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I want to + infinitive
I want you to + infinitive
Do you want to + infinitive?
Do you want me to + infinitive?


There is no point in + Ving
What is the point of + Ving?

There’s no way + S + V

Use this expression when we are surprised by something that we saw, heard, or that happened in the past.
 There is no way she quit her job.
 There is no way they said that.
 There is no way she failed the test. She is the best student.
 There is no way she lied to me. She is my best friend.
 There is no way he just did that. Amazing!
 There is no way you said that to your boss! You are crazy!

Use this expression to say that we do not believe something we just heard. We think something is a lie or untrue.
This is pretty much the same as showing surprise.
 There is no way that you can eat 100 hot dogs in an hour.
 There is no way that they are getting divorced.
 There is no way that you did that. You are lying.
 There is no way that that story is true.
 There is no way he can lift a car.

Use this expression to say that we think something will definitely not happen in the future. We think it is
 There is no way that Brazil will lose to America at the World Cup.
 There is no way that she will actually quit her job.
 There is no way it will happen.
 There is no way that we are going to win the lottery.
 There is no way that people are going to believe that.

There’s nothing + S + can + V

There’s something wrong with + N


It’s time + S + V (past tense)

It’s hard for me to + infinitive

It’s my turn to + infinitive
It isn’t to be wondered at + N/Ving


All you have to do is to + infinitive

Please make sure that + S + V

If I were you, I’d + infinitive

I look forward to + N/Ving

I tried to avoid + Ving


Have you ever + V3?

It’s the Adj3 + N I’ve ever + V3

Don’t you think it would look better if we/I + past tense?

That’s why + S + V

What if + S + V + O?
တကယ် လို့ ဒါလု ပ်ရင် ဘာဖြစ်မလဲ
တကယ် လို့ ဒါဖြစ်ရင် ဘာလု ပ်ရမလဲ
 What if I miss the bus?
 What if I were late to dinner?
 What if I don’t understand?
 What if someone sees me?
 What if no one is home?
 What if they decide to stay?
 What if it rains while we are camping?
 What if I don’t finish on time?

I have no idea…
I don’t know…
Do you know…
Do you have any idea…
How can I know…

ဘာလု ပ်ရမလဲဆို တာ...

- … what to do.
- … what I got.
- … what he is doing.
ဘယ်လို လု ပ်ရမလဲဆို တာ...
- … how to do.
- … how to set up a computer.
- … how he is driving.
ဘယ်သွားရမလဲဆို တာ...
- … where to go.
- … where we gonna go.
ဘာကြောင့်လဲဆို တာ ...
- … why it is super expensive.
- … why they are so mean.
ဘယ်လောက်ကု န်လဲဆို တာ...
- … how much it costs.
- … how many people in this class.
ဘယ်သူ့ဟာဆို တာ...
- … whose car it is.
- … whose phone is more expensive.

Be supposed to + infinitive
...ရမှ ာလေ/...ရမှ ာကို (Expectation ကို ပြောချင်ရင်သုံ း - what people think should or should have happened)
 It’s 9:30. I think I’m late. I was supposed to be at work at 9.
 We were supposed to meet at 8. It’s 8:30.
 (Raining outside) Come on! It was supposed to be sunny. OR It wasn’t supposed to be raining.
...ရမှ ာလေ/...ရမှ ာကို (Obligation ကို ပြောချင်ရင်သုံ း but in a bit polite way)
 You aren’t supposed to smoke in here.
 A: I have a secret.
B: OMG! Tell me!
A: I’m not supposed to tell you!

Be bound to + infinitive
= be definitely going to… / will definitely…
 A: Ahh Lovely sunny day!
B: Yes, but this is London! It’s bound to rain. (= it’s definitely going to rain)
 A: Paul is coming to the Party.
B: No, he is an asshole. He’s bound to cancel. OR He’s bound to not come. OR He’s bound not to come. (=
he’ll definitely cancel)
 It’s a rush hour. The tube is bound to be packed/ rammed. (= the tube is going to be packed) I’ll take the bus.

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