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guage wrap-up

A Complete the conversation with the correct form of take, make, and do. (9 points)
Maria: l'm so bored with work. l'm going to ask my boss if I can (1) of a make sorne time off and
learn to (2) MAKE something artistic, or (3) sorne volunteer work. Yesterday 1
( 4) a donation to a charity that builds houses for homeless people. Maybe 1' 11 volunteer ,.
there. 1 studied film, so maybe I could (5) promotional videos for them or something.
Lisa: 1 wish I could do something like that, but I don't have any time because l'm going to (6)
my final teacher-training· exam next month. And l'm (7) a lot of extra activities, too. 1 hope
l'm not (8) a big mistake by becoming a teacher.
Maria: Well, it's an important step to (9) , but l'm sure you're going to love teaching. lt's better

than working in an officé like I do.

Lisa: 1 hope so!

B Complete the text with the phrases in the box. (6 points)

comfort zone gíve up measure our progress progress (v) push yourself take risks

Keys to professional advancement

Many of us (1) in our careers by how many promotions we get. Are you tired of
seeing other people get prometed befare you? Do you want to (2) faster in your
job or career area? To get promoted, you really have to make an effort and (3) to
do more. You can't stay in your (4) . You have to (5) and try new things.
lf you haven't advanced in your job as quickly as you would like, don't (6) ! Sign up
for our two-day seminar and get the keys to success!

11-15 Gorrect: f ttan t!St! phrases with take, make, and do and phrases related to the learning process.
(;):;1 O corred: Look again a� the vocabulary sections on pages 1 O and 13. SCORE: /15

A Write sentences with the present perfect and yet and already. (6 points)
1 you/ already/see/ this movie/? 4 my friends /already/ leave
2 they /move/to a new house/yet/ ? s you/graduate/ from college/yet /?
3 he/not eat/ his dinner /yet 6 she /already /find/ a new job

B Complete the email with the correct present perfect or present perfect
progressive form of the verbs in parentheses. (9 points)
Dear Mom and Dad!
'.Vell, 1 (1) (be) at college for two whole weeks now, and I really like it! 1 {2) (meet)
sorne new people. 1 went out with them last weekend. Of course, 1 (3) (study), too, so don't
:X>rry! 1 (4) (not have) any exams, but there's a chemistry test next week. But, l'm afraid
:hat 1 (5} (spend) most of the money you gave me, so maybe you could send sorne more? 1
(Íook) for a part-time job, but 1 (7) (not find) one yet. 1 (S) (app/y) for a
ob na bookstore here, but 1 (9) (not hear) if I got it or not. T hey said they would call me today.

15 cerre�: 1 can wse the present perfect with yet and already. 1 can use the present perfect

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