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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

8 May 2022 4th Sunday of Easter Year C



unior Shepherds for Christ’s
Christ s Flock
o be a shepherd of God’s people demands purity of intention

T and heart. It requires total dedication to the point of being

ready to lay down one’s life for the good of the sheep, fol-
lowing in the footsteps of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
As members of God’s flock, we can expect all this of our shepherds,
but we have also the duty to pray for them, and to support them in all
their worthy enterprises. We have also the duty to promote and sustain
new vocations to priestly and religious life. We must pray that God’s
flock may never lack holy representatives of the Eternal Shepherd. As
we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, let this be the main intention for
which we offer this Eucharist.
Today is also “Mother’s Day.” With all our heart we pray for all
mothers throughout the world, but especially for our own and all Filipino mothers.

herd’s forgiveness. (Pause) Gloria

P –Jesus, Eternal Shepherd, All–Glory to God in the
you laid down your life for highest, and on earth peace
Entrance Antiphon the salvation of all man- to people of good will. We
(To be recited only when no Entrance kind. Lord, have mercy! praise you, we bless you, we
Hymn is sung.) adore you, we glorify you, we
All – Lord, have mercy!
The merciful love of the give you thanks for your great
Lord fills the earth; by the P –You appointed your glory, Lord God, heavenly
word of the Lord the heavens apostles and their succes- King, O God, almighty
were made, alleluia! sors to take care of your
flock through the centu- Father.
Greeting ries. Christ, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only
All –Christ, have mercy! Begotten Son, Lord God,
P –May the grace and peace Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
of Jesus, the “Good Shep- P –You continue send- ther, you take away the sins of
herd,” be with you all! ing men and women to the world, have mercy on us;
All – And with your spirit! minister to your flock you take away the sins of the
throughout the world. world, receive our prayer; you
Penitential Act Lord, have mercy! are seated at the right hand of
P –Gathered together around All – Lord, have mercy! the Father, have mercy on us.
our Divine Good Shepherd, let For you alone are the Holy
us realize that every time we P –May almighty God have One, you alone are the Lord,
commit sin, we behave like the mercy on us, forgive us our you alone are the Most High,
sheep that get lost. In all humil- sins, and bring us to everlast- Jesus Christ, with the Holy
ity, let us acknowledge our sin- ing life. Spirit, in the glory of God the
fulness and ask our Good Shep- All –Amen! Father. Amen!

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Collect (Opening Prayer) ed the women of prominence washed their robes and made
P –Almighty ever-living who were worshipers and the them white in the blood of the
God, lead us to a share in leading men of the city, stirred Lamb. For this reason they
the joys of heaven, so that up a persecution against Paul stand before God’s throne and
and Barnabas, and expelled worship him day and night in
the humble flock may reach them from their territory. So his temple.
where the brave Shepherd has they shook the dust from their The one who sits on the
gone before. feet in protest against them throne will shelter them. They
He, who lives and reigns and went to Iconium. The dis- will not hunger or thirst any-
with you in the unity of the ciples were filled with joy and more, nor will the sun or any
Holy Spirit, God, for ever and the Holy Spirit. heat strike them. For the Lamb
ever. who is in the center of the throne
All – Amen! The Word of the Lord! will shepherd them and lead
All – Thanks be to God! them to springs of life-giving
Responsorial Psalm Ps 100 water, and God will wipe away
every tear from their eyes.”
R –We are his people, the
sheep of his flock! The Word of the Lord!
1st Reading Acts 13:14.43-52 All – Thanks be to God!
Today’s episode is of fun- R. M. Velez
damental importance in the F Dm Gospel Acclamation Jn 10:14
history of evangelization, since
it marks the decision to start
        All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
“I am the good shepherd,”
preaching the Gospel to the We are his peo-ple, says the Lord.
pagans. The Church is meant “I know my sheep, and
Bb C F
    
for all nations and races. mine know me.”
R –A proclamation from the
 Alleluia! Alleluia!
Acts of the Apostles the sheep of his flock!
Gospel Jn 10:27-30
Paul and Barnabas con- Jesus is the eternal “Good
tinued on from Perga and * Sing joyfully to the Lord, Shepherd” who cares for his
reached Antioch in Pisidia. all you lands; serve the Lord sheep and guides them to ev-
On the sabbath, they entered with gladness. Come before erlasting life.
the synagogue and took their him with joyful song. R.
seats. Many Jews and wor- * Know that the Lord is God.
P –The Lord be with you!
shipers who were converts to All – And with your spirit!
He made us, his we are; his
Judaism followed Paul and people, the flock he tends. R. P –A proclamation from the
Barnabas, who spoke to them holy Gospel according to
and urged them to remain * The Lord is good; his kind-
ness endures forever, and his John
faithful to the grace of God. All – Glory to you, O Lord!
On the following sabbath, faithfulness, to all genera-
almost the whole city gathered tions. R. Jesus said: “My sheep hear
to hear the word of the Lord. my voice. I know them, and
When the Jews saw the 2nd Reading RV 7:9.14-17 they follow me.
crowds, they were filled with Today’s passage from the I give them eternal life, and
jealousy and, with violent Book of Revelation describes they shall never perish. No one
abuse, contradicted what Paul a heavenly liturgy participated can take them out of my hand.
said. Both Paul and Barnabas in by innumerable people from My Father, who has given
spoke out boldly and said, “It all nations and races. They them to me, is greater than all,
was necessary that the word of are the Elect who remained and no one can take them out
God be spoken to you first, but faithful to Christ in time of of the Father’s hand.
since you reject it and condemn persecution. The Father and I are one.”
yourselves as unworthy of eter- R –A proclamation from the The Gospel of the Lord!
nal life, we now turn to the Gen- Book of Revelation All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
tiles. For so the Lord has com- Christ!
manded us, ‘I have made you I, John, had a vision of a
a light to the Gentiles, that you great multitude, which no one Homily
may be an instrument of salva- could count, from every na-
tion to the ends of the earth.’ ” tion, race, people, and tongue. Profession of Faith
The Gentiles were delight- They stood before the throne (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
ed when they heard this and and before the Lamb, wearing
glorified the word of the Lord. white robes and holding palm All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
All who were destined for eter- branches in their hands. ther almighty, maker of heaven
nal life came to believe, and the Then one of the Elders said and earth, of all things visible
word of the Lord continued to to me, “These are the ones and invisible.
spread through the whole re- who have survived the time I believe in one Lord Jesus
gion. The Jews, however, incit- of great distress; they have Christ, the Only Begotten Son
8 May 2022
of God, born of the Father be- sion to promote the good of All –We lift them up to the
fore all ages. God from God, the persons entrusted to them. Lord!
Light from Light, true God from Let us pray! R. P –Let us give thanks to the
true God, begotten, not made, C –For all mothers through- Lord our God!
consubstantial with the Father; out the world, and especially All –It is right and just!
through him all things were our own: May they be pre-
made. For us men and for our P –It is truly right and just,
served from all evil and enjoy our duty and our salvation,
salvation he came down from the reward for all the good
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy at all times to acclaim you,
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
they have done to their chil- O Lord, but in this time
gin Mary, and became man.*
dren. Let us pray! R. above all to praise you yet
For our sake he was crucified C –For our young people more gloriously, when
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- whom God calls to serve the Christ our Passover has
fered death and was buried, and been sacrificed.
Church as priests or religious: He never ceases to offer
rose again on the third day in May they respond generously
accordance with the Scriptures. himself for us but defends us
and persevere in their voca- and ever pleads our cause be-
He ascended into heaven and is tion. Let us pray! R.
seated at the right hand of the fore you: he is the sacrificial
Father. He will come again in C –For tomorrow’s national Victim who dies no more, the
glory to judge the living and the and local elections: May the Lamb, once slain, who lives
dead and his kingdom will have voters be protected from ha- for ever.
no end. rassment; and may all elec- Therefore, overcome
I believe in the Holy Spirit, tion officers have the cour- with paschal joy, every land,
the Lord, the giver of life, who age to resist intimidation and every people exults in your
proceeds from the Father and fraud. Let us pray! R. praise and even the heaven-
the Son, who with the Father C – Let us pray in silence for ly Powers, with the angelic
and the Son is adored and glori- our personal intentions. hosts, sing together the un-
fied, who has spoken through (Pause) Let us pray! R. ending hymn of your glory,
the prophets. as they acclaim:
I believe in one, holy, cath- P –Jesus, Eternal Shepherd, All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
olic and apostolic Church. I keep guiding all those you God of hosts. Heaven and
confess one Baptism for the call to the religious life and to earth are full of your glory.
forgiveness of sins and I look positions of leadership in the Hosanna in the highest!
forward to the resurrection of Church. May their examples Blessed is he who comes in
the dead and the life of the world of authentic Christian life the name of the Lord. Hosan-
to come. Amen! lead us closer to you who live na in the highest!
and care for ever and ever.
Prayer of the Faithful All – Amen! Memorial Acclamation
P –Jesus, our Divine Shep- P –The mystery of faith!
herd, calls generous souls to All – We proclaim your Death,
be the visible instruments of O Lord, and profess your
his love for his flock. Let us Resurrection until you
commend to the Lord Jesus Preparation of the Gifts come again!
all those who represent him P –Pray, brethren . . .
among us and those called to All – May the Lord accept the
fulfill this role. Let us say: sacrifice at your hands, for the
All – Jesus, Good Shepherd, praise and glory of his name,
hear us! for our good and the good of All – Our Father . . .
all his holy Church. P –Deliver us, Lord . .
C –For the Universal
Church: May all her mem- All –For the kingdom, the
bers appreciate the work done Prayer over the Offerings power, and the glory are
by their pastors, and support P –O Lord, grant that we yours, now and for ever.
them with all their resources. may always find delight in
Let us pray! R. these paschal mysteries, so Sign of Peace
that the renewal constantly
C –For the Holy Father, the at work within us may be the Breaking of the Bread
bishops, and priests: May cause of our unending joy. All – Lamb of God . . .
they be, for all the faithful, Through Christ our Lord.
the clearest signs of God’s All – Amen! Communion
patience, concern, and love.
Let us pray! R. P –Behold the Lamb of God,
Preface of Easter III behold him who takes away the
C –For all parents, teachers, P –The Lord be with you! sins of the world. Blessed are
and civil authorities: May All –And with your spirit! those called to the Supper of
they be faithful to their mis- P –Lift up your hearts! the Lamb.
4th Sunday of Easter (C)
All – Lord, I am not worthy you heirs to an eternal in-
that you should enter under my heritance.
roof, but only say the word and All – Amen!
my soul shall be healed.
P –May you, who have al-
P –The Lord be with you. ready risen with Christ
Communion Antiphon All – And with your spirit!
(To be recited only when no in Baptism through faith,
Communion Hymn is sung.) P –Bow your heads and be united with him in the
The Good Shepherd has pray for God’s blessing. homeland of heaven.
risen, who laid down his life (Pause) All –Amen!
for his sheep and willingly died P –May God, who by the P –And may the blessing of
for his flock, alleluia! Resurrection of His Only almighty God: the Fa-
Begotten Son conferred ther, and the Son, and the
Prayer after Communion on you the gifts of re- Holy Spirit, come down
P –Look upon your flock, demption and adoption, on you and remain with
kind Shepherd, and be grant you gladness and you for ever.
pleased to settle in eternal peace! All – Amen!
pastures the sheep you have All – Amen!
redeemed by the precious P –Go in peace, glorifying
Blood of your Son. P –May Christ, by whose re- the Lord by your life!
Who lives and reigns for deeming work you have All – Thanks be to God!
ever and ever. received the gift of for-
All – Amen! giveness and grace, make


by Jess P. Balon

B eing mostly a shepherding people, Israel en-

joyed thinking of the Lord as its divine “Shepherd.”
The pious Jews expressed their trust in God’s provi-
living up to the definition of “good shepherd” which
he himself had given. (See Jn 10:11.)
After his resurrection Jesus did not forget his
dent care and protection by singing: “little flock” of frightened disciples. Knowing that he
“The Lord is my shepherd would not be visibly present among them any longer,
There is nothing I shall want . . . he entrusted them all to the care of Peter, the chief
I fear no evil!” (Ps 23:1.4) “vice shepherd” (see Jn 21:15-17), and of all the other
And the Lord did take care of His “flock” in all apostles (see Mt 28:19-20), and their successors.
circumstances. Usually, however, He showed His They and the presbyters, as Paul made it clear when
concern for His people through “human shepherds”: talking to the presbyters of the Church of Ephesus,
the political and religious leaders. They were expected were to watch over the whole flock which the Holy
to be the symbols and instruments of the fatherly care Spirit had entrusted to their care. That meant they
which the Divine Shepherd showed for His people at were to shepherd “the Church of God which Christ has
all times. acquired at the price of his own blood” (Acts 20:28).
Often, however, the leaders had turned into “bad These human shepherds are the ones who, all
shepherds” who pastured themselves, while treating through the centuries, and in all communities, have
the sheep harshly. (See Ez 34:3-6.) This is why, at one been given the task of making visible the caring pres-
point, He threatened to dismiss the bad shepherds, ence of the eternal Shepherd, through their dedication,
and promised to take care of His own flock personally. patience, concern, and selflessness. These are the
(See Ez 34:11-16.) people called to be “sacraments of Christ’s shepherd-
Such a promise was fulfilled eminently in Jesus ing love.”
Christ, the Son of God-made-man. In his short earthly In every age and place we need many of these
existence, through his teaching, his miracles, and lamb-shepherds. But especially we need that they
his loving kindness, Jesus showed in innumerable be holy, i.e.: that they resemble him, the Holy Lamb
instances that he was, indeed, the good shepherd and Shepherd, as far as their human frailty allows.
who really cared for his “flock.” Eventually, he went For this intention we are invited to pray today in a
to the extent of laying down his life for his sheep, thus special manner for all our bishops and priests.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, J. Domingo, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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