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A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of degree of




Under the Guidance of



A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of degree of



Under the Guidance of

Internal Guide: External Guide:

Dr. A P Nirmala Mr. Joseph S Kumar
Associate Professor HR Manager
Dept. of MCA, NHCE JMR Infotech




This is to certify that SARTHAK PANIGRAHI, bearing USN

1NH17MCA29 has successfully completed his/her final year VI semester
project work entitled PHARMACEUTICAL STORE as a partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of MASTER OF
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS degree, during the Academic Year
2019-20 under my supervision. This report has not been submitted to any
other Organization/University for any award of degree.

Signature of the Internal Guide Head of the Department Principal

External Viva

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I, SARTHAK PANIGRAHI, student of VI Semester MCA, bearing USN

1NH17MCA29 hereby declare that the project work entitled
PHARMACEUTICAL STORE has been carried out by me under the supervision
of Internal Guide Dr. A P Nirmala, Associate Professor and Mr. Joseph S Kumar,
HR Manager and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award
of the Degree of Master of Computer Applications byDepartment of Master of
Computer Applications, New Horizon College of Engineering, an Autonomous
Institution, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University during the
academic year 2019-20. This report has not been submitted to any other
Organization/University for any award of degree.


Date: 14-05-2020

I would like to thank Dr. Mohan Manghnani, Chairman of New Horizon College of
Engineering for providing good infrastructure and Hi-Tech lab facilities to develop
and improve student’s skills.

I sincerely express my gratitude to the college Principal Dr. Manjunatha for

supporting the students in all their technical activities and giving guidance to them. I
would like to thank Dr. V. Asha, Head, Department of MCA, New Horizon College
of Engineering for granting permission to undertake this project. I would like to
express my gratitude to the project guide Dr. / Prof. for giving all the
instructions and guidelines at every stage of the Project work.

I thank all the staff members of the Department of Master of Computer Applications,
for extending their constant support to complete the project. I express my heartfelt
thanks to my parents and friends who were a constant source of support and
inspiration throughout the project.

With delivery and development centers in India, a sizable global presence and customers
spread across 5 continents, JMR Infotech is a leading provider of information technology
and related services. We are committed to helping the world’s best companies to build, run
and grow their information technology landscape.

Founded in 2007, JMR Infotech is dedicated to help customers harness the power of
information technology to transform the way they work and maintain a strong competitive

At JMR, they are driven by a strong passion to help our customers build stronger, agile and
more innovative businesses. We strive for client satisfaction and innovation with a global,
collaborative workforce backed by strategic insight, technology expertise, deep domain
knowledge and flawless business processes.
Title Page No

1.1 General Introduction 1
1.2 Objective of the Work 2
1.3 Problem Statement 3
1.4 Existing System 4
1.5 Feasibility Study 5

2.1 Review Summary 9
2.2 Tools and Technology Used 11

3.1 Hardware requirements 17
3.2 Software requirements 17

4.1 Login 18
4.2 Medicine Data Entry 18
4.3 Adding New Supplier 19
4.4 Viewing Details 19
4.5 Daily Purchase Report 20
4.6 Update List 20

5.1 DFD/ UML Diagrams 22
5.2 Tables 28
5.3 Data Base Design 30

6.1 Implementation 31
6.2 Organizational requirement 32
6.3 Dependency and Assumption 32
6.4 Functional Requirement 33
6.5 Non-Functional Requirement 34
6.6 Screen Shots
7.1 Unit Testing 44
7.2 Discovery Testing 45
7.3 Integration Testing 45
7.4 Verification and Validation Testing 46
7.5 White Box Testing 47
7.6 Black Box Testing
7.7 47
Test Cases
8.1 Conclusion 50
8.2 Limitations 50
8.3 Future Enhancements 51
9.1 Text Reference 52
9.2 Web Reference 53

Pharmaceutical Store must retrieve process and update the information it obtains for safe
and effective use of drugs. It is used to maintain the stock of the medicine in the suppliers
with a large volume of information about the medicine and suppliers. Pharmaceutical Store
is normally used to store the information of the medicine sells on the daily basis and
according to supplier details basis.

In this project we can delete the expiry medicine and can update the details of medicine and
suppliers. This could help to manage medicine types and all the important details of the
medicine accordingly. The medicine store database was created for storing the details of
medicine and JDBC connectivity used to connect the database to java swing. It will store the
data of all the medicine. It will reduce the paperwork. Pharmaceutical store is a java project
that helps in finding the medicine in store.

This software helps them to do stock details of medicines in medical store. In Medical Stock
that stores all the information details of Suppliers, Medicines and give it to update, delete,
search to the data in existing records. The following modules are involved in this project,
Supplier Details, Medicine Details, Daily purchase Report. Supplier wise Medicine Report.
If they do not return the expiry products to the distributor in time, then they lose that much
amount. So, it is very essential to track expiry items prior one month or before, then only
they can able to return these products back.

Sl. No. Page

Table No. Title
1 5.1 Medicine Table 28

2 5.2 Supplier Table 29

3 7.1 Test Case for Login Page 49

Sl. No. Figure No. Title Page No.
1 1.1 Feasibility Association 6

2 1.2 Feasibility Study 7

3 2.1 Applet Life Cycle 12

4 5.1 System Architecture 21

5 5.2 Data Flow Diagram 23

6 5.3 DFS Level 0 23

7 5.4 Admin DFD 24

8 5.5 Use Case Diagram 25

9 5.6 Sequence Diagram 26

10 5.7 Class Diagram 27

11 6.1 Functional Requirement 33

12 6.2 Divisional angle for the non-useful 34

13 6.3 First Page 36

14 6.4 Main Menu 37

15 6.5 Page to Add Supplier 37

16 6.6 Add Details of New Medicine 38

17 6.7 List of Medicines 39

18 7.1 Test strategy undertaken 44

19 7.2 Advantage and Disadvantage 45

20 7.3 Testing Process 46

21 7.4 Testing 48
Pharmaceutical Store 1NH17MCA29



1.1 General Introduction

Pharmaceutical store is a java project that helps in finding the medicine in store. This
software helps them to do stock details of medicines in medical store. In Medical Stock that
stores all the information details of Suppliers, Medicines and give it to update, delete, search
to the data in existing records. The following modules are involved in this project, Supplier
Details, Medicine Details, Daily purchase Report. Supplier wise Medicine Report. If they do
not return the expiry products to the distributor in time, then they lose that much amount. So,
it is very essential to track expiry items prior one month or before, then only they can able to
return these products back.

Pharmaceutical store is very need for Medical Store manager. This software helps them
maintain day to day transactions in computer. The main goal of the application is to maintain
the records of purchase medicines and stock details & maintenance. This system will cover
the following issues Add information of new Suppliers, Medicines. Search information of
existing Suppliers, Medicines. Update information of existing Suppliers, Medicines. Delete
information of existing Suppliers, Medicines. List the details of existing Supplier, Medicines.
Generate daily purchase report.

The fundamental point of the task is the administration of the database of the pharmaceutical
shop. This task is knowledge into the plan and usage of a Pharmacy Management System.
This is finished by making a database of the accessible medications in the shop. The essential
point of drug store the board framework is to improve exactness and upgrade security and
effectiveness in the pharmaceutical store. The point of this undertaking is to create
programming for the compelling administration of a pharmaceutical store.

The product utilized can create reports, according to the client's necessities. Utilizing this
drug store the board framework client is additionally ready to create report inside a
predefined timeframe. The framework permits the client to enter an assembling and expiry

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date for a specific item or medication during opening stock and deals exchange. The product
can print solicitations, charges, receipts and so forth.

It can likewise keep up the record of provisions sent in by the provider. The framework will
likewise give report demonstrating the rundown of items expiry after a predefined date
before the item in the long run lapses. It likewise includes manual endless supply of new
clumps of medications and upon sedate development out of the drug store for a specific
period. Drug store the board framework is being assemble. Drug store the board framework
is hearty, coordinated innovation. consistently, the drug specialist might need to produce
report for the development of medications all through the drug store, getting data about the
medications for example expiry date, date bought, number of medication type left, area of a
medication in the drug store.

1.2 Objectives of Pharmaceutical Store

It is easy to use application for Pharmacist which decreases the weight and assists with
dealing with all areas of Pharmacy like Medicine the board and Billing and so forth., which
improve the preparing productivity. This will improve the effectiveness of clinical work and
facilitate patient's comfort, remembering that in Ethiopia is going towards pharmaceutical
consideration of patients.
The objectives that will be achieved after completion of this project are as follows:
• It is to maintain the stock management and billing system.
• This project is highly password protected and only administrator will able to
access the application.
• It is used to full fill requirement of pharmacist.
• This project contains the data like supplier name, medicine name, purchase date
and price of medicine, quantity of medicine available in stock.
• Updates the medicine as arrival of new medicine in stock.

This project shows the daily purchase report of medicine and supplier wise report of the
It manages the mechanizing undertakings of keeping up of Bills. In Pharmacy, Billing the
board is the key procedure. What's more, Pharmacy the board framework will have the

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options to process medicate solution easily. Counting safe information about medication
store just as quick looking, erase and update of drugs. The drug store the executive’s
framework is worked for guaranteeing viable and clear information sparing and controlling
just as flawless work on the drug store clinical items.

The drug store the executive’s framework is simple for use so the client can do drug store
activities without ambiguities. This alludes the drug store the board framework venture
exceptionally limit time and asset by which, looking through the medication information you
can get the information in fastest time. The fundamental Objectives of the PMS is making the
drug store associations modernized by making slick work through limiting or dispensing with
burning through of time just as expelling the assets, for example, papers for information
sparing since realize a days is paper based, decline broke down chips away at the clinical use
by giving right data on each medication. This framework is likewise useful to improve the
proficiency of the framework by guaranteeing powerful observing of administrations and
exercises. A summed up rundown of medications apportioned to patient can be seen for
observing purposes.

1.3 Problem Statement

At present, manual framework is being used in the drug store. It requires the drug specialist
to physically screen each medication that is accessible in the drug store. Drug store the
executives have kept paper record in file organizers. Dealing with an exceptionally huge drug
store with records on papers will be dreary and hard to monitor inventories concerning the
medications in the store, expiry date, amount of medications accessible dependent on the
classifications and their capacities. This suggests these administrations will be physically
finished by the drug specialist. This generally prompts botches as the outstanding task at
hand of the drug specialist increments.

This framework additionally guarantees that there exists a degree of confined access
dependent on usefulness and job. This framework additionally gives ideal medication stock
administration by checking the medication development in the drug store. Noteworthy
measure of time is allotted for composing the request as the drug specialist needs to

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experience the stock equalization and specially make harsh gauge of the sum dependent on
Figures. The framework won't have the option to deal with sedate physician recommended,
medication to tranquilize communication.

The drug specialist needs to arrange medications to recharge the previously lessening stock.
Also, requesting of medications is being done physically. Medications shouldn't be utilized
after they have lapsed. The set-up of this drug store the board framework will guarantee
accessibility of adequate amount of medications and consumable materials for the patient.
This task work will incite the drug specialist about medications that are near expiry, keeping
those medications from being sold and furthermore giving answer for the previous expressed
issues. Drug store the board framework helps in putting away the day by day exchanges of

1.4 Existing System

In the existing system any entry are done by only manually but in proposed system we have
to computerize the entry of patients using this application to just finish the work which was
done physically and convert it into automate and to generate the receipt or record by this
application. Every session of entry or registration it is recorded in register and at the end of
the session or semester the reports are generated that becomes difficult to generate in the
middle of the session or as per the requirement because it takes more time in calculating.
• Lack of security information.
• More labor.
• More tedious.
• Consumes huge volume of desk work.
• Need physically figuring’s.
• No direct job for the higher authorities.

Existing system is based on individualized perception based working when it comes to

security implementation or we can say that various types of organizations are applying
different types of security measures for the structured and unstructured data support.
When the organization are using different types of modes there are multiple techniques based
on services but each organization is having different types of compatibility issue. Various

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types of problems are being faced by the organizations as their confused about the techniques
that has to be utilized because every technical having different types of workability issues.

1.4.1Limitation of Existing System

• Serious concerns about the security and privacy of the access to personal and
confidential info.

• Huge data accessibility prices. For starters, current keyword-based data recovery
methods, which are used extensively on plaintext data, cannot be used directly on the
encrypted information.

• It is clearly impossible to access all cloud data and delete them locally. Due to the
high computing overhead for both the cloud and the customer, existing system
solutions cannot be functional.

1.5 Feasibility Study

Achievability study is significant as we need to know the unmistakable comprehension pretty

much all working references that is required for planning and keeping up the proposed
framework. Various kinds of contemplations dependent on speculations will be examined
under the financial possibility situation similarly the related Technology varieties and the
related operational varieties will be likewise talked about [4].

Specialized references are significant as when the framework is given in various kinds of
working situations it ought to give the related highlights so to model on the off chance that it
is required to be consolidated on a system it needs to help the related setup and settings
similarly on the off chance that it is required to be utilized in singular framework the related
virtualizations arrangements will be recognized.

The specialized Association that is required for recognizing the calculations will be likewise
reference as we need that particular calculation use must be elevated so as indicated by the
determination is the transformations will be checked reference as we need that particular
calculation use must be elevated so as indicated by the determination is the transformations
will be checked.
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The references of the virtualizations will be likewise tried as it will be managed without the
client's information on the off chance that it is utilized on a focal machine so all impression
of virtualizations will be embraced. Achievement of various kinds of settings that are given
will be checked as the situation for various examples can be adjusted and can be changed

Fig. 1.1 Feasibility Association

The operational practicality is related with the update that are required to recognize that how
the framework will be made to comprehend the clients about the highlights gave or we can
say that clients will be furnished with a specific example preparing so they ought to
comprehend that how in various situations the framework can be used. Various sorts off
documentations will be likewise given which can be recognized to better understanding
where various models will be additionally advanced.

Monetary possibility will be embraced to comprehend that how much speculation is required
for keeping up and for planning the framework. The assets will be given by the governing
body and friends won't take any sort of credits. A wide range of reserve prerequisites will be
examined by embraced various kinds of data examination and itemized reports will be
arranged and will be the confirmed by the governing body moreover.

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Possible credibility contemplates are possible to unite all the possible work requirements to
test all the major resources and threats present in the earth for the improvement of our
systems. The probability for orchestrating dynamically sifted through information will be
disconnected into different sections of concentrate with the objective that the explanation can
be strengthened and the right technique for the information affiliation can be engineered
which will help us with settling on decisions and can be discussed.

The feasibility mull over is noteworthy for shielding of plausibility and associations will
more likely than not manage the errand profitably for the standard examinations that should
be discussed for the parametric structure.

• Technical feasibility

• Operational feasibility

• Economic feasibility

Fig. 1.2 Feasibility Study

1.5.1 Technical Feasibility

The particular credibility study will be considered for appraisal of the necessities of the
systems related to specific dominance, where all pieces of quick and dirty test-based
particular essentials and issues dealing with will be thought of. We will join all of the reasons
related to check and levels of leadership that are described for the use of various resources
available even by the system, considering various logins through different client structure
meanwhile on the individual reason [7][8].

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The human factor will be related with the fundamental specialized necessities on the grounds
that various tasks will be incorporated with the framework to advance the general framework
where all unique business activities can be worked and diagrams can be custom-made.

1.5.2 Operational Feasibility

Every single related open door for improvement and the executives will be identified with the
activity, since we need every one of the procedures that are intended to be legitimately sorted
out in the advancement identified with usage. Successful corporate culture and usage should
be legitimately composed and important conditions for customer the executive’s times.

The assets that singular partners give amid the activities will be considered for genuine
ongoing help required by the clients and at times it tends to befuddle keep up the
comprehension of combined resources that we need to characterize every single related
arrangement to counter and deal with the prerequisites [9][10].

1.5.3 Economic Feasibility

Assessed cost of the venture will be determined in light of the fact that we need all important
value proportions and will be determined with the proper sources that the merchants ought to
disperse among accomplices. This ought to be considered as the primary wellspring of
income and gainfulness in the undertaking, the fundamental objective of legitimate income
and the advancement of the framework is to think about that the benefits ought to be
considered in the proportion of improvement.

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2.1 Review Summary

2.1.1 A medical resource and patient management system based on real-time data

One of the major challenges existing medical management systems face is around operational
efficiency and wait times between different processes, departments and persons. TMIS paper
highlights such limitations of existing systems and proposes a RFID(Radio Frequency ID)
and wireless sensor based , location and information management framework that facilitates
real time tracking of medical assets, personnel and patients as they move through pre-set
procedures as part of daily activities of the medicals[10].

The system covers the visual simulation and providing ability to analyze the ongoing
operations so they can be corrected to achieve increased process efficiency and service

2.1.2 Study on information system of health care services management in medical

This paper reviews the MIS (Medical Information Systems) which are widely used in many
medicals in China mainly to provide easier and faster way for daily medical tasks /activities
with a GUI and provides for overcoming some of the limitations of MIS, eg. MIS aims at
improving quality of health care services but do not have way of evaluating /measuring
those. So this paper MSMS (Medical Services Management System) aims at improving
quality of services, identifying cost reduction areas, analyses and evaluate /rate heath care

The ability to evaluate the services facilitates medical achieve higher Customer satisfaction
scores and get a competitive edge against those medicals which scoreless or use MIS and do
not have ways of promoting the quality of their services[11].

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2.2.3 Specification of a Reference Model for the Domain Layer of a Medical
Information System

Many enterprise projects get scrapped due to high costs involved in initial planning
requirement gathering and design phase. The costs in MIS phase become unmanageable due
to lot of unknown factors. Like lack of Subject area expertise, lack of knowledge on
different Medical enterprise functions

• Patient admission

• Patient Treatment planning

• Order Entry

• Execution of diagnostic and treatment procedures

• Administrative documentation

• Billing

• Clinical documentation

• Discharge and

• Referral to specialized medical institutions

Lack of knowledge /experience on the entities types involved (example: patient, Clinical
finding) , their roles and responsibilities and the relationships /associations between different
enterprise function and /or entity types[12].

TMIS paper aims at creating a reference data model that will serve as a generic starting point
for any new MIS development projects so costs involved in studying and analyzing current
state and coming up with gaps analysis and additional requirements can be significantly
reduced. The model is Hierarchical in nature that is it is dived into 3 levels of sub models
and units so a choice for full or partial implementation can be offered based on the

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2.2.1 JAVA

Java is a very useful Computer-Programming Language that is Concurrent, Class-Based,

Object-arranged, and explicitly intended to have as barely any usage conditions as
conceivable. It is planned to let application engineers "Compose once, run anyplace"
(WORA), that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) paying little heed to Computer
Architecture. Java was originally created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which has
since been acquired by prophet company) and discharged in 1995 as a center part of sun
Micro systems Java stage. The language determines quite a bit of its unique highlights from
Small Talk, with syntax similar to C and C++, however it has less low-level offices than both
of them.
Java language mainly categorized into four different parts:
• J2SE (Java Standard Edition)
• J2EE (Java Enterprise Edition)
• J2ME (Java Micro Edition)
• JFX (Java Effects)


Java Swing is a GUI (graphical user Interface) widget toolkit for Java. Java Swing is a part of
Oracle’s Java foundation classes. Java Swing is an API for providing graphical user interface
elements to Java Programs. Swing was created to provide more powerful and flexible
components than Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit).

Swing provides a look and feel that emulates the look and feel of several platforms, and also
supports a pluggable look and feel that allows applications to have a look and feel unrelated
to the underlying platform. It has more powerful and flexible components than AWT. In
addition to familiar components such as buttons, check boxes and labels, Swing provides
several advanced components such as tabbed panel, scroll panes, trees, tables, and lists.
Unlike AWT components, Swing components are not implemented by platform-specific

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code. Instead, they are written entirely in Java and therefore are platform-independent. The
term lightweight is used to describe such an element.


An applet is a Java program that can be embedded into a web page. It runs inside the web
browser and works at client side. An applet is embedded in an HTML page using the
APPLET or OBJECT tag and hosted on a web server.
Important points:
• All applets are sub-classes (either directly or indirectly) of java.applet.Applet class.
• Applets are not stand-alone programs. Instead, they run within either a web browser
or an applet viewer. JDK provides a standard applet viewer tool called applet viewer.
• In general, execution of an applet does not begin at main() method.
• Output of an applet window is not performed by System.out.println(). Rather it is
handled with various AWT methods, such as drawString().
Life cycle of an applet:

Fig. 2.1 Applet Life Cycle

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It is important to understand the order in which the various methods shown in the above
image are called. When an applet begins, the following methods are called, in this sequence:

• init( )
• start( )
• paint( )
When an applet is terminated, the following sequence of method calls takes place:

• stop( )
• destroy( )


A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs. We’ve already
mentioned some of the most popular platforms like Windows 2000, Linux, Solaris, and Mac
OS. Most platforms can be described as a combination of the operating system and hardware.
The Java platform differs from most other platforms in that it’s a software-only platform that
runs on top of other hardware-based platforms. You’ve already been introduced to the Java
VM. It’s the base for the Java platform and is ported onto various hardware-based platforms.
The Java API is a large collection of ready-made software components that provide many
useful capabilities, such as graphical user interface (GUI) widgets.

The Java API is grouped into libraries of related classes and interfaces; these libraries are
known as packages. Native code is code that after you compile it, the compiled code runs on
a specific hardware platform. As a platform-independent environment, the Java platform can
be a bit slower than native code. However, smart compilers, well-tuned interpreters, and just-
in-time byte code compilers can bring performance close to that of native code without
threatening portability.

It regularly alluded to as Tomcat Server, is an open-source Java Servlet Container created by

the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements several Java EE determinations
including Java Servlet, Java Server Pages (JSP), Java EL and WebSocket, and gives an
"unadulterated Java" HTTP web server condition in which Java code can run.

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2.2.5 JDBC

In an effort to set an independent database standard API for Java; Sun Microsystems
developed Java Database Connectivity, or JDBC. JDBC offers a generic SQL database
access mechanism that provides a consistent interface to a variety of RDBMSs. This
consistent interface is achieved through the use of “plug-in” database connectivity modules,
or drivers. If a database vendor wishes to have JDBC support, he or she must provide the
driver for each platform that the database and Java run on. To gain a wider acceptance of
JDBC, Sun based JDBC’s framework on ODBC. As you discovered earlier in this chapter,
ODBC has widespread support on a variety of platforms. Basing JDBC on ODBC will allow
vendors to bring JDBC drivers to market much faster than developing a completely new
connectivity solution.

JDBC was announced in March of 1996. It was released for a 90 day public review that
ended June 8, 1996. Because of user input, the final JDBC v1.0 specification was released
soon after. The remainder of this section will cover enough information about JDBC for you
to know what it is about and how to use it effectively. This is by no means a complete
overview of JDBC. That would fill an entire book.
JDBC Goals Few software packages are designed without goals in mind. JDBC is one that,
because of its many goals, drove the development of the API. These goals, in conjunction
with early reviewer feedback, have finalized the JDBC class library into a solid framework
for building database applications in Java.

The goals that were set for JDBC are important. They will give you some insight as to why
certain classes and functionalities behave the way they do.
The design goals for JDBC are as follows:

2.2.6 MySQL Database

MySQL is a fast, easy-to-use RDBMS being used for many small and big businesses.
MySQL is developed, marketed and supported by MySQL AB, which is a Swedish
company. MySQL is becoming so popular because of many good reasons

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• MySQL is released under an open-source license. So you have nothing to pay to use

• MySQL is a very powerful program in its own right. It handles a large subset of the
functionality of the most expensive and powerful database packages.

• MySQL uses a standard form of the well-known SQL data language.

• MySQL works on many operating systems and with many languages including PHP,
PERL, C, C++, JAVA, etc.

• MySQL works very quickly and works well even with large data sets.

• MySQL is very friendly to PHP, the most appreciated language for web

• MySQL supports large databases, up to 50 million rows or more in a table. The

default file size limit for a table is 4GB, but you can increase this (if your operating
system can handle it) to a theoretical limit of 8 million terabytes (TB).

• MySQL is customizable. The open-source GPL license allows programmers to

modify the MySQL software to fit their own specific environments.


SQL syntax varies as you move from database vendor to database vendor. In an effort to
support a wide variety of vendors, JDBC will allow any query statement to be passed through
it to the underlying database driver. This allows the connectivity module to handle non-
standard functionality in a manner that is suitable for its users.

The JDBC SQL API must “sit” on top of other common SQL level APIs. This goal allows
JDBC to use existing ODBC level drivers by the use of a software interface. This interface
would translate JDBC calls to ODBC and vice versa. Because of Java’s acceptance in the
user community thus far, the designers feel that they should not stray from the current design
of the core Java system.

This goal probably appears in all software design goal listings. JDBC is no exception. Sun
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felt that the design of JDBC should be very simple, allowing for only one method of
completing a task per mechanism. Allowing duplicate functionality only serves to confuse
the users of the API.

Use strong, static typing wherever possible Strong typing allows for more error checking to
be done at compile time also, less error appear at runtime. Keep the common cases simple
Because more often than not, the usual SQL calls used by the programmer are simple
SELECT’s, INSERT’s, DELETE’s and UPDATE’s, these queries should be simple to
perform with JDBC. However, more complex SQL statements should also be possible [17].

2.2.7 XAMPP Server

XAMPP is open source software developed by Apache friends. XAMPP software package
contains Apache distributions for Apache server, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl. And it is basically
a local host or a local server. This local server works on your own desktop or laptop
computer. The use of XAMPP is to test the clients or your website before uploading it to the
remote web server. This XAMPP server software gives you the suitable environment for
testing MYSQL, PHP, Apache and Perl projects on the local computer.

The full form of XAMPP is X stands for Cross-platform, (A) Apache server, (M) MariaDB,
(P) PHP and (P) Perl. The Cross-platform usually means that it can run on any computer with
any operating system.

Next MariaDB is the most famous database server and it is developed by MYSQL team. PHP
usually provides a space for web development. PHP is a server-side scripting language. And
the last Perl is a programming language and is used to develop a web application.

The XAMPP installation process is very simple and fast. Once XAMPP is installed on your
local computer it acts as a local server or local host. You can test the websites before
uploading it to the remote web server. This XAMPP server software gives you a suitable
environment for testing MYSQL, PHP, Apache and Perl applications on a local computer.

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System : Intel CORE i5 2.4 GHz

Hard Disk : 80 GB
RAM : 2 GB


Operating system : Windows 7,8,10

Programming Language : J2SE, J2EE
Data Base : MySQL
Front End : Java Swing, Java Applet
Database connectivity : JDBC
Server : XAMPP, MySQL

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4.1 Login:

Login page ask administrator or worker to give legitimate qualification all together get into
the framework. Username and secret password must be coordinate with database esteems
else it will deny the entrance. If there will be incorrect username or password then there will
be two more chances to retrieve the correct credentials. If the admin cannot retrieve the
password or the user name before the third time then in the third wrong attempt it will
display an error message and will terminate the program.

This section improves the security of the project s any outsider or un-authorized user cannot
enter into the system and the database. On providing the correct credentials, the control
moves on to home page or main menu from where the user can choose any specific that is
needed to be performed.

This section is designed using swing framework and java applet. There are three JLabel, two
JText to enter the username and password and two JButtons to perform the action. The
buttons are to clear the text field and one submit button to verify the credentials.

4.2 Medicine Data Entry:

This module asks the admin to enter all the details of any new medicines in to the database.
This module takes several inputs and stores into the database such as medicine batch no,
name, company, supplier, expiry date, purchase date etc.

The number of text field and labels present are high in numbers as for each input, there is the
need of one JLabel and JTextfield each. Though there are only two buttons to perform the

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4.3 Adding New Supplier:

This module asks the admin to enter all the details of any new supplier in to the database.
This module takes several inputs and stores into the database such supplier name, address,
phone number and mail id.

All these inputs are stored into the system database for the further use. Once any new
supplier is added into the system, the system generates one unique id or number for each
supplier which are used as its primary number.

The number of text field and labels present are high in numbers as for each input; there is the
need of one JLabel and JTextfield each. Though there are only two buttons to perform the

4.4 Viewing Details:

This project has the use of this particular module two times. One time is to view the list of
medicines and it displays the details of the supplier list. To view the details of medicines, we
need to run the file. The medicine list file displays all the details of the
medicines including its expiry date, batch number and supplier id.

Similar to medicine list, there is also viewing supplier details page. To view the details of the
supplier, we need to run file. This page displays the details of the supplier
such as its name, id, address and phone number.

All the details of the supplier and medicines are fetched from the database. The details for
each of them are stored in the form of tables. Tough there are separate tables for each of the
module. This facility is available from the addition pages of medicines and supplier details.
There is an option to display all the details of that type named as all button.

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4.5 Daily Purchase Report:

This module creates the report of every day purchase and displays the report to the
administrator. Through this the administrator can easily get to know the purchase report on
any particular date. The administrator on visiting the page through the mainmenu, needs to
enter the date to get the report.

The format of the date must match with that of the database that is dd-md-yyyy. If the format
mismatches then error message will pup-up. When the date format is matched then the report
is generated and displayed.

This particular page is developed with the help of one JLabel and JTextfield each along with
two buttons to perform the necessary action. The details of the report is generated through the
data present in the both the medicine and supplier table from the database.

4.6 Update List:

In this module is to update details of any table either medicine table or supplier table. This
action is performed using update command in the backend. To update details of any
particular medicine or supplier we need to provide some credentials to uniquely identify the
particular roe in the database table.

While updating medicine list, the admin has to provide medicine batch number. Name,
supplier id and many more while for updating the supplier list, the admin has to give the
details of the supplier id, name or both.

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Design is the initial phase in the advancement stage for any procedures and standards to
define a gadget, a procedure or framework in adequate detail to allow its physical
acknowledgment. When the product prerequisites have been broke down and determined the
product configuration includes three specialized exercises - plan, coding, execution and
testing that are required to manufacture and confirm the product.

The structure rehearses are of head criticalness at this moment, light of the way that at the
present time, at last influencing the accomplishment of the thing use and its
straightforwardness of upkeep are made. These choices have the last bearing in the wake of
determined quality and sensibility of the framework. Arrangement is the best way to deal
with certainly make a comprehension of the client's necessities into completed the process of
programming or a framework.

Fig. 5.1 System Architecture

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Examination can be characterized as separating of any entire in order to discover their
temperament, work and so on. It defines configuration as to make fundamental portrayals of;
to draw an example or framework for plan. Framework examination and design can be
portrayed as a lot of methods and procedures, a network of interests, a culture and a scholarly

5.1 Data flow diagrams

The DFD takes a data strategy yield point of view on a structure for instance data objects
stream into the thing, are changed by planning parts, and resultant data objects stream out of
the thing. Data objects tended to by ventured stuns and change are tended to by circles
additionally called as air pockets. DFD is showed up in an exceptional game plan for instance
the essential data stream model watches out for the structure when everything is said in done.
Following DFD refine the setting plot (level 0 DFD), furnishing growing with each
subsequent estimation.

The DFD enables the item fashioner to make models of the information space and useful
region meanwhile. As the DFD is refined into progressively imperative components of
nuisances, the master play out an irrefutable useful rot of the structure.

Meanwhile, the DFD refinement brings about a looking at refinement of the data as it goes
through the method that epitomizes the applications. A setting level DFD for the system the
fundamental external components produce information for use by the structure and eat up
information made by the structure. The named jolt addresses data articles or thing chain of

A data flow diagram (DFD) illustrates how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs
and outputs. As its name indicates its focus is on the flow of information, where data comes
from, where it goes and how it gets stored.

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Fig. 5.2 Data Flow basic notations

Structure and Implementation the Student Attendance Management System (SAMS) has
arranged with the MVC plan and realized with the weighty Laravel Framework. In order to
fabricate usage of the application and make it easy to use and engaging, JavaScript and its
query libraries, and AJAX use. At the present time, the system substance will present.

Database The system uses MySQL as a language for the database, and the migration
strategies for picking a substitute sort of databases for the structure, for instance, SQL Server,
SQLite, etc.

5.1.1 DFD Level 0


System Output

Fig. 5.3 DFD Level 0

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5.1.2 Admin DFD

Fig. 5.4 Admin DFD

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5.1.3 Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is a dynamic or behavior diagram in UML. Use case diagrams model the
functionality of a system using actors and use cases. Use cases are a set of actions, services,
and functions that the system needs to perform. In this project Admin login to the medical
stock to add the supplier and see the stock of medicine and manage the daily basis report.
Add the stock details and remove the expire medicine from the list.

Fig. 5.5 Use Case Diagram

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5.1.4 Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram depicts interaction between objects in a sequential order i.e. the order in
which these interactions take place. We can also use the terms event diagrams or event
scenarios to refer to a sequence diagram. Sequence diagrams describe how and in what order
the objects in a system function.

Fig. 5.6 Sequence Diagram

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5.1.5 Class Diagram

A class diagram is a type of diagram and part of a unified modeling language (UML) that
defines and provides the overview and structure of a system in terms of classes, attributes
and methods, and the relationships between different classes.
It is used to illustrate and create a functional diagram of the system classes and serves as a
system development resource within the software development life cycle.

Fig. 5.7 Class Diagram

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5.2 Tables

5.2.1 Medicine Table

Table 5.1 Medicine Table

The above is the medicine table, where all the details of the medicines are stored. The
attributes such as ‘ sid ’ is stored as the foreign key in this table. So, through the medicine
table we can link with the supplier table.

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5.2.2 Supplier Table

Table 5.2 Supplier Table

This is the supplier table where the primary key is the ‘sid’ of the supplier, The primary key
is generated by auto incrimination. This table has all the details of the supplier such as the
address and the phone number. This table is linked to the medicine table through the foreign

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5.3 Database Design

The general point behind a database is to oversee data as a sorted out aggregate. A database
is a blend of interrelated informational collection aside with least excess to serve different
clients rapidly and effectively. Coming about to masterminding information and yield, the
ace must focus on database structure or how data ought to be filtered through around client
fundamentals. The general target is to make information get to, direct keen, unassuming and
flexible for different clients.

In the relational model, a table cannot contain duplicate rows, because that would create
ambiguities in retrieval. To ensure uniqueness, each table should have a column (or a set of
columns), called primary key that uniquely identifies every records of the table. A primary
key is called a simple key if it is a single column; it is called a composite key if it is made up
of several columns

During database structure the going with objectives are concerned: -

• Controlled Redundancy
• Information self-administration
• Precise and combining
• More data with no issue
• Recuperation from disappointment
• Protection and security

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6.1 Implementation

Implementation is that stage of the project where design gives step by step working system.
Thus, it is considered as to be the most important stage of the system which gives the
information to the user step by step, that the new system will work effective. The
implementation stage involves planning, requirements of the existing system and its error on
implementation and designing of method [16][17].

6.1.1 Pre – Implementation Technique

When the plan organizes has been finished the designer can begin composing the code and
really build up the framework. The framework could either be totally bespoke with each code
line composed by the authority software engineer or it very well may be created by the off-
the rack application which is redone later. The engineers will follow the framework necessity
details precisely. On the off chance that it is said to set a catch 500 PX in the upper left
corner with shading red then the very same thing will be finished by the engineer. They
ought not to go astray from the detail at any expense without talking with the investigator.

6.1.2 Post – Implementation Technique

Staged execution has been utilized which break down the issue into littler achievements. A
check must be in every case once a section is finished to check if the framework fills in as
determined. To actualize the framework the manner in which it needs to and offering
certainty to the clients that the framework will work viably is done here.

Equipment similarity: regardless of whether the framework has the base HW necessities for
the product to run on customer framework. Program similarity: regardless of whether the
programs in customer framework support JavaScript.

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6.2 Organizational Requirements

It requires skill for implementation of any product. As, this module is using 3- tier business
architecture. All the classes, functions, procedures and objects are created within the system
wise architecture. The three tiers are given below.

• Business Logic Layer
• Data Access Layer

6.2.1 Standards Requirements

Industry standards are going to be followed by us or deal associated with the merchandise
software. Coding, Documentation and final product delivery are going to be followed by the
standards. Product Software should be negotiated with human Ethics and it's wished that the
software should be used with Ethical requirements. Any non ethical use of this software will
be at the user’s own risk.

6.2.2 Privacy Requirements

Privacy of any particular things and strategy are going to be served supported prior
negotiation and it should be cleared purposed for that requirement. Safety is going to be
provided supported the need of the members and necessary critical points.

6.3 Dependency and assumption

The significant reliance of the framework is that all the related business information that
must be made sure about will be currently on to the framework which must be gotten to and
must be made sure about just through the framework making the clients subordinate
Significant suspicion that must be considered is that client ought to have the detail
information about various sorts of security approaches.

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Client must also have the idea about calculations that will be used for better reference and
even how the framework will be utilized for the recovery of the data ought to be known.

6.4 Functional requirements

Functional requirements are based on features as we should be having the knowledge in

detail that which are the important features that have to be provided and how each feature
works in different references.
In software engineering and systems engineering, a Functional Requirement can range from
the high-level abstract statement of the sender's necessity to detailed mathematical functional
requirement specifications. Functional software requirements help you to capture the
intended behavior of the system.

Fig. 6.1 Functional Requirement

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6.5 Nonfunctional requirement

The non-utilitarian prerequisites are related with various kinds of reference that is required
for the quality improvement continuously. The non-practical point of view develop certainty
and to give better quality to the clients so if the client requires the framework for various
accessibility it ought to be given in a similar reference natty gritty comprehension of the
framework must be at writer where is any kind of working straightforwardness is required it
must be set up.

Fig. 6.2 Divisional angle for the non-useful prerequisites

6.5.1 Versatility

The framework gives the versatility as when it will be used on system different sorts of
information age is required to be cultivated so any reference of information can be overseen
by the framework as adaptability. Versatility is particularly significant as the framework will
be used in various references and when a greater organization will utilize the framework they
necessitate that framework can deal with their greater information

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6.5.2 Security

All the references that have given inside the framework is secure and the framework depends
on various sorts of new advances and strategies so by and large any kind of security necessity
that is required is satisfied by the framework

6.5.3 Documentation

To comprehend the working references in new advances that are included the clients will be
given natty gritty documentation where various sorts of change models are likewise given
with the goal that they can comprehend what calculation must be used when this will
inevitably assist with streamlining the usefulness.

6.5.4 Lawful

A wide range of requirements and working lawfulness will be related with the goal that the
clients will have an unmistakable understanding that how the framework can be used in an
appropriate channel way. A wide range of affiliations identified with the conditions will be
given to the clients when they are going to utilize the framework and even various kinds of
notices frameworks are incorporated to give better affirmations of the data

6.5.5 Openness

The openness is reference with security forms so a natty gritty availability pecking order will
be given so that if the affiliation based working is performed from the framework it can give
definite availability references. Openness will be additionally followed by the framework so
any kind of availability log is required to be created it will be given.

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6.6 Screen Shots
6.6.1 Login

Fig. 6.3 First Page

Admin can login into the system by providing correct username and password. Username and
Password will be verified by database. If any incorrect username or password is entered then
a pop-up error message will be displayed.

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6.6.2 Home Page

Fig. 6.4 Main Menu

This is the home page that has several options for the admin to manage the system
performance. Through this page, the admin can move to several other pages.

6.6.3 Add Supplier

Fig. 6.5 Page to Add Supplier

In this page the details of the new supplier are added by the admin. It takes little important
information like name, address and phone number.

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6.6.4 Add New Medicine

Fig. 6.6 Add Details of New Medicine

In this page, the details of the medicine are provided and added to the database of the system.
All the details of the product are added by the admin as this is an admin system project.
There are multiple JLabel, JText and JButton available for the design of this page.

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6.6.5 Stock of Medicines

Fig. 6.7 List of Medicines

This page displays list of all the medicines available in the store. The list of medicines is
displayed along with all the details of that particular medicine.

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6.6.6 Search Medicine

Fig. 6.8 Search Engine

This page is meant to search for any particular medicine in the store. The necessary or
mandatory attributes needed to search the details are medicine id and the name of the

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6.6.7 Search Medicine

Fig. 6.9 Search Supplier

Just like the search medicine page this page is also used to search for the details of the
supplier. The mandatory attributes are supplier id and the name. Once the name of the
supplier and id is matched then the output is displayed over the same page. The details of the
supplier is fetched from the database.

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6.6.8 Daily Purchase Report

Fig. 6.10 Daily Report Generation

This page displays the report on the sale of all the products on that particular date. The date
format must match with the date format in the database. Once the date is submitted then the
output is displayed and if the date is a invalid one then error message is pops up.

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The explanation behind the progression structure is to give commendable yield pondering the
data given by the customers, with the objective that we need an item testing methodology to
test and consolidate all the fragments of the substance and arrange substance. The item will
expect a noteworthy activity in giving structure utilizing of the test system where we should
achieve the inspiration driving the system where all the related activities can be practiced and
administered. We have set up a couple of various approaches to test various areas of the
structure so all the overhauls are suitably orchestrated and implemented [13][14].

The correct key understanding code should be used to check the code with the objective that
the program can be affirmed for yield when it is returned. In any occasion, during the
evaluation, the association and collaboration in various social occasions should in like
manner be cultivated for the right results. By then there will be real motorized programming
associated with the utilization of various test frameworks and help with testing cases.

Programming testing depends on the quality watch that must be kept up when various kinds
of references are required to be cultivated in the ongoing or we can say that when we are
giving the framework which bolsters various sorts of similarity working it must be first check
for various sorts of situations before it is given to the customers. A wide range of references
dependent on the check will be advanced. Programming testing should be possible with the
assistance of various sorts of systems so every single kinds of strategy that is required will be
appropriately comprehended and the one which is reasonable will be executed so for instance
that we will utilize the unit testing and the reference discovery testing as the significant

Programming testing is especially significant for a framework usage as before the execution
if the blunders are discovered it will be reasonable for the organization since when the
mistakes are discovered later in the working stage it requires more investment. Multiple sorts
of experiments will be composed with the goal that we can comprehend later on that how the

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highlights have reflected for the functionality. Programming testing must be finished with
cooperation where all specialists dependent on testing office and improvement office will

Fig. 7.1 Test strategy undertaken

7.1 Unit testing

Different units are required to be checked first so the mix testing can be performed and with
the assistance of unit testing we can appropriately recognize the definite references of various
kinds of highlights The references of the security systems that is incorporated will be given
to the utilization of such a way, that various sorts of exemptions can be chosen and it very
well may be altered and it tends to be used appropriately. The reference contemplations that
will be included will be checked for the client direction or we can say that we need to watch
that when various kinds of modes are gathered every hub works appropriately with point by
point similarity

The unit references that will be viewed as will be checked with appropriate convenience as
we necessitate that a wide range of prerequisites for various kinds of area association ought
to be fulfilled and each extraordinary sort of clients will have diverse thought of security

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7.2 Discovery Testing

Discovery testing will be founded on the client testing whether client ought to be given a lot
of assets dependent on beta working so the customer can check the functionality from their
side. For playing out the discovery testing the necessary record information isn't required it
is done on to the customer side. Discovery testing will be performed with point by point
situation check as in the continuous the related functionality will be tried by the client them

Fig. 7.2 Advantage and Disadvantage

7.3 Integration Testing

Programming coordination testing is the gradual combination testing of at least

two incorporated programming segments on a solitary stage to create
disappointments brought about by interface surrenders.
The errand of the incorporation test is to watch that segments or programming
applications, for example parts in a product framework or – one stage up –
programming applications at the organization level – associate without blunder.

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7.4 Verification and Validation Testing

The Verification is the technique for checking the product and indicating the client's
prerequisites. The way toward assessing the product to decide if the result of the given
prerequisite is met by the client's particular necessities. It incorporates all the movement
related with delivering top notch programming. Kinds of confirmation [17][18].

• Static testing.
• Walkthrough testing.
• Inspection testing.
• Review.

Fig. 7.3 Testing Process

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Approval is the way toward assessing the last item, to check the last item meets the client
prerequisites as referenced previously. It is a technique for checking the real item.

Confirmation: - Are we are doing the item right Validation: - Are we are doing the correct
item. Check and endorsement have been settled that the activity of the paid activity ensures
the necessities and is legitimate for its usage, to review the activities to keep up a key good
ways from disorder, or static testing and authenticity suggests the genuine testing practicality
and dynamic evaluation money. Central purposes of affirmation and endorsement

• It helps in identifying the blunders and adjusting the mistake at the early stages.
• Encourages and improves in overseeing process and product risks.
• Acts as supporting device for the product life for keep up the nature of the item in

7.5 White Box Testing

White Box Testing is a trying where wherein the product analyzer knows about the inward
activities, structure and language of the product, or if nothing else its motivation. It is reason.
It is utilized to test zones that can't be reached from a discovery level.

7.6 Black Box Testing

Black Box Testing is testing the software without any knowledge of the inner workings,
structure or language of the module being tested. Black box tests, as most other kinds of
tests, must be written from a definitive source document, such as specification or
requirements document, such as specification or requirements document.

It is a testing in which the software under test is treated, as a black box .you cannot “see” into
it. The test provides inputs and responds to outputs without considering how the software

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7.7 Test cases
The rule focus of testing is to uncover an enormous gathering of botches, proficiently and
with least effort and time.
• A productive test is one that uncovers an up to this point undiscovered error.
• Testing is a system of executing a program with the desire for finding a bungle.

Method to perceive testing mess up. Testing quality confirmations and anticipate a colossal
action in guaranteeing the undaunted idea of the thing. The test outcomes are then utilized
during help. The objective of the test is reliably indicated that the program shows that there is
no blunder in it.

The central employment of the evaluation sort out is to perceive the blunder that might be
open in the program. Fittingly, it ought not to be a test to show the clarification behind a
program, at any rate it ought to be needed to show that a program doesn't work. The way
toward executing a program to perceive the test error.

Fig. 7.4 Testing

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TEST CASE 1: Login Page

Test Case: Login Priority(H,L): High

Test Objective: Login page

Test Description: To check whether the user’s user id and password are valid or not.

Requirements Verified: Yes

Test Environment: jdk 1.7 version is installed and class path is set, sql yog is installed.

Test Setup/pre-conditions: Java and NetBeans IDE 7.0 should be installed and class
path should be set to execute.
Actions Expected Results:

The user enters the valid user id and Successful.

password then he logon to home page.
He/She enters the invalid user id and
password then the error message will be
Pass:Yes Conditional pass: Yes Fail: no
Problem/Issues: NIL
Notes: Successfully executed

Table 7.1 Test case for login page

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8.1 Conclusion
Drug store the board framework is really a product which handle the basic information and
spare the data and in reality about the database of a drug store and it's management. This
programming help in viably the executives of the pharmaceutical store or shop. It give the
insights about medication or medications which are in stocks which information can likewise
be refreshed and edited. It fills in according to the prerequisite of the client and have
alternatives accordingly. It permit client to enter fabricating just as the expiry date of
medication putting in stock and for deals transaction. This programming additionally have
capacity to print the bill and solicitations etc. The record of providers supplies can likewise
be spared in it. There are other capacity accessible too . The primary reason for existing is
successfully and effectively treatment of drug store information and it's administration.

The following conclusions can be deduced from the development of the project.

• Improve automation efficiency of entire system.

• It provides a friendly graphical user interface that is proven to be better than the
existing system.
• It gives proper access to authorized users depending on their permissions.

• It effectively crosses the communication delay.

• Updating information becomes so easy.

• System security, information security and reliability are interesting features.

8.2 Limitations
Legitimate validation is required for the working. Point by point preparing is additionally
required for the filling in as different references of letters are required to be incorporated. A
definite comprehension pretty much all various kinds of approaches in various sorts of
calculations are required with the goal that it very well may be tweaked in utilized .The

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framework depends on new systems where numerous kinds of data is required to be
recognized and if any flawlessness is being distributed not with appropriate understanding
the information may be lost which is quite difficult in terms of retrieval.

Genuine approval is required for the working Point by point getting ready is moreover
required for the filling in as various references of letters are required to be consolidated
An unmistakable appreciation essentially all different sorts of approaches in different sorts of
figuring are required with the objective that it might be changed in used. The structure relies
upon new frameworks where various sorts of information is required to be perceived and if
any faultlessness is being dispersed not with suitable understanding the data might be lost
which is very troublesome as far as recovery.

8.3 Future Enhancements

We have to refer the future enhancement as we want that system can be utilized in the future
also when there will be different types of technological will be available so we have to
maintain the consistency of working with proper requirement of future enhancement
prospective. New techniques or technologies can be required for the security purpose and can
be added in the future based on the requirement.

Some future improvements it may be done by making this in the form of biometric
attendance system so as to make further developed and expand its quality and security.
Biometrics is robotized system of distinguishing an individual social or physically existence.
Some of the important points that are associated or have been analyzed are listed as

• Detailed information gathering has to be done. Without that the purpose for using the
software won’t be satisfied properly.
• However it can give good profits in the long run.
• Implementing the software requires change in the business practices.
• Efficient organization of all knowledge is the analysis company and easy analysis
access and retrieval of information is possible.

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