Aianaat-: Mangsemeu Dyheun?

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aianaat- PaGE NO.

What i Dalabase mangsemeu dyHeun? Elai

e DBMs
DBMs DeS is a dehtutare Or toriu amd
Hebue ueu daka ohile cmndicloriuy apprsprriate
Mcuik measlure. Comaist e a rblu prepramm
shicl manipulak clakahase T prevides an
l i c h
bekuweem the daka the setwaru applicatiem
he maiu es DBMS ae

Himnchial dakabase
NefuLork databae
Reltional databose
hjeck-rieutel datakase
tlienanchial 08Ms-
aHichanclial Pes database
medel dafa i ejaniseda a tuee -like
Daka u ored Heran claielly kep deuwsntructure
bettrm up
matdala u Hepheeukel uliug bated- cluild helatim
alip. Tn ithanclial DAMS pareuc may hane
clildhen but childreu hae enl Gn pared mamy
Netusetk Model-
he netuLtnk dafabale madel allous
clild ko ae multiple pareu.H help Ou
to acldreu t e need Ao madel mtne
Cemplex elatiom
Taschar's Sin aturs

Jaip Like
uke as the ordensbarti many-to -mamy heleti
aip. Tn thi model eutite ah 9gamized i a
ghaph aich Cam he accaed treashevealats

Relatimal Model-
Relatimal DBMs the mest
uuidely uked DeMs Madel becauseit is_ene e the
ealie Thiu model is based em Nomalizing dafa
in ho Heuo amd Celumk etha tabls.Relationa
model tored u lid hructwes amd mainipulola
ubu SQL

Chject-oLieuked Model-
T ebject- oritnlel Model
daka dtorecd in the mm e shiec.Tho dtruckue
wbich Calledclaile uwhieh display data
he Cembenete DBms be
thal defiues a database asa a Calle tin
o dech -uehieh sAttrrs bet data membend
Values amd opratinm

Teacher's Signeture..
Pa 3E MO.

Explain level s abstractian in DRM

Dalabake dyatem Comphise oCmmpler olata Atuctw
Ihu k o make tluAysten ehicieut for heirieval
dataamd heduce PheCtmpleniky the wes,
develsbeny uke the metiuod ef DaBa Abatraction
heneane mail toree levels of data ahltractien
Jnona Level:
he iukonal chema depiues the
lagtical dtaraje Atruetuweethe database. Th lukermal.
chema a veny Leuekevel ephexetation et t
ntine database.F Cmiains multihle occwremcesof-
multiplybe eLtonal hetord. Tn the ANSI k ,
itis also CalledAtareel hecrd.
Cmcehtual level:
e Concebkual dchema deschibes
the database Ahrucure stheshelo databaseor te
Lmmumity e UAeu laii Achema hidesinfematinn
absutHL physical
atoraje dteuckune amd focLues oon
duonihingdata types eaiti,helatimaluip,ele
Extenal Level:
An extemal Achemadeschubes the
bart the database Wluich Apecificusen il intouted
i. hides the umnelated defail ef the_databas
m m h e usen. Then mag be munaben e
Tachar's Signiturs..
extnal ieueher tac dataoase

u. 3.xplain dilhenence between, DeMs amd file ytem.

File Ayadem D8MS.
OFle dyatemUa sdotulahe ODAMs i a ko tusane
Haat manaje Omd orgamizw manazing {e

khe giles in a
taraae database
meduny within a ccombutor.
Redudant data Cam be DBMs thoe
p e s e t i n a l e . dystem. moedudaut dala.
deesnt bhouide back- h6vides backup amd
u amd heceery odata heceveny e dlata
i_it ia Lait.
Thene me eicitut EHint enAptocesjin
9Lurphoceiiiug hile Xhene jn DAMS.

Therei leu data Mre data consutency bez

cmdutency in hile Aysemn rrOceu e ormaliz&ties
T es Comblex Cemplexi iu handliu
as Cmpared to av Crmpared to hil, 0
iA leu exheuive Cmparitively tuizher ost
thou DB Ms. than a Aydlen

Teacher's Signature..

lhaf iu sQL Elaiun pad et sQ.

SqL hructued Quey anguaje, Tuch il a Compates
Lamguae r Atotim, mamuipiulating amd heueuing duta
dtorel Ln ahela~inal database
SQL ithe atamderd Languazef Relatinal Dalabase

SqL Commames
Dala MapulatinLagua
The Data Maipulati.m
Lauguage CDML) Cmta Hhe Auose SQL, Commamd
we ott prequedy - those thaf Aily mamibulate fhe
Conleut e a datäbae i nneem. Fed mest
Cammm DM2 Cmmamo-(the Select), the Twet) the ubdake)
he Delel)
Dala Dekinalim Languag.
he DDL Cmtauns commamds that
an Leu neguetly used DDLCOmm.auds mediy he
AhuLtuwe of a dafahase, ather than databaes Cmkecta.
Daka ContrelLaugua
The DCL j uled e
aCcesAo databasel. Tt Cmilts manage use
Cemmamd, uled fa adddatabase etuwecmmamds:the GRANT
ts REvokE Cammand, uled te bemiskiommde useh, Qmd

Thele tusp Cmmauds em hem.aue exiAtng bêmiasio

datahate seCuky model.
the core o hhe helatianal
Teacher's Signature..

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