Criterion Referenced Tests

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Department of Medical Record and Health Information
State Health Polytechnic of Malang

Abstract: Two different families of test criterion-referenced and norm-referenced

tests have been around for use of decision-making bases in education. One kind can
be better explained by comparison with the other. The article does so here and there
along the way in its attempts of presenting and discussing about criterion-referenced
test in language testing, especially the contrastive practices within this test family as
opposed to the other kind, which has so close a relationship to classroom teachers
on a daily basis. The article describes its purpose, hence several kinds of CRT as a
result of different purposes of testing, what is measured and how measuring is done,
how is test results interpreted, and how reliability as one of the quality of good testing
is estimated. Discussion of validity as another test quality indicator is purposely put
aside here since in this area the contrastive practice is only slimly found.
Keywords: double entry diaries, strategy, reading comprehension.

Criterion-referenced testing (CRT) is a In a criterion-referenced test, the distribution of

tool or instrument functions as a test which students’ scores across a continuum may be of
measures a student's performance according to a little concern as long as the instrument assesses
particular standard or criterion which has been objectives. From the results of CRT several
agreed upon even before classroom instruction decision-makings like the following can be
is started (Richards, Platt, and Weber, 1985; based.
Cohen, 1994; Djiwandono, 2007). CRT is
usually produced to measure well-defined and Decision-making based on CRT use
fairly specific instructional objectives (Brown, CRt results are usually used to base the
2005), often are specific to a particular course, making of classroom-related decision. Subject
program, school district, or state. However, to the purposes of conducting the CRT, two
objectives come in many forms. Other types of decisions are usually made out of the
objectives might be defined in term of tasks we application of CRT: classroom-level
would expect the students to be able to able to achievement decisions and classroom-level
perform by the end of the term, or experiences diagnostic decisions.
we would expect them to go through. For Classroom-level achievement
example, by the end of the term the students will decisions are decisions about the amount of
watch at least five English language movies with learning that students have accomplished. Such
no subtitles. tests are typically administered at the end of the
In addition to measuring the amount of term, and such decisions may take the form of
material learned as representing the deciding which students will be advanced to the
achievement of the objectives of instruction by next level of study, determining which students
the students, CRT also attempts to score the test should graduate, or simply for grading the
and report the results to the students in the form students. Teachers may find themselves wanting
of percentages of questions students answered to make rational decisions that will help improve
correctly. These percentage scores can then be their students’ achievement. Or they may need
directly related to the material taught in the class to make and justify changes in curriculum
and related to a previously established criterion design, staffing, facilities, materials, equipment,
level for passing the test. and so on. Such decisions should most often be
CRT be also designed to give test- made with the help of achievement test scores.
takers feedback, usually in the form of grades, Making decisions about the
on specific course or lesson objectives (Brown, achievement of students and about ways to
2002). Classroom tests involve the students in improve their achievement will at least partly
one class, and is connected to a curriculum, thus involve testing to find out how much each
the result of the tests are expected to be useful person has learned within the program. Thus,
for the pursuit of teaching effectiveness in the achievement tests should be designed with very
class and the curriculum repair efforts, or what specific reference to a particular course. This
Oller (1979, P. 52) called “instructional value.” link with a specific course usually means that the
Khairuddin Criterion-referenced Testing

achievement tests will be directly based on and midpoints in a course as an achievement test
course objectives and will therefore be criterion- at the end.
referenced. Such tests will typically be Perhaps the most effective use of a
administered at the end of a course to determine diagnostic test is to report the performance level
how effectively students have mastered the on each objective (in a percentage) to each
instructional objectives. student so that they can decide how and where
Achievement tests must not only be to most profitably invest their time and energy.
very specifically designed to measure the For example, telling the student that she scored
objectives of a given course, but also must be 100% on the first objective (selecting the main
flexible enough to help teachers readily respond idea of a paragraph) but only 20% of the second
to what they learn from the tests about the objective (guessing vocabulary from context)
students’ abilities, the students’ needs, and the would tell that student that she is good at finding
students’ learning of the course objectives. In the main idea of a paragraph but needs to focus
other words, a good achievement test can tell her energy on guessing vocabulary from
teachers a great deal about their students’ context.
achievement and about the adequacy of the It would also be useful to report the
course. Hence, while achievement tests should average performance level for each class on each
definitely be used to make decisions about objective (in percentage terms) to the teacher(s)
students’ levels of learning, they can also be along with indications of which students have
used to affect curriculum changes. particular strengths or weaknesses on each
From time to time, teachers may also objective.
take an interest in assessing the strengths and
weaknesses of each individual student in terms Interpretation of CRT
of the instructional objectives for the purpose of The interpretation of scores on a CRT
correcting an individual’s deficiencies “before it is considered absolute. Each student’s score is
is too late.” To that end, classroom-level meaningful without reference to the other
diagnostic decisions are typically made at the student’s scores, like in NRT interpretation. In
beginning or middle of the term and are aimed other words, a student’s score in a particular
at fostering achievement by promoting strengths objective indicates the per cent of the knowledge
and eliminating the weaknesses of individual or skill in that objective that the student has
students. Naturally, the primary concern of the learned. Moreover, the distribution of scores on
teacher must be the entire student. Clearly, this a CRT need not necessarily be normal. If all the
last category of decision is concerned with students know 100% of the material on all the
diagnosing problems that students may be objectives, then all the students should receive
having in leaning process. While diagnostic the same score with no variation at all. The
decisions are definitely related to achievement, purpose of a CRT is to measure the amount of
diagnostic testing often requires more detailed learning that a student has accomplished on each
information about which specific objectives objective. In most cases, the students should
students can already do well and which they still know in advance what type of questions, tasks,
need to work on. The purpose is to help students and content to expect for each objective because
and their teachers to focus their efforts where the question content should be implied (if not
they will be most effective. explicitly stated) in the objectives of the course.
As with achievement tests, diagnostic In terms of the type of interpretation,
tests are designed to determine the degree to each student’s performance on a CRT is
which the specific instructional objectives of the compared to a particular criterion in absolute
course have already been accomplished. Hence, terms. Some confusion has developed over the
they should be criterion-referenced in nature. years about what criterion in a criterion-
While achievement decisions are usually referenced testing refers to. This confusion is
focused on the degree to which the objectives understandable because two definitions have
have been accomplished at the end of the evolved for criterion. For some authors, the
program or course, diagnostic decisions are material that the students are supposed to learn
normally made along the way as the students are in a particular course is the criterion against
learning the language. As a result, diagnostic which they are being measured. For other
tests are typically administered at the beginning authors, the term criterion refers to the standard,
or in the middle of a language course. In fact, if also called a criterion level or cut-point against
well constructed to reflect the instructional of which each student’s performance is judged. For
objectives, one CRT in three equivalent forms instance, if the cut-point for passing a CRT is set
could serve as a diagnostic tool at the beginning at 70 per cent, that is the criterion level.

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Khairuddin Criterion-referenced Testing

Related to the criterion in CRT, criteria As an example of CRT application, the

to which the students’ performance are referred detailed specified criteria in the example contain
to, are not firstly and merely a certain number of indicators of minimum ability that test takers
scores (for example 24 correct answers of 30 test should achieve. A person can pass the paper
items) or a percentage of achievement (for writing test only when the minimum level of
example 70% or 80% of the whole test). Nor are ability can be identified in the test-taker’s
the referenced criteria merely a certain score as writing production, to be considered as having
the passing score or cut-off point decided alone the required minimum ability and therefore is
by a test developer (Djiwandono, 2007). Basing entitled to a minimum score 70 or 75 or a
achievement decisions on minimum score or passing grade C or B indicating that the test-
percentage of correct answers may result in the takers have shown the minimum required
unclearness of the concept of criteria itself in the ability. Meanwhile, the performances which
application of CRT. The aforementioned cannot reach the minimum level of, say, c or B
numbers or points concerning with minimum are given lower grade D. The same thing,
scores and percentage of correct answers, if ever performances which reach higher than the
used, should only be the byproduct of a very minimum level of ability prescribed can be
clearly specified and formulated set of criteria, given higher grade A.
which have clear, easy and open outlook. The Another way to set up the criteria as
number or points should be used in close relation judgment basis is by using the performance of a
to the discretely specified kinds and levels of criteria group. The criteria group is a group of
ability required to pass the test. The specified people whose expertise is a public knowledge or
aspects of the skill or ability further should be they are acknowledged as having accountable
translated to detailed indicators of the mastery of ability in the field targeted in the test. Their
the ability which can be searched, observed, and performance in doing the task as required by the
verified anytime. test is used as criteria or reference in deciding
For example, in a paper-writing test, the level of ability expected to be achieved by
the minimum criteria considered adequate that test takers in such a test.
the students’ performance should show would As an example that Djiwandono (2007)
cover discreet specific aspects which as a whole gives regarding criteria group reference is the
can represent as an adequate skill in paper level of ability/skill of writing in Bahasa
writing that may include content, organization, Indonesia by graduate students which are based
grammar, vocabulary, and writing technicality, on or referred to the performance of criteria
like exampled by Djiwandono (1989) as group comprising of 10 senior Bahasa Indonesia
follows: and English professors. Based on their
performances on a daily basis as educated
Specific Criteria of Test of Writing Skill people, senior language professors, and highly
competent Bahasa Indonesia users, their
No Aspects of Indicator of Minimum performances can be accountably considered to
Writing Competence Achieved represent and be used as necessary criteria to be
1. CONTENT Discussion content is relevant to referred to when judging other test takers ability
topic in the relevant test objective. The argumentative
topic of discussion is mastered writing assigned to the members of criteria
Discussion coverage is adequate group is judged based on the profiles of writing
2. ORGANIZA Discussion is developed based
TION on main ideas topic sentences
product developed in his research, presenting
Topic sentences are well- scores that range from 38 to 100. The scoring of
organized writing performance by members of the criteria
Topic sentences are well- group found score 95 as the highest score and
3. GRAMMAR Sentences are built
79nas the lowest. By referring back to the
grammatically profiles of good writing piece, 4 levels of writing
Sentences are used effectively ability are decided: A (Very Good), B (Good), C
Phrases and words are formed (Fair), and D (Bad), with score ranges of 90-100,
72-89, 57-71, and 34-56, respectively. Based on
4. VOCABUL Vocabulary size is adequate
ARY Word choices and uses are that, criteria of minimum level ability is decided
appropriate at “fair” qualification at the very least, that range
5. SPELLING Spelling and punctuation are between scores 57-71 or grade C. The scores
AND rule-appropriate that fall below the minimum level of ability thus
LITY OF bear inferior grade D which means failing the
WRITING minimum criteria required to pass the writing

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Khairuddin Criterion-referenced Testing

Type of measurement Sometimes, in courses with many objectives, for

According to Brown (2005), with reasons of practicality, only a sub-sample of the
regard to type of measurement, NRTs are objectives will be tested. For example, in a
typically most suitable for measuring general course with 30 objectives, it might be necessary
abilities. In contrast, he addresses that CRTs are due to time constraints to randomly select 15 of
better suited to providing precise information the objectives for testing, or to pick the 15 most
about each individual’s performance on well- important objectives (as judged by the teachers).
defined learning points. For instance, if a Because of the number of subtests involved in
language course focuses on a structural syllabus, most CRTs, the subtests are usually kept short.
the CRT for that course might contain four For reasons of economy of time and
subtests on: subject pronouns, the a/an effort, the subtests on a CRT will sometimes be
distinctions, the third person –s, and the use of collapsed together, which makes it difficult for
present-tense copula. However, CRTs are not an outsider to identify the subtests. For example,
limited to grammar points. Subtest on a CRT for on a reading comprehension test, the students
a notional-functional language course might might be required to read five passages and
consist of a short interview where ratings are answer four multiple-choice questions on each
made of the student’s abilities to: perform passage. If on each passage there is one fact
greetings, agree or disagree, express an opinion, question, one vocabulary question, one cohesive
and a conversation. The variety and types of test devise question, and one inference question, the
questions used on a CRT are limited only by the teachers will most likely consider the five fact
imagination of the test developer(s). questions (across the five passages) together as
one subtest, the five vocabulary questions
Distribution of scores together as another subtest, the five cohesive
Since NRTs must be constructed to device questions together as yet another subtest,
spread students out along a continuum or and the five inference questions together as the
distribution of scores, the manner in which test last subtest. In other words, the teachers will be
questions for an NRT are generated, analyzed, focusing on the question types as subtests, not
selected, and refined will usually lead to a test the passages, and this fact might not be obvious
that produces scores which fall into a normal to an outsider observer.
distribution (Brown, 2005; Djiwandono, 2007). Finally, the two families of tests differ
In contrast, on a criterion-referenced final in the knowledge of the questions that students
examination, students who have learned all the are expected to have. Students rarely know in
course material should all be able to score 100 any detail what content to expect on an NRT. On
per cent on the final examination. Thus, very a CRT, good teaching practice is more likely to
homogeneous scores can occur on a CRT. In lead to a situation in which the students can
other words, very similar scores among predict not only the questions formats on the
students on a CRT may be perfectly logical, test, but also the language points that will be
acceptable, and even desirable if the test is tested. If the instructional objectives for a course
administered at the end of a course. In this are clearly stated, if the students are given those
situation, a normal distribution of scores may objectives, if the objectives are addressed by the
not appear. In fact, a normal distribution on teacher, and if the language points involved are
CRT scores may even be a sign that something adequately practiced and learned, then the
is wrong with the test, with the curriculum, or students should know exactly what to expect on
with the teaching (Brown 2004). the test, unless for some reason the criterion-
referenced test is not properly referenced to the
Test structure criteria (i.e., the instructional objectives).
Differences also arise in the test This can often lead to complaints that
structure for the two families of tests. Typically, the development of CRts will cause teachers to
an NRT is relatively long and contains a wide “teach to the test” to the exclusion of other more
variety of question content types. Indeed, the important ways of spending classroom time. Not
content can be so diverse that students find it all elements of the teaching and learning process
difficult to know exactly what is being tested. can be tested; teaching to the test should
Such a test is usually made up of a few subtests nevertheless be a major part of what teachers do.
on rather general language skills. In contrast, If the objectives of a language course are
CRTs usually consist of numerous shorter worthwhile and have been properly constructed
subtests. Each subtest will typically represent a to reflect the needs of the students, then tests
different instructional objective. If a course has based on those objectives should reflect the
twelve instructional objectives, the associated important language points that are being taught.
CRT will usually have twelve subtests. Teaching to such a test should help teachers and

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students stay on track, and the test results should Mean score of odd-numbered items: 9.2
provide useful feedback to both groups on the Standard deviation: 2.6
effectiveness of the teaching and learning Mean score of even-numbered items: 8.1
[processes. In short, teaching to the test, if the Standard deviation: 2.8
test is a well developed CRT, should help the Correlation coefficient split-half reliability: 0.64
teachers and the students rather than constrain (Pearson-product moment)
them. Full-test reliability: 0.80
(Cronbach alpha)
Reliability of CRT Internal consistency reliability
As noted previously, CRTs will not estimates the consistency of a test using only
necessarily produce normal distributions, information internal to a test, that is available on
especially if they are functioning correctly. If all one administration of a single test. Split-half
the students have learned the material, the tester method is one way to estimate the consistency
would like them all to score 100 per cent on the or reliability of an NRT test. The procedure
end-of-course achievement CRT. Hence, a CRT requires a more or less normal distribution of
that produces little variance in scores is an ideal scores to the greatest extent possible, hence a
that test developers seek in developing CRTs. In large standard deviation. As the procedure, a
other words, a low standard deviation on the single test is divided into two parts on the basis
course post-test may actually be a positive of odd-numbered and even-numbered items.
byproduct of developing a sound CRT. This is The odd-numbered and even-numbered items
quite the opposite of the goals and results when are scored separately as though they were two
developing a good NRT, which ideally should different forms. A correlation coefficient is then
approximate a normal distribution of scores to calculated for the two sets of scores. This
the greatest extent possible (Brown 2005). coefficient gives the reliability for either the
As far back as Popham and Husek odd-numbered items or the even-numbered
(1969) the appropriateness of using correlational items—either half, but just half of the test. The
strategies for estimating the reliability of CRTs adjustment of the half-test correlation to
was questioned, because such analyses all estimate the full-test reliability is accomplished
depend in one way or another on normal by using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient, one of
distribution and a large standard deviation. the others.
Consider the test-retest and equivalent-forms The mean of the 30 students’ NRT-
strategies. In both cases, a correlation coefficient based scores in the odd category is 9.20, and in
is calculated. Since correlation coefficient are the even category 8.10. The standard deviation
designed to estimate the degree to which to sets for either group respectively is 2.66 and 2.80.
of numbers go together, scores that are tightly The split-half reliability is 0.66, and when
grouped, because of skewing or homogeneity of converted to full-test reliability using Cronbach
ability levels, will probably not line the students alpha coefficient, a reliability level of 0.80 is
up in similar ways. As that standards deviation achieved. 0.80 coefficient point is a high
approaches zero, so do any associated reliability level given the highest point of
correlation coefficients. Correlation coefficients correlation coefficient is 1. So interpretation can
used for estimating interrater and intrarater be made, that the test developed, by moving the
reliability will be similarly affected by such decimal two places to the right, is 80 per cent
circumstances. Therefore, reliability measure consistent or reliable with 20 per cent
strategies in NRT may be quite inappropriate for measurement error.
CRTs because CRTs are not developed for the Now look when the same procedure is
purpose of producing variance in scores. applied to CRT-based scores, where distribution
The following example split-half of the scores is not normal but in fact clustered
reliability case would show how the application around one extreme, to estimate the internal
of NRT-based reliability estimate strategy is consistency of the test through split-half
inappropriate when applied to measure the method.
reliability of a CRT. Odd-numbered items: 13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 13, 12,
Odd-numbered: 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 11, 12, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
12, 10, 9, 10, 11, 11, 9, 9, 8, 8, 12, 13, 13, 12, 13, 13, 13,
9, 9, , 5, 8, 8, 6, 6, 9, 7, 6, 3, 5 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
Even-numbered: 14, 14, 14, 12, 12, 10, 9, 9, 7, 13, 12
8, 9, 8, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 6, 9, 6, Even-numbered items: 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
6, 7, 7, 3, 5, 5, 7, 3 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 12,
Number of students: 30 12, 12, 12, 12, 14, 14, 13,
Number of items in each group: 15

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Khairuddin Criterion-referenced Testing

13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, Fortunately many other strategies have
13, 12 been worked out for investigating the
Number of students: 30 consistency of criterion-referenced test—
Number of items in each group: 15 strategies that do not depend on a high standard
Mean score of odd-numbered items: 12.56 deviation. In general these approaches fall into
Standard deviation: 0.50 three categories (Berk 1984, p. 235 in Brown
Mean score of even-numbered items: 12.53 2005): threshold loss agreement, squared-error
Standard diation: 0.56 loss agreement, and domain score
Correlation coefficient split-half reliability: 0.42 dependability. These three strategies have been
(Pearson-product moment) developed specifically for CRT consistency
Full-test reliability: 0.60 estimation. However, they are not described in
(Cronbach alpha) the present article for to attempt so requires at
The mean of the 30 students’ CRT- least as many pages as have been used for this
based scores in the odd-numbered category is article this far which is not affordable here. For
12.56, and in the even category 12.53. Looking the present, suffice it to be aware of the
at the superficial odd-numbered and even- problematic application of NRT-related
numbered paired scores and at the mean value of reliability estimates for estimating CRT-related
both scores groups, the numbers impress us of a reliability.
very high consistency between the two groups of
scores. In other words, when we look at the Conclusion
distribution of scores in both score groups we CRT has very different use compared
find very slim difference between the students’ with NRT that Classroom language teachers
performance as shown in the odd-numbered should be very aware of. Its main purpose is to
group and in the even-numbered group. measure instructional objectives achievement by
Therefore, we would expect to get a high students. The criterion set up as reference to
reliability level of the test. However, because the judge students’ performance should be specified
scores are too far from normal distribution and in details before translated or transformed into
are spread too largely, as indicated by the numbers or points as representing minimum
standard deviation values of 0.53 for odd- criteria to base the students’ performance
numbered items, and 0.56 for even-numbered judgment so that achievement decisions such, as
items. The split-half reliability derived from passing or failing the test, can be convincingly
applying pearson correlation formula is 0.42, made. Reliability estimate of a test developed
and when converted to full-test reliability using should be afforded by applying appropriate
Cronbach alpha coefficient, a reliability level of formula. CRTs have very different
0.60 is achieved. 0.6 coefficient point is a low characteristics from NRTs in terms of the
reliability level given the highest point of distribution of scores and their dispersion, where
correlation coefficient is 1. So interpretation can CRTs do not expect the test results to
be made that the test developed, by moving approximate normal distribution of scores nor
decimal two places to the right, is only 60 per great extent of scores dispersion or a large
cent consistent or reliable with 40 per cent standard deviation value. Therefore applying
measurement error. This result of calculation inappropriate procedures or formulas to measure
make us ask ourselves a question: How could a the reliability of a CRT may tell wrong
test which seemingly has a very high internal information, and thus raise a question about the
consistency through looking at the slim quality of the test developed.
difference between the two scores distributions
and through the close mean value of the two
score groups, but have a very low level of
reliability? This unexpected result is due to the
problematic use of reliability measure of NRT
when applied in CRT.

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Khairuddin Criterion-referenced Testing


Brown, Douglass. 2004. Language Assessment, Principles and Classroom Practice. San Francisco:

Brown, J.D. 2005. Testing in Language Program. New York: McGraw-Hill

Cohen, Andrew. 1996. Assessing Language Ability in the Classroom. Boston: Heinle & Heinle

Djiwandono, Soenardi. 2007. Tes Bahasa: Pegangan Bagi Pengajar Bahasa. Universitas Negeri
Malang: Draft.

About the Author

Khaeruddin is a lecturer at Department of Medical Record and Health Information, State Health
Polytechnic of Malang, Indonesia. He earned his Bachelor in Syiah Kuala University Aceh in and
Master degree in State University of Malang. In 2008-2009 he joined the Visiting Scholar Program at
Indiana University USA. His scholarly interest covers the areas of psycholinguistics, language
testing, and translation studies. He can be contacted at

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