Lesson Plan Guide: Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant - Time

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Name: Rafeef Bunyan LESSON PLAN GUIDE

TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)

Select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and Students will work together to build a freestanding (not
pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, connected to anything for stability and without
including mental math, estimation, and number sense as piers/support structures along the span) bridge that is at
appropriate, to solve problems; least 40 cm. long.
Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant _Time
Grade: 3 Subject: Math

Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: What skills must be
Communication (oral language
taught: development while working as a groups
Connect students with real life situation. use math vocabularies “figure, details,
point, line)
Terminology need to be taught: Shapes,
Assessment: (C5)
Did you build the bridge that was
on the original design sheet? If no, what
did you need to change?
Which elements of your final design

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Each group of students should describe their bridge design Websites: Math blaster, Fun brain, hooda math.
elements to the class and demonstrate that it
Math apps ( pile shapes, Mosaic, dream box)
is able to stand freely for a specific period of time

Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)

Visual – Show pictures and short videos to enhance MATERIALS

Spaghetti noodles and marshmallows
student knowledge before starting the Newspaper, tape, Cardboard, Toothpicks and gumdrops,
Auditory – Popsicle sticks and glue,
Talk about how to make it in real life.
straws, scissors. meter stick.
Kinesethic –
Hands on activity.

Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)

1. What is the advantage and disadvantage of this subject?

What is the important point from it?
2. Why it’s important?

Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Motivate my students by positive feedback: I will aske my student at the end of the lesson, what you
You inspire me. will say if someone ask you what have you learned so
What a great project. far?
Loved from first sight. Student need to review math vocabulary words and
1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)
Providing Ideas, pictures with step by step procedure to show students how to build the bridge and talk about how
architecture build it in real life and how it is important to know the measurement and how to classify each one
depending on the things want to build or measure it.

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

Student will repeat step by step procedure after me while looking at my model . Student will work with small group
asking each other how they build and why they did it this way ( giving each other instruction by using math
vocabulary words).

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

Working in math problems without assistant.

Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6)
Create presentation about the project. Ask students material did they use to build the bridge
and why? How similar is the project to real life bridges?

Observe student while working , write down notes about it to give them feedback during and after they finish.
Name: Rafeef Bunyan
OBJECTIVE: Improve students weaknesses to meet the lesson’s goal by clarify instructions, and ask student to access
Rigor technology to expand their knowledge.

Retrieval Bring student prior knowledge and apply it with new materials.

Relevance Support students by showing them how to use the materials and expand my imagination when create
such a project.
Routing If student struggle in such a project give new model with different Idea such as building bridge by using
computer device or draw a picture then use blocks instead of all other materials used previously with the

Retaining / Rehearsing
Let the student redo what I did with providing my assistant.

The student need to work at the project by him/her self.


Ask the students how the feel now about using different learning methods or different materials when building a bridge.

Which way is useful for you to understand the lesson?
Do you feel you can do it now with the previous martial ?

Technology, blocks, coloring

Student give conclusion about what they learned from the lesson, highlight the important points, learned how to apply
concepts, discuss and share experiences.

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