Math Logical

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Question 1:

Carol is a teacher and her cousins are a banker, a salesperson, and an engineer. All of
them sit around a table. Carol sits on Tara’s left. Rosita sits at the banker’s right.
Michonne, who faces Tara, is not the salesperson. Determine the seating arrangement
of the cousins.

Solution & Answers:

 Creating a diagram and using the Guess and Check method.

 First determine their seating arrangement, followed by their profession, from the
conditions in the problem.


 It is given that Carol is a teacher, who is at the right of Tara.

 Michonne faces Tara, leaving Rosita to face Carol.
 Rosita’s left is a banker, which is Tara.’
 Michonne is not a salesperson, leaving him/her an engineer, with Rosita
being the salesperson.

Tara Michonne
(Banker) (Engineer)

Question 2:
Four friends go on a long vacation. Cassy got confused about what day of the week it is.
She asked Gia and Gabrielle. Gia said today is Friday, but Gabrielle said it is Saturday.
Nillo asked what day is it tomorrow. Gabrielle said tomorrow is Monday, while Gia said it
is Tuesday. Nillo asked again, what day has it been yesterday? Gia said it is
Wednesday, while Gabrielle said it is Thursday. Gia and Gabrielle have given one
correct answer and two wrong answers. What day is today?

Solution & Answers:

Placing both Gia and Gabrielle’s answers on a table, I can conclude the only correct
(consecutive answers) are Friday and Thursday, that are congruent with their respective
days: Today and Yesterday, respectively.
 Gabrielle’s answer, Saturday, is wrong since it is negated by hers and Gia’s
answers for Tomorrow and Yesterday.
 While Gia’s answer Friday, is correct since it comes after Gabrielle’s answer for
Yesterday (Thursday).
 Therefore, Gabrielle’s correct answer is Thursday;
 Fulfilling the condition of both persons providing 1 correct answer and 2
wrong answers, each.
Person Today Tomorrow Yesterday
Gia Friday Tuesday Wednesday
Gabrielle Saturday Monday Thursday

Answer: Today is Friday

Question 3:
Abraham, Eugene, Gabriel, and Morgan all practice fine arts. One of the men is an
artist, one is a singer, one is a writer, and the other is a graphic designer. Find the
interest of each man using the clues.
a) Abraham and Gabriel listened while the singer made his debut.
b) Both Eugene and the writer have had their portraits done by the artist.
c) The writer, whose biography of Morgan is a best seller, is planning a biography of
d) Abraham and Gabriel do not know each other.

Solution & Answers:

 Creating a table to determine the individual interest of each man, through the
process of elimination, using the clues.

 It is a given that neither Abraham or Gabriel is the singer, nor are they the
artist since they do not know of each other.
 Abraham cannot be a writer, since the writer is planning a biography of
him. That leaves him being the graphic designer, and Gabriel being the
 Eugene is left with being the singer followed by Morgan being the artist
Fine Arts
Person Artist Singer Writer Graphic
Abraham ✗ ✗ ✗ ✓
Eugene ✗ ✓ ✗ ✗
Gabriel ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗
Morgan ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗

Abraham is the Graphic Designer
Eugene is the Singer
Gabriel is the Writer
Morgan is the Artist

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