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Cloud Computing

L0 – booklet for the course

Prof. Emiliano Casalicchio
Department of Computer Science
Sapienza University of Rome
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email with your Matricola number 2
• Course objectives
• Topics covered by the course
• Course facts
• Learning material
• The book
• The tools
• Labs, Project, exam
• Assessment
• Getting in contact with the teacher 3
• The purpose of the course is to give students the basic concepts of
distributed systems and cloud computing.
• The course cover theoretical and practical aspects with a focus on
real examples.
• At the end of the course students are supposed to be capable
• to chose, setup and use cloud services at IaaS and PaaS level
• to design and deploy scalable and elastic architectures to run high
performance and scalable applications
• to chose appropriate big data storage solutions
• to argument about big data analytics frameworks (e.g. map-reduce and spark
programming models)
• to argument about the state-of-the-art research 4
Topics covered by the course
• The big picture of cloud computing, definition, business
drivers, benefit and risks.
• Cloud computing reference architecture
• Enabling technologies
• Virtualization (system level and process level)
• Monitoring
• Adaptation and automation
• Scalability and high availability
• Storage (cloud file systems, storage serving)
• Serverless computing
• Big data analytics 5
Learning material
Slides are a guideline to read the book
• Technical papers and other learning material, the
• Excerpt of books general view of a topic is given and
the focus is on the most "difficult /
• Links to web content important" parts. Details are in the
• Slides book or other teaching material
provided. You should go into the
• Labs and project booklets
details if you want to successfully pass
the exam

All the official material is posted on Google Classroom

Access code: bqxmeqs 6
The books I will tell you
• Mastering Cloud Computing what
• By: Rajkumar Buyya; Christian Vecchiola; S.Thamarai Selvi chapters to
• Morgan Kaufmann study
• ISBN: 978-0-12-409539-7

• Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture

• By: Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood, Ricardo Puttini
• Prentice Hall/PearsonPTR
• ISBN: 978-0-13-338752-0

This book is for whom has no background in computer science 7
Other books
• Mastering Cloud Computing: Foundations and Applications
• Buyya, Rajkumar / Vecchiola, Christian / Selvi, 2013 ISBN13:
I will tell you
9780124114548 if and what
• Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the chapters to
Internet of Things study
• Hwang, Kai / Dongarra, Jack / Fox, Geoffrey C. , 2011 ISBN13:
• Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms
• Rajkumar Buyya; James Broberg; Andrzej Goscinski, John Wiley & Sons,
2011, ISBN: 978-0-470-88799-8
• Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice,
• Dan Marinescu, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
• Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms - 2nd Edition
• Andrew S. Tanenbaum and
van Steen, Pearson-Prentice Hall, 8
2007. ISBN13: 9780132392273.
Important course’s virtual places
• Course public web site
• Here you can find general information and the course schedule
• Course Google Classroom
• Access code bqxmeqs
• Log in classroom with your institutional account
• Bacheca docente
• Zoom Virtual room
• Check on the course schedule 9
Course organization
• The attendance is strongly recommended
• The course foreseen regular lectures and practical sections
• In the regular lectures the main concepts will be presented and
you will have the opportunity to actively participate with
moment of discussion and reflection.
• In the practical sections you will experiment the use of cloud
technologies. 10
Assignments (group works)
• Docker Lab: to learn the basic of docker containers
• Pass / No pass
• Must be completed to access the final exam

• AWS labs
• tbd
• Contribute to the final grade
• Must be completed to access the final exam

• Final project
• Contribute to the final grade
• Can be completed before or after the final exam
• Valid only for the academic year 2021/22 11
Assignments (cont’d)

• Final project: on a topic of your choice

• assessed by means of a report evaluation and oral presentation

• Written Exam:
• a test with quiz and open questions
• Test delivered with the e-learning (moddle) Sapienza platform
• Hopefully will take place in campus


DURING THE SUMMER (June/July/September) 12
Final project
• The full project requires that you select a topic of interest for you, of course
related to the course content, you define a problem to be solved in the selected
context, and by means of an extended set of experiments you demonstrate how
you have solved your problem. Example of full projects could be:
• comparison of the performance of cloud data analytics technologies serving a selected
• design, implementation, performance & scalability evaluation of a distributed cloud
application serving a selected workload
• hacking of docker containers
• comparison/performance evaluation of scalable machine learning algorithms (e.g.
federated learning)
• and the like

• The project can be realized using AWS, Google Cloud, MS Azure or what you
. 13
What is compulsory, and what not, to pass
the course
• Compulsory
• Written exam (WE)
• Grade range: 18/30 – 30/30
• Docker Lab (DL)
• Pass / no pass
• AWS or alternative labs (AL)
• Assessment t.b.d
• Optional
• Project (PR)
• Grade range: 18/30 – 30/30
• Final grade(1): 0.6*PR + 0.4*WE
• (1) eventually the AWS lab could contribute to the final grade 14
Path to complete the course
Docker lab
No Pass exam

Pass No Pass

AWS or other
labs Pass

No Pass Project

No Pass optional 15
Class schedule
• Friday: 15-19 room
Aula 14 - ex tipografia
Tumminelli, Piazzale
Aldo Moro 5, Città
• 15:15 – 16:00
• 16:15 – 17:00
• 17:15 – 18:00 Tuesday: 10-12
• Hardly we will use Room (Aula) 15
18:15 – 19:00 Building (Edificio)
• 10:15 – 11:00
• 11:15-12:00 16
Course Schedule
• Visit the course schedule page for the list of the lectures (it
could change during the year)

-schedule 17
The tools
• Practical experiences will allow the student to master the concepts
presented in the teaching material

• Tools we will use are

• Docker Containers
• Amazon web services
• Google cloud
• …

• NOTE: all the example I will show you are related to linux (Ubuntu
distribution). Who work on windows have two options
• Find the way things can be done in windows (e.g. docker installation and testing)
• Run a linux VM on windows by means of Virtual Box or other Hypervisors 18
Getting in contact with the teacher
• E-mail –
• E-mail message best practice
• Always put [CC2022] in the subject
• Always use your institutional email address
• Always start or close the email with your name (name and surname)

• The way I like more for course content related questions

• Interrupt me during the lectures

• Ask me before/after lecture

• Book an appointment for face-to-face or online meeting 19
• Your opinion matters!!!
• Your feedbacks are always welcome
(positive or negative). The feedbacks
will help me to improve the course
and myself as teacher.
• You can give me your feedbacks in
person, by email or in the LMS.
Moreover there is the official OPIS
questionnaire for the course
• Don’t be shy 20
Questions? 21

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