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COVER ...........................................................................................................

TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................

1.1 Background of The Study ...............................................

1.2 Problem of the Study.......................................................

1.3 Objectives of the Study....................................................

1.4 Limitation of the Study....................................................

1.4.1 Significance of the Study.......................................

1.4.2 Theoritical Significance..........................................

1.4.3 Practical Significance.............................................


AND THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK ............................

2.1 Review of Related Literature ..........................................

2.2 Concepts..........................................................................

2.2.1 Code Switching......................................................

2.2.2 Bunga Citra Lestari ...............................................

2.2.3 YouTube Channel..................................................

2.3 Theoritical Framework ...................................................

2.3.1 Types of Code Switching ...................................... Inter-sentential Switching .......................... Intra-Sentential Switching .........................

ii Tag Switching ............................................

2.3.2 The Reasons for Code Switching ......................... Talking About Particular Topic.................. Quoting Somebody Else ............................ Showing Empathy about Something ......... Interjection (Inserting Sentence Filler or

Sentence Connector)................................... Repetititon Used for Clarification ............. Intention of Clarifying the Speech Content

for the Interluctor ...................................... Expressing Group Identity .........................

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ......................................................

3.1 Data Source .....................................................................

3.2 Data Collection ...............................................................

3.3 Data Analysis...................................................................

3.4 Finding Presentation........................................................



1.1 Background of The Study

Language is a tools that used by human to communicate with other’s
people in our daily life. Language is also an effective way for human to deliver
ideas, message, intentions, feelings and opinions to the listeners. Human are social
creatures who cannot live alone. Human needs use language to express our feeling
that have a purpose and clearly deliver to the listener. According According
Wibowo (2001:3), language is a system of symbols that are meaningful and
articulate sound (generated by said tool) that are arbitrary and conventional, which
is used as a means of communication by a group of human beings to give birth to
feelings and thoughts. As international language, nowadays the use of English
shows a great development in spoken and written forms. In written form, English
plays an important role in various aspect in our lives. So does in spoken forms.
Mastering English will help people easier to encounter global interaction and
Sociolinguistics can be defined in a variety of ways depending upon the
context in which it is defined, and also the purpose that a definition serves.
According to Wardhaugh (1986) in this regard states “The study that is concerned
with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal of
a better understanding of the structure of a language and of how languages
function in communication”. In other words, people have an ability to speak more
than one language, which is called bilingual or multilngual people. People become
bilingual when they speak use two or more language in conversation. It can be
seen, in Indonesia when people switch into English in conducting their
conversation speech, lectures, or other kinds of communication. In this case the
choice of code has important role because we must choose particular language to
avoid misunderstanding. Switch from one language to another language can make
the conversation more interesting. The phenomenon called Code Switching.

According to Titone (1991), “Code-switching may take a variety of forms:
a set of utterances in one language is followed by a set of utterances in the other,
one single utterance in one language is followed by one single utterance in the
other”. It means, someone do a conversation in one single utterance Code-
switching is a term in linguistics refering to using more than one language or
variety in conversation. Sometimes, the bilingual speakers get problems when
they have a conversation with another bilingual, so they switch their language
from language to another in sentence construction to make the interlocutor
understand. Sometimes they do it with the same language background and it may
do so many times.
In this era, we can get information in the form of visual or audio data
easily. Complete information in the form of audio and visual we can find on
YouTube. In YouTube we can also find some public figure or selebgram who can
use code switching when they speak in their YouTube channel. Code switching
has been a style for them, means that they use code switching as a style whether to
make their speech sound cool or educated, or even in order to show their prestige.
Now code switching is also used in education mainly in teaching foreign
languages, especially in English, it used by student, teacher or lecturer.
The writer focused on writing code-switching using by Bunga Citra
Lestari in “Love Story” YouTube video to find the types and the reason of using
code swiching. Bunga Citra Lestari often use code switching when her speak in
her YouTube channel, she also is a public figure, model, actress, and also singer.
This research aims to analyze the types and the reasons for code switching use by
Bunga Citra Lestari because she dominant to use code switching when her speak.
She has a good English pronounciation and easy for people to understand. Bunga
Citra Lestari is known as a public figure in Indonesia that influence in English
Language, even in her life, she usually speaks English and she also uses code
switching in conversation. The writer takes YouTube video “Love Story” in “IT’S
ME BCL” YouTube Channel. The audience of that YouTube channel is mostly
teenager and adult people. With Bunga Citra Lestari, she often switches her
language from Indonesian to English or English to Indonesian when speaking or

tell the story about her husband almarhum. The writer is interested in analyzing
her story in YouTube video “Love Story” because we can get a lot of moral value
in this YouTube video. It will be infrom about what happen when Ashraf pass
away and let his late wife go willingly. Her story can educate how Bunga Citra
Lestari’s think because she didn't think only of herself when she lost her husband
choose to be calm and accept the situation that occurred to her to be role model
for her child. This YouTube channel is not only show podcast, it also show video
clip of BCL’s song, her vlog, and etc. As the example that writer found from
podcast “Love Story”, Bunga Citra Lestari started using code switching when her
speak, as follows : “So, I can comeback to that life, tapi gak bisa” (Example 1). “I
have something lah ya gue punya pemikiran gue bakalan pergi dulu” (Example
2). In both of the examples above, the writer finds that in the podcast “Love
Story” in BCL’s contain many utterences that use code switching to make the
writer interested to analyse.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of the study can be
formulated as follows :
1. What types of code switching are used in . “Love Story” by Bunga
Citra Lestari ?
2. What are the reasons that Bunga Citra Lestari switch one language to
another in YouTube video “Love Story” by Bunga Citra Lestari?

1.3 Objective of the Study

Based on the problem above, the purpose of the study could be seen as
1. To find out the types of code switching are used in YouTube video
“Love Story” by Bunga Citra Lestari.
2. To find out the reason that Bunga Lestari switch language to another in
YouTube video “Love Story” by Bunga Citra Lestari.

1.4 Limitation of the Study
The scope of this study is limited on the code switching as the
communication strategy used by the host of IT’S ME BCL’s YouTube channel.
This study focused on examining types of code switching and the reasons of
Bunga Citra Lestari do a code switching in “Love Story” YouTube video on IT’S
ME BCL YouTube channel.

1.4.1 Significance of the Study

The significance of the research could be divided into theoretical and
practical as below:

1.4.2 Theoritical Significance

The theoretically, the significance of this study in expected to enrich
theoretical perspective on code switching used by Bunga Citra Lestari in “Love
Story” YouTube video especially how to analyze the utterances of language
research using theory as that shown by Bunga Citra Lestari’s Youtube video
“Love Story” in her YouTube channel.

1.4.3. Practical Significance

Practically, the significance of this study may be employed to help the
reader in analyzing code switching that is used in her YouTube video. It also
excepted to provide empirical source for futher research and the reader who
concern sociolingustic studies. The writer also expects that this study would be
more developes by those who are interested in the field of sociolingustics
especially in code switching.


2.1 Review of Related Literature

There have been some other studies related to our topic before, which
discussed Code Switching as a research object. Therefore, we need to compare
and review the literature to understand how another researcher solves the research
problem and which theory they use in their research. Some of them are :
The first related literature written by Dewi (2021), entitled “An Analysis
of Code Switching Found In Deddy Corbuzier’s Podcast On Spotify”. Her
research focuses to find out the type of code switching used by Deddy Corbuzier’s
utterences and to analyze the function of code switching that use by Deddy
Corbuzer utterences, while this study focuses to find out the types of code
switching and the reason for use code switching. Her study uses theory proposed
by Poplack as cited Romain (1989) will applied to classify the types of code
switching, and theory proposed by Apple and Musyeken (1987) will applied to
analyze function of code switching, while this study uses theory proposed by
Hummer and Blanc (2003) is to identify the types of code switching and theory
proposed by Hoffman (1992:116) is to classify the reasons for code switching.
The results of Dewi’s research shows that all types and function of code switching
will found. First, three types of code switching are tag switching, inter-sentential
switching, intra-sentential switching. Second, six function of code switching of
code switching referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic
function, poetic function, and metalinguistic function. Based on the data, type of
code switching which is intra-sentential switching is the most often used in Dedy
Corbuzier more comfortable when using words, clauses, and phrases, in one
sentence to convey motivational messages. From the result of the of code
switching obtained in the Deddy Corbuzier utterences, metalinguistic function is
dominant which is 76 data (46,79%). Comparing to her research there is a
similarities from her research and this study is her research focus on analyzing the
type of code switching, while this study also focus on the types of code switching.

The second review related literature will taken from thesis by Nuri Afina
(2016) entitled “Code Switching Used By Kimmy Jayanti in “I Look” Program on
NET TV”. This study focuss on analyzing code switching by Kimmy Jayanti in “I
Look” Program On NET TV, using theory of code switching proposed by Romain
in Susanto (2008) and Hoffman (1992). It aims to analyse the type of code
switching used by Kimmy Jayanti in “I Look” Program on NET TV and to find
out he reasons why Kimmy Jayanti switch the language from Indonesian to
English”. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. The data are
collected from the utterences of Kimmy Jayanti in “I Look” program on NET TV
which are analyze by using Romain in Susanto (2008) and Hoffman (1992) theory
on code switching. The result of this study shows that there are three types of code
switching and tag switching use by Kimmy Jayanti in “I Look” program on NET
TV which are intra-sentential switching, inter-sentential switching and tag
switching. In detail, there are 49 intra sentential switching, 34 inter sentential
switching, and 9 tag switching. There are 7 reason of Kimmy Jayanti code switch
her language : 41 data of talking about a particular topic, 1 data of quoting
somebody else, 2 data of showing emphaty about something, 5 data of interjection
(inserting sentence fillers or sentence connector), 2 data of repetition used for
clarification, 3 data of expressing group identity and 3 data of intention of
clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor.
There are some differences and similarities between Afina’s research and
this study. First, her research use the theory of Romain in Susanto (2008) and
Hoffman (1992) to analyze the types of using code switching while this study use
the theory from Hummer and Blanc (2003) to analze the types of code switching.
And the similarities from her Afina’s research and this study is her research focus
on analyzing types of code switching and the reason of using code switching,
while this study also focus on analyzing the types of code switching and the
reason of code switching.

The last related literature by Cahyadi (2017) entitled “The Use of Code
Switching in the Novel Cinta Andromeda by Tria Barmawi. This research focus

on analyzing the types of code switching and the reason of using code switching
in Novel Cinta Andromeda written from Tria Barmawi. This research will propose
theory by Romain (1995) to classify the types of code switching and will propose
theory by Grosjean (1982) to classify the reason of using code switching. The
result from this research shows that are three types of code switching that found
in the novel “Cinta Andromeda” such as tag switching, inter-sentential switching
and intra-sentential switching. The researcher also found the reason of using code
switching in this novel, such as fill a linguistic need lexical item, set phrase,
discourse marker, or sentence filler, continue the last language used (Triggering),
to quote someone, to specify addresse, to amplify or emphasize, to specify speaker
involvement, to mark and emphasize group identity (solidarity), to convey
confidentially, anger and annoyance, to excluded someone for conversation, to
change the role of speaker raise status, add authority, show expertise.
There are some differences and similarities from his research and this
study. First, the difference from his research between this study is his research use
the theory from Romain (1995) to classify the types of code switching and use the
theory from Grosjean (1982) to classify the reason of using code switching. And
the similarities from his research and this study is his research focus on analyzing
the types of code switching and the reason of code switching, while this study also
focus on the types of code switching and the reason of using code switching.

2.2 Concepts
In order to avoid wide scope of discussion and miss understanding about
this study and to make clear the reader’s mind about Code Switching, BCL,
YouTube used here, the writer explain them as follows:

2.2.1. Code Switching

According to Yua (1997), within a single communicative exchange the use
of more than one language is called code-switching. It means that, when the
speaker wants to convey the utterances, he/she switches the languages based on
the interluctor who being talk to, situation, context, the topic of what being talked

about depend on the sociolinguistic rules. In addition, it can be said that code
switching is the phenomenon of language change which is generally described as
the shift between two or more language change which is generally described as
the shift between two or more language in a single conversation.
2.2.2. Bunga Citra Lestari
Based on Wikipedia (2021) Bunga Citra Lestari (born 22 March 1983),
often referred to by her initial BCL, is an Indonesian singer, actress, talent show
judge, and television personality. She is also known by the acronym BCL. Bunga
married Ashraf Sinclair, a Malaysian actor, on 8 November 2008, until his death
on 18 February 2020. Her marriage party was celebrated in 2
countries, Indonesia and Malaysia. After they got married, Bunga and Ashraf
played in the same film, Saus Kacang. The couple had their first son in mid-
September 2010 named Noah Sinclair.

2.2.3. YouTube Channel

Based on Wikipedia (2021) YouTube is an American online video

sharing and social media platform owned by Google. It was launched in February
2005 by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim. It is the second most
visited website, with more than one billion monthly users who collectively watch
more than one billion hours of videos each day. As of May 2019, videos were
being uploaded at a rate of more than 500 hours of content per minute.

In October 2006, YouTube was bought by Google for $1.65 billion.

Google's ownership of YouTube has also changed its business model; it no longer
generates revenue from advertisements alone. YouTube now offers paid content
such as movies and exclusive content. YouTube and approved creators participate
in Google's AdSense program, which generates more revenue for both parties. It
has since evolved from a small video streaming platform to a large service with
reported revenues of $19.8 billion in 2020.

Since its purchase by Google, YouTube has expanded beyond the website
into mobile apps, network television, and the ability to link with other services.

Video categories on YouTube include music videos, video clips, news, short
films, feature films, documentaries, audio recordings, movie trailers, teasers, live
streams, vlogs, and more. Most content is generated by individuals. This includes
collaborations between YouTubers and company sponsors. Since around 2015,
established media corporations such as Disney, ViacomCBS,
and WarnerMedia have created and expanded their corporate YouTube channels
to advertise to a larger audience.

YouTube has had a substantial social impact, influencing popular culture,

internet trends, and creating multimillionaire celebrities. It has been criticized for
facilitating the spread of misinformation, copyright issues, violating its users'
privacy, enabling censorship, and endangering child safety and wellbeing.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

The theories used in this study are divided into two parts, there are the
types of code switching and the reason for code switching. Especially, theory by
Hummer and Blanc (2003) is to identify the types of code switching and theory by
Hoffman (1992) is to classify the reasons for code switching.

2.3.1 Types of Code Switching
Hummer and Blanc (2003) differentiate types of code switching into three
types, namely “Inter-sentential code switching, Intra-sentential code switching
and Extra-sentential/Tag switching. Inter-sentential switching

Inter-sentential code switching happens when the speaker speaks a clause
in one language, and the uses a different clause in different languages. According
to Hamers and Blanc (2003), Inter-sentential switching is a switch at clause or
sentence boundary, one clause being in one language, the order clause in the
other. The following example shows intersentential from Indonesian language to
English: “dan gue gak tau gua mengarahnya kemana, dan when you lose
someone than you know in mean nothing ternyata, ngapain lo lari – lari?”. This
utterances show the speaker switches from Indonesian language to English. In the
sentence start in Indonesian “dan gue gak tau gua mengarahnya kemana, dan”
and followed by the English sentence “when you lose someone than you know in
mean nothing” which is belongs to Inter-sentential switching. Intra-sentential switching

Intra-sentential switching is switching from one language variety to
another language at different clause, phrase, or word level within a single
utterences. For example English – Indonesian Bilingual. The sentence start in
English, “we can make all the plans, tapi itu bukan kuasa kita lagi” and finish it in
Indonesian language.
In example above the first clause is in English and the second in
Indonesian. The linguistic result is characteristic hybridization because of the
mixing of linguistic elements from two languages within the same sentence or

11 Tag Switching
A switch is called tag switching when an utterance by a tag exclamation,
or a parenthetical or entirely different language. Generally, tag switching is used
to emphasize something or express some kind of feeling as a sudden surprise.
For example “can you tell us?, mungkin ke khawatiran ketakutan terbesar
lo saat itu ketika kehilangan Asraf itu apa sih ?
The example above, English tag “can you tell us” is followed by the
Indonesian language sentence “mungkin ke khawatiran ketakutan terbesar lo saat
itu ketika kehilangan Asraf itu apa sih ?

2.3.2 The Reason for Code Switching

There are several reasons of using code switching such as, the speaker lack
of knowledge of another language, to emphasize a point, to show identity with a
group, to attract attention, and etc. According to Hoffman (1992:116) there are a
number of reasons for bilingual person to switch their language language such as
talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, showing empathy about
something, interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connector) repetition
used for clarification, intention of clarifying the speech content for the interluctor
and expressing group identity. Talking about Particular Topic

People sometimes prefer to talk about a particular topic in one language
rather than in anothern. Sometimes, a speaker feels free and more comfortable to
express his/her emotional feelings in a language that is not his/her everyday
language. The case can be found in Singapore, in which English language is used
to discuss trade or a business matter, Mandarin for international “Chinese”
language, Malay as the language of the region, and Tamil as the language of one
of the important ethnic groups in the republic.

12 Quoting Somebody Else
A speaker often switches code to quote word, sentence proverb and
expressing that they well-known person sometimes, the quote from different
language such as English wise word. Famous expression or saying can be quoted
intact in their original language, for example as follow:
a. Bolehkah saya tau nama anda, Pak? (May I know your name, Sir?)
b. What is my name.
Cakrawati (2011).
The conversation above shows that the speaker b answer the question
from the speaker a with famous proverb “what is my name” Cakrawati
(2011). Showing Empathy about Something

People often switch their languages to express empathy about something.
In some cases using another language, for example an Indonesia may use English
to express empathy. English is more convenient to show their empathy. Moreever,
the appropriate language usage is able to make the meaning stronger. For
example: “Semangat untuk sidang skripsinya teman, goodluck!”
In the utterance above, “good luck” is express empathy; someone wants to
encourage their friends to be more optimistic to do something. Interjection (Inserting sentence Filler or Sentence Connector)

Interjection is words or expressions, which are inserted into a sentence to
convey surprise, strong emotion, or to gain attention. Interjection is a short
exclamation like: “By the way”, “Darn!”, “Hey!”, “Well!”, “Look!”, etc. They
have no grammatical value, but speaker uses them quite often, usually more in
speaking than in writing. Language switching and language mixing among
bilingual or multilingual people can sometimes mark an interjection or sentence
connector. It may happen unintentionally. For example:
“By the way, nanti malam kamu ada acara?”

In the example, the word “By the way” use to switch the other topic, or
avoid the topic being discussed. Repetition Used for Clarification

Repetition Used for Clarification When a bilingual or multilingual person
wants to clarify his speech so that it will be understood better by listener, he can
sometimes use both of the languages (codes) that he masters to say the same
message. Frequently, a message in one code is repeated in the other code literally.
A repetition is not only served to clarify what is said, but also to amplify or
emphasize a message. According to Hoffman (1991:116) said that “when
bilingual person wants to clarify his/her speech, so that it will be understood more
by the listener, he/she can sometimes use both of languages that he/she masters
saying the same utteranceTthe utterances is said repeatedly)
For example : English_Hindi Father calling his son while walking through
a train compartment, “Keep straight. Sidha jao” (keep straight).
Grumperz (1982:7 Intention of Clarifying the Speech Content for Interlocutor

When bilingual or multilingual person talks to another
bilingual/multilingual, there will be lots of code switching and code mixing
occurs. It means to make the content of his speech runs smoothly and can be
understood by the listener. A message in one code is repeated in the other code in
somewhat modified form. Expressing group identity

Code switching and code mixing can also be used to express group
identity. The way of communication of academic people in their disciplinary
groupings, are obviously different from the other groups. In other words, the way
of communication of one community is different from the people who are out of
the community.


Methodology is an important thing in making a scientific writing, while

research is a process to find something. Basically, this study applied library
research method , by using some references book. The theories in those references
are use as the guideline to analyze the code switching as the subject of this study.
There were four points will be discussed in this chapter such as data source, data
collection, data analysis and finding presentation.

3.1 Data Source

The data of this research will be found in Bunga Citra Lestari utterences
“Love Story” podcast in IT’S ME YouTube channel will taken from 6 videos such
are: “Love Story#1 – Sebelum dan Sesudah Ashraf”, “Love Story#2– Hari – hari
Terakhir Ashraf”, “Love Story#3– Ga boleh berusaha kuat di depan Noah. Just be
you!”, “Love Story#4 – Melangkah Lagi”. The podcast is telling about Bunga
Citra Lestari’s life before her Alm. Husband is dead. Basically used Indonesian
language to speak when she speaking in her podcast, but sometimes she do a
switch into English language. The data of these research take only from Bunga
Citra Lestari’s utterences in “Love Story” YouTube video on IT’S ME YouTube
channel. Her utterences will then be analysed according to the study problem; the
types of code switching and her reason for doing code switching.

3.2 Data Collection

In collecting the data, a library research was used in collecting the data.
The data will be taken from “Love Story” YouTube video on BCL’s YouTube
channel. Therefore, the data will collect by using several steps, such as:
1) Open the YouTube website.
2) And then, the researcher looking for the video of “Love Story” in
BCL’s YouTube channel.
3) Downloading and watching the program in six videos.

4) Listening to the utterances to understand how BCL will talk about
different topics in every episode.
5) Transcribing the utterances, selected and classify the data.
6) Finally, the writer arranging the data systematically in accordance with
the objective of the study.

3.3 Data Analysis

Descriptive qualitative method will use to analyze the data. The analysis
will conduct through several steps.
1. Identifying the sentences taken from Bunga Citra Lestari's utterances
in “Love Story” YouTube video on BCL’s YouTube channel.
2. Classifying the data based on categorization of the types of code
switching and the reason for code switching.
3. Identifying the most dominant type switching, and then identifying the
most dominant type of code switching
4. And the last make a conclusion based on the analysis.

3.4 Finding Presentation

The finding of the research will be serve by formal and informal method.
The formal method will be use by the researcher in order to describe the
occurance and the total percentage in the table form concerning the types and the
reasons of code switching. While for the informal method is presented in the form
of explanation. Therefore the details of finding in the table of types and reasons of
using code switching are describe in the form of paragraph. The use of formal and
informal method are effective in presenting the result this study.


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