Organization Audience Cannot: Presentation Rubric Poor (2.0) Fair (3.0) Good (4.0) Excellent (5.0)

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Presentation Rubric 

  Poor (2.0) Fair (3.0) Good (4.0) Excellent (5.0)

Organization  Audience cannot Audience has difficulty Student presents Student presents
understand following presentation information in logical information in logical,
presentation because student jumps sequence which interesting sequence
because there is no around.  audience can follow.  which audience can
sequence of (5) follow. 
information.  (8)

Subject Student does not Student is Student is at ease with Student demonstrates
Knowledge  have grasp of uncomfortable with expected answers to full knowledge (more
information; student information and is able all questions, but fails than required) by
cannot answer to answer only to elaborate.  answering all class
questions about rudimentary questions. questions with
subject.  explanations and
elaboration. (10)
(7) (8)

Graphics  Student uses Student occasionally Student's graphics Student's graphics

superfluous graphics uses graphics that relate to text and explain and reinforce
or no graphics  rarely support text and presentation.  screen text and
(3) presentation. (5) (6) presentation. (8)

Mechanics  Range and control of The response The response The response
grammar and demonstrates limited demonstrates fairly demonstrates effective
vocabulary severely range and control of automatic and use of grammar and
limit or prevent grammar and effective use of vocabulary. It exhibits a
expression of ideas vocabulary. These grammar and fairly high degree of
and connections limitations often vocabulary, and fairly automaticity with good
among ideas. Some prevent full expression coherent expression of control of basic and
low-level responses of ideas. For the most relevant ideas. complex structures (as
may rely heavily on part, only basic Response may exhibit appropriate). Some
practiced or sentence structures are some imprecise or minor (or systematic)
formulaic used successfully and inaccurate use of errors are noticeable
expressions. spoken with fluidity. vocabulary or but do not obscure
(3) Structures and grammatical meaning.
vocabulary may express structures or be
mainly simple (short) somewhat limited in (8)
and/or the range of structures
general propositions, used. This may affect
with simple or unclear overall fluency, but it
connections made does not seriously
among them (serial interfere with the
listing, conjunction, communication of
juxtaposition). (3) the message. (6)

Eye Contact  Student reads all of Student occasionally Student maintains eye Student maintains eye
report with no eye uses eye contact, but contact most of the contact with audience,
contact.  still reads most of time but frequently seldom returning to
report.  returns to notes.  notes. 
(5) (7) (8)

Elocution  Student mumbles, Student's voice is low. Student's voice is Student uses a clear
incorrectly Student incorrectly clear. Student voice and correct,
pronounces terms, pronounces terms. pronounces most precise pronunciation of
and speaks too Audience members have words correctly. Most terms so that all
quietly for students difficulty hearing audience members audience members can
in the back of class presentation.  (5) can hear hear presentation. 
to hear.  presentation.  (8)
(3) (6)

Taken from: Teacher Planet, (2012) Available in April, 2013 at:

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