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Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : IX ( Sembilan )
Paket :1

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

Read the dialog and answer the question no. 1.
Rika : Hi Santi, where are you going?
Santi : I’m going to Rahma’s house
Rika : What are you going to do there?
Santi : We are going to do our homework together. Do you want to join us?
Rika : Yes, I want to join you to do my homework too. But wait, I want to tell my mom about it
first. I’ll go to Rahma’s house if my mom allows me to go there.
Santi : OK, we’ll wait for you there.
Rika : OK, thank you so much
Santi : My pleasure. See you, bye.
Rika : Bye.
1. What is the dialog about?
A. Santi is going to Rahma’s house.
B. Santi wants to join Rahma and Rika.
C. Rika wants to do homework at home.
D. Rika wants to ask her Mom to join the meeting.

Read the dialog and then answer the question no.2.

Rifky : I am sorry, there has been some misunderstanding and now your belongings are
Laras : This is horrible, now I will miss my flight.
Rifky : mmm. I do apologize. Can you …. me?

2. The best word to fill in the blank is….

A. sorry.
B. apologize.
C. forgive.
D. help.

The text is for number 3.

How to make Serundeng
- 250 grams grated coconut
- 2 cloves garlic
- 4 shallots
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 100 c tamarind extract
- 1 stalk lemongrass (bruised)
- 150 grams peanuts (unsalted)
- 2 tablespoons cooking oil
- 1 teaspoon shrimp paste (toasted)
- 2 teaspoons ground coriander
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- ½ teaspoon ground turmeric
1. Grind shallots and garlic into paste using a pestle and mortar or food processor
2. Heat oil in a work or frying pan
3. Mix all ingredients and slowly fry over low heat, stir continuously until golden brown
4. Put serundeng on a baking dish and place it in a low oven or drain serundeng using a
spider spoon to lessen the oil. Then, remove the lemongrass
Leave cool and store in an airtight jar.

3. Where will you most probably read the text?

A. In a journal.
B. In a dictionary.
C. In a manual.
D. In a recipe book.
Read the text to answer question no. 4.
How to make Serundeng
- 250 grams grated coconut
- 2 cloves garlic
- 4 shallots
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 100 c tamarind extract
- 1 stalk lemongrass (bruised)
- 150 grams peanuts (unsalted)
- 2 tablespoons cooking oil
- 1 teaspoon shrimp paste (toasted)
- 2 teaspoons ground coriander
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- ½ teaspoon ground turmeric
1. Grind shallots and garlic into paste using a pestle and mortar or food processor
2. Heat oil in a work or frying pan
3. Mix all ingredients and slowly fry over low heat, stir continuously until golden brown
4. Put serundeng on a baking dish and place it in a low oven or drain serundeng using a
spider spoon to lessen the oil. Then, remove the lemongrass
Leave cool and store in an airtight jar.

4. Why should we drain serundeng?

A. To cool serundeng.
B. To mix the spices well.
C. To reduce the oil content.
D. To make serundeng taste.
Read the text to answer question no. 5.
The birds of paradise is one of the most colourful flowers in the world. The name
bird of paradise comes from its spectacular flower shape which resembles a bird’s and
head plumage.
Birds of paradise plants, also known as crane flowers is one of the most beautiful
exotic flowers. They are native to South Africa and bloom from September through May.
The birds of paradise foliage resembles small banana leaves with long petioles. The
leaves on the birds of paradise plant are arranged strictly in two ranks. They form a fan-
like crown of evergreen, thick, waxy and glossy green foliage, making it a very attractive
ornamental plant.
The leaf blades are 6 inches wide and 18 inches long. The birds of paradise plant
usually reach a height of 4 feet. Birds of paradise flowers are produced in a horizontal
inflorescence emerging from a stout spathe.
The birds of paradise flowers inflorescence is borne atop long scapes, or pedicels,
that grow to 5 feet or more in height. The flower on the birds of paradise plant is the most
unusual part.
Each bird of paradise flower is made up of three upright orange sepals and three
highly modified vivid blue petals. Two of the petals are joined together in a structure
resembling an arrowhead with the third petal forming a nectary at the base of the flower.

5. The text is written to tell the readers about ... in general.

A. an object.
B. an ecosystem.
C. a species of plant.
D. an animal species.
Read the text to answer question no. 6.
The birds of paradise is one of the most colourful flowers in the world. The name
bird of paradise comes from its spectacular flower shape which resembles a bird’s and
head plumage.
Birds of paradise plants, also known as crane flowers is one of the most beautiful
exotic flowers. They are native to South Africa and bloom from September through May.
The birds of paradise foliage resembles small banana leaves with long petioles. The
leaves on the birds of paradise plant are arranged strictly in two ranks. They form a fan-
likes crown of evergreen, thick, waxy and glossy green foliage, making it a very attractive
ornamental plant.
The leaf blades are 6 inches wide and 18 inches long. The birds of paradise plant
usually reach a height of 4 feet. Birds of paradise flowers are produced in a horizontal
inflorescence emerging from a stout spathe.
The birds of paradise flowers inflorescence is borne atop long scapes, or pedicels,
that grow to 5 feet or more in height. The flower on the birds of paradise plant is the most
unusual part.
Each bird of paradise flower is made up of three upright orange sepals and three
highly modified vivid blue petals. Two of the petals are joined together in a structure
resembling an arrowhead with the third petal forming a nectary at the base of the flower.

6. How can people recognize that it is the bird of paradise?

A. It has various colours.
B. It is unique and beautiful.
C. The petals form a fan-like crown.
D. Its flower is like a bird’s beak and head.

Read the text to answer question no. 7.

Mr. Tri : Good morning. Is this Coolest Hotel?
Receptionist : Yes. What can we do for you?
Mr. Tri : are there empty rooms for four days on 26 to 30 April 2021? But we have
different schedules.
Receptionist : what kind of room do you need? And can you tell me the detailed time?
Mr. Tri : we need 2 standard rooms for 26-27 April 2021, three deluxe rooms for 28-30
April 2021
Receptionist : wait a second, I’ll check it. (not long after that)
Yes sir, we have the rooms you need.
Mr.Tri : OK, I’ll come to the hotel next Monday, 26 of April 2021 at 12 o’clock. Thank you.
Receptionist : You are welcome, Sir.

7. What is the text about? It is about….

A. asking the receptionist for room reservation
B. giving information about the available room
C. telling the schedule
D. asking and giving information about reservation in Coolest Hotel

Read the text to answer question no. 8.

Mr. Tri : Good morning. Is this Coolest Hotel?
Receptionist : Yes. What can we do for you?
Mr. Tri : are there empty rooms for four days on 26 to 30 April 2021? But we have
different schedules.
Receptionist : what kind of room do you need? And can you tell me the detailed time?
Mr. Tri : we need 2 standard rooms for 26-27 April 2021, three deluxe rooms for 28-30
April 2021
Receptionist : wait a second, I’ll check it. (not long after that)
Yes sir, we have the rooms you need.
Mr.Tri : OK, I’ll come to the hotel next Monday, 26 of April 2021 at 12 o’clock. Thank you.
Receptionist : You are welcome, Sir.

8. How long does Mr. Tri need two standard rooms in Coolest hotel?
A. He needs it for three days.
B. He needs it for five days.
C. He needs it for two days.
D. He needs it for four days.

Read the text to answer question no. 9.

Ahsan : Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Ahsan. I study at SMAN 19
Rizwan : Hi, I’m Rizwan, I’m from Batam. How old are you Ahsan?
Ahsan : I was born in April 2007. So, I am now 14. How about you?
Rizwan : I am 14 also. Nice to meet you Ahsan.
Ahsan : Nice to meet you too. Let’s go to the crowd.
(Ahsan and Rizwan go to the crowd and they meet a girl).
Sukma : Hi, Ahsan. How are you?
Ahsan : I’m fine. How about you?
Sukma : I’m fine too. Thank you.
Ahsan : Sukma, this is Rizwan, my new friend.
Rizwan : Hi. How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
Sukma : How do you do? Pleased to meet you too.
Rizwan : By the way, what is your hobby?
Sukma : I like cooking very much. I can spend my whole day cooking.
Rizwan : Wow, great. My hobby is cooking too. Will you tell me how to cook special
foods from your province? I’d like to know them.
Ahsan : Alright my friends, let’s talk about cooking later. We should go to the palace to
meet the President of Indonesia.
Rizwan and Sukma: Let’s go. We can talk about cooking later.
9. “ I’d like to know them”. The word “them” refers to ….
A. Ahsan’s friends
B. Their hobbies
C. The president of Indonesia

D. Foods from Sukma’s province

Read the text to answer question no. 10.

(In the morning)
Kikan: Dear Maya, how are you?
Maya: Just so and so, Kikan. I think I’m really bored just staying at home during this pandemic
Kikan: Me too. How about going to the mall the day … tomorrow?
Maya: What day will we meet up, then? Today is Thursday.
Kikan: It is on Saturday
(in the afternoon)
Maya: Kikan, I’m sorry we can’t meet up. My dad doesn’t allow me to go to the mall.
Kikan: Me too, Maya. Let’s just do our hobby at home.

10. The best preposition to fill in the blank is….

A. On.
B. In.
C. Before.
D. After.

Read the text below then answer the question no 11.

Mae Jemison was the first African-American woman to travel into space . Mae was born in 1956 in
Decatur, Alabama, but grew up in Chicago, Illinois. When she was thirteen, she saw the first
astronauts walk on the moon. It was then she dreamed that she would be an astronaut, too.
In high school, Mae liked math and science best. After college, she went to a medical school and
became a doctor. She applied to NASA to join an astronaut program and was accepted.
In 1992, Mae traveled in space for eight days. As an engineer and a doctor, Mae did experiments
in space. She wanted to find a way to prevent astronauts from getting sick in space. She wanted to
find a way to keep their bone strong. The shuttle went around the Earth 127 times. When Mae
looked at Earth from space, what do you think she saw? She saw Chicago! The place where her
dream began.
11. The text aims to….
A. describe Mae Jemison’s dream.
B. describe Mae Jemison’s education.
C. describe Mae Jemison’s hobby.
D. describe Mae Jemison’s activities.

Read the text below then answer the question no.12.

Mae Jemison was the first African-American woman to travel into space . Mae was born in 1956 in
Decatur, Alabama, but grew up in Chicago, Illinois. When she was thirteen, she saw the first
astronauts walk on the moon. It was then she dreamed that she would be an astronaut, too.
In high school, Mae liked math and science best. After college, she went to a medical school and
became a doctor. She applied to NASA to join an astronaut program and was accepted.
In 1992, Mae traveled in space for eight days. As an engineer and a doctor, Mae did experiments
in space. She wanted to find a way to prevent astronauts from getting sick in space. She wanted to
find a way to keep their bone strong. The shuttle went around the Earth 127 times. When Mae
looked at Earth from space, what do you think she saw? She saw Chicago! The place where her
dream began.
12. What was her goal when she did her experiment in space?
A. A treasure for people’s wealth.
B. A new machine for exploring space.
C. A way to keep the astronauts healthy.
D. A spacecraft which can stay longer in space.

Read the text below then answer the question no. 13.
I have a pet, it is a dog and I call it snowy. Snowy is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy
and cute. It has thick white fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Snowy doesn’t like bones.
Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice , fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and
bread. When I am at school, Snowy plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight; maybe
because Snowy does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never
bites shoes.
We always spend time together at home. We do many activities: playing balls, hide and
seek, or racing in the backyard. In the afternoon, I usually take her for a walk. People love to see
Snowy. Snowy is really a sweet and friendly pet.
13. The main idea of paragraph two is ….
A. The writer’s activities with her/his pet.
B. Everybody loves to walk with Snowy.
C. Snowy is a cute and friendly dog.
D. Snowy always plays with the cat.

Read the text below then answer the question no.14.

I have a pet, it is a dog and I call it snowy. Snowy is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy
and cute. It has thick white fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Snowy doesn’t like bones.
Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice , fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and
bread. When I am at school, Snowy plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight; maybe
because Snowy does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never
bites shoes.
We always spend time together at home. We do many activities: playing balls, hide and
seek, or racing in the backyard. In the afternoon, I usually take her for a walk. People love to see
Snowy. Snowy is really a sweet and friendly pet.
14. “It is small, fluffy and cute.” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word can be replaced by ….
A. fat.
B. soft.
C. skinny.
D. friendly.

Read the song lyric below then answer the question no. 15.

Song by: Jason Mraz


15. What is the message of the song above?

A. It is a wasteful time to live your life adventurous.
B. It is better to have an adventurous life.
C. We must always be outside the house.
D. We must be careful with outdoor life.

Read the dialogue below then answer the question no. 16.
Wini: What’s that Hari?
Hari: is a registration form.
Wini: Registration form? For what?
Hari: For an English debate competition.
Wini: Do you want to apply?
Hari: I want to, but I am not confident enough.
Wini: Oh come on! Your English is really good. Just do it!
Hari: Do you think so?
Wini: Yes of course!
Hari: Okay then! I need to go now because this form must be submitted this noon if I want to join
the competition.
16. What is the dialogue about?
A. It is about Wini’s preparation to join a competition.
B. It is about Hari’s preparation to join a competition.
C. It is about Hari’s hesitation in joining the competition.
D. It is about Wini’s hesitation in joining the competition.

Read the dialogue below then answer the question no. 17.
Benny: I just remembered that I have a lot of homework. I must go home now.
Kean: Oh, okay. Do you want me to take you home?
Benny: I thought your bicycle was broken.
Kean: Yeah, but there’s my brother’s motorbike.
Benny: What? You aren’t 17 yet. You must not ride a motorbike by yourself when you don’t have
a driving license.
Kean: Yeah, you’re right, Benny.
Benny: Okay. Don’t worry, I can take a bus.
Kean: Okay. Take care.

17. Why must not Kean ride a motorbike by himself? Because ….

A. he doesn’t have a driving license yet.
B. Benny wants to take a bus.
C. his bicycle is not broken.
D. he is 17 years old.

Choose the correct modal to fill in the blank in no. 18.

Mother: The weather is so cold.
Tian : Do you want some hot tea Mom?
Mother: Yes, please
Tian : Wait a minute, I’ll make it for you.
Mother: Thank you dear.
Tian : I think you ……. warmly in order not to catch a cold
Mother: Yes, you are right. I’ll change my clothes
18. The best answer to fill in the blanks is ….
A. must dress
B. should dress
C. mustn’t dress
D. shouldn’t dress

Choose the correct modal to fill in the blank in no. 19.

1. Murni: Yes. I think they should also provide some guides to give information
about the island to the visitors.
2. Sandi : What do you think of the island?
3. Murni: Did you? I went there too, last month.
4. Sandi : I agree with you. I think they should put more interesting things to see.
5. Sandi : I went to Pulau Panjang last week.
6. Sandi : You're right.
7. Murni: Well, the beach is OK, but elsewhere on the island there was nothing to see.

19. Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful dialogue

A. 5-1-2-7-4-3-6
B. 5-3-2-7-1-6-4
C. 5-3-7-2-1-4-6
D. 5-3-2-7-4-1-6

Read the text below then answer the question no. 20.
Text 1 Text 2

Dear Anisa To: Siska

Congratulations on your success in winning the My dear friend, I am so happy because we both
gold medal at the 2020 Asian Mathematics passed the exams with flying colors. Thanks for
Olympiad. helping me by being my study mate.
Congratulations to both of us and let’s
Hope it will lead you to the next international celebrate with a dinner this weekend.
Your classmate Maria

Both texts are written to show:

1. Happiness for the achievement.
2. The writers’ hope for the future.
3. The writers are the addressees’ friends.
4. The writers ask the addressees to celebrate their achievement.
20. Which statements are correct based on the greeting cards above?
A. 1 & 2.
B. 1 & 3.
C. 2 & 4.
D. 3 & 4.

Read the text below then answer the question no.21.

To: Siska

My dear friend, I am so happy because we both

passed the exams with flying colors. Thanks for
helping me by being my study mate.
Congratulations to both of us and let’s celebrate
with a dinner this weekend.


21. Maria writes the card to thank and …

A. wish Siska’s success in the future.
B. ask for Siska’s help to study for the exam.
C. wish Siska the best for the coming exam.
D. invite Siska to have dinner for celebration.

Read the text below then answer the question no. 22.
Dear Juliette

All the hard work you have put. All the sacrifice you
have made, has finally paid off.
Congratulations on your success to be the winner
of the Speech Contest for Junior High School Level
2020. We are proud of you.

Students Union Organizer

22. Students Union Organizer congratulates Juliette on ….
A. her sacrifice to be a junior High School Student.
B. her hard work to join the contest.
C. her winning in the Speech Contest.
D. her final goal to have a high level.

Read the text below then answer the question no. 23.
Dear rudi,

On behalf of all the staff we sincerely congratulate

you on your success as “Jakarta City’s Best Journalist
We hope this will encourage you to write more

Manager of Reader Publisher

23. “We hope this will encourage you to write more articles. The opposite meaning of the
underlined word is ….
A. deject.
B. inspire.
C. motivate.
D. reject.

Read the texts below then answer the question no. 24.
Text 1 Text 2
Last Friday evening, while Mike's parents were When I was a kid, I used to play hide-and-seek
out for dinner, he decided to use his mother's with my friends. We used to play in the yard
laptop to play a computer game. However, this behind my house. The yard was a perfect place,
was against the rules. His mother doesn't allow because it was surrounded by dense banana
him to use her laptop when she isn't at home. trees.
When she is at home, he must always ask his
mom before he uses her laptop. We never played until late at night, since our
"I'll just play for half an hour," he said to parents forbade that. One night, we played
himself. "Mom will never find out," he hide and seek until late at night. And when I
continued. He took the laptop from his was trying to find a place to hide among the
parents' room to his room, turned it on and banana trees, I slipped and fell into the river. I
went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk. He usually have a bath at the river, but never at
chose a difficult game. He lost the first time he night. In the dark, everything seemed different.
played it. He became angry with himself and I couldn’t think clearly, I felt my feet tickling. I
started the game again. Now, he was sure he was struggling to get out, but my feet were
would win. And he did! He was so excited that trapped in the mud.
he started jumping up and down. While he was Thank god, a friend finally came and helped me.
jumping, he knocked the glass of milk with his He then called the others and I was saved
hand and it spilled all over the laptop! He
panicked. "What am I going to tell mom?" he
asked himself.

24. What is the message from both texts above?

A. Parents should not trust their children.
B. Breaking rules could lead to unpleasant consequences.
C. It is okay to break rules as long as you don't get caught.
D. Enjoy your childhood by playing and doing positive activities

Read the text below then answer the question no. 25.
Last week, Mr. Aldebaran’s wife had an accident. Her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home
when it happened. He was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly, Yusuf heard his mother calling,
“Help! Help!” He ran to the kitchen. His mother had burnt herself with some hot cooking oil. She
was crying with pain and the pan was on fire. Mr. Aldebaran had gone to his office. The other
children had gone to school.
Yusuf was too small to help his mother, and she was too frightened to speak sensibly to
him. But he ran to their neighbour’s house and asked his neighbour to come and help his mother.
The neighbour soon put out the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic.
When Mr.Aldebaran came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very proud
of his Son. Yusuf’s mother said “When you are a man, you will be just like your father.”

25. How did the neighbour help Mrs. Aldebaran?

A. He called the fireman and put out the fire.
B. He called Mr. Aldebaran and ran to the kitchen.
C. He put out the fire and took Mrs. Aldebaran to the clinic.
D. He called the fireman and advised Mrs. Aldebaran to stay calm.

Read the text below then answer the question no. 26.
Last holiday my brother and I visited our grandparents in Bandar Lampung. There are many
tourist destinations, such as museums, shores, waterpark, zoo, and Way Kambas. During our visit,
we decided to go to Way Kambas, the Elephant Training Center. We wanted to watch the huge
animals playing football.
Way Kambas is situated in East Lampung, about 110 km from Bandar Lampung, the capital
city of Lampung. It took 3 hours for us to reach Way Kambas from our grandparents’ house. We
left early in the morning at 6 a.m. by car. It would take longer to go there by motorcycle or bus.
We were lucky to visit the place on the weekend because the elephant football show is
only held on weekends. The show was great. It was amazing to see such big animals running and
kicking the ball. The ball was larger than the one used in regular football. After that we watched
other attractions. My brother had a ride on the big animals, but I didn’t, I was too nervous to do it.
At 4 p.m., we returned to Bandar Lampung. We were very tired, but impressed. It was
really an interesting experience for us.

26. “It would take longer to go there by motorcycle or bus.” (Paragraph 2). The word “there” refers
to ….
A. Zoo.
B. Way Kambas.
C. Bandar Lampung.
D. The capital city of Lampung .

Choose the correct words to complete the text no. 27.

One of my most memorable trips was a tour to a Portuguese graveyard. The tour was
…(27) … by the caretaker. Wealthy … (28)… had marble mausoleums while poor families had to
rent a plot for 10 years.

27. The best word to fill in the blanks is….

A. guide
B. guides
C. guided
D. guiding

Choose the correct words to complete the text no. 28.

One of my most memorable trips was a tour to a Portuguese graveyard. The tour was
…(27) … by the caretaker. Wealthy … (28)… had marble mausoleums while poor families had to
rent a plot for 10 years.
28. The best word to fill in the blanks is....
A. friends
B. workers
C. relatives
D. families

Read the song lyric below then answer the question no.29.
Song by: Bruno Mars

Count on Me
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
We'll find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeah
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
If you tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Every day I will remind you, oh
We'll find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends…
Here are some important messages of the song above:
1. A good friend is someone who always supports you, even when you are down.
2. If you rely on a friend then you have to be a person that can be relied on.
3. Best friends are always there when we are happy.
4. All of our friends are our best friends.
29. Which statements are correct based on the song above?
A. 1 & 2.
B. 1 & 3.
C. 2 & 3.
D. 3 & 4.
Read the song lyric below then answer the question no.30
Song by: Bruno Mars

Count on Me
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
We'll find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh, yeah
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah
If you tossin' and you're turnin' and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Every day I will remind you, oh
We'll find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends…

30. “Every day I will remind you” The word “remind” has the same meaning as ….
A. see.
B. warn.
C. forget.
D. understand.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 31.

Rina : I’ve heard you won the speech contest yesterday.
Kevin : Yes, I did.
Rina : Wow! Well done.
Kevin : Thank you Rina. But this is only the elimination round. I am the top 5.
Rina : It was a good achievement Kevin. You have defeated many contestants.
Kevin : Yeah, wish me luck for the next.
Rina : Of course, I hope you will win the final round.
Kevin : Thank you

31. Wow! Well done (line 2). The sentence shows an expression of ….
A. congratulation
B. compliment
C. agreement
D. hope

Read the following text to answer the question no.32.

Rina : I’ve heard you won the speech contest yesterday.
Kevin : Yes, I did.
Rina : Wow! Well done.
Kevin : Thank you Rina. But this is only the elimination round. I am the top 5.
Rina : It was a good achievement Kevin. You have defeated many contestants.
Kevin : Yeah, wish me luck for the next.
Rina : Of course, I hope you will win the final round.
Kevin : Thank you

32. What will Kevin probably do to win the final round?

A. Just wait and see.
B. Prepare the contest by practice a lot.
C. Do not practice because he has won.
D. Thinking about the contest regularly.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 33.

A : My grandfather was passed away last night
B : I’m sorry to hear that. Did you go there last night?
A: No, I didn’t. I spent my time with my friends. … with him last night.

33. The right sentence to complete the conversation is…

A. I ‘m happy for that.
B. I wish I were there.
C. I ‘m sorry for that.
D. I hope she will be fine.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 34.

Text 1 Text 2
How to make a Dragon fruit Cake Dragon Fruit Juice

Ingredients: Ingredients:
1. 1 cup flour 1. Dragon fruit – 1
2. 1 tsp baking powder 2. Sugar – 3 tbsp or as needed
3. 3/4 cup sugar 3. Lemon – 1
4. 2 eggs 4. Lemon zest – 1/2 tsp
5. 1/2 cup canola oil
6. 1 tsp vanilla Steps:
7. 1/2 dragon fruit cut into cubes 1. Cut the fruit into two.
8. 2 kumquats thinly sliced
9. 2 tbsp raw sugar 2. Scoop the pulp with a strong spoon.
Cube it roughly and transfer to a
Instructions: blender.
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. In a large
bowl, combine the flour, baking powder. 3. Add sugar (I used some left over simple
2. Add in the sugar, eggs, vanilla and oil and syrup) and lemon juice, zest.
mix to combine.
3. Add butter and flour on an 8- or 9-inch 4. Blend well to juice it and serve.
cake pan and add in the batter. Batter will
be quite thick, so use a spoon to smooth NOTES
out the top. ● You can add water according to the
4. Place fruit slices on top of the batter, consistency you want. Make sure to
pressing them into the batter. adjust sugar as needed.
5. Sprinkle with raw sugar. ● You can use honey in place of sugar.
6. Bake for 50 minutes until a cake tester ● You can use a small piece of ginger for
inserted comes out clean. extra punch.
● Keep the fruit always refrigerated until
34. How would you compare the purpose of the texts?
A. Text 1 tells about how to make a drink from dragon fruit whereas text 2 tells about how to
make a cake from dragon fruit
B. Text 1 tells about how to plant the dragon fruit whereas text 2 tells us about how to make a
cake from dragon fruit.
C. Text 1 tells about how to make a cake from dragon fruit whereas text 2 tells about how to
make a drink from dragon fruit
D. Text 1 explain how to make a drink from dragon fruit whereas text 2 tells about how to
keep a dragon fruit

Read the following text to answer the question no. 35.

How to Post on Instagram: On the Feed

1. Open up Instagram.
2. Tap the plus button on the bottom.
3. Choose the image or video you’d like to post. You can choose to add from your camera
roll or take a photo or video right in the app. For adding a Boomerang or collage (also
known as Layout) you can tap on the Boomerang and Layout icons in the bottom right
4. After you’ve chosen the image or video you’d like to post, press “Next” in the top right
corner. You can resize an image or video by pinching the screen to fit Instagram
dimension requirements.
5. Choose the Instagram filters to edit your images. Press “Next”
6. Enter your caption, tag people, and add a location to your post.
7. Press “Share”. Now you’ve posted your photo/video.
35. What should we do after editing the image?
A. Share your photo.
B. Tap the plus on the button.
C. Enter your caption, and tag people.
D. Choose the filters to edit the image.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 36.

How to Post on Instagram: On the Feed

1. Open up Instagram.
2. Tap the plus button on the bottom.
3. Choose the image or video you’d like to post. You can choose to add from your camera
roll or take a photo or video right in the app. For adding a Boomerang or collage (also
known as Layout) you can tap on the Boomerang and Layout icons in the bottom right
4. After you’ve chosen the image or video you’d like to post, press “Next” in the top right
corner. You can resize an image or video by pinching the screen to fit Instagram
dimension requirements.
5. Choose the Instagram filters to edit your images. Press “Next”
6. Enter your caption, tag people, and add a location to your post.
7. Press “Share”. Now you’ve posted your photo/video.

36. “Choose the Instagram filters to (edit) your images” (Step 5).
The similar meaning of the word in the bracket is….
A. change.
B. stay.
C. type.
D. put.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 37.

A farmer looking for a source of water for his farm bought a well from his neighbor. The
neighbor was cunning, though, and refused to let the farmer take water from the well. On
asking why, he replied, “I sold the well to you, not the water”, and walked away. The
distraught farmer didn’t know what to do. So he went to Birbal, a clever man and one of
the nine courtiers of Emperor Akbar, for a solution.
The emperor called the farmer and his neighbor and asked why the man was not letting
the farmer draw water from the well. The cunning man said the same thing again, “I sold
the well, not the water. So he cannot take my water”.
To this, Birbal replied, “All that sounds fine to me. But if you have sold the water and the
water is yours, then you have no business keeping your water in his well. Remove the water
or use it all up immediately. If not the water will belong to the owner of the well”.
Realizing that he’s been tricked and taught his lesson, the man apologized and left.
37. What is the best title for the text?
A. The clever neighbor.
B. The kind hearted neighbor.
C. The farmer and the emperor.
D. The farmer and the cunning man.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 38.

A farmer looking for a source of water for his farm bought a well from his neighbor. The
neighbor was cunning, though, and refused to let the farmer take water from the well. On
asking why, he replied, “I sold the well to you, not the water”, and walked away. The
distraught farmer didn’t know what to do. So he went to Birbal, a clever man and one of
the nine courtiers of Emperor Akbar, for a solution.
The emperor called the farmer and his neighbor and asked why the man was not letting
the farmer draw water from the well. The cunning man said the same thing again, “I sold
the well, not the water. So he cannot take my water”.
To this, Birbal replied, “All that sounds fine to me. But if you have sold the water and the
water is yours, then you have no business keeping your water in his well. Remove the water
or use it all up immediately. If not the water will belong to the owner of the well”.
Realizing that he’s been tricked and taught his lesson, the man apologized and left.

38. Why did the farmer couldn’t take the water?

A. The well is empty.
B. He didn’t buy the water.
C. The neighbor gave it to him.
D. The well didn't belong to him.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 39.

Text 1 Text 2

Once upon a time, there was a A little duckling was very sad because he
beautiful rose plant in a garden. One rose thought he was the ugliest amongst all his
flower on the plant was proud of its beauty. brothers and sisters. They would not play with him
However, it was disappointing that it was and teased the poor ugly duckling. One day, he
growing next to an ugly cactus. saw his reflection in the water and cried, “Nobody
likes me. I am so ugly.” He decided to leave home
and went far away into the woods.
Every day, the rose would insult the Deep in the forest, he saw a cottage in
cactus about its looks, but the cactus stayed which there lived an old woman, her hen, and her
quiet. All the other plants in the garden tried cat. The duckling stayed with them for some time
to stop the rose from bullying the cactus, but but he was unhappy there and soon left. When
the rose was too swayed by its own beauty to winter set in the poor duckling almost froze to
listen to anyone. death. A peasant took him home to his wife and
children. The poor duckling was terrified of the
One summer, a well in the garden dried children and escaped. The ugly duckling spent the
up and there was no water for the plants. The winter in a marshy pond.
rose slowly began to wilt. The rose saw a Finally, spring arrived. One day, the
sparrow dip its beak into the cactus for some duckling saw a beautiful swan swimming in the
water. The rose then felt ashamed for having pond and fell in love with her. But then he
made fun of the cactus all this time. But remembered how everyone made fun of him and
because it was in need of water, it went to ask he bent his head down in shame. When he saw his
the cactus if it could have some water. The own reflection in the water he was astonished. He
kind cactus agreed, and they both got through was not an ugly duckling anymore, but a
summer as friends. handsome young swan! Now, he knew why he had
looked so different from his brothers and sisters.
“They were ducklings but I was a baby swan!” he
said to himself.
He married the beautiful swan and lived happily
ever after.

39. From the 2 texts above we can say that….

A. the Rose is arrogant and the duck is diffident.
B. the duck is confident and The Rose is shy.
C. both Rose and the duck are famous.
D. the Rose is better than The Duck.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 40.

A farmer looking for a source of water for his farm bought a well from his neighbor. The
neighbor was cunning, though, and refused to let the farmer take water from the well. On
asking why, he replied, “I sold the well to you, not the water”, and walked away. The
distraught farmer didn’t know what to do. So he went to Birbal, a clever man and one of
the nine courtiers of Emperor Akbar, for a solution.
The emperor called the farmer and his neighbor and asked why the man was not letting
the farmer draw water from the well. The cunning man said the same thing again, “I sold
the well, not the water. So he cannot take my water”.
To this, Birbal replied, “All that sounds fine to me. But if you have sold the water and the
water is yours, then you have no business keeping your water in his well. Remove the water
or use it all up immediately. If not the water will belong to the owner of the well”.
Realizing that he’s been tricked and taught his lesson, the man apologized and left.
40. The moral value of the text is….
A. there are many ways to solve the problem.
B. cheating will not give you anything.
C. if there is a will, there is a way.
D. never trust our neighbor.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 41.

Covid-19 or Coronavirus Disease-2019 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus
called SARS-Cov-2. This disease was first identified in Wuhan, China, in the end of 2019. The
virus widely spread over many countries and then in March 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a
This disease attacks the respiratory system. Covid-19 also makes people who get
infected experience several symptoms. The common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and
tiredness. Some also experience aches, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, and
loss of taste or smell. Meanwhile the serious symptoms are shortness of breath, chest pain,
and loss of speech. However, there are many who do not experience symptoms.
It takes about 5-6 days for the symptoms to show. However, the incubation period takes
14 days. People who have mild to moderate illness usually can recover without
hospitalization. Meanwhile those who experience serious symptoms have to seek medical
The virus spreads through the droplets when infected people sneeze or cough.
Therefore, WHO gives the way to prevent infection such as washing hands regularly with
soap and water, avoiding touching face, covering mouth and nose while sneezing or
coughing, staying at home, refraining from smoking, and practicing physical distancing.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

41. What is the highlight of the text?

A. Various diseases caused by viruses that occurred around the world.
B. Coronavirus as an infectious disease is infected by bacteria.
C. The WHO suggestion about how to wash our hands correctly.
D. The causes and effects of Coronavirus Disease-2019.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 42.

Covid-19 or Coronavirus Disease-2019 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus
called SARS-Cov-2. This disease was first identified in Wuhan, China, in the end of 2019. The
virus widely spread over many countries and then in March 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a
This disease attacks the respiratory system. Covid-19 also makes people who get
infected experience several symptoms. The common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and
tiredness. Some also experience aches, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, and
loss of taste or smell. Meanwhile the serious symptoms are shortness of breath, chest pain,
and loss of speech. However, there are many who do not experience symptoms.
It takes about 5-6 days for the symptoms to show. However, the incubation period takes
14 days. People who have mild to moderate illness usually can recover without
hospitalization. Meanwhile those who experience serious symptoms have to seek medical
The virus spreads through the droplets when infected people sneeze or cough.
Therefore, WHO gives the way to prevent infection such as washing hands regularly with
soap and water, avoiding touching face, covering mouth and nose while sneezing or
coughing, staying at home, refraining from smoking, and practicing physical distancing.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

42. Who should be hospitalized?

A. Medical personnel who take care of patients in the hospital.
B. People who has experience serious symptoms.
C. People who do not experience symptoms.
D. People with mild to moderate illness.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 43.

Covid-19 or Coronavirus Disease-2019 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus
called SARS-Cov-2. This disease was first identified in Wuhan, China, in the end of 2019. The
virus widely spread over many countries and then in March 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a
This disease attacks the respiratory system. Covid-19 also makes people who get
infected experience several symptoms. The common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and
tiredness. Some also experience aches, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, and
loss of taste or smell. Meanwhile the serious symptoms are shortness of breath, chest pain,
and loss of speech. However, there are many who do not experience symptoms.
It takes about 5-6 days for the symptoms to show. However, the incubation period takes
14 days. People who have mild to moderate illness usually can recover without
hospitalization. Meanwhile those who experience serious symptoms have to seek medical
The virus spreads through the droplets when infected people sneeze or cough.
Therefore, WHO gives the way to prevent infection such as washing hands regularly with
soap and water, avoiding touching face, covering mouth and nose while sneezing or
coughing, staying at home, refraining from smoking, and practicing physical distancing.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

43. It takes about 5-6 days for the (symptoms) to show. (par 2)
The word in the bracket has closest in meaning to….
A. medicine.
B. recovery.
C. indication.
D. experience.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 44.

Covid-19 or Coronavirus Disease-2019 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus
called SARS-Cov-2. This disease was first identified in Wuhan, China, in the end of 2019. The
virus widely spread over many countries and then in March 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a
This disease attacks the respiratory system. Covid-19 also makes people who get
infected experience several symptoms. The common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and
tiredness. Some also experience aches, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headache, and
loss of taste or smell. Meanwhile the serious symptoms are shortness of breath, chest pain,
and loss of speech. However, there are many who do not experience symptoms.
It takes about 5-6 days for the symptoms to show. However, the incubation period takes
14 days. People who have mild to moderate illness usually can recover without
hospitalization. Meanwhile those who experience serious symptoms have to seek medical
The virus spreads through the droplets when infected people sneeze or cough.
Therefore, WHO gives the way to prevent infection such as washing hands regularly with
soap and water, avoiding touching face, covering mouth and nose while sneezing or
coughing, staying at home, refraining from smoking, and practicing physical distancing.
Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

44. What will people probably do after reading the text?

A. Gather with many people.
B. Go to the crowded place.
C. Wash their hands regularly.
D. Get closer to the infected person.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 45.

A lone elephant wandered the forest looking for friends. She came across a monkey and
asked, “Will you be my friend, monkey?” “You are too big and cannot swing on trees as I do.
So I cannot be your friend”, said the monkey.
The elephant then came across a rabbit and asked him if she could be his friend. “You
are too big to fit inside my burrow. You cannot be my friend”, replied the rabbit.
Then the elephant met a frog and asked if she could be her friend. The frog said “You are too
big and heavy. You cannot jump like me. I am sorry, but you cannot be my friend”.
The elephant asked a fox, and he got the same reply, that he was too big. The next day,
all the animals in the forest were running in fear. The elephant stopped a bear and asked
what was happening and was told that a tiger had been attacking all the animals.
The elephant wanted to save the other weak animals and went to the tiger and said
“Please sir, leave my friends alone. Do not eat them”. The tiger didn’t listen and asked the
elephant to mind her own business. Seeing no other way to solve the problem, the elephant
kicked the tiger and scared it away.
She then went back to the others and told them what happened. On hearing how the
elephant saved their lives, the animals agreed in unison, “You are just the right size to be our

45. The story tells us about….

A. a lonely elephant looks for friends.
B. the elephant and the tiger are friends.
C. the elephant is the monkey’s best friend.
D. the tiger wants to be a friend of the elephant.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 46..

A lone elephant wandered the forest looking for friends. She came across a monkey and
asked, “Will you be my friend, monkey?” “You are too big and cannot swing on trees as I do.
So I cannot be your friend”, said the monkey.
The elephant then came across a rabbit and asked him if she could be his friend. “You
are too big to fit inside my burrow. You cannot be my friend”, replied the rabbit.
Then the elephant met a frog and asked if she could be her friend. The frog said “You are too
big and heavy. You cannot jump like me. I am sorry, but you cannot be my friend”.
The elephant asked a fox, and he got the same reply, that he was too big. The next day,
all the animals in the forest were running in fear. The elephant stopped a bear and asked
what was happening and was told that a tiger had been attacking all the animals.
The elephant wanted to save the other weak animals and went to the tiger and said
“Please sir, leave my friends alone. Do not eat them”. The tiger didn’t listen and asked the
elephant to mind her own business. Seeing no other way to solve the problem, the elephant
kicked the tiger and scared it away.
She then went back to the others and told them what happened. On hearing how the
elephant saved their lives, the animals agreed in unison, “You are just the right size to be our

46. These animals finally want to be friends with the elephant, except….
A. fox.
B. tiger.
C. rabbit.
D. monkey.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 47.

Text 1 Text 2

Once upon a time, there was a A little duckling was very sad because he
beautiful rose plant in a garden. One rose thought he was the ugliest amongst all his
flower on the plant was proud of its beauty. brothers and sisters. They would not play with him
However, it was disappointing that it was and teased the poor ugly duckling. One day, he
growing next to an ugly cactus. saw his reflection in the water and cried, “Nobody
likes me. I am so ugly.” He decided to leave home
Every day, the rose would insult the and went far away into the woods.
cactus about its looks, but the cactus stayed Deep in the forest, he saw a cottage in
quiet. All the other plants in the garden tried which there lived an old woman, her hen, and her
to stop the rose from bullying the cactus, but cat. The duckling stayed with them for some time
the rose was too swayed by its own beauty to but he was unhappy there and soon left. When
listen to anyone. winter set in the poor duckling almost froze to
death. A peasant took him home to his wife and
One summer, a well in the garden children. The poor duckling was terrified of the
dried up and there was no water for the children and escaped. The ugly duckling spent the
plants. The rose slowly began to wilt. The rose winter in a marshy pond.
saw a sparrow dip its beak into the cactus for Finally, spring arrived. One day, the
some water. The rose then felt ashamed for duckling saw a beautiful swan swimming in the
having made fun of the cactus all this time. pond and fell in love with her. But then he
But because it was in need of water, it went to remembered how everyone made fun of him and
ask the cactus if it could have some water. The he bent his head down in shame. When he saw his
kind cactus agreed, and they both got through own reflection in the water he was astonished. He
summer as friends. was not an ugly duckling anymore, but a
handsome young swan! Now, he knew why he had
looked so different from his brothers and sisters.
“They were ducklings but I was a baby swan!” he
said to himself.
He married the beautiful swan and lived happily
ever after.

47. From the characters of those stories, who has bad characters?
A. The Rose.
B. The Duck.
C. The Cactus.
D. The beautiful swan.

Read the following text to answer the question no. 48.

A lone elephant wandered the forest looking for friends. She came across a monkey and
asked, “Will you be my friend, monkey?” “You are too big and cannot swing on trees as I do.
So I cannot be your friend”, said the monkey.
The elephant then came across a rabbit and asked him if she could be his friend. “You
are too big to fit inside my burrow. You cannot be my friend”, replied the rabbit.
Then the elephant met a frog and asked if she could be her friend. The frog said “You are too
big and heavy. You cannot jump like me. I am sorry, but you cannot be my friend”.
The elephant asked a fox, and he got the same reply, that he was too big. The next day,
all the animals in the forest were running in fear. The elephant stopped a bear and asked
what was happening and was told that a tiger had been attacking all the animals.
The elephant wanted to save the other weak animals and went to the tiger and said
“Please sir, leave my friends alone. Do not eat them”. The tiger didn’t listen and asked the
elephant to mind her own business. Seeing no other way to solve the problem, the elephant
kicked the tiger and scared it away.
She then went back to the others and told them what happened. On hearing how the
elephant saved their lives, the animals agreed in unison, “You are just the right size to be our

48. What can we learn from the story?

A. Don’t trust your friends.
B. Do not make friends with the tiger.
C. Find a friend that gives you advantages.
D. Friends come from every size and shape.

Read the song lyric below then answer the question no. 49.
A Million Dreams
Song by: Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams

I close my eyes and I can see

The world that's waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, through the door
Through where no one's been before
But it feels like home
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind
I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design
'Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it' s gonna take
Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make
There's a house we can build
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away
The special things I compile
Each one there to make you smile
On a rainy day

49. The moral lesson of the song is….

A. No matter what people say, we have to keep focus and try to reach our dreams.
B. We should listen to people who said that dreaming is wasting time and energy.
C. What people say about our dream is absolutely right.
D. Do not dream if it is impossible to do.

Read the song lyric below then answer the question no. 50.
A Million Dreams
Song by: Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams

I close my eyes and I can see

The world that's waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, through the door
Through where no one's been before
But it feels like home
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind
I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design
'Cause every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it' s gonna take
Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make
There's a house we can build
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away
The special things I compile
Each one there to make you smile
On a rainy day

50. In the dream we can live in….

A. a friend's house.
B. a new building.
C. a horrible world.
D. a world that we design.

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