Application and Hiring Processes For Job.

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‘Application and hiring processes for job’ youtube video script

Team 3

A closer look at Mongolian dietary trends reveals that parts of the Mongolian diet are still lacking in
nutritional quality, despite consumer demand for healthier options. Due to climatic factors and a
traditionally nomadic lifestyle, Mongolian people generally eat meat, fat and diary products but less
vegetables or fruit. Meat in the winter, meat and dairy in the summer, the mongolian diet is something
of an enigma in today’s world. To stay healthy, we need to eat a variety of foods from fruit, vegetables,
starchy foods, milk, dairy products, fish, eggs, beans and other non dairy sources of protein. The more
we researched about our food, the more we realized having personal plans for diets are necessary for
leading a healthy life even for the average person.

Speaker 1

Let us go go back to the topic about application and hiring processes for job.

One of the biggest components of your transition to independent adult life is the school-to-work one.
Whether you’re getting a job straight out of high school or going to college first, finding your first job is
an important step on the road to independence. Getting a job that you are good at, that you enjoy, and
that pays your bills can help you become a mature, happy, and independent adult. However, finding that
job can take a lot of work. This module is intended to familiarize you with different ways of finding and
applying for jobs that interest you, and to show you ways to improve your chances of getting hired.
Whether you’re looking for a job right now or just trying to plan ahead, this module will give you an
understanding of the job application process and some helpful advice and resources for navigating your
job search. Keep in mind, however, that the specific details of the hiring process are unique to each

Speaker 2

That reminds me what a hiring process. It probably means finding, selecting and hiring new employees
to a company. The process has generally three key segments that are planning, recruitment, and
employee selection. I have some idea and expectations about the application and hiring process based
on hearing from others even though I have never been an employer or employee. In my opinion,
application and hiring process must be hard for both sides. The process requires strategic and pragmatic
thinking while staying humane. There are certain steps to follow to make it successful. An efficient and
effective hiring process is a step-by-step process for hiring a new employee, which is an organization or
company that is looking for employees, identifies its talent needs, recruits from its talent pool and
eventually hires the most qualified candidates. As speaker one said before, most companies have their
own hiring processes based on industry, organization’s capability and their value, etc. Some resources
say that there are 15 steps of the hiring process.
- Identify the hiring need

- Devise a recruitment plan

- Write a job description

- Advertise the position

- Recruit the position

- Review applications

- Phone interview/ Initial screening

- Interviews

- Applicant assessment

- Background check

- Decision

- Reference check

- Job offer

- Hiring

- Onboarding

Speaker 4

Oh before I forget, the hiring process from employers is complex too. Recruitment is a long and
compound process that includes finding, comparing recruiting, and hiring. The person who does all this
is usually a recruitment manager or a human resources officer in Mongolia.

The recruitment process is the process of hiring the most suitable candidate for the job from a large
number of potential job seekers. Therefore most employers need a recruitment strategy. An effective
recruitment strategy selects the best people who can contribute to the success of the organization. On
the other hand, failure to develop and implement this strategy can have long-term negative effects on
the organization so you need to be very careful when hiring employees.

It might give the impression that Mongolia’s Human Resources practice has been stuck in the twentieth
century. There clearly are progressive international and local companies whose hiring processes are in
line with that of the Western world. But they are few. Somehow, people who have an understanding of
the western job recruitment process never seem to come to terms with the way Mongolians recruit for
Firstly, you need to determine who you want to hire or what skills you are looking for

Secondly, information about the workplace can be shared on the organization's website or public
websites and on bulletin boards. This method is inexpensive and allows you to attract the right person
through managers who are well versed in the organization's goals and vision. Also one of the most
common forms is that the organization regularly receives job applications. And in one word, each
company selects its employees in different ways.

Speaker 5

By the way, I have noticed several things recruiters do in Mongolia. First, the job application form is
unnecessarily long and request information that don’t give any clear insight on the ability of the
applicant. Most job applications in Mongolia require applicants to attach their headshots which bring
upon biases such as gender and age. Moreover, applications ask for candidate’s parent’s name,
occupation and educational background, and require applicants to attach a ‘three generational
biography’. I don’t think my parents’ employment and my grandfather used to do in their youth outlook
can show recruiters how well I can perform at a job. Next, during an interview, you are asked when you
are planning to have a family and give birth. Companies want world-class employees yet belittle the
ones who have fulfilled their higher education abroad. Thirdly, Instead of negotiating a fair price that
both parties can agree upon taking into consideration the job applicant’s prior skills and experience,
executives start to pinpoint real and unreal weaknesses found in the applicant. If the applicant is fresh
out of college, executives argue that the applicant has no real experience. This recruitment process is a
remainder of our communist history. I hope that the job recruitment process in Mongolia will soon meet
international industry standards.

Speaker 6

As has been said, getting a job is a weighty step towards your future and there are notable things for you
to consider as an employee, such as future opportunities for growth, salary, working hours etc. Keep in
mind that these steps are not easy for everyone including employees. We also tried to reflect how the
process can be innovated to become more convenient for both sides and it is proper for both sides to
realize each other's struggle and work on it. Employers will need to work on making the process more
smarter and conventional for employees. On the other hand, employees will need to adapt to the
changing process of hiring and most importantly making their voices heard to the employers so they can
improve the process more accurately. Cultural difference in the hiring process is a challenge too, with
what we said on the previous topic, Mongolians tend to have difficulty in changing their long used
traditional methods. Even though there are many organizations trying to improve their methods it is
certain that we are not all keeping up with the technology and more smarter methods. Our youths are
voicing opinions about this matter and saying whoever has the will to improve, innovate their methods
will be the ones to hire us. All in all, both sides agree that it is not a quick process and cooperation is
essential to creating more perceptive method for the process to become accurate and successful.

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