Cover Letter

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Wellage Ushara Ovidu De Silva

+974-5080-6613 Doha, Qatar

Tesla Headquarters - Gigafactory Texas

1 Tesla Road
Austin, TX 78725

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am interested in the Mechanical Design Engineer position within the Chassis Design Engineering team. As of
now, I am a Mechanical Engineering sophomore at Texas A&M University at Qatar (TAMU-Q). I firmly believe
that my vast expertise on creatively designing mechanical structures, good economical knowledge, proficient
communication skills towards anyone inside and outside my technical field, my fast adaptability and eagerness
to learn, would make me suited to be part of this team that strives for sustainability.

Despite being a good mechanical engineering undergraduate, I have gathered expertise in electrical design,
computer science (coding in python) and chemistry technicalities. Whilst focusing on becoming the best I could
possibly be in engineering design and CAD modelling; I am also working on projects that requires me to have a
firm chemistry and electrical engineering knowledge. One of these projects is ‘Chem-E-car’ (hosted by the
American Institute for Chemical Engineers), where I am leading the design (via CAD modelling) and development
of a Hydrogen Fuel Cell. I’ve worked on major components that requires a firm chemistry basis such as the
composition of the materials used in the Fuel Cell to maximize power generated. This also signifies by eagerness
to work towards a sustainable society, which is one of the reasons I am very interested in this job. Additionally, I
was the leader of another project in TAMU-Q, where my team and I designed and developed a prototype Carbon
Dioxide Capturer. We were required to analyze mechanical technicalities such as the difference between
pressures of the flue gas entering in to and out of our prototype. I have also self learnt Computer Aided
Engineering (CAE) tools, specifically Finite Element Analysis.

My intercommunication skills are very solid. For one, due to my experience with other sectors related to
engineering and computer science, I tend to communicate well with other teams from other sectors.
Additionally, I am great at expressing ideas and listening to others since I am a peer tutor at TAMU-Q. The
subjects I teach are differential calculus, and university level physics. Later, I would be planning to tutor
mechanical engineering courses. At times when I have failed in meeting up to expectations in tutoring, I have
always adapted and learnt from my mistakes fast. In fact, I am very good at adapting to unexpected scenarios.
This would allow me to complete my individual tasks effectively and communicate with my team to get projects
done and seek help when it is needed.

All the skills and experiences I have mentioned above would make me a great candidate for this job. My interest
was peaked when I’ve understood the current mission of Tesla, which is to accelerate the world’s transition to
sustainable energy. I have always been interested in pushing innovations that would benefit our world. My
added belief that electric cars are the future exemplifies my eagerness to be part of the Chassis Engineering
Design team.

Yours Faithfully,
Wellage Ushara Ovidu De Silva

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