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Unity is of utmost importance. Many stories as well as real life
incidences have proved how staying united can render strength to
people and help them lead a harmonious and fulfilling life.
However, many people still do not understand the importance of
staying united. They keep fighting over insignificant things and
ultimately end up lonely.

Advantages of Unity
Here are some of the advantages of unity:
Help and Support

People who stay united together are never left alone in adversity.
They help each other and provide moral as well as financial
support when in need. On the other hand living in isolation and
oblivious to the people around you, might make you feel insecure
and an introvert.

Good Guidance

When we stay united as a part of the society and are in good

terms with everyone around, we can seek guidance from them
for both personal and professional matters. Elderly people or
those who are more learned and experienced provide good
guidance on various matters and we can handle them well.

Proper Growth

Staying united is good for our growth and development.

Staying together in unity with each other helps in sharing of
ideas and opinions which is quite essential for our minds to
develop well. In families and societies where people stay
united and help each other, children get a healthy
environment to grow. This is good for the all round
development of children.

Source of Motivation

When we work together, we are motivated and encouraged to

work harder. We push each other to accomplish the goals and
this works as a great motivational factor. We also encourage
and appreciate one another on every achievement. This again
works as a motivational force. This way people are motivated
to work even better and achieve greater goals.

A person who works alone has to motivate himself on his own

and it becomes harder at times.

Greater Accomplishment

When we work together as a team, we are able to accomplish

greater goals. We help each other and can overcome various
hurdles together. If there is a rift in the team and each
individual looks for his individual benefit then it is hard to
achieve the common goal. There have been numerous
examples wherein people have lost games and projects only
because they began fulfilling their own small selfish motives
instead of working as a team to achieve the main goal.

Fighting a Mission

Fighting a mission becomes much easier when there are

greater numbers of people involved. Many social evils and
unjust practices have been fought and eradicated in the past
only because people came out in large number to fight against
the same. A single person can initiate a cause but cannot fight
all alone. It is only when he gets good support; there are
chances of winning a battle.


Thus, we see there are numerous benefits of staying united.

We can accomplish big tasks, rely on the people in times of
need and nurture young minds in a better way if we stay


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