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Malware-Free Intrusion: A Novel

Approach to Ransomware Infection
Journal of Computer Science IJCSIS, Aaron Zimba

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Journal of Comput er Science IJCSIS

St at ic and Dynamic Analysis of WannaCry Ransomware

Vassilios Vassilakis
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017

Malware-Free Intrusion: A Novel Approach to

Ransomware Infection Vectors
Aaron Zimba
Department of Computer Science and Technology
University of Science and Technology Beijing
Beijing 100083, China

Abstract— The Internet is so diverse such that at any given domain is not uncommon. Attackers use a wide range of
instance someone is clicking a link, opening a file, downloading malware not limited to viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits etc to
an email attachment and so forth. Such seemingly benign actions achieve their ultimate. One new breed of malware coined as
do not always return the expected outcome because attackers Ransomware [3] employs a new philosophy altogether, that of
leverage these actions to spread their malware. And malware extortion, as a means to achieve the end goal. Unlike
today casts a broad spectrum of software with varying conventional malware which usually seeks to replicate, delete
characteristics some of which include Ransomware. Ransomware files, exfiltrate data or extensively consume system resources,
has come to claim its place in the malware wild due to the Ransomware on the other hand imposes some form of denial of
philosophy of extortion behind its operations. Ransomware
service to either the system or system resources such as files
threat actors are seeking ways to delivery their malware payload
until a ransom is paid. One class of Ransomware uses
in ways that do not generate suspicion via unusual network
traffic and system calls by involving less user input if any at all. encryption to encrypt victim files and demands a ransom before
Malware-free intrusions present attack vectors so desirable to decryption. This type of malware has targeted critical industries
Ransomware threat actors in this respect in that they do not [4] where the victim has had to pay as the only way out due to
employ an extra malicious code which otherwise would be the vitality of access to data on demand. Figure 1 below shows
detected by intrusion detection and prevention system. We in this the distribution of Ransomware attacks on different sectors of
paper explore the utilization of malware-free backdoors for the economy for 2016 [15].
Ransomware payload delivery over a network with RDP-based
remote access. We further show that leveraging such backdoors
does not require user input while providing high probability
levels of success thus adding to the expansion of the available
attack surface.

Keywords- Ransomware; Attack Vector; Backdoor; Remote


The rise of the Internet has likewise seen the emergency
related cyber-attacks and the two are seen not to occupy
opposite ends of the continuum. The Internet was initially built
without security in mind [1] implying that all technologies that
jump onto this bandwagon need to address the associated
security concerns in their respective niche, but unfortunately
this is not the case. Due to the vast number of technologies
integrated into the Internet today, the variety of attacks thereof
are extensively wide correlating to the incepting technologies. Figure 1. Ransomware Infections by Organization Sector,
There are many metrics and parameters used to classify cyber- January 2015 – April 2016 [15]
attacks but they can broadly be classified as targeted or non-
targeted attacks [2]. Non-targeted attacks usually don’t have a It is estimated that Ransomware has costed millions of
specific target and tend to be works of novices and script dollars to victims [5] while enriching the criminals that be. As
kiddies as opposed to targeted attacks. On the contrary, with all cyber-attacks, attacks via Ransomware cast a wide
targeted attacks are the works of highly skilled technical people spectrum of attack vectors. These are the ways and means
who might be working on individual basis, for organized crime through which Ransomware is spread and delivered to the
groups, for big corporations or even governments. This class of potential victim. The attacker is therefore tasked with finding
attackers employ sophisticated techniques to compromise and optimal ways of infecting victims and Ransomware is known to
victimize their targets. The use of malicious software in this use some of the common attack vectors employed by other
malware. Some of these attack vectors generate suspicious

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017

network traffic and issue out unusual system calls, something network and will utilize lapses in security configurations.
very undesirable to attackers as this tends to raise a red flag. These lapses may include poor security implementations,
Most malware require some form of user input of some sort vulnerabilities imposed by software built without security in
to effectively carry out an infection. However, most user mind, social engineering etc. To this effect, Ransomware
systems implement Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) which mainly comes in two flavors; non-encrypting Ransomware
detect and alert the user of potential harm as a consequential also known as Locker Ransomware and encrypting
result if certain actions are performed. This detection is Ransomware also known as Crypto Ransomware. The diagram
inclusive of Ransomware. Attackers therefore seek to employ below in Figure 2 shows the Microsoft report for the relative
methods and tactics which do not require user interaction and distribution of Ransomware variants.
generate little noise as possible if any at all. For attacks as those
employed by Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), stealthiness
and a low threshold of noise are of great essence as such threat
actors seek to maintain an undetected persistence presence for a
long time [6]. Therefore an attack vector which is stealth and
less noisy is likewise desirable to Ransomware threat actors.
One such attack vector is backdoor implantation leveraging the
pre-authentication services available in almost every version of
the Windows operating system. The accessibility backdoor in
Windows is actualized by replacing an accessibility binary
executable with a system file capable of granting system level
access before even one logs in. This backdoor is documented
[7] to be present in important sectors such education, judiciary,
government etc at the disposal of Ransomware threat actors.
This attack vector is especially attractive to attackers in that it Figure 2. Relative distribution of different Ransomware
does not involve any malicious code. This implies that all IDSs variants. [16]
which are signature based [8, 9, 10] are incapable of detecting Using Figure 2, we in this paper consider the most
it and since the rationale behind the backdoor is to utilize common Ransomware variants of the Locker and Crypto
system resources and files to covertly achieve a goal, a Ransomware, whose characteristics are later documented in
behavioral based IDS will particularly find it hard to detect it Section IV in the analysis stage.
since there is no anomaly behavior to evaluate.
A. Locker Ransomware
This paper explores the utilization of the aforementioned
backdoor attack vector for Ransomware payload delivery. We This is a less common type of Ransomware which basically
investigated the delivery of the malware payload in the locks down the victim’s system and its applications while
presence of IDS on different versions of the Windows disabling user input to prevent the user from operating the
operating system from Windows XP to Windows 10. The system at all. The victim is usually extorted that they have
Windows operating system is chosen as the victim on the engaged in some of cyber-crime like copyright infringement,
pretext that it’s the most widely used operating system [11] child pornography, money laundering etc and that they need to
hence the obvious casualty of such attacks. We leverage the pay some fee, usually in the form of bitcoin [12], before the
built-in RDP-based remote access functionality in these charge is disposed of. The emphasis usually is that the victim
systems to establish an RDP session without any login at all to won’t be able to use the system and will be in trouble with the
deliver the malware payload and confirm the result. We law unless a payment is made. Some variants of this malware
contend that such an attack vector increases the attack surface are capable of modifying the Master Boot Record (MBR) and
of Ransomware attacks with a high probability of inflicting even the partition table. Only limited system functionality is
maximum damage without any direct user input. made available such as numeric functions and limited mouse
movements to enable the victim to enter and pay the ransom
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II amount on the displayed Ransomware screen. This strain of
provides background information and concepts whilst the Ransomware usually leaves the system and user files
attack model for Ransomware payload delivery and the uncorrupted [13] and can usually be recovered offline via a
analysis thereof are discussed in Section III. Experiment technical hack or otherwise, cause of the weak techniques
simulations are presented in Section IV while best practices employed.
and mitigation techniques are presented in Section V and we
conclude the paper in Section VI. B. Crypto Ransomware
This is by far the most common type of Ransomware [14]
II. BACKGROUND AND CONCEPTS and employs encryption techniques to achieve resource
The networks that build up the Internet are thought to be like inaccessibility. This Ransomware variant silently infects the
an egg. There is an obvious hard network perimeter that victim and communicates with its Command and Control (C2)
requires penetration into the softer inner core which permits servers if need be to download the relevant encryption keys.
lateral traversal once the attacker obtains access. Therefore, The malware then extracts the keys and encrypts targeted user
Ransomware attackers try to find ways of penetrating a target files which become inaccessible without the decryption key.

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017

Unlike Locker Ransomware, crypto Ransomware does not lock D. Infection Vectors
down the system; it only encrypts user data and displays a There are different ways in which attackers deliver their
message after completion of encryption that the victim’s data Ransomware payload to the victim. They differ in the degree
files are no longer accessible and can only be accessed via
of complexity and effectiveness. Here we discuss the most
decryption upon payment of the ransom. The attacker holds the
prevalent ones and elaborate how the attack vector considered
decryption keys and promises to avail them once the ransom
demand is met. Whether the attacker avails the decryption keys in this paper contributes to the attack surface.
upon payment of the ransom is a debate of circumstance but 1) Malicious Emails
one thing for sure is that there’s no guarantee that the keys will This is one of the most common way of Ransomware delivery.
be provided after paying the ransom. The diagram in Figure 3 The payload is delivered as an attachment from emails sent
below shows the general structure of Crypto Ransomware. through spam using botnets and other compromised hosts. The
victim is social engineered into interacting with the attachment
by directly opening an attachment which executes the
Encryption Ransomware payload, opening a malicious file which in turn
Key* initiates payload delivery via a macro or by clicking on a URL
in the email which redirects to an exploit kit which in turn runs
Main Body to find vulnerabilities on the target system and executes the
(Payload) Ransomware payload thereafter. Spam attachments, as shown
in Figure 4 below according to Cisco Security Research [25],
Encryption usually carry files of different formats which could be used to
Algorithm deliver the Ransomware payload.

Figure 3. General overview of Crypto Ransomware

Crypto Ransomware also comes in two flavors; Private-key

Crypto Ransomware (PrCR) and Public-key Crypto
Ransomware (PuCR). PrCR uses classical stream or block
symmetric ciphers for encryption. Since key distribution is a
known challenge in symmetric encryption, these Ransomware
variants, e.g. CryptorBit [17], used a self-designed substitution
cipher in the first 1024 bytes of the target file. These are thus
crackable via cryptanalysis once the analyst gets hold of the
Ransomware itself.
PuCR on the other hand employ public key encryption
where the encryption and decryption key are entirely different.
In this approach, a pair of keys is generated by an asymmetrical
cryptosystem such as RSA and the public key used for
encryption is delivered together with the payload whilst the
private key used for decryption is kept in the hands of the
attacker which the attacker promises to release upon payment
of the ransom. Cryptowall [18], for example, uses a 2048 bit
RSA public key for encryption which is believed to be
computationally infeasible to break without consented efforts
of distributed computing. Figure 4. Malicious files attached to spam emails [25].
C. Command and Control (C2) Servers
2) Brute-force Authentication Credentials
C2 servers are the attacker's online infrastructure which Another attack vector in this domain finding growing usage is
generally coordinate operations of the infected hosts. This brute-forcing user credentials to different systems. Attackers
infrastructure can be a system which the attacker owns or a set employ automated scripts to achieve this task. Bucbi
of compromised hosts in form of a botnet. Ransomware will Ransomware [19] utilized this attack vector to obtain access to
usually beacon back to these servers once an infection is the system via RDP. We contend in this paper that
successful which may handle the remote distribution and
Ransomware threat actors can alternatively leverage malware-
encryption of the victim’s files. It’s these resources that are
responsible for handling operations like payment mechanisms free intrusion backdoors to obtain access through RDP as
and other related tasks. It worth noting that C2 play a vital role some system implement a lockdown mechanism upon failed
in the Ransomware attack chain in that if these servers are multiple authentication attempts.
offline, the malware may not complete the attack process and
the subsequent encryption.

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017

3) Exploit Kits (EKs) We now employ an attack tree [24] for our model
EKs are software packages which scan for vulnerabilities with consideration. The diagram in Figure 5 below shows an attack
the purpose of malware installation upon successful discovery. tree with different infection vectors. The root node is denoted
These scans are run on third party servers and inject code into by G0 and it’s the attacker’s ultimate goal. The rest of the
different portions of the server depending on the context nodes and leaves are denoted as follows: G1 – attack via
which in turn redirect server visitors to the malware. The offline or out of band payload delivery, G2 – network attack
Angler EK [20] for example accounted for close to 20 million payload delivery, G3 – authentication attack, G4 – payload
attacks thwarted by Symantec. delivery via USB flash drive, G5 – payload delivery through
optical media, G6 – payload delivery via Bluetooth, G7 –
4) Other Attack Vectors payload delivery via EKs, G8 – payload delivery through spam
There are many other attack vectors employed to attain a email, G9 – payload delivery via brute-forcing, G10 – payload
successful Ransomware attack. Some of these include the delivery through malware-free intrusion and Gn+ – payload
injection of redirect links in JavaScript, Malvertising, Drive- delivery via other network-based infection vectors.
by-Downloads [21, 22, 23] etc.
We now formulate the attack model based on the preferred (System Level Access)
infection vector from the preceding section. We model our
attack model based on a set of conceptual units which serve as
the basic building blocks of the whole attack process. G1 Intermediate Node
Therefore the delivery of Ransomware to a victim can be G2 (Sub-goals)
envisioned as a process with an attacking agent carrying out
the attack by acquiring a set of assets after performing some
action with the sole purpose of reaching the goal, the delivery G4 G6 Leaf Nodes
and successful execution of the malware on the targeted host. G5 G3 G7 G8 (Atomic Attacks)
A. Attacking Agent
This is the subject of the attack process who carries out actions G9 G10
towards the object which might be a host, network or system.
The agent can be software e.g. EKs or a human actor or a
combination of both. We distinguish the agent of our model to Figure 5. Attack Tree of Infection Vectors
be a highly skilled threat actor with a considerable level of All the intermediate nodes in the resulting graph decompose
sophistication in terms of traceability and stealthiness. into children nodes sharing disjunctive OR association. This
B. Assets implies that only one node need to be true to traverse to the
upper node, meaning if the route through G1 is traversed, the
These are resources which the agent requires in order to attacker has options of either starting with G4, G5 or G6. The
further the attack. Some resources are but not limited to same is true if the attack route pursued traverses through G2,
information about the host such as operating system, IP the attacker can either start with the leaves G7, G8 or Gn+.
address, open ports, TCP/UDP connectivity and so forth. It’s
0 0
1 1
important to note that such information might be reusable 1 0 0 0 0 0

throughout the attack process hence the need for constant
0 1 1 1 0 0
0 0
verification for consistency.

 
C. Actions 1 0 0 0 1 1

AG = 
0 0
These are requests made by the agent with specified input 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

 
parameters with an expected return. There are preconditions
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
that have to be met for a given action to return the correct

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
output. The output of an action can be either true, in which

 
case the returned parameters further the attack or false where

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
the returned value denotes that further pursuance of the chosen
attack vector does not yield fruition.
D. Goals
These are the treasures that the attacker seeks to attain. If the attacker instead opts to use the path through G3, likewise
There’s the ultimate goal, Ransomware delivery and execution he has an option of starting either with the leaf G9 or G10.
in our context, but also other sub-goals of the attack process Pursuance of attack vectors through G1 is practically daunting
which act as pivots for further attacks. These are only reached because of the constraints imposed by the need for physical
when the returned value of a certain action is true. presence. Moreover it even limits the target audience which
needs to be reached. We therefore drop this attack path in our

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017

attack consideration and generate the adjacency square matrix further activate RDP-based remote access on the targeted
AG of the 8th order shown above for the resultant attack graph. hosts. We acquire and verify Ransomware samples with
We thus deduce five attack scenarios from the adjacency VirusTotal and Malwr [26, 37] for delivery to the victims.
matrix AG corresponding to the following paths: Since the malware is active and harmful, we perform the test
in a securely built environment as specified by common
P7: {G7, G2, G0}
scientific guidelines [27, 28, 29, 30] while maintaining limited
P8: {G8, G2, G0}
regulated Internet access via NAT integrated in Virtual Box.
Pn+: {Gn+, G2, G0}
We in addition used the following tools for analysis of the
P9: {G9, G3, G2, G0}
Ransomware: Process Monitor [31] for verification of process
P10: {G10, G3, G2, G0}
activity, Regshot for registry alterations monitoring, API
EKs require the existence of an exploit before Monitor [32] for observance of issued system calls and
materialization meaning a target without vulnerabilities being ApateDNS and Netcat [33, 34] for emulating some C2 servers.
sought by the EK won’t be susceptible to the attack. We thus We use an Nmap [35] for reconnaissance attacks where the
drop the first path P7. Spam email largely depend on user input actions of the defined attack model returned assets in the form
and a user with up to date Internet hygiene would rarely fall of list of hosts IP addresses, types operating systems, open
prey to such. Moreover, spam emails are subject to filtering by ports and running services. We did obscure an RDP port on
spam filter giving no assurance of success of payload delivery. one of the hosts and it was discovered to be running RDP
We likewise drop path P8. In authentication attacks, brute- services upon probing for the service banner. We also
forcing passwords is subject to system lockdown upon employed the services of an automated script [36] for
multiple failed attempts. We in this regard likewise drop the automated backdoor discovery. We set up an FTP server on
path P9. Malware-free intrusions on the other hand do not the attacker’s machine to host the Ransomware payload. The
require any vulnerabilities for exploits and neither do they snapshot in Figure 7 below shows successful malware delivery
require any user input. Once the malware-free intrusion on one of the targeted hosts.
backdoor is identified, the attacker can without difficulty
We ran the attack by deploying the Ransomware to the victims
deliver his Ransomware payload directly to the victim hence
using the malware-free intrusion infection. First a
the actualization of the attack. We therefore base our
reconnaissance attack was carried out which revealed the list
experiment simulations solely on the attack path P10 in the
of available host and their respective running services upon
following section.
port scans and banner grabbing. The obscured port likewise
IV. EXPERIMENT SIMULATIONS AND ANALYSIS revealed that the RDP service was running. The automated
scripted referenced earlier was employed to probe the
Our simulation environment consists two networks separated
availability of the backdoor and five backdoors were
by a simulated Internet as shown in Figure 6 below. The
discovered on separate hosts. As can be seen in Figure 7, the
attacker is located in one subnet whilst the targeted hosts Ransomware payload file, named is a small file in
reside in a different subnet altogether. In practice the attacker the range of ~ 10KB and might not raise suspicion to the
can reside in the same network with his victims but that's a
benign user. They are usually attached to some spam email
rarity from a logical point of view in as far as Ransomware is
with a catchy subject to raise interest from the would-be
concerned. The threat actor, the attacking agent defined in the
attack model ran from the Kali Linux whilst the targeted hosts
ran on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 We observed from the pursued attack vector that it did not
and Windows 10. require any user action so long the backdoor was present and
RDP service active. Table I below summarizes some of the
Ransomware Advesary known activities and properties of the Ransomware payloads.
Victim Network
Ransomware Attack Details
Switch Variant Delete MBR Steals
Name Encryption
Files Alteration Info
  
Cryptowall Crypto X
Router FakeBSOD Locker X X X 
Brolo Locker X X X X
CTB-Locker Crypto  X X 
Teslacrypt Crypto   X 
Figure 6. Experiment setup for Ransomware delivery Reveton Locker X  X 
Seftad Locker X X  X
 
We implant the accessibility backdoor on target hosts via Cerber Crypto X X
registry manipulations by setting cmd.exe as the debugger for
specified accessibility suite executable binaries and by Ransomware threat actors might have specific targets in mind
switching specific accessibility suite binary executable with but using this attack vector would increase the surface area of
cmd.exe in the %systemroot%\System32\ directory. We infection and since the motive is to extort as much money as

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017

possible regardless of the target victim, this attack vector is activities shown in Table I. The chain comprises five stages as
especially attractive for maximizing profits. shown in Figure 8 otherwise elaborated below as follows:
Different Ransomware families have specific file activity upon 1) Malware-free Intrusion Backdoor Discovery
infection. It’s notable that the Locker variant of the The attacker in this case seeks to find the accessibility
Ransomware does not employ encryption. The deletion carried backdoor which when invoked avails a system level access
out by the various families differ in their target files and the console via RDP-based remote access. The attacker does not
subject implementing the deletion. Some attacker are known concern himself with the implantation of the backdoor, his
to remotely delete the files upon failure to pay the ransom main objective is to determine whether the backdoor exists or
while some Ransomware payload itself deletes target files to not. We base this assumption on the fact that this type of
reduce any possibility of recovery. Families which employ backdoor is documented [7, 38] to be existing on critical
asymmetric encryption largely depend on the C2 for networks of educational institutions, governments,
generation and deployed of encryption keys. The public key is manufacturing industries, legal sector, gaming companies etc.
always used for encryption. There are a number of Moreover, we contend that a determined attacker with a
Ransomware out in the wild but the majority belong existing specific target might employ other techniques to achieve this
families, only that they introduce some additional backdoor or any of this type which does not necessarily
functionalities, e.g. changing from symmetric encryption to

Figure 7. 1 of Ransomware Successfully Delivered to Victim

asymmetric encryption. Therefore, mutations of Ransomware, require user action. Once the backdoor has been discovered,
just like conventional malware, are not uncommon. the attacker goes to the next step of initial payload delivery.
A. The Infection Chain 2) Payload Delivery via FTP
Once in the system console of the victim, the attacker could
We now describe the infection chain for crypto use whichever method applicable to fetch the Ransomware
Ransomware used in our experiment. It depicts the life process from wherever it’s harbored. In our experiment the
of the Ransomware until it accomplishes the given task. Since Ransomware was assumed to be hosted on the C2 servers
the attack vector pursued in our setting is somewhat different controlled by the attacker. For effective distribution of the
from the common infection vectors in that it does not require payloads, attackers are known to host malware payloads in
user input or user action, the infection chain likewise different mirrors depending on the location of the victim. We
emphasizes that the attack vector leverages malware-free chose to fetch the Ransomware via FTP considering that this
intrusion as a result of the backdoor and not a direct protocol is allowed by most firewalls and would not be red-
consequence of a user’s action. The same chain applies to flagged under normal conditions.
Locker Ransomware with the only difference being the attack

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017

3) Infection and Initial Execution victim. There is the process of payment which is carried out in
Once the Ransomware is delivered to the victim via FTP, the different forms the most notable being via bitcoin using the
first action it carries out is to beacon out to the C2 servers. Tor network to eliminate any chances of traceability.
This is common for the variants which employ public key With the infection chain of Ransomware attack via malware-
encryption. Cases of the Ransomware falling to successfully free intrusion defined, we now look at how this infection
encrypt are documented [39] where the failure is attributed to vector fares in comparison to others in terms of intractability
inability to establish contact with the C2 servers. It should be while putting both the attack and victim into context. Table II
noted at this point that the attacker does not engage further in below summarizes the comparisons thereof.
the attack process but rather awaits the Ransomware to carry
out its tasks. Another point worth noting is that some variants TABLE II. INFECTION VECTOR CHARACTERISTICS
are known not to execute instantly upon infection but Infection Victim Exploit Mule
hibernate in efforts to avoid detection. Vector Action Dependence Carrier
Spam Mail  X  X
Payload Execution Brute-Forcing X X X 
C2 Beaconing Exploit Kits    
FTP Payload 2

Download Victim 3 X X X
Backdoor It’s evident from the above table that malware-free intrusion
File Encryption
Discovery infection vector shares some commonalities with the brute-
Ransomware Encryption Key 4 forcing vector all due to the fact that these two methods
1 Download Victim require first access to the victim’s machine. Though this may
result in requiring a lot of input parameters for the attack to
Targeted Hosts User Notification materialize, the benefits outweigh attack paths pursued via
Victim About Ransom other means. It’s worth noting that though these two vectors
may share some commonalities, brute-forcing is subject to a
C2 Severs lot of hurdles compared to malware-free intrusions and the
latter is therefore a better attack vector.
Figure 8.Infection Chain for Ransomware Attack via
Malware-free Intrusion Vector.
In as far as prevention and detection are concerned, we
4) File Encryption approach it twofold; against the Ransomware attack itself and
This is the stage where the payload actually encrypts the against malware-free intrusion. This is so because as earlier
targeted files using keys obtained from the C2 servers. The shown in the attack model, the absence of malware-free
encryption is selective in that it does not encrypt system files intrusion backdoor implicitly entails that a Ransomware
but user files not limited to images, text documents, pdf infection vector in this regard would not be feasible.
documents, database files, excel files, PowerPoint etc. Crypto There are a number of suggested solutions against
Ransomware are not known to attack system files since from a Ransomware attacks the majority directed towards prevention
logical point of view it might be cumbersome to deliver the than recovery. The most echoed of these is “prevention is
ransom notice. Once the files are encrypted, only the attacker better than cure” where offline backup of data is strongly
with the decryption keys has got the means of making the data emphasized. Offline is stressed due to the fact that some
accessible again hence the ransom, but there is no guarantee Ransomware families are known to search for any network
that the attacker will keep their word. Some variants as shown attached storage and any network resources and induce an
in Table I do delete original files while others don’t. Others attack if the target files are present. Offline backup is arguably
are known to delete shadow files so as to prevent any the best solution because Ransomware variants keep mutating
possibility of system restoration available in Windows. Crypto and new ones keep emerging with new techniques altogether.
Ransomware threat actors suffer from the challenge of key It is also recommended to keep the anti-virus updated so as to
management. Clearly using the same key for multiple include new Ransomware signatures and anomaly behavior to
encryption, hence decryption increases the chances of key the IDS and IPS engine. Good Internet hygiene is another
discovery once a victim pays the ransom as the key would be recommended house-keeping activity; users whether technical
reusable. Generating multiple keys introduces the challenge of or otherwise should likewise be educated on the importance of
key management and increases the chances of key discovery. safe Internet browsing since Ransomware attacks are mainly
5) Ransom Notification directed towards the Internet and the users thereof.
Once the Ransomware is done encrypting and deleting file in One solution against Ransomware attacks is to keep restore
accordance with its characteristics, a ransom note is delivered points on the system. However this method works with earlier
to the screen of the victim. Attackers employ a myriad of scare variants of Ransomware which did not attack the restore utility
tactics to intimidate the victim into succumbing. Some of the in the Windows operating system. Newer mutated and updated
scare tactics employed try to prey on the ignorance of the versions of Ransomware seek to delete system restore points

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017

via the vssadmin.exe file to prevent system restoration, .i.e. the It’s worth noting that security via port obscurity is not
Ransomware depends on local system resources to make forthcoming due to the fact that service banner probes do
recovery impossible. Trivial methods have been suggested reveal the actual running service.
[40] to prevent access to the above file by making a backup of
the file and renaming the original file. If this is implemented, VI. CONCLUSION
the Ransomware fails to find the vssadmin.exe responsible for Ransomware attacks keep evolving and so do the methods and
removing restore points consequently failing to explicitly techniques employed to carry out the attacks. The most
prevent a system restore. Though the Ransomware at this point common methods of Ransomware payload delivery involve
might be able to encrypt the targeted files, restoration is some third party and require some action of the user.
acquired by removing the Ransomware payload first, Moreover these types of attack vectors also involve some form
assuming it didn’t delete itself, then renaming the backed up of malware for initialization of the attack before Ransomware
file to vssadmin.exe and implementing a system restore. infection which might otherwise be detectable by the IDS.
Nevertheless, this is in the hope that the Ransomware doesn’t Malware-free intrusions introduce a new attack vector so
compute hashes to check collisions with the targeted file. desirable to the attacker in that it does not require a third party
Considering that Crypto Ransomware is the more resilient of mule and neither does it require any action from the user. As
the two Ransomware variants, other suggested solutions are demonstrated in this paper, all the attacker needs to do is to
process signing and traffic monitoring by the IPS. Crypto download the payload once the victim’s system has been
Ransomware always tries to beacon back to C2 for further penetrated. We in this paper explored the accessibility
instructions and in this prevention approach, the IPS that be backdoor as a malware-free infection vector where system
signs all processes in the system and monitors and logs level access is gained over an RDP session at pre-
process activity on the network. Communication to C2 servers authentication without logging at all. Since the accessed
can be sighted as unusual traffic and the necessary steps taken console at pre-authentication is at system level permission, the
to prevent further damage. This techniques has shortfalls in Ransomware does not need any user action as it will run under
that C2 servers are not static resources. Attackers employ system root, the highest permission in the system.
different techniques to keep their C2 servers dynamic and Furthermore, this infection vector does not rely on any exploit
difficult to trace. Moreover, C2 servers can be anything from whatsoever; all versions of Windows systems are susceptible
normal compromised user machines to botnets controlled by to the attack via this infection vector so long RDP-based
the attacker. In this case, the Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) remote access is activated, and all versions of Windows
could be employed to examine the payload of communication considered in this paper from Windows XP to Windows 10
with C2s but then DPI is known to be slow and costly for high ship with RDP by default. The attacker needs not to worry
bandwidth applications. about the implantation of the backdoor because recent study
Countering malware-free intrusions calls for addressing the has shown that a lot of systems running on the Internet today
three attack vectors that make it possible. Since the intrusion have this backdoor as evidenced by the SHODAN search
discussed herein is as a result of backdoor planting via engine.
accessibility tools, ultimate prevention and mitigation calls for Ransomware attacks pursued through this attack vector ought
prohibition of interactive console access at pre-authentication, to be countered by addressing the security loopholes resulting
most importantly over RDP-based remote access. One way to from the implantation of the backdoor. Until Microsoft find a
detect the presence of the backdoor is by hashing all binary way to implement context detection of cmd.exe execution at
executables in the %systemroot%\System32\ directory. Any pre-authentication, i.e. prohibition of execution of cmd.exe or
hash collision is an indicator of compromise. The second any other system binary that avails system level access at pre-
method of detecting the backdoor is by checking registry login, the backdoor will continue to exist. Since this backdoor
entries to check whether cmd.exe has been set as the debugger has already been used in APT attacks, it only remains to be
to any of the accessibility tools. The presence of such a setting documented for use in Ransomware attacks. Another security
likewise is a clear indication of compromise. Network Level implementation to thwart infection via this vector is ensuring
Authentication (NLA), a feature that has been introduced in system integrity check that a system executable binary capable
newer versions of Windows starting with Vista, prevents of providing system level access at pre-authentication is not
establishment of an RDP session before authentication. This set as a debugger to any of the accessibility tools. Though the
implies that activation of NLA will ultimately see the concept of introduction of NLA in newer versions of Windows
thwarting of this malware-free intrusion. However, it must be somewhat helps prevent the backdoor, it should be extended to
stated that NLA imposes requirements such as belonging to a pre-authentication attacks and not limited to denial of service
network domain and a third entity for credential handling, attacks as originally intended.
requirements that are not befitting to the average independent There are other Ransomware infection vectors that do not
user. This solution therefore can only work in isolated require user action neither a third party carrier, like brute-
instances. forcing, but their effectiveness is hindered by a couple of other
Since one of the actions of the attack model involves RDP factors. Malware-free intrusion promises a better turnout to the
service discovery, and this intrusion is only actualized via attacker.
RDP, closing RDP ports and service will prevent this attack.

ISSN 1947-5500
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS),
Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2017

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