ILP Goodman Spring 2022

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

Revised 11.5.18
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as
needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Samantha Goodman All Subjects 4th
Mentor Email School/District Date
Oxford Preparatory Academy –
Ann Truong 3/6/2021
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Guide students to think critically through use of questioning strategies, T - Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to apply critical thinking
Promoting critical thinking posing/solving problems, and reflection on issues in content. by designing structured inquires into complex problems.
T – Applying T – Innovating
1.5 through inquiry, problem S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed to promote S - Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex questions and
S – Exploring S - Innovating
solving, and reflection comprehension and critical thinking in single lessons or a sequence of problems, reflect, and communicate understandings based on in depth
lessons. analysis of content learning.
Involving all students in self- T- Giving students different methods to check in with their own work T- A variety of methods are given to the students for each subject matter
assessment, goal-setting, T- Exploring through various rubrics. T- Integrating on how they will self-assess themselves.
and progress monitoring S- Applying S- Students are given rubrics to self-assess themselves and also able to S- Exploring S – Students are able to self-identify when they need to check in on their
peer-edit each others work with a rubric. own work.
Collecting and analyzing T- Able to include more informal assessments to help students in
T- Using data from weekly tests to plan for the upcoming week
assessment data from a T- Exploring T- Applying specific areas before a formal assessment
5.2 S- Students apply what they have learned throughout the week on
variety of sources to inform S-Emerging S- Exploring S- Students are able to take multiple informal assessments to see
the weekly tests
instruction where they need extra help
Section 3: Inquiry Focus and Planning (Attach Pre/Post Assessments and Data Collection Tools)
Directions: Your inquiry question should be concise and likely no more than 8-10 words. Your hypothesis should indicate what you expect students to be able to do after the lesson, and it should
be able to be evaluated based on your assessment plan. Note that Semester 3 requires an inquiry question that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Inquiry Question Hypothesis Lesson Series Topic Assessments/Data Collection
opinion pieces on topics or texts,
supporting a point of view with
reasons and information.
 As we move into the last trimester
of the school year, students will be
 The pre-assessment will be the
working on opinion writing. We will
students cold write that they
Students will be able to see the start the year with a cold write, and
complete. I will read them the
before the trimester ends in June,
progress they make from their cold- students will complete their
prompt and they will respond as
best as they can. After they
write to their benchmark writing. benchmark writing. At the end,
complete the cold write, I will look
students will be able to see how
through all their papers and see
much growth and progress they
How will students be able to self- what specific skills we need to work
Students will be able to self-evaluate have made through 4 months. 
on as a class and what skills
assess themselves and know that  Students will complete 2 different
their writing throughout the students might need to work on in a
they are effectively working towards opinion writings, one that is direct
small group. For my post
trimester to see where they need to instruction, so they learn how to
the goal of the lesson?  assessment plan, this will be when
make improvements.  write an opinion writing, and the
students complete their benchmark
other they will work
writing at the end of the semester
on independently. For the
and I will see how much they have
independent one, students will have
Students will set a goal of what they to self-evaluate their writing to see
accomplished. If they still need to
want to achieve in their writing. work on specific skills, I can let the
if it meets the expectations of an
5th grade teachers know that they
opinion writing paper. 
struggled with a specific skill.
 Before we start writing in the
upcoming trimester, I will have
students set a goal for themselves
on what they would like to achieve
for the upcoming trimester of

Focus Students
Directions: Identify three focus students for your inquiry. Identify special characteristics of the students and include performance data. Explain why you have selected them for this inquiry focus.
Do not use actual names of students. (Note: At least one focus student should be an English learner and at least one must have an ILP/504 accommodation. The third is your choice, but please
identify someone that poses an instructional challenge.) Identify expected results for each focus student.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student with ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
My English Leaner currently gets pulled twice a week by My IEP student has a had time focusing and parents have
our EL specialist and twice a week by our intervention mentioned how writing is not his favorite thing to do. It
This student loves writing and will ask so many clarifying
specialist for ELA. He has been working very hard on takes him a bunch of reminders to make sure that he is
Performance questions to make sure she is accurately responding to
completing his work, but he does tend to write at a on task. Usually when a time limit is set, he is able to get
Data slower rate. I want to see how well he can do when we his work done more quickly. Since he wants to get over
the prompt. She always goes above and beyond what we
are doing.
have only a certain amount of time to complete the things he does not like, his quality of work is not always
writing. great.
I expect this student to need some extra time to work on
I expect this student to write about a paragraph or two I expect this student to do very well on our writings.
his writing, since he does get easily distracted and might
that is related to the topic. I hope that after teaching Since she will most likely do well, I will challenge her with
Expected Results about opinion writing for a month, he will feel more
need some breaks away from writing time. He can
her writing by making sure she has a lot of descriptive
perform well academically, he just struggles with
confident in his work. details and citations from different sources.
focusing and completing his work in one sitting.
Inquiry Lesson Implementation Plan
Directions: that Semester 3 requires a lesson that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Administer Pre-Assessment Deliver Lesson(s) Administer Post-Assessment Analyze Results Discuss Results with Mentor

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 4
Identify dates for activities. 3/21 4/11-4/29 5/5 5/6 5/9

Provide 1-2 sentence Students will be working on two different opinion piece writings. One writing will be guided and the other will be more independently
summary of your lesson plan. done.

For the pre-assessment, students will have 2 hours to complete the “cold-write,” which means they will just be read the prompt and
Summarize process for have the rest of the time to complete the writing. After students complete the writing, I will look at the writing and see what areas of
administering and analyzing opinion writing student need to work on. For the next month, I will work with my students on teaching them how to write an opinion
pre- and post-assessments. writing. After the month, students will complete the writing benchmark, which is unassisted, and they will be given the same 2 hours
to complete it. I will look at their benchmarks to see the growth that they have made.
Semester 3 Only: Identify the
specific technology tools,
applications, links, and/or
devices to be incorporated
into the lesson.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)

Article 1:
Article 2:
Andrade, H. L., Du, Y., & Wang, X. (2008). Putting rubrics to the test: The
effect of a model, criteria generation, and rubric‐referenced self‐
Yan, Z., Brown, G. T., Lee, J. C. K., & Qiu, X. L. (2020). Student self-
assessment on elementary school students' writing. Educational
assessment: Why do they do it?. Educational Psychology, 40(4), 509-532.
Measurement: Issues and Practice, 27(2), 3-13.
This article mentions how self-assessment is mostly teacher directed, and not
This article states how sometimes teachers are not able to provide all the
students who want to self-assess because they want to improve themselves.
feedback to kids that they need, so self-assessment comes in handy because
The best part about self-assessment is that the student is the one in control of
students are able to evaluate their own work. When students are performing
self-assessing their work. In order for students to benefit from self-
their own self-assessment, they are becoming more self-aware of their own
assessment, they need to be comfortable giving truthful feedback to
work. We can't expect students to understand how to self-assess themselves
themselves and the teacher. If students are not comfortable, self-assessment
without explicitly teaching them how and when to use it. One of the main ways
will not work. While this article conducted its own study, it does mention that
students can self-assess is by using a rubric. Having students use a rubric to
the different types of self-assessment they used will not necessarily work for
evaluate their work has proven to improve student work. Students are able to
become more involved in the process.

Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject, and summary of ideas.)
Fourth grade teacher: This teacher introduces the prompt to his entire class and
Fourth Grade Teacher: She has daily journal prompts for the students, so they are
then teaches the students the writing skills in small groups. He finds it easier to
always actively writing. She also shares her expectations of the students writing
meet in small groups so he can answer all of the questions students have about
on the board each day when they are responding to their writing prompt. She has
how the writing is supposed to look. Also, since students are in a smaller group,
noticed that since she shares her expectations, some of their writing has
they are able to get more attention from him, instead of 33 students all asking for
help at the same time.
Special Emphasis: ISTE Standards (Semester 3 only)
Directions: Identify at least one ISTE-Educator and at least one ISTE- Student Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated

Section 5: Results and Reflection

Directions: Record Pre- and post- assessment data into Pre/Post Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post
Assessment Data Table with submission.
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Whole Class Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Three Focus Students

Initial Evidence/Rational for Rating

CSTP Element Revised Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
Rating (Summarize from POP Section 3)
Promoting critical
To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to increase
thinking through T – Applying Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
T – Integrating complexity of task beyond a single lesson so that there are
1.5 inquiry, problem S– Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s.
S - Integrating continuing opportunities for students to engage in inquiry in
solving, and Exploring Students created their own math problems.
complex problem. How could you extend lesson into PBL?

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 4
Special Emphasis ISTE-Educator and ISTE-Student Standards (Semester 3 only)
Results of Incorporation into Lesson Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by Teacher

Action Items
For curriculum design, lesson
planning, assessment

For classroom practice

For teaching English learners,

students with special needs,
and students with other
instructional challenges
For future professional

For future inquiry/ILP

For next POP cycle

Semester 3 Only:
For future use of technology
Other Notes

Pre-/Post- Assessment Data Table follows this document.

Include copies/images of pre-/post- assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table with submission.

Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Revised 5.1.17
Directions: Record student pre and post scores in this table. Do not use student’s actual names.
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

Pre-Assessment Data Range and Average Post-Assessment Data Range and Average


Student Pre-Assessment Score Post-Assessment Score Comments
1. Focus Student: EL
2. Focus Student: 504/IEP
3. Focus Student: Teacher Choice
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 4
36. 910111213141516

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 4

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