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Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan


Contact number: 0945-867-9021


Balagtas, Xyriel Jasmine


Mallare, Althea Joie


Mendoza, Herlein

Migraso, Jowhella Mae


A. Proposed Name of the Business --------------------------------------------------- 1
B. Address of the Business ------------------------------------------------------------ 1
C. Name of the Owners ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1
D. Description of the Business -------------------------------------------------------- 1
E. Location of the Business ----------------------------------------------------------- 1
F. Funding Requirement and Source ------------------------------------------------ 1

A. Name of The Business -------------------------------------------------------------- 2
B. Location ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
C. Mission -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
D. Vision --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
E. Specific Purpose of the Plan ------------------------------------------------------- 2
F. Overview of the Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2
G. Summary of Company Goal ------------------------------------------------------- 2
H. Short- and Long-Term Goal ------------------------------------------------------- 3

A. Description of the Business -------------------------------------------------------- 3
B. Business Logo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
C. Business Tagline --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
D. Form and Type of Business -------------------------------------------------------- 3

A. Product and Services ---------------------------------------------------------------- 4
B. Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
C. Trends --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
D. Sales Potential ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
E. 7P’s of Marketing ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
➢ Product ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
➢ Price ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
➢ Place ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
➢ Promotion ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
➢ Packaging ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
➢ Process ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
➢ People ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
F. Competitors Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------- 6
G. SWOT Analysis --------------------------------------------------------------------- 6


A. Organizational Structure ------------------------------------------------------------ 7
B. Organizational Chart ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7
A. Location Plan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
B. Inventory Management ------------------------------------------------------------- 9
C. Budgeting Production ------------------------------------------------------------- 10

A. Process Planning ------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
B. Material Planning ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
C. Machinery Equipment ------------------------------------------------------------- 12
D. Manpower Planning --------------------------------------------------------------- 12
E. Operation Hours -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

A. Direct Material --------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
B. Overheads --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
C. Profit and Loss Statement --------------------------------------------------------- 14
D. Cash Flow Statement -------------------------------------------------------------- 14
A. Propose Name of the Business
B. Address of the Business
The business is located in Tabang, Guiguinto, Bulacan. This location is chosen as
it is near three schools, two elementary and one high school, which is an advantage for
the business to attract lots of customers.

C. Name of the Owners

Balagtas, Xyriel Filipino Ligas, Malolos, 09546948091 balagtasxyriel@
Jasmine Bulacan
Mallare, Althea Filipino Sumapang Matanda, 09442478479 mallarealthea@g
Joie Malolos, Bulacan
Mendoza, Filipino Sta. Rita, Guiguinto, 09288479840 mendozaherlein
Herlein Bulacan
Migraso, Filipino Tabang, Guiguinto, 09452491289 migrasojowhella
Jowhella Mae Bulacan

D. Description of the Business

Chew-ro! is a pastry business that will sell snacks that will satisfy the cravings
mainly of every student, employee, teacher of Guiguinto National Vocational High
School (GNVHS). The business will serve churros which is a Spanish and Mexican
pastry resembling a doughnut or cruller and made from deep-fried unsweetened dough
and sprinkled with sugar. This snack’s crispy ridges and soft dough are what make it
satisfying to eat and can be eaten as walk-around treats. Chew-ro! offers three different
dip flavors like milk chocolate, white chocolate, and caramel that can be topped with
either nut, mallows, or sprinkles that will surely satisfy the taste buds of consumers. With
the variety of flavors we offer, Chew-ro! aims to satisfy the cravings of the people and
serve the best quality and affordable churros. Chew-ro! will provide the needs of the
customers to ensure maximum satisfaction and loyalty.

E. Location of the Business

Chew-ro! is a small business that is in the municipality of Guiguinto. Given the
current situation, orders will be placed through our Facebook or Instagram pages and
delivered to our customers via Grab Food as the courier. The area is close to a market where
the business may purchase raw materials for product production.

F. Funding Requirement and Source

The estimated initial cost of the business will be:


Raw Material Expense ₱ 1,240

Packaging Expense ₱ 100

Total ₱ 1,340

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A. Name of The Business

B. Location
The business is located in Guiguinto, Bulacan. This location is chosen as it is near
two schools, an elementary and high school, which is an advantage for the business to
attract lots of customers.

C. Mission
Chew-ro! is dedicated to providing high-quality service and products at a
reasonable cost to its customers. To provide a wide selection of flavors so that everyone
can find something they enjoy. We want our customers to enjoy our tasty churros the way
they were meant to be enjoyed!

D. Vision
To sustainably grow by delighting more consumers daily. To provide the best
quality products with the best taste, following the standards of food safety and
certification. To become a young entrepreneur, respected along the market.

E. Specific Purpose of the Plan

The specific purpose of conducting this business plan is to identify, describe or
analyze the key factors of success and the risks of our business to compete in the other
market. This will serve as guide in the implementation of the plan for the business,
including the marketing, production, organizational and financial aspects of our
business. It is intended to provide a brief introduction to key aspects of a decision-
making process by highlighting some of the most important financial data about the
business and its prospects for success. This business plan contains information such as
products and services, strengths, and weaknesses in the business, how management thinks
about the market in general and so on. This process will help the business for working
capital to be allocated toward the operation.

This plan will remind us of why the business is created in the first place, what the
original goals were and how business changes will affect the original vision. It will help
figure out what must be done for the business, how much funding is needed and why, how
we are going to market and where we think our business can go from here. In other words,
it will help determine the scope of our business.

F. Overview of the Plan

Chew-ro! will offer different flavors for people to try. It will come with three
different dip flavors to choose from: milk chocolate, white chocolate, and caramel. Aside
from that, Chew-ro! also has variety of toppings to choose from which are nuts,
marshmallows, and sprinkles. The target customers are students and teachers from
Guiguinto National Vocational High School (GNVHS), Guiguinto Central School (GCS),
and San Ildefonso Learning Center (SILC).

G. Summary of Company Goal

The start-up capital is P1,000.00. In year one, the business estimates a 5% growth
rate. In year two, it is expected to open another branch in City of Malolos, Bulacan.

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H. Short- and Long-Term Goal
Chew-ro!’s short-term goal is to satisfy the cravings of the people and serve the
best quality and affordable churros. The long-term goal is to provide the needs of the
customers to ensure maximum satisfaction and loyalty.


A. Description of the Business

Chew-ro! is a pastry business that mainly sells Churros. It is located in the
municipality of Guiguinto Bulacan. Compared to the common churros most Filipinos
know, Chew-ro! offers three different dip flavors and can add variety of toppings that
will surely satisfy the taste buds of consumers with its notable and sweet taste. The main
goal is to satisfy the cravings of Filipinos and serve the best quality and affordable
churros. The business will provide the needs of the customers to ensure maximum
satisfaction and loyalty.

B. Business Logo

The core of the logo is the heart-shaped

churro which is the main product of the
business. The business name “Chew-ro!” is
short for Chewy Churro because the business
will surely serve delicious and chewy churros.
Chew-ro! used heart-shaped churro and color
red to represent its sweetness, delightfulness,
and savory taste.

C. Business Tagline
“Dip, Bite, and Share”

D. Form and Type of Business

Chew-ro! is structured as a partnership type of business organization. It simply
refers to a business shared by two or more owners who has all the rights and obligations.
They share its profits and liabilities among themselves.

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A. Product and Services
Churros is a Spanish and Mexican pastry resembling a doughnut or cruller and
made from deep-fried unsweetened dough and sprinkled with sugar. This snack’s crispy
ridges and soft dough is what makes it satisfying to eat and can be eaten as walk-around
treats. Unlike other snacks that is a mess to eat, churro is easier to eat and carry which
explains why they're so popular as a walk-around treat at parks.

B. Size
Guiguinto National Vocational High School, Guiguinto Central School, San
Ildefonso Learning Center and St. Martin De Porres Catholic School have more than
10,000 population. Our target buyers are stunts, teachers, and parents from these schools.

C. Trends
Chew-ro! will be known for its crispy ridges and soft dough. Aside from that, the
business offers variety of flavors that customers can choose from depending on their taste

D. Sales Potential
This business has a potential in the market for its reasonable price that is worth
the taste. It can be caried as a walk-around treat at schools.

E. 7P’s of Marketing
➢ Product
Chew-ro! is a deep-fried unsweetened dough pastry manufactured in Spain
and Mexico that resembles a doughnut or cruller and is covered with sugar. We offer
three different dip flavors:
• milk chocolate
• white chocolate
• caramel
Our business also offers variety of toppings that would go well with our
Chew-ro! such as:
• nuts
• marshmallow
• sprinkles

➢ Price
5 pieces churro with dipping (any flavor) Php 20.00
5 pieces churro with topping (any topping) Php 25.00
5 pieces churro with dipping and topping Php 30.00

➢ Place
Chew-ro! is located in the municipality of Guiguinto, Barangay Tabang.

➢ Promotion
To promote our product, we are going to design and distribute flyers,
business cards, posters, or banners that could help us spread more information
about our business and to ensure that the consumers are aware of our product.
Our main objective is to empower and make our product known with the least
expense possible. We will post these on our different social media accounts.

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➢ Packaging
The servings of Chew-ro! will be served depending on the quantity.
Our primary packaging would be a churro paper box with our very own
logo. This should keep the finished product preserved, hot and crispy.

Our secondary packaging would be a churro paper bag with the same design
as our primary packaging. We would put the sauce in a container with a cover
and place it inside that paper bag together with the churros. This should also keep
the finished product hot and crispy.

➢ Process
Given today’s situation, consumers can place an order through our
Facebook or Instagram accounts and will be delivered via Grab Food as the
courier from our location to our consumers. The actual delivery time may vary,
depending on traffic and the distance from the consumer’s location to the
location of the business.

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➢ People
The team members would be divided into different tasks. One would be
assigned in taking up the orders and answering the concerns of our consumers.
Two would be the cooks who will be responsible for preparing and cooking the
product. One would be in charge of the packing of the orders and booking of the
delivery. As time goes by, the team would shift tasks to explore other tasks.

F. Competitors Analysis
Churros are seldom offered in the market area at Guiguinto National Vocational
High School (GNVHS). This unique product of Chew-ro! will enable it to generate profit
and compete with others due to its unique various flavors of sauce that will surely satisfy
the customers.

The snacks considered relatively comparable to our products are crinkle cookies,
mango pancake, graham balls, golden buns and egg sandwich.

The price range of our competitor products are between 2-40 pesos. Moreover, one
of our strategies is to avoid overpricing of the product. The price per unit will be depending
on their size and flavors. We will sell our products at the most affordable possible price.
We’ll also need to discover their plan and the areas where we’re lacking, and we’ll need to
improve it in order to gain customers’ attention and contentment, as well as figure out the
techniques they’ve used to succeed. Also, knowing the strength and weakness of their
business will be a good help for our business to take advantage and surpass the other
products. Lastly, we will learn about the market a little bit more. We need to find out the
demographic and psychographic of our competitor’s customers. Their target market will
also help us in getting to know which customers are interested in their products, how many
there are, and why they are buying it. This data can also help figure out what kind of
strategies they have been using with their target market. All the information we gathered
will be our strength and advantage to succeed.

G. SWOT Analysis
• Have low overheads, can proffer excellent value to customers
• Offer a variety of flavors that will fit different tastes of customers
• Community-friendly product since the product’s packaging is made from paper
• Ingredients are easy to find since eggs are always available in the market
• Excellent teamwork

• No physical store
• Limited delivery area
• Establishing a reputation on internet will be challenging
• Unreliable cash flow

• General trends towards more snacking
• Target markets
• Innovation of different flavors of the product
• Potential to create new products
• Local competitors provide poor quality products

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• COVID-19 Pandemic
• Superior distribution systems of competitors
• Price war and promos with competitors
• Increasing cost of Ingredients


A. Competitors Analysis
An organizational structure is a system that specifies how particular operations
should be directed in order to meet an organization’s objectives. Rules, roles, and
obligations are some of the activities that can be included. The structure also improves
the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. The business can undertake many tasks at
once by splitting people and functions into specific divisions. The firm is divided into
three working groups, each with its own set of functions and responsibilities: financial,
Operation and Production, and Marketing.

B. Organizational Chart



A. MANAGER- It is charge of completing activities efficiently with and via other people,
as well as setting and achieving the firm’s goals, by carrying out four basic management
functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

B. FINANCIAL OFFICER- A company's financial transactions are overseen by financial

officers. These experts, sometimes known as chief financial officers, are in charge of
budgeting, transaction monitoring, and financial report preparation.

C. OPERATION AND PRODUCTION OFFICER- Production and operations convert

raw materials, human resources, and capital into products and services that can be sold to

D. MARKETING OFFICER- Accountable for promoting clients' or the company's

products and services. The marketing officer is in charge of carrying out and improving
the company's marketing strategies on a daily basis. She monitors market research and
analyzes the competitive market.

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A. Location Plan
Chew-ro!’s exact location is at Ylang-Ylang Homes Phase II Subdivision,
Guiguinto. It is 700 meters from Mc Arthur Highway 400 meters from Waltermart
Guiguinto. This is where the churro will be made and delivered using the multi-cab, the
business will deliver the finished products in the location where the customers ask.
The location is shown in the map below:

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B. Inventory Management

No. Description Item Stock Reordering Purchase Delivery

Code Level Level order date

1 Unsalted 001 1 kilogram 200 grams 200 grams April 2021


2 Dark Brown 002 1 kilogram 200 grams 200 grams April 2021

3 Salt 003 1 kilogram 200 grams 100 grams April 2021

4 Water 004 2 1 container 1 container April 2021


5 Flour 005 5 2 kilograms 2 kilograms April 2021


6 Egg 006 2 trays 1 tray 1 tray April 2021

7 Vanilla 007 1 bottle 2 teaspoons 2 teaspoons April 2021


8 Milk 008 1 litter 360 ml 360 ml April 2021


9 Chocolate 009 1 litter 360 ml 360 ml April 2021


10 Caramel Syrup 010 1 litter 360 ml 360 ml April 2021

11 Nuts 011 500 grams 70 grams 70 grams April 2021

12 Marshmallow 012 800 grams 70 grams 70 grams April 2021

13 Sprinkles 013 500 grams 70 grams 70 grams April 2021

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C. Budgeting Production
Budgeting is all about planning the income and expenditure, so the business got
enough money for the things needed. Chew-ro!’s budget is split into three areas such as
production, promotion, and marketing.
The estimated price for production including the packaging is Php 1,340.00


A. Process Planning
Procedures in making our product:

1. Put 90 grams of unsalted butter, 20 grams of Brown Sugar, and 1 gram of salt in a
2. Pour a cup of 350 grams of combined water.
3. Saucepan with over medium heat.
4. Mix and boil it until the butter and sugar melt and then take off the heat.
5. After that, put 180 grams of flour and sift it into the mixture.
6. Mix them well to avoid lumps until it turns into dough.
7. Open the saucepan again over low heat.
8. Stir fry and wait until the color of the dough changes and becomes smooth and moist.
9. After that, set aside in a bowl and knead the dough into a circular shape of bowl to cool off.
10. Get 3 eggs and put them in a small bowl.
11. And then add 3 grams of vanilla extracts in the bowl where the eggs are and mix.
12. After letting the dough cool down, put the eggs with vanilla extracts in the bowl where the
dough is but gradually put the eggs in the dough because if you put it all at once, it will be
hard to mix.
13. After mixing it well, transfer the dough into a piping bag with the star-shaped nozzle.
14. Open the saucepan again over medium heat.
15. Pour enough oil to come halfway up the sides and heat to 170-180 degrees Celsius.
16. Holding the piping bag a few inches above the oil, carefully pipe churros into long ropes.
17. Using kitchen scissors, cut off the dough from pipping bag for a clean cut
18. Fry and flip it over and wait for 4-5 minutes-about 2 minutes per side or until it turns
golden brown.
19. Then remove cooked churros with tongs and strainer to remove the excess oil.
20. Transfer the cooked churros to a plate lined with paper towels to drain.
21. Lastly, roll and coat it with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon powder
22. Put it in the packaging and serve the warm churros with the dip.

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B. Material Planning

Description Quantity Unit cost Total
Unsalted Butter Per kilo 1 Php 60 Php 240.00

Dark Brown Per kilo 1 Php 55 Php 55.00


Salt Per kilo 1 Php 9 Php 55.00

Water Per container 2 Php 25 Php 50.00

Flour Per kilo 2 Php 55 Php 110.00

Egg Per tray 1 Php 120 Php 120.00

Vanilla Exctract Per bottle 1 Php 10 Php 10.00

Milk Chocolate Per litter 1 Php 100 Php 100.00


Chocolate Syrup Per litter 1 Php 100 Php 100.00

Caramel Syrup Per litter 1 Php 100 Php 100.00

Nuts Per kilo 1 Php 50 Php 50.00

Marshmallow Per kilo 1 Php 50 Php 50

Sprinkles Per kilo 1 Php 50 Php 50

Butane gas Per piece 3 Php 50 Php 150

Paper for Per piece 50 Php 2 Php 100


Total Php 1,340

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C. Machinery Equipment
Machine / Equipment Quantity Rent / Borrowed

Stove 1 Borrowed

Pan 1 Borrowed

Kitchen utensils Borrowed

Stall (table & tent) Borrowed

D. Manpower Planning
Because the team members would be divided into different tasks and all of it are
important, the members would be working from 10am to 4pm (6 hours a day).

Working Hours
DAY 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Althea Mallare Jowhella Migraso
MONDAY Herlein Mendoza Xyriel Jasmine Balagtas
Althea Mallare Jowhella Migraso
TUESDAY Herlein Mendoza Xyriel Jasmine Balagtas
Althea Mallare Jowhella Migraso
WEDNESDAY Herlein Mendoza Xyriel Jasmine Balagtas
Althea Mallare Jowhella Migraso
THURSDAY Herlein Mendoza Xyriel Jasmine Balagtas
Althea Mallare Jowhella Migraso
FRIDAY Herlein Mendoza Xyriel Jasmine Balagtas

E. Operation Hours
The business will be operating during the weekdays and will be closed during

DAY Operation Hours

Monday 10:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday 10:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am-4:00pm
Thursday 10:00am-4:00pm
Friday 10:00am-4:00pm
Saturday CLOSED

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A. Direct Material

Unsalted Butter Php 240.00

Dark Brown Sugar Php 55.00

Salt Php 55.00

Water Php 50.00

Flour Php 110.00

Egg Php 120.00

Vanilla Exctract Php 10.00

Milk Chocolate Syrup Php 100.00

Chocolate Syrup Php 100.00

Caramel Syrup Php 100.00

Nuts Php 50.00

Marshmallow Php 50

Sprinkles Php 50

Butane gas Php 150

B. Overheads

Paper for packaging Php 100.00

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C. Profit and Loss Statement
Sales 2,240
Less: Cost of Sales 1,240
Gross Profit Php 1,240

Less: Overhead
Promotion Expense 100
NET INCOME Php 1,140

D. Cash Flow Statement

A personal cash flow is important because it allows you to identify where your
income is coming from and how it is being spent. Outside of the scope of insurance, a
cash flow plan is a way by which a company can plan and manage the loss and gain of
cash in order to ensure that the company is able to pay business-related expenses as they
occur. Good cash flow management is key to ensuring any business runs smoothly. The
cash flow statement is cash flow from operations, which includes transactions from all
operational business activities.



Sales 2,240
Less: Supplies Expense 1,240
Less: Promotion Expense 100
NET INCOME Php 1,140

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