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What Is The Industry vs. Inferiority Stage?

Between the ages of 5-12, after children have completed the “Initiative vs. Guilt” stage, they enter into a
new psychological crisis. For many Americans, this is the time in which a child enters grade school. They
aren’t just answering to parents or family members anymore – they’re also answering to teachers.

All of a sudden, the child’s performance is measured. In previous stages, they were learning basic skills
and engaging in play. While they certainly hit certain milestones (their first words, walking, etc.)
measurement wasn’t involved. Through the fourth stage of development, they are getting report cards,
grades, and more feedback from teachers. And they are beginning to see their peers getting all of these
things, too.

Example of Industry vs. Inferiority Stage

Between the ages of 5-12, a child begins to compare themselves to others and understand the
consequences of good and bad performance. They observe the praise, suggestions, and punishments
that teachers are giving other students in the class. Children may also observe adults who are also “good
at math,” “smart,” or accomplished. This includes people who come visit for assemblies or people that
they watch on TV.


Erikson pointed out that this stage is vital to a person’s self-confidence. If a person is consistently
praised or encouraged, they will develop self-confidence. They will see that their industriousness, or
diligence, pays off. The basic virtue developed during this stage is competency. When a child believes
that they are competent (on top of trust, autonomy, and the confidence to take initiative,) they will
likely become more productive members of society. Remember the study of Learned Helplessness in the
Autonomy vs. Shame stage? The test subjects only made efforts when they believed that they could and
that their efforts would pay off.


Unfortunately, not all children exit this stage with a strong sense of self-confidence. While some children
may compare themselves to others and see themselves as successful, others may look at other children
and see themselves as a failure. They may feel inferior. Like the girls in the study I mentioned earlier,
they may not see themselves suited for certain jobs, talents, or careers.

Industry vs. Inferiority

The Initiative vs. Guilt stage, either extreme is not healthy for development. Experiences that may make
a child feel inferior may really humble them. Someone who has only been told that they are the best at
every skill can quickly develop a sense of arrogance. And being industrious isn’t just about being good at
something. If someone is industrious, it means that they are diligent and hard-working. Confidence
without industry may lead to some big reality checks down the road.

What Happens After the Industry Vs. Inferiority Stage?

Things will only continue to get confusing as the child moves into adolescence. Like the ones before it,
the Industry vs. Inferior stage will set a foundation for how the adolescent moves through their life and
develops a stronger sense of identity. If a child is already self-confident and hard-working, they will have
an easier time with the identity that they want to explore. If they feel inferior, they might feel that their
options are limited.
Power Point Presentation:

First Slide:

What Is the Industry vs. Inferiority?

Second Slide:

 Example of Industry vs. Inferiority Stage

 Industry
 Inferiority
 Industry vs. Inferiority
 What Happens After the Industry Vs. Inferiority Stage?

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