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Teodoro M.

Luansing College of Rosario

Namunga, Rosario, Batangas


Name of Teacher: Kimberly S. Gamboa
Subject: Physical Education and Health Reference: Core Concepts in Health
(Grade 11) Fitness, Health and Sports (H.O.P.E Vol. 1)
Physical Education and Health Vol. 1
Academic Year: 2020-2021 Author: Paul M. Insel and Walton T. Roth,
Erpelo et,al. and
Lualhati Fernando-Callo
Peter Fermin Dajime
Semester: First Topic: Health-Related Physical Fitness
Quarter: 1 Pages: 363-389, 21-23 and 102-103
Duration: 1 – 4 Weeks Module: 1

The learner demonstrates understanding of fitness and exercise in optimizing one’s health
as a habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.

The learner leads fitness events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent
pursuit and in influencing others positively.

CODE: PEH11FH-Ig-i-6
1. Define physical fitness, and list the health-related components of fitness
2. Explain the wellness benefits of Physical activity and Exercises
3. Discuss the relationship between amount of activity and health and fitness benefits.
4. Describe how to develop each of the health-related components of fitness.
5. Maintain a short health journal.
6. Put together a personalized exercise program that you enjoy and that will enable you to
achieve your fitness goals.

Your body is a wonderful moving machine. Your bones, joints, and ligaments provide a
support system for movement; your muscles perform the motions of work and play; your heart and
lungs nourish your cells as you move through your daily life. But your body is made to work best
when it is a physically active. It readily adapts to practically any level of activity and exercise; the
more you ask of your body – your muscle, bones, heart, lungs – the stronger and more fit it
becomes. The opposite it also true. Left unchallenged, bones lose their density, joints stiffen,
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
Namunga, Rosario, Batangas

muscles become weak and cellular energy systems begin to degenerate. To be truly healthy, human
beings must be active.
This lesson will give you the basic information you need to put together a physical fitness
program that will work for you. If approached correctly, physical activity can contribute
immeasurably to overall wellness, add fun and joy to life and provide the foundationfor a lifetime
of fitness.

Physical Fitness is a set of physical attributes that allows the body to respond or adapt to
the demands and stress of physical effort – that is, to perform moderate-to-vigorous leves of
physical activity without becoming overly tired. Physical fitness has many components, some
related to general health and others related more specifically to particular sports or activities. The
five components of fitness most important for health are cardio respiratory endurance, muscular
strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition (proportion of fat to fat free mass)
1. Cardio Respiratory Endurance
This is the ability to perform prolonged, large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate-to-
high levels of intensity. It depends on such factors as the ability of the lungs to deliver oxygen
from the environment to the bloodstream, the heart’s capacity to pump blood, the ability of the
nervous system and blood vessels to regulate blood flow, the muscles’ capacity to generate power,
and the capability of the body’s’ chemical systems to use oxygen and process fuels for exercise
As cardio respiratory fitness improves, the heart begins to function more efficiently. The
heart pumps more blood per heartbeat, resting heart rate slows down, blood volume increases,
blood supply to the tissues improves, the body is better able to cool itself and resting blood pressure
decreases. Cardio Respiratory Endurance is considered a critically important component of health-
related fitness because the functioning of the heart and lungs is so essential to overall wellness. A
person simply cannot live very long or very well without a healthy heart.
Cardio Respiratory Endurance is developed by activities that involve continous rhythmic
movements of large-muscle groups like those in the legs – for example : walking, jogging cycling,
and aerobic dance.

2. Muscular Strength
This is the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort. Strong,
powerful muscles are important fot the smooth and easy performance of everyday activities, such
as carrying groceries, lifting boxes and climbing stairs as well as for emergency situations. They
help keep the skeleton in proper alignment, preventing back and eg pin and providing the support
necessary for good posture. Muscular strength has obvious importance in recreational activities.
Strong people can hit a tennis ball harder, kick a soccer ball farther, and ride a bicycle uphill more
Muscle tissue is an important element of overall body composition. Greater muscle mass
makes possible a higher rate of metabolism and faster energy use, which help to maintain healthy
body weight.
Muscular Strength can be developed by training with weights or by using the weight of the
body for resistance during callisthenic exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups

3. Muscular Endurance
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
Namunga, Rosario, Batangas

This is the ability to sustain a given level of muscle tension – that is, to hold muscle
contraction for a long period of time, or to contract a muscle over and over again. Muscular
endurance is important for good posture and for injury prevention. For example: if abdominal and
back muscles are not strong enough to hold the spine correctly, the chances of low-back pain and
back injury are increased. Muscular endurance helps people cope with the physical demands of
everyday life and enhances performance in sports and work. It is also important for most leisure
and fitness activities. Like muscular strength, muscular endurance is developed by stressing the
muscles with a greater load (weight) than they are used to. The degree to which strength or
endurance develops depends on the type and amount of stress that is applied.

4. Flexibility
This is the ability to move the joints through their full range of motion. Although range of
motion is not a significant factor in everyday activities for most people, inactivity causes the joints
to become stiffer with age. Stiffness often causes older people to assume unnatural body postures
and it can lead to back, shoulder or neck pain. Stretching exercises can help ensure a normal range
of motion.

5. Body Composition
This refers to the proportion of fat and fat-free mass (muscle, bone and water) in the body.
Healthy body composition involves a high proportion of fat-free mass and an acceptably low level
of body fat. A person with excessive body fat is more likely to experience a variety of health
problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, joint problems, diabetes,
gallbladder disease, cancer and back pain. The best way to lose fat is through lifestyle that includes
a sensible diet and exercise. The best way to add muscle mass is through ressitance training such
as weight training.

Health Benefits of Physical Fitness

1. Increasing fitness improves energy.
2. Increasing fitness a person think better even when stressed.
3. Increasing fitness improves muscle bones.
4. Increasing fitness improves the heart and lungs.
5. Increasing fitness improves your looks.

The Benefits of Exercises

1. Improves Cardio Respiratory Functioning
During exercise, the cardio respiratory system (heart, lungs and circulatory system) must
work harder to meet the body’s increases demand for oxygen. Regular endurance exercise
improves the functioning of the heart and the ability of the cardio respiratory system to carry
oxygen to body tissues. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2. More Efficient Metabolism

Endurance exercise improves metabolism, the process by which food is converted to energy
and tissue is built. This process involves oxygen, nutrients, hormones and enzymes. A physically
fit person is better able to generate energy, to use carbohydrates and fats for energy and regulate
hormones. Physical training may also protect the body’s cells from damage from free radicals,
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
Namunga, Rosario, Batangas

which are produced during normal metabolism. Training activates antioxidant enzymes that
prevent free radical damage and maintain the health of the body’s cells.

3. Improved Body Composition

Exercise can improve body composition in several ways. Endurances exercise
significantly increases daily calorie expenditure; it can also slightly raise metabolic rate, the rate
which the body burns calories for several hours after an exercise session. Strength training
increases muscle mass, thereby tipping the body composition ratio toward fat-free mass and away
from fat. It can also help with losing fat because metabolic rate is directly proportional to fat-free
mass: The more muscle mass, the higher the metabolic rate.

4. Disease Prevention and Management

Regular physical activity lowers your risk of many chronic, disabling diseases. It can also
help people with those diseases improve their health.

5. Improved Psychological and Emotional Wellness

The joy of a well-hit cross-court backhand, the euphoria of a walk through the park, or the
rush of a downhill schuss through deep snow powder provides pleasure that transcends health
benefits alone. People who are physically active experience many social, psychological and
emotional benefits such as: reduced stress, reduces anxiety and depression, improved self-image
and enjoyment.

6. Improved Immune Function

Exercise can have either positive or negative effects on the immune system, the
physiological processes that protect us from disease. Physically fit people get fewer colds and
upper respiratory tract infections than people who are not fit.

7. Prevention of Injuries and Low-Back Pain

Increases muscle strength provides protections against injury because it helps people
maintain good posture and appropriate body mechanics when carrying out everyday activities like
walking, lifting and carrying.

8. Improve Wellness over the Life Span

Exercising regularly may be the single most important thing you can do now to improve
the quality of your life in the future. All the benefits of exercises continue to accrue but again new
importance as the resilience of youth begins to wane. Simply stated, exercising can help you live
a longer and healthier life.

Relationships between amount of activity and health and fitness benefits

The health benefits of Physical activity and exercise exist along continuum. A fairly low
level of physical activity can provide substantial health benefits, although it does little to increase
fitness. Engaging in exercise that is more intense or of longer duration leads to greater health
benefits and significant increases in fitness.

Health and Fitness Benefits of Different amounts of Physical activity and exercise
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
Namunga, Rosario, Batangas

Lifestyle Physical Moderate Exercise Vigorous Exercise

Activity Program Program

Description Moderate physical Cardio respiratory Cardio respiratory

activity – an amount of endurance exercise (20-60 endurance exercise (20-
activity that uses about minutes, 3-5 days per 60 minutes, 3-5 days
150 calories per day. week); strength training per week); interval
and stretching exercises training; strength
(2-3 days per week) training (3-4 days per
week) and stretching
exercises (3-5 days per

Sample One of the following:  Jogging for 30  Running for45

activities or minutes, 3 days per minutes, 3 days per
program 
Walking to and from week week
work, 15 minutes  Weight training, 1 set  Intervals: running
each way of 8 exercises, 2 days 400 m at high
 Cycling to and from per week efforts 4 sets, 2
class, 10 minutes  Stretching exercises, 3 days per week.
each way days per week.  Weight training, 3
 Raking leaves for 30 sets of 10 exercises,
minutes 3 days per week
 Dancing (fast) for 30  Stretching
minutes exercises, 5 days
 Playing basketball per week.
for 20 minutes
Health and Better blood cholesterol All the benefits of All the benefits of
Fitness levels, reduced body fat, lifestyle physical activity,
lifestyle physical
Benefits better control of blood plus improved physical activity and a moderate
pressure, improved fitness (increased cardioexercises program,
metabolic health, and respiratory endurance,
with greater increases
enhanced glucose muscular strength and in fitness and
metabolism; improved somewhat
endurance and flexibility) greater
quality of life; reduced reductions in chronic
risk of some chronic And even greater disease risk.
diseases. improvements in health
and quality of life and
reductions in chronic
disease risk. Participating in a
vigorous exercise
program may increase
risk of injury and
Teodoro M. Luansing College of Rosario
Namunga, Rosario, Batangas

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