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Lecture: English 2

Lecturer: Jerry Januhariawan, M. Pd

Directed by Group 7

Class B

1. Cindy Cristina Diandra (18.22.87)

2. Gutrado Palojones (18.23.14)
3. Riska Handayani (18.23.50)
4. Septo Deka Nega (18.23.53)





TABEL OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................i

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................1

1.1 Background....................................................................................................1
1.2 The Formulation of Problem..........................................................................1
1.3 The Purpose of The Discussion......................................................................1

CHAPTER II CONTENT.......................................................................................2

2.1 The Facts of Smoke........................................................................................2

2.2 The Impacts of The Active Smokers..............................................................2
2.3 The Chemical content in a Cigarette..............................................................3
2.4 The Common Disease for Smokers................................................................4
2.5 The Negative Impact of Smoke......................................................................4
2.6 The Factor Influencing Someone to be smokers ...........................................4
2.7 The Opinion of Smoking According to Group..............................................5
2.8 The Solution for The Smokers ......................................................................6

CHAPTER III CLOSING.......................................................................................8

3.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................8
3.2 Solution..........................................................................................................8


Chapter I


1.1. Background
Smoking is one of the most common habits in performing everyday life as we
know that a smoker life as we know that a smoker can be found anywhere, especially in
Indonesia which is a very high level of death, most of the death, moat of the deaths are
influanced by the addiction of smoking .

The impact of smoking is very negative effect for both active smokers and passive
smokers , this caused by the cigarette which is a bad influence for health. Various goals
of government with-leading in controlling tobacco products, one of which by publishing
government regulations (PP) No.109 year 2012 on the security of materials containing
addictive substances. But the reality of the number of smokers in Indonesia is still high.
So with the papers explain the dangers of smoking and the first prevention for smokers.

1.2. The Formulation of Problem

From the background found some problems formulation is as follows :
a. What are the impact and characteristics of active smokers?
b. What are the dangerous content contained in a cigarette?
c. What are the factors that affect so that someone is falling in smoking?

1.3. The Purpose of The Discussion

a. Readers can know and understand the negative impact of smoking.
b. Readers can know the dangerous content in cigarettes that result in various
c. Readers can understand the dangers of smoking and can avoid and prevent
someone not to smoke.

Chapter II


2.1. The Fact of Smoke

In Indonesia, every year more 400.000 people died because of various

diseases associated with smoking habits or about 2.000 people daily. This amount
is expected to continue ti increase in line with the increase in smokers to increase
from year to year.

World Health Organization(WHO), noted that in 2008 in Indonesia

there are 60 million active smokers with cosumption 225 billion cigarette rings of
year, it is estimated that there are now around 70 billion active smokers in
Indonesia that consumes 250 billion cigarette of years.1

2.2. The Impact of the Active Smokers

a. Has a pale skin, yellowing her teeth and fingertips as it sucks the burnt cigarette

b. Have a tangled hair and remove the smell, like cigarette smoke and even
sometimes yellow.

c. The emergance of wrinkles on the forehead and around the end of the lips.

d. The emergance of black wrinkles under the eyes.

e. A smokers always looks in bad.

d. Generally a smoker actively loses his body and is easy to carry emotions.2

1 di balik asap rokok/, Rabu,13 Maret 2019, pukul
15:00 WITA.
Dr. Aiman Husaini Tobat Merokok(Surabaya: Puastaka IIMaN),27.

2.3. The Chemical Content in a Cigarette

a. Nicotine

This substance is an addictive substance that makes a hooked to always

smoke. This substance is very dangerous for thr health of the human body and
the other in adittion to that Niktin is one of the causes of coronary heart disease
and cancer

b. Tar

It is a chemical resulting when the tobacco is burned. It contains great

causes of cancer, when cigarette smoke is inhaled, tar can form a sticky layer in
the lung section .

c. Polycyclic

This substance attacked the lungs and caused a fatal damage to active

d. Carcinogens

Smoke generated by robbing of tobacco and cigarette paper contains a

huge dangerous chemical and able to trigger the stability cancer of anyone who

e. Insecticide

This substance is very toxic and generally widely used in insect killer

The researchers even managed to reveal there were about 30 chemicals

who werw able to trigger cancer in each cigarette rod. Among the most dangerous
substances are beta-naphtylamine and PAH (Polcyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon)
and is the origin of cancer.3

Ibid., 36

2.4. The Common Disease for Smokers

a. Coronary heart disease.

b. Tongue infections and mouth cavities.

c. Various problems of pregnancy.

d. infections on the stomach and intestine.

e. infections throat and disruption of sound ribbon.

f. Weakening the ability in feeling the taste of food and weakening the smells.

g. Lower ability in giving birth to healthy children.4

2.5. The Negative Impact of Smoke

The negative impact of smoking for youreself is that health is disturbed

and can even lead to diseases that may be difficult to cure and can lead to death.
And the negative impact for others who breathe the smoke is that it can cause
health problems for those who have inhaled other people’s smoke.

2.6. The Factors Influencing Someone to be Smokers

a. The External Factor

Strictly, at the first, someone just wanted to try out how the sensation of
smoking, if someone tried his intention only once, but the content contained in the
cigarette made them want to try it for the umpteenth time to cause the taste of
opium taste appeared the person will find it difficult to stop smoking.

b. The Internal Factor

Like environmental factors, for example in a bad association, someone has

many friends who may not be good associations so that someone is affected to
Ibid., 38

participate in the world of association. Because in society, young people are easily
influenced to do things that are not good, not good for themselves and for others.
Even when they are already in bad relationships, they not only enter world of
smoking but can also make themselves do more than just smoke.

2.7. The Opinion of Smoking According to Group

a. Cindy Cristina Diandra

In my opinion, smoking is a bad habit that can harm the health of the
human body, because as we know that cigarettes contain harmful
chemicals that can damage important organs in the body such as the
lungs, heart, and others . Also smoking can harm people around us for
example like passive smokers who can suffer losses because the active
smoker does not pay attention to the people around him.
b. Gutrado Palajones
Smoking is an activity of burning tobacco and then being sucked and
removed from someone’s body that occurs in the community. This
smoking activity has also been carried out since ancient times and is still
carried out until now with various kinds of cigarretes without thinking
first about the impact that will be caused later on.
c. Riska Handayani
I think people who want to smoke or not are the rights of each
individual. But for all of us who might not have entered the world
smoking, do not we intend to try smoking what the sensation is, because
we know a lot of negative things caused by cigarettes, for ourselves and
for others.

d. Septo Deka Naga

In my opinion smoking is one of the activities that is very
common for young people and the elderly, and this is one of the
activities that have a negative impact on active smokers and fascists.

Smoking is also one of the causes of most dangerous diseases, where
smoking realted illnesses are a disease that I am very afraid of because
smoking is very threatening to heart health, and a smoker generally
influanced by curiosity obour smoking, so we as young people can think
positively so as not to fall into a smoker.

2.8. The Solution for The Smokers

a. Help with Sports

Conducting light exercise activitieson regular basis like jogging, biking,

and other sports can help us in the process of stop smoking, because we begin to
apply a healthy lifestyle within us and do not give our free time to negative
things that is smoking , but use the free time in the direction of activities positive
and beneficial to our health.

b. Support from The Surroundings

if you want to really quit smoking, then start helping from the people
around like family, our close friends, as well asthe closest people around you to
remind that smoking is very harmful to the health of the body and it can be done
continuosly. So, the emergence of continuosly. So, the emergence of
consciousness within you to quit smoking or not smoking again.

c. Change The Cigarettes with Others

You can change habits not to smoke again, by changing habits not to
smoke again, by changing the cigarette that is ussually consumed with his
succesor as a gum, brown, fruit juice, and so on. May initially look dificult, but
if you get used to forget your habits that like to smoke.

d. Following a Positive Activity

If you want to really succeed in quitting smoking, you can start by busy
yourself with positive activities, such as more developing themselves toward

positive activities such as environmental care and health care so that it can help
you to stay away from smoking and start a new habit for healthy life.

e. Make a Commitment to Stop Smoking

You can make commitment to stop smoking, you can start by asking
yourself questions, for example :
a. Why did you decide to stop smoking?
b. What are the benefits for the health of your body if you really don’t
consume cigarettes again?
These questions can be a reference for yourself to rally make the decision
not to smoke again, so that answer to the commitment to stop smoking
can be the bassis for overcoming things smoking.

Chapter III


3.1. Conslusion

a. Smoking cases in Indonesia are very high for year.

b. For active smokers there are many negative impacts that destroy and endanger
body until it can lead to severe diseases.
c. The desire to smoke for someone is influenced by factors from outside factors
from the enviroment that affects.
d. Many thing can be a solution to prevent someone from smoking, but all come
back from each others self- awareness.

3.2. Suggestion

Our suggestion if the smoking can be avoided then try to find ways to
overcome smoking habits that can harm health self an even health people closest
and try for smokers to obey goverment regulations for smoking such as paying
attention to non- smoking areas so that they do not smoke carelessly which can
harm others.


Husaini, Aiman. Tobat Merokok. Surabaya: Pustaka IIMaN, 2006. di balik asap rokok/

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