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Basic Controls
1: Run
2: Jump
Directional Pad: Move
Shake Remote: Spin Jump

Advanced Moves
Wall Jump: The Wall Jump is a vital move in Mario's repertoire that can be used by jumping towards a
wall, holding control pad in the direction of the wall, then pressing jump when Mario starts to slide
Butt Stomp: The Butt Stomp can be performed by jumping and then pressing down on the control pad.
Butt Stomps are used to break breaks from above and defeat certain enemies.
Wii Remote Interactions: There are certain spots where shaking and tilting the remote will cause Mario
to interact with something in the environment. For example, Mario can pick up certain blocks and ice
cubes by moving next to them and shaking the remote. Some platforms can also be operated by tilting
the remote back and forth.
1 Power Ups
2 Star Coins
3 Yoshi
4 Mushroom Shops
5 Enemy Traps
6 Alternate Exits

Power Ups
Hitting certain "?" Blocks in New Super Mario Brothers Wii will cause power ups to appear. Power ups
are vital to keeping Mario alive since a Mario with no power ups will die in only one hit. There are a total
of seven power ups in New Super Mario Brothers Wii, including three that are brand new to the series.

Mushroom: The Mushroom is the most basic of Mario's power ups. Grabbing one will turn you into
Super Mario, which will make you bigger and enable you to break brick blocks. Getting hit while you
have a mushroom will make you small once again.

Fire Flower: Getting a Fire Flower will turn you into Fire Mario. Fire Mario gets all of the benefits of
having a Mushroom, but with the addition of being able to shoot fireballs by pressing 1. Getting hit while
you have a Fire Flower will bring you down to a Mushroom power up.

Mini Mushroom: Grabbing a Mini Mushroom will turn Mario into Tiny Mario, which will let him run
across water, jump extremely high, and overall feel very floaty. Be careful, one hit while in Tiny Mario
form will kill you.
Ice Flower: Grabbing an Ice Flower will turn Mario into Ice Mario. It's the same as Fire Mario except he
shoots iceballs instead of fireballs. When an enemy is hit with an iceball, they will turn into an ice cube,
which can then be picked up and thrown at other enemies.

Penguin Suit: Grabbing a Penguin Suit will turn Mario into Penguin Mario. Penguin Mario can throw ice
balls just like Ice Mario, but also gains the ability to walk on ice without slipping, slide across flat surfaces
on his belly and take out enemies and brick blocks in his way, and swim much faster than he could

Propeller Suit: Grabbing a Propeller Mushroom will give Mario a Propeller Suit. With the Propeller Suit,
Mario can fly into the air by shaking the Wii Remote and slowly glide back down. This power up is
extremely useful in tricky platforming situations and for obtaining hard to reach star coins.

Star: Grabbing a Star will turn Mario invincible for a short period of time in addition to granting him
super speed and a cool little flip jump. Star will also completely illuminate dark areas.

Star Coins
Each level has a total of three star coins that are hidden, or not so hidden, all throughout the level. Star
Coins act as the game's currency and enable you to purchase video clips at Peach's Castle in World 1.
Collecting all of the star coins also enables you to play all of the levels in World 9, a secret world that is
unlocked by beating the game.

Yoshi returns in New Super Mario Brothers Wii with all of his classic moves still in tact.
While riding Yoshi, press 1 to use his tongue to slurp up an enemy. If it's an enemy that Yoshi can spit
out, press 1 again to shoot the enemy back out.
Yoshi can also perform a floating flutter jump by holding down 2 during a jump. Flutter jumps give Yoshi
extra distance in addition to making him jump a little bit higher than he normally can.
If you ever want to separate Mario from Yoshi, shake the remote to jump off the back of your trusty
dinosaur. This, when used in combination with Yoshi's flutter jump, can enable Mario to reach really
high places that he otherwise would not be able to reach.
If you get hit while riding Yoshi, you won't lose your power up. Instead, you will be knocked off of Yoshi
and the dinosaur will scurry away, potentially into a pit, until you can jump back on him.
Mushroom Shops
All through out the eight worlds are several varieties of Mushroom Shops that are unlocked as Mario
progresses through the levels.
Red Mushroom shops will let you play a matching minigame that could potentially earn you items that
can be used before a level begins. This is useful because it lets you start off a level with a power up that
you otherwise might not be able to get until later in the level.
Green Mushroom shops let you play a minigame that can win you a bunch of extra lives. The minigame
involves shooting Mario out of a cannon into 1-Up balloons.
The Yellow Mushroom shops simply give Mario a Star to be used before a level begins.

Enemy Traps
Enemy traps appear in specific spots on the world map and force you to collect a series of Toad Icons
while avoiding attacks from a group of enemies.
These traps get harder as the game goes on and always reward you with three Mushrooms whenever
you beat them.

Alternate Exits
Every world has at least one level with an alternate exit. These alternate exits will either open up a path
to the world's warp cannon, or a path to a secret level.
You'll know when you've found a level's alternate exit by the red flag on the flagpole at the end of the
level. Mario will also say "This way" instead of his usual "Oh yeah! Mario Time!"
World 1
1 World 1-1
2 World 1-2
3 World 1-3
4 World 1 Tower
5 World 1-4
6 World 1-5
7 World 1-6
8 World 1-6 Castle

World 1-1
When the level begins, head forward and hit the block way up top for a mushroom.
Continue heading forward to reach two rotating circles of land. There's a hidden pipe in the second one
that will take you to an area where you can collect a bunch of coins.
As you continue heading right you'll eventually reach the halfway marker, which will act as a mushroom
if you're small when you pass through it.
Hold down on the slope to slide down and kill the group of goombas in your way. This is a useful skill to
know throughout the game.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight high above the "?" block. Hit the block to grab the
Propeller Suit. Shake the remote to fly up into the air and grab the coin.
Follow the trail of coins to the right and then fly up into the air to land on a floating bridge.
Ahead is a red ring that will create eight red coins. Collect all eight coins to either receive a 1-Up or a
power up.
Star Coin #2: There is a pipe hidden in the rotating piece of land under the floating bridge with the red
koopa. Wait for it to emerge, then head inside to reach a small hidden area where you can wall jump
between the pipes and claim the star coin. Exit through the yellow pipe.
When you emerge you can hit the brick block above to get a 1-Up.
Star Coin #3: You'll need a propeller suit for this one. Return to the bridge where you found the eight red
coins. Continue heading right across the series of bridges and you'll eventually come to the final star
coin at the end.
Just a little further to the right and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 1-2
Head into the pipe to the right.
Hit the "?" Block up ahead to get a power up. If you're big when you hit the block, it will be an Ice
Star Coin #1 The first star coin is in plain sight a few steps to the right of the entrance.
Continue heading forward and you'll run into a POW block. Shake the remote when near the block to
pick it up, then throw it to kill any nearby enemies along with causing all of the coins to fall to the
Proceed past the goombas, koopas, and piranha plants and you'll come to a unique platform that
changes its angle depending on how you hold the remote.
Star Coin #2: Jump on the platform and tilt the controller so that the platform elevates you to the green
pipe above. Head inside and hit the lone brick block up ahead to reveal a "P" Switch. Hit the switch to
turn all of the coins into blocks and vice versa. Jump on the blocks to reach the star coin at the top of the
room. Exit through the yellow pipe.
Run forward and slide under the small gap between the groups of blocks so that you wind up in the
middle. Butt stomp through the blocks below and then hit the block to the right to reveal a Star.
Grab the star and speed through the rest of the level to obtain a whole bunch of extra lives. Don't enter
the pipe at the end just yet though.
Star Coin #3 Once the star runs out, back track to where there are a bunch of blocks covering a green
pipe. Butt stomp through the blocks and enter the pipe. Hit the POW block to cause all of the coins
above, including the star coin, to fall to the floor. Collect the coin and then exit through the yellow pipe.
Proceed to the pipe at the end, making sure to use collect the eight red coins before you exit.
Just a bit further to the right and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 1-3
Head forward from the start, but be careful of the Hammer Brother just beyond the pipe ahead. Wait
for him to jump onto the blocks above, then run under him and hit the block he's standing on to take
him out.
Keep heading forward but make sure to hit the next "?" Block to release Yoshi.
Ride Yoshi to the right, sucking up all goombas and apples along the way, until you see the first star coin.
Star Coin #1: In plain sight suspended in the air. Either use Yoshi's hover jump to get it, or jump with
Yoshi, then shake the remote to have Mario jump into the air to grab it.
Keep on heading forward to eventually reach the halfway marker.
A couple of steps ahead you'll see three green pipes to the left of a tall yellow pipe. Drop down to the
third green pipe and move into the wall to find a secret area with a yellow pipe that will take you down.
Star Coin #2: In this secret area is the second star coin. Grab it the same way you did the first one. Exit
through the yellow pipe on the right.
Continue heading right and you'll see a piranha plant spitting fire out of a yellow pipe. Eat the piranha
with Yoshi and then spit out the fireball at the enemies up ahead. Follow the fireball as it goes through
enemies to collect a couple of 1-Ups.
Star Coin #3: Once again, the star coin is in plain sight. Jump on the red pipe and then jump towards the
Continue heading right past two more Hammer Brothers to reach the exit.
There is an alternate exit in this level that leads to a Cannon that will let you warp to World 5.
Just after the yellow pipe with the fire spitting piranha plant described a few steps above are three
Jump on the top platform and then jump to the small ledge to the right.
Once on the ledge, jump up and hold right to walk across the ceiling of the level and reach a pipe that
will take you to the alternate level end.

World 1 Tower
Use the rising and swinging platforms to work your way up the tower while stomping the Dry Bones
along the way.
NOTE: You can permanently kill a Dry Bones by freezing him with an Ice Flower powerup and then
throwing the ice block against a wall.
Star Coin #1: When you come to area with two "?" Blocks along the left and right walls, jump on to the
swinging platform and ride it to the left side. Jump on to the sliding platform on the left and then use
that to jump to the star coin above.
Continue working your way up by jumping up the three swinging platforms. Be careful though, the
platforms will take a Dry Bones along with them if they are on the blue platform when the swing comes
to them.
Star Coin #2: When you reach the third swinging platform, jump to the right side and follow the
platforms up through the wall into a secret room where you'll find the second star coin.
Hit the halfway marker and then jump up to the next ledge where you'll find an assortment of sliding
platforms that all eventually crush together. When they start to slide outwards, quickly jump up and
avoid getting smashed between.
Star Coin #3: Jump on to the swinging platform above and wait for it to swing to the right side. Wall
jump along the walls to make your way up to the final star coin. Exit by waiting for the next swinging
platform to reach the right side, then use it to jump on to the blue platform above.
Keep on heading up from here and eventually you'll reach the boss doors.
Boss - Larry Koopa
As you'd expect from a first boss of a Mario game, Larry Koopa is incredibly simple.
His pattern consists of three moves. First he'll shoot a projectile from his wand, which can be easily
jumped over.
Once you jump over his projectile, jump on his head to cause him to start spinning in his shell from end
to end. Jump over him as he comes near and he'll eventually emerge from his shell.
As soon as he emerges he'll jump high into the air. Be careful not to get caught trying to jump on him
after he emerges from his shell or he might hit you with this technique.
Once he lands, he's safe to jump on again as he tries to shoot you with his wand again.
Jump on him three times or pelt him with fireballs repeatedly to bring him down.

World 1-4
This level marks the first water level in the game. Hit the left most "?" block to start off for a power-up,
then head into the pipe.
Swim ahead and hit the "?" block to get an Ice Flower if you didn't get hit on the way there.
TIP: The Ice Flower can be used to freeze the Cheep Cheeps in ice cubes and cause them to float to the
surface. From there, you can use them as platforms or to block pipes that are blowing air at you.
Swim forward and avoid getting hit by the Cheep Cheeps along the way.
Once you're able to swim to the water's surface, continue ahead and you'll see a small floating piece of
land with a red pipe shooting air downward. Freeze a Cheep Cheep and use it as a platform to jump on
to the piece of land.
Continue jumping across the platforms above the water and you'll eventually hit a red coin ring.
Proceed forward past the schools of Cheep Cheeps and you'll reach the halfway marker.
Star Coin #1: In plain sight suspended in the top left corner above a red pipe. Swim above the pipe to
avoid getting blown away by the air.
Be careful of the clams as you continue forward. If you wind up in its mouth when it closes shut, you'll
get hit.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is a bit further ahead and resides between two red pipes. Freeze a
Cheep Cheep underneath one of the pipes and then ride the ice block up so that it reaches the coin.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is right after the second in a small alcove underneath a clam. To get it,
freeze one of the sea urchins as it hovers over the red pipe blow. When it breaks out of the ice, it'll sink
down to the bottom, blocking the air bubbles of the pipe.

World 1-5
Jump across the rotating mushroom platforms and hit the moving "?" Block on the oval track to get a
Jump on top of the moving blocks and work your way to the center track. Ride the block up to the top
and then jump up to reach a platform above with two brick blocks.
Slide under the leftmost block and then jump to sprout a beanstalk that will take you up to a secret area.
Star Coin #1 In this secret area is the first star coin. Jump on top of the last block in a group and wait for
it to reach the top part of the track. From there, jump down into the coin to collect it. Exit through the
gap on the right.
Continue heading right across the rotating platforms, being careful not slide off when the flat ground
becomes a slope.
Star Coin #2: After you get across the first green rotating block, jump on the red Koopa and grab his
shell. Jump on to the next rotating platform and aim to throw the koopa shell so that it hits the star coin
When you get to a purple platform with a screw in the middle, have Mario jump on to the screw and
then shake the controller to cause the left platform to rise and the right platform to fall.
Continue heading right and you'll soon reach the halfway marker.
Proceed forward across the line of small red rotating platforms, but slow down once you see the first
Star Coin #3: Floating above the first Paratroopa is the final star coin for the level. Jump on him to get
enough height to grab the coin. Having a propeller suit also makes this easier.
Jump across a few more platforms to reach the end of the level.

World 1-6
Hit the first "?" Block for a power up and then continue across the spinning platforms.
Star Coin #1: The first Star Coin is in plain sight suspended high in the air. Again, a propeller suit would
make this easy to grab, but if you don't have one, just wait for the Paratroopa to come along.
Up ahead are three brick blocks that are bunched together. Hit the middle one to sprout a bean stalk.
Follow it up to a secret area where you can get a random powerup. Exit through the gap to the right.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is in plain sight behind two Paratroopas once you exit the pipe.
Head forward past the piranha plants to reach the halfway marker.
Star Coin #3: Jump on to the spinning platform and take it down through the wall to the left to reveal a
secret area with a pipe. Enter the pipe and then quickly run to grab the star coin on the right side. Note
that Goombas will start falling from the pipes above, so be careful. Once you get the coin, exit through
the pipe on the left.
All that's left is to jump across a couple more spinning platforms and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 1-6 Castle

Jump across the rotating gears and hit the first "?" Block for a powerup. Be careful not to get squished
while running under the gears.
Star Coin #1 It's hard to miss the first star coin, which is suspended in the air over a gear next to a
platform with a Dry Bones on it.
Continue across the platforms and gears. The next "?" has another powerup if you need it.
Head forward once you reach a large stretch of solid ground and you'll reach the halfway marker.
The next hallway is full of Thwomps. For those uninitiated in the ways of Mario, Thwomps will come
crashing down when they sense you near. You can either be brave and run past them without stopping,
or take it slow and bait them into falling, then passing under while they're rising back up.
Either way, the first Thwomp poses no threat as long as you stay under the two "?" Blocks. Hit the one
on the right for a powerup.
Star Coin #2 The next Star Coin is in plain sight, but isn't immediately obtainable. Bait the Thwomp
above to crash down through the blocks, then as its rising up, grab the coin and wait in the small hole
until the Thwomp comes down again. When it rises up the second time, get out and continue heading
A 1-Up resides hidden in an invisible block between two Thwomps that sandwich a platform with a
bunch of coins underneath. Jump around to find it.
When you reach a long line of Thwomps with a red coin ring nearby, the best option is to jump through
the ring, and then just follow the trail of coins without stopping or hesitating.
Keep on jumping across the gears and platforms until you reach the final huge gear at the end.
Star Coin #3 Instead of jumping on the platform to the right, ride the final gear all the way to the bottom
and enter the green pipe. Hit the P Switch and then quickly run across the newly formed blocks, wall
jump off the wall to the right, collect the coin, then exit through the yellow pipe.
Head through the boss doors to start the next boss fight.
BOSS - Larry Koopa
The second battle with Larry is pretty much the same as the first, with the one exception the ground
now moving up and down.
Same strategy still applies. Jump on him when he lands after his own jump, then jump away to avoid
getting hit by his sliding shell. You need to take special care not to get caught in a gap with him when
he's spinning.
After three stomps or a bunch of fireballs, you'll defeat Larry and complete World 1!

World 2
1 World 2-1
2 World 2-2
3 World 2-3
4 World 2-Tower
5 World 2-4
6 World 2-5
7 World 2-6
8 World 2 Castle

World 2-1
This level introduces sand geysers. When you see sand start spraying up from a pit, get ready for a
stream of sand to shoot upwards, providing you with a platform to stand on temporarily. If you jump
into the stream, it will take you to the top of the geyser.
Jump across the sand geysers and hit the second "?" Block for a power up.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is easily obtainable by jumping into the sand geyser underneath it and
riding the stream of sand to the top.
Head to the right and grab the red koopa shell after stomping it. Throw it into the block on the left to
reveal a 1-Up.
Continue across the line of sand geysers and you'll eventually reach solid land once again. Be careful of
the Boomerang Brothers guarding the area before the halfway marker.
Hit the "?" Block after the halfway marker for a power up and then jump over the piranha plant as you
continue heading right.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin can be found under a piranha plant in a small alcove. Walk off the left
end of the geyser to land inside the alcove.
A Fire Flower will be helpful when dealing with the multitude of piranha plants in the next section of the
level. If you don't have one though, just take your time and jump over them, but be careful of the ones
situated underneath sand geysers.
Star Coin #3: Towards the end of the level you'll find the final star coin floating underneath a platform
that's suspended over a pit. Grab a koopa shell from one of the nearby Paratroopas, jump on to the sand
geyser to the right of the platform, and throw the koopa shell off the left end of the geyser to hit the
coin and obtain it.
Hop across a few more geysers to reach the end of the level.

World 2-2
Hit the "?" Block for a power up to start off the level.
Hold down to slide down the ramp for a triple kill on the line of goombas up ahead.
You'll meet a new spike ball throwing enemy at the top of the next slope. Wait for him to throw the ball,
then quickly jump on his head before he throws another one.
Continue heading to the right and avoiding the spiked balls that the enemies throw at you. Hit the
rightmost "?" Block when you reach the two "?" Blocks that are next to each other for a power up.
Eventually you'll reach an elevator lined with a bunch of red koopas. Knock out the first one and throw
its shell against the wall. Now just focus on jumping over the shell and you'll take out all of the koopas
on the way to the top.
Jump on and grab the shell once you reach the top, take it over to the right, and throw it over the pit so
that it hits the brick block, revealing a power up.
Pass through the halfway marker but turn back to collect the first star coin.
Star Coin #1: Right before the halfway marker is a narrow sand pit. Jump in and let it take you all the
way down. Once you're in the secret area, drop down, hit the switch, and collect all of the coins as
you're falling. Head through the pipe on the right once you reach the bottom. The first star coin is
located between two spiked ball throwing enemies. Hit the switch and ride the platforms up to claim the
coin. Exit through the pipe point upwards.
Head right, stomp the ball throwing enemy, and then jump on to the moving platform.
Star Coin #2: To the right of the vertically moving platform are a line of brick blocks. Hit the left most
block to sprout a beanstalk. Climb up the beanstalk and ride the platform, collecting all the coins you
can. Eventually you'll come to a POW Block. Pick it up, but don't throw it until the platform is under the
star coin. Once you get the coin, jump down to return to the level.
If you want to finish the level, just keep heading right and you'll soon reach the end. If you want to grab
the final star coin, head back to where there is a pipe to the left of a vertically moving platform and head
inside the pipe.
Star Coin #3: In order to claim the next star coin, you'll need to be tiny mario. You can find a tiny
mushroom in the above mentioned pipe. Once you're tiny, head right until you see an alcove with
barrels that block off a tiny pipe. Head inside, run across the water, and wall jump to reach the platform
where the final star coin awaits.

World 2-3
Hit the "?" Block for a power up and then head into the yellow pipe.
This entire level is nearly pitch dark, with the only light coming from candles, fireballs, and the small
amount of light that Mario emits.
Take things slow as you make your way towards the right. Piranhas will pop up occasionally to shoot
fireballs at you. Make use of the light they give off to see where you're going.
A power up is located in the rightmost "?" block of two blocks that are right next to each other and
sandwiched between two pipes. If you get a fire flower from it, use fireballs to light your path.
Continue heading right and you'll eventually come to a slope with a "?" Block at the base. Hit the block
for a star and use it to light up the entire level temporarily.
Speed ahead with the star while running through the flame enemies. There's another "?" Block at the
end of the first section with the block pyramids that contains another star. Grab it to maintain the
lighting on the stage.
Star Coin #1: At the second section with the yellow block pyramids, the first star coin awaits at the
Continue heading right to reach the halfway marker.
Leap over the first gap to bypass the Piranha plant, but wait at the second for a moving platform to take
you over to the other side.
Keep on heading right, but be careful of fireballs thrown by Fireball Brothers. Drop down below the first
one and hit the blocks he is standing on to kill him.
Star Coin #2: Underneath the bridge to the left of the first Fireball Brother is the second star coin.
Continue heading left, letting the fireballs light your way.
Star Coin #3: Just beyond the two giant Piranha plants is a ceiling that you can walk across to reach a
secret area containing the third star coin. To reach it, use the moving platform and jump to the right
when it reaches the top to land on a small platform. From there just jump to the ceiling to the right and
run across to the star coin.
Exit through the pipe to reach the end of the level.

World 2-Tower
Start working your way up by climbing the fences and jumping on the platforms.
The two doors to your left and right both lead to the same area. Inside you'll find a room where you can
get some coins by hitting a switch.
Continue heading up while avoiding the purple blasts and stomping the Dry Bones that get in your way.
Star Coin #1: Eventually you'll spot the first star coin on the left side as you're climbing up a pair of
fences. Jump to the top, wait for the fences to start making their way to the left side, then jump towards
the coin, and wall jump back to grab the fence and pull yourself back up.
At the top of this area will be a door leading you to the second half of the level.
Hit the halfway marker and stomp the Dry Bones down below.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is located in a secret alcove to the right of the Dry Bones after the
halfway marker.
Start working your way up the same way you did in the first half of the level. There aren't too many
surprises in this tower.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin will be in plain sight underneath a line of spikes on the left side once you
near the boss doors. Get on the middle fence and wait for the fences to start moving downwards. Once
they do, jump on the fence to the left, quickly grab the coin, and drop back to the middle fence.
Climb up just a bit further and you'll reach the boss doors.
BOSS - Roy Koopa
Roy's shtick is that he will jump very high up into the air and then crash down with great force.
You need to jump before he hits the ground or he will stun you and then hit you with a magic blast.
After he lands, he will pause for a second and then try to hit you with a blast from his wand. Jump on his
head before he's able to do that.
After you hit him, he'll do the usual tactic of retreating into his shell and spinning around the platform.
Jump over him twice and he'll come out.
Repeat this three times to bring Roy down, at least for now.

World 2-4
Wind gusts will constantly be blowing to the right, making Mario's movement very erratic in this level, so
proceed slowly.
Wait for the wind to die down and then jump on the ladder leading to a "?" Block with a power up.
TIP: The power ups in this level should contain a Propeller Suit, which is very useful in this particular
level. Try to start the level with a Mushroom so you can get a Propeller Suit early.
Continue heading right until you reach the green pipe.
Star Coin #1: You'll need a Propeller Suit for this star coin. Jump on the green pipe and fly up to the
platform to the right. Stand on the left edge and jump around to try and hit a group of invisible blocks.
The middle one will sprout a beanstalk that will take you to the first star coin.
Continue heading right, past all of the koopas and piranha plants and you'll eventually reach the halfway
Star Coin #2: Once again, you'll need a Propeller Suit for this coin. Head right from the halfway marker to
the edge of the platform and you'll notice a pipe underneath and to the left. Head inside, drop down to
grab the coin, and then quickly shake the remote to fly up and reach safety before you fall into the pit.
Exit through the pipe on the right.
If you're going for the next star coin, head down the slope and stop at the edge of the platform.
Otherwise, you can just head up the ladder and continue heading right to reach the end.
Star Coin #3: Like the two star coins before it, you'll need a Propeller Suit for this one as well. Wait at the
above mentioned platform for the wind to pick up. Once it does, jump off the edge and shake the
remote to fly up into the star coin. This can be tricky to get the timing down because you need to have
the wind backing you up so it can push you far enough to the star, and to the bridge above. Check the
video below for a visual guide.

World 2-5
Jump on the top of the tree to get enough height to jump over the Pokey.
Hit the two "?" Blocks just up ahead for a power up and then continue heading to the right.
The "?" Block just to the right of the huge Pokey contains a Yoshi.
TIP: If you eat the head of a Pokey, the body will fall apart. If you manage to eat a Pokey in the quick
moment when its thorns turn to leaves, you'll gain a 1-Up.
Continue heading right and eventually a Lakitu will appear. Eat the Lakitu, or kill him by stomping on
him, and you'll be able to hop into his cloud and fly around temporarily.
Star Coin #1: When the Lakitu first appears there should be a large tree and a small cloud just to the left
of it, which obscures the first star coin. Either use Lakitu's cloud or jump off of Yoshi to grab it.
TIP: If you fly Lakitu's cloud upwards and to the right of where the first star coin is, you'll find a brick
block with a 1-Up.
You can use Yoshi and his flutter jump (hold jump), to easily proceed above all of the enemies as you
make your way rightwards.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is a bit tricky to find. As you're moving forward, keep an eye out for a
suspicious Piranha Plant sandwiched between two yellow blocks. Have Yoshi eat one of the Spinys that
Lakitu drops and shoot its shell at the lone Piranha Plant. Drop down to where the plant was and walk
rightwards until you hit a wall and then left to drop down to a secret area where you'll find the second
star coin.
Use the Koopa and Spiny shells to get rid of all of the Piranhas in your way as you continue heading
rightwards towards the end of the level.
Star Coin #3: Just after the huge Piranha Plant is a sand pit with a couple of blocks suspended above. Try
to get on to Lakitu's cloud at this point, and then follow the coins upwards and to the right. The final star
coin is located near a Paratroopa suspended very high in the air.
Fight your way past a couple of more Pokeys and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 2-6
Head forward and hop on to the pink square mushroom platform. Once you're on it, it will slowly start
moving forward while rotating counter-clockwise.
Hit the first "?" Block you see for a power up, but be careful not to fall off the platform going after it.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is at the top of the first incline you see. It's a bit tricky to nab, since it's
pretty high up and you still have to get back on to the platform. Don't rush it, and wait until the rotating
platform is high enough for you to jump and grab it.
The platform will continue along the track past a group of paratroopas. Focus on remaining on flat
ground as much as possible.
Star Coin #2: Eventually you'll come to a spot with swinging brick blocks. The easiest way to get on top
of them is waiting until the mushroom is under the bottom row of blocks, and then jumping when they
move apart so that they'll catch you when they swing towards each other. From there work your way to
the pipe at the top to reach a bouncy area where the star coin awaits.
Continue forward past the Piranha plants and you'll make it to the halfway marker.
Hit the swinging "?" Block for a power up and proceed forward by jumping along the mushrooms.
Get on the next rotating pink mushroom platform and ride it along the track, while being careful to
avoid getting hit by the floating flame spitting enemy. Do not hit the switch yet!
NOTE: When this enemy runs out of flames on its tail, it was seek you out and then try to explode next
to you. Try to stomp it before that happens, since you don't have anywhere to run.
Star Coin #3: Requires a Propeller Suit. Hop on to the yellow mushroom platform with the switch and sit
tight for a bit. Wait until the pink mushroom platform moves under the platform you're standing on and
then hit the switch. Quickly jump to the right and shake the remote to start flying. Land on the brick
blocks and then fly towards the coin. Float back down towards the pink platform.
There is a red coin ring that will grant you a 1-Up if you manage to collect all eight coins while riding the
mushroom along the track. It can be dangerous though, so do it with caution.
Exit through the green pipe at the end and continue forward to reach the end of the level.

World 2 Castle
Star Coin #1: If you have a Propeller Suit, you can get this coin immediately just by flying up to it at the
start. If you don't just proceed forward until you reach the three paths and take the middle one.
Head forward past the pits and Dry Bones until you reach the three paths and take the top one.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is in plain sight. Just bash through the brick blocks below and wall
jump towards your prize. You must be at least Super Mario to break through the blocks.
At the next spot with three paths, take the bottom path.
Star Coin #3: Hit the switch to turn the coins into blocks, which will give you a platform to stand on in
order to collect the third star coin.
Quickly head through the middle path while the switch is still active or the way will be blocked with brick
Hit the right most brick block at the end for a power up and then head through the boss doors to fight
one more time against Roy Koopa.

BOSS - Roy Koopa

Roy's main pattern of attack here is to teleport around the different pipes, drop down, shoot you with an
projectile, and then hop back into the pipes.
Your strategy here is simply to move left and right while he's traveling in the pipes and be ready to jump
before he hits the floor so you avoid being stunned. While he's getting ready to fire his projectile, jump
on his head.
After getting hit, he'll spin back and forth in his shell a couple of times and then jump back into the pipes
to repeat the pattern.
Repeat this three times and you'll bring him down for good.
World 3
1 World 3-1
2 World 3-2
3 World 3-3
4 World 3-Ghost House
5 World 3-Tower
6 World 3-4 (Without Red Switch)
7 World 3-5 (Without Red Switch)
8 World 3-5 (With Red Switch)
9 World 3-4 (With Red Switch)
10 World 3-Castle

World 3-1
Hit the first "?" Block for a power up and then head forward along the slippery ice.
The sliding penguins in this level require two stomps to go down and will change direction when they
run into something that stops their progress.
TIP: This level should introduce you to Mario's Penguin Suit. In addition to being able to shoot iceballs
like he would with the Ice Flower, the Penguin Suit allows Mario to slide across the ground and water by
holding down while running, eliminates the slipperiness of walking on ice, and allows him to swim much
The leftmost "?" Block next to the two green pipes up ahead holds a power up that should hopefully
contain a Penguin Suit.
Star Coin #1: After you pass the two green pipes you'll come to a slope. With the Penguin suit, run on
the slope and hold down to cause Mario to crash through a group of brick blocks and clear the passage
to the first star coin.
Continue heading forward and you'll soon come to the halfway marker of the level on top of a platform
suspended in the air.
Star Coin #2: Under the halfway marker and to the right is a small little alcove with a pipe sticking out
that hides the second star coin. The easiest way to get it is by freezing the piranha plant, standing on the
ice cube and jumping for it. If that isn't possible, you can still get it by just wall jumping off the small
piece of wall to the right of the coin.
Head back up and continue right towards the green pipe at the end.
Hit the "?" Block once you exit the pipe for a power up.
Star Coin #3: Start sliding once you reach the first slope and continue all the way to the end where you'll
crash through a couple of brick blocks and wind up next to a pipe. Enter the pipe to reach a room with
the star coin and a bunch of penguins sliding towards a pit. Position yourself just to the right of the small
slope on the bottom level and wait for a penguin to slide towards you. Stomp the penguin and then
quickly freeze him with your ice ball so you land on a slow moving ice cube. Ride the ice cube towards
the star coin and then wall jump off the wall to claim the coin and reach safety.
All that's left is a nice slide towards the end of the level. Be careful not to fall!
World 3-2
Head forward and hit the first "?" Block for a power up.
This level introduces another classic Mario enemy in the Bullet Bills. These enemies are shot from
cannons and move in straight predictable lines. Individually they're not a problem, but they can be
trouble when you see a bunch of cannons.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight suspended above a bridge. Use a passing Bullet Bill to
springboard towards the coin.
Head to the right and you'll run into an Ice Brother. Hit the "?" Block to the left for a power up before
you take him on. If he hits you, shake the remote to break free of the ice.
When you see two "?" Blocks, one above the other, sandwiched between two cannons, hit the top one
for a star.
With the star, you can blaze through as much of the level as you can and pass through the halfway
Eventually you'll see an area with cannons shooting Bullet Bills in both directions. Make it past the first
area, but then stop at the next where you see a pipe down below in between two sets of cannons.
Star Coin #2: Hop into this pipe in between the two cannon sets to reach a room with three cannons.
Your aim here is to jump on the first Bullet Bill and let your momentum take you to the left so you can
jump on the second Bullet Bill, then jump on the third Bullet Bill and aim to hit the star coin at the very
top. This is tricky and may take some practice. Check the video below for a visual guide.
Head to the right, but be careful of the Ice Brother on top of the elevator platform. Find a pause in his
attacks and then stomp him.
Star Coin #3: Bait the cannon to the left to fire a Bullet Bill, and then get on the elevator platform and
ride it to the platform on the right. Jump over the Bullet Bill and let it continue flying rightwards. Once
its off the platform, jump on it and continue heading right to land on a platform with the third star coin.
Continue heading right and you'll reach an area with lots of brick blocks in the air and cannons on the
ground. If you can manage to hit the top most second brick block from the left, you'll grab a 1-Up.
Just a little bit further to the right to reach the exit.

World 3-3
Kill the Ice Brother up ahead by bumping the blocks he's standing under. The second block from the left
holds a 1-Up. When you're ready, head into the pipe.
The icicles on the ceiling will shake a little before they fall, so use that as a warning to know when not to
stand under them.
Jump across the floating platforms as you make your way rightwards and watch for falling icicles.
Star Coin #1: When you see a thin platform with a "?" Block over it, swim underneath it to reveal a
secret area with the first star coin.
Head forward to find a group of Goombas and an Ice Brother. Stomp the Goombas, then once again,
find a pause between the attacks of the Ice Brother and then stomp him.
Head through the pipe at the end to continue to the next area.
Hit the halfway marker and then wait for the large icicle to fall down. Jump on it and then head towards
the next platform.
Head forward and hit the rightmost "?" Block for a power up.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is just up ahead in plain sight over an Ice Brother. Kill the enemy and
then jump to grab the coin.
Head forward and jump on to the platform to the right of the two "?" Blocks to reach a secret area with
a pipe that will lead you to a room where you can get a bunch of coins by throwing the POW Block.
In the next section you can either be brave and speed across the gaps without stopping to avoid getting
smashed by the giant icicles, or play it safe and wait for each one to drop.
Continue forward to reach an area with a bunch of Goombas. Slide down the slopes to take them out
When you reach the end, bait the large icicle to fall, then jump on it and enter the pipe.
Hit the right most "?" Block for a power up, then go down and grab the barrel. With the barrel on
Mario's head, he can run through the next section without worry of getting hit by falling icicles.
Star Coin #3: Be careful not to lose the barrel as you proceed through this part. Once you reach the end,
you can throw the barrel towards the star coin to nab it.
Exit through the pipe and you'll be able to run towards the end of the level.

World 3-Ghost House

Star Coin #1: Right from the start, head left through the wall into a secret area with the first star coin.
Hit the "?" Block at the top for a power up.
TIP: For those uninitiated with the Mario enemies, Boos will only move to attack you when you're back is
facing them. When you are looking in their direction, they will freeze and place their hands over their
eyes. Use this to your advantage when maneuvering around them since they cannot be killed by
anything but a star.
With the above tip in mind, head towards the right end of the room and head through the wall to reach
the true exit of this room. The other doors will disappear when you try to use them.
In the next room, start climbing the ropes and make your way to the top while avoiding the various
Star Coin #2: Keep your eyes out for a sign that points upwards. When you reach this sign, start climbing
the ropes, but make your way towards the left wall. When you see a group of three coins between a
rope and the wall, jump through the wall to reach a secret alcove with the second star coin.
Head through the door at the top to reach a new room with a bunch of stairs leading up to a rope strung
over head.
Jump on the rope and start heading right. If a Boo is in your way, turn around, lead him to one of the
platforms, then drop down, run under him, and jump on the rope again.
Hit the "?" Block along the way for a power up.
Head all the way to the end to reach another door.
The door will take you to an elevator that will move very erratically. Focus on avoiding getting hit by the
Boos as the elevator eventually falls down to the bottom.
TIP: The "?" Block on the right after the first big drop contains a star. Use it to kill any Boos that get in
your way.
Once you reach the bottom, head through the door and proceed towards the exit.
Redo the level and head back to the area with the rope strung over head.
Continue past the "?" Block that contains a power up and you'll begin to see moving platforms. Jump to
the lowest moving platform and look for a lone platform. Jump down into the platform to find a secret
The door leads to an elevator just like the one before the exit in the previous path.
Star Coin #3: When you see a "?" Block, move to the right side and head through the right wall to find
the third star coin.
Once you reach the bottom, head through the door and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 3-Tower
Jump on to the purple block and wait for it to tilt so you can jump towards the platform on the left.
Wait for the purple block to tilt again so you can jump on top of it.
Head up to the next level and this time jump in the blue block. Hit the "?" Block for a power up.
Drop down outside of the block and jump on to the platform on the right. Wait for the block to rotate so
you can wall jump between the right wall and the block to reach the top.
Star Coin #1: Jump from the top of the blue block to the small piece of land on the platform to the right.
Head through the wall to find a door that will lead you to the first star coin. Exit through the door on the
Jump up to the elevator platform and ride it past the Sparkys to the top.
When the elevator reaches the top, hit the halfway marker, continue heading up, and hit the middle "?"
Block for a power up.
Jump on to the next elevator and begin riding it up. Be ready to defend yourself against a horde of Dry
Bones that will be dropping on to the platform.
Star Coin #2: When you reach the POW Block near the top of the elevator, hold on to it and avoid the
spiked balls until they break through all of the blocks above. Throw the POW Block once the blocks are
gone to clear the screen of enemies and allow yourself easy access to the star coin.
Hit the brick block on the right once the elevator reaches the top for a 1-Up and then continue heading
Star Coin #3: Once you reach the top of the rotating blue block, wall jump off the wall to the right to
reach a platform with a Dry Bones and the third star coin.
Head up just a little bit farther to reach the Boss Door.
TIP: If you need a power up before the fight, there is an invisible block on the left end.
BOSS - Lemmy Koopa
Lemmy's pattern involves him using his wand to create bouncing balls that try to push Mario off the
slippery stage, then riding to the other side on his ball, and repeating the process.
The balls he creates don't hurt you and you can actually jump on them to help get you a better angle for
stomping Lemmy.
Once he's stomped, he'll retreat to his shell and slide across the stage like all the other Koopa Kids.
Stomp his head three times and he'll be done.

World 3-4 (Without Red Switch)

NOTE: World 3-4 is a unique level in that you have to play it twice. Once without the red switch being
activated, and once with the red switch being activated.
Head forward and hop on to the spinning ice block which will take you to the other side. Hit the leftmost
"?" Block of the middle two for a power up.
Stomp the Koopa shell and hold on to it as you continue heading right.
Use the Koopa shell to easily take out the Fire Brother on the platform up ahead.
Star Coin #1: One of the easiest star coins in the game to get. Just jump and nab it after killing the Fire
Continue heading right across the various pits and perils and you'll eventually reach another large
spinning ice block.
Avoid the Paratroopas and hop on to the next spinning ice block. Duck to get under the floating platform
up ahead.
Star Coin 2: Inside this floating platform is the second star coin. Stand once you're inside and quickly
jump to grab it.
Head on to the next platform and hit the halfway marker.
Hit the first "?" Block for a power up, which should hopefully be a Penguin Suit.
Continue heading right until you reach an area with a bunch of spinning ice blocks moving towards the
left like they were on a conveyor belt.
Star Coin #3: At the end of this conveyor belt of ice blocks is the third star coin. Just take care not to get
hit by the Fire Brothers.
Jump up to where the second fire brother was to find a POW Block. Hold on to it and wait for a huge
spinning ice block to make it was towards you.
Jump on the block and throw the POW Block to cause coins to rain from the sky.
Once you reach the other side you'll pass the level.

World 3-5 (Without Red Switch)

On your first playthrough of World 3-5, you don't have much to do other than ride the rotating platform
up to to the top.
There is a power up in the rightmost "?" block in the first group of blocks you see.
Grab one of the Propeller Boxes above the "?" Blocks if you don't have a Propeller Suit already.
Work your way up to the top by alternating between riding the rotating platform and flying with your
Star Coin #1: There is only one star coin you can get right now and it is located on the right side of the
level at the area where you see your first Piranha Plant. Use a Propeller Suit or Propeller Box to grab it.
Head up just a bit farther until you reach the end of the track. Enter the pipe and continue forward to
reach the end of the level.

NOTE: At the world map screen, after completing World 3-5, head right and move to the red switch to
activate it. With the red switch activated, replay World 3-5 and World 3-4.

World 3-5 (With Red Switch)

Now that the red switch has been activated, you can complete this level the way it was meant to be
Everything is basically the same until you reach the pipe that takes you to the end of the level. Instead of
heading in the pipe to the right, jump on the red blocks and enter the Red Pipe.
The next area is largely the same as the previous one. A rotating pink block will take you to the top of
the level, there is a propeller block on the right side and a "?" Block on the left that contains a power up.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is in plain sight next to a Koopa on a platform with ice blocks.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is located in between a set of paratroopas. The best way to get it safely
is by using a Propeller Suit or Propeller Block.
Continue heading up towards the end of the track to reach a yellow block that will take you to the end
of the level.
NOTE: Replaying this level and completing it this way will grant you access to this worlds cannon.

World 3-4 (With Red Switch)

You need to replay world 3-4 with the red switch activated in order to reach the castle.
Everything plays out mostly the same except that instead of having to use the spinning ice blocks to get
across, you can just walk across the red blocks for the most part.
Once you reach the halfway marker, head to the right and run across the line of red blocks under the
group of floating ice platforms. Take this all the way to the end to find a red pipe that will lead you to the
true exit of the level.

World 3-Castle
Head across the slippery ice while stomping the Dry Bones along the way.
Hit the rightmost "?" Block on the second set of blocks for a power up.
Exit through the green pipe at the end.
In this next section you'll have to ride a constantly moving line of blocks while dealing with obstacles and
sudden changes in direction. As a general rule, try to stay in the middle of the platform at all times so
you have enough time to react to these changes.
Star Coin #1: Eventually the platform will arrive at a spike bed. Use the balls that are bouncing around to
jump up to the donut platforms above to grab the first star coin.
Head into the green pipe once you reach the end to move on to the next area.
Jump on one of the Bob-ombs and throw it so it breaks the ice below when it explodes.
Star Coin #2: Once you drop down, jump on another Bob-omb and use it blow up the ice on the left side.
Use a Bob-omb to break the ice on the right and continue forward.
Once again, use some Bob-ombs to blow away the ice blocking the platform below. Make sure you're
not on the ice when they explode.
Jump on to the moving platform below and get ready for another ride.
NOTE: In case you didn't know. The donut platforms will fall if you stand on them for too long.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is just up ahead in plain sight suspended above a line of donut
platforms. Get the coin and then wait for a good time to jump back to the blue platform.
Ride the platform all the way to the end and you'll wind up at the Boss Door.
Head into the green pipe to find a room where you can get a power up and some extra coins.
When you're ready, head through the Boss Doors for another battle against Lemmy.
BOSS - Lemmy Koopa
Lemmy is basically the same as he was before except this time the ball he rides is huge.
The only difference this makes in your strategy is that now you have to use the balls he shoots at you to
bounce high enough to stomp him.
Like before, three stomps and he'll be done.

World 4
1 World 4-1
2 World 4-2
3 World 4-3
4 World 4-Tower
5 World 4-4
6 World 4-5
7 World 4-Castle
8 World 4-Airship

World 4-1
Head forward and hit the rightmost "?" block for a power up. Try to enter the level with a Mushroom so
the power up gives you a Penguin Suit.
TIP: Swimming with the Penguin Suit is a bit different than swimming normally. Simply press a direction
on the D-Pad to swim in that direction and then press 1 to perform a stroke and get a boost in speed.
Head into the water and start swimming ahead. Freeze the Cheep Cheeps with the Penguin Suit if you
have it to incapacitate them.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is suspended in the air in plain sight, but reaching it is not quite so
simple. You need to have either the Penguin Suit or an Ice Flower. Freeze the Piranha Plan directly
below the coin and let the ice cube rise up to the water surface. Once it's at the top, jump on the cube
and then jump for the coin before the cube sinks.
Continue heading to the right and you'll eventually reach an area where there is a purple spiked Cheep
Cheep. These guys will home in on you, so swim quickly away or freeze it.
Jump on to the log above the purple Cheep Cheep and hit the rightmost block for a power up.
Continue swimming right and hit the next "?" Block you see for a star. Plow through as much of the level
as you can while invincible.
Star Coin #2: Eventually you'll reach an area between two pipes blowing bubbles downwards where a
sea urchin floats around the surface of the water. Freeze the Urchin with an ice ball, wait for it to float to
the surface, then jump to reach the next star coin. You need to be quick.. Urchins don't stay frozen for
Continue heading forward, jumping over the huge Urchins and pausing once you reach a piece of land
with a bunch of blocks up above.
Hit the right most "?" Block above to get a power up and then carefully start swimming past the various
urchins while heading right.
Star Coin #3: At the end of this urchin ridden spread of water is a pipe blowing bubbles to the left. With
the Penguin Suit, shoot the first urchin and either wait for it to fall, or jump on its ice cube and use the
angle to shoot the second urchin. Jump on the second urchin's ice cube so you can jump to the platform
to the right where you'll find the third star coin suspended above a green pipe.
Head back into the water and swim under the pipe so you can exit through the pipe at the end.
Jump on the paratroopa and grab the flag pole to end the level.

World 4-2
Head forward and hit the right most "?" Block for a power up.
A fire flower is very helpful in this level since you can throw fireballs and then run behind them as they
act as a shield of sorts against jumping Cheep Cheeps.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight on top of a floating barrel.
Continue heading forward, across the barrels, and you'll soon come to the halfway marker.
Hit the first "?" Block you see after the halfway marker for a power up.
Continue speeding along the donut platforms, never stopping for too long or you'll find yourself in the
water with a pack of hungry fish.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is just as easy to get as the first. It's in plain sight when you reach the
first cave after the halfway marker.
Shimmy across the ledges and then hit the "?" Blocks to find a power up.
NOTE: You move faster when you're hanging from a ledge, but you can jump when you're shimmying.
Shimmy across the next couple of ledges and you'll be introduced to a yellow ledge that will fall if you
stay on it for too long. Keep this in mind as you proceed forward.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is also in plain sight, but its a little trickier to get to. Drop from the
yellow ledge, shimmy over to the middle fo the next yellow ledge, pull yourself up, and jump to grab the
Continue across another line of donut platforms and you'll soon reach the exit.

World 4-3
Start off by heading right and hitting the first "?" Block for a power up. Use it to stomp the two nearby
rock throwing crabs.
Continue heading right and you'll reach a stretch of water inhabited by plenty of Urchins.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is suspended in the air above a "?" Block. You can't miss it.
Hit the last "?" Block above the water for a power up.
Hit the right most "?" Block on the mound of sand for a star. Note that this star makes getting the next
star coin a lot easier.
Star Coin #2: In addition to the above mentioned star, you should also have a Penguin Suit. When you
grab the star, start sliding across the surface of the water to the right. Plow through the urchins until you
reach the big one that is guarding the second star coin.
Hit the halfway marker, but then go back to the next platform to the left and hit the middle brick block
for a mini mushroom. This is needed for the final star coin.
Continue heading to the right, being extra careful not to get hit while in mini form.
Star Coin #3: When you jump over the two crabs, you'll see a pool of water with an urchin and a tiny
pipe on the right. Enter the tiny pipe as Mini Mario by running across the surface of the water. Inside
you'll find the third star coin in the middle of a heart made out of coins.
Continue heading to the right until you reach the green pipe at the end.
Run forward to the end and you'll reach the flagpole that signifies the end of the level.

World 4-Tower
Sit tight at the start and wait for the conveyor belts above to drop a couple of blocks down to your level.
After the first pair of blocks drop, you can quickly run to the other side to find a "?" Block with a power
Work your way towards the top of the room and enter through the pipe at the top.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin will probably be the first thing you notice when you emerge from the
pipe. To get it, simply jump on one of the larger blocks on the conveyor belt, and jump for the coin as
you aim to land back on the platform to the right.
Jump over the blocks and work your way up the blue platforms on the left side.
Head up the various conveyor belts and hit the "?" Block along the way for a power up.
Jump up to the next level where you'll see six conveyor belts leading you upwards.
Star Coin #2: Hidden in a small alcove on the right side of the top layer of conveyor belts is the second
star coin. Jump through the wall directly under the halfway marker to find it.
Head up through the blue platform and activate the halfway marker.
Jump up through the next blue bridge and grab one of the Propeller Blocks. You can activate the red
coin ring if you want, but your eventual goal is to use the propeller head to make it to the top of this
area and exit through the green pipe.
Head across the conveyor belts, being careful not to let one of them smash you when they fall down.
Eventually you'll reach another pipe leading to the next area.
Star Coin #3: Right when you enter the room you'll see the third star coin, but don't go after it! Wait for
the first five blocks to fall, then jump on the block right in front of you and wait for the next three blocks
to fall. Once the third block hits, immediately make a mad dash towards the star coin. Once you get it,
wait for the next block to fall to the right of you and then get on top of it so you avoid getting smashed
by the final block. Check the video below for a visual guide.
Continue heading to the top to reach the next boss door.

BOSS - Wendy O. Koopa

Wendy is a pretty basic boss in that the only thing that makes her unique is her ability to shoot rings that
bounce around the room.
Outside of that ability, she doesn't do much other than jump around.
The strategy here is the same as usual. Wait for her to start jumping, jump on her when she lands, then
be prepared to jump over her as she spins back and forth in her shell.
Be careful because the range of her jump increases each time you stomp her, so don't be taken by
After three stomps, she'll go down and you'll have completed the level.
World 4-4
Head into the pipe to start off the level.
Hit the first "?" Block for a power up and then continue swimming ahead.
Bloopers are hiding in the two pipes up ahead. If you have a fire flower, you can bait them out and then
shoot them down.
NOTE: Bloopers cannot be frozen.
As you continue to make your way rightwards, keep an eye out for Bloopers looking to ambush you.
Once they're out in the open, they will sink down a bit, and then shoot towards you at high speed. Note
that Bloopers cannot shoot downwards, only sink down.
Continue heading forward and you'll reach the halfway marker.
Proceed forward for a while until you see a P Switch.
Star Coin #1: Hit the P Switch to turn off the bubbles being blown by the pipes, which will let you enter
the yellow pipe above. Hit the "?" Block on the right for a power up, which should contain a Penguin Suit
if you're at least Super Mario. Use an ice ball to freeze the Cheep Cheep, and then jump on the ice cube
to reach the star coin.
Once you emerge from the pipe after getting the star coin, continue swimming to the right while
avoiding getting hit by Bloopers and Cheep Cheeps.
Star Coin #2: In plain sight sandwiched between two green pipes. You can't miss it.
Star Coin #3: A little bit to the right of the second coin and just before the exit pipe is a tall platform.
Swim through it to find a secret area with the third star coin.
Exit through the green pipe at the end and jump across the log platforms to reach the end of the level.

World 4-5
Hitting the white smiley block will cause a Lakitu to appear that will throw down coins instead of Spinys.
Hit the right most "?" Block for a Yoshi.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight suspended in the air next to a palm tree. Jump on the
palm tree and then jump towards the coin.
Continue heading to the right, using a Lakitu's cloud if you'd like. Pause once you reach the tall green
pipe next to the two "?" Blocks.
Star Coin #2: Once you reach the tall green pipe, get in a Lakitu's cloud and fly upwards and to the right
to find the second star coin among a bunch of regular coins.
Drop back down and activate the halfway marker next to the pipe.
Star Coin #3: Once again get in a Lakitu cloud somewhere after the halfway marker and fly upwards and
to the right. You'll eventually see a pipe pointing down that will take you to the location of the third star
coin. Once there, simply hit one of the blocks, steal the lakitu's cloud, and fly up towards the coin.
From here on, it's a pretty straight run towards the end of the level with few surprises.

World 4-Castle
Start off by grabbing the fence and working your way to the top of the platform with the "?" Blocks. Hit
the rightmost one for a power up.
NOTE: Press 1 while on a cage to pound it and hit anything on the other side.
Continue heading to the right until you spot a fence with a square panel on it. Hop on to the fence and
hit the panel by pressing 1 to spin around to the backside. Now whenever you grab a fence, you'll grab
the back end of it.
Star Coin #1: The reason why you needed to spin around to the backside of the fence is because the first
star coin awaits on the backside of a fence just a couple of steps more to the right.
Keep on moving to the right, ignoring the koopas on the large fence with the panel.
Star Coin #2: Just after the fence with the large door panel is an area with two large spiked crushers
sandwiching anything between them. And wouldn't you know it, between them is the next star coin.
Drop down and crouch in the small dip in the ground that is underwater and wait for an opening to jump
out and grab the coin.
Continue heading right and exit through the door at the end.
Travel past a couple of more spiked crushers and you'll come to the halfway marker. Hit the first "?"
after it for a power up.
Head forward and jump on the blue platform to avoid getting hit by the crusher.
When it retracts, jump on to the next platform and then continue heading right.
Hit the random power up block and continue forward to find a POW Block.
Throw the block where you find it to cause coins to rain from the sky.
In the next area to the right are two more crushers. Hide in the dip to avoid the first one, while it
retracts jump out to wait for the second one, then while that one is retracting, quickly jump up to safety
where a pipe is waiting to take you to the next area.
Quickly swim through this area to avoid getting the attention of the skeleton fish. When they see you,
they will quickly swim in a straight line towards the last location they saw you at.
Exit through the pipe at the end to reach the final area before the boss fight.
In this section there is a giant crusher that nearly extends the length of this entire area.
Wait for it to retract, then quickly run ahead and jump to the first floating platform for safety.
When it retracts a second time, quickly run on the bottom level all the way to the end where there will
be a green pipe in the water.
Star Coin #3: Head inside this green pipe to reach an underwater area filled with skeleton fish and the
third star coin. Swim down to the coin and then quickly swim back to the pipe.
When you re-emerge, if you're fast enough you can make it out without getting hit by the crusher. If you
want to play it safe, just want on top of the pipe until the crusher hits and retracts again.
Head through the Boss Door once you're ready to fight against Wendy one more time.
BOSS - Wendy O. Koopa
The only difference in this battle is that the water level will rise and fall. Not much changes. When the
water level rises, just avoid getting hit by Wendy and the rings until it falls again. Once you can run, start
working to stomp the boss.
Do this three times and you'll take Wendy down for good.

World 4-Airship
Head right and hop over the crates. Note that you can break these crates by butt stomping them.
You'll meet a new enemy up ahead in the Mecha Koopas. Stomping them will disable them temporarily,
allow you to pick them up and throw them a short distance. You need to be careful though because they
eventually come back to life.
Hit the first ? Block you see for a power up.
Continue heading right past all of the Mecha Koopas and flame jets.
Star Coin #1: At the end of flame jets section is the first star coin, which waits in a small dip under the
last flame jet. Wait for the flame jet to point to the left, jump over it, and then grab the coin.
Head right and then drop down into the next section. When you drop down to the second black
platform, head left to find a "?" Block with a power up.
Continue heading right to reach the halfway marker for the level.
Star Coin #2: Right after the halfway marker is a large stack of boxes covering a pipe. Butt stomp through
the boxes and enter the pipe. Jump on the platform of screws and continuously jump and run a few
steps to make the screws move ahead. If you run for too long on the platform, you'll fall off so find the
right balance of running and jumping. Collect the coin and then exit through the pipe on the right.
Continue heading forward past the line of moving pipes to reach an area with Bob-ombs and flame jets.
Jump between the flame jets, but keep an eye out on the cannons, which will be shooting Bob-ombs
bettween the gaps.
Hit the next "?" Block for a power up.
Star Coin #3: Just before the pipe that takes you to the boss of this level, you'll see the last star coin in
between two platforms. Take one of the Bob-ombs and throw it next to the box under the pipe to open
a path to the coin.
Head into the yellow pipe, grab a Propeller Block, and fly up through the gap on the right to proceed to
the next boss fight.

BOSS - Bowser Jr.

This is a pretty simple fight. Bowser Jr. just flies overhead in his Koopa Clown Car and shoots fireballs at
you which cause the ground to catch on fire.
All you have to do is grab a Propeller Hat, fly above Bowser Jr., and hold down to stomp his head.
Repeat this three times to bring Bowser Jr. down.

World 5
1 World 5-1
2 World 5-2
3 World 5-3
4 World 5-Tower
5 World 5-4
6 World 5-Ghost House
7 World 5-5
8 World 5-Castle

World 5-1
This level introduces a new type of Piranha Plant that actually walks around and isn't confined by a pipe.
When their stalk is extended, they will stand in place, but when they shrink down, they will start walking
back and forth.
Jump across the platforms and over the Piranha Plants as you make your way rightwards.
Star Coin #1: Just before the first giant green shell there is a slight dip in the ground and a mound of
brown dirt. Butt Stomp through it to find a tunnel where the star coin awaits.
Hit the random power up block and continue heading right.
The second brick block you see that is coming out of a platform contains a 1-Up.
In the next area you'll find a bunch of Piranha Plants blowing a green spiked ball in the air. Jump
between the gap created by the ball and the Piranha as you proceed forward.
Star Coin #2: When you reach the second giant green shell, hop into the water and swim through it to
find the hidden second star coin.
Continue forward and you'll reach the halfway marker.
Head forward to find a bunch of vines that you can swing across. You can use your initial momentum to
jump to the second vine, but you'll likely have to build up some speed on the second vine by holding the
direction you're swinging.
Once you reach the other side, hit the middle brick block for a power up.
You'll come to a wheel shaped platform series of platforms that moves whenever you stand on a
platform that will turn the wheel. Jump on the right most platforms to move the wheel forward but be
careful to avoid getting hit by the spiked balls the Piranha Plants blow.
Once you reach the other side, get past a couple of more Piranha Plants and grab hold of the vine.
Star Coin #3: While grabbing the vine at the end of the level, swing towards the giant green shell and
enter the pipe to find the third star coin.
Head through the next pipe to reach the end of the level.

World 5-2
This level introduces the Wigglers, another classic Mario enemy. Normally, Wigglers are yellow and
move around slowly, but when you jump on them, they turn red and start moving much faster.
The first "?" Block on the lowest platform contains a power up.
Star Coin #1: From the start, head along the ground level as far to the right as you can. When you reach
the end, jump up to the next level and head through the wall to find a POW Block. Throw the POW Block
to the right to cause the first star coin to drop.
Head all the way to the right end and enter the pipe.
Hit the first "?" Block for another power up.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is in plain sight underneath the blue platform near the above
mentioned "?" Block. To grab it, jump off the back of the Giant Wiggler below.
Head forward and drop down into the small gap between the two blue platforms to avoid getting hit by
the wiggler in this narrow tunnel.
When the Wiggler leaves, proceed up the tunnel and start continuously wall jumping in the opening
above while the next Wiggler passes by.
Once its clear, drop down and run forward. Get behind the Wiggler that falls from above and jump off its
back to reach the next platform. Follow the trail of coins as a guide.
Head forward to hit the halfway marker and continue moving forward, but pause under the outline of
coins above.
Star Coin #3: Wait under the outline of coins for the Wiggler on the left to drop down. Once it does, start
jumping on its back and continue bouncing until you're able to bounce to the top of the ceiling on the
right side. Once again, follow the coins as a guide. Run all the way to the right to enter a secret room
with the third star coin. Exit through the yellow pipe.
Continue bouncing across the giant wigglers to get across the next area without touching the poisonous
liquid below. Exit through the pipe and you'll be able to finish the level.

World 5-3
This level introduces another new enemy called Bramballs, which walk on their vine legs and flip over
every time they move. If you can get under them and hit their head from below, they'll drop a coin. Kill
them by stomping on their head from the top.
Keep on heading forward past all of the Bramballs and you'll reach a pipe that will take you to an area
where you can find a bunch of coins and a random power up block.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight, but can be tricky to get. Bounce off the head of one of
the Bramballs to grab it.
Run across the rolling logs, hitting the "?" Blocks along the way, and make sure to hit the last brick block
for a 1-Up.
After the rolling logs you'll reach the halfway marker.
Hit the left most "?" Block on the top row for a power up.
Stomp the Bramball over the green pipe, but don't enter it just yet. Anticipate the movement of the
Bramball above so that you enter the pipe right when it lifts its leg to move its head so its in line with the
pipe. You'll get a bunch of coins if you kill the Bramball above by shooting into it.
Star Coin #2: You'll spot the next star coin shortly after the pipe cannon. Stomp the koopa and throw its
shell at the brick blocks by the star coin, clearing up the path.
Continue heading forward until you reach a log with a Bramball standing above on two platforms. Move
to the right side and jump to create two invisible blocks, which will cause the Bramball to move one of
its legs on to the newly created blocks. Once it does, jump on the blocks to the left and then bounce off
the Bramball's head.
Star Coin #3: The final Star Coin is located in plain sight under two donut platforms. Its a dangerous coin
to get, but you must wait for the donut platform to fall, collect the coin, then quickly wall jump back to
Exit through the pipe at the end to reach the end of the level.

World 5-Tower
The spiked walls in this level will constantly be moving left and right, revealing new platforms and hiding
Start heading up the blue platforms and hit the second "?" Block you see for a power up.
Once you reach the top of the first set of sliding walls, wait for a blue platform to be revealed on the left
side, then use it to jump to the brick blocks above.
Continue heading upwards. The next blue platform will appear on the right side.
Star Coin #1: Wait at the second set of brick blocks from the last step for the first star coin to reveal itself
on the right side.
Keep on working your way upwards until you find a brief moment of rest when you reach the halfway
Wait for the middle to be clear, then jump on the trampoline and get on the blue platform.
Keep on heading up and get the red coins from the red coin ring if you're able to.
Star Coin #2: When you see the path split, take the path on the left to find the second star coin.
When you reach the top of the previous section, grab the trampoline and move it under the blue
platform. Jump on up when its clear.
Star Coin #3: When you reach the very top, you'll see the final star coin above a bunch of brick blocks.
Break the blocks by quickly jumping into them, and then wall jump to grab the coin and wait for the wall
to recede. If you need a mushroom, you can find a hidden block on the left side of the blue platform,
near where the boss door is.
Once you get the third star coin, head inside the boss door to fight the next Koopa Kid.

BOSS - Iggy Koopa

Iggy is another pretty standard Mario boss. The only thing unique about this battle is that there are
moving platforms.
Outside of that, he still follows the usual pattern of projectile, jump around, slide back and forth when
Iggy does jump pretty high though, and with the moving platforms it can be tricky to avoid at times.
Stomp him three times and he'll go down.

World 5-4
This is a pretty unique level in that its almost entirely spent on a floating raft with enemies constantly
dropping on to it.
When you enter the pipe at the start, hit the "?" Block on the left for a power up.
The raft will stop moving when five enemies or more land on the raft. In order to keep it moving, you'll
have to continuously kill the koopas, goombas, and piranhas that fall on to the raft.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight about a third of the way through the level. To grab it,
bounce off a Goomba or Koopa.
Be careful once it gets cloudy above, because you won't be able to see the enemies coming. Bob-ombs
and Piranhas will also start dropping in addition to just Goombas and Koopas.
Star Coin #2: Pick up the POW Block when the coast is clear and hold on to it until the raft passes under
two coins trailing down from the sky. Throw the POW Block to cause the star coin to fall on the raft.
Star Coin #3: The final coin is to the right of the exit pipe. Stomp a Bob-omb and throw it on top of the
grey blocks above the coin. Grab the coin and then exit through the green pipe.
Head forward and you'll reach the exit.

World 5-Ghost House

NOTE: The way that this ghost house works is that there is only one true way to the end of the level. The
rest of the exits will just send you back to the start. I'll first describe the paths to each star coin, then the
path to the exit, and finally the path to the alternate exit.

Star Coin #1:

Grab the light block and start running to the right.
Jump over the first gap and enter the door at the end.
Head right and hit the second "?" Block for a power up.
Grab the light block and head all the way to the right end of the room. Get on to the platform under the
rightmost door and head through the wall to find the first star coin.
Exit through the door at the top right.

Star Coin #2:

Grab the light block and start running to the right.
Drop down the first gap
Drop down the second gap and enter the door to the left.
Hop across the platforms and hit the first "?" Block for a power up.
At the end of the room to the right of the door is the second star coin.

Star Coin #3:

Grab the light block and start running to the right.
Drop down the first gap
Jump over the second gap
Head up the stairs
Drop down the third gap
Enter the door on the right.
Hop through the wheel of boos and hit the "?" Block for a power up.
Hop through the next wheel of boos and grab the star coin at the top.
Exit through the door at the end.
Path to Exit:
Grab the light block and start running to the right.
Drop down the first gap
Jump over the second gap
Head up the stairs
Jump over the third gap
Drop down the fourth gap
Jump over the fifth gap
Exit through the door at the end
Head right and you'll reach a maze of brick blocks. Wait for a path to reveal itself and be careful not to
get smashed when the blocks move.
Head through the door at the end and you'll be outside where you can jump on the flagpole to end the
Grab the light block and start running to the right.
Drop down the first gap
Jump over the second gap
Head up the stairs
Jump over the third gap
Drop down the fourth gap
Drop down the fifth gap
Head through the wall on the left and enter the door at the end.
Hit the switch to turn on the light blocks and jump across to the next platform to the right.
Pick up the light block, hit the next switch, and start jumping across the blocks to reach the right side.
Head through the door to reach the outside where you'll be able to find the end of the level.

World 5-5
This level takes place almost entirely on the backs of giant green manta rays.
Just keep jumping across the rays as they take you across the level. Eventually, you'll have to start
keeping an eye out for Bullet Bills.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight suspended in the air. Get to one of the higher platforms,
wait for a Manta Ray to appear below, and jump for the coin.
TIP: There is a Propeller Block obscured by some clouds to the left of the star coin. Grab it to make this
level easier.
Eventually you'll reach land once again and will be able to activate the halfway marker.
Continue heading right and hit the first "?" Block you see for a power up. The second "?" Block should
also contain a Propeller Suit, assuming you got the previous power up.
Star Coin #2: After the second "?" Block after the halfway marker, the second star coin is just up ahead,
obscured by a large cloud. Fly into it with your Propeller Suit.
Star Coin #3: When you reach an area with two small platforms with six coins above them, wait for a
Manta to appear that has a POW Block on it. Grab the block and hop on to the platform above. Wait for
a group of Manta Rays to appear below a bunch of coins in a "W" pattern, then throw the block to cause
the star coin to fall on to one of the Manta Rays.
Head through the pipe and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 5-Castle
Head forward and hit the first "?" Block for a power up.
Grab on to the fence wheel and start jumping from wheel to wheel while avoiding Iggy's projectiles and
the fireballs leaping out of the lava.
The last group of "?" Blocks contains a power up, which should give you a Propeller Suit if you hit it while
being at least Super Mario size.
Star Coin #1: It's located at the bottom of a pit of lava. If you have a Propeller suit, just drop down, grab
the coin, and quickly shake the remote to fly up. If not, you'll have to slide down the edge and wall jump
when you reach the very bottom.
Continue heading right and jump on to the lone fence wheel.
Star Coin #2: Climb up the left side of this lone fence wheel to reach a secret door that leads to a room
where the next star coin is located. Wait for the fence to rise out of the lava and then climb it to grab
the coin. Exit through the door when you're done.
Continue heading right until you reach the next fence wheel, except this one now has a stopper in the
middle. Run across the stoppers and grab the fence if you start falling towards the lava as you make your
way to the next platform on the right.
Hit the halfway marker and start making your way across the rising and falling fences.
Star Coin #3: The final star coin is in plain sight above one of the fences. Simply climb to the top of the
fence and jump for it.
Hit the first "?" Block after the rising and falling fences to grab a power up.
Continue across one more set of fence wheels and you'll make it to the boss doors.

BOSS - Iggy Koopa

This battle against Iggy is actually completely different than the previous one.
This time Iggy rides around on a track with a Chain Chomp attached to his platform.
As soon as you gain control of Mario, quickly run forward and stomp him once.
Stomping Iggy will cause the Chomp to change direction, so quickly get behind it.
Chase after Iggy by using the bouncy checkered blocks to leap up to the top platform.
Avoid his projectiles and stomp him again.
Repeat this process one more time to bring Iggy down for good.

World 6
1 World 6-1
2 World 6-2
3 World 6-3
4 World 6-4
5 World 6-Tower
6 World 6-5
7 World 6-6
8 World 6-Castle
9 World 6-Airship

World 6-1
Head forward and hit the first "?" Block you see for a power up.
Continue past the Spikes (the enemies that throw the spiked balls) and shimmy across the ledges as you
make your way to the other side.
Once you reach the other side you'll be met by Bullet Bills and two sets of elevator platforms.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is located above a Spike to the right of the second set of elevator
platforms. Wait for a Bullet Bill to ride out in front of you, then bounce off of it to reach the platform
where the spike is. Bounce off the Spike when its safe to grab the coin.
Continue heading right and climb up the rocks to reach a ledge. Start jumping from ledge to ledge as you
avoid getting hit by Bullet Bills.
Once you reach land again, you'll find the halfway marker.
Continue forward and hit the first "?" Block for a power up.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is located between another set of elevator platforms to the right of
the halfway marker.
Continue heading right and hit the red coin ring to try and get the eight red coins that appear. They're
pretty easy to get and grant you a 1-Up.
Proceed forward and hang down from the next ledge as you move across to the rock ladder that takes
you up to the next ledge.
Keep on heading on this path and hit the random power up block on the way.
Right before the end of the level, get on the top platform and wait for a group of Bullet Bills to come.
Bounce off them and land on the platform to the left to find the third star coin. Use the video below for
a visual guide.
Drop back down and grab the flag pole to end the level.

World 6-2
Head through the wall to reach a pipe that will take you underground.
The main thing to watch out for in this level are the Spike Tops that patrol the ceiling, and then fall down
and slide towards Mario when he gets close.
Hit the "?" Block with the two Spike Tops over it to gain a power up. Continue heading right across the
moving circular floor.
Jump over the giant Piranha Plant and head over to the next area.
Star Coin #1: Right after the giant Piranha Plant, you'll see the bottom part of the star coin through a
hole in the wall below. Jump over the brick blocks to the right and grab hold of a Spike Top by stomping
it and grabbing the shell. Jump back to where the star coin is and throw the shell at the lone brick block
to the left. Slide under the gab, grab the coin, and jump back out.
Continue heading right and you'll reach the halfway marker.
Hit the middle "?" Block among the line of three for a power up.
Proceed forward, but be wary of the falling spike tops from above.
Slide down the slope and take out the goombas, then jump over the Piranha and wait at the pipe.
Star Coin #2: You'll need either a Penguin Suit or an Ice Flower to get this star coin. Freeze the Piranha in
the pipe when it fully extends, then freeze one of the piranhas on the side. Jump from ice cube to ice
cube and grab the coin.
Continue heading rightwards past all of the bats. Pause when you reach the second circular moving
Star Coin #3: Wait on the second circular moving floor until a dip in the ground reveals a pipe. Head
through the pipe to reach a room with a P Switch and a couple of Spike Tops. Hit the switch to turn the
bricks into coins and the coins into bricks and hop onto the platforms to grab the coin.
Towards the end of the level you'll run into two huge hammer brothers. They behave like normal
hammer brothers except when they jump and hit the floor, they will cause an earthquake that will stun
Mario. Make sure to jump before they hit the ground. Try to use the POW Block above to take them out.
Head forward to the pipe up ahead to be transported outside where the flagpole to end the level waits.

World 6-3
Head through the left most pipe to start off the level.
Drop down to the bottom and hit the switch to cause the water level to rise. Swim up to the platform at
the top before the water falls again.
Slide down the slope and hit the "?" Block for a power up.
Continue heading right and stop once you see the first star coin.
Star Coin #1: Head to the right of the giant Piranha Plant and grab the shell of the Buzzy Beetle. Use it to
kill the Piranha, then hop on its platform and wall jump to the star coin.
Head right to the next area and hit the switch to raise the water level so you can reach the platform up
top. Hit the "?" Block for a power up.
Star Coin #2: Grab a Buzzy Beetle from this top platform, then drop back down and use it to kill the giant
Piranha Plant. Ride its platform up and grab the star coin.
Slide down the slope and speed through the next area to avoid getting hit by the falling Buzzy Beetles.
Eventually you'll reach the halfway marker.
Head right and you'll soon reach an area dangerously populated by giant Piranha Plants. Wall jump up
the walls above the first platform to reach a secret area where you can get a power up. Hopefully it will
be a fire flower.
If you can't get a fire flower, use the Buzzy Beetles from the previous area to take out the Piranha Plants.
Star Coin #3: Break the blocks above the Piranha Plant and wall jump between the walls to reach
another secret area with the third star coin.
Continue to the next area with giant Piranhas, climb the platforms hit the switch, and swim through to
the pipe at the end to reach the end of the level.

World 6-4
This level introduces another classic enemy in the Monty Moles. These creatures pop out of the
mountains and start rushing back and forth, trying to chase down Mario.
Hit the first block for a power up and then proceed past the first few Montys until you reach a second
set of "?" Blocks for a Yoshi.
Hop on Yoshi and use him to eat up all of the Moles and Koopas that get in your way.
Continue heading forward until you see a line of coins pointing to the sky.
Star Coin #1: Use Yoshi to jump up at the line of coins, and then shake the remote to leap off of the
dinosaur and reach the coin.
Keep on moving forward past the various platforms and pitfalls and you'll be introduced to pulley
platforms. These two platforms are strung together by a line and pulleys. Stand on one, it will start to fall
and the other will start to rise.
Eventually you'll make it to the halfway marker.
Star Coin #2: From the halfway marker, drop down the gap to the right with Yoshi or a Propeller hat, and
flutter jump or fly towards the pipe at the bottom. Head into the pipe and then jump and leap off of
Yoshi to reach the POW Block to the right. Throw the block to cause the star coin to fall. Hop back on
Yoshi and exit through the pipe on the right.
Continue across the pulley platforms and hit the "?" Block once you reach land again for another Yoshi
Star Coin #3: Head forward from the "?" Block that had the Yoshi egg and you'll reach a pulley platform.
Stay on the left platform for a bit so the right platform rises up, then jump on the right platform and use
it to jump off of the wall to the left and into a secret alcove to the right. If you have a Yoshi, you'll have
to leave him behind. Continue to the right through the hidden area to find the star coin.
Jump down into the pipe below to reach the end of the level.

World 6-Tower
In this level, you'll have to deal with a huge spiked crusher shooting upwards at regular intervals while
you try to climb the tower.
Start things off by climbing the platforms and waiting for the crusher to retreat back to its starting
Head across and hit the "?" Block for a power up. Wait for the crusher to retreat again and then jump
across the platforms to the left side.
Continue this process of jumping up the platforms and waiting where there is safety until the crusher
Star Coin #1: When you see a horizontally moving platform, wait on the platform to the left for a safe
moment to jump across into a small alcove right under the moving platform on the left side. Inside this
alcove waits the first star coin.
Keep on moving upwards by climbing the moving and bouncy platforms until you reach the halfway
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is in plain sight after you hit the halfway marker. Wait for a safe
moment when the crushers pull back and then bounce off the walls to grab the coin.
Hit the next "?" Block you see for a power up and then activate the red coin ring for a chance to gain an
extra life or power up.
When you start seeing pipes, use them as cannons to shoot yourself up to the top. Just make sure you
don't shoot yourself when the crusher comes down.
Start heading up the moving platforms but don't jump through the orange bridge once you reach the
Star Coin #3: Instead of going through the orange bridge when you get to the final moving platform, wall
jump up the narrow gap to the right to grab the third star coin.
Hit the "?" Block if you need a power up, then head through the boss doors when you're ready.
BOSS - Morton Koopa Jr.
There are several unique aspects of this fight against Morton. First is that the actual fighting space is
really small.
Second, there are crushers at both ends of the platform.
Third, when you hit him, his shell spin is really fast, meaning the only real way to avoid it is by hopping
up to one of the ends where the crushers are.
Fourth, when he crashes down, he will cause an earthquake which will stun Mario momentarily.
As such, this is one of the harder Tower boss battles, but its still pretty easy.
Make note of which crusher is going to fall next so that when you hit Morton, you can go to the opposite
one and wait for him to stop spinning.
Three stomps and you'll win this round against Morton Jr.

World 6-5
Hit the second "?" Block for a power up then proceed rightwards.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight in a gap with a lone giant "?" Block. Be careful of the giant
fish as you try to grab it.
Continue heading right and you'll eventually reach the halfway marker.
Hit the rightmost "?" Block on the top row for a power up and then head across the platforms to the
right by bouncing off the koopas.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is on a lone platform below one of the ledges. Simply maneuver to the
middle ledge, then shimmy off to land on the platform with the coin.
Continue heading right through the rest of the level and you'll come to the pipe leading you to the
flagpole. Not many surprises in store for you on the way.
There is an alternate exit that you must take in order to get the third star coin for this level.
To find the alternate exit, you must hit a hidden block that is located near the four giant blocks floating
in the water, to the right of where you find the Propeller Block. When the water level is low, jump from
the second block to the third block and you should hit the hidden block that sprouts a beanstalk.
Climb the beanstalk, grab the Propeller Block, and start making your way to the right while collecting as
many coins as possible.
Star Coin #3: With the Propeller Block in hand, jump on to the flying "?" Block and fly through the air to
the right to find the third star coin.
Continue to the end to find the alternate end of the level flagpole.

World 6-6
Slide down the slope to kick off the level.
In this level you'll be riding a special boat with a light that can be controlled by your tilting of the
Since there's not much to advise on this level, I'll just list the locations of the star coins and alternate
Star Coin #1: Keep your light shining towards the ceiling to find a POW Block. Grab hold of it and don't
throw it until you see the star coin over your boat.
Star Coin #2: After the halfway marker, there will be a couple of blue platforms leading to a platform
with a spring. Take the spring and place it on your boat. Keep your light pointed up and be on the
lookout for the second star coin in between two sets of bats. Use the spring to grab it.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is located after you see the Propeller Block. Grab the propeller block if
you want to, and then use it or the spring to jump up to the platform with the brick block next to it on
the left side. Follow the path to the left to find the star coin.
Replay the level and proceed all the way to where you see the Fire Brothers. In between the first two
Fire Brothers is a red pipe that will take you to a secret winding tunnel filled with bats.
Take the red pipe at the end to reach the end of the level and unlock World 6's cannon.

World 6-Castle
Hit the top "?" Block for a power up and then start heading across the swinging ships, being careful not
to be on the end when it dips into the lava.
When you come to the next group of "?" Blocks, hit the top one for another power up.
Star Coin #1: When you reach the last swinging ship, jump on the blocks above and bounce across the
group of Dry Bones to reach the first star coin.
Drop back down and start heading across the next group of swinging ships.
Star Coin #2: Once you reach the second swinging ship, quickly jump on one of the "?" Blocks and use
them to jump up and grab the second star coin.
Once you reach the end, hit the halfway marker and head through the pipe.
This next area is one of the toughest in the whole game. First, hit the "?" Block for a power up.
You have to make it across an obstacle ridden stretch of the level while spiked balls continuously fall
from the ceiling with mostly unpredictable trajectories. The best advice I can give here is to always be
aware of your surroundings and try your best to predict where the spiked balls are going to fall.
When you see a line of "?" Blocks, hit the right most block for a power up.
Star Coin #3: The final star coin is located on the final swinging ship. Try to be at least Super Mario size
and jump for the coin when the right side of the ship is at its highest point.
After you collect the third coin, jump to the platform to the right and jump directly under the "?" Block
to create a hidden block. Stand on the hidden block and hit the "?" Block for a power up.
Head through the Boss Door for one more round with Morton Jr.
BOSS - Morton Koopa Jr.
In this battle, Morton will perform a high jump and then crash down, causing the two columns to both
sides of him to slam against the ceiling. Make sure you're not on one of those two columns when he
crashes down.
Your chance to stomp him comes after the columns retreat back to their normal position and he starts
hopping to his next spot.
Once you stomp him, he'll speed around in his shell at high speeds, but since the battlefield is so wide, it
shouldn't be much trouble avoiding him
Repeat this three times, but note that his little hops increase in height after each time you stomp him.

World 6-Airship
Head forward and hit the first "?" Block you see for a power up.
In this level you'll be doing a lot of running on these circular rotating platforms while suspended over a
pit with a constantly scrolling screen.
Always run in the opposite direction of the rotation, to stay on top.
You'll also find a new enemy called Rocky Wrenches. These moles poke their head out of the ground and
throw wrenches at you. They can be killed by butt stomping them when they pop their head out.
Star Coin #1: As you continue heading right, you'll see the first star coin in a small alcove blocked off by
three boxes stacked vertically. Butt stomp through the boxes and collect the coin.
Star Coin #2: Just a bit after the first star coin is another large stack of boxes with a pipe below. Butt
stomp through the boxes and enter the pipe. Hop across the rotating platforms and you'll reach the star
coin at the end. Exit through the pipe.
Hit the halfway marker and then jump ahead to the red coin ring. Collect the red coins for either a 1-Up
or a power up.
Star Coin #3: When you see a trail of coins leading to the top of a Rocky Wrench, you'll see another stack
of boxes to the right of it. Crash through the boxes and collect the coin to the right.
Continue heading right across the next group of rotating platforms and enter the pipe once you reach
the end to face off against Bowser Jr. once more.
BOSS - Bowser Jr.
Bowser Jr. will take flight in his Koopa Clown Car, but another one will be available for you to jump in
Hop in to the KCC, and shake the remote to spin dash in the direction you're holding.
Play bumper cars with Bowser Jr. and try to knock him into the electrified wall three times.

World 7
1 World 7-1
2 World 7-2
3 World 7-3
4 World 7-Tower
5 World 7-Ghost House
6 World 7-4
7 World 7-5
8 World 7-6
9 World 7-Castle

World 7-1
Head through the wall to the right and hop up to the pipe at the top.
Hit the second "?" Block for a power up and then continue hopping across the platforms as you make
your way to the right.
There's nothing really new in this level that you haven't seen before. Lots of Piranha Plants, rotating
blocks, and tricky platforming.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight next to a Piranha in a pipe, but it can be tricky to grab.
Wait for the purple rotating platform to tilt so that one of the corners pointing at the coin. Get on top of
the corner and then wall jump from the pipe into the star.
Continue heading forward and you'll reach the halfway marker.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is located in the yellow pipe that is between the two red pipes just
after the halfway marker. Head into the pipe and then hop across all of the platforms. Hit the "?" Block
and hope to get a Propeller hat to make things safer. When you reach the end, head past the pipe and
you'll find the coin. Exit through the pipe.
Continue making your way through the level and you'll eventually spot the next star coin in the air.
Star Coin #3: To grab the third star coin, either use a Propeller Hat to fly up to it, or stand on the purple
platform and wait for it to fully extend so you can jump for it and land on the green platform.
Enter the green pipe at the end and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 7-2
This level introduces two new elements. The first is the classic Chain Chomp as an actual level enemy
instead of just part of a boss.
TIP: Chain Chomps can be "killed" by butt stomping their post three times.
The second new element are the floating water bubbles, which will cause Mario to swim once inside,
but he can fall out and jump out if he goes through the edge of the bubble.
With that knowledge in mind, start heading forward and hit the left most "?" Block on the top row for a
power up when you come across a group of blocks.
When you reach another group of Chain Chomps, I'd advise simply to move past them rather than trying
to kill them.
Star Coin #1: When you see a Chomp near the brick blocks that cut you off from the star coin though,
you're going to have to kill it. Stomp the post twice and then make sure that the chomp is facing in the
direction of the coin before you deliver the final blow to the post. When the chomp is set free, he'll
crash through the blocks and allow you to get the first coin.
Continue forward and hit the halfway marker.
Jump into the water bubbles to cross the Bullet Bill filled gap and then jump down on to the blocks
below near the sloped ground.
Star Coin #2: Just to the left of the blocks is a pipe slightly obscured by clouds. Head on in and jump from
bubble to bubble as you try to get to the star coin. Jump to the right of the "?" Block at the end to find
an invisible block with a power up, then exit through the pipe.
Star Coin #3: When you emerge from the pipe after collecting star coin #2, head left and you'll find the
third coin in between two chain chomps. Fall down into the coin by dropping from the middle water
With all three coins in check proceed past one more stretch of water bubbles to reach the end of the

World 7-3
This level introduces another new enemy called Fuzzies. These crazy looking creatures roam around on
tracks, usually in large numbers. They can be killed by fireballs and frozen by iceballs.
Head past the first Fuzzy and you'll notice when you come to the second group that when there is a hole
in the track, the Fuzzies will fall off and land on the next track. Keep this in mind for the future.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is between two fuzzies on a track. Stand on the yellow platform below
and wait for an opening to jump for the coin and not get hit by the Fuzzies.
Hop on the platform and go for a ride as you avoid fuzzies that fall on to your track.
Hit the halfway marker at the end of the track and then hit the first "?" Block you see for a power up.
Continue forward but pause when you see a P Switch.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is in a secret area that can only be accessed by hitting a hidden block
located above the tall blue mushroom platform to the left of the P Switch. Either use a Propeller hat to
get up there, or work your way up there by climbing up the platforms on the right. Once in the secret
area, hit the P Switch and quickly jump from platform to platform as you climb towards the star. Exit
through the pit on the right.
When you return, jump on to the platform to the right for another ride on the track.
Star Coin #3: Just ride the first platform track to the end and you can't miss the third star coin. Jump for
it when the platform is underneath the coin.
Hit the "?" Block near the huge Fuzzies for a star, which you can use to make the remainder of the level
much easier.
Once the platform reaches the end of the track, you'll find the end of the level.

World 7-Tower
Hop onto the elevator platform and tilt the remote left and right to control its horizontal movement.
NOTE: The platform can go through walls, so dont worry about it getting stuck.
Hit the second "?" Block for a power up.
Carefully maneuver yourself so you avoid getting hit by the massive amount of Bullet Bills that are flying
all around.
Hit the red coin ring for a pretty easy pattern of red coins, which should grant you a 1-Up or a power up.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is located above the third set of Banzai Bills, all the way on the right side.
Star Coin #2: Once you reach the top of the elevator, instead of heading through the pipe, move the
elevator to the left side and jump to hit a hidden block next to the block that's holding the elevator.
Jump on the block and then jump on the ceiling and head right. Inside this secret area is the second coin.
Hit the halfway marker and then jump on the next elevator.
This part is pretty difficult since the cannons above will fire Bob-ombs when you can't even see them or
where they're coming from. Try your best to maneuver the elevator so you get as few Bob-ombs on the
platform as possible.
Hit the "?" Block on the way up for a power up.
Star Coin #3: The second star coin is located behind brick blocks on the left side. You have to use a
ticking Bob-omb to blow the blocks up, which can be challenging since you have to position the throw
just right so the Bob-omb lands on the small piece of land before the blocks. If you can take a hit, you
might just want to grab a Bob-omb and just stand in front of the blocks while holding it.
Once you reach the top of the elevator you'll see the Boss Doors. If you need a mushroom or want
another power up, head to the left hand wall and jump to find a hidden block with a power up.
BOSS - Ludwig Von Koopa
Ludwig's a surprisingly basic boss compared to the previous tower boss encounter with Morton Jr.
Ludwig will shoot a homing projectile at you, then jump in the air and flutter jump for a while before
finally coming down. He won't stun you when he lands, so you don't have to worry about jumping when
he hits the ground.
You'll know he's about to come down when he floats straight up after a flutter jump. Jump on him when
he lands so he doesn't get an opportunity to fire another projectile.
Once you hit him, he'll do the usual shell spin and repeat his pattern.
Hit him three times to bring him down.

World 7-Ghost House

Hit the first "?" Block for a power up.
A new enemy called the Broozer makes its debut in this level. Broozers will charge towards Mario while
flailing their arms and destroying everything in their path. They take three stomps on the head to
Star Coin #1: Lure the Broozer over to you by jumping down and then jumping back up to the platform.
The enemy will crash through the blocks, allowing you to jump down and grab the star coin.
Continue heading up the stairs until you reach the door at the top.
Head through the door and hit the random power up block quickly as the floor will soon disappear.
Drop down to the bottom while following the direction of the coins to avoid getting hit by Boos.
When you touch ground you'll find five different doors to choose from.
Star Coin #2: Enter the top right door and lure the Big Boo away to reveal the second star coin.
Maneuver around the Boo to pick it up. Exit through the door on the right.
Hit the "?" Block for a power up and then continue heading right to reach the end of the level.
Back in the first area where all of the Broozers are, head up the staircases and pause when you reach
the top of the staircase just after the sign pointing up.
Lure the Broozer down to your level, then jump over him and lead him into the wall to the left with a
cracked board.
The Broozer will break through the wall revealing a secret part of the Ghost House. Head on through.
Start heading up and use the spring to hit the "?" Block on the left for a power up.
Jump up to the middle platform and hit the two brick blocks on each side of the platform above to
create beanstalks.
Climb up the left beanstalk and hit the switch to create a moving platform. Jump on it, hop to the
platform above, and then use the spring to jump to the moving platforms above.
Once on the moving platform, hit the brick block along the right wall to create another beanstalk.
Climb the beanstalk, collect the coins, and then jump down to the door on the left.
You'll find yourself outside the house at the top floor. Drop down and head back in using the door at the
bottom left.
Star Coin #3: The star coin is in plain sight in this room, but its between two fake "?" Blocks that will
shoot towards you when you get close. Once you get the coin, exit through the door at the bottom left.
Jump on the flagpole to end the level.

World 7-4
Hit the "!" Block to activate the special platform to the left. Once its activated, you can tilt the controller
left and right to move the platform.
Test out this new platform by using it to get Mario to the green pipe above.
Head through the next green pipe to start off the level.
Hit the "?" Block to the left for a power up and then start making your way to the right.
Continue forward across the moving pipes, piranhas, and Bullet Bills and you'll find another "?" Block
with a power up.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight right next to a Banzai Bill cannon. Use the Bullet Bills
coming from the right as a spring board to jump on the Banzai Bill so you can grab the coin.
Enter the stationary red pipe to move on to the next area.
Hit the "!" Switch and then hop over to the platform to the right to get the halfway marker.
The middle block among the three blocks to the right has a power up.
Move to the end of the platform to the right and tilt the controller to the left to move the platform over
to you.
Hop on and then tilt the controller right, then hop over to the green pipe.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is in plain sight as you're heading across the platform. When you see
it, make sure the platforms are on the left side. Jump on the top platform and then jump through the
coin and land on the bottom platform.
Jump across the platforms on to the next green pipe and tilt the controller to the left to create a line of
platforms for you to walk across.
Get on the last platform in the line and tilt the controller to the right so you can enter the pipe.
Continue past this next section of moving pipes, Koopas, and Bullet Bills all the way to the end where
you see a sign pointing at a red pipe. Don't go in just yet.
Star Coin #3: Instead of going in the red pipe at the end, use the Bullet Bills to bounce yourself up to the
green pipe to the right. Head to the left to find an armada of Bullet Bills being blasted to the right.
Bounce on them and make your way to the top cannon where the star coin awaits. Exit through the red
Head forward once you emerge and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 7-5
This level introduces a new enemy known as a Fwoosh. These clouds blow more clouds ahead to
obscure Mario's view. They don't move and can be killed by a single stomp. Shake the remote to execute
a spin jump to clear away their clouds.
Hit the first "?" Block you see for a power up.
Star Coin #1: When you get past the first Fwoosh and reach the moving platform, you'll see the first star
coin on a small ledge below. The fwoosh to the right will obscure it with clouds, so use a spin jump to
clear them if you can't see the coin.
Continue forward and hit the top most "?" Block up ahead for another power up.
When you reach the next moving platform, hit the brick block for another power up. It was a Fire Flower
for me, which is something you should pass up if you already have a Propeller Suit.
Eventually you'll reach an area that is completely obscured by clouds. If you have a Propeller Suit, you
can just fly through it and hold down to quickly clear things up. Otherwise, just use Mario's spin jump.
Hit the rightmost brick block for a P Switch for some extra coins.
Continue forward and you'll reach the halfway marker.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is suspended in the air below a platform just after the halfway marker.
You'll need a Propeller Suit to get it. Drop down and then fly up before you fall to your death to grab the
When you see two more brick blocks, hit the left most one for a P Switch to find more coins.
When you reach a bunch of bouncy blocks, jump off the right most block and hug the right wall to hit a
hidden block with a 1-Up.
Star Coin #3: When you see three Fwoosh's and a Koopa on the middle platform, stomp the bottom
Fwoosh on the right and head through the wall to find the third star coin.
Hop on the bouncy block and try to get the top of the flagpole to end the level.

World 7-6
NOTE: World 7-6 can only be played by finding the alternate exit in World 7-Tower.
In this level you're going to be on the backs of giant Parabeetles for nearly the entire level.
There's not much strategy for this level, but a couple of things to keep in mind
First is that the small beetles will fly up when you land on them and the big beetles will sink.
Second, if you can jump on eight beetles in a row, you'll get an extra life. This makes this a great level to
replay if you want to increase your life count without having to resort to infinite 1-Up tricks.
With that, here are the locations of the star coins.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight at the lower end of the level once the ground disappears.
To get it, hop on an incoming giant beetle and let it fall down to the level of the coin.
Star Coin #2: The second coin is located just after you see three giant beetles one after the other. You'll
see a trail of coins leading up to the star. To grab it, hop on one of the small beetles at the bottom.
Star Coin #3: The third coin is located towards the end of the long line of giant beetles. You'll find it
slightly obscured by clouds. Hop on one of the last beetles and ride it down to grab the coin.
Exit through the top pipe at the end to have a better chance to grab the top of the flag pole at the end.

World 7-Castle
Wait for the crusher to retreat before you start heading right.
Hit the top "?" Block for a power up and then continue moving forward.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is located above a large Dry Bones, blocked off by brick blocks. Bounce
off the Dry Bones to break the blocks and get inside to grab the coin, or just use a Propeller Suit if you
have it.
Continue forward past the next crusher to reach the halfway marker.
Hit the next "?" Block for another power up.
Proceed past the crushers to find two more fat Hammer Brothers. Use the same tactics as before to
bring them down and then continue forward.
Wait between the next two giant crushers.
Star Coin #2: When the crushers retreat, hop down to the next platform to the right and then jump to a
pipe to the left under the platform you were previously standing on. Head inside to reach a room that is
almost completely obscured by clouds. Use Mario's spin jump to clear away some of the clouds and
carefully make your way to the right. There are two crushers to the left and right of the platform you
land on when you fall from the pipe, so don't move until they pull back. The star coin is located below
the top bridge at the right end of this area. When you're done, exit through the yellow pipe.
Continue past the next group of crushers and hit the "?" Block for a power up.
Star Coin #3: Jump on top of the "?" Block and leap through the ceiling for a secret alcove where the
third star coin is located.
Continue forward and crouch whenever you see a sign to avoid getting smashed. At the end of this
section are the Boss Doors, which are guarded by one more large Hammer Brother.

BOSS - Ludwig Von Koopa

In this battle there are only three platforms that you can fight on. If you fall, you die.
When Ludwig uses his wand, he will shoot out four projectiles that move in straight lines and disperse as
they travel farther. Try to be on the farthest platform from him when he uses his wand so you'll have an
easier time dodging the projectiles.
After you dodge his projectiles, he will jump in the air and land on one of the platforms. #Try to jump on
him as soon as he lands and then quickly jump to another platform.
After you hit him, he will spin around in his shell on the platform he's on and then repeat his pattern.
Repeat this three time to put Ludwig down for good.

World 8
1 World 8-1
2 World 8-2
3 World 8-3
4 World 8-Tower
5 World 8-4
6 World 8-5
7 World 8-6
8 World 8-7
9 World 8-Airship
10 World 8-Castle

World 8-1
NOTE: You need to move with urgency in this level because there is a volcanic cloud coming from the
left side that will kill you if it touches you.
In this level you'll have to deal with constantly falling volcanic rocks that will destroy anything in their
path. You'll know when rocks are going to start falling when you see the volcano in the background
Hit the top "?" Blocks for a power up and then start heading to the right.
Continue heading right and be careful about the lava geysers. When you see the lava start to bubble,
either quickly jump across or just wait for the lava to fall back down.
Star Coin #1: You'll find the first star coin suspended high in the air to the right of a large mushroom
platform. Wait for the platform to tilt its right side high up into the air and jump to grab the coin.
Continue heading right and you'll eventually reach the halfway point.
Keep on jumping from platform to platform and avoid the falling rocks until you reach two "?" Blocks
under a line of coins. Hit the leftmost "?" Block for a power up
Star Coin #2: Head to the right and grab the POW Block. Hold on to it and jump to the second set of brick
blocks. Position yourself under the "V" pattern of coins and throw the POW Block to find the second star
Continue some tricky platforming on very small platforms over the lava and you'll eventually reach the
green pipe that will take you out of the level. If you want to get the next star coin though, move on to
the next step
Star Coin #3: Hit the Buzzy Beetle and use its shell to break one of the blocks to the right. Head through
the gap and quickly use the spring to break through the blocks that protect the third star coin. You need
to hurry or you'll get killed by the cloud of death. Once you've got the coin, exit through the red pipe.
Head across the rocky platforms and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 8-2
Head on into the pipe at the end to start off the level.
Hit the first "?" Block for a power up, then keep on heading right across the rotating wheels.
Hop over the Paragoombas and spiked balls and then stomp the giant goombas, which will split into two
regular goombas.
Hit the next "?" Block you see for a power up and then get ready to leap over a giant spiked ball.
Star Coin #1: Jump on the platforms where you ran into the giant spiked ball and jump towards the star
coin to the right.
Continue heading right and you'll reach the halfway point.
Head right for an easy red coin right, which should grant you a power up.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is located in a hidden alcove underneath a red and yellow pipe. When
you see these two pipes, run under them during a pause between their goomba spawning, head through
the wall, and jump to claim the coin.
Continue heading right and get ready to jump over another spiked ball as you near the exit of the level.
Star Coin #3: Head through the last wall to find the third star coin underneath the green pipe.
Jump up to the pipe above and head through to reach the end of the level.

World 8-3
The lava in this stage is irregular and can hit you if you're not paying attention while standing on a
platform, so be alert.
Head to the right and hit the left most "?" Block among the three up ahead to get a power up.
Continue forward and you'll reach a platform that will sink when you step on it, so take note of where
the lava level is when you jump on it.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight below the second sinking platform. When the lava level
beneath the coin is low, jump on to the left side of the platform and let it sink enough to grab the coin.
Continue heading right across the Koopa ridden platforms and you'll eventually reach the halfway
Head through the wall up ahead and carefully make your way through the cavern, making sure not to
get stuck down below when a lava wave comes.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is located towards the end of the cavern in a ditch with a bunch of
regular coins.
Continue heading right and hit the moving "?" Block for another power up.
Star Coin #3: The third and final star coin is located towards the end of the level under an orange bridge.
Go down the slope and quickly jump to the coin to grab it before a lava wave hits you.
Continue across the final group of sinking platforms and you'll reach the pipe that will take you to the
end of the level.. There's no time to think in this last section, since hesitation will cause the platform to
sink into a lava wave.

World 8-Tower
Start heading up and hit the left "?" Block for a power up.
Continue working your way up the tower, being careful to avoid the the rotating firebars.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight on top of a firebar. Simply jump when its safe to grab it.
Continue upwards and hit the "?" Block on the left for a power up.
Continue heading up the left path and jump to the extending platform on the right.
Jump up to the orange platform above and wait for the sliding platform to come back so you can jump
on top of it.
Ride the sliding platform to the left and then work your way up to the next orange platform.
Keep on trekking upwards until you reach an area where a whole bunch of sliding blocks converge
together. Use the coins as a hint to know which areas are safe. Move from safe zone to safe zone as you
proceed upwards.
Star Coin #2: When you reach the top of this area with the sliding platforms, get to the left side and look
for two green blocks with dots in the middle. Jump through these blocks to reach a secret door that will
take you to where the second star coin is. Once inside, run across to the right side, hit the "?" Block for a
power up, then jump for the star coin when the firebar passes you by.
Jump up and hit the halfway marker.
Star Coin #3: Slide under the gap left of the halfway marker to grab the star coin.
Continue heading up and hit the brick block to the left of the firebar for a 1-Up, if you're quick enough to
catch it.
Once you reach the top you'll be able to head inside the Boss Doors.

BOSS - Magikoopa (Kamek)

Magikoopa teleports around the moving blocks and then settles down so he can fire a projectile at you.
This is really all he does, but he's actually one of the trickier tower bosses since his projectiles will turn
the blocks into enemies, which could eventually become dangerous.
The best advice I can give is keep moving and anticipate his projectile blast so you can stomp him before
he gets it off.
Like always, he'll go down after three stomps to the head.

World 8-4
Grab the light block and hit the switch to fall down to the bottom of the room. Follow the trail of coins
to try and get as many as you can.
When you hit the water, swim though the pipe at the bottom.
Hit the middle "?" Block above for a power up.
Swim forward, but be careful of the Spikes up above throwing spiked balls down.
Star Coin #1: Swim towards one of the openings in the ceiling and hop on the land where all of the
Spikes are standing. Fight your way to the left end of the stage to find the first star coin.
You can continue through the rest of this first section by running across the ceiling and throwing light
blocks at the Spikes to kill them.
Head through the green pipe at the end.
The next room introduces Jellyfish. These enemies will slowly creep down on you and the light they emit
will become wider the more they sink.
Hit the "?" Block between the first two jellyfish for a power up, then continue heading right.
Star Coin #2: You'll see the second star coin encased in prison of blocks. Hit the switch above to destroy
the blocks and free up the star coin, but it will also free the Bloopers as well. If you can make it to the
"?" Block to the right, hit it to grab a star, which will make dealing with the Bloopers much easier.
Swim to the right side and enter the green pipe at the end.
Hit the block above the Jellyfish to the left for another power up.
This third area is the toughest in the level. Hopefully you have a Fire Flower and can kill the Jellyfish if
they get too close.
You need to swim upwards in a narrow tunnel with pipes that are placed with the sole intention of
blowing you into the jellyfish.
You need to be extra cautious in this section and time your advances perfectly.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is located just beneath the last pipe on the left near the top of the cave.
Once you reach the top, head through the pipe to end the level.
World 8-5
Hop on to the platform below and tilt the remote to move it left and right.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight and easy to get. Simply jump up to the platform and grab
As a general rule for this level, since you can control your platform, try to avoid getting Bob-ombs on it.
The less enemies you have to deal with, the better.
Eventually you'll make it to the halfway marker where you'll have to switch platforms.
Hop on the next platform and keep doing what you've been doing.
Star Coin #2: After the halfway marker, let a Bob-omb land on your platform. Then stomp him and try to
throw him towards the coin, which is located right on top of the lava. If you're having trouble, just start
the level with a Propeller hat and get the coin by dropping down and flying back up.
As if you had a choice, keep on heading forward on your platform and you'll begin to be swarmed by
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is suspended high in the air shortly after the Crowbers start appearing.
Let your platform fall off the end of the track and jump as it's falling to grab the coin and land back on
the platform.
Once you reach the end, head through the red pipe and you'll be able to end the level.
World 8-6
The lava in this level will continuously rise so you need to move quickly.
Hit the first "?" Block for a power up and then head towards the spring to the right.
Keep on bouncing up to the next platforms by using the springs and then hit the next "?" Block you see
for another power up.
Keep on working your way up and you'll eventually see the first star coin.
Star Coin #1: Hop on to the moving platform and use the spring to jump towards the star coin on the
Spring up two more levels and you'll see another star coin.
Star Coin #2: Simply hop to the wall on the left and wall jump between the two walls to reach the star
coin above.
Head through the pipe at the top.
Hit the halfway marker and then keep on climbing the platforms.
Hit the left most "?" Block for a power up once you reach the area with the chain rope.
Swing across the rope, hop up the platforms, and then hit the red ring so you can collect the right red
Continue working your way up and you'll spot the final star coin towards the end.
Star Coin #3: In the last section before the red pipe, wait for the swinging platform to swing towards
you, then jump on it to reach the star coin above. Or you can just use a Propeller Hat.
Exit through the red pipe and you'll be able to finish the level.

World 8-7
NOTE: You must find the alternate exit in World 8-2 to play this level.
This level takes place almost entirely on the back of a skeletal roller coaster. As such, it's all up to your
skills and reflexes, so I'll just advise you through getting the star coins.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is located on the second roller coaster. When the skeleton dips its head
into the lava, you'll know to be ready for it. When it dips its head into the lava the second time, wait a
little extra before you jump to claim the star coin.
Star Coin #2: After the halfway point the coaster will perform jumps between tracks. The second coin is
suspended in the air above the second jump. Delay your jump a little so you can get the coin and still
land back on the coaster.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is located on the lower track when another skeletal coaster appears
above you. Get the coin, then jump to the top coaster to avoid getting hit by the lava geyser.

World 8-Airship
Jump on the screw and shake the controller to cause the platforms to the right to open up. As soon as
you step off the screw they will start to close again so be quick.
Continue heading rightwards and stomp the boxes to cause a power up to come out.
Head right past the cannons and pause when you see the first star coin.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin can be obtained by bouncing off the cannonballs.
Head right and stomp the last two boxes to cause another power up to emerge.
Keep on moving until you see a mechanism that rotates three cannons and a green pipe. Wait for the
pipe to be on the top and enter it.
Jump to the platform to the right and spin on the screw to cause more platforms to come down.
Jump across to the next screw and repeat the same thing. Hop across to reach the other side and enter
the pipe.
Head to the right and turn the screw to bring the platform to the left. Jump on the platform and let it
take you to the right side so you can jump up to the next platform.
Continue using the screws to manipulate the platforms and you'll eventually reach the halfway marker.
Star Coin #2: After the halfway marker, jump on the platform with the screw and spin it so that you're
under the platform where the star coin awaits. Jump to the right side of the platform to avoid getting hit
by the Mecha Koopas, then stomp them and claim the coin.
Jump back on the screw platform and ride it to the right.
Jump up to the next platform and turn the screw to separate the blocks to the right. Run across them
quickly before they crush you.
Star Coin #3: You need a Propeller Hat for this one. Turn the screw to reveal the coin and then quickly
drop down and fly back up to grab it.
Stomp through the boxes at the end to enter the pipe and face off against Bowser Jr. one more time.

BOSS - Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr. will fly around in his new and improved Koopa Clown Car while dropping huge spiked bombs
at you and spitting the usual brand of fireballs that set fire to the ground.
In order to deal damage to him, you'll have to butt stomp the floor when the bomb is under the boss so
that it pops up into him.
Hit him three times with his own bomb and you'll put him down for good.
World 8-Castle
Hit the first "?" Block for a power up and then continue heading right across the lava pits.
Hit the next "?" Block for another power up.
Continue heading across until you reach the a platform that is too high to reach. Hug the right wall and
jump to hit a hidden block that you can use to get on top of the platform.
Keep on moving forward past the firebars and eventually you'll come to another lava filled section
where you need to jump across platforms that will fall into the lava after you step on them.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is located below the second to last platform. Wait until the platform falls
low enough for you to grab the coin, then jump to the next platform to the right.
Continue heading across the platforms and you'll eventually reach a red pipe taking you down into the
next area.
In this next part, you must slowly descend down a vertical passage while jumping across platforms that
will fall when you step on them. Stay on a platform for as long as you can before jumping to the next
one so you can give the lava enough time to sink and reveal new platforms.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin will be revealed on the right side about halfway down. Its located
under a firebar.
Once you reach the bottom, head through the red pipe.
Hit the halfway marker and head through the boss doors to start on the path to Bowser.
Head through the tunnel and hop over the fireballs. You can also drop into the dips and wait for a break
before you continue moving forward.
Eventually you'll be face to face with the King of Koopas himself.

BOSS - Bowser (Phase 1)

Phase 1 of this fight is classic Mario. Bowser will shoot fireballs and jump really high in the air.
To beat him, all you have to do is run under him when he's doing a high jump and hit the switch on the
Be careful because sometime Bowser will faint his high jump and perform a short hop fireball shot
Once he goes down, the princess will be released, only the Princess is actually Magikoopa in disguise.
He'll cast some magic on Bowser and cause him to grow huge, which will kick off phase two of this
BOSS - Bowser (Phase 2)
Wait for Bowser to start shooting fireballs so he blows a hole in the wall.
Stick to the top path and bait Bowser into shooting fireballs so he clears a path for you. Hit all "?" Blocks
you see for power ups.
Star Coin #3: If you keep on the top path you'll grab this star coin on the way.
Once you reach the elevator platform hit the "?" Block and hopefully pick up a Propeller Hat.
In this second section you'll have to deal with lava waves in addition to Bowser's fireballs.
TIP: A Propeller Suit is especially helpful as a fall back if you miss one of the platforms and start falling
into the lava.
Once you reach the end hit the large switch to drop Bowser and finally save the Princess.
Congratulations! You have beaten New Super Mario Brothers Wii! Now go back to collect all of the star
coins you might have missed so you can play World 9!

World 9
1 World 9-1
2 World 9-2
3 World 9-3
4 World 9-4
5 World 9-5
6 World 9-6
7 World 9-7
8 World 9-8

World 9-1
Grab one of the Koopa shells and throw it to the right to hit a "?" Block with a power up inside.
Head to the right and start making your way across the rotating platforms.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is suspended high in the air just past a group of three Paratroopas.
Bounce off the top Paratroopa to grab it.
Continue heading right by bouncing off of Koopas and Paratroopas and landing on rotating platforms.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is also suspended high in the air above one of the yellow rotating
platforms. To get it, hop on the red platform to the right and jump to the Paratroopa to bounce off of it
and snag the coin.
Proceed ahead and hit the next "?" Block with a Koopa on it for a power up.
Star Coin #3: After you get past the two pipes with Piranha Plants, jump past the next two rotating
platforms and enter the next pipe. In this area you need to jump on the Paratroopa down below and
bounce over to the platforms on the right where the third star coin awaits. Exit through the green pipe
once you're done.
Head across a couple more platforms, Piranha Plants, and Koopas and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 9-2
Hop across the Paratroopas to the blocks to the right and hit the top "?" Block for a power up.
Continue heading right and jump on the large platform with the blue top to have it sink down. These
platforms rise when no one is standing on it, but fall when you're on top.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight just above the water surface below a platform. Jump on
the platform and let it sink to grab the coin.
Continue heading to the right past a bunch of koopas, but pause on the next sinking platform.
Star Coin #2: When you reach a large sinking platform with a Koopa on it, remain on until the platform
sinks down to the level of the green pipe on the right. Enter the pipe and then quickly swim towards the
star coin in the middle before the fish manages to eat you. Exit through the green pipe on the right.
Continue heading right. When you see a sign pointing right, bounce off the Koopa to reach the ledge
above and head through the wall for a small secret area.
Head across the expanding and shrinking blocks and hit the next "?" Block you see for a power up.
Star Coin #3: When you reach the last expanding and shrinking platform, you'll see two Paratroopas
above. Wait until the platform expands, then stomp the Paratroopa and pick up its shell. Throw the shell
at the brick blocks and repeat until you make a gap that you can run through and collect the star coin at
the end.
Bounce across another group of Paratroopas and you'll reach the end of the level.

World 9-3
In this level you have to deal with homing Bullet Bills that flash red.
Hit the middle "?" Block up ahead for a power up then continue heading right.
Jump on the spring and hit the brick block above for a 1-Up.
Grab the POW Block and use it when you think things are starting to get a bit too crazy, or you can just
use it at the start to cause a bunch of coins to fall down.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is located in a pipe obscured by clouds in the pit just to the right of where
you see a sign pointing right. Jump in, hit the P Switch and then qucikly drop down into the maze and
start heading right. Jump over the first gap, and then keep running to the right until you fall down to the
bottom level. From there just run left to reach the middle area where the star coin is. Jump in the pipe
below the star coin to shoot back up, then exit through the pipe to the right.
Star Coin #2: When you exit from the pipe after getting star coin #1, head left and look for a pipe on the
ceiling with two coins covering the entrance. Time your bounces off the Bullet Bills so that you're able to
jump into the pipe. Hit the right block and then jump on the P Switch. Quickly run across and jump
across the platforms to reach the star coin at the end. When you see the part with bunch of blocks that
are spaced one block away from each other, just run across them.
Hit the bottom right "?" Block for a power up, then continue across the moving platform.
Bounce across the Banzai Bills to reach the other moving platforms and keep on going until you spot the
third star coin.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is suspended in the air next to a bunch of regular coins. Wait for a
Banzai Bill to come along to bounce off of and claim the coin.
Keep on jumping from platform to Banzai Bill to platform and head through the pipe to reach the end of
the level.

World 9-4
Jump across and hit the left most "?" Block for a power up.
Continue to the right and hit the left most brick block next to the green pipe for a 1-Up.
Drop down and wait for the screen to scroll so you can hop up to the next area.
Hit the left most "?" Block down below for a power up, then head up to the red pipe.
Jump right and head through the gap. Try to jump from the blue pipe to the POW Block above so you
can kill the Piranhas and Bob-ombs down below.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is located on the other side of the POW Block. To reach it, wall jump off
of the blue pipe on the right.
Continue heading right and jump on the sinking platform. Hit the leftmost "?" Block for a power up.
Continue across the sinking platforms until you can jump on to the green pipe.
Star Coin #2: The coin is in plain sight under the green pipe to the left, but it's pretty tough to get. Wait
for the platform to sink enough so that you can throw a Bob-omb into it. If you're Ice Mario, it's much
easier to freeze a Bob-omb and throw its ice cube on the platform so that it slides into the coin.
Keep on moving and hit the next "?" Block for another power up.
Grab the POW Block and hold on to to it as you head to the sinking platform to the right. Throw the
block when things start to get too crazy with the number of Bob-ombs that get shot on to the platform.
Star Coin #3: Up ahead are a red and green pipe evenly stacked on each other. You'll need an Ice Flower
or Penguin Suit to freeze the Piranha Plant in the green pipe and use its ice cube as a platform to walk
into the red pipe. Jump up to claim the star coin and then head right to the end of the level.

World 9-5
Jump to the right and hit the switch to activate an elevator platform.
Hit the "?" Block on the left for a power up.
Head over to the pipe on the left and jump at the end to reveal a hidden block with a 1-Up.
Start heading upwards by jumping up to the platform on the right side.
Hit the lone "?" Block in the middle for a power up, then continue heading up.
Star Coin #1: You'll see the first star coin in plain sight as you continue heading upwards. It's
recommended that you have a Penguin Suit at this point, but its not required as long as you can take a
hit. Slide down the slope with the coins and then jump up the platforms to get the coin.
Keep on moving up until you see the second star coin and a switch at the bottom right.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is in plain sight and can be obtained by wall jumping from the tiny
block to the right of the coin.
Wall jump up to the platform above and hit the "?" Block on the left for a power up.
Start heading up this next area full of Fuzzies and hit the red ring for red coins if you're confident enough
that you can get them all without taking a hit.
When you see the next group of blocks, hit the leftmost "?" Block for a power up.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is located between two platforms in a seemingly impossible area to
reach. In order to get it, you'll need a Penguin Suit to freeze the fuzzies on the track so that you can
jump to the platform that the coin is on. This is very tough and could potentially take a lot of time, so be
patient. Use the video below as a visual guide.
Hop up a few more platforms and then take the pipe to reach the end of the level.

World 9-6
TIP: I'd recommend coming into this level with a Propeller Suit, as it makes both the level, and getting
the star coins much easier.
In this level, make note that the platforms will dip into the lava, so jump before they reach the bottom of
their track.
With that in mind, head forward and hit the "?" Block for a power up.
At the second group of blocks, hit the top brick block for a 1-Up.
Star Coin #1: Just after the two platforms on a circular track, you'll see a large platform with an
indentation in the left wall. Jump through this wall to find a secret area with the star coin.
Continue heading right across the small platforms and hit the next "?" Block you see for a power up.
Keep on moving right pass all of the erupting lava geysers and fire chomps.
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is in plain sight in a tough to reach area between two platforms and
suspended very low over the lava. Wait for the lava geyser on the left to die down, then slide down the
wall and wall jump off to grab the coin and reach safety.
If you have a Propeller Suit, you can fly up to the platforms above and hit the red coin right, which
generates a fairly easy line of red coins to grab.
Hit the next "?" Block for a power up, then continue heading forward.
Star Coin #3: The final star coin is located under the red pipe that will take you to the end of the level. If
you have Propeller Suit, all you have to do is wait for the geyser to die down and fly to it and then fly
back to safety. If you don't, use the platform that the lava geyser obscures to jump to the coin, then
you'll have to perfectly time a jump back on to the moving platform just when it rises out of the lava. I'd
recommend just coming in with a Propeller Suit.
Once you've obtained the third star coin, head up to the red pipe above and you'll reach the end of the

World 9-7
TIP: I highly recommend starting this level with a Star and a Propeller Hat at the beginning. This is easily
the hardest level in the game, and it has two of the hardest star coins to collect in the game as well. If
you do start with a star, try to speed through the first Piranha section as fast as you can and arrive at the
second section when the star wears off.
In this level you'll have to deal with a ton of Piranha Plants that all spit out fire in a level where you're
standing on frozen Munchers that will thaw if a fireball hits them.
As such, you can't stay in one place for very long.
Hit the first "?" Block you see for a power up and hit the brick block above for a 1-Up.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight suspended between two pipes and above two blocks of
frozen coins. Simply wall jump off the left pipe to grab it.
When you get past the pipes and reach the second section of the level, hit the next "?" Block for a power
The brown circular cocoons you see contain Goombas that will hatch when fire touches them.
Do your best to navigate through this extremely tough section by hugging the walls so that you only
have to deal with the Piranha's from one side at a time.
Once you get through the section with cocoons, hit the next "?" Block for a power up.
Star Coin #2: This next star coin is probably the toughest coin to get in the entire game. If you're Fire
Mario, quickly melt the ice right above the coin and speed across to the right so you can slide under the
Piranhas before they melt the ice. If you have a Propeller Hat, head wait for the Piranha to melt one of
the ice blocks, drop down, fly towards the coin, wait for the piranha on the right to melt an ice block, fly
back up, and then quickly run to the right and slide under the piranhas before they can melt the
platform. If you don't have either a Fire Flower or a Propeller Suit, you might as well restart the level or
forget about this star coin.
In the next section you'll have to deal with two fire brothers. Kill the first one, but pause before killing
the second.
Star Coin #3: The third star coin is located between the two fire brothers, suspended below more blocks
of ice. Wait for the fire brother on the right to melt some of the ice, then drop down and wall kick back
up by using the ice on the left and right. This is much easier with a Propeller Suit since you can just fly
back up once you get the coin.
Continue past the next fire brother and you'll reach the end of this tough level.

World 9-8
For the last level of the game, World 9-8 is actually pretty easy.
You spend the entirety of this mission on top of bouncy clouds while avoiding Fuzzies, Paratroopas, and
all kinds of Bullet Bills.
Just keep on bouncing to the right and hit the first "?" Block for a power up.
Star Coin #1: The first star coin is in plain sight above a group of blocks. You'll need a Propeller Hat to
grab it.
Continue forward and hit the random power up block for some kind of power up.
Hit the P Switch up ahead to turn all of the brick blocks to coins and potentially gain a 1-Up from 100
Star Coin #2: The second star coin is trailing a bunch of Fuzzies. Wait for the Fuzzies to pass by and then
bounce up to grab the coin.
Eventually you'll come to an area where coins start to warn of incoming King Bills. These enormous
Bullet Bills cannot be killed and must be avoided by simply staying out of their way.
Star Coin #3: You'll find the third star coin encased in a bunch of blocks to the right of a pattern of coins
warning you of another King Bill. Wait for the King Bill to pass by, then drop down to get the coin.
Bounce forward a little bit farther and you'll reach the end of the level and the end of the game!

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