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Philosophy 3 Module II

Rose Marie Recorte BSBA Marketing Management


A. On the blank before each number, write the answer of each of

the following questions.

The mind 1. According to Plato's Republic, what are the three components of one's soul?

The will 2.

The appetites 3.

Cosmo centric 4 What is another term for cosmos-centered?

Cosmo centric 5. Whatis another term for anthropo-centered?

The cogito is the philosophical proposition that one cannot doubt that one exists as a thinking, conscious
being. 6. What is meant by the cogito?

Empiricism 7. Whatphilosophy considers experience as the only source of knowledge?

Senses 8. Whatpart of the body does the perceiving of things?

According to Immanuel Kant, a person's supreme task is to use reason 9. What is a person's supreme
task, according to Immanuel Kant?

Innate 10. What is the term for ideas with which we are born?

B. Match the ideas in B with the author that conceived of the ideas in A. On the
blank before each number, write only the letter representing your answer.

d.Life changes 1.Heraclitus

e. Life is permanent 2. Parmenides

i. He supported Plato' world of ideas 3.Plato

h. He supported Aristotle's world of senses 4.Aristotle

k. Plato is my friend, but truth is a greater friend 5.Socrates

f. Combined the ideas of Heraclitus and Parmenides 6. St. Augustine

a. knowledge is possible without perception. 7.St. Thomas

j. Experience is the only source of knowledge 8. Pico

b. Nothing whatsoever is certain 9. Descartes

g. He discovered the soul. 10. Locke

C. Essay: (15 points)

How does the Theory of Ideas of Plato differ from the Theory of Hylemorphism of Aristotle? In what
way did these two theories try to reconcile the opposing philosophies of Heraclitus and


The Theory of Ideas of Plato is different from the Theory of Hylomorphism of Aristotle in that the former
posits that there is a realm of abstract objects that exist outside of the physical world, while the latter
posits that all things are made up of a combination of matter and form. These two theories tried to
reconcile the opposing philosophies of Heraclitus and Parmenides by positing that there is a realm of
abstract objects (the Theory of Ideas) or that all things are made up of a combination of matter and form
(the Theory of Hylomorphism).

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