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June 2011 Issue

Editor’’s Note
Hi readers, BRIDGE newsletter is back in church
ever since its production halted in 2009!
Personally I feel that BRIDGE, in the past years,
has been serving its purpose well to inform readers
of what is happening in the youth ministry and to
provide information of the following month’’s
activities for the youths. There will be a little
alteration to the mission of BRIDGE. The re-
launching of BRIDGE will serve as a platform to
bridge the gap between the adults or parents and
the youths. In this new edition of BRIDGE, there
will be articles by the editors, specially invited writers, interviews and lots more, so
remember to stay tuned with BRIDGE’’s monthly production.
God bless, Alvin Lin
10th April 2011
Captain’’s Ball Competition were playing on that day. When ““competition”” ended, we collated
you have 2 chairs at each end and the results and the news of the
If you could still remember, the
a ball, it’’s definitely the all-time winning team came up! Led by our
weather in April was absolutely
favourite: CAPTAIN’’S BALL! Look very own ““locally”” (New Life
cranky! One moment the sun was
at some of the participants beaming Church) trained, experience-filled
producing scorching rays, the next
with enthusiasm and hardcore veteran Joel Peh accompanied by
moment it was literally pouring
sports attitude, they look like they his fellow team-mates: Jack, James,
from the skies.
were in serious competition. At first, Jian Ming and Mavis.
Initially, when we began our
everyone were grouped into 4 Though at the end of the day
event, it was drizzling, I thought
teams at random. The 4 teams everyone were dead beat and
that we were just going to play for
played league table-style, in which exhausted, we still enjoyed each
15 minutes or so before heading
2 teams will pit their wits against and every moment of the game,
back indoors. Unexpectedly, the
one another and the winner will and as you can see some of the
clouds that were gathering above
then take back 3 points. youths were smiling from end to
us started to disperse and that was
Each team got a chance to end. For now, simply enjoy the
when we officially started!
compete with each other team photos!
Just by looking at the photos, I
present there. When the little
believe that you can tell what we

You’’re not gonna Please don’’t

get past me! throw the ball at
Interview with Rev. Fred Abbey
Rev. Fred Abbey recently remain from Pastor Fred’’s batch ““Parents must make sure
returned from the freezing Tibet but they are still serving even at that their children come to
regions with temperatures the age between 80-90. church, so when they come to
falling to minus 10 degrees. A church, they will be dedicated,
potential health disaster was Words of Encouragement & be baptized in water and then
averted and Pastor Fred is Advice also be married.””
physically well now. Praise the When asked for any words Jokingly he said, ““And
Lord for this servant’’s of encouragement that he when they die, the church will
dedication and tenacity in would like to share with the bury them.””
serving His ministry! youths of the church, he said,
So as a church, I strongly
In this New Year, he has a new ““The church totally believe in what he says, as
vision from God and that is depends on the youths and youths are the foundation of
““Divine Healing””. Currently, expects the youths to be doing the church. In the future, the
this faithful servant of God is in active evangelism.”” present adults will have to pass
town preaching this message to the leadership baton to the
““So when youths bring
various churches. Sharing with younger generation and it will
youths, then the youths grow
us his spirit-lled experience in be our time. So let’’s put our
up from young, they will be
the early years of his walk with rst step of faith in God and
Christians. In the future, when
God, his enthusiasm has continue this walk
they take up the leadership
inspired me to take up wholeheartedly.
roles like pastors or deacons,
challenges with faith and
they will be strong. So that is Let me just end this article
why the youths are very with a verse that I would like to
Background important to the church.”” share with all the readers:
As you can see, he values ““Don’’t let anyone look down on
This man of faith came from
the youths in every church you because you are young, but set
the rst batch of Assemblies Of
highly, and so for me, I believe an example for believers in speech,
God (AOG) Sunday School in
that it is our mission to be the in conduct, in love, in faith and in
1936 and graduated from there
one working hard and not for purity.”” - 1 Tim 4:12 (NIV 2011)
as a pastor. Presently, AOG
Sunday School is notably God to work hard while we
known as the AOG Bible take the backseat. We ended off
College. Only ve students the conversation with words of
advice for the parents too!
Are You Fresh for Everything?
"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John3:3
Sometimes we are fresh for a prayer meeting but not fresh for cleaning boots!
Being born again of the Spirit is an unmistakable work of God, as mysterious as the wind,
as surprising as God Himself. We do not know where it begins, it is hidden away in the depths
of our personal life. Being born again from above is a perennial, perpetual and eternal
beginning; a freshness all the time in thinking and in talking and in living, the continual
surprise of the life of God. Staleness is an indication of something out of joint with God - "I
must do this thing or it will never be done." That is the rst sign of staleness. Are we freshly
born this minute or are we stale, raking in our minds for something to do? Freshness does not
come from obedience but from the Holy Spirit; obedience keeps us in the light as God is in the
Guard jealously your relationship to God. Jesus prayed "that they may be one, even as we
are one" - nothing between. Keep all the life perennially open to Jesus Christ, don't pretend
with Him. Are you drawing your life from any other source than God Himself? If you are
depending upon anything but Him, you will never know when He is gone.
Being born of the Spirit means much more than we generally take it to mean. It gives us a
new vision and keeps us absolutely fresh for everything by the perennial supply of the life of
- Oswald Chambers

June Events June

5 June Sun Fusion  Birthdays!
11 June Sat Job’’s Faith Dilemma
21-22 June Tue-Wed Starry Night
25 June Sat LifeWorks! Retreat ’’11

Topic: Job’’s Faith Dilemma

Venue: New Life Church
Date: 11 June 2011 12 June - Gavin Lu
Time: 3 - 5 pm 13 June - Pastor Lim

Alvin Lin (Editor)
Eric Lu (Editor cum Designer)
Mavis Huang (Writer)

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