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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Define the three kinds of triangles;
2. Describe the three kinds of triangles; and
3. Use the three kinds of triangles in your daily lives.


Topic: Percentile for Grouped Data

Reference: Mathematics Module Grade 10
Author: Callanta, Melvin M., et al.
Page: 390 - 392
Materials: chalk, chalk board and visual aid


Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary activity

1. Greetings

Good morning, class!

Good morning, sir!
Please arrange your chair.
(The students will arrange their chair).
You may now take your seat.
Thank you sir.
2. Prayer

Who wants to lead the prayer?


Come here in front.

(All students will pray).

3. Checking of attendance

Who is absent?
None sir.
Okay, very well! It’s nice to hear that
nobody’s absent.

4. Review

Before we proceed our new lesson,

let’s review first our topic yesterday.

What is our topic yesterday?

The kinds of angle Sir..
I have here a picture of the angles,
Identify if this is acute, obtuse right angles.

Who wants to identify in number 1?

Acute angle sir.
Very good!
Next ?
Obtuse angle sir!
The last one?
Right angle sir.

Do you have any question about kinds

of angles?
None sir.

B. Development of the lesson

1. Motivation

Valentine’s Day.
Who among of you got flowers,
letter, chocolate and even a simple
text messages from your love ones?
(the students will raise their hand if they can
Out of 40 students in this class, 35
got a gift from their love ones.

How do we find the percentage of 35

students who receive the gift?
We divide 35 to 40 and multiply it into
100%. The answer is 87.5%.
Therefore, out of 100%, 87.5%
loves their love one.

From the word percentage, what do

you think is our lesson for today?
Percentile ma’am.
2. Presentation of the lesson

Today, we are going to discuss

the kinds of triangles which is acute,
obtuse and right triangles.

Do you have any idea about acute

triangles? Sir, acute has a 3 sides of angles
and it’s measure less than 90 degress.

Very good!

The correct definition of

Acute triangle –

How about the obtuse triangle?

Anyone? Sir, obtuse has a 3 sides of angles

and it’s measure is greater than 90 degress.

Obtuse triangle is
C. Practice drill

Let’s have a group activity.

The first row will be the group 1,

the second row will be the group 2
and the last row will be the group 3.

for each group, I will give you

10 minutes to do your activity.
For the group who can pass
their paper first and present
you work in front, then I will
give you additional 10 points
that will be added to your quiz later.

Here is your activity.

Using old calendar that I have given
you, cut off different triangles
and paste them in you answer sheet.
Classify them according the sides
and angles. (The pupils will answer their activity.)

D. Generalization

Again, based on your understanding

in our lesson, who wants to define
and describe the 3 kinds of triangles?
Acute triangles is

How about the other?

Obtuse triangles is

And the last triangle is?


Describe the last triangle.

Right triangle is

Do you have any question about

the three kinds of triangles?

None sir!

E. Valuing


Direction: The following is a distribution for a

number of employees in 45 companies belonging
to a certain industry. Calculate the 30th percentile and
55th percentile of the number of employees given
the number of companies.

Number of Number of
Employees Companies
61 – 70 15 Score f LB (<fc)

51 – 60 9 61 – 70 15 60.5 45
51 – 60 9 50.5 30
41 – 50 12
41 – 50 12 40.5 21
31 – 40 6
31 – 40 6 30.5 9
21 - 30 3
21 - 30 3 20.5 3

P ₃₀class=13.5

( )
P ₃₀=LB+ i
f ₅₀
P ₃₀=40.5+
10 )
P ₃₀=30.5+ ( .38 ) 10
P ₃₀=30.5+3.8

P ₃₀=34.3

P ₅₅class=24.75

( )
P ₅₅=LB+ i
f ₅₅
P ₅₅=50.5+ (
5 )
P ₅₅=35.5+ ( .42 ) 5

P ₅₅=35.5+2.1

P ₅₅=37.6


Direction: Find the 20th percentile, 40th percentile and the 60th percentile of the following

Class Interval Frequency

39 – 41 6

36 – 38 7

33 – 35 9

30 – 32 13

27 -29 22

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