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Cloud Computing

Theme I: The big picture of

cloud computing
Prof. Emiliano Casalicchio
Department of Computer Science
• Chapter 1 of the book: “Mastering
• Cloud computing at a glance Cloud Computing“, Buyya et al.
• Origins
• Utility and cloud computing
• Definition (a first taste)
• Formal definition • Cloud Computing Concepts, technologies and
• Essential Characteristics • Chapters 3, 4, 5
• Business drivers, • NIST documents
• Cloud computing definition
• Benefit and risks • Cloud reference architecture 2
• Cloud computing at a glance A 10000ft view
• Origins
• Utility and cloud computing
• Definition (a first taste)
• Essential Characteristics
• Formal definition
• Business drivers,
• Benefit and risks 3
•What is your concept of cloud
computing? Can you formulate a
definition? 4
• In your opinion, when, back in time, did the idea of
cloud computing originate?
• 2000
• 1990
• 1980
• 1970
• 1960
• 1950
• 1940 5
History of cloud computing
• 1961: John Mc Carthy - Standford Univ. – Inventor of LISP
• “If computers of the kind I have advocated become the computers
of the future, then computing may someday be organized as a
public utility just as the telephone system is a public utility... The
computer utility could become the basis of a new and important

• 1969: Leonard Kleinrock, ARPANET project – Internet

• “As of now, computer networks are still in their infancy, but as they
grow up and become sophisticated, we will probably see the spread
of “computer utilities”, which, like present electric and telephone
utilities, will service individual homes and offices across the country.” 6
History of cloud computing (cont’d)
• 2005/2006 Jeff Bezos, Amazon
• let users rent data storage and computer server time from
Amazon like a utility
• Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
• Simple Storage Service (S3) 7
Utility computing and Cloud Computing
• Today computing services are readily available on demand,
just as other utility services
• Users (consumers)
• pay providers only when they access the services
• no investments or difficulties in building and maintaining complex
IT infrastructure.
• access services based on their requirements without regard to
where the services are hosted
• This model has been referred to as utility computing or,
since 2007, as cloud computing. 8
Cloud Computing
• One of the most diffuse views of cloud computing can be
summarized as follows:
• I don’t care where my servers are, who manages them, where my
documents are stored, or where my applications are hosted. I just
want them always available and access them from any device
connected through Internet. And I am willing to pay for this service
for as a long as I need it
Group discussion – 10 min:
Is this view correct? Does it represent your view of cloud
computing? Is it important or not where servers are located? Is
availability the only requirement? 9
Cloud computing is not a single
• Cloud Computing is the product of a set of integrated
technologies, the most relevant are:

• Virtualization

• Web 2.0

• Service orientation 10
• A collection of solutions allowing the abstraction of some of the
fundamental elements for computing, such as hardware, runtime
environments, storage, and networking
• Hardware Virtualization (compute, storage and network)
• allows simulating the hardware interface expected by an operating system
• allows the coexistence of different software stacks (contained in a Virtual Machine
instance) on top of the same hardware
• Application (process) virtualization
• allows isolating the execution of applications and providing a finer control on the
resource they access
• In a process virtual machine (e.g. a Docker container) runs only a application and not
all the OS stack 11
Web 2.0
• Web 1.0 – static/dynamic web pages, no web applications
• Web 2.0 a rich platform for application development
• a set of technologies and services that facilitate interactive information
sharing, collaboration, user-centered design, and application
• a new way in which developers architect applications and deliver
services through the Internet and provides new experience for users of
these applications and services
• applications can be “synthesized” simply by composing existing
services and integrating them, thus providing added value
• Examples of Web 2.0 applications are
• Google Doc, Google Maps, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, 12
W2.0 and beyond 13
Service Oriented Computing (SOC)
• Service orientation is the core reference model for cloud

• A services
• is the main building blocks of application and system development
• supports the development of rapid, low-cost, flexible, interoperable,
and evolvable applications and systems
• is an abstraction representing a self-describing and platform-agnostic
component that can perform any function 14
Service Oriented Computing (SOC) -
• Any piece of code that performs a task can be turned into a service and
expose its functionalities through a network-accessible protocol

• A service is supposed to be
• loosely coupled - to makes them reusable
• programming language independent – to increase service accessibility
• location transparent – to consume the service independently from the location

• 1st generation SOA

• 2nd generation Microservices 15
Peer discussion

• Each group should select an application you think it could be

considered a cloud service then discuss
• Why it is a cloud application (leveraging the definition given before)
• If and how virtualization, web technology and service orientation are

• You have 10 minutes Then I will randomly select some of you

and you will report about the outcome of your discussion
• You are now randomly split in breakout rooms
DV1566 - LP2 2019 16
Summary of the previous lecture
• Utility computing idea in 1961
• Utility computing implementation (Cloud computing)
• A first definition of CC
• 3 core enabling technologies
• Virtualization
• Web 2.0
• Service oriented computing 17
• Cloud computing at a glance
• Origins
• Utility and cloud computing
• Definition (a first taste)
• Business drivers,
• Definition
• Essential Characteristics, service & deployment models
• Benefit and risks
• Reference Architecture 19
• Reduced Investments and
Proportional Costs
Business • Increased Scalability
• Capacity planning Drivers • Increased Availability and
• Cost Reduction Definition Reliability
• Agility Computing

• Web 2.0 technologies • Increased Security Vulnerabilities
• Data centers • Reduced Operational Governance
• Cluster computing
• Service computing Control
• Grid computing • Limited Portability Between Cloud
• P2P computing
• Content delivery Providers
• Utility computing • Multi-Regional Compliance and Legal
• Virtualization
Issues 20
Business drivers: Capacity planning
• Capacity planning is related to provide the
right amount of capacity when needed # VMs
• To avoid Overprovisioning and Under- intensity 25
provisioning (req/sec) 20
• Different strategies 5
• Lag Strategy (reactive) – adding capacity when
the IT resource reaches its full capacity Time
• Lead Strategy (proactive) – adding capacity to an
IT resource in anticipation of demand
• Match Strategy (proactive) - adding IT resource
capacity in small increments, as demand
increases 21
Business drivers: cost reduction
• Problem
• A company should expand its IT capacity to cope with the increasing
workload demand
• On-premise infrastructure solution Solution cost (MEUR)
• Up-front cost 1M EUR 10
• Annual Operational overhead 2M EUR 8

• Cloud solution 6

• cloudification/migration 1M EUR 2
• Annual cost of cloud resources 1.2M EUR 0
3 years 5 years
• Annual Operational overhead 0.1M EUR On premise Cloud 22
Business drivers: organizational agility
• Organizational agility is the measure of an organization’s responsiveness
to change

• The response some time should be in hours or few days 23
Organizational agility: examples
• A personal experience
• ENISA contract to investigate ”Use of cloud computing in GOV sector …” (2013)
• 6 months, limited budget, team of 3 people
• Running large amount of international interview and an international survey
• Issues
• No time and budget to travel
• Need to plan, record and share interview (phone call sometime preferred, pro quality needed)
• Need to run an online survey, analyze and share results
• Solution
• Cisco WebEx – mix of cloud and telco solutions (25EUR/month)
• Surveymonkey (39EUR/month)
• Total cost
• 2*39+3*25+100 (extra call traffic) – 213EUR
• Setup/learning time 1 working day 24
• Context: your carrier as student or your professional carrier, or

• Question: Have you had any “organizational agility” need, and

did you use cloud computing to be agile?

• Discuss in groups (as usual) 25
Organizational agility: examples (cont’d)
• The Daily Telegraph broke the story of major scandal regarding Members of Parliament
expenses. The story was a huge cause, complete with vastly entertaining examples of
MPs putting in for reimbursement of their moat cleaning expenses and for building a
duck house. The number of expense forms was, as might be imagined, huge, and
overtaxed the resources of the Telegraph available to review and analyze them. So the
Telegraph loaded the documents up in Google Docs and allowed readers to sort through
them on their own. Toby Wright, CIO of the Telegraph Media Group, mentioned this
example in his presentation at the Cloud Computing World Forum, and noted that it was
fascinating to see several hundred people clicking through the spreadsheets

• The Guardian had its own response to the expenses scandal. It quickly wrote an cloud
application to let people examine individual claims and identify ones that should be
looked at more closely. This crowdsourcing allowed more questionable claims to be
turned up more quickly and kept the heat on the situation 26
End of first part
The Lecture continues in the second part file 27
• Reduced Investments and
Proportional Costs
Business • Increased Scalability
• Capacity planning Drivers • Increased Availability and
• Cost Reduction Definition Reliability
• Agility Computing

• Web 2.0 technologies • Increased Security Vulnerabilities
• Data centers • Reduced Operational Governance
• Cluster computing
• Service computing Control
• Grid computing • Limited Portability Between Cloud
• P2P computing
• Content delivery Providers
• Utility computing • Multi-Regional Compliance and Legal
• Virtualization
Issues 28
Defining Cloud computing
• In 2010-2012 was really a buzzword
• Like AI and ML today
• or like teenage sex!!!: everyone talk about it,
everyone think everyone else is doing it, so
everyone claims they are doing it …
• Nowadays it is more consciously used
• Why it is important to give a definition?
• Because a definition define boundaries of a
discipline/concepts and highlight
properties/features You can still find many definition … in this
course we will use the NIST standard definition 29
Defining Cloud computing (cont’d)
• The term (and the symbol) cloud historically used in the
telecommunications industry
• It became the symbol for the Internet.

• Cloud computing, an Internet-centric way of computing.

• The Internet plays a fundamental role in cloud computing
• Cloud computing services are delivered and made accessible through
the internet

• “… Cloud computing refers to both the applications delivered as

services over the Internet and the hardware and system software in
the datacenters that provide those services …” (Armbrust et al.) 30
NIST: National Institut of Standard Technologies

The NIST Definition

• Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous,
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of
configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with minimal management effort or
service provider interaction

• Cloud computing has essential characteristics …

Robert Bohn
• Cloud computing is based on a service model and on a delivery model 31
The NIST Definition (cont’d)
• on-demand Recall the utility oriented nature of cloud computing
• cloud computing focuses on delivering services with a given pricing
model, in most cases a “pay-per-use” strategy.

• network access Recall the concept of internet-centric way of

• It makes it possible to access online storage, rent virtual hardware, or
use development platforms and pay only for their effective usage, with
no or minimal up-front costs. 32
How to understand if a service is a cloud
• Four criteria to discriminate whether a service is
delivered in the cloud computing style:
• The service is accessible via a Web browser (nonproprietary)
or a Web services application programming interface (API)
• Zero capital expenditure is necessary to get started
• You pay only for what you use as you use it
• You should have the illusion of having infinite resources
• From the nist definition: … a shared pool of configurable computing
resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
management effort or service provider interaction ... 33
Practical example of cloud computing
• Large enterprises can offload some of their activities to cloud-based

• Small enterprises and start-ups can afford to translate their ideas

into business results more quickly, without excessive up-front costs

• System developers can concentrate on the business logic rather

than dealing with the complexity of infrastructure management and

• End users can have their documents accessible from everywhere

and any device 34
End of Second part
The Lecture continues in the Third part file 35
Essential characteristics (NIST)
• Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)
that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider
• This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four
deployment models
• Introduce new concepts
• Essential characteristics
(elasticity, multitenancy,
• On-demand self-service
• Broad network access monitoring)
• Resource pooling • Enabled by technologies
• Rapid Elasticity (broadband, cluster computing,
• Measured Services virtualization, …)
• Service models
• SaaS, PaaS, IaaS Level of control and
• Deployment models separation of responsibility
• Private, Community, Public, Hybrid cloud 36
On-demand self-service
• Allow to fulfill the service demand
• Consider the Olympics game portals: the rio-2016 portal
( received million of requests and provided
terabyte of content during august 2016 and may be in September. For that short
period it needed a very powerful and geo-distributed IT infrastructure. Cloud is
used. The same for the past editions. Today few servers are enough to guarantee
the site is up and running and to provide a good level of service
• Rely on
• Orchestration technologies (e.g. openstack and Kubernetes)
• Interfaces
• Web interface (Openstack, AWS, Google Cloud)
• Dedicated shell (e.g. AWS shell)
• Programming API (e.g. AWS SDK for Java, Python, .Net, Ruby, Go, …) 37
Broad network access
• Refer to the possibility to access cloud
resources from the internet using
different devices
• Rely on broadband network and
internet technologies (enabling

Performance and
security issues are
in the network and
at the edge …
rarely could be also
in the cloud 38
Resource pooling
• [NIST] Computing resources are pooled to serve multiple
consumers using a multi-tenant model,
• different physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned and
reassigned according to consumer demand.
• location independence … no control or knowledge … may be
able to specify location at a higher level of abstraction (e.g.,
country, state, or datacenter)

• Multi-tenancy (is a sw architecture)

• multiple users (tenants) access the same application logic
• Each tenant has its own view of the application as a dedicated
instance and is unaware of other tenants
• Multitenant applications isolate data and configuration
• Enabled by virtualization and distributed software technologies 39
Characteristics of multitenant applications
An example – Google classroom (SaaS)
Customer – Sapienza/DI/Casalicchio; Users - teachers @Sapienza, students @ Sapienza

• Usage Isolation – performance and • Application Upgrades

availability • Are transparent for each tenant
• How Sapienza’s teachers and students use • Scalability
It, does not effect other
universities/courses • With respect the number of Sapienza
• Data Security • With respect the number of
• Sapienza teachers/students cannot access classroom customers (tenant)
data that belongs to Chalmers University.
• Metered Usage
• Recovery • The educational version is for free
• (if needed) Backup and restore procedures • The enterprice version is billed for
for Sapienza and Chalmers University are number of users
separately executed
• Data Tier Isolation
• Intentional scharing 40
What is the difference between
multi-tenancy and virtualization?
Discuss with your colleague 41
Virtualization vs Multitenancy
• Virtualization
• Multiple virtual copies of the server environment (OS + applications)
can be hosted by a single physical server
• Is the physical resource that is shared

• Multitenancy
• An application is designed to allow usage by multiple different users.
Each user feels as though they have exclusive usage of the application.
• The application can run on one or more VM or physical server
• To address scalability multiple instances can be used 42
Virtualization vs Multitenancy
App1 App1
VM3 VM24

Trd1 Trd2 Trd3

App1 App2 App1
App1 App1


Virtualization without Multi-tenancy Multi-tenancy

Multi-tenancy 43
Multitenancy also used to refer to this
scenario. Why?
• Host OS/hypervisor is
shared by VMs (the
App App App App • Each VM has the
1 2 1 2 illusion to be the only
VM 1 VM 2
user of the host OS,
and hence the HW
• Tenantst (VMs) are
HW isolated
Rapid Elasticity
• Let us consider a IaaS provider, AWS or google
• You can create VMs manually
• You can manually add/remove VMs (EC2 instance), that is you can scale
• What are the drawback?
• How if in 1 min. the workload increase of 200%?
• How can you recognize that situation?
• How can you react properly?
• You need some automatism, e.g.
• monitor VMs CPU usage (continuously)
• if CPU usage > 70% for 1 min. add 1 VM
• When you have more VMs you can take decision on the average CPU usage
• That is the auto-scaling and elastic load balancing 45
Rapid Elasticity (scalability)
• Is the degree to which a system is able to adapt to
workload changes by provisioning and
deprovisioning resources in an automatic manner,
such that at each point in time the available
resources match the current demand as closely as
possible [Elasticity in Cloud Computing: What It Is, and
What It Is Not]

• Elasticity is related to the concept of Scalability (or

is simply a renaming of scalability as exposed in
IBM, Rapid elasticity and the cloud, Edwin
Schouten, 2012)
• Horizontal Scaling – scaling out and scaling in
• Vertical Scaling – scaling up and scaling down 46
Performance vs Scalability
• Performance measure how fast and efficiently a system can
complete certain tasks

• Scalability measure the trend of performance with increasing

load 47
Measured service $0.023
Variable 2 GB
t2.small 1 CPU per
• Cloud provider charge customers for Hour
• h/min/sec a VM or other virtualized resource is used
m4.larg 8 GB
• MB of storage used / MB of I/O transfer e
2 CPU 6.5 ECU
• MB/GB transferred over the network Hour
• …
• Cloud providers should guarantee specific SLA
• 99.9% up time Monthly Uptime Percentage Service Credit Percentage
• A give bandwidth Less than 99.95% but equal to
• A certain amount of CPU share or greater than 99.0%
• …
• That requires measurement/monitoring capabilities for
• Proper billing
• SLA management 48
Measured services (cont’d)
• Consumers need to monitor the usage of their resources to
automate management tasks, e.g
• Scaling (autoscaling thresholds)
• Controlling costs (alerts)
• Guarantee application specific SLA (throughout, response time, …)
• Increase resiliency 49
Measured services (cont’d)
• Resiliency
• the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of
service in the face of faults and challenges to normal operation
• E.g.

That require measurable

services and monitoring
• AWS Elastic load balancer
• If a node is down automatically is excluded by the pool
• AWS Autoscaling
• You can configure the minimum number of servers you want
always up despite failures
• Docker container orchestration (e.g. Kubernetes, Swarm)
• You can define the desired number of container always up and
running despite failures 50
End of Third part
The Lecture continues in the Forth part file 51
Definition of cloud computing (NIST)
• Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)
that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider
• This cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four
deployment models
• Introduce new concepts
• Essential characteristics (elasticity, multitenancy,
• On-demand self-service monitoring)
• Broad network access • Enabled by technologies
• Resource pooling (broadband, cluster computing,
• Rapid Elasticity virtualization, …)
• Measured Services
• Service models
• SaaS, PaaS, IaaS Level of control and
separation of responsibility
• Deployment models
• Private, Community, Public, Hybrid cloud 52
Service models, Level of control and
separation of responsabilities
• Limit the control of the
cloud consumer
• Separate the
resposabilities of the cloud
consumer and cloud
provider (service provider)
• Moving from IaaS to SaaS
• the control of the consumer
on the resources decrease
• the expertise needed to
manage the cloud service
• the easy of use increase 53
Combining cloud service models
• The three base cloud service models comprise a natural provisioning
hierarchy, allowing for opportunities for the combined application of the
models to be explored
• IaaS + PaaS
• IaaS + SaaS
• IaaS + PaaS + SaaS

Source: What is Cloud Computing 54
Deployment models
• Public cloud
• All you can access!!!!
• Private cloud
• Any cloud dedicated to a specific customer and in
logical/physical isolation with other customers
• On-premise
• Virtual Private Cloud
• Amazon VPC and Goodle Cloud VPC focus on providing
VPN feature to connect your resources
• IBM, HP clouds gives more physical isolation
• Hybrid: private + public
• Community 55
Community cloud
• NIST definition
• The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a specific
community of consumers from organizations that have shared concerns (e.g.,
mission, security requirements, policy, and compliance considerations). It may
be owned, managed, and operated by one or more of the organizations in
the community, a third party, or some combination of them, and it may exist
on or off premises
• Examples of community cloud are:
• The AWS GovCloud (IaaS)
• The AWS China (Beijing) Region (IaaS)
• Learning Management Systems (SaaS) 56
Group discussion (15 minutes)
• Identify a cloud service (or what you think is a cloud service)
• Determine
• If and how the essential characteristics are satisfied
• The Deployment model
• The Service model 57
End of Forth part
The Lecture continues in the Fifth part file 58
The Cloud computing NIST Reference
Model 59
Cloud Computing roles
• Cloud provider
• Cloud consumer
• Cloud auditor
• A party that can conduct independent assessment of cloud services, information
system operations, performance and security of the cloud implementation.
• Cloud broker
• An entity that manages the use, performance and delivery of cloud services, and
negotiates relationships between Cloud Providers and Cloud Consumers.
• Cloud carrier
• An intermediary that provides connectivity and transport of cloud services from
Cloud Providers to Cloud Consumers.
• Cloud resource administrator
• Cloud service owner 60
Usage Scenarios 61
Cloud resource administrator
• Person/organization responsible for administering a cloud-based IT
• the cloud consumer/provider itself
• a third-party organization contracted to administer the cloud-based IT resource. 62
Cloud service owner
• Person/organization that legally owns a cloud service
• Can be the cloud consumer, or the cloud provider
• A cloud consumer that owns a cloud service hosted by a third-
party cloud does not necessarily need to be the end-user (or
consumer) of the cloud service
Interesting reading
• The Epic Story of Dropbox’s Exodus From the Amazon Cloud Empire
• Why Spotify Really Decided To Move Its Core Infrastructure To Google Cloud
• Spotify chooses Google Cloud Platform to power data infrastructure
infrastructure.html 63
• Reduced Investments and
Proportional Costs
Business • Increased Scalability
• Capacity planning Drivers • Increased Availability and
• Cost Reduction Definition Reliability
• Agility Computing

• Web 2.0 technologies • Increased Security Vulnerabilities
• Data centers • Reduced Operational Governance
• Cluster computing
• Service computing Control
• Grid computing • Limited Portability Between Cloud
• P2P computing
• Content delivery Providers
• Utility computing • Multi-Regional Compliance and Legal
• Virtualization
Issues 64
• Increased Security Vulnerabilities
• Customer side, e.g. spoofing, phishing, …
• Cloud provider side, e.g. data leak, insider, …
• Reduced Operational Governance Control
• C.f. separation of responsibilities
• Lock in
• Certification
• Limited Portability Between Cloud Providers
• Data, Application, Virtual Infrastructure config.
• Lock in
• Multi-Regional Compliance and Legal Issues
• GDPR, Standards compliance, legal framework compliance 65
Suggested readings on Risks
• Cloud Computing Benefits, risks and recommendations for
information security, ENISA, 2012

• Chapter 3 of Cloud Computing concepts, Technologies and

Arch. 67
• Cloud computing is an implementation of the concept of utility
• Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand
network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,
networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly
provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider
• Cloud computing is not a single technology but an integrated
• Virtualization, Web 2.0, and Service Oriented Computing 68
Summary cont’d
• Essential characteristics
• On-demand self-service
• Broad network access
• Resource pooling
• Rapid Elasticity
• Measured Services

• Deployment and service models

• Public, private, hybrid clouds
• IaaS, PaaS, SaaS 69
Learning Outcome
• You should be aware of, and capable to explain
• Concept of utility computing
• Drivers for cloud computing
• What is cloud computing,
Assessment: Analysis,
• The main characteristics, Knowledge and
• Cloud service and deployment models understanding, Critical
• Cloud reference architecture thinking, Language
• Roles on cloud computing
• Benefits and risks This knowledge will be
assessed in the written exam 70
Questions? 72

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