22nd 2014
meeting that the following actions be effected immediately: • That all new confirmed cases be
admitted at the Treatment Center in Kailahun whiles the Ministry and its partners work on
relocating the Treatment Center in Kenema out of the Kenema Government Hospital Premise to
another location as requested by health workers and the people of Kenema • The existing
patients at the treatment center in Kenema continue to be cared for at that center with enhanced
Infection Prevention Control and nursing care • More health personnel be trained in Infection
Prevention Control and nursing care • Tulane University to stop Ebola testing during the current
Ebola outbreak • Center for Disease Control (CDC) to officially send their findings and
recommendations from the assessment of the laboratory and treatment center in Kenema • The
Ministry of Health and Sanitation to proceed with the procurement of three vehicles currently in
country for contact tracing and surveillance The EOC wishes the general public and all partners
working in the healthcare sector to know that Dr. Shiekh Umar Khan is still alive and
responding to treatment contrary to social media report of his demise.

]]> 6443 2014-07-24 13:28:37 2014-07-24 13:28:37 closed open sierra-leone-orders-us-

testing publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Sierra Leone

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americain-article-en 2014-10-12 16:12:29 2014-10-12 16:12:29 0 pingback 0 0
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profit/ 2014-09-07 19:25:10 2014-09-07 19:25:10 0 pingback 0 0
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americain-l-operation-ebola-de-l 2014-12-22 17:11:38 2014-12-22 17:11:38 0
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some-african-governments/ 2015-12-12 05:55:15 2015-12-12 05:55:15 0
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to-who-thank-you-valerie/ Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:20:31 +0000 birdflu666
to-who-thank-you-valerie/ > > Samedi 25 avril, j'ai envoyé un mail aux responsables de l'OMS, y
> compris à Glenn Thomas au bureau des médias, les avertissant de ne pas > déclarer un niveau
d'urgence 6 en cas de pandémie et activer la salle > SHOC (Centre Stratégique des Opérations
Sanitaires) > . > Vous pouvez lire le message (email adressé a l'OMS) plus bas. > > Je me
souviens avoir téléphoné à Glenn Thomas à l'avance et lui > avoir demandé à qui je devais
adresser mon email. Il était le > contact évident en tant qu'interlocuteur, car l'anglais est sa >
première langue. > > Dans la matinée du 25 avril, l'OMS a commencé à activer sa salle > SHOC
en prévision de la déclaration d'une urgence pandémique, a > admis un an plus tard le Der
Spiegel. > > La déclaration d'urgence
pandémique de niveau 6 aurait pu conduire > rapidement à des vaccinations et à des
quarantaines forcées. > > Peut-être que mon email a contribué à stopper ce mouvement. C'était
> une tentative désespérée de le faire en adressant mes > préoccupations directement au chef de
l'OMS, le Dr Margaret Chan. J'ai > inclus quelques contacts avec les médias de l'OMS, ainsi qu'à
Glenn > Thomas ». > > En tout cas, les Dr Folamour qui peuplent les couloirs de l'OMS >
semblent avoir décidé de changer de tactique. Ils n'ont pas déclaré > une situation d'urgence en
cas de pandémie, après tout, préférant > attendre juin. Mais le lundi suivant, un conteneur a
explosé dans un > train en Suisse pulvérisant sur les passagers des virus de la grippe > porcine.
> > >
weinegrippeViren-explodiert-in-Intercity/story/19620428 > > J'ai déposé des accusations au
sujet de cet incident auprès de la > police de Zurich le 28 avril. La police autrichienne a fait une
enquête > et m'a convoquée pour donner mon témoignage. > > Les plaintes sont ici : Anzeige
Schweiz > ( >
cials-including-glenn-thomas-at-the-media-office-in-april-2009/ ) > > Mon premier contact
avec Thomas Glenn et l'OMS est ici : > > ———- Forwarded message ———- From: jane
burgermeister <jmburgermeist >> Date: Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 2:37 PM Subject:
Criminal > Charges to be filed against Dr M Chan and WHO for mass murder To: > ,, Cc:, > ,,,, >, ,, >,,, > ,
> > > Cher Dr Margaret Chan, > J'envoie ce mail pour vous informer que j'ai l'intention de
déposer > des accusations criminelles lundi 27 avril, contre vous, ainsi que contre les > autres
employés de l'OMS et les organismes connexes, pour votre rôle > dans l'exposition des
populations du monde au risque d'un virus > pandémique qui pourrait tuer des milliards de
personnes, à l'aide des > lois qui luttent contre l'influence du crime organisé de racket >
international ainsi que la convention des Nations Unies pour la > prévention et la répression de
génocide. > En tant que fonctionnaire employée dans une organisation > internationale, le
Directeur Général de l'Organisation Mondiale de la > Santé, basée à Genève, vous avez le devoir,
cela fait partie de > votre fonction, et la capacité officielle d'agir en tout temps de > manière à
préserver la santé de la population mondiale, en > particulier pour empêcher le
«détournement» de la déclaration de > pandémie par les organisations, les entreprises, les
organismes > gouvernementaux ou d'autres entités d'intenter à la libération d'un > virus
pandémique, puis d'entamer un programme de vaccination massive > avec du matériel
contaminé en vue de tirer profit sur les plans politiques > et économiques de ces assassinats de
masse. > > > Les rapports des médias indiquent que votre organisation abuse de ses >
structures administratives, du personnel et des services en jouant sur > les dangers du virus de
la grippe porcine pour justifier un tel > programme de vaccination de masse avec un vaccin non
testé et non > éprouvé. > > > > L'OMS a ordonné à tous les officiers de l'OMS de mettre sur pied
> d'alerte la «salle de contrôle en cas de pandémie" 24h/24h, 7jour/ > 7jour, pour la première
fois, en réponse à des cas de grippe porcine > signalés dans les médias hier, et elle est sur le
point de déclarer > une «pandémie». > La "Salle de Contrôle Pandémie" de l'OMS est conçue
pour > cartographier et suivre la propagation d'un virus pandémique, elle est > donc équipée de
super-ordinateurs reliés à toutes les forces de > sécurité des gouvernements membres de l'ONU.
> Cette «salle de contrôle» est l'endroit d'où proviendront toutes les > déclarations de
«pandémie», et je vous serais > reconnaissante d'établir la liste des personnes > qui travaillent
dans cette salle de contrôle. > Lorsque l'OMS enverra une telle «déclaration» au président
Obama, > à la FEMA et au Département de la Sécurité Intérieure (DHS) les > "Forces Spéciales
Pandémie" seront déployées selon mes informations. > Chaque Gouverneur de l'Etat sera
informé que les dispositions de la > Loi sur le Model State Emergency Health Powers
(MSEHPA) seront mises > en œuvre. Cela signifie que > tous les américains doivent consentir à
des vaccinations de masse, ou > se rendre coupable d'un crime de FÉLONIE. > Ne serait-il pas
mieux, Dr Chan, de demander aux gens, qui refusent de > porter un masque chirurgical, leur
avis quant à une vaccination, s'il > y a, en effet, un réel danger de pandémie ? Pourquoi forcer à
une > vaccination sous peine d'être fusillé ? > La situation juridique est que toute personne qui
refuse le vaccin, et/ > ou résiste à la réinstallation forcée dans une "enceinte de > quarantaine»,
peut "légalement" être abattue. ( "force létale" > justifiée.) Voir > > m l > > >
Vous devez être consciente de cette réalité. > C'est un scénario tellement drastique, qu'en votre
qualité de > fonctionnaire, vous vous devez d'avoir la preuve réelle d'une menace > grave pour la
population et prouver hors de tout doute que vos actions > seront destinées à cette menace et
qu'il y a une bonne raison pour > laquelle vous ne recommandez pas simplement aux gens le
port de > masques chirurgicaux s'ils ne veulent pas opter pour la vaccination. > D'après les
rapports des médias, il semble que la nouvelle souche de > la grippe porcine est un recombinant
de structure synthétique, il > contient des gènes d'oiseaux, d'humains et de porcs de différents >
continents. Il est donc raisonnable de supposer qu'il est sorti d'un > laboratoire, notamment un
laboratoire d'armes biologiques. > L'OMS ne serait-il pas mieux avisé d'étudier le laboratoire qui
a > fabriqué et a relâché ce virus synthétique et de le poursuivre ou > bien recommander que les
gens portent des masques chirurgicaux plutôt > que de déclarer un programme de vaccination
de masse ? > Selon un rapport de Fox News ci-dessous, votre évaluation des dangers > de cette
grippe porcine est de loin la plus pessimiste, quand de son > côté le CDC recommande juste des
précautions d'usage. Comment > expliquez-vous cela ? > Comment expliquez-vous avoir
identifié déjà tant de morts, > alors que le gouvernement mexicain a confirmé seulement 16 cas
> de personnes décédées ayant contracté cette nouvelle souche de > grippe ? Quelle est la base
scientifique pour votre identification ? > Utilisez-vous une procédure correcte ? Pouvez-vous
prouver au tribunal > que vous utilisez la procédure correcte et que le simple fait de >
recommander aux gens de porter des masques chirurgicaux n'est pas > suffisant ? > > En outre,
je note que la nouvelle souche de grippe porcine est > apparue simultanément au Mexique et en
Amérique, et dans des > «circonstances mystérieuses» indiquant aussi une libération >
délibérée, planifiée et coordonnée de virus synthétiques > modifiés et fabriqués en laboratoire.
Ne devriez-vous pas enquêter > sur un tel "mystérieux" incident ? Avez-vous demandé une
enquête ? > Sur qui êtes-vous en train d'enquêter ? S'il vous plaît donnez des > détails ? > >
L'OMS est tenue d'épuiser toutes les autres possibilités avant de > déclarer une pandémie et de
lancer un programme de vaccination de > masse parce que vous devez - dans le cadre de vos
fonctions - > d'être informée en tant que détentrice d'un tel poste - savoir que > le programme
de vaccination de masse pour la grippe porcine de 1976 a > été abandonné par le gouvernement
des États-Unis en prouvant > que le risque pour le grand public était plus > important avec le
programme de vaccination que la grippe porcine elle- > même. > Il est de votre devoir
particulier, compte tenu de ce précédent de > 1976, de vous assurer qu'aucun programme de
vaccination de masse ne > soit mis en œuvre à moins que cela ne cause un préjudice au public
sous > les auspices d'une déclaration prématurée de pandémie et sans > avoir de garanties
suffisantes en place pour vous assurer de la haute > qualité et de la sécurité de tout le matériel
vaccinal. > > Vous devez également démontrer que la seule recommandation de masques >
chirurgicaux n'est pas une approche alternative viable face à une soi- > disant pandémie. > Je
soutiens que vous ne remplissez pas votre devoir de a) fournir des > informations précises au
public sur les menaces qui pèsent sur lui > avec la grippe porcine et b) de vous assurer de ne pas
déclarer une > pandémie prématurément comme prétexte pour se précipiter sur du > matériel
vaccinal contaminé ou défectueux qui pourrait entraîner > la mort ou des dommages aux
personnes, comme cela s'est produit en 1976. > En tant que fonctionnaire d'un organisme qui
enquête actuellement > sur l'implication de Baxter et Avir dans la libération de matériel de > la
pandémie de grippe aviaire en Autriche, vous êtes obligée d'être > pleinement consciente
également des détails de cette affaire et le > rôle que la société pharmaceutique, à savoir Baxter,
a joué en > déclenchant, de peu, une pandémie. > Vous pourriez également être au courant des
accusations criminelles > que j'ai déposées contre Baxter et d'autres organismes, y compris >
l'OMS, à l'égard de cette affaire le 8 avril auprès du Procureur de > Vienne, car ils sont
disponibles sur un blog. > Le centre de référence de l'OMS a fourni à Baxter le virus de la >
grippe aviaire d'un type particulièrement létal, qui a fini par > contaminer du matériel de grippe
humaine ordinaire et a été > distribué à 16 laboratoires d'Autriche, de République Tchèque, de >
Slovénie et d'Allemagne sous une fausse étiquette, en déclenchant > de peu une pandémie de
grippe aviaire cet hiver selon l'estimation des > experts et des médias. > Un mélange de virus
par le laboratoire aurait pu aboutir à une > pandémie > > 6 mars 2009, 0002 heures IST,
> ave-resulted-in-pandemic/articleshow/4230882.cms > > Dans le cas de Baxter, il y a donc un
lien, clair, bien documenté, > entre l'OMS et la libération de matériel de grippe aviaire >
pandémique en Europe cet hiver. > L'OMS, selon les rapports, mène une enquête sur Baxter et
Avir, leur > rôle dans la production et la distribution de ce matériel, mais n'a > jusqu'ici pas
rendu public les résultats de son enquête ou > recommandations faites dans le respect des règles
de biosécurité > strictes pour les laboratoires travaillant sur le virus hautement > pathogène de
la grippe aviaire. Pourquoi ? > Je soutiens que votre incapacité à mener une enquête complète et
> détaillée sur cet incident, et à rendre publique ses conclusions ou > à faire des
recommandations claires sur la façon d'éviter une > répétition de cet incident n'est pas
seulement un manquement à votre > devoir en tant que fonctionnaire mais la preuve de votre
rôle dans la > couverture de la véritable origine du virus pandémique, en > particulier, dans le
propre centre de référence de l'OMS. > > > > Dans mes accusations criminelles déposées auprès
du Procureur > Municipal de Vienne le 8 avril 2009, j'ai allégué que Baxter a > délibérément
tenté de déclencher une pandémie dans le but d'en > tirer profit en scellant à l'avance des
contrats lucratifs pour > fournir un vaccin contre la grippe aviaire au Ministère de la Santé >
autrichien en 2006, en particulier le contrat scellé avec la Ministre > autrichienne de la Santé,
Maria Rauch-Kallat, impliquant la fourniture > de 16 millions de doses de vaccin dans le cas où
l'OMS déclarerait > une pandémie de grippe aviaire. > > > > En Allemagne, la vaccination
contre la grippe aviaire est obligatoire, > ce qui assure plus de profits pour les sociétés
pharmaceutiques, et > ajoute à la motivation des entreprises de déclencher une pandémie > car
ils en tirent profit, et à prendre des mesures pour exercer une > influence indue sur les membres
de l'OMS de déclaration de pandémie, > sans raison valable. > > > > En me référant aux lois sur
le racket des organisations criminelles > influentes, j'ai soutenu que de hautes fonctions au sein
> d'organisations telle que l'OMS ont été annexées par des éléments > criminels qui en fait
contribuent à promouvoir un agenda criminel pour > commettre des assassinats en vue
d'escroquerie en utilisant des > programmes d'armes biologiques secrètes. > > > > En
conséquence des actions de Baxter, au moins 35 personnes en > Autriche et en République
Tchèque ont reçu un traitement préventif > contre la grippe aviaire et la grippe humaine
ordinaire à l'hôpital. > Cela souligne le fait que, dans l'opinion professionnelle du personnel >
médical, il y avait un réel risque concret et spécifique de Baxter et > de l'OMS, (AOS?) de
matériel contaminé pour la santé de ces > personnes, de telle sorte que l'administration de
médicaments a été > jugée nécessaire. Je comprends le personnel du laboratoire tchèque > qui
est entré en contact avec Baxter,(AOS?) et qui a le premier > signalé que le matériel était
contaminés le 6 février, ce > matériel a été immédiatement mis en quarantaine. > > > > Compte
tenu du fait que cet incident s'est produit il y a quelques > semaines seulement et que votre
organisation est impliquée dans la > mesure où elle a fourni a) une souche mortelle du virus de
la grippe > aviaire et b) une enquête sur l'incident, il est de votre devoir d'être > consciente de
tous les détails, des allégations de l'intention > criminelle, de la preuve de ces allégations et
réfutations de ces > allégations, car il y a de si nombreux parallèles avec ce > nouveau cas de
grippe aviaire, impliquant également une structure > synthétique qui est mystérieusement
apparue dans deux endroits en > même temps. > > > > En particulier, vous devez forcément être
informée sur le fait que > Baxter utilise des règlements de niveau 3 de biosécurité lors de la >
manipulation du virus hautement pathogène de la grippe aviaire, que > l'OMS a envoyé à la
société à partir de son centre de référence, > et que, dans ces règlements de biosécurité 3, une
contamination > accidentelle de la mortelle souche de virus de la grippe aviaire, que > vous avez
envoyée de votre centre de référence à Baxter, avec une > grippe humaine est pratiquement
impossible. > > > > Vous devez également être au courant des recherches de Jeffery K. >
Taubenberger du Département de Pathologie Moléculaire, Institut des > Forces Armées de
Pathologie sur le virus de la grippe aviaire et en > particulier sa reconstruction de la souche
mortelle du virus de la > grippe aviaire à partir du matériel génétique extrait de victimes > de la
pandémie de grippe espagnole de 1918-1919. > > > > Bien que de nombreux chercheurs et ONG
ont prévenu que > ressusciter ce virus mortel était dangereux pour le public, l'OMS a > été l'un
des plus grands partisans de la poursuite des recherches sur > ce virus modifié et de ses
antidotes, dépensant des millions de > dollars du contribuable pour ces recherches et
programmes de > prévention. > > > > Vous devez être consciente que ce n'est que l'été dernier
que les > scientifiques ont publié dans des revues des preuves scientifiques > montrant que la
grippe aviaire peut se mélanger avec le virus de la > grippe humaine pour produire un virus
pandémique en laboratoire. > > > > Vous devez également être consciente de l'enquête
criminelle en cours > en Pologne sur les décès de personnes sans-abri après avoir > reçu l'été
dernier un vaccin d'essai de la grippe aviaire par des médecins et > des infirmières. > > > > Il
existe donc, je dirais, de nombreuses preuves dans le domaine public > qui montrent que des
sociétés pharmaceutiques et des organismes > gouvernementaux et d'autres acteurs créent,
sciemment et > volontairement, du matériel viral pandémique et, comme nous l'avons > vu en
Autriche cet hiver, en le lançant sur la population pour tenter de > dissimuler leur participation.
> > > > Si vous et l'OMS déclariez une pandémie de grippe porcine > maintenant aux Etats-
Unis, et si les gens devaient mourir comme > résultat direct du programme de vaccination que
vous avez initié, ou > s'il y avait des preuves significatives de dommages ou de > préjudices à des
personnes comme conséquence directe du programme > de vaccination de masse que vous
lanceriez, comme cela s'est produit > en 1976, vous pourriez vous retrouver accusée, non d'un
complot > visant à assassiner en masse, mais d'un assassinat de masse. > > > > En outre, l'OMS,
pour autant que je sois informée, a publié une > étude décrivant l'impact économique d'un virus
pandémique. > > > > Si vous, dans le cadre de votre fonction, aidiez des organisations >
criminelles qui ont annexé les hautes fonctions de l'État, à > commettre leurs crimes, à initier,
puis déclarer une pandémie, qui > perturbe l'économie, alors vous, ainsi que d'autres personnes
> d'influence qui travaillez à l'OMS à titre officiel et l'OMS en tant > qu'organisation, pourriez
également être responsables, non seulement > d'accusations criminelles, mais aussi des
dommages découlant de > poursuites en recours collectif déposées non seulement par les >
citoyens américains, mais par des citoyens ou entreprises à travers > le monde qui verraient
leurs revenus baisser en conséquence directe de > la pandémie déclenchée, et des ravages de
l'économie qui s'en > suivraient. > > > > Si il y a une déclaration de pandémie par l'OMS et des
décès de > masse dus au programme de vaccination, je prévois une situation où > vous et l'OMS
vous retrouverez devant des milliers de plaintes pour > crimes, mais aussi sujets à des recours
collectifs en droit. > > Je soutiens qu'il existe des preuves de la structure de vos activités >
concernant l'affaire Baxter que, sous couvert de votre fonction > tout en prétendant agir à titre
officiel, vous agissez réellement pour le > compte d'intérêts cachés criminels qui ont l'intention
de démarrer > une pandémie et d'abuser d'une déclaration de pandémie pour obtenir > des
avantages politiques et financiers, un groupe que je désigne comme >un gang du crime
Illuminati. > > La déclaration d'une pandémie par l'OMS a des avantages directs > politiques,
financiers et autres pour des éléments au sein du > gouvernement des États-Unis, en particulier
des éléments que je > soutiens appartenir au gang du crime Illuminati / Nouvel Ordre >
Mondial / CIA / franc-maçon, qui est actuellement à l'étude aux fins > d'enquête pour
sanctionner la torture à Guantanamo, en violation de > la loi américaine et internationale, en
particulier Donald Rumsfeld > (qui a des liens financiers avec un producteur Tamiflu, anti-
grippe > aviaire), Richard Cheney et Alberto Gonzales. > > L'imposition de la loi martiale aidera
à soupçonner toute personne > de violer les lois de la torture et évitera des poursuites aux États-
> Unis, bien qu'un dossier soit en attente en Espagne. > > Je soutiens que vous abusez de votre
fonction en tant que Directrice > générale de l'OMS, sciemment et volontairement, pour aider
les > Illuminati à atteindre leurs objectifs politiques et financiers. > > Je prétends qu'il existe
déjà aujourd'hui, samedi, une preuve de votre manipulation > volontaire d'informations sur
l'épidémie de > grippe porcine, supposée démarrée hier, pour jouer sur le danger d'une >
pandémie afin de justifier la mise en œuvre d'un programme de > vaccination de masse, tout en
ignorant et en supprimant les > informations qui indiquent que cette réponse n'est pas
proportionnelle > au risque. > > Enfin, je vous demande de bien vouloir me fournir d'ici lundi. le
27 > avril avant 10 heures, heure d'Europe centrale, sous la forme de > pièces jointes, liens,
notes de service juridiques, etc, la > documentation suivante afin que je puisse l'examiner avant
de > soumettre des accusations criminelles fraîches liées à cette > question. > > > Plus
précisément, je vous demande de me faire parvenir ou de charger > l'un de vos personnel de
m'envoyer : > > 1) les études que vous possédez à ce jour sur la vaccination contre la > grippe
porcine que vous avez l'intention d'inoculer à la population > des États-Unis, avec des preuves
claires de sources scientifiques > respectées tels que les essais cliniques rapportés dans des
revues > scientifiques, sans équivoque quant à leur sécurité : > > > > 2) des informations sur la
séquence génétique de la souche de la > grippe porcine détectée par l'OMS sur les victimes
d'épidémie à ce jour de > «grippe porcine» au Mexique et en Amérique; > > > > > 3) des
informations sur les entreprises avec qui l'OMS s'est engagée > à fournir un vaccin contre la
grippe porcine et dans quels termes et > conditions, y compris l'assurance qualité, les termes et
conditions > financières; > > > > 4) un compte-rendu détaillé de toutes les procédures de
sécurité > et de tous les examens indépendants que l'OMS a mis en place pour assurer une >
vaccination qui réponde à des normes reconnues de sécurité et de qualité; > > > > > 5) les
documents attestant que vous avez le pouvoir légal dans le cas > d'une grippe porcine, de
déclarer une pandémie et de faire appliquer > des vaccinations de masse contre la grippe
porcine sur la population > sous forme de notes de service juridique, décisions, etc. > > >
>Envoyez s'il vous plaît tous les documents ci-dessus en > pièces jointes. > > > > Si ces
documents ne me sont pas parvenus à la date limite de lundi, > j'indiquerais lors de ma
présentation à la cour que vous n'avez pas > ces documents. > > > > Je vous demande de vous
assurer de garder une copie de votre email à > mon attention, afin que vous puissiez prouver
devant un tribunal que > a) vous aviez tous les pouvoirs et les documents requis et b) que vous >
les aviez sous la main et à la disposition du public et d'un examen juridique > à court terme dans
une situation d'urgence comme le requiert votre > devoir en tant que fonctionnaire. > > > > Je
rajoute que si vous avez commandé à vos officiers d'être sur > pied d'alerte dans la salle de
contrôle de pandémie 24/7 à compter > du vendredi 24 avril, tel que rapporté dans les médias,
alors vous > avez une obligation supplémentaire d'être de service vous aussi ce > week-end et en
cas de manquement à votre devoir dans le cadre d'une > urgence que vous auriez vous-même
déclarée, vous vous placeriez en > violation directe des règles de conduite de votre fonction. > >
> > Comme vous avez suffisamment de personnel à portée de main, > j'argumenterais que vous
pouvez déléguer ce travail de collecte des > documents et des matériaux que je demande de 1) -
5) à un membre de > votre personnel et que vous pouvez toujours être disponible pour > suivre
la "pandémie" qui, selon vous, est en cours. > > > > Si vous m'envoyez ces documents après la
date limite de lundi, s'il > vous plaît assurez-vous de conserver une copie de l'email afin que >
vous puissiez prouver devant un tribunal de droit que vous avez eu > l'autorité nécessaire, et les
documents prouvant que vous aviez ce > pouvoir à portée de main, et que vous pourrez les
présenter rapidement comme on s'y > attend de la part d'un fonctionnaire dans le cas d'une telle
> «urgence». > > > > Dans le cas où vous souhaiteriez étudier les accusations criminelles > que
j'ai déposées le 8 avril et aimeriez être en mesure de mieux > comprendre le fondement
juridique de la plainte pénale que je vais > déposer le lundi 27 avril, je joins une copie en
allemand. > > > > Je peux également proposer mon blog où j'ai publié les accusations >
traduites en anglais, mais seules les 20 premières pages ou > à peu près ont été traduites jusqu'à
présent. > > > > > > > L'introduction du blog donne
néanmoins un aperçu de > mes preuves et arguments. > > > > Je copie également ci-dessous
deux rapports de médias qui donnent de > la substance à certaines des allégations que je fais
dans cet email, > en soulignant les points pertinents, y compris les informations > indiquant que
cette nouvelle souche de grippe porcine pourrait être > une arme biologique "mystérieusement"
apparue. > > > > Si vous avez des commentaires ou si vous désirez signaler des faits > que vous
pensez erronés. dites-le moi s'il vous plaît dès que > possible. Je serais heureuse de répondre à
vos questions. > > > > Cordialement, Jane > > > > Deux rapports d'hier, pertinents, un de Fox
News et un au sujet de > l'incident de la grippe porcine de 1976 : > > > > > ne-flu/ >
> La ville de Mexico a fermé vendredi les écoles de la métropole de 20 millions > d'habitants
après que 16 personnes au moins soient décédées et que > plus de 900 autres soient tombées
malades de ce que les responsables de la > santé soupçonnent être une nouvelle souche de
grippe porcine. Les > responsables de la santé mondiale craignent que cela puisse marquer le >
début d'une pandémie de grippe. > > L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé à Genève, en Suisse, a
dit qu'au > moins 57 personnes sont mortes durant l'épidémie, même si ce n'est > pas encore
clair que ce grand nombre de décès soit dû à la grippe > porcine. > > "Nous sommes très, très
inquiets», a déclaré Thomas Abraham, porte- > parole de l'agence. "Nous avons ce qui semble
être un nouveau virus et > il s'est propagé d'humain à humain." Si une propagation >
internationale répondant aux critères de l'OMS est confirmée, le > niveau d'alerte pandémique
sera engagé, a-t-il ajouté. > > Abraham a dit vendredi que l'OMS a élevé son système d'alerte >
interne, ce qui leur permet de détourner davantage d'argent et de personnel > pour faire face à
l'épidémie. «Tout le monde est sur le pont pour > le moment.", a déclaré Abraham. > > Le
Ministre de la Santé du Mexique, Jose Cordova, a déclaré que 16 > décès ont été confirmés
comme provoqués par une > nouvelle souche, après des tests effectués dans les > laboratoires
du gouvernement. Les échantillons provenant de 44 autres > personnes décédées étaient encore
en cours de test. Le Ministère > de la Santé a estimé le nombre total de personnes tombées
malades > autour de 943 à l'échelle nationale. > > Cordova a déclaré que les échantillons ont été
envoyés au Centre > de Contrôle et de Prévention des Maladies américains à Atlanta, en >
Georgie, pour déterminer si c'était le même virus qui avait > infecté sept personnes au Texas et
en Californie. A partir de > maintenant, les tests montrent que la grippe est une "nouvelle
souche, > différente ... originaire du porc." > > «Nous avons concrètement 60 décès dont nous
ne pouvons certifier > qu'ils soient dus au même virus, mais c'est probable", a déclaré > Cordova
à la radio MVS de la ville de Mexico. > > Cordova a décrit une nouvelle souche qui a tué
seulement des > personnes jeunes et des adultes d'âge moyen, normalement parmi les moins >
vulnérables. Une possibilité est que les segments les plus > vulnérables de la population - les
nourrissons et les vieillards - ont > été vaccinés contre d'autres souches, et que ces vaccins ont
peut- > être fourni une certaine protection. > > Mais le Dr Anne Schuchat du CDC dit que "à ce
stade, nous n'avons pas de > confirmation d'une grippe porcine au Mexique» de la nature de
celle qui a rendu > malades sept résidents de Californie et du Texas. > > Les sept victimes
américaines se sont remises d'une souche de grippe qui combine les virus de la grippe porcine,
aviaire et humaine > d'une façon que les chercheurs n'avaient pas vu auparavant. > > Cordova a
également déclaré à la radio MVS de la ville Mexico que > les autorités sanitaires mexicaines ne
peuvent pas être sûres que > les morts "soient dus au même virus, mais que c'est probable." > >
La fermeture des écoles a bloqué 6,1 millions d'élèves à la maison > depuis les garderies
jusqu'aux écoles secondaires, et des milliers > d'autres ont été touchés alors que collèges et
universités > ont fermé. Les parents ont dû jongler entre leur travail et les > préoccupations
familiales, déclaration par les médias locaux de la première fermeture des écoles dans toute la
ville > depuis le tremblement de terre dévastateur de 1985 à Mexico. > > Lillian Molina et
d'autres enseignants de l'école maternelle mondiale > de Montessori ont lavé leurs salles de
classe du sol au plafond avec > du Clorox, du savon et du Lysol vendredi en réponse aux appels
de parents > inquiets. Alors que l'école n'a pas eu de cas connu parmi ses > élèves, Molina a
appuyé la décision du gouvernement de fermer les > classes, en particulier dans les écoles
maternelles. > > «C'est formidable de prendre des précautions," dit-elle. "Je > pense que c'est
vraiment une bonne idée." > > Les autorités ont conseillé aux habitants de la capitale de ne pas
> aller au travail s'ils se sentaient malades, et de porter des masques > chirurgicaux s'ils
devaient se déplacer à travers la foule. Un arrêt > plus large - peut-être, y compris la fermeture
des bureaux du > gouvernement - a été envisagé. > > "Il est très probable que les classes seront
suspendues pendant > plusieurs jours", a déclaré Cordova. "Nous aurons à évaluer, et >
espérons que ce ne sera pas le cas, la nécessité de restreindre > l'activité des lieux de travail." >
> Pourtant, les autorités sanitaires américaines ont déclaré que ce > n'est pas encore une raison
pour s'alarmer aux États-Unis. Les cinq cas > en Californie et les deux au Texas ont tous
récupéré, et le test > indique que certains médicaments antiviraux communs semblent >
fonctionner contre le virus. > > Le porte parole du CDC a indiqué que les responsables estiment
que la > nouvelle souche peut se propager d'humain à humain, ce qui est > inhabituel pour un
virus de la grippe porcine. Le CDC vérifie les > personnes qui ont été en contact avec les sept cas
confirmés aux > États-Unis, qui sont tous tombés malades entre fin mars et mi-avril. > > Les cas
des États-Unis sont un mystère médical, car on ne sait pas > comment ils ont attrapé le virus. Le
CDC a déclaré qu'aucune des > sept personnes n'a été en contact avec des porcs, ce qui est la
façon > dont les gens attrapent généralement la grippe porcine. Et seuls > quelques-uns ont été
en contact les uns avec les autres. > > Les responsables du CDC ont décrit le virus comme étant
une > combinaison unique de segments de gènes jamais observés auparavant >chez les
personnes ou chez les porcs. Le microbe contient un virus humain, >un virus aviaire d'Amérique
du Nord et des virus porcins en provenance > d'Amérique du Nord, d'Europe et d'Asie. > > Les
autorités sanitaires ont vu des mélanges de virus d'oiseaux, de > porcs et d'humains auparavant,
mais jamais une telle combinaison > intercontinentale avec plus qu'un virus porcin dans le
mélange. > > Les scientifiques surveillent de près le virus de la grippe qui se > dégage des porcs.
Ces animaux sont considérés comme > particulièrement sensibles aux deux virus aviaires et
humains et ils sont > un endroit probable où le genre de réassortiment génétique peut > avoir
lieu, qui pourrait conduire à une nouvelle forme de grippe > pandémique, a déclaré le Dr John
Treanor, un spécialiste des > maladies infectieuses à l'Université du Centre Médical de
Rochester. > > Le virus peut être quelque chose de complètement nouveau, ou il peut > être
dans les environs depuis un moment, mais n'a été > détecté qu'aujourd'hui en raison de
l'amélioration des tests de > laboratoire et de la surveillance de la maladie, ont dit les
responsables > du CDC. > > Le virus a été détecté pour la première fois chez deux enfants >
dans le sud de la Californie - un garçon de 10 ans dans le comté de > San Diego et une fille de 9
ans dans le comté Imperial voisin. > > On ne sait pas si quelqu'un est malade du virus en ce
moment, ont dit > les responsables du CDC. > > Il n'est pas connu si le vaccin contre la grippe
saisonnière que les > Américains ont obtenu l'automne dernier et au début de cette année >
protège contre ce type de virus. Les gens doivent se laver les mains > et prendre d'autres
précautions d'usage, ont dit les responsables du > CDC. > >
_______(corrigé jusqu'ici, je continue en rentrant) > LE FIASCO DE LA GRIPPE PORCINE >
> Archie Kalokerinos M.D. ( > > En 1976, je
travaillais dans l'extrême nord de l'Australie parmi les > aborigènes. J'ai observé que dans une
communauté de quelques centaines > de personnes ayant reçu le vaccin contre la grippe >
(probablement la souche victorienne mais ce détail n'a pas vraiment > d'importance parce que
personne en dehors de quelques personnes > choisies ne sait vraiment ce que contient un lot
particulier), six > hommes sont morts subitement peu après. Ils n'étaient pas tous > «vieux».
L'un d'eux avait une vingtaine d'années. Quelques semaines > plus tard, dans une autre
communauté, j'ai trouvé que les personnes > souffrant de problèmes cardiaques ou avec un
potentiel de problèmes > cardiaques ou de diabète étaient particulièrement susceptibles de >
mourir peu de temps après avoir reçu le vaccin. > > De toute évidence, il y avait un problème
avec certains lots de > vaccin contre la grippe. > > Quelques mois plus tard, j'étais en Amérique.
Le Président Ford > s'etait fait dire par ses conseillers de la santé qu'une énorme > épidémie de
«grippe porcine» allait se produire, que cela pourrait > tuer des milliers de personnes et la seule
façon de prévenir cette > catastrophe était de vacciner l'ensemble de la population d'Amérique >
- chaque homme, femme et enfant - avec un vaccin spécifique. > > Ainsi, le vaccin a été fabriqué
et la plus grande campagne de > vaccination de l'histoire a commencé. J'étais inquiet parce que
le > vaccin pourrait ne pas être correctement testé sur une si courte > période. Aucun des
bénéficiaires ne saurait ce qu'on allait leur > injecter avec le risque que beaucoup d'entre eux
seraient susceptibles > d'en mourir subitement. En outre, il était vraiment peu probable >
qu'une épidémie de grippe porcine se produirait. Donc, j'en ai > parlé. Au début, les journaux se
sont emparés de ce que j'ai dit et > ont titré : "Un médecin australien l'appelle un assassinat de
masse". > J'ai ensuite fait une apparition sur le programme de télévision de > Kathy Crosby. > >
Une personne de New York, a vu cela et comme il n'aimait pas le patron > de la Mafia, Mr
Gambino, qui était âgé d'environ 70 ans et avait des > antécédents de problèmes cardiaques, il a
trouvé le moyen de > l'encourager à se faire vacciner. Il s'agissait simplement de trouver >
quelqu'un pour persuader Gambino de se faire vacciner contre la grippe > et Gambino s'est fait
vacciner et en est mort. Les journaux avaient > raison quand ils ont déclaré, 'La Mafia touchée
par le complot de la > grippe". > > Les gens mouraient dans les bâtiments où ils recevaient leurs
> injections. D'autres se sont retrouvés paralysés. Tout le programme > de vaccination fut
stoppé. > > Le président Ford décida de régler la question rapidement. En face > de tout le
monde, à la télévision, il a retroussé ses manches et a > reçu son injection. J'ai dénoncé à
l'époque où il avait reçu son > injection que c'était un «raté» et je suis certain que cela a été >
réellement fait. Ensuite, le président Ford a invité tous les hommes > et les femmes des médias
qui s'affairaient autour de s'aligner et de > recevoir leur injection. Seul un homme s'est porté
volontaire et il > s'est avéré être l'attaché de presse de la Maison-Blanche. Tous les > autres ont
refusé l'invitation. > > Il n'y a pas eu un seul cas de grippe porcine. Il n'y allait jamais > avoir
d'épidémie de grippe porcine. Comment se fait-il que l'homme le > plus puissant du monde avec
le plus grand département du monde de la > santé a sa disposition, n'ait rien compris du tout ?
Personne ne > connaît vraiment la réponse, mais quoiqu'il en soit, ce n'est pas > clair et net. > >
En outre, pour autant que je sache, je suis le seul médecin en > exercice qui s'est prononcé
contre cette vaccination de masse et qui > ait mis en garde contre les conséquences certaines
d'une telle > campagne de vaccination. Comment est-il possible qu'un médecin qui n'a > qu'un
diplôme de base et n'est même pas possesseur de la citoyenneté > américaine s'est dressé seul
contre tous ? Il y avait au moins un > chercheur, Anthony Morris, qui a essayé de parler, mais il
était à > l'époque censuré et censuré très fortement. > > Ceci est, cependant, un exemple
classique de la façon dont un seul > homme a eu raison et tous les autres se sont trompés. Il
s'agit d'une > considération importante parce que, lorsque le sujet des vaccins est > discuté du
fait que la grande majorité de l'establishment médical > indique que quelque chose est, il ne l'est
donc pas, en réalité, > nécessairement. Si l'établissement peut obtenir sur de fausses bases >
quelque chose d'aussi vaste et aussi important qu'une campagne de > vaccination contre la
grippe aviaire , alors il est logique de se dire > qu'ils pourraient également obtenir beaucoup
d'autres mauvaises > choses. Au moins, cela nous donne des raisons de douter de ce que >
l'establishment prétend nous montrer comme des faits. Si les médecins > et les membres du
public en général tenaient compte de ces erreurs, > il y auraient moins d'individus qui
souffriraient inutilement.]]> 6447 2014-07-25 16:20:31 2014-07-25 16:20:31 closed open
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border-and-to-yumen-city-in-gansu-province/ Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:27:59 +0000 birdflu666
border-and-to-yumen-city-in-gansu-province/ Check out this report: Why The U.S. Is Building
A High-Tech Bubonic Plague Lab In Kazakhstan

]]> 6450 2014-07-25 16:27:59 2014-07-25 16:27:59 closed open us-builds-bubonic-plague-lab-

close-to-chinese-border-and-to-yumen-city-in-gansu-province publish 0 0 post 0
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placed-under-quarantine/ Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:31:18 +0000 birdflu666
placed-under-quarantine/ Read more about the quarantine of Yumen city in China after a man
died of the bubonic plague here:

]]> 6451 2014-07-25 16:31:18 2014-07-25 16:31:18 closed open bubonic-plague-death-in-china-

yumen-city-placed-under-quarantine publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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spokesperson-glenn-thomas-in-the-ukraine/ Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:59:28 +0000 birdflu666
spokesperson-glenn-thomas-in-the-ukraine/ George Soros's foundation has funded personnel
working in the Kenema bioweapons lab at the focus of the Ebola outbreak, and which is about to
be closed, apparently amid an investigation. * WHO media coordinator Glenn Thomas was
highly likely involved in fielding media and other inquries about how WHO view and what it
planned to do about the controversial Kenema lab. Was Glenn Thomas aware of hard evidence
showing that the lab was faking  positive diagnoses for Ebola -- Tulane University? -- in order to
justify forcing people to undergo treatment which would give them Ebola? Did he refuse to go
along with the cover up? *The mainstream media is silent about the Kenema bioweapons lab
closure as well as about the order to Tulane University to stop Ebola testing. So, what other
channels are there left for this information to enter the public domain or be spread through
social media networks if WHO does not release the information or take action? *George Soros
has links to Sierra Leone President Ernest Koroma
sierra-leone-africa-investment-george-soros-ernest-bai-koroma-tony-blair-anadarko/ *Soros
also has links to the non-elected, far right, banker-controlled Ukrainian government, implicated
in MH17 crash killing Glenn Thomas
for-coup-and-mass-murder-in-ukraine/ *The Ukraine government shot down MH17, argues
German blogge fefe. Fefe's argument: BUK missile launchers use radar and their signals can be
tracked by NATO. If NATO is suppressing the missile radar coordinates, then it is because the
BUK missiles were launched by the Ukrainian government. *Soros attended the
wedding of Dutch prince Johan Friso who married an employee of Soros in 2004
dies-at-44/2013/08/14/96cae1fe-04fc-11e3-9259-e2aafe5a5f84_story.html *The
Dutch government flew back  40 bodies of the MH17 victims, call for a war crimes probe The Durch Prime
Minister said another 200 bodies were being transported by train. But there were only 188
passengers on the MH17 according to Malayasian airlines. Where are all these bodies coming
from? *The Ukrainian bankster-controlled prime minister resigned yesterday, as brawls swept
parliament over plans to crack down on civil rights and escalate the conflict with the ethnic
Russian eastern Ukrainian provinces
v=xKcmYeFwTXI *Soros' Open Society Foundation and and investment funds are active in the
"Ebola death triangle" of  Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea
development-sierra-leone-and-liberia Connecting these dots, does it seem likely to you that
billionaire Soros had a) a motive for killing WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas to stop the news
spreading through official channels that the Ebola outbreak was orchestrated in a Soros-funded
lab; b) a motive for silencing him very soon; c) the means of silencing him by staging a fake air
crash in the Ukraine? d) the support of the Bilderberg, global elite? Interesting is the
complete silence of the mainstream media on the  closure of the Kenema lab posted on the
Sierra Leone Ministery of Health facebook site. If the media really were a free press, interested
in investigating scandals in the public interest and in reporting facts as the so called "fourth
estate", this story about the Kenema lab closure would be front page news around the globe just
as the story of Baxter contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu in its biosecurity level 3 lab and
sending it to four countries in 2009 should have been front page news. It is the total media
blackout and silence which red flags the key, global stories. The key story of 21st century is that
we have entered an era of biological warfare. The main warfare is not conducted between
nations but between the elite and the people of the globe using also vaccines, weaponized
viruses and mass deception.  ]]> 6452 2014-07-25 16:59:28 2014-07-25 16:59:28 closed open
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_oembed_76d7f38fb0459b95e882effb7831cc87 40330 2015-04-29 12:41:02
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report/ 2014-08-05 11:48:59 2014-08-05 11:48:59 1 pingback 0 0
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%e1%8b%95%e1%89%a5%e1%88%ab%e1%8b%8d%e1%8b%ab%e1%8a%91-%e1%8b%93% 2014-08-05 16:16:19 2014-08-05 16:16:19 1 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history 35809
death-of-who-spokesperson-glenn-thomas-in-the-ukraine/ 2014-09-25 22:49:07
2014-09-25 22:49:07 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 35069
law-false-flag-and-prevent-mega-depopulation/ 2014-08-07 00:48:41 2014-08-07
00:48:41 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 35074
now-puts-usa-on-highest-alert/ 2014-08-07 12:26:04 2014-08-07 12:26:04 1
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2014-08-07 21:27:50 2014-08-07 21:27:50 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 35081
executions-satanic-rituals-written-within-obamacare/ 2014-08-07 22:23:09
2014-08-07 22:23:09 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 34972 2014-07-28 09:06:31 2014-07-28 09:06:31 1 pingback 0 0
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the-focus-of-ebola-outbreak/ 2014-07-28 04:34:20 2014-07-28 04:34:20 1
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the-bioweapons-lab-at-the-focus-of-ebola-outbreak-dahboo77/ 2014-07-28
06:19:37 2014-07-28 06:19:37 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 34984
soros-bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation-bioweapons-lab/ 2014-07-30 18:52:22
2014-07-30 18:52:22 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 34985
ebola-bioweapons-lab-and-the-death-of-who-spokesperson-glenn-thomas-in-the-ukraine/ 2014-07-30 23:06:10 2014-07-30 23:06:10 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 34981
2014-07-29 15:22:17 2014-07-29 15:22:17 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published 36062
law-false-flag-prevent-mega-depopulation/ 2014-10-03 16:24:24 2014-10-03
16:24:24 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 36749
france-plane-a-deliberate-hoax-to-bring-down-nigeria/ 2014-10-17 02:49:52 2014-
10-17 02:49:52 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history
akismet_history 37142
revealed/ 2014-10-23 20:31:00 2014-10-23 20:31:00 0 pingback 0 0
akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 36531 2014-10-13 15:00:06 2014-10-13
15:00:06 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 37388
ukraine/ 2014-10-29 17:05:06 2014-10-29 17:05:06 0 pingback 0 0
akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 50369
biowarfare-on-africa-and-us-e 2016-10-03 08:48:16 2016-10-03 08:48:16 0
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01 04:55:56 2016-02-01 04:55:56 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
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attacking-ebola-bioweapons-lab/ Sat, 26 Jul 2014 14:47:41 +0000 birdflu666
attacking-ebola-bioweapons-lab/ Local people in Kenema rioted and attacked the Ebola hospital
lab, funded by George Soros, Bill Gates and the Pentagon.

The mainstream media and local Sierra Leone police chief claim that a nurse who had warned
locals  that the lab was putting Ebola in circulation was "mentally ill". That, though the country's
health ministry announced on its own facebook page that the lab was to be closed, Tulane
University was to stop testing for Ebola, the CDC was required to deliver an official report on the
lab's activities and the CDC and WHO's own documents state that Ebola comes from hospitals.

]]> 6472 2014-07-26 14:47:41 2014-07-26 14:47:41 closed open police-use-tear-gas-to-disperse-

crowds-attacking-ebola-bioweapons-lab publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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kidnapped-in-freetown/ Sat, 26 Jul 2014 14:58:00 +0000 birdflu666
kidnapped-in-freetown/ Under WHO's International Health Regulations (IHR) -- which are in
force around the globe today -- just being suspected of having a deadly virus is a criminal
offence, allowing the police and military to use deadly force i.e. weapons.

Mainstream media headlines about "hunting" down an escaped patient in Sierra Leone reflect
the way the IHR reclassify potential patient as "criminals."

See the BBC headline : "Sierra Leone hunts Ebola patient kidnapped in Freetown"

Bear in mind that a temperature of 38 degrees, looking unwell and/or being confused about
having Ebola are enough to make someone a suspected carrier of Ebola, and so a potential
criminal, who can be compelled to undergo screenings, vaccination and quarantine.

]]> 6474 2014-07-26 14:58:00 2014-07-26 14:58:00 closed open bbc-headline-sierra-leone-

hunts-ebola-patient-kidnapped-in-freetown publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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_wpas_skip_path _oembed_c085d97cdfefe9fcc4f8331d7648ec3b
_oembed_97cb05ba7d6bdd8dbfaa9a8aa6aa4cfe 34974
pandemie-avec-le-virus-ebola/ 2014-07-28 15:28:07 2014-07-28 15:28:07 1
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34979 2014-07-29 15:22:06 2014-07-29 15:22:06 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
city/ Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:07:02 +0000 birdflu666
city/ A Liberian man has died of Ebola in Lagos, Nigeria's biggest city and the
world's fourth most populous city.

The Nigerian government has placed all ports of entry--seaports, airports and land borders--
into Nigeria on red alert, said health minister Onyebuchi Chukwu on Friday.

That could mean that mass screenings for Ebola In Nigeria are going to start soon.

]]> 6476 2014-07-26 15:07:02 2014-07-26 15:07:02 closed open ebola-death-in-worlds-fourth-

most-populous-city publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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suspected-carrier-of-ebola/ Sat, 26 Jul 2014 15:35:42 +0000 birdflu666
suspected-carrier-of-ebola/ What do you plan to do if the US, UK, Europe, Australia or India
declares an Ebola red alert next week, next month and you have to move through
Ebola "screenings" to reach your flight, train or destination?

These are just some of my tips of how to avoid being snatched away at an Ebola checkpoint at an
airport, roadblock, station or border crossing - a scenario that has become an all too
nightmarish possibility for people in Nigeria now that an Ebola emergency has been declared

Nigeria's capital Lagos is the world's fourth most populous city. Its international airport is
served by air carriers such as Air France, KLM, Lufthansa, British Airways and United
Airlines among others.

so, how long will it be until we hear Ebola has arrived in Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London
or Houston via passenger who had a "high fever and vomitted" and before Ebola screenings start
around the globe?

It might  be onlya few days before mainstream media blare out these headlines, so we need to be

My tips:

1. Carry your own thermometer with you whenever you travel.

According to WHO criteria, a temperature over 38 degrees makes you a suspected Ebola case in
addition to looking unwell - and being "confused" about recent onset.

2. Check your temperature before you board a flight or pass through a roadblock.

3. Assuming your body temperature is under 38 degrees, email a selfie or video to your family,
friends and colleagues.

Remember if you are classified as having Ebola because screening officials deem you to have a
temperature of 38 degrees, your family, friends and colleagues will be "traced" and "hunted
down" for quarantine etc. So, they will need hard proof that you did not have a temperature of
38 degrees in the form of  a timely selfie or video. If they stay out of quarantine, they might be
able to get you out on time before you are infected.

Conversely, ask friends, family and work colleagues to email you a selfie, video of their
temperature before they pass through a screening to help them stay out of quarantine.
If your thermometer shows under 38 and the thermal scanner over 38, point out that
scanners have been shown to faulty and thermal cameras can also be faulty. Ask who supplied
the thermal camera. Which company etc? Air France-KLM supplied the thermal camera for
Conakry airport.

4. Assuming you have a temperature of over 38 degrees, think twice about boarding the plane,
arrange an alternative, ie a Skype conference, or get a doctor's note or some kind of written
confirmation that your 38 temperature is linked to a common non lethal disease such as a cold.

In fact, think twice about boarding any plane. Try to arrange to hold business meetings etc over
Skype. If you plan to go somewhere with your close family and/or work colleagues, stagger your

5. Bring your own snacks and bottled drinks to reduce your chances of becoming ill on the

6. Carry with you copies of the CDC Ebola fact sheet showing that you are more likely to get
Ebola if you are put in a health care facility (quarantine etc) than if you are kept away from one.

Also, useful to have a copy, if you need to call the police to assist you from being quarantined
without cause and, crucially, to avoid being accused of being "confused about recent onset",
itself a symptom of Ebola under WHO criteria, it seems.

7. Point out to border officials, especially to TSA officials who do so much physical patting and
groping, that if you have Ebola, then they will highly likely have it too. They will, in turn,
be hunted down as Ebola suspects because they were your last contacts. Also, point out that UN
military forces are on standby to take their jobs.

It is not in the interest of any police, health or border official to declare anyone an Ebola suspect.

If these tips sound Kafkaesque, it is because they are. We are in a Kafkaesque, surreal situation
and it could well soon get much more surreal if Ebola screenings start in your neighbourhood.

So if you have more suggestions about how you can avoid a potential Ebola/MERS/SARS

checkpoint trap, pass them around. 

Also, think about what steps you can take to avoid being "hunted" down in your house or
office as suspected Ebola cause because of some contact with some person whose name you don
t even know but whom you allegedly met in, say,  a corridor three weeks earlier  and who has
since been declared to have Ebola?

]]> 6477 2014-07-26 15:35:42 2014-07-26 15:35:42 closed open tips-on-how-to-avoid-being-

classified-as-a-suspected-carrier-of-ebola publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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_oembed_cf47a521ef3f906c4a5b2ad77269ecfc 34975
pandemie-avec-le-virus-ebola/ 2014-07-28 15:28:11 2014-07-28 15:28:11 1
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34980 2014-07-29 15:22:09 2014-07-29 15:22:09 1 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history 35751 2014-09-23 07:53:53
2014-09-23 07:53:53 TIME TO CARRY YOUR OWN THERMOMETER? Tips
on how to prove you don’t have Ebola - and you are not confused about it | Case About Bird
Flu]]> 0 trackback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history
response/ Mon, 28 Jul 2014 13:51:36 +0000 birdflu666
assumes-control-west-africa-placed-on-grade-3-highest-emergency-response/ *WHO to
assume control of Kenema bioweapons lab

*Police deployed to guard Ebola lab after riots

*WHO places West African on Grade 3, highest emergency level

WHO and MSF are to take over the bioweapons laboratory in Kenema hospital which has been
at centre of rioting and strikes because of its role in the Ebola outbreak, according to an Sierra
Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) announcement posted on its facebook page on

The centre has 30 Ebola patients, states a MoHS update posted on Sunday.

The move comes after thousands marched on the lab following allegations by a former nurse
that Ebola was being put into circulation deliberately.

The bioweapons lab -- funded by George Soros and Bill Gates among others -- has now been
placed under police protection.

It has also emerged that WHO has upgraded the Ebola emergency in West Africa to the highest
level, a Grade 3, allowing WHO to assume control of critical government functions and
implement forced vaccination and quarantine plans.

"The WHO Director General, Margaret Chan has upgraded the Ebola response in West Africa to
a Grade 3, the highest level of any emergency response. A Grade 3 involves a multiple country
event with a substantial public health consequence that requires a substantial WHO country
office response and substantial international partner response. This means partners could
deploy resources from other countries into the region," states the MoHS facebook.

]]> 6488 2014-07-28 13:51:36 2014-07-28 13:51:36 closed open police-guard-kenema-

response publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending _rest_api_client_id sharing_disabled
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_oembed_2933cc4c2072de2e421bd027d8de53f9 39398
ebola-death-vaccines-add-path-gavi-unicef-merck-gsk/ 2015-02-12 17:16:57 2015-
02-12 17:16:57 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history akismet_result
akismet_history 36298
and-vaccines-add-in-who-path-gavi-unicef-merck-gsk/ 2014-10-09 17:12:30
2014-10-09 17:12:30 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 36447 2014-10-12 01:22:21
2014-10-12 01:22:21 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
akismet_history akismet_history
media-push-experimental-ebola-vaccines/ Mon, 28 Jul 2014 13:56:38 +0000 birdflu666
vaccines/ A report from CNN:

]]> 6491 2014-07-28 13:56:38 2014-07-28 13:56:38 closed open mainstream-media-push-

experimental-ebola-vaccines publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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centres-in-greece-will-ebola-spread-through-soros-medical-help/ Mon, 28 Jul 2014 14:15:07
+0000 birdflu666
established-solidarity-centres-in-greece-will-ebola-spread-through-soros-medical-help/ George
Soros is to establish a series of "solidarity centres" in Greece, reports the Guardian.

The first centre is set to open in Thessaloniki and will offer "medical" help.

Given the documented links of George Soros with the Kenema bioweapons lab, which has just
been shut down by Sierra Leone presumably because an investigation has showsn it is indeed
spreading Ebola, it is reasonable to ask whether Soros's motives are altruistic.

Or does Soros, in fact, intend to exploit the poorest and most vulnerable sections of society for
avaccination campaign? Is it conceivable that Soros and his crony NGOs like MSF plan to spread
Ebola, Mers, Sars or other diseases among the poorest sections of society in their centres order
to justify introducing martial law mass vaccination and quaratine measures in the rest of Greece
and Europe?

Soros has already opened homeless immigrant centres in Greece, which are the ideal place to
spread a disease. There is a precedent. Twenty one homeless people died in Poland in 2008 after
they were given the deadly bird flu vaccine without their knowledge and after they were paid just
couple of euro.

]]> 6492 2014-07-28 14:15:07 2014-07-28 14:15:07 closed open george-soros-has-established-

solidarity-centres-in-greece-will-ebola-spread-through-soros-medical-help publish 0 0 post 0
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Soros Plans Homeless, Immigrant Centers in Greece

Object 128 ]]>

Soros Plans Homeless, Immigrant Centers in Greece

Object 129 ]]>

doctor-to-germany-for-treatment/ Mon, 28 Jul 2014 14:25:39 +0000 birdflu666
to-germany-for-treatment/ WHO plans to move a Sierra Leone doctor infected with Ebola to the
University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany, reports Bild newspaer.

Bet you ten euros Bild will soon be carrying headlines like: "Ebola strikes Hamburg!". "Disaster
at University Clinic! Nurse infected" And...: "Nigerian in Frankfurt in Ebola quarantine" etc etc

Apropos the Germans, footie player Bastian Schweinsteiger has just been forced to apologize
after insulting a rival team.
You might be forgiven for thinking the Zombie Apocalypse the CDC is always talking about has
already happened in Germany watching the video of Schweinsteiger doing his latest hefferlump
thing at a bar.  It looks like it would be touch and go if he would even notice if he had Ebola - or
any of his "fans."

]]> 6494 2014-07-28 14:25:39 2014-07-28 14:25:39 closed open who-to-take-ebola-infected-

sierra-leone-doctor-to-germany-for-treatment publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook
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_oembed_84ed89527f47ecaea15479de9e8f0f5f Mon, 28
Jul 2014 14:47:55 +0000 birdflu666

A US doctor and aid worker in Liberia have tested positive for Ebola, according to media
The media go out of their way to offer reassurance that family members living in America "have
absoultely shown no symptoms." (Yet.) "Brantly's wife and children had been living with him in
Liberia but flew home to the U.S. about a week ago, before the doctor started showing any signs
of illness, said Melissa Strickland, a spokeswoman for Samaritan's Purse. "They have absolutely
shown no symptoms," she said. A woman who identified herself as Brantly's mother said the
family was declining immediate comment when reached by phone in Indiana late Saturday.
index.html]]> 6502 2014-07-28 14:47:55 2014-07-28 14:47:55 closed open two-americans-
infected-with-ebola publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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_oembed_1d182835f72ba20d041328d5fda3bce4 geo_public
thomas/ Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:05:00 +0000 birdflu666
thomas/ Dutch forensic experts have identified the first victim of the MH17 crash when many
passports found at the crash scene have expired.
The passports found at the crash site are perfect and some have expiration holes.

There is a huge body of evidence that the crash was staged, begging the question what happened
to WHO spokesperson Glenn Thomas and the AIDS researchers who allegedly died in the crash
if there was no crash?

]]> 6512 2014-07-29 18:05:00 2014-07-29 18:05:00 closed open what-happened-to-who-

spokesperson-glenn-thomas publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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What Really Happened to MH17? An Open Source Investigation

Object 130 ]]>


Wrong Aircraft Identified As Malaysia Flt MH-17 Fuels Doubts

Object 131 ]]>
possible-outbreak-of-ebola-2/ Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:11:54 +0000 birdflu666
outbreak-of-ebola-2/ 6514 2014-07-29 18:11:54 2014-07-29 18:11:54 closed open doctors-in-
the-uk-are-preparing-for-a-possible-outbreak-of-ebola-2 publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
media-in-hyping-ebola-outbreak-in-us/ Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:18:54 +0000 birdflu666

]]> 6515 2014-07-29 18:18:54 2014-07-29 18:18:54 closed open infowars-joins-cdc-who-and-

mainstream-media-in-hyping-ebola-outbreak-in-us publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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germany-after-sierra-leone-doctor-dies/ Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:11:36 +0000 birdflu666

]]> 6516 2014-07-30 14:11:36 2014-07-30 14:11:36 closed open another-request-to-treat-ebola-

victim-in-germany-after-sierra-leone-doctor-dies publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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ebola-is-ignored-infowars-and-zerohedge-do-the-same/ Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:23:38 +0000
asks-why-ebola-is-ignored-infowars-and-zerohedge-do-the-same/ Infowars and ZeroHedge
are on the same page as the mainstream media in hyping a Ebola pandemic and health martial
law agenda.

Far from ignoring Ebola, the CDC activated its emergency operation center in preparation for
martial law, mass arrests, forced vaccination and quaratine in July.

What the CDC, Infowars, ZeroHedge as well as the  New York Times are ignoring are the facts
and documents showing that Ebola has been weaponized by the US government and is being
spread by the US government.

]]> 6517 2014-07-30 14:23:38 2014-07-30 14:23:38 closed open one-week-after-new-york-

times-asks-why-ebola-is-ignored-infowars-and-zerohedge-do-the-same publish 0 0 post 0
_publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id
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ebola-hits-usa-says-infowars/ Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:31:56 +0000 birdflu666
ebola-hits-usa-says-infowars/ "With concerns growing over the deadly Ebola virus, which has
killed 670 people in West Africa, preparations are already underway in the United States, where
even healthy Americans will be subjected to forced quarantine in the event of an Ebola
pandemic," pants Infowars.


Healthy people will be subjected to forced quarantine in the event of an Ebola or any other
publich health threat emergency being declared by WHO.

What is not, however, true is the claim made by Infowars that Ebola is being spread by illegals,
immigrants and plane travellers.

Evidence presented on this blog strongly suggests it is being spread by the Pentagon, White
House and George Soros  to push their martial law agenda.

]]> 6520 2014-07-30 14:31:56 2014-07-30 14:31:56 closed open healthy-americans-will-be-

quarantined-if-ebola-hits-usa-says-infowars publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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us-national-guard-faulty/ Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:39:00 +0000 birdflu666
us-national-guard-faulty/ The US Department of Defense has deployed ebola detection kits to
National Guard units in all 50 states, reports Infowars.

But given the Sierra Leone government's recent order that Tulane University stop testing ebola,
it is worth asking how accurate are these kits? What if they are faulty as the Tulane University
kits appear to be? What if they offer a fake or faulty positive Ebola diagnosis?

]]> 6523 2014-07-30 14:39:00 2014-07-30 14:39:00 closed open are-the-ebola-detection-kits-

deployed-to-the-us-national-guard-faulty publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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Congressional Report: Ebola Bio Kits Deployed to National Guard Units In All 50

Object 132 ]]>

ebola/ Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:45:09 +0000 birdflu666
ebola/ The latest headlines from the Telegraph and other UK media are aimed at getting the
general public to accept martial law measures foreseen in the International Health Regulations

From the Telegraph:

• Spread of Ebola 'very serious threat' to UK, Philip Hammond says

• Hammond chairs emergency meeting on Britain’s defences (COBRA committee
• Chief scientist says Ebola 'potential major threat’ to Britain
• Man tested in Birmingham, second visited UK hospital over fears

RAF is on standby to bring back infected Brits.

]]> 6525 2014-07-30 14:45:09 2014-07-30 14:45:09 closed open will-the-uk-declare-martial-

law-soon-over-ebola publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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_oembed_3657e4fb5707f3969a407a400eea1b34 Thu, 31 Jul
2014 16:25:07 +0000 birdflu666

• Wah Tong Expert say Ebola is not easy to spread out, only whoever contact with serious
ebola patient may be infect. So how the original ebola patient infect from? From the
history record of Africa's ebola infected country, we found that ebola infected area was
not connect together, and it appeared like a missiile weapon from a place disappeared
and from a place come out, so we can consider ebola is a chemical weapon use by some
particular parties to conduct their silent killing plan. The original infected people shall
only can through water or food to go in to patient body. Obviously, most of the infected
area is near the river, so we conclude they are use water as a media to spread out ebola to
animal body or human body. Definetely, they can use many ways to do it, like use a died
body with ebola infected directly spread to water or direct put in to the river water or
treatment water pond..etc. So we can consider 99% of the original ebola infected patient
by water 1% is contact with serious ebola patient, since the patient eye is usually red, this
mean the majority infected from eye. When people wash their face they also wash their
eye, so when they wash their eyes the ebola virus is though eyes go in to their body easily.
Since we don't know where of the ebola virus water that the killer input, but we can have
a prevent method first, ask the high infected area people use after boil water to wash their
face or mouth to prevent ebola virus, if possible use the after boil water to take bath too.
This will min the infect from ebola virus, and food better use bean... than animal( If
animal please cook 100%). on the same time from the ebola patient trace record to find
the the place of problem point. Nothing is occasionally, everything happen is purposely. If
somebody ask where is the evidence to prove it ? Your must becareful of him too, because
spy is near to you, otherwise how they monitor the virus and condition. Evidence is very
obviously, suspect is the way to find the answer. Don't surrender infront of the killer,
don't die because of don't know. Common sense, somebody died because somebody kill.
When you say you suspect I think the killer may be stop or slow their plan too. I will like
to suggest one more treatment call Chinese srapping detox, ...etc, this method can use
together with your present treatment, through patient skin to detox(reduce) out virus
from the patient body quickly, and can do anything time without affect to body. Hope
your can overcome it.
• 9 hours ago

]]> 6529 2014-07-31 16:25:07 2014-07-31 16:25:07 closed open is-ebola-being-spread-in-water

publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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_oembed_9c19af5f23d02a3ecacfb13596cea012 _oembed_7e046b55514c1ae825dcc25fe94131b7
_oembed_3b7805d64ebb2adad24fa4d94ca7e622 35028
rumor.html 2014-08-05 22:04:20 2014-08-05 22:04:20 1 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published 35058
2014-08-06 17:02:11 2014-08-06 17:02:11 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on Thu, 31 Jul
2014 16:38:47 +0000 birdflu666
figures-are-inflated/ Posts on the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation facebook
site note the official Ebola figures don't add up.

Ibrahim Fofana Umaru writes on July 28th "the 500 confirmed should include those that are
dead (167) + survivors (129) + those in treatment (70). However adding these numbers yields
366. My question is what happened to the 500 - 366= 134"

Abigail Finda Fillie writes " Am abit confusued. If we have 82 admitted on the 26th and 30 on
the 27th, then that difference of 52 should be reflected on the survivors and death cases. but we
have 2 added to the 116 survivors and 4 added to the 153 confirmed deaths. pls enlighten me on
the computation."

Eric Jan Bergsma writes on July 26th  "I have a question, 450 confirmed Ebola cases minus 116
survivors, 152 deaths,73 in treatment centers leaves us short of 109 cases. Could you explain the
difference for us?"

]]> 6533 2014-07-31 16:38:47 2014-07-31 16:38:47 closed open official-ebola-figures-are-

inflated publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
_rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus _wpas_skip_twitter
_wpas_skip_linkedin _wpas_skip_tumblr _wpas_skip_path Thu, 31
Jul 2014 16:38:48 +0000 birdflu666
ebola-figures-are-inflated-2/ Posts on the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and
Sanitation facebook site note the official Ebola figures don't add up.

Ibrahim Fofana Umaru writes on July 28th "the 500 confirmed should include those that are
dead (167) + survivors (129) + those in treatment (70). However adding these numbers yields
366. My question is what happened to the 500 - 366= 134"

Abigail Finda Fillie writes " Am abit confusued. If we have 82 admitted on the 26th and 30 on
the 27th, then that difference of 52 should be reflected on the survivors and death cases. but we
have 2 added to the 116 survivors and 4 added to the 153 confirmed deaths. pls enlighten me on
the computation."

Eric Jan Bergsma writes on July 26th  "I have a question, 450 confirmed Ebola cases minus 116
survivors, 152 deaths,73 in treatment centers leaves us short of 109 cases. Could you explain the
difference for us?"

]]> 6534 2014-07-31 16:38:48 2014-07-31 16:38:48 closed open official-ebola-figures-are-

inflated-2 publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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media-claim-that-ebola-is-as-infectious-as-flu/ Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:30:23 +0000 birdflu666
claim-that-ebola-is-as-infectious-as-flu/ *CDC confirms Ebola hard to get,  only
"through direct contact with the blood, secretions, or other body fluids of ill
people" and objects contaminated with these fluids such as needles

*British virologist falsely claims Ebola as infectious as flu as media hypes global
Ebola threat

*American Ebola victim Patrick Sawyer may have been poisoned: eery parallels to
the death of the first swine flu victim Felipe Solis in Mexico City in 2009 after
meeting Obama

*White House denied Obama's health was ever in any danger even though Solis
escorted Obama around the National Anthropology Museum just before he
became sick

Germany's Bild newspaper claimed that American Ebola victim Patrick Sawyer may have
infected 30,000 people, citing unnamed experts.

The Daily Mail quote Derek Gatherer, a virologist at University of Lancaster, as saying Ebola is
as infectious as flu and could start a global pandemic.

This is a lie.

At a CDC Telebriefing on Ebola outbreak in West Africa on

Monday, Stephen Monroe of deputy director of CDC's National
Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases, repeatedly
says that Ebola can only be "through direct contact with the
blood, secretions, or other body fluids of ill people, and indirect
contact – for example with needles and other things that may be
contaminated with these fluids."
Ebola is hard to get.

This is underlined by the fact that Ebola victims number just a few hundred even though Ebola
has been circulating for four months in West Africa. More people have probably died from car
accidents in West Africa since April than from Ebola.

Also, the question has to be asked whether Patrick Sawyer was the victim of a toxic attack on
board the plane to Lagos. He presented no symptoms when he got onto the plane in Monrovia
according to reports and he took a flight lasting just 2 hours and 40 minute to Lagos - albeit with
a stop over. So, he became very sick, very suddenly presenting with diarrhea and vomitting.
What could have caused these symptoms? Poisoned airplane water? Food?

Was Sawyer poisoned just like the first victim of the "swine flu" in 2009 appears to have
been poisoned to give the media a reason to spread panic?

The first victim of the swine flu was Mexican archaeologist Felipe Solis who died
one week after escorting President Barack Obama around the Museum of
Anthropology on his trip to Mexico City.
President Obama himself was never tested for swine flu and was "never in danger" according to
the White House.

"President Obama's health "was never in danger" despite his trip to Mexico on April 16 and 17,
when the swine flu outbreak was beginning in that country," writes Huffington Post.

How come the White House was so sure Obama's health was not in any danger when this swine
flu pandemic was allegedly raging all around him and the very first victim was Felipe Solis, a
man Obama had just met? Was it because Obama and his entourage knew they had spread

I think that the notion that Obama and his entourage spread a toxin to start this false flag
pandemic has to be taken very seriously given the evidence.

A Mexican doctor contacted me in 2009 and told me that people in Mexico City were falling ill
from poisoning. There was no swine flu, he said.

Within just a day of Felipe Solis death, WHO began to activate its SHOC room in preparation for
a pandemic level 6 emergency declaration, exploiting the scare for political purposes.

Mexico City was placed under quarantine.

]]> 6535 2014-07-31 17:30:23 2014-07-31 17:30:23 closed open ebola-is-hard-to-get-says-cdc-

give-lie-to-media-claim-that-ebola-is-as-infectious-as-flu publish 0 0 post 0
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_oembed_d9dc2cfcc7d2133ed8025a68aa6725b2 35005 2014-
08-01 17:05:24 2014-08-01 17:05:24 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result 35015
lie-to-media-claim-that-ebola-is-as-infectious-as-flu-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-
08-03 18:54:32 2014-08-03 18:54:32 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history 35022
false-flag-and-prevent-mega-depopulation/ 2014-08-05 03:41:51 2014-08-05
03:41:51 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history
jabber_published 35073
on-highest-alert/ 2014-08-07 12:26:00 2014-08-07 12:26:00 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 35098
false-flag-and-prevent-mega-depopulation/ 2014-08-09 03:05:19 2014-08-09
03:05:19 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 35068
webre-expose-massive-ebolamartial-law-false-flag-and-prevent-mega-depopulation/ 2014-08-07 00:48:39 2014-08-07 00:48:39 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 37929
suspicion-let-me-add-ignore-this-info-at-great-risk-j/ 2014-11-12 05:01:24 2014-
11-12 05:01:24 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 37090
flag/10501.html 2014-10-22 07:47:12 2014-10-22 07:47:12 0 pingback 0 0
akismet_history akismet_history akismet_result _elasticsearch_indexed_on 36061
law-false-flag-prevent-mega-depopulation/ 2014-10-03 16:24:21 2014-10-03
16:24:21 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
experimental-vaccine/ Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:40:14 +0000 birdflu666 "The
USA will launch an early-stage trial in September of an experimental vaccine against Ebola, the
deadly viral disease that has killed 729 people in the largest outbreak in history," says USA

Once a public health emergency is declared by WHO, untested experimental vaccines can be
given to populations. This rule allowed the untested swine flu vaccine to be given in 2009 after
WHO declared a pandemic emergency level 6.

The swine flu vaccine has led to an explosion of narcolepsy as even the UK government has been
forced to admit.

]]> 6536 2014-07-31 17:40:14 2014-07-31 17:40:14 closed open usa-to-test-ebola-experimental-

vaccine publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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_oembed_980045523f56a74703472b6b65152d87 41433
2015-07-03 09:21:58 2015-07-03 09:21:58 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_history akismet_result
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history
Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:45:39 +0000 birdflu666
*Sierra Leone mobilizes police and military "to make sure people cooperate with
medical teams" 

*Ebola epicentres to be quarantined

*Towns and homes to be sealed off until "cleared" by medical teams

*"Active surveillance and house to house searches" of Ebola victims and people
"who might have been exposed."

*Restrictions on public meetings and gatherings

*New protocols for screening passengers at airport

Read more about the declaration of emergency by the Sierra Leone government at:

]]> 6538 2014-07-31 17:45:39 2014-07-31 17:45:39 closed open sierra-leone-declares-martial-

law-over-ebola publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
_rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus _wpas_skip_twitter
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on-the-flight/ Thu, 31 Jul 2014 17:52:00 +0000 birdflu666
the-flight/ WHO is exploting the death of Patrick Sawyer to trace people on his flight even
though the CDC has admitted Ebola is passed through bodily secretions.

The number of people who could have come into contact with Sawyer's diarrhea of vomit on the
plane is very small, if anyone at all, assuming he went to the bathroom.

"WHO is sending teams to both Nigeria and Togo to do follow-up work in relation to contact
tracing, in particular to contacts he may have had on board the flight," spokesman Paul
Garwood said.

We are being conditioned to accept a situation whereby WHO and CDC officials -- escorted by
police and military --  come to our doors and march us off into quarantine just because we
(allegedly) sat on a plane/train or passed someone in the street who allegedly died from Ebola.

Meanwhile, Stephen Monroe from the CDC made it clear in a press conference on Monday that
Ebola can be spread only "through direct contact with the blood, secretions, or other body fluids
of ill people, and indirect contact – for example with needles and other things that may be
contaminated with these fluids. 

Monroe admitted that the possibility of a traveller getting Ebola and returing to the US while
sick was "very remote."

]]> 6539 2014-07-31 17:52:00 2014-07-31 17:52:00 closed open who-exploits-sawyers-death-to-

trace-people-on-the-flight publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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hits-us-admits-infowars-fears-of-massive-abuse-of-power/ Thu, 31 Jul 2014 18:24:01 +0000
if-ebola-hits-us-admits-infowars-fears-of-massive-abuse-of-power/ The official CDC website
details ‘Specific Laws and Regulations Governing the Control of Communicable Diseases’, under
which even healthy citizens who show no symptoms of Ebola whatsoever would be forcibly
quarantined at the behest of medical authorities" reports Infowars.
Americans need to wake up and take the red pill.

If you are living in America, think about ringing and emailing your Congressmen and Senators
without delay and getting them to annul the International Health Regulations decree of 2005.
As far as I know, these regulations were never ever voted on by any parliament or congress so
they cannot be repealed like regular legislation. They are, in fact, the prime example of
totalitarian bureaucracy signed into law by - bribed? - officials without the people or their
representatives consenting.

I say "bribed?" officials because GlaxoSmithKline paid $480 million in bribes to doctors and
health officials in China to get them to use their drugs. It has since emerged GSK has been
bribing doctors in Poland and Jordan and other countries. Can we really rule out massive
bribery in other countries like the UK and USA? A pandemic declaration is, after all, a money-
making machine for Big Pharma.

]]> 6541 2014-07-31 18:24:01 2014-07-31 18:24:01 closed open healthy-people-can-be-

quarantined-if-ebola-hits-us-admits-infowars-fears-of-massive-abuse-of-power publish 0 0 post
0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id
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_wpas_skip_tumblr _wpas_skip_path _oembed_1a2f640a6cb70fa67177d7d1c1feb196
_oembed_4955ee75f594015669ad923ed2839c05 35016
bird-flu/ 2014-08-03 18:59:47 2014-08-03 18:59:47 1 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
force-in-the-usa-in-july-2007-no-vote-in-congress-or-senate/ Fri, 01 Aug 2014 14:38:23 +0000
entered-into-force-in-the-usa-in-july-2007-no-vote-in-congress-or-senate/ *International
regulations from 2007, which are the framework for martial law measures during a
pandemic declaration, can be challenged in US courts for violations of constitutional rights As
President Barack Obama signs an amendment to an executive order allowing
people suspected of Ebola to be detained, it is important to look at the ways US citizens
can challenge in court the International Health Regulations (IHR) of 2007. The
WHO's IHR are the legal framework for quarantining and mass vaccinating people
across the USA - and not  the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act as
Infowars claims.
americans-with-respiratory-illnesses/ As far as I can see, there was never any vote in
Congress or the Senate on the IHR or any scrutiny of whether the IHR are
compatible with the US Constitution. I stand to be corrected if there is a reader
who can show me when a vote on the IHR occurred at federal or state level. 
TheIHR regulations violate basic US constitutional rights and can, therefore, be 
challenged in state and federal courts with a great chance of success. "The
International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR (2005)) entered into force for the
United States on 18 July 2007. IHR (2005), spells out obligations and provides guidance
for Member States to assess and manage serious health threats that have the potential to spread
beyond their borders," states the CDC. To
divert from this legal challenge, Infowars has  apparently started to spread the
false information that the basis of the pandemic laws is the Model State
Emergency Health Powers Act. This appears to be legislation enacted regularly in
33 states - and therefore subject to Constitutional checks in the legislative process.
The IHR entered into force in 192 countries around the world on exactly the same
day, namely July 15 2007 , further proof that parliaments and congresses did not
debate and vote on them. In such a case, the dates would have been different for
every country. Likewise, the Global Health Security Agenda -- an
updated version of the IHR -- does not seem to have been voted on in any parliament or
threats-new-agenda-global-health-security]]> 6544 2014-08-01 14:38:23 2014-08-01 14:38:23
closed open international-health-regulations-entered-into-force-in-the-usa-in-july-2007-no-
vote-in-congress-or-senate publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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_oembed_a0a3f6acec96acba794695b82a502864 geo_public
_oembed_229f37244f6ffcc66f64fc91521cfb22 _oembed_4ff76e1fe85ca77657aabe12ac4d978f
and-proven-ebola-treatment/ Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:00:55 +0000 birdflu666












The successful treatment of Ebola patients by blood transfusion from recent convalescents is
public knowledge and is even documented on film:

EBOLA: THE PLAGUE FIGHTERS - NOVA - Discovery/Science/History (documentary)

Thank you to Carolyn Dunning for this summary.

"As the Ebola epidemic came to a close in Zaire in 1995, 8 patients were transfused with blood
from recent convalescents who had survived Ebola.The first patient to agree to this experiment
was Nicole, a nurse who fell ill with Ebola despite strict precautions when handling the sick

At timepoint 40:14 mins of the video we see several survivors of the pandemic.

Then Nicole, a nurse is diagnosed with Ebola. She eventually agrees to be transfused with blood
from a convalescent with her blood type in the hope that the antibodies will aid her recovery.
Foreign doctors try to prevent Zairian doctors from transfusing Nicole with convalescent blood,
but they go ahead. She recovers as do seven of the other eight patients."

The CDC, WHO, the US government are willing to endanger the lives of Dr Kent
Brantly and Nancy Writebol by denying them blood transfusions proven to be
effective in the field in order to hype Ebola and push their martial law agenda.

Taking them back to the USA for treatment is just hype. Brantly and Writebol should be given
blood transfusions from survivors with matching blood types in West Africa by local doctors
who know what they are doing.

]]> 6546 2014-08-01 15:00:55 2014-08-01 15:00:55 closed open scandal-dr-kent-brantly-

denied-life-saving-and-proven-ebola-treatment publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook
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_wpas_skip_path _oembed_0d121c5a02ce44ed3d3fe8103a3e76de
_oembed_b7185e9a705c564254bf1286dbc52933 35007 2014-08-02 02:43:30 2014-08-02 02:43:30 1 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history 35008
west-africa-outbreak-of-ebola-virus/ 2014-08-02 02:51:12 2014-08-02 02:51:12 1
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about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-03 18:53:11 2014-08-03 18:53:11 1 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
fire/ Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:57:28 +0000 birdflu666
fire/ Ukrainians burn military drafts, refuse to fight for George Soros's government

]]> 6560 2014-08-04 16:57:28 2014-08-04 16:57:28 closed open ukrainians-set-army-

conscription-papers-on-fire publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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emergency-drill-for-biological-attack-on-friday/ Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:58:55 +0000 birdflu666
emergency-drill-for-biological-attack-on-friday/ The Department of Health conducted the
largest surprise emergency drill in New York City history on Friday to test the delivery of
medications in the event of a biological attack.

]]> 6562 2014-08-04 16:58:55 2014-08-04 16:58:55 closed open new-york-held-largest-ever-

surprise-emergency-drill-for-biological-attack-on-friday publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook
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_wpas_skip_path _oembed_fb5aabd9d3a2ee2aa1d7cf4b3f09dffb Mon, 04 Aug
2014 16:59:46 +0000 birdflu666
of-ebola-in-uk/ A woman has died after landing at Gatwick airport on a flight from Sierra Leone

]]> 6563 2014-08-04 16:59:46 2014-08-04 16:59:46 closed open woman-dies-of-ebola-in-uk

publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:00:48 +0000 birdflu666 U.S.
Government Owns EBOLA 'Patent'

]]> 6564 2014-08-04 17:00:48 2014-08-04 17:00:48 closed open us-government-patented-the-

ebola-virus publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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regulations-in-handling-dr-kent-brantly/ Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:04:05 +0000 birdflu666
regulations-in-handling-dr-kent-brantly/ *CDC violates biosecurity level 4 regulations in
transporting and handling Dr Kent Brantly

*CDC director Thomas Frieden should be fired

*Unnecessary danger to US public

Fresh from congressional hearings on CDC biosafety lapses, CDC director Dr Thomas Frieden
has decided to handle the first ever Ebola patient in the USA without applying the safety
precautions required by biosafety regulations in outrageous disregard for the American public.

Frieden must know about the strict biosafety level 4 regulations applying to Ebola patients like
Dr Kent Brantly because Frieden just gave testimony on these very regulations to Congress in
relation to the CDC anthrax scare.

Yet in the transit and hospitalization in Atlanta of Dr Kent Brantly, Frieden has allowed
biosafety level 4 requirements for handling a patient suffering from Ebola to be flouted.

According to the risk classification database of  American Biological Safety Association (ABSA),
Ebola is the highest category of dangerous disease which has to be handled using biosafety level
4 precautions.

The CDC/NIH Guidelines (1999) "Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories"

4th Edition, 1999, says Ebola is aBiosafety Level 4 (BSL 4) disease, that is a "dangerous and
exotic agents which pose a high individual risk of aerosol-transmitted laboratory infections and
life-threatening disease."

Ebola is classified by the CDC as a Category A Bioterrorism Agent

It is also on the Select Agent and Toxins list and so subject to especially strict government

That means, Ebola patient Brantly must be transported in special facilities and treated in a
maximum containment facility, a biosafety level 4 facility designed for work with Risk Group 4
microorganisms and with special security features.

These features include the isolation of the laboratory from environment and general traffic, a
room sealable for decontamination, inward airflow, controlled ventilating system, HEPA filtered
air exhaust, double-door entry, airlock, airlock with shower, effluent treatment, autoclave on site
and in laboratory room, double ended, biological safety cabinets etc etc

These measures have been put in place in the hospital in Germany which is set to receive treat
Ebola patients.
Patients in the University Clinic Hamburg Eppendorf are to be kept in an hermetically sealed
special isolation unit, according to Dr Stefan Schmiedel. No gas, no liquid, no particles will be
able to penetrate outside. There is a three-stage airlock system to prevent any air with any Ebola
particles getting outside to the public. The medical personnel wear the special biosafety level 4
suits with their own breathing system and positive pressure. These suits will be burned at the
end of every visit by a nurse or doctor to the patient. Special measures are also in place to
sterilize everything inside the room, every spoon, cut and plate used by the patient.

Compare this to the farcical measures in place in the Emory University Hospital - measures
which probably would not even meet biosafety level 1 requirements.

In one of his many media appearance to reassure a (rightly) worried public, Dr Frieden,, told
NBC’s Meet the Press talk show it was encouraging to see Dr Kent Brantly walk out of an
ambulance unassisted when he arrived at Atlanta’s Emory University hospital on Saturday.

It isn't encouraging to see Brantly walking around in a Hazmat suit.

It is, in fact,  shocking to see Brantly without the with air-supplied, positive pressure, personnel
suit with helmet mandated by biosecurity level 4 regulations to prevent the Ebola virus
spreading through the air to infect others around, including the many police, ordered to stand
on guard for propaganda effect.

It is shocking to see him transported in ordinary ambulance from Dobbins to the hospital.

Brantly is seen walking to the hospital and not being stretchered or wheeled in in an isolator.

Pictures show an exercise by the Aeromedical isolation team where a patient with a highly
virulent diseases is transported in an isolator.

What is the point running exercises like these if the procedures are not implemented when the
first Ebola patient arrives amid so much hype in the USA in 2014 and the patient walks in a
hazmat suit to the hospital?

It is shocking to see Brantly walk into a hospital to what appears to be an ordinary hospital room
from pictures in the Daily Mail - and not into an hermetically sealed isolated laboratory in
separate building or part of a building as biosecurity level 4 regulations require.

In Kenema, doctors and nurses went on strike because Ebola patients were kept in the Lassa
fever ward inside the hospital grounds and so infected medical personnel.

At least the Lassa fever ward was in a separate building in the Kenema hospital. In Emory
University hospital, the so called special unit is on the ground floor of the main building in the
general practice research centre.

It is shocking to read Brantly's wife visited with him from behind a glass wall for about 45

You really have to wonder about the Brantly's humour in going along with this theatre.

Dr Bruce Ribner, Infectious diseases doctor at Emory, said Brantly's  unit will be fitted with
plate glass windows. [Yes, windows (plural)]

Ebola viruses are not especially hard to kill, he said.

“Any standard disinfectant will be more than capable of inactivating Ebola,” he said.

Biosafety regulations are not determined by how easy the virus is to kill but how likely the virus
is to kill.

Ribner said that Brantly's bodily waste will be flushed into the public sewege system.

Even biosecurity level 2 procedures mandate that solid waste must be placed in a special
container and taken to a special waste disposal unit, where it usually incinerated by a medical
waste disposal contractor. Tracking forms have to be filled out. Biosecutiry level 4 biohazard
waste management is even stricter.

Asked if enough precautions had been taken, the media reports Freiden said: “He’s an American
citizen, and what our role is in public health is to make sure that if an American is coming home
with an infectious disease we protect so it doesn’t spread. That was what we did in transit and at
the hospital.”

It time to fire Frieden because this is potentially the most dangerous ever biosecurity lapse on
US soil in history.

We are not talking about an "insufficient culture of safety" as in the CDC anthrax scare because
the regulations are not being applied in the first place.

Frieden's non adherence to the biosafetly level 4 regulations is deliberate, systematic and
intentional and it exposes the American public to unnecessary risk. Frieden should be fired.

Frieden's lapses are set to fuel the Ebola hysteria propaganda of the mainstream media and fake
alternative media like Infowars.

]]> 6565 2014-08-04 17:04:05 2014-08-04 17:04:05 closed open shocking-flouting-of-

biosecurity-level-4-regulations-in-handling-dr-kent-brantly publish 0 0 post 0
_publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id
_wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus _wpas_skip_twitter _wpas_skip_linkedin
_wpas_skip_tumblr _wpas_skip_path _oembed_75f259ca364e6793026ce48badb6f8b2
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_oembed_a8ce1609d49b493458cd274900e48512 35036
regulations-in-handling-dr/ 2014-08-06 07:48:17 2014-08-06 07:48:17 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
america-elected-officials-should-be-asked-to-resign/ 2014-08-06 19:40:43 2014-
08-06 19:40:43 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result
leone-bioweapons-report-but-ignores-george-soros-is-infowars-in-fact-funded-by-soros/ Tue,
05 Aug 2014 14:15:59 +0000 birdflu666
report-but-ignores-george-soros-is-infowars-in-fact-funded-by-soros/ If you are living in the
US, you can ring your local county/state/federal court and ask them how to file an injunction
against the unconstitutional plans for mass forced vaccination and quarantine under the IHR
2005, and then do it or pay a lawyer to do it. This simple solution is never mentioned by
Infowars.]]> 6568 2014-08-05 14:15:59 2014-08-05 14:15:59 closed open infowars-links-to-my-
publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
_rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus _wpas_skip_twitter
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_oembed_742d03ac4d23dfa221ab29b162bedff1 geo_public
_oembed_8f582b1e7261e2486f4b5ec3011b317b 35040
2014-08-06 14:36:18 2014-08-06 14:36:18 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history 35131
look-cherry-blossom-tattoos-meanings/ 2014-08-12 02:37:54 2014-08-12
02:37:54 article Is Infowars funded by Soros? | Case About Bird Flu]]> 1 trackback 0 0
akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
bioterrorism-drill-suspected-ebola-cases-announced/ Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:21:34 +0000
ever-bioterrorism-drill-suspected-ebola-cases-announced/ 6570 2014-08-05 14:21:34 2014-08-
05 14:21:34 closed open one-day-after-new-yorks-largest-ever-bioterrorism-drill-suspected-
ebola-cases-announced publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
_rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus
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_oembed_01ce54e42ff42e25a42d61d68d2d4c96 geo_public
quarantine/ Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:33:24 +0000 birdflu666
quarantine/ 6572 2014-08-05 14:33:24 2014-08-05 14:33:24 closed open un-troops-enter-
ebola-zone-to-enforce-quarantine publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
_rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus
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_oembed_e1631b7407fafc091ab970dbe9f5b7ce geo_public
_oembed_c7df79751e191d1c5cc514786684dece _oembed_afc9678d8e10bf86433727a5e32ee78f
_oembed_6826c133ccf82dd70e025722e5d268e9 35741
county-georgia-government-the-truth-of-ebola/ 2014-09-22 16:56:18 2014-09-22
16:56:18 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
akismet_history 35038
enforce-ebola-martial-law-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-06 13:19:31 2014-08-06
13:19:31 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
ebola-in-france/ Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:42:41 +0000 birdflu666 False alert for
Ebola in Limoges France.

See photo of airtight stretcher used to transport contagious patients.

]]> 6576 2014-08-05 14:42:41 2014-08-05 14:42:41 closed open false-alert-for-ebola-in-france

publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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_oembed_9232b058820d11f3d4f96378030cbac5 35039
about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-06 13:21:48 2014-08-06 13:21:48 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
debacle-in-us-history/ Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:57:44 +0000 birdflu666
debacle-in-us-history/ Read Dutchsinse's comments on Facebook on the biggest ever lapse in
biosecurity in US history which took place on live camera when Dr Kent Brantly walked from an
old ambulance into Emory University hospital.

"Unprotected COP on the other side of the Ebola ambulance, how could the cop not see the
unprotected cameraman behind the white van?

That makes TWO unprotected people just feet from Ebola ground zero directly upon arrival in
the USA..

Think the pilots in the plane wore suits for the entire flight?? Think the ambulance could be
scrubbed down before it drives away?

And, who has cars are 2feet away from the infected? Did those get scrubbed???????

Is the air in the ward their in negative pressure, and bubble boy sealed??? No."

The 2nd infected Ebola patient is on their way to Atlanta....

Dutch again:  "At this point I must ask..

Where is the E.T. movie type alien pathogen wind protection tunnel?

Where are their boots by the way?

Why are they walking next to peoples cars?

Where is security?

Why is the ebola patients suit NOT SEALED? Literally open under the front

Why is there an unprotected guy in a short sleeve shirt a few feet away hiding behind a van with
a camera?"


]]> 6577 2014-08-05 14:57:44 2014-08-05 14:57:44 closed open dutchsinse-on-the-biggest-

ever-biosecurity-debacle-in-us-history publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
_rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus
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_oembed_297ad8226bf49f57bd637c121cb35596 35037
biosecurity-debacle-in-us-history-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-06 13:17:33 2014-
08-06 13:17:33 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:00:15
+0000 birdflu666 6579 2014-08-
05 15:00:15 2014-08-05 15:00:15 closed open st-john-4 inherit 0 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
_wp_attachment_metadata Tue, 05 Aug 2014
15:01:27 +0000 birdflu666 6580
2014-08-05 15:01:27 2014-08-05 15:01:27 closed open st-john-1 inherit 0 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
_wp_attachment_metadata Tue, 05 Aug 2014
15:02:45 +0000 birdflu666 6581
2014-08-05 15:02:45 2014-08-05 15:02:45 closed open st-john-3 inherit 0 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
thirsty/ Tue, 05 Aug 2014 15:21:13 +0000 birdflu666 Come to me all who are
thirsty, Jesus Christ said. All who are thirsty for beauty, peace, truth, light in this dark, mad
world will be infused with strength, inspiration and life when they turn to our Lord Jesus

Christ... ]]> 6582 2014-08-05

15:21:13 2014-08-05 15:21:13 closed open when-we-are-thirsty publish 0 0 post 0
_publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id
_wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus _wpas_skip_twitter _wpas_skip_linkedin
_wpas_skip_tumblr _wpas_skip_path _edit_last geo_public Wed, 06
Aug 2014 14:53:34 +0000 birdflu666 *DR KENT
These two pictures tell the story of the most serious ever violation of biosecurity level 4

procedures in US history.
The picture on the left shows Dr Kent Brantly arriving at Emory University hospital with
multiple breaches of biosecurity procedures designed to protect the public from a lethal
virus. The picture on the right shows members of the Aeromedical Isolation Team preparing
to transfer a patient with a biosecurity level 4 diseases such as Ebola from a
stretcher isolator into the Biosafety Level 4 isolation suite at the US Army Medical
Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), Fort Detrick, Maryland. The transfer
port is visible on the external wall of the building to allow the patient to be moved into the
isolation unti with exposing the neivronment. Team members are seen wearing protective suits
and respirators. This is the isolation procedure at USAMRIID for patients with Ebola or
Marburg. As the American Biological Safety Association risk classification shows,
Ebola is classified as belonging to the most dangerous category, level 4, in every
country, in the UK, the European Union, Germany, Australia, Singapore, the US. That makes
the use of biosecurity level 4 procedures when handling a patient like Kent Brantly
mandatory. They are there to protect the public from infectious diseases
considered dangerous. CDC spokeswoman Barbara Reynolds said "there is nothing about
Ebola that necessarily requires the use of such a specialized treatment unit like the one at
atlanta/ngsQR/ False. Biosecurity level 4 regulations necessarily require the use of special
procedures: they are there to protect the public and Reynolds must know that as a CDC staffer
embroiled in endless scandals about BSL 4 lapses. Ebola is also classified as a Biological
Special Agents or Toxins (BSATs) and subject to extra strict Special Agent
regulations. The breaches of biosecurity protocols in the case of Brantly are even more serious
than the anthrax scare at CDC labs which led to Congressional Hearings. Here we have the first
ever Ebola patient on American soil being driven through a major US city and entering a
general ward of a hospital on a university campus without even a respirator let
alone an isolator. Video shows Brantly being helped out of the ambulance by a single
emergency responder wearing only a protective suit and respirator. And yet we are told that
Brantly contracted Ebola treating patients i.e. wearing such a protective suit and that health
workers are most at risk because of close physical contact. Brantly walks to the hospital door in
the proximity to police and other individuals wearing no protective equipment at all, not even a
face mask. His ambulance driver is seen wearing just a face mask and no respirator. If Brantly
had to be brought to the USA instead of being treated by US doctors in West Africa or flown to a
US army medical ship, then why wasn't he sent to Fort Dettrick, where they have BSL 4
facilities? If he had to come to Atlanta, why not to the CDC or Atlanta State University, both of
which have BSL 4 labs? If he had to go to a university hospital, why couldn't he have been flown
by helicopter? Why does Brantly go along with this? He is supposed to be coming to the USA for
better care, not worse. He is supposed to be a Chrstian trying to cure people of Ebola - not give it
to them. Why did he not insist on a respirator or an isolator? Inside Emory hospital, minimum
protections seem to be in place even though Brantly is going to a general practise ward on the
ground floor of a building on a university campus. Dr Bruce Ribner from Emory tells the
media Brantly's waste is going to be flushed into the public sewege system despite strict
biohazard waste disposal regulations for BSL 4 labs.

At the same time as

these multiple, deliberate violations of BSL 4 regulations occur, we are
told Ebola poses such a serious threat to the US that it justifies mass quarantining
and vaccination. President Barack Obama exploited the Ebola hype around
Brantly to sign an executive order to allow virtually any American to be
quarantined while ignoring the most grave breaches in biosecurity regulations in
US history. Since the US government cannot be trusted with adhering to BSL 4
procedures in the most dangerous ever infectious disease case on US soil, it cannot
be trusted with any aspect of handling ebola and quarantining. Obama must resign
for this shocking breach of biosafety. Congressional and Senate hearings must be
held immediately into Brantly s treatment and every aspect of the Ebola
quarantining and vaccination plans.              ]]> 6605 2014-08-06 14:53:34 2014-08-06
14:53:34 closed open ebolagate-the-biowar-twin-towers publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last
_publicize_pending geo_public _oembed_4ee0cb18bf1d000ecc7bcbaa953a6c00
_oembed_8e2a99cd1871eed3aaa1c99e95af8f78 35070
biosecurity-twin-towers-which-could-topple-obama-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-
07 02:01:42 2014-08-07 02:01:42 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
akismet_history jabber_published 35046
ebola-no-ni-pies-ni-cabeza-in-my-humble-opinion-13.html#post12152997 2014-
08-06 15:54:35 2014-08-06 15:54:35 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 35078
medica-y-pandemia-mediatica/ 2014-08-07 17:49:53 2014-08-07 17:49:53 1
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35205 2014-08-15 01:01:07 2014-08-15 01:01:07 1 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
hospital/ Wed, 06 Aug 2014 14:54:19 +0000 birdflu666 6607 2014-08-06 14:54:19
2014-08-06 14:54:19 closed open ebola-hospital inherit 6605 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:02:15 +0000 birdflu666 6609 2014-08-06 15:02:15 2014-08-
06 15:02:15 closed open ebstar inherit 6605 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
biowar-twin-towers/ebola-classification/ Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:20:12 +0000 birdflu666 6613 2014-08-06
15:20:12 2014-08-06 15:20:12 closed open ebola-classification inherit 6605 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
biowar-twin-towers/ebola-classification-2/ Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:23:29 +0000 birdflu666 6614 2014-08-06
15:23:29 2014-08-06 15:23:29 closed open ebola-classification-2 inherit 6605 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
biowar-twin-towers/ebola-hospital-2/ Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:53:30 +0000 birdflu666 6620 2014-08-06 15:53:30
2014-08-06 15:53:30 closed open ebola-hospital-2 inherit 6605 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
alert-cdc-issues-highest-emergency-alert-over-ebola/ Thu, 07 Aug 2014 13:07:54 +0000
highest-emergency-alert-over-ebola/ *CAUGHT RED HANDED IN THE BIGGEST EVER














]]> 6634 2014-08-07 13:07:54 2014-08-07 13:07:54 closed open red-alert-red-alert-cdc-issues-

highest-emergency-alert-over-ebola publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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_oembed_8a7c7947fc37f378de85db4298a03c99 35085
highest-emergency-alert-over-ebola-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-08 01:50:53
2014-08-08 01:50:53 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history
ebola-an-international-public-health-emergency/ Fri, 08 Aug 2014 10:28:28 +0000 birdflu666







Flashback 2009: Baxter was caught contaminating 72 kilos of seasonal flu vaccine with the bird
flu nearly triggering a global pandemic. WHO then tried to exploit to implement mass forced
vaccination and quarantine plans around the globe.

In the end, WHO made an emergency declaration over the swine flu in June 2009.

Fastforward 2014: WHO makes another emergency declaration this time over Ebola allowing for
even more draconian martial law measures. WHO and complicit governments have refocused
the thrust of the regulations to allow individuals - (who form the resistance) - to be targeted first
before going for the rest of the population.

Michael Snyder asks what will you do if it is made mandatory for all Americans to take the Ebola

He notes that Barack Obama  "has  just signed an executive order that gives him the power to
apprehend and detain Americans that show symptoms of “diseases that are associated with fever
and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being
transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a
pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not
properly controlled.”

It wouldn’t seem like it would be too much more of a stretch for him to sign an executive order
requiring the vaccination of all Americans in the event of a major Ebola outbreak."

In fact, the IHR 2005 actually foresees the vaccination,  if necessary by force, of all Americans.

Science has nothing to do with this ebola declaration. It is all about politics and science is
twisted to supply the justification. Jon Rappoport reported that the US diagnostic test for Ebola
is unreliable.

Also, regions can be quarantined and economically ruined, leading to mass sickness, starvation
and death.

In response to the WHO declaration, Frankfurt airport has already started quarantine screening.
All airports around the world will now start screening.

]]> 6641 2014-08-08 10:28:28 2014-08-08 10:28:28 closed open who-declares-ebola-an-

international-public-health-emergency publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
_rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus
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_oembed_f7f1c0cfea0b28dbe8219c802b9cf276 35094
international-public-health-emergency-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-09 01:48:42
2014-08-09 01:48:42 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
akismet_history jabber_published
essence-is-in-ourselves/ Fri, 08 Aug 2014 11:13:25 +0000 birdflu666 Do you feel
dread about the prospect of being given an Ebola vaccination by force?

You shouldn"t. You chose it. There is scene in the sixties TV series The Prisoner, where Number
Six finally unmasks the controller of the Village, Number One, only to find out this
evil individual is himself.

The Globalists can do whatever they want, commit any crime, tell any lie because the evil
essence is in ourselves. People are utterly indifferent to justice, truth and to the well being of
others, including their own children. Their minds are filled with flatscreens, iPhone, time
sharing ski lodges, college degrees or frequent flyer miles, like the prisoners watching shadows
in Plato"s famous Allegory of the Cave.

Mesmerized by the advertising images projected by Madison Avenue, Hollywood and the

mainstream media, they sit bound up in mental chains of their own making unable to act, think
or feel as free human beings, unable to get up, find the truth, the light and do what is right.

The elite have put us in a position where they have to summon enormous courage to pursue the
battle of the good, the truth, the safety of others in the face of impossible odds. Abolishing the
International Health Regulations 2005 and holding governments to account for trying to give to
the population of the world a damaging vaccine in 2009 was never going to be easy.
People did not even try.  People cannot stop thinking about themselves, their bank accounts,
holidays, careers and projects  long enough to spend even an hour thinking about the objective,
verifiable threat to the globe with the global pandemic plans represent to their own family and

We are in the middle of an incredible battle between good and evil and we have had to chose a
side. By default, the people of the world have chosen evil. That is why we  face forced vaccination
with Ebola only five years after a similar vaccine disaster was averted by the titanic efforts of a

Five hundred thousand Germans are reported to have gathered on the fan mile in Berlin to
watch the World Cup. Not five of those people would have been ready to spend five minutes
helping a stranger, let alone trying to contribute to abolishing pandemic plans which might kill
them and all their family. I know the Germans too well. But it"s not just the Germans.

There might be people who are shocked at this post.  That"s okay. We must face our
responsibility for this nightmare or we will never escape it. The evil is in ourselves. But we can
change that.

]]> 6642 2014-08-08 11:13:25 2014-08-08 11:13:25 closed open the-evil-essence-is-in-ourselves

publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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_oembed_4fbc2ad4856486e6c53da489abdab4b5 35105
about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-10 16:15:24 2014-08-10 16:15:24 1 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history jabber_published 35095
ourselves-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-09 01:51:06 2014-08-09 01:51:06 1
pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history Mon, 11 Aug
2014 14:05:15 +0000 birdflu666
mal-est-en-nous/ Thanks to Helios from the Bistro Bar blog for sending in a French translation
of my last post.

Ressentez-vous une appréhension à la perspective de recevoir de force un vaccin contre l'Ebola ?

Vous ne devriez pas. Vous l'avez choisi. Il y a une scène dans la série télévisée des années 60, Le
Prisonnier, où Numéro 6 démasque finalement le contrôleur du village, Numéro 1, juste pour
découvrir que cet individu maléfique, c'est lui-même.

Les Mondialistes peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent, commettre tous les crimes, raconter n'importe
quel mensonge parce que l'essence du mal est en nous. Les gens sont totalement indifférents au
Juste, à la Vérité et au bien-être des autres, y compris à celui de leurs propres enfants. Leur
esprit est rempli d'écrans plats, d'iPhones, de colocations de chalets, de diplômes scolaires ou
des cartes de points de fidélité pour les vols en avion, comme les prisonniers qui regardent les
ombres dans la célèbre Allégorie de la Caverne de Platon.

Hypnotisés par les images de publicité projetées sur Madison Avenue, par Hollywood et les
médias dominants, ils restent assis ligotés par leurs propres chaînes mentales qui les rendent
incapables d'agir, de penser ou de se sentir des êtres humains libres, incapables de réagir,
découvrir la vérité, la lumière et faire ce qu'il convient.

L'élite nous a mis dans une situation où il fallait rassembler un énorme courage pour poursuivre
la bataille du bien, de la vérité, de la sécurité des autres face à d'impossibles défis. Abolir les
règlements sanitaires internationaux de 2005 et demander des comptes aux gouvernements qui
essayaient en 2009 de donner à la population mondiale un vaccin nuisible ne s'est jamais avéré

Les gens n'ont même pas essayé. Les gens sont incapables de penser à autre chose qu'à eux-
mêmes, à leurs comptes en banque, leurs vacances, leur carrière et projets sans prendre le temps
de réfléchir une heure à la menace objective et vérifiable de la planète avec la perspective que
représente une pandémie mondiale pour leur famille et leurs enfants.

Nous sommes au cœur d'une incroyable bataille entre le bien et le mal et nous avions à choisir
un camp. Par défaut, le peuple du monde a choisi le mal. C'est pourquoi nous faisons face à une
vaccination forcée avec l'Ebola juste cinq ans après qu'une catastrophe vaccinale identique a été
évitée grâce aux efforts titanesques de quelques-uns.

On a rapporte que cinq cent mille allemands se sont rassemblés sur le Fan Mile de Berlin pour
regarder la coupe du monde. Il n'y en a pas cinq parmi eux qui auraient été prêts à prendre cinq
minutes de leur temps pour aider un étranger, encore moins à essayer de contribuer à abolir les
plans d'une pandémie qui pourrait les tuer eux et toute leur famille. Je connais trop bien les
allemands. Mais il n'y a pas que les allemands.

Il pourra y avoir des gens qui seront choqués par ce billet. C'est d'accord. Nous devons faire face
à notre responsabilité pour ce cauchemar, ou nous n'en réchapperons pas. Le mal est en nous.
Mais nous pouvons changer cela.

]]> 6645 2014-08-11 14:05:15 2014-08-11 14:05:15 closed open lessence-du-mal-est-en-nous

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4-breaches-in-emory/ Mon, 11 Aug 2014 14:16:57 +0000 birdflu666
breaches-in-emory/ Randall Tillotson asked the producers of the documentary about a new
biosecurity level 3 and 4 lab in Boston what they made of the scandalous breaches of biosecurity
in the case of Dr Kent Brantly in Emory.

The documentary can be seen here.

This is the text of the email questionnaire Randall sent to the producers of that documentary. So
far, he has had no response.


I watched your documentary on the biosafety lab for Level 2,3, & 4 virus research and found it
informative. As a layman, I'm puzzled by the lax safety being implemented by the medical teams
that brought the two Americans with Ebola to the U.S. Why weren't these two people left in
Africa to be treated, rather than importing them back to the U.S. with a chance, even if it is slim,
to be carriers of an outbreak of plague?

In this video of Dr. Kent Brantly's arrival to Emory University Hospital, I noted two startling
issues that seem obvious after watching your tour film: 1) it appears that Dr. Brantly's hood is
not secured where the neck meets the shoulders; 2) where are the boots to protect the feet
portion of the suits. They appear to be walking on gravel, which could easily puncture the suits.
Shouldn't he have been put either on a gurney or in a wheel chair, to protect his suit, or at least
had the heavy plastic boots like you wore during your tour?

Then, in this film, we see a newsman with a camera within feet of this sick person. This must be
considered a security breach. What if he was some nut that planned to run out and stab this
patient in a suicide mission to start a plague?

We've all seen the flimsy tent with which he was transported within the aircraft. If that plane
had encountered some turbulence and the plastic breached, the entire flight crew would have
been exposed, or what if the worst case scenario occurred: the plane crashed in high population
center? We've had a lot of airplane accidents lately, just to remind us that no matter how safe air
travel may be, it can turn fatally wrong.

Here's a video of that insulting tent. Do they think we are idiots? Just look at all that material
that could be released during a bout of turbulence or a sudden drop in altitude when hitting an
air pocket--a common event in air travel.

Then, we see a Dr. Bob Arnot being interviewed by Fox's Judge Jeanine on the transport of these
two sick people into the U.S. He's puzzled that Brantly was transported to the U.S., rather than
easily treated in Africa. As he said in this interview, "There was no medical necessity to transport
him to the U.S., since he clearly is able to walk." Why was he brought back to this country?

Yet, with all this apparent lax security in both transporting these two infected people to the U.S.,
infected with a Level 4 deadly virus, the persons in charge don't seem to have the same concerns
as the bio safety lab in Boston. And further, I have looked at your website ( and there is
no mention of any of this.

Can you answer me why you,, and your colleagues are so silent?

Randall Tillotson

Here I posted a comment, which hasn't been taken down, to a "don't worry, be happy" article on
Business Insider from a few days ago. I end by quoting the precautionary principle, which is
being totally ignored.

]]> 6646 2014-08-11 14:16:57 2014-08-11 14:16:57 closed open randall-tillotson-probes-the-

biosecurity-level-4-breaches-in-emory publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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biosecurity-level-4-breaches-in-emory-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-13 03:16:02
2014-08-13 03:16:02 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
arrives-in-madrid-amid-biosecurity-4-precautions/ Mon, 11 Aug 2014 14:28:46 +0000
amid-biosecurity-4-precautions/ When Miguel Pajares, a Spanish missionary priest who has
tested positive for the Ebola virus, landed in Madrid from Liberia, the required biosecurity level
4 precuations were in place.

Watch the video showing a convoy of police motorcycles, cars and ambulances moving through
Madrid and compare this to the transit of Dr Kent Brantly through Emory.

Pajaries isalso  moved around on an isolator stretcher by personnel in protective gear.

By the way, my hunch is Pajaries, who got the "ZMapp" serum, miraculously survives - and just
in time to join "recovered" Dr Kent Brantly urge the WHO in an interview with CNN to
announce, that, yes, it is okay to give the experimental ebola bioweapon vaccine to the world...

]]> 6647 2014-08-11 14:28:46 2014-08-11 14:28:46 closed open spanish-priests-arrives-in-

madrid-amid-biosecurity-4-precautions publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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_oembed_5cca10429661c13da88c9c5546e241e1 35138
blog/ 2014-08-12 16:22:41 2014-08-12 16:22:41 1 pingback 0 0
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for-ebola-is-only-quite-accurate/ Mon, 11 Aug 2014 14:42:26 +0000 birdflu666
ebola-is-only-quite-accurate/ Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan, who has just declared a
national state of emergency over  Ebola, is pictured having his temperature measured by an
infrared thermometer pointed at his hand in a Reuters news story.

If IR thermometers are going to be used to screen people for a temperature over 38 degrees -- a

symptom of Ebola (and every other sickness under the sun) --  it is reassuring to know that
infrared thermometers are "quite accurate".

The booklet contains some "Hints to Getting Accurate Readings With an IR Thermometer?

1. The target must cover the whole FOV (Field Of View) of the IR thermometer.

2. Avoid shining surfaces (metal), rough surfaces give better accuracy.

3. Adding Electrical Insulating Tape (black is better) on metal surfaces can solve the problem
and give accurate results.
4. Be sure the tape is large enough to cover to Field Of View of the IR thermometer.

5. Be sure the tape will not BURN. Use with caution!

6. Avoid temperature noise (avoid other High temperature objects being nearby) For example:
you are measuring an IC, with a solder-iron nearby

7. Try to be perpendicular to the target surface."

]]> 6649 2014-08-11 14:42:26 2014-08-11 14:42:26 closed open infrared-thermometer-being-

used-to-screen-for-ebola-is-only-quite-accurate publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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_wpas_skip_path _oembed_305637ba53aa6d29573136d7f166e106 35162
used-for-ebola-screening-is-only-quite-accurate-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-13
03:14:17 2014-08-13 03:14:17 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on Mon, 11 Aug 2014
14:59:47 +0000 birdflu666
6651 2014-08-11 14:59:47 2014-08-11 14:59:47 closed open who-query inherit 0 0 attachment 0 _wp_attached_file
caught-lying-about-conflict-of-interest-over-ebola-vaccine/ Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:14:25 +0000
conflict-of-interest-over-ebola-vaccine/ *GSK IS THE OWNER OF EBOLA





GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will start trials next month on an "experimental" emergency

ebola vaccine, it has emerged.
GSK acquired the Ebola vaccine after buying Swiss-based biotech company Okairos for
250 million euros last year.
Yet when I emailed Gregory Härtl of WHO on April 3rd and asked him about potential conflicts
of interest between WHO's ebola and other consultants who advise WHO on declarations of an
international public health emergency, and so trigger global forced vaccination plans, Härtl
denied even the possibility of a conflict of interest.
"And I am not sure I understand your question about Conflicts of Interest: how can there be,
when there is no vaccine and no antivirals available for Ebola, and the treatments that are being
trialled are from already-existing drugs?," he wrote. Even if there were no FDA approved Ebola
vaccines in April, GSK had been developing an Ebola vaccine for over a year and,
therefore, clearly had a financial interest in an Ebola emergency declaration. Does that make
Härtl a brazen liar? I tend, on balance, to think it does. See a copy of Härtl's email below - an
email which Härtl also sent to Glenn Thomas, WHO spokesman, who allegedly died in the
mysterious MH17 plane crash in the Ukraine.

The GSK Ebola vaccine will be ready for widespread use by early next year, the World Health
Organisation said Saturday.
But Marie-Paule Kieny from WHO "acknowledged however that any vaccine rushed to market to
help stem the epidemic...would not be tested as rigorously as other vaccines and drugs."
"Will it have been tested as well as other vaccines we put out in the field? No, absolutely not.
That would be impossible," she said, a day after the WHO declared the epidemic an
international health emergency. The bar would likely be lowered to enable a vaccine to go to
market after showing good results and safety in only a small number of people, as well as
recording good data in primates, she said." The point about an emergency public health
declaration is that untested vaccines classified as bioweapons can be given to the general
public.]]> 6652 2014-08-11 15:14:25 2014-08-11 15:14:25 closed open has-who-been-caught-
lying-about-conflict-of-interest-over-ebola-vaccine publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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_oembed_eca63f90de6a71436a2a3120eb318108 40717 2015-05-29 02:30:22 2015-05-29 02:30:22 0 pingback 0 0
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about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-13 03:15:04 2014-08-13 03:15:04 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 35134 2014-08-12 10:06:59 2014-08-12 10:06:59 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
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test-which-may-never-show-negative-for-ebola/ Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:42:51 +0000 birdflu666
test-which-may-never-show-negative-for-ebola/ *PSEUDO SCIENCE TAKES ON GROTESQUE
DIMENSIONS Dr Strangelove would be proud. The FDA has authorized the use of an
unapproved Ebola virus test under a special emergency provision, which may never show a
negative result for Ebola no matter how healthy you are, according to the FDA's own figures. An
instruction booklet issued by the FDA shows that the two PCR systems to be used for
Ebola testing in "emergency situations" have never tested negative.
The diagnostic tests developed by the U.S. military have never, in fact, been tested on
healthy people without Ebola to see if they accurately identify people without
Ebola. Tables 40 and 54 show that the Ebola diagnostic kit was never tested on any negative
specimens and yet the booklet claims a 100% accuracy in detecting people without Ebola in both
cases. False. Refraining altogether from testing Ebola negative blood does not mean the test
tube kit is accurate in detecting people without Ebola. It just means there is absolutely no data
on its effectiveness in detecting people without Ebola. For all we know, the Ebola tests could
give false positive results on healthy people 100% of the time. Why is not a single negative
specimen included in the mock clinical study summary statistics? Indirect confirmation that
the unapproved Ebola PCR tests do not detect healthy people comes from an interview with
Matt Boisen, Program Director of Infectious Disease & Emerging Technologies at Corgenix
Medical Corp, which is supplying Ebola diagnostic tests to Sierra Leone together with Tulane
University. "PCR testing can also fail to detect EVD cases that have survived the acute viral
infection and have developed post-acute or convalescent antibody titers," says Boisen.
outbreak/?artID=33330 That means the Ebola PCR test is so inaccurate, it cannot detect people
who have survived Ebola or who have convalescent antibody titers as someone who is vaccinated
with Ebola might have. In fact, the Sierra Leone government ordered Tulane University to stop
ebola testing. These tests are also unapproved. Jon Rappoport points on that the US diagnostic
kits are utterly unreliable.
Table 40. Mock Clinical Study Summary Statistics
EZ1 Detection Assay on the
Positive Results Negative Results
ABI 7500 Fast Dx Platform

Positive Specimens (2.25 x

15 0

Positive Specimens (3 x LoD) 15 0

Positive Specimens (MAX) 15 0

Negative Specimens (100) 0 100

Total (145) 45 100

95% CI

Positive Percent Agreement 45/45 100% 92.13%-100%

Negative Percent Agreement 100/100 100% 96.38%-100%

Conclusion: The EZ1 assay correctly identified 45 of 45 specimens spiked with inactivated
Ebola Zaire virus at the concentrations shown, including concentrations near the limit of
detection of the assay. No negatively spiked specimen rendered a positive reading.  ]]> 6660
2014-08-11 15:42:51 2014-08-11 15:42:51 closed open fda-authorizes-uses-of-an-unapproved-
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_oembed_b92e59cf48e38248ffcb0bb5583550b2 35748
and-the-dragon-family-stopping-us-ebola-and-us-ebola-coups-in-their-tracks-ebolagate/ 2014-09-23 05:00:59 2014-09-23 05:00:59 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result
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02 22:22:12 2014-12-02 22:22:12 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
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involved-ebola-vaccines/ 2014-12-02 22:34:17 2014-12-02 22:34:17 0 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result akismet_history akismet_history 37930
suspicion-let-me-add-ignore-this-info-at-great-risk-j/ 2014-11-12 05:01:41 2014-
11-12 05:01:41 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
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hard-to-do-but-they-gotta-its-the-key-to-taking-over-the-us/ 2015-03-17
19:52:03 2015-03-17 19:52:03 0 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_result
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open-letter-to-vladimir-putin-on-ebola/ 2014-08-13 17:19:22 2014-08-13 17:19:22
1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
money-on-taking-you-away/ 2014-08-13 17:21:12 2014-08-13 17:21:12 1 pingback
0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history 35173
just-in-case-youre-not-clear/ 2014-08-13 22:56:24 2014-08-13 22:56:24 1 pingback
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 35197
making-money-on-taking-you-away/ 2014-08-14 20:04:22 2014-08-14 20:04:22 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
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precis-translation-by-helios-from-the-bistro-bar-blog/ 2014-08-12 16:22:45
2014-08-12 16:22:45 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on 35146
bird-flu/ 2014-08-13 01:16:34 2014-08-13 01:16:34 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published 35112
54.html#post12186715 2014-08-11 17:00:10 2014-08-11 17:00:10 1 pingback 0 0
_elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history 35254
money-on-taking-you-away/ 2014-08-19 11:13:03 2014-08-19 11:13:03 1 pingback
0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on 35762
2014-09-23 17:52:54 2014-09-23 17:52:54 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 36956 2014-10-20 04:06:19 2014-10-20 04:06:19 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result
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dragon-family-stopping-us-ebola-and-us-ebola-coups-in-their-tracks/ 2014-09-23
12:26:03 2014-09-23 12:26:03 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
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dragon-family-stopping-us-ebola-and-us-ebola-coups-in-their-tracks/ 2014-09-23
12:51:09 2014-09-23 12:51:09 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 35198
which-may-never-show-negative-for-ebola-statistics-show/ 2014-08-14 22:07:49
2014-08-14 22:07:49 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history
playground-and-other-poems-for-cheryl-thomson-and-her-husband/ Mon, 11 Aug 2014
16:51:24 +0000 birdflu666 "I m mad as hell and
I can t take it any more," said Howard Beale in The Network. That's how I feel about
blogging about the Dr Strangelove's and General Ripper's at the CDC. Mad as hell and unable to
take it anymore. With every new twist, the Ebola pseudo science just gets more kafkaesque and
surreal. Fed up, I took time out to write a few poems, which I am posting up - not as escapism or
as an easy solution but as an invitation to look at things from a different perspective. Poetry can
help free us from all the images in the mass media, in advertising, the conventional images we
have of our self. Poetry can turns us from numbers back into individuals. And I am putting my
poems up as a declaration that I am not a number. I am not a brainwashed cog in the Globalist
mind control Matrix. I am a free person, free to think about whatever I want. If I want to post
poems on my blog for a change, I will do it. And if you don t like my poems, don't email me, go
and write your own! With my poems, I would also like to say thank you to Cheryl Thomson for
her kind email. A shout out to you in Quebec.   The Only Original Sin Do you know what the only sin
is? It's to look up at the stars And admire them as an observer And not to be one of the stars dancing waltz
steps with them in rings of fire. It's to be an object, watching ourselves, from the outside, like we might
watch a movie idol, or an ant when we should be experiencing everything from within. A subject. That is
the only sin. To be an outsider. To make ourselves objects, not subjects in God.   The only Nightmare.
The only nightmare is not having words. In our nightmares we are wordless, speechless, silent, dumb....  
The Billionaire's Club When I blog about the Billionaire's Club It's like going into a digital back alley
Where digital muggers wait In a foggy night With virtual switch blades. But the blood they draw is real.  
Rescued Tossed on the high seas of my fears Whipped by the winds of my doubts I cling to the wreckage
of myself In the chaotic storms of myself. I was going under The horizon of my mind, When a poem
appeared. A brilliant, scintillating thing. I swam over, gripped one of the words, And hoisted myself
inside. And the boat of words carried me over a calm sea, it had created along with the sun, land and a
harbour. God's Word creates everything. We just need to climb inside and enjoy the voyage. The
destination is more beautiful than we could ever imagine. And when we have made it home, We can look
and watch book of the world being rolled up, The words of pain and sorrow erased. It was just a dream
anyway.   The Cosmic Playground I know I should be slogging, analyzing, blogging. But I confess I keep
thinking about the beautiful playground with swings, slides and a boat, which has already set sail, in
children's eyes, for coves of blue and white stripes, where people splash about, not thinking about God,
but saturated with His blissful presence, one with Him, like a wave with the sea, like a grape with the
vine, free from every idol of this world. I know I should be blogging. But if I can t remember the source
of my joy, what is the point of this slogging? That, anyway, is what I was thinking When the boat from
the playground sailed through my wall, beached on my desk, bringing the swings and slides tumbling in
its wake! What a mess! With wild laughter, God put me on a swing And with His Beautiful Hand He gave
it a shove. . He stood by and watched With his Beautiful Divine face, One more push? He asked. And
then sat on the swing beside mine. We flew around in a full circle like the moon, the sun, like a glass
filled to the rim with wine but never spilling put in flight by God's sheer delight. Swinging round in a
crazy circle, I saw God likes a bit of fun to juggle cosmoses like balls, to twirl universes on His finger, to
experiment, splash about with shapes and words and finding out what is most beautiful. If we all left our
offices, cubicles and went out to the playgrounds, dug out old lego boxes, Marvel comics, and were
foolishly naive instead of so earnest, full of plans, calculations, estimations, schedules, I bet you all this
madness would stop tomorrow. It s worth a try!            ]]> 6671 2014-08-11 16:51:24 2014-08-11
16:51:24 closed open the-cosmic-playground-and-other-poems-for-cheryl-thomson-and-her-
husband publish 0 0 post 0 _edit_last _publicize_pending geo_public 35169
2014-08-13 04:51:10 2014-08-13 04:51:10 1 pingback 0 0 _elasticsearch_indexed_on
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
bistro-bar-blog/ Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:22:30 +0000 birdflu666
blog/ Correction: the picture does not show Goodluck Jonathan but an unknown man.

Le thermomètre à infrarouge qu'on utilise pour le dépistage de l'Ebola n'est que "relativement
Le président du Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, qui vient de déclarer l'état national d'urgence pour
l'Ebola, a été pris en photo pendant qu'on mesurait sa température avec un thermomètre à
infrarouge (IR) qu'on pointe vers sa main, dans les actualités de Reuters.

Si on utilise des thermomètres à infrarouge pour dépister les gens dont la température dépasse
38 degrés – un symptôme de l'Ebola (et de tout un tas d'autres maladies sous le soleil) – il est
rassurant de savoir que les thermomètres à infrarouge sont "relativement précis".

Le fascicule contient des "Indices pour obtenir des lectures précises avec un thermomètre à IR 

1. La cible doit couvrir la totalité du champ de vision du thermomètre à IR.

1. Éviter les surfaces brillantes (métal), les surfaces rugueuses donnent une meilleure précision.

2. L'ajout d'un ruban adhésif d'isolation électrique (le noir est mieux) sur les surfaces
métalliques peut résoudre le problème et donner des résultats fiables.

3. S'assurer que le ruban adhésif est suffisamment large pour couvrir le champ de vision du
thermomètre à IR.

4. S'assurer que le ruban adhésif ne BRÛLE pas. À utiliser avec précaution !

5. Éviter la "température de bruit" (éviter d'autres objets très chauds à proximité). Par exemple,
vous êtes en train de mesurer un circuit intégré avec à côté un fer à souder.

6. Essayer d'être perpendiculaire à la surface ciblée."

Spanish priests arrives in Madrid amid biosecurity 4 precautions

August 11, 2014

Les prêtres hispaniques arrivent à Madrid dans un contexte de précautions de biosécurité 4

Quand Miguel Pajaries, le prêtre missionnaire espagnol qui était testé positif pour le virus
Ebola, a atterri à Madrid en provenance du Liberia, les précautions de biosécurité 4 exigées
étaient en place.

Regardez la vidéo montrant le convoi de motos de la police, les voitures et ambulances

traversant Madrid et comparez-le au transit du Dr Kent Brantly à Emory.

Pajaries est également déplacé sur une civière d'isolation par du personnel en combinaison de

En passant, j'ai le pressentiment que Pajaries, qui a reçu le sérum "Zmapp", survit
miraculeusement – et juste à temps pour rejoindre le Dr Kent Brantly "rétabli", pousse l'OMS à
une interview avec CNN pour annoncer, que, oui, c'est d'accord pour donner au monde une
arme biologique sous forme d'un vaccin expérimental contre l'Ebola...


August 11, 2014

La FDA autorise l'usage d'un test pour l'Ebola non approuvé qui ne peut jamais s'avérer négatif
pour l'Ebola, montrent les statistiques


Le Dr Folamour serait fier. La FDA a autorisé l'utilisation d'un test pour le virus de l'Ebola non
approuvé en vertu de dispositions d'urgence spéciales, qui ne peut jamais montrer de résultat
négatif pour l'Ebola quel que soit votre état de santé, selon les propres chiffres de la FDA.

Un manuel d'instruction publié par la FDA montre que les deux systèmes PCR qui servent pour
le test de l'Ebola dans des "situations d'urgence" n'a jamais testé négatif.

Les tests de diagnostic développés par l'armée américaine n'ont jamais, en fait, été testés sur des
gens sains sans Ebola pour voir s'ils identifient avec précision ceux qui n'ont pas l'Ebola.

Les tables 40 et 54 montrent que le kit de diagnostic de l'Ebola n'a jamais été testé sur aucun
spécimen négatif et pourtant le manuel déclare une exactitude de 100 % dans la détection de
personnes sans Ebola dans les deux cas. C'est faux.

S'abstenir complètement de tester du sang Ebola négatif ne veut pas dire que le kit de test est
précis pour détecter les gens sans Ebola. Cela veut juste dire qu'il n'y a absolument aucune
donnée sur son efficacité à détecter les personnes sans Ebola. Autant que nous en sachions, les
tests de l'Ebola pourraient donner en permanence de faux résultats positifs sur des gens en
bonne santé.

Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas un seul spécimen négatif inclus dans le résumé des statistiques de l'étude
clinique simulée ?

La confirmation indirecte que les tests PCR non approuvés sur l'Ebola ne détectent pas les gens
sains provient d'une interview avec Matt Boisen, directeur de programme sur maladies
infectieuses et technologies émergentes chez Corgenix Medical Corp, qui fournit les tests de
diagnostic de l'Ebola à la Sierra Leone avec l'université Tulane.

"Le test PCR peut aussi échouer à détecter des cas d'Ebola qui ont survécu à l'infection virale
aigue et qui ont développé des anticorps de convalescence", dit Boisen.

Ce qui veut dire que le test PCR de l'Ebola est si peu précis qu'il ne peut détecter les gens qui ont
survécu à l'Ebola ou qui ont des anticorps comme quelqu'un qui est vacciné pour l'Ebola
pourrait les avoir.

En fait, le gouvernement de Sierra Leone a ordonné à l'université de Tulane d'arrêter les tests
sur l'Ebola.

Ces tests sont également non approuvés.

Jon Rappoport souligne que les kits de diagnostic américains sont extrêmement peu fiables.

Table 40. Mock Clinical Study Summary Statistics

EZ1 Detection
Assay on the Negative
Positive Results
ABI 7500 Fast Results
Dx Platform

Specimens 15 0
(2.25 x LoD)

Specimens (3 15 0
x LoD)

Specimens 15 0

Specimens 0 100

Total (145) 45 100

95% CI

Percent 45/45 100% 92.13%-100%

Percent 100/100 100% 96.38%-100%


The EZ1 assay correctly identified 45 of 45 specimens spiked with inactivated Ebola Zaire virus
at the concentrations shown, including concentrations near the limit of detection of the assay.
No negatively spiked specimen rendered a positive reading.

]]> 6680 2014-08-12 16:22:30 2014-08-12 16:22:30 closed open le-thermometre-a-infrarouge-

from-the-bistro-bar-blog publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
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_oembed_cb2c0195109cd4e895d870858219a50b 35144
from-the-bistro-ba/ 2014-08-13 01:14:39 2014-08-13 01:14:39 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
dans-un-contexte-de-precautions-de-biosecurite-4-translation-by-helios/ Tue, 12 Aug 2014
16:23:38 +0000 birdflu666
by-helios/ Les prêtres hispaniques arrivent à Madrid dans un contexte de précautions de
biosécurité 4

Quand Miguel Pajaries, le prêtre missionnaire espagnol qui était testé positif pour le virus
Ebola, a atterri à Madrid en provenance du Liberia, les précautions de biosécurité 4 exigées
étaient en place.

Regardez la vidéo montrant le convoi de motos de la police, les voitures et ambulances

traversant Madrid et comparez-le au transit du Dr Kent Brantly à Emory.

Pajaries est également déplacé sur une civière d'isolation par du personnel en combinaison de

En passant, j'ai le pressentiment que Pajaries, qui a reçu le sérum "Zmapp", survit
miraculeusement – et juste à temps pour rejoindre le Dr Kent Brantly "rétabli", pousse l'OMS à
une interview avec CNN pour annoncer, que, oui, c'est d'accord pour donner au monde une
arme biologique sous forme d'un vaccin expérimental contre l'Ebola...

]]> 6681 2014-08-12 16:23:38 2014-08-12 16:23:38 closed open les-pretres-hispaniques-

publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
_rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus _wpas_skip_twitter
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_oembed_9be409cae264cd5d9e74d37ccb6f5a57 35150
case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-13 01:57:26 2014-08-13 01:57:26 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
you-to-helios-from-the-bistro-bar-blog-for-her-tran/ Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:24:43 +0000
statistiques-thank-you-to-helios-from-the-bistro-bar-blog-for-her-tran/ La FDA autorise l'usage
d'un test pour l'Ebola non approuvé qui ne peut jamais s'avérer négatif pour l'Ebola, montrent
les statistiques


Le Dr Folamour serait fier. La FDA a autorisé l'utilisation d'un test pour le virus de l'Ebola non
approuvé en vertu de dispositions d'urgence spéciales, qui ne peut jamais montrer de résultat
négatif pour l'Ebola quel que soit votre état de santé, selon les propres chiffres de la FDA.

Un manuel d'instruction publié par la FDA montre que les deux systèmes PCR qui servent pour
le test de l'Ebola dans des "situations d'urgence" n'a jamais testé négatif.

Les tests de diagnostic développés par l'armée américaine n'ont jamais, en fait, été testés sur des
gens sains sans Ebola pour voir s'ils identifient avec précision ceux qui n'ont pas l'Ebola.

Les tables 40 et 54 montrent que le kit de diagnostic de l'Ebola n'a jamais été testé sur aucun
spécimen négatif et pourtant le manuel déclare une exactitude de 100 % dans la détection de
personnes sans Ebola dans les deux cas. C'est faux.

S'abstenir complètement de tester du sang Ebola négatif ne veut pas dire que le kit de test est
précis pour détecter les gens sans Ebola. Cela veut juste dire qu'il n'y a absolument aucune
donnée sur son efficacité à détecter les personnes sans Ebola. Autant que nous en sachions, les
tests de l'Ebola pourraient donner en permanence de faux résultats positifs sur des gens en
bonne santé.

Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas un seul spécimen négatif inclus dans le résumé des statistiques de l'étude
clinique simulée ?

La confirmation indirecte que les tests PCR non approuvés sur l'Ebola ne détectent pas les gens
sains provient d'une interview avec Matt Boisen, directeur de programme sur maladies
infectieuses et technologies émergentes chez Corgenix Medical Corp, qui fournit les tests de
diagnostic de l'Ebola à la Sierra Leone avec l'université Tulane.

"Le test PCR peut aussi échouer à détecter des cas d'Ebola qui ont survécu à l'infection virale
aigue et qui ont développé des anticorps de convalescence", dit Boisen.

Ce qui veut dire que le test PCR de l'Ebola est si peu précis qu'il ne peut détecter les gens qui ont
survécu à l'Ebola ou qui ont des anticorps comme quelqu'un qui est vacciné pour l'Ebola
pourrait les avoir.

En fait, le gouvernement de Sierra Leone a ordonné à l'université de Tulane d'arrêter les tests
sur l'Ebola.

Ces tests sont également non approuvés.

Jon Rappoport souligne que les kits de diagnostic américains sont extrêmement peu fiables.

Table 40. Mock Clinical Study Summary Statistics

EZ1 Detection
Assay on the Negative
Positive Results
ABI 7500 Fast Results
Dx Platform

Specimens 15 0
(2.25 x LoD)

Specimens (3 15 0
x LoD)

Specimens 15 0

Specimens 0 100

Total (145) 45 100

95% CI

Percent 45/45 100% 92.13%-100%

Percent 100/100 100% 96.38%-100%


The EZ1 assay correctly identified 45 of 45 specimens spiked with inactivated Ebola Zaire virus
at the concentrations shown, including concentrations near the limit of detection of the assay.
No negatively spiked specimen rendered a positive reading.

]]> 6682 2014-08-12 16:24:43 2014-08-12 16:24:43 closed open la-fda-autorise-lusage-dun-

statistiques-thank-you-to-helios-from-the-bistro-bar-blog-for-her-tran publish 0 0 post 0
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_oembed_cb2c0195109cd4e895d870858219a50b 35151
statistiques-thank-y/ 2014-08-13 01:58:34 2014-08-13 01:58:34 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published _elasticsearch_indexed_on
serum-dies/ Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:30:36 +0000 birdflu666
serum-dies/ Spanish priest Miguel Pajares, who was being treated with the experimental ebola
drug ZMapp, according to Spain's Health Ministry, died on Tuesday in Madrid.
]]> 6683 2014-08-12 16:30:36 2014-08-12 16:30:36 closed open spanish-priest-given-
experimental-ebola-serum-dies publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
_rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus
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_oembed_9e122b14b005211a4f3a1a0f4b50457a 35152
experimental-ebola-serum-dies-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-13 01:58:58 2014-
08-13 01:58:58 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
legal-action-against-media-for-spreading-ebola-lies/ Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:40:31 +0000
media-for-spreading-ebola-lies/ *JUSTICE MINISTRY SUIT SAYS MEDIA LIES COULD



The government of Senegal is to sue a local newspaper, La Tribune, for a report falsely claiming
there are five cases of Ebola in the country.

The Justice Ministry said the report could have "grave repercussions" and result "in our country
being put under the international community and enormous prejudices against
Senegalese wanting to travel."

]]> 6684 2014-08-12 16:40:31 2014-08-12 16:40:31 closed open senegal-to-take-legal-action-

against-media-for-spreading-ebola-lies publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook
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_wpas_skip_path _oembed_552c17b240a023a7ba1f6007e8b2277d 35161
against-media-for-spreading-ebola-lies-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-13
03:13:07 2014-08-13 03:13:07 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:04:48 +0000 birdflu666
outbreak-with-biological-warfare-says-worse-than-nuclear-warfare/ Jane Orient, the executive
director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, has  slammed the CDC and
connected the Ebola outbreak with biological warfare in a report called "Ebola: False alarm, or
poor man's atomic bomb?"
Orient says biological agents like Ebola can be compared to atomic bombs, but are far more

"...biological agents are far more effective – and once released, they keep
proliferating, unlike radioactivity or chemicals, which decay. They are one of the
really big threats capable of causing mega-deaths, with trillions of dollars of
economic impact and staggering blows to American civilization," she writes.

She  notes  the CDC did not adhere to biosecurity level 4 regulations when
transporting Dr Kent Brantly.

"When transporting Ebola patients, however, CDC personnel don pressurized suits and self-
contained breathing apparatus, or SBCA – a level of precaution well beyond the gloves, mask
and hand-washing used by hospitals or emergency medical response teams. Is this just excessive

Orient  lists some of the contradictory statements of CDC chief Dr Thomas


"Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC,
said on Aug. 1 that an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. is “not in the cards,” though he stated on Aug. 7
that the disease would “inevitably” reach the U.S," she notes.

She also observes that the CDC "has issued guidelines for commercial aircraft and hospitals,
stating (as of Aug. 8) that Ebola is not spread through air, food or water...although there is
evidence that airborne transmission can occur in some circumstances, as noted in a Pathogen
Safety Data Sheet from the Public Health Agency of Canada."

Though carefully worded, Orient's piece is a much needed wake up call to US citizens
that biological warfare is THE warfare form of the 21st century, massively funded
by governments and military, and far more dangerous  than nuclear warfare -
and this biological warfare is now directed against them.

The general public is still lagging behind in its understanding of the central role that biological
warfare plays in the 21st century. The controlled mainstream media saturates society with
images of conventional warfare in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, and so diverts attention
away from the towering and enormous threat that biological warfare poses today. The
AIDS/HIV vaccine campaign is just one example of covert biological warfare.

]]> 6685 2014-08-12 17:04:48 2014-08-12 17:04:48 closed open us-doctor-slams-cdc-and-

connects-ebola-outbreak-with-biological-warfare-says-worse-than-nuclear-warfare publish 0 0
post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id
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_wpas_skip_tumblr _wpas_skip_path _oembed_1cfbb68080d439cfb688c62848abfc42
_oembed_1ea549920559acb3a7c18b64ed4e2883 35160
bird-flu/ 2014-08-13 03:07:35 2014-08-13 03:07:35 1 pingback 0 0
jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
senate-study-finds-a-must-read-on-the-methods-of-bill-gates-and-rockefeller/ Tue, 12 Aug
2014 17:12:25 +0000 birdflu666
gates-and-rockefeller/ Alex Newman from the New American writes about an explosive Senate
study on the activities of lawless mega rich like Bill Gates and David Rockefeller in relation to
the green scam.

This report could also apply to activities of the mega rich like Bill Gatesand Rockefeller in
relation to the Ebola vaccine scam.

"A shadowy network identified as the “Billionaires Club” is showering funds on the
environmentalist so-called “green movement.” In addition, this network may be violating federal
laws in its controversial efforts to elect its operatives, seize control of the federal regulatory
regime, and push its radical agenda on America, according to a new report by Republicans on
the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Now that the Billionaires Club has
purchased so much power, it is using its agents in the bureaucracy to further fleece taxpayers to
advance its own goals by granting its front groups even more money, the Senate investigators
found. Top insiders such as David Rockefeller and Bill Gates are deeply involved," writes Alex

A must read!

]]> 6687 2014-08-12 17:12:25 2014-08-12 17:12:25 closed open lawless-billionaire-club-behind-

publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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_oembed_b6fd2a0f5114c9ea521ab8c776ac74f2 35158
rockefeller-case-about-bird-flu 2014-08-13 03:02:49 2014-08-13 03:02:49 1
pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:45:48 +0000 birdflu666
agradis-partners-with-synthetic-genomics/ *EBOLA COULD BE IN OUR FOOD,
to overstate the significance of the announcement by WHO today that it plans
to allow the use of experimental ebola vaccines.
experimental-ebola-treatment-endorsed-who-gets-it-n178691 In a farcical piece of
theatre, "bioethicists", who have personnel and financial links to WHO as well as 
pharmaceutical companies (Wellcome Trust) such as GlaxoSmithKline,  pretended
to give an independent view of the ethical aspects of allowing what is really
a bioweapon to be given to people under the guise of treating an epidemic they
orchestrated. The gloves are off. African governments, military, police and people
especially should now prepare to give these "experimental" vaccines to all the CDC
and WHO and NGO employees on their territory, if necessary under gunpoint as
the International Health Regulations allow, indeed require. After all, these CDC,
WHO and MSF "staffers" need to be protected first, don't they? They are in an
ebola zone, aren't they? They could be potentially infected by this virus according
to their own official narrative. The solution is to round them up immediately at
gunpoint and given them several doses of this vaccine. Next, put them in
quarantine and feed them Monsanto food rations which are highly likely edible
bioweapons, incorporating the latest synthetic biology technology. The same
principles of the right to self defence applies to the people of the USA. If anyone
from the CDC or the FDA insists that the people of the USA are force vaccinated or
quarantined, then armed US citizens need to see to it that the CDC staffers get the
ebola vaccine first because according to their own official narrative, they will be
the most at risk, right? Force vaccinating Tom Frieden from the CDC, Margaret
Chan from WHO and President Barack Obama with Ebola is completely legal
according to the International Health Regulations. And there will be nowhere for
the CDC, the FDA and White House staffers to hide because the people will so want
them to have the best treatment. Remember just being suspected of having Ebola
is a criminal offence under theIHR . Sheltering someone suspected of having Ebola
is a criminal offence and deadly force can be used also by citizens in self defence
against criminals ie anyone suspected of carrying the Ebola virus. That means that
if the police or National Guard come to the door of any US citizen to force
vaccinate them, they can be shot because it is reasonable to assume they are
suspected carriers of Ebola since they come into contact with so many people,
according to the official narraitve. But what police or military are going to give
anyone Ebola vaccines when they and their own family could be given them? The
gloves are off. If people like Bill and Melinda Gates and George Soros and Barack
Obama think they can vanish to some island in the Pacific, they will be in for
surprise. Because the International Health Regulations are global in scope and if
they are suspected of carrying ebola at any point in any place, deadly force can be
used against them by people in self defence. Europeans also have the right to self
defence in cases of contact with criminals ie officials suspected of carrying Ebola,
who set up roadblocks or come to their door contact tracing.    ]]> 6688 2014-08-12
17:45:48 2014-08-12 17:45:48 closed open who-declares-biological-warfare-on-the-world
publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
_rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus _wpas_skip_twitter
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_oembed_c6c3cbaa69d53126a0c820eaa5e14045 41434
2015-07-03 09:22:18 2015-07-03 09:22:18 0 pingback 0 0 akismet_result akismet_history
_elasticsearch_indexed_on akismet_history 35154
warfare-on-the-world-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-13 02:01:13 2014-08-13
02:01:13 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result akismet_history
on-the-false-ebola-epidemic-by-dr-leonard-horrowitz-and-sherri-kane-please-spread/ Thu, 14
Aug 2014 10:33:51 +0000 birdflu666
MUST SEE VIDEO! PLEASE SHARE! Dr Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane censored on
Google!   Please spread their video about the weaponized
Ebola strain, 97% similar to the Zaire strain according to the CDC. A study by the
New England Journal of medicine specifically names the parts of the genetic code
which differ at positions 2124 (G→A, synonymous), 2185 (A→G, NP552
glycine→glutamic acid), 2931 (A→G, synonymous), 4340 (C→T, synonymous), 6909
(A→T, sGP291 arginine→tryptophan), and 9923 (T→C, synonymous). 
A Harvard-trained expert in public health and emerging diseases, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz,
claims the World Health Organization’s “International Health Emergency” and 2014 Ebola
“outbreak” smacks of commercial crime evidenced by scientific fraud. In a 24-minute Special
Report prepared for public broadcasting on Vimeo’s Revolution Television channel, Dr.
Horowitz, an award-winning author and filmmaker, with co-host investigative-journalist Sherri
Kane, claims the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) has defrauded people after drug industrialists loosed the Ebola Zaire
strain from a bioweapons laboratory refrigerator. The only reasonable explanation for the
germ’s sudden re-emergence in a different country after years of hiding in a so-called “natural
reservoir” is commercial gain and financial crime involving a refrigerator, Horowitz informs
viewers. To evidence scientific fraud, the whistleblowers use common sense and historic records
in reviewing WHO and CDC claims that the “natural reservoir” might be “fruit bats.” That
“official story” is “pseudoscience,” according to Horowitz, referencing health officials’ purported
finding of four percent (4%) of bats tested in Bangladesh (Asia) were claimed to carry antibodies

for “African Ebola.” “This is

the same pseudoscience and scam the CDC perpetrated in 1967 after Ebola’s mother–the
Marburg virus–broke out of three vaccine production plants simultaneously in Germany and
Yugoslavia,” the doctor recalled.  At that time, American officials claimed antibodies were found
in fifty-percent (50%) of monkeys tested, whereas no other lab could duplicate the claim. The
doctor concludes “major socio-economic and political upheaval” in Liberia, involving officials in
both oil and drug industries, best explains the Ebola outbreak that has killed nearly 1,000
people, mostly in Liberia, even though the virus was reported to have first killed people in
Guinea. “Couple the scientific facts with Dr. Horowitz’s censorship, suffered as a pharmaceutical
industry whistleblower, and you have substantial evidence of a corporate conspiracy to commit
genocide,” Kane said, angered by Google/YouTube’s cancelation of both journalists’ YouTube
channels watched by millions of viewers just as headline news about Ebola was breaking. The
journalists are requesting activists spread their 24-minute educational video, along with a freely
downloadable book chapter on Ebola written by the doctor, to generate public debate on the
issue risking people’s lives internationally. “Think about it,” Dr. Horowitz said, “the wealthiest,
most powerful, untrustworthy people in the world are dictating what can or can’t be discussed or
published in the scientific community and in public forums from which decisions and
emergency response plans using drugs and vaccines are made. This fact compounds evidence of
‘bad faith,’ ‘foul play,’ and commercial crime.]]> 6694 2014-08-14 10:33:51 2014-08-14 10:33:51
closed open must-see-video-on-the-false-ebola-epidemic-by-dr-leonard-horrowitz-and-sherri-
kane-please-spread publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled
_rest_api_published _rest_api_client_id _wpas_skip_facebook _wpas_skip_google_plus
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geo_public _oembed_698b407acf243c8ca3ca8dc7ccd4a6ae Object 133 ]]>

Object 134 ]]>

_oembed_time_28709bc4e78b3f780b68fbaa7e01a16a 35193
flu/ 2014-08-14 12:04:46 2014-08-14 12:04:46 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published
akismet_result akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
against-the-who-power-grab/ Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:52:30 +0000 birdflu666
against-the-who-power-grab/ As the military cordon sanitaire in West Africa becomes more
brutal and inhumane with the people trapped inside dependent on -- Monsanto's synthetic
biology?-- food and medicines for survival, the Sierra Leone government has taken some
unusual steps.

In what could be a sign that the Sierra Leone government has woken up to the fact WHO and the
CDC are conducting biological warfare on their territory,  President Dr Ernest Bai
Koroma appears to wrestling back power from the WHO gremium,  the EOC, currently in charge
of the Ebola outbreak.

Koromoa has decided to include "Political Parties; the Sierra Leone Bar Association; House of
Parliament and Civil Societies" in his Presidential Task Force and to reconstitute the EOC to
include more people from Sierra Leone according to a press release on the Ministry of Health
facebook page.

If the Sierra Leone government does have evidence that Kenema was a dual purpose, covert
bioweapons and that the Tulane University ebola diagnostic kits were faulty, they should in my
view sue the CDC, WHO, US government and Bill and Melinda Gates and Soros and L Oreal
Foundations, who have financed key personnel in the lab, in civil courts in the USA.

An excerpt from the press release:

"The Presidential Task Force chaired by His Excellency the President, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma
has been expanded to include Development Partners, Political Parties; the Sierra Leone Bar
Association; House of Parliament and Civil Societies. The Presidential Task Force met today at
the State House where the President reminded the partners about the funding gap in the
National Strategic Response plans and urged all partners to meet their commitments made to
speed up the implementation of the Response plan. . The Emergency Operation Center (EOC)
has rolled out a strategy to strengthen the EOCs at national and district level. To this end, the
composition of the EOC at national level has been reconstituted and downsized for effective
national coordination, decision making and leadership. Accordingly, the EOCs at district levels
have also been strengthened with the deployment of senior officials from the Ministry of Health
and Sanitation head office to be based in specific districts to coordinate and provide support to
the district EOCs. The EOC also decided that the Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation 1 Dr.
Abu Bakar Fofanah be deployed to Kenema to help strengthen the coordination of EOC
operations. In addition, two senior Directors have also been deployed to Port Loko and Bo
districts to provide similar functions."

]]> 6696 2014-08-14 10:52:30 2014-08-14 10:52:30 closed open is-the-sierra-leone-

government-fightsing-back-against-the-who-power-grab publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending
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2014-08-14 12:27:11 2014-08-14 12:27:11 1 pingback 0 0 jabber_published akismet_result
akismet_history _elasticsearch_indexed_on
canton-put-under-house-arrest-over-suspected-swine-flu-case/ Thu, 14 Aug 2014 10:58:56
+0000 birdflu666
government-of-swiss-canton-put-under-house-arrest-over-suspected-swine-flu-case/ On May
2nd, 2009, the entire government of the Swiss canton of Aarau was put under quarantine
because one of its members was suspected of having the swine flu.

The canton's doctor placed  a total of 40 to 50 people under quarantine in what was a de facto
political coup.

It's time to turn the tables on the Globalists and "trace" Ebola suspects back to the Soros and Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation, the CDC in Atlanta and, of course, the White House and to put
these people under house arrest. How can the CDC claim to be able to track every suspected case
of Ebola? We, the people, have to get involved and help them out.

]]> 6697 2014-08-14 10:58:56 2014-08-14 10:58:56 closed open flashback-to-2009-

government-of-swiss-canton-put-under-house-arrest-over-suspected-swine-flu-case publish 0 0
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case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-14 12:25:51 2014-08-14 12:25:51 1 pingback 0 0
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Thu, 14 Aug 2014 15:58:15 +0000 birdflu666
6699 2014-08-14 15:58:15 2014-08-14 15:58:15 closed open infowars-promote-globalist-
currency-bitcoin publish 0 0 post 0 _publicize_pending sharing_disabled _rest_api_published
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_oembed_918ce81ec25b2c09aecc601f5ae80525 35201
globalist-currency-bitcoin-case-about-bird-flu/ 2014-08-14 23:50:07 2014-08-14
23:50:07 1 pingback 0 0 akismet_history jabber_published akismet_result
Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:11:13 +0000 birdflu666 6701 2014-
08-14 17:11:13 2014-08-14 17:11:13 closed open vaccinsplaintecontrex251009 inherit 0 0
attachment 0

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