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31 August 2009
ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

A Life with Acetogens,

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Thermophiles, and
Cellulolytic Anaerobes
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Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

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Lars G. Ljungdahl
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Georgia, Athens,

Georgia 30602; email:

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009. 63:1–25 Key Words

The Annual Review of Microbiology is online at CO2 fixation, acetyl-CoA pathway, corrinoids, tetrahydrofolates,
clostridia, anaerobic fungi, cellulosomes
This article’s doi:
10.1146/annurev.micro.091208.073617 Abstract
Copyright  c 2009 by Annual Reviews. Frankly, I was surprised to receive an invitation to write a prefatory
All rights reserved
chapter for the Annual Review of Microbiology. I have read several such
0066-4227/09/1013-0001$20.00 chapters written by outstanding researchers, many of whom I know
and admire. I did not think I belonged to such a preeminent group.
In my view, my contributions to the physiology and biochemistry of
anaerobic thermophilic bacteria and, more lately, to anaerobic fungi
are modest compared to the contribution made by other authors of
prefatory chapters. I am honored to write about my life and my work,
and I hope that those who read this chapter will sense how exciting and
rewarding they have been.

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

the Karolinska Institute, the medical school in

Contents Stockholm, and then as a research chemist at
the Stockholm Brewery Company, to my grad-
PROLOGUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
uate studies and work as an assistant professor at
FAMILY BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Case Western Reserve University, and finally as
professor of biochemistry and Georgia Power
1939–1945. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Distinguished Professor in Biotechnology at
The University of Georgia, it is the mentors,
colleagues, friends, family, and students who
have been vital to whatever success I have had.
1943–1947. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Most of my work has centered on the path-
Laboratory Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
way for the total synthesis of acetate from car-
Working with Pehr Edman: Proteins
bon dioxide as it occurs in Clostridium ther-
and Amino Acids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
moaceticum (renamed Moorella thermoacetica),
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

a project first suggested to me by Harland
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.


G. Wood when I started graduate studies in
1958. He simply said, “There is more to car-
1947–1958. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
bon dioxide fixation than the Calvin cycle and
From Yeast and Barley to an
you may prove it with C. thermoaceticum.” Wood
Anaerobic, Thermophilic,
was right. Our studies led to the elucidation
Cellulolytic Bacterium . . . . . . . . . . 4
of the acetyl-CoA pathway, which has now
Meeting Britt-Marie Swahn . . . . . . . . 5
been found in more than 100 bacteria and
Coming to the United States . . . . . . . 5
may be responsible for 20% of the yearly fix-
ation of carbon dioxide on Earth, making it
UNIVERSITY 1958–1967 . . . . . . . . . 6
both ecologically and environmentally impor-
Total Biosynthesis of Acetate from
tant. A second project, the degradation of lig-
Carbon Dioxide by
nocellulose, is for me the most long-standing.
Moorella thermoacetica
It started during my tenure at the Stockholm
(C. thermoaceticum) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Brewery Company, and I worked cooperatively
with Lennart Enebo of the Royal Institute
1967–2005. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
of Technology in Stockholm. In 1949 he iso-
A Promise to a Biochemist/
lated a thermophilic cellulolytic anaerobic bac-
Microbiologist Fulfilled . . . . . . . . . 11
terium, which he called Clostridium thermocellu-
The Acetyl-CoA Pathway:
laseum. We compared cellulases from barley and
Autotrophic Fixation
C. thermocellulaseum, both of which actively hy-
of Carbon Dioxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
drolyzed barley husks. The long-term idea was
Back to Thermophilic and Anaerobic
to obtain a cellulase that hydrolyzes complex
Cellulolytic Bacteria and Fungi . . 15
carbohydrates of barley, forming sugars that
SOME REFLECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
could be fermented. Similar ideas are now pop-
ular, for example, the conversion of cellulose
and hemicelluloses into sugars that can be fer-
mented to ethanol, an alternative to gasoline.
One does not go through life in a vacuum;
you meet people who influence you. I have FAMILY BACKGROUND
been fortunate to have met many people who Although my parents were poor as children and
have led me to new opportunities. From my did not graduate from grade school, they were
early career in Sweden, first as a technician at enterprising and industrious. They had one rule

2 Ljungdahl
ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

for me that served me well throughout life: (KI). I also enrolled in evening classes at Stock-
I could do anything I wanted except things I holm’s Technical Institute (STI) to continue my
would be ashamed to tell them about. studies toward an engineering degree in chem-
Both of my parents came from rather large ical technology. Oddly enough, the day I was
families and, from an early age, had to help taking an oral exam for the degree—May 5,
care for and support their siblings. This influ- 1945—was the day Germany capitulated. Dur-
enced my mother and her sisters to have just one ing my exam, five of my teachers questioned
child to whom they could afford to give their me on broad aspects of chemistry. During the
best. As a result, my “siblings” were actually my examination loud noises were coming from the
cousins; one of which, Rune Stjernholm, had street outside, with people happily and excitedly
a major influence on my life. He encouraged marching, waving flags, and screaming that the
me to study chemistry, to further my educa- war was over. One of the teachers suggested,
tion at Case Western Reserve University, and “Lars seems to do O.K., let’s finish and join the
to join Harland Wood’s laboratory. Rune had a fun outside.”
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

successful career in the United States. Among

by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

other accomplishments, he served for 17 years

as Chairman and Head of the Department THE DREAM JOB FOR A
of Biochemistry at Tulane University in New BUDDING BIOCHEMIST:
Orleans. He passed away March 6, 2008. KAROLINSKA INSTITUTE
Upon my graduation from TM in 1943 I needed
EDUCATION IN SWEDEN a job and luck was on my side. During my early
1939–1945 teens I was a member of the Boy Scouts. My
My parents expected me to follow in their foot- Scout Leader, Torsten Thaning, was a physician
steps and become a skilled worker. Higher edu- engaged in research at KI. He knew about my
cation was not considered. But, when I reached interest in chemistry and arranged for me to
the sixth grade, my teacher told me to apply meet with Eric Jorpes, a professor of chemistry
to a four-year technical secondary school with at KI. I must have had a strong recommendation
emphasis in mathematics, physics, chemistry, from T. Thaning, because Jorpes rather quickly
and mechanical engineering. This became the offered me a job as a laboratory assistant with
springboard to my career in science. a salary of SEK 200 per month (about $40). I
My education in Sweden was bracketed by started July 1, 1943 and stayed until September
World War II. The day I was supposed to be- 30, 1946, when I entered compulsory service in
gin my four years at Stockholm Stads Tekniska the Swedish Army for training as military police
Mellanskola (The City of Stockholm’s Techni- and demolition expert.
cal Secondary School, or TM)—September 1,
1939—was also the day that Germany attacked
Poland. I graduated from TM in 1943. TM Laboratory Assistant
was an excellent school for me and I loved it. My first job in science—at age 16—was in the
Mathematics, physics, chemistry, and mechan- department of medical chemistry at KI, one
ical engineering were emphasized, as were the of the most prestigious medical schools in the
Swedish and English languages. I did well in the world. It was a dream come true. KI was estab-
sciences but had trouble with English, a prob- lished in 1810, and its departments of medical
lem that is still with me. I speak English with chemistry and anatomy were located in a beau-
a Swedish accent, and my Swedish now has a tiful building in the center of Stockholm on the
definite American/English slant. island of Kungsholmen. Later, the Stockholm
After graduating from TM, I started work- City Townhall was built next to KI. The Town-
ing as a technician at the Karolinska Institute hall is well known among Nobel Prize winners, • A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes 3

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

since the dinners celebrating their awards are An interesting biography of Edman is available
given every year in its Blue Hall. (Alfred Nobel (59).
in 1895 designated KI as the institution to se-
lect the winners of the Prize in Physiology and
When I started working at KI, some of the COMPANY AND COMING TO
students working toward MD degrees, a de- THE UNITED STATES 1947–1958
gree which in Sweden includes research and
a doctoral thesis, were Peter Reichard, Sune
From Yeast and Barley to an
Bergström, Pehr Edman, Stig Åqvist, Olof
Anaerobic, Thermophilic,
Jalling, Victor Mutt, Harry Boström, Sven
Cellulolytic Bacterium
Gardell, and Carl-Göran Heden, all of whom When I finished my compulsory military ser-
have made notable contributions to biochem- vice in 1947, I wanted to work as a chemical en-
istry. In fact, Sune Bergström received the gineer. I got work as a research chemist at the
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

Nobel Prize in 1982. Central Laboratory of the Stockholm Brewery

by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

Work in Jorpes’ laboratory involved several Company, where I stayed until 1958.
peptide hormones including insulin, gastrin, The Central Laboratory, headed by Evald
renin, angiotensin (also named hypertensin), Sandegren, had two separate units, one dedi-
and secretin. In addition, Jorpes worked with cated to biochemistry and the other to micro-
heparin. My first work entailed helping to pre- biology. Lennart Enebo was in charge of the
pare heparin from liver and other tissues. As I microbiology unit and he introduced me to mi-
gained experience, Jorpes assigned me to work crobiology. Sandegren was very interested in
with Edman on angiotensin. research. He told me, “Know you can learn
a lot about life studying yeast and barley.” I
worked on several interesting projects. One was
Working with Pehr Edman: Proteins the study of free amino acids in brewing mate-
and Amino Acids rials and their fate during the brewing process.
Edman is perhaps the most well-known pro- Results included finding γ-amino-butyric acid
tein chemist I worked with at KI. He developed (GABA) and several peptides in barley, wort,
the procedure for sequencing peptides and pro- and beer, which were taken up by yeast (41).
teins using phenylisothiocyanate, known as the The presence of GABA in beer interested me.
Edman degradation (22). Edman was a straight- This amino acid has not been found in protein,
forward man who rarely showed much enthu- but it is present in the brain and in the cen-
siasm, but one day at the end of 1944, he tral nervous system, where it acts as a negative
showed up brimming with excitement about a neurotransmitter. I still wonder if the relaxing
just-published paper by Consden, Gordon, and effect of a glass of beer is due in part to the
Martin (11) that described a method for analyz- presence of GABA.
ing amino acids using paper chromatography. Another project pursued with Enebo be-
We used a modified version of their method came the foundation of one part of my fu-
to analyze angiotensin. The results indicated ture research: the enzymatic hydrolysis of
that angiotensin has 10 different amino acids, cellulose/hemicellulose for the production of
including some extra histidine, and that the pa- fermentable sugars. It started with the idea that
per chromatographic system works well with cell walls are difficult to penetrate and that
peptides (21). I am convinced that Edman’s fu- enzymes hydrolyzing starch and protein may
ture interest in protein sequencing was formed have difficulty reaching their substrates inside
during our work characterizing angiotensin. It the barley. Thus, an understanding of the ac-
was Edman who introduced me not only to tion of cellulases and hemicellulases during the
biochemistry but also to the joy of science. malting and mashing processes would be of

4 Ljungdahl
ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

interest. Furthermore, the hydrolysis of the remarkably from the enzyme of C. thermocellu-
cellulose of barley would increase the amount laseum in that its activity was much lower in its
of fermentable glucose and thus increase the response to sugars, as were its pH and tempera-
utilization of the barley. The original idea of ture optima. We concluded that cellulases from
looking at cellulases of barley was proposed by different sources, such as plants, bacteria, and
Enebo, who had already initiated work on cel- fungi, have different properties (27).
lulose fermentation using thermophilic bacte-
ria (25). He used a symbiotic culture consist-
ing of three different bacteria, one of which Meeting Britt-Marie Swahn
was cellulolytic. This mixed culture vigorously Just before I began work at the Brewery, an-
fermented cellulose, but only when all three other life-changing event occurred. In 1947,
bacteria were together. The cellulolytic bac- during my military service, I was granted an
terium was not capable of rapid degradation unexpected leave on April 30, which is an im-
of cellulose without the presence of the other portant day in Sweden; it is the day on which
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

two bacteria, which in turn were dependent on the arrival of spring is celebrated. I called my
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

the supply of fermentable carbohydrate pro- friends but they all had dates, and I was left
duced by the cellulolytic species. The three alone. My mother noticed my predicament. She
different bacteria were eventually obtained in gave me 10 kronor (crones) and told me to go
pure cultures. Enebo characterized them and to Skansen, a popular outdoor museum park in
suggested the names Clostridium thermocellula- Stockholm. I noticed three nice looking girls,
seum for the cellulolytic species and Clostrid- one of whom I recognized, as she often traveled
ium thermobutyricum and Bacillus thermolacticus on the same bus I did. She introduced me to her
for the other bacteria (26). Enebo shared his friends. One of them was Britt-Marie (Britten)
excitement about his symbiotic mixed culture Swahn. We started talking with each other and
with me. It was my first exposure to anaero- a world opened up for me. We married in Au-
bic and thermophilic bacteria. Anaerobic and gust 1949 and were together until 1995, when I
thermophilic microorganisms capable of CO2 lost her to a brain tumor. We have two children.
fixation and/or that have cellulolytic proper- Ann-Sofie was born in 1953 and Per in 1957,
ties have since been and still are my main both of whom have done very well in their ca-
passions. reers in medicine and science. Britten had two
Our initial experiments with barley showed sisters; we three husbands became the Swahn
that at the beginning of the malting process the boys, and we had and continue to have a great
cellulase activity was very low, but that after relationship.
6 days it started to increase, such that after
15 days the cellulase activity in the green malt
was 50 times greater than the cellulase activ- Coming to the United States
ity in barley. The activity of cellulase purified While I was working at the Stockholm Brewery
from green malt was 40 times higher than that Company, my cousin Rune was working at the
of the green malt. A problem during the purifi- University of Stockholm, Wenner-Gren Insti-
cation, which involved ammonium sulfate pre- tute as a member of a research team led by Gösta
cipitation followed by dialysis using cellophane Ehrensvärd. This team pioneered the use of iso-
dialysis sacks, was that the sacks were dissolved topes and demonstrated the importance of ac-
by the cellulase. We should have known bet- etate as a precursor for the biosynthesis of sev-
ter than to use cellophane sacks. The purified eral amino acids. Their work drew the attention
enzyme was activated by glucose, xylose, and a of Harland G. Wood, a pioneer and promoter
low concentration of cellobiose, but it was in- of using carbon isotopes as tracers in biochem-
activated by cellobiose at concentrations over istry. During a visit in 1950 to the Wenner-Gren
1% and by lactose. The barley enzyme differed Institute, Harland Wood met Rune, realized his • A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes 5

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

skill and devotion to biochemical metabolism, dedicated to his work. He explained he needed
and invited Rune to join him at Case West- me as his technician to help with isolation and
ern Reserve University (CWRU) to work on degradation of radioactively labeled sugar phos-
the metabolism of propionic acid bacteria and phates. I mentioned my work with thermophilic
to study for a PhD. Rune arrived at CWRU bacteria and cellulases but also stressed that one
in 1952 and found himself at the world center of my priorities in coming to the United States
for metabolic studies using isotope techniques. was the pursuit of graduate studies. I liked Dr.
His metabolic experiments led to the discovery Wood (he wanted me to call him that) from the
of several new enzymes, including the two key beginning. Little did I know that we had a life-
enzymes methylmalonyl-oxaloacetic transcar- time ahead of us to work on acetogens, and that
boxylase and methylmalonyl-CoA isomerase, we were to become good friends. Clostridium
involved in propionic acid formation. In 1956 thermoaceticum was not mentioned at our first
Rune visited Sweden and I hinted that I would meeting.
not mind doing as he had done, studying in the After a few days it was time for me to
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

United States and earning a PhD. Rune must work and to learn about the use of radioac-
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

have taken my hint seriously and conveyed it tive isotopes and how to degrade biological
to Harland Wood. In the fall of 1957 I re- compounds to determine the incorporation and
ceived a short letter from Wood inviting me to distribution of 14 C-labeled precursors in these
work as a technician with him at CWRU and to compounds. At the time, Wood was working on
study first for a Master’s degree and eventually two projects. There were still problems with
a PhD. the pathway involving the formation of pro-
Britten and I thought of dozens of reasons pionic acid in Propionibacterium shermanii, the
to continue our life in Sweden, but with the en- bacterium with which Wood had established
couragement of Evald Sandegren we decided to heterotrophic CO2 fixation. The second project
accept this not-to-be-missed opportunity. He was studying the metabolism of 14 C glucose in
suggested we stay for a couple of years and if mammalian tissues, especially lactose synthesis
it did not work out as expected, I would be in the mammary gland. He had already found
welcomed back to the brewery. With Britten’s that a substantial randomization of the 14 C glu-
strong support we accepted Wood’s offer. On cose occurred, and he wanted to establish the
February 18, 1958, a cold but beautiful winter mechanism of that as well as find a method to
day, we left Stockholm by plane for New York calculate the involvement of the pentose cycle
and Cleveland, where we arrived two days later. (84). My job was to purify sugar phosphates and,
We were exhausted, happy, and excited. Rune after dephosphorylation, determine the distri-
and his wife, Iris, helped us settle in and intro- bution of 14 C among the carbons.
duced Britten and me to the Swedish Cultural One study I was involved with was determin-
Society in Cleveland. We were stunned by the ing whether transaldolase catalyzes an exchange
generosity of its members. With their help, we reaction between glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
quickly settled into our new life. The day after and fructose-6-phosphate. If this exchange oc-
arriving, February 21, I met Harland G. Wood curred, it would explain the unequal label-
for the first time. ing of sugars observed in tracer studies. For
substrates, we used 3-P-glycerate-1–14 C and
glycerol-2–14 C. 3-P-glycerate was converted
CASE WESTERN RESERVE with glycerate kinase, and glyceraldehyde-3-P-
UNIVERSITY 1958–1967 dehydrogenase, to glyceraldehyde-3-P-1–14 C.
I knew Wood had discovered CO2 fixation by Glycerol-2–14 C was converted with glyceroki-
heterotrophic organisms and was a pioneer in nase, glycerol-P-dehydrogenase, and triose-P-
using isotopes as markers for metabolic studies. isomerase to glyceraldehyde-3P-2–14 C, and in-
I was warned that he was very demanding and cubated with fructose-6-P and transaldolase.

6 Ljungdahl
ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

The fructose-6-P now labeled was degraded, Total Biosynthesis of Acetate from
and 99% of the 14 C was located in C-4 of Carbon Dioxide by Moorella
the fructose, with 3-P-glycerate-1–14 C as la- thermoacetica (C. thermoaceticum)
beled substrate. Similarly, with glycerol-2–14 C
In 1942, Fontaine and coworkers described
the fructose was labeled almost exclusively
an anaerobic and thermophilic bacterium,
in the C-5 position. The results clearly
Clostridium thermoaceticum, that ferments glu-
confirmed the exchange reaction between
cose, fructose, and xylose with acetate as the
glyceraldehyde-3-P and fructose-6-P. The re-
only product (28). In 1994 Collins et al. (10) re-
action can be used for the production of hexoses
named the bacterium Moorella thermoacetica (the
labeled in the C-4, C-5, and C-6 positions (43).
new name will be used from this point forward).
The results appeared in my first publication
Two mechanisms were proposed for the forma-
from work done in the United States and I was
tion of 3 mol of acetate from 1 mol of glucose.
very proud of it. Our work was criticized by a re-
The first was a traditional C3 –C3 cleavage of the
viewer at The Journal of Biochemical Chemistry as
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

glucose, forming pyruvate subsequently cleaved

describing unnecessary work since the outcome
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

to yield 2 mol of acetate and 2 mol of CO2 ,

was obvious. I am a little old-fashioned and
which were utilized to form the third mol of
firmly believe one should conduct experiments
acetate. The second mechanism was a cleavage
even though the outcome can be predicted with
of glucose, forming three C2 units converted to
some certainty. Results of experiments are cor-
acetate. The first mechanism was favored and
rect, but that is not always true for predictions.
it was formulated as follows:
My newly learned expertise in the degrada-
tion of sugars was used to study metabolism C6 H12 O6 + 2H2 O → 2CH3 COOH
in leukocytes. It resulted in a publication with + 2CO2 + 8H
Rune Stjernholm and Ernie Noble (56), which
is the only publication I have coauthored with 2CO2 + 8H → CH3 COOH + 2H2 O
my cousin Rune.
In June 1958, I applied to graduate school at Sum : C6 H12 O6 → 3CH3 COOH.
CWRU. My engineering degree from STI and
my previous work experience qualified me for Fermentation of glucose in the presence of
graduate school, and I signed up for the PhD CO2 , as performed by Barker & Kamen (5),
program in biochemistry, with minors in chem- established that acetate was formed labeled. It
istry and microbiology. My course load and my was one of the earliest experiments in biology to
work as a technician meant that it would take use a radioactive isotope. Degradation of the ac-
eight years to finish the PhD requirements; I etate showed that 14 C was incorporated into the
would be 40 before I graduated. After discussing methyl and into the carboxyl groups. The result
the situation with Wood, I became a fulltime indicated that the first mechanism is the correct
student and the faculty allowed me second- one. However, it was pointed out by Wood that
year status, which provided enough financial the 14 C experiment by Barker and Kamen did
support. not distinguish a mixture of acetate singly la-
Wood suggested that as my graduate project beled in the methyl or the carboxyl group from
I should find the pathway of the synthesis of ac- acetate doubly labeled in the methyl and the
etate from CO2 in Clostridium thermoaceticum. I carboxyl groups and formed totally from CO2 .
accepted that suggestion, since it involved CO2 Thus, it was essential to establish that both car-
fixation and thermophily—two subjects of great bons in the same acetic acid molecule were de-
interest that I continue to pursue today. Acetate rived from CO2 .
synthesis became a project Wood and I collab- In a classical experiment, Wood fermented
orated on until his death in 1991. glucose in the presence of 13 CO2 at high • A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes 7

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

C6H12O6 Thus, it seemed warranted to isolate sugar

phosphates from the cells of M. thermoacetica
4H+ + 4e– after exposure to 14 CO2 and to determine the
distribution of radioactivity in them. Another
2CH3COCOOH Inside cell Outside cell
possible mechanism relates to the isotope ex-
2CO2 CO2 change between 14 CO2 and formate as catalyzed
by resting cells of M. thermoacetica, and to the
4H+ + 4e–
finding by Kenneth Lentz (37) that formate
may be a better precursor of the methyl group
2CH3COOH CH3COOH of acetate. Formate may be incorporated via
tetrahydrofolates (THFs) into amino acids such
Figure 1
as glycine and serine and possibly pyruvate and
Homoacetate fermentation by Moorella
dicarboxylic acids, which may serve as interme-
thermoacetica. The diagram depicts the formation of
diates in acetate synthesis. The involvement of
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

two molecules of acetate from glucose and one

molecule synthesized from CO2 . these biochemicals in acetate synthesis was con-
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

sidered in a review by Wood and Stjernholm

concentration. The acetate formed was con- (86).
verted to acetylene, the mass of which was de- My first experiments were based on these
termined by mass spectrometry. Results clearly speculations. Large amounts, 90 to 186 g, of
showed a total synthesis of acetate from CO2 . In M. thermoacetica cells, fermenting glucose or xy-
addition they showed that there is an exchange lose anaerobically under N2 at 55◦ C, were ex-
reaction between the carboxyl group of ac- posed to a 5-s pulse of highly labeled 14 CO2 .
etate and carbon dioxide (82). Additional work Sugar phosphates, free amino acids, and car-
in Wood’s laboratory using labeled glucoses boxylic acids were isolated, and their spe-
strongly indicated that glucose is fermented via cific radioactivities as well as the distribution
the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas glycolytic path- of 14 C in them were determined (89). Only
way with the formation of two C3 -compounds, fructose-1,6-diphosphate, formate, and lactate
most likely pyruvate, which is split into acetate had higher specific activities than acetate. The
and CO2 (83). Kenneth Lentz, a graduate stu- specific activities and distribution of 14 C in the
dent who worked with Wood before I joined sugar phosphates were such that they could
his lab, found that resting cell suspensions of not be precursors of acetate. Likewise, a path-
M. thermoacetica, in addition to rapidly fixing way involving lactate, aspartate, serine, glycine,
CO2 into both carbons of acetate, also catalyze a malate, and/or succinate could be excluded.
rapid exchange between 14 CO2 and formate. He The high activity of lactate related only to the
also observed that labeled formate was a better carboxyl group, which was a reflection of a
precursor of the methyl group of acetate than of fast exchange reaction between the carboxyl
the carboxyl group (37). Figure 1 summarizes group of pyruvate and 14 CO2 . The high ra-
the fermentation of glucose by M. thermoacetica dioactivity of the formate was in agreement with
as it was understood when I started my graduate the results previously obtained by Lentz and
studies. showed that formate could be a precursor of the
When I began my graduate studies, the only methyl group of acetate. This prompted me to
known pathway for the synthesis of carbon-to- study the exchange reactions between pyruvate-
carbon bonds was the reductive pentose phos- CO2 and formate-CO2 using cell extracts from
phate cycle, or the Calvin cycle, which occurs M. thermoacetica (42). The first attempt to
in autotrophic and photosynthetic organisms. find the reactions was negative. I quickly
In this cycle phosphorylated sugars play impor- found that the reactions occurred only under
tant roles (24). Formation of acetate from sugar strict anaerobic conditions and at temperatures
phosphates is catalyzed by phosphoketolases. coinciding with the growth temperature of

8 Ljungdahl
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M. thermoacetica, which is between 40 and 65◦ C.

Could it be that the growth temperature of a
bacterium is related to the temperature stabil- CO2
ity of enzymes and other proteins from it? This [CH3 Co E] [CO Ni E]
observation excited me and strengthened my CoA CO
interest in how thermophiles require and can
survive at high temperatures. CO2
Several years after the publication of the
pulse experiments, I reexamined the degrada- HOOC CH2 CO COOH HOOC CH2 CH COOH
tion data of the sugar phosphates, acetate, lac- NH2
tate, and aspartate and found they demonstrate CHO CH2OH
that acetyl-CoA is a precursor of these com- HCOH C O
pounds (Figure 2), and subsequently can be CH2OP CH2OP
considered the primary building block for cell
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

material in M. thermoacetica (45).

by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

At the American Society of Microbiology CH2OP CH2OH CHO

meeting in Cleveland 1963, I had the oppor- C O C O HCOH
tunity to meet with Earl Stadtman from the HOCH HOC H HOCH
National Institutes of Health (NIH). He was
interested in M. thermoacetica and acetate syn- HCOH
thesis from CO2 . I told him about the require- HCOH HCOH HCOH
ment of high temperature to catalyze the ex- CH2OP CH2OP CH2OP
change reactions and that formate was a likely
precursor of the methyl group. Stadtman in
turn mentioned that methyl-vitamin B12 could
play a role as methyl donor in acetate syn- b
thesis, similar to 14 C-methyl-B12 as substrate Acetate Lactate Aspartate
in the synthesis of methionine (31). Stadtman COOH
and coworkers soon showed it to be the case
CH3 34.6 CH3 34.2 CH2 38.0
COOH 65.4 CHOH 65.8 CHNH2 62.0
At the time, methyl-B12 had not been found
in any biological material. Wood and I thought COOH COOH
it would be possible to find it in M. thermoacetica
G 6 P F 6 P F 1,6 P R 5 P
if it were an intermediate in the synthesis of
the methyl group of acetate from CO2 and for-
mate. We decided to repeat my first experi- 2 C CO CO 2 C
ments using large amounts of M. thermoacetica 3 C C C 3 C
cells fermenting glucose or xylose anaerobi-
4 C C C 4 C 67.4
cally under N2 by exposing them to a 15-s
5 C 69.3 C 55.8 C 63.9 5 C P 32.6
pulse of highly labeled 14 CO2 , and then iso-
lating B12 or other corrinoids by acetone and 6 C P 30.7 C P 44.2 C P 37.1
phenol extractions by methods worked out in Figure 2
Konrad Bernhauer’s laboratory at the Technis- Panel a shows the pathway of incorporation of acetyl-CoA formed from CO2
che Hochschule in Stuttgart, Germany. Eckart by Moorella thermoacetica into lactate, aspartate, and sugar phosphates. Panel b
Irion, who recently had obtained his PhD doing shows the distribution of 14 C in acetate formed from 14 CO2 by fixation via the
acetyl-CoA pathway and the incorporation of this acetate into lactate, aspartate,
work on corrinoids in Bernhauer’s laboratory, and sugar phosphates. The pathway in panel a is based on the ratios of 14 C
had just joined Wood’s group and became very between the methyl and carboxyl groups in these compounds. Adapted from
interested in our attempt to find methyl-B12 in Reference 45. • A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes 9

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

M. thermoacetica and establish if it was an inter- cell extract of M. thermoacetica (39). Thus,
mediate in the acetate synthesis from CO2 . the two Co-methylcorrinoids behaved as was
The work to isolate corrinoids from expected by an intermediate between CO2
M. thermoacetica was successful. It was done and the methyl group of acetate. Cobyric acid
in very dim light to prevent cleavage by and 5-methoxybenzimidazolylcobamide, or
light of any cobalt-carbon linkages such as Bernhauer’s Factor III, are the prominent
those of Co-5 -deoxyadenosyl corrinoids, as corrinoids in M. thermoacetica. Factor III had
found in coenzyme-B12 , and Co-methyl-B12 . been synthesized by Friedrich and Bernhauer
We were working in the dark literally and (29) but had not been found before in nature.
figuratively—we couldn’t see what we were With the knowledge that Co-
doing and we didn’t know what we would find. methylcobamides satisfied the requirements
What we found was amazing. M. thermoacetica as intermediates in acetate synthesis, we
contained more than 20 different corrinoids in proceeded by demonstrating that cell ex-
a combined amount of 70 μmol per 100 g of tracts of M. thermoacetica in the presence
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

wet cells (33). Most of the corrinoids were of of pyruvate convert the methyl group of
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

the coenzyme form with the 5 -deoxyadenosyl 5–14 CH3 -tetrahydrofolate to the methyl group
attached to the cobalt, and they appeared of acetate. We then speculated that the con-
to be intermediates in the synthesis of com- version of Co-methylcorrinoids to acetate may
plete B12 factors from cobyric acid. For us occur via a Co-carboxymethylcorrinoid, which
the most exciting part was isolating Co- we synthesized and found to be converted
(methyl)-5-methoxybenzimidazolylcobamide to acetate by cell extracts. On the basis of
and Co-methylcobyric acid and finding that the our findings, we presented a concept of the
Co-methyl groups had higher 14 C-specific total synthesis of acetate from CO2 (see
activities than did the acetate formed in Figure 3) (40). Accordingly, the methyl group
the same incubation. Both of these Co- of acetate is formed from CO2 by reduction to
methylcorrinoids served as precursors of the formate, which is further reduced via several
methyl group of acetate when tested in a derivatives of THF to methyltetrahydrofolate,
the methyl group of which is transferred
to a corrinoid to form a methylcorrinoid.
CO2 The speculation about the involvement of a
Co-carboxymethylcorrinoid was wrong.
H Diekert and Thauer (16) reported that
M. thermoacetica contains carbon monoxide de-
hydrogenase, an Ni-Fe enzyme. Harold Drake
H Pyruvate Acetate
(19) and Steve Ragsdale (67) (who was a former
graduate student of mine) worked in Wood’s
THFA TPNH TPN laboratory and found that it was bifunctional:
CO2 It had carbon dioxide dehydrogenase (CODH)
CH3 CH2COOH and acetyl-CoA synthase (ACS) activity. The
CH3-THFA [Co] [Co] CH3COOH CODH/ACS catalyzes the condensation of
the methyl group of the Co-methylcorrinoid,
[Co] carbon monoxide formed from CO2 , and
CoA yielding acetyl-CoA, in which the acetyl
Figure 3
group is synthesized from CO2 . Subsequently,
The first concept of the total synthesis of acetate involving formate,
tetrahydrofolate derivatives, methylcorrinoid, and postulated
Ragsdale has done extensive and excellent
carboxymethylcorrinoid as intermediates. [Co] is the cobalt of a corrinoid to work on CODH/ACS and has recently pub-
which the methyl and carboxymethyl groups bind. THFA, tetrahydrofolic acid lished a comprehensive review of this enzyme
(40). (64).

10 Ljungdahl
ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

I received my PhD in January 1964 and be- newly completed Graduate Study Building and
came an assistant professor. But there was a fly a fermentation plant was under construction.
in the ointment. As a graduate of CWRU, I My impression was that UGA, especially the
had no prospect of a tenured position. Thus, biological sciences programs, could develop
in 1967, I began my search for a new posi- into something impressive. I would be involved
tion. I considered returning to Sweden but I re- in building an excellent biochemistry depart-
ceived offers in the United States, one of which ment. I was also invited to join the department
was from the newly formed department of bio- of microbiology, headed by William Jackson
chemistry at the University of Georgia, Athens Payne. Peck and Payne were working on prob-
(UGA), which intrigued me. I accepted it. Be- lems of great interest to me. Subsequent years
fore leaving CWRU, Wood and I divided up have proven that Athens and the University of
our research interests. Wood was to study the Georgia were a good fit for my family and me.
final reactions forming acetyl-CoA involving When I arrived at UGA the biochemistry
CODH/ACS, and I was to work on formate department was still forming. Peck understood
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

dehydrogenase and the formation of methyl- that it was not possible to attract, as he put it, the
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

tetrahydrofolate and methylcorrinoids. In gen- kings of biochemistry to our young department,

eral we adhered to this agreement, but we left but we could attract crown princes. We made
room for cooperation. ourselves known by inviting respected scientists
for seminars and by giving recruitment parties
at national meetings of biochemists and micro-
THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA biologists. In addition to building a young and
1967–2005 energetic faculty, several support services were
set up. These included facilities for amino acid
A Promise to a Biochemist/ analyses and sequencing, mass spectroscopy,
Microbiologist Fulfilled electron microscopy, NMR, EPR, X-ray crys-
In May 1967, while attending the ASM meet- tallography, and antibody production; rather
ing in New York, I was walking on Broadway recently bioinformatics has been added. The
when I heard a voice calling, “Lars, you are early history of our department was chronicled
looking for a job, aren’t you?” It was Leon by Milton Cormier in 2007 (12).
Campbell, a former professor of microbiology The new faculty was enthusiastic and
at CWRU. “If you are, just walk into the bar eager to succeed. It displayed openness and
over there and introduce yourself to the bearded willingness to cooperate not only within the
fellow at the counter and tell him I sent you. department, but also throughout the biological
His name is Harry Peck.” Peck, a graduate of sciences and the university as a whole. This
CWRU who had studied with Howard Gest, openness and cooperation is still evident.
was the chairman of the department of bio- For example, I have coauthored publications
chemistry at UGA. He was impressed by my with 17 colleagues from the departments of
work with Wood and by my connections with biochemistry, microbiology, botany, and chem-
Lester Krampitz and Howard Gest. He in- istry, and the Richard B. Russell Agricultural
vited me to visit UGA the following Tuesday Research Center.
to present a seminar. In the evening after my In 1978 the department had outgrown its
talk I was offered a job as assistant professor. original space and was housed in five locations.
UGA had a large federal grant to develop A new building dedicated to the departments
excellence in biological sciences, and the state of biochemistry and genetics was needed.
of Georgia was committed to expanding the Norman Giles and Sidney Kushner from
university. From 1965 to 1967 more than 1100 genetics and Milton Cormier, Leon Dure, and
new faculty members were hired. The depart- I met with Fred Davidson, the president of
ment of biochemistry was moving into the UGA, who reacted favorably to our proposal. • A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes 11

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

We got the new building, and in 1991 the de- about total synthesis of acetate from CO2 in
partments of biochemistry and genetics moved heterotrophic bacteria. We were still cautious
into it. As the department of biochemistry about considering the acetate synthesis from
grew, the university was also expanding its CO2 an autotrophic process (52).
focus in the biosciences. Peter Albersheim and The first acetogenic bacterium capable of
Alan Darvill were recruited and established the synthesis of acetate from CO2 was isolated
the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center by Wieringa in 1935 (80). Unfortunately, not
(CCRC). The CCRC and the Center for much work was done with this bacterium, which
Metalloenzyme Studies have been especially was lost. Thus, M. thermoacetica, isolated by
important for my research on metalloenzymes Fontaine et al. in 1942 (28), was the only aceto-
involved in acetogenesis and on enzymes for gen available to Wood and me for our studies of
the hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicelluloses. acetogenesis. But in 1967 El-Ghazzawi (23) iso-
An additional boost of biosciences came with lated an acetogenic mesophilic bacterium which
the formation of the Georgia Research Alliance in 1970 was named Clostridium formicoaceticum
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

(GRA). It was organized in 1990 and includes (2). It ferments one mol of fructose, but not glu-
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

six research universities, the state of Georgia, cose, almost stoichiometrically to 3 mol of ac-
and some major industries. GRA promotes re- etate via the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas path-
search and technology by furnishing funding way. Hans Schlegel, who had spent some time
for endowed chairs, major equipment, and co- at CWRU and knew Wood, sent me a culture
operation between universities and industries. of C. formicoaceticum. I now had the opportu-
I had the privilege to serve on GRA during its nity to study both mesophilic and thermophilic
early years to promote biosciences. Essential for acetogens.
my research was setting up the X-ray crystal- In the spring of 1968 my laboratory was
lography facility and recruiting B.-C. Wang to ready. My first graduate student was William
lead it. The crystal structures of several enzymes E. O’Brien, who had a MS degree from
I worked with have now been obtained. I feel Mississippi State University. Shortly thereafter
fortunate to have been a part of building the Rajinder Ghambeer from Australian Univer-
biochemistry department, which is now called sity, Sue Neece from Duke University, and Jan
the department of biochemistry and molecular Andreesen, codiscoverer of C. formicoaceticum,
biology (BMB). Harry Peck, John Wampler, from the University of Göttingen, Germany,
and David Puett, who as chairmen of BMB dur- joined the laboratory. Also to my big surprise
ing my tenure at UGA, deserve much praise. and delight, Wood decided to spend a sabbati-
Their philosophy has been to serve the faculty cal with me; Marvin Schulman and Paul Kucera,
members, allowing them the time and freedom a technician, accompanied him. We were now
to conduct the best research and to teach to an impressive group of people studying ace-
the best of their abilities. Stephen Hajduk now togenesis. One of our experiments was to es-
leads BMB. tablish, with 13 CO2 and mass analysis of the
acetate produced, whether one third of the ac-
etate produced with C. formicoaceticum was to-
The Acetyl-CoA Pathway: Autotrophic tally synthesized from CO2 in a manner similar
Fixation of Carbon Dioxide to that shown for M. thermoaceticum (69). This
My first task at UGA was to apply to NIH work was extended to two purine-fermenting
for a grant to support work on folic acid and bacteria, Clostridium acidiurici and Clostrid-
corrinoid-dependent enzymes in the total syn- ium cylindrosporum, which had been shown by
thesis of acetate from CO2 . The application was Rabinowitz and coworkers to use THF deriva-
successful, and in 1968 I received my first NIH tives for synthesis of acetate from CO2 . The
grant. I had continuing support from NIH un- results showed that in fermentations of fruc-
til 1996. My second task was to write a review tose with 13 CO2 , C. formicoaceticum synthesizes

12 Ljungdahl
ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

one third of the acetate totally from CO2 and (4). According to postulated pathways for the
that two thirds are formed from the fructose, fermentation of glucose and synthesis of ac-
suggesting that it uses the same pathway as etate from CO2 by M. thermoacetica, 3 mol of
M. thermoacetica. Although they incorpo- ATP are available as energy for growth. A bac-
rate CO2 in acetate, the purine-fermenting terial growth yield (Y) in grams per mol of
clostridia use another pathway (20). ATP determined experimentally is 10.5 (60).
Formate dehydrogenase, 10-formyltetra- The Y(ATP) we obtained was 18, which indi-
hydrofolate synthetase, 5,10-methenyltetra- cated that additional energy was available, and
hydrofolate cyclohydrolase, 5,10-methyl- we postulated generation of ATP by electron
enetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase, and transport during the synthesis of acetate. In sup-
5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase are port of this were findings of hydrogenase in
required for the conversion of CO2 to 5- M. thermoacetica (17) and of H2 /CO2 or CO
methyltetrahydrofolate. The methyl group as an energy source (35). The idea of elec-
of which is then transferred to the Co atom tron transport generation of energy in aceto-
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

of a corrinoid to form a Co-methylcorrinoid, gens excited us, and it led my graduate student
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

of which the methyl group is the methyl Shiow-Shong Yang and postdoctoral associate
precursor of acetate. These enzymes are James Elliot, in cooperation with Jean LeGall
present in both C. formicoaceticum (57) and Daniel DerVartanian, to look for electron-
and M. thermoacetica (4). Over the next transfer proteins in M. thermoaceticum. This
10 years, O’Brien and Neece, and two addi- work resulted in the isolation of two ferredoxins
tional students, Michael R. Moore and Joan and two rubredoxins. In addition, we found cy-
Clarke, purified all the THF enzymes from tochromes and menaquinone, which according
these two acetogens. Some differences were to textbooks of that day should be absent in het-
found between corresponding enzymes from erotrophic bacteria because they did not carry
the two acetogens. Most noticeable was that the out electron transport generation of energy.
enzymes from M. thermoacetica function better When back at the University of Göttingen,
and are more stable at higher temperatures Germany, Andreesen was finding cytochromes
than the corresponding enzymes from the and menaquinone in C. formicoaceticum, and to-
mesophilic C. formicoaceticum. These features gether we published our findings (30). Jeroen
are discussed below in connection with ther- Hugenholtz from Rijksuniversiteit in Haren,
mophily. In M. thermoacetica the activities of The Netherlands, and Amaresh Das from Bose
5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase Institute in Calcutta, India, joined the labora-
and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydro- tory as postdoctoral associates. Together with
genase reside in the same protein, whereas in C. David Mack Ivey, a graduate student, they
formicoaceticum these activities occur in separate isolated and sequenced F1 F0 -ATPases from
proteins. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the THF- M. thermoacetica and Moorella thermoautotroph-
dependent synthetase, cyclohydrolase, and de- ica (Clostridium thermoautotrophicum), isolated
hydrogenase are combined in a trifunctional en- by Wiegel et al. (75). By using hydrogen and
zyme (70). At the time the prevalent idea was the carbon monoxide as electron donors, they es-
one gene–one enzyme concept. We were sur- tablished an anaerobic electron transport chain
prised to find the bifunctional cyclohydrolase- in these acetogens that generated a proton mo-
dehydrogenase in C. formicoaceticum. tive force that drove the synthesis of ATP and
In growth studies using M. thermoacetica, uptake of amino acids (32).
we observed that adding metals, including Fe, Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase in
Se, Mo, Co, and Ni, to the growth medium M. thermoacetica was purified in my laboratory
greatly increased cell yield, formate dehydro- by Ragsdale and colleagues (65). It contains
genase activity, and incorporation of the methyl two subunits, with the dimeric enzyme having
group of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate into acetate 2 nickel, 1 zinc, and 11 iron atoms. Together • A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes 13

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

with Daniel DerVartanian, we demonstrated it to be a molybdenum enzyme. Surprisingly,

using EPR the presence of a nickel (III)-carbon the bacterial cells grown with tungstate had 12
species when the enzyme was exposed to CO times higher activity than did cells grown with
(66). Another contribution to CODH/ACS molybdate.
from my laboratory was the sequencing of the During the academic year of 1974–1975 I
enzyme by Morton and colleagues (55). As was awarded a Senior U.S. Scientist Award
mentioned above, the final proof that carbon for Research and Teaching from the Alexander
monoxide was the condensing enzyme for the von Humboldt Stiftung, in Bonn, Germany.
methyl group of a methylcorrinoid, carbon This award, which was sponsored by Profes-
monoxide, and CoA was done in Wood’s sors Hans Schlegel and Gerhard Gottschalk at
laboratory by Ragsdale and Drake. As a result the Institute for Microbiology at the Univer-
of their work, the pathway of acetate synthesis sity of Göttingen, allowed me to work with
was called the acetyl-CoA pathway, which Andreesen, who now led a research group at
makes sense because acetyl-CoA is the first the Institute. We continued our studies of
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

two-carbon unit of CO2 fixation. the tungsten-selenium formate dehydrogenase.

by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

When he was a postdoctoral student in my With the use of [75 Se]-selenite and [185 W]-
laboratory, Andreesen discovered that the for- tungstate we showed that selenium and tung-
mate dehydrogenase was a tungsten-selenium- sten were incorporated into protein fractions
nonheme iron protein. This finding was the containing the active enzyme. We made sev-
first evidence of tungsten as a biologically active eral attempts to purify the formate dehydro-
metal. This discovery came about as follows: genase, but they were only partially successful
Pinsent (62) found that selenite and molybdate (47). Successful purification of the enzyme was
were needed for formate dehydrogenase activ- achieved by Takashi Saiki, Shiu-Mei Liu, and
ity in Escherichia coli. Tungstate was known as Isamu Yamamoto (87). The enzyme consists of
an antagonist of molybdate and it was added to two subunits with the composition α2 β2 , two
the medium. The idea was to inhibit formate selenocysteins residing in the α-subunits, two
dehydrogenase activity, which would indicate tungstens released by denaturation of the en-
zyme as a fluorescent tungsten cofactor similar
to the molybdenum cofactor of several molyb-
CO2 2H + 2e
– denum enzymes, and potential binding sites for
NADP 48 iron-forming [4Fe-4S] and [2Fe-2S] clus-
ters. Tungsten has now been found in many
HCOOH CO mainly thermophilic microorganisms, and the
ATP THF Cell material biological importance of tungsten has recently
CODH/ACS been reviewed (3). With the purification of
CO CH3 CoA the formate dehydrogenase all enzymes of the
H+ CODH/ACS CH3 CO CoA acetyl-CoA pathway for acetate synthesis from
CO2 had been purified. A simplified pathway is
shown in Figure 4.
NADPH CH3COOH The presence of tungsten as an active metal
THF in enzymes was somewhat controversial. At a
NADP biochemistry meeting in San Francisco, I met
CH2 THF CH3 THF Fujio Egami, head of the Mitsubishi Kasei In-
2H+ + 2e– stitute of Life Sciences. He simply told me, “I
Figure 4 do not believe that tungsten is a biologically
The acetyl-CoA pathway functioning in Moorella thermoacetica. Abbreviations: active metal, come and visit me in Japan and
CODH/ACS, carbon dioxide dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase; Co/Fe-S, give a seminar.” The reason for his skepticism
corrinoid/iron-sulfur protein; THF, tetrahydrofolate. was that tungsten’s concentration in oceans is

14 Ljungdahl
ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

much lower than that of molybdenum. Egami the interest in acetogens increased tremen-
had advanced theories that trace elements, es- dously. Wood and I could not have foreseen
pecially transition metals, are involved in the the importance and distribution of acetogens
genesis and evolution of life. It intrigues me or the importance of the autotrophic acetyl-
that enzymes catalyzing relatively simple reac- CoA pathway and its distribution among mi-
tions of one-carbon compounds require several croorganisms. We were so busy establishing the
kinds of metals and also are complicated pro- pathway that we did not see the forest for the
teins. Perhaps at first they were metal com- trees. Now more than 100 acetogens have been
plexes that later evolved by adsorbing amino isolated, and the pathway or its variations are
acids and eventually gained their specificities found in other types of bacteria. They may fix
and catalytic activities. Egami greatly increased or recycle CO2 to the extent of 1012 kg per
my interest in the origin of life. I later got year, and they are found in many environments
the chance to express that in a contribution such as aquatic plants and the intestines of an-
to a book honoring Egami on his seventieth imals and insects. A most intriguing and excit-
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

birthday (38). ing idea is that the acetyl-CoA pathway may

by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

Recently, largely through the efforts of have developed early and may be the first bio-
Ragsdale and Das, the complete genome se- chemical pathway (68). It seems that we are just
quence of M. thermoacetica was published (61). beginning to understand the importance of bac-
To know the DNA sequence of M. thermoacetica terial activities of life on Earth. Perhaps more
was a long-standing wish for me. This infor- importantly, microorganisms are essential for
mation has confirmed and increased the signif- maintaining Earth and keeping it livable. Drake
icance of the work already done at the enzyme et al. (18) have written a marvelous article cov-
level. More importantly, I anticipate that know- ering the history, physiology, and ecology of
ing the complete DNA sequence will guide fu- acetogens.
ture studies on mechanisms of electron trans- In 1986, I reviewed the acetyl-CoA path-
port and energy generation in anaerobes. Its way and suggested that it be named the Wood
completion will point toward possibilities of acetyl-CoA pathway, but to my surprise it is
metabolic capabilities not yet recognized, and now called the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway. This
it may explain how acetogens can interact with is the greatest honor one may receive. I am not
other bacteria in bacterial consortiums. Work- sure I deserve it. There are many who have con-
ing in cooperation with Donald Kurtz and tributed to the elucidation of the pathway and
B.-C. Wang on the M. thermoacetica sequence, developed an understanding of its importance.
Das recognized genes involved in oxidative I take it as a recognition that I have influenced
stress and oxygen tolerance and in methanol some wonderful people during my life, as I in
metabolism (13, 14). I am very excited about turn have been influenced by them.
all the possibilities for research that have re-
sulted from knowing the sequences of microor-
ganisms, and I feel somewhat excited for and Back to Thermophilic and Anaerobic
envious of younger investigators who may con- Cellulolytic Bacteria and Fungi
tinue the work on acetogens. My interest in thermophilic bacteria developed
During our first 15–20 years collaborat- when I was working on cellulases from C. ther-
ing, Wood and I felt pretty lonely in our pur- mocellulaseum and barley malt with Enebo in
suit of the pathway of acetate synthesis in M. 1949 at the Stockholm Brewery Company. But
thermoacetica. With the isolation of additional it was while working with M. thermoacetica that
acetogens such as C. formicoaceticum, Acetobac- I observed that proteins from thermophilic bac-
terium woodii, Thermoanaerobacter kivui, the re- teria in general have higher thermostability
discovery of Clostridium aceticum, and the dis- than similar proteins from mesophiles. In re-
covery that acetogens can grow autotrophically, viewing the literature not much was known • A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes 15

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

about the thermostability of enzymes from a special interest in electron microscopy. Both
thermophiles and their influence on growth joined my laboratory for periods of time and
at high temperatures. In addition, most stud- were essential for physiological studies of ther-
ies (reviewed in Reference 1) utilized aerobic mophilic bacteria involved in the degradation
spore-forming bacteria. I believe this was be- of cellulose and hemicellulases. When Thomas
cause they were easier to culture than anaero- Brock and Hudson Freeze (9) discovered the
bic bacteria. With the isolation of several pairs isolation of Thermus aquaticus, an aerobic, non-
of enzymes and other proteins from the ther- sporulating extreme thermophile, a lot of inter-
mophile M. thermoacetica and the mesophile est was spurred mainly because it could grow at
C. formicoaceticum, the enzymes and proteins 79◦ C, it did not form spores, and it was found
could be compared. The project was done in co- in a thermal spring in Yellowstone National
operation with John Brewer, whom I consider a Park. It certainly was different from spore-
biophysicist, and several students. The enzymes forming bacilli, at that time the most stud-
and proteins studied were those of the THF- ied thermophiles. It encouraged Neil Welker
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

dependent enzymes of the acetyl-CoA pathway, and me to organize a seminar session at the
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

formate dehydrogenase, and ferredoxins. ASM meeting in Miami in 1973. Speakers were
From the first part of our work, we found Thomas Brock, Neil Welker, Richard Himes,
that all proteins purified from the thermophile John Brewer, Remi Amelunxen, and Robert
had higher thermostability than the corre- Becker. Brock challenged us all to look for ad-
sponding proteins from the mesophile. This ditional thermophiles in springs and other ex-
higher thermostability was in agreement with treme condition environments.
the growth temperature of the bacterium the When Wiegel joined my group in 1977, we
proteins were isolated from. The next obser- decided to look for new anaerobic microorgan-
vation was that the physical properties, such isms, especially for those fermenting cellulose
as molecular weights, numbers of subunits, and other easily available substrates that could
Stokes radii, specific volumes, and sedimenta- be converted to feedstock chemicals and fu-
tion constants of similar proteins, did not dif- els that could substitute for gasoline. We also
fer much. Sequences for the proteins are cur- would look for extreme anaerobic thermophiles
rently available, and on the basis of these and and consortia of thermophiles (48). Our ef-
several other properties the higher thermosta- forts were successful and led to the isolation
bility of proteins from thermophiles is intrinsic of several strains of the spore-forming Clostrid-
and depends on subtle differences in amino acid ium thermohydrosulfuricum, which we found
compositions and sequences between homol- widely distributed in the environment (78), and
ogous proteins. Several investigators have ob- to the finding of the nonsporing anaerobic
served that a single amino acid replacement in Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus in hot springs in
a protein may change its thermostability. Ther- Yellowstone National Park (77). When grown
mophiles and mesophiles have a common ori- between 38 and 78◦ C, both bacteria ferment
gin, as indicated by their homologous proteins. hexoses, pentoses, and cellobiose to ethanol and
This is even more convincingly supported by CO2 as main products, and acetate and lac-
findings from several investigators that enzyme tate as minor products. In addition, Wiegel
systems such as ribosomes and ATPases are also isolated several strains of thermophilic sulfate
similar. This and some of my reflections about reducers, methanogens, and cellulolytic bacte-
thermophiles and the development of bacterial ria. One of the cellulolytic bacteria was strain
life are discussed in References 44 and 51. JW20 of Clostridium thermocellum, which was
While spending 1974–1975 at the Univer- used for our future work related to the cellu-
sity of Göttingen I got to know Juergen Wiegel, losome (76). When several of the thermophilic
a graduate student in Hans Schlegel’s lab, and isolates were combined, cellulose was converted
Frank Maier, a professor at the Institute with to methane and CO2 . One idea we had was to

16 Ljungdahl
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carry out a continuous fermentation of glucose masses up to 80 × 106 Da and smaller cellulo-
with T. ethanolicus at 78◦ C, which is the eutec- somes of about 2 × 106 Da, both of which con-
tic boiling point of an ethanol-water mixture. sisted of approximately 50 polypeptides ranging
A slow stream of nitrogen gas passing through in size from 20 to 200 kDa. The polypeptides,
the fermentation carried the gaseous ethanol- most of which had cellulolytic activity, were
water mixture through a condenser. The distil- bound together in rows; they could be visual-
late contained about 4% ethanol. I still feel a ized as cellulosomal subunits simultaneously
continuous fermentation is possible, but it will binding to a cellulose chain, cutting it at several
require some engineering to make it practical. places at the same time (54). This picture of the
At an international microbiology meeting cellulosome’s structure is in agreement with
in 1978 I met Karl-Erik Eriksson, a pro- work by several investigators and is discussed
fessor at the Swedish Forest Products Re- and summarized in several reviews (6, 15).
search Laboratory in Stockholm. At the meet- We continued our work on the cellulosome
ing Eriksson gave an interesting talk about from C. thermocellum with some of the enzymat-
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

the cellulolytic enzyme system of the white-rot ically active subunits. All subunits of the cellulo-
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

fungus Sporotrichum pulverulentum (also called some are modular, having in addition to the cat-
Phanerochaete chrysosporium). At the lunch after- alytic module at least a dockerin module, which
ward I inquired about the possibility to spend attaches the enzyme to a cohesin of the scaffold-
a year in his laboratory to study cellulases from ing protein. The subunits may also have car-
C. thermocellum and to compare them to cellu- bohydrate binding modules, immunoglobulin-
lases from white-rot fungi. Eriksson agreed and like modules (Ig), and fibronectin type 3-like
he arranged for me support from the Swedish (Fn3) or X modules. After a year of postdoctoral
Board of Energy Conservation during the aca- experience in the laboratory of Pierre Béguin
demic year 1982–1983 as a Guest Researcher. at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, Irina Kataeva
It was thrilling to be back to work in Stockholm joined my laboratory in 1997 and started work
after 25 years. I had previous knowledge about on the importance of modules in glycoside hy-
the laboratory and was very happy with the drolases of the cellulosomes (90). She cloned
arrangements. and sequenced the gene encoding CelK, a 98-
During my stay in Eriksson’s laboratory kDa major component of C. thermocellum. Sur-
we found that the cellulolytic active proteins prisingly, the sequence of CelK has high homol-
produced by C. thermocellum could easily be ogy, 84.3%, to the sequence of CbhA, a 138-kDa
purified by using affinity chromatography us- subunit of the cellulosome (88). This homol-
ing columns of cellulose powder. In a 100 mM ogy was indicative of gene duplication among
buffer at pH 7 the cellulase adsorbed to the the cellulases of the cellulosome. Kataeva pre-
cellulose and it could easily be recovered after pared the modules separately and in combi-
washing the column with the buffer using nation with each other and with the catalytic
distilled water. At this time Lamed et al. (36) module. We determined their effects on cat-
published their finding of the cellulosome in alytic activity, thermostability, and cellulose
C. thermocellum, which they characterized as binding. The most prominent finding was the
a large exocellular organelle containing more interaction between the catalytic module and
than 26 different polypeptides. Later, when Ig-like module, which was important for cel-
back at UGA, Frank Mayer, Michael Coughlan, lulolytic activity. This was confirmed by X-ray
and Yutaka Mori joined my laboratory. We un- crystallography (34).
derstood that what I had isolated in Eriksson’s The discovery of the cellulosome by the
laboratory were cellulosomes as described by Lamed and Bayer research groups inspired
Lamed et al. (36). Using electron microscopy, much work not only on individual cellu-
we examined the purified cellulase fraction and lases and other polypeptides with different en-
found that it contained polycellulosomes with zyme properties, but also on how cellulosomal • A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes 17

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

protein complexes are assembled, which in- graduate studies and was willing to consider the
volves scaffolding polypeptides with cohesins anaerobic fungi as his project. Five morphologi-
that bind dockerins of enzymatic subunits and cally different fungi were isolated from the cow.
carbohydrate-binding modules (6). Bayer and Two of them, MC-1 and MC-2, were monocen-
Lamed’s discovery of the cellulosome resulted tric and resembled Piromyces and Neocallimastix
in a new field of research with fundamental im- species, respectively. Three were polycentric,
plications for protein structure, the environ- PC-1, PC-2, and PC-3. PC-2 was identified
ment, and industrial applications. It was a dis- as an Orpinomyces species and it was later cho-
covery worthy of a Nobel Prize. It also made sen for most of our work (8). The five species
clear that by producing cellulosomes the cellu- fermented glucose and plant cell walls from
lase systems of anaerobic bacteria differ from Coastal Bermuda grass (CBG) to formate, ac-
those of white-rot and other aerobic fungi, etate, ethanol, lactate, carbon dioxide, and hy-
which secrete several free cellulases (49). drogen. All isolates produced enzymes to hy-
While writing the review with Eriksson I drolyze plant cell walls. When the fungi were
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

learned about anaerobic fungi, which inhabit grown on CBG, the xylanase activity was five to
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

with bacteria and protozoa the gastrointestinal seven times higher than the cellulase activity.
tract of herbivorous animals. In 1975 Orpin (58) To investigate the carbohydrate-
discovered anaerobic fungi. At present, 17 mor- hydrolyzing enzymes from anaerobic fungi, I
phologically distinct anaerobic fungi belong- obtained support from the U.S. Department
ing to five genera have been isolated from 50 of Energy and from a small company named
different herbivorous animals. Although mor- Aureozyme, Inc. This funding made it possible
phologically different, the fungi form a distinct to support an enthusiastic group of postdoc-
group, as evidenced by analysis of 18S ribo- toral and graduate students, including David
somal RNA and a low GC content ranging Blum, Huizhong Chen, Timothy Davies,
from 13% to 22%. They are oxygen sensitive Yi He, and Xin-Liang Li. Professor Carlos
and they have hydrogenosomes instead of mito- Felix and Eduardo Ximenes, a student, from
chondria. They effectively hydrolyze plant car- the University of Brazil joined us. We first
bohydrates, are considered the initial coloniz- established that the anaerobic fungi produced
ers of lignocellulosic feed, and are essential for cellulosomes with structures similar to those of
fiber digestion. the cellulosome from C. thermocellum and that
My interest in anaerobic fungi arose because they produced some free glycolytic enzyme in
they are anaerobic and strongly inhibited by the growth medium. The fungal cellulosomes
oxygen and because they effectively digest plant and polycellulosomes found with electron
materials. I wondered if they produced cellulo- microscopy were the same size as those of
somes like anaerobic bacteria or free glycolytic C. thermocellum. They were clustered mostly
enzymes like aerobic microorganisms. Initially, at the growing tips of the fungal mycelium,
Eriksson did not believe in anaerobic fungi. He where their hydrolytic enzymes would allow
maintained they could be common fungi, which the fungal mycelium to penetrate the hemicel-
could grow anaerobically. Well, that was a chal- lulose/lignin layer of the plant tissue and reach
lenge for me. I decided to pursue the matter. into the cellulose. The construction of a cDNA
Back at UGA, after my stay with Eriksson in library of Orpinomyces strain PC-2 made it pos-
Stockholm, I approached Danny Akin at the sible to use PCR and clone several glycolytic
Richard B. Russell Agricultural Research Cen- enzymes and obtain their sequences. These
ter in Athens, Georgia. Akin already had some enzymes included 10 different cellulases and
experience with anaerobic fungi. He became one each of β-glucosidase, xylanase, lichenase,
enthusiastic and suggested we work together. mannanase, acetyl-xylan esterase, and feruloyl
He had access to a fistulated cow and a tech- esterase. Most of these enzymes contain
nician, Bill Borneman, who wished to pursue two copies of a 40-amino-acid cysteine-rich

18 Ljungdahl
ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

noncatalytic domain that functions as a dock-

erin domain equivalent to the dockerin domain
of C. thermoaceticum. A similar dockerin domain
was found in enzymes from Piromyces species
and other anaerobic fungi. The fungal dockerin
domain has an amino acid composition and Aerobic fungi
sequence different from the dockerin domains
of anaerobic bacteria and is designated NCDD

(noncatalytic docking domain) or FDD (fungal
dockerin domain) (71). Aerobic
celA, B, and C bacteria
Comparisons of catalytic module sequences Neocallimastix
of enzymes from anaerobic fungi with aerobic xynA
fungal and bacterial enzyme modules indicate
xynA and celB xynA and celB
that some of the anaerobic fungal enzyme mod-

Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

ules have high homology to those of aerobic
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

fungi, whereas others have high homology to
the active sites of enzymes from bacteria. This
observation indicates horizontal gene transfer
from different sources to the anaerobic fungi
(Figure 5). It also demonstrates that in anaer-
obic fungi modules from different sources are Figure 5
combined to form complete modular enzymes. Horizontal transfer of genes between the host cow, anaerobic fungi, and
bacteria present in the rumen, and aerobic fungi and bacteria introduced into
Gene duplication also seems to be common in
the rumen from the outside environment. Gene designations are celA, B, and C,
anaerobic fungi. Microorganisms living in close cellulases; xynA, xylanase; licA, lichenase; and cyPB, cyclophilin. Reprinted from
contact, as they do in the intestines of animals, Cellulosome, Cellulosome of anaerobic fungi, pp. 147–87, copyright 2006, LG
might exchange genetic material representing Ljungdahl, HJM Op den Camp, HJ Gilbert, HR Harhangi, et al., with
modules and combine to form functioning en- permission from Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
zymes (46). A recent book describing cellulo-
somes from different bacteria and anaerobic How wrong they were! We now have a new
fungi is available (73). kingdom, the Archaea, that includes methano-
genes, halophiles, and extreme thermophiles
(81). The amount of bacterial biomass is larger
SOME REFLECTIONS than all other biomass on Earth (74), and new
In writing this chapter I have concentrated on archaea and bacteria are found every day. We
my education and on work performed in my have isolated only the most obvious. There
laboratory. I have not reflected much on the are still an untold number to be isolated.
importance or consequences of what we did The acetogenic group of bacteria, to which
and discovered. The world is in turmoil; we M. thermoacetica belongs, is a good example
are using our resources at an accelerated rate of recent isolates. Only 7 acetogenic bacteria
to feed and sustain an increasing population, were isolated before 1980, 32 were described
and we are wasting our resources on warfare. between 1980 and 1990, 53 between 1990 and
We are destroying the earth and something 2000, and 11 after 2000 (18). How many are
ought to be done to cure the cancer of it. Can left to be found? The amount of CO2 fixed
microbiology be a positive force and help us? autotrophically via the acetyl-CoA pathway is
I remember not too long ago some prominent large. It has been estimated that 12 × 1010 kg
scientists almost abandoned microbiology by of CO2 are fixed by acetogenic bacteria per
saying “Escherichia coli is the only bacterium we year in the anaerobic environment, an equal
need to research to understand microbiology.” amount is fixed in the hindgut of termites, and • A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes 19

ANRV387-MI63-01 ARI 14 August 2009 16:5

3.9 × 109 kg of CO2 is converted to acetate could have been utilized before the advent of
per year in the guts of the world’s human O2 on Earth. H2 , CO2 , CO, and metals such
population. It is possible that acetogens fix and as cobalt, nickel, iron, tungsten, molybdenum,
recycle as much as 20% of the earth’s total and selenium, which are involved in the cataly-
fixation of CO2 per year (85). The acetyl-CoA sis of the acetyl-CoA pathway, were present on
pathway is considered the main autotrophic Earth’s crust. Finally, the pathway is prominent
pathway of CO2 fixation by bacteria, but it in thermophilic and anaerobic bacteria, which
is not the only pathway. Thauer (72) pointed developed early. All things considered, it makes
out the existence of five known pathways. sense to postulate that the acetyl-CoA pathway
Microbial CO2 fixation is a significant process is a primordial biochemical pathway (85).
and ought to be considered for sequestering My work on cellulolytic anaerobic bacteria
CO2 to solve global warming. and fungi was triggered first during my time
The pursuit of the pathway of acetate syn- at the Stockholm Brewery Company and later
thesis from CO2 was undertaken for the sake of with Wiegel during the oil crisis of the 1970s. I
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

knowledge, with no practical goal. I remem- thought that cellulose could be used as a source
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

ber, after having given a lecture for under- of fuel and industrial feedstock. It requires
graduate students, being asked, “How can you efficient enzymes to hydrolyze plant carbohy-
find it interesting to work with one bacterial drates to yield fermentable sugars, which can
species throughout your life?” That is a legiti- then be fermented by other bacteria to desired
mate question. I believe my answer was similar products. The work was also considered
to what Sandegren told me when I started work intriguing because it involved thermophiles.
at the Stockholm Brewery Company: “You will Work on cellulases then became interesting
learn a lot about life by studying one species following the discovery of the cellulosome
until you really understand it.” I have enjoyed by Lamed and Bayer (36). The finding that
working with M. thermoacetica tremendously cellulases include exocellular organelles such as
and I have learned a lot of microbiology, cell cellulosomes and polycellulosomes led to a new
biology, and biochemistry. As shown here, the research area involving modular proteins with
acetyl-CoA pathway depends on many metal dockerins and scaffoldins with cohesins. The
enzymes, forcing me to learn about metal bio- cellulosome is a treasure trove for biotechnol-
chemistry. The enzymes of the pathway de- ogy (7), and anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria will
pend on several vitamins and cofactors, such with high certainty be used industrially (15).
as corrinoids, and I found them fascinating. During my 10-year editorship for the ASM
Life at high temperatures was another aspect of journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
M. thermoacetica that has furthered my knowl- I learned how well humankind is served by vari-
edge about the stability of proteins, cell mem- ous microorganisms. Unfortunately, most peo-
branes, and organelles. Finally, as I pro- ple are afraid of microorganisms; it is true there
ceeded with my research I applied new are some bad ones, but most of them are our
methods of genetics, molecular biology, bio- best friends. They help us clean and sustain
physics, and bioinformatics. What a wonderful Earth. Many microorganisms will be used for
experience! the production of food, medicine, alternative
The acetyl-CoA pathway has garnered spec- fuels, energy, and industrial chemicals. We need
ulations about the earliest form(s) of life (53). to conduct more research to understand what
The autotrophic fixation of CO2 forming ac- important benefits microorganisms have for us
etate is the most direct pathway for forming and life on Earth.
acetyl-CoA, which may be the primary build- I have been honored with two symposiums
ing block of life. It is a simpler and more direct during my life: The first, arranged by Harold
pathway than the reductive pentose cycle. The Drake, Stephen Ragsdale, and Juergen Wiegel,
acetyl-CoA pathway is used in anaerobes and was called “The Arts of Anaerobes” and

20 Ljungdahl
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coincided with my seventieth birthday. The I would like to express my appreciation for
second was arranged by Juergen Wiegel, all that have collaborated with me in my labo-
Robert Maier, and Michael Adams and was ratory and for all I have interacted with. I also
called “Incredible Anaerobes: From Physiology want to express my appreciation for the wonder-
to Genomics to Fuel.” It was in connection ful hospitality I experienced visiting my friends
with my eightieth birthday and my retirement. around the world in Japan, Germany, The
The speakers were invited to publish their Netherlands, Switzerland, Brazil, Taiwan, Italy,
lectures (79). My appreciation and thanks go and of course the United States. One honor
to those who arranged the symposiums, the I am particularly proud of was my election to
presenters, and to all that participated. They the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering
were fantastic occasions. To be so honored Sciences. I want to thank the two wonderful
while still alive and able to fully participate women in my life who greatly contributed to
provided emotional experiences that words my ability to focus on my science: Britten, who
cannot begin to express. All I can say is thanks. died in 1995, and Despy, who I married in 1998.
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from
by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might
be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

I would like to acknowledge the many sources of financial support, in particular the Georgia Power
Company for supporting me as Georgia Power Distinguished Professor in Biotechnology at the
University of Georgia, the National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. Department of Energy. I
wish to express my thanks to Kathleen Robichaud at Georgia Research Alliance; my daughter,
Ann-Sofie Rhedin, and my son, Per O. Ljungdahl for their help in preparing this manuscript.
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Britten and to my loving wife, Despy.

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Annual Review of

Contents Volume 63, 2009

Lars G. Ljungdahl p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p xii
Annu. Rev. Microbiol. 2009.63:1-25. Downloaded from

A Life with Acetogens, Thermophiles, and Cellulolytic Anaerobes

by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

Lars G. Ljungdahl p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Regulation of Translation Initiation by RNA Binding Proteins
Paul Babitzke, Carol S. Baker, and Tony Romeo p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p27
Chemotaxis-Like Regulatory Systems: Unique Roles
in Diverse Bacteria
John R. Kirby p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p45
Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis and Translational Quality Control
Jiqiang Ling, Noah Reynolds, and Michael Ibba p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p61
Resurrected Pandemic Influenza Viruses
Terrence M. Tumpey and Jessica A. Belser p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p79
Interspecies Chemical Communication in Bacterial Development
Paul D. Straight and Roberto Kolter p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p99
Lipid Signaling in Pathogenic Fungi
Ryan Rhome and Maurizio Del Poeta p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 119
Biological Insights from Structures of Two-Component Proteins
Rong Gao and Ann M. Stock p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 133
Role of GTPases in Bacterial Ribosome Assembly
Robert A. Britton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 155
Gene Transfer and Diversification of Microbial Eukaryotes
Jan O. Andersson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 177
Malaria Parasite Development in the Mosquito and Infection
of the Mammalian Host
Ahmed S.I. Aly, Ashley M. Vaughan, and Stefan H.I. Kappe p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 195
How Sweet it is! Cell Wall Biogenesis and Polysaccharide Capsule
Formation in Cryptococcus neoformans
Tamara Lea Doering p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 223

AR387-FM ARI 5 August 2009 13:23

Mitochondrial Evolution and Functions in Malaria Parasites

Akhil B. Vaidya and Michael W. Mather p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 249
Probiotic and Gut Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria: Molecular
Approaches to Study Diversity and Activity
Michiel Kleerebezem and Elaine E. Vaughan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 269
Global Emergence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and Amphibian
Chytridiomycosis in Space, Time, and Host
Matthew C. Fisher, Trenton W.J. Garner, and Susan F. Walker p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 291
Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane: Progress with an Unknown Process
Katrin Knittel and Antje Boetius p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 311
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The Trypanosoma brucei Flagellum: Moving Parasites

by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

in New Directions
Katherine S. Ralston, Zakayi P. Kabututu, Jason H. Melehani,
Michael Oberholzer, and Kent L. Hill p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 335
Plants, Mycorrhizal Fungi, and Bacteria: A Network of Interactions
Paola Bonfante and Iulia-Andra Anca p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 363
Evolutionary Roles of Upstream Open Reading Frames in Mediating
Gene Regulation in Fungi
Heather M. Hood, Daniel E. Neafsey, James Galagan, and Matthew S. Sachs p p p p p p p p p 385
Single-Cell Ecophysiology of Microbes as Revealed by Raman
Microspectroscopy or Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging
Michael Wagner p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 411
Microbiology of the Atmosphere-Rock Interface: How Biological
Interactions and Physical Stresses Modulate a Sophisticated
Microbial Ecosystem
Anna A. Gorbushina and William J. Broughton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 431
What Sets Bacillus anthracis Apart from Other Bacillus Species?
Anne-Brit Kolst, Nicolas J. Tourasse, and Ole Andreas Økstad p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 451
The Expanding World of Methylotrophic Metabolism
Ludmila Chistoserdova, Marina G. Kalyuzhnaya, and Mary E. Lidstrom p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 477
Genomics, Genetics, and Cell Biology of Magnetosome Formation
Christian Jogler and Dirk Schüler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 501
Predatory Lifestyle of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus
Renee Elizabeth Sockett p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 523
Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria
Ben Lugtenberg and Faina Kamilova p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 541

vi Contents
AR387-FM ARI 5 August 2009 13:23

Photorhabdus and a Host of Hosts

Nick R. Waterfield, Todd Ciche, and David Clarke p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 557
Management of Oxidative Stress in Bacillus
Peter Zuber p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 575
Sociobiology of the Myxobacteria
Gregory J. Velicer and Michiel Vos p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 599


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 59–63 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 625

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by Durban University of Technology on 06/03/11. For personal use only.

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