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It is useless to try to live in our own power the kind of

life God has commanded us to live. Our strength must
TRANSFERABLE CONCEPT THREE come from the Lord! The Holy Spirit came to enable
During the depression, a man named Yates owned a us to know Christ. When we receive Christ into our
ranch in West Texas. Because he did not earn enough lives, we experience a new birth, and are indwelt by
money to make his ranching operation pay, Mr. Yates the Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to live and share
was in danger of losing his ranch. His family, like the abundant life which Jesus promised to all who
many others, had to live on government subsidy. trust Him.

Day after day, as Mr. Yates grazed his sheep over those
rolling West Texas hills, he was no doubt greatly LACK OF FAITH
troubled about how he would be able to meet his Many Christians are not filled with the Spirit because
financial obligations. Then a seismographic crew from of a lack of knowledge. Unbelief keeps others from
an oil company came into the area and told Mr. Yates experiencing the abundant life. There are still other
that they thought there might be oil on his land. They Christians who may have been exposed to the truth
asked permission to drill a wildcat well and he signed concerning the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit
a lease contract. but who, for various reasons, have never been able to
comprehend the love of God. They are afraid of Him.
At 1,115 feet they struck a huge oil reserve. The first They simply do not trust Him.
well came in at 80,000 barrels a day. Many subsequent
wells were more than twice as large. And Mr. Yates Suppose, when my two sons were young, they had
owned it all! The day he purchased the land, he greeted me with these words: “Daddy, we love you and

received the oil and mineral rights. Yet, he had been have decided that we will do any thing you want us to

living on relief—a multimillionaire living in poverty. do from now on as long as we live.” What do you think
The problem? He did not know the oil was there. He would have been my attitude?
owned it, but he did not possess it.
If I had responded to their expression of trust in
I do not know of a better illustration of the Christian me, as many believe God will respond when they
life than this. The moment we become children of God surrender their lives to Him, I would have taken my
through faith in Christ, we become heirs of God, and sons by the shoulders, shaken them, glared at them
all of His divine supernatural resources are made sternly and said, “I have just been waiting for this. I
available to us. Everything we need including wisdom, am going to make you regret this decision for as long
love, power to be men and women of God, and to be as you live. I am going to take all the fun out of your
fruitful witnesses for Christ, is available to us. But lives, give away your toys, and make you do all the
most Christians continue to live in self-imposed things you do not like to do.”
spiritual poverty, because they do not know how to
appropriate from God those spiritual resources which Many people believe that this is the way God will
are already theirs. respond when they say, “Lord, I surrender the control
of my life to You.” They do not understand how much factors contribute to preparing your heart for the
God loves them. Do you know what I would do if my filling of the Spirit.
sons came to me with such a greeting? I would put
my arms around them and say, “I love you, too, and I First, you must hunger and thirst after God and desire
deeply appreciate this expression of your love for me. to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We have the promise
It is the greatest gift which you could give me and I of our Savior, “Blessed are those who hunger and
want to do everything in my power to merit your love thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.”2
and trust.”
Second, be willing to surrender your life to Christ in
Is God any less loving and concerned for His children? accordance with Paul’s admonition in Romans 12:1,
No. He has proved over and over again that He is a 2 (Living Bible): “And so, dear brothers, I plead with
loving God, our heavenly Father, who cares deeply for you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living
His children. He is worthy of our trust. sacrifice, holy—the kind He can accept.” When you
think of what He has done for you, is this too much
to ask? Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this
FILLED BY FAITH world, but be a new and different person with a fresh
How can one be filled with the Holy Spirit? We are newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn
filled with the Spirit by faith. We received Christ by from your own experience, how His ways will really
faith. We walk by faith. Everything we receive from satisfy you.
God, from the moment of our spiritual birth until we
die, is by faith. Do you want to be filled with the Holy Third, confess every known sin which the Holy Spirit
Spirit? You can be filled right now, wherever you are, brings to your remembrance, and experience the
by faith. cleansing and forgiveness which God promises in I
John 1:9 (LB): “But if we confess our sins to Him, He
You do not have to beg God to fill you with His Holy can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us
Spirit. You do not have to barter with Him by fasting, from every wrong. And it is perfectly proper for God
weeping, begging, or pleading. For a long time I fasted, to do this for us because Christ died to wash away our
prayed, and cried out to God for His fullness. Then sins.”
one day I discovered from the Scriptures that the “just
shall live by faith.”1 We do not earn God’s fullness.
We receive it by faith. Suppose that you want to cash COMMAND AND PROMISE
a check for a hundred dollars. Would you go to the There are two very important words to remember.
bank where you have several thousand dollars on The first is “command.” In Ephesians 5:18 (KJV) God
deposit, place the check on the counter, get down on commands us to be filled: “Be not drunk with wine,
your knees, and say, “Oh, please, Mr. Teller, cash my wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit.” Not
check?” No, that is not the way you cash a check. You to be filled, controlled and empowered by the Holy
simply go in faith, place the check on the counter, and Spirit is disobedience. The other word is “promise,” a

wait for the money which is already yours. Then you promise that makes the command possible: “This is

thank the teller and go on your way. the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we
ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And
Millions of Christians are begging God, as I once did, if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask we
for something which is already available just waiting know that we have the requests which we have asked
to be appropriated by faith. They are seeking some from Him.”
kind of emotional experience, not realizing that such
an attitude on their part is an insult to God—a denial Now, is it God’s will for you to be filled, controlled
of the faith by which we please God. In Hebrews 11:6 and empowered by the Holy Spirit? Of course it is His
we are told, “Without faith it is impossible to please will, for it is His command. Right now, then, you can
God.... ask God the Holy Spirit to fill you not because you
deserve to be filled, but on the basis of His command
and promise.
Though you are filled with the Holy Spirit by faith and If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit already dwells
faith alone, it is important to recognize that several within you. Therefore, you do not need to invite Him
to come into your life. The moment you received or not. Do not depend on emotions. We are to live by
Christ, the Holy Spirit not only came to indwell you, faith, not feelings.
but He imparted to you spiritual life, causing you to
be born anew as a child of God. The Holy Spirit also You can begin this very moment to draw upon the
baptized you into the body of Christ. In I Corinthians vast, inexhaustible resources of the Holy Spirit to
12:13, Paul explains, “For by one Spirit we are all enable you to live a holy life, and to share the claims
baptized into one body.” of the Lord Jesus and His love and forgiveness with
men everywhere. Remember that being filled with the
There is but one indwelling of the Holy Spirit, one Holy Spirit is a way of life. We are commanded to be
rebirth of the Holy Spirit, and one baptism of the constantly controlled by the Holy Spirit. Thank Him
Holy Spirit— all of which occur the moment you for the fullness of His Spirit as you begin each day and
receive Christ. There are many fillings, as is made continue to invite Him to control your life moment by
clear in Ephesians 5:18. In the Greek language in moment. This is your heritage as a child of God.
which the New Testament was originally written, the
meaning is clearer than in most English translations. Endnotes
This command of God means to be constantly and 1 Galatians 3:11, King James
continually filled, controlled, and empowered with 2 Matthew 5:6
the Holy Spirit as a way of life. 3 1John 5:14,15

If you wish to be technical, you do not need to pray Adapted from How to Be Filled With the Spirit
to be filled with the Holy Spirit, as there is no place Copyrighted 1971, 1998 by Bill Bright, NewLife
in Scripture where we are told to pray for the filling Publications, Campus Crusade for Christ. All
of the Holy Spirit. We are filled by faith. However, rights reserved. Used by permission.
since the object of our faith is God and His Word, I
suggest that you pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit
as an expression of your faith in God’s command and
in His promise. You are not filled because you pray,
but because by faith you trust God to fill you with His
Spirit in response to your faith.

How you met God’s conditions? Do you hunger and Dr. Bill Bright was the founder of Campus Crusade
thirst after righteousness? Have you confessed every for Christ International.
known sin in your life? Do you sincerely desire to be
controlled and empowered by the Holy Spirit? If so, I
invite you to bow and pray a prayer of faith right now.
Claim the fullness of the Holy Spirit by faith.

“Dear Father, I need You. I acknowledge that I have


been in control of my life and that, as a result, I have

sinned against You. I thank you that You have forgiven
my sins through Christ’s death on the cross for me. I
now invite Christ to take control of the throne of my life.
Fill me with the Holy Spirit as You commanded me to
be filled and as You promised in Your Word that You
would do if I asked in faith. I pray this in the authority
of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. As an expression
of my faith, I now thank you for filling me with Your
Holy Spirit and taking control of my life.”

If this prayer expressed the desire of your heart, and

you met God’s conditions of heart preparation, you
can be sure that God has answered you.3 You are now
filled with the Holy Spirit whether you “feel” like it

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